#and now he like. actually has kids (the dr kiddos) and im just.
maigetheplatypus57 · 7 months
Ngl it's absolutely crazy to me that Lloyd Garmadon was such an influential first fictional crush to me as a kid that I ended up developing crushes on several other green-coded teen characters, then I grew older and started liking more dilf type characters (although if they were a green-coded dad figure that was an automatic win for me), and then I decided to get back into Ninjago and occasionally catch up when I could, and now Lloyd's basically become a dad figure to two kids and he's pretty much my blorbo type again. Time is a flat ass circle.
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Teenage Years)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: this is LONG so please dont let this flop
prompt: y/n is 12-16, takes place from Avengers 1 to Avengers 2
The Early Years (1) The Intense Years (3) The Aftermath (4) Continued (5)
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starting out with tony powering stark tower with clean energy:
it was very late, you were supposed to be asleep
“what are you doing up, missy? it’s way past your bedtime”
“it’s my fault, i let her stay up to see her dad’s big achievement” -pepper
just vibing on the couch with absolutely no intention of sleeping anytime soon
you really did take after your dad
“how was the show, sweetheart?”
“uh, cool?”
coulson showing up when he did
you were excited bc you knew he had to be there for superhero stuff
“hi, agent coulson!!”
“hey there, kiddo!
BEGGING to come with your dad
“no. absolutely not. there is absolutely no way im letting you get involved in any of this”
you got involved
but like, not the whole “im a 12 year old superhero” involved
“y/n, sweetie, this is dr. banner, you’re gonna be his assistant in the lab!”
“—what?” *bruce utterly shocked*
talking that man’s ear off oh my GOD
he taught you a few things along the way, though
it ended up being very educational
“yeah i built my own suit! it’s definitely not as cool as my dad’s...and he put a bunch of safety controls on it. obviously, i could bypass them and do whatever i wanted, but it’s best not to break his trust, you know?”
“you are astonishingly wise for a 12 year old”
bruce being kind of scared around you because he thinks he could hurt you
also scared you might hurt yourself on the scepter
CASUALLY talking to the rest of the avengers
“so, you’re stark’s daughter? now i’ve met three generations of starks.” -steve
“oh, wonderful, there’s a smaller one!” -thor
“hey, y/n, it’s good to see you again. still practicing those moves i showed you?” -natasha
listennnn as you got older you started to exert more of your father’s personality traits
you developed his sarcastic and occasionally ill-timed humor...and
“i mean, i’m not saying that i’m better than you but i know you’re thinking it”
when the helicarrier was attacked nobody really knew the correct way to protect you
“dad? dad??”
“right here, y/n, come with me”
tony brought your suit for emergency purposes
“you put this on and you stay here, understand?”
oh, another thing you got from him? NOT LISTENING
helping where you could, the first step to becoming a superhero, right?
being really upset when coulson died
but understanding that it was apart of the job
going back to new york for some alien ass kicking and having the whole team check on you every thirty seconds
“y/n, how’s it going?” “stark junior, are you doing okay?” “need any help out there, kid?”
“you guys don’t have to babysit me” “i’m still kickin’ it, thanks”
tony calling right before he went through the wormhole
“hey sweetheart, just gotta let you know that i love you and i am so proud of everything you’ve done”
the avengers holding you back from him when he fell back to the ground because you were unreasonably worried for obvious reasons
“is he breathing? steve? steve, let me see him! JARVIS, are you there?”
falling on the ground and hugging him (with your clunky-ass armor still on)
“hey! yeah, i missed you too”
*clink clink* pat on the back
schwarma stop
“you’re gonna eat it and you’re gonna like it”
having your own input on the stark tower remodel
taking a slight pause for random stuff
you’ve definitely drawn his mustache/goatee on your face before
“please tell me that’s not permanent marker”
“it’s permanent marker”
you and pepper doing mother/daughter things for bonding (but you and her already had a great relationship)
unreasonable amount of cussing from your father has rubbed off onto you and now he doesn’t notice when you say bad words
natasha taught you how to shoot so that was cool
“if i can shoot a repulsor, i think i can shoot a gun”
“whatever you say, baby stark”
obviously the team is just a bunch of protective uncles and an aunt
“i miss [insert avenger here]”
resume to iron man 3
just tinkering in the shop with pops
“are you sure that’s safe, dad?”
“duh, why wouldn’t it be safe?”
you were right and it was not safe
sometimes you proved your dad wrong and it made him happy?
“well would you look at that, you’re right”
learning how to help your dad with his anxiety and panic attacks
the house in malibu got blown up and your dad disappeared
you were benched by pepper effective immediately
“don’t you think it would be better if i were still out there? someone has to be out there and...i don’t know, protect the people?”
“y/n, please, you’re still a kid. i can excuse fighting aliens but i draw the line at terrorism”
“you can excuse fighting aliens??”
pepper sent you to a different house and hired a...babysitter
zip zip zip its AOU time yall remember the beginning of that at the hydra base
*explosion* “oh, shit! didn’t mean to do that...”
“watch your language, y/n!” -cap
“don’t tell my daughter what to do!”
having an external monologue that everyone just kind of rolls with
“glad i put a heater in this suit” “anyone up for burgers?” *humming Eye of the Tiger*
going back to the lab with tony and bruce and being very uncomfortable with the idea of ultron
“okay dad, you know how im usually right?”
“lighten up, kiddo. remember what i taught you about trial and error? this is a learning experience”
*bruce and you side eying*
“i’ll ground you”
“kidding, im kidding”
a lot of kid jokes from other partygoers
“isnt it past your bedtime”
“very funny”
actually dressing up nice for a change, as opposed to an oil-stained band tee
but then ur outfit was ruined because you had to shoot murder bots :(
“not cool! i designed this room!”
tony still got all the blame for ultron while you and bruce went 😬
tony made a joke about ultron being your brother and you didn’t talk to him for hours
“oh, come on! you have to learn to laugh at your mistakes!”
“poor choice of words, stark” -literally everyone
🎶getting to see your worst feaaar🎶
which was a mixture between tony not surviving the wormhole and being abandoned and vulnerable again
your phone got confiscated “because of ultron”
meeting wanda and pietro on better terms
“you are stark’s daughter?”
“um, yeah, that’s me. i sincerely apologize for anything he’s ever done wrong while i’ve been alive”
actually getting along with them (plus you were in a similar age range)
“uncle rhodey!!!”
“staying out of trouble, i hope?”
“define ‘trouble’”
okay okay, enough of that. besides a few robots hitting you and you hitting harder...and ultron taking a couple personal jabs at you after accessing some of your social media accounts...it went back to normal(ish)
you made a friend of wanda and visited the avengers compound weekly and helped with training
and nat gave you some spy pointers to help you if you ever found yourself without the suit
when you left the compound after thor that day, you had some nice father/daughter time
“why don’t i give you a driving lesson, yeah?”
“you’re gonna trust me to drive this thing?”
“sure, why not?”
you drove very fast, wonder where you learned that from
he was clasping onto the seats and whispering curse words
“next time, you can drive with happy”
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Family Support
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A/N: Okay so you know how in season 7 episode 11 Reid was at the convention talking and like no one was really interacting with him there beside that one dude. I felt really bad cus he looked really sad that prentiss and that other lady were getting attention….sooooooo what if like reader surprised him by bringing along their kids. sorry this might be bad lol, no one really requested it I just thought of it. so enjoy!
When Spencer told you he had a convention to go to with prentiss and a criminal author, you were very excited for him. Whenever he had one of these, he would get nervous but you would remind him that he was gonna do great. You knew it was very hard for him to talk in front of  people, but he tried his best. You knew he did. After the conventions, he would get a little sad because no one would ask him questions or interact with him either during or after the convention.
“I don't know why no one gets me, I mean they're there for a reason right? They should get my jokes and sayings right?” he would say to you as you came to comfort him after putting your two kids to sleep and laid next to him while he rubbed your belly carrying your third kid, you weren't far along, but you recently started showing. “Well spence, they don't have an iq of 187 or even have 3 phds and 2 BA’s handsome.” you said as he smiled at your comment.
“Right you’re right, i'm never doing those again, im terrible at talking.” he groaned as he placed his pillow on his face as he mumbled a little more making you giggle at your husband.
He would almost always do that when he came back from those conventions, so this time you were going to surprise him with your kids to see their dad talk about what he does. Your kids, Franklin and Diana, knew what you and Spence did, but not the specifics, of course, but then again they were not like normal kids. They inherited their father's smarts, and some of yours too, but you knew the smarts mainly came from him.
Their brains and knowledge aren't the same like most 9 and 6 year olds. They are a replica of Spencer in so many ways, but he would always tell you they look like you.
You told Hotch you were going, and he understood completely, you happily took your kids and headed to this convention.
As you went there it was filled with lots of people. Now you understood why he was scared, but you knew he would be great. As you took your seat you sat in the middle row and sat your kids. Prentiss was quick to see you and walked over to you.
“Hey y/n, i didn't know you were gonna come.” she said as your kids spoke up. “Hi aunty emily.” “Hi kiddos.” she said as she smiled looking at them. “Well i thought we could come here, to support daddy right?” you said as your kids nodded. She looked at you knowing you were hiding something, in a way she profiled you in seconds.
“Hey don't profile me.” you said as she playfully rolled her eyes. “Come on it's me, what's wrong?” she asked as you sighed.  “Okay fine fine, he said that he hates it when people come here and don't understand him and i thought why not bring people who do, and who better than those people being his family and kids and future boy or girl genius.” you said as she smiled at your love and support for spencer. Who knew years later you two would get married and have kids.
“y/n these kids are what 3 or 4? And future boy or girl genius isn't even born yet.” she said as you giggled.
“Actually Franklin's 9 and Dia is 6 and we know boy or girl genius already has lots of knowledge of this kinda stuff ” you said as she was shocked by their age. Time really was a son of a bitch when you had this job. “What? When were their bir-” she said as she got called. “Well tell me later, enjoy the show.” she told you as she walked back up to her chair. As Spencer walked out he looked very nervous, but you knew he was gonna end up doing great. He didn't notice you since you were in the middle row, which was expected. You just rubbed your small belly and whispered at the little fetus.
“Look it's daddy, Dia, he's gonna talk in a little.” Franklin whispered at his sister while she smiled looking at her dad. Then Patricia, the author spoke up, “In the end, I just write about violent crime. The real heroes are the people here beside me. Now, give a warm welcome to our next speaker, Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU.” she said as you looked at your kids in awe while they were clapping for their dad. “Its daddy!'' Diana said as Franklin sat her on his lap for her to see him. “Hi im, uh dr. Spencer reid… sorry. Uh. Hi. I am here today to talk to you about paraphilias and their relation to violent crime.” he said as everyone just coughed and looked at him blankly.
“Does anybody know what dendrophilia is?” he asked as Franklin raised his hand and you noticed putting his hand down quickly. “Yeah whoever that was?” he said as Dia moved and let him stand. “It's a fetish for trees.” Franklin said as everyone turned over to him shocked that a 9 year old was responding to such a question. Spencer just smiled at the way his son just answered that question out of nowhere. He then looked over to you and Dia, he smiled and appreciated you doing this.
“Yes, that's right, little man.” he said as he continued on with his talk and people were more and more intrigued on what he had to say. You could say your job here was done but you and your kids stayed till it was over. You loved seeing your husband talk about the things you do on a daily basis, and seeing him be happy talking about it with people who are interested makes you even more happy. Seeing him happy made you happy.
After it was over you all walked over to him and he just embraced your two kids in a hug. “I didn't know you guys were gonna be here? Who’s idea was it?” he said in a cheerful voice as the kids shrugged. “Definitely our little brother.” Dia said as Spence looked at her in shock, you were also shocked because you didn't know she even wanted a brother. This was the first time she even mentioned it, Franklin though, he knew he wanted a sister. “No! Our little sister Dia,” Franklin said as you giggled at the way they fought with one another about what you were expecting.
“Come on, we all know it was their idea.” you said as you rubbed your belly. “Of course, huh so  mommy wasn't up to this then?” he asked as your kids shook their heads. “Hmm alright i believe you. Did you guys like it?” he asked as you all waited for prentiss to be done. “Yes daddy, you looked like a superhero up there, like spiderman.” Franklin said as Dia butt in. “no definitely not spiderman franklin, he was like superman.” she said as you two laughed at their nonsense fighting, which was so funny, they were like older people in little kids bodies.
As you waited you sat at a table where they could draw and he embraced you in a hug “Thank you for bringing them, you didn't have to do that.” he said as you smiled at him. “Well you're welcome bubs, but i did have to.” you said as he pursed his lips, “Well not necessarily,” he said as you squinted, “actually i did because one we’re your family and you've been to lots of baseball games and dance recitals, it was our turn to come support you.” you said as he kissed you which made your kids giggle at the sight of you kissing. How did he get so lucky to be with an amazing woman like you. He knew you were the one since he met you and he knew even more now.
“Plus, I figured we could have a non negative talk about you complaining tonight.” you said sheepishly as he sensed your joke. “Please you like it when I complain. It's how we made that little guy.” he said as you playfully slapped him, “not in front of the kids.” you said.
“Or girl!” Franklin said as you laughed even more. “But no really i'm happy you came, made my day seeing our little man answer that question.” he said as he smiled and you smiled too seeing how happy he was made you happy. “I'm glad my love, that's what i'm here for.” you said as you looked at your happy family, your smart, and beautiful family.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Little Sh!t
Wacky Drabble #10 That wasnt so hard, was it?
I've had this one in my stash for a while, thought I'd finally finish it up and use it for something.
Drake, Liam, Riley and 5 yr old Nikolas.
1106 Words, just barely over the limit.
Wacky Drabblers: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @burnsoslow @jessiembruno @jovialyouthmusic @dcbbw @brightpinkpeppercorn @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @bobasheebaby @stopforamoment @romanticatheart-posts @drakeandcamilleofvaltoria @pedudley @theroyalromancexx @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @emceesynonymroll
Permatags that arent listed above: @eileendannie @janezillow @ao719 @hopefulmoonobject
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Riley crouched down to place a loving kiss on her sons cheek, "I'll be home soon....be a really good boy for Uncle Drake while I'm at this meeting okay?"
A wide grin with two front missing teeth is flashed and he hugs his mother tight, "I will mommy....I love my Uncle Drake".
Drake's big marshmallow heart melted upon that proclamation and he gripped his godson's shoulders, "I love you too kiddo".
Worried, Riley took Drake aside, "I just want to warn you....he spent the weekend with Leo and his boys and returned with some....shall we say.... colorful language and now likes to play tricks on everyone....so be careful Drake."
Drake chuckled, "Have we met Brooks?...I've been known to use some "colorful" language from time to time....I don't think it will be a problem".
Riley grimmaced back at him, "Its different when it comes to a five year old prince though....he actually told Madeleine to fuck herself yesterday.....damn it Leo".
Drake snorted loudly, "he's only saying what the rest of us want to, and besides, its probably the first fuck she's had in years".
Riley shrugged her shoulders in agreement, "I suppose, but after what he's done to Liam, we can't let our guard down".
"What he do to Liam?".
She looked at her son, playing innocently with his toy truck on the floor, shaking her head. "What hasn't he done....he's removed all the L's from his computers..he shaved one of his eyebrows during a nap...oh...oh..and the kicker was the super glue in his underwear yesterday, that was horrific".
Drake snickered, "I thought he looked a little pale yesterday.....Nik is just all boy, I wouldn't worry about it".
"Well, if you need me or Liam, text us".
He grabs both of her arms and gently glides her to the door, "It'll be fine, trust me....Nik and I are amigos".
After she leaves, Drake turns in time to see Nikolas bolt up the stairs and he follows after him curiously, "Hey, where ya going pal?".
He searched Nik's room, the guest rooms, the bathroom, and the hall closets, however, he could not find him anywhere.
Drake finally heard a buzzing sound from Liam and Riley's bedroom, so he opened the door, "Hey pal, you in here?"
A purple flash crosses in front of him and hits him square in the face.
"You're terminated fucker!", Nikolas yells as he jumps around in victory, highly proud of himself.
Drake rubs his sore nose and with a scowl looks down to see what Nik had thrown at him. His eyes widened as he realized what the purple vibrating object was, then noticed the boy had a larger, pink one still in his little hands. He ran his own hand along the back of his neck, "Ugh...buddy...where'd you get those?"
"In mommy's drawer.... they're light sabers dumbass, now prepare to die you scummy bastard!"
Nikolas charged full speed towards Drake with the pink one aimed directly at him. Once he was close enough, Drake grabbed him around the waist and hoisted him upon his shoulder, "Boy....I swear, I'll wear your little ass out...calm down and put those things....".
He wasn't even able to finish his sentance when Nikolas started jabbing it into the back of Drake's head causing him to lose his grip. Nik fell to the floor and immediately took off again, not even phased.
