#and now I get to take your toys away and give them to the principle
It's senior assassination at work and I've decided that I am going to win senior assassination by confiscating more water guns than any other teacher or staff member
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norrisleclercf1 · 10 months
If you write some more dad!carlos (à la the first mini lando headcannon) I will literally throw you a birthday party
A/N: Guess you’re going to have to throw me that birthday party 🥳 also he calls her risita because that means giggle in Spanish and yep she's about 6 or 7
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"Papi? Wake up." Carlos smiles, hearing the little whisper of his daughter Zaneta. "I am up risita." He grumbles, rolling over his daughter yelps. (giggle)
Her little arms and legs flail as she tries to push him off her. "Papi...crushing." Carlos chuckles, knowing he wasn't crushing her. He had no weight on her, she was his princess. "Risita, what are you doing up so early?" Rolling to the side, Zaneta catches her breath.
"Mamá is running errands and I'm bored." She whines, giving him puppy dog eyes. "I see what your mother means now." He groans. Zaneta had his eyes, and whenever they went wide and blank he was a sucker.
"Papi, I'm hungry." Carlos sits up, climbs out of bed and slides some pants on. "Come here." Swinging her up, she laughs her tiny arms and legs sticking out before wrapping around him.
"Did you sleep good?" Carlos asks, pushing hair out of his face. "Yes, did you?" She asks, resting her head on his shoulder. "I did risita." Smiling down at her.
She was his little girl, and he cherished these moments more and more as she grew. "What would you like for breakfast?" Placing her on the counter, going to the fridge. "Tortilla." She giggles as Carlos shakes his head. "An omelet? What? Risita, it's my day off and you want to eat healthy?" He chuckles pulling out the eggs.
"With cheese and bacon." She orders, Carlos turns raising an eyebrow at her. "Please." She adds, voice soft as she knows manners are big with her mother and father. "Good girl." Kissing her head, he lifts her off the counter, watching her run off.
He starts cooking, frying up the bacon you walk in taking a deep breath smiling. "Smells good." Mouth watering at the greasy food. "Looks good too." Pinching his ass, Carlos flinches away but laughs seeing you.
"Morning." Leaning in he kisses you, but a resounding eww has the two of you pulling apart. "That's yucky." Zaneta's face scrunched up in disgust. "Oh? Then is it yucky when Papi and I kiss you?" Raising an eyebrow at your sassy daughter.
"Get's that from you." Carlos whispers, you slap his shoulder prying a smirk out of him. "No, you're the drama queen. Wanna revisit your Ferrari days?" Carlos immediately stops, knowing you have proof everywhere.
"Nope, because Mamá and Papi are supposed to kiss me. Not each other." She quips, running back to her toys. "We need to limit her time with Lando." You whisper knowing if Zaneta heard that, she'd throw a righteous fit.
"I agree." Carlos flipping the bacon, the sizzle the only sound. "Go, I'll finish this." Pushing Carlos off the stove who smiles. "She's been missing you, go play with our daughter." You don't have to tell him twice as he plops himself next to her.
Laughter and food fills the house. This is what Carlos wanted in his future. Whenever people asked, he'd say a world championship and winning all the time. When really, he just wanted a family to always come home to with laughter, good food and love.
And he has that.
"Papi?" Carlos hums letting her place a tiara on his head. "Can I come with you to the next race?" She asks, smiling putting beads around his neck.
"Yeah? You want to see your Papi win?" He asks, Zaneta didn't really like the races more interested in running around with other kids and seeing the team principles to sucker them out of candy, sometimes money. "No, I miss Uncle Lando." Her innocent confession has Carlos freezing before chuckling unable to be mad.
"Yeah, you can come with me risita." Squealing she hugs Carlos, before running to kitchen to tell you the news.
Yeah, this was much better than a championship. Though he already has 2 of them.
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sweetlittlegingy · 2 years
I Don't Start Shit, But I Can Tell You How It Ends
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✦ Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Better Man Universe
✦Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Single!Mother, Dagger Squad vs. Davis
✦Word Count: 2.8 K
✦Warnings: Protective!Hangman, Angry!Hangman, Protective!Dagger Squad, Asshole Guy, Failed Drugging, Jake hints at killing people...
✦A/n: The Dagger Squad finally gets ahold of Mathew's old Principle. They really hate the man, we all do tbh! Day 2 of 500 celebration!!!!
✦Library (Follow for updates! I no longer have a taglist.)
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He’d told you he wouldn’t go to the school, and Jake Seresin was nothing if not a man of his word. Especially when the promise was made to you. No, Jake had informed Rooster of the situation. Of how the piece of shit, Davis, had touched you and made completely inappropriate comments about not only you, but also Mathew.
Jake had gone to Rooster knowing that the information would have him on a manhunt, and it did. Rooster was overwhelmingly protective of you, and though Jake had hated it at times, right now he was more than thankful for it. What Jake hadn’t meant to have happen, was to have Bob overhear him and Rooster talking.
No, that was defiantly not a part of the plan.
Though it quickly became a part of it.
“I figure, you go in and sweet talk the office Lady and —”
The slam of the locker room doors had Jake pausing, both him and Rooster looking over their shoulders to see a fuming Phoenix.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Her tone has both the pilots, exchanging a worried glance. Glancing behind Phoenix’s form at the other two male pilots, hoping that their faces would provide a revelation.
Jake's eyes first meet Coyote, a hard unamused gaze meeting his own. His eyes leave his best friend, to flitter between Bob’s own unusually hard gaze and Phoenix, her eyes never leaving his own. Her hands rested on her hips, giving both Jake and Rooster a ‘What The Fuck’ look.
“Nix baby, what’s wrong?” Rooster's tone causes a scoff to fall from Phoenix’s lips, taking a step toward the two of them. Both Rooster and Jake to step back, one hand leaving her hip to point at the two of them. A silent accusation.
“When were you going to tell me that my sister-in-law,” Her gaze cutting to Bradley harshly. “and god-son were getting FUCKING harassed by some idiot Principal.”
Both of them remained quiet; never noticing, until now, that lock room floors were remarkably shiny.
“Baby, I was going to tell you—”
“Don’t even Chicken,” the name instantly shutting the man up. She’d only ever used it on him when he was in trouble, using it more often than she did his actual name. “You are sleeping on the couch tonight.”
He shouldn’t have laughed, but Jake loved to see Rooster get in trouble. His laugh quickly dies though, when Phoenix’s pointed finger cuts to him.
“And you, what was the plan? Huh?”
“Trace, I had a plan.”
The sound of dripping water echoed through the silent locker room, each of the pilots waiting for Jake to continue. Jake’s eyes moved back to Rooster, who remained not only silent, but looked like he’d just gotten his favorite toy taken away from him.
Jake’s eyes rolled, realizing that Rooster would be no help to him. The 6-foot-something pilot was already in the doghouse with the wife, and wouldn’t be risking getting more sleepless nights on the couch.
“I mean it’s a work in progress, me and Rooster were hashing it out.”
A grunt leaves Rooster, “Look baby I was just listening, and then I was gonna come tell you.”
His head slowly nodding, “Yeah, I was actually about to tell Hangman that we need your input.”
It was clearly a lie, everyone knew it.
But Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw, was in fact the biggest suck-up to his wife. If Jake wasn’t so in love with you, he would’ve laughed. Though from the moment he had met you, he was yours. You said jump, and he said how high.
“You’re an idiot. I love you, but you’re an idiot.” Walking over to Rooster, she gives him a soft kiss, her gaze then bouncing between Jake and Rooster. “But also, you do need me.”
Phoenix’s plan was no doubt better, than what the two pilots had initially thought of. Rooster didn’t love the fact that Phoenix was the “bait” in the situation, but she’d quickly told him to shut up before the protest could leave his mouth.
The first part of the plan had worked smoothly, Phoenix and Bob had quickly found Davis’s Facebook page and found the general area in which he lived. They had also learned what car he drove, and like the damn detective that she was, Phoenix found the man’s choice grocery store to shop at.
The momentum of the plan acceleration, like a snowball rolling down the hill. With a “accidental” meeting in the fresh fruit section, Phoenix quickly had a date set with the man.
That was last week which led to here and now, as Phoenix sat at the bar in the Hard Deck, wearing a dress and waiting for her date to show up. The guys crowded around the pool table, causally playing as if they weren’t about to beat the shit out of some middle-aged man soon enough.
You were home with Mathew and Jake knew that you wouldn’t be coming out. He would usually be with you and Maty, but he’d told you that he needed to handle an issue at the Hard Deck with Roos. You hadn’t even questioned it, only asked if he would be coming by after, to which he replied of course.
The bar was slightly crowded for a Thursday night, though it didn’t stop the pilots from clocking the door every time it opened. Before long, Davis had shown up, 20 minutes late to the “date,” but he had showed.
Jake notices the way Phoenix slightly stiffens as Davis’s hand rests a tad low on her lower back, and he has to grab Rooster before he goes and beats the shit of the man. Phoenix glances back at the group of guys, meeting Rooster's eyes and giving him a silent ‘I’m okay.’ He relaxes slightly in Jake’s hold, but is still slightly tense as he moves back to the pool table. The group continues the game of pool, eyes fleeting between the game and the bar.
They watch as Phoenix holds a conversation with the man, though maintains a safe distance from his wandering hands. They hadn’t told Penny about the plan, the group of pilots grin as they notice her continually checking in on Phoenix.
Penny had once again made her way over to Phoenix and the man, giving her a smile and the man a harsh glare. Penny knew that this couldn’t be one of Phoenix and Rooster's plans to spice up their marriage, no she could tell that this was different.
“Can I get you two a refill?”
“Yeah baby, get me a beer and – ”  Davis looks over to Phoenix, before turning back to Penny. “Get her cocktail.” 
Penny recoils at the name he calls her and glances back to Phoenix who has remained silent.
“She usually takes a beer or shoots liquor, buddy.”
“Yeah, well cocktails are ladylike.”
The comment has both the women rolling their eyes, Penny’s eyes moving back to the group of pilots, and raises an eyebrow at Rooster.
Rising up from her seat, the dress fluttering down around her hips, drawing Davis’s eyes directly to her tan legs, catching his gaze, Phoenix scoffs.
“Get me whatever Pen, I’m going to the bathroom.”
She leaves before Davis can say anything, more than fed up with the overly handsy and sexist man. Making her way past the group of pilots, she silently looks at them, before going into the bathroom.
Jake is making his way to the bar before the bathroom door is fully closed. He slides up to the bar, right next to Davis as he flags down Penny.
“Penny ma’ dear, can I get a whiskey?”
He can feel Davis’ eyes on him, silently watching and assessing. While waiting for Penny, Jake leans his back against the bar, his eyes finally landing on Davis.
“Do I know you?” Jake’s eyes stare at the man, like a lion taunting his prey.
“Nah, don’t think so.”
The reply is short and to the point, but it has Jake laughing slightly. Turning back to lean his forearms on the bar, his gaze harsh and waiting for Davis to bite.
“No, I know you from somewhere.”
Davis doesn’t get a chance to answer as Penny arrives again handing Jake the whiskey and setting down the two drinks for Phoenix and Davis.
“You drinking that girly shit man? Cuz I know Nix doesn’t.”
The comment makes Davis release an uneasy breath, before ignoring Jake altogether. The pilot looks back over his shoulder at the group of guys patiently waiting by the pool table.
If he hadn’t turned back when he did, Jake would have missed it. Lucky, Jake sees it as Davis mixes a bag of powder into Phoenix’s drink.
“Oh buddy, you did not just do that.”
Though the words sound light, the comment is anything but as Jake lays a hand harshly on Davis’s shoulder.
“Listen here, this has nothing to do with you. So just go back to your little friends and leave me be.”
Jake’s tongue slightly clicks at the man, head caulking to the side and laying a harsh gaze upon him. His eyes calculating as ever. Jake has been pissed off before, but now, after this, he was just about ready to kill Davis.
The tick of his jaw, gives Jake away “You know, I thought you looked familiar. You are the piece of shit, who fucked with my girl.”
Grasping the glass of whiskey, Jake shoots the rest of it back. Arm falling to rest upon bar, as he gives Davis his signature award-winning smirk.
“Now here’s what’s gonna happen, Penny ma’ dear you’re going to ring that bell and asshole here is going to pay for a round of drinks.” His soft gaze moves from Penny and back to a clearly worried Davis, eyes instantly hardening when they make contact with Davis‘s own.
“Me and you, we’re gonna go outside and have a little talk, about how you treat women.”
Before he can reply, Bradley and Coyote each grab one of Davis’s arms, and drag him out of the bar as Penny rings the bell in the background. Davis lands harshly on the ground, as Rooster and Coyote release him with a harsh shove. The group of pilots crowded around him, each of them staring down at him with bitter gazes.
“I don’t know wha—”
The words instantly die on Davis’s lips, as Jake crouches down next to him. The surrounding group intent on quietly watching; waiting for Jake to make the first move. Rooster hadn’t seen, the way Davis slipped a powder into Phoenix’s drink, though when he found out Jake was sure he’d want to kill the man just as much.
“Now I’m sure you don’t remember, given that you seem like the type of scum that regularly hits on women without their consent.”
The harsh jab Jake lays on the man’s chest, send him back a bit. The boys had seen Jake mad before, but never like this. Never with such fire and anger burning in his green eyes.
“You see, you made my girl cry. Not just that, you put your hands on my girl, and then you have the nerve to talk about how she’s raising our son.”
Sure, Mathew wasn’t his son yet legally, but with or without the paperwork he was still Jake’s boy.
“She showed up at your office, wanting to have a talk about how your school had been treating Mathew.  But she comes home to me crying and hides in the bathroom until I knocked the fuckin’ door down.”
His voice slowly rose with every word, and watching as his words sink in. Jake laughs as he watches Davis pales upon his realization of the words. Jake’s hand raises up to smack Davis gently across the face laughing as he does so.
“Ahhhh, there it is.”
Jake quickly rises back up to stand over the man, turning back around to the group of pilots and motions them to go grab him. As Rooster and Coyote grab onto the man, lifting him back onto his feet, Jake slowly makes a show.
He always like to show off, it made people uneasy. Jake liked making sure everyone knew just how good he was. He glances over his shoulder, as he unbuttons the khaki uniform top, pulling it off so he’s only wearing the white undershirt with his khaki pants. Glancing back at the man with that well-known smirk,
“Can’t have you bleeding on my good clothes.”
He says it so easily, but he knows that it hits its mark, as Davis shutters slightly in Coyote and Roosters hold.
The sound of the bar doors opening, has the group looking back toward the entrance. Watching as Phoenix exits the bar and makes her way to the group.
“Did I miss anything?”
Davis silently stares at the woman, his eyes moving between Jake and her. The realization slowly crept in that this whole night was a set-up; the meet-up in the grocery store, Jake coming up to him in the bar, and now here with his back pressed against the side of the bar wall.  
“Not a thing, Trace.”
The shift of Davis’ shoulders sends everyone's eyes back to him, watching and calculating just how bad his night might become.
“Now as you can tell, well maybe you can’t cause you’re an idiot, but we’re all in the Navy. And with the Navy, comes call signs.”
Jake’s form comes to a halt, staring down Davis with a wicked smile that just about sends Rooster and Coyote running.
“My callsign, well there are few people that know the real reason behind it, but you’re about to find out buddy.”
Glances are exchanged between the other pilots, though it’s Coyote's gaze that never leaves Jake’s. He’d been there when Jake earned the name Hangman. It had been a long time ago, but he knew that Jake, still lay just beneath the surface.
“See everybody likes to assume, that it’s because I like flying alone. Well, that just ain’t it, nope.”
The calculated steps, unnerving gaze, and the way in which Jake talks were clearly meant to scare the man.
Let it be known, that when you pissed Jacob Grant Seresin off, all hell would break loose.
Jake’s right arm shootouts, to grasp Davis’s neck so fast that I has Phoenix gasping. The other pilots only shift slightly at the brutal action.
“No, I got named Hangman because I’ve been known to string up men and play the judge, jury, and executioner.”
With each title that falls from his lips, Jake lifts Davis slowly until his feet no longer touch the ground and the only thing keeping him up, is the hand clasped around his neck.
“Do you understand what I’m saying?”
The group of pilots remain unmoving, all watching in unnerving silence and slowly comprehending the way in which Jake actually got his callsign. Davis tries to nod his head, though the hand around his neck makes it near impossible. As if only to taunt him more, Jake taps his ear slightly with his left hand.
“What was that?”
Shades from red to a light purple, start to cover Davis’s face, a clear sign of his lack of oxygen. His mouth moves though no words can fall from it. A sharp chuckle leaves Jake’s lips, as he loses his grip slightly as the man gasps for air.
“I understand.” The panting of his breath only makes Jake smile widen.
As the single word is muttered from Jake’s lips, the right hand once clasped over Davis’ neck drops. His body falls to the floor on the concrete, causing him to lean back against the bar wall, gasping for air.
“And I thought you would be more fun to break.” His tone light and easy, completely unfazed by the events that just occurred.
Jake reaches over to take his shirt from Phoenix, giving each of his friends the smile that they all came to know once Jake met you. He was a completely different person, than the one he was just moments ago. As he pulls the shirt back on, without missing a beat Jake lowers himself down to Davis. Laughing slightly at how the man flinches away from him.
“Don’t ever come around my girl or son again.”
