#and other times it most definitely feels like ur the one reminding me I deserve respect
russilton · 11 months
mutual bingo for me 👉👈
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How does it feel to be one of my three best friends even when you still act surprised that I like ur attention
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Hihi!! I say ur ask box was open (srry if I’m wrong) and I wanted to see if you could maybe do how Shuu, Ayato, Kanato, and Reiji would react to falling deeply in love with someone who is incredibly self sacrificial? I’m sorry if I didn’t do this right, it’s my first time submitting an ask so I’m a bit nervous. Have a good rest of ur day/evening!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Sakamaki’s Reaction to S/O Who’s Self-Sacrificial
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“Don’t act like that, please… I’ve already lost so much, I dont’t know if I can possibly handle another… Just stay with me…”
• This would hit Shū the hardest by far. Considering how he’s already lost a lot (ex: Edgar,) he wouldn’t want to lose another thing precious to him.
• It’s like a cycle to him which he so desperately wants to get out of.
• This would either make or break him, since he’s emotionally repressed himself for years, or even centuries, just to save himself the fear of once again not being enough to save anyone else he cherishes.
• Falling in love was never his expectation nor was he looking for it. For it to happen so suddenly, and to someone that happens to be the same sacrificing trope like a certain someone, it’ll definitely throw him for a loop.
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“You mustn’t let yourself succumb to such acts. I am a vampire, your sacrifice will be in vain. You mean more to me alive… more than you’ll ever know.”
• Reiji wouldn’t want to deal with someone self-sacrificial, really. As in, it would really have him at a loss for words at times.
• In the sense that, when seeing them, he doesn’t want to be reminded of how naive and ‘over the top’ he was in his own past.
• He 100% wouldn’t want to see his S/O attempt anything he may deem foolish (that is, attempting to sacrifice themselves at any given moment.)
• He’d find the sentiment a bit shocking, especially with his past of rejection. For someone to now want to do certain things for him, in the name of him, all for him… it doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t feel as if he deserves it.
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“Oi! Don’t go doing anything stupid! Your place is beside me, not 6 feet under me…! Stupid…”
• Ayato doesn’t usually fall for people other than by their looks.
• So for him to now suddenly get an emotional connection to someone who’s so helpless devoted to him, it’s as if he’s the only one in the world that matters.
• He’d find the sentiment cute, in the sense that someone is willing to do anything and everything for him— the great ‘ore-sama.’ However, if someone is his, he has no intention on letting them go.
• I feel as though he doesn’t believe as much in the ideology that ‘vampires kill for love/killing is the ultimate act of love’ as much as other characters may (Ahem, Laito.) So this would hurt him more if anything, since he did canonically feel a bit of guilt killing Cordelia, as well.
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“You will stop this silly attempt of yours to end your life! Why do you want to leave me and Teddy alone, huh!? Am I not worth it…?”
• Kanato would be deeply upset. As in, I think he’d show the largest outward reaction to both himself, his brothers, and you. 
• He canonically has high abandonment issues, so to have someone with a high tendency to resort to self-sacrificing methods, it would set him off. Almost as if it’s a trigger.
• He would most likely place it around himself, using terms like ‘why are you leaving me, why do they always do this to me, why me?!’ That sort of thing.
• Kanato would do a lot to stop this. You’re his toy, and he doesn’t exactly play with broken dolls— as stated by him. For an immortal being, he wouldn’t want to be left alone and would do whatever it takes (even if it’s unhealthy,) to rid their S/O of the mindset.
Authors Note: You’re all good!! Thank you for the ask, hope you enjoyed !!
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satsuki-yumizuka · 1 year
i am myhouse.wad anon it ok u were fine comerade 👍
what r ur thoughts on gen 9 pokemon?
hmmm idk if u mean gen 9 pokemon as in the pokemon or if u mean the 9th generation of pokemon so ill answer both
i think gen 9 pokemon are... okay. theres a lot of designs i really like and think are fun and interesting, but i think this gen has way more "weird" pokemon than usual. pokemon that just kinda dont look like they really belong there, if that makes any sense? baxcalibur stands out to me as a pokemon that just looks kinda odd, especially with the role its supposed to fulfill in the dex (dragon type psuedolegendary). not that i dislike baxcalibur or anything! i dont know if theres any pokemon in gen 9 i really *hate*, but there are some that i definitely dont love.
i will also say that i think it sucks that all the future paradox pokemon have the exact same thing going on. like, i kinda get it, but it sucks that only a few of them are actually interesting when you look at the past paradox forms and theyre all cool and unique feeling from each other
as for the games themselves... okay so extreme comparison but remember cp2077? full confession i bought that game on release. i was swept up by the hype at least a little bit, but i bought it after all the reviews and shit came out, so its not like i didnt know what i was getting into. and with those expectations in check (and an at-the-time new computer) i played 2077 and really liked it! not a gamechanger by any means but it was a solid, fun video game.
the thing is that it feels super irresponsible to say that about 2077, because in a lot of ways, it is not a solid video game. even on my high end pc i was running into crazy bugs and consistent performance issues regardless of settings, and console players didn't even get to play the game they bought at launch. (as an aside i think its fucking crazy that that game managed to save its reputation because even now im not 100% convinced it deserves to go down as anything other than a dumpster fire)
anyways. that's kinda how i feel about gen 9. technically speaking these games have a lot of problems, the kind of problems that games being released under the flag of one of the most profitable franchise fucking Ever really shouldn't be having. even with that though, they're the most fun ive had with pokemon since gen 5. i love the gen 9 games for reminding me that pokemon can be as fun now as it was when i was 12! but i hate that despite being one of the biggest cash cows ever, pokemon games aren't given the resources to be amazing, just... good enough.
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erme-aeterna-arts · 2 months
Your characters are cool! I love how you pair Mohre with astarion, so cute! Correct me if I'm wrong but ur durge (even though I'm not sure if they resist or not) gave off some motherly/very caring vibes when I saw ur art. What's ur opinion of dadstarion?? <3
ahh thank you so much!! and for the question as well <3
i wouldn't describe mohre's affection for astarion as motherly, but astarion is definitely very precious to them, and that's what i'm always trying to portray. i think caring so much for someone is very new to mohre, because pre-tadpole they barely had a space for their own identity, let alone anyone other than bhaal in their life. and another thing is that they fear themselves and their own emotions a lot, it's something they struggle with in-game most obviously because of the urge, but even after denying bhaal they still remember that any strong feelings they have bring on suffering and disaster directly or not. mohre also worries about not overwhelming astarion with these intense feelings, because they're just beginning to be more in touch with themselves, would they know how much is too much? so they're always torn between the terrified voice in their head begging to hold back and the need to express all the love and adoration they have for astarion. they do trust astarion to tell them if something's wrong, they trust him to keep them from hurting him, and a huge part of why mohre fell so hard for him is that he believed they wouldn't. they're so surprised by being in love and being able to show it, but it's still their journey for post-game, to learn to also trust themselves to do so, if that makes sense.
as for dadstarion, i don't really see mohre or astarion as parents tbh. they both have pretty messed up experiences with "family", their lifestyle (adventuring) doesn't really provide opportunity for raising kids, and getting their own kids would also mean passing their respective curses onto them. the latter would be especially acute for mohre, since it's likely the child would be born with the urge despite mohre's resisting it (if you let sarevok live and resist bhaal, he sends a letter to the withers party, from which it's pretty clear it would happen), and they wouldn't accept the risk of handing a child to bhaal. i also just think astarion and mohre's plan for post-game adventures is to see the world, learn of all the things they were denied, what they might enjoy, parenthood isn't really there.
however, given astarion's immortality and mohre's potential jergal-sponsored one, i can imagine them ending up with some child they rescued on their hands during one of their adventures. i think it would be a temporary situation, but that's as close as it would get to dadstarion. being exposed to the cruelty of the world and being helpless to stop it and having done nothing to deserve is what being a child is about, and that's why mohre and astarion tend to help those kids they meet, why they make an effort to be nice to them, teach them to lie and defend themselves. but for astarion this protectiveness is mixed with guilt over the gur children, he aways knows that even while he's helping at the moment he's been that threat before, the guilt is always there. so he would prefer to avoid the reminder altogether. mohre, on the other hand, is vaguely aware that they didn't discriminate in their kills during their time as the chosen, so the desire to keep themselves away rears its head once in a while, but in this case what's more prominent is that they just don't know what to do with kids. they know their experiences are uncommon, they know these are not something to base your interactions with kids on, so it's just kind of awkward for them most of the time. they're a bard, they know how to seem delightful, but not how to actually mean that. so mohre and astarion would just hand each other the duty of dealing with the child (to their mutual bafflement, "do you think i know how to do this?") and try their best, and the child in question would think them both kind of weird (and mohre more so) but funny and safe.
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by-kilian · 1 year
It’s ur “💙” anon coming with part 2 bc she definitely can
Now you see i can’t send photos or gifs but I’ll link them nonetheless u can’t stop me. https://giphy.com/gifs/rihanna-OTbo92zetdsha
Again folks big spoiler alert.
Okay now yelena and levi’s first scene.. um.. why.. why is every possible character so hot dude like!!?!?!!?? I just can’t pick a side without making excuses for the others ughh
“My time in the military shaped me, you know?” She paused. “I had to take lives,” she said in a hushed voice. “Do you know what that’s like?” The switchblade grew heavier in Levi’s pocket. Then an air of understanding passed between him and Yelena in the silence. Levi dipped his hand into his pocket. “Yes.”
This scene… the tension.. i felt everything in every single part of my body istg KW i was screaming and jumping while chewing on my nails until i reached skin it was this good!! I really loved the way they just understood each other it was like “nothing personal, I’m doing my job.” There was an air of idk.. respect and kind of acceptance with a hint of challenge.. i loved it so much
Now back to My fallen angel and the stinky hairy stalkiest asshole in the universe..
Yes he’s a jerk, but a very cunning and nothing-near-stupid one.. he in-fact scared me at some point i gotta admit, because the way he connects the dots is.. wow
“You are already thinking of all the ways you can kill me because you will never be able to shed that part of you.”
“A million and one things raced through your mind, and you were ashamed that more than half of those things were trying to figure out how to kill Mathias. ”
NO BECAUSE I WHEEZED MY LUNGS OUT😭😭😭 https://giphy.com/gifs/PotatoITV-e4-coach-trip-celebrity-ghost-WiCahQsVaUjksEn7aT MY BABY PLANNED HIS MURDER IN 12928 DIFFERENT LANGUAGES😭😭😭 And as she should!!
Fast forward you see.. i should’ve knew things are going down when levi whispered “The die had been cast” i should’ve realized this but i didn’t and that’s why when mathias stabbed kilian i gasped out loud… i felt my heart breaking with her and you see it’s not for the fact that she was actually dying this bitch don’t die.. i mean because she was distracted by the thought of levi getting hurt and that was the meanest most heartbreaking thing I’ve read in a while.. and you know what’s the cherry on top? THINKING THAT SHE DOESNT DESERVE HAPPINESS.. imma kms that’s it..
You couldn’t speak, feeling nothing but pain and heat and heat and pain. It burnt through your body hot even as you felt yourself growing colder. You thought of Levi and tears welled in your eyes
Your description made me feel every single word istg>>>
And Of course i was a sobbing mess while I’m reading her crawling across the floor all bloodied to reach levi, and of course i cried myself to sleep when she reached him, and definitely i screamed in agony once you mentioned orpheus and eurydice again…
Oh and let’s not talk about once levi reached her because it’ll be my last straw..
Levi was never a religious man, but he understood religion when he was with you. With you, Levi understood the temptation that Eve faced in the garden. With you, Levi even understood how angels could fall from grace. With you, Levi understood words he never did before to an exceptionally profound level; words like devotion, redemption, and prayer.Levi wasn’t a religious man, but he learned how to truly pray that night without even meaning to. One single solemn request, the most pious prayer he would ever attempt. “Wake up, sweetheart.”  
Now ehem next Chapter whohohooooo🤩🤩
The last thing i expected was the chapter going this way tbh.. you see it reminded me of LDBS most heartbreaking chapters that Im never forgetting because they affected me so much.. “about her, where it started, where it ends.” The holy trinity of greif, i felt like i was reading them but now the hurt was pro max because your writing and descriptions are more.. descriptive
Also lmao zeke holding a gum😭😭😭 i knew it was a fever dream when you mentioned it😭😭😭 and the fact that killian cares about him enough to see him, dude if you planned murder during this chapter it would’ve been easier but ofc ofc you wanted to torture us. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-2-episode-3-xT1R9SJiGMLJFB5YKA
Now.. annie?? Kw why are you like this and how you know how to connect things perfectly like that it’s pretty iconic tbh!!!
I don’t really know what to say anymore.. but each paragraph was really killing me in every possible way.. i really wished killian was able to see how much people cares about how, not just levi, whom she thinks she doesn’t deserve, but annie, erwin, Isabelle, farlan, eren, i really wished she knew how much they love her, maybe then she’ll know that she deserves every single good thing in this universe, my baby suffered a-lot and that’s why i admire her, if this was an actual novel killian would for sure be the best female mc in terms of surviving, and as levi said: Still, you were nothing if not a survivor.  She really is. Our fallen angel🥹💙💙
They’d nicknamed you the “fallen angel,” because you looked exactly like one when you arrived. One of the crash team members said afterwards that if they weren’t so concerned about saving your life, they would have shed a tear for having to cut up your beautiful gown.
