#and part Greek Mythology fic
lavenderstobins · 8 months
in the stars | part 1
robin buckley is four years old when she hears her prophecy for the first time.
it had been later than expected. another delayed milestone, she’d hear her mother say when she’s older. most children heard theirs by age three.
still. far too young to hear how she’ll die.
most prophecies, she learns, aren’t straightforward, and even less speak openly of death. usually they’re vague, open for many interpretations.
robin can’t think of another way to interpret “you will give your life for a man who loves you”.
it’s a heavy weight to carry. her family keep it quiet. her parents, in particular, seem to take it upon themselves to mourn her in advance. saving themselves future heartache, maybe, by not getting attached. they don’t have anymore children. she hears her father’s whispered fears that they’d lose them, too.
robin, in truth, grows up mostly okay. she doesn’t share her prophecy, even without her parents warning her to keep it to herself. it’s hard enough to make friends as it is.
she is, however, resentful. she thinks it’s fair enough. her life is to be stolen from her. by a man, no less. she doesn’t even like men. when she realises that she likes girls instead of boys, that she’s a lesbian, it’s just one more layer of resentment.
dying for a man who loves her. what a joke.
the only consolation is that it must be a distant tragedy. no men in her life love her, and with how she keeps to herself, she doesn’t see it happening anytime soon.
then she starts working at scoops ahoy, and her world is turned on its axis. steve harrington confesses to her, and she feels sick, but he understands. time continues on, and steve ribs her for her taste in women, and it’s… it’s nice. nicer, still, to know it’s not him. she doesn’t tell him about her prophecy. he doesn’t ask. she doesn’t ask about his, and he doesn’t tell her. she wonders if his life is signed away, too.
the corruption in hawkins comes back, because it always does, steve tells her. they fight for their lives again. they don’t win, but they don’t quite lose. they survive, though not without casualties. they keep struggling on.
max’s prophecy, dustin tells her in a quiet voice one day, said that she would know love blind. a sick joke from the fates, seemingly. he tells her about his. when he was two, his mother was told that he would fix things without knowing they’re broken.
robin thinks of steve, and how dustin helped him find himself. of eddie, and how dustin’s fierce loyalty protected him. of max, and how dustin unknowingly brought her back into their fold of friendship and love.
true enough, she thinks.
he asks about her prophecy. she… hesitates, in truth. it’s been a long time since she’d spoken the words. she trusts him, though. she tells him what she was told all those years ago. dustin frowns, and she shrugs awkwardly. then, he says that they’ll just have to fight men away from her, won’t they? she laughs at that. his optimism is a welcome breath of air. she asks that he keep it to himself; it’s not something she chooses to share often. he nods, glowing with pride of being chosen. they don’t talk about it again. sometimes, she sees him side-eyeing boys around her.
then they’re thrust into the fight again. the earth opens up, belching out endless monsters, and they fight tirelessly. they split into groups. she and steve are together, as always, side-by-side. they’re joined by nancy and lucas, a party of four to defend their home.
she should have seen it coming, she thinks. it had been staring her in the face and she had closed her eyes.
steve, ever the self-sacrificial fool, had risked his life for them, taking on monsters alone, and she had moved without thinking. she had dived after him. she had followed him—she would have followed him to the ends of the earth—and when he had taken a hit, she had cried out, begging the universe: not him. please, not him. the universe said nothing. and then it dawned on her; the universe had already answered her.
when steve collapses, wounded, she steps over him, separating him from the swarming monsters. she holds her weapon high and makes herself his shield. you will give your life for a man who loves you, she had been told. it never mentioned she’d love him. that she’d give it gladly.
when she takes the hit, the slashing claw meant for steve that burrows into her abdomen, she almost laughs. she’d been so blind; it never said the love would be romantic. of course it had been steve. steve, who would give his life for everyone else in a heartbeat. she had been born to keep him alive.
it’s an almost comforting thought, and it sticks with her as she beats back the monsters, as they finally collapse around them, no doubt after the real villain is brought down by el. as she sinks to her knees, as steve starts cradling her.
“robin,” he says, pleads, and he’s crying, his teardrops hitting her face like rain. she takes his hand, unable to stop a whimper escaping her, and he sobs, pulling her closer. he starts babbling, repeating words like a mantra: not her, not her, please.
he’s shaking, she realises, clutching her in his arms, like sheer willpower can keep her alive. it can’t, she knows. nothing is more powerful than a prophecy, not even love.
“steve,” she whispers. his head snaps to her, almost hopeful. she cracks a small smile. “i love you,” she says, and his hopeful expression falls.
“i love you,” he says, tears falling freely down his cheeks again, and she knows. she’s always known, even before she’d realised.
she closes her eyes.
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mrkeatingsblazer · 11 days
I haven’t updated for my series The Prophecy [Oh Was It Punishment] in a hot minute (I HAVENT ABANDONED IT I SWEAR) but Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter is so reader
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aaronofithaca05 · 2 months
Streams and moons 🌊🌙
Part 2
This fic is about Odysseus´s death and underworld journey
Those words sank in Odysseus' mind as a stone in a tide pool, “ A happy ending? ” he thought as the Argiphonte looked curious as a small kid seems when looking at something new.
“Ohhhh…I see” he said while trying to empathise with him.
“Sorry for the spectacle, old friend, I was trying to lift your face,” he said sincerely. 
“this place is so gloomy, so solemn…” he said with his hands and all.
“That I tried to bring a little sunshine to your arrival! “ he said again in his gleeful tone
“You faced so much worse in your last time under this halls, it felt appropriate to welcome you like it should be”
Odysseus cut him and stare  dead in his eyes and treated him as the others gods he faced, as he treated him before:
“Hermes, powerful son of the Father of all, the winged messenger of the gods, sly Argiphonte, starter of my line, I implore you to give me an opportunity to say farewell to my family”
The silence was heard in all Hades, the light of the eyes of the quick divinity diminished as he saw the rage below the thin veil of his plea.
“Time”, “ What he wanted was time, time to end her name” the brilliant god thought.
Odysseus' colour was draining by moments, even as old as he was he had courage to implore a psychopomp for a proper goodbye, he was starting to lose definition, as his legs were becoming smoke, as Odysseus started to become a shade. 
The quick-witted god's mind was starting to brew a plan as his favourite descendant was wasting by every blink.
“The ceiling” he said while pointing to a closing hole 
“We´re still under Ithaca” he whispered while looking suspicious of every rock and drop of water falling from the ceiling.
But was enough for Odysseus to jump into action, his muscles started to formed again, the light of the Cunning was there, his colours were starting to show again, as the sun rises from the bravest of storms. He was old but he defended his home until this fateful day, he still had blood in his veins.
Though Hermes looked at him, “There´s only a chance and brief” before adding “I maybe a psychopomp but you must know this is not your return to the living, your body is already being cremated”.
It didn´t matter to him, it didn't matter at all. 
His wish was a proper goodbye, no more.
Odysseus knew it was his time, his old age was starting to make him dizzy, a hundred pains under his skin, his hands were always tired, from the bow practice´s of his grandchildren, from the baking with Penelope as he held the hot trays, from the trees he climbed with his dear Telemachus to hunt for fun. His knees were far to strained by his adventures, to tired he was to stay past the dusk, the only thing he was not tired of was seeing every dawn his wife, his partner, her joy: 
“Penelope” he said while looking to the closing hole as he saw his pyre, as he saw his funerary games being held.
<-Part 1 Part 3->
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rubatozis · 11 months
i'm feeling generous so have TWO free snippets <3
But as my gaze swept through the forest my eyes landed on a bush of gracious little pink flowers that I recognized immediately. Oleanders. Delicate, pretty, but that could kill a grown man easily with their poison. Drinking honey from bees that pollinated these flowers could already make someone sick by itself. I gently touched them, the soft surface of the petals tickling against my hand. Petals so small and light yet that carried so much power. An idea crossed my mind, one too dark for me to even express, a feverish and dangerous thought. I brushed it off.I gave one more look at the darkness, because despite it all I wanted to see him again. My whole body urged to feel his presence, even if just for a very brief moment. I turned around, sighing in disappointment. Nothing stared back at me, and so I was alone again. Or, at least, I thought I was.
“I’d walk in this forest and catch myself walking towards camp. Towards you.” He continued, running his hands across my back. “No matter what corporeal form I take or what happens to me, my soul will always seek yours. I accept that now. It could never have been different and I regret ever suggesting such a thing.”
A danger to fate. A danger to death. A danger to the gods. I should be terrified.
“I’m so glad to have you back.” I whispered. “I forgive you.”
[ao3 link] [wattpad link]
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spacemilkbag · 2 years
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luvf4ngz · 2 months
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Til Death Do We Part Brings Us Together
grim reaper! jason todd
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Description: Your constant close calls with death first captures the attention of the Grim Reaper, then his heart, and lastly, his devotions.
Contents: Female Reader, Mentions Of Death/Dying, References to Greek Mythology, Possessiveness, You Watch Pretty Woman and Read Pride & Prejudice Together Bc Yeah, Mentions Of Isolation But It’s Okay I Promise, Jason Is Lowkey Lonely And Desperate, Reader Has A Death Wish? Maybe?, Praise Kink, SO MUCH PRAISE, Unprotected Sex, Religious Symbolisms, Sacrilege?, Nipple Play, Jason Calls You Princess, Obviously???, Vaginal Fingering, Oral Sex, (Female Receiving), He’s So In Love, Jason Todd Is Touch Starved, Devotion, Jason Is A Munch, Overstimulation, Vaginal Sex, Yes Greek Gods Wear Boxers, Enthusiastic Consent, “Will it fit?” I’m Sorry Okay, Size Kink, Jason Todd Has A Big Dick, Gentle Dom Jason Todd, Intimate Sex, Slow Sex, Soft Sex, Aftercare, Cuddling
Word Count: 6081
Author’s Note: Jason is loosely based off of Thanatos from Greek Mythology/Hades (the game). It was kind of hard infusing his personality with the literal personification of Death, but I hope I did a good job! Also some details are completely made up or changed for the purpose of the fics, like how dying works in Greek Mythos. Please don’t come for me, I’m just trying to be horny on the internet. Without furthermore, please enjoy :)
Actually one more thing I have a Thanatos/Death playlist and I adore it to bits, please listen if you want.
Thank you @toruslvt for beta-reading!
He’ll do anything for his most devout follower, he’ll worship you twice as much as you ever could him. 
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"Yet another brush with death." You heard a husky voice beside you, making you turn your head to look at the figure sheepishly. 
Whether you’re extremely unlucky or just unfathomably reckless, he’s not sure. All he knows is that your soul has been on the edge of being his over and over again - whether it was narrowly missing a car or falling into a river or even just choking on a bone. You always seem to make it out of those situations just fine, which has thoroughly caught his attention. 
 "You should really be more careful, you know." He looked at you and sighed. 
“I am! Or at least I try to be...” You murmur timidly, scratching the back of your neck. “It’s uh, it’s nice to see you again.” You give him a small smile, turning your body to face him. 
As always, he’s in his dark cloak, the hood lifted to conceal some of his hair, casting a shadow over his face. The gold accents adorning his body glint due to the faint sunlight casting through your kitchen window, the same sunlight making his tan skin glow, making him look otherworldly - which he was. 
He raised his eyebrow, “Is it now? Most people are terrified to see me.” He muttered, smirking a bit,
“I guess I’m used to you now.” Your grin gets a bit larger, warmer. “You don’t have your scythe.” You point out.
He lets out a slight chuckle at your observation, “Such a keen eye. I figured I wouldn’t need it, and I was right. What was it this time?”
Your face heats with embarrassment at the question. “I slipped.” You confess, pointing to the puddle of water on the ground. “Almost cracked my head open, I guess. But! I turned my body in time, so I’m fine.”
“Yes, that would explain your wet clothes.” His eyes trail down your body, catching slightly where your nipples peek out against the damp fabric, before looking back up to your face.
He clears his throat, “Haven’t you learned your lesson by now? It’s not even lunch time yet and you were on the brink of death. Aren’t you afraid of dying?” He scolds you.
“I mean, not really.” 
A pause of silence.
“What? You’re joking, right? How can you be so cavalier about this?”
“I don’t know, it doesn't seem so bad. It’s a natural part of life. Should I be scared?” 
“What kind of question is that?!” He raises his voice slightly, eyebrows scrunched as he looks at you. “Of course, you should be. Dying isn’t fun. You’ll be dead, trapped in the underworld for the rest of eternity. You should be trying to preserve your life while you still have it.”
“I am, though. I’m not saying I don’t like being alive, I’m just saying, when it happens, it’ll happen. There’s no use being so pre-cautious and anxious all the time.”
He lets out a huff, “You are… certainly a strange one.”
“In any case, I’d like to think my soul will go to Elysium. I'm a pretty good person, so I think the afterlife won’t be too awful for me.” You continue on, carefree.
"That isn't my point, though. Even if you're guaranteed a place in Elysium, you should still be more vigilant.”
“Why should I be? My end is already predetermined, isn’t it? Don’t the fates know when my time is up?”
“Well… yes, but-”
“Wait, then how come you visit me before I actually die?” You interrupt him, a realization suddenly taking place. “Near death experiences shouldn't summon you right?”
He hesitates a bit, caught. "You’re correct… I visit you on my own accord.”
“Why?” You tilt your head cutely, an innocent and puzzled look in your eyes.
“You’ve just caught my attention, is all.” He looks away. “I like to keep track of you, the Fates are wrong sometimes, and you basically have a death wish so I just… I like to make sure you’re okay.”
You smile slightly at his words, “You don’t want me to die?”
“Of course, I don’t. I like- I like to watch you. You’re interesting to me.” He chooses his words carefully.
“I am?” Your eyes brighten a bit at his words.
He turns back to you and nods, his hood shifting a bit with his movement, revealing a bit more of his hair. The white streak catches your attention. 
“I have to confess it’s… cute the amount of trouble you manage to get yourself into. It’s entertaining to see what you get up to, how you treat others, what you desire out of life.” His eyes move to look into yours. “Your mentality is quite unique, as well. You see dying as natural and not something to be feared, but I think you've accepted it to an… abnormal degree." He paused. "...You're the first person in a very long time to not express fear of me.”
“Why would anyone be afraid? You're only doing your job... and you're quite nice." 
He laughs, the deep rumble of his voice goes straight to your knees. "I think you're the first person to ever call the God of Death ‘nice’. You wouldn't believe the amount of people that fear me, even before their time is up. It's... exhausting, really. I can always hear their prayers, their cries, their pleads.”
"I mean I can’t blame them, I just can't share the same sentiment, especially with all the conversations that we've had."
He smiles at you, “You really are like a breath of fresh air. It’s nice to know that someone doesn’t hate me.” He pauses again, a soft look in his eyes. “But you should still be careful. You're not made of rubber after all. Don’t let me take you earlier than I should.”
“That doesn’t sound too bad, though.”
“What?” In such a short time, you’ve shocked him again.
“I wouldn’t mind dying knowing that you'll be the one waiting for me.” You say it so casually, continuing to smile at him, as if it wasn’t the sweetest thing anyone’s ever uttered to him. His heart beats a little faster as he stares down at you, stupefied. 
“You can’t mean that.” He replies after a while. 
“Why wouldn’t I?”
He’s speechless, dumb-founded. How could he possibly begin to explain that the idea of anyone liking him enough to allow him to take them from this world so happily was absurd?
“What?” You ask, noticing his sudden silence. “Why’s that so strange? I like talking to you, and when I’m in the afterlife you would keep me company, right?”
He lets out a breath and smiles a bit, the whites of his teeth peeking out behind the pink of his lips. “I’d be lying if I said that didn’t sound appealing.”
“Good.” You smile a little wider, your eyes crinkling as it makes his heart begin to race now. 
“I-I should get going, there’s uh- souls I need to get to.” He stutters out.
“Yeah, that sounds important. I should clean up with water. I’ll see you around uh… Mister Grim Reaper, sir.”
He lets out an amused huff. “Jason. Just call me Jason.”
“Will do.” You jokingly salute him, and it makes him let out another chortle. 
“Alright, farewell then.” He nods, before blinking out of your kitchen. 
You stare at the space he used to occupy for a bit, still smiling softly, before leaving to get a mop - and maybe a change of clothes.
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“Are you sure it’s okay for you to be here?” You ask him, raising an eyebrow as you stare at him from the couch. 
“Yes.” He replies simply, his eyes and attention focus on the movie playing on your TV.
His visits have been more and more frequent lately, ever since the conversation the both of you shared in your kitchen. Now, Death, who prefers the name Jason, shows up even if you didn’t go through another life-threatening event. 
And right in this moment, Jason is standing in front of your couch, entirely enraptured by Pretty Woman, of all things. 
“Don’t you have to do your duty? I’m sure there’s a lot of lost, wandering souls right now.” You try again, concerned. 
“What? You don’t want me here?”
“I didn’t say that!” You put your hands up in defense. “I just don’t want you to get in trouble or something. Won’t Hades or the Fates or… whoever your superior is get angry?”
“Probably.” He shrugs. “But what are they going to do? Kill me?” He casts you a glance from the corner of his eyes, before going back to the movie. “Besides, souls can’t leave the mortal body without me being there. They’ll just rest for a bit, I can always come get them after.”
“I guess that’s fine then.” You sigh out. “Could you at least sit down?” 
Jason lets out a nod, before moving to the couch, taking a seat beside you but still keeping his distance. 
He watches the rest of the movie in silence beside you, enjoying your company. His eyes flick over to admire you a few times, taking in your immersed gaze and noticing the way you’re clutching a plushie so close to you (cute). When you sniffle, when a few tears trail down your face, when your parted lips form a pout at the ending, his heart pumps hard in his chest. 
This was a much better use of his time. 
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“You have so many books.” Jason states, his figure crouched so that he could properly read all the titles. His hood is off, fully revealing his soft, dark hair - the white streak a beautiful contrast. 
“Who’s the observant one, now?” You chuckle from your place on the bed, eyes not leaving the novel in your hands. 
He rolls his eyes, “What are you reading?”
“Pride and Prejudice.” You hum softly, eyes still scanning the page. 
“What’s that about?” Jason asks, walking away from the bookshelf and towards you. 
“Uh, it’s a little complicated.” You murmur, “But basically it’s two people learning to get over their, well, pride and prejudices to fall in love.” 
He lets out a hum, “Read it to me?” 
“Oh my Gods, you’re so lucky, I just got to the best part.” Your eyes watch him as he lays down beside you on your bed, the fabric of his black cloak pooling around his body. 
“Elizabeth was surprised, but said not a word. After a silence of several minutes, he came towards her in an agitated manner, and thus began: ‘In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.’ Elizabeth’s astonishment was beyond expression.” 
Jason turned to his side in order to get a better view of you. He watches how your eyes practically light up as you read, a smile gracing your face. He can’t help but think how pretty you look like this. 
“She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement; and the avowal of all that he felt, and had long felt for her, immediately followed. UGH, it’s so romantic!” You yell out, clutching the book to your chest and rolling back and forth slightly, making him let out a chuckle at your antics. “I mean at this point in the book I still hate Darcy but Gods, the way it’s written is just so good!” 
He falls silent for a bit, his gaze affectionate as he watches you. “Hey, can I ask you something?”
You stop your giddy reactions, looking at him curiously. “Yeah, what is it?”
“Do you remember when you said you wanted to be with me in the afterlife?”
“Hm? Yeah, why?”
He took a deep breath. "Let's say... let's just pretend for a moment, that when you die... I don't guide you to the afterlife. Instead, I take you somewhere else with me."
You sit up slightly, pushing yourself up on your arms, turning your body to face him. “Where would we go?” You set your book aside on the nightstand. 
“To… my home. I have a residence on the outskirts of Tartarus. You would be safe there, I can make sure that nothing would bother you.” He sits up fully, grabbing and holding your hands gently. “Please, I want you to stay with me. I get so lonely, and I just- I like being around you.” His tone is soft, pleading and sincere as he confesses his desires to you.
You smile back at him, eyes crinkling softly in that way that he’s come to adore. “I’d like that.”
“Really?” He gasps out, face mirroring yours as a bright smile overtakes his features.
“Mhm,” You hum, “It’ll take some time, though.”
He shakes his head, hands gripping yours a bit tighter, “I would wait the entire rest of eternity for you, if I had to.”
“Well, I’ll be sure to not make you wait that long.” You giggle out.
“I’d hope not. I want to have you with me, I want to keep you around until the end of time itself.” 
“I think that’s the most romantic thing anyones ever said to me, Jay.” Your tone is light, teasing. 
“There’s a catch though,” He pauses, hesitant to see your reactions. “You won’t be able to leave the house or see anyone else. I can’t risk you getting found. B-but I get you anything you need, I can make you happy.”
“That sounds just fine to me.” 
His eyes glisten in happiness, a bright shine in them. “Then... it's settled. I will take you to my home, and you will stay with me… forever.” His glances down to your lips for a second, before quickly looking back into your eyes. 
You notice the movement, heart beating a bit faster.
“Could I kiss you?” He whispers, his voice low and warm. 
“Yeah,” You mumble back.
He leans in closer, hands releasing yours as one places itself on the small of your back, pulling you closer to his body as the other gently grips your chin. He leans down, tilting your head up until he feels the soft press of his lips to yours. Warmth floods his body as he feels electricity in the air, and he feels his heart pound behind his ribcage when your own arms wrap around his neck.
Your touch, your taste, was addicting. You were tender and sweet, and Jason never wanted this moment to end. He groans when he feels your hand begin to play with his hair, and he presses himself closer to you, both hands moving to grip your waist. 
His grip tightened on you as your kiss intensified, his body started to tremble as it filled with a desire so deep that it was all-consuming. 
Eventually you break apart from him, needing air. He dismays at having to pull away, but allows you to do so.
"If that's what's waiting for me at the end of my life, maybe I do want to die sooner…” You joke, breathless.
He groans again, “Don’t… don’t say that. Don’t tempt me, I can’t take it.” He presses his forehead to yours, both of your breaths mingling together.
You giggle, pulling him in by the back of his neck to kiss him again. He relents easily, his heart skipping when you hum softly against his lips, the desire in his body igniting higher and higher. 
Eventually, he’s the one to pull away, his breath tickling you as he trails his nose against your neck. He can feel the soft tremor in your breath as your body shivers against his. “Can we go further?” He murmurs into the skin.
“Yeah, I want more.” You nod.
“Good, I do too. I want all of you.” He begins to press his lips to your neck, lightly leaving kisses and bites that you have squirming and gasping. 
“You have me.”
“You don’t understand.” He shakes his head. “You... you don't know how much I've been longing for you. Your presence alone gives me joy. Having you touch me… it makes my heart pound and my body melt. The way you talk, the sounds you make... it’s perfect. I want to touch you. I want to hold you. I want to know everything about you. I want all of you.”
“You can have that too…” You sighed out. 
“You drive me crazy.” He groans, leaning close again to kiss you deeply, caressing the sides of your body. He wasn't holding back anymore. He couldn't. He wanted you so much that it ached in his bones. His hands started sliding slowly but surely, caressing your back and waist. He couldn't get enough of you, and your body’s twitching and the sound of your heavy breaths was such a thrilling sensation that he was consumed by it entirely.
“Jason…” You pant out his name as you experimentally grind your body against his, whining when you feel his hard cock rub against your clothed cunt, your hands holding him tighter. 
The sound drove him crazy with arousal, his body wracked with longing. You felt so good and he couldn't help but lean into you more, allowing you to press against him over and over and over. The feeling of heat was flooding his entire being, his cock throbbing beneath his cloak.
He worships the feeling of you grinding against him for a few more moments, his breath coming out in husky pants before he rolls you onto your back, hovering above you. 
"Just be a good girl and let me do all the work, now." His voice is husky, needy, as he leaned down and kissed your neck again, his breath hot and his body trembling with anticipation. 
You whine again, rubbing your thighs together to relieve the sudden ache between them. Your eagerness spurs him on, he presses a peck to your cheek before sitting back on his knees to gaze down at you. 
“Gods, you’re gorgeous.” He mutters, his hand slips up your shirt a little, and he shivers at the instant warmth of your skin. “Can I take this off?”
You nod rapidly, quickly pulling off your top and tossing it aside, revealing yourself to him.
Jason responds by leaning down to litter kisses over your body, a flush on his cheeks. His lips are soft and reverent almost as they softly touch your heated skin. He takes your nipple into his mouth sucking slightly, as a hand comes up to tweak and roll the other one. 
“Jay…” You call out his name, your back arching slightly,  and he never wants to stop hearing your voice. 
“I got you, princess.”
He lowers his mouth, trailing down your body until he reaches the hem of your bottoms. “Can I take this off, too?” 
“Do anything you want, Jay.” You breathe out, head dizzy with your need.
“You sure?” He asks, fingers hooking into both your pajama pants and underwear, dragging them down your body, uncovering inch after inch of your naked body. 
You look like a dream under him, eyes blown with lust, lips parted, body bare for him as you nod. He sets your clothes aside, going back to relishing you. 
You look away softly from embarrassment, “You take off your clothes, too…”
Your shyness got to him and he could help but laugh softly. You were so cute. He took a step back and off the bed, pulling off his cloak. He could feel your eyes watching his every movement, could feel your eyes rake his form as you settled on the bed. 
His gold adornments drop to the floor with a ‘clunk’, quickly followed by his black trousers. 
“You’re so beautiful.” You softly praise. You can’t help but to stare at him, eyes lingering on every sculpted muscle or coloured scar of his frame. 
He couldn't help but feel like you were the beautiful one. The way your eyes traveled over his body made his heart beat fast. He felt like he was on top of the world, knowing you admired him.
He climbs back onto the bed, taking his place between your legs as he lays on his stomach. His hands come to grip around your thighs, pulling you closer to him. 
“Oh.” You gasp slightly at the intimate position, gulping as your blood pumps faster through your veins. 
He slides a hand down towards your cunt, already slick for him. A thumb parts your swollen lips as he gently glides it up and down, before pressing it against your sensitive bud. 
“Ah-” You moan oh so sweetly for him, hips twitching as he starts rubbing your pretty clit. Your body was so responsive to him, and it makes a grin break onto his face. 
He brings his thumb away, making you frown before replacing it with his mouth, lips wrapped around the nub. 
“W-wait!” You cry out, hands flying into his hair as you do your best to not buck into his face. He smirked around you, starting to suck despite your call. Your reaction only added fuel to the fire burning inside him, your writhing body and shaky gasps were too much for him to handle. 
“It’s okay, sweetheart, just let yourself feel good.” He mumbles into your cunt before going back to sucking and lapping at you. He holds you close to his face, his grip firm to keep you as still as he could. 
He groans as you tug at his roots, the sound vibrating around your needy clit. Your desperate moans and whispers drove him crazy. He liked how fast you were breathing, how much you were moving. You were a squirming, twitching mess underneath him as the sensation became too overwhelming.
“Jason, oh my Gods.” You gasp.
“I’m your only God, now, right? Just me…” His hand moves to your fluttering hole, slowly pressing two fingers inside you. They slip in easily with how wet you are, dripping your desire down his wrists. He feels you clamp down on them, slick walls sucking him in further.
“Jason, Jay!” His name slips from your lips like a chant, a prayer wrapped in shallow breaths. 
“Keep saying my name just like that, pretty girl.” He loves the way you make it sound, loves the way you say it. Not Grip Reaper. Not Death. Just Jason. Your Jason. 
“Oh, Jay…” You breathe out his name like you’re struggling to even think.
“You’re such a sensitive thing, aren’t you?” He coos, starting to move his fingers in and out of you. He smirks when you squeal as he curls his fingers up, pressing against that soft, vulnerable spot inside you. His arm moves to keep you down, pinning your hips to the bed as he goes back to tasting you.
“N-not there!”
“Why not? Doesn’t it feel good?”
“It’s too much!” You’re breathless, barely able to gasp out replies as he keeps abusing that spot inside you. 
“Do you want me to stop?” Jason slows his pace, fingers dragging painfully slow against your aching, slick walls, making you let out a needy mewl, clenching on him. 
“No! P-please don’t.” You pout, softly tugging at his head to turn his attention fully on you. 
“Say my name. Tell me what you want.”
You hesitate a bit, pondering your words. “Make me feel good, Jason. Make me cum.” Your tone is so soft and pleading, it’s the best worship he’s ever heard. 
The only prayers he’s ever heard were cries for his absence, beseeching his very being and purpose, but with you - he’s found a new one. You want him, you want him closer, you want him to make you feel bliss. He can do that. He’ll do anything for his most devout follower, he’ll worship you twice as much as you ever could him. 
He dives back down with a fervor, thick fingers working you quickly, the soft squelches increasing in volume and frequency. His tongue traces your clit, sucking and rolling and indulging in the way you writhe and whimper below him. 
He keeps going as you squirm uncontrollably, as your body tenses further and further, as your eyes glaze over and your heart pounds. Your nerves are frayed and begging for relief as the soft warmth of his tongue doesn’t let up. Your grip on his hair tightens, making him grunt low and husky into you. 
“Jason, m’gonna… can I please-?” You can barely make out full sentences, head fuzzy and blood searing as the dam inside you threatens to break. 
“You don’t have to ask, just do it.’ He murmurs; his cock throbs in his garments, waiting for you to release on his tongue. 
The feeling overtakes you, making you choke out a shaky cry as you climax. Your thighs squeezes his head, fingers buried deep into his dark locks as you tremble. You’re lightheaded and breathless and euphoria has settled in every inch of your veins. 
Jason removes his fingers, gripping your thigh as his mouth slots against your leaking cunt as he engulfs his tongue into your taste. He greedily laps up your slick, moaning as it blooms over his tongue - more sweet and addictive than even ambrosia. 
Your cries are so adorable as he continues to seek out every last drop of cum from you, your body pliant and weak below him as you keen and mew. 
“J-Jay…” You stutter out his name as your body twitches, sensitivity kicking in. 
“Yes, love?” He barely pauses to utter out those words, mind set on devouring you whole. 
“C-can’t!” He frowns, giving you one last lick before pulling himself away from you.
His eyes are filled with a feral like need, mouth smeared and shiny with the aftermath of your arousal. “Did that feel good?” He husks out, “You looked so divine, cumming.’
You’re panting hard under him, mind dizzy as you process his words, nodding in reply.
“I want to make you feel that way for the rest of eternity, you’ll let me right? You’ll stay with me?” Now that he’s had you, he doesn’t think he can survive on his own anymore. 
“Y-yeah, Jay.” You nod again, voice small. 
He raises himself up, licking you off his hand before he crawls over your body again. His legs slot between yours, tangling the both of you together. He leans down, sighing out in satisfaction as your damp, warm skin presses into his. 
His lips brush over yours, silently asking for permission to kiss you again. You accept him willingly, hands drifting to hang loose around his neck as you push your lips to his.
He groans, hand gripping your waist and the other running through your hair as he explores your mouth. You can taste yourself on him, spit mixing together as he groans into your lips. 
He pulls back, both your breaths lingering in the small space between your faces. He trails his nose down to the sensitive skin of your neck, teeth dragging lightly across the flesh. 
“I want all of you, so bad.” He groans. “I’ll do anything for you. Can you tell me I’m yours?”
He so desperately wants to belong to you - to know that one day you’ll accompany him in the deepest pits of Tartarus - that you’ll never let him be alone again. 
“You want to be mine?” Your tone is puzzled, words ending in a lilt. 
You smile, hands coming to hold his face, thumbs gently caressing his cheeks. “Who knew the God of Death would be so needy?” You tease.
“You try being alone and hated since the dawn of existence.” He sighs, melting into your touch. His eyes close, leaning into your palms. 
You giggle a bit. “We can be each other's.” Your lips break out into a grin as you bring his face down to yours, pressing pecks all over. 
He relishes your kisses, letting out a deep, happy sigh. His cock is still painfully hard, straining against his boxers, but he tries to ignore it. He opens his eyes and brushes your stray hair behind your ears, slightly damp with your sweat. 
“Jay,” You murmur his name, pulling back to look at him, “I want more.”
“More? You want me to eat you out again?” His mouth salivates at the thought of having your taste on his tongue again. He’ll do anything you ask. 
You shake your head, thumbs rubbing along his cheekbones, “I want you to fuck me, Jay.”  
“You do? Are you sure?” He whispers. 
His breath hitches as you nod, blinking up at him with those pretty eyes of yours. 
“I wanna feel you, Jay. J-just go slow, I’m still sensitive.”
“You’re sensitive?” He huffs out an amused breath, smiling softly. “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you. I’ll make sure of it.”
You try to press your thighs together, getting excited by his promises and husky tone. He feels your legs shift around his, smirking as he takes in your desperate body language. 
He shifts back again, tugging his boxers down. Your eyes trail to his now exposed cock, standing proud and flushed and daunting. 
He’s…. big. 
Your jaw drops a little as you take him in, your mind reeling with thoughts of “Will it fit?”.
“Hm? Don’t worry. I said I was going to take care of you.” Jason murmurs, voice adoring. He positions himself back between your legs, hands lifting your legs to encourage them to wrap around his waist. You willingly follow his guidance. 
His hands come to hold your hips steady, hips canting forwards to rub the head of his cock through your folds. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah,” You reply softly, hands drifting to lay on top of his, gently grabbing his wrists. 
He pushes inside of you, pace steady and measured as he tries his best to let you adapt to him.
“Ohmyfuck…” You slur, words mushing together as you feel him stretch you out. You grip him a bit tighter. 
“Just relax, pretty girl.” He mutters, thumbs rubbing circles into your skin to calm you down. He continues pushing himself inside you, making you feel every ridge and detail and inch. It’s slow and deliberate; he’s savoring watching the way your cunt sucks him in, the way your head tilts back, how shallow and quick your breaths have gotten. “Can you feel it? Am I too big for you?” He teases, eyes shining with both mischief and affection. He pushes forwards again. 
Your pussy flutters around the girth of him, slick pouring out with every second, making the process that much smoother. 
You try to take deep breaths, groaning softly as you feel the way he bullies into you, nestling deep inside. 
“S’it in yet?” You hiccup.
He chuckles softly, you were just so endearing. He was taking his time, enjoying the feeling of you. “It’s not even halfway yet, baby.” He coos. 
“S-still?” Your eyes widen a bit, as he laughs again.
“Just lay down and take it, princess. I’ll do everything, don’t think about a thing.” He leans down and silences your whimpers with a kiss. His lips lock onto yours as he swallows your moans, moving his hips until he feels you flushed against him. 
