#and now i feel exhausted before my 7 hour shift :
mynameismckenziemae · 5 hours
All of Me
Part 10
(previous part here, next part here)
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x You
Summary: A missed turn is the start of something more.
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Warnings: 18+ MDNI! Smut, teasing, femdom, orgasm delay/edging, use of a makeshift gag, honor bondage, oral (m receiving), ass play, a little exhibitionism, talks of blood/medical stuff.
“So…” Jake sets the cruise control once he gets on the highway, “you like-like me, huh?”
“You were awake? The whole time?!” You laugh and smack his arm when he nods with a smug smirk. “You ass!”
“I know,” he agrees. “I’m sorry. I was going to make it known, but then…I didn’t want to embarrass Drew.”
You nod and take a deep breath as your stomach flips like you’re on a roller coaster.
Here goes nothing.
“I do like you, Jake. More than a friend.”
“You already know I like you too. More than a friend,” he grins, “and Drew was right. I’ll do everything in my power to never hurt either of you.”
“Okay,” you whisper as you try not to cry. Again.
In the comfortable silence of the car, your eyes close as your thoughts drift to one of the last verbal conversations you had with Andy before he lost his ability to speak.
The sun was just coming up when you got home from a 24-hour shift at the hospital. Utterly exhausted at 7 months pregnant, you crawled in next to Andy in his hospital bed.
“Hey,” he says, lips twitching in his attempt to smile.
“Hi,” you whisper, pressing a kiss to his forehead before laying your head on his thin shoulder.
“How’s my boy?” He asks, his speech slow and slurred and getting worse by the day.
“Good,” you answer, rubbing a hand over your swollen belly, “sleeping now after he danced all night on my bladder.”
“Tired himself out,” Andy replies. “So. I’ve been thinking.”
“Yeah? Did you hurt yourself?” You tease, giggling at his exaggerated sigh.
“I was thinking when I die,” he continues, making your heart squeeze painfully in your chest, “that you and Bradshaw should get together.”
“What?!” You nearly shout as you try to sit up, but you struggle with your pregnant belly in the way.
You knew ALS could change his thinking and behavior but this is way out of left field.
When you finally can get up enough to turn and look at him, he’s shaking with silent laughter.
“What the hell?!” You ask, unable to keep from laughing too. “I thought you lost your damn mind.”
“Sorry, I couldn’t resist,” he explains when you lay back down on his chest. You commit to memory the steady beat of his heart for a few minutes before he continues. “I do want you to be happy though.”
“Andy…” your voice breaks with the tears filling your eyes. Dating is the last thing on your mind right now with being pregnant and married. Even though he’s dying.
“I know,” he answers, reading your mind. You reach back and pull his arm around you when you feel it trying to move at your back. “But someday, you might want to; and it’s okay.”
“Okay,” you whisper, unconvinced. “No one could ever replace you though.”
“If you say so,” he teases softly.
“Will you send me a sign?” You half-jokingly ask a few minutes later. Your eyes are closed, lids too heavy from exhaustion to open.
“If I ever date again. Send me a sign from heaven,” you reply sleepily with a yawn. “So I know you approve.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” he chuckles as sleep pulls you under.
A sad smile (as Drew would say) graces your face as you come back to the present. You slowly blink your eyes open to the sound of Jake’s voice.
“I hate Apple Maps,” he grumbles, trying to zoom out on the screen. “Never told me to turn and now it’s re-routing us.”
“Yep,” you agree, pulling out your phone. “Same thing happens to me all the time. I’ll try pulling it up on mine.”
Jake’s low whistle has you looking up a moment later.
“Look at all those flowers,” he says, nodding his head to your side of the car.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmur.
To your right is a field with row after row full of yellow flowers.
Jake wordlessly turns into the driveway at the end of the field, parking the car near a small shop. It’s closed but there’s a note stuck to the door stating, “Sorry, we’re closed! Feel free to look but please don’t pick the flowers so everyone can enjoy them.”
“Daffodils,” you realize as you walk closer to the edge of the field, Jake at your side. “Wow. I’ve never seen so many.”
“Me either,” Jake murmurs, lacing in his fingers in yours.
You walk down the aisles hand in hand, enjoying the soft sounds and calmness of nature that you don’t often get to experience when living in the city.
At the very end of the last row, there’s a sign. A peculiar, almost precognitive feeling has your heart beating faster with each step as the two of you draw nearer to it.
Symbolizing both hope and resilience, daffodils are strong, little things that manage to survive long, dark winters; waiting to pop up with a fresh start and renewal that spring brings.
Let this be a sign to not let fear hold you back and to embrace new beginnings with open arms.
The words have tears spilling from your eyes as Jake reads them out loud.
“Oh my God,” you say and a laugh escapes despite your tears.
Well, you did ask Andy to send a sign. You didn’t mean literally but you’ll take it.
“What?” He turns to you, concern furrowing his brow when he sees you’re crying. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you whisper as he turns your chin toward him so he can wipe your tears. “I don’t even know how to explain it but I’ll try in the car. Ready to go?”
“I know it’s probably just a coincidence,” you murmur after relaying the memory to Jake, now feeling a bit vulnerable.
“Thinking of that specific memory, missing our turn, ending up at a field full of flowers that symbolize hope and resilience, and then seeing that sign?” Jake says, glancing at you before looking back to the road “Feels like more than a coincidence to me.”
“Me too,” you smile softly and place your hand over his. “So Jake, will you be my boyfriend?”
You pick up food on the way home for an early dinner before spending the rest of the evening in bed. It’s different than before; softer, unhurried, and more intimate after the emotional
“Do you want me to stay?” Jake asks after cleaning you up as his fingers play in your hair. His appetite for you is sated; at least for now.
“Yeah,” you reply, nuzzling into his chest, “if you want to. I’m on call tomorrow starting at 8, but I don’t have anything else planned.”
“I do want to,” he says, already sounding tired. “What do you have to do when you’re on call?”
“Not much. I just have to answer my phone if it rings and give the nurse orders or talk to the patient,” you explain, unable to stifle a yawn.
“I’ll keep you company then,” he replies as he drifts off.
“Mmkay,” you mumble before succumbing to sleep too.
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Jake whispers before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You smile at the use of a pet name, slowly blinking your eyes open as you stretch, feeling more rested than you have in a long time. “Morning. What time is it?”
“Ten to 8,” he replies, handing you a cup of coffee. “I wanted to let you sleep.”
“It’s okay. I haven’t slept that good in a long time,” you say, noticing the lack of sun coming through your curtains. “Is it raining?”
“Yeah, I checked this morning. It’s supposed to last all day,” he replies, settling next to you. “It’s nice and sunny up by Drew though.”
“Good,” you smile into your coffee cup. “On the bright side, we won’t have to feel guilty about spending all day in bed now.”
“True,” he agrees, setting your coffee on the nightstand before returning for a kiss. He guides the tee shirt you stole from him over your head before pulling you down with him.
Goosebumps follow your fingers trailing over his chest and he sighs into the kiss when you find his nipple.
You love how responsive he is to your touch and it reminds you of the package under your bed that arrived earlier this week.
“Hey, I ordered…something to try,” you say breathlessly before kissing a line down his neck. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Mmm, what is it?” He asks breathlessly as his hips press into you, precum already staining the front of his boxer-briefs.
You lift off him to dig through your bedside drawer, finding your black satin sleep mask and holding it up.
“Let me surprise you?” You ask, nodding to the mask.
His eyes darken as he nods.
You cover his eyes and reach for the box under your bed, setting it next to him while you gather everything else you need before crawling over the bed to him.
“Keep your hands here,” you murmur as you pull his arms above his head to grip the headboard.
“Yes ma’am,” he replies breathily, flushed already.
“Always so good for me,” you purr, leaving a kiss on his lips. He chases it with a whine when you pull away.
“You can tell me to stop at any time, and I will, okay?” You say as you kiss a path down his eager body before settling between his legs.
He nods before hissing when you suddenly suck sharply on his hip bone, leaving a dark bruise. “I can’t hear you nod.”
“Y-yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am,” he replies shakily, sounding fucked out already and you’ve barely touched him.
“Fuck!” He cries when you suck the head of his cock into your mouth without warning.
You hum around him as your head lazily bobs up and down his shaft, pausing only to place a generous dollop of lube on your finger.
“Oh,” he breathes when your index finger presses his rim, circling the right ring of muscle before pressing in. You smile as he opens his legs a little further before bringing them up to give you better access.
Your mouth goes back to his cock as your finger works in and out of his hole, occasionally brushing his prostate to keep him on edge. “Can I add another?”
“Yeah-I mean, yes ma’am,” he stutters, correcting himself before you can.
The thick muscles of his arms flex and another breathy curse leaves him as you slowly push two fingers in.
“You’re taking it so well,” you praise, rewarding him with a touch to his prostate as you lick the precum beading at the tip before swallowing him to the back of your throat.
“Fuu-ckk,” he says brokenly, clenching around your fingers as his hips jerk.
You swallow again before pulling back, smiling at his frustrated whine before doing it again and again, bringing him to the edge over and over until he’s begging.
“Please, ma’am, please let me cum?” He whines when you pull off again.
“Not yet,” you murmur as you remove your fingers from him to pick up the toy and coat it with more lube.
“What…is that?” He gasps, flinching when he feels the cool silicone pressing against his sensitive rim.
“A prostate massager,” you reply, pushing it in when he relaxes. “Feel okay?”
“Yeah,” he replies, shifting his hips and sucking in a breath at the feeling.
You haven’t told him it vibrates.
“Good, I’ll be right back, just gonna wash my hands quick,” you murmur, pressing a kiss to his lips.
Your phone rings as you walk back into the room from the en suite.
“Damn it,” you mumble when you see your work number. “Hang on, hopefully it won’t take long.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, cock still hard and dripping precum into his stomach.
“Hi, this is Dr. Kerner,” you answer, sitting next to him on the bed.
“Hey, it’s Shannon. I’ve got Lt. Luke Thompson, date of birth: 2/21/1991 calling with a nosebleed that started this morning when he woke up, no known injury, not on any blood thinners…”
He gasps when you reach over and start stroking him idly as you listen to her give report.
“Sounds good,” you say when she’s finished, “You can put him through.”
“Okay-shoot, we got disconnected. I’ll call him back and transfer him to him,” she says.
“Thanks,” you reply, hitting the red button to end the call.
“Can you stay quiet for me while I’m on the phone?” You ask, still stroking him.
“I-I’ll try ma’am,” he breathes.
“Mmm, I don’t know if I can trust that,” you reply. He whimpers when your hand leaves his cock, but he can’t see that you’re removing your underwear. “This outta do it. Open your mouth.”
He shudders but does as asked, groaning when you stuff the lacy fabric in his mouth.
“If you want me to stop, just let go of the headboard, okay?” You ask as your phone starts to ring again.
He nods eagerly as you swipe to answer it.
“Hi, Lt. Thomson? I’m Dr. Kerner. So you’ve got a bloody nose that started when you got up this morning. What time was that?”
“A little less than an hour ago,” the patient replies nasally as you pick up the toy’s remote.
“Okay, so I want you to pinch your nostrils shut and lean forward,” you instruct as you click on the vibration to the lowest setting.
Jake’s entire body jolts at the sensation, his sound of pleasure muted by the makeshift gag.
“Yeah forward. I know it sounds weird, but it’ll go down your throat and upset your stomach if you tilt your head back,” you continue on autopilot as arousal pools between your thighs.
The muscles in Jake’s arms strain further as his grip tightens, and his heels dig into the mattress with a muffled curse when you click it again. He shakes his head and it sounds like he’s trying to say “I can’t”.
Yet his hands don’t let go.
“Are you feeling dizzy at all? Lightheaded?” You ask, struggling to keep your voice even as you watch this big, strong man struggle under your control
“Okay good. Stay like that for another 10 minutes or so,” you continue. “If it doesn’t stop, you’ll have to go to urgent care to get it packed or cauterized”
Jake’s entire body shakes as he fights the urge to give in to the pleasure.
You end the call as you click it to the highest setting and watch as he unravels.
The fabric shoved in his mouth is does little to muffle his uninhibited, throaty groans as his hips flex, cock twitching as stripes of cum paint the valleys and ridges of his abs.
A/N: So, they’re officially official! What did you think of the literal sign Andy sent? Also, while looking up flowers that symbolize hope/resilience I found some daffodil farms in California and now I want to go there 😂
I’m also aware this was super inappropriate of Reese to do this while on the phone with a patient. This is purely fictional/fun and I do not condone this IRL!
As always, any interaction is appreciated but I love hearing what you think in the comments/reblogs!
Please let me know if you want to be added to (or removed from) my taglist!
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rosesradio · 10 months
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atomicami · 7 months
cami would you write a sub abby? like maybe where she needs your help to get off?🤭🩷
my sweet dani, that mind of yours truly is incredible…i wrote this one just for you querida 🤍
close call
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contractor!abby anderson x joel’s daughter!reader
- summary: it’s the night before the annual bake sale, and abby needs your touch now more than ever.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, contractor/engineer!abby, texas living, no sarah, joel & jerry are still alive (jerry is not a doctor in this), reader has a business degree, abby gets needy, sneaking out, oral & fingering (a!receiving), masturbation (r), abby whimpering and begging?? and i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything
- author’s note: well if i’m being honest i really did not expect to be writing another contractor!abby fic so soon, but this request gives so much desperate contractor!abby energy that i just had to do it. however i do have to clarify that this is not a part 3. i’ve stated this before in one of my asks, but part 3 is going to be more about the bake sale…this is just more of a little bonus chapter i guess.
anyways, this one’s for you dani, and for all of my contractor!abby fans out there that need a little pick me up rn. i hope y’all enjoy it 🫶🏻
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You didn’t expect to be doing it again so soon.
After you had snuck your way out of work to go see Abby at her father’s contracting site, you have to admit that the rest of this week flew by surprisingly fast for you.
You had been keeping yourself occupied in the meantime, between doing customer calls at work and preparing for the bake sale, you’ve been quite patient with yourself and didn’t feel the need to have to sneak out again until the next time you’d plan to see Abby. It was almost as if you simply had just been sick that day, and Abby’s touch was the remedy that cured you.
Although…there might be a feeling that you’ve jinxed yourself in saying so when you receive a phone call the night before.
You spent the morning on your work shift as usual, and your dad was generous enough to let you go before lunchtime so you could start baking for the sale tomorrow. After spending the rest of your day prepping, mixing, baking, and decorating, you were left with a variety of fresh pastries by sundown, ready to sell the next morning.
By the time you finished cleaning up the kitchen and getting ready for bed, the clock struck 10 p.m. Normally you’d stay up a little longer, but after the exhausting day you’ve had today, you genuinely needed to rest for tomorrow. You had to be downtown by 7 a.m. to set up at the farmer’s market for the bake sale. Given how weary you were, it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep.
However, you were only able to get a few hours of sleep in before your phone began to ring.
The sound of your ringtone startles you awake. Letting out a tired groan, you muster up the energy to reach over to your nightstand to turn on your light and pick up your phone to see who was calling you.
“Abby?” you whisper to yourself, rubbing your eyes to get a better look at the screen. Once you do, the phone call disappears and your lock screen shows with the missed notification, giving you a chance to look at the time.
It was barely past 1 a.m. Why the hell was she calling you this late?
Her contact name shows up once again in a second call, and this time you swipe to answer.
“Abby…what is it?” you answer groggily to her.
“Hey…are you awake?” she asks shyly.
You roll your eyes before responding. “I am now.”
“Look, I’m sorry if I did wake you up, but I really need you right now…”
Her words start to replay in your head. The tone she had in her voice…she didn’t sound like her usual, cocky self. She sounded desperate…kind of like how you were the last time you saw her.
“Abby, it’s one in the morning…what is it that can’t wait until later?”
You knew what she was asking for, you just needed to make her say it. Kind of like how she made you tell her last time.
“I um…I can’t get myself off,” she muttered back. It was quiet, but not quiet enough to where you couldn’t hear her.
You simply nod, soon remembering that she couldn’t see you right now. “Alright, um…do you have your boxers on, then?”
“No—I mean, yes I do, but I don’t mean this…I need you to come over.”
You scoff at her through the phone. She truly can’t be serious. Having to do this over the phone would already be difficult enough for you. But to sneak yourself out in the middle of the night to do so? It was going to be too much.
“Abby, you can’t be serious right now—“
“Come on, baby, don’t be like that…My dad isn’t even home right now, please?”
“Okay, but my dad is.” You reply to her instantly. “There’s no way I’m gonna be able to get out of my house without waking him up.”
You keep trying to tell her that it’s not going to work out, but Abby continues to beg about it. As much as you wanted to, it clearly wasn't the right time to do so. But eventually, you just had to give in.
“Okay, fine! I’ll come over…” you said, quickly lowering your voice down. “Just…just give me five minutes.”
After hanging up the phone, you get up from your bed, taking the time to stretch in the process. Grabbing the first pair of shoes you find, you quickly slip them on before grabbing your phone and keys and exiting your room.
Once you’ve shut the door, you begin to tiptoe down the hall as to not wake up your father. The door of Joel’s bedroom was slightly cracked open, and you could see that he was fast asleep. You quietly pass by his bedroom and make your way down the stairs, praying that the wood doesn't start creaking from the weight of your footsteps.
Before you know it, you’ve successfully made it out the door, and you begin to cross the street to Abby’s place. Once you’ve made it to her front door, your phone buzzes again.
“Abby: there’s a spare key under the mat.”
Jesus. The least she could’ve done was to have let you in her own house, especially since you had to do most of the work sneaking yourself out.
You reach down and slide your hand under the doormat, quickly finding the key that was hidden underneath before unlocking the door and letting yourself in. It’s the first time you’ve been inside Abby’s house, and you’re not bothered to even get a good look at it, you just needed to find her right now.
After wandering throughout her house for what feels like forever, you finally find her bedroom. Not even bothering to knock, you simply walk in to see Abby lying in the center of her bed, her long blonde locks draped over her shoulders, and her muscle tank covering her top half while the rest of her body was covered with her duvet from the waist down.
“Hey,” she pants out, propping herself up on her bed to get a better look at you. “I’m so sorry I had to—“
“Sit up,” you tell her, cutting off her sentence.
“You heard me. Sit up.”
You then walk your way over to the left side of her bed and kneel on the ground, causing Abby to scramble around and sit up from her bed. Once you’re settled on the ground, she’s got her legs hanging off the bed, and you can see that she doesn’t have anything on underneath.
“Thought you said you had your boxers on,” you told her.
“I-I did…I just couldn’t wait for you to get here…” she replies, looking away from you as she does so.
“And you say I’m the needy one…” you mutter to yourself. You then spread Abby’s legs open, revealing her pussy to you. Despite how truly annoyed you were that she made you have to sneak out in the middle of the night, you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want to be touching her like this right now…because your mouth was practically watering at the sight of her wet pussy.
Without hesitation, you insert two of your fingers inside her. Her body jerks back for a moment at the sudden touch, before soon settling down, letting her pussy relax around your fingers.
It seemed like Abby was trying to compose herself right now because you could hear how hard she was trying to hold back her whimpers and whines as you kept slowly pumping your fingers in and out of her.
“M-More…” she whispers out to you, trying her best to not sound needy.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You asked, eyes still fixated on her pussy.
“I-I need more, please…” she responds, her voice just a little louder this time.
You look up at her as your fingers continue to move inside her pussy, your movements not stopping as you maintained eye contact with her. “I’m gonna need you to be more specific than that, Abigail, or else I’m not giving you what you want,” you tell her sternly.
You can easily see her trying to hold back her frustration right now, and you were honestly enjoying it. The fact that you’ve put her in this state of submission outside of her usual cocky persona truly has you beaming with pride.
“I—fuck—I need your mouth, p-please…” she whines out to you, hands gripping onto the sheets as your fingers curl into her g spot.
“See, there you go…That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” you tease back at her before leaning in and attaching your mouth to her clit as you continued to finger her.
It didn’t take long for the speed of your fingers to increase inside her pussy and for your mouth to suck harder on her throbbing clit. Between the pleasure you were giving her and the whimpers and moans that were escaping from her mouth, you can’t help but feel the need to take care of yourself down there.
As you continue to eat Abby out, your non-dominant hand begins to trail its way down into your shorts and slide below your underwear. You instantly feel a sense of relief once your fingertips reach your clit, rubbing it gently as you continued to give Abby the pleasure she needed.
You began to whimper and moan into her pussy, the vibrations from your mouth causing chills to rush through Abby’s body as she tried to chase her orgasm.
Her pussy soon began to clench around your fingers more than usual, indicating that she was close. You briefly removed your mouth from her pussy to speak to her, quickly replacing it with your thumb in the meantime. “You’re getting close, aren’t you?” you asked, looking up at her.
Abby nodded quickly in response. “Y-yes, fuck, p-please don’t stop…” she whined out, quickly grabbing your head with one hand and pushing it back into her pussy while her other hand grips onto the edge of her bed.
You were practically being suffocated in between her strong thighs right now, but you could honestly care less. You weren’t stopping until she finished. You continued to desperately moan and whine into her pussy as you kept rubbing your needy clit with your other hand, trying to chase your orgasm as well.
“Oh fuck, baby, right there, I’m gonna—Fuck!”
Abby tried her best to warn you, she really did, but before you both knew it, her release was already spilling out of her pussy and onto your fingers and mouth, causing you to greedily drink up every last drop of her before slowly removing your mouth and fingers out of her.
Once Abby had recovered from her orgasm, she looked down at you just in time to see you take your other hand out of your shorts. She kept her eyes on your fingers, admiring how they were covered in your release as a result of the pleasure you just gave to her.
She brings her hand down to your chin and lifts it to meet her eyes with yours. The deja vu feeling was hitting her now the second she saw your pupils blown out once again, just like how you were not even a week ago when you went down on her under her desk while she was sitting across from her father.
You hesitate for a moment before soon making the effort to stand up to her height, bringing your two fingers that were coated in your slick up to her lips.
“Clean them up,” you commanded.
Abby nodded as she held the hand that was put to her mouth before parting her lips and sucking your fingers clean. Her eyes were trained on yours, maintaining eye contact as she did so.
“There you go, just like that…” you mutter out to her quietly.
Once they were clean, Abby removed your fingers from her mouth, making a slight pop sound as she did so. You lean in to plant a kiss on her lips, tasting a bit of yourself from her lips and vice versa. You then reach down to grab your phone and keys before walking towards her bedroom door to leave.
However, you pause in your tracks for one moment and turn your head around to look at her fucked out self one more time.
“I’ll see you at the bake sale.” you reminded her, that same smirk appearing now on both of your faces before you turned back around and exited her bedroom, now leaving her by herself.
Well, it’s safe to say that Abby was going to have to return the favor for you real soon.
