#and once I get my yarn shelves up so I can get the yarn out of my closet
tj-crochets · 1 year
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So I did not have a specific quilt in mind to work on next, but I rearranged some fabric to store the faux furs actually next to each other instead of in like three separate places, and in doing so I found my box of scraps from the rainbow triangle quilt!
20 half square triangles, one square, and a bunch of leftover fabric, so I think I’ll do some ironing, cut out some more HSTs, and see how big a quilt I can make with the scraps. It won’t be twin sized, but I’ll be able to make at least a baby quilt and probably a throw sized quilt, I think?
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 days
Masterpiece of a Confession
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Word count: 1,802
Content warnings: Fluff, mention of alcohol
Summary: You and Hyunjin have made plans to hang out tonight. What happens when you find him a gift that he’s been eager to get his hands on, and when you present it to him he confesses to you?
Seoltang: Sugar
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There was just something so comforting to you whenever you went shopping for hobby supplies. The store was perfectly lit to be able to show you all the colors of the materials that you were looking to buy. Not to mention all the sales that would normally come along. As you walked slowly down the aisle with all the multicolored yarn and thread you smiled softly while your hands gently trailed over the ones you liked. You picked out a few for a project that you were just starting and then a few more that caught your attention.
Just as you moved further down the aisle your cellphone began to ring and you smiled when you recognized who the ringtone was for. Fishing the device out of your bag you quickly answered the phone and held it to your ear still smiling.
”Hey Jinnie.” You greet him happily and he chuckles softly on the other end.
”Hi Seoltang, where are you right now?” He greeted and asked kindly. You could hear the smile in his voice as you continued to walk down the aisle perusing the merchandise.
”At the craft store picking up some material for my new project.” You tell him as you stop to look at some hand dyed material that catches your eye.
”Do you want to come hang out later once I’m done with this photoshoot? I miss you.” He says softly into the phone as if he doesn’t want anyone else to hear how sweet and soft he’s being. You smile to yourself at his tone, Hyunjin has always been like this with you. He was always able to relax and be himself whenever he was with you and you loved that about your relationship. Plus the fact that you were able to be such a comfort to him made your heart sing with joy.
”Of course I do. Do you want me to pick up some food for us and Changbin?” You ask him kindly when you turn down the paint aisle and smile softly at the reminder of your friend.
”Changbin’s going out with Jisung and Chan tonight. It’s just going to be the two of us.” Hyunjin responds and you nod your head at his words as you spot Hyunjin’s favorite brand of paint before walking over to it.
”Alright so then I’ll grab us some food, anything in particular you’d like?” You ask as you grab some of the paint colors that you know he runs out of a lot and slip them into your basket.
”I don’t know, comfort food?” He muses curiously and you nod your head knowing exactly what he means. Today had been a bit of a gloomy overcast day and it really should’ve kept you in your cozy bed but you were on a mission to get all of your errands done.
”Italian from that little mom and pop place not far from your apartment?” You ask curiously and Hyunjin gasps and hums in delight.
”Oh you read my mind.” He gushes out softly and you chuckle at him as your eyes continue down the shelves of paints when suddenly something catches your eye. “Maybe we can try some of those Aracini balls that we weren’t able to try last time.” He suggested and you hummed in agreement.
”Oooh that sounds great. I’ll make sure to get an order of those for us.” You tell him as you move down the aisle closer to the multicolored box in hopes that it was what you thought it was. Hyunjin had been going on and on about this paint set that he wanted to try but every time he tried to get it in any craft store they were always sold out, as you reached up and grabbed the box you nearly let out a squeal in delight! It was the same set that he had been talking about, and luckily for you it looked like it was the last one on the shelf. 
“Well I really called you to talk about our days but it looks like I don’t have that long of a break today.” Hyunjin sighed softly and you frowned in response to his words before beaming as you slipped the paint set into your basket.
”That’s okay Jinnie, we’ll have all of tonight to talk about our days.” You reassured him sweetly and he hummed softly in response.
”I can’t wait to see you tonight Seoltang.” He said softly. “I’ll see you later, I gotta get back now.”
”I’ll see you later Jinnie.” You respond happily and hang up the phone before quickly making your way to the registers to pay for your things. You were eager to get home so that you could wrap the gift for him and give it to him tonight when you saw him.
Your trek up to Hyunjin and Changbins’ apartment is an easy one for you as you eagerly stride up the stairs two at a time. You’ve got your tote bag that holds the wrapped gift for Hyunjin as well as a bottle of wine that you found in the family owned restaurant when you went to pick up your dinner order. It had looked and sounded like something the two of you would enjoy together while eating so you had bought it.
Just as you make it to the top step of their floor you stop for a second letting yourself catch your breath and you hear a soft sweet giggle coming from the side. Turning your head you grin at a giggling Changbin who eyes you happily.
”That eager to get to him yah?” He asks knowingly and you blush softly at his teasing which causes him to giggle more. “Don’t worry he’s just as eager for you.” He says before giving you a quick hug and then continuing on down the stairs. “I’ll sleep over at Chan’s place tonight so don’t worry if you have a sleepover.” He calls over his shoulder teasingly.
”Changbin!” You scold softly and he giggles loudly once more at you before waving at you over his shoulder.
”Was Changbin giving you a hard time?” Hyunjin asks you and you turn your head to see him standing in the doorway of his apartment looking at you worriedly. You grin at him happily and he reciprocates the grin with one of his own sweet smiles. “I’ll beat him up for you.” He offers and you laugh happily as you excitedly make your way over to him and wrap him in a tight hug.
”No, no nothing like that. Just a bit of teasing.” You explain as you bury your face in his worn cotton t-shirt. “And I’d never ask you to do that.” You scold him softly as he grins down at you while wrapping his arms tightly around you.
”The offer still stands.” He says with a shrug before guiding you into the apartment. “Wanna get changed in your pjs first and then we’ll eat on the couch while watching a drama?” He asks when he finally lets you go so that he could close and lock the door.
”Yes please.” You sigh out happily as you slip your shoes off and go to set the bag of dinner on the kitchen island and pull out the wine bottle as well. “I bought wine from the restaurant too. Sounded like something we’d enjoy.” You tell him over your shoulder as you walk away to the bathroom so that you could go get changed.
”Oooh, this is a good one. Good choice!” Hyunjin calls out and you chuckle softly as you quickly get changed into your pjs before walking back out to find that Hyunjin had already set up dinner on the coffee table and was just pulling up a recent drama that the two of you had gotten into. “C’mere Seoltang.” He calls from his spot on the couch and you grin while rushing over to tackle him in a tight hug causing him to laugh happily at your actions. The two of you stay like that for a few quiet moments before you remember the gift you had gotten him.
”Oh! Before we start. I have a gift for you.” You say with a hint of teasing and Hyunjin looks at you with wide eyes before he grins excitedly and holds his hands out.
”Gift, please!” He calls out and you laugh softly at him before shaking your head. He gasps and then dramatically throws himself on top of you groaning loudly. “I need whatever thoughtful gift you’ve gotten or I’ll perish Seoltang.” He cries out as he throws a hand up into the air and squints his eyes. “Darkness is already closing in! I Can feel death’s cold grip on me tightening.” He dramatically cries out and you laugh loudly as you shove him playfully off you before you reach for your tote bag and pull out the wrapped gift.
Hyunjin quickly sits up from his sprawled out position as he eyes the prettily wrapped gift with eager eyes. You look down at the gift in your lap and then look up at him with a teasing grin on your face. Hyunjin leans forward with wide pleading eyes and a pout on his lips trying to get you to give him his gift. You smile softly at him and lean over to press a sweet kiss to his forehead without even thinking about it, it just naturally came to you to do that.
”What’s the magic word?” You ask him softly and Hyunjin grins widely at you as his eyelids flutter with delight at your kiss.
”I love you.” He answers immediately before cupping your face and pulling you into a deep loving kiss that makes you squeak with surprise as Hyunjin smiles through the kiss. He pulls away softly and grins widely when your mouth moves to chase his making the love he holds in his body for you swell to consume him. He then pulls you back in for another kiss and whispers the confession between each kiss he gives you.
You’re giggling happily and adoringly as you try to pull away from him so that you can give him his gift before you give up and press the present into his chest before kissing him once again.
”I love you too.” You whisper against his mouth and Hyunjin practically beams at you before he pulls away and looks down at the gift in his hands. Quickly opening it his eyes widen as surprise and adoration fills him. He looks up at you with wide love filled eyes before he grabs onto your face and pulls you in for another deep loving kiss that he doesn’t let you up from for a few breathless moments.
SKZ Taglist: @intartaruginha, @kayleefriedchicken
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mateoluvr · 1 year
first date
prompt: where would these agents take you out / what would you both do for your first date with them?
( gekko, fade, omen ) x gn!reader
a/n: a quick filler while i try to get motivation to write one of my requests-
he’s probably a really indecisive guy and would ask you for suggestions unless you really insisted him in choosing
if he were to choose he’d probably bring you to a skatepark
he wants to be a showoff and show you all the cool stunts he can do!
his clumsy self would probably accidentally fall off his board once in a while, and he did it right in front of you. his face would turn red in embarrassment but at least he got a laugh out of you
he’d probably end up pushing you to try out skateboarding too, and start it easy with the basic fundamentals
skateboarding was not your thing, you barely managed to balance yourself, envious on how he made it look so easy
“ugh.. i can’t do this!” you pouted in defeat. 
“it’s not something you learn within a few minutes of trying,” he chuckles picking you up from the ground for the millionth time.
“i swear one day i’ll get better than you at this!!”
“i’d like to see you try.”
i wanna believe she’d take you to a cat café so she could share her adoration with cats with you, and enjoy some coffee (because the other agents in the protocol are mad she keeps drinking it all-)
if you really like cats like she does, that’d be a check in her book! 
when you learnt she had cat paws on the outsoles of her shoes you teased her about it, because her usual attire didn’t look like it would include that
you’d buy her a cat shaped mug to bring onto your date with her! she’s a tad bit expressionless, probably has a small grin at most but deep down fangirling over how cute the mug is! 
fade was a reserved individual, so she didn’t really talk much she just sat there cuddling with the kitties at the café which you found cute because of her softness towards cats
she’d order a lot of cups of coffee, and your eyes widened at the amount she drank. you were a tad bit concerned about it
“fade.. that’s a excessive amount of coffee no?” you ask peering down to the amount of cups of coffee she already drank.
“don’t worry about it y/n, i’ve had way more than this in one sitting i’ll be fine.” she reassures your concern.
“how have you not had a caffeine crash yet?!” 
he’s uncomfortable in going out to the public because of his current form he’s in
would prefer in staying indoors because he’s afraid his appearance would scare others
when you agreed on staying indoors since you took his opinion in consideration (he’s glad for that), he suggested he’d teach you how to knit!
he’d bring you to his office, and his shelves are filled with his creations
he was very proud of his collection and gave you a cute octopus plushie that he made that was his most prized possession, but he knew you’d take good care of it
he’d take out his yarn, knitting needles, and other materials and set it out on the coffee table beside the fireplace
since you were a beginner and never knitted in your life, he teaches you on how to knit a scarf
a few mistakes were made on your end, but he encourages you to keep on going
“i think i’m getting there omen!” you proudly stated with your scarf almost done.
“that’s great to hear y/n, it looks great already.”
you look at him with a smile, noticing he already finished his scarf millennials ago, “damn you really are a professional at this omen.”
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malecius · 1 month
Greetings my dearest friend! Say, just out of a sudden curiosity, would you mind informing us of anything you happen to enjoy collecting? Or otherwise just like to have? For no reason in particular, of course, knowing about you is just a delight, as always.
ahaha, hello gale!! always so good to see you :}
funny you should ask, i actually hadn't realized until you said it yourself but i collect pins too! i hung up a mexican flag with the green and red stripes replaced with the rainbow a long time ago, and have been hanging my pins on it since my desk is right next to it. it's where i hang my more delicate ones, or otherwise ones i definitely do not want to lose. one of my memorable pins is this, ah, "rodimus star" an ex-friend got me a long time ago. i wore it everywhere
similarly, i love collecting keychains of my favorite people and franchises! i have one of me (astarion) on my keys, several star wars one in the button holes of a jean jacket, and the rest hanging wherever i could put them HAH
an unintentional collection was earrings. i plan to get my second and third lobe piercings, so i'd love to wear more and more earrings of all kinds! i love studs, dainty and dangly ones, funny gimmick ones. one of my cooler gimmick earrings are these cameras that have a button u can press and it'll flash and play a little sound as if it were a real camera taking a picture. i love them to bits!
for a while, i was trying to collect transformers figures! the first ones i bought with my own money were these tiny 2 inch figures of one of my favorite characters and my best friend drift; one where he was still a decepticon, and the other when he defected. i eventually expanded to star wars, particularly the clone wolffe and darth maul. i think it's very special that my partner consistently sends me the ugliest looking darth maul figures they find, it's incredibly endearing and i want every single one on my shelves
this is much newer, but i finally decided to seriously collect vinyl records! i'm insanely fascinated and sentimental over physical media. i miss CDs and cassettes, but i never experienced vinyls until recently. they're incredible. i want a record of all of my favorite music, and i can't wait to have dedicated space for them once i collect more
i think the thing i have most of right now is just… notes, from all kinds of people. i have every single letter i have ever received from a student or friend or lover, every drawing, every polaroid, every sticky note, every little origami crane. photo strips, movie tickets, old stickers, even a snap bracelet, it's all so special to me. ahhh, i feel like a sentimental old man every time i sit and really think about everything i have. every letter i receive from you all will be getting it's own dedicated space :'}
ahhh i really could keep going. i collect bags, yarn, shoes, prints, a lot of miscellaneous stuff. but these are the ones i consider pretty special to me
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
I found an old little narrative blerp from my notes and I decided to make it a one-shot for my Royalty AU. I am in no way a writer. So don’t expect a whole lot. But I thought it would be fun to share how I see these characters interacting.
TW: Manipulation, Gaslighting (?)
Cuphead slowly crept around the kitchen as quietly as possible. His feet were careful to avoid tripping on any stray objects and boxes strewn across the ground. Shaky hands fingered through wooden bins and brown clay jars of food, each tightly packaged to keep any unwanted bugs and pests from getting to it. The dim light of his candle doing little to help him pick out the details of the dark pantry.
Eventually his eyes pick out a barrel of apples set in the far corner of the room. Around it were similar bins of other produce: potatoes, carrots, pears and some imported goods from other countries. He snatched an apple from the top of the barrel and grabbed a small loaf of bread off of one of the shelves as he slipped out the pantry door.
Hurrying to get back to bed before the guards realized he ever left, cup walked around the island towards the door clutching his candlestick and the food close to his chest. If cup’s memory served correctly, of which it oftentimes did, the guards on their nightly rounds should be just down the hallway, another set of guards several paces behind the first. The tricky part would be getting past those guards. Then he needs to cross the courtyard and climb the trell-
“Going somewhere?” A deep voice crooned behind him.
Cup let out a (very deep and very dignified) shriek, as he whirled around to meet the voice. With his harsh movements he began to fumble with the objects in his arms, barely managing to keep his candlestick upright while keeping a hand on his food at the same time.
It took a little time but eventually cup managed to not drop the candlestick, at the sacrifice of dropping his food. If someone later asked why he had a mild burn on his hand from the melted wax, well that was his business, thank you.
Once he had his candlestick under control, he slowly looked up to see Dice. The older man leaned against the doorway of one of the kitchen entrances, arms crossed, dark eyes glinting in the dim light, a sly smirk spread across his face, like a younger sibling that had just caught the older doing something wrong. (Which, let’s face it, what else is new?)
“Now, what’s a sickly, little prince like you doing here with stolen food after bedtime?” The man chuckled darkly and pushed off the door he was leaning against, sauntering around the island table that separated the two of them.
“I-I’m just here for a snack, Dice. I’m not bothering anyone,” Cup stuttered. His confidence quickly left him with each step that Dice took. The boy slowly shrinked in on himself as he tried to look anywhere but Dice’s preparatory gaze.
“Now, now, young Prince,” Dice tsked. “You and I both know that your physician put you on a very strict diet, yes? You can’t go aroudn going against doctor’s orders, now can you?” Dice’s heavy hand grabbed Cup’s shoulder in a tight, nearly bruising grip. A sly grin spread across the older man’s face. “Besides, what’s the point of eating if you can’t even keep it down in the first place? Why waste perfectly good food?” Cuphead frowned, offended.
Dice looked down at the fruit and bread now on the floor in disdain. “Well, you’ve wasted it now anyways,” he grumbled. Cup looked away from the ruined food in slight embarrassment. Dice DID have a point on that one. He did drop it. Maybe he could just make it up to Granny later for ruining her food? Maybe he could arrange a way to replace the old food? Or perhaps she’d prefer he find a new book to read to her? More knitting needles and yarn? Maybe he could knit her something new?
Before Cup could go down that rabbit hole Dice clapped him on the back and began to guide him out of the kitchen.. “Come, let’s get you back to bed, boy. All this excitement can’t be good for your poor health.” He didn’t even spare a glance at the food left on the ground when he responded with, “We’ll leave the food there. The staff will pick it back up in the morning, yes?” Cup silently nodded as he let Dice push him towards the door.
Barely even a step in and a loud voice echoed in the mostly empty room. “What’s with all the ruckus in here?!” Granny’s voice demanded. She must have been asleep before because she was dressed in a simple nightgown, brandishing her wooden cane and a half melted candlestick attached to a crudely fashioned iron grip for light. Cup felt a little pang of guilt when he realized that he must have woken her up.
Cuphead began to stutter through a response before Dice interrupted. “The Prince was just headed off to bed, Mrs. Gopher. We’ll be lea-“
“I wasn’t asking YOU.” The old woman interjected. Calmly she turned her expectant gaze to Cuphead who, at the moment, wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else. His guilt was slowly and thoroughly eating away at his stomach, and his mind whirled with dark thoughts.
Biting his lip and stuffing his hands in his pockets, Cuphead stammered out a response. “I j-just came down here for a snack. It-it was just some fruit and bread and I dropped it on the ground. I’m really sorry for sneaking out and taking the food without asking, Granny. I shouldn’t hav-“
“All you wanted was a snack?” Granny sighed, effectively cutting off Cup’s apology. She shuffled further into the kitchen, rolling back her sleeves and setting her candlestick down on the table. “You should have said so. I would have made you something.” She began to pull out some ingredients from the pantry and set them down on the table.
“N-now see here, Mrs. Gopher,” spluttered Dice as he walked around the island table to stop the older woman. “The head physician made it VERY clear tha-“ Dice cut himself off as a wooden spatula, from stars knows where, was suddenly shoved into his face. The old gopher woman glared at the taller man, her face twisted in a scowl.
