#and she actually DOES work today (unlike me who does not which was my mom's og question)
altruistic-meme · 9 months
why do i ever assume my family communicates i KNOW they don't why do i ALWAYS fall for this
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do you think we'll be in love?
⋆˙⟡♡ (summary): Jason gets blindsided by Piper's solution to the scandals surrounding him.
⋆˙⟡♡ (warnings): nothing serious, slight cussing, mentions of cheating ig
⋆˙⟡♡ (notes): we're meeting Jason today!!! Also this fic is gonna be dual pov so we get Jason and reader (yay!!)
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⋆˙⟡♡ (taglist): @kozumesphone @mershellscape @solangelotus @angelscherryblossoms @urmomabby
@raikkxz @rae-and-mezo lmk if you want to be added/removed)
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Jason was frustrated as hell. The clowns in the media circus hounding on him over something that never actually happened. The allegations are ridiculous. How does anyone think he would do that?
The metallic clang of the ball hitting the bat satisfied a small itch in the back of his brain. The ball went soaring, slamming into the padded wall. The ball ricocheted before falling and rolling back towards him.
He sighed heavily and grabbed another ball before, his manager's voice cut through the air. He turned around, leaning against the metal poles holding up the batting cage.
"I'm not going to waste any time protecting your fragile dignity. We have a meeting to get to." Piper said, the eyeliner on her eyes sharp enough to kill a man.
"A meeting for what? Why should I have to fix my reputation because some girl decided to tell the paps I'm a cheater?" Jason grumbled, only feeling slightly guilty he was giving her an attitude. She didn't do anything wrong but he was in a bitchy mood.
"Get that stick out of your ass and come on. She is already antsy, don't want to make her wait any longer."
Something curious (and scary) about his manager is how convincing she is without doing much of anything. It was helpful when she used it for Jason and scary when she used it on him.
"Alright, alright." Jason replied, taking off his helmet and trying to wipe the sweat from his forehead. Eventually he just decided it would be best to take his shirt off, he was overheating anyway.
Jason used his shirt to wipe off some of his sweat as they worked. Sure, it might seem unprofessional of him to do all that but he had known Piper for years so what was the point? It didn't make him lose any intelligence (yes Jason was well aware of the double standard with women)
Then he grabbed a t-shirt (spares he always kept handy with how much he sweats) and put it on. He had no idea who this girl was, so he didn't want to walk in shirtless.
Before they entered the conference room, Piper grabbed Jason and pushed him down to her height. Her eyes set into a stern glare as she threatened, "Be on your best behavior."
Jason was surprised by the threat, since he wasn't exactly known as an asshole (unlike the baseball manager for one of the opposite teams, Octavian.)
Either way, he straightened up and said, "Yes, mom." before barging into the conference room.
"You." Jason growled, his lighting blue eyes sparking with hatred. Oof, not a fun look to be the target of. But you were used to it (or you used to be used to, when you were still in school together.)
"Surprised to see me?" You asked, the grin on your face hiding the fact your question was genuine. You'd assumed Jason would know about whatever this meeting was about instead of what is actually going on. (What is going on?)
Before Jason could say anything, Piper grabbed his arm and gave him a stern look. He frowned and sat down as far from you as he could. Such a petty weirdo.
"Have you heard about the scandal?" Piper asked you, her expression softening greatly. She seemed nice- as least when she wants to be.
You shook your head, feeling slightly embarrassed you had no idea. Even though it wasn't like you kept up with the Grace fandom. Regretfully, you knew there was a fandom for Jason Grace.
"Well, a few days ago the paparazzi decided to spread some rumors that Jason cheated on his ex girlfriend." Piper explained, speedily pulling up articles on her tablet, "Which made some rumors circulate about what else he could be cheating on."
You wanted to laugh at how dumb it sounded. Jason cheating on someone? He may suck but he's not a sleazebag and anybody who was capable of thought would be able to realize that. Of course you didn't laugh since you were supposed to be professional and all.
"And how am I supposed to help?" You asked after regaining your computer (miraculously managing to not laugh.) Piper smiled, a small glint of mischief behind her brown eyes.
"If you and Jason date and show that he would never cheat on you, hopefully you'll stop the rumors from spreading further and escalating enough to kick him off the team." Piper explained, her voice completely calm and relaxed.
You exclaimed, "What the peanut butter?!" while Jason said shocked, "Excuse me?"
He turned to look at you, nose scrunched almost in disgust, "Peanut butter? Are you five years old?"
You rolled your eyes and replied snappily, "No, I'm actually an immortal who's 100 years old."
Piper cleared her throat, demanding the return of your attention. As much as you would have enjoyed insulting Jason, you had to pay attention to Piper.
"As much ad I love the banter, I need you two to focus. I know you both hate each other or whatever childish nonsense is happening with you both, but that's perfect to sell to the paps." Piper explained, "Enemies to lovers? The fans will eat it up like its a five star meal."
"Well, why should I help? I don't gain anything from this." You replied, raising your eyebrow. Jason rolled his eyes and looked away, just in time to miss the fact you stuck your tongue out at him. Was it dumb and preschool type behavior? Yes, but you didn't care much.
"We are willing to commission you for your part in this deal." Piper answered, "I'm sure you'd get enough money to fix up your studio, your apartment too maybe."
You were too focused on the prospect of getting money you need so greatly, you didn't stop to think how she knew your dance studio needing fixing up.You knew money didn't buy happiness but you were certain it would help a lot with your life. Trying to seem less desperate from some extra cash, you casually agreed.
"Alright, now that is settled you're welcome to your day." Piper explained, cheerful that you had agreed to the plan. she handed you a paper, saying, "Here is my number and Jason's number in case you need either of us. We'l be in contact shortly to fine tune the details."
Jason stood up and walked away, Piper following behind him. You stalled for a moment, processing what has just happened. It was insane and terrible but also exciting. You hated Jason but this was a good opportunity. You could get publicity for your dance studio and maybe some donations to keep the non profit running.
This was turning out to be a good thing, surprisingly enough.
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aubreysheadspace · 1 year
hii, how are you? hope you're doing good! so, could i request headcanons with omori main cast where reader got sick? (or, if you think it would be easier to write, it can be whee reader is the youngest in the group and how characters would treat them)
anyways, don't worry if you need to reject it for some reason! take care and i love your account! :(( 💝
WAAA hi hi I’ve been doing good! tysm for asking you’re too sweet <33 I’ll do your first request since it’s the one you requested in the first place <:] hope u enjoy!!~
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SUNNY is a bit dumbfounded when it comes to his partner being sick
he’s not sure what medicine to use at all, they all look the same
please, PLEASE tell him which one it is
he doesn’t know much about taking care of someone who’s sick
but he does know that you need rest, tons of it
let him make you rest on his bed, i promise it’s comfortable
or if you’re sick at your own house, SUNNY will make sure you’re not getting up from your bed
"SUNNY— SUNNY please i have to pee." you exclaim earning a head shake from said-boy. he keeps you on the bed and makes sure you don’t get up.
when he actually gives you medicine, he does it pretty okay
except for that one time where he accidentally drops a lot of the liquid medicine onto the floor from the spoon he had
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another slightly clueless one
AUBREY never usually got sick, and when she did she usually relied on either one of her friends to help her when she was younger
except for KEL, definitely except for KEL
so when she comes over to your house and finds you in bed, she’s a bit clueless at first
"hey, you gonna stay in bed all day or what? we’re gonna go out on our scooters, you don’t wanna miss that." AUBREY said with a huge smirk on her face, referring to the HOOLIGANS.
"…AUBREY, i’m sick." "oh"
well, now she’s staying at your house just to keep you company n stuff
whatever you ask of her, and only if it’s to help you get better, she’ll get it
she’ll definitely call you out if you want her to get a bag of chips or something
"[READER], a bag of chips is not gonna make you feel better, I’m not stupid!"
she would gladly do the honors of giving you medicine,
and if you don’t wanna drink the medicine, too damn bad!
she needs you up and ready to hang around, she can’t have you lying in bed all day just because you’re sick
…she never admits it though
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he’s becoming a doctor instead of a chef just for his parents.. he’s the most capable one out of the group.
he checks your temperature, makes sure you’re in bed at most times (actually letting you get up to go pee unlike SUNNY), and gives you proper medicine
if you’re missing out on school work, he’ll definitely do it for you!
he wants to make sure you make a full recovery!
he’ll keep a distance to make sure he doesn’t get sick as well
he’s a bit slightly strict on you if you don’t wanna take your medicine
"[READER] if you don’t take your medicine, you’ll get even more sick! you don’t want that, do you?" HERO said in a tone of worry, his smile a bit uneasy. however, you’re a bit stubborn.
"i’d rather be sick than drink that! it tastes gross every-time i do!" you protested, earning a disappointed head shake and a groan from HERO.
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if you though SUNNY was worse,
oh boy.
well, KEL tries his hardest for this but uh.. maybe get his own brother for stuff like this
he always asks HERO for help though, since he’s the future doctor!
so when you’re in bed trying to rest, it gets boring.. well not if you’re with KEL!
he’ll show up to your house and talks up a storm with you for hours and hours, telling you about his day and all other things!
he’ll do the talking so you don’t have to if your throat hurts! isn’t he nice?
"oh, oh! i also played outside my house with HECTOR today! i kept throwing the ball for him for about a few hours until my mom called me in for lunch! oh and my lunch was so good! it was—"
KEL will actually at least feed you the medicine like a baby
if you refuse the medicine, he’ll puff his cheeks angrily and say that he will hold in his breath again UNLESS you take it
if you’re still stubborn, KEL will have no choice but to give up and breathe again
but please just take the medicine, he won’t stop even after he catches his breath again
KEL is also stubborn, and you can’t possibly beat him at being stubborn
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the third most capable one
POLLY gave him a few tips on how to take care of someone being sick
so when he comes over to your house, he’ll absolutely try his best
he’ll make you some soup, something POLLY recommended
he isn’t used to cooking, but he’ll try his best with it just for you!
at least tell him the soup doesn’t taste good
he doesn’t want you feeling worse because of his mediocre cooking skills
he would ask HERO for tips on cooking, but he doesn’t want to leave you all alone!
and PLEASE take the medicine
BASIL is a pushover and he really wants you to take the medicine
if you refuse it at first, he’d be a bit sad but won’t give you the medicine if you really don’t want it
but he’ll be really worried, so don’t make him worry and just take the medicine
"o-okay [READER]! it’s time to take your medicine." BASIL softly spoke up, already pouring the medicine on the spoon and bring the spoon closer to you.
however, you bring your head back and shake your head no. "eugh, no way..! sorry, BASIL, but it always taste gross every time!"
"but.. but if you don’t take it.. you’ll feel even worse and.." BASIL makes up and excuse, but he doesn’t want to force you. he sighs a bit and sets the spoon on the desk next to you. "a-alright.. okay..!"
okay.. now you feel bad, you eventually struck up the bravery and takes the medicine. it tasted.. absolutely gross but BASIL looks happy now!
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the second most capable one out of the group
she learns most things from HERO of course, but her caring nature just makes it even better
she’ll show up to your house with a bunch of things in a bag to keep you from getting bored!
and just like with HERO, if you’re missing school work, she’ll definitely help you with it!
if you refuse the medicine she offers, oh man
it’s like you WANT to be teased.
"come on, [READER]! drink your medicine, its veryyy good for you!~" MARI spoke the last part in a slightly singing voice to tease you. however, you’re stubborn and you refuse to take the medicine.
"sorry MARI, but no way! it tastes really gross every time i do!" you protested, only earning a smug MARI look. she then holds up the spoon in her hands and moves it around up and down, bring it closer to your lips
"look here, [READER]!~ here comes the airplane!~" MARI teased once more with the same smug smile on her lips. "wh— MARI!" you stammered, being taken aback by MARI being.. MARI. in the end, you had no choice and took the medicine.
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
also thank u for ur tags on the kylilah wedding fic i'm ;A; waAaAaAAAA meliora crying.png ilysm
TY I LOVE YOU and i love abusing these gush passes so much when i'm like "i need to write a whole essay right now to express my feelings or i will set myself on fire" so guess what you're about to get.