The tone of his voice sends another shockwave through Davis’s body. Rising without any care for the man, Jake kicks the man’s limp foot before turning ready to get home to you.
A final glance over his shoulder, to the group of his friends still standing around Davis unsure of what to do.
“Hey Roos, I forgot to tell you that he tried to drug Nix.”
The final words, might as well have been those that a coroner would’ve signed in the finalization of the death certificate.
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veethefreeelf · 7 months
Resistance is futile - O.SH
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Your best friend had introduced you to Sehun saying you two would get along perfectly. As soon as he opened his mouth, you wanted to kill him. This is the first and last time you’ll see him, right?
Wordcount: 6.8k
Warnings: sub! x dom! dynamics (if you’re not into that, this is not the fic for you), power play, degradation, possessive Sehun, slut and whore used a lot, also baby girl and little one, nipple play (nipple clamps), silk restraints, pussy slapping, spanking, overstimulation, orgasm denial, toys, protected vaginal penetration, oral f. receiving, tit slapping.
Requested: yes, here
P.S - Italic is for thoughts mainly from the characters’ perspective and quotes.
‘What an asshole…’ was your first thought after meeting Oh Sehun. 
You couldn’t believe your best friend actually thought you would get along. He sounded like a cocky asshole with way too many women fawning over him which means he had a gigantic ego to come along with his abrasive personality.
“Excuse me?” you asked him. You couldn’t believe what he had just told you.
“You heard me the first time, baby girl. No need to pretend you didn’t” he said as he turned to your best friend that had just introduced you two to each other.
“I said no brats, Blake. She screams trouble. I don’t like trouble” he said to Blake, your best friend who was now regretting all of their life choices that brought them to this very moment, with you shooting daggers at them.
“Sehun, don’t be annoying. Y/N is amazing and she is very much what you usually look for trust me” she said looking back at you.
“Of all the things you have done to me, Blake, this takes the fucking cake. This guy’s an asshole. I don’t like assholes” you said, spitting his words back at him.
“Also call me ‘baby girl’ again and you’ll have your balls kicked back inside your body” you kept going.
“Y/N! Behave. You two need to sit down and talk. Come on. You both know me. You know I wouldn’t make this suggestion unless I was absolutely certain of what I was doing” Blake said as they looked between you and Sehun.
You have to give it to Blake. They have never steered you wrong in this department. You had… Let’s say… Particular tastes in the bedroom. You also didn’t want to be tied down, you were focused on your career so you wanted only sexual relationships with people. No feelings, no meeting the parents, none of that. Not now at least. 
You were looking for someone different… You wanted to be dominated but only in the bedroom and doms well… They stay doms even outside of the bedroom which clashes with your bitchy personality. You are a submissive little thing only in the appropriate scenarios. Outside of that, you are a menace and take shit from no one which is why this initial conversation with Sehun has left you not wanting to explore anything else with him.
“Usually I trust your judgment but Sehun here already said ‘I’m too curvy for him’ so I would much rather not waste my time. Degradation is fine. I draw the line at assholeness” you said as you sipped your drink.
He laughed.
“Hmm… I think Blake is right. Let’s talk. What do you say? I’ll put the assholeness away, for now” he said as he looked you up and down and licked his lips.
Fuck, he may be an asshole but he is fucking gorgeous. He made you want to throw all your principles out the window at that moment . ‘Stay strong, Y/N. Get your shit together’. 
You sighed.
“Fine. I’ll hear you out” you told him and then turned to Blake.
“As for you, you better be right about this one” you had told them.
Blake rolled their eyes and moved away from the two of you and into the party that was currently going on around you.
Sehun started leading you to a table in the back of the rooftop you were in. Understandable. You couldn’t let this conversation be heard. Not here at your office party with all your colleagues and bosses around.
“So, not a great introduction. My bad. Can you get past it?” he asked after you sat down.
“Don’t know yet. Want to hear more. Blake said there was a reason they thought we would be good together and that intrigues me so why don’t you start by telling me what you want and what you are looking for in this… relationship” you answered him and opened the floor for him to change your mind.
“Well, not sure what Blake has told you about me but I’m a very busy person. Don’t have time for the typical relationship nor am I interested in that for now. I want someone who is looking for the same thing. I am very dominant in the bedroom which means I am looking for someone to be submissive to me. Always. No switching ever. As for kinks… Degradation, overstimulation, orgasm denial and a few more. We can talk about it in more detail after. My hard limit is anything relating to bringing other people into the bedroom. No fucking chance. I don’t like sharing. That’s the basics. What about you?”
‘Interesting’ you thought. Blake did know how to pick them for you.
“Pretty much the same for me. I’m focused on my career, don’t have time and don’t want a traditional relationship. Over the years I’ve been looking for someone to have more of a permanent deal. I’m sick and tired of having to look for different partners. I am very submissive in the bedroom. I do have some bratty tendencies but not too much. As I’m sure you figured out, outside of the bedroom, it’s a different story. I will not be talked to in the same way outside of the bedroom as I am talked to in the bedroom. As for kinks, those are fine. We can discuss more later, if we’re both interested. My hard limit is anything anal. Not my jam” you finished and he smiled.
“Sounds good to me. Want to get out of here?” he asked you.
Did you? Yes, you did. But was this the right choice? You were still on the fence about him due to his wonderful opening line but you do see some potential. You can always go home with him now and if it’s not what you were looking for or not worth having to deal with his smart mouth, you can just call it off right there.
“I do. But let’s say this is on a trial basis for tonight. Let’s see if we’re a good fit. If not, we go our separate ways” you told him.
“Sounds good. Let’s go then” he said as he got up from his seat.
“My apartment okay?” he asked you.
“Sure, if you murder me, Blake will know it was you so all good” you said jokingly and he laughed.
As he drove the both of you to his apartment, you kept looking over at him driving. He was sexy. Very sexy. He has a resting best face most of the time but so do you. Oh but it looks much better on him though.
He interrupted your thoughts.
“Like what you see?” he asked as he looked over at you when he stopped at a red light.
“Yes, but I’m sure that’s not surprising to you. For an asshole, you’re very intriguing” you told him and started to look out the window.
“About the ‘baby girl’ thing… Is that an in public rule or a hard no?” he asked you and you laughed.
“In public rule. I don’t mind it in the appropriate setting” you told him.
“Good to know. Any other pet names you like?” he asked again.
“‘Little one’ is my favorite. Not very common but I read it in a book once and fell in love with it” you told him and he hummed.
The rest of the ride to his apartment was silent. But it wasn’t uncomfortable. 
He led you through his apartment door and you were able to walk in and look around a bit when he moved to take off his jacket and shoes. It was a nice apartment. Simple. Light colors. Lots of room. You could see a small bed and a chest with some dog toys next to the couch.
“You have a dog?” you asked excitedly.
“Yeah, his name is Vivi. He isn’t here tonight though” he said and you tried not to show your disappointment.
 He laughed.
“Wanted to meet him, huh?” he asked you.
“Sorry, I love dogs. Kind of my only weakness in life really” you answered and smiled.
“Be good tonight and I’ll think about letting you meet him” he told you and you gulped.
“Using your puppy against me already?” you asked him.
“Let’s call this taking advantage of an opportunity” he said as he started to walk over to you.
“Take off your jacket, shoes and dress and meet me in the bedroom” he told you and leaned in closer to you.
“Last door on the right” he whispered in your ear while holding your chin as he started walking in the direction he told you.
You took your jacket, shoes and dress off and took a deep breath. ‘Here we go again’ you thought. Let’s hope this one is the right one.
You walked into the bedroom and he was standing in front of the bed staring at you.
“Took your time. Are you nervous, little one?” he asked and your breath got stuck in your throat. 
Oh he’s going to be fun, that’s for sure.
“Tricky dress, that’s all” you tried saying confidently.
He moved closer to you and started to kiss you. His hands were holding your face. He kept moving the both of you until your back reached the back wall of his bedroom.
You don’t know how long the both of you stayed there just making out. He was a great kisser. If this was any indication of what was to come, you were definitely going to want more once tonight ends.
He started to move away from you and was staring you up and down.
“How far do you want me to go tonight? Pick a safeword either way” he told you as he started to take off his shirt.
“Surprise me. That’s what safewords are for. Let’s stick to colors. Always works” you told him as you stared at his naked torso now.
“Hmm… let’s test some things” he said and started walking to his closet.
He pulled a box from his closet and started to move towards the bed.
“Lay down close to the headboard, little one” he told you and you did what he asked.
He took out silk restraints from the box and moved closer to you. He started to restrain both your hands against the headboard and you moaned a bit. 
“Too tight?” he asked, looking at you.
“No, perfect” you told him.
“Baby girl likes pain. Noted” he told you and moved to lay on top of you. 
He started kissing you again and you pulled on the restraints. ‘This is going to be tough’ you thought. You liked to touch your partners and you definitely wanted to touch him, very much.
He started kissing down your neck, kissing your collarbones, kissing down your chest. It felt like he wanted to cover your whole body in kisses. It felt so good. His lips were beautiful and he seemed to be enjoying himself terribly, humming and sighing as he kissed you, which made you wetter and wetter by the second.
Once he was done you were both breathing hard and he leaned back on his heels and stared at you while running his hands up and down your thighs.
You were getting impatient. You wanted him to keep going, to do something, anything. You pulled on your restraints stupidly and he started to stare into your eyes as he laughed.
“Patience is a virtue, little one. Also, resistance is futile at this point” he said as he grabbed your thighs with a bit more power.
“You sure are taking your time staring at someone too curvy for your taste” you bit back at him.
He spanked your thigh. Hard.
“No talking back. And that’s a line I use on every potential match I meet. I enjoy the reactions and can get a sense of what to expect from someone based on that. Now can we move on from that or are you going to bring it up again and not get fucked at all?” he asked you sternly.
You stayed silent and he started to shake his head.
“Use your words and answer me now” he told you as he started to look through the box that was now next to him on the bed.
“I won’t bring it up again” you said and he stared at you.
Not good enough. You knew better than that.
“I won’t bring it up again, sir” you tried again and he hummed, satisfied.
“Good girl” he said and took out a small vibrator from the box.
“Let’s keep having fun, yeah little one?”
“Yes, sir”
He turned on the vibrator and started to move it up your legs as he leaned down to kiss you again. 
He pushed the vibrator against your clit through your panties and you moaned loudly into his mouth.
He started to kiss your neck and leave hickies as he increased the power on the vibrator. He pushed the palm of his hand against your pussy and trapped the vibrator between your clit and his hand. 
You were getting louder now, your breaths were shallow and you were starting to get closer and closer to the edge. 
“You sound so good, baby girl. Hmm I knew you would the moment I looked at you” he said and you were dripping now. Panties ruined and about to reach your peak and he completely removed himself and the vibrator from you and you sighed.
“Holding your complaints. What a good girl” he told you as he turned off the vibrator and placed it next to him.
“Open your eyes and look at me” he told you and you obeyed.
He grabbed your pussy and started massaging your clit slowly.
“You’re gonna be a good girl and take a few more of those. I’m gonna taste you now. You’re fucking dripping. I bet you taste phenomenal” he told you as he started to take off your panties.
Orgasm denial is not your strength but it seems that’s the game to play tonight and if you play right, you might get a very good reward. You will do your fucking best.
After taking off your panties, he moved up to pull your bra up and started sucking your tits. He kept leaving hickies everywhere which you would need to worry about tomorrow when trying to hide them but definitely wouldn’t worry about them now.
You kept humming and you wanted to touch him so bad. You hated these restraints right now.
He moved down your body and started to eat you out. He focused on your clit at first. Sucking, licking, biting while both of his hands massaged your tits and pinched your nipples. 
You were moaning so loudly now. This felt incredible. Not enough to make you cum but enough to make you want him desperately. 
You pulled on your restraints again.
He lifted his head and smiled at you.
“Stop pulling on those or they will leave a mark. Use your words, baby girl. Tell me what you want from me and I might just give it to you” he told you as he kept pinching and twisting your nipples.
“Need more, sir. Please” you asked in your best begging voice. Fuck this was getting you wetter.
“Tell me exactly what you want, little one” he told you and started to kiss your clit.
“Your fingers, please, sir. I need your fingers” you sounded desperate but you didn’t care.
“Good girl” he said and started to finger you while his mouth focused on your clit.
His other hand now moved from your tit to your neck and he tentatively squeezed you. He looked back at you to see your reaction.
“Green, green, sir. Green” you told him and he laughed into your pussy.
He started to choke you harder and kept eating you out and fingering you. You were so fucking close again. You tried pretending like you weren’t close but he was inside you and could feel you starting to squeeze his fingers a little too hard and he pulled back completely from you.
“Fuck” you had let out and he spanked your thigh hard three times.
“You’ll take everything I give you and thank me for it, understood?” he asked, now massaging the place on your thigh he had just spanked.
“Y..Yes, sir… Sorry, sir…” you said as your breathing was evening out.
He moved away from you and got up from the bed. You stared at him and started to worry at first but then realized he was just removing the rest of his clothing.
After he removed the remaining pieces of clothes, you stared at him. He was hard and he truly was beautiful from head to toe. Even his dick was gorgeous. Perfect size and just staring at you. You started salivating and he gave you a short laugh.
Sehun joined you on the bed again and started to rub the tip of his cock in your folds. You started to move your hips with him and you were both panting now. He was also getting impatient, you could tell.
He sat back on his heels and leaned over to get the vibrator again. He turned it on and placed it on your clit on the lowest setting. He again trapped the vibrator between his hand and your clit and applied pressure.
With his other hand he started to stroke his cock and he kept staring at you.
Your moans were increasing again. With each orgasm he denies you, you get more and more sensitive and desperate to cum. He just started this third round and you are already getting desperate and getting close.
“Getting desperate, baby girl? You’re being so good, just a bit longer, I promise” he told you and as he finished his sentence he moved his cock closer to your pussy and pushed just the head against your hole.
Your breath hitched. Fuck, you really need him to fuck you. Bad. No more games.You need him now.
“Please… Please, sir… I’m so close…” you said and you looked between your bodies where he was holding his cock barely against your hole.
He leaned down to bite on one of your nipples and you started getting louder again and he removed himself from you completely. Again.
You were breathing really fast and started to whine and he leaned into your ear to praise your efforts. 
He did this exact same torture two more times. No one had ever denied you 5 times in a row. You were losing your mind and you were starting to lose your patience but at the same time he had made you feel like no one else had. Addicted. Desperate. You wanted to keep going. You wanted to continue getting praise. You wanted to be his good girl. His baby girl. 
He leaned his forehead in yours now and just whispered ‘so good’ over and over again. You could tell this was exactly what he was looking for too and you wanted to keep going.
He closed the box next to him and put it on the floor next to the bed. He reached back up to you and started to remove the silk restraints from you and you started to get excited.
“You were so good for me. You get to touch now” he said.
“Finally” you whispered and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him down to kiss him. 
You kept kissing for a while and moaning with your naked bodies intertwined and suddenly he pulled away.
He moved to the nightstand to get the condoms and started to roll one on his dick as you stared at him and licked your lips. 
He got closer to you and flipped you over so you were laying on your stomach. He grabbed a pillow and placed it under your stomach to lift your ass up and he started to move his cock up and down your pussy again.
He spanked your ass and entered you without any warning. You were so wet and he had tortured you for so long that it was easy for him to just move into you until he bottomed out.
He didn’t give you any more warnings and he started to pound into you from behind. One of his hands was holding your hip and the other was pulling your hair and head back.
Fuck, you knew you weren’t gonna last and he seemed to be in the same both as you. 
“Touch yourself for me, little one” he told you and you moved your hand down to your clit and you knew you would soon be done.
You were being loud and so was he. Grunting and moaning and his movements started getting sloppier and you started getting closer and closer. He spanked you one last time and that drove you over the edge and you came with a cry of his name.
You kept moaning and your vision went white. This had been the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had. 
You were still coming down from your orgasm and he bit down on your shoulder and spilled into the condom. 
He was holding himself up with one arm, half laying on you while the both of you recovered. 
You started to fall asleep. You were so absolutely satisfied but completely exhausted. You felt Sehun get up and when he came back he was not letting you sleep in peace.
“Come on, little one. Don’t get bratty on me now. Let’s take a shower and then you can sleep, okay?”
You grumbled and turned away from him. 
He spanked you again. This time lightly in comparison to the spanks from before.
“Move, lazy girl” he laughed as he told you.
You got up and you both showered and got back into bed. 
“In case it’s not clear, I’m staying over. Might fall asleep in the Uber if I leave now” you told him as you started to feel cozy and warm in his bed.
“Of course, Y/N. I wasn’t going to kick you out after that. I’m not a complete asshole” he said as he also started to get comfortable.
“Hmm… No ‘Y/N’ in here. Don’t ruin in” you told him and he huffed a laugh.
“Deal, little one. I’m assuming I meet your criteria and we can do this regularly then?” he asked you and you barely heard him as you were already starting to drift off to sleep.
“Yes, sir. Absolutely. Let’s talk tomorrow. I’m sleepy” you told him and you don’t remember if he answered since you fell asleep almost instantly.
You woke up the next morning and it was all good. Nothing was awkward. Sehun tried offering you breakfast but you told him you needed to go to get ready for a friend’s birthday brunch. You exchanged phone numbers and the deal was on.
It was great finally having someone you could do this regularly with who wanted the same thing as you. Sure, you had been wrong before but Sehun seemed different. He was like you. This time, there would be no hidden feelings and no complications, no. You would simply hang out when you needed to relieve some tension and that was it.
