#and mom said 'we'll be by in a while' and it's been over 3 hours now
The 'I can't do anything now because I have an appointment later' frustration is a mood, but pales in comparison to 'I can't do anything because I'm waiting for someone to stop by at any moment'
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cherryc1nnam0n · 8 months
Never let you go, baby | Dark!Ethan Landry x Afab!Reader
Due to many requests here it's part two of Before you go, baby. Enjoy ;)
Part 1
Summary: Your plans have been ruined due to your newfound pregnancy, so you come back to Ethan, just how he planned it
Cw: Dark themes, manipulative!Ethan, kidnapping, blackmailing, baby trapping, pregnancy symptoms, vomiting, pregnancy sickness, stalking, mentions of smut
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It had been 3 months since you had left for college and now you had to come back, due to something you never expected or planned, a baby...
A baby of your best friend, who you had sex with before you left, without being on the pill and while being a virgin
You thought nothing would happen and that you would be okay, nobody gets pregnant on their first time, right?
You were very pregnant, growing Ethan Landry's baby, you sometimes wondered how they would look like, would the baby have his nose?
You shook your head coming back into real life, you were close to your stop on the metro, back home after a long travel, your stomach was rumbling
"Y/n are you okay? You've been in there for a very long time" your friend from college asked from outside the stall you were locked in
"I'm okay, just... I think I ate something bad" you said holding your stomach, hunched down on the toilet
"Okay... I'll wait for you outside" she said going away
"Fuck..." You knew it wasn't food
Your stop was announced and you grabbed your bags and walked out, finally stepping home on the familiar place you knew, your stomach rumbled from hunger, all you had eaten was a sandwich and some tea, not very nutricious
"I know little one, we'll get food soon" you spoke to your tummy
You went past a pizza place, your favorite one from when you were in highschool, you were supposed to wait for Ethan so you went into the shop
"Y/n!" The attendant said coming over to the counter when he saw you "How's it been? Didn't you leave for college?" Small town things
"Uh yeah I did but uhm, I need to take back some stuff" you lied
"Oh okay, the usual?" You nodded
"Yes please"
Soon you were served your favorite flavor of pizza, and ate it like it was the best meal of your life, which you felt it was
"Hungry aye?" He asked you and you just giggled
"Had not eaten today"
"Poor thing, you enjoy that" he went to serve someone else
Your phone rang and you saw a text from Ethan
Where r u?
Tom's pizza
Not even 5 minutes later he came in to the shop, smiling at you as he sat down next to you
"Glad you're back" he said grabbing your hand
"Yeah..." You didn't feel so happy about it, but he seemed like it "Can we go home?" He nodded
You were about to grab your wallet when he stopped you
"I'll pay honey, it's okay" he said going to pay for you
"Thanks" you said while walking out
He threw his arm around you, your bag on his shoulder
"No need to thank me babe, that's what I'm here for"
You sighed, you couldn't get used to him calling you cute pet names
"Eth..." He hummed "You said- promised, that nothing would change between us but... It did... Right?"
He thought for a moment, or, acted like it, he had planned this whole thing beforehand and you didn't even know
"Well, yeah technically it does, we're gonna be a family now"
"Yeah I know..." You pouted, not ready for this yet "Did you let mom know that I'm here?"
He swallowed "Yeah, she knows, we'll be there soon, we just need to go to my house to pick something and we'll go to your house, okay?"
"Oh, okay" you said softly
Soon you reached his house and he opened the door for you
"Come in, I'll be right back"
You looked around as he left to who knows where, nothing had changed but it certainly felt different
"What the-" you said when you saw a crib mid built up, but suddenly you were grabbed from behind and you became very sleepy
"Shhhh, it'll be okay my love, I'm never letting you go"
Your eyes drooped until you finally fell asleep, darkness taking over...
Some hours later...
You woke up on a bed, a really comfy bed actually, but you were somewhere different
"Wha-?" You looked around to see if you could recognize something
"Good morning my love" Ethan said coming out of the shadows "Sleep good?"
"Ethan, what the fuck are you doing?!" You yelled at him
He just smiled
"Forming a family that's what I'm doing" he sat down on a chair in front of you "Oh you silly Y/n..." He chuckled making you shiver "You think I didn't know this would happen?"
You swallowed heavily "What would happen?"
"You getting pregnant of course" he said standing up "This was all part of my plan, I would get you pregnant and that way you would be mine, forever" he said in front of you, making you back away "Don't be afraid baby, I won't hurt you, I love you too much to do that, never when you're growing my baby" he said touching your tummy "So precious..."
"Ethan... It doesn't have to be this way, please don't lock me away"
"Oh it'll be temporary, until you get used to being my little housewife, only good for breeding and staying at home, being all pretty and full of my babies" he kissed your cheek "I know you'll be good for me baby"
You should be scared, you should be running away, smacking him away, fighting back but... All you did was give in, you loved Ethan and you had always been an outcast, no one had ever asked you out of even had a crush on you, and now this boy, this handsome boy is wanting to keep you all to himself? You couldn't say no to that, could you?
"I'll be good for you Eth..."
"Good girl..."
Requested by:
@ethanslaundry @angel-of-the-eon @yourslxttysurprise
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boltupbitches · 1 year
Could you please do one where Joe Burrow takes his baby and his wife to his game?
Joe Burrow - #1 Fan
Jordan continued to wail loudly as he sat on his cooing grandmother's lap. His mom had stepped out to use the restroom and he was left in the suite with his doting grandparents.
"Oh, Jordy, don't cry my baby! Daddy's going to be playing soon." His grandma cooed.
Jordan continued crying until he heard his grandpa say, "look! Mama is back. There's mama!"
Within moments his crying stopped at the sight of his grinning mama. He reached up with grabby hands towards her, his baby blue eyes filled with tears as his lower lip stuck out with a pout.
"Oh, baby." His mom cooed at him as she lifted him. "I just went potty my silly boy." She tickled his belly which made him leave out a shrill giggle. At 10 months old, he was a pretty big baby. He had a head full of blonde hair that matched his dad's from childhood photos and the cutest chubby cheeks.
This was his first game this season, missing the few months last season due to COVID and Joe's fear of him getting sick.
The second Jordan Lee Burrow was brought into this world, his dad turned into a hawk, always having an eye on him when he was home, and when away, he checked in multiple times a day. It got to the point that his wife broke down and installed cameras throughout the house so Joe could access the live feed on his phone when hundreds of miles away.
At times he drove his wife crazy with his constant hovering, but she understood that it was out of love and fear of the unknown.
Funny how women are the ones painted as the over concern first-time parent, when that was Joe 1000% of the time.
While pregnant and taking her pregnancy one step at a time, Mama Burrow was enjoying her time in preparing for the delivery.
Joe? Started nesting the house within weeks of them finding out. He had a crib set up and was buying all sorts of things.
The amount of Bengals memorabilia had increased tenfold with Bengals-themed baby gear everywhere.
-- Earlier --
Finally, when Joe was preparing to come to the stadium today, he wrung his hands nervously and kept checking his watch. "So, we play at 4:30."
"I know, hun." His wife said.
"Maybe come at 3 to avoid the hecticness? I'll have someone meet you guys at the back gates where the players park."
"I know." His wife smiled at him as he went over to pick up Jordan. "I promise everything will be ok, hun. Just play your best and we'll be there cheering you on."
Joe pressed a kiss to his sons forehead. "Is that right, Jordy? You're going to come see dada play?" Joe lifted him in the air like an airplane before bringing him back down against his chest, his son giggling loudly. "I love you, buddy."
-- Now --
Jordan was well behaved throughout the game. He suckled on his pinky and cuddled into the blanky his mom had draped across the two of them. By the time his dad finished playing, he had finished his bottle and was sleeping soundly on his grandpa's lap, his blanky held tightly in his small hands.
After speaking to the media, Joe rushed his way up to the suite and felt a rush of emotion hit him. The love and happiness he felt at the sight of his parents with his wife and son was unimagineable.
He first approached his wife who greeted him with a kiss and a hug. "I'm so proud of you guys, baby. Good job."
Joe kissed her again, "Thanks babe. I love you." He gave her another squeeze before releasing her to give his mom a quick peck on the cheek and a hug.
Finally, he got to the one person he'd been waiting on hours to see. His son was napping peacefully on his dad's lap, his eyelashes fluttering as he continued to suckle on his binky peacefully.
"Hey bud." Joe whispered as he gently scooped his son up, careful to not wake him. "Hey dad." Joe said sheepishly at his dad, almost forgetting to greet him.
"Good game, son." His dad said in return with a smile.
"Thanks." Joe said as he turned towards his wife. "Ready to go home, babe?"
His wife smiled at him. "Yeah, let's go home."
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loveesiren · 5 months
𝖲𝗍𝖺𝗋𝖽𝗎𝗌𝗍 - 𝖢.𝖲. (𝖯𝗍. 3)
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Disclaimer: Hate hate hate this chapter but some of y'all were getting mean so here is chapter 3. I think it's trash. My motivation has been shit lately so we'll see where this story goes.
Synopsis: Y/n runs away from her problems
Warnings: Language, heroin use, angst, 18+
Word Count: 2.8k+
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Chris’s POV
I swear I was going to lose my fucking my mind in this tiny concrete room. I hadn’t even been in here for two hours and the anxiety was taking over. The cop sat at his desk, sipping his coffee loudly while watching a football game on a small tv that faced away from me. I was going to have to sit here until Monday morning and all I had to do was think. 
A million thoughts ran through my head. I’m sure Matt and Nick already called our parents and they were going to be pissed beyond belief. Luckily our podcast was pre-recorded but if I’m not out soon news is going to get around that I’m in here. But most of all, I thought about Y/n. She seemed so upset. I knew she was blaming herself for this and I prayed she wouldn’t do anything stupid. I know how vulnerable she can get when she’s down. But I know Matt and Nick will look out for her.
“Yo, don’t I get a phone call or something?” I asked the cop.
He responded with a long sigh, as if my question was making his entire job more difficult. I furrowed my brows at him, awaiting his response. “Fine.” He finally said. He got up and unlocked the cell door before leading me over to the phone. “You got two minutes, kid.”
I nodded and picked up the phone. I dialed Nick’s number, knowing he was most likely to answer.
“Nick? Hey! It’s Chris!”
“Chris! Are you okay?!”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine.” I responded. I could hear Matt in the background and Nick switched his phone to speaker.
“Chris, we'll bond you out first thing after your hearing on Monday! Mom and dad already hired a lawyer.” Matt said.
I sighed, knowing how disappointed they were going to be. “Cool. Cool. Uhhh can I talk to Y/n?”
Matt and Nick were both silent for a few moments. “Uhm…she’s not here…”
“Well where is she?”
“I’m not sure…”
I could hear the change in Nicks voice. Something was wrong. “What’s going on? Why are you talking like that?”
“Well…She uhm…Her and Matt kind of-”
“I kicked her out!”
“You did what?!”
“She’s always gotten you into trouble, Chris. I’m sick of it. I don’t want to see you ruin your life over her. I know you’re like in love with her or whatever but-”
“Go find her. Now!” I spat. “You don’t fucking understand, Matt. You don’t fucking understand what you did! Go find her and make sure she is fucking safe!”
“Chris, what do you mean?”
“Now!” I slammed the phone down on the receiver.
“Watch it!” The cop said. I bit my tongue and followed him back to my cell. 
I sat in the corner of the tiny bed and buried my head in my knees, trying to fight the tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I loved Y/n more than anything in the entire world and I knew her better than anyone. I was the only one who knew she experimented with opioids. I tried them with her but I noticed how she started using them to numb her pain and I quit. After having to Narcan her TWICE I made her promise to never touch them again. I threatened to tell her parents. I told her I would take her to rehab. She begged me not to. I know I should have but she swore to me she wouldn’t touch them again. I helped her through her withdrawals and over the last two years she’d been true to her word as far as I knew. I mean I was with her most of the time and never saw her use or act shady. But now I wasn’t there when she needed me and who knows what Matt said to her. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK! I couldn’t stop the tears from falling now. My whole body was shaking with anxiety.
Y/n’s POV
“Y/n! Y/N!” Danny yelled, kicking my foot. I jolted awake and struggled to see through blurred vision. I rubbed my eyes and slowly took in my surroundings as an overwhelming wave of nausea took over my body. 
“Ugh, what?” 
“Your phone’s been ringing non stop! Fucking answer it or turn it off. It’s annoying.”
I felt for my phone as previous events returned to my memory. Chris was arrested. I got in a fight with Matt. One thing led to the next and I somehow ended up at Danny’s house smacked out of my mind. I wasn’t proud of this. But remembering what Matt said to me, I felt like I was exactly where I needed to be. 
My phone started ringing again and I was able to find it between the cushions of Danny’s old, cigarette stained couch. The screen lit up with Matt’s name and I could feel the bile rising in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door quickly behind me. I sat on the floor, heaving over the toilet, but not much came out. I can’t remember the last time I ate. I didn’t even know what day it was. I sat back and pulled out my phone. 13 missed calls from Matt and Nick combined. 5 from my mother along with three texts asking where I was. A missed call from an unknown number. To top it all off, it was 6:23 pm on Sunday. What the hell had happened in the last day and a half? 
