#and of course we are ALL united by our love for marinette dupain cheng
anna-scribbles · 11 months
i love you guys(people in my phone who are crazy about emilie agreste)
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cipherwrites · 10 months
Sugar & Spice, Chapter 1: Luck & Misfortune
Next Chapter ->
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a normal girl with a normal life! She’s clumsy, a romantic at heart, and she has a true passion for fashion design. The 16-year-old is moving into her second year of Lycee, but as this new school year begins, so too does chaos from an ancient magic unveiled, a responsibility to protect her city, and quite literally falling head-over-heels in love with the boy just one year elder that’s been kind to her…
That’s right. Both of them.
A few things you should know about this fic before we get into it:
-A personal pet peeve of mine is putting kids in dangerous situations! Even when it comes to magic, I would much prefer that adults held that kinda power. However, since a good deal of the series revolves around school drama, I’ve decided to put our main cast in Lycee and make them all young adults.
-According to my research (which could be wrong or outdated so please don’t judge me I am not from france), age of adulthood is 18 and full legal capacity comes at 16. I also found reference that the age of consent is 15, but that won’t really come into play in this fic.
-I will try to refer to French things as well as I can, such as “Lycee” instead of “High School.” For those that don’t know, Lycee is the three-year education system that comes after College (which isn’t University).
-Our main cast is in their second year of Lycee! Lycees are typically ages 15-18, so our main cast is ages 16-17 when the series begins. Specifically, Marinette and Adrien are 16, and Adrien will of course turn 17 during ‘Bubbler’
-I will be making new Miraculous lore! I will be both ignoring old lore and building off existing lore at intervals I deem appropriate.
-I’ll be changing a few Miraculous abilities, including giving them all a significant nerf/upgrade that comes from another fic series I wrote.
-I will also be changing character designs slightly, including costumes, but I have no talent in art so when I describe them simply use your imagination.
-I’ll be writing this like it’s a proper reboot, so I’ll be alluding to things that we all already know and pretend Hawkmoth’s identity is a secret until “Season 2”
-Felix and Adrien are sentimonsters. They are the only “human” sentimonsters that will be in this fic series. I have nothing against Sentimonster Kagami, but it’s just not for me in this story.
-On that note, this series will have Lukadrigaminette (gosh that’s hard to type)! Again, nothing against Feligami, but the story I’m building needs him to be a lonely boy for now.
With all of that said, please enjoy!
In the millennia before humans could even fathom recording their history, a powerful Mage made contact with an ephemeral being. The being was lonely, for it was everything that ever was and would ever be. It was all, yet it was nothing. A cosmic confusion that it could never understand. Its attempts to help humanity only brought fear and terror, and the being grew to loathe humans. However, the Mage pleaded with the eternal being that humanity just needed a new perspective. The cosmic nothing came to see reason, and split itself into two halves: Creation and Destruction. The embodiments of these concepts came to be bound by jewels the Mage forged, and he went onward to bind the aspects of humanity, the very concepts of the universe themselves, into these many jewels. In due time, these nineteen pieces of jewelry would be known as the Miraculous.
The first two Miraculous remained more powerful than the others: the Ladybug of Creation and the Black Cat of Destruction. The Ladybug could create anything and restore order and balance. The Black Cat could destroy anything and bring disorder to the world around it. The legend says that uniting these two will allow them to reconverge into the original Cosmic Nothing, and they will do as they always have: consider the wish of their wielder, and grant it in the only way they know how: destroy the very universe, and recreate it in a way where the wish is granted. The Cosmic Nothing cannot comprehend the horrors of its own actions, and so it was declared that these Miraculous could never be united…
“I want that wish, Nooroo.” a malicious man says in the shadows, three long months after a woman’s disappearance. The boy is kept calm and complacent by means he could never understand, but the man has no such freedom of ignorance. “I must have those Miraculous!”
“But Master, I was separated long ago!” the tiny purple kwami exclaims, “I don’t know where the Miraculous are anymore. No one does!”
“I found you though, my little Nooroo.” the man grins. “Your Miraculous…remind me of its powers again.”
“The Miraculous of the Butterfly allows you to swath someone in need in comforting shadow and give them the power to achieve victory with their inner potential.” Nooroo recites.
“Throughout history, the Miraculous have been used by those that have gone down in history as heroes. When it comes to luring in heroes, what could be better than creating villains?” the man suggests with glee.
“But…but you can’t! Master, the Miraculous cannot be used for evil purposes!” Nooroo warns in fear.
“I must have that cosmic wish!” the man orders, pointing at the helpless kwami. “Your Miraculous is in my control! I am your master, and you must obey me.”
“Yes…master.” Nooroo obeys sadly.
“Nooroo,” the man affixes the brooch to his attire, “Dark Wings Rise!” He orders, transforming through the power of the Miraculous. “From now on, I shall be known as…Hawkmoth.” he laughs maliciously.
“Marinette!” a voice calls, and Marinette Dupain-Cheng gasps awake to the sound of her alarm going off. “Your alarm’s been going off for fifteen minutes! You’re going to be late!”
“Oh, no, no, no!” the sixteen-year-old Marinette Dupain-Cheng panics. “Coming, Maman!” she calls down, swiftly changing clothes and getting everything together.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng is a petite girl with black hair that she dyes into a light shade of blue. She wears her hair in a pair of pigtails and a nice mix of colors in her homemade clothes, primarily her favorite color pink. However, the main thing people notice about Marinette is the bandages. Marinette is immensely clumsy, so she often wears a large number of bandages to cover the bruises and cuts she gets from merely existing day after day. Rushing to get her school bag together, she packs a box of bandaids with cute designs, because chances are she’s gonna have a new mark on her face by the end of the day.
As Marinette rushes out of her room, she takes one last look to make sure she isn’t forgetting anything, scanning her room in half a second. Marinette’s room is chaotic in some portions but also ridiculously organized in others. Marinette has several crafts projects beyond her personal clothing designs, plenty of empty binders and books for when she inevitably takes an extracurricular, and walls that have been bare of photos for four long years…well, that ends today! She’s gonna make friends, take pictures, and fill this room with life again!
Marinette barrels into her Family’s kitchen, practically running into the table to try and hurriedly stuff her face.
“Remember to chew, dear,” Sabine says calmly to her daughter. “And please sit down.”
Marinette mumbles a bit between her bites as she sits at the table, swallowing a handful of food at once. “Sorry, Maman.” she sighs. “I’m a little nervous, I gotta admit…Chloe’s probably gonna be in most of my classes again.”
“Four years in a row of this, is that even possible?” Sabine asks.
“You know me, the picture of luck!” Marinette chuckles nervously.
“Oh, don’t say that!” Sabine scolds, frowning at her daughter’s self-deprecation. “It’s the start of a new school year! Everything will be fine.”
As Marinette considers her Mother’s words, it’s as though on cue she drops the spoon in her hand, hitting another object and hitting many others like a Rube Goldberg machine of chaos and misfortune. Marinette just groans, tempted to just fall to the ground and let the earth take her. Before Marinette can spiral any further into her doubts, her Dad walks in, humming to himself as he places a Boulangerie Patisserie box full of macarons down in front of his beloved daughter. Marinette sees the treats in the box she has requested her Dad make for her new class, and her eyes light up in renewed triumph.
“Papa, these are so awesome!” Marinette hugs her Dad.
“Glad you like them,” Tom smiles warmly.
“My class will love them, Papa. You’re the best!” Marinette hugs him, and after Tom catches the dropped box and hands it to her, she kisses her parents on the cheek before rushing out. “See you tonight!” she calls back, aiming to get to school quickly.
Marinette rushes out of her home clutching the box of sweets as she slings her backpack onto her back. She manages to avoid tripping over herself as she reaches the intersection, but as she breathes a sigh of relief, her eyes widen as she sees a little old man crossing the street slowly, struggling with his cane…as a car is fast approaching! Everyone around her is on their phones- only she can see him! Gasping in fear, she rushes forward, using every ounce of strength in her tiny body to tackle the old man on the other side of the street! The two of them groan, and Marinette feels her heart fall as she sees her box dropped in front of her, the macarons spilling out and in pieces. Marinette just hangs her head as the old man gets up.
“Oh, my! Young lady, thank you…young lady?” he seems concerned, but she pulls herself together.
“Oh! No, it’s fine, it’s…” She watches helplessly as someone on their phone walks by, stepping on one of the dropped macarons. She just hangs her head, her gaze blurring with frustrated tears before she wipes them away. “It’s fine!” she wipes the tears away. “I’m no stranger to disaster. There are even a few left! I might be able to dust some dirt off of these ones…”
The old man picks up one of the broken pieces from the ground, dusting it off and trying it.
“Well, they still taste delicious to me.” the old man smiles kindly, and Marinette smiles.
“Thank you, sir.” Marinette shuts the box and suddenly, she hears the school bell in the distance! “Oh, no, I’m gonna be late! Ah, have a nice day sir! Be careful of traffic!” she shouts as she rushes off.
As the old man walks into an alleyway, he takes a deep breath and slumps against a wall.
“Reality,” he mutters, dispelling the illusion of the speeding car that has since pulled into an alleyway and the illusion around himself. “Trixx, Orikko, divide.” He says, the two kwamis emerging from the Miraculous.
“Master, this was incredibly dangerous!” the fox kwami warns.
“I have to agree! You shouldn’t be wielding a Miraculous at your age, much less unifying them!” the rooster agrees.
“It’s just for today.” the old man explains as he feeds the kwamis some macaron crumbs he picked up. “I need to be sure the people are worthy. I need the Fox to set up the situations, and the Rooster to give me the power of empathic reading. That way, I’ll be able to tell if those I choose are right.”
“Was she right, Master?” the Fox asks.
“I believe so, Trixx.” the old man smiles and slips on some glasses. “Now, for the final part before moving forward. Kaalki, Full Gallop!”
Barreling through the doors of Mme. Bustier’s classroom at top speed is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, barely able to catch herself as she stumbles into the room with what many classmates would refer to as “three left feet” with how fast and bumbling she is. Marinette can see many familiar faces and a few new ones. 
Mme. Bustier was the primary teacher this year…again. Caline Bustier is a decent teacher, and through her own skills and the positive enforcement of her students and their families, she went from a Junior Secondary teacher to a Senior Secondary teacher in just a few years!
Maybe she advanced a bit too quickly, that quiet, rude corner of Marinette’s mind said.
I just need some faith. She wouldn’t have gotten the position if she didn’t deserve it! The rest of Marinette reasoned.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” a shrill voice says her name like it’s an accusation, interrupting her train of thought. Marinette takes a deep breath, having only just sat down.
Here we go again…
“That’s my seat.” Chloe Bourgeois herself, self-appointed Queen Bee of the school, almost universally despised, and daughter of Mayor Andre Bourgeois.
“Chloe, it’s the first day of school! Seats are being assigned right now, and you came in after me for once!” Marinette complains.
“Not anymore!” Sabrina proclaims. “New year, new seats!”
“You refuse to know your place, so I have to put you in your place.” Chloe grins, looming over the sitting and diminutive form of Marinette. “Why don’t you go sit by the new girl?” she gestures to the Creole girl a row away reading a comic book, whose attention has been caught by the situation. “Adrien’s arriving today, and since he’s going to sit there, I’m going to sit here.”
“Adrien…Agreste?” Marinette blinks. “But- the Agrestes are shut-ins!”
“Not anymore!” Chloe smirks. “Oh, does the little fashion wannabe actually wanna meet an Agreste?”
“I- you- but-” Marinette stammers as Chloe grins cruelly over her.
“Maybe if you finally put yourself in your proper place, I’ll consider letting you meet him. The only place you belong is-” Chloe begins, but suddenly, they’re interrupted.
“Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?” the Creole girl accuses, having stood up and coming up with her comic book rolled up.
“Oh, look, Sabrina! We’ve got a little do-gooder in our class this year.” Chloe chortles. “What, another superhero nerd? What are you gonna do, shoot beams at me with your glasses?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” Alya scowls and leads Marinette by the hand, “Come on, you can sit with me and away from those two.”
As she leads Marinette, the shorter girl gasps as she trips, once more spilling her macarons until only one remains in the box.
“Sorry! Sorry. I’m sorry…” Marinette whimpers.
“Hey, it’s okay, girl!” Marinette’s new seat neighbor gathers the dropped sweets and tosses them into the trash. “No biggie.”
“I wish I could handle Chloe the way you do…” Marinette mutters.
“You mean the way Majestia does it,” the girl explains, rolling out the comic again. “She says that ‘all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing’.” She then points at Chloe. “Well, that girl over there is evil, and we are the good people. We can’t let her get away with it,” she explains like it’s a simple fact.
Chloe isn’t evil…she’s not perfect, but she’s not EVIL. I hope.
“Well, that’s easier said than done,” Marinette says instead. “She likes to make my life miserable…”
“That’s cause you let her, girl! Get some confidence!” the girl grins, and Marinette can’t help but smile at the sentiment.
“I’m Marinette,” Marinette says, handing Alya the last macaron.
“Alya.” the girl smiles, taking and eating it with a smile on her face.
“Alright, class, let’s get started!” Mme. Bustier smiles.
“Where is he…?” Marinette can barely hear Chloe mutter.
Adrien has just helped an old man from tripping and falling into the street, turning back with a sight to see the two people he knew would drag him away from the steps of Francoise Dupont Lycee. Nathalie Sanceour, archaeologist-turned-assistant, and Placide I.T., a gorilla-like American bodyguard that hardly understands a word of French, much less speak it.
“I just want to go to school like anyone else. What’s so wrong with that?” Adrien protests.
“Let’s go home, Adrien,” Nathalie says, and the Bodyguard opens the door of the car.
“... please don’t tell my Father about this,” Adrien mutters as he steps into the car.
The Butterfly Miraculous allows one to tap into truly empathic abilities, allowing one to read emotions and surface thoughts for many miles while in a meditative state. There is negativity all across the so-called “City of Love,” but it is one emotion picked up on. Anger, Sadness, Resentment, and Regret all together at once! A shy boy hiding his anger, pent up with rage with a want to express his love, but how could he ever?
“This is perfect.” Hawkmoth grins. He holds his cane up, and the head opens. A butterfly lands on it, and the head closes. Dark energy pulses through the head of the cane, corrupting the harmless butterfly into something more potent. “Burn a hole into his heart, my horrible akuma!” the head of the cane opens, and the cracking purple-black butterfly emerges, fluttering out of the window with a target in mind. “Fly now, and akumatize him!”
When the akuma closes in, he can feel the anger spike. Scorned by the Principal, who should be protecting these youths. The akuma finds its way into the object with the most emotional attachment: a crumpled-up piece of paper, a failed confession.
“Stoneheart, I am Hawkmoth.” Hawkmoth declares, his influence driven into the boy’s mind like a knife. Proclaiming his new name, so that he has no chance to deny that Stoneheart is his identity. “The world hurts, doesn’t it? I can give you the power to shut out all pain. However, in return, there is something you need to do for me…”
“Whatever it is, you’ve got a deal, Hawkmoth.” the weak-willed young man agrees, and the horrible shadow covers him, mutating him into something so much more.
“Make some noise, Stoneheart.” Hawkmoth orders. “Grab Paris’ attention.”
Marinette and Alya were in the library, when the ground suddenly shook. Marinette fell to the ground- not actually her fault, this time!- and plastered across every news screen was that of a monstrous golem-like creature tearing through the school.
“KIM!” the monster roars in anger, and Marinette can see the monster’s fist tighten around something in his hand.
“Ivan?” Marinette mutters, blinking in surprise.
“Hello? This is the police?” Damocles exclaims, talking on his phone as he rushes through the library, trying to hide. “Get me the army!”
“Whoa, a real-life supervillain!” Alya rushes to her bag, swiping through her phone. “GPS, synced. Battery, charged. I am so ready for this!” she starts to rush out the door…towards the danger?!
“Hey! Where are you going?!” Marinette exclaims.
“Supervillains mean Superheroes, and Paris hasn’t had either in years!” Alya grins. “There’s no way I’m missing this!”
Marinette sees the news on another student’s phone and just how…destructive this monster Ivan has become is. She winces, and she thinks hard.
My new friend has a death wish! I have to help her!
What can I even do? I’d just get in the way…or worse, my clumsiness could get her hurt!
I can’t just do NOTHING, can I?
There’s another boom from outside.
I should…leave this to the Police.
Adrien, ever-bored, waits patiently as he answers each of Nathalie’s questions easily. Suddenly, the door to Adrien’s room opens.
“Give us a moment, would you, Nathalie?” Gabriel Agreste himself requests, and Nathalie steps out. He then turns to Adrien, holding his hands behind his back. “You are not going to school. I already told you.”
“But, Father-” Adrien protests.
“Quiet.” Gabriel orders, and Adrien promptly shuts up. “Everything you need is right here where I can keep an eye on you. I will not have you outside in that dangerous world.”
It’s not dangerous, Adrien thinks to himself. Why can’t I just go to school like everyone else…?
Gabriel walks to the door, opening it for Nathalie. “Continue,” he orders, and Adrien walks to the door as he walks away, and Nathalie looks into the room.
“We can leave it there for today if you-” Nathalie begins, and Adrien promptly shuts the door in her face.
Adrien groans, laying on his bed. He hears thumping and…explosions? He rushes to the TV and turns it on, seeing a monster literally absorbing gunfire into its body, growing bigger!
“As incredible as it seems,” Nadja Chamack reports, “it’s been confirmed that Paris is indeed being attacked by a supervillain! The Police have been struggling to keep the situation under control.”
“First day back at school…and a supervillain attacks.” Marinette faceplants into her chaise. “This is a new low.”
Marinette looks up at the monitor, her eyes squinting as she sees a small box she doesn’t recognize next to it. “Huh…?”
Adrien stares at the screen in disbelief, then notices something on one of his darker shelves he hasn’t noticed until now…something that definitely wasn’t there before.
“What’s this doing here?” Adrien picks up the box with the intricate design and opens it up, and a bright glow emanates from within!
“AAGH!” Marinette falls back, seeing the creature that emerged from the box. “Help! Giant bug- mouse- bug-mouse!”
“Everything’s okay, don’t be scared!” the creature tries to comfort her.
“AAGH IT TALKS!” Marinette panics.
“I’m Plagg, nice to meetchya.” the creature grins in front of Adrien before promptly starting to destroy his room, looking at anything shiny and possibly edible.
“Hey, hold on-!” Adrien protests.
Marinette slams a jar over the creature.
“Okay, if that makes you feel safer, Marinette…” the creature says.
“What are you and how do you know my name?!” Marinette exclaims.
“I am a kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now, just let me explain-” she begins.
“-I grant powers,” Plagg explains simply from the grip of Adrien’s hands. “Yours is the power of destruction, got it?”
“Not even a little,” Adrien says honestly, prompting Plagg to roll his eyes.
“Good enough for me!” he phases out from the hands, causing Adrien to shudder as both his hands feel like they’ve fallen asleep. “You got anything to eat? I’m starving.”
“This can’t be real,” Adrien says, shaking his hands. “I’d assume someone was pranking me, but I’m the only one in this house with a sense of humor…”
“No one must know I exist!” Plagg suddenly gets in Adrien’s face.
“I’m your friend, please trust me! You’re the only one who can stop Stoneheart!” Tikki pleads, having phased out of the jar to stop Marinette from getting her parents.
“This has to be a mistake! The only superpower I could have is how abysmal I am at literally everything I do…I know!” Marinette looks up at the kwami. “Alya would know! That’s my friend! Well, I think she is…and I think she would…she loves superheroes, and knows way more than me about being a hero! You should totally go see her, instead!”
“Marinette, you were chosen!” Tikki insists.
“I’m a pretty crummy choice,” Adrien admits. “I’m stuck here! I’m not even allowed to go to school! What good is a superhero stuck in his own house?”
“No good at all.” Plagg grins mischievously. “That’s why that’s all going to change soon. If you’re willing to use my power to break the chains that keep you here.” Plagg lounges on the open box, gesturing to the black ring tantalizingly. 
“Okay, break the object, capture the thing! What’s the…charm thing again?” Marinette asks.
“I can’t say it, but part of the transformation involves knowledge. You’ll know it when you transform!” Tikki explains. “It will create an object that will help you deal with one threat! Once the threat is neutralized, you can release the energy of the object back into the universe, restoring the balance and fixing any damage the threat has done!”
“This is going…very fast, Tikki, I…I can’t do this!” Marinette whimpers.
“Trust yourself, Marinette! You have the potential inside of you!” Tikki smiles. “The transformation phrase is ‘Spots On’.”
“Spots on?” Marinette questions, and her eyes widen as Tikki is drawn into the earrings, and the transformation curls across her body!
Her eyes become a deeper blue and segmented like compound eyes, her hair becomes longer, the ribbons curling off her back. A shoulder-length cape with a Ladybug pattern around her neck is worn, and beautiful reds and blacks make up the Ladybug pattern of her attire, including a yoyo at her waist! There is a pitch-black pattern on her suit that makes a pair of gloves, with the black going along the underside of her forearms, and her boots have a similar pattern.
“Plagg, Claws Out!” Adrien declares, more ready for this than anything else in his life.
“No, wait! I haven't finished explaining-!” Plagg shrieks as he’s pulled into the ring, and Adrien transforms.
Adrien’s heroic form is fashionable leather, catlike eyes, and his hair has become wild and longer. A tail-like belt and a golden bell completes the look, and his clawed gloves are a wonderful touch, and he grins with a toothy, somewhat fanged grin. At his waist sports a collapsible staff that can become as compact as a palm-sized disc.
“This is gonna be so cool!” Adrien laughs excitedly.
Marinette looks down at her hands, gazing at her transformed visage.
I feel…weird. Out of my element.
“Tikki, can I get my old clothes back? Tikki…? You there…?” Marinette mutters to herself, and she feels the earth shake again, and she looks at the monitor worriedly.
“The monster, which calls itself ‘Stoneheart’, is heading toward the Montparnasse tower! The monster seems to be unstoppable!” Nadja reports.
Marinette sees Alya rushing toward the scene from the news feed, and her eyes widen in fear for the safety of her only friend.
I have to help her, no matter how weird this magic stuff feels!
“Marinette!” Sabine calls from downstairs, and Marinette’s eyes widen in fear. Tikki was very clear about keeping her identity a secret. “Marinette, sweetie, are you home? Are you okay?!”
Marinette knows that if she responds, she’d have to confront her Mere, and they’d want her to hide with her and Papa. Climbing up to her balcony quickly and silently, she feels guilt spike into her as she hears her Mere worried about the lack of her daughter in the house.
Okay, I have powers or something! And a magic yoyo.
Marinette feels the magic of the suit gives her the instincts to use the yoyo to swing. Her reflexes have been improved, but her hand-eye coordination is still pretty bad. The powers seem to enhance her existing abilities, not replace them.
The wind in my face, this new strength, I feel better than ever!
I still feel a bit weird.
…no, not weird. I feel powerful.
Adrien can’t help but laugh and whoop as he launches himself throughout the city he’s never had a chance to see! Every building, a new opportunity at vaulting himself onward! Adrien was already pretty skilled and physically fit, but the Miraculous has increased all of that tenfold (well, maybe not tenfold, but it still feels great!)!
He’s walking across a gap between two buildings using his staff at a tightrope- his model poise and the Black Cat’s instincts making it practically impossible for him to fall- when he hears a shriek from above. Looking up, he sees a blur of red slam into him, yoyo strings tying them together as they hang upside-down.
“Well, hey there.” Adrien smiles, happy that he was able to find his apparent partner so easily. “Nice of you to drop in!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” the blue-eyed bug girl proclaims nervously. “I didn’t mean to- this wasn’t on purpose!” she stammers slightly, and in a few moments, the two of them are able to free themselves and reclaim their weapons.
“So, you’re the partner my kwami told me about?” Adrien asks, and the girl nervously nods. “Well, you can call me…” Adrien taps his chin, grinning. He’d been thinking about this all the while he was vaulting across Paris. Something short and sweet, rolls off the tongue, but makes sense and tells people everything they need to know about him. “Chat Noir. Yeah, Chat Noir!” the new hero grins. “And you?”
“I’m Ma- er, uh-” the girl scrambles with her yoyo wildly, and winds up tossing it up and it hits her on the head before she catches it. “...Madly clumsy. I am so clumsy.”
“No sweat, Clumsybug!” Chat Noir sidles up to her, putting his arm around his maybe-sidekick’s shoulder. “I’m still learning the ropes, too!”
The ground shakes again- another indicator of the Stoneheart fight! Chat Noir grins and starts sprinting towards the fight, seeing where the dust is kicked up!
“H-hey! Where are you going?!” Clumsybug exclaims.
“To save Paris!” Chat laughs heartily as he takes his staff, vaulting upward once more!
The students of Lycee Francoise Dupont have the unique privilege of using the Parc des Princes as their school’s P.E. grounds. The students are packing up early, unaware the mysterious quakes are anything more than just that…until the monstrous and massive form of Stoneheart bursts through the entrance and walls!
“KIM!” Stoneheart roars, looming over the student. “Who’s the wuss now?” he is about to slam his fist down upon Kim, who’s tripped over, but suddenly a black blur gets Kim out of the way before brandishing his staff as though it were a blade, pointing it at Stoneheart!
“Hey, maybe you should pick on someone your own size!” the wielder of the Black Cat proclaims.
“Just as expected,” Hawkmoth smirks, looking through his Akuma’s eyes. “The Miraculous of the Ladybug and the Black Cat have been activated! Here they come to save the day, only to be destroyed by my machinations.”
“Where are you, partner?” Chat mutters as he is thrown back by an even bigger Stoneheart- every hit of his staff makes the villain grow! Chat tries to throw one of the football nets at Stoneheart, hoping to tangle him and render him immobile, but instead, Stoneheart just throws it away- and is about to hit a girl recording everything! Chat Noir is able to save her, but she pays no mind to him, looking up at Clumsybug, who seems to be frozen with fear from atop the stadium’s bowl.
“What are you waiting for, Super Redbug? The world is watching you!” the recorder eggs on.
I can’t do this. I’m not a superhero! Look at the size of that thing! How can I fight that?
Marinette can hear Alya, and she sees Chat Noir fighting alone, against all odds.
He’s fighting. I could try and be like him.
What if I get in his way? What if I tie us together again? What if I-
What if nothing, I can’t just stand by and do nothing!
Marinette resolves herself, leaping down and brandishing her yoyo.
Never again.
She throws her yoyo forward, doing the best thing she can- let it go wild! It ties around Stoneheart’s torso, and she yanks, pulling herself towards him! She lands on his head and kicks off, snapping her fingers to make the yoyo’s strings loosen, allowing her to pull it back to her side, pulling the string together like a mechanical tape measure’s retraction.
“Animal cruelty, Stoneheart? How shameful.” Marinette quips, trying to emulate Chat Noir’s boldness. “Sorry it took so long, Chat Noir.”
“It’s cool, Wonderbug.” Chat Noir says, coming to her side. “Let’s kick his rocky rear!”
“We can’t just rush in brazenly when our attacks will only make him bigger and stronger!” Marinette reasons. “We have to do something different…”
“Alright, I’ll bite. Different how?” Chat Noir asks.
“I…don’t know.” Marinette hangs her head.
“Well, I do. What do you say we test out our powers?” Chat Noir smiles, and Marinette nods a little bit.
