#and like he isnt the worst i just dont really care for him
this-doesnt-endd · 2 years
Why did we let keith urban be a country artist like thats just some random australian dude
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homicidal-lingonberry · 4 months
a thought about kabru and mithrun and their time in the dungeon. (I love kabumisu but this is more about their canon relationship)
I have seen several people say that they dont think that kabru really cared about or liked mithrun. that he was just doing things cause he had to, etc. but I feel like this ignores something pretty cool about kabru. Kabru always has an inner monologue going on, one that we get to see.
several times when we see kabru doing nice things we can see that his inner monologue doesnt actually match. we see him kindly doing things that actively distress him several times. we as an audience are made very aware when kabru is doing something he doesnt really like.
so what kind of an inner monologue does kabru have when he performs caring tasks for mithrun? does he think about the advantages of having mithrun or the canaries on his side? does he think bitterly of mithrun? does he think about how much he hates this? the worst he thinks is "to think I'd get roped into this for the sake of that lot." and "this isnt seeing to his needs, this is nursing!" pretty early on in their journey together. this is while he is still digesting the full picture of mithruns condition and all the things hes going to need to do, the full weight of the situation now apparent.
after this, all we see is compassion. him thinking he would like to make mithrun something nice to eat, even if it wouldnt matter to him. him empathizing and reflecting on how not having desires would be really rough. him coming to understand where some of mithruns quirks, like his sense of direction, come from.
by the end, he has trusted mithrun enough to tell him about laios, and mithrun has given him all the information he has been searching for for YEARS.
and this is just the dungeon. kabru continues to involve himself with mithrun when its not his problem anymore. when really, he should be doing anything but. and after everything is done, if he truly did not care about mithrun, he has NO reason to do anything he does in chapter 94.
they are FRIENDS okay??? Kabru cares about him. it isnt just obligation. ty.
as far as mithrun goes, he gives kabru information, he asks him what he wants to do with that little smile (doesnt wait for his squad), slaps him out of his panic attack, and then kabru is the person he eventually confides his true desire to.
theyre FRIENDS and Im tired of people acting like they dont even like each other just bc they dont like the ship. you dont have to ship it, but if you think these 2 didnt drastically change each others lives in a positive way and that they dont care about each other...you maybe need to read again.
and also I think a lot of these takes veer on dehumanizing mithrun. like how could kabru even like him or see him as a friend when hes like that. like do yall forget mithrun was busy keeping kabrus ass from getting killed. or the way he perceptively sees straight through kabrus bs every single time until kabru finally tells the truth? I know kabrus confession to laios is a lot more emotionally intense, but laios isnt the only character that forces kabru to be honest.
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blarshwritezz · 5 months
hi if u dont mind i would love a mafia x male spy reader (gn if you ur not comfy with that) so the mafia boss pretends to be the mission partner for the reader just for fun he almist kileed the reader on multiple occasions but the reader misunderstands and thinks that the mafia boss was just helping him albeit in a weird and rather violent way and although reader has a suspicion that his partner (the mafia boss) isnt who he says he is due to skme odd similarities between him and the target of his mission (that being the Mafia boss) and the fact that his partner could easily waltz in notorious criminals manors and party and one day everything just clicks for the reader and they try to escape but the mafia boss knew thus so he kidnapped em and the live happily ever after (idk how to end this so just do what you deem fit ty!!!)
(oh yeah its fine if ur not comfortable or just don't want to make my request im not paying you so you hqbe no obligations to do so remember to take care of yourself <333 /p)
(and if i could could i become 🦀 anon)
Yes! Welcome, 🦀 anon!
Yandere Mafia Boss x Spy Reader
M yan x gn reader (sorry, I prefer to do gn for non-nsfw asks)
TW - general yandere behavior, drugging, implied kidnapping
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Your mission was simple, at least on paper. Simply gain intel on a notorious mafia boss. But if it was that easy, you wouldn't have been working at it for so long.
It didn't help that your partner for this mission was...unusual. Not a bad guy, really, just strange. Sometimes you almost thought he was trying to kill you. You'd often catch him staring at you. You even felt his gaze when you swore no one was around.
Not to mention, danger was ever prevalent around him. He always managed to save you, though. But his face did often look rather annoyed...you just assumed he was one of those people with a really bad rbf.
But it was also suspicious how he was able to so easily and casually waltz into the homes or parties of very high-profile people. People you'd never be able to get near without months of careful planning. Maybe he just had good connections?
But all these coincidences were getting a bit too...convenient. If you needed to get in somewhere, he got you in the front gate. If you needed something, he miraculously had it only a day or two after at the latest.
And worst of all, you still haven't managed to track down this damn mafia boss! It didn't help that nobody knew what he looked like.
"Maybe he's right under your nose." His deep voice startled you out of your thoughts. His arm was wrapped around your shoulder, holding you close. Despite his cold exterior, he was pretty touchy and clingy. But...sort of sweet. You were glad to have met him, even if this mission was looking like a bust.
"But where? Where haven't we checked?"
"Well, our organization may be high security, but not impossible to infiltrate for a man like that." Was he implying that one of your own coworkers could be your target? Impossible!
But...now it all seemed to come together. Those coincidences...weren't just coincidences. He really has been right under your nose this whole time.
No wonder he could go wherever he wanted and get anything he desired. He had power and influence...more than you thought.
"I-Impossible! Our organization has the highest security possible! I'd know if someone like that could be...beside me..." It was a sad attempt to cover up your newest theory, but also to try and reassure yourself. If this was true, then you weren't as good of a spy as you thought...
You got up, or tried to at least. He kept his grip tight on you.
He knew.
"I can't just let you go now. You know my identity. So I'll just have to keep you as my newest little toy." In seconds his arm lowered to prevent you from moving your arms as he quickly used his other to cover your mouth and nose with a rag.
"Just sleep...Be a good pet and I'll be sure to reward you very well..." Despite your struggling, sleep soon took you. No one ever heard from you again...no one but him, of course.
