#and run the back of my nails on the walls when I walk down hallways despite it being a very bad example for the children
Can anyone recommend a good brand of grippy sock/tight slipper? No; not for that reason. I’m kinda eh mentally but not necessarily in crisis (yet)…
The fake hardwood floors in this apartment are literal sensory hell to walk on. I can’t take my socks off and walk barefoot on them for two seconds without getting the worst fucking joint cramps in my hands and feet I’ve ever felt in my life. It’s like insta-gout, just add naked toes; but I don’t actually have gout (thank god)… it’s SOLELY from the texture of the floor. I’ve been wearing the same vampire bat socks for four days because I can’t bear to remove them unless my feet have been soaked in hot water before.
Also, the vampire bat socks for your amusement because the little guy is cute:
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reidsdimples · 3 months
Hi, love your work and i was thinking of a good story where it's "the reader and Spencer's wedding they are having a good time and Penelope wants to congratulate them but can't find them, she walks around and finally spots reader she is resting against the wall of a cleaning closet, they talk for a bit and she leaves, when Penelope leaves spencer comes from out of readers dress, and says that that was a close one"
Couldn’t Wait
My response to this lovely request 🥰
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“You are insane! There has to be a hundred people out there!” You giggle at your new husband.
Spencer smiles at you, his cheeks staining red with pure adoration. He is overwhelmed by how gorgeous you look in your wedding dress. He wants nothing more than to rip it off of you and bury himself deep.
“It’ll be fine, no one is back here,” he shushes you and drops downs to his knees.
“Oh my god…” you look from side to side.
He had pulled you into a small closet with a curtain instead of a door. It was in the back hallway of the venue but you could still hear the music playing as the reception carried on.
“Spencer…” you warn. He nestles himself under your dress, and shoves you by your thighs against the wall. He spreads them wide and adjusts himself so his face is up against your cunt.
He is completely hidden under the massive gown of your white wedding dress but you can feel him. He starts kissing and nipping at your lace underwear. You want to smack him away but it feels so good when he presses his gorgeous face into your pussy.
He pulls your underwear to the side and sinfully dips his tongue between your folds for the first time as your husband.
“Oh…” you exhale at the warm welcoming feeling of his tongue. You wish you could run your hands through his hair but the dress is a barrier between you two.
It’s heady- not being able to see him but being able to feel him lap at your cunt like a man starved. You feel him humming and moaning into as his tongue swirls around your clit and he drags it back down into your entrance. Your entire body is on edge, alive, as he strokes you slowly.
His nails push into your soft thighs as he keeps your legs parted enough to keep tasting you. His head moves as he dives relentlessly into you and you start losing yourself in the sensation. The bass of the music beats in your chest and you throw your head back as you ride your grooms face.
“There you are!” Penelope appears in the doorway, slinging the flimsy curtain out of the way. “Why are you hiding in here?”
“I’m not hiding, just taking a moment,” you clear your throat and try to appear unfazed. Spencer has frozen between your legs.
“Where’s Spence?” She asks.
“Oh, I don’t know I thought he was with Ethan and Derek earlier,” you shrug.
“Well I just wanted to congratulate you personally…” she trails off when you startle in response to Spencer’s tongue on your clit again.
“T-thank you Penelope,” you huff a laugh. “It means the world to me that you’re here.”
You hope she doesn’t see your face turning red as your mans tongue teases you. You’re lucky Penelope isn’t a profiler. Emily or JJ would know what was going on immediately. You shift on your feet to try and get him to stop without being obvious.
“Are you okay?” She tilts her head.
“Yeah! I just get anxious at these things,” you lose your words for a moment when you feel his middle finger pushing at your entrance. “Social gatherings, I mean…”
“I understand. Especially because all the attention is essentially on you,” she smiles sincerely.
“And Spence,” you say his name as a half warning for him to hear because his entire middle finger is inside of you curling gently. You sputter out a cough to keep from moaning.
“Of course,” she beams. “I’ll see you back out there.”
“I’ll be back in a minute,” you reassure her. When she’s out of view you drag the curtain shut.
“I will kill you. I just married you and I will kill you Spencer Reid. Do you understand me?” He laughs but then latches his mouth back onto you.
You’re sent back against the wall and resume riding his face as he sets a rhythm with his finger and tongue.
“Fuck,” you whisper.
“You taste so good Mrs. Reid,” he praises and he knows you’re getting close.
God this perfect man between your legs, licking and finger fucking you while he’s moaning like it pleasures him… it’s too much. Your legs go taught, stars explode in your vision and your orgasm crashes through you.
He pulls his finger out and pushes his mouth into your harder, greedily lapping at you to get everything you have to offer him. He takes extra time to clean you up with his tongue before replacing your underwear to their correct position.
“Well that was close,” he smiles mischievously up at you. He pops out from under your dress, with his messy hair, black tux, maroon tie, handsome as hell.
You wipe the edges of his face as he grins proudly. He kisses you hard, greedily as if you didn’t already know you were his.
“I love you,” he whispers and holds you close.
“I love you more,” you promise.
When you walk hand and hand back out the reception area, Derek and Penelope greet you first.
“So pretty boy, you just couldn’t wait for the honeymoon, huh?” Derek claps him on the shoulder. Spencer’s face to red but he follows Derek who has his arm around him.
“Oh my god,” you whisper yell in horror at Penelope for telling.
“I blab! I’m sorry. You guys are just so cute,” she stamps her heeled feet and hugs you.
“You know I love you anyway,” you laugh and hug her back.
She hands you a glass of champagne and clinks her to yours.
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dirtylittleheart333 · 4 months
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Matt finds someone who is stuck in an elevator. Concerned, he sits with her to keep her mind off her situation and learns some things about her. What happens when those elevator doors open just enough to let him slip inside?
Paring: Matt x OC Warning: 18+ Smut Notes: Listened to 'We are scientists - Nobody move, Nobody get hurt. Type: One-shot
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A GOOD, KINDA BAD GUY Matt walked through the deserted, dimly lit hallway, on his way to the elevator. The thick, heavy carpet underfoot, was patterned with dark colours of burgundy and royal blue with shades of neutrals. It was meant to disguise dirt and dust from heavy footfall, along with keeping noise to a minimum. The walls were pained in a neutral fawn shade, that held art on simple canvas. None of them really matched but Matt shrugged his shoulders as he turned the corner that would take him to the two set’s of elevators.
Unbeknownst to Matt, Zarah had entered the elevator a few minutes earlier and slumped against the mirrored interior. Since it was her last day at her job, she stayed late to see that everything was in order and up to date for the next employer taking over her position. It had been a long day; it had been pouring rain, her Uber driver had hit on her prompting her to get out a block sooner than her actual location, and she had to take an Uber because her car battery was flat. All she wanted to do was relax in a tub full of bubbles and then climb into her bed. Life had other plans though, and the elevator came to a jolting halt.
Matt pushed the down button between the two elevators, illuminating it in a glowing green. He tilted his head up expecting to see which floor the elevators were currently on and which direction they were travelling but instead, he found himself looking at a blank screen. He cocked his head to the side a little, waiting to see if there was any indication the cars were running. There was no sound to denote they were even functioning. He thought it was strange since they had been working only an hour or so before. Matt let out an audible sigh and shoved his hands into his pockets as he turned. He mulled over the thought if he wanted to just go back to the apartment or if he wanted to pursue his original plan; going for a midnight walk.
As he stepped forward, the doors behind him made a clanking noise, and then they creaked open. Matt glanced over his shoulder but the doors stopped, only leaving a small, narrow opening that he guessed would barely fit a hand through. The lights in the elevator were low and soft music floated out, along with a soft, flowery scent.
‘’Oh my god,’’ he heard a soft voice say, ‘’please!’’
Hands slid between the opening of the doors, and long, elegant fingers with perfectly manicured nails closed around a door, ‘’open you…motherfucker! I can’t with this tonight,’’ the soft but now agitated voice said. When the doors didn’t move, a groan escaped through the doors and the fingers let go and then disappeared back into the elevator.
Then he heard what he thought was crying. He couldn’t be 100 percent sure, but he wouldn’t have been surprised if she was crying. As he turned to the elevator again, he wondered if the voice was agitated or rather, upset. Maybe a mixture of both since being stuck in an elevator could have had several emotions surge through the body. The nervousness of being confined and closed up in a steel box for an extended period of time was not something pleasant to contemplate, let alone actually being in that situation.
Matt stopped in font of the doors, not wanting to leave anyone that was in distress, let alone stuck in an elevator, alone, in the middle of the night.
‘’Hey,’’ Matt said, ‘’are…are you okay?’’
There was a brief silence, then a sniff before she answered, ‘’not really; I’m stuck in an elevator.’’
‘’Yeah, I can kinda tell…that’s why I’m asking,’’ Matt said, concerned, ‘’did you try the emergency button? Or the one with the bell on it?’’
‘’It doesn’t work,’’ she replied and sighed, ‘’ and I’ve got my finger on the bell right now… nothing. This is the third time I’m getting stuck in it. I just have to wait until it feels like working.’’
‘’Oh,’’ Matt said and put a hand up on the cool metal door. ‘’Do you live here?’’
Again there was a brief silence and he wondered if she was was having a difficult time in there or was she shy and cautious? ‘’Yes,’’ she said eventually, her voice shaky from crying, ‘’I live here.’’
‘’Why don’t you tell me about it…this place…maybe something about yourself?’’ Matt said, turning around. He then sat down on the thick carpet, leaning against the elevator. If he couldn’t help her, he could at the very least keep her distracted until the elevator decided to work or help came along from other services.
‘’You don’t have to stay and keep me company. I appreciate it, but -’’ she was saying when Matt cut her off
‘’Maybe you’re keeping me company. I was going to go out for a walk because I couldn’t sleep, and I don’t know if I feel like walking down 30 flights of stairs,’’ Matt said
‘’We’re on the thirtieth floor?’’ she asked
‘’Yup,’’ Matt said
‘’I get so scared every time this happens,’’ she said barely audible as her voice cracked and Matt knew she had started crying again.
‘’Oh, hey,’’ Matt said, turning himself to sit parallel with the elevator, ‘’you’ll be okay. Just talk to me. Tell me…what’s your name?’’
‘’Zarah,’’ she replied, ‘’what’s yours?’’
‘’’I’m Matt. That’s a nice name…I’ve never heard it before,’’ he said
‘’Thank you, everyone just calls me Zar. I like your name too. Matt is a solid, strong name.’’
‘’Thanks,’’ Matt said with a light chuckle. That had actually made him feel good.
‘’Do you live here?’’ she asked
‘’No, my brothers and I are visiting a friend for a few days. We got a van and we’re doing a summer trip across the US and staying with friends we know in some cities so we can get a little relief from being cooped up in a van all the time. We left Boston and we’re going back home to LA,’’ Matt said and she gasped softly
‘’I’m moving to LA in two days. My uncle is a real estate tycoon, so to speak, and he asked me to run one of his offices there. So you said we’re on the thirtieth floor?’’ Zarah asked
‘’Yeah. What floor do you live on?’’ Matt asked
‘’I’m in apartment 69, so one up,’’ Zarah replied
‘’That’s a good number,’’ Matt said softly and Zarah started giggling softly, making Matt smile. He didn’t think she would hear or get it if she did. Not so quickly anyways, but she was quick. The giggling turned into laughter.
‘’I can’t disagree. It is a good number,’’ she said and then fell silent, her laughter suddenly stopping. Matt frowned. He wanted to hear more of her laughter, he voice, and her sweet, infectious giggling. When she had abruptly stopped laughing, it felt like someone had snatched Matt and put him out into the cold on a winter night.
He heard some noises – a sigh, a click of her tongue, a frustrated moan, and then a sound he knew really well; the sound of fingers tapping on a phone keyboard. Just about anyone could recognize that sound.
‘’You okay in there?’’ Matt asked and leaned against the frame of the elevator, stretching his legs out as he stared at a mark on the opposite frame, just above his shoe.
‘’I’m…yes, thank you,’’ she said and silence once again fell around them
Matt had just opened his mouth to say something to keep her from thinking of her situation when she began singing softly, but it was the words she was singing that had Matt snapping his head up.
‘’Not like this, I’m not going out This is not love, I’m a glorified doorstop sticking my foot out for you..’’
‘’You listen to Domonic Fike?’’ Matt asked, sitting up straight
‘’Yes,’’ her small voice said and he could tell there was a smile forming on her face, ‘’you do too?’’
‘’Yeah…that’s my favourite song!’’ Matt exclaimed
‘’This is amazing, I don’t know that many people who listen to him,’’ Zarah said and then sighed again. He could hear her standing up. Then, there was some feint noises he couldn’t put his finger on what they were, but he knew she started pacing. He closed his one eye to try and peer through the narrow gap of the doors to see her, but he couldn’t make anything out. He heard her typing on her phone again and then sniff.
‘’Zarah?’’ Matt asked
‘’It’s so hot in here. Is it possible to loose air or am I just freaking out? I haven’t been stuck in here for this long,’’ she said and Matt could hear the panic rising in her voice. It was higher pitched than before and she was also talking at a rapid speed. Matt had to think fast to try and piece together what she had actually said.
‘’Zarah, you won’t run out of air, okay? I won’t let that happen. I know the space between the doors is minimal but it’s better than nothing,’’ Matt said and stood up.
‘’It’s so hot,’’ she said again and he could hear her blowing air from her mouth to try and keep calm
‘’I…I don’t know what to say…take something off…I guess?’’ Matt said and ran a hand through his hair, not believing he actually said that. Ah, fuck. His mind reeled as he wondered if he fucked up. He really liked her, and was hoping at the end of this, they could at the very least see each other but he wouldn’t have been surprised if she told him to outright to fuck off.
‘’I kinda have,’’ she said in almost a whisper
Matt smiled, relieved she had spoken to him and the thought that she was a little risky and taken something off was a little arousing. ‘’It’s alright. Look I’m going to put my hand through the space and if you feel like you need to, and you’re freaking out, just hold it okay?’’
‘’No, Matt,’’ she protested as he slid his hand through the gap. It was a tight squeeze but he managed.
‘’It’s okay,’’ he persisted
‘’No, it’s not. If the doors close, it will literally break every bone in your hand. I will not allow that,’’ she said
‘’I’ll risk it. I don’t like hearing you upset,’’ he said and then he felt something on his fingers. It was warm and wet and as fast as it came, it disappeared again. It started with his little finger and ran up to the index, causing Matt to retract his hand. ‘’What the fuck was that?’’ he asked
‘’I licked your fingers. Don’t put them in here again,’’ she said and Matt burst out laughing. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting but it wasn’t that.
‘’You think that’s going to stop me?’’ he asked
‘’It should. I bite too. Those are some nice long fingers though! Don’t tempt me to do anything else with them, Matt,’’ she responded and sucked in a breath, ‘’look Matt, I appreciate you so much. You actually have no idea how much but I can not let you do that. You will lose your hand if these doors suddenly shut.’’
‘’Alright. I do need my fingers,’’ he said
‘’Yeah. Do you wanna tell me what for?’’ she asked
Matt laughed, ‘’use your imagination,’’ he said
Zarah bit her bottom lip, holding back that she already did. She had yet to see the man himself but, she had had already envisioned him. He was so sweet and kind. He had a voice that made her stomach flip every time he spoke and the fact that he was so concerned for a complete stranger made him even more appealing. Then she saw his fingers and she was happy that he hadn’t heard the little moan that came from her.
‘’So this elevator thing happens often?’’ Matt asked, pulling her from her thoughts
‘’Mhm. This used to be a hotel but they renovated and made it into apartments. It’s an old building, and though it’s been made into modern apartments, it still runs on the ancient system that ran the hotel. It’s a beautiful place and the apartments are huge but there are problems. This elevator does this…every 3 or so months. They can’t find a fault after the elevators get going again so technically they can’t fix the problem…’’ she said and trailed her sentence off when Matt heard her phone ding faintly. Again she sighed and typed something in response to the message.
‘’How long have you been staying here? I think my friend only moved in a month ago,’’ Matt said
‘’A year,’’ she replied shortly and her voice hitched again
‘’Zarah, why do you keep getting upset every time you message?’’ Matt asked, realising that every time he had heard her fingers racing across her screen typing, she got upset.
‘’I’ve had a bad day. I…I broke up my ex a few days ago and now he just won’t leave me alone. Today has been particularly bad. He keeps sending me these messages that are…’’ she said and took a deep breath. Matt waited for her to continue but instead he heard a whimpering cry.
Matt was slightly alarmed at how much he felt his heart tugging for her, and at how much he wanted to protect her. He heard her phone ding again and she let out a tiny sob. He hated that she was trying to hide her hurt and crying from him, but he also understood that sometimes people found it difficult to show those emotions openly.
‘’Zarah, pass me your phone,’’ Matt said
‘’Why?’’ she asked
‘’Do you trust me?’’ Matt asked
She pondered for a moment and nodded, not thinking that Matt couldn't see her. ‘’Zar?’’ Matt called
‘’Oh. Yes, I trust you. You wanted to lose a hand because of me…yes I trust you,’’ she said with a shaky voice
Matt laughed, ‘’okay then, pass me your phone. Does he know you’re moving and where too?’’
‘’He knows I’m moving but he doesn’t know where to. He doesn’t even know my uncle asked me to work for him. He spends all his time practicing with his so-called band with delusions of grandeur. He is always walking on a dead end street even when there are side roads leading to much better things. I took care of him for a year, paying all his bills. I haven't even been with him in 6 months...you know... because I don't trust him but I was still playing along. I’m so stupid. I always fall for the bad boys that are no good for me. Now I’ve put my foot down and decided to move on and he thinks I’m the worst person to roam the earth,’’ she said
‘’You’re not stupid, Zar,’’ Matt said softly, ‘’it seems to me you had a kind heart and were willing to help someone out. It’s his loss and he knows it. He knows you’re not losing anything but you’re gaining a lot by looking out for yourself. You’re also not the worst person…he wants you to be the worst person in his story now and will probably leave out all you did for him, but it’s not going to affect you because you’ll be happy…maybe in a relationship with someone that will appreciate you and actually look after you for a change. Maybe the next guy will be a good guy mixed with a touch of bad but only the good kind of bad.’’
