#and no you can't 'well I don't mean you!' thing to me because there is no tangible way for you to know -
cute-sucker · 1 day
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domestic life (w/ rafe)
about: this series is gonna be super, short and cute! just a bunch of compilation of your life with rafe + super super domestic fluff <3 send requests if you would like !
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you always knew that rafe was fit, your keen eyes always travelling to the bulky parts of his body. he was handsome beyond grief, and he knew it too. but there was one thing that you never asked him; his workout.
now there was one thing. you knew he would get excited about it. judging by the amount of supplements that he tried to get you to have. all you did was wrinkle your nose as he tossed a few pills in his mouth and then grinded down his green power.
but here you were watching your boyfriend leave tanyhill, trying to go workout and a sudden peak of interest hit you. what if you went with him? after all, your nail technician had cancelled on you because she had caught something like the cold, and your evening was probably going to be spent laying on a couch watching modern family.
"rafe?" you called out tentatively, watching him stuff things in his bag. he looked concentrated, as he gave you a grunt in response. you bit your lip, before trying to walk closer to him.
you pinch his bicep, "rafe, where are you going?"
you know damn well where he's going, but you can't help but batt your pretty eyelashes in his direction hoping that he'd take the bait. and as always, rafe smiled at you - before jerking his hand to his bag.
"just going to the gym. gotta stay fit," he reprimanded, giving you a soft kiss on the forehead, "if you need anything, just give me a call. i'll be here for a while."
you pouted, folding your arms, and then frowning, "but what if i need you to stay?"
he cocked an eyebrow, a smirk on his face, "you need me to stay? more like want me to stay. is this because your friends cancelled on their little trip to the beach? you want me to stay, 'cause you got nobody to entertain you?"
"don't be mean rafe!"
he gave you a pointed look, a calloused hand rubbing your cheek but you couldn't help but glare.
"you're my boyfriend, what if i want to stay with you?"
then you gave him a cheeky smile, dragging him closer to you as he groaned.
"you got me, good woman. you got me good."
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marvelstan0905 · 2 days
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"What do you mean a real baby?!"
Kenji Sato X [afab]reader [Oneshot]
TW : spouse reader/petnames/implied sex/pregnancy/Emi mention/panic/mixed POV
Hi guys so I made this on a whim, lmao. Just came to my head lmao. I haven't properly proofread it yet but I hope you like it😫🥺
He didn't know what to do. Kenji found it. The thing that turned his world into a total 180 once again. As Kenji stared down at the positive pregnancy test he found in trash, Kenji's mind was racing a million miles per house. He had just started adjusting to life without Emi, he would visit the kaiju infant from time to time but now this...was something else.
"How the hell did this happen?! I mean..I know how it happened but how?!" Kenji murmured to himself. His wife was at the store and he was taking the time to properly process everything. "Ken Sato..y-you can do it...no you can't! Oh my God!"
Kenji started panicking a little. Mina tried to calm him down. "Ken, you need to calm down. Your heart is racing. You'll be fine. A human child is almost the same as Emi" Mina reported. The robot assistant hovered next to Kenji as he clawed at his hair panicked.
"MINA! What do I do? That's an actual baby! Something my size! No...even smaller" Kenji gulped whiles hugging his knees. Kenji didn't even notice that the door had opened and his wife had returned from the store.
"Baby? You okay? What's going on?" I asked deeply worried as I sat down on my knees on the bed. I gently pet my husband's head. I looked around to find anything to give me a clue as to what made my husband panic so much. My eyes stopped as I found the positive test, I had taken a few hours ago. I hadnt been feeling well for a few weeks, before then Kenji I had been going at it like rabbits so it was kinda..expected. With widened eyes, I took a deep breath and gently hugged him. "Talk to me. Whats going on your head? And yes, I am pregnant"
Kenji's world turned upside once again. He felt alot of things now with this confirmation. Worry, happiness, panic, joy, fear. It was all over the place. "I mean..wow...I'm worried about taking care of a human baby this time.. they're much smaller" Kenji started and exhaled deeply. I hummed listening to him. "Don't get me wrong I'm happy..I'm j-just worried I'm not up to it. This baby is different from a Kaiju. W-What if i end up like my dad? Or my kids end up hating me later because of Ultraman"
"Kenji..breath. Deep breathes, okay? Shhh.."I soothed my husband as I listened to him. I put my hands on his shoulder and gently massaged him to ease his tension. "Honey..I know you're worried but trust me, you've got this. You're gonna be an excellent father. Think about it..remember how you took care of Emi. You're her dad too" I started whiles kissing his face softly.
"You're gonna be a better father than you're dad. You know firsthand how it felt with your dad and I know you wouldn't want our baby to feel how you did. You're gonna be fine. One day at a time. Plus we took care of Emi so well and look her..she's the most beautiful and friendly Kaiju" I reassured him. Kenji took deep breathes and listened to me. His stress and worries were eased but not completely.
"You're right. You're right.." Kenji murmured.
"I'm always right" I joked playfully whiles nuzzling into his nose. Kenji rolled his eyes playfully and kissed my cheek.
"See, baby. You're gonna be fine, okay? The best father ever. Look at our baby Emi. You have some daddy experience" I smiled whiles kissing his face. Kenji chuckled and returned the affection. Kenji began rambling about his excitement. I cupped his face as I listened to him.
"Bet you wanna go and tell Emi right?" I giggled whiles tilting my head with shake of my head. Kenji bit his lip in pure excitement and nodded. I pecked his lips. "Go on. Tell her I said hi, okay? Don't be too late ,okay? We have a lot to talk about"
"I won't. I love you, sweetheart" Kenji laughed and stood up as he opened the doors to the balcony before jumping out and transforming into the giant of light he was.
"I love you too, baby"
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angel-of-the-moons · 3 days
Hear me out.
A Ghost In The Gym
(Ghost x Fem!Reader)
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It was another day at the gym for you, only, today... There was a man in a rather scary skull mask glaring holes into the mirror across from him as he used the dumbbells...
You paid him no mind, some people wear masks in the gym. Could be allergies or... Something
Your eyes can't seem to focus on anything else around you, because whenever you look in the mirror, you see he's staring at you
It immediately concerns you, and you try to shove your discomfort aside.
You put in your headphones and try to tune the world out and focus on your routine.
You were ten minutes into your slow climb to a trot on the treadmill when you looked up and he was suddenly right there
You almost trip as you hit the stop button on the mill, and look up at him because he's leaning very close all of a sudden. Your voice is very sheepish and concerned.
"Can I.... Can I help you?"
"I didn't mean to startle you. There's two men staring at you, they followed you in here. They're talking about trying to convince you to come home." His rich voice grumbles softly.
You swallow and casually glance around the gym, spotting the men in question, who suddenly acted like they were busy. You were so concerned with the big scary man in the mask you didn't notice the two guys dressed in street clothes. They looked familiar...
"I told them to fuck off." He says, standing up straight. "Hope you don't mind, but I told them that you were my girlfriend, that you were meeting me here."
"Oh... Um.... Thank you."
He tilts his head, his chocolate eyes softening as he notices you're still on-edge; and honestly? Who could blame you in the situation?
He takes a step back. "My name's Simon. If you like, I can spot for you while you work out and keep them off of you."
Your body relaxes a little bit, comforted by the man's respect of your personal space.
"Y... Yeah. Thanks." You babble, awkwardly fiddling with your water bottle as you take a sip. "You're uh... A big guy, ain'tcha?"
"I'm military. Pays to be big." He replies, tilting his head.
"Oh! Oh... Yeah, I can see why." You laugh awkwardly.
Simon's eyes crinkle at the corners; a smile beneath his mask. You're not sure why, but that twinkle in his eyes makes your cheeks heat up.
"So, what's next on your workout routine?"
"Uh... Well, I use the medicine ball and do some curls... some squats."
"Alright then, luv. Let's get to that. Let me know if I get too close or make you uncomfortable."
He was... Surprisingly respectful. Most guys at the gym who got so close to you were creeps who couldn't keep their distances from you.
Ugh, and don't even get started on the mouth-breathing many of them did... Or the shameless staring at your tits.
But this Simon, your... uh, Gymbro Avenger as it were, was rather kind. He kept track of your sets even when your frazzled mind lost track; even while he did his own. But then again, the man probably worked out so often that it was muscle memory for him to do it without needing to count.
You two got to talking while you exercised; he was some sort of high-class soldier, couldn't tell you more because of how "classified" it all was.
He told you about his unit; his friends. His family, basically. The "Old Man" Price, his annoying "battle buddy" (a US military term that someone named Alex told him) "Soap", Gaz, who apparently always had a "kicked puppy" face...
