#and she also struggles w picking up a gun to fight
rottingpirate · 2 years
Heyo! I absolutely love your fic, I don't know why it took me so long to find your blog 🙏🏻
Can I request Captain Price with a Reader who's part of a Cartel (or part of the mafia, up to you) and it's like enemies to lovers. (Извините, мой английский не очень хорош)
John Price w m!reader who's cartels second in command.
Also imagine that Price was in Las Almas since the beginning
Warnings: typical CoD violence, maybe a bit ooc Price, not proofread, kinda shitty (I'm sorry)
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You breathe out and closed your eyes, focusing on warmth, and the gentle breeze outside-
Fuck. You groaned, a bullet harshly in your upper thigh, deep and ripping, painful, like a burning needle shoved into the skin.
You slowly slide down the wall, sitting there and taking a deep breath.
This is bad. This is so bad.
Everything was going to shit. Your men have been getting killed and shot left and right and honestly, you weren’t doing so peachy either. You were shot in your shoulder, which on its own wasn’t that bad but getting a bullet in your thigh fucking sucked.
You hissed at the pain as you propped yourself against a wall, with a dead cartel member next to you. You raised one eyebrow, you knew him, a nice guy, shame he died. “Tú tampoco pareces estar muy bien.” You said to yourself, trying to ease the stress of the situation you were currently in. If you’re found, you’re as good as dead.
Your heart beats fiercely as blood spills out. The bullet didn't seem to touch your femoral artery which was a win, but you still weren't sure if you could go back into combat just yet.
You felt dizzy, surroundings getting blurry and mind being filled with fuzz until you fell into darkness. You didn't die, that's one thing you were sure of.
Loud stomping of boots and yelling was all you heard before warm, rough hands picked you up and held your hands together.
Then you felt being pushed around and what felt like being driven somewhere. You weren't asleep per se, but weak. Everything felt dizzy, weird and opening your eyes was a struggle, so you didn't fight it.
A cold barrel of a gun was pressed to your temple, and you instinctively tried to struggle, muscles flexing and working through stabs of pain.
There were multiple voices, some in Spanish and some in English but they all blurred together and you had no idea what they were saying. Maybe deciding whether to kill you or not.
Before you could even have a moment to realize where and what was happening, you felt a stabbing pain in your head and everything stopped, you were sent into black nothingness once again.
You felt disoriented, your breathing increased by a second. You had been waiting in this godforsaken shipping container for upwards of 10 minutes. You took notice that your wrists had been tied by zip ties.
You were captured, no doubt about that. It was quiet and you tried tugging at the zip ties but to no avail. While you were staring at the table in front of you, you did not notice the door sliding open and closing. You only came back into reality when you heard a chair being dragged across the floor and a person sitting down. As you glanced up, your breathing shuddered.
Fuck, the Captain of 141. You knew the guy, read through some of his files and briefly saw him in combat at the mansion.
He was sitting there, arms crossed and legs spread, making himself comfortable as he stared at you. You weren't a pretty sight at the moment, all bloody and dirty.
Silence was loud, not a single word was uttered for what felt like hours. Minutes passed and all you could think about was why were you still alive? You thought they'd only want Valeria. Maybe you being the second in command would be useful and they decided to keep you for a little longer. After a while of pondering you've had enough.
“Has she said anything yet?” The words are quiet. You were referring to Valeria as you were sure they had her in the same position at some other shipping container.
He didn’t respond and only stared deeper into your soul. He tilted his head, and fuck were his eyes gorgeous. He had those deep blue eyes, which held so many secrets in them. Those eyes that have been hardened by war but held a sort of softness to them.
You must've been staring as he broke contact and fixed his eyes on something else.
“Do you want it patched up?” Huh? You were confused for a second until you noticed him glancing towards your shoulder that was still bleeding and slightly aching. You weren’t gonna lie, getting it bandaged up sounded pretty damn nice, but why would he care about that? You were the "enemy" here and yet here he was asking if you wanted him to kiss the pain away.
Not wanting to admit it but also not wanting to bear this pain any longer you nodded slowly, unsure if he was joking or not.
He leaned forward, standing up as he headed towards the only entrance in the interrogation room. “I’ll be right back.” was the only thing you heard until the door was closed again. You heard a faint click and you were left only with your thoughts again.
You felt pathetic. Hopeless. Your body ached as you clenched your fists together. You stared at the floor, unmoving. He actually wanted to help you? No way, this had to be some kind of tactic right? Ain’t no way the captain of TF-141 wanted to actually help you and relieve your pain. This had to be a joke or something.
This time when you heard the door opening your head snapped up as you saw Price stepping in with an aid kit and some alcohol.
He grabbed the chair and dragged it so it was facing your wounded shoulder. He tore the thin shirt you were wearing and god damn you’d be lying if this wasn’t at least a little attractive until you noticed that half of your torso was now exposed on full display. He didn't seem too fazed as he grabbed a ball of cotton and started cleaning the wound and surprisingly enough he was quite gentle. He glanced up at you anytime you slightly winced asking if everything was okay.
You thought you were brought here to spill some information and not sit half naked in front of an incredibly gorgeous man who was patching up your wounds and asking if anything hurt. What a dream.
“How bad does it hurt?”
“I’ll live,”
“Atta boy” He muttered under his breath, it came out so silently you thought you imagined it. Maybe you did.
You clicked your tongue and winced in distress as the cold, damp, ball of cotton made contact with your skin, causing the wound to flare back to life with a sharp burning sensation.
“I know, I know, it's fine.” He whispered. His steady hands were skilled and he seemed to have experience in this. He watched as your eyes scrunched shut when he dabbed the cotton above the wound making him slightly pull it away.
Fuck, why was he so gentle with you? So careful and so attentive, like he actually liked you. Like he actually cared. Stupid, ain’t no way he would like you. You were part of the cartel and all he wanted was to get to your good side and get the info out of you before putting a bullet through your brain.
After a while, he seemed satisfied and next, he moved to the cut on your chest, seeming to not notice the hole in your thigh, which is honestly good. You didn't need him so close and personal right now. These couple days of non-stop stress were making you so bothered and him touching you was making you feel things you didn't want to admit right now.
Dragging the cotton across the skin, you began to relax into it, either closing your eyes or staring thoughtfully at the floor. Price found himself smiling faintly at the observation as he ran the cotton ball down your pec, catching your attention.
"What?" You asked, opening your eyes.
"What are you thinking?"
You frowned at him for a minute before raising a brow. "As if you don't know."
"I could guess," He breathed out, not taking his eyes off of the cut.
"Go ahead."
"I'm curious."
"You're trying to figure out why I’m being so nice to you." He tried out, gesturing towards the first wound he cleaned up. The bandages were holding nicely, no new blood. He did an excellent job at cleaning up if he said so himself.
The corners of your mouth twitched up and Price took that as a yes.
"I don't know. You’re smart.” Was all he said before placing the cotton ball on the table and grabbing some bandaids.
You shook your head, that didn’t exactly answer anything but you took the compliment, be it a lie or the truth. You swallowed, closing your eyes and letting the man in front of you do his thing.
You let yourself enjoy the little moment before being brought back into the harsh reality.
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here are the other LOSERS I'm considering to f/o😒 /lh /silly
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I'd ship them both with kazumi bc she's my main girl and yk what? her milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard🥛 (I need to be sedated)
I've always wanted to fuck him. there I said it😐 when I first got into the show and started selfshipping I was like "tee hee maybeee" but then I got stressed w life and the morals of proshipping and I already felt bad for f/oing z.enitsu bc I'd eventually outgrow him-🤦🏽‍♀️
It was a whole thing but fuck it, if z.enitsu can have n.ezuko (I don't really ship it lmao but you get my point) then kazumi can have g.enya. equality🤝⚖️
In canon, they bond a little over their unique ways of fighting demons and maybe do some target practice. They're not besties, but they're chill. G.enya would've been more likely to approach kazumi than early t.anjiro that's for sure (leave his tooth alone sir😭)
In my modern au they're closer. I think they struggle over maths together, kazumi joins the gun club (idk what it's called) and they fight sometimes for fun<3 boys will be boys or whatever💕
Again... I've always wanted to fuck him😔 but with him I was like "girl he already has all these fans and you're thirsting over nitsu shim and his BROTHER!? calm down🫵🏼
but now I'm like fuck it we ball🕺
In canon, I think s.anemi roughed kazumi up a little bit (along w o.banai but that's a WHOLE OTHER POST) at her meeting with kaguya. there's tension at first, but he grows a bit of a soft spot for her after learning about her village, her little sister (I also think he thought she was a boy at first so when he learned she was girl I think he would've felt a little bad since he canonically has a soft spot for kids, girls and old people I think?) they have a strained mentor and student relationship.
like anytime they see each other he's immediately making her run drills but also shitting on her to not push herself like?? mf pick a lane😭 but kazumi appreciates it and sometimes goes to him for advice or simple conversation which he refuses to admit how much he enjoys lol. (PUSSY)
In modern au, he's still a math teacher but he's also her friends older brother👀👀 you see where I'm going w this..
listen, this whole thing was inspired by a modern au tenzen fic I read today and I've been lowkey shipping it, but I also didn't want kazumi to be left out so I said "yk what? she can fuck a teacher too. equality💪" /silly
but uh yeah ah ha ha. that's all
*dies cutely*
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izusun · 3 years
*hands you an AU dump to hoard like a little goblin handing a small coin to a dragon*
OKAY so basically: after the doctor's visit where Izuku learns he's quirkless (I hc that they went when he was about five n' a half), Inko does a little bit of research on quirks and more specifically on her son's notebooks, learns that he's even more brilliant at quirk analysis than she originally suspected, and (after looking at some not great quirkless statistics) she instead informs Izuku that no, he's had a quirk all along! It's an analysis quirk!
So she updates the quirk registry, and Izuku goes through his life believing he has an analysis quirk, albeit teased for being a late bloomer, but he still can't shake the insecurity being quirkless for that one and a half year gave him.
He does research on all sorts of things, hacking, knife throwing, first aid, and building his own support gear and takes to all of it like a duck to water. He also does research on UA's policy for support gear in the entrance exam (cause surely they've gotta have a policy for non-offensive quirks like Koda and Hagakure) and finds that he can take one with him if he builds it himself. He goes fuckin bonkers.
Anyways: he trains with Katsuki, cause they're relationship is pretty good since Izuku has a 'quirk.' They both demolish the entrance exam. (Also Izuku kinda swears a lot because Katsuki rubs off on him)
Aizawa doesn't notice a goddamn thing is amiss until the battle trials on the second day (he decides to shadow All Might that day), where when he was using his quirk to silence his students while Izuku was rambling, he just didn't stop, as if he didn't notice anything was wrong. It happens again during the USJ.
So at some point during the sports festival, Nedzu (who is now intrigued because of Aizawa's complaining) invites Izuku into his office during a free period and lets him go ham on analysis, all while Aizawa is secretly there erasing Izuku's 'quirk.' Nedzu invites Izuku to be his personal student (making Aizawa go grey), he says yes, and then Nedzu drops the absolute BOMBSHELL that Izuku is actually quirkless. Cue an existential crisis.
(Also Izuku gets captured at the training camp alongside Katsuki because of his "analysis quirk," wonder how well that goes for him~)
- Goblin anon (sorry this one was kinda long)
i misunderstood the prompt a bit but i genuinely don’t know how to backtrack, so here you go goblin. sorry again o(TヘTo)
ok first of, inko taking on a stronger stance to support her son? love that of her. like, she doesn’t say sorry when izuku turned to look at her and cried that he can’t be like all might. instead, she took him in her arms and assures him that he will be a great hero. at first, of course half of it is lip service because she doesn’t know how to help her quirkless boy be a hero, since, you know, heroes need quirks.. (or do they)
and then she comes across a quirkless self help group which rang many many warning bells in her head. what kind of life do quirkless people live when a google research of them resulted in subsequent pages of results like how to stay safe when quirkless, or how to find jobs when quirkless, or quirkless mortality rates?
she fears for izuku, until she notices that her son’s smart. too smart for his age, but inko thought she’s just being biased. but izuku’s wit is something many people notice, for an instance, when izuku goes to the park to play and his friends’ (the few ones who stayed) parents tell her that her son’s smart for a quirkless person, she realizes that izuku’s wit is far more vast than normal.
then a thought worms into her head but wouldn’t it be bad to lie…but also, no one would be any the wiser.
further pushed by all the statistics she keeps seeing, or the lack thereof, about quirkless people, she makes the decision and pours it to izuku.
izuku who’s far smarter than his age and understood what his mom is asking from him. izuku who already saw the disparities between quirked and quirkless people at the tender age of five. izuku who knows what it means to lie about something as personal as a quirk, but realizes that it’s necessary for him to do so if he wants to live a “normal” life.
so he agrees; he tells inko that he’ll work even harder to sharpen his mind, and to keep expanding his knowledge.
when izuku’s quirk file is officially updated, he watches how his peers and teachers revert back into treating him as izuku. he regains his old friends, but he chose to drop them because he doesn’t want to surround himself with people who thought he was less for being quirkless.
katsuki stayed, surprisingly. katsuki stayed and everyday he kept bothering izuku to “get your quirk already!” katsuki stayed because he can’t fathom that the smartest boy in their class (of course not as smart as him, psshh) is quirkless. deku couldn’t be quirkless. (but if he found out that izuku, indeed, is, i wonder what would happen…)
katsuki was one of the loudest to celebrate when izuku announced that his quirk arrived.
