#and kiss the aggressor also
writersdrug · 11 days
Ok and this is my last one sorry for spam
I’m a sucker for jealousy, but like not wanting to admit it, so for alpha omega thing he could notice that someone else smells like her (clothes got mixed together in laundry/she bumped into him on accident) and he goes on overdriv trying to a) show off b) harass other dude c) make her smell like him so much that’s all she smells like
No please come back I love you these-
Kinda nsfw
It's happened before; König's fallen victim to the occasional sergeant, too impatient to wait for an empty washer, taking the Colonel's laundry out while it's still sopping wet and tossing it into the dryer on someone else's cycle. It pisses him off to no end (again, he despises it when people touch his things). But he never manages to catch the cluprit; there are no cameras by the laundry room, and the scent of the aggressor is long gone by the time König pulls his load out of the dryer - now he smells like someone else (which is also an inconvenience, since his pretty little omega will throw a fit).
Not much he can do about it.
One particular day, he's rifling through the dresser you share with him, looking to see what you have so he can buy you what you don't (and maybe looking for a pair of panties to stuff in his pockets). He opens the drawer that holds your shirts - as soon as he starts rummaging through them, he smells something... not you, not him. Someone else.
He huffs, picking up one shirt after the other and sniffing them, aggravatedly tossing them behind him when he doesn't find the scent. It's not until he finally pulls out a shirt - no, not just any shirt. His favorite one, his shirt that you wear to bed with nothing else but your panties - that's the shirt that smells like someone else. Not you, not him.
He knows it's not your fault - you practically spend every second of the day with him. It only makes sense, that you'd fallen victim to the laundry aggressor.
He hears the shower turn off in your shared bathroom. He stands up slowly as you hum, putting on your sweatpants and one of König's shirts (it was an unspoken thing between the two of you, where he'd wear a shirt for a bit, then you'd steal it from the top of his laundry basket and wear it for the night - but that didn't mean anything, you swear you're still not happy with the arrangement).
You open the bathroom door and gasp, steam billowing out as you see all of your clothes on the floor. "König - what the hell are you doing?!"
He looks at you - the scent of your sweet shampoo and vanilla body scrub only adds fuel to the fire, complimenting your natural, caramel scent. His pupils dilate, fingers clenching and unclenching at his sides. He doesn't just see you - he sees his omega, his partner - the thought that you could have smelled like another Alpha had him reeling.
You can smell the heightening of his scent - he's angry, you can tell by the bitter edge to it - but it's missing the typical stench of iron. Instead, it's musky, smokey, and strong. It makes your omega purr, and you're digging your nails into your own palm to keep from baring your neck for him.
"König?" You ask, your voice meek and soft.
He's in front of you in two strides, grabbing you by your waist and shoving you back into the bathroom. You shriek when he hoists you onto the counter, cupping the back of your head before it can hit the mirror. Your mind is getting foggier by the second; your body is buzzing and weightless as he presses your face into his neck.
Spicy, warm cinnamon and oak fall upon you like a weighted blanket. You whine into his neck, overwhelmed yet needing more. Your hands grip his shirt tightly as you try to pull his broad chest closer to you - you want to feel his heart beating against your skin, warm muscles pressing against your palms.
He pulls back to kiss your cheek - it's the first time he's kissed you at all. He continues to lay them across your skin; your forehead, your other cheek, your temples... his hands grip your hips as he moves down to the thin skin of your neck. He lays a kiss against your throat, lips chapped and scalding, then dips his nose to your scent gland and inhales deeply. He groans, cock throbbing in his pants as you wash over his senses. He fights the urge to lick, to bite, to sink his teeth into the junction of your neck until you cry out-
He wants you more than anything - but not now, not like this. Not as a display of his claim, not to show you off as you wear his scent and his mark. He wants it when you want it, when you come to him, as both you and your omega.
He squeezes your hips, thick fingers tense in your soft flesh as you slide a hand up his clothed chest. With a sigh, he pulls away - you let out the most needy whine that he's ever heard, and his Alpha is rearing its head back and beating against the walls of his brain to take over. But he resists, standing up to his full height and looking down at you.
You're frazzled. Your pupils are blown wide open, body slouched against the mirror and legs dangling from the counter. You're panting, the rise and fall of your chest showing just how much your nipples perked to attention over the past minute. You're looking back at him with flushed skin and a confused, yet aroused expression.
"Wh... what was that?" You say breathlessly.
"Tut mir leid, mein liebe..." he mutters, bowing down to kiss the crown of your head, gently this time. "I don't know what came over me." He does, but he'd rather not have to explain it to you. Instead, he scoops up the puddle that is you, carefully carrying you from the bathroom and into the dorm.
"May I?" He asks, nudging his head to the bed. It's technically his, but you've nested in there as of recent, and he doesn't want to overstep any boundaries, especially with you so blissed out at the moment. But you nod, and he climbs into the nest, keeping you snug against him.
When he finally settles, and you feel the heavy exhale of his breath on your scalp, you speak. "Did something happen?"
He thinks for a moment. "No - but I'll be doing your laundry from now on, schatz."
He squishes you into his chest, signaling that the conversation is over - he won't say anything else about what happened. You're not complaining; you're a pile of happy omega, packed into your nest with your Alpha, and he just absolve you of a chore?
Hell yeah.
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longing-for-rain · 11 months
what exactly is Aang's toxic masculinity that you're talking about? there are no examples of such behavior on his part in the show. he is not an ideal person, he is a child who sometimes behaved incorrectly, just like all the other children in the show (Katara, Toph, Sokka), and this is normal.
in addition, we see how he regrets some of his wrong actions and gets better, while Zuko does not regret his toxic behavior, doesn't apologize and doesn't face the consequences of his behavior (racist jokes about Aang, demands that Katara forgive him as if he has the right to her forgiveness, an attack on Aang to "teach him a lesson" and many other things).
Hi anon, thanks for the ask! This is a very good illustration of what I was talking about in this post when I mentioned that I feel toxic men are overlooked more often for appearing “nice” than they are for being conventionally attractive.
No examples of toxic behavior in the show? What do you call this then?
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I know what I (and the law) call it:
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But you see, he’s “nice” right? This is just a misbehaved child, as you put it? Yah, no. He knew better and still did it because he was possessive; this whole interaction started because he was jealous that an actress playing Katara was interested in men other than him. And the show proceeded to frame the situation in a way that made Aang sympathetic, despite being the aggressor and the one behaving irrationally. How much more “toxically masculine” can you get than that? But he put on a flower crown once so we’re supposed to think he’s a soft uwu feminine boi (even though he was absolutely enraged that a female actress played him).
I also find it very interesting that you describe Katara and Sokka as “children” while Zuko is omitted from that list despite being the same age. Are you admitting you agree he’s more mature, or are you admitting that you hold him to different standards?
But, anyways. You asked about toxic behavior on Aang’s part, which I’ll get further into now that the most egregious example is out of the way.
Let’s break down what you consider unforgivably toxic behavior on Zuko’s part and compare it to Aang’s behavior in similar situations.
1. “Racist” jokes
I’m guessing this is made with reference to the “Air Temple preschool” comment. How exactly is this racist? In context, Aang is the one trying to force his beliefs on others, and Zuko makes this comment to a) tell him to back off and b) point out that Aang is, in fact, a child who doesn’t have any business telling Katara how to feel.
This point is particularly interesting to me, because it implies that the simple fact that Zuko doesn’t agree with the philosophy of Aang’s culture makes him racist. By this logic, Aang is also racist against Katara’s culture, because he clearly disagrees with her philosophy and is openly telling her that his culture is morally virtuous over hers. And well. That’s even more believable considering Aang’s previous reactions to Water Tribe culture.
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Ah, yes. Playing with a cultural artifact like it’s a toy because you were upset about not being the center of attention for once, and telling everyone how disgusting you think cultural food is, what great ways to show the supposed love of your life how much you respect her culture!
I know your response to this point would be something like “uwu but he’s a kid he didn’t knowww” ok well. The same logic can be applied to any alleged “racism” on Zuko’s part.
2. “Demanding” forgiveness
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Zuko: What can I do to make it up to you?
Ah, yes. How demanding of him. He’s clearly so self-centered and only thinking about his own values and agenda here.
It’s not like he…
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…told his friend how she’s allowed to process her grief and try to impose his own morals…
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…or demanded to know if his crush liked him back, wouldn’t accept “no” as an answer, and forced a kiss on her…
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…or told an abuse victim he was wrong to want to kill his abusive father for trying to commit a genocide…
…oh, um. Yeah. Sorry, but after actually watching the show it’s very clear to me which character doesn’t seem to regret or see the flaws in any of his actions at the end of the show, which is when all of these examples took place.
3. Training in the finale
“Attacking Aang to teach him a lesson” … wow, that’s a very dishonest way of phrasing that situation. I’m impressed, I have to say. I’ve seen lots of dumb takes from Aang stans over the years but this is a new one.
Well, luckily I actually watched the scene in context, so my reaction was the same as all the other characters’ reactions in canon when they learned the context behind this “attack”:
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They agree with him. Yeah. Obviously, when nobody is taking training seriously when the world is about to literally go up in flames, you might need to do something to get their attention.
“But it was dangerous!” you might argue. Well… yeah. When magic and bending is in the equation, training in the Avatar universe has been shown to be somewhat dangerous at times. As an example, from this very same episode, Toph very nearly smashed Sokka with a giant flaming rock. That was way closer to hurting someone than Zuko was in this incident. If you’re going to fault characters for making their training exercises too dangerous, I guess Toph is mega cancelled.
Now back to Aang. What was his reaction in this situation? How did he react to the end of the world being days away? He ran away with absolutely no plan. Just like he did at the very beginning of the show.
I mean, think about it. This is a critical flaw (and toxic trait) in Aang that is literally never addressed, because he starts and ends the show the exact same way: he’s faced with a problem, he runs away from it, then he’s saved by an in-universe equivalent of an Act of God. Wowie, such great character development. Not fixing your core flaw and having a mythical plot device materialize into existence to solve your problems for you. Aang’s whole arc is a big blah, because the writing fails to address any of his flaws or have him meaningfully question any of his values.
Meanwhile, Zuko has consistently been a fan favorite because he’s the opposite. His flaws are meaningfully addressed, he does admit he’s wrong and fix his flaws, and his character shows a critically acclaimed change throughout the show. His arc is written so well that despite being a cartoon character, Zuko is widely considered the poster child for a good redemption arc across all forms of media.
So anyways, miss me with the double standards… there is a reason why Zuko is the fan favorite, and it’s not just his abs 🔥
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absolutebl · 4 months
This Week in BL - We Are Surprised
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
May 2024 Wk 2
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Ongoing Series - Thai
Wandee Godday (Sat YT) ep 2 of 12 - Oh it’s fucking great. It could all go horribly south, of course. But it’s awesome at the moment. Messy gay and one of them is already pining? Got to love it. Including the negotiation.
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I’d love a good sex negotiation, it’s almost as good as linguistic negotiation. This show makes me happy. All that said, it’s moving awfully quickly for a 12 episode run. Not sure what’s gonna happen on the backend. 
My Stand-In (Thai Fri iQIYI) ep 3 of 12 eps - I’m still enjoying it but I’m ready for him to die again now. 