It made you laugh, some of the stuff he told you.
Talking with you... it made him feel... human. Almost normal.
When was the last time he felt like that?
Too long, it felt.
You had gotten comfortable to the point that you hardly noticed when he'd put a hand on you to correct your form.
You ignored your heartrate spikes when he did, of course. You also had to remind yourself to stop ogling his thick arms or how his veins bulged or how intricate his tattoo was...
The two of you explored the gym and did things you didn't normally do. He helped you use the Olympic bench, the rowing machine...
He stood outside the showers (a respectful distance away, mind you) to make sure those guys didn't creep on you on the way out.
You didn't notice when your stalkers gave up and left, seemingly irritated that Simon "was" your "boyfriend" and wasn't going to leave you alone.
You bought him a smoothie as a thank you.
He'd gotten a phone call halfway through and seemed saddened that he couldn't stay with you, but said his Captain called and he had to go.
You almost protest when he hands you some money to pay for the smoothie, but as you look up he was already leaving, his bag over his shoulder as he mounted his motorcycle.
You open the small wad of bills and realized that he left a scribbled note in it. A phone number.
"Call me when you need to go to the gym or don't feel safe, birdie. I'll be your scary dog privileges."
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were--ralph · 16 hours
Confession time cuz sometimes the best way to think things out is to talk about them or put them down somewhere. So I have an extreme big dick fetish. Like to be fully satisfied I probably need an impossibly sized cock. It started when I was a teenager and fell down the porn well and of course, even then I knew that these cocks were exaggerated. Except all my boyfriends up through college were huge, all of them 8x6 at least. And I'm not very big so there's definitely a penis envy thing going on here. The whole point is if a penis isn't big enough my libido will shut down. This isn't the confession, pretty much everybody who knows me can intuit that I'm a size queen.
The confession is that my now husband and I had a rough on again off again relationship for years before we put a ring on it, because I love him, but his penis just wasn't big enough for me. Eventually we had a heart to heart where I told him that. So he's resourceful, he finds out you can get penis enlargement surgery and he's willing to go through that for me. We save up the money and it works, but it doesn't solve the problem completely because they can only add to the girth, not the length. And he has a beautiful dick now. Thicker than my wrist. But it needs another inch or two for my brain to accept it completely, which is impossible. It's getting to the point where he's getting bitter about it (understandably), but I can't turn that part of me off. He gets that, and has even told me that if he could get a bigger dick for me he would. Which means that some part of him thinks it's a failing on his part, which it's not.
So we're trying to find a solution and it's very difficult. Opening up our relationship won't work for us. Toys don't really work because when you paid thousands of dollars to embiggen your dick, you get bitter when you put on the strap. We're trying to get into fisting because I'm sure part of this would go away if I could be his hand puppet, but I just can't get past the knuckles. And I'm currently taking a break because I tore a little, which hinders the whole process.
Anyway I hope you enjoy this because there's obviously no way I can ever talk to anyone about this in real life.
i really have no idea what to say to this
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meraki-sunset · 2 days
This is a long letter of gratitude. Embrace my endless words of pure gratefulness.
Dear Autor of the most amazing thing I've ever read.
I was writing this letter from the moment I reached the middle of your Crow Strider AU fanfiction. There is so many things I want to say and I'm so happy that I can say it to you all here without words limit. Forgive me for exuberance, I'm squeezing out all my abilities to express what I feel in this foreign language that's not of us first language.
Let me list all the things I'm grateful for, because I'm autistic and I love listing:
1. Crow Strider
The arc of Davesprite you created is masterpiece of writing. The process of deconstructing his personality, forgiving and letting his part behind as well as embracing his new identity and new body is written so thoughtfully with such a care of details. I love how you made him so different from Dave as well as still kept his Daveness in full glory of Striderness. You made him happy and more emotional available and open, at the same time it felt so natural for him to be that way because of the proper build up you gave him. Thank you so much for creating Crow Strider and letting us read his well written arc.
2. There's a Dave for everyone
THERE'S LITERALLY DAVE FOR EVERYONE. You have no idea what struggles I went through trying to understand what person Dave ended up with in canon, and then being sad of what happened in epilogues. I wanted Dave for Karkat. I wanted Dave for Jade. I wanted them to be happy. And you did it. You made it possible. You made them all happy. I love it so much. Thank you so much for making them happy. You even gave Teresi one Dave for her. I can't believe it. It's so beautiful it's unreal.
3. More Davepeta
This part is simple, I simply love Davepeta and you gave me a lot of good Davepeta content. Thank you for that.
4. You made me like characters I didn't like
I wasn't big fan of Tavros. I got tired of Vrisca by the end of Homestuck. I didn't really see Hal as an interesting character. I honestly hated Gamzee. And Jasprosesprite squared was so annoying for me
Well, not anymore! You somehow managed to write these characters more compelling for me than Hussie did. Now I love Tavros and Hal, I mean, cat Hal? Is there anything more cute and cool at the same time?
And NGL I genuinely wanted Gamzee to die and I can't believe that now I'm not, because I just read a very good redemption arc of this clown. I also love the way you dealt with Vrisca. Heck I love all characters written by you!
5. God tier Karkat
I've dreamt of seeing a good piece of god tier Karkat. I was so curious how does it even work to be Knight of Blood, we didn't see any version of Blood god tier in canon. I'm big fan of your version, it fits the character and the aspect so well, and the execution of his arc as he is chosen to open the door... Honestly? I prefer that over canon, though it wouldnt make as much sense as in your fanfiction. It just feels like you took a much better care of Karkat than official ending of Homestuck. Don't get me wrong, I love Homestuck an it's ending, your fanfiction wouldn't exist without it. I honestly think that Hussie didn't really have as much time and space to give his characters as extended arcs as you gave them without losing the dynamic of his story. But you could. And you did. Thank you so much.
6. So many people got better, more extended arcs
Like above. You made Jas much better. You gave Nanna much better, more compelling arc than she had in canon. You made Hal and Tavros much more relatable and gave them very well character development plot, even if short. You took your time to write very needed and wanted dialogues between characters than didn't have their time to interact in canon. Like Jake and Dirk (ESPECIALLY THEM OMG). Like Erisol and Feferi. Like Jas and Rose. And I didn't even know that I needed the last one. Thank you so much.
7. You made ships that I didn't know where even possible and I like them????
Seriously, Tavros and Jane?? Erisol and Arquius??? Josh and Dirk??? I love how your brain works
8. You absolutely nailed the delicate topic of transgender
I used to not be a big fan of June, because there were no realistic signs of John having any kind of thoughts or doubts about his gender in canon. You made a very much needed and really great thoughtfully written arc from June and Josh, even caring about the topic of transition and executing it really great. Thank you so much for yet again being so good at writing arcs.
9. Eridan and Sollux
I love them both and their weird toxic rivalty, and I absolutely love that you gave them some attention and let Eridan grow and try to redeem himself while also helping Sollux with hii2 p2iioniic problem2. I download almost every single frame of it.
You're artstyle. I don't know where to begin with that. It's so amazing. Expressive, dynamic, cute, beautiful, colorful. I love every line of your comics. Your style is the way I always wanted to draw. It's just perfect. And also perfect for Homestuck fanfiction. It's just so similar, yet gives it a bit of softness as well as the kind of expressiveness I love, that makes every single shot more appealing. Warm scene are so warm, sad scene are so sad, dynamic scenes are so epic, it's like so delicious. Yes, I just ran out of words. Let me grab a dictionary...
Your style is outstanding. It gives me this feeling of familiarity, it's similar of Homestuck style, yet so different, its fresh and new while also feels like home.
I wish you have a printed version of your fanfiction (but I probably can't afford it sadly). There is something so soothing in this simple colors, it's not too loud, not too many colors, yet so many and smooth colorful lines. I will learn to draw like you, I'm sorry for adapting your style, but I really want to draw like that and you even posted some tutorials how to draw like you.
Thank you so so much that you put so much time and effort into making this wonderful comic and then share with all of us completely for free. You drew so many expressive pages, sometimes even 10 pages per static dialogue, which means you officially outbested the master of overdoing Andrew Hussie himself, that did maximum of 3 pages per 1 static dialogue scene. I noticed you slowed down a bit at the end and drew much more simplified panels as well as you started using same panels many times. Good. It's okay to go the easier way. No one wants you to overwork yourself and burnout. No one wants you to have trauma with drawing and not wanting to draw comic ever again. It's extremely generous of you that you posted for absolutely free such a wonderful and huge piece of art. I'm endlessly grateful.
