#and last night i was also like that i dont wanna like shout it out to my grandparents and extended family (yet)
kathrynmjaneway · 9 months
i came out to my parents last night 😄
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rainyvalentines · 6 months
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pairings…clarisse la rue x daughter of apollo
description…clarisse is unable to find reader but she finds her in a weird position
warnings…none just fluff
w/c…591 words 3138 characters
a/n…i do apologize if this isnt the best this is my first fanfic! idk how but i randomly got motivation to write this at like 12 am. hope this is alright! 💗💗
Clarisse just came from training which lasted a few hours. She came to find you in your regular spot, the strawberry fields. As she looked around she couldn’t see you, she had started to panic and went back to the camp to check the Apollo cabin. She knocked which one of the Apollo kids opened the door.
“Do you know where y/n is? She isn’t in the strawberry fields.” Her voice sounded panicked and worried.
“I’m not sure, try to check the forest she’s sometimes out there!”
“Alright thank you.” She quickly walked off into the forest. She started to shout your name is hopes of you responding. “Y/N!”
She started to run through the forest. The next second she had heard your voice. “Clarisse..?” Your voice sounded incredibly tired as if you woke up.
“Y/N? Where are you!”
“Up here!”
Clarisse looked up and saw you on a tree branch. “What are you doing up there?”
“I dont know just felt like it”
“Come down!”
You hopped down. She held you tightly “At least tell me before climbing trees?”
“I promise I will” You reach into your tote bag and pull out a mushroom. “I found this! It reminded me of you!”
“Oh thank you princess, I love it.” She softly kissed your cheek
“You’re welcome! I also make you a flower crown!” You grab the crown and hand it to her. “I couldn’t find the flowers you liked so I hope these will do.”
“They work just fine for me, do you wanna go back into camp?”
“Sure! Can I braid your hair again? It looks a little messy now.”
“Of course” She smiled softly at you and held your hand.
You both got back to camp and it was time for dinner so you went to your table which was usually with all the Ares kids. Even though your father was Apollo, after a lot of convincing Chrion let you sit with Clarisse.
Your hands run through her hair as a makeshift brush. You start you braid her hair into a french braid since those were your favorite to do. Once you’ve finished you make sure it’s perfect before telling her.
“All done! I think you look great!”
“Thank you princess” She smiles at you. “Do you want me to walk you back to your cabin after dinner?”
“I’d like that!” You start to eat your food while everyone around you talks. It was a nice moment, being in a place you love, beside your favorite person. The weather was perfect and you had found a lot of mushrooms.
“You done?” Clarisse tapped your thigh softly.
“Alright come on sweetheart.” She stands up and holds her hand out to help you up. You both already made your offerings to the gods so you were free to leave.
As you walk away the sounds of all the campers got quieter and the night became calm. Everything felt still but alive as if in a movie.
“You alright?” Clarisse asked
“Oh yeah! Just zoned out!” You smile at her
“Alright you just went quiet”
“Sorry didn’t mean to, just thinking!”
“It’s alright sweetheart.” She kisses your cheek.
You arrive at the Apollo cabin and she opens the door for you.
“Goodnight princess, see you tomorrow.” She kisses you softly but lovingly.
“Goodnight! Love you!” You close the door and get changed. As you flop onto your bunk thoughts of Clarisse flood your mind. How did I win her?
Soon sleep floods your senses and you melt into your sheets.
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armpirate · 8 months
OMGG!!! The only one was so amazing just wanna say thank u again 💗
Also can u pls also make a part story of them when YN gets pregnet and jk reaction?!!! 😬 also have them smut like they say sex with while pregnet are more better than it was , idk how far its true but well its up to u how it will ended up , well dont mind my requset just do what u like, even if u didnt want its okay ✌
Full story
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pairing: TheOnlyOne!JK x fem!reader || Mafia
w.c.: 3.6k
Warnings: mention of vomit, smut, dirty talk, pregnancy sex, voyeurism, female masturbation
Aprox. time of reading: 16 minutes
The environment was too heavy. The loud voices around the table, the fake laughs, the momentary shouts to give more emphasis to what they were saying... and certainly the way your stomach felt like you had been rolling on yourself for hours didn't help. Your husband's hand never left your thigh under the table, aware of the way your frown was slightly furrowed and your lips twisted in disgust.
"Doll, are you okay?" Jungkook asked for the third time that night, leaning over you to whisper in your ear.
"Yeah, I don't know" you shook your head, gulping thick. "I think I might be getting sick or something. It's okay" you patted his hand, caressing the tattoos on his fingers.
Jungkook smiled, taking your answer before he laid a kiss on your exposed shoulder and joined one of the conversations back.
It was so weird.
For a few days, you had been feeling queasy, losing appetite over food you'd have lost your mind over months back, feeling dizzy at random moments of the day -especially in the morning. It was shocking how your stamina seemed to last less, to the point that you'd fall asleep in places you would've never thought of. It wasn't like being in the hotel was the most entertaining thing for you, but it certainly wasn't as boring for you to end up sleeping on Jungkook's desk while you worked on some documents.
As much as you had tried to find that little thing that might've made your stomach upset, and influenced the way your body was working, you couldn't find anything out of usual.
"Earth calling Y/n" Jin joked, bringing you back to the conversation. "Are we so boring for you to ignore us?" he he reproached, pointing at you with the fork.
"I don't even know why you're surprised. She married Jungkook, at the end of the day" you heard Yoongi tease him back, licking his lips before he gave a sip of his drink filled with wine.
Jungkook's grip on your thigh tightened, drawing your eyes on him just so you could assure him for the fourth time that night that you were okay. Your soft smile was all he needed to relax again, and move back to allow the waiters to serve the food in front of you.
You didn't know if it was the way the fish was cooked, but you felt disgusted by its odor as soon as the plate was settled ahead of you.
"Y/n, are you okay? You look a bit pale" dared to ask, giving you a concerned look.
"Yes, I'm okay. It's just..." the sentence was interrupted by a gag reflex that you managed to stop before it was too obvious. Although you could only hold on to the noise from it, because the uncomfortable feeling stayed there for a second until you felt your stomach preparing for the second one "I'm sorry".
The chair squeaking under you, at the sudden movement to drag it away from the table to run away from there, made everyone look up to you. Until then, most of the people around the oval table were minding their business, but you made sure that attention would fall on Jungkook after your dramatic exit.
There wasn't anything as distressing as feeling the bile going up your throat until you were forced to take it out, kneeling in front of a toilet in the nearest restroom to the private room you all were in. For a few seconds, you dealt with your bangs and some locks making their way in front of your face, while you tried to keep the balance, until someone else got in charge of them. You'd recognize that gentle touch anywhere else, as he picked the hair that was bothering you with one hand and comforted you with the other on your back.
One last gag, one last spit, and you thought you were done. Your breathing was a bit faster from the effort, your eyes felt teary and you didn't want to imagine how bad you probably looked at that moment.
He handed you some paper, so you could clean your mouth as he flushed the toilet and waited for you to recover. He was squatting next to you, giving you that worried look that you recognized. Only one dangerous word from you, and he'd be setting the whole place on fire.
"Don't give me those eyes" you warned him, sighing as you sat on the top of the toilet.
"What eyes?" his tone sounded exhausting, and his body language was giving away how frustrated he actually was when he tilted his head.
"The eyes of someone who's about to kill somebody"
"Good, because I want to kill somebody" he replied. "You've been feeling bad all night. Or, let's better say, you've done well at pretending you were fine until now" he clicked his tongue. "What did you eat? Did you drink or eat something out of home? Did any of the food you ate this week taste weird?" he started asking, placing a hand subtly on your knee.
"I promise I'm okay" you insisted.
But that sentence most probably translated into something else in his brain. Jungkook stood up, extending his hand in front of you to help you get up.
Taking a deep breath, you got up from the place where you were sitting, feeling his fingers intertwining yours as he walked you outside. But instead of turning left to go back to the private area, he turned right, walking towards the exit. "Jungkook, the dinner..." you tried to stop him.
"Fuck the dinner" he huffed, "I'm taking you to the hospital".
It didn't matter how many times you insisted you were okay, his paranoia was winning the argument against you, and the slightest chance of you being poisoned some time in the week made all of his alarms blast at full volume in his head.
Jungkook insisted on you getting checked the first time you fell asleep next to him during one of the meetings. The next time was when you tripped on your feet when you went dizzy for a second. And that night was the last straw he needed to put a stop to your stubbornness.
You hated hospitals. The smell, the feeling of never being okay... you just couldn't stand being in those places. And the fact that you were dragged to one had you fuming all the way there, even if Jungkook tried to convince you that it was something you needed. It didn't matter how hard you wanted to stay mad, one look into his sparkly rounded eyes as he whispered that he'd feel relieved if he saw everything was okay and you were fumbled.
The doctor's first words after you got your tests done got you and Jungkook looking at each other, confused.
"When was the last time you had your period?" he asked, looking at you over his pasty squared glasses.
You pressed your lips together, trying to remember, and realizing you should've had your period two weeks back. It wasn't like your period was regular, but you never had delays of more than a week.
"A month ago" you whispered, with your voice lowering with every letter you pronounced.
"Everything is fine with your body, mrs. Jeon" he scoffed. "Really fine, actually".
