#and pouty and grabby for attention and praise
ghostlyfleur · 7 months
okay but steve harrington + shy! innocent! crybaby-ish reader where he is like play fighting with her and tickling her to the point where he’s pinned her down and she’s laughing so cute! but secretly, the weight of her boy on top of her and his hands all over her thighs and stomach, is making her rlly rlly wet 🥹
she’s like “steveee stop tickling me!” bc she can’t take it anymore and he does! but he also fully takes his weight off of her which makes her start huffing and whining for him to come back, grabby hands shooting out at him. steve is confused, ofc, like “honey i thought you wanted me to stop?” and she’s so embarrassed covering her face, squeezing her thighs and almost, if not, crying in frustration.
steve pulls her hands off her face to see her eyes, laying back down on her body when her legs spread open again, looking at her to explain further, but all she can do is whine that “it hurts s’bad stevie”.
he’s confused for a moment but then he glances down and her ridden-up oversized t-shirt reveals the wet spot forming on her panties. he presses a big kiss on his angel’s lips before cooing on her mouth, lightly touching her clothed cunt, “aw honey you wanted me to stop bc your lil pussy got all wet f’me, huh? is that what you were trying to say?”
to which she responds something like “wanted y’to stop ticklin’ me, not to stop touching me :,(“! steve finds his lovely girl so adorable, he makes sure to take good care of her afterwards, like always! maybe even mocking her just a bit from getting so turned on from a little tickling 🫠
holy shiiiiit — normal sized font below the cut
this is definitely soft dom!daddy!steve…
like he’s so doting and caring and careful and affectionate, always spoiling and praising his angel, being all playful and funny and silly like he always is— and the two are best friends, don’t get it twisted! they’re dating, but they’re still the best of friends… they banter and play fight and mock each other, share secrets and personal thoughts and feelings and they gossip together, play pranks on each other… all the good best friend things…
so they’re very close. very. loyal and devoted and completely obsessed with each other. as much as steve’s sweet girl loves to dote on him and take care of him, it’s more so her stevie’s self-assigned job to care for his baby.
and so steve buys her flowers, takes her on cute dates, is always looking out for her and can’t help his casual dominance, tying her shoes and carrying her places sometimes and brushing her hair and treating her like a little doll, his little doll. slowly acclimates her to what being in a relationship is like, he’s so so patient.
but he’s so hungry for her, it drives him insane how oblivious she is to the affect she has on him, how fucking adorable and clueless she is but also so very eager to please— because that’s all she wants, to be stevie’s good girl, to make him feel safe and loved and cared for, to make him feel good. but she gets greedy easily now… now that steve has ingrained in her mind that he truly wants her and loves her, that he’s all hers, that he wants to spoil her, marry her and make her his little wife, and spend his entire life with her!!!!!! her! his best friend! his person! they’re soulmates after all!!!!!!
her shyness stays, it’s just who she is (and steve finds it so fucking cute he has to constantly hold himself back from cooing at her all the time), but she’s just so horny for her stevie and doesn’t know how to say it ‘cause she’s so embarrassed and flustered and unsure and finds it hard to voice her needs and wants, so it manifests into tears. whenever she wants something from her stevie she gets all soft and small and pouty, grabbing at him and whining and holding his fingers to get his attention, and steve coos at her, can’t help it, his sweet angel girl so needy, and he always wants to give her the world, right? that’s his baby! she deserves to be spoiled! but her stevie is very clear in his rules— you have to speak up, tell him what you want, communicate. that’s very important to him.
and yeah, in theory his angel thinks it’s perfect, the communication and attention and how safe it makes her feel, but she physically can’t speak up when her stevie is making her feel all these sweet, intense, pretty feelings that she’s never felt before, even though she knows her stevie, her daddy, will always give her whatever she wants 😖 she just gets so pouty and teary-eyed and huffs and puffs, crossing her arms or stomping her foot like a spoiled brat until she’s so desperate bc her stevie is adamant she has to tell him what she wants before he does anything, that he’ll give her whatever she wants if she asks for it, that she whines and mumbles and asks him “pretty please, daddy” and steve is gone.
when her perfect, incredible, dreamy stevie is playing around with her, after she teases him or mocks him or they pretend-fight, or when they’re joking around, he’ll tickle her ‘cause she has the cutest little giggles, even though her laugh is kind of weird— sometimes loud, sometimes silent, sometimes she’ll fall down from laughing so hard. still, he loves it. it’s his favorite sound in the world, along with her little needy noises. it’s always different and funny and steve loves finding out what kind of laugh he’ll get out of his sweet girl that day, so he tickles. and if there’s one thing about his angel is that she loves using him as a weighted blanket, loves his weight on her, pressing her down and molding their bodies together, so that coupled with how his hands are all over her body, fingers gripping her and poking at her, his bulge rubbing against her, she gets needy. wet. very greedy. but if her stevie gets up or pulls away or sits back????? away from her????? she’ll turn into such a crybaby, like it’s the most insulting thing he could ever do, to pull away.
and steve knows. he knows how much she’s taken to steve being all over her, making her feel good, letting her explore and learn what they both like, being the only one to touch her and her him, but she still carries this air of innocence and softness and inexperience that drives him up the wall. the little looks she gives him and the shy smiles and the eagerness. she’ll be the horniest little minx, crawling up his lap and rubbing her cunt against his thigh, but will also hide her face and whimper and get all shy even if steve is balls deep inside her.
the duality of her never fails to disarm him completely. steve definitely tickles his angel sometimes when he wants to rile her up and get her needy for him— he thinks she’s clueless about it, but soon it turns into this thing where steve has pretty much conditioned her to turn into a needy little mess whenever he starts tickling her— she gets wet instantly now.
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chvnnie · 2 years
Omg, your latest Han ask had me simping. I'm a switch submissive but Han just brings out the dom in me like I just want to praise him, stroke his hair & call him a good boy, Lawd have mercy.
I feel like Han & Felix (but especially Han) & probably Hyunjin too would have a thing for calling their partners Mommy.
'Mommy, cum, please let me cum, I'll be such a good boy for you, pleeeeaasssee'
It's so 🥵
listen, i don’t have a mommy kink, but for jilix- (and low key, changbin, but that’s for another time)
also @lix-ables, our fav agenda
my brain immediately went to poly jilix. two sweet boys, lovingly needy, who are (mostly) so obedient.
the three of you are in bed on a stormy friday night, huddled close under the fluffy blankets and focused on some cheesy, b side horror movie. felix’s head is on your chest, counting your heartbeats while jisung is snuggled up by your head, placed perfectly to pepper kisses onto it occasionally.
it’s only natural that your hand rests of felix’s head, lightly scratching his head. like a kitten, he nudges your head, blissfully content with your touch. deep groans bubble at the bottom of his throat, slipping free when your scratches deepen. your touch always leaves him feeling loved, safe, floating on cloud nine.
jisung watches the way you attentively tend to felix, and although he tries to fight it, he can’t help but feel a bit envious. it’s silly, but he wants your attention too. he wants your hands on him, too. burying his head in your hair, jisung pushes his hips against your side with a whine. “mommy? touch me too, please?”
you can’t help but chuckle, free hand moving to run jisung’s thigh. it makes his hips buckle, growing length pushing into your ribs. “is my baby feeling needy?” you coo, turning your head to look at him.
and oh, how his wide eyes sparkle as he looks at you, slightly pouty but filled with warmth. you can feel said warmth in your bones, his need rubbing off on you. “so needy.” he says, sticking his bottom lip out. “just want mommy so bad.”
you’re always telling yourself you won’t give in, that you’ll make him work for it. but it’s so hard to resist him like this, everything in you screaming to make him feel good. when your hand slips down his sweatpants, his mouth is parting, then when you grip his cock firmly, a bit harder than necessary (just how he likes it), he’s moaning praises.
“thank you mommy. baby likes it, baby likes-“
“mommy?” a meek voice from the other side of you calls out, your gaze falling in his direction. felix is pouting, grabby hands pulling on your tank top. “can lixie have some, too?”
you playfully scoff, fond smile stretching across your face. “come here.”
he’s wiggling up the bed, head resting on your shoulder and humming when you start to fist his cock. felix likes it softer, but faster, grip light and sliding up and down with ease. eyes fluttering shut, the low groans finally break free. “feels so nice, mommy.”
your heart swells at the sight of them, open mouthed with a tranquil look on their faces. “my sweet, sweet boys.” you press your lips to felix’s head, then turn to peck jisung’s lips. “always so good for me, aren’t you?”
a “yes mommy” comes from felix while jisung just moans in agreement.
picking up the pace, you decide now is the perfect time to make them even more of putty in your hands.
“close?” when they both nod, your smile becomes a bit deviant. “keep it in for me, and you’ll get to pump mommy full.”
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katrinawritesthings · 6 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; Growing Up (Part 3/3); PG
“Okay, I got my perfume,” Jonghyun announces. He continues tapping the spray snow around his wrists and looks around expectantly. “Who wants to kiss me?”
Episode Nine Taemin is dealing with this whole crush thing better than he expected.
Like, he’s honestly kind of proud of himself for how he’s handling this. He doesn’t go out of his way to talk to Jonghyun, but doesn’t completely avoid him either. When Jonghyun tells him to do things he takes his time like he wouldn’t do whatever he asked in a heartbeat. When they do another affection test and Jonghyun winds up in first and he in second, he sits so close to Jonghyun that their sides press together but he keeps his arms wrapped firmly around his little stuffed animal pal. When Kibum is last to be picked and Jonghyun moves the last stuffed animal out of Yoogeun’s tiny reach, Taemin even mildly disapproves for a moment before he’s giggling at Jonghyun’s playfulness.
He’s doing good, very good, at managing his crush and not making it too obvious or dying on the inside every time Jonghyun so much as looks at him. The longer he spends knowing about it and dealing with it the better he gets. It’s a very comforting feeling, knowing that he has this under control. He feels like he might even get over the whole thing at some point soon. He’s fine. Things are going fine.
And then they’re at the mall and they wind up on a team together.
It’s a weird fucking feeling, to be bitter and also elated about something at the same time, but that’s the only way that Taemin can describe his emotions about this. When he pressed his shoulder up against Jonghyun’s before they went inside, that was his last controlled attempt at contact for the rest of this trip. Now they’re supposed to wander around the mall together for like half an hour and he’s supposed to just be okay with that and not melt or anything. Fuck.
At least he’s getting his wish from the other week, kind of. He’s is dying on the inside but at least he’s having a good time while it happens. The cameras aren’t exactly ideal but besides that, he was right--it’s just fun to hang out with Jonghyun and shop. He’s so touchy, so jokey, so endearing in his tiny movements and breathy laughs. Every time he tugs on Taemin’s wrist or laughs at his own jokes Taemin can physically feel himself falling harder and harder.
Eventually, they’ve picked out and bought a whole nice little outfit for Yoogeun, accessories included, and have one whole dollar left to get ice cream with. That’s a whole production on it’s own, but they’re finally given a tiny container and two spoons. Jonghyun slings his arm around Taemin’s shoulders in victory and Taemin closes his eyes, heart so full and warm it feels like it might burst out of his chest.
He’s going to have to confront this and figure it out at some point, but for now, he enjoys Jonghyun’s weight and warmth pressed against him, Jonghyun’s proud voice so close and soft by his ear.
Episode Ten Taemin really wishes the others hadn’t spoiled Yoogeun with a billion kissies earlier. Now the little booger expects them from everyone, including him, even when he isn’t feeling like it. He doesn’t want kissies. He just wants to zone out and daydream about holding Jonghyun’s hand and napping on his shoulder, because if he’s going to have this crush he’s at least going to get some enjoyment out of it. He’s cold and tired on this train to nowhere today and he doesn’t feel like getting spitty baby lip germs on him.
They should teach Yoogeun about that, honestly. About not having to show physical affection to people you love just because you love each other or whatever. That’s a good lesson.
“Taemin is refusing him,” Kibum says, fond amusement in his voice. Taemin smiles in spite of his grumpy mood, mostly for the cameras but partly because this is kind of funny, yeah. He leans way way way back, almost all the way back into one of their staff, to avoid Yoogeun’s kiss.
“Taemin wants to have his first kiss with a girl,” Jonghyun grins.
“Yeah,” Taemin says immediately, grinning back at him as he straightens up and readjusts Yoogeun in his arms. Kibum takes him easily without asking, leaving Taemin to lean up against the door of the train and latch further onto Jonghyun’s save. “I wanna have my first kiss with a girl.”
At that, everyone looks at him, judging, and Taemin feels heat creeping into his face. Heck. They think he’s lying.
“I haven’t done it yet,” he insists, “really,” but of course, no one fucking believes him, which is honestly wild, in his opinion. He doesn’t know what the other four have been doing where they’ve been getting some choice lip action, but he’s been busy being an idol and studying for class and sleeping and shit.
Though, when he thinks about it later, during a lull of the train ride, he was still technically lying, but not because he’s had his first kiss already. He tries not to think about it, because it’s still a very distressing line of thought, but watching Jonghyun come back into the train, blushy and grinning from the embarrassment of his latest challenge, he has to admit it himself. He doesn’t want to have his first kiss with a girl.
He wants to have his first kiss with Jonghyun.
And he decides, as they’re all walking sleepily down the road to their vacation house, that he’s going to do it.
Episode Eleven For someone that just spent the last few weeks desperate for things to do to take his mind off of Jonghyun, Taemin fucking hates that they’re always doing something on this mini vacation.
Like it wasn’t terrifying enough that he’s accepted his crush, and that he’s decided to try to do something about it--now he has to fucking sit here and do a bunch of “fun bonding activities” one after the other and he has to do all of it with that anxiety looming over him the entire time.
He’s having fun, yeah, and this is actually really nice and fun bonding time, but, like, still. He’s bitter and dying inside. Yesterday was bad enough, with the tiring journey up here, the getting settled, the walk by the river, and all of the nonsense and games that went with dinner.
That was fine, he guesses, besides the crushing pressure of an unrequited crush hanging heavily over his head and no one else’s the entire time. This morning was fucking garbage--he never wants to hear another kids song again and it’s gonna be months at least before he can enjoy a morning boner without linking it to that challenge--and now, as they’re all messing around with yet another affection test, he’s so tense and wound up so tight he thinks he might explode soon.
Jonghyun actually followed him earlier, jogged halfway down the hallway to the bathroom with him to giggle about how he lost the challenge and be an obnoxious little goober. Taemin keeps replaying that moment in his head. It was just a few seconds, really, and he knows it wouldn’t have been enough time to grab Jonghyun and explain about his crush and talk everything through, but his brain just keeps trying to tell him that he should have done it. It was probably the only fucking shot he had to get it done and over with and he blew it.
And now he’s here, watching everyone trying to gain validation from the whims of a child, and being grateful that at least he still cares enough about this to be mildly disappointed when Yoogeun picks Kibum instead of him. Like, at least he’s not completely obsessed with Jonghyun. That’s good.
Then Jonghyun grabs his hand.
“I wanna do it with Taemin,” he says, standing up from where he’d been watching on the floor.
And that’s not even anything romantic either; it’s just Jonghyun being bitter about losing and wanting another chance to not be last. Taemin still follows easily, holds Jonghyun’s hand until he lets go, sits just close enough that he can touch his foot against Jonghyun’s, and melts on the inside. Crushes are fucking wild.
Yoogeun picks Jonghyun, which was honestly a fifty-fifty shot, so Taemin isn’t too bummed about that. What he is bummed about is that when Jonghyun picks Yoogeun up and makes little kissie noises at him, Taemin finds himself feeling legitimately jealous of a four year old.
This vacation can’t be over soon enough.
Episode Twelve The soft, warm, genuine, loving smile that graces Jonghyun’s lips when he peeps in and finds their surprise party is the loveliest thing Taemin has ever seen in his entire life.
Like, yeah, Jonghyun is a loud obnoxious toe sometimes, but other times he really can’t hide that he cares about them all and has soft, fond, loving emotions in his heart about them. Taemin spends most of the party melty and floaty, taking every chance to touch or talk or be with him that he can, from holding his arms behind his back for birthday punches to just sitting next to him and watching him accept his presents.
“Okay, I got my perfume,” Jonghyun announces. He continues tapping the spray snow around his wrists and looks around expectantly. “Who wants to kiss me?”
And at that moment, in that heavy second between Jonghyun saying that and Minho calling for Yoogeun, Taemin comes so close to volunteering, so close to admitting that he wants to kiss Jonghyun to everyone, so close to revealing way more about himself than he ever should to a room full of cameras, that he snaps out of his enamored bubble and issues a direct order to his own brain to talk to Jonghyun about his crush and to do it as soon as humanly possible.
Which is how, after filming wraps at the house for the final time and the other three go home or to other schedules and Jonghyun stays behind with Taemin to help the camera crew clean, Taemin finds himself tugging Jonghyun behind the big folding screen with a quiet, “Hey, um, can I--can we--come take a break with me?”
“Oh, yeah, sure,” Jonghyun says. He twists his wrist in Taemin’s hand so they can hold hands instead, friendly and platonic, which is extremely distressing and should probably stop immediately.
Taemin squeezes his hand gently and slips in between all of the junk thrown between the screen and the wall so he can sit with his back to the wood. Jonghyun sits next to him, pulling his knees up to his chest and taking his hand away from Taemin’s to wrap around them. Taemin, hand still all warm and tingly, fiddles awkwardly with his fingers in his lap. Their sides are pressed together warm and solid and Taemin is half frozen just from debating with himself over whether or not he should move. It’s so nice.