I giggled in between my tears when i read this, kw never beating the fashionista allegations even on her death bed which is like a huge slayyyyy she’s a freaking queen💙💙 our fashion icon. I really loved the interaction between annie and levi, you really wrote them so well because.. i don’t know if im the only one who feels this but you know when you’re reading a chapter or a scene and be like.. “yes, this is how things are supposed to be going” from how perfect the writing and writer is? That’s what i felt and still feel every time i read one of your works!!🥹💙
When you woke up again, your face was pressed into a couch that smelt powdery and warm. It was a familiar scent but you couldn’t pinpoint it to someone specifically. As you ran your nails along the green and pink floral upholstery, you felt like you were somewhere you once called home.
Kw you really need to give me lessons on how to describe things, like genuine question how do you make your writing feel.. so so alive, like the words are beating and moving i feel them🥹
Before you could ask her anything more, protest, or move, she took her wooden spoon out of the pot and shoved a sip of it into your mouth, holding your chin as she did. 
Sophia?… https://giphy.com/gifs/mafs-sRFFCzAey4IatfTOnQ .. yeah i cried so much then, or not literally but my eyes teared up fr, i need a hug.. https://giphy.com/gifs/portlandia-season-1-episode-6-xT1R9SLI3qYhVbmeQg.
When Eren came by to visit, the first thing he did was make sure to drop some of your favorite chicken lemon soup off to you. 
I love love love the way you move from a scene to another, and seeing eren this chap was the most pleasing surprise ever!, he’s a goof ball i love him sm my baby🥹💙💙 I’m sure everything is gonna get better after his appearance i—
Especially when it came to you. Especially when it came to the both of you. The two of you were so used to having the rug pulled out from under you, from having the other shoe drop, from having your lives blown up just at its happiest point, that to not expect the worst almost felt naive. 
*gets hit by this paragraph like a truck and starts screaming uncontrollably* https://giphy.com/clips/neonrated-neon-rated-films-ofYZSv3fjXVrvpwlAL
“You should’ve brought some clothes for Kilian,” Levi said. It was a knee-jerk reaction, one that surprised both him and Erwin. It was more hopeful than Levi intended for it to be, but he took that as a good thing. He could only hope Erwin wouldn’t make a big deal out of it. 
“You seem really happy, Sophia,” you said, turning to her with a smile as you placed the picture back down. “Peaceful almost.” 
“You,” she said in English. “Because of you.” ”
“I love you. And I promise I’ll help you finish cooking when I wake up. I might just close my eyes for a bit if that’s okay,” you gestured to the couch, feeling sleep washing over you like a tide in the ocean shore.”
Oh will it seems not never-mind.. https://giphy.com/gifs/bigbrothernlbe-kyXSJ1yPFHZ88W3v79
Now.. farlan and levi, first of all I’m glad he’s not sad anymore or hurt, but i feel like this isn’t the end of it, or maybe was this scene a closure? I’m not sure, but i loved his interaction with levi so much!!!
You know when I first met her, she went by a different name,” Farlan continued as he came into the room, trying his best to change the subject so that Levi wouldn’t keep worrying over you. “But I think Kilian suits her much more.” “What name did she go by instead?” Levi asked, not even shocked that you had somehow crossed paths with Farlan before. “Oh, she went by Annie,” Farlan shrugged. This managed to somehow get a laugh out of Levi for some reason.
That was so cute in some way🥹 i love them so much kw u don’t understand!!!
U don’t understand how much i hate you
“I’ve been waiting for you.”You froze at the sound. He was so kind, so patient, so sweet—you would’ve recognized his voice even with your eyes closed. “Lucas?” 
That’s so mean.. that’s literally evil, like omg HOW DARE YOU WE DONT TALK ABOUT WHO-COULDNT-BE-NAMED ANYMORE
“I–” you paused, trying to find your words but finding that they weren’t coming out the right way. “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever. You left me, that’s not right,” you pouted.
“Yes, you’re wrong,” Lucas said, shaking his head at you in an affectionate manner. “I’m always with you.” 
Levi did not leave your side, not once. 
You hesitated, feeling a sense of warmth coming from behind the door. “Well do you know what’s behind it?” you stood up onto your tippy-toes as if it would help you get a better look. “It’s not what you think,” Lucas confirmed softly. “I promise.”Faltering again, you found that your feet would not move. “But what if I’m not ready?”Lucas shook his head at you, and squeezed your hand again. “You’ve always been ready.” Tears welled in your eyes as the water continued to wash over your feet. “What if I don’t deserve what’s behind that door?”
Kw as much as i love your brilliant mind please.. this hurts like a bitch please dont do it again.. lucas, the way killian cried when she saw him, i don’t know what to say, i just can feel it but i can’t describe it, and you know that a writing is so good when it leaves you speechless like yours did to me now🥹💙💙
When you blinked your eyes open, the first person you saw was Levi. His smile was bright and warm. It made you feel weightless. It made you feel loved. You smiled back, albeit weakly. Levi squeezed your hand gently, still smiling. “Welcome back, sweetheart,” he whispered.  
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
And i really appreciate it, i would like to thank you so so much for writing these new chapters and blessing us with your amazing, wonderful, beautiful, mesmerizing writing voice and style and descriptions as a whole, thank you really, to me you are my role model in writing, and i aspire to be like you or just make people feel the same way your words make me feel, i really appreciate it and please never stop writing.. never leave us kw because the fan fic writers community needs you my hidden gem.. we need your characters, scenes, gut wrenching stories and everything. If i could thank you in 60 different languages, express my love and admire you in every possible way i would’ve done it, but i know it won’t give you enough credit and it won’t come close to the feelings i go through reading your works. https://giphy.com/gifs/anime-love-bQATeUxCoCFr2
I love you so much kw!!💙💙 https://giphy.com/gifs/love-i-you-that-70s-show-2dQ3FMaMFccpi
Your lovely “💙” anon, hope i be the reason you smile once today, thank you again💙💙💙
My love again!! Gonna answer you underneath the cut 🥹❤️
LMAO @ Yelena being hot. You know what I think it is? The story itself (STH & LDBS) is a very sensual, sexy story. That's kind of the vibes I have in my mind every time I sit down to write it. It's meant to be dark, noir, and sexy, so without meaning to--everything ends up being quite sexy LOL, including characters who aren't main characters.
Also you ABSOLUTELY smashed your interpretation of the scene between Yelena and Levi. That was exactly what I wanted to establish; an understanding. The scene you highlighted in particular was a shared understanding that whatever was about to transpire was not personal. It was a warning of, "hey, I'm going to do whatever I have to do to get my job done," on both ends, and the other person being like, "yeah, and so will I." You are so right when you say there was an understanding, respect, acceptance, AS WELL as a challenge. Juxtaposing the shared notion of both of them having taken lives before was also both of them saying without saying that they are not afraid to kill the other person if it comes down to it (and it did).
And YES. Mathias is such a keen observer. I think all of you always got the sense that he "monitored" people but thought of it in the sense of cameras when it's actually much more literal. He doesn't have to resort to those kinds of things because he catches a lot just by being in peoples' presences. Not only is he trying to get under her skin and make her think she hasn't changed, he's trying to taunt her to hurt him because he wants to prove to her that she is the monster he THINKS she is. You know Kilian hasn't killed anyone in a very long time, but she definitely never lost her touch and could have easily killed him had she not gotten distracted. Like you said, it was the thought of Levi being hurt that distracted her. She was ready to go in for her kill but nothing mattered once she thought something happened to Levi. She loves him more than anything, and in that moment the only thing that mattered was his safety, not hers. In a different situation, Levi would have absolutely done the same thing. And yes, you hit the nail on the head! Her battle with not knowing whether or not she deserves happiness is an on-going one, and although she has changed a lot, sometimes those self-destructive behaviors never really go away.
Sgfsoghs, I did a lot of research into stab wounds and what they felt like. So the fact that you could feel it! 🤌🏼💋 I really wanted that chapter to feel like a knife twist, in every sense of the word so LMFAOOO I'M SORRY 🤣. Now you see why I initially wanted to release it in a double update! I felt horrible to leave you all that way without a sigh of relief in the next chapter, but it seems like you all went through the feels despite that.
And ahhh, thank you so much for your wonderfully kind words! That holy trinity chapter in LDBS was one of the hardest things to write, and in a way, chapter 14 was definitely a trail off of that because I had to tap into similar emotions of walking back to your past so that you could move forward and heal. I definitely think my writing has changed now compared to then so I'm so glad you could feel it differently!
The gum was the funniest part to me, and I honestly added it in for a silly touch and a laugh! Dreams are so silly. I thought it only made sense to introduce you to it with a giggle because it's so out there, it's so odd, and that is EXACTLY how you know it is a dream. I'm so happy you touched on the fact that Kilian only saw Zeke in her dream because she DOES care about him. That is 100% true. And yes, you're right. Kilian murdering Mathias would've been so much easier, but I never do anything easy!
Eee, you are too sweet! I love connecting things and bringing people back. Annie and Farlan were teased to come back WAAY early if you caught any of Isabel's dialogue when she spoke about her friends. You bring up a great point too, hopefully in future chapters, Kilian CAN see how loved she is, not just by Levi but by other people. She means so much to me as a character and I think it comes across each time I go to write her. She isn't perfect, she has flaws, but there is something about her that makes you root for her because I try so hard to touch on her human side as well as her darker sides.
I'm really so happy to know that you all laughed at the purposeful jokes I placed in chapter 14, too. I KNEW it was heavy so I also knew in between it, I had to give you all some light-hearted moments too. That little mention of the dress/fallen angel thing also meant a lot to me to put in because I really wanted to show the banter that happens between people who work in hospitals--the jokes and the humor amongst the horror--because I think that's kind of the only way you can get through the day sometimes after doing something as powerful as saving someone's life or helping someone.
Thank you so much for saying that about Annie and Levi's scene! 🥺 I really loved writing that scene because I could quite literally imagine their characters interacting like that and talking to each other like that, so it means the world to me that it felt like that was how things were supposed to be. You are really too kind.
And I'm always happy to help with writing questions if you have them! Honestly I just have an incredibly vivid imagination of characters and who they are. So when I think of how to write them, I think of everything outside of them--what their home smells like, what kind of furniture they like, how they dress, what they like to listen to--I think all of that helps things "come alive", so to speak. So thank you for saying that as well my love!!
Adding Sophia in definitely killed me but not as much as you know who, who I know you touch on later LMFAO so I will GLADLY offer you a hug.
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I honestly love writing Eren in this universe, specifically his connection to Kilian. They don't share as many scenes in this story, but the love they have for each other is there and clearly unbroken and I love coming back to it.
Also, I'm SCREAMING at all of your gifs, you were not joking when you said you went through all 5 stages of grief LMFAO ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😭😭.
As for Farlan and Levi's scene, there is definitely a little more to happen before we get to a full closure, although we're definitely on the way there. Obviously can't spoil anything. But you are right when you say he's not sad or hurt anymore. He's moved on! The only thing is, has Kilian moved on from what she's done to him (hence why she always hid from him every time she saw him)? There's a little more to explore there but it will be touched on (trust me, it's allll planned LOL). That part with Levi laughing @ Kilian's fake name was such a treat to write also. Because he would immediately understand where she got her fake name from and why she chose that to give to Farlan. He made all the connections without even needing further explanation and laughed because he knows his girl better than anyone.
Also... Lucas. I know. I KNOW. I KNOW. I HATE MYSELF. LMFAO I CAN'T EVEN READ THAT SCENE AGAIN WITHOUT CRYING. Honestly, why did I do that to MYSELF is the better question. Because lord! Kilian loves Lucas so much, every time we go back to him, it is a source of pain. That is her deepest childhood wound but also her greatest childhood joy, so to quite literally "swim" back to him was her going back to herself to heal. He told her everything she needed to hear in order to know that he was okay, he never faulted her for what happened, and his life was joyous despite being short. By seeing him again and essentially forgiving herself, Kilian could wake up because she was no longer fighting this idea that she didn't deserve to be loved, hence the end quote in chapter 14. "Open the door. Love was on the other side and it was terrifying. Open the door." I wanted it to seem like this whole time that what was on the other side was possibly death--hence the warm light emanating from behind it--but really, it was just love. Kilian had to realize that she still had a life to live because she is so loved. So loved. She deserves to be loved. So walk through the door.
Ending the chapter with welcome back when the last was “wake, up sweetheart.” I SEE WHAT YOUR DOING KW I SEE IT
LMFAOOOO OSHGFOSH. 🌚 Do you now? But seriously, I want to thank you for both of your beautiful, beautiful, asks. You are such a lovely person, and I cannot express how much I appreciate you. You have recharged my writing spirit, made my day, and have been such a light these past two days. It means the world to me that I can touch your soul with my writing, and I truly mean it when I say it, the door is always open for writing questions ANY TIME you have them. Seriously.
I hope to write for as long as the spirit fuels me, and although my relationship with it truthfully waxes and wanes, a lot has happened recently to make me see that it is something that ignites my soul. And in igniting my own spirit, I can ignite others and touch their hearts and that is something that is truly invaluable.
Seriously, I love YOU so much, 💙 anon! You absolutely were another reason to smile today. I'm smiling now even as I head to bed. Thank you. I cherish you so much. You are always welcome to gush in my inbox, about anything, any time.
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donutloverxo · 3 years
NO BUT LIKE CONCEPT: SMUT HC where mob!steve comes back from a rough night that leaves him very much outta it and ur the only one who can help him ... in more ways than one
Please note that my stories are not to be stolen or reposted on any other site. Reblogs are welcome. This blog and this story is 18+. Do not read, follow or interact if you are not 18+.