You had talked a few times over text which generally would be against your rules but he immediately told you ‘don’t overthink it, I think we’re really similar and I think you’re cool so I want to be friends and we can keep both things separate if it makes you feel better’. And it did make you feel better. He was a great guy. Funny. And you shared the same sense of humor so being friends with him was easy and you both knew there was no secret intentions behind this friendship or your deal.
Unfortunately, the only thing that had happened between you two in the next week was those text messages. He had been very busy with some company-wide situation and you were also busy getting ready for the final presentation of your deal to one of our clients. And, tonight you had the final company party of the year to announce the goals for the rest of this quarter and next year’s goals.
You and Blake arrived together at the party since neither of you wanted to drive, you chose to take an Uber together.
The party looked great. As usual. The board spared no expenses in order to make you all feel a part of something real and meaningful. You were grateful. This has been the first job where you felt happy and content with management and your growth in the company.
You and Blake sit at your table and thank fuck you were seated at the same table. Just because you were overall happy with the company, doesn’t mean there weren’t some bad apples in the company that you definitely did not want to sit next to and have to deal with all night.
You started to hear a really loud laugh. It was a funny laugh at first and made you laugh yourself but you started to get annoyed. You just had to have the table by the loudest most annoying laugh in the room. Of course.
You turned around to check out who was the culprit. You had to know in order to avoid them next time you were in this situation.
You couldn’t believe your eyes. Oh Sehun. Of course. Why was his laugh this loud? For what reason? And the way he switched between his loud laugh and an absolute resting bitch face was something to marvel at for sure.
But… Why was he here? You were confused. You had never seen him at any company-wide party before. And you absolutely had never heard this laugh before, you would have remembered it. Had you missed him completely before? 
It seemed you had stared a bit too long at him and he sensed it because now he was looking at you and lifting his class up to signal he saw you. You lifted a brow at him, rolled your eyes and turned away from him.
“Did Sehun always work for this company? How have I never seen him before and why would you tell me to fuck him? You know I don’t like to dip my pen in the company ink…” you asked Blake when most of your table was gone.
“Because I knew you two would get along and I knew you would immediately tell me no if you knew he worked at the company. Pretty obvious, actually” they answered you.
“Besides, he is so high up in the chain you won’t ever see him around anyways. I’m actually surprised he’s here tonight. There’s always some excuse for him not to make it” they added.
“Great. I’m fucking one of my bosses, Wonderful. Thanks!” you said to Blake sarcastically.
“You’re welcome aaaaaand he’s coming this way so I’m gonna go. Have fun, be safe!” they told you before they got up and left.
“Hey, Y/N. Sorry for the surprise. Didn’t want to ruin a good thing” he said as he sat down in Blake’s now empty seat.
“You chose right. Had I known, this would never have happened and that would be unfortunate wouldn’t it?” you asked as you started to flirt with him. 
You needed him badly and now that he was here, you needed to make your intentions very clear about how you want tonight to end.
“Meet me at the entrance at 11:30. Don’t be late” he told you and left to go back to his table.
The night seemed to go by very, very slow, more so now that you knew what awaited you after you left. You were pretending to hear whatever one of your very boring colleagues was trying to tell you about but you were lost in your thoughts and you didn’t even notice his hand touching your arm. 
As soon as you noticed, you flinched and backed away from him. You ended up telling him off completely. He shouldn’t have tried to touch you without your consent and if he tried anything else with you, HR would be hearing all of this. 
You got up and were walking to the bathroom when someone grabbed your elbow and pulled you closer.
“It’s me. Quite the show with your colleague. I should fire him just for even looking at you” Sehun growled in your ear.
“You shouldn’t surprise people this way either. Almost elbowed you in the ribs. And I can defend myself. He already got an earful” you told him.
“Let’s go now before someone else decides to touch what’s mine” he told you and started to move towards the entrance.
“What’s yours? That deal is off outside the bedroom, Sehun” you told him as you followed him out the venue, 
“No, it isn’t. I told you. I don’t like sharing. That’s my hard limit. And you want to start fucking up now? Already? Fine. I’ll fucking show you tonight then” he told you as he turned around and got very close to your lips.
This was the second time he was driving you both to his apartment. This time, however, he was in a very different mood. His resting bitch face was out and he was gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white.
This was going to be a very interesting night.
He parked the car in the garage and before you could open the door to get out he spoke up.
“Here’s the code to my apartment. Get in. Strip down completely and wait for me on the bed. Don’t speak. Go. Now.”
You said nothing and started making your way up. You were very wet already. Why was he so sexy when he got like this? ‘Fucking unfair’ you thought.
You got into the apartment and quickly took off all your clothes and moved to sit on the bed. You didn’t know how long he was going to take but you didn’t want to risk it. It already seemed like you would be in for a very long night,you didn’t need to make this any worse for yourself. 
As you were finishing your thoughts, he walked through the bedroom door and didn’t say a word. He took off all his clothes except his underwear and moved to his closet. You already knew what he was going to get but right now you couldn’t decide if you should be excited or scared.
He placed the box on the bed and stared at you. He looked you over from head to toe and his face had such intensity… Excited. You were definitely excited. Being scared has disappeared from your mind completely.
“Move up. No fucking touching for you again. Not until you learn” he told and you gulped.
You moved up on the bed as he told you to.
“I didn’t know that applied outside of the bedroom. You mentioned sharing in that sense, I didn’t know you meant outside of it. And, I didn’t want him to touch me. He did it without my consent. I wasn’t paying attention, I was–”
“It doesn’t matter. Pay attention next time. Don’t want to have to sit there and watch that. Even if it isn’t welcome. Now that you know that it applies to in and outside of the bedroom, I’m going to give you an out. If you take it, we are done. With the deal, I mean. If you don’t take it, I expect you to take care of what’s mine when I’m not around” he told you as he started to take the silk restraints out of the box.
Usually possessiveness was not something that you enjoyed but to be fair, you get it. You wouldn’t want to share him with anyone either. 
“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t know. I’ll be better from now on. Promise” you told him and looked straight into his eyes so he knew you meant it.
He started to restrain your hands against his headboard and you just stared at him. He wasn’t going to be nice tonight, you know that much.
“Safeword?” he asked after he was satisfied with the restrains on your wrists.
“Colors, sir” you said as you started to lay down. 
As soon as your head hit the pillow, he climbed over you and started to kiss you. Shit, you had forgotten how good of a kisser he was. You could just kiss him for hours like this. You were starting to moan and he bit your lip hard and moved away from you.
“This is a punishment. Your enjoyment doesn’t matter tonight, understood?” he asked you and you nodded and agreed. You figured as much.
He moved to the box and pulled out nipple clamps. This was new for you. You had never tried this before. Your nipples were very sensitive so you weren’t sure how this was going to feel but you wanted to find out.
He looked over at you and raised his brow at you. You knew what he was silently asking you.
“Green, sir” you said and he nodded.
He started to massage your breasts and kiss you again.
And as soon as you forgot what he was holding in his hands, he clamped one of your nipples and you gasped. He started to kiss you again and kept massaging your breasts and he surprised you again with the other clamp. It felt different. Painful but pleasurable at the same time. Difficult to describe, but you knew you were getting wetter.
He placed a kiss on each of your breasts and took the small vibrator out of the box. He turned it on to the highest setting and smirked. Oh. You get it now. He’s going to try and push you to your limit. You gulped.
He looked over at you and slapped your pussy. So hard. You almost came right then. You were being stimulated in ways you’ve never had been before and it was all overwhelming in the best way. 
He got up, took his underwear off and got back on the bed. He was kneeling between your legs and started to run his hands up and down your legs while he stared at your pussy.
“You’re pretty everywhere, you know that?” he asked as he kept staring at your pussy.
“Thank you, sir. You are too” you said as you stared right back at him.
He took the vibrator and placed it on your clit. In the highest setting. He trapped it between his hand and your clit and you knew this move by heart now. Except this time, you don’t think he will deny you your orgasm. You have a feeling he is going with the other end of the spectrum. 
He leaned over and started kissing your neck. He began pushing the vibrator against your clit harder and then softer. He was alternating rhythms constantly and you were losing it already.
You started to pant and moan so loud and he could tell you were close and before you knew it, you came. 
He didn’t move his hand away, not even a little bit. He kept the vibrator right against your clit and didn’t even give you time to recover from your high.
“Sensitive, please… Wait a bit, sir, please” you begged.
“No. Take it. Silently. I only wanna hear you moan or say my name. No complaining or it gets worse” he warned you.
You started to whine but you pushed through. You wanted to be good for him. Desperately.
He leaned back on his heels and kept pressing the vibrator onto your clit. With his other hand he started to massage your breasts softly and you hissed. 
“Fuck…” you heard him curse almost in a whisper. He was already getting affected too.
He stopped massaging your breasts and started to stroke his cock with his free hand while pressing the vibrator against your clit and he started the abuse on your clit again by alternating the pressure. 
He kept stroking his cock and removed the vibrator from your clit. He now placed it on your hole and kept pushing it in for a few seconds and taking it out until you could only feel the vibrations against your hole.
Fuck, this was a new kind of torture. You wanted to touch him, you wanted to be the one stroking his cock. You started to stare at his cock and you were whining now.
“Next time be good and you might be the one doing this” he told you and you looked up.
He kept this pace with the vibrator in and out of your pussy entrance. With his other hand, he stopped stroking his cock and placed his fingers on your clit. He started to do figure eights on your clit and you knew you were going to be gone soon.
A few more strokes like this and you were over the edge again. You could feel yourself dripping and your pussy hole kept clenching around nothing now that he moved the vibrator away.
He again gave you no time to recover and pushed the vibrator back to your clit. His other hand went to your hole and he started to finger you. Two fingers at first and quickly he added a third and started an aggressive pace that had you seeing stars. 
Soon enough, you were close again and you started moaning again very loudly. You were never this loud before. Tears were flowing down your face and as you came a third time.
As you were coming down from your high, he removed his hands and vibrator from you and unclamped both your nipples. He started to massage your breasts and as the blood flow came back to your nipple, you started to wail. You had never felt anything like this before. Your orgasm had been amplified like never before. Your eyes were shut and you kept panting and moaning and whining.
Sehun was now whispering in your ear words you haven’t heard all night.
“Such a good girl. My baby girl. You’re so good. You’re so good to me. We’re almost done. Almost done. Promise” he continued praising and reassuring you.
Once you opened your eyes, you could see he was staring down at you and he had a worried look on his face.
“Color, little one?”
“Green, sir… G..Green” you said weakly but you didn’t want him to stop. He had to fuck you.
“Please, keep going. Fuck me, sir… Please… I need it” you were begging.
“Shhh… I will, little one. Remember your colors and tell me if it’s too much” he told you before he started to hold his cock by your entrance.
Much like last time, he grabbed a condom and pushed in, easily. He started to thrust hard against you. He set a very fast and hard pace. He was reaching places inside you you didn’t think was possible.
He leaned back a bit, lifted your hip with one hand and pushed down on your stomach with his other hand. In this position and with his hand pushing down on you, he was hitting your g-spot constantly and so fucking hard. It was only a matter of time.
The hand that was holding your hip moved to your clit and as soon as he pinched your clit you came again. You were squeezing his cock so hard, it was hard for him to move inside you but he kept going.
“One more. One more, little one…” he said as he was nearing his end as well.
He placed both your legs on his shoulder and he continued pounding into you. 
He grabbed one of your tits and started to pinch your nipple and with his free hand he again pushed down on your clit. It wasn’t long before you came again and he finished a few seconds after you.
You don’t remember much after that. You were so exhausted. You needed to sleep and after making sure you were okay and releasing your wrists from the headboard, he let you rest.
You woke up in his bed and he was already up and was scrolling on his phone.
“Let’s do this exclusively, yeah? I’m not sure if you planned to see other people, but I meant it with the ‘no sharing’. You’re too good for that” he told you, eyes still facing his phone.
“I didn’t plan on seeing anyone else. No sharing it is. Exclusive deal but still the same deal” you told him, now moving off of the bed to go shower.
“Of course. Same deal” he told you as he lifted his head from his phone and smiled at you.
You were reminded to thank Blake later. 
Not only have they found you a good friend, but also your perfect dom.
Hey guys! I hope you guys enjoy this one. A lot of things were new for me here but I enjoyed writing this a lot! As usual, please let me know in the comments and such if you enjoyed reading it 💕 Thank you for supporting me! CHEERS 🥂
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donutwatches · 6 months
MHA 2.15 - Midoriya and Shigaraki - part 2
This is my first time watching MHA, no spoilers please!
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Okay, so heroes have laws and regulations like no arrests or punishments. I guess they assist the police but don’t technically do the handcuffing. I bet the American heroes have way looser rules, lol. MHA’s depiction of Japanese heroes is pretty principled.  
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Hint, hint, go on a hair-brained plot to murder Stain, cough, cough. The way Manual: The Normal Hero (excellent hero name btw) was on to Iida’s sh*t in nano seconds is great. Nothing gets past Mediocre Man. 
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He is giving a lecture, but he is being gentle about it. What a sweetie. It is a shame that Iida did not listen to a word he said. 
Is Manual wearing dish washing gloves? What is he going to do? Scrub villains away with hot water and dish soap? 
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The more of Stain’s philosophy I get to hear, the more interesting he gets. I want to learn more about him. He seems to not hate heroes so much as resenting heroes who have superficial motivations.  
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“Hero breeder”, pfft. Phrasing, Shigi, phrasing. 
Stain want’s to make better heroes by killing the phony ones, but Shigaraki wants to dust anyone he wants just because. No wonder they don’t get along. 
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He’s aNnOyInG! Our super villain is out here sulking with his arms crossed like a mad toddler who just got told he has to share his toys. It is kinda cute in a pathetic way. 
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Haha, of course Iida always responds to texts the second he receives them. Makes it even more shocking that he is leaving his bestie on read right now.
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Take a big boot to the brain mothafuka! It is satisfying seeing Gran Tortilla aim for the exposed brain right away. It is an obvious weak spot on the Nomus.
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Well sh!t. Stain seems self-righteous with his so-called principles of only killing unworthy heroes, but he has no right to play judge, jury, and executioner. I was naive for a second since I thought he might not kill a kid. Imagine saying that kids can catch your blade, you know, depending on the “situation”. What a nut-bar. 
Click here for episode 16
Click here for the master list
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thefaiao · 1 year
   Went to a funeral today. It was my mom’s aunt. I didn’t really know her before she died, which was yesterday. Actually, I did meet her once before. At another funeral, my grandmother’s, four months ago.   My grandma passed away at 96, after struggling a lot with health condition and the overall fragility of old age. You trip the wrong way, and you are out of commission for a year, which might as well be half if not all of your remaining time in this world. It’s depressing, and she didn’t try to hide that at times she was tired of living, but held on out of a type of duty. It’s not easy to understand what goes on in the mind of someone that old. We struggle to understand how brains of people our age can be wired differently, as we are our only true control group. And even then, wen can trick ourselves, foggy memories, regrets, and so on, will warp our vision.    At the end of the day I still feel depressed could better summarize it. She looked peaceful in death, like she was younger. She was buried in a vertical cemetery, many rows and columns in each floor, extending up thirteen or so floors. The tombs had their names written on them in ready-made metal letters, which had a gold tint to them.    I was sad to see her go, as much as I expected it, but I truly get overwhelmed when I go into a cemetery. All the death we hide from our daily lives is concentrated here, the definitive end of so many lives. People who die at twenty five, or thirty years of age. It’s easy to think about how these people could easily have been my friends, or me, but they didn’t get the chance. They died to something unpredictable, or maybe everyone could see it coming but no-one could do anything about it. Or maybe they could, but just didn’t have the energy to, or the forethought. The end is the same anyway. They died, so now they aren’t present anymore, all they can do is be dead.    Today I went with a different mood, since I didn’t know my great-aunt properly. I noticed how the room was really small, and despite there being a wooden board covering the door, a camera hung onto that same board. I noticed that even though there was food and drink, the water jug was made of plastic, and the jar with cheap store brand cookies, had a crack on it, and was hard to open. Everyone was sad, as her death was sudden. A heart attack as she woke up, even though she was previously healthy.    I noticed that whenever this is the case, of sudden death, the person is usually a very hard-line principled person, for better or worse. Usually they sustain the family in some way, or give them guidance with a firm hand. Maybe at random they relax, and all the emotion they hold back come at once, and take them with them. Most of the time, it’s someone who is deeply loved and appreciate for that, especially if they are old. Many people showed up to her funeral to say goodbye.    Her husband was crying, as they had been together almost seventy years. And they loved each other. It is easy to imagine myself in his place, but hard to imagine how much sorrow he must feel. While I was there I noticed more things. I noticed that the casket was veneered particle-board, with cut-and-paste patterns on the rims. When there was a bend in the geometry of the casket, the pattern was broken. The metal details were golden plastic, and all the parts of the casket were mass-produced. The flowers were real, as were the people who brought them. I also noticed we had to pay for parking in the place of ceremony, and it was just as expensive as places in the city. I noticed they asked the same price restaurants ask to buy drinks, or a coffee, if we wanted those.    While everyone were coming to terms with what had happened, I feel I could only stare. I didn’t want to touch her because I don’t think I earned that, as I was only accompanying my mom. Her coffin looked plastic, and in turn she looked like a toy. Whenever we die, we become an object. And when we enter a casket, we become an altar. We are pressured to cut corners, because we have no money, because we have no time, and we are so small, and we only get smaller. So in death, we look like toys that couldn’t keep going, we exchanged all the parts of the ceremony that we could, so it could even happen. A door opened in the back of the room, and the employees quickly cut everything short, and took her to the car.    When we got to her cemetery, I was again overcome with the emotion of all the lives of strangers that were registered there. Just a date, sometimes a face, and a phrase form loved ones. Sometimes flowers, but there were also flowers that were dry, they looked so small. In this horizontal cemetery, the rows and columns were also present, but with no pre-made lettering. The names were written on cement by hand, usually by a worker, before a cover was later built into the graves. So many names, from 2018-2022, had no covers. Sometimes a message accompanied the names, written by a relative. Some people could afford more unique graves, which were usually for the whole family.    I can’t help but think if this is all we can be now. We can live beautiful lives, and help so many people, only to die and be buried in mass-produced coffins, have respects paid to us in an affordable place, because money dictates our lives. That the death of someone we love is bundled with a mountain of expenses. It’s easy to say we should be happy we lived at all, and think about all the moments we treasured between our struggles. But maybe we only get used to this because we can’t imagine a better option.    Funerals are not only sad. In the middle of sobs I could see smiles, even from my great-aunt’s husband. They are complex, as are the places we are buried. Mass-production and repetition isn’t bad on its own. But when it’s there to cut corners, I can’t help but feel we are being robbed of something higher, and rare, which we don’t always experience.    I get home and my dog is having a seizure, and my brother is drunk. Shortly after my dog has two other seizures. Life and death are both unrelenting.