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- a/n: i have to admit this one’s not my best work, it was my first time writing sub abby y’all believe me i tried my best 🙏🏻
also, i don’t usually self promote my fics but i did post my first dina fic the other day, it’s called overnight sensation and it’s a smau series. i’ve spent a lot of time and effort in making that fic so far so it’ll truly mean a lot to me if you guys could check it out 🤍
but other than that, i’ll see you guys in part 3!
tags 🏷️: @abbyscherry @whore4abby @zombholic @aouiaa @uraesthete @lia-winther @gaptoothedlesbo @deadbolted @abbysfavewh0rx @echostinn @mochiivqi @floptron @totallyghostdgirl @swtsuna @bellaramslover @naomis-daydream @ur-fav-pixi @sirenbxby @paprikahoernchen @thesevi0lentdelights @mostlyhornyandsad @tohoko
(^ i think that’s everyone?? let me know if i missed anyone/if you’d like to be tagged in the real part 3 LOL)
2023 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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write-tama · 2 months
"hank.. what am i feeling right now?"
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ connor anderson (4k800) x officer!reader
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sypnosis ; connor is very interested in an officer who just joined the police force. after being told the news that they would be joining the team, connor just had to make an acquaintance with them. anything to hear their voice.
containing ; use of you/yours and they/them pronouns! connor struggling to process emotions. hank being a proud father.
author’s note ; hihi! havent written for connor in SO long so i thought this was a cute little way of them meeting each other. connor is a
04.12.24 | 1.9k words
Everyone knew about the infamous 4k800.
The last most developed and intelligent android produced by Cyberlife.
A machine built to hunt its prey and to always accomplish his mission.
But now?
A confused man sitting at his desk, elbows on the surface as he ran the fourth diagnostic this morning.
Connor was never really taught how to feel his emotions, considering that he was forced to compress them from the moment he was made. If he were to feel any sort of emotion, it was either to the scrap factory for him or a hard lecture from Amanda.
But Amanda was gone, and androids were free to express any emotion they pleased.
It’s been weeks since Markus hit the headlines for his famous android revolution. He worked with the government extensively to pass bills in order to settle android rights for the country. Connor, on the other hand, continued to work with the DPD as a full-on detective under the supervision of Liutenant Hank Anderson. Hank was more than just a coworker, but a father figure to Connor. And that brought Connor joy, an emotion Connor was well aquainted of.
But not the feeling he was experiencing now.
Connor couldn’t get his mind off a certain someone who had joined the team a bit before the revolution. You had joined a week prior, and honestly, you were kind of regretting it. As android and human tensions rose, you were on duty 24/7. Originally, you were supposed to start easy with basic patrol around a part of a city, but because you were so impatient in doing the “big kid stuff” you found yourself frequently in the middle of the android and human discourse. Your shifts nearly lasted twelve hours, and you would be absolutely exhausted.
Things are different now. Sure, there were still some situations between the two sides, but it was definitely peace compared to literal boycotts. You sat at your desk idly scrolling through your past cases, making sure that all the information was correct and accurate. On the other side of your desk was a tablet full of notes you had taken after some cases you had to deal with. What you didn’t notice was the android detective constantly glancing at you, watching your every move to see if maybe, at some point, you would notice him.
A loud groan echoing from the desk in front of Connor made him jump, immediately turning his attention to his lieutenant taking a seat in his chair. “Fucking hell..” Hank sighed. “Fowler does nothing but my bust my balls these days, huh?” Connor stared at his partner with his hands folded in his lap and eyebrows furrowed.
“Is everything okay, Lieutenant?” Connor asked, tilting his head.
“It’s nothing too serious. Fowler just wants me to take the rookie on our next homicide case. He insisted that they would be a perfect addition to the team or whatever.” Hank groaned. “Now I’m responsible for two of you fucks.”
Connor, admittedly, felt his thirium pump racing. You? As part of the team? It was almost like he could overheat and shutdown momentarily right now. “I think they would be a great addition to the team.” Connor stated, biting back from smiling. “They have an excellent track record of solving cases in an orderly and timely manner, has caught every perpretrator with their undercover skills, and had a reputation back in their training classes as one of the top students.” He explained. Hank looked over as he was slouched in his seat with arms folded across his chest.
“Jesus, Connor, you sound like some creep searching up their name on Google.” Hank scoffed, half smiling. Though this caught Connor a little off— was he being creepy? He didn’t want to leave a bad impression on you, especially now that you're about to meet for the first time. His face scrunched up in anxiety, feeling as if he made a mistake. Hank immediately took notice and sat up. “Ah— I was just joking, Connor. I’m sure you have uh.. Good intentions.” Hank reassured, though he never said he was exactly good at it.
Hank looked over to you, seeing that you were preoccupied with work despite the fact you haven’t been on a case in a few days now. Hank looked at Connor. “Well.. Why don’t you introduce yourself to them.” Hank suggested, nodding his head over to you.
Connor immediately jolted his head up, a little wide-eyed to even suggest such. “O-Of course.” Connor stuttered out. Connor never stuttered, and though Hank was in a mood after his exchange with Fowler, he certainly didn’t leave that unnoticed.
“Did you just stutter?” Hank asked, a little amused. “Are you.. Nervous?”
“Of course not, Lieutenant,” Connor replied as steadily as possible. “I am an android.”
“Yes?” Connor replied, mindlessly.
“You’re a deviant, for fucks sake.”
Connor, to avoid anymore embarassment from the man he deemed his father figure, swiftly got up and started to approach you. Hank watched in pure amusement, not even wanting to stop the boy from probably embarassing himself even further, but at least Hank had some faith in him. He is Detroit’s best god damn detective.
“Hello, Officer (l/n). My name is Connor. It is nice to meet you.” Connor said, putting his hand out for a shake. You looked up from your computer screen only to be met with the most chocolate eyes you’ve ever had the privilege of being in the prescence of. He smiled politely, but behind that smile he thanked Elijah that androids could not sweat, otherwise you would’ve felt the claminess of his palm.
You took his hand and shook it firmly. “A pleasure to make your aquaintance. My name is (y/n).” You smiled generously, and wow, did Connor felt like his pump couldn’t get any faster.. He cleared his throat before darting his eyes to the unoccupied chair that sat next to your desk.
“May I?” Connor asked, gesturing towards the seat.
“Of course, I’m not doing much anyway.” You nodded. Connor took a seat, and for some reason, he struggled to even maintain his balance as he sat himself down. He nearly had to think about how to fold his hands before placing them firmly on his laps and looking at you. Thankfully, you barely realized any sort of struggle as you looked away to take a swig of your morning coffee.
“So..” you said, clasping your hands. “Am I in trouble or anything?” you joked. Connor immediately shot his head up, worried he had made the wrong impression.
“Oh, no— I—” Before Connor could sputter out an explanation, you tilted your head a little and started laughing.
“Relax! I was just kidding!” You playfully waved off. Connor’s shoulders immediately relaxed as a breath he didn’t even know he was holding back escaped his lips. You looked at him curiously, a smile still resting on your face.
“I’m sorry. Usually, I am not like this.” He said, shaking his head a little in embarassment. He was always on his A game and constantly prepared. Why were you the reason for this disruption. “I.. Uh..” He couldn’t think of anymore to say. Suddenly, he got a message through his LED.
Connor blinked a bit, registering the text message. Hank was at a perfect view watching this unfold. The back of your head was visible but he could see all of Connor’s reactions, who desperately tried to maintain a polite smile.
HANK: tell them u think theyre pretty.
“I think you’re very pretty, (y/n).” Connor complimented.
“Oh— ah—” A subtle blush began to form on your cheeks as your eyes widen a little, not expecting a compliment from a handsome android such as Connor. “Why thank you, Connor. I wasn’t expecting that as our first conversation.” You chuckled a little. “You’re not too bad yourself.”
Thirium was rushing through his circuits and to his cheeks. The faintest color of blue appeared dusted on his face. “Thank you.” He maintained a calm, neutral voice. They stared at each other for a minute, sort of registering the sort of corny first conversation the two of you had.
“Ah.. I almost forgot to mention.” Connor snapped back to reality. “I came here to introduce myself sfter I heard that you were joining our team on our next investigation. It’s good to make an aquaintance with our future team member.” Connor smiled politely.
“Why thank you. I am very excited to work with you and Lieutenant Anderson.” You nodded. “Though I will miss working with Gavin and Chris’ team.”
Ah, that’s right. You used to work with Gavin. It almost left a bad taste in Connor’s mouth knowing that Gavin probably spat some awful opinions about him to you. Though from the looks of it, you were enjoying your conversation with him which eased him.
“I promise we will a provide a welcoming and safe space in our team, and of course, to make sure you don’t come into harms way.” Connor assured. Though he was mainly promising this to you personally. God forbids Connor seeing you get hurt.
“Why thank you, Connor.” You said, tilting your head. Connor was rather intriguing to you— an android acting this way around you. His LED constantly switched between yellow and blue as if he was making sure to process every word you uttered. Yet he was so human— he would scratch the back of his neck, fidget with his fingers, and shuffle a bit in his seat. You would think someone as advanced as him would at least be able to have a composure, but he was different. It was something you admired about him.
“(l/n), in my office!” Captain Fowler called from the balcony of his room. You looked over to Connor before sighing.
“Well, boss is calling me. I’ll talk to you afterwards?” You suggested as you stood from your seat.
“Of course.” Connor replied, shielding his excitement. He stood up from his chair as well. “I’d be happy to talk again, (y/n).”
“Likewise.” You winked. With that, you left your desk and headed straight to Fowler’s office. Connor stood shellshocked. Did you just.. Wink at him?! Connor’s eyes slowly drifted to Hank, who was chuckling heartily. He gave Connor an assuring thumbs up as Connor made his way back to their desks.
“You’d be a shit detective if this is how you acted all the time.” Hank snickered. Connor grinned a little before taking a seat back at his desk.
“I know.” Connor sighed, leaning a little back in his chair. He at you through the glass walls, noticing your upright posture and the way you listened intently to Captain Fowler’s words. He looked over to Hank before thinning his lips.
“Lieutenant?” Connor asked.
“What is it, son?”
“What am I.. Feeling right now?” Connor asked, a little lost on how to explain it. “I can only think about them— only envision them when I close my eyes. I get nervous and its like my programming has reduced to 0s and 1s.” He sighed, hell, even a little frustrated that you had this affect on him.
Hank with a wide smile, shook his head and looked at Connor with a knowing stare. Connor looked up, both lost while desperate for an answer and maybe even a cure. Hank sat up and made sure to look at Connor right in the yes.
“Connor,” Hank sighed, grinning. “Son, that feeling your experiencing is called love. And your plastic ass better get used to it.”
thank you so much for reading towards the end ! im sorry if its a little messy-- i quickly had to post this before hanging out w some friends but i just wanted to get this out of the way rq! reblogs, replies, and even likes are so so appreciated <3
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How would the yanderes react to reader having super bad anxiety?
I didn't know if you wanted generic yandere subtypes, or specific characters, so I just chose a few of my favorite OCs!
Listed from (arguably) best yandere to worst (when it comes to dealing with anxiety) Some NSFW towards the bottom ❤️
Kirtch (10/10) expert
❤️ Knows all about anxiety (he is an expert an humans)
✨ Might seem a little cold, but that's because he will go into immediate nerd doctor mode
❤️ He would prefer to solve your anxiety issues without the use of the collar
✨ So expect a lot of pampering and note taking, presenting you with different solutions he's read about in outdated psychiatry books while watching you diligently
❤️ Baths with snacks and deep breathing exercises
✨ Would neglect his duties for you, and when you eventually look to be doing better, he's baby monitoring your room so he can leave work the moment you look like you need him <3
Lydia (9/10) too clingy
❤️ Undead, weighted blanket
✨ She doesn't understand what "anxiety" is, but knows it makes you look sad? Scared?
❤️ She doesn't like it, and it makes her mad that she can't kill it for you
✨ Since you won't tell her how to fix it, she keeps you inside the apartment
❤️ Expect a lot of kisses, everywhere
✨ The second it looks like you're hyperventilating, she's wrapped around your torso like a monkey, squeezing you as tightly as she can
❤️ She'll whisper words of love and affirmation into your ear as she constrains you, until you finally calm down
✨ Even after you calm down she'll still cling to you, murmuring (more to herself) about how sweet and lovely you are
Baby (7/10) what anxiety?
❤️ The second there was even a flash of adrenaline, that weird tingle that races down your spine, before your heart even starts to speed up: Baby would shut it down
✨ What anxiety?
❤️ He's literally controlling your mind at every second
✨ You don't need to worry; about anything
❤️ Unlike Kirtch who hesitates to use the collar, Baby has no issues manipulating your brain's chemistry
✨ And he sees nothing wrong with it, because it's all for keeping you happy <3
❤️ Of course, it'd make Baby a little upset that the anxiety showed up at all..
✨ But he can fix it
❤️ So don't worry <3
Cain (5/10) short fuse
❤️ His emotions (although oft hidden) always takes precedence over yours
✨ He understands what anxiety is, but because he's the type to kidnap his darling, he assumes the anxiety is his fault
❤️ and that pisses him off
✨ Assumes every and any negative emotion you feel is because of him, even if it's something you were diagnosed with long before the abduction
❤️ If he is feeling remorseful he may shift into a giant lynx to cuddle, trying to soothe you with his giant warm body
✨ If he's already upset he may respond in one of two ways:
❤️ Leaving you alone for hours to go hunting
✨ Fucking you into submission (if you're too exhausted to cry, that means he won, right?)
Xyleth (0/10) either the best or the worst...
❤️ It depends on if you need a distraction or if you're the type to need a calm environment
✨ Because his species doesn't experience anxiety, they'll treat you how they treat one of their own when they are feeling blue
❤️ And they only feel blue after losing a fight
✨ Xyleth would parade you around the village (even while shaking, hyperventilating, crying, hitting him..) so that everyone can "cheer you up"
❤️ Everyone would be passing around their favorite little human, petting your head and trying to gift you with weapons and meat
✨ Children would be offering to find you animals to kill
❤️ It would be overwhelming
✨ An entire community of monsters trying to cheer up their leader's mate, genuinely out of love
❤️ If receiving words of encouragement, affirmations (about your strength), and food help your anxiety, then Xyleth is 10/10
✨ If you need a quiet room with someone helping you with deep breathing and grounding, he's a -100/10
Now, honestly, a good chunk of the guys would not be good at all for anxiety, they don't even rate out of ten haha
Some of them are sadistic enough to purposefully try and trigger panic attacks when they learn you have anxiety, like the Living Death. Now, he's a pervert, but I feel like he would enjoy your anxiety because he could feel more in control of you; it would help him isolate you further. If he could manipulate you into never leaving his cabin, he'd be the happiest man on the seven seas
But some guys like Dr. Campbell would enjoy seeing you crumple before him for more nefarious reasons. I can imagine him mocking his darling as he fucks them, telling them how much he loves it when they act hysterical because they clench him so good. He's a complete sadist who would get turned on the second he knew he was the one causing his love anxiety. There would never be even a second of comfort for you in his home, Ichabod would do everything in his power to keep you on edge all the time.
And finally, my lovely bedbug monster ❤️ he definitely cares about you, but only in a primal sense. You are his mate, you shall carry his spawn, and you shall stay at his side. He wouldn't understand what anxiety is, since he keeps you in a constant state of pain and fear. Yeah, he may be cuddling your side, but you're never not covered in blood; and not all of it is your own. If you're struggling, it's no different than when he's tearing into your abdomen to pump children direction into your body ❤️
I hope your day is going well, and if you suffer from anxiety, I hope that your days are stress free, and that you're able to have a good week without anything triggering you ❤️ Sometimes, I get a random shake, a random rush of anxiety even when absolutely nothing has happened, so I know you can't avoid triggers all the time, sometimes anxiety just happens, but regardless, I hope that you can enjoy today anxiety free ❤️
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rippersz · 9 months
𝕴𝖙’𝖘 𝖗𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖔𝖔.
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(DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT) (TW: Mentions of cannibalism, murder, slight glorification of both, gore, toxic love, smutty/suggestive themes, etc.) (Larissa Weems x Reader)
“The blood on my teeth begins to taste like a poem, like religion, like the way you look at me.” ~ Sean Glatch
Turns out, the maintenance crew was due to leave only about two hours after everyone vacated Nevermore to go to the carnival. The only catch was that Larissa had to turn it back on five hours later; some inane thing about a system catch up and not wanting to blow the lights and blah blah blah. She didn’t really seem too concerned, so you figured it wasn’t worth worrying about. Though then again, her level of reaction is often exaggerated around others. A smooth coverup to her consistent undertone of intense apathy. She’s a damn good actress, you have to give her that. Even when around you, she puts a bit more life into her eyes. Into her voice. Into her breath. It’s forced, of course. Yeah. Most definitely. She doesn’t just magically feel more alive because of you. That type of thing doesn’t happen in real life.
…Cannibals, on the other hand, happen far more often than people like to think.
If you could go back in time and tell your younger self that you’d somehow fall into a weird pseudo-psychotic-relationship with your one day shape-shifting cannibalistic gorgeous boss, you’re pretty sure your younger self would just burst into tears. Or blink maybe- and ask what a ‘cannibal’ was. You wouldn’t have an answer, of course, but that’s neither here nor there.
What’s more important anyway is the fact that you stupidly agreed to meet Larissa by Nevermore’s main entrance at exactly 9:45. You were exhausted after a day of rowdy teenagers and slow classes and it was only at about 7 PM when you remembered that your day wasn’t even over yet. Oh no no no. You still had a game to play. A game that, now as you think of it, standing by the two big doors and waiting for the guest of honor, may just go on well into the night. It depends on how Larissa’s feeling. It depends on what the ‘terms’ are. It depends on if she’s eaten dinner yet and if she has the energy to kill, cook, and clean before everyone gets back.
God you hope that’s not the case.
You really really hope-
“Always on time, I see,” a familiar voice rings through the hall, sounding from the top of the staircase.
Speaking of the fucking thorn in your side.
You turn at the exact moment that Larissa’s kitten heels start click-clacking their way down the stairs… and then promptly fall short of breath at the sight.
You haven’t seen her all day. Not even once. And now there she stands, all 6 feet and however many inches in those shoes and she��s painted against the moonlight that shines through the large windows behind her and the shadows drink her in as the air loses itself in her beauty, stealing away into her lungs and depriving you of oxygen and you, not for the first time, find yourself wondering why it’s so hard to just accept her. To just come to terms with the fact that maybe, if you ignore her insatiable appetite, you may be able to fall asleep in her arms and kiss her peacefully without feeling shame. Why can’t you just push guilt aside and fall into her body and let her pick you up and surround you and finally feel safe? And why oh why can you not take your fucking eyes off of her goddamn body? Jesus you are barely holding yourself together as she drags one slender hand down the bannister, making eye contact with you as she prowls. Those crystal eyes take on a dark, nearly black hue in the grey of the evening and you find yourself ashamed of the fact that you can’t look away from them.
Perhaps some sins are meant to be indulged in.
Her crimson lips curl into a placating close-mouthed smile. Her skin and hair are as pale and pristine as ever. Her perfume, as she gets closer, is heavier- spicier- but the intoxication of scent is the least of your worries. Oh no; the thing you’re most concerned about is the dress. Never have you ever seen her wear red. Not in your five and a half years of working at Nevermore. Not even in your dreams. Larissa doesn’t touch deep colors. She doesn’t wear the darker shades.
And yet?
Yet, there she is. Torturing you. Wrapping her long slim fingers around your attention span and taking all of it for herself. ‘Mine,’ is what she’s silently saying as she gives her hips some extra sway and shows off the loose sash around her waist. The dress reveals the curve of her calves and the tiniest bit of her thighs and suddenly you come to the (stupid) realization that she’s not wearing any stockings. Which she always wears. Which somehow, the absence of, makes your brain short-circuit and recalculate.
“Thank you for meeting me.” And before you even know it, there the Big Bad stands - hands clasped at her waist and head tilted to the side, looking like the cat who did not only catch the canary but also skinned, filleted, and served the little fucker up on a silver platter.
You feel the need to glare at her, to curse her for her beauty and her allure, but you simply can’t muster up the energy to do so. You’re tired- and your emotions are frayed- and you just want to rest- but clearly someone doesn’t want you to be at peace just yet. No, clearly, she wants you all to herself for just a little while. You’re not sure why, you’ve contemplated it before, but dwelling on anything regarding Larissa Weems is a spiraling whirl of insanity and despair that you just don’t wanna go down right now. So it’s better to stay in the present… and give her a little hum while you cross your arms. If she’s noticed that you take on such a defensive stance whenever she’s around, she hasn’t said anything. And she probably won’t either. Cuz she doesn’t care.
“Yup. Are we gonna get this over with or what?” It comes out harsher than you want it to, forcing your organs to immediately crinkle up like smashed paper as you cringe at your sharp tone.
Larissa fairs no better as her expression falls and her lips twist into a frown. The lines of her face become deeper when she looks so depressed, like she hasn’t slept in 80 years. You want so terribly to tell her to suck it up and stop acting like a baby, but you also know that her excitement about fun and friendliness is not a thing she fakes. The Poe Cup excites her. The Nevermore dances and activities and Outreach Day and this, that, and the other all bring her some modicum of joy. The kids themselves make her happy. It’s weird to know a person who has killed another human being and enjoyed the taste of their flesh… while also finding happiness in the simple annual events of their job. Like she has an alter ego; but you know that’s not the case. She’s 100% herself. Which is both admirable and scary.
“If you don’t want to,” Larissa hisses, making you freeze at the sound of undeniable ice in her tone, “then don’t make me force you. Go to bed, if you so wish. I’m not going to keep you against your will.”
Like a monster. She doesn’t say it, but you think that maybe she’s thinking it.
And though you want to respond and say But you are a monster. You have kept people against their will before. You have killed before. you decide to steer the conversation to safer shores and get yourself out of harm's way. Larissa doesn’t often get serious with you, but whenever she does it, you know better than to push her buttons. Certain boundaries have not yet been established. You never know if you are safe.
“Sorry- sorry. I’m just tired. Really, I’m fine. Let’s play and then we can get some rest. That sound okay?”
A dark gaze pins you to your spot, staring into the very marrow of your bones. It’s clear what she’s thinking. It’s clear what she knows. Like she knows you’re just agreeing to save your own hide. She knows you’re complying out of fear. She can’t hear your heartbeat, but she knows it’s running faster than a speeding train. She knows she’s shifted the line once again.
The only thing is that she really can’t bring herself to care.
You’ve complied. That’s all she needs.
“…Fine. Yes. Are you ready to discuss the terms?”
It’s obvious that the tension hasn’t dissipated entirely, but you figure that as the night carries on, that will change.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Who knows? It may even be fun.
Larissa smiles.
It’s wide.
It’s.. scary.
A Cheshire grin.
Cold. Steely. It doesn’t reach her eyes. You feel sweat start to bead along your back.
“In the name of saving time, there will be one round. I will seek. You will hide. We will have 45 minutes in total. However, you will get a 20 second head start. Should I manage to find and catch you in under 45 minutes, you’ll join me for dinner. The main course will be poached lamb. And you will be required to eat it.” There’s a pause.
“All of it.”
Okay not fun. DEFINITELY not fun. So incredibly not fun.