“I don’t give a flying LEAP what you or that kook Oddswell says. If that boy is hungry, then dammit he’s allowed to get something to eat.” She barked with a stomp of her cane. “Stars knows he doesn’t get enough as it is. So, if he’s up to it, then I see nothing wrong with giving him something to snack on.” Dice’s eyes narrow in a challenging glare. The two stubbornly lock into a glare contest for a few moments before granny decidedly whipped her spatula to point at a startled Cuphead.
“Cuphead! I am putting it on the record that you are allowed, at any time, to take anything from the kitchen to snack on. If anyone says otherwise then they will have to talk with ME. Understood?”
Cuphead squeaked out a small “Yes, ma’am,” before Granny went back to work cutting up some fruit and plating in a small glass bowl.
“I’ll escort him to bed, Mr. Dice. You can leave now,” she dismissed, not even looking up from the fruit she was cutting up.
Dice looked like he very much wanted to both argue and strangle her while also looking remarkably baffled. Though he mostly achieved a very constipated expression. At some point he managed to steel himself, he smoothed out the front of his deep purple tunic and straightened out his ridiculous mustache. “Very well, Mrs. Gopher,” Dice grit between his teeth. “I’ll be going, then.” He gave a small strained bow to Cuphead and a polite nod to Granny before briskly walking out the kitchen entrance.
Now that Dice was gone the kitchen was plunged into silence, the only thing breaking it was the occasional chop of Granny’s knife and the sound of footsteps down the hallway.
While Cup appreciated Granny advocating for him, he couldn’t help but still feel guilty. He shouldn’t have assumed that just because he’s the prince that it’s ok to take food. It’s not his to begin with. How could he be so stupid? And dropping the food? Now Granny won’t be able to use it in the meals she and the cooks prepare! Maybe he should try to apologize to her? Make it up to her somehow? What do people normally do in these situations?
A glass being pushed into his vision knocked him out of that thought process. Granny offered up a glass of water and a bowl of cut fruit and slices of bread in his face. Her expression was softer than the one she had when Dice was in the room, this one was kind, understanding, and slightly worried.
Cup took a hold of the offered glass and bowl softly, taking a small sip of water and began to nibble on an apple slice as Granny worked on putting the leftover food back in the pantry.
They sat in comfortable silence as Cuphead watched Granny shuffle around the kitchen, tidying up little things, wiping down countertops and making sure food was secured away for the night. He did, of course, offer to help her, but that was quickly shot down and she demanded he sit and eat his food while she cleans up a bit. So. He huffed. And he sat. And he ate. Silently.
“Best not to let what he says get to you,” Granny’s voice suddenly rang across the room at some point. When Cuphead didn’t respond she looked up from what she was doing and their eyes met. Something akin to doubt must have been in his expression, because Granny put down what she was doing and hobbled over with a very serious expression. She leaned against the counter with a sigh. “I’m sorry that man treats you the way he does. He has absolutely no right to.”
Cuphead shrugged half-heartedly as he turned his attention to pushing his snack around inside the bowl. Anything to not look at Granny’s very serious expression. “It’s not that bad,” the prince muttered softly. “He’s just trying to look out for me. I get it.”
“What he’s doing is not looking out for you,” Granny softly argued. She idly ran her fingers along the head of her cane. Feeling the groves in the old wood. “He’s being a bully. Especially to you. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”
Cuphead only gave another half-hearted shrug as he shoved some fruit in his mouth, not wanting to talk on the subject anymore. Granny sighed, slightly disappointed, as she realized that the prince didn’t want to talk. She placed a small hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze as she went back to work.
Despite what you’d think for a woman of her age, Granny finished her tasks quickly and before Cup knew it, the pair was making their way through the grounds to the Prince’s room.
They were stopped a few times by some guards on occasion, mostly them asking what the prince was doing out at the time, why Granny was with them, that sort of thing. But generally Cuphead and Granny were left alone to travel to the Prince’s room.
Cuphead, as soon as he walked into his bedroom, set the bowl and glass on the nightstand by his bed, and climbed underneath the covers of his bed. Granny shuffled to sit in her usual rocking chair that sat in the corner of the room, right next to Cuphead’s bed.
She rooted through a large wicker basket Cup kept next to the rocking chair. In it held several balls of yarn of different colors and textures and extra knitting needles. He always kept some in his room for moments like these when she decided to stay in Cup’s room.
“Are you staying here tonight?” Cup asked as he finished off his snack and water and pulled up the covers to his chin.
“Just till you fall asleep,” Granny replied simply as she quickly settled on a ball of a light bluish-gray yarn, grabbed the extra needles, and began a new project. Something for her to work on absentmindedly.
“Thanks” Cuphead responded as he tried to shift to a much more comfortable position. Granny only hummed in response as she continued to work on her little project.
Cuphead fell asleep to the sound of the chair rocking, granny’s occasional singing, and the clack of knitting needles.
So ye. That’s all I have. Hope y’all like this lil’ thing. 👍
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snowberrydream · 1 year
Käärijä @ Puoli seitsemän - talk show 26.4.2023
Here is an english translation/transcript of Käärijä’s appearance on Finnish talk show Puoli seitsemän for the enjoyment of all the non-finnish Käärijä & Eurovision fans. I have no clue how to screenrecord videos or put subtitles on them, but I can offer you a written translation :D (if someone has access to the video and can do that, feel free to use the translation if you want to, just tag me if you do, please). If there’s anything confusing or weird, comment or message me and I’ll try to clarify it 
So here it goes, enjoy!
Käärijä @ Puoli seitsemän - talk show 26.4.2023
(hosts talking about generic beginning-of-the-show-stuff, introducing Käärijä)
host1: Today we are having a party, holding onto pina coladas with both hands (handing out drinks). These are non-alcoholic, I assume it’s fine by you?
Käärijä: Absolutely. It’s probably for the better. This time.
host2: And it’s tasty! You can try both of them.
K: Is this green one also a pina colada? (tastes)
hosts: Ummmm (unsure noises) we are also curious to know (laugh) But hey, glad you could come amidst all the hustle! You’ve been all over like a … a pina colada.
K: (sipping his drinks) (chuckles at the metaphor). Exactly. Happy to be here, thank you for inviting me. And amazing that we have these [pina coladas] here. I actually haven’t really drunk these that much, so thank you for this!
H1: They’ve gotten a lot more popular lately, the sales have gotten up. Have you heard about that?
K: Well yeah, yeah I’ve been told that there has been some empty shelves.
H1: Green yarns sold-out, green fabrics sold-out, (H2: green nailpolish too), pina coladas…
K: It’s indeed quite a circus that I’ve managed to create, but well, (shrugs) why not.
H2: And this is only the beginning, isn’t it?
K: That’s what I’m a bit scared of, really (laughs). That what else will people come up with?
H2: Right now you surely don’t have time for days-off, but when you do get to relax a bit, what do you like to do?
K: I think I’ll just snuggle underneath my Formula1 -sheets, take a little nap and think about absolutely nothing, if one is really able to do that. Or watch some series or listen to some relaxing music. But probably just be in silence.
H1: Yeah, there was a couple moments before the broadcast started, like a half a minute of quiet in the studio. You had like this serene smile on your face.
K: Yeah, I was enjoying that (laughs). I mean I of course like talking with you, too. But, when you are constantly surrounded by thousands of people, at some point it just starts to feel like you need a bit of your own space. As much as we humans are pack animals [=like and need others], too much is too much.
H2: (agreeing hums) Do you know how to take that own space when you need it?
K: Not always. Though I’ve been trying to learn to say no to things. I used to be really bad at doing that, worrying that what if I’ll upset someone etc. But now I’ve been learning, also because of this [Eurovision] that sometimes it’s just …Too bad, I just can’t do that now. That I just need to take that space (moment of realization) …And yet I still don’t have it (laughs). But, on the other hand, some things you just have to get done, and then you’ll take care of those. So… Let’s just hope that everything will go smoothly.
H1: The contest itself is about two and a half weeks away, but there has already been pre-parties all over Europe, getting people into the Eurovision spirit.
H2: Yes, let’s see how it was in London about a week ago. (cue a clip of Käärijä’s performance & fan interactions from London, Cha Cha Cha playing in the background)
(back to studio, hosts and Käärijä jumping and dancing before sitting down again)
hosts: You just can’t stay still while listening to that.
K: Even I joined in too.
H2: So much for resting.
K: Yeah, there it goes again (laughs). When I could’ve just been like (slouches on the sofa) for once.
H1: It happens to everyone! It just pulls you in, it’s such a banger.
K: Yeah, it’s quite enegetic. Though I’ve also tried to not listen to it a little bit, so that it doesn’t become completely (gun to the head -gestures). But I hear it all the time anyway. Everywhere (flailing hands).
H2: So, pre-parties all over Europe. How did you feel about those?
K: Damn good, foremost. It was so amazing to see people singing along to a finnish song. Hadn’t really even imagined that something like that could happen. Met wonderful people there, such amazing personalities, and the mood was great. It really felt like a family, everyone cheering for each other and no like, any disturbances, like what could sometimes happen in an ordinary gig, you know. Really great. I’m glad I went. At first I thought that I wouldn’t go at all (H2: to Eurovision, or…?) – No, no! I meant the pre-parties (H2: Ah, yes) so that I could rest, because they can be quite …demanding. Lots of interviews, travelling, waiting around and so on… And then during Madrid trip I also got sunburnt …roasted my skin a little (laughs) Oh well, I’ll have a bit of a tan now, no burns any longer. But overall it was really good, though also tough.
H1: So you keep a professional attitude about it all? Like, ’this is work, not partying, focus on the job’?
K: Keep focus on the job, yeah. You always aim for a win. Of course you must also remember to enjoy the experience, but the attitude is still like ”See you at the Market Square [= for victory celebrations], all of Finland”. I’d feel so quilty if I’d be just drinking and partying around amid all this, I might never forgive myself.
H2: People have been fitting the victor’s mantle on you [=predicting him to win] already. And on Sweden’s Loreen, whom we saw briefly in the video clip. How do you feel about the pressure of being a fan favorite?
K: I don’t really take pressure about it. In a way. I mean of course I feel like …I have that pressure, but, I haven’t really understood it, It hasn’t quite sunk in yet, because I’m just running from one place to another all the time. I haven’t had time to be stressed about the H-hour, because there is still so much happening before that. I don’t think that quite a panic alarm moment (slamming gesture) will happen before the contest, but some level of nervousness will probably still hit me, as it did in the UMK. But the moment you get on the stage, it’s quite an easy case from there on, in the end.
H1: Right. But hey, here we are, holding on to our drinks with both hands, but you’d actually need a third one, as you have also a cup of tea there in front of you.
K: Yes, and also a cup of water on top of that.
H1: For some voice maintenance, right?
K: Yes, as you can probably hear, my voice has taken some damage [he is sounding a little hoarse occasionally] but let’s hope it’ll get better before the contest. You wouldn’t want to attend with a voice like this.
H1: Yeah, but let’s not be too worried for now, as there is still time left.
K: Luckily there is. And we’ll make some more if we have to.
H2: Right. So, you’ll leave on Sunday?
K: On Sunday, yes. You all will be here celebrating May Day, while I’ll be packing my funnel cakes and mead with me and taking off to Liverpool.
H1: The fan phenomenon has caught everyone by surprise. It’s… I assume it has surprised you, surely it has surprised all of Finland, maybe Europe too. I mean, it’s massive!
K: Right. It’s awesome. It’s kinda funny, all the things this has lead into and like, the kind of people that have sent me messages. Like, world-class artists even from abroad and so on. It’s strange how at some point nothing feels like anything anymore. I mean, when you don’t have time to enjoy it, like getting good news about one thing, because another thing is already happening right after. And then comes another thing, and another and another and another. Because every day there is something new, cool and fun happening to me at the moment. I haven’t had time… - I’ve really had no time to properly process any of what I’ve been given. I’ve just, gone somewhere to do stuff and then been off to the next place already and been like ’ok you do that I do this’ (delegating gestures) and so on. I hope that at some point I’ll get some time to think about all that has happened. Of course I’ve enjoyed this, but…maybe not in a way that people might assume? It hasn’t been just living on cloud nine all the time, for real. Even though this is what I’ve wanted, and wanted to get my music out there here in Finland, and, now it seems to be happening in Europe and elsewhere too, so yeah…
H2: Fans have been running after you and so on… Apparently there has been some extreme reactions even? Someone had…?
K: Yeah, one person fainted.
H1: Where did this happen?
K: In Madrid (H2: so they saw you?). Yes. And… They all behaved really well, like, in Finland people just take pics and whisper to each other, but there – they’ll run after you. It’s really a shocking feeling when you step out the door and everyone starts screaming and (running gesture) they are running and then we are running (laughs). But, it’s not like …If you said no to something that they asked for, they were really respectful and nice about it [despite the enthusiasm].
H2: So, someone just saw you and just, simply couldn’t handle the shock?
K: Yeeahh. Though, sometimes I can barely handle it either, when I see myself in the mirror (laughs) (hosts laughing).
H1: The Käärijä hype is intensifying indeed. But, let’s add to that a bit more with the following clip.
(Videoclip about a family of real Käärijä superfans, where the mom had made Käärijä’s Cha Cha Cha costumes for her three sons and even the family dogs. the boys are dancing and talking about how much they like Käärijä)
H1: They are really rooting for you.
H2: Aww, such sweet boys.
K: So cool.
H2: They really got it down, dance moves and all.
K: Yeah, I’m speechless, honestly. Like, amidst all this there’s little time to pay attention to what is happening around you in the world. And then there’s kids like that… It’s truly amazing thing, thank you to them, really. All the best to them. And the parents too, truly tipping my hat to them for like, for doing all that for the kids. I remember back when I played ice hockey, it was my parents made it happen for me too, taking care of things so that I got to play. And now those boys want to be Käärijäs. Just, lots of love to the whole family. [He seemed to be quite touched about this clip. Either that or he just happens to struggle with his voice a bit right then, sounding a little quivering for a sec]  
H1: Exactly. So. Käärijä is Jere and Jere is Käärijä, is that the way it goes? Are you still just Jere for those closest to you, or is everyone calling you Käärijä by now?
K: Ahhh, well, mom is calling me Käärijä now (H2: okay). I’ve had to sometimes tell her to stop it already, or that else I’ll adopt myself into a new family to have someone who calls me Jere (laughs). Just kidding, really, she’s just proud and excited about all this. But I hear it a lot, this Käärijä stuff. It can get a little dull, because sometimes you’d just like to forget this work stuff, when you are at home etc. and talk about other things than Käärijä and Cha Cha Cha and music. Sometimes it makes me wonder like, …what have I gotten myself into?
H2: A phenomenon has been born, indeed. Well,  we asked for you to bring some pics from your home album, and you brought these two (pics of him as a kid behind a drum kit and him in his late teens wearing hospital pj’s appear on the screen). There they are… You could tell us a little about them yourself.  (H1: a little drummer boy). A little rookie instrumentalist there. A little drummer boy, yes.
K: (looking at the pic) Yeah, I’ve enjoyed banging drums since I was little. My brother played guitar and we watched some Fröbelin Palikat [a finnish kid’s music band], used kettles as drums and and, brother had this weird thingy as a guitar.  Then at some point I got my own drums, started drum lessons and eventually even taught my classmates at school how to play. My teacher assigned that task for me. But that career didn’t last, in the end. Wasn’t quite that interested in drums after all, I guess. But that’s where my sense of rhythm and all comes, surely. And anyway, where would you put those things in a small flat? Banging them in some apartment building, you’ll get evicted in a second. But, drums are still close to my heart and whenever I get the chance I do grab the sticks and see if I’m still any good at playing them.
H1: And then, how about the second pic (of him in a hospital cafeteria or some common area, sitting by a table filling lottery coupons)
K: Right, that’s an interesting one. I got sick with Colitis ulcerosa, I think that was the latin name for it. And well, I think that was taken around the time it was at it’s worst.
H2: So it’s a bowel disease?
K: Yes, my entire colon got inflamed eventually and I ended up needing an emergency operation to remove it quickly, to prevent the inflammation from spreading to other parts of the body. I was hanging by a thread, honestly. I wasn’t even going to go [to the hospital] at first, but dad forced me and dragged me in there. Packed up some The Simpsons movies and my pillow and was like ’we are going now, son’ and… yeah. Honestly the shittiest time of my life, not wishing that for anyone. But it did also make me grow a lot as a person, and I wouldn’t change anything for myself, I’m totally okay with this. I’m alive, in the situation that I’m in now, and it changed who I am. Of course I have things where to improve even now, but it took me forward at the time, regarding my values and such, I think I’m in quite a good place now. (back to describing the pic) I went to place some bets [the lottery coupons] to pass time, there wasn’t anything else to do. Friends or my brother sometimes came to watch ice hockey from TV with me while I was laying in the hospital.
H2: You are wearing hospital clothes in the pic. Did you spend long periods of time in there?
K: I was there for like two weeks at a time. Went there every now and then, had an IV drip and laid there, had some medication and such. But in the end the treatments didn’t work and had to have the surgery, remove the colon completely. So, yeah. But, it’s a thing that happened to me and one just has to learn – and I have learned – to live with it. It won’t destroy your world if a thing like that does happen, on the contrary, it can open some new doors, that’s how I try to view it. But again, wouldn’t wish that for anyone, or anything like it. Yeah. That was a tough time. Made a young guy think about stuff, how others are out there partying, going to festivals and all that, and I didn’t get to have that. It went on for about a year, and towards the end I just laid in bed. I couldn’t go anywhere because I’d be just shitting blood in my pants right away etc. I was just, bumping into doors, barely able to stay on my feet, so…
H2: And a year is a long time in a young person’s life.
K: It was, yes. I had to drop everything. All the sports I did back then. I was really into going to the gym at the time, had certain goals I wanted to achieve and was working towards them. They aren’t important any longer, guess they weren’t even back then, really, but it did hit me hard at the time, when I lost 10 kg, from that kind of body (H2: woah). I weighed 49 kg at the worst point, hemoglobin about 54, or 56.
H2: Rough numbers, truly.
K: Yeah, it wasn’t healthy at all, I was pale as a sheet. In that pic I’m actually still looking surprisingly fresh. Yeah, I was just skin and bones.
H1: And does the disease still affect your life today?
K: Well, of course in the way that I have to go to the bathroom more often, 7 or 8 times a day on average. But I’m used to it, it’s not an issue for me. I can hold it in – so, rest easy there on the other side of the camera, no need to worry that something might happen mid-performance …Well let’s knock on wood just in case – But otherwise, not really… well, I can’t eat spicy food anymore. That will surely destroy my mood and the pipes, so to speak. So there are some things, but I’ve lived with this for so long already that it’s just normal for me.