“finally!” he screams and bothers izuku about the semantics of his quirk. he really wasn’t surprised to find out that izuku has an analysis quirk because he thought that nothing else would better be suited for izuku.
he doesn’t know that izuku pours so much of his time into learning and studying, often bypassing basics and intros to take more of the developed courses that are usually recommended for older ages. he doesn’t know that izuku is just a naturally smart kid with the ability to fill the gaps of his young mind with knowledge upon knowledge, storing and stacking them until he feels that he’s laid a sturdy foundation for his fake quirk.
then izuku began threading into different areas. he learns how to get into cyberspaces; hacking into accounts and delving more into how to access private information. he doesn’t thread too close lest he gets caught, but he learns the logistics of maneuvering around the web and burrowing in empty spaces to branch out his own. he creates and designs web algorithms for himself, just so he doesn’t trigger anyone who is looking into the web movements. he hones this and uses it to access more information.
then when he deems it enough, he turns his attention to something more tangible and something more physical. he learns other ways to be a hero; how to fight without a physical quirk, how to win against bigger opponents, how to use analysis quirk in fights.
izuku becomes more than a fake analysis quirk user; he creates it.
mental quirks are hard to describe, more so to compress, thus he creates new definitions of an analysis quirk. what used to be a silly lie is now a tangible fact that izuku believes in. because what makes a quirk? because what makes analysis a quirk? he learns these semantics (often political) and uses it to his advantage.
then he finally threads to hero analysis. at first it were classmates he analyzed; eyes running quickly at their forms and watching with great interest before calculating everything he’s seen and transversing it with the things he learned, and bridges these two facts together to create an analysis. it was a struggle at first: he didn’t know which to put emphasis on until he realizes, he doesn’t need to. he weaves them together and lets his analysis run long and watches how his hobby comes into fruition.
following his classmates are current heroes. these were more tough and more fun, and any of the information is less shared. he doesn’t tell his classmates or teachers about his analyses, only katsuki. and katsuki’s breath hitch every damn time at izuku’s talent quirk.
it is in their second year of middle school that midoriya begins to incorporate the facts with himself to create physical performances. the issues and things he learned through observing are now practiced by himself. he calculates the best way to fight with a body as petite as his, often taking examples from pro-hero hawks and other women heroes. their agilities and physicality suit izuku’s young body; he doesn’t see the merit in punching his way through things when he physically cannot.
so he learns ways to ease his muscles. he learns ballet and gymnastics; lets his muscles contort and mend themselves anew. he finds his balance and roots himself firmly, and learns to calculate his actions so he doesn’t waste his energy. katsuki doesn’t say anything, but he sees izuku’s dance and falls in love.
then in the spring of their third year of middle school, izuku learns how to build and handle weapons.
this is the easiest. izuku learns that weapons aren’t tools, but extensions of his arms and hands. they are not to be revered and not to be depended on because they can fail. instead, he learns to wield weapons as though they are parts of his bodies. he learns how to use swords and often narrowing to wooden sticks that can be picked up anywhere; he learns how to fire guns and how to hide daggers in his uniform. he learns that his body is the best weapon to use and that tools are just arsenal to help him win.
then he learns how to build them.
by summer, izuku begins reaching into UA’s servers. they are hard codes to crack, but not impossible. it takes him five days to access old entrance exam videos. the next day, the videos are snuffed and he is left to try digging deeper into UA.
he fails.
nezu must have caught onto his codes and proceeded to build walls against it.
so he slithers out. but a five minute video of last year’s entrance exam is enough for izuku because he learns two things: one, heroes must defeat villains and two, heroes must save others.
izuku prepares for this. unknowingly, katsuki is taught these same principles. katsuki would grumble and tell him that he knows what heroes must do, but izuku continues to hammer it down to him.
by the time of the UA entrance exam, izuku falls into the ease of having a fake quirk. he passes the written exam with flying colours and although it took three teachers to approve his support gears (present mic had to pull in powerloader, midnight, and hound dog to ensure that the well designed support gears are made by the hero student examinee and not by a support student examinee. majima saw the works and begged nezu to allow izuku to be his student.), izuku still succeeds and dominates the entrance exam.
when the zero pointer was released, he had flung himself towards the girl crushed by debris and yanks her out. he doesn’t waste a modified grenade to explode the zero pointer because through his calculations, doing so would not only create more collateral damage, but would also endanger the examinee in his arms because she still would be caught in the crossfire.
nezu hums in appreciation from the screening room, after all, smart minds always do think alike.
izuku gets a whopping 92 in the physical aspects of the entrance exam.
katsuki gets 85.
aizawa gleefully takes them in.
izuku thinks that no one will ever know of his and inko’s secret, but one look at nezu’s beady eyes and he knew that the stoat knew. it became a game to them, then. a game to see who else would realize.
and while izuku is smart, he doesn’t realize that nezu has basically taken him as his personal student the moment he and izuku had created a bet.
it takes two months for aizawa to figure things out. surprisingly, he is the only one to do so and he only realizes due to the many untimely attacks of LoV.
how angst would it be if katsuki realizes that izuku’s always been quirkless during their captivity in the LoV’s hideout.
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The 12 Nights of Christmas: Day 9:
*The group first makes a stop at the shrine to pay respects and make wishes to the God of Prosperity.
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So that’s supposed to be the God there?
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Yep! Holding his lucky mallet.
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There’s an explanation here. It says that people pray to him for marriage and for making good connections.
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Wow. It sure would be nice to meet some new people this year!
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Maybe with luck, those two would be Rantaro and Kiyo. We still haven’t found those two.
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True...but to be honest, of everyone, they can definitely wait. I don’t even know what I’d say to them if we were reunited...
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Yeah, you’re right...
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As nice as it would be to meet some new people, I’m plenty happy with the people I know already. I wouldn’t trade the friends I have for anything.
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What? I can be nice sometimes...!
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Ehehehe! Thank you Maki. It makes me so happy to hear that!
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Before we start teasing Maki Roll, let’s draw our fortunes. See if luck’s on our side this year.
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*sigh* Do we have to? I’m really not about this stuff...
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Are you scared that you might draw a bad fortune?
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No! That’s...well, yes, that might be part of it.
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Forgive me for stating the obvious, but fortune has not favored me in recent times. I don’t know what I’d do if I pulled a stick that said “worst fortune” or whatever.
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That’s a good point. Well, you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.
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Yeah, I think I’ll pass on this one too.
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Well, forget all of you, I’m doing it!
*Kaito goes and draws his fortune.
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That’s not a comforting face...
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Don’t tell me you got a bad one...
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W-Well, whatever. Even if I did, who cares? It’s just a stupid fortune.
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That’s not what you were saying a few seconds ago!
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Well, it’s what I’m saying now! I don’t believe in fate anyhow. Never have.
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Yeah, and look at it this way. A bad fortune means that it can only get better, you know?
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Hey, I said I didn’t care about some dumb fortune!
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Listen. Whether it’s good or bad, a lot of amazing things are gonna come our way in the future, and no matter what, we’re gonna fight through them all, together!
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I agree!
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It’s gonna be hard to be negative when we have rays of sunshine like the two of you around. Aren’t we lucky Shuichi?
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You can say that again.
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*After paying respects, the group goes around each of the stalls, and decide to play the games available before they grab food.
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*Kaede, Kaito and Maki, all holding a practice gun, each aim at the prizes on display. They have to shoot and knock them over in order to get the prizes.
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Yes! I got it! Phew!
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Congrats Kaede! Better luck next time Kaito...
*Kaito unfortunately misses every shot. Kaede misses her first two shots, but is able to get the prize she wants on her third and final.
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*PEW!* *PEW!* *PEW!* 
*Meanwhile, Maki hits three prizes consecutively with her shots, and scores all three.
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Right on target...
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And no one is surprised...
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Here Kaito, have another go and I’ll help you.
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Huh? Oh, thanks.
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Heh...I’m getting deja vu all of a sudden...
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Don’t bring up things that are irrelevant right now. Just show me how you hold it. 
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Alright alright, don’t get so grumpy...
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*The next game the group plays, they have to fish out balloons using a hook.
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Hey! I got ‘em! First try!
*Kaito successfully hooks two balloons in one go.
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Ooh. I got some too.
*Maki also hooks a few of her own.
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Nice job you guys. Let’s see if I can do this...
*Unlike the other two, Kaede reaches in and hooks one balloon, but a much bigger one.
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Wah-!? WAAHGH!
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AH! I’m sorry!
*In her excitement, the hook slips from Kaede’s hands, and as she struggles to catch the balloon, it ends up hitting Shuichi, and getting him soaked.
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You know, maybe it WAS a good idea not to pull that fortune slip...
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I’m so sorry...!
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It’s alright...Water under the bridge...or on the kimono more specifically.
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Woooah! Look at all this!
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I knew it was going to be hard to pick out what to eat, but this is crazy...! There’s so much...!
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Wait, is all of this homemade!?
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The best new years meals are the one’s you cook yourself after all.
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*Shuichi suddenly hears his phone vibrate in his pocket and he takes it out.
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What’s up?
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It’s from Kirumi. She’s letting me know that she’s managed to secure a spot on the hilltop beforehand, so that we can watch the new years fireworks from a distance.
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Oh, sweet!
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Wait...what time is it? How long to we have until midnight?
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An hour.
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An hour!? Oh no!
*Kaede suddenly lifts up her skirt and turns in the opposite direction.
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Dude, where are you going!? What about the food!?
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Oh, um! Sorry! I REALLY gotta be somewhere! Just get me some shrimp fried rice and some mochi! I’m craving it right now! Gotta go!
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*Maki calls after her, but Kaede already makes a beeline to the distance.
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Sorry guys but...I think I’m gonna go after her. Something’s up.
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No one’s holding that against you, just tell us where the others are and we’ll meet you in time for the fireworks.
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Alright. It’s round about here on the map. See you in a bit!
*Shuichi thanks them and goes to chase Kaede.
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*pant!* *pant!* K-Kaede! Where are you!?
*Shuichi, out of breath, gives chase to Kaede up a rather steep hill. He climbs the steps to the best of his ability.
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Where was she going? The festival doesn’t go this far out...
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Wait...is she going towards...the graveyard? There’s one at this shrine, isn’t there?
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Why would she...?
*Shuichi doesn’t stop long to ponder why as he continues to climb.
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*Kaede, at the graveyard with a bouquet of white roses in hand, walks among the gravestones.
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...Where is she...
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Oh! There you are...
*Her eyes wall upon a headstone, and she approaches it. She kneels down in front of the slab and places the flowers in front of her.
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Happy new year...I’m...glad to see you...
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But...I’m sad that I have to see you like this...I hope...wherever you are...you’re happy.
???: S’a beautiful thing, ain’t it?
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*Kaede hears a voice behind her and turns around to look at who was speaking.
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Sorry. Guess I was interruptin’ your prayer. I was just happy to see someone come visit her.
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Oh...right...You know, you can sit here too. I won’t mind.
*Noticing the man with the straw hat also has flowers on him, she makes room. He also kneels down in front of the grave, places down a bouquet of several roses of several colors, and puts his hands together in prayer too.
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It’s beautiful...I didn’t know there were so many kinds of roses.
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Oh yeah, I grew ‘em m’self.
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I ain’t really a gard’ner per se, but I figured since it was the new year an’ all, I’d go through the added effort. You know how it is...
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Anywho...how’d you know her?
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Me? Oh well...
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She ran a place relatively close to where I lived. For a short while, I worked for her.
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But we were close, both at work and outside it...I owe a lot to her...
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I see...
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What about you? Is...Is she your family?
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No, not really. But we were close enough to basically be cousins at least...
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I...didn’t speak to her for a long time. Neither of us are originally from Japan y’know? We knew each other way back when.
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That’s amazing...
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Yeah...everyone was crushed when she said she wanted to bring her “unique style” overseas...But it’s what she wanted to do...
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...Do you...By any chance...know how she died...?
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I heard she got done by another person...Murdered I mean...
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It makes me sick...but y’know...I’ve had enough time to cry on it...
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You seem to take things in stride...Clearly you cared about this woman, but...you’re not as upset as I thought you’d be.
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It ain’t like that. How does I put this? It’s like...
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This world...even before the tragedy came and went, this world was full of folks  who were rott’n as a bottle o’ milk left out in the blazin’ sun too long...
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But it just makes me happy knowin’...that there were people like her, who ain’t never had a wrong bone in her body, to help carry us to brighter futures, ya get me?
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I...see...Yeah, you’re right...sorry if I sounded like I was trying to undermine you.
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It’s just...it’s...*sniff* It’s so...unfair...!
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Naw, don’t sweat it sugar. I know you don’t mean no harm...
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But that’s life, y’know? It ain’t fair. It never will be. Sometimes we wish it was her standin’ here instead of us...
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But if things went differently, nothin’ would really’ve changed. She mighta’ said the same thing as you.
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Listen...I don’t know what you’ve been through...or what she went through...but all I know is that whatever it is...
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She knew...that bein’ who she was, she had a responsibility...and that she had to at least try...And I reckon to you that she didn’t have any regrets when she left...
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She always wanted to be a hero...to be the kinda woman who could protect others...help them get back on their feet. She felt that way about a lot of us, even if she had a hard time showin’ it.
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...But she knew that hero’s...don’t really ever have a choice. But even still, it’s what she wanted.
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*Kaede wipes her eyes, and suddenly, hugs the man with the hat.
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Whoops! We got a hugger...
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She...She never got the chance to hear anyone say it...
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But she WAS a hero...and an angel...And I can say that from the bottom of my heart.
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*sniff* Th-Thanks kid...
*The man hugs her back, wiping his own eyes before he has a chance to let the waters flow. The two stay like that for a while, until they finally let go.
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You know, I appreciate it an’ all, but it may not be such a good idea to go huggin’ total strangers, y’know?
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Yeah, you’re right...sorry, I just...somehow knew I could trust you...
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S’alright anyhow. I needed that, and from what I can tell, so did you.
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Kaede! Kaede!
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Whups! Guess that means I should get goin’ now. Nice meetin’ ya’! And thanks for comin’ to pay respects.
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Wait, hold on! I don’t think I caught your name.
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Aw shoot, neither me! Well...
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I’m Tato. Tato Shimagami.
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Tato, huh? Well, it was a pleasure to meet you Tato.
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Pleasure’s all mine, Miss Akamatsu. Now I’d best leave you be with yer’ boo.
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Yeah, thanks. Sorry I-
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Wait, how did you know my-?
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Ah! H-Hey Shuichi. Sorry but could you-
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*Kaede turns around, but when she looks back, Tato Shimagami is gone completely.
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Where did he...You saw the guy that was here with me, didn’t you?
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I did...but...it’s almost like he vanished...Who was he?
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...I...have no idea...
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Never mind that though...what are you-
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*Shuichi suddenly looks at the headstone Kaede and Tato placed flowers in front of.
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Kaede...I’m...I’m so sorry...
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Don’t apologize. It makes sense you’d come running after me, since I just ditched you guys like that...
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It’s just...this was important...and it was something I had to do alone...
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*sigh* I’m a terrible friend...I only-
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Kaede! No! Not now...not here...
*Shuichi moves in and grabs her into a hug.
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This...This has to stop! It really does!
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I...I heard about what you asked of Kuripa, in much clearer detail...I know I probably should’ve waiting for you yourself to tell me, but I needed to know.
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I respect your wishes and your decisions, and the last thing I will ever want to do is get in your way, but you’re not being fair to yourself.
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We love you...I love you...Just as much as SHE loved you.
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We’re friends...we’re family...! And we do NOT wanna lose you too...Not again...
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*Kaede returns Shuichi’s embrace, and the two kiss...When they pull away, Kaede takes his hand and looks back at the grave.
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She knew that she couldn’t stand up to Zetsubou...She knew that she couldn’t protect me from the evils of the world...
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But she also knew...she was the only one who could try...
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...Yeah...maybe it’s high time we took up the torch.
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I agree...But for now?
*Kaede pinches her cheek and wipes her eyes.
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Let’s get to those fireworks!
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*Still holding hands, the two leave the gravestone...etched upon it, are the words...
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In loving memory of Chinami Hasami.
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babyyweebbitch · 3 years
Please stay with me — Remake
Soo I reread the one I did before and I wanted to remake it because it wasn’t as good (heres the first one) I hope I can make this one better 😭😭 Also, grab tissues. I made this TOO sad
TW // death ; blood ; funeral ; severe depression & relapse
summary: Chris Redfield and his wife were on a mission a seven months after Piers’ death. His wife has been Captain of their team ever since that day.
