#and my head has been spinning for 2 days straight
victoria-grimesss · 10 months
2 ideas!
One, I loved your soap w secretary girlfriend! What about something similar for ghost and konig?
Two, what about a COD fic where the lights go out and you are stuck in the dark together? 😘 any character you want!
->Paring: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader & König x Fem!Reader
->Words: 0.8k
->A/N: MDNI! These are so fun to write!!! Also adding that wonderful 'idea of the stuck in the dark' fic to the list ;)
Sure, Ghost and König are both big strong military men. They're intimidating and stoic. Tall and broad but they both love their secretary girlfriend differently.
He's a brute. Large and broad and dark. How you became accustomed to him was more comical than anything. One complaint report landed on your desk for him to pick up, which he never did. His training methods were.. less than desirable.. which you can imagine just looking at him and how he just stands and stares, barking commands.
34 total complaint reports from the newest training group landed on your desk, making a rather annoying pile. None of the complaints would ever be resolved, Ghost's training method is foolproof. So, you walked down the hallway, papers in hand and a scowl on your face straight to that man. You slam the door open to the training yard your heels sounding extra loud. Your stocking covered legs and short skirt is the view of the century out here.
"Lieutenant Riley, your complaint papers have occupied an annoyingly large space on my desk. Please be better about picking them up from now on." You shoved the papers into his chest and storm away. Simon was putty in your hand from then on.
He would stand arms crossed in your doorway as you helped the others. Waiting patiently, his stare dark and unwavering.
He loves to watch you work. Your soft hands filing the papers expertly you know every little place where everything goes. He sees how the guy you're helping out checks out your ass as you stand. He shoulder checks him on his way out and then he stands at the front and center of your desk, and you look up through your lashes at him.
"Can I help you Simon?" You ask him in a sultry voice as you reapply your lipstick.
"Yea. I can think of a couple things."
Your panties are around one ankle, your heels barely hanging on to your feet as your legs are wrapped around his hips and he's ruthless with his thrusts. You're on lunch and he took you to the file room, you're on a dusty old desk that's only used for storage. All the contents thrown to the ground as Simon couldn't wait any longer to be inside you.
"Fuck, you love this yea? Fuckin you right here panties round your ankle you can hardly focus on me."
He's right your head has been long spinning and your eyes struggle to stay focused. He drives himself into your wet heat so hard and rough your hair has become a half up half down mess in the process.
"Grippin me so fuckin tight love, maybe I start coming down every day, feed you my cock on your break. Would you like that, look at me when I'm talking to you."
Simon frequently rips your stockings when he's gripping your thighs, especially when he cums.
"Fuckin hell love you're a fucking mess dripping on me like this, going to cum deep inside you then you'll go back and sit all pretty at your desk with me dripping out of you. You want that love? Yea you do."
Simon is a ruthless lover, he can be sweet too. When he's not confined by a 30-minute lunch break window of course.
König is top dog, the big guy on the ground. So you see him often. You'll keep track of his appointments and meetings, bring him food and coffee when he works late nights and eventually, he invites you to share a meal with him. After that he keeps calling you back to his office.
König is an older guy and his knees aren't all that good honey so be a doll and help him out. You'll get down on yours and wrap those pretty lipstick coated lips around him and his mouth is watering just watching you take as much as you can.
He's found that he has a certain fixation for the lipstick you wear and sometimes requests you wear certain colors for him when you go down on him. He loves the way it leaves rings around his cock and he'll stroke your hair as he speaks to you.
"Taking me so well mein liebling, you see that last ring of lipstick you left on me? Let's try to get even lower this time, you're a good girl I believe in you."
You'll take as much as you can, and when he finally trains his little secretary to take all of him he cums as soon as your lips meet the base of him leaving red lip marks on his skin.
And when he's feeling especially needy he'll call you into his office and have you straddle him. He'll kiss your neck as he takes off your heels, he knows how expensive they are, I mean he did buy them for you, so he undoes the little straps with care and sets them on the floor.
He'll caress you with his big hands and have you ride his thigh hiking your skirt up your hips so he can rest his hands behind his head and watch you moan and sob on top of him.
"You look so beautiful like this mein liebling, you're leaving quite the wet spot on me this time. How many times should I make you cum like this before I let you ride me."
He's cruel when he wants to be but it's all in good fun. He's spoil you afterwards.
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d3adp00ls · 7 months
I’m still waiting for that angst fic pookie 😍🫶
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: Vanessa has been a lot more distant a lot but you didn’t think she would miss a important night like this. (I KNOW MY SUMMARY IS BEAUTIFUL)
Contents: Angst, Yelling, Tears, stressed Vanessa, Established relationship, hurt no comfort (yet), Vanessa gets slapped 😬, somebody needs driving lessons lol.
Word count: I'm pretty sure my dog knows.
Side note: 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
Pt.2 Pt.3
You were sitting on the couch in your shared home with Vanessa, watching a TV program that featured extravagant rings that cost more than your entire life. Recently, Vanessa had been coming home later than usual, and every time you tried to bring it up, she would dismiss your concerns or accuse you of being too clingy. You tried to brush off her words and the hurt they caused, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings. Eventually, you gave up and started going to bed before she came home. However, tonight was supposed to be different. You had pleaded with her to come home early and she had promised she would. Filled with hope, you had prepared a romantic candle-lit dinner and even bought her a gift. But as the minutes turned into hours, the food grew cold and the gift remained untouched on the table. You sat on the couch with a half-finished glass of wine, tears welling up in your eyes.
She was supposed to have arrived hours ago, and you had debated whether or not to just go to sleep. But as you were about to doze off, you heard the familiar sound of keys jingling and the front door opening. Vanessa, your late girlfriend, seemed oblivious to your presence as she quietly closed the door and went straight to the kitchen without acknowledging the food you had prepared for her.
With a clenched jaw, you stood up and cleared your throat, causing Vanessa to finally notice you. "Y/n? What are you doing up?" she asked with a confused and slightly worried expression.
You wanted to scoff at her question. How dare she ask that when she had promised to be here? "Oh, you know," you shrugged, taking a few steps towards her, "Just waiting for my girlfriend who was supposed to be here almost four hours ago." Your voice rose with pent-up anger towards the end, and you could see Vanessa flinch slightly at the sound of it.
"Y/n…I lost track of time, I'm sorry, really I am, I-" She started to apologize, but you cut her off, not in the mood for her excuses.
"Do you know what today is?" you asked, your voice heavy with disappointment. Vanessa looked even more puzzled, and you let out a sigh as you walked over to the table and picked up the small gift box you had prepared for her. You fiddled with it between your fingers, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.
"June 7th," you said, looking back at Vanessa, hoping she would finally understand. But she still looked confused, and you felt your heart sink. "The day we started dating, two years ago. Does it not ring a bell, Vanessa? Or were you too busy thinking about work or some other woman while you were out all night?" you couldn't hold back your anger any longer, and you let out a loud yell, tears now streaming down your face.
"Oh…" Vanessa mumbled, finally realizing her mistake. You nodded, wiping the tears from your cheeks, but they kept coming.
"Yeah…" you said, your disappointment evident in your voice.
"Baby, I know I've been really busy and lost track of time, but please try to understand-" You cut her off abruptly, rolling your eyes and turning away.
"Here we go again…" you mutter under your breath, feeling her glare burning into the back of your head as you make your way to the bedroom. You toss the gift box in the trash on your way, feeling frustrated and angry.
"What do you mean?" she asks, following you into the room. You let out a sigh and close the door behind you, but she stops it with her foot and pushes it open, grabbing your arm and spinning you to face her.
"Don't you dare walk away when I'm talking to you," she says coldly, but you scoff and pull your arm away.
"No, you don't get to act like you haven't been doing the same thing for the past week. You always do this, yet whenever I try and speak up about it, I'm the bad guy? That's complete bullshit!" you yell, jabbing your finger into her chest.
"And don't even try to pretend that you've only missed spending time with me once. You do it every single day," you continue, your voice cracking as tears start to well up in your eyes.
"Every time you tell me you'll be here, you never are. And when I try to talk to you about it, you just shut me down and tell me the same bullshit excuse or you just flat out tell me to get over it. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore, Nessa. And this morning, I had to beg you to stay. You said you would, and I believed you. But then you showed up later than ever and didn't even respond to my messages. You didn't even remember what today was. At this point, I’m convinced I’m just some inconvenience to you." Your voice breaks as you continue to pour out your feelings, wiping away the tears that are now falling freely down your face.
She looks at you in surprise, wanting to reach out and comfort you, but you take a step back and wipe away your own tears before taking a deep breath and looking away from her.
"I'm tired of feeling like I'm not important to you, Nessa. I just want to spend time with you and feel like I matter to you. Is that too much to ask?" you say, your voice barely above a whisper now.
Vanessa let out a heavy sigh before shaking her head in frustration.
"Y/n, I love you, but I have responsibilities and obligations that I can't always put on hold for you," she said with a huff.
You looked at her with hurt and confusion in your eyes, crossing your arms and turning away. "Am I not important to you anymore?" you mumbled, your voice trembling.
Vanessa's sigh pained your heart as you heard it. "Of course you are, but you just don't understand," she started, but you interrupted her with a pleading look.
"Then help me understand," you begged, taking her hands and pulling her closer to you. You pressed your forehead against hers, desperate for her to see how much this was affecting you. "Please… I want to understand," you whispered, gazing into her eyes.
She looked away, her jaw clenching as she pulled her hands away from yours. Your heart sank as she avoided your gaze, and you clenched your fists in frustration.
"Okay," you said quietly, finally accepting that she wasn't going to explain. You pushed past her and left the room, heading to the living room.
You didn't hear her follow you as you grabbed your coat and began putting on your shoes. As you searched for your keys, you heard Vanessa enter the room and stand in the middle of it, watching you. But you didn't acknowledge her as you grabbed your wallet from the table behind her.
"Where are you going?" she asked, her tone a little more stern.
You ignored her and continued searching for your keys, finally finding them between the couch cushions. You stood up and began walking towards the door, but she grabbed your arm and turned you around forcefully.
"I asked you a question," she glared at you.
You glared back and snatched your arm away, walking past her towards the door. But she followed you, grabbing your arm more harshly this time and turning you around.
"No, you don't get to leave-" she started, but before she could finish her sentence, you had already raised your hand and slapped her across the cheek.
You were shocked at your own actions and immediately regretted it as you saw the red handprint on her cheek. You both stood there in silence and shock before you finally mumbled a quick apology and left.
She eventually made her way back to the bedroom, her heart breaking as she heard your car speed away. If she had stayed just five seconds longer, she would have heard the sound of another car zooming by and a loud crash. If she hadn't fallen asleep just ten minutes later, she would have heard her phone ringing.
But she would see all of that in the morning.
BRO I HAVE BEEN PROCRASTINATING THIS FIC FOR A WEEK I LITERALLY HAD IT FINISHED JUST NOT EDITED and then i was supposed to post it earlier but im on the phone with some friends BUT FINALLY I POSTED IT also ill post part two sometime this week hopefully ANYWAYS TOODLES🤪✌🏾
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finelinevogue · 1 year
family will get you through
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summary - you go through a life changing operation but you have a strong family to get you through it
warnings: brain tumour, anxiety, self deprecation, swearing, kissing n fluff, hopeful ending, i wrote this 2 years ago so it’s not up to my usual writing standards unfortunately :(
word count: +6.8 k
pairing: husband/dad!harry x reader
Everything was occurring like normal. You were making the kids lunches for school as usual. You were cleaning the breakfast away as usual. Harry was on his last day of tour. Yet, somehow, within 24 hours, your life was going to be turned upside down.
For the worst.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
During the hoovering of the carpet you heard your phone ring. After spending 10 seconds to find the bloody thing you finally picked up.
"Hello?" You asked, not recognising the number.
"Hi there. Is this Y/N Styles speaking?" The male voice asked, on the end of the line.
"Yes it is." You answer.
"Hiya Y/N. It's Dr Hughes here." He introduced himself, but it didn't comfort you any more knowing who was on the other side of the phone. Your doctor never calls you unless it's bad news. The last time they called, it was because Sofia might have had suspected appendicitis. She didn't, but still the doctors remained the bearers of bad news.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Dr Hughes?" You asked politely, with a hint of sarcasm dripping in your tone.
"Unfortunately I bring bad news, again, Mrs Styles." He began, making you gulp down your worries unsuccessfully. "The tests that we ran on you, a while back, came back and unfortunately there is a problem." Your heart relaxed slightly that there was nothing wrong with your children or your husband.
"Okay." You urged him to carry on, disliking all the tip-toeing sounds the problem.
"Mrs Styles, there is no easy way of me telling you this." Dr Hughes took a deep breath before announcing the news. "You have a brain tumour, Y/N."
Luckily you were stood by the sofa and were able to collapse on that, when your legs gave way, otherwise you'd have landed on the floor. You covered your hand over you mouth to muffle any noises that threatened to escape, as you were in pure shock.
"It's not an overly large tumour and it will be able to be removed, with quick and efficient surgery, which we can offer, but we needed confirmation that you are willing to go through with this first." Your head was spinning and you couldn't tell up from down for a minute. It took a few calls of your name, from Dr Hughes, to pull you back.
"Um... Sorry. Is there any chance I can come talk to you in person?" You sniffled, but cleared your throat to try and stay strong over the phone.
"I'm free all tomorrow morning, Mrs Styles. Please feel free to drop in at any time." He kindly offered.
"Thank you." You said.
"I'm sorry, Mrs Styles, but if we act quickly you'll be alright. I guarantee it." He assured you and with you final goodbye you hung up the phone.
With him no longer listening to you over the phone you were able to break down in tears. You never thought something like this would be happening to you, but yet here you were. With a brain tumour, no less.
Your cry's were starting to hurt your chest from how heavy they were. You couldn't calm yourself down and all you wanted right now was Harry. Harry... What would he think about all this? Would he leave you? You hated that your brain went straight to that question but that was the hard hitting reality of the situation.
You tapped on Harrys number and called him, hoping he wasn't too busy. He always told you, whenever you needed him, no matter what time, he'll always be there. But would he still want to be there when he finds out his wife has a brain tumour?
After two rings he picks up.
"Hi love, everything okay? You're lucky I was up otherwise I would've been asleep!" The soothing tones of his voice calming you down.
"Shit, H, i'm so sorry." You sobbed loudly down the phone, not being able to bravely hold it in anymore.
"Hey, hey. It's fine Y/N/N. No need to cry over it love." He coos, not fully understanding why you were having a full breakdown over potentially waking him up.
"No. No i-it's not that H." You lean on your knees and cup your hand over your temples to soothe some of the pain, from the headache that was forming.
"Okay then. What's wrong baby? You can tell me, it's alright." His voice slightly trembling, hating the sound of you heavily crying without him there to comfort you.
If you did ever cry like this either Harry was right beside you, hugging you like there's no tomorrow, or you'd get through it by yourself - if he was away. You felt selfish dumping your problems on him when he wasn't right there to comfort you through it. Today was even worse, though. Today was Harrys last concert for the Love on Tour, tour, in L.A. Not only did he have a duty to preform to his adoring fans, he was also thousands of miles away. He wouldn't be able to do anything, other than offer some calming words, but somehow, this time, you didn't see how that was going to be enough.
"I got a call from Dr Hughes." You began and taking a deep breath before continuing, only imagining where Harry's head was at with those words. "H, i'm so sorry. He - uh - he told me I have a brain tumour. He said, with surgery, it can be removed but I need to act quick. I-i'm going to see him tomorrow, but I just needed to tell you."
You expected Harry to cut in at some point, but there was only silence. He was only ever quiet when he was shocked or had nothing left to say, and it terrified you that he was feeling that way.
"Harry?" You trembled out, wondering if he was even still there.
You heard him clear his throat before talking. "Um, yeah okay."
You were taken aback by how little words he was using. You couldn't work out whether you'd rather have had him say nothing at all. Your heart strings started to break a little at the thought that he was, most likely, thinking of different ways to divorce you and so forth. His life was too precious for him to be left with a damaged wife. God knows what you'll be like after surgery, and Harry didn't need to be stuck with looking after you when he should be touring with his adoring fans.
"Sorry, H." You murmured before hanging up, knowing he wouldn't have anything to say back. You regretted not wishing him look for his last concert date tonight, but it wasn't at the forefront of mind right now. You knew he would smash it anyways - he always did.
What if that had been your last goodbye?
You placed your phone on the coffee table and hysterically cried to yourself.
A few hours later and you had called your parents over, after telling them, to pick the kids up from school - seeing as you were too emotionally unstable to be doing so. It made you feel like such a disappointment not being able to be strong enough to pick up your children, but you were worried you wouldn't be able to focus when driving - and you wouldn't put your children in danger.
Your parents had arrived as quickly as they could and spent hours reassuring you that you'd be okay, and that Harry loved you too much to ever say goodbye. You had a hard time believing them though, considering Harry had said all of two words to you - none of which implied that he still loved you and was going to be there for you through it all.
It was times like this when all you wanted, and needed, was your Harry, but unfortunately that just couldn't be the case. If Harry were to leave you, you wouldn't know what to do. You have kids and you always promised Harry that none of your kids would be raised from a broken home - you just couldn't put them through that. Yet, now, it seems inevitable.
After the kids had got back from school and had dinner, which you sat around for but didn't have anything, you and your children had cuddled up to watch some Netflix. Your parents had gone home, telling you that you just needed some time alone with your children. They never questioned what was wrong, but they could tell something was up. It took watching 5 episodes of The Big Bang Theory until your children were all on the verge of sleep, and so you'd shuffled them all along to bed.
"Mummy?" Sofia asked as you turned off her main light and turned on her bed light. You walked over to her single-bed, that was decorated in princesses and flowers, and sat down next to her.
"Yes sweetheart?" You answered. Sofia had been quiet all evening, but you just assumed she had been tired.
"I missed you picking me up today." She told you with her sad eyes. You brushed her hair off her face and behind her ear.
"I know. I missed you too, but mummy had some news today that wasn't very nice and so I didn't want to upset you with me being upset." You told her, not feeling like you had to hide anything from your children.
"Are you going to be okay?" She asked sincerely, with a little wobble of her rosy lips to signify she was worried about you. You hated that your children had to check on you, and yet your husband hadn't, but you also appreciated it greatly.
You thought about how to answer her question, because it was hard to answer. Of course you were going to face complications and re-percussions, later in time, after surgery, but you also would if you didn't have surgery. It was just whether or not something went wrong in surgery, or it actually turned out the surgery was no longer viable. You wanted to tell her so badly that everything would be okay, but you also couldn't lie to her.
"Mummy's going to be just fine." You turn your head to see your gorgeous husband standing in the doorway, looking like he'd been crying due to the red puffy eyes. They were probably similar to yours, however you'd tried to hide yours from your children.
As soon as you made eye contact with Harry the tears fell freely down your face. There was no stopping them either. Emotions were flying all over the place, but the one that stood out the most was relief. You thought you'd have a runaway husband but instead he was right here. He'd flown all the way from L.A. just to see you. You had no idea what was happening with the tour but you couldn't think of anything other than the man stood in the hallway.
"Daddy!" Sofia screamed, like she'd just gained 100 pounds of energy, and jumped out of her bed to run to her dad. Her little legs could only make her run so fast but when she got there Harry was ready to scoop her up in his warm embrace.
"Ohhh I missed you, my love." Harry pressed light kisses all over her face and Sofia started squirming in his grasp, giggling as Harry continued to attack her.
"Did someone say dad is here?" You heard Will day from down the hall, but you'd buried your face in your hands, in disbelief and shock, to truly acknowledge what was going on.
You listened to the sounds of them reuniting and getting bombarded by kisses from Harry, until it got a bit too overwhelming. Harry was actually here and that was something you thought would be a distant dream, and hearing him play with your children was such a joyous thing to hear. You decided that you needed a minute away, and to yourself.
"Excuse me." You announce softly, working your way past the pile of people that were now on the floor. You wanted to laugh at how your children had tackled Harry down to the ground, but your tears prevented you from feeling that way.