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We Are (Weds iQIYI) ep 5-6 of 16 - Toey is going after the Namgoong Award for Best Wingman this year, I see. And in exchange, literally all the rest of the friends are going to be his wingmen. It’s adorable. I also like that Phuwin got to be the aggressor for the first kiss. I like that this is mostly just boys flirting, and not really any prescribed seme/uke stuff. In general, I think these last two episodes I improved the show in my regard a lot. But then middles are always GMMTV's strong point, it’s whether they can stick the landing that’s an issue.
Two Worlds (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 10 - Apparently we have the Frodo walking into Mordor episode. Also the sides were cute. In Thailand (like Taiwan) all gangsters are gay, apparently. 
Only Boo! (Sun YouTube) ep 5 of 12 - It’s cute but very cringe and dorky. Silly singing. Terrible pickup lines. Still, that was a ridiculously charming confession.
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Unknown (Taiwan Tues YouTube & Viki) ep 12fin - Oh so good. Very few shows that feature one-sided long-term pining of this kind can resolve the unevenness of that power dynamic into a more stable and equal footing with such class. We really got to see the object of the desire turn completely around and become equally besotted. An age gap, stepbrothers trope like this one is hard enough but at this length? Very well acted boys! Unknown managed to show the older brother softening in a believable way that’s pretty unusual in narratives of this type.
All in all?
Unknown is a wonderful BL with a pitch perfect portrayal of long term pining, age gap, and the stepbrothers trope. The acting and chemistry are ON POINT (especially from the leads) which made the resulting characters very believable. When it dwells in intimate family drama, it's stunning. It's slightly less successful when it leaves the home and goes gritty. It's few flaws are the result of curtailed length. It could have used more breathing room to deal with side plots, characters, and companion character development. The editing was occasionally choppy and packed with flashbacks that broke the emotional tension. Still, those are mere quibbles. This is an excellent show that I know I'm going to be recommending a lot. 9/10
Finally Taiwan hits another one out of the park.
Blue Boys (Korea Sat YouTube) 4 of ? - Oh it’s so good, and they are so tortured and it’s just charming and I can’t EVEN. I just love it. I love that Korea is giving us this right now. You’re an idiot if you’re not watching this show, it’s truly spectacular.
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At 25:00 in Akasaka AKA 25 Ji Akasaka de (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 4 of 10 - Well well well Japan. I see how you kneed. I enjoyed this episode better than the first two, and I am way into our Bad Boy second lead. I can already feel myself succumbing  to the syndrome. Next week = the obligatory onsen ep! 
Living With Him AKA Kare no Iru Seikatsu (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 5 of 10 - Omg most adorbs failed linguistic negotiation. 
Boys Be Brave AKA Roommates (Korea Thurs Viki) ep 5-6 of 8 - I love the side couple. It’s a shame we’re finally getting some truly great class conflict and it’s relegated to crumbs.
Love is like a Cat (Korea Mon Viki) eps 11-12fin - Well that was a waste of time. There was no connection (of any kind) between the leads. The language thing was hella weird and likely added to that. The past history of the Korean character was necessary to know from the start, its lack throughout, meant there was no depth to his character. They tried to tackle all the interesting stuff in the final 2 eps. AND they even killed the dog. I never thought I'd type this sentance, but Peach of Time is better.
I don’t know. 5/10 I guess
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All in all:
A disappointing lackluster and barely cohesive BL about a jerk Thai actor (speaking Thai) who has to work for a Korean animal rescue cafe as a publicity stunt. It's difficult to believe the leads like each other, let alone fall in love. The acting is stiff, the characters lack motivation and cohesion, and there's not much to recommend this show beyond some pretty visuals. Also, they kill the dog. All in all, a disappointing and unsuccessful joint venture that mostly highlighted that between Thailand and Korea the style of BL, narrative approach, language cadence, and acting techniques all clash.
It's airing but...
Lady Boy Friends (Thai WeTV grey) 16 eps - reminds me a bit too much of Diary of Tootsies only high school. Not my thing. DNF unless it turns a corner and is truly amazing.
You Made My Day (Thai YT) ep 1 of 5 - mini series staring the I Will Knock You couple Tar & Bom, started but I couldn't find it. I also didn't try very hard.
A Balloon's Landing (Taiwan movie) trailer - A frustrated Hong Kong writer, Tian Yu, meets a Taipei street gangster, Xiang (Fandy Fan from HIStory2: Crossing the Line), and the two of them embark on a journey to find the Bay of Vanishing Whales. Along the way, they discover unexpected twists and turns and close bonds, which brings out the message that "there is always someone like you in this world who is waiting for you. This released to cinemas in Taiwan, no word on international release.
Memory in the Letter (Thai WeTV) - it's done, tell me if I should bother?
Fan's Only Corner
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Someone asked in a comment (which tumblr promptly ate) about group sleepovers in BLs. It's happened a few times but the only one I can recall being noted and particularly lovely (and VERY college) was in Nitiman. There's also one in Lovesick.
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Next Week Looks Like This:
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5/16 Blossom Campus (Korea Thurs Gaga & iQIYI) ep 1 of 6 - Strongberry doing classic uni BL! Weeee!
5/19 OMG Vampire (Thai Sun ????) ep 1 of 10 - LeeFrank are back - not unlike the undead (as it were). But how do we feel about it? Unsure given their track record.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
May Releases
VBL (Taiwan) is releasing 4 'Special Episode' epilogues to their 4 2023 shows every Friday this month on Gagaoolala, Viki & Viu. Not sure on search terms or how to find these. (Or, frankly, if we need them.)
5/10 – You Are Mine
5/17 – VIP Only
5/24 – Stay By My Side
5/31 – Anti Reset
5/25 The Time of Fever AKA Unintentional Love Story 2 (Korea movie) trailer - HoTae & DongHee are back but unfortunately not in a cinema near me. Side couple from Unintentional Love Story, same actors, same character names. I love them. I NEED TO SEE THIS.
5/28 My Biker 2 (Thai movie YT?) - trailer
5/31 The Time of Huannan (Taiwan movie) - May not be BL
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LOVE a smile kiss. Love it. Two killer kisses from PondPhuwin. Elegantly done, boys. Thank you very much.
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I love them a lot all of a sudden. (All We Are)
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It's hard to give MaxTul a run on their crown as best bodies in BL, but boy these two are giving it their, erm, best. (Wandee Goodday)
(Last week)
Streaming services are listed by how I (usually) watch, which is with a USA based IP, and often offset by a day because time zones are a pain.
The tag BLigade: @doorajar @solitaryandwandering @my-rose-tinted-glasses @babymbbatinygirl @babymbbatinygirl @isisanna-blog @mmastertheone @pickletrip @aliceisathome @urikawa-miyuki @tokillamonger @rocketturtle4 @blglplus @anythinggoesintheshire @everlightly @renafire
If ya wanna be tagged each week leave a comment and I will add you to the template. Easy peesy.
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leiazsolo · 5 months
Regarding Tommy (AKA Stop hating him for the “Begins” episodes)
So I’ve been seeing a TON of hate for Tommy specifically because of his behaviour in the ‘Begins’ episodes and how he “shouldn’t be forgiven” so I’m getting fed up and decided to to a TIMELINE of Tommy & why we don’t need to be spoon fed his ‘redemption’ because we saw it across 10-ish years of flashbacks in the Begins episodes and can learn to understand that some stuff can just be implied with storytelling rather than treating the audience like babies and spelling it out for them. I will be starting with his first chronological appearance NOT his first on-screen appearance.
Starting Approx. 2005-2006 2x12 “Chimney Begins” now I’m not sure exactly what dates the episode here but google tells me it’s set around here, If I’m wrong let me know.
This was the big episode of Tommy being an asshole, I will not deny he was an asshole. He was one of the primary assholes of this episode along with the old captain. Let’s look at this episode with what we know about Tommy now, not what we knew then.
Tommy was a closeted gay man in a male-led, white-led field (presumably gay, we haven’t had his label yet) working under a captain we know is Homophobic, Sexist, and Racist. He also was a white man in a white male field back in 2005, prejudice was still a huge thing in 2005 (and still is but we’re not here to talk about that) and this episode shows this well, because it had to fit with the ‘times’. Tommy was an aggressor to begin with Im not going to deny this, but do you know who was also there, standing by and watching the rest of the 118 treat Chimney like shit for MONTHS? Eli! Yes lovey Eli who eventually helped get Chim into the field and let him stay with him in Boston. Yes he ended up being a good guy, but that doesn’t excuse the months he spent staying quiet watching the 118 mistreat Chim. You’ll see this theme pop up again later, funnily enough. Eventually we see Tommy and Chim become civil, after Chimney saves his life. He goes on to befriend Chimney, telling him his favourite movie is Love Actually (that’s fruity) amongst other things.
Fast forward to somewhere between 2009-2010 2x09 “Hen Begins” aka the next time we see Tommy chronologically and the first time we meet him in the show. We know a rough timeline as Sal says his girlfriend took him to see the new Twilight movie, and they reference the Edward vs Jacob, which means it’s most likely New Moon or Eclipse as that was more heavily a marketing thing for those two than the first one. This is also the first time Tommy is implied to be gay (He doesn’t deny the accusation and instead jokes about kissing Sal/Chimney) Now at this point in time I know this probably was not planned, but is something to look back at.
Tommy is this episode steps back from being an aggressor, he is still working under Gerrard and still closeted. He is still a part of the problem, but other than being present in the episode and in the scenes where Sal and Gerrard acted as aggressors, he didn’t actually contribute verbally to the mistreatment of Hen. The primary aggressor for Hen was Gerrard and remained to be Gerrard throughout the episode even when her co-workers saw her doing good things. And going back to Eli in Chimneys episode, guess who was also a bystander to Hens mistreatment, filling a similar role to Hen that Eli filled? CHIMNEY. He stood back for also presumably months, didn’t defend Hen against their co-workers, and just let what happened to him happen to her. Then, at the end of the episode it’s revealed multiple members of her team submitted complaints against their captain for the mistreatment of Hen, I’m willing to bet that he was one of those people, him, Chim, and even potentially Sal as he was less of an ass by the end. By the end of her episode we know they are now friendly at work and he thinks she’s a good firefighter.
Skip forward to 2014-ish, 2x16 “Bobby Begins Again.” We immediately see the team meshing, Chim, Hen, Tommy, and even Sal. 9 Years have passed since he met Chimney, and 4-ish since Hen and it’s implied they’re a friendly unit, Tommy is still closeted, and has been working under a rotating number of captains (six to be exact), but has clearly become a better, and more accepting person, the world is changing and he isn’t being held back with the times. He goes out for drinks with Hen & Chimney, laughs with them, has an overall good time being their friend and seeming enjoying working under Bobby for another 4 years, we even see them smash his face into a cake at a surprise leaving party they’ve thrown him. We know Buck took his place at the 118 which was not long before S1 began, so we’re assuming he left the 118 2017/2018.
This is the last time we see Tommy until 7x03, presumably set in 2023/2024 “Capsized”, a whole canonical 16-18 years after we first meet him, and 6 years since he left the 118. In those 6 years we know he:
A) is still friendly with Chimney, we know from 2x14 when he phones him to drop the fire retardant on the house. He is also mentioned to still be in contact in 3x16
B) Has come out/discovered his sexuality.
C) Is obviously not bigoted, or at least as much as he was back in 2005-ish.
In terms of Hen we can assume they haven’t really stayed “friends” since Tommy left, as she states in Capsized that she forgot he worked there. She worked with him for 8-ish years, I’ve worked with people for that length of time and don’t talk to them now, doesn’t mean I hate them, we just don’t really have reason to talk anymore. I just think their friendship was more a “we’re work friends” kind of relationship rather than a “we’re in each other’s lives” one, which is a completely normal and valid relationship. Whereas with Chim we know they’ve remained at least acquaintances to chat, and friends enough that Tommy would risk both his life and job to save Bobby.