He pulls back, body once more shadowing over yours. His eyes drift down to where the two of you connect. “Look at that, she took me all in. I told you that you didn’t need to fret, love.” 
“A-ah, it’s so deep…” You mumble. 
“Isn’t it?” He grins. 
He starts to move back and forth, instantly groaning at the intoxicating sensation of you wrapped warm and snug around his pulsing cock. 
He keeps his pace slow, staying true to his promise. He doesn’t mind though, he’s just relishing in every little detail of you, burning the memory of how you look, feel, and sound into his mind - a treasure for eons to come. 
You’re moaning uncontrollably, hands moving to grip at his biceps, nails digging slightly into the skin. He grunts, liking the shark twang of pain that shoots through his body. 
He can feel you clamping around him desperately, like your body needed more. You’re so wet and sloppy, he can feel your slick smearing on his thighs with every thrust. 
“Feels s’good, baby.” He groans, and immediately he feels you clench on him again. “Did you like that?” He grins. 
“Uh-huh,” You nod dumbly, eyes unfocused as whines spill from your throat. 
“My pretty girl likes it when I praise her, huh?” The next words flow from him easily, he’s venerated you so much in his mind already that the flattery comes easy. He wants you to know exactly what you make him feel. “You’re so fucking perfect for me, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted.” 
Everytime he bottoms out you can feel him in your throat.
Your bodies blend together, waves of pleasure overtaking you both with each long stroke. You can feel every inch and vein and crevice of him pushing against your sensitive walls. 
He continues speaking. “You make me fall apart so easily, my love. I want to give you my everything. I’ll be at your disposal from now on, you can do whatever you want with my body, as long as you stay by my side.” His tone is deep, dripping with lust. “Your pretty pussy takes me so well, it’s like you were made for my cock, yeah?”
A shiver of arousal runs through your body at his speech, lower body getting hotter. You feel like you’re surrounded by lava, melting and wound tight all at once. 
“Your body is so beautiful, I don't want anyone else to touch you; I want you only for myself.” His hands lift your hips up a little, his cock pressing inside even deeper than before, making you let out a yelp. 
He’s hitting every good spot inside you, knocking the breath from your lungs even with his sensual pace. You feel constant spurts of warmth pouring out of you, and you notice just how soaked the mattress is beneath your shivering body. 
“Are you enjoying yourself, love?”
“S-so much, Jay,” You whine out, clutching him harder. 
“Good, I want to be the only one that can make you feel like this.”  
Each rock of his hips gets you higher and higher, dangling on the edge of release. The glide of him is so smooth and sweet as he drags against you.
“M’gonna cum, Jay.” You sigh out, voice high and whiny.
“Good girl, go on and soak my cock. Show me just how much you’re enjoying this.” 
A few more more moments and you’re letting go, gripping his biceps hard as elation sinks deep into your bones. A sob of his name escapes your parted lips, body tingly and twitchy as endorphins rush through your veins. He groans as he feels your slick walls convulse around him. His grip on your waist tightens momentarily as he pulls out, his cum instantly spilling onto your stomach. Relief floods his system as he pants hard, chest heaving as he catches his breath. 
The both of you bask in the afterglow of your climaxes, the soft sound of breathing drifting on the heated air. Jason thinks you look divine with your hair spread on the bed, his seed marking your skin as sweat glistens your body. You think the view of him above you, satisfaction prominent on his face, is just as sacred. 
When Jason’s body settles he gently slides out of you, smiling apologetically at your small wince. He goes to your bathroom, having memorized the layout of your house from all the times he’s visited you. He returns with a damp towel, mournfully wiping his traces off of you. He throws the rag into your laundry basket, crawling beside you in bed and pulling you into his chest.
“How ya doing, princess?” He whispers into your hair.
You give him a small, happy hum in return, scooting yourself even closer into him. 
"You're so soft," He mumbles, nuzzling into you. "This is where I want us to stay, for eternity. Nothing else, forever."
“That sounds perfect, Jay.” You reply, yawning slightly. 
Jason’s smile grows even wider, his arms tightening around you. He looks down at you with an adoring gaze, your warm and tender body slotting perfectly against his. "There is nothing, and no one in this world that I want more than you, my dearest."
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Thank you so much for reading! A comment or reblog is much appreciated. Have a great day <3
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requested tags: @a-deadbeat-fucking-valentine @in-som-niyah
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storiesoflilies · 11 days
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crimson reverie
synopsis: the gods had forbidden him from her, but they could not stop her from following the trail of pomegranate seeds that led her straight to him. w.c: 13k
pairing: hades!ryomen sukuna x persephone!f!reader.
warnings: trueform!sukuna. descriptions of bruising and choking (not the good kind). mentions of smut and greek mythology incest. sfw, but MDNI!
a/n: this piece was requested by the lovely @pinknipszz ! i want to thank my darling @neptuneblue for beta reading, and also to those who donated (@ficsforgaza) towards this fic!! you’re all very loved <3 (ao3)
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it was spring, and everything was golden.
from the barley stalks swaying in the gentle breeze, their prickly feather heads tickling her as persephone ran her hands through them, to the light of helios’ sun as it made its way across the sky, to the dripping honeycomb offerings left for her at the edge of the fields from the local villagers.
life was golden, iridescent, and precious, and it was good.
birds chittered in the trees, and the smell of freshly churned soil and evening jasmine wafted through the air. it was the end of a hard day’s work for persephone, and though there was still much more to be done for the mortals that lived in this remote area, that was a task for tomorrow. for now, all she wanted was to do as she pleased.
and that was to wander through her meadows of narcissus flowers, bathe in freshwater pools of starlight, and feast on pomegranates while she rested beneath the trees that bore them. she would sleep underneath those very trees, with moonlight shining through the gaps in the leaves, tenderly kissing her brow. her meadow was her haven, on the edge of a deep, green forest, where only her playful little nymphs kept her company.
even now, persephone could hear the sweet moans of their lovemaking carried along the breeze, and she sighed in exasperation. she knew they would only reach out to her with sticky fingers and sparkling adoration, begging her to join them. they craved her so badly, yearning to offer her a different sort of ecstasy that nature could not, but persephone would not join them. she never would, for her mother demeter had forbidden her from ever corrupting her purity and from doing anything that might throw her virtue into question.
persephone was to remain a beautiful blossom that could only be gazed upon, but never ever touched.
and so, she avoided the shaded part of the meadow that met the outskirts of the forest, where the nymphs loved to congregate, and went to her favorite pomegranate tree where she would not be disturbed. persephone crouched down underneath her tree, stretching out like a feline catching the last warm rays of the day on its belly, saccharine and ostentatiously content. a light doze fell upon her quickly, her breaths coming out in light puffs, with the sounds of the birds twittering her a lullaby.
“dearest daughter, how lazy you are, napping at this hour when it is not even nightfall!”
her eyelids fluttered open as the golden light behind them turned black, the sunlight blocked by the overarching figure of her mother. with her rose-bloom shoulder, hulking figure intertwined with vines and branches, and a voice only audible through the mind, demeter inspired more fear in mortals than she should have. to them, she was a great and terrible protector of nature, and this greatly saddened persephone.
in her eyes, her dearest mother, known only to her as hanami, would always be beautiful and tender.
“i think it’s warranted after a hard days work, mother,” persephone yawned, sitting up and stretching her arms over her head.
hanami tilted her head in amusement, tiny red rose petals falling as she did so. “your humble work tires you greatly. your power has not grown as i expected it to in the time since i last visited you.”
persephone pursed her lips, avoiding direct eye contact with her mother, and replied with a stiff jaw, “it is has grown, mother. but there are many poor mortals living in these villages. hundreds of their fields need to be nurtured with my touch, otherwise they will not grow.”
she didn’t think her mother understood. demeter only cultivated the holy nature of the gods, the grand gardens of greek royalty, while persephone travelled far and wide across greece to ensure even the most remote places had a bountiful harvest. so that even the poorest of worshippers went about their lives content with full bellies and golden fields of barley. persephone knew that the other gods looked down on her, sometimes even hanami, thinking that all she would ever surmount to was a nymph tending to the flower beds of peasants.
her mother wanted to uphold that lowly picture of her beloved daughter, to avoid the attention of the other gods, and persephone accepted it. but if demeter didn’t understand that there was good, honest work to be done ensuring the welfare of lesser mortals, then persephone would still continue with the duty she had charged herself with regardless.
and so, she avoided her mother’s sharp gaze, lest she would see the spark of defiance in her eyes. a defiance for the confines of the cage that was her mothers love, and it seemed to be growing stronger with each passing day.
persephone felt demeter’s heavy hand on her head, its weight almost too rough as she stroked her affectionately. her mother’s chuckle reverberated through her head. “perhaps one day you will eventually be nearly as strong as i, my blossom, so you may continue to rest. i will not disturb your peace any longer.”
her defiance crumbled, and she felt guilty, because her mother did love her despite everything. “oh mother, you could never disturb my peace.”
a loud cry of ecstasy came from a distance, and hanami looked up, her lip curling in displeasure. “you’re too sweet, persephone. but rest well, and do not let the nymphs come anywhere near you tonight.”
persephone watched on as her mother called upon her nature, her fingers bending and beckoning the vines and narcissus as if they were long-lost lovers. within a moment, demeter was enveloped in a blanket of green and white, with only her face and neck visible.
“your father misses you, you know?” hanami murmured, almost fearfully. “he wishes to see you.”
her father zeus, satoru gojo as he was called by his brothers and sisters, was as unpredictable as the lightning he wielded with his bare hands. they were all at the mercy of his passing whims, something her mother knew well, as persephone was the product of one of his said whims. demeter tried to keep them both apart as much as possible, because she knew she could not keep satoru from having persephone if his attention settled on her for too long.
however, she also could not outright refuse the king of the gods either.
“then i shall see him,” persephone sighed. “i will go to olympus.”
“we shall go, my blossom. i would not let you face him alone. i will come for you in a fortnight, so be ready.”
and with that, demeter disappeared. persephone sighed loudly, slumping back onto the grass. although demeter held no ill will towards her brother, she understood that the gods were not like mortals, especially zeus, and did not bind or limit themselves to their marriage vows – much to hera’s rage for zeus’ many lovers. she had passed this sentiment on to her daughter many times, despite being an olympian herself.
“the gods of olympus are fickle, ever-changing, and that in itself is predictable. never stay in their company for too long.”
persephone never liked to visit olympus anyway. the gods were so very loud, ostentatious, and always bragging about the legendary achievements of themselves and their offspring. moreover, while her mothers love was endearing, it was also suffocating at the best of times. she knew demeter was always watching her every move with eagle eyes, daring any of the gods to try and come near her daughter.
save for artemis, her dearest maki, nobody else was allowed to say more than a few words to persephone.
she sighed dejectedly once more and turned over, plucking a particularly beautiful narcissus flower from beside her. with a long, slender stem, its orange center surrounded by snowy white petals, persephone admired its beauty as she leaned her back against the trunk of her pomegranate tree.
“mother will see sense one day,” she hummed, musingly, as she plucked a petal from the flower. “that i will become a goddess worthy of olympus, and do not need her protection.”
another petal plucked. “she won’t ever, and will hover over me for eternity.”
“she will.”
“she won’t.”
it was close to midnight, and persephone could not sleep.
she spent what seemed like an age staring up at the moon, committing all of its ridges and craters to memory. if she squinted hard enough, she could make out selene’s silver and pearl chariot pulling it across the sky, her pale white horses snorting and charging through the stars of the night. beside her, the nymphs softly sighed and turned in their sleep, their nimble legs and arms entangled with each other, embracing persephone in a comforting hug to try and lull her to sleep. but it hadn’t worked this time; there was too much on her mind.
it had been ten days since she last seen her mother, and persephone’s nerves were becoming more frayed by the minute. in her meager three centuries of living, demeter had never once been hesitant about her meeting zeus. something must have changed, but what exactly, she couldn’t guess.
persephone felt a flush of warmth, the nymphs’ heat suddenly becoming too much for her to bear, and gently unwound herself from their grasp. the fresh night caressed the bare skin of her arms in a cool kiss of relief as she tip-toed through the small gaps between the scattered nymphs.
she broke into a light run across the meadow, her bare feet softly thudding against the grass, and her white toga billowing behind her as she headed to the refuge of her pomegranate tree. the narcissus were squeezed shut, as if the light of the moon bitterly stung them if they looked at it. persephone giggled, and with a tender wave of her slender fingers, the flowers unfurled their delicate petals, and their little golden faces turned towards their goddess.
she had made a meadow of minuscule suns amidst the midnight blackness of the sky. it was a small miracle, something that she could witness and cherish alone. persephone almost wanted to weep with joy, because she couldn’t remember the last time she used her own power to bring herself happiness. a particularly beautiful flower called to something deep inside her soul, and she couldn’t help but reach over and pluck it from the ground. she tenderly cradled it in her palm, cooing and whispering sweet nothings to it as she spied another gorgeous bloom, and plucked it too.
and another.
and another two beside it.
she picked and picked until a whole armful was practically overflowing from her arms, somehow weaving themselves into a delicate long dress that trailed behind her as she walked back to her tree. persephone laughed, carefree and as light as birds feathers, wrapping her indulgence around her like silk. tonight, she would sleep on a bed of flowers, and nobody could say anything to stop her.
the flowers dropped to the ground at the foot of the tree, as if a magic gust of wind had told them to arrange themselves into the perfect blanket for persephone to lay on. she dropped to her knees and laid out, rubbing the apples of her cheeks against the petals.
that was when she saw him.
he stood there, his looming figure visible from this distance, and his eyes.
oh, his eyes.
four of them there were. she didn’t need to strain to see them; they glowed iridescently, shimmering like blood-red rubies that reminded her of a deep bowl of pomegranate seeds. a promise of a messy feast, dripping messily from her chin onto her hands, coating them in red, red, red.
persephone instinctively sat up, her body going rigid, as if the very essence of her life had left her. the stranger stalked towards her, and in the light of selene, his form became clearly visible. he was a god, that much was clear, for his large body was adorned with the black markings of death, seeming to swirl and move by a trick of the moonlight. he had two pairs of arms, one of which carried an obsidian bident that whispered of violence and horror.
this was undeniably hades, the god of the underworld himself.
persephone knew who he was because hermes had told her stories of his frequent descents to the underworld, whenever her mother wasn’t around, of course. of how hades sat atop a throne of black diamonds, with the viscous cerberus at his feet, unfeeling and unforgiving as hermes guided both the lucky and unlucky souls to wherever hades had judged them to go.
why was he here? hades was known to reside in his halls of blood and bones, and never left it. the last time he had even been to olympus was sometime before she was born. he stood before her now, looking down at her with an expression she couldn’t decipher. his lower pair of eyes were flicking back and forth between different parts of her, as if sizing her up. she stared up into his eyes, her heart hammering against her ribcage like a trapped bird.
“do not look at me that way,” the god rumbled, his voice carrying something ancient, as old as the depths of the earth. he was carved from war, a god who had struck down titans, and it was obvious.
persephone’s heart skipped a beat, and she clenched her fist, accidentally crushing a poor narcissus. “in what way?”
“as if i was about to strike you down this instant,” hades replied, his tone resonating with chilling authority.
her eyes flicked pointedly to his bident. “why else are you here then, lord hades?”
hades glowered at her, seemingly displeased, and tightly gripped his bident before throwing it a distance away, never taking his eyes off of her. “better?” he asked sneeringly, a slither of fire, and squatted down right in front of her.
she could only nod her head, his proximity alarming and unnerving her. despite him lowering himself, hades still looked down on her, looming over persephone with the promise of death.
“so,” he started, his tongue swiping over his lips. “you’re my brother’s elusive daughter.” persephone gaped, shocked he even knew of her existence, and hades chuckled darkly. “hermes likes to talk, especially to me.”
he grinned, a hint, no promise of madness, like knowing the grass would be kissed by water droplets overnight. she knew she had to tread carefully as she stared into his eyes, and accepting that she may not survive this night completely unscathed. hades adjusted himself into a sitting position, his powerful legs crossed over each other, his movements causing persephone to flinch. he rolled his eyes, displeasure flashing in them again.
“i must say, you look nothing like satoru,” he continued, his bottom eyes still observing her so very closely. “definitely not like my sister either.”
persephone asked, perhaps foolishly, naively, “does that please you?”
with a flash of crimson and jasmine-scented air, heat rose to her cheeks. she placed her hands delicately on her lap, as if behaving more placidly and curling in on herself would save her from him. hades tilted his head amusingly at her, pink-peach curls rolling to the side.
he knew she was inexperienced, clearly reveled in it, soaking himself in it, dipping his fingers in and licking them clean.
persephone hated it.
and unexpectedly, she hated her mother for making her so inexperienced, for sheltering her, and pruning her so that she was always prim and proper.
his crimson eyes flashed mirthfully, lips curling upwards. “you care what pleases me, little flower?”
hades’ words only added to her inner turmoil of embarrassment, and she refused to allow him even a glimpse of her vulnerability. so, persephone maintained a somewhat composed exterior, refusing to answer, and a fragile silence enveloped them, save for the hum of crickets in the bushes. hades turned his attention elsewhere, supporting his chin with one of his hands, seemingly gracing her the dignity of not responding to his taunt.
“a goddess should not be fraternizing so closely with mortals,” he said suddenly, a sour look on his features. “especially a daughter of zeus.”
“i do not mix with them,” persephone corrected gently. “it is my duty to help their grains grow.”
hades scoffed, white fangs flashing in the silver moonlight, and one of his smaller eyes fixed solely on her. “your duty, or the one placed upon you by demeter? you should know, mortals do not deserve the power of a goddess.”
persephone didn’t know what to make of the god of the dead. here he was, never having met her before, yet referred to her as a goddess, as if she belonged on olympus drinking ambrosia with the rest of her family. she felt somewhat honored, acknowledged, that hades seemed to be able to see her meager power for what it was worth.
“why do you think they are so undeserving?” persephone asked rather curiously. “they worship the very ground we walk on, pray to us, and turn to us in times of need. have they not earned our help?”
"sweet little flower, they would defile and hurt you the very first chance they got. mortals are ugly, infesting creatures that care for nothing except themselves. they serve only as a means to an end for my kingdom."
the grass underneath hades suddenly wilted, as if he had let his power run free for just a moment. something seemed to have snapped in him, something dark. for whatever reason, he seemed to loathe the very souls that inhabited his kingdom. perhaps he had judged them for far too long, had heard and seen all they had done in their short little lives, and deemed the lot of them unworthy of anything good at all.
and still, hades would carry out his duty and pass judgment, allowing the very same mortals who shirked and shunned his name to avoid his attention to pass onto a happier afterlife if they so deserved it. she couldn’t imagine how spiteful she would grow to be if the villagers trampled on the barley she grew for them.
despite her initial apprehension, it made her heart ache for him.
it was pure instinct, but persephone reach out and placed a narcissus right next to one of his hands.
all of his four crimson eyes were fixed on her, and she felt another flush of heat wash over her body. how strange, she imagined being close to death would be like ice, cold and empty, instead of fire and the rushing of her godly blood through her veins and arteries.
“you are a strange one,” hades murmured, pinching the stem between his fingers, sniffing the bloom almost suspiciously with his nose upturned. “tell me your name.”
“hermes did not tell you?”
“he is a trickster, and speaks in riddles. he would not give your name to me willingly.”
“then it is persephone, but my mother calls me kore.”
“and what do you prefer to be known as, little flower?”
she hesitated for a moment. “persephone.”
hades repeated her name, tasting it on his tongue and between his teeth, in the same way she savored a gem of pomegranate seed.
was it sweet to him?
something told her that it was.
the ghost of a smile played on his lips, something old and perhaps long since forgotten until this moment. hades stood up, brushing the dead blades of grass from his toga. “well, persephone, i must leave you. i cannot be away from my kingdom for too long.”
she understood that. the underworld was his home the way the fields of golden barley was hers. but why hades had even come to the surface, persephone didn't understand, and perhaps never would. "farewell, hades."
"ryomen," he correct, almost insistently, one pair of his arms folded over his broad chest in a display of strength. or was it vulnerability? perhaps protecting his heart from that which would seek to harm it? “you may call me ryomen."
with that, the earth beneath his feet cracked and split open, and a deafening rumbling reverberated through her eardrums as she clapped her hands to cover her ears and squeezed her eyes shut. when she opened them again, the god of the dead had all but disappeared.
persephone could not help but feel a touch of disappointment.
demeter was enraged.
it had only taken a single whiff for her to mother to know. she could sense the unmistakable aura of her brother, the essence of death clinging to persephone like a shroud. it was a like a smell that permeated every crevice of her body, one that no amount of scrubbing or soaking could wash away.
"how dare he approach you?" demeter seethed, gripping persephone's face so tightly she thought her bones would crack. "did you encourage him? have the nymphs corrupted you? did you lay with him?”
"n-no, mother," persephone sputtered, struggling against demeter’s hold, her feet wriggling as they dangled uselessly in the air. "i would never do so."
demeter's wrath was rare but quick to build, like dried kindling catching fire, "you lie," she sneered, teeth bared in a snarl as she shook her. "you must have done something to entice him to approach you."
“ah! no, hanami!” she cried, milky-white tears falling like shining pearls from her eyes. “i never encouraged him once!”
her mother scoffed cruelly and dropped her to the ground in an ungraceful heap, pacing erratically back and forth as she muttered to herself, “zeus will hear of this! oh yes, he must be told at once.”
persephone painfully rubbed her cheekbones, feeling a dull ache spreading throughout her face. the trees of the forest were screaming bloody murder whirled madly in a chaotic dance, the very essence of nature responding to her mother’s rage. vine tendrils lashed angrily like whips of fire, and persephone flinched to avoid being struck. she had seen this sort of anger before, always directed at foolish mortals who dared to lay a finger against nature.
but never her. never once had it been against her.
it shifted something within her, and persephone knew it would never go back to where it belonged. she had done everything her mother asked her whole life, been obedient, never complaining as she followed her rules and carried out her duties. as the tendrils of resentment tightened around her like poison, persephone was beginning to understand one thing.
nothing would ever be enough to please demeter.
(somewhere in her meadow, a narcissus petal fell, and the god of the dead stirred in his throne.)
eventually, demeter’s rage calmed, like a hurricane settling into a somewhat pleasant sea breeze. she looked at persephone, who hoped to sense some semblance of remorse or even sheepishness for what her mother had just done. yet, there was nothing – only the remnants of simmering anger, now settled enough for demeter to think clearly.
“forgive me,” demeter murmured, placing a stiff hand upon her head. “you are still young, and i must protect you from the gods. they would only seek to corrupt you, especially hades.”
and what about you? what about zeus?
but persephone said nothing except, “there is nothing to forgive,” the sting of a lie thickening her voice. “i understand.”
even though she most certainly did not understand, for hanami should know better than anyone that persephone was good and pure, and would never actively encourage any of the gods of olympus – or underworld , for that matter – from pursuing her.
she should have known.
and so her apology meant nothing, for it was obviously false.
the fire in persephone’s godly blood was igniting into something foreign, something full of fury, something maybe even ugly, but she didn’t care. not anymore.
demeter knelt down in front of her daughter, pinching her chin and placing a kiss on her brow. “fret not, kore. i will speak with zeus tomorrow when we visit him. let us deal with hades.”
a flash of fear made persephone’s bones tremble at the thought. she very much doubted the power of nature would stand a chance against the underworld and all the death in it, against hades himself.
against ryomen.
with a gust of wind and falling rose petals, demeter vanished into the forest in a purposeful flurry of energy, leaving the shattered pieces of herself for persephone to pick up and put back together. the nymphs peeked out their frightened faces from behind the bushes they had hidden in, taking in persephone’s crumpled figure with a mixture of apprehension and pity. they had been the initial target of demeter’s wrath, for they had failed to keep an eye on their goddess and call for demeter when she was needed.
a mistake they would not be repeating again.
she felt the dark vines of her cage tighten, closing in on her more, and persephone knew it would be rare for her to get any sort of alone time from this moment onwards.
“come,” persephone whimpered, barely above a whisper. “i must tend to the fields.”
she collected herself from the ground, dusting the dirt from herself, and began her familiar walk to the barley fields, with the nymphs trailing not too far behind. the birds were whistling stories of things that had happened in the night, and the bees were flitting about in between the honeysuckle flowers. persephone wished she was one of them; drinking in nothing but sugary sweetness all day, and still being known for her sting.
the mortals kept away from persephone as she worked. they were grateful people, gifting her with more honeycomb and burning incense in her name. she could smell it in the air, a smoky mystery; powerful and deep. her thoughts trailed back to ryomen, and what he had said about the mortals. persephone didn't believe these men would hurt her, but what if they did?
what sort of punishment would defiling a goddess warrant in death? what sort of things would hades do to them if they even so much as touched her?
would he mercilessly set his vicious cerberus on to them, or would he do it himself? relentlessly rip them apart until they were only ribbons of flesh, and suck their blood from his fingers with a grin on his face, only to put them back together and do it all over again.
persephone almost didn’t want to know.
and yet, she did. with a sick and twisted fascination that was a small seedling sprouting inside her.
when the sun almost touched the horizon, persephone wiped her brow and halted the flow of her power into the fields. she was done for the day, bone-weary both emotionally and physically, and wanted nothing more than to be cleansed and taken care of by her nymphs. they were waiting for her at the edge of the fields, still sheltered by the border of the forest. their faces brightened every so slightly at the sight of her, then dipped upon seeing her weariness and sadness. persephone could only manage a half-hearted smile before silently making the trek to the bathing pool.
upon seeing the pool, the nymphs rushed to it, unable to contain their glee. some remained by persephone’s side, gently helping to remove her clothes, and slowly setting her down into the pool. they cupped water between their palms and let it trickle down her hair and ridges of her spine, and cooed and praised her beauty as they washed her.
persephone was only half-listening to them, completely ignoring their gentle kisses to her hair and hands, as white noise gradually became all she could hear. she wanted to drown in white, she thought, as she felt more of her milky tears slip from her eyes. would they fill the pool until it was a deep lake? she imagined she would fall back into it, her vision filled with white as she sank to the bottom lined with blood-red poppies, and demeter would scream and wail as she tried to find her.
an acute silence suddenly snapped persephone out of her escapism.
the birds had stopped twittering, and the nymphs were as still as deer in the face of a hunter. the only movement was the water ripples moving to the edge of the pool as they slowly settled and the water stilled. persephone felt a tingle, her hair raising at the back of her neck. she turned her head over her shoulder, sensing an intruder amongst them.
and there stood hades, doning the same dark toga as before, his dark pupils dilated and blown as he locked eyes with her.
the nymphs squealed and hissed at him, flocking around persephone, gripping and covering her protectively, their nails almost scratching her skin. hades looked down at them, his nose turned up as he ordered darkly, “leave us.”
“no, you are the one who must leave,” one of the nymphs snapped bravely, yet foolishly. “we will call for our goddess, and she will drive you away.”
the earth rumbled loudly, ominously angry, and the nymphs cried out in fear, clinging to persephone. “is that so?” hades smirked before it fell abruptly, and he snarled. “out of respect for persephone, i will not kill you for your insolence. leave us, now.”
his last words were like molten fire, an echo of an ancient power rolling over hills and mountains, the grass and flowers wilting and dying as death touched and halted right before persephone. she gasped as she felt its warmth tenderly caress her face, sliding along her jawline and down to her neck, brushing over her arms crossed over her bare breasts.
the nymphs did not receive such gentle touches of hades’ power, it seemed, as they scrambled away from her, splashing and screaming bloody murder. persephone simply observed their fear, feeling a sort of detachment and almost indifference wash over her.
she knew it was only a matter of time before her mother arrived.
“you’re hurt,” hades remarked, but not unkindly, stepping over fallen tree logs as he made his way closer to her.
she said nothing, remaining perfectly still, hoping the water was deep enough to protect her modesty below, and tightening her arms around herself. he kneeled in front of her, his breath wafting over her damp face. some part of her was still dissociated, her soul drifting above them, looking down, and persephone wasn’t sure if it was because she was frightened or simply not afraid at all.
hades seemed to hesitate for just a moment, and then his fingers were cupping her jaw, gently moving her to each side as he observed the blooming shadows of bruises on her cheeks.
“demeter,” he stated lowly, and it was most certainly not a question, but persephone nodded nonetheless, a snowdrop tear running down her cheek and onto his hand.
crimson anger flashed in all of his eyes, and his jaw tightened and clicked, a sliver of his teeth visible between his lips. her stomach lurched as hades licked her tear from the back of his hand, and he closed his eyes, as if savoring the taste of her on his tongue.
“i must go to olympus tomorrow,” she blurted out suddenly.
hades cracked a single eye open, and it narrowed suspiciously. “what for?”
“zeus wishes to see me. my mother says he misses me,” she replied, moving away from his touch on her jaw and looking down to the side. “and i do not know what it is, but something is… different.”
he sighed deeply, and she gazed back into his eyes as he gripped her chin. “zeus has waited patiently for all this time, but demeter can no longer keep him at bay. he will have his way with you, and soon. he most likely wishes to see you to try and seduce you into his bed.”
persephone felt her heart drop as hades all but confirmed her worst fears. she had some sort of inkling that this would happen eventually, and guessed that her mother had been shielding her from zeus and his urges. however, some naive and childish part of her had hoped that he would remain as her father and cherish her as his daughter forever. her breathing becoming erratic, and her body started to shake as the trees around her started to rustle loudly, heralding the imminent arrival of demeter. hades hushed her softly, cradling both sides of her face now.
“what if i could stop this? ryomen whispered, with a tenderness she didn’t think the god of the dead could ever have possessed, as the tip of his nose touched hers.
persephone blinked rapidly as the wind stung her eyes, utterly perplexed. “you cannot stand against zeus.”
he laughed at this, throwing his head back as if it were the funniest thing in the world. “oh, how you doubt me so, little flower.”
“i don’t understand. what can you do or say against the word of satoru? he is our – your – king?”
“only understand that i am owed, little flower. for fighting with against the titans many centuries ago and faithfully serving my duty in the underworld for all this time. i am owed, and zeus knows this well.”
his thumb stroked her left cheek, and persephone instinctively leaned into his touch. the wind howled louder, and the trees seemed to be screaming at them to tear themselves from each other and run, run, run.
“you are stronger than you know, persephone,” hades murmured, pressing his forehead to hers, as if they were already lovers who had been together for many years. she heard a great thudding noise, like the footsteps of a giant running, and he gripped her a touch tighter. “light that spark again in your eyes, and say you will fight.”
demeter was very close. their time was running out, and persephone instinctively grabbed his hands holding her face. her soul seemed to snap back into place, and her eyes widened as fear seized her. “ryomen,” she gasped, urgency lacing her words. “you must go.”
“not until you say you will fight,” he repeated, steady as a boulder against her trying to push him away, not even budging an inch. “i will save you, but you must give me your word that you will fight until i can reach you.”
“sukuna! how dare you lay your hands upon my daughter?!”
her mother’s voice was like a thousand thundering horses, their hooves smashing into the earth with all the force they could muster. persephone screamed as the trees rocked back and forth, their roots ripping free from the ground and poised to strike hades. as fast as a snake, hades grabbed a root that was a second away from slashing them both, wrenching it in two and hurling it far away. he snarled defiantly as he turned his back to her, glaring into the forest.
“i promise!” persephone exclaimed as her demeter’s figure came into view from the forest, barreling towards them. “ryomen, i promise! please, you must leave.”
hades turned to look at her, with a mad grin and gleaming teeth, as his crimson eyes flashed brightly. with a great swing of his arms, his power came crashing into demeter, sending her flying back deep into the forest. there was an explosion of shadow, only inky blackness seeping into persephone’s eyes and bones, flooding her head with dark whispers and promises.
promises of the dead.
and the dead were known to keep them.
persephone felt as if she were approaching her death sentence.
the grand halls of olympus were no less than resplendent, with tall white marble columns and lavish golden decorations. the very air was alive with the energy of the gods that dwelled there, and their laughter and music always echoed throughout the pantheon. this place had once felt like home, its splendor familiar and warm, but now it only felt oppressive, like a cage who’s cold bars she had only just registered.
persephone could finally see it for all of its faults and how deep its rotten ugliness actually ran beneath the surface.
she felt her soul detach once again, keeping her numb to everything around her. perhaps it was a defense mechanism, to perhaps keep her fear at bay, or to shield her from feeling too much all at once.
either way, it was a blessing.
demeter was in an uncharacteristically somber mood. persephone had found her mother completely unconscious after hades had used his power against her. when she woke, all her anger had been replaced by a slumped and defeated sort of exhaustion. demeter had spent the night with her, placed beautiful blooms in her hair that morning, and helped her dress to travel to olympus, all the while not saying more than a handful of words.
it seemed as if the goddess of nature had been drained of all life, her petals falling faster, leaving a trail of red behind her, like blood.
it unnerved persephone, who was no longer sure how to act around her mother.
as they entered the dining hall, persephone was first greeted by the sight of a long table draped in white silk and laden with a feast of various meats and salads. the golden goblets of the gods sparkled in the warm, soft afternoon light, no doubt filled with ambrosia and sweet nectar.
and there was zeus, seated at the head of the table, his legs and arms spread comfortably, exuding both carefreeness and power. so assured was he in his authority, absolute as the king of the gods.
“welcome, my daughter!” zeus announced, his booming voice echoing like thunder, his cerulean eyes twinkling with mirth and lightning. “come and join us; we have missed you greatly.”
there was once a time, not so long ago really, that she would have been moved by her father’s words, believing that he truly missed her and loved to spend time with her. but now it was tainted, and all she could think of were hades’ words from last night, and her perfect image of zeus was forevermore ruined.
the olympians were in full attendance, their gazes resting on persephone and demeter, before they all raised their goblets in acknowledgment, then resuming their conversations and merriment. she spied a seat next to artemis and tried to rush over to it as inconspicuously as she could, leaving her mother to take her seat elsewhere.
“persephone!” artemis exclaimed happily, her fierce eyes glinting like the shiny, rich wood of her hunting bow. “it has been too long.”
persephone smiled, feeling a slight weight lift off her shoulders, and embraced her earnestly. “it has, my beautiful huntress.”
maki pulled back, tenderly stroking her cheek before frowning. “you were hurt,” she noted, gently prodding over the places where her bruises had been. “right here, and here.”
she sighed, hoping that artemis would not have noticed at all, for her bruising was all but gone overnight. “fret not, it is healed now.”
“was it a man? a god? tell me who did this, and i shall hunt them down,” artemis vowed, her untamed ferocity blazing forth.
