#and rufus was spicy
whitexdove · 3 months
@magicmonstersandmischief sent, "You're slurring." Giles informed with a curt lash of the tongue, tinged with distaste, "Speak clearly or not at all."
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look -- he wasn't planning on the blow to the head. the fact that it seemed to go unnoticed by those around him would probably impressive if he weren't in so much pain right now.
however, no amount of pain can stop the instinctive "shut the fuck up."
0 notes
the-blind-geisha · 1 month
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Lost Dreamers at the Mercy of War and Love
Pairing: Rufus Shinra x OC (Sheepy)
Rated: NSFW
Words: 5,256
Description: Rufus didn't care that Sheepy was an undercover spy for AVALANCHE. He knew what to do to keep her under control. But all that time together... he thought it meant something.. up until the failed assassination attempt at Junon, that is.
Now, Sheepy has a lot to answer for.
A/N: Had a lot of fun with this, and writing Cait Sith was an absolute joy now that Rebirth showed me his mannerisms and speech patterns! Writing that delicious angst with a Romeo and Juliet vibe is my life! I loved writing to this OC! ♥♥ So much fun!
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It was a dangerously close call. If Heidegger hadn't been there to act as swiftly as he had, Rufus would have been killed. The whole ordeal was running through the president’s mind, an anger that was hard to describe bubbling within his chest.
“She has a lot of nerve to dare try…” Rufus muttered to himself, glaring out at the sea surrounding Junon from the Shinra office. “I refuse to be made a fool of.”
Having been summoned in with the director of public security, Reeve couldn't help but feel how thick the air had grown all around them. He was worried about where this could all go, but did his best to hide the desire to guide this all in another direction.
“Mr. President,” Reeve began, “If I may: it would be in your best interest to talk with Sheepy a bit more personally on the matter instead of suggesting she’s been planning everything from the start.”
Heidegger grumbled at Reeve’s passive response, especially with the injury he received in place of Rufus. “So you would willingly allow a traitor to continue to linger in our midst? Be sensible, Reeve!” The director of public security waved off the notion.
Reeve ignored Heidegger’s wish to see someone in prison over a simple slip up in return, if it was even that to begin with.  “It would be one thing if there were constant attempts of assassination or even information getting out to our enemies to show she was possibly not kept in line. But this has been one instance, and even then, it was a verified Wutai member, judging by my intel.”
Rufus scoffed, not wishing to believe such a thing. The man was determined to keep his walls up. “What intel would you be speaking of, Reeve? Is it merely her word you trust?” His back remained to the two, hands gripped tightly behind him as he kept a close watch on the seas beyond the glass. Every thought that raced through his mind in regards to how to handle this made him hiss in disgust.
Nothing made him happy.
Reeve had to bite back his desire to insist the president be more trusting of others. He knew now was not the time for being so honest. “Beyond just her word, sir. My… other creation was in the crowd and happened to take notice of it. I ran a background check on them, and they are originally from Wutai.”
For some reason, Rufus couldn't be satisfied with that. 
Taking a seat behind the ornate desk, he slouched in his chair while his fingers tapped impatiently upon the armrests, wanting better answers. “This does not dissolve AVALANCHE of any crimes…” He rested his cheek upon his knuckles, staring Reeve fiercely down. “...Least of all, Sheepy.” Rufus shut his eyes, letting his mind wander before he opened them once more to motion at Heidegger. “Escort them to me. I have a few words to say to her.”
Heidegger saluted. “Certainly, Mr. President.” And with that, he left to do so.
“Mr. President, please,” Reeve begged, hoping to speak up in Sheepy’s case.
Rufus raised his hand, halting Reeve. If there was anybody he wanted to hear the most from, it would be from Sheepy herself. “Having all these extra voices in my ear does little to sway me. In fact, I find it quite annoying.” The president motioned towards the doors. “Go. Leave me.”
Sighing in defeat, Reeve thought on the best way to approach this situation. Knowing that standing there would only make it worse, he nodded and with a slight bow, left.
Sheepy was shocked to be treated in such a way. Having Heidegger’s men pointing their guns at her as though she were a common criminal was far from what she would have imagined would be happening on her way to The Gold Saucer with the group.
“But I didn't do anything!” Sheepy insisted, flinching in annoyance the moment the barrel of one of the SOLDIER’S guns pushed into the middle of her back.
“Tell it to the president!” Heidegger snapped, the doors opening to reveal Rufus sitting at the desk still looking just as unimpressed as he was when last left.
When her eyes met with Rufus’ she couldn't help but slowly shake her head before the forceful push of Heidegger brought her back to herself.
“Enough!” Rufus commanded, not appreciating how Sheepy was being handled. While he was furious that he was possibly betrayed, this wasn't something he wished to see without answers. Taking to his feet, his fingers caressed the priceless marble of the desk before motioning to the men and Heidegger. “Leave us.”
“Of course, Mr. President.”
“And, one more thing, Heidegger,” Rufus added, his tone threatening as he spoke. It caused the head of public security to flinch, wondering if he had said or done something wrong. “If you so much as speak to anybody about what you’ve heard prior, I will see you terminated.”
He was content to only have select staff members know about Sheepy’s original alliance. While he could trust Reeve to remain quiet, given how weak he saw the man, Heidegger was something completely different.
“I, y-yes! Wouldn't dream of it, Mr. President!” With a unison salute, he and his men left the two alone in the Junon Shinra office.
Having been told the minimum of what was going on through Rufus’ mind regarding that attack, Sheepy shook her head with a furrow of her brow as the president ominously approached her. “You know I wouldn't do that,” she insisted, her voice almost shaking in disgust that he would dare incriminate her.
“I would like to believe you wouldn't.” He was soon inches away from her, his eyes looking her over to make certain that not a single breath betrayed her. “But tell me…” His fingerless gloved hands toyed with one of the curly strands of hair that had found freedom from Sheepy’s ponytail. “...what encourages you to remain at my side?”
She could hear his tone was hardened, rife with anger and resentment as if just one wrong word could cut the small bond they had.
“Is it fear?” Rufus asked, almost annoyed she didn't answer right away as he had hoped she would. “I refuse to believe it would be any duty to my company, let alone me, that binds you, all things considered.” His lip seemed to curl as he said such a thing.
Boldly, Sheepy removed her face from his grasp as she flinched in emotional agony. “What would make you believe I would ever betray you?! After everything I’ve done to show my support for you!” In all honesty, it wasn't his company she cared for. It was the man behind it.
If she could remove him from the harmful Shinra Inc label, so much of this would feel a bit easier. But he was blinded by what his father had instilled within him—what was ‘best’ for the people and their futures.
Rufus stifled a low growl of disappointment, removing his grasp at Sheepy’s command. “You are hardly loyal to my company.”
“Of course I am not,” Sheepy protested, her hand upon her chest as her eyes remained locked onto Rufus’. The moment such a thing was said, it was there she noticed the president was fueled by hurtful anger that she would dare say such a thing. “I don’t care about something that cannot care for me in return! What I care about is you!”
The president stood firm, as if wanting to retaliate angrily at such a warm and honest response. Rufus shook his head, turning from her as he stormed back to his desk. “I will see to it that you’re under close watch. The Turks will be the ones to have a tighter grip on your movements, as I refuse to have this happen again.”
“But I—!”
“Leave. Me.” Each word seethed past his teeth when he spoke them, prompting Sheepy to falter in disbelief.
There wasn't much else she could add. Rufus wouldn't listen, much to her dismay. The moment she left the room, men from SOLDIER were waiting to escort her to where the Turks had gathered only to have a Scottish accent pierce the tension in the room.
“Pardon me, lads! But may I have a moment?”
