#and maybe it does that in public with Thor and Bucky so that's how they notice???
povlvr · 2 years
5 • Operation: Charity Gala ... A Rescue Mission & Performance Review | OPERATION: FAKING IT ...?
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5 • Operation: Charity Gala … A Rescue Mission & Performance Review | OPERATION: FAKING IT …?
Description: The morning after the night before, how will things change between you & Bucky, will the sexual tension finally be resolved or will you slip out of Bucky's grasp before he's even told you he loves you?
Pairing: Beefy Bucky Barnes x Female Avenger Reader
Word Count: 10k 😬
Warnings: NSFW, angst, abduction, guns, worried Bucky, Cute Bucky, Fluffy Bucky, Bucky with children, swearing, all the smut, p in v, unprotected, oral sex (M + F), public sex, Daddy kink (only twice), mentions of choking, unprotected sex.
A/N: One more chapter left after this, thank you for all the comments & likes on this, this does have the D-Word kink but I kept it down to a minimum but beefy Bucky kind of embodies it.
Series Masterlist
[Previous Chapter] [Final Chapter]
A firm set of lips on your neck pulled you from your sleep, you were entirely warm, wrapped in a pair of strong arms, one noticeably cooler than the other. It didn’t take long for the smile to spread on your face as you heard Bucky’s gravelly morning voice.
‘Morning Sweetheart’
You giggled as he held you tighter & peppered you with kisses anywhere his lips could reach, this was heaven & the best hangover cure you’d ever had.
‘How you feeling? There’s some water & adville there for you.’
‘Hmmm the kisses are helping, you do take good care of me Bucky Bear.’
‘What time is it? Should we get some breakfast? There’s a place near my apartment that would fix us up good & proper.’
With a kiss to the back of your neck he let out a long sigh, ‘Fury called, I have to go on a mission. Quick & easy, they don’t have anyone else that can speak 30 languages on call, so it has to be me.’
‘Oh, ok.’ You were disappointed, you wanted to spend every waking minute with him & then every minute of sleep in his arms, maybe your co-dependence with each other might need to be worked on if the thought of being away from him for a few hours was making you miserable & the temptation to beg Fury to let you join him overwhelming. You twisted around so you were facing him, like always he cradled you head in his hands running his thumb over your pout.
‘Don’t sulk darlin’, I’ll be back tonight & I plan on taking you on that date. Can’t waste another minute with my pretty girl.’
You nodded & leaned in for a kiss, another scorcher to add to the growing list, hungry yet tender, as he pulled away he wanted to make sure last night wasn’t some sick twisted dream that his fucked-up brain fabricated, ‘you still my girl?’
‘Always.’ You ran your hand through his hair, maybe he needed as much reassurance as you did that this whole thing was real.
His lips were back on yours whilst he spoke, ‘Gonna miss you, told Burtie to keep you safe.’
You giggled at him being such a teddy bear.
‘I’ll be fine, probably get some actual work done without ya.’ Your finger crawled up his chest as you said it, his lips moved straight to your neck, you were practically humping him as he did it. Nick Fury you motherfucking cock blocker.
‘Not my fault I’m irresistible Bambi.’
‘Hmm, guess not. What time you goin’?’
‘Now darlin, just wanted a kiss before I left.’
‘Ok, be safe & come home to me.’
You attached yourself to him, arms crossed around his neck, legs crossed around his back & your lips locked to his, he had rolled you over on your back & you could feel his whole length rutting against you.
‘You make it hard to leave darlin’, I’ll be home before you know it.’
‘Ok’ you wanted to say you loved him but instead you watched him get out of bed, try to tuck his very impressive erection into his tactical pants & with one final kiss leave you for the mission. This sucks.
You had been keeping Bucky updated on what you had been doing all morning, turns out he was as much of a distraction over texts as he was in your lab, not that you were complaining. You had caught up with Thor & Scott over breakfast about the rest of their nights after you & Bucky went to bed, apparently Nat gave Steve a lap dance after Scott dared her & you were told there was a recording which included a very red Steve & a very obvious Steve junior making an appearance once it was over. The re-enactment by Thor had you crying laughing, who knew he had such snake hips, Jane was a lucky lady. You of course updated Bucky with the story & promised to forward the video once you were in possession, he immediately reassured you it was to see Steve’s face not Natasha’s dance, like he knew the thought would be sat in your head the minute he asked. He was too sweet to you.
With the rest of the morning to yourself you decided a walk in the park with Burtie would kill some time whilst your Super Solider was otherwise occupied, you had both decided on a low-key night in date, so you wouldn’t be disturbed, nothing to do with the proximity of your bed. Nothing at all.  
The mission was dragging, all Bucky wanted to do was get home to you, cook you dinner then start something called Game of Thrones that you insisted he needed to experience & afterwards spend the night buried in you until you couldn’t take any more. 
Unfortunately, the ambassador he was currently listening in on was taking his sweet time in the bathroom, he had all the information they needed but had to stick around until he left, just in case he spilled any more state secrets to the obvious bad guy he was meeting with.
He quickly checked his phone to see if you had messaged him after he had gone incognito, there was a few texts detailing your walk to the park & all the random things your brain concocted, he loved you so much because he found it utterly adorable whereas Steve often said you were draining, not that he’d tell you Steve said that, he was a punk & didn’t know how amazing you actually were. There was a voice note too, he loved the idea of you sending him them, all for him, your beautiful voice memorialized permanently on his phone, so he could listen to them whenever he wanted. He pressed play waiting for the inevitable random thought you plucked from your brain to be narrated to him.
‘Bucky’ Oh how his heart soared hearing his name come out of your mouth.
‘I think I’m being followed.’ In a split second it dropped to the depths of hell, lower even. He continued to listen to the message.
 ‘I’m just on the corner of 8th & West 29, I was in the park with Burtie & this guy was watching me, I figured he probably recognised me & was trying to work out who I was. So, I set off & every time I look back he’s still there.’ You sounded shaky & Bucky wanted to tear his hair out at the thought of you being afraid.
‘He’s tall, dark hair, slim build, kind of like a capybara.’
A capi-what? Bucky thought.
‘They’re like the largest rodent.’
So, a rat.
‘But don’t think he looks like a rat, his face isn’t pointy enough, they’ve got a rounded snout, they’re cute, the baby ones look like humbug sweets, they’re adorable. I watched this programme once where this British dude was saying they …’
Focus Bambi.
‘.. Not the time, he looks really average. I’m gonna speed up & try to lose him but I’ve put my location on for you to track if you don’t hear from me. I’ll be fine ok? I … I’ll see you when you get back’
That was 30 minutes ago. His heart had ceased to function & he was running on pure adrenaline, he could feel it pumping in his veins fuelling his need to find you & blocking out the urge to breakdown & fade into nothingness at the thought of being without you, the mission was done, he had to get to you.
He took off running, it was just an intel gathering mission, no one was in danger he later justified to himself so it would be fine to leave his post. His bike wasn’t far from his station at the speed the Super Solider Serum blessed him with, his body on instinct manoeuvred all the obstacles within his path without need for any kind of conscious thought, that was all focused on you & finding you. The tracker had stopped 15 minutes after you sent your message, you could be anywhere, taken without a trace from a rat man whom probably had a vendetta against The Winter Solider. How could he fuck this up already? To not even have you for a day before it all went wrong, think Bucky … Bertie. 
You had insisting on adding something called a tag to his collar after Peter & Thor kept taking Burtie for cuddles, it meant you could pin point his location to the meter within a building let alone the street, it took him a minute, but he found the email from when you had shared the log in, ‘just in case’ he ever needed it. Bucky recognised the street name but couldn’t recall why, once he got to his bike he rang Tony explaining the voicemail & abandoning the mission, Tony immediately got to work trying to track your location whilst Bucky set off. 
His mind was racing, imagining the worst-case scenarios, seeing you in every state he had ever seen a victim, he couldn’t stop some tears from escaping blurring his vision as he rode to you as quickly as his bike allowed. His mom had taught him to never leave important things unsaid, you’d think he’d have fucking learned that in his hundred years on the planet but apparently, he was a complete idiot. He should have told you he loved you before he left, it was on the tip of his tongue but why would he tell you that when he was seeing you in a few hours. 
Why were you even interested in him? He was dangerous, he put you in danger just by associating with him, he knew something would come along & fuck all this up, it was too good to be true. Even if you survived this why would you stay with him? You deserved more, you deserved someone stable with no enemies ready to take you when you were walking the dog & his brain couldn’t even process Burtie in all this, his sweet little boy, he would never forgive himself if he was hurt. 
None of his conjecture mattered he knew, what happened after could only happen if there was an after for you, he just needed to get to you, to get you safe, that was all that was important.
He smashed through the entrance to what looked like an upmarket block of apartments, he would answer questions later if necessary & Tony could foot the bill for the damage, every second counted as he raced up the stairs two at a time clutching his phone like it was the only lifeline he had to you. His eyes darting constantly between where he was heading & the app on the phone leading the way, he seemed to pass floor after floor, door after door, it appeared to be residential, several people moved in horror out of his way with panicked murmurs of avengers, he probably should have reassured them, Steve would have, but there was no time. Finally, he found the door the tag had guided him to, he pulled out his M17 & was begging his training to kick in, instead of the overwhelming panic & fear he was experiencing. His knuckles sharply knocked on the frame, he pulled up his gun to shoulder level & braced himself for the worst, a single tear escaped his eye as he waited, white noise clouded his brain & when the door swung open he swore he saw your face & heard your beautiful voice.
You looked at Bucky who was clearly going through something holding a gun up & looking distraught, ‘Bucky, are you ok?’
He grabbed you, smashing his lips into yours like he couldn’t believe you were in front of him. You were slightly perplexed by his behaviour but went with it, I mean he was kissing you & had his hands all over you, you pulled back when you felt the tears on his face.
‘What’s going on Bucky, are you ok?’ 
He was panting, darting his eyes around your face, your body, the apartment he found you in. ‘Am I ok? Are you ok?’
‘yeaaah, why wouldn’t I be?’
‘The voice note.’ He noticed the confusion on your face as the adrenaline still pulsed in his veins.
‘Which one?’
‘There was only one.’
‘I sent another telling you it was ok.’
‘Oh’, he drew in a breath to calm his nervous system back down to earth from high alert, he rested his forehead on yours to ground himself & make sure you were really with him.
‘Oh Bucky, I am so sorry. I should have called to tell you I was ok. I just didn’t want to jeopardise the mission.’
‘Yeah about that, I may have abandoned my post. One sec.’ He let out a firm breath & dialled Tony to let him know you were fine, you took the phone & explained how you thought you were being followed but it turns out it was Loki who stopped by for a visit & was fucking with you, you were near your apartment so nipped in for a catch up & to water your plants. 
Tony stopped laughing long enough for you to say your goodbyes & you turned to the slightly embarrassed Super Soldier ‘Oh honey, I am so sorry.’
‘No, it’s me I panicked & went on instinct, I just thought I’d lost you.’
‘Hey, come here.’ You wrapped your arms around him, holding his head & letting him have a minute of calm in your embrace, ‘I’m right here.’
He was muffled as he spoke, ‘I thought someone had taken you to get to me & I just leapt into action without thinking, I just had this instinct to come & save you, the thought of you hating me because they hurt you was killing me.’
He pulled his head from your shoulder & you looked into his misty azure blue eyes, you held his face in your hands. ‘I love you so much Bucky, absolutely, entirely, every ounce of you, nothing or no one will change that, ok?’
‘Oh thank fuck, I love you too Bambi, more than anything.’
He couldn’t hold himself back anymore, he needed to be as close to you as possible. He latched his lips to yours, firmly & with intention, you felt how different it was to all the other kisses. He immediately relaxed, he needed this after the agony of thinking he had lost you, he promised himself he would be as upfront about his feelings with you every second for the rest of his life, he couldn’t waste any more time with you.
‘Great apartment you have here Bambi.’ You noticed him not even looking at it, you knew where this was heading & you were squealing inside at the thought.
‘Thanks, Burtie’s asleep in the study, you’d love all the books in there. I’ll give you a tour’
‘Show me the bedroom.’ You glanced up at him & shyly nodded. 
It was so you, Bucky couldn’t think of any other adjective, it was peaceful, calm, yet chaotic & bright somehow, he noticed there were plants everywhere & it was everything he wanted, he couldn’t face returning to his grey dull apartment having seen the alternative.
He softly closed the door behind him & reached to you to pull you back in his arms, your back was pressed to his chest & he slowly traced his lips from your ear down your neck & sucked on the spot that turned your legs into jelly. He hadn’t even touched you, yet knew exactly how to make you crumble, he ran a finger up your side making you shudder, he could see every laboured breath you were struggling to steady, your eyelids fluttering at the thrill of being touched & the anticipation of finally having each other, he was teasing you, wanting you to be so desperate for him that you would beg for it.
 His fingers moved from your side to your front, painfully slow he traced your curves, cupping your tits & pinching your nipples as you jolted forward from the pleasure, they moved further down your body & as your breath hitched his fingers cruelly ghosted your mound.
The whine you let out was music to Bucky’s ears, ‘Don’t be a brat Bambi, you’ll get everything you want I promise. I just can’t decide what I wanna do to ya first.’
‘Touch me Bucky, please.’
‘I’m gonna touch you, taste you & fuck you til you can’t take any more.’ Maybe he wasn’t as innocent as you thought he was.
You turned around so you could face him, you were both fully clothed, he was still in his tactical gear & you quickly began unclipping his suit to get to him. ‘Wanna suck your cock Buck.’
He almost came in his pants just from you saying it, he could talk the talk but there would be a very good chance the first time would be a 2 minute job he wanted you so much.
‘Best get on your knees & be a good girl for me.’ Without hesitation you dropped to the floor & your hands were scrambling to release the hard dick being constrained in Bucky’s pants, running your fingers over it as your other hand tacked the belt & buttons. You practically drooled when you finally reached into his boxers & carefully pulled out the long thick cock waiting for you, it was perfect, just like Bucky.
‘Fuck.’ You looked up at him as you wrapped your hand around him, not even being able to get your fingers all the way around & began pumping the silky smooth skin, he was looking down at you transfixed, his perfect girl so delicate & soft being so careful with him & your beautiful hands giving him so much pleasure but when you glanced up & brought his tip to your perfect mouth he almost lost it.
You placed your lips on him, kissing gently before running them down the thick shaft on the underside of his cock, then tracing back up with your tongue & finally taking him in your mouth. He was by far the biggest you’d had & you struggled taking him fully but with some careful teeth placement you manged as much as you could with your hand pumping the surplus. Bucky was in heaven, he would worship your mouth until the end of time with the things you were doing with your tongue, he gently held your face in his hands & slowly pumped his hips taking over.
‘Fuck Bambi, tap me if its too much.’ You attempted to nod with your mouth full & he sped up his movements & somehow managed to fuck your throat with minimum choking, you would have to tell him later a bit of choking wouldn’t hurt you.
He could have easily finished right there in your pretty mouth, but he promised you his cock & he would deliver on that, he pulled your lips off him & dropped to his knees desperately kissing you, his tongue intertwined with yours, you knew you’d both be absolute messes after this.
‘Wanna taste ya Darlin.’ He lifted you to your feet & guided you to the bed pushing you down as the backs of your knees met the frame, he wasted no time stripping himself down to nothing & set sights on you. Your leggings were roughly ripped off your person taking your knickers with them in their wake, he paused admiring how you looked, so debauched, riled up & yet so pretty, his good girl patiently waiting for him. 
You scurried back on the bed to make room for the broad man crawling in sync further up & you whipped off your hoodie leaving you both bare, ‘perfect, Jesus Bambi, fucking perfect you know that?’ He kissed your inner thigh before settling in between your legs, anchoring you with his Vibranium arm & gently moving your legs over his shoulder, he wanted complete access. 
He dove right in, his incredibly nimble tongue lapping against your clit, circling your entrance & then fucking you with his tongue. Back & forth, it was heaven, all thoughts were numbed & all you could do was surrender yourself to the unwavering pleasure building at each flick of Buck’s tongue.
‘You taste even better than I imagined.’
‘God, you’re so fucking good at this.’ You were hurtling towards your climax, embarrassingly quickly, he traced his finger around your entrance as he focused on sucking your clit, you were in Nirvana, your head thrashed back in pleasure & you could barely hang on, he quickly added another digit stretching you so perfectly with his thick fingers.
‘Gonna cum Bucky, don’t stop, please ... d-ddon’t stop.’
‘Let go doll, fuck, can feel you squeezing me.’ He was practically fucking the mattress as you ground down on his tongue & fingers letting the building pleasure overtake you sending pulses of euphoria to every extremity until you were a twitching mess.
Without hesitation you pulled on his arms to bring him up to you, kissing him deeply & tasting yourself on him. ‘hmm you like that Bambi, here.’ He pushed his fingers up to your mouth & let you suck on them, his cock twitching as your tongue twirled around them, ‘you like your mouth stuffed don’t ya Doll?’ you nodded pushing his fingers further down practically choking on them ‘Next time you’ll be taking all my cum down there honey.’
Whenever guys you’d been with in the past had attempted to talk dirty it always fell flat, Bucky of course blew them out the water & you had no doubt he would do exactly what he described at the earliest possible moment. You’d do anything he told you to if he spoke to you in this dominant tone, anything.
He moved his hips upward to be level with yours, you were both writhing, his cock at your entrance, your pussy wet & waiting for him but he paused for thought. ‘Shit, don’t we need protection or something’
‘No, I’m clean & can’t get pregnant’. He immediately stopped his movements at your words.
‘Oh Bambi, I’m so sorry, was it the bullet?’ His fingers grazed your side where your scar sat, mocking your stupidity every time you looked at it. You giggled at his reaction; he was so God damn sweet.
‘No, you silly flapjack, I am on contraception.’
‘Oh’ his face scrunched up in a smile & then like a switch he was back to the dominant man ready to fuck your brains out.
He carefully lifted is hip & pushed himself to your threshold, it was such sweet torture as he slowly filled you up with his thick cock. There was no coming back from him, he held your entire being within his as he bottomed out stretching you like nothing you’d felt before, he stilled his hips waiting for you to adjust all the while peppering you with kisses trying not to breakdown that this perfect angel in his arms loved him & was giving herself to him.
As you began moving your hips he focused back on you, kissing you deeply & fucking into you slowly & deeply, hitting spots you’d never felt before, saying the most delicious filth in between sucking on your lips, tongue, skin, ‘God you’re my good girl’, ‘taking me so fucking good. Knew you would.’ ‘so fucking tight.’, ‘can feel you clenching me.’ 
It was like nothing you’d ever experienced but you knew he was suppressing his urges trying to make your first time tender & soft, it was Bucky in a nutshell, but you wanted him to let go entirely. ‘B-Bucky, do what you want to me, don’t hold back.’
‘No Bambi, wanna make love to you.’ He kissed you, pushing in gently, enjoying every second he was connected to you.
‘You have, now fuck me like you’ve imagined, let me be your good girl.’
‘Fuck, don’t say that to me Bambi. You wouldn’t be able to handle it.’ 
‘I can. I can handle it …D .. Daddy.’ You had an inkling he would enjoy being called that during sex, from twitch of his cock you felt you were right.
‘Fuck, don’t call me that Doll, you have no idea what you’ll start.’
‘I want it. All of it, whatever you want to do to me. Please let me be your good girl Daddy, please.’
He sped up his movements, his resolve snapped the way you so beautifully begged, he was feral for you. ‘You asked for it Bambi.’ 
Your hips were lifted & he drilled his cock into you deeper & harder, the sounds of your skin slapping together & the guttural grunts & moans from you both filled the apartment.
In one quick motion he pulled his cock from you, leaving you hollow & crawled up the bed straddling you pushing his cock in your gaping mouth, gathering your hair into his hands & holding you still with the other to fuck your face, you were pinned to the bed taking him so perfectly. 
‘Touch yourself Bambi, but you will be punished if you cum.’
Your hand moved down to your swollen mound before he had even finished his sentence & you were switching between fingering yourself & massaging your clit, your climax was building but you kept yourself on the brink. You kind of wanted to experience his punishment but also wanted to be his good girl, he took the choice off you when he ripped himself from your mouth panting ‘on all fours Bambi.’, you had unleashed a beast.
The dominance of his tone had you moving swiftly into position, you could feel him running his hand up & down your thigh, gripping your ass cheek & releasing, then bringing his palm down sharply to your skin, the shock & sting was thrilling, you moan was music to Bucky’s ears, you were trembling not knowing his next move was. He pressed his lips to your tingling skin making you whimper. You looked over your shoulder, his eyes were wild ‘Please Bucky, fuck me.’
Like a flash he slid inside you, filling you back up. ‘This what you wanted Doll?’ his thrusts were relentless, you were completely fucked out being jolted forward at each snap of his hips. He raised his hand & connected it to your behind practically cumming at how much you pussy gripped his cock on contact. ‘Answer me Bambi, was this what you wanted?’
‘Yes, yes sergeant.’ 
Fuck he should have been doing this since the moment he met you, you took him so fucking well & shared all his filthy desires to be his good girl. You were like putty in his hands when he so easily pulled you back & sat back on his thighs, holding you by your tits as you bounced up & down on him.
‘Fuck yourself on my cock Doll, you’re taking me so well.’ You ground your hips, enjoying every inch of him, ‘Ne ..need to come Bucky.’
He couldn’t get enough of you & yet again pulled you off him, you were so compliant as he lifted you turning you around & sitting you back on his cock, fucking up into you brutally as you were mummering how good he was making you feel. ‘Not yet Bambi’ He latched his mouth on to your neck & connected his thumb to your clit circling it gently in complete contrast to him fucking the life out of you, the pressure building inside you was screaming to come out & you used every bit of clenching you could to stop you climaxing before Bucky told you could, he could feel you desperately hanging on for dear life & the intense grip your pussy had on his dick had him hurtling to his finish.
‘Cum for me Doll, fuck you pussy is so fucking tight.’ One final pump & you screamed in the pleasure rippling through you, ‘don’t stop, fuck fuck fuuucckk’ Bucky was right there with you painting your walls with his seed, lost in the unwavering ecstasy that fucking you brought him, muttering complete filth into your ear as you both hit your peaks.
‘I love you so fucking much Bambi.’
‘I love you too. Forever.’ Crying after sex was probably frowned upon but Bucky was on the brink, he had everything he had ever dreamed about in his arms looking blissed out on another plane of existence, your hair was plastered to your skin, your lips red & swollen & your mascara smudged. You had never looked as perfect. He leaned down to kiss you gently, it was like you both breathed some form of life back into each other, you were staring at him exactly the way he was you, allowing yourself the moment to let what happened truly sink it.
A smile spread on your face, you were still on his lap impaled on him but lightly giggled remembering what he had said earlier ‘Hey Bucky, where do you think the ovaries are?’ 
He shrugged trying not to smile, ‘I dunno why?’
‘The whole ‘was it the bullet?’’
‘I panicked. Thinking it was a terrible thing for you.’ You cackled laughing in his arms, you didn’t think it was possible to love him more.
‘Must you laugh so much when my cock is still in you?’ he tensed his thighs shifting his cock inside you.
‘It’s so funny though, you were so worried, you’re a cutie pie Bucky Barnes.’