You swallow.
“…And if I win?”
Then what? Then what if you win? What the fuck do you get out of this? What could she possibly give y-
“Then I will give it up.”
You look at her wildly. But there’s no expression on her face. She’s just… blank. White behind the eyes. Nothing. Apathetic.
Practiced indifference.
She doesn’t think you can win.
She doesn’t even want to consider you winning.
But all is fair in love and cannibalism. And she’s never been one to tip the scales.
“I’m sorry, you’ll what?” You’re just not sure you’ve heard her correctly. She’ll ‘give it up’?
Larissa sighs, her lashes fluttering as she purses her lips and gives you a ‘look’.
“If you win, I’ll give it up.”
…And that’s it? That’s all she’s gonna give you?
“What do you even mean? Give up the whole killing people and eating them thing? The-” You look around, suddenly nervous about a creature somehow lurking in the shadows. One can never be too careful. Probably best that you don’t speak so loudly. “-the cannibalism?” Your body leans closer to her as you whisper, though your eyes stray and scan the shadowed columns and walls of the entrance hall.
Larissa of course takes that opportunity to get closer to you and bends down at the waist, lining her lips up to your ear while you’re distracted.
“Yes, darling. I’ll give up the cannibalism.” And her voice is so husky and her breath is so warm, flushed against the side of your neck, that you nearly fall right to your knees.
I’ll give up the cannibalism.
Oh you could laugh. You could laugh and you could laugh hard. She’s joking- she has to be. And you’re about to tell her that, you’re about to turn your head and tell her not to fuck around with you, but then your cheeks brush and suddenly you’re letting out an embarrassing squeak and stumbling back to hit the door behind you.
She blinks, straightens up, and smiles down at you as though nothing ever happened.
It’s infuriating.
“You’re lying. You wouldn’t do that.”
A light eyebrow quirks up.
“Wouldn’t I?”
A heavy staring contest ensues; but you’re the only one trying not to blink - Larissa is just looking. And smirking. And god fuck her for being so fucking gorgeous.
“I’m a woman of my word, Y/n,” she purrs, watching with such amusement as you desperately try to collect yourself and steer yourself back on track.
Not that the track was very clear nor sane in the first place. In fact, the track probably leads to Hell.
Oh well.
You were never getting through the pearly gates anyway.
“Okay,” you decide, looking her up and down. “If I win, you stop it. All of it. No more killing, eating, nothing. The only protein you consume comes from livestock. Not human livestock. Just- livestock.” You nod to yourself, giving her a firm stare.
But just because you reaffirmed what happens if you win doesn’t mean you will. And she knows that. So she hums and turns on one heel, taking her burning gaze away from you and sweeping it over the floors and walls- down into the darkness of the corridors. You don’t know what she’s thinking, but you have a feeling it’s not good. Larissa can be very sneaky when she wants to be… cheating, at least in a playful little game like the one you’ll be having, is certainly not below her. In fact, she’s entirely capable of winning. Like on a level you could not even imagine. She’s been around Nevermore for how long? Counting her years in the Academy as a student and as an adult… knowing her roommate used to be the cunning and sly Morticia Frump neé Addams… well. Her big sexy shapeshifter brain probably has the entire fucking place memorized.
And you haven’t even been there for six years.
So you’re saying you’re doomed.
Yeah. Basically.
“Yes,” Larissa finally confirms, turning back to you with a quick shift of her legs. “And if I win, you dine with me.” Oh she looks so excited about that. Her eyes, somehow, are darker than they were before. No light reflects at all as they carve into your soul. Already you can tell that she’s imagining how she’ll cook the meat.
“…Poached lamb, you said?”
She grins, her smile sudden like she’s surprised (and delighted) that you remembered.
“Yes. Would you like to know what other dishes I’ll be preparing?”
At the sound of her cheery tone, your expression sets into a scowl.
“You’re talking as if you’ve won already. What makes you think that’ll happen?”
Her physical response is minuscule. Barely even there. But you notice the slight way in which her cheek twitches; and you see how her hands tighten around each other. When she responds, her red lips are curved into a smirk and her voice is soft. Soft and kind. It sends a blaze of hot warmth across your body.
“I find acting as though you already have the thing you want tends to result in obtaining it.” Her head tilts. Her eyes run over your body. From your feet to your head, over the swaying black cotton dress you’re wearing and the necklaces you have draped over your collarbones. Slow and steady. Tracing your arms… your legs… your shoulders… your waist… your breasts and your hair… not hungry for your flesh in her stomach, but hungry for your skin against her tongue. Your skin against her lips. Your skin against her own. She lets out a sigh. “And I want you.”
It’s breathed out into the night - and accompanied by the sudden loud chime of Nevermore’s clock tower.
You jump at the sound of it, immediately slapping a hand over your heart in shock.
“Goddammit! That fucking thing gets me every time.” It’s definitely not the thing to be focusing on, but you’re not sure you have the mental capacity to pick through and understand the implications behind Larissa’s words. As it is, the change of the hour means you have even less time to play before the rest of the staff and the children return.
Larissa, of course, did not jump out of her bloody skin. Instead, she watched your body tense and your eyes widen with no small amount of fondness. She thought you were silly. Adorable. Hers.
“I suppose that’s our cue, then. Are you ready to begin?” Her white teeth glimmer when she turns to glance up at the staircase.
You feel your heart start to thump within your ears.
Always the little lamb, aren’t you darling?
Always the prey.
Meant to be hunted.
Meant to be found.
Wait. …Meant to be found?
No no no no no no.
Not meant to be found. Not meant to be found at all. The whole point is not to be found. The whole point is to escape.
Oh? What are you escaping from? There is no one here to hurt you. There is no one here to get you. You are safe. You are safe.
Oh if only that were true…
If only she could love you without wanting to swallow you whole.
You finally sigh, resigned and tired.
“As ready as I’ll ever be, Larissa.”
Can you tell I’m hyperfixating on her? Thank you so much for the love. (Let’s just pretend Nevermore’s clocktower works. And the power being out will come into play in the next part ;)) - Rip x
(P.S. Tell me who you want to win in the game of hide and seek.)
(P.P.S. Most of the meat referenced in this series is code for human flesh. ‘Long pork’, for example, is the official name for human. Here, the ‘poached lamb’ and other types mentioned in future is also code. Thx.)
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cyancherub · 2 years
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video girl | hayakawa aki
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PAIRING.  aki x fem!reader (established relationship)
LENGTH.  2.5k
NOTES.  mappa aki has me acting unwise......
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SYNOPSIS.  aki misses you so much when he's away for missions, especially when you start sending him suggestive texts on your lunch break. good thing he has a folder full of videos of you stashed away, right?
CONTENT.  18+, pwp, sexting, nudes, filming, exhibitionism (ish), pet names (baby, princess, sweetheart), solo (m) (he watches a vid the two of you made together): creampie, cumshot, ass play, daddy kink, breeding kink (light), multiple orgasms (m + f), begging; flashbacks/references to: oral (m rec), oral (f rec), facial, anal, solo (f), toys; reader wearing a skirt; a touch of codependent aki because i simply luv that for him <3
A/N.  all my love always to my akiwife mystic @uppermocns for a few of the ideas that went into this and for thirsting for this man 24/7 with me!!!!
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Aki gets back to the hotel midday, after a long overnight shift, and the first thing he thinks to do as the door clicks shut behind him is text you.
Hi, baby. I just got to the hotel.
He tosses his phone on the bed while he’s waiting for your reply. There’s tension in the back of his neck; he rolls his head over his shoulders for a second, before loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. Once the fabric’s shrugged off—discarded in the growing pile of equally bloodied work shirts sitting in the corner of the room—he pulls a pack of cigarettes from the front pocket of his slacks and sits at the edge of the bed, leaning forward to light the smoke he places between his lips.
His hair, pulled free from its usual knot, falls forward into his face and tickles his nose. But he barely notices the sensation; his mind’s numb with exhaustion. He takes several drags from the cigarette, studying the cuts on his hands and forearms absently.
I’ll have to get more gauze soon, he thinks in passing. Peroxide and cigs, too. But other than that, he’s too tired to think of much else. Except, of course, you.
The nicotine kicks in just as his phone chimes with your reply.
I’m glad you’re back safe. How was your shift?
A little long. Now that the main mission’s over we’re just taking care of some of the smaller Devils still loose in town. Just a few more days of work and I’ll be home.
Those twelve hour shifts must be killing you, babe. Make sure you’re resting enough.
He flicks ash into the tray on the bedside table before typing, Nevermind me. How’s your day going?
It’s good. I’m on my lunch break, got a few minutes left.
I’m glad I caught you before your break’s over.
Me too. I can’t wait for you to get home. Denji and Power keep whining about missing the lunches you make for them. They say my cooking’s like cardboard. Those kids would eat dirt for a snack, and they draw the line at my cooking?
Aki laughs. Those brats. You’re a top notch chef, sweetheart. Save the leftovers for me. I’ll take them for lunch when I get home.
I will.
And then another message from you, right afterward: I miss you.
His chest aches. This mission hasn’t been a particularly long one, and he’s grateful for that, but it’s hard even when he’s only away for a little while. To be near, to hold you close—those things are only natural. Aki feels most secure when the things that are most important to him are tangible. Within reach. His security comes in providing such for others; if he could, he’d keep you with him all the time. So when he’s away, he doesn’t just miss you. He’s constantly thinking about you. He’s craving you: something like the withdrawals he’d get if he tried to quit the smokes.
I miss you too. I can’t wait to see your pretty face again.
There’s a short lull in your replies, and he uses it to settle in. He lays back on the pillows, spreads out on the white sheets; the comforter’s cool to the touch, plush. You’ve always liked hotel beds. Maybe he should’ve brought you with him—he could’ve let you stay in one of the beds you like so much during his shifts. You’d miss him so much by the end of them that you’d pull him right into bed with you as soon as he got back. He’s sure he’d get through the shifts just fine if you were here waiting for him; in fact, he’d come back with energy to spare, just for you…
His phone chimes, and he peers down at the message on his lock screen.
Is there anything else you want to see?
Suggestive. Aki smiles around the cigarette. He knows exactly where this is going.
During his trips, he’s come to learn that you crave him just as much as he craves you. If he’s not home to fuck you to sleep every night, you get frustrated. Needy. But Aki loves being needed, and he always plays along.
I guess that depends on what you’re willing to show me, he replies.
Whatever you want, say the word.
His smile widens. He’s already starting to get hard. At work, baby? That’s risky.
I’ll be careful.
Think you’re careful enough to show me what you’ve got on under your skirt?
He takes a drag of the cigarette, feeling his dick stiffen against his thigh as he waits for the picture he knows you’re going to send.
It comes in just a few moments afterward, but his slacks are already uncomfortably tight by the time he receives it: a shot of you on your leather office chair, with your conservative, work-appropriate pencil skirt hiked all the way up, and your thighs spread open so he can see the pretty panties he bought you, and the soaking wet spot right in the middle of them.
Aki ashes his cigarette, freeing one hand to grab his stiff cock through his slacks as he zooms in on the picture with the other.
The damp cloth hugs the shape of your pussy, gives him a vague glimpse of something he’s spent a lot of time burying his face in. He’s so familiar with you that he can taste your pussy on his tongue just from looking at it.
Another chime.
See how much I miss you, daddy?
Aki inhales through his teeth, his cock throbbing at that—Daddy. And then he’s letting go of his cock to undo the button of his slacks and pull his zipper down, texting you back with his free hand.
Your pussy’s so perfect, baby, I wanna put my face in it. You always taste so good.
His hand’s down his boxers by the time you text back.
No one makes me feel like you do. I can’t touch myself the way you touch me. I need you.
He wraps his fingers around his cock and strokes it slowly, thinking about catching a flight. He’s dying to show up at your office; he’d stretch you out right on the desk, make you drip all over it, fuck you until the surface beneath your ass was all slippery with your squirt.
Wanna go in the work bathroom and call me, princess? I’ll talk you through it.
Give me a few minutes. I have to wait until I can sneak away, but I want you to keep going. Watch something while you're waiting for me.
You know him so well. You know all about the videos he keeps in that locked folder on his phone, a whole stash of them that he saves for times just like this. When he needs to sate a craving for you—at least for a little while.
I will. Call me when you’re ready for it, baby.
After he sends it he goes right to that folder and pulls his tented slacks down until they’re mid-thigh, and he can feel his cock dripping precum onto his lower stomach. He enters the passcode, bringing his other hand up to spit into his palm. With his stomach knotted up and his cock throbbing, he scrolls through the thumbnails.
There are tons of them. His eyes catch one thumbnail, and then the next; they can’t seem to decide where to settle. You’re alone in some of the video snapshots—your fingers stretching your pussy; you riding a dildo with your ass facing the camera; you pressing a wand to your clit, your thighs glistening. But in most of them, he’s there too. He sees your pretty face next to his cock, your tongue out, running up the side of it; you on your knees, with both hands on his dick as a rope of his cum paints your face. He sees your body bent over the kitchen counter, with your back arched and his dick in your ass. He remembers the whine in your voice; in his head, he can hear exactly how you sounded when you begged for him to fuck it deeper.
He can’t even count how many times these videos have made him cum. But there’s one he hasn’t seen yet.
It’s the one he took the night before he left. You’re always extra needy on the nights preceding his trips—anticipating the deprivation, starved for him; he gives you one orgasm after another and you still want more. And you want all of them on tape, so you both have something to tide you over until he gets home.
That’s the video he taps on.
In it he’s fucking you in the dark, keeping the phone’s flashlight on your pussy as he sinks his cock into you. When he pulls back out the light reflects on the slick coating his dick, makes it glisten. It looks so wet, sounds so wet—sticky, with each thrust into you. He remembers just how it feels; he imagines that he’s back home, fucking you again; that his fist is your pussy, and the spit lubricating it is the wetness that’s drooling out of you on camera.
He can see how tight you are—the way your pussy grips the shaft each time he pulls his cock out, greedy for him. Just like you.
The two of you were supposed to be quiet—you were supposed to be careful not to wake anyone up. But your moans are louder than he remembers; so is the way you say, breathily, between gasps, Right there, I’m so close. Your fingers slip over your clit, each movement sloppier, and your whimpers heighten, competing with the wet smack of his skin on your ass. He remembers the mess between your thighs: all the wetness he fucked out of your pussy dripping down your ass. He remembers feeling it there, rubbing his fingers (all lubed up with the juices from your pussy) over your asshole, the way it clenched, and then relaxed for him.
He can hear his breaths behind the camera turning into soft moans, just as you say, I’m gonna cum, keep fucking me, I’m gonna—
You let out a strangled little whimper that makes his breath hitch, each stroke of his hand over his dick feeling more pleasurable as he watches you cum. That night, he’d had his eyes on your face—so pretty when you cum for me, he’d said, watching your eyelashes flutter—but he’d kept the camera pointed between your thighs the whole time you were cumming. Now, he gets to watch his cock sink into your twitching hole, fucking you faster and faster. From behind the camera, he hears his own voice again: That’s right, baby, get my dick wet.
You cum hard; he watches your clit pulse under your fingertips, his cock a little messier each time he pulls it out. That feeling’s always so good—rush after rush of wetness on his dick, the clenching of your walls; it’s hard to last.
Your pussy’s gonna make me cum, baby, fuck.
You have the same effect on him now—just watching you on camera makes him want to cum just as bad. He’s dying to be back there, fucking you again, especially when he hears your voice say: Cover me in it.
His dick’s already spurting cum when he pulls it out. It shoots all over you, coats your chest and paints your tits; more of it shoots up onto your throat. Aki digs his heels into the white comforter, trying not to cum. There’s just something about seeing you covered in it, watching it drip down your body; it’s like an affirmation—a reminder that you’re his.
If that wasn’t making it hard enough for him to hold back, you give him another reason to grit his teeth, swiping a finger through the cum on your chest before popping it into your mouth.
Tastes so good. I want more of you, daddy, put it back in.
Daddy. He feels the same way hearing you say it now as he did then. He wants to make it real for you. On screen, he pushes into your pussy again, with his cock still twitching from his orgasm. (It was sensitive, some halfway point between pleasure and pain that made him shudder.)
Wanna make me a daddy? his voice murmurs. Take more cum, I’ll turn you into the prettiest little mommy.
If you were in this hotel room with him right now, sitting on his cock in this bed, he’d shoot this load into you, and however many more you wanted. He’d give you whatever you asked for.
Aki watches the space between your bodies close a little as you lock your legs around his waist.
Fill me up this time, daddy, I want your kids.
His eyes are fixed on the screen; he’s fucking you sloppier, this time—now that he’s letting himself chase the high he’s so close to. Now that he knows he can stay inside, he doesn’t have to restrain himself so much.
Aki strokes his cock faster, watching through heavy eyelids as his breaths pick up. It feels so good, watching you take his dick; you looked so good that night. You sounded so good, begging for his cum like that—Please, I need it so bad—give it to me, I’m about to cum again—
He watches himself bury his cock into you, a deep thrust all the way in accompanied by a shudder, and then he’s watching the two of you cum at the same time, thinking about how your walls felt pulsing on his dick. Then it’s all coming to a head—fast strokes of his hand over his cock as he watches himself fuck you, fast breaths; his stomach’s all knotted up from watching you; he needs a release; he needs to feel your pussy again; he needs to fuck another orgasm out of you; he needs to cum—and then he’s going over, too. His eyes roll back; his head drops back onto the pillow, and he feels his cum shooting all over his stomach and dripping down his knuckles.
He comes down just as the video cuts off, and he’s raising his head to look blearily at the mess on his body when his phone starts to buzz.
He picks it up after one ring—“Yeah, baby?”
“Sorry it took me so long to get away, but I’m finally walking into the ladies’ room.”
“Good,” he says. “Are you ready to get started?”
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koithelittle · 5 months
Hi hi!! Can I ask for a hurt/Comfort fic (or headcanons?? Whatever u feel like writing:3) with copbur?
Like he had to work longer than he told u by accident, but u get really anxious about people being away (I'm not projecting guys I swear-) and when he comes home ur little and sad and he's really sweet about it and feels so bad he accidentally did that to his baby :((
anxious days with happy nights
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note; OH MY GOD YES I CAN!!! ngl I really struggle with separation anxiety/abandonment issues in general but esp with a carer so like ooo I'm gonna have fun writing this, thank you!
words; 2.1k
warnings; use of daddy/dada, cutesy petnames (i stick to baby though), separation anxiety, crying, panic, abandonment issues, reader gets a bath, not proofread, lmk if there's more!
pairing; cg!copbur x little!reader (gn)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo (ask or dm to be added!!)
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wilbur usually kept his shifts to the same length every day. his routine was set and it wasn't going to budge. he'd wake up at 6, get dressed and showered and then he'd wake you up to do a little check in. if you were big, you'd handle yourself for the most part; even if he preferred when you let him fuss over you. but if you were little, he'd help you wake up, get you dressed, get you to brush your teeth while he did your hair, etc etc. you'd both have breakfast and by 7:50 he was out the door and on his way to work. that way you'd be awake with him long enough to feel secure and not end up waking up without him and panicking (which has happened before and resulted in him taking an extra day for his weekend off).
his hours were the same, 8am - 4pm, Monday through Friday. it was the same routine every day, and it was easily expected to stay that way. his job usually consisted of more quiet work, like paper work, intake or lunch rounds. nothing out of the ordinary, nothing where he had to handle scuffles or escaped inmates. it was repetitive, and he liked that.
you had woken up in a normal headspace, getting yourself ready and joking around with wilbur before he left. you thought of busying yourself with house work, dishes that needed to be done, laundry that wasn't overflowing but you felt like it needed to be done. but you couldn't manage it mentally, you were exhausted and nothing was to a level of needing to be done at that moment, so you rotted on the couch and did some simple embroidery during the morning. you didn't start to slip until lunch time, having decided on a snack plate instead of a put together meal because you were simply just getting so tired and didn't feel like it. the rest came with it.
the further you slipped and the later it got, the more on edge you were. you managed to catch wil during his afternoon break, texting with him and telling him of your day. part of him was estatic you were little and enjoying yourself, while the other was worried since he wasn't there to actively care for you. not to mention he only had a fifteen minute time window to speak to you before he got swept back into work.
he told you he had to go, and you understood, telling him how much you loved him and missed your daddy! he smiles and puts away his phone in his pocket before going back to his post.
you managed on your own until it was around the time he usually left work, you didn't get a text or a call that he was on his way. he wasn't answering his texts and he should've been home by now. but he wasn't. you were panicking a bit, curled up in blankets and staring blankly at your phone hoping to all hope that you'd get a call from him. that he would be coming home.
your anxiety only built further and further as time passed, you tried to keep yourself cozy and distracted, turning on some cartoons as your phone went unchecked.
another hour passed and you heard the front door click closed, you lifted your head, dried tears over your cheeks.
"daddy?" you call for him, jumping out of bed and waiting for him to answer.
"baby?" wilbur echoes back and he hurries up the stairs, seeing you peeking out of the bedroom door, your eyes held wide with a pout on your lips. he scooped you up into his arms and carried you into the bedroom. he sat down and set you between his legs after he kicked off his shoes. he runs his thumbs over your cheeks as he takes note of your reddened eyes and the tears dried on your skin. he frowns, kissing your nose as he rests his hands on the small of your back.
"how tiny is my baby, mm?" he tries to lighten the mood with a soft question, trying to keep you with him as his mind wanders and runs with different thoughts. feelings of guilt and worry at the sight of you so distressed and he knows it's because he was late. but he'll address that later, right now his baby comes first.
you shrug softly, reaching forward and grabbing hold of his shirt, messing with the fabric and rubbing it between your fingers. it's a softer cotton shirt, and you always like to fidget with it when you can.
"are you.. five? two? ooo is my baby realllyy tiny? hm?" he kisses all over your face as he speaks, trying to coax a smile or a giggle out of you. you crack a bit of a grin, shaking your head as you look up at him.
you hold up one finger, smiling sweetly as he gasp, "oh so you're a little baby, then?" and you nod as he places a big kiss to your forehead, pushing back your hair and tucking it behind your ears.
you move to crawl against his chest and he takes you into his arms, rubbing at your back as you drape your arms around his neck. you don't feel like talking all too much, just so tired and overwhelmed with all the feelings you have, that words just feel exhausting.
silence drapes over the both of you, and wilbur tucks his face into your neck as he hums, "I'm really sorry, baby. I got all caught up at work with a bad guy and I couldn't get home in time, I wish I did," you nod into his shoulder, humming softly as his arms tighten around you.
"s otay, daddy," is what you manage to squeak out, and he sighs, tension and stress being let out with the long breath and you hold yourself tighter to him. you don't want him to disappear, you need to hold on tighter. tighter, tighter, tighter.
he feels your hold tighten, and he rubs your back while leaving little chaste kisses by your ear. he mumbles small words of reassurance, "I'm here, baby. not going anywhere," which earns a little whine from you as you bury your face deep into his shoulder. he holds back a small chuckle, and it comes out as a huff of air as he simply keeps you close.
more time passes, nothing changing other than the intensity of your hold on him, hands grabbing at the fabric of his shirt. it helps you stay grounded, he doesn't mind.