‘’Good kind of bad?’’ she asked quizzically
‘’Yes, the good kind of bad,’’ Matt laughed, ‘’though maybe you have never come across those kinds of guys. Again, use your imagination.’’
Zara laughed, ‘’Ooooh I get you! That…does sound so nice,’’ she said seductively. Matt wasn’t sure it was supposed to come that way, but it did and it was alarmingly provocative to him.
‘’Pass me your phone,’’ Matt said again. ‘’You need to change your number tomorrow.’’
‘’Yes. First thing,’’ she said and pushed her phone through the door.
Matt took the phone – it was unlocked and an unread message was alerting. Matt quickly opened it before the phone locked again, and the messages opened up. He read a few messages and took a breath as he shook his head. No wonder she was crying and upset and now, he knew why she sang wurli. The guy was rude, belittling, vial, controlling, and commanding in the messages. While Matt had thought about sending him a text back to tell him to stay away from Zarah, he also knew it wouldn’t help. Guys like him cared about no one but themselves. Guys like him…were all mouth and no action. She was far too good for him.
‘’Zar…I was going message him but it would be fruitless. The best thing you can do with a guy like this is cut him off. Don’t respond. I might be wrong, but I’m 99 percent sure if you stop responding, he won’t message you again. It’s like…you’re feeding the ego in him, if that makes sense,’’ Matt said
‘’Okay,’’ she said softly and Matt was just going to push the phone through the door when the doors silently slid open. Both Matt and Zarah looked at the doors, then at each other in shock that the doors were opening. She was sitting on the floor at the back of the elevator, her eyes wide, her mouth falling open. As soon as they were wide enough for one person, maybe two if lucky, to get through, they began closing again.
Matt’s mind raced – there was no time for her to push herself up from the floor, move forward and get out of the elevator, let alone gather her things. Nope, there was only one solution and that was for Matt enter the elevator. As the doors were closing he, turned his body and slipped through the narrow space just in time before they closed.
‘’Shit,’’ Matt said through a laugh, only making it just in time. He pulled his eyes off the doors and turned them to Zarah.
‘’You,’’ he said softly, a smile forming on his lips as she got to her feet.
She bit her bottom lip and was going to reach for her jeans when the elevator once again stopped. The halt, so unexpected had Zarah falling into him as she lost her balance at the same time he reached out to keep her from falling.
‘’Shit, sorry,’’ Zarah said and looked up up him as she straightened up
Matt shook his head slowly, left to right, ‘’what for?’’ he asked as their eyes connected.
Zarah swallowed hard and took a step back, but immediately regretted it. His arm around her waist, his hand softly touching her slim hip had felt right. So right, but why? They had only just met. However, he was the first man she had met who exuded sex from every pore. He was ridiculously good looking…hot…sexy…she stared, but not meaning to. His eyes were gorgeous, his features so strong and chiselled. His most kissable lips and straight nose tied together to form perfection. He had pierced ears…a weakness she had with men.
As she stared, so did he. His eyes raked up and down her body, his smile getting wider and wider with each second that passed. She was slightly shorter than he was, with big eyes that, although red from crying, were gorgeous. Her long wavy cherry auburn hair framed her heart-shaped face perfectly in layers while her full lips and nose were perfectly proportioned. She clearly worked out with her tight, toned body. She was only wearing a pair of black and pink panties, riding low on her hips, and a black fitted t-shirt that was straining against her breasts. Matt could see her hard nipples outlined by the fabric, indicating she was wearing no bra. His semi turned into a full-on hard-on. His eyes veered to the floor and saw her jeans lying in a pile next to her handbag and a bra that matched her panties on top of it. A bottle of perfume lay behind the jeans along with a note pad and pen. Her empty pink Converse were neatly together by the jeans. Where she had been sitting was a denim jacket laid out with tissues balled up, scattered to the left. On the other side was a Yeti water bottle.
When his eyes finally met hers again, she opened her mouth to talk but nothing came out. Matt let out a laugh and took a step closer to her.
‘’So, I’m Matt,’’ he said wanting to break the comfortable but long silence.
Zarah smiled and sucked in a breath, surprising herself – had she even been breathing since he joined her in the elevator?
‘’Sorry, I’m…half dressed, it’s just been so hot in here. I even sprayed perfume to get some cool relief but it was such a short reprieve. It lasted a full second. But I don’t usually walk around like this,’’ she said
Matt shrugged his shoulders, ‘’I didn’t for a second think you did but, maybe you should,’’ he said
Zarah laughed. There it was! That laugh that had Matt aroused, that no other woman had ever achieved.
‘’So I guess the elevator’s stuck again,’’ Matt said, taking another step towards her.
Zarah nodded. Oh god, she was stuck in an elevator with the sexiest guy she ever laid eyes on, who was willing to sit and help her through it…who was willing to crush his hand for her. Then, her breath got caught in her throat as Matt took his jack off and slung it to the floor on top of her jacket. Her eyes widened at the tattoos on his arm and her eyes shifted to his groin. He was definitely hard and he clearly had a package to be proud of. She bit her bottom lip and smiled, but she quickly lifted her eyes up to meet his.
That’s all Matt had needed to know; she was decidedly in for this. ''You’re right, it is hot in here,’’ he said with a grin that made her moan internally. That grin would be the thing to unglue her.
‘’How long do think we’ll be stuck in here for?’’ he asked and removed his air forces heel to toe, kicking them off carelessly, not even bothering to unlace them. One landed near her jeans, while the other landed on it’s side near the door.
‘’I…it seems to have a mind of it’s own,’’ she stuttered and closed her eyes briefly feeling herself getting wetter and wetter as she felt desire and lust rise with his intoxication.
He lost his socks next. ‘’I have a confession to make,’’ he said and licked his lips, ‘’I saw you this morning in the lobby. I was waiting for my brother to tie his shoes when I saw you rushing to the door and then you slipped out of the building but I haven’t stopped thinking about you since. I don’t know why. I think your beauty captured me. I wanted to go for a walk tonight because I couldn’t sleep but I couldn’t sleep because I was wondering who you were, and if I’d ever see you again. Then this elevator thing happened and I got to know you – a faceless stranger, but you’re as beautiful inside as you are out. Strange how life works sometimes.’’
‘’You’re my good, kinda bad guy,’’ she whispered and her mouth curved into a devilish grin
‘’Let’s find out,’’ Matt said and slid a hand onto her neck, his thumb brushing over her cheek before he smiled and pulled her to his lips. Matt was sure to take it slow, he teased her with his tongue and played across the seam of her lips. He tasted her, moved his mouth across her cheek to her ear, and kissed her gently there and behind it. He enjoyed her as she moved her head to give him access. He kissed down the column of her throat to her neck, found a spot on her neck that caused her to shiver under his mouth and then he slid back up to her mouth. Her lips were slightly parted now and Matt bit lightly on her bottom lip, testing her, and when a moan escaped her, he smiled inwardly. His tongue scraped across her teeth and he gently touched the tip of her tongue with his. She smiled before she pushed her tongue into his mouth. She knew that was good guy Matt. She knew good guy Matt, he was sweet, kind, soft, and caring, but she wanted to see bad guy Matt now... all while bad boy Matt wanted to be freed from his restraints. When Matt grabbed a fist full of her hair she gasped in surprise but melted into him as he deepened the kiss. Holy shit he was a good kisser! If he was half that good in bed, she knew she had a winner.
When the kiss ended, he grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head, breathing deeply from the kiss.
‘’Are there camera’s in here?’’ he asked, his eyes darting around the elevator.
‘’Broken, like everything else,’’ she said and pulled her own t-shirt off, her breasts bouncing free
‘’Anyone ever tell you, you have perfect tits and a perfect kisser?’’ he asked as he lost his shorts, setting his hard dick free
‘’Damn,’’ she whispered more to herself than him. ‘’Anyone ever tell you that you have a perfect dick?’’ she asked, with a smirk not able to take her eyes of his rock hard, straight cock that she couldn’t wait to taste and wrap her lips around
‘’I don’t care about anyone else,’’ he said before his head descended for another kiss. This kiss wasn’t like the first. This one was hungry, needy, probing and hot as a hand slipped into her thick mass of hair and his fingers curled through it to deepen the kiss and to let her know he was in control. She moaned into his mouth as a reward and his hands then slid down her back and cupped her taut ass cheeks, pulling her even closer. He wanted to feel every inch of her velvety skin against his. He pulled from the kiss and dropped his head to clamp onto one of her nipples, driving her wild. His hands went down to her panties and he pushed what little material there was down her sides.
‘’You sure you want this?’’ he breathed, lifting his head, his lips so close to hers again, they brushed as he spoke.
‘’Uh-ha,’’ she answered simply, unable to form words as his fingers brushed over her smooth pussy. Her breathing elevated with anticipation, her breasts pushing against his chest with each deep breath. He grinned and began creeping his fingers inside her wet pussy. She trembled and moaned…then whimpered when he stuck a second finger inside her, stretching her. She threw her head back - he was not a beginner; he used his two middle fingers not his index and middle.
‘’You’re a tight little one,’’ he whispered close to her ear sending a shiver through her body. He pulled his fingers out and lightly put them to her clit sending mini explosions through her brain.
‘’Well? You didn’t quite answer me. Do you want this? If you don’t answer me, I’ll know not to continue,’’ he said in a low voice this time
‘’Yes!’’ she said throwing her head forward, ‘’oh fuck yes please…I want it…need it. You. Please don’t stop, Matt,’’ she said almost breathlessly
As she said the words, he began rubbing her sensitive clit. The sensations were slowly starting to wave through her body, then she felt the big wave approaching, wanting to come crashing down. She gripped his shoulders and started to shake when he entered his middle finger inside her again. Her muscles contracted around his finger, then he entered his ring finger and she soared. She was so close.
‘’I’m gonna cum,’’ she breathed, pushing herself down onto his hand
‘’Not until I’m inside of you,’’ he said, taking his fingers out of her. With her legs weak and wobbly, he slid an arm around her and pulled her close to him. She felt his solid dick press on her stomach, his pre-cum smearing on her hot skin. The coolness of the liquid against her hot skin, and thought of all his pre-cum caused her to moan.
‘’Fuck me,’’ she said through gritted teeth
‘’That’s all I needed to hear,’’ he said and put his hands on her ass cheeks and lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him then kissed him. He took a few steps and slammed her into the wall next to the car operating panel. One of the first things he had done when he got into the elevator was to observe everything – the mirror at the back of the elevator had a handle bar but the two side panels did not. She smiled into the kiss and ground against him, then he moved his mouth, kissing her jaw line and then down her neck as she arched her back and tilted her head back. His chain with a horse on it, dangled down and rested on her hot skin. The coolness of it made her arch her back even more and Matt pulled his lips from her neck.
‘’Fuck, put me inside you,’’ he breathed and Zarah reached between their bodies and curled her hand around his thick, long dick and lifted her self slightly. She put him at her pussy entrance and dropped herself down, slowly sliding onto his perfect dick.
‘’Oh fuck yes!’’ she cried surprisingly loudly but Matt loved a vocal woman. He sucked in a breath through his jaw clenching at the tightness and the amazing feeling of her wet, hot silky pussy.
He took his one hand off her ass, feeling secure she had her legs wrapped around his waist tight enough that she was leaning her shoulder blades against the wall. He grabbed both her wrists and lifted her arms up, pinning them to the wall with one hand as he drove in deep into her.
‘’Oh god that’s deep,’’ Zarah breathed
‘’You feel fucking amazing, and you’re so fucking gorgeous,’’ Matt said as she clamped around him, her pussy warm, wet and inviting as he stretched her.
Her breathing picked up, as he felt her muscles starting flutter around his dick. Her chest heaving, she whimpered and arched her back at the pressure on her arms, displaying her breasts so beautifully he couldn't help but suck and nibble on them. She moaned again, and he tightened his grip on her arms.
‘’Oh fuck,’’ she groaned and pushed herself into the wall, ‘’I’m gonna cum.’’
She was at his mercy, he was totally in control and she loved it. This is what men were supposed be like – a gentleman out side the room and a beast inside it. This is what Matt was trying to prove to her and she was more than happy for him to prove it to her over and over again.
‘’Just cum for me baby. Cum all over my dick,’’ he said in a low voice that sent a shiver straight down her spine and she did.
With an ear shattering scream, she came as it rocked through her body. She trembled and shook, surprising Matt as how strong her orgasm was. A smile spread across his handsome face as he felt a splash against his groin and her pussy held him a vice like grip. He felt her legs starting to weaken with the orgasm ravaging her body, so he leg go of her wrists and placed his hand back on her tight little ass.
She brought her arms down and draped them around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder, trying to catch her breath. ‘’Your dick is amazing,’’ she said and lifted it with a smile on her lips.
‘’And you’re fucking gorgeous,’’ he said and captured her lips as he kept slamming into her, never missing a beat. He would change the pace at times but never missed a beat. The moans and grunts that came from him was only a further turn on for her as wave after wave hit her and rolled into one another as soon as one orgasm stopped, another rolled in and washed over her.
The sounds of his cock pounding into her wet pussy and his balls slapping her ass echoed off the elevator walls, mixing with their moans. A fine sheen of sweat on both their bodies glimmered in the dim light and there was nothing that could have stopped either of them, not even if the elevator decided to start up again.
Matt felt the orgasms starting to weaken her even more so but he knew she didn’t want to stop. While his legs could support them both, there was also a factor of her contributing by distributing her weight onto his hips as much as possible but she just couldn’t anymore. He didn’t want either of them to get hurt in any way, so he slowly pulled his throbbing dick from her.
‘’Wha…what’s wrong,’’ she asked, concerned as she lowered her legs
Matt laughed, his arm around her waist still holding her tight to him, ‘’absolutely nothing is wrong. Everything is right.’’
Zarah smiled and then squealed as he smacked her ass. She giggled and bit her bottom lip as Matt lifted a hand and pushed some hair that had plastered onto her cheek with all the sweat as he lowered his lips and kissed her forehead and then her lips.
He turned her around in his arms and pointed at the hand railing, ‘’bend over and hold onto that. It’s a little more stability for you,’’ he said and she smiled widely at him, eagerly which excited him even more.
She bent forward, her ass in the air and Matt let out a moan at the fantastic view right in front of him. She had the most perfect round ass with a smooth, pink pussy glistening with their juices. He marveled at her in awe at the way her body dipped and bent. With her body, the way she moved, and how flexible she was, he wondered if she was a dancer or did ballet. He made a mental note to ask her because he wanted to find out more about her. He wanted to know everything about her.
Zarah looked in the mirror right before her, at their reflections and smiled as he pushed himself back into her. She gasped in pleasure and he moaned, throwing his head back. Fuck he looked good! He went all the way in, hilting inside and bottoming out drawing groans from each them. When he brought his head back down, he caught her in the mirror and smiled slowly. He gave a nod and she let out a seductive moan as he began to pound into her. She dropped her head as he bottomed out again and when she saw the view from that angle she felt her legs buckle but Matt held onto her hips. It was such an amazing view she felt another strong orgasm coming on.
‘’Oh fuuuuck, Matt,’’ she said and held on tighter to the bar
‘’Yeah, I’m not gonna last much longer,’’ he responded breathing hard and their eyes connected in the mirror again.
‘’Oh my god, oh fuck…yes…yes..yes…’’ Zarah shouted then cried out in a lengthy moan as she spiralled out of control. An intensity hit her stronger than she had ever felt before. Her body was consumed by a blissful yet powerful wave as pleasure sparked through her body. Matt, looked on as her pussy squirted all over his cock. He watched her writhe, and he knew he couldn't hold it any longer. His fast and furious fucking was replaced by long, hard, and deliberate strokes. With every stroke he ground himself into her, making sure his cock owned every inch of her pussy. He leaned over Zarah and placed his hand around her neck, then pulled her up causing her pussy to grip him tighter. ‘’You’re the best fuck I’ve ever had,’’ he said and she felt his dick twitch deep inside of her as he let out a whimper that turned into an animalist growl as he shot load after load into her pulsing pussy. His cumming, moaning, voice, and his hand around her throat made her cum one last time. She slumped against him and looked in the mirror again. They were a mess but they were a hot fucking mess. Both of them were breathing hard and he let go of her throat as she went back to her original position. Matt pulled his still-hard cock from her and she let out a groan when he pushed a finger into her and hooked out some of their combined cum. He leaned over her again, holding his finger in front of her mouth.
Their eyes connected once again in the mirror, ‘’next time I wanna cum in your mouth,’’ he said and she opened her mouth and willingly took the cum and sucked it off his finger. She smiled and licked her lips.
‘’Nothing would make me happier,’’ she said and purred like a kitten licking her lips again. It really was good.
The elevator suddenly jolted again and began moving. Matt burst out laughing and pushed his lips to hers quickly and both got up to get dressed. In their rush to put their clothes back on, they only glanced at each other and smiled.
When it stopped, the doors swooshed open like they were in perfect working order and had never broken down. Matt took her hand in his and pulled her out of the elevator.
‘’Do you know where we are?’’ Matt asked
‘’My floor, where it was originally supposed to stop,’’ she said noticing a familiar looking plant near the elevator doors.