H2: Surely. Bit of a balancing act.
H1: Hey, you spoke earlier about how people want to talk a lot [about you], and we want to talk and everyone wants to talk about Eurovision, and how it would be great to speak about anything else, even about the weather. But now! Now we’ll talk about it!
H2: Yes, let’s watch the clip first, about a very fundamental question.
(a videoclip of interviewing people abouth whether winters used to be better in your childhood than they are nowadays :D Conclusion: it’s more a matter of childhood nostalgia and personal memories than anything else)
H1: Soo, Jere. Were the winters better back when you were a kid?
K: Well, yeah. Especially now that I’m thinking about all the memories connected to them. I liked snowboarding/downhill skiing [unclear which one he means] a lot back then, and i do feel that there was more snow and it came earlier, but of course my memories might be faulty and in reality we were just skidding on bare ground. But yeah, I have a feeling there used to be more snow and outdoor ice rinks and chances to build snow castles and things like that.
H2: Yeah, you must’ve been familiar with the ice rinks, since you played ice hockey for many years, right?
K: Yes, though with little success. But yeah, I did go swat the puck for a time.
H2: That looks quite proper to me (looking at pics of him in a hockey match).
K: Well, I’ve got the gear on and the puck in my control, so that helps (laughs).
H1: I gathered that you played quite many positions?
K: Yeah, I did go through them all, but none of them was my thing, in the end. But I have very fond memories from my hockey days, too. Though it was also like banging your head to a wall sometimes, too. That either wasn’t just sunshine and rainbows all the time. Very hard training at one point, and from there it swung to the other end when I was mainly just fiddling around. Like, training once a week and then playing a match. But yeah, spent a lot of time at ice halls.
H2. Yes, and speaking of halls. It was on the news today that your iconic green bolero has now been frozen and hoisted up to the ceiling of Helsinki Ice hall rink.
K: Yes, there it hangs now. Up there it went.
H2: An honorary gesture for the shirtless rager. To cheer you on.
K: Yes, my thanks for them all, too. And we’ll have a gig there at the hall in May also, so it was really cool of them to come up with such event. I guess they wanted to wish me luck and bring some joy to the people with a silly happening like that.
H1: And there’s also the positive side to it that it wont get lost from up there (chuckles).
K: Yes, it sure won’t. Unless someone finds a crane or something to get it. So I’m sure it’ll be waiting for me there.
H2: Your live performances are quite demanding physically. Do you think this (points at the hockey pic) laid the groundwork for that?
K: Yes, I’m sure of it. Like, thinking back to the time I was in hospital, I bounced back really fast and got back in good shape even though I was a total wreck after that one year. But when I got back to the gym and jogging trails I started putting weight and muscle back on quite soon. There is some, like, muscle memory to it. I can tell my sports background has it’s effect. That’s why I wish that also the youth of today would all have the chance to have hobbies. It’s not possible for everyone, but I wish it was, because it brings a lot of good, improves your health and brings new friends and so on.
H1: So then, like, most of us have only seen Cha Cha Cha from you at this point, but how are your usual gigs? How long and how physical are they typically?
K: About 45 min to an hour, around 12 or 13 songs a gig. And… yeah, they are quite a mayhem, even more than Cha Cha Cha is, some pretty fast-paced songs in there. You get to shriek and rage and run and hype the audience to your heart’s content.
H2: No wonder that your voice is a bit down, then. You aren’t holding anything back while on stage?
K: No, I think that if somebody has paid, whether it’s 5 euros or 50 euros for the ticket, I’ll give it my all every time. I don’t want the people to feel like I’m slacking off , came there to just collect some easy money, or that I’m not interested in being there. Because it is our shared experience, when the audience is there. I am not alone in there, but together with everyone, and it should be a party for all of us then.
H1: Of course. So, on Sunday you’ll be on the move, but before that a little time to rest, to spare yourself. You won’t be doing any gigs before the ESC anymore, right?
K: I won’t, no.
H1: Great. You’ll get your voice in top condition, yes?
K: Yes.
Hosts: (starting to wrap up the interview] But! BUT! Now, let’s put on some music, shall we? Just a couple little dance moves, pleeease. We can’t end this without a little Cha Cha Cha! So, good luck to you in Liverpool (K: thank you], but now, let’s head onto the dance floor (everyone running away from the sofas). Teach us some moves that everyone should know!
(chaotic Cha Cha Cha-ing ensues, until the hosts form a mini-piggytrain and Käärijä rides away from the camera view. The End.)
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garaksapprentice · 8 months
Operation Stash-Down
This post was originally published on my blog: https://garaksapprentice.blogspot.com/2024/01/operation-stash-down.html
Last month, I spent a week thoroughly cleaning and reorganising my workroom so that I could actually get to all the shelves, and not have my back to the door. I even made space to fit a skinny bookshelf (I can finally have all my books out where I can reach them. It's been more than seven years since that last happened).
Last week, I watched one of my favourite YouTubers issue their now-annual "January is for working on The Pile" challenge. I considered my Piles (what a phrase) and decided this was an excellent use for the rest of January. I went through the mending pile, adding and subtracting as necessary, and updated the running list I keep of the things in there (it's the only way to stop things from disappearing into the aether). I tidied up the cabbage patch, taking the opportunity to go through a few boxes that were stored outside the workroom and sort their contents into piles.
Yesterday, I looked around my workroom (it had once again gone from clean and tidy with actual floor space, to One Big Trip Hazard within half a day), and decided that I have too much bloody stuff.
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This was almost completely clear twelve hours ago. L-R, T-B: for coleslaw (green), cabbage once deconstructed (yellow), actual recycling (blue), and rag rug bits (red).
More specifically, I have too many supplies. Despite spending the last two years cleaning and decluttering and KonMari-ing and making a concerted effort to start with what I have before I go shopping for new stuff, I still have overflow.
There's an entire garage shelf in what is technically the spare bedroom (in reality it's my partner's room - they have their own place, but I have air conditioning and they don't) full of knitting yarn, embroidery supplies, and fleeces. There's more fleeces and some sewing notions on top of a bookshelf, and a couple more boxes of knitting yarn on a different bookshelf. To top it all off, there's a whopping monster of a raw wool fleece in the back room.
And, to be clear, this is all stuff left after multiple decluttering rounds. This is all stuff that I absolutely fucking love and have no desire whatsoever to part with. I just... haven't got around to using it yet.
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Me when I go through my stash nowadays.
Even though I buy 95+% of my supplies second-hand (between the guild and the plethora of local op shops, I'm remarkably spoiled), I'm still not using things as fast as I'm capable of buying them. Saving things from landfill to repurpose later only works if I actually use the things I'm saving. (Yes, I still need this reminder. Frequently.)
Thus were the seeds from which Operation Stash-down was born.
The Goal
I want to fit all my fibre supplies in my workroom. Every. Single. Thing.
That means all the:
knitting yarn
fabric (stash AND scraps)
embroidery supplies
sewing notions
weaving, sewing, and spinning tools
leatherworking tools and supplies
whatever other random fibre-related gubbins I pick up along the way
The only exception is for things that need a more controlled climate than my workroom. It's on the western side of the house, with a window in said western wall, and it regularly gets above 30ºC in there during summer. So if I end up with any dyes or other heat-sensitive chemicals, I'll have to find a cooler spot for them.
The Plan
Donating, giving away, and selling things are all options. But that hasn't made a much of a dent the last six times I went through The Stash, so I'm not counting on it doing much this time, either. No, the thing I need to concentrate on right now is using the stash.
So instead of my current "shop the stash then go buy what I need when I don't have it in there", my standard needs to shift to "ONLY use stash things, and if they won't work with what I've planned, change the plan".
How does this translate to actual, practical projects for the year?
Longer warps, and more of them on the floor loom. Lately I've been defaulting to inkle bands, because they're 1) fun, 2) fast, and 3) easy to do in all sorts of cool colour combinations. But they don't use a lot of material - I could weave nothing but narrow wares for the rest of my life and still have yarn left over. And I want to start weaving clothing yardage anyway, so this is a good kick in the pants to actually do it.
Stop putting off those patchwork projects. I have a couple of big ideas I've been procrastinating on for a few years now. Sure, they'll probably take multiple years each to finish, and I'm not sure if I even have enough scrap for one of them (a crazy patchwork coat from all the wrap scrap I've been holding onto), but I won't know unless I actually take the time to start working on them.
Scour more fleece. Out of all the spinning stash, the raw fleeces take up by far the most room. Prepping them to spin might not reduce their volume by much, but actually being able to spin them sure will. (Unfortunately, this strategy will require equipment purchasing. My hand cards aren't fine enough to use with some of the fleeces I have.)
Obviously just doing any project at all will help reduce stash levels, too. Some of the things on my list will make a bigger impact than others, though, and I'm going to try to focus on doing those first. (After I've started to reduce the current WIPs, of course. My 2024 goals are still in effect.)
If all goes to plan, I'll update every few months with progress. Maybe even before and after pictures.
If you like my stuff, please consider throwing me a few dollars on my Ko-Fi in support.
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jungle-angel · 2 years
Out in the Middle: Part 13
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Summary: Thanksgiving is approaching and the kids are excited as ever
Yellowstone Waldorf School
November, 2022
Ms. Jackson’s third grade classroom was as busy as ever with students tending to their class project, their fingers sticky with glue and tape residue. Some were busy cutting yarn or small squares of leather or felt while others carefully tied together little sticks and twigs they had found outside before covering their little structures with carefully cut pieces of canvas. Outside it was already snowing, the ground completely frozen and the trees bare of any leaves, but the classroom was as warm and welcoming as ever. 
“Ms. Jackson?” Amy asked. “Can you help me?” 
“Ok baby, what’d you do?” Ms. Jackson asked. 
“I can’t tie a slipknot very well.” 
“Here, let me see for a sec honey.” 
Amy handed off the ball of twine to Ms. Jackson, Colby’s mother, and her absolute favorite teacher. “Ok baby,” Ms. Jackson said. “Watch my fingers now. Remember when we were doin our handwork this morning?” 
Amy nodded. She watched her teacher’s nimble fingers forming and tying the knot slowly before she had Amy try it herself. It might not have been perfect, but Amy managed to get the idea pretty quickly. 
“Ok, put’em together,” Tate told her. “I’ll hold it.” 
Amy put the small bundle of sticks together, putting the slipknot around it before pulling it tight. “What are we gonna do when we build the longhouse?” she asked him. 
“We could do what we did when we did our Veterans’ Day projects,” Tate told her. 
“But what if they don’t all fit?” Amy asked. 
“I dunno,” Tate shrugged. “We’ll find something.” 
Amy, Tate and the other two students they were working with, began to put the canvas over the little teepee they had built before putting a little table in place. “This is gonna look so cool once it’s done,” Tate grinned. 
“I wish we could show our moms and dads for tomorrow,” Dante Gonzales remarked. 
“It’s ok,” Tate said. “Living Museum is on Monday in the gym so we’ll get to show them anyways.” 
They all worked together as best they could, placing the little Pilgrim and Indian figures they had made wherever they chose. If it was anything they loved about being in school, it was when their Living Museum block took place, putting dioramas and displays together with materials that were found both on the school grounds and in the local craft stores. 
When the sound of an old hand-bell ringing in the hallways signaled the end of the day, that was everyone’s cue to clean up. “Alright my friends,” Ms. Jackson announced. “Everybody clean up and put your chairs on your desks. If ya’ll took materials from the art shelves, please return them where they were found.” 
The diorama pieces were all put in the art corner on small tables where none of the pieces would be damaged. Everyone helped clean up the floors, sweeping, brushing off their desks and wiping them down with the microfiber cloths Ms. Jackson kept in the supply closets. The wood of the chairs clunked against the wood of the desks as students put them up and went to the cubby rack for their coats and backpacks, a few of them slipping into warm winter boots, hats and mittens. 
“Alright my friends,” Ms. Jackson announced. “Bus line, if ya’ll have the yellow tags on your backpacks you’re gonna follow me to the gym. Car-line is gonna go and follow the others out the front.” 
Tate, Amy, Dante and four other students with yellow tags hooked to their backpacks, followed their teacher to the gymnasium where other students from the lower school and the upper school began to file in. Hannah’s second grade class came in with Evie and Joey close behind her while Tatum and Tanner each came in with Jake and the first graders. Kaya and Rosey were the last to come in with their pre-k class, sticking out from many of the others with their pink and purple coats, warm ugg boots and Disney princess backpacks. 
The Dutton and Abbott kids all scrambled towards each other and took a seat against the walls, the noisy and excited chatter echoing in the gym. Everything seemed to echo in the school that had once been the old stone Presbyterian church, the footsteps in the halls, the chatter and even the crickets that sometimes found their way into the halls. 
Attendance was promptly taken by the teachers for each group. The high schoolers who still took the bus went out first seeing as many of them had opted to be bus monitors. After what felt like forever, the buses of the kids were called and they could go home. 
“Oh c’mon where’s the friggin bus, I’m freezin my ass off,” Rhett complained, trying to keep the blood flow in his body going. 
“Takes’em forever to get up the friggin hill,” Kayce remarked. 
“If they say they wanna come outside and play after, we can just watch from the windows,” Rip suggested. 
“I’ll fuckin do it I don’t care,” Teeter chuckled as Colby put his arm around her. “Sick o’ freezin ma bag ass off anyways.” 
Much to their relief, the bus finally pulled up and let the kids off. Colby’s niece and two nephews jumped off the last step, running behind the Abbott and Dutton kids who were all screeching about how cold it was. 
“Alright monkeys!” Rhett called to them. “Everybody in the truck, we’re goin in the house.” 
Into the vehicles they all went, loading up their backpacks and kicking the snow off their shoes before the doors were shut. “Who had a good day at school?” Rhett asked as they turned around and went up the long stretch of driveway to the house. 
“I did! I did!” 
“What’d ya’ll do?” 
“We’re doing our living museum,” Amy answered. 
“What’s that?” 
“We build dioramas and we put them up in the gym to make a museum.” 
Rhett patiently listened to their chatter as the others followed him up the driveway, the big house beginning to come into view. The snow was beginning to fall even harder, the snowflakes big, fat and wet as they fell and covered the ground.
Rip was the last to pull up behind them and park it with the others. As soon as their feet hit the ground, the kids ran for the porch, opening and shutting the door behind them. Tatum blew a raspberry at Tanner before slamming the door behind him, attempting to lock his twin out. 
“Hey!! Tatum Royal! Let your brother in right now,” Rhett commanded. 
“Sorry daddy.” 
Everyone shuffled in, tired from the day and the cold. The fire crackled away in the fireplace as the kids stamped their shoes off and hung up their backpacks. “Daddy can we watch a movie?” Hannah asked. 
“Go right ahead, it’s the weekend so ya’ll get your movie time.” 
Hannah let out a wild holler as she followed the others down to the basement to search the video tape rack for a movie. Rhett flopped into the couch and let out an obscene groan before he felt you sliding your way on top of him. 
“Hey cowboy,” you purred. 
“O darlin can it wait?” he groaned. “I’m fuckin freezin.” 
“Want me to make you something?” 
“Got any cider?” 
“I’ll make you a hot one in a minute,” you said, placing a soft kiss on his freezing cheek. His arms snaked around you, holding you as close as he possibly could, breathing in your scent as his face reddened from the heat that rose into his cheeks. 
“You and the girls takin care of business tomorrow?” he mumbled. 
“As soon as we get that damn turkey,” you answered. 
Rhett had almost completely forgotten about the turkey hunt he had promised to go on with the guys. “How many are we gonna need?” 
“Well counting on how many people are in this house I’d say about three.” 
“We’ll get what we can,” Rhett told you. “For now I wanna rest.” 
You weren’t going to deny him that. The two of you lay there on the couch with the fire going, the kids out of sight and everyone else going about their business. You pulled the Indian blanket from where it had been hanging over the back of the couch and threw it over you and Rhett, his quiet snores filling your ears before you too soon drifted off into sleep. 
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andromedasummer · 2 years
Oh I love both those bookstores!! I had a feeling you were talking about Arty Bees when you mentioned Wellington, but wasn’t so sure. I’m not from Welly so uhhh, thanks for the heads up about it being a dodgy area 😅😅 I make an effort to go to Artys everytime I’m down there, they’re real nice as well and once I bought way too many books so they posted them for me since I couldn’t take them on the plane. I need to check out their Motorsport section tho, I always seem to forget and miss it. Pegasus books I like but I kinda find the store more overwhelming, considering the high shelves and smaller store. I always struggle to find something in there cause of that, but I like the little area it’s in
oh i dont blame, pegasus is tricky to move around in, esp when its packed. if you ask someone to hold the ladders while you use them they'll usually be willing to help out!
and yeah most people dont know courtnays a bit fucked like that! as long as you walk quick and keep to yourself you wont run into trouble. motorsport section is at the top of the shelf 2nd or 3rd from the back of the nonfiction section, the one on the left when you walk in the store. it can be small sometimes, people tend to buy books from there in bulk.
i also dont know when you last were in welly but theres another secondhand store further up cuba! i cant remember its name but ive only been in once. theres also a bookstore called minerva thats not secondhand but is dedicated to books about crafts, ive found some cool stuff to do with quilting and sewing that i ended up noting down to grab on sale so its worth a look! close to my fav craft shop where i get my felt, yarn, buttons and needles, beads and fat quarters for projects, plus thats right next to my fav ice cream place (duck island) and thrift (better than spacesuit which its next to, that place is a rip off), which, if youre into motorsports, is a good place to find vintage racing jackets (i found a signed nascar jacket, bridgestone jacket, 3 leather + patched indycar jackets and some ford racing jackets). emporium (also on cuba) also have 4 vintage ferrari jackets, but of course theyre all $200-$400. Good quality! But something you'd need to save up a whiiile for.
also lmao did you just feel that quake like 5 mins ago? 6.2 but it was 72km deep which means it was bad! mustve been on the main fault because reports from the top of the south island are coming in so it mustve travelled down under the cook strait.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
A Pirate's Life for Me
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Cover Art Done By: @fridaydev-draws and @friday-dsv (Dreamsmp x reader) Pirate Au! Love Interests: C!Wilbur, C!Techno, C!Dream, C!Sapnap, C!Quackity, and C!Schlatt
Salt burned your lungs as you tossed open your window with a loud bang, the seagulls perching on your flower boxes screeched in protest and flew from your window. “Fucking sky rats get the fuck out of here you heathens!” You snarled out the window shaking your fist at the bothersome birds, the sounds of the ocean crashing on the shore filled your ears as well as the chatter of the dock workers. You let the breeze blow back your hair and you heard someone calling your name from down below.