"baby, have you done your routine yet?" he knows the answer, but he still bothers with asking anyways. you shake your head with a huff, his lips curl into a grin and he nods, "mkay baby, time for a bath then."
he then works on prying you off of him so he can effectively get you ready for a bath. you're shaking your head and whining at him, and he tries to soothe you with soft back rubs and little kisses to your face. it works for the most part and your silent complaints seem to fizzle out as he settles you between his legs again.
"can you sit still for daddy while I get things ready? mm?" he coos, knuckles running over the soft skin of your cheeks and you nod vigorously. wilbur chuckles and kisses your forehead before handing you your favorite stuffie and turning the TV to bluey. you focus your attention on the show, sitting still on the middle of the queen size mattress. he slips out of bed from behind you, untucking his shirt out of habit as he gathers up some pj's for you, taking them and laying them out behind you on the bed. then ventures into the bathroom.
he starts by running the water in the bath, then adds some bubbles to get all foamy. he keeps the door open so he can hear if you call for him, or if you fall. he then crouches to look under the sink for some of your bath toys and a bath bomb. he wants to make tonight's bath a bit more fun and exciting than your usual baths. mostly to help soothe the guilt that grows in his gut. he keeps the bath running as he pokes his head into the bedroom from the bathroom and smiles at you.
"hey, honey, the bath's almost ready," you look over to him and nod, reaching your arms out and making grabby motions with your hands. he scoops you up from under your arms and kisses all over your face, "good baby," he cracks a small grin, holding you on his hip as he carries you into the bathroom. after he sets you down on the counter, he kisses each of your cheeks before he begins to help you undress.
"what did my baby do today?" he croons, helping you into his arms before setting you down in the bath. you shrug at him, padding at the water as the bubbles collect around you.
he grabs the little washcloth and gets it all wet before he starts to scrub at your back, "i's watched cawtoons a bit," you finally speak up, eyes droopy and tired as you watch him.
"oh you did now, mm? what did you watch, bug?" he smiles sweetly at you as he gently guides your arm to be closer to him, and he gently scrubs your arm and shoulders before moving to the other arm. he glances between your eyes and where he's cleaning you up, waiting for you to answer.
"Ninjago," you mumble, smile brightening as your eyes widen with it.
he chuckles, kissing your temple and humming at your answer, "zane still your favorite?"
you nod happily, giggling before you ramble on about the episode you watched, and everything that happened. he manages to comprehend most of it, but the rest was all baby babbles that he couldn't quite make out.
after your body was all clean, he sat back for a minute, letting you play to your heart's content as he watched you. his shirt is a bit soaked, and he has some bubble bath in his hair from when you tried to give him a foamy hat, but he doesn't mind. with a small smile on his lips, and love in his eyes, he watches as you play and splash, giggling and including him in your play. he leans closer a moment later, grabbing hold of your hand and rubbing his thumb over the skin. wilbur then kisses each of your fingertips, ending with a kiss to your palm. you giggle and splash about, grinning ear to ear.
"was dat fow?" you ask softly, eyes squinting with a smile on your lips. he grabs your other hand and repeats the order of kisses before he places one tiny kiss to your nose.
"oh, well I'm just showing my baby how much I love them," he smiles softly before he starts to wet your hair and lather up your scalp in soap. you smile and hum, shutting your eyes as he washes out your hair.
when he's done, you're so tired that you don't even fight to stay in the bath, just letting him pick you up and wrap you up in a soft fluffy towel, drying you off. he carries you into the bedroom and helps you get all dressed, kissing all over your face before he helps you get back to the bathroom to help you brush your teeth. you're sleepily leaning against him the whole time, exhausted from your anxiety filled day.
once he got your teeth brushed, he carried you over to the bed, grabbing your hair brush and a couple of hair ties. he sat you between his legs as he unpaused the TV, letting it play as you focused your attention on bluey. he gently brushed out your hair, before splitting it in two and braiding both sections. he places a quick kiss to your temple before turning you to face him and shut off the tv.
"alright, baby, time for bed," you nod, reaching your arms over his shoulders as he picks you up and pulls you into his chest, kissing all over your face. he held you to his chest as he tucked you both under the covers, making sure your stuffie was safe in your arms. after he had effectively kissed every spot on your face, he pushed your bangs back and pressed you to his chest.
"goodnight little one," a small pause as you held him closer, a smile on his lips as he continued, "I love you."
you murmured an echo of his words, telling him you loved him too, and you were soon asleep. held tight in his arms with comfort surrounding you.
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huramuna · 5 months
a maid's folly - chapter 7.
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dark aemond x maid ofc minor aemond x floris baratheon work is 18+, minors do not interact, lest ye be smited.
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summary: a new maid from the Vale arrives at the Red Keep during a tumultuous time and becomes ensnared in the One-Eyed prince's web.
word count: 4.7k
this chapter took so long to do, so sorry for the delay. after this, we have one chapter and the epilogue. we are approaching the end!
i don't do taglists any more unfortunately, its mostly because i never remember and then feel bad about it so i've made a second blog just for reblogging my fics! @huramuna-fics -- follow & turn on notifications for just my fic postings!
warnings: smut (details below cut), power imbalance, religious guilt, dark Aemond, canon typical misogyny, canon typical violence (details under the cut), Aemond being a touch starved weirdo, possessiveness, jealousy, this is going to be ANGSTY
the dog days are over - florence + the machine • am i dreaming - metro boomin, a$ap rocky, roisee
content: p in v, oral (m receiving), creampie, aemond has a breeding kink. attempted forced abortion, threats of mutilation.
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They had stayed together that night and every night for a fortnight. Aemond made a point to the serving staff that he was not to be disturbed under any circumstance during the night after dinner or the morning before he broke his fast. He had shown Rosemary the tunnels connecting through the keep– her first experience with it being when he rescued her from certain death and brought her into his bedroom– and they became their haven to get to one another.
After their first coupling, Rosemary fell asleep in his bed, sprawled out next to him. She murmured in her sleep quite a lot, he noted, as he had watched her for a few hours before finally sleeping himself– but not before barring his door, just in case. When the morning light strewn from the half-drawn blinds, Rosemary’s eyes fluttered open and it took her a moment to realize where she was exactly. 
Turning over, vision still blurry, her hands ran through Aemond’s hair, interweaving it between her fingers, his scent filling her nostrils and making her snuggle up closer to him. It felt very dream-like, and she wondered if she was still dreaming. Poking her nose against his head, she slipped her arms to his waist, effectively spooning him, clinging to him like a leech. The events of the previous day exhausted her, physically and mentally– she knew that her current position, to be clear, her position being naked, skin to skin with the prince in his bed, was likely a precarious one– but with the brush of death just the day before, she decided for the time being that she didn’t care. She wanted the illusion of happiness, even if only for a few hours. 
Aemond gave a little grunt in response to her shifting movements, effectively dislodging her from his back, then turning over. His one violet eye was bleary with sleep, the puckered skin around his other socket twitching– he had taken out the sapphire some time during the night. His hand came up, fingertips brushing against the soft skin of her chin, then trailing up her jawline, committing the slope of her bones to memory. His lips were pursed slightly, his tongue darting out to wet them as he leaned forward, kissing her forehead slowly.
Rosemary let out a sigh of contentment, followed by a soft giggle. “Your whiskers,” she whispered, tugging his chin down in turn, her thumb rasping over his skin where the very beginnings of unshaved stubble tickled against the bridge of her nose, “Tickles.”
“Whiskers? Am I a cat now?” he grinned, letting her tug his head all she liked.
“Mmm, yes,” she responded, “A contemptuous tom cat.”
“Contemptuous,” he echoed, notching their noses together, lips ghosting over one another. “Such sophisticated vocabulary for so early in the morn.” he closed the gap and kissed her softly. It was intended to be short, sweet and chaste.
But the smallest of moans escaped her throat. He pulled back, brow perked. Her face was christened with red, eyes half-lidded as she settled against his lips again, their mouths moving fervently against one another. Aemond found it quite amusing, his mouth curved into a sly grin as he moved his hand up her bare thigh, fondling the soft, doughy flesh near her bottom.
She responded immediately, her body contorting into his, her nipples brushing against his chest. They parted momentarily, to which she was hastily whispering, “T-teach me,” she quivered, “How to please you– I want… I want you to feel like I did last night when,” Rosemary looked slightly bashful, “When you put your… mouth on me.”
“You please me just fine,” he hummed back, supplanting his mouth against her throat, leaving trails of kisses and bites.
“Please, Aemond,” she whimpered, tugging on his hair to pull his head back so they could lock gazes. “... I want to make you fall apart like you did I.” 
Aemond gave a puff of acquiescence. “There are many things– but you are still injured, I don’t wish to push you,” he laid flat on his back, pushing hair out of his face. His length was standing at attention, leaking at the tip. “Use your mouth.”
She shifted her body to lay across his chest, her heart pounding in her chest. Her hand grasped at the base of his shaft, giving it an experimental tug. She felt his fingers lace themselves into her hair.
“That isn’t your mouth, little lamb,” he chastised, “Turn this way– need to see your face.”
Letting him guide her head and position her body, she was laying on her side, strewn across his legs.
“Open,” he murmured, and as she did so, he took his free hand, prodding two fingers into her mouth, suppressing her tongue. The act caused her mouth to fill with saliva, the wetness pooling just before her lip. “Keep it open.” Aemond grunted as he lowered her slowly by the hair, fixating the head of his cock into her mouth, nestling between her lips and she gave a hum of satisfaction at the salty taste. The saliva spilled over, dripping down his length and onto the patch of dark hair at the base.
Slowly, he rocked her head up and down, hardly moving down his length, but just to exemplify the motion. Loosening his hold on her hair, he let her take the lead. She gave a few kitten licks before copying the bobbing motion, eventually making her way past the tip. Her eyes, now wide open, watched his face carefully to try and catch any change of emotion. The scent of him— warm and all consuming— filled her nostrils, encouraging her further. She managed to make it more than half way down his cock before faltering, a tiny mewl escaping her as it prodded the back of her throat, a few tears spilling down her cheeks. 
Aemond was good at suppressing his expressions normally, able to hide his contempt, glee or any other emotion he may be feeling within him, keeping a stone-faced facade. However– all of his premonitions and his usual well-schooled features fell apart as he watched Rosemary suck him off, those pretty, huge brown eyes wide, tears forming at her lash line from her exertions– she made little whimpering noises, similar to the ones from the night before when he was fucking her that made him go insane. This was true madness, wasn’t it? Seeing the woman you love drooling on your cock– wait. Love? Love. The notion caught him off guard, the feeling going straight to his core. He fucking loved her. He felt the tightening of his balls and knew he needed more– he reached quickly and pulled Rosemary off of his length, earning him a confused whine.
“Did I do something wrong?” she whimpered.
“No- you were perfect,” he breathed heavily, the heights of his cheeks tinged with rose, “Just… come here,” he leaned forward, picking her up easily and placating her atop his length– not inside yet, but horizontally between her folds. She was soaked, the cheeky woman. “Want to… spend inside of you.” he hummed, his stomach twisting slightly at his admission, feeling the smallest tinge of bashfulness at it. His hands squeezed her bottom, giving it a tiny smack. He was trying to hold back and not be too rough with her– she was still recovering from the ordeal– but damn the Gods if he didn’t want to take her right now, fast and hard. He wanted her on every surface of the room, every place in the Red Keep, his little cockdrunk lamb.
“Mmm,” she nodded slowly, biting her lip. Her thighs quivered as his slicked cock brushed against her clit, sending jolts throughout her. “Please.”
“I’ll do the work,” he leaned up, whispering in her ear, “Just sit back and look pretty, sweet lamb.” he kissed at her neck as he positioned her, sliding her down his length and slotting into her. He nestled nicely in her, giving her another moment to adjust. 
“A-ah,” she mewled, her previously wide eyes back to their half-lidded stupor, “Feels different.”
He hummed in response, moving his hips and her body in tandem as he fucked into her, hitting that sweet spot more easily from his angle, bullying against it. His fingers left red marks on her thighs and he hoped, prayed that when she would look at them later in the mirror, she would feel him all over again– think of him. Her sweet little noises spurred him on like a call to action, his hands moving to flatten against her spine, letting her lay back on them, her nails sinking into his thighs as she tried to find purchase to stay aloft. 
Even with him doing all of the work, she still looked exhausted, her face reddened, a bead of sweat forming at her brow. Her walls clenched around him as she neared her end, he guessed. His thumb grazed down from her spine to between her legs, sliding against her clit in tandem with his bucking. “C’mon,” he growled in her ear, biting on her lobe gently, “Come undone for me, my sweet girl.”
“Aemond, Aemon-d-... !” her voice came in hazy, feverish whines as she barrelled towards her end, taking him with her.
Rosemary clenched around him like a vice, burying her face into his shoulder, descending into a panting mess. 
His climax followed soon after, his movements stilling as he came inside of her, grunting like a besotted dragon. “Mine, fucking mine, mine,” he growled, his nose pressed to her neck as they both caught their breaths. “Mine.”
Their days started and ended much the same way– Aemond did well on his promise to himself to have her on every surface in his chambers. On the bed, over his desk, on the floor in front of the fire. They coupled like a pair of newly-weds, unable to keep their hands to themselves for the majority of the day.
They still had to be careful, though– extremely so. Aemond did his best to investigate the man that had attacked her in the city, but by the time he returned to where the body was, all evidence was washed away. Some carefully laid questions to the City Watch turned up nothing– it was as if it never happened, the man that he killed never existed. They were also extremely careful with the possible repercussions from their pairings– Lady Jeyne had taught Rosemary the recipe for moon tea many years prior, so she made sure to have a stockpile of herbs for such occasions, although her memorization of the exact recipe was teetering on hazy. She felt much sickness throughout the day, attributing it to the tea, as it was known to upset stomachs and the like.
A full two moons after their affair began, Rosemary was in Helaena’s solar, folding clothes. She was perched on the settee while Helaena and the children were out, tidying up around the chambers. A knock at the door interrupted her focused reverie, her head lifting up. She hadn’t the faintest idea who it could be. 
Opening the heavy door, Floris Baratheon was on the other side. Her features were schooled into a neutral pleasant smile. “Ah,” she started, her hands placed neatly over one another, “Is my good-sister to be here?” she asked.
Rosemary blinked. She hadn’t totally forgotten about Aemond’s impending marriage to Floris– in fact, it was one of her sources of ire. As unenthused as Aemond seemed with the match, Rosemary couldn’t help but be fearful of what it meant for them once he and Floris wed. She straightened her dress, putting on her best open-minded and objective face– trying not to think about the fact that Floris’ husband-to-be was breeding her practically every night. “Lady Baratheon,” she smiled softly, “I’m sorry, but Princess Helaena isn’t here– she is out with the children and the Queen at the moment. Is it an urgent matter, my lady? I’d be happy to take a message for her grace.” 
Floris shifted slightly, inclining her neck into the chambers. “Ah– well, mayhaps you can help me, then,” she gave a saccharine sweet smile, “I am trying to embroider a gift for the princess– we are to be sisters, after all– and you should know her better than most, as her handmaiden. Would you say that would be a correct presumption?” 
“Oh– yes. I am quite close with Princess Helaena and know her quite well,” she hummed, “What are you trying to embroider for her?”
“I haven’t quite started yet, I am looking for the right subject to portray. Could I interest you in tea later this afternoon, Lady Rosemary? We can talk about Helaena’s favorite things in my chambers– if it would interest you.”
Rosemary cocked her head slightly, her guard going up. She was a servant– mayhaps not as lowly as others in the Keep, but subservient nonetheless. She wasn’t entirely sure why Floris would be inviting her to tea to talk about the princess. “That is… a most gracious offer, my lady. I would love to sit with you for tea but I have much to do once Helaena and the children return– and I am not a Lady, just Rosemary is fine.” she gave a lopsided smile, fiddling with the hem of her dress as her anxiety rose.
“Please– I insist,” Floris continued, leaning forward slightly, “It will only be… fifteen minutes of your time. How about at high noon?” 
Rosemary’s stomach churned as Floris stared her down. She was a servant, and was to be subservient to the others in the Keep, especially a high-ranking Lady such as Floris. She couldn’t exactly say no. Slowly, she nodded. 
Floris was overjoyed immediately. “Oh, perfect! I will see you then.” she curtsied and jotted off.
High noon rode around quite quickly and Rosemary was pacing around all the while– she wore a small hole in her sleeve from her incessant picking. She knocked on Floris’ door, down the way from the main gathering of chambers in the Holdfast. “My lady? It’s… ehm, Rosemary.”
“Come in, come in,” Floris called. She was sitting at the tea table, two additional seats pulled up. “Help yourself.” she waved over her personal maid, whispering something in the young girl’s ear. The maid nodded and left right away, closing the double doors to the chamber, as well as the doors to the adjoining room they were to sit in. 
“… thank you for your most gracious invitation, my lady,” Rosemary murmured, sitting down on one of the pulled out chairs, glancing at the empty one next to her. “You wished to speak of Princess Helaena?” 
“Mm, yes,” Floris smiled, swirling her tea with her spoon, continuing to motion for Rosemary to drink her own. “Tell me, what does the princess fancy?” 
Rosemary swallowed, staring down at her tea. The smell was oddly familiar, and yet she couldn’t quite place it at the moment, the rest of her senses overwhelmed. She didn’t take a sip, just stirred it errantly, mimicking Floris. “Oh, well, she loves bugs. It caught me off guard at first as well but you get used to it, and it becomes quite endearing. Right now she is set on procuring a Dornish Horned beetle, which is apparently exceedingly rare.” 
Floris’ spoon scraped the side of her cup as she listened to Rosemary prattle on about Helaena. With each breath leaving the handmaiden’s mouth, she became more and more irritable, like flecks of porcelain breaking off of a shattering vase. “I hope you don’t mind, but I invited a friend to dine with us.” 
Her mouth went dry, the alarm bells going off in her head. Turning back, she heard the hollowed thump of a cane. A slightly hunched over man approached, an unnerving smile plastered on his face. Larys Strong. “Good afternoon ladies,” he hummed, taking a seat right next to Rosemary. “How is the tea?” 
Floris shifted in her seat, her eye line casted downward, away from Larys, as if afraid to meet his gaze. 
“Ehm,” Rosemary started, “I hadn’t… tried any yet, truthfully.” 
“Hm,” Larys leaned back in his seat, hands steepled on the top of his cane. “I don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure of meeting, my lady. You may know me— Lord Larys Strong.” he pried a hand from his cane, offering it to Rosemary. 
“Rosemary Stone, my lord,” she shook his hand— it was clammy and made her skin crawl— forcing herself to smile. “I’m no lady, my lord, just Rosemary is alright.” 
“Ah? Not a lady?” he inquired, pouring himself tea, but just like Floris, not actually drinking it. “I find that quite odd, with the company you keep, rubbing elbows with the royal family.” 
Her grip on her spoon tightened and she used every ounce of willpower in her body to keep a cool head. “I beg your pardon, my lord— I don’t quite understand your notion. I am Princess Helaena’s handmaiden and caretaker to her three children, but I assure you, it’s nothing more than professional obligation.” she kept her voice steady, even if it was a blatant lie. 
“Ah? Ever dutiful you must be. To be requested specifically by Prince Aemond, then handed off to the princess and promoted to handmaiden so quickly– if Princess Helaena ever tires of you, mayhaps you would serve well as my handmaiden?” Larys gave a small smile, but there was no warmth behind it. 
Rosemary shifted uncomfortably in her chair, feeling very much like a cornered animal. “... that is a kind offer, my lord, thank you.” she spoke methodically, staring into the expanse of her tea. She raised it to her lips, drinking in the scent. It was strong and herbal, but nothing like the usual herbs used for tea. The sticky scent lingered in her nose and churned her stomach– she didn’t wish to drink it. She knew the scent from somewhere– it smelled of resin and balsam and she could practically feel the clinging of sap to her nose. Glancing up, she looked at Floris, who was leaning forward in her chair intently, waiting for Rosemary to drink it. The scent finally registered in her mind. Tansy. Sticky, medicinal tansy. This was tansy tea– more commonly known as moon tea.
Rosemary’s demeanor and facade had been strong throughout– but her heart stopped momentarily, her eyes going wide. They know, they know. They fucking know– they know– her face told all as she placed the cup down with shaky hands. “I-I… I should really get back to the princess, she will worry if I am gone for long.” she hadn’t really thought of the possibility of her being pregnant with the prince’s child– she had taken her moontea, right? 
The waft of strong mint perforated her nose then. She recognized it as wormwood– another ingredient in moontea. The one that she had forgotten. Moon tea was a very specific recipe, needed to be made with specific herbs in terribly accurate amounts, any of the amounts left out may result in the brew not doing its intended purpose: preventing a child. Drinking the wrong tea for the two moons that she and Aemond had been together– her hand clutched her stomach. Her illness she experienced throughout the day wasn’t an effect of the tea. She was pregnant– she’d missed her monthly bloods, stupidly attributing it to the tea. 
Bile rose in the back of her throat as she stared down at the tea. They knew; Floris and Larys. They knew she was in bed with the prince every night, filled to the brim with his seed and then some. They meant to rid her of the child growing inside of her. Moon tea was meant to be drunk the morning after coupling, or within two days. There was no telling the effect it would have this far into a pregnancy– it would likely kill her trying to induce miscarriage.
Floris clenched the table. “Drink your tea, maid. It’s rude to not drink it.”
“P-please– I… I must… I must go– Helaena… the children.” 
“What are children– but a weakness,” Larys said then, “A folly, a futility. You know the right thing must be done here, dear Rosemary. But you are hesitant, love stays the hand. Love is a downfall. We shall give you two options to choose from, Rosemary Stone. First, you shall drink the tea and leave the keep, leave the city. Second, you choose not to drink the tea– that is truly the wrong choice, I’m afraid– and you will be shipped to the Silk Street where I know of a woman whose speciality is cutting out bastard babies from the mother. She has a surprisingly high survival rate, truly. Then, you shall join the Silent sisters and become a handmaiden of the dead– a vow of silence written in blood, the wagging appendage in your mouth snuffed out, cut out, ripped out, it matters naught.”
Floris, all the while, was simmering. “You’re ruining everything– I don’t understand his obsession with you, truly! You’re a maid, a bastard at that. What is so special about you?” she stood up now, flinging her own cup to the ground. “Drink the fucking tea!”
Rosemary felt like she was floating outside of her body, her ears ringing. Her fingers felt numb as she still held the tea to her lips, trembling like a leaf. “It… it’s too late– the tea,” she croaked, “It… would kill me if I drank it–”
“All the better, then!” Floris leaned across the table, pushing the cup towards Rosemary’s mouth.
She didn’t want to drink it– she didn’t. Letting go of the cup, she pushed back against Floris’ hand, shoving her backwards, along with her tea. It all happened so fast, Floris suddenly atop Rosemary on the ground, smacking and slapping her. “You’re ruining it, ruining everything! Why can’t you just go away?!” the tablecloth came down in a crash, sending all of the porcelain to the ground.