I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a tangled mess, a stained crop top clung to my malnourished frame and a pair of baggy sweatpants (that didn’t belong to me) were tied tightly to my waist. I looked at the fresh track marks on my arm, a trail of dried blood leading halfway down my forearm. I was disappointed in myself. I promised Chris I would never go back to this. But it was too late now. I pulled my phone back out, ignoring all the messages from Matt and Nick and opening the text thread with my mom. I typed out a quick message. 
Hey mom, I’m fine. Haven’t been feeling great this weekend so I’ve been sleeping. Didn’t mean to worry you.
Not three seconds after I sent it, she was calling me. I sighed, really not in any head space to talk to her but I knew I was already on her last nerve so I took a deep breath and answered.
“Hello?” I definitely sounded sick.
“Y/n! Honey! Where are you?! Are you okay?!”
“I-I’m fine, mom. I’m at home. I’m just a little sick.”
“Nick and Matt said you weren’t at your house! They were just there!”
Fuck. Why the fuck had they come by?
“I just stepped out to get some medicine. I just got back.” I lied.
The lie seemed to calm her down a bit. “MaryLou told us what happened to Chris. We just wanted to make sure you were doing okay.” 
“Yeah, mom. I’m fine. Matt and Nick are going to bail him out tomorrow.” I felt nauseous again thinking about it. I didn’t know what to expect when Chris got out. I wasn’t great with confrontation and after the situation with Matt and relapsing with Danny, I didn’t really want to face Chris. “Uhm, mom, some friends asked me to go camping for a few days. So my service might be spotty.”
“I thought you were sick?”
“Yeah, I think it’s just like food poisoning or something. I should be better by tomorrow. But I’ll call you when I can, okay?”
“Y/n, are you sure you’re okay? If something is wrong you can tell us, we can come out there…”
“No, I’m fine mom. I promise. I’ll talk to you soon, okay? I love you!”
With that, I hung up on her and quickly exited the bathroom. “Danny, let’s go.”
“Go where?” He asked. 
“I-I don’t know. San Diego or something? I just need to get out of here before Chris gets out tomorrow?”
“Why? I thought you looooved him.” Danny mocked. “You’ve been mumbling about him non stop.” He sighed and sat back.
Danny liked you. That wasn’t a secret. He wasn’t bad looking. But he was a “bad boy”. His main job was drug dealing. He hung around with shady people, did shady shit, and hated on people like the Sturniolo’s for being in the public eye. Even though you were getting into your modeling career, Danny didn’t seem to care. You didn’t believe Danny’s feelings were deep. You didn’t believe Danny was capable of deep feelings or love. But you were hot and you had him wrapped around your finger.
“I-I can’t face Chris like this. I just want to get away from here. Please?” 
“My cousin has a condo down in Chula Vista. It’s right by the beach. I could call him.”
“Okay. I’m gonna run to my apartment and grab some things.”
I left Danny’s apartment, and ran up to mine. I grabbed a duffle bag from my closet and grabbed some clothes, a toothbrush, and some deodorant. The basic necessities. I was almost done packing when I heard a knock on my door. 
“Coming!” I said, assuming it was Danny. I threw my bag over my shoulder and made my way to the door. I swung it open, ready to go but stopped in my tracks when I saw Matt standing in front of me. 
“Going somewhere?” He asked.
It was hard to find my voice. My mind was a mess and my body was hurting. I needed a fix. “Uhm- Camping. With some friends.”
“Camping with friends. What friends?” Matt asked, stepping into my apartment now. 
“Just some friends. You don’t know them.” It was somewhat true. Nick and Matt didn’t know Danny. Hence why they couldn’t find me earlier. But lying to my mom about camping with friends was one thing. She didn’t know my social circle out here. Chris, Nick, and Matt on the other hand, pretty much were my social circle. We shared the same friends. If I really was to go camping with friends, chances are they’d be coming too. 
“Look, Y/n. I’m sorry for what I said yesterday…I was just upset and it was wrong of me to blame it on you.” I didn’t know how to respond so I just looked to the floor. “Chris is really going to want to see you tomorrow and-” He stopped, noticing my arms. He grabbed my wrist and yanked my arm into view. “Y/n, what the fuck happened to your arms?! Have you been shooting up?!”
“Ready to go, Princess? My cousin said-” Danny appeared in my doorway. “Well look what the cat dragged in.” Danny said with his skeezy smile. 
Matt looked him up and down before looking back at me. Danny had on tight jeans with chains and a sleeveless band shirt. He reeked of cigarette smoke and I knew Matt was judging me.
“This is who you’re going camping with?” Matt asked.
“Look, I gotta go…” I said pushing past Matt and locking my door. 
“So you’re just going to dip out on Chris?” Matt asks. “Come on Y/n. You’re better than this guy!”
“Excuse me?” Danny asks, turning to face Matt. I step in front of Danny, putting my hand on his chest. 
“Matt. You said it yourself. I’m no good for Chris…” 
“Y/n, I didn’t mean-”
“It’s fine. I gotta go. Take care of him, okay?” 
With that, I grabbed Danny’s hand and pulled him along with me down to his car to avoid any further conversation with Matt. I noticed his van with Nick inside sitting in the parking lot. He looked confused. I looked away and climbed into Danny’s car, urging him to drive away. 
Danny offered me a cigarette and I took it. Remaining quiet as I sparked it. He didn’t ask questions. But he did place his hand on my knee as he drove. “You don’t need them, Princess. I’ll take care of you.”
The words made my stomach twist into a knot. I wanted Chris. But Matt was right. I didn’t deserve him. I was exactly where I deserved to be. “You got any more dope?” 
“Gonna pick some up on our way, don’t worry.” He smiled at me. I attempted a half ass smile as I bit back the urge to cry. I looked down at my phone, studying the photo of me and Chris I had set as my wallpaper. It was a silly photo of us in highschool. We were both laughing, I was on Chris’s back as he ran down the hall with me. It was a time in my life I was truly happy. 
I shut my phone off and threw it in my bag, focusing on the world passing by through the window of Danny’s old BMW. I knew this wasn’t the right move but I was never good at confronting my problems and the promise of an escape and drugs was enough to leave LA and Chris behind me.
Chris’s POV
I sat silently while the judge went over my charges. Cameron Jacobs and his family sat and watched with smug looks on their faces. Matt and Nick sat on the opposite side of the courtroom, ready to bail me out. I was disappointed when they showed up without Y/n. 
The judge set my bond to $5,000 and gave me another court date. By noon, I was gathering my things and climbing into the van. Nick was hounding me with questions while Matt remained relatively quiet. 
“So where’s Y/n?” I asked, no longer wanting to think about the trouble I was in or the fact that I would have to call my parents when I got home and get my ass chewed out, or the fact that we were out five grand. “Why didn’t she come?” My voice cracked.
Nick looked at Matt, seeing if he would admit what happened. Matt remained silent. “Matt…”
“Where is she, Matt?” I asked. 
“Look Chris-”
“No tell me the fucking truth! It’s your fault she fucking left in the first place. Where is she?!”
Matt sighed. “I went to her place last night. She left with some sleaze bag. Said she was going camping…” 
“Dude with combat boots, covered in shitty tattoos, smelled like cigarettes?” I asked.
“Danny.” I hissed. He was such a piece of shit. Always trying to get in Y/n’s pants. He was a slimy drug dealer and now she was God knows where with him. 
“She had, uhm…she had track marks on her arms…” Matt said. 
I tried to take a deep breath but I was beyond livid. “Pull over.” I said as calmly as I could. 
“What? Why?” Nick asked.
“Pull the fucking car over!” 
Matt did as I asked and I climbed out, slamming the door behind me before walking off down the street. 
“Chris! Where are you going?!” Matt asked as him and Nick chased after me. I really didn’t want to be near him right now.
“Fuck off, Matt!” 
“You have to fucking talk to me, man!” He said, grabbing my shoulder and forcing me to look at him. I pushed him off of me and Nick was quick to catch him before he fell. 
“This is your fucking fault!” I yelled. “Why the fuck would you say those things to her, Matt? She’s been our best friend our whole lives! This is your fucking fault!”
“I was just looking out for you! It’s not my fault she’s a drug addict, man!”
I threw myself at Matt, punching him in the eye. He fought back but it didn’t last long before Nick was separating us. 
“Stop it! What the hell is the matter with you guys?!” Nick yelled. “Chris, you just got out of jail for fucking assault. Beating up your own brother isn’t going to get you anywhere! And Matt, you were wrong for what you said to Y/n. But we aren’t going to find her if you end up back in jail and don’t work together. So both of you get in the fucking car and let’s go home and figure something out.”
As much as I hated Matt right now, Nick was right. All I really cared about was finding Y/n and I was going to need help doing that. I climbed back into the car silently and endured the ride home. I had tried texting and calling Y/n earlier but it went straight to voicemail. I typed out one more text. 
Y/n, please be okay. I’m so worried about you. Fuck whatever Matt said. You mean everything to me. Please just text me back when you get this so I know you’re okay. I love you…
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fictionallystable · 4 months
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Rating: Mature
Fandom: Call of Duty (Video Games)
Relationship: Phillip Graves (Call of Duty)/Reader
Characters: Reader, Phillip Graves (Call of Duty), Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Author Has Played Call of Duty, Childhood Friends, Miscommunication, Mutual Pining, slight age gap, Civilian!Reader, Pre-Canon, Jealousy, Angst, Kissing, Time Skips, Slight OOC Graves, Brother's Best Friend.
Words: 1,990 | Chapters: 3/5
Authors: @orphancains & @collinnmckinley
Chapter 3: Happy Birthday.
Chapter Summary: Your parents invite Phil and his new pretty girlfriend to dinner, and things take a turn but not for the better.
A/N: Sorry for the late update. But here is Chapter 3, finally! We'll try to post Chapter 4 sooner than this one. Again, thanks for hanging in with us! :) (likes and reblogs are appreciated <3)
the fic can also be found on AO3
tags will be updated!!
In front of you a cake with light purple frosting and exactly thirteen candles sat on it . Your mom had ordered it and it was a special order for your birthday. You were excited to finally get into your teen years , and you were grateful your mom didn’t force you to invite your old classmates from school to your home, despite your father’s initial ideas. Instead, you sat at the table outside in your backyard, the same oak tree you always played under as a kid provided your family shade as you sat by the cake, whose candles you blew out just minutes before. You were content to just be with your brother, mom, dad, and a few cousins for the afternoon, rather than surrounded by strangers masquerading as friends. And now, you were excited to dig into the cake.
“ Wait wait wait- Before we eat,” Your brother spoke up, while your mom removed the candles with smoke still spiraling off their tips. “I wanted to give you my present.”
You gave him a confused chuckle. “Matty, you already gave me the present this morning, remember?”
“I have something else,” he said with a sly grin before jogging off back into the house. 
You looked up at your parents, as if silently asking them if they knew what he was up to. Your mom shrugged while your dad only huffed.
When your brother came back, your jaw dropped and you gasped. In his hand was a bundle of fur , but most importantly, the said bundle was moving and when you looked closely you recognized it as a small German Shepherd puppy. He couldn’t have been older than 2 months. In typical puppy fashion, he wiggled out of your brother’s arms to scamper toward you.
“I just picked him up from the humane society an hour ago.” He let out a breathy laugh.
When he let go of the puppy, immediately the fur bundle tried to leap onto your lap, sniffing your face and giving small kisses near your nose as you bent down to carry him. You giggled at the tickling of his whiskers against your skin. You cooed lovingly and caressed his head and felt his soft fur between your fingers. Purposefully, you sang the dog praises loud enough to drown out the sound of your parents trying to reprimand Matty for this ‘expensive’ gift and the “ Matty, we’re going to talk about this later ”.
You beckoned your brother to come over to you, and when he did you hugged him tightly.
Your brother knelt down in front of you. “ So? You gonna give him a name? ”
You furrowed your brow, still petting the dog. “Oh shoot ! Now I have to think about that don’t I… ”, your brother shook his head amused at your conflict.
Before you could begin brainstorming, you heard the door from the house open and looked up. You saw Phillip there, closing the door behind him holding a gift box. When he glanced at you, he gave a small wave and one of his soft smiles. You stiffened, but you waved back hesitantly. You didn’t expect him to come. Suddenly, you felt nervous, embarrassed. Scenes from the night of that disastrous dinner flashing in your mind, him kissing Marisa by the pool also invading your thoughts. But you tried to brush them aside. And when you did you felt a hint of the same joy you always felt when Phil appeared. As if feeling your emotions too, the new puppy sitting on your lap yapped and barked happily at the sight of the new human.
Your brother glared briefly at Phil. “Dude, you’re late.”