Everyone’s confusion eventually led them to a cartoonish looking black and white cat with a golden crown, brown boots, white gloves, and a little red cape. He gave a smile, hoping to sway the guards in his favor.
“I believe I can take it from here. Why don't ye head on about yer duties, eh?”
The two guards looked at one another, confused on how to even act. They were hardly told that this toy was made by and often controlled by Reeve. It felt like a trick.
“Go on, now!” he urged a bit more forcefully. “I was made by Shinra, so ye can trust me! Was even made by one of your superiors, might I add.”
The men tensed at hearing that and instantly surrendered Sheepy to the talking animatronic. “Sir! Yes, sir!” the two said in unison, allowing a confused Sheepy to walk alongside this sentient creature.
“Sorry ‘bout that! Guess ye donnae know my name, eh?”
“Yeah… and who made you…No less,” Sheepy added.
“Name is Cait Sith!” In the blink of an eye and the snap of his finger, a giant fluffy moogle with small bat wings was summoned, allowing him to at least become tall enough to look her in the eye. “I was listenin’ to everythin’ going on in there,” he whispered, hand covering the side of his mouth as if to comically make sure nobody overheard them. “I must say, the man is not what he used to be—and I mean that in the best way possible.”
Sheepy’s brow furrowed in confusion, still trying to subdue the pain in her heart from the earlier talk with Rufus. “Really? That’s a good thing?”
“Very much so, lass! His heart was always set on the Promised Land and other things of business, but I can gladly say, with ye around, he hasn't been focusing nearly as hard on all of that!”
She couldn't help but be hypnotized by how this cat moved. He always had to motion his hands about as if he were in a stage play of some sort. The thought of asking who made him slipped her mind during all of this.
“You sound weirdly gleeful about it; especially for someone who works for him.” She didn't forget that part. In fact, she wasn't even paying attention to the fact that Cait Sith was seemingly guiding her to Reeve’s office.
“Oh, it’s more that it’s nice to take yer mind away from business, ya know? Have a little fun here and there.” The moment Reeve’s office door was in sight, Cait Sith moved to the side, motioning joyously for her to open it. “As for who made me—ta da~!”
Seeing Reeve’s name near the door, she found it almost difficult to believe. He hardly felt like the type to make an animatronic to dazzle the crowd.
Cait Sith stepped to the side, motioning for her to go onward and through the door. “I am sure he’d like to talk with ye. So go on ahead now. I got other things to be doing!” The giant moogle hobbled off with the talking cat upon its head.
Sheepy sighed to herself, not sure what Reeve of all people could want with her after all that transpired. Knocking first, she heard a muffled response from the director of urban planning to encourage her to come in. She peeked into the room before finding the courage to come inside. 
“You asked for me? Or rather your…cat did?”
Reeve stifled a laugh. “Indeed, and forgive the little white lie I had to spare the others. I just wanted to be certain you would make it to me first.”
“I had no clue you could make such a thing, Reeve.” Sheepy noticed him gesturing towards the empty chair across from his desk, urging her to take a seat. “Is this what you do in your spare time? Make robots?”
“Sometimes.” Another small chuckle escaped him. “He was a little project of sorts, requested by the former president himself. President Rufus just has other ideas for Cait Sith at present.” Reeve raised his hands, stopping the conversation from getting off track. “Anyways, I am well aware of his feelings right now and how he wishes to proceed with things moving forward.”
Sheepy rubbed her face, trying to be rid of the sorrow that was no doubt evident upon her. “You have to believe me when I said I didn't do it… I swear!”
“I know. I know.” Reeve reclined back in his chair, sighing as he hated the direction everything had taken. After a few moments of silence, he found the courage to speak candidly. “He is battling with himself. That I can assure you.”
Sheepy’s brown eyes locked with Reeve, wondering if he was actually speaking about Rufus or mentioning somebody completely different. Hardly could she believe the president would fight with himself. Rufus always acted as though he knew exactly what he wanted or intended to do.
“We’re talking about the same guy, right?” Sheepy asked, trying to find humor in the miserable scene. “Or are you talking about your cat still?”
“The president,” Reeve corrected, giving her a playful scolding look. “He’s going to be heading to The Gold Saucer soon with the Turks. I will be there… in spirit, but I am certain he is going to drag you along for the ride as well.”
“And what are you getting at? Is there any reason why the president is heading there?” She scoffed to herself. “He doesn't really strike me as the man to want to enjoy himself or unwind with a few rides.”
“He’s looking for a Cetra artifact. We don't know for sure if it is there, but the best thing we can do is hunt for it given the leads we have.”
Sheepy’s hands clasped tightly together, wondering if she should be a bit open and honest with Reeve about her allegiance. As far as she was aware, he didn't know. “You really are very trusting…”
Reeve shrugged. “Mm, if you are implying I should be more cautious about an AVALANCHE spy working for the company—.”
Her head shot up, feeling her heart squeeze in worry the whole company knew at this point.
“—well,” he continued, “I will just tell you to not worry so much about it at current. If the President demanded Heidegger’s silence, just be aware that you have mine as well.”
Words were difficult to come by. As though a spell of silence had cursed her, she struggled to even speak. “H-How did you know about—?!”
“—I have my ways,” Reeve interrupted. It was there he motioned back towards the door. “I am sure he’s expecting you to meet with the Turks first and have them keep tabs on you over myself. I just wanted to tell you that I can help out the best I can.”
Sheepy wasn't sure what he meant by that. The whole conversation was vague, as though he were alluding to something that was far bigger than she had expected. “Umm, sure. Thanks for the talk and all.” She took her leave of the room after waving briefly to the Shinra employee. “That was the weirdest conversation I’ve had with anybody. And that’s saying a lot seeing who else I usually got direct orders from in AVALANCHE,” she muttered, heading down the connecting hall to find her way to the Turks.
Hearing the knock at his office door, Rufus was hardly in the mood to entertain anybody. His lip curled in frustration, asking for whoever was there to come in.
The black and white animatronic cat peeked into the room atop his trusty moogle. “Why ‘ello there! I came to drop by that information ye requested.”
The president leered at the toy. “Now is hardly the time.”
“I disagree, sir.” The stuffed toy joyfully sauntered in as Cait Sith was able to access Reeve’s personal files to grab the data he needed. “Ye be askin’ about the Keystone relic, aye?”
Rufus tried to find joy in that, as he needed something to bring his spirits back up after everything that happened with Sheepy. “All I care about is if you know where it’s located.”
“I can say we do,” Cait Sith gleefully responded, clasping his hands together as he brought up the file regarding the item.
The moment he saw an image of the Keystone and several words jotted down along side it, Rufus leaned forward to get a better look at the information that was soon passed to his own screen. “So it actually exists.” His tone purred with content at this news.
“Appears to be a part of Dio’s collection,” the animatronic cat explained. “We can certainly try our luck in talkin’ to the lad ‘bout it. Or the other cat can, given where ye stationed him.” It was there he curled his gloved hands and began to paw at his own face, acting out the part of a cat.
“Then see to it,” Rufus demanded.
Cait Sith snapped his fingers, standing proudly upon the moogle at that demand. “Of course, sir! I will give this warning to ye though from my research up top: there be rumors that Dio might take a wee bit of convincin’ to do so. Might not be such an easy task as it is such a priceless relic of the past n’ all.”
Hearing that, the president was hardly phased. “Then convince him. I am certain I don't need to elaborate on what I mean by demanding you do so.” Rufus turned from the talking doll, looking back out at the sea to distract his mind once more from the thought there might be a roadblock.
“I, umm, can certainly try,” Cait Sith insisted with a chuckle. “But how ‘bout this though: you and Sheepy attend The Gold Saucer as a date out to distract from whatever shenanigans I can cause to grab this Keystone of yers, eh?”