But anyhows~ of course!! ^7^ kylilah wedding fic was just so cute how could I resist reading all of it and commenting? the writing was just so beautiful and so perfect ;; v;;
I accidentally went off to Sophia about Birthright!Leo specifically and yes, sure, I haven't touched Fates in a while (last time I did I'm pretty sure it was for. March? OR FOR LEO'S BIRTHDAY ACTUALLY.), and I genuinely thought I forgot everything tbh because of fixation on coughs Other Matters coughs but talking to Sophia and watching myself slip a bunch of thoughts made me go "ohhhh oh no you're still insane about Fates and Leo specifically... cool cool cool cool-"
Something that'll always come to mind when it comes to Leo is just how much internal conflict the guy must have with feeling like he has to Fit A Specific Function to matter to anyone but also wanting to have someone to talk to - someone who wouldn't put him down for being "weak." And when the "fitting a specific function" is the "reliable one" or the "strong one", then it becomes hard to really allow himself a chance to really allow himself to be vulnerable. He basically creates his own issues this way and it sucks more because I feel like this only gets worse for Birthright!Leo who later becomes king and now the whole country's relying on him. Like how does that play out for a guy with his whole complex exactly?
There was a "work in progress" fic that I had wanted to write that basically was supposed to be a snapshot of his life growing up, following after him and this Need to be Needed, coming from his time with his mom and the way I thought about how she must have raised him and how that plays into who he is today, but I think that fic got shot up in flames due to New Knowledge Acquired That Made Me Want To Stab the Fic With a Knife. normal. real normal snow. Which I will not get into because I actually didn't finish the whole context because I was just eheh~ a littleeee~ mad but that's fine lmao we're fine lolololol we're totally cool 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼(sobbing on the floor)
He's very fun to write for this reason though. Finding ways to balance out between this internal struggle at a given situation makes him very very attractive to write lol At least I try my best to do so anyhow haha I don't necessarily feel that my writing does him a disservice, but I do feel like it borders between weighing in too much into certain aspects of his character instead of holding the true weight he has, but that's a conflict I'm willing to put up with if it means getting to explore his character a little more in my head lmao
And sorry to track back, but I also think a lot about like. the affection with his family. I think a lot about how in his support with Corrin and Camilla, he expresses how much he wished to have the same attention that Corrin does; he just isn't sure how to do it unless the emotions were bubbling from his mouth and he speaks at a breaking point, to which he'll try to mend it with a "Apologies. That was unlike me. Anyways-" and tries to move onto something else LITERALLY JUST TALK DUDE!!!!!! COMMUNICATE WHAT YOU NEED!!!!!!!!!!
But he doesn't. He doesn't because time's told him that if he voices his own weakness he will get punished for it. It's something that I had contemplated specifically about how he was raised by his mom, and only to find out that that is also something he was raised to believe within the royal family (via the voice drama that I had to actually stop watching because I was just sad). He can't allow himself to be weak because he is always expected to be strong.
And for that reason, the name "Leo" is very fitting for him, I think. There's a really really good fanartist's comic on his name and it definitely contributed to the way I appreciate his naming and temporarily served as inspiration for the way I was going to take the fic, but you know. Didn't go anywhere.
I also just wish he knew he was loved. It's very clear his family loves him, but the way he was raised misconstrues this "love" for "shame". Yes we all tease Leo because he's so strict on himself and it's nice to see him have little flaws here and there. We poke fun at it and all, but how does that feel for Leo who's probably had his flaws shamed most if not all his life? It's the reason why he's so strict on himself after all, and they wonder why it is he's so strict on himself.
Anyways. Long story short, and quite the winding road, I love Leo's character a lot. I kinda forgot how much I did until Sophia and my conversation kinda wandered over to Fates talk and then Leo and I had to sit down and cry for like. Several paragraphs apparently about it
And the thing is, I'm not exactly sure if this is all intentional writing or if I just fixated so hard and made stuff up that this is the version that makes the most sense to me for his character. At the very least, all of this serves as the backbone to the way I write him. And as I said: it's very fun :)
But anyways, TY for the ask
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basedkikuenjoyer · 7 months
Any Title Would Sound Like a Prince Song
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Nami...thank you for incidentally making my favorite little gag moment in the arc so on point for today. I'll admit I have incorporated the fearsome Future Kick into my repertoire and use it on my boyfriend. A flower made of jewels would really solve my entire conundrum here. Bonney & Kiku. It didn't take me long to point out how well Jewelry Bonney could pick up the thread Kiku weaves through Wano. I literally did when she popped out of the water bubble.
Now that she's been properly utilized, it's time to evaluate. Yesterday's chapter review touched on this. Unlike the mirror opposite dynamic with Yamato, Bonney just tracks more and more with Kiku's odd role in this story. But there's still a couple of nagging questions. Let's take a day to take stock:
So first of all it's worth a refresher. We were already looking at the fact Kiku has a lot of untapped potential and the right background for a Quartermaster before Wano ended. Which it did, but not without playing heavily into the core aspects of how that would work and leaving Kiku conspicuously open-ended. Egghead didn't take long to set up a couple of things that could still leave that door open, and through that lens her story could be seen as being "kept warm" by elements consistently floating around. A theory at least somewhat bolstered by the Academy spinoff blatantly setting up the same shell game with Kiku & Yamato. A type of twist that works well with the classy, unassuming lady.
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Enter Bonney. I had reservations but always thought she fit the bill for someone who could sensibly take that torch. Problem was, she was on the backburner for much of Egghead. An arc now about as long as Punk Hazard. Now that she's back in the limelight she actually is getting the right kind of build for that same role. Not to mention Ginny fitting it to a T. Like I said yesterday, it works for Kiku as the imposing but sweet big sister. A wifey vibe almost. Bonney is more the sharp-tongued, bossy little sister. These both just...work on this fundamental character design level. It's that idea you need to fit a role on the crew but also in an anime ensemble. Both have some "special" markers and both are fairly popular faces with solid stories already. Stories that have good prior hooks to justify a late addition.
Tale of Two Hannya, point with Kiku & Yamato is that Wano is almost a kind of jidaigeki double feature. When a core theme seems to be what we want to do vs. what we feel like we have to do...you gotta wonder about our author doing the same thing. The two split Luffy's story, mirror opposites, why would you ever focus on flashy but flawed here for half the arc over humble with hidden depths always at the edge of the limelight? Now...we're moving on to a sci-fi B movie with something different for Bonney. She's the same thing. Could fill the same role. Can't fault her for being a hothead here because it's not unlike Kanjuro and we've seen Bonney be the level head.
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If you ask me, what will be the most telling is what happens when we get back. Are we jumping into the same scene? Bonney could collect herself and show a superhuman amount of composure made all the more compelling by knowing how young she is. Last arc the Supernova buddies took down Big Mom. Bonney could believably show out, girl threw a nasty kick at Luffy and tanked one from the Frontier Dome. If Egghead pulls it again and does something weird with our return to the main story? Then you gotta go back to asking who threads the needle on these vignettes we've jumped through.
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
the comments i got for wishing ellefson well on his new endeavor (seriously, it’s amazing. i am wholly impressed, such that i want an apology from this fandom.)
and my mother is on my case again - something about... i don’t know, i tuned out most of it because she literally rants about the same nonsense over and over and over again, from things not getting done because i lose track of time sometimes and i get bored easily to my stepbrother and his girlfriend barely lifting a finger around here. i feel that everyone should pitch in, too, but you complaining about this crap when i actually try to do better and you being unwilling to listen to me rather than feeling grateful for me is the real problem, and the real joke, too, like... really? you’re getting mad at me when i’m working as hard as you, probably more? and just because i don’t get paid doesn’t mean that i don’t take it seriously? it’s not like you like my art, but like... c’mon. (and really, she’s lucky i didn’t move out back in 2017, which was a possibility i was genuinely considering). apparently, my stepdad’s mom was demanding and i’ve heard my mom say, a number of times no less, that she’s going to become like her. i didn’t really like her in the brief time i got to meet her (i found her rather judge-y), but if there was any compliment i could give to my stepdad’s mom, it was that she was being sincere about it. taking care of this house was more or less her job and she wanted people to help her. she had every reason to be demanding if someone else was here. so when my mom does it, complete with a side of “this is my house, i should do whatever i want with it, i feel disrespected” (when it technically isn’t her house for reasons i’m not going to parse out here), it not only feels incredibly disingenuous, but it makes her that much more unlikable. my mother is just... really unlikable - and heaven help you if you say something like that to her face (so add “incredibly insecure” to that, too).
i was in such a good mood this morning, too, and a better mood than i have been in the last week or so. i thought i was going to continue my streak of two chapters a day today (i am, but i’m gonna be down to the wire, though, and it’s probably going to be rather short, too, it’s just sam, alex, and belinda talking), but instead, i’m having to force myself to focus on what i want to do all because i have an ungrateful, insecure, neurotic mother who’s one to talk about not living right. i’m having to force myself to focus because pricks on the internet wouldn’t know maturity from their own ass.
happy thoughts.
think happy thoughts.
take me back to my happy place.
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happy thoughts.
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thoughts oh fuck me sideways
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ic3qu33n · 10 months
I realized that I needed to post something that isn’t private for once. I was having a little bit of a mental health situation that sometimes I need to work out on my own. I feel much better now. So finally here is:
“What is your parents story?”
pt.2 “my mom”
My mom is the second oldest of 4 children and the oldest daughter. Unlike my father she wasn’t abandoned but she was sheltered to a point of almost being in prison. My mom was born with blonde hair, hazel eyes and pale skin. To her mother she was as perfect as a porcelain doll. My grandmother treated my mom as if she were so fragile. She dressed my mom up in cute dresses, shiny shoes and always wore ringlets in her hair. My mom could play outside. My mother wasn’t allowed to have pets… let me back track a little bit. My grandmother was a very vain woman. She called herself the “Spanish Elizabeth Taylor”. She wore her hair short like Elizabeth and always dressed elegantly, she was always following the latest fashion trend. My grandmother never wore tennis shoes or tshirts and jeans. (even well into her 80’s she only wore pant suits and dressed as if she was going to a business meeting). From other family members I heard my grandmother was the woman that men would obsess about. She loved to go to dance. Thats how she met my grandfather. He was a marine, actually from Arizona and was home visiting before be stationed to Hawaii. They married quickly and had their son (moms older brother). Now this is the first rumor that follows my mom well into her 60’s until I do a DNA test that proves otherwise. My grandmother was pregnant before my grandfather left to be stationed in Hawaii. But my grandmother supposedly had an affair with another man she met at a dance. (Mr. B) So when she started to show after my grandfather left everyone in the family started the rumor and told my mother her whole life that she was a product of an affair. My mom being born fair skin and not looking like either parents she was treated differently. My grandmother became obsessed with the beautiful baby she had and kept her to herself. Soon after my grandfather had returned home. He loved my mother and said she looked like his mother (which we all know now he wasnt lying). Unfortunately my grandfather was killed in a car accident when my mom was only 5 months old. Everyone was upset but none more that her older brother who was 5 at the my grandfather passed away. He blamed my mom for whatever reason and tried to hurt my mom on many occasions. Then one time my grandmother finally kept him away from my mom when he tried to drown my mother in her bath. He was sent to live with family and my grandmother saw him every few days. My mom was 3 when my grandmother remarried. When my grandmother was pregnant with her 3rd child she finally had her eldest son move back home. He was almost 10 (4 1/2 years he lived with family) My uncle still had a resentment towards my mother, when she was 12 he threw a stick in her front wheel on her bike and she crashed into a light pole and then my mom had to had surgery done to her eye and this is where she starts wearing glasses. This is also when my grandmother stops letting my mom play outside. She’s not allowed to get dirty or hurt. So she stays inside and reads books by a window. (Today this is all my mom does, read books) she not allowed to have pets because they might maul her (which as an adult my mom bring home any and all animals she “finds”). My moms life became like that of a caged bird. Pretty and protected/ sheltered.