Matt nodded and stepped closer to her and cupped her cheeks with both hands then tilted her head up. He smiled down at her, ‘’I really need to get cleaned up so I can go back or my brothers will call the troops out to look for me. I don’t want to leave here though and not know what going to happen,’’ he said and brushed his thumbs over her cheeks, ‘’I really…really like you Zar.’’
Zarah smiled and breathed out a sigh of relief. ‘’I really…really like you too, Matt. I think you’re my good but with a little bad kinda guy.’’ Matt laughed, ‘’yeah, I think so. How about I came to your place later…and we try your apartment number out and move that to LA when we’re both there?’’
‘’That sounds like a brilliant plan,’’ Zarah said and pushed her lips to his.
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Thank you for reading, you're very much appreciated. If you want to be tagged, please let me know under here or via a message. I'm kind of busy a lot but do try and post as much as possible. Again, thank you so much!
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wooyoungiewritings · 10 months
Fire and water - Seonghwa x Reader
Summary: When you walk into the mechanic, you don't expect to see Seonghwa, the most intimidating person you've ever laid your eyes on. He's the complete opposite of you. But he opens the idea of something you've never considered, and before you know it, the door he has opened for you is already locked behind you.
Word count: 6K
Genre: SMUT
Warnings: smut, fem reader (fem pronouns), reader is very innocent and hwa is very not (lol), nicknames such as kitten and princess, oral sex (f receiving), hwa smokes, semi public sexual activities, lmk if I missed anything!
This is all for fun and is not meant to represent Seonghwa in any way.
The intense smell of gasoline and oil fills your nose as you step into the unfamiliar space. Generic rock music plays from the radio and a few random posters hang on the walls. It doesn’t seem like the most professional place, but a car with an open hood in the middle of the room, assures you that you came to the right place. Your eyes scan the repair shop for someone to assist you, but the silence is enough of an answer for you. 
You knew you arrived at a late hour, having spent most of your day getting lost in the books at the library, but a part of you hoped you could make it before closing time. It was a simple Google search for the nearest mechanic that had you end up here, but you didn’t think twice to see the closing hours.
Your legs guide you further into the room, careful not to touch anything you shouldn’t. This is the first time you’ve been to the mechanic with your car that you bought a few months back. It was an already used car when you bought it, but you could get it cheap and desperately needed something to help you get to school. The feeling of being in here is intimidating in itself, having little to no knowledge of cars, but a lamp in your car display has been screaming for attention for way too long, you couldn’t ignore it anymore. 
“Are you lost?” The voice surprises you and you turn around to see a tall figure walking into the room. 
The tall, lean, beautiful man you’ve seen in the hallways of your university. He is always wearing an oversized old-school leather jacket, messy black hair, black nail polish, and has a cigarette in hand 24/7. He and his group are known on campus for being too intimidating to talk to, but somehow every time you see them, they each have a new girl wrapped around their finger. They party when everyone else is sleeping, don't care about what people are saying about them and they will fight if they have to. 
You’ve only spoken to him once when you accidentally walked in on him and a girl kissing in the library. You were searching for a specific book and made your way to the back rows of the library. As you were in your own head, you turned a corner and saw him with his tongue down her throat, her hands running through his (then) white hair. Your instant reaction was to freeze in your spot, panicking. This was the last thing you expected to see, especially at the library. 
As Seonghwa removed his gaze from the girl trapped between him and the shelves, and his eyes watched you carefully, you immediately woke up.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” You quickly said, turning around. Cheeks quickly blushed, and you felt the embarrassment rush over you. Not even for them, but for you.
You heard the girl mumble something to Seonghwa, and a second later, she passed you and walked out of your sight. Heart pounding fast against your chest, you slowly turned around before your eyes landed on Seonghwa. Relaxed, he was leaning up against the shelf with his arms crossed, staring you down.
“You can take what you came for.” His low voice spoke. 
Slowly you walked further down the row, trying your best not to look at Seonghwa. Focused on the note in your hand with the book name you were searching for, you scanned the rows for the book. It seemed like an easy task, but you felt Seonghwa’s eyes locked on you with every move you made, making this simple mission impossible. 
Your eyes kept going over the same place again and again, slowly getting frustrated that you couldn’t get your shit together. 
As you looked down on the note again, reading the same line for the 29th time, you suddenly felt something watching over your shoulder. The smell of gasoline and cigarettes surrounded you, and it was like everything froze again. Seonghwa’s presence was close to you, but he wasn’t even touching you. You slowly turned your head to the side, and Seonghwa was peeking over your shoulder, looking down at the note in your hand. 
Not a word was said when he lifted his arm, grabbed a book, and handed it down to you. Your breathing stopped as you saw the book you were so desperately looking for, resting in Seonghwa’s hand. Your hands slowly reached out for the book, and you couldn’t help but look up and see his eyes watching you with no expression. You couldn’t tell what was going on behind those eyes. 
“Thank you.” You whispered, not being able to get more words out. 
“You’re welcome.” He answered coldly, still watching your every move. 
Was he pissed at you for interrupting? Was he tired? Was he happy? Relieved? You had absolutely no idea.
So you quickly saw your opportunity to get away, sending him an awkward smile before you practically ran away.
And that was the first and only time you’ve spoken to Seonghwa. Until now. 
“No, I was looking for someone to help me.” You say, knowing he’s been waiting for an answer for a little too long. “I need an oil change.”
He takes a few steps further into the room, and you notice the white towel in his hands, filled with black oil stains. He’s wearing a black tank top and jeans, also filled with black stains.
You didn’t know much about him, and you had no idea that he worked here. Looking back though, it made sense for you. He was often seen with a “dirty” outfit, with black oil stains on his clothes and skin.
“Brave of you to walk in here in an all-white outfit,” His eyes travel down your body, and you suddenly feel small. You look down at yourself in your white cardigan, white skirt, and white knee socks. Of course, you didn’t think much of it when you put your outfit together this morning. “Give me five minutes, I just need to finish this,” He walks closer to the parked car in the room, throwing the white cloth over so it rests on his shoulder. 
Restless, not knowing what to do with yourself, you step closer to the wall, trying your best not to be in his way. “Careful standing too close to that, or you’ll get oil on your skirt. It stains. You can sit on the stool over there while you wait.” He points at a black stool in the corner and you quickly find your way over there so you can let him work in peace.
You take your time studying the place, not knowing if it’s normal to have a conversation at a place like this. How long will this take? Does he own this place? Should you leave him alone? You decide to focus on the rock music playing while you silently watch Seonghwa do his thing.
He’s leaning over the open hood of the car, screwing something and rubbing his hands in the white cloth after. You might not have any idea of how to repair cars, but he makes whatever he does look so easy. He knows exactly what to do and how to do it. 
He closes the hood of the car and walks to the other corner of the room. You can’t see what he’s pressing, but suddenly the metal wall behind you goes up, and you look behind you to see other cars parked outside. It rolls all the way up, and Seonghwa walks to the car, gets in, and drives it out of the room and to the parking lot. 
You silently watch him as he comes back and walks towards you. “Alright, can I have your keys?” He asks, reaching out his hand. You’re quick to hand him the key with a heart keyring attached, and there’s a tug on his lips as it’s placed in his hand. “Be right back.” 
A moment later, he arrives in your car, parks it in the middle of the room, and walks out to close the metallic garage door again. Once it’s closed, he grabs a few things from racks on the walls and walks to your car.
“You want me to do a routine maintenance check as well? I have the time.” He asks as he opens the hood.
“It’s fine, you don’t have to.” You say as confidently as possible. Truth be told, you just want to have your car fixed so you can go home. Seonghwa doesn’t respond, he just grabs a mechanic’s dolly, lays his back on top and suddenly his upper half is under your car. A few moments pass by in silence, the only thing filling the air is the music playing and the sounds of metal crashing as he works, and he rolls back out and goes to work in the front trunk. Leaning over your car, working and changing the oil, he once again looks professional and focused, and that makes you curious.
“You work here a lot?” You ask.
“Yeah, every day pretty much.” His back is turned to you, but you see him pull out a pack of cigarettes. He places one in his mouth, flicks the lighter, and a cloud of smoke escapes. His body turns towards you, the pack of cigarettes in hand. “Want one?”
“No, thank you.” You shake your head. He continues to work on your car, cigarette dangling from his mouth. “Is that safe?”
“Smoking. While doing that.” You point to the car. You’ve seen too many movies including fire and cars, so a quick concern washes over you, scared that a huge fire would suddenly occur. 
“Smoking is never safe. You’re always playing with death when turning one on. If you’re asking if it’s safe to smoke over an open hood, then it’s inconsequential. Your car won’t blow up if that’s what's worrying you.” He glances back at you. His black hair is pushed back, but a few strands have fallen down into his face.
“If it’s not safe then why do you do it?” You can’t help but ask, curious if he really doesn’t care or if it’s just an act.
“Helps me concentrate.” He simply answers, going back to work. “What about you?”
“I don’t smoke.”
“No, do you do anything that's bad for you?” Another cloud of smoke fills the space around him, and he rubs his hands in the white cloth, leaving black stains. The black oil on his hands blends in with his black nail polish, and somehow it looks good. 
Just like he was that one time in the library, he’s once again impossible to read. And his question leaves you silent for a moment, not knowing what to answer.
“Oh… Uhm, I don’t know. I don’t think so.” You shrug, and a light scoff comes from Seonghwa.
“What is that supposed to mean?” Your brows come together in question.
His body turns to you, eyes going down to your outfit, hand gesturing to you. “You look like you’d be spending a week in church if you walked across a red light on the street.” There’s a small tug on his lips as he speaks. He’s entertained by you. You look like the complete opposite of him. In your white outfit, knee-high socks, and white little skirt you look like a saint next to him in his all dirty, messy black clothes. Like fire and water, you're the opposites.
“Well, I don’t.” You say.
“You don’t have to take it as a bad thing. Church girls can be full of surprises.” There's something hidden in the way he says it, and the smirk on his lips makes your cheeks blush. “I’ve seen you at school, you know. Often at the library, surrounded by academic books you probably read just for fun.”
“Well, I like the idea of knowledge. It gets you further in life.”
“It depends, doesn’t it? Don’t you think knowledge can hold you back from doing certain things too?”
“Maybe. But I also just like staying at the library. It’s fun.”
Another scoff leaves him, and you get the feeling that he’s mocking you. 
“If your idea of ‘fun’ is reading at the library, then I’d love to see you on a Saturday night.” He sends you a smirk before going back to focusing on the car. His back muscles tense as he works over the open hood, and you can’t help but stare. The black tank top really does him justice as he moves his arms around, and you shake your head, trying to focus on something else.
“What do you study?” You ask, trying to change the subject.
“Business, language and culture.”
“So you don’t wanna be a mechanic?” 
“Still figuring it out.” He answers shortly. “You study what?”
"So, those biochemistry books I see you with at the library really are just for fun?" He raises an eyebrow and smirks, making you feel annoyed that he has you figured out so easily.
“As I said, I think knowledge gets you further in life.” You justify. He shakes his head in disbelief and you hear something close to a chuckle leave him. The sound is nice, especially since you’ve never heard or even seen this man smile. So this small chuckle is enough for you to continue this small banter you have going. “You don’t look like the type to go to the library.” 
“I don’t think we use the library for the same reasons.” He turns around toward you again and takes a long drag of his cigarette. He leans up against your car as your eyes lock on his figure, eyes piercing on you as he blows out the smoke. “Do you know about the library’s back room, princess?” His nickname for you makes your mind blank, and you shake your head no. “Proves my point.”
“What’s the back room?” You’re curious.
He’s studying you for a moment before answering. “A place to fuck.” 
Like a switch, your entire expression changes and you feel your cheeks heat up. Never have you heard of this ‘back room’ before. No, you probably (absolutely, most certainly) wouldn’t even use it if you had known about it, but it shocks you that it’s a thing. 
Seonghwa’s smirk grows on his lips as he studies your face. “Your expression says it all. You’re such a good girl you couldn’t even hide it if you wanted to.” 
You fall silent for a moment, not knowing what to say or how to move on from here. Until you’re reminded of the first time you spoke to Seonghwa.
“I saw you at the library once. With a girl.” You say shortly.
“Yeah, I remember. The back room was occupied so I took her down to the part of the library no one comes to. Well, except you.” The way his eyes are locked on you while talking about this is making your heart beat faster. 
“Is it even allowed?” 
“Would it ruin you to break the rules once in a while? Have you ever had sex in public before?”
“N-no!” Your cheeks are burning at this point.
“Don’t hate it till you try it. It's thrilling.” You’re not sure but you think you see him send you a wink as the smirk grows on his lips. A few more strands of hair have fallen down in his eyes, framing his face perfectly, before he runs his hand through his hair to push it back. It makes you fall under his trance for a moment, but you quickly flicker your eyes away, scared to fall for the beautiful brown eyes of his.
“So what, you only go to the library to sleep with someone? You don’t think there’s a better place to make love?”
“‘Make love’, how adorable.” Seonghwa is full-on smiling at this point, enjoying this conversation the more it escalates. The way your cheeks reddened, the slight shake in your voice, your flickering eyes. It’s clear to him that you’re not used to talking about these kinds of things, and he loves it. 
“I don’t see what’s funny.” You say.
“You make love on your honeymoon. You fuck everywhere else.” He says, as a matter of fact. 
“I don’t.” You disagree, fighting to keep your eyes on him and not back down from his piercing ones.
“No, I figured.” Another cloud of smoke leaves his lips and frames his face before continuing to fix the car, still looking back at you occasionally as you’re having this conversation. “You’re seeing anyone?”
“No.” You shake your head, wrapping your arms around yourself. His gaze on you seems so intimidating, even his presence itself. There’s a confidence, almost an arrogance to him that makes him so unnerving. But despite this, you can’t help but ask further. “Do you? Since you use the ‘back room’?”
“You only fuck-” He stops himself and holds his hands up. “Excuse me, make love, with people you date?” His questions make you fall silent for a few seconds.
You don’t know Seonghwa well, so this conversation is not exactly what you expected. This question could also open an entirely new topic of conversation that you weren’t sure would be comfortable for either of you.
The conversation about sex is not normal for you, especially since you’re not the most experienced. Despite having been in a relationship with the guy who took your virginity, it didn’t end the way you had dreamed of. 
You had always romanticized the thought of losing your virginity to the person you would spend the rest of your life with, but when you found out he had cheated on you during your relationship, your world crumbled. At the time, all of your insecurities came to life, and despite knowing you had done nothing wrong in the relationship to prevent this, you couldn’t help but feel like you had done something wrong when it came to sex.
With time, you promised yourself not to let your ex have an effect on you, so you did everything you could to gain back your confidence, and you did.
You clear your throat, taking your time to find the right answer. “Well... I’ve only made love to one person and that was my ex. So yes.”
“And you only stayed in the bedroom?” 
A moment of silence.
“Yes, we did. I just don’t understand why you would do it anywhere but in the bedroom. There’s literally a bed, I can’t imagine how uncomfortable everything else must be.
Seonghwa throws his head back before looking at you in disbelief. “I didn’t think you could get any more good. You must be first in line to heaven when doomsday comes.” He puts his smoke out in the ashtray on a working table next to the car. “Public sex is not about how comfortable it is. And just because it’s public, does not mean people are watching you. That’s a whole other kink.” Seonghwa is slowly making his way towards you on the stool. His large frame is closing in on you, speaking in a lower volume as he’s coming closer. “It’s the feeling of someone possibly being able to see. Having to keep quiet, being close, finding whatever excuse you have to leave and drag the other person into a random room. Comfortability is not a necessity at that point. Then you don’t care if you fuck in a bed, against a table, or the hood of a car.” 
He’s standing right in front of you. You try your best to control your breathing as he looks down at you, you have to look up at him through your eyelashes. The smell of cigarettes surrounds you as he is near, but there’s also an obvious pull of something dangerous yet addicting when being close to him. You don’t know where it comes from, but you can't help but want more. 
You’ve never caught yourself thinking of Seonghwa this way, but he’s awfully good at wrapping you around his finger and thinking of things you’ve never had before.
“So what, how does this ‘backroom’ work?” You suddenly ask, almost surprising yourself. What did you want with the information? You have no idea.
Seonghwa finds your questions endearing. The innocence in your voice has him smiling, letting you see his perfect teeth. You’ve never looked at him so closely, you find yourself so fascinated by him. The raw, scary persona he is, but yet his face is perfectly made like an angel. Soft and beautiful. You suddenly find yourself completely under his spell, studying his every feature.
“What, tempted to give it a try? I can show you if you’re interested.” There’s a hint of something in his voice, you can’t tell if he’s kidding, but even the thought of him taking you to the room, has you notice a certain heat between your legs.
“N-no, I’m just curious.” Your voice shakes from how close he is to you along with his words.
“Careful with that. Curiosity killed the cat, you know.” He then steps back and walks back to the car to continue working on it as if nothing happened. Seonghwa is working over the open hood, unaware of how he left you feeling inside. 
Your heart is beating fast against your chest as he casually works in front of you. Like he turned on something inside of you, you suddenly notice things about him you didn’t before. How his hand curls around the wrench, how his shirt lifts when leaning over the car, exposing the skin on his waist, and how his muscles tense when he works. His jeans hang low, just below his waist, revealing even more skin and you somehow can’t help but look.
“Getting awfully quiet over there, princess. Your mind running?” Seonghwa’s head turns to you, catching you looking at him. Your eyes go to his, and you both freeze. He studies your face for a few seconds before grabbing the hood of the car and closing it. You both look at each other, a certain tension between you.
“Come here,” Seonghwa says as he leans against the car. Your body hesitates to do as he says, but you eventually cave in and get down from the stool to slowly make your way towards him. 