As he handed you the papers with all of the results, you were sure your knowledge in Korean was deceiving you, inviting Jungkook to read them himself when he was aware of the shocked expression on your face.
"Positive" he whispered.
"Hmm. Yeah, it seems like that food that didn't sit well is actually a baby" the doctor joked. "Congratulations" he celebrated for the two of you, "or I'm sorry, I don't know".
You walked out first, bowing to him as you tried your best to walk on those heels when you were barely able to keep up with the weight of your own body. Jungkook read the results as he walked behind you, unbelieving of what his eyes were seeing.
"Y/n" he called you.
The tears in your eyes started rolling down your cheeks as you turned to him, being the only way to make that pressure on your chest feel a bit lighter. He hugged you tight, wrapping his arms around your body while you held onto his waist and hid your face on his chest.
"Shh" he tried to calm you down, moving his fingers through your locks.
"I'm pregnant" you whispered within hiccups. "We're going to have a kid".
If it weren't because, after three years of marriage, he knew you so well, he'd have thought that was bad news for you. Jungkook smiled against your temple, hugging you tighter and encouraging you to sob a bit louder.
Getting pregnant was an idea you got rid from throughout the years, it stopped being a topic of discussion between you two after several arguments where you felt insecure and undeserving of him, while he fought to show you the opposite. You had gone through different therapies, only to end up with the same disappointment every time. So seeing that "Positive" in your results was the closest you had ever been to witnessing a miracle.
"We're pregnant" you moved back, repeating it while looking him in the eyes.
"I know" Jungkook nodded, moving the locks away from your face and wiping the tears away as he stared into your bright eyes.
He had known you for quite some time, but he swore he hadn't seen the way his universe reflected in your eyes as clearly as it did that night.
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You were lying in the middle of your bed, looking up at him as he joined you in your bedroom after taking a shower and changing his suit for some comfortable clothes. You managed to deal with some of the shared responsibility that came along with Bangtan, until your belly started to grow enough to make it impossible for you to barely move. For your safety, and his mental peace, Jungkook came up with the idea of you staying at home -with him only leaving whenever he was actually needed somewhere. But, most of the time, it was Jungkook orbiting around you and pleasing your needs before you could even be vocal about them.
That day, he had to take a morning trip to Seoul, forcing him to spend most of his day outside -which translated in him being present through texts or video calls several times throughout the day, until he managed to go back home.
He sat behind you, extending his legs around your hips so you were almost trapped in his body when his chest rested on your back and his chin on your shoulder.
"How are my two precious treasures doing?" his voice sounded muffled against your skin, with the vibrations tickling on your skin and making your body squirm with a giggle.
"Treasure number one is okay" you assured about yourself, "While treasure number two keeps making it clear he wants to be as a restless ass as his father" you joked.
"That's my boy" he cheered, receiving a playful jab on his stomach from you.
Still smiling, Jungkook leaned to kiss the curve of your shoulder over one of his oversized t-shirt, slowly moving up to your neck. You know he didn't do it with any intention of taking it further, they were more like caring pecks, but your body reacted to them as if he had dug through one of the most erogenous corners in your body.
"What?" he inquired, looking at you over your shoulder.
"Nothing" you tried to shrug it off, caressing his hands that almost covered your whole belly.
"Is it because I did..." he gave another kiss, making sure his lips would be in contact with your skin as he reached the collar of his t-shirt "this?".
"Kook" you warned him.
You didn't know if it were going crazy, or if it was because Jungkook had barely touched you that way ever since the belly started growing a significant amount, that made him be concerned of the slightest move you could make -which translated in more than two months going no further than some make out sessions that always left you over the edge. And while you appreciated how caring he was, it was driving you insane the distance he set for you two.
"Don't start something you won't finish" you asked him, tilting your head.
"Hmm, who said I won't finish it?" he challenged, rubbing his lips over the arch of your ear. After dropping a kiss on the sensitive skin behind it, he whispered "I know I said I would try to keep my hands to myself, but I can't do it anymore".
He moved his legs under yours, hooking your knees with his to pull them apart.
"How bad do you want me?" you teased, encouraged by the way his hands advanced over your inner thighs at a slow pace.
"Well, you have no idea of the many times I've ended up jerking off in the bathroom after seeing you naked, I think that should...".
A loud chuckle interrupted him, having you pushing him and kicking his arm "It'd have been enough just saying that you want me bad".
"I want you so bad, baby" he purred against your lips.
Shutting the moan that was coming out of your mouth at the sudden touch of his cold fingers with your folds, Jungkook linked your lips together. Your hips reacted automatically to his touch, grinding against his digits when they found their way to your clit, and that gentle rub made you ascend to the seventh heaven, squirming at every small touch he was giving you. Thatconstant sway of hips was also pushing him to the limit, feeling your ass pressing against his hard dick every time you tried to reach for tighter fictions against his fingerprints.
"You're so wet" he mumbled against your lips, tracing your lips with his tongue before he kissed you again. "How did I even think going without fucking you for months?".
"Because you're a dumbass" you gasped, back arching at the sudden throb in your core.
"Are you going to cum so fast?" his mocking tone only added fuel to the fire that was starting in your lower stomach, and that had you pulling the sheets underneath your feet away.
"Kook, please" the barely powerful fear of him leaving you hanging had you begging before you had to, making him scoff.
"I got you, babe" he assured, lowering his left hand from your neck to one of your breasts, softly pressing the palm of his hands against the hard nipple. "Cum for me, hmm? Get yourself ready, because you'll be coming on my cock next".
His lewd words were the final push you needed to let yourself go, embracing that desperate feeling that you were craving so much for the past few weeks, losing any type of control all over your body and letting the pleasure speak by itself when your back arched against his chest in sync with a whine.
You still thought Jungkook was messing with you, and that he'd help you clean yourself and change clothes as he helped you stand up and started undressing you. But his fingers moved over your skin as if he wanted to set you on fire again, rubbing the reverse of his digits every time he tried to pull one of the fabrics away.
"We'll be careful" his eyes looked deep into yours, as if he were promising his reflection that you'd both take it easy, rather than you. "We don't want to hurt Ujin".
You had many questions, started by that name, but you thought it was something to discuss later and keep the focus on what you two wanted to do.
Jungkook guided you back towards the bed, helping you move over the mattress until you laid on your side. He joined next to you right after, pinching your chin and kissing your forehead before he moved your legs over hip.
He had been deep diving for too long on the Internet about what were the safest sex positions, afraid that the moment of you two being unable to hold back your needs came.
Your pussy clenched at the first feeling of his tip against your folds, feeling your clit throb only at the idea of being stretched out by him again.
"If it hurts, or if it bothers you, I'll stop" he squeezed the skin under your chin, warning you.
Your lip was trapped under your upper teeth as he slowly rammed into you, stretching your walls inch by inch until you two were linked together completely, announcing it with a heavy gasp. Jungkook warned you with his eyes, announcing his movements before you nodded.
Feeling him go all the way out, to pound back into you as slowly had to be one of the most erotic thoughts you had ever felt, feeling all the hairs in your body raise whenever his tip teased its way out to then rub against the deepest spot it could reach in your guts.
His thumb kept tracing circles on your skin, holding you by your knees while his other hand was holding the curve on your neck softly, assuring himself that you were comfortable in that position, while you sneaked yours at the top of his head, playing with his hair as you felt the pleasure building up, closer to blow at any moment as his thrust sped up.
"Does it feel good?" his voice sounded raspy, yet he gave you such a gentle look that made your pussy and your heart throb at the same time.
"Yes, don't stop" you begged, pressing your palm against your clit.
"I missed so much how warm you feel around me, doll" Jungkook moaned, moving his head back for a moment before his eyes were back on yours. "You always take me so good".
With a more firm grip on your neck, he made sure your body didn't bounce too harshly for you to end up hurt, controlling the power of his thrusts. Changing the angle of his hips, he moved at the same steady pace, rubbing his tip against one particular spot that made your toes instantly curl.
You wouldn't last too long.
The touch of his hands, the sound of his groans and moans, and how his dick stretched out so well had you gripping the pillow cover beneath his head. And Jungkook loved that look on your face, that particular expression you made when you were ready to give him the world and everything he could ask for, too drunk in pleasure to think straight, giving you a tiny glimpse of how he felt around you every single day since he met you.
Your walls took him in, clenching around his length tight as if you didn't want him to leave ever again, at the same time your eyes rolled to the back and your jaw clenched with a prolonged moan. He went right after you, spilling his seed deep inside your cunt, feeling more connected to you than ever before.
As you two recovered, Jungkook stayed hugged to you, playing with your hair and smiling among shaky breaths.
"If you take so long to lay a hand on me ever again, I'll file for divorce" you joked, with a daydreaming smile curving on your face.
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That wasn't what you were screaming when you two bursted inside the emergency room in the hospital, to later be dragged on a wheel chair to your room. In fact, you kept screaming how you wouldn't allow him to lay a hand on you ever again, or how unfair it was that you were the only one going through all the pain while all he did was stand there. You kept squirming once you were moved to a bed, groaning and whining at the intense pain in your lower stomach that was only preparing you for the pain you'd end up going through once Ujin decided to step into the real world and stop living peacefully inside of you.
