#and now youre gonna yell i said not a peep! I SAID NOT A PEEP!
pankiepoo · 8 months
how do you feel about the new ep? :D
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bunbunlovestowrite · 2 months
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How the Hashira men react to your neighbor asking you to be quiet
Characters: Tengen, Sanemi, Rengoku, Obanai, Gyomei, Giyuu,
Additional shit: Swearing, Sanemi fighting said neighbor, Rengoku being blunt, mentions of sex, ooc mot likely :p
He couldn't care less
His whole thing is being flashy and loud so he wants you to be loud
Like it's not his fault that dick is magical
After he shoos your neighbor away he makes sure to be as loud as possible that night
He's pounding into your cunt and you swear your gonna break when he whispers "okay now scream exactly how big my dick is. Don't forget the tip color-"
He gets cut off by you hitting him with the pillow
Way to ruin the mood
But that doesn't stop him and instead he goes harder, making sure the bed creaks loud ASF for your neighbor
"Not my fault he doesn't know how to please a woman." Is his main reason for doing so
He really wants you to scream his name so it's imbedded in your neighbors head
"Morning N/N!" Him to your neighbor from the balcony while your trying to get out of bed and failing
"Actually die." Both you and your neighbor to Tengen
Cares alot
Why the fuck is that limp dick biscuit talking to you and him? Who does he think he is?
You were the one who broke the news to him thankfully cause if Sanemi was the one who opened the door then you'd have to see your husband through glass in a prison
Just kidding. The Slayer corp would get him out of trouble if he didn't do it himself.
Sanemi made it his goal to piss your neighbor off as much as possible
Your under him, practically creaming on his cock, and he's slamming the wall yelling "This loud enough yet?! Huh!?"
Not kidding I can see him doing that
He quite literally had you against a window where your neighbors could see him destroying you just to make them mad or uncomfortable, hopefully both.
But then he'd get pissed someone else would see you all naked and fucked out so he settled for the wall next to the window
One day your neighbor, finally having enough, bangs on your door yelling and guess who opens it...Sanemi!!
Good Lord was he waiting for this
It took one punch and the guy was out
Kinda what happens when you put a normal dude against a guy who kills demons for a living
He's a good neutral between caring and not caring
Like he doesn't wanna make your neighbors mad but he also loves hearing your screams
So he tries to keep you quiet during sex but fails since he gets to into it to give a fuck
The next days his loud ass voice wakes you up
"IM SORRY FOR MAKING INCREDIBLE LOVE TO MY WIFE!" He's not being sarcastic thats his genuine apology
Your facepalming and you want to die when you see your neighbor and she can't look at you
"PERHAPS SHES MAD BECAUSE HER HUSBAND CANNOT PLEASE HER!" Rengoku says casually and you know she can hear you from outside in her garden
"Inside voices!" You place your hands over his mouth to try and shut him up.
It works for a bit before he's yelling again
You love your husband but holy shit you wish he would speak normally sometimes
He's actually quiet in bed though
So your the problem (real)
I'm not an Obanai fan so forgive me for how bad his section will be
Obanai is a quiet mf, and you're not even that loud
It's your neighbor who was the problem
A little old man whose hearing aids apparently had the power of 67 suns
You and Obanai found this out when he was outside training and your neighbor came over
He was so sweet and polite and even chuckled at Obanai's redness
Obanai cared at first but got over it
You? You make sure to not make a PEEP in bed
Okay that pisses Obanai off but he understands your reasons
At least make a gasp or sum cause he's over here like "Wait does this feel good? Can she feel it? Did I forget where the clit is?"
Brother is STRESSING
Then you cum and he's like "ah"
Then he's like "Did you take it?"
You have to keep yourself from murdering him cause how tf would you fake squirting
Babe I'm not gonna lie, you're a screamer
Gyomei is built like a house and your telling me your just gonna whine and whimper?
Your over here crying and screaming into his chest, neck, the pillow, anything.
And Gyomei loves it!
He can't see your reactions so hearing and feeling them let's him know he's doing good
Gyomei isn't loud but he's not quiet
He'll grunt and moan and praise you, but he's not gonna cry out.
Well he'll cry but you can never tell from what
When the pussy so good you start crying 😭🙏
When your neighbor politely asked you to be a tad bit quieter Gyomei actually laughed
Not in a 'nah we'll keep being loud' way but more of a 'sorry we'll be quiet' way. He also found it hilarious how you actually died of embarrassment.
Don't worry he thinks its endearing
Yet it was kinda hard for him since he enjoyed hearing you
But your touches and now quieter moans made that better
And then there's also you literally drawing blood from his back you were scratching so hard
Holy shit you have never seen him so embarrassed
Like you could shade match his Haori to him and get the exact same color
He was the one your neighbor told and he stopped working when 'loud' and 'moaning' left their lips
If a demon doesn't kill him then his own actions will
Giyuu isn't loud, and he loves that he can make you feel so good that your loud for him.
But he didn't want your neighbor back over at your house so he tried to keep you quiet
You were super confused when he held his hand over your mouth in bed and he just pointed to your neighbors house. Then you got it.
So you nod and try to keep quiet.
You know in school when the teacher tells you and a friend to shut up but they look at you funny and you break?
Yeah that was you
You were riding Giyuu one night and you were loud so he was like "holy shit I love you but please- I can't look our neighbor in the eyes anymore."
And you couldn't help but laugh
Like howling
You calmed down obviously but sex was very giggle filled after that
You've never seen Giyuu so panicked
But give him a week and he'll stop caring
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Hobie x reader
Pt 2
Hurt/comfort, angst
Mean hobie >:)
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Sneak peak? Kind of?
warnings: bad English (not my first language mil disculpas), not proofread T^T,
based off this post.
let me know what you think so far please :)
You've been pacing around your cozy apartment, for the past hour, your mind racing, your stomach in knots. It wasn't unusual for you to stress over Hobie's absence or wellbeing, but tonight was different. You hadn't been able to contact Hobie two nights in a row, normally he would shoot you a text throughout the day letting you know he was alright and when he'd be home by, but not a word from him. Despite all the bruises and cuts that he'd sustain from his fights, he always came home to you. Though he hated consistency, you were the one thing he'd rely on, and the little routine (of you complaining bout his injuries while you fixed him up and him kissing you telling you he'd be more careful next time) he'd created with you.
The anxiety got the best of you, as you tried calling him one more time, the phone was ringing when you heard a loud thud coming from your shared bedroom. By instinct, you knew who it was, you recognized the heavy footsteps, and the loud distinctive accent as he cussed. Your heart racing and relief flooding you as you ran to the noise. Though the lights were off Hobie's outline was clear from the moonlight shining through the open window, he was slightly hunched, hand over his stomach as he glanced at you. He rolled his eyes, 'i don't have the energy for this'. He didn't have the energy to explain the mess he got himself into.
“Hobie? babe?" No response, there's only shuffling and grunting heard from him moving to the bed, "are you alright? I was so- " you turn on the light, stopping midway as soon as you registered his current state. Your eyes scanning his full body. He had a black eye, a busted lip, his knuckles bruised and it was impossible to miss the large open wound across his abdomen with blood soaking his suit.
He was beaten and bloodied, it always pained you when you saw him hurt, but it was never like this. He cut you off before you could even speak again, " I know what you're gonna say, but just let me handle it, yeah? Its nothin." You had so many question, to say you're shocked is an understatement. He's clearly in pain, what did he mean 'nothing'.
"Hobart Brown, this is clearly not nothing. What happened?," you questioned him but again not a peep from him, your tone sounding a bit harsher than you meant for, your worry was slowly turning into something else once you heard his words.
You sighed as you walked to the bathroom to grab your first aid kit, " Here let me grab the kit," but Hobie stood up from his spot and stopped you, "I said its nothing, just drop it." He hissed.
his head was pounding and his body was aching all over, he knew how much you worried, but he couldn't be bothered by anything at this point. He just wanted to get himself cleaned up and sleep. He really didn't want to hear any of your nagging tonight.
"DROP IT?? Hobs look at you, you're in no condition to do this yourself, What happened to you?" You asked looking up at him, once again scanning his face, he sighed out of frustration, "look I'll tell ya tomorrow." He brushed past you, now beginning to remove his jacket and studded bracelets. Your frustration also growing with his every word, you stayed up all night waiting for him, all you want to do is help.
"No, you're letting me help you, you not even answering my questions properly. I want to know where my boyfriend has been these past two days, I want to know why you're sitting here with all these cuts, Hob-" before you could finish, he stood up and grabbed both your wrists in his hands, "JUST SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE, WILL YA? I said I don’t need your bloody help." He yelled, his pretty face contorted in anger. It was accident, he was just fed up with everything, he was exhausted and your constant questioning wasn't helping. He never yelled at you before, no matter the situation he's always been understanding and sweet towards you.
You were shocked, and though you hated to admit it, scared of him. You couldn't do anything, but just stare at him wide eyed, you whimpered a little from his volume and how strong his hold was. He'd truly scared you.
Even he was surprised at his own outburst. As soon as he saw your expression, he was slightly brought back to reality, "Tch, I ain't got time for this." He sighed as he let go of you. Guilt slowly creeping through, he really didn’t mean it, but didn’t apologize for it right away, he simply continued prepping to clean his gashes.
You stood there for a bit, so many emotions coursing through you in that split second. You collected yourself quickly and left the bathroom, slamming the door behind you. Angry tears running down your face. You mumbled to yourself to keep yourself from completely bursting at the seams, 'Fine, asshole. Be like that then.' You grabbed your stuff and made your way to the room. No way were you going to be in the same room as him.
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Should I continue this??
I have never tagged anyone before but here ya go
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giggly-squiggily · 2 months
Putting The Moves On Him (My Hero Academia)
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Heyo everyone! Guess who's back with some fluffy Todobaku for your viewing pleasure? This girl! The fabulous @intheticklecloset and I were yelling about Todobaku together as one does,and thus this fic was born! Thank you so much Nym for fangirling about these two with me and inspiring me to make something soft and squishy with them in it! I hope y'all like it :D
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @rachi-roo @imjusthere07 @sevenincubistolemyheart
Summary: Todoroki's love language is physical touch, so much so just seeing it in his favorite drama's makes him swoon. Bakugou decides to give his boyfriend the real deal.
Bakugou wasn’t oblivious.
Well..okay, maybe SOMETIMES he drank from the carton without checking the expiration date. And sure- occasionally he might fail to see his headphones aren’t connected, leaving everyone to bear witness to whatever playlist he put together that only made sense to himself. Small, meaningless things that might lead to some discomfort, but ending at that. Discomfort.
He always made sure to make note of the important things.
A small sigh; gentle and breathy. Bakugou tried not to make his interest show as he dared a peek towards his boyfriend. They were in his room; lying across wrinkled sheets on their bellies as they entertained themselves. Todoroki was watching a show on his tablet, headphones in and cheeks flushed. The blonde didn’t have to see the screen to know it was a romance.
He dared a peek, trying for stealth as he watched the two characters on screen interact. They were fighting- but it didn’t seem like anything truly intense. The girl stepped forward in a sudden surge of emotion when it happened.
She was against a wall, the guy pinning her with a hand above her head. She sucked in a breath, as did Todoroki. His chest raised and lowered as if he were the one being pinned.
Bakugou fought off a smile, shaking his head at just how affected his boyfriend was by the scene. Returning to his Switch, he considered the various other moments he got to witness Todoroki swoon over as his Charizard destroyed the champion.
“Hey, come train with me.”
Todoroki looked up, not surprised by the request. “Right now? Haven’t we done enough these past few days?”
“One more day isn’t gonna kill you. Besides- I haven’t fought you quirkless yet.” Bakugou didn’t wait, turning and heading into the nearest room. He knew Todoroki would follow him.
“You’re as hardworking as ever.” The duel-quirked hero laughed softly, kicking off his shoes and wandering across the mats. “But that’s what I like about you. You’re always so persistent.”
“Tch- shut it.” Bakugou huffed, turning away before Todoroki caught a glimpse of his smile. “Let’s freaking do this! Come at me!”
“Why? You should come at me.”
“Cause I said so.”
“I don’t recognize your authority.”
“You son of a-fine, come here!” Bakugou ran at him, aiming low. Todoroki dodged at the last second, dancing out of reach as the blonde tried to grab onto him.
“Come on- Ol’e Or whatever the bullfighters in movies say!” Todoroki smirked, enjoying how irritated Bakugou looked. He pranced and dodged every grab and swing sent his way, throwing in little jabs here and there to really get the blonde going. “Is this what you can do without your explosives? You need more practice.”
“Ah, you son of a-” Bakugou paused, studying him. Then he calmed- a rare sight in a fight for him. “No, I know what you're doing. And it’s not gonna distract me!”
Todoroki would have asked what that was if the ground suddenly fell out from under him. A hand grasped his shirt while the other nestled the back of his skull. He landed flat on his back, Bakugou looming over him.
Was his heartbeat loud? Todoroki felt it in his ears, eyes wide and suddenly unable to breathe. His cheeks felt like lava, hot and tingly and dear lord the way Bakugou was looking at him- calm and smug and beyond attractive. He leaned down, and Todoroki involuntarily closed his eyes.
Only to blink when his nose was flicked.
“Gotcha.” Bakugou grinned at him, delighted at Todoroki’s fluster. “I win.” With that, he gave him a quick peck before shooting to his feet, running out the room like a child pulling a prank.
Todoroki laid there, heart racing and ears burning. He covered the stupid grin pulling at his lips with his hands, fighting the urge to make a noise in case Bakugou was still within earshot as he kicked his feet.
“Good grief- how much whipped cream did you put on that?” The blonde asked one morning, more amused than anything at the tall pile resting against Todoroki’s waffle stack.
“Not enough. It’s good for the brain.” He replied, swiping a finger through the perfect mountain before licking it, closing his eyes. “Sugar or something- ask Midoriya.”
“I’m not asking that nerd shit.” Bakugou rolled his eyes, a fondness in his smile as he watched Todoroki snag another bite. “How did I not know you had a sweet tooth?”
“I don’t- I just really like whipped cream.”
“That’s basically the same thing.”
“No- this is light and airy. Sweets are heavy.”
“How-ah, it’s too early for this.” Bakugou shook his head as he grabbed his water bottle, turning towards the outskirts around the dorm. “I’m going for a run. Be ready when I get back- it’s our turn to get groceries.”
“Hm.” Todoroki had picked up the waffle whole, biting into it as he listened to Bakugou talk. He looked like a squirrel harvesting; cheeks fat and happy. Bakugou tried not to laugh. “Sure, sure, no problem.”
“Good. Hey, hold still.” The blonde reached out, swiping a dollop of cream off his cheek. Without breaking eye contact, he licked his thumb, smirking when Todoroki blushed. “You know- it’s not all that bad.”
He took off, fiddling with his playlist as he disappeared out the door. Todoroki was stock still- staring at the waffle he bit into as he replayed that action over and over in his mind.
“Dude- you got it bad.” Denki mused from beside him, taking the other waffle off his plate. Todoroki didn’t even notice.
“Hmm..’He looked at her with such…context?’”
“I knew that!”
Todoroki smiled at the blonde’s annoyance, his eyes never leaving his notebook. They were working on their English homework together; Present Mic was insistent they kept their studies going even with everything else in the world going on. “You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you?”
“Like hell I am.” Bakugou grumbled, glaring at his own notebook. “You can’t even begin to imagine how many tutors had to help me before I could figure this out.”
“I always assumed academics were natural for you.”
“I’m not a genius like people say I am.” There was a touch of insecurity in his sarcastic remark. Todoroki reached out and patted his hand.
“Struggling with one subject doesn’t make you any less smart. You help me with any subjects I barely understand. I mean it when I say that; you’re a natural when it comes to this kind of thing.”
Bakugou flushed, cheeks on fire as he glared into his clenched pencil. Then he reached out- squeezing Todoroki’s shoulder. “Erm..thanks, Shoto.”
The half-n-half hero smiled gently, returning to his notebook.
“I never believed in fate until I met you. Now I know we’re meant to be together.”
Todoroki felt himself shiver, dropping his pencil at the words. “W-What?” He asked, turning around to look at Bakugou.
