#and ofc acab
ritahayworrth · 7 months
jail 😔
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Guess who got a trophy (ticket) for being so cool (front window is tinted too dark) on their way to Cool World (picking up my kid from school)?
If you wanna help me pay it, it's $145.
We don't have $145 and are in fact behind on rent, so anything is appreciated, especially a reblog ❤️
Cashapp: CEOofAntifa
PayPal: click here
Venmo: CEOofAntifa
/ $145
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I feel like having a reason for hating Sam be “he’s a cop” is a little… eh?
There are bad cops out there, Sam is one of those bad cops. That’s what he portrays in Hatchetfield and I’m not denying that. But having “he’s a cop” be your reason to dislike him may not be the best way to go about it, because I don’t think all cops are inherently terrible people. Sam is a BAD COP but I think that should be specified when talking about him
anyone who doesn’t like him is valid, I’m not the biggest fan myself, it’s just the wording some of yall use is a little iffy to me
maybe I’m missing the point who knows
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penisbrigade · 3 months
i love spn bc i am not a victim of copaganda while watching a show about fighting evil, in fact i would dare to say its almost anti-cop and thats exactly what i need
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ambyandony · 6 months
i still havent figured out the deal with prosciutto and pesci in wayr
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jakowskis · 4 months
gd. peak bi owen moment was that bit in three monkeys with the uniforms. going from horny thoughts about gwen to flirting with andy in like .2 seconds he's so fucking real
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comradekarin · 4 months
?,, nicki minaj just got arrested in amsterdam for illegal carrying??? oh my DAYS, i used to pray for times like this
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okcoolthanks · 5 months
I think it’s funny that someone might click on my blog because like I’m talking about what project I’m working on or I’m a friend of a mutual of theirs and just seeing me talk about whatever episode of pd I’m on in detail and complaining about not being able to draw
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drumlincountry · 1 year
Pity 'ACAB' isn't a workable rhyme scheme... in that u would usually denote that pattern as 'ABAC'. [Comrade Yoda voice] Are bastards, all cops.
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honeybunchesobees · 2 years
This is acc a pretty serious poll so
the question im asking is: did you parents or caretakers give you a sort of protocool for dealing with the police? Things like "announce all of your movements and move slowly" and "keep your hands flat on the dash when you aren't reaching for things"
you can also answer yes if you simply have an implicit wariness or fear around police officers.
then, put your race and age in the tags, if you're comfortable.
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haven-gum-rockrose · 11 months
wait im an adult now. i dont have to ask my mom to get certain foods i can just get them.
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sweetslemon · 1 year
The cops biggest struggles and war rn is exposing their fellow female cops and laughing at them (we dont need female cops etc etc female cops are weak lazy stupid vain etc) and my nonexistant patriotism dies even more. Shrimps
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daemonhxckergrrl · 2 years
watch out for strangers pretending to be your friend. stay safe folks ! <3 and remember, some of them wear blue
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nexttothelamp · 3 months
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theyreallgaylol · 10 months
Not the cops knocking on my door with my neighbor asking me for a hammer 😭
I'm now trying to help her break into her apartment djdjducid Like girl this sucks but I wanna eat my dinner 😞
Update: She got in! 🥳 Girl's strong as fuck lmao
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sinsofsinister · 2 years
ever since i saw that one tumblr post about character possession thats what i refer to coming up with sudden oc lore / sudden new ocs as now. its so funny. like tell me why im playing a dumb criminals vs cops game and a bitch pops up in my head like they’ve been paying rent for years.
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