“be at peace, sister,” urged the light voice of apollo, his golden hair rich and radiating with the energy of the sun. “it was neither a god nor a man.”
maki turned to glower at her brother beside her. “then who was it, nanami? do not keep it from me.”
apollo leaned forward in his seat, peering at persephone expectantly with honey-brown eyes. “do you wish me to say? helios has already told me all he has seen.”
persephone hesitated. would it really be wise to expose her mother’s abuse to maki? she shook her head, deciding that it would only escalate the tension with demeter. artemis growled and said no more. she abruptly stood up and stalked off somewhere, her hunting bow in tow, and apollo slid into his sister’s unoccupied seat.
“pay no attention to my sister, kore,” he hummed, strumming his lyre absentmindedly, his voice a beautiful sing-song melody. “would you like me to play you a song? i have thought of something especially for you.”
“since when did you need to ask for permission to play your music, apollo?” persephone asked, reaching out and sipping on a goblet of ambrosia, hyper-aware that demeter had not interrupted them already.
“since i am in the presence of a beautiful blossom such as yourself, i cannot help but seek your approval,” apollo purred, an easy, saccharine grin on his face, and heat rose to the back of her neck.
there was a loud thumping noise across the table, and they both turned to look at hermes, still appearing as an adolescent boy, banging his fists against the table as he gulped down the contents of his goblet.
“now, now, apollo! you are not to pursue persephone. she is promised to another,” he chided, childishly indulging in his own proclaimed self-importance.
apollo raised a brow. “is that so, ui ui? tell me more of this suitor, for helios has seen nothing. he must be possess a certain prowess to avoid the all-seeing sun.”
hermes giggled, his quicksilver tongue mischievously sharp as his gaze knowingly pierced her. “oh, that he does, and he may be among us already, or perhaps not. what say you, persephone?”
she glowered at the young god, saying nothing as he taunted her, and drank more ambrosia. apollo grumbled, plucking the strings of his lyre to play a somewhat fast-paced tune. “ever evasive, hermes. one day, the sun will burn you as you fly.”
hermes cackled, red wine messily dripping down his chin. “i would like to see you try.”
persephone’s mind strayed as the two gods engaged in playful banter, and she further dissociated from her body, merely a spectator in the midst of her family. she could still feel the linger touches of hades’ shadows, promising her that he would come for her. a knot formed in her stomach, both from apprehension and anticipation, as she wondered how the god of the dead intended to keep his word.
she looked up at all the olympians sat at the table, observing them indulging in their feast and flowing ambrosia and wine. apollo and hermes were now playing their music together, their voices harmonizing as they sang about the stars and sun. zeus was heartily clapping along to them, his wife hera watching him with eagle eyes, wearing a bemused smile at her husband’s antics. poseidon sat at zeus’ left, his long silky black hair flowing like a river down his back, his gold trident leaning ominously against his chair.
ares was there, his emerald orbs shining as he gnawed on a meaty rib, his handsome face and raven hair speckled with blood, no doubt having just returned from the heat of battle. all the while, aphrodite was a vision of grace, her long golden hair tumbling perfectly over her exposed back, swaying sensually to the music. persephone dared to steal a glance at demeter, who sat beside hera, wearing a slightly sour expression as she watched the performance.
all these gods have gathered here, feasting and drinking without any care, without any consequences. what is the point of it all?
“are you well, kore?” athena asked softly, pulling persephone from her thoughts. her lavender eyes gazed at her with gentle concern behind a veil of her white hair.
she managed a faint smile. “of course, than-”
“loveliest kore,” an all-consuming voice interjected, and persephone felt two large hands covering her ears as zeus placed a great big kiss on her head. “it has been too long since we have spoken. come, walk with me.”
persephone’s heart pounded, her body instinctively reacting fearfully, but she nodded and rose from her seat. she glanced at her mother, and could sense her concern and growing despair emanating. hera’s gaze bore into her with mixture of suspicion and barely concealed jealousy, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly.
hera’s punishment for laying with zeus would be almost as horrifying as the actual deed itself.
“excuse us, shoko, my love,” zeus mumbled, pressing a kiss to the back of his wife’s hand, and then urging persephone on with a hand to her lower back.
he led her to a secluded balcony, the music and laughter of the dining hall fading into a faint noise. night had fallen, and it was pleasantly cool. the view of the mortal cities below seemed like a dream, for they appeared so small and far away that they couldn’t be real. persephone shivered as zeus’ broad arm brushed hers, lingering for a moment too long, as he leaned over the balcony.
“you have grown into a remarkable goddess, kore,” he murmured, his tone uncharacteristically low and husky. “i have missed you here on olympus, and i told demeter that you must spend more time here.”
persephone’s discomfort was growing, but she steeled herself, and remained composed. “i’m sorry, father. i should have visited more, but my duties are rather demanding.”
zeus’ eyes darkened just a touch, his snowy hair reflecting starlight, as he moved just a touch closer to her. “your place is here, with your family. with me.”
she felt the full weight of his words and implications bore down on her, causing a sickening sensation in her core. the torches lining the balcony flickered, casting dancing shadows with a nervous energy. she remembered her promise to ryomen, to stand her ground, and so persephone gritted her teeth, steeling herself for what might come next.
zeus reached out and gripped her hand, his thumb rubbing circles. “look at me, kore,” he ordered lowly, squeezing her hand in an attempt to force her attention. “it’s only me, your satoru.”
“i don’t want to,” she whispered, her lip quivering as her body betrayed her, behaving fearful despite feeling almost nothing inside.
“no?” he tilted his head, his expression predatory.
the torches suddenly dimmed, casting the balcony into near inky blackness, save for the light of the moon and stars. the shadows loomed large, a dark mist collecting just a foot away from zeus, who moved into a more protective stance in front of persephone.
a flash of four crimson eyes gleamed between the shadows.
teeth bared in a display of madness and the sort of bravery that only the dead could possess.
“hades,” zeus greeted, his expression morphing into a forced veneer of pleasantness. “how unexpected! what brings you to olympus?”
“brother, i believe we need to have a word,” hades returned, his voice deep and resonating with the power of the earth, cutting straight through the night like an assassins blade.
a blood-red eye locked on persephone, slowly blinking at her as if trying to communicate without speaking. she tried not to show any emotion, even though her very soul was shaking with relief, gradually sinking back into her body as if the god of the dead had decreed that it must return to her.
ryomen is here. he’s here.
zeus’ hand fully slipped from hers as he crossed his arms over his chest. the tension between the two gods crackled, and persephone felt the familiar hum of her father’s power radiating through the air. and still, hades showed not an ounce of fear. his dark essence emanated in rhythmic waves, pushing back against the electric sparks.
“demeter has already asked me to keep you away from kore. are you really ready to challenge me for her, sukuna?” zeus dared, his jaw clenched.
hades’ lips curled into a sly smile. “no, but i do propose a conversation to settle this little… issue.”
the universe seemed to hold its breath for a fleeting moment. then, with a begrudging nod, zeus conceded, motioning for hades to approach. persephone bit her lip, feeling that familiar rush of blood through her veins as the god of the dead stood beside her, as if staking his claim, one of his hands dangerously close to hers. her father pursed his lips disapprovingly.
“well, what do you wish to discuss?” zeus all but growled, his tempestuous nature rapidly wearing down his patience.
hades breathed out, slow and steady. “persephone belongs with me, and i her. long ago, you asked me what i wanted for fighting with you against our father, and i wanted for nothing. and now, brother, still i am owed, and i have come to claim what i want, and it is her.”
persephone’s heart stuttered, and a swarm of butterflies flew in circles in her belly. his words had awakened something deep, something she dared not name just yet. ryomen’s eyes flicked over to her, his features softening just a touch, as if sensing her inner turmoil.
“you dare try to claim her when our sister has forbidden her from you? while she is still under my protection as my daughter?”
“i did not come here as your supplicant, zeus, but as your brother. i will only ask you once for this favor.”
“kore is a goddess of life and growth, and you would only subject her to death and decay. why should i allow you to have her?”
“because i refuse to let her be trapped any longer between you and demeter. she deserves more than that, and far more than either of you could ever give her.”
suddenly, demeter burst through to the balcony, her breathing frantic. “zeus! do not let him take her, brother! please!” she cried, her knees buckling. whirling to face hades, her expression twisted with anger, and she snarled, “you will not take my daughter! she belongs with me.”
lightning bolts lashed through the clouds, and crashing thunder reverberated in the air, ringing through persephone’s ears. “enough of this,” zeus boomed, his rage transforming the sky into a fully fledged storm. “you will not have her, hades. you are never to come near her again, or you shall face the full extent of my wrath.”
hades’ expression turned grave, and he rumbled, “keep her from me, and there shall be consequences.”
“you dare to threaten me, brother?” zeus exclaimed, his brows raised incredulously. “you dare and threaten me here, in my home?”
persephone looked fearfully at hades, who set his dark gaze upon her, the whispers of the dead breathing into her ears as he smirked. with a great clap of his hands, persephone found herself thrown backwards, her senses dulled by a blinding flash of light as a mighty lightning bolt bore down on hades. when she reopened her eyes, her savior had vanished, leaving only a scorched imprint on the marble balcony where he had stood just moments before.
“demeter, take kore and leave here,” zeus ordered, his tone dangerous and leaving no room for argument. “find artemis and order her to keep watch over our daughter. she is never to leave her sight, is that understood?”
persephone stumbled dumbly, her breath catching in her throat as she stared transfixed at the spot where hades had been, the echoes of thunder still reverberating through the air. demeter huffed impatiently as she swept persehone into her arms, whisking her away from zeus and his almighty anger. the dining room was deathly quiet, all the chairs empty and abandoned, as the other olympians had scattered, knowing all to well that the jovial feast was over.
she rolled her head back, the ground passing swiftly beneath her, her mother’s feet thudding against the ground in a swift, determined rhythm. artemis’ loyal dogs had materialized, their fur glinting in the moonlight as they ran ahead and behind them, the pack forming a coordinated and protective circle around them as they descended back to the mortal realm.
was this it?
was this ryomen’s mighty stand against zeus?
it seemed that whatever his grand plan had been, it had failed.
persephone’s heart cracked in two.
from then on, the days were dull and dreadfully monotonous.
persephone moved through her days like a ghost, her soul roaming the skies high above her, and it had not landed since she had been to olympus. every morning, she awoke to the feeling of metaphorical vines tightening around her throat, binding her tighter to the life demeter wanted her to live.
she never smiled, not anymore. not even to artemis, who looked at her with such palpable pity that it was almost unbearable. the huntress never left her side, watching over her as she tended to the barley fields, her hounds sniffing and growling at the onlooking mortals. even during the night, maki dutifully kept her vigil, silently keeping watch against the encroaching shadows. and still, despite her dearest friend’s constant, heavy presence, persephone’s despair was ever-growing.
demeter visited almost every day, always arriving during the night. sometimes, she would sleep with her amongst the nymphs, one hand reaching out to persephone as if zeus himself might descend from olympus to steal her away, or as if she might run away and disappear into her dreams.
and oh, how persephone wanted to do just that.
she would dream of ryomen and his deep crimson eyes, a reverie of passion. he had shown her just a little taste of what it was to live as she pleased, and although persephone was shy to admit it even to herself, she missed him – fiercely. she missed that comforting rumble in his voice, and the way all of his eyes looked at her as if she were the most precious thing to him. persephone’s heart ached with longing every time she woke, the sort of pain that carved out a hollow space inside her, one she felt that only ryomen could ever fill.
but she was an empty vessel for all the flowers and seeds she had ever grown, always giving and giving, never able to take anything for herself to fill that hole.
miraculously, there had been no word from zeus, but persephone knew it was only a matter of time. sometimes, in the dead of the night, with only the sounds of the nymphs soft snores and crickets chirping under the light of the fireflies, she imagined what it would be like with hades. the thought ignited ignited a low thrum in her core, making her lower stomach flutter with pleasure.
the dreams started soon after that.
dreams of the underworld. of ryomen holding her in his arms, his bare skin flush against hers, tenderly kissing her neck and shoulder. of him telling her that she was the only one for him, that it was always her, and how he had been waiting for her his whole life. how his hand would drift lower and lower, tracing little circles and swirls down her navel, and…
persephone would always wake up at that point.
and she’d be in a crimson hue of deaths essence, thinking about how much he must have loved her to try and bargain with zeus for her, even going so far as to threaten him. persephone’s heart would flutter with warmth, but she kept her sudden happiness hidden, lest artemis would sense her desire and raise a questioning brow at her.
perhaps if i close my eyes and imagine it is ryomen instead of zeus, it won’t be so bad.
until a cold splash of ice-cold water doused over her head, and persephone was painfully reminded that she hadn’t seen him in so long. consumed in a fit of petulant anger, she wondered how could ryomen have forgotten her so easily. had she not meant that much to him after all? perhaps she was just a passing whim to him, in the same way that zeus had many.
surprisingly, but bitterly nonetheless, she thought that maybe demeter was right.
that the gods of olympus – and the underworld, it seemed – were fickle and untrustworthy.
one afternoon, after once again dreaming of hades and the underworld, persephone woke up in a fluster. deciding not be caught up in the rose haze of her fantasies, she maneuvered out from amidst the nymphs, who had gone for a nap to escape the heat of the sun. artemis was nowhere to be seen, but persephone knew she could not be far, for her hounds were resting closely to them and keeping a watchful eye.
one of the nymphs stirred, slowly sitting up and rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. “kore, where are you going?”
persephone angled her face away from the nymph and rolled her eyes. “i want to bathe. it is far too hot.”
the nymph gracefully stood up, rousing a few of the others with her, and together they all went to the bathing pool, with the ghost of artemis’ shadow following through the treeline. they gently lowered persephone into the water, cleansing her body and hair, while she struggled to keep her thoughts from drifting towards hades.
“your ichor runs hot, kore,” one of the nymphs hummed thoughtfully, rubbing the pads of her fingers deep into persephone’s scalp. “why are you so flushed?”
persephone remained silent, her attention firmly fixed on the hounds circling the pool, while the nymphs continued their ministrations.
“you are aroused, kore,” one of the nymphs whispered intimately into her ear, so low so that the others couldn’t hear. “i know these things. who is it you think of? the lightning god, zeus, hmm?”
she made a face of disgust, and the nymph giggled, almost a little too knowingly, her eyelashes fluttering not so innocently. the nymph sensually trailed her fingers down persephone’s arm. “but of course, death has you in his clutches, and you do not want to be let go of, do you?”
“enough,” persephone snapped, whirling to glare at her as her godly blood flushed once again.
the nymph did not taunt her anymore, and after they had finished washing her, persephone took off towards her pomegranate tree, all but growling at them to leave her be. artemis stepped forward from between the trees, the curve of her bow gleaming in the golden light of the hour, her hounds bounding freely through the grass, snapping playfully at each other. she said nothing to the huntress, something her dearest maki had probably come to expect by now, for persephone spoke very little at all these days.
she laid down in the long grass in front of her tree, little daisies tickling the supple skin of her shins, and set about weaving a flower crown made of narcissus. a hound bravely flopped down in front of her, its heavy, wet tongue lolling from between its fangs, rolling into its back and exposing its belly to her.
“that one likes you,” maki commented, a rare softness in her tone. when persephone didn’t reply, she sighed, setting her bow leaning against the tree trunk. “persephone, what is wrong?”
“you already know, maki,” she muttered, piercing the stem of a flower with her fingernail.
artemis shook her head disappointingly. “i only wish to keep you safe from hades. this has all been necessary to ensure that, but that does not mean that i enjoy it.”
persephone ignored her, deftly continuing to weave the stems together, to which maki huffed. it was unwise to antagonize the goddess of the hunt, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. she decided to indulge in the fleeting sense of rebellion that seemingly stemmed from her youth as a young goddess.
she held out the crown, both admiring and critiquing her own handiwork. it needed a crowning jewel, persephone decided – a large and most beautiful blossom to be placed right in the center.
when she looked up, there it was.
the most ethereal narcissus blossom stood proudly in the middle of the meadow, with petals so vibrantly yellow they were almost pure gold. it was complete perfection, the most gorgeous bloom she had ever seen.
persephone clutched her crown tightly, her heart racing as she sprinted towards the blossom. it seemed to sing to something within her, a haunting song she hadn’t heard for an age. the grass beneath her feet seemed to urge her on, whispering words of encouragement. artemis watched her with a furrowed brow, a scowl etched on her face as she ripped clumps of dirt from the earth.
the universe went eerily still as her fingers gripped the stem.
artemis pricked her head up, her hounds suddenly bristling and alert.
the earth let out a mighty groan and trembled, a deep rumble reverberating through the meadow as it trembled beneath her. persephone screamed as the ground split open and rocks cracked and gave way under her weight. the very earth seemed to be opening its jaws, yawning wide to swallow her whole.
this is it, this is my death.
until she found herself ensnared in a scorching embrace, her ear pressed against the warm, bare skin of a chiseled chest. persephone couldn’t move, the steady heartbeat of death soothing her.
“oh, persephone,” ryomen rumbled, his lips pressed into her hairline, his words laced with a desperate sort of affection. “my love, my life. how i have missed you so.”
he pressed quick kisses to her forehead, as if every one could say all the things he wanted to say. “why did you leave me for so long?” persephone couldn’t help but ask, her voice cracking like marble. “i thought you had left me forever.”
a swoosh of an arrow sliced through the air, and with a speed she had never seen before, hades caught it with his bare hand, its wood splintering as he crushed it. persephone heard artemis’ hounds howling, and the huntress’ threatening shouts at the god of the death, unflinching and unwavering. hades’ black stallions snorted and pawed the ground, his menacing obsidian chariot glinting in the sun.
“my love,” he cooed, cradling her face with two hands and forcing her to look deep into his ruby eyes. “i am ashamed of that, but i am here now to break you free from your cage.”
persephone reeled, shock gripping her in its cold clutches. “i– but zeus has forbidden us from each other. there would be war.”
“then let there be war,” he hissed, then quickly softened, tenderly rubbing her cheek with his thumbs. “come with me persephone. let me give you a crown of bones that can never die like your flowers. be my queen, be my wife.”
she paused, sucking in a breath.
could persephone really do such a thing? did she have the strength to not only disobey her mother, but zeus as well?
ryomen bent his neck down closer to her ear and whispered, “are you afraid?”
“no,” she replied as steadily as she could, wetting her lips with her tongue. “i could never be afraid of you.”
another arrow whizzed past dangerously closer to his ear, his curls fluttering as the wind from it rushed through, and still hades did not flinch. he smiled softly, kissing between her brows. “then say you will stay with me, my sweet flower. let me give you the power you were born to wield.”
persephone nodded slowly, the gravity of her decision weighing heavily on her, but there was not an ounce of hesitation that it wasn’t the right one. with a great grin on his face, hades cracked a magnificent whip and his stallions lurched forward deep into the earth, as artemis screamed promises of vengeance.
she didn’t care.
as the earth swallowed them both, the golden sun disappearing entirely and the first glimpse of the underworld came into view, all persephone could feel was an astounding sense of just one emotion.
persephone had finally blossomed into full bloom, unfurling her radiant petals to show the world that she was a goddess after all.
the underworld had not subjected her to death and decay as zeus had once predicted. instead, she flourished into who she was always meant to be. ryomen had always seen persephone for who she was, even before she saw it herself, and he had only helped her flourish. he had declared that she was not bound to a singular fate of a lowly wood nymph, but rather embrace duality as both a goddess of nature and queen of the underworld.
they had married the very same day persephone descended into his domain, their union blessed by hecate, or uraume, as hades often fondly referred to them as. persephone’s days were then spent in a wondrous bubble of discovery, wandering through the underworld with uraume as her guide, learning all its secrets and inner workings. then, when she felt ready, she judged the souls of the dead alongside her husband, sitting atop his lap as if he were her throne. together, they would listen to the pleas of all that stood trial before them, with persephone running her fingers through his curls, and the unyielding god of the underworld would allow it.
their nights together were tender and vulnerable, both of them baring themselves to each other with all their faults and discretions in plain view. and still, it was full of love and acceptance. persephone would never change her husband’s ways, just as ryomen would never try to tell her how to live her life.
the god of the dead was true; his love steadfast and searing with passion, nothing at all like the cold fickleness of the olympians.
persephone didn’t know how long she had been in the underworld, and she didn’t care to count. there were no mealtimes to mark the passing of the day, for there was no need to eat in the underworld, and hades was vehemently against her ever eating a thing. instead, she marked the passage of time whenever they retired to their bed, where she lay in his arms, talking about everything and anything at all.
“ryo, why do you not allow me to eat?” persephone finally asked him, her curiosity getting the better of her, tracing her fingers over the strange black markings on his biceps.
hades sighed, one of his hands gently squeezing her thigh. “because… it would bind you forever to me.”
“but we are already husband and wife,” she rebuked, frowning. “we are bound through our vows to each other.”
“this is different, my love. you would be chained to the underworld as i am, and you could never leave it.”
“would that be so terrible? i never want to be parted from you.”
“it would. i do not wish for you to be in another cage, even if it is with me, and even if i also wish for you to always be at my side.”
hades gently maneuvered her beneath him, his crimson eyes trailing over her body. “let us not speak of such things anymore, persephone,” he murmured, planting kisses along her bare chest.
she was then lost in a haze of pleasure, and they spoke no more of it.
until one fateful day, when the air carried the taste of snow and change, hermes paid a visit to the rulers of the dead.
“your mother has covered all the land in frost and ice in her grief,” the young god solemnly said, staring straight at persephone, his very hair seemingly touched by the very same cold he spoke of. “the people of greece are suffering.”
persephone shifted uncomfortably on ryomen’s lap, and her husband’s grip on her hips tightened. “do not try to guilt my wife as if demeter’s actions are hers,” hades growled at the messenger of the gods.
“the people of greece are suffering,” hermes continued defiantly, his head bowed and all traces of his usual mischief gone. “the very essence of nature is dying. everything you have toiled to ever grow is dying, oh queen of the dead.”
her bottom lip trembled, and her eyes glistened with a milky white sheen of tears that threatened to spill as persephone’s body tensed in an effort to control her whirling emotions. ryomen hushed her softly, his hand gently stroking her back, as if he could sense her anguish.
“it is my fault,” she whispered, more so to ui ui than hades. “it is my fault my mother thinks i have perished, and nature is now doomed to die because of my decision.”
hermes shook his head, his face crumbling with regret. “it pains me to bring you this news, but zeus has instructed me to carry this message to you both.”
“a message from zeus?” hades snapped questioningly, his breath hot against persephone’s ear. “he knows she is here?”
“helios witnessed persephone descend with you into the underworld, but he has kept this knowledge to himself for a time, as he knew you had not kidnapped her. but now, the earth is dying, and the people pray and cry for mercy.”
hermes took a deep breath before continuing. “and so helios has told zeus of what has transpired, for the sake of the mortals. demeter cannot accept that her daughter has chosen death over life. she refuses to cease the endless winter until persephone is returned to her at once.”
the ground rumbled, and persephone could feel her husband’s anger growing as her guilt did. her heart tore as she thought of the golden fields she had so carefully tended, now withering and buckling under the weight of an unnatural winter. she thought of the mortals, who had so kindly offered her honeycomb and incense, always praying to her for fertility of the land and womb. she thought of her mother, whom despite everything, persephone still loved deeply. she could not begin to imagine the sort of pain hanami must be enduring since her disappearance.
“i do not wish to cause you this sort of pain, persephone,” ui ui said earnestly, a hand over his heart. “you already know that i have kept your secret for these past six months.”
six months…
“what does it matter if the mortals are dying?” hades grunted, waving a dismissive hand, leaning back against his throne. “the more souls that reside in our realm, the stronger we are. zeus knows this.”
hermes’ face scrunched up in discomfort. “zeus… acknowledges that fact, and he is imploring for you both to see reason.”
has it really been six months?
“reason?” hades scoffed. “riddle me this then, trickster. is it reason or jealousy that drives my brother to ask me to give up my wife, hmm?”
“he knows not that you are married, so let me help you strike a bargain with the god of lightning,” hermes proposed, his hand ominously disappearing into the folds of his toga.
he procured a whole pomegranate in his palm, holding it out to them both like some sort of salvation. persephone sucked in a breath, and hades stiffened, his muscles hardening into marble at the sight, as if he were almost afraid of it.
she knew that fruit; it was from her tree.
“i offer you a choice t-”
“you overstep, hermes,” hades hissed, recoiling and ready to strike. “you do not offer her a choice, only to lock her in a cage with me.”
“stay calm, ryomen,” persephone finally interjected, her voice but a mere drop in a turbulent ocean of salt and sorrow. “what if this is the only way?”
ryomen’s gaze snapped towards her, a whirlwind of confusion and unmistakable panic in his eyes. “what way, persephone? i will not have you bound to only this realm. it would just be another cage.”
“but it wouldn’t be a cage if i was willing. it is you, after all,” she returned, tears of pearls running down her cheeks.
“my love, my sweet flower, you would only resent me after a time,” he whispered reverently, his forehead touching hers. “and i would rather be thrown into the depths of tartarus than have you hate me.”
six months…
“please, then let me do what i believe is right,” persephone implored desperately, her fists clenching his toga. “you promised me that you would let me be free to do as i wish.”
persephone watched on as her beloved, her ryomen sukuna, seemed to wage a war within himself. his deep ruby eyes, usually so alight with a stout sort of resoluteness, were now a tempest of uncertainty. lines were etched deep into his forehead like scratchings on a stone carving, and each fleeting change of emotion spoke volumes of how much he was struggling.
until the god of the dead finally crumpled, his shoulders growing slack, and his entire demeanor going so very still.
“do what you must, my love. my soul cannot refuse you, nor can it stand to limit you,” his voice quivered with raw emotion, heavy and unbearably low with defeat.
persephone kissed the bridge of his nose, a salty tear landing on her husband’s cheek, and slowly, agonizingly, untangled herself from his tight embrace. she strode towards hermes, the gold jewelry adorning her arms and neck – opulent gifts that ryomen frequently showered her with – clinking as she did so.
the messenger of the gods quirked his eyebrow expectantly, and he further extended the pomegranate towards her, its smooth skin reflecting the dim light of the underworld. her fingers itched to reach out and touch it, a mixture of longing and dread washing over her.
persephone wasn’t sure whether or not to grasp it or run far away from it.
she cleared her throat and thoughts, and asked, “what sort of bargain would ever stand with zeus?”
“i propose this to you, loveliest persephone,” hermes began, cracking open the pomegranate in his little hands. “you have spent six wonderful months with your husband, and so your mother is owed six months in return.”
anger flashed in her irises, and the ground shook once more. “you are full of mischief, ui ui. you speak so very boldly for your age.”
ui ui seemed to shirk in shame, curling into himself ever so slightly, as he removed six ruby gems of pomegranate seeds from the shell of the fruit. “i propose a bold claim, and therefore i must speak in the same manner.”
“well, what is it then?”
“eat six of these seeds to bind yourself to the realm of the dead. you will be forced to return to your husband for six months of the year, and there will be nothing zeus nor demeter can do about it. i will go to olympus and inform them of what you have done, and will say that you threaten to eat another six seeds if zeus does not vow to never touch you while you are away from hades.”
thorns grew beneath the soles of persephone’s feet, her ichor and power manifesting its detestation over the injustice of it all, a painfully silent protest against the weight of the choices before her.
how could she possibly make a decision to willingly leave her husband for half the year?
she couldn’t. she wouldn’t.
but could i abandon the golden crops of my labor to die because of my choices?
behind her, she could sense ryomen’s grief growing wildly – a sorrowful groan echoing through the earth as it responded to his pain.
ui ui grabbed persephone’s hand, dropping the seeds into her palm, and curled her fingers to cover them. “i never wished for you to ever be in pain. i have always thought of you very fondly, and i hate for you to be coerced into such unfair choices.”
she unfurled her fingers, staring down at the glimmering gems from her tree as if they beheld all the answers of the universe.
“you have much to learn, ui ui, as do i,” persephone murmured, her voice suddenly imbued with all the wisdom of the gods before her.
she had grown this tree from a mere seedling to what it was now. how could she have not noticed that it had always revealed the true nature of her soul? it had always known her intimately, as its branches curved and tilted towards the earth, and persephone had never understood why it had until now.
it had always been guiding her.
persephone looked over her shoulder at her husband, her ears sinking as she took in ryomen’s crushed posture. he was stooped over, a pair of arms crossed protectively over his chest, the other pair gripping his throne in support.
persephone hated how utterly exposed he looked.
“but you must always know to listen to your heart,” she said, her voice steeling as her ichor pulsed in her veins. “know that it cannot lead you astray from what is right for yourself.”
with a tip of her head, persephone pressed her palm to her mouth, the seeds falling between her teeth. she bit down slowly, their burst of tart yet sweet flavor spreading over her tongue, their red juice staining her lips and trickling down her chin in rivulets. her husband stirred, and she felt her soul meld with his, intertwining and caressing each other as persephone sealed her fate.
two gold strings tied together, shimmering threads of destiny, never to be undone until the end of time.
taglist: @tadabzzzbee @wannapizzamymindposts @stromynight
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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the albatross, here to destroy you (a.d.)
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Pairing: art donaldson x popstar!reader
Summary: three years, three encounters. First, a chance meeting between two rising stars seeking an escape leaves a handprint on their hearts.
Word Count: 2.8k
Warnings: smoking, language, greek mythology references, hella unresolved sexual tension(!!!), art is highkey a baby and lowkey a brat lol, did i mention unresolved sexual tension?, sooo much pining
Notes: this idea has consumed my waking days for weeks. I contemplated making it a really long fic, but after a long and careful consideration, I have decided to make it a trilogy! Two reasons; a) it’s gonna be really long, and b) I wanted to put Art’s look as a reference in each part lmao. Big up to @ysuftmikey and @tommysparker for being awesome and hearing out my incoherent rambles about this story. But anyway, please comment, reblog, talk to me and tell me what you think about it! Happy reading!
**i do not have a taglist. Follow @ficsbygreenorangevioletgrass andd turn on the notifications to be alerted for new fics and updates!**
Part One: London, July 2011.
It was quite an impressive feat. 23-year-old American rising star Art Donaldson had miraculously beat the defending champion-slash-legend Rafael Nadal at the Wimbledon final.
Or so they said.
You don’t know, nor do you care much, to be quite honest. You were basically ordered to attend by your publicist, outfits picked out, hair and makeup team on full throttle only to have you sit pretty on the side of the Centre Court. And now, after milling around and halfheartedly mingling at the afterparty, you decide to give yourself some respite and slip away to the balcony.
“Oh, shit—” the man quickly turns back and stubs his cigarette on the railing, waving away any trace of smoke.
(You say man in a very broad term. He looks more like a teenage boy with that messy blond mop and skittish way about him.)
You raise your hands, showing no threat. “Sorry. Didn’t realize this balcony was taken.”
“Wait, no. Please.” He stops. He sheepishly scratches the back of his neck. The only thing more embarrassing than getting caught smoking was getting caught smoking by a pretty girl. And pretty is… a fucking gross understatement, based on what he was seeing. “Don’t leave on my account.”
“You sure?”
You flash him that soft, understanding smile and he very nearly asks you not to leave, like ever. But fortunately, he’s got enough game to hold his tongue and smile back at you, “There’s more than enough room for both of us here, right?”
Technically, the balcony is big enough for the two of you to stand on opposite corners without even addressing each other. But his fingers are resting on a pack of Marlboro Green, and you bite the inside of your cheek thoughtfully. “And more than enough cigarettes, I hope?”
He’s not sure what he was hoping for, but he sure is surprised to hear you accept his invitation to stay. Gosh, he must’ve looked like an idiot right now. “Sure, of course.”
He slides a cigarette out of the pack as he offers it to you, readily leaning in with his zippo. For a split second, the two of you share a breath in the space that he encloses with one hand as he lights your cigarette. You would be lying if it didn’t make your heart stutter.
“So…” you inhale, taking the nicotine hit to calm your thoughts, “I thought smoking was bad for athletes.”
“I thought smoking was bad for singers too, but I guess it’s less frowned upon, huh?” He murmurs, trying to balance a fresh cigarette off of the side of his lips, smirking at you over the flicker of flame he started.
“Touché.” You lean your back against the railing. It’s an interesting game of chess you’re playing. Each of your reputations precede you and don’t at the same time. “But that still doesn’t explain why you’re out here smoking on your own, instead of in there…” Celebrating is left unsaid, although the implied word hangs in big and bold letters.
“Ah well, maybe this is my way of celebrating. We’re allowed one vice every now and again, right?”
You look at him like it’s a bullshit excuse—and it is.
“This is gonna sound insane, but…” he takes a drag, looking out at the landscape before him, “I don’t feel like I should be celebrating.”
You look at him like that bullshit excuse grew a new head.
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I worked hard for it and I’m glad it paid off, but…” he flicks the ash on the end of his cigarette three times. “I could’ve been better. Quicker. Won more points earlier. Beat him faster. And until I can do that, I don’t think I deserve a celebration just yet.”
You hum softly. “Sounds like you’re making a Sisyphus out of yourself. That can’t be fun.”
His mouth tugs into a crooked smile, not expecting to be called out like this. “I mean, at least I’m not rolling a boulder up a hill. I’d take tennis over that any day.”
“Yeah, but it seems like tennis is your boulder up a hill.”
“Touché.” He smiles bashfully as he takes a long drag. And then, he offers his hand. “I’m Art Donaldson, by the way.”
It’s a formality at this point. He knows who you are, heard your songs on the radio and saw your face on billboards more times than he can count. Hell, he saw you on the stands in your little Dior sunglasses earlier—and you saw him looking, just for a moment, sweat dripping down his perfect nose and all. But out of courtesy, you tell him your name and accept his handshake.
You pull your hand away, and he almost groans in protest. But again, he holds his horses. “Alright, I’ll bite. If I’m Sisyphus, what does that make you?”
“Oh, definitely Dionysus. Living on wine and theater and good vibes.” You’ve got that shit locked and loaded. It’s obvious that you’ve thought of this before.
“Is that so?” He chuckles. “Well… as long as you don’t sacrifice me to the maenads, right?”
“Can’t promise you that,” you quip back, tapping the gray off of your remaining cigarette. Pleasantly surprised that he doesn’t make the obnoxious remark that Dionysus is also the god of sex, as boys would do. Even more so that he knows enough to know the difference between the sirens and the maenads.
There’s no fighting the raging flush in his cheeks anymore, but he just hopes you would spare him. “Will you at least promise to make it swift?”