You walked to your bedroom, and outside onto the small terrace that was attached to it. It let you have a stunning view of the city in the distant, but you could also had the pleasure of having the rolling hills, and stunning fields of gold, in the foreground. You shut the sliding door over, trying to get the atmosphere as quiet at possible. You rested your elbows on the stone railing and placed your hands on your forehead, before continuing your hardened sobs. Ever since the dreaded phone call this morning, you don't think you've had a second, after it, where there hasn't been a teardrop on your skin.
After 5 minutes, give or take, you heard the sliding doors open. You didn't need to turn and look to see who it was to know who it was - his comforting presence alone telling you.
You turned around quickly to see he had been stood infinitely close behind you, probably apprehensive about touching or comforting you. The way you immediately brought your arms around him, to give him a hug, took him by surprise, but within seconds he was embracing you back and tighter than ever. You buried your face in his chest as the tears continued, but he didn't seem to mind at all.
After a minute or two, hugging in comfortable silence, you tilted your head up and looked from his eyes to his gorgeous lips. He noticed you looking and started to lean himself down slowly, still being wary of how you were feeling towards him. You couldn't take being away from him any longer, and so cupped the back of his neck to bring him down faster.
The feeling of his lips on yours made you feel invincible. You forgot about all yours worries when he was pressed close against you. It was as if nothing else mattered, but only you two. He made you forget that he had been a jerk on the phone. He made you forget that you had a bloody brain tumour. He made you forget every small detail you'd been worrying over for the past 14 hours or so. Even though it only lasted for a minute; he made you forget.
The sound of smacking lips detaching one another allowed you to breathe again. He was good at making you feel breathless and savouring every minute moment he had with you. You both stared in to each others eyes and let them talk to one other. You could tell by his emerald, doe, eyes that he was unimaginably sorry, and he could tell from yours that you forgave him no questions asked.
"I thought you'd left me." You honestly let him know.
"Never, baby. I promised i'd always be there for you, and some fucking tumour, isn't going to change that." You loved that Harry could find the light in a situation like this. It's one of his charming qualities that never ceases to amaze you.
"I have th—"
"Daddy?" You hear from behind you both. You see Sofia standing there, in her cute lilac polka-dot onesie, looking at Harry with adoring eyes. She hasn't seen him in a month or so, and so seeing him, earlier than expected too, has turned her into a little sheep to follow Harry - wanting to spend every spare minute with him.
"Sof." Harry sighed, reluctantly detaching himself from around you. "I told you, sweetheart, that I need to make sure mummy's okay for a bit, alright?" He reminded her, his words filling your heart with so much love and happiness you thought it might burst.
"But daddyyy..." She whines, stomping her foot delicately on the floor.
"No Sof. It's not fair on mummy is it?" He crouched down to her level to caress her soft cheeks.
"H, it's alright. I'm alright. Go and see to her, and the boys too if they want you. I can wait."
Harry stands back up, after seeing how his daughters expression changes to a much more excited one. He walks over to you and cups both your cheeks with his large, veiny, hands.
"You're so annoying, you know that right?" Harry teases you, probably frustrated that your intimate moment, that could've turned into something more intimate, had been interrupted. He gives you a quick kiss on the lips and you pushed him along to go sort out his children.
An hour and a half later you and Harry were sat in the bath together. You were layed back against his chest and his arms, along with yours, were resting on top of your stomach. Your legs were interwoven and your head was back against Harrys shoulder, his cheek to the top of your head. You'd argue that this is more intimate that anything else - to be so desperately close to one another, and yet still hold back from all pleasurable interactions. Sure, the moments leading up to you both needing the bath had been beautiful and raw, sending all kinds of sensations flying through your body, but this was something special.
If you could freeze time, this is where you'd like to be frozen.
"Will you get angry at me if I apologise again?" Harry asked, nodding his cheek further into your hair - which apparently smelt like 'heaven' according to Harry.
"Most likely." You chuckled, knowing that you wouldn't but you'd become irate about it. You'd lost count of the amount of times that Harry had apologised to you this evening, but he said he couldn't ever put a number on how many times he should apologise because it would be too big. He vowed to use the rest of his life to show how he'll love you till the end of your time, and prove he never intended to leave you. You thought he'd proved himself enough over the past few hours he's been back, but you weren't going to stop him from showering you in more love.
"Sorry." Harry buries his head in your shoulder to hide away from your pretend wrath.
You move around in the warm, soapy bath water until you're straddling his legs. The bath water sloshed around as you moved, but luckily you were agile enough to not let any spill overboard. Harry couldn't take his eyes off your mesmerising body, and you had to tilt his chin up for him to lose contact with your chest and gain contact with your orbs.
"You're the worst." You tease him for apologising to you, again, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your chest up against his - hissing at the cold contact against your boobs.
"Don't I know it." He rolls his eyes and gives you a smirk, holding on to your back tighter.
"But I couldn't love you any less." You tell him, kissing his lips quickly but enough to send butterflies through your body.
"Hmm. Well that could be a compliment, depending on how much you love me already?" He asked, pointing out the flaw in your nonsense.
You thought for a minute before answering. "I love you more than you love me." You slyly smirk, knowing how badly he hates comparing your love. He's such a sore loser and finds it bruising to his ego when you say you love him more than he does you. He belly laughs at your statement, not being able to control himself.
"Not only did you just deflate my ego, and boost your narcissism, but it's cute that you actually believe what you said." Harry starts of lightheartedly but you can tell he became more serious towards the end.
"But I—"
"I don't think so Mrs Styles." He brings you even closer, which you thought was impossible.
"I love you H."
"I love you... even more." Harry returns, and you drop your head, giggling, on to his shoulder from giving up with him.
2 months later and surgery had been successful.
The day of the surgery you'd never felt more nervous for anything. The nerves you felt that day even beat your pre-wedding nerves. It was such an intense and overwhelming feeling, and none of it would have been possible if it weren't for Harry being there for you the whole time. Your children were all superstars too. They continuously showered you in love, and although it was Harry buying the gifts, they treated to you flowers whenever you were down. Whether it was a bunch of roses, a bouquet of different flowers or a single sunflower to plant in the garden, it always managed to cheer you up.
You had surgery a couple of days ago and you were still in and out of sleep, not having spoken a word yet. The morphine dosage that they gave you, along with all the other concoctions of medicine they gave you, had been really strong. The doctor had explained to you, after surgery, how you might not come around, properly, until a few days after surgery. No doubt Harry stayed by your side through all of it.
Lying subconscious in bed allowed you to think a lot. It terrified you as to how you were going to be after surgery and how dependent you were going to have to be on other people for a while. Apparently your legs and arms become really weak, because you brain has been out of action and a small proportion has been attacked by a tumour, and that scared you. You didn't want your children to see you helpless - what kind of example would that set to them? You probably would have to be fed for a small amount of time, and either use crutches or maybe a wheelchair, and you, being the strong and independent woman you are, hated that.
Today was different. You could feel it.
You woke up, from your light slumber, with a heavy presence on your hand. If you hadn't become so accustomed to the feel of Harrys hand you probably wouldn't have known what it was, but you'd recognise that soft, bony, feel anywhere.
You open your eyes slowly, letting your eyes adjust to the light in their own time. You noticed you were in your own private room, something that they had very limited numbers of in hospitals here, and it was no doubt due to Harrys constant nagging and persistency that you were here. Looking to your right you confirmed that it was Harry holding your hand. He was slouched in a chair, facing your direction, sleeping, but holding your hand nevertheless. It took another second to realise Sofia was asleep in his lap, looking like the princess she was. There was another few chairs in the corner of the room and you realised your sons were all sat on them. Thomas and Eric resting their heads on each other and Will sat with his hood pulled up over his face.
It was beyond comforting to know your family was still here and waiting patiently for you.
You softly ran your finger over Harrys hand, trying to cause a disturbance. You'd attempted to voice your actions but nothing came out, due to your throat being so dry. You noticed a cup of water next to your bedside table and decided to help yourself. You turned the best you could, with Harry still holding on to your hand, and then moved your arm to the water. It was hard, really hard, but you managed to do it. You held the plastic cup as firmly as you could, with your trembling fingers, and sat up a bit further to take a sip. You managed a few sips before your fingers gave way and you dropped the plastic cup to the floor, spilling the rest of the water on the floor.
The noise wasn't loud but obviously loud enough to wake people up. Everyone except Harry - whom didn't wake up for anyone. He could sleep through an earthquake if he tried.
"Mum!" "Mummy!" A chorus of your children's voices echoed throughout the room, eventually waking Harry up in the process. Thomas and Eric came over to stand next to your bedside, taking your hand in both of theirs. Will rested on the end of the bed, giving you a soft smile which you returned. Sofia jumped across from Harrys lap on to your bed and engulfed you in a hug.
"Umph." You let out the noise when she jumped on you, still feeling a little sensitive all over your body.
"Hey, hey. Sof. You need to be careful with mummy, alright?" Harry comes and removes her slightly off of you, so you don't have to carry as much weight.
"Sorry mummy." Sofia apologises, going to sit next to you, her little legs dangling off the bed and miles from the floor. You gave her a small smile to signify you were okay and that you didn't need her apology. Harry stood nearby her in case she fell.
"How are you mum?" Will asked. Even though Will acted like he was too cool to get involved, you knew that he did honestly care and his question warmed your heart that he was taking an interest.
"A bit achey, not going to lie. I also find it really hard to move my legs and arms, but that was to be expected." You try and say with a strong and brave voice, but you didn't even convince yourself that it was.
"Will, buddy?" Harry asks, catching Will's attention. "Could you maybe take Sofia and the boys to the vending machine?" He hands over a handful of loose change. "Just get some crisps or chocolate for yourselves, please?"
Will obviously understood that his dad was asking for a couple of minutes alone with you.
"Sure. Cmon Sof." Will cheerily spoke, holding out his hand for her. Harry helped her off the bed, and Thomas and Eric both squeezed your hand to show they were here for you. Once they all left, Sofia rambling on about her favourite chocolate bar, Harry came and sat down by you.
He wrapped both his large hands in your smaller, and frailer, one. He leant down to plant a long-lasting kiss to your forehead, the sparks remaining even after he'd moved away. He then rested his forehead lightly on yours, looking in to your eyes the best he could from this angle. You had a feeling he just wanted to be as close to you as possible. You'd be lying if you said you didn't want the same thing.
"I missed you." Harry whispered against your face, your lips ghosting each other.
"You've been here the whole time, H." You  remind him.
"But it wasn't the same. Not being able to see these beautiful, dreamy, eyes. Not being able to annoy you whenever I want. Not being able to cuddle up next to you in bed every night. Not being able to hear your angelic laugh." He stops to look down at your lips. "And not being able to kiss these pretty things." He nudged his nose against yours.
"Well nothing's stopping you now." You smirk.
Harry lets out a small chuckle before rushing down to meet your lips with his. It was as if it was the first time he was getting to do it. He was so excited and you could feel the happiness radiate off him as his lips moulded against yours. You had to pull away to catch your breath.
"Yeah. Definitely missed that." Harry stated, making you chuckle.
You tried to move your hands up to cup his cheek but it was difficult to raise it past a certain point, your muscles being too weak to allow it. You sadly sighed to yourself and flopped your arm back on the bed beside you, closing your eyes in disappointment.
A second later you feel Harrys hand lifting your arm. You open your eyes to glance at him and he's reading your facial expressions to make sure what he's doing isn't hurting you in any way.
"Together." Harry firmly tells you, finally resting your palm against his cheek. He leans against it and you can feel the warmth radiating off his skin. Harry makes sure to hold your hand in place so you aren't doing all the hard-work.
"Sorry." You look at him through your sad eyes.
"For what, darling?" Harry looks deep in to your eyes, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.
"For all this." Your nod your head down to your body, referring to how you were semi-immobile. "I know it's not what you signed up for, but—"
"But I love you no matter what." Harry finishes your sentence for you, not wanting to hear your criticise yourself any more than you already had. "This isn't your fault, baby. You know that. I know that. Everyone knows that. We're going to get through this. You're not alone. That, I can promise you."
His words brought as tears to your eye but Harry manages to kiss it away, leaving him with salty lips, before it can truly fall.
2 weeks later, you were out of the hospital now and back home. It was been very overwhelming the last couple of weeks.
You still were unable to walk properly without the support of crutches, or a wheelchair and sometimes Harry. It was a blessing in disguise that your children were still at school, because it meant that you were able to have a lot of time to yourself, and with Harry, without constant interruptions or fussing over you.
Your children had been brilliant. They helped around the house when necessary, and every weekend, when they didn't have school, they delivered you breakfast in bed. Sofia made your cards, that had messages inside that were all spelt wrong, and drew family portraits for you. Sometimes you'd end up with a blue face and green hair, but you didn't love it any less.
As for Harry. Well he was just another level of amazing. He cleaned around the house, even when you insisted you could. He was very firm and layed out the ground rules early on. You weren't to move without his assistance and it had to be with good reason. I.e. apparently getting yourself a glass of water isn't good enough. He picked up the kids from school and dropped them off, sometimes you'd come along if your medication hadn't made you too drowsy. He did allow you to help cook dinner, what with stirring the pan, to let you feel like you were doing something, but he didn't want to overwork you.
Harry and yourself were currently out in the park, and it was very amusing.
You were in your comfy clothes, whilst Harry was in his running gear. He was running laps of a swimming-pool-sized pond, whilst you were walking indescribably slow with your crutches to assist you. Every time he jogged past you he would joke about how you were 'catching him up', but that was far from the truth. You'd barely gone around half of the pond, whereas Harry had done four laps of it, so far. You found the whole thing hilarious.
Harry was catching up to you again and you attempted to go a bit faster to make it seem like you were racing him.
"Oh I see. You're trying to get away from me now, huh?" Harry shouts from behind you. You laughed to yourself as you continue to place the crutches out in front of you before moving yourself forwards. "I don't think so.." Harrys voice becoming more apparent now, from obviously being able to move faster than you.
You suddenly feel his arms wrap around yours and he twirls you around in the air.
"I've got you. I won." He attacks your neck with kisses, probably leaving a mark or two. Acting like this with him makes it look like you were still falling in love with each other, not being married and have four kids already. You wouldn't want it any other way though.
"You only win because you're a sore loser." You tease him as he places you back down on the floor.
"Shut up." He mumbles.
You go down to pick up your crutches, which you'd accidentally let go of, but are stopped by Harry.
"It's alright love i've got them." Harry tells you, knowing how hard it is for you to bend over and multitask by picking something up.
"No. It's okay. I want to try." You shyly tell him, feeling stupid that you're even requesting it. Harry proudly smiles at you before you lean down to pick them up.
Harrys hand ghosts over the small of your back, just on stand-by for support in case you need it. You let out a groan half-way down, not wanting to give up but realising that this was more difficult than anticipated.
"You've got this baby. Keep going." Harry comforted you to carry on, even when he knew you were struggling, because he knows you can do it. The mere thought gives you enough strength to keep going and power through the ache.
With one final push you're able to pick them up and stand back up. Harry slinks his arms around your waist and picks you up so he's carrying you around his torso. Your legs instinctively cross over his back, and your arms find way to his neck.
Without any words Harrys lips press against yours passionately, and you know that he is proud of you.
A year later had come another milestone for you.
You'd successfully managed to drive the kids to school, and back home. Harry had sat in the passenger seat, making sure to help you with the wheel or change of gears, throughout. You were both anxious. You, more about ending up having an accident and Harry more for wanting you to prove to yourself that you could do it. But you did it.
The kids had been over the moon to hear that their mum was driving them to and from school, complaining that their dads jokes were getting too old now. Harry was mildly offended and continued with his jokes as punishment.
You'd forgotten the route and ended up at a pig-farm, upon trying to get to school, but Harry found it funny and it made you relax. Minor-amnesia was a product of the surgery, and it was times when you were trying to drive somewhere that it became an issue. Other times it was actually quite useful. For example when you'd genuinely forgotten someones name, you can blame it on the surgery, or if you were meant to collect something and had forgotten you'd be politely excused.
After having dinner with the kids, which was an Indian takeaway from your favourite, you made sure they all went to bed before spending some time with Harry downstairs. He'd mentioned how he needed to talk to you about some things this evening.
Both of you were snuggled up on the sofa, with you practically lying on top of Harry. Harry had a can of beer in his hand and your glass of water was carefully placed on the floor. You'd been advised not to drink alcohol for a while, just until the migraines settle down.
"H? You alright? You've been very quiet." You asked, as you kept your eyes on the TV where the BBC News was playing. You weren't really watching it, but it was just there to fill the background noise with anything other than silence.
"Um, yeah." He clears his throat. "I've been thinking a lot lately."
"About?" You ask, not exactly being able to read Harrys mind.
"Life. You. Kids. The future.." He answers, but you can sense he his nervous as his heart is beating considerably faster than usual.
"Okay?" You press for him to continue.
"I'm going to give it all up." He just blurts out, catching you if guard and making you stop breathing for a few seconds.
You twist around so you're sat crossed legged over his legs. "W-what do you mean?" You ask, confused over his proposal.
"I mean, I quit. I'm done with that part of my life." He answers as a matter of factly.
You close your eyes and shake your head to try and process what's actually happening right now.
"H? What are you doing?" You ask, flabbergasted. "Music is your life.."
"No, Y/N. You are my life. Those children, sleeping soundly upstairs, are my life. Music is a passion and a relaxation. It is a way to express my emotions when I don't have you around."
"I know, I know. I'll miss the touring and meeting all the amazing fans, but leaving you is just something i'm not willing to do anymore."
A few tears slip down your cheeks when you realise what you're doing.
"This is all my fault." You begin to cry, covering your face with your palms to hide yourself from Harry.
"Hey, Y/N/N, no it's not. You hear me? It's not." Harry tugs your hands away from your face so he can see your beautiful face. "Look at me, darling." He tells you more than asks you.
"Sor—" You start.
"Sshh. I don't want to hear it. I mean, you having surgery is part of the reason, but there are so many other things that are bigger than that. Y/N/N, I love you so so much. More than you could ever believe and I just want to spend the rest of my life with you now. Of course i'll continue to write, produce and publish music, but i'm just not up for touring, like I did, anymore. From now on I want to become the family man. I want to be there every day for our children, no matter what. I need them so much more than they could ever need me."
"But money H..?" You sigh, even though your spirit is so happy from Harrys insight into the future.
"That is not for you to worry about, right now, alright? I've been planning this for a while now and I have things in place and such. I just needed to tell you, because your my other half - my better half - and I felt you deserved to be involved."
It went quiet for a little bit as you let everything Harrys told you, so far, sink in. You'd stopped crying, mainly because Harry wasn't giving your tears a chance to run down your face. You started to smile to yourself at a life where 365 days of a year you can wake up next to your husband.
"What you smiling at, gorgeous?" Harry chuckled, caressing your cheek.
"You." You cheese. "And how I get to be with you for the rest of my days."
"I can't wait to start living the rest of my life with you." Harry softly says, kissing your nose briefly.
Rest of your lives. You could get used to that.
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urfavlarry · 3 months
hello, I saw your reader who lives in the phantom universe fic and can we please get a pt 2 where reader gets transported back with them and starts school? Reader gets bullied because they haven't seen people for a long time and their social skills are lacking. You can ignore this if you want.
Thank you ❤
Tyler Hernández x reader part II
Part I
warnings: swearing, bad grammar, reader gets bullied, fem!reader
genre: angst with fluff at the end
A/N: if you want an Aiden version, message me<3
translations: hermosa-beautiful, mi reina hermosa- my beauiful queen, amor,mi amor- love, my love, mi vida- my life
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You groan, rubbing your aching head and hiss in pain as the warm summer sun hits your eyes like daggers. Wait. Warm summer sun? You quickly rise to your feet but stumble back, landing straight on your ass. “What the fuck? Is this what I think it is?” Your hands go through the soft grass, the wind brushing your skin making the temperature just right. Your heart beat quickens as you look around, seeing the oh so familiar house you last saw years ago. You shakily stand up and walk to the house. The door was just a few inches away, yet something was stopping you from knocking; “What if they moved on?” “What if they won’t want me anymore?”
