#and make society liveable for people like me
8thavenueserenade · 1 year
nothing sucks more in the world than saying to someone “i love you and care about you and want you to be safe” and they essentially tell you to fuck off
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centrally-unplanned · 6 months
after your last post about STEM, what do you think about expanding the fields of 1) environmental science and other study of the environment and our interactions with it and 2) urban design and urban planning. Imo both of these should be as big as health sciences and engineering respectively, the only reason they’re not is that people don’t care about our interaction with the environment we need to care about and systemic place-drivers behind inequality, liveable lifestyles, and our ability to actually live sustainably as a species. mostly asking bc these are fields I’ve studied in and there’s very minimal, very introductory education imo compared to how much potential there is for 1) innovation and 2) applied study of ecosystems etc to actually care for said ecosystems
These are classic individual-cart-before-the-structural-horse issues. Does the current US economy (I'm talking about US, this will be unique by country, no commentary on Italy or w/e) lack for environmental scientists? When the EPA makes job postings for inspectors, when Williams & Connolly LLP puts out the call for environmental consultants for pending litigation, when Siemens is drowning in NEPA paperwork for a solar installation and needs to onboard staff, do they lack for candidates? Like fresh-out-of-school candidates, not "30 years of experience litigating environmental impact statements in United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit" candidates? I think the answer is "no" - its a popular major. It has tiers for levels of math skill, it has politics & business subfields, and so on. The system only needs so many of these people to do its job - I actually know about the environmental field from a professional capacity having built a degree in it, and right now we graduate too many in this field if you made me bet (but again not by like a ton, they do fine).
You can't make the system care more via the lever of supply of college majors. We currently empower environmental scientists by X% because that is how much we value the environment as a society. You wanna budge that you gotta convince people, win hearts and minds, initiate political reform, etc.
With urban studies I haven't done this professionally so I am a little less confident, but I think we oversupply that category even more. We have tons of urban planners in the US - we just don't let em do anything! We hire them by the dozens in every city and then suborn them root-and-stem to elected officials and an infinite array of veto points by local councils and lawsuits. Boosting the supply of graduates would do absolutely nothing - in fact its a "flakeout" career as we call it in the industry, the kind of job someone majors in, gets hired in the field, and then leaves after a few years because it turns out to suck for w/e reason. (though again, never dug into the data on this one, so grain of salt on this specific claim. Wider thrust is true).
I think this ties into a general principle I have - the US higher education system is not a lever for social change. In some small ways sure, and for academia oh yeah ofc and I have a ton of ideas on that one. But overall its downstream of wider social forces, and its decently-optimized to cater to the needs of those social forces. You can't squeeze new social goals out of society's certification system.
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ladylaviniya · 6 months
Please someone lobotomise me. I don't want to have big human thoughts. I'm done. Just put me in a care home and let me go through dementia as I enjoy puzzles all day. I'd rather be at peace and forget things than have to continue feeling like I'm constantly drowning.
I hate myself and I hate that I struggle to fit into society.
I just want to be loved and I thought I'd be married with kids by now (yes I'm only 22 but I'm a Christian virgin who struggles with the physical feelings of being comfortable with sex other than the smut I write and read.)
I thought men were real- I thought men were romantic and worshipped women. I didn't realise how objectified and then shamed we are by men who behave like animals.
I don't want to work and I think that's a massive reason I'm having such a bad breakdown. I want to be a Pilates wife. I want to be at home baking and cooking and meal planning and loving a husband. I want to mend his work uniform and sit and rub his feet while he oats my head and tells me I'm his angel.
I don't want to work in disability care where my tolerance is so minimal to loud, overstimulated (overstimulating for me) aggressive clients. Or work with babies that scream and cry and hit along with angry parents that yell at you the moment something goes wrong. I wish job employment agencies would stop trying to pressure me into these roles. I KNOW THEYRE UNDERSTAFFED ALREADY SO IM NOT RIDING A SINKING BOAT- no THANKS
I just want my dad. I just want to go home. I just want to be 6 years old. I want to go to preschook again and do painting.
I don't want to work from 5pm-5am and walking Brisbane streets at night all alone going from one cleaning place to another just for one client to write passive aggressive comments in the Communication booklet and my boss to start telling other co-workers that I'm having meltdowns and I'm high maintenance.
I'm autistic and I just want to be treated like a toddler or a dog because that's kinder than what's happening now.
I just want a husband to look after me and protect me.
I want to just make cute little videos and not have to worry my pretty head about money.
I DONT WANT designer bags or clothes. I just want to have a house I'm allowed to decorate and make dresses or bake for church. And a husband who comes from work and pats my head and tells me I'm a good girl. At this rate I don't even care if he's fucking a receptionist on the side.
I get it how these are such white woman tears. But fuck I think every woman should have this dream off they WANT without any shame.
I know it's a "grow up this is reality, you're describing something that doesn't exist." WHY CANT IT EXIST. FUCK.
I don't blame feminism. Feminism is amazing and I love her.
I blame classism.
People can't survive on just single home incomes anymore and that's fucked up to me.
"but women had jobs too you're just describing the rich wom-"
Women with jobs were mostly young single women waiting to get married or women who never wanted to get married but needed a liveable income. YES some entire families worked to survive poverty back in the day, I wont disregard that, but FUCK
you would think being so advanced as we are considering we mass produce via machine etc, human life would be "easier" BUT IT ISNT.
And I'm TIRED. I really am. I've been depressed since the day I was born but because it's so normal to me I forget how depressed I am and then feel bad when I burn the fuck out.