“What? I was just reading the next question out loud.” Bakugou didn’t look up from his work, hands scratching away at the paper. Todoroki felt his heart race again, trying not to clutch it as he took a shaky breath.
“Yeah..yeah, I see…” He swore he could see Bakugou smiling to himself. Only after he finished the last of the worksheet did he realize none of the translations even came close to that.
“Shoto.” Bakugou called out to him many weeks later. At this point, Todoroki was ready.
“Yes?” He asked when the blonde reached him. He could see the signs now- little quirks here and there. A suppressed smile, a glean in his eyes. His hands twitched with eagerness to do what he was going to do next. Todoroki’s heart raced with each fidget- also eager.
“I saw this new thing on the internet. Some cool handshake or whatever.” Bakugou raised his hands between them, flat and straight. Todoroki immediately knew what was happening.
“...” He did the same, mimicking the pose as he watched Bakugou smile. Fingers folded into the other one, leaving five digits standing. Todoroki did it with some feign hesitation, slowly dragging them down before looking at Bakugou. “Is this the part where we shake hands?”
Bakugou didn’t respond. Instead he hooked his own into Todoroki’s standing ones, bringing it up and above his head. That hand from before was back on his skull- cushioning the blow as he was pressed up into the wall. Another small gasp, his eyes widened involuntarily as he looked into Bakugou’s.
The blonde was grinning now, leaning in so they were forehead to forehead, his hand dragging slowly from Todoroki’s head to his neck then shoulder. The duel-quirk hero tried not to squirm, fighting off the giggles building up in his chest as the hand rested on his chest- right above his heart.
“Heh. Knew it. You totally love this.” Bakugou’s voice was hushed, a secret between them as he held Todoroki’s gaze. “Your heart is practically sprinting, Shoto.”
“Can you blame me? You’re so close..” He didn’t have the words to banter- his brain was barely working with Bakugou right there. “You really have been doing all this on purpose, have you?”
“Yeah.” No point denying it, it seemed. “Has it been working?”
“...Yeah.” Todoroki confessed. No point denying it himself either. “It has.”
“Good.” Bakugou laughed softly, letting the hand on Todoroki’s chest slide. He was about to take it off before deciding he had one more trick up his lack of sleeve.
“What-Ah! Ahehahahahah, dohohoohn’t you dahahahhare!” Todoroki squeaked, bursting into giggles when Bakugou began squeezing his side. “Nohohohooho, it tihihihiihckles!”
“That’s the point, Shoto. Man, you really gotta keep up with me, here.” Bakugou snickered as he leaned in to kiss him, smothering his giggle fits briefly.
Voices could be heard then. Uraraka and Midoriya- something about moves and whatnot. Todoroki felt his stomach churn with sudden dread. “Katsu-”
The door he was leaning on opened, sending them tumbling back. A few moves- a hand back on his head and a kick to wood sent them straight into Todoroki’s room, concealed away before anyone could witness.
“What was that?” They heard Midoriya ask.
“Maybe a ghost? Scary..” Uraraka added, their footsteps passing by with no stop. Bakugou waited, still as a statue until they couldn’t hear them any longer. “Wow- talk about a close call.” He turned back to Todoroki, bringing his hand out from behind his head and brushing his thumb against his cheek. “You good?”
All of it was such a daze. Between the wall pin, the kiss, the almost getting caught- and now he was once again pinned to the floor beneath his boyfriend, breathless and light. When Bakugou asked again, he reached up and kissed him, hard and fast.
“Mm!” The blonde yelped before melting, grabbing onto his shirt as he quickly returned the favor. “Damn, I should do this more often.”
“Mm…wait- wait, Katsuki.” At Todoroki’s words, he froze immediately, giving him enough space to speak. “Can I ask you something?”
“Right now? I mean- yeah.” The blonde nodded, brows furrowed. “What’s up?”
“Why…why did you do all this? The wall thing, the quotes- all that romantic stuff?” He had a feeling he knew the answer, but he wanted to hear it from his boyfriend's lips. “How did you know I’d…”
Bakugou blinked, considering. Then he grinned, laughing as he fell into Todoroki’s chest. “You’re so duhuhmb! Isn’t it obvious?” He looked at him, eyes dancing with such love it once again snatched his breath away. Damn- he was gonna need new lungs. “It’s because you love this kind of thing. You’re like- physically affectionate or whatever the love thingy is.”
“Love languages. But- you don’t like this kind of stuff though, no?” The blonde was never much for physical contact- griping and groaning over it whenever someone tried to hug him. “So why..?”
Bakugou sighed, the sound amused. “It’s not my preferred love thing, but…you love it. And I guess I don’t really mind getting physical-” He paused, wagging his brows. Todorki rolled his eyes with a laugh. “No but seriously- I know how much you love this kind of thing, and I want to give you the kind of love you deserve. And- mind you, I’m not against physical touch- obviously.” He gestured to their positions. “This isn’t my thing, that’s all. I’ll gladly give it to you-” Another pause- Todorki shoved at his shoulder. “Hehe, okay okay. I just know you well enough to make you happy.”
Todoroki felt his heart swell, eyes misting some at the words. Before Bakugou could panic, the half-n-half hero reached out, touching his cheek with a strong smile.
“I don’t think I tell you this enough- but I love you, so much.”
Bakugou’s cheeks flushed, eyes wide and smile growing. He leaned into Todoroki’s hand with a small laugh, puddy at his fingers. “Now we’re really recreating your romances.”
Todoroki laughed, pulling him close and kissing him once more, resuming their previous activity. Every kiss reminded him just how lucky he was to have someone like Bakugou in his life.
Thanks for reading!
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trilobitepunch · 2 months
((This started as a fun little drabble by @colibrie and it was such a cute image that I had to draw something for it, so here you go.))
釣り - Fishing
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"Otō-san! Otō-san!" Cho yelled, charging forward to wrap Yoshi's knees in a strong (and wet) hug, beaming a snaggle toothed smile that could rival the sun. "Look! SanSan and me got a biiig feesh! Just like Chio-san!"
"Is it big enough for all of us to eat, otō-sama?" San queried, big eyes peeping adorably from beneath his over sized hood even as his tiny arms easily pinned the struggling koi in place on the paving stones.
There was not a single part of him that could be angry, even the part keenly aware of the disapproving stares spearing into his back.
"I am very proud my sons," he replied, kneeling down to properly meet his eldest boy's eyes. "It was kind of you to want to help feed others, and resourceful of you to work together to achieve your goal. But these fish are not for eating."
"Why would you waste time and resources to keep fish that aren't for eating?" San asked, cocking his head as Cho clicked his beak in confusion.
"Koi are special fish," Yoshi explained, raising his voice ever so slightly to cover the disapproving "tsk" that hissed from the group behind him. "They are symbols of fortune, luck, and fortitude. In return for our care they bring blessing to the house and all under its roof."
"How can a fish bring blessings?" San asked with a frown, ever the inquisitive skeptic.
"There are powers at work in this world beyond what we can see, Sannan," Yoshi chided gently, barely suppressing a chuckle at the nonplussed look he received in reply.
A loud sniff ended his amusement, and he quickly looked down to find big, tear-filled eyes staring up at him.
"Are the symbols gonna do bad things now cause we tried ta eat 'em?" Cho whimpered, lip wobbling as a few salty lines rolled down his cheeks.
"No Aka-chan," he soothed, catching the edge of his sleeve to clean his child's cheeks. "You and San-chan didn't act out of malice. If you put the koi back and apologize, they will understand. And then, I will take you to the river and help you catch some fish for supper."
"But you said we aren't allowed to swim in the river. It's too fast," San countered, even as he dutifully rolled the captured koi back into the pond with a loud splash.
"Yes. I will show you how humans fish. But first…"
He led his sons to the edge of the pond, pleased when they offered the appropriate bows without prompting.
"We are sorry for trying to eat you, koi-sama's," Cho stated, nudging San until the smaller yōkai also mutter a half-way decent "Sorry."
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natashaslesbian · 1 year
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Summary: Natasha’s 18 month old says her first word
Word Count: 462
Pairings: (Daughter!Reader x Mama Natasha)
Warnings: none :))
“..aamm..aamm aamm!” Little y/n babbled “mama, can you say mama?” Natasha asked her 18 month old “aammaa” y/n said, clapping her hands together “almost baby” the red head giggled as she lifted her daughter from her high chair, setting her back down on her playmat. Tiny hands quickly latched onto the pink circular rattle “ama” y/n mumbled. Natasha joined her baby on the carpet and soon grabbed her attention with the talking teddy bear “ba ba!” The little girl squealed “yeah bear bear!” Her mommy said “wanna play with bear bear?” Y/n nodded excitedly and reached out for the brown bear.
After a few hours of play it was bathtime, y/n’s favourite part of the day. Layers of strawberry bubbles arose in the bath; the one year old was eager to jump in. Little feet were placed in the warm water and
y/n yelled out in joy “is that nice baby?” Natasha asked “do you wanna play mermaids?” She said as she pulled out the box of bath toys “ama may may!” Y/n mumbled “yeah mama gonna play mermaids with you!” Natasha said. The two of you spent a few extra minutes in the bath playing mermaids before your mommy gently lifted you out and wrapped you up in your frog hooded towel.
After getting dressed, it was time for your ‘sleepy time story’ tonight you chose Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs “ama wed!” you mumbled “yes mama will read” Natasha said as she curled up with you in the rocking chair. You tried desperately to keep your eyes open for the bedtime story but your little body was so tired. Towards the end of the story you began to nibble on the sleeve of your mommy’s jumper, inhaling her scent “and they all lived happily ever after” Natasha finished. You clapped your hands together “maw maw maw” you squealed “there isn’t any more baby, that’s the end! We’ll have another story tomorrow night ok?” Your mama said as she lightly pinched your nose “mka” you giggled.
“Ok sweetheart” Natasha said she tucked you up into bed “now you have good dreams ok baby” you tugged your blankie up to your face as you curled into a little ball “wuv ou mama” you whispered. Natasha froze, not quite believing what you just said “I love you too y/n” your mommy said as she left a kiss on your forehead. A single tear fell from her eye as she drew your door closed, slightly ajar with just a crack of light peeping through. Natasha had been waiting for this moment her whole life, her gorgeous baby looking up to her like she was a good person. And maybe she was, she was certainly a great mom. She was certainly your perfect mommy.
Soft mama nat<3
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thefiery-phoenix · 1 year
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You are the youngest sibling and they are INSANELY OVERPROTECTIVE of you 
They won't micro chip you and all that shit, but... for your safety, they will insert bugs in almost ALL of your electronics for your safety, of course. They don't want their youngest sibling/child to be in any danger now, do they?
Rei likes braiding your hair and Fuyumi likes dressing you up which by the way, she thinks looks ADORABLE on you 
Natsuo sometimes gives you shoulder massages while eating and Dabi/Touya likes feeding his youngest sibling. The brothers think that you're a delicate precious little angel that needs constant attention or they'd get themselves injured
The whole family loves to SPOIL you to death 
Shoto would be breathing down your neck every second of the day he can; sitting close to you or holding your hand whenever he can
If you're angry about something, say, you didn't win something though you've worked really hard for it? Surprise, surprise! You're now the winner of whatever contest you've recently entered. Someone making fun of you constantly? Bones will be broken and NONE of them will be from YOUR family 
Believe it or not, Endeavor actually has a soft spot for you. He NEVER yelled at you, nor did he ever raise his voice at you, like AT ALL (Lol, I can't believe I'm writing this since I know this ain't gonna be true but put up with me peeps)
When Enji's not around, and you're throwing one of your tantrums, big brother Touya will come to calm you down. And you do. At the sight of his music playlist (Which btw the ENTIRE family has composed ESPECIALLY for you WITHOUT any cuss words. They don't want their baby cussing)
No one cusses while you're around 
However 2 things are off the table for you. One, no hanging out with boys other than your brothers. If you are spotted hanging around them, well... they can say goodbye to a couple of bones and you'll get your favorite things taken away from you by Enji and Rei though it breaks everyone's heart to see you pout and sulk and cry, they have no choice to do it. It's for your OWN good you know and two, NO going ANYWHERE without one of them being there to supervise you. Who knows what sort of trouble you'll get yourself into and after all, the outside world isn't safe for an innocent precious naive angel like you 
One day, you and Touya had gone to a concert since your favorite band had come to town. You guys had left in the morning and returned just before dinner. Enji and Rei were getting anxious about where your brother had taken you for so long. Fuyumi and Natsuo were texting Shotou back and forth about you, but he only told them that they will be returning soon and Shoto was repeatedly calling you but you didn't answer since you put your phone on silent. Since that day, Enji and Rei didn't let you go out for concerts IF you didn't place your phone on silent AND ANOTHER sibling of yours had to be around you the next time you were alone with Touya
Natsuo once saw you cut yourself accidentally while cutting some vegetables. After that you weren't allowed to be in the kitchen while Rei was cooking and BOOM, what a shocker, the ENTIRE FREAKING house was baby proofed as well (good luck)
They might ''accidentally'' hurt you just to keep you 'safe' at home. Why go out where there are SO MANY dangers when your family can protect you from them? Besides, it doesn't matter if you ran to Enji to escape them. Sure he could keep them away from you for some time, but he's a pro hero that's needed in the country every day. So once Enji's out of the house, they'll have to lecture how how being a tattletale isn't good for you
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m4n1c1vy · 1 year
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18+ minors dni, female reader, missionary, on the phone, unprotected sex
⇾ toji noticed that your phone was ringing and he wanted you to answer it
it was a girls night you and your girlies planned on going to the club and party like the night was young. having trouble to pick out your outfit you wanted to wear something silk and sexy just for you and your girlfriends, and there you found it the perfect dress that fit on your pretty body so well, you were already ready so slip on and you’re out the door. toji saw you feeling your body from outside yall’s bedroom door standing against the doorframe looking you up and down.
“who are you wearing this for princess?” his deep voice almost startled you, as hes walking behind you “its a girls night i told you toji” you said all smiley cause you knew you looked amazing plus you wanted to go out and get drunk. “i know what you told me, but you didnt answer my question pretty girl” he buries his face in your neck smelling your sweet delicious perfume almost nibbling at your neck. he just wants to rip your dress and fuck you right here by the mirror in your shared room, you moved to the edge of your bed to put your heels on you weren’t rushing but you didn’t want your friends wait on you. “toji im running late i don’t to hold them up” you lied all you wanted was to hurry out the door have fun and drink. as toji followed you to the bed he said
“they can wait i just asked a question why cant you answer like a good girl hm?” while he’s cupping your chin so you can meet his eyes. toji bends down to kiss you he wanted to taste your lips he’s getting lost in them, he lays his knee between your thighs pulling up a bit of your dress only to expose your cunt to him. he traces his fingers on top of your clothed clit making you squirm a bit, “you’re squirming baby do you want something better? just tell me” he stated with that fucking smirk. he’s teasing you and he loves it he loves making you whimper for more, toji continues rubbing lightly on your clit watching you make a wet patch on your panties. “toji ..please just touch me” you whispered you needed him to touch you , you needed him to make you cum, you needed him, “huh what did you say baby i didn’t hear you” toji stopped his movement making you frown he heard what you said he just wants you to beg and you know you have to. “d-daddy please touch me do whatever i don’t care i need you please” you begged making him give you a proud smirk “atta girl all you had to do” patting your cheeks.
he pulls off your panties as well his pants and underwear laying you down on the bed, toji rubbing his tip up and down on your clit making you squirm and whimper way more than before he loves his view right now, you frowning and tearing up because how needy you are for him.. ring ring toji looks over to your nightstand and see your phone lighting up from the incoming phone call he grabs it and shows you who’s calling “your girlfriends might be calling to see where you are go ahead and talk to them princess” doing what he says you press the green button to talk to whoever is on the other line “GIRL WHERE ARE YOU EVERYONE IS ALREADY HERE” your friend yells toji being able to hear her without the phone being on speaker “o-oh im stuck in traffic ill be on the wa-“ toji slips inside you making you choke on your words and him sucking his teeth “fuck you’re so tight mama go ahead keep talking while im fucking you” your friend trying to see when you’re going to arrive “ON THE WAY? YOU’RE JUST NOW LEAVING?? CMON BABES” at this point it sounds like shes gonna pop a blood vessel, toji starting to rub your clit while pounding you merciless making your small whimpers peep out of your lips you’re squeezing your eyes shut because how hard and good hes fucking you.