11. The plot
I love how you started from one simple idea of giving Crow more arc, and then gradually extended it into a whole huge fixfiction. It went so smoothly it looked like really one different decision of one person can change the whole timeline. It went so naturally, it felt so realistic as if I read something that Andrew Hussie wrote as a coexisting canon.
I have to admit, the whole idea of not doomed and not canon timeline is pretty ridiculous, and I love every bit of it. Paradoxally, it sounds so much like something that could actually exist in Homestuck canon. I love it
A few little things I didn't like that much
I wouldnt be myself if I didn't comment on some stuff that wasn't perfect. I'll be bery brief with that, because these things didn't really bothered me that much, I just want to share a little bit of criticism I have.
I hope it won't sound rude when I say that I didn't really felt like you understand the character of Nepeta very well? She didn't felt that like Nepeta in your fanfiction, at least for me. I felt like some stuff were explained a bit too many times. I know that characters needed that, yet we as viewers already know some stuff and didn't need to read it again. Also, I really missed the type styles of characters. I know how hard it is to keep it through entire fanfiction, especially writing some of the characters with quite complicated type style. I just missed it a bit. On the other hand it made a few characters much more comprehensive.
I hope I didn't hurt you with this few words of critics. Now I want to share a few of my favorite pages, I hope you don't mind if I end this letter with fangirling over your drawings. I actually wanted to do a lot of comments during reading your fanfiction, but the website didn't let comments. Sadly. That's why I'm writing here. And now is time I will do what I wanted to do back then:
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This scene, my fav scene in Homestuck, got so extended in your fanfiction, I felt so gifted and it wasn't even my birthday
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I cried.
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This. Made me laugh so hard. And it's even funnier without context.
I just reached photos limit. Sadly. I'm so grateful for your comic. I love it so much. Thank you again for making it. You're a wonderful person
Hey there! Thank you so much for the letter, and for taking your time translating it to English for me to understand. Since it’s in a list format, I guess I’ll answer as list as well! So:
Crow strider
It was challenging writing Crow because I needed to basically write Dave but with a twist in his personality due to living with the Harley-Egberts and their grandma, in a very cozy and caring environment.
Honestly I don’t think I managed to portray enough Daveness, his personality is very particular and difficult for me to replicate, but I did the best I could and my friend and editor will help me reach the right amount of striderness in the epilogue
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2. A Dave for everyone
Indeed, there’s Dave for everyone. The homestuck epilogues made me realize how lonely Jade ended up, and I always loved Davesprite and jade, but with one being human and the other one a Sprite the relationship was bound to fail, and even tho I wasn’t fond of JadexDavepeta, still i would’ve prefered it to jade being all alone and Davepeta dying fighting Lord English. So now, not only Jade has Crow, and they’re happy, but the Karezi – davekat – daverezi mess all got fused into one, because I love them and their trip was a Little different from in canon. And also Davepeta is around, I don’t think they’ll end up with anyone, but they’ll vibe on EarthC.
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3. More Davepeta
They’re alive, and I like showing the craziness that comes from them knowing all timelines but being above them and detached from them. 
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4. The characters you didn’t use like
I like exploding underused characters. Because with them, you’ve only seen the Surface, but at the same time you have info about them that can be used to make them more profound. If Tavros got revived, why isn’t he mad at Vriska? What was he doing those 3 years in the bubbles? If Jasprose is a seer and has knowledge of all timelines due to being ultimate self, doesn’t that make her the ultimate clairvoyant? Doesn’t that mean she’s the key to winning? Does she miss the mother like rose does? If there’a already an Arquius, why make another? Why not have just Hal as a Sprite and have him figure out what being alive is actually like?. You get the Surface of the characters and knowing what you know about them, you dig deeper, until you find their humanity and write about it.
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5. Godtier Karkat
I love Karkat on Homestuck, but I feel like the character lost weight towards the end of the story, he stopped being the leader and while everyone went and fought someone important like the Condesce, the jacks, the dogjack, or Lord English, he was just somewhere else doing whatever. I wanted to give him his hero moment that closes his development.
As for the door, I feel like in canon john was the right choice to open the door, he’s the hero and the leader, not to mention it’s a human session, it makes total sense and I wouldn’t change it
Every story has things that don’t get to be explored, because that would make them too long and cut the flow, making it unreadable. That why we love fan fictions and AUs so much, they take the pieces and reassemble them into something new, filling the empty spaces.
What makes the events on AUs fun is that they didn’t happen in canon. So if John opened the door in canon, and it was right, then Karkat can open this one, and it can be right on this specific timeline. He gets closure from the door he never got to open, and takes back his role as a leader, even if it’s just for a moment, since the battle is over by now. He’s the leader once again, but this time he understands the weight of it in a way he couldn’t grasp when he was 13, claimed he was in charge and let everyone down. He now understands it’s not just something you ask for, it’s something you earn, he’s now the Knight of blood, god of bonds, he took down the Condesce in the name of his species, and will open the door for his peers to enter the new universe they created together where they’ll create a free society, he became what the signless predicted, his rightful successor. His arc is completed.
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6. Extended arcs
Jas was planned since the beginning to close crow’s arc about his rose and his regrets about leaving her behind. It’s only when he’s made peace with losing her, has left his old self behind and is ready to face the battle and his future, that he gets his reward. He gets her back, in the strangest way
With Nanna, i just though nobody ever focused that there was an actual adult around during the whole adventure, Nanna would’ve spent a lot of time around john and jade, them being each others remaining family. So I tried to give her the role of a guardian, breaking a Little with this “orphaned children on their own” that all characters have.
Honestly I tried to make it as interesting as I could, sometimes I would take characters that didn’t have any screen time and think, what can they do? What’s in their mind at this moment that they could tackle in conversation? And with whom? Who else needs screen time?. And that’s how you get, Jake and Tavros bonding, Nepeta, Fefeta, Davepeta and Feferi ship-chat, Arquius telling Terezi and Karkat about Erisol, Hal comforting Eridan, ect.
It’s actually a really cool writing exercise I do sometimes. I grab two characters that have nothing in common, and write a conversation between them. What’s the common ground? Are their stories alike in some way? Do they have a common hobby or worry? It’s really cool because you find stuff about the characters you never paid attention to before
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7. Unlikely ships
Tavros and Jane came from me wanting Tavros to be more assertive. In canon Vriska instructed him to not interact with the Alpha kids during those 6 months, but since this Tavros doesn’t listen to her because he took self-esteem lessons from Rufioh, I felt like he probably spent that time actually being a guide to Jane and then becoming Friends while solving puzzles, Jane being a fan of mysteries and Tavros probably missing his flarp days. Also theres a funny thing about Tavros and Jane, and it’s Tavros is supposed to represent Peter pan, while Vriska is supposed to represent both Tinkerbell (she dressed up like a fairy for him and later became an actual fairy) being attracted to him but being short fused when rejected, and also represent Captain Hook, Peter pan’s enemy (with her flarp persona and her ancestor being a pirate), but she’s not Wendy in any way, and I feel like Jane is, she’s the homeschooled girl, with blue eyes who looked through her window waiting to be free because her father wouldn’t let her out (also Wendy’s brother was named john who used big glasses). She’s a normal girl coming in contact with this fairy boy from a world of only children. Idk, makes sense to me. (besides, Wendy darling’s daughter, who Peter pan later takes on adventures too was named Jane, who also has blue eyes)
Erisol and Arquius was a crack ship that suddenly made sense, because it’s one-sided, and I feel like arquius is a caring person, he just has a difficult time socializing like a normal person. He’s just really happy to be a sprite and is pissed by Erisol’s insistence on wanting to explode.
Also, Arquius promising Fefeta that he wouldn’t break Erisol’s neck unless he had a good reason ( he kinda wanted to) and eventually having to break his neck for the good reason of god tiering him (he now doesn't want to and feels bad about it) was something I planned for months
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Josh and dirk, i think it’s funny. Dirk wouldn’t have dated jade because she’s a girl, but Josh is a boy so it’s good, AND, he’s like a more direct, version of Jake who takes no bullshit.
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8. The topic of transgender
Originally the second spaceship post retcon was supposed to arrive empty, or with only Davesprite, but I saw an opportunity to solve a division in the audience. Some people were interested in John remaining as he was, while others wanted to see June. Since John never showed any doubts about his gender in canon, it wasn’t in my original plans for June to make an appearance during CSAU, because the comic only covered the same period of time as canon. But when it came time to write the retcon I realized I had an opportunity to make them both coexist, making a shift in the timeline, but said shift being there both since the beginning and for the purpose of surviving the recon. Making June and Josh a reality since the beginning, so the timeline would survive the consequences of the two Egberts crossing paths post retcon.