You knock on the door softly and you hear a dog barking and footsteps; “We have a dog?” You wonder but freeze as you hear the door unlocking, and there she was; your mother. “Um, are you—” You get cut off by a bone crushing hug; “Oh Y/N my baby, you.. your back.. my baby..” She sobs into your shoulder as you stand there awkwardly, patting her back. She grabs you by the shoulder and looks at you with puffy eyes; “Where have you been all these years? Look at you! So grown up. Your hair..” She starts to ramble and you look at the house, your pictures still there, your baby photos.. everything was the same. Another pair of footsteps is heard throughout the house and you look past your mom’s shoulder. “Honey who was… it.” Your father drops everything on the floor and runs to you, engulfing you into a big hug, spinning you around. “Y/N I can’t believe it’s you.. you’re okay? Where have you been?” You look at them, your whole body trembling. “I must be dreaming.. this can’t be right.. i’ve bee stuck in that place for so long I must be hallucinating..” You mumble underneath your breath, your knees giving out.
Your parents look at you concerned, your mother going to get something while your father rubs your back soothingly, trying his best to comfort you. Your mother crouches down next to you and lifts your chin up to look at her. “It’s okay baby you’re home.. this is real okay?” She says and hands you a worn out stuffed toy. Your heart melts as you recognize the old thing, hugging it close to your chest. You stay there in their embrace for what feels like hours, not even noticing the fact you fell asleep. The next day you thought you would wake up back in that terrible place, but you didn’t. You woke up in a soft bed, warm blankets on top of you. You recognize the scent of the room immediately and smile softly. “Home..” You mumble and lift yourself up from the bed, your feet hitting the cold ground making your body shudder.
You walk downstairs, your parents making breakfast. You yawn and sit down in the living room, the dog jumping to lay beside you. A second later your mom and dad walk into the living room, handing you your breakfast with a quick kiss on the cheek from your mom. “Good morning, sleep well?” You nod and munch on your breakfast. ‘Finally decent food’ You think to yourself and finish eating. “Wow that was quick.” Your dad jokes and you smile, putting the dishes in the sink and walk back. “Soo.. I was thinking we could go shopping today? Since you only have your old clothes that probably will not fit you at all?” And so it was set!
You had a lot of fun shopping, you saw how styles have changed and well.. how everything has changed. Then it hits you; the other must be worried sick. You disappear into thin air and they don’t know where you are. “I should ask my mom if she knows her parents.” You think to yourself and look at your mom who was now driving you guys back home. “Wow we really sure spent a lot didn’t we?” She jokes and you chuckle awkwardly; “Um mom? Do you by any chance know the Banner family?” You ask and fiddle with your sleeves. She looks at you confused; “Oh they’re our neighbors, why? How do you know them?” “Oh um I saw them when we were going to the car!”
She looks at you unconvinced but drops the subject; “Well if you want we can invite them over? Their daughter Ashlyn is your age!” She smiles enthusiastically and starts to ramble about what she will make for dinner. And so dinner came around, your mother was cooking your favorite and you were setting the table while your dad was just watching TV. “Y/N honey I think they’re here, could you go open the door?” “On it.” You say and run to the door, and there she was; Ashlyn. You smile at them kindly and let them in, Ashlyn looking at you with a “what the fuck” face and you shrug. “Mom, me and Ash are going upstairs!” You don’t give her time to reply and drag Ashlyn to your room, shutting it behind you. “Where have you been!?” She whisper yells and paces around your room. “We were worried sick! Especially Tyler! He’s been going crazy for the past 2 days!” She says and sits down on your bed. You look at her and shrug; “I wish I could tell you how I got here but I really don’t know. I don’t go back at night like you do tho but I guess you’ve noticed that.” She nods and drops the topic for now, talking to you about school and who to avoid. You were starting school tomorrow and to say you were nervous was an understatement. You and Ashlyn would meet up every morning at the bus stop and go to school together along with Aiden and Ben.
The next day it’s just like you planned; meet up with Ashlyn and go to school together. You sat next to her after getting yet another bone crushing hug from Aiden and just a simple wave from Ben who in his own way was glad you were okay. Aiden yapped the whole way to school but you didn’t mind, it was nice being with them again. You were nervous about seeing Tyler. Would he be mad? You don’t know.
You walk with the others to the office to get your schedule which was basically the same since you’re in the same class. Suddenly the halls get crowded, people arriving in school and you get separated from the others, loosing them in the giant crowd. You look around frantically searching for them and try to push through the crowd mumbling quick a ‘sorry’ or ‘excuse me’. You get pulled back into a bathroom by a black haired boy. He was fairly tall and had shoulder length hair. “I um.. Hi..” You say and fiddle with your hoodie. “Hey newbie you looked like a damned lost puppy in that crowd.” He smirks and makes you back up into a wall. “I.. uh.” “Well what’s your name?” He says and put his arm next to your head, basically caging you there with him. “My name.. it’s ..the.. uh.. I mean it’s Y/N.” You say, slapping yourself internally at the awkward interaction. The boy laughs and goes to speak when another very familiar voice spoke up; “Hey you fucking asshole leave her alone.” He gets pushed off and you scatter to the door of the bathroom, watching Tyler beat the boy. You grab him by the shoulder and speak up; “We should.. go..” Tyler stands up, breathing heavily and leads you away.
Once you get away from the crowd he pulls you into a loving kiss. “You don’t know how much i’ve missed you mi reina hermosa.” He says and hugs you, lifting you up and spins you around. You chuckle and hug him back, kissing him on the cheek. “I missed you too Ty, let’s go to class we can talk later okay?” You say and smile at him, taking his hand and interwine your fingers. He leads you to the class and you get there just in time before the bell rings. You get pulled in front of the class by the teacher and you look down at the ground nervously. “Students this is our new student Y/N L/N, treat them with kindess even if they arrived in the middle of the year.” He says and smiles at you kindly. “Now go ahead and introduce yourself.” Your face feels hot and you stutter our a quick sentance; “Mynameisy/nandIliketolistentomusic.” You say and regret even speaking as most of the class starts to laugh. The teacher shuts them up and you quickly sit down in your seat, resting your head down on the table and try not to think about this awkward day.
And after that day the bullying began. You would get called names, people fake stuttering when talking to you and fiddle with their hands. You laugh awkwardly about it, not knowing how to protect yourself when Tyler wasn’t there to shut them up. You didn’t want to depend on him so you kept quiet about it and bottled up your emotions. Tyler quickly noticed your change in behavior. You were more quiet then usual and you weren’t as talkative as you were when you were in the phantom realm.
One day you were hanging out at his house, him laying on top of you while you played with his hair. He looks up at you with hooded eyes and flips you both so you were now the one on top of him. “Amor what’s up with you lately?” You raise a brow as a sign for him to continue. “Well, ugh.. just.. you’ve been so distant lately and you don’t talk as much as you did before.” He says and sits up, cupping your cheek and traces loving circles on it. “You know if somethings going on you can tell me, right?” He says and smiles softly. You contemplate what to say, should you tell him the truth? Well he already knows something is going on so it would be better if you did. But what if the bullying didn’t stop? What if it only gets worse? You shake off those thoughts and sigh, beginning to speak and tell him everything.
How the bullying started, who bullies you, how they bully you, literally everything. You ramble on and on, trying your best to tell him that it’s nothing but he shuts you up with a quick peck on the lips. “Y/N this is serious you know? It’s okay to be nervous around people. I mean, how long have you been without human contact aside me and the rest of the group?” He asks and you stay silent and frown. “Exactly. I promise to be here for you from now on and I am so sorry I haven’t been this entire time mi vida.” He says and pulls you into a warm embrace, inviting you to let out all of your emotions, which you do. You sob and ramble for what feels like hours on end and calm down after talking about it some more with Tyler. Your eyes were puffy and you looked away from him and joke; “Don’t look at me i’m probably not the prettiest sight right now.” You chuckle and wipe away your tears.
He pulls you closer by the waist and peppers your face with kisses, making you giggle. “You.Are.The.Most.Prettiest.Girl.In.The.World.” He says im between kisses and gives you one last kiss on the lips. “But really mi amor if anyone bothers you from now on come and tell me, but I will be by your side most of the time now okay?” Your hearts mealts and nod, laying back down with him and think to yourself; “Home at last..”
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izzywantscheesecake · 5 months
leo valdez x female reader!! dating headcanons *blows kiss*
Dating Leo Valdez Headcanons!
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Pairing: Leo Valdez x Fem!Reader Fandom: Camp Half-Blood Chronicles/Heroes of Olympus Quick Synopsis: Just some paragraphs headcanons on how you and Leo would meet/what dating him would be like. Tags: Use of Y/N, Fluff, no specific physical description of the reader (other than the fact they're female coded), Comfort
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HOW YOU TWO WOULD MEET I imagine Leo to be someone who looks for a person he's able to have a lot of common ground with in a relationship. Of course, he's able to crack jokes (even the not so funny ones) around practically everyone, but there's a difference between small banter and just full on being able to vibe with someone. I think he'd be very attracted to someone interested in the arts, or someone who likes to make their own things as a mean of self expression in general. We all know how Leo is in terms of self confidence - he'd like a person who is unapologetically them, proud of their art and self expression and someone who has enough emotional awareness to give him reassurance in a relationship when they can sense he needs it. You guys would probably first meet at some type of event or workshop, or if you're a camper, probably at the dining pavilion when he sees you and has to do a double take because "who is that cool girl I've never seen before?" he'd muster enough confidence to come up and tell you a corny joke, stumbling on his words, which makes you laugh.
"Hey, can I ask you something?"
You looked up from your feet, now practically face to face with this guy you'd never seen before. His clothes were wrecked with dirt and debris, so were his gloves.
He was standing awkwardly, and his hands, clearly shaking, were clenched into tight fists.
"So um, riddle me this. Why can't you hear a pterodactyl going to the bathroom?"
"Because pterodactyls went extinct 65 million years ago?"
His eyes widened, and a red tint began to become more visible around his face as he scratched his head, messing up his already tangled locks of hair.
"Oh.. That wasn't what I was going to say," He chuckled.
You smiled, suddenly feeling a warm aura coming from this boy.
"Well, what were you going to say?"
"Because, uh.. The P is.. Damn, whatever. My name's Leo. What's yours?"
ACTUAL RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS He was awkward at the start of the relationship, not really knowing what to say or what exactly "being a boyfriend" entails, but once he starts getting comfortable and more confident around you, that's where the fun begins (yes this is a star wars reference) Expect every Spanish nickname to be pulled out of the book. "Mi amor," "Hermosa," "Bonita," "Mi vida," "Corazón," if it exists in the Spanish language, he's most definitely said it. And he won't skip out on variations of your preferred name, or even silly sounding nicknames in public, like: "pookie" and "sugarplum" or some other stupidness. For dates, I believe he'd very much vary between educational and immersive dates and just straight up goofing off. It honestly depends on the season. Late Fall/Winter is for going to museums, workshops, possibly a joint coding class or hanging together in one of your rooms, and Spring/Summer is for exploring the town and having those cute little boardwalk + beach + ferris wheel dates. (I also imagine him to be somewhat clumsy and he WOULD drop ice cream all over the pavement.) As the son of Hephaestus, he is most definitely a human radiator. Definitely had a lot of fever scares just because of his temperature alone. But don't worry, he's fine. And the heat is an extra bonus if you're cuddling. Speaking of cuddling and physical proximity, Leo's love languages are gift-giving and physical touch. It doesn't matter if you guys have been apart for 2 minutes or 2 days, if he hasn't seen you in a little bit, he will greet you with one of those spin around hugs or a kiss on the hand. And for gift giving, he enjoys giving and receiving gifts. He likes to either make you little trinkets, or make/buy your favorite foods. He is a firm believer of giving his lady princess treatment, even on a dollar store budget. Though he wouldn't consider himself much of a photographer, I think he probably enjoys taking lots of pictures of you, both with and without him. It's to savor the moment, and also because he wishes he could've taken more pictures with his mother when she was still alive. He has a photo album of just you, him, and the adventures you two go on. You're not a stranger to pranking by him, by the way. If anything, he probably pranks you the most, out of love. You'll chase him down for a few hours, and he gets a thrill out of it knowing you won't stay mad at him forever. In conclusion, dating Leo can be rocky, calming, and give you a whirlwind of emotions, similar to how being on a floating trireme would feel.
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A/N: I'm going to be real I never really paid much attention to Leo in the books, so I'm hoping this is accurate?? my bad if it isnt gang 🙏🏽🙏🏽
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stay-tiny-ville · 5 months
Hwang Hyunjin
Summary ~ lovely boy :( (Or dating head cannons for Hwang Hyunjin)
A.N. 2 - if my describing of your relationship growing up didn’t make sense I’m sorry I don’t know how to word it 😭😭😭
Muse, love, beautiful, dove, love, angel, Cara Mia, mon Cher are a few names he’d give you def a lot of “my love”s in another language
Ive heard some mixed opinions (well not that many but a couple) saying that he would be reserved and only lovey behind closed doors
However i argue the opposite and agree with the positions on him being a true hopeless romantic at heart
Tall boy loves holding you as you sleep
Obviously wakes before you (Probably) with his horrendous schedule and just has a true “this is life, and i am living and loving being alive” moment when he just gets to look at you all peaceful and beautiful in his arms
Covers the corners of things with his hand so you don’t hit your head
Stfu he would paint you
Your hands, your face, you two together, or he would take a stab at paintings that are simply based on the memory/emotion but not paint the memory (like he would do that thing where people can see sounds and he would try to imagine your laugh and paint it-i'll die on this hill)
So dramatic like will burst into tears if he gets a paper cut or stubs a toe (i mean yeah it hurts but he’s dYING)
Unlike some of the members like Chan, he’s always with you, like you’re never alone and if he’s at rehearsals? Oh look, you’re here too. Meeting with JYP? Oh, can you come in too? He’s going shopping? He’s at the red carpet for versace? He’s-
You get it
Spiritually and physically attached
Spins you all the time
Context: every single time you come out of the bedroom after getting ready to go out or simply just coming out of the room he takes your right hand with his right hand and twirls you into his side before a required temple kissy and moves on/out the door
Required ritual or the world ends
I imagine you two as childhood best friends (yes, THAT trope) and i don’t necessarily think of it as one of you had a crush on each other as you grew up, you just grew up together in love as if it’s what you were taught to do
When you went to school and learned about the different types of emotions or had the healthy relationship talk you didn't think anything of it
I didn't know what love felt like until I turned 18 and you thought this adoration was a normal feeling
Until your friends talked about their lives and you realized most people don't have a bond like you do, most people don't feel like you do about your soulmate Jinnie
You didn't feel this way about the crushes you’ve had previously
Normal people don’t always put their one friend before everybody else
Either you went straight to Hyunjin and talked about it because you could talk to him about anything or not, he would realize the same thing, i can’t say if it was slower or faster than you, it depends i suppose
But i imagine the transition was just from the average hugs and hand holding and kisses on the forehead that were just normal things with no thought behind them became ones with love behind them
Puts you before himself
You’re cold means trade cold for his jacket he will suffer instead
You’re sick he’ll sacrifice his health to cuddle and coddle you all day long
You haven’t been eating well/at all he’ll give you his food after rehearsals
Lays his head on your chest
He’s baby :(
Like I haven’t thought about who cuddles how and who is big or little spoon but Hyunjin loves to just lay on your chest or lap
Please he’s dress you up in rich ass clothes even if it looks putrid together
The softest with you when you’re upset :(
Like you’d just not be doing too good be it sad or bad day and he could tell because you weren’t responding as energetically to his jokes and funny haha’s (please that autocorrected to Gaga’s) and his smile turns into a frown and he’d stop you from walking away by grabbing your shoulder that was farthest from him and turned you to look at him
When you kept your head low he ducked to meet your eyes and the sadness/tiredness in the made him sad :(
Takes care of you all day and sits with you on the floor in front of the couch on the fuzzy (I imagine white faux fur bc he’s bougie) rug
You sit in his lap facing him while his back is against the couch and he doesn’t break eye contact to let you know he’s listening so whenever you look back up at him from messing with his clothes he’s looking right at you
Please he’s so baby I could write so much more about hopeless romantic baby Hyunjin
ASO RQ I AM FOREVER OBSESSED WITH BOTH RED HAIR HYUNJIN (which is a trade of passage for Stays at this point) AND MAXIDENT TASTE (which is such a banger I will die on this hill again) SHORT BLUE HYUNJIN HAIR AAAAAAAH
N e ways he’s baby and so so lovely I love
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kenthoescore · 6 months
💮 Blush Ice – Geto Suguru.
synopsis. Geto Suguru never thought that the smell of mentholated lychee vapes would get his cock hard and throbbing that is until the soft chime of his vape shop doors opened. part 2 here.
tags. geto as a vape shop owner, fem!reader, age gap (suguru is 28, reader is 21), mutual pinning, pervert!suguru, substance abuse, heavy mentions of smoking, vapes, and nicotine, explicit content. word count: 1.8k
note. not proofread, for the life of mine I cannot edit right now. part 2 will be posted soon. credits to: cafekitsune for the mdni banner.
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You were going crazy.
It has been a full week since you promised to yourself to quit vaping. You were getting out of your mind, full bags of lollipops were sprawled across the table as you stared at them in hopes of fighting back your nicotine withdrawals.
Fuck my life.
The events of your life were not helping either, your grades getting below the average, the amount of stress the last year of college was slowly getting to you just as you decided to quit, and more importantly the fucking rent was due and you were not paid yet from your part-time job.
Your hands desperately inches to a cola flavored lollipop, and popping them into your gloss covered lips. Licking the sweetness and sucking it in hopes that it will satisfy you.
Unfortunately, it didn’t.
You’ve reached your breaking point. The dull thud of the lollipop hitting the end of the bin as it was rendered useless as you threw it out. Fast steps echoed in the empty apartment as you rushed to your room, feeling the soft fabric of the carpet as you knelt down and pulled at the small hidden box under your wardrobe.
Your eyes twinkle as you finally spot the magenta colored pod, bringing it to your mouth as you take your first hit of the week, breaking the one-week long streak. Mentholated sweetness dragging down your throat as you inhaled, you closed your eyes and fell back into the floor.
“That’s the shit.”
You muttered to yourself, exhaling the white smoke out of your lungs and mouth. The room slowly being filled by fumes and lychee scented nicotine. You took another hit, then another, and another.
Until you notice the bitterness slowly creeping into your taste buds. With your head mildly spinning and your body growing heavier under unseen weight being pushed to you, you exhale.
“This is not the shit.”
Out of all the fucking time it could’ve burned. It chose this day. You threw the pod to the side, clutching your head as the world began to spin rapidly and your body heavier than a thousand rocks. You had to make a trip to the vape shop. Unfortunately for you, the shop which was just a few blocks down your street closed almost a week ago.
Which was, to be honest, the reason you swore to quit. But you had no extra money left to buy a new one.
Suguru exhaled, smirking to himself as he placed multiple new boxes on the glass cabinet. Restocking the supplies of nicotine to his shop. Thick smoke flying freely in the air as he took a hit of his own, intoxicating sweetness from the multiple nicotine products seeping outside the box of freshly purchased vapes.
Eccentric and detailed tattoos decorated his hands up to his forearm, his hair neatly pulled back into a bun, and a few strands spilling out in front. He continued to refill his store, pulling boxes and boxes of vapes out of one large container, muscles flexing and veins popping through his tank top.
His eyes peeked up as he bent down, the soft chime of the door grabbing his attention. A small gentle smile creeping its way up to his lips.
“How may I help you, sweetheart?”
Suguru hums, his words like satin, smooth and gentle as he stands up straight. Meeting the eyes of the new customer, which was you. He tilts his head ever so slightly taking in your appearance, memorizing your eyes and the way your eyes searched and looked around his shop. His observant eyes grazed curiously at you.
“You looking for somethin’?”
He added. Walking towards the counter where it separates you and him, leaning over the glass. The black piercing in his ear shining under the light. There was one thing that rang through your mind, he was fucking gorgeous.
Maybe the trip half way through town was worth it.
“Just a new disposable, please.”