“Sleepy?” Jonghyun asks him quietly. Taemin glances at him, shrugs, nods.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. When is he not sleepy, honestly. Thanks for caring about me, my heart just melted, he doesn’t say. Jonghyun hums in agreement and leans his head on Taemin’s shoulder.
“Thanks for the birthday party,” he mumbles. Taemin isn’t looking, because he feels like if he looks his heart will stop, but he can still hear the tiniest, softest smile in Jonghyun’s voice. “I really love you guys,” he sighs, and hooooly shit. When Jonghyun is quiet, when he’s off camera, when he’s casual and sleepy, when he’s himself, he’s so open and warm and genuine. Just like when he first saw his party. Taemin clenches his fists in his lap and takes a deep breath and talks without even really processing what words are coming out of his mouth.
“Jonghyun I’ve been meaning to tell you something for like a month and I don’t know how to say it cleverly without being really weird and awkward so I’m just going to say it right now really fast,” he says, really fast, and then he stops, because he can’t say it. Fuck.
He can feel Jonghyun’s confused pause before he sits up straight and leans forward a little, twisting so he can look at Taemin better. His brows are furrowed in concern, one hand reaching out to touch Taemin’s knee.
“Are you okay?’ he asks. “Did you get in trouble? Did someone hurt you? Was it--” his eyes narrow. “Was it you that put the mangas back in unalphabetical order? Have you been reading them without us? You know that’s like, band bonding time.” He moves his hand up to squish Taemin’s thigh grumpily. Taemin was halfway to scrunching his nose guiltily--because yeah, actually, that was him--but now he just sucks in a sharp breath. He can’t deal with this. He can’t deal with Jonghyun, with his worry and concern, with his eagerness to spend time with them, with his warm hand, with his soft, plush, pretty, pink lips.
He needs to just get this done and over with. He wants to go back to being stressed about normal things, like bugs and being famous. Jonghyun leans a little closer to try to peep into his eyes and Taemin takes another big breath.
“I’ve had a crush on you,” he says, “for like, two months? And I’ve been trying to figure it out and get over it by myself but I can’t because I just. Keep thinking about you and wanting to snuggle you or whatever and I keep wondering what it would be like and I just--I want you to--can you make out with me for a little bit?”
The question comes out by accident, but as he says it he doesn’t try to stop it. He thinks that would help, yeah. There’s a long, heavy silence as Jonghyun stares blankly at him. His hand doesn’t move from Taemin’s leg.
“What?” he asks, and Taemin scrunches his face. God. Fuck. What the fuck is wrong with him. “Taemin…,” Jonghyun says, lifts his hand to rub the side of his head. He looks away, looks up, looks back to Taemin with a little frown. Taemin doesn’t want to think of what he’s going to say, but he does anyway--”what the fuck,” “are you gay,” “that’s gross,” “you’ve ruined our friendship forever and we can never be alone together again--”
“You’re, like, sixteen,” Jonghyun says.
“I--oh,” Taemin says. He. Oh. That’s not what he was expecting. Now he knows even less what to say. Like, he never prepared any anti homophobic comebacks anyway, but now he’s just confused. Jonghyun’s only hangup is an age thing? Oh. “I know that,” he says blankly. “I just.” He just. He sighs and rubs his palms into eyes.
“I don’t want you to fuck me, or anything,” he says. Whatever he’s been feeling romantically, there’s been no sexul attraction, which is honestly a blessing. He can’t imagine having to go through all of this bullshit with a boner the whole time as well. “Just….” He looks up and flops his hand out to pap Jonghyun’s knee. “Just, kiss me, for a little bit, just so I know what it’s like and so I can, you know, get over it. Hopefully.” He wiggles Jonghyun’s knee pleadingly, the realizes how that must look with his newly admitted crush, and then moves to take it away self-consciously. Jonghyun grabs his hand to stop him and pats it softly.
“I know that was a platonic touch, it’s fine,” he mumbles. Taemin looks at his hand and rubs his thumb over Jonghyun’s knee in a way that’s only slightly less platonic. Jonghyun stays quiet, staring at the floor and nibbling on his thumbnail. Taemin bites his lip as he waits and tries not to overthink Jonghyun’s response. He’s already a little dizzy from his nerves. He doesn’t need to make it worse.
His attempts don’t really work and instead he closes his eyes and tries to breathe deeply and tell himself over and over that Jonghyun doesn’t suddenly hate him forever. He’ll probably only hate him for, like, a year, at most. Until they start a new comeback and he has too much stuff to do to be busy with being mad at Taemin for liking him or whatever. Maybe. Probably. Fuck. Maybe Taemin should just tell him he was jok--
“Just kiss?” Jonghyun asks him suddenly. Taemin blinks out of his thoughts, then blinks more because everything is kind of blurry. When he focuses again Jonghyun is looking at him with his thumb rubbing slowly over his own lip. Taemin tries really hard not to stare and doesn’t succeed.
“Um,” he says. “Yeah. Maybe, uh, also.” He creeps his hand forward, slides it up Jonghyun’s leg until he can catch his hand again and hold it loosely. Jonghyun snorts, chuckles fondly, laces their fingers together and squeezes his hand. “Uh, fuck,” Taemin mumbles. That is. Nice.
“For how long?” Jonghyun asks him. Taemin blinks more at that, but this time in confusion. Uh. He doesn’t. Know.
“Uh. I don’t. Know?” he says. “How long… is the average makeout?”
“I mean,” Jonghyun says, and a little smirk curves up his lips. “For me, a while,” he grins. Taemin rolls his eyes. He doesn’t care about Jonghyun’s frequent lip-touching endeavors. “But, for us,” Jonghyun hums. “I guess, a few minutes, tops.” He shrugs; Taemin swallows hard, heart rate suddenly picking up in his chest.
“So, you’re saying, yes?” he says. His voice comes out a little broken, which is humiliating, but Jonghyun smiles simply and nods anyway.
“If it’ll help you destress, yeah,” he says. “You’re sure it’s not gonna tip you even deeper and make you wanna be, like, my boyfriend or anything, right? Because, I mean. You’re a child, and also, you know I’m. Trying to. Get with.” He trails off, waving a hand in circles and blushing a faint pink. Taemin snorts. His giant crush on Sekyung, Taemin knows. He won’t shut up about her ever. It’s adorably obnoxious, just like everything else about him.
“I’m pretty sure,” he says. He doesn’t have any experience with humans or anything but usually once he finally does something he’s been thinking about, he stops thinking about it. He doesn’t see why making out with a crush would be any different from the norm. If it does heck him up more then at least he won’t have any doubt over whether or not Jonghyun will actually consider it and that hard no will help him get over it by himself.
“Alright then,” Jonghyun shrugs. He gets to his knees in front of Taemin, leans forward, lifts his free hand to gently cup Taemin’s face. Taemin blinks very quickly, shudders out a heavy breath, stares at Jonghyun suddenly so warm and so close. Fuck. His lips look so soft. “You know how to kiss, right?” Jonghyun asks him quietly. Taemin scrunches his nose. He does not.
“No, I told you guys I haven’t done it yet on the train,” he mumbles, feeling heat creep into his cheeks. It’s not his fault if they didn’t believe him. Jonghyun looks blankly at him for a moment, then closes his eyes and sighs and shakes his head.
“God, that’s such a burden,” he mutters. “Your first kiss, now I gotta try extra hard to make it good, fuck.”
“Sorry?” Taemin offers, but Jonghyun shakes his head again.
“No, it’s fine, I wasn’t, like, experience shaming you or anything,” he says. Taemin snorts. Experience shaming. Well, good. He didn’t really mean his apology anyway. “Just,” Jonghyun says, and the thumb on Taemin’s jaw lifts to press against his bottom lip in a gentle tap that makes Taemin squeeze his hand hard. “My lip, then your lip, then my lip, then your lip,” he says. “Like a sandwich. Don’t pucker too much. Open your mouth a little but not a lot. Tilt your head to the left. Go slow. Just let me lead, okay?” He nods, expecting Taemin to nod back; Taemin blinks and takes a moment to absorb that round of rapid-fire kiss tips. He didn’t expect that, but he thinks he’s got it.
“Uh, okay,” he says.
“Okay,” Jonghyun smiles, and he leans forward and kisses Taemin.
Taemin blinks again because he wasn’t expecting that so suddenly either, but then he closes his eyes and tries to relax into it.
It proves to be surprisingly easy; Jonghyun’s skin is warm, his hands are steady, and most importantly, his mouth is soft and comfortable. Their lips fit together easily as Jonghyun kisses him again and again, all soft, slow, warm pecks and smooth slides.
It’s wetter than Taemin was expecting, but he doesn’t find it to be a bad thing. Every so often Jonghyun nibbles or sucks on his bottom lip, which makes him shiver. Jonghyun’s hand on his jaw slips around to the back of his head, angling him better into it, and he lets Taemin squeeze his hand as much as he wants. Taemin’s other hand taps eagerly on Jonghyun’s knee.
He wants to slide his hand up Jonghyun’s leg and to his waist, to pull Jonghyun in his lap so their bodies can press together and so he can wrap his arms around Jonghyun and hold him close for comfort. He wants to, but he doesn’t, because he feels like trying to push it to that point of intimacy would make Jonghyun cut their time short.
Though, honestly, as the kiss goes on, he doesn’t think he would mind cutting it short. It’s not that he doesn’t like it, but it’s just… not as big a deal as he thought it would be. He was expecting fireworks and rushing emotions and butterflies, not easy company and soft relaxation. He was expecting to feel closer and more in love with Jonghyun than ever before, not the same kind of platonic comfort that he gets when they hug or sleep snuggled together.
He feels like he’s been misled about kissing by all of the lovey dovey shit in the media. This isn’t exhilarating. It’s just nice. If this is what dating someone is like, what being in love is like, then he doesn’t really see how it’s different from just being close to your friends. Honestly, holding Jonghyun’s hand got him more fluttery than their lips touching, and he can do that without being romantic with him.
This kiss is going to come to a close soon, he thinks. He’s not entirely sure how much time has passed, but he’s gotten a knack for determining how long a few minutes feels from all of the songs he’s performed in his life. Jonghyun will probably be pulling away right… about….
“Mwah,” Jonghyun says cutely as he breaks off their kiss. Taemin exhales softly, amused at himself for predicting that so well, and blinks open his eyes. Jonghyun is sitting back on his heels and smiling at him pleasantly. His free hand finds Taemin’s on his knee so he can hold both and tap his fingers over Taemin’s knuckles. Taemin smiles fondly at their hands, rubs his thumbs over Jonghyun’s skin. That is still nice.
“So how was it?” Jonghyun asks. His voice is smooth, confident, proud of himself; one eyebrow is arched up expectantly and his mouth is curved up into a cocky little smirk. Taemin licks his lips, nibbles his bottom one, and shrugs.
“It was nice,” he says honestly. “Thanks.” He squeezes Jonghyun’s hands gratefully and makes to stand up. Their disappearance will probably get noticed soon and he doesn’t feel like coming up with a lie to give the staff about it.
“I--nice?” Jonghyun asks. He frowns up at Taemin like he was expecting more than that. Taemin just nods, tugging him gently to his feet.
“Yeah,” he says. “I know what it’s like now.” That’s all he wanted and it’s what he got. He’s happy with that. He should be able to sort himself out now. He shrugs again and reaches up to fix Jonghyun’s bangs out of his eyes. “Come on,” he says, and tugs Jonghyun back out from the screen. Jonghyun follows, pouting and shuffling his feet on the floor. Taemin drops his hand when they go back to the room with all of the people and stretches his arms over his head. He feels better.
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lizzy-williams · 4 years
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲 𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞
🎄Warnings: Smut, threesome, alcohol, drug use, language, mature themes, a tiny bit of dubcon but not much, mega age gap.
🎄Summary: After one of Colson Baker’s infamous adult Christmas parties, you decide to stay a little longer than everyone else and end up getting snowed in. One drink after another, things get interesting with one of LA’s hottest couples. 
🎄Theme: Jawbreaker, Machine Gun Kelly
🎄A/N: Sorry I had to sin during the season of your birthday, Jesus. (No I’m not.)
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“And that’s how we met.”
Megan had finished her story, the people that remained at the party all gathered around, sharing spiked eggnog in cozy sweaters and blankets, swapping stories. 
Colson held her close, and secretly, [ y / n ]’s heart would clench every time she would see them together. Because the fact of the matter was, was that she had fallen. For both of them.
But she knew that nothing would ever come of it. Because all you were to them was Rook’s 18 year old, alcohol-drinking, weed smoking cousin. A face that they would see everywhere, but never cared to meet or start a conversation with. Her infatuation with the two of them only grew, and she had always felt guilty for it. 
Rightfully so, because she was crushing on two people that were taken by each other. If that wasn’t guilt inducing, nothing else was. 
But nonetheless, she sat and listened, hanging on to every word they spoke, and she swore she could feel her heart skip a beat whenever one of them, or both of them, would look at her as they spoke. 
After a few more stories, the guest numbers started to dwindle. Soon there were only 8 people left, the rest of the party-goers not wanting to stick around and help clean up. 
Slim, Kells, Megan, Rook, Dub, Mod, Travis, and [ y / n ] were the only ones who were left, and it seemed as if Travis and [ y / n ] were the only ones sober enough to even start cleaning up. 
Everyone was in the living room, listening to music and doing their own thing, Kells, Rook, Slim, and Mod starting a game of pool while Megan hung on Kells like an ornament does a Christmas tree, cheering him on and helping him out, Mr. Baker drunk as all hell. 
When [ y / n ] and Travis were done cleaning up, Mod had already left, Rook and Slim already stumbling to their rooms, most likely passed the fuck out by now. [ y / n ] had to say, her cousin knew how to hold his liquor. How could he not with Colson as a friend?
Travis soon spoke up, “I think I’m gonna head out, there’s supposed to be a pretty bad snow storm. Dunno if you wanna get caught in that, [ y / n ].”
She gave a chaste nod in response, giving him a hug and wishing him farewell, before slipping into the kitchen. From the counter she stood at, she could hear the couple saying their goodbye to Travis, soon hearing the front door open and close, a chilly breeze sweeping through the house. 
[ y / n ] had already poured herself a drink, and usually she was a cocktail kinda girl. But after having to spend the whole night watching Colson and Megan literally being on top of each other, she needed something stronger. 
“Scotch on the rocks, huh?” 
[ y / n ]’s eyes flickered up, only to be met with Megan’s eyes as she leaned on the counter, looking at [ y / n ]’s drink as the young girl put the bottle of alcohol back into a cupboard. 
She flashed a friendly smile as she made her way back, “Yeah, just thought it would be nice to change it up a little bit.”
“I have to say that your cocktails are pretty good though,” Megan slumped in her position, looking at her with puppy-dog eyes, (obviously drunk), and [ y / n ] already knew what it meant. 
A Sex on the Beach was her favorite, and she knew by the compliment, she wanted the young woman to make one for her, and [ y / n ] let out a sigh, and Megan gave a pouty face in response. But [ y / n ] could never say no to her. 
Soon enough, she found herself with the needed ingredients in front of her, an orange-hued cocktail glass to add a little... pazazz if you will. 
Megan looked on in intoxicated wonder, watching as the other woman poured the cocktail, without even measuring anything. And after [ y / n ] garnished it with a cherry. 
Megan let out a sigh as she felt Colson slip up behind her, his arms around her waist, causing [ y / n ] to look up, looking right back down at the counter when she noticed the display of affection that just made her nauseous. It’s not that she found it gross. But more-so wishing that she was in both positions. 
“Ah, thanks for the drink,” Colson smirked, taking advantage of the whisky that sat there on the counter. 
[ y / n ] wanted to make a sound of protest, but when she caught sight of his fingers wrapped around the glass, the noise stopped half-way up her throat. 
God, his fingers are so sexy, fuck, I wonder with they could reach my cervix when he does it up to the knuckles- Wait, stop, [ y / n ], you’re being weird, stop. 
.”You know, you somehow even make a whiskey on the rocks somehow taste better. Dunno how you do it, you can’t even drink yet,” Colson praised, [ y / n ] wincing at the fact that he mentioned her age. 
It was true, she was the baby of the group. At only age 18, the boys were very protective of her, and it always made her self conscious, alway being treated like a baby. She liked to think of herself as a girl who’s mind was beyond her years, hating that she was born at the wrong time. 
She mumbled out a quick ‘thanks’ before sliding Ms. Fox her drink, a smile spreading across her face as she got giddy, squealing as she took a sip, a face of almost pleasure crossing her expression. 
“Holy shit, [ y / n ]. You’re the fucking best, fuck,” she admired, taking a long sip this time, Colson making childish grabby hands at the drink, the woman making a big show of presenting it to him, which of course included him rubbing her ass right against hit groin, making him let out a low groan, his head dropping in her neck. 
“You know, [ y / n ], we would love it if you stayed the night. Besides, there’s a really bad storm, we wouldn’t want you out on the road,” looking at Colson, nudging him as queue to agree. 
All she got was a nod. 
“Thanks, I think I’ll just crash on the couch or something,” [ y / n ]’s voice was barely audible, the pda in front of her making her slightly uncomfortable. 
“Nahhhh, you d-don’t need to, [ y / n / n ],” Colson was now slurring, “You can just sleep in our bed,”
[ y / n ] let out a small laugh, amused by his drunk offer. But after a few serious looks being thrown in her direction, she realized they were serious.
“Oh, y-you mean it, I couldn’t possibly-”
“Come oooon,” Megan wiggled out of Cols’ grasp, walking to the other side of the counter, grabbing [ y / n ]’s hands and guiding her away, dragging her up the stairs, Colson slowly finding his way behind them. 
When they finally made it to the master bedroom, Megan looked at [ y / n ] with a smirk, “Come on, you can’t sleep in that, you can borrow some of my things, just for tonight.”