"That little shit", Drake groaned before running out of the room to find him.
Drake walked downstairs and saw him sitting on the couch watching cartoons. He was hesitant to approach him at first, but, Nik seemed to be more relaxed, so Drake sat on the other end of the couch.
The boy sat quietly watching his show, Drake eyeing him the entire time. After several minutes, Nik jumped up suddenly, causing Drake to duck for cover. "Uncle Drake, can you make me some hot chocolate, PLEASE", he asked with pleading eyes.
With that kind of look, Drake couldn't say no to him as he relaxed from his hypervigilent state. They both walked into the kitchen and Drake prepared the ingredients as Nik watched keenly at his side. When it was finished, Drake poured two mugs full and topped them off with marshmallows.
Drake handed a mug to Nikolas, cautioning him to be careful. Nikolas sneered at it, "I WANT SPRINKLES!!! I WANT SPRINKLES!!", he yelled.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!", Drake yelled back at him in frustration as he slammed open cabinet doors looking for sprinkles. "Fuck your damn sprinkles!"
While he was searching, Nikolas pulled a laxative from his pocket, unwrapped it and placed it in Drake's mug.
Drake finally found the sprinkles and went to pour them in Nik's drink, but, the child covered his mug and smiled back, "Nevermind". Taking his drink and sitting at the table.
Drake mumbled several obsenities under his breath and contemplated what the consequences of treason against the crown prince entailed. He was afraid to sit next to Nik so he stood at the counter, sipping his drink, wondering why Nikolas was smiling so brightly at him. I bet that little shit is plotting my murder right now.
Several minutes passed and both had finished off their hot chocolate. Nikolas's blue eyes glistening with uncontainable anticipation that gave Drake an uneasy feeling in his stomach. In fact, the growl and rumbles were becoming more and more unsettling, as he washed both of their mugs and put them away.
Drake clutched his stomach as he felt his face warm and flush. He gulped loudly when his lower intestines started to gurgle wildly, taking off for the nearest bathroom.
He sat down and let go, suddenly realizing everything is not as it seems. He opened his legs and looked between them, there was clear wrap over the toilet. As he tried to get up, he found himself stuck, as well.
Nik innocently opened the bathroom door, cell phone in hand, live streaming to Liam's official facebook page.
He waves at the camera, "Hello everyone, I'm the Prince of Condomonia", he flips the camera around to show Drake sitting on toilet, "...and this is my Uncle, Drake Walker taking a shit", he giggles.
The Royal Council was in the middle of their meeting, when several phones start buzzing one after the other. Each member, including Liam and Riley taking a nonchalant peak, to appear as if they were still interested in Godfrey's ramblings.
The CBC was now broadcasting the live stream coming from the King's Facebook page.
Liam and Riley watched in horror as a shot of Drake sitting on the toilet, wiggling furiously to unloosen himself, cursing words they had never heard of before, was shown. Their young son singing in the background...
"....when you're running from the police and you feel that anal grease...diarrhea...diarrhea!..."
Maxwell sits up excitedly, "Hey, I taught him that, and he's getting all the words right this time".
Liam and Riley dashed from the meeting room and headed for their quarters; Liam running a little slower, due to the burning, raw feeling still in his balls from the super glue incident.
"...when you're sitting on the commode and your butt starts to explode...diarrhea...diarrhea".
Liam snatches up his son's cell phone, live stream still going. He looks in the camera with a stoic face and using his Kingly voice, "Diarrhea is the number one killer of men in Southeast Cordonia....please remember to take your vitamins everyday and eat plenty of fiber. This has been a message from you monarch...good day".
Due to the fierce rage in Drake's eyes and the incessant use of the word fuck, Riley picked up Nikolas, who was now crying, and carried him away to safety.
Liam inched closer to Drake, holding his hands defensively in front of him, "Easy there buddy....Im not gonna hurt you".
Drake was seething and almost appeared manic, "Liam", he whispered with a growl.
Liam decided to take a small step back to give Drake some breathing room and to avoid any sneaky, killer moves Drake could manage with his hands. Speaking softly to him "Drake...my best friend since we were kids....can you use your inside voice to tell me what happened?"
"My inside voice?", Drake grinned back at him. "My.... inside voice?", he said a little louder. "Come a little closer Liam, so you can hear me using my inside voice while I tell you how I'm going to cut your sons nuts off and feed them to the fucking corgi's".
Liam gasped out at hearing his precious son threatened in such a manner. He stood taller and straightened his suit jacket, "I see we have reached an impass....I will have Bastien get you loosened from the toilet once you can assure me you won't hurt Nikolas and call housekeeping to clean this mess up.....and Drake, I'm truly sorry for your unfortunate situation at the hands of my child".
Drake continued to wiggle, getting more and more of himself loosened by the minute.
Liam called Bastien who arrived shortly after, more for security reasons than to help Drake. Bastien helped Drake break free while keeping his tranquilizer gun close by in case he became beligerant....well, more than be already was.
Drake washed up and exited the bathroom, then walked into the living room where Liam, Riley and Nikolas were huddled on the couch. Nik was still crying and Liam was trying to shield him from a sudden, sneak attack.
Riley stood to face him in concer , "Drake, Im so sorry, are you okay".
Drake nodded his head calmly, "I'm fine...just please tell me you are going to beat his ass though".
Liam covered Nikolas' ears, "Drake!! we use positive consequences in this house, we don't believe in corporal punishment...Dr. Spock says..".
"Fuck Dr. Spock.... I believe in an eye for an eye and since my ass hurts right now, I want that little shit's ass blistered".
Riley placed both hands on Drake's chest, easing him back. She turned to Nikolas and tried to pull him away from Liam's protective grip, "He's going to apologize and then we will discuss a proper punishment later".
Liam relunctantly let go as Riley led her son up to Drake, telling him to apologize for his behavior.
Drake didn't want an apology, he wanted death, however, one look at Nikolas and his tears of fear, broke his heart. He leaned down and picked Nik up in his arms, consoling him, "It's okay little pal, its all over".
Nik continued to sniffle, hugging Drake tightly, "I'm so sorry Uncle Drake....I love you".
"I love you too Nikolas"
Riley smiled at them both, " See, that wasn't so hard, was it?".
Drake left the quarters and headed to his room. He was exhausted, sore, and a little worse for wear, but, decided to let it go.
He opened his cabinet and pulled out a whiskey bottle, opting to drink straight from it. He took one sip and spit it out immediately, "What the hell....this tastes like....piss?". He noticed tiny finger prints and smudges on the cabinet glass and it finally struck him what happened, "That little shit!"
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tonystarkstan · 6 years
you’re still young (that’s not your fault)
Summary: Being a superhero? Hard. Being a superhero in high school? Harder. Luckily, he’s got Iron Man on his side.
or, five times Tony goes to Peter’s school and one time Peter goes with him to work.
Note: This is posted on my AO3, but it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, so I thought I’d share it here! I hope you guys like it.
“So like, the issue is that I like learning and I need to go to school to get a good education in order to be qualified for an actual career,” Peter tells Ned as they stand at their lockers.
“How is that an issue?” Ned asks in confusion.
Peter sighs dramatically. “I hate school,” he says, as if that explains everything.
Ned nods sympathetically. “Makes sense. Oh, the joys of social hierarchy. Also, I forgot the solubility rules, so I totally bombed that part of the quiz today. Which means I’m probably going to fail, which means I’ll be kicked out of school, which means I’ll have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of my life and live off of a minimum wage salary.”
Peter pats his back consolingly. “You and me both, man. School just proves what we already knew: the world is conspiring against us.”
Ned scoffs. “Okay, but at least you have Spider-Man,” he points out, saying the name quietly so no one overhears.
Peter gives him a weird look. “Oh yeah, loved getting bitten by a fucking radioactive spider. It was like getting a kiss from Mother Nature.”
Ned shrugs. “Who cares? You’re staying with Tony freaking Stark. How is that, by the way?”
“Oh, it’s great!” he says enthusiastically. “The man has, like, zero parenting skills, so I get to eat whatever I want, and we just stay in his lab all night.”
“Dude, your life is so not real,” Ned says incredulously. “Have you heard from May?”
“Yeah, she said she’ll probably be home this weekend. I think she feels bad, but her work really needed extra hands with the hurricane relief, so it’s fine.”
“Gotcha. Hey, what do you – whoa!” Ned exclaims. “What’s going on?”
As they turn the corner, as large mass of students clogs the hall, all trying to peer over each other to get a look at whatever’s caught their attention. Before Ned and Peter can get any closer, though, the crowd parts down the middle by a seemingly invisible force.
That is, until Tony Stark steps through.
As usual, he’s wearing a three-piece suit, his trademark sunglasses, and in his hands is – what the fuck? – a Spider-Man lunchbox.
Tony’s eyes lands on the pair of them, and he casually makes his way over to them, as if Iron Man walking through a high school is normal.
“Hey, Pete! I was just looking for you,” he informs Peter.
“Hi, uh, Mr. Stark. Um. Hi. What are you, uh, doing here?” he asks, trying to ignore all the blatant stares that are now focused on them.
“What? A billionaire can’t just come by to see his favorite mentee?” He’s smirking though, and Peter knows the superhero is taking great pleasure out of embarrassing him.
“No,” he retorts flatly.
Tony puts his hand on his chest dramatically. “Oh, how you wound me. Betrayed! By one of my very own! What ever did I do to deserve such treatment?”
“Jesus Christ,” Peter mutters. “What do you want? Ned and I were just about to head to lunch.”
“Ah ha! And that is where I come in. I am, as usual, here to save the day.”
Peter raises an eyebrow and gives him an unimpressed look. Tony huffs. “Sheesh, tough crowd to please, apparently.” He holds out the lunchbox. “Lunch. You left your’s.”
Peter thinks back, suddenly remembering that oh yeah, he definitely did leave his lunch on the counter. However, it’d been in his old Star Wars lunchbox that he’d had as long as he could remember.
Noticing his look, Tony gestures to the bag. “I took the liberty of getting you an upgrade. We all know how much you like Spider-Man.”
Yup, I’m definitely filling his Iron Man helmet with ramen noodles now.
“Wow. Thanks,” he says, sounding anything but. He takes the bag gingerly. “Now I won’t starve. A true hero you are. Really living up to your name.”
Tony pretends to blush. “You’re too kind. I’m just here as a completely selfless act of service.”
“Sure. So, can you, like, leave?” Peter says impatiently.
Tony shoots him an affronted look. “Well, I know when I’m not welcome. Which, let’s be honest, never actually happens because I’m a famous genius billionaire. But I really do have to get going.”
“Oh, thank god,” Peter breathes. Tony laughs and ruffles the kid’s hair, knowing it’s all in jest.
“See ya later, kid.” He turns to Ned. “And you – be sure he actually eats it.” Ned looks like he’s about to faint. And with that, Tony turns on his heel and struts out, leaving behind a bunch of astonished high schoolers. Peter’s pretty sure Flash’s jaw is about to hit the floor.
After a second of stunned silence, Ned looks over at Peter and smirks. “What was it you were saying earlier about ‘zero parenting skills’?”
Peter groans. “Shut up.”
Ned’s laughter is drowned out by the mass of students headed excitedly in their direction.
“Dude, you look like shit,” is how Ned greets him.
Peter doesn’t even have the energy to be offended. He certainly feels like shit, flashes of hot and cold racing through his body and forehead beading with sweat.
“It’s fine, we’re fine,” Peter says, not at all reassuringly.
“Yeah, okay,” Ned scoffs. “Why are you even here?”
Peter sags against his locker tiredly. “We’re supposed to be going over Shell integration and the Trapezoidal rule in calc today. I can’t afford to miss it. Also, we have decathlon practice after school today and MJ will kill me if I miss it. Again.”
He startles when a light slap meets the back of his head.
“Speak for yourself, loser. We don’t want your disease,” MJ says from behind him.
“Sorry, May raised me to always share,” Peter jokes. “Anywho, it’s too late for me to go home now. May’s already left for work. What a shame.”
MJ just rolls his eyes but Ned tosses him a doubtful look.
“Come on!” Peter protests. “Seriously, I don’t even feel that bad!”
Three class periods later, Peter’s more than ready to retract his earlier statement. He definitely feels that bad.
He’s in the middle of Anatomy class, and he can’t, for the life of him, keep his head up. His muscles are aching just with the small bit of effort it’s taking to use an arm to prop his head up, and he’s so, so hot but can’t seem to stop quivering.
At this point, he’s completely tuned out the teacher, entirely focused on trying to keep himself from throwing up in the middle of class because God knows Flash would never let him live that down.
His phone buzzes.
Chair Guy: dude
Chair Guy: you look like an actual zombie
Peter groans internally.
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: thanks.
Chair Guy: hey I have a great idea bc im a genius who goes to a smart kid school!!!!
Chair Guy: go :) home :)
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: no :)
Peter quickly puts his phone away, and he sees Ned shake his head in exasperation. The rest of the class passes by in a cloudy haze of sickness, and he blinks up blearily when a shadowy figure stands in front of him.
“Peter. Peter! Yo. Dude, come on, class is over. Even Dr. Arrington has left,” Ned informs him.
Peter groans, tossing an arm over his eyes with the thought that maybe if he doesn’t look at Ned, he’ll just go away.
No such luck. “Peter, if you don’t get up, I’m calling May.”
Immediately, Peter’s head shoots up, and he winces as the dull throb in his head intensifies.
“You can’t! She’s at work, her phone’s off anyway because she’s not allowed to be on it. Plus, I still have Calc! And Decathlon!” he protests, but even he can hear how weak it sounds.
Ned just rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure at this point, MJ would kick your ass if you showed up to practice. Go home and we’ll all send you a ‘Thank You’ card.”
Peter swats at him weakly.
“Peter, seriously. We gotta go,” Ned says, hoisting Peter’s bookbag onto his back. “Think you can get up?”
The vigilante stares at him blankly. Ned sighs.
“Yeah, okay,” he mumbles to himself. “We are not fucking doing this.” Louder, he says, “Peter, give me your phone.”
The exhausted teen tiredly reaches into his pocket, groaning at how heavy an achy his arms are. He hands his friend the phone. If he were more aware of what’s going on, he ‘d be much more suspicious. However, at the moment, Peter wants nothing more than for his friend to stop talking so the pounding in his head will cease.
“Thank you. Stay here for a second,” Ned tells him, and Peter doesn’t even question it. Not like he could move even if he wanted to.
Maybe I can Uber to my Spanish class, his feverish brain thinks.
He’s not actually sure how long he drifts in and out of clarity, but at some point, he opens his eyes to feel a gentle hand carding its way through his hair, and he instinctively leans in towards it.
“Hey, Pete,” a soft voice says. It’s a nice voice, Peter thinks. Not too rough, but just enough gravel in it to create a low comforting sound. And it’s… vaguely familiar.
Peter lowers his eyebrows in confusion and wills his eyes to open – when did he even close them? – so he can see the owner of the familiar voice.
“There we go. He’s alive! A true miracle.”
Peter nearly closes his eyes again, because obviously he’s still dreaming. There is no way that Tony freaking Stark is kneeling in front of him, stroking his hair, and gently coaxing him awake. Not possible.
“Yeah, it’s me, kiddo,” Tony says, obviously reading the surprise on his face. “To be fair, I’m probably just as surprised at this development as you are, but your friend Ted, here –“ he gestures to said teen who offers nothing more than a shrug “ –called Happy saying that you’re dying, and we just happened to be in the area, and I also happen to be a superhero. So.”
Unreal, Peter thinks, and closes his eyes, ready to let unconsciousness swallow him whole.
“Ah ah – no. Nap time for the spider baby later,” Tony jokes, but Peter cracks his eyes open to see the worry lining his mentor’s face. “I say we blow this popsicle stand.”
Peter nearly sags with relief at how good that sounds. He’d do just about anything to sleep. But then he remembers why he’d been so determined not to stay home in the first place.
“I can’t!” he protests, finally speaking up. “Calc. Integration.”
Tony stares at him in disbelief, and then turns to Ned, who’s still watching the exchange with a look of awe.
“Did he just say what I think he just said?” he asks incredulously.
Ned just gives him a long-suffering look and nods. “Yeah. He’s dumb.”
Tony scoffs. “That’s an overstatement,” he grumbles under his breath. Louder, he says, “Peter, you do realize that you’re literally talking to a genius, right? An actual engineer who literally built a flying suit? And the arc reactor? I think I can teach you some damn calculus. Goodness gracious.”
Peter just blinks at him. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Tony repeats, but he can’t help surge of utter fondness that rushes through him at the sight of the tired kid, still pressing into the hand in his hair.
“Come on. Happy’s waiting for us. I’ve never actually dealt with a sick – anything – before, so this’ll be a great learning experience for the both of us,” Tony says conversationally. He gets up, groaning at the ache in his knees, and takes Peter’s bag from Ned.