Phil ignored his comment, focusing instead on you and the dog on your lap. “Holy shit, Matty—” Phil’s cursing prompted a low grumble from your dad “—I thought you were joking when you said you were getting her a puppy ,” he said as he approached you. “And you actually got her a German Shepherd. Jesus, he’s gonna be as big as a bear when he’s fully grown.”
The puppy then lept back off your lap and landed on the floor, clambering up Phillip’s leg trying with his front paws. He knelt down and gave the dog a few pets as well. “Man, I don’t know if my gift can top this,” he said with a small laugh as the dog also l icked his face. You felt your heartbeat quicken a bit at the mention of him getting you a present. You were surprised he even kept your birthday in mind, let alone wanting to give you something after what had happened.
He stood back up and dusted the grass off his knees. “Sorry, I’m late. Had to meet up with someone real quick on the way , it took longer than I thought.”
“Don’t worry, Phillip, we were going to save you a slice of cake just in case,” your mother warmly added, to which Phillip thanked her.
He handed you the box gently and said, “I made sure to bring you something though.”
You felt your throat tighten and you felt your eyes wanted to water from the emotions flooding you. Regret, from the dinner. But also adoration for this boy who felt like a second older brother to you, but even more than that. You couldn’t find the words to describe it. Instead, you held the present, unwrapping the lilac and silver wrapping paper slowly. 
When you opened it, you felt your heart soar in your chest.
“Oh, my god…” you exclaimed, looking up at him in surprise. Phil had gotten you the artist kit that you had been dreaming about for months, but you could never afford with what little money you had saved. Your eyes shined with joy as you held the gift in disbelief. “I can’t believe you got this! You—you actually remembered!” 
He furrowed his brows for a split second, but he continued to smile and tenderly placed a hand on your shoulder. “Of course I did.”
Standing much shorter than Phillip, you had to crane your neck to look at him, but your heart fluttered when you saw the warmth with which he looked at you. Without a word, you jumped forward and wrapped your arms around his chest, hugging him tightly. With the hug, you could feel all the shame and hurt from the past couple of weeks melt away. He hugged you back, his larger arms making you feel safe. 
“ Oh, god! The dog is trying to eat the cake!,” your mom was panicking.
You pulled away from the hug and found that, yes, the puppy had its two paws on the edge of the table, his nose dangerously close to the slices of cake that your mom had put aside while she cut the rest.
“ So , what’s his name?” Phillip asked you gingerly but also choked back a laugh at seeing your dad scratching his graying head of hair in annoyance.
“I’m not sure…” you frowned at the thought, grabbing the dog and carrying him, you held him to your chest while he panted happily at Phil beside you. 
He hummed in return.
“Why not name him Bear then ?”
He blinked and mulled over this for a few seconds, but gave you a playful smirk. “Bear… Yeah, I like it.” 
The start of the school year was quickly approaching. You sat in your brother’s room as he was packing his bags for college and with a now slightly larger Bear chewing on a toy beside you. The next day, he was going to drive with your dad to College Station, where he was going to start his first year. You watched as he begrudgingly packed his clothes into bags, asking him questions about it. “Are you nervous?” “What classes are you taking?” and most importantly “How often are you coming back to visit?” You couldn’t deny you were going to painfully miss him. You were glad he had gotten you Bear to keep you company in his absence, but it wasn’t the same.
“I’ll try to drive back home every few weeks, okay?. And I’ll definitely be back for Thanksgiving.” 
When he started packing his video game discs, you froze for a few moments, before asking him. “Hey, is Phil going with you too?” You now wondered why your dad didn’t mention also driving him to College Station with Matty.
Matty stopped packing and looked at you with a small frown, puzzled. “No, of course not. He shipped out last week.”
It was your turn to frown now. “Shipped out? What does that mean?”
He grimaced . “ Oh, he never told you…” He paused and ran his hand through his hair in frustration now. “What the fuck, Phil,” he mumbled under his breath. With a heavy sigh he looked up at you with regretful eyes. “What I mean is… he left to start boot camp with the Marines a few days ago, Y/N.” 
You leaned away and stared in confusion “Wait, w-why would he…” you stammered, unable to finish the question. “He… left?” You felt your heart shatter but you were still so confused. A thousand thoughts ran through your mind. Since when did Phil want to join the military? He never did mention college to you, you suddenly realized. But when did he decide to just get up and leave? And why did he never tell you? 
Your brother sighed again, “Yeah, that’s why he got here late as fuck on your birthday. ” Annoyance flashed in his eyes for a brief second. “He was at the Marines’ recruiting office, getting the paperwork done, setting up dates and… finalizing his decision to join, I guess.”
Your eyes were watering. You fought so the tears that were gathering behind your eyes . “Why… wouldn’t he tell me ?” 
Matty opened his mouth to answer but he couldn’t find the words. “I don’t know, to be honest. I told him he should, but he didn’t say anything .”
You stood up from his bed and headed towards the door. Your heart ached at knowing Phil didn’t trust you with this information, or worse, you fear that he didn’t care about you anymore to tell you anything . “ Why did you keep this from me…?” you asked as you gripped at the door frame. You felt betrayed, ignored, small once again. You felt like the dumb little sister once more. 
Your brother stood up and gently held onto your shoulders. “Listen, if I know Phil like I think I know him, he’d surely have a reason.” ‘What reason would have been big enough for him to hide about his enlistment?’ “Don’t forget, he cares a lot about you.” ‘Does he?’
You felt like your knees would give up , you leaned into his chest slightly as you tried holding back your cries, but ending up staining his shirt with your silent tears . “I didn’t think… I didn’t think he would actually hide this from you . He said something about not wanting you to worry about it. ”
On the bed, Bear nervously whined seeing you in tears. Matty wanted to guide you back to his bed to sit you down, but you removed his hands from your shoulders as you started to leave the room. Bear trailing behind you. 
In your room, you sat on the bed as it became gloomy all of a sudden. Whenever something plagued your mind with concern or a wave of depression hit you, the atmosphere changes drastically in your room. Bear’s cold, wet nose poked your hand. You slowly raised it to gently caress the dog, feeling your cries grow into quiet sobs . Sniffling and your vision blurred from more tears gathering in your eyes, as you slowly laid down on the bed . Curling up on your side you cried into your pillow. You breathed deeply as you realized now: Phil could in a matter of months be in a warzone tens of thousands of miles away from home. The heartbreak and sense of betrayal that had stunned your senses were now inundated and replaced with fear. You didn’t know if you’d ever hear back from him. Knowing him, he maybe didn’t even have plans to come back to your town because his parents were never home. His house was never really his home.  
“Oh, god, please ,” you thought to yourself, “please stay safe Phil. ”
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rezcowgirl · 3 months
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I have so much work to do, but I'm going to leave it until the very bitter end like I usually do. Because why would I do otherwise?
Been feeling melancholy. It's not about the tree. It's kind of about the tree. There's other stuff. Don't feel like hashing any of it out. I have no choice - I have to get through it.
There's also good stuff.
1. Aries was hovering around looking sketchy and sniggering to himself while I was working. I was like "can you please LEAVE??". He did. Later, I found he shoved some very large chocolate hedgehogs into a bookshelf for me to find. He clarified his reason for purchase as: "You like little things, you like big things." I do. I really, really do. Teacup for scale.
I always coo over the wee chocolate hedgehogs at the shop. They're so CUTE. When I opened the big ones, I almost cried. He said the woman who sold him the box of giant hedgehogs said "we don't sell many of these". He replied "My partner likes very specific things...these are perfect".
Our 9 year anniversary is this month.
2. Illegal boozy Spring Welcoming picnic in the park with my best friends. We poured our drinks into the Jiji cups to be nondescript. Ali didn't get so drunk she couldn't get home on time this round. Last time, she left the drinks up to Aries and she had to miss a date with her partner because they both overshot how much whiskey she could handle...
3. On that note, I'll be back on my Treaty 4 home territories next week!!!! It was a trip I purchased for Aries for Christmas because he was missing his friends a lot. We have friends here, but these are friends he's had forever.
We'll be there over his birthday, and...most of his friends are also Aries. How? HOW? I have an invite sitting in my inbox that is "Aries Baby Party". Listen. Listen. I LOVE these people (most of 'em) but I AM NOT looking forward to being around a stable of raucous, likely multi-substance-impared Aries. I am expecting to be in bed by midnight. I'm going to call my mom to come get me, "Mom, I'm scared" style.
(My) Aries was like "It's fine. We'll get you drunk, you cry, and we send you home on the bus. I'll catch you later." Yeah, yeah. I am absolutely going to need to be drunk.
I am so looking forward to just not using my brain, watching Sailor Moon with ayecaptain, eating all the food I can't get here, and listening to my parents bicker (they are hilarious).
4. This fucking cat. He kills me.
5. My outfit for synth wave/dark wave night. I am so pumped. I am going to be so tired because I am vending at a toy sale all weekend, but I am determined to go. At least for a few hours.
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genork-the-fandork · 5 months
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Word Count: 1,564 Prompt: Post-Game/Future Featured Characters: Takuma Momozuka, as well as Minoru Hinata, Aoi Shibuya, Kaito Shinonome, Miu Shinonome, Shuuji Kayama, Professor, Ryo Tominaga, & Saki Kimishima A/N: This was always going to be my longest drabble, because I have a soft spot for post-canon things where one character spends some time with all of the others in separate situations. I haven't played through the truthful ending yet, so I frankly have probably made some things up here. And ended it real sappy. Because that's my favorite thing to do. In any case, I really enjoyed writing this and my other drabbles this week, and thank you to everyone who read, liked, and wrote some really kind tags! It means a whole heckuva lot! <3 @surviveweek
"Hey, Takuma!"
Takuma looked up from his phone and smiled at the sight of Minoru and Aoi approaching his table. "Hey, Minoru, Aoi. How are you both?"
"Good, good. Falcomon is practically part of the family now," Minoru said, grinning as he sat across from Takuma. Aoi sat beside him, gently balancing the drink in her hand with the muffin in the other. "It's like having a pet, except he can talk back!"
"Mom and Dad love Labramon, she's so helpful," Aoi chimed in, a truly happy look on her face. "She insists on walking me to school every day even though I can go myself."
"Sounds like Labramon," Takuma said. Even though he hadn't seen them in a while, he could vividly imagine Falcomon and Labramon settling in with their partners. It had taken his own mother a bit to get used to Agumon, but the little dinosaur was so sweet and adorable it was hard not to love him. "Have either of you talked to the others?"
"Saki's doing much better now." Aoi took out her phone and showed Takuma and Minoru a picture of Saki smiling in a hospital bed with Floramon right beside her. "She missed a little bit of school, but I take the train to her house every now and then to help her with her schoolwork."
"Ryo doesn't text back much, but it seems like he's doing great. I think?" Minoru chuckled. "I think he just doesn't want to admit he misses us."
"Don't tease him, Minoru," Aoi scolded.
"I hope we can all meet up again soon. It's kind of weird, being all separated like this." Takuma stared down at the drink clutched in his hand. "I know it was only a few hours here, but it felt like weeks there. It was hard adjusting without everyone." 
Minoru nodded. "I know what you mean." He got a wistful look on his face. "There's something about sticking together and surviving all that, you know?"
"We'll see each other again." Aoi smiled widely. "There's no way we won't."
"You're right." Takuma checked the time on his phone and grinned over at his friends. "Which reminds me, I need to call Kaito tonight."
That was their cue to stand up. As they gathered their things, Aoi placed her hand on Takuma's shoulder. "Tell Kaito and Miu we said hello?"
Takuma smiled. "Of course."
"How are Miu and Syakomon?" Takuma asked as soon as Kaito answered the phone and they exchanged their usual greetings.
Kaito smirked and moved his phone camera so Takuma could see Miu playing with Syakomon. He couldn't quite tell what they were doing, but it involved lifting Syakomon in the air, almost like a baby. The sight made him smile and laugh. When Miu noticed Kaito was filming her, she stuck out her tongue, but she waved her sweatshirt sleeve and called, "Hi, Takuma!" Had Syakomon been able to wave, he was sure she would wave, too.
"So that's how she is. How about you, Takuma?" Kaito sat down at a table and propped his phone up somewhere so he could rest his elbows on the table. It was almost like they were right in front of each other rather than kilometers upon kilometers away.
Takuma shrugged and angled his camera so Kaito could see Agumon poking at some of his old toys, a fascinated look in his big, green eyes. Kaito looked just as amused by Agumon's antics as Takuma had been by Miu's. "Agumon's settling right in. I actually just saw Minoru and Aoi today—they say hello."
"Glad they're doing well. It's so weird not having any of you around here anymore. I almost tricked myself into believing you all lived nearby. You know, after all that time together."
"I get what you mean. It's hard actually spending time with the others now that we're back to our lives. Is it weird I kinda miss the other world?"
"Not really. We got used to it after a while." The grin hadn't left Kaito's face, so Takuma knew they were on the same page.