“Are you sure, that’s not necessary, I-”
Megan shushed her, “Shh, it’s fine, it’s the least I can to. Besides, it’s Christmas Eve, ‘tis the season of giving,”
She suddenly pulled her in the bathroom, the closet connected in the back, but not before Colson suggested he slipped in the bathroom with them. [ y / n ] both scoffed and rolled their eyes, closing the door behind them. 
“Strip,” Megan said. 
[ y / n ] blinked, “h-huh?” 
“For the clothes, silly, you aren’t gonna put it over your clothes,”
Megan patted to the closet, rustling around, soon coming out with a shirt and some shorts.
“Here, go ahead ‘n get dressed,”
“What, like right here?” [ y / n ] asked, anxiety obviously shooting up. 
Megan let her hands rub over [ y / n ]’s shoulders, “Don’t sweat it, we’re both girls, we all have the same parts,”
[ y / n ] nodded shyly, taking off her dress-up shirt, then slipping off her pants, left in nothing but a bra and panties on. Megan then spoke up from behind her, making eye contact with [ y / n ] in the mirror, “You have a really beautiful body,”
[ y / n ] dismissed it as a drunk comment, and was about to slip the donated shirt on, but Megan stopped her before a second arm slipped into it. 
“Aren’t you going to take off your bra? Heard it can cause bad stuff for your chest. Besides, that bra is too pretty to ruin.”
She nodded slowly, now avoiding Megan’s prying eyes, getting behind her and unclasping her bra for her. Megan watched it was it dropped, starring at her breasts. 
The young woman cleared her throat, trying to get her tempting thoughts out of her head, slipping the rest of the clothes on, and was about to walk out of the door, before Megan once again stopped her.
“Hey,” she started, “You’re beautiful,” Megan then leaned over, leaving a soft kiss on [ y / n ]’s forehead, and if she wasn't red before, she was definitely red now. 
It was all so random. Coming out of nowhere.
Opening the door, [ y / n ] tried her hardest to forget what just happened, but it was all she could think about.
Colson already seemed like he was on the brink of sleep, the light from the TV being the only thing illuminating the room. But when his attention focused on the two women walking towards him, getting ready to slip into bed with him, he was wide awake. 
[ y / n ] paused for a second, stopping in her tracks, she wasn’t really sure what she was supposed to do next, let alone what she was about to do. What the fuck even was this? A drunken idea that will be discarded in the morning, the two of them dismissing it because they were too drunk to remember?
Or did this mean something? Was this a sign? What if they both-
“Come on, [ y / n ], I don’t bite, Colson smiled, patting the spot right next to him, Megan nodding in confirmation.
“Y-Yeah, sure, okay,” her words came out faster than anticipated, making her sound like she was babbling like a toddler. 
Before she could embarrass herself anymore than she already did, she did as she was told, [ y / n ] slipping into the covers as she made room for Megan on the king-sized bed. 
But when Colson pulled her in, her head now on his chest, she could feel her heart beating a million miles a minute. And at first, she thought that Megan would disapprove. This was her boyfriend we were talking about. 
But when she hopped into bed, she objected for a different reason than expected. 
“Hey, don’t hog her, I want some cuddles too,” she whined, latching onto [ y / n ] by wrapping her arms around her waist and nuzzling her face in the back of the girl’s neck.
But Megan could sense [ y / n ]’s heartbeat, and she almost smirked to herself because she was part of the reason. 
“Come on, [ y / n ], it’s just us,” she soothed, hoping it would help with nerves. 
Colson himself gave a small squeeze of reassurance, then reaching over to his bedside table and pulling out a joint, lighting it. 
“You want first hit?” he passed it to [ y / n ] and she nodded. If anything were to calm her down, it would be this. At least relieve some tension. 
Soon enough, the joint was burned up to the filter, the room smelling like weed as the three of them relaxed, watching the movie that was on the screen. Colson was now sobered up a little bit. But he wouldn’t dare change the situation that he was in. Not for a hundred bucks. Not even for a million. 
[ y / n ] was nuzzled deeply into his chest now, Megan playing with her hair as she gave a look to Colson. 
As soon as the movie ended, Colson looked over to [ y / n ] who was sleeping peacefully, she soft breaths enough to make the couple fall asleep. Megan let out a small ‘aw’ before gently kissing her forehead just like she did in the bathroom. 
“Goodnight [ y / n ],”
Colson imitated her action, doing the same as she whispered Megan’s exact message, before pretending to fall asleep. 
But both of them weren’t sleeping. They were just hoping that the other one wasn’t going to find out about what they were about to do. They couldn’t resist. [ y / n ] was right there, and the both of them had a connection to the girl, so how could they not?
Colson made the first move. He let his free hand reach over his body, letting his hand drift gently over her thighs, making her shift just the slightest in her sleep. Soon enough it reached her calfs, then right where he wanted it, her covered clit his next target, pressing lightly on it, knowing the pressure would get to her, maybe even enough to wake her up. 
But she was sleeping like a rock, and all he was getting was whimpers and mutters of profanity in her sleep. 
It wasn’t until he felt another hand down there that he stopped and froze in his tracks. He suddenly looked over and whisper yelled.
She had the same response, “Colson??”
They both had the same goal. But it was somewhat relieving. Because the other couldn’t blame the feelings they had for the 18 year old. And Megan thought that she was the only one who had the sinful thought of touching her and making her make sultry noises in her sleep, feeling the gratification that she, in fact, made them happen. 
But now things changed. Now she didn’t feel so indifferent about her displays of affection for the girl, and neither did Colson. Because there were always the intentional touches every now and again. Always having the excuse to reach over [ y / n ], his hand touching her lower waist, which also made her turn a shade of dark pink, goosebumps erupting in it’s wake.
Now things had changed. 
Megan switched on the lamp on her side, giving a knowing look to Colson, knowing what they wanted to do next. They just prayed that [ y / n ] would want to do it too. 
Megan leaned over, leaving kisses across [ y / n ]’s neck as she let her hands slip up her shirt, dragging her nails across her stomach. Once Colson saw that [ y / n ]’s eyes were fluttering open, he suddenly grabbed her, making her squeak, pulling her into his lap as the kissed her on her lips. 
It may have been the sleepy haze, or maybe the weed, but [ y / n ] found herself kissing back as he held her close, now shifting herself to straddle his waist, their tongues poking and playing with each other while Megan let out a huff of disapproval, for Colson, once again hogging the girl. 
Megan ended up leaning up to her neck once again, her hands drifting everywhere she pleased, [ y / n ] letting out soft noises. 
Suddenly, Colson flipped her on the bed, before stripping her almost completely, except for her shirt. 
“That’s my shirt, you know,” he smirked, knowing Megan might have done that on purpose. 
This time, Megan’s hand sliding farther up, touching her beasts, lifting up the shirt just above them, bringing her mouth to the nipples, sucking them. Colson slipped his clothes off, trying to match the girl in front of him, Megan soon following suit, deciding to take off Colson’s shirt, leaving [ y / n ] completely in the nude. 
Their hands were all over her, making her squirm, getting self conscious. She was in front of the two most beautiful people she knew, and somehow they wanted her, my some miracle. But yet, she was relived, because she didn’t need to hide such dangerous feelings. Here, she thought her thoughts would split the couple apart. But what was about to happen was going to strengthen their bond for all three of them. 
Colson waisted no time getting between [ y / n ] legs, making contact with her clit as she let out a whimper. So many times, she had pictured this. Every time she touched herself, she pictured him doing it and not her hand, and it was finally happening. 
[ y / n ] then decided to make a daring move, reaching her hand down to Megan’s clit, rubbing soft circles around the bud, making her feel perfect. Sure, Colson could make her cum. But [ y / n ] was a woman. She knew what a woman’s body wants. What a woman’s body needs, and soon enough, the two women were about to fall off the edge. 
And they did, and Colson didn’t know which one to focus his attention on. It was beautiful to watch both of the women who were closest to him reach a state of nirvana. Especially at the same time. 
He then kissed up [ y / n ]’s stomach as she was just then coming down to Earth, then hovering over her, kissing her passionately. She could taste herself on his tongue, and it was the hottest thing she thought she could experience that night. 
But Christ, was she wrong. 
“Let me have a taste, Cols,” Megan muttered, Colson eagerly complying, slipping his hand down to [ y / n ]’s clit to rub soft circles as he kissed his girlfriend, the afterglow of her orgasm somehow making her more beautiful. 
[ y / n ] turned her head, muffling her moans against the crook of Megan’s neck, her heavy breaths making the older woman squirm at the warm sensation. 
When the couple broke the kiss, Colson suddenly positioning himself at [ y / n ]’s entrance, kissing her neck, sucking dark marks all over her soft spots. But a wave of anxiety crashed over her as she pushed him back, stopping both him and Megan in their tracks, automatically concerned. 
“W-Wait, I’ve never... I haven’t-” she struggled to get her words out, Colson filling in the blanks. 
“You’re a virgin?” Megan suddenly cut in. 
“How are you even related to Rook- Ow-” Colson got a smack on the chest from Megan, giving him a look. 
“What better way to loose your virginity than to share it with more than one person?” Megan suggested. 
“I just... can you hold my hand?” she asked Megan like a child, and she automatically obliged, intertwining their fingers and placing a soft kiss on her nose. 
“Anything for you.”
“Are you okay to keep going?” Colson asked sensitively, and [ y / n ] gave a small nod before taking a deep but shaky breath. 
As she let a breath out, he began to insert the tip, making [ y / n ] gasp, a new discomfort in her cunt she had never felt before. And fuck he was big. But if there was one thing that was known about [ y / n ], it was that she wasn’t a quitter. She had made it this far. 
After a few seconds of whispered praises from the both of them, [ y / n ] bit down on her lip as she began to push in farther, the girl squeezing Megan’s hand like it was the last thing she would ever do. 
Soon enough, we was bottomed out inside her, giving her time to adjust, Colson kissing her collarbone as Megan kissed her jaw. After several minutes of cock-warming, [ y / n ] saw it fit to move, almost letting out a sigh of relief. 
Slowly, he started to move, trying his best to be as gentle as possible. Soon he began to go faster, and the ache in [ y / n ]��s core began to dissolve into pleasure as she felt every ridge and every vein as be slipped in and out of her. 
“Holy fuck, you’re so fucking tight, shit,” he cursed, beginning to go faster and faster, [ y / n ] feeling the coil inside her tighten. 
“m’gonna cum, can I please cum?” she asked desperately, Megan bringing their intertwined hands up to her lips, giving [ y / n ]’s hand a kiss.
“Of course you can, sweet girl, unravel on his cock,” her words leaving Colson speechless, her fingers slipping down to her clit, [ y / n ] letting out a yelp of pleasure. 
Soon enough, the coil inside her snapping like a twig as a mind-numbing orgasm, making her black out, passing out in pure euphoria, Colson pulling out and Megan suddenly lurching forward, her mouth on his tip, taking his cum in her mouth, swallowing everything he gave him. 
Tucking her under the covers, Colson smirked, letting it sink in that he was his first time, almost feeling as if she saved herself for this exact moment. 
And as [ y / n ]  finally slipped into peaceful sleep, Colson then went to his girlfriend, getting ready to give her a perfectly earned orgasm.
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domjaehyun · 3 years
what are your Thoughts about needy switch jaemin
my thoughts are:
jaemin as a needy sub: so whiny. so so whiny and pouty and grabby and touchy and if he’s feeling like a sub, you should prepare yourself for him to be all over you. “baby,” he’d coo, kissing from your hand up your arm to your neck and jaw, “pay attention to me.” 
jaemin as a needy dom: yeah so. he’s very touchy.. kinda rough at times but it’s just because he wants you so damn badly.. lots of sweet talking and praise, kind of wheedling and coaxing if you’re not in the mood yet, is so damn slick about it that he’d have heat rushing to your face and arousal leaking from you without even touching you yet. he would somehow flip the tables, having you so needy that now it’s your turn to start begging, but he’d always be more than willing to oblige :)
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
Green eyed monster - kinktober - day 16
Part 1 hyung line
Part 2 maknae line
Boys getting jealous
• Jin doesn’t get jealous easily
• If he does find you flirting with another idol he knows you don’t mean it, half the time you probably don’t even know you’re are doing it
• Tends to insert himself into the situation if he feels it’s going too far
• If he can’t intervene, and it’s gone on too long, he gets insecure.
• Gets very clingy
• You find yourself trying to reassure him by any means necessary
• This often means heavily praise based sex
• Every moan that comes from your mouth strokes his ego to re-inflate it
• Once he regains his confidence, he uses it to make you cum over and over again
• He gets off on the sound of your voice calling his name.
• Pouty baby and you can’t tell me otherwise
• You are chatting to a random employee at one of the stations they were doing interviews at that day
• Every time he glanced at you it seemed like you were laughing with the guy and not paying him enough attention
• Weren’t you there to see him after all?
• He will be very short with you when they get a break
• Leaves you completely baffled until you see him glaring daggers at your new friend
• You take no shit, especially not this kind of shit
• If he is going to act like a brat that’s lost his toy you are going to treat him like one.
• Seen as you have a little while with him for lunch you pull him to an unoccupied room and block the door
• You scold him for not vocalising his feelings
• Spanking punishment
• Yoongi relishes your attention, no matter how you choose to give it to him.
• You spend the next thirty minutes edging him as he begs for your forgiveness.
• You except the apology as the bell rings for them to be back in the interview space.
• You let him suffer through the rest of the day without cumming.
• It’s surprisingly easy for mister sunshine to get jealous
• Especially around taller men
• He trusts you implicitly, but he doesn’t trust others
• He won’t leave your side at events unless forced
• Most nights you don’t mind, loving the extra attention large scale events get you
• Unfortunately, tonight you are just at a friend’s party
• Every time an old friend comes up to you say hello, he bristles
• His grabby hands every time you come back from the bathroom or kitchen are also not helping
• You decide to play with him to deal with the issue
• You walk away at random moments
• Talk to acquaintances you know he is unfamiliar with
• Pushing his limits to see how long it will take him to just have an open conversation with you about his feelings.
• For a long time, he just sits watching you flit around the room
• When he finally cracks, he takes a hold of your arm and pulls you outside under the guise of needing air.
• After checking you are alone on the patio, he pushes you against the wall of the house and kisses you roughly
• You can taste the alcohol on his tongue
• “I’m sorry baby, I know you hate me like this”
• His kisses trail along you your chin
• “You’re just so pretty”
• He sucks a mark on your shoulder
• “and I can see all of their eyes on you”
• You stop his movements before he can reach your chest
• Bringing his eyes up to be level with your own
• You lecture and reassure him at the same time before kissing him softly
• He is all you want
• He knows that
• Sometimes it’s just easy to let that slip
• You end up leaving the party shortly after
• When the two of you get home, he is still clingy.
• You are both so tired physically and emotionally
• He suggests cockwarming to fall asleep and you oblige
• In the early hours you wake to him thrusting into you
• Always calm and collected in public
• It’s hard to tell when something has made him jealous at first
• Until you want his attention at home
• He has probably spent every moment since he saw that other idol flirting with you thinking about it
• Overthinking about it
• Heck even writing lyrics about it
• He is sat shirtless on the bed papers strewn around him trying to work out how he was feeling
• Everything always feels better on paper for Joon
• You slide behind him sliding your arms around his waist and peppering kisses across his broad naked back
• On a normal day he would soften into your touch
• Often times pulling you onto his lap
• Not today
• Your first hint something is wrong
• You try peering at some of the notes he has scattered around but the handwriting is that frantic it doesn’t make sense
• You switch tactics
• Your hands start playing with his waistband and you blow into his ear
• He swats at you in annoyance, but you keep at it
• Eventually he pulls you so you are now under him
• His weight keeps you pinned down
• “God, you are being such an obnoxious tease today”
• The statement shocks you.
• You could be a tease when you wanted to wind him up but all you’d done today was support him.
• He sees the confusion on your face, and he softens for a moment
• “Your telling me your little show with JB was just an innocent conversation”
• Your mind flashed back to the conversation you’d been having with the GOT7 member earlier in the day and things clicked into place
• You were always friendly with other groups.
• You and JB had a lot in common, which often meant getting over excited and geeked out together, that must be what Namjoon had seen.
• He starts kissing you like he has something to prove
• Removes your pants and goes down on you until his jaw hurts
• Anything to prove himself to you
• When you actually have sex, he keeps making comments about it
• “Could anyone else do this for you?”
• “Would anyone else make you feel this good”
• Likes to fuck you until you are incoherent
• Will tell you how much he loves you in between calling you a slut
• You love when he uses derogatory terms
• So different from his normal self. A side only you get to see
@adventuresinwonderlust @thedarkwinterrose
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gothamslittlejester · 4 years
SFW Alphabet with Phoenix!Joker and Ledger!Joker
Hello, I am not dead. I’m really sorry I haven’t posted in forever, so here’s a pretty long piece for both the clownbois to make up for it for you guys (hopefully,, aghhh). I hope my joker license has not been revoked lol, forgive me lovelies.
The characters will be written separately, but feel free to imagine them together if you wish! I just thought writing them both at once made for an interesting comparison. Phoenix!Joker will be referred to as Arthur, and Ledger!Joker as J. I didn’t do all the alphabet letters because some were repetitive, so here’s the ones I thought would make good headcannons!
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
· Out of the two, Arthur is considerably more affectionate. Being so deprived of love for so long, he doesn’t hesitate to absolutely smother you in affection 24/7, whether that be through kisses, long hugs and warm smiles, or more subtle actions like helping you clean around the house or washing your hair in the bath. He may be a killer clown, but he can’t help dotting on you every time you’re together.