Anyway we will fast forward to when my mom meets my father, they were 19. My mom wasn’t impressed with my dad at first. But when she knew my grandmother hated him, she married him. Now my mom and dad are in this toxic relationship.
My parents both came from a very hostile, cold and distant family unit. So one thing they told us (their children) growing up was that they would always be there for us no matter if we are the biggest fuck ups in the world… we would never be turned away or abandoned.
Anyway there is so much to type out but I will end this here… I’m sure you will learn a lot about my family over time…my family will pop up in a lot of my “writing”.
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karmalogi · 1 year
About a man named Kafka and a wish of poor young lady.
Just like that, another call from home had been rejected. Of course, I could pick it up and took my minutes to hear what mom wanted to said but, no. Her noise would be another sound that resonated in my head, a signal of misery and guilt for being a mortified failure.
I was born poor, and my heart was growing up in poverty of unharmonious dynamic in one household. None other than to lift my social status, which was unlikely to happen later on. I lived the life of someone who was acted enough for anything, while my mother tried to make me feel like it, but I grew up tired of making something that never fated to be in my family line.
You know, I barely tasted a taste of privilege; both money and love. Even having a meal of cheap meat is best privilege I could have, and I was grateful—needed to be so in love with that kind of gratitude until I wanted to puke. Being a small, pretty girl in wealthy clothes was sickened me out. l was so poor, until my plate never been filled with love and affection from my hard-working mom.
I am hungry, so does my mom. But she wasn’t like me, instead she always wanted to eat something else, that other people always had in their table. More sickening.
My mom that I loved and hated, the society that I loved in, and people. Romance was very expensive to get and I didn’t want to devour it. Even for once.
Society is walking a prolonged path of pain and fake skin. And I could say, bravely, that it would kill me faster than my suicide. Yes, the final way to end my suffer. I never wanted my mom to be poorer by having an useless money spender (in my scenario, not being alive is better) and I don’t want to act like an useful tool for my household anymore.
Late night, I was drawing another star upon my centimeters line of scars, all alone. Just smothered my ego to hurting myself that actually still scared about taking my own life. Not that long until another call made its way to be in my line. It was from him, a man with honey-like smile. Yes, that man named Kafka. That time, I didn’t even hesitant to pick up his phone and said hello as a response.
Someone who once came back then in months, like a sudden wave of emotions, that made me alive with a beautiful arch on his face. I wished I was dead at that time, but turned I was not. My heart was so much alive with his beat, though I knew I supposed to be away from that kind of feeling.
“Come to the beach tomorrow morning, Esther.” He said it with giggles that sounded so polite in my ears. His voice… tickled my ears with fluttering joy I barely got. “As per usual. I think I need to see you again today.”
Oh, just by hearing his laughter already made me wonder about having him as a wondrous privilege that I never had. So I said yes, and wrapped up another night deranged night of mine.
I know, I always know—it is illegal to want something that never could be in my reach, but what if I could hope more, when his presence is pretty much alive, in one inch closer to me?
His smile is bright as always. Even for today, I wished him to be something that makes me stand as a wealthy woman. Love is so expensive but I get capable to give my all to him sincerely, along with and bouquet of flowers I often make featured tons of devotion to him. To preserve his smile in my keepsakes forever, to walk beside him for evermore.
Will he hold my heart until my death comes?
The karmafeith, 2023.
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frozendeity17 · 1 year
Aaallll fifty of them, in order, punk! :p
Alright, here we go:
Lumity and Percabeth. Yes, I know TOH just ended and TLT won't be coming out for a hot sec, no I do not care.
Never had one specific color, though I've definitely always preferred cooler colors. Used to love greens, but now indigoes, violets, and dark blues are more my style. Still love a good forest green though.
All of the quotes on that one doc abt unlikely posts. Also, "I think it's silly to be ashamed of your art because it's not in a museum and of your voice because it's not selling out stadiums. There will always be people who enjoy and appreciate what you can do." -Tumblr user venuskissed
Private. I'm not one to share my birthday.
Also private. Not today, fae fuck.
See #4.
Honestly, I don't know. I think I give them in all of their forms, but as for receiving, I think affirmation is what does it for me. Might be physical contact though, I do love hugs.
Probably a drama, I did like How to Get Away With Murder, even if I only got through the first season and a bit. Designated Survivor was awesome too.
Spain, for one. I don't know what it is about the place, but it has a charm about it for me. Maybe it's the weather. Aside from that, Greece and Italy would be awesome. I'm a little bit of a mythology nerd, so seeing all of the temples and wonders built for these ancient gods sounds like an awesome experience. If I could choose more, Norway and Iceland are both incredibly beautiful places, and I do kind of prefer the cold. Also, I've always wanted to see the aurora borealis in person.
Ooph, this one is difficult. There are a lot of great scents out there. Vanilla's a long-standing favorite, I remember once bringing a bottle of it to school once to show to my friends. Cinnamon rolls smell delicious, as does that smell from the candles we always used to buy. It might've been sandalwood, but I've never been quite sure. Also, there's this one perfume my mom's worn for as long as I can remember - it's a little too sharp to be entirely pleasant, but it's flowery, and nostalgic for me.
"City of Angels" by Em Beihold. She also wrote the trending songs "Numb Little Bug" - the "Do you ever get a little bit tired of life" one - and dueted "Until I Found You" with Stephen Sanchez. I think her songs "Too Precious" and "12345" are also really good.
Stalker. But seriously, probably one of the places listed in #9, or back home, as I have some stuff to do there.
Vanilla. Most pure chocolate ice creams have a bad aftertaste.
Donuts. I don't know what it is about cake, but I've never seemed to like it all that much, even the good ones. It is, honestly, my least favorite dessert that I'll actually eat - I even like eclairs, which are literally just pastry around messy whipped cream that gets everywhere, more than cake. I particularly hate it with that weird gel writing on it. Just...urgh. Donuts are chill tho, and I'll never turn down a solid frosted with sprinkles or Boston Creme.
Black. It's reliable, doesn't stain easily, works well in formal outfits, doesn't show sweat stains, and works on most complexions. Also, I never really wear much color regardless. I would miss that one blue dress shirt I really like - it's comfy as hell.
Haven't read one in ages, despite my massive TBR, but off the top of my head, probably "With great power comes great need to take a nap," by Nico di Angelo from PJO, if only because of how ridiculous yet true it is.
If I can't handle myself In a fight, I'm not subjecting any of y'all to that.
Ice cream. It's more reliable and easily accessible for me, and frankly, cotton candy is too dry as a dessert.
A famous engineer, hopefully. Being an author would be cool, too.
I do not have pet peeves, I am a pet peeve.
Basic Bitch. I suck at fashion and aesthetics and currently have neither the desire nor the capability to improve. My wardrobe is composed entirely of thin shorts, tracksuit pants, and t-shirts, with a singular formal suit. Might try to start painting my nails soon, see how that goes.
As prideful as it may sound, my intelligence. I don't have much street sense, to say the least, but I have a good factual memory, am good at logic puzzles, and am a quick reader, and I'm rather proud of that.
Saturday. Nothing to occupy that day, nor the day after. It's excellent. My favorite weekday? Probably Thursday. Dunno why, it just vibes the best.
I am SUCH a bad night owl. I don't even know why, I always regret it in the mornings too. I guess it's just kinda freeing, not having the expectations.
Neither, hot chocolate reigns supreme.
This is the first half, the second half to come, as Tumblr apparently has a character limit.
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Nov 7
so, every time that i go home i go home with a long list of things that i want to complete. over the summer, it was getting my license, maintaining my job, working on selling earrings again. i always overwhelm myself when i make these kinds of lists. i feel like, though it gives me a reasonably list of things to do, it gets really overwhelming, and i don't know how to process each of the things on the list and i can't get things done.
during my leave, i wanted my list of things to do to be short, but it always gets longer because of the expectation that i will have free time to be willing to do other things, like spending time with my extended family and making dentist appointments and going to check in. my initial list was simple: get a therapist. i've been working through my insurance and i know that i've only been home for two days, but i want this to kind of be a done deal and it's not. i'm sitting and consistently waiting for responses on things. because there are very few official tasks that i need to do, i am very bored. my friends that are here are in school, and i don't want to be a distraction from people who actually could deal with struggling with their mental health while they are in college.
today, i think that i just slept and avoided my mom. i forgot that she stresses me out sometimes and it makes it stressful, especially because i know that she's not going to get my little quirks as well as the people that i have only lived with for a couple of months-- how i like the actual instant white rice and how i like to spend time talking about some levels of politics, and that i like not being referred to as a daughter or a girl or a she. i watched kids cartoons and i finally got the motivation to go eat some basmatti rice (after washing and soaking it properly unlike my sister does). i kind of wish that i had saved some of the water as a hair rinse for the future, but it's okay, maybe the next time that i spend time washing the rice. i didn't really wat to eat, but one of my goals is to eat more meals per day so i can feel a bit better and have a bit more energy, but it is very difficult for me to manage to eat more than once or twice a day because my dietg is so restricted and i like my food to be exactly as i want it or i won't eat it. it's hard for my mom to understand why a 20 year old wants to live off of grilled cheese and apple sauce, but as long as i don't think about those foods too much, i am completely satisfied with it. I don't know if that is something that i want to explain because it goes back to therapy and the diagnosis process for autism which is frustrating and scary as someone who is afab and a black person. i have had so many feelings about it recently.
so tonight, i am going to do my voter research and hope that it doesn't stress me out, do some origami as a birthday gift for my friend and my (fake) girlfriend. i'm also going to listen to some music or a podcast while i do. i kind of want to take a long drive and listen to a full podcast, but i'm not sure if that is something in the cards at the moment.
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gvflogs · 2 years
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yesterday, as i was scrolling through my facebook feed, i saw my blockmate posting her acceptance letters as a inspiration for upcoming grade 12 shs students. to be enough, at first i thought she was plainly bragging, mainly because this has been my mindset na mapanglait HAHAHA. kidding aside, today i realized that maybe it does pay off to post all those acceptance letters, so today i do the same but on tumblr kasi medj may hiya pa naman ako HAHAHHA.
during 11th grade, i came to a conclusion that i was going to study of psychology as it fit my line of interest, and i was heavily inspired my adviser who is an actual psychometrician and psychologist. this was mostly influenced from what i was going through; the loss of my dad during the pandemic. his sickness brought me into curiosity and i had this mindset that if i could help people in my own way for them not to lose their loved ones this day, i could help people avoid the feeling of pain and grief that i went through. and also because of my brother who actually has a medical illness.
this then led me to applying to the courses psychology & behavioral sciences with communications as my back-up course. requesting for documents was a long ride since of course it was not only me who was requesting for the documents needed. remembering this, i’d like to thank my previous school’ registrar, my adviser, classmates and mom for helping me in the best ways they can. as we were working hard to finish our last year of highschool, we were working our way as well to basically get out of there HAHAHHAAHH. i mainly applied only to the named big four universities with my friends and families influence. all except ADMU which i canceled because of laziness, which i really regret. time flew so fast that as we continued doing requirements throughout the school year, then came the time of the results.
UST results came out first, and after taking the second screening exam i was deemed as qualified. i remember mentioning on my 18th birthday that i will be pursuing my studies there since i guess it was my shs totga ?? and mostly because of ulolquack. about a month later DLSU results came out and after realizing that my course at UST won’t get me to the career i hoped for, i decided to forfeit my slot and now continue at DLSU. oh and by the way, it doesn’t end here yet HAHAHAHAH. the last of all universities, UP. sadly, i didn’t get accepted nor waitlisted in any of the campuses or courses. I thought it would be the end of it, after not being able to pass in the scholarship of DLSU i just couldn’t bear the thought of my mother paying almost 200k for 4 years just to finish my education. until, one morning in july appeals opened for UP and as a very impulse decision just to test my luck in hopes of getting in my dream school.
after days of waiting, i was informed by diwa that my appeal has been approved for organizational communication, which was the course i decided to take at the last minute. i was contemplating to take it since i preferred taking behavioral science, making me almost refuse this offer. but as i’m writing this, after just receiving my UP mail i did accept the offer and i’ve never been more happier.
the people here were so welcoming and kind, unlike in DLSU where there weren’t really assigned students to guide us and just heavily relied on the other students. despite having to go through the long process of introducing, rebranding and getting to know new people once more, it was all worth it to go through. and, i hope its not too early to say this, but i think i’ve finally found my home.