Even though they were on a video call, they enjoyed a minute of companionable silence. Takuma was finding it easier and easier, with the companions he'd hate on their unbelievable adventure, to sit in silence with them and not have to fill it with words. He doubted any of his other friends at school would understand such things. But with Kaito especially, it was easy. Maybe nearly dying together was the secret to friendship.
And, as weird as it was, Takuma preferred these sorts of friendships.
Turning around, Takuma spotted Shuuji and the Professor walking down the street toward him. "Oh! Shuuji! Professor! How are you?"
"Well, thank you." Shuuji peered down and behind him, smiling encouragingly at Lopmon as he toddled up to them. "Sorry, Lopmon. Here." The older boy crouched down and picked up Lopmon, setting the bunny-like creature on his shoulder. Had the Kemonogami been able to blush, Takuma was sure Lopmon would be. It seemed they were getting along even better now. "Anyway, Takuma—how are you? And Agumon?"
"Good, good. He's getting a hang of our world slowly but surely. Professor? How are you?"
The professor approached the two boys at a leisurely pace, looking more at ease than he had ever been with either of them. Takuma smiled up at him, and the Professor returned the smile. "I'm well, Takuma. It's been interesting, raising my sister, but, well." He chuckled. "We're making do."
"Please tell her I said hello." Takuma couldn't help but take a mental picture of the scene before him. Lopmon and Shuuji, happy. The Professor, happy now that he had his sister back in his life. It was almost too good to be true, but after the hellish reality in the Kemonogami world, it was real.
"We have to run, but it was great seeing you, Takuma!"
"You too! Please take care, both of you!" Takuma waved as they walked off, glad to see that they were doing well. He'd have to make sure to email them both later. But first, he had to get home with the groceries!
"Thanks for coming all this way, Ryo." Takuma took a sip of his soda and smiled over at his friend, who despite all evidence to the contrary, was trying to look like he wasn't
"Yeah, sure." Ryo glanced over at Saki, who was eyeing her food with a level of excitement Takuma was used to seeing from Agumon. "Someone had to keep an eye on her."
"I think you mean I'm here to keep an eye on you, Ryo," Saki retorted smoothly, not even missing a beat. 
Takuma was reminded of the day they were transported to the other world, when Ryo and Saki had been walking together. Even after all they'd been through together, it was strange to see them together. Still, Takuma knew they were both in good hands when they were together. "I'm glad to see you two are doing well. Aoi told me your surgery went well, Saki?"
Saki ignored the concerned look Ryo subtly shot her and smiled. "It did! I felt much braver about going through it knowing Floramon was waiting for me. Hopefully this will be the last one for a while." Her smile wavered a tiny bit. "I really hope it is." She brightened and rested her chin on her hands, grinning over at Ryo. "And? How are you and Kunemon?"
"Okay. I have to translate for him sometimes, but it's working out pretty well." Ryo slipped his phone onto the table and turned it on, revealing a lockscreen that was of Kunemon sleeping on what appeared to be a pillow. Saki made an "aww!" sound and Takuma smiled. Like with Lopmon and Shuuji, it was nice to see Kunemon and Ryo settling into a rhythm.
"I'm glad to see you two are doing well. Hard to believe it's been a few months since it all happened, huh?" Takuma said, letting out a wistful sigh. "I've only been able to see a couple of you at a time. We'll have to spend some time all together soon."
"That sounds like fun!" Saki clapped, her eyes shining. "We should do it!"
"Been a while since I've had to yell at Minoru. Let's do it." Ryo was smirking, but Takuma could tell he was also missing the others.
Takuma sipped his soda again and nodded to his two friends. "Soon. Let's get together again soon."
As promised, they all got together in the only place that made sense: the old Kemonogami shrine. Takuma released a contented breath as he took in the sight of all his friends together again, along with their partners. Agumon stood silently at his side, a delighted, toothy grin on his face.
Takuma sat down on one of the steps leading up to the shrine, casting his eyes over all of his friends. Minoru and Falcomon joking with Aoi and Labramon… Shuuji and Lopmon with the Professor and Miyuki… Kaito and Miu with Dracmon and Syakomon laughing with them… Ryo and Kunemon talking with Saki and Floramon… A smile spread across his face. It was the reunion to end all reunions.
They had all survived. They were all okay. And they'd made friends to last a lifetime (but not in Kemonogami world time).
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babyharleezy · 2 years
Maybe Urban getting baby fever after seeing reader with kids but he’s embarrassed to tell her since they haven’t been together that long?
baby fever
(urban wyatt x reader)
bloo's notes: i feel like i didn't bring this request any justice... i hope yall like it nonetheless <3
tag list: @wittyjasontodd @creme-delacreme @sealpuptrash @harlowcomehome
kids weren't off the table for you and urban. you two had briefly talked about kids but not much because of how new the relationship was.
today was a normal day in the life, you were tagging along with jack and urban while they were on tour. you loved every minute of it. you loved that you can accompany you beautiful boyfriend, urban and see him in all his glory. you loved to watch him work. you loved seeing how focused he was. the three of you decided it would be a good idea to see what some of the fans were doing outside of the venue. since it was still early, many hours before the show, there weren't too many people outside.
jack, urban, and you made your way outside. you loved seeing the boys interact with their fans and occasionally they would ask for a picture with you too.
a little girl called out for your name and your attention immediately got directed towards her. the three of you made your way to her and the people around her. "hi y/n" she said in the most sweetest voice ever. "hi love, what's your name?" you asked the little girl, who grabbed at you. you looked at her mother for permission before you took her daughter into your hands. "my name is eve, i think you're pretty" she said in a shy voice. "awww i think you're pretty too" you said and smiled at her. after talking a bit more with her you learned about her favorite things and how she loves listening to jack in the morning's when she's on the way to school and how she thinks urban has the prettiest hair. she was so sweet and you just loved her. you, urban, and jack just gushing over her. you talked to her mom too and found some common interest with her as well, your favorite songs from jack's newest project was poison. eventually, jack had to go back to rehearsals but he offered the little girl and her mom backstage passes which made them ecstatic.
as the three of you walked back into the venue, your hand in urbans, you couldn't help but notice he was in his own world. "hey what's up babe, you alright?" you asked urban. "huh? oh yeah i'm fine" he said as he sat down on the couch in jack's green room, dragging you onto his lap. "urban, i know when something's on your mind baby" you told him as you brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes. "nah it's just when you were talking to eve, i couldn't help but think of how good of a mom you would be" he blushed as said that, burying his face into your shoulder. "really? you mean that? you think i would be a good mom?" you asked him in shock. "i mean yeahh, you were so sweet with her and so patient and kind" he continued. "awww urb, you know, seeing you with kids always makes my heart grow ten times the size it already is" you tell him. "i can't believe you were getting all shy cuz you have baby fever" you laugh at him and he rolled his eyes at you.
after that interaction the two of you didn't have any more baby talk until later that night at the hotel. "do you wanna have kids with me y/n?" he asked out of nowhere. "yeah, i know we've only been together for 6 months but i see a future with you and a bunch of babies are in that future" you said to him with full honesty. "sooo what you're saying is i can put a baby in you right now" urban said while wiggling his eyebrows. "urbann! no not right this second" you tell him with wide eyes.
"but, we'll talk about it once this tour is over" you whisper right before you turn off the lights. "i can't wait to be parents and have mini urban's running around" urban said as he pulled you closer onto the bed. "oh god, not mini urban's" you playfully roll your eyes as you say that. "we should have 9 kids, just to beat jack and his '8 daughters'" urban says with full seriousness. "urban i am not pushing 9 babies out of my cooch, you are crazy. good night" you yell, slightly laughing at the fact that him and jack were so competitive.
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kayssweetdreams · 1 year
A "Perfect" Vacation Ch 4
The days leading to Summer Break now seemed like a crawl of Doom. Now that the news of Madame Prim's escape was seen, most parents were reluctant to even let their kids go outside until she was found. The Brand system had installed a new security system that let out a loud alert should anyone even LOOK at the property, while Emma's father paid half of the police force to protect her daughter from the Perfection obsessed woman.
When the final day of school DID come, there was...less enthusiasm than one would think. Most of the students had to rush home rather than leisurely enjoy the walk back from school. The kids met up as they too had to hurry back home before their parents noticed, however, Ren told Yuri that Kaylo wasn't in school that day. Getting worried, the kids decide to visit her to see if she was alright (and secretly hoping that she didn't get kidnapped by a vengeful Prim)
The kids walked to the Bruno Mansion, only to be off put by the large men in black suits, all with tags that say "Security". Yuri walked closer to the doors of the Bruno home, but one of the men held out his hand in front of her, making her jump back with a gasp "Erm...We were uh, gonna..." she started, but was cut off by the man saying in a deep voiced "Name?". "Oh...Uh...Y-Yuri. Yuri Brand. We're friends with the Brunos." She said.
The man raised an eyebrow "Yeah. A lot of people say that." He said, giving Yuri a HARD stare. That's when the door popped open, and the pink head of Kaylo appeared. "It's OK guys. They really are my friends!" She said. The man nodded "Of course. Sorry for the confusion Miss Bruno." He said before the two of them stepped aside. "Sorry about that guys. My mom has been a bit paranoid after seeing the news." She said.
"So...your mom called in the FBI?" Leo asked. Kaylo gave a giggle "Nope! These guys are Mom's old security team during her performance years." She explained "She asked in for a favor after watching the news, and now I have the men in black surrounding my home." The kids carefully looked outside, and saw the guards tackle a teen outside, who had been holding a donut.
"You think this is a bit TOO much?" Rebecca asked. Kaylo shrugged "I don't know...I will admit, I'm a bit worried too. Even if it is Summer vacation, and we get 3 months of sun and fun, it just seemed like a dark cloud just rolled over and ruined it." She said sadly. Mei placed a hand on her shoulder "I'm sure they'll find her sooner or later, and then we'll be able to enjoy the vacation out of school." She said.
Kaylo gave an uneasy smile "I wish I could say the same...but there is absolutely nothing in this world that could make me enjoy the summer." She said. Suddenly, one of the security guards walked to her mom "Miss Bruno. You have received something in the mail" He said, handing her an envelope. Thea looked curiously at the letter in his hand as she carefully opened it, inside there was a note that read the following:
To Miss Thea Bruno.
I cordially invite you to the grand, private opening of ʻO ka huakaʻi hele maikaʻi loa (also known as The Perfect Getaway) for a week long vacation, and a performance for a publicity stunt for when we open to the public. You may bring all you desire, but please keep all information about the hotel secret until we open the hotel to the world. Please read the brochure of what My hotel has to offer. See you soon!
Signed Ka lā Tropica
Thea re-read the letter to see if she missed anything, before pulling out the mentioned brochure of the hotel and all it had to offer. She then looked to her saddened daughter. "Hey Kaylo....I know what might cheer you up..." She said. "Nothing could cheer me up right now. Not while Prim is free..." The pink haired girl said as she stared out the window.
"Really...not even a week long vacation on a private island hotel?" Thea asked. The kids perked up as she showed the brochure. Kaylo took it from her mom as she looked through it "Whoa...A 24 hour desert Bar and a Karaoke lounge? This place sounds awesome!!" She said, a smile finding its way to her face. The other kids were oohing and awwing at the hotel's many features and activities "This would be a good way to take our minds off of Prim." Haoyu said.
"Yeah! She wouldn't think to look for us on a Private Island!" Yuri said. "Well, It is Kaylo's mom...Can we go?" Trisha Jane asked. The kids then began to pull puppy eyes to try and sweeten the deal. Thea chuckled "If you want to go you only need to ask. I'm sure your families won't mind! In fact..why don't you ask them as well?" Thea suggested. The kids cheered before they turned to Kaylo...after all she WAS Thea's daughter.
She took a deep breath, before he face gained a smile "Alright. Let's go!" She cheered. The kids celebrated before they ran to tell their families about the current offer...but Yuri couldn't shake the feeling that there was something...off about this strange invite
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Rebecca belongs to @thehypercutstudios/@thehyperrequiem
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
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Weekly Update for 15th May, 2023
Mind Games: Trepidation
So! MG:T!
I have Scene 1-3 rough drafted, yay! I also have almost all of Scene 1 fully fleshed out, I am just missing an interaction branch (Iri's), and an experimental flavor text at the very end of the scene I'm debating about how I want it to go. Chapter 7 is at nearly 11,000 words thus far!
I'd like to do a Scene 1-2 update as a partial update this month, if I can buckle down and focus, but that's been tough lately. There's a LOT going on, which we'll be getting into.
I'm not gonna lie, a LOT of changes are coming IRL for me. I put in my two week notice on Saturday, and I'm starting a new job at the end of May, at a new hotel. I'll be up during the daytime hours, which will hopefully help with my weight loss and general well-being overall.
I am hoping to shift my writing schedule to be before I go to work in the afternoon and after I exercise in the mornings when this new job comes. We're kind of just touch and go for how that'll be when it all is said and done.