· He also praises you any chance he gets, cooing in your ears how amazing you are and how much you mean to him. He wants you to feel loved in every way possible, both verbally and physically.
· His favorite way of showing affection is making you laugh or cheering you up whenever you’re down. Bad jokes? Cute magic tricks? Running your boss over with a truck? He knows the blues can come and go as they please and they can really affect your whole mood, so he makes sure to always bring some happiness in your life.
· J shows his affection in much more subtle ways, although with time you find yourself picking up on them effortlessly. He may not always vocalize his affection, but there’s no denying his adoration for you.
· He’s very playful with you; tickle fights, wrestling matches, pinching your ass and ruffling your hair are all things you grow accustomed to, and they never fail to make you laugh. If you blush or squeak in response to his antics, J will think it’s the cutest and funniest thing in the world. He’ll only be more encouraged to get that response out of you next time, so good luck to you.
· At night, his displays of affection shift from playful to more protective and domineering. If he’s feeling suddenly possessive of you, he envelops you in a protective hug and pulls you into his chest. His side of the bed will always the one closest to the door in case of trouble.
· His affection is very physical, and will often be shown through actions. He’ll take care of any inconvenience you have- someone bother you, sweetheart? You never see them again.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
· Arthur will always be there for you, listening to you vent for hours, helping you with any little chore or problem you have and just chilling with you by the television for hours. He’s never had someone to confide in and care for him, and every understanding look and encouraging smile you give him is stored in a special place in his heart.
· Not only is he a great listener for you too, but his advice is never halfhearted. If you have a problem, or something you’re uncertain about, he’ll do his best to help you sort it out until you’re confident again. He’ll be there for you no matter what, because you’ll be there for him too.
· Now, Having J as a friend is extremely chaotic and often leads to him dragging you away to join him on some illegal adventure at 3 in the morning. Are you gonna go rob a bank or go scare the elderly? Who knows, who cares! Just get dressed and join him!
· Philosophical conversations with J are incredible. He never dismisses your ideas or thoughts of the world, encouraging you to always speak your mind, filter free. There’s no need to hide from him, ever.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
·  When he cuddles you, Arthur feels like all his problems just melt away, and therefor will not let go of your body for hours. It’s therapeutic and heals his soul in a way that his medication never could.
· His little secret is that he loves it when he’s the little spoon, or just generally being cradled by you. Lying on top of your chest just to hear your heartbeat? Absolute heaven.
·  His favorite thing to do is to rub his nose in the crook of your neck and take a big breath, relishing in your scent. It makes him feel so safe and loved he could cry, and during bad days he probably has. Even after he turned into Joker, it would take a bulldozer to rip his grabby hands away from your warm body. Due to how frail and cold his body is, he’s not the epitome of a teddy bear, but the amount of love and comfort that radiate off of him is enough to make for that. It’s nothing a warm blanket can’t fix, and his kisses are the warmest all year round.
· Now, J would never admit it, but he’s just as big of a cuddler as Arthur. I know, I know, controversial! But there is no way you can convince me that this man isn’t an attention seeking, touch starved, hug deprived needy little asshole. Having you wrap your arms around him in the middle of the night, melting into his body with a satisfied sigh, is cocaine to him. Feeling you playfully jump on his back and embrace him from behind makes J want to blow up the city for you. He’ll do it too, don’t tempt him.
· Only difference is, he much more prefers it when you initiate it- seeing you all needy and pouty for him just makes him so giddy. What’s that Y/N? You’re desperate for him? Well, I guess he can hold you in his arms, since he’s so generous...
· Of course, he’s not shy either, and will get his way if need be. If you sit more than 2 inches away from him on the couch you’re instantly pulled onto his lap, and don’t even think about falling asleep without being buried in his side. He wants to feel loved, dammit!
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
· Arthur’s kisses are soft and dotting, always gentle and loving. He often moans into the kiss and pulls you closer, never getting enough of you. They can be desperate and needy after a long day away from you, but they are generally very sweet and slow.
· He likes to press kisses all over your face and cheeks, liking the way you giggle as he peppers them all over you. He really cant get enough of you, and just the knowledge that he has someone in his life that enjoys being intimate with him leaves Arthur completely awed.
· He’ll take any sort of kiss from you without complaint, but his favorite is when you’re holding him from behind, either in bed or in the bath, and press a gentle one to his back. It makes him feel loved and safe, which he hadn’t felt in a long time.
· When J kisses you, he truly does steal your breath away. All his passion, obsession and need for you are conveyed effortlessly with the way he moves against your mouth and wraps his arms around your body in a protective manner.
· Although oftentimes rough and sensual, his kisses can also be very teasing and playful. He’ll kiss your hand in a romantic manner just to see you blush and shake your head, or leave little hickeys down neck that he likes to kiss again later. He’s also not opposed to licking you, so watch out for that.
· He’ll never admit it, but he loves it when you lean up to kiss his cheek. It’s such a sweet and gentle action, something he’s not accustomed to whatsoever, and it leaves him feeling very warm and protective inside. Especially when your lips brush against his scars- knowing you love them and want to show them affection makes J want to kill for you.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
·Arthur loves being there for children, especially the less fortunate ones. Despite how crazy and ruthless Joker can be, he would never even dream of laying a hand on a child.
· There are times when he remembers the joy that his old persona “Carnival” could bring to the sad young faces of all those kids, and it’s enough to make him grimace and reminisce on what he lost.
· He’d never expect to start a family with you while he’s out being criminal menace as a full time job, but there are times where he allows his imagination to run wild, picturing a world with a better life for the both of you, his children playing in the garden while you grow old together.
· J... J is a bully. He doesn’t have the patience whatsoever to deal with children at all, and overall just finds their incessant questions mind-numbing. They’re not even good questions- questions that provoke a philosophical debate or reconsideration of our purpose in the universe for example- just dumb ones that can be googled in a second. Why is the sky blue? Give him a break.
· Now, He wouldn’t go out of his way to single out a child and brutally kill them- he wants his victims to fully understand their doom, and kids don’t have that level of comprehension yet- but if one of those smug little shits happened to be carrying around a balloon, ho ho! It’s getting popped on sight. You know that saying “steeling lollipops from babies?” Yeah, that’s J.
· May not be a big fan of kids, but if you ever need a top quality dead baby joke, he’s your guy!
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
· Having had so many jobs in his life, Arthur has adapted to waking up in the early morning with ease.
· If he has to go somewhere, he’ll quietly tiptoe around the apartment as he gets ready, careful not wake you up as he gets dressed in his red suit and applies his makeup. He’ll place a gentle kiss to your temple just before he has to leave, staring adoringly at your peaceful face for a few minutes.
· If he has nothing planned, Arthur will just lay in bed until you wake up naturally, enjoying the feeling on your arm body pressed against him.
· J is a drama queen. Being mostly nocturnal, J doesn’t even get out of his REM sleep cycle until like 3 pm at the earliest.
· On those days where he gets woken up at, god forbid, 9 am, he’ll be so groggy and grumpy that not even coffee can save him.
· Alarm wakes him up? That’s now enemy number one. Someone outside being loud? If he had the energy, they’d be dead. And don’t think you’re getting out of bed without him either. He’ll pull you back and wrap all his limbs around you like a snake, snuggling into you so you can’t leave.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
· Arthur only really gets angry when someone attacks him or tries to make him feel worthless. As Joker, he’s definitely gained quite a bit of confidence, and will start a fight with strangers for the smallest of reasons, but they rarely actually make him angry.
· His patience in general is actually quite remarkable. Most of his schemes and plots take quite a while to plan out, and although he does rely on luck here and there, he puts in quite a few hours at a time to flesh out the details.
· He’ll wait as long as he needs to get what he wants. For example, it’s not like he shy’s away from stalking people, and that takes quite a bit of resilience and patience.
· J is... an emotional man. An open book. He almost never gets angry at you- unless you do something stupid like put yourself in harms way- but everyone else? All it takes is very trivial inconveniences to get him riled up and ready to murder some poor soul on sight.
·  He’ll be patient for a while if he needs to work on some elaborately villainous scheme, but after a few days of obsessing over the schematics he’ll start to get antsy and bored. He’s a man of action, who has the time for all this planning?
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
· Arthur would do his very best to make dates and anniversaries special. Dinner from your favorite restaurant, long walks by the place you first met, movie nights under a warm fort with intermediate pillow fights; Arthur will always find something that will put a smile on your face.
· He may not have that much money to begin with, but after adapting into his joker persona, a little bit of petty theft is nothing too unacceptable. Especially since he can use the extra cash to treat his lover to the most lavish things.
· J would absolutely spoil you. Unfortunately due to his “job”, he has to leave you for hours or even days at a time to do his business, and he knows you tend to feel lonely in those times. So for him, date night is about you. And he’ll be damned if you don’t get the best present, meal and clown in Gotham all to yourself.
·  You want your favorite snack? He’ll get you a bucket-full.
· You want that new dress you saw at the mall, but can’t afford it? Neither can he! Join him for some late-night theft and he’ll grab the garment just for you.
· You want to spend the whole night tucked away in his arms as he cuddles you for hours? “Come to daddy~”
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
· Arthur sometimes forgets to eat, a habit that scares you. You don’t mean to nag, but you just can’t help it when you see how thin and weak Arthur becomes after barely eating anything.
· You know he doesn’t do it on purpose, and you never hold it against him, but it does scare you when you see how weak and exhausted he gets. You make sure to always fill the cabinets with snacks and get him to eat dinner whenever he’s home, but who knows if he eats while he’s out causing panic in Gotham.
· The smoking is also a bit of an issue, but you’d rather make sure your clown is well fed before you tackle this other issue.
· J’s teeth can be... very much a turnoff sometimes. Stained to hell with a coffee addiction and lack of hygiene, it made kissing him an experience at first.
· He soon began trying to make himself more dapper and charming just for his little one (yes you) once his need for you grew, but sometimes he just forgets. He knew his hygiene wasn’t his best quality, and he often smelled like dried blood and gasoline, so he makes sure to take a shower when he can. Plus, he figured quite quickly that you like the smell of his cologne…
· You can’t be too mad though, not with a smile so bright and yellow it matches the sun!
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
· For Arthur, yes. When you finally admitted your feelings for him, he knew you were the first and last person who will ever give his life meaning. He would rip out his lungs if you asked- just if it meant seeing you another day.
· Leaving him would break his soul and put him in such a dark, black space that not even Joker’s red suit would have color there.
· It’s not the healthiest, and he doesn’t want to scare you away, but his obsession and need for you will never die down. He loves you, and you really do make him whole.
· For J, his feelings aren’t that far off from Arthur’s. As his obsession with you grows, so does his adoration and glee. Everyday he finds new quirks and traits of yours that he likes, and everyday he begins to expect them, to crave them, to need them.
· He’ll find out what you like to do, what your favorite things are, what makes you truly and utterly happy, and he’ll store them in his memory to spoil you later.
· J’s love is absolutely obsessive and possessive, like a child with a doll he refuses to share even for a second, but that’s all he knows. He’ll never hurt you or lay his hands on you, but his love is nothing short of mad.
·  Leaving him is not an option. Ever. He’ll do anything to ensure that you stay right in his line of sight, and putting you in a pretty glass cage is not beyond him. You make him happy, and whole- you complete him- so why would he ever throw that away?
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mrskurono · 3 years
ANON: AYO its the high megumi anon here, another lil idea ? oh yeah baby.
oh yeah
i love thinking about his oral fixation like u mentioned before. boy has to always have his mouth on something its not even funny. ur too tired to move, so ur about to maybe try n sleep for just a few minutes(stamina is great but no cap u deserve a break for all the hard work ;) ) and megumi’s still a noodle-y leech, cant get away from u(he doesnt wanna+cant control himself enough to actually move away) and so when u turn on ur side to have a lil power nap or some shit(ur not afraid of him losing his high hes been kinda forcefed like four brownies at this point), he kinda rolls to u and i feel like hed be so grabby at ur ass and suck on the skin between ur shoulders until theres a Fat Fucking hickey right there, its so wet his drools dripping across ur shoulderblade and onto the sheet no fuckin cap. he doesnt know ur sleeping, he thinks ur ignoring him and with this i feel like he might be more pouty than loud tbh. hence the fat kisses on ur back; he wants to “subtly” get ur attention ;) if u manage to doze off, ur woken up anyway to him resorting back to rutting on u, except this time he goes from little soft n sloppy grinding and clasping/unclasping his hand on ur side(hes just laying on his other hand), to slowing down and eventually dozing off himself—both of these things alternating every minute or so of course. all while opening and closing his mouth-his attempted “kissing”- on ur back, up ur neck into ur hair
i would like 2 take the time to say i am jus absolutely loving this rabbithole weve created together :,) this whole concept has had me wet for days. literal days bro
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*unhinges my jaw like a baby bird ready to fucking eat this god damn meal you’ve prepared so graciously*
Never have I ever thought about someone sucking on my fingers as much as I’ve thought about Megumi doing it. Yeah this weeks English dubbed VA? You better your fucking sweet ass I was thinking about that gravelly voice of his all dopey and giggly. Brushing his hair off his face and all that dumdass does is grab your hand and put your fingers back in his mouth. God he doesn’t even stop there and gags on them. If you weren’t so tired this would be hot. But bitch c’mon a queen needs a break and this puppy is covered in cum and sweat and drool he can take a break to. But you know what I thought of half way through reading you beautiful master piece-
Cockwarming with doped up Megumi
Now I don’t even normally like cockwarming save for one character I’d do it with. But this needy idiot can’t tell if he’s fucking you or not. All he knows is warmth and the prickliness on his skin. Solution to needing a power nap? Wrapping your legs around him and forcing him to bury his cock inside you while you lock your legs over him (honestly its not hard just the weight of one of your legs keeps this idiot from moving too much) And you seal the deal by pulling his face into your chest. Wet lips on your neck/collar bone/chest, really any place he can put them in his stupor. And his cock now nestled nicely in your cunny with the rest of his cummy mess he left as a present. Megumi grumbling, moaning and whining ever so softly like a little puppy and you just coo at him, stroking his hair and telling him to hush while you try to catch a few zzz’s to recoup your own energy. He’s got the pleasantness of your cunt around his cock and half the time he can’t really tell if he’s thrusting into you or not. It’s perfect. He keeps dozing off, drooling on your chest while you hold him and keep him buried inside you. Megumi smashed into you ready to get every inch of his skin in contact with you. He’s mumbling about how much he loves you and wants to marry you or some stupid fucked up dope induced ramble but really it’s just him actually speaking his mind. God the dirt you could get on him. But your nice and let him continue praising you while soft thrusts into your core as you doze on and off with him leeched onto you
This is top quality content that I crave (’:
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ghostboybabies · 4 years
little ghost boy || [JATP Agere/CGLRE] “Someone Who Cares”- Chapter 10
A/N: This is sad, warning for Reggie kinda talking badly about himself. This is an important plot point that needed to happen at some point, might as well get it over with. I hope you guys like it!
"Why're you pouting, Little Rockstar?"
Luke, Julie, and Alex sat side by side on the couch in the studio, Reggie previously busying himself with coloring at the coffee table. Julie let him use her old art supplies, crayons and markers and stickers, and do whatever he wanted. Now, he sat, tapping a red crayon rhythmically against his paper, holding it between two fingers.
With every tap, a red dot appeared on the paper. He seemed bored, and pouty, as Luke pointed out. He looked up to see all three of his friends staring at him.
"Not pouting." he mumbled, adjusting his crayon in his hand, interrupting the rhythm,  and drawing a little heart with it on the edge of the paper.
"Yeah you are. What's up, Flower?" Julie asked.
Alex looked at Julie curiously. "Flower?" he questioned.
"Pwetty as a flower," Reggie explained in his childish voice, not replying to Julie's question. He bit at his lip, switching out his crayon to another color.
Alex nodded, "That's cute."
Julie ignored Alex, still waiting for a response from the toddler-minded boy. Reggie looked up, "I'm fine," he whined, only pouting even more. Luke sighed, leaning forward a bit towards him.
"Come here, Reg," he ordered, patting his lap a bit. Reggie hesitantly jumped up, making his way over nervously, and sitting on his lap. He settled, feeling better as Luke wrapped his arms around his waist, holding him close. "You stopped pouting," Luke noticed. "Did you just want cuddles?"
Reggie blushed a bit, nodding as he casted his eyes down to Luke's hands around his waist. "You could've just asked, baby." Luke sighed, kissing the side of his head. Alex watched the whole scene, smiling a bit. Luke and Julie were really good with Reggie.
Julie and Reggie had a different bond then Luke and Reggie did, you could tell. Both were affectionate, and close. But still different. Reggie seemed to prefer playing with Luke, but usually requested affection from Julie. Julie was usually the one to correct his behavior if he needed it, while Luke was better at praise and compliments.
To Alex, someone who took care of Willie alone, it was interesting to see them work together.
Reggie and Willie hadn't talked yet, but there was a playdate scheduled for the next day. It had been around a week since Reggie told Alex, and not much had happened. There was no need for a long educational conversation on age regression, because Willie had already done that for him.
Reggie had been big besides a few quick moments the whole week due to an gig that took place the day prior, focusing on band rehearsals and such. This is where Reggie's internal struggle began.
When he found out and processed that Luke had cancelled band practice for him, he immediately felt bad about how much time Luke and Julie gave up for him. Luke and Julie had other, better things to do besides take care of him. Reggie used to go long periods of time without regressing, he didn't need it.
If Luke and Julie really knew what was going on, there'd be a lecture about repressing regression waiting for him. It wasn't like he was planning on telling him.