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I'm sorry, this one feels so rushed and short, I was having a tough time getting inspired 😭
Forgive me, 🦀 anon, for I have failed
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an-excellent-choice · 26 days
A random thought but I am what you would consider as a new fan in dragon age. So, for me the common discourse/hate surrounding Cullen in the games is really shallow.
(I am referring to the character not the voice actor, I do not give a shit about that guy and about his bullshit)
I see a lot of hate on cullen and how either he is so fucking bland or evil because he is a equivalent to a cop in dragon age. which while I can see the comparison it just go and shows how people cant really handle an overarching flawed character story arc when they aren't this witty or sassy person.
Cullen is great example of how a traumatic experience can sway you to extremism (you know like Bolin in Korra) He wasn't inherently bad, hell he trained in a very lenient and peaceful circle without any issue or complaints on his side.
(reminder that the Cullen trained in was very chill and balanced if you think about it. Anders stayed in that circle while doing his multiple escape attempts and they never made him tranquil. Other examples include all the kissing allowed in the circle and the fact the you can save the circle in DAO if you save the first enchanter)
Then everything went to shit in that relaxed circle.
Cullen was tortured and was forced to watch everyone around him get killed by the very things that he was warned what mages was.
If you think about it he probably blamed majority of what happened to leniency of the circle to the mages which is why it isnt a surprise that he would be supportive of strictness of the circle in kirkwall.
A lot of people hate on Cullen because of da2 which i understand but this part of the story is kind of like anders in da2 act 3 or loghain in dao for him.
He is part of his life where he is as closest to monster he could be but you know why he isn't the worst is because he has a line that he didnt cross which was killing allies/ civilians. He later also acknowledges in DAI the pain and atrocities he caused in DA2.
He is aware of his biases and is trying to redeem himself by helping in the inquisition as an independent faction. He left the templars.
He hates how the templars has treated him and his faith to be weapons of abuse. While he was a perpetrator of the abuses of the templars, people forget he is also a victim.
Templars are required to intake lyrium to be part of the order. This system literally uses these drugs to make them addicts and gain control on them. I dont know about you but that shit isnt really comparable to being cops.
He is literally a recovering drug addict in DAI and the reason why he is doing this is to show that templars can do it. They can leave the order.
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Extra: I love cullen because he is so complicated and he is trying his best. Does this mean I want to see him in DATV? Fuck no. If him being brought back into story requires for the voice actor to be hired for it. no fucking thanks. His story is done and I'm happy with that
P.S also extra note about people saying he is creepy because he had a crush on the warden in DAO while he was a templar is a stupid point.
I dont care if the author originally wanted it to seem creepy, they completely failed on that mood and they forgot characters can also write themselves a story if you are not careful.
Cullen was incredibly shy and knew how inappropriate his crush was. He literally ran away from any flirting attempts. It is not bad to have a crush with someone you shouldn't have on, AS LONG AS YOU KNOW THE BOUNDARIES AND DONT LET ANYONE CROSS THOSE BOUNDARIES. which he didn't.
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dunmeshi-darlings · 6 months
eeee i love your writing!!! could i get chilchuck comforting a crying reader (who's normally very bubbly and happy)? Bonus if they're crying bc they think their feelings for chilchuck are unrequited 🫣
Thank you kindly dear anon, i hope your day is going well and that you have rested well and ate well.
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Chilchuck was never good with emotions, both his and other peoples. He kept his own emotions hidden so as not to appear vulnerable. And when it came to other peoples emotions he was fine with the positive ones...but quickly became awkward when things turn negative.
In fact he might be the worst (well second worst possibly) when it comes to dealing with emotional issues. So when he walks in and sees you crying he freezes up like a deer caught in the headlights. Its such a foreign sight to him he wasnt even sure if he was seeing it right.
You have always been such a bright cheery person, No matter the situation you were always the one that had the biggest grin across your face telling everyone its going to be ok, to not give up and push on. That was one of the things chilchuck liked about you the most, even if he would talk about how a situation was impossible or that it was to dangerousm you were always the one reassuring him that things were going to be ok. He never said it but it really meant alot to him, usually he would just ignore it or blow it off but he knows deep down it helps him more than he lets on.
He stares at you sobbing, wide eyed for a few moments before quickly making his way over to you. "WOAH woah hey Y/N hey hey its ok! its ok, whats wrong are you hurt?"
He says quickly sitting down beside you putting an arm around you instinctually. He normally isnt one to get physical when it came to comforting people but it was just something he did before he even realized he was doing it.
"Im fine...im just stupid..a stupid stupid idiot...an idiot that should have known better" You said through tears before breaking into sobs again, chilchuck looked around awkwardly before pulling you into him to cry, he sat there patting your back trying to comfort you as best he could. patting your back and repeatedly saying it was ok softly.
Eventually when you finally manage to calm down he wipes away some tears from your face before speaking up. "Now tell me whats going on? what do you mean know beter?" You want to tell him the truth, it had been eating you alive for days and days now. But tonight you realized what the actual truth was, and it was to much and broke you to pieces, it was a truth you had tried to ignore but couldnt and it broke your very being. You dont want to tell anyone about it, let alone him...but you know he wont let you hide away and pretend like this wasnt happening. so you take a deep breath and speak.
"im sorry chilchuck...i know this is going to make you feel awkward...and i know..i know you dont feel the same way.....but i like you, i REALLY like you...i care about you more than anyone else. and i know its stupid and i should just get over it but...it hurts.." you admit to him, not even looking at him, With how you feel right now your sure you wouldnt want him seeing your face right now. He didnt say anything, he only stared wide eyed at you. You should have known this was how he was going to react, you know how he felt about inter group relationships so you know he wouldnt want any part of being with you. However your miserable thoughts were interrupted as he pulled you into a tight hug.
"hey dont talk like that...if there is anyone here thats an idiot its me. I do care about you, I really do. You mean alot more to me than you realize, and you help me stay sane down here." He says squeezing you tight, you sniffle softly as you cant believe what your hearing. "Im not great with emotions...both dealing with other people and my own. Whenever you would be so positive and cheery it would make me genuinely happy, but i didnt want to get to attached so id play it off or something but genuinely you have helped me so much down here. I also have....other reasons on why im so hesitant to show emotions that im not ready to talk about just yet...but i do care about you...in fact i think i might like you the same way you like me. I just struggle being open about things you know? i should have been honest with you and open about my feelings back...that way you wouldnt have to deal with this. Im sorry, But to make it up to you, once we rescue falin and leave the dungeon why dont i take you to dinner?"