I won't lie, I didn't get nearly as much as I wanted done this week. There's a lot of stress and highs n lows going on right now, and it actually caused my mental health to tank on Thursday and for whatever is going on with my body to flare up to the point I had to call out of work. On top of my mental health not doing great, my mom has an infection around her wound (thankfully nothing serious), but while it's only mild it is causing her more pain as we have to dry pack the wound now, when we've been doing damp packing this entire time. And trying to get my appointments set up and figure everything out has been... extremely stressful.
On top of that, I am now contending with two new potential diagnoses; my rhuematologist is thinking I have an autoimmune disease affecting my skin, and he thinks I don't have arthritis, but instead my hypermobility in my joints has, over time, wore down my nerves until they were extremely sensitive, and that has lead to fibromyalgia. Still nothing conclusive, I have to get setup to go to the hospital at some point this week to get a bunch of x-rays done, which fucking sucks but it is what it is.
With all the changes and me smartening up to realizing what my situation actually is, I think I'm gonna decide against going to college for now. I mean, I don't even have a car yet, I still need all that fucking dental work done which is going to take a LOT of healing when it comes up, and I'm trying to get healthier so my health won't be so shit. That all alone is SO MUCH to do at once I feel like, and I don't think I can take all of it + college + a full time job when I'm still in a pretty stressful home environment, where I don't ever fucking know what a new day's gonna bring.
Short story: Cy is trying to get their life together so we're gonna be focusing on building a rigorous routine, healthier habits, and hopefully, it'll all work out.
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redabeliz · 1 month
I made a gofundme because things have gotten really bad. I thought we would be able to hold out, but we can't. I can't.
I've been homeless since the start of this month (May 2024) when someone crashed into the back of our RV as my spouse was moving it to our 3 acres of land. We were at an RV park that was literally 14 minutes away from the land. They were just about to turn into the street.
Our son is 2 years old. He was with my mother in law when it happened, and I was at work. We have been staying with my spouses sister, but she is going through her own things and will be moving states. Her lease ends in June. We will have to drive 6 hours to my mom's state and drop our son off where we will not know when we'll see him again or if my mother would file for full custody. She has hated me since I came out as bisexual and nonbinary at 14 and again at 16 when I moved out.
She has and will continue to do everything to hurt me. I know it will not stop at our son, but we have no one else to take him in while we try to get everything fixed while being homeless. She loves boys, so I know she will treat him the best she can, but I dont want her to try and take him away forever.
I do not know which would be easier: just getting an apartment an hour and a half away from the land despite not having 3 paystubs, then having to save up for a shed, the plumbing, and a new car or just get a shed and then worry abt everything else later? The RV park we were staying at said we could use their showers and bathrooms until we got a hang of everything.
I used to work for a nursing agency where I got paid $22/hr (after-tax 20.8), but they haven't paid me for 4 months, and the owner just now went to court and I'm a part of a long line to get paid my 3k. My new job I started the day before the accident only pays $15/hr, and the after-tax is more like $13.3.
The guy that crashed into us was well off, and his insurance was "federated insurance," but we couldn't get ahold of them (the three that are under that name), and the deputy in charge of our case went on vacation and won't be back for "a few days". We have the address of the guy and we left a note in the hopes that he'd work with us, but we may need to take him to small claims court which is a whole 'nother bag of shit.
Everything's been so hard, and I've been so depressed idk how much more I can handle. My spouse and I may separate because we are just so devoid of hope and any feelings besides stress right now. It may be best to put everything aside and start over when we become stable. We just don't know what kind of people we'll be after this.
I don't expect to make the full goal, even half would be awesome.
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sillytaetime · 2 years
Forbidden~ Y.Jh FF
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Desc:// Your brother and his best friend are 3 years older than you and you’ve always been the butt of their jokes. It just so happens that ever since you met your brother’s best friend, you’ve had a huge crush on him. After the two of them disappeared to college several hours away for a few years, you thought your crush on him had gone away. Maybe you were too quick to judge...
Warnings:// angst; fluff; suggestive scenes (smut is skipped); mentions of Enhypen Sunoo
Type:// One-Shot
Pairings:// hotbrothersbsf!Jeonghan x virgin!reader
WC:// 4,205
As long as i can remember, Jeonghan’s always been around. He’s supposed to be like family. When my mom decided it was time to sit down at the table and have a traditional “Hong family dinner”, Jeonghan was there. It’s like my mom adopted him as a son. I just can’t help that i found him charming. the smile he always had on his face, his laugh, everything.
I used to get bullied at school a lot. To quote them, I looked like a stone wall. “Flat and boring.” It was ever long that those kids could mess with me before my brother and Jeonghan showed up scaring them off. My brother may have teased me a lot growing up, but it was always in a joking manner. He never meant to hurt me so of course he wouldn’t stand to let kids bully me.
I was 16 when Josh left for college, but that was 2 years ago. I'm 18 now. My body isn't flat anymore, I've filled out and gotten some curves. Even though nobody's bullied me recently, I don't have many friends... just Sunoo. I've known Sunoo since I was 4 and we've been inseparable since.
y/n pov
Currently, my mom’s in the kitchen making dinner while Sunoo and I are in my room studying. Once my brother gets here, we won't have much quiet time. It'll be party after party and of course Sunoo and I would go, we need to meet the people that we'll be going to college with since uni starts in a few months.
"CAN YOU GUYS COME AND BE MY TASTE TESTERS FOR A MINUTE?”  My mom yells from the kitchen... So, we head downstairs to help her. As we taste the sauce, a loud noise comes from the front door, a second later, Josh pops up from around the corner. “Hey mom! Hey y/n!” Joshua hugs my mom and greets me. He then notices Sunoo. “Hey, wassup man.” Sunoo says hello back and then we walk back up to my room. On our way towards the stairs, my face comes into contact with someone’s chest and Sunoo catches me. When i look up, I see Jeonghan. It’s been forever since I’ve seen him. He looks even more attractive after these 2 years. His hair is short now,, and its blonde. I quickly grab Sunoo’s hand and sprint up to my room not even sparing Jeonghan a glimpse.
“What was that y/n??” “I-I don’t know...” “Don’t lie to me." “I freaked out. I didn't know he was coming." "I know you said you're over him... but is it possible that you may still be attracted to him?" "Maybe..." "Let's hope this dinner goes well." “Yeah.” I always tried to play off that I was over Jeonghan but after seeing him a few seconds ago, i most definitely am not over him.
“Y/N!! SUNOO!! COME DOWN FOR DINNER!!” “Finally!” Sunoo loves food, especially my mom’s food so it’s not surprising for him to be excited for dinner. The dinner was awkward. Sunoo nudged me slightly, bringing me out of my thoughts. he whispered to me... “y/n, Jeonghans staring at you.” I looked Jeonghan’s way and he was definitely staring. Surprisingly, he kept staring at me even after i caught him. His lips formed to a cocky smirk as he stared into my soul. “So, Jeonghan... how was college for you? Have you gotten yourself a girlfriend yet?” I nearly spit out my drink when my mom brought up Jeonghan dating. “Ah, well mrs. Hong, I haven’t really tried dating much. I wanted to focus on college more.”
“Oh, come on now!! A handsome guy like you has to have a girlfriend!” Jeonghan just looks down and blushes. “Jeonghan’s never had a girlfriend.” When my brother stated that, my eyes almost popped out of my head. “Aww, and why’s that??” “He’s had a crush on some girl for years but he won’t tell anyone who she is.” I pipe up and start to tease Jeonghan, “what’s with the secrets Hannie? I thought we were supposed to be family.” Jeonghan giggled at my statement. He later excused himself to the restroom.
Jeonghan didn’t return back to the dinner table after that. We finished our meal in silence. “Thanks for dinner mom!” “You’re welcome, y/n.” With that, Sunoo and I head back up to my room. “I’m going to go to the bathroom.” “Ok. ill be in my room.” As I’m sitting in my room, someone knocks. “Sunoo, you know you don’t need to knock.” “It’s not Sunoo...” When i look up, i see Jeonghan at the door. “Can I come in?” “Yeah, I guess that’s fine.” Jeonghan walks in and looks at the pictures of me and Sunoo on my wall. “Is he your boyfriend?” “Who? Sunoo?” “Yeah, you two have always been close. I wouldn’t be surprised.” “No, we aren’t dating, Jeonghan. Why do you care?” “I just want you to date someone who cares about you. Sunoo obviously does.” “NOT in that way!” I giggle at his silliness.
“Well, at least I’ve dated someone!” “Hey! you can’t use that against me!” “Imagine being stuck on one person for years.” I tease. “If you saw how beautiful she is you’d understand.” “Why won’t you tell her you like her?” “I can’t. It’s wrong.” “How’s it wrong?” “I’m friends with her brother. He specifically said I can’t fall for her.” “But why won’t you tell Josh?” “Joshua is friends with him and i really don’t want his judgement.” “I’m sorry...” “It’s fine, you were just curious. I better get going, Joshua and I are going to a party.” “Oh cool." "Are you going?" "I think so. I have to check with Sunoo." "Alright. Maybe I'll see you there." "Yeah." And with that, Jeonghan exits my room. Moments later, Sunoo comes in. "Hey, Sunoo, we're still going to the party tonight, right?" "Of course."
So now, Sunoo and I are getting ready for the party, and I have no clue what to wear. “Ew. no, absolutely not. Something else.” “Sunoo this is all I got.” “Lemme look at your closet.” “I doubt you’ll find anything but go for it.” After a few minutes of Sunoo rummaging through my closet, he pulls out the sluttiest dress he could find. “Wear this.” “Sunoo, I don’t want to look like a slut.” I hear my brother yell from downstairs. I run down the hall to the bathroom to put the dress on. When i walk back into my room, Sunoo screams “AHHHH Y/N YOU LOOK HOTT!!!” I blush. “Thank you, Sunoo. If we don’t get going now, we will be late.” “Alright. let’s go.” I grab my shoes and close my bedroom door. 
“Hey mom, can I drive your car to the Party?” “Sure thing, y/n. You two have fun!!"  “Don’t worry mom!!” “Call me if anything happens!” “We will!” and we leave to go to the party.
Finally, Sunoo and I arrived at the party, we could hear the music from a block away. We walked inside and immediately smelled alcohol. Sunoo and I went to find the dance floor and started dancing and for a while that's all we did, until a girl asked Sunoo to dance. After Sunoo went to dance with that girl, i walked over to the bar to get a drink. As im sitting at the bar i feel a pair of eyes on me. When i look around, I see Jeonghan. He’s looking right at me, biting his lip. I look away to hide my blush. Not even a second later, a guy comes up to me. “Hello pretty lady, what’re you doing all by yourself?” “My best friend went to dance with someone so now I’m alone.” “Mind if I keep you company?” “I guess some company would be nice.” “Im Mingyu and you are?” “Im y/n. Nice to meet you, Mingyu.” “Nice to meet you too, y/n”.  After a while of talking to Mingyu, I notice i have to go to the bathroom so i excuse myself. “Ill be right back, i need to make a quick trip to the bathroom.” “Alright. I’ll be here.” With that, I leave. 
As I’m making my way back to Mingyu, someone grabs me and pulls me around the corner. “What are you doing with him?” I look up and see Jeonghan. “Um... I’m talking to him. Mingyu’s a nice guy.” “No, he just wants to get his dick wet.” “You’ve got to be kidding me. Jeonghan I’m not a virgin. Why does it matter?” “I don’t want to see you get hurt.” “Shut up. Just go find that girl you like so much and let me fuck someone if I want to.” “I’ve already found her.” “Then why are you here? Go talk to her” I try to wiggle out of his grip, but he pins me to a close by wall. “I’m looking at her.” “What?” At that moment, the hints he’s been giving all day has finally clicked. “Hannie... Am I the girl?” “Yeah... and Joshua would kill me if he found out.” “Well, I’m not going to tell him.” “You’re not?” “Well, I won’t if you let me fuck Mingyu.” With that statement, Jeonghan Kisses me. It was passionate but filled with lust. Of course, I returned the kiss and it turned into heated, sloppy kissing. I break the kiss and lift my eyebrow. “Deal or not?” “I don’t think i like the idea of you and Mingyu.” “Well, if you wanna keep this a little secret, you’ll let me go.” Reluctantly, Jeonghan releases me and looks down at the ground. I fix my dress and make my way to Mingyu. “Hey!” “Oh, hey! I thought you ditched me.” “Yeah, im sorry something came up. I need to find my friend and head home.” “Oh, alright. Maybe I’ll see you around then, y/n.” “Bye Mingyu. It was nice meeting you.”