I'm making this a drabble cause I can't work with HCs. Thank you❤ Warmings -explicit sexual content, dom Steve, daddy kink, spanking, blood and wounds, bullets. Dividers by @whimsicalrogers
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You put some distance between your poor ear and your phone upon hearing your friends loud screech, excited since she saw your Instagram post of your new engagement ring.
"It is so beautiful! And so unconventional and unique too!"
"Mm-hm," you hummed, applying a second coat of your fiery red nail paint, to make it more intense, you just knew it'd look amazing against Steve's pale skin, he absolutely loved it when you scratched him and were a bit rough with him.
You never gave him any pointers on what kind of engagement ring you'd like, only thing that was a bit too obvious - which you never actually needed to say - was that you loved shiny things. So he has gotten you a ring with a huge sapphire ruby and tiny sparkly diamonds adorning the band. It was everything you needed and more.
"Makes sense because our relationship is anything but conventional." Where he had never directly said that his job involved a few things that were kind of, sort of, illegal but you weren't an idiot, it didn't take you long to figure out.
You knew he was important and rich when he asked you out, not just because he wore fancy clothes, but the way he carried himself, tall and proud and an aura that dominated any room he was in, two bodyguards always around him, and when you both started getting serious he assigned Peter, who was sort of an intern or newbie from what you gathered, to always escort you places and take care of you.
Maybe it wasn't exactly the most rational thing to do - marrying someone who was as feared as he was respected - but all you knew was that he was a good man and you had faith in him, so you stayed away from that part of his life.
"You must be planning the wedding now," she beamed over the phone.
You scoffed, blowing on your fingers, "No, he's always at work these days. It's so annoying, if it doesn't change then I'm leaving and taking the ring with me."
You looked at it sparkling on your finger, it was too beautiful to part with. Besides it became yours as soon as he gave it to you.
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"You're late, but there's nothing new about that," you puffed out your cheeks, hands crosses under your chest, as he loosened his tie and worked on taking off his shoes. He had been coming home past midnight for the last month, enough was enough!
"Doll," he groaned, looking at you and ready to tell you off and ask for some space, but then he saw you. In a satin babydoll that barely covered you, with lace trimmings that did nothing to hide your soft nipples, your toes and nails painted just the color he liked, and you were wearing those ridiculous fluffy slippers with bunny ears that he had grown to love.
His mouth opened and then shut like a damn goldfish, forgetting what he was about to tell you.
"Steven," you furrowed your brows.
He knew he was in trouble as soon as you called out his full name. "Yeah?"
"When are we going to discuss the wedding?"
"I'm sorry, doll, work has been hectic these days. But soon."
"Soon? Soon doesn't do it for me," jutting your hip and leaning against the door to your walk in closet, "I need an exact date."
"I can't give it to you right now, puppy," his jaw clenching as you rolled your eyes, "Watch yourself, sweetheart. I had a long day, you don't wanna get on my bad side today."
"You shouldn't have put a rock on it if you didn't intend on marrying me," rolling your eyes extra hard just to get on his nerves.
"I do want to marry you. But right now... you're sort of making me have second thoughts."
He regretted those words as soon as they left his mouth. Because you looked about ready to smack him.
"Fine then. I guess I'll leave and go live with my mother from now on. She would be happy for sure, she isn't too thrilled about our engage - " you stopped your rant as soon as you noticed crimson seeping through his crisp white undershirt as he took off his coat.
Your eyes as wide as saucers, your heart beating fast and hard in your chest and you could feel your eyes getting watery. You weren't handing out empty threats, you were definitely serious about leaving. Just to remind Steve of just how much he loves you.
It wouldn't be the first time. You had done it once before, when you went back to live at your apartment because he yelled at you for going out with your girlfriends without Peter. You didn't need a babysitter, especially not one who was several years younger than you. You had gathered up your things from Steve's penthouse and went home with a heavy heart. You loved him with all your heart, but there was no way you could make it work with someone who was that controlling and mean to you.
But he came to you, literally got on his knees to apologize and to beg for you to take him back. He even made you give up your apartment and got you a bigger house for you both to live in. Just so you couldn't take off ever again.
"Steve... your bleeding..." you said as you held back a sob. Any anger you had towards him was now gone.
"Oh, shit," he looked down to his side, "Must've ruptured the stitch or something..."
You walked over to him, holding onto his waist and looking up at him, trying not to look at his wound. You weren't that squimish around blood, it rarely ever bothered you, but this was your Stevie, and he was hurt. "What happened?"
"Its... It's nothing, doll. It was an accident."
"Yeah, I guess you slipped and fell on a bullet," you huffed.
"No, the bullet barely grazed me. And you know I don't like talking about those things with you."
"Why? I'm not stupid or weak, I have a right to know."
"Of course, not, puppy. You're my sweet, strong, smart girl," he cooed, bending a bit to peck your lips and then groaning. "Gotta, be careful with this," he said as your fingers worked on unbuttoning his shirt.
"If I'm so strong and smart then tell me what happened," you asked as you pushed his shirt off his shoulders. You didn't stop to marvel at his huge and perfect body like you always do, you looked at the fresh batch on stitches right over his hips.
"No, puppy. You're too good for that world, too good for me," he groaned as he sat down on the little pink couch he had put in the closet for you. Since you spent hours trying to pick outfits, he didn't want you standing too long and hurting your feet.
"Fine then don't tell me," you whimpered, rubbing your tears off with the back of your hand.
"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay. I'm right here, not going anywhere," he tried to pull you into his lap, usually he wouldn't even have to ask for you sit on it, but right now you were pulling away and refusing for some reason, "C'mere, doll," he almost whined. Not used to being told no by you anymore than you were by him.
"No, I don't wanna hurt you," you hiccuped, as your sobs started to calm down.
"You wouldn't. You could never hurt me. C'mere I wanna cuddle you and make you feel better," he tried to pull you into him again but you just shook your head.
"I should be the one making you better. Not the other way around. But I don't know how to..." you swayed from side to side, suddenly ashamed of your brash behavior from earlier. "I'm sorry, I was being such a brat earlier."
"It's okay, puppy. I forgive you. You were right, we need to fix a date and find a venue and get you a pretty dress. I wanna see you in one of those poffy gowns, like a princess."
"That's called a ballgown," you said proudly, having done your research now. You knew all about the styles of the gowns, sleeves, necklines, colors and everything. "And you're not going to be involved in dress shopping process. Grooms aren't supposed to see the dress before the wedding it's bad luck."
He hummed at that, a bit disappointed but he would eventually see it, and then take it off, so it wasn't a huge loss. "Yes, you're right. But, let's not forget, you were a bad girl."
You gasped incredulously, "Well, you were being a bad fiance!" Which earned you a swift smack to your backside, making you yelp and fall forward, holding onto his shoulders for support.
"I didn't mind you calling me out for that. I want you to be honest with me and tell me everything. But you threatened to leave me, again."
You pouted. Offended for being called out so blatantly. Yeah you always made empty threats, packed up your bags just for show, whenever you didn't get your way. Never considering his feelings when yours were hurt.
"Sorry," you mumbled.
"I forgive you. I know you didn't mean it. But I'll have to teach you your lesson. Just so you know better next time."
You nodded your head, which made him spank you once more, "Yes, daddy!"
"Good. How many do you think you deserve?"
"Um... Fifteen. Ten for threatening to leave, and five for giving you attitude."
"See, you're so smart. I'll punish you tomorrow though. I'm tired right now," he groaned as he sat back against the couch, squeezing your hips and admiring your figure, showing through the thin material of your nightie.
"Um, daddy?"
"Yes, angel?"
"Is there anyway I can make you feel better right now?"
"Yeah, you can give me a kiss. You didn't give me one this morning when I left, or when I came back."
"Okay, I'll kiss you. But I also wanted to do more..." you murmured, your face burned hot as you realised that Steve was going to make you say what you wanted to do.
"Like what?"
"Like, take your cock down my throat. Would that make you feel better? I'll try and be careful about your stitches." Truth be told you missed being intimate with him, you needed it as much as he did.
"It definitely would make me feel better. But I want to have you close to me," he stroked the inside of your thighs, hands dangerously close to your cunt, "Why don't you, come ride my cock. Just like I taught you, hm?"
"But - what if I hurt you..." you whined. But he wasn't having any of it, rolling your panties down your legs.
"You wouldn't, puppy, come on we'll be careful. Be quick."
You gave him a meek nod, unzipping him with shaky fingers, giving his glorious cock a couple of pumps before straddling his lap. You made sure to not put any pressure on his lap. Lining his cock up to your pussy with your hands wrapped around his neck, you slowly sanked down on him.
First giving him a nice and thorough kiss to make him for not kissing him goodbye or welcome home like you always do. "I feel so full," you say against his lips.
He hummed, squeezing your ass, "I was made for you, angel. As you were for me." He slid the straps of your nightie down your arms, exposing your breasts to him. He made sure to shower them with all his lips, sucking, kissing and biting and pulling with his mouth. You were making the sweetest of noises, trying to keep your moans in as he helped you bounce on his cock by holding onto your hips.
"You're doing so good. Being such a good girl for me. My sweet, best girl," he cooed, kissing your forehead, he knew how you were still vulnerable to be on top.
"Am I making you feel better, daddy?" you sniffled, his cock hiting you in all the right places, making it impossible for you to keep going and hold off your climax.
"I'm all better already, thanks to you, puppy."
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rotshop · 3 years
help girl i just woke up and im already thinking abt mag s/o again. anyway please consider ;
[ tw body horror, some brief light gore and violence ]
[ note ; reader is SLIGHTLY described. the only thing mentioned is that they have a noticeable, identifying scar on their face
hank + mag s/o
-he knew you even before the boombox incident. he doesn't even really remember how you two first met, he just remembers that you started talking to him and then just kinda kept coming back. at first he wasn't the biggest fan of you since he was 'doing just fine on his own,' but...he admittedly was already really attached to you. they've never been much of a talker and that's especially noticeable to you at that point in time but ,,, they respond enough with signing, nodding / shaking their head, or the occasional speaking that you're able to carry some conversations pretty well.
-he doesn't really. have. a lot of people in his life. you're really his only real close friend, it's kinda hard for him to fully wrap his head around it so !! they chose not to, instead focusing more-so on whatever it was you were rambling to them about that day.
-not super sure of where to put this lmao but ummm ehe . he's actually surprisingly touchy with you????? like. you've hung out at his house a few times and he just like. you'll start out sitting next to each other and you'll end up either laying with your head on their chest or vice versa . its . a little funny . you tease him about it a little and he just flicks your shoulder. also traces your scar a lot if you'll let them, they're not entirely sure why they do it, they just . like asking you about it occasionally.
-also you have scary dog privileges. they might look like any other grunt at that point but they're still tall as fuck and idk man !! something abt getting a blank stare from someone who towers over u would probably make u shut up and mind ur own damn business.
-again, he's not super good at fully recognizing / acknowledging certain thoughts and feelings of his but . yknow. he can definitely tell he at least worries about you a lot more than he would some other grunt he just met. he can definitely tell there's a reason he doesn't mind you touching him, whether by grabbing his hand to go show him something or just placing a hand on his shoulder or arm (most likely arm, again. hes tall. ). they can definitely tell there's a reason that they find themself genuinely enjoying your interactions.
-after the park thing you don't see them for a long time. everytime you try and call him the lines dead, everytime you try and ask others about him you just get choice words, all in all you're pretty much lost on the entire thing. sure, you know what happened but . it just never sits right with you. it doesn't help whenever people ask questions about them or give you wary looks because of your association, half steps back when you take one forward.
-anyway. yeah nevada goes to shit and you get magnified for the aahw. by now you just. don't really talk about hank. surprisingly, you have a little more of your old memories than the average mag !! congrats. problem is they're all foggy enough that you only really distantly decipher them. lmao. you aren't super high on the ladder but you're a pretty tough mag to beat. you're well known enough that other mags tend to hang around you when there's not much else going on. v2 mags especially think it's fun to mess around with you by jumping on your back or otherwise clinging onto you . idk man u've got like . a little family here .
-at one point or another there's an outing youre on that ends up going wrong. you get split up from the rest of your unit and are forced to hide out in some old abandoned building while you wait for backup. you're a little too injured to try and walk all the way back, a heavy gash on your side preventing you from doing too much in the moment. when you hear heavy steps on concrete you're able to give some sort of noise of relief, turning your head to look over your shoulder at whichever agent in your group had finally found you-
-you're instead met with red goggles and the end of a gun.
-any kind of relief is snatched away, you know damn well who it is by just the bit you can see in the dark alone. even standing in the shade between two windows (one of which you were sitting by, probably how they seen you in the first place- if that's the case though, it's a little weird they hadn't just shot at you through it.) you knew it was him. you're already stumblingly forcing yourself up to as much of your full height as you can manage, taking some kind of defensive position even as one of your hands ghosts over your gash. the throbbing pain of it and the feeling of blood sticking and running down your skin is enough that you can't seem to focus on the fact that he won't stop staring at your face.
-it doesn't take long before your legs seem to fail you, forcing you forward a bit as you kneel in some sort of attempt to keep upright. you're too busy hissing under your breath and screwing your eyes shut in pain as your hand covers your side to notice your company stepping forwards. you're snapped back to attention when there's a hand on your face, fingertips digging into your skin as they yank your head down a little further. you know you should be grabbing him, that you should be digging your claws into his torso and ripping him clean in half, throwing whatevers left aside and leaving. you know thats what you were told to do, what you were told they deserved anyway. yet, you aren't. instead, you're just giving some warning growl as you stare at them. you notice how the end of the gun is pointed away from you, how their touch seems to outline the mark on your face.