You couldnt believe what you were hearing, he had feelings for you to?! you couldnt believe it, you could feel yourself hugging him close as you smiled into his shoulder. "That sounds great, id love to."
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kissesfordaryl · 11 days
hi there!! i was wondering if you can do a fic or some hcs on daryl x trans male reader?? sfw or nsfw is up to you i just love the way you write daryl and wanted to see your take on him being with a trans partner :3
doesnt change a thing.
daryl & trans bf!
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SO. SORRY. FOR. DYING. im gonna try and respond to some more reqs :( also for those who didnt know i mean ive never said it but i am trans ftm :p
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in my head, he wouldnt even have a CLUE you were trans. daryl isnt the type to be in other peoples business or trying to guess what the fucks in your pants- at the end of the day, if he likes you he likes you.
and he likes you.
of course, being trans, you didnt know how to iust spring the info on him. daryl was what you thought a pretty typical redneck- but he was attracted to you- so hes not that conservative. but you were scared that there was still room for him to judge you.
as ive said before, daryl and you would take your relationship slow. youd dance around your feelings for a while, and so when you guys get more comfortable kissing, you just rip the bandaid off.
"daryl," he has to crane his neck to catch your words the way you're mumbling them, "i got something to say."
he shifts on his feet, setting his crossbow down. daryl recognizes the shift in your tone and prepares himself for the worst. what- you were tired of him now? realizes daryls just another piece of shit youve gotta string along? he grows more anxious at the thought, more agitated.
"i get it, y'know, if you feel different after this," the way youre pulling away is not helping his suspicions, "but ill just say this shit, alright? dee, im trans. i was... i was born a girl."
you watch as his eyebrows furrow in confusion, processing what you've said.
"the hell?" his voice is gruff, scoffing a little, "thats the shit thats made you all cracked out?"
his hand shyly comes up to tug you forward, already missing the contact, "doesnt change a thing for me."
he doesnt completely understand it though. youve him tucked under your arm when he perks up a little. "so you dont have a dick?"
you cant help the laugh that escapes you, fond of the older man. "mm, no. i wish."
he shrugs, laying back down as he tries to surreptitiously steal a glance down at your lap. "that sucks. having a dick is pretty nice."
when it comes to dysphoria, i think he would have the perfect way to trying to soothe you. as you open up about not feeling like a real man- or just overall having bad days- he's quick to approach you, calloused hands cradling your face. "youre the only man in my life. the best guy i know, alright?"
and you dont really realize what hes getting at: his dad was his first masculine figure in his life but he was a terrible guy. merle was better, kinda, but was still always leaving daryl hanging. but whens he with you, he feels safe, cared for, important, needed. its what you needed to hear.
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again im sosososo sorry this is late ☹️
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p4r4syte · 1 month
its boiling hot rn so heres some lost boy hcs. what i think theyd do/be like in summer (mildly suggestive?)
pls add comments, ill add to it :3
David :
•avoids everyone. i know vampires are cold blooded but no doubt these mfs get agitated during summer. David the worst. he’d be sat there, coat discarded with a pissed off expression. still smoking. god forbid he doesnt smoke
•will even get pissed off with Feeding Time™️ because the bloods warm so he’d just disappear for days on end. hiding away. basically hibernating
•Is Extremely Snappy. he will go for anyones throat, doesnt even matter if youre together (god forbid mates), he’ll be avoiding you just in case but will Bark at the boys given any chance
•”he wouldnt hurt a fly” HE WOULD!!!!!! Fuck That Fly Do Not Invade My Personal Space
•will only calm down once hes cooler, he would genuinely have to piss off to the sea (or i imagine the cave has a watered in area) ((only dwayne knows about it but he let david in on it)) or hes sulking in a damp, desolate part of the cave. just waiting for the summer to end
•only one of the boys that can speak to david during this time is dwayne because of how hes empathetic towards his Boys. Marko And Paul Will Be DropKicked On Sight.
•sleeps upside down, near the darkest most secluded park of the cave. there isnt any air, theres no breeze. he doesnt care, he just wants to, fester. Leave Him To Fester
Marko :
•becomes more feral than he ordinarily is
•he Will be dangling from the ceiling, trying to catch any breeze that rolls in
•he will also be chilling with the pigeons, they find the coolest places in the cave to rest so Why Not?
•the summer heat will also be giving him unneeded energy. he WILL be playfighting with paul and then laying there overheating and gets pissed off once paul tried to interact with him again. Cant You See Im Warm? Jesus.
•will find endless cool drinks on the boardwalk once it cools down during night. itll give him no sustenance and he’ll be pissed off that he has a headache tomorrow but. Mmm Slushie :3
•still eats hot food and will complain about how hes warmer now than before he ate the food. yes he knew beforehand. no he wont stop. let him complain
•him and paul sit shirtless in the centre part of the cave, eating ice creams and then getting pissed off once theyve eaten them all (or theyve melted)
•calmer than david, less irritated than dwayne, less energetic than paul
•sleeps in a random, small part of the cave because the air rushes straight through (he followed the pigeons)(he learns many things from them, this is one of the many great things he found out)
Paul :
•please calm down. its Hot. Get The Memo
•continues his antics, just with, less clothes.
•the ONLY motherfucker thats actively trying to interact with everyone else
•he doesnt get it, god bless. not a single thought in that head x
•is also smoking. sat on that fountain (the cold marble against his back), trying to yell to the others (they ignore him) speaker blasting music (its pissing everyone off)
•the only one that actually leaves the cave (until he convinces marko to get slushes with him. then hes no longer going alone)
•a nuisance. a pure fucking mosquito of a man. he’d be stuck to you if he could, please don’t let him you dont know where hes been (various ponds) (hes upside down in a shrub) (dont help him)
•hes a boombox blaster, weedsmoking, white rum drinker in summer. or whatever he can get his hands on. but best believe he’s living it up even if he doesnt make it out the cave most nights
•sleeps drunk in the fountain, naked. Hey, Its Cool. What Do You Want From Me?