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houseofbreadpakoda · 11 months
Rocky aur Rani fic
Time flows slower when you're lonely. It was true. The loneliness was getting to her. It was strange though. Not like she ever entertained people around her. Then why was it, that the loneliness was only hitting now?
Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock. She fixed her dupatta and looked up. It was Jamini. Dhanalakshmi immediately tried to divert her attention elsewhere.
"Kya mein....?"
"Hmm, aayiye."
Jamini walked to a chair near the desk Dhanalakshmi sat at. It was a huge room with many windows. But they had all been shut with the curtains pulled over. A pungent scent had taken over the room.
"Aap thik hein-?"
"Yahaan meri thabiyath ke baare mein baath karne aayi hain aap? Toh haan, thik hoon mein. Karodo ka dhandha chalta hain mere wajah se. Thik toh hona padega."
This probably wasn't the best time to talk, but Jamini was already here.
"Jab se Kanwal ji....aapke pathi guzre hain, sunne main aaya hain ki aap zyada kisi se baath nahi karti hain."
"Aisa kuch nahi hain Jamini ji. I have not relied on anybody to earn bread for my house or to take care of my company. I have never been too close to my husband nor my son. Loneliness is not something which affects me."
"You were not lonely before Dhanalakshmi ji. Aapne jisko bhi dhoor rakha tha, apne marzi se rakha tha. You were alone. Alone by choice. Par ab jo Khaalipan hain......it is not by choice. Yahi farak hota. Being alone is by choice, but being lonely never is."
Several moments passed by, neither of them spoke. Jamini cursed her timing. This was definitely not what she wanted to put across. Dhanalakshmi finally broke the silence.
"Meri maa thi na, she was very clever. But where would our household put up with clever women. She assumed she had no choice but to suppress herself. But it suffocated me to see her toil hard to make our house liveable when she could've been doing any job she wished to, with more credit to her name. So when I was married away, I had only one goal. To live life without any credits due. After many years I opened Dhanalakshmi sweets.
But in the process of achieving my goal, I only ever cared about establishing my name and getting my credits. Something which started off as a Woman's fight against the society turned into something personal. Somewhere i forgot that I myself am a woman, a daughter of another woman who was oppressed in this society.
I brought my son up, teaching him only how to run a business, never how to treat people around him. I remember the first time he hit his wife in front of me. We were in a business meeting. But all I wanted was for the drama to end there. I asked her to leave and excused my son. And then I did it again and again and again until i couldn't care about it anymore. But I have nobody to blame. It is all my greed for a name for myself which turned me into the person who brewed my greed. Life has come full circle."
Now it was Jamini's turn to speak.
"Rani ne bataya aapke chitti ke baare mein..." Dhanalakshmi sighed.
"Aap apne aap ko jitni buri samajthi hain, uthni hain nahi. Haan, galthi hui hain. Par koi galti itni bhi badi nahi hoti ki use maaf na Kiya jaa sake."
After a silence of another hundred moments, Dhanalakshmi spoke again. "Magar Maine kab kahaan ki mein khudko buri samajthi hoon?"
Jamini broke a sweat, "Nahi, mera matlab yeh nahi tha...-"
She was interrupted by a chuckle. Dhanalakshmi smiled in turn making Jamini smile. Atleast the visit was a success.
@janaknandini-singh999 aap hi ke misunderstanding se likha gaya hain ye ;)
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we-survive-endlessly · 8 months
Word vomit about my poor mental state below, feel free to ignore 😬👍
I have literally been so stressed lately that my skin picking is out of control and I’m having heart palpitations. Dealing with grief, my dog being sick again, work stress, life stress, stress and sadness about the state of the world, like my body just can’t take it.
There’s so much I could say about my job. I recently went to my supervisor about the fact that my coworker who I share an office with sleeps all day. Which was really scary and hard for me, but it’s damaging my uncle’s company and the stores she is supposed to be paying the bills for are super behind because of it. Like getting three to four vendors a DAY reaching out about past due bills. Anywho my supervisor said she would take care of it but now our hr person is leaving which will dump a lot more work on everyone and I doubt anything is going to change. They’re also training me on payroll with the expectation that I’ll be able to do it by myself when the person that trains me goes out of town in like a month. Meaning that NO ONE that will be there will know how to do it or help me if weird situations come up. So now I’m stressing about that.
I was just given a promotion that came with a $4 raise which is amazing. Like I’m now making $6 more than when I started and I haven’t even been there a year which should really excite me but all I can think about is the fact that I still don’t make enough to live on my own and that the average salary needed to live comfortably alone in California is $80,000 a year which I am nowhere near. I’m almost 28, and I still live at home with no expectations of being able to move out anytime soon. Every Sunday night I want to cry because I can’t believe the weekend is over and I have to go to work again tomorrow and I’m going to have to do this probably for the rest of my life because retirement seems like a pipe dream if we even have a society or liveable world when I get to that age anyways.
I see what is going on in the world both in other countries and with people I care about here and I cry every day because while I do what I can to help it never feels like enough and I have to listen to family members with just the most awful thoughts and opinions. We live in a world where the people in charge don’t give a fuck about anyone or anything so long as they get paid and I’m TIRED.