-"If you try and hurt me, I'll kill you." That's the only real heads up you get before he's crouching down and shoving your hand out of the way, grabbing something from his pocket to get to work on you. you don't fail to notice how little attention they're paying to you (aside from the focus on your wound, of course), that you could just rush forward and slam them into the ground if you really wanted.
-ok im skippin g ahead bc this is already way too goddamn long for hcs DEJWJCS
-anyway. it's a complicated relationship for a while. the others tend to avoid you a little but he just keeps showing up around you. they keep staring at you and just hanging around in your general area. it's not that much of an irritant if you ignore all the weird emotions and thoughts it keeps bringing to the forefront of your mind, forcing you to once again try and meddle with your memories.
-eventually he just starts walking over to you and sitting down next to you. sometimes he doesn't say anything at all, just sitting there and seeming to wait for one thing another- he never seems to find whatever that is, as he always gets up and leaves without a word at some point or another. then they start talking, its just little things at first, point-blank statements you can't say much on. sometimes they're just saying they and the other three will be gone for a bit othertimes it's some half-demand to let them look at the stitches they did on you (semi-related, he's not good at them. the stitches are pretty rough. at one point or another sanford has to redo them properly lmao)
-but then there's one particular night. they do the normal thing, come over, sit down next to you, not say a word. this time though you note how they're facing you. instead of some reminder or a demand for anything, he's pulling his ask down and asking a simple question. 'What do you remember?'
-it's a long conversation. he's talking more than he normally would by a long shot, occasionally stopping whenever his words seem to especially fail him and get stuck in his throat. you don't even really remember moving around, or even him pulling you in any way, you just know you somehow end up laying next to him with your head on his chest.
-whenever the memories do seem to click into place, it's hard. you have a lot of choice words for them yourself, months of being left alone without a word bubbling up with a vengeance, they listen to them. while some mags (such as yourself) do have the ability to speak, the san and dei don't think they've ever heard one with that much emotion in their voice. they've especially never seen a mag just break down like you do, they're both tensing up a little from their far away spot when hank's walking closer to you. instead of you lashing out or swiping at him though, you just sit there while he wraps his arms around you (as best as he can at least, it's a little difficult but he's able to get them around your neck and reach his other hand behind you well enough). you're eventually doing the same to him, though it's more so just your hands resting on their back.
-it takes a good while for proper trust to be rebuilt along with an honest, proper explanation from hank that only you're privy to. eventually though, there's enough trust that you're able to hang around him again without narrowly avoiding an argument or anything. they don't like being super affectionate or 'vulnerable' in front of the other two, so most times they prefer being in your or their room. also they're still touchy lmao, doesn't help that you're mag sized now and so they just want to hold you . its hard to explain, he's never been super affected by others heights and even when he is it's usually a negative thing for him but . for some reason . he just likes being shorter / smaller than you lol ,,,,,,,, hope you like holding them a lot bc that's what you're gonna be doing
-holy shit these are long so . i think .i am going to stop here.
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winwinnns · 3 years
[8:45 pm] f s
written for daisy lol
oral (fem rec), hand job, penetration, spit kink, light degrading kink, a singular pussy slap
jeno rubbed your sides and rested his chin on your shoulder. you brought your hand back to rub his cheek.
“hi baby.”
today was one of the rare times he came home while you were awake. usually he would be away until ungodly hours of the night.
you turn around to face him. his eyes are soft and full of love. a small smile adorning his lips. you kiss his nose and he scrunches his face.
“hi” he says.
you pull him into a hug. you stay there for a while, basking in each others embrace.
“how are you?”
he sighs into your neck.
“good now that i’m with you”
you push him away playfully.
“cheesy,” you muttered.
you decided to watch a movie. jeno was in the kitchen getting snacks. you chose a random romance movie and laid on the couch. jeno flopped on top of you, head laying on your chest. you giggled and ran your fingers through his hair.
“clingy” you tease
he groans and kisses your collar bone.
“only for you”
you wrap your arms around his neck. he cuddles closer to you.
jeno was fast asleep on top of you, his leg between yours. the sex scene on the screen was bad and cheesy, but it still made you a little hot and bothered. you imagined jeno doing some of those things to you. the male character kissed down the female characters stomach. jeno liked doing that. it made you impatient and he loved to call you out on that.
you wiggle your hips around on instinct. he groaned softly, reminding you he was still there. you thought about waking him up, he’d be happy to help you. you thought about it for a while, pushing your hips into his leg. he furrowed his eyebrows and held you tighter. his head buried in you neck. his breath on your skin caused your body to erupt in goosebumps. you slide your fingers in his hair and pull softly.
he groans.
his voice is deeper because of his nap, which turned you on even more. he blinked slowly.
“i need you.”
you knew he wouldn’t mind at all, but you still felt bad for waking him up. your voice was softer than usual due to embarrassment. you literally just woke your boyfriend up because you were horny.
he hums again, processing your words. he smiled against your neck.
“need me how.”
he was teasing you. he was definitely awake now. he pressed long kisses into your neck. you bring your hips up to his leg. he laughs softly and moves his knee to your core. you gasp at the increase in pressure.
“go ahead...”
he says, tilting his lips up to your ear.
“grind on me like the dirty slut you are.”
you moan at his words and buck your hips into his leg. he brought his kisses to the front of your neck, tilting your chin back to reach more skin. he sucks a bruise right under your jaw.
he moves down your body. he looks at you and tugs on your pants. you lift your hips up so he can take them off. he threw them somewhere on the floor. he slides a finger up your clothed slit. you move around needily.
“jeno please.”
“aw... my baby got all wet because of a movie...”
he leans up and strokes your face before lightly smacking it.
“so dirty”
you whine and he pouts at you.
“if you’re gonna act like a dirty slut, i’m gonna treat you like one. open.”
he taps your cheek and you open your mouth, tongue stretching out. he spits in it. you look at him and swallow. he smirks and kisses your nose.
“good girl...”
he presses his lips against yours. the kiss was messy and full of need. one of his hands snaked down your body, squeezing your boob. he plays with your nipple through your shirt. you moan into his mouth.
your lips were tingly from kissing so hard. he gives you a sweet peck.
you push your hips up into his leg.
whatever sweetness that was left in him vanished, his eyes pooling with lust. he slides down your body until his face is level with your heat. he kisses up your thighs, biting when you complain. if felt like the torture went on forever.
“jeno please!” you whined.
he tsks.
“baby... even dirty whores know to be patient.”
you whimper as he smirks and continues teasing your thighs. you buck your hips up and he holds them down.
“i told you...”
he slaps your core.
“... to be patient.”
you whine loudly. you mumble something along the lines of ‘that hurt’
he slides your panties over and sticks his tongue against you, barely tasting you. he licks a stripe up your slit. you exhale shakily. his tongue prods at your entrance for a while before finally pushing his way in. you moan loudly at the feeling of his tongue fucking you. your hands drop to his hair, pulling hard when he moves around.
he pulls his tongue out and licks his way up to your clit, taking it in his mouth. he looks up at you before sucking softly. you push against his face. he laughs, sending vibrations up your body. he sucks hard and then soft and then hard again, it was making you crazy.
he thought you were cute like this, pleading with him to make you cum. looking all blissed out, lips bruised.
you were practically begging at this point, whining about how bad you wanted to cum and how good he was making you feel. he taught you well. he sighed and lifted his head.
“baby. do you think deserve you deserve to cum?”
you nod furiously.
“are you sure? you woke me up from my nap because you were needy... is that what good girls do?”
“yeah. only bad girls keep it to themselves”
you pouted. you got him there. he shakes his head and goes back down to finish you off. you shudder as a wave of pleasure washes over you. he kisses your thigh sweetly. he goes to hover over you. you smile and him and he smiles back, kissing your forehead.
“baby, are you okay?”
you nod.
“yeah. that felt really good. thank you”
he kisses your cheek.
“are you okay for another round?”
you smirk at him.
you smash your lips together. this kiss was sweeter than the last one. you push him into a sitting position and place yourself on his lap. you bite his lip, he groans.
“baby... you know what happens when you tease me.”
you giggle and do it again. his grip on your waist tightens. he pulls away from you.
“be bratty i dare you.”
his eyes were dark and sadistic. you knew how he would act if you continued. you thought about if you wanted to cum again. you pouted.
he smiles, eyes still piercing through you. you pull his cock out of his pants, spitting on your other hand. you pump him slowly. you spit on him and rub you palm over his tip. he groans. you jerk him off faster.
“mm baby. this is nice but i wanna to fuck you.”
you nod and line yourself up, sliding down his cock carefully. you hiss at the stretch. you sit for a little bit before digging your feet into the couch. you move your hips up and and let them fall back down. you both moan. you pick up the speed.
“fuck. you’re doing so good for a dirty slut.”
you moan at his words, determined to go faster. his hands flew to your hips, guiding you along his cock. he adjusted so he’d hit your most sensitive spot.
“fuck!” you cried
it felt so fucking good. you went faster, chasing your release. your thighs burned but the beautiful sounds jeno was making egged you on. you clench around him, he moans loudly.
“fuck y/n i’m close.”
you whine out a ‘me too’. his grip on your hips gets tighter. he stops you and lifts you up. he fucks into you, repeatedly hitting your sensitive spot. you whimper loudly, on the brink of your release. you can’t even from words as you reach euphoria. jeno finishes shortly after you.
you’re both panting as you sit on him. you slowly lift your hips up, taking him out of you and putting him back in his sweatpants. you sit on his thighs and lay into his chest.
his breathing calms down and he kisses your head, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“you did so good for me baby.”
you sigh into his chest. you felt nice. you came twice and jeno was holding you. finally. it felt like months since he had time for intimacy. you cuddled as much as you could when he was there, but it wasn’t ever anything long like this. you kiss his skin and sit up. he smiles at you.
“did you have fun?”
you nod and kiss him softly, your lips molding together. you felt so good every time you kissed him. you were deprived recently, and he was finally making up for it.
he pulled away and you chased his lips he chuckled and kissed you again.
“so needy” he teased
you groan and bite his lip. he laughs and pulls you into a hug. he kisses your ear.
“i love you baby.”
you smile widely.
“i love you too.”
@1-800-jaehyun here’s ur jeno spit kink lmao no but seriously i love u guys so much. whenever u like/reblog my shit i get so happy pls. i hope every single one of u have a good day. <3
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hyperfixationtimego · 3 years
All your Kaito stuff is giving me life,,, he deserves all the Boyfriends
I have so many thoughts about the luminary of the gays ❤️ in fact, I am going to compile many of them right here because I simply want to so badly
- one of my favorites, if not my absolute most <3
- the gay tension is REAL like mf they are YEARNING
- sometimes, Shuichi will stumble upon some funky space thing that he knows Kaito will LOVE so he takes a picture and sends it to his loving boyfriend
- Kaito is :0!!!! every single time
- Shuichi???? Searching for every single possible opportunity to get Kaito to start infodumping so he can just Listen™️ to him?????? It’s more likely than you think <3
- Shuichi doesn’t infodump much, or express much affection verbally, but whenever he DOES, Kaito is absolutely enamored. Like mr. saihara sir ur thoughts and emotions are so interesting please express them more often 🥺❤️💖💖❤️💖💖❤️
- every so often Kaito will just ATTACK Shuichi with hugs and kisses. they love each other so much
- THEY ARE SO SUPPORTIVE OF EACH OTHERRRRR!!!!! Kaito is so very eager to remind Shuichi that he’s capable of more than he thinks and Shuichi makes sure to remind Kaito that he doesn’t need to save everybody!!! That sometimes Kaito himself needs saving and that’s okay!!!!!
- they play with each other’s hair so much okay u can’t change my mind on this
- cuddles. So many many many cuddles
- Kaito loves flowers and will often pick some to place in Shuichi’s hair
- EVERY TIME KAITO TRIES TO PLAN A SURPRISE FOR HIS BELOVED BOYFRIEND, SHUICHI FIGURES IT OUT AKSJSKSNDMD it’s okay tho cause Shuichi just pretends he doesn’t know anything 😌
- they are best friends that kiss and hold each other and sleep in the same bed romantically
- probably tied with momoguji for second favorite ❤️
- Kokichi takes it too far without realizing it sometimes. Kaito gets over it after he has a chance to cool down, but Ouma definitely always feels guilty afterwards and does his best to make it up to him (in his own little funky weirdo way)
- Kaito never takes it too far unless it’s a trigger he’s not aware of, or if he does take it too far by accident, he’s very quick to remedy the situation with an apology. Kokichi accepts, but whether he’s being honest about his emotions is practically always up for debate
- Kokichi practically CLINGS to Kaito okay. Like he could be saying the nastiest shit to him and just straight up hanging off his arm. Just
Kokichi: *currently being given a piggyback ride by Momota* I hate you
Kaito, unfazed: uh-huh
- Kaito learning to pick up Kichi’s tells is 😩👌💦
- Kaito also goes “awwww” at some of the most inappropriate times because of this. Like Kokichi could be doing his whole evil supreme leader shtick and Momota just bursts out laughing because wow his boyfriend is adorable
- neither of them can cook. neither of them are LEGALLY ALLOWED to cook because someone will fucking DIE
- Kokichi is also a member of the “plays with Kaito’s hair because it’s so pretty and also something fun to do with his hands” club
- Kaito is so in love with the height difference thing. Like ruffling Kokichi’s hair and picking him up and all that jazz like he’s going to EXPLODE it’s so ROMANTIC AUGH. Kokichi could take it or leave it tbh and it’s lowkey annoying but like. Momota getting so excited about it .//////.