He paused for a second, picking you up & laying you both down on the bed, stroking your face with his thumb ‘Have you ever thought about kids Bambi?’
‘Yeah, I would have to retire though, you?’
‘It would be nice to have a family & raise them, I agree with the retiring, I’ve spent my life fighting, would be nice to have some peace … someday.’
Bucky opening up to you somehow managed to fill your heart with joy that he trusted you with his dreams but smashed it in two for being so heartbreaking ‘Have you ever told anyone that?’
‘Nope’ he tried to hide the melancholy on his face with a smile, it only made you more determined to give him the life he deserved.
‘Why not?’
‘I guess I figured I have a debt to pay before I can think about my life, everyone has done so much for me, taken me in, removed the programming, given me freedom, a new arm. Figured it was my way to pay for it by helping save the world or whatever.’ He shrugged & you hated how dismissive he was of his own needs, he was a good soldier doing as ordered without thinking of himself.
You could feel the tears falling on your cheeks that this victim of unspeakable atrocities still felt he owed the world a debt, ‘You were deserved those things Bucky, you were a prisoner for so long, you deserve peace.’
He swept up your tears with his thumb ‘Don’t get upset Doll, I met you because of it. I’d live it all again to be right here.’
‘You would?’
‘Of course, I would, to be here with you, the woman I love I’d live it a thousand times.’
You shrugged, ‘I think you deserve more after what you’ve been through.’
‘I don’t know how many times I need to spell it out to you sweetheart; you are my great love, it doesn’t matter if we just got together, you have been mine since the moment I set eyes on you, I’d walk to the ends of the earth if you asked me to.’
He could see you struggling to accept his words, to truly believe how much he loved you, but he knew he would spend every day showing you, actions speak louder than words & his would be shouting from the rooftop that you were his girl.
Life was good once you got back to the tower, your routine didn’t particularly change apart from being pulled into various cupboards & offices multiple times a day to fool around, turns out Bucky really wasn’t as innocent as you thought, the opposite in fact. He worshipped every inch of you & didn’t seem to get bored of telling you either, whether it was storming into the gym & picking you up half way through your work out with Nat then fucking you senseless over the crash mats in the equipment room or throwing you over his shoulder after watching you bend down in the kitchen & marching you through the compound making it as far as the cleaning closet then ripping your leggings off to eat you out, pausing only to order Gerald to make a coffee because Bucky swore he was watching. You felt bad violating his home.
You also finally had your first official date, he greeted you with flowers, this time daisies & you went to a hole in the wall Pizza place in Brooklyn that he swore was the best, then you walked around arm in arm around all his old stomping grounds like he promised he would show you, it was perfect. He was perfect & didn’t hesitate to show you all the affection he had been holding back on, you were kissed, snuggled & nuzzled until you were drunk off him, being fucked against a brick building in an alleyway was just inevitable, in fairness he managed to find the cleanest one in the city. You headed back to your apartment giddy & hungry for more of each other, Thor & Scott were on dog sitting duties so you knew you had time to explore each other fully, in-between the intense bouts of pleasure you talked about everything & anything until you fell asleep in each other’s arms excited for all the plans you had made.
Another day, another event. Today a gala to raise funds for a children’s charity, the gardens of the upstate Avengers compound had been transformed, cute little round tables sat underneath a giant white gazebo, wildflowers were scattered on the ground forming pathways to the various activities & groups of kids dotted about in their little dresses & suits, it was adorable. You had been dressed by Valentina again, a gorgeous white form fitting dress with flowers climbing up the body, it all felt a bit too dressy for a garden party, but Tony had insisted it be formal hence the babies in suits.
Bucky had already been tackled by three rambunctious kids & proceeded to hold them all up at once on his vibranium arm like he was a set of monkey bars, it was ovary aching sweetness & you noticed Tony pointing it out to the press who lapped it up, their camera shutters being put into overdrive at the sight. It had all started to feel icky, forced, you & Bucky had both decided that after this you’d call the PR nonsense off, it was literally pointless now you were together.
Whilst Bucky was occupied, you had noticed a young mother with two children struggling between holding her baby, keeping the other in check & trying to enjoy the food that was being served, she looked like she needed a lie down let alone a short reprieve from the pair, you approached her trying to put on your friendliest of smiles without looking like an attempted kidnapper. ‘Can I take them off your hands whilst you grab a bite to eat?’
Her eyes lit up at your offer. ‘That would be wonderful, thank you.’ She looked completely relieved at your offer. ‘This is Ben & Maisey.’
You held out your arms & the baby so sweetly reached out to you for you to take her, as you rested her diaper padded bottom on your hip you leaned down & took the hand of the chaotic child at her side.
‘Come on honey, lets give mamma a break. I know someone who will wear you out in no time, we won’t go far.’ You walked with him towards your Super Solider who had been watching you the minute you held the baby in your arms, he couldn’t lie, it made him feral, he had never seen you with kids & you appeared to be a complete natural. For a second, he let himself imagine you were his wife, they were your kids & it filled him with such hope for the future, he’d never dared think he could have everything he once dreamt of, but knew he’d fight to the death to make it happen with you.
‘Let’s say hello to Uncle Bucky shall we?’
He greeted you with the biggest smile, connecting his lips to yours appropriately for once, his big palm reached out & cradled Maisey’s little head stroking her cubby cheek & it made your ovaries melt, he was so gentle with her. The toddler clung to your leg as he looked up in awe at the superhero in front of him. As per the norm when you were with Bucky you didn’t hear any of the commotion or flashes surrounding you as the photographers went wild snapping pictures of you both, Bucky collected the toddler off the floor & held him high in his arms. You’d never seen him so relaxed.
‘My name is Ben.’
‘Hi Ben I’m Bucky, this is Bambi.’
‘Bambi?’ His head whipped around trying to spot his mother. ‘Mamma, dis Bambi.’
You were all laughing at his excitement turning around to a very proud looking mother gasping in surprise.
‘You know why I call her Bambi?’
He shook his head.
‘Well, she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world with those big doe eyes & gorgeous smile, she’s so strong & smart but so incredibly clumsy. Thought it since the second I looked at her & she tripped over her pyjama pant leg trying to shake my hand.’ 
Bucky knew the child wasn’t understanding a word he was saying but he wanted you to know, even back then he thought the world of you.
You laughed out loud at his admission, you couldn’t believe he remembered that, he had only started called you Bambi after you had mentioned the cabin in your demands so assumed it was linked to that. Apparently not. Somehow every time he spoke he managed to remind you how much he loved you, how much he had always adored you.
He ran off with Ben before you could kiss him senseless, probably a good thing with a baby in your arms, you sat down on a bench with the gorgeous little tot on your lap facing the party, she was fascinated by all the people & you watched the love of your life zooming around with an uncontrollably giggling toddler in his arms. You were practically a puddle on the floor, you teared up not knowing how you could love someone so much so quickly. You knew he wanted a family & you swore you would fight hand & tooth to be the one to give it him, he deserved it. Of course, Tony had to come & sit next to you on the bench having seen you swooning over your man ‘You guys don’t half put on a show.’
You managed to tear your eyes away from your Super Solider & looked to Tony raising your brow as you so often did to him, ‘How so?’
‘Well I’d bet money that the headlines tomorrow will be all about the two additions to the Barnes Clan, you both are playing happy families flawlessly Kid.’
‘Just giving their mom a break to eat something, not like it’s hard looking after this gorgeous girl, can you make sure the press doesn’t print their faces please.’ You bounced Maisey on your lap.
He nodded, smiling to himself, ‘Speaking of reproducing, I’ve had some strange reports from around the tower, various storage rooms & offices not accessible at weird times of the day, odd noises being heard too. Wouldn’t happen to know about that would you?’
‘I would not. No’ You tried to hide your smirk but failed miserably.
‘hmmm.’ He shook Maisey’s little hand & she grabbed his finger holding on to it tightly. He gave her his best smile ‘Tony Stark, nice to meet you kid, ever think about having one?’
Your eyes darted back to Bucky, he was holding Ben looking at you in that way he always did, ‘Not until very recently.’
Tony put on that fatherly tone he always did when he was talking about something important instead of his usual cocky smirk, ‘You should, it suits you.’
‘We’d have ... I’d have to leave the team.’
He shrugged ‘Wouldn’t be the worst thing, sure I’d lose my best hacker but fewer accident reports to fill out, you know I hate paperwork, less chance of friendly fire & I bet my insurance premiums would plummet.’
‘Might do it sooner with that sass. Move to Wyoming, live off the land.’
‘As long as grandad has unlimited visiting privileges.’
‘That could be arranged, although the grandad part not for a while yet.’
‘So, still time to make a mini Ironman suit for them.’
‘Plenty’ you watched Bucky spinning Ben over his arm & the little boy joyfully laughing & begging him to do it again, ‘but maybe start on the prototypes soon, yeah.’
‘Will do.’ He stood up, buttoning his suit back up & leaned down to give you a kiss on your forehead. ‘Happy for you both Kid.’ 
As per usual you never needed to say anything to Tony, he just knew & always accepted your decisions like the supportive adopted dad you needed. 
Eventually you both relinquished the temporary custody of the kids with overwhelming thanks from Janice who invited you to babysit any time, Bucky wore out Ben as promised & helped carry him to the car & strap him in safely.
Upon his return you felt two arms snake around your waist & a set of lips at your ear, ‘Dance with me Bambi.’
He led you to the little dancefloor that had been laid over the grass, the sun was setting as the party was dying down, you were too busy with the kids to notice the fundraiser going on in the background but knowing Tony Stark it would have been a success. 
As Bucky twirled you around the parquet floor he couldn’t help asking. ‘Is it too soon to ask you to marry me?’ you giggled.
‘Yes.’ You ran your thumb over his little pout that had appeared on his gorgeous face. 
‘Well I don’t know how long I can keep it in for.’ Oh this man, he was just trouble for you, you couldn’t say no to him.
‘I mean, I’d say yes if you asked, but people will think we’re nuts.’
‘They already do darlin’’ 
‘True, promise you’ll marry me someday?’
‘Wild horses couldn’t stop me Bambi, you promise you’ll marry me someday?’
‘Thanos & his army couldn’t stop me.’ He leaned in to kiss you, somehow smiling at the same time. If all you ever had was each other for the rest of your lives that would be alright with you.
‘Good, that should keep my inner 40’s instincts at bay ... for now.’ 
You giggled & danced away until you were the only ones left, the band had dismantled but you didn’t need music to sway in his arms. The floodlights were removed & your surroundings were gently lit with strings of fairy lights, you didn’t need to see to kiss the night away, you would always find him in the dark.
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You thought about whipping your favourite Jean Luc Picard line out when it came to the review meeting Tony had arranged, ‘The line must be drawn here. This far and no further!’ But Bucky told you it was a bit dramatic for a casual chat & the accent you were adding wasn’t going to be as effective as you hoped if they were all laughing when you said it.
You both quickly learned that if you had somewhere to be together you needed to set off earlier than necessary because you always seemed to end up waylaid in a storage closet enroute to your destination, today was no exception & you found yourself being dragged into a dark cramped space with your Super Soldier on his knees in front of you manoeuvring your leg over his shoulder.
‘Fuck, you can’t be wearing this kinda dress around me honey’
You shrugged innocently ‘Thought it looked cute.’
Bucky shook his head at you, you knew exactly how to look as fuckable as you could for him in your little summer dresses ‘It looks fucking adorable on you.’ He wasted no time, flipping the skirt over your hips & saw what was waiting for him ’Fuck no panties Bambi.’
Again, you shrugged your shoulders batting your eyelashes at the man on his knees ‘Wanted you to fuck me with your fingers in the meeting.’
He tipped his head back & his eyes fluttered shut as you slipped your foot over his growing cock, ‘Fuck, my filthy girl.’
‘Only for you.’
He got to work, pulling your hips to his face by your bare bottom, running his tongue along your soaking folds, lapping up everything you were giving him, it didn’t take long for your hips to aid his efforts & grind down on him. 
‘Feels so good, fill me with your fingers James.’
He slowly inserted his metal forefinger into your gloriously soaking pussy & couldn’t help pulling his hard cock out of his jeans to stroke himself, you couldn’t hold in the moan as he pushed up further curling his finger up to connect with that spot that drove you wild, you could feel lightening up & down your spine as the permanently cold tip stroked it, god he was good at this, but you needed filling properly.
You reached down & ripped his hand away, ‘need you to fill me’, he could see the look in your eyes. Wild. He sat back on his knees & you lowered yourself onto his lap, lining up his thick cock & readying yourself for the wonderful stretch only he could bring.
You both groaned as you struggled to take him fully ‘Come on Bambi, you can take me, all the way down.’
One last shift of your hips & he bottomed out.
‘Fuck baby, so full.’ It took your breath away how you could feel every inch of him, every ridge & vein, it was utterly delicious albeit somewhat painful, but it all added to the glory of being fucked by this man.
‘Such a good girl taking me so well, like you were made for me darlin’.’ He felt your pussy clench at the praise, ‘you like me calling you that, don’t you my sweet girl.’
You could barely form words as he fucked his solid cock into you, the stretch of him seemed to send you to another realm of pleasure. ‘yes, fuck, you feel so good.’
It was embarrassing how quickly he needed to blow his load as soon as your warm tight pussy was around him, but he didn’t care when it felt this good & also kind of the point of a quickie in the closet. He picked up his pace & connected his thumb to your clit whilst you bounced up & down on his lap, you were a goddess of that he was certain, the noises you made whilst trying to be quiet he wanted playing on repeat.
A few squeezes from your pussy had him in heaven, he knew you were close, he’d been on the brink the entire time but needed you to hold it a little bit more, make it that much sweeter when it hit you, ‘Hold it a little longer Bambi, then you can make a mess on my cock.’
He continued to snap his hips against you, spearing you with his length, you were clenching for dear life trying not to tumble over the edge, hold it for him, be his good girl but you were on cusp of not being able to control it before you heard the glorious words ‘Let go Bambi, cum for me.’ You sped over the threshold of pleasure, white hot lightening took over your body, he locked his lips to yours to muffle the sounds of your climax, your pussy clenching around him & with one final thrust of his hips he was past his limit as he spilt into you, hands roaming your curves, making sure you were really with him in his arms twitching & writhing as you came down with him from your pleasure induced high.
‘I love you beautiful.’ The scrunched-up nose smile on his face took your breath away, how was this man yours? You needed to count every lucky star in the night sky a thousand times over that you were here with him.
‘I love you too gorgeous.’
You tamed each other’s wild hair giggling at the thought of walking into a meeting filled with his cum, he gently ran his fingers under your eyes to sweep up the slightly smeared mascara.
‘Good as new Bambi. They won’t suspect a thing.’
You strolled into meeting room as casually as possible hoping you didn’t smell like sex, Tony was surprisingly on time & sat with Rebecca & the HR director. Shit. Maybe the quickie wasn’t the best idea. After sharing some pleasantries & fixing you & Bucky a coffee you sat beside your Super Soldier, it felt foreign to not be sat on his lap or touching in any way, you shifted your seat closer to his, just in case he needed grounding with your touch at any point.
Rebecca got straight into action with her PowerPoint of praise detailing how well the plan was going, ‘We’ve seen a dramatic shift in Sargent Barnes’ profile & public perceptions over the last two months & as we hoped most of the uptake has been via social media & sharing their interactions with you both.’ The slide show was moving as she spoke displaying the positive comments, tweets & photos you were constantly stopped for in the street, so many people loved Burtie & wanted a picture of him too, he was the star of the show. 
‘We have formulated the next steps in the plan starting with a sit down interview & photo shoot with the two of you to discuss the rumours of you being parents to the two children in the photos that are currently circulating in the press, the Gala seem to have shown the softer side of Sargent Barnes so we’re keen to keep the momentum going with a visit to a children’s hospital & Tony mentioned moving in together, maybe appearances at some open houses will solidify the idea of the relationship being serious & moving forward.’
You could see Bucky rubbing his face trying to get a word in edge ways to stop this going further & wasting the time of everyone in the room, the presentation was clearly rehearsed & timed perfectly with the movement of the slides, you couldn’t help smiling at the pictures of you both sharing a kiss with the kids in your arms, you really looked like a family. She finally stopped speaking & he jumped in before she could carry on ‘Thank you for your hard work Rebecca in all this, it’s nice to know people care about me & want the best for me but we have talked about it & don’t want to carry on with any more of this going forward.’
‘Oh, I would ask that you think about it especially the latter of the ideas because it will solidify everything you have done so far.’
‘I mean I’ll visit a hospital any time & hang out with the kids & yeah will probably be looking at houses but …’ he was struggling to say something without saying anything to scare you off or tell the people in the room too much. 
You helped him out & just laid in down for them, ‘Sargent Barnes & I have decided to pursue a romantic relationship, so any further input isn’t really needed.’
Tony couldn’t help himself now that you had said it out loud, ‘I would haven’t ever guessed it from the four bleach baths my eyes have had to endure to erase CCTV footage of the two of you before I instructed Friday to turn off the cameras whenever you two are in the same space.’
The smile Bucky was trying to stifle the smile & shrugged ‘I mean you didn’t have to watch.’
You laughed & pointed out the obvious, ‘It’s kind of your fault for encouraging this, you told us to kiss for the cameras.’
The HR lady Paula chimed in, ‘Pardon me? Mr Stark when the idea of this public relations stunt was brought to me you were under strict instruction not to suggest anything physical between members of staff.’
‘I think we’re due some compensation, don’t you Sargent Barnes?’ you turned & winked at him.
As you listened to the HR director sternly put Tony in his place & school him on appropriate work place etiquette Bucky’s hand was situated on your thigh, as you crossed your legs he moved closer to your centre & his middle finger toyed with your pussy, he could feel the combination of both of you leaking out of you, he gathered some & pushed it back in. The struggle to keep a straight face & not react was intense, he looked unaffected but from the tent in his pants forming you could tell he was enjoying this.
As you were manoeuvring your palm to lay on his bulge the squabble between the two died down & you were yet again the focus.
‘Ok with the new information we will have to go through some procedures in regards to you both, I will consult with some stakeholders regarding missions together & any potential issues that could come to light there. I understand you have both been living in the tower, this will be re-assessed now that the stunt is ending, I need to be informed with any details that would pertain to you not being able to carry your duties out & absolutely no fraternisation in the public areas of the workplace. I will also need to be informed if the relationship ends & any issues that would arise in that scenario.’
Bucky butted in, ‘That won’t happen.’
‘& I would ask that you treat my child well, she will require the best of the best, I expect to be asked for permission for her hand in marriage plus a ring & a wedding befitting of her.’
‘Jesus I’m not up for swaps with the next village for some fucking goats Tony.’
‘Me demanding you to be given a big diamond isn’t exactly trading you off Kid.’
‘Well, it feels like it, I don’t need a diamond.’
‘Yes, you do, Barnes don’t listen to her, no child of mine is getting anything under 3 carats, Tifany’s is acceptable … just, but Harry Winston is ideal. You know what I know a guy I’ll give you his number.’
‘Tony, he’s from the 40’s I’d be married to him with a baby on the way by now if it was up to him. He needs discouraging, not you goading him into buying a diamond ring.’
‘It’s true I do. I nearly got down on one knee last week when she made me some cookies & wore an apron.’
You smirked ‘Well, you did end up on your knees.’
‘Nope, no, not even funny, that incident made me re-program Friday & a close the kitchen for a full decontamination.’ You rolled your eyes at his dramatics; it was a great morning & the cookies being ready after your second climax was the icing on the cake so to speak.
‘Maybe this is a family discussion rather than a HR issue.’ Paula added before packing up her planner & notes, Rebecca had long since checked out & was enjoying witnessing the squabbling after you had confirmed your relationship.
‘Well congratulations to you both, glad this worked out on all fronts. I will put out a press release to say the kids aren’t yours & if you have any further announcements just give me a call.’
You smiled at her attempts to keep it professional, ‘Thanks Rebecca, I appreciate it.’
As the meeting was drawing to a close Tony piped up as always in his Tony Stark nonchalant fashion, ‘Oh before I forget, Barnes you’re suspended for a month for abandoning your post & leaving a mission early, you are too Kid, for hanging out with the enemy, I suggest you use the time wisely.’ 
He was just so smug; you knew exactly what he was doing & you loved him dearly for it. Of course, it went without saying that if either of you were actually needed you’d be on the next quinjet to the action but a whole month free together to do what you liked you couldn’t wait.
You turned your attention to your Super Solider who was still sat down looking baffled at the meetings conclusion, you got up from your chair & returned to your rightful place, snug in his lap, his hands supported your legs & your fingers raked through his hair, it felt so nice to be free of any obligation to be together. You were choosing this, choosing each other, a soft press of your lips to his gave you a great idea of what to do with your time off, ‘So, what’s Wakanda like this time of the year?’
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AN: Thank you so much for reading, don't forget to reblog & comment, so far it's been a bit of a flop compared to all the notes the master list got but that wont stop me from writing!!! see ya next week!
Random thing of the week: Sebastian Stan's hair stylist followed me on my beauty blog instagram page & I have no idea why, so I've practically run my hands through his glorious hair by association! So random!
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themculibrary · 1 year
Coming Out Fics (2) Masterlist
part one, part three
American values (ao3) - orphan_account steve/sam T, 6k
Summary: Sam likes Steve. Steve likes Sam. But Captain America's never dated a guy before.
As You Are (ao3) - Eligh clint/phil E, 10k
Summary: When Phil accidentally comes out to Clint after a trying couple days, Clint takes this as his opportunity to finally make a move.
Almost entirely fluff.
cap’s quintet (ao3) - King_Hydroflax sam/bucky, maria/natasha G, 3k
Summary: sam and his team are all gay. they come out.
Curiosity (fanfiction.net) - serenelystrange steve/tony T, 2k
Summary: In which Clint's curiosity gets the better of him, Bruce and Tony are Science!Bros, and Steve may or may not be having a Big Gay Crisis. Written because even though I love me some science!boyfriends, I have love for Tony/Steve, too. Clint/Natasha in their way , Tony/Steve, Bruce, Thor, Fury, Coulson. Clint POV.
Fame (ao3) - Axinite25 yelena/kate G, 2k
Summary: Kate is recognised as an Avenger, with that comes a lot of online press. Luckily, Yelena is there for the difficult moments.
Kate/Yelena, coming out, the internet is weird
Hidden Aces (ao3) - oper_1895 steve/sam T, 1k
Summary: Sam’s not entirely sure what he and Steve have got going on, which means it’s time for an actual conversation. First though, Sam needs to put his own cards on the table. But it turns out Steve has an unexpected ace up his sleeve.
how to come out to the public (ao3) - cynthiagay sam/bucky T, 1k
Summary: sam and bucky have an interview.
many the miles (ao3) - CapnWinghead steve/sam T, 4k
Summary: After months of radio silence, Sarah Wilson travels to Brooklyn to track down her brother. When she arrives, she finds Sam living with a tall blond guy that seems to know more about him than she does at the moment.
(Not) Just between us (ao3) - orphan_account sam/bucky E, 15k
Summary: He survived battles, countless times now, but the last one felt different so he took his phone let his heart bleed a little.