My future, the future in general, feels hopeless. Utterly and completely hopeless. And yet here I am. I’ll go to bed early tonight to try to calm the panic in my chest and escape into my dreamland, even though going to bed early just makes tomorrow feel like it comes even faster, and I’ll go to work. Just like I do every weekday. I’ll pretend like everything is fine. Like my coworker sleeping all day doesn’t infuriate me to the point of feeling physically ill. I’ll come home and take care of my dog and then instead of cleaning or exercising or doing any of my hobbies or anything else that I want to do, I’ll just scroll my phone because I’m too tired to do anything else. Maybe I’ll eat dinner, maybe I’ll just go to bed because I’m too nauseous to eat. And I’ll repeat. For the rest of my life because this shit is never ending.
Anyways, if any of you read this, I’m sorry it’s so negative and depressing. I’ve really been trying to tell myself the things that I would tell a friend who felt this way but it’s just not working. I’m just in a really awful hopeless place and I’m sorry.
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carli-meows · 6 months
mom once argued with me and said that "if people could just choose when they showed up to work, no one would ever want to work"
and like probably, but like if i was told thered be no consequence to not showing up and only good things did happen if i showed up AND they paid me a liveable wage AND if my boss was fucking every one over so we get to kill him with hammers
yeah id probably take the day off and go in tomorrow or something
if helping helps and not helping does nothing wheres the problem, PEOPLE IN NEED, DUMBASS,
like even if we lived in a society that didnt try to drain every cent out of everything all the fuckin time, i would still make an attempt to show up
shit probably willingly to, because i like helping, i like being there and taking the workload off the friends ive made at my job
i like chatting with them and the customers and doing little tasks with way less stress because there's no big rush or anything, every one who walked into the cafe wants tea and coffee and a break
and you could see the sky and the clouds and you're warm and welcome and happy
but we are NOT there yet
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thevagabondexpress · 1 year
christopher lightwood vs the butterfly effect. fodder. we know he invents a bunch of things, maybe averaging 2-3 groundbreaking things per year and he works with Grace so that could add more. gets along with downworlders like he fits in better with them than shadowhunters, it's not too much of a stretch to assume he probably thinks about mundanes with similar dignity and does have some level of perceived responsibility to protect them from demons downstream from his wanting to make bigger impacts through his inventions (a lot like me with urban design).
anyway, we also know basic history between 1904 and now, and the world of tmi etc has been consistent with ours, and a world in which christopher lightwood's last invention was fire messages. two world wars. bunch of racism and patriachy. ecocide. concerns about the environment and human consumption cumulating in whatever is happening with our weather right now.
would christopher come up with some mathematical relationship of the mundane society events that result in greater demon liveability and breeding rate on earth? would he get into social justice as a result? (I feel like James would for pure social justice reasons if he had the first clue how and another shadowhunter to do it with). or maybe he would do so more passively with his inventions--he wouldn't want to limit them to shadowhunters would he?
anyway my point is society as we know it has massive potential to be Very Different. so go wild. brainstorm it. did ww1 and 2 even happen? is climate change even a thing in this world? are mundanes still kept ignorant of the shadow world or is that exposed for how many problems it causes and is this newfound knowledge helping people rethink racism? ableism? how we get along with other species of living things that aren't human?
you've got 120 years to work with. australia has just become a federation and in many parts of the world racial segregation is so normalised anything else seems absurd to most of society. trickle down economics is yet to scam many. the fossil fuels industries are yet to learn from the tobacco industry about how to prevent the spread of you know, information that isn't mixed with misinformation. the word 'homosexual' has not appeared in any bible ever (and shadowhunters care about religion, all stories are true).
go crazy (or follow this however far you have the time for!)
I've joked before that the show universe is what would've happened if Christopher stayed around, just because of how more open to technology they are. You are right; the world does have massive potential for change. But I also don't feel that he would cause so much change upon the mundane world as to prevent the world wars: they're too big and too soon, too many of the moving parts are already in place: WWI was caused by a domino of alliances, remember, alliances that you couldn't just easily dismantle in the ten years between ChoT and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
I feel like the Clave has its version of the Prime Directive for a reason, and more than just "we don't want to cause widespread panic among mundanes": they and Downworlders, even Downworlders like werewolves or working-class faeries who seem fairly mundane by Downworld standards, have so much more power than mundanes. If mundanes knew about the Downworld, and Downworlders could interact freely with mundanes as themselves, it'd create a power imbalance that'd just be so unfair for the mundanes involved. I feel like Christopher would understand that. But I do also feel that it would be majorly depressing for him: thanks to mundanes, the world is on a massive downhill slide but there is nothing he can do to stop it, not without creating a whole different kind of ethical dilemma.
But things that really kick in and happen later, like climate change, or trickle down, or some of the rollbacks of progress happening now, those I think do have the potential to change. Not directly through Christopher, but we do know that Downworlders don't have the same strictness of interference policies that the Clave does (Magnus Bane infamously influencing many mundane events) and so we don't know who might bring his ideas out into the mundane world for him.
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the-assignment · 1 year
Blog 6: The Final One
I can’t believe it’s here. Not only have I reached the end of my last term as an Undergrad EVER (graduation is in 6 days!!) but this is my last blog post for my Afrofuturism class. As such, I wasn’t sure what would be most fitting to end this experiment on. Call it hope for my future outside of UCLA or an ode to the way time is often malleable in Afrofuturism, but I decided that it’s important to look forward… by also looking to the past (because honestly what even is time).