Today, Reggie didn't even count on slipping. He woke up small the morning after the gig, the regression probably being a result of a combination of things. He had just worked hard for a week or so to make sure everything turned out perfect. He also switched from almost daily regression to none at all, so eventually, it happened without his control.
Reggie didn't seem to realize it, but Julie and Luke were kinda relieved when he regressed. They had been kind of worried about the sudden decline of time in littlespace, and they missed taking care of him if they were honest.
But this internal struggle, of feeling guilty for needing help and extra care, was what caused Reggie's weird behavior. He wanted cuddles and attention but he didn't wanna waste anyone's time. But he was already small and being big felt so hard, and he knew that Luke and Julie weren't gonna leave him alone and not take care of him while he was little.
Well, there was one exception to the "not leaving him alone" rule. Nap time.
It wasn't a requirement that Reggie took naps every day. But sometimes, if he got sleepy, one of his friends would lay him down and come back half an hour later to wake him up. Sometimes, they'd stay with him and they'd cuddle. Others, he'd be left alone with a stuffie and lots of blankets while Luke helped Julie make herself a snack.
And if Reggie woke up before they came back to check on him, he'd play with a stuffie quietly until someone did. Today, when he woke up in Julie's bedroom, he did something different.
His decision was impulsive and not thought through. One moment, he was sitting in Julie's bed, feeling bad about everything. And the next, he was in CD Sundays, surrounded by a few toys.
How had he gotten here?
Reggie tried to play by himself. He really did. He used to do it all the time.
A few toy cars would entertain him for hours. But now, it seemed that occupying himself without a caregiver was impossible. But he kept trying.
He didn't need them. He was only wasting their time.
He got frustrated eventually, throwing the red toy car to the ground with a huff. A million questions seemed to take over his mind at once, overriding the childish, innocent, and playful thoughts that usually occupied his mind while he was small.  
Why wasn't this fun? When did he start crying? Why did he want a hug from Mama and Daddy so much right now?
These were to many questions for a baby. To many emotions. He needed them, he realized. Everything felt like to much without them. Taking care of himself was harder then he remembered.
"Where's Reggie?" Julie's panicked voice sounded as she ran out of her room and down the stairs.
"In your room?" Alex questioned from his spot on the living room couch, sitting up. Julie shook her head,
"He's gone. Is he hiding?"
Luke jumped up, running his fingers through his hair. "Maybe he woke up early and went to the studio?" He looked to Alex, who nodded.
"I'll check. You two, search the house."
They all agreed on roles, splitting up in an effort to find the little.
But when they came up empty handed, Julie became panicky, while Luke grew frustrated. Alex paced around the room, while Julie searched it, and Luke sat on the bed. "Who the hell decided to give a little teleportation powers?"
"An idiot." Julie replied. She had one thought lingering in the back of her mind that made her scared. What if Caleb got him?
Yeah, it was unlikely that the evil ghost appeared in her house, took only Reggie, and left. But it was technically a possibility. A scary one, at that.
"He could be anywhere," Alex sighed. Luke ran his fingers through his hair, pausing.
"Technically, yes," He began, sitting up all the way. "But I know one place he used to go to while little." he realized, jumping up.
"I'm gonna go check somewhere. You guys just stay here in case he comes back, okay?"
Julie and Alex nodded, watching Luke poof out.
Reggie glanced up from his curled up position when he heard Luke's voice, revealing his teary face. He made grabby hands immediately, "Dada!" he whined.
Just like Luke had done around a month ago, he ran over and dropped down to sit next to him. He hugged him close, holding him in his arms tightly. "You scared the hell out of us, you know that?" he pulled away, taking a deep breath and he looked over Reggie's face.
"Sowwy, didn' mean to scawe anyone." Reggie mumbled with a sniffle, rubbing at his face. Add that to the list of thinks he felt guilty for.
"What are you doing here?" Luke questioned, looking around. He noticed the toy cars and his stuffed animal scattered over the floor, looking back to him. "You disappeared during your nap and came here? Why?"
"Felt bad. Didn' wanna waste your time." Reggie explained.
"What? You're not wasting my time-" he cut himself off, pausing. "I love taking care of you, and so does Julie. How long have you felt like this?"
"Y-you cancelled band practice," his voice became a little clearer as he managed to force himself into a slightly bigger headspace so that he could talk. "You and Juwie give up lots of time for me. You shouldn't have to."
"I know we don't have to, we do this because we want to. And because we care about you." Luke sighed, cupping the side of his face and wiping his tears with his thumb. "And you came here to be little by yourself?"
Reggie nodded. "I used to play by my m'self, a-and take care of m'self," he explained, bringing his thumb up to his lips. "B-but it's to hard, Daddy." he cried, his eyes glossing over as he began to sniffle and sob again. Any 'big' part of his mind slipped away as he cried, reaching out for Luke.  Luke opened his arms once more, allowing him to bury his head in his chest and snuggle into him.
"Shh, baby. I know," he swayed in place a bit, rubbing his back as he tried to help calm him down. "Little boys shouldn't have to take care of themselves. That's what Mommy's and Daddy's are for, Rockstar."
"I wish you would've talked to us before things got this bad," he spoke as Reggie pulled away, wiping at his eyes again.
"m' sowwy." Reggie muttered, bringing his thumb to his lip again. He felt a lot better now. He wasn't a waste of time, or annoying. He wasn't getting in the way of anything. Luke and Julie simply cared about him, so they liked caring for him.
That's just how it worked.
"Don't be. If this is anyone's fault, it's mine, for not talking to you when I thought something was wrong." Luke sighed, seemingly upset with himself. Reggie tilted his head curiously. "After regressing with Alex for the first time, you stopped regressing completely and avoided talking about it at all costs. Something felt off and I should've asked about it." Luke explained.
"It's okays!" he assured, settling his thumb into his mouth and speaking around it.
"Still. Talk to me next time you're feeling bad, okay? Or talk to Julie, just don't keep it inside. It'll build up to something like this eventually."
Reggie nodded.
"We're gonna clean up these toys and then go home, okay? We'll have a movie night and cuddle and talk more about this later, alright?"
Another nod.
They did exactly what Luke said they would. They picked up the toys and went home. Julie and Alex fussed over Reggie, hugging him and asking him if he was okay a million times over before helping Luke set up the laptop to play a movie for him. Luke explained to Julie what happened, and they agreed to actually talk to him about it later.
For now, they just needed some family time. Then when he was big, they'd talk it over. And the next day, they'd go have fun in the park.
Sometimes, things didn't always work the way Reggie wanted them to. He never wanted anyone to know about his regression. For a long time, he didn't want to be a little. Sometimes, the things he viewed as bad turned out good.
Luke finding out about him led to him feeling safer regressing, and adjusting to a cute family dynamic they were slowly building. Being little made him happy. Hiding in the CD Shop taught him that his friends cared about him, no matter how insecure or anxious he got.
And that lesson was one of the most important things he could learn. Remembering that he wasn't annoying, and that he had people there for him, was important. Not just important for him, but for anyone.
You have someone there for you, just like Reggie. Someone who cares about you, flaws and all.  And if you think you don't, then you'll find them soon.
Reggie was just lucky enough to find those people early on.
A/N: Please leave feedback in the reblogs/replies/my askbox! Do you like how I wrote this situation? This whole book is about Reggie adjusting to and accepting his headspace, and this was an important step. He knew that he had his friends, but he realized how much they really cared in this chapter.
also I'm pretty sure this chapter makes the word count of this fic like 20,000 so that's cool!
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namelessthirst · 5 years
[ A gift fic for @lady-bakuhoe ! I intended this to end a certain way but I hit a good line to end this so I guess this is a part one and expect the rest soon??? I’ll tag @ikinabi too since they mentioned liking pegging >:3c
As always lemme know if you spot any errors I missed! <33
2k and some change
Pegging, Anal, AttemptingToDom!Reader, No pronouns are used but Reader usually has a cooche, But Not This Time ;) ShapshifterQuirk!Reader]
Momo blessedly did not ask details when you asked her to make several floor mats like the ones in gyms, nor when you asked her, as a follow-up, to make a king-sized bedding.
You knew you had a couple hours to prepare before the boys came back from their evening training, though you didn't expect to take that long.
The setup was mostly simple, your dorm furniture pressed away from the middle of the room, giving as much space as you could to the affair you had planned. Placing the gym mats was a bit of a squeeze anyway, but with some effort they pressed down well enough between your bed and the desk. Getting the bedding on was a different ordeal, trying to pin the corners of the sheet on by yourself was far from an easy task even when the object being dressed was all in one piece, let alone multiple slats of mats. You could have asked your boys to help, but that would have given away the surprise unveiling for the evening. But, eventually, you did get it all on; with the help of a desk chair, a beanbag, and some textbooks, holding down the other corners.
Next was decorating the room in candles, more for mood lighting than scent; you didn't expect to mind the smell of the aftermath at all. Besides, the boys had insisted on showering before coming over anyway, even though you said it'd be kinda silly to get all cleaned up just to get dirty again.
Lastly was organizing your inventory for the night- lube, the warming pad for the lube (which you intended to go and warm up a bit later, so it'd be sure to keep until the boys came), water bottles, some light snacks, some small towels that you'd bought specifically for times like these, and a pack of sanitary wipes. Oh! And lastly, a pair of lovely metal butt-plugs, adorned with red and gold sequins on the backs. These, you were sure to hide separately from the main stash.
With everything prepped and cleaned, all you needed to do now was wait.
It was unexpectedly calm, the time spent idly studying or lounging. When it came closer to their arrival, you meandered into the communal kitchen to warm the heating pad in the microwave. Sure, you got a couple odd looks from your peers, but nothing about it was too unusual.
Your relationship with Eijiro and Katsuki wasn't a secret, sure, but you didn't exactly call out your sexual escapades to the sky either. Not that you would have minded bragging some, with welcoming company, but you're fairly certain the noisiest of your trio would have a right fit about it if you did.
After tucking the lube together with the pad in with a normal towel, you heard your phone go off lightly, your set alert tone specifically for Eiji's texts.
You couldn't help the little gleeful wiggle that was elicited at the ETA you were given. Almost there!
Just before you expected them, you dashed around to dim the lights, leaving only a lamp in the back to offer just enough light to see by, and of course, the candles.
There was a soft knock at your door and a jingle of keys (you'd given them copies to your room a while ago), and you took a moment to take a breath before the door opened. Composure was certainly something you could bring to this, for the moment.
Eijiro was first in, squinting into the darkened room as his eyes adjusted from the lighting outside. Katsuki followed in in a similar fashion, shutting the door behind himself gently, for once.
"You have enough fire in here to put icy-hot to shame."
Not exactly the most romantic greeting, but you couldn't exactly deny Katsuki's claim either.
"Maybe- Doesn't it look pretty though?"
Eijiro set his workout bag aside, having brought himself and Katsuki straight over after their shower, "I think so! Romantic lighting is always a classic move, isn't it?"
You hummed in consideration, making grabby hands at the two, "Maybe. I just thought it'd be...relaxing."
Katsuki joined you and Eijiro on the makeshift king-bed after dumping his own bag in the designated spot, "Nothing like a little fire hazard to set the mood."
You snorted, breaking the light kiss with Eiji to give Katsuki a look, "Says the guy who lights off his hands at any given opportunity, in any indoor space."
You knew his remarks right now were mostly due to nerves, but that didn't mean you'd let him get away without a good sassing.
All the same, you pulled him in next to press a more tender kiss than he'd usually prefer to his lips, "Mm, so. Do we wanna kick things off?"
You shifted back a bit toward the mound of pillows you'd placed at the top of the 'bed', having snatched your own and theirs, and perhaps a few from the storage closet; if the night went as you'd hoped, you'd be keeping them, for your sake and everyone else's. "Or we could just...warm up for a bit? Talk?"
You wanted to take things slow, or at least slow enough that Katsuki wouldn't lose his shit so soon. You tried to work this want into him with your hands, rubbing firmly up and down his biceps, which did happen to feel awfully nice after a workout.
Eijiro shuffled up behind you, caging you in against the bedroom nervous-nancy, "Why don't we play it by ear?" He perhaps didn't mean it so literally, but the temptation was too prominent as he leaned in and nipped at the shell of your ear. You offered him a sweet shiver and a tilt of your head in agreement, slipping your hands up Katsuki's shoulders and into the edge of his hair to play and comb through it while Eijiro danced his teeth over your pulse.
With a soft huff, Katsuki shifted himself, gripping your thighs to lift you a bit till he had you seated neatly on his thighs, Eijiro's pelvis providing a nice back to brace on. The pretty pearly whites you so loved to see Katsuki flash in pride and excitement found their way to the open side your neck, wasting no time in catching up to his sharper counterpart.
You let them mark you up for a bit, praising them with slow grinds against their laps. You knew what they expected this to be, that you wouldn't exactly be participating through the main event, so surely this was not just warming for them, but reassurance to their pride that you were having pleasure too.
Still though, their focus was meant to be on each other, at least at the start.
So with a small whine and a wiggle for their attention, you took their chins to aim for each other. With your insistence they pressed heated kisses together, nipping and pulling at each other’s lips, putting a show on for you.
It wasn't as though they didn't care for each other as they did you, they just weren't as quite quick off mark with each other as they were with you. They seemed to carry their feelings more like a teammate, the fight addressed usually being just how well they could ruin you by the end of the night.
You kept them close for a bit, pressing encouraging kisses to their bared cheeks and shoulders, feeling their mutual arousal being ground against you. With a squeeze to Eiji's shaft and quick work of his fly, he sucked in a breath against plump, pouty lips, and ground all the more readily against your touch.
Katsuki was a different beast to tame, a wanting palm run over his length, surely, but more so as you pressed your fingers into the back of his pants to tease a grip at his ass cheek. His grip on your hips gave you all you needed to know before you slipped from between them to fetch the warmed lube from its nest.
They obeyed, gladly ditching their already dampening tops- the candles really did make the room warmer. You were glad to look back as they did, catching the candle-light shimmer of saliva strung between their lips before it was taken with their shirts.
It didn't take long for Katsuki to beckon you back over to him once he'd bared himself, laid out against the pillow-mound while Eijiro sat between his spread legs, slowly pumping his length and smearing the pre over his tip.
You dribbled lube onto your fingers while you let Katsuki hold you in for a deep kiss, waving your free hand over for Eiji's to apply the same to his.
'Suki's soft gasp into your mouth as you spread the lube over his puckered hole made you wobble in your desire to see your plan through, loving the idea of just seating yourself on his twitching dick already. But, no, you planned too much for this to fall through.
On you pressed, both figuratively, and literally, as you slid the first finger into him. You couldn't help the grin that spread on your lips as you felt his asshole flutter around you. But you'd have your fun soon enough, so you cooed for him to relax, dancing pecks over his lips and cheek as your finger worked in and out.
With a glance at Eiji in signal, he brought his slicked fingers beside yours, pressing the longer digit in with a swallowed groan from 'Suki.
"Baby, take his leg up?" Eijiro complied, your hand replacing his on his wanting cock as he took Katsuki's knee up higher.
It didn't take long before Eijiro's touch found your love's prostate, he'd know where it was best, of course.  Still you kept yourself in, pressing the opposite way to stretch and tease him inside.
Your touch on Eijiro's need was not quite feathery, you didn't want him too close before he made it in. Before Katsuki's clenched moans turned sweet and as pliant as his slippery asshole, before yours and Eiji's fingers gained in number for him.
"Is it time baby?" You asked, tone full of sugar as you kissed at his flushed cheeks. "Can he go in?"
With his untouched leg spreading further without input, you gave Eiji's cock a firm squeeze, and he wasted no time in shuffling closer as your fingers slipped free.
Your clean hand brushed into Katsuki's hair as you watched Eijiro's arousal slowly disappear into the love under him, using his fingers as a guide until he was seated sturdily in.
After wiping your used hand off on the bedsheets, you wrapped it around Katsuki's cock, his own hands busied in gripping Eiji's arm and the pillow under him.
"Is it good sweetie? Do you wonder, now, if this is what I feel like when you two go to town on me?" You were almost laid out beside him now, watching his lips part in caught moans, his chest rise with every inch Eiji pushed in, not quite fucking him yet, just adjusting. Your hand stroking him languidly, thumb pressing his pretty, glistening slit as you spoke.
With the first roll of Katsuki's hips up to his partner's touch, Eiji met him fully and thrusted, though it ended up being more of a grind when he was already so deeply within him. Still, they'd found their comfort and the sound of strong hips meeting a heavy ass had you dripping in want. You couldn't wait much longer.
They didn't ask when you disappeared behind Eijiro, the grip of each other keeping them preoccupied while you coated your hand in lube once more.
"Eiji, honey, hold in for a bit?"
He grunted in question, but still pressing his hips flush to Katsuki's squirming ass all the same.
When Eiji's hips lurched forward even more, 'Suki swore into a groan, "W-Why're we stopping?"
He couldn't see, how your fingers danced into Eijiro's untouched asshole, repeating the treatment given to the bottom-for-the-night earlier.
"Mmh, I know I said I just wanted to watch, but...then I got an idea!"
Eijiro was caught, stuck between wanting to press his ass onto the fingers teasing so close to his favorite spot and keeping his cock buried in the hot hole it'd been warmed up in. He nearly whined when your fingers left and you climbed back into view of both, your clean hand buried almost out of sight into your own sopping hole.
"I mean, you two always have so much fun plowing into me, I thought- maybe I'd like to give it a try too?"
Their eyes trailed the slick strings carried from yourself to your soaked hand, almost not catching how your soft mound disappeared, something far more prominent taking its place.