“Cataclysm!” Chat Noir holds his hand forward, but…nothing happens. “Huh, what the heck?”
“Tikki said they use our weapons. Like, mine is the Lucky Charm-” Marinette says, holding her yoyo in her hand, and the yoyo glows and thrums with power! She shrieks a little as the light pours out of it, conjuring a spandex suit that resembles her own. “Ugh…” she falls back from the disorientation. “I should probably throw that away from me whenever I do that from now on…”
“Oh! So it’d be like this…?” Chat Noir compacts his staff into a palm-sized disc, palming it into his ring hand. “Cataclysm!” he declares again, and this time, the dark power thrums through his hand and the disc! “Alright! Apparently, I destroy whatever I though. What’s yours do?”
“It’s supposed to help us win, somehow. We only have 5 minutes now until we turn back…” Marinette mumbles.
“Ah…probably should have listened to my kwami.” Chat Noir chuckles. “Any other tips?” he asks, leaning against a goal that starts to disintegrate.
“...our powers are only single use,” Marinette says softly, and Chat Noir looks back at the destroyed goal.
“...oops.” Chat Noir says, embarrassed.
They hear a roar from Stoneheart, who is starting to charge towards them!
“His right hand is always closed…it must be where that whatchamacallit is hiding, the…the akuma!” Marinette reasons.
“So, uh, what’s the plan?” Chat Noir asks nervously, seeing the monstrous villain charging.
“The plan, it’s…it’s…” Marinette looks around wildly, soon locating precisely what she needs. “I’ve got it!” she swiftly ties a nearby hose to the suit, then ties Chat Noir with her yoyo. “Okay, uh, don’t resist, I need you to trust me.”
“Oh god, she’s crazy.” Chat Noir says as she picks him up! “How are you so strong?!” he exclaims,
“Why are you so light?!” Marinette exclaims, genuinely thinking she was gonna have a harder time with his plan (and honestly a little concerned with how little he weighs). Regardless, she throws him like a shotput.
The plan goes pretty well. Chat Noir is captured, then so is Ladybug, then the Lucky Charm’s use goes well and they’re able to destroy the object!
“Wow…that was awesome.” Chat Noir declares, laughing as he lies in the grass, looking at the sky. “She’s awesome.”
“What’s going on? Why am I here?” Ivan exclaims, worried, and Marinette’s heart bleeds. He doesn’t even remember what happened to him.
“Well, you did it Super…Clumsy…Bug Lady.” Chat Noir laughs, still clearly unsure of what to call her. “You were great!”
“We got there in the end, didn’t we?” Marinette smiles and holds up her fist. “Partner.”
The look of elation on Chat Noir’s face was perhaps the purest joy Marinette had ever seen.
“Pound it!” Chat Noir says as they fist bump, and Marinette laughs.
“What was that?” she smiles.
“What? It’s fun!” he grins goofily, and notices his beeping ring. “Ah, we should probably get going.”
“Right! Identities gotta be secret.” Marinette nods.
“Farewell, M’lady bug!” Chat Noir winks with one last nickname and vaults away on his staff. “Let’s do this again soon, okay?”
Not too soon, I hope… Marinette thinks to herself as the adrenaline starts to wear off. She walks over to look at the paper the object was in, and she reads it, and she frowns as she realizes what Kim has done.
What he always does, with those twisted attempts at jokes.
“There’s no shame in telling someone you love them,” Marinette says to Ivan, and he looks away, ashamed as the paramedics come in to try and get the scope of the situation.
“Uncanny, amazing, spectacular!” Alya suddenly interrupts. “Are you gonna be protecting Paris from now on? How did you get your powers? Did you get stung by a radioactive Ladybug? Oh, I've got a ton of questions to ask you, uh, miss... uhh…” She trails off, as though trying to decide which of Chat Noir’s many names could be her moniker.
And honestly, while it was a bit plain and simple, Marinette liked his last one the most.
“Ladybug. You can call me Ladybug.” She smiles wide.
“Ladybug! Super awesome!” Alya exclaims, recording the scene as ‘Ladybug’ swings away.
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soulmate-game · 4 years
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
Day 1: Meeting for the first time
Not my best work, but decent. I hope you enjoy!
Mari was intelligent. That much could not be disputed— and despite her dislike for the sciences in general, she was fully capable of comprehending them when she wanted to. She just usually didn’t care enough to try. But genetics? That was kinda cool. So, when she was ten years old and they began their short unit on it, she was obsessed. And by obsessed, she dove in head first. Like, the fact that her eye color didn’t match either of her parents or grandparents. How could she have blue eyes when none of them did? She delved in deeper and deeper until she uncovered a truth her parents hadn’t wanted her to figure out quite so soon.
She was adopted.
Mari never told her parents about her discovery, the epiphany only managing to sate her curiosity. Who needed blood relation when her parents loved her like real ones anyway? But as the years passed and certain life changes came up, she couldn’t help but feel intrigued by the mystery of where her DNA came from. The heroism thing had to have some root in genetics, right? Okay, so maybe she was just looking for someone to be mad at besides Master Fu. But still, could she be blamed?
So, when Marinette was thirteen years old, she traced her DNA back to her biological parents. And for a while, that was it. She had once again sated her curiosity. She didn’t need anything else. Her mother was dead, and she doubted her biological father knew a thing about her. So Marinette forgot about her discovery, or at least let it sink into the recesses of her brain. And there it stayed, until she was eighteen.
—* — * — * — * — *
It had to be one of the most accidentally dramatic days possible. Top floor of Wayne Enterprises, in one of Bruce’s massive conference rooms with every member of his large family in attendance. Even Kori and Mar’i were there, and Jason’s boyfriend Roy. Everyone was getting fairly restless, considering that Bruce had only informed a few of them (Read: just Dick, who was vibrating in his seat and not soothing anyone’s nerves) about what they were even all called in for. In their civilian identities, no less. It was very odd. Damian, not least of all, was sitting beside Bruce with his jaw clenched but eyes scanning the room in curiosity. He had come a long way from the surly ten year old, and he hadn’t even killed anyone in four years. He had well and truly become a Bat, and with that progress came the lessening of his old temper and brattiness.
Make note: lessening. Not erasure.
It wasn’t long, maybe ten or fifteen minutes of Bruce checking his phone and grinning secretively without answering anyone’s questions, before a businesslike tap-tap-tap sounded on the door to the conference room. Immediately, everything went silent. Kori, Tim, and Jason stopped trying to get Dick to say anything intelligible and went instead to just keeping the man in his seat at all. Bruce let out a rare, soft chuckle before raising his coffee mug to his lips. He called out:
“Come on in, miss MDC. We’re ready for our meeting,” before taking a long sip.
And as soon as the door opened all the way, admitting a short woman of asian descent with navy black hair brushing the bottom of her shoulder blades and piercing (familiar. Too familiar) deep blue eyes, he promptly choked. Trying his damndest not to get coffee everywhere, Bruce devolved into a coughing fit even as his eyes continued to flitter up to the figure just admitted into the room. The woman pretended not to notice his suffering, closing the door behind her and walking forward towards the side of the rectangular-set-up ring of tables that was closest to her and also unoccupied. She plopped a heavy bag down onto the table, reaching in and pulling out a large red and white polka-dotted journal from within, along with a black pen. But despite her businesslike movements and her silence, nobody missed the way that her far too familiar stunningly blue eyes twinkled in suppressed mirth. She didn’t seem surprised at all.
That was the last time Bruce was ever gonna let Tim do someone’s background check on his own. He should have at least looked at the file Tim had made, but of course not. Tim was capable, he trusted the boy with half of their entire family’s company. One background check on one highly reputable designer? Of course he could trust Tim.
Except apparently not. This is what Bruce got for keeping secrets.
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” Bruce spoke once he got a handle of himself, pushing back his chair almost hurriedly and standing. Damian followed suit, laser focused on his father along with everyone else who knew just how out of character the older man was being just then. It was hard to fluster Bruce at all those days, let alone make him choke and hurry to stand. “I— Welcome to WE. I’m—“ Bruce was cut off by a soft chuckle.
“Bruce Wayne, my biological father and employer for the next few weeks. I know,” Marinette interrupted, sending a sly smile his way. “I had a feeling somebody didn’t actually tell you my name. I was planning on coming to Gotham later this year after I graduated Lycee and demanding to get to know you, but it looks like you did the hard work for me without even knowing. But,” her smile widened in good humor as she walked up closer to Bruce, holding her hand out for a shake. “I do have to say, now that I’ve seen you in person I feel a bit cheated. With how tall you are, you’d think I would have inherited at least a couple more inches.”
“Excuse me? Who do you think you are, claiming to be a Wayne?” Damian asked, tone sharp and his emerald eyes glaring straight towards her. Bruce just took Marinette’s hand, shaking it gently from surprise, but his foot gently kicked his son in the ankle.
“Damian,” Bruce said simply, the single name laced with warning as it came out of his mouth. He turned his attention back to the girl in front of him. “It is nice to finally meet you in person, Marinette. I admit, I did not know of our relation until a few years ago, and I wasn’t in the right mindset back then to welcome another child. Besides, I had it on good authority that your adoptive parents are more than wonderful to you.”
Marinette shrugged. “I don’t mind. I didn’t look into who my biological father was until I was thirteen, anyway. I don’t think things would have ended well if you had just shown up in Paris one day asking to be involved in my life. Enough of that though,” Marinette turned to the sixteen year old by Bruce’s side now stiffened and wide-mouthed. His entire expression, subdued as it was, still managed to clearly telegraph betrayal. And then those eyes locked on Marinettes, and the emerald simmered into something much more vile and acidic. Marinette was not perturbed, merely giving the younger boy a smile and holding out her hand for a shake.
“You must be my half-brother, Damian. I expected someone carved out of stone, with how the tabloids paint you as unfeeling and cold,” she joked. Damian glared harder. She raised an eyebrow. “You seem pretty heated and angry, like a hissing cat, to me. And by the way, I never claimed to be a Wayne. My last name is Dupain-Cheng, and I don’t plan on changing it anytime soon. Having the same blood relation as you does not mean I plan to throw away the name given to me by the ones who actually raised me. But, it does mean that I will get to know you one way or another. I’m not easy to get rid of, and I’ve always wanted a sibling or two.”
That was when the room couldn’t hold it any more; everyone bar the three in the center of the room burst out laughing. It wasn’t too raucous, confusion dampening the hysteria that usually would have taken over, but there was a good round of chuckles and laughter. When it settled down, Damian’s shoulders had slightly relaxed but he still hadn’t taken Marinette’s hand. Instead, he turned to his father again.
“Explain.” He demanded. Bruce sighed, his gaze connecting with Marinette’s own identical one. He searched her for any hesitation, but only got a flash of a bright smile in return. Bruce straightened his shoulders, clasping his hands behind his back and turning to face Damian and the rest of the room.
“I found out about Marinette shortly after Damian was… introduced to the family,” Bruce admitted, resisting the urge to glance at Marinette after the hedged mention of how he met Damian. “I decided to scour every resource I had to make sure I couldn’t be surprised by another biological child. And, lo and behold, I found out that I was right to do so. Her biological mother passed away in childbirth however, so she was adopted by a couple in Paris. I did not see any need to contact her at the time. A friend of mine did happen to be in Paris back then though, and hung around to make sure Marinette was being treated well before leaving again.”
“You sent a friend of yours to spy on me?” Marinette asked, but she just sounded thoroughly amused. “Geez. Now I know where I get it from. When I was thirteen, I had a bit of a bad habit of spying on my friends when I was worried instead of confronting them head on. It took a while to grow out of, and even now I can easily slip back into the habit if I’m not careful. But, as great as this reunion is, it isn’t what I’m being paid to be here for,” Her grin turned downright wicked as she snapped open her sketchbook and clicked her pen.
“I am MDC, the owner and CEO of the up and rising fashion label Spotted Designs, where every look will turn heads and ensure confidence. Monsieur Wayne,” her grin turned into a sly smirk when she said his name, which visibly made Bruce twitch. “Has hired me today to design all of you a new outfit for his gala in four months time, as well as a casual outfit of your own choosing should you want one. Before I get started, I would like to ask you to please sign your NDAs, which my assistant and best friend will bring in for you in a few minutes, before we conclude this meeting. I go by an alias for a reason, I value my privacy, and I would prefer it if word did not get out about my being MDC just yet. Being CEO of a business I started from scratch when I’m only eighteen right now will garner attention that I am not patient enough to deal with right now.”
The silence was near palpable until Jason huffed in amusement and remarked: “Yup. I can see the resemblance.”
“Resemblance?” Duke asked, leaning forward with an incredulous look on his face. “It’s like seeing a tiny, genderswapped, innocent copy of Damian. Is anyone else terrified right now?”
“Tt,” Damian tutted, letting a heavy breath out through his nose before shoving his hand forward. He didn’t look pleased, but neither did he look venomous or betrayed anymore. “Miss Dupain-Cheng. I am Damian Wayne, and I look forward to working with you.” He greeted as if the past few minutes hadn’t happened at all. Marinette beamed, letting out a short belt of delighted laughter before clasping his hand firmly with hers.
“My competence always wins people over,” she teased.
“Only if they don’t see you trip over empty air first,” a new voice joined in, lightly joining the teasing. It belonged to a tall, blond haired green eyed man that looked about the same age as Marinette herself. He came carrying a large two-foot stack of papers as easily as if he was only carrying one sheet. Closing the door behind him with his foot, he went around the large square of tables distributing NDAs to everyone who hadn’t already signed one. “Mari’s the clumsiest person I’ve ever seen, but I’ve also seen her hand sew a double sided ball gown with a layer of knife-resistant fabric in less than thirty hours and still threaten anyone to come near with a needle to the eye, so I’ve learned to just not take anything about her at face value anymore.”
“Oh shut up,” Marinette snapped back cheerfully, rolling her eyes. “This is my best friend, assistant, and business partner Adrien Agreste.”
“I deal with all the paperwork and spotlight that she doesn’t want to handle,” he agreed, nearly blinding everyone with his beaming smile. “Now. Please sign these NDAs, and you can experience Marinette’s skill firsthand.”
After papers were signed and Adrien left, Bruce tried to start another conversation with Marinette.
“So, when did you find out—“
“I’m going to start with taking all of your measurements, if you don’t mind. You first, Monsieur Wayne.”
Bruce blinked, not used to being interrupted. “Ah. We can do this tomorrow, I wasn’t expecting—“
“That’s not my fault, Monsieur Wayne. I came here knowing exactly who I was going to deal with, and you want me to make a quite frankly horrifying amount of clothing in a very short amount of time. Any designer lesser than me would be completely incapable of meeting your deadline. I plan on sticking to my schedule, which means that we are going to get everyone’s measurements and a baseline of the kind of designs you all want done today before the end of our scheduled appointment.”
“Marinette, I would really like to talk about—“
“Arms out. And take your suit jacket off, I can’t get an accurate measurement with it,” she once again interrupted, businesslike and efficient as she took her measuring tape and lined it up against various parts of his body, jotting down the results. She didn’t entertain any of his attempts at conversation in the meantime, instead using the dead time to grill Damian on what he wanted for his suit design.
And, like a partnership that never should have existed, Damian merely smirked and played along with her game. He answered her questions thoroughly but precisely, never allowing their father a chance to make actual conversation. Next thing the poor eldest Wayne knew, Marinette had already taken everyone’s measurements and almost an hour had passed. No less than ten pages of her notebook were already filled with neat lines of notes and numbers.
“You really take this whole thing seriously, don’t you?” Tim asked, in the middle of describing his ideal suit to Marinette. She hummed, grinning up at him mysteriously. As if she was in on a joke he hadn’t heard.
“Designing is my life, Monsieur Drake. This company is something I’ve been building from the ground up since I was thirteen, I’ve made my own clothes since I was ten. Of course I take it seriously. Now. I believe that is everything I need,” she stood up, asking a few last second questions as she gathered up her things. Seeing his chance, Brucie walked her to the door.
“Really, Marinette, I would like to talk to you more. Would you like to come to the Manor tonight, for dinner maybe?”
Marinette smirked, opening the door before Bruce could and turning her head to say over her shoulder: “Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Do me a favor though, and try not to get too injured on patrol. I need you all in good enough shape to stand while I do your initial fittings later this week. Gotham might need it’s vigilantes, but you will all regret it if you break a bone before I can fit my prototypes to you.”
Nobody was able to say a word before she closed the door behind her and continued briskly to the elevator. Bruce stood, dumbfounded. Tim, Jason, and Dick, after a moment, started cackling.
“Oh yeah. That’s Damian’s sister.”
“Tt. At least this proves it.”
Bruce, suddenly very exhausted, turned to his son while rubbing his forehead. “Proves what, Damian?”
His trademark razor sharp smirk overtook his face as Damian replied: “Your blood children really are much more competent and effective than the strays you took in.”
“You didn’t have a full conversation?” Adrien guessed, looking exactly like the cat who caught the canary. Marinette had her head in her hands, her entire face red.
“I didn't know how to have an actual conversation with them, Adrien! You should have seen it, Monsieur Wayne—“
“You can just say your father, you know.”
“—Wanted to talk about feelings. Emotions! Gooey, family stuff and probably sentimental things. In front of so many people, too. I panicked!”
“You panicked and went full Business Empress mode,” Adrien agreed, patting her back in both comfort and condescension. “It’s okay. You at least agreed to dinner tomorrow night.”
“Fuuuuuuuuuck, I diiiiiid. Quick, let’s come up with a way to fake my kidnapping.”
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artxyra · 4 years
The Secret Life of MDC | Part 2
Part 2 – DuPont believe anything they say
Part 1
Marinette was ready for anything they could throw at her because now she can bring them all down at once. Today was the start of her first time as a spy student for the School board and splitting her time between two classes. The first half of the day would be spent with Mlle. Bustier and the second half as a TA for a new teacher that recently just began over the summer.
“Are you ready, Buggy?” She heard Adrien ask her from behind.
“Buggy? That’s a new one, Kitten, and yeah I'm ready. Just one more school year with Lila and her mindless followers.” Marinette answers, absently playing with the ends of her blouse. Adrien feeling a shift in the air, grips her hand and gives the one person he sees as a sister the biggest reassuring smile he could muster.
“C’mon losers, I only have so many fucks to give out and I don’t want to blow it in the first half of class.” They heard Chloe call out behind them wearing sunglasses indoors that clashed with her golden outfit. Marinette had to prevent herself from scoffing at the fashion choice the blonde teen had made. It was a crime against fashion and the girl is the daughter of a fashion icon.
“Chloe, you know I love you, but what in the world prompted you to wear sunglasses indoors?” Marinette somehow managed not to raise her voice at a person she claims as a sister.
“Oh hush, Manette. I’m doing this to prevent future murders on my hands.” Chloe responded as Adrien and Marinette look at each other communicating with slight head shakes and hand gestures that went from them to Chloe and back to them.
“That makes no sense, Bee, and I’m afraid to know what you meant. Should I message Tim to get a lawyer on hand or just pretend that I didn’t hear anything and go on into the nightmare that we call class.” It was Marinette that took the charge like she always does in these situations where she and Adrien are at a loss when it comes to Chloe’s hidden mindset.
All Chloe gives them is a mischief smirk causing the two friends to fear what is to come.
“Good morning, class. Today I have exciting news!” The teacher, Mlle. Bustier, announces as she setting her things down and turning to the chalkboard.
The trio never would have thought they would be stuck with Caline Bustier since the beginning of their collége years to the end of their lycée years. The only reason why this is a fact is that many of the teachers in the surrounding Paris area moved out once Hawkmoth’s akuma attacks began to become more vicious. They didn’t want to teach in an area that could lead to death or effect their trauma even more. This caused the school board committee for all of Paris to let the teachers teach their current class up until graduation with only the senior teachers teaching two sets of classes which meant teaching a younger generation outside of their grade group. So far, the change has been going well with minimum out rejection.
For Mlle. Bustier’s class, it was the best transition ever; however, it only solidifies their downfall and future in the real world. Caline, a generous carrying teacher, has little to none of a backbone. Her teaching methods are questionable especially when it comes to her classes' growth, which is why the school board's deal to Marinette was to become a student spy rather than letting her go free once she passed the Baccalauréat.
Caline turns around to view her students. She’s happy to see every single one of them, but her inner smile fades away once she caught sight of Marinette. The girl had so much potential in the teacher’s eyes and it was a shame to see it go to waste. She tried to get Marinette to be an example for her peers, but the girl did nothing but cause a rift in the classroom.
“I have some amazing news. Starting today up until our class exchange program, each and every one of you will be working on a presentation choosing an infamous city in the United States. You can work in pairs no bigger than three for this assignment.” Caline began before going into detail regarding the largest project of their senior year.
The trio already knew what city they were going to pick; however, for Marinette, she was slightly wary. This assignment has little to with her problems, but she had forgotten about the exchange program that the class was selected last year to go on for this year.
Every year a certain senior class is chosen to go on an exchange to one of the partner schools in the United States. When Marinette graduated, she had forgotten that her class was chosen, so now she needs to find out how that will change her teaching assistant job plans and how she and the principal will overcome this.
“Ooh, we should Gotham! I personally know the Waynes. They are a nice family. You know?” Of course, it had to be Lila to ruin a good mood. The trio could feel the liar’s gaze lingering on them as they mentally plain on what to do. “You know Adrien, you could join my group and we’ll get an ‘A’.” Lila begins to sweet-talk her way through Adrien, ignoring the heavily implied discomfort the model was giving her.
“Huh, Lie-la, I’m actually planning on working with Chloe and Mari for this one. I’m sure Alya and Nino would love to be a part of your group.” Adrien speaks up as he repeatedly tapes the desk for help from his two surrogate sisters.
Lila huffs putting on the waterworks, like always does when she didn’t get her way.
“Adrien? C’mon sunshine, can’t you just work with Lila. She was really looking forward to doing the project with you. Nino and I decided to be a duo, anyway. I’m sure Chloe and Marinette can handle it on their own.” Alya may not be physically violent towards anyone, but she did know how to pressure someone into doing something.
Adrien shakes his head and decides that it was best to stay close to Chloe and Marinette in case something goes sideways.
Feeling the attention away from her, Lila knew she had to come up with something spectacular. However, it would be unfortunate for Marinette who decided to take a drink from her water bottle. “I know I shouldn't say anything, but I’m dating Damian Wayne.” Immediately the loyalist of flies surrounds the liar gushing about the latest news.
Marinette, on the other hand, chokes on her water creating a coughing fit. She stares aghast at the liar once the coughing died down. Chloe and Adrien couldn't help but laugh at this.
“Calm down, calm down, class. I still have much to discuss with you including the trip.” Mlle. Bustier states trying to reel on her students as the talking increases in volume.
Fading out of the class the trio opens their group chat. Marinette looks up every so often to make sure that their teacher was paying them no attention.
Queen Bee: Our class is filled with idiots. [insert screaming GIF]
Katana’s Bitch: Uh, Bee what happened?
My Voice is Music: Aren’t you like in class?
Gotham’s Princess: Yes, but that is not the point. Besides, I already did all this shit and just in class for "fun".
R U Kitten Me:  Luka, my love, I’m gonna need loads of therapy?
My Voice is Music: Liar?
Katana’s Bitch: Liar?
Queen Bee: She tried to guilt Kitten into being her partner for this large assignment. Ooh, how I can’t wait until he comes out of the closet.
Gotham’s Princess:  It will be something like this: [insert a WTF GIF]
R U Kitten Me: Ooh that’s a good one Mars.
Gotham’s Princess: [insert bowing GIF] Thank you.
Queen Bee: 10 o clock, Bustier’s looking right at us
Marinette looks away from her phone to be greeted by Mlle. Bustier stern facials. She sheepishly smiles at the teacher and begins to write in her notebook, but the content had nothing to do with what Mlle. Bustier was teaching.
A grueling class period later, Marinette rushes over to the other side of the building. She sets up the classroom for the teacher and waits for the students to arrive.
While Marinette becomes the TA for a different class, Chloe and Adrien are forced to deal with the idiocy of their classmates alone.
Chloe nearly got into a yelling match with Lila and Alya about Marinette’s whereabouts as everything soon became aware that the fashion designer was missing for the second half of the school day.
Lila, once again, tried to dig her nails into the model to be her partner for the presentation project, she even tried to pull the daddy card over the blonde not knowing that Gabriel has little power over him since he unofficially moved in with the Dupain-Cheng home and rarely makes an appearance at the Agreste home unless it was dire.
“I can’t believe how selfish you are?” Alya attempts to scream into Adrien’s face but is pulled away by Nino, once the DJ realizes what was going on. He even mouths his apologies to his friend as he pulls Alya to comfort Lila, who was making a big hissy fit.
“I just wanted him to have a good grade on this project. My Damiboo would have been a large help when we choice Gotham.” Lila sniffles in her limp hand as if she was the victim of a major crime. Chloe and Adrien just roll their eyes and continue to ignore their classmates as the second half begins.
Marinette laughs at the messages on her phone about the class before walking into Principal De La Fontaine's offices. Due to the constant attacks and akuma victim from Dupont, the Paris school board officials declared Principal Damocles unfit to be a principal and opted for De La Fontaine to oversee college and lycée of the Dupont schools seeing as they are short-staffed.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, you needed to see me?”
“Good evening, Principal De La Fontaine, and yes I do. It’s about the exchange program. The class that I’m spying for was selected to go last year and I was wondering how that will affect my teaching assistant job?” She asks taking an empty seat opposite from the Principal.
“Why yes, we probably should discuss this before you go. This might be the last piece for the school board in regards to Caline’s teaching habits. I have already discussed it with Mme. Margaux about your month's departure.”
A sigh of relief escapes Marinette’s lips. The feeling of knowing nothing will happen to her job on the school grounds with her being gone for a month.
“Merci.” She says once their conversations end and as she walks out of the office.
Nette @GothamsFashionSense Guess who’s returning to Gotham for a month?? This fille right here!! [insert a Dottie screaming & kicking her feet GIF]
Immediately, the tweet receives dozens of replies, all ranging from screeches of who is she to can’t wait to play “Spot the Nette game” on twitter. Marinette couldn’t help up chuckle as the replies from her extended family proceeds to enter the replies.
Maybe the trip wouldn’t be so bad?
Yeah, that was a lie. Before the trip started, Lila made a tearful excuse about the presentation project then saying that Marinette and her group stole the presentation from her as their city was the same, Gotham, New Jersy. That ended up becoming a large battle about right and wrong, to which Chloe and Adrien won because they did most of the project.
The moment before the trio stepped into the airport, saying their goodbyes to Kagami, Luka, and closet family members was just as emotional. Adrien tried his hardest not to breakdown in Luka’s arms but the reminder of seeing Jon made him excited. Chloe was a weeping mess saying goodbye to her girlfriend, who promise to send messages every day to keep the bee miraculous holder sane. For Marinette, she knew that Paris was in good hands and always having Kaalki on hand has been a huge help when traveling between the two cities.
Upon entering the airplane, there wasn’t a single moment that Lila didn’t lie about her experience in Gotham. She somehow managed to get every Wayne boys' name wrong except for Damian’s and Bruce’s. Like whom the hell is Tom Grayson and Drake Todd. It took every bone in the trio’s body not to breakdown laughing and cursing at the liar for such ludicrous names. Though parts of her conversation went into the ultimate group chat where everyone from Gotham to Paris is on. Let’s just say Jason was craving for a bullet to hit the liar in an “accidental” way.