It’s nice to hear you liked it, I know not everyone did. I tried to be respectful but at the same time be true to the nonsensical nature of canon Homestuck that makes timelines twist and change to the story’s convenience, making the events real but chaotic. Also since i knew John’s dad wasn’t coming back and Jane’s dad wouldn’t make it, June would be the last remaining conection to John’s old home and so John would be June's, relying on eachother for comfort when it comes to the loss of their father and home.
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9. Eridan and Sollux
I want to cover Eridan’s redemption in the epilogue, since all we know is he grew as a person during his time in the bubbles, leading to his change of heart interacting with Sollux and Kanaya
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10. Art style
Thank you! I like to give the characters a full range of emotions and for the surroundings to accompany that
No need to be sorry for learning through my art, in the end my style, like everyone else’s, is bits and pieces from other artists we’ve seen, admired and/or learned from. Just make sure to add your personal touch to make your artstyle trully yours
It’s true that by the end I reused more static panels for dialogue, both because there was a lot for the characters to say, not that much action left, and my battery was running low haha
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11. The plot
I tried my best for the story to be a big butterfly effect steaming from crow’s decision to ascend, working towards the most possible outcomes like Crow getting grimdarked by the Condesce too, the sprites surviving because of Nanna and so on
I wanted this timeline to coexist with canon because I don’t like the idea of overwriting it, canon happened and was important, CSAU just happened to be taking place close by
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12. Things you didn’t like
I do in fact not understand the character of Nepeta very well, I reread Homestuck in order to get the original troll's personality better, but Nepeta is a character I don’t get. On top of that, she doesn’t appear much in CSAU so didn’t have much time to develop her.
I do struggle with over explaining, I think is stems from not wanting the reader to be confused (it has happened on discord that people come and ask me what was going on in the story when i thought I had written it in a way people could understand with no problems), which leads to me explaining everything too bluntly sometimes, so the characters sometimes ramble TOO much, and I wish I could go back and reduce the dialogs, but that would involve going back to the page’s codes to delete certain pages and replace others, and also changing the programming for the page’s backgrounds, not to mention my computer crashes when I try to modify pages too far back, since they’re 4000 of them. It’s one of those things I can only learn from and try to do better in the next project
The character’s typing was a core part of Homestuck because it was mostly portrayed as blocks of texts and the quirks made it easy to know who was talking even with people having the same typing color. The reason I didn’t use them it’s simply because I could barely write good enough in English, let alone add quirks. My friend offered me to add the quirks at some point when we were revising the dialogs, but I declined because some people found it easier to read without them and I didn’t want to add another step to the render of the pages.
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13. Favorite pages
I also cried with that Gamzee panel, I planned it for months and i waited a long time to draw those last panels, I’m glad they made people laugh
Haha, also yeah, the Strider reunion got really extended with so many extra striders. Davepeta, Crow and Hal making the reunion complete
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Thank you for this message! i'll do my best to write a good epilogue (which by now is actually a secuel) and i hope you have a great day🌻🌻🌻
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moondirti · 6 hours
i accidentally deleted the ask i received yesterday (like an idiot) so im dumping the rant i left underneath it for archival reasons
what i love most about big ugly brute simon is pairing him with girls who get a little too close. perhaps they catch him staring in public and smile politely, a little daunted but attributing what they can to innocent intent over malice. who treat him with basic decency, or perhaps extend a little extra kindness if they take the dead look in his eyes to be consequence of a rough day. the one's who hold doors open for him, or let him skip in line because he looks like he can really do with the coffee. the maybe he's just misunderstood, never judge a book by it's cover, treat others the way you want to be treated type.
kind, polite, genuinely good girls, who live life by the please and thank you handbook they were given in kindergarten, and were never taught when to keep it to themselves. well-meaning always, yet either foolish or curious when they give a beast the benefit of the doubt.
because while their courtesy is just that in the eyes of conventional society, it has an absolutely foul effect on one simon riley.
say it's because hardly anyone is ever keen on him. certainly not pretty birds, with pretty wrists, and pretty hair and clothes and easily corruptible smiles. at the first sign of warmth, he'll pounce. all animal, blinded hunger. cruel passion he knows you're not built to take, your heart pulpy like saccharine fruit. cruel passion that he will inflict anyway; trailing behind you all the way home, choreographing meetings, pushing your courtesy to its limits by being nothing but a rude brute. he bullies his way into your life, making a man-sized hole where he was uninvited (though he'll contest that. what does a smile mean if not lay over me and print yourself on my womb?). bullies you into submission, weaponising that tenderness to suit his real needs–
not coffee, or a good morning, or anything but a warm cunt and meal to come home to.
i don't think he'd ever ease up the intensity, either. even if you acquiesce or are flattered by the distasteful attention. though simon might soften up to you (in the only way he can: lending his ear while you talk about his day, or walking blocks in the rain to fetch takeout from that specific greek place you've been craving), he's still mean about it. presses you where you're weak, isolates you from your friends. hones derision when you continue to be just as amicable to everyone else. you must be asking for it, see, if you had been asking for it with him. is a big dick about it, callous and nasty as he can be – because you allow him to be, babbling tearful apologies into his chest instead of standing up for yourself.
doesn't believe any of it, of course. he knows you're too sweet for your own good. but he can't help but love seeing you get all desperate when you cry. makes his knees go weak. his head itch. you'll hold on to his arm – soft and wet and repentant, pure silk against his gnarled edges (a point people will always latch onto. how'd he land that? right minger he is) – until he growls something about making it up to him.
which you jump at. good, good, generous girl. will seat yourself, fine china between thighs that could crush you, and choke on his ruddy cock. maybe he holds you down on it, stuffs your nose onto the untamed mess of his pubes until your little legs kick for breath. or, maybe he'll lead you to down to fit your tongue in his ass, tugging himself over you until cum mats your hair. whatever the most vile, debased thing he can conceptualise at the moment is fair game. not necessarily because of the deed itself, but because he lives for nothing more than watching you do it despite not wanting to. to please him :(
sorry im a little crazy about this
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hemmingsleclerc · 1 day
One last time pt2┃charles leclerc
@is-just-a @charlesgirl16 @spookystitchery @leclercsluvs @itsjustkhaos @willowpains @magical-spit @falaihullo @emryb @ssararuffoni
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ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨୧ ༘✰ ༘ ˚ ˚ ༘ ‧₊˚𖧧  ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹ ᵎ 𖧧. ⊹ ˖ ♡.˚˳១୨ִֶָ 𖥔 ゚˖ ⊹ › ‹
Y/N's hands shook as she wrote the message to Charles: "See you at our place by the old lighthouse in 20 minutes." She hit send before she could doubt herself and tossed the phone out of her reach. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her mind filled with thoughts of what she was about to do.
The old lighthouse had always been their place, a small hidden place where they escaped the pressures of their lives and were themselves without cameras or people around. As she drove there, memories flooded her: late-night talks, stargazing, and the countless times Charles had made her laugh when she felt like crying or vice versa.
When Y/N arrived she was pacing nervously, checking her phone every few seconds. Finally, she saw Charles' car stop and her heart began to beat even harder and she felt a chill run down her spine.
Charles came out and walked towards her nervously, his expression one of mere concern and confusion.
She took a deep breath, her thoughts confused and chaotic. “Charlie, I…” her voice broke and she looked away, gathering courage. "I need to tell you something"
Charles said softly, moving closer until he was a few inches away from her. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. You know it."
Y/N nodded and her eyes met his. "Well. Here it goes. The song I sang tonight is about you, I know you already knew that because it's been everywhere but I wanted to tell you myself. It's always been about you. All my songs have been about you. I've had a crush on you since we were kids and I was too scared to tell you because I thought you'd never feel the same. And seeing you with Elise just… broke my heart. But I had to tell you, even if it means losing you as a friend. I can't keep pretending anymore and I understand if you want to stop seeing me or talking to me I will understand."
Charles stared at her, his eyes wide with surprise. For a moment, neither of them spoke. The silence lengthened, unbearable and heavy.
"Y/N, I…" he started, but she cut him off, her words coming out quickly.
"I know it's absurd because you don't feel the same and now I'm just saying a lot of things and making everything awkward and…"
Charles stepped forward, took her face in his hands and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with years of unexpressed emotions, longing and love. Y/N's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly melted into his kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as she passionately kissed him back, standing on her tiptoes.
When they finally broke apart, they were both breathless, their foreheads pressed against each other. "ma cherié," Charles whispered, his voice full of emotion and desire. "I've always loved you. I was too scared to ruin what we had. I thought you only saw me as a friend and I didn't want to lose you, I didn't want to lose us."