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Seven months ago Piers Nivans died in order to save Chris’ life and for the BSAA. Chris was still fucked up after that day and he thinks about it almost every day. He took a break from the BSAA since his wife made him. It wasn’t a very long one though, he missed being at work, he missed his coworkers and he missed her
Chris resigned as Captain and let his wife replace him. It was a very emotional day not not only for her and Chris but for the entire BSAA because they’ve never had a woman as Captain before. She was a good captain probably even better than Chris. Despite her height, weight and basically being the youngest on that team at 28. She was undoubtedly the best captain in years
Her team along with Chris were on a mission. Their mission was to take out the enemy, find three hostages and disable the bombs set in the building “Okay men… we’re gonna be splitting into three teams since there’s a lot of us here. Team A; Corey, John and Andrew. Your job is to find out where the bombs are and disable them as quickly as possible.”
“Yes ma’am!” The three went off to do their job as told
“Team B; Phil, Jean and Mark, you’re in charge of finding and getting the hostages to safety out of this building. You three can split up, stay together I don’t care. As long as your job is done”
“Ma’am” the three left
She turned to Eric and Chris who were standing together “what a coincidence, you two are with me.” She said with a slight smile on her face, walking ahead of the two Eric leaned over to Chris “She’s so cool…” Chris thought of Finn the moment he said that, he couldn’t help but to smile and look at him “I know…”
“Stop standing around we have a mission you know!” She yelled out to the two of them. Chris and Eric quickly made their way to the door the enemies were behind, Chris was silent the entire time before he was quickly checked back into reality with a pat on the shoulder “you okay? We need you fully here for this” his wife said as he looked down at her and nodded “yeah I’m okay…”
Chris, his wife and Eric all prepared as the door was blown open and guns were firing. The three did take cover just in time. After about five minutes of gun fire and fighting it finally stopped, thinking they had all the enemies taken care of they all stood up “good job! We did it — Chris!” Y/N called out as she did catch a glimpse of an enemy that didn’t die somehow standing up and pointing their gun towards Chris.
She quickly ran towards Chris and pushed him out the way, for Chris it’s almost like everything was happening in slow motion. He had to process everything leading up to that moment. He heard a scream of pain when his head finally cleared, looking up to see his wife shot in the sternum and Eric shooting the enemy down
She started to fall and Chris caught her before she hit the floor, his eyes started filling up with tears as he looked at her “baby please… tell me this is a joke!”
She knew she was dying, her body felt so cold from the inside out she, she coughed before reaching into one of her many pokes on her pants “c…Chris… do me a favour okay? Please…. stay safe” she handed him her wedding ring, she never wore it during missions to avoid it getting broken, rusted or something. So she held it in her pocket where it was safe “I… feel so… cold”
Chris looked at the ring then at her “no don’t say that! You’re gonna be fine! You’re gonna be fine! Please stay with me!” He started crying, Eric stood by as Team B; Phil, Jean and Mark came in. They surprisingly finished the bomb quicker than expected “Captain w—“ Mark was starting to talk but he quickly stopped when he realised what was happening
“Guys… take care of him for me…” she struggled to talk. She looked up at Chris to see him crying, she lifted her Hand up to his cheek to wipe his tears one last time “no no… don’t cry hon… I’ll tell my parents you said hi… I love you..” Chris held onto her hand and his heart practically stopped the moment he felt her hand and body go heavy and her head fall back … she was dead now
“No…. Please come back! Please don’t go! Y/N!!!” He held her body close and just sobbed, Eric and team B were tearing up and trying to wipe their tears
It took a while to get Chris to let go of her body and let them put her on a stretcher and on the truck so they can go back. When they finally did everyone on the team was there. It took three guys to pry him off of her This was the first time they’ve ever seen him cry like this
It’s been almost a month since she’s died, Chris looked horrible. He hasn’t shaved, left the house, he started drinking again and Claire had to clean him up at night since he wasn’t sober enough to even do it himself. The house looked like shit especially the room Chris and his wife shared
It was the day of the funeral and Chris was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at the picture of him and her on their wedding day back in 2007. He somehow managed to even get up that day and not drink. He showered that morning, got dressed in a suit and did his hair. He still didn’t shave though
Claire came in “Chris? You ready?” She asked. She had on a black dress on “I guess so…” Chris responded. He stood up and placed the picture down on the night stand and grabbed the necklace he had with his wife’s ring on it.
Claire fixed his tie and jacket before they left. Chris was always taking care of her when she was younger so now it was time for her to take care of her older brother “good. Let’s go” Claire let him walk in front of her to the car. She drove because one he couldn’t think straight enough to drive and he was completely hung over from drinking too much
After about a 45 minute drive they arrived to where her funeral was being held at. Everyone they knew was there, Leon, their BSAA team, Her family. It was hard for him to see her brother and sister at their older sisters funeral
The ceremony, the viewing and speeches all happened and Chris barely even got through his speech without crying
(Im so so so sorry for this next part)
Chris’ speech: “Y/N was an amazing person, she always took care of everyone, me, her siblings, our team, Claire… everyone. She put everyone before herself no matter who they were. She joined the BSAA not because of herself because of her parents death in Raccoon City. She promised them she would do something in any way to stop what happened in Raccoon from ever happening again. She treated our team like her family and even the rookies as her kids even if they were a few years younger then her. She was an even amazing person and wife. And I miss her dearly.”
There wasn’t a single dry eye in that room when Chris said his speech. After everything, everyone went inside to eat and talk.
Chris sat with Claire and Y/N’s siblings. He just picked at his food and stared at the plate. He was terrifyingly silent before Leon came over “hey Chris… how are you holding up?” Leon asked as he stared at Chris. He could tell how hard this has affected Chris. “I’m fine…”
“Chris… You need to eat. All you’ve done in the past month was drink, workout and cry… You need to at least eat something” Claire said “she wouldn’t want this… Her or Piers wouldn’t want you to be like this. Y/N would be yelling at you if she saw you picking at your food like this. We both know she would”
Chris’ eyes started to water once again before he spoke “I…. I know.. but I just miss her so much, Claire… we were gonna start a family together… she wanted to have kids and get a bigger house so we can have a big family… now I can’t have one because she’s the only person I wanted a family with…” Chris sighed softly as he wiped his eyes
“I miss her too… we all do…” Leon commented looking down at his plate. Chris eventually ended up eating his food and everyone left to go home. The entire drive home was deafening to the point you can hear a pin drop
When he got home he changed inside a fresh pair of clothes and he started to clean the house, starting with the bedroom and ending in the Kitchen. He cleaned it exactly how she’d like it and when he was finished around 3:32 am he sat on the couch and sighed
They were right… She would yell at him if she saw the way he was, how the house was when she died
After a few years pass it’s before the entire Village situation. Every week since the funeral Chris visited her grave and just talked to her for a bit. On her birthday he spent almost half the day there, on new year’s he watched the fireworks by your gave.
He still hasn’t moved on since her death he can’t even get into another relationship with a woman since her death but it’s not like he can find anyone else like her… and honestly he didn’t want to.
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IM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR MAKING THIS EVEN SADDER tbh tho I started tearing up writing this
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 4 years
attraction |  hs vampire au
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moodboard made by me so don’t use pls
Pairing: Vampire!Harry x NewbornVampire!Reader
Warnings: major mention of blood, basically a slow burn with sexual tension/teasing, SMUT including unprotected sex (wrap it up before ya tap it), kids), voyeurism, oral (f receiving) and so much more, fluff and a tiny bit of angst
Word count: 10.9k (oops)
A/N: well... hi again? i guess?? 🙃 back from the dead agaaaain 🙌🏻 okay but i had a major writer block since my last one shot and oof, was it tough... but now i’m back! more relax and feeling inspired for halloween? so hope you will enjoy this special oneshot about one of my fav brit boys ❤️💞
masterlist  |  tag list
Somewhere near London, UK – year unknown.
Tonight was probably the worst one you ever experienced in your life – well, afterlife –, aside from being turned into a monstrous blood creature against your will just a few months ago. Despite your new inhuman abilities, the mob running and screaming after you still gains ground since you’re leaving a most vivid trail for them to follow.
Though your heart no longer has a normal pulse it feels as if each thump is excruciating pain. The obvious reason might be because you haven't been able to feed yourself properly since you've been... reborn. And so very little human blood was running through your veins because you couldn’t seem to control the hypnosis power. That’s why you’ve been sticking to animal blood but if you were honest, it didn’t give your body the same strength.
Now your body starts to grow heavier by the minute, along with a most painful throb to your fangs that threatens to turn you into a mindless monster that will slaughter aimlessly just to get fed. But that's not what you want. No. No. It may have been four or maybe five months since you could no longer be considered as normal, but still you thought of yourself as a human. And hurting any human was just not conceivable at all for you. You just couldn’t... But sometimes, even the biggest will in the world wasn’t enough anymore.
I feel so sick, I can't go on much longer...
If only these damn hunters knew I wasn't going to kill anyone...
All I wanted was some of her blood because she was alone... just a little bit...
Tears form in the corner of your eyes, feeling like a lost and hopeless child despite being in your twenties. Though you suppose you won’t age anymore now? Or maybe age in such a slow manor you will not be able to see the changes until dozens of years pass. You have no idea at all. The person whom turned you didn't even care to explain a damn thing and just left saying it would be “quite amusing to watch you struggle”.
Your fangs grit in anger just by remembering all this, remembering how and why you could have been so naive – stupid being the right word actually. Willing the tears away you jump into the nearest centenary oak on the side and climb as high as you possibly can. The leaves and branches obscure most of your body, making it easier to hide yourself as you wait in breathless silence for several long minutes. The humans bellow carry guns and crossbows, even torches with blistering fires waving in the cool British wind so hiding from them is definitely the best solution here.
They seem confuse at losing sight of you and your tracks, but the conversation you pick up with your improved hearing foretells how they believe you're still in the area. A tall man with a buff body and dirty blond hair seems the most knowledgeable and well prepared as he dictates how everyone should fan out to cover more space.
Sweat is now dripping all over your body in a way that lets you know your consciousness is going to fade if you don't feed yourself soon. So you use the little strength you have left to escape their sight, silently crawling from a branch to another to reach the next tree. Your senses are becoming dull as well and you know by now you’ll never be able to put up much of a fight if they spot you.
Since there is no one around right now, you decide it may be the best opportunity to climb down and try to get further away into the forest. However, you barely make it to the ground, crunching some leaves beneath your feet before a bullet was fired directly at you. With the quickest slam of your body to the ground, you avoid being hit. For the moment, at least.
“Don't let her get away!”
“Shoot her down! She's weak now!”
Your head shakes, body shivering in a sense of mixed cold and fear, hearing dozens of weapons getting loaded before bullets and arrows start whizzing your way, thanks the lords most of them missing you due to your astute senses. Like blondie said, you are now really weak and can’t help but fail to avoid all of them as one wooden arrow pierces through your shoulder, sending you tumbling to the floor with a screech of pain.
It hurts more than you expected it to, but you grit your teeth and yank it from your skin in one motion. The wound may not be that deep but you can feel blood oozing down your back, staining the fabric of your long dress. After forcing yourself to stand you try to keep running, but after a few steps your body succumbs to your fatigue and falls, noticing the humans have now formed a pretty wide circle around you to cut off every single path possible to escape.
If you weren't this weak and starving for blood, you could fight them off and get away but at this moment, that’s completely impossible. A man with long black hair approaches, extending his hand forward as he’s holding out a wooden cross. The closer he gets the more a headache pounds inside your head, causing you to hiss in agony, tears swelling in your eyes and claws scratching the muddy ground.
Is this the end?
I never got to really live...
I never got to properly love... Love in a way that was true and fulfilling.
A tear slides down your cheek but it's too late. Everyone readies their crossbows and guns to fire at the behest of the long raven haired man. Both of your eyes immediately clench shut, preparing for your upcoming death...
But it never came.
Suddenly, screams and several wet crunches invade your ears while your eyelids slide open the moment you feel an imposing shadow looming over your body. A broad but not too bulky back comes into view as you note a peculiar style of clothing, the vivid red suit they wear contrasting with the dark surrounding of the London outskirt. However the smell of fresh blood rushes through your nostrils, causing your eyes to pulsate and your fangs to throb hungrily.
“How dare you filthy humans attack one of my kind.”
A deep unfamiliar voice penetrates your skull, making you lift your head and discover a tall man with dark wavy hair. He slightly turns towards you, sending you a stoic yet piercing type of glare with intense scarlet pupils that causes goosebumps to bubble all over your body. You have no idea who he is but you can feel in your guts that not only he is indeed a vampire as well but that he's extremely powerful, as demonstrated from the way he dismembers two humans with the vicious dart forward and jerk of his hands. The corpses join the other four on the floor who you discover have their heads decapitated in a clean swipe, no jagged edging to the flesh around their torsos.
The imagery is whiteout a doubt disgusting to even look at, but it's even more appalling that all you can think about is how delicious all this river of bloody disaster smells and how exquisite it would be sliding down you throat. You start to salivate heavily with the madness of hunger, the extreme sensation almost completely overwhelming you but you try your best to hold yourself at bay.
“I didn't expect to see ya again thi' soon, Harry...” your blonde pursuer sighs, his facial expression clearly showing that now, tables have turned.
“I don't want to hear it" interrupts your saviour (at least you hope he is?), his intimidating hoarse voice bringing chills to everyone – you included – while still in front of you. “Leave right now, Niall or I won’t hesitate to rip off y’head too.”
The man named Harry flares all ten of his claws to life, also baring his fangs to definitely reveal that nothing of this was just for show. “'m sick of you killing my people. If they're slaughtering the humans, it would be different but this one–” He turns pointing his finger at you, “this girl hasn't killed anyone. I can smell it... You're chasin' her down for no reason.”
“T-That's not– she was attacking someone, dat's why she got caught–”
"If you speak one more word to me that isn't beggin' for your life followed by leaving, I'll rip all of your limbs before I even go for y’head.”
Harry and Niall stare each other down, the tension as shape as a knife. The human may know how to counter his vampire foe but in all likelihood with most of their numbers dead or bleeding to death, he's aware that right now he has not a single chance. And once again, cohabitation seems the only way to get out of here in one piece (hopefully).
“Fine... we'll be goin'. I know thi’ is yar territory mate, we crossed da border” Niall apologises, a hand over his chest and a small bow before telling his fellow hunters to retreat back to the city.
Though Harry isn't usually happy about letting humans go his posture is finally relaxing a bit, claws retracting as he death glares everyone down until they are no longer insight.
With a long and heaved sigh he fully turns around, finding you holding your head and gritting your fangs in disarray. It's quite clear you are probably not even aware of your surroundings, the blood shot vessels in your eyes telling the brunette your current state of hungriness. As soon as he's by your side in a blink of an eye, he bends down on his knees in front of you, pushing your own hands away so he can clutch your cheeks.