He hadn't expected someone else to catch that on camera.
our secret (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 752
Summary: Sam and Bucky finally get together, but Sam knows he needs to get his shit together before he and Bucky can start telling people about their newfound relationship.
pepper potts does not get paid enough (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor sam/bucky G, 2k
Summary: Pepper is not happy when Sam posts a photo of him and Bucky together on Instagram.
Pride (ao3) - charlieflor sam/bucky T, 919
Summary: "It's okay," Sam says when they break the kiss, leaning with their foreheads together. "I'm here."
Private Stuff (ao3) - alba17 maria/natasha T, 1k
Summary: Natasha won't let Clint in her bathroom. He's determined to find out why.
Put it in all of the papers, I'm not afraid they can read all about it (ao3) - EarthsSassiestHeroes clint/steve N/R, 1k
Summary: A follow up to "You've got the words to change a nation but you're biting your tongue" Steve and Clint go on Oprah's Next Chapter to discuss Steve's coming out.
roots (ao3) - sweetwatersong G, 1k
Summary: The family tree in the Barton household isn't so much a metaphor as an actual orchard out back. As long as Lila can remember it has been inextricably entwined with autumn and apples, and all those she loves.
The Guide to Being a Displaced 106 Year Old Who Is Coming to Terms With His Sexuality (ao3) - ChaoticAce2005 sam/bucky T, 5k
Summary: “So, people like- it’s normal to like both?”
Because despite Bucky’s head being like scrambled eggs, he remembers love. He remembers attraction. To that one baseball player. To a cashier at a mart, he went to. To the king of Wakanda who, holy fuck had no right looking that good.
And he thought maybe Hydra had screwed him up. Maybe they screwed around with his memories. But even now there were men who would cause Bucky to pause.
Men like Sam.
But he thought Hydra had just broken that part of him. Because he liked girls too and there was no way- Maybe he was just making it up- It couldn’t be real-
“Yeah,” Sarah responded, “Bisexual for one, that’s when you like two or more genders. There are more broad terms like pansexual or polysexual as well, those mean liking all genders or liking many genders.”
Wait- what?
“Aren’t there only two genders?”
Sarah just shook her head, “Gender is more a binary now, think a straight line and at one end is male and the other is female, there is all that space in the middle that some people are in. Some people don’t even identify as a gender.”
What- okay, that was going to give him a headache.
The Interview (ao3) - mybuckystar clint/pietro T, 2k
Summary: Clint grudgingly agrees to do an interview on a morning talk show. Needless to say, it doesn't go as planned.
Your Listed Heart (ao3) - Willowe T, 18k
Summary: Bobbi Morse breaks up with Clint Barton almost exactly six months after their first date, and everything goes to pieces.
Romance, relationships, identities- he doesn't want to think about any of that. But one drunken night, and one drunken mistake, later and Clint finds himself having to confront something much worse: the person at the heart of it all.
One Natasha Romanov.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 years
Hi if its ok to ask with steve x dark goddess reader
What if she would make him submit more even mess around with his head if he gets bratty . The only person to notice whats going on is bucky or thor. Well on thors defence he knows a thing or two if a deity is messing with a mortal with his experience with loki . As for bucky he sees steve as a friend and brother so there might be something up
As for reader do you think she would make him behave like a good puppy or more denial punishment that leads her to make steve pleasure himself with reader fingering his back entrance while not allowed to touch his cock and she would praise/mock him?
Thanks :3 and i didnt mean to bother . The dark goddes reader is so Good!!
I'm gonna...I'm gonna...go have a think in corner on these thots because...ya got me there.
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I need a minute.
I don't even know what's going on in my brain right now 😵😵😵
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dameronology · 3 years
marvel masterlist
i do not give permission for these works to be posted on any other sites
steve rogers
⥤ the one where everyone finds out
you & steve had been pretty good at keeping your relationship hidden from the public eye - it takes one (minor, in his defense) mishap on his part to change that ⥤ the one where you bring home a dog
you want a dog. steve doesn't want a dog. so you get a dog.
⥤ walls
steve just wants to look after you - even if it means breaking down your insanely stubborn walls. ⥤ the one with his new girl
pretending to be over steve rogers is hard. all it takes is a few glasses of expensive wine and a conversation with his gorgeous new girlfriend before the walls begin to come down. ⥤ the one where you can’t sleep
steve rogers is a good cure for insomnia. ⥤ the one where you finally talk about it 
when a mission goes wrong, you end up in a cell with your ex-boyfriend. what a better way to pass the time than to discuss where things went wrong? ⥤ knowing me, knowing you
breaking up is never easy - but it’s the best thing you can do (yes, it’s based on the song by abba and no, i have no regrets)
⥤ delays on the a-train
you had a lot of beef with the MTA; slightly less so since the world’s most unreliable subway led you to the likes of steve rogers bucky barnes ⥤ the one where he’s not ready
you and bucky, during one particularly soft morning, have an honest conversation about your relationship ⥤ you have my number
bucky barnes’ memory is a little selective, thanks to all the brainwashing - but one thing he’ll never forget is his love for you, even if you’re a complete & utter pain in the ass. his ass. ⥤ it’s no use, i just do
‘if i just wanted someone to hold, then really anyone would do/i’d close my eyes and really try not to turn them into you, but it’s no use, i just love you’ - no use i just do, hayley williams (a.k.a the one where bucky needs a hug specifically from you) tony stark (no longer on character list) ⥤ the one where he does something dumb 
‘you think i’m the stupid one but you’re the one who married me, so who’s the real idiot here?’
thor odinson ⥤ the one with the failed mission
‘you think i’m the stupid one but you’re the one who married me, so who’s the real idiot here?’ natasha romanoff ⥤ questioning
natasha had always been able to appreciate women. once she meets you, it becomes clear why ⥤ aftermath
when the snap happened, everyone’s minds immediately went to the person they loved the most. natasha romanoff’s went to you ⥤ better now
just domestic bliss with natasha - also, you have a cat sam wilson ⥤ the art of self care
after a long week at work, sam wilson waits for you at home matt murdock ⥤ the defence rests
aka romeo & juliet, except you’re a hot young d.a intern & matt is a hot lawyer frank castle
⥤ lonely eyes
frank castle therapises you, basically (based on the song lonely eyes by the front bottoms)
⥤ trigger
frank castle lives to protect you. he doesn't take it very well when you do the same for him. matt murdock + frank castle love triangle, because clearly i have psychological issues ⥤ slipping through my fingers
frank castle has a lot of pride - maybe too much to admit just how in love with you he is ⥤ anyone but him
you and matt are different people. you and frank are similar people. how’s that working out for you? not well. ⥤ red & blue
domestic life with matt murdock was a new kind of bliss. that doesn’t mean you’d ever stop thinking about frank, though. zemo ⥤ the loyalty complexity + part two
you were once loyal to captain america, but it never worked out in your favour – after his actions regarding the sokovia accords sent you on the run, you found yourself in an unlikely pairing with a former enemy. when rogers requires both your assistance, he’s forced to face the truth: you’re no longer his. you’re no longer anyone’s, in fact, but baron zemo comes close. peter parker mcu peter parker ⥤  when we were young
you haven’t seen peter parker for years. a chance meeting on a roof-top reminds you of your younger days. amazing spiderman peter parker ⥤ scenes from a modern romance
everyone has stupid arguments, but it’s hard to stay mad at peter parker ⥤  a matter of time (series masterlist; completed)
peter parker has barely gotten over losing you and getting dragged into another universe where you’re still alive and kicking isn’t about to help the case. thanks to an ultimatum from stephen strange, peter has just a matter of days to make you realise who he is and what you had, or he faces losing you all over again. he better get to work. ⥤  come home 
peter parker can’t protect you from everything, no matter how hard he tries ⥤ what can you do?
a.k.a the one where peter has an existential crisis about turning 20 (based loosely on 30/90 from tick, tick, boom)
⥤ burnt out
when you're feeling a little burnt out, peter's there to remind you of what's important (the answer? pizza)
⥤ last request
you want to break up. peter doesn't.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 2 years
Most of Chris photos feed my big buff omega Steve fantasies because along with the full beard and huge muscles there are round full and soft curves/llips/tits..you know an absolutely scary omega whose whining sounds like a growl
Particularly this type of looks
And you know what this big-buff-omega!Steve ask reminds me of-?
@the1918's brilliant anons in this post here.
Anyway, are you ready for my half-crazed, slutty rant about big omega Steve???
Okay, you-
You do not understand how much I fucking love big, buff, omega Steve. 
Big, buff, omega Steve feeds my fucking SOUL. Like. Fuck. I love him so much and I wish there were more fics about him. He’s incredible and everything I ever want. Such a big, masculine guy that melts; such a big, masculine guy that should be the peak alpha out there but really will whine and heel like a big puppy? Sheesh. 🥴
That being said, clearly, I normally see big omega Steve as a guy that is alpha-passing in public but still super soft when he knows he’s safe and/or with his actual alpha. Like, yeah, he’s got his beard and he can make himself growl and posture up as any alpha might do. And, yeah, he can lower his voice intentionally to get a similar effect from those around him as an alpha’s real Alpha Voice might- making other omegas swoon and making alphas bristle a little, their instincts immediately seeing Steve as a challenger but quickly fading away as said alphas get in control of themselves or their hindbrains realize how fucking daunting this new “alpha” is. They can’t possibly challenge him and win, so why try? 
But that’s the thing-!
That’s the secret. 
Steve isn’t actually an alpha. He’s an omega.
He has become incredibly good at passing as an alpha but… he’s not. He has taught himself all the skills that come naturally to most alphas but it’s still not his true instinct. His true instincts, omega instincts, are buried deeply. 
US records have been changed to say he’s an alpha for propaganda reasons- omegas weren’t even allowed to serve in the military during WW2, let alone male omegas (not to even mention all the outrage that would’ve erupted if an omega was the face of the strongest US troops). And now, still, no one knows.
Steve uses scent blockers so he smells like a beta; a move that everyone thinks he does just because Steve is such an alpha from the serum that he must pour out alpha pheromones, but is polite enough to not have everyone smell it all the time. Additionally, surely he doesn’t want the attention of all the omegas in his vicinity to swoon and trail after him in a mile-long line, lusting after the most rugged omega out there (unless you count Thor but… he’s not from Earth so he doesn’t really count)? So scent blockers make sense. And, sure, he has a mating bite, scarred on the side of his neck, coming from an era when usually only omegas were bitten for mating bonds (it was both taboo and seen as a weakness if alphas were bitten and claimed by their omegas then) but… everyone who has seen the way Steve looks at pictures of Bucky or who has seen the way his face changes when someone mentions Bucky/the winter soldier knows he and Bucky must’ve been so, so, SO in love with each other so… why wouldn’t they both bite each other? They both were in the war together, it makes sense to bite each other in such a dire time. AND they were an alpha-alpha gay couple so… they already weren’t doing things traditionally so who gives a fuck if they didn’t do the whole mating-bite-thing traditionally either? It’s not like Steve shows off the bite anyway. Only Nat knows about it. Steve covers it very intentionally. 
However, signs of typical alpha or omega-ness aside...
Steve is an omega. An omega who has a bit of a weird way of presenting his affections (when Bucky does come back):
When he’s alone with Bucky, he often uses that beard to rub up against his alpha (and maybe get some of that delicious alpha musk trapped there, so he can smell it all the time and float on cloud-nine). Nuzzling him like an overgrown kitten. 
When he’s getting off, he makes (with wordless huffs and whines and moans since he gets easily overwhelmed or embarrassed during sex a lot) Bucky pay extra attention to his tits and nipples because they’re so sensitive (and sometimes… especially if he’s coming off of heat suppressants… a little swollen before his heat with the influx of all those hormones). Not that it’s a tragedy for Bucky, he could pay attention to those pretty perky tits and nips any day of the week, any hour of the day... They discovered how sensitive his pecs were though when one time Bucky gave him a full body massage (gotta treat all those big muscles right, right?), and Steve couldn’t help but pant and bite his lip when Bucky got to his chest. Something about it is just… so good. 
When his heat is due he often flexes a little more- literally flexing to make his arms and chest look good for his mate or working out harder when his mate is within the vicinity, but also showing off for his mate. During missions, he might take more risks (jumping out of more planes than usual), he might lift objects that normally he’d get help to move or manipulate (like cars or slabs of broken buildings), or he might run a little faster (getting to the front line to fuck everyone up), etc. 
When he’s on the immediate precipice of heat Steve gets REALLY into being chased. He often makes Bucky chase him around the apartment (and incidentally wrecking the place- furniture, walls, and counters included) when they live in the tower, and then when they move out to a bigger place they have all to themselves... Steve begs and begs until Bucky will chase him through the forest that surrounds their remote house. It’s his favorite- being chased through the woods with a fever building inside him, a fever burning inside him, anticipation thick in his veins and polluted further with adrenaline, heart thumping uncontrollably hard against his ribs, sprinting past trees and undergrowth, the smell of rain and greenery invading his senses, leaves whipping his sensitive skin, primal instincts roaring, and his own thrilled scream catching even himself by surprise when Bucky cuts him off from his blind side - hiding behind some closely tucked together trees - tackling him to the ground with a damn-near feral growl. His alpha’s eyes dark. His alpha’s teeth bared. His alpha’s nails biting into his skin as Steve struggles. His alphas teeth suddenly re-opening their mating bite as Steve tries to get away weakly- only trying to get away because he wants his alpha to prove that he can take him. He can catch him and take exactly what he wants from him... Once they move out of the tower, that’s how all of Steve’s heats start. Their first round of heat-sex is in the middle of the woods. The birds never chirp as they fuck because they’re wary of the two fucking wild animals that’re loose in their forest, having already flown away. Even the little songbirds know not to get in the way of an alpha and his omega. When the chase finally ends, it’s with Steve on his belly, his face against the earth tasting dirt and a little copper from where he broke his own lip, biting it too hard in a vain attempt to stop himself from moaning so loud that he might as well be screaming. He’s screaming out in carnal pleasure now anyway while Bucky rails him from behind, his thick cock spearing him open, knot already beginning to blow wide, his weight heavy over top of Steve. Steve’s fingers dig into the soft earth. He can’t breathe, he’s so full. There’s nothing like it. Like this. It’s more than good. It’s indescribable as Bucky growls more, thrusts harder into him, and tells him that he’s gonna breed him good. He’s gonna breed his omega, his omega, and then he’s gonna take him back to their den while he’s still locked on his knot. Back in their den he’s gonna take him even more. Harder. He’s gonna have his omega until he’s done. Until they’re done. He wants his omega well-fucked and happy until he wakes up bred fat with his pups just like his omega wants. He’s gonna take care of his omega. Steve always feels high on it. It’s so animal. So primal. So good. 
Along with the love of the chase, is Steve’s love of wrestling. He really, really always wants to know that his alpha can hold him down and force him to give it up- it comforts him at the same time that it gets him hot. It makes him feel like he’s small again. Like he is under the shadow- the weight of his alpha. Owned. And that’s all he wants.
To pivot from the primal kink I feel like big omega Steve one million percent has… you wanna know what else I always think of when I think of this Steve?
I always think of Steve shakily getting up from presenting on all fours - elbows and knees - to sit with his legs folded underneath him. And sitting like that… it shows off his pretty, pink, and puffy cunt.
He’s pink and puffy and stretched out from being fucked so much- Bucky’s fat knot has done a number on his pussy, stretching the hungry lil thing out, making him drip fragrant slick and cum all the same from all the rounds they’ve already had this mating season. He’s a goddamn mess.
Yet, even as used as he is, he’s still needy.
Still in heat.
Flushed pink from his head - blonde hair sweaty and wrecked with major bed-head from his own fingers as well as Bucky's - to his tightly-curled toes. Muscles flexing and shaking. Head spinning. His cunt is clenching and unclenching around nothing, waiting for another knot. Another round. 
Big, buff Steve is so hungry and weak for it where he’s kneeling that he's whimpering pathetically with his back arched deeply but his round bubble butt stuck out as far as he can, making his waist look tiny, especially compared to those hulking shoulders. Like, he's so big but his cunt is so tiny. So little. So itsy-bitsy and so eagerly weeping for Bucky's cock and then his knot. 
Uhhh… yeah. Anyway. Yes. Big, buff omega Steve owns my heart.
Sorry I went a on a softer/more submissive path than what your ask laid out! I just couldn’t help myself!
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rebeccccccaaa · 3 years
ʙᴜᴄᴋʏ ʙᴀʀɴᴇs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: Bucky gets hit with that god awful (but really hot) sex pollen. (this was requested)
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Dub-Con/Non-Con as per usual with sex pollens fics (although i try to write them as consensual as possible :T) Smut obvi (18+ minors dni), slight daddy kink, age gap?, public male masturbation; it's brief but still
TW: very brief mention of possible suicide
ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ's ɴᴏᴛᴇs: hot
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“Where are those daisies we collected from the last mission?” Tony asked you, eyes staying glued to the hologram in front of him.
“I left them on the quinjet. Fury said to wait for transportation until Shield confirms safety. It’s literally in a glass case, but whatever,” you rolled your eyes, making the older man laugh.
“Just protocol, kid,” he snickered.
Meanwhile Bucky sat with Steve eating lunch, chatting it up like old men do.
“So what did you bring back from the last mission? I saw a bunch of agents in hazmat suits,” Steve said sipping his coffee.
“Uh, well Thor said we should bring some plants back for research, but it seems like a bunch of normal lookin’ daisies,” Bucky shrugged.
“Y/n loves daisies,” Steve smirked.
“And you love Y/n,” Steve teased.
“No I don’t-”
“Hey boys!” you skipped past the kitchen.
“Y/n,” Bucky said standing up with a big goofy smile on his face.
“Where ‘ya going?” Steve asked with a chuckle.
“Quinjet. Fury gave us the go to start doing tests on that plant you brought the other day,” you smiled lightly jogging to the runway.
“Why don't you ask her on a date, Buck,” Steve nudged.
“Come on, she’s way too smart to go out with a dumbass like me,” Bucky joked.
“I don’t know. It’s been years since I’ve talked to another woman. It doesn’t come naturally anymore. Wha- what’s even the first I’d say to her?”
“I don’t know, man. I’m on the same boat with you. Just… Tell how nice she looks today when she comes back.”
“Really?” Bucky asked skeptically.
“Yeah, be nice to her.”
“I am nice to her.”
“I mean be extra nice. Flatter her,” Steve told him, “Go wait in the lab until she comes back and tell her she looks pretty today.”
“Isn’t Tony in the lab?” Bucky asked.
“Ha ha, yeah,” Steve teased, patting his back before leaving to his room.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Tony mumbled seeing Bucky waltzing in the room awkwardly.
“Nothing,” he mumbled back.
Tony dropped his hands and stared at Bucky with an unimpressed look on his face. Everyone but you knew about Barnes’ little boy crush on you but he’s never had the balls to say anything. You were close to Tony and seeing as though he doesn’t particularly like Bucky, he didn’t want you hanging around him. But you were an adult so of course you hung out with whoever you wanted.
He was sure you liked him back too which never ceased to make him roll his eyes.
You walked back from the quinjet with the glass container of daisies. You weren’t exactly a plant expert but it was apparent that these daisies were mutated seeing as though the pollen swirled around the flowers gracefully. It was beautiful but then again they might be extremely dangerous considering it was a Hydra experiment.
“Hey Y/n, off to the lab again?” Steve smiled.
“Yup, gotta check these babies out according to Thor; said they might be dangerous if they’re what he thinks they are,” you said, still walking.
“And what’s that?” you just shrugged at his question unsure of the answer yourself.
“Well, Bucky’s waiting for you in the lab,” he slipped in the conversation.
“Really? Why’s-” Crash!
“Oh no,” Tony mumbled, seeing the collision in action.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” you stuttered.
“No, no. I should be sorry. Here let me help,” bucky knelt to the ground grabbed the fallen daisies with his bare hands.
“No! Don’t touch-” Tony shouted practically sprinting towards you two.
The golden pollen swirled in a misty manner engulfing Bucky completely. You stared with furrowed brows confused at the sight before you and what was going on. Bucky’s skin began to burn and his senses were being overloaded. All he could smell in that moment was you; the same scent that he got a whiff of this morning when he hugged you, the perfume and the shampoo that filled his senses when you walked passed him.
Tony pushed you out of the lab roughly throwing you in Steve’s arms who was just as confused.
“FRIDAY,” Tony called out.
“Yes, Mr. Stark,” the familiar voice answered.
“Lock all the doors to the lab and maybe turn on the a/c,” he commanded.
“Of course, Mr. Stark.”
All the glass walls and doors instantly shut and locked, locking Bucky inside. Bucky’s eyes found your and slammed his body against the glass desperately trying to reach you. You too ran up to the glass wall trying to understand what had happened to him. Everything was happening so suddenly.
Your forehead was pressed against the glass as was Bucky’s; both of you staring into each other’s eyes momentarily. In that moment, you could see his eyes turn golden for a quick second before his pupils dilated ridiculously before your eyes.
“Is he going to be ok?” you turned away.
“Y/n! Please!” Bucky’s muffled screams shocked you.
“Uh… where’s Thor?” Tony panicked.
“What the hell is happening?” Nat asked; Sam, Wanda, and Vision trailing behind closely.
“Nat,” you ran to her.
“What happened to Bucky?” Same asked.
“He- I ran- I ran into him by a-accident and the box dropped. There was mist everywhere and Bucky's eyes. His eyes,” you stammered breathlessly.
“Please! I need her!” Bucky hit the glass in an attempt to break it.
“Oh my goodness,” Wanda gasped at the sweaty Bucky hitting and practically going feral.
“Oh god, is he gonna be ok?” you teared up. This is your fault, dammit.
“I can asure he will experience no physical harm,” Thor’s voice made all of you turn around.
“Just physically? What the hell does that mean?” Sam argued.
“Well, uh… I’ve never actually seen it’s effects in person. Especially not on a Midguardian…” his voice trailed off and his eyes grew big.
Nat snapped her head, eyes widening as well. Bucky with absolutely no shame held his hard dick in his hands pumping it with his eyes trained on you. You went to turn around seeing nat’s expression but she covered you eyes before you could actually see the lewd behavior Bucky indulged in.
“What’s happening?” you asked holding onto Nat as she led across the room.
“Nothing, they’re gonna take care of Buck. Don’t worry about it,” she said quickly.
You sat in your room bouncing your leg as the movie on your TV played. Every now and then Bucky would moan and cry particularly loud making all of you wince and cringe. But your mind felt foggy simply thinking about Bucky and his safety; especially that moment when his eyes went from confusion to you don’t even know what. Hunger? Desire? Lust?
Whatever it was, it made your tummy flutter.
“Steve, any news on Bucky?” Steve stood at the doorway with a worrisome face that did nothing to ease your already panicked nerves.
“Well, as far as Thor knows the plant that was mutated with the daisies was pollen extracted from a breeding plant common among other galaxies; for species that can’t… reproduce like we do. The pollen enters the system and targets the nociceptors causing excruciating pain without physical harm. If untreated the victim can reach a traumatic state and truthfully, they will do anything to stop the pain; even kill themselves.”
“What the hell does any of that mean?” Sam grunted.
“It means the tin man is painfully horny,” Tony interrupted.
“Are you fucking serious?” Sam said in disbelief.
“What’s the cure?” Nat said.
