#and my autistic ass is too scared of change
maaaxx · 2 years
chopped 15 inches off my hair today and dyed it red and im too hot for all of you now no one talk to me
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titleknown · 2 years
I noticed a version of this depressing-ass post going around my dash, and I wanted to mention something like that I've noticed in a lot of Highbrow Leftist Critique that I'm really fucking sick of.
Namely, please don't fucking talk about it like it's inevitable and it's already happened rather than a thing we can stop, because People Won't Change It.
Like, as an autistic person who has A Complex due to being let down by people constantly in their life both personally and politically, it does not make me want to change things.
It makes me feel feel helpless and useless and scared, it makes me not want to bother doing anything, because why bother if the tools you use are going to be wrecked.
Not only that, it also makes me feel like the people don't have my back, because that's the underlying assumption I see behind most of them. That it is inevitable because The Horde does not want it.
This is an example of misanthropy posing as enlightenment. It is also fucking poison for any sort of collective action.
Like @headspace-hotel talks about a frustration with that in environmental movements too, and given digital stuff is near and dear to my heart too, I now know how she feels.
Like, I learned a new thing to panic about with the fucking Windows thing (here's how to un-mandate that fucking chip) but not much else!
But there are folks in the reblogs who're actually advocating shit to do about this, shoutout to @dominateeye and @aleran for doing good work, and I suppose that's my point.
Do better, don't let your pessimism become a social contagion, and advocate current action rather than predicting inevitable despair...
...Also; if you're in the US; call your congresspeople about killing these bad copyright bills and this bad censorship bill, because those are the major pathways that hypothetical DRM hellscape is going to use to get their hooks in.
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lowkeyrobin · 2 months
can we get a phoebe spengler dating and/or friendship hcs please im starving out here 🫶🏼🫶🏼
oooo yeah sure!! I apologize if this ends up being kinda short 😔🙏 ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy!!
PHOEBE SPENGLER ; dating hcs
summary ; dating stuff with phoebe
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; I'm not a professional when it comes to autism (because it's like 50/50 canon) so please give me feedback if any of the traits or anything in general is wrong for phoebe and if I should change it!! the sources I used don't seem like they're written by autistic people themselves but I'm putting my trust into these psychologists
word count ; 471
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she caught your eye with those horrible dad jokes of hers
it was the effort and thought that counted
tried using a science fact to reel you in but you were already head over heels 😭😭
you were just like "can I please take you out to do something fun? just us? please?"
she's like "...sure?" like she hasn't had a crush on you for the past solid 15 minutes from across the room
she talks about it to her mom, and she's all excited for her and she just doesn't understand the hype
baby's first date because trevor lives a double life around callie 💯
callie actually takes pictures 😭 and phoebe is just wearing a casual outfit like?? this isn't a fancy occasion mom
she's literally so scared but doesn't really know how to feel
you find it cute and endearing 💔
once you actually start dating, she's still very nervous around you because she's not trying to drive you away
she's obsessed with you though, you're actually perfect in her eyes and she'll do anything to prove that to you (vice versa as well 🫶)
she just stares at you sometimes and it's the cutest thing ever, like whole ass loses focus on whatever she's doing just to look at you. whether you're just chilling across the room or laughing and talking with podcast, she can't take her eyes off of you
she'll ramble about whatever she's fixated on / her special interest at the most random times, it's adorable
trevor will just see her staring at you while you're busy fixing something and be there like "stop staring" and without loosening her gaze on you, will reply "I can't help it"
he's mad she found actual love before him 😭 /hj
she'll hang on to anything and everything you seem to have an interest in
she seems like the type to make one of those pages long essays about how much she l-words you and mail it to you because she's too scared to give it to you herself
she's genuinley head over heels, there is no honeymoon phase that is just how she is
will proudly ramble about her ghostbuster duties to you whenever she can
loves taking walks with you even if it's just in silence
will 100% show you how everything in the proton packs and traps work
she'll have late night theories and scientific ideas and text you to not forget and just to let you know, even if you're asleep
"y/n I have an idea" "hit me"
you're her biggest fan
you made her a little "I got arrested" pin after she did actually get in trouble with stuff LMAO
she got you a little ghostbuster patch because you didn't want to really join them, but she can't help but wanna make you feel included
you, her, and Podcast are seriously an unbreakable trio
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hiskillingjar · 2 months
Strade with an autistic mc?
One of my characters has low functioning autism. She’s really sensitive to bright, noisy light and cold air. (It could trigger a meltdown). Her special interests are stuffed animals, especially if they’re big and cuddly, and apple slices.
She’s not really great at verbal communication especially when she scared or nervous. She’s good at physical communication tho? Expressions?
Also she’s part tanuki soooo do whatever you want with that.
autism gang rise up
i'm gonna make this a headcanon post cus i've written something adjacent to this for strade before (cw for. strade lol)
ren 🦊
suddenly he is the sweetest boy in the world
like so kind, so patient, so sweet
you're out in public and get triggered by bright lights, loud noises, you have a meltdown? ren is literally dragging you out and making sure you're okay
he's speaking to you so sweetly, so gently, he won't touch you if you don't want him to
he's just so patient with you
kind of like...he's the only person who really understands you? the world is so cruel and mean to people like you...and you're so sweet and gentle, you shouldn't be out there...you should be with me, you should let me take care of you...nobody else will
manipulating king. gaslighting king
to be fair he does win your affection with stuffed animals and like. good sensory stuff. blankets, pillows. got a whole autism nest goin
he'll replace all the lights in the house too
doesn't mind when you stim by touching his tail or ears. it just makes him curl into you that much more <3
and like obviously he's doing this cus he's a horny monster that wants you to depend on him
but he does genuinely just want someone to care for
like even if you can't make eye contact all the time, or if you don't understand what he says or tells you sometimes, he'd still be so patient
he knows you struggle with that stuff, and you're doing your best. that's all he asks for <3
law 🥀
autism 4 autism
law is so autistic, are you kidding.
granted their autism manifests kind of differently though. they got the liveleaks autism, the monotone drawl autism, the twin peaks autism (me too)
but like. providing that you survived the first night (cus they might not be able to stop themselves from just watching you wilt)
they'd be reasonably patient and gentle with you
i mean there's like no prolonged eye contact between you
but you'd communicate remarkably well (with what little you did actually talk)
they know how it feels to be misunderstood after all...and you're so delicate and need to be cared for
they wouldn't. totally understand your special interests (cus they like bones and taxidermy and roadkill) but they wouldn't be able to stop themselves from buying a few soft toys
you just look so sweet and comfortable when they leave you for work, why would they deprive you of that?
