#and obviously not praise him but like
aro-laurance-zvahl · 1 year
I was hopeful for Gerard and Elody until this scene in episode 15 oh my god watching this unfold is what hell feels like. I feel physically unable to watch this scene.
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spriteofmushrooms · 9 months
The interesting thing about Jiang Cheng is that he refuses to be his mother's golden child to Wei Wuxian's scapegoat; he actively chooses Wei Wuxian again and again. He defends Wei Wuxian from her until she dies. It's unusual.
This doesn't mean that Wei Wuxian's experience was any less fraught--being hated by a caretaker is awful even if everyone else loves you. But it was an interesting choice by MXTX.
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mari-monsta · 7 months
It honestly really baffles me when people say adrien is a boring or simple character, I don’t understand where that comes from at all. Because I think the main reason he’s so compelling are his complexities, but in the same vein those complexities I think make him someone very easy to relate to. Like it’s fine if he’s not likable or relatable to everyone but saying he’s not complex is really just ???? To me. Just looking at how DIFFERENTLY he acts around different people and situations is so fascinating to me. Of course everyone takes different personas and highlights different aspects of their personality around different people but adrien is the king of doing it around the same people to the extent of which having his two personalities be the same is laughable to those who know him personally in his everyday life.
But it’s not out of no where, seeing his home life and the kind of person he’s made out to be by his situation it’s not hard at all to understand that he’s a person who is immensely self conscious. He’s constantly gauging others perception of him and whether or not he is “safe”. What’s more fascinating is the entirely different way this comes out in chat noir. Because adriens personality as chat noir is also deliberate to a certain extent but it’s deliberate in the way that that’s how he wants others to see him. He wants to see self assured and larger than life because in his everyday life he feels small and self conscious. The fact that this dichotomy is so easy to follow in his character but creates such a black and white image in his two personalities is so interesting!
Another thing I find completely fascinating about him are his high empathy and how that actually fucks him up more often than not. He’s acutely aware of how other people might be feeling and can easily sympathize. At the same time though he has a hard time understanding certain social cues and situations and seems very out of his element. I don’t think these things conflict at all. Adrien is someone who easily puts himself in other peoples shoes and can imagine and have sympathy for their situation, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to pick up on the social complexities of every interaction every time. Emotions aren’t the same as communication and when it comes to the later adrien works best with simple and straight forward interactions.
In the same vein because of his aforementioned situations he’s also a character who has a lot of repressed anger and frustration that has been building up for a very long time. In his everyday life, he feels powerless, small, and insignificant. He doesn’t have faith that anyone would listen to his thoughts and feelings and actually take them into account, because by all of his experiences no one really has. This creates a defense mechanism where he shuts himself out before he even gets to the point of sharing how he really feels. We see this really easily in his relationship with Nino. He loves Nino DEARLY, but there is something that we have seen in him constantly putting up walls emotionally. He won’t tell him when he doesn’t find something funny, he won’t tell him if he’s unhappy to do something even when it greatly affects his life because he is at his core afraid Nino will not validate those emotions.
As a result, all the frustration he’s built up from feeling powerless in his everyday life we see just. Randomly bursting out of him in inopportune moments as chat noir. It’s not that adrien is such a violent or angry person normally. But he’s so used to repressing and modulating his emotions regularly that when he feels somewhat safe to express any frustration ALL of the anger he feels constantly bubbling under the surface all of the time just suddenly rushes out, like a dam holding back hundreds of gallons of water. This happens repeatedly, and then as soon as he’s realized he’s let himself get out of control he immediately feels immense guilt and he stops the dam up even tighter. This is obviously not a healthy feedback loop but it’s fucking FASCINATING!!!!
A common thing that I feel like I see fans often misinterpret about his character in my own opinion is just how PRIVATE of a person adrien is. Adrien loves sharing his love and appreciation for those around him because he knows how it feels not to know, not to be sure of that affection. But in the same token, Adrien rarely if ever actually shares his real feelings with those he’s close to. He doesn’t like people prying into his life or his feelings and he is very private about most things. We don’t see him talking about what he likes, we don’t see him sharing with his friends his anger or frustration. And in the end Adrien is the one character who has kept his secrets most closely held to his vest. This is all despite being so grandiose and loud mouthed as chat noir. Even as chat noir, adrien rarely is entirely open about things going on in his life.