"S-so, what do you think? Can I try too?" Your voice wasn't quite as domineering as you'd have liked, too used to your spot between and under them. Still the sight of you using your own arousal to lube up your freshly formed cock had Katsuki clamping down on what was already inside him, giving Eijiro a run for his money to not rut into the tight heat and cum right there.
It was Eijiro's affirmation you were mostly waiting for, as he'd be the one taking you. At least at first.
When you didn't move, he nodded, swallowing thickly between his words, "Y-yeah, babe, god."
With a grin you came around behind, running your hands over his back, "Press 'Suki's legs all the way up, baby? So I can get to you too."
He did as told, caging over Katsuki that much more, hands pressing his knees practically up to his ears, his own ass lifting to give you a pretty view, and a prettier angle to take him in.
You bit your lip in glee as you pressed your slicked cock against the sweetly presented hole, pushing in inch by inch with gentle thrusts until your purposefully over-sized length was buried in to the hilt. You hadn't gone too overboard, but the idea of taking them with something even they couldn't give was just too tempting of a chance.
Eiji was practically drooling when he felt your hips flush to his ass, cock throbbing inside Katsuki who watched his partner's mouth hang open with tongue and drool, and he could only imagine how it must feel.
You moaned soft, rubbing Eijiro's sides as the new sensations took over your sense and you gave a sharp snap back into him, having only pulled back half way- but it was enough. Shoving his hips back into Katsuki as they'd followed your cock back out.
You leaned over his strong back, and Katsuki could just barely catch the filthiest grin he'd ever seen you make as you almost whispered to them.
"I'm going to make you both my bitches tonight."
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mochimood · 5 years
BTS // Their S/O being clingy
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pairing: bts x genderneutral!reader
genre: fluff
warnings: ‘fuck’ is used once lmao
a/n: this was requested a year ago ajsksjdjd i’m so sORRY. i don’t even know what to say about my writing break?? like?? i posted 2 reactions and then bOoM i’m gone for a year??? ANYWAY, i have 9 requests for bts left from a year ago so bear with me lol.
hope you like it 💕
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"Can you come over?"  
"Babe, it's almost three in the morning. Did something happen? Why aren't you asleep?" he asked, clearly worried why you're calling him in the middle of the night. 
You felt horrible for worrying him but you couldn't fall asleep. You've done one thing Jin asked you not to do and now you felt stupid for being too stubborn and not listening to your boyfriend. 
"Maybe, just maybe I've watched that scary movie you told me not to watch alone and now I'm scared to close my eyes," you said quietly, feeling as dumb as you sounded. You felt embarrassed for asking him to come and sleep with you but you just couldn’t help but see scenes from that movie every time you’ve tried to close your eyes. 
You heard Jin sigh heavily over the phone but he didn't make any comment. "I'll be there as soon as I can." 
You’ve almost fallen asleep by the time he arrived but then again, you were wide awake when you heard the closing doors and your brain immediately came up with the worst scenarios. You’ve let out a sigh of relief when you saw Jin coming up to your bed, and made grabby hands at him to hurry up. 
You wrapped your limbs around him as soon as he lied down, your body practically lying on top of his. You buried your face in his neck, pulling the covers up your chin, finally ready to go to sleep. 
“Thank you for coming, I love you,” you kissed his neck gently. “And I’m sorry for not listening to you.” 
“I’ll slap your ass if you ever decide to watch horrors again.”  
“Are you trying to sound scary or are you implying nasty stuff?” 
“Just sleep, Y/N,” he chuckled, tightening his grip around your body. 
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Yoongi, being the absolute sweetheart he is, always tries to make time for you no matter how busy he is. For that reason, you should have respected him and gave him his time to work, as you knew he will make it up to you when he’s done, as he always does. And yet you found yourself standing by his chair, tugging at his sleeve. 
“What?” he asked, not even looking up from his computer screen. 
“Can we cuddle?” you asked shyly, fumbling with your fingers. Even though you’ve been together for quite a long time, the need to be as close to him as possible still made you embarrassed.
“Y/N,” he sighed, running his hand through his hair. “Let me finish this, okay? Then we can spend time together.”
“But..” you trailed off, not having any particular reason that would make you unable to wait and let him finish his work.
“Baby, please stop being clingy. Give me an hour and I'm all yours, I promise.” he turned back to his computer, making it clear the conversation was over. You groaned, beyond done with his response.
“I miss you like hell every time you’re not around so excuse me if I’m being a little clingy right now and just want to sit on my boyfriend’s lap and spend the rest of my life in his arms. Is it really too much to ask?”
You knew you were being kinda dramatic but the sleepiness made you barely stand on your own feet so you couldn’t care less. You noticed he was slightly taken aback by how fast you went from sweet to annoyed, and yet you could literally see the smugness in his next words.
“Wow, you really need me tonight, don’t you?” he turned on his chair towards you; his lap looking as inviting as ever. 
He chuckled at your pouty expression and before you knew it, you were sitting where you wanted. Yoongi’s arms wrapped around your tired body, one of his hands playing with your hair. You sighed contently, almost immediately nuzzling your nose in his neck, placing a few small kisses on his pale skin.
“Ahh, my clingy little baby,” he whispered in your ear. His tender tone made you feel all warm inside but it didn’t stop you from punching him lightly.
“I’m not clingy.”
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Hoseok was attacked with your kisses the moment he walked through the door of your apartment. He smiled against your lips and wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and spinning you around playfully, before crossing the room and sitting down on the couch, with you in his lap. Holding you tight against his body, he started peppering your face with kisses, watching your smiling face happily.
He hated being away from you and moments like these only made him realize how much he misses you whenever he needs to go on tour. However, the day when you've finally reunited again is always his favorite because he knows he will get your full attention and all the love you have, reserved only for him. And your boyfriend loved being praised and loved all day long, especially when it was by you.
"I hope you're aware I won't leave your side for the rest of the day. Or the week. You're stuck with me," you said, your words slightly muffled from pressing your lips into his neck.
"What if I need to go to the toilet?"
"I'll go with you," you answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Wow, Y/N, I didn't know you're into that kind of things," you slapped his chest, smiling right after, secretly enjoying being teased by him again.
"Tell me some stories from the tour, I missed your voice," you demanded, kissing his cheek gently.
"You act like you haven't heard my voice since I left," he chuckled. The way you acted like you couldn't get enough of him, never failed to amuse him.
"Hearing your voice for a few minutes every other day isn't even close to meeting my standards."
Hoseok laughed out loud at your response, throwing his head back, only giving you more space to leave small kisses all over his neck.
You spent the rest of that day lying on his chest, playing with his hair while his voice slowly lulled you to sleep.
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You woke up to a feeling of small kisses being pressed all over your face. You tried to stay still and act like you’re still asleep, absolutely loving the touch of his plump lips on your skin and the affection he was giving you. It’s not often that you can sleep curled up in your boyfriend’s lap and have his undivided attention on you so you wanted to cherish the moment as long as you could.
Namjoon loves to kiss your body but he also knows where it tickles the most.
You squirmed a little when he found that particular spot on your neck and soon after, you were a giggling mess under his touch. Pushing his face away, you looked up into his eyes, pouting a little. He chuckled quietly, brushing his hand on your cheek.
“Good evening, my love,” he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Evening?” you straighten yourself on his lap, surprised to see that there was nobody but you two in the living room.
“The boys went to sleep earlier today, so we have some time for ourselves,” he said and gently pulled you back into his chest.
Hearing you finally have him for yourself, made you not want to leave his lap for the next century. You changed your position, now straddling him. Wrapping your arms around his neck again, you placed your head on his shoulder. Right away, you felt Namjoon’s warm hands on your back, slowly rubbing soothing circles on them. After sitting like that for a while, you felt him moving under you, trying to separate your bodies. You groaned in protest, holding on his neck like your life depended on it.
"Can we just stay like this for a little longer?" you mumbled.
"As you wish, babe." he sighed but kissed the top of your head anyway, tightening his grip around your waist.
“Can I get a kiss too?”
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"You want to sit here?" he widened his eyes comically, acting all surprised while pointing at his lap. "On my lap?"
"What else could I mean when I ask if I can sit on your lap, Jimin?" you crossed your arms on your chest, growing more and more annoyed with your boyfriend's behavior.
You've had a long day and now all you wanted was to catch up on your favorite show while being all wrapped up in your boyfriend's arms. But Jimin and his teasing nature just couldn't give it to you so easily.
"Many things," he started laughing when he saw the look on your face, a little squeak escaping his lips, yet he didn't do anything to make your wish happen.
"Oh for fuck's sake," you mumbled, wrapping yourself with a blanket and throwing yourself on his lap, placing your arms tight around his middle.
"Ahh babe, you have a whole couch for yourself, do you really need to sit on my lap? For the whole episode? You know it's quite a long one and you aren't the lightest.." he continued to tease you, nuzzling his nose in your neck the whole time though, so you knew he wasn't serious.
"Okay, I guess I'll sit somewhere else then," you said dramatically but he pushed you back down on his lap before you managed to fully stand up. You looked at him over your shoulder, his wide grin made you smile.
"You're such a dork."
“And yet you love me," he said with a smug smile on his face, tightening his grip around your body.
"Just shut up already and kiss me," you whined, changing your position so you could be even closer to him.
"Since when are you so clingy?" he asked, playfully biting your neck.
"I'm warning you Park Jimin."
He giggled before his lips finally found yours.
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"You remind me of Yeontan today."
A soft smile appeared on your face at Taehyung's words. You expected him to say next something like 'You're just as cute as him', and were ready to gush over how adorable your boyfriend is but you weren't prepared for what he actually said. “You follow me around exactly like he does."
You felt like a deer caught in the headlights and that's how you probably looked like at that moment, gaping at him from your spot right next to him, where you've been accompanying him in the kitchen while he washed the dishes.
Yes, maybe you've been following him around like a lost puppy since he came to your apartment but it wasn't your fault that he decided to wear your favorite hoodie to cuddle him in. The fact that you've been feeling a little sad all day wasn't helpful at all, only causing you to be more clingy than usual, needing your boyfriend's special cuddles.
Taehyung, on the other hand, decided that it was a perfect day to become the perfect boyfriend and help you with cleaning your apartment so you could finally rest. Little did he know, that instead of him doing your chores for you, the only thing you wanted was his warm body cuddled up next to you in your bed and a cup of your favorite warm drink.
"I'm not complaining though," he dried his hands on the towel before placing them on your hips and pulling you closer to his body. “You’re cute when you’re clingy.”
“I’m not clingy,” you whined but your actions said something different. You put your hands beneath his hoodie right after he took ahold of your body, burying your face in his neck and making Taehyung giggle cutely.
“So if we already agreed I’m all clingy and pathetic, can we finally do something fun and go cuddle in my bed?”
“First of all, you’re not pathetic. You’re adorable,” he kissed your nose, making it scrunch a little. “Second of all, I love your definition of fun, baby”
“It’s fun for me,” you pouted, stealing a kiss from his lips the second he lowered his head. You quickly untangled yourself from his arms and tugged him towards your bedroom before he changes his mind.
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You sat on the couch across from your boyfriend, eyeing him expectantly. You watched him slurping on his ramen for a couple of seconds, waiting for him to finally notice you before you let out an annoyed huff and looked out of the window instead. That seemed to finally catch his attention.
“Problem?” he asked, mouth full of noodles, making his words inarticulate.
He nudged you with his foot, trying to make you look at him. He kept doing that again and again, until you've had enough and kicked him back, shifting your gaze back to him. He let out one of his adorable giggles, returning to his food and not really caring what you've had to say.
“You promised me cuddles,” you whined, dramatically throwing yourself on the armrest behind you.
“Did I?” he asked teasingly, looking up from the cup. “Well, I said that for you to stop undressing me in a room full of people.”
Jungkook knew you were in one of your clingy moods when earlier during the day you took every opportunity to put your hands underneath his shirt, without any care in the world that BTS stuff and Jungkook's fellow members itself were all around you.
"I can't help it that my boyfriend is literally the hottest guy in this world," you said while taking the almost empty cup from him and placing it on the coffee table instead. You spread his legs enough for you to get between them, resting your back against his chest. Grabbing his wrists, you forced his arms around your waist and wiggled in your place a little, letting out a happy sigh when you were fully content with your position. Jungkook pressed his lips into your shoulder, trying to hide his smile at your adorable actions.
“Next time, just try not to make people uncomfortable by flashing them with my bare skin.”
“I bet nobody would complain if I did it again.”
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
It’s a kind of magic tour pt. 2; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
And like I promised guys, here is the second part of the chapter and like I said I’ll try to get the last part of the chapter ASAP. But for now we are at the Budapest section of the tour, it’s not really so much of the concert as it is something else, but ohh wtf I’ll just say it, I mostly wrote about Roger’s bday in this chapter so it’s FLUFFY FATHER-DAUGHTER feels with this chapter so I hope you all enjoy this chapter as you did the previous part :)
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*July 25th, 1986. Budapest, Hungary*
After a few days of resting from the Austria concert, we were now on the ferry ride to a place that I knew very well but the guys never got to quite go to, my favorite place of all time, Budapest, Hungary.  The guys were all psyched to visit such a beautiful country and I couldn’t wait to show them what all there was to see and do.
While Deacy and Bri were lying up along the boat getting in some sun, Freddie and I were sitting together and I was telling him all there was to know that I could remember about Hungary.  Plus he said he had a little surprise for the Hungarian audience.
“Oh look Fred the crowning jewel of Budapest. The House of Parliament.” I pointed out as we came around towards it.
“Oh fabulous isn’t it. The House of Parliament. Is it for sale?”
“Freddie!” I giggled. “You can’t just buy the House of Parliament.”
“Why not?” he then turned to Queen’s interpreter and asked him, “How many-how many bedrooms?” I rolled my eyes and shook my head playfully at him.
“About 56 bedrooms in total.”
“Do they have enough servants quarters?” I gaped at Freddie and slapped his arm and that’s when he caught onto his mistake. “Not a good thing to say in this country. Sorry, I didn’t say that.” He said to the camera that was in front of us.  I shook my head as I faced the camera and mocked the gesture of me choking Freddie before placing my hands on his shoulders and leaning my head against his.
“Fred you are such a chaotic source of energy.”
“And you only fuel the flames my darling angel.” He praised proudly as he gave my nose a peck, his tache tickling the end of my nose.  After a little more of a tour along the outer boarders of Budapest, we finally arrived at our docking point and there was an entire crowd of people, just like when I first came here, waiting to greet us like we were their Queen.
I stood along the railings and I waved to everyone before proclaiming to one and all as loud as I could.
“HELLO BUDAPEST I AM BACK!!!!!” The crowd cheered and I even saw some Rock Angel signs being held up and a few chants of ‘Angel! Angel! Angel!’ being said.
“Wow they really do love you here don’t they?” Brian said.
“Well it kinda helps when you’ve been here before, and I might’ve translated one of my songs at the time to Hungarian. Believe me it was hard and I swore I messed up some of the lines but hell it’s the thought that counts.”
“Wait so you can sing Hungarian?” Freddie said as he turned to me after he gave a wave to the crowd.
“I mean a bit.”
“Then bitch why didn’t you offer to help me with my special surprise?” of course I knew the bitch was directed specifically at me as an insult, it was just Freddie being Freddie (trust me not the first time he’s called me that in the affectionate way).
“You never asked me.” I shrugged as I went over towards Roger who put his arm over me and we both gave a wave to the Hungarian people.  Once we docked, I stood behind Deacy along the stairs and he was behind Freddie.  As Freddie was speaking to someone, probably the producer or someone else, Deacy held his arms out with that sweet loveable grin spread across his face so I decided to join him.
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I switched between wrapping my arms around him, or holding his wrists and leaning up against him, placing my head on top of the floofy hair of his.  When the ferry finally stopped and the engines ceased, the guys and I walked off the ferry and walked up onto the decks to hear the crowd continuing to scream and chant.
We waved to them and as we finally got off the decks and the ramps leading us out onto the streets, we were quickly placed into the cars before the fans could try and grab a hold of us.  Of course I managed to try and at least sign a couple of things, as did the boys but we didn’t have enough time for photos before we finally got into the cabs and they drove us to our hotel.
Checking in was fortunately easy but of course cameras and photographers were taking pictures of us and watching us as we signed the guest book every guest needed to sign.
My suite was on the same floor as Roger’s and Deacy’s.  Brian was two floors above ours and Freddie got the penthouse suite.  Once I got to my suite, the first thing I did was get into the bed and reached for the phone.  I dialed the number and waited for an answer.  It rang about four times till I finally got an answer.
“Hey love.” I said with a smile.
‘Well hello mama lion. Did you and the guys make it to Budapest safely?’
“Yep we just arrived at the hotel. I promise when the tour’s over I’ll bring you and Kelly here for holiday.”
‘I don’t doubt that baby. So the ferry ride was good?’
“Oh yeah it was fun. I miss you guys so much.”
‘We miss you too mama.’
“Is my baby awake from her nap?”
‘Yep she’s playing with her stuffed lion her godfather gave her.’ I smiled and said.
“Can I talk to her?” I asked him.
‘Okay. But if she starts crying because of me taking her attention away from her toy, I blame you.’ Jack teased.
“Wanker.” I muttered.
‘I heard that.’ There was a bit of silence before I heard the coos and fussing of my 8 month old baby.
“Hi little mama!” I cooed.  It was then the fussing turned into sweet coos. “Hi baby girl.”
‘Yeah it’s mama.’ I heard Jack say.
“Hi my sweet baby girl. You being good for daddy?”
‘She’s always an angel. Although we had a rough night last night.’
“Aww little mama.” I then heard a knock at the door, but I just ignored it for now as I asked. “What was wrong?”