“Good morning (Y/n)!” You glanced below you and grinned,
“Morning Eret!” They waved back enthusiastically their dress spilling around their ankles, a basket of fruit was balanced on his hip. “Opening early today? I'm sure your patrons would be happy to start their drunken stupor early,” She held a hand to his mouth snickering and you shot them a look.
“If that gets more money in my pocket then so be it, I won't complain too much.” You shrugged, “Will I still see you later tonight?”
“Always do dove, how can I resist a drink from my favorite bartender.”
“You can’t it’s my charm.”
“Will the both of you shut the fuck up!” Another man’s voice growled from another open window, “It’s too early for your bullshit.” You saw Eret click his tongue but smiled up at you despite the man's protests,
“I’m heading to the market anyway. These fruits won’t sell themselves, I'll see you later.”
“See you soon!” You closed your windows once more, but not before urging your daisies to grow one last time. You tossed open the curtains allowing light to spill into your cozy home, a small carpet was in the middle of your room. It was a deep red and the pattern was made of gold yarn, aside from that everything in your residency was made of dark wood. Your shelves were littered with books and empty cups, and your old worn journal sat open on your desk. It was filled with childhood memories and you continued to write in it to this day, it was easier then, things were simple and everything was innocent and new to you. Now your days were filled with sea fairing idiots who liked to drink themselves stupid, but you could handle yourself, you always kept your father's dagger on your thigh at all times. Those who were frequent customers knew not to mess with you and those who were new learned their lesson within the first ten minutes of meeting you. You inherited the bar from your father, a kindhearted man who died a few years before today, leaving you with the bar and the dagger you had on your hip. You fished through your closet pulling out your clothes for the day, your dress was a gorgeous light coffee color and came down to your ankles. The bottom was flared and had dark brown panels on the sides, it faded inward to a light green then back to the coffee color. The corset around your waist was a dark brown with light green trim, you tied it tight with a small huff making sure your waist was sinched perfectly. The sleeves came down to your elbows allowing you to move your arms freely while making drinks. The top of the dress ended just below your collarbone, you strapped your dagger to your thigh before lacing up your knee-high black boots.
You thought back to your tavern downstairs, you were fortunate enough that you weren’t running this entire operation yourself. You ended up hiring help and they were like family and you knew they saw you as such as well. Most of the girls didn’t have a family of their own so you gave them room and board, also money, of course, you weren’t a terrible boss! You opened the door to your room, you watched Cecil, the tavern’s mascot trot out of Juniper’s room. The border collie liked to switch up which rooms he stayed in protecting every one of your girls when you couldn’t be there for them.
The first of your girls was Adelaide or Addie, she was one of the first to fall under your care. She was around your age, a motherly type, sheep hybrid, who cared for the girls, and always gave the drunk patrons with mommy issues a shoulder to cry on. Her long brown hair always hung down her back, she typically worked tables, served food and drinks, and always got a generous tip from patrons.
The next girl was Judas, a squid-enderman hybrid who was taller than you could ever wish to be, although intimidating you couldn’t meet a kinder woman. A jack of all trades the woman helped out wherever she could, black-ish purple hair curled around her shoulders and some people came specifically to hear her sing. Her voice was like rich velvet and lured men and women in like a siren.
Juniper was after Judas, a demon hybrid who was naive but you’d be a fool to underestimate her. She worked beside you at the bar, she can make some mean fruity drinks, Eret always preferred her drinks over yours. Freckles adorned her face and shoulders, her light brown hair curled down to her middle back, purple horns sprouted from the top of her head. You wanted to adorn it with gold jewelry and you were saving up to gift some to her.
Yeti was a human woman like yourself, she didn’t bother with those who were rude or obnoxious. She kept to herself only really talking when she was spoken to or when there was an opportunity to crack a rare joke. She typically stayed on the sidelines, out of the scenes and Yeti liked to help Judas decorate her sets.
Zig was a kind young adult, they got along with everyone who came inside the tavern. Soft emerald eyes drew people in, and they tried to make sure tensions within the bar didn’t rise and start a fight. There would always be one or two that’s just natural, but one look at Zig and his magic words and they seemed to disperse, not wanting to hurt the kid’s feelings.
Vendetta was the tallest member of the group you had taken in, she was stunningly beautiful and didn't take shit from anybody. She was a guard dog if you will, making sure no one fucked with any of the girls in your tavern. While Zig did their best to keep people under control sometimes they couldn’t win. That’s when Ven would step in and ‘kindly’ escort them off the premises with or without force.
The youngest member here was Luvena. She was a moo-bloom hybrid with soft brown hair that sprouted flowers, her cow ears would twitch when she was excited and followed Addie around like she was her daughter. Addie took her under her wing and was training her to be a perfect little waitress, absolutely warming customers’ hearts. Luvena also loved to give out flowers, she was a fan favorite bringing new life into the tavern.
Cecil barked seeing his mama and scampered over to you, you poured food into his bowl as Juniper wandered into the hallway. Her head rested on the doorframe as she gave you a tried wave, “Morning (Y/n).”
“Morning Juni, We’re opening a little early today. Take your time I’m not expecting a big rush of bar patrons this early.” You assured her and she gave a sleepy nod,
“I’ll be down as soon as Ven’s out of the shower.” She yawned, “This beauty doesn’t come naturally.”
“Hardly darling you’re gorgeous just the way you are.” You reassured with a wink, Juniper flushed a little, happily laughing beside you.
“Just go wake the others will you, you flirt!”
Tossing your head back you gave a happy laugh heading down the hallway to make sure everyone was awake and ready to go for later. Addie and Luvena shared a room so she was in charge of waking up the youngest member of the tavern. Judas was already awake making breakfast for everyone when you headed downstairs, Zig was sitting on the counter beside her, they were the designated taste tester.
“Good morning Miss (Y/n)!” Zig chirped, the young adult hummed fondly, “Sleep okay?”
“Absolutely. What about you both? Thank you for making breakfast Judas.” You hummed fondly and Judas had a shy smile on her face.
“I slept well thank you.” Judas hummed softly, “Also it’s my pleasure. Want to make sure everyone’s healthy and alright.” She let out a little squeak as you wrapped your arms around her body, you barely came up to her chest,
“Judas please marry me,” You complained, “Your breakfast is always heavenly and you care for everyone. Please be my wife.”
“(Y/n)! Please.” She sputtered face turning a dark purple, Zig made a noise of protest and held his hand in the air.
“If she won’t marry you I will!”
“Zig! I’d be honored!”
Their entire face lit up with excitement and they hopped off the table to hug you tightly, you hugged them back and pressed a fond kiss to the top of their head. “I got to open up the tavern, you mind setting the table for me Zig?”
“Sure Miss!”
You sent Judas a kiss in the air which her face burned at, quickly going back to her cooking. You smiled eagerly and unlocked the door to the tavern, you shoved a bucket in front of the door to keep it open. The salty ocean air wafted through your nostrils and your eyes sparkled wondrously.
Today is going to be a good day.
Almost immediately a particular bastard caught your eye,
“You’re here early.” You mused raising an eyebrow,
“Heard you were opening early today sweetcheeks,” His voice was a low baritone, rough from years of smoking and drinking. Horns curled around his fluffy ears that stood out against his gruff exterior, he was a ram hybrid at its finest. “Figured I’d take the opportunity to get a special drink from my special girl,” He mused looking you up and down drinking in your figure. You scoffed at the retired man, he dressed like he was cosplaying captain jack sparrow, the gun’s in his belt just added to his costume and so did his large ruffled shirt, he was never one to forget his gold jewelry.
“Where’s Quackity?” You ignored him sitting him at his usual table, he frowned but you knew he was taking it as an opportunity to stare at your ass. He slid into the stool and put his feet up on the table, his boots were muddy but you could only control him so much. He was too much of a regular to get scared off by your threats and scolding.
“He’ll be in at his normal time. He’s not much of a day drinker, although can’t say I’m complaining. Having all your attention on me and all, considering I’m the only one in here. That being said, I’ll have my usual sweetcheeks.”
“Stop calling me that,” You scolded with a certain fondness that was reserved for the man. “You’re lucky you’re my favorite regular Schlatt,” you gave his ears a fond pinch and he bleated. He sent you a scalding look as you walked away, although the look soon fell as he got a good look at your ass once again.
“I’m your only regular sugar tits!”
“Schlatt feet off the table.” Addie criticized whacking his boots with a rolled-up menu, he rolled his eyes but dropped his feet to the floor. “You should know this by now, we go through this every day.”
“Yeah, yeah little lamb I’m on it. Judas here?”
“She’s always here,” She huffed spreading the menu down on the table. “Do you want your usual or something different? Should I get Quackity’s drink ready too?”
“Nah just stick with mine, for now, tell Judas I’d like to see her.”
Addie clicked her tongue and placed her hand on her hip, “fine. But if you’re just going to grossly flirt with her as you do with (y/n), then keep it to yourself.”
“You’re not the boss of me. Just because you look like an old hag-” The way she glared at him sent a chill down his spine, “shit babe take a joke will you.”
Eventually, people began to file into the tavern, as the morning faded into the afternoon and then into the evening. The tavern was bustling with life, Judas’s elegant voice traveled through the crowds and her voices seemed to float above the voices. Quackity joined Schlatt by his side seemingly irritated by a conversation they were having, Schlatt was about five drinks in at this point, which was much less than his usual, and Quackity on his second.
“What are they talking about?” Luvena asked swinging her legs as she sat on the bar beside you. Her moobloom ears twitching every so often as she tried to eavesdrop on their conversation,
“Vena it’s impolite to eavesdrop.” You scolded bopping her on the head lightly, she whined and rubbed the top of her head.
“I wasn’t!” She argued as you rolled your eyes, you looked over at the two men to find Quackity looking over at you. His hand was raised in the air, one finger was up summoning you to get him another drink.
“I’ll be back, why don’t you talk to Ven while I’m gone. She’ll keep an eye on you.”
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Good thing she doesn’t want to babysit your ass either, now shoo.” You motioned her to hop off the bar and she did so with a long, dramatic sigh. You looked over at Ven who gave you a silent nod, letting you know she’d watch out for the youngest member of your band of misfits. Meanwhile, you grabbed Quackity another drink and walked over to the two men at the table, “Someone order a drink?”
“Aye! Mamacita! Fancy seeing you here.” Quackity purred a bright smile spreading across his face seeing that you were the one to deliver his drink,
“Hey Big Q,” You greeted placing the drink in front of him, “You doing okay?”
“Better now that an angel walked into my sight,” He flirted and you rolled your eyes. “What? It’s true! You always brighten my day you know? Ow!” Schlatt hit his ex-first mate over the head,
“Take a breath lover boy. Thanks for the drink sugar tits.”
“You’re welcome, what were the both of you talking about if I may ask.” You hummed grabbing some of Schlatt’s empty glasses, an uncharacteristic frown came over both their faces. “Oh? Touchy subject?”
“Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. Just dishing out some old problems, most of which are better left unsaid.” He aimed that statement at Quackity, his jaw seemed clenched and Quackity’s brow furrowed in annoyance.
“Well I just want to remind the both of you,” You passed the tray of empty glasses over to Addie as she walked by, she took them swiftly. You grabbed the side of both their heads and pressed them against your chest, not that you knew but both men’s flushed to the tips of their ears. “No physical fights are allowed in this tavern. If one starts I won’t hesitate to kick your fucking asses. Got it?” They looked over your chest and locked eyes with one another, after years on the sea they could read one another’s facial expressions rather easily and at that moment they shared the same thought,
‘They should fight more often.’
“I said, got it?”
“Yes ma’am,” The repeated simultaneously as you pulled away,
“That’s what I like to hear-”
“(Y/n)!” Vendetta’s velvety voice called out from behind you, you turned and saw a group of newcomers file into your bar. Your body tensed momentarily,
Schlatt turned his head to follow your gaze and he tensed from behind you, “fuck me.” He growled and Quackity raised an eyebrow at his captain, he turned to look over his shoulder and his face lit up.
The pirate who had a white bandana tied around his forehead glanced over at him and a smile lit up across his features. “Quackity? Is that you?”
“My man!” He stood up from his chair heading over to wrap the man in a hug, “I haven’t seen you in years, man.” You zoned out of their conversation eyes locking with a few of the other pirates who walked into the tavern. Vendetta and Addie both greeted them, but everyone who was under your care knew to keep their guard up around pirates. From what you could gather there seemed to be two crews, a crew of what only seemed to be two, Sapnap was included. The fire demon was still talking with Quackity, while the other man took in the view of the tavern, he had shaggy blonde hair, and had a few scars across his face. A porcelain mask sat on top of his head, a forest green cloak was around his shoulders, his hood was lowered around his neck. A sword was strapped tight against his hip and there was another dagger that seemed to be tucked against his side. His eyes gazed towards you and he winked teasingly with a coy smile, you scoffed looking over at Addie.
“Seat those two gentlemen yeah? Be careful, I’ll tell Ven and Yeti to keep an eye.” Addie looked at you, concern written on her soft features but she nodded. While Addie departed, you noticed Ven talking with the other group. Luvena was hiding behind Vendetta’s long legs, although a tall blonde boy seemed very keen on talking to her. You smoothed out your dress and moved towards the group of three, you eyed them up casually. The blonde looked to be around Luvena’s age, he had a shit-eating grin on his face and his uniform matched that of the second tallest in the group. The second tallest was clad in a light blue jacket with large golden buttons on the red collar. He had a cream-frilled shirt underneath and a black belt holding up his brown slacks, those were tucked into black boots. On his back seemed to be a guitar and was the only one of them not holding a weapon, but you knew better than to assume with pirates. His curly brown hair seemed to bounce every time he talked, he seemed to be the ringleader but there was no doubt that the real ringleader was the hybrid standing beside him. He was taller, on par with Vendetta in height, he had long pink hair that was tied in a ponytail on top of his head. A few pieces framed his face elegantly, there was no doubt he was the captain of the little crew that was in your tavern. He had a white shirt on with a deep low cut ‘V’ it showed off a good portion of his scared chest, around his shoulders sat a deep red jacket but his arms were outside of it and crossed over his chest. He seemed content on letting his second in command do all the talking, his red eyes were the only ones to meet yours. His head tilted upwards and before Vendetta could stop him he walked over towards you,
“You own the tavern?” His voice was a low monotone and it sent an array of pleasant chills up your spine.
“I do,” You raised an eyebrow crossing your arms over your chest, “Names (Y/n). You are?”
“Captain Technoblade of the ship Odyssey, I was hoping you had a few rooms and a table available. My brothers and I are pretty exhausted, we’ve been sailing all night.”
Brothers, they certainly didn’t all look alike, but then again you certainly had a mix of girls in your care. Your tongue swiped against the top row of your teeth, “Why don’t you and your brothers take a seat at the bar for now. Juniper will be happy to serve you, I’ll see if we have some free rooms available.”
“Thank you, once you return I’ll introduce them to you if you’d like,” Technoblade bowed his head before turning back to get his brother’s attention.
“I’d like that thank you.” You gave a nod motioning for Vendetta to follow you as you slid behind the bar with Juniper, Judas had also taken a spot sitting on the bar. You figured you’d let her know as well, considering she was another adult figure in the group. You knew either Juniper or Judas would fill in Addie considering the three were close. “Ven, can they be trusted?”
“Not too sure about the masked man, the one Quackity seems to be familiar with seems decent enough. He’s a fire demon though, could smell him from miles away, we all just need to be cautious.”
“Agreed,” Juniper added tapping her finger on her chin. “We should just try to curb all fighting if at all possible, what did the captain of the other group ask you?”
“They want a room, I’m about to check to see if we have availability. Thoughts on that?”
Judas let out a low hum her eyes followed both sets of pirate groups around the tavern, “I say if we have availability let them stay. They seem harmless so long as we don’t mess with them, which we’d never do.”
“Plus I can always stay awake to keep an eye on them.” Vendetta tapped her nails against the table,
“You sure.”
“As if I’d let anything happen to any of you, you’re my family.”
You all smiled softly, and you noticed Judas’s eyes widen, “Zig! Get that out of your mouth this instant!” She shot up from her spot and over to the person in question. The three of you laughed fondly at the nonsense, meanwhile, Juniper saw the three brothers sit at her bar. She moved away from you to greet them, you immediately could tell she was taken with the second eldest brother.
He seemed to be an absolute lady killer.
Vendetta ruffled your hair before going back to stand at her place by the door to keep the peace. You headed up the stairs to the rafters to check on the extra rooms you had, “Excuse me?” You tensed visibly turning around to face the man in all green. His eyes were mesmerizing, a fierce jade green to contrast his cloak, “Do you happen to have two rooms available?” The man held up two fingers to clarify his request,
“Do you usually start introductions with a blatant request like that?”
He chuckled a smile spreading across his lips, “I’m Dream and you gorgeous?”
“(Y/n), it’s your lucky day I’m about to check and see if any are available. My tavern is a hot commodity tonight.”
“Well, I can see why,” he spoke and you raised an eyebrow and tilted your head to the side.
“It has the hottest owner around. Word spreads fast.”
You couldn’t believe this man was making your cheeks burn, he chuckled softly taking a step towards your figure. “Oh really, word spreads that fast on the open sea, Captian?” It was his turn to turn light pink, but he covered it up quickly with a chuckle.
“I’ll get on that room for you and your friend. Take a seat, for now, this part is for guests and staff only you know?”
“So I have you all to myself?” He cheekily mused, he stepped towards you and before you knew it you were pinned against a wall. His hand suddenly brushed against your cheek, it was cold in comparison to your warm cheek. You felt Dream’s thumb brush against your cheek slowly, “You know...being on the open sea alone does something to a person.”
“Oh, I’m sure.” You mused pushing your forehead back against Dream’s, “All alone with only your crew with you.” Taking his other hand within your own you slid it up to your hip, you saw his entire face turn red as he stared down at your chest. “You’re probably missing a little love in your life, aren’t you Dreamy?” He nodded dumbly, his eyes still not leaving your chest,
Perfect. You weren’t going to let some pirate boy get the better of you.
He let out a grunt of pain as you spun him around and pressed his head into the wall with your elbow, your other hand has his pinned behind his back. “This hallway is for staff and guests only,” You purred in his ear before letting him go and swinging your hips before heading up the stairs fully. From behind you, Dream’s face was a deep, dark red and he had to clear his throat. Dream wasn’t going to let you go after that, I mean look at you, tough and able to hold your own, it awakened something inside him.