Dwayne :
•is the only one who Actually attempts to cater to the rest
•he knows exactly how everyone is and as much as he Needs To Rot too, he needs to check on everyone first
•only person hes really checking on is david lets be honest
•after finding david and just, checking, he’ll find his own section of the cave. not too far, within ear distance of Everyone in the cave
•he’ll just rest there for a while, just dangling, all sweaty
•sometimes he has enough energy to chill with paul and marko but quickly loses it after a while. paul is Way too much for him in this heat. Hes Markos Issue Now :)
•he is the only one that will remind the other boys that they need to eat. it may be hot, but you still need to eat. cue moody david, hyper paul, sweaty and overstimulated marko and coping mother dwayne
•doesnt speak to anyone, literally not at all, because hes just Too Hot™️ so he’ll just pull your hand to what he wants, guiding you to what he needs
•sleeps alone, in the centre on the cave. just above where they all gather, so he can hear everyone but is just far enough away to get peace. oh, hes also naked.
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whole-circus · 1 year
Can you do when the Proxies, Eyeless Jack, and Slenderman, find out the reader has a extra appendage like a tail? Although the reader doesn't hide it they just use it like a belt but rarely use it?? (How has your day been? Also please make sure to not stress yourself)
Creepypastas with reader that has a tail!
➥ with "Ticci" Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Eyeless Jack, Slenderman
Hi love!!! Thank you and remember to take care about yourself too!!&lt;3 Im going a bit insane in my room lol But I hope you felt at least okay!
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
"Ticci" Toby
Toby finds you so cool! He wouldnt really notice at first that its actual tail, but how long he can stay clueless? When he finally gets it, he is so excited i swear. You almost make him wish that he had tail instead, but he cant complain since his partner have it! Toby will beg you to touch it and play with it, he is way happier about the tail than you (and you literally live with this things.. with tail, not toby). Loves to lay down with you and cuddle, your tail wrapped around his hand/ leg/just anything. Loves playing with it when he needs to keep his hands busy. Toby would be also respectful if you dont like having your tail touched becasue i can only imagine how sensitive it is, just say the word and he will act like it doesnt even exist congrats, now he will play with your hand!
Honestly wouldnt make a big deal out of it? Masky is a simple man, and i feel like he wouldnt even noticed at first if you wear it as belt, would just think that you have weird fashion sense but who he is to judge?? But then it turns out that its actual tail? You are person of many suprises, arent you? Listen, he would definitely calls you some of this cheesy petnames like kitten or puppy just becasue of your tail 💀..like please, punch him or something. Overall good boyfriend, will fight for you and stroke your tail??
Good luck with him! Hoodie wants to touch it a lot! Its not like there are a lot of chances in life to pet someone tail, huh? Who can blame him in such cruel condictions..? Even if you use it as a belt, he loves when you just..let it swing by itself! That way he has easier acces to it, and i mean it - boy is in heaven. He would definitely tease you so so much! Hoodie will anno and you can expect at least couple of funny comments about your tail daily (or at least he thinks they are funny). I see him wearing a fake tail just to mess with you to be honest. Hoodie isnt the worst person, you will definitely get a lot of attention from him! Is it good or bad? I will let you decide!
Eyeless Jack
Okay, Jack really enjoyes having "not-so-normal" partner (well, in term of being a human). He tends to be a bit insecure sometimes about what he is, so you make it all a bit easier to him to be honest. Doesnt feel as weird - and of course he doesnt want you to feel this way! He is pretty observant (and well, have amazing senses), so propably noticed it when you used it as a belt, no need to tell him twice! Absolutely loves to make you flustreted!! Will tease the shit out of you, i mean it. Definitely will like to caress it and play with it (pls he is a bit like a cat), later will chuckle in his husky tone when you are embarassed and tell him to stop
Slenderman wont say too much..well not like he is the most talkactive person! He is fascinated by people, loves observing them and to learn about their nature..does it really matter for what reasons? We will just move on with that.. Anyways, if you ask me, Slender as not-human-creature likes seeing how everyone is diffrent event tho he had seen already a lot! There is really tiny wall between his hate and fascination for humans. But dont worry, its you who we talk about! He will ask some questions, but in his subtle and gentlemanly way! It doesnt matter to him if you are a bit diffrent, becasue he sees it more as your advantage than disadvantage! Slenderman would be more into intelect than look anyway i think. Wont touch your tail tho..well maybe not without your consent, but he just doesnt really care, he has seen almost everything in his 'life'.
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚ 
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bambambunny · 2 years
I am here to deliver on my promise of cat!reader headcannons, under the cut cuz its long
Tw: none i think??? If there is then pls tell me
Relationships: Platonic harbingers / reader
Just say away if you dont particularly like him
He probably wont mind, he’s too busy to care about a cat of all things.
But like if you do like him, i recommend snoozing in his lap.
He’s got a lot of paperwork to do so its unlikely that he moves around a lot.
Its giving villain in a turning chair menacingly stroking a cat while giving an order to a nervous henchmen to inconvenience the heroes. 
You could try yelling at him and only quieting down when he pets you or lets you onto is lap
But, depending on his mood, he might just kick you out of his office
Would assign some poor Fatui henchman to take care of you so you have a constant guardian even if the other harbingers arent there. 
If you, as a cat, show human-like intelligence dottore will certainly pick up on it
Personally, as someone who likes cats and science, I would hang out with him
But like bad vibes
The worst vibes imaginable from this man.
Dont touch the chemicals he has.
We dont know what it is but just to be safe, assume all of them are acid.
I love her sm 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Gives the most satisfying scritches and sings the sweetest songs
She’s one of the most safest harbingers to nap around
She’d put clips and bows in your fur regardless of gender.
Spends like 5 hours singing and grooming you like she doesnt have work to do.
No one has the guts to interrupt her though.