At this point in the timeline it’s been approximately CANONICALLY 16-18 years since we met Tommy, and the fandom is still asking for his character to be held accountable for things he said all those years ago, when clearly in the canon of the show has been forgiven. At this point in the show I really don’t think we need to be spoonfed this narrative, it would feel clunky and weird to see an apology on screen for something that’s clearly been addressed off screen. It would frankly be a waste of the limited airtime we have this season.
I also think it’s super important to remember that Tommy wasn’t planned that far in advance, we know he was bought back by Minear because he wanted the person who was part of Bucks coming out to be someone the audience had already met before & Lou was both available and willing to do it. If they had been planning this exact storyline since season 2, maybe Tommy would have been portrayed differently, who knows.
I get we love Buddie and we want Buddie so much, I am not and never will jump ship from Buddie, I love that Tommy is Bucks first boyfriend, I just hope Eddie gets to be his last.
I’m also super glad we’re getting Bucks coming out separately from Eddies potential future coming out, I am on the (seemingly) small majority that thinks that would have been way too much to happen all at once, and also the characters deserve to have their own coming out stories not to be lumped together.
so yeah. TLDR; Tommy has evolved over 16-18 years, 10 years of which we saw across the Begins episodes, and if we want to be spoonfed his accountability for his behaviour in the begins episode, we should also be asking the same from Eli and Chim.
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ihavethedreamies · 5 months
Oasis | S.Coups
Choi Seungcheol (S.Coups - Seventeen)
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~4.6k
Pairing: S.Coups x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Sci-Fi AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot, Hookup/One-Night-Stand/Strangers to Fucking
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Violence (mentions of weapons, but nothing else), Pet Names (Doll, Sweetheart, Princess, Pumpkin, etc.), Daddy Kink (as required by law), Swearing, Kissing, Thigh-Riding, Cockwarming, Couch Sex, Slight Breathplay, Soft Dom! S.Coups, Unprotected Sex (Use a condom!), He's got some ~fancy~ tattoos ;)
Author's Note: Okay this one was…normally I can stay calm writing, but not for a Scoops. He's just so fucking hot…
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I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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The only problem with being in a small village in the middle of the desert is there were very few places to hide. You turned a corner around a sandstone building into an alleyway. Luckily, there was a pile of crates with a small enough hole for you to hide. Crawling into the space, you tried to stay as quiet as possible while also catching your breath. You worried your panting would be too loud. You clutched your bag close to you, not wanting to lose the contents again. Having found what seems to be an extremely valuable artifact, you had tried desperately to get it back after it had been stolen. You had reported the chunk of crystal to the Assembly and they said it was possibly valuable enough to bring to headquarters. Though, while you were camping out, about a third of the way through a four-day journey, your camp was ransacked, and your crystal stolen. You followed the thieves that turned out to essentially be a gang, and you took it back. They had found you though and had been chasing you for a good hour. They obviously understood the crystal's value if they were pursuing you so intently. Peaking around the crates, you saw a few of the goons run down the street past the alley, but you weren't brave enough to get away yet.
"Fuck!" You shrieked, a hand having grabbed your braid at the base, hauling you out of your hiding hole. Your hands grappled at his, trying to get him to let you go, legs scrambling on the ground.
"You stupid bitch-" He grumbled, yanking your hair harder till you fell back against his legs.
"Where's the rock?" He snapped and you just glared up at him, not wanting him to realize if you looked at your bag. You grunted at the tug on your hair, but immediately stopped wiggling when you felt something metal press against your neck.
"If I get this back from you, the boss might just promote me-"
"Kind of hard to get a promotion with an extra hole in your head." A new voice spoke and you could feel the gangster freeze behind you, the knife pressed to your neck retreating slightly. You assumed this new man had pressed his own weapon, a blaster most likely, against the guy's head.
"Drop the knife." This new man's voice was steady, strong, and you felt safe already. You heard the blade clatter on the ground, and the hold on your braid released, so you scrambled away from the gangster. Instead of going forward, you basically crawled around and behind the aggressor, and stopped once you were safely behind your rescuer. Just from behind, you could tell he was strong, his bare arms showed his biceps were nearly as big as your thigh, maybe bigger. Smooth geometric tattoos painted his arms, looking similar to a circuit board. His hair was bright red, slicked back just enough to keep the longer strands out of his face, the ends resting just above his shoulders. He had a belt strapped around his torso over his vest, various things attached to it along with several ammo cartridges. Another strap around one of his thick thighs had the holster for his blaster and his pants were tucked into a pair of knee-high combat boots.
"Now screw off before you can't." The man pulled his blaster away, but literally kicked the guy's ass, sending him onto his face a few feet forward. The gangster scrambled to his feet and fled. Once he was gone, the man before you turned around finally and your breath left you right after you had caught it back. He was fucking gorgeous. You wondered if the slit in his eyebrow was from a scar, or just for looks, it was hard to tell in the dark light.
"Are you okay, doll?" He kneeled in front of you, even like that you felt tiny…Tinier than usual. You wondered if he could see your reddened face in the low light.
"Y-yes." You nodded, letting him wrap his hands around your arms to help you stand up. Your own hands went to his biceps, trying hard not to squeeze to test the muscle there, and your shaking legs finally got you up. You wished he didn't have the leather gloves on so you could feel more of his bare skin on yours. After you were both up, the top of your head only reached his chin, and he smelled good-
"Why were they after you?" he asked and you had to step back to look at him even with your head tipped up.
"Uh…" You weren’t sure if he was trustworthy, even if he saved you. Maybe he just wanted the crystal for himself…
"It's okay, doll. I'm a Ranger." He pulled the chain around his neck up and out of his shirt, an upside-down triangle-like designed pendant on the end. You recognized it, and the title, so you relaxed. They were basically freelance, vigilante, bounty-hunter guys. They would help people in need and take out or get criminals without having to worry about legal red tape. It was an elite group, and their identities were not widely known. Sighing in relief at the news, you opened your satchel and pulled the crystal out. It wasn't refined and it was pretty heavy. You handed the rock to him and he looked it over, holding it easily with one hand while he holstered his blaster. The thin but tight black shirt he had on under his utility vest struggled over his chest as he did so, when he spoke you finally brought your attention away.
"This is a diamond, doll." He smiled and your jaw dropped. No wonder it was so valuable. That would make sense why the Assembly Headquarters wanted it, they had the largest bank on the planet.
"Yep." He once again held the gem in one hand, pulling a device out of a pocket of his utility belt. The Ranger clicked the end against the gem and looked at the panel on the side as the device beeped.
"About 13 hundred carats." He smirked, arching one of his thick eyebrows.
"Where'd you find this?"
"I'm a Scavenger, so I look for scrap and crashed ships or satellites. This was in some wreckage out near Dekkos." you told him, a bit surprised he handed the gem back to you.
"Are you bringing it to the capital?"
"You will probably have more of those gangsters plus anyone else who finds out after you, why don't I escort you?"
"You would do that?"
"Of course, doll. I'm Seungcheol, but my team calls me S.Coups."
"S.Coups?" you questioned and he chuckled, a bit embarrassed.
"Uh, the S is for Seungcheol, and then coups like coup-d'état."
"You overthrow someone?"
"Well, kind of. Our first mission was to get a corrupt mayor out of power, so…" He smiled, somehow his extremely handsome face looked cute.
"Are you sure you don't mind escorting me?"
"I told you," he leaned forward so he was more eye level, "of course I don't mind."
"Can I call you Cheol?" you asked him, his name was kind of long and you weren't sure about his nick name…
"Of course, doll. What do I call you?" You told him your name in response and when he said it with a smile, your ovaries exploded.
"I know its late, but I was planning on getting to the next town over, it's about an hour, is that okay?" he asked you as you followed him to the main street and toward the edge of the village. You had wrapped the diamond up in a head scarf you had and tucked it back in your satchel. Cheol suggested you grab your stuff from your rover and leave it for the time being, since more goons might know it's yours. He wouldn't even let you carry your own bag.
"That diamond is enough for you to carry, (Y/N)." When you got to his own rover, you halted in shock. Not only was it new, but it was a really nice model too. Yours was nearly thirty years old and was not exactly top of the line, even new.
"Oh, this belongs to the whole group. I just have it most of the time since I'm the leader."
"You're the leader?" You hadn't known that.
"Well, kind of. I'm co-commander along with Woozi." He opened the passenger door for you and you climbed up onto the wheel and into the rover. The seats were nice, and actually seats versus what looked like a restaurant booth. The inside panels were just a flat holo-screen, and it even had heating. Your rover only had air-conditioning, so at night it could be kind of cold. You asked him a series of questions as you drove to the next town, and he answered each one humbly. Your eyes kept flitting to his hands on the steering wheel, then up his arms and traced every line of his tattoos, to his side profile-
"Your eyes might burn me, doll." He tried not to smirk, casting you a knowing side glance. You floundered for an excuse.
"Its fine, sweetheart." Seungcheol rested back in the seat and you shuffled in your own seat, your face not the only part of you heating up. By the time you reached the next town, all you wanted to do was get in bed, and maybe get him inside you…
"Do you mind sharing a hotel room, I can keep you safer that way." His suggestion was genuine, truly just wanting to protect you. And you were more than willing.
"That's fine!" Seungcheol smirked, walking past you into the hotel, one much nicer than the inns or motels you usually stayed at. You cringed at your own eagerness, following after him with your head bowed in embarrassment.
"Can we get a suite with two bedrooms?" He pulled his credit chit out, the hotelier tapped on her console telling you there was one available on the fifth floor. You watched her as she worked, and she kept looking up at Seungcheol and all over him. She wasn't blind, you didn’t blame her. He took the room and you balked at the price.
"Don't worry, doll." He cast you a gentle smile, so you didn't. Judging by his rover, even if he claimed it was the whole group's, he had money to spare. You followed after him, casting a glance back at the hotelier who was glaring at you. Wanting to stick your tongue out at her like a child, you restrained yourself and waited for the elevator with him. Right as the lift was reaching the ground floor, a group of about seven entered and headed toward the elevators as well. Because of this, the lift was full, and you pressed your small self into the corner, Seungcheol working as a barrier between you and the group of men that had entered as well. You doubted they even knew you were there. They had left the button pressed for the fifth floor, and you both waited for them to get out, then headed in the opposite direction. He tapped the clear card against the lock and it dinged, opening with a click. He carried both of your bags in and you looked around the suite in awe, never having stayed somewhere so nice.
"I'm going to shower quick." Seungcheol deposited your bag in one of the bedrooms and headed toward the other. There was a bathroom attached to each room and so you followed suit. Only taking a rinse off since you had showered the night before, you found yourself watching some show on the couch. You had changed into shorts and a tank instead of your leather leggings and vest. Your knees were pulled to your chest, feet resting on the cushion, and you were really trying to focus on the show. It was so hard though to not think of him in the shower. He was too freaking hot and there was only a door in between you and him. Naked.