After checking up on the rooms you headed back down into the main hall, three-room keys in your hand. Glancing over at the scene in front of you, you saw Juniper dancing in the middle of the tavern the flirtatious brother at her side. Judas was sitting beside Schatt and Quackity at the bar, Addie was tending to Technoblade and the blonde at their little table. Dream and Sapnap were whispering to one another in the corner but still seemed to be enjoying the show. Vendetta was smiling softly by the door, beside her were Luvena and Zig both playing various instruments. You noticed Eret was also amongst the crowd, she had a brilliant grin on his face, it was flushed pink with alcohol and you smiled to yourself.
It was peaceful, and for a moment you forget half the patrons were scoundrels or pirates.
That was until the man dancing with Juniper locked eyes with you, his eyes lit up and he spun Juniper off into Addie’s arms. She giggled snuggling into the mother sheep’s arms, you heard a distressed “Juni! I’m holding glasses!” Before your vision was overtaken by the handsome flirt.
“Hello love,” He hummed, “May I offer you a dance?”
You were about to refuse but you saw Yeti, who finally made her appearance as it was getting closer to Judas’s set, giving you a big thumbs up “I’d be honored.” You responded taking his hand within your own, he pulled you out onto the dance floor and you felt his other hand politely hover on the small of your back. He allowed you to lean into his touch as he began to elegantly spin you around the dance floor, you were almost embarrassed to say felt like a princess. “Maybe I could get your name?” You asked above the music, “Since it seems you’re my dance partner this evening?”
“Wilbur Soot my love.” He hummed proudly, “The first mate of the ship Odysseus at your service. Plus I play music on the side.”
“Well now you need to play for us,” Wilbur twirled you around in a circle,
“Maybe one day. If you give me your name?”
“(Y/n) (L/n).”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”
“I was right.” You commented biting the bottom of your lip trying not to smile,
“About what?”
“Ah? Already talking about me I see? Is my manliness and gentlemanly qualities that renowned?”
“Not exactly.” He picked you up slightly and pulled you into a low dip, “I was right in thinking you a nothing but a flirty playboy.” Wilbur almost dropped you, you squawked grabbing onto his neck. He began to laugh as you clung to his chest,
“Alright love. You caught me red-handed.”
Wilbur set you on your feet hands on your lower back, you were pulled close to his chest. “Can I buy you a drink?”
“I get them for free hon. I own the place.”
“Oh...oh.” He paled a little, “I didn’t fuck up our chances of getting a room did I?”
“Nah lucky for you and your brothers, I have you covered, same with your buddies over there.” You motioned to Dream and Quackity’s friend, Wilbur’s face paled as he felt the chilled room key get placed in his palm. “What’s your little brother’s name?”
“Tell them both we serve breakfast free from 7 am to 10 am.” He nodded as you walked past, Wilbur meanwhile turned to look at Technoblade. It seemed he had his red eyes on the couple the entire time they were dancing. He held up a room key, it was labeled 205; Technoblade nodded his head before leaning back and talking to Addie once more. “Dream!” You called throwing a hand up into the air, instead of Dream, Sapnap looked up he nudged Dream with his elbow. The man was now wearing his mask, but at least you could tell he was looking at you,
“Well hello, darlin’ you must be (Y/n). Name's Sapnap. Dream told me about you, so you have good news for us I hope?”
“Pleasure, I'm sure he told you all about me,” He nodded, his eyes taking in your body especially your ass. “Got you both a room key, your neighbors. Across from the other crew of pirates. Just don’t fight and we won’t have any problems.”
“You mean those jackasses are staying?” Sapnap complained loudly, looking over your shoulder at the other crew members.
“You both didn’t think you were the only patrons, did you? This is a business after all.” You, tossed the keys their way, Dream caught it with ease and Sapnap fumbled it only a little bit. After they were in their hands, you waved them off with a flutter of your palm you turned around to go speak with Judas about her set but before you could take a step you saw Schlatt stumbling up from his seat. “Ah shit,” You knew what was about to happen, you weren’t paying attention to the ram hybrid so who knew how many drinks in he was. You felt responsible, for a while you and Judas had been trying to help Schlatt with his addiction. You couldn’t help but wonder what exactly set him off for him to get this drunk, Quackity caught him in his arms with a grumble. The man was a drunken mess, and as you approached you could hear his slurred speech and could practically smell the alcohol on his breath. “Schlatt,” You spoke carefully and as soon as you got close Schlatt detached himself from Quackity and lunged at you. His head was buried in his chest, he almost purred like he was very happy to be there, you rolled your eyes and ran your fingers through his hair. You were mindful of his horns but he seemed pretty eager for you to touch them,
“(Y/n).” He whined although it was muffled against your ample chest, “Why do pirates have to fuck everything up?”
“What are you on about Schlatt? No one likes pirates.”
“They’re gonna take you away from me, sugar. You’re my safe space, this tavern is my safe space.” You sighed listening to his drunken ramblings, you grabbed his horns and pulled him away from your chest.
“This is my life Schlatt, I’m not going anywhere trust me. Plus my family is here, they need me. So try not to worry okay?” You slicked back the hair on his forehead before planting a fond kiss there, everyone in the tavern narrowed their eyes at the scene. Even your girls were green with envy, at the sight of their lovely boss kissing someone who wasn’t them. He leaned against your lips eyes fluttering closed,
“Well, well, well if it isn’t Captian Schlatt? Or ex-captain if I remember correctly.”
You turned your head and felt Schlatt’s arms wrap around your waist and held you close to his chest. The touch was protective and you felt your heart skip a beat, why was he protecting you, and why did you actually feel protected?
“Has the drinking finally caught up to you? Or was it the fact that you lost your so-”
Was that Dream's voice?
“Shut the fuck up.” He snarled and you were shoved behind him into Quackity’s arms, you felt less protected. “I’m not that person anymore and you fucking know that,” Vendetta came to stand beside the both of you a hand was placed on your shoulder protectively. You knew she was desperately wanted to step in and you held up a hand to stop her.
“This isn’t good…” Quackity murmured, “They’re going to fight. Schlatt’s going to get himself fucking killed.”
“Calm yourself. We won’t let it get that far.” Ven grumbled eyeing you waiting for your signal. But you were lost in the conversation or argument, the two were having, you couldn’t believe Schlatt was a pirate. He was so...he just didn’t...he was a drunk okay? That didn’t exactly shout feared pirate to you!
“Oh, are you sure? I remember that look, that’s the look you’d get before you stomped someone’s lights out. No wonder your son disappeared under mysterious circumstances-” Dream was shoved against one of the poles holding up the building. He grunted and Schlatt’s arm was pulled back ready to punch, but his arm was stopped by smaller hands,
“Pardon me Mr. Schlatt but you know how we feel about fighting in our tavern.” Addie bubbled, she had a smile on her face but it wasn’t kind, it was full of warning.
“Get the fuck off me, sheepie. This doesn’t fucking concern you.” Schlatt shoved her away and as soon as his skin made contact with her body he made a sound of distress.
“(Y/n)...” Addie murmured quietly, your father’s dagger was embedded in Schlatt’s arm,
“Fucking hell you bitch!” He snarled baring his teeth, you glared at him twisting the dagger he yelled in agony.
“Touch one of my girls again and next time this dagger is going right into your back.” You ripped the dagger out, splattering the floor with blood. He grabbed his arm tightly and looked at you with slight betrayal in his yellow eyes. “I mean it Schlatt, Quackity take him home.” The man nodded looking at you longingly, he muttered a quiet ‘Sorry’ before escorting him out of your tavern. “You,” You glared harshly over at Dream, “Go to your room.”
“You’re not my mother.”
“Then find another play to stay.” You spat, he turned away and you looked over at Addie, “Are you alright?” Your voice turned tender as you cupped her cheeks. She nuzzled against your palms and nodded her head,
“I’m fine. You didn’t need to-”
“Yes, I did. No one messes with you. With any of you on my watch.”
The sheep hybrid made a little sound as her bottom lip trembled, she wrapped you in a tight hug which you accepted without hesitance. Judas walked over next and wrapped you both in her arms, pretty soon you were surrounded by your girls and Zig.
All of them had the same mindset: comforting both you and Addie.
It was good to be loved.
Wilbur watched the scene curiously and glanced over at Technoblade who stood up from his chair.
“I think that’s our cue to leave for the night.” He looked over at his first mate, Wilbur nodded in agreement grabbing his guitar from the chair beside Technoblade.
“They...Techno were they talking about Tubbo.” Tommy whispered to his brother, his brow furrowing in concern as they all climbed the steps up to their room, “You don’t think-”
“It just might be Tommy.” Technoblade tilted his head to the side, “Guess that’ll be something we ask him when we get back to the ship tomorrow.”
“Well, this trip is going to be way more fun than I thought.” Wilbur snickered lighting a cigarette, taking a long drag, before letting the smoke curl out of his mouth and up into the rafters. ~~~
Tag List: @v01dw4lk3rz, @jam-bombs, @abovenyx, @glitterydigitalart, @phoenixaesthetic19, @luluwinchester, @boiled-onionrings, @pastelmoonwitche, @roxy3457, @alovestruck-fool, @victory-is-here, @mack4676, @fiorenc, @theoneandonlyyeti, @bloodrose0723, @sandyy-woo,
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mrs-bartowski · 3 years
Brace for impact y'all cuz my brain is being Extra Rude this fine Sunday. OKAY, so...
What with Lena's new unemployment status, obviously we have all these hcs about her being unable to afford the penthouse and moving in with Kara.
Then of course we have all the accompanying hcs about Lena's time in the apartment between now and when Kara gets back (blanket sniffing, inability to sleep in Kara's bed, ready-to-pack corner of belongings so as to not alter Kara's home, and all those other super fun things that make me wanna cry).
I see all of those (and love them) and I raise you one: the Mxy tapes.
So, we see right after Mxy leaves when Kara picks up "The One Where Lena Decided To Work With Lex" which is what, in combination with her realization that telling Lena the truth always has "huge" consequences, motivates her to make that super OOC decision to absolve herself entirely of her guilt and tell Lena she'll treat her like a villain if she works with Lex, yes?
Now, what if that wasn't the only tape Mxy left behind? What if he left a recording of each of those alternate timelines because, after seeing Kara twist what she learned to fit her frustration over Lena's continued cold shoulder and hearing what she said to Lena, Mxy decided she might want to watch them again at some point to remember the real takeaway: she's fighting for the relationship that saves the world...
Kara found the tapes stacked on the coffee table when she got home, with a note that said "You found the magic. Now don't lose it." She wanted to get angry, but instead she just put the tapes in a box on the shelf under the TV and tried to forget about them.
Lena's hand shakes slightly as she slides the key into the lock, feeling the ghost of Alex’s hand rest gently on her shoulder as it had when she’d pressed the cold metal into her palm a few hours earlier with a silent offer and an encouraging nod. The door swings open slowly, and Lena is hit by a sudden wave of cold. Not temperature, but energy. It’s too quiet - no NSYNC on the speaker or Bachelorette on the TV. It’s too empty - no smell of fresh (slightly burnt) bread or yarn strewn all over the counter from Kara’s various crochet projects. It’s too...Kara-less.
Lena shakes off the feeling and slides her bag off her shoulder in the corner by the bookcase, careful not to knock Kara’s favorite cinnamon candle off the stool beside her, as she tells Alexa to play Nina Simone. She zips open her bag to pull out her favorite copy of Mrs. Dalloway and finds it missing. Realizing she must have left it in her desk drawer at LexCorp, Lena makes a mental note to send Brainy in after it tomorrow with the promise that he can change all of Lex’s passwords one more time before they leave the game for good.
Lena stares at the blank TV screen for a moment, dreading the thought of watching anything in this room without Kara’s head on her shoulder or in her lap. So, she crouches to look at the shelves of the TV stand, hoping to find at least one of the books she’d gotten Kara for her birthday last year wedged between the latest issues of CatCo Magazine and the recipe books Alex had gotten her in the hopes of spending less money on pot stickers every week.
She’s just zeroed in on The Color Purple when she notices a box she doesn’t recognize laying across the tops of the books on the other shelf. She reaches for it on instinct, then hesitates. She hasn’t touched anything of Kara’s since their falling out, and what if Kara’s “what’s mine is yours” rule no longer applies to her now? She considers leaving it alone and waiting for Kara to get back and explain, sliding The Color Purple toward her without taking her eyes off the box, before her curiosity gets the better of her and she caves, tossing the book onto the coffee table.
She opens the lid and starts at the sight of VHS tapes. Hasn't she taught Kara better than this? They'd converted all her old tapes to DVDs months into their friendship ("Kara, these things deteriorate so easily and the picture quality becomes awful, don't you want something that will last?"). She picks up the first tape and reads the label on the side: "The One Where Lena Doesn't Make It Back In Time." Her brows furrow as she stares, unblinking, at the title - demanding answers she knows only one person can give her.
She glances around, but doesn't see a VHS player anywhere, so she sets the tape on the floor beside her and picks up the next one. "The One Where Lena Can't Save Sam Or Herself." Lena shoves down her growing horror and discards the tape, hoping the next one will be less ominous. She picks it up and chokes back a sob as she reads: "The One Where There Are No Survivors."
Lena can't wait for answers anymore, so she gathers the tapes back into the box, grabs her purse and Kara's key, and heads to the closest library. Lena finds the old CRT sitting on a rolling cart in the back corner of the library, tucked between the stacks of kids' books. She pulls the first tape out of the box and slides it carefully into the slot.
30 minutes later, with tears and too-cheap eyeliner streaming down her face, Lena picks up the last tape. "The One Where Lena Was Never Your Friend." And here she'd thought things couldn't get worse. Lena takes a deep breath as she inserts the tape.
At the sight of the ruin that meets Kara and Mxy, Lena stifles the urge to laugh. Of course this is what a world without her best friend looks like. This exactly how it feels now, and she's only been gone a few weeks.
Lena's breath catches as she hears herself ask "who's Kara?," the mere thought of a world where the reporter had never believed in her, never cared enough to love her, almost too much to bear. Her hand drifts absent-mindedly to her chest as she watches herself reveal a kryptonite heart, and for a moment she can hear the sounds of her own screams as her mother's experiments rob her of the last of her humanity.
She presses her hand closer to her heart, sure that it's stopped beating at the sight of Kara on the ground, in pain at her hands but still refusing to fight her. Feels it shatter when her worst self says exactly the same words she'd said to Kara in the Fortress when asked why she had pretended to be Kara's friend for so long.
And she thinks it might kill her, this agony that's filling her body like acid. She wonders for a moment if this is what kryptonite feels like to Kara. Because it sure feels like her skin is getting seared off her bones and there are nails in her blood and it sure seems like she won't survive watching herself kill her best friend as she lies helpless and desperate on the floor.
And when Mxy pulls them out, Lena's breath returns full force until she's hyperventilating because Kara is gone and she doesn't know how long it will be until they get her back; and she was terrified of what she'd become when she lost Jack but she survived because of Kara; and if this is what losing Kara without ever having her in the first place looks like, Lena has never been more afraid than she is as she realizes what will happen to the world if she doesn't get Kara back. What she'll do to the world if it dares to take Kara from her.
So, when she gathers the tapes and goes to return them to the box and finds a note at the bottom that says "You found the magic. Now don't lose it," Lena promises herself that, for as long as she lives, she will do everything in her power to keep the magic that is Kara Danvers in her life.
Alex knocks on the apartment door three days later and finds it unlocked. She pushes the door open and her hand drifts to her gun, but relaxes as she sees Lena's sleeping form curled up on the couch. Alex approaches a box she knows the contents of all too well and finds it open and empty on the table before she notices the VCR player and tapes strewn across the floor. She smiles softly as she recalls the image of Kara in the exact same position months earlier. And, as she carefully plucks the handwritten note from Lena's clutched fist, she smiles at the knowledge that, once Kara returns, no force in the world will be able to keep them apart again.
UPDATE: Ask and ye shall receive
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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bittykimmy13 · 3 years
hhhhmm ❝ i want to deserve you. i’m trying to deserve you. ❞ for Cassandra and Lily :3
OHHH this one hurt my heart and I love it 😭 The girls may have gotten their happily ever after... But not always so happily at first :')
(( An Extra Roommate ))
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Although Lily insisted that Cassie should take it easy, Cassie insisted just as adamantly that she needed to get her strength back. Lily tried not to argue, but it was impossible. There was no need for Cassie to be able to hook a rope and climb it. There was no need for her to be able to navigate Lily’s home like she was living in secret.
Mere days after they had arrived at Lily’s parents’ house for summer break, Cassie busied herself by making borrowing supplies on Lily’s desk.
“I can give you whatever you need,” Lily said gently as Cassie put knots into a length of yarn to make it easier to climb. “You don’t have to worry about sneaking around my parents. Can’t you just… rest?”
Cassie—timid, sweet, little Cassie who rarely disagreed—shook her head stubbornly. “I barely moved at all when I was with… with him.”
Bristling, Lily tried not to let her utter hatred for Vince show on her face. The last thing she wanted was for Cassie to look up and see a scowl looming over her. With a sigh, Lily folded her arms on the edge of the desk and put her chin down, watching Cassie’s tiny hands fly through her work. For several seconds, she was mesmerized.
“You know, when people are trying to get their strength back, they tend to lean toward taking a jog every once in a while. Not jump straight into mountain-climbing.”
“I’m climbing shelves, not mountains,” Cassie said, peeking up with genuine confusion.
Lily gave a soft exhale of affectionate laughter. Cassie stared blankly before offering a horribly forced smile. It sent a chill down Lily’s spine—she had done that more than once over the past few days. Cassie’s features were distant or fretful a majority of the time, and it wasn’t until she saw Lily watching that she would smile a second too late.
Laughter fading, Lily pursed her lips. “Are you okay, Cassie?” she whispered.
“Of course I am,” Cassie said, twisting the yarn in her hands.
Lily unfolded one arm and crept a hand closer to Cassie’s minuscule form. She brushed a fingertip down her red hair tentatively. “It’s okay if you’re not okay. You know that, right? Hell, you were kidnapped. Held against your will. You don’t have to pretend—”
“I’m not pretending!” Lily pulled her hand away, startled to see Cassie’s upturned face was quickly streaking with distressed tears. “I’m happy to be here! I’m so happy to be with you!”
“Cassie…” Lily sat up straighter and cupped her hands around her. “It’s… it’s okay.”
“It’s not!” Cassie admitted finally, scrubbing her cheeks and panting. “It’s not fair! I went through all that, and I-I made it out, and I’m still not okay!”
Tears pushed at the back of Lily’s eyes in response, but she blinked hard to keep them at bay. She couldn’t fall apart—no matter how badly she wanted to at the sight of Cassie’s breakdown. “I’m sorry,” was all Lily managed to croak, draping her palm against Cassie’s back. Her little form shivered terribly.