Even though he’s scary i have a hc he’s nicer than he looks.
He isnt around Zapolyarny palace very often bc he’s out doing military campaigns and what not
But when he is at the palace, its safe to hang out with him
He’d have no issue with you catching a ride on his shoulders.
I also like to think he has a pyro vision(if he has one) and so he’s warmer than most
Perfect for a cat in snezhnaya. 
I think he’s nicer than he looks and it would be funny for the tiny cat to run straight to the big scary harbinger for pets and cuddles.
Its grandpa time babey
He gives you only the highest quality cat food.
You spend the day with him and you leave with 5 extra pounds just from the amount of treats he gives you.
You dont even have to do tricks or anything he just rewards you for existing.
He’d give you a kitty version of the harbinger coats, sponsored by Pantalone. 
Oh this is fun
You know how cats are just assholes sometimes and like do things specifically to piss you off
Yeah do that
Swipe at his hat tassles
Get on a cabinet and yell, mocking him for being so tiny
Rest assured that he will torment you in return
Like i love scaramouche so much, he’s my baby, id adopt him a million times over if i could
But i can only restrain the bastard instinct for so long
He told the fatui in charge of you to make sure you leave him alone and is so close to killing him when you inevitably waltz around the corner.
You’re not allowed in her workshop
No ifs ands or buts
Her robots are to delicate to risk getting knocked over by a cat
If you’re really insistent on watching her then she might allow you to watch from the door
But thats it
Outside of the workshop though, she wouldnt mind letting you in her lap while she is carried around by her robot. 
Just dont jump off without letting her know before hand
You might get crushed by the robot
If you manage to make her like you and look sad enough, she might make a robotic toy for you.
Maybe a robot cat friend or a mouse for you to chase.
It keeps you occupied and lets Sandrone make another robot, win-win!
She does seem a bit cold at first
Feels like the type to not like animals bc of how messy they are, etc.
But she will warm up to you quicker than say Pierro or Sandrone.
Another source of heat in this frigid country.
She sends one of those fire moths to go with you and it is very much appreciated.
Girls night with Her and Columbina hanging out and taking care of you ^-^
As mentioned in the original post, i think Pantalone likes cats
He’d spoil you so bad lmao
Doesnt matter if you’re mean or nice or apathetic
He has a corner in his office dedicated to you.
Its got a box of toys, the softest bed money can buy, the most elaborate cat tree imaginable like wtf man, one of them self cleaning litter boxes, a water fountain, and an automatic feeder.
The feeder is on a schedule but that doesnt really matter because Pantalone will give you treats anyways.
He even gives you your own allowance from the fatui treasury.
He gives you one of those cat collars with the little bell.
You could hint to her that you want to go to the orphanage.
Everytime someone mentions it, give a little chirp and stare at her intently.
She’ll probably get the idea and set aside a week or so for you go to the orphanage to play with the kids.
They’re all very gentle with you and like to call you a mini snow leopard.
Arlecchino thinks its kinda cute but she wont say it.
The bastard instinct returns
I like to think that he isnt present when the other harbingers found cat!reader
Imagine he arrives heavily wounded and is confined to bed rest 
And like, when the doctor gives the go ahead for guests, cat!reader jumps onto the bed and starts purring up a storm
Cats purr to comfort others as well as to show happiness
Childe’s barely conscious but the fluffy thing is comfy and he cant move so might as well let it stay.
When he does wake up he’s more than a little surprised to find a cat in his bed
You have a collar so he assumes you already belong to someone, pets you and then lets you out of the room while he goes over to see what the other harbingers are doing.
Khdsgoiewjrlksjf might try making this a longer fic if i have the skills but anyways-
Very nice to you
A bit rough on the playing but hey, it helps hone your hunting skills
Not that you need to hunt, you get fed regularly and i doubt there’s much mice in Zapolyarny palace. 
And thats all i got. If yall want, feel free to expand on the concept or send some asks for more specific interactions! This is the first time ive done anything like this so i hope its good enough. 
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@etherisy @franc-1-s
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Ultimate Genshin Tournament: Finals
[Mistake poll, go vote in the new one]
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Propaganda below cut
Hot Evil Woman.
#the duality of arlecchino is so well done #Also her design is insanely attractive (via @rinrinlovee)
#women driven by their own agenda #implied to be fucking insane #people were disappointed she didn't actually kill the kids in her story but listen #that would make her no better than dottore #she's a bad bitch she refuses to run the house on anyone’s terms but her own #i love morally grey characters guys #arle has mystery and intrigue there is no telling what her next move might be #and she has her fair share of tragic yuri #the fact that she is harsh #that there is inherent immorality in her character since she trains orphans to be child soldiers #but the fact that she still cares deeply for her charges #and arle thinks the doctor is despicable and refuses to make deals with him #except one that allowed her to set the children free to take their own path #like i cannot emphasize enough how much depth is in her character #freminet reports that she doesnt like when the children cry #but she still brought him back an emblem of his mother #and told him the truth about why he is in the House #in fact she's deeply appalled when she finds out he's been lied to and told his mother no longer wanted him #she is incredibly perceptive and forward thinking #and fine ill say it shes hot #and she's ridiculously powerful #in her boss fight we dont even kill her. we don't even come close #she was just entertaining us as a test #also i really enjoy a character who can suffer such tragedy and carry it with her in her life #but then is afforded the agency to make it better for herself and everyone who comes after #no child will die for wanting to choose their future #wanderer saying that those who have seen through her cordial facade have disappeared #like how can you NOT be interested in her #i want to know desperately what her grand plan is #i think we as a fanbase moved on way too quickly from the fact that teenage arlecchino #KILLED A FUCKING HARBINGER #also the question of where is arle actually from still remains #what exactly *is* she? (via @stormyrainyday)
girl deserves therapy and hugs and the best life in the WORLD because she went through a lot!!!! wouldn't pretending to be a god for 500 years with no support mess you up? and yet she still kept on going for her people!! she wanted to save her nation from a doomsday prophecy and she DID
After act 5 she deserves the world :(
“If all the people of Fontaine are on one side, and I am on the other…is it not obvious where the scales of suffering should tilt?” NO IT ISNT YOU’RE JUST ABNORMALLY SELFLESS AND INCREDIBLE AND PERSISTENT. Even the Archons praise Furina’s name and say she is a human with strength and capability worthy of an Archon. That’s not even to speak of Focalors. She snapped at Arlecchino when she implied that Furina had done nothing to preserve her people from the flood. Meanwhile every minute she was working to prevent the prophecy. A month after we took her to court and almost got her killed she agreed to help us direct a play, a favor for a favor
Guys, she deserves to win. She endured 500 years of torment and suffering. No hope in sight, just the knowledge that a trial, any trial, might signal the start of her life as herself. She sacrificed herself again and again: her reputation before the people of Fontaine, her happiness during the 500 years of her rule, and her very own divinity. Her trailer is literally just her worst nightmare coming to life. She is finding the joy in life again, slowly. Let’s be a part of that joy. Vote Furina!!!! 