"Fucking fuck…" You huffed at yourself, trying to snap out of your pervy thoughts, but it was futile. Especially since he had just come out in nothing but his pants. At least he wasn't just in a towel, but his muscular and toned body was perfectly on display. He had more of the circuit-like tattoos curling up over his shoulders and down his chest and sides of his stomach. You had noticed earlier not only were his arms and thighs thick, but he had a butt too. Fuck. He saw you gaping at him, it was kind of hard not to. It was like you had zoned out…or in rather, on him and he huffed a laugh, a bit embarrassed. However, he felt more smug than anything and his own eyes flicked over your mostly bare legs and the low cut of your tank. He would be lying if he said he wasn't just as attracted to you as you seemed to be to him. It was up to you make a move though… When you snapped out of it and your eyes met his, he was smirking and hummed with an inquisitive tone.
"Yes?" He teased and you choked on your saliva some, eyes flitting back over his bare chest.
"You curious?" You nodded dumbly.
"Come here, then." Seungcheol smiled and he nearly guffawed at how fast you leaped off the couch, but you approached much slower. You stopped right before him, hand coming up and hovering over his skin. You flitted your gaze up to his face and he nodded, taking a sip out of the bottle he was holding. As soon as your fingertips met his warm skin, the other hand flew up and you brought them down to rest on his abs.
"Fucking hell." You whispered and he really tried not to laugh, but you could feel his chest rumble a bit. Tracing each curve and angle of the tattoos snaking over him, you noticed they seemed to let out a slight reddish glow, lagging behind your tracing fingers over the black lines. Your mouth was hung open as you touched him like he was the best thing you had ever had the pleasure of touching, and he smirked harder. Getting annoyed with his smugness, even though it was warranted and caused by you, you dug your dull nails in a bit and scratched down. Seungcheol sighed, a low groan rumbling out after and your cunt clenched around nothing.
"What-?!" You squeaked as he crouched a bit, wrapping one around your upper thighs under your butt, and easily lifted you up against his shoulder. He carried you over to the couch, his bottle still in his hand and you wondered if he could hear your heart pounding. He could probably also feel your wet leaking through your panties and shorts.  You glanced down and saw that the tattoos were on his back too. The man sat on the couch, adjusting you on his lap so you were straddling one of his thighs. You nearly whined, having to spread your legs pretty wide to accommodate, and you could feel the hard muscle through his pants. While they weren't super tight, with how he was sitting, the stretched over his thigh just right. He smirked again as he took another drink, your shorts so thin he could feel your pussy clench as you settled.
"Whatcha thinkin' about, doll?" Your fingers were lazily and lightly rubbing over his skin, it tickled a bit. Those tattoos definitely shimmered when you touched them…
"Can I ride your thigh?" Your voice was so soft that despite how close you were, he almost didn't hear you.
"You want that, sweetheart?"
"Yes, -dy." He barely heard the last part, your face blossoming red when you let the word slip, eyes widening in panic. Seungcheol groaned when he heard it, adjusting his footing and bounced his leg under you a bit, forcing it up and against your needy cunt.
"You wanna ride daddy's thigh, pumpkin?"
"Fuck, yes please~" You gasped, but held back from moving, nodding.
"Go ahead, then." He took a casual sip from the bottle, glancing over your shoulder at the TV like he was actually focusing on it. He licked his lips, swallowing a chuckle when you began to grind down onto his leg, so hard he felt your pulse from your core. Your little mewls grew louder when you leaned forward, losing strength in the rest of your body, resting your forehead on his collarbone. Your fingers dug into the waist of his pants on either side of you, getting closer and closer. While Cheol had his number of sexcapades, he had never had a girl be this eager to fuck herself on his leg. Most of the time he was worried if they would find out he didn't, by any means, mind getting called daddy. You were the first one though to jump on it immediately, and with no hint or prompting from him. He was thanking fate that he was the one that rescued you.
"I'm-" You gasped, your hips stuttering.
"Close, pumpkin?" He finally put the bottle down, his arm curling around your waist, helping you keep your rhythm. His face got close to yours, so much so your lips were barely touching and he swallowed your moan, invading your mouth with his tongue. You fell apart then, whining as he helped you ride out your high, catching every little noise you made with his lips. Your head was swimming, you nearly gasped for air when he left the kiss. Your panties were sticking to your even wetter folds, and he could feel that your slick had soaked through his pants too.
"Did a good job, sweetheart."
"Thanks, daddy." It seemed you were a bit shy with the daddy-kink play, but you had started it.
"What now, doll?" Your eyes met his, unsure with what answer he wanted.
"What do you want me to do to you now?" He arched a brow and your mind ran rampant with all the possibilities.
"W-what do you want to do?" You threw the question back and he tilted his head in thought, humming. You could feel that his cock had gotten hard against your knee, your mouth watered when you glanced down at the tent pitched, wondering just how big he really was.
"What if…" As he spoke, his hand drifted from your hip, over your ass, and into the back of your shorts. You moaned when his fingers hit your soaking cunt, lightly circling the pad over your entrance.
"…you sit on my cock and we watch a movie?" His suggestion took you a second to piece together. Cockwarming? Fuck, yes PLEASE.
"O-okay." You nodded and his hand withdrew. He easily moved you to turn around and assisted with getting your shorts and panties off. Cheol adjusted his position and you rested against his chest, reaching down to release his cock from his pants. Your eyes widened, breath hitching when your hand met the flesh, finally getting him out to see what you had to work with. You were going to get split in half, and you couldn't be more excited.
"Daddy~" You whined, head falling back onto his shoulder, your nose brushing over the side of his throat.
"Can you take it, pumpkin?" He stroked the soft skin under your belly button, the sensation made you shiver, already sensitive.
"Yes, daddy."
"Good girl." You sat up a bit more, propping your hips up as he guided the tip of his fat cock to your glistening folds. A bit concerned when you let out a small choking noise, it soon faded into a moan, which rose into a whine as he sank deeper and deeper. You thought he would be in your throat by the time he was all the way in. Your tight core fluttered around his cock, the delicious burn of the stretch bringing you dangerously close to another orgasm already. When he had about another inch to go, you lost your strength. You slumped back into him, gravity pulling you the rest of the way done so his cock buried in completely. Your cunt twitched along with the rest of you, trying to adjust to the stretch and the intense pleasure it caused. If you were already so sensitive, he wondered how bad you would get after sitting on his cock for a good hour.
"Hm, so good, sweetheart. Taking daddy's cock like a pro." His groan rumbled through him and over you, his strong arms wrapping over you to hold you up and to him. After about five minutes, your brain started to function a bit more, and you tried to get more comfortable on his lap as he started something you really cared not for. It wasn't what the movie was, but you could only think of him splitting you open and his bare chest pressed to your back. You had your legs spread wide over his lap, knees over his so he could easily hold them open for you. Every few minutes, your whole body twitched from the pleasure, your breath shuddering, trying not to move. You really were a princess, more like a queen, taking his huge cock so good and sitting still so obediently. He had to push away the thought of immediately taking you as his wife, but man did he want to. Have you whenever he wanted…
"D-daddy…!" You gasped, cunt clenching hard suddenly and he huffed as you came, not having moved for the last half hour. He wondered how that was possible, and so did you. Seungcheol had to be a drug itself, because you were already addicted. You needed him so bad-
"Fuck, hold on…" He grunted, shutting the TV off and wrapping his arms around you tighter, hand on your opposite hip and the other across your chest so his hand could rest under your jaw. He splayed his legs better, sliding down the couch a bit to get better leverage, and your nails quickly dug into the back of the couch to prepare. He gave a shallow but hard thrust and you squealed, releasing babbles as he fucked up into you. Each thrust shattered pleasure through your body, his skin getting hotter against yours. Moreso than was natural, and you realized you could feel the pattern of the marks covering his torso with the heat. They must have been some kind of cybernetics…
"Want more, princess?" He rumbled and you whined an affirmation, his thrusts still hard but too shallow. You didn’t want to be able to walk the next three days… The hand he had on your hip shifted so he splayed his fingers over your lower stomach, index and middle fingers resting in a V right around where he had his cock inside of you. His other hand your jaw moved down to your collarbone, lying over the top of your chest, his pinky slightly under the hem of your tank. The heat of his tattoos increased, and suddenly it was like every one of your nerves was set on fire. He froze his pace, grunting as your cunt clenched harder as you came again already, soaking down his balls and over his pants. He chuckled as your core pulsed over and over, seeming to never end. You nearly blacked out, gasping for breath and wondering what the hell that was.
"I can use these to affect the nerves of people. I use it to knock out targets, or to ease the pain of someone I’m helping. Can make you real sensitive…" He hummed by your ear, his teeth nibbling on the ridge.
"Where do you want daddy to fuck you next, doll?" You nearly didn't register his question, still trying to find your place in reality.
"Bed…" You knew it was cliché, but…
"Of course, sweetheart." He sat all the way up, the position change shifting him inside you and you gasped, whining in disappointment as he pulled you off his cock. Just as easily as he lifted you before, you carried you to his room, grabbing the end of the duvet and easily pulling the whole thing off, letting it float to the floor. Resting you down like you were as delicate as a flower, you sighed at the cool fabric hitting your back. Seungcheol kissed the corner of your mouth, and you tried to follow his lips, but they left yours, moving down your jaw and to your neck. Letting him move you, he brought on of your thighs to his hip, slinging your other knee over his elbow. Your cunt eagerly sucked his cock back inside and you whimpered as he slowly bottomed out. Giving you just a second to adjust, he leaned down and kissed you again. You mewled, your knee resting over his shoulder more than his elbow, the other leg wrapping over his hip as tight as you could manage. A trail of saliva connected your lips when he finally pulled his tongue out of your mouth.
"Ready, pumpkin?"
"Yes, daddy!" You squeaked in delight as he started to move, immediately barreling his fat cock into you, the head battering your cervix. His pace was so intense, your wet dripped over his groin and down your butt to land on the sheets. It must have been an extremely secure bed frame, because it only shifted a bit despite his powerful thrusts. You couldn't even make little noises, your mouth hung open in a silent moan, drool spilling out of the corner of your mouth. You were so fucked out and he wanted to keep you like that from then on. Always drunk on him…
"So fucking good…" He chuckled, hand gripping your leg at his hip, easily slinging your other leg over his shoulder, folding you in half. You saw stars, the first thrust at the new angle fucked another climax out of you, your cunt squirting and creaming his cock even more and he grunted at the tightness. His tattoos started to heat up again, you could feel the change on the back of your thighs where he pressed down into you. Not sure what sensation he was going to surge you into, you couldn't get ready. The same intense arousal sensitivity started to rise again, but something else hit you. A slight tightening at your neck, but his hands were nowhere near. It was very slight and it didn't restrict your oxygen at all, just giving you a dull squeeze in the best way. Your gasps were from the intensity of your pleasure rather than the press of your throat. Then, your senses shifted, your vision blurred and it seemed like you could only hear the woosh of your pulse and his grunts. You felt his skin on yours hotter than before, his cock seemed hotter too, and the scent of sex intensified. When his mouth went back to yours, it was like you could taste his tongue, taste him even more and his groan vibrated your tongue wrapped around his. Without warning, the heat spiked, and your eyes rolled back in your head. His hot cum pumped into you, your own final orgasm hitting you, rolling over and over, dulling before reigniting into another full climax. The heat of his cum spilling out from where he was inside you seemed to sear over your skin and when he had stopped, your senses returned to normal and it was like someone threw cold water on you. Your hearing returned to normal, and you could hear the noise of the street again. You finally registered that he had pulled away from the kiss, hovering over you with a smile. Not a smirk. You could barely get anything out but a whine.
"Did daddy fuck you good, doll?" You nodded lazily and he laughed, kissing you again.