‘I think she might’ve had a pretty bad dream last night.’
“Can babies even get nightmares?”
‘I don’t know, I called Veronica, Dominque and Chrissie about it and they said it was possible. Ronnie even said Michael once had nightmares when he was around Kelly’s age.’ I hummed and that’s when I heard the knocking again.
“Hold on a second Jack,” I set the phone down and proclaimed. “Who is it?”
‘It’s me lovie open up!’ I sighed. It was Roger. Obviously wanting to check on me as per usual.
“It’s open!” I quickly went back to the bed and picked the phone back up. “It’s just Roger coming to check on me.”
‘His usual day to day checkups whenever you guys get to a new location?’
‘So—what are you guys planning for his birthday?’
“Well I can’t say much but Fred’s got something very special planned. And you’re sure you sent the present to this hotel right?”
‘Yes baby I sent it through the mail just last week.’
“And what exactly are you talking about little angel?” I looked up and pressed the phone to my chest and said.
“Nothing you need concern for yourself shades.” I gestured to his prescription sunglasses.  He glared at me and I said, “well be thankful I’m not calling you raccoon eyes.”
“Haha very funny.” He mocked as he collapsed right beside me. “Whose on the other end? Your boyfriend?”
“As a matter of fact it’s my husband along with my child.”
“Kelly? Let me say hello to her.”
“Ahh no sir! When they came to Wembley you took her for the entire time.”
“At least I let you see her, c’mon let me say hello to my godchild, please!” god he was such a human puppy dog.  Leaning his head against his hand and giving it that adorably little tilt, doing the pouty puppy dog lip.
‘Just put him on the phone (y/n). You know he’s never gonna give it up.’ I heard Jack’s voice say. I groaned and I said.
“Just so you know next time Nique comes with baby Rory I’m taking her away from you.”
“Fine eye for an eye now give me the phone woman!” he made the grabby hands for the phone and I went ahead and handed it to him while I got up and went over and started picking out my stage gear in two days, plus my party clothes for tomorrow.
All the while I could hear Roger cooing to my child saying hi in that baby voice.
“Hi Kelly love-a-bug. Hi lovie. Awww is that so? You think your mummy and daddy are keeping you prisoner? Why the nerve of them.” I turned to him accusingly and whispered.
“Hey!” he just grinned at me mockingly as he said.
“Well don’t you worry you sweet angel. When I get back you’ll spend the week with me and aunt Nique and your favorite sister Rory, okay?” he smiled and softly laughed. “That’s what I hope you’d say. Okay lovebug, I’ve got to go now you’re mummy is looking at me very crossly. Aww I love you too love-a-bug. Bye baby girl, bye my sweet lion cub.” He then made a kissing sound to the phone before hanging it up.
“Really? You hang it up before I could say goodbye to Jack?”
“Oh Jack was there too? I thought it was just my lovebug.” I rolled my eyes at him.
“Why must you still treat him like that?”
“Like what?” he teased.
“You know bloody well what I mean your cheeky blonde lion.” I said as I sat down on the bed beside him.
“I’ve got to, it’s my rule as the father. And I promise I’ll do the same to Rory when she marries and any other daughter that I have. They’ll get the same treatment as you. Because they may find a new lion to love, but none will ever compare to their papa lion.” He said as he sat up and cupped both sides of my face before leaning his nose close to mine, and having his forehead resting against mine.
“Then may God help us once Rory and your real girls start dating. Cause then they’ll start blowing up my phone and coming to my house to escape the overbearing papa lion.” He gave me his best ‘bitch’ face like what Deacy sometimes gives me whenever I annoy him (like any good sister would do) before shoving his hand in my face and pushing me down onto my bed. “Hey you can’t do that in my room!”
“I might as well take this room as punishment young lady.”
“You are so mean!”
“But you love me for it my full grown lioness cub.”
“That I do. And I always will, even when you’re old and gray.”
“You better you ageless Angel.”
“Hey you know only Freddie is allowed to call me that.” I snapped.
“Yeah, yeah. Well I think I’m gonna head for the bar down in the lobby, care to join me?” he said as he got off my bed.
“No thanks, I’m exhausted I think I’m gonna go to bed and sleep until lunch tomorrow.” He chuckled and came up to me and kissed the top of my head.
“Well if you do wake up later tonight, that’s where I’ll most likely be, either there or in my suite.”
“Okay Rog, see you tomorrow.” He then left my room with a salute and once I heard the door close I lay back against my bed, got into the covers and just fell right asleep.
Finally for the first time in weeks, I was able to get a good days/night’s sleep.
The next morning, I woke up to the sun on my face and a ringing by my bedside.  I groaned and tiredly reached over and slammed on the clock thinking it was the damn alarm, but when it wouldn’t shut off, I unplugged it but the ringing still happened.
It was then I opened my eyes and reached out for the phone and answered it.
‘Sorry to disturb you Mrs. Kline but a package has arrived with your name on it.’ Hearing that made me more wide awake cause I knew exactly what it was.
“It has? Tell me it’s still in perfect condition!”
‘Yes ma’am. The box is in prime condition. Not a tear or soil in it at all.’
“Excellent. Send it up to the Presidential suite.”
‘Right away ma’am.’ I hung up the phone then picked it back up and dialed the presidential suite.  It rang about five times and I muttered,
“Come on Fred pick up, pick up!” I muttered.
“Fred it’s me.”
‘(Y/n)? Darling it’s 7 o’clock in the morning, why are you calling me at 7?’
“Well sorry if her royal majesty didn’t get her beauty rest. But I need you to be awake.”
‘What for?’
“My package for Roger just came in. For his you know what today.”
‘Wait it’s that time already?’
“Yes Fred, it’s the 26th.”
‘Oh fuck! I swear a week apart and I can’t keep up with the fucking demands.’ I could hear him getting out of bed.
“So you’ll take care of it?”
‘No worries darling your gift will be kept perfectly safe in my hands. Can I at least know what it is?’
“Fuck no because you are the worst secret keeper ever when it comes to presents. Especially when they involve your partner in crime. I swear you guys tell each other everything.”
‘Yeah. That we do. And you’re no fun darling, I promise I won’t tell Roger now please tell me what it is pleeease!’
“Nope. You’ll find out later tonight.”
‘I swear darling you’ve become so boring since you became a mother. You used to share all the dirty little secrets with me.’
“You’re such a liar Freddie. A Great King Rat!”
‘Seems like someone’s been listening to our first album again.’ He teased me.
“Can you blame me? Next to A Night at the Opera, that’s my favorite album.”
‘But can you at least tell me what you’re wearing tonight?’
“Sorry can’t say that either.”
‘Darling you’re killing me here!’ he whined which made me giggle.
“Okay so you’ve got the cake ready to go right?”
‘Yes I have the finest chocolatiers baking it right now. They’ll have it ready by tonight. I sent them the design late yesterday.’
“Great. And we’ve got Dominque and Felix flying in later today. Okay so I’ll keep Roger busy for the day and then bring him around at what time?”
‘Well the guests are gonna start coming up to my suite around 6:30-7ish. Brian will pick up Dominque and the mini Taylor at around 5:15 and Deacy will be helping me with the decorating.’
“Awesome. So I will see you tonight then Fred. And remember my package.”
‘No worries dear I’ve got it all taken care off. In fact I think that’s it right now. See you tonight my darling.’
“See yah Fred.” I hung up the phone.  I got dressed into some casual clothes for the day so that way I wouldn’t ruin my party clothes for tonight.  I ended up wearing a simple summer blouse that I hadn’t really worn since before I got pregnant with Kelly as well as some jean shorts.  I did my hair and makeup before finally heading towards Roger’s room.
Thankfully the guys always give me a spare key to their hotel rooms each time we go on tour together, just so that way if I ever needed company I could go to them, or in an occasion such as this, I could give the guys some special birthday morning loves from me.  Once I got the door opened, I slowly crept inside and there I saw Roger still asleep in bed, with his shades still on.
I rolled my eyes and tip-toed towards the bed and as gently as I could removed his shades.  Thankfully Rog was always a heavy sleeper, even more so than Brian was.
“Roger.” I softly whispered as I poked his cheek.  He didn’t flinch. “Roger wake up.” I gently shook him this time and he still refused to wake up.  So I resorted to my usual method of waking him up, “Dad!” I hopped up on the bed and pressed my hands on his back, lightly bouncing up and down, like how I’ve seen Felix do to him. “Dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad, dad!”
Suddenly I was tackled to the bed and I was looking up into the tired blue eyes of my surrogate father Roger Taylor.
“Even when you’re a parent, why must you still act like a child?”
“Maybe you should say that into a mirror? You literally did this to me just days ago when we were in Austria.”
“So Roger Taylor, how does it feel to be 37 years old? Feeling your age yet old timer?”
“Believe it or not I still got a spring in my step. I’m still in my 30’s and I still look attractive don’t you think?”
“Not as you once were in your 20’s I’m afraid. In fact I think I see some graying right here.” I teased as I brushed my fingers through the top right corner of his head through his short, ruffled hair.
“Okay that’s it!” he tackled me and proceeded to tickle my sides.  I shrieked and tried to get away from him but he kept a firm, strong grip around my waist. “Oh no you don’t get back here!”
“Dad! Nohohoho!”
“And don’t think you’ll be in the clear yet young lady. Once you reach your 30’s I’ll be teasing you endlessly.” He ceased his tickle attack leaving me a panting mess.
“Bitch please Freddie said I’m the eternal youth. I’ll age gracefully.”
“Nope you’re gonna get grey streaks and wrinkles and bags by the time you’re 34.” I shoved his shoulder and I said.
“I’d come up with far worse insults but I don’t want to be the cruel bitch because it’s your birthday.”
“That means you’ve got to treat me like the royal Queen I am.” He said as he lay sprawled out on his back like one of Freddie’s cats.
“Yes I will. Now get dressed yah wally and let’s get going.” I got out of his bed but I was pulled back in and I whined out. “Whaaaat?” dragging out the A.
“Before you leave, I would like a birthday kiss from my daughter.” I smiled before kissing his cheek.
“There, happy?”
“I expect more. One for each day of my age throughout the day.”
“Just be thankful I’m not doing what you do to me. Damn you for not being ticklish.”
“I’m so blessed.” He then pecked my cheek and allowed me to stand back up and I left his room to allow him to get dressed.  It took him awhile to get fully ready but he soon came out with a pair of jeans, blue and red and white stripped button up shirt (you know the one that really gives him that dad vibe), his black leather jacket, of course his shades and white sneakers.
“You ready?”
“I’m ready if you are my dear.” He said as he crooked his arm for me.  I slide my arm through his and we went on our merry way out into the beautiful country of Budapest.
So for the entire morning Roger and I did some sightseeing together and I showed him some of the best locations.  We went to the National museum of Fine Arts, saw some of the famed statues, and of course took advantage of seeing the new records shops they’ve been building.
Cause last time I ever came to Budapest, since they were still heavily influenced by the Communist party, they were slightly hesitant on letting record shops being a full fledged thing.  So the biggest record shop was probably no bigger than a comic book shop.  
But in the last few years with Communist party losing it’s harsh grip, the stores grew and actually took up an entire shop now.  So Rog and I checked out to see who all Hungary was being exposed to.
After getting some lunch at a great steakhouse I hailed down a cab for us because now it was time for Roger’s main surprise from me.
“Okay Rog now I want you to do something for me.”
“That depends on what it is. If it’s not allowing Kelly to stay with me after the tour forget it.”
“No nothing like that. Where we’re going next is a surprise, so I don’t want you to see it.” Taking out of my purse, I held out a long black sash and held it out to him. “Put it over your eyes.”
“You’re joking right?”
“No I told you I want it to be a surprise. I promise you this isn’t an attempt to kill you.”
“Yeah cause saying that makes me very sure.” He said sarcastically.
“C’mon Rog, when have I ever really let you down? Hmm?” he looked at me and I quirked my brow at him, kinda giving him my best Brian gaze.
“Promise me no tricks? That we’re not gonna go to somewhere boring.”
“I swear. In fact it’ll probably be hard to get you to leave.” He took the sash and removed his glasses and tied the sash over his eyes.  I told the driver the address and soon he took off driving.  As we drove on, Roger asked me as I fiddled with his shades.
“Can I at least be given a hint of where we’re going?”
“No can do.”
“But I’m the birthday boy, why keep it from me on my special day?”
“Because birthday boy, this is part of a surprise I have in store for you.” I said as I bopped his nose. “We’ll be there in like ten minutes. It’ll go by fast I promise.” Then to get his mind off of where we were going, I asked him what he planned to do after the tour was over.
That’s basically the whole conversation between us about what we’d be planning to do.  I told him that due to this tour, I had to miss all of Kelly’s first at this point and I refused to miss her first word or first steps so I hope to have a year maybe 2 yearlong break before I start doing anything else.
Because to be truthful, the longest break I had was probably 6 months and that’s when I had Kelly. So since I began my career, all I’ve been doing is album, tour, concerts, live performances, interviews, getting married, had a baby, tour again, record, make public appearances and be apart of other singer’s records.  All in the span of five years of my career.  I need a break.
“Miss, we’re here.” The driver told us.
“Thank you.” I thanked him as I opened the door.  I took Roger’s hand and gently guided him out of the cab.
“Can I take this damn thing off?”
“No, no not yet just wait like three more seconds.”
“Well I’m counting one, two…..”
“Okay, okay.” I adjusted him and said.
“Okay, now you can take the blindfold off.” He took it off before putting his shades back on and it was then he saw that we had arrived at the Go-Kart race track.
Already thousands of people were gathered around with seats as a race was already in place.
“Oh my…..”
“Surprise! Yeah I found this when I first came here and thought it’d be a cool thing for us to do. Though sadly some of the producers from the filming of the concert are here too. Kinda wanted this to be just you and me.”
“It’s fine lovie. Thank you for bringing me here. So wanna have a race?”
“Yeah. Any excuse to beat you grandpa.”
“Grandpa?!” I grinned and the two of us raced on ahead towards the race track.
Once we got down to the track, we met up with some of the volunteers who work with the driver’s on the track and we got to chat with them.  They told us how to work the cars, which pedals were the gas and breaks, and how to work the stick shift since it was on the side next to the wheel.
We also signed a few autographs for either Queen or Rock Angel fans, which I never mind doing, and I also asked if one of the workers could take mine and Roger’s picture here at the track.  As Roger and I began to prep for the next race, I told him.
“You’re going down old man.”
“I wouldn’t say that bicyclist. Cause you’re about to eat my dust.”
“Cute pun Roger Taylah. But that won’t stop you. At this point you and I are mortal enemies, see you on the other side.” I lowered the screen protector of my helmet and turned my go-kart on and revved it just to taunt him.
As Roger, I and the other racers got into place, we waited for the light to tell us to go.  It went from red, to red, to yellow then finally green. Both Roger and I took off against the other racers leaving them practically in the dust leaving Roger and I to tie neck and neck.
By the first turn, he managed to get the upper hand but pressed down on the gas pedal and tried to catch up to him.  I soon cut him off and turned back to look at him and even though he couldn’t see it, he knew I was grinning at him.  I focused back forward, and I don’t even know how it happened but he somehow managed to drive ahead of me about 7 feet in front of me.
“Oh hell no!” I tried to catch up but no matter how fast I was going I wasn’t able to catch up with him. Unfortunately he won the first race and as the two of us circled in the cockpits, I removed my helmet and he got up beaming with cockiness as he said.
“Now what was it you had said earlier?”
“Very funny.”
“What was that come again?”
“Okay I had a default gearshift, and my engine spurted on that second turn which is why those guys were able to pass me.”
“So who’s the real grandpa now?” he bragged as he knelt down beside me.
“I want a rematch. Best 2 out of 3.”
“You’re on, but it’ll just end up the same way. You biting the dust.”
“Not for long car-boy.” I revved my engine and put my helmet back on and drove back towards the starting line.
Sadly I only won the last race as Roger had beaten me again.  Then being a good sport he figured possibly one last race would maybe get me another win but the little shithead knew he’d win so he won 3 of the four races we did.
As we drove away from the go-kart track and headed back into town, I sat there pouting as I leaned against the window.
“Aww c’mon love you did fine. In fact that last race you nearly had me.”
“Oh shove it yah car lover! This is why I prefer bikes. If it were a bike race I’d cream you!”
“You’d do worse than that. I could barely even get on a bike. But don’t be such a sore loser lovie.” I grumbled and turned away from him. “Wow, my own daughter giving me the cold shoulder on my own birthday. Whatever shall I do?” he then bumped seats over and sat right next to me and pressed himself against me.
“Get off!” I whined and tried to shove him off.
“Nope. Not gonna do it till my lion cub is happy again. She’s being a grumpy pants and I can’t have that, I won’t have it. Now c’mon give us a smile, please? For me?” I grumbled under my breath and refused to look at him.
It was then I felt him poke my sides making it tickle.  I held in a squeak and I muttered to him.
“Don’t you even dare!”
“Then give me a smile and I won’t. Also stop being such a spoil sport or I’ll tell Freddie. And believe me love he’s worse than me when it comes trying to make you smile.” He was right I’ll give him that.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry I’m being a sore loser.”
“Well you’re still an adorable loser.”
“You know I love you poppet. No matter if you beat me at something or I beat you.” He said with a kiss to my cheek.
“I know, and I love you too.” I kissed his cheek again and we continued on our drive back into town.
As the day went on, the sun was starting to set, I looked down at my watch and saw that it was getting close to party time.
“Hey dad, it’s getting pretty late why don’t we head back to the hotel?”
“Not getting bored of me already are yah?” he teased.