Tears welled in Y/N's eyes, but this time they were tears of joy. "Charlie, I've had a crush on you since we were 15. What the hell?"
Charles laughed through his tears and hugged her tightly. “I can't believe we've wasted so much time,” he said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and happiness as he placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
Y/N leaned back a little and looked at him with a smile. “Wait, what about Alex? “I can’t do this to her.”
Charles chuckled and shook his head. “Oh, Alex. We're not actually dating. We never were, apparently swe both like people of the same... type. It was all just a misunderstanding. She's just a friend and we thought it would be easier to let people think we were together instead of constantly explaining our friendship over and over again''
Y/N laughed, feeling lighter than she had in years.
A few weeks later, the Monaco Grand Prix weekend arrived and the paddock was full of life. Y/N and Charles had decided to keep their relationship private for a while, wanting to enjoy their new happiness without the public's attention. But as they walked hand in hand, their love was impossible to hide.
ynln has posted a story
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caption: 🏎️❤️‍🔥
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Liked by f1_gossip, ynln_updates and 582,583 others
f1 Look who's here! Our favourite girl of the paddock!
username MY BABIES!
username YN 🥹💓💓
usermame chayn again I'm sobbing😭😭
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Liked by 2,823,108 others
username 😭😭😭😭😭
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Liked by 3,685,298 others
charles_leclerc BEST DAY EVER THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!❤️🤍❤️🤍❤️🤍
My very first win in home and finally able to call her mine ❤️🥲
schecoperez Bravo Charles!
arthur_leclerc Let's goooo
pierregalsy Bravo Champ!! Trop content pour toi!!!
ynln Congrats my golden boy
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Liked by charles_leclerc, pierregalsy and 1,593,294 others
ynln P1 IN MONACO!!! Tremendously proud of you Charlie, I know how much you have trained to get this wonderful achievement and I am truly captivated by your great determination and love! I love you from here to the moon my ferrari boy
pierregasly happy for both
charles_leclerc s'il te plaît, arrête mon amour, je suis sur le point de pleurer, je t'aime (please stop my love, I'm about to cry, I love you)
username My parents
username Right person, right time
Sorry if it's late in posting but I happen to graduate so yes! hope you like it🥲🤍
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ohisms · 1 day
↪ 𝑽𝑨𝑵 𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑺𝑰𝑵𝑮 . ( a collection of sentence starters from the 2004 film . adjust phrasing as necessary . mature themes present . )
oh , [ name ] . it's just you .
where are you going to run , [ name ] ?
what are you saying ?
why do you think i brought you here ?
you said you believed in my work .
i would kill myself before helping in such a task .
you've been so kind to me , [ name ] .
you can't kill me , [ name ] .
so , you're the great [ name ] .
we all have our little problems .
let's make it your decision , shall we ?
i wish you a week in hell .
why don't you do something about it ?
this is all a test of faith .
i can curse all i want , dammit .
you . turn around .
strangers don't last long here .
the laws of men mean little to me .
i don't need your help .
you stay here . they're trying to kill me .
nice to see you too , [ name ] .
did i do something to you in a past life ?
i hope you do have a heart , [ name ] . because someday i'd like to drive a stake through it .
your reputation precedes you .
i am hollow ! and i will live ... forever .
please , say you will not try again .
do not fear me ... everybody else fears me .
i was unprepared . it won't happen again .
do you understand forgiveness ?
i would rather die than help you .
don't be boring , everyone who says that always dies .
may he rest in peace .
how long has it been , 300 , 400 years ?
you don't remember , do you ?
what exactly is it i am to be remembering ?
it's no surprise you would know all about me .
we have such history , you and i .
have you ever wondered why you have such horrific nightmares ?
[ name ] , it's alright , i'm taking you home .
what , did you think we haven't tried everything before ?
no one knows how to kill [ name ] .
i could have used that information earlier .
would you like me to refresh your memory a little ?
allow me to ... reintroduce myself .
i think we've overstayed our welcome .
don't give me that look .
you were right . i'm sorry .
monster ? who's the monster here ? i have done nothing wrong !
look , there's still time .
you were right . i'm sorry .
do you have any family , [ name ] ?
if you value your lives , and the lives of your kin , you will kill me .
evil may have created it , may have left its mark on it , but evil does not rule it .
now you know why they call me a murderer .
oh my god ... you've been bitten .
so much trouble ... so much trouble .
now you will become that which you hunted so passionately . may others be as passionate in their hunting of you .
don't worry , god will forgive us .
how many commandments can we break in one day ?
oh my god , you should be terrified .
how does it feel to be a puppet on my string ?
neither of us has ever settled for half .
you make my skin crawl .
i'm not gonna like this , am i ?
one brief moment of pain , and we can be together forever .
you have no heartbeat .
you are nothing but damned bones , and damned souls .
well , that doesn't sound like a good thing .
we don't have a choice . just don't get killed .
you don't understand , it doesn't matter what happens to me .
god is not the only one that can create life .
you can't go until i say you can go , and i say you can go when you're dead !
you're supposed to die .
we are both part of the same great game , [ name ] , we just find ourselves on opposite sides of the board .
you are being used , [ name ] , as was i . but i escaped , so can you .
if you're going to kill someone , kill them . don't stand there talking about it .
all i want is life . the continuation of my kind .
some things are better left forgotten .
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"I do hope that I'm not about to regret the soft spot that I have for you." w patrick zweig please 👉🏽👈🏽
(maybeeeeeee set in the tense universe? hehe)
From the Domestic Bickering Prompt List
Oh heck yes I can do that nonnie
(Part of the tense universe for reference; this can be read without reading tense)
Warnings: Horny Gremlin Patrick Zweig; Single mom Reader; fingering; unsafe sex; creampie; oral sex (female receiving)
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"Please? It's only for a couple of days."
You can't tell if he's trying to look more or less pathetic than usual, and you're almost positive that he just batted his eyelashes a little. You glance toward where your son is chasing his friend around the tennis court, shrieking with laughter as he waves a racket at him.
"I don't know, Patrick."
"Why not? He'll be at your parent's this weekend, right?" Patrick doesn't even look toward your son as he steps closer to you, seemingly uncaring of who may see you like this. "Besides, you're getting all grouchy again."
"I have never stopped being grouchy."
"It's getting worse. You don't even laugh at my jokes now."
"You've never been funny."
"Patrick!" Your son comes jogging up to him, out of puff, "Can you show Darren that trick shot?"
"Sure, bud," Patrick reaches out, ruffling his hair. "I'll be over in a minute."
Your son grins, and you can't help the slight flurry of fondness for Patrick. Despite it being just the two of you for so long, Patrick has been good for your son.
Like it or not, he's been sort of good for you, too.
"Think about it," Patrick urges softly. "And let me know?" He reaches out, fingers skimming gently across yours before he turns away fully, heading for the door. Damnit. How can one light touch send goosebumps blooming along your skin?
That goofy grin is back when you open the door to him. Your son was picked up by your mom half an hour ago. You'd half-expected Patrick to practically roll out of the bushes and stumble through your front door the second their car pulled out of the driveway.
When you don't move out of the way right away, Patrick steps inside, body brushing pointedly against yours. He drops his duffel bag feet from the front door, kicking off his shoes before you have to ask—because he knows well enough.
"I do hope that I'm not about to regret the soft spot that I have for you," You warn.
"You have a soft spot for me?"
"I'm as surprised as you are."
Patrick reaches for you as soon as he straightens up, grasping your hips and tugging you close. Your feet move a touch sluggishly, but you raise your hands to steady on his arms as his chest presses to yours.
You let your eyes slide closed as Patrick lowers his lips to skim gently along the line of your jaw.
"I know you're here for a couple of days," You warn, "But I have got things to do this weekend."
"Besides me? Baby," He coos, fingers sneaking beneath your shirt. "I'm heartbroken."
"Mm, I can really feel it."
"Trust me, that's not what you're feeling."
You lean away to get a better look at him, but before you can tease or argue, Patrick catches your lips with his own. For all of his talk about you being grumpy, you lean into him. Patrick gives a soft, approving hum as he steers you deeper down the hall. He dips his head, sucking a gentle kiss to your neck as your fingers tangle in his hair.
"Patrick, I mean it," You warn, "I've got laundry to do, and—And I'm meeting my friends."
"What time?"
"Uh," Your mind stalls as Patrick tips his chin up, taking your earlobe between his teeth and toying with it, "Six?"
He chuckles softly, hands shoving at the band of your leggings. "You have any idea what I can do between now and six?"