Hearing such a suggestion, Rufus wanted to grab the toy and shake him around. “I am hardly in the mood, cat…” The fury could be heard rumbling in his words.
“Sir, I must ask what ye be wantin’ more…” Cait Sith opened one hand to one side of his body. “Do ya want yer Keystone or…” he opened the other, moving both hands up and down. “...do ye want Cloud and his group to get it? If it’s the Keystone, then I hate to say ye’ll be needin’ to play along for a wee bit till I can get to it or at least plot a means of doin’ so!”
Rufus sighed, running his fingers through his blond hair as he felt this would all be awkward after the fight they just had. In the past, he would have gladly embraced this idea, but now he needed a moment to think—alone.
“Dammit all,” he muttered quietly, knowing he couldn't pass up this opportunity. “Fine. I’ll talk with them once we dock at Costa Del Sol.”
“That there’s the spirit!” Cait Sith cheered, pointing at Rufus with glee. “I’ll notify the other ‘bout what has been said here! Ye can trust the cat!” With much relief, Cait Sith turned and scurried out of the room to do as he had been asked—among other things.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
The whole talk at Costa Del Sol felt like a business exchange that Sheepy couldn't refuse. It was still so awkward… After having her ‘boss’ get onto her about the slipup she wasn't even responsible for, he was willing to try and put it all to the side for a moment to go on this fictional date?
The helicopter ride over to The Gold Saucer was equally difficult as she twitched in her seat, wondering how to even feel about any of this. “Do you want me to dress up as something special or…?”
Rufus’ eyes caught hers, his cheek resting on his knuckles as he appeared lost in thought. Only her voice seemed to lure him back to the present. “What you’re wearing is fine. We’re just here on business. Keep that in mind.”
Sheepy did her best to stifle her exasperated sigh but to little avail. “Yeah. Right.”
The president caught onto her actions, not certain if he should even engage with it. His fingers clutched the white trench coat he wore, fighting with himself as well on how to say what he wanted.
All this time together, all this time even keeping everybody around him at a distance, and it had failed. He never thought he would feel heartbreak over the thought he was betrayed in some manner. Yet, here he was, mourning over the loss of something that hardly even started in his mind.
He gazed at the bright and joyful colors of the amusement park that was built so high within the sky, it might as well have appeared to be floating there. When the helicopter landed, he exited first before turning to offer his hand for Sheepy to take.
She was shocked by that. Given how upset he was towards her, she wouldn't have expected him to remain so gentlemanly. The second she hesitated, she saw him giving her a curious look—almost painful, in a way.
“I, uh-sorry!” Her hand slid into his, wishing the embrace didn't feel so rigid and cold.
The flashing lights and the loud, joyful sounds became background noise as she felt as Rufus’ hand slipped from hers with a hesitant thought of doing so. Even staring up at him, he was focused outside of her, and it brought a horrible pain to her chest.
The president sighed, rubbing his thumb against his forehead. “I need to find Dio. Or—.”
“Why, ‘ello there!”
The Scottish voice that interrupted Rufus made both search desperately for the source. It was there they found Cait Sith, sitting like a stuffed toy upon a bench not far away. He sat in such a way that he was able to kick his feet back and forth with a small hum.
Sheepy froze up, remembering that Reeve said he would be here in spirit. She didn't think he would actually have this animatronic stationed at The Gold Saucer of all places. “Hello,” she answered with a nervous wave, wondering where this would be heading.
“We need to speak in private,” Rufus ordered, closing the distance between him and Cait Sith.
“Of course, sir!” The cat hopped down from where he was sitting, summoning his moogle to hop upon this time. “If ye like, we can head on down to The Ghost Hotel and talk there. I made some reservations earlier, so they should be expectin’ us.” 
Sheepy kept quiet, not certain if Rufus should know or not that she was aware that was Reeve’s toy. Her lost expression gave the president the assumption she had no clue what was happening, urging him to explain the bare minimum.
“He’s an ally. Come on.”
His hand gripped hers once more. The once icy cold grip was far more firm, making her heart drop as it only reeked of business. Felt as though all those steps the two took together to try and move past the business barrier had been destroyed.
The ghoulish appearance of The Ghost Hotel was far more realistic than Sheepy had thought it would be. While she heard rumors about this elaborate amusement park, she never had the gil to bother going.
Admiring the animatronics, holograms and well-hired actors along the way, the three were escorted to the Tonberry Suite. Just as the outside was, the interior design was above and beyond, feeling as though they all walked right into a haunted mansion.
“I know the Turks had this place reserved, but we can borrow it for a moment,” Cait Sith insisted, hopping off of his moogle and standing upon the table near the window. “Now then, I’m gonna do my best to talk to Dio about the Keystone, see what he says. If all else fails, Cloud’s group will do for a lovely distraction of sorts as well. That I promise!”
“Seems you actually thought ahead.” The praise was backhanded at best, making Cait Sith flinch a bit from the remark but still doing his best not to take offense.
He nervously chuckled. “Aye, that I have, sir. Now then, why don't you two wait here, and I’ll get together a plan for ya both, eh?”
Sheepy felt her cheeks burning in embarrassment that Reeve would go this far just to see the two alone in a hotel room together. “Now, wait a minute, I—!”
Cait Sith hopped off the table and scurried towards the door like a regular house cat. “Remember! Stay here till I say somethin’!” Hopping back up on his moogle, he grabbed the door handle and escorted himself out.
Rufus was hardly phased by anything Cait Sith said. His fingers drummed on the table, looking from the door back to Sheepy. “Are you that displeased with having to share a room with me for a moment?”
Hearing him say such a thing, she flinched. The words hurt worse than any attack she could take in battle. “N-No! Of course not! I just…” Fingers curling into a fist, she grabbed for the courage she needed to remain strong. “I just know how you feel about me lately.”
“Oh? Do tell.” Rufus’ voice sounded unenthused, making her wonder if she should even bother.
“I know you don't want to believe me, but you have to when I say I would not command an assassination on you.”
The chair he was sitting in moaned against his weight as he leaned back to take in every word she uttered. Whether before others or in private, there was nothing that would have her plea this hard for innocence. Not unless…
“Then everything you said prior to this mess,” Rufus began, thinking back on their moments working together, “they were not a lie?”
“No!” The answer left Sheepy so swiftly that there was hardly a single thing that caged her honest emotions. Still, she felt helpless and it was there she turned and headed for the elaborate bed display not far from the table. Her back to him, she embraced herself as she slouched forward. “I’ve said it all in many different ways how I care about you, but I guess it all falls on deaf ears, huh? Do you really care more about your company than anything else?”
There was a heavy silence that filled the room before Rufus took to his feet and headed towards her. “What of yourself? Do you care so much about the planet that making the lives of others easier means nothing?” His hand rested upon her shoulder, squeezing her there tightly. “Do I mean nothing?”
She shook her head, their hands joining before turning to face him. “I care about you, but I feel your desire to see what you want through to the end is corrupted.”
Rufus nearly recoiled from her honesty, but he didn't feel completely wounded by it.
“But I will stay,” she whispered. “Till the bitter end, even if you make the dumbest choices…” Her palm moved boldly to his cheek to cradle him there. “...I will stay. And if it’s every move AVALANCHE makes that will make you happy, then I will tell you about it without pause…” Still, she froze, hating to say this to rat out her own team, but she knew there was something underneath Rufus that wasn't sinister as everybody thought. Besides, this was part of their original deal. “...Whatever shows I am not a traitor to you, I will do it.”
His grip coiled about hers, and it was there she worried he would deny her.
But he didn't.
Moving her hand to his lips, it was there he kissed her with a breath that ignited life within him once more. No matter what she thought of his choices, just knowing she would still remain beside him was enough to have the thorned barrier about his heart wither once more.
