#and now i get to force everyone to be weird and funky
milf-harrington · 1 year
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bubblybloob · 10 days
So, which run from Scarlet Hollow would you say has been your favorite until now? Any favorite trait/trait combo?
Favorite combo was the first I took of course, Mystical and Talk to Animals! You get to be so weird and everyone is so put off by your antics!
Some long ass rambling and spoilers below!
Individually, TTA can feel a little useless at some points, it’s never a passive ability so you only get use out of it when there’s animals around. It especially feels lacking in chapter 2, where there are two instance of running into wild animals (the bird and the bats) that feel weird since you don’t get to pause and chat with them and they don’t say anything noteworthy about ditchlings, the mines, the town, etc.
I get why it can feel like that, you don’t want players to feel they made a mistake choosing talk with animals by not having animals appear throughout a chapter, but you also don’t want player’s who didn’t choose it feel like they’re always missing out on important stuff by having too many animals.
I really think they should let more passive thoughts with TTA occur. The only instance I can recall of it appearing as a thought is if you’ve had Sybil’s tea and it’s like “she won’t judge you for your quirk :), go talk to her”. It caught me so off guard when I first saw it and Mystical pointing out that my thoughts were all weird made me almost stand up like “WHAT”. But even though it doesn’t sound like TTA would have passive moments where it’s not directly in action, I think it should, maybe our character is privy to random facts woodland critters have told us, or we’re more in tune with nature or something. Idk, it’s not useless and it’s incredibly hard to compare it to the other traits cause it essentially makes previously non-characters like Dustin or the Goat into characters, that’s something no others trait does.
Now for my more positive thoughts on TTA, damn is proving you can actually understand animals at the library so satisfying, and it stays satisfying as Kaneeka slowly comes to believe it herself over the course of the chapters! I'm so glad it seems to be getting taken more seriously by the characters as the chapters pass, we start by getting introduced to the trait in chapter 1, then we don't use it much in the second, then we get to talk to the mayor and, if Gretchen is alive, get the knowledge that something is up with Reese. And then we can learn that the PASTOR TALKS TO ANIMALS TOO. In chapter 4 visiting Pastor Daniel is great, I love that the game is setting up for TTA to have more of a spotlight.
Now Mystical. Mystical is probably my favorite trait. I've heard some people say it feels useless early on, and I think those people may not have played with it in their first run, cause going in blind with mystical makes you aware of a lot of stuff, like knowing someone will die out on the trails on Monday before it actually happens made me so tense, and knowing something is suspicious about Sybil when she gives you that look, or that "You're finally back where you belong" sending the shivers of foreboding up the spine!
It gives you longer visions if you have it (and are drinking Sybil's evil tea), so it's great for me who loves theorizing and lore. And the channeling of Charlie’s spirit in his funky funhouse of fright? That whole sequence with the seance options is what truly got me hooked on the game.
I also love how it seems mystical MC’s can be a little frustrated by chapter 4? The whole “hopefully my powers will finally do more than make me unwillingly channel ghosts” makes you sound so fed up with how not only are you forced into knowing things will happen and having no control over it, but also fed up with how no one takes you seriously. Like Stella seems a little excited at the prospect you could be a psychic when meeting Duke, and Avery is chill with everyone so they don’t judge you, but everyone else brushes you aside or looks at you weird. Also Sybil, fucking Sybil trying to make me feel my abilities are less than her’s during the tea reading. Lady I will find a way to have me and your daughter mystic blast you, you can’t even do anything without making people drink tea, suffer.
Anyway sorry for the rambling! I’m obsessed with this game, so much so I joined the discord, I rarely join stuff like that due to nerves, so that’s how you know the brainrot is REAL.
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tmntxthings · 2 years
So basically my friend had a dream that we were in a science room and I was creating these “world destructive” weapons. She said it looked like a mix of a flamethrower and a water gun, specifically saying it looked “funky” and like a “monstrosity”. But anyway, she says that I dropped it cause I was jumping up and down, pretending to be a hero and saving people but I was actually cackling and didn’t look heroic at all🫤 and I dropped it and a red button was almost pressed and everyone knows red button=bad. Thankfully it didn’t get pressed.
But here’s the funny part.
The reason why I was making those weapons is because Donnie (yes. Dontello the fucking turtle) provoked me by saying that my weapons were ass. So i was like, “grrr👹” and he was like, “grrr👹” and we had a deadly nerd duel.
She said we might kill humanity if we were put in a room together and if we were to fight it’d be a tie since we’d be pointing deadly weapons at each other. She ended it by saying, “Moral of the story: You and Donnie would destroy everything.”
Anyways, I was wondering if you could write headcanons or a one shot with this sort of like theme ig with Donnie and just what you get from reading this weird ass dream she sent me🤭😭 (if it inspired you to write something)
Deadly Nerd Duel
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author’s note: or alternative title, This Town Ain’t Big Enough for the Both of Us . . . oh c’mon it makes sense.
warnings: crack, fluff, cursing, rlly long one shot, enemies to lovers, unedited
“This place is about to blow,” April whispered to Leo. “Yeah, and my bet is on Donnie,” Leo added smugly, holding up a fake five dollar bill. “You’re on, you have no idea how crazy Y/n really is,” April said holding up her own five, yes that one was real.
“Last chance Y/n,” Donnie took a deep breath, calming himself. Y/n rolled their eyes, shifting their weight to one side, then glanced up at the purple clad turtle, “Oh? I was quite certain you were going to back out by now,” a mischievous glint could be seen in your eyes.
Confused? Okay, let’s back it up.
“Donnie, I’d like you to meet, my newest friend,” April gave jazz hands as she presented you, “Y/n!” She beamed and the purple turtle gave you a once over before turning back to his phone. THAT. That right there was his first mistake! “Donnie! C’mon be nice!” April pleaded. Though her voice was sweet, her eyes were raging with a burning fire that was threatening to explode behind closed doors–meaning as soon as you were gone April would be chewing out Donnie’s shell. “Sigh, if I must, greetings April’s friend ‘Y/n’ I am the Othello Von Ryan,” He gave a half-hearted wave with one hand. His gaze lingered purposefully for a second longer, then he looked at April as if to say, see I can be ‘nice.’ Then, his attention promptly went back down to his phone. A smug smile forming on his face, thinking himself cool.
You blinked hard, taking in his enormous ego and trying not to gag. Strike two. “Yes, well April I thought you said you were showing me the cool one,” you said off-handedly, turning back to the lab door that you had just entered through. April sucked in a deep breath, knowing you were pissed off, so instead of trying to force the two of you to get along, she was ready and willing to follow you out of the lab. But it seemed your comment had struck a nerve on Ol’ Donatello. “Only an intellectual individual would understand how cool my lab is, therefore crowning me the coolest person you’ll ever meet. Top side or here in the sewers, darling” he hadn’t looked up from his phone, but he was definitely clenching it a tad harder than before.
You chuckled darkly, darling? He’d regret that. What was the count? Oh yeah, strike three. You were still walking for the door, turning only when you reached it. Glancing around the supposedly ‘cool’ place, and deciding right then and there the two of you were never going to be friends. No, there was a special kind of relationship between the two of you. You assumed it would level up to hate eventually but for now you’d stick him in the dislike pile. Maybe he would realize how stuck up he sounded, especially for a first meeting. Your eyes snagged on a container that had somewhat of a spotlight on it. As if to say, out of all the things in his lab, this was one of his favorites. So you were a little mean when you said, “I don’t know, it’d be a lot cooler if that was genuine uranium instead of a carbon copy fake,” nodding at the said container and then you shoved the door open without giving him a chance to reply. April scurried out, harshly whispering to Donnie that she would have a word with him later.
Donnie hadn’t gotten up from his swivel chair the entire time–you had just soaked up his favorite place in the world, all with the most judgmental eyes. You weren’t just judging his lab though, you were judging him. But he never thought that you would actually know what you were looking at. Much less be able to tell the difference from him forging and putting together a fake piece of uranium. Or just that you even knew it was uranium to begin with?! You surprised him. And you had also dissed him. A mistake that he would make sure you would regret. He quickly removed his feet from his work table, dusting it off. He never put his feet up there, he had done it because you were there. A stranger that April trusted, and he wanted to appear to be the badass he proclaimed himself to be. Donnie felt like doing something illegal, something to obtain real uranium and shove that into your face. Because there was no way he could legally afford such material. He wondered if you were some rich uptown-ie. And immediately he was pushing his swivel chair away from the work table towards his big screen. “Well darling, you’ve got my attention, now, how much science do you actually know?” He muttered to himself as he did a google search. What? He’d start off with the basics. Then he’d dive into the dark web for all your dirty little secrets, if you had any. You looked like the type to hide stuff. But what he came up with was mainly surface information. Perfect grades, perfect family (only child), perfect records, even for attendance. Which then came as no surprise when he saw you had no criminal record. It didn’t add up, no one could be that perfect, he went back, to middle school, to elementary, and still you had perfect grades/attendance/record.
“Hmm,” he spun in his chair. What’s a goody-little-two-shoes running around in the sewers of NYC with his best friend, the April O’Neil. How did the two of you become friends? These were questions that only said best friend could answer and he knew he had surely pissed her off with his antics. Donnie sighed, he’d do a deeper dive in the world wide web before he had to admit he was actually curious to April.
Three hours later and nothing relevant. You didn’t even have a social media he could uncover! Fuckity fuck.
“So what’d you think?” April asked sheepishly. Hoping that you’d just forget about the whole interaction with Donnie and focus on how positive the rest of the brothers had been. April thanked the heavens above that even Leo hadn’t acted so childishly. Sure he was still immature, but he wasn’t blatantly rude! April had come to find out that you had a short fuse and a low tolerance for any and all bullshit.
“Raph was cool, Mikey was sweet, Leo was.. alright?” You said, pondering for a moment. Then your eyes hardened and April grimaced, you hadn’t forgotten.
“But that other fellow, the purple one?” You just shook your head, knowing he was still April’s friend, whether you liked him or not. You wouldn’t go as far as to bad mouth him in front of her. That would put her in an awkward position, so you kept your mouth shut—but April readily spoke up. “I don’t know what his problem was!! Honestly Y/n, he’s a great guy, and I’ll prove it to you. He probably didn’t have any coffee this morning!” She supplied an excuse and you raised an eyebrow. “Next weekend, like Mikey said, come back with me! It’ll be way more fun, and I’ll make sure to have a word with Donnie,” April pleaded.