Rosemary put her arms up once again, shielding her face from Floris’ demented assault. “St-Stop!” she was screaming now.
The doors to the solar flew open. “Ah, my good-sister to be!” it was Aegon. Aegon? Wha– “Goodness, what’s going on here?” he walked around the room, Ser Arryk behind him. “Ah, Rosemary. Helaena is looking for you, no time to be… hm, what are you two doing? Quite a precarious position, Lady Baratheon, seemingly beating my poor lady wife’s favorite handmaiden.” 
Floris froze, letting up her grip on Rosemary, sliding off of her. She was silent.
“And Larys Strong– didn’t know you were an enjoyer of two women with one another, hm? Ah, but we all have our own odd proclivities, don’t we?” Aegon sauntered over to Rosemary, scooping her up into his arms. Her face was reddened from the slaps that Floris managed to get in, her nose bleeding. “I’ll be taking her, Helaena is distraught, you must understand. I’ll be sure not to mention this… indiscretion to my mother, grandsire, or brother, as a favor. Good day to you both.” he gave a wobbly bow, obviously not used to holding the weight of a woman in his arms. He walked out of the solar and into the hallway, cautiously looking side-to-side. “Ser Arryk, make sure they don’t follow.”
The knight nodded, standing at the door.
Aegon huffed, adjusting Rosemary in his arms. “I’m not cut out for this saving maidens in distress business, truly. Though, I suppose you aren’t a maiden anymore.”
“... out of all of the people, I expected you least, Aegon.”
“You underestimate the power of Helaena when she is… in her moods. Usually she’s quiet, despondent,” he slunk close to the wall, prying open a door behind a statue and descending into the tunnels, “But this time– she was incorrigible, crying, squawking– it was giving me a headache. Consider this my good act of the decade,” Aegon shrugged, walking through the tunnels with ease, he’d obviously traipsed through them frequently. “... may it be my moment of sobriety, but… you make my sister and brother happy. You’re good with my children– I may be a fucking idiot but I’m not blind.”
“... thank you, Aegon.” she murmured as he shouldered his way through another opening, leading them out to Helaena’s solar.
She was there, distraught and pacing. When the doorway hinged, she descended upon them like a swarm of butterflies. “Oh, Rosemary, are you alright? Oh, that horrible woman has bloodied up your nose!” Helaena sniffed, her eyes rimmed red. She glanced at Aegon then, nodding to him. “Thank you, brother.” 
“Don’t mention it– please. I can’t have my reputation as a lecher ruined by my acts of goodness.” he laid Rosemary down on the settee, nodding to her and Helaena before retreating back into the tunnels.
Helaena stooped down next to Rosemary. “I… I saw it– they were going to hurt you, even more than that silly doe hoofing you,” she swallowed, putting her hand on her friend’s cheek, “... you must leave.”
“It’s not safe. You must leave, you must. I hate to get you up after just sitting down but we must leave now.”
“N-now? But… Aemond,” Rosemary murmured, her eyes stinging. “He doesn’t know anything that’s happened– he… he could protect me… us.”
“You know as well as I that if Aemond found out, Larys nor Floris would be leaving this keep alive, charred to the bone and sinew. That would be… complicated for a number of reasons– politics are… delicate. It wouldn’t do well for him to kill his betrothed, especially the daughter of a hothead like Borros.”
“I can’t just leave him, Helaena– I’m… pregnant.”
“I know,” she hummed softly, pressing their noses together, “You are now my sweet sister, in blood and heart. But… we must go. Come.” she pulled Rosemary up from the settee, wrapping a plain cloak around her and pulling up the hood, leading her to the tunnels again. “Aegon told me the way out.” she held Rosemary’s hand in her own, the other skimming the wrought stone. “Made to choose, but they choose for me,” Helaena muttered under her breath, “We must have these tunnels guarded more carefully, I think.”
They approached the end, cracking the wooden door open. “... I will miss you. I have not seen if we will meet again, but I sorely hope we do. But if not… you are the greatest friend I’ve known, the kindest– you are my sister, truly. We are but two butterflies that met on the breeze, but not meant for eternity, I fear,” Helaena let go of her hand, pressing a heavy sack in her hand, the jingling of coins heard, “Make a new life far from here, a place with lots of nectar for you, beautiful flowers,” she leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together, “Take care of my nephew.”
“Two butterflies,” Rosemary responded, tears flowing down her face, “I quite like that,” she paused for a moment, “I fear Aemond would disagree. He thinks me a lamb. Helaena– tell him… tell him I love him– tell… tell him something.” 
“You shall tell him yourself one day, I hope. Now, be free, woolen butterfly, flitting on the breeze…” she kissed Rosemary’s cheek and parted from her, descending back into the tunnels, walking back to her solar. “The thread weaves once more, mending opened wounds… herbs shall turn to flowers, blooming.”
It was past dinner time, well past it. And yet, she wasn’t here. His Rosemary was nothing if not punctual. 
It must be something with the twins, or Maelor– mayhaps Helaena needed her help with something– she wouldn’t be late on purpose. Aemond paced, stopping at his wardrobe and opening it, pushing through a false-back and pulling out a soft silken garment, Rosemary’s nightwear. It smelled of her, so sweet and warm, lavender and that scented soapberry brew she bathed in.
The unlatching of a lock was heard towards the bookshelf, where his room connected to the tunnels, she must be here, surely. “Rosemary, love. You’re a bit late.” he admonished softly, the pads of his fingers rasping against the fabric absentmindedly. 
It was a crop of blonde hair that passed through the threshold of the tunnels– but not Rosemary. 
“Helaena? Where is Rosemary?”
“Brother,” she murmured, her voice solemn, “There’s… been an accident.
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whorety-k · 14 days
Ebony Coasts [Part 5]
Batten down the hatches, my friends. This one is a L O N G one but it was so worth it.
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Pairing: Merfolk!Corvus Corax x fem!Marine Conservationist!Reader (second person POV)
Song recommendation: Unloveable - The Smiths
“If I seem a little strange / well, that’s because I am /
But I know that you would like me /
If only you could see me / if only you could meet me /
I don’t have much in my life / but take it, it’s yours.”
Warnings: Ocean mentions / thalassophobia, culture shock and misunderstanding between species, hospital mention, blood / injury descriptions, AMERICAN HEALTHCARE, more horrors of a nine-to-five (Dolly Parton would have words), extreme weather, angst, hurt / comfort
Word Count: 3.9k (SORRY)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 6] [Part 7 (NSFW)]
Driving on uneven roads is difficult enough on its own, and having only one hand while amped up on adrenaline and preoccupied about potentially having lost Corvus forever makes you downright reckless. A particularly hard thump! has you worried about your car’s alignment but you simply add it to the list of things wrong and continue down the road.
The emergency room sucks. You’re not even fully in reality by the time you finish checking in, clutching your still-bleeding hand in your lap with not more than a couple pads of gauze and a random towel you had laying around in the back of the car. It’s a miracle how a human can bleed for over two hours and still be fully coherent enough to lie to their nurses and doctors about a knife slipping while cutting twine.
They don’t believe you for a second, but they both aren’t paid enough and are over-worked enough not to care. Everyone lies in the ER.
A shot of lidocaine and eighteen stitches later, you’re sent on your way with opioid pain meds you won’t be taking and a deep appreciation that Corvus hadn’t scored your dominant hand. It’s still irritating when you get home and try to undress to shower, unable to flex your injured hand at all. You straight up decide against actually cooking, heating up a frozen meal in the microwave and sitting on the couch to overthink everything once more.
The look of complete dismay on Corvus’s face before he left haunted you. 
You had long accepted that the black betta mer wasn’t the most emotionally expressive individual. His carefully neutral countenance rarely gave way to more than a quirk of a brow or occasional lip-turn, so the twisted look of open terror on his pale face shook you to your core both now and then. Hell, in the moment you had even been able to forget about a two and a half inch long laceration in your palm from sheer worry for him. 
You never would have expected a creature so powerful to run.
Another cold spoonful goes down roughly at the thought, and, dissociated, you decide you’ve had enough sustenance. You crawl into bed, exhausted, and feel your limbs sink heavily into the mattress as a deep sigh leaves your lungs. A hollow feeling permeates your chest.
You can’t help the rush of emotions that suddenly overcomes you, choked sobs racking your body as you curl up into a miserable ball around your pillow. The action brings only scant comfort to the throbbing ache in your chest. You don’t remember falling asleep.
The beach is cold, but you don’t care. 
You felt stupid coming back to the shoreline the day after everything, so you waited. Your Monday rolls around and you try to go back to the coast before work, briskly searching high and low for a glimpse of black fins and a glittering night’s-sky of scales. The tides grant you no such favors, and two hours are wasted on nothing when you’re forced to leave. You deflect every question from your coworkers with lies about a kitchen accident.
The next day is scarcely different. You finish your shift in the office like a reanimated corpse, putting in the bare minimum to not have anyone look twice in your direction. You can’t even remember more than the gist of the report you had just read on illegal fishing activity a hour south of you, another damned case of foreign bodies trying to use nonexistent loopholes in the law to talk their way into overfishing protected areas. It was a Coast Guard issue and never should have crossed your desk to begin with, but here you are, tangled in another mess outside of your depth.
You slam the door of your Bronco shut before you stomp onto the dark shore, not bothering to take the cliff down to Corvus’s den this time because you know you don’t have the brain capacity to even think about scaling the rocks. The extra five minute trip down and around the cliffside riddles you with nausea that intensifies when the light of your flashlight finds the entrance to the cavern. 
Of course Corvus isn’t there; you weren’t expecting him to be, yet still it anguishes you. Three days without the merman in your life and you’re already starting to fall apart? It makes you feel pathetic for having grown attached to him so quickly. 
But Corvus had never made you feel that way. Never once had he made you feel like your presence had been a burden to him, eagerly listening to every word you had said to him. He always replied with a caring thoughtfulness to any query you gave him, firm with his boundaries yet forgiving to the innocent faults that had occurred. 
Corvus had a way of making you feel genuinely listened to, even when he didn’t always reply. It was weird to describe someone like him as warm, given his penchant for reserved silence and generally closed-off nature, but the sincere cordiality he had with you had never failed to stir emotions in your chest that you had felt far too anxious to put a label on at the time.
You realize just how taken care of you had always been with the merman. He offered to hunt for you, even if the incident with the ducklings had been an awkward misunderstanding. He made a place for you within his den that could never have any functional use for him as his size. Hell, he would stride along you in the sand instead of asking you to join him in the waves because it was easier for you. You’re wearing a piece of his hoard!
He cared about you.
Your hand gently grasps the raven head pendant, and you sit down in the rickety chair that Corvus has specially gotten for you. The luminescents on the walls seem dimmer than before, and you notice how wilted they’ve become in Corvus’s short absence. Pushing aside the thought that the mer had been putting in actual maintenance to accommodate for you, you brush your hand against the cerulean phosphorescent flora. 
Corvus had taken care of you when you hadn’t asked for it, so you were going to do the same. 
Searching the den for anything vaguely cup-like to transfer water with turns up nothing, so you resort to cupping your healthy hand in that small stream leading into the den. You punctiliously pour the brine over each of the parched plants until they’re saturated. By the time you’ve finished, you notice the vegetation you had started with has already begun to glow brighter. You glow brighter than the cave in that moment.
Wednesday still bears no sign of Corvus, but it does teach an important piece of information: this den had not been abandoned like the others.
You finally gather the courage to check inside of the decorated bed space at the back of the den for the first time since the giant’s disappearance, and you’re flooded with relief when you see the large cache of dazzling objects still lining the walls. Corvus hadn’t left, per se. He just hadn’t returned yet. 
In your jacket pocket is the trusty metal pen Corvus had fixated on so long ago, and in a moment of weakness, you leave it on the stone shelf at the center of the cavern. You had other pens. This one should be his… even if he can’t use it.
You keep coming back to maintain the cavern: wetting the algae and mushrooms, clearing the space of any excess sand the tides brought in, polishing the corroded metals in his collection— nothing escapes your watchful eye. You’ve even accidentally fallen asleep on the bed of furs and grasses, waking up in a flurry to see that you were late for work and needed to leave now, even if you dreaded doing so. 
You always leave a new trinket behind on the round stone ‘table’. Old jewelry, a piece of abalone shell, a tea ball you haven’t used in ages, rose quartz, an entire abalone shell (that you’ve now started to use to hold everything), cool brooches you found at another beach, an enamel pin in the shape of a flying crow, and many other items from around your apartment make their way into Corvus’s den. You rearrange the items into a nice display before you leave.
A week passes. Half of a month. An entire month. The gash on your hand has healed well, the stitches removed with strict instructions to keep the area clean. 
Each day, no matter the weather, you return to Corvus’s beach. The den is monotonous, and recently, you’ve begun to avoid going inside of it lest you have to face the untouched items on the rock shelf more often than necessary. The physical effort to place something in the pile is nothing by now, but mentally, it wears on you.
What if all of this had been for nothing? You had been forcing such doubtful thoughts out of your head for a month faithfully, always trying to look on the bright side. You’ve waited longer for a pay-off before, haven’t you? 
Why was this any different?
…because it hurts. No matter what pep talks you give yourself or happy memories you relive, coming back to the beach hurts.
You’ve been persistent to the point you’re starting to think that you’re nothing more than an annoyance instead of the oh-so-great protector of the coasts you had foolishly thought yourself to be. What a sick fantasy, you think, meddling in the life of something so obviously beyond you. The delusion that you could ever be a part of Corvus’s realm has poisoned you to the point of desperately coming back to the barren sands for even a hope that you’ll see more than the black apparition in the reveries of your mind.
The apartment is a mess. Unfolded laundry piles in the basket, dirty clothes along the floor. You’ve used the same towel to shower for long enough that it’s starting to smell of mildew, but just thinking about the effort of washing a load of towels makes you feel like lead. It took an infestation of ants for you to do the mountain of dishes that piled in your sink. Everyday tasks become chores, and chores feel impossible. 
Still, you drag yourself out to work again today. The weather is awful: torrential downpour with gusts of wind that nearly knock you off of your feet. No one is working in the field today lest OSHA get a taste of blood in the water (literal or metaphorical). You drum your fingertips across the wooden desk as you read a private request for development nearby a protected habitat, opposite hand fiddling with your necklace. You can’t bring yourself to take it off, even if it hurts to see in the mirror each day.
You’re in the middle of a paragraph about intended waste management when a heckling voice jogs you out of it. “I didn’t take you for the goth type,” it jeers, and you look up to see one of the environmental science team leads. A man twice your age. What was his name again?
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you retort, audibly weary.
 “The necklace,” he gestures at your throat. Your coworker sits against your desk, uninvited, looking down at you with leery eyes. “Haven’t seen you in that number before.”
You simply shake your head and look back down at the paper, uninterested in the conversation. He doesn’t take the hint.
The lead continues, “You haven’t been as chipper recently. Where’s your spunk? Your fire?—” he follows the words with a ridiculous hand gesture— “Those bags under your eyes could be checked in at the airport.”
You’d laugh at his joke if you weren’t already in such a piss-poor mood. “I’m just tired,” you state, not turning your head to look at him, “I’ll be fine.”
A hand on your shoulder causes you to jolt. “Look, kid, we’ve all got our bad days, but I can tell when someone needs a break—”
You throw the offending hand off of you and stand up roughly, throwing your chair back into the wall in the process. You feel heated. “I told you, I’m fine!” Your words are laced with venom, scratchy and raw and bitter. 
The commotion causes the lead to recoil, distaste written on his face. Other people in the office are starting to stare, and you meet each of their gazes individually. Maybe that was a bit too far.
You sigh, shoulders slumping and head falling forward. Everything aches. “You’re right,” you admit, offering an apologetic look to what’s-his-name, “I’m not feeling well.”
It takes no more than a few minutes to submit your request to leave early. As soon as it’s approved, you rush out of the building. The torrent building inside of you has nothing on the rain around, and you high-tail it out of the parking lot. 
Truly, you didn’t mean to end up back here today. The ocean is too rough, the cliff perilous, the beach an utter mess. The thought of just how stupid your actions are does nothing to stop you, though. 
You run down the embankment to the dock, shoes getting soaked from the crashing waves as you search the water. 
You scramble to the den, slipping and falling down the rocky slope and barely catching yourself before you hit your head. 
You claw your way through the sands— up soggy hills and over rocky ledges, around complex twists and turns in the sandstone, under and over jutting stones, looking anywhere for alabaster white. 
You’re back at the dock, watching the serpent of metal squirm and thrash in the storm. With unstable footing, you sloppily traverse the writhing mass of steel, barely able to hold yourself upright as you reach the end of it. The storm forces you to your knees, and you place your hands on the lip. Despondency grips you, tearing at your throat.
“I’m sorry!” you cry, voice drowned out by the thundering of rain. “I don’t know what I did but I’m sorry!” A black wave pummels into your small body, the force of an ocean threatening to knock you off of the dock. Still, you cling. You duck your head against the chilled metal, letting out a hissed breath before inhaling a mouthful of seawater. Blubbering, coughing, you rise back up and look out over the waves. They are cold and unflinching.
When the fury of the storm lulls, you force yourself to continue, hoarse. “I messed up and I just want to know how, okay? I don’t know what I did, I—” you choke off a sob, shaking your head, “I-I…” Muscles cry at you to stop, body begging you to return to the car for warmth. You persevere. You have for the last month. 
“I miss you, okay!” The wail carries across the ocean, echoing across the tides back at you like a taunt. Even in the calm of the storm, rain batters against you. The dock stops squirming so intensely, and you take the moment to catch your breath.
Even in your honesty, even in your raw vulnerability, screaming to the heavens for an answer, you receive nothing.
You turn away from the ocean and sink down onto yourself, defeated. The sobs you had been holding at bay spill out, and you hug your knees as you bawl into them. Your clothes are soaked, the wind is cold, and your chest feels miserable. 
Even with the storm beginning to pass by, you feel no better. You will away the tears eventually, wiping wet tears with a wet sleeve that feels like sandpaper, and ready yourself to leave.
The utterly shattered face of Corvus Corax looks at you, a few feet from the edge of the dock, just barely above the water. Eyes of onyx lay wide with guilt, grimacing.
You do not hesitate to throw yourself into the choppy water at him.
Corvus has no time to react to your actions before you wrap your arms around his neck clinging onto him as you gasp like a fish, clutching the coal-and-bone giant close to you like a lifeline. Right now, in the swell, he was.
Tentative arms snake around your midsection, slowly but surely pulling you closer to him. You feel the merman press his face into your soaked hair, taking in a deep breath of your scent before a rumble leaves him. “This is no place for you,” he whispers, and you can only feel him fly through the water like a bolt of lightning, unable to look up from his neck with how firmly he holds you. When you can finally move your head, Corvus already has the both of you on land, beelining it for the den with a look of conviction on his face. 
You didn’t even know you were trembling before you got inside, the surprising warmth of the cavern thawing the numbness in your arms and legs. The frantic betta strides right past the chair in the main room with you in his arms, heading straight for the bed space. It’s only when he gets to the ‘bed’ that he abruptly stops, looking down at you.
“You’ve rested here before.” It’s another half-question, half-statement, and once again it’s correct.
“I fell asleep after taking care of the algae, I’m sorry—”
Corvus cuts you off by hastily lying the both of you on the furs and feathers, the action causing you to let out an ‘oof’ as the air is forced from your lungs. The way he curls and desperately clings to you like a lost child has you feeling all sorts of complex emotions, but you do not fight it. When you open your mouth to speak, he gently shushes you with a shake of his head. You rest beneath his chin in silence.
For the first time in over a month, everything feels okay.
“I hurt you,” Corvus’s gentle voice breaks the silence, barely audible. It’s laced with sorrow so deep that it cuts into your heart. With a shaky hand, the giant mer peels you away from him, looking your entire form over. 
You show him your scabbed and scarring palm, the area pink but almost fully healed by now. You jump to reassure him, “The doctor said it was a clean cut. Easy to heal. I’m okay.”
Corvus shakes his head again, gently taking your injured hand in his. He holds it to his chest, over his beating hearts as he looks deep into your eyes. The downpour inside of him has yet to quell. 
“I hurt you, and I could not bear it,” he restarts, twin hearts pounding in his ribcage. A heavy pause follows as Corvus thinks, wanting to explain himself properly yet lacking the experience to do so. His ear fins twitch up and down as he debates how to continue. Eventually, he sighs, looking around the walls of the bed space. "In fleeing like a coward,” he laments, “I have only hurt you more.” 
The sentence causes the tension to snap inside of you like a wire. “I came back here every day looking for you. Every. Single. Day,” you admonish, tears welling in your eyes, “I took care of the plants. I swept out the sand. I even polished everything so I could keep myself busy!” You go on a total tirade about your activities, Corvus’s gaze not once leaving you as he takes the brunt of it all. Falter, your words catch in your throat as tears spill. “...because I was so afraid to lose you that I couldn’t bear to be anywhere else.”
Corvus’s eyes soften with guilt, expression falling. He makes to respond, but you beat him to it.
“But I’m so glad you came back, because I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t.”
The merman’s mouth shuts, and his gaze returns to you. He does not hesitate to pull you close once more, gorgeous charcoal fins blanketing you. You run a hand over the appendage, unable to stop yourself, and Corvus lets out a blissful sigh. “I was afraid, so I fled without thinking of the consequences,” he explains. You do your best to sit back to watch him talk, but Corvus doesn’t allow you much room to move. He continues, “I am already… an anomaly amongst my kind. I was not created to have these sorts of simple domesticities, and I feared what would occur if I overstepped my bounds.” His words leave you with more questions than answers, but you know better than to prod the mer. Anomaly amongst his kind? He had mentioned brothers before his disappearance. You wonder what the others may be like.
Seeking to comfort the giant as he speaks (and partially out of scientific curiosity), you run a hand over his gill covers again. A soft gasp leaves the merman before he catches your hand in his, withdrawing just enough to look down at you. You give him a shy, cheeky smile.
“...as you are now,” he jests, raising a playful eyebrow.
“Sorry,” you say, not even remotely apologetic.
Corvus lets out a soft huff in response, when his eyes focus on the silver chain around your neck. He uses a talented claw to fish the raven pendant from underneath the neckline of your shirt, gazing upon it with the same fondness you had seen just before he fled. Before you can question the look, you’re shocked by the smile he gives you: a genuine grin, eyes crinkled at the outer corners and sharp teeth visible. For the first time, you see that he has fangs, the tips of canines poking into his lower lip. 
His eyes flick back up to yours, and his smile softens. Corvus croons, “I must apologize again for what I have taken from you.”
You’re confused by his statement, tilting your head at him. “What do you mean?”
The merman gently tips up your chin with a knuckle, keeping his claws away from the skin of your delicate neck as he leans forward to place a chaste kiss to your lips. It’s unpracticed and clumsy, Corvus being so much larger than you, but the cold taste of the sea and ocean minerals has you addicted. A delicate hand cradles your face when you lean into him, and the moment ends all too soon.