“The whole time I was there,” Cassie went on, her voice catching on nearly every word, “ I made myself make it through the day by thinking of you! So why aren’t I happy now? You’re here, and you’re perfect, and I just… I want to be happy! I want to deserve you. I’m trying to deserve you.”
“Oh, honey—you deserve so much more.”
Lily couldn’t resist any longer. She swept Cassie up between her hands and tucked her against her collar bone. She couldn’t hold back the tears any longer, but at least Cassie wouldn’t be able to see her come undone. Cassie wept heavily, burying her face in Lily’s shirt, clinging desperate fistfuls of fabric. She trembled so hard, Lily worried that she was terrified.
“I’m sorry,” Lily croaked. “I should have asked before grabbing. I—I can put you down.”
“No!” Cassie curled adamantly against her. “Please, d-don’t.”
“Okay. Okay, I won’t. I’m here.” She pressed Cassie closer and struggled to get a hold of herself. Cassie was barely the length of her palm, and yet Lily was the one who felt utterly helpless. “You deserve to feel safe,” Lily said in a hushed voice. “You don’t have to fake anything with me. Give yourself time. What happened… still happened. But you’re here. You’re safe.”
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helnjk · 4 years
Stitching Together - G.W.
George Weasley x fem!reader 
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Requested: yes !! by my lovely bean marissa @lumos-barnes
please accept my humble request for a george x reader where the reader owns a shop in diagon alley and one day they walk into WWW and george knocks over a whole display, he is a complete SIMP & cannot compose himself. complete buffoonery when the reader is near. they become friends & do all these nice things for each other and the reader is oblivious like "george, i'm so lucky to be your friend" (even though the reader is secretly simping) and he's like "um what, i'm literally in love with you"
Word count: 3.1k
Warnings: mentions of meals and drinks (coffee), but other than that it’s just pure fluff & Dumb Idiots In Love
A/N: somehow i always end up writing george knitting? idk how it happened, but it happened. i hope you like it marissa 🥺💕
You took a step back to admire your handiwork. 
After what seemed like neverending hours, the layout of your shop was finally perfect. From where you stood, you had a view of the streets of Diagon Alley, several passersby coming and goings from your sight. The display of charmed knit work by the window was already moving, demonstrating simple stitches that formed into a scarf. 
It had always been your dream to open up your own shop in the most prominent wizarding area of Britain, with your passion for knitting and crafting, but the timing had always been off. Now, about a year or so since the war had ended, your grandmother surprised you with the capital to make your dreams come true. 
The gesture was extra special because she was the one who first taught you how to knit. Many summers were spent in her cottage, sitting side by side and working on personal projects together. 
Outside, your sign read ‘Stitching Together: Grand Opening’. There were a few flyers posted right on the door and on the window advertising the different classes and crafting groups you were offering, as well as the different products that could be found in your store. 
It was as if your heart could burst at the sight of your fully furnished shop and you could wait no longer. With a flick of your wand, the sign on the door flipped to say open and that was that. 
“Hey Freddie, have you seen that new shop that’s opened down the street?” George yelled from the bottom of the stairs once the last customer of the day made their leave. 
“Haven’t gone in, but it’s gotten a lot of customers from what I can tell!” the disembodied voice of his twin replied from somewhere above. 
As he began the process of cleaning up and reshelving, products floating in midair or zooming towards their proper shelves, he called out once more, “What type of store is it d’you reckon?” 
“Arts and crafts? Something like that.” 
George’s eyes drifted towards the shop window, where he could just barely see the outline of the new store. Dusk had begun to set in London, so the sky was filled with brilliant hues of purple and orange. His curiosity getting the better of him, he decided that he would go welcome the new shop owner to Diagon Alley. 
With a shout to let his twin know where he was off to, George strode out of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes and into the brisk weather. Luckily for him, Stitching Together was still open. He could see you bustling around inside, fixing displays and swishing your wand to tidy everything up.
It had only been around a month since your shop had opened, but the local wizard folk of London seemed to be very keen on buying the different things you sold. Many came around to purchase the instructional books and the different kinds of wool and yarn, and some of your regulars had even taken an interest in the classes you held weekly. It was a great way for you to get to know the community and to establish friendships. 
You had always taken note of the joke shop a few shops down from you, but with the hustle and bustle of just opening, you hadn’t had a chance to visit or introduce yourself to the owners. It was just your luck that one half of them pushed open the door to your shop, the little bell at the top of it ringing to indicate his presence. 
“Oh, hello!” you smiled, turning to face the redheaded man, “Welcome to Stitching Together, what could I help you with?” 
Unbeknownst to George, your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest. How could a man be so positively handsome you didn’t know, but at the sight of him standing by the door, all you could think about was how gorgeous he was. And he hadn’t even uttered a single word yet! 
The charming smile he sent your way did not help the heat you could feel creeping up your neck. “Just popping by to say hello and welcome to Diagon Alley! My twin and I run Wheezes just down the street,” he said. 
Your smile grew as he stuck his hand out for you to shake, “Oh I was just thinking about how I’ve been wanting to pay your shop a visit! I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“George Weasley at your service,” his hand was firm and warm as he shook yours, eyes sparkling with something you couldn’t quite name. “Nice to meet you!” 
“So tell me about your shop!” 
Somehow, after that evening, George Weasley snuck his way into becoming a part of your daily routine.
Every morning he would show up with two cups of coffee in hand right before your shop was set to open. After realizing that you depended on caffeine to function throughout your day, he made it a point to bring you one everyday. As you sipped on your coffees, the two of you would spend a few minutes chatting about your plans for the day before going to work. 
Whenever you would offer to pay for your own cup or even try to insinuate that you could get your own coffee in the morning, just so that he wouldn’t have to go through the trouble, he would stop you in your tracks.
“But George–”
“Nope!” he would say in a voice louder than yours. “I’m doing this out of the kindness of my heart. I really feel for your customers who have to deal with a Y/N that hasn’t had her coffee fix. Could you imagine the grumpiness? Not on my watch!” 
You would roll your eyes, but secretly it warmed your heart how sweet this boy could be. He was slowly inching his way into your life and becoming a great friend. 
“So,” said Fred one day as George had gotten back from delivering your daily coffee, “The bird from the knitting shop, huh?” 
His twin only rolled his eyes in response, used to the teasing that came with being brothers (and twins) with Fred Weasley. Instead of engaging, George went instead to do the routine last check over their store before they officially opened their doors. Still, Fred couldn’t resist the temptation to continue provoking him. 
“Oi! C’mon, you bring her coffee everyday even if you don’t like the stuff. If I don’t remind you that you have a store to run, you would spend the whole day staring out the window just to catch a glimpse of the girl! Tell me you’re not whipped for her,” he teased, following George through the shop.
From their position at the till and on the second floor, both Verity and Lee tried to hide their smirks. This was too good a story to not eavesdrop on. 
“Come off it, Fred.” George rolled his eyes. “I’m just being a good friend, that’s all!” 
“Yeah but you wouldn’t mind being more than friends.” 
The cheeky wink Fred sent George was not appreciated, as the prior soon found out, having to duck away from a stinging hex. Still, Fred’s laugh rang through the semi-empty store as he ran away from his brother. 
Later in the day, as the lunch crowd tapered off, the four of them were left to mull around a bit. Lee and Verity were off taking stock in the back room, Fred was doing some accounting (because his twin couldn’t be trusted with any sort of math), and George was reshelving some Skiving Snackboxes. 
The bell above the door to the shop rang, but he couldn’t quite tell who came in from his position towards the back of the shop. 
“Welcome to Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes!” he yelled, rushing to get all the boxes in order before he could help the new customer, “I’ll be with you in just a second!” 
Just as he admired his handiwork, eyes scanning the display to make sure nothing was out of place, a familiar voice called from behind him, “It’s alright, take your time. I’m not looking for anything in particular.” 
George almost jumped out of his skin as he heard your voice. He was so surprised that as he turned to meet you, his elbow caught on the edge of one of the Snackboxes and the whole thing toppled over. 
You watched as the tower of boxes crumbled around him, and your hand automatically covered your mouth as you tried to contain your laughter. It didn’t work, though, and soon the whole store could hear your guffaws. 
Thankfully, George was a wizard, and what would’ve taken a muggle quite some time to fix, only took a quick flick of his wand. 
“Oops,” you smiled at him bashfully as he finished, “Didn’t mean to startle you, Weasley.”
“Erm, it-it’s alright,” he blushed, “I just didn’t expect you to come ‘round today.” 
In truth, the reason why George was so flustered at your appearance at his shop was because he had just spent most of the afternoon thinking about you. He often did that, getting lost in his thoughts about the many little things that made you, well, you. The deep breath you took before that first sip of coffee in the morning, revelling in the aroma. How your face lit up when you spoke about the different people you met in your classes. Your hands and how skillfully they worked whatever project you were creating at the moment. 
He wouldn’t admit it to Fred, but what his twin had said earlier in the day was accurate. He was absolutely smitten over you. 
“Well you’ve been a regular over at mine for the last couple of weeks, I’m just returning the favor and visiting my favorite redhead at his place of work!” 
“I-I,” he stuttered, his brain refusing to acknowledge the fact that he was your favorite anything. 
Fred, who had heard the commotion and had gone down to check if everything was okay, nearly face palmed as he watched George fumble through his words. The man was whipped for you, no doubt about it, and as a good twin, he decided to save his brother from further humiliation. 
“I think what my lovely twin here is trying to say, is that you just haven’t met enough redheads to make your decision about your favorite one,” he said, smoothly inserting himself into the conversation. “Fred Weasley, at your service!” 
Your smile immediately brightened at the sight of George’s twin holding out his hand for you to shake, “Nice to meet you! I’m Y/N, George’s told me loads about you!” 
“Has he?” Fred raised his eyebrow, turning to look at George who was still a little dumbstruck at the sight of you in his shop. “Well, that just means it’s my turn to spend some time with such a lovely lady. C’mon, I’ll give you a tour of the shop!”
“Oh I’d love that.” 
With a small glance and wave at George, you took the arm that Fred was holding out for you, and so began his (largely amusing) tour of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes. 
“What in Merlin’s name was that!” yelled Fred the moment you left the shop. 
George groaned into his hands, embarrassment creeping back into him. He had acted a fool, unable to even mutter a single sentence to you the whole time you were around. 
“Mate, I have never seen you so flustered around a girl,” his twin muttered, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, “Just tell her you’ve got feelings for her! Ask her on a date, do something! From what I could tell, you’re not the only one who’s caught feelings.” 
“It’s not like that between us,” he said, “I doubt she even notices how much I fancy her.” 
Somehow, George wound up taking Fred’s advice. Though, in typical-George fashion, he never explicitly mentioned to you anything about the way he felt. 
Instead, he would stay around your shop longer in the mornings, taking slower than usual sips of his coffee (which he still couldn’t say he preferred over a good cup of tea). Other days, he would come around closing time and help put everything back in order and if he was lucky, the two of you would go out to dinner. Of course, he would also never let you pay a sickle for your meal, no matter how much you insisted. 
Weekends were usually spent together as well. 
Saturdays were for brunch and muggle films on the telly. It was one of the rare occasions he would drink a beverage in front of you that wasn’t that (god forsaken) coffee. 
Sundays were more for crafting together. He would floo into your flat after having lunch with his family and the two of you would continue working on his little project. 
“My mum loves to knit,” he mentioned one day, while he observed your quick hands skillfully moving the thread through your needles. “She knits us all sweaters for Christmas. It’s become a tradition of sorts.” 
“That’s lovely,” you smiled up at him.
“Yeah, anyone who’s practically family gets one too. Like Harry and Hermione,” he mused.
“I could teach you how to knit her something, if you wanted,” you offered. “It’d be something pretty simple though, especially if you’ve never knitted anything before.”
The smile he sent you was so dazzling, you had to take a moment. You were practically melting under his tender gaze and you swallowed thickly, trying to gain your composure. 
 “That’d be bloody brilliant, Y/N!” 
You only hoped he didn’t notice how your face got hot and how your hands couldn’t move the needles to do what you wanted, too flustered to be precise with your movements.
Since then, the two of you spent most of Sunday afternoons making sure George had the correct strings of yarn on the correct needle. You would keep a close eye on him and his progress, but most of the time he was alright on his own. Sometimes, he would purposely sit closer to you on your couch and you could practically feel the warmth radiating from him. 
In between knits, your eyes would drift towards his focused face and you would smile. George had a habit of poking the tip of his tongue out when he was knitting. Something about the gesture helped him concentrate, and you found it absolutely adorable.
The more time you spent together, though, the more confused George got. It was getting to a point where in his head, it was impossible to miss what he was trying to say with his actions. You had to have caught on by now. And, since you hadn’t acknowledged what was going on between the two of you, he had assumed that this was your polite way of rejecting him.  
On a chilly morning, he clutched the warm cups of coffee in his hands as he pushed the door to Stitching Together open with his back. 
“Morning, Y/N!” he greeted.
You grinned in his direction as he made his way towards you. The moment he placed the warm drink in your hands and you took your first sip, a small moan of gratefulness escaped your lips.
“Merlin, I don’t deserve you,” you mumbled to your cup. 
“Sorry?” George asked, brows furrowed slightly. 
“Oh nothing!” you quickly said, “I’m just really glad you’re my friend, Georgie.” 
The word seemed to make his heart sink down to his stomach and ignite something in him at the same time. It was time that he told you how he felt, no matter what would happen afterwards. He couldn’t keep going on pretending he wasn’t head over heels in love with you. 
“Erm, about that Y/N,” he began, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his work uniform, “I’ve got to tell you something.” 
It was now or never. 
You smiled up at him encouragingly, almost oblivious to the bundle of nerves that were most definitely visible in his expression. 
“I-I don’t want to be just friends, Y/N,” he said, lips pursed in anticipation.
“What do you want then?” you still didn’t understand what he was trying to say. 
In a burst of confidence, George took your hands in his and gripped them tightly, “I want to be with you. I fancy you loads, I think I might even be in love with you, Y/N. Honestly, I might’ve been in love with you from the moment I first walked into your shop.” 
Your lack of an immediate response left him to back track, “But I understand completely if you don’t feel the same way, I just wanted to get it out there.” 
For a moment, the two of you were silent. George eyed you nervously, wondering what was going on through your head, bracing himself for the rejection that he thought was on the tip of your tongue. 
Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore, “Y/N? Do you want me to go?” 
Instead of answering, you flung your arms around his neck. He was so startled at your sudden gesture that he almost didn’t notice your lips on his. Almost. 
As suddenly as you had kissed him, all of his apprehensions melted away. Almost automatically, his arms found themselves wrapped around your waist and he pulled you closer to him. Your lips melted together seamlessly. It was as if this was where the two of you were meant to be, and you couldn’t help but smile into the kiss. 
Sooner than you had liked, George pulled away from you slightly. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t help but dip his head down to peck your lips again. Once, twice, three times. This left you a giggly mess, your nose scrunching up in a way that was practically begging him to kiss it as well. 
“Does that mean you fancy me too?” he murmured against your lips. 
“Absolutely, head over heels,” you smiled in return. 
The pair of you spent a brief moment with your foreheads pressed together, giddy smiles on your faces. That was until a knock on the door of your shop sounded. Immediately, you sprung apart, a blush coating tip of George’s ears and cheeks. 
A few people stood outside, eyeing you amusedly. 
“Oh shit,” you said, hurrying to flip the sign on the door to say ‘open’ and to unlock the door with a flick of your wand. “I completely forgot I had a class today.” 
As the small group of people began to file inside, they sent knowing glances your way to which you only groaned softly and looked up at George.
“I’ll see you tonight?” you asked hopefully. 
With a kiss to your cheek and a mischievous grin he said, “You can count on it, love.” 
General taglist: @expectoevans @george-fabian-weasley @gxthsanrio @slytherinscribbles @harpyloon @nuttytani @mesmerisedangel @amourtentiaa @sarcasticallywitty15 @lumos-barnes
Weasley twins taglist: @whizboingies @pineapplesandpinas @papapapadumb @Mrs-g-weasley @a-castle-of--glass @hey-there-angels @leovaldez37 @pinkypurplemagic @werewolfslut @surprizeshawtyy
crossed out means i couldn’t tag you for some reason, sorry!
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gryffindors-weasley · 3 years
To Heal A Seeker
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Summary: When healing Draco after a quidditch accident, you find he knows more about it than you think.
Word Count: 2.6k
Warnings: mentions of injury, mentions of blood, mild angst, bit of jealousy, fluff, kissing
A/N: This fic is loosely inspired by one I’ve written here!
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A soft huff left your lips for seemingly the millionth time in the past fifteen minutes as you pulled Draco along the darkened corridors towards the Hogwarts infirmary by the hand that night, worry on your mind and a bit of annoyance that he hadn’t done something sooner than just now. You had seen that he’d taken a hit during that evening’s quidditch match, but he hadn’t seemed all too affected by it though you should have known that he had far too much pride in him to show when he’d been hurt. He’d always been that way and probably always will be.
“If there’s anyone in here, we’re leaving, love,” he grumbles quietly behind you as he squeezes your hand to accompany his words, eliciting an eye roll from you. You pause in your stride and spin on your heel just outside the double doors, eyes narrowed at him in disapproval.
“No, we will not. Don’t be ridiculous, Draco,” you quip before turning back around, pushing open the door to the infirmary with a creak. It was far louder than you’d have liked in contrast to the silence.
Much to Draco’s relief each and every bed had been empty and neatly made in preparation for any student who may need it, the large room dimly lit now that Madame Pomfrey had turned in for the night. The glowing moonlight streamed in and stretched across the floor through the latticed windows in broken beams, adding a bit more illumination to the room.
His sigh was soon to be heard upon realization that there was no way out of your scolding, though he could help the flutter in his heart over the simple thought of being cared about so much. It wasn’t something he’d been used to, not really. So when you’d motioned for him to sit on of the beds, he’d done so without much argument save for his displeasure when your hand had slipped out of his own.
His lips pursed, however, when you’d brushed the heaps of tangled platinum away from his forehead to see if there’s been anything to heal, an action he came to regret as it tugged at the split he acquired. He should know better than to let the taunts of Cormac get under his skin by now, and he would have if he’d kept his snarky remarks simply on the topic of the match at hand. But the moment he had mentioned you he knew he had been in trouble, and Cormac knew his attempt at distraction had been plenty successful then. So much so the blonde nearly fell off his broom, instead taking a scrape to the arm by a passing player and furthermore an elbow to the mouth not ten minutes later. He had been seconds from casting a spell that was sure to take McLaggen out for the rest of the match, but for his team’s sake, for your sake, he didn’t.
“I’m fine, love,” he sighs softly, looking up at you with raised brows in hopes you’d take his word for it—he knows you won’t.