they might panic if you started having a meltdown, but they'd eventually clue in and. get you settled down (give them a break, they have meltdowns too)
and like. autism 4 autism...you know there's some sadomasochism happening. good for you! good for you...
strade 🔨
i mean. i've written it so. lol
strade would be such an asshole i'm so sorry
like come on you've come preloaded with triggers and buttons he could push to make you panic and freak out. he couldn't NOT fuck around with you
he might get a little overwhelmed himself by how much he likes fucking around with you. it's just so easy
keep a few bright lights on, play some music too loud, put on the air conditioning, that's all it takes? buddy you are NOT surviving this one
but okay okay. on the concept that you DO survive past the first night (lol)
strade would still be pretty shitty about everything
like he wouldn't yell or be mad at you for meltdowns but he would not understand in the slightest (and you know his ass is not looking anything up to make it easier)
it would kind of be on ren to make adjustments (changing lights, reminding him about your sensitivities) and like. maybe then he'd pay attention to some shit
he's better with your special interests and sensory needs tbh. he might even think it's kind of cute that you infodump when you're excited or curl up with blankets and soft toys
that doesn't mean he's not gonna fuck with you though lol.
also. full german stare at all times. will trigger your conversation sensitivity at all time. he loves it.
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escrupulo42o · 2 months
in this segment i will show you a song i really like, ill translate it if needed, ill explain/analyze the lyrics and apply them on to my favourite characters!
in the translation, you might see this sign (+), it means that i will later add details that might have gotten lost in the translation or stuff like that. and if you see something between brackets like these [...], its probably some small notes i leave to carify some small detail or explain the use of certain words.
the first song will be "Carismatico" by the argentinian band Babasonicos and the character will be Johnny Cage :D
the translated lyrics are the following:
i thought i saw two clowns
with scared faces, closing the shop
pretend (+), they have their costumes on
they are going to the circus to get the camels
they look a bit spooked
(straight) out from a painting that is about to fade
pretend, they are very sweaty
they carry a bucket with confetti
i have to learn to pretend more
and to not show my emotions
i have to learn to pretend more
and to pilot (+) what i think
i try to reach a door
and i hear a swarm of flies whistling
pretend, they are buzzing my name
we have to leave and i dont know how (+)
i have to learn [the rest of the chorus]
[chorus x3 -> as in 3 times, not the silly face]
[theres a secret second chorus that plays over the first one, i will add it by puting between parenthesis]
(some nights im easy)
(i dont abide by limits (+))
(some nights im easy)
i have to learn to pretend more
(i dont abide to limits)
i have to learn to pretend more
(i dont abide by limits)
i have to learn to pretend more
and to pilot what i think
ok so now on to clarifications
on the first (+) you see, theres the word "pretend" (or in the original lyrics, "disimula"). in this case it is a way of saying something like "pretend you didnt see/hear it" or "pretend it doesnt affect you"
the second (+) is for the word "pilot" ("pilotear" in spanish). it is an expression used to say something like "manage/stabilize the situation" in the way a pilot would stabilize a plane when going through turbulences (in this case the turbulences would be his thoughts)
third (+), the original lyrics do not actually say that but i had no idea how to translate it + google translate and word reference were not helping, so i had to change it in order to not put a whole ass explanation in the middle of the lyrics. the original text is something along the lines of "we have to leave and i dont know where to leave through". im not even sure if thats grammatically correct but what its trying to say is that he does not know where the exit is.
fourth (+), i genuinely dont know XD. i confess i used google translate for this one
if you are curious about the secret chorus its from the song "Yegua"
the song talks mostly abot social anxiety and feeling like everyone is watching everything you do. at first it would seem like the concept of social anxiety has nothing to do with the egocentric, confident and cocky Johnny Cage, but youd be wrong. in my headcanons, he grew up as an undiagnosed autistic kid in a small town inthe fucking 90's, of course he has social anxiety. he just made himself be this big extroverted and confident person to make up for it. hes constantly worrying about how people percieve him (in his looks, in the way he talks, in the way he moves), about people talking about him behind his back (yk celebrity shit + this can be connected with the flies mentioned in the song), about his emotions being too big, about being too intense, being too much. he was around people who told him he was "bad" (annoying, loud, dumb, etc.) so much that it became a part of his subconsious, a part of his thoughts. they hunt his every move, a constant monolgue of every tiny thing he does wrong. specially when he was younger, this thoughts would get so intense that they would overwhelm him, but it doesnt happen very often anymore. everyone usually assumes he has a pretty high self esteem but he has just gotten really good at hiding his insecurities under layers upon layers of braggings, fake self confidence, borderline narcissistic tendencies and a lot of jokes. he basically made himself charismatic, a.k.a, the name of the song. also, if you listen to that second chorus its kinda like a response to the main chorus. it refers to someone that parties a lot and doesnt care about anything or anyone. it is a conversation between a very insecure and shy person (the first chorus) and an over confident and social person. alternatively, it is a conversation between John Carlton and Johnny Cage.
aside from the lovely lyrics, this song is AWESOME when it comes to the music. it genuinely makes me go insane like AAAHSVAAH i highly recommend listening to it with headphones
i think thats all i had to say about it :P
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virtualtyrant69 · 2 months
what are your weird/niche bad batch headcanons? i must know
Yippee I get to talk about the bad batch!
Ok so I'm gonna preface this and say that some of these headcanons have no evidence in canon they just came to me and my roommate from god
Alright first major one that alters how I think about Hunter is that to me, she is a trans woman. No evidence at all, just vibes. I've been thinking of her as a woman for so long now that it's weird seeing people use he/him pronouns for her.
Headcanon 2, Crosshair is a trans man. He's on hrt and hrt only. He's had no surgeries yet. He's only on hrt because he convinced Nala Se that it would improve his performance on the field. He's also pretty toxic about his trans identity
Headcanon 3 is that Tech and Echo are nonbinary and Tech uses he/him pronouns still and Echo uses they/them. Also Tech and Crosshair are aromatic and Tech is somewhere on the ace spectrum.
