#and procedures.
marxistgnome · 1 year
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Memes shared by kids who grew up on starships I think they should have sea scout/land scout beef with kids that grew up on Starbases
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skimbly-shanks · 1 year
Yall do NOT hop on a cosmetic surgery hate train during an ongoing campaign against trans Healthcare I am fucking begging
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naomistares · 20 days
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very short comic of harrow checking ianthe's molars or whatever tf she was doing
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cupcakeslushie · 2 months
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“And Four ends the fight with a clean leg amputation! Pop! Pops!! Did you hear?! Four won!”
“I heard you the first time. I’ve also already seen the battle myself. Keep quiet, and let me concentrate, or I’ll drain too much of your blood.”
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idkaguyorsomething · 11 months
five nights at freddy's is a film that creates a tense, suspenseful atmosphere of horror by having its protagonists go up against supernatural threats such as trying to navigate the job market, being forced to deal with shitty cops, and a man who willingly makes himself think of nebraska over and over again every night
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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say sike right now
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mournfulroses · 7 months
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Margaret Atwood, from Procedures for Underground; "For Uncle M.,"
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isoinformationblog · 2 years
A Complete Guide on ISO 27001 Certification
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#ISO 27001 is an internationally recognized standard for Information Security Management Systems (ISMS). This standard provides a framework f#procedures#and controls that help protect their sensitive information from cyber threats.#Here is a complete guide on ISO 27001 Certification:#Understanding the Standard: The first step is to understand the ISO 27001 standard cost and its requirements. This includes a detailed stud#as well as an assessment of your organization's current information security processes#policies#and procedures.#Gap Analysis: Conduct a gap analysis to identify any areas where your organization is not meeting the requirements of the standard. This wi#Designing the System: Once you have identified the gaps#you can begin to design your information security management system (ISMS). This will involve developing policies and procedures that are i#Implementation: After designing the system#you can implement the policies#and controls across your organization. This may involve providing training to your employees and raising awareness of the importance of inf#Internal Audit: Conduct internal audits to ensure that your ISMS is effective and compliant with the ISO 27001 standard. This will help you#Certification: After your ISMS has been in operation for a suitable period#you can apply for ISO 27001 certification. This involves an external audit by an accredited ISO certification body#who will assess whether your ISMS meets the requirements of the standard.#Continual Improvement: Once you have achieved certification#you will need to maintain your ISMS and continually improve it to ensure that it remains effective and compliant with the standard.#ISO 27001 certification can help to improve your organization's reputation#demonstrate your commitment to information security#and reduce the risk of cyber attacks. It is applicable to organizations of all sizes and in all sectors.
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thebibliosphere · 1 year
Remembering a 'fun' moment through the haze of drugs yesterday when I asked the nurse for something to brace my knees with because I could feel my hips starting to dislocate when they turned me onto my side.
The nurse, god love her, got down to my eye level on the gurney and very sweetly told me that when joints click, they're not actually dislocating, and it's just ligaments sliding over each other causing gas pockets to crackle and pop. This is true for most people and is actually what makes that satisfying crunch sound when you go see the chiropractor. So I knew right away she was thinking, "A chiropractor has told her this; this will be an Educational Moment."
Meanwhile, I was trying to figure out how to tell her I know this, and that's not what is happening as a teeth guard was being slipped between my teeth when my GI doctor went, "Did you not read the note I put in her file? She has EDS. When she says it's her joints, it's her joints. Listen to the patient!"
He then showed her how to hold my shoulders in place while he was doing the upper endoscopy exam so my shoulder wouldn't randomly slip out and make my chest muscles seize. As I was laying on my side and he was double checking my position he leaned in and let me know with a wink that he'd asked a physical therapist what to do and hopefully I wouldn't be in too much pain with my joints tomorrow. (I am not.)
He also brought an extra nurse in from the allergy department (Sam) to monitor for signs of anaphylaxis because, apparently, it looks different when the patient is sedated. The fact that I "woke up" from my sedation (I don't think I actually fell asleep) and gave him a thumbs up when he announced "excellent prep" to the room at large made some of the nurses flutter because they'd given me enough fentanyl to knock out a horse, but I have a vague memory of the allergy nurse and the GI doctor sharing a look over the top of my head before starting to talk to me in calm measured tones to let me know it was okay that I was awake, but I needed to stop moving. Was I in any pain? Could I squeeze Sam's hand once for no and twice for yes? Okay, good, we're almost done...
It was a weird but validating experience.