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volleychumps · 4 years
Congrats on 3k!! SO its canon that Osamu loves onigiri n even opens his iwn shop in the future, I want to request a scenario where Osamu meets this girl who chill n nonchalant n loves onigiri(n all food!) just like him and isnt interested in him like all the other fangirls yk n hes just slowly falls in love yk hehe (set in high school pls!) Thank you!! I love ur blog!
Aight bet- I’m finally working on this piece skfkjdsfkjsdf
Genre: Fluff, one-shot 
Warning(s): mild cursing, mild nsfw themes at the end 
Foodie. (Osamu Miya) 
- the one in which your love for food perks Osamu Miya’s interest- 
“Whoaa, Samu- why so much today?” Suna sweat drops at the sight of his friend’s lunch box as the gray-haired boy runs a hand through his fringe, shrugging lightly as his friend pulls up a seat to eat lunch with him at his desk. Breaking his chopsticks apart, his voice falls to a casual tone. 
“Took ‘Sumu’s.” 
“Why would you take your brother’s if you have the opportunity to get like six bentos a day?” Suna poked a straw into his juice, tilting his head with a lazy smirk. 
Osamu visibly shuddered, pretending not to see the group of girls peering around the corner and into his classroom, knowing better. The first time he had accepted a bento from any of them, it had obviously been store-bought and rearranged to make hearts and such. The gesture would have been ignored and eaten if he didn’t find a few stray hairs in the octopus weiners, and the thought of someone’s hands rearranging perfectly good food made him queasy.
“I wish ‘Sumu’s rejects didn’t come to me.” Osamu mumbles, and Suna chuckles lightly, setting down his juice before peering to his right at the classmate who had settled back down in her seat from having her lunch in the courtyard. 
“Oi, Y/N-san. That looks good.” 
“You want the rest?” You offer, having made too much onigiri the night before, stopping the movement to put the lid atop your bento. You were done with it anyways, and the leftovers usually got put in the fridge to be forgotten about. 
Suna glances at the onigiri, shrugging before taking the two left in the box as you smile cooly at his thanks, putting in your earbuds before laying your head on your desk to catch some much-needed shut eye before class resumed. 
Osamu looks up, not really paying much attention to Suna’s interaction, with a now cleaned out bento-box as his dark eyes land on the now outstretched onigiri in Suna’s hand. The middle blocker shrugs, eating the pointed top of the onigiri with a content look on his face: it was good. 
“Where’d you even get that?” Osamu’s voice was on edge as Suna rolls his eyes, pressing the ball of rice further. 
“Some place safe, I promise. If you weren’t too absorbed in your food you would know.” 
Osamu looks at the onigiri in his hand warily, seeing there were at least no hairs on it before sighing and taking a cautious bite. Onigiri was something he loved most, and he hoped taking this mystery rice ball wouldn’t ruin his- 
Suna swore he could see stars in his friend’s eyes as Osamu took a second, larger bite, snapping his head up to meet Suna’s what the hell expression. 
“Where did you even get this?” He repeated his last question, staring at the onigiri as if it had to be sheltered, protected, and loved under his care as Suna lazily finishes his last bite. 
“Tuna mayo. I used special seasoning in the rice when I formed them.” You interrupt, yawning with a stray headphone out of your ear. “Turned out good, no?” 
“Oh. I’m not interested in dating right now, sorry.” 
The beat of silence that followed Osamu’s blunt sentence was heavy, and you amusedly look at Suna, who had the bridge of his nose pinched between his fingers. 
“Oh. What a shame.” The teasing tone filled your voice as Osamu arched an eyebrow, and you glance at the slightly glaring group of girls before connecting the dots. Still, you couldn’t really find the meaning in explaining that his assumptions were surely not the case, settling for sticking your headphone back in and resting your head back on your desk. 
Suna sighs as Osamu blinks, realization dawning onto him. 
“Wait...she wasn’t-” 
“No. She wasn’t. Idiot.” 
The bell rang as Suna got up to return to his desk, and Osamu Miya casts a glance at the girl who sat next to him, tiredly pulling her earbuds out again to listen to the next lecture. A part of him wanted to apologize, but the thought of that had sent an unexplainable heat to the tips of his ears. 
Instead, he rummages in his bag-
and you blink when a can of coffee hits the corner of your desk with a slight tap, Osamu pulling his notes out as if he hadn’t in the first place. He sits forward, feeling your confused stare as he flips open his notebook. 
“For the onigiri.” 
“Again? Another one?” 
“Don’t act like you don’t get them too.” Osamu sighs to his brother, shifting the letters around in his shoe locker to get his actual shoes. “This is all your fault, anyways.” 
“The little pigs never learn, do they?” Atsumu grins, and his twin rolls his eyes at the brashness of his words as Atsumu’s shoulder touches the lockers. “You coming to practice today?” 
“Do I have a choice?” 
“Nope.” Atsumu pops the p, spinning on his heel. “I’m going ahead, sweet brother of mine.” 
“Bite my ass.” Osamu replies evenly, shoving the letters deeper into his locker.
“No, mine is better. Thanks for the offer though.” 
The wing-spiker runs a hand through his silver hair, seeing out of the corner of his eye a group of girls hyping up the girl in the middle, looking in his direction as he witholds a sigh. He didn’t hold the brashness of his brother, but he did get tired of the endless confessions sent his way, based soley on his looks- nothing else. 
His mental preparation for rejecting her was interrupted when a hand reaches out, and dark eyes widen slightly when you lean into him, your hand resting on the area of the side of his body. Osamu arches a brow at your easy smile as your face remains inches apart from his own. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Give it...twenty more seconds.” You reply, and Osamu blinks in utter confusion, about to ask what the absolute hell you’re talking about before a series of footsteps run away, a few whimpers in the mix as you pull back abruptly. 
“They’re gone.” You say, opening up your own shoe locker before slipping the pair out casually. “Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, hope it was at least better than having to deal with another crying girl.”
Osamu remains silent as you tap the point of your shoe against the ground twice before glancing at him, slinging your bag over your shoulder. 
“You don’t have to be so...emotionless about it, you know? A simple apology afterwards would be enough. But hey, you don’t have to listen to a stranger.” You wink, waving backwards. “Sorry again, I thought I’d thank you for the coffee. It woke me up, Miya-san.” 
Your footsteps stop when he finally speaks. 
You glance back in surprise. 
“You can call me Osamu.” 
“Y/N.” You smile a little, nodding your head before continuing to walk. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Osamu.” 
Osamu didn’t reply as you walked out of the school, watching from behind you as you untangled your headphones in the midst of walking-
not understanding the foreign feeling of being on the other side of a crush, usually being the one crushed on all this time.
“Y/N, got any free food for me today?” 
“Suna, I swear-” 
Suna grins lazily at you as you cross your legs, rolling your eyes playfully as Osamu scoffs at the audacity of his friend. Today, you ate your lunch with the two boys in your classmates you had somehow grown closer to, ignoring the heated stares on the back of your neck. 
“I’ll trade you a tamago for a kaarage.” Suna says finally, and your eyes light up at the offer.
“Deal.” You say immediately, Osamu hiding the beginnings of a smile at your love for food behind his hand as he continues to eat. Suna easily swipes one of the pieces of chicken from your box, putting into his mouth before nodding as he chewed in appreciation for the flavor. 
The silver-haired middle blocker found himself not eating anymore when Suna held a rolled egg up to you on that same pair of chopsticks. You look at him strangely, and Osamu, the quieter one of you three, could only watch as you ate it anyways. 
“It’s good, right? I made it.” 
“Tell your mom I send her my regards.” You reply nonchalantly, and Suna groans at how easily you had figured out his lie before you notice that the quiet Osamu had somehow grown even quieter. 
Did...did you two just indirectly...?
You and Suna exchange glances, and the dark-haired boy simply shrugs before going back to his lunch as an idea pops into your head. 
“You want to try, Osamu? I won’t make you trade anything for it.” 
“Favortism, much?” 
The middle blocker feels his chest swell when you lift your own chopsticks up to him, grinning when Osamu’s spirits immediately lift. 
“You and food, it’s abnormal-” 
“Suna, no one likes your commentary.” You bite back, and you tilt your head slightly when Osamu takes your wrist, steadying your hand as he eats the kaarage at the end of your chopsticks.
You’re wide-eyed when he pulls back, chewing with the beginnings of a smirk on his features at the doe-eyed expression on your face. The place where his hand held was warm. 
“ S’ delicious as always. Thank you.” 
The sky swirled with dark clouds forming over head as you looked up, frowning while tightening your hands on your grocery bags. Osamu glances at you, the light patter of rain hitting the pavement as you look at him guiltily. 
“Sorry ‘Samu, I shouldn’t have asked you to come shopping with me after school.” 
The unlikely friendship had developed to the point where you and Osamu were really good friends, the silver-haired boy even seeing you home on some nights after an unplanned hangout with Suna after their volleyball practices. 
You even called him ‘Samu, and he didn’t correct you. 
....In fact, he liked it when you called him that. 
“Mm. Yeah, you shouldn’t have.” 
“I hate you.” You pout, and Osamu puts a single hand atop your head, shrugging while smirking a little. 
“No you don’t. Got anywhere to be tonight?” 
“Nah, no one’s home right now.” You chewed on your lip, knowing Osamu was watching you as you stared at the coming rain. He knew you hated storms, and in all honesty wanted to get you somewhere safe with people as soon as he could. 
“Want to come to mine? ‘Sumu’s practicing extra and my parents are working.” 
“...are you sure?” You say in unease, and Osamu clicks his tongue before taking the bags from your hands and setting them down, shuffling in his practice bag for a second.
“Here. We’ll run to mine, it’s not far from here. Pull the hood all the way up.” 
“Awh, do you care about me?” 
Yes. “Nah, don’t get your hopes up.” 
Osamu watched as you slipped the oversized material over your head, coughing to hide the smile that came at the sight. 
“You’re telling me we’re going to run? In the rain?” 
“Do you want to protect the food you bought or not?” 
“...you’re right, let’s go.” 
He could definitely get used to this. 
Almost immediately, Osamu had shoved you into the bathroom after turning on the hot water, ignoring your whines about how you were fine before setting a folded pile of one of his shirts and sweatpants in front of the door. 
It felt comfortable, the pouring of the rain outside, as Osamu mixed broth in a pot while knowing you were here with him in the safety of somewhere he knew you’d be okay. Months of friendship hadn’t made him take any particular advances towards you, seeing as you hardly noticed his feeble attempts anyways. Suna’s advice to just go for it, rang in his ears, the silver-haired boy becoming so lost in his thoughts he doesn’t see you enter the kitchen. 
His breath hitches at the bareness of your legs, his shirt covering down your form to mid-thigh as he quickly returns his attention back to the pot. 
“I left pants there, you know. Real comfy.” 
“They don’t fit.” You shrug, approaching the sink. “Do you need me to wash the vegetables?” 
He merely nods once, fighting to keep his heart rate under control as you do so, continuing to bring the broth to a boil. Still, he physically liked the atmosphere of you here in his kitchen, wearing his shirt while making dinner. Your hair was damp and pushed to one side, and you hum a light tune to yourself as you begin to chop carrots. 
“My curry is going to knock your onigiri out of the water.” 
“I’m offended.” Osamu glares at you as you giggle, looking down at the final product after an hour. You offer him a bit of the broth on a spoon, rolling your eyes at the cautious look on his face when he sips it. 
A pleasant look crosses his face before he can stop himself, and you grin, not really thinking about it as you put the spoon in your mouth to get a taste for yourself. You cheer, jumping up and down cutely as Osamu leans against the counter, crossing his arms with a small smirk as you open up the rice cooker. 