Part 3 >>
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You (Part 2)
Now you see me, now you don’t!
Part 1 | AO3
Felix Graham De Vanily was, in his own humble opinion, special. 
He was smart.
He was composed.
He knew exactly what to say and when, and he could make people see exactly what he wanted them to see.
He wasn’t his cousin, after all, almost identical looks aside. Adrien never knew when to speak up, or when it was better to stay quiet. Never knew how to hide his thoughts and keep his - utterly unrealistic, when it came to his father - hopes in check. And he might be smarter than Felix gave him credit for, but all that intelligence left him as soon as his friends were concerned.
That was what all his flaws boiled down to, really.
Adrien made the fatal, unforgiving mistake of caring too much. Always had.
(It was what Felix liked about him, deep down. Adrien was genuine, in everything he felt. Felix envied him for the ease with which he made friends.)
Felix wasn’t like Adrien at all. He was too smart to care for people - his mother aside - any more than he had to. Mundane distractions. Friends, crushes - all things that would only deter him from his path in life: high above the crowd, always the center of attention, yet unreachable. Playing everyone, but gone before anybody noticed.
It was a glorious but lonely road. No, scratch that. It was a lonely but glorious road. Much better.
He didn’t need anything or anyone.
He was the sole and solemn genius of the family.
He was a magician, who didn’t need any fancy jewelry to work miracles - just the right distraction and disguise.
He was-
Groaning Felix looked at the little bite marks on his finger. 
“Were you even listening?! Or did you just wait for an opportunity to stab me in the back?”
The black and white bundle of fur and betrayal on his lap meowed and swiped at his hand, now out of reach.
 “I knew you couldn’t be trusted.”, he grumbled and shoved the traitor off of his legs, but couldn’t help but smile when he smugly licked his nose - as if to say: I'd do it again. “I raised you too well. Now, where was I?”
He sighed.
“Ah, yes. I don’t care for anyone - please stop scratching that ear, honey, it’s not healed yet - because I'm just too smart for that. So it’s utterly impossible that I, Felix Graham de Vanily, am in love with Dupain-Cheng. Got it?”
His cat, the little bastard, answered by knocking his pencil box over and started to chew on a pen. Felix narrowed his eyes.
“Oh? You dare doubt my word?”
With quick fingers he stole his cat's spoils and placed it out of his reach.
“Quite bold for a creature without opposable thumbs, hm?”
Insulted, the poor, thumbless pet retreated to his laptop and laid down on the keyboard - causing the screensaver to give way to the last opened tab. Which was Marinette's Instagram page.
Hurried to hide the proof of his interest - as if she might somehow appear in his room if he looked at her picture for too long - he shooed his pet away and closed the tab. Said pet meowed smugly and, upset about being chased away from two spots already, sat down on his pillow. Great.
“You did that on purpose!”, he accused his cat. “But that tab proves nothing. It was merely a passing interest in her admittedly wearable work. It has nothing to do with any confessions - faked confessions, or that she can apparently recognize me in disguise, or the very neutral fact that she is cute, by some people's - not my own! - standards.”
His cat blinked. And sneezed onto his pillow.
“Bless you. Now move, or I’ll use you instead of a bunny for that hat trick I’m working on.”
Sighing, Felix let himself fall backwards onto his bed, grabbing the fleeing cat and burying his face in the fluffy fur.
“Oh, to be a cat!”, he wailed into his involuntary comfort pillow. “With no troubles except how to best annoy his owner.”
 The poor animal hissed and escaped his grasp, saving himself from the bitter fate of a comfort pillow.
 “Run, you uncaring monster.”, Felix sighed, “Leave me to my worries. Which don’t include Marinette at all, by the way.”
He sat up and watched as the little traitor turned to sulk on his dresser.
“Stop looking at me like that. Even if I had a short bout of interest - possibly even infatuation! It’s already all but cured.”
He nodded to himself, ignoring that the disinterested cat had begun cleaning his leg instead of listening.
“School's closed, after all!”, he hummed, scrolling through the news on his phone. “And social contacts are to be reduced to the bare minimum. So I’m not going to see her again before this passing interest has... well, passed.”
As if in response to his words, his laptop started to ring and the monitor lit up with the picture of blue, blue eyes and a smile that could melt the stars off of the sky. Not that he paid attention to such things.
“Oh no, no, no!”, he panted as he fell out of his bed and stumbled towards the computer. “Incoming Skype call?! Oh, come on!”
The ringtone repeated itself and Felix jumped.
“What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do?”
Panicking, he looked at his pet.
“What the fuck am I supposed to do?!”
The addressed party blinked. And went back to licking his nuts.
“Argh! I am surrounded by incompetence!”
Taking a deep breath, Felix straightened his vest and cravat - just because he was staying at home for the foreseeable future didn’t mean that he would dress any less professionally.
“Who needs your advice anyway. I can do this.”
He straightened his back and sat down on the chair in front of his desk.
“I am Felix Graham de Vanily, the best actor in all of France and the United Kingdom, not in love with Marinette Dupain-Cheng, and I can totally answer a Skype call.”
Before he could think again, he pressed the green button.
“Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng!”, he greeted overly enthusiastic. “We meet again.”
“If you can call it that.”, Marinette laughed with the voice of a goddamn angel. She was wearing a white, polka-dotted pajama top, was illuminated by early-noon sunlight falling through some sort of window in the ceiling, and her hair – was – down.
If this was some sort of cosmic test, it wasn’t fair.
“To what do I owe the pleasure of your virtual company?”, he said quickly, trying not to think too much about how her hair looked even softer than the fur of a certain cat. Then, for good measure, he added: “Miss me already?”
Marinette disappeared  for a moment, before returning with a sizable stack of papers.
“As much as I could do without my favorite pain in the neck, we have a school assignment to do. You know, since school is closed?”
She leaned in and he held his breath.
“Did you even notice? I haven’t seen you last Friday.”
What was he supposed to answer to that? Oh, I noticed alright! It kept me from embarrassing myself by avoiding you, because my brain got all mushy ever since you fake-confessed to me pretending to be my cousin?
Ha! Fat chance.
“Aw, worried for me?”, he improvised, as usual, by being sarcastic. “Let me soothe your concern for your favorite pain in the neck: I merely got tired of cosplaying Adrien. I'm a very busy man, you see?”
She rolled her eyes and somehow managed to make it look cute.
“Of course you are. Well, hopefully not too busy for a presentation on marine biology, due next week.”
He blinked.
“Excuse me?”
“You know, the one Adrien and I are supposed to do?”
Felix Had Questions. For example:
“How was I supposed to know that?”
“Don’t tell me you didn’t hack into Adriens E-mail account. I saw you present homework that you couldn’t have known about if Madame Mendeleiev hadn’t emailed you, as Adrien.”
She raised an eyebrow, in a way that could almost be described as playful.
“Plus, you seem the type to do that.”
He scoffed and crossed his arms, as if it would hide his racing heartbeat.
“First of all: No, I am not breaking into my cousins account. I may like to prank him - or rather everyone, really - but that goes a little far. Secondly, that Lila girl was only too eager to do homework with Adrien-Me, so I could keep up with every assignment once I could get her hands off of me.”
“I thought a magician never revealed his tricks?”
True. But he had wanted to see if she would get jealous. Which she didn’t. Which was expected and totally fine by him. He didn’t care anyways.
Lucky for him, Marinette wanted to tease him more than an answer.
“Well, I hope your work ethic is better when it comes to presentations. I'll send you the materials!”
A click later, his laptop alerted him of One New Email, containing no less than twenty-two pages of material. He raised his eyebrows.
“Not to crush your little illusion of me as a hard-working student, but that looks like awfully tedious work. What makes you think I would voluntarily do homework meant for Prince Charming?”
The sassy little smirk she'd shown him during their battles of wit last week returned.
“You mean, aside from the fact that, once school is open again and Adrien is back, your little trick with pretending to be him will be revealed? And that I’m your best chance not to be chased out of town by a very angry Chloé Bourgeois? Not to start with Alya, Rose and Juleka, who still haven’t forgiven you for that stunt you pulled the last time you were here.”
Sound argument, he had to give her that.
“Pah!”, he said, just for the sake of irritating her. “So what? It’s not like it was my idea to move to Paris anyway!”
That was at least partially true. His mother had insisted to come back to France, mostly because she wanted to keep an eye on Gabriel. But he hadn’t been against it either.
It wasn’t like he had friends in London anyway, and in Paris it at least didn’t get boring, with all these butterflies and superheroes. Plus, he wouldn’t admit it out loud, but he had missed Adrien. That boy could use a little family - once Felix was done pretending to be him. 
Marinette hummed and tapped her chin impatiently.
“Well, then see it as the prize you promised me after our little insult-match at the Trocadero.”
“Wait, wait, wait!”, he held up his hands. “I already settled that score, didn’t I? You confessed to me, remember?”
“I practiced confessing to Adrien with you, you mean.”, she reminded him with a raised eyebrow – Ouch, by the way – before leaning back in her pink chair. “And that was because you talked me into it. I never told you what I wanted, did I?”
Well, fuck. Not that the prospect of working with Marinette was that unpleasant, but in his current state of emotional confusion, it would only be detrimental. He needed an out, an excuse!
“Why would you want to work with me anyways? I would have thought you'd jump at the chance to do something with Prince Adrien of Dreamland. Why settle for the pain in the neck?”
Marinette sighed.
“Adrien is still recovering from his flu, and given the current, ah, global situation, I thought it would be better to put his health first. Besides, you're my favorite pain in the neck.”
“I'm flattered, darling”, he said, trying not to sound like it was as true as it was, “but-“
“Oh my gosh!”, Marinette interrupted him with a shout, and suddenly her eyes dominated the entire screen, as if she were mere millimeters away from her own computer. “Felix! What is that?!”
“Huh?”, he made, eloquent as usual. He turned around, just in time to see his traitorous cat jump from the dresser right onto his lap. Apparently, now that Felix had someone else to talk to, the little bastard felt neglected. 
“You mean him?”, he asked, turning back to the screen with the cat in his lap. An inhuman squeal came from the other side of the line and Marinette sacked back into her chair, which spun around its axis, like, three times in a single second.
“Felix Graham de Vanily!”, she said with all but glowing eyes. “Show – me – the cat!”
Since her voice made absolutely clear that it had been an order and Felix had always had a strong survival instinct, he obediently held up the little monster. Who let out a plaintive little “Mow”, but otherwise submitted to his fate.
“Oh my gosh!”, Marinette repeated, “He's adorable!”
“You think?”, Felix said dumbly, at a loss for how to react to this sudden change in situation.
“I do! I do! What's his name?”
“Uh...”, Felix thought, debating whether a lie would save his reputation. “Uhm...”
“Don’t tell me you named him Felix Junior!” She turned towards the cat in false exasperation. “Did he name you Felix Junior?!”
The cat that was most certainly not named Felix Junior meowed in his feline confusion.
“No, of course not!”, Felix snapped back, sinking into the chair as if it might have mercy and swallow him.
“Then what's his name? What, for God’s sake, is this pretty little kitty called?!”
What had his life turned into?
“'dini.”, he mumbled, hiding his face behind the cat.
“What? Speak louder!”, Marinette demanded, and so he accepted his fate.
“Houdini!”, he groaned in embarrassment. “I named him Houdini, alright? I was eleven!”
For a moment, the line went quiet. Then, inevitably, Marinette burst out in laughter.
“For real? I can’t believe it!”
Sulking, Felix turned away from the screen, but immediately Marinette stopped.
“No, no, no! Bring Houdini back! I love his name, okay? Give him back!”
“You're not telling anybody of him, got it?”, he hissed, cheeks as red as Ladybug's suit. Marinette snickered. 
“Of course, I promise. Houdini will be our little secret, alright? Now bring him back!”
Satisfied, Felix turned the chair back towards the laptop and placed Houdini on the desk. The curious thing didn’t hesitate to lounge onto his keyboard and examined the camera, much to Marinette’s delight.
“Oh lord, he's so cute!”
Felix sighed and leaned back.
“Believe me, he knows.”
“He looks just like you!”
At that, Felix spluttered and jumped up again.
Internally already setting up the equation: “Marinette thinks Houdini is cute, and Marinette thinks Houdini looks like Felix, then Marinette thinks Felix is cute?” he was about two seconds from fainting.
“He's got a little tie, see?”, Marinette giggled on, ignorant of the thought-spiral she'd sent him into. “Just like you!”
Oh. She meant the patterns of his fur, which admittedly looked a little like he was wearing a tie. Of course.
“Who's the most adorable thing in Paris? You are!”, Marinette continued with her shameless adoration of that undeserving little brat, who currently Mow-ed happily at the screen. Pah!
“Just so you know, he bites people for fun.”, Felix badmouthed his own pet, absolutely not because he was jealous. “You can’t trust him. He'll act sweet, but as soon as you're not looking he's got your fingers between his sharp little fangs!”
“Eh, I can handle it.”, Marinette shrugged and immediately went back to admiring Houdini. “You're a good kitty, aren’t you? The best, the best! Yes, you are!”
“No, he's not!”, Felix insisted through clenched teeth. “He's moody and arrogant! Nobody likes him, that's why I took him in! He thinks it’s fun to hurt people, he holds grudges forever and he's incredibly annoying when he's bored!”
Wait, was he still talking about the cat?
“You just like him because he looks all cute and innocent, but if you knew him, you'd never even want to be in the same room as him.”
Marinette had gone quiet on the other side, and Houdini narrowed his eyes at him in betrayal. Then she shrugged.
“If you don’t want him anymore, I'll take him in.”
She would have to pry the little shit out of his cold, dead hands!
“Did you not listen to a word I said?” he asked, trying not to let on that he didn’t actually dislike Houdini.
Marinette smiled.
“Sure. But I still think he's a good kitty.”
“But why?”
She hummed, pushing her stack of papers aside so she could put her elbows on the desk. Resting her chin on her hand, she looked up in him.
“Most cats are. You just got to give them a chance to come out of their shell.”
“But... But he's mean!”
“Maybe he's just lonely. Maybe he needs some friends, and then he'll learn to be nicer. I can wait.”
He was not blushing!
“Why would you want to? There's lots of better cats, you could just pick one of them right away.”
“Yeah, well, I want Houdini. All cats deserve a chance. Even the meaner ones.”
She smiled down at the black and white loaf that purred on his keyboard.
“In my experience, peop- cats only show their best sides if you give them a chance to open up. If you're too quick to brush them aside as hopeless, or mean, you might miss out on the most wonderful personalities underneath. And I think Houdini is one of those.”
And then, because the universe just wanted to see him fall, she winked at him. Jesus Christ!
“Anyway, I'll give you some time to read through the material I sent you. Message me once you’re done, we've got a lot of work ahead. Bye!”
Before he could realize what she had said, the window blanked and closed on him. Disappointed that his fan had vanished, Houdini meowed and returned once again to Felix' lap.
“Bye.”, Felix stammered belatedly. What had just... How could she go around just saying things like that? And then hang up?!
“Ugh, Houdini!”, he lamented. “Look what I have become!”
Reduced to a beetred, stammering, weird-cat-metaphor-using fool!
The cat gave a smug “Mrow” and headbutted him in the chin, but Felix didn’t have it in him to complain.
“Fine,” he sighed in defeat, “you win. So what if I like her?”
Houdini purred.
“You do too, don’t you? Bet you'd bite her anyway.”
He purred on, unperturbed.
“Knew it.”
He sighed once again.
“She's right, though. You are a good kitty. Deep down.”
Houdini meowed and licked his finger, just where he'd bitten him earlier.
“Well, now you're just sucking up to me! Two-faced little demon. Mwah!”
He pressed a small kiss to the top of his furry head, then rolled the chair closer to the desk and opened his emails.
“Alright, then.”, he tried to motivate himself, “let's show Marinette what a good kitty- what a good person we are and do our homework.”
At that, Houdini promptly stood up and jumped onto the bed, leaving him alone with twenty-two pages of reading material.
- - -
Ladybug, crashing through Felix' window: Felix Graham de Vanily!
Felix: Ladybug?!
Ladybug: I have it on good authority that you own a good kitty! It is crucial for the safety of Paris that I pet him right this instant!
Felix, remembering her right hook: ... sure?
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Jealous Adrien (Damianette) Ficlet
Because I’m weak ;) (Based off my headcanons post)
“Hey Marinette!” Adrien grinned as he walked into Miss Bustier’s room. He turned to greet Alya who usually sat next to Marinette but instead of seeing the redhead he realized in horror that another seating frenzy had happened. Nino and Alya were sitting together and in Alya’s place next to Marinette was a handsomely tanned midnight haired boy with smouldering green eyes.
Adrien wasn’t stupid, he knew through his father that the boy next to Marinette was Damian Wayne hier of Bruce Wayne. He had met him once on occasion.
“Hey Damian.” He greeted. Damian gave him a nod of acknowledgement, “Agreste.”
“You guys know each other?” Marinette squeaked.
“Yep! Our dads-“
“My father his done business with his.” Damian said dismissing Adrien.
“Right.” Adrien laughed sheepishly. “Do you know Damian, Marinette?”
“My parents catered for the Wayne Gala a while back, so we met then!” Marinette beamed.
“Marinette made very adequate company.” Damian continued, fighting a blush on his cheeks. Marinette turned tomato red.
“Uh...Okay then! See ya later Mari, do you know where I’m sitting?” 
“Yeah, in the back, Lila might try to sit next to you but she’s supposed to be next to Nath.”
“O-oh.” Adrien said realizing he would be sitting alone. Marinette smiled apologetically at him. That brought a smile to Adrien’s face, Marinette’s smile was infectious.
He went to sit in the back, he felt content knowing that he’d be able to catch up with Marinette during lunch.
Marinette wasn’t at lunch. According to Alya she was catching up with Damian. But they sat next to each other all class Adrien whined in his head. He wasn’t sure why he was so bothered all he knew was that he wanted to spend time with Marinette.
He spent the following weeks reliving the same thing over and over, he wanted to spend time with Mari, she was with Damian. 
It wasn’t until Nathalie was checking his Chinese work that Adrien remembered that Marinette had always said how she wanted to learn Chinese, he could spend time with her that way!
He had it all planned out in his head, he’d go up to her before class and ask if she wanted to get together after school to work on Chinese, it seemed simple enough but for some reason he was a nervous wreck and every time he felt himself start to sweat on the way to school he heard Plagg stifle a laugh.
When Gorilla pulled up to the school Adrien was ready.
“Hey Mari!” Adrien exclaimed as he ignored an annoyed Damian next to her, “I was wondering if you wanted to work on our Chinese lessons anytime soon.”
“No need,” Damian said, “I speak fluent Chinese and I’ve been helping her.” Marinette blushed.
“Thanks again Dames.” Adrien swore he saw Damian bite back a smile and hide a blush. “Don’t mention it.” He grumbled. Marinette giggled which caused Damian to frown.
“What?” He asked.
“N-Nothing.” Marinette Said choking back a laugh. Adrien sighed and walked to the back of the class, it was like he wasn’t even there.
The more it went on the more Adrien started to dislike Damian. He had no idea why, his good friend got a new friend, it shouldn’t have bothered him, but bother him it did.
“Hey Alya,” Adrien groaned.
“Hey Adrien, what’s up?” 
“Well I had some questions…” Adrien said, “Uh- about Marinette...and Damian.”
“Oh...Well shoot!” Alya said nervously.
“So...Do you- well- I was wondering,” Adrien sighed and then blurted, “Why is she only spending time with Damian and no one else?!?!”
Alya laughed. “Somebody’s jealous.” Adrien started to protest but Alya cut him off. “Well here’s the scoop: Marinette and Damian have been hanging out a lot and I know for a fact that Marinette likes him- as in a crush- and she might ask him if he feels the same way. I bet they’ll be a couple by the end of the week.”
“O-oh.” Adrien was taken aback.
“Why so glum? Aren’t you happy for Marinette?” Alya said in a baiting tone.
“O-of course. Well, thanks Alya, bye.” He said hanging up.
“That poor boy really is oblivious.” Alya said to herself as she got ready to help Marinette ask Damian out.
“Plagg,” Adrien sighed flopping onto his bed, “What's the deal with Damian? I know I don’t like him, but I don’t know why.”
“Well kid I think the answer’s kind of obvious.” Plagg said as he shoved a piece of Camembert in his mouth. He swallowed and then continued, “You have a crush.”
Adrien wrinkled his nose, “I don’t think I love Damian-“
“Not on him kid,” Plagg said exasperated, “On the baker girl.” Adrien cocked his head, “Marinette’s just a friend. Besides, I only have eyes for Ladybug.”
“Uh huh, sure. Keep telling yourself that.” Plagg said rolling his eyes, “Isn’t it time to patrol with your Lady?” 
“Oh yeah I guess it is.” Adrien said, still lost in thought, “Plagg, claws out!”
He landed on a rooftop with great precision as he saw Ladybug come into view. “Hey Ladybug.” Adrien said, “Everything’s in order with my side.” 
Ladybug nodded, “Mine too. I have to get going soon, but-“
“Wait!” Chat Noir said running towards her, “Can we talk really quick? It’s important.” 
Worry flashed across Ladybug’s eyes, “Sure what is it?” She asked as she sat down on the roof motioning for Chat to do the same.
He took the invitation. “Well there’s this girl...and well lately she’s been spending a lot time with this guy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy that she has a me friend but I miss my friend. She’s always busy with him now.” Ladybug nodded. “The guy she hangs around...well I don’t like him, but I don’t know why I don’t like him. I just feel like he’s hogging her, you know? And one of my friends said they might start dating...” He huffed.
Ladybug burst out laughing. “Hey!” Adrien exclaimed.
“Sorry,” she said as she stopped her laughter, “It’s just, it’s obvious you have a crush on her. Come on: you don’t like the guy she’s spending time with, and you want to spend more time with her, even the way you talk about her makes you seem like you like her.”
“That’s what my kwami said.” Chat Noir chuckled.
“Well they are tiny gods, maybe you should’ve listened to Plagg.” Ladybug said.
“But Mar- she’s just a friend.” 
“Why is she just a friend?” Ladybug asked.
“Well- I-“ Chat Noir scratched the back of his neck.
“Looks like you have things to figure out Chat Noir,” Ladybug laughed as she yo-yoed away.
“Maybe I do…” Adrien said as he watched the red clad superhero retreat.
Chat Noir was deep in thought as he bounded across the rooftops of Paris. Could he really have a crush on Marinette? He entertained the thought.
What did he like about Marinette? Marinette...whose smile could light up a room, whose eyes crinkled when she laughed, whose face got so adorably red, who was so beautiful ...and he had a crush on Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Adrien sighed as he leapt across Paris, he realized he had subconsciously drifted towards the Dupain-Cheng bakery.
Well...maybe that was good. Maybe he could ask Marinette as Chat what the deal was with Damian. Alya had said Marinette liked him, but maybe Damian didn’t feel the same.
Adrien sighed, it wasn’t likely, Marinette was so pretty and smart and awesome, any guy would’ve been lucky to have her. 
Adrien felt a twinge of jealousy rising in his stomach as he scampered towards Marinette’s balcony.
He heard her before he saw her.
The adorable laugh that sounded like musical notes.
“Just teasing Princess.” Said a fairly tall black haired man with blue eyes.
Adrien felt another stab of jealousy at the man who’d called her “princess”, not only was he being replaced in Marinette’s life as Adrien, but also as Chat Noir too.
“But you probably will be our little sister soon.” Said a taller man to Marinette as he ruffled her hair. “If Little D finally gets some courage.” 
Marinette blushed.
Adrien recognized them finally, the other Wayne boys, Jason and Richard, standing next to them was Timothy and Damian, who looked like he was about to commit a murder.
“Yeah, when are you gonna ask Princess out?” Jason teased at Damian. Adrien felt another pang of jealousy.
Damian grumbled out a response but Chat didn’t hear it, he was already running back home.
The next day he started fresh. 
It might be my last chance Adrien thought bitterly as he carried flowers with shaky hands into DuPont.
He scanned the school for Marinette, his eyes finally locked on her and his feet moved on their own accord.
With every step he felt more unsure.
Then he remembered what Kagami has said to him once,
“I’m going to tell you the same thing I told Marinette,” she had said right before they broke up, “Your hesitation is what’s causing these problems. When you finally figure out what you want, it might be too late, I never hesitate.”
Adrien breathed in and out as he walked closer, no hesitation. His breathing became shaky as he finally walked closer to Marinette.
She was a vision. She was wearing a dress that was an homage to the American superhero Robin, and she was giggling beautifully again.
Adrien felt his heart sink.
Next to her was Damian. He leaned in to her.
No, Adrien pleaded silently as he walked faster.
He whispered something in her ear.
Oh kwami, no
Then he leaned in more, and kissed her.
Everything happened in slow motion.
Adrien clutched his flowers tightly and felt tears start to fall.
He felt so much despair.
“I’m sorry Plagg.” He whispered softly as he let his ring fall to the ground and welcomed a black butterfly into his flowers.
“Brise-coeur, I am Hawkmoth.”
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Last chance - Chapter 4
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |  AO3 This chapter is Luka's POV of what happened before day 6 and during chapter 3 (present time). 
Luka’s POV
6  days earlier - somewhere in United States of America
As soon as I reach the airport with Chloe, our private jet is already ready, with her loyal assistant (butler?) ready to take the controls of the plane. Who would have thought Mister Jean… what was his name again? Jean-Paul? Jean-Pierre? Jean-Pascal? Whatever. We have a pilot and we can reach Paris in a few hours.
The plan is to get there and use Adrien's private plane instead of Chloe's to go to Tibet: a safer plane for difficult flying conditions, that’s mostly it.
Adrien… it's been a while since we talked. I wonder if he hates me like Chloe used to. Was he even aware of Chloe's revenge plans? I can't deny I'm curious, but these aren't the thoughts that occupy my mind at the moment.
There's still a few hours left and I can't stop thinking about Marinette's messages.
'I love you'
Is it for real? This isn't some kind of hidden camera, isn't it? Can I trust these words? I certainly want to… but should I? I need to hear it directly from her to believe it. I don't want to keep my hopes up just to sink deeper.
No matter what, I need to arrive earlier than the time Alix created for us. I need to stop her from doing something stupid and unnecessary.
Please… let me save her. Let me make it in time. Let me help her find her happiness. That's all I've ever wanted… What can I do to help her? Am I really the one she wants? Can I really help her? What if I'm not enough?
A big sigh leaves from my mouth.
"Baby, you should rest. You haven't slept much tonight, haven't you? There are still some hours left. Try to get some sleep"
This… is unexpectedly considerate from Chloe. I'm relieved her attitude has improved after these years. Hell, I wouldn't have proposed to her if I weren't sure she had changed. But her plans against Marinette… Oh, that’s right. I still have some talking to do with her. But maybe I should listen to her advice and get some rest first.
"Thanks, ho- Chloe"
Stupid habits. I need to stop calling her ‘honeybee’ already. Ugh… it's not as easy as I expected… I'm the type of man who likes stability… habits are hard to break for me.
I don't need to see Chloe’s face to notice her heart song is now sad and remorseful. My eyes are closed, but I can't sleep. Worries about Marinette keep my mind occupied. But it seems at some point I had entered my dreamlands. I really was exhausted, no wonder. A music video recording plus wedding preparations with Chloe is some energy-draining combo.