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dailyflicks · 6 months
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911 (2018-) I 5.16 - May day
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daftmooncretin · 9 months
kirk is such a fascinating dude because 99% of the time he’s the most chill happy dude you’ve ever met but every once in a while the PMS will hit and he’ll be like hmmm fuck all you bitches what if i just flew the ship straight into the sun
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scealaiscoite · 8 months
coworkers to lovers prompts ˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍊 ꒱
¹⁾ “hey - in case no-one else’s said it, you’ve been doing some really great work lately. i really apprec- i mean, all of us really appreciate it.”
²⁾ “if you keep putting in nights this late, i think [boss] is gonna start charging you rent.”
³⁾ “stop jumping in whenever you think i need saving! i don’t need defending, and i don’t need you!”
⁴⁾ “you remember how i take my coffee?”
⁵⁾  “you don’t need to keep pushing yourself so hard, you know. we all know how hard you worked to get here - it’s okay to let yourself breathe now.”
⁶⁾ “if you don’t wanna spend the night in a empty house, you could always come over to mine.”
⁷⁾ “normally when you invite me to lunch, it’s with everyone else too. what’s so different about this time that you needed me alone?”
⁸⁾ “don’t tell anyone else, but i like working with you the best.”
⁹⁾ “hey, why are me and [name] being split up? you know we do our best work when we’re together.”
¹⁰⁾ “i figured you wouldn’t have the time, so i went and picked up lunch for you.”
¹¹⁾ “wow, someone’s looking good. who’re you trying to impress?”
¹²⁾ “[other coworker] told me you nearly lost it when they all tried blaming me for what happened. why did you care so much?”
¹³⁾ “do you make house calls to all of your coworkers when they call in sick, or am i just that special?”
¹⁴⁾ “why are you freezing me out all of a sudden? I thought you were happy I was dating again, and now you act like it pains you to hear about it.”
¹⁵⁾ “until such a time as the two of you can prove that you can work as well on your own as you do together, you’re going to be put on different schedules.”
¹⁶⁾ “why didn’t you tell me you were up for the promotion? did you seriously think i wouldn’t be happy for you?”
¹⁷⁾ “you do know you’ll be seeing me first thing in the morning, right? what’s so important that it couldn’t wait until then?”
¹⁸⁾ “one date, that’s all i’m asking for. one night to let me show you how good we could be together.”
¹⁹⁾ “i think people are starting to notice that you spend more time at my desk than you do at your own.”
²⁰⁾ “no, you don’t get to do this. you don’t get to make me fall in love with you, and then tell me there’s no way for this to work because of the job!”
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rawmune · 4 months
Magna Medicinal
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Anatomy of Daan
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plant-dad-sulu · 7 months
star trek show that's an anthology series in which every episode is a different recognizable genre but in the context of a canon star trek culture like High School Drama on Vulcan, Police Procedural on Betazed, Breaking Bad on Ferenginar,
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mushramoo · 1 year
I been talking to a lot of ppl w cats lately (I volunteer at an animal shelter) and I didn’t know this needed to be said but
Declawing sounds very normal to people who aren’t educated on it so let me show you what it actually is.
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As you might notice from the diagram, the claw is attached to a small bone at the very end of a cat’s paw. They are fused to this bone, which on a human hand would be where your last knuckle is (the one right before your nail). When someone gets a cat declawed, they aren’t just removing the claw.
The entire last digit of the cat’s paw is removed. (See below)
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This severely impedes the cat’s ability to balance itself, is extremely painful for them, and can make the cat extremely aggressive because it no longer has one of its main defense mechanisms! It can also cause many other medical issues down the line including infection, necrosis, and some cats are never able to walk correctly again. Most cats that have this done never fully recover from the procedure and are in constant chronic pain.
It is extremely inhumane and is illegal in only two states at the time I’m writing this!!!! (Maryland and New York) Cats should only have this procedure if it is a life or death situation, never just because someone finds a cat being a cat inconvenient for them. Don’t get a cat if you don’t want to be scratched or have some ruined furniture. If you want more information on this topic, I’d recommend Jackson Galaxy’s YouTube video on it, and to read up on some articles I will link in the comments.
I know I don’t usually post about these types of things, but it’s made me extremely angry to hear people mention getting their cats declawed so flippantly as if it doesn’t ruin the cat’s life, and always for an asinine reason like “they scratched my couch” or “they scratch my kids” THOSE ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES AS A CAT OWNER. Treat your kids and peers to treat animals with respect, or don’t get a cat.
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exdivine · 3 months
i don’t believe men can get postpartum depression like women do. i get that a new baby affects both parents’ mental health, but i refuse to believe that men experience postpartum health problems to the same extent women as women.
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