Your honor, they're married and Arlecchino would want her wife to win.
she literally gave up her entire sense of self and sacrificed everything just to save Fontaine… all without ever knowing that she was the human side of the archon. She did everything because of her own sense of justice, because of her love for the people, because even she had to do her all for a chance for them to live on. Furina is the perfect example of what a leader should be, while also being so so very fragile and just…so very human. needless to say, Furina is perfect through being imperfect. So she absolutely deserves this win FURINA SWEEP REAL!!!
she managed to fool an entire nation and even the hydro dragon for 500 years. She literally put up the greatest act in all of history. All for one singular goal. The survival of Fontaine. And what did she give? Everything. Her soul. Her life. She is the epitome of the most amazing character design. And so she absolutely deserves this win!!
she literally was almost assassinated by the one she is up against right now. She literally almost was killed by arle. Literally WHY would you let arle win over our beloved queen Furina? Furina is a victim who is suffering trauma from her. She deserves the win more than arle! Payback for arle traumatizing sweet, innocent Furina…!!!!!
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(image via @deityofhearts)
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lorillee · 2 months
kaiji is just such a fun mc for this series because like. very distinctly in the comic he is portrayed kind of like as the dregs of society insofar as you can get without being like morally depraved. hes a gambling addicted neet who has basically no aspirations in life nor motivation to do basically anything if he isnt actively beaten into it and like you can kind of just imagine the type of person he is, but somehow, inexplicably, even though hes more than happy to call hyodo and tonegawa and their ilk essentially demon spawn and a significant amount of the worst things that have happened to him are a result of him sticking his neck out for somebody else and hes been subjected to and witnessed some of the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, he's got this completely unshakeable faith in people to do the right thing to choose to care to want to do good in a world that entices them in every single way to do the opposite because its such a core tenant of the person that he is. and like i said before this concept in and of itself is great but really really what sells it is that he actually hates himself for it he hates this part of himself so so much but every single time without fail, even right off the tail of getting thrown under the bus yet again by somebody he stuck his neck out for, even if the only solid evidence he has that people will, despite the terrible circumstances theyve been placed in, choose to do the right thing is himself because everybody around him has failed him, he still chooses kindness even if its for complete and utter strangers who dont even know his name
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 month
May I request Haunted House, Scary Movie, and Wrapped up with Ticci Toby please? Thank you!
Haunted House, Scary Movie and Wrapped up w/ Ticci Toby (Fall prompts)
in hindsight i probably should have assigned each prompt a letter or something but ik it would get confusing since theres already multiple other alphabet lists on this blog hmmm prompts: haunted house, scary movie, wrapped up notes: reader is gn cws: none
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honestly? haunted houses dont phase toby all that much, not back before he got into his current... job position... and of course, not now
actually he cracks some jokes as you pass through the attraction, this man is not taking anything seriously
bonus points if in contrast, youre terrified and clinging onto him... he... will tease you for being scared of something scripted
completely unphased by it, at most actors jumping out from nowhere might make him stiffen against you for a moment before relaxing
hes busy a lot of the time, so watching movies throughout october isnt really... possible...
which absolutely sucks because if he could, he would be hanging out with you all the time- plus hes never really got to watch many movies growing up! he wants to see what all the hype is about all these films!
has a love hate relationship with older slashers- theyre classics for a reason but he cant help but get annoyed at how dumb the characters can be... definitely roots for the killer more often than not
you both will likely end up arguing whos the worst character in a movie though, if theres some really hate-able characters
he doesnt care about catching a cold, sure hes going to wear his face covering... but thats just to.. cover his face.. and he wears gloves! oh.. but theyre for protecting his hands when hes doding his work and- oh he has his hoodie! but...
does not care about keeping warm in the cold weather, as long as he can function hes not going to do more than whats already working.... but hes going to jump at the idea of the two of you sharing a scarf
though do be warned he may wander off while youre both wearing it, so try to keep up with him lest you get dragged across the ground!
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simpfordemetri · 4 months
The guards with a human mate that has a dont give a shit attitude and enjoys being a brat.
This men is feeling bold
Like at first he will be looking at you with a wtf face because how should he react to this
Because in all honestly you are getting him flustered and he doesnt know what to do with himself
Or with you
But then you were pushing your luck after a hard trial
And suddenly he pinned you against a wall on your way to your share room
His grip on you were almost too hard that you could swear your arm were hurting
His eyes went dark and a loud growl scape from his lips
After that he will literally guide you to your share room grabbing the back of your neck and treating you like if you were basically a pet
She is not getting any of your shit
So if you dont want her to be mad mad you better put yourself up,stop being a bitch and stay in your fucking share room without bothering her
Her words not mine
Like of course she wont use that language but you could swear even without being vulgar and without the swearing part it was even worst to hear
Because being a brat with her doesnt led to sex im sorry
She will be so pissed off because why dont you grow up and respect your own self
She will literally scold you and you might feel so embarrased of yourself tbh
Its a 50/50 with him
There will be days where he loves how bratty you can get,and will makes sure to spoil you and let you get on his way
But if he is having a bad day and feeling brat himself i really hope you dont push his bottoms
He will literally humilliate you
In bed i mean
He isnt one for degrading you in bed as he incline more to praise you like a goddess/god
But if is one of those days you will end up saying your safe word because the things he will be saying would not even be sexy at the end
Basically punish you
He just find it funny,like you are just too cute
Look at you pouting and acting like if you were literally dumb
Laughing at you and whenever he says how cute you are then you get even more mad and bratty
However its a kink for him in bed
Will be like a roleplay you know
He will literally beg you to be as bratty as you could cause it gets him going
So maybe you have to be a bit careful in public because he will literally would want to open your legs and eat the fuck out of you
And the throne room its not time and place,right darling?