Although it all lost sense, it all didn't matter, it was as if that pain had only been a nightmare when the nurse wrapped your baby in a towel and handed it to you, followed up close by his protective father's gaze until he was lying in your arms.
You remembered the way you cried when you were first told you were pregnant, and how you got so emotional whenever you saw him moving through that tiny television next to you, but it still didn't feel real. All those months you didn't get your hopes up, you didn't believe it'd end up with you holding your baby tight against your chest, while Jungkook snaked a hand behind your neck and his palm gently covered Ujin's head.
"His hands are so tiny" you sobbed, moving your index finger over his tiny hand. "He's so tiny".
"You made it, babe" Jungkook kissed the top of your head.
"We made it" you rubbed your head against his cheek, unable to control the tears from falling down at how full you were feeling in that particular moment.
The nurse smiled at you, standing at one side of your bed before asking "Do you know how you will name him?"
Jungkook looked down at you, receiving a proud smile before you took a breath and answered: "Our little blessing, Ujin".
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growthf · 1 year
hello! can i request zhongli, al haitham, scaramouche, and xiao with m!reader who is a kpopers? isekaid reader/modern au is okay! i just randomly saw your profile and bam! youre a kpopers(⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠), its okay if its a girlgroup or boygroup, and if you can only write for only several characters, its also okay! feel free to delete and dont forget to drink water & keep healthy (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
ask and you shall receive! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
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✩ zhongli, al haitham, scaramouche, & xiao x k-fan!male!reader
^^; modern au, reader has a slight (large.) obsession
a/n: thank you for the request! i hope this meets your expectations!!
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occupancies you to every concert, fansigning, and popup store (all attended with your money btw!!!)
your favorite group is performing somewhere across the sea?? you best believe he’ll be right on that plane with you
doesn’t understand fanchants in the slightest, but always loves the look on your face when you’re enjoying yourself
when he first went to a fansigning with you he was confused ?!?!!
don’t all these people have jobs or something???
you had told him it was a popular event within groups and that most take the day off, but he really felt like the world was cramped into a tiny room that day
follows you around whenever you’re shopping or trying to find a new album
watches you open it purely to see your eyes light up when you get a pc of your bias
if you’re into a boy group he’s probably a little jealous you’re screaming over some guy other than him, but it’s not like he’d ever tell you that
“there’s a performance in a neighboring state? it would be fun to see somewhere new together, i’ll come with.”
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super confused at first
you like flying millions of miles ?!!?! to see people sing & dance ??? next to millions of other people !?!?
you might as well had him play some musical cartoons if you wanna see people sing & dance–at least it’s free!!
when you explained clearly he understood a little better
he still stays at home though
UNLESS you go out of state or country, he’ll fly with you but just stay in your shared hotel room till you come back
who wants to deal with people that’ll probably rip him apart if he says the wrong thing in the wrong tone
his first time at your house was a tough one
not only were there posters as far as the eye could see, but your desk and most of your shelves were decorated to the brim with merchandise and other things
how could you even afford all that AND pay bills at the same time???
you forced him to a concert once and he nearly broke.
yelling, screaming, shouting, so many lights and flashes, everything happening all at once
made you drive to the hotel that night.
“call me on your way back, i’ll see if room service offers any midnight treats.”
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went to one concert at had a love hate relationship with it
you’re enjoying yourself? yay!!! you’re screaming over someone other than him?? boo!!
went to all the concerts with you after that just to make sure you didn’t get any funny ideas
went to a fansigning and oh. my. god.
nearly passed out before y’all made it to the car
he made a mental note for himself to go everywhere BUT fansignings after that incident
bought an album for you as a birthday gift and the way you practically melted made him confused??!?!
what’s so special about pictures of some people who don’t even know you??
(made sure to keep up on your favorite group(s)/solos to see if there’s any upcoming albums so he can see your reaction again)
if you have a decked out room AND ita bag, he’s probably questioned how you manage to stay housed a couple of times
how can you afford bills, concerts, AND merchandise, yet you couldn’t afford the $2 cookies at your last hang out???
does not understand your money logic in the slightest
“anything happening this weekend? ..a fansigning.. you go ahead and have fun, i think i’ll pass on this one..”
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a mix of al haitham and zhongli tbh
wants to see you have fun but also doesn’t wanna be around all those screaming people
will accompany you to a concert every now and then depending on when and where they’re taking place
says he forgets all your biases but has a note on his phone with every name you mention on it
even follows most of their socials, too
you wonder sometimes how he manages to keep up with things that even you haven’t heard about yet and he’s glad you haven’t figured him out
whenever you talk about a new album or single releasing soon, you’ll always find it outside your door despite not ordering it yet
went with you to a fansigning and honestly he kinda enjoyed it
i mean yeah, the lines were hell and the people in line were annoying–but he liked how your face lit up when you finally made it to the front and got the signature you stood nearly a whole day for
made a promise to keep going with you even if others around were so nauseatingly loud
you showed him your photocard collection for the first time, and he was genuinely impressed with it
when and where did you even get all the money for them!?!
he checks in regularly to see if you have any new additions to the already large collection once in a while now
“what was the name of that group you liked again? right. well, they’re having a performance next week–it’s real close by, too.”
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biawstenknight · 2 months
bestie i idk what i witnessed last night but i have to tell u abt it so here i am typing despite half of my hand having pins and needles for some reason
so uh. this is mcyt stuff. again. fair warning that this is about to read like soap opera and it literally happened in a livestream there are clips of it...
so. i was watching pearl's stream last night and she raided ren when she was ending but she was still on the server and i watched ren for a bit and gem asks in chat if ren and pearl are up for a stupid bit and ren goes over and. the stupid bit is apparently watching gem marry 2 chickens? and it isnt even like some sort of mission she just wanted to do it (to which pearl says "sometimes i worry about you gem are you okay???") and then after a whole drama bit with objection and stuff ren asks what he and pearl do now and somehow they go to the conclusion that they should also marry??? ren proposes to pearl and she was forced to say yes and then while walking down the altar gem mentions ren's in game husband (which is another long story) which makes pearl leave him at the altar
and theres this whole pearl asking what husband and gem going the one banished in the sky (ANOTHER long story) and pearl goes "oh THAT husband" to which gem responds "he has more than one???" and ren says "i may have more than one husband and many wives" which. okay. sure? poly win i guess???
then gem proceeds to thank the two of them and call them drama kids and ren says that gem and pearl are the two weirdest people he's ever met and pearl protests by saying "you're the one who proposed to me??? and you two were all like ohhh you cannot reject" and ren says it was a heat of the moment thing AND THEN they talk abt how pearl shouldve rejected him in private which then pearl asks ren to come to the side and rejects his proposal and ren shouts out "IS IT BECAUSE I HAVE A BEARD???" and pearl says "yes" and gem goes "wait i dont have a beard" AND pearl goes "would you want to marry me then gem?" BUT GEM SAYS NO
love loses i guess. love loses 😔😔😔 so yeah thats...that
theres a whole clip of this on tumblr if u wanna watch it i'll send it to u in a moment
I'm. help. what did I just read. "is it because I have a beard" OKAY?????? WHICH MEANING????????? CHICKEN WEDDING........POLY WIN (AGAIN SOMEHOW)........WHAT.........
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theyarebothgunshot · 2 years
Your tag under this post here so true. Also the post itself. I'm always having a blast when everyone is joined in the craziness, but at the same time I'm always exhausted afterwards 😆
lmao yes so true, it is chaotic in the best way hfdhhsf but i finally have time to freak out some more after being a "responsible adult" all day......
it's been a while since i have done a compilation like this but i dont wanna clog the dash and it's all about the same thing so here we goooo
Jensen did everything in his power to stomp the J*2 narrative into dust this weekend. Love that journey for him!
listen, i am not one to be petty (lol okay sometimes i am, ngl) but.... the difference was SO stark this time, it has to be said
I was obviously hoping for some good cockles content this con, but this has exceeded everything I could have thought of lol. Amazing.
my expectations were pretty managed after we got interrupted so early last time, but this indeed exeeded everything!!
Gonna have a difficult week... And difficult four months until I leave work... But I'm so hyped but today's Cockles nothing's gonna stop me - tea anon
i'm sorry you are gonna face some hard times <3 you know i am here when you want to talk! thankfully jenmish gave us enough seretonin for a life time hdgfhdg
First we get Mish. Dee. Now we have Jensen, Danneel and their boyfriend Misha. Truly could not have predicted them being *that* unhinged but I do love to see it! Going to need about 10 business days to process it all though lmaoooo - Honeymoon Anon
you and me both!!