“s-stop yelling i-i told you im on the w-way” you stuttering out your words wanting this phone call to end soon because you want to moan out so loud. “SWEETIE HURRY UP THE FREE DRINKS ISNT GONNA BE HERE FOR LON-“ toji taking the phone to his lips and cutting her words off “she said shes on her way now stop yappin and party fuck you’re squeezing on me so hard mama” toji ending the call and tossing your phone by your pillows leaving your friend on the other line stunned. ”she was taking up my sweet time baby i had to” said by him with a sexy ass smirk on his lips and groaning close to your ear, “can i cum please im so close” itching closer and closer to your climax “you can beg better than that cmon sweetie you know my name girl” god you needed to cum so bad you’re very close you saying whatever comes to your mind and praying that’ll let him say yes “t-toji” you breathed out “toji c-can i please cum im so close” you moaned “fuck i can just cum right now the way you’re saying my name baby, hm how bout you cum with me ok? you can do that right” toji thrusting harder to your sweet spot animalistic moans coming out of his mouth he’s cursing out so much because how hard your sweet pretty cunt is sucking him wanting more and more of him. “you’re doing so good baby.. so good huh.. cum with me”. him thrusting so good in your cunt, toji squeezing your thighs so tightly where it could leave bruises even. “just like that just keep squeezing down on me girl”. his animalistic groans with your delicious vocally moans is mixing in the room, you felt your sweet sweet climax coming and coming few more thrusts from toji before cumming inside his pretty princess.
“you did so good princess, so who are you dressing for?” asked again by your handsome boyfriend you laughed out “dressing for you and you only” you playfully rolled your eyes “do you want me to drop you off and show everyone who you belong to” he said with snarky smile “trust im pretty sure everyone knows who im taken by”
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nethhiri · 4 months
Marooned: Chapter 38
Kid x FemReader x Killer
Warning: Another all smut no plot chappie! (feat. Heat kinda; also feat. everyone's favorite: inappropriate use of devil fruit power)
Sticky Situations
It was only curiosity. You weren't a pervert. It's not your fault sound travelled easily through the walls. You were walking past Kid's cabin when some distinct noises beckoned you to press your ear against the door. Did people do this when me and Kid were...?  Maybe you should bring up the subject of sound proofing certain rooms. There was a string of groans and grunts that sounded like Kid. The other person was Killer, telling Kid to relax. Heat rose to your face listening to Kid's cursing and demands that Killer go harder. You batted your ear, as it was starting to itch. Wait. In a split second, the door opened and Kid was tugging you in by the ear with his devil fruit. 
"Tsk." Kid pointed to your ear, "Might wanna take that off if ya don't want me to know yer peeping outside the door."
Your eyebrows knit together, puzzled. "Why aren't you both naked?" Kid had his shirt off. That's it. And they didn't have time to get dressed before Kid pulled you in. 
Kid barked out a laugh. "Forward aren't we? If ya want us, all ya hafta do is ask."
"No that's not-. I thought you guys were..." You made sex gestures with your hands and moved your eyebrows up and down suggestively.
Even Killer laughed at that. "I was helping Kid get a knot out of his shoulder."
Somehow this was more embarrassing than walking in on actual sex. "I see." Now the noises made sense. "I'll see myself out."
"Not so fast." Kid pulled you by the ear again until you were in front of him. "I know yer avoiding me since Killer spilled the beans that I was gonna yell at ya." 
"Noooo." Lie. You weren't scared obviously. You really didn't want to get sucked into some kind of 'you need to be more careful' bullshit. 
"I'm not gonna yell at ya."
"You're not?" Before you knew it, you were bent over his knee. "Hang on a minute. Let's talk about this."
"We could have if ya didn't avoid me." Kid tugged at your pants until your ass was exposed. "The time fer talking is over," he said with a sinister chuckle.
You played along gladly. The last thing you wanted was a serious conversation. You couldn't stop yourself from giggling. This would be fun. Snooping had its perks.
"Fuck ya giggling about?" Kid cracked you on the ass with his metal hand, hard enough to leave a mark.
You yelped. "I love when Captain Kid is mean t'me."
Killer crouched in front of you. "Count out loud or he starts over." He tapped the chin of his mask. "How many, Kid?"
"I think 10 should do it." Kid added, "Oh and ya can't heal it either or I'm gonna do it twice as hard next time."
"One," you still giggled. 
"I don't think you're doing it hard enough." Killer mused.
"T-two." Your grin faltered.
By the tenth spank, the bottom of your ass was cherry red. Kid's hand was so big its print took up most of the space. Tears pricked at your eyes and you yelped at him even resting his hand on the tender area. It was going to have a nice bruise tomorrow. 
"Not so funny now, is it?"
"No, Sir." He thwapped you again and you yipped. "What was that for?!"
"Fer being a little shit." 
"Eleven. You didn't count that one." Killer looked at Kid. "Looks like you gotta start over."
"Wait that one didn't count! Please don't." You gave Killer your best puppy dog eyes and turned to look at Kid to do the same. "I'll be good. I swear."
Kid tugged your pants back up and flipped you up to sit on his lap, earning a whimper from you. He grinned, "What's wrong, princess?"
"We're not fucking?" Was this not foreplay? 
"This a punishment. Fucking is a reward." Killer patted your head.
You stared at them incredulously. "You're kidding right?" They both had shit-eating grins across their faces. The real punishment was winding you up and doing nothing about it. You stood up angrily. "You wanna play this game? Fine." You were going to get them to crack before you. They wanted you to beg and you weren't going to let them have the satisfaction.
You left in a huff, nearly hitting Heat with the door as you left. You almost walked past him, turning on your heel to see his red face. You cocked your head. "Heat," you started in an accusatory tone, "what did you hear?" It was a bit hypocritical to be mad at him for being a pervert. You weren't mad. But maybe he could help you. Several thoughts went through your head: you could fuck him and get relief that way, he could help you concoct a revenge plan, possibly combine those two things in some way. You didn't want to make Kid and Killer jealous, you just wanted them to crack first. 
"N-nothing." He wouldn't meet your gaze. 
"Are you busy?" 
He straightened up, "No. Can I... help you with something?" He wasn't going to say no to a quickie.
"I need intel." 
It started with you wearing the tiny black leather shorts and the deep red corset top you had bought a while back with Heat. You knew it would drive Kid wild to see the bruising on your ass peek out from the legs of the shorts. Shorts was a strong word. They were closer to panties than shorts with the way your cheeks weren't completely covered. Heat didn't mind helping you. He would win, too, watching you slink around half-naked. You could feel Kid's eyes devour you from wherever he was. Another time, you wore a leather harness adorned with metal accents under your clothes, with panties to match. You knew Kid could sense the metal with his power and feel every curve along with your body heat. It was taking everything in him not to play with the metal bits, he knew he wouldn't be able to control himself. He was about to crack. What pushed him over the edge was the night you wore a metal butt plug and had a matching metallic egg in your pussy to dinner. Heat helped acquire the items from Kid's personal collection. Kid could feel every time you clenched to keep the egg from falling out and every time you squirmed for friction. He had broken out in a sweat on his forehead.
Kid was vulnerable to the obvious things. Killer was more difficult because his expressions were hidden and you couldn't tell if it was working. In the mornings you would ask if he needed to check and make sure you didn't heal the bruises. You took one of the shirts he had let you borrow and made it into a skin tight babydoll crop top with your fruit. You wore that, sans bra, and some little jean shorts once to help him in the kitchen, "accidentally" brushing against him whenever the opportunity arose. Another time, you enjoyed a popsicle when you were sunning yourself on deck while he happened to be at the helm. You about caused him to have a heart attack when one afternoon he came to prep dinner and found you sitting on the counter in a tiny skirt, legs parted just enough that he could see you didn't have panties on. What really got to him, was at the same diner that had Kid sweating, you sat across from him and rubbed at the crotch of his jeans with your feet. Heat let you in on a few fantasies that Killer had. 
What did Heat get out of it? Well, you let him know when the plan was going into action so he could watch, using your fruit to make a tiny peephole in the wall across from Kid's bed. 
Once you knew you had them, you excused yourself and let yourself into Kid's cabin. The smirk never left your face as you ran into Kid's closet to get one of his old feather coats. You were going to strip in the closet but wanted to pay Heat back appropriately. You donned Kid's coat and laid on his bed. You didn't have to wait long, as the door flew open and Kid stepped in with his first mate close behind. You didn't miss the way Kid's eyes widened slightly when he caught sight of his coat. 
"What the hell do ya think yer doing?"
"I don't know what you mean."
Kid grabbed your chin. "Ya know exactly what I mean, doll." 
You hummed with a smirk on your face, rolling on your back so the coat fell open.
Killer made a noise of appreciation before stripping his shirt and sliding behind you with his legs caging you in.
You almost regretted wearing Kid's coat because otherwise you would have been able to lean into Killer's bare chest. Still, you let your head rest on his shoulder, arching your back to push yourself up high enough to put your lips to his neck. The rough skin of his hands running down your body gave you goosebumps. They stopped to knead at your breasts, your hips, your thighs. It was clear Killer had a penchant for the fleshier parts of your body. Small moans left your lips as you pressed them against the skin of his neck, every so often giving him a nip. He moved your legs to rest on the outside of his, spreading you wide open. A thick finger circled your entrance, making you whine. 
Kid sat at the foot of the bed, sans clothing, lazily stroking himself and watching Killer play you like a fiddle, using his powers to alternate moving the egg and plug around. Fuck you looked so good wide open, pussy glistening and Killer had barely touched you. He wasn't going to give in to your teasing until he saw you laid out in his coat. There was no way he could let that image go to waste. As soon as Killer was done finger fucking you, he was going to dive in face first. Kid didn't understand how Killer held out this long without fucking you proper, but if you had taunted him as well as you taunted Kid, he was probably close to giving in.
Killer could feel his dick throb in his jeans, leaking precum. Every time he felt your cunt clench against his fingers, his cock strained against its confines. He could feel you squirm more and more against him as he worked a second and third finger in. The hand that wasn't occupied was lightly closed around your throat. He liked listening to the way your moans get raspier when he added pressure. 
"Killer... please." You rolled your hips into his hand, pressing your clit harder into his thumb. "M'close."
"Go ahead. Cum on my fingers. Cum so your captain can watch." 
The low voice in your ear and the breath ghosting the skin of your neck sent you crashing over the edge. "Oh f-uck, Kill-er." He held your legs open as they threatened to squeeze together. You twitched as he pulled his fingers back, opening your mouth so you could suck the juices from them. You whined when they didn't come, looking down to see Kid cleaning them off instead, leaving red stains at the base of Killer's fingers. You hadn't even felt him climb up the bed. 
Kid yanked you down a little so he could wrap his arms underneath your legs. "M'gonna wear this pussy like an oxygen mask," he said, more or less talking to himself. For a moment he took the time to appreciate the pink, glistening folds before him, engorged with the increased blood flow and the base of the plug snugly nestled between your cheeks. Then he went to work, groaning as the taste of your arousal hit his tongue. He wasn't kidding. Kid buried his face in your sex, dipping his tongue as deep as it would go, greedily lapping up the juices that spilled when you came. He moved the metallic egg in time with his rhythm, driving you insane. It made his cock hurt how badly he wanted to bury in your walls.
Your head rested on Killer's chest so you had a good view. It was a good thing Kid had you locked in place with his grip because you would be writhing all over the place with how intense the actions of his tongue and the use of his powers were. Every time you jerked away, he gave you a noise of displeasure, kind of a weak growl. The only time he withdrew his tongue was to bully your clit with it, making you buck when he grazed his teeth against it. Your previous orgasm made you incredibly sensitive, and he had you on the edge again already.
Killer was throughly enjoying how much you were enjoying yourself as he played with your breasts. He could tell by the way your breaths caught in your throat and the near incessant noises you were making, that you were close again. "Kid, she's gonna cum. Poor thing can't even form the words to tell you." 
You whined, but he was right. It was embarrassing how quickly you melted for them. The wave of tingling heat overcame you almost immediately after he said that. You felt a brief flood of wetness and heard sloppy sounds as Kid worked you through your orgasm. You panted hard and opened your eyes. You saw Kid put his googles back on his forehead, apparently having moved them down at some point. 
Kid saw you looking, "What? I was in the splash zone."
"I can't fucking stand you." You laughed. 
"Hah?! What was that?" Kid tugged you right out of his coat, flipping you onto your stomach. He teased the butt plug and egg in and out a few times, before removing the egg completely and putting the plug firmly back in its place, earning a squeak from you. "Tsk, wee mouse is overstimulated, is she?"
Killer tossed the coat aside and scooted further down the bed. He grabbed you and laid back flat, so your chests were flush. Then you felt Kid on top of you. His weight sandwiching you against Killer was making you wild. If only Killer would take his pants off, it would be perfect. Kid hiked one of your legs up, burying himself in you. You both groaned at the feeling. 
"I can still feel ya twitching on my cock, dirty lass," Kid teased. "Tell Killer how good I make ya feel. Maybe he'll finally let ya have it." 
You buried your face in Killer's neck, moaning, as Kid started to fuck you. "Feels so good to be f-fucked by a big c-cock." You attacked the other side of Killer's neck so that he would marks to match the ones you had left earlier, taking breaks to moan dirty things in his ear. "Don't you w-wanna stretch me out, too?" You rubbed your hand against the hardness in his jeans. "Please. Please let me." You moaned louder briefly at a particularly hard thrust from Kid. "I love w-hen Cap'n makes me cum all over his c-cock." Even your own dirty words were affecting you. "Let me c-um on your cock, K-Killer." After that, you couldn't form any more sentences. Kid's brutal thrusts had you screaming into Killer's shoulder. 
You felt Killer grab your wrist and guide your hand to his length, which at some point, had been partially freed. It was still within his underwear, though it was much more manageable when it wasn't under the tough denim. Gripping him through the fabric, you jerked him off. You could feel his girth pulse under your hand. Just thinking about having it inside you made your pussy clench. You whined in protest when Kid repositioned you, tugging your hips up and back, pushing your top half down. You couldn't wrap your hand around Killer at this angle, and with the way Kid was pounding your cervix into oblivion, at the same time playing with the plug, however you could feel Killer's erection against your stomach. Under your own cries of pleasure, you could hear soft huffs from under Killer's mask as the motions of Kid fucking you caused your stomach to rub against Killer. You felt his hips move as he rubbed himself against you even more. There was something so erotic about him so desperate to get off that he was thrusting against your stomach. That in itself caused the coil in your core to tighten, but when you heard him moan and felt his cock throb against you with a sticky sensation spreading on your skin, the coil snapped. 
This orgasm was the most powerful one of the three that they managed to give you. You shook as the pleasure took over your body, cunt gripping Kid so tightly that it forced him to his own climax. He pulled your hips tightly to him and ground his cock up into you harder. Your mixed fluids spilled onto your thighs. You could feel your walls flutter with aftershocks. Rolling  off Killer to the space next to him, you looked down at the mess on your stomach. 
"Damn, Killer," You said, looking at the mess on his own stomach to match. Kid spread your knees to look at his fine work and bent down to press his tongue into your overly sensitive clit. You jumped and he laughed at you before trailing his tongue up to lick a stripe through Killer's semen. 
Kid stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Ya wouldn't get so pent up like that if ya let one of us take care of ya more often." He looked like he was in thought.
You looked up at Killer. Smug with the fact that not only did you tempt him but you did it enough that he let you touch him, too.
He seemed to know what you were thinking and sat up, running a hand over your cheek. "Soon, breadcrumb." 
You were both startled when Kid banged his fist against the wall. "Heat! Ya fuckin pervert!" Kid could sense the various metals that made up his outfit, caught the same way he caught you. He touched the small peephole. Kid squinted. "What's this?" He immediately rounded on you. "Yer a sneaky one. Now I get it." 
Killer cocked his head to the side, intrigued by Kid's outburst. 