One of my final lectures was about the current state of the Afrofuturism genre and its future. But in looking at how far we’ve come, we need to acknowledge Afrofuturism’s past…. And unfortunately, there wasn’t a whole lot going on to be honest. One of the things that surprised me, is that it wasn’t until recently-ish, a few decades, that Afrofuturism artists and works began to really emerge. In the beginning, there were only a few movies and books and authors, and like, one director. When one of the pioneers of the genre, Octavia E. Butler passed, it might have even felt or looked like Afrofuturism was done and over with. But that, fortunately, didn’t happen! In fact, it really started to take off within the last few years. When Black Panther came out - and by Mainstream Marvel no less! - it set a new fire and hope that Afrofuturism could inspire and continue - and it has. Many artists (Missy Elliot, Janelle Monáe, Kenrick Lamar, Beyoncé, Alabama Shakes, Reggie Hudlin, Okorafor, Nnedi (with Wanuri Kahiu), Boots Riley, etc.) through various mediums (music, music videos, lyrics, stories, movies) have produced great works of Afrofuturistic art and it’s only getting better. Especially with the past influences to draw from (Sun-Ra, George Clinton, Samuel R. Delaney, Derrick Bell, etc.) and the new forms of technology (which can be both good and bad) to help achieve a futuristic aesthetic. 
However, as discussed in one of my final lectures - the future of Afrofuturism (and I’d argue art in general) is a caution of relying solely on AI for these things. This is why, in my opinion, the WGA strike is so important in a lot of different ways. For the sake of good and soulful art - and for the care of people. Because Afrofuturism started and will continue to be a way that cautions and warns and shows people that we need to think about and invest in people that we often disregard. We as a society have to make sure we are taking care of each other and the things we care about: equality, justice, food and housing security, fair and liveable wages, healthcare, safety, etc. Parable of the Sower was set in the year 2024 - and we are almost there. And while I don’t think that it will be exactly like Lauren’s world, I do think that we are moving closer and closer to it. Closer and closer in having to fight for the right to live (I think most of us are actually there - just not in the extreme ways in Parable), closer and closer to constant violence and a need for hypervigilance, closer and closer to new and legal (if not completely unethical) ways for modern day slavery. 
But we can also get closer and closer to helping others and finding our own place to plant our own seeds. We can get closer and closer to helping others plant their seeds. And soon, if we work together, and take care of each other, and help and watch out for each other, and make sure we’re paying attention and fighting for the things that we care about, all the seeds that we were able to plant - of community, and love, and hope - will grow. And I want to make sure I’m part of that harvest.
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Genuinely wondering why you would advocate for eugenics and aborting autistics. Because they're hard to raise? They are hell on the parent? So they're not allowed to live then? Breeding out "undesirables" from society is not going to fix anything. It is horrific. Everyone is one accident away from becoming disabled. You're all for aborting disableds. so what, you're also for killing those who become disabled later in life? is that it? So no one has to suffer and live in pain and be a burden to their parent? How about, instead of falling for nazi eugenic propaganda, you focus on making society more liveable for the "undesirables." We deserve to live
Hello Anon, I waited a bit so we could both calm down, and maybe see the gray parts of this situation, not only the blacks and the whites. I also read into the controversy around Autism Speaks and although I already knew they were shady but oh boy. I fully understand why you'd never willingly collaborate with this given organisation in their "research". The quotation marks were intentional. No, we shouldn't bio-engineer a perfect society. Yes, it is horrific.
At the same time, as someone who lives somewhere women's rights are being cut away gradually, it was astonishing to read how some people on tumblr.com essentially say that in some circumstances a person shouldn’t be allowed to have an abortion even though they want one.
I'd love to live in a diverse, accepting society but I can't change mine singlehandedly. I keep speaking up (sometimes it's more like shouting) even in a hostile environment every single time someone blames the mother for their child's situation. It may sound unbeliavable, but I've been told several times by male relatives in my twenties to not to do this or that because I'd end up giving birth to an autistic baby. I've done cutting away some of ties there but this is just the state of our society, I'd love to seal myself away hermetically, if I could. I've seen divorces leaving mothers alone supporting children who require constant care. Right now our social system doesn't support people who stay at home to take care of their disabled relatives adequately. There are undiagnosed, untreated children everywhere because their family straight out refuses the possibility of autism because it's still such a heavy stigma and also because our school system is not equipped to deal with children with special needs.
For me, this was the hardest sentence to read in your reply.
"So no one has to suffer and live in pain and be a burden to their parent?"
Please look up some pro-life propaganda on the internet, you'll find it very similar to what you've just said, even though I'm sure it wasn't your original intention.
So overall, yes, I do my part in making society more liveable (why did you straight out insinuate that I don't?) for everyone, but I'll be always on the mother's side. I believe that we should have the right to terminate a pregnancy when we feel unsafe about it because of our direct environment/society and supporting research to develop prenatal tests will save already existing lives (especially here, where statistically a woman dies in domestic violence every_single_week). I'd prefer mothers having the right of making this decision instead of just straight out not doing research because it's unethical. Their bodily autonomy supersedes that of a clump of cells.
I hope next time we communicate you'll hit a less passive-agressive tone and to encourage this I'm disabling anon but feel free to reply with your username.
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Hey, I was looking at custom quilts, and I can get an entirely hand sewn Amish quilt, with my own chosen patterns and colors and everything, for less than half of what you charge for quilts where people can't even choose the design, and in much less time at that. What makes your quilts worth so much more?
First and foremost, they aren't charging enough. I've seen people charge pennies for their work, and it hurts those of us who charge more. On Etsy, I have seen queen-sized hand-sewn quilts sell for less than $300. The materials alone would be $200+. Those low prices have people convinced Walmart prices are standard, which leads to people thinking they can send rude accusatory messages to anyone else who charges more. It's exhausting. Ask how many hours it takes to make the quilt, then divide the final price by that amount. Are they being paid a liveable wage? I charge $25/hour, which is what the federal minimum wage ought to be seeing as minimum wage is meant to cover the cost of a home, utilities, food, bills, transportation, education, and the bare minimum to survive in our society.