It was easy to agree, truly the other guys were cool, you just had a bad taste in your mouth from the purple one. “Alright, I’ll be there then,” you gave April a small smile and she instantly relaxed. “Yes!! Awesome, this will be just—“ she looked down at her phone, immediately hiding it from your view in an attempt at being discrete. You did, however, notice how her eyes had hardened just slightly behind her glasses. “I’ve gotta take this. I’ll text you the details, see ya tomorrow?” April asked. You nodded, “Of course, do I ever miss class?” You joked, and April couldn’t help but laugh, thinking of some fond memories of you rushing in, barely making it some days but still there. “True that! Alright, see ya laters!” April waved, taking off towards a different direction than where the both of you had been heading. You noticed it was back towards the alleyway, likely to the manhole—right back down to the sewers.
You shoved your hands into the pockets of your hoodie. You would give the purple turtle credit for one thing, and one thing only, he had given you slight inspiration. You headed to your apartment, to your own lab. The benefits of being a straight A student and having rich parents, was practically getting anything you wanted from them. And yes, especially if you told them it was for school, and to them sure, all the stuff you bought sounded scientific enough. They didn’t know better, truly they were just happy that you did so well in school. That’s really all that mattered to them. Get the grade, and you’ll be rewarded, so get the grade you did. You never disappointed, that wasn’t in your DNA, nope not in your gene code. So as you typed in the code to your front door, passing through the living room and heading straight for the only other door with a keypad lock, you typed in a different set of numbers. Swish, the door slid open before you, and you were hit with a chilly breeze. Ah, home sweet home.
“I’ll give you one chance to offer up a good reason as to why you were acting so—so—so childishly earlier!��� April had stormed back to the lair and went straight for Donnie’s lab as soon as she saw him calling. She hadn’t answered his call, no sir, she would much rather face him. “You should’ve seen the face they made as soon as they locked eyes with me,” Donnie started and April scowled, “Are you serious?!” April practically yelled; Donnie continued, “Yes, I am, and not just me—they were eyeing my lab like it was a junkyard. I may get some parts from there, but this is definitely not a repo place.” Donnie threw his arm to the side as if to make his point. His lab was flawless, freshly cleaned (he had done so just for April and her friend, you.) “Donnie, you spoke first. You started that whole bicker back and forth,” April exasperated, “now I’m asking you to put the whole thing aside for me, and get along. Please?!” Donnie grumbled to himself, muttering how he didn’t know if that would be possible if you couldn’t fix your resting bit-
“DONNIE!” April really yelled this time. He closed his mouth, had he been saying that out loud? Sheesh, you had really done a number on him. Though maybe he was just frustrated he hadn’t been able to find anything more interesting about you. Just the fact that you were rich due to your father’s wealth as a political figure. Which only made Donnie even more angry, you definitely had the money to buy materials he couldn’t… that is, if what he was assuming was true and that you were just as big a nerd as him. “Fine, how about you tell me why, or I should say, how the two of you even became friends?” Surely April could shed some light on that unknown fact. “It’s a long story, but I promise, Y/n is legit, just give them another chance, they’ll be back next weekend,” April informed as she stood, obviously planning on heading out. But this wasn’t good, Donnie hadn’t gotten any information at all! He sighed loudly, and April shot him a glare. “Dee,” she sighed, “I thought the two of you would get along.. you have way more in common than you think.” April shook her head, and Donnie softened if only slightly. “Okay okay, for you, and you only” and April beamed brightly. “Awesome, just watch, the two of you will be buds in no time!”
And now you have a bit of context! Still confused?
Well, next week arrived and it had been going all according to April’s plan. Everyone getting along for the most part, though subtle glares were definitely exchanged. You and Donnie were… cordial? Yes, we’ll go with that word. Mikey and April had thrown a pizza party, plenty of boxes to share. Then after a movie night was in order, and after that the board games had begun. This was where things started to go a little haywire. April didn’t know why she had thought it was a good idea to let Leo choose, but she did, and monopoly it was. A long ass game that definitely could break up the fragile peace that April had been trying to cultivate between you and Donnie. As soon as Donnie had landed on one of Y/n’s property, they held out their hand for him to cough up the fake cash. His eyes had turned ablaze. Not because of your hand, but because of your smug little face, more than happy to have had him pay up first. Instead of passing the money, he slid it your way, making you pick it up yourself. Classy Donatello, very classy.
It was war after that. The light blue properties and railroads secured by Y/n, you were on a roll and trying to get the oranges next. Though Mikey had practically called it in the beginning, he hadn’t gotten that lucky with his rolls, instead landing on the pinks and utilities. You had actually traded Mikey the last utility property for the last railroad. (Donnie had seethed, not thinking that was a smart trade on Mikey’s part, but really he just didn’t want you getting another set.) Donnie had the red’s and the dark blues, plotting on everyone’s demise. All it would take would be just one person to land on those expensive ass properties that had him almost broke now, but he was in this for the long run. Long run indeed, one by one the other brothers ended up bankrupt to either you or Donnie’s schemes until it was just April left. It was getting pretty late too, April would say so every time it was her turn, but she would immediately be thwarted by both you and Donnie saying, “It’s almost over!” “Just one more round.”
The competitive nature between the both of you was alive and crackling. It was your turn, and you landed on the chance tile. As you picked up a card, the color from your face drained. “This is bullshit.” You muttered, throwing the card down on the center of the board for everyone to see. “Oh noooooo!” Mikey wailed, he had been rooting for you, much to Donnie’s dismay. Out of all the cards, you picked the one that forced you to move to Boardwalk, aka the dark blue that Donnie had the most hotels built on. It was a sure shot defeat, you knew you would go bankrupt. “It was all part of the plan,” he said as he tapped the side of his head smugly. “Yeah well, make sure to thank the chance card for your victory,” you made sure to say.
April piped up, “I’m still in the game too you know!” You gave her a sheepish smile. While that was true, April didn’t have as much as Donnie now had—with his properties and yours included, it was a sure win. “But let’s call it a night huh?” April asked for a final time and you agreed, getting up and stretching. April didn’t think you were a sore loser but on the off hand that Donnie started to brag, April wanted to get you out of there while the mood was still amiable. The brothers all said their goodbyes, Mikey already asking for future plans. Donnie had walked silently back to his lab after his mumbled sayonara. To which you only hesitated a second before following after him.
Leo nudged April, nonexistent eyebrows waggling and silently telling her to not follow just yet. April’s eyes widened, wondering if the two of you were finally going to become closer! The best buds plan that she had hoped for were now in the foreseeable future?! She smiled brightly now watching as you disappeared around the corner that led to Donnie’s lab.
“Hey wait,” you called out when you saw he was about to shut the lab door. Donnie took a step backwards, head peeking out of the entryway to see you had stopped a couple feet away from his lab. “I just wanted to say, good game.. it was smart to consider the chance cards and their uses,” your hands were in your hoodie pockets. You made sure to keep eye contact, trying to convey your sincerity. Donnie’s full form came into view as he leaned against the lab door. Listening intently, eyes not leaving yours. When you finished he wondered if April had put you up to saying something like this. But the way your eyes immediately went to the floor after you finished, the way your feet were shuffling, he deduced that possibility was less than likely.
“Yeah, it was a good game, mostly because I won,” he grinned, unable to stop from bragging— at least a little! You rolled your eyes. “Right,” you replied, giving up on the sincere tone. “But for a second there, I thought I was in deep trouble, it was uh- fun to play with you,” Donnie remedied, the smugness fading into something more genuine. You raised an eyebrow, smiling slightly as you watched him backtrack a little. Being a little nice in fact. “I was thinking, you’re pretty smart-“
“Not just smart, I’d say I’m on par with Einstein’s level of genius” Donnie interrupted you quickly. You cleared your throat, shooting him a glare as you started to rock back and forth on your heels, “as I was saying, I have some things I’ve been working on for a while, I think they may be more useful to you and your brothers.” You concluded, but it was Donnie’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “What things exactly?”
One day later, and you were back in the sewers, specifically in the common area of the lair. The suitcase you had brought down was popped open, and Raph and Mikey were peering inside as you grabbed the first weapon. “So this isn’t the most dangerous thing I’ve built but I’d say freezing people solid is pretty handy when it comes to vigilante work!” You said, pointing the gun up in the air for safe measure. Donnie was on the far side of the room, and the look on his face was close to outrage. You wanted to give his brothers cool weapons??? That was his job! Plus they didn’t need weapons, they already had weapons. Sure they didn’t freeze people, BUT they did not need your things. If anything his brothers should only want—
“Cool! Can I try??” Mikey was making grabby hands for the freeze ray and you readily handed it over. “Just be careful, the safety’s off.” You said and no sooner had you spoken a blast was shot, near poor Leo, who was quick enough to move completely out of the way. “Hey!” Leo screeched, turning his face to see the pizza boxes that had been piling up had turned into ice. “Woah,” Leo breathed out, impressed. Raph took the weapon from Mikey, not trusting him to have another shot accidentally go off. “Heh, whoops!” Mikey said sheepishly as he ran over to the block of iced pizza boxes.
“You guys think that’s cool??” Donnie piped up from across the room. He made a mad dash to his lab, going over to the glass box that read ‘BETA’ and grabbed the first thing he could get his hands on. He was back in the common area in no time, “Feast your eyes on this,” From what you could tell he was holding a weapon much like yours, shaped like a gun. He flicked a switch, aiming in your direction, “Donnie!” Raph warned, but he pulled the trigger anyway. A blast shot past your face, inches away until it landed on the recliner by the projector. On impact it shrunk two times its normal size! “A shrink ray?!” Mikey exclaimed, running to go pick up the mini sized chair. Donnie’s weapon was now directed up in the air, resting on his shoulder, he had a smug smile on his face, daring you to top that.
Game on! It was a battle of who could outshine the other. All inventions were being put on showcase for the brothers and eventually April (who had just gotten out of her last class) to ‘ohh’ and ‘ahh’ at. Weapon after weapon, prototype after prototype. Until the really dangerous shit was coming out to play. “ALRIGHT,” Donnie said, skidding to a stop for the seventh time. The trip to his lab to the living room was getting to be a bit tiring. He pointed the most dangerous thing he had, directly at you. You did the same, out of your suitcase came a wicked looking weapon, and you clicked the safety off, aiming at Donnie’s face. The two of you were huffing angrily at one another.