"Where are we now? How much time until Paris?"
"Still a long way. You've only slept for 30 minutes. Get some more rest, baby, you’ll need it"
"No. I'm fine. I got enough sleep. Instead… We should talk"
I’m trying to sound serious and not scary, but I’m not sure if I’m accomplishing it… probably not.
"Oh… already? You didn't need to think much, huh? Geez. All this is ridiculous. Am I that easily disposable to you?"
"You know that's not it, Chloe. You know I care for you. But you also know my feelings for Marinette are… never going to fade. I don't know if she's still the same girl she was when we used to spend time together, but if she is… Then I know my heart won't hesitate"
"Yeah… I've always known that. Always Dupain-Cheng. I've never been good enough for you"
"Hey! That’s not true. Don't take it as if you're not extraordinary, Chloe, because you are. And I’m sure there's someone out there ready to notice and appreciate you. You deserve better than me"
"Well, I don't care about that 'someone out there'. All I want is you, Luka! Is staying with me even an option for you? Has it ever been? Why did you propose to me if you planned to throw me away as soon as you had the chance to?"
She's hurt. Horribly hurt. Still working her pride to cover how devastated she actually is. But the tears on her eyes are not doing a very good job to hide it.
I feel horrible.
And I have no excuse.
I never expected Marinette to return my feelings. But if she really does… I have to be honest with Chloe. She deserves the truth.  
"No, hon- Chloe. I'm sorry. I never planned to use you as a rebound. I wanted to marry you, for real. I really tried to move on. I’ve wished for Marinette's happiness over everything, and... If I had known she wasn't happy… things would have gone differently, no doubt. I’m sorry for hurting you. You don’t deserve it"
"You would have run to her the instant she broke Adrien's heart if you had known about her feelings. You’ve never loved me like you love Marinette, not even close if you’re able to decide this fast to dump me even when our wedding is coming soon. You have no shame"
Wow, her words surely sting. Who is supposed to be the snake one here? Oh, well. I guess she wasn't a wasp for nothing…
"I wouldn't have met you if I had known she wasn’t happy. I don't regret the time we have spent together. I love you too, just in a different way"
"Do I have a chance to win you back?"
Straight to the point, huh? Typical of her. I don’t want to hurt her, but I need to be honest with her.
"I don't know. Probably not, I'm not going to lie. But I really wish for your happiness and I wish we could still be friends when everything is over"
Ah... I can feel that deadly glare pierces through my heart. Wow, she’s really angry. And hurt. Not that I can complain. It’s totally understandable and I deserve the hate. Anger over embarrassment, huh?
"Give me a percentage. What are my chances?"
What an unbelievable question. But it’s so Chloe. I blink a few times as I think of a proper answer. I like her, I can’t deny that. But if Marinette is ready to accept me this time… I’m not going to reject or ignore her and regret it forever. No more.
"Love and feelings don't work with percentages, hone- Ugh. Chloe. They're uncontrollable, beyond our understanding and wishes. But... if you insist on a number… a 2% maybe? I don't know. Almost 0% if Marinette's feelings are true and her heart song remains unchanged"
"That’s so low it’s ridiculous... Hmph! But it’s still not a 0, so I don’t have to give up yet. I'm not losing to Dupain-Cheng again. Not without putting on a fight, at least!"
I can't help it but giggle. She's adorable in her own way.
"Good luck, then."
To be honest, a part of me doesn't want to break up with Chloe. Even if her original reasons to approach me had evil intentions, I know she has changed now. But if Marinette's feelings are for real… if she really turned her heart towards me… that's all I've ever wished for. And I'm not going to run away from her.
Not again. Not anymore.
But first...
"Hon- I mean- Chloe. I want you to return me the ring I gave you”
"WHAT!? NO!! No way I'm giving it up! You're still my fiancée! At least until everything is over or until we get married. I really hope it’s this second option, let me tell you! I have no intention of canceling our Wedding!"
Stubborn as always, huh? I sigh again.
"OK. You can keep it for now. But you're returning it to me when everything is over”
Chloe seemed to be about to say something, but she stopped.
Her face then buries on my shoulder and I hug her a little, patting her head. She’s mad and sad, of course. And her bawling starts, like a baby. I feel bad for breaking her heart like this and I’m sorry for her. I’m the worst... I wish she finds her happiness and someone who can fully love her as she deserves.
My eyes open again at the sound of the PA message.
“Landing in 10 minutes”
Chloe has fallen asleep with me at some point. We exchange looks and a nod, preparing for the arrival to Paris. I look at Chloe. I know she’s afraid of landings, so I hold her hand, like always, and I notice her relax a bit, closer to me. Damn, she's cute when she’s scared.
And here we are: Paris.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been home. But I won’t be staying long. The Eiffel Tower looks as pretty as I remember it. Home... I wonder if I can go back when everything is over...
Adrien’s bodyguard (doesn't he have a name?) is waiting for us at the airport. He grabs Chloe's massive amount of luggage (when did she have the time to prepare it?) and guides us to Adrien's private plane.
The plane is definitely bigger. Just how rich is the Agreste family? Did Marinette really renounce owning part of this empire? I know she’s not interested in money or fame, but if she really gave it up for me, then I’m more than flattered. It still doesn’t sound real, though.
The Gorilla leads us inside and everyone is waiting for us there: Alya, Nino and Adrien. I can immediately notice the tension in the air when they see me. Wary of Adrien’s and my reaction. Nothing to be surprised about, I guess…  
And there's Adrien, handsome as ever, standing in the middle of the plane and looking at me with his intense emerald green eyes. Before I can move or speak he takes the first step and hugs me.
"Hey. Nice to see you, Adrien" I hug him back as I hear his friend's relieved sighs. What did they expect?
Adrien looks like he really wants to have a word with me. Something serious. And I'm quite sure I know exactly what it is. But before he opens his mouth...
"Hey, Adrikins! I'm here too, you know? Where's my hug?"
Chloe. She really doesn't know how to read the mood. Geez... Well, go on, I signal to Adrien, who follows Chloe's petition.
"That’s better. Now bring me my favorite drink and let me sleep for a while. Make it double in alcohol. I’ll be at the back of the plane. Don’t disturb me!"
And there she goes, disappearing through the aisle. I can't help it but smile. That's so Chloe: looking for an excuse to cry alone at her heart content. I’ll check on her later, but she'll have to get used to it.
I exchange some greetings with Alya and Nino before Adrien calls me again.
"Luka, come here. We need to talk"
"Yeah, I figured. Can I do something first?"
The plane is getting ready for take-off, but I make sure to grab the speaker first.
"Hello everyone. Luka here. First of all, I want to thank you all for coming. Sorry it's been so rushed, but the cause demands immediate action. As you may know, Marinette is trying to use some of the Miraculous for her own benefit and we can't allow that. Adrien may know better than me, but the universe’s balance could break because of that and we can’t let it happen. Since there's a long way until Tibet, we'll hold a strategy reunion when we get closer. Miraculous team: let's save Marinette, let's save Ladybug! Now get some rest and we'll discuss the strategy details later. Thank you for your attention"
After some claps, I return to my seat next to Adrien. Take off takes place without incidents and we can reassume our conversation.
"Luka… I-... I want to apologize to you. I'm sorry... Back then... I hurt you, didn't I? I didn't know you had feelings for Marinette and yet… all the advice I asked you for… whenever you joined our dates… you never looked sad and… Why didn't you tell me? I would have been more careful and-"
Yeah… Giving Adrien advice definitely hurt me. Seeing how happy Marinette was after he followed my indications to surprise or make her happy made it even worse. But Marinette was happy and Adrien was happy too and I convinced myself that it was enough for me to be happy too (for a while, at least…).
"I just wished for your happiness, Adrien. My friend's happiness makes me happy too”
"But Marinette's not a friend to you. Why did you leave? She’s never been the same since you left… I couldn’t fill in for you in her heart…”
“One-sided love hurts, Adrien. It’s like a double-edged blade. You can be happy for the one you love but lonely for not having them by your side as you wish”
“That’s- I see… It makes sense…” he pauses and looks straight to my eyes. “Luka, do you still love Marinette? Will I be able to understand your feelings better if you two get together? I still love Marinette but I’ve only seen her unhappy since you left and I hate it. Can you make her happy again?”
His green eyes are honest as usual. I keep holding my gaze, never breaking eye contact as I answer his questions.
“Adrien… I’ll be honest with you: I love Marinette, I’ve always had. Since the first moment she appeared in front of me, even now. All I’ve ever wished was for her happiness. I confessed to her and she never gave me an answer. She was in love with you. And I was happy for her happiness with you. That’s why I left: I didn’t want my feelings to interfere with your relationship. I had no chances anyway… You know: destiny is supposed to be unavoidable. I could have never imagined you two not getting a fairy-tale-like happily ever after”
“But it happened. Destiny didn’t work this time... Why didn’t you say goodbye? It broke Marientte’s heart the way you left, I was hurt too. I thought we were friends”
“And we are friends, Adrien. Wouldn’t you have asked me to stay if I had told you? That’s why I never did. And then there’s…”
“There’s what?”
“I don’t know if Marinette has ever told you, but I kissed her. The day before leaving. I know I should have been more considerate about you but I was selfish. I needed to move on and… Oh, but she rejected me immediately. ‘I hate you’, she told me. How could I stay after that?”
"That's- I see. She never told me that… That explains… many things, actually… But that doesn’t change the fact you weren’t there for her when she needed you the most”
“I left my contact open for her, Adrien, but she never contacted me. Hell. I thought you were married until yesterday!”
“Wha- Why? Didn’t you see the news? It was everywhere! The press wouldn’t stop following us around for a while… The gorilla even went to trial for punching one ‘journalist’ while protecting me”
“Wow, that’s rough. I’m sorry this happened to you”
“Marinette’s case was even worse… They even managed to sneak into her office. No chill. I think that was the start of her depression… Wait! Yours and Chloé’s news was what made them stop, now that I think about it… Maybe that was the true reason they left us alone… and the true reason after Marinette’s depression...”
“I didn’t know… Chloé made sure to hide all those news from me”
“Why would she do that?”
“She did it for you. And for herself. But you should ask her directly. Phew, I was scared to ask but I’m glad you weren’t aware of her plans”
“What plans?”
“You should ask her about it. I don’t know much about them, to be honest, but she wanted to get Marinette back with you and keep me out of your way”
I shrug my shoulders and Adrien makes a surprised face that makes me smile.
“Chloe… never learns, doesn’t she?” he says, and I chuckle at his words.
“Isn’t that one of her charms?”
It’s nice we can laugh together after all what happened. I’m happy to have Adrien back as a friend.
“Hey, Luka. I want you to be honest with me. Do you love Chloe? What do you plan to do when this is over?”
I’m not surprised at Adrien’s question. But I’m not sure what answer he is expecting.
“What would you like me to say?”
“Tell me your true feelings. Both Marinette and Chloe deserve to be happy. But they both love you and you can only be with one of them. I’m going to encourage you whatever your decision is”
Adrien has really matured, hasn’t he? I’m glad we’re on good terms, sincerely speaking, no hard feelings. Just like old times. I guess I missed him too.
“The truth is… I don’t know. You all keep saying Marinette has feelings for me but it’s still hard for me to believe it. I don't think I can believe it until I hear it coming out her mouth. But… If she really does love me the same way I love her… Then I’m never leaving her side again”
“So Marinette will finally get her happiness… that’s good, I’m relieved. What will you do about Chloe?”
“We’ve already discussed it. Our engagement is practically broken and, as much as it pains me, our relationship can’t go on. I’m sorry. I know she’s your childhood friend”
“She must be very sad and angry now... I’ve never seen her so in love before. You really mean a lot to her”
“And I care for her, too. But Marinette…”
“Yes, I know. Marinette is amazing, isn’t she? How can she be so cute and strong at the same time? How can one not fall for her? I don’t think I need to tell you this, though”
“Certainly not”
Funny how we can laugh together about loving the same girl. I’m glad I got to talk to Adrien from man to man, from friend to friend. I hope we can keep in touch from now on. But I won’t stop him if he ever wants to stop contacting me. Because I did the same at some point and I would understand his reasons.
“What are you going to do, Adrien?”
“Me...? Do I have a choice? Marinette has stopped contacting me after we broke up. I doubt she wants to see me anymore. But I can’t ignore her when she’s asking for help. And I want to help you too. I’ll wish her happiness from the shadows, like I’ve been trying to do for a while”
“Adrien… Don’t take it in a bad way, but I don’t think that’s a good idea. Look at me. I had to leave exactly for that same reason. I’m not saying this out of fear or jealousy, but as a friend: why don’t you try to move on? I’m sure you can find happiness. You’re young and handsome, and you have one of the purest hearts songs I’ve ever heard”
“How do you expect me to forget about Marinette, Luka? You should know that it’s impossible… It’s fine, I’ll live with it”
Well. I can't disagree with his words. He's totally right. But I still want to support him.
“Hey, you can count on me anytime, ok? I’m sure you’ll find the right person when you expect it the least, you’ll see”
“I don’t think so… but thanks for your words. I’m happy to have you as my friend”
“I’m glad too. Don’t worry, it will be fine. You deserve happiness, Adrien”
It’s only at this point when I notice the time.
“Oh, look at the time. Should we start our strategy meeting?”
“Sure, I’ll let Alya and Nino know. Can you get Chloe? I doubt she wants any of us to see her… you know…”
“Got it. Meeting in 10 minutes”
As expected, Chloe is crying with her eye mask on at the back of the plane, lying down on her first-class like seat. The bottle of her wine is empty. Great...
“Hey honeybee- Chloe!” Damn habits! “It’s time for the strategy meeting. C’mon, show me your face”
Wow, her eyes are red and puffy as I remove her eye mask. Can she even stand up? She looks like she’s about to throw up. Great… I bring her a cold towel and a disposable bag and pat her back a little while I check her temperature. No fever at least. Good.
“C’mon Chloe, answer me”
“I’m not going… Let me sleep, snacky. Or kiss me and I’ll go. Yeah, kiss me…”
And there she goes, bawling again. That’s why I never let her drink… I guess she’ll have to miss the meeting.
“Have some sleep. I’ll explain you the plan when the discussion is over”
“No… Don’t go… Stay with me… Don’t leave me…”
Ah… honest Chloe is finally talking. I wish she didn’t need the alcohol for that. Crap, since when was her grip that strong? She’s not letting go of my jacket. I can’t help it but roll my eyes. I kiss her forehead to distract her and remove my jacket. Good thing I’m fast enough to avoid her catching my shirt next.
“Sleep well. See you later”
Ah… There she goes again- the crying. I wish the pain in my heart could finally end… I hate seeing her like that.
But what else can I do? If I have one last chance with Marinette, I’m definitely not going to waste it.
Wait for us, Marinette. We’re coming back to you.
The meeting goes on smoothly. We discuss the essential: how to reach the cave (Adrien has the Miraculous Compass that should lead us there), which Miraculous could be used and how to act in any case (keeping special attention to the absolute power of creation and destruction Miraculous used together and the rabbit Miraculous, which was most likely the one planned to be used), and finally, how to proceed if anything goes unplanned.
One more thing is decided: the team will be led by me. I’m not really comfortable giving commands, but I guess the cause requires some leadership, and with my experience with the snake Miraculous, Adrien, Nino, and Alya all agree I’m the best fit for that role. I have no choice but to accept. Failure is not an option.
There’s something more to take into consideration: Alya’s state. She has just had a baby and her body is not ready for harsh action, so I need to make sure she has a back-up role, nothing dangerous.
We come to an agreement that what we must try first is to stop Marinette from using the rabbit Miraculous. And, if we can’t stop her at step 1, stop her at step 2, before she can enter the time portal. It’s game over if she gets in.
No resets available- a one chance mission.
We can’t afford to lose.
And in case absolute power is called… We don't have much knowledge about it, but we’ll have to try to remove her Miraculous or make her pass out before she can ask for her wish. Nino, Adrien, and I should have enough strength to stop her and carry out the mission- if there are no surprises. And if it fails, Alya is carrying some chloroform to make her sleep in a few seconds - or at least that’s how it works in movies, according to Nino.
After setting the plan, I return to Chloe’s side and try to get some more sleep. I tell her about the plan, and she just nods “Why didn’t you give me a role?” she asks, but I have no answer to that. I guess I can’t trust her around Marinette… But I better not tell her that. I already feel bad. I really don't want to hurt her unnecessarily any further.
At this point, I’m not sure why I keep looking after Chloe this much. Is it because of love? Pity? Remorse? Worry? Habits? Ugh… Habits can really be bad, can’t they? Here am I, holding her hand at her sleep again. I really should stop this… but my eyelids are so heavy…
“Landing in 10 minutes”
I shake at the call and get Chloe on her seat, fasten our seatbelts, and get ready for imminent landing. Poor Chloe is not even awake, she’ll surely get surprised when we touch the floor.
See? What a jump! I can’t stop laughing at her reaction. And now she’s angry and embarrassed. Cute.
“Stop laughing!”
Oh. She should know at this point this only makes me laugh louder. Chloé is funny. Not the same funny as Marinette, but still funny. Damn… I miss Marinette's laugh and funny actions… But maybe I shouldn’t think of her now that I have a deadly glare on me. I can feel a chill going down my spine. Chloe can be really scary when she’s angry...
And we finally arrive at the Temple of the Miraculous.
It's good Adrien's Compass is working well. And it's also a good thing Adrien can speak Chinese because we would be screwed otherwise. But Adrien's translation gives us some bad news.
“We can’t go to the cave…”
“What!? Why not, bro?”
“Only the Guardian can enter the cave… Unless the guardian is with us, we can’t go in. And they said Marinette is already inside… so the gate is closed again”
Silence surrounds us for a moment, until Alya breaks it to speak- shout.
“No! This can’t be!! What are we going to do now!? I’ve never heard of anything like this in my research! There has to be a way! We can't just stay here and do nothing!”
“I know Alya… But I have an idea… I don’t know if it will work but… It may take us at least one or two days too... but maybe…”
Adrien doesn’t look confident, but we don’t have any other ideas, so it’s worth giving it a try. I want to do anything to save Marinette. Hell. We must save her at any cost!
“It’s ok, Adrien! Tell us! We need to rescue Marinette!”
God, did I sound as desperate as I am? It’s difficult to keep my cool when it’s Marinette related stuff, even if I’m trying hard. Yep, Chloe’s glare confirms it… Desperate. Of course I am! What do you expect? Shit. Focus, Luka! I need to pay attention to what Adrien has to say.
“Listen. I know the previous guardian of the Miraculous, Master Fu. He’s the one that entrusted me and Marinette our Miraculous at first”
“Good, we have a guardian then. Where is this Fruit person?”
“Chloe, show some respect” I warn her. ”Tell us, Adrien”
“That’s the bad thing… He’s in London but… he lost his memories after passing the Miraculous box to Marinette. He doesn’t have his knowledge anymore…”
Everyone becomes quiet, pensative, and Alya is once again the one to break the silence.
“What are we going to do, then!?”
All looks focus back on Adrien and he starts talking again. Everyone is listening to him carefully.
“I have a plan. We’ll go get him anyway first. We’ll take him in front of the monks of the Temple, and explain the situation. Maybe… if anyone here recognizes him, an exception can be made for us. I would destroy that stupid door if I had my Cataclysm, but it seems Master Fu is our only chance. What do you say?”
“Well… it’s uncertain and risky, but we have no choice. We should leave as soon as we can. No time to waste”
“But we’ve just arrived! Don’t be ridiculous, baby”
“Nino, Alya and Chloe can stay here. Adrien and I will go get him” I tell them and they nod. Except Chloe… as expected.
“Oh no! No way! If you’re going I’m going too!”
“Chloe, don’t be childish. Stay and wait here. Try to find out as much as you can about the Temple, the cave and the miraculous meanwhile. Will be back soon”
Chloe tries to follow us but is stopped by Nino, who wishes us a safe flight.
“Take care and good luck”
And there we go, Adrien and I rushing to the plane once again.
Next stop: London
It wasn’t easy to convince Master Fu to come with us when he can’t remember Adrien, but somehow we managed to after insisting for a whole two days. Well, Adrien did, as expected.
After using one of the Zodiac Miraculous, one of the monks recognized Master Fu, and lent him one of the Miraculous with memory-related powers.
And old Master Fu was back. Along with his knowledge.
The old man cried and apologized to the monks for his mistake when he was young, and then to Adrien, for leaving them alone against Hawk Moth. Adrien then explained the situation with Marinette to Master Fu but the shock of what was happening was too big for him and he passed out for some hours.
As soon as he recovered he rushed to the gate to open the door, but nothing: memories and knowledge weren't enough to open the gate. He needed to become the guardian again, so they started a ritual to give him the guardian status permanently. The ritual took a few days… and we finally made it. Just in time: day 6.
Finally! Waiting while unable to do anything was frustrating and stressful.
Will we make it on time?
We need to hurry.
And it looks like a joke how easily the Master could open the gate to enter the cave after having his previous status back. We had tried everything and nothing. And yet, with one sole finger, Master Fu could completely open it. The power of the Guardian is surely impressive.
I nod to the team and we hurry inside, each one of us carrying a torch. Nino is taking care of Alya, who at the same time is looking up for Master Fu. Adrien is slightly in front of me and Chloe is grabbing my jacket from behind, scared of the dark. We move deeper into the cold darkness that surrounds us, guided only by Adrien’s compass.
Here we go, Marinette. Please, wait a little longer.
Don’t leave us. Don’t leave me!
Torches guide us through darkness and we finally arrive at the room the Miraculous rest in. My throat hurts like hell from the shouting, but I don’t care if I’m not able to sing ever again: Marinette is much more important than that to me.
And there she is, in her rabbit miraculous suit and in front of the time portal: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
I can only see her from afar but she looks beautiful in that suit…  long ears on her head and a cute ponytail. Wow. But now is not the time to admire her beauty. We must stop her before she disappears forever!
I'm so relieved we made it on time before she acts. It was a good thing Adrien’s plan about Master Fu worked. We made it barely on time, but on time, nevertheless. But we need to hurry. And I run, closer to her, still shouting.
Meeting Marinette’s eyes sparks something in me that seemed forgotten for a long time.
I love her. I love her so much.
How can I be without her now that I've met her again?
I can't.
My feelings are as strong than ever. My heart-beat is beating fast and is at this point when I want to believe she feels the same way the most.
I need to know. I’m ready to give everything else up for her. Can’t you see it, Marinette? I’ve never stopped loving you!
I can see how she's trying to run away from us, moving inside the time portal.
Shit! I won’t make it on time. I need to try to stop her with my words.
“Marinette… Marinette, please, stop! Don’t go in there, I beg you! Don't you have something to tell me? Let me listen to it from yourself, with your voice! Let me see your face so I can dare to believe it! Don't make me go after you across that portal or wherever you’re going to”
She seemed to be about to listen to me but her face suddenly lost her light. What happened? How could I let her become so sad? Is it my fault? I don't want her to go.
So I ran towards her, the fastest I can.
"Goodbye…" she says in an almost inaudible voice.
“NO!! Marinette!!!!"
And she slips through my fingers- just like the time we've been apart: lost forever.
No! No! No! DAMN IT! Was I late again? This can’t be! Please… I was so close!!
And just like that, all hope disappears from my heart. Broken again. Even worse than she told me ‘I hate you’.
I still wanted to apologize to her… To tell her so many things… To ask if it’s true I can have a future with her… but the portal in front of me is blank and my tears won’t stop falling like waterfalls. Any question is pointless now… I wish I could have apologized in front of her…
"Marinette… Sorry for being absent for so long. I’m sorry I left... I’m sorry for being selfish…I’m back now. Please… Come back… Is it too late...? Please… Please!”
I can feel the rest of the team sobbing with me, as I beg to Marinette to come back. I appreciate Adrien’s hand on my shoulder, in support, but the pain I’m feeling now is unbearable.
I failed… it's over...
I take a final hopeless look at the portal, waiting for something magical to come and erase us. But I find something unexpected instead: HOPE.
Marinette’s long rabbit ears from her magical suit are slightly coming out of the portal, which means- she’s still here.
It’s not over yet! I’m not giving up. Hell no!
But I need to be careful with my words…
“Marinette… I know you can still hear me from the inside… Please, come out. We're here for you. Please… Come back…"
I’m not sure what the best words to convince her would be (I've never been good with words), but I have to try with what I’ve got. She’s not answering, as expected. Is she considering getting out or she’s already moving towards a new timeline? Her ears are not visible anymore, so I can't know. But I’m not willing to wait to find out. Yes, I can be impatient too- why does everyone seem surprised?
“You don’t want to come out? Very well, I'm coming in, then! I’ll get you out of here even if you don’t want me to. Excuse my rudeness, but you leave me no choice”
And her hands appear in front of me to stop my actions, just as my hand is about to touch the portal.
I hold a gasp when master Fu explains what happens to those who enter the portal without a magical suit. 
I didn’t know that. 
Not that I care about disintegrating- Marinette’s more important than myself at this point, and I don’t mind disappearing if her existence banishes from this world as well.
How I'm supposed to be happy in a world without Marinette, anyway? It's impossible.
And my heart gets filled with something warm the moment I can finally touch her hands. My long fingers find their way to lock with hers and I’ve never been more relieved than the moment she falls into my arms, after I pull her out of the magical time hole.
I missed her so much… Can I keep holding her forever? Can I be selfish this time? I'm so glad she's safe…
I thought I could feel her corresponding my feelings: love, need, comfort, relief… but I must have misunderstood again, because the sweetest dream becomes a nightmare the moment she speaks again…
“Plagg, Tikki, unify”
The darkest nightmare.
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927roses-and-stuff · 4 years
Miracles in Gotham: Chapter 3: Unwelcome Discoveries (Part 1)
Hey, guys! This fic is inspired by @ozmav mav’s Maribat AU. Shoutout to @mystery-5-5  for brainstorming ideas with me for this fic. 
Midterms have got me acting up. Despite the quarantine, I literally wasn’t motivated to write until the moment I could use writing to procrastinate. Absolutely brilliant logic. Truly. Thank you guys so much for the wait and I hope you enjoy this chapter.  
If you want to see more, follow: #miraclesingotham or ask to be added to the tag list.
P.S. For the sake of continuity, I’m going to ignore the Heroes United thing because that episode was basically a fanfic of the fanfic and as much as I loved the animation and the new characters...I’ve seen better plots and explanations for a lot of the similar problems in the Maribat fandom. Also Sparrow is probably a reference to Batman, anyways. Also, canon has just gone out the window...I guess...whoops. 
P.P.S. Swearing tw, death tw. 
Please remember this is rated M for a reason. Also, it is my headcanon that not everyone who dies during the akuma attacks come back. Of course, it’s not mentioned in a children’s show, but I’ve always seen the Miraculous Cure as a cure for physical, non-living objects as they’re easier to fix, and lives take a lot more effort and energy from the user to revive. And since Marinette is a child, there’s not going to be a lot of energy to spare.