Second, the option to choose your own design is available, I simply provide other options for those who aren't interested in designing and would like to choose something that's either already designed or a quilt top is finished that they can choose from. Many people aren't knowledgeable about color, prints, and design, and following precisely what they want can prove disastrous. I've had a client who insisted I use the fabric and pattern they already purchased, that I use specific fabrics for the different parts, them act surprised when it ended up being hideous. I have my own style and signature for my work. It may not be what everyone wants, but those who commission me have never complained. They know what type of artist I am, have seen my work, and no one has made any mention of disappointment.
Third, I'm Disabled. I live in constant pain, and plowing through a commissions at top speed will result in burnout and more ths of recovery. I'm not a machine. Amish quilts are made by many hands, all working together, because many hands make light work. I'm a one-person team. I do all the buying, cutting, piecing, pressing, arranging, sewing, basting, quilting, binding, and washing. I can work a max of six hours every other day, if I'm pushing myself. I won't risk burnout or injury, resulting in pacing myself instead.
Last, but not least, ask those who have purchased my work if they feel it was worth what they spent. If they see this very rude ask you send behind the mask of a grey face, they can respond as they best see fit. By your tone, I know you're a client I don't want, which is fine. You just need to understand that artists are people and not machines. If you want to continue being rude, block me. I have better things to do than dealing with people who send disrespectful messages.
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eriellesudario · 5 years
A darker side to Icelandic society | My thoughts to ‘Let me fall’
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July 11, 2019 – Arrival Day
I was on a plane to Keflavík International Airport and I’ve decided to indulge in some Icelandic media that the plane can provide me. Lof mér að falla (Let me fall) by Baldvin Z was the main headline for this flight’s Icelandic film selection. The plot intrigued me that I’ve decided to give it a shot – despite the on-board entertainment that I wouldn’t have enough time to finish it. Also one of the producers is Julius Kemp and he directed ‘Wallpaper – An Erotic Lovestory‘.
Sadly, and expectedly, I wasn’t able to finish the film and thought not much of it. However, whilst I was on the bus ride going to Reykjavik, I’ve decided to do some research to where I could get a copy since I want to at least know how it ends. What I was presented however wasn’t links of purchase but rather, an article by the Reykjavik Grapevine about how this film was based on true events!
The reality vs the fantasy
When we hear the word ‘Iceland‘ the first thing in our minds are either Europe, Bjork, Blue Lagoon, Vikings, etc. We think heavily on what was presented in front of us and rarely hear the issues that happen in the country. The closest thing I’ve heard about Icelandic issues is either the 2008 Financial Crisis and the Panama Papers.
I know each country has its flaws but in my experience, I haven’t heard anything when it comes to that relating to Iceland. And this says something because I tend to hear stuff from other countries. Maybe they’re that good in not making it that known to an international audience.
But this then skews our perspective of the country to think it’s perfect that the moment I arrived at my Airbnb, I was shocked. The first thing in my head was “am I at the right place?”.
And the reason I ask this is that my entire surroundings look so sketchy! Even my family and friends are confused as they didn’t believe that where we are at is where I was staying. Our surroundings made it look like we live in a really shady neighborhood.
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You may say to me “but isn’t that like that in all places” and I agree too… until my dad read me the crime and liveability rate in Reykjavik. I don’t know where or how my dad got this info but he read to me some shocking stuff that if you look at our current surroundings to where we are staying – it answers a lot of questions.
And after reading what ‘Let Me Fall’ is about… it somewhat connects the dots.
Compare and contrast
Something that I find interesting about Icelandic films is that it depicts a different side of the Icelandic life. A lifestyle that’s hardly ever heard off based on what’s heavily advertised. I’m not just saying that as something blatant and obvious.
If you compare media from other countries – you’d see a balance on what gets depicted and what everyday life is like. Icelandic media, however – ITS DARK AF.
Even when watching Polite People (an Icelandic comedy ft Stefan Karl), a bunch of us LazyTown fans commented about it saying “Iceland has an odd way on depicting comedy“.
I needed to know how ‘Let Me Fall’ ends. Luckily, there was a screening of the film back in Sydney.
A depiction of a different life
“Let Me Fall” to me is a window to another side of the Icelandic society that you never get to hear or see on the media. While everyone out there is glorifying the landscape, the people, the experience, etc… films like this depict a different life.
It depicts a darker time in modern Icelandic society that you think that it’s impossible or unheard off… but it’s sadly true. The whole film was hard to swallow as you see the girls struggle and there is this whole question of trust and power in play. It also depicts the downfall and consequences when it comes to drug addiction and who gets affected.
I felt so bad for Magnea as she’s living the perfect life but she was driven in the wrong direction. Even in the start – one of the minor characters (who’s a drug dealer) was concerned for her education. Then later on, you see Stella and Magnea together and I just want to stab Stella so much because Magnea didn’t deserved this.
You see everything unfold and the consequences it brings and it still shocks me that this event actually happened in such a country.
I may not have the right to comment about the life of the people in a country I just visited once but this film did open my eyes. Let me fall showed me what’s on the other side of the coin.
This film is worth a watch. It’s dark and powerful and the soundtrack is amazing. Good to see something different.