“Man, wish Suna was here. We made way too much.” 
A spike of jealousy flits through his stomach as he watches you begin to plate the food, his jaw clenching. 
He wanted this. He wanted your banter, your cooking, your love for food, and your nonchalant personality.
 He wanted you. He wanted you with no risk of losing you to anyone else, no matter how platonic. 
Just go for it.
“‘Samu, can you grab the-?” 
You never finished your question. 
Osamu took two wide steps across the kitchen, hand grabbing your waist to pull you into him tightly while his other hand rested against the counter top on your side. He gripped onto the stone countertop as he kissed you, roughly and impatiently, as you sigh into it as if you had been waiting for it. 
He deepens the kiss, his tongue slipping your lips as the hand on the counter moves to entangle in your hair. He uses his weight to lean into you, lifting you slightly to sit you on the counter as he stands between your legs, the smell of your clean skin filling his lungs in the now heated kitchen. 
When a sound slips your lips, he’s pulling back, wide-eyed at the fact that he had let every bit of pent up emotion spill out of him. You bite your slightly swollen lips, pulling him closer to you with your hand on the side of his neck. 
“It’s about damn time.” 
“Whatever.” Osamu says, the corner of his lips quirking up as he kisses down your neck sweetly, loving the way your bare legs tightened around him. All the sexual tension, every moment of heavy silence that seemed to say all the words he had feared to say, all combusted in this moment. 
“Samu?” You pipe up, pouting when his hand begins to slip up your thigh. 
“Can we eat first?” 
Osamu stares at you for a second before chuckling, resting his head on your shoulder as you kiss his temple. 
“Of course we can eat first. God, I love you so much.” 
General works: @takemetovalhalla @kasandrafaye @savemesteeb @dreebbles @yams046 @let-me-have-my-own-name @deadontheinsidebut @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @aprettyfruit @wisepandaslimeland @h0ngh0ngh0ng @lmkjimin @therestless101 @orangegiraffe7 @dai-tsukki-desu @kac-chowsballs
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tobiosmilktea · 3 years
nom de plume — bokuto koutarou
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1.6k words | genre/s: barista!au, fluff | warning/s: — | pairing: bokuto x gn!reader
↪︎ in which bokuto gives you a fake name every time he comes to the cafe you work at. you’ve been dying to know the handsome stranger’s real name, but here you are scribbling “captain america” onto his stupid caramel macchiato
a/n: here’s something short and sweet to quench my need to write a fic after writing boring essays all week for school. not the most original content either but i needed something simple :p
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there were four types of regulars you would see walk through those doors of the cafe you worked at. either to spend as little as five minutes to the entire day inside the shop just to breathe in the serenity of light jazz music humming in the background. you’ve been working at this establishment long enough to relish how different every single person’s life was as they stood in front of you and ordered their special pick-me-up for the day.
you could easily tell what a person was like based on what they order—like that middle-aged office worker with a receding hairline that always entered the cafe in the midst of an angry phone call with a client, disrupting in the calm mornings with bickering. he usually orders an iced americano, bitter and dark enough to match the dark circles under his eyes and wrinkles adorning his forehead. not entirely your favorite, but he tipped well.
then there was the occasional university student, overworked trying to finish three different essays while cramming for an exam. they usually come in small study groups that end up messing around half of the time or they trickle in as individuals, eyes all red and glued to their laptop screens as they try to chug the remaining contents of their cappuccinos with three shots of espresso.
then there were the soccer moms with their obnoxiously specific drinks, ranging from the different flavors of frappuccinos with extra, extra caramel drizzle.
and then there were guys like him—the one with alabaster hair and darkened roots who just walked inside the cafe—your favorite. the door swinging opening and causing the bell right above the threshold to ding. the tall, hot, and beefy regular with a smile so intoxicating that he catches you off guard each time he walks in exactly at two-thirty in the afternoon.
you didn’t know his name, but you recognized his face, all chiseled and annoyingly handsome. this time he was accompanied by his friend again, akaashi with dark frames resting on the bridge of his nose.
unlike his companion, you actually knew his name as he would actually give it to you, unlike the latter who preferred giving out a new nickname each time he comes around to visit. hell, you knew a lot more about akaashi despite seeing him far less often.
to say you were a bit peeved of this fact was beyond question.
the only thing you truly knew about the man you were inexplicably interested in was that he always ordered an iced caramel macchiato with almond milk. he was very particular about the non-dairy part of that order.
“what can i get you two?” you ask the two towering figures before you. though, it wasn’t much of a question when you already knew what they would order.
“a flat white for me,” says akaashi.
the usual, you think. he says he likes the foam art designs you make.
“and an iced caramel macchiato for me,” says the other, giving you that infamous toothy grin.
god, he was so cute. if only i knew your name, stranger.
you input their orders into your screen quickly, the total popping up on the smaller screen in front of akaashi and his friend as he takes out his card. he inserts the chip in for a few seconds, waiting for the beep to emit from the machine before taking it out in a swift flick.
once the payment goes through, your fingers pull the black sharpie clipped onto your apron off as you grab a cup.
akaashi didn’t bother mentioning his name as you were already scribbling it down in cursive—swift, yet satisfyingly neat. on the other hand, you waited for the white-haired boy to mention what new moniker that piqued his interest today. your eyes met his with patient intent.
“captain america,” he mutters with the corners of his lips tugging up into an amused smile. as if he was proud of himself for saying such, you couldn’t help melt into his contagious grin. like a ray of sunshine that would immediately melt away your troubles, you swore your heart skipped a beat.
the brunet flicks his eyes back and forth from you and his friend, temporary intrigue setting in as he holds back a smirk. “sorry about him,” akaashi pats his friend’s shoulder, “we’ve been rewatching the entirety of the mcu and just finished captain america before coming here.”
“oh, no worries, i’m used to it.” you wave it off, “it isn’t the first time he used marvel superheroes as nicknames. just two days ago he used vision after i reminded him that he had already used thor twice in the past week.”
“i’m surprised you remembered them in the first place,” akaashi’s friend confesses.
“how could i forget? i always look forward to whatever name you give me next.”
you thought you saw a hint of red blush dusting his cheeks when you flick a look over to him, but you weren’t too sure.
perhaps it was just your imagination.
noticing that you were only holding them up by making useless conversation, you clear your throat, muttering almost incoherently, “i’ll have your drinks ready in a few minutes.”
you dipped back towards the coffee machine before they could even thank you. their cups were gripped tightly in your hands as you placed them down next to the machine. the ground up coffee beans cascaded down the dispenser and into the portafilter. carefully, you compressed it tightly into the container before brewing the espresso into a small shot glass.
“is that the guy you were talking about?” your coworker, mitsuko, pops up from behind you and asks. you jolt a bit, almost spilling the piping hot, steamed milk in your hands when you give her a look, “you weren’t wrong when you said he was a complete hunk!”
playfully rolling your eyes, you continue making their coffees, careful not to spill anything that could possibly garner more attention towards you as you could see his towering figure over the barrier.
mitsuko’s eyes cast down towards one of the cups, grabbing at one of them to read the name. “captain america, huh?” she reads before glancing at him, “he fits the name well, at least. you think he’s an athlete?”
you shrug, “not sure, but i heard he’s a big marvel fan. he used quicksilver, vision, and thor in the past week.”
“aren’t you ever curious about his real name?” mitsuko asks as you smile contently at the foam art before snapping the cover atop akaashi’s flat white.
“of course i am,” you say, setting the ready-made drink to the side to start the other. “i suppose the guy likes his privacy. who knows, maybe he’s famous or something.”
you say that partly as a joke, but something inside of you thinks that perhaps that this was that one in a million chance. how would something of such a high caliber as him not be inherently well-known, even if it was just a little bit?
mitsuko snorts at your vehemence, slapping the meat of her thigh as if that was the funniest thing she has heard all day. “as if any famous person would ever come into a random cafe in a small city, (y/n).”
you didn’t answer for a few beats as you completed the white-haired boy’s drink, capping it properly. you weren’t ignoring your coworker’s statement, yet rather simmering in the thought of how ridiculous it actually sounded.
maybe this guy just wanted to have some cheap amusement. nothing more nothing less. it was just a name after all.
you let out a sigh, “as much as i would love to know his real name, it’s none of my business. speaking of which, has he ever given anyone else random nicknames when he comes by?”
mitsuko shrugs, “he only ever comes by when you work.”
“seriously?” you’re quite surprised.
“yup, this is the first time i’ve ever seen the infamous regular who only gives out fake names.” she mused, “maybe he does it to get your attention.”
you roll your eyes, scoffing at the thought. how ridiculous. you never wanted to wipe that smirk off of your coworker’s face as you wave her off, approaching the open end of the counter as you readied yourself to hand them their drinks.
they had been patiently waiting at the other end of the counter for a few minutes now, grateful they didn’t complain at your discrete chatter with mitsuko as some patrons would. instead, they smiled at your approaching figure with their coffees in your hands.
“here’s your flat white,” you hand the cup over to akaashi.
he flicks you a charming look of appreciation before making his way towards the cafe’s entrance. you couldn’t exactly pinpoint if he was in a hurry or not as he left you and his friend alone.
you didn’t entirely mind, though, as you shook it off.
you handed the man his drink, “and to the dude whose name that i shall never know.”
he mutters a brief thank you as he takes it from your hand, fingers brushing against each other and causing your heart to rush.
“aren’t you curious?” he asks suddenly.
your brows furrow, “about what?” you replied as you feign innocence.
“my name,” he clarifies.
“well, unless your name is actually captain america, why wouldn't i be curious?” a smirk was slowly appearing on your lips, “besides, with the dozens of people i see almost everyday, i have to say that you’ve caught my attention, stranger.”
he grins, hand fishing through his pocket, “well, since you’re dying to know,” he hands you a tiny slip of paper, making sure the tips of his fingers linger feather-like touches on the palm of your hand. “come and find out for yourself.”
he sends you a wink before walking out of the cafe, leaving you absolutely dumbfounded. your shaky fingers unfold the creases of the paper, eyes scanning the contents of his messy handwriting.
the name’s bokuto — call me! :)
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general taglist: @yongboxerrr @crybabbicus @rosepetalhaven @tvwhoresblog @tanakaslastbraincell @kellesvt @kitsunetea @milktyama
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realcube · 3 years
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summary ★ she needs to get the action figure that's in the claw machine for her sister’s birthday, so saiki does her the favour of using his a telekinesis to win it...along with a few other favours.