Kid continued, "Yer working with Heat!" He looked at Killer. "Heat was helping her behind the scenes and she made it easier for him to watch in exchange!" Kid laughed darkly. "So that's how ya got yer hands on this," Kid used his magnetism to move the butt plug, getting you to yelp again. Kid nodded, clearly thinking about what to do with this information. He looked at you. "Ya wanna wear it so bad? Ya can keep it in until I tell ya to take it out." 
It turned out, Kid had Heat in the same situation as you. Realizing it when you both paused at the same moments during the day when Kid decided to fuck with you, trying to contain twitches and moans. Or at meal times when you both jumped in your seat. One particularly good moment, which Kid was quite proud of, was when he made you and Heat spar, playing with both of you while you fought. He could tell you both went off somewhere together afterwards, probably to relieve each other. He released you from the punishment after that, satisfied with the show he got. 
Next Chapter
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iccyhoon · 6 months
OKAY SO LIKEEE..hear me out.. reader suddenly drops by ni-kis house at a stupid late time, basically forcing him out the door to watch the first snow fall and play in the snow with her. They start walking back to his house while sharing earbuds. The song 'snow' by Kim Daniel starts playing on her shuffle playlist, and they have a little moment, confessing that they liked eachother
Okay that was really specific but like...🫠
Ahhhhh! Of course!! You got it!! I love this idea!! It's so cute and simple yet has so much potential!! I won't let you down! Thank you for being the first post on my enha blog!
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PAIRING: Ni-ki x fem!reader
WARNINGS: Cutesy Niki!
He heard knocking on the door after he was done brushing his teeth. He was confused so he immediately walked out and looked at the peep hole to see you. He was so confused as he checked his phone. It was currently 2:45 am at night. He opened the door for you as he rubbed his eyes.
"Why are you here?" He said, harsher than expected. "It's about to snow! Let's go watch it together." She said light and whole heartheartedly. He shook his head. "It's late..." He said, trying to reason with you.
You were dressed in fleece leggings, white skirt along with a white puffer jacket. Brown earmuffs to match the brown boots you had on.
He smiled looking at how cutesy you dressed up. "Please Niki?" You asked as he shrugged. "I don't know. It's late." He said yawning immediately after. You pouted and grabbed his coat, his scarf, a beanie, and his winter boots. "Now get these on." You huffed as he shook his head no, sitting on the couch.
You puffed your cheeks. Helping him get dressed as he couldn't help but smile at your reaction. You helped him get ready as you pulled out your phone. "Hurry it's 3 already! First snow starts at 3:15!" You yelled as he covered your mouth, suddenly full of energy. "Shh! My neighbors are gonna kill me..!" He whisper yelled as he chuckled and you giggled.
You guys both laughed as you plugged in your earbuds, playing your winter playlist. He knew winter was your favorite season so he didn't complain as he stuck the right side in his ear.
"So where are we going?" He asked. "To that open field of grass." He looked, he didn't see much grass. He did see patches of frost though. "That's frostbitten grass silly." He said as you sighed, looking at your phone. "Hurry it's 3:05!" She said, pulling on his wrist, forcing him to run. He laughed and you laughed with him.
"We made it!" You said, checking the time, "It's 3:12 am." You said, waiting for the snow as you sat, he sat next to you as he cleared his throat. You guys sat in silence for a minute.
"So I-" You both said at the same time and laughed gently together. "You first." He said. "No you." You said back. "You go." He insisted. "A gentleman knows better to listen to a lady." You told him as he looked around. "Where's the lady?" He joked as you pushed him lightly.
"Kidding, kidding." He said, taking a deep breath. "Listen, y/n." He started off, causing yout heart to pump faster at your nervousness.
Just then, the song changed to Snow by Kim Daniel as he chuckled.
"As I was saying..." He said looking into your eyes, your nose all red from the cold. "I really... really do like you..." He confessed. "For a while now actually. All the little things you do is why I fell in love with you. You may be crazy and come to my house at damn near 3 in the morning just so I can watch the first snowfall with you." He said chuckling, "But that's something I want to keep doing with you..." He said holding your hand. "That's something I want to experience forever alongside you." He confessed as tears rolled down your cheeks.
He was horrified and hugged you. "I'm sorry..." He said gently as you pulled away slightly smiling. "I'm not sad... just really relieved you feel the same way..." You replied, your voice sweet and soft as he sighed of relief.
You guys smiled at each other, knowing your feelings were both reciprocated. As a snowflake fell on Niki's nose.
You immediately smiled and turned to see the snow fall. You were so happy and once the song ended, you leaped out of his arms and went to play in the snow. Niki following you soon after.
You made snowballs and threw them at him as he counter attacked and threw one at you as well. You guys made snowmen and snow angels together and after you were making your 4th snow angel, he just looked at you. Knowing that you were now his.
You walked over to him and smiled. "Thank you Niki." You said sheepishly as he rubbed some snow off your face. "Thank you for dragging me out here tonight." He said, sitting upright, pulling you in for your guys' first kiss.
Niki woke up cuddled next to you as he texted his group chat.
Niki: Sorry guys, I caught a cold
Wonnie: Oh no, what kind?
Hoonie: What happened this time?
Niki: I'm love sick
Niki has sent a photo
Jay: Really 😐
Woonie: Feel better...
Hoonie: Why are you guys up at 6 am? I'm going ice skating on my day off
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tachimichishrine · 11 months
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"the cat came back"
h. p. lovecraft x fem! natsume's daughter! reader
lovecraft is canon afraid of cats! now you know >:)
warnings: uncontrollable fluff ; that was a joke idk how to fluff ; made him ooc af womp womp ; i want to eat lovecraft ; just a little nom nom is that too much to ask; tentacle hentai (reader eats his hair) ; fishing boats (derogatory) ; intended lowercase
moonlight was his favourite time of the day.
his eyes peeked out from the rippling surface of the water, hair floating and spanning out like branches of a tree. he was sleeping a short while ago, until...
"shh!! it's the middle of the night, someone's gonna yell at us for doing this!"
disinterested eyes glanced at a boat. a fishing boat. he shuddered; it appeared like two adults were sitting down on it, giggling mischievously at each other while the motor grumbled loudly, scaring away the sea life from the secluded corner along the coast.
"bah, it's not a big deal," the other person responded, sporting a confident smirk. "we're out in the middle of nowhere. who are we going to disturb, the little mermaid?"
another round of giggles. the couple bickered about something else, something he didn't care to remember, then ate each other. lovecraft watched curiously as their lips met, then sighed. he wanted to sleep.
he reached a tentacle from under the surface of the water and capsized the boat.
another week, another goddamn boat. he just wanted to sleep: ever since the guild had fallen apart, he didn't have to do anything, and he enjoyed it very much. he'd occasionally leave the comfort of the sea for some ice cream, but the looks he'd get while out in public made him anxious, so he'd stopped doing that a long time ago.
"I heard the spooky sea beast lives around here..." a voice said lowly, holding a flashlight out to the murky waters. "some say it's the kraken, others that it's the soul of the deceased..."
he didn't like to be disturbed. lovecraft flipped them over.
the next night, it happened again.
by the end of the month, it seemed he had become a local folklore story. he wasn't particularly interested in hearing all the stories about himself, and what was worse is that he found himself at the center of attention. gross.
he would keep flipping boats until they would leave him alone.
"[_____], come on, get in the boat! you're such a scaredy cat!"
"yeah, I am!" the woman yelling from the shore exclaimed. she was watching a few of her friends get into a wooden tub of death and paddle in the direction of a sea creature that had been terrorizing their city. it wasn't a myth, as everyone who doubted would go and find themselves thrown into the water promptly. the question was mostly as to what on earth was doing this. "you know I hate getting wet, and I don't want to get eaten by a sea beast today, thank you very much!"
the friends pouted, pleaded for her to come along, and the only agreement they came to involved the woman following them from land. she watched them as her boots squelched into the damp earth in the same direction as their path, and they spoke from a far distance.
which woke up lovecraft.
he grumbled, displeased. this was never fun, and it was getting even worse now. the top of his head peeped out from the water as he got a look at the young adults laughing and joking from their fishing boat, and he flipped them with one movement.
they all yelled out as they splashed into the water, arms desperately gripping onto the upside-down boat as they looked around fearfully, then at each other with chuckles.
"told ya it was real!"
"gahh, my shirt is soaked!"
"dude, your entire body is soaked."
it was all a game to them, he seemed to notice. they thought this little escapade and mission of disturbing him was all for fun. he didn't have time to feel annoyed about it, because it was time to sleep. on the verge or disappearing back into the abyss, he felt a pebble bounce on the back of his head.
he turned his head around, his neck contorting as he saw a young woman looking at him, eyes wide.
they stared at each other for a few moments.
she let out a yelp, and her entire body compressed down to that of a calico cat.
he saw the cat and yelled out in response, tentacles sprouting, bursting out from various parts of his body.
the cat ran away and nothing was said. the group of friends were still laughing as they had gotten back into the boat and began paddling to shore, not seeing the iceberg underneath their feet that was the body of a real sea monster.
the next day, lovecraft was out of the water, in the middle of the day nonetheless, simply to dry up a little bit before he went back into the water. somehow, this logic added up to him.
all was fine until he saw the woman again.
she was leaning against a rock, not quite sitting but not quite standing. she looked nervous, glancing around her everywhere as if she was expecting to get attacked at any moment. her eyes darted to the water, where she saw nothing, then back to her surrounding. back to the water. back the the surroundings. her foot was tapping the soil incessantly and her lower lip was being abused by her teeth as she nibbled to distract herself.
this time, she saw him.
they looked at each other again, but it was much more tamed than the previous time. she didn't turn into a cat, and he didn't turn into a natural catastrophe.
her mouth seemed to open, but lovecraft didn't hear any words from out of her. she just creased her brows together, then sighed. "um... hi, hello. I'm... I'm [_____]. you're howard phillips lovecraft, aren't you?"
he hovered at the surface with only his dark eyes and long hair visible, maintaining blank stare.
she extended her hand out to him, then realized it was stupid to shake hands with someone who was several meters away, several meters deep into the water. laughing nervously, she rubbed the back of her neck.
"I didn't... I didn't mean to scare you the other day, you just caught me off guard. you see, I'm in the business of keeping track of the ability users in yokohoma, and you never came up on my radar. so I asked around," and here she kicked a rock with a chuckle to herself, "actually, I just asked my dad, and he told me about the guild."
still no reaction. lovecraft had fallen asleep with his eyes open.
she crouched down, grabbed a pebble, and flicked it onto his forehead. heavy eyelids raised for a moment.
"would you be willing to uh... get out of the water to speak with me, for just a moment? I can... well, I don't really know what to offer you."
she babbled on, face flushed and looking at the ground and her feet as she kept speaking, saying things that neither of them understood, and it was only when he got close that she took notice the tall, dripping wet figure looming over her. he was wearing clothes and everything, even had was appeared to have been a nice jacket in the past before... whatever tore it apart. she met his eyes.
"thank you! it just makes this... whatever... easier... ahh, forget about it. could we... walk and talk? I don't want to lure you away from your... your home?..."
"I'm hungry," he proclaims, a statement more than a request.
"sure!" she nodded, although a little confused and uncertain, leading the way as she walks through the rugged terrain of the trail before arriving at her car and opening the passenger door for him, waiting for him to hop inside.
now, he looked confused.
"is there food inside?"
this was going to be a long discussion.
[_____]'s job was simple: she had to keep tabs on all of the ability users in yokohoma. know who they worked for, their relationships, their dreams and aspirations. when you can turn into a cuddly ball of fur, it isn't particularly hard to gain information.
she had no clue what was going on with this man, though.
rumours had sprung up about the sea monster. she knew, of course, there was no such thing, but in the spirit of the approaching holiday she indulged her friends in a trip.
seeing a man living in the water was not what she had expected, much less to surprise herself by getting flustered enough to accidentally use her ability and turn into a cat. it was just her luck that cats seemed to terrify the man.
speaking was hard too, since he didn't really seem to know much about the ways of the world. she knew he was from america, but common courtesy of not trying to eat someone's car for dinner was likely the same there as it was in japan. likely.
it was cute how ice cream was the secret to taming him.
"lovecraft," she snapped her fingers in his face as he zoned out for what could be the seventh time in the same sentence, "look, I don't mean to take your entire day. I was just hoping you could lay low on the boat flipping for the time being."
"I am laying low," he stated blankly, a smudge of chocolate cream smeared across the corner of his lip, like a child. she chuckled warmly and pointed it out to him, but he just shrugged and kept licking the frozen treat. "the boats keep coming."
"because you've become a horror attraction," she retorted. something deep within her caused her to run her thumb along the edge of his lip to clean him up, partly because she knew he wouldn't do it himself, partly because she thought she'd go mad over the messiness. "leave the boats alone and they'll leave you alone. it's as simple as that."
he wasn't paying attention again. he'd gotten tired of licking and dislocated his jaw just to swallow the entire cone in one bite. the paper wrapper and napkin around it were still not removed, too, but he didn't seem to care as he pushed his jaw back into place and kept walking by her side, as if it were nothing.
she decided it was easier to not comment.
they made their way back to the vehicle, and she dropped him back off at his corner of the water, verifying multiple times that he didn't want help looking for a place to live. a slight pause and hesitation; she wanted to give him her phone number in the event he needed something, but she quickly realized he probably doesn't even have a phone, let alone one he uses.
another ability user to add to her list. what a bunch of weirdos.
boats kept coming.
this time, they were getting louder, more intrusive. some people brought diving gear and headlights, eager to explore the water for the sea beat. lovecraft was not pleased.
it was hard at first to take the advice of the strange woman. then, when they put on loud speakers and played blaring music during their expeditions, it became impossible to ignore them. a blizzard of tentacles and otherworldly monstrous body parts ravaged every boat on the lake.
[_____] showed up a dozen minutes later, not pleased.
no one was injured, but news reporters had gathered and were making a bug fuss out of it all. they dispersed after some time, and she was the only one left. she tossed pebbles into the water, hoping for him to resurface for them to talk.
"I specifically told you to do one thing," she grumbled, glaring into his sleepy eyes that peeked up. "now the whole town knows there's something going on here."
he briefly racked his brain for past interactions with his former partner, steinbeck, and realized this was the sort of situation where he was supposed to apologize. she looked at him with distrust when he did (quite blandly), but ultimately sighed and shook her head, saying it wasn't a problem.
"maybe you just need to get out of here," she proposed. "if you're not in the water when the tourists arrive, you won't have to endure all of it. do you have someplace else to go in the meantime?"
a shake of his head signaled he didn't, but also that he didn't seem to care. of course he wasn't picky about where he lived, he was currently residing in what amounted to a swamp.
"would you like to stay with me until this whole thing goes away?"
lovecraft shrugged, "okay," as if it weren't a big deal for either of them. she scolded herself for being baffled at his nonchalant reaction, which was to be expected.
she insisted he dry himself up this time before getting in her car, though.
lovecraft made himself at home by eating just about everything she had in her pantry, then trying to eat the pantry.
a smack on the back of his neck with a rolled up newspaper, and he was set straight. she indicated that he could sleep on the couch for the time being, just as long as he double-checked with her that it was okay before eating anything, emphasis on thing.
"I'm not around most of the time," she told him as she put on a coat while near the entrance, eyes darting around to make sure she wasn't leaving any valuable around in the event that they magically disappear upon her return. "so, the place is yours. are you sure you don't have anyone you want to stay with? I was told you had a partner when you were in the guild, a young lad named steinbeck. I can track him and the remnants of the guild down, if you'd like."
not a trace of anger, disgust, or even any emotion from his response. he simply wanted to be left alone, she realized.
her expression softened and she put the coat back down, walking up to him.
"how about this, would you want to go get some ice cream again? I can pay, of course."
money didn't seem to cross his radar, so the final comment went through his head. she wanted to understand him, as was the task her father had delegated onto her to know all ability users, but it was proving a lot harder than she'd thought.
that's how she found herself, a disgusted look on her face as she watched lovecraft jump into a small pond near the ice cream shop, the treat still in his hand. the ball of frozen cream floated on the surface of the murky water, and he opened his mouth to eat it like a koi fish.