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m3ll0k · 1 year
A small part of this student x principle smut
“Sit down.” I sat on the seat he was pointing to.
“Now why is it that I keep getting complaints about you? Why do you give these teachers a hard time?”
“I don’t know, I just don’t like being at this stupid school.” I answered.
“Well whether you like it or not it’s not up to you.” He slowly walked towards me and grabbed my chin to make me look up at him. I instinctively closed my legs to ignore the feeling he just gave me.
“What should I do for you to make you be a good girl hm? He ran his thumb across my lip awaiting my response.
“Um I don’t know.” I tried to look away but the hold he had on me was tight.
“You don’t? Well I have a great idea for you princess.” His words alone made me so wet. He let go of my face and told me to stand in front of his desk. I did as I was told and waited for him.
“Pull down your skirt and underwear for me okay?”
“But what if someone sees?” I questioned, worry filling my voice.
“They won't, I promise.” He walked towards me and rubbed circles on my back in an effort to calm me down. Truth be told it worked because I pulled my skirt and underwear down to my ankles.
“Good girl.” He soon started to rub my ass and then I felt a sharp pain against me.
“Count baby.” He told me. I only nodded in response and then he hit me again.
“Two.” I wearily spoke. He hit me over and over again until it felt unbearable to handle. I had tears in my eyes and my ass hurt more than ever.
“You did so good baby girl, you did such a good job.” He praised me, which only made me wetter. He stood there for a good second just rubbing my ass to make it feel better.
“You ready?” He asked.
“Ready for what?” He spread my legs open and slipped his fingers inside me with ease. He moved his fingers in and out of me at such a fast pace that I couldn't take it. I could feel my wetness dripping down my thighs as he fingered me. He started to kiss and bite up my back leaving marks and hickies. I felt myself ready to just squirt all over his hands. He was making me feel so unbelievably good that I couldn’t think about anything besides how good his fingers feel.
“Please sir please fuck me please I need you.” I begged.
“I got you angel.” And with that he pulled his fingers out and replaced them with his dick. I moaned at the feeling of him inside me and gripped the desk to keep myself up. He grabbed my hips and fucked me like I was nothing but a toy to him.
“Fuck you feel so good princess.” He grabbed my hair to pull me towards him so he can fuck me deeper. He felt so good inside me, he was hitting every spot I didn’t know I had. My legs started to shake and I felt myself being close to cuming.
“Not yet baby don’t cum yet wait for me okay?”
“Okay daddy.” He increased his pace and his grip on my waist became tighter.
“Go ahead baby cum for me.” Just as he commanded I came all over him making a mess. I felt his cum slowly drip outside of me and onto my thighs.
“Look at that you took it so well bunny. You’re such a cute pathetic slut.” I looked down at the mess I made and got embarrassed at the sight.
“Now what did you learn baby?”
“Um I learned to not act up in class.”
“Good girl now put your clothes back on and head back to class.” He ordered.
“Yes sir.”
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vanbredevoort · 11 months
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for viilgefortz.
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It happened in the span of a few months. Far too quickly.
First there was lust.
It creeps up her legs, spreads from her chest, invades her head, shakes her to her very core like vines wrapping around senses she does not know can be stimulated.
She toys with the idea of suggesting he can have her against the surface of every piece of furniture available whenever he wants. She doesn't, but she likes thinking about it. It's entertaining. Her eyes follow the way his hand fidget - he has nervous hands - and she wants to know how they would feel like on her.
She does not say anything. She's his assistant. Saying something might change a dynamic that, from a professional perspective, it's already working flawlessly. He might find it counterproductive, for her to harbor those needs, and let her go. She doesn't want that. Standing near him, watching him and listening to him feels good. Like sunlight after a cloudy day.
Second, there was denial.
It comes quicker than she would have wanted it to. She did not think there was room for something else than the crushing attraction--- but suddenly there's longing. There's worrying. She wants to be ravaged, but she also wants to stroke his forehead until he stops frowning when he's overthinking. Now she wants to hold his hands steady. He has nervous hands, and she wants to take the worries away.
He's handsome. He's idealistic. He's a man of principle. He's tall. He has simple goals and complex thoughts about how to achieve them. He has a sweet tooth. He's curious above anything else.
She's frightened about it. She wants to know more. But she doesn't. But she does.
She doesn't want to think about it. It plagues her mind and keeps her from peak performance, so she beds as many as she can. Old acquaintances. Colleagues at an investigation. Strangers. She has never been one to do so, but she thinks it will give her mind clarity. It doesn't. She pants and her nails dig into the wood of another's bedpost, and she's thinking of him. And it feels wrong. Right. Wrong.
Third, there was panic.
It lasts for a short while, but she decides since she can't get him off her mind, she might as well run away. She does not neglect her duties to him, but she stays for longer periods in excavations that are almost wrapped up. She plainly disappears for a whole week under pretense.
She's sure that distance will make her see things clearly and get rid of the ever growing feeling inside her heart, one she doesn't want to name yet.
She has been staring at the sun directly for too long. But everything is dark when he's not there.
She cries. She misses his smile. She cries more. She misses the way he says her name. She clutches her chest with her hand because it hurts. Because running away is stupid--- she cannot be without him. She cannot be without him. She cannot BE without him.
And finally, with fourth came acceptance.
Because she is irrevocably, madly, desperately, stubbornly, relentlessly in love with Vilgefortz.
Helplessly too. She knows no one can say she has not tried to fight it. It all breaks when they're locked inside going through countless tomes and notes. It's not a grand gesture, not a soul clenching revelation moment with dramatic effects. It's silence and heartbeats. It's the product of everything she has experienced. She cannot deny it. She cannot hide from it. She loves him deeply, and that IS grand, soul clenching and bigger than anything she had experienced before.
He says something she doesn't hear because she's lost. Because there's no fighting it anymore. She just nods. That nod means everything, and it's a promise of always. Of never. I will always love you, she thinks. And I'll be helpless to stop it.
I'll always be yours and I'll never be claimed.
It's bigger than herself. It's beyond her reach. It's tormenting and beautiful. It's as close as his nervous hands, and as far as her ability to put them to rest.
She loves Vilgefortz. She loves Vilgefortz with a strength that no love poem can define, no painting can depict because there aren't enough colors in the spectrum of light to express the depths of her feelings. She loves so much that she puts romance plays to shame. She loves so passionately that her very soul dances to the rhythm of his heartbeat. She loves so deeply that his name carves into her very core and nothing, no one can occupy that place. She loves with jealousy, she loves with lust, she loves with worry, she loves with need. She loves enough to see from afar, don't meddle, don't talk, don't show, don't react, and she loves enough to suffer because of it. She loves enough to understand that he does not and can't love her back.
She loves enough to die for him. So she does.
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llycaons · 10 months
ep28 (2/2): you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sigh dreamily, you'll grit your teeth in hopeless anger....this one has it all
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the drama of the duel is kind of silly if you know it's a ploy so idc for it but this is very real hurt wwx is expressing and jc just doesn't care I guess!
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also why did he do this. just for the drama....
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oh my god so this scene had me sobbing. real tears. she was so happy to see him! her brother!!! but he's going away from them and it's breaking her heart and she's begging jc to do something but he's just standing there and wwx is getting smaller and smaller in the distance 😭 wwx people love you so much!!!!
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and this look afterwards...devastating
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oh shit did jc give him money? it's implied that lwj gives wq money but following that same logic, maybe jc did too. less in-character for him tho
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this is a joke im literally bisexual please dont come for me
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im such a sap for their romance...an arrogant rich boy getting into muddy water to personally build you a pond that reminds you of home so you won't be homesick...mud on his face and hiding the lotus behind his back as if he could hide it....I AM charmed!!! I am!!! he may not have any principles either but fuck if he doesn't love his wife!
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and she is CRYING!!!!! she misses her home!!! she wants to be with her brothers!!! this is hard for her!!!
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I love that the show teaches you how to watch it. they're saying, look at this romantic couple. jzx is committing to supporting and taking care of jyl. jyl is saying jzx's name with no formalities attached. they're staring deeply into each other's eyes. they're on a bridge (ahh!!! I just noticed!!!). this is what couples in this universe do! dw about kissing. staring intently at each other from an arms-length is the height of romance. and you know what they're right
not that I wouldn't kill for one good wx kiss in ep50. but they're right. sometimes romance is in all the littler things
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they call jc 'little' huh. to indicate his youth, and accentuate his helplessness and victimization? don't think that was his goal during the duel
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oh my god this scene is fucking hilarious. the poor 19 year old with zero history of working with kids. thrust into this position, a child wailing on his leg, beset on all sides by concerned well-meaning strangers. usually so poised and confident, he's shrunk into himself so much he can barely speak. HE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR THIS!!!! he doesn't know SHIT!!!
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and ofc wwx in the corner laughing at him
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that's like nine people...help
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this scene is ALSO funny bc wwx is obviously watching lwj for a minute before making his presence known to him and lwj lifts his head and it's pov now so he's suddenly all 🥺😍😮 but all in one face and the frames slow down as we go slomo and wwx looks so handsome and powerful walking over to rescue him from this disaster. his hero <3
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forgot he said this and then said he has a bitter expression. very xie lian to mq of him lol
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I love this moment bc it's one of the first gifs I ever saw and I remember the commentary was like 'lwj suddenly realizes he has a burning need to have a family with wwx' etc. etc. and they're right he does wants that desperately. sorry, lwj. give it 20 years
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this is rich kid behavior. I thought wx was being mean and teasing a-yuan, but he was just being practical. there are toys there, so he'll use them to distract and calm down a-yuan, then they'll leave. they don't have the money! and a-yuan isn't even that upset
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still, lwj 0.2 seconds after meeting his very first baby, can't bear to see one not spoiled. so we get this very cute scene
personal highlights
that first convo was so good but THEN I'LL BE THE PRECENDENT and then jc's monologue ough
wq returning the comb. sad but also lmao. fail jc moment
jyl's dream broke my little heart...
jzx all covered in the mud offering jyl a piece of her home he built with his own two hands (mostly)
lwj frozen and panicking and trapped by well-meaning nosy market-goers. because of a toddler
lwj reprimanding wwx for not buying all the toys. he is so silly
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@lorraine-widow-jackson-st-oc​ asked:
(A few questions for Errol in the ST AU)
1. Errol growing up what were the holidays like in your household as a kid? (Specifically Thanksgiving and Christmas)
2. Since you have been with Lorraine for a bit now (based on our rp) if you were to have a child what would be your parenting style? And how would you discipline?
3. If you saw your kid being bullied (in a similar fashion to Will in s1 and s2) how would you react?
4. If Lorraine being powered herself went through the same experience you did with the lab and you helped her out of that situation, but also in the process being abused and hurt again yourself would you be tempted again afterwards?
1. Errol shrugged his shoulders. “Typical, I suppose? My parents would stress out about making everything perfect, and then when I ruined it, they’d get upset. Particularly my mother. She would throw a downright fit, screaming and yelling at me until my father restrained her and just told me he was disappointed in me. My sister would cry because I ruined everything and my parents would console her while I was left alone. That’s what holidays are normally like, right?”
2. “I definitely want to be a better parent than my own were,” Errol replies. “I want to give any future children of mine positive reinforcement rather that all that negativity. I don’t want them to think that I hate them or that they are monsters. I want them to know that it’s okay to make mistakes and that there are better ways to get what you want than misbehaving. I want to teach them to use the world around them to their advantage so they can get ahead in life. And above all, I want them to know that they are loved, no matter what, unconditionally.” He frowns for a moment, thinking, before continuing. “As for discipline, I’d have to discuss it with Lorraine first, but I think less harsh punishments than what I’m used to would be better. Maybe grounding or taking away privileges. Something that suits the transgression though. Something that is a natural consequence. Like, if they break a toy, they have to work to earn the money back to buy a replacement. That sort of thing.”
3. Errol falls silent for a moment at this question. It’s clear by the look on his face that he does not like the idea of this happening at all. “I’d have some strong words with the parents of the children bullying my child first, as well as any teachers or principle involved if it happened at school. If they didn’t fix their child’s behavior, I’d take matters into my own hands.” He doesn’t elaborate...
4. “Tempted to go murderous on the whole human race again?” He asked. “Possibly... Probably. But as long as Lorraine and I made it out alright together, I would keep myself in check. I just want us to live a happy life without anyone hurting us. Is that too much to ask?”
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Thin Ice - Kuroo Tetsurou x Reader
WARNINGS: mild angst, cursing, arguing, clingy kuroo cause i think he's adorable, hurt/comfort
SUMMARY: after an intense fight with kuroo, you resign to the couch for the night. however, kuroo still needs his nightly dose of cuddles and is determined to get them
"Whatever Tetsurou, I'm too tired for this anymore. I'm done." The two of you had been arguing into the late night hours about God knows what at this point. So much had regrettably been said in the past hour that you couldn't even tell who was in the wrong anymore. It was just one thing after the other. Your cheeks were damp with the few tears you'd been unable to hold back and your head was pounding like a drum. You were absolutely drained.
Not that Kuroo was fairing much better, dark bags hung under his blood shot and glossy eyes, causing his face to look a little more hollow than it actually was. If anything, he looked even more exhausted than you were.
It was rare to see him like this. Usually he'd cover up his hurt with a quick joke or comment, but his stressful day at work had eroded away at his walls, leaving him completely vulnerable.
"What do you mean done?" He asked, fully preparing for the worst. Was this it? Were you about to leave him? No. You wouldn't, the two of you always worked things out.
"I mean that I'm done with this argument, I can't do this anymore. I'm going to bed, and I suggest you do the same." You started gathering pillows and blankets from the various pieces of furniture in the living room, setting them up on the couch to form a makeshift bed.
"You're not actually sleeping out here are you? Kitten-"
"Don't call me that, not right now! Just leave me alone Kuroo, I don't want to see you until the morning." You sounded a little harsher than you intended to. But your own stubbornness refused you the chance to take it back.
Kuroo let out a scoff, "Oh so I'm Kuroo now? Whatever Y/N, sleep wherever you want, I don't care." He didn't mean that, not in the slightest, but the need to get in the last word had overcome all sense of logic he had left. So with clenched fists and a tense jaw, he stormed out of the living room before you could utter another word. The slamming door of your shared bedroom finally allowing you the privacy to let loose the flood of tears you'd been holding back.
Unfortunately for you, the close proximity of the living room and master bedroom created by the quaint one story house allowed for the muffled sobs of your boyfriend to reach your ears. Your heart hurt at the though of him curled up all alone on the large mattress, but again, you were too headstrong to do anything about it. Everything was so overwhelming that your body ended up giving out. Your eyes falling shut as you hugged a throw pillow close to your chest.
It was around 2:30 a.m. that you were roused from your slumber by the sound of shuffling feet. Sleepily rubbing at your eyes, you looked up to see a large, dark figure looming at the foot of the couch. You nearly jumped ten feet in the air, your heart rate quickening to an unatural pace. The sharp yelp you let out was followed by the figure flicking on a light, revealing that the figure was in fact your, very exhausted looking, boyfriend.
"Woah, Kitten it's just me!" He stretched out his arms in an attempt to calm you.
"Tetsurou what the fuck? You scared the shit out of me!"
He grimaced, mumbling out an apology. That definitely wasn't his intention.
"What do you want?" You asked sharply.
"I couldn't sleep, not without you." His voice is pleading as he looked at you expectingly.
"Well maybe you forgot, but we're not exactly on cuddling terms right now." You weren't even all that upset anymore, most of your sour emotions fading away with the few hours of sleep you'd gotten. Nonetheless, a few traces of bitter hurt and anger still remained. It was the principle, the fight the two of you had was still unresolved, and being woken up so suddenly didn't exactly help much with your current mood. He really expected you to just come to his beck and call because he "couldn't sleep?"