“This place is about to blow,” April whispered to Leo. Popcorn had been popped, everyone enjoying the show the two of you were putting on. “Yeah, and my bet is on Donnie,” Leo added smugly, holding up a fake five dollar bill. He had a knack for sneaking monopoly money when no one was paying attention. And for some reason he still had it. April snorted, “You’re on, you have no idea how crazy Y/n really is,” April held up her own five, that one being real.
“Last chance Y/n,” Donnie took a deep breath, calming himself. He was watching you carefully, one finger ready to pull back the trigger. Y/n rolled their eyes, shifting their weight to one side, then glanced up at the purple clad turtle, “Oh? I was quite certain you were going to back out by now,” a mischievous glint could be seen in your eyes. Donnie gritted his teeth, he was not about to get punked by you. “Guyssss how about we call this a tie!” Mikey breathed out nervously. Twiddling his thumbs together as he came to stand between the two of you. “Only if Y/n admits my weapon is better!” Donnie hollered over Mikey and your eyes narrowed, “Not happening,” you said immediately. Raph spoke up then, “what exactly do those guns do?” You and Donnie were talking over one another not making much sense but the gist was, BOOM. The place would go boom.
“Okay,” Raph nodded, “PUT THE WEAPONS DOWN!” He yelled at the both of you. Simultaneously it was like all the air had been sucked out of the room as slowly, the two of you listened, weapons going down to your respective sides. “Mine’s better,” Donnie muttered, and you scoffed. “It was never a competition! I just wanted to—“ and you stopped yourself. You took in a deep breath, stalked forward, you weren’t about to admit this to the entire room. You brushed past the purple turtle. He had expected you to flash out once you reached him but you just kept walking, to his lab he assumed and immediately he was following after you.
“Should we make sure they don’t kill each other in a different room?” April thought aloud. Leo’s hand made a swipe in the air, “Nahhh I’ll bet another $5” he quickly held up another fake, “that everything figures itself out!” Mikey was scurrying over making his own bets and Raph was wondering if this was the smartest thing to do right about now. When just a couple of minutes ago the place could’ve gone boom! But he was quickly being dragged into Leo and April’s betting game.
As soon as Donnie passed the threshold of his lab, you were there, backing him into the door as it shut behind him. “What’re you—?!” Donnie exclaimed not liking the close proximity at all. “That’s what I should be asking you! I thought we were finally getting along?” You accused, waving the weapon around that was still in your hand. “Yeah that was until you decided to showboat and try to take my job!” Donnie surmised angrily. “You got issues because all I was trying to do was help!” You confessed as you threw the weapon to the ground in frustration. “We don’t need your help.” Donnie sneered, wanting to get his point across, he was the tech guy, he was the genius, they didn’t need a second.
You jabbed a finger straight into his plastron. “I knew it. I knew you were just some self-obsessed, ego-maniac, who only cares about himself.” You were met with a hard stare. You waited for him to challenge that, to dare and say you were wrong. “Oh yeah? Well you—“ his own fists clenching, “are the most privileged, prissy, judgmental person I’ve ever met!” You smirked, batting away his insults with a, “and how many people have you met exactly?” Insinuating mutant turtles don’t exactly have much of a social life. “Fuck you,” Donnie glowered. “Fuck you too.” And somewhere along the insults and the arguing the two of you had gotten pressed together. It was silent for a moment as the two of you realized this, your eyes widening if only slightly as Donnie’s breath fanned your face.
He was looking at you carefully, noting your surprise and the way your breath quickened. You saw the way his eyes darted to your lips, and the way he swallowed. Fuck it! You both thought as your heads came crashing to one another. Lips meeting and teeth clacking, it was a brutal kiss. Heated passion that was stoked by the fire of anger and attraction. His hands were pulling you impossibly closer, going around your waist. Your own hands were pressed against his upper plastron. Moments passed until air was needed and your head moved back slightly to gulp down oxygen. “You drive me crazy,” Donnie said, meeting your lips once more, not letting you rest. You kissed him back feverishly, agreeing wholeheartedly, he drove you crazy too. “So is this a truce?” You panted as he drew back to breath. “For now..” he smirked, already enjoying the effect he had on you. You shook your head, was it possible for his ego to get any larger? One of his hands came up and his fingers caught your chin, lifting it and his lips met yours one more time. This kiss was softer, but it took your breath away all the same. “I guess your inventions aren’t half-bad” he murmured against your lips. You smiled smugly, “Damn right!”
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williaml0ver · 8 months
☆ <3 William Ellis General Dating Headcanons ☆ <3
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[🖇️] word count: 1454
[🖇️] warnings: g/n reader, once again not proofread idgaf!!!!!!
[🖇️] author's note: thank you all for the feedback on my first post omg i didn't expect anyone to read that ijbol... ANYWAYS... today i present you headcanons of my love, my adopted son, my silliest soldier... tomorrow? Who knows...
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☆ ☆ ☆
-Where do i even start
-He's the sweetest
-Just like you're his biggest fan, he is your biggest hypeman.
-The ultimate walking sunshine. Gets an ultimate mood boost when you're around. When he falls for someone he falls hard. Always smiling around you.
-He doesn't have a main love language. One day he would constantly compliment you, next day he'd help you reach something that's standing above you and cuddle with you next.
-We all know he is the master, the pioneer, the king of rugby, he is always the best, but when you're spotted in the audience? That man is UNSTOPPABLE. Like some strange force possesed him. And this doesn't get unnoticed by his teammates.
-Starting from then, you will always be asked to attend their most important matches, to the point random people start mistaking you as a part of that team. You'd think those invites would stand for free entry to their matches, right??
-Well not at all...
-William would demand at least 10 minutes of victory kisses or loser cuddles (which, of course, barely happen).
-Also, if he sees you wearing merch with him? Get ready to not be able to break free from his arms.
-Probably has a photo of you kissing in front of his teammates under his bed.
-When he gets home he just wants to throw you onto the bed and cuddle (STINKYYYYY). You allow him only to do it after a shower.
-He'd be in heaven if you asked him to train together. He wouldn't care if you weren't the best. All that matters is that you cared enough to ask about his interests.
-Which means, he would love to take a look at your hobbies.
-Dates with William are always so much time. One time you'd wake up to him knocking on your door holding roses, inviting you for w romantic dinner, meanwhile next time he'd want to take you to a trampoline park.
-You'd be a frequent visitor of events, fairs, festivals. William WILL take part in that hammer game whatever it's called. He's also going on insiting to win you a plushie in those game machines. He aims for those big ones but you end up with a small teddy bear (you still love it).
-Holds your hand all the time. He likes comparing their sizes.
-Loves to sleep together. You both started a huge collection of plushies to decorate his bed. William would insist on you to wear his pajama - maybe sleeping only in underwear isn't the best idea when you live in a cold manor, but you would snuggle with him anyway.
-Plushies aside, you two have a collection of funky blankets.
-You spend hours braiding his hair.
-Especially loves when he's laying on his bed and you kiss every part of his face. Absolutely a big spoon.
-Pillow forts, PILLOW FIGHTS. He's... surprisingly competitive.
-Isn't a fan of reading books for entertainment, though would kill to have you reading to him. It can be anything really, he's going to fall asleep in a few minutes.
-Also loves when you sing him lullabies.
-Your sleep schedule is unhealthy? Not on his watch!!! He WILL trap you in his embrace. No buts.
-His wardrobe is basically your wardrobe now.
-Very big on pet names. Would use some basic ones but also likes coming up with the most ABSURD stuff. You don't know how to act when you're randomly called a silly rugby ball.
-You two probably make up some weird code only you two understand, maybe a special handshake?
-He loves showing you off to everyone else. If you don't have a lot of friends fear not because after William constantly talks about you his friends would be keen on meeting you.
-A volcano of energy. He can have a lot of thoughts at once. If it's too much for you, tell him to slow down. You often help to ground him.
-If you're comfortable with pda you're going to be constantly hugging, being carried, kissing. He would also make a big deal off showing himself off to you. Expect to be asked to sit on him while he's doing pushups.
-A total crackhead. Loves acting like he doesn't know you in public so he can hit up on you and make you blush.
-Would offer you to teach you some self defense moves, so his love can be safe when he's not around.
-Takes your safety seriously. He wants you to think of him as THE man.
-Loves it when you sit on his lap. You maybe me next to a table that has like 10 not taken seats yet you'd still choose William to the point when you're invited to a party people stop reserving a seat for you.
-He's the life of that party as well. He's like that one strange uncle at the family gathering who'd like to show off his wild dance moves to you.
-You're his partner in crime, his little helper. When he wants to pull off some pranks around the manor he's going to ask you to help him out.
-If you're feeling uncomfortable, he's going to take all of the attention to himself.
-Though, please, dear reader, make sure to check up on him. Sure, he finds proving himself to you fun, but i'm convinced you'd prefer to do some silly activites together instead of having to take care of his aching body.
-Whetever it's an accident or actually William's fault, you always take care of him after tough matches and training sessions. You'd have him laying in a bathtub and washing him, you'd also patch him up if anything happened.
-Secretly loves when you kiss his wounds, though won't directly admit. Also liked his beard touched!
-You love kissing his muscles in a non sexual way. It's making his ego rise to the roof.
-And he'd do the same. He'd place you on his bed and you won't have to move a hand. Maybe his bandaging skills aren't the best but he bandages you with love.
-Man's an athlete, and an athlete has to eat a lot. He would be so flustered if you made him food, especially if it's something foreign, something he's never tried before. If you messed something up he'd act like the tears from his eyes are out of love.
-Likes when you hide sweets in random places in his dorm so he can seek them.
-He'd love to make some food with you together next time! And share it with you later.
-Would make a bucket list of all the weird restaurants nearby to visit with you.
-Prepare his sport clothes for the next match/practice, he's going to melt.
-You bought some new clothes? His dorm suddenly becomes a catwalk.
-He's fit, therefore he rarely gets ill, but when it happens? He's going to act like a literaly baby, whining for you to be near him all the time, feeding him, entertaining him.
-He is very emotionally intelligent. William can tell when you're uncomfortable, sad, or acting happy but not actually feeling like it. If you feel down, he'd cheer you up by acting goofy to see you smile. You can talk to him about anything that bothers you.
-He wants to be there for you all the time. When he's not, he's making sure to hire Ganji as your bodyguard.
-He's like a walking heater. And you take advantage of it.
-You like climbing him up like a goofy monkey.