Girl loves it
She will act bratty sometimes too when she is feeling needy so she can get what she wants from you
However she likes to make you impatient
Seeing you all flustered and blushing for her its something she will never forget
But she wants to hear your words
Why are acting like this Cara mia?
Cmon now dont be quiet,i cant help if you dont tell me huh?
Well now you have done it and she is purring all over you until you voice out what you actually want
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Geo cult hear me out-
geo vs sol
How would that go down? Especially since sol is best friends with hyugo. Geo dislikes hyugo while hyugo cares about geo (at least from what we know). Sol is strong physically but geo has body guards and was stated to be good with weapons especially archery.
The outcome may change depending on MC, who their preference is (geo ofc ❤️)- and which route mc takes. but if MC was unsure or didn't care then what lengths would they go to?
Geos advantages
same friend group; close with crowe (how close is unsure but the fact that they are friends says alot). Crowe is close w/ us and has our trust, crowe could get MC to like geo. idk how this could be used as I doubt geo would ask crowe to do this, but what if crowe notices and does it out of kindness for Geo? Not just crowe, but deryl talks good about geo too.
rich; has connections (to the citys founder) & body guards (who are armed with katanas)
Good with weapons, relatively strong. Extremely close with deryl (who's the strongest physically in the whole cast). I dont doubt that deryl would be willing to throw hands for geo if worst comes to worst.
Probably more mentally stable than sol
Could probably expose sol for stalking us or something
Being with him literally guarantees a stable life, hes rich and mc and him would not only be happy together but financialy stable!! A fairy tail 😇
Geos disadvantages
Clearly emotionally constipated, would probably SUCK at being affectionate.
Intimidating, he death glares us and tells us to leave when we ask a question.
Doesn't take action. hes the type to wait for a confession. depending on the type of person mc is, would cause problems.
He seems hostile, not only to strangers but to his friends (clearly in a more affectionate way).this would scare away a timid mc, or even IF mc was outgoing, i feel like geos hostile attitude would just drive mc away sooner or later.
Sols advantages
Hyugo, from our interactions with hyugo he is clearly sols wingman and is trying to get us together
Takes action, unlike geo he asked us for our number (depending on the route). And he is clearly more likely to take romantic advances
Affectionate, hes cheeky / kind with us from the get go, and even after knowing him for only 2 days mc trusts him alot due to how kind he is. Things would progress much more faster.
Protected us in day 2 (depends which route), mc owes him alot, not only that but mc got to see how much sol cares for them, "this man was crying for you". Unlike geo sol would cry and is more willing to be emotional
Strong physically, his skill with weapons are unknown, but if it were just a pure fist fight then sol would win
Probably better at communicating feelings
Sols disadvantages
Mentally unstable and a stalker, being more realistic, this would scare off mc and have a restraining order
Lacks emotion for those other than mc (and hyugo?). If mc had close friends he would be seething of jealousy, and apathetic towards them and again would push mc away because of his possessiveness.
While both sol and geo are jealous, geo doesn't get jealous often, its just that when he does he gets REALLY jealous, and adding the fact that geo isnt as crazy and sol, he would be more reasonable in his jealousy, like he wouldn't get pissy because we are hanging out with our friends like sol does in day 2 ending. Geo likely understands we each need alone time and time with friends and family.
(im not sure about family, as in one of fantasias asks its stated somthing along the lines of "he was to claim a spot in your family)
has crazy rumors surrounding him, its not clear ingame what these details contain, but knowing sol they are probably somewhat true
SORRY FOR RAMBLING!! I didn't proofread so it might be messy... (゚▽゚*)
Hmm, the Geo cult have taken your query into admission, and you shall not be trialed for heresy...yet. (don't worry, you're all good, fellow cultist enjoyer.) ₊˚⊹ ᰔ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧
Anyway, I assume this is going to involve me pitting Geode and Sol against each other, so...enjoy. <33
- Signed by @biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
I'll be honest, for this fight to even happen we need these two in the same place at the same time.
Which will be difficult...unless we utilise our magnificent MC powers to get them to do whatever we want.
Taking all your points into account (which are excellent, good job btw), I genuinely think Geo will win.
Is it because I am devoted to him? (Yes /hj). Perhaps, but let me explain.
Geo has 4 friends (5 if we include you), one of whom being stronger than Sol (Deryl), and I see Deryl as a cute little retriever that'll go rabid if someone attacks who it loves/cares about.
Deryl won't let Sol get remotely near Geo.
Same with Brittney, if she got involved, she'd use the #gossipgyaru perks she has to try and fuck up Sol's rep even more.
Would be the one to give you a talk on why Sol's dangerous.
Geo also has bodyguards, along with a fuckton of money.
He could easily hire a hitman or bribe the police to ensure he has no legal trouble.
Also probably knows Hyugo well enough, so he'd probably be prepared for things his big brother is capable of.
Will use his popularity to get people to ensure Sol is far away from him (and you).
May not be as handy in a fistfight, but has prime access and ability to wield a wide range of weapons against Sol. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ However, these are the most...social and physical sides of a fight. What about you? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
To win you over, I feel like Geo would simply get you to warm up to his friends, then him.
After all, you'd be significantly more comfortable and relaxed around him that way, right?
Despite being fucked when it comes to emotion/affection, Geo is perfect at other things.
Like keeping you safe from the man who watches you sleep.
It honestly horrified you when you found out.
And you never spoke to Sol again, hell you even got a restraining order against him.