The thing is, there is absolutely no reason for them to act like that, none. like, can you imagine jensen making that kind of jokes toward jp lmaoooo he'd rather unalive himself💀 but then again, misha is his close friend so , what's the difference hmmm🫠 they are driving me insane Rose
*kermit nodding gif* yeah..... it is a lot lmfaooo
“tell jensen i mentioned him first”
they wanna score points with the big boss ghdhgh
Rose it's 5 am and I haven't slept yet and I am so not normal about this. I have been around a lot of JIBs so I knew what was coming. Yet, I still am so overwhelmed by everything that happened. I have watched the cockles panel twice by now. Some scenes I have definitely watched more than 20 times. I have perceived more and more details every time I rewind. Jensen Ackles butt wiggling. Him winking at Misha. That weird expression on his face when he made a wish. The movement of chairs, which is, of course - as it always is every JIB - closer together. The weird non-improvisation of the improvisation. Daniela coming in with the CW sniper in the form of a birthday cake to stop Jensen coming out as Misha Collins' boyfriend. Not to mention all the other big things that happened. Canary? Kissing Misha? When in Rome??? The preparation of Misha's 50th birthday party. Misha and Jensen playing an European puppet show with Misha shouting "Dieter I love you! Kiss me Dieter". Rose. Jensen said Misha is Danneel's boyfriend. Jensen said Misha is his boyfriend. The underbear and straddlegate have walked so that this Jibcon panel could run. How am I supposed to sleep? I am not even attending a convetion yet the convention high is keeping me restless. I feel like I need a continuation. Like this was a series finale with a cliffhanger that needs to be resolved. Like there are things that need to come up so this can settle. I have been a cockles perceiver since years yet my patience is limited right now. I mean if I wait a day or two I know it will wear of. It always does. But the boyfriend will stay. Right here with us.
- anon anon (you know who I am)
ahhhhh i totally feel you!! i had to physically make myself go to bed last night because i had to get up early, but it took a LOT to finally go to bed and i slept poorly ngl hfgdhhg i hope you did manage to get some sleep though!! and oof. what a year yesterday was!!!
Also @ all the other anons, I remember you guys, too!!! ♥️ I don't know if you remember me though haha
- anon anon
ahww i'm sure they do!! <3
You Know what i have realised. This weekend have felt like a fan fic of dean and cas but instead of reading it i was watching it.
you're not wrong!!
Ok also at the end of angeles he glances at misha then suddenly stops playing and looks away sooooo bashful. Did you show too much jensen? Did you get nervous when you made eye contact???
head in my fucking hands!!!!! jensen.... sweetie....... why sing that song huh????? answer quickly (also hiiii omg love seeing you in my inbox!!)
jensen singing angeles with misha there watching (and at some points singing directly to misha) seems like fanfic AND YET…
and yet..........
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cerebrobullet · 2 years
Sharpe's Fortress Daily Book Report:
alright, you know what i'll retract some of my judgement of cornwell pairing every woman he writes with sharpe because, honestly, every time sharpe makes a new male friend i immediatly go "oooooh i bet they fucked". so, really, it's just that sharpe has bicycle vibes.
also, sharpe yeeting himself over the fortress wall only to find like Everyone has followed him and he's now shouting orders at a captain, and immediatly being 😳 lmao.
hdgsfsf fuckin stokes out here seeing morris has been beaten up, figures out sharpe did it, and then is like "oh im gonna gaslight the HELL out of morris on this one".
also every time sharpe gets told no by an officer and he just goes "manslaughter it is then" and punches them. baby this is why you aren't getting promoted. wellesley is gonna start seeing a pattern between officers you've served under and officers who get stabbed and killed lmao.
also the image of sharpe, covered in blood, face cut open, tear streaks through the dust on his face, standing in the middle of the opening southern gate with a bloody claymore resting over his shoulder, glaring both defiantly and exhaustedly forward is something i super wanna draw 👀
Sharpe's Trafalger Daily Book Report:
well i'm so glad i just called myself out in that last bit because, guess what this book opens with? a navy captain. a handsome captain who hugs sharpe and is so very, very thankful to him and seems like a nice guy :). bernie why are you doing this to me :).
sharpe feeling comfy asking him questions and then getting lovingly fed a big meal hhfhsbss. chase is fucking trying to seduce him so hard rn im dying.
hgshsh ONE night with sharpe and chase is all "oh sharpe you're so cool i wanna use my reputation to help you someday uwu" BRUH
and writing a letter so that sharpe will go visit captain chase's wife and family like??? captain chase is 100% the epitome of the "i've had sharpe for 1 evening but if anything happened to him, i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself" meme.
HAH sharpe is so fucking anxious about talking to a pretty lady he's shaking. he's so BABY. god tho every time he pursues another woman i'm just like "she can't hold a candle to beloved teresa, teresa is so much cooler" and hey it's cornwell's fault for creating such a badass woman and handing the stories out to grubby little bisexuals like me.
anyway this one feels like it's gonna be a murder mystery for some reason. i dont think it will be, but it feels like it.
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Ok all is well gooenight. No walk tmrw. Mahbe a shower. Made jyself food. Wont be able to have snacks but. I will have 3 meals. Hopefully my parents go out soemtime tmrw so i can say hi to Jack. Did say hi while making tmrws food but hes in his silly mood so he doesnt wanna sleep in my bed tonight. Shcih is ok i think hes tired of probably bwing crushed to death while im asleep. He did get pissed when i took bacon out the fridge tho and didnt givehim any. And then he wanted to playfight with me but i had too many things in my hand so coulsnt :( its ok tho we both sleepy now hight night. Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite. Bc if they do. Ull get a rlly itchy bite somewhere on ur body. And itll suck bc itll moet likely b a spider bite. But not even a cool onenlike spider man. A boring one that ifches and stings. And ur like. Come kn spiderssss i dont even move u from my room unlessyourereallubig and thisis how u repay meeeee come onnnnn. And then if its on ur lehs ur fucked forevwr. Anywyas. Goodnight. All is well. Last night i dreamt of going to mexico but all the food there being south east asian for some reason. And it was all sims2 quality so i couldnt even see what anything was but i knew it was south east asian bc everyone was saying it was. But we were also in mexico but they refused 2 serve mexican food. And when i tried some it all tasted the same. It was like. Vegetables. All the kinds i dint like. But everythign tasted like that. And i was like :( im a picky eater i cant have anything here. And the person next to me who coulsve been anyone i dont remembee the ppl in my dreams unless theyre significant oike that one time charlie sliemcicle was tnere and he shouted donde esta el slimecicle. Which seemed redundant as he was right there saying that. But that was significant. Anhwways there was a person next to me who jightve been a middle aged woman i think. And she said that i nad to pickSOMETHING unless itd be rude. Oh hea we were like jn a sorta market thing but. It was rlly cramped like. Single file everywhere. And we were in these sorta carriages??? Or boats. Idk. It was basicallt a mix of like so many things but i knew we were in mexico for the same reason i knew tne food was south east asian bc i just Did it was just a Fact. Anyway s. The woman next to me told me i was rlly selfish for not picking any food to eat. Anddd i dont remember much else. Tonight i will dream of. A pool. Might be another drowning dream. I drown a lot in dreams. Goodnight
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sketchy-rosewitch · 2 years
Discovering Eden
Description: Two stories about Eden’s first kisses and discovering her identity.
A/N: Accidentally stayed up all night last night to write the first part. Just finished writing the second.
Warnings: Ignorant thinking, Transphobia, misgendering Eden (cause she’s not out of the closet).
OC Info page
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Eden always had a hard time as a child. Growing up if Bo wasn’t around she’d be teased by some of the town’s younger boys for “wearing girl colors”, and these boys would also soon find out she always volunteered to wear dresses and makeup for her mother. They’d tease her for that too. This always lead to Bo threatening to beat these kids up, Bo would threaten to beat up anyone for his siblings, younger, older, didn’t matter. Now the town girls, well, they liked Eden for this, they used her as a doll, always telling her their brothers never let them do stuff like this.
Even though they saw her as a boy, she couldn’t get over how special they made her feel. Glittery makeup stolen from their mothers and beautiful baby blue or pastel pink dresses for Eden to wear. Mother’s would coo at Eden and thank Trudy for raising such a nice young man, while grandma’s sneered at how disgusting it was having a boy dress like that.
Now, not every family treated Eden this way. There was a family that lived near the pet store, a grandma, dad, and son. Eden and Lester hardly got to see their blood grandparents so they when they visited they called the grandma, Meemaw. Meemaw let Eden dress pretty all the time and her son never complained about Eden to her parents or lectured her saying “Boys don’t dress like that!” He even gave her judgmental glances, Eden and Lester called him Mr. Hirsch, they liked him more than their own parents, but not as much as they liked Bo. Last in the family was Mr. Hirsch’s son, Ezra.
Eden only ever called him Ezra, not Ez or Ezzie or any other nickname. He didn’t like nicknames, he liked his name, and his name was Ezra Theodore Hirsch, he always shouted it or corrected people, he was proud of it, as if he came up with it himself. So, that’s what Eden and Lester called him. Well, they only called him Ezra Theodore Hirsch when they greeted him, then when they’d play he’d go by Ezra, then when they’d say goodbye they’d call him Ezra Theodore Hirsch again.
Eden liked Ezra. He was strange, yet he somehow managed to make everyone in town like him. If any kid didn’t like him it was only gossiped about and it wasn’t like Ezra cared. Ezra, he always had better things to do than worry about people.
That’s why right now Ezra was yelling at random people from his roof while he was waiting for Eden and Lester to come over for a sleepover.
Ezra looks down to see his dad with his hands on his hips, looking up at him. He purses his lips and crawls back up towards his window, falling into his room. Minutes later two sets of feet are heard thudding up the stairs. Ezra smiles just as Eden and Lester burst through the room.