Suguru nods, and smiles softly at you. Your breath catches up in your throat at how seemingly gentle this man was despite the littered tattoos on his arms. God, he was like a breath of fresh air.
“Any flavors in mind?”
Your eyes wander around the glass containers, black boxes with disposables as its cover. Blue, red, pink, yellow colored ones, almost every flavor you could imagine. You smile back at him, your eyes boring into his. His eyes were like an endless deep dark chasm.
“You have recommendations? Don’t say lychee ice or watermelon, please.”
He raised an eyebrow at you as he walked across the counter, pulling out a laminated card with all the flavors he had. Amusement carved into his pretty features, a smile crawled up to his lips. His curiosity about you intensified.
“You seem like the type to pick blush ice over and over again.” He joked, a smirk playing in his lips as he gave you the card. “You smell like lychee.” He added, shooting you a playful smile.
Your fingers brushed lightly against his as you accepted it. Suguru could not keep his eyes off of you. You gave him a smile, heart beginning to pound in your chest.
“Do I?” Suguru laughs at your reply, deep and raspy. He put one of his hands in his pockets, standing taller than you as he straightened up.
“Just a little bit, sweetheart.” He mused, averting his eyes to the card.
“D’you like fruity ones or pastry?” His fingers reached over the card, silver rings adorned his slender fingers as they slid from left to right.
“Fruity ones.” He nods, fingers pausing against the column of fruit flavored ones.
“Try mixed berries.” Pointing at a purple pod fading into white at the top. “Or grape soda.” he continues, his fingers dragging further down into the card, stopping at a purple pod darkening up at the bottom. His fingers merely a few inches away from your tits.
His fingers were distractingly pretty, your eyes following his every move.
“What do you think?” He asks, his fingers dropping to the counter, he leans back down. His dark hair astray from the clean bun brushing against the side of his temple.
Your eyes settled on the grape soda, a new flavor you haven’t tried.
Lowering the card on the counter, it landed with a soft thwack of the glass. Your mind swirled with thoughts. Was it really smart to spend your last money on some nic? Could it really be that bad to wait for a few days? You sighed. It was extremely careless to spend the last bucks for a disposable when you can get the roof on your head ripped away.
“Nevermind.” You gave him a polite smile, “I’ll have to wait a few days to get a new one.”
Suguru’s head tilted, he was all too familiar with situations like this. Normally, he would smile, nod and let the customer be on their way but he couldn’t do that. Not when he couldn’t take his eyes off you. It was inappropriate for him to fantasize about a customer, even worse, with someone he didn’t even know the name of.
But, God, you were fucking hot.
He cannot walk let you walk out of the store, no. He needed to make sure you would walk back in his shop.
“Say what, sweetheart. I’ll give you this one and you can just give me your old one. Safer for the environment than to just throw it out.”
Suguru was spitting things out now, despite the screams in his thoughts. He could potentially lose money, not that he didn’t have plenty. You could run away with it and never show your face again but he was willing to take a gamble. He was positive he was beginning to look like a creep in your eyes.
You were not. It was like the heavens gave you a fucking blessing as he offered it.
“Are you serious?” Your voice is laced with excitement and disbelief.
He nods, his hands opening the glass counter and pulling out a black box. It was the disposable he suggested. He had noticed the way your eyes landed on the grape soda a while ago, his eyes never missing a detail.
“As serious as you want me to.” He played it cool, taking a step back at his advances. The gentle smile showed up again in his features.
“I can’t possibly, what if I don’t show up again?”
Suguru chuckles, pushing the box to you, stopping a few inches to your hands.
“Then too bad, I can’t see your pretty face ‘round here no more.”
You grabbed the box, it had a little weight to it. Your eyes shifted from his then back to the box. Guilt settling in your stomach as the man offered it. Suguru leans it closer, you could smell the menthol coming out of his breaths, a pleasant scent you could get intoxicated in.
“Trust me, baby. You can take it.” He whispered.
His hands slithering to hold yours. Eyes piercing into you as his eyes dropped to your lips.
You could feel the tension, the building heat in your core as he inches closer. The thick nicotine in the air makes you feel dizzy as you look into his eyes, he lets out a short deep chuckle as if he was taunting you. His eyes snap back into yours hazed with lust.
Your voice shakes, sucking in a deep inhale. You had to fight every urge in your body to not smash your lips against his and sink to your knees to give the man a blowjob as thanks, lips closing around on his cock as your hands pump the parts you can’t fit in your tiny mouth.
He backs up, the smile still on his lips. He cleared his throat and took a hit of his vape.
If he would dare, he would kiss your lips right now and wrap a hand around your pretty throat decorating it with his own marks. Fuck you right there in the shop where the tinted windows would do a decent job of hiding the both of you, bend you over the counter while his hands would take a hold of your hips and keep you in your place.
Maybe he would slip a finger or two in your mouth as he whispers filthy words into your ears.
But not today.
“No problem, sweetheart.” His voice was sweet.
He then turns around quickly, hiding the print of his dick through his pants as it gets tighter and tighter the more you stand near his presence. He clears his throat, his face doing a good job of covering the dirty thoughts he had of you.
“See you ‘round.”
With a shuddering breath, you step out of the shop. The newly purchased, or should you say given? Vape in your hand. You were certainly going back in there.
Maybe get in cashless, and offer your pussy that was making a mess in your underwear for a smoke.
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acourtofmarvels · 6 months
Comfort - Cassian Pt.2
Part 1
Warnings: none. cuteness overload :D
*35 years later*
"Cassian can you please take your feet off the table? We eat there." I smacked his leg and took a seat beside him to eat lunch.
He groaned and obeyed, putting his feet on the ground. "Gimme a bite." He pointed to the sandwich I had just made. I haven't even taken a bite of it yet.
"You just ate like, 3 minutes ago." I took a bite of my sandwich, glaring at him. I swear he is always hungry.
"Yours looks better than mine," he whined like a child.
I looked over at Azriel who was sitting across from us. He'd already finished his lunch and was reading a book at the table.
"Azriel did you not give the dog a treat after lunch?" Azriel lifted his eyes from his book, humor in them.
"That was rude," Cassian replied.
"Let the girl eat her lunch in peace," Azriel defended me, going back to his book.
I stuck my tongue out at Cassian and then took another bite of my sandwich. He was glaring at me but I could see the mischief behind his glare. I'm in trouble.
"Ask the house to-" I stopped my sentence. The air grew cold and eerie. Still, everything went so very still.
Azriel and Cassian felt it too, sitting up straight in their chairs. Something was different. We could all feel it.
There was a thud from the balcony. As if something jumped onto it, or someone landed on it.
Azriel and Cassian stood up simultaneously, grabbing their weapons. Their siphons glowing as they listened around.
Who the hell just landed at the House of Wind? No one can get up here unless they have wings. The Illyrians wouldn't dare to step foot up here. It can't be Mor, she's suppose to be in the Hewn City all day.
Azriel's shadows swirled around him, informing him of whatever just entered our house. My heart plummeted as I saw the color drain from Azriel's face.
"What's wrong? Who's here?" I shot to my feet. I was almost tempted to grab one of the daggers at Cassian's hip. If Azriel was scared then-
"I was expecting some open arms, not swords and daggers."
I don't think I ever turned around so quickly in my life.
Rhysand. Rhys. My brother. He's home. He's here, he's alive.
My knees buckled and I would have fallen to the ground if Cassian had not caught me.
My hand covered my mouth, silencing the sob that escaped me, tears poured out my eyes.
I beat Cassian and Azriel to him first, wrapping my arms around his neck so tightly. I held on for life, afraid this was a dream and the second I let go he would be gone. But I could feel him, smell him. He's here, home.
His arms stay wrapped around me as I placed my hands on his face, looking him over.
"Are you hurt?" I didn't dare ask if he was okay. How could he ever be okay from what ever torture she put him through?
"I'm alright," he replied. No signs of injury or bruises. But he was so very pale. Years away from sunlight would do that to you.
"I can't believe you are here." I wiped the tears from his cheeks, he did the same to me.
I wrapped my arms around him once more, kissing the top of his head a few times.
I didn't want to let him go but I know Azriel and Cassian would want their time with him.
The second I stepped from his embrace Cassian replaced me, literally picking Rhys off the floor and spinning him around.
"If you do not put me down I cannot promise that I will not puke on you," Rhys's laugh sent warmth through my body. I never thought I'd hear that again.
It didn't feel real. The days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months and the fact that Rhys was here still felt like a dream.
Amarantha was dead. Feyre saved us all, Rhys's mate. Rhys's mate... He has a mate. Who's marrying someone else. He showed us her. Showed us all she did. His face lit up telling us the story about her killing the wyrm.
It's been 3 months and I am savoring every last bit of it.
"You're different, sister." Rhys stared at me from across the room. He sat at his desk as I lounged in the chair in his bedroom. We did this often. This was where we always had our deep talks or hashed things out if we were upset. He would do work at his desk and I would occupy my time in the chair by reading or writing. 
"I'm happy. You're finally home." I looked up from the hat I was knitting, another thing I picked up in the 50 years he was gone. 
The smile faded off his face as he looked down at his hands. "Mor told me..."
"Whatever she told you, is in the past. Everything is good, now you're home. I'm good, I promise." Though I looked away from him I could feel the guilt in him from across the room. "Enough with the sadness, please."
"Fine, you don't want to talk about it. I'll respect that. Is there anything you do want to talk about?" His voice was hinting. There's no way he knows. We haven't.... well not since he got back. That was my decision. 
"Like what?" I didn't dare look up at him.
"Hey, you guys down for Rita's tonight?" Gods his timing was the worse. Of course Cassian had to come in and interrupt now.
Rhys and I made eye contact. He had a stupid smirk on his face. He knew... How did he know?
"Cass, please join us. We were actually just about to have a chat." Rhys pointed to his bed for Cassian to take a seat. 
Cassian went to take a seat, completely oblivious to the situation. "No, leave." He froze in his spot, looking at Rhys and me confused.
"Cassian, take a seat. As your High Lord, I order you." I could smack that stupid smug smile off his face.
"You can't do that." I snapped, crossing my arms over my chest. Pulling this High Lord card... I should smack him up side the head.
"Can and just did, sit."
Cassian took and seat and glanced between at Rhysand and I, who were having a stare off. 
"Cassian..." Rhys began, now looking at him. Cassian was trying to play it cool but I noticed the sweat beginning to form on his forehead. My heart was racing a hundred miles an hour, no doubt my brother could hear it too. "Are you sleeping with my sister?"
"Oh my gods, really Rhys?" I shot up from my seat. I felt the lie on my tongue, "Cassian and I are not-"
"We're together, yes. We have been for a while now. We take care of each other, watch out for one another. You can be mad at me, beat the shit out of me but I don't give a fuck." Cassian stood back up, no longer looking at Rhys but now me. "400 years I have loved her. 35 years I have been utterly, hopelessly in love with her."
Silence all around. I was shocked he admitted that right away. I mean we were caught, it was gonna be hard to lie to him. Cassian was standing up for us and here I was gawking like a complete idiot.
"Cassian and I are mates," I admitted to my brother nervously, but proudly. "I am madly in love with him. We wish to be mated and married but only with your permission."
That smirk had faded from my brothers face the minute Cassian spoke. His face was blank of emotion and he was silent for a while.
"This is not what I was expecting." He spoke. He crossed his arms over his chest. He looked mad but he was silent again for a while. "Fine. You have my blessing. But I'm still kicking your ass for hitting on my sister." He stood up a punched Cassian in the shoulder and then came and wrapped his arms around me which automatically relaxed me.
He placed his hands on either sides of my face, forcing me to stare into his eyes. The eyes we shared from our father. 
Are you sure? He spoke to me in my mind. My shields were down for him the second he wrapped his arms around me.
I nodded and replied to only him, I've never experienced this type of happiness before.
His face softened as a single tear rolled down my face, and he wiped it away. He was always the one to wipe away my tears. He placed a kiss on my forehead and pulled away.
"Just don't show it around me," he shivered and I rolled my eyes.
"Rhys I'd like to request some time off work," Cassian said with a smirk, looking me up and down.
"I hate this already. Get out of my face." He waved us off.
Cassian held his hand out to me which I gladly took as we ran out of Rhys's room. The second we were out of earshot, to spare Rhys, Cassian's hands and lips were all over me.
"I'm never waiting that long ever again. It was pure torture not to kiss you, to hold you, to touch you," Cassian growled in my ear. 
"I know, I'm sorry." I brought his lips back to mine. "Never again."
"Are we doing this?" He whispered, out of breath.
"Meet me at the cabin in an hour." I stepped out of reach from him, a big smile on my face.
"An hour?" He groaned. 
"One hour and then... you'll have me for eternity." I stepped forward and kissed his lips once more, in a slow and achingly long kiss. "I love you. One hour." Then I winnowed away. 
A/N cute little ending :) hope you guys liked it!
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desswright29 · 10 months
Femininity Pt.2
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Pairing: Shuri X Reader
Contains: Smut(18+), violence, slight angst, fluff. Shuri being fine af per usual.
Word count: 4,6k
A/n: Thought I’d drop something cute before I destroy y’all with this series lol. Enjoy!
The sun streamed through your floor to ceiling windows, cascading onto the light wood floors.  Setting your beautiful home aglow, as music poured through out the area. With your balcony doors ajar you could hear the waves of the ocean and the smell of the nearby beach took over your home. Today was a beautiful summer day. You’d sent Zah with his grandparents and invited Asia over for brunch. Currently you were frantically trying on outfits that you’d bought specifically for this special day, forcing opinions out of your friend. On edge, nervous excitement filling your body to the brim, as you stepped out of your room once again doing a spin to show off your dress. 
“DAMN!” Asia obnoxiously yells. She sat at the bar in your home pouring a glass of your Double Diamond Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon, giving you a once over. “Asia! This is why you stay uninvited! That’s an expensive ass bottle you’re pouring!” She shrugs and rolls her eyes. “Bitch! Aren’t you dating a Queen? I’m sure you can afford it.” Your palms began to sweat at the thought of your very recent relationship status with Shuri. It had been about Two months; but unfortunately almost three weeks after you’d made it official The Black Panther was sent on a mission. Meaning you hadn’t seen eachother since, and only talked sparingly. You’d been worried sick but, you understood that this was a consequence of dating the Queen. “I don’t even care right now. I’m nervous as fuck!” Shuri had returned to Wakanda two weeks ago, and today she was due back in Cali where she would be visiting you and Zah for awhile. 
“Well you’re definitely gonna knock her head back with that dress. Look no further!”
“It’s not too much is it?”
“It’s just enough to get exactly what you’re looking for.” Smirking she looked you up and down. You’re waist length micro loc’s had recently been re-tied and dyed red. You wore them down, completely straight with a middle part. You wore a fresh face, lashes and brows freshly done lips plumped and glossy. A short red, spaghetti strap dress adorned your curvaceous figure. The tie inbetween your breast undone giving a peak at your perky breast. The dress clung to your body, an opening on the left side revealing the supple skin of your waist. Just under your vulumptious ass, a short layer of lace flared out beneath. An ultra thin gold necklace wrapped around your neck with a small S charm dangling from its center. Your body glistened from head to toe. A gold anklet graced your pretty ankle. You were soft, supple, hydrated, and smelled just as good as you looked.
“Ugh! Usually I’d find something smart to say but you’re right! I need it! I’m fiending. At night I get the shakes. Shuri has fucked my entire world up.” You say as you grab a glass and pour yourself some of the expensive red wine. Taking a sip you walk towards the couch as Asia follows you, and takes a seat. “Girl, I can tell you got it bad. You over there shivering and shit. Calm down!” 
“You can see me shaking?”
“Hell yea! You got the couch vibrating” Both of you burst into loud laughter, hitting eachother as you cackled. Quietly, Shuri entered the house with the key you’d given her, hearing the laughter from the foyer, she closed the door and made her way down the wide hallway. Leaning against the wall at the entrance to your living room, she smiled waiting for the laughter to die down. “Looks like I arrived just in time for the party.” Both you and Asia taken by surprise jumped a bit turning behind you at the sound of her voice. 
“Sssshhhiiiittt.” Both of you whispered at the sight of Shuri. Shoulder leaned against the wall, sunglasses perched on her nose, legs crossed, and hands clasped in front of her. Her curls were freshly done, under cut fresh, and she wore an all black silk short set. The top unbuttoned halfway; nothing underneath but a single gold chain the pendant of your initial sitting perfectly between the valley of her small breast. A gold watch on her wrist, her rings glistening on her fingers. Her smile sparkled a little more than you remembered, and upon further inspection you noticed her her canines were gold, the tip of her bottom row of teeth were also covered in gold. GRILLS!! 
You shoved your drink at Asia, hopped over the back of the couch and ran into Shuri’s arms.
“Babyyyyyyy!!” Her arms were open wide, smile as big as the sun as you jumped inside of them. Effortlessly, she catches you by your ass as you wrap your thick thighs around her slim waist, your arms wrapping around her neck. She grabbed a fist full of your hair, planting firm kisses on your cheeks down to your neck. “I missed you so much Shuri” Your eyes watered and voice cracked as you held her tighter, body quivering at her touch, her kiss. Shuri pulled back looking into your eyes. “You crying mama? Don’t cry baby girl. I’m here now. I’m safe.” She wiped at a fallen tear and your lips finally connected in a passionate kiss. 
“Y’all cute as fuck! I want to love somebody like that!” Asia interrupts, from across the room. You let out a sigh and roll your eyes hopping out of Shuri’s arms as she laughed. You turn to face Asia as Shuri pulled you back against her by your waist wrapping her arms around you, chin settling on your shoulder.  “You must be Asia. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Yea? Well she can kiss my ass, cause I know she was talking shit.” You smack your lips and Shuri laughs as you stare Asia down. “It’s nice to finally meet you your highness” She came forward extending her hand for a shake and Shuri took it. “No need for the formalities Shuri is just fine.”
“Well Shuri. I was just heading out. I’ll leave you two love birds to your reunion.” She said collecting her things. “Yes, she was.” You said as you remove yourself from Shuri’s arms to help her gather her things. “Uh Uh! Don’t be rushing me out now hoe! Tryna get rid of me to get you’re back br-“
“ASIA PLEASE! For once,filter it!”
“And ion know how to do that!”
“And this is why I talk shit. Bye girl!”
“Bye! Walk me out. It was a pleasure meeting you Shuri.” 
“The pleasures all mine.” Shuri says smiling with a slight laugh, Grills on full display.
“Mm mm mm” Asia says shaking her head walking towards the door. You could hear Shuri chuckle as you walk Asia out. “Girl that woman is fine as fuck. You hit the fucking lottery. Pictures don’t do her justice! No disrespect but my knees went weak when I saw her. Fuuuuck.” 
“Yea you doing a lot. But imma let you slide today. She does look a lil too good.”
“Well you need to go take that for a ride girl. Hell I almost want to stay and watch.”
“Too far. Please leave.” You both laugh and hug and Asia heads home. You release a deep sigh as you close the door. Walking back into the living room, stopping at the sight of Shuri leaned against the back of the couch. Lip trapped between her teeth. “She seems fun” She says. “She aight.” You slowly walk over to her putting an extra sway in your walk as her eyes trailed over your body. A soft groan left her throat. “You look so fucking … Whew baby girl. I don’t have the words.” Your pretty smile spread across your face, blushing as you made it back into your lovers arms. Melting into her as she enveloped you. This felt like home. 
“You’re looking edible yourself Panther. You’re early.” Bending to reach your small stature Shuri rubbed her nose against yours. “I couldn’t wait to have you in my arms again entle.” Her hands caressed your curves as her breath grazed over you lips. “Oh yea? And what was the plan from there.” you say removing her shades from her eyes. Sighing from the intensity in her gaze. A chill running down your spine. “I can show you better than I can tell you.” In a second you were lifted back into Shuri’s arms, her lips attached to your neck as she walked around the couch. She sat with you in her lap as you began making out on the couch. Unbuttoning the rest of her shirt as she lifted your dress. The time apart left no room for foreplay you both needed eachother now. Shuri reached between the two of you rubbing your clit over top of your thong. Throwing your head back you grind against her hand. “Oh, fuuuck Shuri” you moaned out. 