Also basic ass headcanon is that all of them are autistic as fuck
Also also, my characterization of these character's attitudes and personalities differ from the norm I guess. Crosshair is like if a film bro was a soilder and only valued himself as a weapon. Hunter is basically ATYD Remus Lupin. Echo is a lot more emotionally stunted than people tend to think (he runs away from small changes because they are harder to handle than big changes). Wrecker is way more emotionally mature and smarter than fandom tends to give him credit for. And Tech is also more immature than fandom thinks.
((Also, you can hear more about my headcanons + more if you are interested once me and my roommate finish our complete series rewrite which we're gonna start in the summer))
Now for some nsfw but not sexy headcanons
Wrecker is the only one out of all of them who can actually pick someone up. Crosshair is too dysphoric to have sex. Hunter has no social skills at all ((at least for now)) and just won't. Echo is scared of his body. And Tech couldn't give a fuck
Idk it just seems so out of character to me when I see Tech and Crosshair being depicted as sexy and suave. These guys are getting 0 bitches.
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
percy jackson ep2 live reaction
annabeth being a little creep i love her
fun fact i learned at the pjo NYCC panel: the most grueling part of the show production was making the camp half-blood shirts. they all had to be a specific shade of orange and there had to be a LOT cuz all the campers wear them consistently
very much angsty tween energy
i love the big house’s design
grover’s little *clop clop clop* hehe
“your highness” book!percy wouldn’t be caught dead saying that shit but it’s still funny cuz i KNOW as soon as he learns more abt the gods all that respect is out the window. book!percy is just a little asshole from the start
Mr D is fucking perfect casting
godDAMN chiron is tall asf
also i fr did not know brunner was pronounced like that
mr d actually being kinda nice to grover??
riptide my bbg
i need a close up of the inside and outside of all the cabins immediately
Hermes cabin 💪💪💪
there’s a fire pit IN the cabin?? that seems like a hazard. but also magic and it’s fucking cool so
the complete non-reaction to percy’s introduction now vs how people will eventually react to hearing his name is kinda wild
they really did not give this poor boy any time to grieve his mom huh
poor percy, his first reaction to being approached is to be defensive :(
CHB necklace!!!!
o shit that scared me. hello wood nymph. is this his mom??? idk how satyrs are born
the tiger shirt 💀
grover :( ur a good friend bb
dream time woooooo. OH THE VOICE IS KRONOS i forgor
“glory” ok nerd
luke really has a whole posse following him around lmao
nvm they all have them in that order….
i love that percy has just had that leather necklace from the very start of the show. in preparation for the camp beads :,)
aaaaaaaa a character in a wheelchair that’s so cool!!!!!
no one’s even gonna show him how to use the bow???
this boy is gonna destroy the camp i love him
oh my god i’m gonna cry. percy praying to sally is my favorite change they made in the whole show
“like, real friends” crying luke how dare you betray this sweet darling boy
YOU TELL HIM PERCY!! get his ass
“hey guys! 😃 🤚 can’t sleep huh?” ilysm percy
“do you think you’re special?” oh boy clarisse do you have a big surprise coming. also percy didn’t even tell anyone abt the minotaur that was grover
okay i liked this cgi way better than nancy bobofit’s takedown
annabeth stalker behavior i love you. SHE ADMITS IT TOO I LOVE HERRRE
“annabeth sees the world differently” yeah she’s autistic with a genius iq
sobbing. “she’s my little sister”. pain. the betrayal is gonna hurt so much more
th-alia ??? hm
“until zeus broke the pact” hades, hiding his kids from the 1940s in the lotus hotel: yeah zeus was the one to break it first, obviously
i can’t wait to see who they cast as thalia
“let it rip” i see what you did there 👀 my mind went right to beyblade tho lol
their shields lowkey look like the nightwing symbol :3
god this set is so fucking cool
cringefail loserboy rizz
THE HAT!!!!!!!!!!!
“he’ll be ready, i know it” *cuts to percy flossing* i love this dumbass so much
lizard :D
exceptional depiction of adhd ty rick
bro really just gave away the location of the flag with no hesitation lol
OH SHIT THAT WAS COOL! the roll into picking up the shield? smooth asf!!!
how tf did the spear even break isn’t it made of like magic metal
she really used him as bait lmao. *pushes him into the water* she’s just testing a hypothesis!!
holy shit the cabin is so cool. kinda spooky tho. i hate to say it but i like the movie version better
“what 😃”
damn they really just blame everything on hades huh. poor guy. i’d hate my siblings too if they gave me a shitty job and made me the scapegoat for a bunch of stuff
why tf is chiron wearing a suit. why.
“i’m sally jackson’s son” YES YOU ARE KING
grover you’re the best ily. chiron you’re giving way too much dumbledore energy i hate it
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emeritus-fuckers · 7 months
Hiii, I'd like to request a match up !!
First of all, sorry if it's written weird, English is not my first language and I'm in need of a few days of sleep lmao :') also this is very long because I have no idea how to write concisely to save my life, so, sorry for your eyes? brain? Idk but sorry
1 - I'm AFAB genderqueer, might be a demigirl ? idk gender is confusing. anyways, I use any pronouns because I'm extra like that lmao, and I prefer my sexuality to stay unlabelled for now
2 - Papas !! (they're so silly I love them)
3 - I'm rather small (163cm/5'4") and kinda pudgy. I would not say I'm plus size but I'm definitely thicker than average, especially around my hips and thighs (stretch marks n cellulite gang WYA). I used to be very insecure about it but thankfully I got better at loving myself (still working on it but I'll get there eventually). I'm also getting a tattoo on my upper left arm very soon (inspired by Kafka's Metamorphosis because yes) and hopefully some more piercings (I only have triple lobe for now). my hair's light brown and very short, I buzzed it back in August and I'm growing it out. Yes, I do have a terrible case of bed head. I also trim my eyebrows to be very short, makes it easier to do my makeup. Almost forgot to talk about my eyes, but basically they're blue-ish green and usually overshadowed by the huge dark circles I have. I don't dress according to one particular style, although I enjoy being in full goth fashion, makeup and all. I would probably describe my style by 'satanic grandma' because as much as I love my band shirts and inverted crosses, I also cannot live without my extensive collection of grandpa sweaters and ugly ties.
4 - I'm an introvert - and an awkward anxious ball of nerves at that, but I don't mind stepping up to the task in social situations if the people I'm with are not comfortable ordering food/asking a question. I usually am very cautious of how I act with new people I meet as I am autistic and don't want to 'scare them off' or make them uncomfortable. However, if we vibe, you get to know the still anxious but also very silly me. I especially love coming across other people that are on the spectrum, because we usually have a certain understanding of each other's way of acting and just be silly together. Speaking from experience with my closest friends, at least (not generalizing autistic people !!).