“Hello, Ezra Theodore Hirsch!” They say in unison. The twins take their backpacks off and set them by his closet.
“So, what do we wanna do? Meemaw said dinner is at six, so that’s like an hour and a half, then we can play more and we’ll have not one, but TWO movies to watch! Indiana Jones Raider of the lost Ark and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom! My dad rented both of them!”
“Wow, your dad’s the best.” Lester says, Ezra nods.
“Let’s go down to the creek. I got things I gotta show you.”
The kids go down to the creek and Ezra shows them a small shelter he set up.
“I tried to make everything clean as I could in here. I know you don’t like bugs and dirt Eden.” Ezra puts his fists on him hips proudly and smiles.
“Thank you.” Eden blushes a little. She didn’t know if she had a crush on Ezra or if Ezra had a crush on her. But hun doing these small things to accommodate her made her feel happy to be around him.
“So we’re gonna play now, Eden gets to be the princess cause he likes girly stuff. Lester, you and me get to be cool pirates who dig up treasure for the princess. Cause you and I like to get dirty.” Ezra explains. Lester nods and solutes making Eden and Ezra laugh. “I made a chair so you don’t gotta sit on the ground.” Ezra gestures to a log close to the shelter, it has a small blanket which only had leaves and twigs on it which the kid quickly wiped off.
Eden sat on the log and watched as the boys dug around. She always liked watching and observing. Very few times she got in on any action.
By the time it was a quarter to five the boys had dug up only a few bone fragments from what looked like a squirrel, Lester was quick to go down to the water and wash them then bring them back up to Eden, then she’d set them next to her.
“We should go back before Meemaw comes yelling for us.” Eden says looking at her watch. Ezra and Lester agree and make their way back up to the house.
“Did you guys have fun?” Meemaw asks as soon as she hears the storm door creak open.
“Yes!” A three of the kids say before making their way to the bathrooms to wash their hands. Eden makes her way to the kitchen sink and washes them there before helping Meemaw set the table.
“Such a sweetheart, always.” The old woman compliments, ruffling the girl’s short hair. Eden smiles and sits down. The boys come running in after, then Mr. Hirsch.
Everyone says a prayer and begins eating the spaghetti Meemaw made.
Ezra made disgusting slurping noises causing the twins to laugh while Mr. Hirsch sighed, glaring but smiling at his kid.
Once they finish Mr. Hirsch begins setting up the living room with sleeping bags and pillows. The kids run upstairs and get changed into pajamas. “Guess no more playing?” Lester asks.
“No, didn’t think about the fact that two movies is like forever, so we can just play tomorrow.” Ezra sighs sadly.
The second movie ends and Lester is passed out next to Eden. Eden sits in the middle of the two boys with her hands folded on her lap. Ezra goes to rewind the tale and ejects it putting it back into its case.
The two stare at each other, Eden blushing lightly. It can’t be seen though as the tv turns off. All that is seen is the silhouettes of the two kids.
“Do you think you’re a boy or a girl?” Ezra suddenly asks, Eden sucks in her breath and looks down.
“I’m a boy. Everyone says so.” Eden declares. Though she doesn’t sound sure.
“Well, you dress like a girl, wear all those dresses and pinks, your hairs growing out, you like hanging out with girls a lot. Oh you really like makeup too. Makeup is icky though.” Ezra retorts. One thing about Ezra was he hated being wrong. For some reason he knew he wasn’t wrong here. “You’re a girl.”
“I- Ezra. I just like that stuff cause it makes me happy, not cause I’m a girl. I was born in a boy body it makes me a boy.” Eden huffs and Ezra is quick to answer.
“I just don’t think that you’re a boy. I think you’re a girl. You’re okay with everything that girls do even if people say something about it and stuff. Meemaw thinks you were just born in the wrong body. I think she’s right, and I never think wrong.”
There’s a moment of silence before Eden sniffles a bit. “If I’m a girl you can’t tell anyone about it. Cause even though Bo usually handles it I don’t wanna cause more trouble than I already have okay?”
“Okay… well if you’re a girl, which you are. We should kiss.”
Ezra’s mouth always opened before he could even think about what he was going to say. But he never regretted anything he said, even if it embarrassed him.
“We should kiss. And just like I won’t tell anyone that you are actually a girl, we won’t tell anyone we kissed. It’ll be a secret. But only if you wanna.”
Both of the kids shuffle and kneel and sit on their calves.
They both lean in and Eden pecks Ezra quickly before pulling back and hiding her face. Ezra bites back the shit eating grin he has before taking and hugging Eden.
“Was that okay?” Eden asked, Ezra nodded and laughed.
“Yeah, you’re cute Eden.”
“Shut up.”
Eden’s second kiss was her first kiss from a girl. This was 3 years after her first kiss.
Eden sits in the back seat of a pickup truck heading back into Ambrose, her friend Sidney Wallace sits beside her. She’s a year older than Eden but Eden managed to get into the same English class as a bunch of Sophomores. In the front sits Sidney’s sister a cheerleader named Tabitha and her boyfriend, a band kid named Nick. They were both seniors.
It was a Friday night and they were heading back from a football game, the windows down as country music played softly on the radio. Eden would sleepover at Sidney’s, though she wouldn’t tell her, she had a crush on Sidney.
The small down comes into view, lights from the street shine down like small ufos. Nick turns into the Wallace residence and everyone gets out.
Sidney is quick to grab Eden’s hand and take her into her bedroom, shutting the door and turning on her stereo, it plays softly in the background as Sidney rummages through her closet for pajamas.
“Wasn’t that fun?” Sidney asks taking out shorts and a button up pajama shirt for Eden to wear. Eden shrugs and begins taking her clothes off.
Being in large crowds wasn’t her style, but at least she got to see her team win instead of hearing their amount of losses as gossip between students.
“Yeah, I guess. Just didn’t think people got so crazy. Which is silly because I see how they act when my dad watches football.” Eden laughs a little and buttons up her shirt, Sidney lets out a snort and slips a dress on.
“Yeah happens every week. But if you wanna go to one again we don’t have to be in the student section. That’s usually where they act up. Some weeks I go sit with my parents.” Sidney admits, she slips under the blankets and holds them up for Eden to get in too. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary but Eden still got flustered when Sidney would ask.
“Wouldn’t mind, as long as I get to hang out with you.” Eden admits, Sidney giggles and touches Eden’s arm lightly making Eden want to curl up from being so flustered.
“You’re so cute Eedee.”
Eden looks at Sidney, her heart swells up and stomach bursts in butterflies. Sidney looks up at Eden and runs her finger down her straight blonde hair to her chin.
Not knowing what to say Eden speaks the first works that are in her head. “You’re cute too Sidney.” Eden attempts to look away but Sidney’s thin finger moves her face back towards the black haired girl.
“I wanna kiss you.” Sidney whispers softly, Eden’s breath catches in her throat, she can’t speak, instead she nods.
Sidney leans up and kisses Eden softly, her lips are smooth with cherry chapstick. It smells lovely. Sidney pulls away for a second and looks into Eden’s blue eyes, Eden stares into her brown ones.
“Was that okay?” Sidney asks, Eden nods and goes in for another kiss.
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lumm16 · 2 months
I’m worried about you
I have no idea what happened last night and idk I just wanna make sure you’re okay
But like… how did those allegations come up in the first place? Idk. Idk what to think my mind is wondering
I was with V and her dad when you called me. The beginning of your voicemail sounds super far away I couldn’t hear what you said. I apologize for the anxiety I didn’t mean to.
I know you said you don’t like drinking like that but idk looks like ya do often? Which don’t get me wrong if you do, I’m just saying thats kinda not what I’m looking for t b h. I JUST got out of going through V dad being drunk almost every weekend… idk I guess I was just surprised how drunk you got and that you called me again.
Speaking of calling me at 1:30am lol….
On one hand I’m glad I could be there for you. Im glad I got to make sure you made it home safe. But also it caused me a looooooot of anxiety because you weren’t making sense. You kept talking about someone coming onto you, and you were slurring your words no te entendia. And you kept apologizing to me which was soooo hard not to let my mind wonder wth did you do? And then on the other hand I have a baby, I can’t be on the phone at 2am every weekend…
It was super cute hearing you say how much you love me
Hearing you shout it out to everyone in the stadium
Ya te imaginaba lol
It was super sweet of you to say the only reason you went to the game was to talk to me
But I also dont want you to try to get away from her and the kids just to talk to me…
I felt bad
I mean I DO want you to have fun
Because you deserve it, you work too hard
I guess we’ll talk about it tomorrow
Te amo
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the-woild-is-y-erster · 11 months
How way your day btw buddie?