“Calm down, dear, relax your mind. Open your mouth and let me see your fangs, please.”
Though you whimper in uncertainty, that man in front of you is after all the vampire that slaughtered those humans to save you. So you still let him give a look at your small white fangs, your whole jawbone hurting as if you just got punched right in the face.
“I see they haven't grown completely... You must’ve been turned recently, am I right?”
Harry seems slightly angry, though you're not entirely sure it's directed at you but more at his findings. When he pulls back, you follow his body as he grabs a nearby severed arm and brings it back to you. His brows raise in surprise, not expecting this reaction when you whine and push it away, clearly disgusted by it.
“There’s no time to be picky anymore, darling. Y'need to stop thinkin' you're still human, so drink the blood.”
Your head slowly raises, panting as you stare right into his most mesmerising green eyes, some scarlet red from before still outlining his pupils, with your own sorrow filled orbs. Though Harry knows what that look represents, he could hold no sympathy for your lost humanity as he delicately brushes his hand through your hair before pushing the flesh into your mouth for your own good.
It only takes a second for your fight to disappear, the taste of blood that your veins and taste buds have longed for these last weeks finally flowing in your system. Like a wild beast your fangs sink deeper into the arms flesh, sucking and gulping greedily until it's nothing but a shrivelled and discolored severed limb.
The older vampire watches your irises glow with the brightness of your eye colour. In like a snap the strained vessels inside your sclera dissipate bits by bits, assuring that the wound on your back would heal after some minutes as well. Harry expected it when you flicker with your new found strength over to one of the corpses and starts bleeding it dry.
He stands here, crossing his arms over his classy red velvet suit while watching over you. Once he judges you had enough and didn't want you to become addicted in a way that would drive you insane, he carefully but still kind of strongly grab your wrist. You let a little hiss at him, defiantly, which makes him smirk in a way that lets admire his now noticeable dimples and handsome features. Within a few seconds you calm down but Harry is now holding both of your wrists in his grip
“Stay still, dear” was his command, simple yet strict so it feels like you have no choice but to obey.
After letting go of both of your hands once you calmed down, Harry cups your chin with his thumb and index finger, gently turning your head back and forth. You are not sure what the brunette is doing until he finds feint punctures on the side pale skin of you neck. The wound itself seems healed but you still have little small bruises.
“How long ago were you turned and who was it? Why are they not here watchin' over you?”
His array of questions makes you frown, wiggling free of his grasp just so you can huddle your hands around your trembling sorrow body, memories getting their way back into your brain. Memories you consider more as nightmares that keeps hunting you like a damn curse, only to remind you at each breath you take that nothing will be like it was before.
“He was... s-someone I cared about. We'd been seeing each other for a while, and then one day... H-he bit me... a-and forced his blood down my throat.” Telling the story doesn’t really make you feel any better, specially when you let Harry know that the man you trusted only wanted to watch you suffer for his own pleasure.
Seeing a newborn vampire like yourself, looking as lost and fragile as a deer into the wildness, really gets to him. Harry lived for countless centuries he forgot the exact number, but he definitely knows since day one that turning people was against the rules for the most part. At least turning someone and not helping them come into their new desires, powers and hunger. Honestly he is quite impressed you lasted so long on your own when he heard you say it has been nearly five months.
“Come this way, darlin'. The air reeks of human filth out her’.”
With a sudden but graceful turn the vampire starts walking away and finds it amusing how you scamper behind him like a lost puppy. Even your hand grabs the back of his velvety suit, like you dread the feeling of being alone. His comparison to you as newborn is not to be mean or even condescending. You are just so new to your turning that it is perfectly plausible to be scared and anxious about literally anything in your surrounding.
Harry doesn’t mind at all and pretty soon, you both are stepping deeper into the forest your attack happened for a good twenty minutes if not more. Then in front of you slowly appears what looks like a field, a large meadow embraced by the night and in its middle a quint little cottage. It looks nice and homey, but not what you first expected from a fearful creature like him.
“It's not a castle...”
The older vampire sneers at your remark and then turns to you, showing a surprisingly charming grin before pointing to the east. “My real home's far away from here, that's where the castle of y’stories will be. It's vast an' much larger than y'could possibly think, but I don't really fancy it.”
Your eyes blink curiously at him before gasping and pointing your finger in disbelief, a sudden realisation sticking your mind.
“O-Oh my god– are you from r-ro-royalty?!”
“You could say that” the brunette grins while pushing some curly locks back from his forehead. “Lord Harold Edward Styles, is what they call me. Harry for short.”
He merely cackles when your eyes start to swirl in confusion, before babbling nonstop that you didn't know and hope in the same breath with fearful eyes that he won’t kill you. Harry can’t help but frown at this, letting out a sigh.
“Come 'ere and tell me your name, dear. I have no reason to kill ya.”
For some reason, the peaceful and serious expression on his face feel trustworthy, offering his hand like a safety net he knows you need to feel secure. So after a small nibble of your bottom lip, you slowly place your petite hand in his and let him pull you inside his home.
“My name is (Y/N)... Thank you for saving me, my Lord.”
It honestly feels awkward to refer to him like that but maybe was it his rightful term? Being now a vampire yourself, you assume your “rank” is probably way lower than his so “serving” him seems... obvious, right? Yet anything that was happening since you began this new life was a matter of pure confusion to you, even more now since your new encounter with this vampire from royalty.
“You wanted to know who turned me... well, his name was Nick. I don't know if he's still around here, I'm sorry–”
“Just call me Harry, darlin’. I don't care at all for useless formalities unless y’break the rules or try to attack me.”
You viciously nod your head. Never would you do that, you still feel incredibly grateful and intimated by just being in his presence.
“The name sounds familiar as well. A fugitive whose turns 'umans against their will for dozens of years...” Harry mutters to himself, looking pissed that the enforcers in charge of catching people like that still haven't.
And so over the next few days, you learned about your new species in details and got a low down on all the rules you must do your best to follow at all costs. Harry even began to teach you about your abilities and how to tame your appetite for blood, though he commented once again that you were handling yourself well from the beginning.
Harry is for sure a mysterious man and doesn’t honestly act like someone whom is probably rightful King to the vampire’s world. It’s pretty clear he lived a long life while yours had just started. He appears to you as a ray of hopeful guidance in a world that becomes murky and malleable.
“(Y/N), dear, come 'ere.”
At his beckoning call, you place down the book you're reading and come to sit down next to him on the couch. At this point you've been staying with him in the cottage for a few months and knew what to expect when his hands approach your visage to cup your cheeks. Though it’s still a little embarrassing, but still you part your lips and let him examine your fangs like he has many times before ever since you met.
“They're just 'bout fully grown, since you've been fed regularly.”
Your head nod as his hands delicately slide away. It looks like there is something going on his mind, an internal struggle based on his body language that you get used to understand by now.
“Are you still havin' headaches and painful pulses?”
Honestly you wish to say no so he wouldn't worry. But the man likes the truth and only the truth as if the word is his middle name, and you own him that.
“Sometimes... but I'm fine right now. I thought it might be a form of withdraw?”
“You're not too far off. That piece of– person who turned ya didn't give you enough blood. Your human cells an' new vampire ones were basically fighting for dominance at the beginning, but it's clear which one will win in the end.”
Lifting his hand he uses the sharp claw of his index to slice a gash across his palm. Instantly his dark red blood pools in his grasp, before holding it out towards you.
“I... c-can't?” It comes out as a question because you are indeed confused. “I mean– am I even allowed to? You're the vampire Lord after all... I–I don't want you to get in trouble–”
Harry chuckles immediately, like there isn’t a being alive that could punish him for breaking the rules. With a lift of his unharmed hand looping around your hip, he has you feeling all kind of dizzy when he clenches his fist and dripped his blood onto your plump pink lips.
“Just drink, dear. Maybe I need to start teachin' ya not to question my decisions, mmh?”
His words and your newfound position that has you sitting in his lap makes you feel bashful. You barely begin to lick your lips when the brunette lets you grab his hand to hold it up against your mouth. He feels your warm tongue lap lightly at first along his cold skin, before pursing against the wound and slowly starting to suck.
“That's it... You can sink y'fangs in if you want. The wound will heal faster than you think.”
You blink your big doe eyes at him, your face wondering without a word if all this is alright but you know Harry doesn’t want you to doubt him. Pulling back for just a second you take a breath and bare you fangs again, gently pressing into his skin enough to gulp a little more of his blood. As soon as he decides you had enough Harry pulls back and to your surprise, his wound and marks of your fangs both disappear within a few seconds.
The corners of his pale lips edge up, amused by your astonishment but he startles you with a reposition of your body before you can even realise anything. Now your legs are suddenly straddling either side of his hips, both of your hands pressing timidly at the turquoise suit covering his shoulders with confusion and shyness as the vampire brushes back your hair and leans down to your neck.
“My turn, now” his voice enticingly rasps against your skin. “We can replenish each other thi' way... though my blood is more to stabilise your vampire genes.”
Harry aires the hottest breath along your neck as he then bares his long fangs and sinks deeply into your flesh. You can’t help but gasp, but it sounds more like a moan that you aren’t completely aware of as he starts sucking your warm liquid.
“O-oh Harry–”
He smirks at your honesty, looping both of his hands around your backside. Within seconds he feels your own unsure sway, with the slow pet up against the back of his dark curls. It's been awhile since the brunette had a woman in his arms so his instincts and desires are telling him to take advantage of it.
But in the end Harry resolves against himself as you are still new to his world, and just wants to help you without adding strings. After a handful of seconds and a gulp or two of your sweet wine he pulls back, tenderly lapping up and down the holes until they heal properly and then help you sliding off his lap to make you sit next to him, catching sight of a shy blush of your cheeks and slightly faze expression.
“You shouldn't experience headaches anymore, darlin'” he begins almost too indifferently, “just don't do anything futile an' you’ll get used to bein' a vampire in no time.”
Next Harry sits up more comfortably, flattening his cream oversize pantsuits over his thighs as he side-eyes your cute expression – though is kind of displeased that you’re not looking at him anymore. But he does have to admit that teasing someone was such a nice sensation.
"I’m goin’ to make us some food, so relax in the meantime.”
You simply nod as an answer, definitely not trusting your voice since only stutters would come out if you try. But Harry doesn’t seem to pay attention to your lack of vocal answer, a satisfied expression on his face since he keeps enjoying the reactions you get over anything he does. And as much as he could simply use pressure to dominate and have you sweating in fear, all the man wants is a companion that won’t mind being at his side for awhile.
And so that's exactly who you became to the vampire.
Even after a few months and display that you were functioning perfectly as a vampire and could live on your own without trouble if you desired, you stayed. But the disheartened expression you showed him when Harry said you could leave struck a chord inside his chest. It was clear you thought he’s got tired of you or that you weren't allowed to stay with someone like him for very long because of his status.
Instantly the older vampire put a stop to any of those thoughts by saying that if you wanted to stay, you could. He wasn't kicking you out, he was only giving you the opportunity to leave and see the world by yourself. You were still a young and inexperienced vampire after all. Though the thought of traveling didn't sound like a bad idea, the year you spent with Harry up to this point had been very enjoyable. He held a most gentle yet imposing aura, which was only right since he was not just Lord in name but mostly in power. However that wasn't why you wanted to stay.
Harry had taken care of you and made you feel safe. The feeling you began to experience for him was new but somehow, you wanted to nurture the desire to be with him and make him happy if possible. The way he talked, teased, touched, held you in his grasp and let you feed off of him felt so intimate and somehow romantic.
In this respect time flew by and in a way felt like it had frozen since neither of you would show any signs of ageing. Both of you grew closer and found out that Harry was (surprisingly) a great cook, received visitors from the castle he told you about almost all the time and had a soft spot for the graceful beauty of nature. It was not that hard to tell because the brunette admitted right away that he enjoyed wandering outside the cottage, might be only to walk around or appreciate the first rays of dawn or sunset. And you could tell he took care to not trample the flowers under his steps and sometimes, you saw him watering the ones around his front porch. Some days you would even notice a new bouquet freshly gathered, settled in a Victorian style vase on the living room table. It was a small most insignificant trait, but you adored finding out those types of mannerisms.
“Harry?” you call softly with a thoughtful finger under your chin. At first you thought he was reading in his study since he had a nice little library, but the room was empty. Turning back, you check the living room and kitchen but they are both empty as well.
For a moment you wonder if he stepped out without saying – he's done it multiple times before. However you stop in front of his bedroom and get the feeling he might be taking a nap, another thing that isn’t uncommon. If he indeed is resting you don’t want to disturb him but after a small knock, you peak your head inside the room.
Low and behold there the brunette vampire is laying sprawled out on his bed, the silly thought that it should have been a coffin makes you giggle but you learned with him that many stereotypical aspects of vampires are so wrong – though it's true you can't walk in the sunlight, that crosses can cause pain and any significant damage to your body will kill you.
Now that you know he's asleep, you can't ask him what you wanted. Without getting too close you watch him sleep for a second and find his peaceful expression alleviating. Every now and then, you get the feeling the weight of the world was on his shoulders. And inside your heart, you know he was such a good man. After maybe a minute you turn back, ready to head out the room but his low and raspy voice calls out to you in a way that has you tripping over your own feet, bumping into the nearby wall.
“What is it, (Y/N)? Aren’t ya a bit clumsy, dear?” Harry snickers while sitting up, watching you rub your shoulder with a flustered expression.
From the look on your face and the way you avoid eye contact, he can clearly guess what you are bashfully unsure of if it's alright to ask of him.
“If you want to be fed, come ‘ere.”
The fact that Harry always knows what's on your mind is a little scary and reassuring at the same time because he has never used any of his power to harm you. With soft eyes, you step over to the right side of his bed and watch as he unbuttons the first few around the collar of his extravagant flowing shirt. As soon as his neck is exposed from the lacy collar, the vampire leans to the side beckoning you to take what you want without a word.
A gulp slides down your throat as you sit down on the edge of the bed. With the lift of your hands, you slowly push his pearly necklace up then press them on each of his shoulders before brushing your nose along his neck, fanning an ever soft breath against his skin with the bare of your fangs.
“I really like your personality, Harry... I-I’ve never met anyone like you.”
Your tender confession catches him off guard more than the actual prick of your fangs, not that any bite you'd already given him comes with very much force. The brunette can feel himself enjoying the way you suck his blood out of his system. It’s definitely a hard thing to play off for him right now, and it has actually been every single day you shared with him.
When you had a gulp or two you then part a little and tenderly kitten-like lap at your punctures, speeding up the healing process for him.
“... do you want to bite me as well?”
Though your cheeks are a little warm you show a most candid smile, brushing back your hair to display your neck for him just as he has done for you.
“I do, but... I'll decide where I want to bite ya. Just relax, darlin'.”
Despite a little confusion, you don’t mind the tug of your body closer to his own. Both of his unblinking emerald orbs glanced your body up and down in a way that makes you feel embarrassed. If he’s not going to bite your neck, where else is he going to sink his fangs?