I made my way through the crowd looking for Sunoo, but I couldn’t seem to find him. So, I pulled out my phone and text Sunoo that I’m heading home. I told him that I was going to walk so he could drive the car. He has the keys anyway. I started walking down the sidewalk when someone yelled my name. “Y/N!” I turned around to see Jeonghan running towards me. “What are you doing?” “I’m going home.” “Let me drive you.” “Doesn’t Joshua need a way home?” “Nah, he left a while ago. He went home with some girl.” “Oh. Alright then.” As he’s driving, Jeonghan puts his hand on my exposed thigh. “Pull the car over.” “What? Why?” “Just do it, please.” Jeonghan pulls the car to the side of the road. “Push your seat all the way back.” He does as I say and he just looks at me. I take this moment to climb onto his lap. Jeonghan looks shocked but he doesn’t push me away. Instead, he placed his hands on my hips. “Kiss me.” “What?” “Are you really going to complain? You confessed to me 15 minutes ago and now you’re just going to turn down a chance to-” He interrupted me by kissing me harshly. I placed my hands on the hem of his shirt, tugging slightly, telling him to take it off, which he gladly does. I admired his abs as he started kissing down my neck. “Are you sure you want this?” He whispered. “I-I ahh... yes. Jeonghan, just fuck me.”
“YOU DID WHAT LAST NIGHT?!” “Shhh lower your voice... Joshua might hear you.” As soon as i said that, Joshua and Jeonghan walk past my bedroom, the words i hear make my eyes go wide. “I can’t believe you lost your virignity last night.” Sunoo and I look at each other wide eyed. “y/n... you heard that too right?” All i can do is nod my head. I can’t believe I took Jeonghans virginity last night. He semed like he knew what he was doing, like he’d done it a million times. Apparently not. I feel like absolute shit right now.
“EVERYONE COME DOWN FOR BREAKFAST!!” Oh shoot. How am I supposed to look at Jeonghan after last night. Sunoo and I walk downstairs to the dinning room and to my luck, Josh and Jeonghan are already there. I keep my eyes trained on the floor as i take my seat accross from jeonghan. Sunoo sits next to me. “So, how was the party?” my mom asks. “It was good. I think Jeonghan had a good time for sure.” Says Josh. I look up at Jeonghan and he’s just looking at his plate. “Oh really? What happened last night, dear?” For the first time, Jeonghan speaks up. “I- uh I was hanging out with the girl i like.” “Oh! Isn’t that lovely. Ahh young love.” As my mom says that, I excuse myself from the table to go to the bathroom. When i get done in the bathroom i start walking back to my room when someone pins me to the wall.
“Jeonghan... what if we get caught...” “We won’t.” “How do you know?” “Sunoo left and your mom and brother are doing dishes.” “Ok... well, what do you want?” “You.” Jeonghan smashed his lips on mine. I returned the kiss adding my tongue in the mix. We fought for dominance a little before I pulled away, a thin line of our mixed saliva the only thing connecting us. “Jeonghan... listen-” “y/n, I’ll do anything just to keep you in my life. Even if it means lying to Joshua.” “I don’t want to lie to my brother...” “So, does that mean we’re done? Just like that?” “No, just give me time to think about this...” “Ok.” Jeonghan lets me go and heads down the hall to Joshua’s room. 
A knock on my door the next morning woke me up. “y/n... can I come in?” “Sure... Josh.” He comes in and sits at the foot of my bed as i sit up rubbing my eyes. “Are you feeling ok? you haven’t come out of your room much... did something happen at the party?” “NO. No. I’m fine, I just needed to catch up on some sleep.” “Oh, alright. If you say so. There’s another party tonight. Jeonghan and I are going, i was going to ask if you and Sunoo would like to come-” “Yes! We’ll come.” “You sure?” “Yeah. But we’ll drive separately.” “Ok. Hopefully I’ll get to see you at this party.” “I’ll come look for you.” “Sounds good.” Joshua smiled and left my room, keeping the door cracked open. I immediately text Sunoo telling him to come over at 6. An hour before the party.
When Sunoo arrives, i bring him up to my room and ask him if the outfit on my bed is good. “Y/N!! This is hot!!” “I know, right!” “Why are you suddenly excited to dress so revealing?” “Well, maybe I’ll get lucky and see Mingyu again...” “The guy you ditched to have sex with Jeonghan?” “Well, when you put it like that it sounds bad.” I pout. “It is bad. Just stick to secret fucks with Jeonghan. He would treat you wayyyy better than MIngyu. He just wants to get his dick wet.” “And I just want to get dicked down. what’s the problem here?” Sunoo just keeps silent. I hear my brother and Jeonghan leave as I’m finishing my makeup. “Sunoo, can you get my mom’s car keys and start the car? I’ll be down in a minute. I just need to put my heels on.” “Alright, hurry up.” 
Sunoo and I arrived to the party after about a 30-minute drive. When we got there, I saw my brother and Jeonghan walking up so I quickly got out of the car and ran up to my brother, hugging him. I felt Jeonghan’s eyes on me so i looked up and said “Hey Jeonghan!” I let go of my brother and hugged Jeonghan. I felt him tense up a little bit but he melted into the hug. Once Sunoo caught up to us, Sunoo and I went to the bar while my brother and Jeonghan went to the dance floor. “So, y/n, you really wanna see Mingyu again?” “Not really. I just said that in case my brother was listening. I wanna steal Jeonghan away and talk to him... maybe a little more...” “y/n you can’t get caught doing things with him.” “I won’t.” “If your so sure about it then i guess have fun.”
About 2 hours into the party, Sunoo followed a girl to the dance floor and i decided it was time to look for Jeoghan. I left the bar and made my way to the hallway. A little ways down i saw a figure that looked like Jeonghan... with a girl... I gasped and Jeonghan looked at me like a dear in headlights. He let go of the girl immediately and tried to come to me but i quickly ran the other way. I bumped into Joshua on my way to the door. “y/n? what’s wrong?” “I-I I need to leave.” “Do you need a ride home?” “I was going to look for Sunoo but i really don’t want to go back inside...” “You go wait on the porch; I’ll go find Sunoo.” I do as my brother says ad a few seconds later, Jeonghan comes up next to me. “y/n...” “Leave me alone, Jeonghan.” “Listen to me...” “No. Go away.” Jeonghan grabs my hands. I jerk my hands away, almost falling over but Jeonghan catches me. Sunoo runs up to us and shoves Jeonghan. “She said leave her alone.” Jeonghan looks at us in disbelief as I cling to Sunoo. Jeonghan shakes his head and heads back into the party. I start crying. “T-thank you Sunoo...” “Shhh. Let’s get you home.”
I’m just relaxing in my room when someone knocks at the door. “Who is it?” I ask. “It’s Josh. Can I come in?” “Yeah.” Josh comes in and sits at the foot of my bed. “Are you ok? You haven’t come out of your room since that scene at the party...” “Yeah, I’m fine.” “Do you want to talk about what happened? You know I’m a good listener.” “Yeah, you are a good listener, but I’d rather not talk about what happened a few days ago.” “Alright. I was just checking. Jeonghan and I are going to laser tag tonight, would you and Sunoo wanna join us?" "Thanks for the offer... but I think I'll skip out this time." "Alright. Maybe next time then. I've got to go get ready, I love you, y/n." "Love you too joshy."
About 2 hours after my conversation with Josh, I hear Joshua and Jeonghan leave. I text Sunoo telling him to come over asap, to which Sunoo responds immediately. What felt like 5 seconds later, Sunoo was walking into my room. "That was quick." "Girl, you told me to get over here asap just for you to be laying in bed with makeup running down your face. It's 6pm what are you doing??" "I-" "Stop lurking around over Jeonghan. If he only used you to get rid of his virginity, he wouldn't have chased after you." “You’re right i guess.”
Sunoo and I decided to go shopping, so he helped me get my ruined makeup off and i got dressed in a pair of jeans, a crop top, and my favorite pair of converse and we left to the mall. “y/n! This would look amazing on you!” “Sunoo this is the 6th time you help up that same exact dress! I said no.” “But its in a different color!” “So were the 5 before this one.” “You should try it on.” The dress was a really pretty pink. Maybe I should. “Alright... but if it looks bad, its going back on the rack.” “Yes ma’am.”
I tried on the dress and it looked amazing. It hugged my curves really well. I just don’t know what occasion i’d ever wear it for. I walked out of the dressing room, over to Sunoo. “How’s it look?” “OMG Y/N IT LOOKS AMAZING!! BUY IT, BUY IT, BUY ITTT!!!” “I like it, but where would i wear it?” “There’s a party tomorrow night...” “Sunoo...” I know you said you didn’t want to go to any more parties, but what if you just try to make Jeonghan jealous.” “That’s not a bad idea but what if in the process he just goes and fucks another girl?” “If he truly cares about you, he won’t” “What if he and Josh don’t even go to the party?” “They will. Its a party, why wouldn’t they?” “Well, what if-” “Quite with the what if’s and just buy the dress.” “Fine.”
The party started about an hour ago and all Sunoo and I have done is drink and dance. Sunoo swears he won't leave me alone this time but I know the second s pretty girl comes around he'll be off with her. "Y/n, let's just forget about other people and enjoy ourselves. No girls, no guys, just two best friends having fun." "You know the second a pretty girl comes over here, you'll go dance with her." "No, I won't this time! I promise!" "Whatever Sunoo."
After about 2 hours at this party, Sunoo is wasted so I left him at the bar with a girl who's name I learned is winter. She seems trust worthy. I wanted to go find my brother and say hi to him.
As I'm making my way through the crowd, someone pulls me towards him. My back hits his chest and he whispers in my ear. "Are you trying to turn me on baby girl?" I recognize that voice. "J-jeonghan?" He just hums in response. "Jeonghan what if my brother sees this?" "Then he knows. Big whoop." "No, no, no." I turn around and grab his arm, pulling him towards a more secluded area. "Jeonghan... joshua can't find out about this." "Why not? Y/n just be my girlfriend already." "You were touching another girl!" "I was drunk. I thought she was you!" I fell silent. He definitely wasn't drunk right now...
"Ok." "Just... ok?" "Yeah." Jeonghan and I look at each other for a few moments before we get interrupted. "What he actual fuck is going on?!" We look towards the voice only to find a ver furious Joshua. "J-josh..." Joshua grabs Jeonghan and pulls him away from me. "Move y/n." "Josh... don't do anything stupid." He looks toward jeonghan and let's him go. "Y/n, go get Sunoo, we're taking him home and then we need to talk. Jeonghan, go get in the car."
We part ways and I go to find Sunoo. Once I've grabbed Sunoo, we get in my brother's car and he drops Sunoo off at his house. "Bu bye y/nnie!" "Bye Sunoo. Text me tomorrow."
Once we arrive back to my house, Josh tells me good night and says we'll talk in the morning. Then he and Jeonghan make their way to his room.
The next morning, im just sitting in my room reading when Joshua knocks at my door. "Y/n, can we talk?" "Yeah..." He opens the door and sighs. He takes a seat next to me. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" "I was scared of how you'd react." "If you had told me, I wouldn't have reacted lile that last night." "I kn-" "How long have you liked him?" Is voice was calm and almost... accepting? "Since I was 13..." "Really?" "Yeah." "He was the really hot guy you always talked about?" He laughs a little bit. "Yeah... I can't believe you never caught on!" After a while of just talking things out and having a good time, he finishes off the conversation by saying, "If you really like Jeonghan, I'm not going to keep you from him. I can tell he really likes you." I look up at him and break into the largest smile. "He's in the kitchen making breakfast. Why don't you go help him." I get up from my bed and run downstairs to the kitchen, wrapping my arms around Jeonghan. "Well, good morning to you too cutie." I just smile and breath in his scent.
After we've all had breakfast, Jeonghan and I walk to the park. As we're walking, Jeonghan stops and looks at me. "Y/n?" "Yeah?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and jump into his arms. "Absolutely!" We finish our walk through the park, hand in hand with smiles from ear to ear.
Maybe if we had all been honest from the beginning, we wouldn't have gone through this Rollercoaster of a love story... but I wouldn't have it any other way. I guess all these years of thinking that a relationship with Jeonghan was forbidden were lies. Joshua is completely fine with it. Obviously he third wheels sometimes, but he let's us have our own time together. We couldn't be happier together. I've always loved romance movies... but living one is the best feeling known to man.
This has literally been in my drafts for weeks. I couldn't find a good way to end the story. I really hope this turned out good and that you all like it! I had fun writing it!
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India Lima Yankee - Chapter 25
Pairing: Rooster x Female OC
Word Count: 3322
Warnings: Death, terminal illness, lot of sadness
Summary: Juliette Kazansky discovers Maverick is back in town for a special training detachment, but she's more than a little blindsided when Rooster arrives too. Having not spoken to him for almost ten years after their less than amicable break-up, Juliette can only imagine how the next few weeks are going to play out when she remains head over heels in love with him while he wants nothing to do with Juliette other than to forget her.
Or so she thinks.
Notes: Chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: See You Again (Wiz Khalifa) In Loving Memory
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11 Chp 12 Chp 13 Chp 14 Chp 15 Chp 16 Chp 17 Chp 18 Chp 19 Chp 20 Chp 21 Chp 22 Chp 23 Chp 24 Chp 25
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Juliette arrived at base with Maverick an hour and a half before the funeral was supposed to start. Her uncle wanted to ensure he had plenty of time to get in his Navy blues and have padding in case any emergencies happened. Juliette hid in the pilot's lounge, lying on the couch while she mindlessly scrolled through Instagram to distract herself from the rapidly upcoming event. Raptor and Lightning lay against the couch below her. She'd been adamant they come with her. They were not only a comforting presence for Juliette but they'd been attached to Iceman as much as her. They deserved to be at the funeral, too, to say goodbye one last time to the man they adored.