"there's... there's so much wrong with what you're doing right now," she frowned, watching him happily ruin the clothes she'd just bought for him by swimming around in them. again. "howard, you're going to have to take it easy on my wallet, I don't have an infinite supply of clothes to get you."
he vanished under the surface and did not come back up for an entire minute.
she couldn't handle water - she retained quite a bit of feline features even in human form, after all - and there was no way in hell she was going to jump in to save him if he were drowning. he wasn't drowning, of course, he'd just made his way along the floor and chomped down on unsuspecting sea-dwellers. since she'd said she can't pay for everything, this was free. at least, he thinks it is.
when he came back up, she sighed with a tired smile on her face, leading him back to the apartment.
"how does your hair never get tangled?"
she was watching him curiously as he spread his lanky limbs across the sofa, bones breaking and body distorting to make it more comfortable for him. he didn't seem to hear her question until fingers raked through silky locks.
"why would it?" he raised a brow, eyelids still shut. after a few weeks, he'd gotten better at conversation, but the horror fanatics were still invading his little corner of the sea. besides, he liked it better here.
"oh right, I forgot that you don't have the problems the rest of us mortals have," she said jokingly, but realized she wasn't even sure if it was a joke. she started having doubts that he had an ability and wasn't really just a sea monster after all. fingers combed through obsidian streaks. "ahhh... it's so soft..."
she stood up in front of him, and made her entire body visible. "I'm going to turn into a cat, now."
they agreed to make it clear to the other before doing anything that scared the other, and that involved using their abilities. she liked being a cat, most of the time, as it was more pleasant to nap and lounge around in that form. however, it still caught him by surprise, and he nearly shattered the entire apartment once when he went into the kitchen for some food and caught her sleeping in a bread basket.
grey eyes watched the calico cat pounce up from the floor onto the sofa, hobble along the edge of his body until it twirled around itself and slept in the waves of hair.
he was already asleep by then, so he didn't mind when little cat teeth nibbled on the strands. they tasted like sea water, to no one's shock. paws stretched out with a yawn, then went back to snuggling themselves under the warm body of fur.
maybe this arrangement wasn't so bad.
he was getting much better as weeks turned into months. the craze over the yokohoma sea monster died down, but he found himself attached to someone for the first time in his existence. he didn't know how to describe the feeling other than warmth and that of a full stomach.
giggles exhaled in clouds of fog as she walked on the empty streets at night with him by her side. she was cold, and so was he; the only difference is that she felt it whereas he simply didn't care.
"can we go home..." he grumbled, albeit glad for the absence of people in the vicinity. they made him uncomfortable, all except for her. he didn't know why his lips were tugging upwards as she took his hand in hers.
"you're freezing," she remarked against icy flesh. "I'm sure there's a café or something nearby, if you want to warm up before headi-"
his other arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her against his frame, face buried deep enough in his chest to cause her to suffocate. her feet were kicked upwards behind her, body no longer touching the ground as he carried her entire weight with his one arm.
"you're cold too. this will help."
he took her muffled cries for confirmation that he did the right thing, and walked them home in just about the most awkward position possible. she managed to crane her neck to the side, gasping for breaths, but just laughed to herself at his peculiarities.
he was right, it did help.
she remained curled up against him even as they got inside, slipped under blankets and were laying on the couch. not that she had a choice; he didn't seem keen on letting go anytime soon.
"my limbs don't bend like yours do. could I..." she squirmed, grateful that he seemed to get the message and loosened his hold on her. she repositioned herself then curled back up into him, rubbing her head in slow circles against his chest from feline instinct. she muttered a thanks into his slowly warming shirt.
everything felt so uncomplicated in his presence. even as a horror movie played in the background, she nearly fell asleep on him, and he had long gone into the realm of dreams. they were both snoring softly when a dramatic scream emanated from the television, jolting him awake.
her eyes were still closed, and he just took a look at her face for a few moments before having what was more of an urge than an idea.
he ate her mouth.
this sprung her wide awake as she pulled away from shock once she'd realized he was biting her lips.
"what are you doing?!" she shrieked, hands pushing on his chest to lift herself up and off of him. "you can't just... what... why would you... ?!!!"
he looked at her with a dull expression, a sliver of confusion revealing itself on his long features. "I saw... I saw people do this when they're content. I-"
"oh my god," she let out a breath of relief as she understood that his actions didn't align with his intentions, even chuckling softly as she let herself fall back onto him, body now completely on top of his. her face was hovering on top of him, and she kept a gentle smile. "people do that when they're in love, howard. it's called a kiss."
again, confusion and a grumble. "oh. what does that mean?"
she squinted, almost as if looking for the answer to his question in the backrooms of his irises. "I don't know how to explain it, but it's what people feel when they're really happy around each other."
"I feel like that," he stated blankly, watching as her face flushed in embarrassment.
"you can't just say that like it's nothing," she managed to croak out without combusting on the spot. "love is a very big thing. you have to mean it."
"why wouldn't I mean it?"
her lips parted as she tried to respond, then realized just how simple everything was with this man. lovecraft didn't care about the specifics, and maybe she shouldn't either. she exhaled through her mouth slowly, then brought her hands to his cheek.
"okay, fine. I'm going to kiss you now, alright? don't do anything like try to bite my flesh off, just... just let me kiss you. can we try that?" the words felt silly as they spilled out, but he nodded. if it didn't involve him doing anything, that was even better, he thought.
his eyes were open as lips met again. he took notice that hers were closed, but he couldn't quite understand why. it was nothing like what he'd tried earlier: she was soft and slow about it. he could feel her chest fall and rise in sync with the gentle breaths she let out. it was clear she wasn't sure about what she was doing, but after a few moments, she leaned in closer and he could taste her on his tongue. she rubbed her lips on his, and smirked once she felt him trying to reciprocate by copying her movements. fingers slid from his cheeks to his hair, and she pulled his face deeper into hers.
she let out a soft yelp as his tongue dipped further into her, now an addict of her taste. he tried to be careful, he really did, but his teeth bit down into her tongue a little harshly as he tried to get the hang of this. as soon as things got too messy, too fast, she slowly pulled away, his lower lip flicking back upwards as her own let it go. her eyes fluttered back open, and she found herself giggling as she saw that his were open the entire time. of course they were.
"that," she whispered with a smile, fingers stroking his hair and weaving through them at his scalp, "that is a kiss. how did that feel?"
his face literally melted and he became a gooey mess of tentacles and monstrous shapes as he felt his entire body explode internally.
watching his version of being flustered be to turn into his alternate form, she was tempted to giggle at how adorable his reaction was. however, she quickly found herself projected across the room as he accidentally threw her out of panic.
she chuckled, back slumped against the wall while sitting on the floor on the opposite end of the room, a hand on her head feeling for any bumps or cuts. "I take it that means you liked it."
a hand around his hips, a hand holding a cup of hot chocolate.
a hand on her waist, a hand gripping five different ice cream cones all at once.
they sat on a bench in the dead of the night, which was really the only time she could get him out of the apartment. during the day, she would go out and work while he stayed home and slept. during the night, they would occasionally go out, then come home and sleep. it was quite the schedule.
she took a slow sip of her hot chocolate, head tilting to the side in order to rest on his shoulder. in order to not disturb her, he contorted his neck at an angle that would make anybody call on for a higher being's protection, and tossed all the cones into his mouth in one motion.
"want a sip?" she offered her drink, unfazed by anything he did anymore. "not the whole cup, just a taste."
his eyes met hers, and he shrugged yes. she smirked and kissed his lips, the chocolate flavour lingering even as she pulled away.
thankfully, as they were in public even though there was no one out at this unholy hour, he just blushed and did not morph into an enemy of the state and humanity. she liked it when he blushed; his sharp features softened and glistened under the moonlight. another kiss to the high of his cheekbones paired with fingertips sliding along his abdomen, and the red deepened.
"m'just messin' with you," murmured against his skin. "want to go home now?"
it was a stupid question: he always wanted to go home.
only, his home was no longer a place, but a person.
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manjirot · 2 years
off limits // imaushi wakasa
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— you were already off limits the moment he laid his eyes on you.
cw // reader is a bit of a airhead, sex worker and psychic, smut, drugs, murder, degradation, waka is jealous asf and tatteddd.
sn // reader is 21 and waka is in his middle 30s.
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“FOR FUCK SAKES!!” Rinshiro screams out, “fucking whore scratched me up! My face is a bloody mess!”
“C- calm down, Rinshiro, sir! Mr. Imaushi is on his way as we speak!” Chino, the bartender says nervously.
Rinshiro, who’s face looked like a cat got a hold of him turned around and looked at Chino, making him gulp from how horrified his face was. “I should go back there and kill that stupid bitch.”
“No way!” Chino yelled, “I understand your frustration but you gotta understand you broke our number one rule Mr. Rinshiro… hands off all the girls.”
Rinshiro gritted his teeth.
“Boss, I think we should leave. Dude is right after all…” Rinshiro’s underling said.
Rinshiro clicked his tongue, “are you siding with this fucker??” He then reach behind his pants and pulled out his glock pointing it at Chino.
The girls that were out of their rooms witnessing the chaos ran back into their rooms in fear.
“Do you know who the hell you’re talking to?” Rinshiro shouted. “I’m fucking Rinshiro!!! Leader and Founder of Rage Hounds.”
“Yeah yeah, we get it..” a calm voice enters the building. Rinshiro turns around to see the owner, Wakasa. “can you be respectful and use your inside voice? I am running a business here… and stop aiming at my bartender, you’re gonna make em shit himself.” Wakasa says.
Rinshiro chuckled and lowered his gun, “I was just kidding,” he said, putting the gun away.
“I doubt you were kidding with how fucked up your face is,” Shinchiro says, who’s following behind Wakasa.
Rinshiro grunted but held his composure, “well, aha, one of your girls did this.”
“Tell me more.” Wakasa said, “why would one of my girls attack you so brutally Rinshiro?”
“You should ask that crazy bitch that!” Rinshiro replied.
Wakasa steps closer to Rinshiro, “but I’m asking you… why would my girl attack you?”
Rinshiro stepped backwards a bit, intimidating by Waka’s cold glare. Rinshiro took a deep breath, “I may have struck her first but I have a damn good reason for it Waka,” Rinshiro said.
There was silence for a least ten seconds.
“Oh okay,” Waka says with a smile, “since there was a good reason I’m sure we can work something out then.”
Rinshiro grinned and looked back at his nervous underling, “I’m just stressed about what ima tell me girl back home when she sees my face.”
Waka smiled softly, “tell her this…”
WHACK— and just that quick, Waka knee’d him in the face. Chino could’ve sworn he heard something crack. Waka then grabbed a fistful of Rinshiro’s hair, “tell her you were here trying to get your dick wet and got clawed I’m the process.” Waka then punched him in the gut, making him spit out.
Rinshiro fell to the floor and Waka stomped him harshly all over. Shinchiro stood behind watching the show and took out a cigarette to lit up. He found it amusing.
Waka stopped kicking and kneeled down to the now unconscious man, “you’re a disgrace… and if you ever come back disrespecting my business again, i will kill you.” Waka spat on him and glanced up at Rinshiro’s now terrified underling, “get your dog shit boss outta here..”
“Y-yes, yes sir!” The underling rushed to his boss and quickly got him up off the floor and exited the building.
Shinchiro chuckled, “you should’ve let me handled that youngin’.”
“Pft, as if…” Waka said. He took a cigarette out his pocket and walked up to Shin, letting him light it up.
“Chino.” Wakasa called. Chino was paralyzed from seeing his boss in action for the first time, “Chino!” Wakasa called again, “ah, yes sir?”
“Take us to the girl,” Waka said and Chino nodded, “follow me sir.”
Chino led Waka and Shinchiro through a dimly lit hallway in the back where the girls slept and did their business.
Some girls peeped out their rooms and was in awe. “It’s Mr. Imaushi; he’s so sexy; who’s that with him?;
Chino stopped at a door, “this is it,” and opened the door. Chino stepped aside and allowed Waka and Shin to enter. “So… this is her?” Waka asked.
The battered girl sat in a fetal position in the corner of her broke down bed and opened her eyes when she heard unfamiliar voices. You instantly grabbed the broken glass that was beside you and aimed it shakily at Waka.
“St- stay back!!” You said with a shaky voice, “I’ll carve out your face if you come any closer!”
Waka took a step forward… “I’m fucking warning you!” You screamed.
“Y/n, calm down!!” Chino said, “this is Mr. Imaushi, he owns this place.”
You looked at Chino then at Waka, “you’re… you’re the boss?”
“Sure am baby,” Waka said, “I heard what happened so I came to check on you.”
Your lips began to tremble and you slowly laid down the glass, Waka walked over and sat down on your bed. “There’s no need to cry, daddy’s here now.” His strong arms wrapped around you and you cling to him like your life depended on it.
“I was so scared… I couldn’t breathe, I- I thought I was going to die.” You sobbed into his silk button up shirt. He caressed your hair, “shhh, shhh. It’s alright now pretty girl.”
Waka examined the room and it was completely a mess. Broken glass everywhere, blood here and there, mainly on the bed, the bed was might as well say broke.
She has bruises all over her … busted nose and lip, defensive wounds on her arms. And even bruises around her neck. Bastard was trying to strangle her to death.
Waka held you closer to him at the thought of you being killed by the likes of Rinshiro.
He’ll come back for retaliation once he’s better… she’s not safe here. Hm, that leaves me no choice then.
“I’m taking her with me.” Waka says out loud.
Chino eyes widen, “pardon me sir.”
“I said she’s coming home with me, get all her belongings packed and meet me outside in five.”
“But sir, she’s our best girl! The ratings will go down for sure once everyone finds out she’s no longer here!” Chino protests.
“Fuck ratings. She’s coming back with me and that’s final, find the second best girl to replace her since you’re so worried.” Waka replied.
There’s no second best though — “yes sir, Mr. Imaushi.”
Wakasa then picks you up in his arms which startles you a little, “hope you don’t mind being carried around like this,” Waka says to you.
You’re dumbfounded for a bit then looks away, “I don’t mind,” you say shyly.
Waka softly smiles at you in his arms then looks back at Chino, “I don’t have all goddamn night, Chino!”
“Uh right sir! I apologize!” Chino rushes and packs all your things up as Waka walks out with you in his arms.
“So you girls wanna guess how big it is?” Shinchiro teases a few girls then suddenly sees Wakasa walk pass the room with you in tow.
“Shit, what are you doing Waka?” Shinchiro rushed out the room.
“What does it look like?” Waka asked.
Shinchiro grumbled and looked back at the girls that seemed to be waiting for him, “say Waka? You don’t mind if I-”
“Knock yourself out,” Waka said to Shin.
As Wakasa was carrying you, you were listening his heart beat. Nothing else, just his heart. So warm… he’s so warm. This warmth… is so calming.
Waka makes it outside where it’s ice cold drizzling. He looks down at you to see you’re fast asleep.
Seriously… she’s out cold. She’s an interesting one for sure.