It encouraged her to fall into his embrace, her body feeling as though it were the first time in a century since she had done such a thing.
Rufus’ fingers toyed with the band that kept her curly hair up in the ponytail she often had it styled within. The moment it was let free, he found himself envious of the curls that kissed upon her skin in place of him. To sate his greed, his lips met hers and it was there the breath of her filled his lungs and enthralled his heart.
Her own raced with his, as she boldly worked on removing his coat in need to feel of him in some form. She wanted to be a part of him beyond simple words, and even his own actions would show he too desired her.
It was that fraction of him that felt caged, finally let free to explore the soul of the other he had grown closer to beyond a mere business transaction. Like a flawless dance, he escorted her towards the bed the moment he was able to remove the dress that dared mock his advances.
Sheepy sat upon the side of the bed as Rufus’ lips journeyed about her body. The mere flash of her throat when she moaned enticed him to move his lips together to gently pluck at her skin before they found their way to her breast.
Her eyes closed, leaning into his advances. She felt as his hands gripped upon her as though he worried she would dare try to get away. But now that once stone cold and emotionless grip had turned into something of wanting. Something desiring more, as it had built up over the past few years of the two working closely together.
Her mind went blank the moment she felt his fingers caressing her underwear. Even Rufus paused in doing so, his eyes catching hers as he asked without words if she wanted him to continue. Even if greed raked through every inch of him, he wasn't going to take what he wasn't allowed.
Sheepy nodded, her breathing having hastened and it was there she felt as the fabric kissed her thighs in a seductively slow manner before they soon laid to rest upon the floor along with her shoes. The warmth of his breath caressed the lips of her entrance, making a sharp cry quiver from her body.
“F-Fuck…!” she swore sweetly, fingers buried within his hair to encourage him onward.
Rufus’ own moan added to the wet warmth of her womanhood, his tongue flicking across her petals to taste of what he could only envision in his wildest dreams. To him, it was sweet like honey. He desired more. With one last slow and steady flick of his tongue against her clit did he remove himself from between her legs and motion towards the bed.
“Lie down,” he insisted, using his fingertips to dab away his saliva and her own essence that mixed with it.
Doing as he asked, she watched as he removed the rest of his own clothing. The intoxication of the moment was so strong, she could only think to open her arms and beckon for him back into her embrace. 
He soon held her body close, clasping her in a sort of hug that felt far from erotic in nature. Sheepy couldn't help but be a bit caught off guard by it. It was a hug that she least expected from someone such as him—as if saying ‘don't go’ without a single word being uttered.
“R-Rufus…?” She didn't mean to sound so informal with him, but the moment coaxed it out of her.
He closed his eyes, shaking his head to the best of his ability as his fingers dug into the small of her back. “It’s nothing,” he whispered, but those words held a lie of sorts that she didn't bother to probe about.
His hands guided her to find comfort on the covers of the bed. His own grip trailed upon the length of her arm before having his fingers rest between the divide of her own. The head of his cock kissed her entrance ever sweetly to where Sheepy’s toes curled and her back arched in desperate want of him.
As though he were greeting her for the first time, he brought the back of her hand up towards him where he kissed her there as he slowly—inch by inch—pushed himself within her. The tight warmth was spirituous for him, causing his other free hand to grab at her thigh to keep himself steady. Her body in kind kissed every inch of him, encouraging Rufus to near madness he would have embraced, but he would not see himself harm the one he had grown close to.
Never would he see himself as heartless as his father.
Sheepy’s heels dug into Rufus’ lower back, trying to encourage him onward as her moans grew louder and closer together. Odd to say for a spy, but she could care less how obvious she was being behind those walls. “G-Gods… damn…!” she whimpered, her body moving to meet every rhythmic thrust he offered. As the welcomed, merciless minutes passed on, the walls of her body throbbed upon him, giving an early warning she would climax. “I-I’m going to cum…!” Her nails pricked at his skin best they could given their length, and it was there she felt him steady himself.
“Then do so,” Rufus whispered near her mouth, tasting the warmth she breathed and acting as though it were as intoxicating as any wine he could sample. His palm cradling her warm cheek, he urged her back into a deep kiss.
Just as before, it gave him life—chasing away his worries that weighed him down.
Sheepy’s body shook, her moan muffled by Rufus’ desire to swallow her wish to be far more vocal than she was. The moment he felt her body clamp firmly upon his length, he grunted and even steeled himself before his lips parted from hers.
Breaking the string of saliva that connected them, he moaned with a grunt to follow as the warmth of his release soon bloomed within her body.
She whimpered, the erotic temptation swelled within her and urged her to embrace the president in a duplicate manner that she felt from him earlier. Burying her face within the nook of his warm neck, she sighed heavily in relief that all her feelings weren't just delusions of grandeur. That they were indeed reciprocated. 
Rufus found rest beside her under the covers, as he cradled her hand back to him once more where he kissed her there again and again. His brow furrowed before his eyes looked at her. “I pray you know I still aim to stop AVALANCHE every step of the way.”
Sheepy hesitantly nodded, her fingers toying with the rogue strands of his blond hair that fell from place.
“But if there is one thing I will not tolerate, it is heartache.” He murmured it rather gently, but there was a small form of a threat buried within it. “No matter the ‘dumb choices I make’—Well, I am holding you to that, Sheepy.”
She didn't curl up in fear. If anything, she only moved closer to where she nuzzled against his bare chest. “Don't take my words for lies. Even for a spy, I speak honestly to those I care about.”
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foreshvdowing · 1 year
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do you like my tattoo? his name is rufus
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0spicypumpkin0 · 1 year
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I made some Christmas drawings for my parents and made them into ornaments! <3 My dad loves my oc Jasper and my mom helped me make Pumpkin, so I did those ones, then I made my dogs Rufus and Ozzie for my step parents (/^▽^)/
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gonemechaniic · 1 year
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𝐓𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐟𝐮𝐬 𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫...
@rcdfcxr said :: “ loving you is like having my heart just out in the world. outside of my body walking around. every time i see you hurting, it kills me. ” >:)
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⚙ *:・゚✧ // Cindy thinks she's dreaming it at first, playing the little spoon, still enthralled in the afterglow as the pair settles in so closely to one another. But she can see the ghost of his hand giving a subtle brush of hair from her face, along with the feel of lips pressing at her temple, so surely it couldn't have been a mere figment of her mind.
Yet for a time as she hears those words, she's uncertain what to say, opting to stay quiet for a moment, perhaps feign sleep if it was something meant to be kept for him alone. A private confession of sorts in the still atmosphere. She doesn't wait long however, gradually reaching to take hold of Rufus' hand and drape his arm over her form, tucking in as close as possible, lacing their fingers together then pressing their hands to her chest.
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❝ Hmm, then I guess it only fitting that you carry my heart with you as well. ❞ Somewhat sleepy whisper leaves her before bowing her head a touch to kiss upon his knuckles, lips lingering as a pained smile would go unseen.
A tricky thing, she thinks... as he could not halt whatever elements that may bring her harm just as much as she could not hide the pain that may reach his gaze. But perhaps this was their love; a series of deaths within the yearning to live.
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crisiscutie · 4 months
What if Rufus had a thing for Sephiroth's darling. Ooh that would be so spicy.
That would be deliciously amazing.
Sephy would be seething about it in every interaction he had with Rufus and he'd be more than happy to throw shade about it Post-Nibelheim while mimicking Papa Glenn and then later for AC, using his remnants to mock him.
I actually had this thought crossed my mind too, since for 7R Sephiroth's Darling, she and Rufus would definitely know of each other at least since they too would be around the same age.