5 - I've been hyperfixating on Ghost for a good while now, but apart from that I'm very much interested in art. Learning about it of course, but also making it (I'm in art prep class rn and it's kicking my ass, send help). Drawing, writing, taking photos, making zines and stuff... hopefully after prep class I can get into a proper art school and study illustration, and maybe look into becoming a graphic novel author. My favorite artists would probably be Dora Maar, Gustave Doré and Gustav Klimt tbh. I also have an interest in geopolitics and history, especially in the Middle Ages' witch hunts and black death, but also in more recent topics such as the satanic panic. Basically all things occult and satanic. I also love internet horror media such as ARGs, like My house.wad or the Hypnagogic Archive. Music taste wise, I listen to everything, but my favorite genres are hard rock and metal. I'd say my all time fav artists are Ghost, Slayer (South of Heaven walked so that Year Zero could run, change my mind), Iron Maiden, SOAD, Twin Temple, Radiohead, alex g and Mitski.
6 - I'm a huge cat person but I also very much love crows and rats and reptiles and overall all the animals that would seem weird to keep as pets. Also I love love LOVE having deep conversations about complicated philosophical topics at night in a calm spot at a party or smth, specifically while drinking off-brand soda. Idk why I included this, I just thought of it and I'm too tired to question how my sleep deprived brain thinks right now.
Sorry again for the huge wall of text, y'all are the best !
Have a good day/night !!
This post is part of the 1000 followers match up event. Entries for the event are now closed.
Your match is...Copia
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He's all for helping you love yourself, he'll kiss any part of your body you are insecure about and everyday he tells you how amazing you look. The thing that really makes it work is that he means it, you can see the sincerity in his expression.
He can also be an awkward anxious bundle of nerves. But what is so cute is that both of you try and step up for the other in social situations. You see Papa Emeritus IV come out a lot at those times.
You vibed immediatly with him it was just an instant connection. He just got you, and you him. He treasures that so much.
He will help all he can with your art class prep. Like whatever you need. If you want him to just keep you company he's there, if you need models he'll get his rats to pose with him (it's just adorable). Or if you need to work super hard he'll bring you food and drinks to keep you going.
Sometimes he joins you but drawing isn't his strongest skill so it's a good giggle, he can laugh at his mistakes and he enjoys seeing you smile at them. Other times he'll sit and write songs as you work, he wrote one about you just the other day.
He got so excited when he found out you had an interest in the middle ages, witch hunts and black death. He literally squeaked with joy and you discussed it long into the night, while drinking lots of off-brand soda.
He also finds some really cool books for you to read from the clergy library, occult, satanic panic and so on, it's all there.
Written by Nyx
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florenceisfalling · 2 months
gripping [redacted irl person] by the shoulders.
it does not matter how many r/egg_irl astolfo memes you pull up quite literally asking for random people (including cishets you just met???) to figure out your gender for you. the other queers are not going to feel safe around you when you spend your entire time on campus harassing people, misgendering transmascs in romantically/sexually charged ways, and getting a trans woman (who you Also misgender!) kicked out of her fucking housing. using "i wanna be a girl but im still cis though 👉👈" doesn't come across as endearing anymore when you tell younger transmascs that you wanna make them your gf and have kids with them, or when you used to tell everyone you were a cishet dude and literally fucking ran to physically chase down lesbians you'd never spoken to walking alone at night, or when you. I REITERATE. got a fucking trans woman kicked out of her dorm while calling her a man!! force her to switch to different housing by calling the fucking campus police on her because youre sad!!! and then lie saying she called them on you!!!! the only reason i felt bad for you and was nice to you was bc i thought you were just a sad maybe-autistic maybe-ace person who needed friends (and then maybe-trans maybe-woman maybe-lesbian) but your college experience seems dedicated to making life as hard as possible for every autie, trans person, woman, ace person, lesbian, and various mixes of the above you encounter - and then fucking lying and threatening everyone you consider your "friends" to get what you want after they repeatedly ask you to stop. i had enough of this when my exfriend fucking molested a girl and then said "i think i might be a transbian" as a poor attempt at an excuse (as if tgirls get away with that shit? as if they arent horribly scrutinized??) until all his cis guy friends forgot abt the girl's trauma and then went back to "nvm im a cishet guy :)" once everyone was chill with him again. i am fucking beyond tired of it now that its someone pulling the "i think i might be a transbian too" after fucking up so bad you couldve made a tgirl homeless and openly misgendering and mistreating other tgirls and sexually harassing other queers and refusing to spend any time around trans people (except for those you perceive as cis women - of course, including trans people who don't pass to your liking). stop asking me to decide whether your egg needs cracked or not and start treating trans women (and everyone else, too, what the fuck is wrong with you??) with respect and maybe you'll get some satisfying advice (since you didnt take mine) but at this point everyone is either scared of you or fucking hates you and theres not a single trans person ive met on this campus who has anything to say about you other than "oh yeah, that person stalked me/my friends". like sorry if im a little hesitant to validate you (AS IF YOU DESERVE IT AFTER CALLING SECURITY ON A TGIRL TO KICK HER OUTTT MY GOD I HATE YOU) but you also said "oh dont worry im ace :)" after sending weird sexual shit to someone (after they asked you to fucking QUIT) so youre not new to using your identity as a shield and now turning around and talking abt how you MAYBE are HYPOTHETICALLY a tgirl teehee but you cant decideeeee doesnt change the fact that your actions suck ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXPLODE
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shinraapologist · 1 year
time to ante up to the promised essay in your shinra post on which characters in drrr are autistic. NOW
short answer they all are. long answer with receipts under the cut (sources: my autistic ass)
mikado- has trouble navigating social situations and responding "appropriately" to them, and his vocal inflection that doesn't necessarily "match" feelings,. his special interest is the dollars and watching the interactions between them and studying what impact his actions have on them. hes just like izaya fr. i feel like the paralels between them dont get talked abt enough. mikado is izaya if he got scared straight at the end of his middle school homoromantic friendship that resulted in him being stabbed instead of going hm. this will have long term consequences on me actually
masaomi- has trouble understanding the motivations and feelings of others. he masks strongly with his confident "ladies man" persona.
anri- she has a lack of vocal inflection, doesnt make eye contact, has trouble navigating social situations, her vocal inflection doesnt necessarily "match" her feelings. she has sensory issues (wears her her hoodie dress because she likes the sensory input, not to little and not too much.) relies on a routine (nothing ever happens nothing ever changes).
celty- uses strong body language yet struggles to read the body language of others. mirrors extensively. she mirrors everyone to a degree but especially shinra and shizuo. this should not be news to anyone just LOOK at them. i love them.