Tag list: @northernbluetongue @spicybelladonna @my-name-is-michell @legendaryneckjudgestudent @lokiifriggasonn @zerotosiki
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To the members of the Justice League…
I am writing to you as Chat Noir, superhero of Paris and holder of the Black Cat Miraculous of Destruction, and partner to Ladybug, the official Guardian and the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous of Creation. I come to you with a plea similar to ones that we have sent you a year ago. The magical terrorist, Hawkmoth, is still at large here in Paris, France. If you are not aware of who he is, Hawkmoth is a domestic terrorist in Paris who relies on the power of the Butterfly Miraculous to create a physical and amplified manifestation of a person’s negative emotions, using the victim as a host, using magical butterflies as his form of transmission. These are called akumas. The akuma allows Hakwmoth to essentially get inside the mind of  his victims and manipulate and amplify their emotions.  We have been fortunate enough to have a failsafe in Ladybug, who can repair any physical damages, and even bring back lives, from these attacks. However, both Ladybug and I have reached our wits’ ends with no lead to Hawkmoth’s true identity. The people of Paris are suffering both from emotional trauma and the physical trauma of being subjugated, manipulated, experiencing bouts of amnesia, and even resurrecting multiple times. Hawkmoth has even taken to exclusively targeting a middle-school class at College Francois-Dupont.
Ladybug and I are aware of the risks superhero presence may bring since we will not survive a fight if any more experienced superheroes such as yourselves are akumatized. However, I feel that we have no other choice. Our Master has recently been put out of commission and the rest of our comrades have had their identities compromised. Ladybug is now the Guardian of the rest of the Miraculous. And although she will not approve of my plea, even your  advice or insight will be of use to us.
Please consider our plight and contact us as soon as you can.
Chat Noir 
Bruce Wayne was not a perfect man, he will admit. However, he did pride himself on his sense of logic and adaptability to most situations, as long as they stayed within the mortal realms of believability that is. Magic, however, or anything pertaining to the supernatural was out of his forte; in fact, he often liked to pretend it did not exist despite having acquaintances and enemies whose entire lives revolved around it. There was a reason he did not tolerate the  prolonged presence of meta-humans in Gotham, after all. 
He re-read through the email once, twice, again and again, desperately wishing that it had not been his shift to look through the messages that the Justice League received on a daily basis. Why couldn’t it have been Superman or Wonder Woman? Or better yet, Dr. Fate or Zatanna, never mind the fact that the latter was technically retired. Any of them would’ve made sense of this gibberish that was laid out in front of him. 
Initially, he thought it had been a coded message. It made perfect sense, in his opinion. The only concrete fact he could dissect out of this nonsense was the presence of a domestic terrorist and how they were targeting some middle school students for whatever reason. His mind recalled  the recent conversation he had with André Bourgeois yesterday. Even he had mentioned a domestic terrorist going after his daughter’s class, which was why he reached out to Bruce, since Bruce would be the most fitted to protect them with his resources, despite Gotham being the crime capital of the world. He nodded to himself; the facts were consistent then. There was a terrorist and middle school students were the targets. 
On one of the other screen monitors, he had pulled up records of College Francois Dupont School for a background check using a VPN to connect to French service networks. Both the email from this Chat Noir (Selina would get a kick out of that) and André failed to mention the terrorist’s intentions with these kids. However, looking through the different classes, there had been a special note besides Mme. Bustier’s class that stated:
“High vulnerability to akumas.”
This was where Bruce was once again stumped. Of course, he really couldn’t deny the existence of magic, but accepting that meant accepting that the terrorist used magical butterflies as his form of attack. Bruce wasn’t a qualified psychologist or any sort of specialist, but surely magical butterflies could not give you emotional trauma, mind-control, or even as Chat Noir had implied, a means to murder. 
Bruce scanned through Mme. Bustier’s class to look for anything that might be different from other classes. If he recalled correctly, this was the same class that André’s kid was in. He took note of the name, Chloé Bourgeois, and other notable names such as Adrien Agreste (who’s father was a fashion mogul and a model in his own right), Lila Rossi (a diplomat’s daughter), Max Kanté (a genius, and he noted to himself to see if that held true when the class was under his supervision), Marinette Dupain-Cheng (the class president and the designer of a recent rock album according to Jason who had obsessed over the cover for a few weeks before Alfred confiscated it), and Alya Césaire (an aspiring journalist who ran a blog called the Ladyblog). 
Okay, he rationalized. While not all of these kids were significant, some, like the Mayor’s own daughter, would be prime targets for a terrorist, so that made some sort of sense in Bruce’s mind. 
He sighed again, wishing that he had a cup of coffee or an energy drink with him at the moment. Unfortunately, Tim’s recent addiction meant no one could have it. Bruce scoffed underneath his breath. Alfred had really weird rules when it came to show “family support.” Tim was a grown man who should suffer his own consequences. Alas, no one argues with Alfred lest they risked his wrath. 
Bruce hovered over the link under Mlle. Césaire’s file, the Ladyblog. Perhaps it would give him some answers. 
As a bright ladybug designed website popped up, Bruce realized he might have been so wrong. 
He scrolled through the website thoroughly from the latest posts to the earliest. He noticed a concerning trend where the later blog posts centered more around one of Césaire’s classmates, Lila Rossi, and shaky videos of a red and black spotted figurem and a black cat figure fleeing the scene, or fighting some sort of abomination that Bruce did not even attempt to understand. In one video it was the two heroes against a flock of pigeons, or a gigantic baby, or whatever else. Bruce had half a mind to dismiss the entire blog as based on falsities, however one of the videos caught his eye. 
It was a video titled: “Syren: Paris Going Underwater!!” 
That was concerning, considering a flooded Paris would’ve featured on international news, not just on an amateur blog by a middle schooler. Fortunately for him, the video quality was clearer, allowing him to watch as the camera recorded the scene of that day. 
Bruce jolted awake and snapped to attention when he realized it was being filmed on a rooftop, and that the water levels were still rising as the video progressed. From what the camera captured, there were only a handful of people on each rooftop; not even making up a fifth of the Parisian population in total. 
What the fuck?
Then, as the video concluded, gigantic swarms of red and white bugs (ladybugs?) filled the camera’s frame and when it disappeared, everything was back to what he presumed was normal. The video then faded to black, posting statistics that chilled Bruce to the fucking bone. 
“Death count: 1.528 million Parisians
Resurrection count: 1.51 million Parisians
Injured count: 10 000 Parisians
Permanent death count: 18 000 Parisians
In honour of the Parisians who were not revived and were injured during the attack, the Ladyblog, offers our condolences, and will help in any way we can online and offline.  The akuma victim, as always, will remain anonymous for safety purposes.  Links to help organizations and donation funds to the peoples and families affected will be posted below. Additional links will be posted for available online mental health services.”
And, if Chat Noir was to be believed, some people had died multiple times. 
After making sure the video was not doctored in any way (though that would be cruel to assume about a kid’s blog), Bruce sent Chat Noir’s email (along with the earlier videos from both heroes and an email from Marinette Dupain-Cheng that he had found) and all of the links he had amassed to his own computer in the Bat Cave before closing all the tabs on the monitors. Swerving around, he stormed to the Batmobile, eyebrows furrowed in solemnity. 
Magic or not, whatever terrorist was plaguing Paris had a pretty damn high casualty count, and the only people that were stopping him were this Ladybug and Chat Noir people, who did not seem to be properly equipped (the Ladybug heroine was using a yoyo, for fuck’s sake) to deal with someone of this power. Not to mention, Bruce winced, their mentor  was “out of commission” whatever that meant, with their peers being compromised, so they probably had no outside help.
And it seems, Bruce’s features darkened into a scowl, his dear friend André Bourgeois had a lot of explaining to do. Police department has it handled, his ass. 
In the meantime, he was going to make damn sure the class under his care would have a relaxing reprieve even if he had to lock up every villain in Arkham Asylum himself. 
Dear Diary, 
The talk with Chat was a bust. I know he thinks I don’t trust him, but I wish he knew how much I’m trying to, but it’s not as simple as he makes it out to be...right?  And of course I trust him with my life, but as the Guardian, I can’t just make impulsive decisions like going to other superheroes, especially when there’s no guarantee they would help us, or can even be trusted in the first place! And I can’t just reveal our identities to each other either. It would put Chat and the rest of the Miraculous at risk. And I really don’t want a repeat of Chat Blanc…
That future will never happen on my watch. I forbid it. 
Speaking of other superheroes, I think there might be someone though, who could help us, even a little bit. 
She wasn’t a Guardian, but she was a Ladybug user for a while and was really close to Master Fu. She must know something. She’s in London so she might not be available but...
I’ll check up on her today after class! If she has any helpful advice, I’ll be sure to share it with Chat too. 
Gotta go!
Scrambling to get ready, Marinette fumbled with her pigtails and shoulder bag simultaneously, trying to make sure that her pigtails were just right. Tikki zoomed around, helping her get ready by shoving stray pens and pencils into her pockets. When they were done, Marinette rushed downstairs, swiping one of the freshly-made quiche along the way. Just before she exited the store, she turned back to give her Maman and Papa a smooch. Hastily, she then left the bakery, the bakery’s bell ringing behind her as she sprinted to school. 
It was a mystery for most people, but despite living less than five minutes away from the school, Marinette was always late. Marinette liked to blame her Ladybug duties when Tikki asked, but she knew better. She had the habit of being late since before she knew the Miraculous existed. 
To be fair though, Marinette usually slept in because she was exhausted from schoolwork, designing,
and Ladybug duties. Was it her fault that Hawkmoth liked making 3 AM akumas? Was it her fault that coffee- for all the espresso and sugar she dumped into it, and despite all those hipster blogs saying otherwise- did nothing to help her stay awake? Of course not. If anything she was a victim here; a victim of late night akumas and faulty biology. 
Fortunately for her (and her quiche), she was actually earlier today than usual. She could see students milling around the courtyard behind the school. Some sat with their friend groups while others huddled to catch up on the homework from the night before. 
Unfortunately, one of those groups was Lila and her friends. Lila sat on one of the picnic tables, talking about whatever grand adventure she supposedly went on or whichever famous celebrity she supposedly saved from a rare type of cancer or something while her friends sat around her, captivated with every word. Marinette rolled her eyes. It was too early for this. 
She steered away from them towards the other side of the yard, where she could see Alya and Nino cuddling while finishing their homework. She glanced back at Lila, who waved at the couple before going back to whatever story she was regaling to her loving audience. It was probably because Alya and Nino hadn’t seen Lila greet them in the first place, but Marinette couldn’t help feeling a bit happy that they didn’t return her greeting. 
“Morning, guys!” She greeted as she approached their table, sitting on the other side. 
Alya looked up first. “Hey! You woke up early today,” she teased, giving her shoulder a friendly nudge.
“Heh, guess it’s my lucky day today,” she said. As she sat down, she began eating the quiche she had swiped earlier. “Well, almost, anyway.”
Alya rolled her eyes and smirked. “You live in front of the school. It’s your own damn fault at this point.” 
Nino, who had been pouring over a worksheet that was due today, finally looked up. Upon seeing Marinette, he smiled. “Hey, dude. You’re actually early!” 
At Marinette’s exasperated groan, both Alya and Nino fell into giggles, Marinette shortly following along. 
“Keep that up, and I’m not gonna let you guys eat at my place for lunch,” she teased, wagging a finger at them. 
Alya wagged her own finger, engaging in a finger sword fight. “As if your mom would ever let us starve!” 
Marinette laughed, as she wrapped her finger around Alya’s and lightly slammed it onto the table, declaring her victory. 
“Okay, okay, you got me.” Marinette went back to eating her quiche, devouring it before it got too cold. For once, she was in a pretty good mood. 
“Hey, Alya, Nino,”
And of course, she just had  to jinx it. 
Marinette didn’t even try to join in the conversation to acknowledge Lila’s presence. If Lila wanted to talk to her, she needed to stop lying about everything; and with her supposed “lying disease,” that wasn’t happening anytime soon. She only wished Adrien was here so someone could sympathize with her. 
“Oh, hey Lila,” Alya greeted, having gained her hand back and waved. “Ignore Nino here. He forgot about Mendeleiv’s worksheet due today.” 
“Oh, I see.” Lila said. “Well, you know, Nino. If you ever need help with science, one of my cousins actually won a Noble Peace Prize for his contributions in molecular chemistry.” 
Nino, to his credit, only muttered an “uh huh” before turning the worksheet over and frantically scribbling all over it. Marinette briefly wondered if Nino understood what he was writing down- or if he cared. 
Alya perked up. “Wow, that’s amazing Lila! What did your cousin do?”
Lila smiled bashfully, and looked away, waving her hand. “Oh, you know, it was the discovery of some man-made element.” Marinette had to give Lila credit- she knew how to fake her blushes really well. “I’m nowhere near as smart as my cousin, you know? All the scientific words get me so confused!” 
Marinette buried her head in her arms. Did she need to be here for this? She could just slip away? Glancing at Lila, who caught her eyes, she decided against it. Like hell she was letting Lila take away her time with her  friends. 
Alya laughed good-naturedly. “Oh, I understand completely. English is so much more of my forté, you know?” 
“Yeah I totally get what you mean.” Lila stopped laughing as her gaze landed on Marinette. Only she seemed to notice the glare she gave her.  “Oh, hi, Marinette. Glad to see you’re early today.” 
“Yeah,” she deadpanned. “Hi.” With a fake smile, she robotically waved at her. 
“Well, anyways I got to go. See you later Alya.”  Lila said, waving her fingers before finally walking away. Marinette exhaled. Thank kwami. She may have been less obnoxious today but that was probably because of Alya’s presence. 
Speaking of, the said girl turned towards her. “You could be nicer towards her.” 
“She almost got me expelled.” Marinette had had this conversation with Alya many times before. At this point, her responses came like clockwork. She contemplated telling Alya’s threat back in Lila’s first day, but she really wasn’t ready for the backlash if Alya accused her  of lying. 
“Well,” Alya stuttered. “It was because she has an illness that makes her lie uncontrollably.” 
Marinette was pretty sure there was no such illness but at this point, Lila had somehow convinced everyone it was an actual illness. That, or no one wanted to point out the obvious lie, including administration. Which would be pretty negligent of the school admin so she hoped not. 
“Alya, if it was just an illness that makes her tell lies, pray tell, who put the test answers in my bag and the necklace in my locker?” she asked. 
“Maybe, well,” Alya tried coming up with an answer but failed, thereby changing the subjects. “Look, both of you are my friends, and I don’t want to get in between the two of you.” 
Marinette sighed. “Yeah, yeah.” She picked up the discarded quiche container and her bag. “I gotta go to class and see if Mme. Bustier needs help.” 
Alya frowned. “Marinette, wait.” 
“It’s okay, really.” Marinette assured her, before walking away. When she was climbing up the steps to the entrance, she sighed heavily. She didn’t really understand Alya’s logic sometimes. If she knew about Lila’s supposed lying disease, why did she put Lila’s trash on the Ladyblog? If Alya knew Lila’s lies had led to Marinette’s initial expulsion, why still defend her? Marinette shook the thoughts away, not wanting to get into that impeding headache. Lila Rossi was never worth her time. 
When she reached the entrance, Lila was leaning against the doors, her arms crossed. Her olive green eyes were glaring right at her. 
Lila strutted up to her, getting uncomfortably close to her face. “I told you what would happen if you didn’t play along.” 
Marinette stared back, unimpressed. She really had more pressing issues than this weird power play Lila wanted to play. Leaning back and stepping to the side, she said, “I already told you I’m not scared of you, Lila.” 
Marinette didn’t spare her another glance. In some ways, she pitied Lila. What kind of life did you have that you were so desperate for attention you lied about everything, and tried to get rid of anyone else who called you out? 
She really hoped Alya would soon see sense. Adrien had once told her to take the high road, and honestly? Sometimes, it felt good to not let Lila’s lies get under her skin. 
Then again, when did Lila ever go down so simply? 
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bbwoulfc · 4 years
Lukanette Viking AU - Luka and Jagged: Picking A Dragon (REWRITE)
Viking Life was a mixture of many things.  Expand, learn, fight, trade, dragon training, etc, the list goes on.  Though, when it came to the Anarky tribe, chaos and fun were one important motto when it came to being a viking.
For the Stone-Couffaine clan, they believed chaos and fun allowed a viking to reach their full and true potential.  At least, that’s what Jagged and Anarka, the chief and chieftess, believe.  It’s what allowed the Anarky tribe to rule over areas of Sratha Cluade in Scotland and Ulaid in Ireland for so long.  They were fair and just but tended to focus more on kindness and fun, with a bit of chaos of course.
And though they were a bit chaotic, they had good allies.  One of those allies they were closest to is the Cruthachadh tribe; ruled by the humble and kind Tom and Sabine of the Dupain-Cheng clan.  Together, they helped each other strive with trade and goods which only strengthened their alliance.
This eventually led to the day that house Dupain-Cheng and house Stone-Couffaine decided to sign a contract of union with a marriage between their eldest children, believing they’d be a good match for one another and lead both tribes, once united, to years of prosperous reign.  Now, at the age of twelve, Luka, heir of the Anarky tribe, was betrothed to the heir of Cruthachadh’s heir, Marinette.
With the weight of the betrothal and upcoming visit from Marinette approaching, Luka was growing nervous and anxious.  He never gets the chance to meet Marinette as often as most betrothed or even friends would, and that made it difficult when your betrothed lived a couple day’s trip by boat away or a day’s flight by dragon on a separate island.
Would they be considered friends when they hardly see each other?  Does Marinette even consider themselves friends?
Luka sighed from the whirlwind of questions and worries.  Sitting at the dining table, he dropped his head on the heavy wooden tabletop and let out a grown.
“What’s got you all mopey?” he heard his sister quietly ask as she entered the dining and kitchen space.
“Just thinking about Marinette and our betrothal.”
“Oh, that again.  Then I’m gonna leave and go hang out with Alix and Kim.  Have fun sulking.”
“Love you too, Jules,” he called out as Juleka left the house.
Luka let out another sigh.  He really wanted to make this relationship work.  But now that Juleka ditched him, he had no one else home to talk about gift ideas.  And that was the nervous part of figuring out a gift, what kinds of things does Marinette like?  Does she like jewelry?  Weapons?  Crafts?
Where was someone when he needed it?
The front door to their home burst open with force as he heard someone enter the domain.
‘I take that back.’
“Eh, my boy!”
Pushing his head up, Luka greeted his father with a small smile.
Seeing his son’s dull expression, Jagged walked over and sat across from his son, his winged crimson pit drake hybrid, Fang, followed close behind.  Luka gave a small chuckle seeing the large dragon stopping beside his father, lay down, and curl up.  Fang might look like a terrifying beast, but that dragon was nothing but an oversized puppy with how his father spoiled him.  Well, until someone threatening came along, then that puppy side was gone.
“What’s got ya so blue, son?”  Jagged’s brows furrowed,  “Is...is dis ‘bout the betrothal?”
Luka huffed, “Yea.  I’m...I’m worried about screwing this up and ruining my chances making Marinette happy.”
A smile stretched across Jagged’s face, feeling guilty for his son’s turmoil.
“I’m sorry, lad.  Yer mother ‘nd I didn’t mean fer dis betrothal ta get ya worked up.  We all just thought da two o’ve ya would be great fer each other.” 
“It’s alright, dad.  I really like Marinette, don’t worry.  I just don’t want her to regret being stuck with me.”
“Ah, come on, don’t think like that, son.  Yer a good man,” -he pushed himself up to tap his finger against Luka’s forehead- “don’t forget that.”
Sitting back in his seat, he rested his arms on the table.  Jagged looked at his son, “So, tell me what ideas ya got fer Marinette.  I know you’ve been thinkin’.”
“I was hoping to get Marinette a gift when she came to visit.  I just don’t know what she likes or would like.”
Jagged gave his son a wide grin, “Well lucky fer you, I know exactly what ta get fer yer future wife!”
“Really?” Luka perked in relief.
Leaning forward to Luka, he gave his son a nod and whispered the answer like it was a secret.
“The perfect way ta a girl’s heart is a dragon o’ve their own.”
Luka looked at his dad with skepticism, “Really?”
He watched Jagged lean back with wide arms and bright smile, “Absolutely!  That’s how I won da heart o’ve yer mother.”
Well, Luka couldn’t really argue with that in all honesty.  Based on the bond between his parents, their relationship was one of strength and many other traits.  If his dad believed a dragon would help the start of his and Marinette’s relationship, it couldn’t hurt to try, right?
“Alright,” Luka breathed with new confidence and gave his father an excited smile, “Mind joining me to the nesting grounds to find a dragon for Marinette as a pre-wedding gift?”
Jagged gave Luka a starry-eyed look and jumped up excitingly in place.
“Of course!  We’ll get ta ‘ave a father-son bondin’ moment.”  Jagged ran around the table and picked up his son, missing the sound of a yelp from Luka.  Throwing his son over his shoulder as he ran for the front, calling his dragon companion to follow, “Come along, Fang!”  
 It didn’t take them long to navigate through the Scottish woods along the shore cliff sides that housed one of the larger gatherings and nesting grounds for dragons.  Nesting grounds were always a serendipitous place for vikings to come and bond with the majestic creatures.  To build lifelong companions and friends.
For Luka, he hadn’t been to the nesting grounds in two years when he came to find a dragon companion of his own at age ten.  Which turned out as a great experience if he had to say so himself.  
He remembers when he stumbled across the Icelandic hatchling with the golden eyes two years ago.
The white-colored dragon gazed at him with curiosity and hope.  Luka reached into his side pouch and pulled out a strip of dried fish to give the hatchling; reaching the piece of meat forward.  Perking and giving the item a sniff, the dragon took and ate the treat before moving closer to the young boy.
Dropping to his knees, Luka waited patiently for the hatchling to approach on his own will.  His parents told him that you’ll know the right dragon when you both bond and connect in mind.  So, as he waited, the hatchling stepped with his front paws on Luka’s knees and stretched up until the boy stroked his head.
Seeing the dragon wanting attention, Luka ran his hand along the smokey grey muzzle and snow-white head.  He felt a rumble-like purr and within a few moments, he heard a faint, new voice say “friend” enter his head.  Hoping it was a sign of the bond, Luka thought of the word friend in return and watched as the Icelandic hatchling opened his eyes from the nuzzling and looked at him in awe and excitement within those golden eyes.
‘Bonded?’ he heard from the dragon.
Luka gave the hatchling a nod and smile, “Bonded.”
The small dragon gave a chirp in happiness and nuzzled fully against Luka.
“You’re quite the majestic dragon, aren’t you?  Really cool and handsome looking,” he stated while taking in all the dragon’s detail.
The Icelandic hatchling heard the boy’s praise and sat back, standing boldly with a little cockiness and pride.
Luka chuckled, “Oh?  A little sassiness I see.”
The hatchling perked at the term of sassy.
“You like that?  Sassy?”  He heard the dragon bark in agreement.  “Alright then.  How do you feel about Sass for a name?”
‘I like it.’
“Then, it looks like you and I are bonded companions for life,” chuckling when Sass jumped into Luka’s arms. 
Finding Sass was one of the best things to happen in his life.  To have a companion and friend to talk to, who also came to enjoy some of his interests.  And in two winters, he would be able to add Marinette and her own dragon to add to his list of good things to happen to him.
When Luka and Jagged crossed the skirt of dangling tree branches, both men gasped at the utopia that was the nesting grounds.  The area was filled with hoards of dragons of all shapes, sizes, and colors.  It might have been only two years since he had been there, but he knew for a fact that there weren’t as many dragons last time.
“There are so many new dragons,” Luka mumbled in awe.  “I didn’t know there were so many types.”
He felt his father bump his shoulder, not removing his gaze from the joyous sight, “Maybe the dragons talk to each other and tell how awesome our land is.”
They both chuckled which built to laughter.  Together, once they calmed down, began walking again, slowly approaching further into the nesting grounds.  Taking in all the activity surrounding them, they saw dragons roaming, flying, lounging under the bright sun, and herds of hatchlings playing about among the green fields, small hills, and low mountains.  The scenery looked like a kingdom all its own, but he wouldn’t let the variety of dragons deter him from finding a hatchling for Marinette.
“Where to start?” Luka mumbled to himself, gazing at the nearby nests.
However, he wasn’t aware of Jagged moving towards another direction until the sound of grass rustling came beside him.  Looking to his left, Luka watched his father take off like a kid during the holidays, jumping from nest to nest or dragon to dragon; Fang following close behind in the same enthusiasm.  
“Dad!  What are you doing?!  This isn’t like being at one of the trading posts.”
Jagged looked back at his son and waved off his worries, “Oi, no need ta worry, son!  Fang will keep me safe.”  
‘Yea, but there’s a difference from looking fearsome and acting like one.’
Rolling his eyes, Luka followed his father and Fang towards the open meadow, heading to the opposite side.  Coming upon one of the nearest nests, he came across a familiar breed of dragon.  Seeing a mixture of gold, blue, and red eyes, the snow-white scales was no mistake.
Falling to his knees, the hatchlings scurried towards Luka seeking attention like most hatchlings sought.  Chuckling, Luka tried dividing his attention to all three hatchlings as they chirped and licked his hands.  He could feel the smoothness in the younglings' skin and bumps where future spikes and horns would develop.
Though, like all hatchlings, the attention span didn’t last long as the Icelandic younglings ran off to play with the other hatchling breeds.
At the sound of a chuckled rumble, the young heir looked up at the mother of the nest, her gaze distant to where her offsprings ran off.  After a few more seconds, the mother’s gaze shifted to Luka.  Wise blue eyes looked into young ocean filled ones.
“Hey, girl.  It’s been a while.”  Opening his travel pouch, he pulled out a piece of dried fish jerky meat, holding it up to the dragon.
The female lowered her head and took the piece of meat and ate it.  She lightly nudged her dull upward beak muzzle against Luka’s head in gratitude.  Raising his hands, he returned the gesture by petting along her jaw and snout, earning a purring rumble.
“You’re a good girl, aren’t you?”  He heard the dragon give another rumble.  Leaning back, he looked into her eyes with a smile filled with his own sense of gratitude, “I want to thank you for letting me have Sass.  We’ve both been very happy.”
He received a lick across his cheek when they heard the hatchlings return and huddle back into the nest, all three curling up to one another before falling asleep.  Feeling it was time for him to move on to allow the hatchlings to sleep, he gave the mother a wave goodbye before walking off.  The Icelandic breed was a gorgeous dragon, but he felt it didn’t suit Marinette.
Continuing on to another random nest, Luka came upon a family of Wyverns.  Strong but stubborn creatures, they were majestic in their own way.  Slightly smaller than the Icelandic dragon, they were more of, what Luka felt, bird-like in appearance.  Large and powerful wingspans and two strong powerful legs.  Forest green and browns in color, they would act like good camouflage dragons in the woods or forests.
Giving attention to some of the hatchlings, he took in some more of the details around the body.  Spikes traveling along the back and parts of the head, at the end of the tail it formed into a spike club shape.  Luka was sure the Wyvern would make a good fierce and loyal companion, but again, he didn’t feel confident it was the dragon for his betrothed.
“Oi! Luka, come here, son.”
Looking over towards the location his father was, he saw Jagged and Fang hunched over a smaller nest compared to the larger ones laying about.  Standing up, Luka headed over and knelt down beside his father.
“What do ya think o’ve these little guys?”
Jagged picked up one of the little dragons with butterfly-like wings.  The coloring reminded him of one of those butterflies with orange and black markings.  A Monarch he thinks it was after learning from a gentleman at a trading post when he was with his father.  