And could you imagine how Darling would feel? The two boys she knew from her childhood had changed for the worse in her eyes. Rufus keeps telling her he wants to change things for the better, but what does "better" mean from his point of view? Being caught between these two men is just only adding to her angst and stress.
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redgoldsparks · 5 months
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January 2024 reading and Reviews by Maia Kobabe
I post my reviews throughout the month on Storygraph and Goodreads, and do roundups here and on patreon. Reviews below the cut.
Electric Bones volume 1 by Hazel and Bell 
Lucian is the son of a minor nobleman and the CEO of the galaxy's biggest AI company, but he's not so rich that he can't get in trouble. After being fired as a programmer from Echo Station he joined a startup with a couple friends and is now fishing for funding at an elite tech expo on board an expensive and exclusive space vessel. There he sees someone he thinks he recognizes- Ezra, a grey robot, an fully sentient AI who worked on Echo Station as a researcher and partially cost Lucian his job. So why is Ezra now working on the space vessel as an escort? Unless it's not Ezra, but just a look-alike robot model? These questions drag Lucian into the beginnings of tangled web of intrigue which include kidnapping, AI-hacking, and murder. I've been reading this story online as a webcomic for years; you can still read all of volume one here: https://electricbonescomic.com/index.... But last year I also backed the kickstarter, and just sat down to re-read the whole story in print form, including a sexy little bonus comic. I love these characters, I love the rich colors, the lovely sense of flow and design of the pages. I can't wait for volume two!
The Fox Maidens by Robin Ha
Action packed and exciting, this family drama is full of unexpected twists and turns. I loved the focus on female characters: passionate Kai, whose love of martial arts and sense of justice cannot be contained by the normal rules of Joseon society; her mother, Meorhu, a fragile woman with a surprising past; Sura, a thief turned mercenary; and the Gumiho herself, the deadly but alluring fox spirit who impacts the lives of all the others with her magic and charisma. The art is rich with historical details, beautiful nature scenes, and fast paced fight scenes. Lovers of ghost stories, kdramas, and queer re-tellings of fairy tales will find much to enjoy here. I was lucky enough to read an advanced copy of this book! Pre-order it now, or look for it in bookstores in mid-February 2024.
A Nobleman’s Guide to Seducing a Scoundrel by KJ Charles read by Martyn Swain
What a delightful return to Romney marsh! This book picks up 13 years after the dramatic conclusion of the previous installment. Luke Doomsday is now a secretary, looking for a new position in a large house were he can keep books and solve his master's problems. Rufus, the recently minted Earl of Oxney, formerly a major in the army and son of a draper, has problems. For one, he never expected to inherit and his uncle is doing everything he can to prove Rufus illegitimate in court. For another, the previous Earl of Oxney was a selfish old bastard who let the estates fall into terrible disrepair, while Rufus' timid cousin kept poor account of the estate's money in a chicken scratch handwriting. Rufus struggles to read at the best of times, and he can barely make sense of his newly inherited account books. When Luke shows up on his door, it feels like a godsend. The men are immediately attracted to each other, though both have reason to be wary. And Luke, in seems, may have come to Stone Manor looking for more than a job. This series is such a fun mix of spicy romance, action, mystery, and danger. I'm really enjoying the setting and time period, which is just after the end of the Napoleonic wars. I really hope there will be more books to come!
Translation State by Ann Leckie
No one is doing it like Ann Leckie! This sci-fi novel uses six different pronoun sets (actually kind of seven, except one is the same set just used culturally very differently by different groups of people). It’s fantastic. We’ve got they/them, e/em/eir, sie/hir, it/its, he/him, she/her, and she/her again except used as a universal pronoun regardless of gender (which works great inside the Radch Empire and badly outside of it). I'm on the fence about whether this book can be read as a stand alone, or if it would only really make sense after having read at the Imperial Radch trilogy and Providence. I suppose it depends on what level of baffling alien customs and politics you are willing to tolerate. This book opens with Enae attending hir grandmaman's funeral, only to learn that the seemingly wealthy old woman had sold her entire estate to a stranger before her death. For the first time in her life, Enae leaves home with a Foreign Affairs job: to see out a fugitive who left Presger space some 200 years prior. Enae isn't expecting to succeed, but sie gives it hir best shot- and in doing so completely upends the lives of a widening circle of bystanders including Reet, a man of unknown parentage, and Qven, a juvenile Presger. This book finally begins to explain this inhuman and terrifying species, and the reason why the Presger-Radachii Treaty defines the rules of so much of this universe. I deeply enjoyed this installment; it makes me want to go back and re-read the original trilogy.
Brooms by Jasmine Walls and Teo Duvall 
Set in an alternate 1930s, Mississippi, this story follows a group of friends and found family who have to hide their magic from the restrictive and racist government. They survive at the margins, but they don't let the fear of prosecution stop them from doing what they love: racing together as a team. Deep in the woods seers and witches host carnival like events where racers on brooms compete for prize money and glory. Each of them has reasons why they need to win; lives and futures depend on it. This book is deeply queer with a diverse and magical cast. If you're looking for historical fiction where the trans and lesbian brown witches win, this one's for you.
Boys Weekend by Mattie Lubchansky
Sammie is a recently out nonbinary transfemm but their college friend group has not picked up on that fact yet. When Sammie is invited to be the "best man" at their friend Adam's wedding and attend a bachelor weekend at a high-tech, no-laws resort built on top of the Pacific Garbage Patch they decide to go in stealth mode. The resort is a pyramid scheme mutated with a strip club, business conference, all you can drink brunch bar, pro-gamer, most-dangerous-game corporate nightmare. Also, the waters around it are infested with terrifying flesh-eating monsters and someone is trying to raise an eldritch god. It takes every bit of queer resistance Sammie possesses to survive this bleak, hilarious, and surprisingly moving tale. In both their fiction and nonfiction comics, Lubchansky continues to hold up the black mirror to our own dystopian times.
Belle of the Ball by Mari Costa 
A very queer high school rom-com comic with a satisfying message about growing into yourself and seeing others truly for who they are. It opens with a love triangle, but subverts that form into a more complicated shape by the end of the tale. Strong character designs and very effective limited color palette.
The Moth Keeper by K. O’Neill 
In a desert village, a group of folks choose to live a nocturnal life to keep the moon company, and to care for a small group of magical moths, the only creatures who can pollinate a magical tree which helps sustain the whole ecosystem. One youngster, Anya, volunteers for the important but lonely job of Moth Keeper. She yearns to be of service to others, and feels she must earn her place in the village. In reality, help and friendship are only an ask away, and in this space everyone is cared for. This is a very beautifully illustrated and brief tale of responsibility, community, and resilience.
Feeding Ghosts by Tessa Hulls
What an accomplishment! I savored every page of Feeding Ghosts, absolutely floored by the labor and courage that went into the writing of this book. The inking is gorgeous, the history is clear, digestible, and devastating. This book threads the line between honesty and compassion in a way that I appreciate so much in any memoir, but especially one dealing with family. Hulls lays out the story of three generations of women starting with her grandmother, Sun Yi, a Shanghai journalist who faced intense persecution during the rise of Communism in China, who penned a popular and scandalous memoir and then suffered a mental breakdown. This left her only daughter, Rose, a student at an elite boarding school with no parental figures and no other family to lean on. Eventually Rose earned a scholarship to an American university and in the end moved her mother into her California home. Sun Yi haunted that home during the author's own childhood. The unexamined trauma and codependency of Sun Yi and Rose drove the author to the extreme edges of the Earth, seeking freedom from their ghosts. But in the end, she stopped running from her family history and turned, instead, to face it. Shelve this book with Maus, Fun Home, Persepolis and The Best We Could Do.