“Oxytocin, of course,” Tony said.
“The cuddle hormone,” you whispered.
“Yup. Banner and I are already working on a serum containing artificial oxytocin in hopes to minimize the pain or even better cure him completely. We-”
“I’m afraid it’s going to be a bit more complicated than that,” Thor interrupted Tony.
“What do you mean?”
“Well, see the pollen, it’s a little tricky. The oxyputin-thingy you mentioned…”
“Oxytocin,” Tony clarified but Thor didn’t care too much.
“I don't think artificial love is going to cure the boy. If you want results, he needs to be the one he desires most. That’s where you’ll get your oxy-pudding.”
“Oxy- You know what, we can figure this out without anyone needing to have sex,” Tony groaned.
“Tony, maybe we shouldn’t-” you started.
“Nope, we can do this. We’re science bros,” Tony stormed away like a child.
“Isn’t your lab being ‘occupied’,” Nat called out.
Hours went by and the oxytocin experiments were clearly a fail. The first dose did nothing. The second also nothing. The third relieved him for only ten seconds before he went back to his painful state. Since then, they haven’t been able to help or relieve Bucky’s circumstance any longer.
You thought about Thor’s words, about how the one he desires most could cure him. A ping of jealousy struck your heart but you knew you to find the woman Bucky loved and just pray that she'd help him. You made your way back to the lad area where Tony and Bruce had their new makeshift set up while the lab was locked down.
“Tony, this is ridiculous. It’s been going on for too long. You heard what Thor said about what happens when it gets too much,” you begged.
“And what do you suggest we do?” Tony said angrily.
“We need to find the woman that Bucky loves so she can help him,” you argued back.
“It's not just some woman, Y/n! He wants you.”
“All the bastard’s been doing for the past eight hours has been masterbating while moaning your name. I’m not putting you in that situation,” Tony yelled.
You couldn’t speak. Was he telling you the truth? Did Bucky want you like that? The same way you secretly wanted him? It’s not like you haven't thought about what being with Bucky would be like before. He was perfect; so handsome and charming.
You ran back to your room where the rest of the guys still were practically out of breath; your heart hammering out of your chest and your stomach fluttering like it does whenever you think about Bucky.
“I need to get to Bucky,” you panted out.
“Please you guys need to help me. Tony said that Bucky wants me; I mean can you believe. A guy like him wanting me? I’m just… nobody. He’s way too out of my league and-”
“Y/n, focus,” Nat said.
“Right. I- I want to help him. I know I can.”
“Y/n, we don’t know how dangerous this is. I mean, it came from Hydra, this could be weaponized and you could get hurt,” Steve argued.
“Bucky could never hurt me,” you whispered; Nat looked at you softly, understanding the situation better realizing you were probably Bucky’s only chance of a cure.
“You’re not actually considering letting her do this are you?” Steve scolded Nat.
"Are Tony and Bruce making any progress?" she sighed.
"They haven't been to even relieve his pain for longer than ten seconds," you whispered.
"Steve, this is Bucky we're talking about. Hasn't he endure enough torture in his life?" Nat said softly.
That seemed to convince him. Seeing Bucky in so much pain like he had been only years ago was unfair, especially when they technically already knew a cure. Waiting this out was pure evil at this point.
"How do you suppose we go about this?" he asked.
You devised a plan in order to let Bucky from the lab; he'd find his way to you on his own. Wanda stood from afar using her powers to tamper with the equipment. Tony frustratingly would have to run across the compound to the conference rooms to grab new devices in order to continue with his notes and tests.
On his way back, Steve and his convincing and charming ways would stall Tony's return asking him all sorts of questions about Bucky's state. Meanwhile, Thor made up some excuse to lure Banner away just for a minute so Nat and Sam could override the lockdown through Friday and free Bucky.
All the while you sat in your room waiting anxiously for Bucky to barge through the door and have his way with you.
A few minutes went by and no sign of a ruckus you'd assume would accompany the escape plan. You fiddled with the hem of your skirt biting your lip in anticipation. Still no sign after a couple more minutes. Wanting to make sure you still looked alright for Buck, although he'd probably not even acknowledge your appearance, you stood up to walk to your bathroom.
Just as you stood up, Bucky in all his muscle and broad glory slammed the door behind him staring at you with nothing but desperate hunger. Your stomach flipped when you saw him lock the door, pushing a small chair you had just next to it in front of the door under the handle.
He stalked towards practically panting and you took in his appearance. His hair was quite disheveled and sweat lined his forehead and slightly down his neck. Despite that, he still looked so handsome and sexy.
"маленький, all dressed up for me to ruin," he growled crawling up the bed as you crawled back.
"Buck, are you ok? I want to help you," you whispered.
"I'm more than ok now, beautiful," he whispered leaning into you, his nose brushing against yours, chuckling when you visibly trembled.
"Is my красивый маленький ангел gonna let me use her?" he whispered, huskily.
"Bucky, I don't understand what you're saying."
"так драгоценно," he whispered against your lips before pressing himself completely against you.
His hands, contrast between hot and cold, crept under your shirt brushing lightly over your delicate skin. You had somewhat expected Bucky to have no control and use you relentlessly, of which you wouldn't have minded, but this soft ginger foreplay was really making your panties wet.
Bucky slowly lifted the shirt from your body before tossing it to the side and removing his own. His hands cupped your breasts squeezing the soft flesh quite roughly making you sigh and moan at the feeling.
His lips attached themselves to your neck biting and sucking harshly littering your skin with dark purple marks. He nibbled on your ear as he grinding his pelvis against yours, his large erection poking your center making you even more aroused.
"I couldn't stop thinking about you. It smelled just like you," he whispered.
"T- The daisies?"
"I've been craving you, aching for you. Thinking about how good you're gonna feel wrapped around my cock," he panted speeding up his grinding thrusts.
"Buck," you breathed out.
Bucky shuddered over you before stilling for a moment. He couldn't help it, your scent, your warm skin pressed against his, he couldn't hold back anymore coming straight away in his pants.
You brushed his hair softly soothing him from his high. You thought it was over, that he felt better and was finally cured but almost instantly you felt Bucky harden under you, poking between your thighs and you gasped knowing very well it was going to be a long night.
Bucky stood on his knees and pulled your bottoms down your legs nearly ripping the material. He too rid his bottoms throwing them god knows where before climbing back on top of you. You stared adorably up at him and Bucky almost came again. He smiled softly at you before kissing you once more.
Suddenly, loud bangs on your door startled you but not Bucky.
"What the hell are you doing!" Tony screamed.
"Tony, you gotta stop! This is the only way! It's not fair to him to let him keep suffering. He's done enough of that, ok?" Nat shouted.
"She's gonna get hurt," Tony sighed.
"No she won't. This was her idea."
Tony looked back teary eyed. He really cared for you as his own and putting you in a situation like this wasn't fair to you either. He really tried to help but this was just too complicated and too advanced to solve in only a few hours. They were right, Bucky needed you as much as he didn't like that idea too much.
Bucky lined his cock with your entrance wrapping your legs around his waist. Slowly he pushed in pulling moans from you both. You've only had a couple lovers previous to Bucky but neither of them ever filled you so perfectly. Bucky stretched you out like none other and admittedly he wanted to use his fingers on you first but he'd been away for too long it was too painful to go another second without being inside you.
"So tight and warm, little one. Feel so fucking good wrapped around me."
"Buck," you moaned.
You wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him impossibly closer to you as you kissed along his neck and jaw. Bucky moaned breathlessly in your ear and you couldn't help the clenching around him from arousal.
"Fuck, keep doing that, little one," he groaned.
Toy squeezed your thighs together and clenched around him again making him groan louder this time. His thrusts became sporadic and you moved against like a ragdoll unable to keep up with his relentless pace.
Your legs began to shake and your back arched into his chest reaching you first high of the night, gushing all over his cock. You realize he hasn't come and gently push him off you before flipping over to let him take you again from behind.
As expected, Bucky pushed into once again deeper this time and you shuddered under his hand that rested atop your arched back. Bucky smacked and kneaded your ass thrusting in and out. The lewd squelching sound of his thrust mixed with the sound of skin slapping against each other echoed in the room.
"Shit, little one. Taking my cock so fucking well," he reached forward and bunch up your hair pulling your head back harshly.
“Shit,” you mumbled.
Your knuckles turned white as you gripped the sheets as hard as you could. You were approaching your orgasm quickly and you weren't going to be able to hold back any longer. Your pussy clenched around Bucky's cock making him throw his head back in pleasure.
"Please, Bucky," you whimpered.
"You wanna come, darling. You wanna cream all over daddy's cock?"
"Yes! Fuck!" your arms shook before giving out completely; your head buried in the sheets as Bucky continued that same wild and rough pace.
"Please let me come, daddy!"
Your body felt on fire. No one has ever made you feel this good before, it was almost too much, too overwhelming. Tears brimmed your eyes from trying to desperately hold back. You wanted to come with Bucky but seeing as his pace had yet to slow down you were beginning to think he wasn't even close.
"Let go, doll."
Your body squirmed beneath him as you released all over his dick. You came with a near shout, your body violently trembling from the intensity of your high. Bucky slowed his pace for your comfort, gently riding your orgasm slowly down despite his still aching erection.
He languidly rolled you over to your back, his hands softly rubbing your sides up to your breasts. You breathed heavily, eyes feeling droopy, all you could feel in that moment was his cum dripping from you onto the sheets.
Bucky, still knelt on the bed and still chasing his release, lifted your legs over his thighs gripping your hip with one hand and his cock with the other. You squeezed your thighs together when you felt his tip poking at your entrance once again, soft whimpers emitting from you shakily.
"Such a good girl. Gonna let me take you again? Gonna let me keep using you?" he moaned.
"Use me, Buck. I'm all yours," you breathed out.
Bucky pushed himself past your folds once again, your cum easily letting him slide in. Both his hands made home on your hips gripping hardly surely to leave marks for you to remember this very moment. You looked at Bucky as his thrusts slowly began to pick up, bringing your own hands to your breasts to play with your nipples. You twisted the perked buds, moaning softly at the feeling as well as Bucky filling you perfectly once again.
"Filling me up so good, baby," you moaned, arching your back slightly allowing Bucky to hit a newer and deeper angle inside you.
"Pussy was fucking made for me," he growled.
His hand moved from its home on your hip right over your lower belly where he could feel his cock so deep poking his own hand through your tummy.
"Feel how fucking deep I am?"
You moved your hand and he pressed yours in the same spot under his and you moaned loudly, shuddering under him.
His pace quickened and for a moment he thought he was going to finally reach his high, that release he'd been thinking about for hours today, but when he felt you clench again, squeezing his cock tightly and he didn't cum, he knew it was gonna be chase that he didn't know you'd be up for. You gushed all over his dick, back arching and your legs pressing tight around his torso, coming with a loud scream of his name.
Bucky fell forward with tears in his eyes. His skin still felt hot and sticky. His sense felt dialed up to an eleven. It was all so overwhelming and all he wanted was to cum in you and hold you closer whispering how he really loved you. He pressed faint kisses to you equally sticky and warm skin and when you felt warm liquid dripping onto your skin to lift Bucky's head to find him crying.
"What's wrong, baby?"
“I can’t cum. I just wanna cum,” he whined.
“Hey, hey. It’s ok. I can go as many times as you need me to. I want to help you, let me do that.”
“Can- Can you uh… use your mouth please? I want to feel those pretty lips wrapped around my cock so bad,” he moaned.
“Of course, baby. I’d do anything for you,” you smirked before pushing him and crawling over him holding his dick in your hand.
Hours and literally hours had passed until Bucky was finally tired out only having cum three times compared to the fifteen-plus times you had. Your bed laid on the ground; the wooden stands snapped about two hours ago. Most of your sheets were torn to shreds and marks littered your body from your neck down to your hips and your knees from, well you know.
Your body shook as you laid in a fetal position. You burned between your thighs; the soreness overwhelming but pleasant at the same time. Sweat made what was left of the sheets stick to your body until Bucky pulled them from you to clean you. He used a warm towel all over your body with tears in his eyes whispering how sorry he was about everything.
“I swear I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’m so sorry. I understand if you hate me now; if you never want to see me again. Just know that I’m so sorry about your bed, the blankets, if I hurt you, everything,” he sniffled, eyes and nose red and puffy.
“Bucky,” you whispered, your voice raspy and croaky from your moaning and screaming all night.
“Y/n,” he whispered back. You pulled him by the back of his neck into a soft yet passionate kiss.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he breathed out when you pulled away. You cupped his face with shaky hands but a smile on your face.
“Do you mean it?”
“Of course. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. I’ve dreamt about holding you far too many times, more than I’d like to admit. I should’ve told you sooner but like everyone else, I was scared you didn’t like me back; at least not this way,” he rubbed your legs indicating the intimate love he had for you.
“Buck, it’s virtually impossible for anyone not to fall in love with you. Unless they’re Tony,” you giggled as did he.
“Can you say it?” he asked softly.
“That I love you?” you smiled brushing your nose against his; Bucky practically purred as he nodded.
“I love you, James,” you whispered.
“Fuck, I love you too.”
He laid you down softly again on the broken bed pressing light kisses all over your collarbones and shoulders. You brushed his hair with your fingers as he clung onto you ready to sleep.
“Thank you again, doll. For helping me today,” he said after a couple minutes of silence.
“Of course, my love. Besides I’m the one who ran into you with those damn daisies.”
“Thank god for them then. And for your clumsiness,” Bucky chuckled.
“Meanie,” you snorted, making Bucky laugh even more.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Buck.”
ᴛᴀɢʟɪsᴛ: (For all my work)
Bucky Barnes Taglist:
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holylulusworld · 3 years
Performance issues
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Summary: Tony is not amused about something you said.
Pairing: Tony Stark x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers
Warnings: language, smut, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, hair pulling, biting, dominant Tony, daddy kink, cocky Tony, semi-public sex, role play, talk about sex, fingering
Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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“And then I said, ‘performance issues, it’s not uncommon,” Tony snickers, explaining how he made fun of Loki. “He tried again and again but, didn’t get it done. Loki only said, ‘this usually works.”
“Men and their performance issues, right Tony?” you smirk, watching Tony’s eyes darken when you imply he’s got performance issues too. “So sad when you are all turned on, naked and wet but the guy just can’t get it up.”
Sam chokes on his drink, looks at you with wide eyes before he excuses himself. You are never bold, not in the slightest but tonight you are a bit tipsy and Tony wears one of those suits letting his ass stick out.
He does have to know you will make yourself cum later, imagining the cocky billionaire.
“What? It’s true,” you slide your fingers over Tony’s chest, smirking when he watches the motion of your hand with darkened eyes. Unlike most of his flings, you hold his gaze, not cower in front of ‘the Tony Stark’. 
“You can’t say things like that in front of Sam. He’s a prude, you know that darling,” Tony smirks. “He’s like Capsicle. Prude in front of others, kinky bastard in the sheets.”
“I hate to spend a whole day sometimes even two to prepare my body for a date. I let Janice wax my pussy and ass, go to a hairdresser, buy an expensive dress, put make-up on and right when it gets interesting, he can’t fuck me like a man.” 
“Not all man can’t get it up, Y/N,” stepping closer Tony breathes in your face. His eyes drop to your cleavage, and you chuckle, patting his cheek. “Some can go for more than once in one night.
“Don’t hurt yourself, Tony,” you smirk, patting his cheek gently. “We don’t want you to have a heart attack as you swallowed too much Viagra.”
“You little,” watching you walk away to get another drink Tony fumes. “How can you say something like that without giving me the chance to prove-“ his smirk turns into a dark grin when you excuse yourself to usher toward the ladies’ restrooms. “Aw, she will be such a nice prey…”
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“There she is,” Tony smirks when you spin around to watch him waltz into the ladies’ restroom. “If any other lady is inside these walls, I highly recommend leaving the room.”
“Stark, what are you doing at the-“ you gasp feeling the wall collide with your back. The cool tile wall presses into your exposed back, forces a shiver to run down your spin.
Tony holds your face with two fingers, smirking when you willingly open your mouth to let him claim it roughly. “Good girl,” he purrs, something evil in mind. “I’m gonna show you how well I can get big Tony up.”
“Big,” huffing you drop your gaze, eye lashes fluttering when Tony slowly unzips his pants. “What are you doing?”
“Get it out, darling,” he licks into your mouth, forces a moan out of your throat when his free hand grips your wrist to push your hand down his pants. “Good, isn’t it? Big and hard, only for you, Y/N.”
Frantically running your hand up and down his length you look up at Tony. He moves his hand to your throat, holds you pinned to the wall while you swipe your thumb over the tip.
“Tony, we shouldn’t-“ you whisper, afraid someone could stumble into you and Tony. “Not here.”
“Right here,” he leans closer to whisper in your ear, tugging at it with his teeth. “I’m gonna fuck you so good everyone will know I was inside your cunt. You’ll walk funny for days, my seed deep inside your little pussy.”
“Tony,” you cry out, feeling his cock twitch in your hands. “This is-“
“Yeah?” he mocks, thrusting his hips forward, making you yelp. “You’ll be my good girl or I’ll go out there and tell everyone you weren’t woman enough to take my big cock.”
“Bastard,” he grins. “I bet you can’t even make a girl cum.”
“Let go of my dick,” he growls, against your lips, hand dangerously close to squeezing your throat. “Now.”
He pins your hands roughly above your head, holding your wrist with one large palm while he smoothes his other hand over your chest to grope one of your breasts. “Tony.”
“Yeah, darling?” he grins, hand moving further down your body to spread your legs, he leans closer, breathes in your face before he moves his hand to your panties rip them off your body. “You don’t need those. I want to see all of you.”
“Tony, I’m warning you,” Tony doesn’t listen, he just stares at you intensely as he runs three fingers up and down your clit, gathering your slick. He smirks, inspecting his hand covered in your slick moments later.
“So wet for me already,” you moan when he pushes one finger into his mouth to lick your taste of the digit. “I’ll eat that cunt later. Now I want you to place be a good girl for me.”
“Why should I?” you grin, watching Tony’s features darken. He cocks his head, recalls your question before his hands grasp for your waist to lift you easily. “What? How can you be that strong?”
“Perks of trying to keep up with Capsicle and Thor,” he purrs. “Legs around me and you might wanna wrap your arms around my neck cause I’m going to rock your world.”
“Seriously? Who writes your speeches, Stark?” you smirk, not giving away you yearn to get filled by the cocky billionaire. “Maybe you should ask Steve for advice on how to seduce a woman.”
“I’m gonna break you,” Tony angles his hips to line himself up with your entrance, smirking as he can hear a tiny whimper leaves your lips when he snaps his hips forward, thrusting hard to fill you in one go. “There we go, baby doll.”
“You’re such an ass,” you grip his shoulders, hold tight onto him for dear life when he starts moving. “Do you think this will change my mind?”
“I don’t need to change your mind, darling. I will just fuck you into obedience and make you my good girl,” he grunts, grinding into you. “Feel this? Feel how good I fill you with my cock?”
“I can barely feel your dick,” you quip, a dirty smirk on your lips. “I think anyone else could fuck me better.”
“Little minx,” he hastily pulls out, almost dropping you to the ground. “I will tame your lose mouth.” Tony drags you toward the washbasin, forces you to bend over. “Look at you.” 
He fists your hair, forces you to look at yourself in the mirror. 
“I want you to watch me fuck this tight little cunt, darling. If you don’t watch me the whole time, you won’t cum. Hands onto the washbasin,” he smirks, lips pressing against your neck. 
“Just fuck me already,” gripping the edge of the washbasin you watch Tony grip your waist to thrust back inside. He groans, savoring the moment your cunt greedily swallows him again. “Do it, Stark. Hard and fast.”
“You asked for it,” pushing against your shoulders, gripping them tightly Tony holds you down, smirking as you struggle to lift your head to watch him in the mirror. “Now take it like a good girl.”
“Fuck-“ you mutter. Mouth falling open you moan his name, take every unforgiving thrust, receive all the pent-up anger Tony needs to release. “Tony.”
“I’m so deep it must hurt,” he gets impossible faster, not caring your legs are about to give in. “Be more vocal, darling. Tell me how good my cock feels inside of you.
“G-good, Tony,” choking the words out you try anything to not cry out in pleasure. You don’t need any nosy Avenger to pass the door and know exactly what Tony is doing to you. “Fuck.”
“That’s a good pussy, darling. You know, I’ll never let you stray too far from now on,” more grinding now, he slows down. “Bet you will even call me daddy.”
“S-sick,” you squeak when he starts to hammer into you, abusing your cunt the way he wants to, “bastard. I will not call you-“
“Say it and I’ll let you cum, Y/N. If you don’t, this will be a fucking long night for you,” feeling the edge so close it hurts you lift your head to meet Tony’s eyes. He has the time of his life, smirks anytime you look at him, pleadingly. “Say it, darling.”
“Fuck, lemme cum-“ you beg, teeth gritted. You wish you could slap the grin off his face but you are too close to a long-needed orgasm, so you swallow your pride and spat the word at him. “Daddy.”
“Such a good girl,” he moves faster again, almost sledgehammering into you. “Again.”
“And again,” thrust after thrust hits your g-spot and you wonder, well you would wonder if your brain wasn’t out of service at the moment, how he can read your body so well. “Y/N.”
“That’s it, darling,” you cry out his name, along with daddy when Tony finally let’s you cum. “So good for me.” you just lie on the washbasin, forgetting Tony didn’t even bother using a condom. “Now have all of it inside your naughty little hole.”
“Fuck-“ Tony doesn’t pull out. He even grips your shoulders tighter to jerk his hips into your ass, roaring through his orgasm. “You just came inside, Stark.”
“Had to mark you inside and outside, darling. I want you to go out there with my cum run down your thighs. We will say goodnight to the others, have a warm bath and later, I’m gonna ruin you once for all…”
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“What happened to your make-up?” looking at you, brows furrowed Steve tries to fathom why you look like you just got fucked in the restrooms. “Something wrong, Y/N?”
“No, I’m good,” you hate Tony watches you press your legs together. He knows his cum runs down your thighs and enjoys the struggle on your face. “Just a little tired, Steve. Thank you for worrying.”
“I think I’ll accompany Y/N to her room,” Tony clears his throat, offering his arm to you. “I can’t let one of my guests suffer, can I?”
“Ever the gentleman.”
“Oh, darling,” Tony leans closer to whisper in your ear, “I will not act like a gentleman tonight, Y/N. You will be covered in cum, spit, and my marks all over your body. Maybe I’ll spank your ass a little too…”
Steve chokes on his drink, spilling it all over his jacket. “That bastard,” glancing at Bucky the supersoldier scrunches up his nose. “Did you hear what I heard, Buck?”
“I want to forget about it, Steve. Just lemme forget about it,” Bucky shudders, turning his attention toward his drink. “I wish I could get drunk. Where is Thor? Does he still got the good stuff?”
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“What if anyone saw your cum run down my legs,” you tut. “We wanted to be careful, keep our relationship a secret, and you had to fuck me at the restrooms.”
“Couldn’t help myself,” Tony grins, watching you stretch your body on his plush bed. “I think, everyone heard I made you scream my name. Now back to breeding you.”