The little dragon looked up at the two of them with curiosity in those bluish buggish eyes and chirped.
“I don’t know, dad.  They look like one of those Feydragons.  They’re very small and I wanted to get Marinette a dragon she could eventually ride.”
“Well, maybe dis guy can be an inside home dragon companion, like a dog or cat.  There’s nothin’ wrong wit’ havin’ more than one dragon.”
Looking closer at the small dragon, it’s fins fanning out and wings fluttering from the light breeze passing, and chirped.
“The little guy is cute,” spoke Luka, “It probably wouldn’t hurt to have two dragons for Marinette.”
Smiling at his dad, Jagged returned one when the sight of the Feydragon’s body began to glow.  The father and son perked in attention at the sight and gazed on in their own curiosity, leaning closer to the little creature.
“Oh?  What’s this?” Mumbled Jagged.
Suddenly, the Feydragon sneezed, the body giving a spark as a small explosion burst out.  The smoke from the blast hit Jagged and Luka with a small light force, becoming coated in patches of ash and scorch marks across their upper body.  Blinking, Luka broke his gaze from the dragon and glanced up at his father with a fuzzled haze, taking in all the scorch marks and strands of his hair and beard sticking out of place.  A few strands sizzling or giving off smoke.
If Luka hadn’t been a part of the explosion, he’d find the sight of this whole event hilarious.  He was sure he sported a similar appearance and knew the moment they returned home, Juleka would probably laugh.  As for his mother, he wasn’t sure.
“I like this little guy!” Shouted Jagged, “Marinette would love this!”
“No,” vetoed Luka.  “I’m not giving her a dragon that has explosive sneezes.”
“Oh, I’m sure they grow out of it.”
“Still no.  I’m not risking my future wife with an explosive dragon.”
“You’re no fun, but I guess you have a point.  I bet Juleka would love him!”
“Oh, gods,” mumbled Luka.
He didn’t want to begin imagining the idea of Juleka owning a dragon such as this one.
His eyes widen at the sudden thought of Alix and Kim learning about this dragon breed.  The explosions would only add up on a daily basis.
He felt a weight land on his back and little chirps and clicks.  Turning his head to his left, he tried to catch a glimpse of what landed on his back, when a small reddish gold hatchling crawled up and rested on top of his shoulder.  Raising his right hand up, he waited patiently until the hatchling crawled in his palms, the dragon’s eyes never once leaving their focus from his.
“A Chinese Gold dragon?” he gazed at the structure and appearance, taking in certain details of the bat-like wings and size, along with the crests to signal it was a female.  He gave the little dragon a welcoming smile, “Well, aren’t you a beautiful girl.  It’s not very often we get to see your species around these parts.”
The red hatchling chirped and looked knowingly with her blue eyes and seemed to gleam at being called beautiful.  Reaching into his small pouch, Luka pulled another piece of fish jerky, ripping off a smaller strip and placed it in front of the hatchling.
Watching as she sniffed the food, gurgled in excitement, and snatched the piece of meat, eating it whole.  Licking her muzzle, the red hatchling pushed up with her hind legs and rubbed her head against Luka’s chin, causing the boy to giggle.
“You’re a lovable little thing aren’t you?”
The golden hatchling gave another chirp.  Luka looked over the dragon coated in gradients of reddish-gold with some smokey black markings on her back.  It really was a gorgeous dragon and seeing the blue eyes, it reminded him of Marinette’s when he saw her a couple of years ago when they were younger.  He felt confident that this was the dragon for Marinette.
“Would you like to come home with me?  I have someone special who would love you and make a great bonded companion.”
Wanting to let the dragon make the decision, it didn’t take long for the small hatchling to crawl up his shoulder and give a little lick to Luka’s cheek.
“Well, it looks like ya found yerself a dragon, son.”
“Ya.  Ready to head home?” Luka asked as he turned to his father.
“Yep!  I can’t wait ta show Juleka her new companion!”
Luka shook his head as he followed behind his father and Fang towards home.  He was sure their house was going to get slightly busier with all the new residents.
 It didn’t take them long to reach their village, taking the pathway leading to the Couffaine home.  Compared to the other houses, it wasn’t hard to find the large two leveled home.  Then again, it was said that the chief and chieftess homes were built to be a bit larger.
Walking up the front steps, the father and son entered the family home to find Juleka at the dining table, eating lunch.
Looking over to her father and brother, Juleka perked at the sight of them, taking in the messing appearance.
“What the heck happened to you two?”
“My little darlin’ daughter,” Jagged ran over to Juleka in pure excitement, “I got you a little companion.”
He held out the small Feydragon so Juleka could take a look.
“This little guy gives off explosions when it sneezes.  It’s so cute!”
Juleka’s eyes grew in awe and wonder, mumbling, “Awesome.”
As Jagged and Juleka continued to wonder over the small Fey hatchling, Luka jolted when he heard his mother’s voice to the side of him.
“What on earth happened ta ya, lad?”  He turned towards her to find her glancing at all his messed up appearance.  “What the Hel did you ‘nd yer father get up too?”
Luka motioned for the gold dragon to hop into his palms as he held her out to his mother.
“I wanted to get Marinette a special pre-wedding gift when she comes over to visit in two weeks.  Dad said that the best way to a girl’s heart was a dragon.  What do you think?”
Ankara looked at the Chinese Gold dragon hatchling and gave a warming smile.  As quick as lighting, his mother pulled him into a crushing hug.  He was thankful that the hatchling was quick as well as she jumped out his hands before being crushed.
“Oh, my boy is growin’ up,” Ankara softly spoke, “I’m so proud o’ve ya.  Yer gonna make a fine husband ta Marinette.”   
Luka sighed at his mother’s words, feeling thankful for having such support, but feeling a weight lift off knowing he was giving his all and that his family believed in him.  They might be chaotic, him having his own moments, but he wouldn’t have it any other way.  Hopefully, Marinette doesn’t mind a bit of chaos.
@lineith @depressedrainbowcake @fantastucbaby @hansa-12 @justafanwarrior @bugaboo-valerie
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rosethornewrites · 4 years
Fic: The Rebellion of Adrien Agreste, ch. 7
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Juleka Couffaine/Rose Lavillant, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Luka Couffaine, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug & Kagami Tsurugi, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir & Luka Couffaine, Lila Rossi/karma, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth/aneurism, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug/Kagami Tsurugi, Plagg & Tikki
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Gabriel Agreste | Papillon | Hawk Moth, Lila Rossi, Jagged Stone, Plagg, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug, Luka Couffaine, Penny Rolling, Anarka Couffaine, Rose Lavillant, Juleka Couffaine, Kagami Tsurugi, Alya Césaire, Chloé Bourgeois, Wayhem, Nadja Chamack, Nathalie Sancoeur, Sabine Cheng, Tom Dupain, Tikki, Fang, Principal Damocles, Caline Bustier, Ms. Mendeleiev, original minor character, Alec Cataldi, Lila Rossi’s Mother, Sabrina Raincomprix, Roger Raincomprix, Mylène Haprèle, Le Gorille | Adrien Agreste’s Bodyguard, Nino Lahiffe, Nooroo
Tags: Lila Rossi salt, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Teenage Rebellion, Swearing, Bad Parent Gabriel Agreste, Crack Treated Seriously, Lila Rossi’s Lies Are Exposed, Cuddling & Snuggling, Luka Couffaine Needs a Hug, Paparazzi, Parentification, Marinette Dupain-Cheng Needs a Hug, Gabriel Agreste Needs an Aneurism, Uncle Jagged Stone, we’re all queer here, the spirit of punk is sometimes just being allowed to be yourself, Kagami Finds Her Groove, punk rock fashion, Savage Kagami, Marinette protection squad, Good Parent Sabine Cheng, Good Parent Tom Dupain, Protective Kagami Tsurugi, Protective Luka Couffaine, Bisexual Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Pansexual Luka Couffaine, Sharing a Bed, Pet Names, LGBTQ Character, LGBTQ Themes, Instagram, Bullying, Social Media, Anxiety, Makeover, Hugs, will cure your acne, Face Punching, Bad Ass Juleka Couffaine, Rumors, Protective Juleka Couffaine, Protective Adrien Agreste, Lawyers, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Holding Hands, accountability, mental health, Jagged Stone’s well-paid pet shark, How to Make the Evening News, Sexy eyeliner for days, one fish two fish Lila is a screwed fish, How to have fun and piss Gabriel off, Fuckery, sweet litigious karma, Alya sugar, lawyer shark doo doo doo doo doo doo, Schadenfreude, Bad Ass Alya Césaire, Gaslighting, abuse denormalization, Jagged likes his lawyers like he likes his pets: toothy af, Blood in the Water, Everything you didn’t know you wanted and some things you did, Gabriel Agreste is shark bait, Denial, Consequences, Principal Damocles salt, caline bustier salt, the impotence of Gabriel Agreste, snarky Nooroo, lies and the lying liars who tell them, Lila’s brain is a narcissistic hellscape, Lila’s mind is built like an Escher piece, Alec Cataldi salt, Adrien Sugar, wholesome salt, Fu Salt, Kwami Shenanigans, Nooroo is a little shit
Summary: The Pet Name Game
Notes: Hawkdaddy’s pissed. @norakwami and @cheshiremadd helped by chatting concept.
AO3 link
Chapters 1-2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
The pet names discussion had wound up getting extremely silly. They’d all gone back to relaxing together and kind of cuddling on the big sofa. At first the only one Adrien could come up with was “Blue,” to which Luka had responded, “If you call me Blue, I’m calling you Green.” The girls had vetoed both.
Adrien had joked about Maestro, which Marinette had argued was almost as bad as Magic Fingers.
Interestingly, it was Marinette who had, with the help of her phone, come up with the winning one.
“You know, the name Luka means ‘light.’ Any ideas based on that?”
After some discussion, Adrien had come up with the poetic idea of “Firefly,” like Luka was his light in the dark. Kagami had deemed that adorable, and Luka had turned red.
Luka’s suggestions for Adrien’s nickname largely had to do with music, and while Adrien had been fond of Allegro for a cheerful beat, both girls disagreed, saying they were too niche.
“Alya’s nickname for him is Sunshine,” Marinette finally commented.
Luka smiled. “My Star, then?”
Kagami and Marinette exchanged a look as Adrien’s face heated, then said together, “Perfect.”
“I think we can still do the blue and green joke sometimes,” Adrien murmured, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.
“Can I call you MF as a joke?” Luka asked.
Adrien grinned. “Only if I can call you Maestro.”
Marinette groaned. “This is going to be ridiculous.”
“It’ll upset my father,” Adrien pointed out. “Which is the point.”
“Honestly, if they have more than one nickname for each other, it lends credence to the idea that they’ve been secretly dating for a bit. We should specify how long it’s been, of course,” Kagami added.
“I mentioned to Mari that I don’t want to eventually say it was fake, if that’s okay. If anything, we weren’t sure and decided to try dating.” He glanced at Luka.
“I can understand that. I identify as pansexual, though I rarely discuss it,” Luka said with a nod. “So I wouldn’t mind being thought to have been in a relationship with you. We can say we met when we did, on the boat, and you joined Kitty Section. And maybe we decided to go for it a couple weeks ago?”
“I have enabled the two of you to be together after fencing practice several times, then,” Kagami offered. “You have gone for juice?”
“You’ve gotten soul mate ice cream from André!” Marinette crowed. “We can make up a flavor combination.”
Luka grinned. “Green and blue, obviously.”
“Perhaps instead we should go find André once the dye is done,” Kagami commented. “It wouldn’t do to make up a fake flavor combination when we could find out for sure.”
“And you can eat it in the limo, so you’re not out in public too long,” Penny interjected. While Jagged had retired to the other room for a nap with Fang, she’d stayed with them to, as she had put it, ‘chaperone.’ “We’d rather not garner too much attention from M. Agreste this soon.”
“It’ll be another picture for social media.” Adrien hoped Luka wouldn’t get the kind of negative reaction from fans that Marinette had when fans had assumed she was his girlfriend. “I should probably check the comments on those, actually…”
“Not using your phone,” Kagami reminded him.
Marinette pulled out hers, and they all scooted closer to look.
alya.ladyblogger: @adrienagrestebrand wtf when did this happen, Sunshine? #NinoNeedsAnInstagram
alya.ladyblogger: @adrienagrestebrand why is your phone off omgggg
theofficialchloebourgeois: Adrikins, your social media has obv been hacked.
alya.ladyblogger: @theofficialchloebourgeois why do you think it’s been hacked? That’s Sunshine’s smile, for sure.
theofficialchloebourgeois: because there’s no way! He’d tell me!
Aside from those, there were fan reactions ranging from excited congratulations to rather ugly homophobic remarks that made him feel a bit ill to look at—especially now that he knew Mari was bi and Luka was pan.
The official Gabriel Instagram account hadn’t addressed it at all, so Adrien assumed his father was still having a temper tantrum.
A knock on the door sent them scrambling to the kitchenette, but it was the spa staff ready to rinse the dye.
When he was getting his hair blow-dried, Marinette handed him her phone again so he could see what she’d just replied.
marinettedesigned: You look so happy with him! I’m glad you two decided to go public!
He glanced at her with a frown. “Are you sure you want to imply you knew?”
“Yeah. Kagami’s going to, and I’m going to, too.” Then she got a wicked grin. “It’ll drive Lila batty.”
“Honestly, I don’t see her being able to hold back, regardless. But that will certainly make her angrier. I just hope it doesn’t make her go after you more than she has.” Adrien looked at her reproachfully. “I wish you’d told me she’d threatened you, Mari. I never would’ve given you that awful advice.”
Marinette turned red, and Kagami scowled.
“This girl threatened Marinette?” When both Adrien and Luka nodded, the girl clenched her fists. “That is unacceptable.”
“I’m okay,” Marinette whispered.
Luka settled a hand on her shoulder. “She’s hurt you, made you more anxious. I can’t help you, since I don’t go to school with you. But Adrien can.”
“Perhaps during the hour and a half that our schools allow for lunch, Luka and I can join you and Adrien,” Kagami added, placing her hand on Marinette’s other shoulder. “We can present a united front.”
“Usually I’m expected home for lunch, but as I’m engaging in teenager rebellion, staying at school to eat lunch with my boyfriend is a nice way to do that.”
“Then it’s settled,” Kagami said decisively. “We shall eat lunch together either at Collège Françoise Dupont or at a café or restaurant in the surrounding area from now on.”
The relieved smile that graced Marinette’s face was almost heartbreaking, and Adrien realized exactly how much stress she’d been under, how much he’d failed her. He took her hand, squeezing it lightly in apology.
The stylist finished with his hair a few minutes later, and after they spent a few minutes admiring the results, Marinette pulled his hood up so they could all sneak down to the limo. They found André Glacier’s location via social media, and Penny had the driver take them as close as possible.
There wasn’t a line, so they rushed out of the limo and hurried to the cart. Luka and Adrien approached first.
André greeted them like old friends. “Ah, a lovely pair the two of you make. Blueberry for the gentle heart’s tranquility, a soothing sweetness. And, ah, for you… You’ve come into your own, young man! Passion fruit for the one shining bright as the sun!”
“Would you get some with me as well, Marinette?” Kagami asked. “I would not be able to finish an entire one on my own.”
André smiled at them. “I’ve just the treat for you. Orange for the fire that burns in her heart, blackberry for her night-dark hair. A dual sweetness, with a twist, for the two of you.”
They hurried back to the waiting limo, managing to escape notice—fortunately it was an odd hour. Once inside, they took advantage of the photo opportunity with Adrien and Luka, then passed around the treats, all four of them sharing in the flavors.
“I’m glad I got passion fruit,” Adrien commented. “It’s my favorite. And all the others go so well with it!”
Kagami’s phone buzzed. “Regrettably, I am expected to return home, or I would enjoy continuing to help.”
“We’ll drop you off before we return to the hotel,” Penny told her. “It’s always nice meeting Marinette’s friends, and I’m sure Jagged will be disappointed he didn’t get to say goodbye.”
They had dropped Kagami off and just returned to the hotel when Marinette’s phone went off.
But this time it was an Akuma alert.
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Marinette did an extra twirl for the mirror. She had loved the feeling of the fabric on the dress, She made sure to put in extra effort into the dresses of the night, although not too much, she still wanted Nadia Chamack to be the highlight.
Her work on covering how the Frequent Akuma attacks were affecting the everyday Parisian psyche was getting recognition from the International Journalism community. She could hear her Mother greeting Chloe and Aurore downstairs. Making sure to put on the finishing touches of her makeup, she quickly grabbed her newly bought purse and put in a few macarons for Tikki. Tikki quickly swooped in and settled herself in the secret compartment. She quickly opened her cellar door to allow Chloe and Aurore up.
“Netti~ that dress of yours is truly exceptional” Aurore gushed while grabbing Marinette's hand and twirling her around. Marinette's’ Dress had a more professional style since it was a formal event. The skirt reached above her knees and the top was gray and the skirt was white. The Cape, however, was white as well. The dress was formal but still had a twist like all of her MDC designs. Marinette felt sophisticated, for once.
Suddenly her Mamans’ head popped up, she pushed herself up and that was when Marinette noticed she was carrying a small box.
“Chloe, Aurore, Tom has a few pastries and hot chocolate prepared for you two downstairs, Chloe dear I believe he has prepared a few cheese and berry danishes as well…...” Sabine teased with a knowing smile, Chloe's love for Cheese and Berry danishes were well known throughout the Dupain Cheng household.
‘MIIINNNEEEE thankyouthankyouthankyouu” Chloe squealed, quickly dragging Aurore down the cellar door opening.
Marinette couldn't help but shake her head at Chloe's antics. Honestly, that girl will probably hand over government secrets just for a plate of those Danishes.
“Marinette Honey, I have something I want to give you that once belonged to your mother Alexei.” She gently handed her the small jewelry box.
Gently opening the box Marinette couldn't help but gasp when it revealed a gold armband that was decorated with thin golden leaves. Her mother gently lifted it out and clasped it onto Marinette's arm. It matched perfectly with the dress.
Over the last few days, Sabine has been giving Marinette jewelry, clothing and other stuff that once belonged to Alexei. Some of the clothing was too big but Marinette is nothing but a miracle worker when it comes to upcycling.
Marinette had Alexeis’ old fencing uniform set up in the corner. Maybe Marinette should take up Fencing next year? And Actually, focus on it and not do it for the sake of a boy. A spineless cowardly boy.
Quickly hugging her Maman and whispering a thank you, Marinette climbed down the cellar door after her Maman.
Once in the living room, Marinette spotted Chloe inhaling Danishes and Aurore frantically pressing buttons on her game controller, trying to beat her Papa, and her papa was winning.
"NOOOO HOW'D YOU EVEN DO THAT!?" Aurore practically screamed, Tom had used a cheat and managed to beat Aurore ruthlessly.  With her head hanging low, she stood up and walked towards Marinette Marinette thought she saw the shadow of a pout. Chloe quickly joined them after one last gulp of hot chocolate.
"Mr.Dupain I hope one day you will teach me your ways," Aurore asked with admiration.
Giggling at her friend's antics Marinette quickly kissed her dad and Her Maman before pulling them out the doorway. Marinette was grateful for her friends and parents. However, she was less grateful whenever she saw signs that her room was slowly getting taken over by Chloe. Seriously she had already called dibs on the top bunk and had covered it with Custommade Queen bee sheets.
“Girls are we Queens or are we, Queens?” Chloe asked with a flair. She knew damn well they all looked bloody gorgeous. Quickly making sure to open the limos’ door, Chloe Bourgeois goes all out or nothing, she practically shoved Aurore and Marinette in. Quickly they sped off but not before making a quit stop to pick up Kagami. Chloe did not stutter when she saw Kagami in her dress thank you very much. Still, Chloe couldn’t help but keep stealing glances at her while in the limo what can she say she liked red.
Aurore and Marinette couldn’t help but look at them in Exasperation. Really could they not save the ogling until after they were out of the limo?
Marinette quickly turned around and decided to content herself by staring out the window. She couldn’t help but be nervous, now would be a perfect time to tell the girls about her discovery around her origins. She knew they could keep it a secret heck they would probably help her in her endeavor to find and talk to Mr.Wayne. Still she was worried. What if they looked at her differently, not as Sabine and Toms child, but as the child of Bruce Wayne?
“We’re here~” Chloe loudly announced the door was quickly opened and the girls were helped out. Thanking Jean-Paul, Marinette followed the girls in.
Grand Paris Hotel                                                                                       Paris City                                                                                                      8:15 pm
Bruce was quickly adjusting his cuffs.
He then proceeded to help Damian with his, despite his protests.
“Father I can do them myself” although Damian didn’t fight it off as much. After assuring himself that the Cuffs would meet Alfreds Standards, Bruce couldn’t help but make sure that Dick's tie was well adjusted, although he didn’t protest it all of course. Quickly taking a final glance around the suite he quickly ushered Damian out and followed leaving Dick to lock the suite's door. Soon they were situated in a limo that was provided to them by the representatives of Wayne's Industries Paris Branch.
Dick couldn't hide his excitement. He might have another little sister
“Oh my gosh, I can't wait to see this kid. What if she is a Wayne kid. I'll get another little sister, ohmygosh I'm going to have to introduce her to Wally, Artemis, Zatana and ohgeeezzz Babs I-”
“Grayson shut up or I will” Damian bit out. Honestly, Damian wasn't happy at the fact that he might have another blood relative. At least he's older and obviously far better. He's a superhero and an heir to the League.
Bruce could tell that Damian was a bit Miffed about the fact that there might be another Wayne Blood child and worse off she was a girl. Thank god that they weren't that different age-wise.
Once they arrived, they quickly stepped out. Damian was flagged by Dick and Bruce. Once inside Bruce was immediately approached by an overeager mayor.
"Mr.Wayne We are so deeply honored to have you join us this night. Please Please if you have anything you need us to do to make your evening more comfortable please feel free to inform me" Mayor Bourgeois urged although he didn't seem to want to stop shaking Bruce's hand anytime soon.
"Mayor Bourgeois Please allow me to introduce you to my Sons, This is my oldest son Richard and this is my youngest Damian" Bruce quickly pried his hand out of Bourgeois' grip to push Dick and Damian in front of him.                  
Yes, he knew that it was very dirty of him to sacrifice his sons to Andre Bourgeois but honestly Bruce was keen on finding Dupain-Cheng. Although that didn't stop Dick from sending him a glare.
Quickly walking off he started walking around and occasionally stopped to chat with Journalists or Businessmen. He quickly passed two blondes who were too busy talking to another Journalis-Hold up.
"Lois Kent? I didn't expect to see you here tonight?" Oh god, Bruce has the worst luck. If she was here that most likely meant that boy scout wasn't far away.
"Bruce Wayne, I was invited to attend. I am a respected Journalist outside of the States, also I have the assignment to cover in Brussels concerning recent events within the United Nations " Lois couldn't help but be entertained by his slight confusion. Lois and Clark have received recognition and awards for their work, especially since certain people like to take some of the most dangerous jobs. Lois used to take extremely dangerous assignments up until she got pregnant, now she only takes slightly dangerous jobs.
Yes, there is a difference. No matter what Jon says. Before she can even tell Bruce that Clark was still at home with Jon, he hurriedly shook her hand goodbye.
"Well, we will have to catch up later Lois" I have to go.
"That's Fine Bruce." Do what you have to do. Lois quickly turned her attention back to Ms.Aurore and Ms.Bourgeois and went back to answering their questions surrounding Journalism.
Bruce had caught a glimpse of blue hair while he was talking to Lois. Still scanning the crowd he was able to catch another glimpse of Dick and Damian who both seemed to be still stuck in a conversation with Bourgeois. About to take a quick turn he suddenly bumped into someone. Grabbing the arms out of instinct. He quickly steadied them slightly crouched down due to the short stature of the person. He suddenly looked up. With a jolt of realization, he realized that he was staring into familiar baby blue eyes.
His but on someone elses face.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Two Cursed Detectives in Paris Chapter 6: Case Closed
All four of our heroes hang out together, just before Eerie and Connor head back to the United States.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 (Final)
Read on Ao3
“You know what? I think that’s enough English practice for today,” Connor said, throwing his controller onto the couch.
“Wow! Ten minutes and you’re already sick of losing,” Adrien replied with fake sweetness. “That has to be a new record!”
Connor slowly turned toward Adrien and narrowed his eyes. Wrestling the model boy to the ground as pay back was out of the question. Not just because Adrien was a lot more nimble than Connor, but also because Connor had already eaten an entire pizza and the box it came in. Sudden exertion right now wasn’t much of an option. Instead, he settled for glaring at his student.
“Can’t believe I fell for that sweet kid routine when I first met you.” Connor crossed his arms and shook his head. “You’re a little butt when you want to be.”
Adrien stuck his tongue out at Connor, leading the grown man to stick his tongue out right back, with even more vitriol. The next couple minutes were spent just trying to one up each other in an arms race of similar acts of maturity.
Eventually, Adrien asked, “Okay, as fun as this is, what are we actually going to do now? We still have a couple hours that we’re supposed to doing practices.”
“Hm…” Connor stared out the window for a moment. “Wanna go visit the girls?”
“I’d love to!” Adrien’s eyes widened. “Oh, wow! Does this mean I’ll finally get to meet Eerie too?”
“Huh? Oh, right. I guess you haven’t met her yet, huh?” Connor checked the time on his phone. “Yeah, her shift is still going. Although… shoot.”
“She might be doing deliveries. Well, let’s head over anyway. Miss Eerie won’t stop talking about how good their pastries are and I want to get at least one… what are they called? ‘Pain au chocolat’?”
Adrien’s face lit up. “Hey, you got it right! Good job!”
Coming from anyone else, Connor might have glared at them for being sarcastic, but Adrien was nothing if not sincere. Occasional teasing aside.
“Of course I did. Now come on, let’s head out.”
The trip to the bakery only took them about ten minutes, enough time for Connor’s stomach to quiet down as he breathed in the scent of baked goods. After saying a few parting words to the Gorilla, Adrien joined him, practically vibrating with excitement. It brought a smirk to Connor’s face. Ah, to be young and in love…
Connor opened the door to the bakery and the first thing he saw was Eerie leaning on the counter. His smirk blossomed into a full-blown grin as she turned toward the sound of the bells above the door. A smile to mirror his own appeared on her face when she recognized him.
“Connor! I wasn’t expecting to see you until later. What’s up?”
“We finished early and wanted to celebrate with something tasty.” He stuck a thumb at Adrien, who was trying to catch a peek through the door that lead into the house part of the business. “This guy wouldn’t stop talking about his girlfriend though, so I thought we’d kill two birds with one stone.”
It was at that moment that Marinette appeared, cheeks flushed as she caught the tail end of their conversation. Her eyes flickered to Adrien, whose face was beet red.
“Connor!” Adrien whined.
The man in question simply shrugged. “What? It’s true.”
While Adrien sputtered indignantly, Eerie smacked Connor’s arm.
“Leave the poor boy alone! I think it’s cute.”
“I never said it wasn’t,” Connor grumbled as he stacked a few pain au chocolats onto the counter in front of a confused giant of a man. The man said something in French to Eerie that Connor couldn’t follow. She replied and a knowing smile crossed his face. He added an extra croissant to Connor’s order, free of charge.
“...What did you say to him?”
“He asked who you were, I said that you’re my partner.”