-He's turning into a giant teddy bear the moment he sees you crying. And when it turns out someone else made you cry? He makes sure to give him a talk the next day.
-Would wrap you into a blanket burrito and hold you.
-Or, a more intense option, he'd warn you about the tickle monster. WHAT monster you're probablt asking? Well, he turns off the light and suddenly the tickle monsters attacks his prey.
-He isn't very jealous. Overall, while he wants to be a safe place for you, he also believes he should let you handle a few things on your own - though do not hesitate to come to him if in need, he'd be more than happy to help. Though if he ever becomes jealous, he tries to act like he actually isn't.
-William would become feral if something happened to you. It's now up to Naib and Ganji if they decide to spare the intruder and hold William back or not.
-Arguments between both of you rarely happen, they're play fights at most if anything.
-When you provoke him into a tickle fight he shows NO mercy.
-You two are totally going to overdose vitamin gummy bears for kids.
☆ ☆ ☆
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Honestly i was reading my first post and thought to myself damn this i kind of good... meanwhile i feel this one is kind of worse idk 😭😭 i tried
Anyways i'm aiming to pick one more character with general headcanons and i'm going to do bigger headcanons with those three combined about like more specific situations ... i'm thinking MAYBE Ganji, Andrew or Luchino but idk yet 🧐
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Since I'm slowly making some Special Forces OCs, I realized making one is probably kind of daunting for most people due to all the Military stuff so here's a very loose collection of thoughts on the structure of the Special Forces.
Cause after all, what's a Black Dragon without an Special Forces Agent to hunt them down?
So to start, if you know anything about the military, the Special Forces is weird. A US Military task force started to fight international crime gangs? That's more the wheelhouse of other agencies like the CIA and INTERPOL I feel, but I digress because I'm here to make some sense of the Earthrealm Special Forces (ESF) since I think that's the era most people would be interesting in making an OC for the organization and I hope what I write here will give some of you enough insight to feel confident developing one or two.
First we'll cover some boring shit that won't really affect the day to day of your average ESF troop. Normally, federal troops are incredibly restricted on what the can and can't do to enforce domestic policies on US soil per The Posse Comitatus Act. However, given it's focus is responding to otherworldly threats to the US and the world at large, there is likely legislation that has been passed and carve outs made for Special Forces to operate in this capacity and still be part of the Department of Defense. There is likely a congressional panel that provides civilian oversight to ESF, hence all of Sonya Blade's references to a particular congressman during MKX. He's likely in charge of that oversight committee which can do things like hold hearings about what ESF has been up to to ensure they are operating within the bounds of their assigned responsibilities and not wasting taxpayer money.
Now onto the stuff you'll really want to know for your potential troop. Starting with some general military structure knowledge. The most important thing you need to know is there are two main groups in the military. Your Officers and your Enlisted. Officers are your captains, Lts, Colonels. They're the managers of the forces. Every group and subgroup within the military will generally have an Officer in charge of it to manage it. Sometimes they're assigned to do actual tasks, but generally they're in charge of the far more numerous Enlisted doing the tasks. Enlisted are the real work force of the military. These are the guys getting called Private, Arimen, Seamen, Sergeant, Petty Officer, ect. They're going to be the guys making up those mobs we seen getting thrown at Outworld's threats. The ones guarding the portal at the refugee site in MKX. For a more in depth break down of that, just search the US Military Rank Structure and you'll get plenty of images breaking down the E and O ranks across the forces.
ESF is most certainly a Special Joint Operation with the US Army making up a good amount of the group given how many grunts we see get mowed down in MK11's opening. This likely means, outside of special cases I'll ponder later, that you do not directly join the ESF. Instead you would join one of the basic military branches (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, and now our new Space Force) or even other agencies like the FBI and CIA and later be selected or be given the opportunity to volunteer for this special mission. Because of this, there are likely very very few junior ranking enlisted in the ESF. Most everyone is likely a Sergeant or Petty Officer for the Enlisted side, and at least a Captain on the Officer side.
The ESF is also certainly an international effort. It's not unusual for certain units and missions to have troops from our allied forces assigned to them. So there's probably a good handful of members from other countries, likely mainly from the Five Eyes partnership of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK, and the US. That said, this is a fantasy land with alternate history so your agent could be from anywhere! Germany, India, whatever you like.
Finally, onto some funky exceptions I imagine exist for the ESF. At this point, I bet you're asking where someone like Johnny Cage falls in all this. On one hand, he could be a Civilian General Schedule. Which is just the term used for Civilians employed by a federal agency like the Department of Defense. Usually referred to as GS on a grade scale similar to how Enlisted and Officers are. He could also be specially contracted to work on behalf of the ESF, but not be directly employed by the Department of Defense. There's a lot of nitty gritty differences here, but what I imagine is most important to you theoretical OC maker, is that a Civilian employee will answer to someone on the Military side. A Contractor would view the ESF more as a customer they are providing a service for.
Finally, I know I said earlier you likely aren't able to directly join the ESF? Well given that they're a suped up kind of X-Files agency, I would bet good money there is a department dedicated to identifying special individuals like meta humans and recruiting them into the ESF. Possibly into small highly specialized units. There's bound to be all sorts of people scattered on Earthrealm with other worldly powers like Johnny Cage and Kenshi have, or perhaps just have a particular skill set or knowledge the ESF may need. Keeping a keen eye on anyone who might already be recruited into the military, but also identifying anyone who could be either useful to the ESF or a threat to Earthrealm if left unchecked. Think like how the X-Men are recruited into Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters.
That's all I've got for now. Sorry if anything in here doesn't make much sense, but like I said. Late night and loosely organized. I'm more than happy to talk about any of this in more detail if someone has questions.
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kafkaoftherubble · 8 months
pitching akudama drive to you, without relying on cutthroat's cuntiness to get me through it
SO the basic premise is that it's a cyberpunk retro future world of Japan, years after a devastating war between cities. criminals in this world are dubbed the Akudama and ranked according to the severity of their crimes, most of our main cast are the highly sought after S-rank. there's also a task force of executioners, who are like... the American police 😍 they can kill criminals
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this here is miss 一般人 (yes everyone's got a code name and they are all very on the nose, say hello to Ordinary Person. she is very ordinary)
after a small misunderstanding, she's arrested and accused being a swindler. and without explaining too much of the plot, she essentially gets forced into pretending that she too, is an akudama, as an entire group of them is forced to work together to complete a job. eventually her false persona of being Swindler becomes who she truly is and I could not convey just how satisfying that character turn around is
the strong theme here though, seen especially near the end, is how criminals are human. how they all have different reasons and motivations for committing their crimes, and how they're people beyond just that, yet they're being hunted down and executed for it.
it's about how the government can be corrupt, and if they have the power to kill criminals... well then, it's just a matter of deciding who the criminals ARE and killing them (that foot in the door to be allowed to kill anyone you dislike because Oh Well they're a Criminal)
it's about carving your own path in life with tooth and nail, to not let yourself be held down and killed or have your life stripped away from you. fighting for a better future.
anyways it's only 12 beautifully animated episodes long, every character is a delight and it's just got a fun story in general
also cutthroat will be sad if you don't watch it
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Okay, the sci-fi setting is a big plus point because I like sci-fi in general! Also, the part about the American Police deadass made me laugh!
The art style looks like something I've seen but I don't remember what it is. It's like... the style used in Persona! The video game, I mean.
Hmm... "Becoming the mask" as a trope is a bit of a neutral thing for me, to be honest. I think the Past Me had a fill of this with Durarara!! back then, haha. Being a swindler is a bit of a plus point, though, because I love stories about noble-hearted confidence people. Does this Normal Person Girl actually pull off really wild, big-brained insane cons like the French show Lupin or the anime Great Pretender? If she did, it would be a very big plus point! I dig that stuff so much because I love trying to figure tricks out!
As for the part about humanizing criminals—it's a wee bit reminiscent of Psycho-Pass, which I really enjoyed. I'm also currently reading Ajin, which has shades of this in its themes. Since I'm currently being fed, I'm quite neutral about this specific theme for now.
Overall, it is quite an interesting premise! I will hold onto it and wait for its Interest Meter to be filled even more.
Weird that I have never heard of this anime before! I mean, sure, I don't consume fiction a gargantuan lot compared to most people on Tumblr, but I still fancy myself a wee bit more learned than actual casuals! So how is it that I have never heard of this? Is your fandom big?
Also, Cutthroat can cry but I find it a bit suspect if he can cry. I mean, this guy's name is screaming "funky happy serial killer" so much!
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lilydoeswrite · 8 months
wattpad link previous chapter series masterlist next chapter
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summary: It is the 66th Hunger Games when Oceana Fontaine is reaped as tribute, and at just thirteen years old, the odds are certainly not in her favour. As much as it is seen as an honour for Oceana to represent her district in the games, it is also practically a death sentence. But Oceana knows she needs to go home and is determined to, no matter how low her chances are and with the help of her mentors, she might just do that. But if she is to win, she will have to learn where her biggest strengths start to turn into her biggest flaws and weigh her options carefully as she starts making choices that pushes her morality and the lengths she will go to for love.
tags: slow burn (finnick x oc), eventual violence, the usual stuff when it comes to the hunger games, not sure what else
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Everyone crowds around us the minute we get off the train, Peacekeepers helping to maintain order as one by one, we slowly walk out of the doors. I follow Stella’s instructions and try my best to copy what Finnick and the other victors are doing. I force my sweetest smile which I hoped looked as genuine as Gill’s and wave to the citizens. I’m guessing our arrival is a big deal considering the crowd of people that have shown up. The cheers and shouts are starting to get overwhelming as I hear a few shouting my name from behind, I turn my head and give whoever is chanting my name a wave as I continue walking. Gill is next to me and seems to be getting an equal amount of attention. 
Thankfully, we quickly arrive at the car and clammer in, shutting the door behind as I sink into the soft leather seats the minute I’m sure we’re out of the public eye and heave a sigh of relief. I hear a couple of chuckles coming from those around me but I couldn’t care less, instead, I close my eyes and lean my head against the window. “It’s over now, right?”
“Yeah,” I hear Finnick’s voice and I nod with a hum. “We’re just going to the Training Centre right now, it shouldn’t be that long of a car ride.” I nod again and I hear the engine of the car revving. I lift my head up and look outside the windows, the vibrant lights shine harshly as the streets are teeming with people in their weird and funky outfits.