Will make his group and himself look angelic to try and get you to warm up faster.
Despite his cold geode-like exterior, will try to warm up to you (Deryl is astounded, to say the least).
Will probably tell you Sol's from a fucked home and needs psychiatric help.
You might also just start believing it.
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steven-has-exploded · 19 days
okay ive looked over the last few chapters and the various amenogozen deaths after about a day of crisis and confusion, and ive noticed a couple things about junichirous death in specific that i think are more than worth noting
firstly, amenogozen seems to show some kind of pity for kunikida and his state of shock before it kills him, and even as its stabbing its sword into his stomach. it lets him attempt to pull it out with no resistance, albeit acting as if it makes no sense by saying it cant truly harm him- though this could potentially be seen as an attempt to "console" him
junichirou, on the other hand? nothing. amenogozen stabs the illusion he created of himself with no hesitation, and no words to spare. when it locates the real junichirou, it coldly stabs him through the brain and out the eye from behind, where he couldnt have even tried to locate its attack
under cut is further rambling, warning for that one page where junichirou gets stabbed in the eye + mentions of sexual abuse
narratively, this is definitely because of the explicit bloodlust junichirou expressed towards amenogozen; it attacked as quickly as possible with as little chance for him to fight back because he's obviously dangerous, and fyodor instructed it to kill all of the ada members there as soon as possible. but, in a more metaphorical sense, especially when comparing it to kunikidas "death" (hes not dead i dont believe any of them are like seriously) it gets. um. upsetting
considering the way it seemed to try and console kunikida as i mentioned earlier, comparisons can be drawn to that of an abusive parent, although ill just be saying its an unspecified authority figure for the sake of this rant. in this metaphor, junichirou seems to play the role of the "disobedient" victim; whereas kunikida was frozen in place and didnt do much to fight against amenogozen attacking himself specifically, junichirou was immediately aggressive and threatened amenogozen, prompting it to "punish" him as soon as possible
now, this on its own is far from groundbreaking; if you did a drinking game for every time a character was mentioned to have been abused by an authority figure in bsd youd be dead before episode 6, but its the specific imagery evoked in junichirous death scene that really gets to me
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looking at this page more closely, especially in the first and third panels, brought up some EXTREMELY unsavory implications for me. the specific way that the action of him being stabbed is drawn, what with the blood oozing from around his whole eye and the way you can just barely make out what looks like the inside of the eye socket, all exacerbated by amenogozen practically pulling his hair to keep him in place and unable to fight back... look im not gonna pretend like this isnt based off my preexisting perception of junichirou and his trauma but oh my god this feels so much like an allegory for some kind of sexual exploitation, especially the fact it was the EYE in particular which is an already existing opening in the body kind of
could this just be me going insane? very much so, not gonna deny it. do i fullheartedly believe thats whats being pointed at here? yeah actually
and the worst part of it is that junichirou is just so dejected during this whole thing. he pointed out his location to amenogozen when it stabbed his illusion, phrased his request to atsushi as if it were last words, and was just in general so horribly unsurprised by the attack. whatever this is symbolizing, my personal interpretation or not, junichirou has grown so used to it he cant even bring himself to act like he really cares about it anymore. youre going to hell kafka asagiri
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moonshynecybin · 9 months
#he really does cut people out cold shoulder them with no discussion huh.... fascinating man......#invisible transgressions remembered forever at arms length#he is. i think. pathologically nonconfrontational. idk even with the sepang stuff.#like he doesnt look at marc AT ALL only performs to the press. same with argentina he sends uccio.... <- *eye* have a theory that vale on his factory settings is actually quite a desperate people-pleaser. not necessarily in a "i need others to approve of me" way (though that too) but in a "i need for others to cheer for me" (to try and explain what i mean better, he's not doing anything just to get the approval but he wants to feel approved/supported for whatever he's doing. different catalysts for action, same need). that's why he can play the crowd so well. and sepang - i think it was genuinely a protracted breakdown caused by vale realizing he's not superhuman anymore and his lead slipping and compounded by the anniversary of the worst loss he's suffered in his life
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post about graziano here, jorge confrontation here
like the thing about vale is. well we dont personally know him. so outside of stuff people close to him tell us, we only see the side of him he wants to show the press, which is still him, just more of a performance, i think. its already been discussed AT LENGTHHH that he loves to do this sort of performance and is just. generally very good at being a celebrity. and i think its an extension of his PR deftness that when jorge comes at him he just laughs and looks at his audience. he ropes them into a private joke, like can you believe this guy? which jorge (who takes to confrontation like a duck to water) HATES so bad. its a very effective deflection tactic. fr the easiest way to seem like the bad guy is to treat an argument like it is worthy of your attention. so he meep-meep roadrunner court jesters his way through off track conflict for the majority of his career. and yes he makes enemies and they tell US that he is being cold and prickly and treating them differently. but crucially. he does not seem anything other than a Chill Dude in front of the cameras. until well. sepang lol.
so yes! i think he is invested in controlling these narratives and good at it to boot. but!!!! where it gets crazy is when you get to the personal arenas. like the people he loves that he is actually invested in. where his feelings are on the line fr.
like for other (professional) conflicts he gets over it!! but not with his dad and not with marc. and part of the marc stuff is the ego involved (theyre having a GOAT-off) and the professional stakes, as ive discussed. BUT. i think he doesnt get over these two because. well. because they really really hurt his feelings, i think. like he's said in the past that he's been able to get over the rivalries he has with other racers (like biaggi) bc they WERENT friends before so he didnt gaf when it got nasty. but. he still. REALLY cares with marc. (and of course with his parents divorce. like yeah that makes sense) so i actually think its very telling that he isnt over sepang. and that he didnt look at marc at all whenever they had their epic divorce moments (sepang press conference, postrace argentina 2018) rosquez would be less real if he could just move on lol. like it is a divorce to them both for REAL. so vale is going to handle it the same way he did with his parents and quietly cut marc out while making it. VERY clear. that marc is no longer one of the people that he holds within the select bubble that gets to see vale without all of his press trappings.
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