Seonghwa throws the white cloth on the table before looking down at you. The smell of cigarettes and oil enhances again as you’re close to him, and Seonghwa taps the hood of the car with his hand. You look at the hood, suddenly unsure of everything you do, but push the thoughts away and jump up on the hood to sit. Your feet dangle, but you freeze when Seonghwa steps in front of you, resting his hands on either side of you. 
“You’re thinking of something special?” His low voice asks. He’s searching for your eyes, but your heart is pounding and your eyes struggle to stay in one place. The heat between your legs is driving you insane, never having felt like this before.
“No... Maybe.”
His eyes continue to study your face. His expression is still impossible to read, yet his actions make you feel a whole new type of way.
“Look... I’d gladly take you, right here right now, if you want. We don’t even have to fuck, I can just make you cum if that’s what you want.” His bluntness throws you off, yet you didn’t expect those words to have such a big impact on you.
“Won’t someone come in? Or hear?” You worry.
“No. They won’t.” He whispers, slowly leaning forward. 
You can’t tell what’s happening, even if you had a gun to your head. Seonghwa is not someone you should be spending time with. He’s the complete opposite of you, yet that draws you in like nothing else.
“Okay.” You cave in.
Not a second later, Seonghwa’s lips are on yours. Everything is happening so fast, that your brain isn’t even realizing who you’re kissing. The guy you’ve seen scare people away from their seats is having his hands on you, pulling you closer for a kiss. His tongue slips through your lips and you allow his every move. 
It’s a whole new experience to kiss someone like Seonghwa. The taste, the moves, the desire. He knows what he’s doing, and the confidence shines through, even just through the kiss.
He pulls back, leaving you thirsty for more, and a small tug on Seonghwa’s lips assures you that this is actually going to happen. “First… How do you usually like it, kitten? How do you like for someone to make you cum?” He whispers.
“I’m not.. no one has ever... I mean-”
“No one has made you cum before?”
You try analyzing his question in your mind before you shake your head no. 
“I thought you had a boyfriend a while back?”
“I did..”
There’s a short moment of silence where Seonghwa just reads your face and takes in what you just told him. “So let me get this straight... You only had mediocre, boring vanilla sex with this guy, he never made you cum and you still dated him?” He lifts an eyebrow, trying to understand the situation. You slowly nod, confirming his question. “Did he ever cum?”
“Every time.”
“You’ve gotta be kidding... Now that’s just selfish of him,” He removed a piece of hair from your face and leaned his face closer to your ear. You felt him slowly press his lips on the soft spot on your neck before gracing his lips over your ear. “Can I get the pleasure to be the one to make you cum, princess?”
“Y-yes.” You’re almost panting at this point, craving his touch more than you’d ever expect. Seonghwa holds your face in his hands as he presses his lips hard against yours again. The smell of cigarettes surrounds you as you get lost in him, yet you for some reason get addicted to the idea of him. Like he’s your kind of nicotine.
“I’ll try not to get oil all over you.” He assures as pulls away from you.
“That’s okay.” You tell him, suddenly not caring about the stains. This makes Seonghwa’s lips turn into a smirk, slightly amazed at the sudden change in you. His hands run up your thigh, leaving black stains from his fingerprints on your skin.
“You like the idea of my fingerprints on you? Looking in the mirror when you get home and seeing my hands on your thighs?” He goes to kiss your neck as his fingers dig into the flesh on your things. Unable to speak, you nod, wanting him to touch you even more. “Lean back for me, kitten.”
You scoop further back on the hood of your car, leaning back on your elbows to get a view of Seonghwa. His hands go to your hips to drag down your underwear till it completely leaves your body. The cold air hits your heat as Seonghwa parts your legs to lean over the hood and get a better view of your cunt. 
“Gosh, you’re glistening, princess. Are you that wet already? The idea of cumming in a public space is turning you on now?” 
You don’t get to react before his tongue suddenly slides between your folds, getting a long taste of you. The feeling makes you gasp, but you quickly cover your mouth with your hand, silencing yourself as much as possible.
“You taste so sweet, kitten.” He continues taking long strokes in between your folds, making sure to lick your clit as well. You look down to see his fingerprints on your thighs, turning you on even more. A moan escapes through your lips as he starts focusing on your clit, sucking and flicking his tongue on the sensitive nub. You can barely say anything as he takes his time, eating you like he craves you. 
“I can’t believe someone had the chance to make you cum, and he didn’t even do it right.” Seonghwa shakes his head with a smirk before taking a few more deep licks against your pussy. “How embarrassing of him.”
“Will you... do it right, then?” You asked, looking at him with doe eyes. Seonghwa stands up further to look down at you spread out on the hood in front of him. His fingers, still stained slightly with black oil, go to your chin, and tilts your head up slightly to get a better look at him. 
“Kitten, you’re gonna wish you came to me sooner when I’m done with you.” The look in his eyes almost works like a promise before he leans down to your pussy again. “Tell me how you like it, princess. Use your words.” 
Once again you have to fight yourself to get actual words out when he runs his tongue between your folds again. This time, he focuses on your hole, slipping his tongue in before licking up your pussy again. 
“Like that... That’s really g-good.” You manage to get out, already feeling the shocks through your body when he licks the right places. 
“Fuck, you taste so good.” He spits down on your pussy before going back and to lick it again. Your legs slowly give up, but Seonghwa holds them open, allowing him full view and access. He goes back to sucking your clit, making you moan through your hand once again. “Best cunt I’ve tasted, kitten. Sweeter than anything.”
His tongue works around, he knows what he’s doing. He occasionally looks up at you, making eye contact as he runs his tongue between your folds. This makes you go absolutely crazy, seeing him go down on you like this. Eating, slurping you up. The sounds from the repair shop are out of this world, filled with your moans and him slurping all the juices from your pussy.
“Please don’t stop.” You throw your head back in pleasure, slowly feeling your orgasm approach. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He grins. His mouth goes to your clit again, sucking and rolling his tongue over it. Restless with your hand, it goes to his hair and you grab a handful. The black locks in your hand look amazing as his face is against your cunt, eating and licking you up. Your abandonment starts to send shocks through your body, Seonghwa having to lock your legs down so he can continue. 
The feeling is overwhelming, you can barely hold back your moans anymore. His tongue is flat against your pussy as he flicks your clit with the tip, making sure to hit all the best spots. He works fast, barely letting you get used to one way before he moves next to the new. 
“Seonghwa, I’m gonna-” You moan his name as the feeling of your orgasm quickly starts to form. Lastly, his tongue goes to your clit, sending you over the edge. Your whole body is a shaking, moaning mess as he eats you out of your orgasm. He doesn’t miss a spot as he slurps up the juices from your pussy, licking you one last time, everywhere, before separating himself from you.
You look up to see his chin glistening from your orgasm. He has a smirk on his lips as he pulls you up to sit and presses his lips against yours. Quickly, a specific taste of something mixes as you kiss, his tongue added as well. 
“You taste yourself on my tongue?” He asks confidently, and you quickly realize what the taste is. You. “Amazing, don’t you think?” He smirks before giving you one last kiss before pulling slightly away. He stays between your legs as you scoop forward a bit, still on the hood but with your feet dangling now. 
“Should I.. with you?” You almost whisper.
“No need, princess. Eating your pretty pussy was enough for me.” He smirks as he places his hands on each side of you. You blush again, never having someone comment on your pussy before, but you can’t help but like how it sounds coming from him. “So.. first time having someone make you cum and it being in a public space. What do you think?”
“It was.. fun.” You admit, speaking the truth. The rush of doing it here, with Seonghwa, at his place of work was not something you ever expected to happen, but it had a thrill you never felt before.
“See, that we can agree is ‘fun’. You have school tomorrow?” The change of subject throws you off for a second, having to get your mind clear after just having the biggest orgasm of your life.
“Yeah,” You reply, remembering something important, “How much do I owe you?” Your words leave him with a wrinkle between his brows. 
“For eating you out?” 
“N-no! For the uhh.. the car.”
He looks somewhat relieved after you clarify, “Oh... I don’t know, it’s hard to say. I know you said you didn’t want a maintenance check but I couldn’t help but notice that your serpentine belt is filled with cracks.” 
You don’t even know what a serpentine belt is.
“What does that mean?” You ask.
“That means that it’ll break at some point and then you’ll risk getting stuck in the middle of the road because your car can’t drive.” He explains, and you suddenly understand the situation. You can't help but notice how quick he is to move on, talking about your car after he just had his tongue in between your folds.
You know he's not a stranger to sex, but that also intimidates you.
He reads your expression for a second as you try to figure out what to do. You don’t want to be stuck in the middle of the road when driving, knowing that’s gonna be even more expensive. But it’s late, so leaving your car here would mean that you would have to order a cab or take the bus.
“I’m done here for the day. How about I give you a ride home? Then we’ll drive here together from school tomorrow, I’ll finish your car, and you’ll get to drive home in a car that doesn’t have the risk of crashing down at any moment?” 
You look up at him to see his expression back to its usual unreadable one, “I mean... If that’s okay with you?” You ask.
This makes him smile. He looks down on your thighs to see the stains he left on you, before meeting your eyes again.
“Of course, kitten. I’ll just grab my stuff.” 
He then disappears away and into another room, leaving you on the hood of your car. The fingerprints on your thighs are a raw indication of what has happened tonight, and you’re sure your clothes are stained with black oil as well. 
When he arrives again, he’s wearing his black leather jacket. You follow him to his car outside, and he drives you home. When you arrive at your apartment, you can’t help but look in the mirror immediately. Seonghwa’s fingerprints are all over your thighs and hips, almost marking you. Your cardigan, skirt, and socks all have stains on them, and there’s a slight embarrassment in your gut when thinking of what happened tonight. 
You can’t help but feel embarrassed at the thought of seeing Seonghwa in the hallways of the university, especially since he has to pick you up from school tomorrow and go back to the place where he just gave you your biggest orgasm. But even so, you’re even more tempted to walk through the door he just opened for you. The wilder side, the dangerous and unfamiliar. 
It makes you blush even thinking of him, and when your phone suddenly buzzes in your hand, you’re shocked to see a certain name on your screen.
Seonghwa made you save his contact when dropping you off, saying it was for future car problems. But you didn't expect a text already, and you know the door he has opened for you, is already locked behind you. 
Seonghwa See you tomorrow, kitten
Taglist: @canigotosleep--plz (comment if you wanna be added to my taglist!)
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fandomfucker · 7 months
WARNINGS: SMUT!!! (thigh riding, fingering, hickies, nicknames, slight degradation, spanking, oral, rough)
Word count: 1,771
Reader's POV
"Oh shit."
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit."
It was the mantra repeating in my head as I hurried down the nearly empty corridor of the back of whatever arena Raw was taking place in tonight.
My girlfriend, Rhea, had told me to meet her at her locker room twenty minutes ago so we could grab a cab and leave a bit early since we were both done for the night and she had told me that she had something planned for us.
I, however, had gotten a little caught up in something and just about busted my ass trying to get there before she got too mad.
Skidding around the corner to where her dressing room was located I slammed face first into what felt like a solid brick wall.
The impact sent stumbling back but before I could land flat on my ass a hand as familiar as my own wrapped around my waist, keeping me upright.
"I'm so sorry babe," I apologized to my girlfriend as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Her grip on my waist tightened as her eyes flared at me in anger.
"I lost track of time and then I was running backstage and tripped and Rhea, I ate shit, and I'm so so sorry." I panted, trying to catch my breath as I clutched the back of her t-shirt in my fist.
Her jaw clenched as she looked at me, and I could tell she was choosing her next words carefully.
"Are you okay?" She asked me.
I nodded carefully in response.
She gave a curt nod before going back into the room, coming back only a second later with both of our bags in her hands.
"Lets go." She said before brushing past me and making her way down the hallway, leaving me to close the door behind us and scurry after her.
I waited beside her silently until our cab arrived, only looking over at her when she grabbed our bags to put in the trunk, her ordering me to get in the car instead of helping.
Hopping into the back, I buckled in and waited for her to join me. Once she was in and ready, we took off towards our hotel.
The whole ride back was spent in a thick silence. I could feel Rhea's anger pulsing off of her in waves as I trembled nervously in my seat. The only real assurance I got that she wasn't mad mad was her hand squeezing my inner thigh.
Wasting no time, as soon as the car pulled to a stop in front of our hotel, Rhea was up and out of the car getting our luggage. She met me at the front door and I followed her in as we made our way up to our room.
The second the hotel room door closed behind me I was roughly pushed up against it, one of my thighs brought up to her hip as she cradled the back of my head to keep it from hitting the door too hard.
"You were late, Sweetheart. You didn't listen to me, and you know what happens when you don't listen to me." She growled at me before attacking my throat with her lips.
She bit and sucked her way up and down my throat, from the bottom of my ear to the top of my breasts, leaving her mark along the way.
A guttural moan escaped me as she explored my body with her tongue. She bit my throat harshly, a sign to shut up, causing me to whimper as I bit my tongue to stop any further noises from escaping.
Once she was satisfied with her work on my neck, she pulled away, bringing me with her by the hand holding the crown of my head.
Walking us backwards toward the bed, Rhea unleashed her signature devilish grin on me as she licked her lips, her piercing glinting in the moonlight streaming in from the open windows.
She maneuvered us so that she was now behind me as we both faced the bed in front of us.
My face then hit the plush comforter as she pushed me down roughly from behind. And my shirt was ripped in two as she clawed it off my body, her nails leaving little red lines down the length of my back.
Grabbing my shoulder, she turned me over so that I now laid on my back. She removed the remain of my shirt off the front of my body before shimming my jeans over my hips and down my legs.
I now laid before her in nothing but my underwear, having forgone a bra this morning knowing that this is exactly where I would later end up.
"You slut. No bra and a thong?" Giving me another devilish grin she lightly traced a finger down my clothed core, making me shiver from her cool touch. "Only for you, Mami."
My comment received an firm slap on my pussy, making me suck in a large breath as Rhea tore into my underwear, ripping them to shreds just like my shirt.
Her pointer and middle finger were harshly shoved up into my vagina and began pumping in and out of me at a quick pace. She held my hip down with her free hand to keep me from riding her fingers.
She suckled my neck as she finger-fucked me. Her thumb began to draw circles on my clit as her fingers slowly down but ever thrust came harder and harder.
"I can feel you're almost there, babydoll. Tell me what you want." Her voice was low and sultry as she spoke down to me, her amused smirk never leaving her face.
I immediately complied, both dying to come and to appease her. "Please, Mami, I want to come. Mami, I want to come please."
Satisfied with my answer she gave me a small nod, picking the pace back up and hitting my g-spot with every thrust as she simultaneously rubbed my clit.
The pressure finally sent me over the edge. I shook with pleasure, coming all over Rhea's hand as she slowed down and helped me ride it out.
A loud moan escaped from my mouth as Rhea removed her hand before gripping the underside of my knees, and forcing them up to my chest for better access.
My pussy glistened with my slick, bared wide before my goddess of a girlfriend as she kept me folded in half and bit her lip in excitement as she kept her eyes trained on my body.
Her head bent down, her tongue coming out to lick up the mess she'd made. My legs trembled and goosebumps prickled my flesh when her piercing grazed my clit, all the while her hands massaged the back of my thighs, keeping them up in the air above her head.
Once she deemed me clean enough, she stood back up and threw my legs to the side, much like she would her opponents before pinning them.
Finally stripping off all of her own clothes, I was ordered to sit there on the edge of the bed with my hands laid on the bed beside me.
Admiring her naked body before me I sat and waited just as she had told me to.
She slowly stalked up to me, her eyes trained on mine and she stood in front of me, both of my legs between hers. She kicked one of my legs away, spreading my legs apart, before slowly lowering herself to straddle one of my thighs.
I could feel how wet she was on my leg, especially once she grabbed my neck and shoulder for leverage and started to grind herself on my leg.
Moaning at the feeling, she closed her eyes, completely at the mercy of the bliss she was feeling.
Wanting to give her the most pleasure possible, I began to move my thigh against the pace she had set for herself, doubling what she was already feeling.
The hand that was holding onto my shoulder moved down to my breast squeezing it as she rode me. Finally opening her eyes she addressed me. "Touch me, slut."
My hand immediately found one of her breasts, teasing her nipple, as my mouth found the other, sucking and biting until she was frantically grinding herself against my thigh.
Loving when she came undone, I continued to suck at her nipple, being careful not to irritate her piercing too much, and brought my other hand down to her pussy.
She was so soaked she had me moaning but I quickly found her hole and inserted three fingers into her, pumping hard as she continued to grind on what was now the palm of my hand.
Not a minute later she was crying out and coming all over my hand. She laid her head on my shoulder as I helped her ride out her high.
Once she stopped shaking as much I removed my hand from underneath her.
"Lick it up." She ordered as she lifted her head, her cheeks flushed and forehead sweaty.
Happily, I sucked the cum off of each finger, preening at the hungry look in her eyes as she watched.
Standing up and backing away from my thigh, I could see not only the puddle Rhea had left on my thigh that was now dripping down both sides, and onto the floor, but the strings of cum that stretched from her pussy to my leg as she stood up.
Putting her hands under my thighs and around my waist, she picked me up bridal style and threw me further up on the bed, immediately grabbing my side and flipping me over onto my stomach.
My breath left me for a second after being flipped around so quickly. Her hands slid under my thighs and brought them up to her, leaving me on my knees in front of her.
Without warning, I felt her hands on my ass, spreading my cheeks wide open just before her mouth was on my core. Moaning loudly, I leaned into her face, resulting in a smack on my ass as she began to tongue-fuck me.
She was rough and soon began sucking on my clit again as she fucked me with her fingers. In no time at all I was a shaking, moaning mess again, begging to come.
Rhea rode me down from the high, flipping me back onto my stomach before crawling over me and laying down on top of me with her head resting on my breast, her right hand splayed across my stomach and tracing the tattoo on my ribcage.