Peter immediately lets out a whine at the loss of contact. The noise strikes a chord deep within Tony, and he tries not to think too hard about it.
“Sorry, kid. Come on, up you go,” he encourages, hoisting the kid to his feet. Peter sways tiredly on his feet, and Tony is quick to steady him.
“Whoa, I got you,” Tony soothes. He runs a quick hand over the kid’s forehead and lets out a low whistle at the heat that meets his hand. “Sleep. You need lots of it. So do I, actually. What do you say we get to Happy before the evil man makes us walk?”
Peter smiles weakly and nods, stumbling beside his mentor, thoughts going blurry again as they make their way to the front of the school.
As promised, Happy is waiting for them, and it takes a little while longer to wrestle the kid’s lanky limbs into the car and across the backseat. Again, Peter lets out a whimper at the loss of contact, and Tony coughs to cover the soft smile that’s threatening to appear as he slides in next to the teen.
And if his hands end up back in Peter’s hair?
Well, no one ever has to know.
It was a stupid argument, if you could even call it that. Really, it was just Flash being a dumbass, as usual. Which, usually is a thing that Peter can handle – is used to handling – but today is just not one of those days.
Patrol last night had been rough, more mentally taxing than usual. Peter’s not exactly sure what about it made it so, but it left him wired up with an anxiety that followed him into sleep, prompting unwelcome nightmares and flashbacks of a variety he hadn’t experienced in a while.
Truth be told, he knows it’s kind of his own fault. He’s been overworking himself, staying out longer and longer as Spider-Man, coming back by May’s curfew only to sneak out hours later when he hears her breathing even out.
Then he comes back and works on homework and studying, getting a mere two or three hours of fitful sleep, surviving mostly on coffee and pure, stubborn willpower throughout the day. This all does nothing to calm the ever-growing wave of anxiety.
So, to be fair, this was probably a long time coming.
Flash just happened to be the catalyst.
Peter and Ned sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria, Peter comparing his homework answers with Ned’s. When Flash walks up, Peter immediately tenses, already preparing himself for an onslaught of insults.
(And how stupid is that? He’s Spider-Man and yet he’s reduced to nothing at the mercy of a stupid high school bully.)
“Hey, Penis! Ready to get your ass beat in the science fair this weekend?” Flash mocks. And to be honest, Peter finished his project weeks ago in the confines of Tony’s lab, analyzing how robotics can be used to enhance prosthetics and make them more effective and efficient.
And, at this point, he’s so tired, he doesn’t actually care who wins. He never did, really.
“Isn’t ‘Penis’ a little old by now? Surely you can be more inventive than that,” Peter taunts. And yeah, maybe not his smartest move ever, but whatever.
Flash flounders for a second, unsure of how to respond, before his face clears again. “I could, but this one suits you best. It’s kind of iconic, don’t you think?”
“Hey, Flash, you know what’s funny?” Ned steps in suddenly, and Peter groans. “How Peter’s smart enough to land an internship with Stark Industries, and you haven’t even heard back yet.”
Flash flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. “Yeah, and how much do you suppose your little sidekick has to pay just to polish Tony Stark’s shoes? You know, there’s actually been speculation that there’s a something a little more – should we say? – kinky going on there,” Flash says with a suggestive smirk, and Peter immediately sees red at the very implication of his hero doing something like that.
“Shut the fuck up, Flash,” Peter snarls angrily, and Flash narrows his eyes at him coldly.
“What was that, Penis?”
Peter stands up, well and truly angry now. “I said ‘Shut up.’ You don’t know anything about him. And I’m sorry you couldn’t get an internship with him when I could, but I guess Stark Industries knows talent when it – “
A sudden flash of cold and wet leaves Peter sputtering. He barely registers the fact that Flash is standing in front of him, the cup in his hand totally empty, because the wave of anxiety that’s been building up the last few days decides then and there to pull Peter under.
No longer is he in his high school cafeteria. No, he’s back in the lake, alone and tangled and trying so hard to break free of his confines. The water is cold, seeps straight to his very bones, and against his will, his lungs take a desperate breath in, but all he gets is more water.
He can’t fucking breathe.
God, what if he dies like this? Just a useless body floating on a lake, and maybe it’ll be days before he’s found, and May – oh god, May! – will be left completely alone to deal with another bout of grieving.
And Peter – god, he doesn’t want to die, he’s not ready to do that yet, he’s supposed to graduate and watch the next Star Wars movie release with Ned and there are so many more people he needs to save, and also he’s just plain scared.
If only he could breathe.
The unexpected and familiar voice shocks him, and he flails towards it, hoping it’ll bring him closer to the surface.
“I’m right here, bud, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you,” the voice tells him, and it sounds so convincing and real and soothing that he tries with everything in him to believe it.
“Hey, it’s me – Tony. I’m right next to you, and we’re both in your crappy school cafeteria,” the voice – Tony – informs him, and Peter frowns in confusion because Tony shouldn’t be here, he’s going to drown, too.
“Tony,” he gasps, hands finding purchase in warm fabric. Dry. It’s dry! But – what?
“Yeah, kiddo, it’s me. Open your eyes and look at me. It’s okay, I promise,” Tony coaxes him. And because he’s never had a reason not to trust him mentor, Peter cracks his eyes open, immediately cringing at the water that drips into his eyes.
“That’s it, good job,” Tony encourages, and Peter tries to let the sight of his mentor drown out the feel of water burning his nose.
“Mr. Stark?” he asks in a small voice. “W-what? I-I don’t – “
“Shhh, it’s all fine. You’re at school. You had a pretty bad panic attack. Your aunt wasn’t picking up, so they called me,” Tony explains. Peter takes in everything around him, drinking in the sight of the now completely empty cafeteria, save for him and Tony.
“I didn’t – I didn’t mean – I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter says, cheeks flushing red with shame. Tony gives him an incredulous look.
“Peter,” he says gently, reaching out to tilt the boy’s face up. “Look at me. You didn’t do anything wrong. You never have to apologize for something like this.” Tony’s gaze darkens suddenly. “The only person who should be apologizing for anything is the childish, cruel, immature bully who did this to you.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest. “No – it wasn’t his fault! He didn’t know that would happen.”
“And that makes it okay?” Tony scoffs. “No, kid. That’s all on him.”
Peter stays silent, not willing to admit the man is right, as usual. Tony studies him for a moment, then lets out a heavy sigh.
“How are you feeling now?” he asks the teen.
“Fine,” Peter lies instinctively. Tony just raises an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know. That – that wasn’t supposed to happen. Usually I have it under control,” he says, looking frustrated.
“It?” Tony prompts.
Peter tugs anxiously on his shoelace. “I guess sometimes I still think about the lake? Because I was tangled and stuck and it was – “ He cuts off, throat closing abruptly. Tony puts a hand on his shoulder, grounding him.
“Scary,” Tony finishes for him. Peter just looks down. Tony sighs again, looking more tired than ever. “Pete, you gotta keep me in the loop with these things. And if not me, then May or Ned or someone you trust. It’s okay to feel like this. Hell, I’m scared all the damn time.”
Peter looks surprised at the confession. “What?”
Tony laughs bitterly. “How do you think I became Iron Man in the first place? It was because I’m scared. My suit? It literally just started out as a physical manifestation of my anxiety.”
“Does it get better?” Peter asks, and he looks so small in this moment that Tony’s heart cracks right down the middle.
Tony hesitates before answering. “Yeah, kid. It does. But it takes a while, and it might not ever go completely away. You just have to communicate with us. Think you can do that?” Tony asks, looking Peter straight in the eye.
Peter swallows thickly and nods. “Yeah.”
Tony looks intently at him for another moment and then nods in satisfaction. He moves to get up and groans. “Fantastic. I think all that emotion just gave me heartburn,” he complains, rubbing his chest dramatically.
Peter smiles, the somber atmosphere broken. “Or maybe you’re just old,” he jokes.
Tony pretends to look offended. “Rude. Offensive. You owe me one whole compliment for that.”
“Nope,” Peter says. Tony nudges him gently.
“Oh, come on. No nice things to say about your favorite superhero?”
“Who said you’re my favorite superhero?” Peter smirks deviously.
Tony’s eyes widen in mock hurt as Peter gets up and starts to walk out without him. “Two compliments! Now you owe me two!” Tony calls as he walks after him.
And Peter’s answering laugh? Totally worth it.
First of all, the fact that aliens decided to attack New York City during school hours? Rude.
Which is Peter’s first thought when Tony calls him right before his fourth class of the day. It goes a little something like this:
“Kid. We’ve got aliens attacking New York – again, don’t they ever learn? – and it’s all hands on deck,” Tony informs him.
Immediately, Peter lights up with excitement, already feeling the first shots of adrenaline at even the thought of fighting with the Avengers again.
“Yes, of course!” he gasps excitedly, making a beeline for his locker to grab his suit.
“Great, meet us at – “
“Hey, loser,” MJ greets, not caring that Peter’s on the phone. “Where are your safety glasses? You need them for lab today.”
“Shit,” Peter mutters, feeling his heart drop to his feet, because normally, hell yeah, he’d skip class to go fight with the freaking Avengers! Except today’s lab counts as one of three big exam grades and he literally cannot miss it.
“What was that?” Tony asks, sounding preoccupied.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? Can the emergency wait, like, an hour?” Peter stammers. Immediately Tony’s full attention goes back to the teen.
“What?” he demands sharply. “Why?” There’s a pause in which Peter is more than reluctant to answer, but Tony catches on quickly and groans. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Let me guess: Spanish test?”
“Chem lab,” Peter mumbles. He can practically hear Tony rolling his eyes.
“Kid, you can make it up. New York needs you right now,” Tony says matter-of-factly.
“But, Mr. Stark! I won’t be able to make this up, she said the only way we can miss it is if we’re in the hospital dying or it’s an extreme emergency,” Peter protests.
“So aliens aren’t an emergency now?” Tony deadpans.
“I mean, yeah, but I can’t exactly go up to her and say that I need to leave for something like that!” Peter says delicately, conscious of MJ standing nearby with a bored expression. “Anywho, I’ll be there in like an hour tops, I promise,” he says quickly before hanging up, and oh boy, he’s going to get an earful for that later.
Immediately, his phone starts buzzing again but he stuffs it in his bookbag hastily. MJ gives him a weird look.
“Your boss is fucking weird,” she comments.
“Tell me about it,” Peter mutters as they walk into class.
They sit down at one of the lab benches and wait for their teacher to start giving them instructions. Today’s lab is the Synthesis of Aspirin, and yeah, nothing they’ve done so far is nearly as cool or advanced as his web fluid or the stuff he makes in Tony’s lab, but he’s still excited. And nervous. Because he really needs a good grade on this.
Once instructions are given, Peter and MJ start methodically setting up lab equipment. Peter’s getting the hot water bath ready while MJ measures out the salicylic acid when a sudden hush falls over the room.
Curious, Peter and MJ both look up to see what’s going on and Peter immediately wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
Tony is standing in the doorway.
He strolls in with calm strides and a casual confidence and walks right up to the teacher.
“Hello, Dr. Mead. I’m terribly sorry, but we need to take Peter out of class. There’s an emergency at Stark Industries, and it’s sort of all hands on deck. He’s our best intern, after all,” he says charmingly.
She looks flustered in a way that Peter never imagined he would ever see of his usually very collected teacher.
“Um, I understand, but this lab is an exam. Is there any way it can wait after?” she asks hopefully, and honestly, Peter admires her for not just immediately caving into him.
Then Tony takes off his trademark sunglasses and looks at her with such a stern look that Peter immediately resolves to buy her the best teacher appreciation gift ever.
“I’m afraid not. This is a matter of utmost importance. Surely you have make-up labs?” he asks in such a way that implies the only correct answer is yes.
Dr. Mead opens her mouth as if to protest before finally just settling on saying nothing at all, before turning to the back of the class, where Peter is resisting the urge to hide under the lab bench.
“Mr. Parker, you may be excused. We can discuss make-up times later,” she announces, and Tony smirks, triumphant.
Peter’s face burns with embarrassment as he grabs his bag and walks out the room, feeling everyone’s eyes on him.
Tony ruffles his hair, and Peter swats at it in mock irritation.
“Was that all really necessary?” Peter demands when they’re alone in the hall. Tony shrugs.
“Nah. But then you hung up on me, and I’m petty,” he says. “But actually, I was already on my way to come get you. Cap, Nat, and Rhodes have got the situation contained, but they could really use some help, and we’re the only ones around.”
Peter, now that he’s not so worried about his grade, perks up with excitement again. “Man, this is so exciting!”
Tony gives him a fond look. Only Peter would find an alien attack exciting.
“Sure, kid. Now let’s go kick some alien ass.”
At first, there’s nothing to indicate why Peter’s spidey sense is suddenly going off like a blaring alarm.
His whole body is seizing with panic, everything in him screaming danger! But he strains his ears to listen for anything out of the ordinary and turns up empty, so he just shrugs and chalks it up to his anxiety going into overdrive.
Later on, he’ll hate himself for it.
Not even five minutes later, deep he hears it, clear as day: the crack of a bullet, one after another.
He shoots up in his desk, on high alert, and everyone around him starts looking around in confusion, not really comprehending the noise. For a second, he’s right along with them, not quite willing to believe that he’s hearing what he’s hearing, because no fucking way is this happening right now.
Then he hears the scream.
It cuts through the haze of the confusion that had clouded the room, and immediately Mr. Johnson runs to the door, knocking off the lights and covering the door window, and everyone is pushing to the back of the room.
Peter takes the moment of chaos to grab his suit out of his bag, and quietly slips out the other window, hoping that everyone was too preoccupied to notice.
“Hello, Peter,” Karen greets pleasantly.
“Karen!” Peter says urgently. “Call 911 and tell them there’s a shooter at Midtown. Contact Mr. Stark. Activate Stealth Mode.”
“Got it,” she says, and then a silence follows wherein Peter assumes she’s following his directions.
Without further pause, Peter quickly follows the sounds of students screaming and gunshots, praying and praying that no one’s bit hit.
“Peter,” Karen says, “Mr. Stark says to stay put; he and some of the crew are on the way, and so are the police. You are not to engage with the shooter.”
All it takes is another piercing scream for Peter to decide that’s definitely not what he’s going to do. He can hear students near the exits evacuating, but as he goes deeper into the school, it becomes eerily quiet. He tries not to focus on the hundreds of heartbeats skyrocketing in fear.
He rounds a corner and finds a student curled up under a water fountain, shaking and crying. She jumps and whimpers in fear when he enters her line of sight, eyes flooding with relief when she realizes who he is.
“Sp-Spider-Man,” she gasps, tears streaming down her face. He quickly shushes her, not wanting to draw any attention to them in case the intruder is nearby.
She shakes her head insistently. “H-He already c-came by. He’s at-at the classrooms b-by the audi-auditorium.”
Peter nods in determination. “I’ll take care of it. You need to stay hidden. If other people start running, join them. Stay quiet. You’re doing so good.”
And fuck, Peter doesn’t even know if that’s the right advice, because this is so much different than anything he’s ever dealt with before. These are his classmates – his friends – who’s lives are being threatened.
As he nears the auditorium, everything seems more still and foreboding, and he can hear a single set of footsteps walking calmly across the floor. Peter leaps up to the ceiling and rounds another corner.
He nearly falls back down at the sight that meets him.
The first door to his right his open, a body lay strewn in the doorway, and something in Peter’s brain shuts down, absolutely refuses to acknowledge the reality of the sight before his, refuses to go into the room in fear of what else he might find.
He hears gasps and soft sobs, but he pushes it all away and lets his gaze zero in on the figure at the end of the hall, gun raised towards another classroom.
The sound of the bullet, this time, is deafening, and Peter wastes no time before crawling until he’s just above the figure.
In the blink of an eye, Peter’s on top of him, wrestling the gun out of his grip and punching the guy with a ferocity that’s unfamiliar. He hits. And hits and hits and hits, because this guy attacked the wrong fucking school and those are Peter’s friends.
Peter sees red, flashes of anger and blood and oh god his friends, are they okay? And it hits him, suddenly, the gravity of everything that’s happened in the last ten minutes, the way his school will never be the same because of one person’s decision.
“Spider-Man, stand down,” a voice cuts through the haze, but he ignores it in favor of tossing another punch, but before he can, a metal hand wraps itself around his wrist.
“No!” he snarls. “This one deserves it!” He fights against the arms that wrap around his waist, thrashing against the hold.
“Kid. It’s me, Tony. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of him, you’ve done great. Your job here is done.”
With those words, Peter sags against his mentor, allowing the hard armor to support him and the weight of everything to sink in.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Tony says, gently picking the young hero up and letting the police come in and take over. No one even bothers to question him. It’s common knowledge that Spider-Man and Iron Man are close, and no one is willing to get him in trouble for beating the shit out of someone who deserved it.