The dress you have on is a simple long white off the shoulder variety that honestly displays some of your skin while still letting you look sweet and innocent. Honestly Harry likes it a lot – maybe a bit too much actually – just because he would wickedly enjoy defiling that imagery in his mind. You are a kind and sweet woman, a total sweetheart indeed, but the man already found out vividly that you liked pleasure just as much as anyone else does.
Without thinking very much his cold hand raises up against your right knee, the tail of your outfit covering it. The way you shyly bite your bottom lip with your fangs is a hell of a nice image. Harry only caresses a little bit along your inner thigh before sliding his hand under the fabric, and then rest it directly on your skin. Edging his head forward he startles you with the way he tugs down the middle of you dress with his fangs, until he can see perfectly between your cleavage.
The location Harry chose is so confusing that your frame jolts the moment the vampire sinks into your flesh. Both his hands are against your body, enjoying its shape as he gulps your sweet nectar greedily. He savours your startled grasp on his shirt but the uneven pulse he feels beneath your flesh encourages him to keep going, his now scarlet orbs flickering with heavier desire.
All it takes is another small tug to reveal your bare breasts to his lidded sight. By time you realise his lips are already pursed around the closest nipple, warmly lapping the flat of his tongue in a way that feels exquisite. Like the male vampire you quickly get caught up in the moment, leaning your head back to moan and enjoy the added fray of his hand squeezing the other breast.
For a moment, you briefly thinks about how his saliva and tongue are both so warm as they suckle and lick your skin, when his flesh is cold and pale like your own. The answer doesn’t matter specially as his fangs tease your little nub. It’s clear Harry can’t hold back no more, now sunking savagely into your mound.
“O-oh my–!”
A ripple of pure ecstasy slides all over your body, causing you to moan Harry’s name not just once but a couple of times. The pleasure is so unexpected yet your arms circle around his shoulders, curving along his fine muscles but that’s when he realises how he’s letting his lust for you take over him.
Abruptly the brunette detaches from you, a small pop making you gasp but for the most part your hazy expression questions him with such want that he has to look away for his own sanity. The unhindered view of your breasts really dulls all of his develop senses. It had been awhile since he felt such powerful sexual desire for a woman, definitely way too long since his body was apparently getting out of control and a mind of its own. 
“Get out” Harry suddenly growls, making you frown and wonder what you’ve done wrong. “I didn't mean to do that– I just got caught up in trying to tease ya. If you're still hungry, go find a human.” When you don’t seem to move, still shocked at his harsh way of talking that rarely happen (in fact it never happens with you), the vampire turns his head back while flaring his menacing dark embers at you in a way that makes you tremble.
With a hurt expression you quickly cover your chest, trying to fix your dress the best you can before apologising like a hurt puppy and simply scamper at the speed of the light out of the room. Once alone, a now heavy silence settled in, Harry’s fists bowl-clawing his palms but it was the least he cared about. He didn’t mean to scare you, in fact he's been trying so hard not to use any of his powers on you.
The man is centuries older than you and shouldn't care about trivial feelings you may have, but both of you had such a good relationship since now and a part of him doesn’t want it to change... though Harry has always seen you as a beautiful woman. It’s not like he can’t admit that much at last, the man was kind of bad at expressing himself out loud most of the time. What he was most unsure about is if you really wanted him or if it was your vampire senses that tells you to submit to him like that.
With a heavy sigh he buttons his white shirt half way up, arranging his long and floating sleeves while deciding he should at least check on you. After all Harry won’t blame you for leaving if you want to create space between you two. Because now that he thinks about it, never did he ever speak to you like he did five minutes ago, and repeatedly calls himself a douche for that. 
The thought quickly – and thankfully – dissipates the moment he steps into the hall and hears the running water from the shower inside your bedroom. A relived expression formed on his face, glad that you didn’t leave. Abandonment was something he was used to over the centuries and had lived through many times. It’s honestly a miracle it had been about three years at this point and you maintained a good playful relationship with each other – well, until a few moments ago.
Soundlessly, Harry edges down the hall and notices the door of your bedroom open. As he approaches towards it, he finds himself inside the room before advancing to the closed bathroom door. Now in front of it he closes his eyes and place his hand on the wooden doorframe. His senses are far more astute than your own so every subtle breath you take, movements through the water or flex of your hands as they rubbed soap against your pale body... he could picture it pretty vividly. Just imagining the curves of your body is turning him on, specially thanks to the welcomed sneak peak at your chest from earlier. His fingers silently curl around the door knob, a light voice in his head reminding him once again he should stop before reaching the point of no return, that he should leave you in peace to wash up and later and offer you a nice meal as an apology for being a complete jackass earlier.
However, he can't. His senses twinge with the soothing aroma of lavender tickling his nostrils, knowing that's the soap he got you some weeks ago. With the slowest of movement that you won’t hear nor sense if you don't focus on it, the brunette opens the door wide enough to allow him a peak through the crack.
The first thing his eyes drag over is your long dress crumpled on the floor along with a soft cotton pair of light blue panties. Without waiting a second longer he tilts up and gets a completely unhindered view of your backside. His eyes follow the dip of your spine to the soft plush curve of your ass and long legs. Just observing this much of you has him gulping down hungrily but the moment you turn, using both hands to accentuate your breasts and stomach, there is no path to return to. All Harry can do is pant an uneven breath as you sway the water over your womanly shapes, washing away the soapy sheen of bubbles and suds.
The content and relaxed hum you air echoes inside the small space of the glass shower, bringing the man goosebumps of delight like a moan without sexual inclination. The more he watches your body and the subtle move of your fingers, the more Harry can't stop his own from unzipping his pantsuit to free his cock. His strong fingers curl around his girth, slowly pumping himself up and down as he watches you bend over just a bit to let water cascade down your back. An instant burn of want invades his entire body, the desire to squeeze those fine cheeks or even offer you a naughty little spank not leaving his mind.
Harry watches your hands do exactly what he desires when they pet down your hips and accentuate the shape of your bottom, like the water feels particularly nice cascading against it. Honestly, the smirk can’t leave his face. You're incredibly and undeniably sexy in a most natural way, so why holding back? His palm squeezes the tip of his manhood with excited fervor, still watching you smile shyly at the barely noticeable bite marks on your chest. You like to an extreme when the brunette vampire bites you, there’s no denying this fact as you moaned it to him many times. And Harry has a feeling you would have let him go further if he didn’t get confused about his fantasies.
The claws of his other hand dig into the frame of the door, scratching it all up as he pumps himself with the unbearable desire he has inside his guts for you to touch him. It doesn't even have to be his cock, he'd be fine with you admiring his body like you have before or stroking through his hair with that soft content smile on your delicate pink lips.
Thoughts inside his head become more erotic when he looks up at the sound of your soft voice humming a little tune. Both of his now dark scarlet eyes end up focusing on your mouth and gritting his teeth in a haze of wanting to feel those plump appendages against his girth. The movement of your tongue and warmth of your throat he can picture so vividly bring him closer and closer to the edge with each squeeze along his base and tip.
He even finds the way you rinse your hair to be erotic because you look so whimsical. A thought of wanting to devour you in every single way possible is what officially sends him over the edge, causing him to grind his teeth and grunt your name as he comes all over his hand.
His mind is so cloudy and hazy he doesn't even care that you’ve finally noticed him. Your eyes widen in total surprise, but your complexion darkens at the lewd sight of his arousal dripping from his fingers. Your head turns away before you can implode from embarrassment, hot water still running along your naked skin. You can’t help the deepest thoughts running wild and wondering if Harry was watching you shower to eventually pleasure himself to your body while doing so.
“Don't act shy now, my dear. I'm about to join you.”
At first you blink in confusion, glancing back in his direction to watch as he shuts the bathroom door to be inside the room with you. This signature showing-dimples grin enlightens his face in a way that reveals his pearly white fangs, before letting his already oversize black pantsuits fall to the floor. Harry is pretty quick to unbutton his shirt again, the soft and almost see-through fabric sliding off his shoulder to cascade on the floor soon followed by his trousers and underpants, leaving him absolutely naked for your eyes only.
Harry is the most attractive man you've ever laid your eyes on. A tall and sculptured vampiric body that probably hasn't changed for hundreds of years. With a few steps forward the brunette is on the other side of the shower glass door and wraps his fingers around the handle, ready to erase any distance separating you both. He pauses his movement for a few seconds, letting both of you take in each other’s new found appearance and what might be about to happen.
“If I join you, (Y/N)” begins Harry almost in a whisper, his eyes never leaving yours, “... I won’t ever be able to leave ya alone.”
Your eyes rise in surprise, his expression reflective of how serious he was being. For a second or two you turn away, your hands covering your face which is giving him the impression you might be having second thoughts. Though the croak of your voice and the tender expression you offer when you slowly spin back proves how you've been able to constantly surprise him these past years.
“Is that a promise?"
Without a second thought Harry is right by your side and looming over you in a possessive dominating way. Both of his hands pet along the warm and wet edge of your stomach, before gripping your hips and tugging you completely into his body. Without pretence his expression represents just how much he enjoys your whole and can’t wait but brush some of your hair sticked on your face, assuring you he can't wait another second to kiss you.
The distance between you both closes with the warmest capture of your lips that quickly becomes some passionate tongue action. It honestly feels that divine you couldn't stop yourself from moaning into the kiss. The warmth of the water doubles nicely the little fire forming inside your guts, in a way that affirms you’ve never felt such a discombobulating kiss before.
Right away Harry greedily begins stroking, groping and petting every single supple curve your body has to offer. Even your own hands note the nice shape of his back and every defined dreamy muscle. His lips curve up as he tugs playfully at your bottom lip, the gentle way you appreciate his shape really has him feeling some type of way.
“Give yourself to me, darlin’, this time I won’t be holdin’ back.” 
The air of his wanting rasp meets the underside of your chin, of which Harry is currently kissing his way down. With a press of both his hands on your lower back he has you arching and moaning as he licks between your breasts. When the vampire starts to nip at your plush skin, it’s even more overwhelming because not only is he pursing his lips but his tongue is gliding all over you. The flat of his wet muscle makes sure to whirl around the ridge of your nipple, assuring it’s perfectly erect before nibbling on it with his fangs.
“Oh Harry, that feels so good...” 
Hearing your honest pleasure encourages him to absolutely cover your breasts in love bites both a literal and physical way, each mark more blissful than the next. Your mind becomes so consumed you don’t even know Harry is backing you up until you meet with the wet and slightly cold tiles.
Just looking up to admire the shower water perfectly cascading over his rippling muscles – his weirdly yet attractive inked skin on full display and usual necklaces in place – is the most blessed image you could wish for. This Adonis of a man looks so perfect that you lean up to offer him your own slow and sensual desire filled kiss. Little do you know he enjoys your initiative, specially since you’re kitty licking around his tongue.
Slowly Harry begins to take over such as his more dominate nature, but you oh so don’t mind. In fact you’re getting lost in the way his strong hands fondle and squish your chest. The thumb of his left hand even circled around the perky tip, while his middle and index on his other give you some slow pinches like he’s determined to have you mewling into his mouth.
“I must ‘ave been out of my mind to wait three fuckin’ years to ‘ave you...” Harry growls while baring his fangs, pressing into the top area of your shoulder. The bite he gives isn’t even painful since the puncture is slow and the suckle he drinks your blood feels so pleasurable.
“H-Harry, I’ve never felt any pain w-when you bite me” you start, stuttering from all his attention on you. “I-I thought I was weird, b-but I can't help but want so much more...”
Harry’s lips curve up against your skin as you let a louder and more frequent moan, not only because the vampire leaves deep red hickeys on your neck and collarbones, but because his hand slides down to rest between your legs.
The moment you sense it outlining your womanhood, you arch your back while clutching your hands tightly around his shoulders. Without waiting his index and middle finger caress your lower lips for just a second or two, before encouraging your legs to spread further apart so Harry can thrust them effortlessly into your core.
“A-ah– feels so good!”
Enraptured by your praise, Harry increases his rhythm and feels the thump of your slow heartbeat. His own is probably pulsing in the same way, it's been so long since the man felt this exhilarated. With a caress at your hip for you to steady, the wobble your legs frays at his kisses all over your breasts and even a slippery curl with his tongue down to your belly button.
By the time you try to follow what’s happening, the brunette is already on his knees between your legs, kissing nonstop at your inner thighs. Out of the corner of his eye you can tell Harry is actually watching himself glide his fingers in and out of your slippery folds. It should be embarrassing, but you find that more thrilling than anything else. He’s so passionate as a lover, the attention he gives being excruciatingly euphoric whatever he does.
“Earlier” his raspy voice mumbles against your thigh before he proceeds, “I was so tempted to push y'down an’ bite your thigh...”
As he licks hungrily at your skin, you recall how he caressed up your upper leg earlier, the touch offered when you woke him up was oddly intimate. It made you bashful since it was so sudden, but if he had done as he wanted you wouldn't have stopped him.
“Now I’ve a second chance... so don't mind if I do, darlin’.”
Your chest heaves with the warmth bubbling all over your skin as you watch the bare of his pointy sharp fangs and the immediate pierce into your inner thigh. A loud moan echoes around the shower, the vibrations prickling Harry’s ears and assuring he won’t part from your delectable flesh until he gives you his most vivid love bite.
Your head shakes at how all consuming the pleasure you’re gladly receiving feels. And as he sucks the sweet blood from your thigh, he doesn’t hesitate to add a third finger into your fold, now working a pace that lets you know in accurate detail that you're indeed incredibly wet. It’s not just the shower anymore, both of you know this for a fact. By now you have no problem admitting you’re turned on like a thousand lightbulbs.
“Your smell’s drivin’ me insane...!” came his lidded snarl, some little blood dripping down his chin but quickly washed away by the shower. Harry is darting for your womanhood like a famished animal, the instant curl of his fingers along your slit having you whimpering and yanking at his wet hair a bit too hard.
“F-fuck– I’m sorry Harry” you whimper out your sincere apologise along with a moan, the back of your head bumping on the tile wall as if the king of vampires like the one kneeling between your legs could get hurt from such a small type of friction. “It feels like I-I can't breath– feels so good!” 
"If you're that out of it, y'can be rougher...”
His warm breath hazes over the sensitive bead of your clit, making you convulse in pleasurable disarray. With his hands taking a fist full of your ass, Harry pushes you deeper against his tongue to then curl it up and down. The sensation of him lapping against your slick inner walls has you seeing stars, knowing a man has never eaten you out so hungrily before.
With the constant pant of your moans filling the primal space inside his head, there is only one and simple desire he has: to make you cum on his tongue and no matter what, he will not pull away until you do. It’s more rewarding than you'll ever know to have your writhing body in his grasp, not just your trembling legs when he had the chance to have you innocently straddle him, but the arousal coating his lips and the subtle desire filled push of your hands that want him even deeper inside you were exciting in a maddening way.
“A-ah please Harry, I c-can't–!” 