"Can we just forget about it until the morning? Please, I need you." He sounded a little more desperate this time. Now that you thought about it, he seemed on edge and antsy. He kept shifting his weight from side to side, the backs of his heels lifting up as he did so.
"No, Tetsurou, go to bed. I don't feel like being around you right now. Just give me some space and we can talk in the morning." You dramatically slung your blanket over yourself, making it a point to toss over to your other side, turning your back to Kuroo.
There's an annoyed huff, and suddenly your blanket has been rudely ripped from your body. Before you could protest, a pair of strong arms wrap around your waist, hoisting you off the couch and over Kuroo's broad shoulder.
"I didn't want it to come to this but you've forced my hand."
"Kuroo Tetsurou put me down!"
"Sorry Kitten, but I need you, so we're doing this the hard way." It seems as though his defense mechanisms have built themselves back up, as this time his voice holds a more teasing tone to it.
Despite your protests, he carries you back to your shared bedroom, gently tossing you onto the queen sized mattress. You're quick to make your next move to escape, but before you could move more than a few inches, Kuroo plops down on top of you. His chest is pressed up against your torso and he's already nuzzled his face into the side of your neck, pinning you down with the full weight of his body.
"Tetsu, get off!" You squirm under him, grabbing at his back. You hadn't even realized that you'd resorted back to calling him by the nickname he loved so much. But he surely did, his chest warmed as the name rolled off your tongue. He took it as a sign that you weren't really as mad as you were letting on to be. The two of you were okay.
His breath tickles your neck as he let's out an exaggerated sigh. His hands move to either side of your head, giving him the leverage to prop himself up just enough to lift his head while maintaining the ability to hold you down with his weight. His face is now centimeters away from your own, his nose brushing against yours as his hot breath fans your face. Did this smooth mother fucker really brush his teeth before he came to talk to you?
"I'll let you get up if you can tell me why we were even fighting." His voice is low and gravely. He knows he's got you by the way your eyes refuse to meet his, and he can't help the smirk that crawls it's way onto his face.
Based on the way he's looking at you, you're expecting him to spew out some teasing comment, but instead he presses a chaste kiss to your lips. It's sweet and innocent, a contrast to his usual eager and cocky displays of affection.
"I'm really sorry, Kitten." He whispers, and you know it's genuine. "And I should have said it earlier instead of storming off. I don't want us to end up like my parents, going to bed angry and never fixing anything."
There it is. That's why he was acting so desperate when he'd come to wake you up. His parent's rocky and loveless relationship imprinted on him at a young age, showing him everything he wanted to avoid in his own relationship. His worst fear was being unable to break the cycle of heartbreak set by his parents, and your unresolved argument scared him.
You couldn't help but feel a little guilty knowing that you were to blame for the pain he went through tonight. You instinctively reached up to cup his face in an attempt to comfort him, the pad of your thumb gently running over his cheek bone. Any anger or bitterness you'd felt had melted away with his heartfelt apology. He leaned into your touch, eyes fluttering shut for just a second as he let out a relieved sigh.
"I'm sorry too, Tetsu." He let out a soft hum as your hand glides down to the back of his neck, finger tips scratching at his nape and playing with the soft tufts of hair. "We're okay, I promise."
Kuroo's previous smirk had now melted into a soft lopsided smile. Leaning down, he presses another kiss against your lips, this time a little more confident and eager.
"Okay, now can you get your fat ass up so I can breathe?" You mumbled against his lips. The sudden snarky comment has Kuroo putting back up his signature smirk. A deep chuckle reverberating through his chest. "Are you gonna stay?"
You nod silently and that seems to be enough to convince him.
Although you'd made quiet the fuss about it, you actually miss the pressure and warmth provided by his body as he lazily rolls off of you, now laying on his side. But the warm feeling isn't gone for long, because next thing you know Kuroo's arms have already snaked around your waist, pulling you back into his chest. He's got you pressed flush against him, one arm holding your waist while the other tangles itself in your hair. His chin rests comfortably on top of your head, every now and then tilting it downward to press soft kisses to your hair.
It isn't long before his breathing is already starting to even out, the exhaustion finally catching up to him. The feather light circles you're tracing into his back only speed up the process.
"You're lucky I love you," you joke, but you're sure he gets the hidden message in your words. Although, the response you're waiting for never comes. There's no way he's already asleep, he's definitely toying with you.
Your fingers halt their movements on his back. Impatient with waiting for his response, you dig your nails into his back, just hard enough to get his attention.
"Hmm? I was sleeping, did you say something, Kitten?" You don't miss the subtle taunting that laces it's way into his words. Oh, he's definitely toying with you.
"You are on thin ice Kuroo Tetsurou."
With your ear so close to his chest you hear the soft vibrations of his chuckle. "I love you too, Kitten."
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moemoemammon · 3 years
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MC's Chuck E Cheese Birthday Party!
(Feat. The Demon Bros and Luke)
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Did everything in his power to try to talk you out of choosing Chuck E Cheese's as your party destination, but,,, it's what you wanted, so,,,
He'll sit in a booth and watch you like a moody parent. That is, until Mammon harasses him into joining in on the "fun".
LONG, DRAMATIC SIGH,,,,, if he has no choice, he supposes he could play a few games and give you whatever he wins. 
Satan somehow managed to convince him to play air hockey, and Lucifer surprisingly agreed. Yeah he was suspicious of his gremlin brother’s intentions, but it’d probably be fine.
What was supposed to be a friendly game between brothers has turned into an all out war. Their blinding speed turns the puck into a blur, and they’ve gathered a crowd-
Lucifer wins, but he doesn’t have a chance to celebrate because someone throws a fucking slice of pizza at the back of his head
This isn't what HE would've chosen, but he guesses it's fine. An arcade means gambling in some way, right?
Makes a beeline for the coin drop game. He loves also loves the games that give you a 20% chance of winning a jackpot of some kind and honestly?? He's fucking GOOD... when Asmodeus isn't constantly poking his sides and making him mess up.
It takes him no time to figure out the algorithms of those games and now he's raking in all the tickets. Staff is suspicious as hell
Especially when they see a grown man walk up to the prize counter with his arms full of tickets, no children in sight.
"MC! Get over here and pick out some prizes! I won all this for yet birthday, so let me spoil ya!"
Ok thank you for the hundreds of stuffed animals and cheap plastic toys Mammon
See, Levi was excited when you suggested going to a human world arcade, but he didn't think you meant.... something like THIS. Why don’t any of the dance games have songs by Ruri-chan??? What a waste...
But it's still technically an arcade, so he might as well enjoy it since he couldn't go home. And maybe he could impress you by earning a ton of tickets! These human world arcade games are gonna be a cakewalk.
...Is what he thought, until he realized that the controls were so worn from millions of children manhandling them that he couldn’t play at all! Why couldn’t these stupid normie games cooperate?!
 But the thing that finally made him snap was when a little kid told him he sucked. 
Cue Levi abandoning all moral principles and absolutely OBLITERATING this toddler at Frogger. You think he won’t go all out against a baby?? You are wrong. 
It’s not about morals, MC. It’s a matter of his pride as a gaming master, so please stand back while he makes a human child cry.
See, Satan is all for celebrating the way you want to (and he's good at pretending like he's not bothered), but he can't really say that a pizza and sweat scented arcade full of screaming children is the best place to read a book
Regardless, it’s pretty funny watching you run around like an excited little kid, dragging everyone around to the nearest game.
Then he gets the great idea of harassing Lucifer into playing air hockey with him. “It’s MC’s birthday, so why don’t we let loose a little?”
All hell breaks loose and now they’ve attracted the attention of a crowd of amazed children, all according to plan. How humiliating would it be for Lucifer to lose in front of CHILDREN?
Thought he was slick and cursed the puck to move away from Lucifer every time he tried to hit it, but somehow he’s?? still winning???
Satan would’ve been pissed off if not for the mysterious slice of pizza that came sailing through the air and hit Lucifer in the back of the head
The tables are sticky. Everything smells weird. Children are everywhere. Everything is so flashy and gaudy that it’s giving him a headache-
This wasn’t Asmo’s party destination of choice, but... well.. it’s fine as long as he sticks to you, right? 
Also refuses to touch anything because as familiar as he may be with sticky surfaces, this ain’t it chief.
Since he’s so bored, he decides to Mammon, constantly poking and tickling him so he’ll loose at the games he’s playing, and runs away when he’s attacked
Soon enough though, Asmo excuses himself to the bathroom, thinking no one notices how he’s dragging a staff member toward the supply closet-
Eventually comes back to tell you that he set something up, so now you can get whatever prize you’d like!
Pizza pizza pizza pizza pizza pi-
Yeah, Beel is fine with wherever you wanna go for your birthday. It's your special day after all! So when you suggest whatever the hell 'Chuck E Cheese' is, he's just happy you're happy
Also wants to know what kind of cheese they have. Asks you if Mr. Chuck himself can be eaten. Sad when you say no....
At the end of the party, you notice that the other staff members are whispering amongst themselves about the sudden disappearance of a certain rat mascot.
Beel is sweating. Why is there stuffing on your shirt collar, Beel.
Oh man oh no, Lucifer got hit with pizza! Beel thinks he should go over there and eat it for him. Sorry, gotta go-
Belphie wasn’t a big fan of your choice for a birthday destination, mostly because there was no way he’d be able to sleep with all the music and screaming going on, but who is he to argue against your decision?
Besides, he soon realizes that the sky tunnels are the PERFECT nap spot, save for the occasional kid crawling over him.
It also gives him a bird’s eye view of everything that’s going on, including the intense air hockey battle between Lucifer and Satan.
Hey wouldn’t it be funny if he uhhh threw a slice of pizza at Lucifer’s head lmao yEET
Seeing Lucifer’s reaction is everything he needed to turn this day into an even better one. Now he can sleep peacefully <3
Falls asleep and gets left there on accident because no one can find him
Belphie is literally blocking Luke in and he can’t eSCAPe
All he did was follow a kid into the tunnels! They looked so fun that he couldn’t resist, despite his many claims that he wasn’t a child and shouldn’t be treated as such. 
But when he saw you waving at him from one of the tunnel windows, he became determined to crawl to every window he could find and wave from there, too.
Then Belphegor came along.
How can anyone sleep so soundly?? He’s been smacking, shoving, and poking the sleeping demon but nothing is working! Time to cry-
Also gets left behind because no one can hear him screaming.
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Prompt: I love when Remus is a lot smarter than he lets on, so I’d love a prompt where Logan is overworking himself and not taking care of himself and one tic of the clock away from either passing out or having a full on mental breakdown (not the type you can recover from in a day). Remus notices the little signs Logan shows, and hears the intrusive thoughts Logan has. Remus really becomes concerned when Logan’s intrusive thoughts start to involve taking breaks, going to eat properly rather than inhaling granola bars, and even sleeping. Remus storms in and is like “Logan tf????” Then gets hella soft once he realizes the state Logan is in
Thank you for the prompts, babe! I liked this one the best so I picked it. 
GUYS PLEASE VIEW THIS AS A C H E C K P O I N T if you've been scrolling for a while (and you probably have) pause here! drink water! get food! walk around the room for a little bit! stretch! do something please! you are very important to me and I care about you very deeply!
Read on Ao3
Warnings: discussions of self-harm, nothing explicit, some self-destructive tendencies and behaviors. 
Pairings: focus on intrulogical, background LAMP, DLAMP, DLAMPR, can be platonic or romantic i don’t care
Word Count: 2410
Realignment: to align again.
Realignment: to reorganize or make new groupings of.
* * *
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
The problem arises when the shit he starts to hear isn't weird at all.
Remus hears a lot of weird shit.
 The more appropriate definition would be ‘fucked up like you wouldn’t fucking believe,’ but one of us has a problem with particularly strong language and shit doesn’t have to be censored in a lot of media anymore. Which is so convenient! For some of us!
 It’s fucking great.
Anyway. Point being. Fucked up shit.
 Intrusive thoughts literally fall under his purview. It’s the fun stuff! The stuff you don’t wanna think about that makes your skin crawl and your eyes pop open at the witching hour and stay awake until the sun rises. That’s Remus’s job.
 And it’s like the whole Mindscape is whack-a-mole that he gets to play with! Buttons here and there, squeeze this part and watch the eyes bug out of this part, bap this one on the head, see which one pokes up next. Who’s gonna have nightmares tonight? Who is having a nightmare tonight?
 It’s fun.
 Point. Right. Right.
 It’s normally pretty easy to tell whose intrusive thoughts are whose. They taste different. Patton’s taste like sugar so sweet it’ll fill your mouth with cavities. Virgil’s taste like spiders, crawling around his mouth. Janus’s taste like salt. So much fucking salt. Dry as hell.
 Roman’s taste like blood. Problem is, Remus’s mouth normally tastes like blood, so…
 Yeah, they gotta work that out.
 Logan’s taste like ink. Which is why it took him so long to figure out that Logan was having them. Not just because the nerdy wolverine was so convinced he couldn’t have them—rationalizing them as philosophy principles, come on—but because Remus isn’t exactly an expert on pens. Writing like normal people. Ugh.
 Normal people.
 What a lie, Janny probably gets a big kick out of those.
 No one is normal and normal is boring.
 Logan. Right.
 Okay, so here’s the thing.
 Logan’s thoughts aren’t really…standard? They are to some extent, you don’t really get a whole lot of variety from him—even when Remus has been so helpful in making his room safe for him to be in during bad days, there’s such a lack of imagination there that he wasn’t sure exactly how to feel—but it’s the recent ones that’ve been getting…weird.
 Remus chews thoughtfully on the kraken tentacle. He swings up to the chandelier and hangs by his ankles, letting the blood run to his head. Makes it easier to think sometimes.
 It hasn’t been very long since they found out…well, since they found out.
 Remus frowns. Why is he censoring himself? It’s not like he can’t fucking say self-harm, it’s not like he can’t describe what it was, it’s not like he can’t close his eyes and see it happening again.
 Then his mind jumps helpfully to the shocked, panicked look on Logan’s face and the soft, furious resignation on Roman’s, and his jaw snaps shut.
 He cares. So he has to be gentle with them.
 He growls, swinging himself up to perch on the chandelier proper. He turns the kraken tentacle over and chews on the rubbery side.
 The others are delicate. Not that they’re more breakable than any other metaphysical humanoid, but their minds are fragile when it comes to Remus’s side of things. Could they handle the full spectrum of his side of thoughts and shit? Probably, they’re stronger than they give themselves credit for. Should they have to? Hell to the fuck no. But it means that Remus can’t just throw them in the deep end and see if the kraken spits them out whole or in chunks. Could they survive? Absolutely. Would they still be…them? Doubtful.
 Remus lets one of his legs go, hanging by one knee as he tips over.
 Plus they’re always a little more fragile when it comes to these thoughts anyway. Poking and prodding too much would hurt. Like, the bad kind of hurt.
 They’re not supposed to get hurt. Not like that.
 So. Gentle it is then.
 Right. The others. He has a point, he’s just gotta get there.
 Roman…fuck he’s missed his brother. They got—they got so much shit to still work out but they’re gonna do it together and fuck he loves his brother so goddamn much. Roman knows that, he knows that, and he’s always there to pull Remus out of his head when he needs it, hit him with a pillow, or tackle him onto something and hold him tight. He’s—his thoughts taste like blood and Remus hasn’t bitten anything since so that he’ll never miss it again.
 But with Logan...
 Logan is…odd. It hasn’t been long since they first found out—or rather, they confronted him about it, and Remus hasn’t tasted ink without it disappearing very quickly or knocking on someone’s door to please go get your fucking nerd, please. But the ink has only written the usual suspects, whispering the theorems in dark corners, muttering about the incompleteness of a set, the need for Logic, not Logan, and how to jump through the little loophole again.
 It’s not exactly hard for the others to tell.
 Lolo hasn’t been looking great. Sure, he’s all pressed and dressed, glasses perfectly in place, tie done up just so, walking around like everything’s just totally and completely fine, but it’s in his face. Object impermanence aside, normally when Remus bugs him, he reacts in some way.
 Sass is an emotional response and you won’t convince him otherwise.
 Whether it be a wry comment, effortlessly fixing whatever Remus has done to him this time, or even just a look, Lolo does something.
 Not anymore.
 Now he’ll just kind of…sigh and move on? He’ll fix whatever it is only if it’s directly interfering with what he’s trying to do, or when Patton or Virgil come round the corner and freak the fuck out because you’re bleeding! Then he’ll fix it.
 Remus wouldn’t say he’s bored, but he’s worried.
 Mainly because the intrusive thoughts…aren’t what he’d consider intrusive anymore.
 Take a shower.
 Eat something that isn’t just a granola bar.
 Go to sleep.
 Ask someone for help.
 If those are Lolo’s intrusive thoughts, then what the fuck is normally going on in his head?
 Remus waits. Waits. Keeps waiting.
 The instant his mouth tastes like ink again, with a question of whether or not Logan should take a break, he sinks straight into his shower. He washes his hair thoroughly, gets every single bit of grime off him he can, and puts on the softest pajamas he has—thank you, Roman—and drops himself outside of Logan’s door.
 He strains, mouth still full of ink, to hear anything other than the soft click, click, click of Logan’s keyboard.
 He can’t.
 He knocks.
 “One moment, please.”
 Indeed, a few seconds later, the door opens to reveal Logan, looking as annoyingly pristine as he always does, surprised to see him.