Tony cradles the kid’s head to his chest, no longer caring who sees, only focusing on getting Peter out of there. Steve, Sam, and Natasha can handle the rest, he figures. There are cops everywhere, and scared students are being rushed out in a line to meet desperate parents waiting for them outside.
Happy is waiting for them, and Tony has never been more grateful for his status as Iron Man than now; no one tries to stop him.
Tony quickly deactivates his suit and gets the kid in, settling them both into the back seat, and Happy wastes no time trying to push his car through the crowd, glancing back at the duo with deep worry etched into his features.
Peter hasn’t said a word, and they’re halfway back to the Tower, where May is meeting them, when the teen starts shaking violently, clinging to Tony.
“Oh god,” Peter sobs, pulling his mask off, and Tony absolutely breaks at the raw terror and grief on the kid’s face as the weight of what’s happened hits him. “Tony,” he gasps, pulling his mentor closer.
Tony wraps his arms around the kid, hugging him with an unprecedented fervor. “Shhh, it’s okay now. I’m right here.”
But Peter’s hyperventilating now, tears soaking the man’s shirt. “I-I couldn’t – I was too late. I think – I think – Tony, I saw – “ and he doesn’t get past that, because he can’t. He can’t make the words push past his lips.
If he doesn’t say them, maybe they won’t be true.
Instead, he squeezes his eyes shut and presses his face into Tony’s chest, crying violently.
And Tony? Tony doesn’t know what else to do other than murmur soft words of comfort that he knows are falling on deaf ears. So he settles back in his seat, Peter practically in his lap, and runs his fingers soothingly through the kid’s hair. It’s going to be a long road to recovery, he knows.
But he’s in this for the long haul.
Tony stands against his desk, arms crossed and sending a flat look to Pepper, who’s looking at him with an equally determined expression on his face.
“Tony, come on,” she says in exasperation. “He’d be thrilled, and if nothing else, it’d be great PR. I think people would really like seeing you be so invested in an intern, personally taking him for a deeper look at what you do.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Pep, Peter’s already seen what I do. Hell, he practically lives in the lab after school. He literally has his own room here.”
“Sure, but he only ever sees Tony, his hero, mentor, and father figure.” Tony opens his mouth to protest that last label, but Pepper cuts him off. “Shut up, it’s true and you know it. Now, as I was saying, I think it’d be really beneficial for him to see you as Tony Stark, a business man, company owner, and employer.”
“The answer is still no!” Tony says.
And yet somehow, that conversation led up to now, with Peter standing awkwardly at his side at eight in the morning, staring at the main floor of Stark Industries with awe on Take Your Kid to Work Day.
“Mr. Stark, thisissocool!” Peter exclaims in one big breath. Around him, workers are bustling about. Tony, quite frankly, can’t believe he’s never taken his fake intern into the main part of his building. A careless oversight. It’s impressive, really, that the whole “internship” story has managed to hold up for this long.
“Whoa, calm down, kid,” he says, watching the kid fondly as he practically buzzes with excitement. Peter looks at him with wide eyes.
“What are we going to do today? Are you going to boss a bunch of people around? Build stuff? Paperwork? Now that I think about it, what do you even do?” Peter asks, sounding breathless. Tony just shakes his head in awe, wondering how after all this time, the kid can look at him like he hung the moon.
(And he would. He’d hang a thousand moons if that’s what Peter wanted.)
“Well, first of all, Pepper’s usually the one who bosses me around, so I’m sure you’ll get to see some of that today. We have a press conference at one. Oh, don’t worry, it’s no big deal. We’ll introduce you as one of SI’s interns and explain that I decided to take this day, when a lot of other kids would be around, to show you the ins and outs of what I do. They’ll love it,” he reassures.
And they do.
But Tony’s not surprised, really. The kid has a way of getting everyone wrapped around his finger.
Peter, awkward and nervous at first, quickly gains a bit of confidence, occasionally answering a reporter’s questions with typical teenage sass, but always with a soft smile so as not to offend.
“How did you two meet?” one curious reporter asks. Tony puts a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Well, this one here is a huge dumpster diver. I actually got an opportunity to see his skills at fixing and making tech with natural ease, so I encouraged him to fill out an application for the internship. His application was outstanding, to say the least, and the rest, as they say, is history,” Tony says with a smile.
“Peter, were you a fan of Iron Man even before the internship?” another reporter asks.
Peter laughs. “I mean, who wasn’t? But really, I was always a bigger fan of Mr. Stark himself. The work he’s done to create a clean source of renewable energy? That’s insane! I can only dream of making strides like that. I watched a documentary on his robots over the years when I was younger, and I remember thinking, ‘I want to be like him!’ It’s actually what led me to start dumpster diving and fixing old tech. I never even imagined it could lead me to work under the man who inspired me.”
Peter shrugs, missing Tony’s stunned gaze trained on him, while the reporters listen with rapt attention.
“So yeah. Iron Man is amazing and all, but the real hero is the man underneath the suit, which I think people like to forget. The suit isn’t heroic – it’s the man underneath it that is.”
Tony is speechless. Absolutely speechless and completely overcome with an emotion he can’t quite identify as Peter looks over at him and offers him a shy small, as if worried he’s maybe said something wrong.
Tony’s throat clogs with the amounting of affection he has for the awkward, precious, genius, and selfless fucking kid, and he’s nearly knocked off his chair by the force of it. He clears his throat roughly, before addressing the crowd that’s busy melting.
“As you can see,” he says, wrapping an arm around the teen. “I brainwash my interns well.”
The crowd laughs, and the spell of emotion is broken.
However, when Tony goes down to his lab that night, long after Peter’s been dropped back off at home by Happy, he finds a sticky note attached to one of his computers, the messy scrawl deeply familiar.
There’s only four words, but they make Tony’s heart swell in his chest.
I meant every word. -P
781 notes · View notes
snkpolls · 7 years
SnK Chapter 98 Poll Results
The chapter 98 poll closed with a record 1,771 responses. Thank you to everyone for participating. 
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If you disliked this chapter, you were very much in the minority. Only 1% of respondents rated it poorly. Satisfaction with recent Marley chapters have been generally positive, but this is the highest rating since we started the poll.
This chapter was so fire I had to call 911 after I read it
Goddamned life ruining basements.
Sadly, SNK is eventually going to end, and having taken the time to properly explain its unique universe and its characters will that day leave to this world the completed masterpiece it has the potential to be
I gasped during the "I'm Dr. Yeagar'" scene, but I almost threw my phone from excitement from the "Hey, it's been 4 years huh Reiner." I was one of the people that thought I wouldn't care for the young Warriors, but damn, this chapter won me over. Especially Falco. The awesome character building scenes, the mystery behind Tybur & Magath, the attitude's of the vet Warriors, and Eren's new shred of awesomeness made this one of my favorite chapters.
Magath is still making me wet with his humanity, Willy needs a hug and some Hellos D, I can't believe the East Sea Clan is actually a thing (eeeek) and if Falco gets hurt I will die. Also where's Annie.
I think the entire chapter could be my favorite moment.
Willy and Magath vs Levi for clean house?
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Because of our own intense fangirling after reading this chapter, we had to lead off the poll with something fun. Thankfully most didn’t mind and agreed with us that this chapter was packed with supreme cuteness.
Remember when attack on titan was dark? Now it's all rainbows and unicorns. Jk, I loved this chapter.
   ON THE BEST DAD SCALE OF 420-10 HOW GREAT WAS REINER??? (1,721 Responses)
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It’s also nice to see that 84% of us agree that Papa Reiner was just awesome! 275 people disagreed, including one commenter below.
Reiner accompanying the kids at the festival was SOOO DAMN CUTE
Reigner is my favourite moment every chapter.
This chapter was great. Seeing daddy Reiner was one of the sweetest moments in SNK
This may be an unpopular opinion but Reigner honestly feels like the least interesting character in the whole arc. We have all these shiny new characters that are in desperate need of character development and all we keep getting is more and more Reigner. Reigner this, Reigner that, Isayama is starting to sound like a bunch of Bertholdts. Where is the love for Colt, Porco, Ms Exactly Right, Theo and more? Grim Reminder 2.0 also needs to happen fast.
this one salty anon saying reiner is the least interesting character of marley are you in your right mind or are your standards simply just low
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I love how difficult it was for people to choose a best moment. “Reiner as Marley’s Best Dad and ATM” eked out the number one slot by just 1 vote. “All of the above” was second and Falco’s near confession was a distant third.
Reiner awkwardly avoiding eye contact with Galliard.
Eren spending one month undercover by disguising himself as Sad Keanu
Porco being low-key supportive of Falco and the parallels it draws with his own life/relationship with Reiner.
Falco's proud face when he guides Reiner to the basement.
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Basement Reveal 2.0 was our favorite moment. Twenty-four percent of the fandom couldn’t pick just one, making “All of the above” the number two selection. Eren meeting his grandfather and the mysterious Asian women round out the third and fourth pick.
When Reiner Meets Eren
The asian woman is about on par with basement 2 electric boogaloo but i could only pick one so im cheating a bit pls dont be angry
While you've mentioned all the moments that stood out most to me, I can say I definitely appreciated the variety of races drawn as they were distinct, reasonable designs. All in all, these are all awesome moments, it's hard to pick favorites in this chapter.
You can sense the excitement for a chapter when 237 people take the time to gush in the comments section. If you want to read them all, you’ll need to visit the full poll results but here are a few.
Zeke's three-level comment about being a big brother (works for Colt, Porco and Zeke himself), also Zeke playing catch with Colt and Eren playing with Zeke's ball.
Eren basically slamming that baseball right in his gorgeous face is kinda one of the best moments!?!?
Gabi waking up. Those panels were so detailed on her face, I'm worried that little Gabi is waving her death flags. I almost had a heart attack because I thought for a second she was Mikasa when I first read through.
Gabi's relationship with Udo and Zofia and the "devil" line
Cory in the house finally meeting the fresh prince of bel-air
black people being not so stereotypical. they just looked like people, not over-cheerful big lipped afro hair stereotype or anything like that
The attitude and mystery of that old asian woman
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Eren’s “Good to see you made it back home” was declared the  sassiest line by a significant majority. Sassmaster Pieck was second with her slam about entrusting the Paradis operation to four kids. My personal favorite was Porco’s hugely sarcastic “We have some awfully bright officials leading us”, but only 5% agreed with me.
While “Good to see you made it back home” was the winner, it wasn’t without controversy. I saw several comments on Reddit and Tumblr from people who thought that Eren wasn’t being sassy when he said them. It’s possible I suppose, but unless a lot of has changed in the last four years, I find it hard to believe he was being sincere.
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Perfect little bean Falco wins by a landslide! Was there every any doubt? Gabi is far more polarizing but has maintained a loyal fanbase. She came in second with 16.9%. Zophia received 133 votes (7.8%). Colt received 98 votes (5.8%). The wine-spilling, multi-lingual, “not from around here” Udo received the fewest votes with 76 (4.5%).
Falco's smile, I just want to hug him as if he were my little brother/cousin ^^
Falco cemented his status as a cinammon roll. I'd hate for him to get toasted in the next chapter, considering what's about to go down in the basement!
Gabi's ego is charming.
Udo is the most precious kid and I love him a lot and if he dies, I die. (I keep saying this about all my faves but it's true.)
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Isayama deserves mad props for introducing a brand new cast and gradually making us care about them. More than 65% of us now have strong feelings for the Warriors and candidate kiddos .
Pieck. Just Pieck.
I can't believe I got sucked into Marley. This chapter just solidified my new found affection for 90% of the Marley characters, and even though I do miss the main cast I'm totally fine with more Marley chapters! Gabi went from hate to fave in a heartbeat. I must be sick? Not to mention all the pokkopikku moments... Honestly I'm in love with SNK all over again. RIP Me.
I used to not be very fond of the warrior cadets, but this chapter just filled me with love for those kids. My only problem is that I KNOW Isayama is trying to get me to sympathize with them before ultimately crushing my soul and having something terrible happen  :(
I still hate all the kids, but Reiner has got some brownie points with me now.
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Our single answer to Willy’s single answer is that we are all over the place with ideas. A slim majority believe that Willy is going to propose a genocide starting in Liberio, but there were almost 100 write ins with other options. Here are a few.
Definitely the elimination of Paradis
I think he found a way to turn even non-Eldians into titans and he will try to create some sort of balance of terror.
I think he'll give a long winded speech, and just when he's about to lay it all out, *loud boom* *lightning* Grim Reminder part 2
A possible solution for all of this is Eren eating all shifters and sealing himself in a crystal, like Annie, forever. We still haven't seen if Annie has aged inside the crystal or not though. I wonder if this is Willy's solution.
Someone will kill him before he tells the answer
High School Eldian Musical
I dunno.  But it sure as hell ain't anything good, that's for sure.  Just what are you up to, you slippery snake?
I have no idea but I'm 300% convinced that the Tiber family was in contact with the Reiss one the whole time (remember the "Armored - Braun" vial Rod Reiss had? That was Reiner's spinal fluid and how the frick frack it ended inside the Walls??). I think that will play a big role in whatever Willy Billy is planning to do.
I'd say gather Loki and the Avengers to obtain the nine titan powers, using it to control the the Eldians who'll win over foreign leaders and defeat Marley, then proceed to turn on said ambassadors as well as the Eldians they're controlling.
Destroy all perceptions that Eldians are the only ones who can turn titans and use the ambassadors as an example, bringing chaos
Dunno how plausible this is but...maybe he knows how to get rid of the Eldians's capacity to turn into titans, and that's his single answer ?
Either kill all non-Eldians or gain the coordinate and somehow mindwipe all Eldian and non-Eldians alike somehow. Or something idk. I just feel like mindwiping will come into play. Either that or unite Marley and Eldia and ally with the Asians and fight against literally the rest of the world.
Final solution, Willy Hitler
"We will allow the Paradisians to live in peace if they can win a game of baseball against our best team: The Warriors."
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“Willy or wont he” be the big bad of the series? Gray morality wins. But whatever Willy has planned is making a large number of us uncomfortable.
This chapter made me feel really uneasy. Willy Tyber is throwing me off, and I'm really nervous for whatever he has planned next chapter. I feel like this was almost too good, too sweet, too happy. Something big is about to happen, I can feel it, and I know Tyber's gonna be at the center of it. I don't trust him, and I love that this chapter made me feel something this strongly. 
I feel like Willy's "If only the titans didn't exist" was a giveaway. Willy will try to remove all titan powers, either by killing all Eldians (he should know that's gonna be hard to accomplish), or by collecting all titan powers and locking it up idk how. But genocide is not out of the question. He might do it, but even if he does, I don't think I'll really see him as your typical "villain."
Well, damn guys... What if Willy's not even the bad guy, huh? He has shady plans of his own, no doubt... But to just say he's seeking genocide is too far fetched, in my honest opinion. Yes, I don't have a clue as to what he's going to do, but I'm not ready to label him a murderer yet. Maybe I just got charmed by that "Thor-like" haircut, but to me it seemed like he genuinely felt bad for closing his eyes on the treatment of Eldians, and wanted to change that. Of course, Paradis could be the scapegoat, but I don't know about that either. Oh well... We have to wait and see, I guess...
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Eren, Pieck, P A T H S and Colt received the most write-in votes (in that order), but the majority believe we haven’t met the person spying on the inside for Magath.
I didn't understand what they meant by this when I first read it, and I barely still know after reading it again after reading this question.
I wanted to say the SC being spies, but I really think it's either other countries' spies or just mean other countries' leaders/elites had arrived.
It would be interesting character-wise for Magath if he discovered Zeke was legitimately (I have my doubts) conspiring with Eren/Paradis. Magath could be more grey, should he prosecute Zeke, keep it to himself, or join in.
Probably some competent high-ranking Marleyan soldier but the ultimate plot-twist would be Pieck (imagine Zeke being the one snitched out by his most trusted warrior)
Zeke. If Zeke's working with Eren (and not just talking to him but actually helping him), then I think it's possible that Zeke's sort of double-crossing Magath. He could act like he's interested in cleansing Marley by ridding it of the "mice," or he's simply acting interested in Magath and Willy's plan so as to get inside info on what they're up to.
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The baseball glove was proof positive for 86.1% of the fandom.
I wonder if Zeke realizes that it's Eren with whom he's communicating? He only saw Eren once, when his glasses were off, so even if they met in person, I'm not sure he'd recognize Eren.  Eren could be hiding his true identity from Zeke to avoid being stabbed in the back for the coordinate.
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The majority say yes!
We should ask Pieck if Zeke is working with Eren... Because Pieck is exactly right.
Zeke has no side. He is with Eren but he will also rat him out to Magath.
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Zeke looked at his watch and gave Falco permission to escort Reiner to the basement despite it being almost time for the program to begin. That, plus the baseball glove, is enough to convince 72.5% of us that Zeke was in on the Reiner/Eren reunion.