- Kaito’s nickname for Ouma is “Kichi” and it’s adorable
- Kokichi slowly trades his more mean-spirited nicknames for cute things like “starlight.” The mean-spirited nicknames never fully go away though ;)
- Kaito has these very shiny and cool pins that he wears on his jacket, but sometimes they go missing because his boyfriend is a master phantom thief 💖 it’s because Kokichi likes things that are shiny and also things that belong to Kaito
- Kokichi complains A LOT about having to listen to Kaito talk about space and whatever, but in reality he is so starry-eyed bc wow Momota’s talking,,,,,,Momota is saying funny big words at him this is the dream,,,,,,
- Ouma, according to himself, is the only person allowed to call Kaito any variation of the word “stupid.” Better be prepared for some blowback if the ultimate supreme leader hears you talking shit!!!!
- Kokichi draws on Kaito’s face whenever Momota is sleeping/passed out. It pisses Kaito off to no end ❤️
- Ouma does grabby hands whenever he wants cuddles and it WORKS
- Kaito: hey do you have any idea where my jacket is?
Ouma, wearing Kaito’s jacket: nope not a clue
- these two could literally talk for HOURS
- like one of them could say ANYTHING and automatically the other’s response is 100% going to be “oh hey that reminds me of this other thing…..”
- Kiyo loves leaving lipstick marks whenever he kisses Kaito. Kaito is always SO embarrassed whenever it’s in front of other people, but like it’s a GOOD embarrassed. He’s just flustered /pos ❤️❤️❤️❤️
- they like doing each other’s makeup, but Kaito gets very nervous because he knows how much pride Kiyo takes in their appearance. This usually leads to him messing it up somehow or another kshdjdmsndb (Kiyo doesn’t mind and always helps him fix it, though!!)
- imagine,,,,,,,Kaito brushing Kiyo’s hair,,,,,,,OUGH
- Kaito is very helpful whenever Kiyo experiences a panic attack or depressive episode!!! He is able to provide the compassion and understanding that Kiyo really really needs in that moment!
- the same can be said for Kiyo when Kaito breaks down! Kiyo is so logical and grounded that it makes it easier for them to help Kaito understand that whatever it is that Kaito’s upset about isn’t really as horrible as his mind is making it out to be! He also helps to find practical solutions to the problems, and Kaito is very grateful to not be floundering on his own all the time!!!
- Kiyo could do ANYTHING and it would fluster Kaito. I’m talking ANYTHING.
- These two especially love discussing the myths surrounding certain constellations and star patterns. It’s fascinating, and they both love the way their partner’s eyes just absolutely LIGHT UP at the mere mention of it
- Kiyo has age-regressive tendencies, and Kaito is very helpful and supportive! It’s mostly things like Momota reminding Kiyo that they’re allowed to freely experience the things they were deprived of as a child, and Kiyo hesitantly realizing that Momota’s absolutely right. Kiyo actually has a few stuffies, including a couple that Kaito bought for them as a gift!! All space-themed, of course ❤️
- Kaito can ALSO fluster Kiyo very easily, but in a different way. He knows that genuine verbal affection is foreign to Kiyo, so he makes it a point to say things like “I love you,” and “you’re so pretty,” and “Wow, I’m so lucky to be with someone as smart as you are,” fairly often. Kiyo gets embarrassed like a damn schoolgirl because of it, and often tries to refute whatever Kaito’s saying, to no avail <3
- Kaito is strong enough to lift Kiyo up off the ground, which is VERY strange and nerve-wracking for Kiyo. They don’t mind it, especially because it constitutes their boyfriend giving them a hug, but they’ve never ever been picked up like that before. Slight panik but ultimately very u///////u
- Kaito loves listening to Kiyo hum/sing folk songs. Kiyo enjoys it, too!!
- Kiyo wears new outfits and Kaito’s immediate response is AWOOGA
- I don’t have much for this one I just think they’re neat :)
- they have many cats. Kaito is full of allergies all the time but he doesn’t mind as long as his boyfriend gets to enjoy his kitties
- if they’re late for something or need to be somewhere quickly, Kaito will pick Ryoma up and carry him under his arm like a football. Ryoma, a rag doll cat personified, does not mind this in the slightest
- self-deprecation vs aggressive positive affirmation
Momokoma (Kaito x Nagito)
- some sick-ass motherfuckers. I just think they’d fall in love actually
- Nagito joins the simping for Kaito w/ his hair down club
- “momota I’m cold” “you have a sweatshirt???” “yeah but I’m cold tho 🥺” *audible sighing as Kaito takes off his jacket*
- Kaito tries to run his fingers through Nagito’s hair once and gets stuck on knots. This is clue #1 that prompts him to realize that his boyfriend is very depressed and does not take care of himself
- this leads to Kaito aggressively forcing self-care onto Komaeda ❤️ things like brushing his hair, brushing his teeth, taking consistent showers, etc. no it doesn’t MATTER that Kaito isn’t taking care of himself SHUT UP
- they cuddle a LOT because Nagito is VERY VERY CLINGY
- Nagito will sometimes very shyly ask Kaito to read his favorite mystery novels to him because he loves Kaito’s voice. Kaito doesn’t mind one bit because the lovey covey expression Nagito always makes when he’s listening is absolutely to DIE FOR
- I could make so many fics about Nagito’s bad luck and Kaito’s obsession with space HOWEVER I am very tired all of the time and likely Will Not Be Doing That. Even so………….please Imagine™️
Okay that’s all!!!! If anybody has any more Kaito ships that they want headcanons for, or just wanna ramble abt in my inbox, PLEASE SEND ASKS CAUSE I LOVE READING THEM it’s so much fun ehehehehe
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Obey Me Brothers and Misc. react to MC having their coffee order memorised
You go to a coffee shop. Human world or devildom, doesn't matter. All that matters is after waiting in line you order for you and Ya Boi bc you have their order memorised and they get flustered because every single one of them is a ✨massive softie✨
This is also just me headcanoning their drink orders while I take a break from my dissertation.
(I'm referring to the undateables as Misc. because I don't want to call the the datables bc Luke is a child. He is not datable. That is my son.)
This man would take his coffee in an IV if he could and you can't convince me otherwise
Probably asks that they put as many extra espresso shots in the drink as they're legally allowed to
Anyway, he's very touched that you have his order memorised. He has yours memorised to.
Appreciates that you pay enough attention to him to know his order
Low-key blushing about it and will think about it next time he makes himself coffee
Might even end up making you one to if he isn't working late
Definitely goes for coffee with you more often (definitely not to spend more time with you and also to show that he has your order memorised too 👀)
This man is destroyed by any kind of casual affection (pls hold his hand)
I mean, of course you know the great Mammon's coffee order! You were his human weren't ya?
If you're ordering for him, that means you're paying, right? 👀
He do be blushing tho (if you also pay he'll blush even more)
And since you bought it, I GUESS you can have a sip...definitely doesn't just want the casual and domestic intimacy of sharing the same cup
Wants to get coffee with you more often (so he can drink from your cup)
How did you know the code to order the Ruri-Chan Loveheart Surprise Latte off of the secret menu??????
Oh, you knew it because you listened to him order before and memorised it????????????
Hes not crying, you're crying
No but really, the proof that you actively listen to him when he's talking about his interests has his heart skipping a beat
Hes bright red and trying to cover his face with his hands
Wants to get two straws so you two can sit opposite each other and share a drink but is WAY to shy to ask 🥺👉👈
Will end up buying matching reusable coffee cups that have 'player one' and 'player two' on them
For the most part he’ll order something basic like an Americano or a flat white UNLESS you're at a place that does latte art.
Then he ALWAYS gets cat themed latte art
Like the little 3D ones they make out of foam and then draw little faces on???
Yeah, he loves them
He think they're so cute
They're in most of his devilgram pics next to whatever book he was reading at the time
One of his favourite things to do is visit cat cafe with you and if you remember his order he'll be very touched and he'll thank you with a blush and a smile
Has your order memorised as well and orders for you next time
Changes with whats fashionable but anything ✨pink✨
Pink drink, peach lemonade, strawberry and white chocolate mocha they're all acceptable
But is delighted when you remember his order- it means you've been paying attention to the trends he's following!!!!!
Did you see the drink on his devilgram story????? Isn't it cute!!!!!! You should get one to match and take a selfie together!!!!
Thinks its really cute to go on coffee dates and hear you order for him
Like, yes, they know my order 😌 we're that close 😙✌
Just hand him a basic Americano, but in a Big Gulp cup
Is touched that you remembered his order, even if it is simple. He just kinda blushes and thanks you (maybe asks if you want to go out dinner that evening).
Make sure he’s fed, or has food available bc if you don’t he will eat ✨The Beans✨
He has done this before and you DO NOT want to see Beel when he has enough caffiene in his system to give a mortal cardiac arrest
He’s already the most athletic brother. You won’t catch him. No one will.
You know Taz from Looney Tunes? When he just...spins super fast in circles and eats stuff??? Yeah, Beel’s like that.
But if he doesn’t eat straight-up coffee beans, he’s just as chill as normal
Just enjoys spending some quality time with you (and yes, he will definitely have your order memorised too)
If you remember his order he’s gonna blush, but do his best not to react. But he may also feel the need to Hold Hands later in the day because you’ll have him feeling ✨soft✨.
Has a black coffee but puts, like, 5 sugars in it
He’s basically drinking espresso syrup
and it does NOTHING
Caffiene does not affect this man AT. ALL.
It’s almost scary - he can down 3 espressos and then nap for five hours afterwards
Doesn’t love going on coffee dates because if you’re too caffinated he has trouble keeping up with you, and you won’t feel like having a nap with him. But if you’re just having one coffee, or a tea or something, he does like how chilled out the date can be.
I get grande iced machiatto vibes, and I can’t tell you why
Loves that you remember his order and isn’t shy about it. Will blush at first and then break into a massive beaming smile
He’s paying for the coffee (he’s literally royalty, he’s paying for the damn coffee)
Makes him feel like you two are close and he may attempt to hold hands later if the vibe is right.
Constantly asks you out on coffee dates afterwards - loves spending time with you and loves how informal and relaxed it is
Will also remember your order and make sure that Barb knows how to make it for when you visit the Palace
But still prefers the actual act of going out to a coffee shop with you
If you bring him his coffee order when he’s working, however👀👀👀...blushing mess.
The fact that you went to get coffee for him...even though he knows that you know that Barb is perfectly capable of making him coffee...that you got coffee and thought of him...and bought a coffee for him...and brought it to him...the casual affection, the softness, the thoughtfulness. 😳😳😳 he’s destroyed. BLUSHING. He’s literally so touched. Gonna commit hand holding crimes. Will think about it all day. Will miss you 3x more than normal just because. May even end up doing some light ~pining~ 🥺🥺🥺
This is the Undisputed King of Tea
He knows every blend of tea that the shop offers and has the menu memorised.
Will also tell you about the different tea blends if you ask, describes how they taste, what they’re ingredients are, where they’re from, etc.
He’s very grateful if you remember his order, but if you then bring up some of the trivia he’s shared about that tea?? Blushing.
Very touched that you not only remembered his order but the things about it that interest him. The fact that you clearly paid attention when he was talking about tea.
Thinks of you as a very considerate person and will offer to share
He’ll also invite you over for tea a the palace more often now that you’ve shown an interest in Tea Trivia (even if that interest is only based in your interest in him)
Will also invite you to come with him when he needs to go to the market to restock the Palaces tea supplies and may even...h...hold ur hand...😳😳😳
This is a chai latte man, don't come for me
Will test out how it tastes with different syrups, particularly likes either hazelnut or vanilla
Can also do his own latte art
When you order for him??? And have his order memorised????? He's delighted.
Its not uncommon for angels to remember each others orders, but he's touched nonetheless (yes that does mean he has your order memorised)
Will tell you that he's touched by your consideration
Just gives him the warm fuzzies and it also kinda reminds him of home
Offers to do latte art in your drink if he can
Would also be the kind of person to bring you coffee in class, and he'll do latte art on that so you can take off the lid and see a little foamy heart and the like ❤☕
Luke (platonic)
No coffee!!!! He's a child!!!!!!
You order him a puppychino hot chocolate
With whipped cream and cinnamon which is his preferred topping and a slice of cake
Hes definitely super happy about the fact you remembered how he likes his hot chocolate
Tells you that your so nice and should come back to the celestial realm with Simeon and him instead of staying down here with a bunch of no-good demons who don't deserve you 😤
Plus the celestial realm has the best hot chocolate!
You also let him have SMALL sips of your coffee but ONLY so he can scope out which beans to use in his next coffee and walnut cake!!!!!!!
Probably has some awful sounding custom drink like a fruit tea with pumpkin spice syrup and milk in it 😣
Or a peach lemonade with a shot of espresso and marshmallows 🤢
So its super unique, but he's still surprised you remembers the specifics
Offers to let you try it
Will take you out to get coffee together more often, partly to spend time with you and partly to horrify you with his drink choices
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
The brothers with an MC that's obsessed with their hips HCs please! Like constantly touching their waist and cant help but looking if they're wearing a tight shirt
sheeeesh, id be too :).
this post is just “the brothers getting the appreciation they deserve and forgetting about their self hatred for a sec”
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Unsurprisingly, he catches on pretty quickly.