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her dramatic body language is 100% mirrored from shinra. since she spends a lot of time with him and he emotes so strongly she's memorized his body language in association with certain emotions and performs them when shes feeling that emotion. (in SH she's even depicted as rolling around on the floor when shes upset, which is something shinra does 18436 times.) is shown to occaisonally wear regular clothes (mostly pajamas) when shes capable of making anything with her shadow which to ME implies she's seeking the sensory input from the soft fabric. she also tends to think in extremes, everything is very black and white for her.
shinra- has trouble regulating his emotions and helps himself regulate by stimming (dancing/wiggling when hes happy, rolling on the ground when hes upset, getting very still when hes concentrating or anxious.) over emotes to match the intensity of his emotions regardless of the situation. his neutral expression and tone of voice are hyper and excitable. has trouble understanding social cues and social norms. wears the lab coat ALL the time to the point that other characters comment on it. not something a neurotypical man does. his special interests are surgery and human anatomy. he genuinely loves his job in part because even though there's an anatomy "standard" no human body ever actually looks like the illustrations. he loves to study the variances he notices in his work and loves to perfect surgical techniques.
shizuo- has trouble regulating his emotions. his neutral expression and tone is said to be flat and without affect. struggles with overstimulation (wears the blue lens sunglasses to avoid the bright sunlight, wears his vest fitted at the chest for the slight compression) (because hes TRANSGENDER and really liked how his binder felt. brought to u by me who had a phase where i was binding unsafely purely for the stim of it. dont do that btw i can no longer bind at all ����) he has meltdowns when he gets too overstimulated. he enjoys uneventfullness and routine but from a combination of powers that be and his tendency to escalate situations when hes upset, he doesnt get much of that. escalates situations due to losing his emotional regulation. he also has trouble reading situations as well as trauma that leads him to constantly feel on edge and anxious.
izaya- somehow the only canonically autistic character. he has a strong mask in his usual calm vaugely smug demeanor that slips when he feels strongly about something. (stomping on the cell phone, laughing when he's delighted by human behavior, punching the telephone pole.) he has very black and white thinking that often gets interpreted as being morally grey. (he is btw. literally everyone in drrr is. its the morally grey fucked up characters media idk what you want) he would describe his special interest as humanity (and does, in canon) but its more sociology and human behavior. just like shinra, hes always in that damn coat. autism behavior.
walker and erika- they are autistic in the same font. twins. besties. wear comfortable clothes for sensory reasons (although erika's interest in fashion is enough incentive for her to sometimes dress up despite the sensory issues it causes. me too tho.) both have a special interest their light novels. both dont understand social norms and theyre both aware of that and neither of them care. legends.
saburo- struggles with social interactions. special interests in his van (possibly cars in general) and ruri hijiribe. had no idea he was autistic until he met walker and erika who assumed he already knew. looked at one (1) website and suddenly his whole life made sense.
seiji- his usual speaking voice is very monotone and his facial expressions are typically pretty reserved. like izaya and celty he thinks a lot in black and white.
mairu- her speaking voice is very monotone and she doesnt tend to express her emotions outwardly. she's selectively verbal also. likes her gym clothes for sensory reasons.
kururi- autism/adhd combo platter legend and we love that for her. special interest in martial arts. she doesnt quite get social norms nor does she care.
manami- i dont have solid evidence for this one i just know that is the hairstyle of an autism hero.
kasuka- speaks in a monotone, has one facial expression, doesnt outwardly show his emotions (altho ppl close to him can still read them). doesnt comprehend neurotypical socialization but gets along really really well with other autistic people.
ruri- she is just like kasuka fr. walker and erika moment with these two.
saki- masks really heavily but is bad at it. me too girl. when shes comfortable and not masking she somehow seems less stiff.
akane- really struggles with figures of speech. hates eye contact. special interest in art and drawing and i hope she starts making art again. i love akane thats my child and the entire awakusus child and shizuos child also.
vorona- she speaks in a monotone and HATES eye contact. she gets away with not making any by always looking at her book instead. reading as a special interest. she has an amazing memory.
slon- struggles with figures of speech and emotional regulation.
kasane- also speaks in a monotone. takes everything very literally. another strong black and white thinker. special interest in cats and cat behavior. cats LOVE her. cats always love autistic legends. also the yellow pantsuit? a slay. no nt person would ever pick that up.
dokusonmaru- got it genetically from his father kasuka. also all cats are autistic inherently.
characters that arent autistic but definitely have adhd: KADOTA. aoba. mika. tom. chikage.
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nyctophiliq · 1 year
i would like to request a match up for arcane.
i’m 21 year old woman.
I’m an autistic lesbian.
i’m 5’7
i’m an ambivert, i get energy from hanging out with others but after a while i need time to myself and i enjoy spending time alone. i’m very energetic, i am kind and caring, i am quite a funny person and i enjoy laughing and making jokes.
my hobbies are drawing, acting, writing and dancing.
i’m a black woman, black hair, big brown eyes, dark skin, my face is kind of a diamond shape, high cheekbones.
im a ESFP Sagittarius 🥰
your match-up and star messenger is . . .
SEVIKA (istp) !