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We were a little more divided here. Most are convinced Zeke and Eren are working together but they are less confident that Reiner will join them.
He doesn't forgive but does work with reigner and zeke.
I can see Eren working together with Zeke or actually manipulating and using him, while Zeke thinks he's his pure cinnamon roll brother. But I don't think a Reiner/Eren alliance will work. Like why would Reiner want to help Eren? Why would Isayama want to fucking ruin Bertolt's life after his dead even more?
I hope Reiner and Eren will be good boys and won't fight. I also hope November will come quickly.
I'm dying to know WHY Eren gave away his presence to Reiner. like WHY take such a risk omg. I gotta read the next chapter asap!!!!
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My personal feeling are in the #2 red zone here. More than half the fandom feels that Eren’s appearance in Marley is fully sanctioned by the Survey Corps.
If Eren really had gone rogue & left Paradis, that means Paradis are one 1 shifter less so more reason for them to recruit Annie as Eren's replacement
Why would they send Eren of all people to Marley? Eren is very well known as a person who can't easily control his emotions, and someone who isn't very good at acting. Just look how bad he did in the Stohess Arc. If he was the only person who could regenarate limbs, I'd understand. But why not send Armin? He has shown to be much better than Eren in both acting and manipulating people. He was also shown to have some slight understanding of Reiner's feelings, so why not him? How could they trust the most emotional person on the team? Has Eren really changed that much?
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This poll result surprised me. On the far extremes, 253 people think Eren is a cinnamon roll while 52 individuals categorize him as essentially scum of the earth. The majority seem to be taking a “wait and see attitude” about his intentions.
"Eren is the same old cinnamon roll"  .......Since when has Eren "I will destroy all titans/murder these rabid dogs masquerading as humans/make sure your death is the most painful possible" Yeager been a cinnamon roll?  Sin-amon roll, maybe.  But even that's kinda a stretch.
I think he: is older and wiser, has a better understanding of the world (and how cruel and unfair it is, I think he's kind of emo) and the memories are affecting him somewhat.
war changes a man
This kid has seen some shit. I don't doubt he's haunted as hell. And that's pretty haunted.
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Close to 60% of respondents believe the influence of Kruger and Grisha’s memories have made Eren a changed man. Basic maturity was the second pick with 30%. In third place, 6.6% of respondents think he hasn’t changed and believe that Eren’s cold demeanor is only an act.
A lot of things have changed Eren, starting from him losing his family and friends, seeing the titans,fighting them and discovering the truth about them, his father and his half-brother. Also seeing the state the Marleys and Eldians are now. So a lot of things have changed Eren and turned him into who he is now.
All except 'he hasn't changed' but I do think the memories had the most affect. Hell after he got those memories he didn't even care about the ocean anymore. I think he realized that there was no freedom inside the walls or outside of them. Which basically made his original goal to 'break humanity out of its cage and eliminate all the titans' meaningless. Really sad honesty.  
All of the coordinate boys get chill eventually
Blurrier moral realization combined with his dwindling lifespan
If we remember the kind if shit he went through it's only natural to assume that he changed. Just like Reiner, all his childhood dreams and goals were shattered to pieces when he saw the bigger picture.
Revenge against the people who genocides our folks generally do that to you.
depression's a bitch
He's coming more dickhead than before that's all
Marley pizza. That shit is life-changing. Reiner can testify.
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I suppose the bottom line here is that the fandom likes the new kids, but they like Eren better. This is war and people get hurt. A slim majority will not hold it against Eren if his actions hurt the warriors or warrior candidates.
If Eren manipulated Falco and doesn't care about him, I will cry.
Can we discuss that all the Jaegers are probably ruining the lives of the Grice family? Grisha with the original, Zeke playing Colt, Eren adopting Falco... Poor kiddos.
No matter how much we enjoy the current chapters, these poll numbers barely change. A significant portion of the fandom remains desperate to see the main cast.
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Although a few fans are impatient to see the SC, I enjoy to see that Isayama is taking is time and is not rushing this part.
I still want the series to bring back the Paradis cast while staying in Marley. I have the feeling things are about to kick into overdrive next chapter, with the landmark chapter 100 incoming, and I'd love it if the finale remained in Marley while having the whole cast there. Have Paradis left for flashbacks/explanations and the epilogue, the mainland's a perfect staging ground for the end of this.
I swear to Ymir if we leave Marley in this cliffhanger there will be riots
I want the 104th back.
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
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RIP my beloved Vets :(
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Hajime Isayama blowing my mind
With tgis new infomation its more liekly that the marleyans have sour cream
He [Willy] will tell the real story of how the titans came into existence, and by fusing all nine titan powers together you get the same powers as the original Ymir Fritz had so you can do some voodoo shit and "cure" all Eldians of their curse. Everyone gets to live happily ever after, oh, and Levi opens up his tea shop.
I really liked the scene with Eren playing with the baseball. He looked so calm
I really enjoyed the entire chapter. It felt like a break but it revealed a ton. I am so eager to keep reading.
Reiner looks so handsome in his uniform >.>
RIP Reiner's wallet
The Asian woman I need to know more
I appreciated the worldbuilding in this chapter. The festival scene in particular showed how big the scale was compared to Paradis. Leaning Eldians lived in other parts of the world and not only Marley, puts things into perspective about their goals. If Paradis is submitted, other Eldians would melt in the population slowly but surely. The REZ alliance or whatever its' called, is completely bull: Zeke isn't going to team up with someone going against his plans. Also Eren didn't mature. He still shares the same goal, but he became way more cunning about it thanks to Kruger and Grisha's memories. He inherited their democratic skills and would gladly use them against Reiner. He never forgave Reiner and isn't going to forgive him. Since Bert died and Shiganshina was rebuild, that alleviated his rage, but he feels like he has to take Reiner down.
It's not so much this chapter sucked, it's just that I'm so sick ok Marley, so I couldn't enjoy it that much
On a serious note, finding out that Grandad Yeager is also a trauma patient at the hospital was heart-breaking. But it makes sense: both of his children are dead and his grandson Zeke is due to "pass on his powers" (die) soon too. I wonder what he'll do if he finds out that Eren is his grandson too, is also a Titan AND has the Founding Titan power? Uh oh! Also worth happy screeching about: That symbol on the back of the Asian lady's kimono. That had to be a deliberate reveal? Is that the symbol of the East Sea Clan from whom Mikasa is descended from and will she reveal that symbol on her wrist?! Last but not least, Reiner gets his own basement reveal and Eren is in there!
The cult of reigner has affected the typesetters i must now retire to the forest where i will live as a hermit with the treefolk only coming out once a month to read the mangastream translation this is my vow so help me god and may the lord be my witness
I know I say this every month, but man is next chapter gonna be a doozy! Eren and Reiner finally meeting is going to stir up some feelings and arguments.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
With the reveal of the Asian clan symbol (FINALLY), I strongly feel as though Mikasa and the rest of the Survey Corps are going to show up really soon. I expect them to finally return on issue #100, but on next month's issue would be even better!
I think Willy is actually plotting to overthrow the Marleys and bring power to the Eldians Maybe he's joined forces with Eren and Zeke and we still don't know. I think he wants to restore the Eldian race.
I hope we get to know more about the actual history of "The Subjects of Ymir", perhaps in the form of a theatrical play on that stage. Where do people get this genocide thing from, only from the Nazi parallels? If Willy were planning it, then why did he talk about how the whole world wants exactly that to happen and how he thought up a solution to this problem? Really sounds like he's got something entirely DIFFERENT up his sleeve, and I guess it's got something to do with how Ymir created titans in the first place.
Is Willy going to let the cat out of the bag about the Tyburs being the power behind the leaders of Marley? Will the play be the true history of what happened after the Titan War?
Pieck and Porco are ALWAYS together what's up with that and also we never see Zeke's eyes in this chapter
Zhophia is a Annie relative, Udo is Naruto's son too (Boruto's brother).
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
Zeke is a majestic beast leaping for that ball.
Eren meeting Reiner has me so FUCKING HYPED for the next chapter that I so anxious for November. Isayama you damn torturer!!!!
99/100 hype is real
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oakmd · 7 years
professor oak’s rp plotting cheat-sheet!
Want new-and-exciting plots for your character? Long to reach out to more of your followers, but don’t know where to start? Fear not! Fill out this form and give your RP partners both present and future all the of juicy jumping off points they need to help you get your characters acquainted.
Be sure to tag the players whose characters YOU want more cues to interact with, and repost, don’t reblog! Feel free to add or remove sections as you see fit. Template here.
Mod name: :v OOC Contact: Tumblr IM; but if we’re mutuals I’ll give you my discord! I have Skype too, but I don’t really use it much. 
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 Professor Oak is a renowned Pokémon Professor most notably known for his invention of the Pokédex, his Welcome To The World of Pokémon! lecture / documentary and his extensive research surrounding the relationships between pokémon and people. He’s a very recognizable icon in the pokéworld; it would be impossible not to know who he is. 
Alternatively, while he’s mostly known for being a scientist, he has wide recognition for his Pokémon poetry. He also does regular recordings with DJ Mary at Goldenrod Radio Tower. 
The Professor resides in Pallet Town, Kanto, in one of the world’s most impressive laboratory reserve - stretching across acres upon acres of land, built entirely to replicate all types of pokémon’s natural habitats and terrains. 
As a former pokémon trainer ( as well as Kanto Champion ), he has one grandson, Gary Oak, who is also former pokémon trainer, but is now currently on the path to becoming a Scientist himself, specializing in fossil revival.
Points of interest:
My portrayal of Professor Oak is mostly anime-based. This means I do not consider game function as canon or as character trait (ex. Professor Oak forgetting his grandson’s name. I have heard this joke enough to last me a lifetime, please Don’t™.) However, I include some elements of the manga/game, I guess, but usually only to fill in the many gaps untouched in the anime. With that being said, Green / Blue / Red and even Daisy do not exist. I have exceptions of interactions with some people, but it does not fall under my Main Canon and is more of some weird, blended AU, lol. 
Professor Oak is a 50+ year old man. On top of that, a parent and a grandparent. Because of this, most of the time ( not always ) he will naturally be more intuitive and perceptive to situations than a younger muse might be. He has had many, many life experiences to draw from that he applies to current context; empathizing and offering advice comes easy. With that being said, please communicate with me if I’ve crossed a line with this; I won’t take offense!
Professor Oak has interacted with legendary Pokémon. See: Celebi, ft. Suicune. Professor Oak is not immune to... strange occurrences. He’s interacted with the legendary pokémon Celebi ( and Suicune ) when he was a young boy. However, I portray this muse as someone that has seen much more ( of the unexplainable, not necessarily legendaries ), yet appreciates them within the comfort of his own privacy. 
Professor Oak has very high public status! While the man certainly lives his life as a regular person, his life is anything but. Hailing from Kanto and living peacefully in Pallet Town, Samuel’s demeanor is very humble, but his Net Worth is one of the highest, given his important influence, multi-faceted popularity and on-going relevancy among the citizens of the poké-universe. It goes without saying that he has made some of the most important contributions to the field of science and world of pokémon, but he is also sort of a pop culture “idol”. His name is attached to hundreds of awards, recognitions, lifetime achievements, entertainment achievements. Whatever there is to do, Professor Oak does it all: Scientist, Writer, Artist, Humanitarian, Pokémon Professor, TV Host, Radio Host, University Lecturer, Motivational Speaker, Activist, League Advisor, Parent. There is nothing he won’t dive into if it’s for the greater good.  List of Awards: here. 
What they’ve been up to recently:
*POST-CANON. Same ol’, same ol’. Professor Oak has many years left in him yet! You can still find him on his happy little hill in Pallet Town doing what he does best: giving trainers their starters, and babysitting those same 9482536 kids under his care. Including, but not limited to all the 3948357927682294 pokémon he and - everyone’s favorite personal assistant son - Tracey Sketchit share responsibility for. His life will pretty much be the same, as it has been; the perks of being old and well-adjusted.  *I use ‘post canon’ loosely. My default timeline is ongoing with the show itself, but since time never seems to progress, I’ve taken it upon myself to lazily assume some years have passed since S1E1 ( hence why I say Oak is 50+ rather than actually 50 ). 
MULTI-VERSE. If you are a non-pokémon muse, Professor Oak will happily accept that you’re simply not someone from his universe. As mentioned above, stranger things have happened to him. Because of his own experiences, he’s very open-minded about the possibilities the universe has up it’s sleeve. I like to think of his corral and his lab are portal spots for the unknown to materialize. Maybe a point deep in the mountain and forest terrain. Or perhaps from the forest ( between Kanto and Johto ) where Celebi dwells. This concept isn’t necessary to follow for the multi-verse, just a suggestion! TL;DR Let Professor Oak be your away-from-home grandpa, he has lots of Experience™.
Where to find them:
DEFAULT VERSE. There are a lot of places to find the ever-active Professor Oak. However, the top three most common places are: his research lab ( corral included ) in Pallet Town, Kanto, Goldenrod Radio Tower, and Celadon University. Because he is so famous, he can be anywhere, though. Whether it’s doing charity work, raising awareness, doing lectures, being a guest at internships, working with media across regions, visiting other pokémon professors, being on a much needed vacation, traveling for work. Pretty much, wherever your muse is, I can find a reason for Professor Oak to be there. 
POST-COLLEGE. I don’t actually have a ‘verse’ for this but it takes place shortly after Samuel finishes grad school and takes position as Kanto’s Pokémon Professor. He’s the first one to reside in Pallet Town. The lab itself is still under renovation; he’s moved back home after being away for years at school, and still trying to mourn the loss of his fiancé. He’s a single father, struggling to balance work and parenthood, but he gets by. ( Further down this timeline, about thirteen years later, he suffers the loss of his children, and becomes the guardian of his grandson, Gary Oak. )
To find Professor Oak is the other ‘verses’ from the Offered / Desired sections, just ask. 
Current plans:
Keeping busy. Professor Oak is a very goal-oriented person and although he finds relaxation necessary, he also prefers to be active. His hands are always full running the biggest pokémon lab, but he’s always throwing himself into new projects of all kinds of varieties.
Travel and meet new people. Ever the social butterfly, the Professor is always welcoming new faces to his growing list of companions. Although his reasons for traveling are no longer for becoming a Pokémon Champion, he finds that there are plenty of things he hadn’t quite noticed or appreciated before. It’s interesting to see how some things have changed, and for others, how they’ve stayed the same. It’s all for business purposes of course ( mostly ), but coming full circle provides closure for memories he’d only reminisced about for years after he graduated from college. 
Supporting Gary. As his grandson begins his journey in the field of science, Professor Oak prioritizes helping him adjust and giving him the support he needs.
Otherwise, the plans depend on what your muse brings. :O
Desired interactions:
Retired Oak! Literally everything is the same except he’s wearing tropical shirts and jorts. B^) Alola cruise, anyone?
Alzheimer’s Oak! LISTEN, I KNOW.. ... .. Game-mechanic jokes aside, lmao - I have no real excuse. It just hurts so good. ;^(
Grandpa Oak. I’m sure raising Gary and Ash was nothing but and Experience™.
College. What goes on in college, stays in college. College timeline: here.
Celebi, Again! Starring... Professor Oak! B^) Swapped into the body of his younger self. How does he fix this? Calamity ensues.
Dr. Fuji, Who? No, Professor Oak isn’t part of Team Rocket but he did get roped into helping them create MewTwo with the desperate attempt to also bring his family back to life. Did I rip that from Dr. Fuji? Yes I did, and I don’t care, let me live -
Team Rocket? Or, alternatively, he does work for Team Rocket with this ridiculous concept that he was blackmailed into working for them post-grad because of his unremarkable intelligence and promise. While his public face is the friendly Professor Oak everyone knows and loves, his lab holds darker secrets, the darkest being that he could no loner resist their persistence in making him comply, after they staged his children’s death as an innocent car accident. : ) ... Anyway, 
Persistent Press. Be annoying and invasive. Start scandals. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Unrequited. Get rejected by the notorious man himself. He will be gentle.
Agatha. How dare you,
Offered interactions:
Are you a Pokémon Trainer™ or some other kind of pokémon-specializing person ( pokémon watcher, photographer, breeder, ranger, etc. )? Ring up your Professor when Officer Jenny arrests you for something he told you not to do in the first place so he can judge you with a proper scolding. For the others, show him your talents and skills! If you’re not a Kanto Trainer, I’m sure one of the other Professors can send you his way, either to drop something off / pick something up / for general help, etc. and he’s always excited to meet his colleagues’ kiddos. Also excited to see others contribute to the world of pokémon in some way! He loves pokémon and humans interacting! 
Are you a Pokémon Professor? Doctor, Nurse? Let’s gather ‘round and be stressed about Ash our reckless trainers. But also drinking and karaoke! Pokémon Discourse™. Camping retreats. Boring, obligatory conferences. Peer Review. Or maybe you just need a little advice from one of the pokéworlds more experienced Professors! Unless you’re Professor Rowan - in that case you’re BFFs that get into shenanigans nobody would ever believe. 