Marinette quipped something from behind Eerie and all of them laughed. Connor’s tail flicked back and forth - the only thing he caught that time was ‘petit dechat’.
“Don’t worry,” Adrien said, his laughter dying down. “It’s, um, it’s just a French term of endearment.”
“Yeah? ‘Little trash cat’ is a common expression, huh?” Connor crossed his arms and pouted. Before Adrien could respond, Connor asked, “I was kinda expecting you to be working, boss. What gives?”
“The Dupain-Chengs gave me the day off to explore Paris as a thank you for a job well done,” Eerie said proudly.
“Well, we don’t want to disappoint.” Connor smiled. “What does Paris have to offer us, then?”
Marinette perked up and started talking animatedly. The gist he was getting of the conversation was that she had a lot of places that she’d love to show them. After Eerie exchanged some cheek kisses with the two bakers, the four of them left to explore the city.
“...With her hair fluffed out like that, she scared the daylights out of those teens.” Connor smirked over his coffee. The cafe was one of Marinette’s favorites and Adrien could easily see why as he took a sip of his own beverage. “But after the first time, it’s actually pretty cute.” Nudging his blushing partner, he added, “Wouldn’t you say so, mon petite chouette?”
Eerie was covering her face in embarrassment. “Do you really need to tell them that story?”
“It was a great use of your powers! Why wouldn’t I?”
As the two began to playfully argue, Adrien grabbed his chin and narrowed his eyes in thought.
“Something up, Adrien?” Marinette asked in their native French.
“You don’t think… No it can’t be.” He dropped his voice to a whisper so only she could hear him. “They are dating, right?”
Marinette blinked up at him. “Well… yeah? Of course. They have to be. It seems pretty obvious.”
“Maybe we should ask, just to be sure.”
“Good idea, just try to be discreet about it. You don’t want to put them on the spot if they aren’t.”
“You got it.” Switching to English, Adrien asked, “Hey!” Connor and Eerie looked back at him, eyes still full of laughter from their banter. “You two are dating, right?”
Their pupils shrunk to pinpricks as they gaped at Adrien before glancing at each other, a furious blush mirrored on both of their faces.
“She’s my intern!”
“We’re not like- No!”
“I mean I guess we’re close but-”
“Just because we’re good friends doesn’t mean-”
Adrien held up his hands. “Sorry, sorry! I just wanted to be sure that's all.”
Hesitantly, the two went back to chatting between themselves and Adrien relayed what they said to Marinette.
Marinette winced. “Yeah, I heard the ‘good friends’ part.”
“Huh? You understood that?”
“Of course. After all this time, I can understand ‘good friend’ in four or five languages.”
“Wow! Why’s that?”
Marinette gave him a long, hard look, seemed like she was going to say something, thought the better of it and just gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
“Don’t worry about it, sweetie. And don’t worry about them either - something tells me things will work out for them just fine.”
Eerie followed behind Connor and shakily took her spot beside him. Just like before, he had taken the window seat. It might not have been much to anyone else, but she was touched at how he did everything he could to make this seven hour flight bearable for her.
Like last night, when he tried his best to keep them both awake for as long as possible. By his reasoning, it was harder to panic at the flight when you were out cold. Unfortunately, the long hours they’d spent putting the pieces of the puzzle together had left her exhausted. They might have had the evidence to nail their forger to the wall, but she was fast asleep shamefully early because of it.
A creaking noise made her painfully aware of her talons and how they were starting to crush the armrests. It was enough to wake Connor up from his nap. While she had failed to stay up, he’d had no such problems, binging whole movies. Waking her up hadn’t done much beyond making her grouchy, but she was wishing now she’d given it more effort.
Blearily, Connor’s eyes moved from the armrest to her face. He yawned and held out his hand to her. It took a few moments of staring before she realized he was waiting for her to take it. In any other circumstances, she might have hesitated, but she was willing to take any scrap of comfort she could get ahold of. Literally in this case.
His gloved fingers intertwined with hers, his thumb circling the back of her hand in a calming motion. She wouldn’t say she was feeling good about the whole flying thing now, but she was at least feeling better.
Better enough that she was suddenly aware of how intimate the gesture was. Eerie had found out early on that the sensitivity of his hands made stuff like this very… personal. After that question from Adrien, she couldn’t help but ask herself if this was just comforting a friend or something more. She sat with eyes locked forward, biting her lip worriedly and wondering if she was looking too much into this.
Building up her courage, she looked over to Connor to ask him, only to see that he’d fallen asleep. His tail was cuddled up close to him as he drooled into it. Despite that, he still held onto her - gently but firmly. Enough to let her know he was still there. Her worries melted away as she looked into his serene sleeping face.
She was leaning forward before she knew it, but she stopped herself just short of kissing his forehead. She quickly pulled back, shoving an errant lock of hair behind her ear. What was she thinking?
Then she took another look at him, her heart softening as she watched him breath the slow and steady rhythm of those deep in slumber. She reached out her right hand, felt the fur of his raccoon ears under her fingers as she rubbed them. His blank expression turned into a blissful smile.
Pulling away, Eerie settled in for the long flight ahead, feeling more at peace than she ever had on a plane before.
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ecofinisher · 5 years
Miraculous and Monster Buster Club comparision.
Just to be clear, I’m not comparing the show on what show is better and what not. I’m comparing the similarities between the two shows. I’ve came across a few Miraculers, that were also fans of the Monster Buster Club cartoon claiming that MBC (Monster Buster Club) had a few similarities to MLB (Miraculous Ladybug) due to the animation and the adventure. I had thought about it, since I belonged before to the MBC fandom too.  (And still do, except the fandom is probably dead now)
So where do I start? Well just to summarize the shows for those who don’t know one/both of them: 
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[From left to right: Cathy Smith, Sam(antha), Chris(stopher) and Daniel (Danny) Jackson]
Monster Buster Club came out around 2008 and is a French-Canadian computer-animated TV show, which focused on a group of pre-teens (12-year-old)  consisting of three human children and one so-called Rhapsodian (Fictional Alien species) whose also the protagonist of the show called Cathy Smith. Together with the three human teens named Chris, Danny and Samantha, they revive the old secret society named “Monster Buster Club” to fight together and protect their town from aliens, that invade it. Special about their town is, that 200 years ago it was founded by a man named Addison Single, who unbeknownst to the citizens was an alien in disguise and got defeat in the past by the former MBC. Also in this city, Cathy isn’t the only alien to be living there in disguise, but many other aliens are present. 
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[Left to right Tikki (A magical being called a “kwami”, that helps the person transform into a superhero), Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her alter ego Ladybug, Cat Noir, his civilian identity Adrien Agreste and his kwami Plagg]
Miraculous Ladybug is a French animated TV show, that debuted in 2015 and is set in the modern metropole Paris and is focused on the lives of the clumsy Marinette Dupain-Cheng and the famous teeny-model Adrien Agreste. Both wield a special magical jewelry, which is called a “Miraculous” which they use to transform into the superheroes “Ladybug and Cat Noir”  The two don’t know each other’s identity, but funnily Adrien has a huge crush on Ladybug and in the civilian life he sees her as just a friend, while Marinette is obsessed with Adrien and sees Cat Noir only as his trustful crime-fight partner. Both students are around 14 years old in the show.
As superheroes they fight villains, that were akumatized by Hawk Moth. (He owns the butterfly miraculous, with which he can create supervillains by sending an akuma (Butterfly jinxed by Hawk Moth’s magic) and Hawk Moth’s miraculous sends people’s negative feelings such as anger, sadness and dissapointment and uses his akumas to follow them and akumatize them and they’re transformed by Hawk Moth into a specific-themed supervillain.
Now about the comparisons....Miraculous and Monster Buster Club have many things in common when it comes to the animation, the characters or other things and I wanted to list them down. 
1: Logo shortcut.
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The Unofficial Logo
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The official Logo
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Both the shows have a long name and they’re usually abbreviated by the fans or the writers by three letters, this case Miraculous LadyBug is shortened to MLB and Monster Buster Club into MBC. The minor difference here is that Monster Buster Club also used the shortcut on their logo, while Miraculous only kept the title. 
2: Logo Switching up between scenes.
Both shows, when they skip to another part of the episode, both have the symbol appear on a background animated for 2-3 seconds, then disappear. MBC has the full title of the show, instead of the round symbol, which is the team’s recognition sign. 
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3:  Transformation sequences
Both of the shows our main characters have a transformation sequence, where they turn from their civilian self into the secret identity. While Ladybug and Cat Noir look in their tight suits a little different than from their alter egos they can’t be recognized by their friends or citizens. Unlike the MBC they are also a bit covered, but if any of the classmates see them fighting around, they can recognize them without any problem. (I can’t recall at the moment the episode, but it was as Danny had tried to save his crush Wendy and failed, shortly afterward she had got angry at him as she recognized him immediately)
Monster Buster Club (Group transformation sequence) (French)
The show most of the times used the whole group to transform together, occasionally, they also have shown a single transformation sequence or two characters only) 
Miraculous transformation sequence (Adrien Agreste’s into Cat Noir) (French)
All the characters have single transformations and have the same specific transformation phrase (Plagg, Tranforme-moi) to say before they transform. The English dub is so far the only dub, where the superheroes have different phrases exp. Cat Noir’s is “Plagg, Claws Out!). Most of the phrases are based after their miraculous theme (Exp. Ladybug, Bee, Snake, etc)
4: Villains of the week trope
Each of the episode the main heroes fight a different villain, who mostly appear for one episode. 
On Miraculous, most of them are just classmates, citizens or acquaintances of the protagonists that get akumatized by Hawk Moth, when they have a negative feeling and are fought by Ladybug and Cat Noir. In the end, the villain turns back into his civilian-self, most of the time they don’t remember, what had happened during the time they were absent. 
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[Akumatized villains counting from left to right, going from up to the bottom: Oni-chan, Reflekta, Horrificator, Miraculer, Party Crasher, Silencer, Weredad, Christmaster, Stoneheart, The Bubbler, Befana and Captain Hardrock]
At Monster Buster Club it usually starts with the presence of unknown people around the school or anywhere in the city or strange things happen around them and the group units together to find out, what’s going on and later near the end they figure it out and follow that alien to capture it in the end. Difference from the MBC, most of the extraterrestrials don’t change in the end of the episode and remain locked into a separate room in the secret clubhouse, where at some point one of the members (Mostly Chris) is there in the room inserting it into a special device to send the encapsulated ET away to the galactic authorities, that take care of them. Others get redeemed at the end of the show and get back to their home planet or stay on the earth, where they belong. 
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The aliens from left to right, up to bottom: Gilbert (Good), Jenny’s grandmother (Encapsulated),  Mr. Gluten (Encapsulated), Glor Glenemore (Encapsulated), Zeborp (Good), Nosidda Single (Encapsulated), Doudo Hundletorph (Good), Mr. Bigshnell (Encapsulated)
5: Animated Intro
Both of the intros have the protagonists Cathy and Marinette narrate to us about  “their world”, followed by their usual day-routine with school, fighting and afterschool. 
Fun fact: Noam Kaniel worked on both of the intros. (Probably explains why I enjoy these two intros so much)
The intro of Monster Buster Club (English)
The Intro of Miraculous (English) 
6: Cute, Cartoony 2D/3D backgrounds. 
Wanna know, why I had last year suddenly had the urge to go back to the Monster Buster Club? It was those background images such as the pink bubbles behind a character, who’s in love. I had just bumped into my mind the show that I had seen that behind Danny from Monster Buster Club as he saw his crush, Wendy. When I went to check out again the episodes from the available ones on Youtube I saw also other types of backgrounds, that I had also seen in Miraculous too. 
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Here we got pinky bubble background behind Cathy
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And here we got Adrien with a full-on bubble background.
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Some also are transparent like this one here.
Paper sheet backgrounds:
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Danny’s smart idea in trying to make money and his mind shown on the background as a notebook sheet.
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Chloé, one of the secondary characters and her mind shown on the background also with a type of notebook sheet her childhood. 
This are the ones, who are the most similar ones. Both have other ones, but a little different, but used for the same occasion. 
Other backgrounds:
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Weapon activation (Monster Buster Club)
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Power activation (Miraculous)
Minor parts of a specific fight:
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Running towards an Alien.
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Dodging Hawk Moth’s punch
And a few more from both shows
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Sorry boy, but she’s not your type.
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Wanna make your character look like she can run fast? Just add smoke like on the roadrunner!
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Your portable console getting stolen, while you’re trying to beat the high score, sure was the worst thing to happen to a 12-year old back in the 08′.
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Marinette just found out that Hiro Hamada of Zag Heroes wrote a fanfic of her alter ego having a crush on a friend of hers. (The real plot twist: It’s a self-insert fanfic, where he’s Ladybug and not the real Ladybug *le gasp*) 
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You know what I miss about the time season 2 trailer got spoilered? That they had Marinette had this imagination of herself with Adrien as Hawk Moth posing similar to a Twilight Poster.  Those were good times.
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She had her life full planned, even had names for her kids and all, while people like me are living their life, not knowing what the hell is going to happen next week.
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I don’t know, but this picture is hilarious :D (And for non-Miraculers, that small animal up there is an akuma)
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I never got why they fence with one glove only. is this some Michael Jackson reference or something?
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Yep, this is how weird Marinette’s imagination gets during the seasons. (Believe it or not, if they were in a relationship Kagami would definitely wear the pants there!)
7: Sorry if the last one turned a little long, but now the next part is inside both of the shows, the similar tropes the show shares. Well, many other shows have it too of course, but I felt the need to point it out. (Since I’m doing this post)
7.1:  Male Protagonist is a jokester (Cat Noir and Danny) If it’s the right situation or not. They have always to crack a joke.
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7.2 Tagalong kid - (John, Chris’ younger brother, Manon, Child Marinette babysits, Chris Lahiffe, the younger brother of Nino Lahiffe, Adrien’s best friend) - The three are from their personality different, but they have one or two moments, where they seem really annoying to the protagonist.
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 7.3 Alpha B’s. (Chloé and Wendy) - Both don’t treat the main characters right (Chloé almost everyone besides Adrien and Wendy is most likely alright with the classmates), both are girly girls, they gossip and use specific people for their own benefits. (Chloé using Sabrina and Wendy using Danny)
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7.4 Wise old man (Hugo Smith, Cathy’s Grandpa and Master Wang Fu, the guardian of the miraculouses) - It’s quite funny how similar they look like, even the red shirt, their body size and nearly their hairstyle.  About the wisdom, both help out the protagonists and are serious about harm. 
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7.5 Deep down still a child (Principal Rollins and Principal Damocles) - For the most of the students Principal Rollins seems like a very strict person, that came from the military service as she calls the students soldiers and uses words such as Company Halt, but she has been shown off-guard playing with a toy rhino panzer and a convoy in her office at the school. Principal Damocles, seems also like a strict Principal, that likes when students act correctly and warns them when they acted wrong (Such as not knocking on the door, before entering). After school, when all students are gone, he dresses up as an owl-themed superhero and acts as a superhero and tries to help out in the city, mostly ending in a catastrophy. 
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7.6 Nameless Background characters, that the fandom finds interesting. (Redheaded girl from MBC and Brunette boy a.k.a Just Anextra/Justin Extra from Miraculous) - The girl has like a few background appearances and like two sentences and a burst of laughter during the whole two seasons, Just/in has probably only one sentence so far I remember, otherwise, he appears at the backgrounds, sometimes also with other color palettes. (I think he also appears at the fencing group photo if I’m not wrong) Just Anextra/Justin Extra has two fanarts so far I know, done by fans and the girl had one or two edits, where the editor had given her the name Lola I think and she had another type of clothing and hair color. (Confession I’m not taking into the grave with me. When I was younger I shipped her with Nossida (His human form obviously), one of the main villains of the show and I even wrote a fanfic about them. I re-read it last year and laughed so hard at how weird it was) Honestly my first ones were just.....eugh!
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7.7 Protagonist has allergies  (Cathy and Adrien/Cat Noir) - Cathy is allergic to dogs while Adrien has allergies to feathers. 
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7.8 Excitable Protagonists (Cathy Smith and Marinette Dupain-Cheng) - Both girls are shown mostly happy and lucky throughout the show. Cathy still is the most optimistic and excitable one out of the two, due to her being a curious personality and is always fascinated, when she discovers new things on Earth, that she doesn’t know in her home planet. 
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7.9 Best friends between different cultures (Danny with Chris, Adrien with Nino, Cathy with Sam and Marinette with Alya) As many other TV shows would do: Two best friends of the same gender. 
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 Cathy’s just doing an Abominable reference...joke, she confessed something, she should have done long way before. 
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 Danny about to teach Chris how to act like a bad boy for the group’s plan.
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I don’t remember what was here, except this is from season 1.
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“Just be yourself” .- Nino Lahiffe (And Nathaniel there on the back sleeping on his table. I feel you, son)  
That was all I had found out yet. There could be more out there, that I haven’t figure out yet, but I might do one of these posts again when I got more information and the shows, mostly MBC are more present in my memories. 
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alicepink-me · 5 years
The New Guardian
Story Summary: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in love with Chat Noir, but refuses to tell him her feelings. New holders appear to fight the duo and shake up their lives. Marinette makes a tough decision about her future as Ladybug.
Chapter 24: A New Chapter
Ten Days Later:
"Popcorn's ready!" Adrien announced, running over with the bowl. He hopped over the couch, landing next to Marinette. He covered his legs with the blanket they shared and passed her the snack while resting his arm around her. "Is the movie starting?"
"Yep." Marinette grabbed a handful, keeping her eyes on the TV. "Netflix is loading a little slow, but you're just in time."
"Perfect." Adrien kissed her temple, making her smile.
A knock was heard at the door and the couple looked to each other.
"I thought I was the only one who knew the location of your apartment." Adrien thought aloud.
"You are." Marinette confirmed.
"Then who's at the door?" Adrien's eyes squinted.
"No clue." Marinette shrugged.
"Shouldn't you get it?"
"Maybe." She leaned back.
"Do you want me to get it?" He asked, tilting his head.
"Or. . . maybe I should just change apartment complexes." Marinette suggested, stretching over the couch. "I feel like it would be so much easier to move at this point."
"It could be someone you know." Adrien countered, standing up as he dropped the blanket.
"Or the temple sent me a serial killer." She stretched. "So you shouldn't answer it and instead, stay on the couch with me." Marinette reached out to him.
Adrien smiled and kissed her knuckles before moving backwards to the door. He turned around and opened it, blinked at the sight before him. "Min Jee." Adrien said, seeing her leaning against the doorway.
"Adrien Agreste." She sounded out each syllable with a suspicious tone. Min Jee wore sweatpants and a long sleeve t-shirt, which isn't usually her style. She was barefoot like usual though.
"What's wrong?" Adrien asked, trying keep the conversation smooth. "Did you need something?"
"I don't need anything, but why would you assume something's wrong?" Min Jee countered. "Am I so weak that I'd need intermediate fighters to save me? Wow, you must think really lowly of me."
"Sorry, that's not what I meant." Adrien apologized. "We've just had a lot trouble in the past month."
"What, from me?" Min Jee's tone grew a little angry.
"No, no, of course not." Adrien held his hands up. "You've helped us out a lot actually."
"Listen." Min Jee reached up and grabbed Adrien's shirt, pulling him down to her level. "I may be 4'11'', but I could easily kick you into the ground and step on you. I am not here for you, so you need to get out." She growled.
Marinette stood up from the couch, but before she stepped forward, she heard a light thump behind her. Furrowing her eyebrows, she turned around to see April flat on the floor and her window now open. "What the . . . "
Ginger suddenly popped her head in, eyes widening at the sight of the couple. "Min, you were supposed to get rid of him." A cold breeze came through, blowing the curtains.
"Okay, what is going on?" Marinette spun on her heels back to the door in confusion.
Min Jee pushed Adrien back as she stepped inside, crossing her arms. "We . . . have a surprise . . . for you."
Ginger loudly threw two large duffle bags in the room, silently closing the window behind her before tripping and falling on top of April.
"Am I being kidnapped?" Marinette asked, slightly freaking out at the bizarre situation.
"No . . . " Ginger answered, rummaging through the bags. "We would . . . never do that." Her response seemed unsure.
"Then what is all of this?" Marinette continued, motioning at the entire scene.
"And why do I have to leave?" Adrien added.
"Surprise sleepover." April muttered, still laying on the floor.
"And no boys allowed!" Min Jee yelled pointing her finger up at Adrien.
"A sleepover?" Marinette looked between them.
"Duh." Ginger smiled. "We need to catch up on our lives, have a little fun, and I've never been to Paris before, so what better than a girls night?"
"Maybe a phone call first." Marinette suggested.
"None of us have your number." April said, rolling her eyes.
"You know where I live, but can't find my number?" Marinette crossed her arms.
"Yup." Min Jee confirmed.
Marinette sighed before smiling. "Okay. It is nice to see you guys." She raised her hands in defeat. "A sleepover it is."
"Well I wasn't leaving." Min Jee walked in, Adrien shutting the door behind her. She jumped on the couch and grabbed the bowl of popcorn.
"Oh and Ginger. I never asked you what your real name was." Marinette spun on her heels to face her.
"It's Ramona." She answered with a smile.
"Good to know." Marinette replied. "And April . . . why are you on the floor?"
"I fell." April stated. "And I like the floor. It's cold."
"Okay then." Marinette nodded.
"So is your man here gonna leave already or is he too clingy?" Min asked, relaxing into the cushions.
"Don't worry, we got you, Marinette." Ramona whipped out a hatchet from one of the bags.
"What, no! Oh my gosh!" Marinette gasped. "Why do you have that with you?!"
"In case he resists." Ramona excused, not understanding the issue.
"Um, I don't think that's needed." Adrien laughed. "I'll just go."
"Wait." Marinette jogged over to him. She looked into his sparkly green eyes smittenly before turning to the others. "Does he have to go?"
"No boys allowed." Min Jee repeated. Marinette exhaled.
"It's okay." Adrien replied, trailing his hands down her arms. "I will call you tomorrow."
"You better." Marinette smiled up at him. Adrien kissed her cheek before leaving. Marinette spun around to the trio. "So . . . what's are your guys' plans?"
"Oh." April dug in her pocket as she pushed herself up. Ramona dumped a duffle bag out on the floor, several bottles of nail polish rolling away. "I have a list."
. . .
Three Hours Later:
An empty wine bottle rolled out of Min Jee's hand and onto the floor. It clanked against the tv stand across from the couch.
"Use a glass you animal." Ramona glared from one of the chairs.
"You're a child!" Min yelled. "Don't lecture me! Are you even allowed to drink?"
"I'm eighteen." Ramona scoffed, drinking the last sip in her glass before her eyes widened. "Wait, am I?! What country are we in?!"
"What if we're in the United States?" Min began to panic. "Oh never mind, I'm twenty-two." She leaned back, relaxing again.
"I'm not!" Ramona fell out of the chair and crawled over to Marinette in front of the TV. "Marinette, what country are we in?" She shook her. "I think I broke a few laws."
"Paris." Marinette answered as she continued weaving her friendship bracelets. She was nineteen bracelets in.
"Are you sure? Where's April, I'll ask her?" Ramona questioned.
"In my bed." Marinette answered, crossing a few strands of string. "She passed out awhile ago."
"What a quitter." Ramona shook her head.
"Wait . . . is this Paris?" Marinette looked around, second guessing herself. "Min, did you teleport my apartment?!" She accused in a panic.
"No." Min Jee rubbed her forehead.
"Call your boyfriend." Ramona whined. "Ask him where we are."
"Oh yeah." Marinette gasped. "I have a boyfriend . . . " She laid on her stomach and reached under the couch, snatching her phone. She quickly dialed Adrien's number and propped herself up on her fist.
"This is so illegal." Ramona mumbled, pouring another glass.
"Hello . . . " Adrien groaned, obviously tired.
"Adrien, are you still in Paris?" Marinette asked.
"Yes?" He answered. "Why? What's wrong?" He began to worry.
"Am I still in Paris?" Marinette continued. Ramona scooted closer, trying to listen in.
"I hope." Adrien yawned, slowly processing the situation. "Are you drunk?" He asked.
"No." Marinette began laughing hysterically. "I-I think you're drunk. I mean, you sound a-awful."
"I'm just tired and it is 1 a.m." He chuckled. "I was sleeping."
"Then why did you call me?" Marinette gigged, grinning as she twirled a lock of her hair.
"You called me, bugaboo." Adrien laughed.
She gasped. "How did you know my identity?" Marinette looked around the room as she started whispering. "Did April tell you? She's been motionless for too long. I . . . I don't think she's real. She might have put a robot double in my bed and snuck out of here."
"I really love you, Marinette." Adrien declared, shaking his head. "And yes, you are in Paris . . . I hope."
"Love you too, Chat Noir." Marinette bit her lip. "Ramona, we're in Paris after all!" She turned to her friend.
"Good night, Marinette." Adrien chuckled. You could hear the concern in his voice, but he knew that she was safe with the three heroes.
"Goodbye." Marinette giggled, sliding her phone back under the couch.
"Oh, somebody's in love." Ramona joked, rolling over.
"Why don't you two just get married already?" Min Jee asked, falling halfway off the couch. "You're practically engaged."
"Yes! Can I be a bridesmaid?" Ramona sat up. "I've never been one before. I promise I'll be a good one."
"Absolutely. You all will be in my wedding. But I haven't planned a anything yet." Marinette wondered. "Maybe I should start . . . "
"Yes!" Ramona insisted. "Weddings are amazing and beautiful and then there's the crazy honeymoon. It's all so adorable." She squealed.
"Yeah and you two are pretty cute." Min Jee added.
"I do really love him, like love him love him. Like we're gonna have five kids love him. He's just s-so great that I can't stand it. His face, his personality, his cat tail . . . " Marinette gushed, smiling at the ceiling. "If Adrien were here right now, I'd totally propose." She picked up an unfinished bracelet. "I'd make him an expensive ring out of this string and he'd love it and we'd be married."
"Is my friendship bracelet finished yet?" Min whined, falling over, the cushions bouncing in the air.
"Yeah, I made you like five." Marinette laughed, picking a couple off of the floor. She looked to April who was still passed out. "April needs hers, but she's s-such a quitter."
"Well she's coming to the wedding either way." Ramona declared as she sprung up and ran over. She grabbed April's ankles and dragged her out of bed, hitting her head on the floor, and moved her to the living room. "It's time to start the ceremony!" Ramona yelled, running over to the window.
"I'm finally getting married!" Marinette cheered, jumping up from the floor.
Ramona grinned, ripping the curtains down.
. . .
2 PM The Next Day:
A loud knock was heard at the door, startling Marinette awake. She rubbed her eyes as she rolled over with a groan. Blinking her vision clear, she noticed her apartment was completely trashed. She looked down to see her lavender curtains wrapped around her like a burrito and her shirt was gone. Her hair was loose and tangled.
Marinette sat up, holding the fabric to her chest. Ramona, Min Jee, and April were gone. Her room was empty, but trashed. Marinette groaned again, grasped her forehead in pain.
Another knock was heard. Marinette reached under the couch and slid her phone out. She adjusted her bra since she fell asleep in it and stumbled up, tightening the curtain around her. Marinette swayed over to the door and unlocked it, cracking it open a few inches. Adrien stood there with a bag.