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Master-Master List
Seventeen Master List
Taglist: @gaslysainz
212 notes · View notes
i-mean-y-not · 1 month
It would never last…
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It could never last.
On the day you’d discovered it, everything was normal. He acted as if nothing was wrong. Kissed you before he left and gave his dog a light scratch behind the ears. Then he was off to work. With the day off and absolutely nothing to do, you did menial tasks and tidied up to wait for his return. Dating a man as well known as him wasn’t an easy feat.
The misinformation that constantly came out, the long hours at the work, and the overwhelming exhaustion he faced everyday. But despite it all, you never left.
After two years, life finally made sense with him and for him. After dusting off the lamp that resides in the corner of the room, you find your way to his nightstand and open it slightly to make sure everything is neatly arranged.
Everything looks normal, yet there’s something hidden, tucked away in the top right corner that looks oddly unfamiliar. When you see the metallic and the sleek red design you discover that it’s a phone. Now it isn’t odd to have a second phone. However, a phone your partner hasn’t the foggiest idea about is concerning.
So you grab it, turn it on and immediately wish you hadn’t. There are pictures of a woman that scream familiarity. She snaps all the right angles and her faint smile is genuine. Then, there are pictures that make me choke on literal air. Pictures that flatter her lingerie and pictures where she has no lingerie on. You close your eyes softly and softly nod to yourself as a way to stave off the impending anxiety. It doesn’t work.
Then, you look through the message threads. And it seems pretty one-sided. She’s the aggressor and sends unsolicited pictures and spam messages. And he’s answered twice. The first message he sends her simply reads, “last night was a mistake. Don’t contact me again.” And you’d never known him to be so cold. Then when she wouldn’t stop, there’s a thread from just this morning stated, “I’m in love with my girlfriend, okay? Leave me alone.”
To which she responds with, “Sure, why don’t I tell her about our little tryst and see if she feels the same way.” His response is immediate, “I’d ruin your life. You understand that, right? I will make sure that you’ll be seen as a worthless homewrecker by the time I’m through with you. Don’t fucking threaten me.”
Then it’s radio silence. And you’re left taking in ragged breaths to bring yourself down. It was inevitable. That’s what you tell yourself. But you also deserve better. You tell yourself that too. As you stashed the phone back where it was and make your way to the closet to retrieve my almost never use suitcase, the doorbell rings.
You walk to the door and look at the peep hole and see a bouquet of flowers. Peonies to be exact, your favorite. You open the door and my lip quirks up into a wry smile. They’re from him. You bring them in and sit them on the counter, not even bothering to read the card.
On auto pilot, you go back into your shared room and snatch everything off of the hangers. Things are thrown into the suitcase left and right with no rhyme or reason. And when you’re done, you move onto the bathroom. It takes about 30 minutes for me to get all of your stuff.
Two years of your life took 30 minutes to pack up. Staying in a penthouse has its advantages, the view of the city reminds you that this is your prison. You dragged your suitcase out into the foyer and leave it there to retrieve your keys that still reside on your nightstand. You’re doing final walk-through when you hear keys being shoved into the lock of the front door.
You sigh inwardly and your fight or flight tells you to do the latter. So you hide. Although the office is used frequently, it’s a place he’ll never think to look. You duck down below the double pane glass in the office and wait patiently.
There’s no movement for a while and one would assume they were in the clear. So, getting up from your crouch you slightly opened the door to the office and went once you hear his voice booming through the penthouse.
“I told you not to call me again. How did you even get this number? I don’t want to see you, or talk to you. I wish I never met you. If I hear from you ever again in life, you will regret it. And I mean it. Stop with your bullshit.”
And once again, you’ve never heard him speak so venomously. To you or anyone else, and when he turns slightly to the left and sees your baggage.
His mouth parts, slightly, and his eyebrows meet in the middle of his forehead. “What the hell?” he whispers, inspecting your luggage. He calls my name. Once, twice, three times. And by the third, he struggling to breathe. His eyes dart from side to side, and he shakes his head vehemently. “No, no, no. It’s okay, she’s here. Maybe she has to take a trip for work that she didn’t tell me about.” His guilty conscious struggles to draw a definitive line between reality and subconscious.
He stalks through the house, opening and closing every door once he seeing that you’re not in them. When he gets to the office door, you open it before he gets a chance to. And you want to feel bad for him. That’s the thing about love. No matter how much you wish it, you could never watch the one you love suffer. With a sigh, you open the door fully and step into the foyer that cause now nauseating nostalgia. He whips his head to the side immediately and when your eyes meet, his face crumples. He knows you know.
The blank and impassive mask you wear, can only mean one thing. But still he asks, “What’s all this?”
He nods toward the luggage and you close your eyes in brief agony. “My things.”
He nods once again, and with a smile that couldn’t begin to reach his eyes, he says, “Were you just going to leave without telling me?”
You offer a protrusion of your lips response. “Sure.” You’re usually very animated and talkative, you see. So one word responses only calls him further strife, you’re sure.
So, like he’s doomed to do he begins his cross examination. “Where are you going?”
“Out,” you respond.
“Is it for work?”
You sigh. “No.”
He blinks once, then twice.
“Who are you going with?” You shrug sheepishly, getting close to the end of this charade.
“Does it matter?” And it takes everything in you not to throw shit. To scream. To cry. To slap him so hard that his ears ring, but in a way, you’re relieved. You don’t have to rehash what you already knew.
Then he asks the million dollar question. “Were you even going to tell me you were leaving?”
With a bleary tone you breathe out. “Were you ever gonna tell me you fucked someone else?”
That does it.
The air whooshes out of him like a geyser on the verge of erupting and you stand there quietly, waiting. Then the word vomit ensues and it’s really all downhill from there. “And what were the flowers supposed to do, huh? Absolve you of your sins? Take those pink ass peonies and give them to the broad you stepped out on me with.”
He’s a big man, not be trifled with even on his worst days, but the absolute way his body caves in on itself frightens you. His body thrums with panic and you watch in mild fascination.
When he decides to speak, it’s quiet and you swear he whimpers when he mumbles, “I’m so fucking sorry, pretty girl.”
He places one hand in his heart and the other on his chest when he proclaims, “I would die a thousand deaths before I even think about hurting you.”
Your head shakes from side to side mirthlessly.
“But you did hurt me.” With mournful and sparkling eyes you repeat, “You did.” He walks over to you calmly as if he moves too fast, you’ll make a run for it. When he gets to you, he reaches out.
You move almost comically fast and he does too. You dodge him and he drops to his knees and clings to your waist. “Let me go.”
“I can’t.”
“You have to,” you mumble. You feel him open his mouth and before he utters a word, I’m leaving flies out of yours. His teeth snap shut at that. And if you didn’t lean back slightly, he would’ve bitten you. You stand there for what feels like eons and then a warmth seeps the underside of your breasts. Belatedly, after a sniffle, you realize that he’s crying.
This is the first time you’ve seen it and hopefully it’s the last. You don’t move to console him.
Who did that for you?
You allow him a moment and step back and out of his grasp. He clings as if his life depends on it and in a way you suppose it does.
For two years, you’ve been his lifeline. Being there for all the ups and downs and twists and turns. But you’re no longer his lifeline. You’re no longer apart of his life. It takes physically everything in you to pry him off.
After much resistance, he lets go and it’s only to sag dejectedly onto the floor. Somehow seeing the broken man he is irritates you further.
“You did this.” You snap, harshness seeping through your tone. “So, deal with the consequences.”
“Please,” he rasps out. “Don’t. Don’t do this. I love you, I swear it was a one time thing. I wasn’t getting any work and I just—.”
You nod once. “Sure.”
And you’re so far detached that it’s scary. Resolutely, you shuffle and cant around him to make a beeline for the luggage. He firmly grabs your wrist and you snatch it back as if you’ve been burned. “Don’t fucking touch me.” And the crack in your voice gives you away.
You shake your head to keep the tears from falling. “I trusted you, Toji. With every cell in my body. But this is unforgivable; you understand? You’re going to let me go and I’m going to walk out of our relationship like you did.”
The fight leaves him after that and you purse your lips in quiet agony. And you shouldn’t do it, you know you shouldn’t but if you’re gonna leave, you’re gonna be petty. So, before you touch the luggage, you make a quick stop in the bedroom. You purposely crinkle the foil package in your hands and pointedly ignore his gaze.
You hear him before you can see him. However, his thunderous steps don’t really scare you anymore and you don’t have too much to lose. That gentle wrist grab was nothing compared to this. “The fuck do you need condoms for, Y/N?”
“That’s not really any of your business anymore, is it?”
With that, you snatch your luggage and before you slam the door, you face him head on, with the tears long gone in your eyes. “I hope she was worth it.”
Then, the door closes, Toji whispers faintly, “She wasn’t.”
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
Not a Hothead (Reader x Firelord Zuko)
Requested by anonymous for Hey hey! Can I request some Zuko (atla) headcanons (gn s/o, preferably).His usually quiet and peaceful s/o is having a bad day and needs to blow off steam, and then get cuddles from himUp to you if it takes place before or after he's Firelord Tysm in advance ♥️
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Zuko tries not to complain so much about his duties as Firelord.
He's only just become an adult, but he's already facing the duties a much older ruler would have been trained for.
But he bears it all, because he has the responsibility, but also the privilege of helping form a better world.
And he has you by his side!
Although it's clear today that you are not in such a great mood.
He can practically sense the tension, noticing the way you pull your hands into the sleeves of your robes to conceal your clenched fists.
The gritting of your teeth
In between audiences with generals and representatives, he looks at you.
"Meet me in the private courtyard when we're free."
Your days aren't exactly stress-free, even as the consort of the Firelord. You need to help him with his work and, traditionally, keep the spiritual and physical wellbeing of the Royal Household all on the up-and-up.
Which means conducting traditional ceremonies with the Fire Sages, organizing the guard rotation for the palace, and working with officials in the Fire Nation capital to improve the lives of citizens.
And while you and Zuko definitely make time to spend with each other, restructuring an entire society that has spent the last one hundred years as the aggressors in a global war is certainly nowhere near a stress-free endeavor.
It's just a bad day today.
You're a little surprised at Zuko's words - he's not the greatest at being spontaneous.
But you still meet him in the private courtyard, and it's an interesting sign that he's shirtless.
You smirk. "So, am I going to be watching you train, like I did back when you were training Aang?"
Zuko suddenly looks surprised. "You watched that?"
You grin. "Oh, you think I fell for your sparkling personality?"
He laughs at the teasing before pointing to the training dummies he has set up. "Today, you're going to be training with me."
He blushes. "I just thought... well, nothing really helps me get rid of stress more than training, and then we could blow off steam, and..."
You chuckle. "And then we can take a bath and cuddle?"
He nods. "Sure. All night, if you want."
He takes you through some firebending martial art forms, which actually are surprisingly tough to learn, but feel really good when you start to get it right.
Zuko teaches you how to breathe properly, which really helps you feel so more energized and calm, even as you train.
Finally, after an hour or so of punches and breathing (which doesn't sound particularly fun, but Zuko actually does make it pretty fun to learn)
It helps to get out that aggression you had, and even more exciting is the promise of getting to take a bath and cuddle with him after.
After a beautiful luxurious bath with scented soaps and perfumed oils, you get to see Zuko in his loose robe and pants he wears for lounging around. He smiles as you lunge at him and tackle him onto a nest of cushions and bury your head in his chest to smell the clean scent of soap.
"I'm sorry I've been so out of it today." you whisper.