 “Remus? Did you need something? Why…” he trails off as he takes in what Remus is wearing. “What’s wrong?”
 “Can I come in?”
 “Of—of course,” Logan stammers, moving aside to let him in, “are you alright?”
 “Should be asking you that, Lolo.”
 “Remus, you’ve just knocked, first of all, on my door and asked to come inside.” Logan adjusts his glasses as he sits at his desk. “This is extremely out of character for you.”
 “Uh-huh.” Remus flops onto the bed. “You know what else is out of character?”
 “Not wearing your costume?”
 “Not hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 Logan’s eyes widen. “Has—is there something wrong? Are you not hearing any? Do I need to get Roman?”
 Remus frowns. “Why’s it so easy for you to do that?”
 “Do what?”
 “Care. Try and take care of me.”
 Logan blinks. “Because you deserve to be taken care of, Remus. Your needs are important.”
 Remus idly toys with a loose thread on one sleeve. “Why?”
 “Why? Why are you important?” Remus nods. “Because you’re—you’re an important part of Thomas, you’re important to us, and we care about you.”
 “So it’s easy for you to care for me because…you do?”
 “As simple as that sounds,” Logan says with all the softness that should be directed at himself, “yes.”
 Remus nods. “I’m not having problems with hearing intrusive thoughts.”
 “You’re—you’re not?” Logan sighs, relaxing a little back into his chair. “Then why did you say you were?”
 “Because the thoughts that I am hearing aren’t really what I’d consider intrusive.”
 Logan frowns. “Like what?”
 Glad you fucking asked.
 “‘Take a shower,’” Remus says, his eyes fixed firmly on Logan’s face, “'eat something,’ ‘take a break,’ ‘go to sleep.’”
 He watches Logan’s face tense.
 “Sound familiar, Lolo?”
 “You—I—my apologies,” Logan manages after a moment, adjusting his tie, “I did not mean to be an inconvenience. You are correct, those are not intrusive thoughts, I’m not sure why you’re hearing them.”
 He turns to his desk and begins to fish around for a notebook.
 “That is quite intriguing, I wonder what the possibilities for hearing other types of thoughts are, considering—“
 Logan pauses, turning back. “Yes?”
 Remus fixes him with a look, getting up and walking toward him. “They are intrusive thoughts, Logan. The issue is that your intrusive thoughts are about you taking care of yourself.”
 Logan freezes.
 “W-well, I’m sure that it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “So either you can admit that was a lie or Janny’s about to get summoned.”
 “Remus,” Logan sighs, “it’s fine. As you said, these aren’t what are traditionally considered intrusive thoughts, it’s nothing to be concerned about.”
 “No, Lolo, it is,” Remus argues, “because it means that the thought of you taking care of yourself is so foreign, so fucking out of the ordinary that not only does it happen to cross your mind—“ he takes Logan’s chair and spins it around— “but you try to force it out.”
 Logan looks anywhere other than Remus’s face and tries to stand. Only to wobble and crash back down.
 “Easy,” Remus says quietly, resting a hand on his shoulder, “you haven’t eaten in a while.”
 “But I have work.”
 “But you need food.”
 At Logan’s honest-to-fuck pout, he sighs, dragging the poor nerd up and out the chair and sitting him on the bed.
 “Why do you think you don’t deserve to be taken care of?”
 “I didn’t say that—hey!” Logan blinks up at him, scandalized and covering his stomach. “Why did you poke me?”
 “’S what I do when Janny won’t tell me the truth.”
 “I wasn’t—okay, okay!” Logan covers his stomach protectively as Remus readies another poke. “I just…I’ve already asked for help for this before. I shouldn’t have to again.”
 Remus sighs and lightly flicks the side of his head.
 “Virgil tries that too.” He stares hard at Logan. “Come on, Lolo, you can do better.”
 “It’s not your jobs to take care of me.”
 For fuck’s sake…
 Remus reaches out and tugs gently on Logan’s tie.
 “Remus, what—“
 “You taking more books outta Patton’s library now?” Remus tilts his head. “You don’t have to beat around the bush, Lolo, just be honest.”
 “I am being honest!”
 “You’re not lying, but you’re not being honest.” At the poor nerd’s confusion, he sighs and fixes his glasses on that cute nose. “Just talk to me, Lolo.”
 “I—“ Logan sighs and oh fuck why does he look so tired?
 Well, because he hasn’t been sleeping.
 Or eating.
 Or taking care of himself.
 Unbidden, part of his conversation with Roman flashes into his head.
 “Self-harm can be self-denial too.”
 “It’s bad enough that I’ve made you all worry about me,” Logan says finally, “I would hate to be a burden.”
 Oh, Lolo. “You and Roman, huh?”
 Logan looks up warily. “What do you do with Roman?”
 “You know what I do.”
 Logan sighs. “May at least take my glasses off first?”
 “You might wanna change too, I’m not letting you up for a while.”
 Logan stretches to place his glasses on the nightstand and poofs himself into a t-shirt and boxers. He sighs and opens his arms.
 Remus takes two running steps and tackles the poor nerd onto his bed.
 “Am I hurting you?”
 “No, no, just—just a little startled.”
 “Mm.” Remus snuggles closer into Logan, his arms wrapped tightly around him. “So. Wanna try one more time?”
 Logan sighs, deflating them both to the bed. His head lolls to his left, eyes on his open computer screen. Remus follows it, barely suppressing a growl as he stretches his arm out to save whatever’s on screen and shut it.
 “I know what I’m supposed to be doing,” Logan whispers, “I understand the process, I am aware that healing is not a linear concept, I know it’s going to take time, I—I understand.”
 Remus looks down, giving him an encouraging squeeze. “But?”
 “It’s hard,” comes the soft confession.
 Oh, Lolo.
 “I know,” he murmurs, leaning down to hug him properly, “I know, Lolo, I know it’s hard. But you can’t try and do it all yourself, you’ve gotta remember that we’re here for you, we care about you.”
 “But why?”
 Remus smiles and cuddles him tighter. “You said it yourself, Lolo. We care because we do.”
 “O-oh.” He feels Logan’s throat work as he swallows. “Thank you, Remus.”
 “Of course, Lolo. I’m guessing that sinking us to the living room so everyone else can spoil you is a bad idea, right?”
 “Yes.” Finally, finally, he feels Logan shyly tighten his grip on him. “Can we just…stay like this?”
 “Do I have your permission to hold you hostage until you fall asleep?”
 “Then go to sleep, Lolo,” Remus murmurs, “I’m not going anywhere.”
 General Taglist: @frxgprince @potereregina @reddstardust @gattonero17 @iamhereforthegayshit @thefingergunsgirl @awkwardandanxiousfander @creative-lampd-liberties @djpurple3 @winterswrandomness  @sanders-sides-uncorrect-quotes  @iminyourfandom  @bullet-tothefeels  @full-of-roman-angst-trash  @ask-elsalvador @ramdomthingsfrommymind @demoniccheese83  @pattonsandershugs @el-does-photography @princeanxious  @firefinch-ember  @fandomssaremysoul  @im-an-anxious-wreck  @crazy-multifandomfangirl @punk-academian-witch  @enby-ralsei  @unicornssunflowersandstuff  @wildhorsewolf @thetruthaboutthesun @stubbornness-and-spite @princedarkandstormv @your-local-fookin-deadmeme @angels-and-dreams  @averykedavra @a-ghostlight-for-roman @treasurechestininterweb  @cricketanne  @aularei @queerly-fluid-fan @compactdiscdraws @cecil-but-gayer  @i-am-overly-complicated  @annytheseal  @alias290  @tranquil-space-ninja @arxticandy @mychemically-imbalanced-romance @whyiask @crows-ace @emilythezeldafan @frida0043 @ieatspinalcords @snowyfires @cyanide-violence @oonagh2 @xxpanic-at-the-everywherexx @rabbitsartcorner @percy-07734 @triflingassailantofmyemotions
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persephoneyss · 3 years
The Monster.
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Pairing: park jimin x f!reader.
Genre: Yandere, dark themes, anguish.
Summary: ❝You can be reborn like spring, but your nightmares will follow your footsteps at night.❞
Warnings: Yandere behavior, obsession, voyeurism, Jimin is a little delusional, implicit murder, death threats, a little violence, stalking, death of secondary characters, reader idolizes his mother, humiliation.
Number of words: 6000+
︙ Author's note: this is my first fic here, sorry if there are errors. My first language is not English and I don't speak it fluently either, so I used the translator. Sorry about that. I hope you enjoy it, I am open to criticism. Thanks!
(Puedes leer este y más fics aquí en español.)
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To block.
Your mind felt strangely familiar, like it was processing the same situation all over again. And then the same thing happened again.
You never noticed those little details, invisible to the eyes of others. Or maybe you took too seriously the message and advice that your mother always told you when you were afraid of being left alone in your room because of the obvious and silly repetitive story of the monster under the bed, you were crying looking for your mother's room in the middle of the night. You were looking for refuge in her arms. However, the only loving words she had for you were: "Ignore him and he will go away, darling."
It seemed very clever to you, you began to close your eyes ignoring your worst fears and in a short time you could do what most children could not at your age, sleep alone in the dark.
Your mother was wise, maybe that's why you never understood why your father left her overnight. She never commented on the subject and little by little it was forgotten in her daily lives. Your father never existed, you never saw him again.
In his small town no one was exceptionally well known, unless he had done something good or bad enough to be called a hero or, in the same way, a villain. You were barely seven years old when it happened, a family with a lot of money had chosen your town as a decent land, enough to build their luxurious house where their children who came from golden cradles would grow up. According to the gossip, they were foreigners coming to invade their town and rule it, when in reality the Parks never got more involved in politics than necessary.
They were just rich, spending money.
Young women from all over the world and even from other distant towns came every day to try to conquer the privileged children of the great mansion built finely and strategically in the middle of the main square. The young women were beautiful, many times you stood at the door of your house admiring their distinguished perfect faces and you wondered if the children of the Park family were really worth it so that young and beautiful women who had previously been rejected would come back again. in search of new opportunities.
Your mother sometimes stood next to you with a smile and released another phrase that ended up marking your style of thinking, her voice sounded so ethereal: "Money compensates for external beauty, plus the dignity that you lose to those who possess it, it will never have a price."
Your lost look made her smile beautifully badly, then that same sweet voice that taught you things that other women would see as irrelevant, she too moments later she orders you to come home to eat. You thought about it so much, your mother was beautiful, she could remarry if she wanted to. However, she never did, or at least until that day.
You were poor, you were never afraid to accept it. You noticed it almost immediately, when you saw other children playing with toys that seemed impossible that you will ever possess, your mother was friends with the one who was best friends with your father, a carpenter who seemed to be very kind. He always gave you toys that came out with small defects and he couldn't sell, he was a good man until he seemed to misinterpret the situations and her relationship with your mother, unexpectedly asking her to marry him. Obviously you had to stop seeing him after the rejection. However, you were stubborn like the woman who gave you life, almost every day after finishing school you walk two streets to her local.
"How is your mother? Any suitors who weren't rejected the first time?" You laughed, helping him finish his last job. You shook your head, Peter was always very nice and honestly funny, you still didn't understand how your mother could reject them, but you never got into adult affairs. You were just an eight-year-old girl.
"She still misses dad." You whisper trying to drive a nail into loose wood, before being interrupted by Peter.
You look curiously at his downcast face of hers, as if she was keeping something deep within himself. But he quickly changes his expression as well as the subject. "Very good girl, no more help for today" he says, removing the dangerous tools out of your reach, you let out a exhausted sigh wanting to help him. Deep down you felt guilty. "How are you doing in school? I heard that the Parks will start a new campaign to help more in the education of the children, maybe you can see someone from the family up close."
You move your head in distracting affirmation playing with a piece of wood, Peter watches you for a moment and then sighs. You really were special, and if I could tell what happened to your father, you would let go of that glow for sure.
The following days passed in the same way, there was only a radical change in your routine. Now they forced you to stay longer in school so that you could take art classes with the children of the Park family. You had heard many mothers talking to yours about how handsome they were, and since their daughters would undoubtedly have a chance with Jimin, who was the eldest son and of course the first-born heir, you thought for a long time about a tall man with more years than all those young women who hallucinated with the perfect millionaire husband. However, it was all an illusion. Jimin was not a man, he was a seventeen year old teenager.
Perhaps the young woman who did win him over would be very lucky to marry someone her own age and not a bitter old man who only had money. Jimin was everything, young, handsome and a millionaire, the best bet of any woman.
His first class was alongside his current teacher, introducing each child in the Park family. They were all very handsome, but Jimin seemed to shine brighter than the stars in the dark night. You wondered if his younger siblings would become jealous of him, it would be an interesting concept considering you had no siblings.
Your hands moved the clay very patiently, your classmates seemed to enjoy these classes and they were undoubtedly fun.
"What a beautiful flower ..." You smiled nodding, no one would ever think that someone like Jimin would be delighted with the common drawing of any girl. Her gaze traveled around your pure and innocent face, as if she couldn't get enough of you. She sat next to you, admiring how your hands continued to play with the dough creating new shapes and I certainly enjoyed every second.
She had never met someone who would attract so much attention from her, you were ethereal. Jimin was immediately drawn to you, your gaze clear as daylight and your soft features, maybe you were just a girl but you seemed to tempt his attention incredibly badly from him. He felt the strange sensation of making sure you were okay, safe, probably in his arms.
He followed you closely, always arriving at the same time. Her mother used to say that Jimin was very irresponsible, she never complied with the basic principles of being a Park: Discipline, order and punctuality. Jimin was different, his siblings may have fulfilled those three bases just to give what they wanted to their parents and receive more affection from him, but not him.
Jimin was obsessive. Impulsive, and he had self-control issues.
The biggest dangerous trait that his parents noticed since he was little, is that he suffered attacks of anger against anyone without caring about the consequences of this. More than three of his babysitters claimed that little Jimin had hit them, slapping and shoving them. But all of this was radically ignored by the Parks, who turned a deaf ear claiming that their son was simply too controlling, and in a way, he was. Jimin liked to have everything under control, at his disposal.
Jimin found himself fascinated with your little eyes looking at him without fear and, even though it was painful for him, without love. For you, he was nothing more than a stranger. He tried to change that, sitting next to you every day and talking to you a few times when he could get more than two sentences out of you. He liked art, I could tell by the way you focus too much on a small painting of an insignificant tree.
If you liked trees, Jimin could buy a forest for yourself.
You loved roses, he could plant thousands in every corner of town.
Or maybe, your obsession with the smell of vanilla. Jimin went wildly for the most expensive vanilla scented lotion, hoping for some praise from you and he really didn't fail.
No, when the next day he sat next to you and your gaze turned to him with a kind smile. "It smells great, Mr. Jimin." Your soft tone and your minimal compliment was enough to make his entire body shake, his hands began to sweat and his voice seemed to falter. It was amazing how you managed to make him so nervous, while he was still a child.
"Y-do you like it?" She asked even knowing the answer, your head bobbing in a quick nod and an even bigger smile adorns your features.
You put your painting aside for a moment to continue responding, Jimin feels elated to see that his plan worked. Now you're just looking at him, as it always should be. "It smells like vanilla, I like vanilla." You say honestly.
"I see, I also like vanilla." You seem shocked, Jimin increases the tension of him fearing that he said something wrong. He really wasn't lying, maybe vanilla wasn't something he used constantly but he didn't dislike it either, he was just disguising and embellishing a crude truth.
And before long, Jimin feels his life take an unexpected turn, people had started to notice his closeness to you. They called him an angel when in reality he was a devil, rumors and silly praise that he would be a good father were not lacking and the young women who came to his door every day to look for a date with him increased in an exorbitant way. You were oblivious to all that, clearly. However, you could not ignore all the looks that fell on you when you accompanied your mother to the market, as from one day to the next you became someone important just because you were the focus of attention of him Mr. Jimin, as you used to call him with respect. Peter also suffered the consequences of this, you had not stopped going to his store and the young women looking to conquer Jimin or at least get his attention began to follow you wanting to win your affection so that you will speak well of them with their desired man, no you were interested in what they could offer you but the biggest problem was that they did not like to receive a clear 'No.' as a reply.
They were insistent and often annoying. They followed you closely, even when you went to school or to visit Peter who now only went twice a week, you did not want to go out and have to face the pity that it gave you to see many beautiful young women begging for a vague love and that I was looking for more money arrangements than anything else. Also, not all of them had good intentions with you. Your mother made sure of your safety in the face of any incident, and with that came her last word, her strict order not to approach Park Jimin again until he found a wife.
The rest would be history.
He would surely forget you and start forming his own family, having his own children and likewise, looking for his own problems. Instead, that never happened. Jimin had discovered your plan, he was angry, he couldn't believe that you were ignoring his attempts to approach you in such a way. Your attitude was so pure but you were hurting her so much.
He was delusional, she knew he was. But he didn't want to stop. So, he did the only thing that would make you stay by his side.
You felt strangely calm, you had been to and from school with no one following closely in your footsteps. Until you noticed that the whole town seemed to look at you with superiority, with caution. Peter never stopped taking care of his store, however, that day it was closed. You gave little thought to that coincidence, walking home with slow steps. Deep down you were scared.
Maybe you thought you could feel it, in front of your house a crowd of people lay watching the most unexpected marriage request. Your mother was uncomfortable, you could tell by how her face was distorted, and how her hands seemed to shake for reasons not yet known to you. You watched in horror as Jimin knelt before her with a smile pulling a ring out of a small red box.