“I am here, and I will not be pulling such an imprudent stunt ever again,” Corvus promises as he pulls away.
“Thank you,” you whisper breathlessly, before nestling yourself into the crux of his neck and shoulder. 
The tender moment warms you, the shaking in your body finally coming to a stop. Your clothes may be soaked and salty, but the soft bed beneath and gentle embrace of the mer ease you. You let out a soft giggle that catches Corvus’s attention, and when the merman lets out a questioning hum, you remark, “If you ever do that again, I’m getting my boating license and hunting you down myself.”
Corvus hums from above you, knuckles tracing up and down your back. “From what I have learned, I should expect no less.”
This took far longer than expected I am so sorry but I hope everyone likes it!!
[Part 6]
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starnightlover · 1 month
Hi. Sorry, I just really feel like complaining. Obviously you can ignore this, I just have nowhere else to word vomit lol. I've been trying to shift since 2019. I've gotten into the void state for like 20 seconds but got too freaked out/excited and lost stability before I could manifest or shift anywhere. I feel like I'm going crazy. I've done the whole thing of pasting sticky notes with affirmations all over my apartment, had meditated for an hour or more a day for weeks at a time, listened to subliminals 24/7 and obvious tried all the classic methods like the raven method, julia method, etc, etc. I've had multiple lucid dreams where I tried to make portals and I've even had a lucid dream (or I guess I shifted) where I saw a "centre" for shifting with a bunch of islands and floating petals that we used as transportation between islands. I got a whole tour by some guide and he showed me other lives I'm currently living. That was like a year ago, and I haven't manifested anything significant or went anywhere since then. I'm going through a really tough time right now. I wouldn't have gone on like this if I didn't believe in it, but I'm just feeling really beaten down. I'm exhausted and frustrated.
Hi lovely, I'm so sorry you feel this way.
It’s understandable. But remember all the lucid dreams you’ve had and the void states that you’ve been in. They’re a reflection of your ability for shifting. You’ve been incredibly close before, and your subconscious mind is capable of doing so. You can take a break if you want, because shifting requires a healthy amount of persistence. Just remember that no matter how long of a break you have, you’ve come really far already. The void state is one step away from shifting. And don’t forget your lucid dream, where you basically saw your ability to change realities. Don’t take my word for granted. Just think about it. You can do it, you do have the abilities, all you have to do is keep going. You can take a small break if you want to rest, but don’t let yourself lose all your progress. Stay determined, stay motivated, don’t lose your abilities. You can do this!!
You’ve come so far, and you’ve been in the final stages. Don’t think about how it’s been years without a single shift. It’s been years where you’ve learned techniques, you’ve learned about yourself, you’ve honed in your shifting abilities. Just because you haven’t shifted in years doesn’t mean you’ve made no progress. This is just the next step in your shifting journey. Go forward. Take that step. Shift like nothing’s stopping you. You’re so close. You’ve had enough time to think about it. You’ve been here, wanting to get to your desired reality for all this time. You haven’t given up on it yet. You’ve kept coming back hoping, trying, dreaming, wanting to shift to the reality you want and finally be with your hard work! Why would you stop now? You owe it to yourself to keep trying. Don’t give up, because it has always been your dream to shift.
Your determination, drive, motivation, and dedication to shifting is so praiseworthy. It's been years since you started this journey, and you haven't given up! You've persisted for this long and you've gotten close so many times, it's almost impossible for you to not have enough abilities to shift realities. Remember all the things you've seen and experienced while trying to shift realities, all the things you've gone through and the efforts of hard work that you've put into shifting realities. Don't give up now. You just have to keep going. You can do it, I believe in you!
Keep going. Don’t stop now.
I mean, just think about it: you possess this incredible power within you to shape your own existence. You're not just a passive observer in the grand theater of life; you're the playwright, the director, and the star actor all rolled into one.
You see, the universe is like this vast, infinite canvas, and you? You're the artist putting forth the brush. Every thought, every belief, every intention you hold is like a stroke on that canvas.
Now, here's the kicker: you have the ability to shift to any reality you choose. It's not some distant, unattainable dream—it's within your awareness right here, right now. Reality-shifting isn't this Herculean task reserved for a select few; it's as easy as changing your mind.
You are the god of your reality, lovely!!! You have the power to shift!!! It's not about waiting for the stars to align or some external force to swoop in and save the day. It's about realizing that the power you seek has been within you all along. So, embrace it. Own it. Know that you are the creator of your own destiny. And when doubts creep in or challenges arise, remember this: you are god, and reality-shifting is as easy as flipping the script. You've got this. After all, you are god.
And remember! You don't actually need specific methods to shift realities; it's about tapping into your innate power as a being that is pure consiousnious not attached to any body, mind, or reality! . Every moment, you're making choices that shift you to a different reality, and reality-shifting to your DR is just as easy! It's just bevomi b aware of it. While methods and techniques can be helpful tools, they're just that—tools! The real magic happens when you tap into your own inner wisdom and intuition, trusting yourself to allow the process to unfold organically. Embrace your innate creativity and intuition, and watch as your reality begins to shift in ways you never thought possible.
Now just remember my love, to keep on visualizing, keep on affirming, and most importantly keep persisting!!!! . And, be gentle with yourself along the way. Shifting may not happen overnight, but each step you take brings you closer to your DR. So hold onto hope, and know that your breakthrough is just around the corner.
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ao719 · 11 months
…Sometimes Not (Part 4)
Watching, Waiting Patiently
This is a submission for @choicesflashfics, using prompt #2, “Pretending to be happy is pretty damn exhausting.”
Song inspo: Let the New Begin - CHPTRS
A/N: This is an au mini series to my Always You story. Not beta’d. Please excuse any errors.  
Book/Pairing: TRR; Liam x OC (Reyna)
Rating: T • Warnings: None but some mild language.
Word count: 2500
Catch up here
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Sitting inside his home office, Gideon flipped through paperwork on an early Saturday afternoon; the penthouse, which a few hours earlier consisted of Catherine and his sister Elsie chattering loudly over breakfast before going to meet Reyna, was now quiet.
Hearing his phone, Gideon kept his eyes on his papers as he blindly reached for it, lifting the receiver to his ear. “Hello?”
“Hello, old friend.”
Gideon smiled as he leaned back in his chair. “Constantine,” he said with amusement in his tone. “Isn’t it past your bedtime there?”
“It’s only 7:30, you ass.”
A rumble of laughter erupted from Gideon. “As I said …”
Constantine chuckled. “How are you?”
“I’m good. Trying to lessen my Monday workload by doing some today. How are you and Regina?”
“I can’t complain, and Regina is well,” Constantine replied. “How’s Catherine?”
“She’s good. She and Elsie went out with Reyna this morning.”
“Ah,” Constantine said. “Wedding planning, I gather?”
Constantine heard the shift in his friend’s tone. “Why do you sound bothered?”
Gideon sighed. “I’m not bothered. Reyna just seems to be … stalling.”
“How so?”
“They went to look at a venue today because she needs to choose one in order to choose a date,” Gideon explained.
“She hasn’t set a date yet?”
“No. And today’s visit will be the fifth place they’ve gone to look at over the past few months. They’ve already been to The Plaza Hotel, The Pierre, the Cipriani Wall Street, and — the groom’s top pick, probably because he’s not paying for it — 620 Loft & Garden, all of which are undoubtedly the most high-end and sought-after wedding venues in the city … but she has said no to all.”
“And her reasons?”
“She says ‘they don’t feel right,’” Gideon said, repeating his daughter’s words.
“Hmm,” Constantine hummed in thought. “Perhaps she wants something less … grand.”
“Well, the place they went to look at today, Blue Hill At Stone Barns, is still high-end, but more … laid back.”
“I’m sorry … did you say barn?”
“It’s not an actual barn,” Gideon scoffed. “Think of it more like … one of your fancy countryside estates. It sits outside the hustle and bustle of the city, a very nice venue. But I have no doubts that Catherine will be back soon and will say that Reyna found something wrong with it.”
“They’ve been engaged, what, nearly a year?” Constantine asked.
“Yes,” Gideon answered. “Which isn’t that long. Luca, however, seems to be growing a tad impatient as of late.”
“Has Reyna said what kind of place she’s looking for? What would make it feel right to her?”
Gideon sighed. “I think you and I both know that the venue has nothing to do with it not feeling right.” Constantine fell into an agreeable silence. “Speaking of … how’s Liam?”
Constantine and Gideon had monthly phone conversations, keeping each other up to date on their lives and that of their children. They never shared the updates with Liam or Reyna, however, per their requests.
It had been two months since Liam’s divorce had been finalized. Gideon’s initial inclination was to tell Reyna after Constantine shared the news, but he reluctantly agreed when Catherine said they couldn’t; she told him that if she was going to find out, it needed to be on her own and not because he was trying to meddle.
Meddling. It was a fair accusation.
Gideon made his concerns about Reyna’s decision to accept Luca’s proposal no secret to his wife. To him, it felt rushed and for all of the wrong reasons. And despite knowing that learning of the changes in Liam’s life could potentially alter her decision, he knew she needed to see things differently on her own.
Reyna had said she didn’t want to rush the engagement, but after nearly a year, Luca seemed to be pushing her to set a date, just like he pushed her to put that announcement in the Times. And she was going along with it as best she could, looking at multiple venues over the last few months, even caving and buying a few bridal magazines to make herself appear more interested than her father believed her to be, but she had yet to make any actual decisions.
Gideon wasn’t upset that Reyna had yet to plan any of this wedding; his frustrations stemmed from knowing that deep down, she was stalling for a reason, one she refused to acknowledge because she felt guilty and, in a way, obligated. He and Catherine both knew it, but they also knew she needed to navigate this on her own. He would step in when he needed to — if he needed to.
According to the updates from Constantine over the last two years, Liam, like always, had been a mask of stoicism; even after what happened with Drake and Riley, he carried on as a paragon of emotionless perfection. That was up until a month ago when Leo pushed his brother to finally open up about how he was really doing. Liam completely broke down, not about his divorce and what had led to it … but about how much he missed Reyna. According to what Leo told Constantine, he’d never seen Liam that upset before.
Knowing that Liam was still affected so much by the absence of her in his life more than two years after the fact tugged on both of the fathers’ heartstrings. And Gideon knew, even though he was the one thing she never talked about with him or anyone else, that Reyna was still affected by Liam’s absence as well. He knew not only because of his fatherly instincts but because he happened to stumble across a journal while helping her move into her apartment; he never spoke of the pages he glimpsed when it fell open on the floor from a box of books he’d been carrying.
Both Gideon and Constantine knew that the things Liam and Reyna had gone through would have been easier had they had one another to lean on, and in hindsight, probably wouldn’t have happened at all. Yet here they were, over two years with no contact, and both internally miserable.
A while after ending his call with Constantine, Gideon was sitting in the living area of the penthouse. The elevator doors slid open, and Catherine stepped out. “Hi,” he said as he stood to greet her.
Catherine smiled as he kissed her cheek. “Hello.”
“Well …?” Gideon asked as he drew back.
Catherine shook her head. “It was a no.”
•Three Months Later•
Gideon stood in front of the elevator as Catherine, Reyna, and Elsie piled inside with their luggage. They were headed out of town for a girls’ weekend after the two elders deemed that Reyna, despite insisting she was fine, needed some time away from the city.
“Have fun,” Gideon smiled. “And be safe. Call me when you get there.”
“Stop being such a worry wart,” Elsie playfully scoffed before the doors started to close.
As soon as the doors slid shut, Gideon turned on his heels and hurried down the hall to his home office. He picked up the phone, quickly dialing the number.
“Hello, Constantine,” Gideon said as he sat in his chair. “How are you?” The two briefly caught up on their busy lives in the few weeks since they last spoke. “And how is the family?” he asked.
“They’re well.”
“How’s Liam been?”
“Pretending to be happy is pretty damn exhausting, but he’s pushing through, like always. How’s Catherine?”
“She’s well,” Gideon answered.
“And Reyna?”
“She’s good,” Gideon replied, then there was a pause. “She’s one of the reasons I called. I have news …”
“Has she finally picked a date? Is this my official invitation?” Constantine chuckled.
“Quite the opposite, actually.” Gideon fell quiet for a moment. “She ended the engagement …”
“Oh?” Constantine perked up. “Did … did something happen?”
Gideon explained how last week, Luca had taken it upon himself to look into a destination wedding without talking to Reyna about it … until after he booked it. He went on to say that he was tired of her “dragging her feet” and that he wanted to marry her “sooner rather than later.” That seemed to have snapped something into place for Reyna, realizing that nothing felt right because it wasn’t right, not for her at least. She ended both the engagement and relationship.
With a box of her favorite gourmet cupcakes in hand, Gideon stopped by her apartment on his way home from work the following evening. While picking at a decadent red velvet treat, Reyna told him she should have ended things sooner, that she never should have accepted the proposal to begin with. When he asked why, she said that she’d not been fair, that he was a consolation prize, and it was guilt that made her stay.
Gideon didn’t ask who he was second runner-up to. He didn’t need to.
“How is she holding up?” Constantine asked.
“Good, all things considered,” Gideon replied. “She seems … lighter than she has in a while, no longer holding onto that guilt.”
“Good … that’s good to hear.”
The two men fell silent, each able to tell the other’s wheels were turning just as their own were. Finally, Gideon cleared his throat. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?”
“Indeed. It’s time.”
Constantine drummed his fingers against the mahogany surface of his desk, staring at the door to his study as he waited.
It had been five months since Constantine and Gideon decided to secretly conspire. They waited a month or so, allowing things for Reyna to settle a bit before they began trying.
At first, it started with phone calls, purposely phoning the other for “casual conversation” when Liam and Reyna were around. They hoped that it would ignite some spark of curiosity, enough to get the two of them to talk. It seemed to rouse something; Constantine would catch Liam staring at him while he spoke to Gideon, and Gideon would catch Reyna lingering when she would normally excuse herself to give him privacy. The two fathers quickly realized, however, that the almost three years that had passed since they last saw or spoke had created a barrier of awkwardness that stopped them from reaching out.
They thought about telling them about the changes the other had gone through — Liam’s divorce and Reyna ending her engagement — to maybe help coax them into that first step. They couldn’t, though, not without drawing suspicion from Catherine and Regina should they find out. They wouldn’t be pleased with the two of them meddling.
After a couple of months, when the phone calls failed to make headway, Gideon and Constantine shifted their plan to try to work out an “impromptu” visit. Schedules had not been aligning, however. With both Liam and Reyna constantly on the go, it seemed nearly impossible without making it blatantly obvious.
Until now.
When Catherine fell ill with a bout of the flu, unable to attend a charity event in Paris as a member of its board, Gideon convinced Reyna to go in her stead; she’d done it before.
Now the ball was in Constantine’s court. He needed to get Liam to Paris, and the timing with his schedule couldn’t have worked out better.
A knock on his study door had Constantine sitting up straight before calling for them to enter. A moment later, Liam stepped inside. “Hello,” he smiled. “You asked to see me?”
“I did,” Constantine nodded. “How’d the council meeting go?”
“Good,” Liam answered. “I was given the last of the budget reports from the duchies. Now, I’m officially on vacation.” He’d taken a much-needed two weeks off.
“About that …” Constantine smiled sheepishly. When Liam’s expression fell, he held up his hands defensively. “You can say no.” I’m really hoping you don’t. “The Cordonian Art Gallery opening is in a few weeks, and there is a French dignitary who has a piece he’d like to donate.”
“Ok …” Liam furrowed his brow. “And?”
“He wants to donate it to you … directly. In-person … in Paris. And this week is the only time he’s available before the opening. The piece … it’s an original Monet. I don’t think I need to tell you how prestigious that could be for the gallery to have on display.”
“Why does he want to donate it directly? Why can’t he just draw up a promissory note?”
“I think he wants to use the opportunity for a photo op with the King, but you didn’t hear that from me,” Constantine chuckled. Liam sighed, running his fingers through his hair. “I know you were looking forward to doing nothing. But you can still do nothing in Paris. Who doesn’t like a little getaway to The City of Light?”
Liam met his gaze; the art gallery was a project his father had taken on after he found out he was in remission two years ago, wanting to keep himself busy. He knew how important this opening was to him, and what a big part the pieces it displayed would play in its success.
Constantine’s phone rang, and he looked down. “That’s him now …” He glanced back at Liam with a hopeful flicker in his eyes.
“Fine,” Liam sighed. “When can he meet?”
“Let’s ask,” Constantine grinned before reaching down and lifting the receiver to his ear. “Mr. Moreau! How are you?” His eyes flickered to Liam and he waved him over. “He just walked into my study. Hold on.”
When the call was placed on speaker, Liam leaned against the desk. “Hello, Mr. Moreau.”
“Bonjour, Votre Majesté!”
Liam startled; the man’s greeting was loud and … enthusiastic. “My father tells me you have a piece you’d like to donate to his gallery?”
“Oh, oui oui! Ze most exquisite! I promise, eet eez really worth eet!”
Liam’s gaze snapped up to his father and his eyes widened at the now thick — and strange — French accent he spoke with. “Uh … yes, so I’ve heard.” He cleared his throat. “Is there a particular day that works better for you to meet?”
“You come tomorrow and I let your papa know! Au revoir pour le moment!”
The line went dead.
Liam stood upright. “You’re joking, right?”
“He’s just … eccentric,” Constantine said.
“What the hell was wrong with his voice?”
“Don’t be rude,” Constantine admonished. “It’s just how he talks.”
“He didn’t even give me an exact day!” Liam scoffed.
“So, just go tomorrow … take some time for yourself, enjoy Paris, and I will be sure to be in touch with him and let you know, no later than the middle of the week.”
Liam sighed as he turned. “You owe me.”
Constantine held back his smile until Liam disappeared into the hallway; he stepped around his desk and moved to the door. When he peered out to make sure Liam was gone, he spotted his eldest son coming down the hall.
Leo tipped his head to him in greeting, and Constantine returned it. “Mr. Moreau.”
“Bonjour!” Leo snorted. “I can’t believe he actually bought that bullshit. He really does need a vacation.”
Constantine chuckled as he slipped back inside and shut his door, hurrying to his desk; he reached for his phone and dialed the number. When Gideon answered, Constantine quickly brought him up to speed, letting him know Liam would be heading to Paris sometime tomorrow.
“Reyna left this afternoon,” Gideon said. “I set her up in the hotel across from the one you said Liam normally stays at when he’s there.”
“So, what’s the plan now?” Constantine asked.
“We did our part. Now it’s up to nostalgia and fate …”
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Perma Tags (if you’d like to be added or removed for this story, please let me know): @zaffrenotes​ @cocomaxley​ @emichelle​ @sweetest-marbear​ @indiacater​ @gibbles82​ @the-soot-sprite​ @esmckenzie​ @dcbbw​ @burnsoslow​ @deb-1106​ @bbrandy2002​ @txemrn​ @charlotteg234​ @kat-tia801​ @neotericthemis​ @foreverethereal123​ @choiceskatie​ @sirbeepsalot​ @gnatbrain​ @openheart12​ @sincerelyella​ @superharriet​ @queenrileyrose​ @aestheticartsx​ @kingliam2019​ @indiana-jr​ @bascmve01​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ @emkay512​ @marshmallowsaremyfavorite​ @forallthatitsworth​ @walker7519​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @amandablink​ @mainstreetreader​ @mom2000aggie​ @princessleac1​ @21-wishes​ @appleone​ @tessa-liam​ @pixelatedpassion​ @malblk21​ @queen-arabella-of-cordonia​ @lovingchoices14​ @nestledonthaveone​ @forthebrokenheartedthings​ @nomadics-stuff​ @differenttyphoonwerewolf​
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stardustluvs · 7 months
Hi, I loved your writing for Nolan✨️✨️
Is your order open? If not, you can disregard this ask
my idea: after recording "7 days drifting at sea" Nolan arriving home and just wanting to rest his girlfriend. I need more Nolan stuff! he is so funny and cute
Fighting Sleep - Nolan X Reader
Word Count: 838
Pairing: Nolan Hansen x fem!Reader
Summary: What the req says
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: Am I the Nolan blog yet?
Requests are open! || masterlist
It had already been nearly an hour since Nolan’s been home, and he was visibly exhausted. You couldn’t really blame him either. He had been gone a whole week on a raft in the middle of the sea, and you hadn’t really had a way to keep in contact with him.
He hugged you for what felt like ten years, not that you were complaining, the second he saw you.
It was probably the longest you two had been apart since you started going out, and it was only for a week, which really spoke volumes. Who was to blame you though? You were basically attached at the hip. You had been invited to nearly every video set, and it was very rare that you declined, just because you wanted to be near Nolan.
You did however, decline the offer for this video. It didn’t appeal to you at all and you had no desire to drift at sea for a week, not when you had your own things to tend to here at home. You didn’t even really want Nolan to go, but for whatever reason, he accepted Jimmy’s offer.
Currently it was going on eight pm, and the house fell silent as you laid cuddled up with Nolan in your shared bedroom. A movie played softly on the TV, but you were positive neither of you were paying attention. He was too busy running a hand through your hair gently, or whispering to you about how much he missed you.
“I wish you were there, but I’m also glad you weren’t,” He laughed softly.
You tilted your head up a little to look at him. You moved up slightly to kiss his cheek.
“I’m glad I wasn’t there either,” You responded, poking fun at the fact that you knew it could not have been enjoyable, judging by the fact that Nolan just seemed so drained.
“Why don’t you sleep, you’re tired,” You told him.
He just shook his head, “I just want to lay here with you,” He replied, trying to hide the fact that he yawned almost immediately after.
You gave him a knowing look but decided to not push, knowing that he’d be out like a light soon enough. You were just waiting for it to happen.
He kissed the top of your head before you snuggled back up to his chest. You wished he never left, and you were just so glad to have him back in your space.
His arms which had been wrapped around your body squeezed you lightly. If you hadn't known that he was tired before, you would have figured he was exhausted by now.
You glanced up at him again, watching him fight sleep. You noticed the way his eyes would shut for a few moments before he would open them again, over and over.
"Sleep, Nol..." You whispered, "I'll still be here in the morning," You reassured.
"No, I'm fine, I wanna stay up with you for a bit longer," He insisted, shifting a little as a way to try to keep himself awake.
"From what I heard, you barely slept at all this week, don't keep yourself exhausted," You said, offering a slight laugh at the end of your sentence, trying to prove how ridiculous he was being.
He just shook his head and you rolled your eyes, "Tell me about your week," He said.
"Just hung around, missing you. Wondering why on Earth you wanted to do this video," You teased.
He knew it definitely was not a video for everyone, but he appreciated the challenge and knew it couldn't be so bad as long as his friends had been there with him. He did feel a little iffy about drifting at sea with no way to expect what would happen next, but Jimmy had reassured him at least twenty times that everything would be completely under control.
Well, everything but the weather.
The weather was the worst part, and he's surprised he didn't end up sick from being out in the rain like that, or even the heat.