trigger warning ★ gambling, god, swearing, fem!reader & reader has a younger sister
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construction on the new arcade near pk academy had finally come to an end. the grand opening was today after school so of course, nendou suggested that they attend as a squad. usually, saiki tried to avoid getting roped into outings like this but for a change, he actually agreed without the need for any further prying. that's because the arcade was attached to a small cinema where they'd be premiering the latest action movie — based on the TV show adaptation of the game — 'Olfana's Story X-2'. as it turns out, a few months after saiki gave the game a shot, it became a craze and a massive hit among speed-runners. so from it's new-found popularity, they developed a TV show series which inevitably flopped so now they have created a movie. only the most elite people among the gaming community were allow to see it before the official release date and they all said it was incredible; but there was not a doubt in saiki's mind that they were being paid to sing it's praise. a crappy game turned into a crappy show, now adapted into a movie was sure to be crappy. so you may be wondering why he even wanted to view the movie if he was set on it being awful. Well, there are two simple answers; curiosity and the mystery. since it was so exclusive, he had yet to overhear spoilers through his telekinesis and he now had a germanium ring in his possession so he could watch the movie in peace. also, having played the game but not seen the show, he was curious to see how bad the movie is going to be and perhaps he'd be able to get a good laugh out of it. but he made the mistake of mentioning his plan to see the movie which screened a few hours after the opening of the arcade, as now kuboyasu, nendou and kaidou were all going to see the movie along with him. In theory, it shouldn't be a problem since he'll have his germanium ring on but in practise, the world seems to be against saiki so one of his friends will probably end up stealing his popcorn or chatting throughout the entire movie. he'll just have to wait and see. kaidou and nendou did not even stop to take breaths as they raced on about how excited they were while they were all walking to the arcade. "i'm sure the movie is going to be sick!" kaidou exclaimed, followed by rapid head nods from nendou as he replied, "yup! And i can't wait to see what sort of games they have!" saiki was a bit excited himself but he didn't care to show it like the others did. but when he saw the vaporwave building covered with bright neon lights come into view, his lips curled into a small smile. though it was short-lived as he noticed the massive queue to get in; it appeared as though they weren't the only ones who had the idea to visit the arcade after school as he noticed many familiar faces standing in line, amongst crowds of others. all of their cheery auras dissipated for a few moments until kuboyasu perked up, approaching the doors to the arcade with a smug smirk, cutting in front of everyone in the line and gesturing for the boys to follow him, "don't worry about the queue, guys. follow me." nendou followed without any further questions but saiki and kaidou were a bit apprehensive. all three of them watched as kuboyasu stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the guard by one of the doors, muttering something in the man's ear, causing him to sweatdrop and hesitantly open the door with a shaky smile; allowing all four of them inside. "woah, that was awesome, aren!" kaidou yelled, not only out of awe but so he could be heard over all the cheering, laughing and game noises from inside the arcade. "yeah, that was so cool! but what did you say to that guy? he looked freaked out!" nendou inquired, surprising saiki with his actually intelligent observation. kuboyasu's hand found it's way behind his neck, rubbing it awkwardly as he chuckled, "oh, nothing! it's not important-- hey! how about you guys start playing your games and i'll go get the tickets we reserved, yeah?" "yeah!" kaidou and nendou cheered in unison, high-fiving the purple-haired boy before the all ran off in different directions, leaving saiki standing alone at the entrance. he fidgeted with his germanium ring, contemplating taking it off as he stared at kuboyasu; he really wanted to know what the teen boy could've said that'd incite such fear into a grown man, but he decided against it — merrily making his way towards the claw machines, leaving kuboyasu's secrets alone. ★★★★★★★★★★ "shit." he cursed under his breath as he watched the cyborg cider man plushie that he's been trying to win — for yuuta — for half an hour straight slip out of his grasp once again. 'these things are rigged. and what's the point in having psychic superpowers if i can't use them.' he thought to himself but had to quickly shake off the idea, as there was no way he could risk using his powers in such a crowded place, especially for a plush that wasn't even for himself but rather for an annoying kid. he sighed, slipping another coin into the slot and about to find the right state of mind until he heard a loud "fuck!"  from in front of him. his head jerked up, scanning the area for the source of the noise until his eyes landed on you. the claw machines were lined up, back-to-back, and playing on the machine diagonal from him was a girl with enchanting (e/c) eyes which contrasted greatly with her disheartened expression as she stared at the box. the only emotion she wore was sadness as she stared at the machine, so out of curiosity, saiki slipped off his ring in order to read her thoughts; feeling no guilt in listening to the affairs of a complete stranger. 'c'mon, stupid claw machine, i need this!' your silky yet whiny voice rung through his mind, 'what's she gonna think about me tomorrow when i tell her that i couldn't get her the gift she's wanted? she's gonna hate me- even more than she already does. and now i've spent all my money on this silly game so i can't even try get her a crappy gift with the little money i had. Wow, (y/n), you're the worst big sister in existence.' saiki cocked his head to the side, peering through the glass of the machines to see the contents of the claw machine you were standing in front of and when he saw the limited edition, silver cyborg cider man action figure sitting on a pedestal — almost as if it was taunting the poor girl — he finally connected the dots. your hand dug through your pockets until you found the smooth metal surface of your final coin, 'just once more try. if i win her this action figure, maybe she'll finally respect me as her big sister! and this toy will surely make her more happy than any gift mom could've possibly thought of. i'll make her sixth birthday one to remember!' the dejected look on your face slow lifted into a determined one, but it wasn't very convincing as saiki — and anyone else — could see the worry and shame in your eyes as you dropped your last coin into the slot of the machine, giving you one more chance to redeem yourself and claim the title of 'best big sister in the world'. saiki watched you maneuver the claw of the machine with bated breath, admiring how your pretty nose crinkled and your tongue poked out from the corners of your perfectly glossed lips in concentration — 'ew, stop being a simp, kusuo.' he mentally rebuked himself before engaging with your scene one again. your fist slammed down against the big red button, followed by the claw opening and lowering over the box of the cyborg cider man action figure, slowly closing it's jaws around the box and grasping it perfectly, resulting in a slight gasp to escape your throat as your lips pulled into a grin. the claw kept it's grip in the toy as it lifted up, slowly making it's way over the hole where it would drop the action figure, straight into your possession.  that is, if the grip didn't falter hence allowing the toy to fall down, off it's pedestal and onto the bottom of the compartment to join the rest of the more average action figures. "fuck!" you screamed in an almost identical way to which you did earlier, expect this one held more pain. 'this can't be happening; is this the third year in a row that i'm going to show up to my little sister's birthday party empty-handed?' you thought, your bottom lips quivering so you quickly bit down on it, staring at the damned toy before turning on your heels, shuffling away from the game with your head hung low, the thoughts which cried in your head about how much you budgeted and how hard you worked made saiki's heart sink. 'maybe i could take out a mortga--' your thoughts were abruptly cut off when you heard the noise of something falling behind you. whipping your head around to see what happened, you exhaled a sigh of relief upon seeing nothing out of the ordinary. however, you caught a glimpse of inside the machine which you had been cursing at and realised that the toy wasn't with the packaging peanuts where you left it, as if it magically disappeared in the few seconds you had averted your gaze. creeping up to it, your gaze darted around in search of anyone who might've won it in less than 5 seconds but that was unlikely. now that you were closer, you peered through the glass once more to confirm that the toy was in fact missing and you were right. recalling the noise of falling you heard just before you turned around, you dropped to your knees and lifted the flap to the compartment which held the good that people would win from the machine. you almost screamed with delight and shock when you laid eyes on the limited edition, cyborg cider man action figure that was tucked snugly inside. yanking it out, you pressed it to your chest and the tears you were choking back finally came running down your cheeks, but now they were from joy. "thank you, god." you whispered to yourself, making saiki chuckle from his spot at the claw machine which he hadn't moved from. he wasn't god — nor was he friends with god — but he didn't mind not being able to take the credit for his kind actions of using his psychokinesis to drop the box into the hole for you. honestly, he found that seeing you happy, sitting on the floor with brightest beam gracing your features along with your now cheerful thoughts in his head, was enough of a reward for him anyway. also, he appreciated how you didn't question how the box ended up in the hole and instead you just deemed it a miracle as you were too overjoyed to use logic; that sort of thinking saved saiki a lot of trouble. 'i should probably go home and wrap this.' your internal monologue had now calmed down slightly as you were now able to produce a thought that wasn't just a squeal of delight, 'hm, maybe once i am done i could come back and see the new movie that's premiering-- but i've not got much money left so i guess i shouldn't get ahead of myself.' you hummed, picking up the box along with yourself, dusting yourself off before heading towards the exit. saiki must've been staring for a tad too long though as you caught his gaze while brushing off your clothes. he cringed, instinctively darting his eyes away so you didn't think he was an ogling creep but the fact he appeared defensive probably didn't help. so he fully expected you to frown or cast him a dirty look, judging him for his actions but to his surprise, you simply chuckled. waving at the pink-haired boy before strolling off with the box under your arm. 'he seems cool. where i can get clips like those?' why were you thoughts making him blush like an idiot? time to put the germanium ring back on. ★★★★★★★★★★ as it turns out, nendou is surprisingly good at poker. he figured this out after he stumbled across the casino section of the arcade, and since he looks way older than seventeen, nobody questions it when he took a seat at one of the slot machines, under the impression that it was a fancy, old-timey arcade game. he was then offered a round of poker with some old dude with way too many gold teeth and nendou ended up taking the poor, stubborn guy's entire fortune. god-knows how many games with how-many people later, nendou was sitting on stacks of cash at a round table with a tired dealer, and two grown men — one crying into the shoulder of his arm-candy and the other weeping into the sleeve of his suit — while the three boys who had came to give him his ticket stood by, all wearing matching confused expressions. "uh, nendou." kuboyasu tapped his friend on the shoulder, waving the ticket in front of his face, "the movie is gonna start soon, we should start heading over there right now so we can buy snacks and get good seats." nendou raised an eyebrow, puzzled until he recalled that he was supposed to watch a movie today, "oh, that sounds cool and all but i'm having a lot of fun right here." he smiled, motioning to the large casino area. kuboyasu chuckled awkwardly, backing away from nendou slightly as he turned on his heels, ushering the two other boys away, "alright, well, have fun, nendou! don't stay out too late!" nendou sung an okay in response, sliding a kaidou some cash for the extortionate theatre snacks before he was rushed away by kuboyasu, the purple-haried boy not wanting to spend anymore time in the casino than needed. "if nendou isn't joining us for the movie then we have a spare ticket. here, saiki, you should have it!" "why me?" "uh, because you said you saw reita earlier. so if you see him again maybe you could offer him the spare ticket." 'absolutely not.' was vocalised as "sure." by saiki as he took the ticket from kuboyasu's outstretched hand, fiddling with it before stuffing it into his pocket along with his own ticket. "what i said to nendou was kinda an exaggeration" aren mused, glancing at his watch before looking up at his two pals, "we still have some time left before the movie starts. i'm gonna go handle some business — you two have fun, and try find reita!" kuboyasu said before pivoting on his heels in the direction of the staff only closet. the only thing saiki could think to do during this free-time was escape kaidou's pestering to play dance dance revolution — since saiki didn't want to dance, dance or revolute, he darted outside as soon as kuboyasu left, leaving kaidou alone and confused in the middle of the arcade. 'finally, fresh air.' saiki inhaled, filling his lungs with the cool air rather than the stuffy, arcade oxygen. scanning the surrounding area, his eyes caught a glimpse of a figure standing by the ATM, which he immediately recognised to be that of the girl he had helped earlier. so naturally, he flicked of his ring to figure out the reasoning behind the awkward look on her face. 'do i really want to withdraw money to see some stupid movie? i mean, i could leave that money to accumulate and buy something nicer later.' without thinking, saiki hummed in agreement with your thoughts as he had been in your position many times before. 'but then again, i should treat myself! when was the last time i saw a movie that wasn't pirated? hmm..' your indecisive thoughts matched perfectly with your conflicted expression as you stared through furrowed brows at the screen of the ATM. a soft breeze passed, followed by something light smacking against you face. you winced slightly, your hand snapping your cheek and grabbing at whatever it was; just by the texture, you could tell it was paper. holding it in front of you, upon further inspection you realised that the mysterious sheet that had flew into your possession was in fact a ticket to tonight's showing of 'Olfana's Story X-2'  row G, seat 9. you double, triple checked it out of fear that this may be a cruel prank but no, this was completely real! you cheered, bouncing up and down and away from the ATM since you no longer needed it's services as god had blew the desired item straight into your hands — or your face, rather. either way though, you were over the moon, clutching the ticket to your chest and basking in your second miracle of the day. unbeknownst to you, saiki's smile was almost as wide as your own. you thanked god for your relief and saiki had no problem with that; seeing your little happy dance and squeals with your free ticket was enough for him. but actually, perhaps he might benefit himself after all, since the ticket he had given you previous belonged to nendou. meaning that saiki was seated at row G, seat 10; right beside you. ★★★★★★★★★★ saiki forgot to send a few notes flying your way in the wind, so you walked into the theatre and took your seat, completely snackless since you couldn't afford the exorbitant prices that they sold food for at the cinema. but perhaps that wasn't all bad as it revealed the possibility for saiki to offer you some of his popcorn as a conversation-starter, as he's usually not too good at socialising with new people — forget starting a conversation. however, he didn't need to work up any sort of courage to talk to you as the first thing you did when you plopped down in your seat beside him was turn to him and chirp, "oh, you're the guy i saw at the claw machines earlier! i love your clip thingies." your buoyant-adrenaline allowing your to be more bold than usual. the movie had yet to start, low murmurs of chatter coming from across the theatre as the trailers played in the background, "yes. and thanks." 'good grief, curse myself for not being more talkative. she probably thinks i'm dull now. perhaps i should channel my inner nendou..if i have one.' instead of ending the conversation right there like he assumed you would, you continued talking and saiki was..glad? why did he want to interact with you so much? he spends most of his days trying to avoid interacting with people; why were you any different? "no problem- also, did you get what you were playing for?" you inquired, tapping your lip in genuine curiosity. his ring remained on his finger, despite the fact he wanted to know what you thought about him, he didn't want to invade your privacy any more than he already has. "no. did you?" "yeah, i did, actually!" you chirped, not noticing the smirk creeping onto saiki's lips as you were too engulfed in your memories, "i thought those games were rigged but maybe they're not 'cause i managed to win this super special action figure that my sister has been on the top of my sister's wishlist for like- forever! and her birthday is tomorrow so i'll be a--" you cut yourself off, crinkling your nose in embarrassment, "sorry, i'm over-sharing, aren't i?" your enthusiasm made his heart flutter in a way he wasn't used to, if you didn't know any better, he would have thought he was having a medical emergency. his eyes widened slightly as you halted in your speech, "no, you're fine." he said, the uncharacteristic softness in his voice catching the attention of his two pals sitting on the other side of him. you shook off his comment, "i mean, i'm telling you my life story and i don't even know your name." you said, laughing sheepishly at the reality of the reality of the situation. 