I Keep My Exoskeletons To Myself by Marisa Crane read by Bailey Carr 
I really struggled with this book. I almost DNFed at 25%. Ultimately, I did finish it, and I am glad I did because I think the final act was my favorite part of the story. However, I think the title and cover set me up with expectations of what this book would be which were very different than what the book actually delivered. This is not science fiction- despite the fact it was nominated in the science fiction category in the Goodreads Choice Awards. It is only barely speculative. This is a book about grief, depression, and parenting a baby and then a young child as a single mom struggling with loss and borderline alcoholism. There were passages of the book which struck hard, individual observations and lines which rang like bells. There is also nearly no plot and I was frustrated by the lack of world building. I wanted to know more about the laws governing extra shadows- were Shadesters allowed to vote, hold passports, travel across state lines? Had anyone experimented with the removal of Shadows? When and how did cameras get installed in apparently every home in American, and how did the government hire and pay for a workforce of seemingly 1:1 surveillance agents to citizens? Also, how on earth did Kris manage to pay for a whole apartment on a single salary working a call center job, especially when as a Shadester she had to pay extra taxes? I understand that this is literary fiction, and these questions are obviously not the ones the book was interested in answering. But it felt strange to me that a book so focused on parenting would not include a single passage about struggling to pay for or arrange childcare. The "pop quizzes" that break up the text did not work well in audio, and did not add anything to my experience of this book. Ultimately, I would only recommend this novel to a vary narrow audience of readers who enjoy lit fic, and are willing to spend a lot of time in the POV of a character teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown through much of the story.
Atana and The Firebird by Vivian Zhou
Atana is a mermaid, but she was banished from her home to live alone on island for a reason she doesn't understand. One night a curious young firebird leaves her flock in space to come down and visit Earth, and she convinces Atana to go an adventure. They are soon pursed by magic hunters, but they also make friends, and end up as invited guests in the Witch Queen's palace. She makes them welcome in her massive library and gardens, but she also has ulterior motives. This is a fast paced story of magic, friendship, and young people slowly learning about the forces larger than themselves that shape their world and their lives. I really enjoyed the art, it has a very active, energetic line which serves the action scenes particularly well. I can tell the author came from an animation background! I am glad that the ending set up potential future installments in this world.
Portrait of a Body by Julie Delporte  
I really loved the colored pencil illustrations of this book, especially the botanical drawings, and the kind of abstract relation of the text and images. I thought the drawings paired extremely well with the hand lettering even if at times I struggled with some of the cursive capitals. This is a candid memoir of recovering from sexual assault and a dysfunctional relationship to ones body and sexuality, of stepping into queerness and self-acceptance. I couldn't really relate to the author's journey, but I appreciated the honestly and thoughtfulness with which the more challenging themes were handled.
Fool’s Fate by Robin Hobb read by Nick Taylor 
This book, and this series, has earned Robin Hobb a permanent place in my list of favorite authors. This story goes so hard, weaving together threads that are 9 volumes and 30 plus years of in-story history in the making. The final confrontations, reunions, and farewells at the end of this story were hard earned and so well written. This very much felt like it could have been a final volume of the Realm of Elderlings series, but I know that there are 7 more books to come and I can't wait to see what else this series has in store for me!
System Collapse by Martha Wells read by Kevin R Free 
This book picks up right after the end of the previous volume and I had, unfortunately, completely forgotten most of the previous plot. Once I got myself oriented I still had a great time with it. Wow, I just love watching Murderbot learn and grow and solve problems in unique and interesting ways! I kind of want to go back and re-listen to the whole series.
The Chromatic Fantasy by H.A. 
This comic blew me away. One of the most beautiful, strange, artistically ambitious and deeply trans books I've read in a while. Aesthetically, its as rich as a stained glass window or illuminated manuscript. Its narrative is psychedelic but emotionally it rings so tender and true. The story opens with Jules, a transman trapped in a nunnery who accepts a deal with a devil who promises to help him live as a man. Possessed and impervious to physical harm, Jules turns to a life of debauchery and crime. Then he meets another trans criminal, the poetic thief and thespian Casper, and they begin to fall for each other. They see each other as no one else ever has, they validate and treasure one another, but Jules' devil is a jealous master. The devil would rather see Jules burn than thrive. This is one of those books that made me want to draw, made me want to write, made me want to be bolder, weirder, freer, wilder in my story telling. An instant favorite, I expect I'll return to this over and over.
Mall Goth by Kate Leth
Liv's parents are on the verge of divorce; they've just moved to a new town and Liv will be starting at a new high school. At her last school, Liv was bullied for being openly queer and an unapologetic mall goth, and she is understandably hesitant to accept friendship overtures at the new school. However, a supportive male English teacher and a fellow goth gamer boy start to make Liv feel welcome. The goth introduces her to an MMORPG and the English teacher praises her essays and gives her Lolita. Both of them start regularly DMing Liv late into the night, more than is appropriate for the relationships they have. This book is in large part about a teen navigating confusing advances and how and when to disclose things that make her uncomfortable but feel hard to speak about or define. I thought that aspect of the story was handled very well. Some of the pacing in the friendship plot lines surrounding it felt a bit rushed, a few sections underdeveloped, but ultimately I think this book tackled an important issue not often seen in YA comics. It is also steeped in early 2000s Hot Topic/emo music/pop culture references- if you were there, you'll know.
What’s Wrong? Personal Histories of Chronic Pain and Bad Medicine by Erin Williams 
Williams illuminates, through memoir, interviews, and mixed media illustrations the extreme failures of the US healthcare system to address chronic pain. These failures are especially common for patients of color, patients who struggle with addictions, patients who are queer or survivors of assault and trauma. If you had any illusions that the systems of medical care are working in this country, shed them now. This book is half cathartic, half infuriating to read. I really appreciated the honesty and vulnerability of the interviewees and the trans and nonbinary inclusiveness of the language surrounding pain tied to the reproductive system.
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crescent-lockhart97 · 11 months
Random First Class Trio + Zack Headcanons #3: Crack Version
His favorite workout song is "YMCA" by Village People.
He's definitely knocked out Wutai soldiers like this:
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Somebody once mistook him as Zack's father due to similarities in their features. He didn't even try to correct them.
His sneeze is louder than the Krakatoa explosion.
Rickrolled everyone by singing "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley at a company gala while he was drunk. (Sephiroth and Genesis didn't speak to him for a month. 💀💀)
Makes terrible dad jokes that even Zack cannot stomach. (He's definitely done that "Hi, hungry! I'm dad!" shit with Zack. 😂😂)
He is a big Fergie fan and knows her songs by heart. He can also rap that part in "Fergalicious."
He did an iconic dance number to "Umbrella" with Andrea Rhodea at the Honeybee Inn like this:
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He also likes Lady Gaga and blasts "Bad Romance" every time he and Sephiroth spar with each other.
He hates horror movies. He's the loudest out of the trio when watching them (he's either screaming at the characters or at the monsters/ghosts).
Aside from LOVELESS, he also quotes "Mean Girls" on the regular. (Guess who he quotes the most... 😉😉)
Totally has a blog for Shinra blinds just because (basically who's dating or fucking who, juicy stuff on important Shinra officials and staff, etc.). He once published a blind on Rufus defacing one of President Shinra's statues with a drawing of a dick. No matter how many times Shinra has gotten it shut down, Genesis somehow manages to keep on reviving it. Recently, Kunsel and some members of Red Leather have joined his team.
Can't stand spicy food. He avoids it as much as he can. Eating spicy foods will cause his eyes to water and his nose to redden like this:
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(Genesis managed to snap an unfortunate photo of him dying from the spiciness of the curry and sent it to the Silver Elite fanclub with the caption, "IS THIS YOUR KING???" 🤭🤭)
Somehow, he has the most wins in UNO and Monopoly.