Also, would you prefer I ask how your day was over asks or dms? Or not at all lol /gen
my day wasn't bad, but it wasn't great either
my grandma came into town, which like yay but shes super racist and homo/transphobic and the like so :/
and she brought her dog which is why i made that post because he is and ASS and i DONT LIKE HIM
he's already peed on the floor and of course I had to be the one to clean it up
he keeps BITING ME which i already am scared of dogs because my friend's dog but me, i have a huge scar from it and it would be cool if i never have to get another dog-related scar
and apparently IM the asshole here for not liking dogs and for being scared of him??? because he is NOT a small dog in the slightest, and he just has this look in his eyes thats like "haha i'm gonna bite your leg that would be so funny haha i'm gonna pee on your furniture and roll in poop and come in all smelly" ALSO apparently according to the entire rest of my family, i'm a weak snowflake because i don't want him near me WHEN HE SMELLS LIKE A DUMPSTER HAD A BABY WITH A SEPTIC TANK GESU CHRISTO SORRY I HATE DOGS I GUESS
anyway i got complimented at the zoo like three times, and one person shouted 'carrying the banner!' from across a walkway so that was cool
i was drenched in sweat by the time we got home though
newsflash! living in the american south! its super fuckinghot!!!! especially when you're wearing basically period costume! it wasnt nearly as bad as over the summer at work tho
pro tip: if you own a historical park and ask your employees to wear historical dress! don't put them out in the sun all day in im not even kidding 117 degree heat with no air conditioning! not a good idea! the amount of times i fainted of heat exhaustion this summer and then had to get up and go on about my chores was astronomical
but its fiiiiine
my parents totally arent being asses this mroning and i totally dont have to finish the entire weeks homework today along with socializing because my parents decided to have a party and i totally dont have to finish making a hat for hoco tonight and i totally dont have to get READY for hoco tonight haha whaat
its ok i have tea (a family friend brought me some tea from their trip to turkey and oh my god its so good) and i drew shoe and eel again last night (which il post in a sec)
as for your question, i'm cool with whatever makes you more comfortable! if you send me an ask i'll probably remember to answer it better than a dm because i open dms and im like oh look! a message that i should definetly reply to! and then i get busy and. dont. so an ask would get answered faster but if you wanna go to dms i can mend my ways and actually start answering lmao
and it honestly makes me happy when people ask abt my day because no one in my house bothers to so please keep doing it/nf
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fantasticalchaos · 1 year
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Host Club🍹| Hakkitober #3
Synopsis: The Hakkafe has fallen into hard times 😔
AN: I will admit right here and now that I am NOT knowledgeable in the topic of host clubs. I did a bit of research, but I can’t garuntee that this will be accurately and sincerely apologize in a advance 🙇‍♀️. And while I do know OHSHC, it’s also very small. Additionally, this really isn’t my best work (imo) as I technically left this open ended. Think of it more like a prologue of a dating sim of some sort where you select which route you wanna choose. THIS CAN ALSO BE READ AS PLATONIC AS WELL! Thank you for reading!
“HAKKITOS!!!” Hakka cried out, causing the flock of birds within the guild meeting room to bring their eyes up to their leader.
In a instant, panicked glances, whispers, and shouts filled the room.
“What’s going on?!?”
“Please sir, spare us!!! DONT SEND US TO THE BLENDER!!!”
“Fuck- aight who left out our realistic props again?”
“HAKKITOS! HAKKITOS!! ORDER IN THE COURT!” Hakka cried out once more, shaking his hands around as the noise began to die down.
As a smug smile appears on his face for his loyal birds, he faked a cough and put on his serious voice.
“Hakkitos…” The man started “we are currently going through a tough time. I was told by the other boys that the Hakkafe is slowly down in its popularity and money. If we don’t fix this by the end of this month, we are in BIG trouble!”
Lots is whispers scattered around the room, discussing about the matter privately with their fellow bird workers. And far out of earshot where Hakka could hear them. One Hakkito leaned to another.
“Shit, we’re not gonna get paid…”
In response, their co-worker squints their eyes as they returned the look as they furrows their eyebrows, and strains their mouth.
“…according to the reviews of the Hakkafe that I gathered,” Hakka waves a couple papers in his corrupted hand, as he paces back in forth. “We apparently aren’t doing enough to keep up the customers’ excitement during events. We need to come up with new ideas! NEW EVENTS!”
“Fortunately, our fellow guild members gave me some great ideas on how to make the customers Hakkafe experience better! In fact, the first Hakkafe event will start soon within this week!”
Many cheers roared throughout the room, smiling birds gracing the room with joy and relief.
“So?! What’s the idea, boss?”
“Why my Hakkitos," Hakka bends down and gives one a head pat. "We are planning our first event to be: A Host Club!”
.・゜゜・  ・゜゜・..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·  ・゜゜・..・゜゜・  ・゜゜・.
“Here we are…”
There, in the middle of the glimmering stars and bright moon, stands the Hakkafe. The Hakkafe - usually closed around this time - emitted a soft pink and rosy lights from the windows. Some chatter is heard as well as clashes of plates, furniture and glasses being moved around.
Walking on over, you took a look at your pamphlet once more in your hand.
As you looked up as you were drawing close to the entrance, there was a man standing near the door talking to a little purple bird on a barrel. His hair is long and grey, reaching his mid-back. He wore a grey striped shirt with black pants and vest with gold accents.
The bird noticed you, pointing their wing over at you to the man. The man, pulling up the rear end of his glasses, looks over and sends out a smile.
“Oh, Ricrowdo! Quick, go on tell him that there’s another customer coming and prepare the table!” The man ushered, shooing his hands as Ricrowdo - the purple bird - jumped off a barrel. As you see Ricrowdo fly away and through the door, the man turns to you as reached the entrance.
“Hi there!”
“You here for the Host Club Event?” The man asked, noticing your pamphlet. You shot a quick glance at it before meeting his purple eyes.
“Yeah! Who wouldn’t miss such an opportunity?” You replied as you brought it up, with the man nodding along with you. “And you are?”
“Vesper Noir, Scholar of Tempus!”
Your eyes widen up in shock.
“You’re Vesper?! I heard you and Magni were off an a expedition- What are you doing here?”
“Oh that,” Vesper mentioned, scratching the back of his neck. “The boys needed a bit of extra help. Me and Dez are going there by the time the event’s done!”
“Besides, some other members of the guild and people we know decided to take over me and Dez’s expedition while we help out here!”
The two of you jumped at the sound, revealing a blonde man in purple attire. The blonde in purple has their back leaned on the door - which is opened; showing a bit of the inside of the Hakkafe.
“Speaking of which, hey Dez!”
“Hey,” Magni yawned and stretched his arms a bit. “Dude, it’s so hectic today… I’m so worn out. It’s a good thing that it’s break time for me-”
“Wait wait,” You brought your hands, and looked at Magni, “Look, I’m glad you’re going to go relax after a shift! Especially since you and everyone is working hard! But who’s-”
You felt a little bit of weight on your head. Your eyes went straight up and see the same purple bird from earlier, sitting snuggly on you.
“Me! Your table is #8; 4th table on the right!”
You nodded. You took a few steps in through the doorframe, only to have a hand on your shoulder. You turned your back, to see Magni. Behind him, Vesper.
“Hey, can you promise us something?”
You turn to face them.
“Yeah?” You answered, “What’s up?”
Both guild members looked at each other, then back at you.
“I know we say this to every customer,” Vesper started, staring directly at you in the eyes. “But, this is still an important promise.”
He took a breath.
“Promise us that you will take care of the boys! All of them!”
You paused, taking in mind of this promise.
“Yeah, please do!” Magni added in, “We know that we’re supposed to be entertaining everyone. At the end of the day though, we’re all people with feelings too! Everyone, like you said, worked really hard! Especially considering the circumstances…”
“Sorry for not being there...” Vesper apologized, bowing his head a little. “But the least that we can do is hope that both you, the guests, and boys have a fun time!”
You didn’t say anything. You simply said the words with a small, yet unnoticeable smile on your face: “I promise!”
Vesper and Magni shot a smile back.
“Then enjoy…?”
“[Your Name]!” You introduced yourself. “[Y/N’s] my name!”
“Well then, enjoy yourself [Y/N]! Don’t you or the boys get into anything too crazy!”
“Yeah, not without us!”
You laughed, right before waving the two goodbye as you entered into the Hakkafe. Inside, is hectic - in a good way!
A lot of people were chattering, drinking, dining amongst themselves. Hakkafe servers were either bringing orders or busy making them. There seems to be a bartender coaching a Hakkito on recreating a particular drink. Some were even singing (drunk or not) songs with such joy and passion. You even took some quick glances at some well-dressed people - assuming to be the hosts/boys the two were talking about earlier - interacting happily with the guests.
As you arrived at your table, you sat down and grabbed the menu right in front of you. It has the title, “HOST MENU” on it.
Your eyes wander around, only to widen in surprise on how high the quality looks. Your eyes stopped at one to take in the details before going onto the next.
✨Regis Altare - The Prince Charming✨ “The hero to your heart!”
Simple, sweet, and matches the theme for his host persona! And by the looks of it, Altare dresses the theme too! Reminiscent of a winter prince straight out of a fairytale, Altare wears a white suit, with both light and dark blue accents.
“Wow!” You mused, eyeing the details of Altare’s illustration. “This looks amazing! You all really did put a lot of effort into this!”
Ricrowdo nodded, and fluttered off your head. Landing on the table, he pointed at the menu.
“The host menus’ are also refrigerated! Anyone who is on shift has their magnet on! Pretty genius am I right?”
That is pretty smart… You thought. You then wondered if the employee putting all the magnets on the host menus had fun with that job. Wait… how much money was spent to make these?! Your pamphlet did say that this event is sponsored, so supposedly the sponsors agreed to the refrigerated menus… Still though-
Shaking your head, you took a look at the other magnets. Next magnet has a man wearing black suit with orange and red accents. There also seems to be a key chain on him. He has his hands in his pockets as he flash a cheeky grin at you.