Are you a Science Major? Limited internships available for college students.
Do you live in Pallet Town? Hi, neighbor! B^) Professor Oak ( and Tracey ) most likely talk to you in passing, should it occur. ( Please message me about pre-established relationships first. ) Common places include, the mart, post office, movie theaters, etc.
Summer Camp? Boom, Professor Oak has summer camp for the kiddos at his corral. 
Are you a big idolizer of Professor Oak? Lucky for you, there’s more than one way to be a fan! You can reach him via fanmail, @’ing him on social media, finding his personal phone number from some sketchy fan forum, hogging up the radio show hotline, stalking his schedule to make each appearance panel, hovering outside around his lab, stealing candid photos, bombarding him in public with intrusive questions, shoving your notepad out for an autograph... You can even be one of those weird people who try to proclaim your love to ‘celebrities’ too old for you that you know little about. Who knows what this poor man will do?
Are you into Traditional Kanto / Johto? You may share the same passions if you’re into calligraphy, ikebana, haiku, tea ceremonies, etc. 
Are you a Celadon University Student? Feel free to talk to your Intro To Pokémon ( or Pokémon Sociology 101, etc. ) Professor about anything unclear about assignments, to offer questions or concerns... or try to make excuses for not turning in homework and being late, you lazy student. :T Doubles as an Unofficial Guidance Counselor to said students even though that’s not his job - but he can’t help it, he’s a parent before he’s a Professor.
Are you a child associated with Make-A-Wish Foundation? Professor Oak offers terminally-ill children the opportunity to choose their starters, and spend time with their favorite idol. : (
Are you affiliated with the media? All press can inquire about guest speakings, giveaways, promotions, advertisement deals, interviews, volunteer work, hosting/co-hosting, etc. and Professor Oak will get back to you at his earliest convenience. This INCLUDES those working at Goldenrod Radio Tower!
Are you a business person? Politician? High-Profile Celebrity / Figure? Meet Professor Oak at a Gala! Or any other formal event. Feel free to offer business negotiations, inquire about his residence, or other sketchy things. :v 
Are you affiliated with Kanto’s Pokémon League? Albeit not as recently involved as per usual, he’s an advisor, so he and your muse are at least associates, if not more.
Are you one of the developers that helped with the Pokédex? Nerds will be nerds.
Do you know Samuel from his days prior to being Professor Oak? Whether it be from childhood, training days, or college, they all matter. ( I’m aware this is highly unlikely because nobody RP’s old pokémon muses, but with that being said, I’m open to interacting with kids / grandkids of the aforementioned. )
Are you Team Rocket a villain? Have you reached your Kidnap-A-Scientist quota today? 
Current open post/s:
I had very few, but I’m too lazy to look for them. Plotting is probably better. /gestures to this post
Anything else?:
Threading is not limited to this list. I’m always open to more ideas!  
I’m not sure what the huge difference is between the Desired / Offered interactions -
You don’t need a pokémon verse to interact with me! 
Your muse does not need to idolize Professor Oak to interact with him.
Tagged by: i stole this from @undinaes
Tagging: Whoever sees this!
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spookysummersmores · 8 years
Mind Heist - Chapter 1
Word count: 1,677
Author's note: Hello there! So...here's the official first chapter! A huge thanks to everyone that has liked and reblogged the prologue so far; it means a heck of a lot, to me and Kaylee both! :'D
Fun fact! I'm actually sick right now, as I'm sitting here editing this! I've had a cold for almost a week now. So...fun! ;w;
Hope you all enjoy! And brace yourselves, folks...the next chapter is where the REAL crap begins to go down...
The next morning, Mabel was greeted by soft summer sunshine and the twittering of birds...and then a few kisses from Waddles.
Mabel woke up giggling and smiled to see her piggy friend. "Good morning, Waddles." She booped his nose with her nose. "Good morning, Dipper!"
She turned to look at his side of the room, but Dipper was still curled up in a little ball under his blankets, sound asleep.
"Aww." Mabel smiled and decided to let him get the rest he needed.
She took her clothes and tiptoed down to the second-floor bathroom. Soon, she was downstairs and having breakfast with Grunkle Stan. He was quick to ask where Dipper was, but Mabel explained to him that he needed extra sleep, and Stan agreed to let him come to work late. Several hours later, however, Stan had already been giving tours for quite some time, and Dipper was still nowhere to be found.
It was then that Mabel decided to check up on him, just in case. She went up into the attic and peeked at his bed.
The door squeaked a little as it opened. Dipper, who was just starting to wake up, groaned softly and turned over. Mabel noticed that he seemed to shiver, just a little bit, as he curled himself into a tighter ball.
"M-Mabel?" he said quietly, picking his head up a little. "What...time is it?" When he spoke, his voice didn't sound quite right, and suddenly, a muffled sneeze came up from underneath the covers.
"It's still early, don't worry." Mabel quickly walked over to his side. "Are you feeling okay? You don't look so good..." She reached out to touch his forehead...and her eyes widened. "Dipper, you're burning up!"
Dipper sneezed again and slowly sat up, holding his head. His face was pale and flushed, and his cheeks and nose bright red. "Ugh...yeah, I-I don't feel so hot..." He soon started coughing, and he sounded terrible. He shakily began to climb out of bed, but Mabel stopped him.
"Uh, NO...hot is EXACTLY how you feel! You gotta stay in bed," Mabel cried, the concern evident in her voice. "Maybe this is 'cause you haven't had much sleep recently..." She frowned at the thought. "I'll go tell Grunkle Stan so he can get you some medicine."
Dipper tried to object, but dizziness overcame him. "Okay..." He cleared his throat and wrapped his blanket back around himself as Mabel headed off to find their Grunkle.
Downstairs, Stan was in the main exhibit room of the Mystery Shack, giving a tour to some Canadian tourists who were taking a bus tour through the Pacific Northwest. "Be prepared for the SHOCK of your life...literally, shock. I'd keep the weird cordless phones at a safe distance. Behold-"
Suddenly, he felt a small hand tugging on his suit jacket and paused his speech. When he looked down, there was little Mabel. "Hold on a sec, folks. I'm gettin' a message from one of my little elves here." The tourists giggled at that.
Stan took Mabel aside and bent down to her level. "Sweetie, what're you doin'? What's up?"
"Grunkle Stan, Dipper just woke up but he looks a little under the weather," Mabel replied. "I thought you might have some medicine to help him feel better."
"Under the weather?" Stan didn't let it show, but he became a little concerned himself. "How serious are we talkin'?"
"He looks pretty bad. I think he might have a fever." Mabel looked a bit sad as she said it.
Stan patted her shoulder. "Okay. Calm down, honey; I'm comin'. Just give me a minute..." he said gently. He cracked open the gift-shop door, where Soos was in the process of changing lightbulbs. "Soos! Dipper's sick, so you're gettin' your wish. I need ya to take care of these tourists. And don't be afraid to extort as much cash out of 'em as possible! The economy's better in Canada!"
"Aww, poor little dude." Soos straightened his hat with a determined look on his face. "I shall not fail you, Mr. Pines."
Stan came back into the exhibit room and laughed nervously. "Sorry about the interruption, folks; looks like I'm gonna have to cut this short and head off for parts unknown." The tourists were quick to "aww" in disappointment. "Ah, ah - have no fear, dear tourists. No more than usual anyway. I'm leavin' ya in the capable - HOPEFULLY, capable - hands of my handyman/henchman, Soos. Have a spooky daaaay..." he said dramatically as he walked away. Then, he turned to Mabel, completely serious. "Alright. Take me to 'im."
Without hesitation, Mabel took his hand and led him upstairs.
Dipper picked his head up at the sound of Mabel walking in with Stan and tried to act like he wasn't that sick. "Hi, Grunkle Stan..." he said hoarsely before sneezing again.
Stan walked over and put his own hand on Dipper's head. "...Oh boy." He was really worried then, but refused to show that, internally, he was freaking out somewhat. "Stay. There. I'll be right back."
Mabel tried to give him a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Dipper. I'm sure you'll get better in no time...with Dr. Mabel and Nurse Waddles!" Waddles then walked over and sat nearby the twins with a small oink.
Dipper managed to smile a little. "Thanks, sis," he said quietly, sniffling. Mabel grinned back, feeling glad she could lighten up the mood.
The twins heard Stan grumbling down on the second floor. "I do not believe this; of ALL the times..." He came back upstairs shortly, this time with a thermometer. "Well...I got nothin'. I normally do all of my stockpilin' before Halloween, so the Shack's wiped out. I'm gonna have to make a medicine run, but before I go anywhere..."  He stuck the thermometer in Dipper's mouth. "I gotta know what I'm dealin' with here, kiddo. Don't move."
Dipper mumbled what was probably an 'OK'.
Stan then turned to Mabel. "Hate t'ask you this, but I need Soos and Wendy t'manage the Shack by themselves while I'm gone - Lord help us." He rolled his eyes at the thought of it. "Y'think you can keep an eye on your brother while I'm not here?"
"You got it, Grunkle Stan." Mabel gave him a thumbs up.
"Thank you," Stan said...and then acted as if it had been painful for him to say it.
Suddenly, the thermometer beeped. Dipper mumbled something when it beeped, but nobody could tell exactly what it was that he said.
Stan took it back...and winced a bit when he saw what it said. 100.4. "Well...you're not dyin', but you're certainly not leavin' that bed, either."
"Fair enough," Dipper replied, coughing.
Stan patted Dipper on the shoulder. "Alright. Wendy should be comin' in for her shift any minute, so I gotta give orders." He was about to leave...but he peeked back in for a second. "You kids gonna be alright here by yourselves?"
"Don't worry about it. Me and Waddles got it covered." Mabel put an arm around Waddles and smiled.
Stan couldn't help but smile a bit, too. "Alrighty. Hang in there, kid," he said to Dipper. "See you kids later." And with that, he headed out to his car.
"Bye, Grunkle Stan," Dipper called after him. He quickly realized that that was a mistake, though, when his throat began to burn. "Ow."
Mabel frowned and put a hand on Dipper's shoulder. "Take it easy, okay?"
Dipper nodded. "Mhm..." He suddenly grabbed the box of tissues he kept next to his bed and sneezed into one. "Okay...THIS...is seriously the WORST. Who the heck gets this sick in the middle of the summer?"
"It DOES seem a little weird...but all we can do now is help you get better." Mabel tucked him in and fixed his pillow. "Do you need anything?"
"Um...just a drink, if you don't mind," Dipper replied.
Mabel nodded. "Sure thing!"
She could hear Dipper cough a bit as he snuggled back down into his blankets. As she headed downstairs, she found herself deep in thought. Something felt...off to her. At first, she thought that she was just concerned that Dipper had become so ill so quickly, and in the middle of July, yet. While she was definitely worried about him, that wasn't it. She shrugged it off, for she wanted to remain focused on getting her brother well again...but for a moment, she wondered whether or not something about the whole situation just felt...unnatural.
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court-of-pokemuses · 5 years
Every Kukui ship rated!
I’ve done this over on my main account @/pkmnsdarkqueen, and I think it’s kinda fun. It’s every ship on the muse from this page rated by my personal opinions. For this account I’ve been slowly working on it since January, and since this is a multimuse it took this long. I hope ya’ll enjoy!
Disclaimers directly below and the list under the cut!
strike through=my side commentary, trying to be funny, usually about ship names italicized=if asked I’d be down to rp it mostly just to see how/it it’d work * by name=I just think it’s a wildly random ship bold=ship name and who in it to help you find a certain ship highlights=they are grouped up, again in case you want to find that one ship
Took out category of Kukui and a protagonist/rival/or companion since they’re all children so it’s a hard no. A few other younger characters fit in the other categories though they’ve been judged no as well for the most part. Some shipped but ONLY in the context of the character being grown up.
Took out category of Kukui with pokemon because pokephelia. In multiship some of them have a pokemon and these have been dubbed as being one of the human’s part pokemon.
ships on ‘never ending romance’ website. Before asked yes mun has other ships she likes that aren’t listed, but Im only focusing on those listed.
Kukui w/ Villian
Top rated ships: LabSafetyShipping
Bottom rated ships: FieryNutShipping
DarkParadiseShipping - Guzma & Professor Kukui 4/10 I don’t think it’s bad I just genuinely love Plumeria and Guzma so much. Also they’re both unwilling to say sorry to fix their friendship I don't think that’s a good sign for long term. Maybe in the early days tho.
*FieryNutShipping - Lysandre & Professor Kukui 1/10 Who named this ship, I just want to talk. Anyways I get Lysandre has a thing for profs but c’mon now Kukui is too down to earth for this guy.
LabSafetyShipping - Colress & Professor Kukui 7/10 Colress smacking him left and right for not having proper safety. Tbh tho it could be kinda cute. Like Kukui is more brass tax and put em up approach to science meeting cool calculated and methodic. 
PurescienceShipping - Faba & Professor Kukui 3/10 Ok so we know Faba has a man crush at the minimum on The Masked Royal. I don’t think it’d be reciprocated on Kukui’s end tho makes for fun plot.
Kukui w/ Elite
GrandSlamShipping - Kahili & Professor Kukui 5/10 I mean this is one of those that depends on interpretation cause we don’t get too much info on Kahili from the games. In pokemon Masters she’s pretty cool though so I’d give it a shot. 
*NowWeHereShipping - Drake (Hoenn) & Professor Kukui 3/10 I love the name cause it’s like,”yeah...yeah why not this, heck!” So Drake and Kukui would be interesting, I think there’s a bit of an age gap between them which would make somethings awkward but also I can just see them both enjoying exploring things together. 
Kukui w/ Gym leader or trial captain
EducationalbattleShipping - Ilima & Professor Kukui 0/10 Ok so according to the internet Ilima is either 11 or 19??? Just kind of a weird age thing there cause Kukui looks like 28 to me and they seem to of known each other awhile so no on this. 
*HotMovesShipping - Professor Kukui & Flannery 0/10 Heh, 2 high energy people in a room together. Yeah this seems great to me as a friendship because Flannery is 18 folks and again that’s just kind of a weird age thing. If they met which she was older sure, but rn it’s squeaky.
*MasochisticShipping - Professor Kukui & Gardenia 8/10 I think this could be kinda cute. She’s got the high energy of Flannery with the explorer side of the coin, and some gentleness about her. Yeah I like this alot
OldNutsShipping - Hala & Professor Kukui 0/10 Oof that name, yeah I don’t like that. Ok so it’s cannon they met when Kukui was young. Hala was like a mentor to Kukui. Yeah this just kinda reads bad, don’t like that connotation. 
Kukui w/ Professor or Assistant 
Top rated ships: EternalHoneymoonShipping
Bottom rated ships: TropicalNutShipping
*DreamAttackShipping - Professor Kukui & Fennel 7/10 Yes, please yes. I’m a sucker for high energy meets soft energy and Fennel is certainly a soft gal. Also heck maybe after the dream service closed down she moved to Alola to retire and met this cool nut.
EternalHoneymoonShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Burnet 100/10 You mean my Kukui OTP? Yes I ship this, it’s cute. They’re relationship is some of the few episodes I’ve seen and they’re adorable man. Seriously I suggest go taking a look at those clips on youtube.
*SturdyGlassesShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Willow 8/10 The two manly young professors shipped. I mean...ye I’m down. Willow definitely got that yearn for adventure and Kukui brings the chaos. It’d be a cute time. 
TreeNutShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 3/10 I hmmm, I mean maybe? I just idk how they’d work or what they’d have in common really? I just think they’d be good friends but I can’t envision any sparks of romance happening. 
*TropicalNutShipping - Professor Birch & Professor Kukui 0/10 Naw dude. If original Hoenn games are anything to go by Birch for one seems kinda like the stereotypical white straight guy so that’s a killer there. But even past that he couldn’t fight a poochyena, and I don’t think Kukui would be too impressed by that. 
Kukui w/ minor GAME npc
*ArtificialMovesShipping - Professor Kukui & Viscountess Julia 0/10 Look I like this trainer class ok, they’re cool, but like ya’ll she’s like 80??? Um yeah no.
*MoveInversionShipping - Inver & Professor Kukui 4/10 I do think that they’d get along great especially what with this guy twisting moves around and doing cool stuff with em. I’d give it a shot yeah.
Kukui w/ mange character
MoveExpertShipping - Professor Kukui & Ultima 0/10 Again she’s like 80???? No, but he’d love to know how she teaches these cool moves.
Kukui w/ minor MOVIE or ANIME npc
Top rated ships: TreeResinShipping
Bottom rated ships: NewScience, and ScientificUnderstanding shipping
*BeachFireShipping - Macy & Professor Kukui 0/10 And she’s an actual child. that’s a big no.