“You’re not,” you counter as the corners of your mouth tug downward, eyes narrowed as your gaze focuses on the split adorning his reddened lip. You brush the pad of your thumb over it gently as your frown remains, his expression softening at the sight of your distress. “You’re a fool, Dray.”
“But I’m your fool, aren’t I?” He says, a smile forming that’s soon cut short with a wince.
It was your turn to purse your lips as you shake your head, though a grin had been fighting valiantly to appear all the same. “You make it hard to be so sure.”
As he scoffs, you grab your wand from where it sat tucked within your boot, aiming it precisely at his bottom lip. He closed his eyes with a quiet huff then, your hand that’d since been gingerly pressed under his chin a comfort as he awaited the familiar feel of the Episkey spell he’d come to know all too well. Soon enough, with a murmur of the three-syllable word, he feels a heat on his lip followed just as quickly by a feeling nearly cold as ice, your hand falling from his chin to swipe your finger over his newly healed lip as if nothing had happened to it. When he opens his eyes to look at you he finds you’re a bit more at ease, a blush staining your cheeks as your thumb lingers.
A smile tugs at the corner of his mouth, one no longer having stinging repercussions, his hands finding yours as he looks up at you with mischief dancing in his eyes.
“Perhaps a kiss will make it all the more better?”
Your eye roll was immediate at his words, words that were so utterly cheesy and so very Draco to say. But the smile that’d been gracing his lips had been one that was near impossible to keep from kissing and soon you find yourself dipping down to press your lips on his. His hands had squeezed your own and his sigh had puffed warmly against your skin at the action, one that proved to be all too fleeting in his opinion.
“You’re already better,” you mumble, kissing the tip of his nose as you pull away. “Well, partly.”
As his shoulders slump your distracted attention returns to the task at hand, to the arm he so insistently said had been fine. You knew very well it hadn’t been judging by the fraying green yarn that dangled from his sleeve, a tear accompanying it. Without hesitation you grab a hold of the cuff and push up his sleeve carefully, your breath catching at the scrape running across the top of his arm. It was an angry scarlet around the edges, the shade a sharp contrast to the paleness of his skin. It’d been fairly superficial from the looks of it, something that wouldn’t be cause for concern, but you were unhappy nonetheless.
“Draco,” you sigh, and he’s quick to bring your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles in an attempt to lessen your worrying. “You’ve got to stop letting him get to you. It clearly isn’t doing you any good.”
You pull your hand from his and turn to make your way to the cabinet across the infirmary.
The tall cupboard housed just about every healing potion, every herb, and every bandage you could possibly think of atop its very shelves. They were all carefully and precisely crafted from ingredients hand selected from the greenhouse, made with great attention to measurements in order to be in their most effective state. It was an assortment always well stocked, especially while the quidditch season was in play for the more competitive and dare you say clumsy members of the four teams participating, your beau very much included. Only you hadn’t known such potions had been made by the very person you’d been healing, most of them residing there have been for that matter.
You scanned the shelves in search of the perfect solution for such an injury, the lighting of the room not having been helping you very much.
“It’s Essence of Dittany, darling,” he calls out behind you, his words matter of fact yet his suggestion gentle.
You smile softly as you pluck it from the shelf before dampening a towel, turning on your heel with a raised brow. You say nothing more as you return to him, setting the towel to the side and unscrewing the cap. When held up to the moonlight it’d been a shade of green that could nearly rival that of the slytherin team jersey he’d been wearing, and that’d been a clear enough indication that you’d gotten the right one. Though you must say, the handwritten label had seemed strikingly familiar to you.
With a steady hand you hold his wrist, his fingers splaying over your arm. You look at him once more, his gaze soft and encouraging that he’d be just fine. You took a deep breath then, applying a generous amount to the wound. In a matter of moments a matching green smoke had begun to billow upwards and dissipate into the room, something that had made you flinch more than it did Draco at the simple reaction of the potion.
“You don’t need that many drops, Y/n/n,” he says softly, grabbing the dropper from your hand and capping the tiny bottle. “Just three or four is plenty for something this size.”
He knew you’d probably been done so out of worry of putting enough, out of wanting it to be healed as much as possible, and the thought alone had him resisting the urge to grin. You bit the inside of your cheek to try your hardest to hide your own smile, gazing at him as he watched the scrape along his arm heal in a matter of moments. He brushed his fingers along where it’d once been before shifting his attention towards you—you and your ever curious smile that was unable to be fought any longer than a second.
“And just how do you know all these things?” You ask, your grin heard in your words as you tilt your head in display of your curiosity. He laughs softly as you wipe away the crimson smears of blood remaining on his skin, eying the area that looked as though it’d been good as new.
“I’ve done my research,” he shrugs, the scarlet that was beginning to stain his cheeks having gone unseen in the dimness of the room.
“I can see that,” you say, and it’d been very clear he’d done more than just a little research, and you felt as though maybe he’d been more interested in the art of healing than he was letting on.
You could tell that very fact just by the way he’d fumbled and twirled the little glass bottle in his hands, eying the green potion that had worked exceptionally with the softest of smiles on his face. By the way he’d been so inclined to accompany you whenever you’d made the trip to the greenhouse every other night, needing little instruction on how to care for most any of the plants. You could tell by the very way you’d found him asleep in the library far past midnight once before, a page of notes on herbology stuck to his cheek. It wasn’t very hard to see that this was far more than just a hobby, than just something to occupy his free time.
Playing quidditch was something he hadn’t anticipated doing beyond second year. It was more so a challenge, something he’d done just to rival Harry and get under his skin. He was quite skilled at it, yes, having perfected the sport in hopes to please his father though he knew his attempts were futile. He stuck with it though, one year turning to two, two to four. Now you were in your seventh and final year and he’d still been yet to stop playing. But it’d been obvious this wasn’t something he’d want to make a life out of much to Lucius’ dismay, it was more so a distraction from everything that’s been weighing heavy on his mind. It was obvious he didn’t hold a passion for it past his desire to win each match, to hold the title over Cormac. That was it—it was merely a pass time.
“I’ve made this one myself, you know,” he says after a little while, holding the little bottle up as the emerald potion swirls inside it at the sudden action. “And I see now that it’s quite satisfactory.”
“I would assume it’s from all the studying you’ve been doing, then,” you quip, your smile beaming and all-knowing when he looks up from his hands to meet your gaze.
His brows knit together ever so slightly, lips parting as his breath catches slightly and he hopes you hadn’t heard it. “I don’t believe I know what you’re talking about, love.”
You laugh softly as you tug down the sleeve of his quidditch sweater, enveloping his hands in your own. They were calloused and warm as you held them save for the ring he’d worn, far larger in comparison to yours. “I’ve caught you studying notes on healing and herbology in the library far too many times for me to believe that, Draco.”
“I was just—”
“I’ve seen the way you care for the plants in the greenhouse when professor sprout isn’t there to do so. Not to mention, you’re at the top of the potions class. Being a healer would be good for you—you should go for it, Dray, really. You’d be brilliant!” You say, squeezing his hand softly.
A soft laugh left his lips at the mere mention of it, one that wasn’t entirely filled with humor as he looked away from you briefly. He shook his head then, his thumbs brushing over your knuckles tenderly. “Yeah, and what would my father say about that? I don’t think he’d be too happy if his son, the only Malfoy heir, went soft and decided to use his magic for good. He’s not too fond of the idea of me pursuing a career with quidditch either.”
You sigh softly, shoulders slumping at his words as you release one of his hands to rest on his cheek. His gaze returns to you upon your touch, his jaw tense under your finger tips before he relaxed. Your thumb swipes over his chin as you mull over your next words.
“Draco, we both know what I think of your father’s opinion,” you say, pulling a small smile from him. “All I’m saying is, if you truly like it, I think you should pursue it. You seem to like it far more than chasing McLaggen around on the pitch accumulating who knows how many bumps and bruises. You’re good at it Draco, you love it, and that’s what matters. Besides, I’ve got no problem fighting your father on the subject, you know.”
His smile widens and he tugs you hand from his face, pulling you down next to him in one swift motion. In a matter of moments his lips are on yours, soft and sweet as his hand settles on your flushed cheek.
“No, you absolutely will not,” he murmurs, his laughter warm against your lips as his mouth brushed over yours. Your own bout of laughter was immediately as his nose scrunches against yours, breath mingling in the close proximity. “It would be in your best interest not to.”
Your eyes flutter closed as your forehead rests on yours, strands of platinum tickling against your skin. “Oh really?”
He wastes no time in nodding softly, humming to further answer your counter as he tucks your hair behind your ear. He pulls away from you though he doesn’t stray too far, pale blue eyes sparkling in the moonlight as his tongue swipes across his lips. His gaze is soft yet intense, the corner of his mouth quirking up. It’s fleeting as he moves to kiss your cheek, trailing to the corner of your jaw and most tenderly chastely just under your ear, the feeling of his breath over your skin making it hard to stifle your laugh.
“I love you, you know,” he whispers, kissing the spot once more. You smile, mischief dancing in your eyes.
“I love you, even when you nearly fall off your broom,” you say, and he’s quick to quiet you with a kiss, one that just about has you tumbling back on the less than comfortable hospital bed as a second bout of laughter echoes in the large room. “I love you.”
Your smile is beaming and bright, one that’s mirrored as he squeezes your hand and kisses your cheek. He knows his future is uncertain, but one thing he does know is that he’s got you.
You’ll always be there to love him, to heal a seeker.
Tags: @anchoeritic @amourtentiaa @hahee154hq @snitches-at-dawn @dracosathenaeum @harrysweasleys @awritingtree @writeroutoftime @lunalovecroft @lilypad-55449
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amorest-viesse · 3 years
[A Good Kid No Longer] - Chloe SSR Card Story Translation
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Ft. Chloe, Riquet, and Akira
Christmas Stockings Crocheted With Dreams - Chapter 1
As gleaming crystals of every color drifted upon us like snow, Chloe, Riquet, and I walked through the festival streets, entranced by the scenery of the bustling town.
Akira: There are so many street stands here; it’s completely packed with people!
Chloe: No kidding! And since we’re here, it’d be nice to get something as a memento.
Chloe: …Ah! Those red balls of yarn…
Riquet: What a brilliant color. They match our clothing.
Chloe: …Hold on guys, I’ve gotta go get some!
Chloe: Sorry to keep you guys waiting! I kinda ran off on my own there.
Akira: It’s no problem! I’m glad you found something good. Are you planning on making something with that?
Chloe: Yeah! I figured it’d be a good keepsake.
Chloe: But I’m not quite sure what to make.
Hmm, it’s gotta be something soft and fluffy…
Riquet: Oh, I have an idea. What if you made a giant sock?
Chloe: A giant sock?
Riquet: The Master Sage told me about it. In their world, people hang giant socks by their bedside on Christmas Eve.
Chloe: Hang them up? You don’t wear them?
Akira: Nope! In my world, there’s a legend that says Santa Claus will leave presents in giant stockings on Christmas night.
Akira: So in order to get gifts, people will decorate the house with them before going to sleep.
Chloe: Ohh, I see…
Chloe: In that case, let’s try it out! I’ll make stockings so big, Santa can’t help but wanna fill ‘em up with lots and lots of presents.
Chloe: I can also add all sorts of decorations that wouldn’t fit on regular socks. Maybe something big and unconventional, or some sort of noise-maker!
Riquet: That sounds like a wonderful idea! Once you’re finished, please let us be the first to see it.
Chloe: Hmm, but I was also thinking… if the two of you are up for it… we could make the stockings together.
Akira: Can we?
Chloe: Of course! It’s better to make memories with others than by yourself!
Riquet: Then I’ll join in!
Chloe: Ahaha, great! In that case, let’s keep browsing the street stalls for the perfect decorations!
As the festival grew even busier, we spread out to find matching accessories for our stockings.
Chloe: Uuu, both the rainbow-colored tape and scarlet ribbon are sooo cute and trendy, but… I can’t decide which one to get!
Riquet: Look what I found! There were so many pretty charms. I got some for both of you too!
Akira: Oh, thank you, Riquet. We’ve gathered a real assortment of decorations, huh? …Oh!
From the corner of my eye, something catches my attention: a shiny, red bell hanging from the window of a souvenir shop.
Christmas Stockings Crocheted with Dreams - Chapter 2
Akira: (That’s right, bells are a Christmas staple. It’s nostalgic seeing one here.)
Akira: (Oh, and it sounds the same too. Even though I’m in a different world, the sound hasn't changed, huh? That makes me kinda happy.)
Riquet: Master Sage, is that a bell?
Akira: Yes, it is. It’s got a nice sound right?
Chloe: Sure does! It’s kinda quiet, but has a smooth, clear ring to it. It really draws you in.
Chloe: It’s a little small, but probably the perfect size for the stockings. Do you guys wanna get three so we can all match?
Riquet: Yes! They also go along with the crystals that I bought, so let’s look for two more.
Akira: That’s a great idea! However, this is the only one I’ve found here… Maybe if we check on the other shelves?
My gaze drifted over to the shelves lined against the walls, teeming with knick-knacks.
However, in the end, despite the three of us searching every corner of the store, we could only find that single red bell.
Akira: I guess this really was the last one…
Chloe: What a bummer… but since you were the one who found it, you should get to keep it.
Riquet: I also agree.
Akira: T- thanks you guys.
Akira: (Although, I’m a little disappointed since we said we would match with each other…)
Shopkeep: Hey, you youngins’ there. Did you take a liking to that bell?
Akira: Oh! Yes, we did, but it looks like there’s only one left…
Shopkeep: Hmm, in that case, why don’t I take a look in the back for y’all?
Chloe: Huh, for real? Thanks so much, sir!
Shopkeep: Sorry for keepin’ y’all.
Chloe: Ah, no worries! Did you find the bell?
Shopkeep: Hmm, ‘bout that… it seems I’ve run out of stock. I s'pose that really was the last one.
Riquet: Oh, I see…
Shopkeep: However, I did find something else that might interest ya’ instead.
Saying this, the old shopkeeper lugged out two enormous reindeer figures with red bells tied around their necks.
Riquet: They’re huge…
Akira: T- that has to be ten times bigger than a stocking…
Shopkeep: Well, they’re a little on the large side, but the bells around their necks are a perfect match for the one in your hand.
Shopkeep: Here, why don’t you give them a little ring to test it out?
Chloe: Whoa! It really is the same!
Riquet: But wouldn’t it be a little hard to decorate our stockings with these…
Chloe: …Alright, I've got it!
Akira: C- Chloe?
Chloe: Don’t worry, I think I have an idea. Hey, mister, could’ya ring these up for us? The red bell too, please!
Riquet & Akira: Huh!?
Shopkeep: Yessir, it’d be my pleasure!
Christmas Stockings Crocheted with Dreams - Chapter 3
Chloe: That shopkeeper was a pretty nice guy, huh?
Akira: Hey, Chloe? I totally get buying the bell, but can we talk about the giant reindeer for a sec!?
Riquet: How big are you planning on making these stockings… I feel like they’d capsize if we hung them up…
Chloe: And I totally agree! At this size, there’s no way we can use them as decorations.
Chloe: So that’s why…
Chloe: Suispicibo Voitingoc!
Immediately after Chloe casted his spell, the reindeer began to shrink until they reached the size of my thumb.
Riquet & Akira: Whoa!
Riquet: At this size, we can use them as decorations now!
Chloe: Exactly! But hold on, I’m not done yet.
Chloe: Master Sage, could I borrow that bell for a bit?
Akira: Oh, o- of course.
Chloe: Suispicibo Voitingoc!
Right before our eyes, the red bell and ball of yarn slowly floated into the air.
Riquet & Akira: Wow!
Hovering above us, the yarn began to weave itself together as if it had come alive. Slowly but surely, a certain shape began to emerge…
Akira: Oh! Are you crocheting a reindeer plushie?
Chloe: Nice one, Master Sage! Right on the dot!
With a final twirl of his finger, Chloe finished the reindeer by tying the bell around its neck.
Chloe: Here you are, Master Sage! Thanks for letting me borrow your bell.
Akira: No, thank you! I never would’ve thought of making a reindeer from the yarn.
Chloe: Ehehe, I was just thinking we could match this way.
Chloe: Although, I kinda just went and did all of that on my own… are you guys ok with it?
Riquet: Ok? I think this was a great idea! Your ideas are like the surprise in a treasure chest, isn’t that right, Master Sage?
Akira: I wholeheartedly agree. This is amazing, Chloe!
Chloe: Really? I’m so glad you guys like it!
Chloe: Alright, let’s hurry back to the manor, so we can make our stockings! They’re gonna be the biggest and cutest ever!
Riquet & Akira: Yeah!
Shorts for Everyone - Card Episode
Akira: Chloe! Thanks for inviting us to make stockings with you that time!
Chloe: And thanks for bein’ there! I got so much inspiration from you, so it was super fun!
Akira: Hey, is there a difference between making stockings versus regular socks?
Chloe: Oh, lots! Normally, socks are hidden by your shoes, right?
Chloe: That’s why, it’s more important to focus on the material and details like how warm or comfortable it is over the design.
Akira: I see, so it’s more about the functionality.
Chloe: Yep! But because we got to prioritize the design this time, I had loooots of fun picking out decorations and colors to make them pop!
Chloe: I’ve always thought of socks as accents, but this showed me that they can be the focus too!
Chloe: That’s why, I wanna try making a line of fashion socks!
Akira: Fashion socks? I want to see that!
Chloe: Really? Then, I’ll get started on the designs right away!
Chloe: I should think of some shorts to go with them too, ones that show off your legs like the kind Lords Snow and White have. Ooh, Mitile and Riquet too.
Chloe: If I tried making matching shorts for Lord Oz, Mithra, and everyone else, I could probably learn something new!
Akira: Wait… Oz and Mithra too!?
Chloe: Yes! I’m getting hit with so much inspiration right now! Once I’m done with all of the designs, I’ll come show you so please look forward to it!
Home Screen Voice Line
"Hmm, this one's nice... The gentle color is perfect for the Master Sage. Oh, but it's a bit flashy, huh? Man, I'm in a real twist over what present to get them... Ack! Master Sage, since when...!? B- by any chance, did you happen to overhear any of that...?"
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yarn rants with dandelion
3.5k of Geralt poorly hiding the fact that he knits from his family and, in general, being an idiot, read here on AO3
Geralt slams his laptop shut as his apartment door swings open, causing Eskel to quirk an eyebrow. “Whatcha doin’?” he asks. 
“Nothing,” Geralt says in a rush. 
“Uh huh.” Eskel raises his hands. “Can’t be any weirder than the porn Lambert watches.”
Geralt grunts, scrubbing a hand down his face. “You’re not supposed to be here yet.”
Eskel glances at his watch. “I figured you might want help before the game.”