It comes out faster than a trainwreck, but without even blinking, the one thing that comes out of your mouth is, “What if I wanna take my time with you?”
The party carries on inside, although Stevie Wonder’s ‘My Cherie Amour’ sounds a mile away. His cigarette smoke comes out in a stuttered huff, as he looks away, not knowing what to do with himself. Eventually, though, he recovers, taking another drag. “It wouldn’t be a terrible way to go, huh?”
“I suppose not.” You sigh into a smile, exuding a flume of smoke through your nose. Shit, he doesn’t know which one is hotter; that, or the lipstick mark on your filter. Or the pensive look as you watch the party through the window.
Oh, he’s down bad.
“So, Dionysus…” he leans out against the railing, flicking ash off his stub one, two, three. “What brings you out here? You a tennis fan?”
“Me? Oh, no. No, I… don’t even really understand how it worked until today,” you admit bashfully. Somehow the truth doesn’t feel so embarrassing, even though you spent the day lying through your teeth. “Not until I saw you play. Which… congrats, by the way.”
“Wow. Thanks.” He’s not sure whether it’s the earnestness in your congratulations, or the fact that the game finally makes sense because of him, but his heart grows three sizes.
“But, yeah, no, my publicist dragged me here kicking and screaming.”
“So you were forced into a party, huh? That’s not very Dionysian of you…” He muses playfully, and those lines on each side of his lips aching to break out into a full smile. And they do. And it warms your heart that those smile lines only emphasizes the way his face lights up. “Nah, I get what you mean. My agent had to drag me out of the locker room to make an ‘appearance.’”
“Yeah, she said something about… shifting into a classier, more grownup image?”
“By watching a couple of dudes hit a ball with a racket?”
“By sitting there and looking pretty. It’s the only reason I’m all decked out in this ridiculous fucking thing,” you look down at your outfit with a grumble. Of all the days you could’ve run into someone cute, you’re in a fucking pantsuit like some middle-aged politician.
“But you do look pretty,” he replies without even blinking.
“Thanks, it’s Ralph Lauren.” You smile faux sweetly. “I believe I’m contractually obligated to say that.”
“Still pretty,” and he means it, lackadaisical smile and all. The ivory cape-like blazer is an interesting cut that goes down to your knees, and it makes you look regal. The cut of the pants makes your legs go for miles. It certainly doesn’t hurt that your off-white shirt is unbuttoned halfway, showing a generous amount of cleavage.
(And hey, he’s still a guy. Can you blame him?)
He has this way of looking at you. Like he’s studying you. It would’ve been unsettling, if he weren’t so fucking beautiful to look at and you don’t mind an excuse to stare back and admire the angular lines on his face. Like Apollo in the moonlight. “What?”
Art taps his cigarette much more deliberately and inhales, exhales out of the side of his mouth, much more deliberately this time. “I think you’re more Aphrodite than Dionysus.”
You take another drag. “How so?”
“First of all, for a god of parties, you don’t like to party all that much,” he grins knowingly, smugly, like he’s proud to have figured you out. But his smile softens, and there’s intensity behind his eyes. “And because you’re beautiful. And dangerous.”
Your mouth twists, pausing for a long moment. To calm yourself. To gather yourself. “But it’s so cliched, though…”
“Well, who would you rather be? Medusa, maybe?” He turns his body, leaning on his side against the railing so he’s fully facing you, and you can’t help but mirror his position.
You raise a forefinger pointedly, French manicured nails on display. “Hey. I think Medusa gets a bad rep. Neptune fucked her over, but she was the one cursed.”
“And what, you think you’re as cursed as Medusa, too?”
You shrug, maybe.
Despite the weight of your answer, he can’t help the chuckle that escapes him. “There’s no way you’re cursed. A curse wouldn’t be so beautiful.”
“But a curse could be deceiving, no?”
“Or maybe it’s a matter of perspective. Maybe you think you’re cursed, even when you might not necessarily be.”
“Oh, just like you’re so inclined to keep pushing your boulder up a hill?”
Art blinks, and sucks his teeth bashfully. Just when he thought he’s got you figured out… Check and mate. “You know, if I didn’t know you any better, I would’ve thought you were some kind of an oracle. Like Cassandra.”
Your eyebrows raise in interest.
“You have this strange, unnerving ability to see right through me. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve had a few drinks, or you’re just very observant, but…” he trails off thoughtfully and then nods like he’s made up his mind. “Cassandra.”
“Cassandra,” you echo quietly. “I like that.”
“Mm-hm. I’d say it’s a very fitting title for you.”
That fond little glint in his eyes is becoming a staple in the way he looks at you. And you don’t ever wanna see it dim. So you speak up again, leaning in conspiratorially. “You wanna hear something funny?”
“My parents almost named me Cassandra.”
His jaw drops, dumbstruck. “Shut the fuck up.” His grandmother would have smacked him on the back of his head, knowing the profanity he uses (to a girl he likes, no less). But out of all the things he tried to figure out about her, he never expected to get this one right.
“I shit you not.” You watch him double down laughing, grinning to yourself. “Freaky coincidence, right?”
“Or the Fates working overtime. I’m sure they’d be laughing at us right now.” He looks up at the deep blue sky with a shake of the head.
You wave at the stars, taking a mock bow to your invisible audience. “Thank you. Glad you’re enjoying the show, guys.” The laughter lingers on your lips, and you wonder if it tastes the same on his. “We really are just the court jesters, huh?”
He nods. “Although I wouldn’t mind playing the fool for you.” Maybe it’s the drinks or the cigarettes or the unlikeliest conversation with the most stunning creature he has ever laid eyes on, but at one point, his inhibitions are starting to leave him.
It’s now or never.
The dubious smile that comes out of you is involuntary. He can’t be serious, right? “You are so full of shit, aren’t you?”
“You don’t believe me?”
You look at him like, obviously.
“What are you gonna do, punish me for lying?” There’s that glint again, the bite against the inside of your cheek, and Art steps in.
Your heart catches. He doesn’t feel much like a boy now, inches away from you with a disarming look, his intentions crystal clear. And your head drops for a moment with a wry smile. “You can’t say that to me...”
“Why not?”
“Because? His grin widens, because for the first time this whole evening, he’s got the upper hand. And he likes it.
“I…” You blink at him, finding yourself cornered. Thankfully, though, your phone comes to the rescue, buzzing in your pocket and popping the tension between you and Art like a balloon. “I’m sorry, do you mind if I—”
“Yeah, sure.” he backs away a step, flashing an understanding smile. He watches you pick up the phone, looking out at the London sky. He would swear up and down that he didn’t mean to eavesdrop. He just loves to watch you gnaw at your lower lip in thought, study your moonbathed profile.
Listen to the sweet, sweet sound of your voice.
“Hi… no, I’m still at the— yeah. I’m not sure… are you still with…? Oh, good. Good, just checking. Say hi to everyone for me... Yeah, I’ll call you when I get back?” You catch Art’s gaze, and your stomach drops as you hear the dreaded words on the line. But again, you’re backed away into a corner. So you look away and say it back, “I love you, too. Bye.”
There it is.
Art really should’ve known this. He should’ve seen it coming. You were way too good to be true, but that doesn’t stop him from getting disappointed. No, his heart breaks on the spot, and he’s pretty sure you can hear it.
(You can’t. But you can see it in his face.)
The silence is awkward. It’s ugly. The steady sounds of cars passing by on the ground feels like it’s right in front of you. For the longest time, the two of you can only look out onto the horizon. Anxiously tracing the outlines of skyscrapers in sight.
He is reeling, like he’s been shaken awake from a dream. “So, I take it you’re taken, huh?”
The look you give him is apologetic, and it kills you as much as it destroys him. “Yeah.”
Art rubs at his jaw like he’s willing himself to say something, anything. “I see you’ve cursed me, then.”
It takes him a moment to gather his words. Put together his thoughts in a way that you would understand. He didn’t mean it to sound so damning, but it’s the first thing that comes out. It feels like taking a boulder out of his throat. “By making me like you.”
Your face falls. Of course. How cruel of you to play his game, knowing you’re setting him up to lose. “I’m sorry. I never meant to…”
“No, no. I’m not blaming you, I swear,” he quickly interjects. “It’s… not your fault one of us is a fool.” He smiles ruefully at nothing.
“It’s a shame,” you quietly admit.
And even then he can’t be mad at you. Not from the way he looks at you oh so tenderly. “It’s a real shame, love.”
There are no words, no more witty remarks. They’ve all been exhausted out of you. There’s nothing left to exchange but that soft look of resignation. Of defeat.
Of wishful thinking.
The cigarettes have long died out and forgotten, only the filters left between your fingers. Your ashes fall in a big chunk on the railing, while Art’s… have free-dived and dispersed in the muggy night air.
“I should go.” Your voice comes out in a whisper. “Let you go back to your party.”
Art can only nod. He keeps his mouth shut, not trusting himself enough to not beg you to stay.
You reach out, almost pulling back, but you can’t help it. Even if it’s just a nothing hand on his shoulder. “I’ll see you around, Art.”
He covers your hand in his, just for a second. His thumb caressing the back of your hand. His heart is in pieces, but at least he will have this. If nothing else, he will still know how your hand feels in his.
And just as quickly as it happens, it ends. Art doesn’t dare watch you leave. He misses your touch instantly, and the sound of your footsteps, and the door opening and closing follows. As Al Green’s ‘What Am I Gonna Do With Myself’ plays on in the party, Art looks out towards the London sky and lights another cigarette.
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hyunsvngs · 11 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐦 - modern royalty au!lee felix x female reader
wc: 16.2k words (i’m sorry)
rating: 18+. MDNI
cw: felix and mc being dumbasses part 2, no use of y/n, again a vast use of sickeningly sweet petnames, MORE ANGST, MORE FLUFF, unrequited feelings (or is it), chan being a sweet but teasing older brother, feminist bang chan, smut warnings under the cut!
synopsis: it's getting close to your arranged marriage to your best friend, and you're getting more and more conscious of the guilt you feel that he doesn't know you love him. why can't you just be honest with him for once?
a/n: this is part 2 to my fic fairy flowers - thank you all for showing so much love :D I HOPE U LIKE THIS PART TOO
sw: making out, use of petnames in bed (again), oral (f&m receiving), fingering (f receiving), felix talking u through it, dirty talk (not too graphic i swear), handjobs, cum eating, loss of virginity (both), maybe a slight breeding kink or a major one idk, felix crying cos it feels too good
You’d loved Lee Felix since the day you met him, and you were soon to be married to him.
It was something that you’d hoped would diminish with age, but the feelings only seemed to get stronger with every inch you grew in height. You dreamt of your sunshine the night after his brother - the Crown Prince - interrupted you two, the scent of baby’s breath filling your nostrils. It almost distracted you from the feeling of dainty fingertips traveling softly up your thigh to between your legs. It had, of course, been only a dream, much like any of your others about your best friend.
Other than your not-real sexual trysts, the pressure of becoming a Princess was heavily weighing down your mind. You wouldn’t be able to do all the things you used to do - gone would be lazing in the meadow on a Saturday, and you could probably forget about your book club altogether. You had little freedom beforehand given that Felix was a Prince, but that little freedom would be stripped away completely once you two were married. You’d be expected to appear by Felix’s side as an almost monarch, with a solemn but friendly expression on your face. You had to be careful, you had to be perfect.
Needless to say, you felt like a fucking fraud. There you were, completely and utterly in love with your best friend, and having to pretend that you were only pretending to be. You hoped this wasn’t obvious by your flustered facial expression while you sidled up close to Felix during your engagement party, dressed in all of your finery and feeling like a dickhead, to be honest. Felix had made sure that he had a tight yet comforting arm around your waist the whole time, a hand resting above your hip conservatively.
As if he hadn’t been making out with you a mere few hours before. That was something you hadn’t really addressed yet. It hadn’t been awkward, it had been far from it - you hoped that anything could make the atmosphere awkward between you and your prince - but you still felt guilty. You’d been going along with it, agreeing to it just being practicing. In reality, you felt like you were flying a bit too close to the sun, like that fucking Icarus guy in the Greek mythology tale Felix had forced you to read when you were still spotty teenagers.
“My lady?” You focused back on the man standing in front of you, Felix’s fingers digging into your side softly to bring you back into reality. He was some sort of noble, you weren’t sure of his name - he stood there with graying hair, a salt and pepper beard trimmed neatly and beady dark eyes staring at you. He didn’t even seem like a noble, really, more like a reporter designed purely to get information from both you and Felix.
“I’m sorry. What did you ask? I just got lost in my own thoughts. The excitement, y’know,” You mumbled in response, making Felix smile at the man in way of an apology. You tried not to play with the hem of your sleeves, another dress your mother had forced you in. You always thought you were of reasonable education, even having etiquette training, but you still felt out of place as the prince’s intended wife. The prince’s betrothed, even. You wished for a moment where you and Felix could be alone and more like yourselves again. 
“That’s alright, my lady. I was asking about your love. I’m just curious, when was it that you realized you were in love with each other?” The man cocked his head to the side. You were flustered, leaning further into Felix’s side. He was beautiful tonight, he always was really - and he was ever so eager to save you when you were in an awkward position. 
He did so at that moment. “I think we’ve always been in love. Just took a bit of thinking to notice it, right, sugarplum?” You blushed at the cringey nickname, elbowing Felix. The man chuckled at the display of banter and bid you both farewell, entering the crowd of bustling nobles. Felix’s statement weighed on your mind. You wished to believe that he meant it, that he loved you too. 
You turned to Felix, humming as you placed your hands on his shoulders. His shoulders were broad now, unlike the way they had been when you were younger and he was smaller, narrower. You brushed off nonexistent dust on his dark navy suit jacket, playing with the soft blonde tendrils of hair at his nape. He’d been placed in sophisticated wear not dissimilar to yours, a dark velvet matching suit with a white shirt underneath. “Thanks for the help, Lix. I’m really nervous, to be honest.”
“You should always be honest with me,” Felix gave you a toothy smile, his eyes forming crescent moons. “You’re doing amazing, you know that? I know it’s awkward for you, so I had an idea. How’s about… do you want to sneak into my room tonight? I have to speak to Chan about some stuff once we’re done here, but I was thinking we could make a blanket fort and just talk. Just us, like old times?”
You smiled at the memory. You and Felix, prior to it being frowned upon to be in each other’s chambers, building blanket and pillow forts and reading books draped over one another. Your mothers would both smile upon finding you two drooling in the morning, books still open and more often than not fallen on your face and giving you a sore nose the next day. You were still as enchanted by him as you were years before, staring at the constellation of fawn freckles on his face. 
“Of course, Lixie. I’ll be there.”
You had a plan.
A plan to confess, actually. You’d never made such a brave decision in your life, not even those times you kissed Changbin when you were younger. You’d been studying, investigating, brainstorming - much like those detectives in the television shows Felix made you watch who stand with a board adorned with pictures and red string, going insane. You’d had an idea following the ending of the engagement party, and decided that you were going to recommend a book to Felix. It was an action that wasn’t out of the ordinary, and you had just the right idea. It would be a confession without being so explicit and embarrassing.
Following the party, you made quick work of your plan before your blanket fort date with Felix. Were you allowed to call it a date, now that you were going to be getting married? You decided you could. It was your turn to discuss a book for your book club, and you decided you were going to recommend Emma by Jane Austen. It was one you’d never discussed, and once you flicked through the few copies of the novel in the palace library, you were sure Felix hadn’t read it. His signature dog-earing of the old pages was nowhere to be seen in all of the pages you flicked through, so you tucked a random copy under your arm and returned to your room.
You hadn’t even read the book yourself, but you knew the gist from studying it briefly. It was a tale of multiple relationships between different characters, with a particular focus on a slow burn love that sprouts between protagonist Emma and her close friend Mr. Knightley. You hoped Felix would read between the lines and take notice of what you were trying to say when you handed him the book that night. You liked the concept of Mr. Knightley’s character - considerate, fond of Emma and had extremely high morality. He reminded you of Felix. Emma was nothing like you, however, apart from the fact that she made regular mistakes. That was exactly like you, you mused as you pulled your pajamas on to head to Felix’s chambers. This whole thing could be categorized as a mistake, but it was the boldest thing you’ve ever done and you knew Felix would be proud of you if he knew you were planning on doing it.
Or, he’d be absolutely scandalized. It was concerning him, after all.
You raised your hand up to knock on your Prince’s bedroom door, only to have the door swing open right in your face. The friendly, casual smile you’d plastered on dropped as soon as you laid eyes on him. He was dressed in a tight black tank top, joggers slung low on his hips and hair still slightly damp from a shower. You felt subordinate in a baggy hoodie - that actually previously belonged to Felix - and pajama shorts, a flimsy linen tote bag slung over your shoulder with a toothbrush and the copy of Emma laying inside. Your eyes were widened, staring at his almost bare shoulders, freckles littered all over the exposed skin. You hadn’t even put shoes on, for Christ’s sake, only a pair of fuzzy slippers with a baby chick on your feet. 
“Hey, sugarplum,” Felix smiled brightly, before his dark eyes flicked to your tote bag. His smile fell, focusing on the rectangular shape concealed by the linen. “Please tell me that’s not a copy of Princess Diaries. I can’t do it again, I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, pushing past him and throwing your tote bag on the bed. “It’s a fucking book, Pixie. For our club, remember?”
Felix let out one of his award winning giggles, throwing himself down onto his plush bed. His room was obviously more lavish than yours, and you took a second to take it all in, given that it had been so long since you’d entered the room. The sheets were soft - the type of comfort that was obvious just from gazing at them, and the four poster bed was adorned with a sheer beige canopy that hung over the bed frame. You tried to avoid looking at Felix as you spun around and stared, taking in the moonlight flickering in through the curtains. The room was lit only by two bedside lamps, giving it a cozy ambience and making your Prince look even more ethereal - if that was possible. His hair fanned out around him as he waited in silence. 
When you finally looked at him again, the signature Felix smile was plastered on his face. Dumb Felix comment incoming, you registered. “I have two issues with this current situation, sugarplum.”
You groaned, throwing yourself onto the bed. You made quick work and shuffled your slippers off, letting them drop to the hardwood floor unceremoniously and hiding your face in the pillow. You let one eye poke over the pillowcase as you looked at him, speaking, “and what would that be, your majesty?”
Felix elbowed you playfully at the quip before rolling over onto his side, his light blonde fringe taking up a lot of the beautiful face that you wanted nothing more than to stare at. “Firstly, it’s not book club day, which means all talk of books is strictly prohibited and also frowned upon. It is the agreed upon rules.”
“By whom? Who agreed to that?” You were teasing him, grinning into the pillowcase.
“Me!” Felix yelled. “And you. You established the rule! Secondly, you should be staring at me, your smoking hot fiance, not the room! You’ll have plenty of time to lay in this bed when we’re married, plenty of time to stare at the walls while we-”
“F- Felix!” You screamed, trying to push him off the bed with your feet, using all your body weight. He simply smiled at you cockily, pushing your feet off of him and widening his eyes to taunt you. “I- Don’t talk about us doing that! It’s… uncouth.”
“Uncouth? Were you thinking of us having sex?! I was going to say watching films together, but seeing as you’re so focused on what almost happened earlier…” You were lost for words as Felix stared at you, raising an eyebrow. You tried to stutter out a few things before just giving up, groaning in response to Felix’s giggle at your struggle. 
You jumped up from the bed, grabbing the pillow with one hand and hitting him with it. Felix squealed, kicking his legs out playfully. You avoided looking at the sliver of skin that was revealed through the action, courtesy of his loose-fitting joggers. You sighed. “Blanket fort, Pixie. It’s game time.”
After half an hour of you and Felix bickering over the construction of your blanket fort - he insisted on using the bed frame and the canopy to make it cozier, but you tried to explain you had nothing to use to attach his spare blankets to the frame. He quickly realized that you were, in fact, correct once the blankets fell off of the wooden posts and onto your head, blinding you with fluffy cotton - you were finally settled. You both laid wrapped up snug as bugs in the blankets, only your heads poking out as you stared at each other comfortably.
“Let’s sleep like this,” Felix chirped. “Burritos.”
You giggled, nuzzling further into the blanket wrapped around you. “We should’ve put a film on before we got all cozy like this.”
“No need, we can talk about the book you brought here. What is it you wanted me to read?” 
You blanched, staring down at the blanket. Felix’s head barely poked out of the fabric. He gazed at you as you struggled to speak yet again. “It’s- no book club talk. It’s not book club day.”
Felix rolled over and hit you in his blanket burrito, headbutting your chest softly. Now that he’d rolled over on the mattress, he was closer to you, almost nose to nose. You bit your lip, not noticing his eyes flickering down to your bottom lip. 
“It’s called Emma,” you began. “One of, um… Jane Austen’s books. It’s- It’s. It’s good. I just thought… you’d enjoy it, y’know? Then we can like, discuss theories, or something. Discuss the book. The characters. The plot. There’s, like- yeah.”
This had to go in the top three, if not the top of worst confessions ever. Felix was simply staring at you, nodding, letting you speak. He’d always been understanding. Okay, you thought. You can say it.
“There’s two characters that remind me of us. Emma, she’s um- the main one. She’s the main character, the protagonist, or whatever. Then there’s Mr. Knightley, he’s like… you. Like you. He reminds me of you, and then Emma would be me, and then-”
You were cut off with a chaste peck to your lips, your eyes remaining open and widening with shock. Felix pulled away with a smile. You didn’t even have enough time to process it before he was speaking again. He was acting like the kiss was normal.
“I’ll read it, sugarplum. Sounds really good! I mean, if that guy is like me, he must be really fucking hot, right?” He was smiling ear to ear, trying to encourage you by joking around. He must’ve noticed that you’d never been so shy to talk about a novel you’d found before. You were normally the one who spoke more between the two of you, gushing about all of the language analysis and plot devices you’d discovered. You even went so far to link it to historical context around the novel most of the time. This was different though, you’d used yours and his love language of books to confess and he’d have no clue until he actually read it. 
You briefly registered that you’d maybe made a mistake by doing this. First of all, you knew this could ruin your friendship. That was something you had actually considered, and you’d still decided to do it, because you were impulsive and nervous. That was by the by. But, now that you’d decided to give him this book, it meant that you had to wait until he’d actually read it and realized what you were trying to say - if he even realized, actually. Princes live very busy lives. Perhaps he wouldn’t even read it until after your wedding, in which case it was just plain fucking awkward. 
Wedding. It still hadn’t really sunk in for you yet, the fact that you would be a princess by marriage. 
You shut your eyes briefly, taking a deep breath. “Anyway,” you trailed off, desperately wanting to change the subject. Felix hummed in response, going with the change of pace. “What did Chan- erm, Chris, want to talk to you about?”
It was Felix’s turn to get flustered, shifting awkwardly in his cocoon and repositioning so his head was on your chest, pushing you flat on your back. You pulled your arm out of your own blanket to rest on his head, stroking through the strands. “Okay, so you know my mother is abdicating before she gets too old?”
“Yeah, it’s just a matter of time, really. Palace gossip has been running wild since Chan got married.” You felt awkward addressing Chan by his Korean name - it always felt too personal, but Felix didn’t react, simply nodding against your chest. 
“Well, the Queen isn’t the only one who’s abdicating,” Felix began. His head was still on your chest, as if he refused to look you in the eyes. Was he insinuating…? “Um, yeah. So, Chan is abdicating so that his wife can rule her own kingdom, something against two heirs being married and both being monarchs. That means that I’m gonna be the King, so then you’ll be the, um…. Queen Consort. I didn’t want to- well, no, I didn’t know how to tell you. I didn’t want you to be scared off.”
“I’m not scared.” You really fucking were. 
“You should always be honest with me,” your Prince chirped again, a familiar phrase. He shifted onto his forearms, chest looming above yours and his face mere inches from your own. You stayed cocooned in your blanket, your one arm hanging out and still positioned uselessly on his head. “Are you scared, sugarplum? It’s a lot of power. I understand if you’re scared.”
You sighed. “I guess I am, maybe a little bit. But I’ll be okay with you by my side, Pixie. I suppose I’ll be fine being your Queen,” You tried to joke, grinning, but the look in Felix’s eyes was anything but amused. He stared at you with his facial expression showing nothing but timidness. Your smile fell and you blinked owlishly at him, jaw dropped. “I- Sorry, was that not funny?”
“That’s… shit, sugarplum, that got me fucking turned on?” Felix admitted, his eyes darting down to his crotch concealed by the joggers and the blanket. You gasped, your eyes following his own as if you’d be able to see his naked cock through the layers of clothes. “I think it was the Queen thing.”
“The Queen is your mother, Felix.”
“Don’t- Don’t ruin the mood,” Felix groaned, throwing himself down so he was lying on top of you, chest to chest. “I meant like, you being the Queen. ‘M gettin’ all hot because of that. Sorry, sugarplum.”
Oh. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Felix’s cheeks were blazing while he pushed the blanket down to his waist with his right hand, fanning himself with the left. “Just you like, I dunno - being mine? You being the Queen? Yeah. That does it for me. Shit, it’s so warm in here. Are you warm?” He was still wrestling with the blanket, starting to grab yours in frustration. Your sunshine Prince was looking shy, and he rarely got shy. He rambled when he was shy. You wanted to save him from his awkwardness.
“Um,” You stated, rather intelligently. Good start. “I guess. Yeah. I’m warm. Do you want to like, maybe… practice? The wedding is soon, Pixie.” It wasn’t for another few weeks, at least. They were bringing the marriage forward, previously for an unknown reason to you. You knew after Felix’s explanation that it was because the Queen was planning on giving up the throne to Chan, who would then abdicate, leaving Felix to be the heir. She clearly wanted you both to be married before Felix took the throne, and you assumed the whole situation would take a lot of paperwork and celebratory parties.
You quickly registered that you wouldn’t even be able to sneak off and get drunk with Changbin at the parties because you were now officially a public figure. Shame. It was probably the only thing that helped with your nerves.
Still, you were now feeling the tell-tale fluttering of butterflies in your stomach and a growing tingling sensation between your legs at the idea of your best friend being horny while in the same bed as you. While on top of you, actually. You wanted to punch yourself in the face.
Felix went still on your chest. “I mean, that is actually such a great idea. Maybe my stupid brother won’t walk in this time,” He didn’t even look at you. “Actually, we should probably stop talking about my family members right now.”
“Yeah, you should shut up, Lix,” you chided him, trying to lighten the mood. You tried to seem false-intimidating, but you couldn’t even do the false part given that you were still half wrapped in a blanket. With a soft ‘hey!’ and a quick scolding tap to your ankle, Felix was shifting again, moving so he was looking directly at you. Your Prince, you thought, staring into his dark doe eyes and following the slope of his button nose down to his full lips. 
You wondered if it was strange, what you two were doing. Chan hadn’t really acted like it was - he had teased you more than anything, but isn’t that what big brothers do? You wondered if anyone else had ever been in this situation, in love with their best friend and completely aware of the fact that they were taking advantage of the situation by being able to kiss said best friend.
You decided you didn’t care, especially when Felix was shooting forward to press those full lips against yours and immediately keening softly into the open mouthed kiss. This was something you knew how to do, considering you were making out earlier that same day. Was that weird? It had only been a few hours… Were you insatiable? Yeah, probably.
Felix did well to distract you from your racing thoughts, his dainty hands going up to your jaw and gripping softly. You always thought his hands were well matched for someone of his status - small and delicate, but when clad with rings they looked to be nothing but powerful. You let out a soft sigh when his tongue started to dance against yours, hands going up to rest on his shoulders. You loved the feeling of his lips against yours and decided you’d never get sick of it as you returned the kiss with just as much energy. You let your hands slide up to his hair, pulling softly at his mullet. 
Felix liked that, apparently, since he groaned softly in his deep timbre into the kiss before pulling away. His chest was heaving and flushed crimson with a blush that showed over that fucking black tank top. 
He looked shy again. “I want to touch you, like, in that way,” He blurted out, your eyes focused on the expanse of skin showing on his chest. You glanced up at him, seeing him biting his lip. “Is that strange? I mean, we’ll have to do it when we get married anyway, right?”
You nodded, shrugging your shoulders and trying to act nonchalant. “I guess we would’ve ended up doing it earlier anyway,” Felix smiled, more confident at your agreement. “I just don’t really know what I’m doing, Pixie.”
Felix cooed, his thumbs brushing against your cheeks and squishing them together. “That’s okay, sugarplum. Neither do I, to be honest, but I’ve been researching.” He hadn’t done anything like that either? Had he… he hadn’t waited for you, right?
You immediately wanted to change the subject, not wanting to be disappointed. “Researching?”
“I asked Chan,” Felix admitted, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. You scoffed, kicking his leg softly with your foot. “Hey! He ‘bones’ a lot, you said it yourself-“
“No talk about family members, remember?” You chided, smiling. You felt so relaxed with him - as you always had up until your recent love crisis - and you decided that if you were going to do anything sexual with anyone, it had to be Felix. Your Prince. You wriggled out of your blanket burrito, kicking your legs out triumphantly once you were free of your confines.
Felix did the same, pushing the rest of his blanket off and letting the fabric fall around his feet. He looked at you, smiling fondly and shifting so he was comfortably on top of you, your legs slung over his hips. He licked his lips. “Mm, come here.”
With a swift move forward, your Prince was kissing you again, this time with a renewed intensity. His lips were almost harsh against yours, but the fullness made up for his aggressive nature. His hands went up to your hips, pushing up the fabric of your shirt and his thumbs rubbing circles. Felix breathed heavily into the sloppy kiss you were sharing, and you shifted impatiently as you wished for more.
He was getting antsy too, something you noted when his mouth separated from yours and instantly pressed against your neck, licking and biting at the skin but making sure not to leave any marks. You couldn’t have people believing you’d had sex before marriage, of course, but you still whined the same as if he was giving you a million marks and claiming you as his. You thought about earlier, when you’d been caught by Chan. What would have happened if you kept going?
“We- Lix-” You were cut off with your own whine when Felix’s teeth nipped at a particularly sensitive spot on the crook of your neck. “We can’t have- Lix, fuck, listen to me! We can’t have sex.”
Felix’s head poked up at that, his eyebrows raised in shock and amusement. “We’re not going to have sex. Jesus, you just want to jump straight into it, don’t you-”
“No! I meant that we can’t have sex until the wedding. You seemed to be getting pretty excited, so I thought I’d just remind you,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest and trying to shift away from him. He didn’t permit this, his hands pulling you back to your old position by your hips. Your mind went blank at the show of dominance.
“We’re not going to have sex, duh. I want to touch you. I said that, didn’t I?” Felix was giggling again, flicking your forehead as a way of teasing. You frowned, and Felix immediately pulled his hands away from your hips, resting them in your hair instead. “Is that okay? Do you want me to touch you, sugarplum?”
He was asking for consent. You didn’t think Felix had ever asked you if it was okay if he did anything. Then again, this situation was different, and you smiled softly at the reassuring question. Of course you wanted him to touch you. You thought someone would have to be blind to not want Lee Felix to touch them. You personally wanted his hands touching intricately all over you at every second of every day. “I- Yeah. I want you to touch me.”
At your consent, Felix gave you a quick smooch to your nose and started to kiss down your body. He didn’t remove your shirt, only pushing it up at the hem so that it rested just underneath your tits. You’d foregone a bra for comfort, but you were quickly regretting it when you saw the hard peaks of your nipples poking through your shirt. This didn’t go unnoticed by Felix, and he grinned against your tummy when his eyes landed on your nipples, reaching up to brush his thumbs over the sensitive buds teasingly. You moaned softly in response, a high-pitched, embarrassing noise - but Felix seemed to like it, if the kick of his hips against the mattress was any indication.
“Never fucked anyone, you know that, sugarplum? Wanted it to be you,” he breathed out against your tummy, button nose nudging at the top of your underwear and bottoms. You squirmed, sighing out loud. “Wanted it to be you, always. But you’re so fucking…”
You almost forgot to reply when his teeth grazed against the fabric, heavy breathing now being spilled over your core. The sensation was hidden by the two layers of clothing, but it sent shockwaves up your spine just the same. He looked to be going insane, hair mussed with sweat and darkening the strands to a milky coffee shade while his eyes were blown wide with lust. His mouth was slightly open, exasperated, pouty rose lips permitting the erotic breaths of air to escape from his lungs. They rang off the walls like church bells, incredibly pleasant to your ears, juxtaposing the precariousness of your situation. “S-So what? Felix, just… please…”
“So fucking oblivious,” Felix whispered. His thumbs found themselves yanking both layers down at once to expose your dripping hole, clit swollen and throbbing, aching for the touch of your best friend. You felt yourself blush while he took you in, a deep groan rasping through the air at the sight of you wet and needy for him. Only for him, you thought, legs spreading wider to let him get a better look despite your embarrassment. He was looking at you in your entirety, eyes tracing a path over your labia and down to your twitching hole. He was murmuring incoherently, his jaw dropped in shock. “You’re so wet, sugarplum. Jesus, you’re so fucking wet, what the fuck?”
You groaned, throwing your arm over your face to hide. “Lix, shut up. It’s not like I can help it. You were kissing me, and- and stuff.”
“And you think your bestie is so totally hot, yeah, I get it,” You huffed again at the comment. He was getting closer now, breaths warming up the wet slick that had accumulated around your bottom set of lips. Your hands dropped to your sides, gripping the sheets awkwardly as if you didn’t know where exactly to place them. “I’m gonna taste you. That's okay, yeah?”
You nodded, shifting around impatiently once again. He let those small hands go up to hold your hips down, the show of power once again going straight to the pit of your tummy. The feeling was meant to be reserved just for your dreams, but here Felix was, reenacting everything that you’d tried to push to the back of your mind. 
Just as you hit that realization, Felix was shooting forward once again, delivering a fat lick up the middle of your core. He groaned as he tasted you. His precision was anything but perfect, but he was eager, licking through your folds and cleaning you of all of the sweet dew that had accumulated there. He pressed a soft kiss to your clit, those plump lips wrapping around your button and giving it a quick suck before he pulled away. 
Felix swiped his middle finger through your folds, groaning in that deep voice as you got wet despite him just cleaning you up with his tongue. “You taste so sweet, like fucking sugar. I knew there was a reason why I was calling you sugarplum.” 
You whined when his finger breached your hole, immediately curving upwards to find that spongy spot inside of you. Chan had told him how to do some good things, you’d muse afterwards - but your brain was too fuzzy to think about anyone else when your best friend reattached his lips to your clit and sucked hard. You wondered if his finger would reach so deep inside of you, given his small hands, but he had clearly hit the exact right angle and pressed on it just as he sucked. Your hands went down to his hair gripping harshly. You didn’t realize just how hard you were yanking the strands. “Mm, fuck- more, more, please-“
Felix hummed in response, his tongue swirling around your clit while he continued to suck. You writhed and whimpered out loud, not caring of who heard you. That was something you’d also consider later, when your brain wasn’t so foggy with lust.