“Mmm, is this what I do to you beautiful?” Sliding your panties to the side she slid her fingers through your sopping wet slit. “Oh my God I have to taste it.” You were on your back before you knew it; Shuri hovering over top of you, kissing down your body making her way to your wet mound. She quickly ripped your thong from your body, causing your back to arch. “Oh how I missed you sweet girl.” She spoke into your vagina before diving in. Spreading your lips open she placed a kiss on your clit.  “Oooh, yes! Make me feel good Panther. She’s missed you like crazy.” In response Shuri attached her mouth to your clit sucking on it moving her head up and down, as she moaned. Your hands made their way into her hair as you tugged mouth falling wide open. “Oh God! You’re the best. The fucking best baby!” 
“You taste so sweet baby I need it I missed it so much. I’m thirsty baby. Let me drink it.”
“Mhmm drink me baby! Make this pussy squirt in your mouth.” She added two fingers to your cunt and began to mercilessly pound into your pussy. “Oh Panther! You always know what to do! I-I’m gonna cum! Fuuuck make me cum!”
“MOOOOOMMYYYY!!!” Your eyes widen and Shuri immediately detached from your pussy and hit the floor. “What the fuck” she mouthed at you.  “I don’t know” you mouthed back quickly adjusting your clothes “Hold on Zah!” You yell. “Go to the room. Hurry!!” You whisper yell at Shuri as she spider crawled to the room, To clean your juices off of her, picking up your ripped underwear on the way. She got out just in time as Zahir and his father walked into the room. Your face immediately dropped. “H-hey! What are you guys doing here? How’d you get in?” You’re voice shook a bit. 
“It was unlocked”
Zah’s Father Traves looked around the room as though he was searching for something. You snapped. “Uh hello! That doesn’t mean you can just walk in.” His eyes met yours as a grimace sat on his face. 
“Who you got over here?”
“Don’t start that Trav. Why are you here?”
“Zah, wanted me to see the gauntlet that ‘mommies friend’ made him.” He said putting his fingers up in air quotes. “Who’s mommies friend. And why haven’t I met him before he’s been around my son.” On cue, Shuri reappeared from the room, mugging Traves hard, buttoned up and fresh as though nothing had happened. Zah’s eyes lit up and he ran toward her full speed.
“Zah Zah!! My main man! What’s up little guy! Still working on those muscles I see!” Shuri smiles swooping him up into her arms. Traves watched in shock as his son played with the Queen of a nation. “Yep! I can do a hundred push ups.”
“No you can’t!” Shuri said in playful disbelief. “Uh huh! I can show you!” He said trying to wiggle out of her arms. “Oh yea? I gotta see this. You’ll have to show me later. But, Right now I need you to go up to your room and don’t come down until me or your mommy come to get you. Ok” 
“Yes, ma’am” he said before taking off running to his room. 
“Are you gonna introduce us Y/n?” Trav interrupts. “I know who you are, and I know you know who I am. So that won’t be necessary.” Shuri says, staring him down. She was fully aware of the checkered past of you and Zah’s father and she was not a fan, nor did she intend to pretend to be. Trav looked at Shuri and scoffed. “I know of you. But I don’t know enough about you for you to be around my son.” Shuri chuckles, looking at you. “This guy” she says pointing at him with her thumb.
“Yo, what the fuck is your problem!?” He says stepping forward as Shuri took a step forward as well. 
“I don’t like you. And that’s not as much of a problem for me as it is you.” Shuri calmly states. “This what you doing now y/n. You fucking females, got my son around this dyke. Bout to have him confused.” Shuri laughed, grills glistening in the suns rays. “Scared a woman might be more of a man than you?”
“Just cause you look like one doesn’t mean you measure up”
“Ah Ha! Is that why you’re staring so hard. Y/n I think he’s trying to tell us something. What did that video you were showing me say. *singing* Be who you arrrrree.” Traves clears the room, stepping in Shuri’s face, as she stands there with a smirk on her face. “Oooh, aggressive, I’m shaking.” She states sarcastically.
“Ok, ok! Listen you two! We’re adults. This is stupid!”
“No, Sthandwa. He likes hitting women right? Let him hit me.” Shuri cocked her head to the side, the smirk never leaving her face. 
“Oh that’s what she told you.”
“Nah. That’s what I saw. And I’ve been waiting for your ass ever since”
“Shuri baby. Let it go. He isn’t worth this”
“You’re right. But you and Zah are. So, tell me. Why are you here and why do you have Zah, Because as far as I know y/n has a restraining order against you and you’re only allowed supervised visits.” 
“You should mind your fucking business”
“You haven’t guessed it yet? Y/n and Zahir are my fucking business, and you have 30 seconds to get out of my face and out of this house before I stomp you through the floor.” Your phone began to ring getting you and Traves’s attention. Shuri’s eyes remaining trained on Trav. 
“Yes he’s here….. we’re safe, but how did he get Zah!…. No he’s staying here. Why would you let that happen!…. Just get them sent here!” You hang up. “The police are on their way I suggest you go peacefully so we don’t make a scene in front of Zah. Please.” You finally walked around the couch leaning against the back. Trav looked at you and then to Shuri. He nodded his head and turned to walk out, when suddenly he decides to run over to try and wrap his hands around your throat. In the blink on an eye Shuri had her hands around his throat and he was through the living room wall with Shuri right in top of him. 
“Fuck!” You yell, as Zah came running from the room crying. You run to comfort him and sheild his eyes. Shuri’s eyes were wild as she choked the life out of Traves. 
“Are you fucking crazy!” She yelled at his unconscious body. “Shuri don’t kill him! Don’t kill him! Not infront of Zah!” Snapping out of it she stood up dusting the drywall residue off of her. “I’ll get it replaced nkosazana.” She walks over and grabs Zah from your arms as he cried. “I’m sorry, I scared you little man” she says as she sits on the stairs holding him. The doorbell rings and there was a knock on the door. “Police!!”
“Take him upstairs please”
“I got him.” She says, carrying him up the stairs. Opening the door you let the police in to get Trav. “What happened here ma’am?” They asked. “Um He got a bit belligerent and fell through the wall” You say quickly coming up with an excuse to cover Shuri’s ass. They looked at you skeptically but proceeded to arrest him and escort him off of the property. “What the fuck was that” you say to yourself as you walk up the stairs to check on Shuri and Zah. Opening the door your heart melts at the sight infront of you. Shuri lay in the bed with Zah on her chest she sang him a song in Xhosa as he fell asleep. The sunset cast an orange glow throughout the room, pouring over your son and your girlfriend. You’d never felt more safe and protected than you had in that moment. Closing the door you head down stairs to clean up the mess. 
After a while you hear shuffling on the stairs. Looking up you see Shuri headed down. You continue clearing the wine glasses from the living room table. You try to walk straight past her to the kitchen but she grabs your arm pulling you into her. “Are you mad Ubusi? I’m so sorry I’ll get it fixed. I just got so angr-“ the glasses in your hand fell to the floor and you grabbed Shuri by the collar of her shirt smashing your lips into hers. She hungrily returned the kiss. Her fist bunching up the fabric in the back of your dress. You pull away looking into her eyes.
“Thank you so much Shuri. I’ve never felt so safe, so protected in my life. I-I’m so sorry about all this, this definitely was not the plan for you to have to come into this bullshit today. I understand if you don’t want to have to deal with this. I already have a child I know you don’t need all of this baggage. I don’t want to be a burden.” You start to break down in her arms. 
“Hey, hey” She takes your chin in her pointer finger lifting your head up to her. “When did I suggest that you were a burden?” You try to look down and her grip tightened on your chin. “No, no. Look at me and you listen. Listen to me good. It will never. NEVER be an issue for me to protect what I love. And I loooove you. And I loooove Zah. And you can put a frame around that hole in the wall to represent the bare minimum of what I’d do to anybody who has the gall to threaten my family. There’s no doubt in my mind that you will be my wife one day and I’m going to treat you as such. So get used to being loved and protected like you never have before. I’d move mountains for you umfazi. You’ve got to know that.” As this fine specimen of a woman reassured you of her commitment to you and your son only one thing ran through your mind. 
“Fuck me Shuri” Shuri’s head canted back in surprise but a slow smile spread across her face. Those beautiful grills showing themselves again. “You want me to fuck you?” She said licking her lips. You nod. “Hard and long make me cum over and over again. Take care of me Shuri.” Her eyes darkened and her nostrils flared as she licked her bottom lip nodding. “Gladly.” She picked you up carrying you to the room. As soon as the door closed you began shedding Shuri’s clothes. Unbuttoning her shirt and letting it fall to the floor. You couldn’t wait to see her undressed in all her naked glory. Attaching yourself to her neck you begun to suck, kiss, and lick all over her. You wanted to taste her, to feel her, hell to live in her skin. 
Removing yourself from her arms you kissed her while walking her back towards the bed. “C-can I be in control for awhile. I want to make you feel good.” Shuri raised a brow, smiling at the irony of the question. “Just do it sthandwa.” You took her by her waist and positioned her on your lap to straddle your thigh. Once on top of you she pulled your dress over your head allowing your breast spill out. Tossing your dress to the side she began to grind into your thigh as you flexed it and sucked on her breast. “Ssss oooh” She moaned as you grab her hips guiding her thrust. She began tugging and pinching on your nipples while nibbling on your ear. Your hands were all over her body as she began to ride you with fever. “Mmmmm undenza ndizive kamnandi (you make me feel so good)” She whispered in your ear. Whimpering, her hot breath caressing your skin. “You take such good care of us mama, I want to make you feel good baby girl, I want to make you cum. I want to take care of you too baby. I can take care of you too.” Shuri’s hips stuttered before she picked up her pace. Throwing her head back and grabbing her one of her breast. “Oooo YES! Take care of me bhabha (baby)” Grabbing her ass and squeezing you ask “You gonna cum for me?”
She nods biting her lip “mhmm”. Watching Shuri unravel for you made you swell with pride. Allowing her to release herself from her protectiveness allowing her to set aside masculinity and be treated like the pretty pretty princess she was made you feel…. Powerful. You smack the side of her ass “Cum pretty girl. Cum for me so I can taste you.” A high pitched groan fell from Shuri’s mouth as she began to release on your thigh. Her body shook as you sucked her whole breast into your mouth moaning. “inkosazana entle (pretty Princess)” You say once she calms down from her orgasam. She shivered hearing you speak to her in her native tongue. Her eyes were glazed over in bliss as she succumbed to you. Allowing you to easily lie her on her back. You hover over top of her and slowly kiss her lips. “I love you Shuri Udaku” you whisper. “I love you too sooo much y/n l/n.” She sounded so soft, so feminine. You smile and began kissing your way down her body. Getting on your knees on the side of the bed you pull Shuri to the edge and begin to dive in. You lap at her clit and she starts climbing up the bed running in over stimulation. You grab her thighs pulling her back to you. “Mm mm, no running baby” 
You open your mouth wide and take her entire pussy inside your mouth and suck. Sucking all the cum off of her pussy. You open her pussy lips with a long stripe of the tongue and then focused on her clit. Grabbing a hand full of your locs she began grinding her pussy into your face. You opened your mouth and moved your head in circles allowing her to use your face to get off. “Uhn oh fuck y/n I’m gonna cum again. Oh Bast, Oh Bast, You feel her thighs shaking above your shoulders. You give her a muffled “uhhuh” and she immediately gushes onto your face. You clean her up with your mouth and come up to give her a kiss. She looks up at you like you moved heaven and earth and you get lost in her beautiful brown eyes. Her hands traveled down your body to your bare soaking wet pussy. Running her fingers through your folds she closes her eyes and hums as she adds two fingers. You began to grind riding her fingers like a dick as she pumps in and out of you. 
Suddenly she sat up. Standing with you in her arms. She walked to the closest wall “I think you’re ready for me now.” Pressing her kimoyo bead earring, her strap materialized and she slowly sunk it into you. You wrapped your arms around her neck as she grabbed your ass pressing you harder onto her strap. Both your heads lulled forward foreheads connecting as she began to move. Bouncing you up and down her shaft by gripping your ass cheeks. 
“Shuri! Yes!” She pressed you harder against the wall. Taking you by the back of your knees she held you wide open pressing your legs back into the wall she drilled into you. Your mouth fell open as you began to fill full. Your body reaching the brink of explosion. 
“Hmmmm, fuck me, fuck me Shuri. F-fuck me!”  You grunted tears streaming down your face as she set an unimaginable pace, placing your legs up on her shoulders and using the wall for balance. She got deeper slowing her strokes to a slow roll. “ndive mntanam (you feel me baby), Deep inside you. I’m trying to touch your heart. Can you feel it?” Your eyes roll to the back of your head as saliva comes out of the side of your mouth. Shuri chuckles and picks up the pace. “Oh you love this shit. You like when mommy takes care of you? Hm you like watching me put a man through a wall for you don’t you? It makes that pussy leak huh?” 
“Yes I love it! It’s sexy as Fuck. FUUUUCKKK! I’m cumming baby!” You began creaming all over Shuri’s strap. Body convulsing but she didn’t let up. “Just the thought got you cumming like that?” She walked you over to your vanity knocking everything off of it. Taking you off of her strap only for a second before she turned you around and pressed your breast against the cool surface of the vanity and entered you from behind. Grabbing your hair she pulled your head back forcing you to look at you two in the mirror. You watched her chain slap against her chest with each stroke, making your pussy clench around her. “Look at how sexy we are together. How I got your body trembling baby you needed me huh?” You nod. “Nuh uh, ndiphendule mntanam (answer me baby)”.  
“Got damnit yes! I’m a fiend for it Shuri! You fuck me so good!”
“Ooo I like that shit.” In response you throw one of your legs up onto the vanity and start to toss your ass back at her slapping it against her firm stomach causing it to recoil. Shuri lost her mind. “Myyyy Baaaast!! Throw that shit back for me. Oh my Bast. You should see this shit. You’re gonna make me cum.” 
“Fill me up Panther! Give me that cum!”She reached around your body and began rubbing your clit digging deeper inside of you with her strap as she got closer to her peak. “Oh Fuck mama, I’m gonna explode!” Simultaneously you both had explosive releases. Shuri’s legs gave out as you both fall to the floor. You fall beside her and you both lay staring at the ceiling catching your breath. 
“That was fucking AMAZING.” You say dreamily. “Hell yea.” Shuri agreed. You turn and position yourself on top of her lying on chest. “You’re on a roll today with destroying shit though” You say pertaining to all of your makeup items that had been on your vanity. Shuri laughs, “We’ll go shopping tomorrow sweet girl.” A few beats pass before she breaks the comfortable silence. 
“ndizakwenza umfazi wam (I’m going to make you my wife)”
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cheolhub · 1 year
could you do number 54 or 99 with seungcheol please!!
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prompt. “c’mere, you can come sit in my lap until i’m done working.”
pairing. seungcheol x f!reader
wc. 824 (i literally don’t know what happened im sorry)
warning. thigh riding, needy!reader, soft dom!cheol, lots of teasing, pet names (baby, princess), allusions to dumbification, ummm idk what else — MINORS DNI 18+
note. hi anon! i chose 54 bc i wanted to write thigh riding LOL i hope u like this T-T it was lowkey kinda rushed </3
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you’re pacing, probably creating a draft outside of seungcheol’s study. you’d much rather be in bed doing other things, but god forbid your boyfriend take a step away from work even if it was just for a second. 
seungcheol notices the way you walk past the wide-open door several times, an amused smirk sitting on his face while he continues to work. he understands you’re a bit… worked up right now, but he just needs to finish one more thing and he’s all yours.
it’s when you start obnoxiously sighing every time you pass the door that he breaks out into a full grin, a quiet chuckle escaping his lips. 
“hey, baby?” he calls and your ears perk up when you hear the pet name, practically prancing into the room with hearts in your eyes. 
you smile sweetly at him, “yes, cheollie?” you sing.
he gives you a playful look when he asks, “what are you doing?” as if he didn’t already know. 
“nothin,’” you shrug with a toothy grin. “just waiting for you to fuck me into the mattress like you promised you would’ve 2 hours ago– and by the way… is that still happening?”
he leans back in his chair adjusting his glasses. he hums out his response, voice dropping a bit, “mhm it is, is my pretty baby needy?”
your smile dissipates and pout is quick to form on your lips. “cheol, don’t tease, ‘m already a mess.” 
he coos, “oh, my poor thing.” his words are mocking, but he’s quick to make up for it. “c’mere baby, you can sit in my lap until i’m done working.”
you nearly jump him at that, running over and straddling just one of his deliciously thick thighs on the spacious chair. he smiles at you, mumbling something about how cute you are before his hands find your waist. 
you wrap your arms around his neck, “so, how much longer…?”
“not much, princess. if you’re good ‘n let me work, i can be done within the next 30 minutes.” he tells you, hands sliding up and down your sides which seems to be doing more harm than good to your soaking cunt. 
you sigh, nodding your head before clinging to his body, shoving your head in the crook of his neck as he removes his hands and returns to work. your senses are full of him, his cologne making your head spin and the ache in your beyond agonizing.
you don’t even realize how much time passes by before you’re subtly rubbing against his thigh till he’s humming, hands back on your hips to guide you. you whine into his skin at the feeling of his large hands squeezing your flesh and your pussy pulsing uncontrollably. 
he snickers at your helplessness. “aren’t you just the neediest little thing? can’t even wait 30 minutes for my dick, baby?” 
“b-been waiting all day… need it now.”
“oh, you need it, do you?” his patronizing tone has your hips involuntarily stuttering. “gonna show me then? show me how much this pretty pussy needs to get fucked?” 
you whine, his vulgar words sending shockwaves straight to your cunt, “ch-cheol, please.”
“there’s my girl, i knew you didn’t forget your manners.” he praises with another smile though you couldn’t be bothered with the way your overly-sensitive pussy clenches. he flexes his thigh and your desperate whines turn into even more desperate moans. “gonna cum like this?”
you nod your head, one of your hands slipping to the back of his, threading your fingers through the brown locks. the other comes to roughly grip and pull at his shirt desperately. you attempt to salvage any dignity you may have left when your mouth opens and your teeth sink into his neck to muffle your embarrassing moans. 
seungcheol revels in your reaction to simply grinding on his thigh. he has to admit that this might be the hottest thing he’s ever seen in his life and it’s making him so fucking hard.
“alright, baby, you’re close right? cum for me and i’ll fuck you brainless, can you do that? can you cum for me?” 
at the inviting incentive, you nod, huffing and puffing as you feel your impending orgasm swirl in the pit of your tummy. cheol can hear how close you are in your moans, each getting more pitchy and breathless as they come. 
when the rubber band in your stomach snaps, you jolt in his grasp, incessantly crying out his name followed by some vulgar curses. your hips are slowing down but still bucking against his thigh as you’re coming down from your orgasm. soon after, with cheol rubbing your back, your heavy lids flutter close and you slump against his body, still panting. 
“good girl.” he whispers. “did so well, you know that?”
you mumble into his neck, “fuck me brainless.” the words parrot his previous ones and he can’t help the laugh that escapes him. 
“don’t worry, i will.”
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© cheolhub — all rights reserved, please refrain from copying, reposting, modifying or translating my work on any platform.
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adaptacy · 6 months
The General Drow's Celebration {1/2}
Pairing: General!Minthara x Durge!AFAB!Reader
{Part 2}
Warnings/Tags: !!NSFW!! MDNI. BG3 Act II Heavy Spoilers. Minthara is, uh, evil. Exhibitionism, minor foodplay, bloodplay sorta (but its not either of yours), straight-up murder (also not either of you), general cultish things. Mention of poison. Part 1 doesn't include the actual smut but it will happen in part 2! Which I'll finish writing... eventually. Some Drow/Undercommon terms are used, I'm not super familiar I just looked shit up, there's a glossary thingy at the end. :)
Word Count: 3.4k
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“Pitiful display. Bold of you to slight me so poorly. Your loyal fleet has been charged on account of your mistakes. Each throat slit. Yours is next.”