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ghostboyhood · 16 days
oh lord okay.. im gonna give my thoughts on the last season ish because i just finished it so its what i mainly remember and its 1 am..
the anniejeff made me SO uncomfortable i dont understand why they kept pushing that when they also pushed the dad-daughter relationship throughout the show.... and the second to last episode being centered around incest was odd, not a huge fan of that..
now okay my MAIN thoughts are about abed, so here i go
i feel like in the last two seasons (maybe 4 too? i dont remember atm) abeds autistic" traits were completely stripped from him. yes they included all his "fourth wall breaking meta tv show lines" but it wasnt right.
and i understand people will eventually change/grown up but also.. you cant "fix" autistic traits so it just felt like they were trying to make his autism seem more "normal" also by making him more emotionless i realized? abed cant express himself well, which he mainly copes with by dissociating. but he just.. in the last seasons it seemed more like he DIDNT have emotions (i believe he says something like this to buzz when talking about his duck comics, along the lines of the emotions he cant feel or wtv) but this isnt right, abed is emotional, hes actually really emotional we just dont see it directly like we do with people like annie or troy..
speaking of emotions im glad they really explained that jeff was scared of change and everyone leaving at the end though, its always been known that he is, but i liked that they really Showed it
annies ending was nice i guess? she was basically just a prop for jeff though in the weird fucking fantasy he wants though??? again idk why theyre pushing that it felt so out of place and weird and ew. jeff was also uncomfortably violent in season 6, like i dont think he would ever choke abed out that made me feel so gross...
alright back to abed because hes the main one i noticed in the last seasons.
in the end where abed was talking to jeff in the bar and said like.. "ik ur comforted by this meta lens but this is reality!!" just felt wrong.. yeah abed was still meta w the whole tv show thing but that was it.. and then him saying that to jeff? its like they tried to make him this big mentor guy to jeff (idk if thats necessarily it but its all i can think of to describe it at the moment) but not in a friend way but an uncomfortable "im grown up now and ur not" way if that makes sense,, which again goes with stripping him of his autistic traits by making it seem like its completely necessary to Grow up in order to move forward in life which isnt.. its true in some ways but not in the way they portrayed it at all.. they make it seem like abed had to grow up completely in order for him to "be okay"..
i related a LOT to abed in the early seasons for Many reasons, i think they handled the abed centered episodes especially about his mental health EXTREMELY Well. (ie, abeds uncontrollable christmas) its one of the first times ive seen experiences like that in media that i can almost directly relate to yk? but after geothermal escapism its all gone, never mentioned again besides in call backs where they try to laugh it off/dismiss it..
oh my god and abeds 'girlfriend' was just sooo out of place she was mentioned like twice and then that was it.. they didnt need to do that it felt really forced
also in like season one abed sits in that fucking room for hoursss without so much as making a peep but then he looses his cool and yells at buzz in season five?? again troy just left which makes a big impact but its still smt i noticed
everyone just felt very bland in the last seasons after troy left at least… half the cast was gone, then replaced
idk im not like, ruined the show pissed at the end, but im also not a fan of s5/6 (besides like.. sum scenes, and like i mentioned earlier maybe s4 as well)
i have to binge tv shows so i dont always immediately retain all the information and i have to rewatch episodes a lot, but thats my thoughts immediately after finishing the show at 12 am, sleep deprived, and in a really bad mental health episode so theyre not well put together n shit and i wish i could remember more to go over but alas
theres my immediate thoughts,, im gonna probably sleep or restart community.. i was planning on starting interview with the vampire now but im thinking of starting black mirror so we'll see...
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skadiloki · 2 months
Part 1
A/N:Guys I did it! I finally finished the first part of my story. I is proud baby😚. Okay so before you begin reading Ben a.k.a Soldier Boy is a bit OOC I kinda did it on purpose cause we don't really exactly know,at least from the shows standpoint,that he's entirely racist. I feel he's more indifferent towards black people or any person of color as a whole but that's just me. MASSIVE TRIGGER WARNING this does contain sexual assault,some bits of sexual harassment and attempted rape so please be aware. I tried not to be too terribly graphic in order not to trigger myself in a sense but reader discretion advised. If anything like this has happened to anyone and I mean ANYONE please don't pull a me,I held it in for months until I finally told my mother,she never believed me cause she yelled at me,called me a liar and then processed to beat me for it but it is what it is,don't do it. Please seek help,I know it's easier said than done but please please please try. Cause it can def mess with your psyche and we don't want that. If it's too much for you to read that part you can scroll past it,it is long so I'm letting you know now,but other than that I hope you enjoy the first part of the story. I worked really hard so please enjoy it as much as you can. Oh,and for obvi reasons I used my tumblr name and not my real one. Happy reading peeps🤗
(A'ight so I know Leonard is dead in The Boys franchise but let's pretend for a second that he actually lived after Butcher left for the British military and went to America with him at some point after. So right,I know I'm talkin a lot but hear me out. Butcher and the others,others being M.M,Annie,Hughie,and Soldier Boy need some extra help rightrightright with killing Homelander and shit so they go off to Leonard's house for that extra help. 👀👀 Took me mUuUmmfffs to try and come up with something so let's hope this works. Fingers crossed)
*It was Summer,a normal sunny day,perfect breeze,children playing in sprinklers,people barbecuing in their backyards just having the time of their lives like normal folk. Meanwhile Butcher and the others are in the current safehouse at a standstill contemplating their next move and what they should do in trying to take Homelander down for good*
Annie:We've literally tried everything and still haven't taken down Homelander. And we can't have another Herogasm incident.
M.M:If Soldier Boy couldn't take him out there aren't really any more options we can take here Annie.
Annie:My live should be more than enough to help some.
M.M:Yeah but how is that really going to help us take down Homelander in the long run?
Hughie:Maybe we can ask Frenchie to make something that could temporarily take out Homelander?
M.M:With how much time that we have,that'd be cutting it close Hughie.
Soldier Boy:Then how the hell do you figure we take the caped fuck out,huh?
Butcher:I may have an idea.
M.M:Well don't just sit there in silence motherfucker,tell us.
Butcher:I'm not sure it might even work.
Annie:What even is it Butcher?
Butcher:*Stands up from his chair* Come on you lot. We're goin on a trip.
Hughie:A trip to where?
Butcher:For our secret weapon.
Annie:How do you know this weapon will work Butcher?
Butcher:You just gotta trust me love. Come on.
M.M:Butcher,now isn't the time to fucking pussyfoot around the subject. Tell us what we're walking into man.
Butcher:You're just gonna have to trust me on this M.M. I know it don't sound like nothin but it's better than sittin here on our asses like a bunch of clueless cunts twiddling our goddamn thumbs. Just fuckin trust me yeah? We ain't got no more time to lose.
*Butcher leaves the safehouse while the others just sit there*
Annie:Are you sure we should trust him?
M.M:No,but what other choice do we have at this point? We better go before the bastard ends up killing himself.
Soldier Boy:You really think the limey actually has a weapon that can take out that overgrown pussy?
Hughie:He's the best we've got.
Soldier Boy:So the dumb fuck’s leading us to our deaths? Tch,Christ on a cross. How the fuck do we even know that the limey's not just trying to steer us in the wrong direction?
Annie:We don't. Let's just go. Something is better than nothing at this point.
*The four of them get up and leave the safehouse as well to see this so called “Secret weapon” Butcher spoke of. After a solid two hour and some change drive to Syracuse they pull into the driveway of a lovely two story gray home in a pretty chill community*
Tumblr media
(Dis da house)
Hughie:This is your secret weapon? A house.
Butcher:It's not the house itself Hughie,it's what's inside the house.
Hughie:Well what's inside the house?
Butcher:You'll find out once we get it.
*He gets out of the car leaving Hughie there to his own thoughts*
Hughie:I've got a bad feeling about this.
*He gets out the car and stands outside along with the others just staring up at the house*
M.M:Are you sure this is the right place Butcher?
Butcher:Of course it is.
Annie:Is the secret weapon the house or something?
Butcher:No. Would you all just shut up,you're doin me head in with all these fuckin questions. Just come on.
Soldier Boy:How do we even know that there actually is a weapon in there strong enough to take out Homelander?
Butcher:For fuck's sake just trust me alright. *He walks up to the front door with the other cautiously behind him as he knocks on it waiting for someone on the other side to open it. A few moments pass by and the door opens revealing a familiar face* Hey Lenny.
Lenny:No. You need to leave,right now.
Butcher:Len please.
Lenny:Absolutely not. Billy you can't be here. You need to leave.
Soldier Boy:Who the fuck is this cocksucker?
Butcher:Oi! Watch it.
Annie:I'm sorry but who is this Butcher?
Butcher:He's my brother Lenny.
Hughie:Wait,you have a brother?
Butcher:Long story. Len,can we just talk,please?
Lenny:No,absolutely not. You can't just show up after all these years and want to talk. Please leave.
M.M:Hold on,hold on,hold on. Butcher. *He grabs his shoulder to slightly pull him back speaking in a quieter tone* Are you telling me that your brother is this secret weapon you were talking about?
Butcher:No. *Turns back to Lenny* Just gimme a few minutes of your time Len. I won't be long.
Lenny:Why should I even let you waste my time,huh? And for what,for you to run off and do fuck all?
Butcher:Alright now Lenny. I know ain't been in touch with ya in these last few years.
Lenny:No. I don't want to hear the excuses anymore Billy.
Butcher:Len I-
Soldier Boy:Enough of this. *He pushes Butcher aside and walks up to Lenny grabbing him by the collar* Alright now look here you skinny good for nothing pussyass scared bitch. We ain't got the time for your bitching and moaning,we're here for-
*Annie steps in between the three,separating Soldier Boy from Lenny and Butcher gets in his face*
Annie:Whoa,whoa everyone calm down!
Butcher:Put your fuckin hands on ‘im again and I'll fucking kill ya.
Soldier Boy:*Scoffs* Is that so? I'd love to see you fucking try.
Annie:Both of you stop it! This isn't what we're here for. Calm down before you start something you can't finish. I am not willing to put this whole neighborhood in danger because of you two and your dick measuring contest. There are bigger problems here that we need to solve and you both getting hostile and being at each other's throats won't help us get any closer to where we need to be.
M.M:Annie's right,now's not the time and it sure as hell ain't the damn place. *He moves past them,Soldier Boy and Butcher now taking their glare-off off of the front step,while he speaks with Lenny* Look,I don't know what Butcher did to you in the past to ensure your wrath. I'm sure his dumbass deserves it anyway.
M.M:But whatever the issue may be between the two of you is,we need your help Lenny.
Lenny:Why should I trust you?
M.M:You probably shouldn't but we have no other choice. Lives are at stake here,and we need all the help we can get. We wouldn't have come here if it wasn't a life or death. Thousands if not millions of lives are at risk and we need all the help that we can get. You can help us possibly save the country if you just hear us out,even if it's just a moment. I won't beg,I won't grovel. It's all up to you. If you want us to leave we can,we'll all get back in our cars and we'll head back to New York and you'll never have to see us again. Or you can just give us a few moments of your time to try and help us take down one of the most dangerous superheroes possibly in history.
Lenny:How do I know you'll keep your word?
M.M:You don't but this is all you got.
Lenny:*Sigh* Fine.
M.M:Thank you.
*Lenny steps aside for them to enter the house,watching them file in before shutting the door behind Hughie*
Lenny:I have water if you want something to drink.
Butcher:*Lays a hand on Lenny's shoulder* Thanks Len.
Lenny:Don't get too comfortable Billy. I'm still upset at you. *He brushes Butcher's hand off his shoulder and walks into the kitchen and sits at the table after kindly offering the others water bottles* So why'd you come? What do you want?
Annie:Butcher said something about a s-
Butcher:Where's Skađi?
Butcher:Cause I ain't seen the little tyke since she was a girl.
Lenny:I don't think that's a good idea Billy. Especially how you left things last time.
Hughie:What happened last time?
Butcher:Another story for another time.
Lenny:Didi's not here right now.
Butcher:Where is she?
Lenny:And why is that any of your concern?
M.M:Butcher you're getting off topic here.
Hughie:I thought we were here for this-
Butcher:Do you know where she is?
Lenny:Yes,why? What does she have to do with possibly saving the country or whatever?
M.M:Wait a second. You mentioned something about a “secret weapon” being here Butcher.
Lenny:Secret weapon? What secret weapon?
Soldier Boy:Are you saying we came all this way for nothing?
Lenny:*Sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose* Look,I don't know what Billy's been telling you all but there's no secret weapon here. At least none that I know of.
Butcher:Thus my question as to where Skađi is.
Annie:Does this Skadi pe-
Lenny:Skađi,ah sound.
Annie:Sorry. Skadi? Skađi. *Lenny nods* Does she know about it?
Lenny:If she does it's news to me. She still wouldn't like the fact that you're here Billy. You'd be the last bloke she'd ever want to see.
Hughie:Why did something happen?
Lenny:I don't know. *He glares at Butcher and says incredulously* Did something happen William?
Butcher:*Holds his hands up in defense* Alright,alright there's no need for that Len.
M.M:Butcher what the fuck is going on here? Who the hell is Skađi and what's the reason for this whole back and forth thing between you and him?
Butcher:It's funny you mentioned that M.M ca-
*The sound of the front door being unlocked and open catches everyone's attention then the sound of a deepish husky voice (Imma deep voice girly) talking on the phone*
Man,fuck him. Girl if he was willing to cheat on a fine bitch like you then his ass didn't deserve you in the first place. That nigga ain't worth your tears. Trust me,I've been down that road many times. Well the useless crying that is but you get what I mean.
Lenny:*Laughs* Speak of the devil. (Wink wink) *Shouts* Hi Didi.
Hold on. *I pull away from my phone and shout back* Hi dad! *I go back to my conversation* Okay,what were you saying?
*I continue on my way to my room passing by the kitchen*
Annie:Was that her?
Lenny:It was.
Hughie:If she knows where the weapon is then we need her to tell us where it is.
Lenny:Why would she even know where this supposed “secret weapon” is anyway? Putting her in a room with Billy is spellin trouble.
M.M:If it's to help. We'll take what we can.
Lenny:Ehhh~~ I don't think you want that.
Annie:Please Lenny this would mean the world to us if she could help us.
Lenny:*Shrug* Alright don't say I didn't warn ya. Skađi,come here sweetheart.
Just a second!
Lenny:You lot have fun.
*He gets up from his seat and moves to the opposite side of the kitchen*
Soldier Boy:Why the fuck did you move all the way over there?
Lenny:Oh don't mind me.
*Five or so minutes go by and I walk out of my room*
Where ya at my guy?
Lenny:The kitchen.
Guuch. *I make my way into the kitchen* So whatcha ne-
*Upon stepping into the kitchen and making eye contact with Butcher stops me dead in my tracks*
Butcher:Hello love. Look at how you've grown,almost didn't even recognize ya.
*I scoff then start chuckling which turns into loud boisterous cynical laughter*
Hughie:Oh,so she's happy to see you.
Lenny:*Mumbles* I wouldn't say that.
*I place a hand on my chest,standing up straight,and suddenly full back. That obviously makes Annie and M.M jump up to attempt to catch me but a sudden black hole opens up on the floor and I fall into it and that confused the all hell out of them*
M.M:What in the fuck?
Annie:Butcher wh-
*I appear out of nowhere,gun in hand right under Butcher's chin,growling*
Give me one goddamn reason I shouldn't kill you right fucking now?!
*Soldier Boy pulls his gun along with M.M pointing at me and Annie has her hands up with her eyes glowing ready to strike*
Butcher:I know you're angry.
Angry? Oh,I've pushed past the point of anger. Enraged,infuriated,irked,pissed even.
Soldier Boy:You pull that trigger and I blow your brains out dollface. And I'd hate to ruin such a pretty face.
*I raise an eyebrow at him*
Soldier Boy:Your choice.
Soldier Boy:*Cocks his gun* The fuck did you say to me?
I said *My voice distorts almost demonically and I look directly at him* Sit.
*Soldier Boy,M.M,and Annie all sit unconsciously against their wills*
Annie:The hell?
(Oof,homegurl almost forgot. You know we out here with the demonic powers as always,I stay the strongest character in mah shit…But anyway there are Bayonetta undertones in here,first time I've ever done that before,excited. Some Dune too cause The Voice,right? And some Jujutsu Kaisen cause why the fuck not. I know it sounds weird but knowin my ass,oh it'll work. I'll stop)
*I look back to Butcher*
I'm still waitin on an answer.
Butcher:Cause we're family.
*Sarcastically* Oh,so we're family now. That's rich.
Hughie:Wait Butcher,who is this girl?
Butcher:Skađi here is my niece.
M.M:She's your what?!
Soldier Boy:There's no fucking way she could be your niece.
Adopted but niece nonetheless. But saying that would be insulting and going against my word. Why the fuck are you here William?
Butcher:We need your help.
Not interested. Fuck off.
Butcher:It's for the greater good love. You can't just say no and fuck off.
Watch me bitch. *I cock the gun in my hand* I'll see your bitchass in the afterlife.
Lenny:Now Skađi.
You know he deserves it dad.
Lenny:I get it but let's just hear him out.
Hear him out? For fuckin what?
Lenny:Said something about a secret weapon?
Secret weapon? What secret fu- *I think for a second then cackle* Oh you arrogant pharisaic son of a bitch! You think you can just come back into our lives after what you've done? *Growl* I will not be used as a weapon!
M.M:She's the secret weapon you were talking about?
Butcher:Yeah,more or less.