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lilsnowpea93 · 6 months
I have a few extra things to add to that longpost I made the other day about the typical working experience in America. 1. So, I suppose something I’d super advocate for is something like UBI, or at least funding of the arts of for creative people. The latter is a biased framing ofc. And we do have some safety nets here like food stamps and Medicaid. But I think those could be expanded slightly, especially healthcare. So, note that when I mention funding of arts/creativity, like we do have bigger problems. But arts are also important, and the first stuff to get cut. Anyway. I feel there’s this attitude from more centrist and conservative people I talk to that, if a system like UBI were put in place, it would lead to nobody wanting to work, especially if it was a good program (which won’t happen, like gov giving u a liveable paycheck monthly, they should do that for ppl who can’t work but broadscale it will never happen). Handout this and freeloader that. Cool cool cool. And so, in order for society to function, there are so many jobs that need to be performed, surely. Now, for many of those jobs that are considered more “skilled” and have large large responsibilities and huge consequences for mistakes- people typically go to school for that stuff, or spend years of their lives dedicated to it, it’s their thing they do. They also hopefully get paid well, which is the incentive sure. Also for the “unskilled” dirty shitty jobs that need to happen, employers should pay them well too, incentive. For transparency, I work in this field, but it’s small time. Now, idk if this is specific to me, but a lot of people I personally know, work retail and random stuff like that, (in contrast to those “societal bolster” jobs like being a building planner or whatever). And granted sometimes those overlap, like supermarket jobs. So, I think it’s fair to say that ppl working those retail or service jobs aren’t typically training their whole lives for those positions, they usually don’t love their job (sometimes you’ll hear well off ppl romanticize these types of jobs, get real usually ppl don’t want to do that for their whole life), they may have multiple of these jobs.. I get the sense this is the typical working experience in America? An aside- I’d like to note that the narrative we were all broadly told is that you “work your way up” but, haha no dear that does not happen for many people. “Started in the mailroom” type shit, stop it. Again, temporarily embarrassed millionaire brainwashing (or frankly, 100,000aire) is bullshit, I’m so tired of that. I get frustrated nearly daily how burned into my skull that is. It is a lie. Stop spreading it. It worked for a handful of people, do people understand the size of the workforce? It’s not designed for everyone to win, even a little bit. It’s clearly designed to exploit and make as much profit as possible “ethically” possible. ANYWAY, sorry. So these jobs, hate to say it but a lot of these places super don’t need to exist. They’re projects by big/med sized biz owners or corporations to make money for themselves. These are everywhere, look at all the dumb stores and restaurant chains everywhere. These are your options for pay if u don’t have a marketable specific skill (me included).. Look at all the advertising we’re bombarded with daily. U really think all that stuff is necessary for society to function? No lol. It’s people trying to get rich or rich people profiting. Now I think small one off businesses are cool and typically offer something to the local community, I have nothing against those, unless the boss is horrible and exploiting workers.. but u know what I’m saying? We’re surrounded by pointless shit designed for wealthy people to get wealthier, for us to give our hard earned money to that we got from our annoying unfulfilling job (mines ok, talking about average experience) to buy an overpriced chip bag 75% filled with air because our survival brain decided we need a salty interesting flavored snack and can’t resist. Is this not hell of our own making? My drama queen debut yes yes.
2. This is an obvious point, but I’ve always felt this (even though I’ve historically only worked for non profits I like.) When I clock in to work, I’m taking on the load and responsibility of someone else’s project. It’s like I’m living a separate life. And yes, baggage from my personal life will seep into my professional one, and definitely vice versa (worrying about work shit at home). So, personally, my own “project” is constantly majorly f’d. I have so many things I want to do at home, for myself, for my small projects where I make stuff for other people. Stuff like, I’ve hated my underwear drawer for 10+ years. I need to find out what cut and material of underwear I prefer, because it’s not the generic one. It takes time and research to do that. I do not have that time, and that’s a silly one of the 100 large important “me” projects that I need to eventually do. Stuff that impacts my daily life, like hating my underwear situation every day for 10 years. Every day I get up, and ignore all of that for my survival paycheck. I put me to the wayside, and put someone else’s thing to the front for hours and hours. Thankfully it’s a non profit I like. If it was a bs retail stuff with angry customers, well that would be very bad. But, even not having to work a huge amount of hours, I get home, and I try to work on the projects where I’ve promised things to other people. Sometimes I have to take a nap, and that’s even a privilege. But yeah, I’m tired, sometimes I don’t get good sleep, it happens. Before I know it it’s time to make dinner, time to go to bed, time to do it again. You hear this from countless people who work 9-5. Is this really life? Never actually working on yourself, always having to spend that energy elsewhere? Shirking your own happiness for money, because of survival? No one should have to do that, yet we all do. There are clear penalties to not participating. Poor and homeless people are actively punished. How many Americans are one medical emergency away from getting into this trouble? Point of all this being, we are used to putting ourselves last. Discouraged from even having the time to think about what we need as people. I believe this keeps us less effective and less mentally/physically healthy. This is a byproduct of profit being put over lives, and I would say it happens most to the lower class. Wealthy people can get away with exploiting poor people, because they need the money. Wealthy people romanticize these workers and jobs. The workers want and need the pay, they do not want to work grueling hours. They typically have little power in this relationship though. High capital earners usually do not do the right thing. Landlords do not usually do the right thing. These people are in these positions for easy money, not to be nice (gotta be some exceptions of nice rich people sure sure sure). I’m aware how cynical this comes off but I can’t help it after learning about this topic from multiple angles. I don’t have a good end to this but I’ll likely have more to write about this in the future. I understand this way of life to be broken, and so many people around me don’t, it’s frustrating, and I need to be able to prove why instead of just being like oh this sucks and having them think I’m lazy. People can think that, idc, I know I’m not, eh. But there are reaasssons there are reasons I’m dissatisfied, and believe it could be so much better. And I know other countries are worse cool awesome, it can be better. I don’t have all those answers, but the more I write the more they form, sorta. But I’m a toilet cleaner why would I have anything intelligent to say on this lol, I’m supposed to take what I can get, and I do. I think my opinion also matters though. At least I’ve had time to form this opinion, I could have easily not.