Catwoman is his favorite DC character; Black Cat is his favorite Marvel character. (Gee, I wonder why... 🤔🤔)
Whenever he goes outside, a horde of cats just mysteriously flock to him. Genesis and Angeal find it both amusing and creepy. (My aunt is actually like this. Wherever she goes, cats mysteriously gather around her, it's so freaky! 😭😭😭)
He can actually do the lazy eye trick, and loves to freak Genesis out with it.
He once dressed as Sadako/Samara Morgan from "The Ring" for the Halloween costume contest... and WON.
Has sung "Jenny" by The Click Five using a shortened version of Genesis's name to annoy him. ("I'm standing still, Genny!" "Be quiet, you overgrown mutt!" "You got me on my knees, Genny!")
(This ends up with Genesis summoning Ifrit on Zack's ass 😂😂)
He and Kunsel quote Vines all the time, usually around any of the First Class Trio or Lazard just so they could revel in their confused faces.
Zack and Kunsel: *to Angeal* You are my daaaaad! You're my dad! Boogie woogie woogie!!!
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Once, after getting drunk during the SOLDIER game night, he and the lower-class SOLDIERs thought it was a good idea to go sledding down the building stairs, so they brought mattresses from their dorms to use as makeshift sleds. Needless to say, the infirmary reached full capacity that night.
On April Fools' Day, he somehow managed to hijack Shinra's PA system and started playing "Careless Whisper" on full blast.
He's a massive Pokémon fanboy and knows the Pokémon Theme Song by heart. In fact, he has his contacts named after Pokémon: Angeal is Machamp, Sephiroth is Mewtwo, Genesis is Charizard, Tseng is Umbreon, Aerith is Jigglypuff, Cloud is Pikachu, etc.
Threw an apple at Hojo and left a shitload of Legos all over his lab for subjecting Sephiroth to a particularly painful physical test.
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theriddlerat-watcher · 10 months
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Backseat and booze. (18+!!!)
Rufus Jr "RJ" Firefly x Transmasc! Reader. (Pronouns used: he/him/they/them. I'm going to alternate.)
Warnings: the reader hasn't had bottom surgery so there will be the use of the words "cunt, pussy, clit, etc." I apologize in advance if it's a trigger..., cursing, alcohol use, SMUT, dirty talk, drinking while driving (even if it's just Rufus driving on the farm land.)
Summary: you're riding with in the cop car with Rufus on Halloween night, drinking and having fun. Things get a little spicy so he shuts the car off and you two move to the back for some fun before the second half of the ritual starts 😉
Y/N watched as Rufus replaced the lid on the coffin, sealing the fate of the two bunny suit clad people who were laid inside. Lowering the coffin back down into the hole, Otis watching with a deranged smile on his face.
The trap doors were closed, the lantern and tape player were lowered through the hole in the door, calling the ghouls that dwelled down below.
Once that job was done all they had to do was wait for baby to come back with Mary. Otis and Mama didn't notice when Rufus slipped away, or when Y/N decided to head back to the house in search of more booze, wanting to get even more fucked up before the night was over.
They managed to locate the 6 pack of beer they had drunkenly stashed away a few days prior, hoping to hide it away from Hugo (who drinks like a fish). Pleased with themselves, Y/N made their way outside to see Rufus uncovering the stolen police car. "Taking the pig mobile out for a spin, sugar?" He called to his boyfriend, a playful tone in his voice. RJ looked up and nodded, flashing them a smile as he tossed the camouflage to the side. "You wanna come?" He asked, hoping they would say yes.
Of course they said yes.
Now Y/N was in the passenger seat, beer bottle in hand, laughing and urging Rufus on, enjoying the recklessness. Rufus loved it when Y/N encouraged him like this, both horrible influences on eachother.
The alcohol and the adrenaline were a wonderful combination, driving both of them out of their minds. Rufus continued the reckless driving, jerking the wheel slightly in surprise when he felt Y/N's hand slowly snake across his stomach, sliding up underneath the bloody uniform of the former Sheriff Wydell. "You know I love it when you wear your shirts open like this~" they purr, grazing their fingers up his chest before slowly lowering their hand to remove the handgun from the waistband of the already tight uniform pants. They were gentle, being sure to keep their fingers away from the trigger, though the danger was enough to drive Rufus up the wall. He tightened his grip on the steering wheel, now feeling Y/N start to palm him through his pants, earning them a nice, deep, frustrated groan from the man. "Y/N..." he warned, trying to focus on his driving, but their hands made it very difficult. They didn't let up, in fact, they pressed on, this time slowly undoing his belt, stopping every few seconds just to tease him. RJ's frustration grew with every second Y/N's hands were on him, the sensation of their touch almost enough to push him over the edge.
He brought the police car to a full stop, turning off the engine.
He turned to Y/N, pulling them into a passionate kiss which quickly turned heated. Rufu's hands found their way to Y/N's thighs, digging his fingers into the soft flesh, eliciting a muffled moan from his partner.
The next thing Y/N knew they were on their back in the back seat of the cruiser, the door standing open, Rufus standing there, looking down at them with his deep brown eyes full of lust. His hands were quick to undo the button and zipper on their pants, pulling them off along with their underwear in one swift movement.
Rufus dropped to his knees in front of them, the wet grass soaking his pants legs (not that he cared, his mind was on other things anyways.) He allowed his hands to trail up their legs, enjoying the sight of his partner squirming beneath his touch.
"Spread 'em, darlin'." His voice came out like the purr of a lion, making Y/N's heart skip a beat and the butterflies in their stomach to start fluttering around. Y/N and RJ had been together for a while (and this was definitely not their first play time) but the nervous excitement Y/N felt whenever the two got down to doing the dirty was still strong.
Y/N obediently spread their legs, allowing RJ access to their sensitive areas. Without hesitation, Rufus licked a long stripe up Y/N's pussy, earning a moan from his boyfriend.
That moan caused all of RJ's self control to disappear.
He buried his face into Y/N's crotch, beginning to eat him out like a starving animal, the taste of his partner's juices driving him wild. Y/N's hands tangled themselves into Rufus's hair, their legs over his shoulders, both pulling him closer, urging him to keep going.
"Rufus! Fuuuck! Keep going baby!" They moan breathlessly, their legs tightening around him, body starting to shake with pleasure. RJ happily obliged, his tongue now targeting Y/N's clit, not one to deny his boyfriend what they want. Y/N arched their back, their moans becoming so loud they were almost screams as they felt the knot in their stomach beginning to tighten. "Fuck! Please don't stop, baby! I'm so fuckin' close!" Y/N begged, almost pleading for release.
Again, RJ obliged, continuing to attack Y/N's clit with his tongue, eating him out desperately, wanting to bring his partner to their orgasm. He kept it up for a minute or two more until he pushed Y/N over the edge, a blissful moan coming from deep within them, their body shaking and spasming from the sheer pleasure. He happily lapped up all he could before Y/N moved away, leaving him wanting more.
Now Rufus was sat in the back seat of the cruiser, the door now closed, keeping the two inside. He undid his own pants, pulling them down, allowing his dick to spring free. Y/N was going to return the favor but RJ stopped them, shaking his head slightly. "Not this time, sweetpea." He didn't want oral, not this time atleast, right now he wanted to sink his cock into their pussy.
It would be uncomfortable for Rufus to be on top since he was so tall (6'10"), so he sat back while Y/N climbed ontop of him, lowering themselves onto his dick. They had only managed to get a few inches in, but Rufus's size (6 inches but very thick) made it hard for Y/N to take. Tired of waiting, Rufus placed his hands on their hips, roughly bucking his hips up, ramming his cock deep into Y/N's pussy, letting out a deep growl when he did. Y/N tilted his head back, letting out a loud moan, digging their nails into RJ's shoulders to brace themselves. Y/N began to move, starting to bounce on his dick, slowly picking up the pace with a bit of urging from Rufus, his hands guiding their hips.