For a moment, you thought about your father. You felt strange, you always wanted to have a warm fatherly hug but it made you uncomfortable to imagine Jimin occupying that place, you did not want him, you did not love him as a daughter to his firstborn or as another similar relationship. He was a stranger.
Your body fell into the seat reserved especially for you, your eyes observed any place in the church trying to disperse your mind. Your little shoes brushed against each other, your hands rested on the wooden seat waiting for the wedding to end as soon as possible. You never wanted to oppose your thoughts to the idea of ​​your mother falling in love or getting married again, you really didn't care much as long as that person was good for her.
However, he was Park Jimin. You felt disgusted when her mother looked at you from afar with despicable eyes, just as anger consumed you when Mrs. Park tried to embarrass your mother in front of everyone. You didn't ask for this, nobody asked for it.
Maybe you spent too much time thinking around you to notice that Jimin was unhappy. A little upset. He had done what he had to do, chained you to him in some twisted way, marrying your mother and he felt happy, at first. I could see you walking through the church, you were wearing a little white dress to match your mother's and for a sinister moment I imagine that you were the one walking towards him to be named his wife. But he quickly came back to reality, you weren't his fiancée. You wouldn't be his wife.
Deep inside him, he knew how gross it was to feel like this.
Your mother's eyes reflected how unhappy she was, her gaze was uncertain. Jimin smiled seeing how you kicked the decorations that fell to the ground, you were completely oblivious to everything and more to the look of her that she followed you closely. Many called him a good father. Seeing nothing but his protective attitudes, but under the circumstances there were only hints of what might come next. You weren't allowed to leave Jimin's house, his father had left the mansion where his whole family used to live.
Mrs. Park could find no better excuse to leave than the sudden tantrum of her first-born son for marrying an older woman, a widow, and a daughter. This is a mockery and disgrace to her family's last name. Jimin just let her go, he wasn't even there the day her mother boarded the first train to her grandmother's house.
Your mother flatly refused to leave her house at first, she did not want to leave the little cabin that your father had built with his own effort so that both of them would live there and in the future raise their children, you always lived there and you did not want to leave either. But you never had a solid vote, your mother ended up agreeing from one day to the next, you did not know how Jimin managed to change his word so suddenly. Maybe there was never one reason, but you became all of them.
You were painfully present at all times. You observed how little by little, the wispy and wise glow that your mother possessed was getting lost between her empty eyes and her bent body, her head was never raised as she taught you it should be. She was a stranger, you felt scared in her presence. You remembered very well how her face seemed to light up when she saw you coming home from school and how she taught you something new every day.
"Mommy..." You spoke, your hands were still busy with the picture that you hadn't finished painting. But curiosity began to attack your mind.
Your mother came out of the kitchen with a little gray apron, she smiled when she saw you sitting on the floor. "Yes, honey?"
"Why do people get married?" Your gaze lifted from the sheet of paper, wincing at her glowing eyes.
"It depends, it's not necessarily for love. Maybe for money, comfort or ..." her voice trailed off, she still staring at you she leaned down to take your face in her hands. "Because they found someone, as cute as you!"
"Mommy ... I want to marry you!" Your mother began to laugh, your gaze traveled all over her face, joyful of hers and for a moment, you swore that you would hate anyone who dared to take away the great happiness of a genuine smile.
You finished your drawing, just in time because the front door echoed through the entire cabin. Your father appeared with a small drawer in his hands, your mother seemed to be illuminated with an angel when she saw him enter with a kind smile. Both were such for which. They were, more than lovers and husbands, lifelong best friends. Your life seemed to have something that many do not get even after death.
An outer and inner peace. It was perfect.
Almost so perfect, it wasn't true. White roses were always your favorites. However, you began to detest its soft light petals when it seemed that all the townspeople bought the same bouquet of white roses for the funeral of your, now, deceased mother. You took a seat next to her grave, ignoring everyone's greetings and goodbyes, who apparently forgot how her criticism of her increased even as the days, months and years of her wedding with Jimin passed.
You couldn't blame anyone. Or you just didn't want to.
Because the rope around his neck was not placed by them. And the multiple scars on his wrists weren't his marks. A small part of you felt helpless, angry and respectively, disgusted with yourself. Could you help her? Yes. No. Maybe if you had ... And he had stayed in the past.
The little white rose in your hand fell to the floor, everyone had left the room to go to the large buffet served at the reception. You froze, then with the same rage you began to step on the already dead flower at your feet, the petals of it were no more than a pure color, now they were disgusting and dirty. Jimin appeared minutes later, your gaze fell on his hand that was holding a black and a red rose.
"We should go, honey." He whispered as if afraid to scare you even though you were already looking directly at him. Your immobile figure instinctively ran into his arms, which greeted you with an incredibly loving warmth. The roses were placed on top of the coffin, a smile spread across your face when you saw the color red stand out against so much white, and for a second you came to compare the beauty of an outstanding color with your mother.
She stood out in a world where everyone wanted to paint themselves pure white.
Jimin was even more welcoming to you now. He pretended to sleep waiting for 11:30 to arrive so that he could hear your footsteps on the way to his room, you had developed a great amount of fear of loneliness. Jimin knew you always did that, but before it was with her instead of him. You would walk for several seconds looking in the dark for his room, which was next to hers, then I would always hear her voice singing for you, making you rest in his arms. For a long time, I want to be her. But now he was gone and I knew it was a matter of time before your steps stopped at his door.
She loved the closeness of your body to hers, how your hands clung to her nightshirt when you were cold or a horrible nightmare was projected into your dreams. Jimin horribly wishes he could see beyond your dreams, although that would be disrespectful to your privacy, he wouldn't mind breaking your trust too much if he could be sure that you would never walk away from him, even in your dreams.
He managed to chain your life to his, your scared look was the most beautiful thing I have seen before. I want to touch your little face and kiss your soft lips that tempted him every time the word "dad" came out of it.
Time was his greatest enemy.
Your presentation was no better, your hands were trembling again while your feet moved from here to there restlessly. Jimin just watched silently, but the distance between you and him was gigantic, he just wished that the damn bitch that was presented before him would shut up and leave his house. It was remarkable how you seemed angry, maybe it's jealousy, she has feelings for me. He thought sickly, a smile spreading across his face discreetly at his incoherent thoughts of him. The young woman sitting on the sofa in front of him smiled thinking that her talk had caused some pleasure in the young and widowed man.
Jimin admired her face, she was very cute, also she seemed to have good manipulation technique in people. She noticed it quickly when she walked through the door, her smile that seemed uncontrollable and genuine lit up his childlike face. He took a few seconds, he knew he shouldn't do it but he couldn't help comparing the woman to you. You were shorter, you were obviously younger and your gaze was more pure. Jimin was proud of your firm stance, knowing that in the two years since your mother's death you had developed a closer connection with him, and likewise, you were a beautifully perfect copy of him. Your hard gaze and your legs crossed with each other showed your firmness, and your silent opinion.
You wanted the fucking bitch sitting across from your stepdad outside your house.
You laughed at the very idea of ​​one day finding a really good replacement for your mother. You couldn't replace a rose with bad herbs. For you, as selfish as he was, Jimin was your father, and he was your mother's love from the day he married her. No one would replace his position.
It was all three of them, and a part of your mind conned that Jimin still wasn't over the love he had for her. Or he would have remarried long ago, when the young women stood in front of the door of his house asking for a date with him. In those moments you didn't care, Jimin was a stranger, but now he was your father and you were his only daughter. No one had the right to ruin their harmonious relationship, they were both alone and someday serious like him.
You will be successful, you will make a lot of money and you will be able to marry someone you love.
But for now, your gaze fell on the little worn and dirty shoes of the woman in front of you. A smile crossed your face, your gaze lifted surprising the woman. While Jimin waited with his arms crossed for your following action.
"Woman." Your voice seemed to cut her tranquility, her face lost total color of life and a small grimace of fear passed over her fragile face. "I can't allow shoes like that to step on the carpet in my house ..."
The woman looked at Jimin who seemed indifferent, distracted by the painting on the wall.
"I'm sorry miss" she whispered trying to remove her shoes, his hands seemed more clumsy than usual. Her face burned when your hand moved closer to hers to prevent any further movement.
"Go away." A tiny part of you felt sorry for his embarrassed face and flushed cheeks. But it quickly came to your mind that she thought she was good enough to believe she was your mother. When she couldn't even challenge a stupid girl who acted like a spoiled brat. "Get out of my house, or I'll have to ask you not to just take off your shoes."
"I-sorry, I'll go now-..." A sob interrupted her dialogue, her hands searched for the notebook she was carrying but she gave up making a quick bow to Jimin and running outside.
The garden was your favorite part of the big house, the walls constantly made you believe that you were going to be eaten by them. Every day you came out of your lair admiring the many roses of many different colors growing beautiful and healthy. Your school stage was about to begin and you did not want to neglect your garden, which was also a tribute to your late mother.
So you hired a gardener. You were seventeen years old and soon to be eighteen. To say that you managed to experience the best of all those years was ridiculous, and deep down inside you, you thought that all of that was possible because of all the things Jimin did for you.
You had a debt, which you planned to pay in the future. You thought about leaving and letting him have a quiet life from now on without having to run to solve your problems, even if you never asked him to.
Jimin had eyes watching your every move, he clearly remembers how he put security cameras throughout the house, observing how you slept, what you did in the comfort of your room and privacy. Even when you walked into the shower and your hands ran over your body covered in water. Sometimes he felt guilty, for how he seemed to enjoy those moments that seemed so short.
However, it was repeated that as long as you were safe.
Breaking your trust wasn't that important.
Your eighteenth birthday was moderately quiet, Jimin was not used to throwing parties, and honestly, you never asked for one. So you just stood at the door of your house receiving expensive and cheap gifts from people who when they gave you the gift had a forced smile that told you many things. Most were familiar faces, of women who had previously sought a date with your father, obviously being rejected.
The little birthday cake looked so monotonous, the candles were the only thing you could stand out for. You were never aware that you had started to be privileged and extremely ambitious since Jimin proposed to your mother and forced her to marry him, pointing a gun at her pathetic silly little head. You had it all, and in your previous years maybe you managed to get excited about the new toys and accessories that were brought to you from other countries, you had everything that others did not, and a strange epiphany collapsed over you.
It was you, it was déjà vu. You were them, and those who were before, were now you.
You had all of them, and they didn't. Now, by your side, they were all poor. Jimin showered you with gifts, causing you to gradually lose interest in money. You remember your thoughts when it all started and likewise, you still remember the woman with the dirty shoes. You will be successful, you will make a lot of money. It was what you thought in the future for yourself, but now that was it, in a nutshell. Completely boring. You stayed for a moment thinking about them under the watchful eye of your stepfather who tried not to smile when you saw you, you were an adult now and he could finally take you as his own. They would be husband and wife, as it should have been from the beginning of its history.
And you will be able to marry someone you love. You still had only one option left, you blew out the candles with a single sigh causing Jimin to clap his hands and approach you to hug you fondly. The maids behind you only blushed when his boss started showing all of his affection. They weren't used to seeing him so often, Jimin had a firm and tough stance with everyone but he seemed to become as soft as clay in your presence. You came to mold Jimin in your favor, making him a cold person in front of his own demons and then, you left yours.
"I want marriage proposals, father." A gasp came from the mouths of the maids who just immediately fell silent. Lowering their head as they were taught. "I am ready to get married."
Jimin hummed still keeping his arms around you, your body was trapped in theirs. Your skin burned when his fingers squeezed your skin, leaving permanent marks. There was no reaction from you, you were used to this kind of unexpected treatment and it just didn't hurt.
"Get married?" His arms pulled away from you in disgust, there was no other reaction either. Jimin taught you not to object unless you knew you should. Stay calm and you will win. "And can you tell who would want to marry you? Useless little girl."
"Useless?" Your low voice seemed to make him happy for a moment.
Quickly his hands took the utensils to cut the cake, with a soft and sweet voice he continued: "Honey, men do not look for a girl with a lot of money like you. They look for someone to tame, and you, you could easily crush everyone with a wave of your hands."
A piece of the cake perfectly positioned on the plate was placed in front of you, a sob escaping your lips. You were really pathetic, eh? You clearly wanted to live something that has been claimed many times. You weren't going to get married, not without having it all like Jimin said. Then, you would lose everything and go back up to crush the others with greater pleasure.
"Aren't you going to eat? It's your cum-..."
"I will go to a neighboring town, I will finish my studies there."
Jimin looked down at his plate, ignoring how you got up from the table and put your cake aside. Then, your sweet voice finished destroying his self control that he thought he mastered long ago.
"I never liked that cake taste."
And it was the end.
You went back to the start again. You were planning to leave tonight, your bags were ready. Everything you needed was never in that house, it was never him. They were those that never existed in your present continued.
Your shoes did not seem to contrast with the dirt on the town's floor, you were also aware that those would end up in the trash. You didn't care, they were just shoes Jimin bought for your birthday, insignificant.
People were observant, and often foul-mouthed. It was no different than they spoke far from you or close to you, yet their mouths moved in a fussy way exaggerating reactions and creating new lies.
"_____...?" Your posture was decreasing, you no longer had to pretend. A smile covered your face, framing many emotions in one. "Come in please, it's your house."
Peter stepped aside, leaving room for you to enter. Your hands trembled but this time from cold, you still did not get over the harsh winter that suddenly passed. You took your shoes off quickly, briefly forgetting that this was no longer your home. You had sold the little cabin at a minimal price, and you were even happier when it was Peter who chose that place as his future home to live with his wife and his future child. Now he had two more. The little children ran in the tiny room playing with each other, a feeling of nostalgia invaded you when you saw them. You used to do the same before, together with your parents.
Those moments.
"Glad to see you around here, daughter." Peter hadn't changed, he was still the same kind and understanding person as ever. The opposite of you, of course. "Do you want to have tea? I heard on the streets that you would go to study far from here."
"Coffee, please." You responded still reluctant to talk about your departure.
Peter just laughed at your exaggerated denial, nodding and leading into the kitchen. You took a seat at the small table looking around. "You didn't change the decoration."
"Uh? ...." He seemed surprised by your observation, but he quickly smiled. "No. Actually, I think I liked it from the beginning how your ... er ... your mother decorated it. Besides, my wife loved it too. For her, it's beautiful as spring."
"Spring?" You ask, avoiding looking at it. You look down looking for some reason not to feel sad, in a way, you had compared your mother to spring as well. However, Jimin said that you were his. You never liked being called a light, because you always tried to be in your mother's shadow. And you liked it. "She believed that she is very wise, my mother was like spring."
"Thanks." A voice whispered from behind, your gaze fell on her and her face very much like your mother's. But they were obviously completely different. "I never doubted that you were just as wise. Spring represents the new beginning, a new beginning. Did you manage to find yours?"
Peter tried to intervene, clearly noticing the way his wife was trying to make you talk about your life after your mother died.
"I did. That's why I'm leaving here tonight."
"I'm glad we all need to be born again at some point."
You affirm with a small movement of the head, concentrating your gaze on the coffee cup in your hands. The smoke fell directly on your face hiding your grimace of disgust. Nobody deserves to talk about her like that yet.
"Ok, honey." Peter began by sitting across from you, with a cup of green tea and a serene expression. "Are you planning to go alone or with someone? I heard that travel today is very dangerous."
"Actually, I am accompanied by an acquaintance. His name is Jungkook, he also planned to leave and started working for me as a gardener to get the necessary money. We became good friends." You spoke remembering the adorable smile of the young man, he used to accompany you everywhere you went as if his job was to protect you. At first it was cute, but then it was annoying. Even after all that, you preferred to travel with him rather than alone.
"Oh that's very nice. I'm glad you managed to meet your goals. Good luck."
Your goals?
"Thanks, Peter."
His gaze lingered on your face for a moment, then he seemed to remember something very important. She gave you a smile before getting up to leave the kitchen.
"I have something for you, you are old enough to know this."
It was an envelope. Common and ordinary, but its envelope was beginning to deteriorate, showing that it was an old and very reserved letter.
You questioned your decision but took it, not wanting to read it in front of anyone even more when you read who wrote the letter.
You sat on the small wall, the trees and the cool breeze boosted your adrenaline. Small pieces of paper fell to the ground. So, you weren't thinking correctly at those times.
"I only married a man that I loved in all my life, I was happy. I had a daughter. I lived years of solitude and then, I was chained to an empty love."
"I know what you're reading this now. You're weak, darling. Maybe that's what made us mother and daughter. Because from the beginning I never had the courage to tell you that Jimin put a ring on my finger and a gun to my head. Or maybe, I was weak when I didn't get in the way of his errand, I should have told him that I hated him and that he could put a bullet in my head before giving it to my daughter. And maybe, I should have told everyone who passed by me that He was the same one who murdered my husband, he never left. I made you believe that. You never asked. "
"I saw you so happy today, you were running between the garden and the wedding. I could see his gaze following your hurried steps, I was almost completely sure that he was trying to get closer to you at all times. I told the woman next to me, But she shut me up saying that I can't be jealous of a father and daughter relationship. You weren't her daughter. She also ordered me to let them create a closer relationship, because I already had Park Jimin's heart in my hands. Liars."