"I'm sorry I was late, Rhea." I apologized as I brushed her hair out of her face. She snuggled closer into me and held me tighter. "'s okay, babe. You should be late more often." Laughing, I closed my eyes as we fell asleep together.
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muwapsturniolo · 5 months
✯𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐝✯
chris x black earthy/boho!reader
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IN WHICH…Y/n finds a peace of mind with her lover, and his two brothers.
WARNINGS: nothing besides smoking.
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5 a.m.
It was 5 a.m on a Sunday and Y/n couldn't sleep, her mind racing intangible thoughts. With a sigh she carefully sits up, attempting to not wake up her sleeping boyfriend. She successfully does so and begins moving around the room, gathering the items she would need.
She exits the room once she gathers everything, and walks down the hallway, peaking into the guest room to check on Nick and Matt. They decided to come over with Chris and ended up spending the night. She didn't have a problem with it, always hating being alone.
She found their company relieving.
Seeing that the two are still sound asleep, she continues her trek through the big house. She arrives in the kitchen where she grabs a bottle of kombucha out of the fridge, making her way outside barefoot.
She shudders as the crisp california air nips at her skin, not use to the cold that comes in the early morning, and leaves before it even hits 12 p.m. She takes a seat on her poolside couch and sets up her camera, pressing record before rolling up.
"It's currently 5 a.m. and I couldn't sleep, so I decided to come outside and journal while the sun rises." She speaks to the camera softly, her eyes trained on the grinded-up plant in front of her. "The boys spent the night and are currently still sleeping. It was nice having them over, not having to be alone." She lights the joint and inhales the smoke, holding it in for a few seconds before exhaling.
"I'm not sure why I hate being alone so much, I think it's because I came from a big family and I'm not used to quiet...Granted it's never quiet considering my thoughts are always loud but I digress." She stops talking and flips open to an empty page, starting to write all of her thoughts and feelings down. She leaves the camera rolling, figuring she would just make it a time-lapse with some copyright-free neo-soul music playing over it.
She wasn't a typical YouTuber, never doing big fancy things and showing off. She was a more peaceful and serene one, her videos consisting of her lifestyle and talking about her feelings.
Her videos that have done well so far are her lifestyle vlogs, the main points being her smoking, painting, cooking, and shopping for crystals. It seems as if the viewers also love her monthly vinyl reviews, finding the way she expressed her love for music interesting.
That's how Chris found her.
He was looking for a YouTube video to watch before bed and he saw a thumbnail of hers. She was smoking in the thumbnail, a wall of vinyl's behind her as the title read, "fav vinyls this month".
He won't lie, he clicked on it because she was pretty, but he stayed for her personality and the raw emotions she expressed as she talked about the Fugees.
To say the least he went down a rabbit hole and watched all her videos that night, adding some of her favorite songs to a playlist.
Speaking of the boy...
She turned around hearing the patio door open, a soft smile gracing her face seeing her half-asleep boyfriend making his way towards her. "Why the hell are you up so early? And why did you leave me?" He questions plopping down next to her. "Couldn't sleep and I didn't want to bother you with my tossing and turning...Why are you up so early?"
"You know I can't sleep without you." He fixes her legs so he can lay in between them, sighing out as his head meets her soft and plush thighs. She smiles softly and runs her nails along his scalp, caressing his face at the same time. "What were you thinking about?" He mumbles when he notices the journal and pen.
She shrugs, "I'm not sure... My mind was just loud." He opens his eyes and looks up at her in worry. She notices and shakes her head, "Nothing bad, don't worry baby." He nods and relaxes back against her body.
The two lay on the couch in comfortable silence as they experience the twilight, listening to the birds chirp as they awaken from their peaceful slumber. The pool rumbles softly as it begins to clean itself, the water rippling due to the vibrations.
"This is nice," she looks down hearing Chris's groggy voice. "Hm?''
"I said this is nice... Laying here and watching the sunrise with you, not having to worry about what the day brings." She hums in agreement and watches as the skies turn from dark blue to hues of pink, purple, and orange.
The sunrise reflects off of the rippling water of the pool, casting a warm glow on the two bodies. Y/n tilts her head back as she basks in the warm rays. It seems as if her thoughts finally quieted down, giving her a chance to be calm.
Chris stares at his girlfriend, his heart swelling in admiration seeing her in her natural habitat. He truly believed she wasn't meant to be in LA. She was meant to be somewhere that had a bunch of greenery, somewhere that had a waterfall right under the sun so she could bask in it like a cat. Somewhere where she could be free and at peace.
"I can feel you staring at me," she looks down at Chris whose face has a hue of red. "Just admiring you. I can't admire my girlfriend now?" She giggles and motions for him to sit up. She pulls him into a soft kiss, enjoying the warmth of his lips.
"It's six thirty and you two are already being gross." The couple pulls away and looks at a half-awake Nick, and a sluggish Matt. The two make their way over and sit on the ground in front of the couch. "Shut up, I was enjoying time alone with my girlfriend since you two decided to crash last night." Y/n watches as Chris and Nick go back and forth, their banter not making sense since they are both still tired.
"Can both of you shut the hell up? It's early and you two are bitching for no reason." Matt grunts. Chris huffs before settling back down against Y/n, burying his face in her stomach. He kisses the brown skin before fiddling with her waist beads.
The quad dives into a conversation, not talking about anything important per say but just talking. They soon fall into silence, enjoying the peace before they have to go back to their busy lives. Not long after, Y/n's brown cat Janelle, joins them causing Matt to gasp in excitement.
As he plays with her, Y/n rolls another blunt. "I wish I could do this every day. Your house just makes me feel at home." Nick breathes out.
"That's funny considering I only find it to be homey when you guys are here." She grabs her lighter and sparks the pink wrap, inhaling it before handing it to Chris. She watches as the smoke cascades in the sun, creating shapes of different sizes.
"Wouldn't it be crazy if we all just lived with each other?" Matt voices, his tone light as he plays with the cat.
"I wouldn't be opposed to it...We are always with each other anyway." Nick adds.
"I would like that honestly," Chris eyes Y/n as she speaks, his heart racing at her words. He knows it's too soon, the two of them have only been with each other for 7 months. However he knows she's the one, his family loves her, his friends love her, he loves her. She came into his life and watered him like a plant, helping him bloom into something more.
"Fuck it, let's do it!" Everyone turns to Chris in surprise.
Chris sits up and turns his body towards Y/n, "Let's move in with each other...I mean you hate living alone and we are always over anyway. Let's move in with each other."
"Are you sure Chris?" Y/n wants to scream and dance in excitement at the thought of her best friends and boyfriend living with her, but the sensible part of her isn't sure. Granted they have been friends for a year but she and Chris have only been dating for 7 months. "Yeah, I don't have a problem living with you, I think it would be great... I want this relationship to go somewhere...I think you're the one for me."
Y/n feels her eyes burning as the salty tears form, slowly descending down her face. Chris chuckles and pulls the girl into him, holding her tightly.
They all sit in silence, letting Y/n get her emotions out.
After a few minutes, Y/n sniffles and pulls away from Chris.
"I'm in... I want you guys to move in with m-" Before she can finish her last word, she's dogpiled by the three boys, all of them laughing and shouting in excitment.
"Yes! This is so exciting! I'm going to love having a fully decorated house!"
"I get to see Janelle every day!"
"And I get to love on you every day!" Chris pulls her into a deep kiss, ignoring the groans of Nick and Matt.
The two brothers stand up and walk back into the house, leaving the couple alone once again.
They pull away from the kiss, their foreheads touching as they look each other in the eyes, both of their bodies full of love and tranquility.
"I love you," Chris whispers, his voice holding nothing but affection.
"I love you too"
The two lean in once again, their lips touching softly and tenderly.
The sun shines directly in front of them, the camera only able to see the silhouettes of the lovers.
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i was in a fluffly mood so i hope yall like it💕
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @j3tblackt3ars @ilovestarz @lustfulslxt @soimightlikeoldmen69 @tastesousweet @slut4sebastiansallow @whicked-hazlatwhore @stasiesturn @loljackwasfat @nicksmainbitch @ninacutebee16 @mayhem-72 @sturniolosmind @breeloveschris @mattslolita @mattsivy @guccifrog @hysteria-things @mrssturnioloo @koris_009 @patscorner @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @nickuniversity @luverboychris @thenickgirl @riasturns @imwetforyourmom @junnniiieee07 @realuvrrr @milasturniolo @fwskullz @hearts4tatemcrae @mattandchrismakemewett @chrissystur @canthelpit0 @strnilo @demistyles @junovrsmp4 @heartsforchrisandmatt @maryx2xx @vecnasnose0 @freshsturns @xxsturnxx @pettydollie @crimsoncorpse @sturnssmuts @sturniolovoid @m0r94n @freshsturns @adoreindie
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rowretro · 3 months
𝕾𝖔 𝕾𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖞
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✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, thriller, gore, death
♡synopsis: Y/n's not afraid of the dark... maybe she might be scared of what's in the dark. The ghosts? monsters? death hunting her down ready to grab her by its fist? of course not. She's scared of her ex.... he's so scary....
Y/n yawned as she walked down the creepy, dark hallways of the abandoned high school. Tables scattered here and there, blood splatters dried ones and even fresh ones, painting the ground and wall. Evidence of human life being tortured and tormented for days before being ripped into pieces and left on the ground, rotting into the floorboards. Y/n was rather more disgusted, shocked the police hasn't once come across this place... Oh wait- that's a dead officer from the 90's seems he died a few weeks ago. Why was she here exactly?
It's stupid of course. Her dear friend who had been acting weird lately, dragged her to this place, challenging her claiming she'll die of fear before the ghost even gets to her. Y/n was no idiot, denying any invitation to the murder house. Yet Angela Yin, her best friend, dragged her in, the doors shutting behind them, and jammed shut. Then Angela went missing. That's how y/n found herself wandering the empty classroom where the ugly thing was just a second ago. She groaned, grabbing a key she found as she walked toward a door that had a matching lock.
She's ran into the killer once, it left a fog of smoke, causing her trip over small thing. It's nails disgusting and long like claws, head snapped off, hanging backwards. Eyes gauged out and mouth wide open. It was disgusting. its arms reached forward, but it can only see behind itself. That helped y/n, it was so blind it didn't bother looking in the cabinet where she hid in pure silence.
Just as she was about to put the key in the lock, a thick black liquid, slid from under the door, taking over the big, thick wooden rectangle, that blocked whatever was in that room from her. She groaned, arms crossed, as her foot tapped against the tattered floor impatiently, she stared at the many creepy hands holding eyeballs and organs waving them around through the now blackened, inky door. "What do you want from my ghost?... In my 18 years the worst thing I'd ever done to hurt anyone was being sarcastic and throwing parties when I'm home alone, now did that hurt you?" she asked as the eyeballs glared right at her.
"na how bout we talk about what YOU did? kill everyone who tried to send you to a better place, figure out a crime, or at least run home to their family? I don't know why Angela dragged me here, but once I drag that bitch home she's getting it. And you listen to me. I know deep inside you know you did something wrong, hence you killed so many innocent people and are trying to haunt me. I'm not scared of you because you were once a human like me... So why don't you get out of my way, and I leave you alone if you leave me and possibly Angela alone too kay?"
Y/n said confidently as if negotiating with a person who's afraid of her. yet the thick inky liquid disappeared, and the door opened. "That's what I thought." she said, dragging her sharp rusty metal weapon along with her. Yet the doors closed, there stood Angela, eyes pure black, veins visible in her arms and face, no longer blue or purple but black. Her teeth grew sharp as she approached y/n, her bony hands wrapped tightly around y/n's neck, choking her. "Fuck- Angela- What the fuck?! stupid ghost bitch I thought I told you we had a deal." Y/n choked out.
However the girl let go of y/n impulsively, as she fainted, the ghost screaming as it was forced out of her. There she saw a sight that scared her most "Nishimura No......." she mumbled as Riki dusted himself off. "Yes.... Im back baby." he said with a smirk. She threw a table at him and rushed outside, now lost in the dark woods, there, vulnerable, and in the depths of danger, possible vampires and Werewolves that had escaped the military's hold, roaming around in need of blood. That's why she broke up with him.
"Wow babe, one way to say thank you for saving your life, and hi to your darling boyfriend" Riki's deep voice echoed as he walked out from behind the trees. She backed away from him. Her ex. Riki. She broke up with him after she saw her suck the blood of her cousin. "I told you already we're broken up." she said mustering up enough courage to at least try to sound like she was confident in her words. "No you made that decision. Not me, so sorry you're stuck with me." he said as y/n glared at him. He groaned running a hand through his hair, frustrated.
"Darling.... I only drink blood of a human when I need to, and I only suck the blood of those who do wrong in the world and you know what your cousin did to you..." he said as he gently grabbed her arm, scanning over the healing scars on her arms. She gently pulled away, feeling herself falling into his love trap yet again, like a moth to a flame. "You're not scared of my love.... you're clearly scared for me... y/n I love you and you're mine you can never change that. I don't understand why me being half demon half vampire scares you.... I'd never hurt you... you know it. They can't ever kill me, I'm practically immortal.... So please. take my hand and let me take you to OUR home." he said as he grabbed her arm... yet she pulled away roughly.
"Nishimura Riki. I may love you... but I don't trust you... I don't want you anymore.... Im over you..." she said, almost as if convincing herself, "Then you leave me no choice." He said, yanking her into his embrace, teeth stabbing into her collarbone.... He imprinted her, kissing her lovingly right after. There's no turning back now "I'll go home then-" Angela suddenly said walking toward her boyfriends car, as y/n was still dazed.
She was his now. She realized how too such perfect care of her, before their break up, and even now, as she stared at the permanent mark on her collarbone in the reflection of the mirror. She didn't find him so scary anymore. The comforting environment of his groans of annoyance every time he lost a game his comfortable room, his cologne intertwining in the air, the large white sweater that slipped off her shoulder, so comfortable as she hugged it closer to her skin, his sweater...He's not so scary after all...
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vampire-matcha · 9 months
Angst for no reason incoming (cw: cheating)
Johnny had been off ever since you picked him up from the airport last night. It wasn't unusual for him to be distant sometimes when he first got home. It was a difficult adjustment going from live fire back to civilian life, and sometimes he needed time to get back into the swing of things. But this time was different. He couldn't look you in the eyes. Instead of falling exhausted into your arms, he shied away from your touch. His body was stiff when you hugged him. He didn't rest his hand on your thigh the whole ride home. He didn't even kiss you.
You assumed he had seen or done something worse than usual. You assumed the deaths had been more brutal, more numerous. Maybe he had lost someone close to him this time. It's not like he could even tell you, all his operations were black. Strictly confidential. You were just a civilian.
You did your best to comfort him. You made him a hot meal, drew him a bath, offered to massage his sore muscles; but he picked at his plate until it was cold, locked the bathroom door, and slept with his back to you all night.
Something in your gut told you it was wrong. You ignored the pit in your stomach that warned you. You boxed his dinner up for him to eat when he was feeling better. You pulled the blankets tighter around you to drive out the cold you felt without him beside you as you slept. You pretended to be asleep when he silently rolled out of bed and crept out of the bedroom. You pretended not to hear his low voice talking on the phone in the living room. You pretended not to hear him cry.
He avoided you the next day, too. Answering in one or two words, barely eating, leaving the room as soon as you walked in. He barely spoke to you until that evening.
He called you into the living room, where you found him sitting on the couch with his elbows on his knees, chin resting on his hands, eyes unfocused staring out at the wall. His wedding band glowed in the lamplight. You sat beside him. Your hands reached to comfort him, but landed instead in your lap when you noticed how he tensed when you reached for him.
"I need to tell you something," he said, his voice low and monotone, his words careful and measured. He wouldn't look at you. His blue eyes were cold and stony, his jaw hard and clenched.
Oh no.
"What is it?" You asked, hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" Your eyes scanned him for any sign of bruising, but his skin was clear.
He shook his head, a slow, even movement. His hands shook as he dropped his forehead onto them and closed his eyes tight. The faintest shine of wetness gathered at his lashes. He took a deep, trembling breath.
"I'm so sorry," he whispered, the sound leaving him as if his soul were rushing out through his mouth.
God, please, no.
"John..." you uttered. Your stomach twisted. You heard the thump-thump-thimping of your pulse in your ears. "What is it?" You repeated.
Please, not this. Anything but this.
"When I was away..." No... "Bonnie, I-" Please, God, No- "I had sex with someone else."
The only sound in the room was the ticking of the old grandfather clock in the hallway. His words echoed in your head as you processed his confession. Everything clicked into place as the seconds passed into minutes. His behavior since coming home wasn't that of trauma. It was guilt. He couldn't look you in the eye, couldn't even bare to touch you, because he couldn't carry the weight of his shame.
Your body and mind operated separately. You tried to sort your thoughts out, but your heart was running away from you. Your hands trembled as you fumbled with your wedding ring. Your throat felt as if you had swallowed a stone whole. Your face was wet with tears you hadn't even felt fall.
"Who?" You asked. Your voice sounded more like nails clawing at a closed door. Johnny gasped as he strangled down his own tears.
"My lieutenant," he confessed, his voice saturated with guilt. The watery words erupted from his chest like a violent geyser, as if he couldn't get them out fast enough; as if saying them burned his tongue, his throat, his stomach.
You sobbed at the revelation. You knew him. You'd shaken his hand. You'd thanked him for looking after your Johnny. Your Johnny! Oh, you were going to be sick.
Your legs carried you away from him, away from your husband and the future you two had together. They carried you into your shared bedroom, your marital bed now sullied by infidelity. Your hands locked the door behind you. You collapsed onto the floor. His arms didn't catch you. They didn't hold you close, they didn't comfort you. There was no comfort to be found on the cold tile of the bathroom you'd crawled into. You emptied the contents of your stomach into the toilet and cried with reckless abandon.