"Where are you going, anyway?"
You know better than to look back at him, but there's just something so enticing about seeing Patrick lounge in your bed. He's flat on his back, arms tucked behind his head. You can't tell if he's trying to flex or not, but you let your eyes sweep across his bulging biceps and down his muscled chest and abs, trying to figure it out. When he shifts a little, hips pointedly pushing up against the top sheet draped across him, you're pretty sure he is.
You're not sure why he's bothering—he doesn't need to put that kind of show on with you. You've spent the last four hours in bed together, and you've seen and felt how strong and firm he is. Maybe he's used to having to show off to stick around, but you've already told him that he can stick around. After what you two just spent the afternoon doing, there's no way you're going to change your mind about that.
You turn back toward the vanity in your room, leaning over to get a better look at yourself and apply your lipstick.
"Bartucci's," You answer. "It's our usual."
"You guys do this often?"
"Every couple of months, to touch base."
Patrick hums, and you hear the light thud of his feet hitting the wooden floor. "You always go out looking like that?"
"Like what?"
Patrick cuddles up against you, curling his arms around your middle as he presses his face into your neck. He draws in a deep breath, groaning gently.
"You smell good."
"I know. I showered."
You lower your lipstick to the vanity, sighing softly as Patrick's hands creep up under your skirt.
You've cleaned up, but you're still aching from your time together. He grasps your hips, tugging you back against him as he grinds forward.
"Blow them off," He murmurs.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
You can't think of a good reason. You can feel him hardening against you, his fingers teasing your inner thighs.
"I shouldn't," You try again, even as you arch your back and press back against him.
"Tell them something came up."
"It's just a little white lie," He murmurs. His fingers dip beneath the band of your panties, the rough pad swirling against your tender clit. You suck in a shuddering breath, rolling your hips down his fingers and back against his cock.
You brace your hands on the vanity, biting your lip to stave off a whimper as Patrick reaches up, tugging the front of your dress and bra down. Your breasts spill out, framed by the lowered neckline. Patrick leans back just long enough to shove the skirt of your dress up and push your panties aside before he grasps his cock and eases in. You whine, pushing back into him as you readjust to to the stretch of him.
He hardly gives you the chance to settle before his hips shift back, then snap forward. You gasp, hands planting firmly against the vanity as he begins to fuck you almost savagely. He presses flush against you, grasping your tits and swirling them with his thumbs. Your hips jolt as one of his nails catches against your swelling nipple, then pinches it.
"Fuck," You whimper, reaching back to grasp his hair. He scrapes his teeth against your neck, then latches onto the skin, sucking.
"Are you giving me a fucking hickey?" You yank his hair again, and his hips stutter, slapping against yours. It just makes him suck more harshly, squeezing your breasts and using the hold to keep you close. It's another slamming thrust before you feel Patrick spill into you. You hiss a stream of curses as he pulls out, grasping your hip and turning to push you against the vanity. He's dropping to his knees before you have a chance to catch your breath, shoving your thighs wide and lapping broadly across your pussy.
Your head tips back against the vanity, eyes closing as he eats you messily. He sucks your clit as he spears two fingers into you, pumping and twisting them.
"Damnit, Patrick—Right there, right there, fuckfuckfuck—" You whimper, hips jerking against his lips as you feel a familiar coiling in your stomach. Patrick keeps up his pace, fingers and hand making obscene slapping, slick sounds. Your mouth falls open as you cum, hips rolling against his lips and tongue. You slow, cheeks heated as he draws his fingers back. His hand sneaks up over your dress, fingers smearing across your nipple as he straightens up. His tongue traces the pebbled skin before he leans even closer, lapping between your lips as his hands wander your body.
"You still goin' out?" He murmurs.
You should. You don't have many opportunities to go out and see your friends, and you've been needing a night out. But as Patrick scrapes his scruff along your neck, and your knees tighten around his hips, and your toes curl, you know that you're not going anywhere.
"Maybe," You goad. Patrick huffs, seeming to know better. He leans back to get a better look at you, his tongue swiping along his slick lower lip.
"What can I do to change your mind?"
"Get back on your knees, Zweig."
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serialunaliver · 17 hours
I understand blaming boymoms for how their sons act entitled and rude towards women because yeah that is the truth. Parents influence their kids behavior, especially at a young age, and women end up being misogynistic for social acceptance. However, I think what gets lost is that if the mother is a misogynist the father likely is too. I think that's what people mean when they say that it's "blaming women" and get defensive about it, yeah women can enforce misogyny but we live in a patriarchal society that demonizes feminism(real feminism, not faux nothing feminism) and women recieve praise and validation for misogyny and "holding other women accountable" like the whole thing about toxic/traditional Masculinity(tbh), and father's enforcing strict adherence to gender roles on their sons and mothers enforcing strict gender roles on their daughters, it's not odd to assume a man whose heavily invested in gender roles would pass misogyny and entitlement onto his son. So people blaming boymoms, and not boydads(redpill freaks, manosphere, Dads being dissapointed in girl children) when their ideologies are want demand misogyny in the first place is weird. Although I mostly assume most people who don't like boymoms(like me) also hate girldads, so this line of thinking doesn't apply to me. But I like to speculate about other people.
DISCLAIMER, my reply here isn't about All Parents but rather observations about parents who have more 'traditional values' about gender, which is unfortunately still a lot of them.
SO imo misogyny in parenting manifests differently in mothers and fathers based on their own gender roles. a mother with internalized misogyny is going to position herself as subservient to the son and father, sometimes to the point of enduring domestic violence. on the other hand the misogynistic father asserts authority over the son and pushes 'masculine' gender roles on him, almost viewing the son as an extension of himself (which is why these fathers tend to be upset at having a daughter--they feel they can't have a miniature version of themselves). and speaking of disappointment at having a daughter, oddly, there's often a 'switch' once the daughter begins to grow up--the mother views her daughter as competition because she, with internalized misogyny, hates to see her own daughter get attention from men, including her own husband. she's basing her entire existence (and thus her daughter's) around men. so while "gender disappointment" over a girl is indeed an expression of misogyny, a lot of parents have very different feelings towards their child before it's actually born, or at least before it starts acting more like an individual. the father overjoyed to have a son may also be the father who abuses his son for not conforming to gender roles or not being a copy of himself. this is because he views girls and boys as so fundamentally different that he was actually UPSET over having one over the other. gender reveals are more like terrible parent reveals, lol. overall these are parents reacting to their ideal version of their child in their heads and not necessarily the reality that they can't predict. both mothers and fathers can enforce misogyny on their kids but they are not doing it in the same ways. their overall belief system is the same, but the way they see themselves in comparison to the son/daughter is what differentiates them.
it's also important to note that criticism of 'boymoms' from men and women is often different as well. a lot of women with a negative view of boymoms are associating boymoms with an abusive ex boyfriend, brother, or father, or their own abusive mother. meanwhile if you have like, an incel criticizing mothers, it will be about the mother not being misogynistic ENOUGH, or generally just having higher standards for mothers over fathers. of course this isn't the case Every Single Time but just a pattern I notice--and I mean, it HAS to be a pattern for a patriarchal system to continue being enforced at large.
also just want to clarify when I talk about boymoms i'm not referring to every mother with a boy but the ones who make it their whole personality and have significant internalized misogyny. i've never really seen the need for parents to gender their relationship with a child like this in general so I tend to not associate the terms (boymom, girldad) with positive things.