I watch as we drive by street after street, the colourful dazzling lights are captivating and the big screens placed on buildings with advertisements of the Hunger Games. The capitol is bustling with life as loud music and voices from outside leak into the car in words I couldn’t quite decipher. 
After a while, we finally arrive at the Training Centre. The Training Centre would be where we live and train for the time before the actual games– this will be my home until then. There’s a tower designed exclusively for the tributes and their teams and each district has an entire floor to themselves. It’s easy to remember– your district number, your floor. We split up as we get into the lifts but I stay close to Finnick and Coral. I’ve only been in lifts a couple of times but this elevator has to be more glamorous than other ones; the walls are made out of crystal so you can watch as the people on the ground floor shrink into microscopic creatures as you make your way up. 
Stella’s duties don’t conclude at the station like how I thought it would. She will continue overseeing us alongside the rest of the victors into the arena. Stella smiles as she shows us the floor we’d be taking over and it’s nothing short of grand. The floors are grey and polished with fine lines of deeper and lighter shades running through them, they look like cracks but they aren’t. The walls are white and a chandelier hangs from the ceiling over what I guessed was the dining table. There are a significant amount of chairs and couches in the living room, probably to cater towards the amount of people we have and the kitchen is huge. I barely have any time to take it all in before Stella is showing me to my room and wishing me good night. 
The door shuts behind me and I’m left alone. The curtains are drawn up and so I get a good view of the city. The room is significantly larger than the one I have at home and it’s lavish just like the train car, just with more gadgets and buttons. The shower has at least a dozen buttons on a panel to adjust all sorts of settings from the water temperature to the type of soap to use. Heaters that blow-dry your body come on when you step onto a mat, so there’s barely any need for towels. I also don’t have to spend time combing through my tangled hair as there is a box that I can place my hand on that sends a current through my scalp which untangles, parts and dries my hair almost instantly. 
I’m in awe as I continue to explore the room. I approach the closet, my hand freezing upon the panel of buttons before I play around with them and program the closet to my taste, as well as to get something to wear to sleep. The whole room feels surreal to me. You’re able to see any part of the city through the windows on command and you can receive food in less than a minute if you were to whisper a type of food from a huge menu into a mouthpiece. I scan the menu, there’s almost every dish possible on it. 
Eventually, I end up lying down on the bed, dressed in soft silk pyjamas. I tuck myself into bed, my head resting on a soft pillow as I hug another, longing for a sense of comfort. My eyelids feel heavy and I have a hard time keeping them open before I decide to shut them, sinking into the mattress. 
“Up, everyone! Up! It’s an important day today!”
Stella’s voice wakes me up as I open my eyes, sitting up groggily before I climb out of bed, throwing the blanket and pillow aside. I shower and dress for the day. I’m dressed in a pair of black pants which were a little big on me and a blue shirt when I head out of my room for breakfast. “Good morning.” I smile at Finnick and Coral who are the first to greet me as I sit down at the dining table. Stella smiles at me as she places a cup of water on my table. I thank her before looking at the variety of food on the table, opting for some fruits which I scoop onto my plate. I peel my banana, taking a bite of it as I chew the soft flesh of the fruit. 
“Is that all you’re going to eat, Oceana? You’re going to need much more than that.” I look up at Coral in confusion, to my knowledge there is no training going on today. “There’s the opening ceremony tonight, so you’re going to need a little more to fuel yourself. You’re most likely going to skip lunch by being at the Remake Centre preparing for it.” She further elaborates. 
I nod, thanking her before scooping some scrambled eggs onto my plate and making myself a bowl of granola. Today is going to be a long day, especially with the opening ceremony which also meant the remaining tributes from the other districts would be arriving today. I’m finishing my plate of fruits and eggs when I hear a chair being pulled out and glance up to see Gill sitting directly opposite of me. “Good morning, Gill.”
“Good morning, Oceana” he smiles as he helps himself to the food, “slept well?”
“Yes, thanks for asking,” I reply and he nods, “how about you?”
“A little too good,” he laughs, “I overslept, Stella was shouting outside my door to wake me up.”
Everyone chuckles apart from Stella who has now taken her seat, shaking her head. “Today is a very important day, it’s essential that we get a good start to the day. I’ll let Clifford explain,” she turns her head to Clifford who nods before standing up and clearing his throat. 
“As Stella said, today is very important.” All eyes are on him now and silence falls over the table. “Today is the day where the remaining tributes of the other districts arrive and so tonight is the opening ceremony. You will be discussing your strategy for the games with your mentors today before you go off to the Remake Centre. The opening ceremony is where you are introduced to the citizens of the capitol, and not just citizens, but sponsors, which will be important for the games. You have to make sure you leave a lasting impression on them.” He looks at Gill and me who both nod before he continues. “As soon as you’re done with breakfast, you’ll start discussing strategy.” Clifford sits back down and Stella gives him an approving nod before all of us go back to eating our breakfast.
As soon as I’m finished, I follow Finnick and Coral to one of the many rooms on our floor. The room is just as grand as the others, there’s a big television screen on the wall and a few plush chairs sitting opposite of it. The windows span across the wall, leading warm rays of sun into the room and the curtains seem to be made out of silk. “So…Strategy,” I try to break the awkward silence which fills the room, taking a seat on one of the chairs.
“Right, so strategy. Are you planning to make some allies or are you going to go solo?” Coral asks, sitting down as she looks at me. 
I open my mouth to respond but pause, realising that the thought of how I would approach the games has so far never crossed my mind. “I don’t know,” I answer, pressing my lips together. “I’m sorry but I just haven’t thought about it yet.”
“Don’t be sorry,” Finnick laughs, “that’s why we’re here to help.”
“Exactly,” Coral chimes in. “Well, if you were to make allies, it’d typically be with the other career districts– 1 and 2. Eventually you’d have to break your allegiance to each other, though.”
Districts 1 and 2? Do I even stand a chance against them when it’s time to break our allegiance? All of them look pretty strong and confident, including Gill. Gill, would he try to kill me? If District 4 was to have a victor it couldn’t be both of us so who would go home? Was it worth it to make allies? If I go solo would it be worse? It can’t possibly be worse. At this rate, I’m panicking as question after question races through my mind. “What did you guys do for your games?” I ask, trying to calm myself down.
“Well, I made allies with the other career tributes at first,” Finnick says, “but then I went off on my own.”
“Same here,” Coral smiles. “It may be scary to do so, but it will also be beneficial to you.” 
We spend a while debating on if I should make allies before actually discussing the rest of the strategy– what to do in the training sessions, what to say in the interviews and how to present myself in order to gather sponsors. I tell them what Ms Bronte said to me before we left for the Capitol and they find it not only helpful but sweet. Coral says that my looks would help me get sponsors which I’m not sure how to take, although I take it as a compliment. Finnick also repeats what he says on the train– master the art of survival skills and that a high training score would serve me well. 
We form a rough idea of what the strategy should be before I’m required to go to the Remake Centre. I’m unsure why I have to be there hours early but I get my answer when I’m whisked into the centre. I walk through the corridors next to Stella who leads me into a room where a woman with curly pink hair stands, “Valeria,” Stella smiles, greeting the unfamiliar woman which I assume would be my stylist. 
I’m taken aback at how normal she looks, all the stylists I’ve seen on television have dyed themselves, stencilled and surgically altered their faces so much so that they don’t even look human. The only thing that seems remotely altered is her hair and her purple lips with her brightly coloured pink eyeliner which clearly had been applied by a steady hand.
“Stella!” She squeaks in a high pitched voice, smiling. “Is this Oceana? Why don’t you look beautiful! I can’t wait to see you in your costume, you’d look amazing!” She instantly showers me with compliments, commenting how my eyes were just the right shade of green and how my hair looks lovely and how my features compliment each other just well. Stella just stands by the side and smiles before saying goodbye to me, leaving me in the care of my stylist.
“Now let's get started, shall we?” She claps her hands together enthusiastically and I give a forced smile. 
I can’t help but wonder if she also enjoys watching the games considering she’d have to grow close to the tributes as a stylist. She must enjoy it, though, she’s from the Capitol, and everyone in the Capitol enjoys watching the Hunger Games.
I can’t help but wonder if she’ll find joy in watching me die.
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author's note: surprise! another chapter out since i've finished chapter seven and i'm now working on eight :) not much action going on in this one which i apologise for but thank you for reading all the way <3 if you like this please consider commenting and reblogging! thank you, and as always constructive criticism is welcomed :))
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harley-style · 11 months
Back on my TWEWY!VBS au bullshit
Featuring headcanons post-Game!!
Toya is less reserved and does things without a hint of shame to the embarrassment of the others
He randomly kisses his teammates (akito corner of mouth, kohane's fingers, an's cheeks) just to see them redden. He enjoys it immensely.
Hes still rlly kind and earnest and genuine but the game kinda fucked with him yanno he's adopted a yolo kinda mindset
Akito is more or less settled in his own skin. Hes had to get some help from others but ultimately he realizes that even without his passion/dream or talent, he is still a very good person and someone important to his team. Hes more of a live for the people you love kinda guy now
Hes still temperamental and moody but around his team he's less harsh and moreso just blunt
When hes embarrassed, he will find kohane first to bury his head in her hair, if he cant find her its an's shoulder, and when those two arent around toya's jacket it is. (Toya does most of the teasing to him, so more than likely akito's trying to hide from him)
An turns up the physical affection a lot. You will now see her hanging off toya and akito's shoulders, linking arms with kohane or just in general having an arm wrapped around their waists
Shes scared if she lets go of them theyll disappear haha abandonment issues go brrrrr
She likes changing up her hairstyle a lot, and lets kohane and akito mess with it. Kohane likes brushing an's hair a lot
Kohane goes nonverbal a lot bc she forgets she has her voice again
When it happens in a show she somehow finds a way to make sure the audience is still engaged haha. She might force herself to make sounds just to backup their song vocals, but this is rare. An akito and toya can tell when she cant speak so taking over her lines is seamless
Though toya once done goofed by doing his funky kohane voice like he does in the hollow song. He thought itd be funny....akito didnt talk to him for a day
All four of them get odd when ppl ask them about their incident and the one week hospitalization
Toya is the most normal, you ask him about it and he just goes quiet and doesnt want to talk about it. Its like attributed to a regular trauma response, bc to everyone else vbs DID nearly die so like.