“Please, Nightwarden, you do not–”
“Silence,” she cuts back, crossing one of her legs over the other, her stern gaze intimidating even if it wasn’t backed by a history of bloodshed. “Abysmal absence of respect. Treacherous.”
“Shall we admit them to the cells?”
The drow snickers, waving her hand in a quick snap. “A waste that would be. We need the space for more valuable criminals. Slaughter the underling,” she commands, and the executioner raises the blade, but her palm lifts, and the order is paused. “No. Throw them to the shadows. Let them fend against the forsaken.”
“As you command, General,” the man replies, dipping his head and gathering up the chains that bind the betrayer’s wrists, dragging the pleading goblin out of the hall. 
At last, it is empty. The line of criminals, cultists, and true souls sorted through. Another day comes to an end with the drow on the throne, another day bearing the late Ketheric’s title, wielding his power, and fate spins along as it should, weaving her pristine web of influence. 
“General,” you hum, taking the opportunity to sit on the stone arm of her claimed throne, and she turns her head to look at you, a proud, passionate fire behind her eyes.
“Glorious, isn’t it, my love?” Minthara raises her hand and her slender fingers dance on your chin, feigning a gentle touch before she grips it, her thumb pressing into your jaw as she yanks you closer, her fanged grin growing. “Do you wish to taste the power?”
You smile in return, holding her gaze until she eyes your lips, the pride in the red of her eye soon joined by a similarly hued lust. You stay quiet for a few extra moments before finally responding. “I would like nothing more.”
Her tongue runs over her bottom lip before she pulls you closer, the kiss teasingly tender, and she breaks it in an instant. “Drink it in. My power is yours, dark one. Together, we reign.”
 You inch forward, attempting to meet her lips again, but her grip grows more firm, and she forces you to remain stationary. “Nobody else is here,” you whisper, glancing between her lips and her eyes, and her gaze lifts to yours as she smirks.
“Precisely. How shall I lay claim to my property without an audience? You are too exquisite to be concealed,” she whispers, her words catching on your lips, her breath only serving to tease you further. You feel the faint sting of her poison, and it only drives you to deepen your yearning. “Tonight, we will feast. A new age of True Souls shall be celebrated. And I will claim you before our guests. You will be desired by all, but earned only by me. My slayer. My pet. My oloth.”
“He would be proud,” you praise, inching closer to her with your body, though your head remains still. 
“I’m inclined to agree. A shame his sacrifice was a necessity. As is the cycle of hierarchy,” she states, releasing your chin, but pulling her own head away before you have a chance to take advantage of the freedom of movement. “We will coddle a new generation of warriors. Not with affection, but dedication. Swaddle them in viscera and nurse them to victory.”
“We’ll raise a force of blood-bringers,” you agree, and Minthara smirks, huffing out an amused exhale.
“Blood-bringers. A marvelous title for a marvelous army.” The drow presses her palms to the stone arms and pushes herself up, standing before the empty room. “Sine Thelids, we will be.” You feel an uncanny itch in your palms, and you shift uncomfortably. Your tadpole squirms, and Minthara lowers her head, sensing your edge. “Control, my slayer. We will march soon. The world will be ours – all thralls along with it. You will have your vengeance, and I shall have mine. Havoc will come to Orin, but it is the blood-bringers she will fear.” 
“We will claim her life,” you second, standing up as well and joining her side, watching her as she looks over the empty throne room. Many times, she’s been seated off to the side. Only ever gazing at the throne that Ketheric so often sat in. With your help, however, her placement had changed. Rightfully, she had taken his power, his lead, just as you had helped her take his life. Ketheric was the first to fall, but he would not be the last. 
“They shall bow to us. Each and every one. Extinguish their lives, and ignite their influence. We will be almighty,” she purrs, her chin tilting up ever so slightly, red eyes scanning the room one final time before she turns back to you, and holds out her hand. “Come. We must prepare for the banquet.” 
It came as no surprise that Minthara had already planned an outfit for you; she had a plan for the banquet, and she intended to follow it through perfectly. That required your cooperation, even in the slightest of details. You weren’t complaining – it was a fine choice she’d made. Less surprising still was the nature of the clothing. 
A personally tailored leather clasp for a neck piece, attaching to a particularly revealing shirt, cut with a wide triangle down the middle of your torso, leaving little to the imagination. You didn’t mind. Chances are, nothing would be left to the imagination by the end of the gathering, so you were going to take what you could get. 
You clean yourself up of any lingering grime from the day, enjoying a short but relaxing bath before dressing yourself up in the clothes she had prescribed to you. Once you’re sure that you’re ready, you make your way downstairs to the audience hall, where Minthara waits at the bottom of the stairs, her hand offered to you as you approach. 
It would be an understatement to say that suppressing a smile was difficult – pitted against her appearance, your physical display of enjoyment was far out of your control. Minthara was the type to look good in anything, though she usually stuck to her usual dark drow armor and her black, rigid evening clothes. 
Tonight, however, was special. Her outfit reflected that in a way that almost took you by surprise. 
Both of you were well-aware of the possibility of an attack. Not an attack on Moonrise, not an attack on The Absolute, but an attack on Minthara – with Ketheric the unkillable now, against all odds, gone and dead, there was sure to be turmoil between the higher ranking members of the cult. Minthara had been the one to dethrone him, to rob him of his power and his breath, and thus she had claimed his authority. 
Not everyone was so willing to allow such an opportunity to slip out of their grasp. Z’rell had been taken care of even before Ketheric, as she posed the most significant threat. A few others, too – mostly those who had previously disrespected Minthara, made to pay their dues in the light of her new title. 
Tonight, she would feast with potential enemies. Betrayers. She may feast with attempted assassinations, and it was unlikely the night would sail without bloodshed. 
You did not expect a full suit of armor, but you had expected something more protective than the clothing she had decided upon. Her upper arms and shoulders were well-guarded with black leather shells, attaching to an equally thick leather that ran down her sides, though where defense mattered most – her abdomen, the simplest and most lethal place to strike – her purple skin was left revealed to the world. 
Her legs were wrapped comfortably in black pants, and you know immediately that this is not an oversight on her part. Hardly so. It is a test. An offering – an opportunity for her silent enemies, her weakest spot left vulnerable to their hunger for power, a surefire bait. Minthara had not forgotten about her endangerment. She embraced it. Welcomed it. Challenged it.
“It fits,” she states, smirking as you take her hand in your own and step carefully down the final few steps, allowing her to drink in your appearance just as you had soaked in hers. “A good thing. I wish no harm upon our tailor – I have already removed his tongue, but I suspect he may need his fingers to continue his work. A troublesome ordeal seeking out a new tailor would prove,” she chuckles. 
You turn to face her, and she takes your other hand as well, her red eyes judging your expression. “You look nice as well, General,” you praise, not bothering to hide your wandering gaze as you trail over her chest, the bra piece more than familiar to you. You dare to lift a finger, pulling your hand from hers, and snake it under the band over her sternum, pulling it down ever so slightly, your temptation getting the best of you. 
Her slender fingers trace up your wrist, wrapping around and pulling your hand up to her mouth, pressing her lips to the back of it. “We shall be objects of desire tonight. Some may see vulnerability. It is in that liability we find our strength. Neither harm nor pleasure shall be brought upon you unless it is by my hand. That is an assurance.”
“They worship our power. Soon, our bodies alongside it, yes?” You ask, and Minthara smirks again, giving your hand another kiss. 
“Our power. Our lethality. Our bodies. And we will worship one another.” At last, she releases your hand, and it returns to your side, though she still holds the other one. Gently – hardly afraid of losing you, or allowing you opportunity to slip away, for she knows you are hers, and she is yours. It is for that same reason that you don’t tighten your grip around her fingers. There is ample security and assurance without the need for a strong hold. Her gaze shifts to large wooden double doors, where light shines through the crack at the bottom. “Our squadron awaits. Ah,” – Minthara tilts her head – “Our blood-bringers.” 
Providing a controlled nod in response, she leads you into the banquet hall, the table already arranged with the offerings of a feast, and ‘True Souls’ line the longer sides of the table, and at the head there are two empty chairs. Empty, that is, until Minthara guides you towards them, and you take a seat at one while she stands in front of the one beside you, releasing your hand in order to address the group. 
You know everyone stationed at the table, though you aren’t quite familiar with all of them. You know each person’s name, but not everyone’s current rank, or how they served Ketheric during his reign. Those who you do immediately recognize consist of The Warden, who’s standing remains unchanged, the halfling Linsella, who has been granted an increase in authority, with Minthara permitting her reign over verified prisoners and hostages, allowing her to convert said captives as she pleases. Sitting two seats to your left is the skilled spy Marcus, who you recall once yearned to be the right-hand of the late general. As far as you’re aware, he has remained a mere spy, but high in the ranks nonetheless. 
“A waste of precious time it would be, were I to spare words of mourning for Thorm,” Minthara announces, all eyes pinned on her, save for yours. “He served well, but he serves no more. I plan no delegation over the loss. We move forward, as the Absolute commands,” she continues, and the True Souls each dip their heads, murmuring out quiet agreements; ‘In Her name.’
She does well to hide the truth. You have always admired her, both for her prevalence in battle and her combined willingness and capability to achieve further power where she sees possibility. Few manage to look past morals as she does, few are as earnestly eager as she is with their dreams. 
Her faith was crushed, the truth revealed in ways that would desecrate any other’s ambition, had they been in her shoes. Alas, she is Minthara of house Baenre, and she seizes opportunity the moment it presents itself. With one stone in her grasp, and an oblivious, willing army at her disposal, she poses a far larger threat to the other chosen than they may have ever thought possible. 
“You sit in his throne,” A man speaks up, two chairs to your left – Marcus, the spy, “You serve his meals, you command his troops, and yet you disrespect his name wholly.” He speaks with a growl, and dares to rise, making his intentions clear to the room, his target included. 
Minthara pulls her torso back, and she meets his eye, her palms resting flat on the table. No longer hidden beneath the table, a greatclub is grasped tightly in his right hand, his knuckles tinted white from the tension in his hold. “Ketheric disrespected his name to far greater lengths than I would ever have the words to manage. And so creatively, too,” she chuckles, her tone brimming with clear-cut confidence, and although you attempt to reassure yourself, you feel your heart skip a beat, momentarily silently fearing for her safety. You see no daggers, no means of defense on her person, and yet she smiles all the same. 
Marcus scoffs, grimacing, leaning towards the drow, the fire in his eyes fueled entirely by resentment. “Attempt no trickery by mouth – Our General wanted you disposed of, and I intend to carry out his orders as my final judgment by the Absolute.” 
“Pathetic. Loyalty to a dead man serves no greater purpose – only a grave.” Minthara sneers, her next words joined by a tone of stable, smooth mockery, “Do you expect him to rise again? Fulfill his wishes, and his head will roll back onto the neck I severed it from? The Absolute has already judged you well and true. I’m afraid your devotion is tardy. Had you served him so faithfully while his corpse was animate, perhaps he may have led a longer rule. Alas, I shall reward your allegiance, and reunite you with your Bossk.”
Marcus’ scowl pulls wrinkles in his forehead, his arm twitching – the split-second jerk being movement enough to warn Minthara of his next move. He charges, raising his greatclub, eyes pinning a target on her skull. You’re not granted a chance to so much as flinch before Minthara retrieves a dagger from its place in a sheath attached to the bottom of the table, raising her arm as the blade is precisely swiped across the man’s throat, spraying the immediate area in his blood. 
That immediate area being you, Minthara, the two True Souls sitting closest, and part of the prepared meal on the table. 
The spy’s body falls with a final gurgle, and Minthara spins her blade to capture it in a firmer grip, her blood-kin gaze serving a silent order to the stunned audience. “Rath’arg. Do any other false believers wish to challenge me? To take my head would be a grant of my authority. Do strike now, daring lambs, for tonight I am willing to grant mercy and bestow quick deaths upon traitors.”
Her breath is steady – she is not tense, but firm, and the True Souls exchange glances with one another, each and every one remaining silent and submissive. Though her fine attire is splattered with the blood of a betrayer, she remains unphased. True to her mission, allowing no room for distractions, nor for doubt. 
When she is assured, she sets her dagger on the table beside her, and she dips her head. “Very well. Feast, warriors, for we need our strength. In Her name,” she states, her eyes closing for only a moment. 
“In Her name,” the party recites, beginning to indulge themselves in the food less affected by the close death, but Minthara turns instead to you, her own personal repast, free from the intermingling of her underlings. The True souls speak, quietly, amongst one other – discussing the Absolute, the rise of their new General, and similar such topics. 
Her bloodied purple hand is offered to you, and you accept, rising from your seat at her physical request. Few eyes are drawn to you, for the time being – you don’t bother to take count, to truly decipher how many pay attention to your activities. Minthara pulls you closer, her free hand cradling your jaw and wiping Marcus’ blood from your lips, allowing her to kiss you without risking a taste of the coward. For a short moment, the contact is broken, and her nose brushes with yours, gaze intense with a roused lust from the bloodshed. “However intense our reign may become, however great our influence grows, know that at the center of my drive is where you lie. You are mine, as I am yours. We are bound as one – in body, in soul, in power.” There’s a pause in which you make an attempt to reconnect your lips, but she pulls back, her mouth instead moving towards your ear, her tone lowering to a whisper, ensuring only you may receive her message. “Bow as we may to the Absolute, pray as we may to their lies, you are my true quar'valsharess. My deity, and mine alone.”
Knowing how much she risks by admitting that in a room full of the Absolute’s followers, however quiet of an admission it was, is more than enough to make your heart flutter, stomach pleasantly uneased by a disturbance of butterflies. You pivot as a hand on your hip guides you to press your back against the edge of the table, and the dishes behind you are pushed aside, likely much to the dismay of the nearest True Souls. Minthara’s lips trail over your lightly bloodied neck, no longer caring whether or not the blood invades her taste, merely enjoying the flavor of her success on your skin. 
While she delivers no verbal commands or physical guidance, you understand her intentions well enough to assist her in carrying them out. So, you lift yourself onto your ankles and hop just enough to steady yourself on the table, immediately finding that she invades the space between your legs, bringing her hips closer to yours. Her kisses continue to trail down, littering every available space that her selected clothing allows her to access. Hands run along your sides, caressing over the full length twice before they linger on the sliver of skin between the top and bottom pieces of your outfit. When her mouth reaches that section as well, your leather pants are dragged downward, shedding her territory of protection, vulnerable to her touch – to her command. 
When they bunch at your knees, thighs against the wooden table, your only means of defense being your thin, weak layer of underwear, Minthara pauses, standing up straight once more. A hand presses to your chest, pushing you backwards, though your hips remain stationary – you lay back, displayed across the bloodied feast as if you were one with it. All eyes are on you, now, but Minthara’s attention is the only attention that matters to you. Even if you don’t threaten to disobey or refuse, her palm is firm on your chest, forcing you to keep position. 
“True Souls,” she addresses, instantly gaining the room’s undivided interest. “Speak my title.”
“General Minthara,” the audience replies, and her smirk grows, revealing flashes of her hungry teeth. 
Louder, she repeats; “Speak my title.”
“General Minthara!”
Her hand slides up your body, finding purchase around your throat, and she meets your gaze, her prideful smile meant entirely for you. “Tonight, we celebrate two deaths. The death of Late General Thorm, and the death of The Nightwarden. Indulge in the wine and feast as you deem fit – a rebirth occurs this evening. A rebirth of values. A rebirth of power. A rebirth of The Absolute.” Her gaze lifts, meeting the intrigued smiles of her soldiers. “Hear the testament of my reign – straight from the voice of darkness,” Minthara chuckles, eyes drawn once more to you. “Speak my title, dear oloth.” 
With a lustful smile, you oblige; “General Minthara.” 
“General Minthara,” she agrees, leaning over the table to meet your lips, hand tightening around your throat, robbing you of breath in the two ways she knows best. 
(1) Oloth – Darkness (Drow) (2) Sine Thelid – Great Conqueror (Undercommon) (3) Bossk – Lord (Undercommon) (4) Rath’arg – Coward (Drow) (5) Quar’valsharess – Goddess (Drow)
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12-seconds-to-live · 9 months
(Un)Lost: Goodbye
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Pairing: F12022/3!Grid! x Fem!Driver!oc
Warnings: DNF’s, angst, a little bit of love, episodes of anxiety, Seb’s retirement, harsh words.
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“Welcome to the last briefing of the season. Is everybody here? All right”
I was sit next to Lewis, both of us in the back of the room. Everybody seem happy today. Except me, I wake up with a strange feeling, everything looks normal. My dad is here with me, Lando and I are going strong, but I can understand this.
“You’re okay? You’re not smiling today” Lewis asked
“I feel off. I have a feeling” I looke at him, almost the same as that day in 2021 after his race “You’re the one who looks odd”
“This used to be my favourite place, not anymore. And If you have a feeling, make it a good one”
“I will”
“Smile, after the race I’m gonna take you to the cheesecake factory”
“Promise, baby” He hug me and smile “Lando is throwing knives at me through his gaze“
“Oh, that’s normal, just wave at him” We did it and Lando start walking to us “Uh, run Lewis”
“What was that?” Lando kissed my cheek
“Nothing my love, just talking about food with Lewis” He hold my hand
“I’m gonna start working as a bodyguard from now on”
“Oh my... Also I have a weird feeling”
“Why’s that?” He looked at my, those green eyes screw me over
“A feeling of losing, I believe”
“You’re not the first in this WDC but you’re the one in my heart, love”
“That’s enough. I love you”
“To Pluto and back”
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“Radio check”
“What a voice. It’s fair that you sing to me, Adam. Considering that this is the last race. I mean, sadly we’re not world champions but we did pretty good” I started to put on my gloves and check the steering wheel
“You have to wait ‘till the end of the race. I have a unique voice, kid”
“Oh wow, I’m gonna race as fast as I can then” We laugh
“Just do it safely”
“No promises, I live for wins and podiums”
The same feeling of this morning came back to me. It’s not normal anymore. I’m on P4 and Lando on P5. I turned my head a little and saw his face, I waved to him, but the real thing is that I want to jump out of the car and run out of the circuit, something is about to happen, something bad, as bad as death
5, 4, 3, 2, 1. It’s lights out and away we go
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LAP 1/58
“What a start for the last race of the season here in Abu Dhabi, turn one and Max Verstappen remains as race leader and...oh the McLaren prodigy Charlotte just pass Charles Leclerc, even she’s number two this season we never missed to get impress by her”
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LAP 21/58 
“Can you check the tyres, please? I felt something in turn 6″
Curently I’m P6, a safety car was deployed after one of the Alfa Romeo just lost their engine. The race has been good, the feeling is there. Lando is P3 at the moment, hope we can have this podium together.
“Box, box, your tyres are cooling too fast”
“Copy, set a record on this one”
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LAP 47/58
“This race is getting more excited, Charlotte Robyn-Jones is leading the Abu Dhabi GP, but what is happening?... She just go straight on turn 11, she doesn’t sound good on that radio with her engineer”
“I can’t control my breaking, I might crash and...”
“The Mclaren driver spin and go straight to the barrier, we need the marshall go to her and a red flag has been deployed, all the cars has been called to the pits and we don’t have any movement on her”
“I see blood... I wanna vomit ... help ...please”
“Charlotte, stay calm, stay still, marshals are on their way”
“Can you please tell Lando that I’m sorry to ruin the race... I don’t” 
“Stay still Char... you’re going to be...”
“No, I...I see blood running down my nose and I wanna... Everbody hates red flags and I hate them too and I hate not being world champion and I hate not to tell Lando that I love...”
“Charlotte? Can you hear me?” Adam look at Zack in the eyes, it was like everything and everybody stopped, they don’t want to thin that your last radio message was heard from everybody ... everywhere.
All the cars started entering pits and on the big screen the image of the marshals and the safety care destroying the halo to get you out was horrific.
Carlos was the first to aproach Lando who look lost looking at the screen. The british wanted to cry, he believed in your words of joy and happiness everytime you say that’s their moment to perform better, but, early that day you had a bad feeling. Almost all the members of the teams surronded outside their garages to see how they took your body out of the car.