Juliette hadn't told anyone she was on base except her mom and brothers. She hadn't even told Rooster, not because she didn't want him to know, but because he'd already done so much for her in the last twenty-four hours that she didn't want to burden him more with her grief. He still loved her, undoubtedly, and she, him, and even though he told her to call if she needed anything, there were still lines Juliette found she wouldn't cross with him unless they were more than what they currently were, whatever that was.
Her phone went off with an alarm fifteen minutes before she was supposed to meet Maverick for the funeral procession to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery. It alerted her that now was the time to get Raptor and Lightning to use the bathroom before they had to go.
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"Come on, boys," she said, standing up with a groan. Her two dogs jumped up, wagging their tails. Juliette bent down and kissed both of them on their soft heads. "Let's go outside, and then we'll go for a car ride, okay?"
The three strolled out of the room and down the oddly empty hallway. The base had none of its usual busyness. No soldiers walking to and fro at all hours of the day, no roaring of jet engines as they zipped above the buildings, no boisterous conversations in the dining hall. Instead, everything and everyone on base remained somber and subdued, save for the glowing sun slowly beginning to set. 
Juliette watched as her dogs sniffed around for the perfect spot to use the bathroom, her mind wholly preoccupied with her dad's funeral and how it inched closer and closer; how she would have to make a speech in front of everyone and maintain some composure so people could understand what she was saying; how she would have to hold herself together and not fall to her knees in agony over the thought of never seeing her dad again.
"Juliette?" Rooster fell into her line of sight, his brow furrowed and hands grasping her shoulders. "Hey, you with me?"
She blinked a few times, her mind slowly registering his presence. "Yeah, yeah, I'm with you."
"I was calling your name, and you weren't answering. I was getting worried." His deep brown eyes, full of warmth and understanding, scanned her appearance. "What are you doing on base?"
"Maverick came by earlier to drop off the flowers and stayed over for a while. I ended up just getting dressed early and coming to base with him to save a trip for Hondo later," Juliette told him, fiddling with her necklace. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were here? You could've hung out with me while you waited."
"I don't know..." Juliette did know, but her reasoning sounded stupid to her now that Rooster stood in front of her, full of concern and sympathy. "You've done so much for me already that I didn't want to burden you with anymore when you still have a job to do. I still need you to focus on the mission because I need you to come back home."
"I will. I promise. However-" Bradley pulled her into a hug, and she melted into it- "I can take care of you at the same time. I want to."
India Lima Yankee. India Lima Yankee. The words were on the tip of Juliette's tongue, desperate to be said aloud rather than just over text, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Something about voicing them to Bradley face-to-face rather than over messaging still terrified her. What if he wrote the words with the meaning they used to hold before they started dating? When it was their way of saying 'I love you' without others thinking they were together? Of course, the kiss they shared yesterday said otherwise, but then again, what if it'd been a heat-of-the-moment reaction for him when he thought he had lost her?
Rooster kissed the top of her head, and Juliette's heart lurched. She barely heard him say, "I'm sure you have a ride to the cemetery, but if you don't or want to change, you can ride with me."
Still staying in his embrace, unwilling to pull away from the comfort he provided, Juliette said, "I would, but I promised Maverick I would ride with him. He was going by himself, and I didn't like the idea of that. Dad's death has screwed him up more than he's admitting because he's worried about me and my mom and brothers, but I know him. I know when he's hurting more than he's saying."
Juliette took a deep, shaky breath and pulled away from Rooster. If she didn't now, then she never would. Raptor and Lightning trotted back up to her and sat at her feet. "Did you two do anything? I wasn't paying attention."
"They both peed," Rooster confirmed, scratching the dogs behind their ears. He glanced at the parking lot, where people were gathering for the funeral procession. Without a word, Rooster offered his arm to Juliette, and she gratefully accepted it. The two of them ambled over to the crowd. Far down the line, Juliette saw the rest of her pilots, looking sharp in the dress blues. Had she had the time, she would've gone over to them to thank the pilots for the flowers in person rather than just a phone call. However, the procession began in five minutes, and Juliette needed to find Maverick. She would have to talk to them later.
"There he is," Bradley said, leading her a few cars down. Maverick was speaking to Jack and Joey. Juliette all but tackled the latter in a hug, having not seen him in nearly a year. Jack grabbed onto their oldest brother to help steady him. 
"I missed you too, Jules," Joey said, holding his sister in a vise. "I missed you too."
The siblings disengaged from each other, and Joey's eyes landed on Rooster, a flicker of emotions rising in his eyes: surprise and more than a little anger. Joey was the most laid-back of the three Kazansky kids, even more so than Juliette, but he was fiercely protective of his little sister. When he'd found out about Rooster breaking up with her, even after she told him why, unlike Jack, who understood Bradley's reaction, Joey wanted to throttle the life from him. It was why Jules waited two months before telling her oldest brother about the breakup, when she knew Bradley was stationed far, far away from her brother's reach.
"Bradshaw, is that you?" Joey inquired, looking him up and down. "You look... good."
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Rooster shifted on his feet. "Joey. Good to see you."
"We better go see Mom. We'll see you later, Jules." Joey kissed the top of her head, clapped Maverick on the shoulder, and departed with Jack, not uttering another word to the naval aviator.
Rooster waited until the boys were out of earshot before saying, "Joey doesn't share Jack's good opinion of me, does he?"
"No. Dad and I had a hell of a time convincing him not to hunt you down and strangle you."
"Noted. I'll keep my distance from him." Bradley opened the back trunk while Maverick went to the driver's side. Raptor and Lightning hopped in. He scratched their heads and said, "You take care of your momma, okay?"
They both barked at him as if answering him with a resounding "yes." Smiling, Rooster shut the trunk and turned to Juliette. "Is there anything I can do for you before we leave?"
"No, you have done more than enough," Juliette said, reaching up and straightening his tie. "Thank you, though."
"Whatever you need, I'm here for you, okay?"
"I know." Juliette smiled softly at him. "I'll see you there."
Rooster nodded and opened the passenger door for her. She slid into the seat. He shut it once she was safely inside. Juliette buckled herself in with trembling hands and stared ahead at the car in front of them. She had no idea who they were- if they were friends, family, or strangers. Juliette didn't care. She just wanted to get this over with.
Glancing over at Maverick, she noticed him white-knuckling the steering wheel. As much as Juliette wanted to cry to alleviate the pain the massive lump in her throat was causing, she knew she wouldn't be able to stop if she did, and Juliette wanted to stay strong for Maverick. She could see the tension in his body, the tears filling his haunted green eyes. Having her break down would do nothing to help him. 
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Jules reached over and offered her hand to Maverick. A sad but grateful smile tugged on his lips, and he took it. Neither of them let go until they arrived at the church.
Juliette hardly remembered the service. She had no memory of what the minister said, what her mom, brothers, and Maverick said, no memory of what her uncles Slider, Wolfman, or Hollywood said. The only thing she remembered from her own speech was her last line with the tears finally winning out over her stubborn willpower as she quoted her dad's favorite song to say goodbye: "You'll be in my heart. Always."
Juliette couldn't piece together how she got to Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery, who took her, or how long it took to get there. All she could think of, all she could focus on, was the casket in front of her, how her father was in it, how he would be six feet under in the cold ground, how his headstone was the only way she would ever see him again. 
It was only when 'Taps' started playing, and Cyclone handed Sarah Kazansky the neatly folded American flag that reality began to settle in with Juliette, and she almost became hyper-aware of everything and everyone around her.
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Tearing her gaze from her father's casket, Juliette scanned the soldiers on the other side of the grave, all staring straight ahead, unmoving. She spotted Rooster almost directly across from her, his brown eyes darker than normal, glistening in the light of the setting sun. She saw the stray tear rolling down Hondo's face, the slight tilt of Hangman's hat that had been moved by the wind, and the weight of Raptor and Lightning as they lay atop her feet.
Juliette's attention shifted to Maverick, who placed her father's wings onto his casket. He pounded the pin into the dark wood and saluted as the first rifle volley was fired into the air. Juliette flinched each time she heard it, the finality of her father's life striking her with each gunshot. 
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As Iceman's casket lowered into the ground, the jets flew overhead. Juliette watched the lone plane split off for the missing man formation, and all she could think was: Goodbye, Dad. 
Her eyes lowered back towards the grave. She couldn't see the casket, but she didn't want to. Juliette knew if she stepped closer to catch a glimpse of it, she risked her legs giving out on her, and she'd tumble into the hole headfirst. Juliette honestly didn't know how her legs were even supporting her now, except for the fact she had her knees locked.
One by one, people began to depart. Sarah, Joey, Jack, and Juliette remained in place. They were staying until the last minute, none of them willing to leave Iceman until they absolutely had to. 
Maverick came to stand by Juliette. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and she leaned into him, grateful for the support he provided. A few people came to offer their condolences in person, Cyclone and Warlock being amongst them. The former requested Maverick return to base with them because he needed to speak with him. As much as Juliette hated to let her uncle go, she had no fight in her to ask that he stay.
Out of the corner of her eye, Juliette saw Joey slip away from her family and head over to the other side of the grave. With a hard look, he approached Rooster. Juliette wanted to go over there in case she needed to intervene, but her pilots showed up, and she had to trust that whatever conversation her brother and Bradley were having, it would remain civil.
"I know I thanked you all over the phone," Juliette began, shocking herself with how steady her voice sounded, "but thank you again for the flowers. It was really sweet, and they are absolutely beautiful."
"We take care of our own," Phoenix said, pulling Juliette into a hug. "We're all here for you if you need us."
The others echoed her words and action, and the love Juliette felt from this group of people she'd only met a week ago was overwhelming. The last to hug her was Hangman. She held onto him a little tighter than the others. After all, he'd practically carried her shell-shocked body back to the training room where Maverick and Rooster were with no idea of what had happened.
"Thank you for everything," Juliette whispered before kissing his cheek. "Thank you."
"I'm here for you, sweetheart. We all are," he replied, grasping her arm and squeezing it affectionately.
She smiled appreciatively at them. "I know. I won't keep you any longer because I know everyone needs to get back to base, but I'll see you all tomorrow bright and early for training."
Coyote cocked his head. "You're coming?"
"Yeah. The world doesn't stop because you lose someone, and I want to help Maverick in any way I can to make sure all of you come home from this mission."
"We'll see you tomorrow, Princess," Hangman said, leaning forward and kissing her cheek. With that, he departed with the other pilots, and Juliette scanned the cemetery to find out where Rooster and Joey were. To her surprise, she found the two men calmly walking over to her, no tension anywhere to be seen.
"Everything okay?" she asked when they approached, eyeing her brother warily.
"Yeah, just catching up with Bradshaw," Joey answered, clapping Rooster on the shoulder. Juliette glanced at the aviator for confirmation, and he nodded. "I'll let you two talk. Whenever you're ready to head home, let me know."
Joey strode off, and Bradley and Juliette embraced each other without a word. She melted into his arms, allowing him to fully support her because Juliette's legs no longer wanted to do the work. 
"I know you'll probably stay with your family tonight," Rooster said quietly when they pulled apart, "but if not, and you don't want to be alone, I'll stay with you."
"Are you sure?"
"Absolutely. We would just have to head back to base so I could change out of my uniform."
"That's fine."
"Is that a yes?" Juliette only nodded, exhausted from speaking even though she'd barely said a word today except for her speech and the few minor conversations she'd held. "Whenever you're ready, I'll be waiting at my car for you, okay?" 
Rooster kissed her brow and departed. Juliette watched him until he disappeared from view, and then she shuffled over to her mom and brothers. Jack wrapped his arm around her shoulders.  
The remaining Kazanskys stayed at the gravesite until every single person left. Then, the four of them approached the hole and peered down at Iceman's casket, each saying goodbye one last time to the man they loved so much.
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As they trekked slowly to the parking lot, Joey asked, "Jules, you staying with us tonight?"
"No, I'm heading home. I don't want to overcrowd the house," Juliette said, pursing her lips as she debated adding the real reason she wanted to go back to her home, and it wasn't because she wanted to spend time with Rooster, as much as that was a bright spot to this gloomy day. Plus, Juliette knew Joey would argue with her on it if she didn't elaborate. She caved. "I also just... don't want to be in the house when dad's not in it. Not right now, at least."
Sympathetic understanding fell onto his face, and to her relief, Joey simply asked, "Do you need a ride home?"
"No, but thank you. Bradley is giving me a lift back." They crested the hill and arrived at the parking lot. Juliette saw Rooster a few spots down, leaning against his Bronco, patiently waiting for her. After giving each of her family members a tight hug goodbye, Juliette strolled over to Bradley. He helped get Raptor and Lightning in the backseat and opened the door for her. Neither of them spoke a word on the way back to base, but Rooster kept ahold of her hand the entirety of the trip. 