“Stark, forget it,” shaking your head you make sure Tony knows you are not ready for kids and marriage. “No kids now.”
“I want some with you. Maybe three or four,” he grins, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“No, Stark,” you growl, glancing at his erection. “But I like trying…”
“I like trying too, darling…”
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syiano · 3 years
Hii! Could you maybe do a preference for the avengers for the reader being significantly taller and more muscular than them? Thank you!
Yo I like this one I-
I did Loki headcanons for this one, and it's going to be similiar to one of my Peter headcanons, if I put Peter in here, so these two aren't going to be in this Preference, sorry.
Avengers x Male!Reader
Marvel Preferences: Being Their Taller/Muscular Boyfriend
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Steve does get teased alot about your height difference, often with Sam or Natasha commenting on how you could easily put him down and how he just looks like a puppy to you (especially with how he has those heart eyes for you). He does pull on you playfully to see if he could knock you down, only to be surprised when you don't budge or pull him towards you.
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Bucky just loses his breathe whenever you embrace him, how you pick him up and carry him and set him in your lap when he's in vulnerable state. Because of this, he does feel smaller, and feels safer around you.
When you wrap around him protectively, he blushes a little, and when he would be teased about it.
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Sam does tease you saying things like, "hey, I'm down here", or "I can't be that short, right?" When it comes to your height difference. He jokes about you being an awesome partner in crime (and then saying you would easily body Bucky).
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Tony with the size kink WHEEZE He is actually really turned on. He sometimes does things on purpose to make you annoyed, just for you to come over there. When you pull him close by the waist and easily pin him down, he shudders. He just finds himself just nuzzling into you and being dominated by you.
Tony does shamelessly admits that he does love it when you pin him down.
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Scott is just excited, honestly. He loves just being hugged and carried around by you (especially with the piggy back rides).
He grabs your hands and just talks about how big they are compared to his, and loves holding them.
He also brags about you, saying that no one would mess with him as long as you're around, and just cuddles into you when he's feeling down (and wanting to feel your muscles).
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Clint just brags about you all the time and he also takes you a little as competition (because he's Clint). Plays around with you, and tells you not to treat him like glass when he wants to play rough with you.
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Bruce remembers how intimidated he was by you when he first met you, but now? Pfft, he won't admit it to you, but he sees you as kind of his protector. He blushes and covers his face everytime you kiss his forehead and carry him in a bridal style (while he's protesting saying you don't need to do that).
Bruce ends up shuddering whenever you corner him or back him up against the wall.
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Thor does find it impressive about someone who's way taller and somewhat more muscular than he is. He doesn't worry about accidentally hurting you too much. Thor does find your height difference amusing, and does admit to being surprised when you easily dominate him, or pin his wrists above his head.
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Pietro is just exicted. There would be times where he would randomly jump on you from behind (knowing you won't fall over) and even trying to surprise you. Others tease him about how it may be easier to keep him still since your so strong, only for Pietro to say that you're still not fast enough to catch him until you hug him and keep him contained in hugs and kisses for hours.
He also invites himself on you lap in public as his way of 'claiming you'.
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geenawrites · 3 years
'Black Widow' and undermining Dramatic Intent (II)
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The 'Civil War' Effect
4): Elements that could’ve made Black Widow Natasha's personal journey are reduced to quick conversational bites told to Natasha instead of experienced by Natasha and the audience first hand.
The film could've built the story around her family selling her off to the government (on some eugenics mess). It could've set the stage for the subplot regarding her mother’s search for her until she was murdered, and Natasha trying to learn about her past pre-assassin.
For all the moments where we simply see her on her own, a lot of that alone time isn't used to explore how she feels, what she's thinking, or a personal throughline. It's just a montage of her looking gloomy and wearing comfy sweatshirts.
The only time Natasha truly feels like she is the emotional center of the movie is the opening act of the film. There, she’s portrayed by Ever (Gabo) Anderson and not Scarlett Johansson.
And as a film touted-as a vehicle for Johansson, that is bad. But also underlines why Florence Pugh’s Yelena was considered the real protagonist of the movie.
Black Widow could've been about Natasha wanting to reclaim her past from the Red Room (her abductors) because she reunites with her sister and parents (her surrogate family), and needed to finally deal with the consequences of killing Antonia (her ghost).
Instead, Black Widow is really Yelena’s story and emotional journey. Yelena justifies the presence of Alexei and Melina more-so than anything in Natasha’s history. As centered as Natasha was in the prologue, it works more as a establishing point for Yelena versus something like Natasha’s lost family or working with Clint Barton in Budapest.
Yelena being tasked to save the Widows (by the elder Widow who created the mind control cure), killing Dreykov, and destroying the Red Room are immediate issues that directly impact her arc and development as a character. Natasha is largely along for the ride, bringing Yelena where she needs to be in each act.
Natasha isn't as centered in her own her film as she should be. Simply compare the structure of her story to the structure in the Captain America (x2), Ant Man (x2), Thor (x3), and Iron Man (x3) films, and how those narratives focus on Steve Rogers, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson, and Tony Stark. Those films are about their emotional journeys while maintaining a healthy supporting cast that don't overshadow them.
Black Widow in comparison feels more like Captain America: Civil War, which is more of an Avengers film than it is a Captain America story. The emotional center of Civil War is Tony Stark and Zemo. Steve and his cast are simply underpinning Stark and Zemo's arcs. It also tries to introduce a new character (Black Panther) with the exact same story beat (revenge) as Stark and Zemo, and a MCU-wide subplot (Sakovia Accords) that ultimately goes nowhere later on.
The consequences of Civil War "Avengering" a solo film are on display in Black Widow in a big way. It's introducing new characters, and trying to tackle a trilogy's worth of storylines (the Red Room, Budapest, the Widow family, Civil War-fallout).
She doesn't even get a decent postmortem send off. The post credits, wherein Yelena mourns Natasha, is turned into a comedic skit and a teaser for the Hawkeye series. It's not allowed to remain a moment of mourning between two sisters separated by literal death.
As an Executive Producer of the film, I know this was not lost on Johansson. She might be an awful person, but she doesn’t strike me as someone so unaware of her environment that she set the stage to be undermined by her co-star. No, I think, given the timing, Johansson knew this was always going to be about setting up her successor.
Wrong Time, Wrong Place
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Choosing to set Black Widow after Civil War was just a poor choice on Marvel’s part. Natasha circa 2016 has more or less come-to-terms with her history as a state-sponsored assassin for both Russia and the United States. Her arc as seen throughout the Avengers and Captain America films has come full circle following the events of The Winter Soldier. Now all she has left going forward is the arc dealing with Thanos' genocide and resurrecting everyone.
There is nothing to mine in terms of personal character drama because, at this point, she has laid it all to rest. It's nothing that torments her akin to Bucky trying to square away with his past as an amnesiac assassin.
All of Natasha’s threads are focused on the break-up of the Avengers. At first, seemed like her arc was going to be about not falling back into bad habits (being mistrustful of everyone). That it was going to deal with how she felt let down by the team (after trying to be the reasonable party among everyone), but the film doesn't really commit.
After that one conversation in Budapest, "getting the Avengers back together" isn't even a focal point. We just get awkward callbacks that tell the audience that Natasha isn't on the same level as Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor.
Yelena forgiving her family is used to tack on the sudden parallel idea that Natasha has been convinced she can personally bring the Avengers together again as a surrogate family once things work with her Widow Family.
Again, even in her own film, Natasha is playing the sacrificial matriarch of a Boy’s Club (whose event films she features only as a supporting character. Something I think people are only just realizing). That says to me the MCU never valued her beyond her ties to the male Avenger cast.
”You’re such a mom!” becomes a lot less funny in that context.
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If this film was immediately set after The Winter Soldier or even Age of Ultron, wherein all of her history and SHIELD’s was leaked for public record, then there might’ve been a chance for an emotionally resonant story arc.
How would a Natasha scrambling to create new covers, and new ways to protect herself, deal with the sudden public attention of the world knowing that she was a foreign assassin that bought her way into the United States and became a celebrity superhero? How would a post-Winter Soldier solo film deal with Natasha’s past in way that she didn't become overshadowed by her own supporting cast?
How would a post-Age of Ultron solo film handle her past as informed by her nightmare (which stuck closer to her history as a trained dancer in the comics) on top of the events of The Winter Soldier?
But even as a post-Civil War narrative, Black Widow should've really cared to explore how Natasha felt about having to revisit her history with the Red Room, on top of being betrayed by Alexei and Melina. Instead of giving all those emotional beats to Yelena, actually show us Natasha confronting them beyond “it wasn’t real!”
How would the story turn out if parent with the biggest hand in the facilitation of her abuse (Alexei) wasn't turned into a flat comic relief character? What if he actually got chance to really consider her grievances, show remorse for his actions, without being turned into a “ha, ha, he’s do dumb (and fat)!” punchline (after setting him up as the total opposite in the prologue)?
Melina could've been an interesting co-antagonist working with Dreykov, but the film skirts past how she is complicit in the harm that her daughters faced (Yelena especially) with a fake Heel Turn moment that only undermined Dreykov as a threat.
And that’s really the problem with Black Widow. The film, or rather Marvel Studios, doesn’t want to really tackle Natasha’s past or pain like they were willing to do with Steve Rogers in The First Avenger, and The Winter Soldier.
Maybe because that would mean approaching the story with the emotional maturity of The Bourne Identity, a PG-13 film that was plenty violent without being excessive. It was also emotionally resonate by dealing with the fact that Jason Bourne was, pre-amnesia, a US assassin that did awful shit.
Instead we get a plot about mind-control, and magic red dust that can break said mind control (that apparently requires invasive surgery of the brain).
Whedon seemed comfortable with getting close to the actual violence that was asked of Natasha (vs. done to) by the Russian government as a kid. The screenplay for Black Widow can talk past Natasha willingly doing awful things, but doesn’t want to confront that by having her or Yelena deal with an army of assassins who are walking down the same path Natasha did, fighting and killing for another government without any sort of mind control.
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This is why Natasha's assassination of “Dreykov’s Daughter” (Antonia) as the thing that happened in Budapest also doesn't land. The movie doesn't want to deal with how Natasha learned to live with murdering a child to buy her freedom into America. They make it so that she didn’t kill her, actually, just gave her a bad case of pizza face. She’s not even the one that pulls the trigger, the film suggests that it was Hawkeye.
Her mustache-twirling villain of a father, who somehow survived the explosion and building collapse with zero burns or broken bones, is the one who does all the truly horrible things to his daughter (turning her into a mindless slave).
The Original Sin that Natasha is defined by is swept under the rug in the same way her history as a killer is blurred by the script. It’s akin to rewriting Xena’s history with Callisto as the killer of her family and village, and deciding, “No, Xena didn’t kill them. They all survived with minor burns! Callisto can now forgive Xena!”
Natasha's Antagonist
Dreykov is a weak antagonist/villain because the screenwriting seems determined to accredit the abuse of the Red Room entirely to him instead of making a systemic issue. What started off as a clandestine organization for the KGB throughout most of the MCU is rewritten in Black Widow as the personal playground of a thinly veiled Harvey Weinstein analogue who puppeteers his personal assassins to do bad things, thus rendering them all innocent of their wrongdoings. It makes them "perfect victims" in way.
(Johansson has gone on record saying that this film was influenced by the #MeToo Movement. Well, celebrification of it, anyway)
Dreykov doesn’t challenge Natasha, or her family. There’s never an immediate danger or stakes being driven by Dreykov. He’s not doing something they have to stop “before time runs out”, he doesn’t have anything on any of the characters that could push their actions.
He takes a backseat to the family hijinks, so the journey to finding and destroying the Red Room has no urgency (Natasha being dead already notwithstanding). As the supposed architect of their misery, he’s about as threatening as Mason (Natasha’s Black Best Friend who buys her things while in hiding).
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Dreykov fails like the rest of the MCU’s villains (not named Erik Killmonger) because there's no depth to the character. There's no real loyalty to the character as a demonstration of his power or influence. Again, all his victims are blameless in their violent actions. No one with speaking lines or face time (that isn't a G.I Joe grunt) is working with him because they believe in his goals or ideology.
Complicating that matter is that the script never reveals what his goals or ideologies are besides, "I can create chaos with an army of assassins. I am so evil."
It’s wild to me that so many are rushing to defend the implementation of this sloppily written (and miscast) character because, “he works as a villain because he's a human trafficker” and “he mind controlled his own daughter.”
“He does terrible things”, or a character representing awful things that happen in the real world, isn't enough to make an effective villain. If that was all it took, then 90% the MCU’s villains wouldn’t be so forgetabble.
(He’s not real, I shouldn’t be reading posts like, “he doesn’t deserve screentime b/c he’s an awful human being! He earned his lazy death scene.” Girl, what???)
If you’re gonna tackle human/child trafficking as defined by one antagonist, then really make it part of the story. Make it something that Natasha and Yelena are actively trying to stop. Don’t montage it over a bad Nirvana cover and then shift gears into a G.I. Joe scenario in a floating fortress.
If you're gonna make Dreykov the abuser of so many women, then make it crucial to your protagonist's narrative. Don't add a silly Angry Beavers plot where his stinky musk can control a woman's bodily functions because as a weak analogue to "how men police women's bodies".
Because Natasha has no real conflict with Dreykov, confronting him in the climax goes nowhere. Dreykov is Yelena’s antagonist. It's why Yelena gets to kill him instead of Natasha, so it would've made more sense for her to confront him instead.
The film eventually establishes he's no real threat to Natasha because the writing pulled a Xanatos. The character feels like he exists only so Johansson can sass him, and make a callback to the Loki Interrogation scene (a scene that only worked because of the audience misdirection.)
Dreykov could've been an effective villain if he was anything like the Headmistress characters in the Samee-Waid Black Widow series from 2016.
The Headmistress and Anya (the new Headmistress later on) were characters with emotional connections to Natasha and the Widow children she was trying to save. They taught these girls to believe in the totalitarian philosophy of the ruling class. Natasha and the other Widows couldn't live without them until they were able to escape their influence.
The Headmistresses were women, which makes it plain that women are also perpetrators of abuse. It isn’t just something that men do, which is how this script has approached this subject entirely (Captain Marvel did the same thing as well). Abuse being exclusively a male theater of action.
Antonia's death could've been meaningful in regards to Natasha and Dreykov as characters if Dreykov cared that Antonia was murdered by a Red Room assassin. Natasha admitting that she killed his daughter and regretted it would've made a lot more impact than just having him shrug it off because he's so heartless and so evil.
Or, as other people have said, imagine if it was Antonia who was the antagonist gunning after Natasha because of what she did, not only to her, but her father as well.
It would not only render the mind-control plot pointless, it would re-center the focus on Natasha, and force the writers to do something else with Yelena, Alexei, and Melina (assuming they're even necessary in this scenario). Then, Natasha would have a genuinely threatening antagonist because the stakes are personal on both sides.
It would've been a hellva lot more meaningful than using Taskmasker as a plot-twist (after hyping the character up as the controller of the Red Room and Natasha's personal nemesis).
Callisto’s story as a villain resonates because she cared about what she lost, and Xena knew there was no real forgiveness for what she did to her. Imagine if they approached Natasha’s role in Antonia’s death like that.
(But that's probably asking for too much nuance from Disney and Marvel.)
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In story that wants to be about the abused reconciling with their past and family, the film effectively robs the abused of their autonomy by going the extra of mile of making them zombies. In the same way the Star Wars sequel trilogy avoided Finn’s history as an indoctrinated and enslaved Stormtrooper, Black Widow doesn’t want to deal with the ramifications of indoctrination.
How people buy into and protect organizations that strip them of their humanity by making them complicit in violent systems. Oh, sure, they’ll nod and wink at it (as they do with Natasha and Melina’s past), but they won’t go any further than that.
Instead of dealing with how a forced hysterectomy effects Natasha physically and emotionally, we get a joke that isn’t any better than Natasha calling herself a monster, or the “time of the month” joke that got rebuked by the director and the cast.
Instead of reflecting on her time with SHIELD and the United States, the United States is portrayed as "the good-guys who gave her a real family” (ignoring even the half-hearted criticism of the US that The Winter Soldier made), while Russia is still out there doing nefarious Cold War Things and ruining people's families. All of which just feeds into uncritical Russian stereotypes and Red Scare that the film’s foundation is built on.
I enjoyed the film, but the more I think about it, the more I realize Black Widow really does nothing except undermine Natasha's darker elements and self-imposed redemption arc (as written by Whedon).
On top of rewriting key elements about the Red Room (the movies being broken as the comics is a true irony), It minimizes Natasha's violent past to make her into a clean, and boring superhero whose solo film thinks lamp-shading sexism is the same as subverting it.
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luxeavenger · 3 years
I Wish I Was Your Girl
Chapter 2
Pairings: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Original Male Character(s)
Chapter: 2 out of 3 [Chapter 1]
Words: 1,434
Summary: Steve discovers something about Bucky he never would have suspected in all the years they've known each other.
Warnings: Fighting
Tags [this chapter]: Stucky, Angst, Arguing, Bisexual Male Character, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, Love Confessions
Main Masterlist | Ko-fi
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It’s a beautiful Tuesday in the middle of spring. Steve is restless, so he leaves the Avengers compound for coffee. He needs fresh air, and to stretch his legs, so he decides on a coffee shop several miles away.
Nearing his destination, he rounds a corner, and skids to a halt. Outside of the very shop he’d been heading to, he sees Bucky. He’s dressed down in tight blue jeans and a long-sleeved black tee, with big dark sunglasses, and the black gloves he’s taken to wearing in public so people don’t stare at his arm. He’s relaxed, laughing, and Steve’s heart flutters with happiness to see a genuine smile on his friend’s face. It’s been ages since he’d seen a smile on Bucky’s face that went all the way to his eyes.
Then Bucky pulls someone towards him. A man Steve only sees from behind, a couple inches shorter than Bucky, with light hair and broad shoulders. Bucky’s left hand is fisted in the guy’s shirt, and he pulls the man in for a kiss. Pressed together from thigh to chest, arms wrapped around each other, they kiss slow and playfully.
Steve feels like someone has reached deep down inside of him and yanked out everything vital to his existence. His heart is caught in his throat and he can’t breathe because of it. His eyes are burning and he rubs at them furiously, dumbfounded when they come away wet. A shudder rolls through his chest and he realizes he’s crying, and he’s angrier than he’s ever been in his entire life.
He shoves his sunglasses onto his face and pulls his hat down low, turning back the way he’d come. He starts off walking back to the Avengers compound, but his anger is making him twitchy and lightheaded, so he runs. He runs until his blood is boiling, and his hamstrings howl with the strain.
He wants to scream. He wants to cry. He wants to walk away from the compound and vanish without a trace. Instead, he does the only thing he can think of that isn’t entirely self destructive—sparring practice with Thor.
The Asguardian doesn’t ask why, or mention the redness on Steve’s face. They pummel each other for over an hour. Steve’s stamina is nearly endless, and he’s too worked up to put his fists down. And Thor is a god, so he never gets tired, so if his friend needs to use his fists for a while instead of his brain, Thor figures it’s better he hit someone he can’t hurt.
Steve eventually retires to his room to take a scorching shower, scrubbing himself until he’s red and raw all over. He gets dressed and lets himself into Bucky’s room using his spare key. He doesn’t yet know what he intends to do when he sees his best friend. He knows he has to do something, otherwise he’ll feel this slow death for the rest of his life.
Bucky likes men. This new knowledge makes Steve feel like he’s exploding in slow motion. How could Bucky like men, but not like Steve? How could he not tell Steve when they were younger? Maybe Steve would have had a chance to be happy then, instead of spending all these years alone in all the ways that really matter. Too full of feelings, this sad, uncertain sickness will soon overcome him. He wraps his arms around himself to keep from flying apart.
It’s after dark when he hears Bucky’s voice in the hall. Making a smart-mouthed comment to Sam before pushing his door open. And seeing the big grin on Bucky’s face, Steve’s anger finally boils over, and he knows what he wants to do.
“Hey Steve!” Bucky greets him good naturedly. “What’s going on?”
Steve is apoplectic as he closes the space between them with big, angry strides. He balls up his right hand and hits Bucky square in the jaw. Steve is emotional, so it’s a sloppy hit, but it connects, and Bucky’s head snaps hard to the side.
“Hey—OW! What the fuck, Steve??”
Steve grits his teeth together and growls, “Language.” He knows it’s stupid, but he isn’t thinking straight at all.
He doesn’t trust himself not to hit Bucky again, and despite how pissed off he is right now, he doesn’t actually want to fight, so he falls back a step.
“You—Christ, Bucky, you kissed him,” he’s yelling now and doesn’t know how to stop.
Confusion is written in every line of Bucky’s face. “Huh? Kissed? Him? Him who?” Understanding floods his features. “Oh, did you see me at the coffee shop today? Jesus, Steve. It isn’t the 40’s anymore. It’s perfectly fine for two guys to-“
“I KNOW THAT YOU IDIOT,” Steve roars. “I MEAN IT SHOULD—god damn it Buck, it should be me. Why isn’t it me?” Just like that the fight goes out of him, and he sags, feeling tears prickle at his eyes. His eyes shimmer bright, liquid blue when he lifts his head to look at Bucky again.
“I love you, Bucky,” Steve’s voice is a fragile, tremulous whisper. “I always have. Ever since we were kids.” Admitting it aloud takes bravery Steve didn’t know he possessed.
Bucky is staring, with his mouth open. Steve squeezes his eyes shut sending a cascade of hot tears down his cheeks. He nods, whispers, “Sure. Okay. It’s just me then. I’m sorry. I’ll go.” He’s twisting the knob when Bucky’s metal hand slaps down on the door.
“What does that mean, Steve?” Bucky asks cautiously. “What are you saying?”
Steve doesn’t have the strength to speak again, he doesn’t want to make a fool out of himself any more than he already had, so he just lifts his face and lets Bucky read the truth in his lovesick eyes.
Bucky cocks his head, trying to decipher the look on his best friend’s face. His eyes dart frenetically over Steve’s features, desperately trying to parse the new information he finds there. “Steve, wha-” The truth broadsides him—a hit almost as physical as the one Steve delivered moments ago. “Oh shit Steve. Really? Why didn’t you say something? Why didn’t you tell me? How could I be so fucking stupid?” He barks a laugh.
Running a hand through his long, dark hair, he chuckles, “Jesus Steve, you’re a dumbass. But damn man, so am I.”
This time Bucky gets to be the brave one, and he seizes Steve’s face in his hands and pulls him in for a kiss. It’s tentative at first, but when Bucky swipes his tongue over Steve’s bottom lip, Steve’s mouth falls open, and their tongues meet in the middle.
Bucky kisses Steve breathless, running his metal hand down Steve’s back to cup his ass and press them closer together.
Steve breaks the kiss to ask, “Wait a second. What about the guy?”
“Who—oh yeah. Him. What about him? Did you want him to join us? I can call him if you want.” Bucky jokes.
Steve scowls. “No. Aren’t you dating him? Wouldn’t you be cheating on him with me?”
“Man, we’ve had coffee twice. It isn’t anything serious. Don’t be so provincial.”
“Have you guys…?” He trails off, worried about how he’ll feel if the two of them had been physical, he already hates this man he’s never met, simply because he got to kiss Bucky. If they’d done more than that the jealousy might actually drive Steve mad.