"There she is." Adrien smiled. "A beautiful ray of sunshine." Marinette exhaled in annoyance. Her head was pounding. "Can I come in?" He asked.
Marinette nodded with her eyes, slightly stepping back before tripping over the end of the sheets. She hit the floor, but quickly recovered, pulling the curtain back up. Adrien stepped inside and grabbed her outstretched hand, closing the door behind him.
"Wow . . . " He gaped, looking around the room. "What did you guys do?" Adrien balanced her.
"My wedding." She groaned. "And if I remember correctly, either me or April has the pictures. I know we . . . woke her up and she did take pictures, but . . . I think it was with my phone." Marinette rubbed her head.
"A wedding?" Adrien scrunched his eyebrows.
"Yeah, you like me dress." Marinette gave an exhausted smile as she posed in her curtain.
"You're beautiful." Adrien placed his hand on her lower back. "But you're also hungover." He laughed, directing her towards the couch and sitting her down. "I brought you a sandwich and some water." He said, passing her the paper bag.
Marinette dug inside, pulling out the sandwich and a bottle of water. She opened the water, gulping half of it down before unwrapping the croissant sandwich and taking a bite.
"Where did those three go?" Adrien asked, mesmerized as he watched her scarf down the food.
Marinette pulled out her phone. "I think . . . we fell asleep around eight in the morning." She took another bite as she scrolled. "I don't know when they left, but I think one of them kicked me on the way out."
"I think I know which one." Adrien laughed.
"Oh, April texted me." Marinette said. "She . . . will be back later. They apparently had a meeting set up at the temple that they had to be at, so . . . they needed to go." Marinette's eyes widened. "And she sent me pictures of last night and this morning." Marinette scrolled, her embarrassment sinking in.
"Can I see them?" Adrien leaned closer, raising an eyebrow.
Marinette's face turned red and she threw her phone behind her. "N-No. Maybe later. We were drunk and completely insane. I don't remember half of it to explain them anyway."
"Come on." He persisted. "Nothing could be more humiliating than that phone call early this morning."
Marinette groaned, slumping her head in her hands. "That . . . could've been better." She sighed. "To be fair, that was the first time I've ever been drunk. I haven't had very much alcohol in my life to start with, but there have been a few times that I went out with Alya and Nino, and since I clearly couldn't handle my liquor, I became the designated driver." Marinette drank some water.
"I would not have guessed that you couldn't handle your alcohol." Adrien acted surprised, scooting closer.
"We did paint each others nails last night though." Marinette wiggled her fingers at him. "Then we did facemasks and a bunch of other stuff I hardly remember." She continued. "But I guess I should clean up this place if they're coming back and I'm a wreck."
"I should probably be going then." Adrien sighed. He started to get up, but Marinette tugged him down by his sleeve.
"Why?" Marinette scrunched her eyebrows.
"We've seen each other basically every day for the past two or three weeks." Adrien answered. "I don't want to be too clingy. I'm probably annoying you a little bit by now." He sighed, holding her hand. "Your friends are coming over and you should spend time with them."
Marinette reached up and delicately placed her palm on his cheek. She clutched the curtain against her as she scooted closer and pressed her lips to his passionately. Adrien trailed his hands up her back. Marinette smiled as she leaned forward, pushing Adrien back with her falling on top.
Marinette released his lips. "Please don't leave me." She ran her fingers down his cheek and across his forehead. Marinette stared down at him, completely in love with the man before her. "I don't want you to ever think that I don't want you around." Her smile widened. "You could never be a burden on me." Marinette planted another long kiss on him.
Adrien smiled back, completely overjoyed. He loved her so much. "I won't go anywhere." He promised, brushing a lock of her loose hair behind her ear. "I'm right here."
"You should stay for awhile." Marinette sighed as she layed on his stomach, pressing her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Her breathing calmed as she relaxed. "There's no rush. It's an all new chapter of our lives now." She smiled as she began to doze off. Adrien kissed the top of her head.
. . . 
And that's a wrap on another MLB fanfiction. This one was so different from my others. Besides the age differences, I added so much of my own creative pizazz. I loved making my own characters and parts to the miraculous universe. After this, I may finally start writing an actual non-fanfiction book, but we'll see. I'm not settled on what I want my first one to be about. But anyway, if you have any comments or questions about this one, I'd love to hear them. They'll help my future writings and I read every single one.
-Alice Pink
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bisexualsforprompto · 5 years
Teen Titans AU Part 12
This chapter is longer since I’ve taken longer to update! Today we’ll meet a certain redeemed blonde Bee miraculous holder. Maybe she’ll have a love interest 😉.
Gabriel Agreste had been working with Slade for a while. He knew who the traitor of the Titans was and he knew all the information given. He also knew that Marinette Dupain-Cheng was Ladybug, it was too risky to tell his son though. They needed Ladybug removed and if he knew his so-called ‘princess’ was Ladybug he might refuse to fight her or hesitate. In the end, Gabriel always knew what was best for his son and his grand plan. He chuckled to himself as he walked the streets of Jump City, until he finally made it to his destination. He was in need of a certain Italian girl’s assistance.
“Ah!!!! Guys they’re online! They’re online!” Jon screamed at the top of his lungs. “Coming!!!” Garfield yelled as he shoved a pancake into his mouth. The team assembled in the common room as Jon hit the accepted the video call. There on the screen was a smiling Marinette with hair in twin braids and a scowling Damian who seemed to be...holding Marinette’s hand?! Raven gave a sly smile as Gar grumbled and discretely passed her twenty dollars. “So when did that happen?” Raven asked in a monotone with a hint of a smirk on her face. Marinette blushed, “I-I guess technically yesterday.” Damian glared at Raven, but he had a nagging feeling once again, guilt. It was awful, he felt...bad for Jon, especially after telling him he didn’t want to date Marinette. He felt almost like he had lied to Marinette, what if she wanted to be with Jon but thought that he didn’t like her so Damian was her only option?! “Oh.” Jon coughed. “Anyway,” Marinette said oblivious to the situation, “We wanted to catch up with everyone. Maybe individually if that’s alright with you guys?” The team took the bait, “Of course! I need some Mari time!” Gar exclaimed doing some jazz hands, “And Damian time too of course.” Marinette giggled but then realized, Gar could be the mole. She sighed and knew when she found out who the traitor was, it would hurt like hell. Jamie shoved the computer away from the rest of the team. “Me first, I have something I want to run through you guys.” Marinette nodded kindly and Damian’s face held the same amount of brooding on it as before. Before the others could protest Jamie took the computer to his room.
“Sorry, this is really important and I think you’ll want to know.” He took a deep breath, “So I asked my scarab if searching for miraculouses could be done since you mentioned you’re missing some. You won’t believe where it found a bunch.” Damian raised an eyebrow, “Spit it out Reyes.” Jamie rolled his eyes, “Ok ok. A storage unit in slightly south of here. An hour out from Gotham and an hour out from Jump City. The scarab said that both the horse miraculous and butterfly are active. I didn’t know if that meant anything to you.” Marinette nodded though she was internally freaking out, she really hoped Gabriel hadn’t gotten out of prison. “Thanks Jamie. I’ll have to get them as soon as possible. This is extremely important. In the wrong hands the miracle box is the most dangerous weapon ever. Although if only two miraculouses are active that means Hawkmoth has only one other co-conspirator, I’m guessing Slade.” Marinette’s mind went at 100 miles a minute, she’d need to find the box as soon as possible.
Jamie nodded and smiled, he went back to the room to give the computer to someone else. Damian muted it, “You know we were supposed to stick to the plan.” Marinette nodded and squeezed her boyfriend’s hand, “I know Dami but it can’t be him if his scarab can track miraculouses. Chat Noir would already have mine.” Damian scowled and unmuted the computer.
Everyone else passed by easily, Damian and Marinette gave each of them a different location where they were ‘hiding’ the Ladybug miraculous. The plan was off without a hitch, all they had to do was wait, well wait and Damian had to talk to Jon. Marinette had gone downstairs to clear her head, she still couldn’t believe someone who she’d been living with betrayed her and the team. Jon got on the computer, he didn’t look too mad so Damian was slightly relieved. “Why didn’t you tell me?” Jon depanned. “I-I it just happened. I’m sorry, I really wanted to tell you.” Jon nodded and then sighed, “It’ll take awhile but I’ll get over Marinette. If anybody I’m glad she’s dating you. Besides,” he said cracking a smile, “I won the bet.” Damian stared at him confused. Jon laughed, “We’ve had this bet ever since I got to the tower. Betting on if you’d ever date anybody. Most people said no, but Raven and I said yes and we both are twenty bucks richer.” Damian scowled, “You bet on me?!” Jon cracked up and nodded. “Anyway, why did you talk to everybody individually. It was super weird.” Damian crossed his arms, “The Titans have a mole.”
Jon’s eyes widened, “W-what?! Since when? Who?! Are you sure?!” Damian rolled his eyes, “I don’t know when or who but I am sure. That’s what we’ve been trying to find out. Don’t make me regret telling you and don’t tip off the rest of the team!” Jon nodded still in a stupor. Marinette hopped back upstairs and into the room, she sat down next to her boyfriend and waved, “Hey Jon!” Jon smiled, “Hey Marinette, how's it going?” “Pretty good. Sorry I’ll have to cut this short, I realized it’s almost time for lunch. What do you want Damian?” Damian shook his head, “You know Alfred can go out for that.” Marinette shrugged, “I need to stretch my legs.” Damian nodded, he was slightly concerned, but he knew she needed this because she had been so stressed since the mole debacle. “I don’t want you running off alone in Gotham. I’m coming with you.” Marinette giggled, “Okay, I’d be fine if you didn’t come though.” Damian patted her on the shoulder, “I know Angel, but you can’t help me being paranoid.” Jon smiled, he had to admit they were a cute couple, “I’ll let you guys go then. Bye!” Marinette waved and Jon hung up. “Ready?” Marinette asked standing up. “Sure. Where’d you want to go?” Marinette tapped her chin, “Since you’re coming maybe we could go somewhere, you know for our first real date.” Damian blushed, “Any places in mind?” “Well you know the area better than me, but how about Gotham Diner? It’s near the fashion district.” Damian chuckled, “Sounds perfect Angel.”
Marinette grabbed her bags, they ended up going into stores before they ate and of course Marinette bought new fabrics. Damian insisted on paying but Marinette refused, he pouted and said he’d pay for lunch. Marinette giggled and agreed. As Marinette walked down the street, sunshine radiating off of her, Damian followed smiling a little to himself. Gothamites gawked as they saw the Ice Prince with his girlfriend, they were surprised he could smile, that he had a girlfriend and that he was back in Gotham. Some people snuck pictures. As Marinette walked, with Damian in tow a blonde girl with her hair cut in a short bob squealed and ran up to her. Damian was shocked and they Marinette and the blonde started talking excitedly in France, he almost didn’t catch it.
“Dupain-Cheng!” Squealed the blonde. “Chlo?” Marientte turned to see her ex-bully turned best friend. She thrust her into a hug and squeezed her. “Look Dupain-Cheng Im glad to see you too, but I do like breathing,” Chloe strained. Marinette released her, “Sorry it’s just that I haven’t seen you in so long. Wait, what are you doing in Gotham?” Chloé narrowed her eyes, “Could ask you the same question DC and who’s this?” She asked motioning to Damian. “That’s Damian,” Marinette exclaimed, “my boyfriend.” Although Marinette turned pink and rushed her statement a little Chloé screamed, “FIRST YOU’RE IN GOTHAM WITHOUT TELLING ME AND NOW YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND! THAT’S IT WE’RE CATCHING UP NOW!” Chloé grabbed Marinette by the arm and stormed off. Damian stood there in a stupor, his girlfriend was just sister-snatched before his eyes. Chloé whipped her head back, “You coming or not?!” Damian didn’t say anything, he knew from his family that you do not mess with strong willed women like Chloé, he followed obediently like a dog.
Chloé led them to a small café where she sat down at the closet empty table. She sat down and wasted no time, “Why are you in Gotham Dupain-Cheng?!” Marinette giggled, she’d always enjoyed Chloé’s...directness. “Damian took me here to meet his family?” Chloé narrowed her eyes, “You!” She pointed at Damian, “How long have you been dating Maribug?” Damian’s eyes widened, “What’d you call her?” Chloé hissed in Marinette’s face, “He doesn’t know?” Marinette sighed, “He does, and we’ve been dating since yesterday but we’ve known each other for months. Anyway, Damian this is Chloé otherwise known as Queen Bee, and Chloé this is Damian, he does have a name.” Chloé rolled her eyes, “Whatever. You do realize it’s stupid to go with some random guy to a different city right?!” Marinette nodded, “Damian’s not-“ “Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Stop going off with random dudes Maribug! And don’t tell them you’re identity!” Chloé flicked her in the head. “Um Chloé, I distinctly remember you telling everyone you’re Queen Bee.” Chloé rolled her eyes once again, “That’s different Dupain-Cheng, you know I can’t hide this fabulosity.” Chloé flipped her hair as Marientte giggled, “But you still shouldn’t tell random people that you’re Ladybug!” Damian decided to step in, “I’m not a random person.” “Excuse me?!” Chloé said, turning shooting daggers with her eyes. “I said I’m not a random person.” Damian repeated plainly. Marinette shrank down in her seat as Damian and Chloé continued their intense staring contest. “He’s a keeper Maribug.” Damian shook Chloé’s outstretched hand. “Chloé Bourgeois, daughter of Paris’s mayor and fashion designer Audrey Bourgeois.” Damian nodded, “Damian...Wayne.” Chloé sprung up from her chair, “You bagged a Wayne?! Yes Maribug, way to use what I taught you! He’s definitely a keeper!” Marinette started cracking up until Chloé saw a shadowy figure in the distance. “Don’t look now but I think a certain alley cat followed us. Why is he here anyway?!” Chloé scowled. “I recently joined a team, ever since then he’s been getting intel from one of them about my whereabouts.” Marinette sighed. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! RIDICULOUS, UTTERLY RIDICULOUS! GET ME MY MIRACULOUS I’M GOING TO KILL THIS TEAMMATE AND THIS STUPID CAT!” Damian cracked a smile, finally something he could agree on. “Chloé, no killing. But I might be able to get your miraculous back. Once we deal with a certain black cat we can find the miracle box, Damian pull up the location Jamie said the box was.” Damian obliged and pulled up a map. “Got it, but what will we do about that idiot?” Damian asked while motioning to Chat. Chloé smirked deviously. “I’ve got a couple ideas.”
Taglist (you already know how this goes):
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alicepink-me · 5 years
The New Guardian
Story Summary: Marinette Dupain-Cheng is an adult in the real world, guarding the Miracle Box in Master Fu's place. She's in love with Chat Noir, but refuses to tell him her feelings. New holders appear to fight the duo and shake up their lives. Marinette makes a tough decision about her future as Ladybug.
Chapter 9: History
Marinette's alarm went off, waking her. She rolled over and hit her clock, looking over at April. April laid in her bed with a book and reading light. She was wearing round purple glasses and more comfy clothes like yesterday. Marinette rubbed her eyes.
"You know, it's not polite to stare." April said, turning a page.
"Why are you awake?" Marinette blinked, breathing in. "It's five in the morning."
"I'm reading." She answered. "What's your excuse?"
Marinette threw her covers over and hopped off her bed. "I have a 6 a.m. class."
"Oh, say hi to the munchkins for me." April laughed.
Marinette rummaged through her dresser. "What does that mean?"
"Nothing." April turned a page.
Marinette rolled her eyes before grabbing her clothes and a small bag. She opened the door but stopped to see a blonde standing right there, smiling.
"Good morning, Marinette." The woman greeted, holding her hand out. "My name is Rebekah and I will be your tour guide for your first week."
"Uh . . . nice to meet you." Marinette shook her hand, awkwardly. "But my first class isn't until six."
"I know. I'm just waiting for you." Rebekah cheered. "I'll give you a tour at anytime and I'll be ready to take you to your class in . . . " She checked her watch. "Exactly fifty-eight minutes."
"Okay . . . sounds great, but I'm gonna get ready first." Marinette carried her stuff past her.
April rolled off her bed and moved to the door.
"Hi April!" Rebekah squealed
April gave a fake smile. "Hey Rebekah."
"I haven't seen you since last year. How are your classes?"
"Great." April slammed the door in her face.
. . .
"Alright, Marinette, first things first . . . I need all of your completed paperwork." Rebekah turned around in her tracks.
Marinette handed over the giant stack of papers before grabbing her bag. "Anything else?"
Rebekah flipped through them. "No . . . I think you're all set. I'll drop these off by Master Mantis later, but I'll show you to your first class now." She started walking.
Marinette followed. "Yeah what exactly is the first one and . . . basically all of my other classes?" Marinette asked. "My schedule was two pages, labeled day 1 and day 2, and they just included times and locations. There wasn't any other information."
"That's because we have one day of school/studying classes and one day of action/fighting classes. Neither are easy to begin with, but if we had both in the same day, students would only focus or excel in one." She admitted. "The study days are mostly history based while action days focus entirely on sparring and the miraculous." Rebekah explained, rounding a corner of the building. "You have four history classes today, all two hours each plus one one hour math class at the end of the day. Tomorrow you will have two two hour fighting and action sessions with your assigned group. I will look into your files tomorrow to give you more information on that." She turned left.
"Why would I need eight hours of history today?" Marinette asked, trying to keep up with her tour guide.
"Because you're here for a shorter time than the rest of us. You will only receive a crash course, yet a sample of each." Rebekah stopped by a door that a bunch of kids were going through. "And we're here."
"We are?" Marinette panted. They were walking really fast. Marinette watched the crowds of kids walk by. They couldn't be any older than thirteen. "These are my classmates?" She raised her eyebrows. "Why aren't they . . . more . . . my age?"
"Most people start training at the academy when they are eleven or twelve years old. You obviously have been here for like ten hours, so you don't even have the beginners level of information." She said. "Which is why you have four. You have one class for each age group."
"I didn't think I drew enough attention to myself already." Marinette said sarcastically. "This should be fun."
"I'll leave it to you then." Rebekah grinned before prancing away on her high horse.
Marinette inhaled. She walked inside and looked around the classroom. It might be best for her to sit in the back, away from everyone, and luckily there were still some empty seats. Marinette slid into a desk, waiting for class to start. There was probably one hundred twelve year olds in the room with her. Either they'll think she's the same age because of her height or Marinette's gonna get made fun of by a bunch of prepubescents. Luckily they hadn't noticed her yet.
"Alright class." The professor walked in and set his briefcase on the counter. The class immediately silenced. "Today's lesson is about the most important event to ever occur at this temple. A temporarily fatal day that permanently changed our lives and futures." The class stared at their teacher with curiosity. "Does anyone know what this time was?" No one answered. "It may be mid-semester, but I think now is the right time to introduce this unit." His eyes locked with Marinette before picking up a piece of chalk. He wrote on the board. "This event was known as The Great Massacre by Wang Fu or The Temple Buried in Time." He turned back to the class. "And since all of you are our newest pupils, none of you were born yet. It's recent yet decades old." He breathed in, pondering. "This Massacre lasted 166 long years . . . and was only cured six years ago."
The class began to murmur. One kid raised his hand "Why haven't we heard about it before?" He asked. "166 years is a long time, but it wasn't even mentioned back in my hometown."
"I'll answer that only because you all are beginners." The professor sighed. "No one, unless they have attended this academy, knows about the existence of us, so our history is hidden as well. News stations will report on heroes, but no information about their origins or identities will be released. If we allowed our secrets to be known, our safety as well as this temple would be in peril. There would be no order and all power could be stolen."
"Actually." Another girl started. "I heard about a story whenever I was seven. The news mentioned a mysterious temple reappearing."
"Yes, that is correct." The professor continued. "But once the story was released, we used some of our miraculous holders to convince every news station that discovered the incident, that nothing unusual or interesting was here. After all, they already had two heroes in their city to focus on. We made the reporters believe that there was no need to ever come back. After that, there weren't anymore stories reported and the general public completely forgot as if it never happened."
Marinette adjusted in her seat, recrossing her legs. Every ambitious child in the room whipped out their notebooks and aggressively took notes on the astonishing information. Marinette didn't really need to since Master Fu had already taught her about his past years ago and she was present for the temple's reappearance. This class seemed more like a refresher course than a complicated history class.
"So this is where the problem started." The professor began, turning back to the chalkboard. "A young guardian in training named Wang Fu made a horrible mistake that cost us dearly. He was assigned the regular training assignment that required guarding the Miracle Box for a measly 24 hours, but . . . the man's hunger got the better of him and he misused this task by stealing the peacock miraculous. Fu then used the miraculous to conjure up a creature that would bring him food, but because of his lack of training with that power the monster turned on his creator. That monster devoured every other miraculous and later the people here as well, including me." The class gasped. "The temple burned and all was lost, but Wang Fu never looked back. He grabbed the Miracle Box that he misused and ran, leaving his mess behind and that monster raging. It wasn't until 166 years later that two of his own uneducated students defeated the monstrosity." The professor turned around. "That man left everything to ruins and never bothered to finish his mess. It required two unqualified tweenagers to do it instead, bringing such shame to our group." The professor sighed. "And to top off his crimes, he lost two miraculouses after that fateful day, the peacock and butterfly. Both were found and used for evil purposes, which we will discuss in tomorrows lesson about Paris."
These kids shouldn't be brainwashed like this. Master Fu wasn't a criminal. Marinette raised her hand, even if it meant outing herself.
The professor glared at her. "Yes, Ms. Dupain-Cheng?"
Oh, he knew her name. "I'm sorry, but . . . some of your facts are wrong." Marinette said.
He squinted. "How so?"
"Well . . . one of the council members actually told Master Fu to run. He didn't leave without looking back. He tried to fix it, but before he could, everything was desiccated in destruction." Marinette continued. "And Master Fu did not leave the monster. He had believed it was destroyed in the fire, but it was later discovered in a rock formation by Mayura. Mayura was a villain, which I'm sure you already know, and she brought the creature back to life. Master Fu's pupils took down the monster that was believed to be indestructible and the temple was restored." Marinette paused, smiling. "You'd never know how happy Master Fu was when he found out that everything had returned. He wasn't some sort of villain who prayed for death and destruction."
"Hmm." The professor's eye twitched. "I suppose your view is slightly distorted since you were taught by him rather than at the temple. Maybe it's only opinion rather than factual."
"I guess the same goes for you." Marinette suggested. "The lesson would be a little biased if it's taught by a survivor of the incident."  
"Seems fair." The professor nodded, turning back to the board. "Now, class, your assignment for the week is to think of your argument." He wrote as he spoke. "How guilty or innocent is the man? What are your thoughts and if Wang Fu was still alive . . . how should the matter be dealt with?" He turned back to the class and looked at Marinette. "I'll be interested to hear your thoughts."
The rest of class was boring and frustrating for Marinette. She had heard everything before and lived part of it, yet every detail was distorted. That professor taught from his point of view, which clearly despised Master Fu. And she can almost guarantee that all the other professors are sharing from their point of views as well. Now, every child that trains at the temple will grow up believing them. They have no reason not to.
. . .
The temple's café was set up like a buffet with several different lines leading to different types of cuisine. Ninety percent of the food was healthy and the only weird thing here was the entire corner for protein bars and drinks. There was a huge crowd around that section. It was probably included since there's so much training at the temple. Marinette did overhear something about a wellness class, so everyone else is apparently trained for that specifically. They're specifically in tune with their diets and understand exactly what they need for their own bodies to maintain their powers at a maximum.
Marinette entered a smoothie line. She figured it might be best to start out with something simple for her first day. She didn't want to spend too much time looking at all the options, seeming like a lost puppy. Marinette might be new, but she didn't want to look like a sad freshman. It was hard to see around the hoards of students anyway.
She stepped up in the smoothie line. There was a tablet to design your smoothie and order it off of. Marinette reached for the tablet after the next girl, typing in her name and picking out ingredients. She put the tablet down as the girl behind her squinted.
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng?" She questioned. Something about her tone was off.
"That's me." Marinette turned to her.
The girl picked up the tablet to punch in her order. "I heard about you. You're that girl." Her tude was ripe. " The one who just walked right in, demanding special treating."
Marinette's eyebrows furrowed. "I didn't-"
"I heard enough." She interrupted. "I know what you are, I know all about your past, and I won't let you believe you're better. You don't deserve to be here in the first place."
"I know." Marinette nodded, taking a step down in the line.
The girl's eye twitched as she set the tablet down. "I'm Priya, last name not assigned yet, and I have been here for eight years. You have been here for eight seconds, yet you have an enormous amount of power over me. And did you train for it? No. Did you earn that right? No. And why are you here? To make up for the fact that you cheated the entire system that has been in place for centuries and don't want the guilt to eat away at your soul anymore. Please, don't plead innocence."
Marinette's mouth hung open. "I'm just trying these classes out. I can leave anytime with my miraculous, but I've chosen to stay here for now to understand the history better and to receive partial training. I'm sorry that I wasn't raised with the same lifestyle as you."
"And that's the problem." Priya moved down the line. "You can leave." She glared at Marinette. "I have worked day and night for eight years . . . and I don't have a miraculous. So I don't want to hear your self-centered sob story about how you've changed your path and you want to fit in with the world that never picked you just because you feel destined to be a part of all the magic. It's kind of sad really. If you really felt bad, you would've given up that power and left it behind because you shouldn't have it and there is no way you can start over from the beginning to earn it."
Marinette scooted down the line, standing in front of the barista. "I guess we're just going to live with it. I can't change my past, but I can alter my future here."
"Oh I'll live with it." Priya smiled. "We're in the same class tomorrow after all. There's no way you'll win against us. Once you step into that classroom, you're just prey to the wolves."
Marinette smiled. "We'll see."
"Marinette?" The barista asked.
Marinette took her large smoothie and sipped it. "Class should be fun and you can crush my experience all you want, but even if I get my butt beat . . . I can't feel anything worse than I already have this week."
Priya watched her strut away, Marinette slurping her smoothie with a grin.
. . .
Later that Night:
Marinette reached her dorm room and unlocked the door. She walked in and saw April sitting on her bed, reading. Marinette stopped and stared at the book, her eyes widened.
"My diary . . . " She mumbled. "You're reading my diary?!"
April sprung off the bed and held it behind her back. "To be fair, you are pretty sketchy." She admitted.
"I'm sketchy?!" Marinette threw her bag on her bed.
"You are a cheater, whether you accept it or not." April shrugged. "What am I supposed to believe?"
Marinette took a deep breath. "Just give it back." She held out her hand.
"I won't be so harsh anymore." April handed it over. "I think I understand you a little better now."
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed. I only publicized my entire life inside that journal." Marinette said sarcastically. "But I can forgive a fraction of it if you aren't so bitter all the time."
"Oh please, everyone here is bitter." April snorted. "It's survival of the fittest. Any kindness can be taken advantage of. It's how we are." She leaned against the bed. "And people don't lie in their diaries because they don't plan to show people, so I've learned the real you by reading your secrets."
"Well that's great." Marinette hopped on her bed. "I'm glad my life story and miserable love life brings you reassurance."
"It's not that bad." April walked to her closet. "At least I don't have to kill you in your sleep because of my debilitating trust issues."
"Would you actually do that?" Marinette shoved her diary under her pillow.
April smiled. "Why do you think I didn't already have a roommate when you got here?"
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