“saiki kusuo.” he blurted out without a second thought.
you blinked a few times, shocked that he’d give his details away so easily as you somewhat expected him to be more of a reserved type of guy but evidently, you were wrong. “uh, i’m (l/n) (y/n).” you choked, biting down on your bottom lip slightly before continuing you story as he seemed to wait expectantly, “as i was saying, today’s just been the best day ever! everything has been going so well, i’m a bit scared as to what is going to happen when it hits midnight.” 
saiki nodded along, popping a piece of popcorn into his mouth before remembering his plan, “oh- would you like some?” he asked, offering you some popcorn from his bucket. unfortunately, the plan was a last-minute thing so he had only bought a small, but he still wasn’t opposed to sharing. 
you shook your head, trying to grin foolishly wide at his kind offer, “no thank you.” 
saiki nodded, about to open his mouth to reply until the blaring music from the beginning of the movie started, putting a swift end to your conversation — despite the fact saiki would much rather talk to you than watch the crappy movie — out of theatre etiquette. 
it was worse than you or saiki could’ve ever imagined.
it was painfully trying not to burst out laughing right in middle of it or lean over and giggle in each other’s ear at the silly dialog but out of respect for the other people in the cinema, you both stayed silent and just cast each other occasional knowing glances whenever something cringey happened on screen. 
you both let out audible sighs of relief with the credits began to roll, accompanied by a slow indie song. “that was..something.” you mumbled, grabbing your purse and jumping to your feet, wanting to exit the building as soon as possible and hopefully leave your memories of the movie behind you. 
“definitely.” he snickered, absently flicking the side of his empty popcorn bucket, “i stopped paying attention once i finished my popcorn.” it felt weird to vocalise — or rather, telepathically communicate — the comments he’d usually keep to himself; why did he feel so comfortable speaking to someone he only just met?
he began gathering his things, stuffing all of his rubbish in the bucket so he could dispose of it all at once. his mind was fixated on crappiness of the movie and how a five-year-old could’ve shot a much better film, until you grabbed his attention by calling out his name, followed by a question which made him blood run cold.
“before i go, it gotta ask’ how’d you do it? or more importantly, why’d you do it?”
he blinked several times before putting on his best bewildered expression, with the idea that maybe if he played dumb, he could gaslight you into thinking that it never happened or that he had nothing to do with it. “what?”
“oh, don’t give me that!” you scoffed, narrowing your eyes at the boy, “i’m not stupid. every time something good happened to me, you were nearby. i’ve connected the dots so fess up. why did you do all those nice things for me? was it out of pity or are you that nice to everyone?”
“i’m that nice to everyone.”
“i don’t believe you.” you snapped, fixing your tone when you remembered that even though he was lying to you, he still helped you get the present for you sister and gave you his spare ticket. “i don’t care if you’re not gonna give me a straight answer, but at least let me make it up to you.”
he huffed, an unimpressed look covering his features before you even proposed your idea. there was really nothing he could possibly need from you. what were you going to give him that he wasn’t capable of obtaining on his own? so he frowned, ready to decline your offer. 
“i saw that you bought one of those jelly pots from the snack stand and i actually work at a little café in the town, so i might be able to get you few things for free or discounted?”
“yes.” wait, that wasn’t refusal. 
“great!” you chirped, glad that you wouldn’t have to pry further, “does later this week sounds good? we could meet up here then i can walk you to the café- or i could give you my number and we can arrange a date later?” 
“sure.” saiki said without thinking once again.
but it wasn’t as though he regretted it when you slipped the piece of paper you had scribbled your number onto, into the front pocket of his shirt, tapping it with a smile. “alright! i’ll see you later then- unless you want to walk home with me?” you fidgeted with your fingers slightly, instantly regretting what you just came out with. not because you didn’t want to walk with him, but due to the fact you highly doubted he was going so say accept so you mentally prepared for the impact of his harsh rejection.
saiki ended up walking home with some girl he met at the theatre so that left kuboyasu and kaidou to fetch nendou once the film finished. they both searched the casino area for almost half an hour but neither of them had any luck finding nendou. that was, until kuboyasu had to take a step outside to escape the casino as he noticed an old friend of his playing on the slot machines, and he found nendou crouched by the garbage cans, on his phone. 
“nendou! we’ve been looking all over for you- why are you out here by the trash? and what happened to all your money?!”
nendou chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck with his spare hand, “fun story actually. i was doing so well and i was on my way to becoming a millionaire until these schoolgirls came marching in and absolutely slaughtered me! it was so embarrassing and the only way i could escape them was by running away so i hid back here.”
kuboyasu’s aura just screamed ‘disappointed but not surprised’, “so you’re telling me that you lost millions to highschool girls?”
“they might’ve been middle-schoolers, i’m not too sure. i didn’t get a very good look at ‘em but they were all wearing creepy red uniforms.”
all kuboyasu could do was massage his temples to ease his headache at the stupidity of his friends, “so you lost all your money to school girls in creepy red uniforms?” he repeated aloud, just to make sure he was hearing things correctly.
“yes. but not all my money.” he said, pulling out his wallet and grandly opening it to reveal a few notes and a button, “i’ve still got enough to spend on ramen with my bros!”
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
my rheumatologist has done more for me towards getting a POTS diagnosis than my cardiologist thats kinda sad bro
i came in to the cardiologist the other day (finally after waiting MONTHS) hoping for a tilt table test to see how my heart rate and blood pressure react to orthostasis in a controlled setting. the doctor didnt actually do a thing to test me for it in-office, i was just told to schedule an echo (which is fine), holster (alright) and stress test (why). but i was also prescribed eastern medicine as a treatment....“superbrain yoga”? like i dont want to seem closeminded because she is an indian doctor and there are some things that western medicine hasn’t caught on to but i realy wish i was told why it is supposed to work. like i want to know physiologically how and why it supposedly works. get technical and mechanical with me bro i have le autism, thats my language if you wanna really convince me. if it’s about toning up the muscles in my legs to squeeze the blood into my core upon standing why dont i just do squats? why do i have to do all this really specific stuff like hold my tongue at the roof of my mouth and face east, crossing my arms (right arm must go over left) and maneuver my hands in a certain way to grab my earlobes while doing those squats? is that merely a concentration sort of thing to make your brain focus? if so, why not just let me know what the purpose to these specific movements are (and what does focusing my brain have to do with treating POTS symptoms anyway)?? i’m not a spiritual person so the spiritual aspects of it do nothing for me. but at least i wasn’t given intensive aerobic exercise because i cant do that lol. i was just prescribed core strength training with planks and crunches (fine with me) and “superbrain yoga” (the specifics still confuse me but i’m doing it anyway)
but i didnt even get a tilt table test while i was there, i asked about it and she said “we stopped doing tilt table tests a while ago” and i was like ????????? thats like the gold standard to test for POTS my guy. based on just my symptoms she said i had dysautonomia and i asked “what about POTS?” and she said “it could be” and i was like ? could be? bro you didnt even test for it?
the whole visit just felt really vague and dismissive to my issues (yet again). fucking even my rheumatologist said before this visit to the cardiologist that i “probably have POTS”
so when i left the cardiologist the other day i wrote this up because i was very upset, felt dismissed, and took matters into my own hands to show what kind of medical concepts i’m capable of comprehending and the kind of language i want doctors to talk to me about my conditions in. and today i read it to my rheumatologist during today’s appointment:
the cardiologist says i have dysautonomia, “caused by dysfunction of the small blood vessels”. in the clinic, the nurse measured my laying vs standing blood pressure (which increased rather than decreased) but they didn’t do my heart rate there for some reason. but on my own i’ve measured my heart rate to jump above 30 bpm within 10 minutes of standing, so with all the symptoms lining up exactly with what’s expected of POTS (heart rate increase greater than 30 bpm within 10 minutes of standing, no drop in blood pressure, lightheadedness, brain fog, palpitations, prolonged fatigue, heat intolerance, excessive sweating etc), i’m convinced that the type of dysautonomia i specifically have is POTS, not just the umbrella term “dysautonomia”, and the specific brand of POTS i have is the neuropathic POTS subtype which is thought to be caused by sympathetic denervation (partial autonomic neuropathy) in the lower extremities. this causes the blood vessels in my legs not to constrict as they should when standing, which in turn causes blood to pool in the legs and not return to the heart, causing the heart to have to source its blood supply from elsewhere in the meantime to compensate (with an overall lower venous return), driving up the heart rate and causing lightheadedness. my blood tests also showed i am also very slightly anemic by 0.1 point below the normal range (11.6 g/dL) the resulting denervation hypersensitivity from the sympathetic denervation what is thought to cause erythromelalgia—which i express all the hallmark symptoms of as well in my feet (redness, increased skin temperature, burning sensation (feels like walking on a hot pool deck), cold to touch and bluish purple when not actively flaring, flaring occurs at night, symptoms worsen with exposure to heat and exercise (including walking on feet while flaring) and are relieved with cooling and elevation). i have no response to the cold unlike with what is seen in raynauds. i actually consider cold exposure my savior; the heat is my worst enemy, it makes me feel faint and lightheaded dysautonomia-wise and it makes my feet flare up rheumatologically.