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catnippackets · 12 hours
as someone who’s coming to terms w their own aroace identity, what does queerplatonic mean to you? you have a handful of characters in those relationships, so i just assume you understand the concept since you write it. sorry if this sounds strange, english is not my first language! 🧡💛🤍🩵💙
this doesn't sound strange at all! your english is great :)
well first off, from what I've learned over the years, everybody has their own little definition of what queerplatonic means to them, so my explanation of what it means to me might not be the same as what it means to other people. it's sort of a nebulous concept that can mean whatever you want it to mean, kinda like how nonbinary can mean whatever you want it to mean and just because you strongly disagree with how someone else is using it doesn't mean either of you are wrong
I also wanna say that I've written a few qprs in my day and they're all different! there is no single consistent portrayal of what I think a queerplatonic relationship is, bc each qpr I write will look slightly different and involve different things. but at the base of it all, to me, a qpr is a relationship that isn't romantic but that is still more intimate than a platonic friendship would be. usually I say that to mean physical intimacy, like cuddling or whatnot, but it includes emotional intimacy as well. I also like to imagine it as sort of the aroace version of being in a relationship, but you DON'T have to be aro or ace to be in a qpr, anyone can have one if that's what your feelings are
sometimes I like to imagine a qpr as sort of the halfway point between platonic and romantic; you're not in love but maybe you snuggle or even occasionally kiss like you are, but there is no romance there, you're just close in a special way that you aren't with your friends. sometimes qprs will even involve sex, and from an outsider perspective, look like you're just in regular love. sometimes qprs barely look intimate at all and from an outside perspective, you just look like regular friends. all of these examples are still qprs! because it all depends on how the people involved are labelling it, and different people have different standards for their own attraction. if someone regularly kisses and cuddles with all their platonic friends and that's normal for them, then a queerplatonic relationship might look really different for them, but for me, if I had a friend who I felt comfortable kissing and cuddling with, that would DEFINITELY be a qpr for me bc I would never even dream of doing that with a platonic friend. but also I wouldn't label it as a qpr either, even though it would technically be one by definition, because I wouldn't be comfortable being in a relationship if it had a label and I would prefer to just be somebody's person and know that we've committed to each other without being "partners" or whatnot. I know that's probably kind of confusing but I can't think of any other way to explain it haha
basically at the end of the day if you feel like your feelings of attraction can't be defined as strictly platonic or romantic but they're still definitely there, that would make them queerplatonic, but of course you don't have to use any labels at all if you don't want to. I hope that was helpful in some way lol
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buckys-wintersoldier · 14 hours
Loki as your best friend
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// Pairing // BestFriend!Loki x BestFriend!Reader
// Summary // Best friend Loki - who has a secret crush on you - doing everything to make you smile when you don't feel too good.
// Authors Note // You all can thank @jiyascepter for all the Loki stuff in my mind. Congrats to you for making him to the second / third placed favorite character in the mcu. Bucky has my heart but Loki can have place two or three.
// Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson //
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Loki would immediately notice when you don't feel good, he is always around you, making sure you’re feeling good.
Someone hurt you? He will hurt that person, making them beg him to stop. But Loki doesn't stop unless they say they are sorry.
Luckily you're not often on dates, so you have more time for your best friend who’s crush on you is just as big as your crush on him.
Someone says something that makes you insecure? Loki is there and shows you in every way possible that there is no reason to feel insecure.
“Darlin’, look into the mirror and tell me what's not perfect about you,” he mumbles, his thin long fingers holding you by your hips in place.
Loki's chest is pressed against you back, while he admires you through the mirror. Like always he looks like he can read your mind, knowing exactly what you plan to say.
“I'm not the only perfect you see when you look into the mirror, my dear.” His voice is so soft, a soft chuckle escapes his lips and he presses them against the soft skin of your neck.
Loki loves the way you shiver in his hold when his warm, soft lips touch your sensitive skin.
You just want to cuddle? No problem! Your best friend brings you all the snack you want, changing into comfort clothes — even when it means he has once again a shirt less in his wardrobe.
Cuddled up with your head on his small chest, his arms wrapped around you. Loki holds you close, letting you calm down while you listen to his steady heartbeat. Maybe your favorite movie is playing as well.
You don't know what could help to make you feel better? Loki does.
Maybe magic? Giving you a little show when he makes small fireworks in his hands because he knows it makes you giggle.
Tickling you? Magic can be such a good thing when it comes to tickles. You can’t escape his fingers digging into your sides but you also can't his magic tricks which tickle on your skin just as much as his fingers.
And when all that doesnt help, KISSES! Who knew his soft kisses can be so sweet and lovely? Loki will kiss your neck, your cheeks, your forehead until you feel better.
Your best friend lets you play with his hair if you want to. His hair is his most important. But when you want to run your fingers through his long black hair he would never deny you that.
Loki loves the feeling of your fingers in his hair, the way you curl it around your fingers or just braid it.
“Do you braid my hair, darling? Again, I just get the old ones out,” he grumbles with a grin on his face. What he didn't expect: Your smile to drop and you letting go of his hair. “No, no. Braid my hair, do as you're told, darlin’. I'm a god, you should listen to me.” And with that he has you chuckling again.
You want to dance? Get up and turn on the music, Loki’s in, he loves dancing with you. It doesn't have to look professionell, just being with you, having fun and see you laughing makes his world light up. Just jumping around and calling it dancing? Who cares, you both have your fun.
As long as you giggle or laugh he is happy. He would make you laugh all the time because he can’t get enough of it — of you.
You feel like everyone hates you? Loki would never. “I love you, darlin’.” “You're loved by a god, my dear.”
Loki is ready to tell you the truth about his feelings, when you ask him. He would collect all the stars to bring them to you. He would travel through the whole multiverse to be with you. He loves you, and is ready to ask you out on a date.
“Darlin’?” His voice is soft but more serious as usual. With a nod you show him to continue while you continue to braid his hair. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” He doesn't know why it took so long for him to ask you, but he will bring you your favorite flowers and your own little fireworks, and he will kiss you until you beg him to stop kissing you.
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// Taglist // @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @somnorvos @meowmeowyoongles
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ihopeiexplode · 1 day
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📱"Promiscuous Boy" [←Previous | Next→]
As you say there frozen, not moving an inch not really knowing what to do, suddenly you see how close his face was to yours before he suddenly crashed his lips into yours...
Did he really just kiss you..? In public..?
The moment he pulled back you didn't even move an inch while a hint of Redness creeped there way onto your face, after your ex saw the scene he immediately left with his fist clenched leaving you and Sukuna alone
But someone else saw the scene as well, who? No other than Yuji, Gojo, and yuki... Ironic isn't it?
The three of them quite literally followed the two of you the moment they saw that you and Sukuna left your house, gojo offered to bring Maki along but of course, she declined,
The moment the three of them followed you their eyes immediately widen
"guys are you seeing this...."
Yuji would say before pointing towards the two of you seeing how he was first to spot his brother of course
"that's Sukuna kissing y/n right... or am I seeing things..."
"you're not seeing things that's really them..."
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"whys your face red?"
"ask yourself that, you were the one who kissed me.."
"want another?"
"NO? Anyways...why did you kiss me..?"
"because your ex asked us to?"
"we aren't even dating??"
"do you want us to?"
"I'm kidding, relax" no he's not
"let's just get going..."
As the two of you walked around the mall with you using his card to buy whatever you wanted, you two didn't even bother to talk to each other after that
Sukuna on the other hand was left wondering, he's not a bad kisser he knows that all he did was just tease you nothing else so why's a kiss bothering you? It's not like it meant anything...right?
The kiss meant nothing, that's what you keep telling yourself why is it bothering you that much anyway? You don't like him, right? But you know he likes you, does he really like you? You're still doubtful about that being true anyway
Or are you simply in denial that you could be catching feelings for him? What if he just wants to play with your feelings and throws you away when he gets bored? That's what he's known for after all...
You'll move on, you have to.
There's no way you could actually gain some feelings for him right?
You don't like him.
You don't like him.
You don't like him.
That's what you keep telling yourself for the past week...right after what happened at the mall and what he said back then, it's hard to get it out of your mind
You'd look at your clock and notice how your class is about to start, might as well get ready,
But Sukuna thinks he did something wrong, why else are you back to ignoring him and acting cold to him? Should he apologize? But what exactly is he apologizing for?
But it's worth a try isn't it?
But of course, when he finally found you by yourself, a bunch of girls just had to throw themselves at him, why does this always happen whenever he wants to talk to you alone...
You're used to seeing that, so what makes this one different? Do you feel jealous? No...that can't be right.
You'd take a deep breath before walking past Sukuna and making your way to class
However, once he saw you started walking away he felt the urge to grab you and pull you back, I mean he could but not right now.. seeing how his path was blocked by some girls, he doesn't even know their names not that he bothers knowing it
Who are they anyway? Probably some hookup he had but does it matter? You're the one he wants not them.
Just you. And you alone.
[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: what if i just jump off a cliff ily guys
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0ssunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb @cadibearrr @sukunaspillow @dervngedgf @rayrayline
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kedreeva · 1 day
Hi! I have a small farm but your posts have made me consider adding some peafowl. I've had guineafowl and chickens but god would i love peafowl. I also saw your posts with your hand raised peahen in the house, and I was wondering if she's actually litter trained? I have some bottle babies but have transferred them all out to typical barn/pasture existence, but if I could litter train a peafowl for (partial) indoor existence that would be glorious
As I have said many many times before and will likely say many many times again, you do not want a permanent house peafowl, I promise you. Bug was indoors with me because a) I have over a decade of experience with these birds, b) I did a sex linked breeding so I KNEW that she was a girl from the second she hatched c) I didn't particularly want to hand raise her, but I also wanted sleep and the birds are brooded in the house and she would not stop screaming d) I knew I was going to be home full time basically 24/7 to raise her without having to leave her on her own for long stretches while I was at work and e) I raised her with the full intention of putting her out when she was old enough to hold her own with the big birds- and that's where she currently lives, outside where she belongs.