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
you are the "fluffy and sharp edges" couple
sevika and you connect on your attention to detail and your abilities to adapt to change. you both value your personal space and while you love connecting with others or with them on a more serious level sevika is one for intellectual stimulation, which is what both of you are seeking just with different steps in mind.
you encourage sevika to break out of her comfort zone, and try some new things out before drawing judgment on them. she does have a drive for adventure and exploring the world around her, which will likely expand more as your relationship grows but she is so grateful you need some time to yourself and that you enjoy spending time alone just like she does.
sevika might struggle with keeping up with all your jokes since she is a thinker and less of a feeler, she might think that they make no sense and try to argue why it doesn't on a practical level. lots of your problems might stem from communicating, you might feel sevika is too logical, and too serious while she might think you are irrational and illogical. but it can be solved if the two of you compromise, that you understand she isn't trying to insult you and if she adjusts her speech accordingly.
you might think it's silly and that you would never think of sevika as someone who ever wanted to dance but there was a spark in her when she was little, that she wanted to be a performer but times demanded other things from her than her chasing her dreams.
some aspects of your relationship would be:
running away from the enforcer together, maybe even laughing at their slow ass (sevika will even pick you up if it's really serious)
bath dates !!! it's absolutely adorable what sevika can throw together for you in such a thigh space your bathroom is
wearing her scarf
"give her trouble and i will make your eyes into a christmas ornament."
version 1
on the upper level of zaun, right under the city of piltover was a theater, a place to start if someone wanted to be a dancer or actor but couldn't afford the upper city's unfair prices for education and member fees. you spent the better parts of your days there, either for rehearsal or for shows. it wasn't an easy life to live, the directors were more than gruesome to listen to them, and like everyone else you needed some kind of escape- the last drop is exactly the place where you can blow some steam off, maybe hit up a good chat so you can rant. but with her sitting next to you, eyeing you for a minute before giving you a charming smirk, swirling her drink before finally opening her mouth.
"can i interest you in another round of your drink and maybe a smoke?"
version 2
silco was again dumping the newbies on sevika and she couldn't take it anymore, all of them broke vials, mishandled the packages, and let's not mention how nervous they became when handling a drop-off. she had to teach them, break them in, show them how to do it or else it would come off of her paycheck which was slim even without some rookie mistakes. then came you, someone, who seemed determined and not scared of the people who demanded shimmer but from something else. she took a liking to you the first day and she is not one for learning names, but she wanted to know yours.
"what's your name again? i wanna keep in mind whose neck i need to keep away from the knife."
generous heart by maya hawke !
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onlyonewoman · 11 months
Yesterday I fucked up
I have ADD and autism. MOST of the time, people tend to not think of it, because I’m quite high functioning, meaning it can sometimes be really frustrating when they underestimate my problems, despite me telling about them repeatedly. Well, yesterday I, a 40-year old woman, who can count the major fights with my hubby over 18 years on our combined fingers. Like, neither of us is the type to be loud and screaming, or ignoring one another. We talk it out and then realise we’re morons, make some more coffee and go about our day. Now, my hubby is neurotypical and I’m very grateful for that. He’s my rock, he has supported me through shitty times, he’s never tried to change the way I am and always respects my personal space. There’s a reason why I waited more than 15 years for him to be ready to get married. The thing is, being generally quite high functioning with two major, invisible disabilities, OFTEN make people assume my difficulties aren’t that bad OR, which is almost as bad, start trying to solve a problem FOR me without my input. The latter was what made me explode yesterday. See, in a few months time, we have to temporarily move out due to a huge renovation which, of course, is stressful, but our landlord is great and things are handled very well. My hubby, who has a great work memory and a lot better planning skills, has been the best by being responsible for gathering the information about the temporary move, calling our landlord etc. This is awesome and I’m SO grateful for that. The problem is, my hubby started to take over A LOT more than I ever said I wanted him to and it all started with our old freezer. You see, generally, I take care of stuff like cleaning the drains, defrosting our freezer, the laundry etc. by myself, and our old freezer that will be exchanged to a new one after the renovations, is... fucked up. So, naturally, I wanted to defrost our big freezing box that we bought two years ago. i also wanted to collect a bunch of old books to get to second hand and place them in a box. My hubby said no to me starting with the books and that just... stopped my flow, but I figured I could start with the freezer instead and then he came in and said no, like... Like I was a child messing up the kitchen, instead of a grown ass woman who knows exactly what she’s doing. I LOST it. And I mean REALLY lost it. I kicked our piles with folded laundry around and wiped down everything on the top of our bureou in the hallway (nothing that could be borken, thankfully) and then I just left, slamming the door REALLY hard and running out in the middle of the night. It was awful and it’s one of only two major autistic meltdowns I’ve ever displayed as an adult. I scared the living hell out of my husband and, which I feel VERY guilty about: he was scared I’d turn violent. I’ve not been violent to anyone since I was ten or something and I grew up in a family where my parents and older sibling unfortunately often had HUGE fights where no one could control their temper or voice - and things DID turn violent at times too. It was absolutely awful that I showed the same signs of uncontrolled anger as I had experienced - and been SO scared of - as a child. So that was on me, completely, and i apologised profusely when I came back and we finally could talk.
No excuse for that.
Now we come to WHY I acted out like that.
My husband treated me like a child and very casually told me no about something I wanted to do that:
1. I had every right to do. 2. Was very much capable of doing. 3. Didn’t require his help or input.
He didn’t suggest or ask me not to defrost the freezer, he said “we’re not doing that now”.
There’s a HUGE difference between “I don’t think it’s a good idea to do that now” and “we’re not doing that now”.
The first one is an opinion from one adult to another, the second one is a child being told no from an adult. In that moment, I very much felt like I was treated like an unreasonable child, by an adult who thought I couldn’t take care of things I’ve done plenty. My husband, on the other hand, thought he was helping and didn’t understand that his “we’re not doing that now” didn’t come out like a question AT ALL, but a casual order, a “no” to a stupid child. THAT, more than anything, caused my crash and burn. But the worst of it, was that I didn’t think twice about how absolutely insane it was for me to take orders from him, let alone him giving them. My brain immediately went to “I’m not being heard = he doesn’t listen = he thinks I don’t know what I’m talking about because I’m autistic = he doesn’t trust me to make decisions = he thinks it’s just fine for him to tell me no like I’m a child”. Enter cause and effect: absolute explosion. He thought he was helping me by not having me take on more work: I thought he was telling me I couldn’t be trusted to defrost the fucking freezer. Eventually we managed to talk it out properly and we’re fine now, but we both take responsibility for our different fuckups. He, by listening to me and admitting that just because defrosting the big freezer seemed unnecessary and/or difficult to HIM, it was neither of those things to ME. And so he apologised for making unilateral decisions about things I didn’t need his input for. I, in turn, apolgised both for blowing up so much, for throwing things around and for scaring him. Today, he made a check off list for things needing to be done before the move and put up on the refrigerator so I could have control too and I made a nice dinner and raspberry pie to make up some for scaring him.