Zuko chuckles. "You do remember what I was like back during the war, right? Every day was a bad day. It's normal to feel stress, and... I want you to be able to count on me to help get you through it."
You give him a gentle kiss. "I love you, Zuko."
"I love you too."
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five-flavor-soup · 9 months
Why the endgame couples in A:TLA weren’t necessary: a frustrated ramble
Listen I’m a Zutara shipper through and through (developed after my second rewatch in 2013) but by Tui Agni and La am I glad that it never happened in canon?? Like Kataang and Maiko themselves already felt so rushed and almost out-of-nowhere and their canonisation added like nothing to the plot. Aang’s crush on Katara is a plot device; Zuko’s relationship with Mai at the start of S3 is a plot device. I can barely fathom how Zutara would’ve turned out and I also kinda don’t want to. Imagine Zuko and Katara kissing at the end of the series: it feels completely out of left field, doesn’t it? Knowing that who-ends-up-with-who was an argument in the writer’s room for almost all three seasons means that it could’ve happened.
It shouldn’t have. I don’t think the Kataang kiss or the Maiko romance-reunion should’ve happened either. It’s unnecessary to add—there’s just no need for it, and my nagging here isn’t because I like Zutara and I don’t like how Maiko and Kataang turned out. It’s because the ships and couples and whatever the fuck else are NOT, and should not, be the point of A:TLA—and the ‘couple gets together in the very last scene and all is well :)’ shot suggests that it is.
A:TLA, to me, tried to show the horrifying nature of war and all its victims: the harrowing poverty, the deep-rooted trauma, the bloody violence. I interpreted the most prominent message of A:TLA to be that what was happening during those 100 years is wrong, that war is wrong—it affects the humanity within people, affects what point we offer empathy and kindness, because horrific trauma and needless violence muddies it all up. Why would you hold out a hand for someone who would’ve murdered you if they had the chance? Why would you physically support someone who hurt you and those you care about deeply? Those of the other nations can barely scrounge up empathy for someone from the Fire Nation, because those of the Fire Nation present themselves as inhuman. Those of the Fire Nation can barely scrounge up empathy for someone from any of the other nations, because the Fire Nation presents them as inhuman. And A:TLA shows that all these people are human, good and bad and all of that in between, because that’s just what humanity is. Varied and morally grey.
THAT’S what the GAang learns. That’s what the people around them learn. It’s what Iroh, a war criminal in his own right, tries to teach every child and teen who he interacts with: not in a preachy way, but in a vague way that implies he’d rather have them figure it out themselves lest they interpret his direct teachings wrong. He got indoctrinated into this terrorising, imperialist regime from the day he was born and onwards and it took a personal loss — the death of his son during a siege Iroh himself was leading, a siege in which Iroh and Lu Ten were the aggressors — for him to start thinking that maybe it’s all wrong. Maybe what he was taught is wrong. And he doesn’t want these children to take as long as he did.
The GAang and their (teenage) enemies and small antagonists have all been touched by war, almost to the point of no return. None of the need for violence, the calm in the face of battle and death, the willingness to sacrifice innocents for a sliver of retribution, the extensive knowledge of How To Fight A Battle And Win—none these qualities that these children (!!) may or may not portray are ‘normal’ teenage behaviours. They simply have to have them, or they die or freeze. Their childhoods were stopped in their tracks early because of experiences no child should ever experience. Such is the reality of war. And yet, in spite of the hurt and harm, the GAang is still capable of kindness and empathy. That’s what it’s about.
To end the series with explicit romance — Sokka/Suki doesn’t count, their relationship is not as in-your-face as The Scenes — just feels wrong. Maybe with another season of development it could’ve worked far better (and less unexpected, especially since the previous one-on-one Kataang interaction was Katara getting cross with Aang for kissing her when she was confused; and the previous one-on-one Maiko interaction was Zuko locking Mai in a cell/out of the way and then leaving without looking back). But with the three seasons that we got, it feels odd that the romance is highlighted at the end—especially when Zuko was miserable with Mai (with her being the human representation of ‘close your eyes and pretend everything’s fine’), and there ALSO was a perfectly good ending scene with the GAang bickering right there. Right before the ending kiss.
Why end it like that, when the series isn’t about romance, but about familial and platonic love and love for humanity instead? Why not just hint towards getting (back) together? What’s the point of these confirmations other than ‘the hero gets the girl’ in both instances?
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tangerinelabyrinth · 5 months
"The Doctor didn't treat Martha badly at all."
Right, What's all this then.
After kissing to her (Which meant nothing) shows up to where she is and asks her if she wants to take a trip in the Tardis only to yell at her that's she's not replacing Rose shortly after she agrees.
Dismissive about her concerns about her race and traveling to the past.
Weirdly casual about sharing a bed then talks about Rose and how she would know what to say to him and do in this situation.
Takes her to the same places he took Rose. (This one's complicated too me but it obviously hurt her feelings, so we are putting it in here)
 When Martha was just happy to see him because they had been separated and he was like, "You can kiss me later" or something along those lines. (But absolutely zero mixed signals there.)
Says he going to leave and comes back and let's not mention Picks up her underwear in her apartment (like why)
Gets them stuck in 1969 and has her work in a shop to support him.
Finished explaining the perception filter and then ran back to add "It's like when you fancy someone, and they don't even know you exist."
Hinted at that he gets her the job at UNIT only to be upset when she works at UNIT. (This reasonably could be because she ended up more like a solider than he wanted but still)
It goes without saying that while all of this is happening, Martha continues to hustle through every episode she is in and saves not only The Doctor but the entire world! The Doctor is 100 percent fine with not reciprocating her feelings and is perfectly fine to still not be over Rose. That isn't the issue here; the problem is that he just treats Martha like she's nothing and it's a burden to travel with her (even though he asked her to travel with him and had multiple opportunities to leave if he wanted) after she constantly proves herself and saves him multiple times. Its infuriating to me and it makes me more upset when people don’t see how much differently she is treated than Rose and Donna and paint Martha as this aggressor who also plays a role and is responsible for how he treated her when that's not the case at all. I understand that a large part of Martha's story was that The Doctor didn't see her but why? And why is this used almost as an excuse for his behavior? 
I could more in depth, but I don't think I have the right words to properly articulate and describe all my feelings, but this is what I got.
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littleandless · 2 months
i mean, wow.
tyland getting some screen time yay. also, i was glad to see the trend of dyed beards represented on screen FINALLY. game of thrones shied away from that.
aegon and larys running away together…doomed yaoi</3
honestly i’m glad they made aegon’s broken dick part of show canon. first of all, he deserves it, but also…it means he’s about to get perverted in a different way. maybe larys will introduce him to voyeurism.
jacaerys has gone full-on bratty failson, which is kind of pathetic and sexy of him tbh.
ulf went from harmless idiot to dangerously irreverent soooo quickly. i know he has a dragon or whatever but he should at least pretend to kiss ass for the moment. like hugh! he knows the value of appearances.
how the hell did gwayne even find out about alicent and criston fucking? am i meant to assume he extrapolated that from the intense sniffing of the handkerchief?
i love how nihilistic criston cole has become. no more shiny white veneer, just a bald-faced suicide mission. he doesn’t fear death. the only thing holding him back since that night when alicent found him was her. and now he sees the futility of it all. so yeah, let’s embrace death! yippee!
this episode added so much to helaena’s character. after we see her and daemon interact in his weirwood vision, it cuts to her in the next scene, in the same outfit with the same facial expression. we’ve had 2 seasons of helaena making prophetic statements, but they were always full of metaphors, and her dreamer status seemed more like something that happened to her rather than something she did. but this episode turns that assumption completely on its head.
the weirwood vision was INSANE! BLOODRAVEN! DAENERYS! THE WHITE WALKERS! it reminded me that we’re being told this story for a purpose. grrm didn’t write a spin-off just for the sake of making a few extra dollars. it’s all connected. we’ve been hearing about the dance since shireen baratheon taught davos seaworth about it in season 5 and joffrey spoiled the ending in season 3 of game of thrones. and when ser duncan and baby egg finally appear on screen in a knight of the seven kingdoms, witnessing the blackfyre rebellions amd interacting with brynden rivers, things will be recontextualized yet again. the impact of all of these characters reverberates for centuries. you see it everywhere in a song of ice and fire. even if you’re not much of a reader, i implore you to read them anyway. and i’m not just saying that. even if grrm never actually finishes the series, i will die swearing that it was totally worth the read. if you have any love for these characters at all, give it a shot.
back to helaena: her scene with aemond was fucking fantastic. away from the eyes of their mother, each of them is more themselves than ever. aemond isn’t just an incel a wounded aggressor and helaena isn’t just a wounded dove. they both have a clarity of purpose, and they are in direct opposition to the other’s. aemond “come with me, help me defend us and all we hold dear” and helaena “it won’t change anything, it’s over, you’re already dead” it had me on the absolute edge of my seat. i felt like a dog in need of a stuffed animal to annihilate with my teeth. THIS IS CINEMA.
back to daemon: from his first scene in the episode, we see a resignation that wasn’t there before. he accepts the maddening nature of harrenhal, he accepts alys hovering over him at night and leading him to the weirwood tree, and he doesn’t brush off her words. he embraces the power of this place as well as the finality of what it reveals to him. there will be no more yearning or grasping, at least not for his own purposes. he knows what he must do. he submits to rhaenyra as he submits to his impending death.
the scene between alyn and corlys was so powerful. idk maybe it’s because i have daddy issues too, but it moved me a lot. watching your father forsake you for his trueborn heirs while you toil ceaselessly for survival, and then witnessing the downfall of everything he holds dear, and then finally…finally he acknowledges your value. knowing that all your success as a ship captain is attributed to the man who didn’t or couldn’t give you shit else. trying to compensate for decades-old wounds. all of this and he can still barely stand to meet your eyes. GOD.
another illicit rhaenicent scene! so much sexual potential and they just keep squandering it!
but seriously, that scene was insane. alicent has completely given up. “here, have the castle. take king’s landing. i’ll open the door for you. fuck, take my son too, take it all.”
all of their relationship encapsulated in a single conversation! everything boiled down to its base essence: i clung to honor and tradition and resented you because you didn’t, and now i’ve done some of the same things i always judged you for and i’ve realized it doesn’t matter. i just want this all to end.
that’s it, guys! that’s their whole dynamic! hell, that’s the whole show basically! but it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late! it’s too late!
someone redesign the sigil of house targaryen as a dragon eating its own tail and wrap this shit up
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star-girl69 · 2 years
My Heart Never Knows
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: i just wanted to clarify that yes, we are jumping around, but things like kisre having her seizure and the tulkun returning are still gonna happen. i hope you all enjoy!!
(also i think that for this series that jake’s favorite thing to do is to sleep with y/n like literally just on top of him like babygirl wants to be SUFFOCATED)
warnings: swearing, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Fourteen- We Are Storms
“Mama? Can I please go to the beach with Kisre?”
Your mother was sort of everything all at once. A mediator, an aggressor, a lover, a fighter. You thought she was so much like you. You thought the two of you were storms, the eyes matching, swirling the same way.
But, you were not born first. Unless your sister died, you would never amount to anything in her eyes. You would never be Tsahìk, never hold a position of power beyond being Ronal’s sister, her daughter.
And for that reason, she thought, why waste her time on you?
Maybe she saw it as a mercy, to let you live how you pleased, while your sister was stuck inside training.
Maybe she just did not like you. You were not even the spare- you were simply just there.