They cannot be house/litter trained, the most you can do is diaper them, and they're not big enough for that for a few months and wearing one is always a risk- if they catch a toe from a poorly-fitted or poorly-applied diaper, they are strong enough to break their own legs and/or break their necks/wings struggling to get out.
Unlike standard breed chickens and farm waterfowl, peafowl can fly, like Actually Fly, and they can do so from about day 3 of life. You don't want a 10lb bird throwing itself around your house, because they're not passerines, they can't grasp things with their feet so they will just knock everything you love over in an attempt to find flat ground to stand on wherever they want to be. And they WILL throw temper tantrums when they're not getting their way- when you aren't sharing food, when you aren't going to bed at 6pm in the winter, when you aren't performing their daily schedule right, etc. They're just smart enough to be assholes, and big enough that that's a problem.
On top of that, males that are hand raised become exceedingly aggressive at maturity, to the point where many have been put down because they will relentless hunt and attack humans in their territory, and they have nasty spurs on their legs, and the ability to fly and to jump at least 6 feet up and hardly use their wings, which means they CAN jump and spur you in the face- and unlike chickens, they know where your face is, and will go for it. I've seen several folks with injuries from aggressive boys where the person narrowly escaped losing an eye. I, myself, was clawed over one eye once just from a bird that was eluding capture, and I'm well aware how much more badly that could have gone if she'd meant it rather than just trying to get away from being caught. The hens are (usually, although I've seen an exception) not aggressive, but unless you have the ability to socialize a hand raised hen with other birds, they have a hugely difficult time adapting to living in a flock, and I've heard many others refuse to breed with the males of their own kind. If they can't adapt to socializing with other birds, they can stress hugely when left alone or with other birds, and this can make them prone to illness.
The photos are cute, but this is a 110% "please do not attempt this at home" kind of deal. I've been caring for/learning about peafowl and their care in some way for 20 years and breeding them for the last 15 or so and I can say with my whole chest that you don't need any complications when getting into peafowl. There are already a million things that can go wrong just trying to raise a peafowl in a normal way, people kill the babies so often that a) reputable breeders often refuse to sell before 3 months old so they are well started and hardy and b) at least one Large Scale breeder I know of sells multi-pack day old chicks (the "discards" from his experimental pens) for super cheap because he fully expects them to die so he doesn't have to worry about competition on rare color breeding and can still make a buck.
If you want peafowl, and you have the space and the ability to pen one properly, and access to proper food and vet care, and you've done research on care and behavior, then absolutely go for it, they make great farm animals and they're really easy to befriend as subadults and even as adults and some birds are even super chill and will come right up and say hi (like Eris, whom I took home from another breeder because I visited and she just walked up and started inspecting me for treats like a chicken). But they do not make great indoor pets, even partially as adults.
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ordowrites · 9 hours
when you are sad
cw: none, simple fluff and comfort, self indulgent, no pronouns used / gn!reader. slight vent, i'm sorry. established relationships.
characters: diluc, kaeya, wanderer
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bad days, weeks, months are simply just bound to happen. that's sometimes how it is, and kaeya is no stranger to such things. he'd mourned the loss of family many times, and has his own, long bouts of depression.
misery loves company and he finds you out at starsnatch cliff, staring up at the endless sky and for a moment, he considers leaving you to yourself, knowing that sometimes being alone is better but he can't help but linger for a brief moment.
finally, kaeya simply elects to sit next to you and gently drapes his arm around you and pulls you close.
"it's gonna be okay." he murmurs as you slump against him. "i promise." it feels like lip service but it's all he can offer when in reality, he would take on all your troubles if it means never seeing that somber, upset look on your face ever again. he holds you closer and you rest your head on his chest. "i love you."
he never says those words out loud to anyone - let alone you, the one who caught his eye so long ago.
"i love you." he repeats, firmly. "i know it can't fix whatever is going on, but just...just remember that."
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you are all the things that are right in this world - you are ambitious, outspoken, there is not a moment where you have surrendered simply because the going got tough. yet, seeing you in tears and frustrated has diluc at a loss.
your spirit is like wildfire, it burns everything in its path and here it is, damped and gone, in the wake, ashes.
"what's the matter, my beloved?" diluc is tender when he gently cups your face and wipes away your tears. it doesn't matter if you tell him or not, you'll talk about it when you're ready. "hey, hey, shhh..." he grunts in surprise when you grip him into a tight hug. "it's okay, it's okay, i'm here."
unlike kaeya, diluc isn't very good with words and he doesn't always know how to make things better (and sometimes tends to worsen things) so when you hug him, all he can do is hold you just as tightly.
he has adelinde make you your favorite food - after all, food is a love language - and prepare you a bath that you can soak in. it doesn't fix the problem, but he hopes it can at least provide some sense of comfort.
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there's something about your expression that's frustrating him - the wanderer is not unfamiliar with human emotion, in fact, he understands them quite well after four hundred some years but he is perplexed by you. normally, you return his snark ten fold, you're loud, you're obnoxious, and pushy, and when he calls you an ass, you have ten times worse words for him.
"what do you want?" you ask him, tone flat. you're exhausted, he notes as he takes the seat across from you. "go away, i don't have time."
"well, i do." he retorts.
you roll your eyes. "news flash, the world does not revolve around you."
"it should," the wanderer responds, crossing his arms over his chest. "tell me what's wrong."
"i don't want to." you respond.
he snorts. "fine, have it your way." he says, grumpily. "but don't think, for a minute, i'm leaving your depressed ass alone."
"why?" you have the audacity to ask.
the wanderer, for once, does not have a proper answer for you. or a retort. he simply just stares, hopes you drop it and let it go. after awhile, he gets up and goes inside the cafe and orders you some cake and some weird sounding cold coffee. humans and their need to change things.
"a wise deity once told me that sweets can sooth the soul." he says, upon your quizzical look. "i assume she must be right."
for the first time in the two hours, you crack a small smile. and the wanderer feels victorious.
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vidavalor · 9 hours
Leave the Gun, Eat a Damn Cannoli
Satan to The Metatron like...
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And Aziraphale all like...
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And Satan all... going with me is not actually a choice, really, Az, I mean, wait 'til I actually get to the 'offer you can't refuse' part...
You ever see 'The Godfather', Az? I know you have.
You remember the film producer that wouldn't give Johnny Fontane the role in that movie? Do you remember how The Godfather forced his hand? The producer was a bit tough to crack at first until they realized what he loved more than anything in the world, remember?
His horse.
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Do you remember what they did to get that guy to play ball, Az?
They killed the horse, chopped off its head, and left it in the guy's bed when he was sleeping. He woke up soaked in its blood and screamed the house down. It's one of the most notorious and disturbing scenes in cinematic history. Don't worry, though-- we're gonna do that shit a bit more symbolically here. Think of it as more of an allusion to the film than a literal recreation.
Your horse is Crowley. Amusingly, both euphemistically and symbolically. He's who you love more than anything else. We can also get in his head because he's a demon so there's that bit of the "horse head" in here as well, just for dark amusement.
Instead of killing him, though, which will just tick you off and make you harder to tempt to Hell and get out of the way for Armageddon 2: Armageddon Returns, we're gonna make you an offer you can't refuse:
Crowley's safety.
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Yeah, I'm going to show up as The Metatron and tempt you by offering the one thing you would never refuse--no matter how slim the odds of the offer being true seemed-- because you have no choice. You would do anything to keep Crowley safe. Anything. Your unconditional love would be beautiful if I weren't evil incarnate and all that.
I mean, of all the nebulas for my stooge to reference, right?
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Just FYI-- we watch more than Mary Poppins down here. This bit below is from 1941, so, really, Shax ghost-wrote part of the novel and film, apparently...
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The show we're in has been telegraphing allusions to this film as a thing for awhile now, actually, Aziraphale... you rejecting oranges in 1601... Gabriel and the spilled tomatoes out of the wooden crates in the marketplace in 2.01... the fact that he then spent a chunk of S2 taking a nap in your house after betraying us, so, that Luca Brasi Gabriel was doing a form of, well...
...sleeping with the fishes...
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...but really, ya know, the strongest suggestion of all this The Godfather referencing was when those writers of our show told us how it was tied to how you wind up going Down-- way back in the first episode. You foreshadowed it, actually...
You said it yourself then, Aziraphale:
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Yep. That's the idea.
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