It was a shitty experience for both of us, to say the least, but it also came out with some good things:
1. He realised he doesn’t have to handle all the planning alone. 2. I realised what I saw as patronizing, was a genuine attempt at helping. 3. He understood that a major thing like a move, REQUIRES me being in control on MY terms - of course as long as it doesn’t cause him problems and vice verca. 4. I defrosted the motherfucking freezer today and showed him first hand how damn stupid he was for trying to talk me out of it in the first place. Moral of the story? Don’t treat a disabled person like a child, unless you’re prepared to take a fullblown meltdown.
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jimmycartersufo · 2 months
ti's a late night stream of bs
I am not looking fwd to work this weekend. a sold out shriver hall performance tomorrow and a private rental gala and the first ticketed Saturday and I had to tell a shitty member to not fucking harass and "scold" our visitors and she immediately started calling me abusive for telling her if there's a problem she needs to tell us first and not talk to CHILDREN she doesn't know and I told membership on her but membership won't be in until Monday which is my Saturday and ugh UGH I just don't feel like dealing with crowds I'm very tired and burnt out and my head always hurts and I just realized I have a gd meeting this Tuesday on my day off where I have to meet in mini virtual break out meetings or whatever corporate nonsense that is and I am so tired and this is the THIRD! weekend in a row now that someone is lighting fireworks I am tired I am tired I am so so so so fucking tired. praying every night we get our contract so I can have more pto and more pay I am so fucking desperate also I was feeling sad so we gave each other our Easter baskets today and I kinda feel sad and guilty now bc now I'm not opening it on Sunday (when would we even have the time) and I don't have a *thing* to look forward to BUT fuck that I do have things for ex we are hopefully gonna dye eggs tomorrow and John will make deviled eggs and my dad got Easter dinner food and we are seeing John's family after work Sunday but I am very nervous because his family exhausts us and also the food last Easter was literally so gross it was inedible like bite into a piece of ham and it was ROCK HARD inedible so I am actually scared. usually people forget about us and don't save much food but if they do I'm scared to it eat holy shit I miss going to my extended family in Virginia because my grandma oh my god the food was incredible. her deviled eggs are the best and there's always a platter with pickles and cheese and there's always brocoli salad (when I was a vegetarian they'd make one without bacon for me) and Watergate salad (my personal legacy) and green beans and cucumber salad and rolls and the best Mac and cheese not gonna lie I get offended when ppl don't bake Mac and cheese idk I guess I am spoiled but it's Easter and Jesus did not die for u to make bad Mac and cheese I will die on this hill I will be an asshole idc going to an Orioles game in likeeeee idk a while irs April 15, Jackie Robinson day, going with my team and I haven't been to a game since I was ten so I am so excited but so nervous bc my autistic ass needs to know what to expect so I literally watches a walking vlog and I'm still so excited so that's another thing to look fwd to not just the game but research OK I am too sore and too tired to continue I am sooo sleepy I've fallen asleep quickly recently like I out on spongebob and can't even hear what's going on and I'm like Huh and irs because I am falling asleep which is nice for a change OK now I'm done
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faz-tastic · 10 months
Rules and guidelines
Mun is very new to the fandom and still learning all the lore, please be patient with me. If I seem behind on something important or new, please try find an audio learning aid for me as I do not do well with reading.
Mun is also very slow to respond, in part due to my issues with reading and in part to my issues with Tumblr in general, it tends to break very often on me and I only use mobile because it breaks less often than desktop, which I know many will disagree with but it doesn't matter because every device and every person is different so don't even try to get me to change my device, it's not happening, and nothing you can say can convince me.
If you cannot be respectful, you will be blocked, I've heard tales of the toxic behavior some fans exhibit and I will not put up with it, I've been on this hellsite since I turned 13 you can't scare me off of it.
I don't care what this site or the games say they're rated for, we are keeping it pg 13 here, and if you don't know what that means you shouldn't be on the internet to begin with. Gratuitous violence will be faded to black the exact same as adult fun times, I don't care if they're different I'm not writing the gore and I'm not reading the gore, robots and weird remnant infused zombies are one thing but the murder of children is another entirely.
If you don't like any of these, kindly fuck right off, I'm not here to please you I'm here to have fun and if I'm too busy trying not to puke cuz you decided to get graphic that's not fun that's torture, watch a slasher to get that kind of entertainment don't ask me to write one for you.
If you send a bunch of questions following the same vien and they get ignored one of two things is happening: I've gone on hiatus without warning or I'm purposely ignoring you and you've filled up my inbox. If I'm purposely ignoring you, there's a high likelihood you didn't read all of this post thoroughly enough, go back to the top and start again.
If I have to add something because of someone specific I will tag them, this does not mean you should go harassing them it means I want them especially to see the new rule they caused so they can't say they didn't know if they do it again.
Cussing is allowed, but slurs and personal insults are not. There's a difference between calling a character an asshole and calling the person playing the character one. If you genuinely feel I am being an asshole and it is not something I've covered in these rules, please dm me and speak to me respectfully about it, if a solution cannot be reached then we may come back to it later after thinking about it a bit, but if you're not being respectful then there will be no coming back to it and I will drop your ass like a hot potato.
Using disabilities as insults are grounds for instant banning, I do not tolerate that shit as someone who has a high rate of disability in my family and is autistic with ADHD and barely passed highschool for a lack of help and accomodations. If you want to insult me, you're better off actually pointing out things you've noticed about me, like the fact I can't spell, it's also not effective but at least it's honest.
I am a very sarcastic and dark humored individual, but even I have lines I will not cross. If you don't like my sarcasm and dark humor or if you cross the lines it will be best for you to just leave.
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britt-thats-it · 1 year
Being back on tumblr is so nice. It’s like I never left (except I can’t remember everyone I used to follow/they probs left too).
(feelsies under the cut)
I only left because this couple I almost dated (who took my not dating them very hard) sort of cyber stalked me here. I kept making new accounts and they kept finding them and showing them to everyone in the scene we were all part of and following all the people I was mutuals with and it was… not cool.
Anyway, I’ve been really struggling with grief since quarantine. I had a huge falling out with my sister who I had been living with for the last 4 years. Her lack of recovery was badly interfering with my recovery and I was so deeply triggered by her behavior that I was barely functioning. I was in a constant state of flared up, in so much pain every day, even laying down was uncomfortable. I wasn’t able to eat bc my reflux was going crazy, I was starting to drink too much (something I hadn’t struggled with in years), I wasn’t sleeping. The pressure of being home together all the time took its toll.