Akito kinda avoids the issue. When ena corners him about it he shifts to his more polite persona except its jarring bc you can feel him glaring at you. Ena of course is confrontational so another fight breaks out between them
An gets super weird. She starts acting like Nagi -- it was never noticeable at first but the longer she did it ppl started to get concerned.
Kohane suddenly goes Akito Mode, getting all grumpy and huffy haha. Just dont ask about the game to her, it wont end well
Did i mention Joshua becomes Toya's music teacher? Harumichi goes bug eyed at this bc Joshua is kinda famous with classical musicians. That toya managed to ask him for lessons is insane. He starts thinking that toya is back on the classical music grind
Joshua shoots that down pretty quick and says hes a music teacher, not a classical only teacher. Hes got a condition for toya to come to him for lessons, and thats to continue his activities with VBS and succeed at them. Harumichi is stunned lmao
Kohane pesters Neku a lot, as more visually creative people. He helps her create a tag for VBS bc surprise graffitti artist kohane wheeee
She has An or Akito spot her a lot.
No one knows if VBS is dating or not and tbh neither do they, they just like being close.
Akito gets annoyed with some of the reaper uniforms and drags mizuki to help him redesign them (mizuki doesnt know about reapers lol)
An learns breakdancing! She puts a blush on her partners' faces everytime she makes a move, bc goddamn An is fucking gorgeous
They all take commissions and requests from shibuya to perform haha. Ken is surprised when some well known person goes into Weekend Garage to ask specifically for VBS
Ken somehow also becomes their manager. An has tried to tell him he doesnt have to, they can manage, but goddamnit Ken nearly lost his daughter and her friends (ppl he considers his own kids at this point) he really doesnt want to let them out of his sight
The SEKAI changes too. Its still a street sekai, but now there are more...people, kinda? Like in stage sekai theres an audience, the livehouses in Street Sekai have audiences too, which delight the vocaloids
Somehow there are also shops and stores containing the kids' interests
The changes are honestly due to the influences the twewy cast has on VBS. Their souls are unnaturally strong, so some part of their soul latches onto the VBS squad and sorta imprints on the sekai.
Its like fragment sekais but it anchors to the street sekai itself so it becomes stable
So now VBS goes exploring their sekai a lot. Kohane likes going to the rooftops, toya tours the livehouses, an and akito go through the stores
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askryuu · 9 months
a question for everyone~
what is everyone's favorite thing about being here?
whether it's big or small, i don't really care that much.
just something good about being here.
and, um, if you don't, i'm going to hold your favorite person hostage. 
which will mean that i'll be holding Atsushi, Chūya, Dazai, Higuchi, and Akutagawa hostage until you answer :p.
realizes something
wait, that's literally almost everyone.
n-nevermind. i'll do something else then.
yup, i'm hiding behind the face of an anon.
what can you all do about it :p
(gosh, i think i am in a weird funky place right now and just need some positivity.)
(also, i hope 💜 anon is not taken because it'll be real awkward if it is)
(and sorry if this seems weird or seems like i am just forcing positivity. feel free to ignore this, if it does seems like that.)
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get away from them. 💜anon i quite frankly don’t care what your endgame is. but get your hands off of them.
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symbiote-siblings · 1 year
Tara flinched, whipping her head from side to side. She genuinely started to look panicked, without a sarcastic remark or cruel joke. Genuine fear.
Karma continued to cower, though she wished she could do more and Tara felt it. Felt her guilt. But Tara wouldn’t let her start moping now if all times. Now is the time to panic.
“That must be one of the other three- to hell it didn’t sound like Teddy- they knocked him out with weird funky needles-“
Tara exhaled sharply, suddenly there were more screams and sounds of people begging for their lives and heads being thrown against walls with loud cracks!
Tara was silent, tense, “that wasn’t any of them…”
And a shadow came around the corner, running from it a man in a lab coat who fell to the floor and held up his hands to his face, pleading before a bullet hit him square in the forehead.
A man with a hell of a lot of guns along his belt with a worn down hoodie came around the corner. On his shirt was some sort of skull symbol. The man looked like he dressed himself in a rush, just throwing on that hoodie and tossing the hood over his head as he came over, covered in blood.
The Punisher lowered his gun, turning to the two girls. He was silent for a moment, contemplating if they were actual threats, which he quickly ruled them out to be. They weren’t who he was initially looking for, but he was only one man and even though he had held back gangs before, those people he fought were normal- and definitely not like that metal tentacle man.
“They’ll only stay back for so long,” the man said, “you got friends out there and a weird ass rat dog waiting for you,” he turned away, expecting them to follow from where he came.
Scarlet Spider muttered out. She had never met the man before in person, but had heard a lot about him from Daredevil. None of it particularly good. Her eyes were wide behind her mask as she clutched her injured sides with one arm.
“No- someone- there’s someone that way.”
Scarlet Spider gasped out, her voice strained as she pointed towards the opposite hallway that The Punisher was walking down, where the ping from one of her spider tracers came from.
The man blinked and exhaled slowly. “You have to go, kid. You’re in no state to fight. You lost this one.” He said, flatly.
There was a loud crash and an angry shout.
“We have limited time. Follow or don’t,” he sounded stern, but there was a slight falter in his voice. He didn’t want to leave or retreat before everyone here who caused harm was dead. But… begrudgingly, he had a temporary arrangement with Daredevil to get this other spider kid out alive.
“We have to go. We’ll come back as soon as possible but now is not the time.”
Despite the pain it caused her, Scarlet Spider forced herself to stand up straight, mask lenses narrowed.
“I’m not leaving without the others.”
The young vigilante said stubbornly before turning around with some new found energy to push through her pain and running down the opposite hallway towards where the ping came from.
More crashes and sounds of fighting came closer from another direction as several guards were thrown through a wall. Coming through the newly made hole, a man wielding two bully clubs dressed in red body armor and a cowl with two horns and a very tall woman with green skin who seemed very similar to The Hulk.
Jen curled her hands into fists, “What the hell are they doing in here- I swear I’m bringing every one of them to court!”
The Punisher straightened before huffing, “Tell the spider kid we need to leave. We’ll regroup later.”
Tara looked between the two new arrivals and the other man, “But- my brother-”
The Punisher sighed, “Look- I’m sorry- we should have come earlier but by now they’re being relocated and or their weird freak reinforcements are on their way- and you both are bloodied. Cmon, we have to take care of you before you die here,”
Jen huffed, “No one is dying! I can assure you!” She raised her hands, “We already have a car ready and I’m not sure if I can look at that weird dog much longer- fuck! This is not what I thought I’d be doing today-“
Daredevil didn’t stick around as Jen and The Punisher talked to Tara, rushing down the hallway Scarlet Spider had run down to catch up with her. He could smell her blood from practically a mile away with how much she was bleeding. He was surprised she was still on her feet. As soon as he caught up he grabbed her arm, pulling her a bit backwards to stop her in her tracks. He could hear her yell out and he could tell from the arm he held that her body was trembling.
“No! They’re still-“
“They’re not here, kid. We have to go. Now.”
“Enough stalling!” The man shouted as more sharp noises and sirens began blaring in the building.
“We leave, now!”
Jen furrowed her brows, “But-“
Tara was frozen in place. For the first time not jumping to agree or cause a commotion. She couldn’t even think. All she could remember was the man dragging her by the arm and Jennifer calling for Scarlet Spider and the Daredevil, offering her help but was clearly stressed.
“We’ll go out the way we came,” Jen said, looking to Daredevil and Scarlet Spider, “let’s get the girls in the car- we have some supplies back at the apartments,”
Scarlet Spider’s vision blurred as Daredevil dragged her back, her legs finally giving out. Daredevil caught her before she fell, lifting her up to carry her as he ran off with the others. Scarlet was too drained to try and fight back any longer, her mask lenses flickering as it became harder and harder to keep her eyes open.
Jennifer huffed, running from where they came and out the hole in the wall that they came from.
Tara was still woozy. She felt like everything was blurring and moving too fast. She could barely process the shouting and the dodging of bullets to race to a car up ahead. The Punisher said a few swear words under his breath before leaving in the opposite direction. Jen didn’t bother calling for him, nor did Daredevil. Jen carefully led Tara towards the car and tried slowing her breathing to return to her normal human state- no way could she fit in the car as a way too tall ass muscular woman.
“Shit! I gotta drive, don’t I? OKAY, here we go! Get everyone in!”
Daredevil placed Scarlet Spider in the back seat before pushing on Tara’s back to get her to get in the back of the car as well, quickly closing the door behind her and rushing over to the passenger side door. Scarlet slumped over, unable to even physically sit upright anymore and falling into Tara’s side. The lenses of her mask were now fully closed, indicating she had finally passed out.
Tara just sat there, holding the handle above the seat provided and also trying to keep Scarlet upright with one hand awkwardly on the side of her face.
Jen wasted no time in pressing down on the gas pedal as hard as she could, which sent the car lurching forward. Tara grunted, slapping Scarlet on the side of the face lightly to keep her from totally falling off the seats,
Jen winced, “Sorry! Sorry! We just gotta- OH SHIT!”
A sharp turn and another lurch to the side. Tara couldn’t even tell where they were going. All she heard was Daredevil and Jen frantically talking to each other with the occasional high pitched scream. Loud bangs and crashes from all around them. Tara could barely see or think straight. She heard her heart beating in her ears, and for the first time, Karma was silent. She knew she was there, but both host and symbiote didn’t dare say a word.
It might have been minutes, hours, whatever, maybe it was only seconds, but they were moving and slowly but surely the loud noises began to fade and the car was going a proper speed limit on a smooth road.
Fucking hell.
. . .
collab w/ @ask-spidersisters
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backpackingspace · 1 year
so I'm rereading the sword of truth series
shout out to wizards first rule kahlan and Richard who are scared of the underworld.
Richard wondered what a wizards rage looked like: the irony
Forgot how slow this book is
Richard: there's no way my brother is a fanatic him outlawing fire isn't a red flag at all. And neither is the fact that he's awful to me. Here's a story about how manipulative and awful he is as proof. Kahlan: ....I'm sure your right.
richard: so this great one has the power to stop darken rahl? Kahlan: who now knows Richard is the seeker: .....no.
That funky fairy: no no he's trying to kill you. You have to seek the truth with in you. It's all about you. Kahlan: shut the fuck up??
I fucking forgot about the weird fucking breeding confessors do.