*FistTechniquesShipping - Clayton & Professor Kukui 6/10 I mean he’s a secluded boi and Kukui is vibrant so maybe it could work with the opposite attract couple. Also Clayton would helped the masked man train.
*IslandStudyShipping - Professor Kukui & Professor Westwood V 0/10 Ya’ll he also super old wtf. Also he isn’t the most trustworthy with scientific information and I don’t see Kukui vining with someone who does that. 
*MoveStudyShipping - Professor Kukui & Marble 2/10 I think they’d get along via adventure, but she seems a bit on the young side. I feel like he’d enjoy mentoring her though.
***MyislandhomeShipping - Professor Kukui & Caroline 5/10 So this is May and Max, wife to Norman. Uhhhhh yeah so home wrecker Kukui? I men if she’s already divorced then I can see it, but Kukui would certainly not be a home wrecker.
*NewScienceShipping - Jarvis & Professor Kukui 0/10 Kukui is in no way a bad guy, he’s all pure, so this is not gonna happen. 
*ScientificUnderstandingShipping - Dr. Akihabara & Professor Kukui 0/10 This is the guy who’s episode caused seizures. So about this ship, the guys a bit crazy so I don’t really see it personally. 
*TreeResinShipping - Meyer & Professor Kukui 7/10 It’s another person with kiddos! Ok so I don’t know if this guy is married or not, cause again Kukui is no home wrecker. But besides that I can maybe see it. Tbh might be cute if they meet both in costume first and fall for each other that way.
 Kukui w/ multiple people: (All are gonna be a no romantically because I don’t see Karen being poly, but I’ll give plot ideas)
Top rated ships: PhylogeneticTree, ColorlessParadise, Copse, Cousin, and Osteology shipping
Bottom rated ships: HotRoastedTreeNut, and HotRoastedTropicalTreeNut shipping 
ColorlessParadiseShipping - Colress, Guzma & Kukui 10/10 I can see them all hanging out for sure. You have the nerd, the rebel, and the jock all in one room and I ship that friendship.
CopseShipping - Professor Birch, Professor Elm, Professor Kukui, Professor Oak, Professor Rowan, Professor Sycamore & Professor Juniper (Gen infinite) 10/10 It’s the pokemon professors! Yeah I wish there was more with them all interactiong and hanging out cause I think they’d get up to some fun shenanigans.  CousinShipping - Professor Kukui, Sun (game) & Moon (game) 10/10 I mean he already hangs out with these nerds and I see it as a mentorship kind of thing which is like what he had with Hala but in his own style.  GreyparadiseShipping - Faba, Guzma & Professor Kukui 9/10 Again we have nerd, rebel, and jock. In a bit more sleepy of a way though. Anime this would work, game no cause Faba betrayed like everyone. Also not as seamless as ColorlessParadiseshipping.
**HotRoastedTreeNutShipping - Lysandre, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 0/10 Oh no the name tho....ooohhhh boi. This would be a situation where Lysandre and Sycamore wanted to bring a third person in. I don’t see it going well though.
**HotRoastedTropicalTreeNutShipping - Lysandre, Professor Birch, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 0/10 Bruh these names with Kukui x3. Ok so again I don’t see this working cause what I said with Birch and Kukui just throws a wrench into the flow with Sycamore and Lysandre.  LeagueChallengerShipping - Challenger Tristan, Faba, Gladion, Hau, Molayne, Professor Kukui, Ryuki, Sophocles, Hapu & Plumeria 5/10 All of them doing big training sessions sounds about right to me, or just them all challenging the league one at a time one day just to see who can get the farthest.  OsteologyShipping - Guzma, Professor Kukui & Professor Burnet 10/10 Osteology, ah yes the study of bones. Kukui and Burnet try to figure out how the fudge Guzma’s brain works. Nah I’m kidding just do think that they’d get together every so often for game night, add Plumeria in there too though! PhylogeneticTreeShipping - Professor Kukui, Professor Sycamore & Professor Juniper 10/10 This is just all the pretty professors minus Sonia. I can see them going to get drinks together though or after a professor meeting going to stay up late at a bar and cheer each other on as they try to flirt or talk to people.  TropicalTreeNutShipping - Professor Birch, Professor Kukui & Professor Sycamore 5/10 Eh kinda, maybe I can see them talking about maybe how mega evolution and habitats go together and maybe how that effects moves. I just see them getting along but only work/research related. 
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Tony Stark’s Daughter (The Aftermath)
Tony Stark x daughter!reader
a/n: y/n is about 17 or 18; i cried while writing this. sorry this is really long!!! pls forgive me 🥺
prompt: takes place from a3 to smffh
The Early Years (1) The Teenage Years (2) The Intense Years (3) Continued (5)
Tumblr media
let’s start on a happy note! ahahah
so for a while, earth was calm
you, pepper, and tony got to be a family for a while
wedding planning!
of course you got to try the ben&jerry’s ice cream named after your dad: Stark Raving Hazelnuts
“it’s not fair that you got ice cream named after you and i didn’t”
“well, when you grow up to be as awesome as me, maybe you’ll get your own ice cream flavor”
developing nanotech suits together for a Bonding Experience(tm)
speechless after the first test
“dad, this is...”
“the coolest thing to ever exist?”
yall ready for some shit?
the day that ebony maw invaded was pretty—what’s the word? interesting? no. well, yes, but...HORRIBLE.
it all started when you got the call from your dad
“y/n, incoming call from ‘big fat meanie’”
“god, i really have to change that. okay, JOSHIE, answer it. hey, dad? what’s up?”
“hey, kid! you know that weird ass building on bleecker street? how fast can you get here?”
“JOSH can you track FRIDAY really quick? lets see how far dad is...uh, okay, be there in five, see ya”
taking your suit for a spin and realizing how GREAT it was to be able to basically fold up your suit and put it in your back pocket
knocking on the door and it opened on its own, it was kinda cool
“is this a museum? cool.”
bruce turning around to see you after about three years and giving you an awkward smile and a wave while you stood frozen around the wizard-guys
“y/n, god, you’ve grown up!”
charging into him for a long overdue hug
“you don’t know how much i missed you. it’s been chaotic without you”
“i can...i can only imagine”
a debriefing on the situation you were about to face, and bonus! having to play the catch-up game with bruce
“just call him, dad. we need as much help as we can. steve will understand”
rushing outside to face off with some ugly-ass aliens
“oh nooo, it’s roger smith from american dad”
bruce: 👀, stephen: 👀, wong: 👀, tony: 👏👏🥰 that’s my girl
simultaneous nanosuit unveiling
“you ready for this one, pops?”
“of course! ive waited years to kick some more alien ass”
montage of you and tony getting your asses beat together (as a family <3)
peter showing up
“give me one good reason why i shouldn’t send you back to that school bus”
“because i’m good company?”
“whatever, just listen to whatever dad has to say, i forfeit my responsibilities over you”
pew pew, repulsors, pew, tiny rockets! fun! action! destroying new york again and again. good times...
until JOSHUA gave you notice that your dad was flying high
“call him. now.”
“hey! how’s it going down there?”
“dad, you know how i feel about you and space”
“i know, i know. i just...i gotta take care of this. keep pepper safe for your old man, okay?”
“i lo—l—ve y—”
“y/n? y/n?! i love you! shit!”
“we lost connection with her, sir”
trying to call peter
“call failed, y/n. should i try again?”
“i’m gonna kill them...”
walking through the rubble to find bruce, the only sensible man you know
taking him to the avengers compound asap to get to rhodey and figure out what comes next
meanwhile, tony was dealing with space and another teenager
and worrying a lot about leaving you on earth
“i mean, mr. stark, y/n’s one of the most capable people i know. she’s probably trying to fix this whole mess as we speak”
“i didn’t get to tell her i love her”
having a lovely meeting with thaddeus ross with rhodey, having a lovely time watching them passive-aggresively argue until your former teammates arrived
having to patiently (and professionally) wait for ross to hang up before running into them for a hug
“holy shit, you guys have no idea how bad i’ve wanted to see you. it sucks not being all together anymore”
“i know, y/n. we’ve all missed you.” -cap
“a lot” -nat added
bruce’s little entrance that was sure to bring some awkwardness
you, secretly freaking out about your dad
sam was the one that found you crying after you “stepped out” for a few minutes too long
“oh, y/n,” he was contemplating grabbing someone else to step in, but decided to sit next to you in the hallway, “i’m sorry, kiddo. i can’t promise you anything, but your dad is a fighter. a big pain in the ass. i think your odds are good”
laughing through your tears
“yeah, you’re right. thanks, sammy”
he gave you a little hug while you calmed down
getting to business, the ass-kicking kind
as the wise natasha romanoff once said to your father, you were being “uncharacteristically non-hyper verbal”
your mind did this funny thing...wandered into places it really should not go
the talk about sacrificing vision led to wakanda, where you had a swell time patrolling
“guys! we’ve got incoming. a lot of incoming”
well-deserved uncle/niece team up. who wouldve thought?
you would have nightmares about these aliens for years to come
“you get to die, and you get to die! everybody gets to die!”
“y/n, what did we talk about?” -rhodey
“using humor as a defense mechanism makes the team uncomfortable...”
covering the girls 😌 because we gotta have those all-girl teamups, uh-huh?
some more blasting
thor made his comeback and you just could not miss it
“hi, thor!”
you landed next to him and your helmet receded
“well, hello, miss y/n! good to see you again! my, you got taller...oh! meet my friends: rabbit and tree”
having a “what the actual fuck” moment upon seeing thanos for the first time
and flying at him from behind with a massive nanotech blade ready to kill this purple bastard
but he grabbed your arm and flung you into the dirt, that was gonna leave a mark
“i just had to make a suit when i was ten...no one stopped me, huh? i couldn’t be elon’s kid, he was a nice guy”
watching thanos snap his fingers and looking around to see dust floating through the air and thanos retreat
“rhodey? uncle rhodey?!”
“i’m right here, kid, don’t worry”
he grabbed your hand while you were dusting
“tell my dad i love him, promise?”
fading away and leaving rhodey with your last words
he was mad before anything else
all he could think about was a promise your dad made him take years back
“rhodey, you keep my daughter safe no matter what, promise?”
the avengers recooperating at the compound, waiting to figure out whether any of the space-crew survived
they had to let pepper know that you didn’t make it, she was a mess upon hearing that news
tony finally making his way back to earth
and stumbling out of that ship
“where’s y/n? where is she?!”
“tony, tony, calm down”
“dont tell me to calm down! where is my daughter?!”
“she made me promise to tell you thay she loves you”
tony knew the answer by now, he lost his mind over your death
it didn’t feel right not having you by his side, for the past 18 years you’ve been with him
after a long period of recovery, tony and pepper moved on, got married, built a home, had a new daughter...
tony made sure there was a spare room for you
he put all the things you left behind in it
there were so many photos of you in the house
and he’d show your sister, morgan, all of them. he wanted morgan to know her sister
“that’s y/n when she built her first robot. it snuck up on me a few times. it went ‘boo!’”
morgan loved the stories about you, but she didn’t understand why she couldn’t see you
“when do i get to meet her?”
“uh...maybe someday, sweetie”
after being unbothered for almost 5 years, the remaining avengers came back with a plan that was so tempting, he just wanted his little girl back
cracking under pressure and telling pepper that he couldn’t ignore this mission because it was his chance to get you back
“get her back, tony”
“you think so?”
“i miss her, too.”
and so it began, he made it his mission to get you back
peeking at the wallet picture of you on his shoulders when you were so little
tony travelling to 2012; loki’s invasion
and there you were, the sassy genius 12 year old that he missed so much
“we’ve got this, tony, we’ll bring her home” -scott
and then things went badly and also 2012 tony went into cardiac arrest and 2012 y/n dove onto the floor to tend to him
“dad? give us some room, would you?!”
2023 tony smiling at how much he missed you worrying about him and how reckless he was
but also...the mission kinda went bad so that sucked
push it a bit farther back and now tony was with grandpa stark! asking how to be a dad and all that!
he could barely stand still waiting for you to come back to him, god he missed you more than he thought
and after a bit of hard work, it was time to snap
just like that, you were back in wakanda, puzzled by the gap in time before one of dr. strange’s portals opened in front of you
and then you were in the ruins of the avengers compound
“JOSHUA, can you locate my dad?”
“i think you’ll be able to see him”
“wow, i cant believe i programmed your cocky artificial ass”
“i think you can”
seeing your dad flying high and patching into the comms
“miss me, old man?”
and then he hit the gas to get to you and when this man hugged you, you almost couldn’t let go
“i’m so sorry, y/n. god, i’m sorry. these last five years...i was so lost without you”
“it’s okay, dad, i’m here now”
getting shot at during your reunion
“son of a bitch...we’re having a family moment here, asshole!”
yes, im gonna say it again. of course i am! and.........father/daugher team-up
the last one
“peter, is that you? you asshole! i cant believe you went to space without me!”
“missed you too!”
rhodey!! cant forget about uncle rhodey!!
“you gave my dad the message, right?”
“it was your dying wish, of course i did!”
“great. don’t forget i love you, too, rhodey!”
“couldn’t let me forget it”
lest we forget that pepper joined the fight?
plot twist: (step)mother/daughter team-up
mother/father/daugher team up!!!! ultimate stark machine!!!!!!!
and then you left him alone for 5 minutes and he’s got the infinity stones and you know it’s the last time you’re going to see him and you cant decide what your next move is and you’re just frozen and you cant catch your breath and he snaps and your heart plummets
you have to rush to his side, the last time you can sit beside his tired body and let him know that its going to be okay
“hey dad, it’s okay, we’re gonna be fine. thank you for everything”
peter grabbing your hand as you both sobbed next to your dad, feeling robbed of your time with him
pepper brought you home where she told you all about the five years you missed
both of you just cried harder than you’ve ever cried before
“so i have a sister?”
morgan was so happy to meet you, she couldn’t contain herself, practically latched onto you
and she didn’t fully understand what happened to tony
you saw your new room for the first time and didn’t leave it for a while, occasionally pepper or morgan would pop in
morgan actually crawled into bed with you a few times
the funeral was one of the worst days of your life
the remnants of your young life pulled back together for one day
then you hid back in your room before you heard a knock
“who is it?”
“it’s happy”
“come in”
“hey, kiddo. me and morgan are gonna get some cheeseburgers, you wanna come?”
she really was a stark
after a long hibernation, you started to get back into the groove of your old life
but the press was brutal and harsh, you were bombarded with questions regarding your dad
it took everything not to explode on camera
you stayed in contact with the rest of the avengers, mourning your dead, keeping the support system, staying a family
it was all you could get...for now
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robbiemeadow · 7 years
How to Be a Parent Your Child Wants to Talk To
Written by Dr. Erin Leonard
As a child therapist, the most common complaint I hear from parents is, “He just won’t talk to me.” Feeling estranged from your own child is painful, and it has implications for the child. Research indicates the most important predictor of a child’s emotional and psychological stability is the closeness of the parent/child relationship. Obviously, if the child is not opening up when they are upset, the relationship is not as close as it needs to be.
There are two habits that parents routinely engage in that shut down communication and drive a child away: negating feelings and mistaking sympathy for empathy.
Sympathy vs. empathy
When a child is truly in distress because they feel hurt, disappointed, worried, or angry, they desperately need their parent. Yet, often, parents don’t want to see their child feeling negatively, so their first instinct is to tell their child not to feel the way they do. Before they think, statements such as “don’t be disappointed” or “don’t be mad” escape. This results in the child feeling ashamed of how they feel, compounding the hurt. Moreover, the knowledge that their parent does not understand leaves them feeling alone, which is detrimental. Basically, the child learns that opening up about how they feel makes them feel worse.
Statements to avoid:
Don’t worry.
Don’t feel that way.
Don’t be disappointed.
Don’t be like that.
Don’t be mad.
You are too sensitive.
A better idea is to empathize. Honor their feelings. Feelings are never wrong; it’s what kids do with feelings that can get them in trouble.
Examples of empathy include:
That’s a big worry. I get it.
You are upset. I would be too.
You have every right to feel disappointed. I felt like that when I was your age.
You are mad. I understand. You have every right.
It hurts to see someone do something you want to be able to do, but can’t yet.
You are mad. I’m sure you have a good reason. I want to hear about it.
After you give them a solid dose of empathy, the child feels understood and connected to you, which means they immediately feel better and will want your help in problem solving. In many cases, the empathy is all they need to feel better. Simply knowing their parent understands allows them to feel secure and forge ahead.
In addition, just because you empathize with how your child feels does not automatically mean you are condoning bad behavior. For example, my son came in the door angry last week. He slammed the door and threw his coat down. I said, “You are mad. I don’t know why, but you probably have a very good reason, and I want to hear about it, but you can’t throw your coat. Go pick it up.” After he picked up his jacket, he immediately came to me and told me he was upset about a conflict he got into with a friend.