You are barely able to tell him how close you’re feeling right now, as drool ebbs heavily down your lips. Harry is already aware though because of the curl of your fingers, each tugging at his hair in your peak of utmost disorienting pleasure.
With a gentle pat over your soft wet body, he squishes both of your breasts and thrusts his red muscle in a most detail oriented type of way. Your praises grow in frequency as well, telling him how utterly euphoric you feels and how hot the knot in your stomach makes your skin burn, bringing you closer to your end. Everything kinda rushes to the tipping point with a pinch to your buds, causing the instant convulse of your folds and drench of your fluids flow down his chin, assuring the fangs in his mouth are vividly pulsating.
It takes everything not to sink in to your most sensitive body part. Harry manages to calm himself down with the caress of your hands falling limp, feeling one curve around his ear to hold him gently where he is. With the thought of how much he needs to claim you, the brunette gulps down your nectar and even laps the slippery sheen coating your slit.
As he raises back up to stand, all it takes is a small hazy blink for you to miss completely the way Harry yanks up both of your legs and positioned you right against his cock. “’m gonna take you hard an' fast– can't wait another second to make y'mine.”
Your lips part but all you’re able to say is a pant of his name, while coiling tightly around his neck and nodding your head.
“Have all of me, take me Harry–”
The vampire most certainly doesn’t have to be told twice, so without hesitation he thrusts deeply into your slippery folds. His speed is just as instantaneous as the pleasure you start to drown in. You never knew your voice could go so loud and high pitched until a man with much vigour and strength named Harry came along, thrusting his hips in a way that fills you to the brim with every movement he makes.
“S-Shit you're so fuckin' wet– so tight ‘round me, only for me–”
His fangs are on domineering display, getting off on your pleasurable honesty just as much as the throb of your tight folds. You don’t get to see his expression though as you leaned your head back again but this time caused by a every aggressive slam of your ass on his thighs. That gives him the perfect opportunity to enjoy your neck, so the vampire doesn’t mind.
Each electrifying kiss left on your skin feels exceptional, every sway of his hips lets you know he’s a well endowed man and quite honestly just being in his arms has you feeling this way. This man didn't have to save you or take you in and just could have gotten rid of your at any time. But the instant he's allowed you to stay and gave you a comforting space to get used to your knew desires and vampiric body.
There is a part of you that wishes you still has a conventional heartbeat just so you could feel how erratic it could be thundering against your ribcage. However, even without a human heartbeat you still knew you were excited beyond all belief. Just being able to run your hands along his shoulders, maybe even brush up against the back of his head has you feel like his long time lover.
“Fuck, I can't get enough of ya” Harry suddenly growls in madness, dropping one of your legs back against the floor while he pulled the other higher up and hold your thigh, basically watching himself rammed his thick cock into your body. There’re not a single word forming on the tip of your tongue other than whimpers and mewls of ecstasy.
His speed and precision to hit your most sensitive spots are probably only possible due to his improved senses and longevity. No doubt in your mind Harry probably had many past lovers before you but you don’t really care. He always tells you to live in the moment and not muddle through just because of your past.
“You're now a vampire, (Y/N). Act like one for your own sake.”
These are the words he told you over the past shared years together, which became your mantra to feel validated in your new life. Speaking of your new desires, your fangs are constantly throbbing and pulsating for the past minute, reason why your eyes have been glued to his neck and shoulder ever since. The need to bite him is so overwhelming that you simply don’t care to ask before diving forward to sink deeply into the space right bellow his ear.
“H-hah, y'little vixen– that feels so damn good, have your fill” the brunette encourages you with no malice but utter pleasure.
In fact he’s enjoying the twinge of your fangs so much his fervour keeps increasing. His hips edge even closer while his clawed hand takes a hold of your waist and starts slapping at your inner thighs in a way that have your arousal dripping profusely onto the shower floor.
You can’t stop yourself from moaning against his skin or salivating heavily as you absorb down his delectable blood. You swear his nectar tastes even more delicious then it ever has before, like the most finest aged wine. It's a thought you can barely focus on as you suddenly toss your head back, feeling yourself reach a most blissful end.
The moment Harry senses your insides clench repeatedly, he shoves his tongue down your throat and becomes enraptured in the way you meet his every slapping movements. Heavy saliva from both of you mixes together, dripping profusely down your chin as soon as you feels the deeply penetrating thrust of his cock slam into your womb. His arousal fills you to the brim in a way that makes you drift through euphoria.
After some time the brunette parts from your kissed swollen lips, a thin sheen of saliva still connects you together before quickly breaking when he licks his fine pale lips. The vampire smirks at you in complete satisfaction while ever slowly edging his girth away from your wall, not without admiring how thickly coated in your juices his manhood is. Maybe Harry even salaciously admires the dribble of your combined arousal from your slit, but it’s clear you are feeling utterly spent and can only keep yourself up by pressing a bit at his chest and shoulders, leaning your back against the tiles behind you.
With a soft expression that suits him so heavenly, Harry tenderly strokes his hands up your body while admiring once again the plush shape of your stomach, breasts and the slender trail up your neck to cup your soft cheeks. The smile you give him proves he’s offering all the affection he is able of with the sensual touch of your lips with his. This kiss is the slowest and most romantic you ever felt from him yet, while the brunette lifts you in his arms properly again before pulling away from the kiss.
“I'll help you dry off, dear. ‘think we've soaked in the shower long enough.”
“Thank you Harry” you thank him with a slight smile, your cheeks nuzzled into his wet chest before placing a kiss there that has him avoiding your gaze and wondering where a romance like this has been all his long life. 
You sit still once he settles you on the sink counter, wiggling cutely as he dries you off with purposeful caresses of your more intimate body parts. When he also dries himself both of you get dressed – you into the long nightdress you took before your shower and him back in his oversized pantsuits only. Afterwards, you take his hand as Harry walks you both out of your bathroom. It’s clear you wish for him to lay with you in your nearby bed but he hesitates at the edge of it, looking towards your still wide open door. It seems like Harry wants to escape but that’s not it at all. He is looking towards his study at the other side of the hallway where an item he had hidden was secretly and well kept.
“I'll be right back– hey, don't make that face, darlin’... I'll lay with ya when I come back.”
You lean into the palm of his warm hand that softly strokes your cheek, adding a hopeful nod. Your soft eyes trail behind his tall figure as Harry steps out into the hall, leaving your door cracked open behind him. With a little doubt forming in your heart you lay on the silk mattress of your bed and turn, rolling back and forth like a restless child waiting for time to fly as fast as possible.
It took him longer than he wanted as he struggled with whether this was the right thing to do or completely the opposite, tons of questions invading his mind: did you want him as much as he wanted you, and so should he trust you with a secret only a handful of the Royal vampires know? His hundreds of years differs so greatly from your barely twenty-five-ish ones. The brunette keeps rushing his thoughts because first, he wants you to be happy and second, he doesn’t want to be alone anymore.
With the item in his hands, Harry clenches his fingers tightly around it and makes his way back to your side. As he enters the silent room, smelling some faint aroma of lavender from your previous shared (hot) shower, you’re actually snoring softly while sprawled out in a way that takes up nearly the entire bed, which makes the brunette slightly chuckles at how silly yet adorable you are. He shakes his head with the soft expression you love so much on him, effortlessly scooting you further to one side before climbing in next to you.
For a couple of minutes Harry strokes your hair and caresses your skin, before taking your right hand and placing on your fourth finger a gold ring with a glimmering ruby jewel in its middle. Your eyes flicker open at the feeling, followed by a small yawn while watching the careful placement of your new jewellery with a bashful smile.
“... Are you asking me to marry you, Harry?”
His emerald eyes open wide in shock, skin darkening more than you thought a creature like him was capable of. Instantly the brunette uses your palm to cover his face and slowly shakes his head, the white pearl of his necklace softly jiggling around his neck at this. The breath from his parted lips tickles your skin and honestly makes you fall at peace.
“N-no– well n-not yet at least, uh–” Harry stutters, still hiding his face with your hand. He clears his throat before continuing “though this is my gift to you, love.” 
You can’t see the way he actually bites his bottom lip, but your eyes notice both his hands covered in rings that he always wears. And one catches your attention, the one with a similar ruby jewel in the middle yet of a different shape.
“This will allow ya to walk 'round in the sunlight, this way it will no longer cause you any harm, my dear.”
“Really? But you said that it would always hurt...?”
“Without an amulet blessed an’ enchanted by a powerful witch, the sunlight will cause us vampires harm. That’s why you must always wear it.”
Harry lowers your combined hands so you’re finally able to see the serious expression on his face. “You must never tell anyone abou' this. Not a single soul, vampire or human alike, my dear. No one.”
“I would never cause you trouble, Harry. And I promise I'll take this secret to my grave” you respond back, arms sliding around his hips like a silent wish to lay your head against his bare torso, a motion which your lover gladly welcomes by sliding his fingers through your hair. 
With a thankful smile you get comfortable, closing your eyes in hopes to snuggle with him while you sleep.
“People will not question it if y’tell them you were sired by me” proceeds the brunette vampire abasing your hair, fingers still entangled in your soft locks to massage your scalp. “It's a misconception tha' pure royal vampires are born immune to the hurtful rays of sunlight... Most of our kind think a person turned by us will also be immune.”
“I wish... I had been turned by you” you let out in a whisper while keeping your face nuzzle against Harry’s chest. “I want to be with you for as long as I'm able to.”
The vampire can’t resist but leave feather-like kisses on your forehead and hairline, your confession definitely making him feel... alive. His hot breath hitting your skin gently soothe you and so are his kisses, the sudden brush of his nose against your face bringing a delightful giggle out of you which Harry would never get tired of.
“Maybe I'll be the one to ask you to marry me, who knows...” you add, your index finger sliding over his pearl necklace with a define grin on your face. 
No words could describe how you make Harry feel. Never has he been more grateful for the quick way you fall asleep just so he could hug you tightly against him. Maybe later, he will be able to tell you that, as surprising as that may sound, the man has never been married in his long life either. There has never been someone this special to him to go for it. It's indeed hard to say if Harry wants to make that commitment with you at this point either the thing he’s sure of is his wish - no, his desire to be with you. Forever. 
“Good night, my love... Maybe tomorrow I’ll take ya to the castle y’ask me about all the time.”
* * * 
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vermillionbones · 3 years
I'd love to hear more of your Phobditor HCs!!
ohoho thank you for enabling me anon i am going to kiss you directly on the mouth /pl
also slight warning for spoilers to the new(??) ending of project nexus!! i don't talk explicitly about what happens in general, but the stuff involving phobos is mentioned in the very first hc so for those of you who don't wanna be spoiled you can just skip that one lol. grab sum popcorn lads this one's a long one snbcnkcnvmv
Phobditor HCs!!
rbs very much appreciated 👉👈
so i hc that phobos didn't actually get banished at the end of MPN, but he did get his ass handed to him to the point where he was so injured and drained of energy that he couldn't use most of his abilities. he went into hiding for a while and eventually found the AAHW, which he proceeded to join since he didn't really have anywhere else to go. after he'd healed and returned to his full strengh the auditor recognised how potentially useful he could be as a second in command, but ofc he'd have to earn her trust first. normally i don't try to make things make sense like this but since the auditor isn't actually in MPN i thought i'd at least try lmao
the auditor: ruthless girlboss by day, feral spouse-adjacent shithead by night
phobos is basically the same but instead he's manipulate mansplain by day and malewife manwhore by night /hj
before they got closer they'd never really physically interacted w/ each other, so phobos kind of assumed the auditor would be at least slightly painful to touch [cuz yknow. she's made of fire lmao]. plus he'd witnessed her setting things and people on fire with her bare hands before and he'd rather not get turned into a walking bonfire, thanks. the closest she'd ever been to touching him previously was like flicking the antenna on his helmet to piss him off
but like way, WAY later he finds out that audi can actually manipulate the temperature of their flames to an extent, so when they touch his hand for the first time he's really surprised when they're just like. pleasantly warm. kinda like the fuzziness you feel after you drink something hot but on the outside of your body
however this has also resulted in phobos using her as a mobile safety blanket lmao. sometimes if it gets too cold in the office he'll wander up to her and bug her until she folds a wing around him and tucks his head under her chin
when he's being a shithead sometimes she'll just pick him up by the back of his jacket and drag him off like a disobedient kitten lmao
They don't really have a super crazy height difference normally [i hc that audi is around 6'3 and phobos is 5'10 if he's not slouching] but sometimes she just morphs herself to have a several-foot height advantage just to fuck with him. like she'll appear in his office as this 9-foot-tall behemoth and he'll just be like "?? excuse me?? ma'am?? you can't do this to me???"
before he got to know her better, phobos had no idea the auditor preferred she/they pronouns over they/it like the agents around him seemed to think. he never made a big deal out of it and never explicitly brought it up, but he remembers to switch it up for her every now and then. plus whenever audi overhears him doing that she gets all fuzzy inside sfbfnckvj
phobos really likes her wings. he actually might be a little jealous of them, but he'd never tell her that sfvngk
ever since audi found out about this, they tend to subtly unfurl them and use them to gesticulate more when he's around. occasionally she'll use the claws at the peaks of her wings on touchscreens in place of a finger n stuff. she's also [gently] swatted him upside the head with a wing a few times when he was being a dickhead, but it doesn't really hurt him lol
she also lets him pet them when they're not busy. contrary to what he'd assumed, it doesn't actually feel like a whole lot to her - she's described the feeling as something similar to how it feels to have someone tracing their fingers along the back of your hand
phobos stims sometimes!! he has a bad habit of masking while he's working since a few of them are vocal and he doesn't want to distract anyone, but if he's just hanging out with audi he's totally chill. one of his more common ones is when he thinks out loud, either quietly narrating his current train of thought or saying unrelated words - usually confirmations like 'yeah' or 'mhm' - out loud cuz he thinks they're fun to say. occasionally he'll start humming low in his throat kinda like a microwave cuz he likes how his voice feels in his chest
also when he's standing idle sometimes he holds his arms closer to his chest and fidget with them
the auditor doesn't stim, but to people who know them well their wings are like big signs that can wordlessly describe how they're feeling [which is like my favourite thing to write cos wing emoting is really fun skdjbknk]. occasionally they might subtly flutter their wings when they're very pleased or receive good news, or flare them out when they're irritated/stressed
i always forget that phobos is actually like super powerful in canon so i hc that audi does too lmao. like it always slips her mind that he can teleport too so she'll dramatically disappear after telling him off for doing some dumb shit and fuckin scream when he somehow appears in the same room as her less than a second later
phobos has a red and black lava lamp in his office!! he'd never admit it but he got it cuz it reminds him of audi :]
phobos loves watching audi in combat for some reason. i mean he already likes watching them do stuff so he can backseat drive, but he's also quietly admitted that her fighting style is interesting to watch
he can't really put it into words, but it's because the way they fight looks incredibly effortless and fluid, mainly due to them having so much time to adapt to and understand their powers [both their original powers and the ones granted by the halo]. when phobos' own abilities started to surface he was incredibly unstable and struggled to properly harness them for months, so he thinks it's nice to watch someone who actually knows what they're doing for once.