Kahlan: swinging from 0 oh yes to were just friends definitely not falling in love to 100 I'm going to kill you right here and now over a misunderstanding richard: ....haha Kay cool I'm in love
Forgot zedd is a nudist
Richard: don't be ridiculous zedd isn't magic he's just old and weird and forces me to learn the same stuff. Zedd: very obviously teaching him magic, kahlan zedd every older person who remembers magic : no no he's definitely teaching you magic
Spiderman meme: zedd and Kahlan pointing at each other you're a fucking important dangerous person what are you doing with this person
Listen Richard is pathetic poor little mew mew he spends so much time in this series sick or dying or kidnapped or all of the above
Richard being trained as the chosen one for his entire childhood. His father apologizing every day for the burden he is forcing him to carry. Richard: I don't mind this is fun childhood bonding that will not be relevant at all later :) anyway I'm now convinced that every elder in that town knew who Richard was and were all like ....yes well pretend he's a simple woodsman.
"and how is what you do now any different?" Fucking brutal
Richard felt rather stupid. Girlie pop get fucking use to it you are stupid
I fucking forgot that that Richard's sword has truth carved into the hilt and so Richard has truth carved into his palms
Everybody: it's not our problem you're the seeker you'll find the answer richard: I'm???? A godsdamn??? Woodsman??? Show me the qualifications I have
okay but the quick tone change richard has after he becomes seeker
"There is no secrets here" lmaooooo
Hey yo did Richard know how to use a sword before this??? People want to know
Richard just exciting: helps saves a girl everyone's now pledging to give their life for him
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bengiyo · 2 years
The Warp Effect Ep 5 Stray Thoughts
This is one of the best things airing right now, and it's unfortunate that many BL fans are going to skip it for not being BL.
Last time, I reached a higher plane when Army gave Joe a handy to completion in a school locker room, after reuniting because Army refused to have sex with a minor. Nim decided to get pregnant for her girlfriend, and demanded Alex be the donor. Nim and Alex learned of Eiw's kink, and Sing was the saddest boy ever at no one understanding him. Mollie auditioned for Jean's show and killed it. Jean and Kat bonded at the pool (and Gigie teased us about their sapphic potential on socials). Ice and Kim had a healthy conversation about penis size and the desired outcome of an intimate encounter that was super well done.
Yeah, there's a lot happening in this show.
Yes, Army, let's revisit your gay little box of memories to a funky song.
Oh ho. Army has a magic picture as well.
We're not going to tackle the ethics of Alex continuing to practice medicine, and instead I'm just going to appreciate that he seems to be taking his job seriously and learning offscreen. Besides, it's kind of amazing that this show just totally dunked on blaming women for queefs.
Nothing but respect for Jojo having a gay character be pissed about straight men's presumptions about them.
Really appreciate that characters in this show aren't stupid. Army has known something weird has been going on and called it out.
Totally get Army bonding with Alex if he has such a difficult time when he came out, especially if that was also when he hurt Joe.
Gigie really is just so pretty. I'm enjoying her playing with Fah.
So many GMMTV regulars are in this show.
Jean is so correct. Everyone should have a bat.
There's a significant amount of masturbation in this show. Jojo is shoving the Overton window as hard as he can.
Alex's current dysfunction also presents a specific challenge for Nim since she wants him to be the donor.
This show would be so different if Jean's glares could kill. This director of photography is wrong, and I feel like this is a conversation Jojo has been through repeatedly in his work.
I am so emotionally invested in Mollie. I need them to succeed so badly.
Nim really out here starting beef with children.
Nim seems to like her girlfriends to have blonde hair.
Love Kat so much. She always manages expectations with her partners.
Liu and See-ew are so fascinating. You see Ew trying to say and do the things he feels he's supposed to as a boyfriend, and yet he needs an outlet for this desire.
I trust Jojo to demolish this photographer, and to not force me to watch Mollie self harm.
Silvy is really doing such a phenomenal job in this restrained breakdown.
Oh no, Alex. You were doing such a good job. Don't make it about you.
It's a small thing, but I do like that Mollie says it's the feminine aspects she likes in Alex.
Silvy got me out here emotional in the middle of the day.
Kinda wish Alex had recorded the DP, but I'll take this.
Well, that's one problem solved.
Ah, we're finally unpacking the past next week.
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godraet · 1 year
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ok ok i DO have to address what the fuck demise is and also how demise became ganondorf and also what the fuck is ganon, so buckle up this is going to be ... a blend of mythology ride :) also this stems from more conversations with @perditos about literally everything because i guess we are just going to galaxy brain everything together now (which is honestly so valid)
so, ok, the short version is demise is both angra mainyu all the world's evils and hades at the SAME TIME, this is not at all to say that hades is an evil entity because he is very much NOT, but demise is a very funky blend and this is about demise.
the longer version is as follows.
so basically way back when like EONS ago when the three goddesses were making the entire everything, there were of course other gods both great and minor that existed. of these great gods, demise was one of them. after hashing things out however gods do, demise was given "the world buried in the earth" as his domain, where he ruled absolute. in modern days, his realm is called the realm of the dead, and the reason demise was ok with this is because he knew that eventually everyone would belong to his kingdom and he would in fact rule everything, and for real he was power hungry from the start. but not inherently evil.
the war between demise and his forces and hylia and her forces didn't start immediately- in fact, demise quite liked hylia, in the same way that hades likes persephone but a little to the left. demise wanted to have hylia as his own, and he went about it in a really weird not good way. demise made his attempts at courting hylia, of trying to bring her to his kingdom, where the light came from distant stars rather than the sun, where there was no more suffering, because all pains of life had been relinquished to death- but in this, it also meant that the joys of life had also been relinquished, and in the end that is still rather tragic. and things didn't work well.
in that same vein, the literal god of death trying to explore the land of the living just brought A LOT OF DEATH! who would've guessed! and demise was branded an evil born of the heart of the planet, and things just kept getting worse. so the war happens and demise and hylia engage in battle and by this point, demise has decided he ISN'T going to wait for everything to eventually die and to be the king of everything, he's just going to take things while they're still ALIVE and that's literally not what the agreement was at all, so literally No One wanted that (except demise, and even then, that's complicated and will be addressed a little later in this post)
demise unleashes his spirit warriors on the land of the living and literally the only thing that can be done is to seal this shit away because you can't kill what's already dead. but sealing demise isn't an easy task, he's one of the great gods, although eventually he would come to be known as "the calamity" (where the angra mainyu all the worlds evils comes in)- anyway demise decides that since hylia is opposing him, if he kills her then she can't oppose him because by what the gods hashed out, he is ruler absolute of all that exists in the realm of the dead. also he thought that maybe if he killed her he'd finally have her for himself because also she would be part of his domain WELL that also didn't go to plan at all. demise killed hylia and shit just didn't ... uh. it didn't work like that. because of course it didn't.
hylia enters the cycle of being born mortal. as far as demise knows, she continues to reincarnate- because where her blood exists, her vibes exist, and also she exists in the life of the land and is always there to oppose him so he makes the ASSUMPTION that any time he encounters hylia's blood, it must be hylia herself, even if that's NOT true- and for a while, he continued to just demolish things as a god until he decided on a completely different tactic, because huh maybe he could do this if he followed what he thinks hylia did, and enters the cycle of reincarnation.
( for note, the body of the god still sits on the throne in the kingdom of the dead, and he isn't dead at all, but what sits there is essentially an empty shell, because demise threw his own power into the reincarnation cycle. this is where the reincarnation of ganondorf comes in. )
it's just like a power hungry deity to pick a powerful race to be born into, so he picks the gerudo, because they're badass and also don't care about gender norms and that's also a deity move right there. so every 100 years, the stars align or some shit and a child is born and that child is demise. to the gerudo, the child is king of kings by birth. and no, the child isn't always male gods don't care about that, but for some reason the child always grows into the role of ganondorf dragmire no matter what name they start with. oh, and the super fun part is each incarnation continues to remember the past lives, so that's really great isn't it!
also the fact that this cycle happens every 100 years means that the god avatar doesn't live that long, because it isn't like a cycle of the new one is born when the old one dies. the oldest king of kings was a man at the ripe old age of 54 when he was slain on the battlefield. the youngest was an overeager nonbinary individual of seventeen, eager to prove themselves by rushing headfirst to fight the hero in their maiden battle.
by the time where ganondorf comes to uhhh yeet rauru (or attempt to), there still have been plenty of reincarnation cycles before, and he has all of those memories under his belt so he knows that he can't just use the same goddamn tactics to get what he wants- he learns from his mistakes in a way, but doesn't seem to learn that UHHHH he is not going to have hyrule basically Ever, thanks- but anyway he's a hero of his people and a legendary warrior and he's 35, but he fights like someone who has thousands of years of experience and it's because he DOES!!! and he's well aware of the power he holds, that he doesn't need a sacred stone to amplify it, but as demise, he can't help but be tempted anyway.
it's this insatiable hunger for MORE POWER that eventually creates ganon, which is essentially the divine power overwhelming the confinement of the "mortal" body. this entity often takes the form of a massive wild boar, like in the princess mononoke demon boar vibe but like now bass-boost that by 100, but sometimes it takes the form of a dragon. but, since ganon is a manifestation of raw power, it can't function without having a vessel- which means yes! ganondorf is essentially used as the heart of a primordial power, and to stop ganon, the hero has to find a way to kill ganondorf who exists deep within the equivalent of like a solar storm. it's NOT easy, which is why the hero has courage lmao.
it IS possible to stop ganon without killing ganondorf, but that means letting ganon rampage until ganondorf has burnt off the overloaded power, or trying to reason with him- which uh. neither of those are really ... options that anyone thinks of in the moment. it's easier if he's caught in the early stages of the transformation, because he does have ways of just letting out excess divine power that aren't like. world crushing, that's literally why he's also a sorcerer on top of being a warrior. anyway uhhh yeah that's the ... not so brief overview of this mess thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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im-smart-i-swear · 2 years
If it is alright if i ask, but what is Eenek's (they are the Galran kid right) relationship with the funky guys like?
oh i havent really had a chance to talk about Eenek yet!
their relationship w/ the clones is complicated - these people kept them safe and took care of them for years, and eenek slowly grew to see them as family - but the road to get there was long and winding.
at the beggining they were definetly distrustful and agressive, but also these weirdos were literally the only other people on this shithole of a planet, so they didnt really have a choice but to stick with them. (they tried very hard to look intimidating and serious but theyre literally the galran equivalent of 13. and also very small for a galran, so really they just ended up looking like an scared angry cat)
they are propably the closest with the other kids - Pal, Taks and Taka. technically pal is the oldest, but hes not a very responsible older brother(hes trying tho!!). neither is eenek but beggars cant be choosers, so they ended up as the oldest sibling.