To me Adrien as a character isn’t interesting or compelling because he is shy or cute or sweet, but because there are a number of different facets to his personality that I can easily see reasons for and understand where his feelings come from. He IS sweet, but not without misplaced anger, not without repression, not without mistakes and messy emotions. Not without pain that we can both easily see the roots of but also have a wide spread variety of consequences from. We see how his formative experiences affect every aspect of his life even in ways he audience wouldn’t necessarily expect, but make complete sense. That’s so fun and interesting to me!!!! Let characters be messy but try their best anyways!!! Let characters hurt each other and try to put the pieces back together one shard at a time. People have complicated emotions that come out in ways we can’t always foresee or help, people make mistakes because of that. But despite everything adrien is a character who cares deeply for those around him and tries to do right by them despite all the rest of it, and despite sometimes not really knowing how.
It’s things like that that keep miraculous being an extremely engaging and compelling story to me. Most of the general things about adriens character are also things that I find interesting about marinettes as well! Of course the intricacies of her character are completely different, but the general hows and whys and complex motivations for her actions while maintaining the best of intentions are what make them both so interesting to me. So this is just a little love letter to adriens character because I wanted to talk about that and why I find him so engaging!
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rottengurlz · 10 months
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lover, don't touch me // leave, i am a danger to you // but ooh, i hunger for you
#this is leona's vampire lover audra#i guess you could say the first time they met was when audra nearly killed her in a blood lust because she hadnt fed in so long#idk how to describe it well but audra suddenly stopped devouring her when leona looked at her with no fear in her eyes#but looked at audra like she was something to worship#she whispered that audra was so beautiful even as her own blood was splattered between them and staining her lips#leona had never seen someone or something so perfect and powerful#power that she wanted and knew exactly how to get when audra whimpered over the slightest bit of praise#i never talk about them but i am CONSTANTLY thinking about them <3#some fun little facts is leona killed her husband in cold blood because he was pitiful and boring#she married the first person to show any interest in her just to get away from her family#he would have been a perfectly good husband for anyone else#but the best part of their marriage was when she stabbed him in the stomach 47 times and felt his blood splatter against her skin#for audra OBVIOUSLY had to make another oc who would do anything to be loved even if it means destroying herself#audra was turned very suddenly and without any guidance#she murdered her lover without even realizing it she opened her eyes to find them splattered across every surface of the room#because of that shes done everything she can to protect herself from others even if it means starving herself of blood#until she goes into a frenzy#leona is the first person she has ever willingly fed off of#idk if willingly is the right word since leona practically begs her to do it#i really want to remake leona now.........#i like how leona looks but i want her to match audra better#mysims#the sims 4#simblr#sims 4 screenshots#sims 4 cas#ts4 cas#sims 4 edit#ts4
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magicicephoenix · 4 months
i need to go pound joey drew into a pulp RIGHT NOW
#diction dump#joey drew#batim#HIS SPEECH AT TBE END OF BATDR MAKES ME JDLABRLELWL#SCREAMINF AT TVE SCREEN#JUST SHUT!! UPP!!!#okay i’m normal now. i hate him so much#he praises audrey about being his first creation of life when the ink demon is literally RIGHT THERE.#like. do you want to be good or not?? of course bendy kills you! you’re being an asshole! you suck!!#oh my godd i need to fling him around a room ragdoll style. crush him into smithereens. rrrgrghh#he comes across so disingenuous.. like. i don’t care if audrey’s your precious shining moonlight. she’s also The One Who Came Out Right.#meanwhile The One Who Came Out Wrong is SEETHING with hatred for you! do you not see the consequences of your words?!#“i know you’re in there” like the ink demon isn’t sentient?? like audrey’s just stuck someWHERE not with someONE?#and bendy’s so so angry. of course he is! his creator (well. a copy of him) is saying TO HIS FACE that he’s just a monster. a mistake.#that he’s NOTHING. and most infuriatingly that this stupid OTHER who had the privilege of coming out right is EVERYTHING!#why does she get that? why did she get so lucky? where was all this compassion when it was him? why did he never feel this love?#and so he lashes out. obviously. all he’s ever been is a monster because all he’s ever been TAUGHT is how to be a monster#and who taught him that? who forced him into that? that’s right. the biggest monster around.#so i’m sorry if i don’t find your little speech to be heartfelt joey. you’re a long way away from saying anything truly GOOD.#phew. okay. needed to get that off my chest.
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Every time I rewatch SOTUS I am struck by how Merthur coded Kongpob and Arthit are
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rickybaby · 16 days
No matter how much Helmut annoys me at times, but this man really was there for the beginning of Daniel's career. No wonder Daniel knows what he has to do to impress him. Their relationship is wildly complicated.