✨Axel Syrios - Childhood Best Friend✨ “Yo, it’s me! Been a while since we hanged out! Why don’t we grab a drink and catch up?”
Huh, that’s more casual than Altare’s tagline. The difference in their host appearance, taglines, and vibes they give off.
“I’m gonna let you know in advance,” Ricrowdo chimes in, breaking up your though process, “This guy is pretty unhinged.”
You raise an eyebrow.
“Isn’t everyone in the guild unhinged?” You questioned. Hearing a lot of stories of the guild and their unhinged shenanigans aren’t uncommon. And like among most of the population, you aren’t that fazed by it.
“Heh, touché!”
On the 3rd magnet, there is a man in purple, like Magni. However, he has pink and blue in their suit. All asymmetrical, yet makes the suit work. He points to you, glowing with enthusiasm and determination.
✨Gavis Bettel - The Comedy King✨ “WATCH THIS! This is going to be-”
“Are you going to…?”
“Nah! That’s all of it!” Ricrowdo waves off with a wing, “That’s intentional on his part. He told us to read it like that.”
“It is?” You were surprised, though considering that there is little context of the line, you were intrigued by what happened next.
The next boy had sported a red suit with a angry face with a slight blush. His arms were also crossed as he looks slightly at you.
✨Machina x Flayon - Bratty Tsundere✨ “Y-YOU HATE ME!”
You, admittedly, were taken aback at what he chose as his tagline. Laughing at your reaction, You shot a glare to Ricrowdo.
“What?! You got to admit that’s a pretty good line! Matches up with his host title!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. As much as you hate to admit it, it fits… in a way. But hey, maybe you can take him! Perhaps the inner wit, pettiness and drive deep down to challenge him for a little fun.
This young man wears purple, just like the previous too. Unlike them, his color schemes include black, gold, and white. He also wears a low ponytail, and faces you flirtatiously with a lavender rose in his mouth.
✨Banzoin Hakka - The Charmer ✨ “The cutest and coolest, at your service!”
“Hey, that’s my creator!” The bird chirped, making happy little hops. The corners of your lips lifted up as you see the little guy danced. Having sparkles in his eyes like a child seeing their parent or their favorite tv character.
It’s quite nice to know that the Hakkafe manager and founder himself joined in on all the fun! Plus, he’s multi-tasking; checking up on all the customers during the host club event while kicking back and having fun! A huge win-win for him!
On the last magnet, another man in a black suit appears. His dual colours are orange and turquoise. The man looks with you with a serene look on his face. He holds a cup in his left hand, with the other on his hip.
✨Josuji Shinri - The Modest✨ | “Hey, it’s beautiful out here tonight; want to grab a drink while we stay up and chat?”
“Shinri and the Koillective really are a sweet bunch! Comfy and cozy vibes guaranteed no matter how afraid you are!” Ricrowdo remarks proudly before smirking, “Though the Kois do look rather puntable-”
His eyes averted yours as changes the topic.
“Anyways, that’s all the boys that are on shift right now! Take your time to choose your host!”
After a moment of thinking, you lowered down your menu card and looked at Ricrowdo.
“So?” Ricrowdo asked, eyes sparkling. “Have you decided yet?”
“Yeah,” you leaned back, pointing to a particular boy. “I choose-”
DUN DUN DUN! Who will you choose as your host, dear reader?
Thank you for reading this fic! Like I said before, I tried researching a bit, and decided to make this open-ended (?) near the ending! I wanted to make you make your own choice! I mean, it is your visit after all!
Also, constructive criticism is allowed (as well with my other works)! And any information regarding host clubs that I miswrote are welcome too! Especially since this is my first work with a 2nd person perspective!
Bonus Question: Which title should Magni & Vesper in the menu? You can include any other members in Holostars too (even the alumni!)
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t0ul053r · 6 months
Idk my bsf seems fake rn and im trying so hsrd shes being acting shady since the very end of last year like during freaking christmas times to now bro. I get new yeta new uou but whats with the shade fr smh. Like i dont wanna sound selfish or rude idk if this does but who was there when you felt like no one would listen? Wgo was there when you came home cryyng every single day from school? Who was there when your thoughts overtook you mentally and physically? Who was there when ones you thought you could trust hurt you? I was and now im the one whos making us solit somehow?? Like she answers me like at 2 in the morning when i send a text at like 5pm abd she be online, reposting tiktoks, and more. I get texting can be draining but every day it seems like its draining. And idk how we could be talking all day one day then the next you just start this habit. I guess its kinda my fault because i never bbrought it up or anything but why the frick does she di this. Like what did i do. I wanna know. She always says ih no im not mad at you or i havent done something but what causes yiu to change your whole respinse to me so quick? I feel so selfish to even say that i feel so lonely without her but like shes the person who i felt mist comfortable ariund for the first time in years and she was there at my lowest and never knew or will probably know. Just talking ti her would brung up my moid but now when she finally repsinds i feel no want to respond even tho i just was feeling so angry for her not repsinding. That i now feel guilty about even being upset cause i dont even wanna text her now. She once said we dont talk that much anymore but i wonder why that is. You always leave me on resd or delivered and answer hours later? You act like i dont have feelings cause when you want sum from me you will keep soamming till i answer snd sct like its the end of rhe wirkd but if i do that you be like hold on omg. WHEN WE USED TO DO THAT NORMALLY. I really hate this sm. Idk what to di. I found someone who texts me alot and stuff but it doesnt feel the same and ahyone who i enjoy a lot i just feel so guilty for talking to them and not her. Even thi she wont respond. I know shes doing better or at least thats what it seems. I hope she is. I hope all the best things on her shes a great persona bd works for what she wbats. She deserves it. I just wish shed tell me what i did. I rather have all the hateful truth than live in a lie of nothing but pure lies to protect myself from relaity. I really do love her shes the best hut i want her to cuss me out shout at me do whatever to explain to me why she does this. Texting is so draining but shell come iut her way to tlel me about how her and lover text all night long ir whatever then disappear again when i listen to thag story. She wont even let me know her crushes and when i ask she acts so sahdy. Also with the “i already told you” crap. I akready told her milkions of things but i dont gotta remind her or not say it anymore. People genuinely forget the knky thing i do isnt just travj everything abiut her. I just feek so guilty. I akways feel guilty for doing anything and i hate it i hate feeling guiltt but every singkebday thats all i feel
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
The fic I requested came out so great! I literally loved it and your writing has me wanting to draw it and a pt 2 if your comfortable with it ;-;
(also I have like more requests in mind but I rlly dont wanna bombard you with prompt after prompt but this is my way of saying I just wanna let you know you gained a new fan and rlly deadass inspired ideas to me, sorry about all the gushing)<33
Sure! I typically don't do multiple parts, but I feel like this could work with one!
TMNT 2012 Donatello x Reader x Leo - Unfair Pt 2
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Warnings: Fluff, angst, aggression, jealousy
Summary: After becoming closer, you and Leo begin to officially date and that doesn't sit well with Donnie.
You smiled, looking down at your phone, specifically at the string of heart eyed emojis Leo had just sent you in response to a selfie you'd sent him. Things had been going really well with him. The pair of you had officially begun dating a few weeks ago, and you were incredibly happy. Leo, however, was not quite on the same page. No doubt, he was infatuated with you, as he'd always been, but ever since that night at the park, the bond between him and his brother hadn't been the same. Donnie no longer held respect for him as a leader, and had developed a habit of shooting glares and snarky comments Leo's way. Needless to say, it was an issue.
Leo set his phone down on the sofa after sending you a text in response to a picture you sent him, which he saved, before walking into the kitchen.
"Texting (Y/N) again?" Don's voice snarled form the entrance to the lab, as he'd been exiting.
"I don't see how it's you business, but yes, I was texting my girlfriend." The older brother rolled his eyes, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Donnie scoffed, picking up the T-phone, glancing at the notification screen, which had your contact name displayed, as you'd replied to Leo's last message.
"Pookie? Really? What are you, five?"
"Do you not call April pet names?" the blue clad turtle asked smugly, parrying his drink and a plate of chips to the couch. "Oh, wait, she dumped your ass, as she should."
Donatello could feel his blood boil as his brother chuckled, switching through TV channels. "Yeah, thanks for that, by the way."
"And what's that supposed to mean?" Leo asked, cocking a brow, and turning around to see his younger brother behind him.
"It's your fault she dumped me. You had to go and make a scene with (Y/N), knowing I liked her."
The team leader was baffled at how entitled Donnie was acting. "Do you hear yourself? You can't have both, Don. (Y/N) pined over you for way too long and you just used her as a stepping stool to get to April. You can't be mad when you finally get what you want and your little monkey wrench goes off with someone that can make her happy."
"Monkey wench?!" Don spat, balling his fists. "You took advantage of her emotional state! How can you say you care for her when you waited 'til she was at here lowest to swoop in and ask her out!"
Leo shook his head, deeply hurt by his brothers words. "You put her in that emotional state, bro. I like to think she's pretty happy with me, but if I found out she wasn't, I'd let her go. She's not my property." he sighed, standing up off the couch, taking his now empty plate to the sink. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going out."