"I always loved your curious voice. You used to ask me everything, and why everything was like that. But lately, I don't know what to answer. Why am I crying? Why is there a dark stain under my eyes? Why is there blood in the bathroom? Why did I never ask for help? I see you worry and you don't let me give you affection, because you prefer to give it to me. I also see how I start to bother him, I am a hindrance. Now I understand, I knew it but I never wanted to accept that it happened. He was everywhere, and likewise, I was never part of the plan."
"There were only two things I didn't tell you. I love you and my last piece of advice. Honey, lock it up and fly to the start, whenever you feel lost. A fresh start and never forget spring."
You stifled a sob. Covering up your pain. You had not noticed that the night had covered the sky, a dark blue blanket arrived. It took you a long time to assimilate that all the fragments were torn papers, and it was not a letter. It was an envelope filled with, apparently, incomplete sheets torn from a notebook. There was a fragment that was not part of the leaves, but rather was written later.
"Lost parts of a sad widow's diary.
They were from your mother's diary. So where was the rest? What actually happened? A message came to your phone, you read it quickly still drying your tears.
Our trip is in an hour, I hope you said goodbye to everyone.
Received at 7:05 p.m.
I still do not:(
Received at 7:06 p.m.
Along with both messages was an attached picture, a photo of him and his grandmother. Jungkook talked a lot about her, and hers, her brothers. You smile, still wiping the tears from your face.
Your feet moved, the leaves in your hands seemed too heavy. And yet it was something you needed to do.
"Are you at home." His monotonous voice invaded you, he was busy reading a book that rested in his hand. The maid came over leaving a cup of coffee beside him, greeting your presence politely. "I have some things to discuss with you, darling."
"Me too, Jimin." It was the first time you had said his name without due respect, he seemed surprised for a moment. But his expression changed to one of happiness, as if he had been waiting for it. "I couldn't say goodbye, I'm leaving today. I think you already know that, though."
"Actually, no. But it's nice to hear it from you."
"I ..." Your voice dried in your throat, a giant doubt fell over you. You didn't want to leave without telling him how much you hated everything about him. His attention, his affection, his smile, his gaze, his voice. Everything about him was disgustingly charming. "I think I'll go get my bags."
Jimin nodded, ignoring your presence. Still distracted with reading him.
"Before you go, can you give me that back, darling?" Your gaze followed where he pointed his finger. Your hand. The leaves were still there.
"It's something of mine-..."
"Oh I don't think so. It really is very easy to threaten someone, just suffice to say that you can put a bullet in their head to make them your obedient little puppets."
"I do not understand your..."
"Me? It was obviously me. I'm surprised you thought your mother would be smart enough to leave a confession letter to her ex-lovers, days before her death. You really had a lot of credit for her." His chatter was accompanied by a laugh. You were paralyzed, shaking in your useless state of shock. "But I will not say that I did not plan, I hoped that you would never have the courage to try to leave my side. And even if that were the case, I knew that you would say goodbye to the only person who reminded you of her. Peter, she has a family. lovely."
Nor did he expect you to have the courage to cheat on him with another man. Oh, the gardener. Poor Jungkook, his body now rested leaving behind your favorite flowers. Jimin bit his lip, another mocking smile peeking out with intensity remembering the cutthroat figure of the innocent but guilty young man.
You were his...
"How can you be so cruel?" The doubt in you seemed to want to keep growing, passing second by second through your head. You weren't sure you could understand that everything that happened in front of you was actually planned by the same person who swore never to leave you alone. The same man who disguised himself as a sheep so he could eat you like a wolf. "Did you kill my mother ?!" Jimin seemed surprised by your desperate tone, he did not expect to be able to unbalance your state so easily.
It was lovely. Certainly.
"No sweetie." He murmured closing the book in his hands, setting it on the table next to the steaming cup of American coffee. "But it would have been exquisite to be the reason for his pain. Unfortunately, it was your father who won that title."
"Where did you get this from? I know she wrote it, and I also know that she would never give it to you knowing what a monster you are." Tears were running down your cheeks like water, you knew you were a mess but Jimin seemed to look at you like you were a perfect work of art.
"I found it." He spoke casually, getting up from his seat. Walking slowly towards your trembling figure. "It was a coincidence, I like casual things. It was a coincidence that you studied at that school, that your mother was a widow, that your father died. That he will make me fall in love with you."
What is your goal now?
"I love you darling."
Escape from the monster.
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amateurasstrologer · 3 years
No. 2 in the crew, but last in our Signs sequence, may I present: Taurus. This bitch is right up there with every other sign fighting for the spot of Most Misunderstood. Let’s get into it.
First: your friendly every day reminder that everyone has Taurus somewhere in their chart, so everyone has Taurus playing out somewhere in their life. None of us can escape any of it, babies.
Second: Despite being the First Earth, Taurus is surprisingly hard to pin down. What do we actually know about Taurus? Stubborn, Earth, money, edible arrangements, living in their mom’s basement and/or a luxury apartment. Okay. No. Well, yes, there’s the basic model ultra-rude, mega-deaf, lowkey-sexy Taurus that we all fell in love with once but actually can’t stand to be around for more than 10 minutes - but then there’s the other, healthier Taurus, who’s receptive, dimensional, practical and real. You know which Taurus you are and, bitch, if you’re the first one, please change.
Every Taurus in the place screaming “NO not change:” I hear you. Just wait. Why is change particularly hard for these babies? Easy. One reason: pressure.
The most overlooked Taurus motivator is pressure. These people are motherfucking under it. All Taurus heavy homies feel it differently, but you better believe every one of these sweet babies is scared as fucking shit. They’re all operating at maximum stress. Taurus wants to make shit happen - to do it right - and so naturally, they're all scared as shit they’re gonna fall short. Taurus feels the expectations of their history, acutely. Taurus recognizes that anything with real, true value sustains. Longevity is necessary. And so Taurus spends every day trying to piece together the past and the future, agonizing over how to create a life that’s truly valuable, sustainable, and real. Then, the fuckers repress all these feelings of terror with the quickness and end up coming across as combative crusty no fucks giving very hilarious assholes.
We gotta remember: Taurus is only the second baby on the scene - Aries is all intuition, inspiration, passion, potential; Taurus is carrying all the pressure of turning that potential into something real (cue: First Earth), a foundation that could support the other ten signs. It’s a heaviness none of us airy, fiery, watery hoes could imagine! Now, that being said, Taurus doesn’t get the green light to be a complete piece of shit just because it’s drowning in a pool of self-imposed responsibility. Rigidity is every Earth signs toxic trait - it takes serious strength for Taurus to acknowledge its feelings of insecurity and work towards identifying what shit really matters and which values are worth building a life from, instead of blindly accepting whatever shit was handed down to them and calling it good in a whack attempt to like, skip over the entire fucking process.
The most underplayed Taurus quality is strength. Every Taurus heavy person is strong - the key is figuring out how to harness that dank energy and direct it. Too often Taurus is like: strength? The power to improve and direct my life? Nah. Instead, let’s just grip onto the past so tight they’ll never be able to tear us off it. Ugh, Taurus. Please. That strength isn’t there for picking fights, being stubborn, all those classic Taurus tropes - you have that strength because you fucking need it. Taurus is a cute magnet you got in 2008 and The Past is a fridge. It takes the force of ten thousand biceps to punch away the fear fumes and tear Taurus’s ass away from the pull of bad habits, rusty values, and ugly relationships. Good thing the mf is the Mr. Olympia of the zodiac.
Venus rules Taurus. Why? No, it’s not because Taurus is all love letters and soft silky blankets and rare vintages of Châteauneuf-du-Pape and kinky sex. It’s because Venus is all about values, and Taurus is on the same shit. Birds of a feather, bitches. Taurus is the link between the past and the future - it’s meant to show us what shit has real value, what qualities are enduring, what beliefs are supportive and productive. Taurus, do what you do best and remember where you came from (you came from Aries). When Taurus remembers its real value comes from inside itself (thanks, Aries), it can stop huffing the fear fumes and shake some of the pressure off. Everything in its right place, Taurus. Stop leaving your inside toys outside.
When Taurus quits regretfully counting up the minutes its wasting jacking off to pictures in its History textbook, and centralizes its value instead, putting its strength and attention towards creating a better, healthier future, it cracks its fucking shit wide open. Progressive beliefs, reciprocal relationships, a sustainable life - beautiful, powerful, rooted as fuck: Taurus at its best.
At its healthiest, Taurus refines its beliefs and lives by its principles. Taurus understands better than any of the other signs that it’s just one tiny little link on the never ending Chain of Life. But, when Taurus deals with its feelings and knows it’s own worth, this grumpy baby teaches us that whoever we are, wherever we are, whatever we got going on, we can live well. We can create a life that feels good. When it’s at its best Taurus says: we can value ourselves (thanks, Venus) and we can be proud of our little spot on the chain.
Taurus - be sweet, share, and show us all how it's done.
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joontier · 3 years
Subliminal in Scrubs | V1; report x
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pairings: dr. jeon jungkook x female reader
chapter rating: R-18 | genre: humor, romance, smut (voyeurism, masturbation), swearing
word count: 1.8k
g/n: Send me your thoughts?
[taglist]:  @nottodayjjk @ditttiii @zeharilisharaban @btsbunny07​ @turquoiseandplaidinautumn @aamxxrii @codeinebelle​ @btsmakesmehappy
Subliminal in Scrubs (the records) |  navi. | m.list
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Right after you put away your groceries, you take a quick shower and head to bed. Truly, there was nothing better than a refreshing shower after a long day - especially when you know you’re not going to be able to enjoy times like these anymore once you start working. Just then, you recall having to set your alarm early tomorrow because it was your first day, plus the other two wanted to meet up for breakfast before heading to work. 
As you lie on your bed, scrolling through your barely active social media accounts, you hear a soft thud coming from Ayoung’s apartment. Huh, she must be moving stuff - seems strange though that she’s doing it with a potential tenant present. You don’t pay much attention to it though until it happens again and suddenly a faint moan reaches your ears. Your eyes widen, thoughts of all sorts running through your head. You must be mistaken. You should be mistaken. 
You hear it again, and it gets repetitive until there’s a steady rhythm that has you certain about something that could be happening there. You’re really not one to meddle with people’s private businesses, especially ones of this particular kind. You push each incoming thought away, regardless if it is an innocent one or not. It proves otherwise though, with the sound coming in clear for a wall separating the two apartments. 
At the same time, you also wish the best for Ayoung and if this man is a moving-away gift in disguise as this one, well you’re incredibly happy for her. Who were you to take that happiness away from her? But as the man’s grunts become more audible and prominent, your immediate reaction to it is beyond you, and you’re almost involuntarily rubbing your thighs together at the sound. 
‘No’, you think to yourself, stopping your southward train of thoughts and its imminent course of action. Rubbing at your temple, you wonder how could you even allow such pompous thoughts cross your mind. 
Groaning, you lie on your stomach and mush your face against your pillow as if to block those indecent images threatening to corrupt your mind. It isn’t right to get off someone else’s steamy evening, more particularly, that of your friend’s, so you close your eyes and focus on trying to get some sleep. 
You can’t. 
Not when this man’s heavy breathing sounds just as hot as Ayoung finds him to be. 
Not when this man sounds just like a porn star. 
And especially not when this man’s vocals are so stimulating to the point that it feels like an invitation for you to join the fun. Or at least, take an imaginary part in it. 
Holy shit. 
Tapping your fingers furiously on the bed covers, you ask yourself if you have really reached this level of desperation? That your lack of human touch is causing you to question the very principle of civility? 
You shake your head as you reach for your earphones. Coincidentally, Spotify’s shuffle decides to land on a Jamie Foxx track. 
What is with the universe constantly trying to fuck you up? 
You tap on the next button quickly, turning the volume all the way up in the hopes of ridding yourself of unclean thoughts, that is, until you hear Satan himself let out a particularly loud grunt, one you can practically feel travel straight to your core. Jesus. 
The voice of your evil miniature self on your left shoulder whispers in your ear, “It isn’t often for you to get ahold of an opportunity like this. Go get some,” she says, holding your angelic self on a chokehold with her own halo. 
She had a point though, and you really could only imagine having more time for yourself starting tomorrow. Besides, it’s been a while since you truly ‘relaxed’. And to top all of that, with the apartment walls as thin as paper, you can literally feel your neighbor’s bed now moving in a steady rhythm. You’re even surprised you’ve managed to keep your self-control this long. Not long enough though, unfortunately. 
Now that you’ve come to think of it, this man must be on a different level entirely if Ayoung could let herself get...dicked down during a simple visit (and for the first time too!). Just imagining what he probably looks like is sending a light tingle down your spine. 
You sigh, ultimately giving into the temptation. There’s no turning back now. 
Slowly, you slide your shorts down your legs, giving yourself time to still contemplate...but, hesitation was never really your strong point (a trait of yours that had truly blossomed since your friendship with Chohee). So off go your underwear too. 
As quietly as possible, you scoot over to the wall, just enough to let your shoulder touch your old, boring, beige wallpaper. You feel your neighbor’s bed move with a little more intensity this time, and you trail your fingers downward to your cunt, which is surely wet by now with all your thinking. 
The man’s grunts are louder than Ayoung’s thankfully, leaving everything to your imagination. You start at a steady pace, wanting to test the waters. With the couple just a mere distance away from you, save the wall separating your apartments, you try to match your pace with the pair. 
Letting your digit circle your clit, you work yourself out to your orgasm - that is, until your climax won’t arrive and you figure just using your fingers won’t get the job done. Just as if you thought the sounds they were making weren’t enough to get you over the edge. It’s been a while since you had any ‘action’ and your rust ass won’t allow you to cum with just your fingers. 
Hurriedly, you draw out a small box from beneath your bed. In haste, you throw the cover across the small room, fishing for what used to be a very good friend of yours before: Lovecorner’s limited edition of Real Feel 7. Never too late to catch up with good ol’ friends. 
You turn on the device, hoping that there’s enough battery left to get you through the night. Closing your eyes, you circle the dildo around your nether lips, gathering all the slick there. A few more moments and you gradually insert the toy inside you, causing you to shiver in excitement. Gulping, you only push it halfway through at first, wanting to get used to the feeling again.. 
There’s a short pause from the other side of the wall, one you use to your advantage to keep up. When you feel them continue, you pick up your pace, both desperation and shame pumping you up so you could get this night over with as quickly as possible. 
Just as you had expected, you feel their breathing get heavier by the second, and your bed is practically shaking with...what you presume to be yours and their movements combined. 
For some reason beyond your understanding, you work yourself out on your trusty companion, taking in every whimper and grunt from the other side of the wall like it’s your own, like you’re the one fucking like there is no tomorrow. 
You’re getting closer to your high - a feeling almost foreign to you at this point, and with the last string of sheer  will, you push the toy further up to the hilt, stroking your g-spot so perfectly that your orgasm has got you quivering in bed for more than thirty seconds. 
Breathless as ever, you lie in bed, staring straight into the ceiling. 
What. Was. That. All. About. 
You press your thighs together, an unexpected reaction from the reality of tonight’s events suddenly dawning in on you. You did not just get yourself off from your neighbor's live porn. 
With no more movement coming from Ayoung’s apartment, you could only assume that their day has officially concluded as well. Sighing, you make your way to your bathroom, treading over your floor as lightly as you could with your sore legs. 
Ten minutes and a refreshing half bath later, you head back to bed, exhaustion causing you to fall asleep in seconds. 
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The sound of your jarring iPhone alarm blares right in your ear, scaring the living hell out of you exactly 6:45 in the morning. You wake up in a fright, panting heavily as you scramble to turn off the horrible sound. 
Quickly, you get off of your bed, proceeding with your daily morning routine. You tick off breakfast at home today, having scheduled your morning meal with Jimin and Soomin as your first official day as employees of Woocheon Medical City. 
Making sure you’ve got everything in your duffel bag -  extra clothes, toiletries, and the rest of your essentials, you lock the door to your apartment, sealing it off with a slight jiggle to the knob to assure yourself. 
Ayoung’s door likewise creaks open, and you glance at it through your peripheral vision to see a man coming out. Your eyes widen - he stayed the night then. Hm. You’re unsure if you want to suspect him of something other than a one night stand, or it’s just this curious itch inside you that makes you want to check who’s responsible for last night’s...occurrences. 
Mustering all that courageous chi Chohee has hopefully transferred onto you, you linger a little bit by your doorway before facing the man. Thankfully, the stranger doesn’t make your job difficult for you and looks your way as well. 
This can’t be. 
Turns out, Mr. Stranger who was supposed to be your hot neighbor as Ayoung claims is no stranger at all. 
It had to be. 
You look away just as quickly as you looked at him. “________? Hey!  I didn’t know you lived next door!” Your lips form a thin line. Why does he make it sound like you’re already neighbors? 
“Jungkook,” you nod to answer his question.  “Good morning to you too.”
Your cheeks heat up with the range of emotions you’re feeling: anger - from him not even remembering Ayoung’s name; shame - for your actions last night; disappointment - there’s a possibility of you two becoming neighbors and you’d inevitably have to face him more often than not. 
“Where are you off to? Gym?” 
Why does he think you’re going to gym in a collared shirt, jeans, and flats? And more importantly, why are you two even having this conversation? 
The elevator doors open and your impromptu escape plan springs into action, and currently, just like your legs. “Work actually! And I’m going to be late, so bye for now!” You sprint towards the elevator, quickly pressing a button to close the doors. 
You let out a sigh of relief as the doors close, leaving Jungkook with a confused look on his face. 
© joontier 2021
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