You were passed, like a sleeping baby, this time like a nightmare, your suit have blood around your left leg, your visor broken, your eyes closed. They put you on the floor and a white large tent was put above you, that was the signal to know that your heart stopped and they have to start moving fast before the worst.
“Is she...?” started Pierre looking at Carlos
“Don’t finish that phrase man, we don’t wanna...” He tried to talk but then Lando started crying and his intentions were clear, he wanted to be next to you, hold your hand, beg you to fight, beg you to stay, say goodbye and don’t ruin it, not again.
“Lando...Lando no” Max and a few other aproach to the driver to help him stay in the garage, avoiding the image of you.
“Leave me. She can’t be dead, man. Put in my damn shoes, imagine that is Kelly or Daniel, one of us” Max’s eyes looked glossy to see his friend looking so broken. Your dad hug Lando, who as much as the driver wanted answers. He knows that his daughter is a fighter, strong but at the end, maybe his wife was starting to call her daughter to be by her side
“She’s going to be ok” He said to Lando. On the big screen the tent was opened and your body was taken to the ambulance, your helmet gone and an oxygen mask arounf your face.
“She’s out... we have to go and... and...Screw this race...We don’t race as one anymore”
“Muppet, they’re going to cancel the race, we can go” Carlos guide Lando to change his fireproofs and go to the hospital. At this point Lando knew, just as you, something bad happened.
“Carlos?” Lando asked when they were in the car
“It’s just, I will never accept her loss. I will accept I will be living with it, until I take my last breath and I’m reunited with her again”
Until then
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“You can’t make that public. What is wrong with you?”
“Man, the moment we signed our contracts, we know that this could go on a public record. It’s almost fair to the fans and friends”
“No, it’s not. What about his dad? And you? We can’t go through this all over again”
“Lando, please. His dad gave us his consent” Lando sit in the back of the room. A small conference room when the drivers and team principals we’re going to watch a video made by you, every driver has one but considering the circunstances, nobody wanted to remember that tragedy. And a couple days later, everybody around the world could watch this video too.
When I die, give what is left of me to children and elders who hope to die. If you need to cry, cry for your brother and sister who walk down the street next to you. And when you need me, hug anyone and give them whatever you need to give me. I want to leave you something, something better than words or sounds.
Look for me in the people I've known or loved. If you can't tell me, at least let me live in your eyes, and not in your mind. You can love me more by letting the hands touch the hands, letting the hearts touch the hearts, and letting go of the spirits who need to be free.
Love doesn't die, bodies do. So, when all that's left of me is love, give me.
I want to make sure, you’re fine, ‘cause right now I’m living a life where I don’t know what would I do If you’re not in there anymore
You must be proud of yourself. Despite everything you've been through, you're still here.
You are very strong. You have overcome things that others can't even imagine. You thought you wouldn't make it and you got it.
You will do it again. Keep living the life you want, not the one that others expect. And feel proud to be the way you are.
You must be proud to challenge yourself every day, to find yourself when you think everything is lost. You wake up wanting to continue. Even if you have an abyss in front of you, you do everything you can to be well.
You fight for yourself when no one else does.
You are someone worth fighting for.
And If this is the last time, I never meant to say goodbye this way. To my family, dad, you know that mom is gonna take care of me. To the Sainz’s, thank you. To my grid family, this happens, just remember all those memories that we built together, even If you have your eyes full of tears, you know that my legacy has been written. To Lando, you know that this is the hardest part of the job, I love you and I’m sure that maybe in another life, we will last longer, I was lost without you and now I found my place. I’ll waiting for you in our next life. Goodbye for now.
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“Hello Charlotte, me again, hope you’re not bored of me” Lando showed a side smile
“The world stopped turning the day you died. I felt it. In my heart. In every fibre of my being. I felt it. The sun stopped being warm. The night stopped being cool. When you died, the world as I knew it did too. I did too.”
Lando started crying looking around the cemetery
“Everybody has changed. Carlos lost his sparkle and has a photo of you in his motorhome and as his lookscreen. Daniel has your name on his helmet, he said you still helping him on his decisions, Alex stayed with your dad for two weeks, he felt so lost that we cried together just talking about you. Your dad is doing well, he moved to Madrid to be closer to the Sainz, they begged him to do that.”
“You’ll always be my number one, Charlotte. I wasn’t with you holding your hand ‘till your last breath, I spend days in your hospital room, just waiting. When they told me you were gone, I screamed, I cried as loud as I could, I halfway hoped that If you could hear me screaming on your way to heaven, you would turn around and come back to me, but you never did”
“It’s been weeks and many people call me everyday, checking on me, I’m gratefull but I came to realize that the reason why it’s so hard to let you go is because this goodbye to you has to let go to a version of me that you got to know so well and at the same time, even If I could go back, I wouldn’t belong there anymore, not without you. I cannot accept to have a teammate that is not you, to just look at your pictures, full of joy and passion and then, I remember that my house is empty, no more hugs, no more kisses, no more you”
“And even I know that you’re not coming back, I’m happy for share all the things that make you happy, for get to know you and for how gratefull I’m with time for allowing you and I to live in the same lifetime. I’ll love you in this and as many lifetimes we have”
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Taglist: @evans-dejong @omgsuperstarg @bibissparkles @hoely-maria @mochimommy2002 @noope306 @eugene-emt-roe​ @80sloverry​ @rens-daylight @honeydanny​
part one
part two
part three
part four
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itsgrimeytime · 7 months
Home is Where the Heart is (Part Five) || Farmer!Rick Grimes (TWD) x Teacher!GN!reader AU
Part 1, 2, 3, 4...
Taglist: @1tsk1tty
rick grimes taglist: @golden-hoax @mgparker
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Inspiration: Like Real People Do by Hozier and Begin Again by Taylor Swift.
Summary: Your life was spinning out of control, you knew that. After a string of particularly shattering events, you decided it was time to start anew. With a little help from one of your Grandma's rentals, you found yourself in the small town of Alexandria. The last thing you expected was your neighbor, Rick Grimes.
TWS: flirting, bad relationships, abandonment issues, and self-destructing the good things.
[[A/N: The next one will take place directly after this one. Thanks for reading!!! ]]
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You were silently searching through your papers, you had something in mind but couldn't really find it -a coloring page for the first day, you still needed to get candy-
Your eyes peeked through the window just a spare moment, and you halted. Something ran through your head, as you connected with Rick, the neighbor.
He wasn't paying attention, blue eyes far and distant, t-shirt dark from the heat and fitted just right around the expanse of his chest. The sun dusting along his curls, he was framed a bit like a painting -you couldn't look away. The warmth of the morning contrasted with the cool blue of his eyes, and you were sure a song could've been written about him if they hadn't already.
The papers faltered in your fingers, as you watched on.
Rick was taking a break, you guessed, he was leaning up against a tree -chin tilted up and looking through the branches. It was far too early for the kids to be up you realized, so he must be enjoying the bit of silence. The wrinkles by his eyes smoothed, as he let out a big breath -it flowed through his body fluidly like water.
Don't be a weirdo, you thought -dragging your eyes elsewhere, -just because you haven't seen the man in a while you become a living poem.
You hadn't been purposefully avoiding him, not really. It was kind of a give-and-take, you'd been prepping your lesson plan and needed...
You hadn't been purposefully avoiding him. Not really.
It'd been a fairly busy few days for you, you could hardly set aside time to see straight on your own. Or even think for that matter.
It was all so sudden and rushed, and you could hardly breathe. You hadn't even been answering calls-
Knock, knock.
It was a sort of slow, languid knock like the dusting of knuckles against the wood. Not like they hadn't wanted to be there or anything, just like they had been basking in the morning sun. Kind of like-
The spot where your eyes rested was now empty, the tree and its leaves rustling in the wind.
As you approached the door, you heard a muffled voice, his -you recognized. All deep and gruff, even more so in the morning. And another through a phone -a little choppier but very... familiar.
"-for me."
"I'm really glad to help," he echoed, and you almost leaned into the wood to hear him better, "-no need, Mrs. Y/L/N, really."
Oh my god, you echoed out in your thoughts, loud and opposing.
You swung open the door with little composure, not as planned, but a bit desperate. Had she been guilting him?
One look into his eyes was a resounding yes.
"Hey," you spoke, connecting your eyes with him and mouthing 'sorry'.
Rick chuckled a bit, "Mrs. Y/L/N, they opened the door, I think we're-"
"Tell them to take a break," your Grandma's familiar voice echoed out, as if she hadn't known she was on speaker, "-or you know what, take them to breakfast, distract 'em. I can nearly see them worrying themself thin."
"Grandma," you hummed, tilting your tone knowingly, "-I'm sure I can care for myself."
"Don't lie to your Grandmother dear," she spoke -pointed and direct, "-Richard has told me you've been locked up the past few days."
"Sorry 'bout that," he apologized, low enough for just you to hear.
You waved it away, truly not thinking he needed to apologize for that. It was sweet, really.
"Just go get breakfast, darling," your Grandma sighed, "-I just want you out of that cooped-up old house."
"Fine," you hummed, turning around and placing your paperwork down, "-but you didn't have to bring Rick into this, I'm sure he's very busy-"
"I can make ya breakfast," he interrupted, unflinchingly, "-instead of goin' out."
"Rick, you don't have to-"
"Already making some for the kids," he hummed, looking down at you with his blue-blue eyes, "-won't be out of my way."
You paused, looking at him (he looked hopeful..?), "If you're sure."
"'M sure," he relented, softly. He looked over you gently, a soft sweeping motion, your hand fidgetted at your side.
"Okay," you echoed, "-okay. Is there... Is there a certain time?"
"You could just follow me," he hummed, "-'Could use an extra set of hands."
"Uh," you looked back at your imposing stack of paperwork for a moment, then down to the phone, and right back at him -something sparkling in his eyes, "-yeah, sure. Just give me two minutes, I just have to send an email-"
"Ah, ah, ah," your Grandma chastised over the phone, "-I said a break dear."
"Right," you sighed, before checking your clothes, and stepping out into the day -the sun was a welcome sort of warm, "-fine. I'm following him."
"Good," she hummed before the echo of a dial tone cleared through the air -satisfied with your current position.
"Of course," you sighed, "-look, I'm sorry. You don't have to-"
"No, no-" he hummed out, a sort of low grumble, "-I offered. Do ya not want to?"
You looked at him for a moment, eyes dipping over his face (his blue, blue eyes-), "I do. I, uh yeah, I do."
"Good," he smiled, bright, and something in you softened -just a little before he smirked, "-thought ya might've been scared."
"Scared of what?"
"Losing," he teetered, bright eyes twinkling and something in you laughed.
"Losing at what?" you questioned, tilting your head slightly, staying in step with him.
"They say I got the best pancakes on the block," he hummed, "-doubt you can beat that."
"You're so on."
"Thought so," Rick smiled, and something in you watched -like it was something you'd never see again, or maybe something you didn't want to miss.
And you walked into his home.
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hutchersonsgurl · 11 days
We're just friends - Clapton Davis Part 1
Paring x fem reader and Clapton Davis
Warnings:, pre-established relationship, SMUT. characters are 18+ and MINORS DNI. This contains depictions of fingering, oral (m receiving). (No use YN)
Summary: You and Clapton have been dating secretly because you were the school nerd, and Clapton didn't want to ruin his "cool" status. But you have had enough of being a secret girlfriend so you changed your image.
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Noah's POV:
It was a bright and sunny morning, and the birds chirped happily outside my window I smashed the pillow into my head not wanting to get up not wanting to deal with school today who wants to spend their 18th birthday in school all day? not me but I have to look at my phone and see that I got a text message from the school's mean girl Brooke it said "Check your email you'll want to see this I put down my phone I walk over to my desk and click on the link on the email thinking it was some dumb video she sends everyone making out with her boyfriend but no this was way worse as I press the video I see Clapton and Brooke sitting together at the party last night in the video Brooke " since your little girlfriend isn't here tonight how about we send her a video" she says with an evil smile "wait what? Noah and aren't dating but we all know she has a huge crush on me but I'd never date a loser like her, I mean come on I'm Clapton and she's the biggest nerd in our school" He says
I feel tears well up in my eyes as I realize the boy who I've been dating in secret for over a year now who told me we'd go public tonight doesn't give a damn about me he cares about his popularity more than me.
I pick up my phone and start to call Jade the phone starts ringing and I hear a pickup
"Hey what's up?" she asks
I couldn't help it I just started crying
"wait hold up did Clapton's dumbass do something? I swear to god if he did I'll beat some ass" she says
"he called me a loser in front of everyone..." I say in between sobs
I explained everything that has happened up to now to Jade and she's pissed off
"Okay so don't bother getting ready for school," Jade says
"why?" I asked
"because it's time for a makeover bitch meet at the mall in 20," she says and hangs up
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20 mins later
I met Jade at the salon and it feels like hours at this point but after 2 hours I turn around to see myself in the mirror my hair is straight and dark Black and My makeup is smoky black eyes and nude lipstick
" Holy shit I can't even recognize myself, " I say in shock
" Nah I still only see you your outer bitch is on the outside," now come on I'll pay since it's your birthday girl, and let's go tonight cute dress for tonight," Jade says paying and then dragging me to the clothing store we go into a chic boutique that always had stylish and unique pieces I try on a few dresses and really don't like them until Jade comes in with the most beautiful black dress on I try it on and I love the way it hugs my curves and I spin around in it and take a few pictures in this dress after I take a few pics I get a bunch of text messages from Clapton
Clapton: babe where r u?
Clapton: u missed the first period is everything okay?
Clapton: fuck I heard you saw the video I didn't mean any of it u know I love u please talk to me
Clapton: Baby please answer me
Clapton: I'll see you at your party tonight and we'll talk then
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I exit out of the text messages and put my phone in my purse and get dressed Jade and I walk up to buy the dress and we walk out of the store
"you know Clapton is going to eat his heart out tonight and speaking of eating let's go get something to eat," Jade says as she drags me to the ice cream shop
we walk up to the counter and we see a really cute guy at the counter
"hey, what can I get you guys today?' Gabriel asks
" I'll have a hot fudge sundae and she'll have an Oreo frosty" I answered
"Hey, I know you your the new kid Gabriel what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school?" Jade questions
"I could ask you two the same thing" he responds with a chuckle
I notice that he's tall and tan and has beautiful black curls in his hair
"Are you doing anything tonight? because if not it's my birthday today and you should come tonight" I asked
" uh yeah sure cool I'll be there see you soon" Gabriel answers
we pay and we leave heading back to my house
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as we got to my house I could see my mom putting up decorations for the party
"Hi, honey how was school today?" Mom asked
"oh actually didn't go...." I answer waiting for a yelling
" you are so lucky today is your birthday young lady we will continue this talk tomorrow" Mom replies
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part 2 coming sooon
Not edited will fix soon
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dellalyra · 1 year
Family Formation - Part Eight
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Summary: Yuuta joins the family, and the events of JJK0 are explored.
CW: sexual references, swearing, suggestive themes, canon typical violence, mentions of blood and wounds.
A/N: sorry this took so long guys I’m working on my 1.5k followers celebration too so this took a back burner but I gotta say thank u all so much for such amazing support ily all <3 don’t forget requests for this series are always open and so are requests for my 1.5k celebration!!
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Your husband comes through the front door of your cottage, strangely quietly – which is your first indication of something being amiss, your peaceful house when you come home is usually sounds of music and the occasional meow of a cat and whistle of a kettle, and soft chatter between you and Megumi, but it’s always broken by a “Wifey! I’m home! ‘Gumi, come see your darling papa and welcome him home!”, so the silence was disconcerting.
Hearing footsteps from behind you, you spin from your place at the stove, freezing at the sight of a slightly uncharacteristically serious Satoru.
“What’s up?” You say.
“Where’s Megumi?” You reply.
“Studying at the library, he’ll be home by 8 pm. What’s wrong, Satoru?” You put your hands on his shoulders and see them loosen under your touch.
“Remember that I was visiting the cursed kid today? After the school thing?”
“Yeah? Okkotsu, right? Poor kid.”
“Yeah. Well, he’s in the hall.”
“He’s in the hall, the kid. Like – in there.” He says pointing to the entryway of your house.
“Well, I’m glad I made extra food. It’s like I have a sixth sense. Now we can’t leave him out there, bring him in. We’ll talk later.” You say, kissing your husband on his cheek. Contrary to what many people think, your husband never does anything without thinking it through – and you trust him implicitly. Details could be dealt with later.
He kisses the top of your head and leans into the hall.
“C’mere Yuuta, it’s your turn to meet the world’s most beautiful woman!” He shouts and you roll your eyes, smiling.
In the doorway appears a boy, thin and slightly gaunt in the face – he looks so tired you almost worry he’ll keel straight over. You think he’s a little older than Megumi, maybe 2 years his senior. He’s tall enough, probably the same height as your son. His eyes dart from the ground up to you, then around the room. You can just feel the nerves rolling from him.
“You must be Yuuta! It’s so nice to have you here, I’m Y/N, Gojo’s wife. I hope you’re hungry, we’ve lots of food, I made spaghetti tonight.”
“Thank you for having me, ma’am. I’m very sorry to be imposing on you like this.” Such a polite boy, you think, with wonderful manners.
“Oh don’t be silly you’re not doing anything of the sort! I’m just sorry if my husband dragged you here. Want me to take your coat?” You lean toward him, and he flinches and shies away, eyes looking to Satoru. You look between them.
“Rika… she’s a bit, eh, protective.” He says.
“Ha! Don’t worry about Y/N, Yuuta. She’s special grade too, like me and Rika.” Satoru laughs ruffling your hair, passing by into the kitchen.
“We’re all safe here, Yuuta, don’t worry.” You softly say, nodding toward the dining room.
You serve up some food for Satoru and Yuuta, who both eat like they hadn’t in days. You don’t eat yet, saying you’ll eat with Megumi when he gets home.
“Our sons about your age Yuuta, how old are you?”
“16. How do you guys have a son my age?” He asks, obviously curious about how two people in their mid-twenties could have a teen.
“Ah, well, he’s adopted. We took in Megumi and Tsumiki when they were little, Tsumiki’s your age. But she’s… she’s not here.” You say, still unsure of what to say about where your daughter is.
“Tsumiki was cursed. She’s in the hospital, sleeping, she has been for a while now.” Satoru fills in when he finds you faltering, squeezing your hand.
“Cursed, like Rika?” He asks.
“Kinda. We don’t know what happened to either of them or why they’re both cursed. But Tsumiki is alive – and human.” Satoru says.
“Would you mind telling me about Rika, Yuuta?” You ask him.
He looks at Gojo, who nods and smiles.
“She was my friend when we were small. She told me we’d be together forever and she loved me and gave me this ring. But, she died. She was hit by a car. She stays with me now. She’s, really protective of me. That’s … what happened at the school.” He says head bowed, fiddling with his ring.
“Well, you can tell Rika she and you are both safe here.” You knew that wasn’t a promise you could keep, if Rika threatened your family - you’d have to take action.
Yuuta smiles, and you stand up from the table.
“Yuuta, the TV is on if you want to relax for a while. Satoru, will you help me set up the guest room?” You ask, hoping he’ll tag along and fill you in on what happened.
He follows along, and in the room, changing the bedsheets so a boy harbouring a special grade cursed spirit can stay the night, he tells you all about the higher-ups, the execution order, Rika’s sheer power and the rest of the story.
“He’s enrolled at the school. I just don’t trust the higher-ups enough yet to let him stay there. It’s why I brought him home. He can stay until I can be sure.” He nods resolutely.
“Sounds good. I’ll come into school early tomorrow, I’ll speak to the higher-ups too. Pressure from us both should have them back off somewhat. I’ll look at his dorm too, see what seals I can put on it, for extra peace of mind.” You wrap your arms around his torso, and he reciprocates.
“Thank you, Princess. What a team we make, huh? It’s like we were born to torment the elders together. If you’re going to shout at the old men though, I’m coming too. I will never miss a chance to see that, you’re just so damn sexy when you fight them. Might have to sneak you off to an empty classroom after.” He winks, lightly slapping the rounds of your ass.