Looking down at Felix between your legs, you wanted to paint that image onto your eyelids so that you saw it every time you blinked. His hips were still kicking up a fuss against the mattress, small, aborted thrusts as if he was a bit too embarrassed to do it fully. His hair was messy from you grabbing onto it, something that made you retract your hands immediately. His eyes were practically rolling back into his head as he tried to keep his eyes on you to see your reactions, and his free hand was still pinning your hips down to keep you from moving too sharply away from his ministrations. He looked beautiful, as he normally did, but even more so now - your Prince looked thoroughly debauched. You hadn’t even touched him. You couldn’t wait to touch him.
You quickly noticed that just the image of him was making you hurtle closer to the edge. You’d felt this before, of course, many times when you shoved your hand down your trousers in your way of settling down to go to sleep. This was stronger, though. Every cell in your body felt like it was igniting with white hot lust, your toes were curling as you tried not to squirm and your jaw was dropped, unabashed moans and whines tumbling out. Your hands subconsciously went up to your tits, yanking the hem of your comfy t-shirt up and pinching the buds of your nipples harshly. 
“Lixie, please, just a bit more, I’ll-“
Felix let go of the button between your legs with a wet smack, keeping his finger moving rhythmically as he came to lie next to you. His free hand moved from your hip into your hair, pulling you to face him. His eyes looked to be trying to figure out where they wanted to look - darting around your pussy, your fingers tweaking your nipples or the euphoric expression on your face. “Can you cum just from my finger? I want to see you when you cum. I want to see you when it’s all me, just me doing this to you.”
You whined, nodding as your hips started to pick up, thrusting into the rhythm of his hand. You briefly thought of how embarrassing this was - cumming from just your friend’s finger inside of you, only one finger at that, but you decided that was just the effect Felix had on you. “Yeah- yeah, I can cum from this, fuck- aah! Lixie, Lixie, please!”
“What are you begging for, sugarplum? I’m here,” He kissed your face, peppering small pecks all around the expanse of your flushed skin. He had positioned his hand to grind his palm into your clit. “I’m here. I’m all… I’m all yours.”
He seemed hesitant to say that, but it worked its intended effect anyway. You gasped and hurtled into an almost silent orgasm, but as if expecting a loud, nosy climax, Felix’s lips instantly attached to yours. Your toes curled as the bubble finally popped, so to speak. An euphoric sensation took over your body, beginning from the pit of your stomach and feeling as though it traveled all the way to the tips of your hair. You whimpered softly into the kiss, your hands gripping onto Felix’s wrist as he steadily slowed down his pace.
Your chest heaved with exertion. You were acting as if it was you who had done all the work, cheeks flushed and legs feeling stiff. You groaned as you stretched, your arms above your head until you realized Felix was pointedly staring at your exposed tits. Your nipples were still hard, perking upwards and Felix was almost salivating. A quick look down at his crotch revealed he was still sporting an extremely rock solid erection that looked fit to burst out of its confines.
“Was it… good?” He was licking his lips while he asked you. He wasn’t even looking at you; still staring at your tits with hunger in his eyes. You blushed, nodding. 
You motioned at his erection. “Do you want me to…?”
Felix blinked owlishly. He had that deer in the headlights facial expression again. “Yeah. I mean, if you want to? ‘M really fucking hard, sugarplum, and if I’m honest, my dick will hate me forever if I force it to enjoy my own hand again, y’know-“
You shut him up with a kiss, giggling into his lips. A darting of his tongue into your mouth made you taste yourself on his lips, and you moaned, sucking on his tongue filthily. You had a burst of confidence then, as if it had only just hit you what you were doing. Your hand went down to his length and gripped it firmly through his trousers.
“Jesus, you are hard,” you stated, shocked. Felix choked back an embarrassed giggle, simply blushing and nodding with the teasing of a smile on his lips. “I’ll… yeah. Can I take these off, Pixie?”
Felix nodded eagerly, making you smile fondly at him. Rather than allowing you to take them off yourself, his hands were pushing at his joggers and wrestling them off in one go with his boxers, quite like he’d done with your clothes. He flipped you both over, positioning so you were on top of him with him laying on his back. You tried not to notice how you still weren’t wearing anything on your bottom half and your t-shirt was barely covering your pussy.
You instead focused on the skin newly revealed to you. He’d shucked his tank top up so his abs were exposed to you - those fucking abs. You thought you’d get over seeing him shirtless once you weren’t sixteen and hormonal anymore, but the tell-tale clenching of your pussy when you looked at his body told you otherwise. Your eyes went down to his length, chestnut hair trimmed neatly above the shaft and his cock resting against his tummy, hard and leaking. You felt bad for what you’d put him through minutes before. No wonder he was grinding against the mattress.
Taking initiative, you wrapped your hand firmly around the base of his cock, pumping twice in quick succession.
“Fuck-“ Felix was whining immediately, hips canting off the bed. He yanked you down next to him by your free hand, your legs slung over his thighs and your head right next to his. He wasted no time, grabbing your head and bringing you in for another kiss. 
You tried to focus on kissing your Prince back while you stroked his cock, but you knew you were kissing him very badly. He didn’t seem to mind, just breathing heavily and whining into your mouth. His voice had shifted several pitches higher. It was so fucking hot to you.
“Mm- sugarplum, tighter as you get to the tip- and- and… hnng.. use the, um, the precum to make it wet. ‘Kay?” You smiled, nodding at his instructions. You knew you weren’t brilliant at it, knew you hadn’t done research like he had, so you appreciated the tips he gave you. You swiped your thumb over the head of his cock, through the slit, and dragged the wetness down to his shaft. The pumping sounded wetter now, a slick noise that was simultaneously pleasing and distracting to your ears.
“God, can you spit on it? Sorry, sugarplum, just feels really good when it’s wet,” Felix whispered. He looked embarrassed and horny at the same time. It looked fucking amazing on him, you thought, as you spat in your hand and returned it to his length. He immediately shot his hips up, toes curling into the sheets and his jaw dropping. “Oh God, yeah. Like that, Jesus, you’re good at that.”
“I’ve had a good teacher,” You rested your head on his shoulder, staring down at your own hand pumping his length quickly. He was leaking precum steadily, adding to the mix of the already leaked substance and your spit on his cock. You wanted to taste it.
Before even processing what you were doing, you were shifting again, settling between his legs.
“What are you-“
You sucked the tip of his cock into your mouth. The precum tasted like nothing, really, but it had a slightly salty aftertaste that wasn’t unpleasant. Felix’s jaw dropped in a shocked moan, his hand going to your hair and pulling on the strands softly. 
“Shit, I won’t last long,” he admitted. You simply hummed and sucked harder, bobbing your head on his tip. You could’ve sworn you were meant to use your hand too. You had seen porn, after all. You reached up, squeezing the rest of his shaft and pumping it along with your hand. “Sugarplum, oh-!”
Felix moaned and bucked his hips up, stammering and trying to stutter out sentences. You weren’t sure what he was trying to say, so you assumed it was blabbering in the throes of passion and continued. 
His fingers linked into your hair then, pulling your head off of his shaft. You blinked at him, hand resting still on his cock. 
“Sugarplum, I was going to cum in your mouth.” 
You frowned. “That’s the point, and you say I’m the fucking dummy-“
Felix sat up, pushing you down into the mattress once more and sitting between your legs. You tried to ignore how his cock was so close to your pussy, rather unsuccessfully as your core gave a betraying clench and leaked another rivulet of wetness. “I want to- sugarplum, I want to cum somewhere but it’s literally so weird.”
You tilted your head to the side in confusion. You reached down and gave his cock another few pumps. “Tell me, Lixie.”
“God- I want to cum on your pussy. Is that weird?” 
You pulled away and sucked your thumb into your mouth, cleaning it of the fresh precum. Felix groaned at the sight and started to pump his own cock, pushing your shirt up again to expose your tits. His eyes immediately settled on them as he waited for your response. You didn’t even need to consider it. “Do it. Nothing’s ever weird between us, right?”
Felix nodded quickly, moving closer to you and positioning his cockhead above your clit. It rubbed against your button teasingly, making you squirm and writhe underneath him.
“Shit, be careful, sugarplum. I could slip inside,” He leaned fully over you, kissing your neck. He was breathing heavily into your ear now, making you play with the swollen buds on your tits again. “Could… could slip inside, and fill you up, and-“
“Y-You could. Can. Please.” you whined, wiggling again.
“No, no, can’t. Fucking can’t, not yet. Fucking want to- fuck- fuck-! I’m g’na…” He was panting, barely able to get words out that weren’t littered with profanity. You shuddered. 
“Cum, Lixie, c’mon. I’m yours, all yours.”
You hadn’t even noticed what you’d been babbling in response, but his body seized up and you felt hot stripes of white cum shoot from his cockhead onto your clit. He was loud through the orgasm, swearing and whining in a high pitched tone. You were making noise too, little noises as if you were shocked. The warmth of his cum on you was erotic, yet weirdly comforting. Strange. Maybe it’s because it was his, like he was marking you as his territory.
“Shit,” Felix panted, flopping down next to you with a loud sigh. “Shit.”
“Shit.” You agreed.
“That was fucking good though, right?” He turned to you. You looked at him and noticed he looked like he needed some validation, eyes soft and vulnerable. 
“Um, duh. It was amazing, Lixie. Thank you,” You smiled. “We should get cleaned up now though.”
Felix nodded, as if realizing the urgency of the situation. He darted around the room, using a small face towel to quickly wipe his softening cock and then he threw it at you for you to wipe yourself. It landed on your head unceremoniously, blinding your vision as the blanket from the blanket fort had done. You groaned. Felix giggled. Of course he did.
“Um, your underwear is still… wet. I’ll grab you a pair of my boxers, okay, sugarplum?” You nodded, slightly embarrassed. You made quick work of wiggling the boxers he threw at you up your legs, yanking your t-shirt down to cover yourself. It didn’t bother you being so uncovered in front of him, just like it didn’t bother you wearing a pair of his boxers. You’d done all of this a million times before - just not after doing… what you just did. You couldn’t even fathom saying it, not even in your head.
Felix switched one of the bedside lamps off on his way back into bed, a hairband pushing his hair back and a fresh pair of underwear on. He wiggled underneath the quilt, putting himself back into a cute burrito and gazing at you expectantly. You sighed, kicking the hand towel onto the hardwood floor and wiggling into the blanket with him. It was like you could read each other's minds in situations like this.
“Yay, sleepover,” He chirped quite happily. You let out a small laugh. It didn’t feel awkward. The relative silence was comfortable. You couldn’t wait to marry him, your best friend, your Prince. “I guess Chan told me some good things then, huh?”
“Oh my God, shut up,” You giggled. You let your face fall, giving him a serious look. “It was alright, I suppose.”
Felix gasped theatrically. “Take that back! I’m a master at it already, I know it.”
“You’re not a master if you had to ask your fucking brother-“
You huffed as Felix wrestled you to the bed, pinning your arms down and tickling your skin. You squealed when he hit your sides, thrashing around and trying to kick him off of you.
You hoped that you were right, that it could never be awkward, not even after he read the book and knew you were madly in love with him.
You stood on the day of your wedding two weeks later wearing a dress that had been worn by the Queen to her own wedding, many years earlier. You were grateful that the Queen had trusted you with her own dress, showing how much she approved of you, you supposed. It had been altered by one of the palace tailors so that it wasn’t too old fashioned, but still, the feeling of the satin against your skin reminded you of the many memories the fabric held. 
They’d fast tracked your wedding to your best friend and it was a lot sooner than you’d hoped. You hadn’t seen Felix in a full week, due to him being preoccupied with wedding plans himself, and the only hint you’d had that he’d still been thinking of you was the bouquet of baby’s breath flowers that were dropped off to your chambers earlier on that day. You’d decided that would be your wedding bouquet. You didn’t even know if he’d read the book you recommended, if he’d even realized what you were trying to say.
The anticipation was killing you. Your dress was an off-shoulder beauty, a tight form fitting design that clung to your figure and flared off into an a-line hemline. It was conservative nonetheless, a bright shade of ivory that was almost blinding along with your mother’s necklace that she’d insisted you wear. She was fussing with your hair while you stared into the mirror. You weren’t displeased at what you saw, but you still felt a bit fake, like you weren’t meant to be the one standing across from the nation’s favorite Prince in the next hour. 
Your mother sighed in frustration at someone entering the room, because your head spun to face the intruder and forced her to promptly drop the ornate clasp she was holding. Chan stood there, holding a box of chocolates with a cheerful smile.
“I come with a gift for the bride,” He chirped, placing the box of chocolates on the small coffee table of your dressing room. It was a spare room in your designated section of the palace that had been repurposed just for the day. You wanted to slap Chan because he reminded you of Felix, and more importantly, the fact you hadn’t seen Felix. You shut your eyes and pursed your lips, reminding yourself that it really wasn’t Chan’s fault. When you opened your eyes, Chan was motioning to the bouquet of baby’s breath on the table. “You got Felix’s flowers then.”
“Yeah, and no sign of the actual Felix,” You sounded petty, and you knew it. Even your mother scoffed at your statement as she fled the room to do something else - probably flitting around in panic, trying to get the tablecloths at a perfect angle. Chan laughed at you nonetheless, sitting down on a chair and still grinning at you. You pulled the off-shoulder sleeve up self consciously. “Have you seen him much? Is he okay?”
“Eh, not really. When he’s not preparing for the wedding, he’s had his nose in that book you gave him.”
Chan’s smile dropped, looking at you with confusion. “Well, yeah. He always reads the books you gave him. Why’s that a shock?”
“B-Because… no. It’s not a shock, just- I don’t know.”
Chan hummed. “Today’s probably got your head feeling fuzzy, I don’t blame you for feeling weird.”
He came behind you and you stared at him in the mirror. He kept his distance, but was smiling at you cheekily. He shoved his hands in his pockets in a nonchalant manner. “I mean, I’d probably be nervous too if I was in an arranged marriage with my best friend. Especially if my best friend also didn’t know that I was madly in love with them.”
Your eyes widened. How did he…? Okay, no. It was probably super obvious to everyone apart from the actual love interest in your life, to be honest. Instead of berating him, you did actually stomp your feet in anger. “Okay, well. The book was sort of my way of confessing. There’s two characters who are friends that fall in love, and I told him they reminded him of us. It’s sappy, I know-”
“‘S not sappy at all,” Chan cut you off. “I think that’s really fucking sweet, to be honest. I’m not entirely sure he’ll understand what you’re trying to say, though. He’s oblivious like that.”
“And he said I was oblivious,” you muttered. Chan’s head tilted to the side, as if asking you to repeat yourself louder, but you simply shook your head. “I’m going through with it.”
“Well, yeah, I know you are? You’re standing there in a wedding dress?”
“It’s going to be awkward when he knows. I’m regretting everything.”
Chan shook his head. He stalked across the room, placing his hands on your shoulders comfortingly. “Nothing could ever be awkward between you two. Who knows? Maybe he even feels the same?” 
You groaned in distress. “He doesn’t feel the same, Chan. Shut up.”
Chan shrugged. “I mean, how would I know, anyway?”
You blinked at yourself in the mirror as Chan left the room with no further comments. How would he know? Um, maybe because he’s his fucking brother?
You sighed, ridding yourself of the thoughts in your head. You had to leave now, to walk down the aisle, given away by your mother rather than your father and given away to your best friend. You didn’t have time to consider what Chan was saying. He was being fucking cryptic and annoying. 
It was all backwards. It shouldn’t have felt right, but it did, weirdly enough. You’d been freaking out about it all day. You had been told by your mother to wear heels with your dress, and although they were only simple white kitten heels, if anything, you still teetered precariously on them and had horrible thoughts about flying ass over tit on the aisle in front of everyone. Felix would laugh. Hell, Chan would probably cry laughing too, but you’d be actually crying of embarrassment.
Your mother returned shortly after Chan left, and she had clearly given up on your hair. It had decided today of all days to be classed as an unruly mane, and so she’d tried to clip it up with some clasps but your hair just hadn’t obeyed. She huffed, brushing through it and letting it hang limply over your shoulders. It was your wedding day and you felt like a pig with makeup on. You sighed, pulling the veil over your face while your mother linked arms with you.
You looked at you both in the mirror. Even with your face obscured by the sheer veil, you were both so similar. Similar in height, similar in stance. 
“Are you ready, dear?” 
You felt tears welling in your eyes. “No. I don’t think I am.”
Your mother sighed, her fingertips brushing down the hair that she could access. “I know. I promise you, dear, everything will be just fine. You and Felix will always be fine, no matter what.”
You knew she knew. You knew she was trying to comfort you, despite knowing. She’d always been like that. Even when you’d been getting up to no good with Felix and his friends as kids and you ended up crying and throwing a tantrum upon being caught - she still comforted you. She was your mother, your inspiration. 
You nodded solemnly in response to her statement, and she smiled a comforting smile on her face that was so similar to yours, yet weathered and aged like the books you and Felix enjoyed flicking through. She must have so many secrets, she must have known and seen so many things - yet she was still by your side, because you’re her daughter. You were grateful she was ignoring her job duties to comfort you and make sure you were feeling decent enough for the wedding. It had always been the two of you, after all.
You were led out of the dressing room by your mother, her arm wrapped around yours and her dressed elegantly, similar to you. She looked better, more comfortable in her own skin and more important, demanding authority everywhere she walked. You hoped you’d become even a fraction of the woman she was one day. 
She led you down to the hall where the Queen normally took court, repurposed for the reception. You assumed everything would be taking place there, but then she was leading you out to the palace gardens and you were astonished. It was like having your wedding in a forest, beautiful greenery everywhere and the sound of soft tinkling music coming from a piano. You were being taken down the aisle before you even registered what was happening.
The guests all stood up politely, turning to look at you. A few of them even looked in awe, and you really hoped there was a God who would prevent you from falling flat on your fucking face as you walked down. Your sweaty palms clenched onto the plastic paper of the baby’s breath bouquet, crinkling under your touch. You were just staring at the crowd, jaw dropped rather embarrassingly. 
Your mother spoke to you in a hushed whisper. “Smile, dear.”
They can’t even see my fucking face through this veil, you thought, but you smiled dutifully anyway. You noticed people starting to murmur, and you could’ve sworn you heard that people were saying how elegant and regal you looked. You wanted to scoff. Fat chance. You still felt like a peasant being forced to marry a Prince in a medieval show, or something.
Your eyes finally landed on him. There he was, your Prince, standing at the end of the aisle underneath a wooden wedding arch covered in forest green vines and baby’s breath littered all over the structure. You almost forgot how to breathe, and almost did fall on your face. He looked amazing. Well, he always looked amazing, but even more so on that day. The greenery made him look like some form of faerie prince. They’d dressed him traditionally, a white shirt with frills on the sleeves being exposed just underneath a black suit jacket. The frills went all the way up to his neck, clasping tightly beneath a silver chain necklace. Most importantly, on top of perfectly tousled blonde waves, a crown full of ornate jewels sat. You really did forget how to breathe, then.
You smiled softly at Chan and Hyunjin, stood on Felix’s side as his best men. Hyunjin looked beautiful, as he always did, straight out of a magazine. He wasn’t a patch on your Prince, though. You chided yourself mentally for that. It’s not as if you’d kick Hyunjin out of bed, it’s just that you’d now had, erm… bedtime activities with Felix and knew that he was a sex-god. Sexprince. Whatever. On your side, where you were meant to arrive, Chan’s wife stood as your one and only bridesmaid. You didn’t have many real friends in the palace, only Felix really, and she’d been fucking ecstatic when you had asked her to be by your side at the wedding. She didn’t have many true friends either, it turned out.
Before you knew it, you were standing across from Felix, eyes gazing into eachothers.
He mouthed a sentence, a simple “you’re fucking beautiful”. You’d slap him later for swearing at your fucking wedding. Seriously, he needed to have some respect.
The wedding officiant - another random noble - began to talk at that moment, now that everyone had sat down and settled. Your mother was staring at you with a kind smile on your face. You avoided her eyes. She’d pissed you off, but you weren’t exactly sure what she’d done this time. Maybe it was her being so nice. Maybe it was because everyone kept mentioning the fact you’re in love with Felix. “Repeat after me, I, Lee Felix, take you…”
You honestly zoned out, staring at your Prince. He didn’t even seem to be listening either, but you’d gone over this part in the wedding rehearsal. You knew what you had to say to solidify the marriage, but in all honesty, your mind was on what you’d have to do afterwards to consummate the marriage. Having not seen him for a while, your hand had become acquainted with the inside of your knickers rather frequently, and you’d come apart way too many times to the thought of him to be considered normal. You wondered if he’d done it, too.
In your train of thoughts, you almost missed that it was your turn. “Ah, sorry,” you mumbled, making everyone in the audience chuckle. You even heard a faint ‘the Princess is cute’, making you feel flustered and want to throw your shoe at whoever said it. You got on with your speech. “... f-for richer, for poorer. Um. In sickness, and in health, to love and cherish always.” It felt like you’d been reading it off a script. In all honesty, you kind of had been - you’d been staring at the space behind Felix and squinting to remember what had been written on the piece of paper placed in front of you so many times.
“You may now kiss the bride.”
Don’t use that fucking tongue, Lee Felix, there’s children present, you thought. He, as if reading your mind once again, leaned forward and pressed a chaste peck to your lips, lifting your veil before doing so. You smiled, satisfied, and he took your hand, leading you out of the ceremony. The reception would be straight after, a gathering of people of high status drinking expensive wine and doing that stupid fucking laugh they do. You couldn’t say much - you’d been educated and instructed to do the exact same.
Only one thing was on your mind though, amongst the cheers and applause of the public at their favorite Prince getting married. You couldn’t help thinking that this was the beginning of a union, so why did it feel so much like an ending?
Once everyone was seated, you sighed and began to pick at your food in front of you. It was some posh recipe made by the palace cooks - everyone sitting in the reception was eating the same thing, and seemed to be enjoying it a whole lot more than you were. The whole room was decorated similarly to outside, green vines and flowers hanging everywhere from potted plants. Felix sat next to you, thanking everyone who wished you both well. 
“I want to apologize, sugarplum,” He began, eyes staring at the plate of food in front of him instead of you. “I haven’t had a chance to read the book you recommended. You know, with all the preparations and stuff.”
Wait. What? Someone’s fucking lying here. Was it Chan or Felix? To be fair, you hadn’t had much time to do anything else either. But Chan had told you that Felix had his nose in that book all the time, and Felix was intensely avoiding eye contact with you now. Unless…
Oh, fucking hell. He read the book, knew what you meant and is choosing to expertly say nothing about it - because he doesn’t feel the same. He wants to just act like nothing happened. You felt tears brimming in your eyes. It’s not that you didn’t expect this outcome, because perhaps a small part of you did, but it still fucking hurt your heart nonetheless. A large part of you had hoped for something cheesy, like a large declaration of love and you two running to each other in the meadow and maybe him spinning you around in his arms or something.
This was reality though, not one of your romance novels. You blinked to try and destroy the tears in your eyes, before giving him a smile. “That’s okay, Pixie. I’ve been busy too, I get it.”
Felix held your hand under the table, clenching it tightly. He was smiling ear to ear. “‘S fucking sick though, right? We’re married now.”
You tried to return his energy. He’d sounded absolutely gushing, full of happiness, practically over the moon. “Yeah. So fucking cool.” You sounded devastated.
Felix glanced at you quickly with concern, his eyebrows furrowed. Before he could manage to say anything, Chan and his wife were standing in front of the table, looming over you. It was intimidating. She looked beautiful, dressed in a tight floor length pastel blue dress. It matched Chan’s own blue suit, and pastel blue had been your intended color for your bridesmaids dresses, had you had more than one.
Chan clapped his hands together. “So, we are excited for tonight?!”
You blushed, turning to Felix. He looked just as shy as you for once. His eyes were widened and he was finding the white linen tablecloth very interesting all of a sudden. Chan’s wife slapped him on the arm, grumbling about having etiquette. “I’m so sorry about him.” You found it funny, their dynamics - you followed Felix around like a lost puppy, whereas Chan’s wife seemed to have him on a tight leash. 
In reality, it was extremely fucking daunting. You found yourself still nervous, even when the festivities had ended and you were standing in your own chambers. It all felt too formal. You hoped that in another lifetime you and Felix would’ve been able to do this whole thing at a more casual pace. Maybe you even would’ve been able to lose your virginity to him before you got married.
You were greeted with a white slip of chemise laying on your bedsheets when you returned. You knew you’d be expected to wear something like that but it still shocked you, and you stared at it as if it was an illegal piece of evidence for a solid few minutes. It was delicate, the satin between your fingers, a perfect juxtaposition to what you’d be doing in less than an hour. You took your wedding dress off quickly, laying it out on the bed and putting it on the hanger. You wondered if your matching white lace underwear would be okay for Felix, before realizing that it was actually a miracle that it was even matching.
Once you’d slipped the chemise on, you stared at the mirror next to your armoire. You looked at yourself in surprise. It actually looked good, and you’d chosen to leave your bridal leg garters on. The dress met your legs mid-thigh, meaning the garter on your left leg was about one gust of wind away from being exposed. You thought you were meant to leave it on anyway, that you were meant to have your newlywed husband take it off for you in a sign of like, possession or something. The whole thing was so fucking medieval to you. 
Slipping your coat over your shoulders, you decided to forego proper shoes and just slipped your white sandals on. Well, they were white, until you and Felix had commenced a full on wrestle in the meadow one day and now they were permanently stained beige from your efforts of planting your feet in the mud to punch him. Playfully, obviously. He still whined when you did it as if you’d battered him black and blue.
Stalking over to your Prince’s chambers, you realized something. Soon, probably in the next few days, you’d have to move all of your things here and then you’d be living with Felix in the palace. It would be both of your chambers, not his. The thought made you feel giddy with excitement but it also made your head dizzy with confusion. You weren’t sure what you wanted anymore. You were in love with him, sure, obviously - but you didn’t know how long you could keep up the facade if he wasn’t about to address that fucking book you gave him in all of your bravery.
You stood there awkwardly. Were you meant to knock? Surely you were meant to knock. Or maybe you just open the door. You’d be moving in soon, anyway, so it would make sense if-
The door swung open in front of you. “Oh, hi! What a nice surprise. How long have you been-”
“Just got here, like, this second,” You grumbled, arms crossed across your chest. Felix laughed behind you as you pushed past him into the room, clearly knowing that you had been standing there for a solid minute just staring at his bedroom door. You turned around when Felix pushed the door shut. He was wearing just pajama shorts and a t-shirt. You wanted to scream. Maybe you weren’t even meant to wear the stupid fucking nightgown. He’d clearly dressed for comfort. 
“Why are you wearing a coat? It’s summer.”
You blanched. You looked down at the coat. You’d have to take it off eventually. “Okay, don’t laugh.”
Felix nodded. He was already holding back a laugh, and you could tell by the stifled look on his face. “Not gonna laugh.” 
“You so are,” you huffed, unzipping your coat and letting it fall to the floor. You scrunched your eyes shut tightly, waiting for the impending cackle to come from your best friend. You felt like an idiot. You’d walked in here, all dressed up to the nines like some fucking prize for him to unwrap, and you’d been met by him in his comfy pajamas. Not even the nice, princelike pajamas! 
After a moment of silence, you opened your eyes. Felix was staring at you, jaw dropped and a visible tent in those stupid shorts. Any sign of a smile had disappeared from his face.
Your brain was working at 100mph, deciding to have a severe case of word vomit. “Okay. So, this was on my bed. I’m assuming Chan’s wife left it there or something. I don’t know. I didn’t… I wasn’t sure if I should wear it. I feel really stupid now, and you’re staring, Lix, so can you just say-” 
You were cut off by his lips against yours. He was pushing you backwards onto his four poster bed with ease, moaning deeply into the kiss. You squealed with surprise, hands going up to his hair to try and keep yourself steady. Once he had you situated on the mattress, Felix was immediately in between your legs, bunching the fabric of your nightgown up in his fists and his tongue dancing around your mouth. 
You hummed, spreading your legs wider to accommodate him. You found your lips sucking on his tongue in a filthy kiss, much like the one you’d done weeks prior before his head was between your legs. You desperately hoped he would do it again. His plump lips were harsh against yours, his hands traveling everywhere across your body as if he was trying to be able to draw your body by memory after this. 
Felix pulled away, breathing heavily. It seemed he really enjoyed kissing, because after everytime you kissed he looked fucking debauched. His hair was scrunched up everywhere - courtesy of your hands - and his chest was heaving. “Trying to- fucking hell, sugarplum. Trying to fucking kill me, I swear,” You giggled. He liked it. He liked the dress. You felt like a thousand rocks had been lifted off of your back. Felix smiled back at you, letting out a small laugh and shutting his eyes as if he realized the severity of the situation. His eyes opened, looking down at you. They were a deep brown, blown wide with lust. “I- Jesus. Do you want me to fuck you? We don’t have to, y’know-”
You shifted, bringing him back down into another heated kiss with a hand on the back of his neck. He moaned, his hands going to grab your nightgown again. This time, his hands went further down, sliding up your thighs and then he positively keened into the kiss. 
He pulled away again. “Tell me you’re fucking joking.”
“H-Huh? Joking about what?” You sat up on your forearms. Felix yanked you closer to the edge of the bed by your hips, moving backwards with you and landing on his knees. You squeaked in response. He was sitting on the floor, right in front of you as your legs hung over the edge of the bed. His hands went up to your nightgown, pushing it up, and you finally realized what he meant. The garter.
Felix groaned, loudly, so loud you were worried that everyone else would be sending noise complaints to… well, who? They’d probably just pass an angry note under the door in the morning if anything. His button nose went to your left thigh, nuzzling into the lace garter. He was breathing heavily, harsh puffs of air being spilled all over your skin and making you feel warm. You squirmed, feeling ticklish. 
Felix looked insane. He looked like he’d thoroughly lost his mind, all over you arriving at his bedroom door in a satin nightgown and a bridal leg garter. He looked up at you, his eyes dark and vast, as if he was looking for approval, licking his lips. You didn’t know what he was looking for approval for, but you nodded anyway. His teeth immediately bit into your garter, catching the skin just a tad and making you whine. He dragged it all the way down your leg, spitting it out on the floor before his head was back between your legs, licking fast stripes over your clothed core. The dress obscured his head just a tad, making you feel like you were doing something you shouldn’t be.
“Lix-” You whined, spreading your legs wider. He moaned against the fabric, using his hands to push your legs up and against your chest, to where you dutifully held them up for him. You had no idea why he’d made you do that, but all of a sudden, your underwear was shifting to the side and his middle and ring finger were sliding into your wet hole. It was all so fucking fast, you couldn’t keep up - your brain felt ten steps behind. “Aah- hnng, fuck, Lixie, so quick, Jesus- a- ah-”
“I’m sorry. Need- need to make you cum, so then I can fuck you,” you nodded at his words, hips canting into his hand. Felix stood up, sliding back on the bed to loom over you as he finger fucked you. You’d never had two fingers inside before, but God the stretch felt amazing, and it had you wondering what it’d be like when he finally got his cock inside of you. “I’m sorry. Wanted- wanted to go slow, shit. You’re driving me fucking insane, sugarplum. We don’t have to- we don’t gotta-”
“I want to, God- I want you to fuck me so bad, Felix,” you moaned in a high pitched tone. You were almost embarrassed about the way your words came out, but Felix was smiling, curving his fingers to hit your g-spot.
“Yeah? Do you want it that bad, sugarplum? Thank God, because I can’t wait to make you mine.”
You nodded eagerly, trying to wiggle your hips to get some stimulation on your clit. Felix shifted then, his palm rubbing up against your clit like he had done before. “I’m- I’m already yours, Pixie.”
Felix groaned, a deep groan that came straight from his chest. His fingers went faster, his palm rubbing your clit sloppily and giving you barely any friction. It was enough though. You could feel yourself getting closer and closer. He’d started to actually suck marks into your neck, something you knew you’d have to cover afterwards but you didn’t care so long as he kept bringing you this insane pleasure.
When he shifted again, bringing his thumb up to rub your clit more precisely, you dropped your legs and whimpered. You couldn’t focus on anything, head dizzy at the biting pleasure that was mounting and mounting up and bringing you close to your climax. He was so good with his hands. You wanted to feel him finger fucking you everyday, and a sick part of you reminded you that you could now. You were his legally, married, you were his wife. 
Felix let your legs drop and came up to nuzzle at your earlobe, biting it softly with pearly teeth. You were babbling again now, hips canting rhythmically to meet his thrusts. “You getting close, sugarplum? You get nice and squirmy when you’re close.”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, gonna- g’na, yeah, g’na cum-“ You managed to stutter out. Felix simply hummed, and kept his rhythm the same. His thumb continued to swipe precisely over your swollen bud. That combined with the dainty fingers inside of you made you whine, and you grabbed the back of Felix’s head to kiss him as you came.
You moaned into the kiss, him dominating your mouth while your eyebrows furrowed and you let go around his fingers. He moaned back, feeling the slick from your pussy coat his digits and making the thrusting in and out much more slippery.
“Got so wet just for me, sugarplum. Mm,” Felix slipped his fingers out. You almost short circuited and died when he sucked them into his mouth, letting out a puff of air through his nose while he licked them clean. He giggled at your facial expression. “‘S sweet, sorry. You still wanna… do more?”
Felix giggled again when you nodded eagerly, a sweet chime of happiness. You were happy to please him. You wanted to fuck him anyway, because you weren’t blind and could see how fucking hot the Prince was, just like the rest of the nation could. 
Felix was laying by your side, nuzzling your cheek when you spoke. It was probably the most declarative, decisive thing you’d said in a while. “We need a condom.” 
Felix’s head shot up. He was looking at you with a guilty expression. “Um… I don’t have any, you know, heirs and all that.”
You hummed, saying “that’s fine” just as he said “kidding, lol”. You wanted to berate him for saying the word ‘lol’ out loud, but you were more taken aback by the fact you were fine fucking your best friend raw and hadn’t even put a second thought into it. 
“That’s fine?!” Felix shrieked. “I was kidding! I totally have condoms, I was just winding you up-“
You punted him in the shin, sitting up to wriggle your nightgown off. It successfully distracted him and he went quiet, staring at your tits confined in your bra. “Get a condom then, Pixie. There’s nothing stopping you.”