At first, it kind of catches him off guard. His waist/hips aren’t normally the thing people tend to flatter him for. But it’s not like he hates it. He actually loves it.
He’s literally a goth mom that stays wearin his corset vests. MC deffo has a field day when he wears his fancy getup.
If MC is too scared to put their hands on him but wants to, he’ll most definitely notice, and encourage it when they’re alone.
He’s not one to dress FOR someone else, but it’s worth wearing a tight-fitted shirt if that means he gets a reaction out of MC.
Every time he catches their stare, he smirks and pushes his massive coat aside oh-so-casually. Just enough to give them what they want.
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He notices the staring, but thinks nothing of it. After all, he’s not a model for nothing, right?
One day, MC lets a comment about it slip, intentionally or not.
Mammon is reduced to ash. That is the end of him. RIP.
He’s never the same.
Before, the attention from modeling was just a side effect of being naturally handsome. A downside of it, even.
But now, his favorite human EVER has a FAVORITE part of him that they love? Because they pay attention to him that much?
And to him, that’s the best feeling in the world. If they like that part of him, he feels proud of having it. And proud that he wears a thin shirt and cropped jacket everyday.
One time, he brought them to one of his shirtless photoshoots.
Bad idea. The entire time, he was slightly flushed and shaky from their adorable reaction to seeing him.
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It all started with that damned photo of him in a towel. We know the one.
Levi is very aware of everyone’s eyes on him.
So he gets super flustered when MC watches him for a prolonged amount of time.
But because of that big jacket of his, they have to eventually ask, “Have you ever considered just wearing a t-shirt? Maybe a long sleeved shirt?”
He’s confused, but changes into a slim fit long sleeve.
When MC continues to stare at him intently, he can feel himself shrink a little in embarrassment.
“Y-You’re silently judging me, aren’t you? Ahhh, forget it! This is exactly why Iive in the comfort of my jacket...”
It takes lots of encouragement, but he finally understands that MC does NOT feel revolted just by looking at him.
While he won’t give up wearing his jacket, he takes it off when the two are alone and playing video games.
His favorite thing in the world is allowing them to wrap their arms around his waist while he plays his video games.
Just like Mammon, it gives him butterflies thinking that someone loves his body when he can’t do it himself.
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Satan also notices the stares, but writes it off as nothing important similarly to Mammon.
He’s a bookworm. He could care less about his appearance when he’s immersed in the tragic downfall of history’s greatest knights.
But he finds it a bit... Cute? Endearing? Just the thought that something so irrelevant to himself is so captivating to this human nowhere near his power level.
In his mind chock-full of thousands of years of book reading, he envisions it as a rabbit falling in love with a wolf for its triangular ears.
He’s a little off put by the idea of them touching them in such a place, but in the moment, he understands it completely.
MC’s touch is gentle but firm— loving, is what it is.
Being the avatar of wrath has many downsides. Including being avoided at all costs by so many people, even by his own brothers at some points.
So it feels great to just feel absolutely adored by someone.
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We been knew.
He’s the embodiment of want. So he knows all about it. ‘It’ being the way MC discreetly sneaks glances at him from across the room.
And he goes wild for it.
He brings it up casually. Almost too casually.
“Look at how close we’re sitting MC~ I’m practically on top of you. But be careful, who knows what I’d do if you kept staring like that...”
Asmo is just waiting for the moment MC makes a move. He wants to see what it looks like for them to finally stop holding back. The mere thought of it gets his adrenaline pumping.
And as the two are posing for a selfie together, their hands instinctively go to his sides.
MC doesn’t even realize that they haven’t moved their hands even after the photo. They only realize when Asmo puts his hands over their own, smiling innocently.
“You’re too cute, MC...”
One thing that Asmo starts suggesting is slow dancing. Just the two of them, in his room swaying to the sound of his slow song playlist.
Simply enjoying each other to the tune of vintage ballroom rythms never seemed so beautiful.
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Beel has a body that many would go great lengths for. It doesn’t quite resonate with him, because eating well and exercising is just his thing. They’re hobbies.
While he gets lots of compliments about it (particularly from Asmo), he doesn’t think about the curves and edges of his frame very much. He only thinks about what muscles require what stretches and workouts.
And unfortunately, he doesn’t notice any of MC’s affection for his hips.
The prolonged hugs, the staring and flushed complexion. To him, it’s all part of their friendship.
Even if they outright say, “Beel. Ur thiccness is very good.”
It doesn’t hit him very hard. He’s like yea? And? 😌🤚
However, he does have a bit of internalized insecurities about his looks. It’s not necessarily his body, but how others react to... Him.
How many times has he met someone and they didn’t look the slightest bit intimidated? Exactly. He has a resting bitch face on an athlete’s body when he’s one of the sweetest demons alive.
So yes. He is insecure. But when MC finds even the most insignificant things about him to be endearing, it reminds him that, even for a second, he can be loved in his own skin.
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Just like his twin, he doesn’t particularly care for the way his body looks. Especially to others.
He couldn’t care less of what negative things anyone had to say about him, anyways. Been there, done that.
But he can’t help but notice the electricity buzzing through his tired limbs when MC keeps a lingering hand around his sides.
It’s a little odd, he notes. That such a small gesture causes his body to react like that. But it’s pleasant, he’ll admit.
And then he notices just how often it happens. Even when they’re not cuddling. MC will have a hand on his waist, for even a moment.
“MC, do you like touching me there? You don’t do it to anyone else, I’ve noticed.”
They are embarrassed— mostly because they never really realized they were doing it. As soon as they go to apologize, Belphie lets out his sweet giggle.
“It’s okay. I actually like it... It’s cute that you do it so absentmindedly.”
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saintobio · 3 years
Wow, I am starstruck. Chapter thirteen was amazing, I legitimately cried about twice or thrice while reading. The writing and the emotions this chapter brought me, I can't put it into words. You are a one of a kind catch Saint and I am glad I stumbled upon your blog. Now don't mind me, just rambling on about the cast of this series.
Why is it that Sera thinks that after breaking up with her, Gojou still deeply lives her? He doesn't, he's in live with Y/N. She needs to move on, find someone who can bring out the good in her and not just her looks. Someone who will make her feel like a princess inside and out. Her relationship with Gojou wasn't healthy at all, not for either of them, I truly hope she comes to realization of her actions and sees that she can do better. Find someone who will make you happy for the rest of your life Sera, not just temporarily, someone you you're destined to be with. It may not be Gojou but he'll be one hell of a guy if he's able to suffice your needs.
Eula, accidents happen. Though, she should still atone for your sins. I mean, she'll still be going to hell but it'll be less of a burden for her to carry. Since it's manslaughter, it's not like she'll be serving life sentence or death row. I have hopes that Eula woman up and that little speck of good inside her, let it out. I don't want to hate her, but I kind of want to beat the shit out of you at the moment. Honestly, when I was about 7 I stole from a shop and to this day I feel that the police are after me and want me dead. Can't imagine how it must be to have killed someone. I mean, it's a hospital, if she was killed because of other reasons, they'll find out. Right?
I feel TERRIBLE for Gojou. I'm putting myself in his shoes and I would be crying and internally screaming at myself if I had gone through that. My mental state would've hit rock bottom, and when that happens humans tend to do shit that'll later on ruin them. When your that deep you feel like there's no way out, even if you wanted to. Gojou definitely did terrible shit a few chapters ago. Either way, nobody deserves what he's currently going through, not even Eula if I'm being honest. Hopefully, he has people who are there for him and won't allow him to slip down a road of filled with darkness. In times like this hope is something you just give yourself Gojou, don't allow yourself to seap into the depressive roots of despair. If you wander too deep, your light source (Y/N) will slowly die out, and you'll be all alone, again.
Y/N, I'm basically her actor, I don't make the calls but she made all the right ones herself. Maybe it's out similar views on things or our personalities which I find to be somewhat alike. Either way, I believe in her and whatever her choice she's following her heart which at most times works. Just don't forget you also have a brain. Remember. Gah, I love her.. because I'm her!
Okay uh, Yuuta. Technically her didn't kill nana, didn't even lay a finger on her so there's no way he's going to jail. Just had to think and he needs to tell someone, let it out. Even if it's not some law enforcement agent, it has to be someone. Even Y/N, he seems to like her. Yuuta shouldn't even have dragged into this mess of a family, I feel terrible for both sons of the family. Why do children always suffer the consequences of the their parents' evil doing.
There's a lot more I'd like to say about a lot more of the characters though, I don't want to take too much of you're time. I already wrote a lot anyway, sorry I know you've got dozens of other asks. Also this specific chapter reminds me a lot of Outer Banks, not sure if you've seen it though it's an American Television Show.
Don't Forget to drink cactus juice. I mean water. Stay healthy and make sure you're okay before updating or whatnot. Have a great day/evening/night. Goodbye, until I next submit and ask.
-🦈 anon
shark anon helloooo i always enjoy reading through ur asks!! thank u for writing to me <3 it’s nice to hear ur feedback abt the last chapter :>
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Class 1-A relationship headcanons
Part 2 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640893672076001280/class-1-a-relationship-headcanons
Part 1 - https://cherry-cake-pies.tumblr.com/post/640877154337538048/mha-relationship-headcanons-class-1-a
Mezou Shouji
Best hugs ever
I mean what else is he gonna do with all those arms? Fight villains?
Y/n is the only one who can call him by his first name
Shouji is super tall and y/n just calls him “Mezou McTallMan”
He has like 5 million IQ and plays chess with y/n and they just sit their feelin stupid cause they keep losing
Shouji and Tokoyami are best friends and then when him and y/n get together all three of them are best friends and it’s adorable
Y/n never really cared about the mask but was like “hey you don’t need to take it off if you don’t wanna”
And it melted Shouji’s heart that they were fine with it
Thier hair is always ruffled because of how much he messes with it
They just don’t bother anymore
He doesn’t like getting to much attention so for events they have little at home/ in the dorm party’s with just a few other kids
He 100% takes advantage of how scary he can look
If someone is trying to get at y/n he will look at them with the most haunting glare in the world
(*cough* Mineta *cough* *cough*)
Kyouka Jirou
Rockin out to rock but also crappy 2000’s pop music at three am
Jirou will just be sitting beside y/n as they mess with her lobes
Y/n is as much as a crackhead as the rest of the Bakusquad so they all get along great
Bakugo has almost stabbed both of them for kissing in public and being affectionate in public
Coming back to the dorms all sweaty from going to a concert and jumping around for four hours straight
Has the hardest time trying to teach y/n how to play everything because it hurt their ~delicate fingers~
Leaning on each other’s backs and listening to music sharing ear buds 😫
Getting records and hanging them on each other’s walls and painting them if they don’t like the songs 💜
She has a ton of vintage art/ band hoodies and they just share them at some point because they keep stealing them from each other
Going to the arcade with Denki and Kirishima and whoever else wants to come
Y/n always says Jirou has a “out shine the stars smile” and she becomes a blushing mess every time
She’s not very good at comforting :(
She tries tho
She’s great honestly
Hanta Sero
He asks y/n if he annoys them and y/n legit feels so bad like “I love u so much don’t you dare think that>:(“
He likes saving up for dates and going to fancy restaurants and stuff but he’s fine with small inexpensive dates
They’ve gone to sixflags at least ten times and they have definitely broke a whole ride from messing around with his tape
That couple where even before they were dating they were dating
Jokingly kissing each others hand/ cheeks, cuddling up to each other, always asking if the other was going somewhere too, that kinda stuff
Hammock cuddles
I think you understand
Prank war in the whole dorm and y/n and Sero are the kings (or queens) (or non-binary royalty) of it
Bakugo has declared war on them multiple times but never goes on it because of how hard they go
Everyone has said it, you know it
Spider man kisses
He has almost passes out from the blood rushing to his head before
if Mineta walks up to y/n from behind he will tape him up and they can’t have a normal conversation without Sero glaring at him
So many inside jokes
Once y/n put his hair in a bun or something and he was like :0 “oh my god there’s a world without hair in ur face”
Sometimes either of them will sneak in the others dorm in the morning before they wake up and put sunglass on them or draw on their face
“This reminds me of u” insert simp meme
This boy will make sure y/n is always holding his werid long lanky hands
They teach Todoroki what “Yeet” means and now they all use it all the time unironically
Fumikage Tokoyami
👏head 👏scratchys 👏
Y/n has to get him a nightlight so Dark Shadow doesn’t go wild in the middle of the night
Huge edge lord y/n is his only soft spot
Watch dumb vampire movies
They binged all the Twilight movies in one night and everyone makes fun of them for kinda unironiclly liking it
I know Halloween is only really a american thing but they 100% have Halloween party’s at the dorms
They’d set up the whole thing
Y/n gets him black nail polish and skull rings and edgy everything
He has a box that takes up like half his closet of just gifts from y/n
He doesn’t do gifts as much as just spending time with y/n
He does love the gifts tho
Give each other plenty of space
Just say “hey I wanna be alone for a bit” and he’ll be gone in a second
He’s always the little spoons cause he’s scared of peaking their eyes out accidentally
They didn’t keep the relationship a secret they just aren’t very physically affectionate to each other
So one day Shouji is like “oh are you crushing on y/n? Like you are really nice to them and they give you stuff”
And he sits there like “dude we’ve been together for months how do you not know”
And then they are like maybe we should announce it just to make sure? So they do that and the whole class is in shock that they were together for so long and no one noticed
Jokingly calls Tokoyami “Emo Peacock” 
You can’t tell me they try to do the Waltz as a joke but get really into it and do it whenever they hear any music now
Jirou could literally be playing hard core rock or heavy metal and they’ll be doing the waltz to it
Dark Shadow low key feels like a third wheel sometimes but then y/n give him a tight hug and he feels appreciated
Shouto Todoroki
Feeding the simps
So ya know that thing in the notes app where you can share notes? Yeah they share one of those where they list things they hate about Endeavor and after a month they are already on a thousand
Just sit in the same room
Could be doing anything not even envolving the other but it’s nice just to have the other there
Protecting the girls from Mineta together ❤️👏👏
at first it honestly just seemed like they were really good friends because they kept it a secret (mostly cause if it got out to the public Endeavor would find out and probably try to break them up)
Even in private they would just kiss the others cheek or forehead and hold hands and that’s the only difference
He talks to his mother about y/n a lot and she is so excited to meet y/n
She has really high expectations just because of how good they sound but does take in that Shouto is literally in love with them, he’s gonna have slight rose tinted glasses
Yeah their just as good as Todoroki made them out to be
When he told y/n about his childhood (endeavor, his mom, his scar, Dabi…) y/n cried because they felt so bad and cuddled him all day trying to help any way they could
They totally made him go to therapy 😌
Has a written down list of thing they said they like so he can get them one if they feel down
He has literally bought them a cat when they were feeling really down and y/n had to explain that he can’t just go and buy a cat when their feeling bad
They keep it tho don’t worry
He’ll turn off the air conditioning when he wants y/n’s affection
They’ll just come running at him and tackle him so he can warm them up/ cool them down
Expect goodnight texts
Make custom memes about how bad of a parent Endearvor is
Legit the start of Todoroki crushing on them overhearing them tell a friend that they don’t think Endearvor is a good hero/ deserves to be number 1
Once asked All Might to adopt Todoroki (I mean he thought about it for a second before Aizawa told him no)
Todoroki let’s y/n cook stuff on his left side
Deku will just wake up in the morning smelling eggs and think someone’s cooking but find y/n cracking eggs onto Todoroki’s left side
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floral-poisons · 3 years
Referring to this
He was also my recent favorite and when I first saw u lemme tell u I gasped so hard bc he was so beautiful, ngl he's like one of the most attractive people in that game broo like not even words can describe his beauty. I bought his nui too!!