“Oh you know that’ll never happen. But I did promise Jack I would give him a call, maybe you can also get a birthday message from your goddaughter.”
“Why didn’t you say so let’s go!” next thing I knew I was being dragged along the sidewalks as the two of us raced back to the Four Seasons hotel.
We got back to my room and as he dialed my number to talk with his goddaughter, I silently slipped into the bathroom and changed into my party dress.  It wasn’t fancy-fancy just a simple dark blue dress, I changed into some black flats and as I quietly stepped out I could hear Roger once again cooing into the phone at my daughter.
“Aww lovie thank you so much. Yes I wish you could be here too.” As Roger continued to talk to my daughter, I wrote Roger a quick note before slipping out of my room and raced down the hallway towards the elevator and quickly pressed the up button. I tapped my foot anxiously hoping that I could disappear before Roger even noticed I was gone.
Finally I heard the ding and the elevator opened.  I got inside and pressed the Penthouse button and I went up the rest of the 8 stories up. When I got to the penthouse I could already hear some music and the sound of an already packed crowd of people inside the penthouse suite.
“Hello (y/n).”
“Terry. Freddie got you being watchdog for Roger?” I asked Freddie’s driver and bodyguard whose also served as my ‘temporary bodyguard’ shortly after my first one Big Rob had to retire due to health issues.  He had accompanied me during the tour just after my wedding and stayed with me up until Live Aid last year, before I finally found my current bodyguard Anthony “Big Tone” Pesci.
“Yep. I’ll radio in once I see him come out of the elevator, he’s not with you is he?”
“No he’s still in my room talking to Kelly.”
“How is that baby girl of yours anyway?”
“She’s great. God I can’t believe I had to miss her 8 month birthday. I just hope I can plan a hiatus just so that way I can stay with her for a year. I already had to miss most of her first few months because of this tour.”
“It’s hard. John was the same way when I first started working for Queen once his second son and daughter were born. Especially when Laura was born.”
“I’ll bet. God having kids really does change you doesn’t it?”
“Indeed it does. Well don’t wanna keep you waiting looking all beautiful like that, go on in.”
“Oh stop it Terry you’re making me blush.” I then went inside and low and behold there were people literally crowding the entire suite.  Not only from our team but also Hungarian press and reporters.
“(Y/n)!” I looked up and there I found that familiar tuff of black hair.  I smiled and waved and rushed over and hugged Dominque.
“Hey how was the flight?”
“Thankfully uneventful.”
“That’s good. Is Felix here?”
“Yeah he’s with Brian and Deacy. But how have you been?”
“Okay. Just really miss my baby girl.”
“I know. When Felix was first born Roger went crazy over missing him the first few months. Now that we have Rory ohh god—”
“Your parents babysitting her?”
“Yeah. Sadly the kid’s too small to fly first class.”
“Yeah otherwise we’d both have our baby girls here. Hell I’d take my kid on the road if I have to. But the road’s no place for babies, at least not yet.”
“LISTEN UP MY DARLINGS! LISTEN TO ME LOVIES! I just got a radio from Terry, Roger’s just getting out of the lift!” At this point everyone began to get into their hiding positions.  I ran with Dominque and the two of us hid behind the red sofa.  Brian switched off the lights leaving us in total darkness. Everyone trying to shush one another before we all finally fell silent.
The door opened and I could hear Roger say.
“Jesus it’s dark in here.” I saw his shadow walk further in the room before finally the lights came on and we all jumped out and yelled.
“SURPRISE!!!” Roger jumped back with a hand over his heart but had a wide smile on his face. Freddie came up with a glass of Hungarian vodka for Roger and he said.
“Surprised Roger?”
“God am I ever.” At that we all softly chuckled as Freddie handed him the shot glass and Roger took a swing of it.  He then spotted me and said. “This your idea?”
“You know me I’m nowhere near the party planner as Freddie is. I was just part of the distraction so that way he could get everything set up.” I told him.  He then turned to Dominque and he said.
“You came too?”
“You really didn’t think I’d miss your birthday did you?” she came around wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around her waist.
“Felix here too?”
“He’s with his uncles, I can take you there if you’d like. I think the boy needs to go to bed, poor little guy could barely keep his eyes open once we got off the plane.”
“Just like his dad.” I piped in.
“And his aunt for that matter.” Roger retaliated.  I playfully stuck my tongue at him and chuckled.
As the night went on, it was now time to cut the cake.  The hotel’s chefs brought it in and I was amazed at it.  It was a small 3 level, platform style vanilla cake with a sculpted Roger on the drums in chocolate, as well as decorated with chocolate musical notes.  And to make it very “Roger-y” there was even fire spurting out from the front ends of it, sparkling like sparklers on the 4th of July.
We all gathered around and proceeded to sing Happy Birthday to Roger.  I stood beside him so that he was sandwiched between me and Freddie. By the end of the song, he hugged and kissed my head first before turning to Freddie and hugged him.
“That’s the new drummer!” Freddie announced which made all of us laugh.  After that, I handed Roger the large cutting knife so that he could make the first cut of the cake.  
As we all gathered around the small cake, it was then Freddie said.
“Now I know you don’t like this Roger, but a girl is going to pop out of that.” At that point I just laughed and couldn’t help but roll my eyes.  If there were a girl in that cake then she’s have to be pixie sized like Tinkerbell. “Just try.”
“Not very big enough.” Roger said as the crowd all laughed and Roger took the first small cut and got his slice of the cake.  Then it was Dominque’s turn, then the guys, me and then the party guests.
There was mingling, dancing, and interviews going on.  I had just a bit of cake left to go over and tease Roger while he was on camera with the Hungarian press about why Queen had finally come to Hungary and what they got in return (why do I know this? Because they asked me the very same questions the first time I came here over three years ago).
I walked over as I heard Roger saying.
“There’s a tremendous feeling of sort of—I suppose job satisfaction. Is a strange way to put it.”
“It’s quite good to get job satisfaction after 14 years.” The interviewer asked Roger.
“Well it’s a pretty good job isn’t it?” at that point I dipped my finger into the vanilla frosting and came into the camera shot and bopped his nose before saying in a sing-song tone.
“Gotcha!” I grinned like the Cheshire cat at him and couldn’t help the giggles that came out of me.
“And of course this one makes it all the more traumatizing.” I gaped at him in mocked shock but he grinned and wrapped his arm around me and said, “No, no, no she makes it so much more fun. And she keeps us in line from killing each other.”
“That part is true.”
“So Rock Angel, a lot has happened since you were last here, what has returning to Hungary meant to you?” the interviewer asked me.
“Oh god well it has been awhile. In fact to be honest I was a little terrified cause there were still some doubt about letting Rock and roll into your country, but I was welcome with open arms by the majority of your people and now like three years later I’m welcome back like I’m visiting family again. Budapest has meant a lot to me and umm….I’m just happy to be back.”
“And with touring with one of the biggest bands of the world, what has that meant to you?”
“Oh these guys are my family. I—really wouldn’t know where I’d be if not for these four. They each inspired me all my life and I—I’m forever grateful to them.” Roger kissed my temple before getting his revenge by smearing a bit of cake onto my cheek. “Oh no you did not!”
“You bet your arse I did Angel.”
“You’re gonna get it Taylor!” Soon I chased after him with the actual cake in my hands.
The party was a huge success and everyone managed to get back to their hotel rooms even with as shitfaced as some of them were.  Roger and I were on the tipsy but still sober enough (since we all had the big concert tomorrow Queen and I made a pact to not get shitfaced so that way we could be presentable and show up for soundchecks tomorrow afternoon.)
“So birthday boy, did you have a fun night?”
“I did. Thank you soo much.”
“Oh hey I uhh—kinda swiped this away cause I wanted to sorta give it to you personally.” I held out my gift to him.
“I thought it was weird not seeing a present from you.” I handed it to him and we both sat down on the floor so that he could open it properly.  He tore the wrapping off and opened the box up to reveal an official signed copy of The Who’s last album before their breakup.
Apparently when I was recording with David Bowie on his album, I went to the coffee shop just down the road from the studio we were at and there I saw all members of “The Who” who were recording their own album in a separate studio.  We chatted a bit and I had asked them if they wouldn’t mind signing something for a father-figure in my life and amazingly they accepted.
“You’re a hard guy to shop for dad, cause you practically have everything so I—I hope this is okay.” He hugged me tightly and said.
“I love it darling. You knew they were my favorite band and hearing of their breakup made me in a foul mood for weeks. This really means a lot to me, even worth my entire home.”
“And your cars and yacht?”
“Even those lovie. Because it came from you. Although I would’ve been twice as happy if I had gotten your signed record.” He said as he cupped my chin and pressed his forehead against mine.  I smiled and felt him kiss my forehead.  “Get some sleep love, we’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
“I will, so long as you do as well.”
“I will. Goodnight love.”
“Night dad, happy birthday.” I gave him one last hug and he hugged me back, rocking us back and forth.
“Thank you my sweet lioness.” He gave me one final kiss on top of my head and headed down the hall towards his room.  I got into mine and did a quick shower and changed into my nightdress before finally getting into bed.
And as usual the next day was our concert.  We did our soundchecks at around 1pm and the stage crew got the entire stadium stage built throughout the entire afternoon.  Soundchecks started by about 7pm and then the concert began at 9pm.
As always the guys and I delivered a stellar performance that only Queen and the Rock Angel can do together.  We both even had a little surprise for the audience.  Freddie was performing the traditional Hungarian folk song “Tavaszi Szél Vizet Áraszt” and I with a translator, worked together in translating my song “Shallow” into Hungarian.
The two of us had been practicing our songs all day, he with Brian and I at the piano practicing by myself.  I would help him with some of the pronunciations of some of the words, and he’d help play the piano whenever I was distracted in trying to figure out how to say and play the words that were translated for me.  It was hard work but the two of us managed to do our songs for our beloved Hungarian fans.
By the end of the night, as me and the guys closed out with “We are the Champions” Freddie came out dolled up with the kingly robe and crown and he held the crown up to the audience before we finally closed the concert.  As the audience applauded us, I gathered with the guys to the edge of the stage as Freddie said into his mic.
“Goodnight, thank you very much. You beautiful people. God bless you we Love you.” As “God save the Queen” began playing I stood between Brian and Deacy as the three of us waved goodbye to the crowd.  While Freddie actually gave his crown and placed it on Roger’s head, however that only lasted like 2 seconds before it fell off his head and onto the lower segment of the stage.
I laughed and raced over to him and proclaimed.
“What was that Roger? Disrespecting the crown you royal fool!” he embraced me getting me even sweatier than I was at that point and I groaned in disgust leaving Deacy to pick up the crown and give it back to Freddie.  Deacy also spared me from Roger’s grip as he pulled me away and wrapped an arm protectively around me as the two of us waved the crowd goodbye before finally leaving the stage.
Another successful concert.  And with that we packed up our stuff, checked out of the hotel and went back on the road to our next gig.
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smokeinherperfume · 6 years
Unspoken Words
In which Harry might be a bit jealous [1.4k]
First time writing Dad! Harry, hopefully it turned out alright! x
“C’mon bub. Jus’ try f’me?”
Holding up the small plush elephant, the older man gently waves it in front of his son, lips curling up into a smile when the little boy squeals in excitement, clapping his hands, reaching out to try and grasp at it.
Babbling softly, the little boy decides to wriggle his way over, his already full mop of curls bouncing as he moves across the carpet. Almost comically he flops down in front of Harry, resting against his outstretched leg.
“That’s it Alex.” Harry praises softly, ruffling his son’s hair as he hands over the toy.
“Now let’s get y’talkin’ little man, can y’say Da-da?” He coos, rolling his eyes as Alex practically ignores him, mesmerized with the toy in his hands, giggling as its ears and nose flop about in his grasp.
“C’mon, y’can do it, I know you can.” With that he moves slightly, laying down on the plush carpet on his stomach, finally catching Alex’s attention back. But not in the way he hopes as his son reaches out, fisting his hair into Harry’s overgrown locks, giving them an excited pull while giggling, completely unresponsive to his father’s pained grunts or furrowed brow.
Giving the small boy a moment, Harry carefully fishes his tiny grasp out, sighing in relief as Alex is equally content with gripping onto his pointer finger, his bright green eyes peering up at his father.  He huffs for a moment before opening his mouth, his father almost giddy with excitement and anticipation.
Try as he might, Harry’s smile falters ever so slightly. It’s not that hearing his son’s voice doesn’t make his heart swell every time. It’s just that the only word that Alex has managed to properly say for the past month is Mama, and well he’d be lying if he said his ego wasn’t a little bruised.
“That’s right buddy. Y’ve got a Mama too.” Harry praises softly, pressing a kiss to the little boy’s forehead. “Think y’can say Da-da now?” He’s careful to take his time saying the word, enunciating as slow as he possibly can but to no avail.
By the time Y/N finally comes home, Harry’s all but given up hope, laying on the carpet in their living room with Alex on top of his chest, the pair verging on sleep after a rather busy afternoon. He’s idly running his fingers through his son’s hair, the little boy babbling while he drifts off as she toes off her shoes, leaving her shopping bags by the door.
The house is unusually silent for a day like today, and so she figures they’re likely outside in the backyard enjoying the sunshine. Padding down the hallway, she peaks into the rooms she passes just in case, unable suppress a soft coo when she sees her boys on the carpet in the living room. At the sound of her, Harry’s motions stop, the older man tilting his head back to see her standing there, looking completely besotted with the pair of them.
“There you two are.” Though she’s cautious to keep her voice down, there’s just something about her tone that always snaps Alex’s attention to her; the tiny boy up within seconds, squirming on Harry’s lap as he tries to scramble off and over to her.
“Hey bub look who’s home!” Harry hums gently, trying to keep his wriggling son still as she makes her way over, sitting down on the floor beside them.
“Ma-ma! Mama!” The little boy all but wails, making grabby hands towards her, acting as if Harry isn’t even there. Leaning over she’s quick to press a chaste kiss to Harry’s lips before he gets too pouty, gently ruffling her son’s hair, slipping her thumb into his tiny fist to placate him.
“And did my favourite boys have a good time while I was gone?” She hums, laying on her side beside them, resting her head on Harry’s shoulder.
“We did. Went to the park for a little walk and Al saw a bunch of dogs.” Harry murmurs, Alex gurgling along in excitement moving to nuzzle against Y/N’s chest as much as he can while still on top of his father. “Proper tuckered out he was so he had a wee nap, and ever since then we’ve been playin’ and tryin’ t’teach him how to say Da-da.”
“And how has that been going love?” She teases, barely biting back a giggle as Alex keeps mumbling ‘mama’ over and over to himself.
“About as well as y’can imagine.” He huffs, looking petulant when she moves to pull back and glance up at him.
“Oh, love it’s nothing to be upset about. Really. Sometimes babies just have a little trouble with certain sounds. Doesn’t mean a thing about him disliking you at all.” Pressing a kiss to the older man’s cheek, Harry still doesn’t look convinced, sighing as Alex burrows his face into Y/N’s oversized sweater, clutching at the soft grey wool almost like a koala would.
“But it’s not just that Y/N. Y’spend all this time together, and where am I? Off at the studio, or doin’ some appearance like a right knob when I should be with you. I should be here for every moment, hell I missed the first time the spoke, the first time he crawled, I’ll probably miss the first bloody time he says my name too.” He slumps into the carpet beneath him with a sigh, her eyes lighting with understanding as she realizes what’s really bothering him.
“If you’re worried about Alex not loving you Harr, you don’t have to worry about it one bit. D’you what his favourite thing to do with when you’re gone? What he fusses over until he gets to see? You.” She says firmly as Harry looks at her curiously.
“From the moment you leave until you come home, he’s either grabbing at your CD until I play it for him – he’s awfully fond of Sweet Creature in particular.” She pauses, the older man suddenly looking rather bashful. “Or he’ll just sit in front of the telly for hours watching performances of you. I swear, most of the video play counts on youtube are from him alone. I’ve even seen him try to babble along to your words sometimes. Wouldn’t surprise me if the first time he tries to walk is during one of your videos.”
“So, if you’re worried that he somehow favours me over you more, or that he doesn’t love you. Well, don’t fret about it for a second m’love. Just because he can’t verbalize it just yet, doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you with everything he’s got. Just give him a bit of time Har, and you’ll see it too, I promise.”
They sat in silence for a moment, Alex’s soft coos stopping when Harry finally let out a soft sigh.
“Y’right love, y’always are.” He says gently, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “I just worry, is’all.”
“And that’s normal love, welcome to being a parent.” She teases, her free hand reaching out to clasp his. “But just don’t ever for a second doubt that Alex feels your love, because he does. I’m certain of it.”
Carefully she shifts her son back onto Harry’s chest and sits up, smiling down at the pair of them as she idly reaches out to brush the older man’s hair away from his face.
“Now how about I go make us some tea and we can get started on dinner, sound alright darling?” Harry nods easily, about to move to follow suit when Alex suddenly props himself up on his father’s chest, his bottom lip quivering slightly as you both look at the little boy curiously.
“Everythin’ alright bub?” Harry coos, a little weary that Alex might be gearing himself up for a crying fit. But instead he stays silent for a moment, quirking his head to the side ever so slightly as he looks between the pair of them before his forest green gaze settles back on his fathers. He opens and closes his mouth almost nervously for a moment before he finally speaks.
With that, he slumps back down, his tiny fists balling up in Harry’s worn t-shirt as the older man continues to lay there in shock, his eyes filling with tears as the little boy mumbles the words over and over again.
“That’s right sweetheart, that’s da-da.” Y/N hums gently, pressing a kiss to the top of his mussed curls as their son giggles contently. “And he loves you so very much.”
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