Bucky’s voice softens, “No, Steve. No we haven’t.”
Steve’s brow furrows in indecision, so Bucky pulls his phone out of his pocket and taps at the screen for a second. He tosses the phone onto his desk and says, “There. Now he and I aren’t anything anymore. Better?” He reaches for Steve again, but he plants a hand on Bucky’s chest.
“Buck, did you just break up over text message? Harsh. I don’t think you’re supposed to do that.”
“What did you want me to do? Do you want to wait? To do this later? Did you want me to see him again just to end things? Do you want to stop now? Because, I gotta tell you Steve, I’ve never wanted to touch anyone as bad as I want to touch you right now. But if you wanna stop, we’ll stop.”
“No. Okay okay. I get it. Now c’mere.” He seizes Bucky's shirt with both fists and pulls him in for a kiss.
“Fuck,” Steve sighs, “I’ve been waiting a long time to do that, Buck.”
Bucky gasps dramatically, “Language!”
“Shut up and kiss me again.” So Bucky does.
Chapter 3
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themculibrary · 2 years
Hurt/Comfort Masterlist 2
part one
5 Times Spider-Man Saved an Avenger's Ass (and 1 Time They Saved Him) (ao3) - TunaFishChris
Summary: What it says on the tin.
Going through an angsty Spider-Man phase. I regret nothing.
A Marriage of Inconvenience (ao3) - WhinyWingedWinchester loki/tony, thor/natasha M, 80k
Summary: Forced into an arranged marriage with Prince Loki of Aysgarth, Tony knows that he is not the ideal husband to the son of a king, but he still hopes that he might find true love with his husband like the stories he loves to read of adventures and happily-ever-afters.
Prince Loki, however, does not wish to be married, and he makes this clear to Tony even after their vows have been said before the priest. Life is no better for Tony in Castle Aysgarth than it was back in Iron Reach - he is as unwanted by Loki as he was by his father.
But slowly, things change. There is a steadily growing affection between them, something that might, perhaps, grow into more and Tony can only hope his love for Loki might one day be returned.
But then an assassin strikes unexpectedly, pirates attack, and Tony very well might be living an adventure from one of his books, but it looks like happily-ever-after might be too much to hope for.
Birds Eating Other Birds (ao3) - aloneintherain T, 7k
Summary: Peter wishes he hadn’t gotten out of bed that morning. Then, maybe, he wouldn’t be reduced to this—limp-crawling through the rabbit burrows that is Oscorp Tower, a monster of a man on his heels, bloody and bruised and choking on a panic attack.
Deception, Fear and Redemption (ao3) - Anchanee pepper/tony, loki/tony, loki/pepper/tony, clint/natasha E, 121k
Summary: “My brother claims, that you Man of Iron, forced yourself on him during your time alone in these rooms and that you sired his offspring.”
Deeds (or To Be Worthy) (ao3) - elizamechanicka loki/tony T, 32k
Summary: Tony must enter a tournament to win Loki’s fair hand in beloved eternal matrimony. He’s got some stiff competition, and limited time.
Hush, Darling; Don’t Say A Thing (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony T, 4k
Summary: It’s not easy to catch Loki unaware. It’s not easy nursing a century old yearning for revenge. But the best way to exact that payment on the Chaos God is discovered and left for Loki to contend with. Because the best way to hurt Loki is to take out the punishment owed to the mage on the mortal that he’s so besotted with.
Like a Mirror (ao3) - Bluemary loki/tony E, 168k
Summary: Iron Man is dead, Tony Stark is broken and Loki just happens to be in the right place at the right time. What would you do if you found your favorite enemy mute and in chains?
Like Today Never Happened (ao3) - Nefhiriel T. 52k
Summary: Steve is reverted to his pre-serum state, and the Avengers deal with the fallout.
me and you +1 (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor steve/tony N/R, 4k
Summary: Steve discovers that he's pregnant after the events of Civil War, but he doesn't get a chance to tell Tony because Team Cap is currently in hiding, and Steve can't risk calling Tony and getting the others in trouble. Steve is trying to get through the pregnancy, but it's hard when he doesn't have Tony around. He's grateful for Natasha and Sam's support, but it's not the same.
Our Omega (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/steve/sam, bucky/sam N/R, 3k
Summary: Steve And Thor have a one night stand at one of Tony's parties, and Steve ends up pregnant. Thor leaves the next day for Asgard without saying a word to Steve, leaving Steve to deal with the mess alone. Except, he's not really alone. He has Bucky and Sam, who step up to take care of Steve and the baby.
Picking Wildflowers (ao3) - arsenicarcher (Arsenic) pepper/tony/natasha/steve M, 8k
Summary: Natasha is not going to break her team, or any of its members.
Publicity Parent (ao3) - Bowtiez G, 36k
Summary: Tony's losing his credit with the public. Pepper's got a plan to fix it.
Enter Peter Parker, eight-year-old orphan from Queens, New York.
Tony has no idea how children work, so why is he so drawn to little Peter Parker?
Stupid Cephalopods & Aching Arachnids (ao3) - Fernandidilly_yo G, 4k
Summary: “This is a conversation we can have with the kid later.” Peter closed his eyes as the archer talked. “And we will be talking to you about this, Peter.” He said firmly. And why did Peter feel he was in trouble?
The Itsy Bitsy Spider (ao3) - Fernandidilly_yo T, 13k
Summary: Osborn leers over him, rain and yellowed blood rolling down his green chin and dripping onto Peter's mask. "You have no idea how I have longed for this." The Goblin whispers hotly in Spidey's ear. "To watch Spider-Man die at my hand."
When the Dust Settles (ao3) - chaosminion loki/tony E, 4k
Summary: After the bad breakup, Tony is troubled and caught in a cycle of self loathing, he turns to the god of tricks for relief from the guilt that weighs him down.
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
fangirlovestuff's masterlist!
*  - indicates smut
all readers are written as female unless specified otherwise
requests are closed!!
Holding Out For a Hero - Steve Rogers x avenger!reader: completed 
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3 ch.4 ch.5 ch.6 ch.7 ch.8 ch.9* ch.10 epilogue
Summary: You get recruited to work for the Avengers, which is really anyone’s dream job. So you’re not going to let your little crush on Captain America get in your way. How hard can that be?
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1* pt. 2 pt.3
Summary: You and Chris meet at an after-party and hit it off, but you know the age gap isn’t going to go over well with the media. What can you do when loving someone can potentially destroy your careers?
Random Objects Headcanons - Chris Evans x reader:  completed
Shower*  Sink  Table  Shelves  Bed*  Bonus!
Summary:  Domestic headcanons inspired by random household objects. (less stupid than it sounds, promise, give it a chance!)
Cycle - Steve Rogers x reader:  completed
ch.1 ch.2 ch.3  ch.4* ch.5 
Summary: You want a relationship but keep getting tangled up in one night stands, while Steve just keeps getting himself friendzoned. When pollar opposites with the same desires meet, will you change each other’s lives?
Rumor Has It - Chris Evans x actress!reader:  completed
pt.1 pt.2 pt.3
Summary: It’s just lunch with your coworker, until chris thinks it’s not. Angst/breakup fic. check out the playlist:)
A Very Colin Christmas - Colin Shea x reader:  completed  
ch.1  ch.2  ch.3  ch.4  ch.5
Summary: You were planning of spending a low-key Christmas at home, when your neighbor / maybe crush asks you for an interesting favor... for you to pretend to be his girlfriend to get his judgy family off of his back. The results? misundersandings, epiphanies, and some holiday spirit.
Silver Lining - Wanda Maximoff x reader: completed
Silver Lining  Water Under The Bridge  All’s Well That Ends Well
Summary: You’re in a relationship with carol and nat but you were gone for a while on mission. When you get back, the two exclude you from everything, so now, someone new has a chance to enter your life.
friends to lovers - Chris Evans x reader
Hot Pool Stranger - Colin Shea x reader 
Fireworks - Steve Rogers x reader
Romantics- Chris Evans x reader
Undercover - Chris Evans x reader
Night Out - Kyle x reader (The Perfect Score)
Playful - Chris Evans x reader
Shopping With Chris - Chris Evans x reader
Pool Day - Chris Evans x reader
(Extra)ordinary - Chris Evans x reader
Comfort - Chris Evans x reader
Cloud Nine - Chris Evans x reader
To Infinity And Beyond - Chris Evans x reader
Going Public - Chris Evans x reader
Be Mine - Chris Evans x reader
Heal - Natasha Romanoff x reader
‘stache Stories - Chris Evans x reader
Chris dating a writer would include... - Chris Evans x reader
cevans dating a young foreigner - Chris Evans x reader
taking each Avenger to a pride parade would be like... - various characters, relationship unspecified 
Cuddling with Valkyrie - Valkyrie x reader
A Birthday Before - pre serum! Steve Rogers x reader
Take Care - Chris Evans x reader
andy barber whisking you away on vacation would be like... - Andy Barber x reader
Calm Before the Storm - Chris Evans x reader
taking care of sick Loki would look like... - Loki Odinson x reader
Halloween Headcanons - various cevans characters
oneshots / drabbles:
Chris Cross Applesauce- Chris Evans x reader
Take on Me- Chris Evans x reader
His Haven - Chris Evans x reader
Here - “Me” x reader (Playing it Cool)
You Make Me Feel Right - Steve rogers x reader
Queer Eye - Chris Evans x bi!reader, platonic Scott evans x reader
Knocked it Out of the Park - Colin Shea x reader 
Child’s Play - Chris Evans x director!reader
Worth It* - Andy Barber x reader
Family* - Frank Adler x reader
In Your Corner - Chris Evans x reader
A Thin Line || Table For Two - Natasha Romanoff x avenger!reader
Sleepless - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Butterfly Effect || You Give Me Butterflies - Steve Rogers x reader
Loving Him Was Red - Chris Evans x ginger!reader
Don’t Go - Loki Odinson x reader
Home To You - Chris Evans x actress!reader
April Showers Bring May Flowers - Chris Evans x reader
Questioning - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Vacation - Steve Rogers x reader
Spooky Scary Steve - Steve Rogers x reader
Cuddly Chris - Chris Evans x male!reader
An Apple a Day - Ransom Drysdale x doctor!reader
Crazy Ex Boyfriend - dark! Ransom Drysdale x reader
Happy Place - Chris Evans x reader
Magical - Chris Evans x reader
A Tale Of Nephews And Princesses - Chris Evans x reader
Forever - Ari Levinson x male!reader
The Perfect Tree - Jake Jensen x reader
Holding On - Andy Barber x reader
littera scripta manet - Steve Rogers x reader
Everytime - Chris Evans x reader
Wanda Saves Valentine’s - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Smile - Thor Odinson x reader
Chaperone - Chris Evans x reader
Reality TV -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
Seasons of Love - Chris Evans x reader
To Many More - Sam Wilson x reader
One Last Kiss - Steve Rogers x reader
More Than Meets The Eye - Steve Rogers x reader
Together - Chris Evans x reader
Daddy Daughter Day - Andy Barber x daughter!reader
Fears and Furniture - Andy Barber x reader
Never Too Late - Chris Evans x reader
Bad Dream - Agatha Harkness x reader
With Love - Carol Danvers x reader
Bad Day - Bucky Barnes x reader
Scary - Sam Wilson x reader
Mine - Natasha Romanoff x reader x Wanda Maximoff
By Next Winter - Carol Danvers x reader
Too Good at Goodbyes - Frank Adler x reader
Romantic Stylez - Jake Jensen x reader
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince - Bucky Barnes x reader
Tiny Dancer - Killian Jones x Emma Swan (Once Upon a Time)
I Will Always Find You - Loki Odinson x reader
Invisible Touch - Agatha Harkness x reader
You Have Me, Heart and Soul || And I’m Yours, Forever - Ransom Drysdale x reader
Shadows - Loki Odinson (not reader insert!)
Tolerate It || Happiness || Sad Beautiful Tragic - Ransom Drysdale x reader
I Want More - Natasha Romanoff x reader
Does Your Mother Know - Steve Rogers x reader
Clean Up In Aisle ‘Shut The Fuck Up’ -  Wanda Maximoff x reader
The Good Type Of Pain - Bucky Barnes x reader
Sunsets Don’t Seem As Pretty - Steve Rogers x reader
Harmony - Chris Evans x reader
Cheesy - Agatha Harkness x reader
Sweater Weather - Agatha Harkness x reader
Getaway Car - Wanda Maximoff x reader
Change - Chris Evans x reader
more stuff coming soon!
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froggy-frogz · 4 years
Avengers x Reader [Therapy]
Request: What about like reader accompanying a few certain avengers to therapy because they’re nervous too go by themself or something🥺
A/N: Thanks for being patient! I hope you enjoy this!
+ Tony is reluctant to go to therapy, he doesn't want to go.
+ It's not that he thinks he's above therapy, it's just, Tony isn't very open with his feelings. 
+ When you, his s/o, suggest that you go with him, he's a bit more open to the suggestion. Though it does take some more pleading to get him to go, he just wants to hear you beg [not like that-].
+ On your way to therapy, Tony wants to avoid the public the best he can. He won't admit it, he's just a little... embarrassed.
+ When you get to the therapy office, he can't stop mumbling to himself, and his grip on your hand tightens and you have to tell him to please let loosen up.
+ After the therapy visit, Tony thanks you, and tells you it wasn't as bad as he thought.
+ Bruce was more easily swayed to go to therapy, he's just a little more stressed.
+ He's going to fidget the whole way there, and he can't help but tap his thumb against your hand. 
+ He's pretty quiet the way there, but he does offer a few smiles in your direction. He's trying to show you that he's thankful that you're here.
+ When he gets into the office, he asks that you come with him, and who would turn down Bruce?
+ You stay quiet and listen the entire hour, keeping an eye on Bruce, tightening the grip on his hand.
+ When it's over, he's going to feel relieved, and presses kisses all over your face as he thanks you.
+ Loki is not going to want to go to therapy.
+ He's the least likely out of the Avengers to go to therapy.
+ Unlike Tony, he does think he's above therapy.
+ It takes days, weeks, maybe even months before you can convince him to go to therapy.
+ What might happen is a bargain between the two of you like you take him to therapy, and you do something for him.
+ When you offer him something in return that he thinks is worth the "suffering" he'll endure during therapy.
+ He'll complain the entire way there, and the entire way back.
+ When you get in there, Loki is going to be real brash and rude to the therapist until you pull him out of the room and tell him if he doesn't knock it off, that you'll bring Thor into the therapy meeting.
+ That does the trick, and he's compliant the rest of the time.
+ When you get home, he's grumpy, but he's secretly grateful you made him go, not that he would tell you that.
+ Steve is the most likely to go of his own volition.
+ He does appreciate that you're coming along, it'll make it a lot better with you there.
+ He doesn't mind being seen in public, he's not sure why there's a big stigma against getting help.
+ After you and Steve had gotten through therapy, he pulls you aside.
+ He thanks you, and lets you know how grateful he is that you came along with him.
+ Steve tells you that if you would be okay with it, you could maybe come with him to therapy in the future.
+ When Steve tells him about how much therapy has helped him, Bucky is a little more open to going.
+ He doesn't want to, he rather just bury all his trauma, instead of having to talk about it with some rando.
+ When you talk to him about it and talk about how you would go with him, he tells you that he would go once if you went with him.
+  So you agree, and you two go to the office, you tell him you aren't going to leave him.
+ When he talks to the therapist about his life, your heart hurts and you can't help but to get teary-eyed and squeeze onto his hand tighter.
+ Once it's over, he pulls you aside once you two are back at the lair, and he thanks you for coming with him, and says if you'd come with him, he'd try going back to therapy.
+ Sam has tried therapy before in the past, but it didn't work out because he just didn't feel like it was helping him.
+ When you suggest you two went to the therapist Fury had gotten for the Avengers to talk to, he was reluctant but then saw how much you wanted to get him help, he caved.
+ He goes with you, only because it's with you. He flat out tells you that if it wasn't for you, he wouldn't have tried again.
+ The office is cozy enough that it helps Sam relax, as it's a quiet enough environment that he feels like he can relax.
+ When you two get to talk to the therapist, he's a little stressed, and he's going to maintain a tight squeeze on your hand the entire time.
+ Once therapy is over, Sam tells you that he still isn't sure about this therapist, but if you will be patient with him, then he'll try to keep going.
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athenasbloodyspear · 4 years
The Viper: Chapter One
What happens when an agent of the Red Room falls into  the hands of Hydra? What happens when Hydra puts out a hit on their  favorite assassin? Who is the mysterious woman with a twisted history  and an even more twisted mind?
The team wants to know. They want to know what you know. Nat and Bucky want to know if there’s any light left in you.
They want to know you.
Bucky x Female Reader
The Viper Master List | My Writing Master List
The sounds of car horns are loud around you. The blaring, beeping and  bustle of pedestrians creating layers and layers of sound. You’re  trained well enough to sift through the sounds, listening to pieces of  conversation and various sounds of your environment to orient yourself.
You can feel the smallest shift of every person who’s moving in the  space around you. Your senses are so focused you can practically hear  the blood rushing through the people closest to you. Your prey is about a  block up, completely oblivious to where you followed.
The streets around you were loud and the sounds were strong, but nothing could keep your focus off your mission.
Underneath your hood and the rim of your baseball hat, your face was  hidden in shadow. If anyone would have seen or marked it, they would  have seen the wicked gleam of a grin.
“What’s got you all in a tizzy, Tony?” Nat asks from Bucky’s right.  The whole team was gathered around a conference table in Avengers tower  looking kinda bored. Tony had called everyone here this morning, much to  everyone’s chagrin because he had promised a week off and then  apparently changed his mind a mere three days later.
Bucky sighed and rolled his shoulders, leaning back in the office  chair he currently sat in, lifting the two front feet off the floor. All  he really wanted was to go back downstairs and into the city with Nat  and finish looking for a birthday gift for Steve. That’s what they were  doing this morning before they were quickly called back to the tower.  He’d procrastinated too long and really had zero idea of what to get the  man.
“I’m confused about something and I don’t like being confused.” Tony retorted.
“Oooo” Sam piped up from across the table. “The great Tony Stark  admits to not knowing something. I’m surprised there isn’t steam coming  out of those ears.”
Bucky smirks at his friend. God he loved Sam and his remarks. He  would say something similar, but his relationship with Tony still wasn’t  perfect and he didn’t want to push his luck at the moment.
“What is so confusing, Iron Man? Don’t know what to get Pepper for  your anniversary? Or did you say something stupid again and your giant  brain can’t figure out exactly which asshole statement pushed her over  the edge this time?” Nat chimed in with a mocking smirk.
Tony pointed a single finger at Nat. “I have had our anniversary  present for two months already and I’m actually getting better at  figuring out which one of my snarky comments goes too far, just so you  know.” He sighs and presses a few buttons on the large screen under the  glass conference table, whipping up a bundle of information to appear on  the screen behind him. “What I’m confused about is why Hydra put out a  public hit on one of their top agents.”
At that, Bucky’s chair drops back to all four legs abruptly. The  confusing piece of information startled him into finally giving his full  attention to the conversation. His heart rate picked up a bit.
“They did  what ?” Steve asks from the end of the conference table opposite Tony, voicing the question on all their minds.
“This morning Hydra posted a bounty on a known dark web forum. It’s  not unheard of for them to post some of their lower enemies on this  anonymously for unaffiliated assassins and bounty hunters to take down.  What’s different this time is they made it very clear that  Hydra  was posting.” He whipped up what looked eerily similar to a reddit post up on the screen. “And what makes even  less sense is I know for a fact that the person they called a hit on has been their little secret weapon for over ten years.”
Bucky scanned the post up on the screen. Sure enough, it said that  Hydra had a hit out on a well known assassin and was offering 50 million  along with diplomatic immunity in a country of their choosing for the  head of the operative.
“Who’s the target?” Nat murmured.
“So, this is the fun part. Especially for you two.” Tony continued, pointing at Nat and Bucky.
“What?” Bucky grumbled. Fun for him? What the hell? What could  possibly be in Tony’s twisted brain to think anything to do with Hydra  would be  fun for him?
“Here’s the mark.” Tony pulled up a blurry photo of a figure wrapped  in muted colors clearly captured on some sort of security camera  somewhere on a bustling street. If Bucky was tracking the cobblestones  and architecture of the buildings correctly he’d guess it was taken  somewhere in Cairo.
“Is that the best fucking picture you can get us, Stark? You can  barely see their face.” Sam quipped, leaning forward in his seat to  squint at the screen.
“This is the clearest photo of her face, yes.”
“Her?” Nat snapped, popping her eyes to Tony.
“Yes. Her.  The Viper .” He smirked back at Nat. Bucky heard a quick intake of breath from his right. Nat.
“No…” She whispered, and trailed off.
“Oh yes, Natasha. Oh yes.” Tony flicked his fingers across the table  again and all the known stats on the Viper pulled up on the screen.  “This is where the fun begins for us. This is what we know about the  Viper. She was “found” at a young age somewhere in middle America. It’s a  little unclear where, but from where I tracked it must have been  somewhere in the Midwest.”
“They stole a kid from Wisconsin? Why would Hydra bother when they  had their fingers in so many other countries?” This was from Steve.
“It wasn’t Hydra…” Nat murmured.
“ What? ” Bucky piped up again. He felt like his brain was  spinning. A top Hydra assassin? Did he know her? He would have to spiral  into his memory to find out if he ever met this Viper…
“It was the Red Room.” Nat whispered then. Her eyes staring directly at the table.
“Yes indeed!” Tony quipped. “Remind me Nat, were you still there when  they dragged in the little girl kicking and screaming or not?”
“Tony!” Steve seethed from his end of the table.
“I wasn’t living there anymore, no. I had just graduated. She was a  couple years younger than me. They said she caused quite a nuisance  during the assassination of a target. Instead of killing her they decided  to bring her back. I saw her maybe twice. They had always referred to  her as the snake. She was less refined than the other girls, she started  her training a little too old, but she was… desperate to make up the  difference.” Nat shuddered a bit then and Bucky felt compelled to reach  out and place a hand on her shoulder. “She reminded me of… me.”
There was a small moment of pause before Tony started again. “So our  little snake graduated from The Red Room and spent a few years as an  agent for them before falling in with our buddies at Hydra.” Tony looked  at Bucky then, “Where she was trained and conditioned to fill a missing  position in their ranks after they unfortunately lost control of a very  important  asset. ”
“You’re a prick Tony.” Steve muttered, his eyes falling on Bucky.  Bucky waved him off. He was fine, really. He’d started making peace with  his history when he was on Wakanda and though he still had a long way  to go, he wasn’t going to fall to pieces at the mere mention of the  Winter Soldier.
“You’re telling me that they…” He trailed off, his mind spinning in  circles. This poor woman he didn’t even know subjected to what he went  through, simply because he had left. He knew it wasn’t his fault, but he  still felt responsible that someone else had to fill a hole he had  created.
“Yes they trained this little spitfire to be their top assassin and  she has been in their top ranks since about 2010, only stepping into the  role of top assassin after the events in 2016 finally severed you  completely from the organization. She’s been racking up kills ever  since. Much like you my dear metal armed friend, she’s nearly impossible  to catch on camera, let alone see with your own eyes.”