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Imagine you're Helmut Marko. You've seen hundreds of young drivers come and go. You've made the careers of some, and broken the careers of many more others. It's 2007 and you see this lanky guy with big poofy hair come 6th in some regional junior championship and you think he's maybe quick enough to be part of your junior team. And then he shows up to meet you and the team boss for the first time with his shoes squelching water all over the floor because he fell into some fountain outside because he was too busy gawking at the Red Bull headquarters. Surely, you wouldn't have much hope of him surviving the shark tank that is the red bull junior academy, but yet he surprises you by jumping through every hoop you throw at him, by his sheer dogged determination to show you he can be your next golden boy. So, of course, he's going to have your grudging respect and you wouldn't mind playing godfather for a bit and use your influence to get him a seat at some struggling team - it's like here's another challenge for you, show me what you can do.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years
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sweet nothings and the sort
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skitskatdacat63 · 5 months
So in the boy king au, we know nando falling in love is a... process. but how long and why does seb fall in love with nando?
Aaaaaagh great question!!!!
Seb is pretty infatuated with Nando from the start, well at least the idea of him. His council does *not* want this marriage to work out(they'd rather get into a war and completely rule Spain, then having to barter for it through marriage like this.) Seb knows this, and he's a little brat who always gets anything he wants, right? So of course when he hears of this, he's now like, *I must have him,* and gets obsessed and fascinated with the idea of Fernando. And he also already remembers Fernando as this older boy he had a silly childish crush on when he was a kid, so that adds to his desire.
I think he definitely also takes to fall genuinely in love with him. That's why there's all that stuff about Fernando just being his "kept wife." Because I think they both have trouble viewing each other as real people, rather than just larger-than-life figures/caricatures. Seb originally just views Fernando as something to be won, something to gain, like obtaining a fancy horse or property, or new title(wink.) And Fernando can't help but just see Seb as a kid playing dress up and pretending to be a ruler, undeserving of everything he has.
I think the way they fall in love is gradually just understanding the humanity of the other. They realize they can both learn valuable things from the other. And that they're more similar than they think, and that they have a lot more in common then they ever would be comfortable admitting. It's hard to put an amount of time duration on it thought, its a gradual thing, y'know? I think though probably they have some outside opposition at some point, and end up defending each other unprompted. Ex:
Someone says Fernando shouldn't be the King of Spain. Seb gets *super* offended and lists a bunch of reasons about why Fernando is fit to be King. It's funny because he wouldn't admit this to Fernando even under duress, but then he willingly defends Fernando in front of the entire court, even though it undermines his own position(bcs he's basically admitting that he has no right to that throne and Fernando always was the rightful ruler.)
Someone accuses Seb of being an immature ruler and not being suited for the position of Emperor. Fernando gets sooooo pissed and is all like "you think my husband isn't suited?? You think I would agree to marry a man who isn't suited to be emperor?? You think I'd willingly demean myself in that way!?" Even though he constantly calls Seb immature and unsuitable to his face. But absolutely God forbid someone else imply that. It's so offense to him because he eventually considers Seb to be an extension of himself, so it's like he's being insulted as well.
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hella1975 · 11 months
'the final pages of the report include a few interesting details. they note that every hero at the scene explicitely said that no work study students participated in the fight against shigaraki. our part was erased from the record. that denial is the only reference to me, kacchan and todoroki in the entire document' IM SORRY? THE VILLAINS ARE RIGHT DOWN WITH HEROES. DENYING THEIR PART WHILE THEY'RE LITERALLY BEING WHEELED TO HOSPITAL UNCONSCIOUS? WHEN THE FIGHT WOULD HAVE BEEN LOST WITHOUT THEM? WHY DID KIDS NEED TO BE ON THE BATTLEFIELD ANYWAY AND THEN AFTERWARDS WHY ARE YOU MORE CONCERNED ABOUT THE LEGALITY OF IT THAN THE PART THEY PLAYED? i hope you all die
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evermoredeluxe · 17 days
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lightprkdraws · 1 year
The first time I drew the masterminds together, I had posted that drawing on the danganronpa subreddit. And I remember how someone really tried to convince me that izuru shouldn't be considered the mastermind because junko etc etc
And I guess it might be partly because of that person that I love this trio so much now. Fuck you, how dare you kick izuru out of the horrible person club?!