Lenny:You were going to use your own niece as a weapon to kill Homelander?! What the hell is wrong with you Billy!
Annie:Wait,you're a Supe?
In the flesh.
Butcher:In my defense
Fuck your defense. That's not a fucking excuse to use someone you called family William. But knowing you I wouldn't put it beneath you.
Butcher:In my defense it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Why cause you're desperate and fucked?
Butcher:That's just putting it lightly.
God,if dad wasn't here I'd shoot you then I'd revive you just to have Avavago eat you alive!
My demonic pet dragon. Avavago.
M.M:I ain't never heard of a Supe with demonic powers before.
Well there's a first for everything. *I put the safety on the gun and pull back from Butcher* You should be grateful you're still alive. Next time you won't be so lucky. I'm going back to my room. Looking at you makes my skin crawl.
Butcher:At least hear me out Di.
No,fuck you and ya life existence.
Butcher:If you don't help us Homelander may kill us all.
Why the fuck should I care?
Butcher:Because you have a heart.
That may be true but that doesn't mean I'd extend my kindness to you after what you did to me. I will never forgive you for what you've done.
M.M:I'm not one to poke in family affairs outside my own but you've got us curious. Just what has Butcher done that makes you hate him so much?
Lenny and I:Why don't you tell them William.
Butcher:Way to gang up on me you two.
Butcher:Piss off. It ain't none of your business.
Hughie:We have a right to know.
Butcher:And what makes you think I'd tell you cunts about our little family issue,huh?
Annie:Because you were going to use your own niece as a weapon. You owe us that much Butcher.
Butcher:A thing happened at work a few years back.
Oh Jesus,don't sugarcoat it. Tell them the truth or I will. And if I do,they sure as hell ain't gonna like it.
Soldier Boy:Quit being a bitch about it. So he hurt your feelings,you're so goddamn emotional. All women are but this is a whole new fucking level. Christ on a cross,get over it.
“Get over it” he says. *I pull down the neck of my shirt showing off three wounds near my heart* You remember these?
Butcher:*His eyebrows furrow as he sighs heavily* Skađi.
So you do remember. Consider me shocked. I would've thought you repressed that memory into the back of your mind *Venomously* Billy.
Hughie:You shot her?
Annie:But those should've healed,you're a Supe.
I didn't have a grasp on my powers yet so I didn't heal properly. I don't enjoy the memory but I'd rather save my breath. *I fix my shirt then pull out a chair plopping myself in it* Why don't we show them instead,hm? *I,purposely,smack Butcher in the side of the head,grab at what seems to be his temple then pull back bringing a strip of film,revealing a string of memories* Let's go back eleven years.
Hughie:What in the fuck?! How are you doing that?
It's a part of my powers. (It's a One Piece thing. Forgot about that undertone,but it's just this one thing that Pudding is able to do with her Memo Memo devilfruit) *I do the same thing to myself,without the aggressive slapping and handling,and scroll back an entire decade to one specific memory*
Butcher:(The names and memories will be italicized in apostrophes,I prefer it over quotes in things like this don't know why just do. Back to the story) ‘Alright ya little tyke. You stay here and you work on your school work,I got a meeting that'll probably be the death of me.’
*Giggle* ‘I'm sure it won't be that bad Uncle Billy.’
Butcher:‘You keep tellin yourself that love. Just wait until you're old enough to have to deal with these cunts and I bet you won't be saying that.’
‘Dad said you're not allowed to say that around me.’
Butcher:‘Your dad's not here now is he? Keep it a secret and I'll buy you whatever you want.’
‘Whatever I want?’
Butcher:‘Oh yeah. I'll buy you a whole candy store if you want.’
‘Buy me a PS2 and those two nerf guns I want and you've got a deal. Oh! Games included.’
Butcher:*Pinches my cheek* ‘Cheeky little blighter. You be a good girl for me.’
*Bright smile* ‘Okay.’
Soldier Boy:Looks like some sappy bullshit to me.
Shut up and watch.
*He immediately stops talking and pays attention to the memories. Ten or so minutes pass by,while in Butcher's memory he's still in the meeting,and in mine two large men enter the room making me look up from my work and pause my music*
‘Oh,uh hello.’
Agent:‘Wow,you're prettier than I thought.’
*A bit awkward* ‘Thanks,I guess.’
Agent 2:‘How old are you sweetie?’
*Guarded* ‘Why?’
Agent:‘Just curious. You look maybe 17,18.’
Agent 2:‘You're younger. Who would've thought a sixteen year old would look as beautiful as you. You surely don't look your age sweetheart,certainly not with a body like that you don't.’
*I shift uncomfortably* ‘I think I'm going to…um see Miss Angelica.’ *I start packing my things* ‘Excuse me.’
*As I step from my place and walk towards the door one agent stops me*
Agent:‘Where are you going? We just want to talk.’
*I brush him off of me* ‘Please don't touch me. I need to leave.’
Agent 2:*He harshly grabs my arm* ‘Why rush? The fun's just getting started.’
‘I said get off of me!’
*I tear my arm from his grasp then kick him in the groin then sock him in the face then making a break for the door only for the other agent to grab me by my hair to yank me back*
Agent:‘You little bitch!’
*Scream* ‘Let me go! Uncle Billy!’
Agent 2:*Gets up* ‘Ugh,you little shit. You'll pay for that you fucking whore.’
Agent:*Pulls my head back by my hair and kisses my neck* ‘You taste so good.’
*Begging* ‘Let me go! Please!’
Agent:‘Nuh-uh.’ *Starts groping at me and chuckles evilly* ‘So soft.’
‘Stop it! Get off of me! Somebody he-’
Agent 2:*Grabs me by my face to silence me* ‘Not today sweetheart.’ *Tears my shirt off and licks his lips* ‘We're going to have fun with you.’
*I bite his hand and claw at the other agent's eyes that's holding me and try to make a run for the door. When I open the door and attempt to scream,my head gets hit against the wall to disorient me and I get dragged back and the door gets slammed*
Agent:‘You're a feisty one aren't ya?’ *He takes off his belt and wraps it around my wrists then he takes off his tie to gag me with* ‘We'll definitely have fun with you.’
*I protest against them as they touch and prod at me,putting their filthy hands in places they shouldn't. I try my best to resist but nothing really works,as the tears roll down my cheeks I scream against the makeshift gag in hopes that someone would hear me. This goes on for several moments,moments that feel like an eternity to me,until it didn't. The second agent pulls me down to the edge of the table by my leg and tries to do the unthinkable*
Agent 2:*Groans* ‘All this foreplay has made me hard. I'm betting you can fix that sweetheart.’ *He unfastens his pants and pulls out his cock stroking the hard pulsing flesh moaning at the sensation* ‘I'm going to ruin you for any other man in your life. You'll be begging me to make you cum then just when you've had enough I'll just keep on going until you forget your own fucking name.’
*I fight furiously against the one holding me down but he proves to be too strong. The man standing before me easily tears the fabric of my leggings off followed by my underwear*
Agent 2:‘God you're such a filthy little whore. Sweet little virgins like you,feisty ones especially,deserve punishment. By the time we're done with you,you'll be our perfect little cumslut. All battered,bruised and fucking obedient.’
*Once he gets close enough to attempt to shove his dick inside of me,something in my mind shatters suddenly causing a mysterious,yet gigantic silky black scaled claw to emerge from the floor grabbing the man and pulling him into the abyss*
Agent:*Draws his gun* ‘What in the fuck!’
*He starts firing at the claw but it does nothing. The sound of loud gunfire obviously draws the attention of others,Butcher being a part of them thankfully,or so I thought,bursting into the room just to see the poor man get dragged down into darkness and the claw vanishing as if it never even existed. From seeing my obvious disheveled look both Angelica,the kind lady who often gives me treats when I come in,and another agent who I found out was named Susan rush over to me to untie me and frantically check me of any other injuries I may have obtained*
Angelica:*Holding my face as she turns it in every which direction to check for other injuries* ‘Oh my God. Sweetheart,are you alright?!’
*An endless stream of tears just flow down my cheeks as I sob,speaking brokenly as hiccups and gasps rack my body*
Th-They t-t-tried to-to…r-rape m-m-me. I-I-I-I w-was d-doi-doing…h-h-home…homework wh-when they
Susan:Sh,sh,sh. You're alright now. You're safe. Let's get you something to put on,hm?
*I nod as she takes off her suit jacket to put around my shoulders soothingly rubbing my back to try and calm me from that traumatic event. Butcher,standing there in pure shock at what he just witnessed. He wasn't even sure if he was seeing things or not but his mind was on autopilot when he drew his gun and pulled the trigger,shooting me three times in the heart. Angelica and Susan scream as I hit the floor now bleeding*
Susan:‘Billy what the fuck! What's wrong with you?’
Angelica:‘Who in the fuck shoots their own niece!’
Susan:‘Call an ambulance Angelica,I'll try and stop the bleeding.’
*Angelica nods and gets up to try and run out of the room but Butcher stops her*
Butcher:‘Fuckin leave her.’
Angelica:*She's shocked at first but then her shock turns to anger* ‘You can't be fucking serious! She's dying because you shot her!’
Butcher:‘She's a fucking supe. You saw what she done to that poor cunt.’
Susan:‘Why does that matter Butcher? You saw the state she was in,you fucking heard her they tried to rape her,if anything he and whoever else fucking deserved it!’
Butcher:‘Bullocks! The bastards deserved to have thier asses fired and prosecuted for trying to take advantage of her,right enough,but they didn't deserve whatever the fuck that was.’
Angelica:‘That doesn't fucking matter!’ *She shoves him out of the way* ‘That's not a fucking excuse to shoot her in the fucking heart Billy!’
*She runs out of the room to get paramedics on the phone to take me to the hospital to try and save me. The memories abruptly stop and the film stripes return back to their rightful places. The others are completely left in shock,even Soldier Boy was shocked,and shocking a man like him with his attitude is quite the feat to achieve*
That's when I first discovered my powers. Avavago saved my life.
Annie:That's awful. I'm so sorry that happened to you.
I've had to relive that nightmare for years before I finally went to therapy and healed. But all of a sudden you *I point to Butcher* show up after all these years to try and fucking use me as some trump card to take down that psychotic fuck you call Homelander.
Butcher:Well what else would you have me do Skađi?
*My already ruby red eyes turn a dark shade of crimson as I bare my fangs at him hissing*
I was fucking thirteen! I'd expect you have some fucking decency to see if I was alright! Not shoot me in the fucking chest! Two grown ass men sexually harassed and assaulted me then tried to rape me all because I was a fuckin early bloomer. The fuck kind of sense does that make Butcher! (I was actually a semi-late bloomer and it was actually my half brother who did that to me. The attempted rape part didn't happen but everything else did,not in the way I described it,but it did really happen when I was thirteen…in my grandparents basement) I cried and begged for help. For you to come and save me,yet instead of feeling safe with the presence of you,Angelica and Susan after that disgusting fuck pulled out his gun and fired at Avavago you fucking shot me! The one man whom I thought was family turned his back on me and wanted me dead.
Butcher:You turned into a Supe. You think I-
Lenny:That didn't give you the right to shoot her Billy.
Butcher:Oh come off it. You're the wanker that gave ‘er Compound V. If there's anyone here to blame it's you Lenny for adopting a baby Supe.
Would you rather I have died?
Butcher:I would have preferred Lenny to not adopt a fucking supe. Like are you kidding me?
I was never injected with Compound V as a baby.
Hughie:You were never injected as a baby with Compound V?
Butcher:What a load of shit.
Lenny:She wasn't.
Butcher:*Taken aback but skeptical* There's no fucking way. No cunt that's a Supe would get injected as a teenager. It's never been tested.
Annie:Butcher is right. Injecting a teen with Compound V is unheard of.
I was eight when they did it.
M.M:But why?
I was born with a heart defect. Atrial Septal Defect or ASD for short. (Which is true) I was diagnosed with it at seven months old.
Hughie:What's that? The ASD,I mean.
It's a defect of when the hole in your heart doesn't close over time. When you're born you actually have a small hole in your heart that will close over time as you get older,mine didn't. I was in and out of the hospital a lot for this condition to try and figure out what to do. I was in foster care during the whole thing,sure my mother was still involved at the time when it was all going down but that doesn't matter. (I am not adopted,although I wish I were cause my mother fucking hated me,still does to this day she just never told me then that she did until I was nineteen when she told me she never wanted me in the first place but she chose to keep me anyway. I'll fucking stop cause this is no time to get fucking emotional. -July 31st,2024 3:11am My ass needs to be asleep) I went to the doctors for years trying to figure this out,dad was in the process of adopting me in that time. The solution was to get surgery done to try and fix the issue and that's when the idea of Compound V came into play.
Hughie:Did it work? Was your ASD fixed?
Lenny:No. She still had to go to Detroit in order to get the surgery done. As you saw the V didn't kick in until she was thirteen.
Annie:Wait,do you still have the ASD?
Not technically,no.
Soldier Boy:The fuck is that supposed to mean? How the fuck would that even be possible for you to not technically still have whatever the fuck that is?
Atrial Septal Defect. It's been corrected,I have a small piece of metal where the hole is in my heart. (Which is also very much true) So in a sense I do still have it,it's just been corrected.
Annie:And you're saying you could've died if it wasn't corrected?
Yes. (That's not entirely true,it is a possibility but without it being corrected the person with it can and will live a bit of a harder life because with ASD it causes your heart to skip beats,which is fucking painful by the way especially paired with SVT…another story for another time but back to what I was saying,yes it can be hard living an adult life with an uncorrected ASD but yes you can ultimately die from an untreated hole in the heart in the end)
Annie:That's awful.
I'm alive and that's all that matters.
Butcher:Look,I'm sorry for what I did to you back then okay? But we need your help more than ever.
You're sorry? You're fucking sorry! After you fucking shot me,you never came back! It took you eleven years to come back after that to finally say you're sorry after you shot me and practically left me for dead and disowned me then dad for making a life saving decision. Why the fuck should I forgive you when I have every fucking right to hate you until the day you fucking die?
Butcher:Cause it's the right thing to do.
Oh that's rich coming from yo stankass. Miss me with that bullshit. You're only here cause you want to use me as a weapon. If I didn't have V running in my veins you wouldn't be here right now Butcher.
Butcher:Just help us out on this,yeah,then you and Len don't got to see me no more.
You don't deserve my help. Fuck you. I'm going back to my room.
*I leave the kitchen to walk back to my room*
Lenny:She's made her mind. You've outstayed your welcome Billy. You and your friends need to leave.
Annie:There has to be a way to convince you to get her to help us. Please,we need her help.
Lenny:You'll have to convince her. She's the one with the powers.
M.M:How do we get out of the chairs if she practically forced us to sit in them? We're stuck.
Lenny:She did force you true enough but that's not how her powers work exactly.
Hughie:How do you figure?
Lenny:If Di told him *He points to Soldier Boy* to shut up and watch and yet he's able to talk right now. How do you think it works?
M.M:So it's only temporary?
Lenny:*Shrug* I don't know how it works exactly but you're free to move as you please now.
*As if on cue,surprisingly,Soldier Boy gets up to chase after me. Without knowing the layout of the house he easily gets lost,I roll my eyes at the slamming of different doors*
Oh sweet Jesus. *I get up from my bed and open my door,leaning against the door frame* If you're going to look for me the least you could do is at least call out to me instead of slamming every door in the house. It's annoying to hear doors halfway across the house slamming with a mighty boom,shut.
Soldier Boy:*Chuckles* You are much prettier up close and personal. It's hard not to try and control myself in the presence of such a gorgeous woman even as a black woman.
Wow,as if that wasn't the slightest bit microaggressive. What do you want Soldier Boy?
Soldier Boy:You know me?
I've heard of you. Dad spoke of you a few times and I've seen a picture.
Soldier Boy:I ain't gonna sugarcoat it for you sweetheart.
Soldier Boy:Whatever. What happened to you was downright awful. No woman should ever have to go through with that,those pussies were nothing but little boys. A real man would treat his woman with respect even if she was a little girl. A girl's place-
Okay lemme stop you right there. Are you actually going somewhere with this lecture of what,gender role,somewhat potential misogynistic spiel of yours or are you gonna cut to the chase my guy?