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greengrungeemo · 8 months
One rabbit hole I accidentally dug into after watching a YT vid of Fatt Walsh failing at playing GTA V, ranting about how video games are unenjoyable, how they rot the youth's brains, and then mindlessly blaming women A.I drivers for his own sh*t driving (it was beyond insufferable), was this. Pr****U polls.
I don't want to politically debate by any means, but what the actual f*ck.
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1) Are you that pretentious and selfish to not provide a sliver of respect to others around you? If someone asks you, not demands or orders, asks politely to respect their pronouns, is your first reaction really to say no because you value your stance over them as an individual? They could already be slightly uncomfortable in getting out of their comfort zone to ask you, so can you imagine saying no when they do? I can't. Put yourself in someone else's shoes, please.
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2) Men, and anyone for that matter, should be able to wear whatever they goddamn want. I started wearing crop tops because I grew more confident and happy with my body. Condemning anyone for wearing something that brings them joy, especially if it's perfectly appropriate, makes you a shit. Like an actual shit on the floor. Just because of that poll, I'm gonna buy myself a plaid skirt to wear. :3
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3) The "I research my own data" is no surprise. Of course that's their answer. Ever hear about bias research? Affirming your own beliefs through biased search terms will inevitably get you search terms that are a great match to your own beliefs. I.e: "Vaccines and autism" vs. "Why vaccines cause autism". I BET you they search the 2nd example more often than not. Similarly, simply stating a proposition is true, and believing its true, and providing your own justification to it being true, does not mean it is entirely true. The conclusion? Trust scientists, the scientific method, and empirical evidence.
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4) This one bothers me. A lot. They're implying not everyone deserves a LIVEABLE wage??? They really drive by homeless people and think to themselves, "A shame they put themselves in that situation" and go about their day without any empathy whatsoever? You don't know what got them there. You shouldn't ever assume anyone's unfortunate circumstance. A living wage guarantees that everyone can potentially live and function and take care of themselves and their needs. Your work and wages should be associated with your efforts, merit, and luck? Sure, but everyone should have a livable wage as a minimum. Otherwise, you accept human suffering in your own society for the benefit of the wealthier class when you should instead try to minimize suffering as best you can. We should all do our part to help one another.
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5) This one still makes me contemplate it to this day. Kindness should have been the beyond obvious answer? Kindness will always be pure. A kind act will always remain as a kind act. If everyone was kind, then the world would be kind - to nature like plants and animals, and to each other. It's a very easy answer for me. Truth, however, can be skewed. It can be personally malleable from a multitude of factors. We will also never know the full, correct truth about anything and everything space and time has to offer us. The answers to this poll, I feel, seems to be what do you prioritize? Kindness or your OWN form of truth? Truth to people can be shaped based on their beliefs, morals/ethics, knowledge and understanding, culture, prejudices, and so many other things. How do you guarantee your form of truth is the correct one? What's the statistical probability that it's 100% right? I can easily admit that my own opinions, beliefs, and my own "truth" can be fallible. I used to believe that the planet Neptune was a deep shade of blue, as many others did and still do, and now recently, it has been discovered that Neptune is a pale blue similar to Uranus. Am I firm on my "truth" that Neptune will be, and will always be a deep blue? No. I trust the scientific process and change my opinion on what it currently is. A pale blue. Therefore, kindness as a value, I believe, is far better and important than truth, simply because it benefits all, it's pure and non-malleable in form, and in a world brimming with negativity, death, hatred, and evil, a little kindness can go a long way. A shame that 97,650 people think otherwise on what should be prioritized.
What bizzaro world views. Also, I promise never to interact with that anymore because I don't want to give them any more attention, just completely f*cked up how they treat/view others. Despicable.
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Something cool I learned today, that I'm sharing in case you don't know, as it's important (btw this is in reference to american politics) :
Liberal and leftist are not the same thing. According to https://www.lawrentian.com/archives/1022577, which I scrolled through and trust as they also made some good points about AOC, liberals take the current capitalist system in America and say, "We can fix this if we vote for the right people, we can make the system liveable, it's been messed up but we can fix it"
Leftists, however, which I'm more inclined to agree with, believe that the system itself is flawed and needs to be dismantled and restructured.
I agree with leftists because the driving force of our current society is money and power. If you don't have it, it feels like you're forced to chase it, and I don't want that. I want to explore the things I want to do, and I think that everybody should have the freedom to choose that for themselves. And the only way to get there is to burn it down, as tough as that might be.
Anyway. Just sharing something I learned and how it helped me structure my thoughts. Hope it can help someone else.