You screamed and wailed like a widow. You mourned your marriage, your love, the future you could never have now. Your trust was broken. How could you ever repair what you had?
Pt. 2 Pt. 3
I honestly don't know where this cane from. I'm sorry guys. Maybe I'll continue this idk
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deafsignifcantother · 6 months
the newest guest
♥ summary: ur alastor's pookie bear but like in an admiration way not a purely romantic way. "gaze softens as soon as it lands on you" - @urfriendlywriter ♥ relationship: alastor x gender neutral deaf reader ♥ word count: 1.7 ♥ notes: reader is stone deaf, attached alastor but like in a friendly way and not a yandere way, reader doesn't usually wake up early, alastor doodling
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Whether it's the early morning or late at night, the red sky is the same. You and Alastor sit on his balcony, your ankles crossed from under the tea table, and he is copying your position. In his hand is a red mug. He has on his tight red suit while his red ears face forward.
"Now, I can't directly claim the hotel as mine, but I very much do my best to keep it running smoothly," he signs. He finds himself incapable of pushing down the feeling of mischief when he makes eye contact with you. You make him all the more astounded. You're staring at him as if he's an angel. Why are you staring at him with such admiration? It's frightening. His smile grows while the radio static tickles your skin more and more.
You sign to him, "You're doing a good job."
"Yes, I certainly am." He stares at you patiently while your eyes look around for what seems like the 100th time. Every time you look at the city, you notice something different. He doesn't know what you're looking for, but his eyes never follow; he just keeps staring at you.
When you don't turn to look at him again, he taps his nails against the table until your attention goes to him again. His smile grows. "Will you grant me the pleasure of knowing why you're here, my dear?"
"I want to see what it's like in here," your eyes glance at the windows and the bright lights on the roof. "And maybe I feel a little motivated to be good." He hears your throat make a soft, laugh-like noise as you continue, "You don't seem to be here for the same reason."
"Correct" is the only response. When you examine his face closer, you notice how sharp the ends of his teeth are and the multiple shades of red in his eyes. You nod, waiting for him to add anything else. He just stares at you with his usual wide eyes and dangerous smile.
He walks you back to your room as a gentleman should. He lets you lock your arms together as you two walk. Neither of you sign; you both just bask in peace. He always wondered what it would be like to live in silence.
The hallways last forever, and only a few doors are decorated. You both land at your doorstep and when you enter your room, he pushes you in before you can shut the door. The gust of wind his fast body produces brushes your cheek.
Okay, welcome in.
His eyes scan the room as if he hadn't been there before.
"This room is absolutely boring!" He signs with wide eyes as he turns and looks around the room. "What happened to the things I put up?"
He refers to the human skulls he had hung up on the walls and the long stream of bloody handprints, his handprints. Perhaps it was a form of affection, but you did not want it staining your walls.
You give him an eye roll while you shrug off your shoes. He watches you as you walk to the bed unmistakably. Being in your room offers pure relaxation and comfort, especially after he wakes you up at 5AM to have tea with him on the balcony. Before you can sit on the bed, the floor beneath you vibrates.
With a silent snap of his fingers, the bland, unaccustomed bed was replaced by a huge, fluffy-looking queen-size bed.
You glance back at him before switching your gaze to the new furniture. Since when could he do that?
He just stands idly in the middle of the room, creating new decor to impress you. What would his new little darling like next? A chair by the fireplace? A shelf for little trinkets, not human skulls this time?
You sit on the bed and see what the mattress and sheets feel like. Alastor hears the sound of your hums. His toothy smile widens. In the calm, radiating light of your room, his eyes can almost be mistaken for pink.
His mic taps the floor as the bed shakes, trying to grab your attention. Your eyes meet as he twirls the mic and signs with his other hand.
"Enjoying yourself?"
"It's comfortable, thank you."
His smile becomes close-lipped before he bows to you. "It's a joy to pleasure you, sweetheart."
"Of course." 
There's a slight pause. You wait for Alastor to continue, but he doesn't. He just stares with that familiar look in his eyes. With a tiny bit of shyness, you break the eye contact.
It's awful to think about him this way. He's giving you the world, apparent, but is it because he pities you? You think about that every single day while in the hotel. Your impulsive thoughts always tell you these people are only here for you because they pity you.
Is he going out of his way to make you feel better for that reason? And how does that make you feel?
"Anyway," he looks around the room for a final time. "What are our plans for today?"
"Our?" The sign is flighty. With the sign comes the tired look in your eyes; your body calls for you to sleep. A million thoughts go through his head. He stares, and you shrink while his eyes burn into you. It's how he looked at you when you first entered the hotel. Your eyes flickered around the room, taking in every detail as quickly as possible. You counted the number of people in the room while counting them in your head. How many people would you have to teach some sign to? Who has five fingers? Who looks like they'd learn the fastest? By the sight of you, Charlie brought you into a hug, and Alastor appeared behind you just as quickly. He held his microphone behind his back with his crossed arms. Who was this little one? Your eyes flickered up to his tall form. His eyes were burning into you.
He still stares at you this way.
"Yes, our! Would you not wish to spend your day with me?" His head tilts as his eyelids drop. Maybe him knowing sign meant that you are stuck with him.
You give him a small smile. "We do so many things all the time, how about we stay in here for just a little while before going out again."
"Absolutely!" He spins his cane with one hand while he signs. He taps is on the ground, removing his grip, his cane remaining in its place even when he lets go. "Such a brilliant idea, what should we do? Maybe a little game of rummy?" He summons a table with cards and sits at it, all the while you remain sitting on your bed with that same small smile.
"It's early."
"Yes indeed! It is much too early for a game of rummy, maybe that should be postponed into our later evening. Let me see? What could we possible do in this little room of yours?" He was about to snap his fingers to conjure something until you clapped at him, waving your hands, "nothing like that! Can we laze, or something?"
"Ah, a good 'break', as to say."
You turn away from him, hoping he'd catch your hint by laying down on the bed. It is impressively comfortable, more than you would have suspected, especially considering he most likely did it to his liking rather than assuming yours. Surrounded by the comfort of the untouched pillows, you close your eyes, waiting for him to startle you into opening them again.
But he doesn't.
He watches you from his place. Look at you, so tired, it's so cute. It doesn't deter him from his plans on waking you up to hang out with him tomorrow morning as well, but it is a bit charming to see. You feel safe enough in his presence to close your eyes around him. Why are you so comfortable? He teleports closer to you, trying his best to hide the close distance as he leans a bit closer. Your lashes flutter a bit.
Of course you knew how close he was. He is always blissfully unaware of his much his static tickles your skin. How funny would it be if you spring up and wrap your hands around him (obviously you wouldn't, but the impulse is amusing enough to entertain).
You remain there with eyes close, complete alert of what his next steps might be. He doesn't bother you, doesn't try and move you or interact with your space at all. Within no time, he is gone.
Well, he thinks to himself, the little fawn does need rest after all.
And one might remain vigilant and wary of any ulterior motives or hidden agendas behind the kindness being displayed. Wariness and relief are your main emotions when it comes to his patience with you. What does he get out of being so nice to you, is it because you are a guest? Avoiding harm is good, and you do experience his pestering as much as everybody else, but at least it's tolerable. He must appreciate that greatly. His larger scheme is entirely hotel-oriented, of course, but where does that place you?
Close to him, you assume. Perhaps he just likes to exercise his knowledge of ASL.
His sits in the lobby with a pen in his hand, drawing small figures on the pamphlet he's been trying to design. Charlie has come up with an amazing idea; handing out pamphlets! He has said that he will be the one to come up with a fantastical way of alluring people to the hotel, despite his teasing display of the hotel from his commercial. He does love expressing his creative side.
His behavior is a bit different than before you had arrived. The other guests, Vaggie and Husk in particular, took extreme notice in the fact that he's decided to spend his free time in the lobby rather than off in who-knows. He's waiting for your appearance. Everybody can sense it, even though he never glances at the stairs or even offers a twitch of his ears at the footsteps around him. He'll know when you arrive. He always does.
So when you finally land yourself at the top of the stairs, looking down at the lobby, staring at his tilted down head and his bouncing feet from the cushioned chair, you smile to yourself when he lifts his head. His concentrated gaze softens as soon as it lands on you. Within no time, he's folding the paper into his pocket and promptly pops up behind you, wrapping an arm around yours and leads you down the flight.
How excited he is to spend the rest of the day with you. It's cute.
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chronicbeans · 8 months
Reader seeing Alastor Frowning
This was just an idea I came up with after seeing the new teaser, where Alastor explains his smile. I thought "what'd he be like if someone caught him frowning?" Then my brain immediately went "NOT GOOD." So, little story!
TW: Threats of Violence/Death, Invasion of Personal Space
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You walk through the hallway of the Hazbin Hotel. You have only been here for a few days, so you are still getting lost when trying to find your way around the place. The hallways all kind of blend into each other, at some point, and you've already forgotten where your room is. Much worse is the fact that you are a bit lost on where you are in the hotel. So, you begin wandering aimlessly, hoping to find someone that can help you.
It seems like, either nobody is at the hotel right now, or nobody comes to this part of the hotel... because you haven't found anybody, yet. You're honestly a bit frightened. That is, until, you see a door that is cracked open. Seeing some light coming through, you are so excited that you peek through to see if anybody is there. It's Alastor's room.
You see the front half, which looks like a hunter's cabin, and a tiny bit of the half in the back that has some... grass? Your eyes are immediately drawn to Alastor, though. He's sitting in front of his fireplace, staring at the ominous green flames, as it casts a sickly glow on his face. His expression is a bit empty as he stares at it, as if he's staring somewhere beyond the fire, or as if his mind is somewhere completely different than the present.
The most shocking thing, though, is that he's frowning. Alastor is frowning. It doesn't even look like he's just resting his face, either. He looks genuinely upset. It's quite a shock, truly, since you haven't seen him frown before. Granted, you've only been here a few days, but you've heard others saying that they've never seen him frown either. Others who have been at the hotel much longer than you...
You lean a bit closer, trying to get a better look, and see if you can figure out what has made him so upset... only to cringe as you hear the door creak a bit more open. Alastor immediately stands, closing a book in his lap as he does so, then looks over to you. The smile is back on his face, though much more strained then usual. You've been spotted and he doesn't look happy with your presence.
"You know that it's rude to spy on people, right, dear?"
You tense up as he steps towards you, his eyes seemingly beginning to glow. You've messed up... you've really, really messed up! Panicking, you begin to run down the hall. However... You still have no idea where you're going, and you can still hear Alastor's footsteps following behind you. When you look to see how close he is, though, you don't even see him.
You look back in front of you just in time to see that he's now in front of you. He instantly grabs you by the shoulders, holding you against the wall and covering your mouth with one hand. "Now now, dear! Calm down. We can talk this out like reasonable adults, yes? There's no need for all the running and panic, even if it is fun to chase you around."
Alastor then chuckles, before letting go of your mouth. You quickly begin talking, but keep your voice quiet. "Look...! I didn't know you'd get so upset-" "Hush. No need for the excuses. I just want a little deal to make sure you don't speak a word of you seeing me without my lovely smile on." "It's just a smile..." He then let's out a fake gasp. His grip on your shoulder tightens a little, causing you to grimace a bit. "My dear...! Just a smile? You're never fully dressed without a smile! Now, listen up. I'm giving you one offer."
His grin suddenly relaxes a little, seeming much more calm, like he's in control. He then boops your nose, speaking. "You don't say a single word about my sour expression that you just saw..." Then, he points to himself, his nails now digging into your shoulder. "And I don't shred you apart and use you in my next batch of delicious jambalaya! Deal, dear?" You nod slowly, your eyes going wide as they stare up at him. "Yeah... Deal. I won't tell anyone..." "Fantastic, dear!"
Alastor immediately lets you go, taking a step back. His eyes are still staring at you, almost like how a starving wolf would its prey... or, in this case, a starving deer... You rub your shoulder, shaken up by what has just happened. He laughs a bit as he grabs his microphone, which you hadn't even noticed he had with him in your frenzy, before chirping happily. "You're lucky that you're so new here, my dear, or else I wouldn't have been so lenient on you. I like those who have manners, but I am not so cruel as to punish you cruelly without giving you proper time to learn." He then taps your sore shoulder with his microphone, adding on "That shoulder there should be good enough, this time."
You swallow thickly, clearing your throat. "Yeah... um... thanks... I'm going to go to my room, now. By the way, have you seen any of the others?" His demeanor instantly shifts, again, as he wraps an arm around you. "Of course I know! Charlie has went to visit her dead beat father. Husker, Angel Dust, and my dear Niffty went on a little outing to try to convince a few more sinners to come to the Hazbin Hotel. Vaggie has been in her room all day, and the snake fellow went to buy some more parts for his inventions." You simply nod, before gently pushing him away and beginning to walk down the hallway.
"Dear, don't you need someone to show you to your room? You're lost, aren't you?" He then walks over to you as you pause in place. How did he know...? "I am... but, I'll find my way-" He grabs your wrist, dragging you along. "Nonsense! I'll show you the way! As a member of the staff here, it's only right I help the guests find their way about!"
Thus, your uncomfortable walk with Alastor begins. Whenever you look over to him, you find him staring at you, like he's trying to figure out what to do with you now that you've seen him frowning. Why the hell is he so upset about it? It's just a facial expression! It's completely normal to frown...
Once you make it to your room, you quickly scurry inside as if it were a lifeline. He stands in your doorway for a moment, his hand on the doorknob. Before closing the door, he gives you one last little warning. "I'll be keeping a closer eye on you from now on, dear. I have to make sure you hold up your end of our deal, after all."
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meazalykov · 3 months
baby pink
esmee brugts x reader
one part to the baby pink series
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you never thought you’d muster the courage to invite esmee over, especially given how shy the both of you are. yet, here you are, standing in the kitchen of your apartment, waiting for her to arrive. 
ever since you both joined barcelona femení back in august, you’ve had a special bond. this didn’t happen overnight, due to her shy nature. you gave her a comfortable space to open up to you and eventually, she started to consider you her #1 on the team. 
slowly but surely, you opened up to each other, finding comfort in your shared shyness and love for football. to the team, it's clear that you guys have a crush on each other. the small touches and hidden jokes don't go unnoticed by the close team– but you guys just want to go with the flow. 
as you pull out the flour and sat it on your kitchen island beside the brown sugar– the doorbell rings. you look towards the foyer, where you can see the door, and take a deep breath. 
when you open the door, esmee is standing there in jeans with a nice yellow shirt on with a black puffer jacker. the dutch displayed her typical shy smile, her hands tucked into her coat pockets due to the chilly hallways.
“hey come in, you can put your jacket on the hooks and your shoes on the bench here” you say, stepping aside to let her in. you nodded your head towards the polished white bench where some of your shoes sit, including running shoes and some cleats. 
“hi and thank you” she replies, her voice soft but warm. she steps inside and you close the door behind her, waiting for her to get situated before you lead her into your kitchen.
as she walks further into your apartment, her eyes widen in surprise.
all of the kitchen utensils on the kitchen island are pink, complimenting your white counters. as she looks forward into the living room— she sees your beige colored couch with pink pillows and a pink throw covering it. 
she continues to look around as you finish setting up to bake cookies and brownies with her. esmee sees the pink colored tulips on your coffee table beside a pink book– and a regular mirror up on your wall. 
“everything is so… pink,” she says, a hint of amusement in her voice. the dutch girl looks at you and noticed that you’re wearing pink pajamas. it is the late evening time so she doesn’t mind it, shes glad you’re comfortable around her. 
esmee smiles at you as you put your hair back into a bun, chuckling at what she said to you.
“yeah, i guess i should’ve told you about all of this. pink is my favorite color.” you say as you pull out chocolate chips and brownie mix from a brown grocery bag. 
to be fair– you thought everyone would’ve noticed that pink was your favorite color. you wear baby pink cleats (that adidas gifted to you)  all of the time during barcelona matches, your hair ties are always pink, your gym bag is pink, and you wear blush all of the time. 
some of your teammates are observant and already know about it, some did not– including your crush. 
“i can tell,” she responds with a smile, her eyes scanning the pink kitchenware again, and even the pink accents in the bathroom visible from down the hallway to your bedroom. 
“It’s adorable don’t worry. its very you.”
you feel your cheeks warm at her compliment. the heat was on in your apartment but you still blame it on the chilly air from outside. 
“thank you.” 
reaching into one of your cabinets by esmee’s legs– you chuckle before you hand her a pink apron. “ha– here, you can wear this. it’s my favorite.”
esmee takes it with a grin. the apron was clean and smelled like vanilla as she placed it over her head. “thank you.” 
an hour passes and the both of you talk as you wait for the cookies and brownies to finish in your oven. 
“i’m starting to get comfortable here– finally. it was a huge adjustment from washington.” you tell esmee, as you both talked about your ex-clubs before coming to barcelona. you picked at your nails as you remember the first few months at barcelona. 
the team loved you right away– but moving to a new country in a new continent was hard. luckily, the team made an effort to spend time with you so you never felt alone. esmee hanging out with you is an example on how the team wanted you to feel loved with them. 
“i get it. i’ve came here as a child to see barcelona play so i’m kind of got used to it faster.” esmee says, crossing her heads on your bar stool to get more comfortable. 
“you got to see messi in his prime, i’m jealous.” you joked. esmee laughed before taking a sip of the ice water you gave her– inside of a pink tinted glass cup. 
“yeah– but ronaldinho is my idol. i wish i got to see him play.” esmee comments, you nodded your head as you looked at her. 
the love in your eyes couldn’t be more obvious. there is some space between esmee and you, but you wanted to close it. she looked so pretty and all you wanted to do was tell her– but you held back each time. 