Soldier Boy:Well don't you got a smart mouth.
Apologies,afraid that's genetics. Can't help it not that I personally would in this current situation but do continue.
Soldier Boy:I'm surprised no one has smacked that mouth of yours let alone your ass.
And I'm surprised they let a man like you walk the earth with your close minded ideologies. Shouldn't you be in a nursing home,old man?
Soldier Boy:Look ya little piece of shit. We need your help,put your bullshit aside and think about the shit that could happen if that fucker roams free.
Why should I help you? I don't know you like that.
Soldier Boy:If you fucking think for a goddamn second then you'd be putting people in unnecessary danger. Think of that awkward pussy in the kitchen. I don't know how someone like him could adopt someone like you.
First of all that's rude and a tad bit underlyingly racist,second that's my dad and his name is Leonard. Skip to the point gramps.
Soldier Boy:*Groans in slight irritation* Think of it this way dollface-
Again my name is Skađi.
Soldier Boy:Think of it this way. If your…dad,was in danger would you not do something to save him?
Of course I would.
Soldier Boy:Now think about it when you put Homelander in the picture. He'd be putting him in immense danger and that's clearly the last thing you want right?
Soldier Boy:Then you can help us with this one thing then you can go the fuck about your life when it's done,alright?
What makes you think I'll accept?
Soldier Boy:You will or you won't,doesn't matter to me but you know good and damn well you wouldn't let anything happen to that Lenny guy and if something did you probably wouldn't be able to live it down. Make the choice sweetie cause we don't have all day.
A/N:Holy fuck that was a shitton of copying and pasting😮‍💨 but that's the end of the first part. Yay! I know you saw a specific word in the story,like I said in the little preview of the story I cuss a lot myself and that word,don't try and argue with me 'bout it cause you'll just get proved wrong,is literally something I say cause it's just so natural to me and I just grew up around people who said it. And cussing can be genetic so there's that. But leave a comment and a like...please🥺 if you want to read more. Share with your friends if you wanna.
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yandere-mha-blog · 1 year
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Part one
Word count:2266
Well, i know i have been gone for a while, but hey that's life for you. anyway I know some people will be upset I'm just re-writing an story, but hey i like to think my skills and plot devolpment skills have gotten better.
also I'm doing this for fun :3, but ye the story is gonna be a re write, something will be the same and other things will be different, I hope the peeps that have been following this blog for a while will enjoy the re write and see what has changed.
and for those who are new enjoy :D
with out further a do here is part one re written owo
You were thankful the school day was almost over, another numb day. You looked out the window. Seeing a red crested cardinal bird in a tree cleaning its wings, you stared at it while the teacher droned on about another homework assignment.
Till he slammed a large book down on your desk, you jolted and the bird flew off.
“Care to pay attention (name).” he  asked, the whole classed snickered
“I was listening, you said our essay about what college we wish to attend is due tomorrow.” you said, he seemed to bite his tongue
“Good.” he said and walked back up the front of the class
“Now everyone I know you are tired of me saying this, but this is a very important assignment. I want you all to think about your future, and don't look out the windows.”
“Whata prick, he must get off to bullying students.” you thought as you continued to tap your pencil on the piece of paper, truth be told you already knew what college would be best, just to get a start on a literature degree, although you knew that 98 percent of your classmates would end up as a sales representative in some corporate scheme. You were hoping to be in the 2 percent that didn't try to drink themselves to death every night.
Still you still had to help clean the classroom, you went to the closet and pulled the broom and dustpan out and made your way back to the classroom, only to see your desk was missing, and so were your classmates.
You dropped the broom and dustpan on the floor, you walked over to the open window and looked down,and there was your desk and chair on the ground, at least your class wasn't on the third floor, then it would be broken.
You sighed as you grabbed the trash bin and made your way to the incinerator, you tossed the trash in and slammed the thing shut, you sat down on the floor and looked up, still so gloomy, but there was that bird you saw early fly by, well maybe not the same bird, but same species.
Maybe you should just leave your desk outside and not clean the classroom, but you were sure your classmates would find a way to spin the blame on you, you hated them, what you really wanted was for them to just leave you the fuck alone.
You felt a hot tear run down your cheek as you whipped it away, no you weren't going to cry over a bunch of immature assholes bullying you.
Then the smell of smoke hit your nose, ugh it smelt like the patio where you dad would smoke before he quite, you let out a cough, man you couldn't stand the smell of it
“Who the fuck is there?” someone yelled, you flinched, why couldn't you just keep it in. you heard foots stomp over to you, you got up off the ground. And came face to, well chest with the guy.
“Oh just a girl…thought you were a teacher.” he said before taking another drag from his cigarette. “But you're not a snitch are you?”
He blew a puff of smoke in your face, and you started coughing again
“NO, wheeze, I don't care what you do.” you said “I just came here to throw the trash away.”
“...you are skipping out on cleaning duties aren't you?” he said as he dropped the ciggreete and stomped it out with his shoe.
“No.” you said
“Yes you are, otherwise you would be back ,doing your little maid work.” he said
“Okay fine maybe I am, so what?” you said
“Oh she talks.” he said before pulling a cigarette out of his coat pocket “well now you can't report me, want one?”
“No thanks.” you said 
“Come on it looks like to me at least that you need one, you looked stressed.” he said
“No I'm not.” you retorted, honestly you should of just of left, but he wouldn't stop talking
“Then why are skipping cleaning duty, you seem like the type who is a bit straight laced.” he said
“I ... .my classmates tossed my desk and chair out the window when I went to get a broom, and then ditched me.”
“Ah so they have been harassing you?” He asked 
“Classic case of it.” you said, as you slumped on the wall
“Why don't you just slam there faces on the pavement and tell them not to fucking mess with you.” he said, you were taken back a bit, that was a tad bit villent since he said it with a 100 percent serious voice.
“That wouldn't work.” you said as you looked away
“You are kind of a downer, aren't you?” he said
“Suppose I am.” you said
“...what class are you in anyways?” he asked
“2-B.” you said “why?”
“Because the teacher usually comes by here in like 10 minutes to smoke.” He said “so i would just head home.”
“But my desk and the cleaning still need to be done.”
“Listen to me when i say, leave it be.” he said
“...i think i will, thanks…”
“Just call me Dabi.” he said
“Thansk dabi, for listening to me.” you said “i think i'll take your advice.”
He let out a small chuckle “you better...i didn't get your name you know”
“You can call me (name).” you said
You went home and were greeted with your mom who was cooking dinner.
“Oh honey you are home early,...you okay?”
“Hm?” you said snapping out of your thought “im fine, i think i just want to lay down for a bit.” “Okay , dinner will be ready in thirty.” she said as you went to your room and laid down on your bed, rolling yourself in a blanket, you didn't really have an appetite, you knew your teacher would just chew you out tomorrow for not cleaning the classroom, since you knew he would believe your classmates over you.
You picked at your dinner, your father looked at you.
“What's wrong (name) you barely touched your food.” he said
“Sorry, it looks delicious mom, but i'm not feeling hungry, i haven't really had an appetite.” you said
“Hmm, you must be getting sick.” she said as she put a hand to your forehead “well i am not risking it, let's get you a nice cup of water and some rest.”
“Mom,really i'm fine-”
“Nope, off to bed with you.” she said, you decided there was no use disagreeing with her.
You laid down in your bed as your mom set a glass of water on your night stand.
“Mom, I'm not a little kid.”
“Yes but you will always be my child.” she said and placed a kiss on your forehead “now get some rest, i'll call the school in the morning.”
“Mom, really it's fine.” you said
“Nope, night sweetie.” she said turning the light off and closing the door, you sighed and grabbed your phone, you opened your notes app and wrote down
“Mom is worried about me again, letting me miss school tomorrow. I bet those jerks in my class will think i did not show up because of them, i don't like them to know what they do gets under my skin. I can't wait to graduate and be done with this place.”
You placed your phone down and grabbed your book, might as well get some light reading done before.
Dabi was at his usual smoking spot, when his eyes glanced over to a desk chair that was still outside, he looked up and saw a bunch of kids still laughing and pointing at it.
“You think she ran home crying?”
“Haha probably, man wish i could have seen her.”
“I know right, man she is just so pretentious she just has one of those faces.”
“I know what you mean.”
Dabi rolled his eyes at there comments, it was the end of the school day and your chair was still outside, meaning the teacher 
Didn't notice it was missing
Told the kids to get it but didn't enforce it
Also found it funny
Maybe it was time he shake things up a bit, he tosses hs cigarette into a trash can and went inside the school, up the second floor
“Class B, class B.” he mumbled to himself before standing outside the doorway, and slamming the door open.
The kids jumped at the sudden noise and all eyes were on him. 
“You need something?” one of the kids in the middle said
“Which one of you tossed the desk out the window?” Dabi asked, it was silent “i said which one of you threw the desk out the fucking window!
He slammed his fist on the wall, the girls huddled behind the guy, dabi loved seeing the faces of people scared of him.
“Hey man we didn't do anything like that-” “Bullshit, i was outside and heared your comments, you tossed the desk out the window.” he said “And i fucking hate liars.”
“Look we-”
“Shut up.” Dabi said “Now whose idea was it to toss the window out the door, and who is the one who pushed it out?”
“It was his idea.” A girl said and pointed to the ring leader “and he pushed it out the window.”
“See, that was so hard.” Dabi said as he walked over and grabbed there shoulders “everyone else get the fuck out.”
“Hey man look we are sorry-”
“You nearly crushed my damn head with a desk chair.” He said 
“We didn't mean to hit you, it was a prank on our classmate.”
“Oh right, I met her. You know, a nice girl had a chat with her.” Dabi said and gave him a smile, the guy gulped, ”now how about you two see what it's like to be pushed out a window.”
“Wait!’ the guys both yelled before Dabi shoved them out the window, everyone else screamed and looked down
“Oh my god, get the nurse!” The girl who snitch on the two of them yelled
“Oh don't act so shocked, you knew what would happen to them, you put the blame on them so you wouldn't get in trouble.” Dabi said heading towards the door “also if i hear anything about your little group messing with her..well I think you already have an idea of what i will do.”
You went to school the next day, you felt a little better than yesterday. Your mom was right, you needed yesterday off. It was fine all things considered, you read a bunch, finished your homework assignment and even went to the park with your mom to feed the ducks. But it was back to the same old harassment and bullshit.
You felt more eyes on you that day, when you looked at them, they quickly snapped their head in front of them. You obviously saw them, was this another prank by them.
You didn't even notice two classmates were missing, besides it was lunch time.
You ate in your unusual hiding spot far, far away from people. At least you hoped so
“Hiding from your classmates?” A familiar voice said, you looked up and there was Dabi in all his messy uniform glory.
“I just wanted some alone time, so yes.” you said “but also no.”
“I see.” he said and leaned on the wall next to you “Any of them giving you issues?”
“No…well actually, they have been staring at me, then when I look back they snap their heads away, it might be some weird psychological torment, who knows.”
“Hm, it's probs because i sent your classmates a little message.” he said pulling a cigarette out
“You did what?” you asked
“Well, you won't get mad will you?’ He teased “I pushed two guys out the window.”
“YOU DID WHAT?” You yelled “why, why would you do that, are they okay?”
“Does it matter?’ he asked
“Yes, you could be expelled, or-”
“Pfffttt, hahah , no that won't happen.” he said “Are you worried about me.”
“Why would you, are they okay?”
“I mean one broke an arm, and the other a couple ribs, they'll live.” he said
“I…why would you.” you said
“I saw your dead eyes.” he said “I know those types of people, they don't stop until one of them gets hurt.”
“ That's true.” you said and sighed “Still…isn't that a little excessive, what if you get expelled, or they file a report against you.”
“My dad paid them off already.” Dabi said “perks of having a  deadbeat dad who will pay off any incidents you have.”
“You are crazy.” you said “but…thanks.”
“Oh?” he said “so you aren't mad at me?”
“I mean, a little excessive, but if it gets my classmates off my back, then it needs to be done, although…I kind of wish I pushed them out the window.” You said
“See that's the spirit.” he said and bumped your shoulder with his “Look if those assholes give you any issue, let me know.”
“Why do you care?” you asked “Why would you go out of your way like that.”
“Hm, probably because I think you're cute.” he said “well (name), i'll see you around.”
Dabi stomped his cigarette out on the pavement, and left you dumb founded
“Cute?” you mumbled, your face felt a bit red, it was the first time you had been called cute by someone outside your family, it felt nice.
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base0h · 2 years
Okay, on account of recent requests, I now have something to ask. What Usopp, Barto, and Kid with an S/O who's hobby is art but can pretty much only draw stick figures. How would they react to finding a painting of themselves in stick figure form?
a/n - barto would cherish that drawing more than he cherishes his Luffy posters I just know it 😭 tysm for this request anon! This is so adorable 🥺💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, I bully kid lmao
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- He loves you so much, but this boy is the definition of “Aw sweetie you’re talented in other things!”
- … I’m sorry but it’s true
- Barto can’t do art, it’s just not very compatible with him
- Idk once he tried to paint something of you (I think he put Luffy in the background somewhere) and he accidentally dropped the paint bucket on his head, turning his hair pink for around a month
- He supports every single one of your hobbies, it doesn’t matter what the hobby is!
- Cooking? Of course! He’ll help in whatever way he can :) Writing? Omg you better read him bed time stories 😭
- Today, he was walking around the ship, looking for you in literally every room
- “Y/n?!” He was so confused- where the hell did you go ?!
- He found you seated at the table, extremely focused on something, so he decided to try and be quiet for you
- He tiptoed (like those fucking cartoons) trying not to make a single peep
- He looked over your shoulder, struggling not to make a noise
- You were drawing! But.. Why did that stick figure kinda look like him??
- His eyes widened when he realized you were drawing him
- His heart melted, his eyes turning into little sparkles of amazement and care
- “Y/n is that me?!”
- “WHAT THE FUCK?!” You were startled, man forgot he was supposed to be quiet
- You scared the living shit out of the poor boy, “WHA- WHAT’S WRONG?!”
- “Barto- why’d you sneak up on me?!”
- Poor boy didn’t mean to scare you! He was just so amazed by that drawing of him
- It doesn’t even matter if the drawing was good or bad, he literally didn’t care
- He took that drawing and framed it in his room, and he asked you to draw another one so he could keep one with him at all times 😭
- This boy will do anything for you, and seeing you draw him? That just made him fall even more for you (if that’s even possible, man’s already head over heels for you)
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- Honestly Usopp is a pretty good artist himself!
- He painted the strawhats flag after all!
- He was going about his day, gathering random scraps of materials he found scattered around the ship
- He went to go say hello to you, his precious, amazing y/n (who always protected him in his times of need)
- He paused when he saw what exactly you were drawing today
- He tried his best not to just burst out laughing
- “Oh- Usopp!” You said with a grin, looking up from your stick figure drawing
- Usopp gazed at the photo with a snicker, taking a look at how- long his nose was
- how dare you make his nose 3 inches longer than it should be?! 💀
- he was yelling at you while pointing at his nose for a while after that
- “I’m gonna sue you!” He shouted jokingly
- “Mhm with what money??”
- …
- “NAMI?!” -Usopp
- pssssssst- he kept the drawing anyways 😭
- he uses it as hype up material for when he’s scared or about to fight someone strong hehe 🥺
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- Kid’s a mechanic, not an artsy guy
- he lets you do you though, it’s not bothering him, actually he kinda likes seeing whatever you end up drawing from day to day
- your drawing today was of him, and instead of stick figures, you decided to practice some anatomy! (It obviously went wrong)
- His chest was extremely disproportionate to the rest of his body (it was literally like you stuck watermelons onto his chest 💀)
- Perhaps that’s how you saw him
- Kid looked over your shoulder and immediately took a step back
- Was that.. HIM?!
- Man got so angry lmao
- He had to lecture you about how he’s actually not that large and how his tiddies are “small”
- You couldn’t even practice anatomy in peace with this dumbass tulip head
- “KILLER! My chest isn’t that big right?! Y/n’s fucking blind!”
- Killer snickered, and he agreed with you, the drawing you drew was pretty accurate
- … kid you need to calm down 😭
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a/n - lmao I love barto 😭
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