Also I agree with relating to him where u gotta put others first before u cuz u feel like u have no choice but just to do it and u feel like ur purpose is just serving others while forgetting about urself :(( He's a very interesting character imo
Also honestly I agree with that Kalim is somehow selfish but what I don't like the most about is his parents. let's talk about how Kalim's parents has poor parenting like it's not rlly kalim's fault he became that way cuz children are affected by their environment. Ik there's alot of dangerous things that can happened to him cuz he's a heir for a very wealthy family but still they should've atleast taught the child about hardwork or like smth that doesn't make him completely naive and ignorant bout how things u wont always get yk or things that can't be easily just done. (Im apologize if I didn't get my point across I'm not good with explaining) also I'm not saying Kalim is dumb btw no no he's just mislead and somehow misguided.
Sorry for saying that, i just wanted to point that out since I feel bad for Kalim and Jamil that they had to go through smth but Jamil def had to suffer the consequences most of the time.
And yes I agree he's def asian solidarity I want to give Jamil a big hug and shower him with praises, I want to cook for him too.
- flower anon
kalim is interesting. mostly because i think he reminds me of my siblings. he's not my favorite and certainly the theory that kalim got into nrc via a bribe doesn't help. like jamil earned his spot, clearly, to get into nrc but kalim can't let jamil have one good thing that's separate from him. >:(
it's definitely due to parenting though and even though kalim is 16/17, i still think he should be mature enough to recognize the harm he's done. he definitely reminds me a lot more of prince soma and jamil of agni (except replace the praise for resentment). i don't think the artist of twst being yana toboso helps.
and yes jamil deserves only the best <3
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literaphobe · 3 years
Two questions:
1. What do you feel about CorpsexSykunno ship?
I feel like it's MarkiplierxJacksepticeye all over again, starts out innocent and turns uncomfortable.
(Also I think real people shipping is gross in general)
2. Dream smp makes me so nervous, not necessarily because of any of the members but due to (1) the history of online teams dominated (and lead) by male influencers, (2) minecraft youtube's general history of exploiting fans. I feel like it's going to end badly. You seem to be enjoying it tho, and it's definitely up my alley, should I get into it?
1. Corpse and Sykkuno are not comfortable being shipped! Neither of them are okay with being shipped with ANY of their friends in general, so like, don’t do it, or if u do like. i guess just don’t say anything about it? it’s really not hard to just enjoy their friendship. like it’s an endearing friendship n there’s nothing wrong w liking it. but. nothing more u know. plus both of them have made it clear on several occasions that they’re both straight and my gaydar agrees JFKDKDK like they’re just. Friends. Who care about each other :)
I definitely think it’s not like the markiplier x jacksepticeye situation, because for one u have jack himself telling people not to ship etc etc and also BECAUSE of that u have people actively policing any form of shipping. it’s honestly gotten to the point where it’s annoying but i genuinely don’t think it’s that big a problem, plus the rising popularity of the amigops puts less pressure on one-on-one corpse + sykkuno interactions, since people now wanna see all four of them play games together n not just corpse n sykkuno!
2. I get why Dream SMP would make u nervous. An interesting thing I realized when I started finding out more about people on that server is that there’s marginally more poc on it than I previously thought and also A LOTTTTT more lgbt+ people than i previously thought. Like genuinely why are so many of u so gay. And like that affects the stories being told obviously. Like. I don’t think it’s perfect n I don’t follow EVERY person on the SMP, just like i obviously don’t know everything about every minecraft YouTuber like fkdkdkdk i would say the only people i watch are dream, george, quackity (and even then i haven’t seen most of quackity’s YouTube videos) and like I’ve seen a couple of tommyinnit’s videos Fjdjdjdj and sapnap obviously but he has like 10 videos and i watch Karl’s streams if certain people are on it. yeah i think that’s about it like i do like the feral boys (dream george karl quackity sapnap) and i have seen maybe one or two skeppy videos
Anyway I get ur concerns about online circles dominated by male influencers too. but quite frankly compared to past circles ive seen its genuinely not that bad and also. In terms of holding them accountable, I think mcyttwt makes VERY sure of that (which honestly has devolved into a problem. because privileged haters will dig up stuff on creators that either a. has been addressed properly or b. is just. several years old and i don’t like how minorities are being weaponized. also i cannot stress how little i care that some minecraft YouTuber said the r slur 10 years ago when they literally never do it now. like. i worry so much because so many of these stans who think they’re ‘educating’ are just wearing themselves out n burning themselves out. so many of them are minors too)
but like. the people i am kept up w definitely do take responsibility and accountability. like dream especially gets accused of stuff that’s either fake/not him or something that’s just like out of this world (e.g. accused of queerbaiting. w george. interestingly no one ever accuses george directly of doing this) and no matter what he like addresses it properly and accordingly. like looking at his journey as a creator over the past year he’s grown a LOT and changed so much and matured a lot and i think like. looking at how much he’s blowing up and how much more of a following he’ll gain. I feel much better that it’s him who has this following as compared to. Certain people. And like. It’s upsetting to see how a lot of people have this impression of him that’s objectively false? Due to all the fake stuff that gets spread by haters (most often white for some reason???)? Because genuinely he’s not the creator we need to be so worried about?
Anyway in terms of getting into mcyts in the dream smp. I knew who Dream was because he’s played among us w the amigops a lot n they all like him because he’s just a good natured amicable person. I vaguely knew who george was because of dnf n also people putting his stupid face on my tl all the time. I thought he was pretty n hated that I thought that. I don’t care anymore tho. Like what’s wrong w looking at pretty people. I deserve it. Anyway! I got into their videos through GEORGE first, funnily. I think Minecraft, But I’m Not Colorblind Anymore was the first one I watched and it’s very very good. It’s endearing because it’s George trying out colorblind glasses for the first time n he’s nervous but Dream is there with him to make him feel more comfortable. And also Dream is so happy n emotional (he talks about tearing up at the thought of George being able to see colors properly) and their friendship is just very endearing. The video starts w george taking a colorblind test and we find out he has protan colorblindness (severity: STRONG which makes them crack jokes about how George is SO strong 😤)
anyway these losers. Decide to test the colorblind glasses on colors in MINECRAFT because of course that’s the whole video and it’s really heartwarming to see George learn how colors look like again n Dream just being excited about it the whole time n then George taking the colorblind test again at the end but with the glasses on... n then u go on to watch more george videos but it’s the ANIMAL CHALLENGES. like George Speedruns Minecraft But His Friend Is (Insert Animal, This Animal Is Always Dream) and like...... yeah so I watched a bunch of George’s videos n I went onto dream’s channel out of curiosity
And i was like. What the fuck. These videos are so WEIRDLY named. What the fuck is Finale, Finale Rematch, Grand Finale???? But dream has adhd too and in hindsight I absolutely would’ve titled the videos in a similarly confusing way. Anyway dreams manhunt videos are...... a work of art. I swear to god like even if u don’t know jackshit about minecraft they are very entertaining and weirdly impressive.
Basically in Minecraft Manhunt: Dream has to beat the game, but his friends are there trying to kill him. If they kill him even ONCE, they win n the video ends. He’s allowed to kill them repeatedly though. Manhunt started with one hunter (George, to one’s surprise), then two hunters (Sapnap and George), three (Sapnap, George, BadBoyHalo), and now four (Sapnap, George, BadBoyHalo, Antfrost). The next stage is possibly 5 hunters but idk who is the fifth yet. Anyway the thing that’s so entertaining about minecraft manhunt is:
1) Dream’s Parkour & PVP skills, which he developed and trained over such a short period of time n got REALLY good, it’s satisfying to watch him do risky maneuvers n succeed, the ways he’ll jump from a high place but clutch w either water, blocks, horses, boats, scaffolding, etc, to escape from the hunters
2) Dream’s TRAPS, like he actually does research for possible plans n traps he could do to counter the hunters, since there’s so many of them and only one of him, and he can’t just fight them in combat exclusively, since he’ll lose eventually if he gets ganged up on. I won’t spoil any of his traps, but they’re very good and also very dramatic. It’s amazing
3) The banter and taunting!! The lies and tricks!! They’re all really close so it’s easy for them to crack jokes during a lull where neither party is engaged in a fight, they’re all on the same VC so they can potentially say stuff to trick each other, or they can hear the other team say stuff that gives them an edge
4) The editing. Like the pacing is incredible, and all the bgm used is SO good at setting the atmosphere n making things more tense n exciting etc. like “dream’s manhunt music” is honestly a meme at this point but he actually unironically uses it and it unironically makes the videos better. Also dream edits all the manhunt videos by himself!! he doesn’t hire editors to do it for him or anything
idk what else to say but yeah I watch most of dream n george’s YouTube videos and they’re in most of each other’s videos and I like their dynamic a lot!! Especially since they still have not met in real life but already know they want to like live together (forever, according to George), and it like reminds me of the friendships I have because most of my close friendships have been made online. And like. They remind me that online friendships aren’t actually inferior. That’s it :) sorry this is so long
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dameronology · 4 years
to make a house a home {agent whiskey}
summary: just a soft weekend away in kentucky w/ our fave cowboy {for @zazzysseoul - thank u so much for ur support and i hope you enjoy!}
warnings: i think one or two swear words? but nothing else!
- jazz
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Jack Daniels was good at reading people.
It was part of his job. He had to be observant, had to have a working understanding of body language and non-verbal signals. He was especially diligent about it when it came to you; it wasn’t a purposeful thing, but rather an instinct to keep an eye on the person he loved most in the world. He could read you like a book and some days, it felt like he knew you better than you knew yourself, and maybe he did. There was really no telling with Jack. Every time you finally thought you had experienced every little quirk and trait he had to offer, he managed to pull something out the bag. Whether it was his ability to predict a bad mood before it happened or the way he remembered every tiny little detail of a conversation, he was constantly proving himself to be one hell of a partner.
It was no surprise; Jack thought you deserved the best and so, that’s what he tried to give you. He didn’t often let people into his life, especially not after so much loss, but from the moment you’d met, he knew he could trust you. He’d always been a brilliant judge of character and he’d been completely right about you. You’d turned his entire world upside down; taught him how to love again and reminded him that the things he’d lost could be found again, just with a little care and patience. The empty house he used to come to was filled with love and laughter and little marks of you and him; photos from your various trips, magnets on the fridge, that he brought home from all the countries his job took him to, the little notes you left on his nightstand when you had to slip out for work before he rose. The first time Jack had come through the front door and almost tripped over your shoes, he’d cried - not out of anger or shock, but at the realisation that he was no longer alone. 
Jack had the innate desire to look after you. He knew you could handle yourself but that didn’t mean that you had to. You’d been there for him in every sense of the world, and he wanted to do the same, to make sure that you felt appreciated every second of every day. In his mind, if you ever questioned his love or loyalty, then he wasn’t doing his job right. That desire translated into little things, rather than grand displays of affection; he’d do your laundry when you worked late, sent you sweet texts through out the day and brought you flowers just because. It wasn’t uncommon to find that Jack had filled up your car with gas without asking, or to come home to your favourite take out. 
His biggest way, however, was in how well he knew you. Every slight change in demeanour and every variation in the tone of your voice was caught by him; he knew when you were okay, and he knew when you weren’t. He could tell when you were half-way between, and he’d do his best to bring you back to the lighter side. You take comfort in the fact he always had your back, no ifs or buts. 