Felix gulped, audible in the room. He was still staring at your chest. “Well, now that you’ve said it, I’m kinda thinking about fucking you raw. It’s hot.”
“Fuck me raw then?” You shrugged. Felix looked like he was about to die. He immediately shot up, wriggling his pajamas off. His cock sprang out of its confines, even more hard than it had been two weeks ago - if that was even possible. It was leaking just like it was before though. Without another moment to think, he was back on the bed, hands tracing shapes on your thighs. 
You managed to unclasp your bra and flick it off to the side, and he was on you instantly. His mouth was wrapped around the bud of your right tit, sucking and making you moan. You tried to shift out of your underwear while he was occupied and he conveniently shifted upwards to allow you to do so. 
With red raw lips from the suckling, Felix pulled back. “I… Please? Can I?” You nodded, spreading your legs. He took in the sight of you again with your pussy on display and groaned, pumping his cock a few times before positioning it at your entrance.
Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt. You’d heard horror stories of women bleeding on their first time and even feeling like they were being torn open, but all you felt was a bit of an uncomfortable sensation when he pushed in. It was a stretch obviously, but you found yourself wanting more of the feeling as soon as you experienced it. You could feel the stretch it gave your walls, wet core stretching to accommodate his length. He gave you a second, giving you kisses around your face in anticipation as he bottomed out. 
Felix wasn’t faring too well, by the looks of him. His cheeks were flushed red beneath the fawn freckles and his lips were wet, as if he’d almost been drooling. He hadn’t moved yet, only just buried to the hilt inside your sopping wet hole, but his eyes still brimmed with tears at the pleasure.
“That feels… sugarplum, oh, please.” He whined.
You nodded, wrapping your arms around his neck. You pecked his lips fondly, before pecking both of his flushed cheeks. “C’mon. You can move, Pixie.”
Felix immediately started grinding his hips at a slow pace. It was inexperienced, but the speed worked to make you feel a little bit more open and pliant for his cock to bully inside of you. It hadn’t really hit you yet, that you were losing your virginity to your best friend who you’d also just married. That could be because of the immense pleasure you were feeling, or maybe because Felix looked so fucking beautiful whining on top of you. Fuck, if the feeling wasn't heaven, just because it was him - you were getting fucked by your best friend and you knew you'd able to come back for more.
You moaned as he jolted into an extremely sensitive spot inside of you, making you clench your walls around him. “Oh G-God, yeah, like that. So good.”
Felix nodded, chest heaving. He positioned his hips so that he was thrusting directly into that spot, still at a slow pace but just deep and hard enough to feel fucking amazing. “Good? There? Is it- am I… am I good for you?”
You blinked. You took just a second too long to respond as Felix’s newfound submissive nature registered in your brain, and you smiled, brushing your fingers through his hair. “Yeah, s-so- ah- such a good boy for me, Lixie. So good.”
Felix’s hips stuttered at that, him wanting to go faster but not knowing if you could take it. He was terrified, worried about hurting you since he knew of horror stories, too. He also knew that it felt so fucking good that he could cry. He was about to cry actually, you’d noticed, his eyes watering just a bit more with every thrust. 
His abs rippled above you with exertion at every thrust, his legs pinning yours to rest either side of his. He leaned down, kissing up your neck as he started to pick up the pace just a tad. His hair fanned out around him as he breathed heavily, eyes scrunched shut. He looked ethereal. He was clearly trying not to make too much noise, but deep moans and whines were ringing out when it felt especially good. "God, not gonna last long, sugarplum, I'm sorry-"
"Don't apologize, Pixie. F-feels really good for me too," You moaned out, stretching your legs out further. You just needed it a bit deeper, just rub your clit a bit and you were sure you wouldn’t need much else. He was staring down at your core, where his cock was entering and reentering you at a steady pace. "Mm, Lixie?"
"Y-yeah?" Felix responded instantly, head raising to look at you. He looked as if he wanted to stop to check you were okay, but his hips had a mind of their own, pushing back and forth into the wet hole you'd provided willingly for him. His eyes were nearly rolling back in his head.
“I need… can you rub my c-clit, please, need- need it, need it to cum around you,” Felix nodded eagerly, groaning. He used one hand to reach down and rub your clit. You thrashed your head around in response, letting out the most guttural moan you ever had. “Oh, oh yeah, so good for me- hnnf- I’m not gonna last long!” He kissed your nose in response, heavy breaths and moans panting right into your face and only doing more to turn you on. He was beautiful, perfect, and all for you. He was listening so well, caring the most about your pleasure and the way you wanted him to do it.
All of a sudden, his pace picked up, his hips moving in a frenzy. You whined when you felt it, hand going down to his abs in an effort to get him to slow down. It felt way too fucking good, his fingers still rubbing your clit. “G-Gonna cum with me, my Queen? God, please cum with me, need to feel it, I-" Felix was stuttering now, his head thrown back as he tried to keep a solid rhythm on your clit. You decided not to address the title he gave you. You also decided not to address how fucking wet it made you. “Sugarplum, my Queen, fuck, where do I- can I- inside?”
You moaned, feeling your orgasm building up. You pressed further into his hand and length using your hips, gripping onto the sheets behind you with your hands. His eyes were watering as he waited for your response, hands gripping your hips.
"Yeah, yeah, inside- in- inside, Lixie. Pixie, Pixie, oh God, you gonna cum in me? You gonna give me an heir?” Felix moaned loudly at your words, his hands clenching you tighter. You were babbling, going on and on about him letting go inside of you. He was loving it, hanging off of every word, tears now coming from his eyes at the pleasure.
“Yeah, ‘m gonna- Gonna fill you up, sugarplum, mine, mine, gonna- gonna- fuck, ‘m gonna give you an heir, gonna make you full of me-“
You whined out, clutching onto his arms and pushing back against his thrusts. “S-So good for me, Lix, gonna cum-'' You groaned, clenching down on his length one last time and positively exploding around him. You felt it all get wetter between your legs as his hips halted, pressed firmly against your asscheeks. His cock spurted ropes of white inside of you, making Felix let out a loud groan.
Felix collapsed on top of you, making you let out a “hmph” at the added weight. You let out a small laugh nonetheless when he started nuzzling into your neck like a cat, very nearly purring and smiling into your skin. 
There were a few moments of silence before he decided to speak. “That was like, so fucking good. I’m g’na need that everyday, mmkay?”
You shook your head, grinning. “Should’ve never given it to you. Now you’re gonna want it all the time.”
“I just want you all the time,” he whispered. “Love spending time with you.” 
“I…” You began, flustered. Felix was looking at you with pure admiration in his eyes, his now softening cock still inside of you. It was weirdly comforting. “I love spending time with you too, Lixie.”
“Mm, good. You’re stuck with me now, sugarplum.”
You fell asleep naked that night, cuddling your best friend after getting cleaned up and talking about the meaning of life. He hadn’t mentioned the book, and you weren’t sure if you were relieved or upset about it. It felt right, being in his arms. He was giggling, happy, poking fun at you when you said something stupid and kicking you playfully when you teased him. It felt domestic, like you were meant to be together in bed after sex for the rest of time.
You wished you could allow yourself to do it more often, but you just had no clue what he felt for you anymore.
You woke up next to your Prince, freshly married and freshly fucked. You let yourself laugh internally at your own joke before realizing the actual situation.
You’d fucked your best friend. More importantly, you and your best friend had just lost your virginities to each other and you’d loved every fucking second of it. What the fuck were you supposed to do now? You couldn’t even look him in the eyes during this, after moaning his name while he pummeled his cock inside-
Okay. You needed to wise the fuck up. You also needed to get out of Felix’s room, fast. You had to run. You’d never run from Felix before, but with the anxiety mounting in the pit of your stomach and your head feeling like you’d been dangled upside down for hours… yeah, no. You needed to go.
You shot out of bed, looking at your Prince still tucked up in bed. He was letting out deep breaths, not quite snoring but obvious he was still deep in his slumber. You felt guilty for leaving him, but you were due a long advice session with your mother. You hadn’t heard from her or seen her, apart from the note she left you on your bed with the chemise dress.
The same chemise dress that you’d now have to wear back to your mother’s room. You sighed, pulling the material over your head and slipping your shoes on. You’d worn basic white sandals over, and had thankfully worn that oversized coat, so it should hide you from judging eyes. 
You looked at Felix again. You felt so fucking guilty. He looked so beautiful in bed, quilt pushed down to his hips now and showing off his body. The sunlight was blaring in through the curtains and highlighting his abdominal muscles, and you just wanted to bury your face in his tummy and bite hard. You shook your head. You needed to speak to your mother. You were driving yourself insane at this point.
You scurried over to your mother’s chambers, thankful that it wasn’t too far from the Royal Family’s side of the bedroom wing. You’d always been placed close together. You did get a few confused murmurs from staff in your direction, but a quick scathing look from you had them shutting up immediately. Perks of being a Princess now, you supposed. People needed to mind their fucking business though.
You raised your hand up, knocking one knock, and three quick ones after. She’d known it was you from the knock, and the door swung open almost instantly. Her face gave away her surprise to see you at her door so early. You immediately crumpled, throwing yourself at her chest and sobbing.
“Oh, dear. Oh, no,” She soothed, stroking your hair. She led you into her room and sat you down on the chair, kissing your forehead. You felt immediately a bit better upon being in her company, but you couldn’t shift the guilt that you left. You’d done it for yourself, but when did you ever do anything for yourself? Apart from marrying Felix just so you didn’t have to see him with anyone else. You’d done that and disguised it in your head as being so that he didn’t have to marry someone he didn’t know, but in reality, you’d been selfish. It had fucking backfired in your face massively. “You… consummated it, I assume?”
You groaned at your mother’s words, reaching up and almost tugging your hair out of your scalp. “D-Don’t wanna talk about it. I need to… I can’t. I fucking can’t.”
Your mother sighed at your language. She kneeled in front of you anyway, placing her hands on your knees. “It’s a bit too late for that, I’m afraid.”
Sniffling, you tried to blink your tears away. It was of no use. They were tumbling down your cheeks freely like the summer rain you and Felix used to dance in when you went to your meadow. You groaned internally. Could you just not think about him for five fucking seconds?
“I… I’m not upset I married him,” you whispered. Your mother nodded, waiting for you to continue. “I think marrying him was one of the greatest things I’ve ever done. I also think it was the worst. I’m… I’m in love with him, and I tried to tell him, and… I just can’t process it. I can’t think straight. I need to get away, just for a bit, just so I can get over my feelings-“
“Going away is not going to rid you of the love you have for that boy, my dear. Things like that are eternal,” Your mother was firm, but soft. She hummed, looking at a space on the wall behind you before nodding. “How about you go and visit your dad’s brother? Your uncle? You’ve not seen him in a while, and it wouldn’t look out of the ordinary at all to go and visit family in the next town after getting married.”
Trust your mother to always think of the way the public would view it. Her job duties still ensured she was a diplomat in every case. You looked at her, in her eyes the same color as yours. It was a good idea. “That’s… yeah, okay. I’ll pack a case and I can go today. Is that alright?”
Your mother smiled again, her long nails going to scratch your scalp. “No longer than a week, my dear. Is that okay?”
She was approving of it. She must understand. You wondered if perhaps your mother had been in a similar situation years ago where she was in a catastrophe and needed to get away. She seemed understanding, and she was telling you what you needed to hear. 
You wiped your eyes once more, giving your mother a quick hug before returning to your chambers. You managed to find a large duffle bag that you hadn’t used for years. You struggled to remember what you had even used it for before, before realizing you've used it to smuggle alcohol out of the palace and to a party. Made sense, because now you were using it for another bad fucking decision. It seemed to be all you did.
You shoved a few items of clothing in there, chucking your barely used phone and your charger in there too. Just in case he tried to call, you told yourself. As if you’d pick up anyway, you never used the fucking thing. Quickly getting changed into something more presentable and comfortable for the bus ride over, you slid your shoes back on and slung the duffle bag over your shoulder.
This was it. You were fucking running, like a coward. A part of you knew a week wouldn’t be long enough to rid you of a lifetime full of love for your Prince. A part of you still wanted to try. Seeing family would be the cover - you would actually be seeing family, but you were thinking of it as more of a mental health retreat than anything.
Padding softly out of the palace grounds, you gave a soft wave to the guards posted at the front. Luckily, they didn’t question you. You got a confused facial expression but you simply walked out, making your way down the street to try and find a bus stop.
You almost stopped when you heard quick footsteps behind you. You’d know the sound of those footsteps anywhere - you’d heard it enough times running up and down the palace trying to find you, or trying to run away from you when you were playing some dumb game. You shook your head. Not now, not fucking now. It’s too soon.
“Hey- wait!” It was Felix. You sighed, picking up the pace and dragging your heartbreak along with you. It was hurting you to leave your best friend, your only love, the one that had you enchanted by something a lot more complicated than fictional magic - love. You reassured yourself mentally that you just needed a week, just a few days to process everything and hopefully try to sedate your feelings.
“Jesus, when did you become a fucking athlete, oh my God sugarplum, stop running so fucking fast! Please, just hear me out!”
You stopped dead in your tracks. His pleading always got to you, and you were met with puppy dog eyes you knew you’d see when you spun around to face him. He was dressed casually, baggy sweatpants clad on his legs and a loose hoodie almost falling off one bare shoulder, exposing the freckles littered on his skin. He hadn’t even put proper shoes on - he stood in front of you in sliders. No wonder it had been so hard for him to keep up, you thought, rather pettily. The fucker hadn’t even put shoes on.
You huffed nonetheless, crossing your arms over your chest. “What is it, Felix?”
“I- I just wanted to tell you something,” he bent over, trying to catch his breath and putting his hands on his knees. You wanted to roll your eyes, but he still had you under his spell, and you felt sorry for him. Why had you been running so fast? Why didn’t you just slow down and let him catch up? “I… I know it’s hard. I roped you into marrying me, and it clearly upset you so much you wanted to leave, and I understand that. But then, the book you gave me, the fucking book! And… I know it’s difficult, I know you’re mad at me especially since we had sex, but I’ve been feeling this for like, ever, and-”
You blushed, arms dropping to your sides. “Lix!”
“I just wanted to say that…” Felix huffed, finally returning to his standing position and running a hand through his hair. His hair was wet with sweat, no doubt from running to catch up to you and in his thick clothes. You felt guilty for even wanting to leave. You knew you wouldn’t even be gone long, a week, max - but Felix was nothing if not dramatic. “This is so fucking hard to say, sugarplum. I had a whole thing planned, a big one. That’s why I never mentioned the book. But then you left.”
“God, Lix, will you just get it out?! I don’t have forever-”
“I’m in love with you.”
taglist: @moasworld . @hopefulrascalstatesmantoad . @queenofthegardengnomes . @boomfrogg . @hoeinthehouse . @msaddictions . @sunnyhonie . @hizliyuruyen . @jyu037 . @jouoy . @drhsthl . @seungincore . @jellylver . @veedoesntknaur . @meloncremesoda . @k-poplv . @livieloo914 . @fekixfmp . @fawnpeaks . @minnielvr . @imastraykidsfan . @hanjisung2023 . @hoelynecujoh . @kyrviu . @sxgeofprohets . @everydreams-penumbra . @chaneomma
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star-my · 2 months
BTS Fic Recs ☆ Tumblr (ii)
These are all available on tumblr as of April 2024. Some are likely crossposted on ao3 as well.
~Ao3 RECS HERE~ ~Recs (i)~ ~Recs (iii)~
Almost all are complete works, those with “+” after WC are incomplete. Most are BTS x (F!)Reader.
Most of these are Mature or Explicit (usually because of smut) ~ mdni ~ italicized titles rated G or T ~ Please read responsibly
If any authors tagged here wish to be removed/untagged, please lmk!
F2L = friends to lovers ; E2L = enemies to lovers ; FE2L = frenemies to lovers ; R2L = rivals to lovers ; BFB = best friend's brother ; BBF = brother's best friend etc
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☆ Crescent Bound series by @parkhabits | Werewolf AU | 32k+
☆ Tainted Souls series by @mininky | ?2l Vampire au, Canon Idol-verse | ?k
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Kim Namjoon
☆ He Loves Me series by @bratzkoo | Sugar Daddy AU | 11k +epilogue to come
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Kim Seokjin
☆ How to Fake A Boyfriend series by @bts-reveries | F2L Fake Dating AU, Youtuber AU, SMAU | ?k
☆ the taming of the bridezilla by @cinnaminsvga | F2L Fake Dating AU | 7k
☆ Arrogant by @dreamyjoons | FWB2L Uni AU | 7k
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Min Yoongi
☆ bloom by @aquagustd | BBF AU | 15k
☆ want a taste by @suga-kookiemonster | S2F2L Mall AU, Rapper AU | 18k
☆ Private Lesson by @dntaewithluv | FWB2L Pianist AU | 6k
☆ what's poppin' by @joonberriess | Sugar Daddy AU, Canon Idol-verse | 2k
☆ angel by @joonberriess | Established Relationship, Canon Idol-verse | 7k
☆ honey bunny by @lonelyhobi | Established Relationship AU | 6k
☆ boseong breakfast by @honeymoonjin | S2F2L B&B AU | 24k
☆ subscribed by @aquagustd | S2L Uni AU, Camboy AU | 15k
☆ eargasm + eargasm, pt 2 by @lavishedinjimin | S2L Phone Sex AU, kind of Uni AU | 24k
☆ first love series by @clouditae | F2L Uni AU, Tattoo Artist AU | ?k
☆ skin deep series by @aquaminwrites | S2F2L Tattoo Artist AU | 47k
☆ ink petals by @yminie | S2F2L Florist AU, Tattoo Artist AU | 11k
☆ love is for the birds, baby by @mininky | (F)E2L Tattoo Artist AU, Author AU | 13k
☆ Arranged series by @minyoongijjangjjangmanboongboong | ?2L Arranged Marriage AU, Chaebol AU | 111k
☆ punch drunk by @joonbird | R2L Boxer AU, Rival's Sister AU | 33k
☆ Sweet like Candy series by @lysjeon | E2L SMAU | ?k
☆ loser baby series by @dejayoonw | R2L SMAU, Witch AU, Uni AU, kind of Hogwarts AU | ?k
☆ heaven's winter by @jksangelic | Supernatural AU, Angel AU, Historical AU | 19k
☆ under the sun by @mirahuyooo | Greek Mythology AU, Greek Gods AU, Historical AU | 25k
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Jung Hoseok
☆ baseline by @jiminrings | R2L Teacher AU | 3k
☆ Hot & Bothered by @sahmfanficbts | Gardener AU | 3k
☆ the art of war by @wwilloww | F2E2L Historical AU, Arranged Marriage AU, Royal AU | 5k
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Park Jimin
☆ kiss the girl by @sketchguk | F2L Disneyland AU, Coworkers AU | 5k
☆ the happiest place on earth by @dovechim | F2L Disneyland AU, Coworkers AU | 24k
☆ florezco by @honeymoonjin | S2F2L Roommate AU | 24k
☆ Midnight Munchies by @yoongihime | Deliveryboy AU, Uni AU | 2k
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Kim Taehyung
☆ good girls go bad series by @jkstompers | S2F2L Uni AU | 46k
☆ paper cranes by @aquaminwrites | F2L AU | 18k
☆ rubies and roses by @min-youngis | S2?2L Fake Dating AU, Chaebol AU | 40k
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Jeon Jungkook
☆ Part-Time Lover by @sketchguk | Fake Marriage AU, Agent AU, Journalist AU, Spy x Family AU | 31k
☆ the art of series by @venusianguk | S2F2FWB2L Grocery Store AU, Single Parent AU | 95k+
☆ Heartbreak Trials by @dreamyjoons | R2L Roommate AU | 14k
☆ Stress Relief by @strawbkoo | F2L Roommate AU, Uni AU | 5k
☆ ego series by @suga-kookiemonster | F2L Uni AU, Fboy AU | 97k
☆ Confident series by @h0neypjm | FWB2L Uni AU, Fboy AU | 23k
☆ what money can buy by @jeonstudios | Sugar Baby AU | 18k
☆ rich people shit by @nochueso | S2L Uni AU, Chaebol AU, Sugar Daddy AU but you're the same age? idk | 11k
☆ Diamond in the Rough series by @kimvtae | S2F2L Chaebol AU | 25k
☆ glitter & disquiet series by @joheunsaram | Youtuber AU, Chaebol AU, CEO AU | 36k + drabble
☆ oxytocin by @chemicalpink | FE2L Chaebol AU, Arranged Marriage AU | 6k
☆ the lottery offering by @skswriting | S2L Werewolf AU, kind of Arranged Marriage AU | 22k
☆ to tame a god series by @jeonstudios | S2L Werewolf AU, Supernatural AU | 50k
☆ This Mortal Coil by @jinfizz | BFF2L Werewolf AU | 40k
☆ Temptation series by @aiimaginesbts | Werewolf AU | 25k
☆ Law of Nature by @ausblack | F2L Hybrid AU | ?k
☆ deal by @jeonstudios | S2L Demon AU | 20k
☆ calling you cool by @kithtaehyung | S2L Rock Band AU | 12k
☆ his by @thvhoe | R2L BBF AU, Band AU | 6k
☆ most undesirable by @kinktae | S2L Regency/Bridgerton AU | 5k
☆ bad delivery by @jeonstudios | Deliveryboy AU | 5k
☆ Accelerate series by @dreamscript | S2L Racer AU | 8k
Overall Favourite Authors (If I recc'd all their works like I want to/more than I have, I'd have to make this series even longer >.<)
☆ @eoieopda's masterlist
☆ @gimmethatagustd's masterlist
☆ @helenazbmrskai's masterlist
☆ @jeonstudios's masterlist
☆ @jjungkookislife's masterlist
☆ @jkstompers's masterlist
☆ @lovesickjoon's masterlist
☆ @sketchguk's masterlist
happy reading!
319 notes · View notes
bee-the-loser-recs · 12 days
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☼ My Joshua One-shot Fic Recs ☼
𖤓 Amortentia; Honeydukes lover By @http-mianhae 16.7k, Hogwarts au, Slytherin reader, Hufflepuff Joshua, reader has trauma, cold reader, lovesick Joshua, themes of sexual assault
𖤓 Boyfriends By @milfgyuu 2.7k, reader is in a toxic relationship, domestic abuse, Joshua is their safe space, fluff, angst, pining, friends to lovers, comfort
𖤓 New By @luvidzy 2.1k, slice of life au, fluff, slight angst, long term mutual pining, stargazing, Joshua is moving away
𖤓 Winning team By @viastro 1.4k, slice of life au, capture the flag game with nerf guns, hidden relationship, fluff, kisses, competitive nature, cute
𖤓 In a span of three months By @viastro 20.3k, terminally ill reader, mentions of depression, suicidal thoughts, Joshua finds joy in life again, falling in love, only 3 months left to live, sobbing, major character death, it's so sad
𖤓 Wildest dreams By @viastro 6.7k, getting married for 24hours, best friends to lovers, fluff, getting free benefits, cute relationship, fake dating kind of
𖤓 Birds of a feather By @onlymingyus 14.3k, college au, smut, fluff, reader going around with a petition, strangers to lovers, crack, hot tub scene, talks of further dates, alcohol and drug use, simp!Joshua, cuties, very fun
𖤓 To you By @onlymingyus 15k, Joshua x reader x DK, college au, art students DK & reader, med-student Joshua, monogamy to polyamory, fluff, smut, angst, cute relationship, going on holiday together, relationship discussions, mild jealousy
𖤓 Love they neighbour By @onlyhuis 5.1k, college au, friends with benefits situation, fwb to lovers, mutual pining, fluff, smut, idiots in love, happy ending
𖤓 Cranberry concoctions By @onlyhuis 4.6k, 1920s au, bartender Joshua, smut, fluff, slight angst, mentions of bartender Vernon, jealousy, speakeasy au
𖤓 Mr Nice guy By @toruro 5.3k, neighbours au, moving into a new apartment, fluff, smut, strangers to lovers
𖤓 Isohel By @toruro 26.2k, modern royalty au, prince Joshua, florist/botanist reader, slow burn, developing feelings, slut shaming, fluff, angst, references to Greek mythology, literally so stunning to read [alternate ending if you want to read it as well 00:00]
𖤓 Fighting for your love By @rubyreduji 5.5k, Jeonghan x reader x Joshua, boxer au, competing for reader's attention, physical fight for love, threesome, smut, fluff, poly situation
𖤓 Thinking Joshua is just nice but he has a crush on you By @kimbappykidding Idol au kind of, friends to lovers, pining, noticing secret looks, best friends Vernon & Seungkwan, entire group ships them, fluff, love confessions
𖤓 Shipped By @suhnshinehaos SMAU, university au, teacher Joshua & reader, students shipping them, revelation of feelings, fluffy and cute
𖤓 Oceans & Engines By @renjunphile 15.2k, ex lovers to lovers au, idol Joshua, music producer reader, based on songs from Niki, fluff, slight angst, literally so good omg
𖤓 Splashed By @smileysuh 5.5k, Joshua x reader x Jeonghan, idol au, references to the 13 shadows going seventeen episode, smut, poly relationship, fluff, established relationship
𖤓 Beautiful day, Sunday morning By @sluttywoozi 7k, non-specified au, mutual pining, friends to lovers, being in love, smut, fluff, pasta and puzzle dates, hopelessly in love
𖤓 Under the rose By @just-come-baek 6k, historical au like 1950s?, childhood frenemies to lovers, reader calls him Jisoo to piss him off, smut, fluff
𖤓 Hoax By @lovelyhan 18.6k, gangster/mafia Joshua, strangers to lovers, falling in love, hostess reader, loan sharks mentioned, reader is in trouble & debt, angst, smut, slight fluff, reader is left behind
𖤓 Eyes meeting, hearts apart By @lovelyhan 30.2k, fantasy au, prince Joshua with plant magic, bartender reader with ice magic, fluff, angst, royalty, requited unrequited love, part of a series of one-shots
𖤓 An interview with an angel By @hannyoontify 2.5k, reporter Joshua, nationalist fencer reader, being late to important events, meet cutes, fluff, slight panic attack, flirting
𖤓 So beautiful By @blue-jisungs 3.8k, Atla au, water bender Joshua, Prince Joshua, army general reader, assassination attempt, fluff, angst, mentions of war and killings
𖤓 Envy By @berriesandjunnie 1.9k, idol au, idol Joshua & reader, jealousy surrounding his members, comebacks, fluff, slight angst, some insecurity
𖤓 Prove it you won't By @leejungchans 19k, tattoo artist Joshua, nurse reader with tattoos, fluff, angst, miscommunication, past breakups, humour, slowburn, flirty behaviour, adorableness
𖤓 Cast me in a better light By @seungkwansphd 5.9k, musical au, band member reader x cast member Joshua, fluff, karaoke, coffee dates, becoming closer
𖤓 Fade into you By @writingmingyu 4.8k, childhood friends to online friends to lovers, fluff, meeting again after years, autumn fair dates
𖤓 Curse the stars By @shuadotcom 8.4k, 70s au, Hollywood, actor reader, washing machine salesman Joshua, strangers to lovers, fwb to lovers, mentions of dynamics, fluff, smut
𖤓 Stay till sunrise By @shuadotcom 9.1k, Joshua x reader x Mingyu, unspecified au, non-idol au, confessions, pining, poly situation, fluff, smut, bets on when they would date
140 notes · View notes
mournings-stars · 4 months
all i've ever known
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part 3 and second part of the prelude "little songbird" to my orpheus and eurydice angst fic "doubt comes in"
includes: heaven lucifer ofc, a little lore, some blending of greek mythology, still a little ambiguous but not really, luci is still a hopeless romantic, lots of fluff warning: yall may hate me in the next chapter (which may also be the final one)
part 4 (prelude pt. 3) part 5/finale (semi-alt ending)
tags: @lxkeee @viannasthings @majonla
Peace in Heaven brought peace on Earth, everyone knew it. Which was why, usually, there was no discord among the angels.
Today, however, there had been. You went down to Earth because of it, hoping to escape the lectures that ensued after the other Virtues learned that you let Lucifer help you change the seasons. Only lower ranking angels seemed to be truly upset, but the talk of balance, respect, and entitlement had started to make your mind go numb. You were confident in upholding your virtue. You were never prideful, you didn’t boast, you always looked for what you could do better. You’d never cheated, and you didn’t think of this as such, but it was becoming a debate. 
You had no reason to listen to any of the younger angels, but once the sky started to change you knew the conversation had reached higher up. The sky darkened, and you knew it meant the other Virtues were arguing. When thunder rumbled, you knew the arguing had reached the Ophanim. It started to rain, the Cherubim must know too. 
You thought to get home before chaos could erupt on Earth, but the moment you took to the sky, lightning struck. No matter where you went, it was nearly impossible to dodge and as the storm grew stronger, you knew that you weren’t strong enough to outrun it. You needed to hide, finding somewhere to cower and cover your ears as you hummed a song to try and soothe the Earth. 
But nothing worked — nothing would work when things were just as bad in Heaven. 
“This is ridiculous,” Lucifer told Sera and Emily, the youngest of the Seraphim, who was always by Sera’s side, as they sat in a meeting room. “The seasons have always been this beautiful—“
“We all know you think Humility is beautiful,” Emily said, laughing to herself as Lucifer raised a brow. 
“Virtues were made to be beautiful,” Sera said, looking at Emily pointedly as the other two Seraphim snickered. 
The meeting was interrupted by Temperance, bursting through the doors despite warnings from other Virtues. “There’s a storm on Earth,” she said, panicked. The Seraphim looked at her, confused. “Humility is missing—“
Before she could even finish, Lucifer was standing to leave. Sera stood as well. “You can’t fly in the storm if it’s that bad,” she told him. “Humility can control elements. It’s what Virtues do—“ Even they heard the thunder when she said that, making them all pause. 
“We can’t control this,” said Temperance, and Lucifer didn’t need another reason to leave, flying down as fast as he could. 
It was worse than when you tried, Lucifer avoiding lighting left and right as he looked around The Garden. He called your name, but it was drowned out in the sound of the storm, which just kept getting worse. There was no stopping a storm when it was born from all of Heaven in debate, which meant you must’ve been waiting it out. 
And that meant he had no idea where you’d be; you knew Earth better than he ever could, how could he possibly find you — how could he possibly find somewhere to wait this out—?
A golden leaf caught his eye, whipping in the wind. It shimmered despite the lack of light, heading in a deliberate path. He followed after it, swerving and dodging the storm and fighting against the winds pushing him in opposite directions. 
The leaf led him to a small cave, warm light flickering from within. As soon as he entered, the leaf turned to dust and he made his way toward the glow of fire. 
He called your name. “Are you there?”
He heard the sound of footsteps. “Lucifer?” He couldn’t help the smile that came when he realized you recognized his voice. It widened when you walked over to him, glad to see you weren’t harmed by the storm. “Goodness, you’re soaked.”
He laughed at your concern, “I’m alright–”
But he followed you as you took his hand and led him deeper into the cave. “We should get you warmed up.” You sat him down. “I’d summon you a blanket, but everything is so out of balance, I don’t think I could even do that.”
“Is that why you didn’t create a portal?” He tried to summon a blanket when you nodded, but his powers were just as confused as yours, gold sparking from his fingers and creating a blanket of moss all across the cave. 
“This is very beautiful… and soft,” you attempted to compliment, “but not exactly the blanket I was thinking of.” Your reassurance was met with laughter, making you smile as you asked, “Is that why you came down? Because I didn’t come back up?”
“Temperance was worried,” he said awkwardly, holding his hands over the fire. He wasn't going to tell you that he was worried, too. It wasn’t his place, but he couldn’t help the concern that came the moment he heard you were in a storm even you couldn’t control. 
“I see…” You nodded slowly. “You shouldn’t have come—“
“You might’ve been hurt—“ He quickly stopped himself, looking over at your coy smile and sighing. “I was… concerned; Temperance isn’t the type to panic.”
“Yes, of course.” He gave you a pointed look and you continued, “Temperance losing her… temper is always cause for concern.“
“Very funny,” he groaned, making you laugh to yourself. 
There was a long pause before you said, “Thank you for worrying about me.” Then, “I’m glad I don’t have to wait this out alone.” And you were glad you’d be waiting it out with him. You couldn’t deny that you enjoyed his company, even if it caused the lecture that led to this in the first place. 
He smiled as he removed his robe, the sopping wet garment making him colder than he needed to be. Luckily, his suit was dry. You waved your hand when you noticed him shiver, a warm breeze circling through the cave and making him sigh. “Thank you.” You gave a smile.
“How did you know to send a guide?” He asked, referencing the golden leaf. 
“If someone says our true name, it’s like a call,” you explained. “I couldn’t hear you, but I knew someone was out there and needed help… There’s a reason we don’t give our names to everyone, but it can be useful.”
“Why me?”
You shrugged. “It felt right… you feel very familiar—“
“Do I?” He grinned, a look on his face that made you shake your head. “I thought the same thing,” he then said, laughing to himself. “Like we should know each other.”
You smiled very gently, looking over at him from across the fire. “I’d like to know you.”
“Would you?” There wasn’t any teasing laced in his question, if anything, he seemed surprised to hear that from you, so you nodded. “I’d like that, too.”
And suddenly, bright and warm, sunlight seeped into the cave, brightening the mossy surroundings and illuminating the small area. You both frowned, standing and looking out from the entrance. The storm had stopped, only a light drizzle falling from the sky as the sun beamed down on you. In the distance, you could see the rainbow that came after every storm, telling you it was truly over. 
“How odd,” was your observation, making Lucifer chuckle. You left the cave, flying up into the gentle rain to look around. The world felt calmer, and the winds were singing the song they always did, circling around you and heading on their way. The plants were still thriving, not a single one broken or hurt. It looked as if the storm never happened. 
Lucifer watched as you went to the burrows and hollowed tree stumps, checking on animals, soothing them if they were frightened, or bringing them out of hiding to show them it was safe. He couldn’t help but smile; so much care went into your work — you didn’t even think of it as work, he could tell by the way The Garden brightened as you continued to check on it, how winds and birds sang, how animals followed you. They could all feel the love you had for the Earth, and when you sang, he could feel it, too. 
You sang a very quiet tune, the same one to change the seasons, but it only made the gentle winds help to dry off a poor animal you were holding, which you lovingly showed to him, calling him over and letting him hold the animal, too. 