"I missed you too, a lot," He replied, "I'm glad I get to be home now."
You were glad too. If you could, you'd never let him leave your side, but that was unrealistic, and you refused to be that kind of girlfriend. He reminded you of how he appreciated you nearly every day.
After a few beats of silence, you noticed the way his breathing slowed. You felt his arms loosen around your body, and you smiled to yourself.
You smiled softly at him before reaching down and pulling the blankets over the two of you a little higher. You shifted slightly, getting comfy before shutting your eyes.
Honestly, you hoped he'd never leave for something like that again, but you knew it was inevitable, and as long as was enjoying himself. Though, you didn't quite see the appeal in drifting in open water for a week straight, but to each their own.
"Goodnight, Nolan."
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WIBTA for abandoning my assistant at our new job?
I (22F) am a grocery store department manager and my assistant (26F) is my best friend. We previously worked at nice, low-volume, good work culture type store for a year and a half together while she was still a clerk. The notoriously horrible and constantly-falling-apart store down the street suddenly had two openings for our department for manager and assistant manager. She was definitely overqualified to become an assistant and I had good reports as the manager at this location, and thought we could work some magic on that place and really shape it up. So we made a plan, applied for the transfer and we were accepted. Once we started working there the department started performing amazingly and the people within the department were very happy with us as the new management crew.
Two issues - number 1 there is a store assistant manager who is racist, homophobic, and sexually harasses employees (she has 15+ HR complaints against her and it’s beyond me why corporate doesn’t fire her). She has targeted my assistant and within her first 5 days of working there, she wanted to call for a replacement, and called her lazy. I knew about this person before transferring but my assistant didn’t. I warned her beforehand and encouraged her to use the corporate HR hotline to report any and all behavior. (I have been a victim of this lady too, she asks me invasive sexual questions…)
Number 2 - I am now being worked 7 days a week, 10-12 hour days, and various start times anywhere between midnight and 1 pm. I’ll be off at 4 pm from a day shift, have to go back in at midnight, work midnight to noon, and then cover the evening call out by going in for another 2 hours from 4pm-6pm. Because I’m the manager, I can be worked like a dog but other people are not allowed to even stay an hour of overtime per week. My sleep deprivation has led me to faint, be hospitalized, miss doctors appointments, etc. All around awful. My store managers recognize that I’m suffering but due to corporate standards for scheduling, there is no escaping this, unless I want to make my poor assistant go through what I’m going through, which I refuse to allow another person to experience this.
I can’t take it anymore. I finally broke when I showed up to a scheduled overnight shift 2.5 hrs late due to pure exhaustion, and started having hallucinations on shift. Corporate surprised us at 8 am that day and gave my department a bad review, and I broke down in the middle of the sales floor in front of corporate, customers, and my store managers screaming “FUCK THIS I CAN’T FUCKING DO THIS ANYMORE.”
I was surprised that I wasn’t fired but store management was surprised that I didn’t walk out. I didn’t because I have rent to pay. But the incident finally made me realize that this store is hurting my health and I’ve decided to send applications out to other jobs. Stepping down within the company or transferring back to the old store is not an option because department head is not open and even if I stepped down, they’d still work me like a department manager because they know what work I’m capable of. I want something new, a fresh clean slate.
However my assistant very badly needed this pay raise and guaranteed full time contract. She wouldn’t leave. She has an upcoming wedding and needs to put food on the table for her child. She is my best friend outside of work and we’re very close. I would feel terrible abandoning her in an already shitty work situation that I dragged her into - it was my idea and my reference for her promotion. I made promises to take care of a certain portion of duties if she did another portion. If I left, it would be ALL on her, job of both assistant and manager either as an assistant or if she’s offered manager. Either way, that would be a worse schedule than what I’m going through right now. And she would have to deal with that terrible store assistant alone. Anyways, I’d be scared to lose her friendship if I left. But I can’t take it anymore. She recognizes that too, however, she’s sympathetic to the literal medical faults my schedule is causing.
I feel like it’s my fault that she got harassed in the first place, and I feel like it’s my fault that she’s now unhappy with her job. I don’t want to lose my best friend.
WIBTA for leaving my job?
What are these acronyms?
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amywritesthings · 1 year
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Word Count: 600
Summary: Five Weeks Later - The Epilogue of Our Story
Warnings: None; this is just a finale piece.
( Read on AO3 )
Previous Chapter | Masterlist
The dilapidated building that houses Tess and Joel is on your route to the Boston Quarantine Zone occupation office.
It's a thought that never occurred until the moment you stepped foot out of their small studio apartment to greet broad daylight for the first time in days. It's an unassuming space in a row of nothingness, but now?
You thought its significant would mean nothing by now.
You still look every time you pass.
Jobs are just as they’ve always been: messy. Unpleasant. Tiring. From street sweeps to sewage to trash collection, you keep your hands busy when you mind should not. Your arms ache from hard labor.
By the time sunset arrives, you’re too exhausted to dream. 
It’s better this way.
Joel Miller doesn’t speak to you; can’t, when he’s nowhere to be found. He signs up for the hardened jobs in the early morning and twilight hours, away from the noise and the crowds. At least, that's what you assuming. He could be running out-of-bounds errands for Tess or trading jobs with that brother of his. 
Tess doesn’t bring him up when you pass her in the food kitchen lines. Small pleasantries and jabbing jokes, just like before. 
The week spent at their place is virtually a forgotten memory.
(Is it better to be seen once and never again, then not at all?)
On your way to your next sweep shift, Jeanine absently greets you at the touch point, Fedra-issued broom in hand. Yours is the last in the trash can in which they're housed.
She trades you for your proof of labor papers (I was here) and stamps a blank entry to get started. You greet her with just as bland of a reply and take the mangled thing, already feeling the ache in your bones when your hand closes around the handle.
For six grueling hours, you mind your business cleaning up the streets and sidewalks of the third quadrant — sweeping dirtied paths, collecting debris near alleyways, tossing tattered and forgotten Firefly flyers into trash bags.
In a minute, you’ll be free from another day of hardship and free to sit in your apartment alone.
Then you feel something brush against the small of your back.
Immediately you rip your gaze from the ground to connect with a familiar sight: salt and pepper hair, scruffy beard, a worn olive flannel rolled up to his elbows; Joel Miller’s dark eyes stare down at you with an indiscernible question.
Your lips part to say hello, but the words die on your tongue.
All you can do is stare back.
He says nothing, but his hand lingers on your shirt. Waiting.
Joel's drops his arm to his side and pointedly turns his chin towards the nearby alleyway. Like a magnet, your eyes follow.
Then he takes to a slow stroll, leaving you to cross the street and into the threshold where wandering eyes cannot see him.
But you can.
You don’t expect him to stop abruptly at a door, pulling the rusted thing wide open. 
He turns to sweep his hand towards it, gesturing an unspoken invitation.
Your stomach flutters with a feeling you abandoned in a bed that didn’t belong to you.
It's reckless, but you'll take reckless if that's what he's willing to give.
Gently you situate the broom's handle against the adjacent brick wall and cross the street, too.
It only takes two steps to make it to the curb.
Twelve to meet him at the door.
You are the first to enter.
Joel Miller is the last to leave.
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Author's Note: That's a wrap! I can't believe this is finished, and I couldn't be more proud of the story. Of course, this does not have to be the end, not really! My one shot "reckless." continues these two in the future, and I am happy to hear your thoughts and potentially take story requests in my inbox.
For now, I bid you adieu for the airport. Thank you for the early birthday wishes.
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lhecxzsaisgay · 2 years
Hidden Love - Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett being a complete simp but an asshole for Y/n at the same time, will Y/n forgive her boss? When will Scarlett change and confess? What would be the ending is gonna look like?
Ready your tissues!
[Angst with happy ending!]
Y/n's POV:
"Don't worry, Ma. I'll try to send you more money than usual, just rest and do what the doctor's says, okay?" I said on the phone with gentle voice to my mother.
I only have my mother, and unfortunately, she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. I never knew my dad, and i didn't really grew up having everything i want, and well, need. My mother needed to work 24 hours, and only having a payment that is good for our 2 days food, but she's so strong and determined, that even that's our life situation, i managed to finish my school.
Now, im working, trying to work hard enough to have enough money to take my mother in a chemotherapy, i've been actually saving up for it, and for her operation, which is not really doing well.
She has so many supplements needed that is already half of my payment, and i still have so many bills to pay, from my rent payment, to my electricity and water bills, same goes to the house of my mother that she currently lives in right now.
I'm working at J.Corp, short term for, Johansson's Corporation, i work here from 6 in the morning, then to 7 in the evening, then after that, i have my shift to a convinient store from 8 in the evening, to 3 in the morning. Sometimes i don't really eat in order to save enough money, because i really want my mother to go to therapy already.
She's all i have left, and what more could i lose if i lost her too?
"Don't worry about me, darling. I promise you, i will be just fine. Don't forget to eat, okay? Take care of yourself." She said her voice lacing with the comfort that i missed everyday.
"Yes, i know Ma. I'll try to go there when i have enough money-" I was cut off when the voice of my boss rang through the air from the intercom.
I rolled my eyes before bidding my goodbye to my mother, telling her that I'll just call her back later.
Ughh, what does she needs right now?
It's already break time, that means no work. I only hope she's just calling me right now for another free food, because if not, hell will lose.
My work here in this company has ups and down, well, the downs are mostly caused by my very own boss, Scarlett Johansson. I don't know what i did to that woman, because there's not a day where she wouldn't yell at me for completely nothing, or just gives me tons of works, that i know, is supposed to be for the others to work on.
The ups are because of my friends, well, sometimes, it's caused by Ms. Johansson too though. She's just so random sometimes, like in first, she would act all devil to me as if i did something very horrible to her, then the next, she's inviting me to have a lunch with her, sometimes dinner in a very expensive restaurants, which is im very grateful for, but it's all just confusing.
I mean, why me of all people that is on this building, that is probably much more worth her time?
She always manages to get in my nerves, but in all those bad things she does to me, i can't helo but catch feelings for the woman because of every little kind things and gestures she do to me, which i probably found weird, like...she's always mean to me and all, but i mean...she's beautiful, and sometimes can be such a gentlewoman, that so many people here has a crush on her.
But, i always just take those feelings and thoughts aside. Because, well, she always -not just being mean to me- but sometimes, she get on my nerves that it hurts my feelings already, but all i did is to listen to her hurtful words towards me, while wondering what i did wrong.
It's just all exhausting and very rude of her, that sometimes i just find myself crying in the dark while walking to the convinient store. I already have so many problems, and she still adds up, confusing me and hurting me mentally, and it just gets all to much.
But, even if i want to quit already, i can't. This work is what gives me money to survive and help my mother, ofcourse i wouldn't waste it even if i have to go through hell in the process.
"Come in." I heard her say from the other side of the door.
"Yes, Ms. Johansson?" I asked while looking at her, standing just beside the door.
She looked up at me with a stone cold face, she looked at me up and down, almost looking like she's judging every part of like that made me shrink on where i am standing.
I just only hope for one thing, for her to not yell and shout at me, because dude, i am not really having a very good day. I still haven't eaten breakfast, or even lunch, and it's now dinner time, and im trying so hard not to feel weak because i still my have my shift in the convinient store. Then my mom, and...just all.
The payments of the bills will be coming next week, along with my mother's, and thank god, my payment here will be given to me tommorow. That's why i didn't eat, i will just buy more food tommorow.
"Did you already eat?" She asked.
This is what im talking about the small kind gestures of hers, that i don't even know she do with everyone here in the company, or it's just me.
"I-i uhh- i still didn't, Ms. Johansson." I said with my head hung down. I heard her stand up abruptly, then i heard papers scattering around.
"Did you ate lunch?" I shook my head. "Breakfast?" I shook my head.
"Oh come on, for fuck sake, Y/n! We've already talked about this, didn't we? Don't act like a child wanting to be reminded on when to eat, because none of us here want your burden. We can't just have you collapsing out of nowhere because you didn't ate like last time."
And this is what i said about her, being mean and rude and evil and bad, and just all the worse things you can think of.
"I - im sorry, Ms. Johansson..." I heard her click her tounge, before her footsteps walked near me.
"Come with me, let's eat dinner together." I heard her say, before completely walking past me.
"But, Ms. Johansson, i still have a lot of paperworks to do-" I was cut off by her.
"Shut up and just follow me, Y/n." She said with her usual cold tone.
I sighed defeatedly before running after her, stopping at my desk and quickly getting my back. I just followed her like a puppy until we're in her car, and being the 'gentlewoman' that she is, she opened the door for me.
What she said earlier was true, i blacked out because of hunger and stress, but i just told her that i was so busy, because well, im too shy to tell her my life condition, i don't want her judging me when she's always doing it everyday, i can't handle it anymore if she used my life situation to say mean things to me.
I stayed silent the whole drive, fiddling with my fingers as i did so, and occasionally glancing at her. Her jaw are tensed, all of her are tensed. I always try to act all brave, but in inside, i get scared of her sometimes, that i caught myself flinching at the small sounds that i would hear everywhere.
The dinner, well it was silent too, but speaking of the little gestures she do to me, she did what she usually does, cutting the hard pieces of food for me, and literally flooding the table and my plate with tons of foods.
"Your work time is already over, I'll get you home." She said as she started the car.
"Oh- uhm, actually, can you drop me off at the convinient store but the street after your building?" I asked and she looked at me, frowning.
"You're still working there?" She spat out, making me look down, avoiding her burning gaze. "Didn't i told you to quit working there already? You're living all by yourself, you didn't need to work there too, to survive for the living..."
I do, Scarlett. Unfortunately, i fucking do.
"No wonder why you always pass me late paperworks." She said, and i can see in my peripheral vision that she's shaking her head.
All i wanna do is to cry as she drive the car. How can she say those things to me when she doesn't even know what and how my life is like?
"Thank you, for the dinner." I said once we stopped infront of the store.
"Just get out." She said without even sparing me a glance.
"Bye, drive safely." I muttered before getting out, once i was out, she drove almost instantly.
I felt tears brimmed out of my eyes, but quickly wiped it and shook my head while taking a deep breaths.
It's okay. It's going to be okay.
No one's POV:
"Bye, drive safely." Scarlett heard the soft tone of the woman she loves for 3 years.
It's hard to love Y/n in the dark, and be a devil when she's infront of the woman as if she didn't fantasize about Y/n walking down the aisle as she waited on the altar, or having a multiple kids with the younger girl and just living the best life with her.
"Just get out." Scarlett internally cringed and cursed herself for sounding so mean.
Every mean words that would come out of her mouth to Y/n's ear, she would immediately feel guilty and get completely mad at herself.
As much as she wants to be kind and apologize to the poor girl already, she can't just risk it. All of it. She scared and terrified that if ever they got more closed, then Scarlett might no be able to control herself and be all obsessed with Y/n. And she's too traumatized at her past relationship, that it gets in her head when she thinks of having Y/n as her girlfriend.
What if she got hurt again? Or what if she hurt the most genuine person she knows? The only woman who she truly love for all her life. As much as it's a very idiotic thing for her to do those things to the pure woman, she just can't help but do it.
Not that it makes her happy or anything in the latter, but it's most likely just her way of having Y/n's attention, because whenever she'd alone at her, she gets to have Y/n all for herself. She's just so stubborn to makes everything easy and better with her relationship with Y/n.
She knows she's being shit and all, and that anytime, she might lose her girl, but this is the only way she can think of to do, due to what she had been through her life, not just her past relationship.
She don't even have any idea why Y/n is still working for her. But, this time, with the help of her friend's -Wanda's- words, she knows that this gotta stop soon. Which is her goal. She's just trying to find the courage, and the right words to say, and hoping that she will not gonna be too late for that.
She loved you from the moment you walked through her office door, she's just too scared to admit it to herself, and as days and months passed, she found herself being wrapped up around you finger.
She knows what she's doing is sometimes getting out of line, but due to her stress and on what she's been through, that's just kind of her things, which is not good, but she will surely change it, not just for herself, but especially for you, and you only.
"You gotta stop treating Y/n like that, she's the kindest person i know, and she doesn't deserve to be treated anything like that, Natasha."
She still remembers Wanda's words in her mind like it's tattooed there already. But, not to worry, she'll be asking for your forgiveness soon enough, and she'll do everything, even if she needs to get on her knees and kiss your feet.
All i well and peaceful as she sit on her desk chair, listing everyone who she will be paying for tommorow, and you're one of those people, she figured that maybe, this is gonna be a good timing to apologize to you, she can just order you to come to her penthouse that is on the top floor of this building and tell you that she'll give you the money there, then she'll apologize.
That's a good idea, right? Right.
A ding from her phone caught her attention, she immediately clicked the message of one of her men's, that she hired to watch over you. Yeah, she's too possessive like that.
Anger immediately rose inside her body, as the apologies she's planning to do faded in her mind like bubbles. It's a video of you, being held by a man she knows all to well. It's the man that is always hugging you from every video her men's sends her, who is also your co worker at the store.
She doesn't want to think things too fast, but she just can't help but thought of what's your connection with that man. She once asked you about your love life and you said you're single, but this man keeps making her think otherwise.
Anger, jealousy and all rose inside her body, until all of it filled her up completely.
Maybe she can just do the apologies in another day.
Y/n's POV:
Today is the day im gonna have my payment.
After a whole breakdown last night at the store, i am feeling very well right now, thanks to my a good friend of mine, Max, he's a boy. He's very kind enough to comfort me and even walked me home, things like that are normal to us, plus, i would trust him with my life, not that because he's my friend, but because i know he won't take advantage of me or anything because he's very gay.
I'm now walking towards to Ms. Johansson's office, instantly warning at the lack of seeing people on the way. Usually, when it's the day of paying off, so many people would be scattering around her, but now? It's dead silence, only the sound of silent conversing, and the typing on keyboards. I was gonna knock on the door already, but i was stopped when Samantha called me out.
"Y/n! Hey! Ms. Johansson said you'll be receiving your payment up there." I frowned instantly.
"Are you guys have been payed already?" I asked, turning my whole body to her.
"Yeah, you didn't know? She sent us all a messages saying that we need to go here earlier than usual..." She explained unsurely.
"No...she didn't...." I trailed of on my words.
I bid Sam a goodbye and said that im gonna go upstairs. I quickly ran towards the elevator with my heart pounding in my chest.
What if she's gonna give me my last payment because she'll gonna fire me now?
Oh god, oh god, oh god-
I was brought out of my trance when the ding of the elevator rung out, i quickly walk towards inside, trying to find a trace of Ms. Johansson, while calling her name. I soon stopped when i saw her laying at a pool bench, sunbathing with just a a piece swimsuit.
I blushed and looked down, trying to avoid her smooth and bright skin.
"Ms. Johansson." I made my presence known, and in my peripheral vision, i felt her looked up, then stand up, there's a movements came from her but i didn't looked up.
"Ms. Y/l/n..." I can hear her voice that she has a smirk. "You can look up now." And i did, and saw her in a robe.
"Ms. Johansson, im here to take my payment." I said politely, giving her a tight small smile, but it was soon turn into a frown when i saw her face fell.
"Ooh, that....right. Well, actually, Ms. Y/l/n, you wouldn't be receiving anything." I frowned, as i felt my heart fell.
"W-what? Why? W-what did i do?" I stammered, my heart is now hammering in my chest.
"What did you do? Why don't you think about the days i always yelled at you for failing almost all of the paperwork i gave you? Did you forget about all that already?" She said with a sadistic tone.
I avoided her gaze, instead i gaze forwards, which is enough to not see her eyes, since she's a lot taller than me.
"No, i didn't, Ms. Johansson. But, as far as i can remember, i already made all my mistakes right. And...not all the time of you, calling me in your office, was because i did something wrong." I can't help but let out that harshly than i intended it to be.
I really need that money, and there's no way i will get out here without that.
"Oooh, getting too confident now, are we, Ms. Y/l/n?" She said with a teasing tone.
I can't help but feel humiliated in our current situation, and it makes me feel so small that all i want to do is to die or just jump right off of this building.
"Ms. Johansson, please, i really need the money. I will do everything you'll say, just please..." I pleaded, maybe being too confident and fighting back would just make her not give it to me.
"Anything?" She asked, and i nodded.
"Anything." I said, looking up at her. I saw a glint in her eyes, but it was soon faded.
"This is what you want, right?" She waved the stack of dollar in the air with her hand, and i nodded, before widening my eyes at the next action she made.
"Then get it." She said as she throw the money to the large swimming pool she has here.
I don't know how to swim, my body turned cold, but the desperation got the best of me.
Without that money, i will not have the chance to pay my bills. I need that. Most importantly, my mother needs that.
"What are you waiting for?" I flinch at her voice, looking back up at her with tears in my eyes.
I felt so little, like a slave, and so poorly humiliated. My heart aches at the thought of someone, treating me like this. I know that she is much up there than me who is literally living like a stray puppy, but she has no rights to do this to me.
She is so evil.
I saw how her eyes changed its look, it's like she got taken back about something, but before she can even utter i look back at the deep swimming pool, where all the dollars are floating.
I took a deep breath, before swallowing the lump on my throat. I walk fastly to the pool, then jump, with one thing on my mind.
This is for my mother.
I heard her voice called me out, but i didn't cared, and tried my best to get all of the money, while trying to gasp for air everytime i came to the surface, only to realize that im literally in the middle of the pool.
With every jump from the bottom, i realized that im at the very deep, my movements became frantic as i felt myself losing so much oxygen, while i kept hearing her muffled voice screaming my name worriedly.
I already drank the water, and some went through my nose, i was gonna reach out for another dollar when i felt a strong big arms wrapped itself around me, and the next thing i know, i was gasping for air while holding the wet money in my hands tightly.
I hope my asthma doesn't attack me right now.
"What the fuck, Y/n? Why the fuck did you do that? You could've died!" She yelled and i flinch while still gasping, and looked at the pool to see that there's still left, i was gonna jump again, but her strong masculine arms caught me.
"Hey! Stop! Stop!" She yelled, trapping me completely in her arms.
I couldn't take it anymore, my chest is burning, along with the pain im feeling right now. I sobbed, and cried hard not caring of what her reaction will be.
"H-hey.." Her voice sounded as if she was being strangled.
"Get off of me..." I breathed out, i want to vomit, maybe because of the amount of water i drunk and i felt it hard to breathe. "T-there's still more...i-i n-need to get that...my-my m-mom needs i-it..." I stammered, my tone is completely broken.
"P-please...i-i need to get it.." I thrashed around her arms, but then she hugged me, completely trapping me in her arms.
"Hey, hey, darling...it's okay, you don't have to get that...shhh, shhh, im sorry, i-im sorry..." Even me, i couldn't recognize her voice.
I stopped thrashing around, but still continue to gasp for air, my cries and sobs filled through the air. I felt so helpless, so poor, humiliated, and very desperate.
I looked down at the money in my arms, avoiding the sweet nothings she kept whispering in my ears. Her voice sounded soft, it tweaks, and sometimes it breaks, like she's crying.