When Jack woke up early one morning to find your side of the bed empty, he immediately knew that was something was up; the second his palm reached out for you, only to be met with a fistful of cold sheets, he knew. You never got out of bed early. There could have been an atomic war happening outside and you still would have refused to move, insisting on five more minutes before nuclear winter hit. The bathroom light was off and there wasn’t anything you could have found in the kitchen. After all, you’d only arrived at the ranch a few hours earlier. You were both tired from a few long weeks at work and escaping the suffocating fog of the city for the rolling hills and fresh air of Kentucky felt like heaven. 
Jack sat up, pausing for a moment. There was a gentle creek coming from somewhere; it was steady and rhythmic, ringing from the porch. His shoulder slumped wit relief - you were outside on the porch swing. At 6AM on a cold, winter’s morning. The relief was shorting lived. 
Pulling on his robe, Jack rubbed his eyes and headed out towards the porch. Sure enough, you were the first thing he saw, shoulders covered by the plaid shirt he’d worn the previous day and fluffy socks gently brushing against the floor with the movement of the swing. The light above you illuminated you in a soft smoulder, a golden glow cast over you, illuminating your tired eyes and disheveled hair. He would have lectured you about the cold, had you not had a knitted blanket around you. 
‘Bit early for you, ain’t it?’ Jack leant against the door frame, gently smiling when your eyes met. 
‘What’s early when you haven’t slept yet?’ You aimlessly joked. 
Lifting up the blanket, you silently gestured for him to come and sit next to you. Jack obliged, dropping down beside you and winding a large arm around your shoulder. He pulled you into his chest, placing a kiss on your temple. His warm body was a welcome feeling against the cold of the January air. 
‘What’s keeping you up?’ He softly coaxed. 
‘I don’t know, to be honest.’ You replied. ‘It’s just been a long week.’
‘I get that.’ His voice was slightly murmured. He pulled you even closer, chin resting on your head. ‘But we’re here now, sugar. I think we both need the down time.’
‘Definitely.’ You said. ‘Plus, the view isn’t so bad.’
The ranch overlooked a large field filled with cows and horses; it stretched out for miles, fading away into the distance into a seemingly endless close. The edges of the green pasture were tinged with the pink of a tonic sun rise, pushing away the dark of the night sky. It wasn’t often that you got to watch the sun come up, and it felt a little refreshing to see a new day come. It was fresh; a clean slate, young and naive, but full of possibility. An ironic thought, given that you and Jack were probably going to lay on the sofa the whole day and order take out. 
‘You’re right.’ He murmured from beside you.
‘Are you doing that thing where you look at me when I’m talking about a nice view?’ You peered up at him, thinning your eyes. 
‘You said it was romantic!’
‘The first five times, Jack!’ You chuckled, leaning up to press a kiss to his jaw.
‘Nothing is sacred anymore.’
You settled back against his chest with a smile. ‘I like it here.’
‘Me too.’ He agreed. ‘It’s nice to get away from the Apple. Everything over there if faster than a knife fight in a damn phone booth.’
‘And it doesn’t smell of pizza and...pee.’
You loved New York dearly; it had been your home for many years, and it was also where you’d met Jack. But, whether it was your permanent home, you didn’t know. There were some days when it all got so much. The city never quietened down and you could never quite escape it, even in the comfort of your own apartment. Out here, you were worlds away from that. Crickets were gently purring in the distance, and the only other sound came from the rustling of the animals in the field across the road. It was peaceful. Serene. 
‘What if we moved out here when I’m done at the Statesman?’ Jack posed, almost as though he were shy about broaching the subject. ‘We could get a couple horses. Maybe a dog. Heck, if you want a zoo, I’ll get you a zoo.’
‘I’d like that.’ You smiled. ‘I mean living here, not the zoo thing - but a dog and horses sounds nice.’
‘Then a dog and horses we shall get.’ He grinned. ‘Oh! I can teach you to ride.’
‘Or I could just watch you do it.’
‘There’s not a single person in this here town who can’t ride a horse.’ Jack said. ‘Unless a pony would be better.’
‘Why not both? We have enough room.’ You reminded him. ‘Maybe we can re-tile the kitchen too. It’s not that I don’t like the green, it’s just it’s...’
‘That’s a nice way of putting it.’
Because you didn’t live on the ranch full time, neither of you had put too much effort into making it homely. It was liveable, by all means, but the television in the living room dated back to the first Bush administration and the kitchen was a little too lime for your liking. The place had come furnished by the old owners, which had been a big selling point for Jack. He just wanted somewhere he could live whilst he was in Kentucky and this place had been practical. It wasn’t until you and your eye for interior design came along that he realised how retro it was. 
‘There’s a hardware store down the road.’ Jack said. ‘We can get a couple hours sleep and head down there later to see what they got.’
‘Maybe we can find something less green.’ 
‘I sure fucking hope so.’
The next morning, you and Jack bundled up into some warmer clothes and piled into the Bronco, heading for the store downtown. The actual city was miles out, but there lots of little local and independent places. There were little cafes and restaurants, as well as farmers’ markets and fresh produce. You had thought about living here permanently before, but you hadn’t verbalised it until Jack had suggested it first. Given everything that had happened in the past, you’d wanted to do things at his pace, but so far, you’d been perfectly in tune with one another. That was a testament to your relationship as a whole. 
‘I just smiled at that woman and she smiled back.’ You muttered to Jack, peering up at the store as you headed through the parking lot. 
‘I once smiled at a stranger on the Subway and they told me to piss off.’ 
Jack chuckled, reaching out to wind his arm around yours. He tangled your fingers together, pulling you flush against his side. It was easier to show physical displays of affection here too. He was always a little paranoid in the city, given how busy it was and how easy it would have been to for an enemy to hide. That was another thing Jack did without thinking; taking tiny little precautions to protect you. He couldn’t even begin to think about losing you. And the thought never popped up here. Never. Only in the city, where everything was loud and overwhelming.
The store itself was pretty big - it was good for you, but confusing for Jack. You had Pinterest boards with inspiration for all your hypothetical future houses, whilst Jack couldn’t the difference between ivory and sand. So, true to character, he let you tighten your grip on his arm and drag him towards the kitchen section, eyes wide like a kid in a candy store. You had a green blank canvas to go wild on, because probably would have agreed to anything. It wasn’t that he was a walk-over, or because he was lazy, he was just genuinely terrible at interior design. Introducing him to build mode on the Sims 4 had been traumatic enough. 
You didn’t have to decide anything immediately - after all, he’d said he wanted to move out here after he was done at Statesman. That was just as likely weeks as it was years. He did complain about his job giving him a bad back but you also knew that he enjoyed it. It was all he’d known for such a long time, and he’d worked hard to get to the top. Unbeknownst to you, he’d drop it all in a second if you wanted to relocate now. Even if he had the best job in the world and all the money he could ever want, the only thing Jack really needed was you.
‘Where do we even start?’ He asked, brown eyes staring confusedly at some paint samples. 
‘We start with the most important rooms - living room, kitchen, bedroom.’ You replied. ‘I’m thinking something midcentury for downstairs. What d’you think?’
‘Midwhatnow?’ His brows furrowed. 
You laughed. ‘Midcentury. So think...Bauhaus. Mid 60s sort of thing.’
‘Right.’ Jack nodded, getting a clearer idea. ‘How about you just to point to things and I’ll either shake my head or nod?’
Yeah, that sounded like a better idea.
And so, you began your trek around the store. Your Pinterest boards came in handy, especially for the kitchen - even Jack was grateful for them, because it meant you moved a little quicker. He did die inside a little when you grabbed a huge trolley and began piling it up with kitchen tiles, counters and cabinet doors, and even more so when you casually asked ‘you’re good at DIY, right?’
He didn’t complain though, not once. The sight of you rushing around the store, face lighting up at lamp shades and paint samples, was one of the best things he’d ever seen. Not only because it was hilarious, but also because it was the first time you really planned for your future. There was sort of an unspoken agreement that this was it, and that you were both in it for the long run, but neither of you had made any verbal plans together. You’d moved in together back in the city, but that had happened naturally. You’d started staying over and over more and more to sleep in his fancy Statesman bed and use his heavenly marble bathtub, and you came over one weekend and just never left. 
After a few hours, Jack finally had to put a stop to your antics. 
‘Okay, darlin’, I think we’ve reached the threshold now.’ He called. ‘We don’t need a new lighting fixture for the downstairs bathroom.’
You huffed. ‘Placing it back on the shelf.’
‘We’re gonna have a hard time getting in this car as it is.’ He held his arm out to you, signalling for you to come back to him. 
‘I’ll have to come back for the upstairs then.’ You muttered. 
‘We’ve gone from painting the kitchen to gutting the whole damn ranch, baby.’ Jack replied. ‘We’re only here for two more days anyways.’
‘Damn. I forgot about that.’ Your eyes widened. ‘I guess we better start today, then.’
This was supposed to be a relaxing weekend. 
And yet somehow, Jack Daniels was stood in the middle of his now half-demolished kitchen, a sledge hammer in one hand and a glass of his namesake whiskey in the other. He couldn’t deny that it had been fun to rip out the cabinets and tear off the tiles. He’d despised the colour of the kitchen for so long that it felt good to finally get rid of them, even if it meant that the tedious process of putting on the new ones came immediately after. You’d gone for simple black and white ones, with some mosaic ones for a...what had you called it? A feature wall or something. Apparently it added character (something he took your word for). 
‘So what’s the paint for?’ Jack frowned, taking a brush as you handed it to him. 
‘For the living room.’ You grabbed him by the shirt, dragging him out the kitchen.
‘But the kitchen isn’t done-’
‘- I’m bored of the kitchen.’ You said. ‘You don’t mind, do you?’
‘Course not, angel.’ He pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
After grappling with covering the furniture up, you and Jack began to paint. It wasn’t too hard of a process; he just sort of whacked it on, whilst you had a much more meticulous process. So what if he got a splash of grey on the light switch? Actually, on second second thought, he should probably wipe that off.
Besides, it only took him five minutes to get sidetracked. The sight of you stood across the room, his red and black plaid shirt hanging from your shoulders, face screwed up with concentration and paint on your nose, was a distraction in itself. It was the sort of moment he wanted to get on a Polaroid, but equally, one that he wanted to savour. He always entranced by you, but sometimes that amplified. You weren’t even doing anything special - just...existing. But that was enough to capture his attention in its entirety. 
He didn’t tear his eyes away from you - not until something cold hit him in the face, and a splatter of grey paint nearly hit his eye. The noise of your laughter pulled him back to reality, practically losing it as you doubled over, holding onto the fire place for support. You were lucky that it was his favourite sound but heck, you coulda dumped the whole bucket of paint on him and he wouldn’t have flinched. 
‘That was rude.’ Jack folded his arms across his chest. ‘I’m gonna get you for that.’
‘No, you won’t.’
You dropped your paintbrush, suddenly leaping over the couch and sprinting out into the hallway. Trying to outrun a highly-trained government agent (a fact you sometimes forgot) might have not been your brightest idea, but you still managed to breeze past him and skid into the kitchen, almost tripping over a strewn tile as you did. 
Jack was hot on your heels, arms reaching out to grab as you circled back into the living room. He managed to snatch you by the waist, pulling you down onto the sheet-covered couch - he was nice enough to use his own body to break the landing at least. You landed on his chest with a thud, still in a fit of giggles as he grabbed your face and planted kisses all over it. His lips were soft and warm, tasting of whiskey when they finally met yours. You tangled your hand through his hair in an attempt to bring him close, as though it were even possible. 
You broke the kiss, rolling off of Jack and onto the sofa next to him, nuzzling into his side. The paint you’d managed to get on him was on you now as well, smeared down the side of your face and a little onto his shirt that you were wearing. Not that it bothered him all that much, because the sight of you in any of his clothes was worth a little bit of paint. You had a sort of rotation, where you would steal various garments and wear them until they lost his smell, before dumping them in the laundry and swiping some more. They were always baggy, scented with his aftershave and the faint smell of the leather from his car. When he was away on missions, it was the nearest thing you could get to one of his warm hugs.
‘Darling, d’you think, just maybe, that we should just pay someone to do all this?’ Jack gently suggested. ‘I can have a guy from the agency come in and be done in like three days.’
‘Three days? For the whole house?’ You peered up at him with a frown. 
‘Their speciality is rebuilding places after we accidentally blow them up so this will be like a walk in the park.’ He explained. ‘Although, the kitchen isn’t far off. the place is lookin’ as messy as the farmers’ market after sundown.’
‘And Champ won’t mind you abusing Statesman resources like that?’ You teased.
‘The man is so rich that he buys a new boat when the other gets wet.’ Jack reminded you. ‘He ain’t gonna notice.’
‘You have a point.’ You nodded. 
‘Besides, they’re better at decorating-’
‘- interior design.’ You cut him off. ‘It’s a house, not a Christmas cookie.’
Jack dropped his head against yours, letting out a groan. ‘You know what I mean.’
‘I know.’ You leant up to press another soft kiss to his lips. ‘I love you.’
‘I love you too, angel.’ 
Even though it was still a little far off, the glimpse that this weekend had given you into your future meant everything to him. He’d brought the ranch as a place to crash on business stays, and now you were helping to turn it into a home. At one point, he hadn’t imagine having a life to look ahead to or a house to decorate or somebody to love. Even though they were small, everyday things, you’d brought so much into his life, and he was never going to let you forget it. 
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