Not too big, not too small, taking up just the right amount of attention and space. Sweet and kind, a good friend like Kisre to keep you occupied. Keep you away from disrupting.
She looks up from the bowl she is stirring, while Ronal stands next to her, eyes watering in the face of the steaming pot.
“Yes,” she says, only sparing you a glance. “Be back before eclipse.”
Then, as if snapped out of a trance, Ronal looks up.
“Can I go too? Please, Mama? You said I made that healing tonic perfectly.”
Now, your mother looks at Ronal, staring at her as if she is the stupidest girl on the planet.
“There is always more to learn.”
Kisre frowns when you emerge alone. She misses Ronal. You miss Ronal. Ronal says she misses you too- you feel her climb into your hammock each night, exhausted from a day of training.
You sleepily tell her about your day, and she runs her hands through your hair, untangling whatever style it was in, and always says how she wishes she could have been there.
You and Kisre drop a shell into the sea, time who can reach it faster. But when you laugh and shout, there is a voice missing.
When Neytiri runs her hands through your hair, it is not the same.
It still feels nice, of course. Still makes you feel warm in your stomach, loved and safe. Protected and happy.
Jake is pressed against your back like a wall, like armor, arm around your waist, and you know no one will hurt you.
Nights are not lonely. Days are not either.
The suns shines bright and burns your eyes, but you find it hard to look at your reflection in the water. You prefer the stormy days, you think. When the water is too choppy to see much.
They want you to talk, Jake and Neytiri, and you can tell each night there is words on their lips, but you say you don’t want to so they don’t.
It wasn’t hard to forgive Jake.
He was your mate, and you loved him, knew him. You See him. He made a mistake, got caught up in the moment, but you realize he is just a storm like you.
You can’t blame him for that.
Tears had filled your eyes when you came back to their mauri, and Tuk had frowned and cupped her hands around her lips, sucking in the air around you before setting it free. When she asked if that took the pain away, you smiled at said it did. A small lie was nothing compared to what you felt.
Jake had apologized like you were a goddess he had upset, speaking and staring at you with such reverence the stars must have been in your eyes.
You forgave him when he kissed your temple.
Neytiri had still smacked him, of course, called him skxawng, and it had managed to bring a small smile to your face.
You have learned that, with a family like this, the days past quick.
Tuk is still so young, when Jake had explained that you were her new mother, she had simply smiled and called you mom the next day.
When she saw the tears fall down your face, she tried to breathe away your pain again, and it took everything in you not cry more, to try and explain to her that they were happy tears.
That, you have found, is the foundation of family. Happiness.
Kiri was also quick to accept you; provided that you kept making those biscuits she liked so much.
Lo’ak was easy to bond with, once he saw how much he parents loved you, and how he could talk to you about Payakan without judgment. He liked learning more about the tulkun, and you told him stories of you and your soul sister, and he would only wistfully look off onto the sea and asked what happened next.
Neteyam was still stiff, but like Lo’ak, he saw how much his parents loved you, how much his sister liked you, and he slowly softened. (Besides, he did dream about those biscuits.)
Jake and Neytiri are simply pure joy, always smiling, seeing you spend time with the children. They always smile when they get to introduce you as their wife, and your lives before each other have quickly bled into one.
Tsireya and Ao’nung come for dinner, Kisre does as well, proclaiming that all the children must call her Aunt Kisre.
She jokes that Jake and Neytiri should be eternally grateful to her, seeing as she was the one to help you realize everything you felt for them.
(They always roll their eyes with a smile on their faces.)
Tonowari says he is most happy for you, and Ronal pretend she doesn’t know you.
You understand that she feels betrayed. But she is still your sister.
“Bye, Y/N!”
“Ah- Lo’ak- aren’t you still grounded?”
He stops at the threshold of the mauri, cursing to himself before turning to you with a smile.
“Yes you are!” Tuk shouts accusingly, looking over from where she sits in the hammock, laughing while you sweep the floor beneath her.
“Sorry,” you say, brushing dust and dirt from the floor into a pile. “A few more days, right?”
“I guess,” he mumbles, coming back into the mauri to sit on the floor. He grabs his knife and a stone, sharpens it wordlessly.
He is a storm, like you, so much like you, and you sigh as you watch him. The sun is starting to fall in the sky, and you had thought about making dinner tonight.
“What’s your favorite dinner?”
He looks up, wide eyes. “What?”
“Your favorite dinner. I was going to make dinner tonight anyways- so what’s your favorite?”
“Oooo! Can I help you cook?”
“You weren’t already?” you ask with a smile, sitting next to Tuk. She smiles, legs kicking, looking at Lo’ak expectantly to find out what you’ll be cooking.
He still looks surprised, almost as if he never expected somebody to ask him something like this before. “Uh… roasted sturmbeest, I guess.”
“Then I’ll make that.”
You turn back to Tuk, preparing to tell her about all you’ll need to do, when the brief moment of silence is filled by another.
“Thank you, Y/N,” he says, and your name is odd coming from him.
@sully-stick-together @corrupt-cadaver420 @jadynchronicle @imthefunniestpersonalive @fangil101 @mashiromochi @rey26 @soothinghummerz @myheartfollower @pwallettes @melodykisses @ghoulfiendz @fanboyluvr @itsyaspwr @khaleesihavilliard @capbrie @nothingfuninthislife @faceaeter @thetrashindrakensroom @makeup-stuff-and-such @my-dearest-agent @miyamuraaaa @xoxovienna @arschbohrer @amazingaries @ssc7514 @milf-lover-23 @w3ird11 @littlexscarletxwitch @tiajk @kuldren @blackgirlwriting @tojigirl @trulyrogers @aeslenya @3okutos-3ig-toe @peterparkeeperer @ambria @homeispandora @hxgemxscles @ripnevillestrevor @amiets2 @reallysparklychaos @ok-boke @dumb-fawkin-bitch @nerd-squad-headquarters @abaker74 @ara-a-bird
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lostgracestories · 13 days
Hi, it's me again! I just read through the daughter hc (and all others cuz I'm so normal for Morgott) and I had a random ahh scene in my mind!
Imagine if his daughter got her father's elegance and her mother's (let's just say... brashness.)
Just imagine the curses she'll utter like, "Thy mother is a bi—" (or smth like that.)
(i swear it's funnier in my head)
I am gifting you this mini fic for this idea <3 (I gave the daughter a name, hope y'all don't mind <3) also, not proofread!
quick sidenote: Scullion is a servant of the lowliest tasks and is often used as an insult akin to degeneracy
wc: 406 tw: language warning
Bold Elegance
Ariah was a bold child, and Morgott was none the wiser to this. She ALWAYS wore an innocent facade around him. Today, however, that would change. And certainly not intentionally.
Their family was no stranger to cruel names and stares accompanied by unkind whispers. Ariah could only ever put up with so much of it. If it was directed toward her, that was fine. But the moment she heard a snicker followed with her mother being called a whore for having children with an omen... oh boy...
Ariah completely forgot that she was in the market with her father as she whipped around to face the aggressor, her nostrils flared and her pupils restricted. The words fell off her lips before she could even think. How dare they accuse her mother of such a thing?!
"Thy tongue is sullied by such words, one wouldst think thou wert a scullion! Prithee, speak of mine mother in such a manner again and I shall rip thy nasty lips from thy face, bastard-"
The shocked expression that flashed over her father's face was priceless. Where on EARTH had she learned to speak this way? He quickly grabbed her by the ear and pulled her away. While he was a doting father, he was equally as strict. He would not stand for his daughter using such foul language. As he pulled her out of sight, he let go of her ear and folded his arms over his chest, an unamused expression, bordering disappointment, written in his features.
"Where, pray tell, hast thou learned to speak in such a manner?!"
Morgott questioned her, his face screwed up with distaste at the thought.
"Thou art royalty, thy words are disgraceful for such a standing!"
Although Morgott hated scolding his daughter, he attempted to keep himself steeled with authority. It was so hard when he watched the way his daughter shrunk away from him and averted her gaze. He had to remind himself that he had centuries of time to grow accustomed to the colorful insults people spread about him, she was merely a teenager she did not have such experience under her belt. Morgott let out a quiet sigh.
"And yet I am reminded that thou art simply a child... I shall extend thee grace but once. Do not let this occur again, understood?"
Ariah nodded slowly, relieved that no punishment would befall her... Oh, he was so wrapped around her finger...
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sublieu · 1 year
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synopsis: "Don't prank your significant others by feeding them aphrodisiac laced goodies."
references: none
word count: 1.0k words
cont. warning: Feral! Azure, Chubby/Plus sized reader, established relationship, fear play, size difference, possible voyeurism, creampie, manhandling, cervix fucking, multiple orgasms, getting caught, growling *mostly from Azure*
mutuals/friends: @chimemori @zuzuthesnake
𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬┆"All creations/edits belong to ©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ;𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝"┆Do not retranslate, republish orcopy this work without permission
𝙉𝙤𝙬 𝙇𝙤𝙖𝙙𝙞𝙣𝙜...
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A scream erupts from your throat as you ran into the forest, hearing your aggressor chase after you as he chases you not too far behind; Your legs wanted to give up, your throat hurts and you were tired but your adrenaline refused to weaken the closer Azure got. His claws almost caught the collar of your shirt hadn't you jumped over the ditch.
As soon as you took a break you whip your neck around to get a good look at him, his eyes glowing and baring teeth sharper than knives as he backs away. Giving you time to take a breather before sitting down on a log nearby; Your clothes are torn and tattered with blood, sweat, and dirt.
Until you heard a thud and saw his glowing pink eyes make eye contact with you.
You attempt to run but are immediately yanked back onto the cold dirt. Your pupils dilated and your heart pulsed faster when he lets out a low growl as he gets to your eye level and puts his head on your neck, taking in your scent and purring against your chest; You were confused but grateful he had the mercy to not kill you when you scratch his ears.
His large claws held onto your chubby waist and tear away at your already torn-up robes, his claws digging slightly and leaving a possible bruise on your thighs; His frame towered over you, making you seem small underneath him as he blows smoke from his nose.
It was terrifying how you could barely see his body, only his glowing eyes told you where he could be looking as his claw cupped one of your breasts. Gently pulling off your panties and kissing your legs as he held them over his shoulder; Pressing his tongue against your clit and staring into your eyes before as a purr left his throat.
Your fingers were lost in his mane as you saw black spots for in your eyes, muttering out curses under your breath and begging for a release when his tongue entered your pussy. Slick and drool seeping from his lips and between your thighs onto his lap before pulling away and kissing your clit.
Azure pumps his cock a few times before guiding your hips to his, applying pressure against your walls with his cock as he enters slowly. Your small chubby hands would dig into his arms when the tip pressed against your cervix's entrance.
His claws held onto your waist as he starts off slowly, closing his eyes as you kiss his forehead when your gentle hands pet his ears; Your moans fueling him on to go faster as his claws dig tighter into your skin, possibly leaving marks.
"There there, it's ok, I'm here" You hiss as he pressed his head on your neck, his claws unrelenting and almost tearing your skin before gently holding onto his hand to relax. Breathing out the air you unconsciously held in once he stops, purrs escaping his throat the more you keep rubbing his ears and chin.
Azure turns you over and continues his quickened pace, groans and whines emitted from his throat as you saw stars before he pulls you by your hair to his chest. Chuckling as hearts formed in his eyes the longer he stares at your smaller figure, knowing fully well that if you both wanted to he would give you babies.