much to the auditor's surprise, phobos is actually a bit insecure behind all that confudence, particularly about scars. after being close to her for a while, phobos came out of his shell a bit and explained how he managed to grant himself his powers/abilities, which is something i'll absolutely go further in depth with later [via a longer hc that i'm gonna post eventually lol] but to summarise he basically infused himself with raw madness in what he's eloquently dubbed 'the incident'. Of course, doing that to himself didn't come without consequence, and he's permanently scored with a variation of lightning & burn scars on his forearms, thighs, and most of his torso.
for the longest time, the most casual thing he'd wear even around just her was the long-sleeved sweater he wore underneath his trench coat, and he refused to change even if he was literally overheating. though eventually after he told her about what happened he felt way more comfortable and now whenever they're in their shared room audi practically has to throw a shirt at him to get him to wear one sbkcjcnk
the auditor has a sort of subspace/pocket dimension where they can store different items and recall them at will. normally it's pretty empty, but ever since she grew to like phobos she's started keeping miscellaneous things in there for him. sometimes she pulls out a drink or snack that he likes, sometimes she pulls out a little water gun with phobos' name scrawled on it and shoots him with it when he's being a shithead
they are both,, SO fucking touch-starved. like they will not let go of each other [at least if they're not currently in the middle of something or around agency employees] cuz internally they're both just going "wow!!! that's a hand i'm holding!!!!! there's a hand holding my hand!!!! wow!!!!!! i love this!!!!!"
having one eye isn't exactly the best thing for depth perception, especially when you're really tired, so sometimes audi has to hold phobos' hand and guide him around in the mornings because he can [and has] walked into walls and counters
even since before they became a thing, phobos had been a little envious of the auditor's halo and the powers it granted her. he used to subtly try to yoink it from her, maliciously at first but far more playfully later, where he'd like lightly grab it and give it a gentle spin above her head like a mobile. but his infatuation with the halo kinda died after she decided to let him borrow/try it out once by allowing him to link with it
by linking i essentially mean like wearing it, but the halo is so powerful that you can't just 'wear' it without letting it bond with a part of you
long story short, he went into it with far too much overconfidence & cockiness and the halo violently rejected him, kind of like how it rejected the auditor once. he wasn't at all prepared for the sheer amount of power that surged through him the moment it started to link with him, so it essentially short-circuited his brain and knocked him unconscious for the better part of a week. when he woke again, the auditor told him he was lucky his head didn't explode and calmly suggested they never tried that again, and he felt inclined to agree.
of course, he still toys with the halo while the auditor's properly linked with it since he knows it can't link to more than one host at a time. and despite his seeming ease and "it's in the past" sort of mentality about the whole event, if someone mentions the concept of him actually taking the halo and linking with it again, he'll shudder and shake his head, saying it's not his place to do so.
the auditor has no doubt it delivered a pretty harsh blow to his ego [being rejected by the thing that would make him a god would prolly do that], but knows he's too prideful to admit that.
audi likes listening to phobos when he goes off on super long monologues, especially if they're like those super cheesy villain monologues. like he could literally be talking about anything and she'll sit there to hear him out, especially if it's less related to work and more about himself
the auditor is super deliberate in the way they pronounce things and they tend to casually drawl their words out to further cement their cool, unbothered boss persona. however the way she talks doesn't really intimidate phobos anymore since he's also been next to her right after she's been woken up, when she's mumbling quietly & slurring some of her words together. he knows the big scary boss side of the auditor is just a persona used for everyone but him, so he feels a lot more at ease with them even when they're trying to be scary
even after being together for a while, phobos still has no fucking idea what the auditor is made of. like he's admitted to her that he's genuinely clueless, and if she lets him he'll spend like 99% of their downtime quietly interacting with her flames [read: curling his fingers through them and petting them] while he muses about his hypotheses for how stuff like her liquidy-shadow form works. they were a little suspicious of his motives at first, but after they relaxed they realised he was just genuinely curious and willing to share his concepts to see if he was right
they have like. the smoothest banter anyone at the agency has seen. like it's super cheesy back-and-forth stuff that wouldn't sound out of place in an 80s sitcom, but it just kinda flows out when they're both comfortable. and ofc they'd deny it if anyone mentioned it but they literally banter like an old married couple lmAO
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peterspideyy · 4 years
more than anything
written before newt came out <3
summary- one serum. two people infected. who will live and who will die?
warnings- angst, if you have not watched/read the death cure don’t read this, some fluff, mainly angst
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stopping, you couldn’t help but a hoarse cough escape your quivering lips, as you made in through the last city, to your ride out of here. you could feel your brain starting to turn, into a crank. veins were starting to appear in your skin, and your eyes were becoming bloodshot. you were infected. but, you weren’t the only one.
when you found that your boyfriend, newt, was infected too, it felt as if someone ripped your heart out before crushing it into millions of pieces. you didn’t care that you had the flare. you only cared about newt.
you screamed. cried. when he showed you his arm, after yelling at thomas over teresa. you knew getting minho back was important to him, but you would never expected him to be so angry. you would never expected him to have the flare.
he was upset when he found out you were infected as well. but, he promised how after minho he’ll get you the serum. no matter what. you didn’t agree. he deserves it more than you do, and if you tell him this it would cause an argument. you didn’t want to argue with him.
and now, as you wrapped your arms around newt’s limp body as you carried him through the heat scorching of the explosions, you were suddenly overcome with energy to get to the berg for the serum. for newt.
he was way worse than you. his skin was clammy, as prominent veins were starting to grow. his breaths were ragged. he begged you all to leave him, while he coughed weakly each time. it’s as if every step he took, the closer he became to turning fully into a crank. the weaker he became. and it hurt you. despite the physical pain you felt, you couldn’t help but the tears fall down at your boyfriends appearance. this shouldn’t be happening to him. he deserves better than this.
thomas placed him down against a wall, as he struggled to carry him. you breathed out heavily, watching as newt began to speak but was abruptly cut off by a weak cough, while blood splattered from his lips.
“minho, gally, go ahead and get the serum and meet us back.” thomas ordered, making minho nod in agreement.
“thank you,” newt panted, shaking his hand slightly, “thank you, minho.”
“you bloody hang on alright.” minho sternly spoke, as he stood up.
“you too, y/n.” newt mumbled, as blood drooled down his chin. he never once looked up to meet your terrified eyes.
“n-no. i’m not leaving you. we’re in this-“
“y/n!” he roared finally looking at you, eyes filled with darkness, before it suddenly faded as he placed his hand weakly on your cheek, stroking a tear away, “please, sweetheart.”
you leaned in to kiss his lips softly, scared that this could be the last time. you ignored the pain soaring through your body, and the taste of newt’s blood against your lips, as you both melted into each other, trying to savour this feeling of being together. pulling away, you mumbled an ‘i love you’, which he was about to return before coughing again, blood dripping onto the floor to the left of him.
before you could even process what was happening, minho got you to your feet as gally covered you both, while you ran to the berg. to brenda. to the serum.
“brenda! where’s the serum!” you screeched, ignoring the ache in your throat. she ran into the berg, collecting the anecdote, handing it to you, before you turned instantly; ran towards newt and thomas. there was only one serum. and it had to be for newt.
dodging explosions and bullets, you ran as fast as you could, with minho and gally behind you. suddenly, a car exploded right infront of you, causing you to fall back at the power. minho ended up next to you, checking if you were okay, which you nodded weakly in return. breathing out heavily, blood started to trickle down your chin from your mouth, but you ignored it.
“y/n, you need the serum.” minho spoke, as he took in your appearance, which was starting to become like newt’s.
“no. newt needs it more.”
he shook his head, “you both need it. but, i-i promised newt you would get it. please. he would want you-“
“no!” you screamed, anger bubbling inside you, “newt is the love of my life. he deserves it.”
“if you don’t get the serum, you’ll die.” he spoke sternly, urging you to take it.
“but so will newt!” you screeched.
before minho could reply, or even inject you with the serum, you got up; started running towards newt and thomas. your legs were begging you to stop, as your stomach did flips. every time your foot hit the ground, jolts of pain rushed through you. it was a never ending cycle of agony.
eventually, you arrived at a run down building, to see newt punching thomas. you could tell he didn’t want to fight back. even though newt was turning into a crank, thomas still cared deeply for him. without hesitation, you ran up to newt, about to inject the serum into his neck, but he must of heard your footsteps, turning around insantly. your breath hitched, at the dark veins bulging out of his skin, but that’s all you could process before he grabbed your shoulders, and pushed you to the ground. a slight yelp left your lips, as the air in your lungs were knocked out of you as you hit the floor harshly, before newt climbed on top of you, ready to punch you in the jaw. but, as if he had some of his normal self left, he froze.
“y/n? oh my god, i’m so sorry, darling.” he sobbed, placing his hands delicately on your cheek.
“it’s okay,” you smiled, “newt, you need to serum.”
“y/n, no you need it. more than me.” he replied, shaking his head.
“newt,” you whispered, stroking his hair out of his face, “please.”
“no. you need to be happy. you need to live your life.” he begged.
you nodded, “promise.”
he smiled, whispering a thank you before leaning over to take the serum out of your hands to inject into you. but, suddenly, you wrapped your legs around his waist, flipping him around so he was beneath you. before, he could even realise what you were doing, you stabbed the serum into his neck, the blue liquid seeping into his body as he screamed ‘no’, causing it to echo into the city for everyone to hear his heartbreak. you breathed out, joy overcoming you as you watched the veins in his face and neck, slowly starting to fade, ignoring the wails of disagreement pass his lips.
“why would you do that?” he yelled, tears falling uncontrollably.
“y/n, i-“ thomas stood behind, eyes wide at what he just witnessed.
“because i love you.” you beamed, never once leaving newt’s orbs which were starting to become blue again.
he sobbed, “you promised, y/n. you promised.”
“i’m sorry, i couldn’t watch you turn into one of those things.” you mumbled, leaning down to kiss his forehead.
“and you think i can watch you turn into one of those things?”
you shook your head, “you don’t have to. kill me.”
he froze, “w-what?”
“no,” you heard thomas speak behind again, “there’s got to be another way. there’s got to be another serum.”
“there’s not!” you yelled, looking at thomas before relaxing, “there’s not.”
“i don’t believe you. we can still save you-“
“if you ever loved me, you wouldn’t let me turn into a crank. you would kill me.” you quivered, cutting newt off, looking back at him.
“you can’t ask me to do this.”
“newt.” you bawled, already feeling yourself slipping away. you saw a gun, laying on the ground next to him, before you leant over, picking it up while you met newt’s teary eyes.
“i-i can’t. you-“
you inturrupted him, with placing your finger on his lip, “please, newt. please.”
he took the gun out of your hands, locking his eyes with yours before lifting the weapon up, with the barrel aiming at your head. your breath hitched, as you intertwined your fingers with his, squeezing it slightly.
“live your life, darling. find someone, okay? don’t be ashamed to love someone else, you bloody hear me?” you cried, as the gun in his hand started to shake.
“i love you,” you whispered, tears falling down your cheek, “more than anything.”
“i love you too. more than anything.”
and with his heart falling into a black abyss, newt pulled the trigger.
a/n- bit of a sad one to post after not posting in agesss! also, i’m nearly at 700 followers which is insaneee, so thank you so much🥺
newt taglist- @24kbucky @parkersbliss @sweetiesangster
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roguerogerss · 4 years
A Long Day of Saving Your Ass
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(gif isn’t mine, creds to the owner!)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Plot: “Hi darlin! If you’re still taking requests could you do a Bucky x reader where she gets her ass saved from literal death by Bucky during a mission and she refuses to leave his side on the way back or at the tower? And he gives her a back/foot massage to make her nerves calm down aaand they may or may not share a kiss bc they like each other? I hope that makes sense, tysm! 💞” - requested by anon
W/C: 2.3k
Warnings: mentions of fights/blood/kinda ptsd but not really? she’s pretty much just really shaken up and Bucky’s cute and protective as hell about it. also kinda sexual themes towards the end, no smut or anything though it’s all fluff!
(A/N: first of all, thank you so much for all of the love on my last fic, it really really does mean the world and that was just totally insane. okay, so, this request only came in yesterday, but I was so in love with the concept and had this wave of ideas for what I could write, and so here it is! thank you so much for this one, bby! as always, requests are open for any marvel boy you want, plus any of the stranger things boys. i do smut too hehe. any feedback is so welcome and appreciated, it really helps! please like and reblog!)
The quinjet was ready to take off, engine on, Steve behind the wheel. But Y/N wasn't there yet. They'd been holding off on leaving, giving her time to get out and the opportunity to do it without help, but Bucky had been antsy since he'd gotten on the vehicle and realised that she wasn't there.
It wasn't exactly a secret that he liked her, in a way that he hadn't really liked anyone in over seventy years. He'd never admitted it to anyone, not even to himself out loud, but you have to have a certain level of intelligence and basic sight to join the Avengers in the first place, and it wasn't hard to figure out.
Y/N was oblivious to it, rolling her eyes whenever Natasha teased her about 'Bucky's little crush', never taking it seriously. If she'd known that they were really serious about it, she wouldn't have hesitated to make a move. She was inherently forward, had no sense of shame whatsoever, it was common knowledge that she would've said something, at the very least.
"Hey, Y/N, where are you right now?" Bucky spoke into the intercoms, earning wide eyed glances from the rest of the team. They knew that she hated being rushed, hated being babied even more, and the fact that Bucky was doing both was probably about to blow up in all of their faces.
There were obvious sounds of struggle on her end as she answered back with a grunt, "South side, got ten guys on my case. Think I can handle it, though."
"We're ready to leave, Y/N." Bucky grunted, leaning forward in his seat and chewing at his lip. He was met back with a crash and a strangled groan from the assassin, making him shoot up and towards the exit of the ship.
"Bucky, where are you going? She'll kill you if you try to help her-" Tony was standing now, too, worried about his teammate, but figuring that she'd find some way out. Bucky shook his head and pressed the button to open the escape hatch.
"She's going to die if I don't help her, Stark. Keep the engine running, we'll be back in a second." And he was gone with that. Steve closed the hatch, radioing to Bucky to 'keep in touch' as he did so.
Bucky pulled his machine gun from the holster on his back, shooting two guards that were stationed at the front entrance of the Hydra base that they'd sneakily infiltrated, managing to only cause a few minor scenes. He was inside and backed against a wall, scoping out his route to the south side of the building, without wasting a second.
His feet pounded on the metal stairs as he made his way down to where they'd been earlier, where he knew that Y/N still was, and he looked around himself cautiously, gears in his arm turning.
He could hear the fight before he could see it, and he could tell from the noises that Y/N wasn't doing so well. A lot of crashing, thuds, groans mostly from her. The sight wasn't exactly easy to look at either, she was covered in blood, slumped against a wall and kicking her legs wildly while one of the agents held a gun to her temple.