"Give me ten minutes, and I'll be ready to go," Rooster promised when they arrived in his impeccably neat room. Pecking her on the cheek, he grabbed an outfit from his closet and entered the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. Juliette sat on his bed while Raptor and Lightning went on a sniffing fest, intrigued by the new smells and surroundings. She pulled out her phone from her dress pocket and checked the time: seven p.m. How was it only seven in the evening? It felt like it was midnight with how long the day dragged on...
Juliette also glanced at her phone's battery life, groaning quietly when she saw it was at the dreaded one percent. She scanned Rooster's nightstand for a charger, but she only found a book on the history of the American Navy, an unopened Kleenex container, and a small box with the lid half off. Jules peered over the nightstand to see if there was an electrical outlet behind it, and sure enough, there was, with a charger already plugged in. Juliette grabbed the wire, and as she stood back up, her elbow knocked the small box over.
"Shit," she muttered, charging her phone before dropping to her knees and picking up the items that had fallen out. The first thing she grabbed was a photo of Carole, Goose, and a young Bradley, who was being held by Maverick. They were walking out of the airport, all grinning from ear to ear. She placed it gingerly back in the box. 
The following three items had fallen near each other: Bradley's high school graduation ring, a diamond ring, and a Naval Academy ring. The latter two Juliette recognized all too well. Smiling to herself, she whispered, "Hey, Mama Bradshaw. Hey, Papa Bradshaw."
She set them atop the photo and peered underneath the nightstand, having heard something heavier fall to the ground. Although difficult to see, there was a small lump. Juliette pulled it out. She figured it'd be a copy of Goose's dog tags until she remembered Bradley had had those buried with his mom so his dad would always be with her, even in death. However, she recognized the necklace regardless with its dainty chain, the silver locket with the navy blue center, the white anchor embedded in it, and, on the back, most notable, the engravement of three simple words that held so much meaning: India Lima Yankee.
Tags: @lgg5989@shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @souslesyeuxde @gleasonmalfoy @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @shadeops21
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It's officially been a week since I dropped out of uni! Sorry for missing Day 6, I was too tired to write before bed lol. Also too emotionally unstable because my favorite author had replied to me THREE TIMES IN A ROW, IN THE SAME DAY, and that got me eating pasta with no salt no sauce nothing, straight from a bowl, with my hands.
I just cancelled the therapy appointment I had tomorrow because I was in a silly goofy mood. No, like, genuinely. I'm not paying €60 for someone to listen to me for 45 minutes while just nodding and deep down thinking I'm fucking lame and insane. Which I might be. I know not going to therapy is not a good thing but I'm way too self aware for anyone to be able to help me. I can help myself. I know my problems. I know how to solve them.
My therapist did help with one thing, though. She made me realize that I badly needed to feel like I was in control because in the past I'd faced many situations when I didn't have any control at all. And so that's exactly what I did. I regained control over my life. Instead of staying passive and in misery, I said: fuck this, I'm dropping out of university and making choices for myself.
I'm not saying I'll NEVER go back to therapy, but I don't think the one I was going to would be able to help much. I'd also like to find a therapist who's openly queer-friendly because I am queer and that's an important part of myself and I don't want to have to tiptoe around my therapist because I don't know their views on LGBTQ+ matters. The therapist I went to had studied at a Christian school. It doesn't have to mean anything, but you never know.
Yesterday I worked out at the gym for 3 and a half hours! Went grocery shopping (under the pouring rain lol). I didn't sleep much tonight because I had a delivery at 9 😫 and now I have to get dressed, put makeup on, clean up the place, and build my bedside table (although I might only build the bedside table tomorrow morning since I'm not going to therapy anymore) (I might also only do the cleaning up tomorrow too because I'm a lazy ass) (I hope my mom doesn't get mad at me for not going to therapy).
My mom's coming over tomorrow for her birthday weekend, and this evening I'm meeting up with my uni friends :)
So this is what I had to say on Day 7! No one's reading any of this, but it's fine.
If you did read this: love you lots. It's going to be okay.
"And we'll be happy." -"Radio Silence", Alice Oseman
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purplesurveys · 6 months
1) What was the weather like? Did it change your plans in any way? It was extremely sunny during the day which kind of sucked, because yesterday my family played host to a family reunion on the rooftop and the weather made things feel a little uncomfortable. In the afternoon, while the sun did hide for a bit it ended up being super humid anyway, so in either case it really just ended up being a super sweaty affair lol.
We addressed it by making sure our aircon in the living room was turned on the entire afternoon, so that anyone who starts to feel super hot or dizzy can choose to go down – which is why it ended up pissing me off when I caught a few people not even trying to hide their bitchings about how hot it was at our place and yet refused to go downstairs when I offered. Complaints are classic Filipino guest things but something I've never learned how to tolerate so I was pretty irritated from the get-go of that damn reunion.
2) What did you do yesterday, anyway? Helped my parents host said reunion, for the most part. I was so exhausted from all the walking and hosting and socializing all over the house so ngl I was knocked out from like 5 to 8, right after people left ha. When I woke up earlier this evening I spent a few hours playing a game on my phone and now I'm here winding down with a couple of surveys. Not a very eventful Saturday which is how I prefer my weekends to be.
3) Did you eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner? What did you have? I didn't have breakfast as usual. Lunch wasn't a full meal for me, I just got like 3 pieces of sushi from our reunion spread. I also didn't have dinner and just made a cup of coffee which is still right next to me.
4) Did you do some form of exercise? What? If going up and down the stairs 200 times counts as exercise then it would be that.
5) Who did you spend the most time with? My sister. Out of the huge crowd at home, we knew each other the best so we stuck together, lol.
6) What television shows or movies did you watch? I finished Gyeongseong Creature super early on in the morning (like, technically I was watching it from Friday then it bled into the midnight hours of Saturday haha), then I also played a couple episodes of Friends for the very few people who were in my age group in the reunion.
7) What time did you get up and go to bed? I got up at like 9. Went to sleep at 3 AM earlier.
8) What was the best bit about yesterday? I can't decide between watching Gyeongseong Creature and getting to eat sushi.
9) What about the worst? Being bombarded with work messages on a Saturday. My work! Makes me! Depressed!
10) Did you talk to anyone on the phone? Who? Why? My mom needed help ordering additional food for the reunion so she called me up while she was doing last few errands at the grocery so I can take care of it.
1) What time did you get up? I just got up and it's currently nearly a half hour past 8.
2) What are your plans for today? I'll be taking my family to my favorite ramen place for lunch, then later in the afternoon I'll be seeing my close friends for our super late Christmas party.
3) Have you eaten any meals yet? What did you have? None yet. I don't mind not eating for a few more hours because I'll be eating a lot today lmao, so I'd rather save up the hunger so I can fully pig out for both lunch and dinner.
4) Are you planning on seeing your friends or boyfriend/girlfriend? Yup! I'm seeing Angela, Reena, and Hans later for dinner/Christmas party. I don't think we've been together since...August? In any case, we'll be at our fav Korean spot so I'm looking forward to it.
5) Does your favorite television show air today? Breaking Bad ended 11 years ago.
6) Have you spoken to your parents yet? Nopes.
7) How many texts have you received? I haven't gotten anything yet for today.
8) Are you planning on going to bed early? I never do on Sundays because I never look forward to Mondays.
9) Have you done anything remotely productive today? Nope. The full load of my day will start in like an hour when we head to our usual Sunday mass and after that I'm going to be traveling everywhere hahaha. BGC for ramen, then I might have to shop for clothes for my Seventeen concert next week, then head home so I can drive out for dinner with friends.
10) How much money did you spend so far? Are you planning on spending more later? None yet as it's only 8 but I am for sure going to be pulling out my card a few times today.
1) What time do you have to get up tomorrow? Around 8.
2) What do you hope the weather will be like? Chilly but not too chilly. Cold weather feels so good that it makes me miserable when at work, because when the weather is comfy like that all I want to do is rest. So it'll be nice if it were cold, but I hope it's not too comfy!cold that all I'll think about is why I'm not in bed, lol.
3) Is there anything you’re dreading about tomorrow? The fact that I have work and that it's Monday.
4) Is there anything important you need to do, or can you just relax? Nope, can't relax.
5) Do you have plans to see your friends? No, I never have time to during weekdays.
6) What do you hope will happen tomorrow? I hope my schedule will be nice to me.
7) Are you going to wake up at home, or somewhere else? Just at home.
8) If you don’t have any plans, what do you think you’ll end up doing? I'll be working.
9) Do you have to get a work out in at some point? Nope.
10) Will you be working or studying at all? Yes.
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the-firebird69 · 9 months
You say it looks like their house and she said it's backwards and he says the money then would be the front of the house and so they left and the show ended and it was a while ago a week ago and they dug up the whole front yard looking for it it says if they move the house do they move the yard they know sometimes well all those trees and there would be on the right side as you look at the front of the house and instead of the left and they said there's nothing there okay it's the house in westborough so they went ahead and checked it and it said it's still in westborough so I guess you can put in a new septic system or a second one they decide to do that and got the permits anything that was funny cuz it's cover as they're leaving the house they said this it'll be one house where people will survive the rest will be full of s*** like we are that brings us to another point
-a son needs his money he does not need these idiots taking his money messing with it having him spend extra stuff he does not want them around saying they helped and didn't help or whatever they're gross we need to help fund him regardless of what these people are doing and we need to stop them from doing it as needed if we're not going to get rid of them I need people to get together with me and we have a serious meeting about this is Max ridiculous they're not building Yeager who's going to do the job for them the building stuff in the deserts but they're not building Jager
That sends off flags and alerts he says and we get it
Thor Freya
We're going to go to war with these Max shortly and we know why and it's going to be ignited when Tommy takes off which is going to be a short period of time from now. He's been driving his motors and he's been testing them out and he has turned them up again and soon it will be gone it'll be time for them to lift off. There's a lot of ships leaving from the south it is about 3 or 4 times the normal volume no it's 10 times it's very fast and it's organized it seems like one group but it's not they're all leaving at the same time and they're leaving as fast as they can and it is a nightmare okay his mom is in trouble all the time so we are going ahead and we're going to show you what's going on with these ships
-they're going up to the trouble area no they're going up north to try and go into the tunnels and defeat the clones to get the ships and their panties now it's beginning to spread and spend an hour it's been an hour and people rent out stuff and it's going around and they're saying they're hiding something and it's offshore here and there's a whole bunch of ships out there and yeah you have to see it and they're having a fight like a war the trespasser is up to 4 MI and they've seen whales about 10 miles long but that's about it they don't get much bigger and this thing is gigantic and I'm seeing looking they've seen huge crabs 50 mi across but they don't have the speed and they can't rip things apart and they can't take ordinance like this can it's ridiculous it's 1/10 of size and 10 times the power and that's what they say it's a little Superman Superbug. They need the stone chips to try and survive and they need them now that's what's being said Meghan Markle is converting your factories no she's making tons of cars huge numbers now and they took the chassis in and it's really going and it's about time we need this this is about 20 trillion cars needed in California of the size and she needs to make a lot more cuz they're going all over the place and she's not other companies are making some will probably have 5 trillion from them this week and we're going to have to start making them by the end of the week she'll have 20 trillion and that's covered enough and we'll probably make the same and with a different marketing and we're going with the Briggs and Stratton to make it inexpensive and Hera one of the Vista fresh.
-it's a lot of ships and there are more spaceships coming out now and the clones are competing and heavily and yeah people have seen these things no most the only clones and it'll be surprised and his mom is waiting and waiting and has seen it and said when are you two boys is a bad boy my son says don't look at me I think he was going there the queen with that thing and she started laughing he seems to be doing just about everyone... It is spreading slowly and chips just got there where the last known sighting was and they're going nuts trying to find it and they see some ships off the distance they look around there and that's what the two idiots are doing at the harbor. We have a huge problem now I know people are doing work and finally
-the more I take off of the ships are not coming back they're going to their bases they're doing a good job the more luck here are leaving and evacuating fast
More shortly
Thor Freya
I'm really in trouble this is exciting and my husband's tired but he'll be okay this is amazing stuff I can't believe it's going on finally and people learn about the Yeager and about Tommy f a lot more
This is the biggest thing I've ever seen no it's a meanest looking monster in history and I've seen monsters my friend I've seen them they've never seen anything like this it says we're going to get out the doorway much they may have seen something that looks like leatherback a few times but that's it that thing is damn ugly and this thing can rip stuff there's a ship coming right for him his back turned turns around almost to himself and wax the front end of the ship it rips the top the front off the ship off and sinking as it's approaching him and it goes down to his feet and didn't move. I think that's very impressive and we have to get a lot more things together and we don't think the Macs are builkî many jager and they're not they're in that cases
We published now is tired from eating
Thor Freya
And the iron
Hera Zues
0 notes