“i understand, but now you get to see me play.” you both burst in laughter at your joke. you’re oblivious to the love in the dutch girl’s eyes too. 
“you’re so funny. you’re lucky I love yo–” esmee stops. your heart drops to your stomach, wondering why esmee had to cut herself off. 
“love what?” you frown. in your mind, you hope that esmee was going to say what you thought. 
“you’re lucky i love your jokes.” esmee says casually. you would’ve believed her lie, until she quickly reached her hands for the glass of water again. you put your hands– with the nails painted with baby pink polish– together. 
“i feel like you’re lying.” you say. trusting your intuition, you know you had to confront her on her slip up.   
“um-” esmee rubs her hands onto her jeans as she looks away from you– at your pink colored clock in your living room.
“esmee.” you repeat. this time, you walk closer to her and sit down on the barstool beside her. you took her hands off of her legs and held them with yours. 
esmee swallowed in nervousness as she felt your soft hands holding hers. seeing the pink beaded bracelets on your wrists, with one of them being the colors of the lesbian flag, she takes a deep breath and looks at you finally. 
“do you love me?” you breathe out, as if someone could’ve eavesdropped on your conversation. 
the dutch girl didn’t respond right away, which didn’t make your nerves feel better. however, you rubbed her hands in comfort– hoping that she does love you the same way you love her. 
“i do. i do love you.” esmee mumbled as she looked down towards your legs. 
she was preparing for rejection, but she wouldn’t get it. 
you took your hands away from hers and placed your right hand on her neck. 
the two of you leaned in and your lips made contact. the sync of your lips lasted a few seconds before you pulled away– scared of overwhelming the left-back on your team. 
“i love you too esmee— so much.” 
it's been two weeks since you guys confessed your love for eachother, but nothing much has happened since.
its two days after christmas, and you just dropped your sisters off at the airport so they could go back home to the states.  all you could think about was esmee. 
since no games are happening until the new year, you chilled at home watching scream 1. you didn’t mind watching a halloween centered movie around christmas so much since you were bored. 
you didn’t want to bother alexia, ingrid, mapi, patri, salma, or ona since they’re spending time with their families. the next time you’ll see them is at the new years party mapi and ingrid are hosting. 
you couldn’t text esmee either– not due to the confession from a few weeks ago– but you assumed that she was in the netherlands with her family as well. 
as you finished your fruit salad and placed the empty plastic bowl on the coffee table– planning on throwing it away after the movie ends– you hear your doorbell. odd. 
the only people you knew in barcelona were your teammates, and you already did a gift exchange with them after the game against rosengard, so you slowly walked to your door in curiosity. 
your heart stopped when you recognized the braids from the peephole of your door. you quickly unlocked your door and opened it to see esmee holding a big baby pink bag with another small pink box. 
“oh my goodness hey– come in–  i thought you went home for the holidays!” you gently pulled esmee inside your apartment by her puffer jacket arm. she giggles as you lock your door take the closed gifts out of her hands, so she could take her warm jacket off. 
“i did, i just got here this morning.” she says as she slips her adidas slides off of her feet. you smiled at her before leading her onto your beige colored couch. 
“wait right here!” you say and place the pink bag and box beside her. she watched you run down the other hallways into your bedroom, where you came back out with 3 boxes wrapped in blue wrapping– blue is esmee’s favorite color. 
as you handed the blue boxes to her, her jaw dropped slightly– happy that you thought about getting her presents as much as she was looking forward to getting you stuff for christmas. 
“i hope you liked what i got you!” you say as esmee starts to open up her presents first– both of you ignoring the tv in front of you both. 
for christmas, you got two pairs of sneakers along with a pair of blue nike cleats for esmee. in november, you saw a tiktok repost from esmee about two pairs of nikes that she wanted so badly– so you decided to get her those. 
“i’m so happy, thank you thank you.” esmee launched her body on top of yours on the couch. you kissed the top of her forehead before she sits back up. 
“you’re welcome. i’m happy you love them.” you say. 
“here– now open up your presents!” esmee excitedly hands you the baby pink bag. you smile brightly seeing her happy. 
removing the paper in the bag, you first pulled out a miffy plushie. you jaw drops and you lightly squealed at the sight of the soft thing. in your head, you’re glad its just esmee and you because some of the team would complain that you already owned enough miffys. 
“i love this!” you say. you gently placed the plushie on the couch beside you before you pulled out the next thing in the bag, which was an adidas box. 
“esmee- no you didn’t!” you say as your eyes widen at the box. 
“yes I did!” 
you opened up the box to reveal a pair of cleats. the cleat is mainly white with hints of pink throughout the laces. 
“these are so gorgeous!” you take the paper out of the cleat, which kept it shape, and quickly place one of the cleats on your left foot. 
the cleats are gorgeous. in your mind, you knew that the cleat would look great with the third cyan jersey at barca. 
“thank you so much for the gifts, i love them just as much as i love you.” you say five minutes later, after opening everything esmee got you. besides the miffy and cleats, she got you some pink colored candles and a nice pink colored sweatshirt. 
you felt her body tense a tiny bit as you hugged her, before she hugged you back. 
“i love you too.” she relaxed into your body as her arms wrapped around your lower back. 
“esmee.” you say. 
“yes love.” she responded. your heart melts at her name for you, deep down you want her to say it again. you held her tightly in response to that. 
“what are we?” you ask. you were nervous but that quickly went away as you felt the dutch girl scratch your back slowly. 
“will you be my girlfriend?” esmee asks straight away. you smile on her shoulder at this– grateful that this moment is happening. 
“yes. can you be my girlfriend?” you ask. 
“absolutely.” esmee says before pulling you into a soft kiss– on your glossy pink lips. 
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peppermintquartz · 2 months
Tommy's expression is unreadable as Eddie stammers through his explanations, but as Tommy moves past him, Eddie flinches.
"Get out," Tommy says, orders, before he pulls a chair next to the bed where Buck is currently still unconscious.
"Tommy, I'm sorry, I-" I shouldn't have been drinking. I shouldn't have been on the bridge. I shouldn't have fought him when he tried to stop me.
"I said, get out." Tommy doesn't even turn to look at him. His big hands envelope the limp, lifeless one lying on top of the sheets. Big and gentle and desperately hoping for a reaction. "Don't come back until Evan says you can."
Eddie wants to say more, but something about Tommy's rigid posture stops him. Gulping down his useless apologies, Eddie steps out of the ward.
Hen and Chimney are still there, faces solemn.
"You wanna wait for Maddie? She's brought Jee to Karen." Chimney sounds tired. It would have been better if he sounded angry or disappointed. But he just sounds tired, like he'd really rather go home and lie down in bed.
Eddie would rather be stabbed in the eyes with a rusty nail.
He nods and sits, burying his head in his hands. He feels Hen sit next to him, and she's patting his shoulder. "I told Bobby too. He's on his way."
"I screwed up so bad," Eddie whispers. "How am I ever going to... Why did it have to be Buck? I should be the one, I should be dead. I didn't mean to, to hurt him, I never wanted him to-"
"Because he loves you, like we do. And he would be so angry if you'd actually done it." Hen exhales slowly. "I am angry at you. I'm boiling with rage. You screwed up, and Christopher went to Texas, and instead of seeing how that is a reason to get better, you do this. You are more than this, Eddie. How can you not see it?"
Eddie swallows around the lump in his throat. His eyes are wet. He doesn't think he'll ever feel more than a pathetic piece of shit again.
She sighs again. "I'm not good at this. I'll leave the big life lessons to Bobby, he'll get you to understand."
Eddie is shaking with regret, tears running down his cheeks. "Tommy won't even look at me. Won't listen."
"If it was the other way round, would you?"
There's no need to say more. Eddie slumps over, letting his tears fall freely from his face to the floor. Shock. Guilt. Both. Because his best friend nearly died trying to keep Eddie from offing himself. He looks up when he hears footsteps.
It's Maddie, rushing down the corridor. Her hair is in a messy bun and her face pale and blotchy, like she's been crying. She hugs Chimney, clings to him, as he tells her what the doctor has told them.
Then she sees Eddie.
Eddie shrinks into his chair as Maddie approaches. But all she does is crouch down to look him in the eyes. "You okay, Eddie?"
He clamps his jaw tight, but his lips wobble. He nods, thinks better of it, and ends up with a strange shrugging motion. She cups his cheek and then takes a deep breath.
"He'll be okay. He's my brother."
After Maddie goes inside, Tommy comes out. His face is still stony when his eyes fall on Eddie, who doesn't dare hold his gaze for long. But Tommy only turns and walks down the other side of the hallway and leans against the wall. Chimney joins him.
Hen puts a hand on Eddie's shoulder, keeps it there.
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thornsnvultures · 1 year
this would be with eddie and i'll die on that hill
I was thinking the same thing!! like irl me isn't allowed to go in haunted houses for Reasons but this is fiction so...
(help idk what happened here I didn't mean for this to turn into smut 👀💦 cw: thigh riding, eddie being a perv) 18+
"C'mon it'll be fun!"
You looked from Eddie's excited face to the entrance of the old barn that had been converted into a dark, looming haunted house for the season. Black curtains concealing the entryway fluttered in the cool autumn breeze, curling like hands beckoning you closer. But the muffled screams coming from inside kept your feet glued to the ground.
"Eddie, I don't know..." Your hands curled tighter around his arm, digging your nails into his leather jacket.
"I was a scarer here last season and it's the same every year. Trust me, it's not that bad."
"Not that bad" meant different things to you and Eddie. Sure it was just a bunch of teenagers in masks and makeup, but the fear was real. At the very least you knew Eddie wouldn't run off and leave you, (that had happened to you once before, it wasn't fun).
"How 'bout this?" Eddie held you in front of him, suddenly serious. "Every time we make it to the end of a section, I'll give you a kiss."
"Eddie," you roll your eyes, "if you wanna make out we can just go back to the van."
"Don't tempt me," his playful growl teased a smile from your lips. "C'mon, pretty girl. I think I make a pretty good distraction." Eddie waved his hands over his front and wiggled his eyebrows. You could help but laugh, hitting his chest and begging him to stop when he started to gyrate his hips at you. He captured you in his arms, his whole body shaking as he laughed with you.
"Okay," you took a deep breath, Eddie's leather and weed scent settling your nerves the tiniest bit. "I'm ready."
"That's my girl." Eddie smiled and pressed a kiss into your hair before leading you in.
Whatever braveness you felt before walking into the mock-house immediately disappeared when you realized how dark it was inside. You clung tighter to Eddie's arm.
"It's okay. They make the first hallway super dark to fuck with you."
Eddie didn't whisper which somehow made you feel safer. He tromped down the hallway and through the first creepy area in his shit kickers like his raucous feet would keep the monsters away.
The first area was unsettling, but not bad like Eddie said. It was even kind of cute with the fake bats hanging from the ceiling. Once you made it to the end, Eddie took your face in his hands and planted one on you. It was a wet sloppy kiss, purposely so to make you laugh and push him off you.
"There's one," he grinned. "Man, this was a great idea."
The rooms got scarier as you went of course, and you screamed more than a few times when someone jumped out from behind a corner or banged an old shovel on the floor. Your heart was hammering harder in your chest with every room.
"How big is this fucking barn?"
"Who cares?"
Eddie had you pressed up against a wall somewhere between the fifth and sixth area. His mouth was too busy kissing down your neck, hidden in the shadows, to care about whoever was going through the house behind you.
His rewards for being brave had gotten a little too "rewarding" and after the last one Eddie couldn't seem to stop. Not that you minded. You'd much rather feel Eddie's lips on your skin than go through the rest of the house.
"Fuck, Eddie, what if someone sees?" The sharp suction of his mouth on your neck was your answer. Who cares? His lips and teeth and tongue whispered, "Let them see. Let them see you're mine. My brave girl."
"Eddie," you whine and grind against where he's straining for you in his tight jeans.
"That's it, pretty girl, doing such a good job."
You didn't know if Eddie was talking about your progress through the haunted house or how you were grinding against the thigh he slotted between your legs but you didn't care.
Eddie squeezed your hips, guiding you towards your release. The rings on his fingers were cool against your heated skin as you worked faster. Eddie could tell you were close by the way your hips stuttered, how you held your breath and shook against his chest.
"That's it, that's it, baby. Show me, give it to me."
Just as you reached your peak, Eddie slammed his mouth on yours, stealing the scream from between your lips and swallowing it down. Your thighs shook around his as you came down, the fake house around you totally forgotten.
"Fuck me, that was hot."
You couldn't speak, couldn't do anything but smile at Eddie as he smiled down at you. You weren't sure if you could walk, but Eddie pulled you through the last two rooms anyway. You stumbled out of the house like you were drunk, barely able to stand and giggling like a lunatic.
Outside one of the workers running the haunted house was speaking with two security guards when they suddenly turned and shouted, pointing at you and Eddie.
"Shit! Run!"
Eddie grabbed your hand and made a dash for the parking lot and his van, hauling your ass behind him as you cackled like a goddamn witch.
Yeah, haunted houses with Eddie might be your new favorite part of Halloween.
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courtingchaos · 9 months
But Incubus!Eddie has trouble sometimes doesn’t he? Insatiable as he is, there comes a time when the fantasies meet up just so. Just right. Juuuust what he’s been in the mood for. Just rough enough to indulge him, his demonic strength — likes to throw, likes to feel you fight him, likes the feel you claw at his arms and back when he hits it in the way he knows makes you almost cry and choke on your breaths.
Too cocky brats trying to out do each other, but he always bests you. Giggling, smirking, cooing while he lets you on top, let’s you choke him, let’s you slap him.
“Go ahead, keep up with me,” he’ll grin up at you, hands tucked behind his head with his elbows out lazily, “Go ‘head n’ try. I’ll watch.”
Can you keep up? You want to keep up. It’s hard being a mere mortal.
- definitely not Carol.
Okay not @carolmunson .
(This got away from me.)
(It’s all over the place actually.)
(I didn’t read this over. Pardon my mistakes.)
(It’s also been one thousand years.)
He heard you before he even saw you because you’ve clearly seen him. Like the thoughts are being beamed directly into his brain he can hear your words tripping over each other. Short of just screaming ‘hot!’ at him, it’s a blur of images he can barely keep up with. The guy your with, he assumes, is tall and looming and completely uninterested in you. The music blares loud from the speakers so you don’t hear him come up behind you even though you’ve had your eyes glued to his head since you spotted him.
“You come here often?” He whispers right in your ear and he can see the immediate effect he has on you. Something like pure euphoria rolls over your face and your eyes dip half closed to find him in the dark.
“Not really, no. Not my kind of music.”
“Wanna go somewhere a little quieter then?”
Lurch next to you is still oblivious and only gets huffy when you tell him your running to the bathroom. The next set it starting soon and you’re gonna miss it and honestly it seems like you don’t even want to be here, he can’t believe he spent money on your ticket. He’s halfway to asking you to pay him back when you turn and leave and Eddie has to turn away too to hide his laughter.
It’s too easy some nights.
Really it’s been too easy most nights. That fire under his skin is a low ember, still hot but fading and with it his own self too. He’s figured it out at this point what he is and what it entails, so he’s looking for a good hit tonight and it would seem to be you. There’s an edge there that he can’t suss out yet, something swimming under the image of him cornering you in that hallway to the bathrooms.
There’s another flash of him with his hand on your neck, walking down some street lined with walk ups. It’s dark, both the feeling and images, especially when he sees himself kissing you in the doorway.
“I’d really like to get out of here Eddie.” You’re at his elbow before he knows it. His name rolls off your tongue like syrup and he didn’t even have to tell it to you.
“Yeah?” He shifts to box you in against the wall plastered in posters. “What about your date?” Your hands run up the inside of his jacket, nails first into his ribs while your eyes dance up and down his chest.
“I don’t really care.”
There’s the bite he was looking for all night. He doesn’t hesitate to drag you out of that venue and into the night. Your all hands and reaching grasps, teeth along his neck and laughter into the crook under his ear. He snakes his fingers along the back of your neck, just to hold, and you lean in harder under his arm. When you steer him into a darkened entryway the hairs on his arms stand up just before you push him against the brick.
“I don’t bring just anybody home.” You tell him between kisses that you mash along his jaw. You’re clawing at him through his t-shirt almost like you’re trying to will it out of existence. “Consider yourself lucky.”
He just hums, turning to laughter when you pull him into your place. It’s small and dark and you don’t waste time showing him around the close quarters. Just pull him down the short hallway to your room.
He already knows about the rope you keep in your bottom drawer, unused but with hopeful intent for the future. He knows about your top drawer full of batteried friends and the two silicon cocks that don’t seem to ever get the job done just right. He’ll fix that though, especially tonight while you let the information just roll right off of you.
Lust filled psychic damage blasted at him that almost makes him stagger. You have plans for him that make his teeth set on edge and he realizes he has a real challenge tonight. You’re not just someone looking for a quick fix to their fantasies, you intend to take him along for the night of his life.
In your room he spins you around before you can push him back onto the bed. He climbs up after you and gives you a brief glimpse of himself, horns and all. A flash of a memory that seems to light a bonfire in you. He gets your shirt off and your jeans undone before you try to take control again, your fingers dipping past his waistband to feel along warm skin. Tugged further up your bed and further up your body so you can bite at his bottom lip he laughs at your fervor. So quick to get to all these pieces of him that seem to glow for you in the dark.
He can already feel your teeth biting into the juncture between his neck and his shoulder. Your hands pull at his hair before they ever travel upwards, still busy trying to work his jeans open with eagerness. He already knows what the wet heat of your mouth holds for him and the way it feels to sink in deep inside you. The backs of your knees will be tacky against his palms when he presses them into your chest to get the right angle, the one that makes you growl something deep.