Rufus started getting pretty rough, much to the excitement and pleasure of Y/N, who loved it when their usually sweet and gentle boyfriend got more primal and rough. His fingers dug into Y/N's hips, pulling them down onto his dick while bucking his hips up to meet his boyfriend, getting more and more desperate for his own release. Y/N grabbed the back of Rufus's head, taking a handful of his hair, using it to pull him into a rough and passionate kiss which pushed him closer to his end.
His movements got harder and sloppier, his breathing sped up, his soft grunts and growls got louder and more desperate as he got closer to his edge. He broke the kiss for air, tightening his grip on their hips, he roughly pushed them down to the base of his cock as he came. Throwing his head back, letting out the loudest, euphoric moan that dissolved into higher pitched whimpers and moans, repeatedly thanking his boyfriend. Y/N panted softly, gently caressing Rufus's face, gazing lovingly into his eyes.
Rufus quickly wrapped his arms around their waist, pulling them into a tight hug, burying his face into their neck. "God I love you, Y/N.... I don't fuckin' deserve you.." RJ whimpered, causing them to chuckle softly. "Yes you do, Darlin'.... you deserve to be happy and loved." They kiss his shoulder. "And I love you so fuckin' much."
They managed to get cleaned up and back to the ritual without any issue, though, they were sure the whole family knew what they'd done.
Hope this was okay! I want to write some more smut so there might be another one later tonight. Also I hope everyone liked RJ's post nut clarity at the end lol.
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autumnalmess · 6 months
9 people I'd like to get to know better (but I know I won't be able to think of 9)
Tagged by @sparklygraves xx
Last song I listened to: 14th Street by Rufus Wainwright
Favourite colour: probably bright light blue or a dark foresty green
Last film/TV show I watched: the thick of it (my favourite show of all time)
Sweet/spicy/savoury: Savoury (I don't like spicy stuff (I'm a pussy))
Relationship status: I have a GIRLFRIEND!!!!! HOW DID THAT HAPPEN (smug) we're literally Courfeyrac and Combeferre
Last thing I googled: lowest temperature UK can get to
Current obsession: if you can't already tell, Les Mis. It's the only thing my blog is about so 🤟
Supposed to be 9 people but I genuinely cannot think of 9 that might have any semblance of wanting to do this so here we go @mcd217 @enjolraspermettendo @marbleluvrofliberty @fulladeroure @alcoholicguns @alienintrees
Love you lots x
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chapter 5 of oupy is posted to ao3! after spending the night, has rufus been a good enough boy to get a reward? find out in this spicy reader pov fic! (may contain emotions)
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altocat · 1 year
Hmmm complete wild card -
Tseng. :) . Our lovely leather glove and suit wearing, long haired turk.
Do you have any tid-bits for him? I know you don’t normally talk about the turks, but i just adore them and would love to hear your thoughts!
Yesss Tseng!
Tseng is very fond of tea, particularly earl grey and oolong. While his job is very stressful, he finds time every day to enjoy a bit of quiet and a nice cup or two, hopefully overlooking some pleasant scenery.
He is not fond of insects, especially the various creepy crawlies Reno is always bringing home in his pockets.
Tseng follows a very strict schedule and rarely breaks his routine unless he's already planned for it in advance. His reactions to emergencies are often very composed because he had contingency plans in place the entire time.
Tseng has tortured people before. He doesn't like to talk about it.
He will never say it out loud, but he does love his team deeply. In his own subdued, quiet way.
He does not get along with Sephiroth, though they mutually respect each other. Tseng legitimately nearly had a heart attack when Sephiroth attacked him in the Temple of the Ancients, horrified at what the former hero had become.
Tseng enjoys yoga and the occasional bit of bird watching. He really likes nature despite his home residence in Midgar.
He CANNOT tolerate spicy foods in the slightest.
Tseng eventually marries Elena and has a daughter with her. There's a brief tension in the marriage for a while due to the stresses of work and parenting but it eventually smooths over.
Later in life, following Elena's courageous death in the line of duty, Tseng grieves immensely but is eventually able to move on with Rufus Shinra. They help raise Tseng's daughter together. His daughter is named little Elena or "Ellie" after her mother and it sort of helps carry on her memory.
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recurringwriter · 1 year
i thought this love would always burn like a wildfire
Chapters: 40/? Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Rodrigue Achille Fraldarius, Felicity Eirian Gloucester, Rufus Blaiddyd, Manuela Casagranda Additional Tags: Divorce, Angst, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Needs A Hug, Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, stuff falling apart after the Tragedy, alternate divorce au where felicity and rodrigue have been having a thing w rufus, rufus blaiddyd is a spicy little gronder meat skewer, possibly additional tags, Swordfighting Summary:
Fragments of an au where Rodrigue’s wife goes to their sometimes lover, Rufus, after Glenn’s death. Snapshots of angst and a relationship falling to ashes.
Episode 40 is here, Felicity meets the representative from Fraldarius ahead of the war council!
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pennyplainknits · 12 days
Getting to know me game
@postmodernau tagged me with some questions
Last song I listened to: Poses, by Rufus Wainwright. I'm super stuck on a vid set to it so I'm listening to it a lot
Currently Watching: The new Percy Jackson series on Disney +
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: Savory! I like all those flavours but I cannot buy ritz crackers or I will eat a box in one sitting. Ditto salty pretzels, Tuc biscuits...any kind of crunchy salty snack
Relationship Status: Just me and my hobbies.
Current Obsession: These instant pot braised pork buns only don't limit yourself buns. Over rice, in raman, however you like. The pork is amazing
I'm gonna tag (low pressure) @thefoundationproject @thisapplepielife and @just-my-latest-hyperfixation
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thecloudstan · 1 month
Something sweet and something spicy for you, Hiech. Sweet: Rufus and Cloud taking a yacht out during a vacation in Costa del Sol and have a romantic picnic on the deck. Spicy: Intense, mind-blowing sex all over that yacht.
So many ways to christen a boat, apparently, hehe.
I imagine Cloud would maybe let himself loosen up a bit more out on the water, completely away from even the slightest worry of prying eyes. To have Rufus totally to himself, pried away from duties and adoring public.
And Rufus, maybe a bit surprised Cloud agreed to come along, because he’s allowed Rufus to whisk him away to fancy suites and the like, but this is a bigger step. Another little show of trust. And he intends to reward that trust handsomely. He intends to make a delectable memory from every inch of the yacht…
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raiiryuu · 4 months
👫 if ya still accepting them
⚡︎ FOUR HEADCANONS ⚡︎ - @icemde
I mentioned this in an earlier post, but yes -- Laxus absolutely took Gray's bet on spicy foods at LEAST once. Regret but also not? It was fun, even if it was also a bit of suffering. Possibly one of the most open smiles Gray's seen from him.
Laxus doesn't know a whole lot about demon slayer magic, but he's seen it in action -- he's worried about Gray, even if he only shows it with a few glances now and then. He's of two minds on it: he kinda wants to talk about it because it could have a similar side effect to dragonification, but also doesn't feel up to a lecture about it, ever.
Gray is one of maybe two people outside the Raijinshuu that know about the extensive damage done to Laxus's internal organs by Tempester. The particles have since been cleared out of his system, but the damage is done, as far as he's concerned, and that glare was a real one -- he's trusting Gray not to tell anyone else.
He feels like he has no place to be, but this man is hella proud of Gray for his win at the GMG against Rufus. He not only stood up to Mavis to get the chance, but pulled off a brilliant victory. Laxus just feels like the uncle that never shows up to things but still wants to congratulate the nephew for doing something cool, y'know? So he's never said it.
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