From the corner of the room, where he sat in a chair separate from  the table, Bruce finally spoke. “I always thought The Viper was a  myth.”
“Yeah and you thought the Winter Soldier was a myth. Hell I always  thought Thor and Loki were just some folklore.” Sam remarked. “I believe  almost everything nowadays.”
“Wait so, this woman was a trained Red Room assassin, then a top  Hydra operative and now they’re asking the internet to kill her? Why  didn’t they just take care of her themselves? Surely they had her locked  up or brainwashed somehow.” Bruce said.
“You guys are seriously just assholes sometimes.” Steve murmurs.
“I’m fine, Steve.” Bucky says. “It’s a valid question. Even when they  wanted me eliminated, they only worked with people inside.”
“Exactly.” Tony said. “My theory is, they want us to know that they  want her dead. In fact, my more specific theory is that this is bait in  order to get us to hunt and eliminate her. I want to know why.”
“She must have slipped away from them.” Nat said then. “Even if no  average internet bounty hunter could ever touch her, surely they’d at  least keep her a little busy. Busy enough that we might be able to get a  jump on her. She must know something.”
“Exactly. What does she know? And why don’t they want her to utilize whatever information she knows?”
“So we’re going to find her then.” Steve said. “What if this is a  trap? Specifically set up to intrigue us into bringing their very own  top operative into our facilities.”
“It could be.” Nat responded. “But it seems a little weird to send a  bunch of people they don’t control after her unless they genuinely  didn’t care about what happened to her. It seems unlikely she’s still an  asset to them if they’re willing to risk her actually being caught off  guard, no matter how unlikely that is.”  
“See, this is what I meant by being confused.” Tony quips then,  heading for the door. “I’ve sent everything I know about the woman to  each of you. Study it. See what conclusions you come to on your own.  We’ll reconvene here tonight to discuss an action plan.”
You sat in a corner booth at a tiny cafe, facing the door. There was a  swinging door into the kitchen to your left, which led to three back  exits. Directly in front of you was the only door facing a main street.  The whole front of the coffee shop was glass, giving you a clear view of  the two targets you’d been tracking all morning, who had stopped to  grab breakfast at a restaurant across the street.
You were twirling a long since lukewarm cup of coffee in your hands,  your eyes flicking back and forth between your marks and the swinging  kitchen door at your shoulder.
You watched as your marks both stretched and stood up. The woman hailed a cab. They seemed disgruntled.
While the woman tried to snag the attention of a cabbie, you threw a  few crumpled bills on the counter of your table and slipped through the  swinging kitchen door. There were a few shouts of alarm as a stranger  wandered into the bustling diner kitchen, but you quickly weaved through  the crowded kitchen and out a back door. You jumped on the sleek black  Kawasaki bike you’d stashed behind a dumpster in an alley.
You pushed the bike out and around the corner before turning it on,  waiting to confirm that they had both piled into a cab. You revved the  engine and punched the accelerator, weaving quickly   between the piled  up traffic, causing lots of horn honking and a few near rear-end  accidents.
Your heart was hammering in your chest, the adrenaline coursing through your veins as you tore after that cab.
The grin still plastered on your face.
Bucky’s head was reeling as he read through the intel, albeit a small amount, that Tony had managed to dig up.
There were a total of 3 videos captured on a security camera of the Viper on a job. He watched them all multiple times.
The Viper was ruthless and unnervingly calm. It reminded him of  himself, what he saw in the footage of the Winter Soldier. It made the  bile in his stomach churn. He knew that feeling of uncontrollable calm  very well and it made him break out in a cold sweat.
The first video showed her walking calmly up to a high security  warehouse, putting bullets between the brows of every operative in  sight, barely even looking in their direction before pulling the  trigger. She walked directly with purpose toward the door that was  clearly her mission. Once every operative in view of the camera had  fallen she reached for the door handle. Before she slipped inside, she  lifted her pistol without looking and fired one round into the camera,  cutting the feed. With the hood on her jacket, there was no clear  footage of her face. Bucky wondered how they were even sure it was her.  Her murderous calm must have been enough evidence.
The second was a terribly grainy video taken in some basement  somewhere. There was someone strapped to a chair and he watched as the  Vipers fists slammed into the man repeatedly. A choppy, distorted, and  heavily accented voice spoke about 40 seconds in. “Good, Viper. You may  play now. Make sure there’s something left of him to interview  tomorrow.” Bucky flinched as he saw the woman stride toward a table,  likely filled with instruments of torture. The man strapped to the chair  began to scream, pleading in Russian that he’d say anything they wanted  him to. He heard a low woman’s voice come through the video, murmuring  “Too late.”
The third was a more recent video according to the time stamp. It was  less than six months ago off a security cam in Maracaibo. It was about a  9 second video, just watching the woman cross a bustling street in  Venezuela. Bucky remembered that some hot shot Hydra agent had been  found dead in Venezuela this year. Could it have been the Viper taking  down one of their own? Is that why they were mad?
There were about 5 other attachments of images. The only photographs  that Friday could find of this enigma apparently. 4 were blurry security  camera footage from various places. The one Tony had shown this morning  was truly the only one that even sort of showed the woman’s face. Well,  except the 5th.
The 5th made Bucky even more sick than the footage of brutal  violence. It was a Polaroid image of what appeared to be a 16 or 17 year  old girl in ballet clothes, standing in the middle of what he assumed  was a dance studio. It would have been normal, a young woman after a  dance class, if it wasn’t for the red blood splattered up her pink  tights, dripping off her knuckles and smeared on her jaw. The subject  wasn’t looking at the camera, but rather seemed to be standing at  attention with her focus to the right of the photographer. Written in  sloppy Russian at the bottom corner of the Polaroid was “Option 4.”
What does that mean?  Bucky thought to himself.  Option for what?  
It made him sick staring at that photo. If the blood wasn’t there, it  would just look like a young woman preparing for a ballet class, or  perhaps being photographed so a costume designer could see her figure  while they created dazzling outfits for a production. It was so wrong  for someone so young, whose face was filled with innocence, to be  covered in blood. He felt so protective over her, this young woman he  didn’t even know. This young woman who he knew grew up to be a murderer  with a kill list almost as long as his.
He knew, looking at that photo, that this woman had never wanted  this. He didn’t know how he got such a gut reaction to the image, but he  saw himself in it. A young person who was given the worst hand of cards  to ever be dealt, and was simply trying to stay alive. He stared at her  thin frame, the hollow look in her eyes and nearly wept.
He needed to find her. He needed it more than he’d needed anything in  a long time. He needed to find out how far she had fallen from this  image, and if he could pull her back.
He needed to do it, because he’d always be grateful that someone did it for him.
Your marks had gone into the tall skyscraper a few hours ago. You  were too antsy to sit around and wait to see if they’d venture back out  into the city.
You prowled the sidewalk like a caged animal. Tracing patterns through the busiest blocks. Keeping track of nearby cameras.
Everything smelled like garbage and piss. You hated it. You loved it. It was such an easy city to get lost in.
An even easier city to be found in.
When Bucky finally dragged himself back to the conference room that  evening, he felt like a wreck. He had worked himself up considerably  throughout the afternoon. He was antsy and apprehensive.
He really didn’t know what was wrong with him. It was just some random assassin, why was he so worked up?
Steve noticed his touchy mood as soon as he walked in and raised an eyebrow at him.
“I’m fine.” Bucky grumbled. “Just want to figure this out. It’s bothering me for some reason.”
“Maybe because it’s a little too personal, Buck.” Steve said quietly.
“Yeah maybe.” Bucky coughed out. His chest felt tight with someone who knew him so well staring at him like this.
Before Steve could rib Bucky more, Tony sauntered into the room with  Nat behind him. “So what’s everyone’s thoughts on our little snake in  the grass?”
“I think the woman is damn fucking scary.” Sam piped up from the same  chair he’d been in this morning. “And really good at her job. Reminds  me of robocop over there a little too much if you know what I mean.”
“That’s what I find so interesting.” Steve says. “Because obviously  we know that Bucky wanted out, and was not the person that the camera  showed. I wanna know what’s really going on in her brain.”
“Banner, question for you, if we managed to set a little trap for our  snake and actually got her in here, would you be able to scan her brain  and see how much of it was under her actual control?” Tony said as he  dropped into a chair at the head of the table.
Banner responded from where he sat in his normal chair in the corner.  “I could compare a brain scan to early scans of Barnes’s brain. See how  similar they look. Then compare to his post-Wakanda scans. In a sense,  yes. But the brain is complicated as you know.”
“Can’t we just talk to her?” Bucky pipes up. “I mean, if it makes you  feel more comfortable to hook her up to a lie detector whatever, but I  just… I know what they do to people there and let me tell you there’s no  way she’s in control.”
“What makes you so sure?” Tony questions. “I mean, I was wrong about  you. I’ll admit that. I’m a bigger man now. But not everyone is Cap's  former BFF brought back from the dead with a heart of gold trapped in a  twisted hydra web. She could have gone willingly. In fact, I have a hard  time believing that a Red Room agent was accidentally captured by  Hydra. What if she went to them willingly?”  
“But then why did she leave?” Natasha counters. “Who’s to say that  she ended up in all this willingly. I don’t know the whole story of how  the Red Room got her, but it’s rare that people join without coercion.  There’s more to this story, I can feel it.”
“Me too.” Bucky whispered. There had to be so much more to that 17 year old girl than a brutal murderer.
“Nat, can you explain this image to me?” Tony says, pulling up the  very polaroid that was going to haunt Bucky for weeks. “This looks like a  pretty willing agent to me.”
Bucky cringed at Tony’s short sighted assessment. Sure, the subject looked relaxed but that didn’t mean willing. Nat sneered.
“Well Tony, when every week your instructors challenge two students  to spar and the loser is killed however the classmate prefers, you too  would willingly fight back, to the death if necessary.”
Steve flinched, and looked at Nat with eyes full of grief. “They made you kill each other?”
“Kept us from attaching to each other.” Nat said simply.
Steve just shook his head, placing his face in his palms. This was  one of the reasons Bucky and Nat had gotten along pretty quickly. They’d  come to terms with their trauma, and the others sometimes had a hard  time brushing past the torture that the two of them had simply moved on  from.
“Touche.” Tony shrugged. “So why does this image say option 4?”
“That I don’t know.” Nat sighs. “No photos were ever allowed to be  taken of us, but the fact that this was clearly taken by an instructor  confuses me.”
“So we have no answers.” Sam quips. “Do I need to go stand on the  street with a sign that says “Viper take a crack at me” so we can maybe  get a glimpse of her? I’m only doing it if I can wear the suit Tony.”
“That’s the thing, there have been no sightings of the woman for  years, and the one tiny glimpse in that surveillance shot from Venezuela  6 months ago was a blip. There was no record of anyone matching that  description entering or leaving that country or any near it. We have no  idea where she is.” Tony muttered. “I have Friday combing every single  camera we can get access to, and hacking into those we don’t. The tip  line on that forum is blank. No one seems to have seen her.”
There was silence for a moment, as everyone sunk into their own minds. Letting the gears turn.
“Mr. Stark.” Friday’s voice came lilting out of the ceiling. “I have a hit.”
Everyone jumped a bit, leaning forward in their seats.
“Put it on the screen.” Tony snapped. Suddenly the whole blank wall  of the room was filled with various camera angles showing crowds of  people wandering on the sidewalk. In the middle of a cluster of  pedestrians was a figure draped in black, a baseball hat on their head  and a hood pulled up over it. As the person moves, the different  security camera’s flip past on the screen, keeping up with their  movement.
Instantly, Bucky’s blood ran cold.
“Where is this?” Sam whispers.
“Queens.” Bucky, Steve and Tony answer in unison.
“Very close to Parker’s apartment…” Tony whispers.
“It’s empty.” Steve mentions. “Happy and May are on vacation and Peter is staying with his friend. That Ned kid.”
“I know.” Tony says. “Doesn’t mean I like her being around the corner from his place regardless.”
The room goes quiet for a few moments as they all watch the Vipers  progress through the streets of Queens. She never picks up her head,  seeming to be watching the sidewalk in front of her. She slips easily  between groups of people, never bumping into anyone even though she  doesn’t seem to be looking at anyone.
“What are we doing?” Sam says then. “We know exactly where she is. She’s so close. Let’s go suit up.”
“There’s no way she’s here by accident.” Nat says quietly. “It’s like she wants us to find her…”
“Another layer of intrigue.” Tony snarks.
“She wouldn’t be stupid enough to show up in this city unless she  actually wants us to find her.” Nat continues. “Either they sent her  here as a trap and finally had her look into a security camera long  enough for us to track her, or she’s doing this on her own. Either way, I  don’t understand the motive.”
There’s another moment of silence as they all watch the cameras track the target.
Abruptly, the Viper stops in the middle of the sidewalk. The  pedestrians continue to flow around her, many seem to be grumbling and  some throw rude gestures in her direction.
There’s now only a single security camera in the area able to capture her image, she stands right in the center of the frame.
“What is she doing?” Steve whispers.
Through the grainy camera footage, the whole team watches as it looks  almost like her shoulders shake slightly. She seems to be looking at  her feet.
No one breathes as the woman in the center of the video lifts her  head slowly. Her eyes land directly on the lens, as if she’s peering  straight through the shitty security camera and into Avengers tower.
There’s a huge grin on her face.
Then, from the pocket of her hoodie, she pulls a pistol and calmly points the barrel at the camera.
The last thing the camera sees in her head dropping back as she begins to cackle. Then she pulls the trigger, ending the feed.
“Holy shit.” Sam whispers.
Bucky is speechless. His heart is pounding in his chest. He felt like  her eyes seared through the camera and right into his chest. He can  barely breathe.
“Friday, show us the other cameras in the area.” Tony barks.
Friday pulls up tons of camera angles of the street the Viper was  just standing on. The crowds are screaming, attempting to run away from  the spot that the Viper had clearly just been standing. However, there  are no further gun shots and no one looks injured.
“What the  hell? ” Bucky says under his breath. She just shot out a camera in the middle of a busy street in Queens? For what?
“Are there any figures matching her description on any of these feeds?” Tony snaps again.
“No sir.” Friday replies. “I’ve scanned every camera in the borough and I can’t see her on any of them.”
Everyone sits in shocked silence as the security footage continues to  roll. The NYPD show up, helping to calm the pedestrians. They watch  quietly as they start to tape off the area. Everyone knows however that  if no one was hurt, it’s unlikely that the cops will pursue the incident  further. They have much bigger fish to fry in this town.
“Well goddamn.” Sam finally breaks the silence. “That was quite a little performance.”
“She really wants us to find her then.” Nat mutters.
Around the room everyone mutters their agreement.
Bucky finds his voice finally.
“So let’s find her.”
There’s unending adrenaline in you now. It was reckless you knew  that. It was also so obvious what game you were playing with them at  this point, but you didn’t care.
They clearly weren’t going to make a move, so you had to play your hand first.
For better or worse, it was their move now.
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Out Of Time ~ 107
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 4,300ish
Summary: The team figures out the monolith and tries to save Simmons
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“Do something!”
“Fitz,” Y/N got up and hurried to him. She was afraid to portal, scared of what the monolith might do. “Come on.” She grabbed his arm but he tore it away. “We have to get out of here!”
“Leave me alone!” 
He turned and decked Y/N in the face, causing her to tumble down the steps and to the ground. Y/N gently touched her face, pulling her hand back to see blood.
“Fitz! Y/N!” Mack shouted, rushing to grab Fitz from the container.
“Fitz, get out of there!” Hunter yelled, getting the door.
“Are you crazy?”
“Close it!” Bobbi yelled. “Close it!”
“Y/N!” Daisy rushed over. “Oh my gosh, you’re bleeding.”
As soon as Bobbi and Hunter closed the container, the monolith turned into liquid. Everyone was panting.
“Damn it, Fitz,” Coulson murmured, coming into the room.
“I had to know,” Fitz panted. “Had to— had to know—“
“I already lost Simmons to that thing. I cannot afford to lose you or Y/N, too.”
“Trying to get yourself killed?” Hunter wondered.
“Sorry,” Fitz said. “I won’t give up. I can’t give up.”
“None of us want to, Fitz, but…” Daisy tried to say.
“Fitz,” Bobbi knelt down in front of him, “you tried. Okay? You tried your hardest. Everybody knows that.”
“No,” he shook his head. “I missed something. I m… I missed something.” He wiped something off his face.
“What is that?”
“Proof.” Fitz got up and ran to the lab.
“Y/N,” Coulson said, the others turning to face her. She was still on the ground, breathing heavily. “Oh my…” There was a long cut down the right side of Y/N’s face. “Did he—“
“I’ll be fine…” She panted. “I’ll be fine…”
“Come on,” Daisy urged, helping Y/N up. “Let’s get that stitched up.”
Daisy took Y/N to Coulson’s office and Bobbi brought all the supplies to help patch up the cut.
“He didn’t mean to,” Bobbi said quietly.
“I know,” Y/N responded.
“He just misses Simmons so much.”
“I know.”
“It hurts—“
“I know, Bobbi! Just stop, okay?” Tears formed in Y/N’s eyes. “Out of everyone here, I think I understand the most… I lost Bucky… no one could find his body… I was torn. I acted out too. That’s how I’m here… So I understand. I get that now we know Bucky’s alive, but we didn’t then. And I didn’t think he would ever come back… Honestly, at least he has hope. That’s more than I ever had.”
Fitz showed up in the office not too long later. He had a tablet in hand and pulled up his findings.
“Sand,” he stated. “Not just sand. Impossible sand.”
“The monolith’s case is a clean room,” Mack said. “There’s nothing in there but that rock. Not even dust.”
“Unless you blast it open with a shotgun and contaminate everything,” Hunter retorted.
“That’s not what this is,” Bobbi shook her head.
“Okay, the sand itself, not unusual,” Fitz continued. “Mostly silicone-dioxide particles just like on Earth.”
“Wait, are you saying…” Y/N paused. “You’re saying this sand is not from Earth?”
“Carbon dating show that—“
“It predates the Earth by a billion years,” Fitz interrupted Bobbi.
“So you think the rock is a portal?” Daisy asked.
“No. No, I’m proving that it’s a portal. Okay, to another planet, a-a very old planet. A crack in space-time that carried Simmons away… and carried the sand back. Which means…”
“She’s out there,” Coulson stated. “But it’s been months.”
“She could be long gone from wherever this thing dropped her.”
“She could be dead.”
“But we’re gonna find out, aren’t we?”
“Yeah.” / “You’re damn right.” / “For sure.” / “Yeah.”
“Okay, Fitz, what do you need?” Y/N asked. “I can get Tony to bring some things as well.”
“Uh, uh, well, uh, more historical data. People have studied this thing for centuries. I need an expert on quantum mechanics and Einstein-Rosen Bridge theory. And a— a sandwich would be nice.”
“I might have an idea,” Coulson said, nodding, “about the other things.” He turned to Daisy and Mack. “You two, stay with our new inhuman guest. Be here for Dr. Garner’s assessment. Building that team is still the priority.”
“What did I say?” Daisy commented, her and Mack exiting.
“I’m on this with Fitz,” Bobbi responded.
“Yeah, haven’t you been on this with Fitz the whole time? Hiding his trip to Morocco, covering for him on a constant basis?”
“Have I?” She smirked, walking out.
“And you know where you’re going,” Coulson said to Hunter. Hunter nodded and left.
“What about me?” Y/N asked. “I’m staying until Simmons is found. I’ve already texted Tony and he’s on stand-by if we need anything.”
“With me.”
Coulson explained that they were going to make a visit to a Professor Randolph. He was an Asgardian, hiding out on Earth. The team had a run in with him once when Y/N was on a break. Bobbi and Fitz joined them.
“I’m sorry,” Randolph said, reading a book inside of his cell. “I can’t help you.”
“Can’t or won’t?” Coulson questioned.
“Potato, puh-tah-toe.”
“And your reason?”
“The nightly news, cities flying into the atmosphere, government task forces, and now the public is freaking out about alien outbreaks. Pretty crappy time to be on Earth if you’re not a local, so I am staying low. And of course,” he chuckled, “there is my current situation.”
“Destruction of property, public drunkenness,” Bobbi clarified.
“And here I thought that Asgardians could hold their drinks?” Y/N retorted.
“Yes, well, Asgardians can generally hold their drink. It’s just, well, one night I tried to hold all the drinks.”
“Asgardians are also strong, right?” Bobbi questioned. “You could easily break out.”
“What? And miss dinner?” He chuckled. “Oh, no. Yes, norse prisons are surprisingly evolved—decent food, comfy bed, extensive library, and no attention being drawn to me. Come back in a few months, why don’t you? Maybe then I’ll be in the mood.”
“Can’t I just call in Thor?” Y/N muttered to Bobbi.
“We don’t have a few months,” Fitz stated.
“And neither do you,” Coulson said. “I don’t have to remind you that I saved your life. Though I did just mention it in case you forgot. But I’d still have no problems contacting those task forces you mentioned. I bet they’d go bonkers to have a real life Asgardian to dissect in their labs. I don’t know how comfy you’d be there.”
“Why, Agent Coulson…” Randolph said, standing up. “Are you threatening me?”
“I wouldn’t call it a… well, yeah, I guess I am. That’s absolutely a threat.”
“You’re different now. You know that?”
“One must accommodate the times or things get messy.”
“What’s with the hand?”
“Things got messy.”
“Well… you’ll have to cover my realize. And if there is a portal, which I will have to see to believe, you are diving into very dangerous waters here.”
“We live in the dangerous waters,” Y/N commented. “And have been for a while.”
Randolph exhaled sharply. “Alright. Well, it’s not like you’re giving me any choice.” 
He quickly tore off the door and the alarm started blaring. He grabbed his coat and they began walking out. Guards rushed in.
“He did it,” Randolph said, pointed at Coulson.
Coulson gave a nervous chuckle and a smile.
After talking themselves out of it, they took Randolph to the base. He walked around, observing the monolith.
“Well, I hate to disappoint, but it looks like your regular, old—“ He stopped when the monolith turned to liquid then back into a rock. “Oh. How often does it do that?”
“It’s random,” Fitz answered.
“No. No, no, no, no. It may seem random. But… something is clearly triggering it.”
“I’ve checked it against tides, relation to the sun, rotation—“
“On this planet. So you have no idea how to control it. Why come to me? I’m no interstellar-travel expert. I’ve never even studied gravitational lensing or zero-point energy fields or quantum-harmonic oscillation theory.”
“Yet you know all those words you just said,” Bobbi retorted.
“And you’re scared of portals,” Coulson added. “You’re scared of being dragged back home through a portal. Y/N?”
“It would be my pleasure,” Y/N replied with a smirk. 
She walked up to Randolph, opening a portal behind him and pushed him into it. Another portal opened on the other side of the room, causing him to exit from it.
“Impossible,” Randolph panted. “No human should be—“
“I’m connected with the Tesseract,” Y/N interrupted. “I can channel it. And I know it’s on Asgard and I’m pretty sure if I tried hard enough I could send you back there.”
“What I think, Randolph, is that in your drunken stumble through history, you’ve probably investigated every story involving a portal,” Coulson said. 