“Like I’ll ever say no to that, ‘Toru. Time honoured tradition since 2008.” You nip his neck and he groans at the steamy memories through the years, but you saunter off, with a little extra swing in your hips. Biting his lip, and smiling at the view, he follows you – as always.
The next few weeks slipped by, Megumi was not even slightly phased (as always) by the situation, he knew you guys well enough by now to never be shocked. Yuuta settling into school, netting the first years and attending classes with both you and Satoru. He was getting more and more comfortable with you both, and relaxing too. You were quickly discovering that Yuuta was a truly sweet boy, he was kind, caring and so thoughtful, with quite the sense of humour to boot. You were sitting in the living room one night when you noticed Yuuta repeatedly pushing his hair from his eyes.
“You want me to trim your hair, honey?” You say to him.
“Would you? That would be awesome. I’ve been worried to go to the barber because I didn’t think Rika would react too well to a stranger coming at me with scissors.” He huffs out a tiny laugh.
“Do you think she’d mind if I did it?” You say you had started to approach Rika through Yuuta, hoping he could feel safer if she felt safer. You treated her always like a toddler who was desperately protecting her toy, and it seemed to be working. Satoru always smiled at you when you included her in something, the sheer expanse of your heart would never fail to amaze him, along with your emotional intelligence – he saw how you approached the situation calmly and softly and was amazed at the progress you’d made. He may have been in charge of teaching Yuuta to handle Rika’s powers, but you were teaching him how to handle Rika.
He nods, smiling that adorable smile.
You set him on a stool, hair scissors in hand and a towel on the ground. With a soft comb to boot. You both chit-chat about school while you work, he asks about your cursed technique and you realise how much you like spending time with this kid. He was just so warm and personable, it was impossible to not grow attached – you felt you understood Rika a bit more.
As you finish up, Yuuta grows a little stiff – and quiet.
“What’s up, Yu?” You say, hand on his shoulder.
“It’s, it’s Rika. She – I told her no, please don’t worry, but she asked if you’d comb her hair and I told her no she’s not like that anymore-” he begins to ramble, and through your shock, you realise that this curse – the Queen of Curses - isn’t just that, she’s also just a little girl. A little girl stuck in a terrible fate, all because she loved a boy.
“Yuuta, tell her yes.”
“I’ll comb her hair, but tell her she has to be a good girl, okay?” You say, smiling gently. He stands in shock, but he trusts you. And for some reason, he’s started to trust Rika.
Behind Yuuta, emerges a shape – taller and bigger than him - there’s a resemblance to a human, faint but - it’s there. A small giggle – a giggle, comes from the mouth of the curse. You step toward her, as you would a wild cat. You are sure to soften your gaze and your voice.
“Hello, Rika. It’s nice to meet you. My name is Y/N. I’m a friend of Yuuta’s too. I’ve been excited to meet you.” You say, waving your hand.
To your shock, which you hide, a childish girly voice says ‘Hello pretty lady. Yuuta said you will comb my hair.’
You nod and softly beckon Yuuta to the side, he follows your lead and you turn to Rika, you notice she has no hair, not anymore, but tendrils instead – you figure you’ll make do.
“Of course Rika. Do you want to sit down so I can do it?” You pat the cushion on the ground and Rika makes herself a bit smaller and moves and curls her lower half, almost snake-like, onto the floor.
You move behind the curse, and for a moment you shake your head – how the hell did you get yourself into these situations? You’re combing the head tendrils of a curse on your living room floor. You guess Satoru was right – you do have to be a bit crazy in this life. You also enjoy the thought of the heart attacks the scene would give the higher-ups. That feels good.
You reach your hand out and stroke her head, up and down, separating the tendrils to mimic the motions of brushing long hair.
“My momma used to sing to me when she combed my hair when I was little, would you like that to Rika?” You say.
An affirmative hum of ‘Yes songs please, Rika and Yuuta-like songs’ comes from the strange voice of the curse.
You begin to hum the soft song your mother did as a child as you continue to comb through her tendrils. You used to do this for Tsumiki too, and you think that maybe you just have an affinity for cursed young girls.
Yuuta just stands in shock.
You spend about 20 minutes doing this, and Rika just sits and holds Yuuta’s hand.
You tell her you’re done, and her hair looks wonderful. Yuuta tells her to thank you and before she retreats to wherever she goes, she does thank you, and she also says.
“You are nice to my Yuuta. Thank you, pretty lady. We both keep him safe.” And with that, she’s gone.
Tears flood to your eyes and you pull Yuuta into him. Wishing you could absorb some of the sadness he feels.
That night, you and Yuuta grew so much closer. Yuuta told Megumi when he got home, and Megumi just shrugged,
“Mom’s equally as nuts as Dad, but she knows what she’s doing.”
As you told the story to Satoru in bed that night, he just smiles at you.
“God you’re something else Princess was made for me, you’re crazy and I love it.” He says tickling your sides as you both laugh.
Months pass quietly enough as you eventually move Yuuta into his dorm. You have some classes with the first years, so you get to see the blossoming friendships.
Things are peaceful.
Until they aren’t.
Everything happens in a whirlwind and then in front of you stood the man who was once your brother.
You tensed, standing beside Nanami – as you take in the man after so many years of his absence. His clothes have changed, and his hair is down – like you used to tell him to wear it. He still has the gauges and the smile, he still smiles that same smile reserved only for Satoru.
You then notice he has his arm around Yuuta, you move to push forward but Satoru tells him to step away from the kids. You study the form of your husband - he’s radiating strength, power and energy but only you can see the slight line of hardness in his neck, he’s scared. Not scared of losing, he knows he’d win, scared of the inevitability of him having to kill his only best friend.
Suguru releases Yuuta and you push the boy behind you. You think of the last time you saw him. It was the day he left for the mission in the village, he was up early, as usual, and you stumbled half asleep into the kitchen of the dorm, Satoru’s sweatshirt long and comfy. You chatted about the missions you both had that day and as per your daily routine – he poured your coffee just how you liked it and you made toast for you both. You knew he wasn’t himself lately, you’d been there for him, doing what you could. So before he left he pulled you into a hug, patting your hair.
“See you tomorrow, oniisan. Don’t forget bar at 8 pm, okay?”
“Sure, I won’t forget.”
And with that, he was gone.
And now, he looked at you – older, hair longer, more refined, more sure in your stance, but that same glint of passionate determination in your eyes.
A declaration of war was made that day, and a date was set. A party to which none of you wanted an invite but attendance was mandatory.
And then he was gone.
That night, Satoru collapsed into you, breathing harshly and ragged. It was rare to see the strongest so unravelled but he was safe with you. He knew what would happen. He knew what he’d be forced to do. After all, he was society’s greatest weapon.
You let him heave into your chest. You stroked his hair, during bubbling in you like an unholy soup of loathing and hatred. You hated the world, the higher ups, the hierarchy, for driving Suguru to this – but also hating Suguru, for doing this to Satoru. You’d be okay, both of you. But right now, you needed each other.
The Night Parade of a Hundred Demons.
That’s what it had been called. Battle plans were drawn up. Yuuta and Maki stayed at school, everyone else to Shinjuku. You were grateful for Suguru’s advance notice, it gave you time to send Megumi to your mom’s house. You guessed he had someone minding the twins too. Parenthood can interfere with war.
Through the fight your main objective was offence, sure you were strong. Incredibly so. You were capable of causing unrivalled destruction. Ironic, you always thought, given it was also the technique capable of causing unrivalled beauty.
You vaguely caught glimpses of Nanami and Mei Mei through the fight, but soon enough your husband caught up to you.
“He’s not here.”
“I thought he’d go straight for you.”
Something clicked in his head.
“He’s going for something more valuable to him.”
The school. Yuuta. Rika.
“You stay, Satoru. They need you here. I’ll go. Finish up here, then come.”
He was about to fight you on it when an explosion echoed loudly. He hadn’t doubted your judgment or abilities in 9 years – and he wouldn’t start now.
“Take Inumaki, and Panda.”
“Can you send us there?”
And with that you and the two students were in a circle, being warped by your husband back to high school.
And in front of you was chaos.
Maki was unconscious, you checked her pulse quickly – confirming she was alive and moved to find Yuuta.
But in a way, you had been too late. Rika stood gloriously behind Yuuta. A deal was struck between them. You couldn’t get close enough in time, flashes of light blinded you for a second and then you somehow found yourself following a trail of blood.
Suguru was leaning his head against a wall.
He was dying. You could tell that much.
Your Yuuta had saved so many people.
Wordlessly, you slid down the opposite wall, sitting facing him. Blood and ash caked your body, the smell of destruction and iron filled the narrow alley. You knew Satoru would be here soon. Suguru did too.
“Fancy meeting you here.” You say.
He lets out a laugh.
“Come here often?” He replies.
“To sit with my dying friend who just tried to kill the boy I see as my son and waged war on the love of my life in an alley? Yeah, most weekends.” You smirk at him, lowering your daggers to you sides.
“Nice ring.” He says, pointing to the wedding ring on your finger.
You hum in agreement.
“The wedding looked beautiful. You did too, you made a model bride and groom.” He said.
“You got the photos we sent?” You and Satoru had secretly sent photos of the wedding in an unmarked envelope 2 years ago. Something soothing for you both.
He nodded.
“How drunk was Shoko and Utahime?” He laughs.
“Very. They also got together that night.” You laugh.
Silence for a moment, a smile on his bloodied lips.
Some people would think this suicide, sitting with a terrorist catching up on old times. But he was no threat to you, not now, he was dying and he knew that. He would put up no fight. You think he always knew that.
“You should have been his best man.” Your eyes droop, looking across the gravel.
“Nanami did a good job.” He replies.
“But he wasn’t you.”
“Any mini Satoru’s yet?” He asks.
“Not yet. Two kids though. Adopted.” You smile. “The twins, are they still with you?”
“Nanako and Mimiko.” He smiles fondly.
There’s silence for a few moments.
“Don’t make this harder for him, Suguru. Please, he doesn’t deserve it.” He will know what you mean.
“I won’t. None of us deserved it.”
“No, we didn’t.”
A figure appears in the alley, you lock eyes with blue crystals. No words need saying. You smile sadly at Satoru. He looks between you and the man on the ground. You stand up, and walk to Suguru. You kiss the top of his head.
“See you later, oniisan.”
You stop beside Satoru, you grab his hand and squeeze.
“I love you, ‘Toru.”
“I love you too, Y/N.”
He squeezes back, you walk back to the school – you need to check on your kids. One last look behind you and Satoru is crouching beside him.
He needed to do this alone. This was not something you were part of. It was between them. Blood brothers and the strongest. Best friends. You would pick up your husband’s pieces and glue them back with love and care, but this action was his alone. Destiny wasn’t something to be toyed with.
In the school, you embrace Yuuta, tears on his face – he told you about Rika. The curse was broken. You held him and whispered softness to him.
You help Maki to Shoko, Inumaki too. Panda is fretting over them all.
You think of the boys in the alley. You think of the tragedy that was forced upon your love – he didn’t deserve this. But he deserved love. So that’s what you’d provide.
Several months later.
“Okay, that should be everything. Now remember, sunscreen – no matter how busy you are, okay?”
“Don’t worry Y/N, I won’t forget.” A slightly taller Yuuta agrees. You had helped him pack for his overseas trip with Miguel. You and Satoru were about to send him off.
“She’s going to text you to remind you everyday anyway.” Satoru smirks patting the boys head. You glare at him playfully.
You both lead him to the school gates and hand him off to Miguel. Like sending a boy to summer camp and not a special grade sorcerer on a long overseas mission.
You kiss him on the cheek and tearfully tell him goodbye and stay in touch. You hand him one of your silver daggers, 4 had been given to you when you started Jujutsu High by your family, they were heirlooms. A cursed tool, strong and imbued with power.
“This will keep you safe.”
“Thank you, Y/N. Really, for everything.”
“Our boy! Moving away! They grow up too fast!” Satoru is whining beside you.
“Miguel, he’s allergic to shellfish so be careful okay.” You warn the tall man beside Yuuta who nods, staring bewilderingly at the man who beat him to a pulp months ago whining over a boy going on a trip.
And then he’s off.
“One leaves the nest.” Satoru says and you hum, grabbing his hand and leading him to the school.
“What do you think about refilling the house? With Gojo’s maybe?” You say. Hoping he’ll pick it up.
“With my clan elders? God no, why would you even suggest having those wrinkly ballsacks in our home. They’ll taint it!” He shivers comically.
“No, Toru, I mean little ones. Very little ones. Small Y/L/N Gojo’s.”
He stops in his tracks and stares at you.
“Then I’d say let’s get to work straight away.” You laugh joyfully and squeal as he throws you over his shoulder.
Safe to say, saying your child was conceived in the empty classroom which was you and your husband’s designated sex classroom was sweet, after all, it was tradition.
TAGLIST: @vesta-ro @lilithlunas @mialexandruh @sassy-cat-in-town @madam-ri @cjm-cookiethief
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drkmgs · 1 year
It had my heartbroken 3
Wednesday Addams x Reader Weems
Warning: not sure if there's any...
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
I didn't plan to write a part 3 for this one, but I guess here we are. Thank you for reading this story and have fun! :)
I think this is the longest part 3 that I ever wrote...
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The moment you vanished from their hug, you found yourself waking up to the sun toasting you, looking around to only find sand. The sand was everywhere. You don't remember how you got there and why you were there, but you had this feeling inside of you, it's something like longing for something or someone. So, you stood up and headed straight ahead, with no destination in your head but just walk until you find what you were looking for.
After what happened in that little garden, Wednesday Addams and Principal Weems seemed to get along better than before. They stopped bickering and settled with giving each other a nod when they see each other in the halls. Wednesday Addams stayed out of trouble and focused on her studies to become a Botany Professor. Every night since you faded away in her arms, she would serenade the whole school with her cello, the music that came from her balcony had all the students and staff, in awe, they felt her longing for you. Even Principal Weems sobbed one night while she was listening to her play and it made her miss her child more than ever.
You have been walking and walking, you don't know how long you have been in this desert. In this place, it felt like time is non-existence. You're exhausted and collapsed on the sand. You faced the bright sun, trying to even out your breath, you can feel the dryness in your throat and mouth. When a woman's hand with a bottle of water waved it to you, you instantly grabbed it and drank from it. The woman told you to drink slowly and apologized for being late. The woman looked awfully familiar but you couldn't pinpoint who it was, but you had a light feeling towards her. For no apparent reason you started to blabber about your previous life, you talked and talked on autopilot, but your brain right now doesn't recognize any of it and the woman just returns you a smile. A loving smile. The smile that you usually give to people you care about.
Wednesday Addams is still serenading the school every night. Her music does change sometimes. Some have heard her play something frustrating, and maddening, and sometimes it was just pure loneliness. She knew you wouldn't be coming back but her gut is telling her to continue playing her cello every night just in case you were stuck somewhere and needed some guidance to go back to her.
Principal Weems stood in front of your headstone, reading it 100th time now, and would trace the letters. She would whisper in the wind "I love you" and "I miss you" hoping you would hear it, wherever you were.
Happy 4th death anniversary to you.
After drinking your 10th water bottle, you felt yourself being drowsy, your eyes heaving, and you feel everything spinning in your head. The last thing you saw, was the woman smiling at you. Then it was pitch black.
Suddenly, you feel a light thud and sprung up. You looked around, scratching your eyes with your knuckles to get out of your sleepy state, and that's you realized you were in your apartment, in your bedroom, on your bed.
Your crazy dream probably was due to your stress, moving from Seattle to Vermont. You don't know Vermont and never heard of it, but once you read about it, all you could do was think about it. The strangest thing is that the so-called little town Jericho has been in your mind lately, that's why you specifically chose an apartment in that town. It isn't as luxurious as the one you had in Seattle but it felt like home to you, warm and cozy.
Dismissing the entire dream, you got up and headed to the bathroom to get your day started. You don't have to worry about your work, you're a full-time writer and you own a publishing company, which you could manage from where you're right now.
You changed into more cozy clothes and headed to the café, that you saw as you drove past it. The Weathervane. As soon as you enter it, nostalgia hits you, the feeling that you have been here and missed it, was concerning but you couldn't focus on that because your mouth has been watering for a taste of their hot chocolate. You finished your order and settled in one of the booths near the counter, you see all sorts of students wearing the same uniforms.
You're suddenly getting images flashing in your mind, some with voices and some just blurry colors. As it finished, you were already holding your head in your hand, and the barista came to give you, your order and also asked if you were alright. You smiled at him to assure him you were fine and thanked him for bringing your order. You eagerly took the hot chocolate and let the taste bring you back to that nostalgic feeling.
Flashes of images came back again, as you sip some of that hot chocolate, and this time it was more visible — a woman with silver-haired, blue-eyed, and red-painted lipstick stood tall and proud looking down at you with a smile that made your heart melt. The moment you opened your eyes, you had the same smile on your face.
After that delicious breakfast, you head out to the local bookstore. Again, as soon as you enter the shop, you are welcomed with a familiar scent, and now you're convinced you're going insane. You don't know where all these memories are coming from and why they're showing up.
Your thoughts were cut short when you heard the front door open, signaling someone else entered the shop. You didn't bother to look and continued your book browsing through the shelves when the person walked past by. Her scent filled your lungs — lavender and woods. The scent was oddly familiar, like you have smelled it before, the name and the face was at the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't recalled in that moment.
Later that night, you couldn't sleep. You tried everything to fall asleep, but nothing helped. So, you decided to sit out in your balcony. The scenery was beautiful. Dark blue sky, shimmering stars and the bright moon. You suddenly hear a faint cello sounds, starting to play. You look around where it could be, it wasn't somewhere near you, it was much further.
Then it clicked. The Academy. It's coming from there.
A couple of months passed by. You're now standing in front of two big doors.
Principal Weems.
It says. How long has it been since you saw this lovely woman? How long has it been when you found out about your past life? Those memories. You had a choice, either face them or forget them. It's clear which one you chose.
Two knocks
Come in! Please take a seat. I heard you're applying for the botany position-
She didn't change at all. She's still the intimidating, adorable and sophisticated principal, but older. You couldn't help but smile.
How have you been, Mom?
You saw how fast her head snapped up and how she's not taking her eyes off you. You know, she's waiting for something to happen but nothing happened.
Principal Weems-
As soon as you heard that voice, you didn't hesitate to turn around and greet the person.
Hi, my love.
You see her froze and progressing everything in front of her. You gave her a minute, but you couldn't help it anymore and threw yourself onto her. Only when she inhaled your scent, that's when she realized it is really you.
You're back?
I am. I heard your nightly serenading.
I- Please elaborate how you came back?
Honestly, I don't know. Before I came here, I had no memories about you and mom and everyone. Then all the memories slowly flooded my mind as I stroll around Jericho and everynight as I hear you play your cello.
You pushed slightly away from the hug. You scanned her features, from her eyes to her lips. You tried to fix her bangs as they got messed up because of your sudden embrace. Larissa cleared her throat and got up from her chair, walking towards both of you. She wrapped her arms around both of you, just like in the little garden.
"And that is how your parent came back." Principal Weems whispered as two little girls had their attention to her.
"I miss them." one of the little girls murmured almost falling asleep.
"You'll see them tomorrow, darling. Now both of you go to sleep." Larissa tugged both girls in and kissed them good night on their forehead. After one last look, she silently close the door and went downstairs.
As she make herself comfortable on the couch, her phone rang. She knew who the caller was and sighed.
"Wednesday, darling. Your daughters are fine. They're asleep. Please you're coming home tomorrow. Enjoy your and Y/N's alone time." Larissa sighed because this isn't Wednesday Addams's 10th call for today.
You snorted at your mom's response and told her it was you on the phone and that Wednesday was soundly asleep beside you. That night you talked to her on the phone until it was time to get ready for your flight.
@thedemoninme141 @lecsi @ipharaohosiris @zhasmindoesntknow @daryldixonsw1fe @pixielove-1 @screechcat @myfturn @loekaorlucaidk @bloxiasworld @natashamaximoff69
(I do not know as to why tumblr can't find some of you...)
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