"I-it's still n-not enough..." I said breathlessly. "Get off of me." I demanded weakly. "Please, stop making it all so hard for me...please...i just wanted my money...please...i can't- i cant do this anymore." I whispered brokenly, trying to push her death grip on me.
She kept muttering an apologies, then comforting words, but all i felt towards her is hatred, madness and all the worse things to feel.
We stayed like that until i calmed down. I'm still breathing unevenly, and i know im having my asthma. I'm shaking and all, with my lips quivering as i sob quietly. I don't know what's happening to her as she's holding me tightly, while whispering apologies to me.
Out of nowhere she picked me up ever so gently, while still whispering that it's all gonna be okay, and she's so so sorry. With all the things that had happened, i felt so weak, so weak that i can't even open my mouth because of exhaustion, im still gripping the money that is in my hand.
She went inside her penthouse while still carrying me, both of my hand is on my chest, clutching it together as i still feel my chest tightening, then the side of my head is on her shoulder.
I felt so weak.
My body is still shaking, and I don't know how to stop it.
I felt so cold, and i know that im going to be sick for days.
Why does Scarlett have to be mean to me?
My lips wobbled at my thoughts, as a strangled sob came out of it.
"Shhh, im sorry, im sorry....stop crying already, baby. It hurts my heart to see you cry..." I'm too exhausted to even manage to think what she just said as the next thing i know is she put me on the bathtub.
"N-no...i wanna go home..." I protested weakly, shaking my head as i look at up at her, to see her already looking up at me.
"No, you'll stay here, you'll stay here. It's okay, im sorry please, stay here...stay here for now, please....let me just take care of you, yeah?" She pleaded making me frown at her attitude, but i shook my head.
"N-no...t-the money, i need i-" I was cut off by her.
"The money will be fine, sweetheart. I'm your boss, you'll do as i said." She demanded with a soft tone. I didn't utter a word anymore, then look down.
"Can you give me that for a second, love?" She pointed at the money in my hand, i opened my hand and she took it then out it on the table beside the little table beside the bathtub, but not before kissing my head and saying 'good girl'. Then she took my face with her hands, looking at me with the most softest look she's given me.
"Don't worry about the money, okay?" She asked softly, and i nodded.
"But, i need it.." I said.
"I know, but don't worry about it for now, okay? Clean yourself first- do you need any help?" She asked and i shook my head.
"Okay, im just gonna be right outside the bathroom, okay? I'll get you some clothes and there's a brush and extra towels there, okay?" She pointed at the drawer under the sink.
"Just call me if you need anything, okay?" I nodded once again, and she smiled a little before kissing my head, leaving a lingering kiss there that felt so different.
She left and i started cleaning myself.
Scarlett's POV:
As soon as i close the bathroom door, i sighed, leaning my head against it.
Why did i do that? Fuck.
Everything felt so wrong, my heart shattered into pieces as the earlier moments ran through my mind once again. Just thinking of how desperate she was earlier to get the money hurt me in the most impossible way, and the thought of her, almost dying because of what i did, is slowly killing me. The look on her face, fuck. It's all plastered in the back of my head, and the scenes kept playing without a stop.
An idea came into my mind, i quickly get her some clothes first, which is probably gonna be too big for her, i put it outside the bathroom door, on the table beside it. Then, i quickly pulled out my phone, dialing Wanda, not before walking far away enough from the bathroom.
"Hey, Lizzie?" I asked.
"Hey, Scar. What's up?" She asked.
"I need you to do me a favor." I said, then get straight to the point.
I told her to do a background check on Y/n's personal life, and do everything to see what my girl's life is really like. Then i told her what had happened, which she scolded me for. I told her my plan on getting Y/n and then after that, she made me promised to not to do something bad to Y/n again, or she said, she'll steal the girl from me, which made me a little aggressive, and cursed her through the phone, then we said goodbye.
After the phone call, i felt presence behind me, making me look around and saw Y/n standing there, looking so adorable and pretty as ever. My clothes is so big for her, but it makes my heart melt at the sight. Though, my heart still aches because she wouldn't even look at me straight in the eyes.
"I- uh, im gonna take my money now, then go home." Her voice is raspy, i quickly made a move walking to the kitchen then getting a glass of water.
"Come here, please." I said softly, while pouring a water in the glass.
She looked at me for a second, and when she caught me staring at her she quickly looked down, before hesitantly walking towards the kitchen countertop.
"Take a seat." I said with soft voice.
Now's my only chance, well, if i still have.
I slide the glass towards her and told her to drink it, which she did, almost downing it in just a 10 seconds. I watch her every movements with longing eyes, as my heart shatter on how afraid she seemed infront of me. It took me everything in my power to not to let my tears fall of.
I knew, by the moment and scenes we had earlier, i knew i already went beyond the line, and i will stop it right here. No procrastinations anymore. I walked towards her and stop by here side until im just a few inches from her. My arms are aching to be wrapped around her, while i beg for forgiveness, which i know i don't deserve, but i can still try, right?
I saw how she became tensed, but still continue on infront of her at a black space. I see her hands that is on the table shaking a little, which breaks my heart a little more, and i see her chest heaved as she breath.
"Y/n..." I called out softly, with my voice slightly wavering. "Can you look at me, hun? Please?" I asked, as i raised my hands to touch her cheeks, but quickly stopped when i saw her flinch and shielded her hands infront of her face.
I can hear my heart shattering into pieces, goosebumps started to form on my skin. I couldn't help and stop the tears that brimmed out of my eyes as i look down at her.
"P-please...i just wanna go home with my money..." She whispered so brokenly.
"Y/n...." I breathed out, but she put her hands down while shaking her head, now looking at me.
"P-please, j-just give me my money, and I'll quit, y-you won't see me anymore, just please, let me go in peace. I can't take what you're doing to me anymore....i promise, I'll quit." She rambled, and my heart stopped at the words she said.
"You can hurt me all you want if that's what will get you to give me my money, do anything- everything you want, yell at me, hurt me, slap me, i-i don't care, just give me my money, please, my- my mother needs it..." She pleaded, with her hands clasped and her eyes full of tears while looking up at me.
Tears are now streaming down on my face, the look she's giving me now, and along with the words she's saying is breaking me apart.
"Stop saying those things, i-i would never hurt you, okay?" I demanded, my voice getting hard.
Why would she thought im gonna hurt her? I would never dare or even think about laying a finger on her.
Am i that bad to her, for her to think this way?
"...and i will never gonna shout at you again, okay?..." My hands seems to have their own mind as it unconsciously went to her soft cheeks, caressing it as soon as they landed on the soft skin. "I'm sorry, im really sorry, not just for the things that i did today, but for all the things i did to you. I-i i never meant any mean words that i told you, it's very hard to explain it right now, but i promise you, there's something behind those things on why i treated you like that. Just please, don't leave, okay? Don't quit on me, please...." I pleaded looking down at her as my thumb continued on caressing her cheeks.
She looked down, and let out a sob.
"But, im tired..." She breathed out brokenly. "I'm so tired." She sobbed out before looking at me with mixed emotions in her eyes.
"You don't know how much you always hurt me everyday by those mean words you say to me, you don't know h-how i feel when i would walked out of you office with my head down ashamed of how much they might've probably think of how idiot i am because everyday, you'll scream at me. You don't know how i felt so humiliated, so little with everything that you did to m-me. I hate you. I despise you." She whispered the last 2 sentence with full of hatred and dark tone.
I sobbed out, before pulling her in my arms, her head is on my chest, i hold her tightly as i sobbed while chanting an apologies. She kept pushing me, but i made no move on pulling away, that it seemed to might've got in her nerves as she weakly punched me in the chest repeatedly. She's too thin and small than me, so it's no use.
I always told her to eat, and always makes her come with me to eat, because i hate how she looked so malnourished.
Maybe, later the day, i hope to find out what her personal life is really like. I have a feeling that it's nowhere near the words of good life, because of how desperate she is on getting the money, but whatever it will be, i took a mental note on helping her with it, it doesn't matter if she would decline or not, because i will surely do anything to help her, and she can't stop me.
"I know, i know you hate me, it's okay, shhh...there you go, punch me, yell at me, do whatever you want, it's okay..." I said with gentle tone while still holding her tightly.
She kept thrashing around, but i just keep her in lock in my arms, while still whispering comforting words and apologies to her ear occasionally. Fortunately, soon enough, she calmed down.
She's sniffling, and coughing, and she's still shaking, making me feel very worried. I pour a water on the glass with my hand one, while the other is still holding her, then i give it to her.
"Can you drink this for me, darling?" I ask gently, she didn't do anything, so i asked once again.
"Please, drink this? You need to drink water, so you'll still gonna be hydrated." I said softly, and this time, she shook her head.
"I wanna go home..." I sighed defeatedly, i kissed her head and put the glass down.
I took her face with my one hand, pulling it towards me for her gaze to be on me. Her face has no emotions, but her eyes says it all. She's tired, exhausted, even. And i know it's my fault. Her eyes are bloodshot red, same goes to her nose, there's so many stained tears on her cheeks, just by looking at her face made me more mad at myself, and felt extremely more guilty.
"I'm gonna let you go home with your money, I'll even double it, but promise me you're not gonna quit. I mean, even if you really do consider it, i won't let you, but say it to my face that you won't quit, or else-" She cut me off.
"Or else what?" She asked.
"Or else you won't gonna get to step outside, and i will lock you in here." I said with my dominant voice, before silence elope around us.
"Why are you being like this to me?" She asked with the smallest voice, after a minutes of silence.
"Because, i like- love you. I love you, since the first day you walked through my office door, i didn't want to admit it to myself because im scared, but as months passed by, i fell more harder for you, and i-...i couldn't stop it anymore-" She cut me off, once again.
"Please, stop with the bullshit-" I frowned and immediately cut her off.
"Stop saying it's just a bullshit things , because it's not." I said with an offended tone.
"Because it is. How can you say you love me after all the things you have done to me? After how you treated me like shit, as if im just someone who's born to be treated like that?" She quickly interfered making me shut up.
I mean, i have my reasons, but i know deep inside me, it's not that even good enough and too reasonable to say.
I'm too lost in my thoughts because the next thing i know is she easily got out of my arms.
"I won't gonna quit, if you would just give me my money, and let me leave peacefully. And, please, if you really are sorry, stop treating me like an animal, and start treating me like a human." That broke my heart, knowing i really did already got beyond the line.
I was too stunned to speak as all i can do i to watch her her her things, and when she's done, she stopped infront of me. I snapped out of my thoughts, and told her to wait until i get the money. I quickly walk to my office, and took a couple stacks of dollars, that is probably 10x more than her usual payment, but i didn't care.
She frowned when i put it on her hands, then looked at me confusedly.
"It's all yours." I said, with a small smile.
"No, im not gonna accept this just because you pity me or anything." She said while giving me the other stacks, and keeping what is rightfully hers.
"No, you don't have to want it, but i insist. Please, just- just take it." I said, giving her the money, but she shook her head before stepping away from me.
"I don't need that, just give it to those who needs it the most." She said before completely walking away.
I tried to call her, but she just continue to walk until she stopped infront of the elevator. I stand up, running after her as she got in, she turned around and looked at me, tears are visible in her eyes.
"No." She said weakly, but i didn't stopped and continue walking towards the elevator.
"Stop!" She demanded, and i stopped.
I saw the elevator doors closing little by little, a lone tear made its way down on my face, just like hers, but hers are more.
"Y/n..." I called out unknowingly.
"Scarlett..." She quickly said with the same tone as me, as if we're greeting each other, but this one, we have a sad tone.
Soon enough, the elevator closed, i walked towards it completely, before throwing multiple hard punches on it. Tears are now completely streaming down my face, as her name longingly slipped out of my lips while i sob.
Did i lose my chances already?
No One's POV:
"Hey, guys- wait, where's my desk?" Y/n was supposed to greet her friend, but stopped mid way as she took notice of her missing desk.
"Oh god, thank god, you're here! We're gonna ask you the same thing!" Samantha exclaimed worriedly, as Gab nodded.
Y/n felt her heart pounding. What if she's been fired? I mean, there's some good things there, she won't gonna experience being with someone so evil, but she's not ready, by the way Scarlett acted yesterday, saying she won't let Y/n quit. So many thoughts run through her mind, as her friends waited for her answer, the raspy voice boomed from the intercom.
"Ms. Y/l/n, come to my office, please."
Surprisingly, Scarlett's voice is not that cold and scary, it's soft, warm, and she even used a please.
"Go, tell us what happened, okay?" Gab said, and Y/n nodded before turning to her heels and walking towards the office with so many thoughts running through her mind.
She knocked on the door, receiving a soft come in, before she completely went inside. Her eyes quickly landed on a extra desk that is on the corner, with boxes on top of it. She averted her gaze and looked at Scarlett, who is looking at her with soft eyes and small smile?
"Come here. Take a seat." Scarlett softly commanded and Y/n nodded obeying what Scarlett had said.
"Uh- Ms. Johansson, may i ask where's my desk? I mean, my work desk, the one where i work, it's not there when i arrive-" Y/n rambled, avoiding Scarlett's eyes as if she's scared, well, she's nervous, but Scarlett's heart shatter at the thought of Y/n being scared of her.
Scarlett swallowed the lump on her throat, before clearing it. "That's actually the reason why i called you here. From now on, you'll be working here, in this office with me. That..." Scarlett pointed at the desk. "..is yours, and your paperwork will be lessen, but you'll gonna be with me- always gonna be with me everyday and everytime." Scarlett explained, Y/n frowned.
"Is my time here is still the same?" Y/n asked, and Scarlett shook her head.
"You'll go home, once i go home. You'll go here, once i go here. So practically, you're time will be from 7 in the morning, to 10 in the evening." Y/n frowned, but she didn't said anything.
What about her job at the convinient store?
It's as if Scarlett can read her mind, Scarlett speak up.
"And your job at the store is gone, but your payment here will be triple, so you don't have to worry about that. I already talked to the owner of the store, and she immediately agreed." Well, more like, she payed the owner.
Triple of my payment? That's too much. Y/n thought.
"Any question, Ms. Y/l/n?" Scarlett asked, and Y/n shook her head.
"None, Ms. Johansson, thank you. I'll be starting my work now." Y/n said and stood up, but Scarlett stopped her.
"Wait." Scarlett immediate said, making Y/n stop and turned her body to face Scarlett, but still not meeting the older woman's gaze. "...can you look at me?...please..." That's all it took for Y/n to look at Scarlett slowly.
Y/n saw many emotions on Scarlett's face, there's a small frown, her lips are in a thin line, her eyes are slightly red and smaller than it usually are.
"Did you already eat?" No.
Y/n nodded.
"Y-yeah, i-i already ate." She didn't, she already sent all her money to her mother, despite her mother's declines and disagreements, she still did.
Tho, she left money for her bills and all, and a little for her food for a week or 2, but, it's just like for, 1 food for a day.
Even with her best lying action, Scarlett still saw right through Y/n, and she took a mental note on putting more food on Y/n's plate later for lunch and dinner.
"Okay, you may go now." Scarlett said with a soft tone, and Y/n nodded before walking to her desk, arranging all her things again.
Days, week, and a few months goes by, it gets better, it's slow, but there's an improvement on their relationship. Unfortunately, not for Y/n's mother's health.
Scarlett always do this little things that made Y/n's heart soften towards the older woman. Everyday she went to work, there's gonna be a food on her desk, when she would look at Scarlett in curiosity, she would see her being busy and all. Tho, there's no name on it, she knows very well that it's from the blonde woman.
And since everyday, they are together, her heart soften more at the little gestures that the woman does to her, she would open up the door for Y/n, she's very kind towards her now, she's not shouting anymore, and! Everyday, and i mean, everyday, and there's even an exact time that Y/n would recieve different types of flowers, she confronted Scarlett about it, but Scarlett just always changes the topic, after saying; "It's from me, now...blah blah blah...."
Sometimes, Y/n catch Scarlett looking at her, then looked away as if she's not been staring at the younger woman's soul. And ofcourse, with all of those things, it did something to Y/n, but she's just too scared to admit it and figure it out for herself.
Until one night, one moment led to something more.
"Hey, did you guys saw Y/n by any chance?" Scarlett asked Y/n's friends, as she look for the small girl at the crowd of so many people.
There's currently a party for a successful year on their company, and Scarlett decided to throw a big party, with everyone who is working for her, along with other business man and woman who they got to collab in this years events.
Scarlett did saw Y/n earlier, but there's so many interruptions here and there, and she lost her girl. Now, she got the chance to find her as the party started, since they already have a great enough relationship with each other, maybe it's time for Scarlett to move?
We don't want anyone getting you instead of Scarlett, do we?
"Oh, yeah, she actually went home already." Samantha said, and Scarlett nodded before saying thank you.
Taking a few deep breaths, Scarlett told the people who are in charge of the party to guide all the people and to finish this in a few hours already, saying she'll gonna call it a night already.
After that, she quickly went to her car, driving as fast as she could to Y/n's house, with a very nervous nerve and afraid feeling. What if she got rejected? No. I mean, either way she'll always gonna find a solutions to get to call Y/n hers.
Soon enough, she arrived. Some lights are still on, thank god, so she knocked 3 times, only to recieve no answer, so she did it again until she got tired and took it on her own hands to get inside, fortunately it not locked. I mean, she's her boss,and she's worried so what's wrong with trespassing inside of her secretary? Nothing.
"Y/n..." She called out softly, but nothing responded, instead as she walk more steps, her heart broke at the sound he heard.
It's Y/n's voice, she knows it, and the girl is clearly crying, and Scarlett became too desperate to find out. Curiosity got the best of her, and wandered around the small apartment more, until she stopped as soon as the sight of Y/n curled up in ball in a small couch went to her gaze.
She sees the girl shaking, sobbing loudly, a wrecked phone beside her feet, as she hold her face in her shaking hands. Y/n's shoulder is shaking violently, and Scarlett took no hesitation on walking towards her, slowly.
"Y/n..." The younger woman's head whipped at the sound of her name, quickly scrambling around to stand up and fix herself.
"Ms. Johansson-, what are you doing here?" Y/n asked avoiding the CEO's gaze.
Y/n looks so broken, even her voice didn't sounded the same, it sounded so timid that it sounded like in any minute, she'll be bursting in tears. Her chest heaved up and down, almost chaotically, making Scarlett more worried.
She's shaking, her shoulders are violently shaking. She's still in her black dress, a dress that made Scarlett completely mesmerized, and became more simp for the younger woman. Even with her situation right now, Scarlett still finds her the most gorgeous woman that she had ever laid her eyes on.
She'll always gonna be the best girl for Scarlett.
"I was looking for you at the party, your friends told me you might've came home already...." Scarlett started off softly as she scanned the girl. "The door is opened, and I let myself in already, I hope you don't mind." Her heart broke at how Y/n looks so defeated.
"Oh- uh no... I don't mind." Y/n's voice is wavering. "W-what- what uhm-... What do you need, Ms. Johansson?" Y/n asked, still avoiding Scarlett's eyes, as she gaze at her broken cheap phone beside her feet.
Instead of answering, Scarlett decided to walk towards her, her feet softly padding on the old floor as she walk towards Y/n who became tensed at the sudden action, but nevertheless, Scarlett continued until she's just a few inches away from Y/n.
"Are you okay?" Scarlett started off softly, before bringing her head up to Y/n's cheeks, wiping some tears off softly. "What happened? Why are you crying, sweetheart?" As much as it warmed Y/n's heart, she gently pulled her face away from Scarlett's hands, making it fall down slowly.
"I-it's nothing-"Y/n was cut off by her own sob, as she uncontrollably broke down once again, her hands quickly going to her face.
"Hey, hey..." Scarlett brought the younger woman in a big hug, almost covering Y/n's whole body with her tall and masculine one.
Y/n's body rocked in sobs as Scarlett hold he tightly, the older woman's hand going up and down on Y/n's back comfortingly.
"Can you tell me what happened? It's okay if you don't want to, but i'm here okay? You can talk to me of whatever. None of that already, please?" Scarlett's voice wavered at the end, her heart breaking at the sight of Y/n and the sound of her loud broken sobs.
"N-no, y-you can g-go, Scarlett. I'll just do w-whatever you want with me t-tommorow..." Y/n tried to get away from Scarlett's grip, pushing her chest away slightly motioning that she wants to get away, but Scarlett only tightened her grip on the younger woman.
"Y/n." Scarlett said softly but sternly, demandingly rather, as if she doesn't want Y/n to do the actions again.
Y/n stopped, before a pit of sobs broke out of her once again, letting her body fall on to Scarlett chest, the comfort of the older woman is spreading her body like a wildfire, making her ask for more.
"Shhhh, it's gonna be okay, my darling. Whatever it is, it's gonna be okay. I'm gonna be with you, I promise, I'll be by your side, yeah?" Scarlett pulled away slightly to have a good look on Y/n, one of her hand is still on Y/n's waist.
"M-mom..." Y/n started, looking down. "My Mom's g-gone, Scarlett... I-i'm all alone now..." Once again, she cried, sobbing loudly before leaning in towards Scarlett.
Scarlett felt her skin became cold, her heart hammered in the inside of her chest.
It can't be. She already gave Y/n's mother the best doctors, and everyday making sure that everything is going well, all that with and without Y/n's knowledge.
Y/n knows that Scarlett is partially helping through her mother's therapy and all, but she didn't know that Scarlett is also the one who's paying for the expenses on the expensive hospital where her mother was in.
Scarlett even met Y/n's mother already, asking for her mother's blessing on having Y/n as her girlfriend, which Y/n's mother already gave Scarlett freely. Being the charming woman she is, she always visited Y/n's mother until she got what she wanted, showing her good intentions and all.
All that without Y/n's knowledge, but that enough for Scarlett to be calm knowing that no one can have her girl, except her and her only.
But now, Y/n's mother is gone, it saddened her, broke her heart even, she became utterly close with the woman, treating her like her own mother, while the woman treated her like she's her own daughter.
A part of her is somehow, relieved, thinking that Y/n's mother is already at peace, and knowing that she already promised to Y/n's mother that she'll protect her daughter for forever and eternity.
And she will.
She will never let Y/n feel that she's alone, she's here.
"I'm here." Scarlett said with much determination.
"I will always gonna be here, no matter how much you pushed me away, or whatever. And if you'll let me, I will give you the love I have been meaning to give you all along." Scarlett said softly, and hearing Y/n's sobs quite down she became nervous, as Y/n slowly look up at Scarlett with mixed emotions in her eyes.
Y/n doesn't know if she wants to believe what she's hearing or not, Scarlett had already shown her every thing for her to confirm that the older woman has a feelings for her, she fell for it, and now, hearing Scarlett saying this, it somehow brought the chaotic thoughts calm down about Scarlett in her mind.
And as they look at each other in each passing seconds, both of their hearts grew, and from that moment, Scarlett knew that everything she had been waiting for, the 'forever' she's been looking for, for so long, has now been found.
Her forever is now found.
And she doesn't have any intention of letting it slipped out of her hand, not for forever.
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