“And I’ve seen you eyeing all of your exits,” Bobbi added. “My knee brace, wondering if you can get away with it. The only reason you came with us was to confirm its existence.”
“And destroy it,” Randolph confirmed.
“You’ll have to go through me,” Fitz stated.
“And I could. Literally. But, then, I don’t know what amazon woman and robot hand are capable of these days. And don’t get me started with the Avenger over there. So I will help you get her back. I’m not entirely heartless. But if I do, I want your word that we will demolish this portal and no one passes through it again.”
“I’ll sleep better at night,” Coulson confirmed.
“Good. Well, I’ve investigated a lot of these wormhole rumors. But that’s all they were, rumors. None have panned out. So we know nothing of its origin.”
“Kree, maybe.”
“And this parchment was found with it,” Bobbi said, grabbing the paper and handing it to Randolph.
“Well, hello,” Randolph said, studying the parchment through the bag it was in. “I’ve seen this.”
“It’s a common Hebrew word.”
“Yes. What else do we know, Mr. Fitz?”
“Uh, well, the monolith changed hands a lot,” Fitz explained. “Germanic tribes, spent the hundred years’ war in France. But before the Napoleon era, it was moved again. I lost track of it somewhere in—“
“Yeah. How did you know that?”
“Because I have seen this word carved into the walls of a castle in Gloucestershire, England, in 1853. To the plane!” Then Randolph started for the door, when no one followed he turned around. “W—am I allowed to say that?”
“Let’s all go to the plane, I guess,” Coulson agreed.
While on the flight over to England, Y/N was talking to Tony.
“Are you sure you guys don’t need my help?” Tony asked. “I could get there at the same time as you still.”
“I’m sure, Tony,” Y/N replied. “The lead we’re currently following seems solid.” Y/N sighed. “I just want to bring Simmons home so that I can come home.”
“You’ll find her. I know you will.”
“I miss you.”
“I miss you too.”
From the doorway, Fitz cleared his throat, drawing Y/N’s attention to him. He looked guilty.
“I need to go, Tones,” Y/N said. “I love you.” She hung up, slipping her phone in her pocket. “You need something, Fitz?”
“Yeah, I, uh…” Fitz started, coming to sit beside Y/N. “I need to apologize… I shouldn’t have hit you back like I did. You were only trying to help… I’m so sorry.”
“I know, Fitz.” She rested a hand on his knee. “I completely understand… I was the same way when Bucky died. Or, I guess, when I thought he was dead… So I get it, Fitz. I think that’s why Coulson called me in.”
“Or cause he missed you. You and May left, he lost his hand and Simmons… I think he just wanted a little of the good old days back.”
“Sadly, after we find Simmons, I can’t stay… I need some more time. I’m doing much better than I was. But I don’t think I can ever go back to this life full time. I don’t think it’s in the cards anymore.”
Randolph led them into the castle. They looked around with their flashlights, searching for the carving.
“Yes. Yes, yes,” the Asgardian exclaimed. “I came here for a costume ball. That was the pretext, of course, ‘cause I had heard rumors of travel to the stars. Found it all to be nonsense. But it was a fun party.”
“The carvings?” Coulson questioned, trying to get back to the point.
“Oh, right, right. Of course. So I was here admiring the stone work, and…” 
Randolph turned and shined his flashlight on the stones over the door. There was the word, carved in to one of the stones.
“The same as the scroll,” Fitz stated. “Death.”
“Maveth,” Randolph clarified. “Yeah, one of its translations is actually ‘death by punishment’.”
“Could mean no trespassing,” Coulson suggested.
“A Hebrew warning carved in an English castle struck me as odd. Out of place. Seems ancient.”
“But you stopped looking into it?” Y/N asked.
“A man dressed as an owl, of all things. I got him drunk enough to admit that no travel to other worlds was even occurring. Just ritualistic killings.” Everyone continued to look around as Randolph talked. “En, the whole thing stunk of half-baked satanism. Just some fabrications to entice new members. And, well, there were fire dancers. I got distracted.”
“Here’s another one,” Coulson called. “This is why I got rid of all the SHIELD logos on our vehicles. It’s like screaming for attention.”
“About time,” Y/N muttered.
“You know, there’s an ginormous eagle symbol on top of our jet,” Bobbi pointed out.
“Yeah,” Coulson agreed. “Sometime I can’t help myself with the cool.”
Coulson then pushed a stone in the wall, causing part of it to open up. Revealing a passage way.
“You certain about this?” Randolph asked. “It does say death by punishment.”
Fitz and Y/N went in, examining the walls. They made their way down the passage. Eventually it led to a round room, with old equipment in it.
“Okay, well, this wasn’t on the last tour,” Randolph said. “It’s an odd shoe for architecture this period. Definitely built after I was here.”
“Reminds me of the bunker under the Louvre,” Bobbi commented.
“What? There’s no bunker under the Louvre. That’s a joke, right? You messing with me.” Bobbi simply glanced his way and walked to the other side of the room and Y/N chuckled. “Alright, great. Now I’ll have to check.”
Fitz knocked on the metal he was studying. “It’s late 1800s,” he stated. 
He pushed the lever up. Suddenly, electricity crackled and the room lit up.
“Still got some life to it,” Coulson commented.
“I hear water,” Bobbi added. “Could be a stream underground, maybe hydroelectric power.”
On the other side of the room, Fitz hit the control panel on the wall and Randolph pulled down another lever. Suddenly, a round floor panel, in the center of the room, disappeared. They all walked up to it, looking down.
“This looks a lot like it was made to hold—“
“The monolith,” Fitz interrupted Bobbi. “This machine was designed to control the portal, to open and close it at will.”
“Do you know that, or is that just what you hope it to be?” Coulson asked.
“Well, there’s only one way to find out.”
Sighing, Coulson pulled out his phone and dialed a number. “Mack, I need you to load something onto Zephyr One and bring it to us.”
“What exactly am I bringing, sir?” Mack against on the other end of the phone.
“Yeah… you’re not gonna like it.”
It wasn’t long before Mack and Daisy arrived with Zephyr One and the monolith was being lowered into the hole. Fitz and Randolph were getting the systems working. Bobbi was guiding the container down, monitoring the monolith on the tablet she was holding.
“Zephyr One,” Bobbi called into the comms, “you’re clear to retract.”
“Wow. Room full of ancient gack,” Mack commented as him and Daisy entered the room. “Kind of reminds me of your office, director.”
“Realistically, what are the odds of this thing working?” Daisy asked.
“If we were realistic, we never would have gotten this far,” Coulson said.
“With anything,” Y/N added.
“Well, Andrew Garner thinks I need to be more so,” Daisy said. “He recommended three months observation and counseling before reassessment for Joey. Says I’m reckless.”
“Wonder what he thinks about me.”
“Don’t take it personally,” Coulson said. “He probably just meant that—“
“He said you’re desperate,” Daisy added.
“What? He didn’t say that. Did he say that?”
“I can read minds, Phil,” Y/N said. “He definitely said that.”
“You can read minds, too?” Randolph pipped up. “Why is the Tesseract gifting you all these things?”
“Long story.”
“Let me guess,” Bobbi came up to them. “I’m struggling to come to terms with physical limitations and losing my sense of self instead of redefining it.”
“No,” Daisy said. “He didn’t mention you.”
“Oh, he did. That’s what he said.”
“Oh, good.”
“Mack,” Fitz called. “Mack, push that lever.” Mack turned to a lever. “No, the one— the one that’s— the one that’s down. The one— the one beside it. Push it.”
Mack did as directed while Fitz did the same thing on the other side of the room. The gears starting turning, the machine started working. The room began to tremble and the monolith turned to liquid.
“Fitz, it’s working!” Y/N exclaimed.
Fitz knelt down beside the whole, pointing a flashlight into it.
“It’s staying open,” he stated. “Light! I need more light!”
The trembling began to get to Daisy. Y/N watched with concern as she groaned and put her head in her hands. She went over.
“Daisy?” She quietly called. “Daisy, what’s happening?”
“We got a problem!” Mack shouted.
“I need some bloody light!” Fitz yelled.
“Fitz!” Coulson called, tossing him a flare gun. 
Fitz shot it through the monolith. Daisy held her head as she began panting.
“The gears have locked!” Mack yelled. “Bobbi!”
Y/N’s eyes grew wide as she saw blood coming out of Daisy’s nose.
“Daisy!” She exclaimed. Y/N caught her as she fainted, slowly lowering her down. 
“Skye?” Coulson called, coming up beside them. “Hey.” The trembling and machine stopped. “Skye, are you okay? Skye?”
“It’s Daisy,” Daisy replied softly.
“It’s Daisy now,” Y/N responded.
“You’re really having a hard time with this, huh?” Bobbi wondered.
“Damn it,” Coulson muttered. “Yeah. Daisy, hey.” Daisy lifted her head up. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” she replied. Y/N helped her sit up. “I’m better. That pulsing sound was killing me.”
“What pulsing sound?”
“Are you serious? It was deafening.”
“The vibrations,” Y/N whispered. 
“The vibrations. You can sense them. And there was so many, that it was too much for you. It’s kind of like, how if you’re all thinking at once, especially about a similar think, I can sense it.”
“Maybe, Y/N’s on to something,” Bobbi agreed.
The team was currently trying to find a way to put the machine back together.
“It’ll just rattle apart again,” Fitz stated. “We have to reinforce the connections.”
“Reinf— look, most of the workings are under the ground,” Mack said. “We just can’t tear the castle down. And actually, we’re lucky the room is shaped this way, or the machine might have shaken it apart on top of us.” The two bent down to try and pick a piece of the machine up.
“Wait. Wait. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s the point. Quantum harmonic oscillation theory, like the professor said.”
“I know that look,” Bobbi commented.
“It’s a strange shape for this time period because it’s made to resonate, uh, to—to—to—uh— create a-a quantized field within the stone.”
“Fitz, you’re talking, but we’re not totally following,” Coulson said.
“The room is a speaker. The machine is an amplifier. Uh, a sub—subsonic frequency to resonate with the monolith.”
“You saying you figured out a way to fix the machine?” Mack asked.
“No. I’m saying I figured out that—“
“We don’t have to,” Daisy said, glancing at Y/N. “I can do it. I can open the portal myself.”
“Daisy, no,” Y/N said. “It’s too risky.”
“If I can open the portal and help save Simmons, then I’m doing it.”
The team added a frame with a lot of rope, to lower some into the portal and bring them back.
“Well, turns out we’re standing in the in the middle of the world’s largest subwoofer,” Randolph stated.
“Yeah,” Mack agreed.
“If the point of the machine was to resonate the room at a certain frequency,” Daisy said, “I can do that.”
“And you can replicate it?” Coulson asked.
“Kind of drilled into my brain.”
“And it could kill you,” Y/N stated, not at all happy with this plan.
“How long do you think you can hold it?” Coulson asked. 
“Maybe a minute,” Daisy responded.
“If it’s too much, you pull back. I can’t lose you, too.”
“I got this.”
“Here we go,” Bobbi said, reentering the room with a machine. “Camera and data sensors are hard-lined back to us through a cable. No signal loss that way.” She clipped it onto a cable to be lowered into the portal. “If Daisy can hold it, we’ll get a visual of the other side.”
“That’s what we’re looking for,” Coulson said before turning to Daisy. “Alright, you listen to me. You take care of yourself. We lose that probe, nobody cares.”
“Uh, I’m confused,” Randolph spoke up. “What exactly is she planning to do here?”
Allowing her space, everyone moved as Daisy readied herself. She held both arms out to the sides, causing the parts of the old machine to tremble.
“Sorry,” she strained an apology. “Still tuning.”
After getting the right tune, she aimed at the monolith. Causing it to turn into liquid. 
“Hold it open as long as you can,” Fitz stated.
Everyone turned to him. He had clipped himself onto the cable. He ran towards the liquid monolith.
“Fitz, no!” Coulson shouted.
But Fitz jumped into the monolith, disappearing.
“I’m going in after him!” Y/N yelled. 
“No!” Coulson held her back. “I can’t lose you anymore than I already have.”
“But I’m the best chance to get back if Daisy can’t hold it long enough.”
“You don’t know if you can do that.”
“And you don’t know if I can’t.” They stared at each other. “If Daisy looks like she’s ready to give out, I’m going in. And no one can stop me.”
The trembling and the cable rope moving was causing the structure that was keeping it steady to lose up. Mack, Bobbi, and Y/N all quickly grabbed onto a different piece, trying to keep it steady.
“Damn it. Pull him back,” Coulson ordered, rushing around to where the cable was. “Get him back here.” He pulled the lever and the cable began spin back up.
“I can’t hold it!” Daisy shouted.
“Y/N, don’t! We can’t lose the both of you!”
Before Y/N could jump, Daisy stopped the trembles and the monolith burst into pieces. Every looked down in the hole, hoping, praying, for something to give. Suddenly, Fitz uncovered himself and pulled Simmons up. Daisy fell to the ground, Mack and Y/N rushing to her.
“You did good, tremors,” Mack said. “You did good.”
Y/N brought everyone onto Zephyr One quickly. Simmons needed to be checked out immediately and Fitz needed to be monitored in case of radiation. They laid Simmons in the containment module, hooked up to IV’s and allowed time to rest. Randolph and Y/N were standing outside as Coulson came to update them.
“They’re gonna be okay,” he informed. “No sign of radiation or infection. Fitz would never have found her, but she saw the flare. We brought a woman back from the dead today.”
“Yes,” Randolph agreed. “And, happily, you kept up your end of the bargain. The portal is destroyed.”
“Thank Daisy for that.”
“Yeah. Agent Coulson… what exactly is Daisy?”
“The call themselves inhumans.”
He looked surprised. “I have not heard that word in a very long time.”
“You know it?” Y/N questioned.
“I know more about them than I do you. You are something else… The Tesseract you said, that’s how you get your abilities?”
“Part of them.”
They were landing at the base when Y/N pulled Coulson aside.
“You’re leaving,” he stated.
“I am,” she replied.
“Anything that I could do to convince you to stay?”
“No… Look, I’m sorry, Phil, that I left and May left. But sometimes you need to tap out. SHIELD can’t be everything in anyone’s life… Even yours.” Y/N pulled him in for a hug. “If you need anything like this again, I’ll be there.” She pushed herself away, walking back towards the portal she opened. “Just don’t go opening anymore portals to other planets any time soon. Okay?”
“Bye, Phil.”
“But she’s safe? There’s nothing wrong with her?” 
“Nothing,” Y/N shook her head. 
“Wow,” Tony leaned back. “That’s… that’s—“
“A miracle. An absolute miracle.”
“And you’re sure you don’t want to join the team again?” Tony pulled Y/N in-between his legs. “You didn’t miss it at all?”
“I missed them. But not SHIELD. Plus,” she gave him a kiss, “I wouldn’t get to do that as much as I would like.”
Tony hummed. “Good. Can you do it again?”
next chapter >
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 20
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 1857
Warnings:  Pregnancy, mentions of past child abuse
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 20: The Road to Forgiveness
I organized to meet my mother for lunch a week later.  Natasha, Wanda, and Thor came with me.   There had been a very long discussion full of a lot of debate about who should come with me.  If I’d let them they all would have, but I didn’t want the whole thing to be overwhelmed by them.  Part of me had wanted to go alone, but then when it came down to it, I was still scared to be left alone with either of my parents.  Besides, we were trying to keep the pregnancies out of the tabloids and if I was going to go out in public, I needed to take Natasha with me so they couldn’t see me.
Wanda came so that she could read my mother’s mind, to see if she was genuine in her attempts to shake off my father and start a new life and relationship with me.  While, Thor was coming because he had that ability to both be a calming and relaxing influence, but also intimidating if need be.
We thought we’d grab lunch somewhere with a private dining room that we could just be free to talk without too many prying eyes.  Then afterward we’d go shopping for baby clothes and maybe something for ourselves.
We were all well and truly showing now, and I did worry about how mom would take the news that all three of us were pregnant.  Natasha wore a short, black maternity dress with knee-length black leggings underneath and a chain belt that sat above the baby bump that’s chain hung down her side.  Wanda was in a long, flowing, off-the-shoulder, lace dress in cream with red flowers embroidered on the bust and around the hems.  I was in a short black dress with a blue tartan skirt and a pair of black lace tights under it.  Thor was in black jeans, a gray v-neck t-shirt, and his favorite red velvet jacket over it.  When we suddenly appeared in front of the staff of the restaurant they almost jumped in shock.  That shock was quickly replaced with a look of slight awe and definitely attraction as they looked Thor up and down.
Mom was already waiting for us when we were led into the private room.  She was with my brother Ian and a small, slight woman around his age that I didn’t recognize but I assumed must be his wife because there were two kids there too - a girl who looked around eight years old and a boy around five.
Mom got to her feet and seemed to move forward like she was going to come and greet me with a hug, before stopping dead and looking me up and down.  “Elise! You’re pregnant!”
“I am?” I said, looking down at myself.  “Oh wow.  I guess I am.”
She gave me that look moms are so good at.  The ones that tell you that you’re not as funny as you think you are.  To her credit, she didn’t press the issue.
“Congratulations,” she said. “And both of you too?”
Natasha gave a terse nod, while Wanda smiled.  “That’s right,” she said.
“Mom, you met Wanda,” I say.  “And this is Natasha and Thor.”
Thor offered her his hand.  She seemed grateful to take it.  “It’s nice to meet you,” you said.
Ian moved forward.  “Hey, El,” he said.  “This is my wife Rachel.”  Despite not having touched either of the people that were related to me, I offered my hand to Rachel.   She shook it and trembled a little as she did.
“So nice to meet you.  Ian said you were his sister and I didn’t believe him,” she said.
“Well, we’ve not had a lot of contact over the last fifteen or so years,” I said.
“Oh, this is Josh and Hannah,” she said.
“Hello,” I said, though their attention was completely drawn to Thor.  They stared up at him with their mouths open.
He crouched down and smiled warmly at them.  “Hello, children,” he said.  “How are you?”
“I hope you don’t mind us coming along too,” Ian said.  “We came to visit mom and then your people set up the lunch…”
“It’s fine,” I assured him.  “It’s good to see you.  Let’s sit.  I’d really like to get off my feet.”
We all sat down, the kids both choosing chairs on either side of Thor.  A waiter took our drink orders and left us to decide what we would order.
“How are your kids?  You have two right?  I read that somewhere,” Rachel asked.
“Yes, we have twins.  A boy and a girl.  They’re in preschool right now,” I answered.  While everyone else seemed to be relaxing a little more, Natasha seemed to be getting more wound up and I was wondering if it was a good idea to bring her.  “They’re good.”
Wanda looked at Natasha and Natasha pursed her lips.  I was pretty certain that Wanda was telling her off because as the rest of us looked over the menu and Thor spoke with the kids about what they wanted to order Natasha’s face got tenser and tenser until she sagged and let out a huff of breath.
The waiter brought our drinks out and took our orders.  I ordered four cheese gnocchi but as soon as the waiter left I regretted it.  I wasn’t sure how well I was going to be able to stomach such a heavy dish considering the circumstances.  Thankfully Thor ordered four different entrees and three starters, and among them was a salad and bruschetta so if I needed to, I knew I’d be able to swap with him.
“How have things been going, mom?” I asked.  “They told me you’ve settled here.”
“Yes,” Mom said.  “It’s a big change.  Originally I was just going to stay in Ohio with Amanda but then part of me worried that if I did that I’d end up just going back to him.  And I wanted to show you I was serious and make it up to you.  I missed so much and I know ... I know how I treated you - all of you really - was terrible.  Making you think it was okay for him to treat us like that.  Making you think that was the only way to have a life.  I don’t want to make excuses but it was all I knew either.  And now here you are… with this other way.  Are you happy?”
I smiled a little and my eyes felt a slight prickle from tears forming.  “Yeah, mom.  I’m really happy.  This is different, you’re right.  And sometimes it’s not easy.  But while most people see the difference as us all being together as a group rather than just paired off, what’s different to me is I feel safe, loved, and supported.  Even during our worst time, I had people who loved and supported me there helping me get through it.  I just… never felt that growing up.  I was scared all the time and I couldn’t see any way that would ever end, because you kept telling me all the ways I had to act to get a good husband, but a good husband wasn’t a good man, it was a rich one.”
“I know.  I’m sorry.  I want to try and make it up to you,” mom said.  “But I know I can’t.  I just hope you’ll let us start from scratch.”
“That’s what I’m hoping for too,” I said.
“Is it true that you’re all married to each other?”  Hannah asked.
“That’s right, young one,” Thor said. “In fact for a while, your Aunt was the Queen of Asgard.”
“Woah,” Hannah gasped. “Really?  Why not anymore?”
“After we wed I gave up the throne to my sister.  She is taking care of things now so I have time to be a husband and father,” Thor explained.
“Are you really all married?  I mean… officially?” Mom asked, looking between the three of us.
“As you know, on Earth Elise is legally married to Tony,” Wanda explained.  “We did that for a sense of security and to protect the children’s inheritance.  But prior to that, we all participated in a ceremony known as bonding on Asgard.”
“Asgard is more forward-thinking than here,” Thor added. “They are all legally my spouses and count as Asgard royalty.  They are all princes and princesses there.  It is much deeper too.  We are connected.”
The starter came out and I pinched one of Thor’s stuffed mushrooms and began to eat it with a piece of warm rye bread that was provided for the table.  I definitely wasn’t as tense as I had been when I arrived but even still, the rich buttery stuffing on the mushroom sat like a brick inside me when I swallowed it.
“Can I ask something?”  Mom said.  “I don’t know if this is offensive or rude but… do you know who the fathers of the children are?”
I sighed and took a sip of my drink, wishing the sweet and acidic juice had the deep burn of alcohol to go with it.  “They’re everyone’s mom.  Just like I’m going to be mommy to the babies that Wanda and Nat are carrying.”
“No,” she said, a little flustered.  “I know, but…”
I shook my head, interrupting her. “Look, I know it’s different, and maybe even hard for you to grasp because you did play favorites.  But we don’t.  Not with these kids.  We do happen to know biology.  Part of that was because of medical issues that might have arisen depending on whose biology was involved.  But as far as how we act and how we treat the kids, they are loved equally by everyone as their own.  Because they are.  That is no one’s business but ours.  And I want to make it clear, they could biologically have been anyone’s. We aren’t confused friends, mom.  They’re my husbands and wives in every sense of the word.”
“Right,” she said.  “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” I said.  “I do want you to feel okay around us.  But… not if we have to fit some ideal you still have set in your head about how my life should be.  It is how it is and if you want to meet the others and even the kids then you just have to be open to that difference.”
“Can we meet the other avengers?”  Hannah asked.
“Perhaps someday,” Thor said.  “I am sure your cousins would love to meet you too.”
“Thor,” Natasha warned, giving her head a tiny shake.
“Does that mean you’re our uncle?”  Hannah asked.
A large smile broke out on Thor’s face.  “Why yes it does,” he said.
“I’ve got a safer topic of discussion, and one Rachel and I can reciprocate,” Ian said.  “How did you all meet and start seeing each other in the first place?”
“Oh, yes please,” Rachel added.  “I would love to hear that.”
I smiled and looked at Natasha.  “That we can do,” I said.  “But it depends on how far back you want to go.  Because it really starts way back in 1929…”
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