Coincidentally, divine timing being what it is, my partner and I were spending hours on the phone every day. Just falling so in love. We’d already been together for almost a year, but her two other relationships falling apart, career change, and my chronic illness and not remembering how to be in a relationship (lol— it had been a LONG time and I was fully down to spend the rest of my life alone) kept us at a bit of a distance. We had been very close friends for a couple years beforehand, so when we took things to a romantic level, the feelings progressed quickly but we just didn’t have much time for each other. Anyway, she invited me to come stay with her. I was only planning on 2 weeks, but I literally never left. Everything just felt so easy and sweet. We handle each other with such care. Over the last 3 years my life has become a kind of stable that I’ve never (I mean NEVER) experienced. I love it and I am so grateful for it.
But I remember from my trauma-filled childhood, the survival mode of the present puts off the feelings for later. It isn’t until you have a calm moment that the feelings about what you just went through hit you.
The last 7 years hit me like an 18 wheeler. Going no contact with my family, living on the road, losing my job and being homeless, moving to nyc on a wing and a prayer, living with my sister and reliving A lot of my childhood through her behaviors, struggling through the capitalist ass New York art scene as an autistic person while also being very poor, working my fucking ass off, *just* about to hit my stride and do this fuckin career thang and boom. Covid.
I made an album, collaborated on a friend’s album, started my podcast and wrote a book. I’m in the middle of making another album. All this while feeling myself really trust someone, really learn what partnership means, really feeling like an adult, but also feeling so so wounded. The grief has been the heaviest thing I’ve ever felt. I lost myself a little bit. Insert bloody goopy chrysalis metaphor here.
I did all this but not joyfully, not really. Something was missing.
I have been trying, in the last few months, to unironically find my bliss again. I lost my sparkle, I lost my drive. I really feel like I experienced my own metaphorical death. I was anxious and raw, I second-guessed every interaction because I felt like I didn’t know how to be a person. I was completely sober!! Just fucking raw dogging life!!! I was scared all the time. I forgot my passions, I forgot my purpose. I still worked on stuff, I still created (a lot that I’m proud of!!) but idk I just wasn’t the same free-spirited confident lil powerhouse I came to know myself to be.
I think I gave too much on other social media. I think I was too vulnerable and too available and it got me into trouble. I think I confused work for life and I soured my own creation process for me. It became too important. Every hobby, every passion became kindling for money making or making “it” or whatever. I forgot how to have fun. I burnt myself out.
I recently started remembering hobbies I had that I never shared with anyone irl. Exercise/weight lifting, which I picked back up again in February, slowly testing the waters to see if my disordered relationship to it would return, it didn’t. Feeling myself getting stronger being exactly what I needed (literally and metaphorically) and all the good stuff that does to my confidence. Playing music just for fun, just sitting down with an instrument and playing 😫 locking myself in a room and flitting around like a mad scientist creating something I love 😫 dancing 😫 meditation 😫 journaling 😫 pulling tarot cards just for me 😫 and finally, longing for connection of some sort; for actual vulnerability and not people just fucking marketing themselves all the time— I remembered how much tumblr helped me. How much it inspired me. How it helped me become the person who made all those scary changes, who learned who I am and learned how to walk away. So much good came from that decade I spent here, so I decided to come back.
It’s exactly what I needed.
0 notes
Ok, California anon here, awake with many thoughts!
1. I’m still team George because I hate change but team Ross this message is for you - I get it and I support you lol
2. I had no idea how you were going to turn George around and patch up things with him and Ross. George and Matty are one thing but I didn’t see much hope for George and Ross. You managed to do both so seamlessly and call this a transitional chapter but it was fantastic.
3. The Matty and Ross interactions were so adorable in this that I was literally smiling at my phone the whole time. I loved him not going out to see George but Ross also being so understanding if he needed to. “You need rest” “I need you” turned me into goo for a moment.
4. Matty finally pushing back on George has been amazing and exactly what was needed. “But I’m not stringing you along. I love you, Matty.” I felt that in my heart. He really is just too scared to man up and actually love him and Matty asking him to let him go was completely necessary. Thank god he actually listened and acknowledged he’s been an ass.
5. He gave his ticket to Ross! I loved every moment of this interaction. Especially Ross being such a shit and having Matty invite him to New York. I cannot wait to see where this New York chapter (chapters?) take us.
6. The entire last interaction of all 3 of them was amazing. It broke my heart because as mentioned previously I’m team George but he’s been a real dick recently and deserved this. He’s a victim of his own choices at this point. This was when I was surprised with how seamlessly you repaired George and Ross.
7. Ok last but not least - Matty and George saying goodbye broke my heart! This truly felt like an ending and thank god we still have 11 more chapters to go. This is exactly what they need, a break apart from each other and I guess specifically for George he needs to go to Florida and fuck Charli for days (is that how the song goes? Lol). Can’t wait to see where they are at once they meet up after the break.
Honorable mention - “Man’s got a seat on this flight for five minutes and thinks he knows more about it than me.” This line just made me laugh that’s all
Oh god a numbered list! The ✨autiste✨ in me (this is a terrible in joke that comes from a Matty and George bit in Tape Notes, please don't come for me I love you all) is so fucking pleased.
1. Team George never gives up and never gives in and you guys are my faves
2. Hell yes, thanks so much for saying this as it was a lot trickier to negotiate than I'd expected
3. Yes the fluff was off the chart at times but also I NEED Matty to tell him more good things and affirm their bond, none of it ever felt gratuitous ❤️
4. Well needed heart to heart, I agree! And again, no real acrimony, just a huge amount of sadness and acknowledgement of something that's passed (or has it 👀)
5. He gave his ticket to Ross!! The only thing to do, really. I can't wait to take you to NYC ❤️🎄✨
6. Ross has the biggest heart and the most amount of emotional intelligence in the band, I feel. So it appears natural to me that he wouldn't hold a grudge or misunderstand where George is coming from. Everyone sees it: George is confused and insecurely attached and loves Matty as he would love a part of himself. It's hard to let go, and Ross gets it. He's also not just going to lie there and take it, however, and will definitely fight for his man if the time ever came. Just a wee insight you haven't asked for, but here it is anyway 👀
7. I threw up a bit in my mouth reading that quote from WTMI, thanks so much 😂 yes, George will do all that and also get that horrible tattoo and write that song with her and all that will definitely, definitely not come back to bite him in the bum. Of course it won't. 👀
Thanks again for this, I have so much fun answering such detailed comments ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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