“Several previous investigations have provided clues that patients with the postural tachycardia syndrome have peripheral autonomic dysfunction. Streeten et al. found that patients with orthostatic tachycardia had excessive venous pooling in the legs while standing and suggested that denervation of the legs was a mechanism of the syndrome. This hypothesis was supported by the finding of hypersensitivity to infusion of norepinephrine into the veins of the foot, despite high plasma catecholamine concentrations. [...] These stimuli increased norepinephrine spillover in the arms of both the patients with the postural tachycardia syndrome and the normal subjects, with similar increases in the two groups, but failed to increase norepinephrine spillover in the legs of the patients. [...] The reduced clearance of norepinephrine in the legs, without a similar reduction in the arms, may result from impairment of norepinephrine-reuptake mechanisms due to isolated damage to nerve terminals in the legs. [...] CONCLUSIONS: The neuropathic postural tachycardia syndrome results from partial sympathetic denervation, especially in the legs.” — (https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM200010053431404)
“The laser Doppler flowmetry signal after sympathetic stimulation of reflexes mediated through the central nervous system, was significantly diminished in patients with erythromelalgia as compared with healthy controls. [...] Vasoconstrictor responses involving central sympathetic reflexes were attenuated in erythromelalgia. Local neurogenic vasoconstrictor regulation, vasodilator response to local heating and hyperemic response to ischemia were maintained. [...] The finding of reduced skin perfusion before provocation is in accordance with the clinical observations that many erythromelalgia patients exhibit cold acral skin between attacks. [...] These results indicate that postganglionic sympathetic dysfunction and denervation hypersensitivity may play a pathogenetic role in primary erythromelalgia.” — (https://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0022-202X(15)41629-X)
“Denervation hypersensitivity is a phenomenon peculiar to smooth muscle innervated by the general visceral efferent system. Following denervation there is increased sensitivity of the muscle to neurotransmitters. This is evident in smooth muscle innervated by sympathetic neurons when the postganglionic axon is affected. Such denervated muscle shows hypersensitivity to the application of epinephrine or to circulating epinephrine released during excitement.” — (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780721605616500198)
although my rheumatologist is in no position to give me a POTS diagnosis she very much agreed with the connections i made and said she thinks i am right on the mark with my conditions. she told me im a real academic patient and even that i’d be well suited for going into medicine lol. not only is it refreshing to have a doctor that doesn’t disregard their patient’s knowledge, but it’s good to see what i’ve learned about nerves from my biopsych classes (and in my own time for funsies) paying off in ways concerning my health. my mom who is a nurse also agrees that neuropathic POTS and erythromelalgia are what i have.
anyway the POTS symptoms have been a massive thing for me since puberty and the erythromelalgia developed a year or so after my POTS symptoms started. but i’ve always had freezing cold clammy hands and feet since i was a young child, they just hadn’t started changing colors and flaring until after i hit puberty. i’m not sure what destroyed the sympathetic nerve fibers in my legs (as most POTS happens in teenagers due to some viral illness but i’ve never had that?), i was also just tested for a bunch of autoimmune factors and disorders and my results came back negative. maybe it’s just a genetic factor, who knows, probably something caused by a hormone’s cascading effect gone awry at some point. it seems a lot of autistic afab people have POTS or some other type of dysautonomia for some reason and i’m curious as to why.
anyway i’m really stuck in a liminal space because i have no official diagnosis beyond “dysautonomia” but i’ve been sure of what it is for like over a year and it keeps getting clearer and clearer that i was right all along
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poppywrites41 · 3 years
Captive Love Ch. 2
Prince! Yoongi x Maid! Reader
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Here is chapter 2! This chapter will focus on Y/N’s first day of work…and maybe a little bit of a cliffhanger.
Warnings for this chapter: Swearing, violence, description of past deaths, mentions of smut
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“Rise and shine girls!” Lilith shouts through the halls of the servants’ quarters, her meaty fists pounding on each of the girl’s doors. Y/N swears she can feel her room shake every time that woman’s fist comes in contact with a door. “You all have 10 minutes to get dressed and come down to eat!” Lilith calls, her heels clacking away. Y/N raises her arms up to stretch. She looks out of her small window to see a garden with a path that leads to a small set of doors going into the back of the castle. She turns to her cupboard and takes out her servant’s outfit. She takes off her dress that she wore yesterday, neatly folded it like her mother taught her to, and placed it in the cupboard. She took a look at the outfit laid out on the bed. It was not elegant in the slightest, but it was sure prettier than any outfit she had worn in her life. It was a pretty beige with ¾ sleeves that were flexible enough to move the arms comfortably to perform the needed tasks. The skirt was neatly fitted on the waist and ran to the ankles. It was not puffy at all and had a comfortable feel to it. And to top it all off, pretty little white lace ruffles were added to the ends of the sleeves and around the top opening to give it some style, which Y/N really appreciated. When she got the dress on, Y/N took a look at herself in the small mirror hanging on her wall above her tiny sink. She spotted some dirt on her cheeks, probably from the wagon, so she splashed her face with water, rubbing at her skin. After her facewash, she noticed how messy her hair had gotten. She ran her fingers through the h/c locks and tied the hair in the front to the back, creating a half up-half down style. She made her way to her door, slipping on her shoes and head down the hall to the servants dining hall.
When she arrived, she found a seat at a table where some of the girls she arrived with yesterday were sitting at. They were not talking to each other as much as the other servants were, probably because they were new or nervous. Y/N sat down next to a young girl with dark brown hair. Once she sat down, an older woman brought her a tray with a piece of bread, some water and a small bowl of what looked like to be chicken broth. Y/N turned to the girl and offered a small smile, “Hi, I’m Y/N. We came together on the wagon yesterday. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier.” The girl’s hazel eyes met hers and she gave Y/N a small smile, “It’s okay. I’m Emily. I don’t really talk when I’m nervous. I have a lot of anxiety when I feel pressured.” She said in a quiet tone. “I get it. I am totally nervous. I mean, yesterday I was living my normal life and now suddenly, I’m a servant to the royal family. The people who I thought of as family, gave me away for money without a second thought.” Y/N said taking a bite of her bread and immediately chasing it down with some water. Emily frowned, “I’m sorry to hear that.” “So,” Y/N said after eating a spoonful of the bland broth, “How did you get here?” Emily looked down at her food and played with it with her spoon, “I’m actually a twin. My sister and I are daughters of bakers. My mom and dad worked so hard their entire life, baking for the royal family. My sister was a big help in the kitchen. She is so smart, kind, outgoing and beautiful. She is pretty much everything I am not. I would usually mess up tasks that would get me in trouble, but she would always defend me. My parents loved me, don’t get me wrong, they were just worried about me a lot. I wasn’t let out a lot. I could have been an embarrassment to them. Then, my sister met a man who came from a good family. They fell in love and are to be married. However, the guards came before the wedding and were trying to get my parents to give them my sister for a large sum of money. So that’s when I volunteered myself to go in her place. I didn’t want her to leave everything behind and to ruin her chance of a happily ever after, so I went in her place.” Y/N looked at the girl with awe, “You are such a good and brave sister to go in her place. I’m sure she is very thankful for you. I don’t think you are an embarrassment. Just stick with me and we will get through this together!” Emily smiles at her and nods in agreement. Before anything else could be said, Lilith’s voice was booming throughout the room, “Mealtime is over! Everyone sit down a listen. Tomorrow is the Grand Royal Gala so we will need to clean the castle extra today. Royal families from all over the country will be attending so I want that castle spotless. Here are the groups and their tasks for the day. Rosetta, you and your hall will clean the floors and windows of the ball room. Claire, take your girls and polish all of the utensils and dishware. Isabel, you and your hall are in charge of cleaning the dinning hall. I want that space especially clean.”
While scrubbing away the dirt on the floor of the halls, Y/N reflected on what Elizabeth informed them about the royal family:
First off, the king. He has his own personal servants who clean, dress and cook for him, so it was highly unlikely for her to be involved with him. He is a strict ruler and likes for everything to be perfect. He does not interfere much with his sons’ lives, but he is more attentive to his two eldest sons. He wants to make sure they are both well-educated and fit enough to rule the kingdom when his time is up.
Same goes for the queen. She is a more carefree person than her husband. She enjoys balls and festivities. She interacts more with her sons than her spouse, but definitely more with her youngest sons, since the older ones are with the king or in counsel or military meetings. She clearly loves her family but is not the most observant or caring mother. She lets them do as they please.
Now, the eldest prince, Prince Seokjin. He is the next in line for the throne. Elizabeth said that he is very serious about his role in the family. With his brothers, he can be a fun person who will crack jokes and enjoy the company of others. But when wronged, he can be a completely different person. He once chopped off a chef’s fingers for making a soup too spicy for his liking and fed those fingers to his dogs. Since he will most likely become king in the near future, more galas will be held to find the prince a suitable wife. Overall, Y/N believes that she will not be in contact with the prince very often either.
The second eldest is Prince Yoongi, the second in line for the throne. According to Elizabeth, he rarely shows his face in public. He is extremely introverted. He keeps to himself, usually in his room where he will write poems, or he will be sleeping. Even with his introverted nature, he is somewhat of a genius. Elizabeth said that when he was a teenager, the king went to war with a foreign land and was at a disadvantage. It was Prince Yoongi, at age 16, that stepped in and completely remodeled the military tactics, which won them the war. However, like his brother, when wronged, he turns into a beast. One day, he was asleep in his room when a servant came in to clean. The servant did not notice the prince asleep and continued his task. It was not until he accidentally knocked the prince’s favorite ink off of his table and spilled it on the ground. The prince woke up in a rage. The man tried to apologize to the prince, only to have himself sent to the dungeons for a week with no food or water. On the last day, Prince Yoongi went down to see the servant, only to behead him himself.
When Elizabeth told them that story, Y/N felt deep chills run down her spine. Hopefully she won’t have to interact with Yoongi during her time at the castle.
From what she heard about the third and fourth oldest princes, Hoseok and Namjoon, they are not as hot tempered as the two eldest. Hoseok is a kind person with a bubbly personality, but when he is pushed the wrong way, he can be a force to be reckoned with. Namjoon on the other hand has not publicly displayed any hostile actions. He is extremely smart and a good leader. From what Elizabeth said, Namjoon is somewhat of a leader to all the brothers. He is very considerate of all of their opinions and is able to settle any arguments between the brothers. Y/N does not suspect to have any issues with those two princes.
Now the last three. Jimin and Taehyung, the fraternal twins who like to cause mischief in the palace. They seem to like to pick on the staff and belittle anyone who is of lower status then themselves. Out of the two of them, Taehyung is more sadistic. He will keep harassing staff members until they leave, hurt themselves or commit suicide. Jimin on the other hand, likes to make people, especially the women he has accompany him in his chambers, feel like they cannot survive without him. Whenever he has wronged one of his girls and they try to talk to him about it, he uses his charming attitude and well-chosen words to turn the whole conversation around onto the girls. He would make them feel like they were the ones who wronged him, and they would apologize to him and swear that they will do better.
Last but not least, the youngest prince, Jungkook. He had everything handed to him on a diamond plate. Elizabeth noted that his beauty almost rivals that of his oldest brother and Jungkook knows it. She said that he excels in anything he does. However, he is probably the scariest out of all the brothers. Jungkook can get away with anything…ANYTHING. Apparently, he was in love with a princess once and planned on marrying her. One day before he planned on proposing to her, he caught her having sex with one of his guards in the library. Furious, he went to his room and waited for her to return. When she did, he asked her where she was, and she lied to him saying that she went for a walk in the palace garden. Jungkook then called the guard she was with into his room and had two guards block the doors out of his room. He tied the princess to a chair, ignoring her cries trying to convince him that she would never cheat on him. He then ordered the guard to remove all of his clothing, leaving him nude. Jungkook had the guard put on prison cuffs himself while the prince hammered a hook into the wall. He beckoned the naked guard to lift his cuffed hands onto the hook. Once everything was in place, he slowly began to castrate the guard, relishing in the man’s screams of agony and the princesses’ shrill screams of horror. After he castrated him, Jungkook swiftly sliced the man’s neck, causing blood to spew out from the slash and him to choke on his own blood, all the while Jungkook forced the princess to watch. Once the man’s body stopped twitching, he untied the frozen princess and took her to his balcony. The princess began apologizing to the prince promising that she will never be unfaithful to him ever again, swearing her loyalty to him and begging for his forgiveness. He gave her a warm smile and gave her a small kiss on the lips, telling her that she is forgiven. And Just as the princess began to relax, Jungkook shoved her over the balcony and watched her body fall to ground. When the prince’s parents found out, they sent word to the princesses’ father that she had run off with a man and that they cannot find them anywhere. The princesses’ father believed them and sent search parties all around the country, never to find out the truth about what happened to his daughter. It’s because of that incident that Jungkook ends the lives of those who betray him.
All of a sudden, she heard something being knocked over and water spilling. Then a sudden cry of pain. Worried that one of girls hurt themselves, Y/N immediately got up and ran down the hall towards the noise, ignoring Emily telling her not to involve herself.
Y/N could hear a males voice from down the hall, “You stupid whore!! Your spilled you water on my fucking new shoes!!”
Once she turned the corner to where she would find the girl, her eyes widened, and her heart stopped.
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