You surprise him though. A welcome wrench in his plans when you kick his leg out from under him. Make him fall to his side and you roll him, smiling down at him and pushing up his tshirt. A palm slides flat up his chest and the appreciation is evident in your eyes.
“Am I lucky yet?” He gets out before you make him moan with a light grip around his throat and a firmer one down his boxers.
“You tell me.” Heavy strokes up his length while your fingers dance around his neck. It’s been too long since someone has turned his own game on him and he relishes the attention for now. He lets you hold him down and tease him, the moans at the back of his throat genuine. He has a moment of doubt when you lick a long line up his cheek and laugh, the idea that you might be like him and he somehow missed it, but when he reaches further into your lust that’s all he finds.
A need to push and pull at him that has you both still half dressed and him winning this new match of wills. It’s almost a slap fight when he gets out from under you with a giggle. Almost unbelieving as you push his hands away in your need for dominance but once he gets his hand in your hair you drop. Pliable and moveable like you were melting into your mattress as his free hand glides along your back. Up your spine and back down your ribs to make you shiver.
He gets you out of your jeans with your underwear shoved to the side, fingers finding your clit without even trying. You can’t see him but he lets that cocky grin spread all the same when you try to hold yourself up under his magical touch. He knows all your spots, knows where to mouth and where to bite and it’s almost like you can read his mind too. Hands grip behind you to grab at his hair, fingers digging into the back of his neck and hips chasing his hand when he turns his touch a little too light.
“Eddie please just fuck me.” You whine and he pulls your head backwards to capture you in a kiss. He can feel you trying to gain the upper hand again but he isn’t playing that part of the game anymore tonight.
“Say it again.” His voice is deeper. Layered in tones to keep you floating in that headspace of combined lusts. There’s an awareness to you still though even under all this fog and when your gaze shifts to his he can’t really deny you anything when he watches your lips form around your plea.
“Please Eddie.” You press your hips into his to grind along his hard cock and he has to take a steadying breath before he rips your underwear further to the side and lines himself up. Barely in place before you rock your hips again and push him inside, a hiss from between his teeth when you groan and dig your nails into the back of his neck. This isn’t going to be one of his long night as much as he wishes it was. You’re too far gone to his power and your own hubris, lust washing over your every dip and curve. He keeps his fingers on beat with your panting breaths and it almost feels like a light has been turned on suddenly with the burning at the base of his spine.
Heat rolls off of him the closer he gets to cumming, his breath wet against the back of your neck where he mouths around to sink his teeth in. He’s almost blind to you in front of him while his mind is filled with a jumbled mass of your thoughts. With every pointed thrust he gets a shiver up his spine like you do, a double hit of his own powers that makes him feel dizzy. Nails dig into his thighs where you grip him tightly to keep him close and rutting, your repeated ‘don’t stop right there!’ giving him a tempo to keep up with.
He times it just right so you cum at the same time. Drawn up flat against his chest, his fingers working you over to pull you up to your peak, cock buried deep so he can feel every flutter around him. He lets you see him just out of the corner of your blurring vision, really see him before your eyes roll back and you moan out his name. Wild curls with black eyes under them, dark mouth and thin tongue that darts out lick at the shell of your ear while you come apart.
Eddie can feel that well inside overflow with you. His name sounds too sweet from your mouth, your fantasies too potent for him to just ignore when this is all over. Gently he lowers you to bed with light touches that hold now instead of grip. When he slinks in behind you on top of your covers he cups a cheek with his palm and runs the tip of his thumb along the edge of your lip. It’s a soothing motion for sure but he’s also bringing the night to a close before he decides to do something stupid.
Instead of you falling asleep like he planned though, you seem to bounce back with a clearer head about the stranger in your home. You kick him out gently. Nice even he thinks, but he wasn’t planning on staying anyways. You hand him an Oreo from the pack you’ve opened while he gets his boots back on and he can’t help but laugh.
“Was I a good boy, deserving of a treat?” He shoves it wholly into his mouth and holds his hand out for another. You cast a suspicious glance at him before it breaks into a smile and you hand him two.
“Very. One for the road.” Your eyes are heavy while they watch him walk out the door. Hidden behind it to conceal your bare legs against the cool night. He can see his effect on you still, a glint under the tiredness from mauling each other for an hour. “See you around?” You ask around a yawn and he shrugs.
“Only if you wanna find me.” Outside after you turn off the light he stands there memorizing the number on your door and the sign on the corner before he starts on his way home, new fantasies filed away for his next run in with you.
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starsval · 1 year
you're losing me
remus lupin x reader
summary: remus giving you mixed signals. based on you're losing me by taylor swift.
word count: 1,1k
a/n: idek if i like this but i'll just post it. thanks to @myriadmoons for helping me write this, ily<3
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Stop, you’re losin’ me
“you’re so pretty” he’s practically on top of you, although the common room is empty. he’s touching your face, your hair, your hands. he sees you’re getting flustered and continues. “you don’t understand how pretty you are”
“remus” you wince, trying to get away from his hold.
“what, babe?” he says, almost mocking you.
“stop” you insist.
“stop what?” he hides in your neck, and you can feel the smirk growing on his face when your hand goes to his hair.
“this” he doesn’t seem to care, because he distances from you, puts his hand on the back of your neck, leaning in to kiss you.
when he pulls away, he leans his forehead on yours, and for a moment, it seems like he’s going to confess, like he’s going to say the three words you’re waiting for. 
but he doesn’t,
instead, he pulls away when he hears your friends walking in, he sits back on the couch, away from you, and starts reading like nothing happened.
Every mornin', I glared at you with storms in my eyes
How can you say that you love someone you can't tell is dyin'?
I sent you signals and bit my nails down to the quick
My face was gray, but you wouldn't admit that we were sick
you were sitting next to him, watching him lie on the infirmary bed, just like every month. 
"babe, stop doing that" you don't know when he woke up, you just know that his hand is on yours so you stop biting your nails. you immediately get up, grabbing his face so you can look at it. 
"how are you feeling?" he smiles, staring at your eyes. if only he could see the storms in them. 
"good" he replies as he grabs your waist, moving you to lie next to him. 
and you stay like that for a while, talking about nothing in particular, his hands on you all the time. 
once he feels better he gets up, slowly gathering his things. you walk him to the door, but you don't get out. 
"i think i'll stay here for a bit, i'm feeling sick" you look at him, and there's a bit of confusion in his eyes. 
"oh, okay" that's the last thing he says before leaving. 
Stop, you’re losin’ me
the next time he sees you, you're both at a party, and your friends aren't there yet. so he approaches you, takes a sip from your cup and puts his arms around you. 
"hi" he smiles. 
"hi" you smile back. 
"i love your outfit" he stares at it. 
"i could show you how much i love it in my room thought" he smirks when you blush. 
"okay" he replies, but he hugs you tighter. 
and you stay like that for a bit, but when he sees lily walking towards you he completely pulls away, and he disappears before you can say something. 
And the air is thick with loss and indecision
I know my pain is such an imposition
Now, you're running down the hallway
And you know what they all say
"You don't know what you got until it's gone"
when you walk out of the common room, he doesn't know whether to follow you or not. he stares at the now cold spot next to him, but he's not sure if he should follow you. 
when he sees you, you're drying your face. and he stares at the redness of them. 
"love, are you okay?" he sits next to you, on the hallway floor. 
"yes" he sighs, taking one of your hands in his. 
"if you need anything, i'm here, you know?" he explains, not staring at you. 
"i know" 
neither of you talk for a while, you staring at the wall in front of you, him staring at your hand on his. 
"i'm sorry that my pain is a burden" 
"your pain could never be an imposition" he assures you. 
"it's true, i mean it"
he says, but as soon as someone calls him from the end of the hallway, he gets up. 
"i'm sorry, i have to leave"
and you know you shouldn't care, you know you shouldn't go to his dorm later that day so you can go study together, you know you should just ignore him. but you go anyway. 
"you're going to study with mrs. moony?" you hear sirius ask remus, from outside the room. 
"stop fucking calling her mrs. moony, she's not my wife" you hear remus spat at sirius, and you think that you might just leave, that you don't want to listen to the whole conversation. 
"what the fuck is wrong with you?" sirius doesn't know you're there, but he's still offended. 
"she's just following me all the time, asking me if she can help me, she's just a people pleaser, like i would marry her" and that's when you decide that it's enough, that you don't want to keep listening, that you don't want to see him anymore. 
and he waits, he waits for you in the library, where you were supposed to meet. he waits until curfew. he waits until the next morning, when you're supposed to sit next to him during breakfast. he waits in class, where you're supposed to sit next to him. 
but you know what they all say, you don't know what you got until it's gone. 
Fighting in only your army, frontlines, don't you ignore me
I'm the best thing at this party (You're losing me)
And I wouldn't marry me either
A pathological people pleaser
Who only wanted you to see her
he approaches you again while you're choosing something to drink. 
"i like your outfit" he smiles. 
"stop" you walk away from him, making him frown. 
"you're losing me"
“what? c’mon, talk to me”
he follows you out of the party, to talk, he said, but when you want to, he doesn't listen. instead, he takes your cup out of your hand. 
"stop ignoring me!" you say when he starts looking around. 
"i'm not!" but then he looks at a couple who just walked out of the common room. 
"i'm the best thing at this party"
you're losing me
he doesn't talk, he just stares at you, that's when you feel the tears filling your eyes. 
"and i wouldn't marry me either, a pathological people pleaser" you chuckle, tears running down your face. "who only wanted you to see her"
you wait for him to say something, to apologize, to take his words back, to react, but he just stares at you. 
"Do something, babe, say something" (Say something)
"Lose something, babe, risk something" (You're losing me)
"Choose something, babe, I got nothing" (I got nothing)
"To believe, unless you're choosing me"
"do something, babe, say something" you insist, but he just looks at the floor. "lose something, risk something"
you're losing me
"chose something, love, i got nothing" you tell him, waiting for him to do something. 
to believe, unless you're choosing me
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kakujis · 1 year
you only call me on the weekend;
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warnings: afab!fem reader, situationship, unrequited feelings, oliver can't admit he loves you, praise, creamp*e, implied multiple rounds, that should be it! not proofread.
ft + wc: oliver aiku hehe. around 1.6k
a/n: you know, for a self proclaimed oliver fucker i sure don't write anything about him LMAO. anyway this has been rotting in my drafts since i read the shibuya arc, so i finally sat down and finished it. eep.
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you hate oliver aiku. you hate the missed calls, the times he’s stood you up, and the amount of times he’s left you on read. but when your phone chimed that night, his name etched across the brightly lit screen of your phone, you didn’t hesitate to open it. 
oliver♡: hey baby, you free tonight? 
don’t respond. don’t fall so easily. don’t give him what he wants. this is the mantra that you tell yourself every time he pops up, whenever the other girls he pursues turns him down and he tries to come crawling back to you for the sake of getting his dick wet. 
but you’re weak for him and that’s why you respond without fail every time. 
y/n: i might be. why? 
you bite your lip, fuck, you know why. 
oliver♡: i miss you, pretty girl. that’s why. let me come over, yeah? 
that stupid phrase has your thighs rubbing together and you can feel your resolve, what little you had anyway, cracking. 
y/n: mm, dunno. 
oliver♡: you don’t miss me? 
say no, your mind screams, for once, don’t let him get his way. 
y/n: …maybe a little. 
oliver♡: be there soon, <3. 
y/n: that doesn’t mean come over! 
you sigh, frowning and turning your phone off before tossing it to the side. you try to immerse yourself back into the show you were watching, but the prospect of oliver coming made your hands clammy and you’re unsure if it’s due to nerves or excitement.
there’s a knock on your door and your stomach drops, fuck that was fast. of course he was nearby, he knows you can’t say no. and that's the annoying part, that he was waiting nearby, planning, no, knowing that you would let him in.
as you walk over, you steel yourself, you’re gonna give him a piece of your mind this time. if he wants to keep fucking you, then he needs to put a little more effort in. yeah, that’s it, that’s what you’ll say. 
but as soon as the door opens, he’s on you. you can’t even get a syllable out before he’s slamming you against the wall and crashing his lips onto yours. he kisses you like he’s starving, like you’re the first meal he’s had in years.
you can barely breathe, the air sucked out of your lungs as he picks you up, your legs naturally curling around his waist, while your nails are digging into his shoulders as he turns and kicks the door shut. 
he’s fast, barely stumbling down the hallway as he walks you to the bedroom. throwing you down onto the bed, you’re given a moment of respite, gasping. 
“oliver-“ you try, but he’s back on you instantly, slipping his tongue in, while some drool runs from your mouth. he tugs at the waistband of your shorts, before sliding them off.
his fingers ghost your clothed pussy, groaning when he feels the wet patch on your undies. he leaves your mouth to leave sloppy, wet kisses across your cheek before he’s growling in your ear, “you’re always soaked when i’m around, aren’t you?” 
you whine out a needy and breathless, “mhm,” mind already hazy and resistance long gone. you tug at his shirt and he gives a light laugh, that makes your heart ache, before pulling it off. 
“your turn.” he says and you scramble to take yours off. “god, you’re so pretty.” he hums, hand trailing through the valley of your breasts, making you tremble. you burn under his hungry gaze, trying to look away, but he catches you. your chin caught between the pad of his thumb and pointer finger, “eyes on me.” 
you watch as he takes your panties off next, another hum of approval from him when he sees your glistening folds. he was right, you were soaked and eager, your body reacting to every touch or word he gives.
you hate oliver aiku. you hate how he makes you burn with the desire, how every touch of his hand across the expanse of your skin has you whimpering. you hate that he always knows what to say to keep you wrapped around his finger, his words keeping you collared to him. 
but god do you love the stretch of his thick cock as it slides into your dripping cunt, mewling as he sinks down, inch by inch. he grits his teeth as he bottoms out, stilling a bit to let you adjust, before he’s driving into you like he hasn’t seen you in years. 
sometimes, you think you were made for him. the way no other fling ever brings you as high as oliver does. his cock hits all the right places, your face contorted in pleasure as the slap! of skin against skin reverberates within the room. or maybe, you think like that because he tells you that. “fuck baby,” he hisses, “ah, you were fucking made for me, shit.” 
oliver knows you like the palm of his hand. he knows when you want him to talk to you sweetly. he knows when you want him to growl obscenities in your ear. but most of all, he knows you always want him to fuck you stupid. 
your whines are like music to his ears, as he thrusts into you, heavy balls against your ass. your head falls back against the pillow, eyes closing as you let the pleasure wash over you. but oliver tsks, hooking his thumb into your mouth and jerking it downward. your eyes fly open as he grunts, “i said, eyes on me.” 
“s-sorry,” you whimper, trying to maintain eye contact with him, “ah, fuck!” but you just can’t, each thrust against your sweet spot has your eyes rolling back. you feel his hand on the back of your head, making sure you can’t throw it back, he wants to see it all, every fucked out expression you’ll give him. 
it’s part of his ego to see you come undone on him. he loves that such a pretty thing like you lets him ruin you. in fact he craves it so much that he’s basically stopped sleeping around with others. he thinks you’re the cutest thing to cream on his cock, especially when you paw and whine that “ts too much!” 
unfortunately for him, he’s not gonna be able to hold back this time. the noises you’re making are too pretty and the clench of your pussy feels too good. he’s sure this is the closest to love he’s ever gotten. 
“‘m gonna,” you gasp, glassy eyes gazing up into his, “oliver, i’m-“ 
“i know, baby,” he coos, “you’re, ah, gonna cum right? cum for me, yeah?” 
it’s embarrassing how quickly you do, the legs wrapped around him trembling as you clench down on his cock, vision blurring. 
“that’s it,” he praises, fucking you through your high, “good fuckin’ girl.” and it’s not long til he’s coming undone too, groaning as he fills your pussy up, painting it in hot white ropes. 
he pulls you in and you squeak, before he’s pressing a deep kiss into your lips. it’s the first time he’s done this and you’re caught off guard by the intimacy. but you don’t fight it, closing your eyes as he gives you kiss after kiss. 
“let me stay the night.” he says in between kisses and you pull away, pushing his face back with your hand. you blink at him, perplexed. did he get hit in the head? not only has he not pulled out, but he’s even asking to stay the night? 
“… who are you and what have you done with oliver aiku?” but he laughs at your confused expression. 
“c’mon, i drove all the way here princess.” he teases and you tilt your head, brow furrowed. it’s annoying, as if you’ve never done that for him before. he’s not sure you notice the way that turns him on, but the blood’s already started rushing to his once softening cock. 
you do notice and you frown, “you just wanna fuck me again.” 
“what’s so wrong with that?” he asks and you groan, pushing him off hard enough that he slips out of you. you roll over, curling up into your side, feeling his seed drip onto the sheets. 
“ugh, just go away oliver. i need to take a shower.” you feel stupid, dumb, and a little used but you refuse to cry in his presence, making a mental note that you really need to cut things off. but settles in next to you, throwing his arms over you and pulling you close. 
“that’s not the only reason,” he sighs and your heart flutters,  “besides, have i ever told you you’re my favorite?” 
“not funny.” you deadpan, it’s stupid but your heart does feel a little lighter. you feel his hands wander over your body and you curse yourself for being so weak, feeling his stubble brush against your skin before he presses a kiss to your shoulder.
“i just wanna spend some time with you, i missed you.” he murmurs, breath hot on your ear. your breath hitches as he finds your puffy clit, rubbing slow, sticky circles. 
“fine… but only because i love you.” you whimper as you spread your legs for him again, giving in for the nth time. you hate oliver aiku, but only because you’re so stupid in love with him. he knows, but he bites back the urge to say it back and let you know that you don't have to worry about it. you're not just his favorite, but his one and only.
“good girl.” he growls, before hooking a hand on the back of your knee, spreading you wider. maybe one day he’ll say it back. 
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