“I’m ordering pizza,” Geralt says. “Actually, do you want to do it? I have cleaning I still need to do before everyone else gets here.”
Eskel’s eyebrows climb higher on his forehead, and Geralt starts to sweat as he sees Eskel's skepticism. Geralt always makes a spread on game day, telling everyone he’s not going to wait two hours for delivery while they’ll be so busy. 
“Um. Okay.” Eskel stares at him for a beat before finally pulling out his phone. “What am I ordering?” 
Geralt shrugs. “Whatever you want.”
He goes to his room, shutting the door behind him and hearing Eskel’s voice as he talks to the pizza place. Geralt looks to his bed, where a half finished baby blanket is laid out, before hastily gathering it and its attached ball of yarn up and stuffing them in a basket, piled high with various colors and weights. He throws some dirty clothes from his floor on top for good measure before reemerging from his bedroom, Eskel looking at him suspiciously from his spot on the couch. 
“Sure you don’t need help with anything?” Eskel asks. 
“No, I��m, uh, I’m good.” Geralt goes to the fridge and pulls out two beers, passing one to Eskel and keeping one for himself. 
Thankfully, Eskel doesn’t say anything about his odd behavior, just watches the pregame show with him without comment until Letho arrives, followed shortly after by Lambert and Aiden. Geralt’s relieved, because then Eskel’s attention goes to their ridiculous dancing around each other instead of scrutinizing Geralt. 
After everyone has left for the night, Geralt pulls his laptop back out, settling it on the coffee table in front of him and goes to get his blanket. He spreads it across his lap as he clicks play, the sound of a cheerful voice filling his living room. 
“Hey, guys! It’s Dandelion, back with my latest yarn haul! I’ve got some awesome ones, and ones you should avoid at all costs, so watch and see which is which!”
Geralt lets himself stare for a second before he jerks himself out of the trance and looks back down while his needles click together as he starts to knit. 
Geralt lets the feeling of the yarn between his fingers soothe him. That’s why he watches these yarn reviews, after all. He hates going to the store for yarn, but he hates wasting his money on yarn that’s scratchy and uncomfortable against his skin even more. 
Needless to say, he’s grateful to Dandelion for doing all the prep work for him, and he may or may not have developed a crush on the man.  Who watches these videos and hasn’t? Geralt reasons.
Dandelion has an infectious enthusiasm, and Geralt can’t help the soft smile from spreading across his face as he listens.
Geralt keeps knitting until his skein is almost out. When he has less of a ball and more of a tangle left, he casts his eyes around for the next one before looking despairingly back at his blanket when he doesn’t find it. 
He knew he should have ordered extra; he always does this to himself, but somehow he never learns. He groans as he pulls his computer onto his lap and opens up the website he orders his yarn from. He goes into his history and clicks on the link to his blanket yarn. It’s teal, velvety, and Geralt can’t stop running his fingers over it. When the page finally loads,  out of stock  blinks back at him. 
Double fuck. 
He’s never made a blanket before, and he’s drastically underestimated how much it would take. He’s going to need at least three more skeins. Yen’s baby shower is in a month and a half, and there’s no telling when the yarn is going to come back in stock. What if they discontinued it? 
There’s nothing for it; he’s going to have to go into the store. He looks at the clock. First thing tomorrow, he decides, before it gets busy. He’ll go right when they open, before the store gets noisy and filled with women who always try to draw him into conversation for some reason. 
Geralt huffs at the thought. 
Geralt tugs his scarf a little tighter against his neck before he gets out of the car and heads into the store. There’s only four cars in the parking lot, so Geralt hopes he’ll be able to get in and out quickly. 
Once he’s inside, he makes a beeline for the yarn aisle, trying to hold in his noise of dismay when he sees someone already standing there. Geralt avoids eye contact and feigns interest in the brightly colored acrylic yarns at the end of the aisle. The person is right in front of the baby yarn section, and Geralt tries not to tap his foot. 
Just when Geralt is getting ready to pretend to browse other aisles while he waits, there’s movement behind him. “Lovely scarf,” a man’s voice says. “Looks very soft.”
Geralt turns around, only for his eyes to widen as he comes face to face with Dandelion. 
He’s sure something very intelligent sounding comes out of his mouth, but he doesn’t register it. 
Whatever it was makes Dandelion laugh, sounding familiar and alarmingly close when they’re not separated by a screen. Geralt glances down at Dandelion’s basket to see it piled high with yarn. 
“Nice colors you have there,” Geralt finally manages. 
Dandelion beams. “Thank you!” 
Geralt takes a closer look and realizes they’re rainbow colors. He heaves a tiny sigh. He’s a disaster. Does Dandelion think he’s flirting with him? Not that Geralt doesn’t want to be, per se, but—it’s complicated. 
“Did you make your scarf yourself? Or did a boyfriend make it for you?” Dandelion asks. 
“I made it myself,” Geralt mumbles. He’s not sure whether he’s relieved by this line of questioning or not.
“No boyfriend.”
Dandelion turns another smile on him, and Geralt tries not to melt. “What are you shopping for?” 
“Oh. Um. A blanket.”
Dandelion turns back towards the shelves with a critical eye before he plucks out a chunky bright yellow and holds it out to Geralt for his inspection. Geralt runs his fingers over it absently. “Feels nice.”
“Right? I love this brand. How big of a blanket are you making?”
“It’s for a baby.”
Dandelion’s eyebrow arches in question. 
“My friend is adopting soon; I thought this would be nice,” Geralt says, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.
Dandelion shifts his basket from one hand to the other. “Oh, my. That is very nice.”
Geralt grumbles as he piles more yarn than can surely be reasonable into his own basket while Dandelion eyes the shelf thoughtfully. 
Geralt finishes putting the yarn into his basket and goes to leave the aisle, but Dandelion stops him before he takes more than three steps. 
“Better get more than you think. I get what I expect to use, and then add 25 percent more.”
That makes Geralt crack a smile. “That makes an expensive hobby even worse.”
Dandelion shrugs. “The curse of being a creative.”
Geralt picks two more bundles from the shelf. “I suppose you’re right.”
Dandelion clears his throat. “Hey, what’s your name?”
Geralt answers, and Dandelion looks him up and down. “Would you like to join our yarn circle?”
“What?” Geralt asks, throat dry.
Dandelion shakes his head glumly. “Nevermind. It’s just there are so few men…”
“I’ll join,” Geralt says, before he fully thinks out his words. 
Dandelion brightens instantly. “Excellent!”
Dandelion follows him to the register, chattering the whole way, and by the time Geralt leaves the store, Dandelion has his number saved in his phone. Geralt can’t help but notice how the women are leaving him alone today, just shooting him the occasional baleful look. It’s a nice change of pace. Maybe he should run into Dandelion more often. 
“I’ll text you, okay?” Dandelion says after he’s walked with Geralt to his car. 
“Um, yeah, okay,” Geralt replies. 
He slides into his car and watches Dandelion walk to a bright yellow slug bug. He quirks a grin. It fits him. Geralt’s just turned the key in his ignition when he realizes he didn’t even get the yarn that he came for. He sighs and shuts the engine off. 
If he reemerges from the store with the yarn for the rest of his blanket in addition to two skeins of blue that remind him of Dandelion’s eyes, well, that’d be creepy, and it’s nobody’s business but his, anyway. 
Geralt looks down at his phone.  yarn circle at that coffee place on Main tomorrow at ten! you in?
He saves the contact in his phone, debating with himself before typing  Dandelion 🌼.
He puffs a breath through his lips. He shouldn’t be this worked up about a text. 
See you then  , he types, and goes back to make the  s  lowercase. 
“Who are you texting?” Eskel asks from his spot on the couch, setting down his own phone.
“Who are  you  texting?” Geralt retorts weakly. 
Eskel looks at him, unimpressed. “My girlfriend, dude. Did you finally get yourself one? You know, it’s kind of weird Yen’s replacing you with a baby…”
Geralt grits his teeth. “She’s not replacing me. We just had conflicting goals for the future.”
“And what, pray tell, are these goals?”
Geralt shrugs. “Not kids. I’d be a terrible dad.”
Eskel rolls his eyes. It’s a conversation they’ve hashed out many times before. “Hmm,” Eskel says pointedly, and Geralt gives him an eye roll right back. 
“Are we watching this movie or not?”
Eskel mumbles something too low for Geralt to hear. 
The next morning dawns bright and early. Too early for Geralt to reasonably head out to the coffee shop by the time he’s ready, so he takes the time to work on the blanket. He’s inching closer to being done, and he’s looking forward to starting something with the yellow yarn, but he’s not quite sure what he wants to make yet. 
He wonders if he’s supposed to take his blanket to this yarn circle. Do they knit? Or just talk about it? What if they gossip the whole time? Geralt doesn’t have anything juicy to contribute; he doubts they want to hear about Eskel’s latest problems with his goat yoga business. Giving customers ringworm probably isn’t the best breakfast conversation. He takes in a deep breath, trying to stop the panic spiral. 
It’s fine. It’s going to be fine. 
It’s not fine.
When he walks in, Dandelion is already sitting at a table, wearing a floral button down that has entirely too many buttons undone to be decent. Geralt tries not to imagine what Dandelion’s chest hair would feel like under his finger tips, if it would be coarse and wiry or smooth and silky. 
Geralt shakes his head and grunts a greeting when Dandelion waves him over. 
“Hello, hello! Find the place okay?”
“No issues,” Geralt says, pulling out a chair and settling his bag with his knitting awkwardly on the ground. 
Dandelion glances down at his phone, and whatever he sees makes his face tighten. 
“Hmm, looks like the rest of the circle isn’t going to be able to make it. Flat tire.”
Geralt arches an eyebrow at him. “Do they...need help? I could go change it.”
Dandelion mutters something to himself before looking back up at Geralt. “I think they already have that covered.”
Geralt laughs and rubs a hand on his neck. “You know, I’m going to start thinking you were just trying to get me alone.”
Dandelion returns the nervous laugh and warms his hands on his mug. “Are you going to get some coffee?” he asks. 
“Uh, yeah.” Geralt stands up before turning back to Dandelion. “What do you recommend? I don’t come places like this very often.”
“Yeah, I bet. You seem like a coffee, black kind of person.”
“I don’t drink coffee,” Geralt admits. 
Dandelion’s eyes practically bug out of his head. “What do you mean you don’t drink coffee?”
“Makes me jumpy. My hands shake.”
Dandelion lets out a sharp exhale. “Wow.”
Geralt scowls. “Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not! Well, maybe a little. You just better get hot chocolate, then.”
“Fine. I will.”
Dandelion’s laughter when Geralt returns to the table with a mug piled high with whipped cream is infectious.
He’s not sure what comes over him, but Geralt sticks out his tongue. 
It’s not until he gets home that he realizes he never even pulled out his knitting. 
Dandelion starts texting him more and more, and Geralt feels vaguely guilty when he watches Dandelion’s latest video. 
He should probably tell Dandelion he watches them, but he doesn’t want it to turn into a  thing , and he certainly doesn’t read too much into it when Dandelion mentions running into a handsome stranger on his latest yarn expedition. 
He could be talking about anyone. 
Geralt finishes his blanket for Yen, and he starts to think about what his next project should be. The yellow yarn is bright and warm; silky smooth between his fingers. He starts another blanket, because why not? He’s been wanting to practice cabling, anyway. 
He brings it to the next yarn circle Dandelion invites him to, but it doesn’t get worked on, and Dandelion doesn’t say anything about where the rest of the circle is. Geralt doesn’t ask. 
Finally, four yarn circles in where no knitting is accomplished, Dandelion gives up the ghost and asks Geralt out on a date. “That’s not what we’ve been doing?” Geralt asks with a small smile. 
Dandelion shoves him in the chest, a teasing glint in his eye before his hand lingers on Geralt’s pec for a little too long. He jerks his hand back and clears his throat. “Great. I can’t wait," Geralt says.
“I’ll choose to believe that’s not sarcastic.”
Geralt pokes at him. “It’s not.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and  hmm s right back. 
A few weeks later finds Geralt sifting through Netflix for a movie to watch. “Hey, Dandelion!” Geralt calls from the couch, tugging a blanket up to his chin. 
Dandelion freezes from his spot just outside the living room with a bowl of popcorn in hand. 
“I have some white cheddar for that,” Geralt says.
“What did you just say?”
“I have some white cheddar for that,” Geralt repeats, more slowly this time. 
“No, no, before that.”
Geralt thinks. “Your...name?”
Dandelion blinks at him. “My name is Jaskier.”
Now Geralt is the one who’s confused. “No, it’s not?”
“Geralt, I think I know my own name.” Dandelion’s face pinches. “Wait. You watch my videos?”
Geralt steels himself for the conversation. He had been wondering if he'd just be able to take the fact that he watches them to his grave. “Yes?”
“And you didn’t think to mention this?”
“It seemed...weird," Geralt says haltingly.
Geralt’s still reeling from the revelation. He’s the world’s worst boyfriend; Dandelion has to be playing a cruel prank on him. 
“And it didn’t seem weird to you that you were watching me literally sing your praises last week?”
“I thought it was kind of sweet.”
Dand—Jaskier drags a hand down his face. “I can’t believe this.”
“How was I supposed to know that wasn’t your actual name?”
“Geralt, we have been together for a month. How do you not know my  name ?”
“It’s never come up!” Geralt says defensively. “You’re the one who never even introduced yourself. Talk about bad manners.”
Jaskier splutters, and Geralt can’t help but quirk a grin at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
Jaskier finally rallies. “We’re going to have a talk about online boundaries, but—”
“But what?”
“You’re so god damned stupid,” Jaskier says, before dragging Geralt into a kiss. 
Geralt goes without complaint. 
While Geralt ponders the new nature of their relationship, he finally finds a use for the blue yarn he’s been hoarding. The whole time he’s knitting the hat, he thinks of Jaskier. It’s exactly the right shade of his eyes, but Geralt doesn’t let himself contemplate it too hard. 
When he’s finished, he finds an index card and scrawls a message. He wraps up the whole thing and gives it to Jaskier the next time he sees him. 
Jaskier tears the package open and rubs the yarn between his fingers in delight. “You made this for me? No one’s ever knitted something for me before.”
“I’m glad I could remedy that,” Geralt says gruffly, shifting uncomfortably at the adoring look Jaskier is giving him. 
Jaskier notices the card and reads it before bursting into laughter. 
Sorry I didn’t know your name <3
“You’re forgiven.”
On to the next order of business, then. Geralt clears his throat. “Yen’s baby shower is next week.”
Jaskier makes a noise of polite interest, not looking up from where he’s examining the stitches in the hat. Geralt really hopes he doesn’t notice where he dropped one. 
Geralt waits for a few more seconds and sighs. Jaskier is really going to make him ask. “I was wondering if you would want to go with me.”
Jaskier tilts his head up and gives Geralt a bright smile. “Of course I would!” He pauses to think for a moment. “Are you...out to them?”
“Yes,” Geralt grumbles. “It turns out my hiding spot for my play girls when I was 16 wasn’t as clever as I thought.”
Jaskier snorts. “It never is, is it?”
In the days leading up to the shower, Jaskier’s anxiety starts to show, but Geralt politely doesn’t comment. They walk up to the party arm in arm, Geralt carrying both of their gift bags. Geralt had told him he didn’t need to get anything, but he had anyway, insisting that he had just happened to stumble across  the cutest onesie, Geralt! What a coincidence!
Geralt can’t help but smile as he looks over at Jaskier. Jaskier’s thumb is compulsively stroking over a spot on Geralt’s hand, and he’s even wearing the hat Geralt knitted him. Geralt’s chest feels tighter than normal. 
“Oh, so this is why you haven’t been such a grump lately?” Triss asks once they walk through the door, taking their gift bags to set on a side table. 
“I’m never grumpy,” Geralt says, and Jaskier has the audacity to laugh, so Geralt elbows him in the side. 
Triss laughs at that, too, before she goes off to find Yennefer and drags her back to them. “Geralt!” she exclaims, rubbing a hand up his arm. “I’m glad you could drag yourself away from your very important activities that you refuse to tell anyone about.”
Geralt rolls his eyes and looks over to see Jaskier staring at him curiously. 
“Ah, and this must be Dandelion!” Yen says, turning to Jaskier. 
“Eskel wasn’t supposed to tell anyone about that!” Geralt hisses, but Yen just gives him a delighted smile. 
Geralt sighs as she moves on to terrorize her next guest. 
“Your friends are pretty brutal, Geralt,” Jaskier says lightly. 
“You have no idea.” 
Geralt leads Jaskier over to where Eskel and Lambert are sitting by the food table and attempts to make small talk. 
Almost immediately, Lambert asks, “What’d you get her?” 
Eskel and Geralt share an exasperated look. “Why so competitive, Lamb? Over compensating?”
Lambert scowls. “I was just curious. You’re not going to be able to top what I got her, anyway. Best uncle ever.”
“You’re not going to be an uncle,” Eskel says. 
Lambert is unconcerned. “Best uncle ever.”
Geralt crosses his arms and leans into Jaskier, trying to block out Eskel and Lambert’s bickering. 
“I hate things like this,” Geralt mutters. 
“Oh, don’t worry, Geralt. You being an unbearable softie is our little secret. I won’t breathe a word.”
Geralt grumbles. “That’s not why.” He pauses, then, “Why do I put up with you?”
“I can think of a few reasons,” Jaskier says, turning his head to press a kiss against Geralt’s temple. 
Geralt flushes at the touch and looks around, but no one is staring at them like anything out of the ordinary happened. Geralt relaxes back against him. 
He’s almost dozing off by the time Yen gets to his gift, and he only realizes it by Jaskier digging a bony elbow into his stomach. He pinches Jaskier in retribution. 
Yen opens the gift carefully, making the appropriate polite noises as she does so. 
“Isn’t it soft?” Jaskier asks as she strokes her fingers over the blanket. “Geralt chose some great yarn.”
Geralt whips his neck around to look at Jaskier so quickly he thinks he heard something pop.
“The yarn! It’s so nice and such a lovely color, don’t you think? Geralt did a wonderful job.”
“Geralt, you made this?” Yennefer asks incredulously, and great, her voice cracks. 
Geralt sighs and tries to accept his fate of all the merciless jokes that are going to be made in his defense. “Yes?”
“And you didn’t think to tell me this?”
“When the fuck did you learn how to do that?” Lambert asks. 
Geralt shrugs defensively. “I’ve been knitting for years.”
Everyone’s eyes are drawn to the blue cap perched on top of Jaskier’s head, and teasing grins spread over their faces. 
Geralt groans. He’s never going to hear the end of this.
As Jaskier takes his hand in his and squeezes, he thinks maybe that’s okay. 
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