Empathy wins
Here’s how it works: Empathy creates good vagal tone in a child’s brain and immediately calms them. After receiving empathy, they settle down and can logically think through problems with you. They also feel understood and close to you which allows them to forge ahead with a sense of security.
No parent wants a child who feels sorry for themselves, plays the victim, or is overly dramatic, and maybe that is the fear that prevents a parent from being empathic. However, honoring their child’s feelings is actually what prevents a sense of entitlement or a victim mentality in a child. Sympathy, on the other hand, disrupts any chance of emotional attunement and tempts parents to enable. The parent saves and rescues their child from negative feelings instead of helping them work through difficult feelings.
For example, on the way home from hockey practice one night my eight-year-old son, Jimmy, said to me, “Mom, I was the worst one tonight. I’m the worst one every night. I barely got put in.” Now, I have two choices, the sympathetic response or the empathic response.
1. The sympathetic response: “Poor guy, Im going to call your coach and talk to him. I don’t think it’s fair that he benches you for most of the practice.”
2. The empathic response: “That hurts, kiddo. It hurts to feel like you’re the worst one. I get it. I’ve felt like that a lot in my life. It stinks. Keep at it. It will get better.”
In essence, the sympathetic response tempts us to enable and ask that the rules be changed or concessions be made for our child, which teaches them to play the victim. Also, it requires no emotional investment on the parent’s part because the parent becomes the powerful saver and rescuer, which strokes the parent’s ego. It is the easy way out.
The empathic response requires the parent shift from how they feel to how the child feels. It’s emotional attunement. It’s the parent remembering how it feels to be the worst one at something, so they can relate to their child. It’s selfless and it puts the child first, emotionally. When there is emotional attunement, the child feels understood and connected to you, which allows them to feel secure and more able to forge ahead and try again. Empathy creates a rugged work ethic and resilience in a child. The child will thrive on adversity instead of breaking down when negative things happen. Empathy creates brave and strong human beings.
Stay close to your child. Empathize and empower. The reward will be priceless.
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iokay max went outside, on her own. way to go kiddo
“come on ari, jeb wouldn’t want it to be like this” “you still don’t get anything! we’re the good guys!”
also fang just picked ari up to fly him away im
“come on ari you should know better, i’m never really alone”
“you chose to become a monster. i didn’t have that choice”
okay they triggered the migraine in everyone not just max so does everyone get the voice???? also it was triggered by remote and they’re taking all of them to the school now
i have 27 minutes left
max immediately asking if everyone’s okay and almost crying bc she sees max and bEING A TINY TEEN MOM
ready for that jeb faceoff???????? bc i am
wow i didn’t notice but ari has blacked out eyes, like a demon. wait no apparently it’s just him wolfed out
max has chocolate chip cookies waiting for her i feel so betrayed thAT’S A DR M THING NOT A JEB THING
and there’s jeb, looking a bit more polished than the flashback
max refusing to take any cookies. the glower is actually max level.
“i’m trying really hard to come up with a story that would explain any of this” max says explains it and “i guess that’s just wishful thinking”
“option two, this was a lie. it was you. how am i doing, jeb? warm, cold? room temperature?”
“the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle” stfu jeb
she’s just a kid, max hisses
“no, she’s not. she’s extraordinary. all of you are.” 
the house was so they could develop physically and emotionally, then he left for independence 
“god, you actually believe that? you really think that what you did was for the best?” “not for you max, no. but for everyone.”
here comes the save the world bomb
with a long unnecessary speech beforehand
“variables” god i remember that and i always forget that brings in how creepy jeb is
this is the most max sass that’s been in this movie
“now that the illusion’s shattered we will have to keep you here. for now.” “home sweet home”
max shoving away the cookies and “i don’t like chocolate chip cookies anymore. i’ve outgrown them.” no wtf you’re supposed to like them as a representation of home that you’ve been missing all your life
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
A Bug’s Life
Peter Parker x Lang!reader
a/n: i love this concept and also anon u r sweet and i just found out theres a marvel supervillainess named dragonfly but since i havent heard of her until today im using that name!
prompt: anonymous: “Can you please write a Tom Holland!Peter Parker x Female!Reader where the reader is the older sister of Cassie Lang (Antman’s daughter) and her and Peter fall in love with each other. ✨ Thanks so much! 😘”
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Okay, so when you were a kid, you had always dreamed of being a superhero. You never thought you’d know your idols personally, though. You see, when your dad, Scott Lang, came back from prison, a lot changed. Suddenly, he was a superhero and no matter how much he didn’t like it, you wanted to be apart of it.
“Y/N, no, please. You’re just a kid!” You dad argued with you in the presence of your “uncles.”
“Scotty, I think it’d be good for her, you know? Like, she’s so smart and she’s got a lot of talent! I think she could learn a thing or two from Hope and Dr. Pym, right?” Uncle Luis egged on.
“Yeah, dad! Me and Hope have already been experimenting with some stuff and, I mean, Mom’s been bugging me over getting into some extracurriculars...” You reasoned with him.
“Yeah, y/n, like photography club or soccer, not being a crime-fighting bug!” Scott pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, but when he looked back up, you were giving him puppy eyes. “Don’t...don’t do that.”
“Please, dad? I just wanna follow in your footsteps. You’re my hero.” You pouted your lip and didn’t break eye contact with him until he let out a load groan.
“Your mom is going to kill me.” He mumbled while you celebrated with Luis.
You became known as Dragonfly, Ant-Man and Wasp’s sidekick partner. It wasn’t long before you were affiliated with the Avengers and other heroes from across the galaxy.
The first time you stepped foot into the Avengers Compound was unbelievable.
“If only I could tell eight-year-old me how cool she’d grow up to be...” You whispered as your dad led you through the place. You were specifically requested for recruitment following a backround check that proved that you were qualified to train as a junior scientist! The program had just been started thanks to the young Spider-Man, one of the many heroes you had met before and would actually get to know after today.
“Alright, kiddo, it’s not too late to back out.” Your dad told you.
“It’s gonna be fine, dad! You know you can visit me anytime and I’ll come to see you and Cassie every chance I can get.” You gave him a warm smile to let him know it’s alright.
“I know...I’m just gonna miss you, you know?” He shrugged, but before the conversation could continue, you were greeted by Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk.
“Welcome! Nice to see you again, Scott.” Bruce shook your dad’s hand, then turned to you. “And it’s wonderful to finally meet the girl behind the mask.” He shook your hand.
“Nice to meet you, too, Doctor Banner.” You fit your small hand into his abnormally large (and green) hand.
“I’ve heard great things about you, Y/N. I’m excited to see your talent up close.” Dr. Banner chuckled. “I told Peter to meet us here, he probably forgot.” He walked to the wall and pressed the speaker button to the intercom. “Peter, can you meet us at the South Entrance?”
Moments later, a teenage boy came barrelling towards the three of you.
“Sorry! Sorry I’m late.” He apologized profusely. You giggled at the disheveled appearance of him. His hair was sticking up in the back and his flannel was half-tucked into his pants. “I’m Peter!” He stuck his hand out for you to shake. “Peter Parker. Spider-Man.” You took his hand gladly and shook it.
“Y/N Lang. Dragonfly.” You introduced yourself. “It’s been a while since we’ve fought together.” You pointed out. “Maybe that’s a good thing.” Peter’s eyes furrowed at that comment. “You know, not fighting.” You added.
“Oh, yeah, definitely!” Peter agreed.
“So, let me guess: you overslept?” You referenced Peter’s bold look and he quickly fixed anything noticeably wrong to him. Bruce and your dad were just observing the chemistry between you and Peter, exchanging entertained glances.
“Hi! I’m y/n’s dad, Scott. Ant-Man.” Scott interrupted as he waved to Peter.
“Oh! I remember you. You got really big in Germany and I had to web your knees until you fell down.” Peter brought up old memories and you covered your mouth to stop from laughing.
“Yep! That’s me.” Scott eyes got slightly wider. “So, I really wish I could stay, but I have a meeting with a client tomorrow morning that I can’t miss. Alarm company doesn’t run itself, you know?” Silence. “Anyways, uh, y/n.” He motioned you a bit closer so you could say goodbye. He crouched down and grabbed both your shoulders. “I love you so much and I am super proud of you. This is an awesome opportunity, kiddo!”
“Yeah, I know.” You said in a sort of disappointed tone.
“What’s wrong?” Scott asked.
“I’m just gonna miss you.” You frowned.
“Come here.” Your dad pulled you into a tight hug. “I’m gonna miss you, too.” The hug lasted at least sixty seconds before he pulled away and kissed your forehead. “Okay, now here’s your bag, go do some science!” He gave you your suitcase. “I love you, Pumkin.”
“Love you, too, dad.” You smiled, almost holding back tears. You really didn’t want to say goodbye to him, but it’s apart of life. Scott watched as you, Peter, and Banner walked down the halls of the Compound. Bruce and Peter were showing you your new room!
“What’s crime like on the West Coast?” Peter asked you. “I’ve only fought crime on the East Coast. And Europe. And Space.”
“Crime is the same coast to coast. It’s crime.” You shrugged.
“Well, that’s cool. Sorry, I’m not good at small talk.” He chuckled.
“Peter, you’ll be able to show y/n her room and give her a little tour, right?” Bruce asked as he slowed down.
“Yeah, no problem.” Peter nodded.
“Alright, great. I’ll be in the lab if anyone needs me.” Bruce walked away and left the two of you to it.
“Okie doke.” Peter clapped his hands together. “Well, this is the hallway.” Is exactly how he just began the tour. The Compound was actually, surprisingly, bigger than you expected. “And that’s the training room, there’s the kitchen, your room has it’s own bathroom, but there are other bathrooms all over the place. There’s a shopping list on the fridge if you ever have any requests, but fruit snacks are banned since I ate two full boxes in one day and threw up.” Peter gave that wonderful anecdote.
“Wow, that’s...impressive?” You tried to come up with something.
“I think the word you’re looking for is ‘disgusting.’” Peter and you shared a laugh as you approached your new room. He opened the door up and you stepped into the biggest bedroom you’d ever seen. “It’s taken some getting used to, you know, the big room, the big bed, the huge bathroom, all of it.”
“This is amazing.” You mumbled.
“Yeah! And Bruce said we can go shopping and decorate the room any way you’d like. I just got my license, so I’d be cool with driving.” Peter proposed.
“Yeah, I think that’d be pretty cool.” You agreed as you threw your suitcase onto the bed and started unpacking. “Uh, I’m kind of hungry...know any places to eat around here?” You started putting shirts on hangers and filling up your huge closet. You noticed Peter hadn’t answered your question yet, so you turned around to see what he was stalling for. He was just watching you. “Am I really that interesting?” You joked.
“What?” Peter blinked. “Oh! Yeah, sorry, yeah, there’s a few places around that we can go to. Assuming you’d want my company, of course. It’s your choice, really.” Peter rambled and you approached him.
“Duh, I gotta get to know my housemate better!” You pulled Peter out of the room and in a random direction. “Am I going the right way to the garage?”
“No.” He answered and you quickly changed directions. You were oddly comfortable with Peter already, and he wasn’t exactly against it. You were super sweet to him and you two have a lot of shared experience. Teen heroes trying to make a difference. And bug-themed.
Peter drove you to his favorite (and closest) restaurant for dinner, and on the way, he played his music on the playlist. Left Hand Free by Alt-J played through the speakers as you sang along.
“You like this song?” He asked and you nodded without a pause in singing. “Good, so do I. You have a really good voice.” He complimented, which definitely made you blush.
“Thanks, now sing with me!” You nudged his arm leaning on the console and resumed your singing.
“I don’t really sing.” Peter chuckled and saw you roll your eyes, then sighed. “Fine. You win.” He began to join you in song.
Well your left hand’s free, and your right’s in grip. With another left hand watch his right hand slip towards his gun, woah woah woah...
“You’re not too bad, yourself, Peter.” You told him as he pulled into a parking spot at the restaurant. The two of you walked in together and the waitress immediately recognized Peter.
“Hey there, Peter! Good to see you!” She greeted and grabbed two menus. “I see you’ve brought a date.” She raised her eyebrows and smirked.
“Oh, uh, she’s not—” Peter stuttered before you took over.
“Yep, it’s our first date! I’m y/n.” You introduced yourself.
“Well, it’s nice to see him with someone. Follow me, you two.” She let you over to a table and told you she’d be back for drinks in a minute. As soon as she left, Peter turned to you.
“When were you going to tell me this was a date?” Peter cocked an eyebrow with a crooked smile to match it.
“I’m sorry! I hope it’s okay I told her that.” You innocently replied.
“It’s more than okay.” Peter leaned forward. “I’m happy to be your date. We are moving a bit fast, though.”
“Are you sure? This is actually pretty slow for people our age. By now, they’d probably be confessing their love for one another.” You joked and he rolled his eyes.
“You are so right!” He snorted. “Jeez, it’s been so long since I’ve talked to someone my own age!” He sighed. “What about you?”
“I hang out with adults all day long. The only kid I hang out with is my little sister. Do you have any siblings?” You asked him.
“Only child.” Peter answered. “What’s your sister’s name?”
“Cassie. She’s sweet but it’s kind of weird coming back after the Blip and seeing her all big and everything.” You made random hand gestures to demonstrate that she was bigger.
“I know, right! I have classmates that I saw as infants that are now bigger than me!” He explained. The waitress came back and got you your drinks and took each of your orders. Back to the chit-chat. “Okay, now tell me, what got you into the hero-game?”
“Okay, well, my dad had just gotten out of prison, right?” That sentence itself made Peter choke on his drink. “Oh, calm down, it was a non-violent offense. He actually exposed corruption, that’s why I look up to him.” You explained.
“That’s good, that’s good. I’m glad. Go on.” He took another sip from his drink.
“Yeah, so then he robbed Hank Pym, who actually wanted my dad to rob him, then a bunch of ants broke my dad out of jail after he got arrested again for stealing from Dr. Pym, then my dad became the new Ant-Man and took down some bad guys, his new girlfriend, Hope, who is Dr. Pym’s daughter, took a liking to me and started showing me the ropes, so me and my Uncle Luis convinced my dad to let me make my own suit. Then Dragonfly was born.” You explained in full detail. “What about you?”
“Oh, yeah. Well, I got bit by a radioactive spider that was being experimented on in a lab, then I had a short-lived wrestling career, then my uncle who raised me died and I became Spider-Man.” He smiled and your jaw dropped.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” You asked.
“Oh, yeah, I’m good.” He admitted as you guys recieved your food. “So, anything else I should know about you?”
“I dunno.” You shrugged. “I like Star Wars.” You told him.
“Me too!” Peter exclaimed.
“No, you don’t. My dad told me Spider-Man called AT-AT’s ‘walking-thingies.’” You shook your head and laughed at the thought of that.
“Okay, so I’m not a huge fan, but our next date can be a Star Wars marathon?” Peter proposed.
“Yes!” You agreed a bit too enthusiastically. Peter smiled and the waitress brought an ice cream sundae with two spoons to the table.
“It’s on the house.” She told you two with a wink.
“Looks like we’re sharing.” You grabbed a spoon and got to work. Peter got chocolate all over his chin. He was kind of a messy eater. “You’ve got a little something...” You grabbed a napkin and wiped his chin clean.
“Thanks.” Peter picked his spoon up and moved it towards you. “Have you tried any of the brownie yet?” You took a bite of what he offered.
“Wow, that’s amazing.” You spoke through your mouthful.
“I hate to brag, but I make a pretty mean batch of brownies.” Peter bragged.
“You’re gonna have to prove it, Pete.” You wiped your face off and cleaned up your spot a bit. “You ready to get back to the Compound?”
“Yeah, yeah, let’s get going.” Peter left some cash on the table to pay the bill and walked you out to the car. The car ride back was filled with jokes and even more stories about your super-adventures. “So, you’re telling me that the first time you shrank, you cried?”
“Yes! Dude, it was an emotional experience. I’m telling you, I was not prepared for something so cool.” You defended yourself. “Now tell me something embarrassing about your powers.”
“I got stuck to a bathroom stall at school and they thought I was skipping class so they sent an aide and I was crying out of fear.” He admitted with pity in his voice.
“Oh, my god. That’s awful.” You giggled and grabbed his hand. “Have you recovered yet?”
“No, unfortunately not, but the handholding sure does help.” Peter squeezed your hand tighter.
“I’m glad.” You smugly replied and closed your eyes to listen to the music. You were kind of exhausted from traveling, so you knew you’d pass out the moment you hit your bed. Soon, you arrived at the Compound and Peter kissed your cheek to get you up.
“We’re hoooome.” He said in a singsong voice as your eyes fluttered open. “Sorry, that was weird.” He apologized, but you grabbed his face and pulled him in for a long kiss. More like a brief makeout, but potato, poe-tah-toe.
“You’re really cute, you know?”
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