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Parisian Lifestyle & the Luxembourg Gardens
#3 - Reflect on what you have learned about / observed about Parisian lifestyles 
In one of our free early evenings, I was able to visit the Luxembourg Gardens with a few friends. We went around 5:30 pm and stayed until 7 pm. During this time I observed that this was a popular spot for an evening rest, as I was expecting to be able to grab a bench or chairs and they were all full! We ended up being able to grab a spot sitting on the edge of the pond. Throughout our hour and a half of soaking up the sun and chatting I was able to people-watch and take in Parisians during their pre-dinner leisure time. A couple of the top things I noted were: Parisians quietly sitting throughout the green garden chairs, taking in the sun, Parisian children enjoying the warm evening by playing with the sailboats in the fountain, and shockingly I saw a group of older French teenagers attempting to catch the fish in the pond with their hands. Overall the age range of people using this space ranged from little children to grandparents. 
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Top Left: Luxembourg Pond & fish
Top Right: Enjoying the sunny day!
Bottom: Luxembourg Pond & fish cont.
In terms of the general learning I have done about the Parisian lifestyle, I was very interested to learn and then observe their work style, as well as how this affects the rest of their day. One specific example of this is a waiter at La Jules (across the street from our hotel, and a personal favorite lunch and dinner spot). We went for lunch one day around noon, and he waited on us, and then when we came back for dinner the same evening around 9:30-10, he was still working! This shocked us, as we are used to the American culture of working shorter shifts. Taking this experience and applying what we learned, I was able to understand that unlike in the United States, you are able to make a liveable wage by serving, and therefore can work longer hours. This respect for all jobs helps create a sense of unity within the French workforce, which frankly I envy. And this unity continues further into other areas of society from universal healthcare to very thorough pharmacies.
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Left: Luxembourg Fountain
Right: Parisians enjoying the lovely evening in the gardens
This ability to work and get paid consistently allows for a healthy work-life balance that allows for leisure time like lounging in one of many public parks, having a happy hour meal and drink with friends, or spending your long weekend shopping from a multitude of local shops. A main takeaway about the French lifestyle is the support and necessity of taking leisure time. The balance between the importance of hustle and working, and taking time for yourself is essential. This relates back even as far to the many monarchies when a sign of your “wealth” was how much free/leisure time you could maintain, and how you chose to spend it. 
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Left: another angle of the Luxembourg Gardens
Right: We went shopping before coming to the park for a rest!
One of my favorite French things I will be bringing home with me is a taste of their mentality surrounding the importance of leisure and social time. 
(507 Words)
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madchild-dennis · 1 year
Let me redo this:
The Government is investing IN WHAT?
So instead of charging, reprimanding and holding them accountable for DECADES of stealing from the POOR. They are given the opportunity to be a place of iNtEgRiTy.
No consequence for their actions
No infrastructure to make sure they do NOT take advantage of the poor.
No care for the people wronged
Tax cuts to make importing horses cheaper
Investments to make them better/be an industry of integrity
They don't ever go to jail/consequences for their actions.
An opportunity to fix themselves without the possibility of being charged as they fix face and their infrastructure. ALL BACKED BY THE GOVERNMENT.
So these people and industry which requires SIGNIFICANT wealth to participate in doesn't even get a slap on the wrist but their CRIMES are ignored. Then granted a Government branded covering and shield to become a industry of integrity.
WHY is that so?
Because these are WEALTHY individuals who may be foreigners/whites/AFLUENT population of Jamaica.
Let me paint a picture. One horse can cost $100,000 to $1,000,000+ USD or EUR. That's ONE FUCKING HORSE. So the people who own the horse pay that. Then caring for a horse AIN'T CHEAP. Then training cost. Then administration fee. Then betting.
These ain't middle class income type of industry. This is the TOP 1%.
Those RICH, no they ain't just rich. This is OLD MONEY (could be originated from slave plantations in the Caribbean or further), NEW MONEY, BILLIONAIRES, US/Euro Multi-millionaires, and much more. To be in this circle of people you have to HAVE WEALTH; Not be rich. Mega/Super Yacht kinds of money.
They do NOT need money. In fact the reason the steal from the poor is to make sure that's their profit margin is high while charging enormous fees for their premium services. So GREEDY MOTHERFUCKERS who won't suffer if they had integrity in they way they do business in the first place or even if they were charged for their CRIMES.
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So the RICH, WEALTHY and the AFLUENT gets an opportunity to fix themselves up get funding to make sure they are of integrity. Get tax breaks and get to make more money. Given the opportunity to continue to be GREEDY.
While the poor people, the source of most of the crimes, the Government ONLY care to punish. These poorer people aren't given the opportunity and protection from the same government so that they can live, survive and be a GOOD contributing citizen to society. Instead of "criminality".
I've spoken to "bad men" who may have illegal guns. Who may have stolen and much more. Their concern is being given the opportunity to be able to live, save, grow and provide for their families. Many who when given the opportunity to travel, would not live the same as they do here. That's so they do not loose the opportunity abroad. Because they feel they can work and get what they deserve and more than survive. I'm sure would do the same if given the opportunity here.
However, instead of given them the opportunity to do so like making the minimum wage liveable ($29,000/week). You choose to create a world that do not care about them unless they are aliens (a foreigner), WEALTHY, highly educated, famous or such. Then also rewarding the wealthy criminals with more money on top of that.
Don't talk about giving them a chance to be educated or skilled. They are STILL exploited or barely paid what they're worth.
So criminality of lighter skinned and WEALTHY (especially established wealth maybe from the backs of slaves) are ignored while the criminality of the poor gets the "FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW"!!!
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Please note the Minister of Finance said it is to bring integrity to the industry. Which means they KNOW of the crimes committed by the industry. So instead of consequences/application of the "full extent of the law" THEN given a second chance. Their CRIMES are ignored and then straight to a PR stunt.
Just like this fucking Government.
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