"To where?!" Donnie shouted behind him as he left. "To see (Y/N)."
Shortly after Leo departed, you wandered into the lair. You halted, seeing the most intelligent turtle before he could spot you. You tried to turn away and leave, thinking you could just wait for Leo outside the station, but you were too late. "(Y/N)?"
You spun back around on your heels. "Hey, dude, is Leo around?" you asked, straight to the point. You watched his expression contort into hurt as he sighed.
"You just missed him, you can probably catch him if you hurry." he said sadly.
"Thanks, see ya!" you chirped, pivoting back toward the entrance to catch up to your boyfriend.
"(Y/N)?" he called again, prompting you to slump your shoulders, wanting to be away form him as soon as possible. "Can we talk for a sec, I promise I won't keep you too long?" You sighed heavily, now visibly uncomfortable as you approached him, silently waiting for him to continue. "Are you really happy with Leo? Like really, really happy?"
"I am, Don." you answered truthfully. "He's really caring, I think I love him, actually." you gushed accidentally.
"O-Oh." he stuttered, dropping his head, afraid to look at you. "April and I broke up, did you know that?"
"I did." you replied flatly. "She's be best friend, she told me everything.
"Oh," he said again, as if he were a child getting lectured for sneaking a cookie from the jar. "Are you mad at me?"
"I am." you responded, with little pity, hand on your hip. "I think you're really selfish, Donnie. You played with both of us, and now you can't come to terms with the fact I've moved on. I loved you for a really long time, but I can't let slide how you treated me."
"I-I...I'm sorry, (Y/N). I really am, I've been a total jerk." Don admitted quietly, shame written all over his face.
"I need you to understand that you won't get another chance with me, and most likely not with April, either." you lectured sternly.
"I understand. I didn't before, but I do now."
"Good." you nodded, shifting your weight to your opposite hip as you looked up at him. "I can forgive you, as long as you promise to uphold the boundaries I've set."
"I will. All I want is for you to be in my life." he sighed, smiling sadly. "Even if that means letting you go romantically."
"That's really mature of you, Don. Thank you." you smiled, relieving him of a portion of the guilt he carried.
"And you're sure he makes you happy?" he asked once more, as you turned to leave to find Leo.
"Positive." you replied, making it back to the steps of the station, glancing over your shoulder.
"Well..." he smiled sadly, watching you leave. "Then that's all that matters."
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Ok all is well gooenight. No walk tmrw. Mahbe a shower. Made jyself food. Wont be able to have snacks but. I will have 3 meals. Hopefully my parents go out soemtime tmrw so i can say hi to Jack. Did say hi while making tmrws food but hes in his silly mood so he doesnt wanna sleep in my bed tonight. Shcih is ok i think hes tired of probably bwing crushed to death while im asleep. He did get pissed when i took bacon out the fridge tho and didnt givehim any. And then he wanted to playfight with me but i had too many things in my hand so coulsnt :( its ok tho we both sleepy now hight night. Sleep tight. Dont let the bed bugs bite. Bc if they do. Ull get a rlly itchy bite somewhere on ur body. And itll suck bc itll moet likely b a spider bite. But not even a cool onenlike spider man. A boring one that ifches and stings. And ur like. Come kn spiderssss i dont even move u from my room unlessyourereallubig and thisis how u repay meeeee come onnnnn. And then if its on ur lehs ur fucked forevwr. Anywyas. Goodnight. All is well. Last night i dreamt of going to mexico but all the food there being south east asian for some reason. And it was all sims2 quality so i couldnt even see what anything was but i knew it was south east asian bc everyone was saying it was. But we were also in mexico but they refused 2 serve mexican food. And when i tried some it all tasted the same. It was like. Vegetables. All the kinds i dint like. But everythign tasted like that. And i was like :( im a picky eater i cant have anything here. And the person next to me who coulsve been anyone i dont remembee the ppl in my dreams unless theyre significant oike that one time charlie sliemcicle was tnere and he shouted donde esta el slimecicle. Which seemed redundant as he was right there saying that. But that was significant. Anhwways there was a person next to me who jightve been a middle aged woman i think. And she said that i nad to pickSOMETHING unless itd be rude. Oh hea we were like jn a sorta market thing but. It was rlly cramped like. Single file everywhere. And we were in these sorta carriages??? Or boats. Idk. It was basicallt a mix of like so many things but i knew we were in mexico for the same reason i knew tne food was south east asian bc i just Did it was just a Fact. Anyway s. The woman next to me told me i was rlly selfish for not picking any food to eat. Anddd i dont remember much else. Tonight i will dream of. A pool. Might be another drowning dream. I drown a lot in dreams. Goodnight
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prttydolls · 2 years
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in her shadows — eddie munson
eddie munson x cunningham!fem!reader ✧.*
synopsis : reader has enough of being in chrissy’s shadow
warning(s) : being in chrissy’s shadow, rejection, being a rebound.
char note : chrissy is 19, reader is 18, eddie is 20 !!, also mean!chrissy, dark haired!reader hehe (lets pretend she took it from her dad lol)
amora’s note : aaa!! @imabee-oralizard are u proud of me for finishing this in a day ✊🏻 || im checking who ever likes, so u might get a dm from me if you have “18+ only”
important note : if ever, you have 18+ only or mdni please leave, the door is right here old woman 👉🏻🚪
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chrissy, chrissy, chrissy.
your parents always compared you to your older sister, who was a year older than you. they're always saying “oh y/n, why cant you be like chrissy” or showing off her stupid achievements.
god why cant they fucking shut up .
you were the same as chrissy ; pretty, popular, a cheerleader, straight A’s everything! you were like a mini chrissy if you thought about it. your parents just didnt want a second child.
you were exhausted, secretly being an outcast.
speaking of outcasts, your only escape was your bestfriend, eddie munson. he hadn't known that you and chrissy were polar opposites behind closed doors.
eddie and chrissy were friends too, she didn't like him as much but she tolerated him. eddie? oh boy, he liked her so much.
he had a crush on her, typical.
you saw how she leaded him on, making him think she liked him back. whenever you confronted her, she just laughs and says “thats what girls do to their guy bestfriends, surely you dont know what its like.”
you just hated her for everything! you were smarter than her, yet your overshadowed by her! it isnt fucking fair!
it isnt fair.
not fair.
not fucking fair.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
next few days, you noticed how eddie stopped coming over.
you thought of asking chrissy, because she was the last person he talked to before leaving home. you hesitated to knocked, but did anyways .
“’kay, hold on jason— what? what do you want twerp?” she greeted, obviously on a call with jason carver and she seemed annoyed. “what did you say to eddie?!” you whisper shouted.
she looked confused. “what?”
you sigh in frustration, “i fucking said- what did you say to eddie?!” you repeated, abit louder than earlier
chrissy rolled her eyes, “he confessed to me, and i rejected him ‘kay? i don't like him back. he's just a friend to me.”
you scoffed, “just a friend?! you both acted like you were dating! you leaded him on you witch!”
she rolled her eyes once more, “for the love of god, its what girls do to their boy best friends. they act like couples, I didn't expect eddie to like me.” you just stared at her in anger.
you didn't wanna say anything and just left her there standing.
you needed to see eddie.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
you drove into eddie’s trailer and knocked loudly, “Eddie?!” you called out.
it only took a few loud knocks, for the door to open. you saw the brunette with red-ish eyes, and tears brimming around his eye. he looked so sad.
“eddie..” you sighed sadly.
he stared at your dark (hair color) hair sadly. “hey, y/n..” you invited yourself in and pushed eddie aside.
“eds, did chris reject you?” you asked hesitantly, he looked at you and nodded slowly.
you let out a “awh”, and hugged him.
you comforted him that night, you stayed just to comfort him, and him alone.
・゚: *✧・゚:*
months passed, you and eddie were close now. like super close.
you definitely had a crush on him, but you knew something was up. he still wasn't over chrissy. even though she had rejected him, he couldn't stop swooning over her.
you knew he didn't like you, he probably would if chrissy didn't exist. but he would never like you, other than just being his friend.
he still has strong feelings for her, you can sense that.
you felt like you were just a nobody to eddie, just his stupid friend that has a older sister everybody wants to be.
“y/n?” eddie’s voice spoke up, making you snap out of your thoughts.
“sorry- i zoned out.. what's up?” you replied nervously. eddie bit his lip and fondled woth his rings, “i- i wanna ask you something” he sighs
you raised your eyebrow, signalling for him to go on and he took a deep breath. “i- i like you, alot y/n/n.” he confessed.
your mouth went wide open, was he fucking serious?!
you chuckled bitterly, “ah, so this is the part where i date you and you make chrissy jealous and she wants you back hm?”
eddie was taken aback, “what do you mean?”.
“please don't act dumb, i know you became friends with me just to get closer with chris, and you did! but uh oh, she rejected you! whoopsie, now your using me to make you feel better. why? because im always the second fucking choice.” you laughed.
“please, no one wants to talk to me for me. they only talk to me to get closer with the queen of hawkins high. you really think im dumb like that huh? well im not munson!”
“what- no y/n? why'd you think like tha-” eddie tried talking but you already had tears and you quickly stood up and got your stuff.
“fuck you munson.”
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