And since that day, Lucifer was much more forward. He was sure of how he wanted to know you now, and he only hoped you felt the same. He held up on his promise of gifts, even giving you replicas of the flowers you made while fall took them away. If you said you missed hydrangeas and he’d create one for you by the next time you met, encasing it in a glass jar where it blossomed endlessly, along with any other flower you mentioned. 
But your meetings were few and far between. You had to prepare to change autumn to winter, and spring after that, leading to you spending most of your time in your greenhouse, creating new flowers or practicing frosting them over. You found yourself creating flowers you knew Lucifer would like, setting aside several to give to him. 
One day, after several hours of work, a pale yellow bird came swooping in. You recognized it, laughing as you said, “Hello, little songbird,” and picked one of the many flowers you set aside for Lucifer to hold out to the supposed bird. “What do you think?” With a soft poof the bird transformed into the angel you suspected. Your wings fluttered. “What a surprise!” You smiled as his red cheeks tinted gold. 
“You don’t actually seem all that surprised that I’m here,” he said, taking the flower from you and sticking it into his lapel. 
“Were you hoping to surprise me?” Before you could take your hand away, he took it gently in his, kissing the back of it as he always did when he greeted you now.
He looked up at you and shrugged. “Maybe.”
You quickly took your hand away from his as your cheeks shined, making him stifle a prideful laugh. “Well, I’m happy you’re here — does that make up for the lack of surprise?” You asked as you went back to your work, now burying seedlings in golden dust. You didn’t tell him the many flowers set aside were for him, hoping to space them out so you had a reason to see him more often. 
“That’s even better,” he answered surely, the gold of his cheeks growing before he cleared his throat. “I thought you might like some company — of course, Sera said to leave you alone.”
“And you’re not listening to her, because…?”
“I wanted to see you,” he said simply, looking around the greenhouse and spotting the flowers you set aside. 
His visits to the greenhouse became more frequent, sometimes aiding, sometimes distracting, but you enjoyed them either way. After turning autumn to winter, his kisses on the hand became brazen, then casual, kisses on the cheek as he held your hand. His visits, though still spontaneous, became scheduled and prepared for. He’d make you dinner some nights, or come over for lunch, where you gave him the flowers you set aside and asked his opinions. 
There were days you went down to Earth together, flying and playing in the snow. You’d throw snow at one another, or race each other through a beautiful blizzard. Your wings were made to handle the elements, so you often won, but he was quick to make a portal appear in front of you and send you back several feet so he could have a lousy win. But as a prize, he simply asked for a kiss on the cheek, which you couldn’t deny, shielding it with your wings as you did. 
There was a day when a blizzard became too hard to see through, so you went to that same mossy cave you did before, the only place where it still felt like summer; the warm breeze you created having never left. 
On the mossy cave walls, you traced your hand along it and watched as flowers blossomed wherever you touched. “I can’t wait for spring,” you told him. 
“I’m sure it’ll be beautiful,” he said, watching the flowers you made bloom. “It always is.”
You smiled, cheeks slowly becoming gold. “What flower will you collect this time?”
“I’m not sure yet,” he told you, and he told you that, because he couldn’t tell you that Sera forbade him from doing so, saying he’d become a distraction by being so forward, yet not outright trying to pursue you. 
So when spring did come, and you witnessed the first bloom alone, you collected a small bouquet before heading back to Heaven and straight to Lucifer’s doorstep. You knocked, waiting patiently before he opened the door, smiling immediately. “It’s you!”
“It’s me,” you laughed, holding the bouquet out to him with fluttering wings. “I brought something for you, since you weren’t there to distract me…”
He was speechless, wings fluttering behind him as he looked at the bouquet in awe. He carefully waved a hand around it, encasing it in glass before snapping his fingers and transporting it to his office. 
He looked up at you and said, “thank you for the beautiful gift,” hand taking yours as he leaned in. 
But he didn’t kiss your cheek. Instead, he placed his lips tentatively on yours as his fluttering wings involuntarily lifted him from the ground. 
You were too shocked to do anything before he pulled away and said, “I’m sure you have important work to do.”
“Your work is far more important than mine.” He laughed, squeezing your hand before he let go. “I’ll see you at the Celebration, right?”
“I couldn’t miss it.”
And just a few days later, another Seasons Celebration came around. It was the same, angels rejoicing; singing, dancing, indulging in heavenly spirits. 
And, again, Lucifer arrived late, but he went straight to you. You let the pale bird he’d taken the form of whistle a tune that you hummed along to before he appeared, smiling as he offered his hand to dance. 
Maybe it was the confidence alcohol gave you, or you attempting to crush the nerves that stopped you from doing anything when you went to visit him, but you took his hand and pulled him forward, planting a very deliberate kiss on his lips. He didn’t waste time, hands going to your waist as he kissed you back. His arms circled around you, wings shielding your faces and privatizing the moment as your hands went to his cheek and shoulder. 
“Finally,” muttered Patience, making you laugh before pulling back. 
“Come home with me,” Lucifer blurted breathlessly before his brain could even stop his mouth. He cleared his throat, pausing for a moment, in shock of what he just said. The other Virtues were snickering, Sera looked appalled, and Emily choked on her drink — all while your hands simply fell and brows raised in anticipation of seeing what he might have to say to fix that. He shook his head to get his thoughts in order and quickly remembered Sera’s warning, adding, “Would you like to… For dinner…?” as he moved his hands to your hips, then your hands to make sure he wasn’t coming on too strong. 
“For dinner?” He nodded as you quirked a brow at him.
“Or whatever you want,” he said just as dumbly as his first suggestion, his composure leaving him as his eyes flitted between yours, a small smile coming to his lips. 
“I want to dance.” His smile widened. You lowered your voice and asked, “How about you take me home after that?”
His hands went to your face as yours gently held his wrists, his thumbs stroking your cheeks. “Whatever you want.”
275 notes · View notes
⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚ Coloring Pages And Baby Fever
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content: leo valdez x daugher of poseidon! reader fic warning: maybe cursing but i really don't think so??, toothrotting fluff, discussion of kids and futures and whatnot author's note: this one BRO THIS ONE- i dont even want kids idk where this came from fr. also, leo is a girl dad. everyone can stfu if you don't agree. her middle name is his momma's name, obvi. but that's just a headcanon, a COVEY headcanon jk jk
y/n always held a soft spot in her heart for the younger half-bloods. she arrived at camp at seven and she was a sobbing mess inside the hermes cabin then the poseidon cabin. she couldn’t imagine going through that at a younger age. which is why she always volunteered to run the younger kids activities rather than participate in some of the more grown up games. today was coloring of greek mythology. y/n wasn’t sure what part of the internet chrion pulled these from, little explanations put in bold next to the coloring pages and she wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to know. maybe a past apollo child, grown up to be an illustrator just for camp half-blood. y/n was detailing away at a cartoonish hippocampus, smiling softly at one of the girls who ran up to show y/n her drawing of her mother, athena.
“aww, phoebe, it looks so good!!” she mused, excitedly looking over it, shamelessly ignoring the scribbles over the lines and the mixing of wrong colors. in phoebe’s defense, she was only eight.
“thanks, y/n!! i based it off of how my daddy describes her all the time!” phoebe explained, bouncing on the balls of her feet in excitement.
“must be accurate then, you clever girl!” she joined in, smiling widely at her before handing the paper back, settling a hand against her back and pointing towards chiron, who was resting in the shade with a book in his lap, “now, go show mr. chiron and tell him what you learned.”
“okay!!” the girl bubbles, snatching her picture back and racing towards the centaur, who looks up with a warm smile towards the girl, happily indulging her. y/n felt a poke against her ribs, spinning around with a warm look since she knew who it was.
“how are you so good with them?” leo huffed, crossing his arms as he stared down at his terrible doodling of the battle of troy. he taken up following y/n to kiddy camp; one because he loved spending as much time as he could with his girl, and two because harley asked him to start coming. y/n glanced down at his work, nearly melting at the sight. helena took a striking resemblance to y/n and troy to leo, something that wasn’t lost on the girl.
“i dunno. exposure therapy? i used to teach little kids how to surf a long, long time ago,” y/n laughed, shaking her head slightly before pointing over at his drawing.
“that’s what you think helena looked like?” she questioned with a smirk, pointing a blue crayon at him. his cheeks warmed up but he didn’t lose his cool.
“yup. what do you think of troy? handsome guy, isn’t he?” he pushed, leaning closer. y/n snorted, shaking her head at him.
“the hottest,” she agreed with a roll of her eyes, earning a shove against her shoulder.
“don’t be looking at other men! so disrespectful to our relationship!” leo huffed, setting a hand against his chest in mock hurt. y/n laughed harder, leaning against his shoulder before pushing off him with a shake of her head, looking around her boyfriend at the shy child on the other side of him.
“can you believe this guy, harley?” y/n asked, smiling warmly at the little boy, who looked up at the older teens with wide-eyed wonder.
“he’s pretty silly,” harley agreed, swinging his feet under the table happily.
“the silliest,” she added, wrinkling her nose at the boy before looking down at his coloring, “oh, super cool coloring of the argonauts, harley!”
“thanks! leo’s told me all about this story,” harley stated, smiling up at his older brother, who returned the gesture.
“sure did. one of my favorites,” leo hummed, eyes growing distant at the thoughts that swarmed. the nightmarish time he had on that damn boat, the constant fighting, the constant worrying, the weight of the world on his shoulders. he snapped out of it as y/n subtly set a hand against his thigh, though she didn’t acknowledge it. he rested his hand on top of hers, pressing his lips to the top of her hair without another thought.
“did he? hmm, i don’t think i've heard it before. you wanna tell me about it, harley?” y/n asked, tilting her head at the boy. i’d heard the story hundreds of times - chiron reused the same website every year so one kid always ended up telling her the story at some point - but she knew harley was having a bit of a hard time. leo had been stressing about it for a bit now and she figured she could help.
“you really haven’t heard about it?” harley questioned, frowning slightly as he didn’t believe her. panic flared in y/n’s eyes and leo was quick to save her.
“y/n is so busy with all her quests and training that she barely has time to listen to stories, harley,” leo reasoned, shrugging his shoulders like it was common sense.
“oh. i guess that makes sense,” harley muttered, glancing down at his feet for a moment.
“come on, harley. i’ve got time now! i feel like i'm missing out on something big. come here, between leo and i,” she told the younger boy, putting on a pout.
he laughed a little at the look on her face before squeezing between leo and i, setting his drawing down on the table and using his cubby fingers to point at specific people in the drawing. he rambled on and on about it, clearly something that fascinated him. y/n asked questions like she was confused by the topic and gasped at the appropriate moments.
leo just stared at her over harley’s head, feeling his heart race and his mouth go dry and the tips of his ears light on fire only for him to quickly snuff it out. he started to imagine what it would be like to do this in the kitchen of their home and instead of harley in the middle, a child of their own. a wedding band on both of their hands and vows stronger than the river styx. y/n caught his gaze over harley’s head, giving him a soft smile and leo melted at it. he loved her with everything inside him and he could feel the love from her radiating off in waves. from the way she looked at him to the smiles she gave him. he could feel it. like the sun when your eyes are closed. that warmth that manages to seep through your eyelids
“aren’t they just the coolest?!” harley exclaimed, proudly wrapping up his story.
“yeah!! super cool. jason reminds me of someone but i can’t quite think of who,” y/n mused, tapping her finger against her chin in false thought. leo snorts, looking away as he covers it with a cough.
y/n glanced across the table, noticing a little boy following along with what harley was saying, but trying to be as subtle as a child can be. she knew him, ryder, one of the new hermes kids. she already had a feeling the stoll brothers were rubbing off on him, based on the sunglasses set upon his drawing of apollo. he was around harley’s age and her eyes twinkled at the opportunity.
“hey, harley,” y/n whisper down to the boy, leaning down to his level. he looks up at her with wide eyes, asking a quiet ‘what?’
“i think someone else wants to hear the story of the argonauts,” she tells him, nodding her head towards ryder, who looked shocked that the attention was on him and quickly dropped his head and returned to his drawing. harley paled slightly and began wringing his hands, nervously.
“hey, dude, it’s okay. we’ll be right here the whole time. just start talking and it’ll just flow. trust me. it’s just like at the forge. it’ll start to flow,” leo cut in, setting a gentle hand against the boy's shoulder. harley took a deep breath before blowing it out.
“just like at the forge,” he mumbled before grabbing his drawing, his small fists crumbling the drawing the slightest bit before he moved around the table and up to ryder, who looked at him, intrigued. leo and y/n both leaned forwards to hear better, though they pretended like they didn’t, trying to give harley his space.
“h- hi, i’m harley. i’m from c-cabin 9, son of hephestus,” harley managed to get out, holding his hand out to the blonde boy.
“hey! i’m ryder! cabin 11, son of hermes,” ryder told him, proudly, shaking harley’s hand vigorously. harley couldn’t help but laugh at the rapid hand shake and y/n set her hand over her heart at the action, giving leo a look as tears filled her eyes. he laughed at the emotional daughter of poseidon, rubbing a hand over her shoulders.
“do you want to hear the story of the argonauts?” harley asked, tilting his head, much like leo. surely a habit picked up over time.
“totally!” ryder cheered, nodding his head as his blond hair ruffled about and he moved over, giving harley space next to him. when ryder looked away, harley gave the older couple a proud thumbs up with a toothy grin before making a shooing motion with his hands.
“are we being sent away?!” leo asked, incredulously, with his jaw dropped.
“i think so. little rascal,” y/n replied, shaking her head at him before standing up, taking both of their drawings. she shot a glance over her shoulder, watching the two boys excitedly talk to each other and tears filled her eyes all over again.
“i’m so proud of him. oh, gods, i’m gonna cry,” y/n gasp out, laughing at the craziness of it. leo laughs with her, pressing a kiss to her cheek. y/n started thinking about how she'll react when their son does the same thing, which brings on a whole new wave of tears. their son. leo and hers. y/n looked at him, her lower lip wobbling. he sees this, tilting his head, a little worried.
“i love you so much,” she whisper to him and he smiles, his brows unfurrowing.
“no need to cry about it, hun,” he laughs and y'n hits his ribs and shove him away from herself. he quickly comes back and wraps his arms over her shoulders, locking them together just over her chest.
“i love you too much to put into words,” he replied, shoving a kiss against her cheek.
“that’s a first,” y/n bit back, hearing a chuckle from behind and feeling the rumble of his chest against her back.
“leo, y/n, you’re off shift. we’re taking over,” will says, nodding towards one of the demeter guys he was with. she give him a thumbs up and a smile before a little girl looks over at them with sad eyes.
“y/n’s leaving?!” she asked, tears already pooling.
“hey, it’s okay. will’s a super good friend of mine and he’s so much fun! i promise you’re gonna have a blast, honey. plus, you get to spend tomorrow with me!” y/n tells her, rubbing a hand against her shoulder before nodding at will to take over, which he did, kneeling next to her and asking about her shirt to distract her.
“they don’t react like that when i leave,” leo pouted, slinging an arm over y/n's shoulder and she raised a brow at him.
“because you don’t interact with them, dear,” she mused, leaning into his side with a bright smile as they made our way towards her cabin.
“touche,” he replied, nodding his head before he glazed off for a moment before wetting his lips and opening his mouth, “do you think i’d make a good dad?”
y/n paused at her cabin door, frowning at this question as she looked over at him like he grew three heads.
“the best dad. what a stupid question. i expected better than that, hothead,” she tells him, swinging the door open and walking towards her side of the cabin, set aside for the girls, though it was just her.
“i’m being serious,” leo argued as he shut the door, still frowning a bit, “i mean, i have no idea what a good dad is supposed to look like. and i can’t talk to those kids like you can. and-”
“leo.” y/n cut in and he stops, snapping his eyes up to hers and taking a calming breath.
“if i thought you’d be a bad dad, we wouldn’t be together. if i had any inkling that i couldn’t put my future in your hands, i would have never wasted my time getting to know you. and you’re good with the kids, but in your own way. like, harley. you could talk that kid off a ledge. and it’s not just because he idolizes you. it’s because he trusts you, leo valdez. just like everyone else does. just like i do,” she told him, gently setting her hand against his chest. y/n reaches her other hand up to his cheek, rubbing it with her thumb. he draped his arms around her waist, pressing his head into the junction between her neck and shoulder. him, pressing kisses to the sun kissed skin. y/n paused for a moment before pulling him impossibly closer.
“i want one,” she muttered against his curls, hiding her head in his shirt. she could feel the confusion radiating off him.
“one what?” he asked, always wanting to meet her every request.
“a baby. of our own,” y/n whispers, her voice cracking a bit, the thought scaring but exciting her. leo pulled back to see her eyes, to which he smiled softly at the look in them. one he could only describe as love.
“me too, y/n,” he states, firmly, like it was already set in stone but then he tilted his head at her, resting his hand against her cheek, “but, it’s a bit early.”
“lee,” y/n pouts, sinking into his hand a little though she knew he was right. he laughs lightly.
“i gotta put a ring on that finger of yours first. get a nice house away from all the monsters and gods. then we can revisit this,” he reasons, tucking his hand inside of hers. he talks about an escape that will never come but she doesn't tell him that. instead, y/n closes her eyes and pictures the house, cozy and lived in. she pictures the wedding, leo at the end of the aisle in a suit, percy walking her down the aisle like she always promised him he would. y/n pictures the nursery, set up for a little girl who looks just like her dad.
“okay…we’ll wait then,” y/n whispers against his lips, pressing hers to his softly before pulling back, “i’d wait lifetimes for you; for that.”
“you won’t have to. not in this lifetime,” he mutters before pulling her back into his lips, more of a collision than a kiss. she couldn’t help but smile against his lips, knowing she'd found the kind of love she always wanted. the kind that transcends death and age; the kind of love that is generations in the making.
three years later, on that same day, y/n and leo would find out they were expecting their first child.
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kneelingshadowsalome · 3 months
so, i’m currently taking a west civics class in college, and i am currently researching ancient greek civilizations, most notably, the arts and culture of ancient greece. i know you have written a fic based on its mythological stories, with minotaur könig (bless your beautiful soul).
but through my readings, i couldn’t help but come up with such a dirty daydreams while in class. i couldn’t stop myself from thinking about könig and… the ancient olympics…
i know, realistically speaking, women were not allowed to attend or watch these games for the most part. so, in a universe where könig’s dedication not only falls upon him being a top man, but being the perfect man in honor of being recognized by the god of strength himself, he becomes so enticing in the way he trains and readies himself for such a significant event of his life. he’s never really had much to care for, neither does he need to prioritize anything that isn’t him or his training. he’s a workhorse, nothing stopping him from being the best, most valuable follower of zeus. that is… until…
well, it was your fault, and you admit that, but he wasn’t stopping you either. i mean, who could blame you, this little thing sneaking and peeping at a man who’s at work in order to provide to cute women like yourself. in fact, you argue that this was your way of appreciating a man, to observe them in their element in such a loving gaze. it didn’t help that könig was a man who preferred to train naked too, in all his glory, so of course there was no missing you, you were just too obvious for a man like him to notice you.
and with every grunt he’d give after each swing of a fist or a blade, a mew is what you’d give in return, your own form of a cheer for him to keep going. and you promised you didn’t mean to stare and make distracting noises, but an innocent maiden like yourself was just too hypnotized by this new anatomy that was found between this man’s legs. so outspoken, so dirty for your mouth to spew such beautiful filth to a stranger.
was this könig’s new test of endurance? part of the program to make him stronger for the olympic event that was just around the corner. he has heard man advising others to refrain from sex before the games, but he hadn’t even been given the chance to work on that since no one was bold enough to approach him like you did. he wonders, does fucking before a game really make a man weak, does thinking about shoving his big dumb cock in his soon-to-be wife distract him too much to succeed? perhaps, perhaps not, one thing he does know though, he’s got someone else to honor and worship, which makes his training all the more necessary.
Oh my god….. I’m totes not getting caught up in the fact that women were not allowed to participate in these activities….
This led me to think, what if some misbehaving little creature decided to peep at this Hercules reborn? She gets caught one day, but because she’s absolutely carefree and unhinged, she asks König if he could show her how to train.
CW: Nudity, implied sexism/misogyny (Ancient Greek society thang), teasing König to the point where he gets a boner and growls
Our Olympian hero gets so confused that he forgets he was supposed to report you or throw you out of the gym. Outside, where birds fly free and the sun tortures the trainees, he has picked a spot where he can train in solitude and silence: for some reason, other people’s stares make him uncomfortable… Until this curious, sweet little nymph came around, perched atop a wide rock, munching some wild mountain herb as she watched him train.
He allowed her to watch him train for two days, but on the third, he marched over to her and told her she needs to leave. Women are not allowed here, doesn’t she know that? Where are her parents? Does she have a husband?
No, no husband, and her parents don’t really care what she does. Well, this explains why she’s behaving this way. Running around the hillside so untame, watching men train—can’t she see she’s putting herself in danger? Any one of these men could decide to just take her on the barren land if she’s not careful.
She just giggles and asks, would he like to take her? Then points out that men shouldn’t waste their seed before a big competition. Also, Zeus’s wife would not think well of him if she saw him rut innocent women on the hill... There’s nothing but heaven above them, surely someone would see. The gods could curse him with a weak ankle, or a sprained muscle, a failing heart or a snake bite…
“All right, all right, that’s enough,” he says, but there’s even worse to come.
Next, she asks if he could show her how to lift those smaller rocks, how to throw a javelin or a discus. Could he teach her how to wrestle…?
“Absolutely not,” he scoffs while his groin floods with warmth at the thought of wrestling with this pretty, wonton woman. She’s absolutely disgraceful, and yet, he doubts she’s running from man to man, teasing them to death. She’s not begging to get raped, she’s just… a little gullible, or something. Happened to take interest in him, little thing. As she should, after all, he’s the pride of this city...
“You fear I’ll become better than you?” She asks with little stars in her stare.
“Bah. Don’t be ridiculous...”
They’re both smiling, now. This kind of banter and games he has never experienced with a lady, she’s making him extremely uncomfortable and at the same time, fly high like Icarus. He’ll have to be careful he doesn’t get burned…
When he still refuses to show her how to train, she shrugs and goes over to the wooden javelin that’s taller than her. Picking it up, he expects the gods to smite her down with a sudden hail or thunder, but nothing happens. The sun keeps on shining, and the sheep keep on baaing. She weighs it with two hands, then starts to look for a spot to try and throw it.
“Wait,” he calls after her, but she only looks back at him with a smile. Picks off to run, with the javelin securely in her right hand, she runs like a deer while he lumbers after her, completely perplexed.
Insufferable woman… He’s growing hard from the cock as he runs, somehow aroused by this silly chase. Like Apollo trying to court Daphne, but his Daphne is not meek and unwilling; she’s giggling as he huffs and runs after her like a stumbling giant.
At a distant field of nothing but rock and weather-beaten flowers, she stops. Shields her eyes as she looks for a perfect spot, she’s not even breathless when he finally catches her. She turns around to look at her hero, catching his breath in the sun.
“You’re not fit enough for a marathon,” she comments. “Did you lift too many weights?”
“Give me the javelin,” he pants, dismissing her blunt analysis of his weaknesses. Stepping towards her, he extends his hand, offering her a chance to return it to him without fuss.
“Wrestle it from me,” she smiles, so playfully and brightly that his cock suffers another throb.
Gods damn this woman... She’s toying, playing with him, teasing him to the point where he’s left no choice.
He doesn’t want to hurt her, which means the “wrestling” becomes an awkward battle of snickers and limbs. His cock gets in the way, and to an outsider, this might look like a scene of an oddly gentle, upcoming rape… This little minx is giving him such an ache in his head and his loins that he’s gritting his teeth by the time he gets his hands around the wooden spear. By then, she has her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms above her head as she’s lying on her back with him on top of her.
“I’m not letting go,” she laughs as they both hold the spear, his erection now blissfully trapped between her legs.
“Who sent you,” he grunts, head spinning as he tries to figure out which of the gods is trying to give him trouble this time.
“What do you mean…?”
“You’re here to thwart and tease me. Tell me who sent you, now.”
“You think I’m sent by some angry god?”
Her eyes sparkle even more, if possible. She even giggles under him and under the sun, her laugh like a thousand little bells in his ears.
“That’s so cute…!”
His grunts turn into a hollow, painful growl – even Tartaros is better than this.
“Train me, and I’ll let you have your silly javelin,” she smiles, even licking her lips before they purse together innocently.
But he knows she’s far from innocent. She has to be a curse of some sort, a plight sent here to torment him, because he finds himself sighing, “Alright…”
He gives her one condition: she has to wear clothes; no flaunting herself around him and especially not around the other men if they were to ever see her. They will both get flogged or worse if this mockery comes to daylight… She gives him a soft, adoring smile this time, and says of course, whatever he says.
The next day, she’s waiting for him at the training grounds, javelin in her hands…
Completely, utterly naked.
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seospicybin · 5 months
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Hyunjin x reader x Seungmin. (s,a)
Chapters: Part I
Synopsis: As a part of a research team that works on a memory-erasing machine, you work alongside the professor whom you greatly admire and a computer geek who relentlessly flirts with you. But the one that you want is the one that you can't have. (10,1k words)
Author's note: Happy reading! Let me know what you think of this fic after :)
Hyunjin almost slips as he runs in his socks and when he returns to the staff lounge, he finds you lying on your stomach on the sofa.
He can see the shape of your body basked in the faint moonlight that shines through the floor-to-ceiling window like a beautiful nymph out of Greek mythology.
He loses track of time just standing there, staring at you with admiration pooling in his eyes. He would have mistaken you for a marble statue if you weren't moving, propping a hand under your head, and turning your head his way.
"Are we going to use that condom or what?"
This is what he's been waiting for but he wouldn't mind if you changed your mind, he would love to just lie next to you and stare at your face all night.
But Hyunjin simply can't resist feeling the softness of your skin under his fingertips and the way you whimper under the faintest of his touch. Oh, he's in too deep!
"I'm afraid you have to make me wet again," you playfully say as you lay back on the sofa facing up.
"That wouldn't be a problem," he says, planting his mouth on your stomach and blowing air on it.
You laugh at how tickling it is and put your hand over your head, "My dad used to do that when I was a kid. Oh no, you make me think of my dad," you croon.
It's a good thing that Hyunjin knows how to take your mind off things, he puts his mouth on your cunt and wets it with his slick tongue.
Your hand reaches for his head and you pull him, making him hover above you so you can kiss him. He can feel you licking your essence off his lips then mix it all up in a deep kiss.
You spread your legs open and wrap them around his dainty waist, drawing him closer and closer until there's not even an inch left between your bodies.
Before Hyunjin forgets, he reluctantly breaks the kiss and props his elbow against the sofa.
"Wait a minute," he says.
"You make me wait again," you complain with an adorable pout.
He softly laughs then rips the foil packet with his teeth and carefully takes the rubber out.
"Need my help?" You offer with a soft scratch on his head.
Hyunjin doesn't answer but sits on the sofa, putting all of his focus on rolling the rubber down his length and pinching the end to make a little space.
He settles himself between your legs as you put them on each side of his waist. He doesn't hesitate to insert his fingers inside you again, feeling you clenching as he curls them inside
"Fuck..." he lowly hisses.
He pulls his fingers out only to see they're coated with your essence, he puts them in his mouth next, licking them clean.
"Do you think you can take me?" He asks with a hand that runs down the valley of your breasts.
You're slyly smiling and nodding at his words with a finger tugged between your teeth.
He uses the tip of his cock to tease your clit, "But you're so little," he says.
You prop your elbows against the sofa and reach for his cock, repeatedly rubbing it down your folds to lubricate it with your wetness, then slowly, you push it inside you.
You lean back down as you calmly mutter, "You can do the rest."
It's only the tip but Hyunjin already feels like he's about to lose it. He grips your thighs as he slides in the remaining length, little by little with his eyes intently watching his cock disappear into you.
"Oh, my God! Yes..." you breathlessly moan.
He glances up and sees you touching yourself with your eyes closed, seeing you enjoying yourself reminds him that he should be enjoying it too.
Don't think too much, he reminds himself.
He pushes in until his cock is buried inside your tight, warm walls. He has to take a moment just to try to calm down. He lets his body hover above you with a hand propped next to your head to not put his whole weight on you. He can't seem to gain any of his senses back.
Suddenly, he feels a finger pressing on his forehead, then he hears your laugh.
"You have this crease on your forehead," you tell him, dropping your hands around his neck to pull him close.
He lets out a shy laugh and hides his head in your neck, "It's just— you just feel so good," he mutters.
The two of you stay like that for a moment until Hyunjin is sure that he has some self-control in him to continue. He looks at you, slowly lowering his mouth on yours as he starts moving his hips.
It's not the first sex he's having but it's the first time Hyunjin doesn't think about his own pleasure. He wants to make you feel good, more importantly, he wants to make this special.
His thrusts are slow and steady yet they're enough to make you a moaning mess under him. You're whimpering against his lips, your hands are clawing at his back and your legs are locked around him.
At times, he wants to follow his greed, having all of you at once but he reminds himself that you're not just some girl, you're the girl. You're the girl he likes and adores, you're the girl that he believes is more than just one of his passing fancy.
He knows you've just climaxed for the second time just now from the way your walls tightening around him. He immediately slows down, giving you a moment to relish the immense pleasure.
"I'm cumming," you breathlessly inform a little too late.
"I know" He murmurs, then presses a kiss on your lips.
You eagerly return his kiss with your hand taking a fistful of the hair on the back of his head, a kiss that turns into a slow, sensual making out in the middle of sex.
You gasp for air when you let go of the kiss with your eyes still closed and he uses the opportunity to remove the strands of hair covering your face, putting them to the side and holding them there.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that," he mutters with a low sigh.
When you open your eyes, you catch him staring at you and smile, "What? Lose your virginity?"
Hyunjin cracks a laugh and softly caresses your cheek, "Yeah, that."
"Let's switch positions," you say, not waiting for his approval to turn over without pulling out of him.
With you on top of him, Hyunjin can see all of you, the shape of your body against the soft moonlight and the eyes that looking down on him, full of glint, lustful, and alive.
Never in the times he thought of you, you would be on top of him and slowly rocking your hips back and forth, feeling his full length inside you.
"Oh..." His moan is quivering.
You maliciously smile knowing what you're doing to him and now, rolling your hips in slow, circular motions.
Hyunjin's hand immediately grips your waist to stop you because he knows if you keep doing it, he won't last long.
"Give me a moment," he tells you with a suppressed grunt.
You take the hand resting on your waist, exploring your body with it, and let him feel you. You run his hand down your chest and cup your breast, letting him knead on it.
You let your hand and let his hand continue its exploration while you lowly moan as he caresses your body with his knuckle.
"Gosh, you're so beautiful," he sighs in disbelief.
Hyunjin can't wrap his head around the fact that not only he can see it, but he can touch and feel it too. He brings his hand to your face and sighs again, "So beautiful."
You lay your hands on his chest and hover above him as he asks, "Let's continue, mmh?"
Not sure if that was a rhetorical question but Hyunjin can only prepare himself for what's coming. You move at a steady pace, making him drown in pleasure and he feels the need to do the same so he uses his thumb to gently circling on your clit.
You keep clenching and unclenching around him and it does nothing but give him the utmost pleasure, he can feel that his release is only a minute away. You pause for a second to plant both of your feet on the sofa to give him more depth and ultimately, more pleasure.
Hyunjin isn't ready for it but seeing the way his cock slips in and out of you is hypnotic, he can't seem to do anything but let the pleasure pull him under.
He blanks out for a moment as waves of pleasure wash over him and finds himself overwhelmed, running out of breath.
You kiss his open mouth and giggle, "Are you okay?"
Can't believe how you casually asked him that when you've just made him cum and it's the best one he ever had. Maybe it's the sex, maybe you're too good at it but he believes it's because he's doing it with you.
He roughly brushes his hair to the back and sighs, "Fuck... That was so good."
Even though he's still catching his breath, he puts his arms around you and draws you close, pulling you for another kiss. He breaks the kiss but keeps your head close to him.
"I can tick it off of my bucket list now," he playfully says, sending you collapsing on top of him, laughing.
Hyunjin comes back from the bathroom to find you in the pantry dressed in his sweater with your black tights on. He sees you taking the leftover pizza out of the microwave and start munching on it.
He sits on the stool and takes the other slice of pizza from the plate, then tilts his head to the side, watching you eating as he takes a bite of his pizza.
Aware of the stare, you're smiling as you chew on your food. You turn away to grab a new can of soda from the fridge and pop it open.
"Now that you've had sex with me, you can stop pestering me," you tell him.
Hyunjin takes the can of soda from your hand and takes a sip, "What if I want to keep clinging to you?"
"Just go..." you grumble, taking your canned soda back from his hand, "like... date someone your age."
Hyunjin hates it whenever you bring it up, not only about it but the way you make it sound like he's a snotty 12-year-old boy. He drops his half-eaten pizza on the plate and leans forward on the counter.
"That's a lame excuse," he says in disagreement.
"The age gap thing," he replies.
He stacks his hands on the counter and looks at you, "I'm of age, you're of age," he points out the only fact that matters here.
Hyunjin snatches the can of soda from you again, "I'm hot, you're hot," he lays out another common thing you both shared.
You giggle at that and wipe your hand on a napkin.
"And the sex was great," Hyunjin adds with a lopsided grin.
You raise an eyebrow at him, doubting his remark.
"I know you liked it," he confidently says, finishing the can of soda oda and wiping his mouth after.
He gets off his stool to get another can of soda from the fridge and leans against it as he opens it, "And you obviously know I like you," he lists another one.
Hyunjin calmly sips his drink before coming up to you, standing right close to you as he makes a conclusion out of the list of things that are true between you and him.
"And despite that, I keep annoying you, I know you like me too," he makes a bold statement, ignoring his heart that is pitter-pattering inside him.
The fact that you have nothing to say to that only means it's also true. Despite the way you act annoyed whenever he flirts or teases you, you like him but sure, yeah, not as much as he likes you.
But you like him.
Hyunjin rests his elbow against the counter and looks at you, his eyes crinkling under the fluorescent lights.
"So tell me," he says, "What stopping us from dating each other?"
It's your turn to steal his soda now, taking a long gulp with your eyes locked in a gaze with him. He senses that you have the answer but is reluctant to say it to him and you don't have to, he knows enough from working with you for a few months now.
Hyunjin thinks he knows the reason why.
"My sweater looks good on you," he compliments.
He gets on his feet to stand behind you, wrapping his arms around you, not wanting to think, he just wants to kiss you and exist in this moment with you.