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unproduciblesmackdown · 7 months
orvphil: so real
for example used analysis on the following instances
orville's physical reluctance & difficulty kneeling to propose to jane vs. readily swinging right into such a kneel with phil during 'til we meet again
'til we meet again
(see above) noting the "both immediately becoming So happy to be doing this" and "staring at each other for an unbroken ten seconds after finishing the song which was evidently beyond simply a [hold for applause] thing"
having indeed an adorable little meet-cute, which may not be an integral part of every eventual writer/lyricist & composer partnership
when phil drops in at wingate manor and he an orville have a private little wave to each other like =)
sitting next to each other sharing a hay bale and orville gets drinks for them both and phil walks orville home
lucky day
the choreography where orville's at the piano and phil swings it out while rotating it and orville's "walking" while sitting to one side to help (my analysis: going ohhhhh ;w;)
both simultaneously answering "his" when asked whose song it is like the earnest effortless mutual admiration and appreciation huh fellas
margaret talking about protecting your heart from these theatricals; orville Is one of these theatricals, and he loves it; phil watching him / reacting in this moment including his little "hell yeah" move like he had for orville going off in lucky day
their general enthusiasm together / for each other / enjoyment of being around each other and increased ease of operating when around each other
phil wishing orville could hear his music and talking about how orville ruined his own night to save theirs, then remarking "...what a guy!" mmhm
#orvphil#summer stock#orville wingate#also everyone was so funny & my god they were dancing & it's so true this show was a delight. i laughed smiled applauded effused enjoyed#shoutout to orville's escaping ''don't do Anything but get married have children'' through theatre; being gay; a little luck#it's so true: william (orville) & veanne (margaret) & gilbert (phil) were all so funny & great individually & in any combo#anthony/tony (montgomery) too lmao his ''....how dare you.'' iconic#shoutout to having orville show up for 1 Sec (in pajamas i believe) for the purposes of villain i have done thy mother. he just lives here#phil is great. trying to hold it together....writer's trick from my momma Use Your Words#and then with orville helping out he can chill out & enjoy his wins & orville can have any wins & enjoy them & chill & Do Things too#and everyone is so cool to him right away. why wouldn't they be. hugging like everybody hey besties#obviously corbin bleu is being his national treasure america's sweetheart leading role & Dancing....all the praises warranted#everyone crushes their role & is a delight. including any little moments w/the ensemble / all Ensembling things. go t.j.#it was great of course & a delight & again the orvphil is extremely real. 100% the textual intention & execution. thanks cheri love you#let's get that summer 2024 show if they can / wanna for real (they want to; let's just see it shake out. summer 2024 is pure speculation)#Oh Nooo if i forgot anything & have to reblog & add to this / rewatch & re/discover any delights
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cherrytea556 · 2 months
I'm conflicted of wanting to do a vid calling out TBYS for shit the patterns I've seen that others haven't (e.g his speculations, biases etc) but at the same time, that requires me to look at TBYS in depth, meaning watching all his videos in depth, and I honest to god don't know how to feel about that. Will call out his out of pocket claims to random woman being abusive though in any way I can cuz it's just so ridiculous.
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fideidefenswhore · 10 months
Never ended up adding this, but: 
I don’t believe DM ‘woobified’ Thomas Cromwell, but I see some sort of marriage of narrative in his own biographical apologism & the depiction in Mantel’s series and its adaptation that filed off some his sharper, less palatable, edges, including the TV adaptation (if not literal marriage, then certainly a feature now of this sort of Cromwell-focused subgenre/...fandom?). It’s Cromwell holding a kitten that we see, not Cromwell introducing a bill for the utter abolition of sanctuaries, Cromwell gently scolding an imperious Anne who insists Thomas More should be tortured ( ‘we don’t do that, madame’), rather than Cromwell as the orchestrator of the rather torturous executions of John and Alice Wolfe. In so many of these scenes, the characters opposite Cromwell feel like strawmen-- an irony, from an author that so often derided that infamous author of so many strawmen arguments where he came out the moral and intellectual victor, himself...
I also don’t think the criticism of misogyny as it concerns AB’s character in this series, the original source material nor the adapted TV series, is proportional to how eye-watering it was (dismissed because she’s so auxiliary, maybe...?). There is literally a scene where Anne tries to facilitate the seduction (and probable rape) of a teenage girl (presumably inspired by a dispatch of Chapuys in which he does not even report that there’s any rumor of this plot, just that he believes she might do so, that it is the goal and potential method of the isolation), as Cromwell stands on in silent, long-suffering, morally reproving judgement (which emerges as a pattern, another scene later or before is him being the calming voice of reason as she squawks in outrage at the wording of the Act of Succession). Paired with the absolute Mary Sue gender-equivalent of this character (in TMATL, even his own daughter-in-law wants to fuck him), it’s just nauseating. 
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pinkiepiehole · 1 year
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The nature of tumblr is that every week we overhype some random guy only to re-discover each time that said guy is fallible, so when he inevitably screws up we all treat him like a town pariah
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