beacuse of the language barrier pal was the only person they could have a real conversation with for years, and after a rocky start they became really great friends! they try to be responsible older siblings(with varying degrees of sucess), take turns rambling about random stuff and help each other process the trauma of growing up surrounded by people telling them to sacrafice themselves for the greater good :)
dont leave eenek and taks alone for too long or theyll wreck your shit and steal all your valuables. even though they couldnt freely communicate w/ each other for a big chunk of their relationship, they still manage to wreck havoc<3 seperately theyre smart young people but toghether they come up with the dumbest most recless ideas and execute them flawlessly. when taks saw eenek for the first time she decided shes going to befriend that cool purple alien no matter what and eenek could do nothing about it.
taka is The Baby TM and to be protected by all costs.
to say tashi was freaked out when he first saw eenek is a huge understatement - what the fuck?? is this??? an alien????? he barely knew how to aproach scared human kids, so a very scared, very confused purple alien teenager was not ideal. he did his best(as always) - made sure to give them space and patiently waited for them to get more comfortable. in the beginning eenek thought tashi was the worst choice for a leader, but he proved them wrong many times. they actually grew to respect him quite a lot beacuse of how he manages to keep everyone(mostly) under control not by force or threats, but rather by finding compromises and admitting when hes wrong. also hes funny and taught them how to sew!
at first eenek tried to avoid soup - shes imposing and can look threatning - but she would never hurt them. since theyre stuck on a wild planet they have to hunt for food, and soup is the main hunter of their little family. eenek helps her a lot, setting up traps and scaring the animals in her direction(they are a bit queasy though so they leave the kills and preparation to her and tashi). they also like just sitting toghether in silence to calm down :)
them and buddy have a really weird relationship. for the first weeks/months(before buddy explained the clone situation to everyone) eenek was terrified of him beacuse they knew who he was - the black paladin of voltron. they stayed as far away from them as possible... until they realised the only thing he was worried about was them talking about his past and other than that left them alone. later on, after buddy came clean, they started to try and convince eenek that maybe the galran empire isnt that cool after all - but theres only so much you can do when the person youre talking to is a kid desperately clinging to the remnants of their childhood and also spent the last few years of their life with 'vrepit sa' as their defining personality trait. buddy drops the topic eventually(for now. they havent given up, hes just waiting for the right opportunity). after that they actually start to get along pretty well! buddy helps them improve their fighting skills a lot, and also it turns out theyre both painfully stubborn dumasses(it gets even worse when you throw taks into the mix)
jesus fuck. thats a lot of words..
heres some drawing of them and taks! (these are a bit old tho, their design looks a little diffrent now)
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uhhh i also wrote like 4 paragraphs about eeneks childhood and motivations but this is long enough alreadyyyy(maybe ill edit it in later if anyone wants to read it)
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thepaintedsable · 2 years
Warrior OCs REDRAW
More warriors stuff >:)
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Artwork and Explanation below!
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This is something I had done between the years of 2017 to 2019. I honestly could not tell you where or when. I wasn’t really good at keeping track of or dating my artworks/sketchbooks, so I’m basing this off of the ages of the characters and the quality of art.
This is when I had been neck deep in the Warrior Cats fandom for the very first time, and had my main totally rad not-a-Mary-Sue totally original character: HiddenPelt. Big, muscled, lightning-striped mama who apparently liked to eat snakes in particular. I’d used her NON STOP back then (being kind of a really weird, really rude kid, not gonna lie. Couple of regrets from back then.), but she isn’t actually depicted in this piece! These are two of her kittens that had been conceived in an old roleplay I was in. I couldn’t be normal, so these were two of SIX babies she had that I tried to play as all at once lmfao. That’s actually one of the more fond memories I have, especially for everyone tolerating me.
CricketPaw and ???Paw are at a training clearing, and Cricket gets some revenge. This is one of the FIRST fully colored, “large” scenes I had done that was not forced upon me. This piece singlehandedly kickstarted the little colored warriors comics I’d continue to do (most were never posted).
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In 2021, I got a wild hair and decided it was fine time to redraw that old mess to see how I’d improved. This time with my new medium of choice, alcohol markers, and equipped with far more drawing experience, I redrew the two!
I can definitely say I’d done something right it making them look like they’d been fighting. I was highly focused on the characters over the background: making them the right size, giving them funky fur colors and more natural patterns, more dynamic poses, showing full bodies, actually shading, showing the mouthes, giving actual expression! But, the background was very lacking. Foreground leaves come out of nowhere, strange shading, the tree leaves are in the wrong spot, gaping hole in the right tree instead of a knot, the bushes just hide endless liminal field space, and there’s even a cheeky little circle+rays sun haha.
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Finally, TODAY! I chose to do it with watercolors on a square sheet of paper, because each time I’ve done this I’ve chosen my preferred/most comfortable finished-art medium at the time.
This time, I was going FULL background focus. Setting up the trees properly, making the grass form around things, putting leaves where they’re actually supposed to be, having at least a few more bushes in the background, adding interest to the sky, etc.
After that was done, I set the characters inside. No, i did not thumbnail or plan like I probably should have. I didn’t do it with the prior two, so it wasn’t happening for this one either. This is just for fun and planning makes me bored. I do miss the second one’s pose for ???Paw, but CricketPaw, my beloved son, is looking as sassy as ever and I’m living for it. He meant to claw his rat faced sister, and he will do it again. Additionally, I made the choice to place a third character watching over their training so it isn’t just two apprentices who wandered off. Probably their brother, so it’s actually three apprentices who wandered off, but I promise this one is responsible actually.
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I’d like to say I’ve improved, yeah? :)
Weird to think I came from drawing jelly beans with noodle limbs to what I do now. And hopefully in the next two years I’ll be able to upgrade upon myself once again!
Also, I’m thinking about doing some Clan Gen stuff in my scene style! I’ve been playing around with it a bit on the browser version, and I ended up having JUST ONE couple produce, like, 11 kittens in total, and then each of those kittens producing kittens or just bringing home kittypets and loners so the clan was HILARIOUSLY LARGE.
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poppyseedoncaffeine · 2 years
CH. 5
A/N: Kill code has a no swearing function and you cant tell me i'm wrong.
        Teleportation felt weird, his head hurt... it made his body all tingly! It felt funky. Eclipse's thoughts came to a stop, where had he heard that word before? Funny, little, T R A T I O R, brother, kind, S T U P I D, adorable, perfe- F L A W E D, WEAK. Eclipse shook his head, those words weren't fun. Funky was fun, "fuky!" it was fun to say too!
        KC looked at Eclipse, "where did you learn that?" Eclipse lifts his head off of his caretakers chest plate confusion written across his face, where had he learned it? The word, brother, popped into his head, "Buder!" he said confidently, yes he learned it from his brother! he was met with a sharp flick on the nose "don't say that" Eclipse clasped his nose in retaliation. Now KC wouldn't be able to flick his nose, "Fuky!" he was met with a sharp glare, "sorry" Eclipse was about to lay his head back down before he was abruptly set onto the floor.
        No fair! He didn't wanna walk! KC gripped his little hand tightly, dragging him down the Pizza plex hall. So many colors! those yellow bots looked neat! The bot in question turned to look at the duo, Eclipse waved, the bot went back to work. Eclipse was much too busy looking around, to think about where they were going, he never paid attention to the rest of the plex before. Something grabbed his free hand and forced him to face them, "HERE HAVE A MAP" Eclipse screamed.
        Eclipse held his new map tightly in his hand, dried tear marks prominent on his face. He tripped up the escalator, why wasn't it moving? His stomach felt icky, why did it feel icky? Something built up in his throat, it didn't feel good, he wanted it out! He stopped moving, only bending away from his gown to spit up onto the already gross carpet.  KC's grip tightened as he dragged Eclipse along making the child step in a puddle of his own sick.
        Eclipse whined, he wanted to go back to the lab! he was tired, and his tummy felt gross, his head felt gross, his foot felt gross, he felt gross! a door opened and he was suddenly assaulted by very loud music. Eclipse covered his eyes, whatever room they went to was too bright, too loud, and... too... well everything. the death grip on Eclipse's wrist readjusted so the child faced KC "I am going to collect you after this illness leaves your body, I have no time to worry about something so small" Eclipse was pushed towards the slide... wait slide? No... Eclipse turned to look at KC who was already taking his leave.
        "wai! don' foget me!" Eclipse stumbled towards the door as it slammed shut. 
        Eclipse whimpered, he pulled at the door, he pushed, it wouldn't budge. Fresh tears careened down his face as he felt pressure build up in his throat again. He wanted Harvest, he wanted the gross bowls of food, not this place! Everyone here hated him, and he hated them! Eclipse curled tightly into a ball, thumb making its way into his mouth as he nursed his heavy head on his knees. There was a thump behind him, Eclipse curled into himself, he wanted to go home.
        "HELLO! My, My, what are you doing here all by yourself? Its much more fun down in the daycare!" Eclipse whimpered as he was hoisted up into the bots arms, "Oh my goodness you're burning up friend!" Sun brought Eclipse close to his body as they carefully made their way down to the ground level, "I'm sure some medicine and a nice nap will make you feel all better!" Eclipse tried pulling away from the stupid bot, but alas tiny exhausted toddler arms could not defeat a robot designed for taking care of children. His stomach rolled at the motion, his head spinning as Sun walked.
        Eclipse gagged, the horrible feeling of bile going up his throat, "oh buddy hold on! can you hold it till we get to a bin little one?" Sun picked up the pace, at this point running to the security desks. The two hardly made it to the bin Eclipse scrunched his nose, it smelled gross. Sun gently rubbed the child's back. Much to Eclipse's dismay, he found the motion comforting and literally leaned into the enemy's hands. Sun whispered assurances in his ear as Eclipse sat poised over the bin.
        Once a few minutes went by with no more vomiting Sun carefully collected Eclipse in his arms once more, making a mental note to empty the bin. "whats your name? I don't have you logged in on my data base" Eclipse swallowed, he could tell Sun his name, it could certainly get him kicked out, no normal parent named their kid Eclipse. On the other hand he felt safe in his what could have been brother's arms. His brain couldn't think of a solid lie, so as softly as he could he whispered "Eclipse" and Sun dam near dropped him.
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