So he does, he crashes his lips against yours and kisses you with all of his heart, even though they won't be enough to change your mind.
"But what's underneath is better, of course," he mutters against your lips as he slips his hands under the sweater, fondling your breasts as he continues kissing you.
The sound of the landline phone ringing echoes through the halls and reaches Hyunjin's ear. He groans because he gets interrupted for the second time, not when his hands are busy getting under your sweater.
You abruptly stop kissing him and gasp, "It must be the Professor!"
You gently push him away and dash to your desk, Hyunjin unconsciously following you there, watching you take a deep breath before picking up the phone.
"Yes, Professor?" You confirm your guess.
"Hyunjin?" You glance at him, signaling that Seungmin asks for him.
He presses his ear close to the phone to hear glimpses of the conversation.
"He didn't pick up the phone because he's in the bathroom," you cover for him.
Fuck. His phone is in his jeans and it's lying around on the sofa in the pantry, that's why he couldn't hear him calling.
"Yes, yes," you nodding along as you speak, "I'll tell him that."
You slowly turn around to face Hyunjin after hanging up the phone, he can see the slight panic on your face.
"What?" He curiously asks.
"He's on his way here," you answer.
"Professor Seungmin?"
You nod.
"Oh, fuck!" Hyunjin curses, feeling a mix of things but mostly in disbelief that he still decides to come when he could have spent the night with the missus.
"We have uh..." you fumble check the time, "like... half an hour?"
Hyunjin refuses to believe that his sweet dream should end this way. He follows you as you walk back to the pantry.
"Okay then... we still have time for another round of sex," he jokes.
"No..." you grumble.
You pick up his jeans and toss them at him, "We have to start cleaning up!"
Hyunjin puts on his jeans and almost trips on them as he does it in a hurry, "What do you want me to do?" He asks.
You're putting on your skirt as you talk, "You do the main lab and he–" you pause to zip your skirt before continuing, "he wants you to send the system status."
He almost malfunctioned looking at you taking off the sweater next, forgetting what he's about to say to you.
"What are you waiting for?" You ask, perplexed.
"Let me just—" he quickly puts on his t-shirt and brushes his hair to the back.
Even after that, Hyunjin stays there and watches you putting on your bra, swiftly clasping the straps together without looking.
"Hyunjin!" You call him while tossing his sweater back at him.
That works to snap him out of it, getting him moving and realizing that he needs to remove any signs of fun around the place.
However, Hyunjin still needs one more thing. He comes up to you and without thinking, presses a long kiss on you. The kiss certainly takes you by surprise that you can only look at him when he pulls away.
"I'm going now," he breaks into a run before you can complain.
When Hyunjin arrives at his desk and encounters a serious problem, he knows that his sweet moment has finally come to an end.
The sheen of sweat is apparent on your forehead, you scoop some water and splash it right onto your face. You fix your hair, tuck your blouse inside your skirt and not forgetting to spray some perfume. You do anything to get rid of any evidence that you’ve just had sex with your co-worker.
You do a final lap and make sure there’s not a single trace of fun that happened in this workplace a while ago and head to the main lab. You spray the place with a can of air freshener to remove the smell of weed that may still cling in the air.
Hyunjin’s head turns in your direction, “We have a problem!”
The last thing you need to hear is there’s a problem and from the look on Hyunjin’s face, you can tell that it’s serious. You sigh and take a stand next to him, “What?”
He types fast on his keyboard and shows you a chart, “He was off the map,” he says.
With your head already filled with worries, you find it hard to focus on it, “What do you mean?”
“He went off the brain map. He was almost erasing the wrong memory,” he explains with his fingers touching his plush lips.
“Almost? That doesn’t mean it happened, right?” you ask with a quivering voice.
“The failsafe… it worked to stop him from going way off and led him back on the map,” he confirms yet he’s not looking so calm about it.
“Then what is the problem?” you meekly ask, knowing that it’s going to be time to dread.
Hyunjin glances at you and pinches his lower lip before speaking, “You know we have to tell Professor about this right?”
“Oh, fuck!” The profanity automatically falls out of your mouth.
Surely, you have the option to not tell him and act like nothing happened but Seungmin would know. He would most likely check it himself and eventually finds out, there’s no way out of this but come clean to him that you both fucked up.
“Oh… fuck…” You meekly curse with your hand massaging your temple.
Now you know how serious it is that your head starts to spin and you get groggy, you blame it on the alcohol and the recreational drug mixed with anxiety, making you suddenly feel sick. If Hyunjin wasn’t there holding your hand, you would have broken down onto the floor.
“It’s okay. We’ll just tell him it happened so quickly that we didn’t notice but the failsafe worked, the procedure is almost done anyway,” Hyunjin resolves, trying to comfort you.
His phone is vibrating on the desk and he goes to check it, reading a text from someone, “Tim said Professor has just come through the gate.”
All of a sudden, you wish you could have smoked that one rolled joint from Hyunjin’s tin can, it would really helped you relax., you run to your desk and put your lab coat on. Seungmin could come any minute now and you check your appearance for one last time, then rummaging inside your bag to put a fresh coat of lipstick and pop two mints into your mouth.
The sounds of the elevator chimes open make your heart drop and you tell yourself that it’s time to put an act. You smack your lips together and turn around on your feet, ready to greet him.
“Good evening, Professor!” You cheerily greet which only makes it seem even more suspicious.
Aware that you’re smiling too enthusiastically, you quickly tone it down a little and clasp your hands together in front of you, letting him know you’re at his service.
As usual, Seungmin avoids looking into your eyes, he swings his briefcase and takes off his coat, putting it down on your desk, “What’s the update?”
Even though you know he’d ask that very question it still catches you off guard, your hands are flailing as you take his briefcase and coat in your hands.
“Uh… they uh… they’re on their ninth and progressing,” you stammer.
Seungmin doesn’t waste time to check it himself, you decide to put his things in his office first and join everyone in the main lab after. You have to go back to retrieve your notebook, in case Seungmin wants you to do something.
As expected, he’s checking everything himself, and from the look of Hyunjin’s face, he told Seungmin about it already.
“I checked everything and nothing else shows up, it’s only that one… I-I’m sorry, Professor, I left for a moment and not…” Hyunjin is babbling, trying to explain himself.
However, Seungmin seems to not hear him, he’s too busy checking everything himself. It would have been great if he scolds any of you but no, he stays quiet with his jaws all clenched and it looks hot on him but gosh, it only makes you more nervous.
Hyunjin throws a glance at you and you take it that he needs you to back him up but the problem is something feels caught in your throat, not allowing you to speak out. You repeatedly gulp air to muster up the courage to open your mouth and
“Hyunjin, I want you to check the log system!” Seungmin orders without looking away from the computer screen.
Hyunjin awkwardly gets up from his chair and scratches his head, “In the server room or…?”
Seungmin turns his head to the side, sharply glancing his way, “As soon as possible,” he says.
Even though Seungmin is not answering his question, Hyunjin immediately scrambles to get his laptop and hugs it close to his chest, “Copy that!”
He heads for the door when Seungmin calls his name again and you exchange a glance with him right before he turns around, “Yes, Professor?”
“Don’t miss out on any details!” Seungmin warns him with an icy glare.
Even if it’s not aimed toward you is already enough to send a shudder down your spine. Feeling bad for not being able to defend Hyunjin, you chase after him as he leaves for the server room in the lower level and grab his elbow, “Hey...”
In response to your sad call, he softly smiles and takes your hand to squeeze it, “I’ll be downstairs. No need to worry,” he says with a playful laugh.
You scoff and reach for the collar of his sweater, fixing it for him, “Okay.”
“Can you tame the beast while I’m away though?” he jokingly asks while keeping his voice low, afraid that Seungmin would hear it.
You doubt you can do that but you stifle a nod, “I’ll try.”
One thing you learned from working as his assistant for three years is that when Seungmin is mad, it's better to give him space.
You let him work in the main lab by himself, he'd call for you when he needed you which is a rare thing, and he's doing fine by himself most of the time.
However, you know that you and Hyunjin's recklessness has caused this therefore, you have to try to ease him up and most importantly, apologize.
Watching through the window in the pantry, you see that Seungmin is leaving the main lab and he's most likely going to his office.
You were planning to make a cup of tea for yourself in the hope of helping you sober up but then it seems like a good idea to make one for Seungmin too. who knows a nice cup of tea would help to relax him?
You keep retreating with a tray in your hands, having second thoughts about the tea but you remind yourself that it's not fair that Hyunjin has been taking all the blame himself and you should take responsibility too.
Three knocks on his door and you let yourself in, "I made you a cup of tea, Professor," you quietly mutter, almost inaudible.
You have been looking down at the floor but the absence of his answer makes your eyes wander, he only turns the light on this desk and keeps the rest of the room dark.
Through the faint moonlight that shines through the blinds, you see Seungmin's silhouette, the tall figure and wide shoulders. His hands are busy untying his tie open and pulls it around the collar of his shirt.
You have to actively tell your brain to start talking and not just stand there, staring at him.
"Professor, I'd like to apologize for being so careless and putting the test subject at risk," your throat is so clogged up that you find it hard to say those words.
Seungmin doesn't say anything but gets to the coat hanger, putting his suit jacket on there.
"Why? You're not the one operating the machine," he calmly says.
It's like walking on thin ice, one wrong step and you're done. So you choose your next word carefully or else, you'll be drowning in his icy glares.
"Because I was here when it happened and I should've alerted Hyunjin about it," you tell him, taking over the blame from Hyunjin.
Seungmin's head snaps in your direction yet he remains standing there, rolling the sleeves of his shirt to his elbow.
"Do you understand how important this test is?" He asks, his voice is calm yet sharp.
At this point, you just have to follow his words if you want to make it out alive so you meekly nod, "Yes, Professor."
He then goes around the desk, leaning against the desk, and crosses his arms in front of him, "Do you want me to fail?"
You strongly deny with a head shake, "No, Professor."
You look at him even though you can't see much in this dim light, "I know that I disappointed you but it was never my intention to make you fail," you earnestly tell him.
It's kind of offending that he makes it sound like you tried to sabotage him when in fact, you were neglecting your work to fool around with your colleague but you can't tell him that, right? Well, fuck.
Seungmin suddenly lets out a snarky laugh, "You see, the whole world wants me to fail," he says.
You take a step closer to let him see that you mean every word you say, "I don't want you to fail, Professor. I do."
"And why's that?" He asks, sounding a little weary.
Except for the desk lamp that casts a backlight behind him, it seems like Seungmin finds comfort in the dark that lingers in the room so that he can drop his facade and become a man who simply seeks validation from someone.
"Because you're great, Professor," you reply without wavering.
"Your brilliance is just... I don't think I ever met a man who is not just good but also passionate about his works," your words fell apart in the middle because it's never easy to try to fathom your thoughts into words.
"You're amazing, inspiring..." and you don't care if that sounds phony or cliché, you want him to know that.
It's like your body is attracted to him, your feet unknowingly take you another step closer to him and your hand rests on his arm.
"And if only you could see yourself the way I see you, it'd blow your mind," you tell him.
This time, Seungmin holds the gaze longer than a second and it intensifies into a stare that sees right through you and you let him, you let him see the respect you have for him and your pure admiration.
And it's too late to hide those feelings that stem from all that, so you let him see them too.
You break away the eye contact and fumble to recover, "Professor, I—"
Then he reaches for your face, turning your head to make you look into his eyes again, and weirdly, you feel like you already have a home in them.
The next thing you know, your lips are on his lips and you don't care whoever leaning in first, all you can feel is how warm and welcoming his kiss is, it almost feels like coming home.
However, in the next moment, you realize how wrong this is and abruptly stop kissing him. You immediately retreat until the back of your legs hit the sofa.
"I'm sorry, Professor, that was so..."
Wrong? But that didn't feel wrong, it feels right and if anything, it confirms your feelings are true for him.
"I love you, Professor," you blurt out yet letting them out feels relieving like a ton of weight gets off your chest at once.
"In fact, I've loved you for years now," you continue, ignoring how pathetic you spun saying that.
Then you plop down on the sofa and plant your face in your hands, realizing the damage you've done.
"Oh, my God..." You take a shaky breath through your mouth as tears pooling in your eyes.
"I shouldn't have said that," you mutter with the guilt gathering in the pit of your stomach and making you feel sick inside.
There's no turning back now and all you can do is face the consequences, it means losing the job and losing him forever. You feel pathetic for feeling the saddest for the latter.
Seungmin takes a seat next to you on the sofa and his hand holds your chin, gently turning your head his way. You feel so exposed as he looks at your tears-streaked face and how pathetic you look right now.
And you're ready to hear him saying that the two of you can't do this, that he has a wife and this is wrong but instead, you see fondness in his eyes as he tenderly wipes your tears with his knuckle and puts your hair to the side. He holds your face with both hands like you're a fragile object that needs extra care.
You finally find the reason why he kept avoiding your eyes and that's because he feels the same for you, he gets lost in each other's eyes and knows what it would do when that happens.
It's what happening now and it's getting out of control yet none of your hands are going for the steering wheel, you both let it happen, and you let your lips collide in an explosive kiss.
Seungmin kisses you hard and deep like he's been wanting to do that for a long time. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close and tight like he's never letting go. And... oh, the way a heavy sigh slips out of his mouth between kisses only tells you that he wants it just as much as you.
"Call my name," he suddenly mutters against your lips.
He then puts his thumb over your lips, stopping you from calling him by his title.
"Call my name," he says again then swipes his thumb across your lips.
"Seungmin..." you breathlessly say.
It's the first time you call him by his first name yet it doesn't feel foreign in your mouth, it's a simple thing yet it brings him a lot closer to you.
He hastily presses a kiss on your lips, then rests his forehead against yours as he says, "Say it again."
You softly smile with your eyes closed and say his name again, "Seungmin..."
Seungmin smiles hearing you calling his name and it's the first smile you've seen on him in a long time, it's nice and endearing, but what makes you happy is knowing that you're the one who made him smile.
Without warning, Seungmin crashes his lips on yours again, harder and deeper. He holds your body closer and tighter, not letting you go, and oh... you don't care that you'll end up in flames, it hurts so good.
It takes him almost an hour to extract data in the server room and he gets used to the constant whirring of the machinery in there.
When Hyunjin gets out of the room, he is greeted by the eerie quiet of the empty building. The elevator is already on stand-by when he pushes the button up, he gets in right away while hugging his laptop close to his chest.
He pushes the floor number on the panel and waits for the doors to close when suddenly, the doors slide open again.
Hyunjin reckons it's the security taking another lap around the building to make—
His eyes widen when he sees that it's the least person he expects to ride an elevator at four in the morning with. He recognizes her from the expensive bag and the towering heels she's wearing when she has no one to impress.
"Mrs. Kim?!" He awkwardly greets, failing to hide the perplexity in his voice.
"Take me to him," she says, keeping her head straight as she speaks.
There's nothing to see here except that she'll find Seungmin working hard in his lab but Hyunjin also can't help himself thinking, what if...
He anxiously picks at the lint on his sweater the whole elevator and hopes that none of you are anywhere near each other.
The second the elevator doors are open, Hyunjin slips out ahead of her and hurriedly guides her toward the main lab.
"Professor has been working hard in the lab. Please, this way," he says, showing her the way as he walks two steps ahead of her.
But of course, Mrs. Kim is not one to fool, she notices that the light in Seungmin's office is on and decides to check it.
"He's not in his office, he's in the main lab observing the test," Hyunjin insists, trying to avert her attention away when he doesn't even know where the two of you are but his instinct tells him that it's right behind that door.
It's too late for Hyunjin to try to stop her somewhere as she pushes the door open, and lets it fly open.
Hyunjin slowly turns his head and sees his fear become reality. Seungmin is lying on top of you on the sofa with your hands all over each other, not just kissing, but passionately making out like two drunk lovers that they're not aware of people watching them.
"Working hard, huh?" Mrs. Kim says at Hyunjin, throwing daggers with her eyes.
It takes Hyunjin a moment to think of what he needs to do, he aggressively knocks on the door to snap both of you out of your lover's daze.
Seungmin breaks the kiss, he lifts his head toward the door and the moment he sees his wife, his eyes instantly dim like day turns to night.
Mrs. Kim stomps her heels against the floor and it's echoing in the hallway, Hyunjin gets out of the way as Seungmin runs out of his office to chase for his wife.
"Wait, wait, wait," Seungmin shouts as he keeps running after his wife to the elevator.
"I knew it, Seungmin," His wife says as she keeps aggressively punching the elevator button.
"I came here to work. This is a... uh..."
Even a genius such as Seungmin can be at a loss for words when he gets caught in this situation, Hyunjin reckons.
You come out of the office not long after with your hair disheveled and your eyes red like you've been crying, "Mrs. Kim, I'm so sorry, it's my fault, I kissed him first, I..." you run out of breath as you talk fit every word into one sentence.
Mrs. Kim walks past Seungmin and comes at you but maintain a safe space. She looks at you with disgust in her eyes and it goes on for a few seconds until she stops staring and claps her purse in front of her.
"You can have him," she says to you.
That gets you confused, and you blink your eyes unable to respond to that, "But Mrs. Kim... It wasn't my intention. I'm just a stupid girl with a stupid crush, I—"
"YOU ALREADY DID!" She raises her voice at you, making you smaller than her as you shrivel in front of her.
Seungmin grabs her by the elbow but that's not enough to stop her, at least, she calms down as she lets out a heavy sigh.
"You already did once and now you fucking did it again," she may have lowered her voice but it stings a lot more than the previous.
"Wh–What do you mean?" You ask her in genuine confusion while raking your hair to the back.
Mrs. Kim glances at Seungmin, hinting that it's his turn to speak, "Fucking tell her!" She says to him, yanking her hand away from him and entering the elevator.
Hyunjin is caught between you and Seungmin now, the tension is suffocating him but what is unbearable is seeing you hurt.
"Seungmin?" You meekly call him with your eyes glassy with tears.
"You wanted it," Seungmin says.
"What?" You ask in utter confusion.
"You begged me to do the procedure on you," He gives you the full answer.
You stagger to the back and hold the edge of your desk to steady yourself, "What did I–I do?" You stammer.
Seungmin looks at you then towards the elevator, he puts himself in this position where he has to choose between you and his wife.
"Seungmin," You desperately call his name again as your tears overflow your eyes and roll down your cheeks like waterfalls.
"Please..." you sadly beg.
But Seungmin knows better that you're asking him more than just an answer, you want him to stay, you want him to choose you, not her.
Hyunjin watches as the scene unfolds into a gut-wrenching sight as Seungmin makes a final decision, he goes for the elevator and leaves you here, breaking down all alone.
"Are you... are you okay?" Hyunjin asks as he helps you get up from the floor.
What is okay about this? He chooses her and not you.
No matter how much you expected this, you can't escape the pain of knowing that he left you after what you both shared a while ago.
What is okay about finding out he's been hiding something from you?
You need to know what she meant when she said you already have him once and you get a hunch that it has something to do with the locked files. It's just been there, speaking out to you, telling you to open it.
"Let's get you a glass of water," Hyunjin says, putting his hand on your back to get you to the pantry but you turn away.
You barge into Seungmin's face and search for his access key, you spill out the content of his briefcase for it and find it tucked in his wallet.
Hyunjin is about to enter the office when you run out carrying the access key with you to the main lab. With your eyes blurry with tears, you access the locked file on the computer and scan the access key to unlock it.
There are files, the same ones a test subject took whenever they get chosen for a test and you open the profile to find yourself on it.
Your heart sinks and it's bringing you down with it, you open the file one after another and your name is written all over it as test subject number 3.
Hyunjin takes your hand away from the computer to stop you from digging further into it but he's too late, you have pressed the play button on a video interview of you and you're dressed in a patient gown.
Then a voice asks, "So... tell me what you remember."
SEUNGMIN: So, tell me what you remember.
YOU: [Exhales] We met at a lecture before and I am aware of how important you are, how smart, how respectable you are and I wanted to work with you, and I... I liked you immediately at the job interview.
YOU: A month into the job, I discovered that you're so mature and you're just so... nice. I admire you so much [inhales] I was– I get so tongue-tied around you when all I wanted is for you to think that I am smart [sadly chuckles]
YOU: Oh, Seungmin, I can't do this [sniffles] how can I do this? [Covers face with hands]
SEUNGMIN: It's for the best. You know that.
YOU: Yeah, I know [sniffles]
YOU: [Takes a deep breath] Remember that day when our hands accidentally brushed and we both felt that surge of electricity? You explained that when an atom has protons and electrons in odd numbers, electrons get excited. Then you said... it was you who was excited and in that moment, I just knew, I knew something was going to happen, something wonderful [smiles]
YOU: We took that trip to the beach at midnight and got there when it was time for sunrise, you got mad because I made your slacks drenched in seawater but that day I saw the biggest smile on your face [wipes tears]
YOU: You got this idea that we should live in one of those beach houses so we can watch the sunrise together... [sighs] The next month, you rented one and we went there every Saturday.
YOU: My life only existed every Saturday when I spent the early hours watching the sun rise in your arms in that beach house... [lets out a sob]
YOU: Gosh, we were so happy... we were so happy, Seungmin [sadly smiles]
You can't recall those memories in your head but you feel the ache in your chest, you can feel tears begin clogging your throat and it burns the longer you keep it down.
The interview is 98 minutes long and you're only on the first fifteen minutes, you're clutching at your chest as you hit the fast-forward button to the last five minutes of the video.
YOU: ...said it's for the best, you offer me to get a procedure done because it's the only way we can get past this [sniffles]
SEUNGMIN: It's the only way. No one will get hurt this way.
YOU: [Nods] I know.
You roughly wipe the tears on your cheek with the heels of your hands, then rewind the video a few minutes back to find out the reason that led you to do the procedure with
YOU: It's so hard [cries into hands]
SEUNGMIN: You can do this.
YOU: That day... that morning, I noticed the symptoms, and I don't know [rubs temples] I think I got too excited and hastily decided to tell you that I'm pregnant. I know I should've confirmed it first but I was just so enthused to tell you we might have a child together, our child, our future... [looks up in tears] There's nothing I wanted more than having a future with you.
YOU: [sobs] [rubs chest]
YOU: I took a test in the afternoon and turned out, I wasn't pregnant, it was... [sniffles] it was a false alarm but you, Seungmin, you were already far gone...
YOU: [choked sobs]
YOU: That's when I realized that I want a man who doesn't want the same thing as me [sobs louder] I was so wrong, I was so wrong to think that I can have it all...
YOU: [Wipes tears with hands] I want what you can't give. I want what I can't have in the first place.
YOU: I want you and it hurts living with that truth [clutches chest]
YOU: The most hurtful thing is I still want you... even to this very second.
The sound of your own voice from the video blurs into a background noise as you feel the tightness in your chest and it keeps tightening, making it hard for you to breathe.
Your hand is clutching your chest, hitting at it to help you breathe but it does the opposite, you feel hurt instead.
Tears are dropping onto your hand and the surface of the desk, then you see the access key lying there next to your hand.
You take it, pull out the Polaroid, and turn it over to see that it's a photo of you resting your head on Seungmin's chest and you both smile at the camera, frozen in time.
What you said is true, you and Seungmin were so happy like two people in love.
No matter how many memories you erase, if two people are drawn to each other, there is little that can be done to stop that.
Even though you can't remember those memories, you somehow remember how they feel and they're real. You choke on a sob and fall onto the floor, crying into your hands.
You see, remembering is easy but it also hurts so much.
"I can finish this myself," Professor Song says, her red lipstick in contrast to the plain white decor of the lab.
"Are you sure, Professor?" You ask, holding your notebook close to your chest as you watch her perform a dissection on a blue crayfish.
"Yes," she replies as she picks up an iris scissor.
"It's Friday night, a young girl like you should be leaving the office early," she says, turning her head to the side to flash you a smile.
It's been months and you still haven't used to this treatment, not that it's bad, she's nice, almost maternal but most of the time, she feels like a friend that you can comfortably talk to.
"I don't have anywhere to go, Professor," you say with an embarrassed laugh.
"Why not? Get out there, have a few drinks, and flirt with a handsome fella or two," she says, carefully cutting the tail with a cartilage knife.
Scientists are all the same, they work better when they're given the time and space. You have got permission to leave anyway so why should you stay and be a nuisance?
"Is there anything else you want to do then, Professor?" You ask.
She stops bending down and looks at you, "Yes. I want you to send an email to Dr. Lee. Ask him if he has sent the specimens I requested," she orders.
You jot it down quickly in your notebook, "Anything else?"
"No. That's it," she says.
You put your pen back in your lab coat pocket and clasp your hands together in front of you, "Well then, Professor, I'm off to flirt with a handsome fella or two," you poke fun at her.
She hovers to the other table to get a new set of dissection kits, "But remember, only take one home," she warns you.
You chuckle at that and bid your farewell, "Have a great night, Professor!"
"You too, darling!" She says in response.
You return to your desk to do Professor Song's last order of the day and as usual, the girls in the next cubicle are talking about everything they're reading on the internet to pass the time until it's time to clock out.
One of them notices your arrival and knocks on the wall of your cubicle, "Hey, someone came and looking for you," she says.
You stop taking off your lab coat and put it back on, "Yeah. Who?"
"He didn't tell me his name but he's really cute," she answers with a sly smile dancing on her face as if she's amused by her own thoughts.
"Thank you for letting me know," you mutter to her.
From the way she got swooned by the brief meeting, you kind of guess who it is and you'd be devastated if it wasn't him.
Your co-worker pops out of her cubicle again, "Oh and he said he'll be waiting by the aquarium," she adds.
"Okay. Thanks," you mutter your gratitude.
You focus on the task in your hands first, writing an email per Professor Song's request, and leave the second you get the notification that the email has been successfully sent.
The natural history museum you're working in has one floor specialized in sea life and that's the division you're a part of, the aquarium is right below your office.
You skip riding the elevator knowing they'll be crowded with people leaving from work and opt for the emergency stairs. Your heart is racing because what if your guess is wrong?
But also... what if it's right?
The aquarium tends to be dark and the only source of lights are coming from the tanks. You search through the place, among the visitors to find one who has been waiting for you.
And you find him standing by a tank full of seahorses.
Hyunjin looks the same. He's still dressed in oversized clothing and ripped jeans, he still misses his month haircut, except that now, he painted his nails black.
The bluish light of the aquarium casts a glow on his face and he looks so mesmerized by it, quietly observing it with his hands buried in the pockets of his jeans.
You quietly stand next to him, also shoving your hands in your lab coat pockets.
"Do you know that seahorses mate for life?" You utter a random fact to him.
Hyunjin softly chuckles and keeps looking at how the seahorses tangled their tails together to avoid losing each other when they travel.
"I kind of jealous of them," he says.
"Yeah? Why?" You ask.
"Imagine you're a seahorse and one day, you meet another seahorse, you get together and it just... works out," he answers.
"Well, yeah, too bad that you're a tall, sexy computer genius and not a seahorse," you jokingly say.
Hyunjin turns his head at you and your eyes meet, you both burst into laughter almost at the same time. You come to him and throw your arms around him for a quick hug.
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"
He holds your hand by the fingers as he speaks, "I didn't– I didn't want to disturb you, you seem busy and all," he answers.
"That didn't stop you from pestering me before," you joke.
Hyunjin takes a moment to look at you, probably making sure that you've been recovering well from that day.
"Wow!" He clicks his tongue as he checks you out.
You suddenly get flustered, "What?"
"I can't believe that I love seeing you in a lab coat," he replies.
It feels good to reunite with him even though looking at him reminds you of that night when everything fell apart. How you said unkind things to him, how you left that night and never returned. You were too embarrassed to call or even text him, you were so mean to him when he didn't deserve any of it.
"Are you busy now?" He asks.
You shake your head, "No, I was actually about to leave."
"Okay, great," he enthusiastically says.
Hyunjin is standing on his tiptoes as he asks you, "Do you want to get dinner with me?"
He must be so used to your rejection and probably think you'd reject him for the umpteenth time. This time it's different, you nod and accept his offer right away, "My treat."
You check the time and it's a little after five which means you're eligible to leave your duty.
"I'm going to get my things and we'll meet in the lobby?"
"Yeah, sure," he replies with a grin.
"See you in five!"
As you're about to leave, you remember something and turn around to look at him. You take something out of your lab coat pocket.
"You can have it while you wait," you playfully say, putting
takes a lollipop out of your lab coat pocket and hands it to him,
The dinner went well, you caught up on so many things and Hyunjin was being careful the whole time by avoiding talking about the lab or Seungmin.
The night continues with him treating you with coffee since you paid for dinner. With the coffee shop is crowded, you decide to wait outside next to a newsstand and there you see him, Seungmin.
Seungmin is on the cover of every magazine there is, talking about his success in building a memory-erasing machine. It's either that or the news that he's expecting a child with his wife who would eventually become the heir of her parents' pharmaceutical empire.
You feel happy for him, genuinely happy to know that, at least, one of you is happy.
"Here you go," Hyunjin hands you one of the coffee cups he's holding.
You look away and take the coffee cup from him, "Thank you."
The night is warm so you both decide to take a walk in the park, trying to digest the dinner you both had. You stop by a bench look over the fountain and sit there.
"So you're working with fish now, huh?" Hyunjin says.
"Not fish. It's sea life," you correct him with a dramatic eye roll.
It's amazing that he can finish his iced coffee so fast, leaving only the ice cubes on the bottom of the cup. He puts the empty cup away and leans back on the bench.
"How about you?" You ask.
Hyunjin gulps air, probably hesitating to talk about how he still works for Seungmin. You put your hand on his knee and say, "You know you can stop being careful around me."
He looks at you, making sure that you're okay with it, "Well, we've been working hard on the production of two new machines," he says.
Everything seems to be going as Seungmin planned and as someone who was once part of it, you're proud of what they have achieved.
He grabs your hand resting on his knee and squeezes it, "Are you okay?"
You gave yourself enough time to wail over everything and even though, you haven't fully recovered, you don't intend to waste any of your time on it.
So to answer his question, you can confidently answer, "I'm okay."
He nods and rubs the back of your hand with his thumb, "You still don't remember any of it?"
You shake your head, "No."
If there's one good thing that comes out of it is that the machine worked wonders. You can't extract the memories you mentioned in the video interview but they do evoke certain feelings you didn't know you had.
Now you get why Professor Hale glanced at you when he said the MNE-Machine is a huge success.
"How about—" Hyunjin stops himself from continuing his question.
"My feelings?" You finish his question for him.
You look inside you for an answer, "Forgetting seems to only amplify the feeling of loss but by remembering the pain... it helps me keep moving," you tell him.
You look up at the night sky and inhale the summer air as you talk about the one thing you learn about all this.
"I'm trying to embrace the entirety of my experiences, the good and the bad, the joyous and the painful... I'm learning still," you end with a low sigh.
Hyunjin slips his fingers between your fingers and laces them together, "I think you're doing great," he says.
Another thing that you learn is that these experiences and memories, regardless of their emotional weight, shape our identities, guide our actions, and ultimately, make us human.
And you'll always remember Hyunjin as a kind and warm person, most of the memories you have of him are good ones.
"Hyunjin," you call his name.
"I'm so sorry for what I said that night," you sincerely apologize.
You remember how he tried to stop you from leaving, driving at dawn while crying and you shoved him hard, cursing at him and telling him to leave you alone.
"Hey, it's okay. I understand that you were so emotional that night and I would have too if I were you," he says.
Hyunjin is always so kind and understanding, you don't know how you failed to notice them before. Oh, well, it's because you were too busy putting all of your attention on the wrong guy.
He then puts his arm around your shoulder and mutters, "I'm glad you're okay," he says.
And in shared experiences like this, both the joys and the sorrows, are what bind the two of you together.
The walk to your apartment building is quite far from the bus stop but he's not complaining, he likes it and it means he gets to be with you longer.
"Did you find someone else to pester on?"
Hyunjin is busy wondering whether he should hold your hand or not when you suddenly ask him a question.
"The new assistant is a Star Trek fan and a math enthusiast, hard pass," he answers.
You laugh and grab his wrist to take him to cross the street and Hyunjin uses it as an opportunity to hold your hand. He senses your eyes on him as he confidently intertwines his hand with you and surprisingly, you're not letting go.
"How about Rina? You should ask her out," you recommend again.
Hyunjin rolls his eyes, "I told you, she's not my type."
"Then what is your type?"
"Older and prettier," he shortly answers.
You laugh and swing your clasped hand as you walk the street.
"It's a plus if she's great at sex," Hyunjin adds with an eyebrow raised.
You shake your head and laugh it off, your hand shoots in the direction of a building, "This is me," you say.
Hyunjin is not ready to part yet, he slows down his pace to buy him a minute or two. You let go of his hand to rummage inside your bag for your keys, it's jiggling when you get it out.
He stops at the base of steps that lead to the door of your house and waits as you unlock the door. There's another day and another chance to see you again, but... Gosh, he misses you so much, a few hours aren't enough to cure his longing.
You turn around to face him, walking down one step to be on the same eye level with him, "It's been great catching up with you," you tell him.
So this is it, this is the part where he has to say goodnight and see you again another day. Hyunjin inhales air and puts on a smile, "Thank you for the dinner."
"Thank you for the coffee," you say back.
"Thank you for the fact about the seahorses," he adds with a lopsided grin.
You chuckle and hold your hair from being blown by the summer breeze, you suddenly look him in the eyes as you say, "I can't believe that I'm about to say this."
That gets him curious, he gazes into your eyes and asks, "What?"
You press your lips together and smile, "I'm so happy to see you again," you tell him.
It's not just words, he can see it in your eyes and how they light up as you look at him.
If only you knew how long he's been waiting to see you again. Hyunjin waited because he knew meeting him would remind you of that painful night and that's the last thing he wanted: seeing you hurt.
"Are you going to just stare at me and not kiss me?" You say.
Is it selfish of him to say that despite the hurt, he still remembers the happy moments you both shared that night? He wishes you only remember that and now you said those same words from that night, he knows now you keep those in your memory too.
Hyunjin doesn't waste another second to put his lips on yours and while he pours all of his feelings into his kisses, he feels like his chest starts to fill up with hope in return.
Gosh, you still taste sweet and heavenly, he feels like his feet are floating off the ground as your kisses are taking him out of this world.
When you let go of the kiss, Hyunjin is still reeling from it.
"Do you want to come in?" You ask.
And in a second, Hyunjin finds himself back on earth, in this moment where you finally letting him in.
With all of his heart, Hyunjin answers, "Yes."
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dalivanmagritte · 11 months
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i wanna make you scream (smut, ghostface!au)
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