The repeated sounds of slapping also drew attention to you, as two more celestials were nearby when they heard your ruckus and set out to look for the perpetrators that were keeping them up so late; Your husbands arms held onto you for balance and assurance that you were there for him even through this troublesome 'rut' he developed after eating your freshly baked goodies for him.
'Don't prank your significant others by feeding them aphrodisiac laced goodies y/n.' Chang'e warns as she prepared for her next show before giving you a basket to pack up your items. You lied to her but still give them to your husband due to the fact that you believed he wouldn't react so badly in response.
And now you knew to never try a stunt like this again, especially feeling his cock go deeper inside your womb. Fucking you as if to breed you full of his babies; Babbling over his dick as it kept going deeper and deeper, cumming over his cock as he kept thrusting.
His eyes softened as his grip on you started to tighten again, his cock aching and desperate already for a release the tighter you squeeze against him as your orgasm was coming soon again; Black spots flooding your vision once more as tears poured from your eyes.
Finally after waiting presumably hours he finally came, fucking you through his orgasm as your legs started shaking and your arms falling to the floor out of tiredness. His cock stuck inside as he kept pumping more cum to your womb.
"Did you get all that?" "Mhm, sure did"
Your eyes snapped open when you heard two more voices pop up and look around, The two simians waving their hand to your before popping out of the bushes. "Were you filming this entire time?" You peer at their phones as one of them laugh, Hadn't Azure been stuck to you they would've lost their heads before hearing more footsteps from out the bushes; Peng and Huang peeping out a tree with unreadable expressions.
Macaque covers you both with a blanket he carried and shooed the two albino animals away as Wukong gave you some water and fruit he was eating. "You kinda have to admit.. That was pretty hot."
"Fuck you Wukong"
©𝐒𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐮 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ;𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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“La Audiencia Nacional ha aceptado buena parte de las pruebas solicitadas por Rubiales y el resto de partes, incluida una pericial en lectura de labios de lo que el exdirigente federativo pronunció "antes de besar" a la futbolista, según el auto” 🤮
We already know how this story will end. The evil bald will be seen as the victim and will be acquitted for what he did at the World Cup. Because a judge who admits images where you can only read the aggressor's lips where he clearly makes an exclamation and not a question from the tone of voice should make it clear how the story will end.
hey, let's not lose all hope! remember that marca is an unofficial mouthpiece of rfef and will always show the federation in the best light possible. so take everything they write as biased. they have been kissing rubiales' ass for years. 🙃
remember that rubiales is facing jail time in this trial, so he will try and present as strong a defense as he can. in cases judges accept and reject evidence all the time. and according the article, the judge also rejected some evidences from rubiales too, so i'm going to wait and see what happens with the decision.
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so the marca article doesn't say that montse will be giving live testimony. rather it says that they will be using the 'statements' that montse and some of the others already gave. and that testimony was recorded after all. but let's say that montse becomes a live witness, she can't all of a sudden contradict what she said before. that's a big no-no in legal cases.
but yes, it's going to be an incredibly difficult and stressful time for jenni, and i'm glad she has a strong support system around her to help her get through it.
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shentheauthor · 1 year
I see your headcanons on the Harbingers receiving flowers from their S/O, and raise you headcanons on how the Harbingers react to someone threatening their S/O? 🤭
This one is funny bc most of them would respond with MURDER GKBKKEKGKSKGKKSKGK
Fr tho— warning for violence & blood
He will threaten that person right back lmao
Imagine this tall ass man standing behind you
And just glaring the mf down
“Any business you have with them, you can take up with me.”
He will at least give them a warning to stop before banishing them or hurting them
If it happens again, or if they don’t back down, that person can kiss being alive goodbye
He will wrap you in blankets to comfort you after
Not the worst, tbh. 9/10 for handling the situation
He will just stand behind you menacingly
The person threatening you can FEEL his glare behind his helmet
If the person is too cocky and thinks they can get away with it, all cap needs to do is put a hand on his claymore (claymore cap real), and that person will stop
If they STILL don’t back down, again, they can say goodbye to living. Cap knows about 400 ways to kill a man, and he will use them all
Wraps you in his big ol arms after
“Do let me know if anyone dares to threaten you again” (with murderous intent)
Oh no
You will have to hold him back /srs
“Oh my god zandik I can handle this—“
“I know, but I am in need of a new test subject at the moment :)”
He won’t even give a warning
All the segments are on that person like fire on dry leaves
All that will be left is a pile of bones
At least you’ll get a bunch of hugs after…? Maybe ask them all to clean the blood out of their coats first…
She will also just stand there, menacingly
She’ll actually be even more effective than capitano
She has a strange aura to her, and it really creeps people out
She’ll hold your hand and stare with a soft smile that holds an ocean’s worth of malice
Gently strokes your hair/head after and apologizes if she scared you, bc she knows she can be scary
You’ll never be scared of her tho, she would never hurt you
Violence immediately
Not quite as brutal as Dottore, but she will slap that mf so damn hard they see Jesus
Not even Celestia, straight up Jesus. She will slap them so hard they see a Christian deity.
She’ll kick them for good measure if they don’t stop
“Call me immediately if something like this happens again, dear”
She knows you can handle yourself, but she will not stand for anyone threatening her partner
If you ever think I’m gonna leave out my favorite gnome, you are WRONG /lh
Abuse of power woooooo 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Fr tho, he will also give a warning, like Pierro. He tries to solve situations with diplomacy, so he will direct that person’s wrath toward him.
“Any business you have with them can be taken up with me. What exactly do you want?”
If the person refuses to listen and continues to fight…
He can and will have that person thrown out of Snezhnaya violently
Or even in jail
Essentially if he sees them as a genuine threat to your safety, he isn’t taking any chances
He is certainly not above using his position to his advantage
Oh no (pt 2)
He will also jump straight to violence, but differently flavored than arle and dott
He will verbally stomp the aggressor into the ground before doing it literally
“Awfully bold of a pitiful, pathetic little worm like you to even go near gods like my partner and I”
He will have the mf begging for mercy, and he will give them none
They don’t deserve it
When they’re gone, he’ll turn to you and scold you (affectionately)
“Next time, you better handle this yourself. You’re strong and smart enough to deal with trash like this on your own.”
He says that like he won’t defend you every time without fail
Oh no (pt 3)
There is no hope for the person threatening you I’m sorry
You won’t even see her coming before her “dolls” absolutely obliterate that person
I’m talking completely gone except for a red stain on the wall
“They don’t deserve the honor of becoming a doll”
You’re lucky she hasn’t turned you into a doll yet, but at least for now she wants to keep you alive
She treats you shockingly gently after
Offers to brush your hair, or if you don’t have hair or don’t like your hair being touched, she will ask to play dress up with you
Yea she kinda treats you like a doll gjejgkekgkekgk
But it’s ok, at least you aren’t a test subject /hj
The final “oh no”
She already lost one s/o, she isn’t gonna let that happen to you
Kicks that mf like she kicked venti
Literally just beats their ass and switches to soft mode so fast after
“Are you alright, dear?”
Man I’d give up all my limbs to be able to cuddle her
He doesn’t like to get his hands dirty
So he will simply ruin them financially
Literally. He’ll get them fired and bar them from having unemployment benefits.
Blood and tears baby
If the person manages to actually hurt you, THEN the gloves are coming off
Pantalone will beat them half to death /srs
He doesn’t *like* to get his hands dirty, but he sure will if he has to
Buys you expensive things as a reward for putting up with that bullshit
“If anything like this happens again, treasure, let me know and I’ll take care of it”
Sugar daddy hours
Shockingly not an “oh no”
Don’t get me wrong, he will still be hella violent, but he won’t kill the guy
He’ll challenge them to a duel
He will win, and that person will be in the hospital for months
If the person declines the duel, he’ll go “no biggie” and threaten them right back.
“If you come near my partner again, I will drain the water from your body and feed you to the wolves”
And he will VERY clearly mean it
If the person has a death wish and keeps harassing you, they’ll just disappear without a trace
Contrary to popular opinion, he doesn’t actually like killing people that he wasn’t specifically instructed to, especially if they can’t fight back
But protecting the people he loves is more important
Cuddles you and makes you some bangin’ soup as comfort
I stand by the idea that he would be the best partner of all of them
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milder-manners · 4 months
Which challenge was your favorite from Dream? (I'd say bar manhunt but maybe it's actually not your n°1)
I personnaly really liked the random item challenge and the death swap
- V
(Manhunt is def my n1, don't worry I'm pretty standard)
My non-manhunt favorites change pretty often but at the moment ...
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Minecraft Random Item Challenge VS 2 Hunters my Beloved!!
Like you V, I fricking love this video. The Drama, the unintentional thematic items, the situational comedy, (the story fic potential)!!
The video starts off with pretty standard stakes, Sapnap and George vs Dream. An unfair match, but no one’s upset, the audience knows how easily Dream can turn the tables if the circumstances turn juuust right. And despite what the title says, Dream is a Hunter like Sapnap and George. They all only have one life, and are fighting to the death.
But then, not even 5 min in, the power levels get completely skewed. George and Sapnap both receive diamond weapons and George gets a diamond chestplate, and Dream gets his iconic turtle helmet. Suddenly, the fight becomes a chase, and Dream has to run for his life until a new item spawns in to even the tides. (He finds a ruined portal underwater, and inside its chest is a flint and steel.)
Dream then gets some good armor and a trident, and the dynamics change once again.
The video kind of takes a turn for the comedic here. It’s a 2v1, yet Dream becomes the aggressor. He’s starts initiating fights, the one who chases down Sapnap and George with his dozen tridents, and it’s the duo who begins running off, building up a tower to get away. And this goes on even when George gets netherite boots and chest plates, and Sapnap gets an elytra and rockets; they still mostly engage in guerrilla tactics to basically harass Dream. Dream literally begins yelling at them to come here and fight him.
And that tickles me so much because this is basically a culmination of how the manhunts conditioned George and Sapnap to treat Dream; a guy who’ll prevail against all odds.
And this over precaution is what ultimately does them in in the end. It gave Dream enough time and space to prepare a TNT trap that kills them all.
Man, it’s such a fun video. I didn’t even mention all the little moments between everyone, like “OH GEORGE” “IT’S OH SAPNAP!”, “You have better stuff than us” “Pff—how?”, “George, I know you can’t drive but you need to do a u-turn baby”; and how the items eventually gained a theme with each hunter, creating a pseudo narrative of a sky spirit and rock/metal spirit harassing a sea spirit. It’s such a good mix of tense competition, and silly fun.
Minecraft Hostage Simulator
Another 2v1 video but also a muffinteers video! This one is such a classic for me, I genuinely hope they revisit this one.
The gradual development of Bad becoming a complete menace. The long trek of the horn passing between George and Sapnap and eventually to Bad. That hilarious point in the Nether where the two beat the shit out of Bad while he hangs off the cliff as retaliation. Dream embracing his inner trickster archetype, setting a deal with Bad with specific conditions to loophole around them. Sapnap and George pulling off that incredible boat trick and snatching Bad from Dream. Dream getting murdered by dolphins, a complete turnaround from their usual grace. The dynamic shifting midway in the video to a 3v1 when the Hunters decide to work together to Get Bad.
And that epic fight/chase after the Nether!!! Oh My God!!
The improvisation, the lying, the music with the chase, the buildup of tension from the editing! The sudden introduction of the reason behind Bad being a hostage was that he’s a sacrifice to feed the dragon?!?! Chefs kiss. Incredible ten out of ten.
Again, I hope this video comes back but with a way for Bad to win. He was literally the star of this show.
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