Bucky knew that he had to act fast, and so he shot the agent with the gun without giving away his position, and then proceeded to open fire on the rest of them, trusting in the fact that Y/N knew how to dodge a bullet.
When he was sure that the agents were dead, each one of them crumpled in heaps on the floor, he slung his gun back over his shoulder and ran for Y/N, who let out a relieved sigh upon seeing Bucky. "Oh my God, Buck." She whispered. She wasn't sure what she meant by the words, what she wanted to convey in them, but he seemed to pick up just fine as he wrapped his arms around her shaking and compacted body.
"You're okay, I've got you." He rested his head on top of hers for a second, breathing heavy, just allowing himself to enjoy how it felt to have his body draped over hers. "We've gotta go, okay?"
"I can't run." She said assertively, knowing that there was no way that she'd be able to get up and run like hell, like Bucky seemingly wanted her to. He nodded once, gave her an apologetic smile, and then scooped her up into his arms without another word.
She scrambled to grip onto his black jacket, a gasp leaving her mouth as he picked her up from the floor, flesh arm supporting the backs of her knees and the metal one around her shoulders. He chuckled at her reaction, the way that she white-knuckled the leather of his combat jacket. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop you."
"How do you expect me to believe that?" She croaked, trying her hardest to be her usual, sardonic self, but failing miserably as she realised just how fast and hard her heart was beating.
"Because I just saved you from at least ten guys who wanted to kill you within a minute, I'm not dropping you." Bucky replied as he ascended the stairs and she buried her face in his chest, the smell of his cologne relaxing her. He allowed a soft smile to cross his face, bringing his metal hand to her head and almost rocking her like an infant or a small child who had a nightmare.
For Tony saying that she hated being 'babied', she seemed to enjoy it when it was coming from Bucky.
They were back at the ship within a few minutes. Steve had taken off, and Bucky had gone to sit in the back of the ship on his own. Or at least, he'd wanted to sit in the back of the ship on his own, but Y/N was so shaken up and had looked at him like she was a lost puppy when he'd tried to leave her alone, and so he smiled and told her to come with him.
Everyone else had looked between themselves, grinning like mad. "He really likes her." Steve commented and Natasha nodded.
"She really likes him, I'm well aware of that fact." She said.
"I've never seen The Winter Soldier so caring. And, was that - sorry if this seems outlandish - a smile? On Bucky Barnes' face? Surely not." Tony pitched in, leaning back in his chair while his friends laughed.
Meanwhile, Y/N was curled up in a chair, chewing at her fingernails and dabbing at her bloody face with a wet cloth that Bruce had given her the second that she'd gotten on the ship. Bucky watched her, his heart breaking at the way that her hands shook as she brought them to her face, at the way that her entire body shook.
"Hey." He placed a tender and soothing hand on her back, rubbing gentle circles there. "It's okay, you're safe now."
She gave him a wobbly smile that didn't quite reach her eyes and placed her hand over his, allowing him to interlock their fingers. "Yeah. Safe now."
She still hadn't left his side, apart from briefly so that she could take a shower. He'd offered to come back to her room with her when she'd hovered around the lounge while everyone else had already dispersed, reminding her that no one was going to hurt her.
She was laying on her bed, hair wet and wearing nothing but a big shirt, while Bucky sat awkwardly on the edge of it, twisting the sheets between his fingers. "You don't have to sit there, you know. I have a sofa, or you can sit back."
Bucky shook his head and looked round at her, she was still visibly shaking, eyes darting around to show just how on edge she was. "It's fine, darlin'. M'fine." His voice was more ragged than he'd expected it to be. "I'm just here to make sure that you're okay."
"Well," She held her arms out, "Come here, that'd make me feel okay." It was a bold move, one that told of her feelings towards Bucky, but she didn't mind much, figuring that he probably wouldn't decline her.
He chuckled, shaking his head at her, but still, kicked his boots off and lay down next to her, allowing her to wrap her arms tightly around his torso and press her cheek over his heart. "Hey, you're okay, sweetheart." He stroked her hair. "There's nothing to be on edge about, yeah? I've got you."
"Yeah. Yeah, I know. Sorry, I don't know why I'm so freaked out." Her breathing was picking back up again, so Bucky shushed her and pressed a soft kiss to the top of her head, something that drove the butterflies in her stomach wild.
"It's okay, baby." The nickname just added to the way that her stomach fluttered, and she swallowed hard to try to forget about it. "Hey, how about I do something that'll relax you, yeah?"
"And what would that be, Barnes?" She smirked mischievously and he laughed at her.
"Lay on your stomach." He removed his arm from around her shoulders, and she looked at him with one eyebrow raised, obviously thinking that he was implying something way more forward than what he was actually implying. "Woah, no, no, no. I give good back massages, metal arm and all."
She laughed, throwing her head back into the pillows at the headboard of her bed. "Oh my God, Bucky. I hate you so much." She breathed out, flipping over so that she was laying on her stomach, back exposed to him.
"Can I pull your shirt up, or?" Bucky whispered, running his hands up and down the back of her t-shirt, and she nodded.
His breath hitched in his throat and he found himself struggling to think straight when he lifted the hem of her large shirt, to show that she was only wearing a pair of black panties underneath. She didn't seem to mind, so he didn't mention it, even though his breathing was hindered as he trailed his hands from the small of her back to her shoulders, thumbs rubbing circles as he did so.
She sighed and could've sworn that her eyes rolled back into her head as she relaxed into his touch, one hand cold and the other warm. She understood what he meant when he said that he was good at giving back massages.
"Feel okay?" He asked softly, swallowing hard. She nodded again.
"My God, Bucky, feels fucking amazing." She moaned, and he hated himself when his stomach flipped upon hearing her. "You're so good at that."
He had to stop when she said that, hands still on her shoulders but unmoving, just sitting still. He couldn't think about anything else other than sex when she was moaning like that, something that he wanted to punch himself for. It was such a tender moment, she was scared and so vulnerable, and all that was going through his brain were those thoughts.
"You okay?" She asked, and when he didn't answer she flipped back over, sitting in front of him. He looked like he'd seen a ghost as his tongue darted out to lick over his bottom lip. She reached a hand out, caressing his cheek gently to bring him back to reality. "Bucky?"
"Can I kiss you?" The words were leaving his mouth before he even knew what to do with them, what they meant and how she'd react. As soon as he realised what he'd said, he had his face in his hands, shaking his head. "Shit, sorry."
"No. No, Bucky, don't apologise. Look at me." She wrapped her fingers around his wrist, prying his hands away from his face. "Yes. Of course you can kiss me."
He furrowed his eyebrows, wondering if what she'd just said was real. She was looking into his eyes so intently, staring at the light blue rings around his pupils, realising how pretty they really were now that she was this close. "Kiss me." She whispered, and Bucky took no hesitation in complying to what she was asking of him.
His lips were on hers, and they were so gentle and soft, gliding against hers effortlessly. He pulled her closer to him with a hand on her back, the other cupping her cheek lovingly. His tongue had soon slipped between her lips, earning a soft little whine from her, as his tongue met hers and they worked out how to move them together in harmony.
She eventually pulled back, breathless, and simply grinned at him before laying back and pulling him with her. They resumed their earlier position, her arms wrapped firmly around his waist, his arm around her shoulders, her head on his chest while his hand stroked her hair. "Relaxed?" He laughed and she smiled and nodded.
"I'll get goin', it's late and you look tired, princess." Another nickname, another flourish from the butterflies in the pit of her stomach. Just as Bucky was getting up to leave, she grabbed onto his shirt and pulled him back to her, snuggling back up to his chest.
"Stay. Please."
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no-worshiped-roads · 4 years
Mayday RtU fight
so this is for @the-nsr-family Roads to Unity au
my crack at the mayday fight
go check out their blog they got lots of fun stuff, also this is long i lost control and it’s like 11 pages
Phase 1
Zuke dodged a flash of lighting that struck the spot he used to be standing in. He skidded a little across the smooth floor since it was already completely wet from the storm Mayday summoned. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Neon J and Eve also dodging both lightning and attacks from May’s guitar.
“Mayday please just listen to us!” Zuke pleaded.
“Because there’s something you really need to know! We know who is behind all of this!”
“Oh I’m sure you do.” May spat out sarcastically.
The guitarist jumped back onto a higher part of the platform and began to sing. “Show me how to lie, you’re getting better all the time.”
Zuke dodged a blast from her guitar and slipped in the water on the floor. He slid till he crashed into some equipment in the room. Zuke hissed from the pain and rubbed his head where he had hit it. He could hear May still singing but was more focused on the stars in his eyes. Zuke looked up just in time to see lightning heading for him and braced for impact. When he felt nothing but the rain, he opened his eyes to see that Neon J had thrown one of his weapons in front of him, making a sheild.
Zuke shakily got to his feet, trying to get a better foothold on the slick floor “Thanks.”
Neon J gave him a nod before returning his attention to the fight. “We may have no choice but to fight back like we did before.”
Zuke winced at that, as fighting these people hasn’t been easy for him. He loved these people, and hell, Mayday was practically his sister by all means but blood. But he knew Neon J was right. If they just kept dodging there was no way they were going to survive, Mayday was too angry to be holding back. Beside Zuke wanted to get through to her before she got REALLY angry. He knew what would happen if she did but his companions didn’t. And while he knew what would happen, he wasn’t sure if that would help him stand up to it.
“Alright. I’m really sorry May but we’ve really got to talk.” Zuke pulled out his drumsticks and charged forward.
“So you talk with your drumsticks now?” She sneered, before returning to singing.
“Now dance sucker dance! Man, we never had a chance. And no one even knew, it was really only you.”
Zuke flinched at the lyrics, knowing exactly what May meant by them. He could only hope he could convince her otherwise. As he continued to try and make his way to Mayday, Zuke found himself mainly dodging and just trying to keep up with her, but like Kliff said before, this girl was an acrobat. She was dancing around them and avoiding most of their attacks. So while she had gotten a good number off on them, they could count the number of hits on her on one hand.
“Well I’ll admit, this is definitely challenging~” Neon J’s auto tune singing carried over the pounding rains.
“This rain certainly isn’t helping.” Eve added, as she nearly slipped off the platform she was on.
“With a thousand lies and a good disguise, hit them right between the eyes”
“I feel like she might be saying something to you with this song choice.” Neon J muttered unhelpfully.
“When you walk away, nothing more to say.”
“Yeah I noticed.” Zuke droned out. He liked Neon J, but he had a bad habit of stating the obvious and not understanding rhetorical questions.
“Mayday please listen, none of the EDM artists had anything to do with those attacks, those were staged!”
“You call those attacks fake?! Do you even know how much damage they did?”
“He’s not saying their fake! Just that they were set up by someone who isn’t us!” Eve argued back.
Eve was using her reality warping abilities to redirect Mayday’s attacks away from her. At one point of redirecting lightning, she managed to make it strike Mayday in the back.
“Gah!” Mayday stumbled forward a bit, but quickly got her footing back and strummed an attack towards Eve. “And yet here you are, attacking all of us. Wasn’t you indeed.”
Eve jumped out of the way and landed next to Zuke. “I believe I may have just found a way for us to actually fight back.”
Zuke frowned, as he really didn;t like the idea of shocking Mayday with her own lighting but knew they had no choice. They weren’t getting anywhere going about this like a normal fight. Zuke nodded and dodged another attack by rolling out of the way. Banging his drumsticks together he sent a wave at Mayday who moved away, but left her open for Neon J to get a hit in on her.
“Nice work you did, you’re gonna go far kid, trust deceived!”
“Mayday, we don’t want to fight, But we’re also not gonna sit here and be wailed on. We really did talk to the others. I don’t know why you can’t contact them but we didn’t do anything to them, I swear!” Zuke called out again.
“Oh you swear? Yeah, like I’m supposed to trust anything you promise.”
Zuke winced. “Yeah alright I deserve that.” A dodge. “But please can we just talk, there’s a lot I have to tell you, a lot you need to know.”
Zuke jumped out of the way of a large bolt of lightning and counterattacked with his drumsticks. The fight continued like this for a while till Eve got one more of her lighting attacks to hit her, this one causing Mayday to slide down to her knees. Mayday huffed, whether from exhaustion or frustration was hard to say. She growled and forced herself back to her feet.
Phase 2
Mayday played a different tune on her guitar as the weather around them changed. The rains stopped, but the room turned white. A thick fog now permeated the area, reducing their field of vision to  where they could barely make out their hand in front of their own face.
“SHOT THROUGH THE HEART AND YOU’RE TO BLAME! You give love a bad name.”
Guitar riffs could be heard through the fog as musical blasts were shot at the group. Everyone dodged but when Zuke looked back up, he saw that they had lost each other in the fog.
“Eve, Neon J?!”
“An angel’s smile is what you sell, promise me heaven then put me through hell.”
Zuke felt the ground beneath him being blasted away and he was flung back. He grunted as he hit the ground behind him.
“We’re alright!” Neon J’s voice called through the fog. “But we aren’t going to be able to find each other much less Mayday in this fog. GAH!” Another guitar riff sounded off, clearly hitting Neon J.
“That’s kind of the point.” May’s voice drifted through the fog somewhere ahead of him.
Zuke acted quickly and smashed his drumsticks together in the direction he heard the voice. A small grunt greeted his ears, knowing he had hit her. Zuke then had to dodge again as a blast was the returned favor in his direction.
“Mayday those attacks really weren’t caused by the EDM artists. None of them even knew about the attacks till they were on the news!”
Another guitar riff was his only answer as he rolled to the side.
“Oh, you're a loaded gun, yeah. Oh, there's nowhere to run”
“Listen to where she is to find her! Use that to try and get to her!” Zuke called out and dodged another blast.
“No one can save me, the damage is done!”
Zuke continued to use his drumsticks to attack in the general direction that he could hear Mayday, and could hear his companions doing the same as well. Wherever they were in this fog. Of course this strategy went both ways. As they attacked they also made noise, which was how Mayday was finding them. Though to be fair, she had figured out that strategy long before Zuke did.
“I played my part and you played your game! You give love a bad name! You give looovvvveee---a bad name.”
Mayday was definitely picking songs that expressed what she was feeling towards Zuke. What she thought was going on, even though it wasn’t true. They had to keep pressing through and prove to her that Grunge was the only problem here. Not the EDM artists, and not him. A louder cry interrupted Zuke’s thoughts as he looked up to see the fog slowly clearing away. As it cleared out Zuke could make out Neon J near to where Mayday was, the latter on the ground again, panting. He watched her fist clench around the neck of her guitar and she swung at Neon J, making the man fall back and off the platform when he tried to move out of its way.
Phase 3
Mayday hopped back to her feet, with a bit more struggle this time, and started playing once again. Neon J grunted as he hoisted himself up from his rather big fall, given that this platform was well off the ground. As Mayday played her guitar she backflipped up to one of her trapeze platforms. The rock girl hopped from platform to platform, doing tricks as she did, all while playing her guitar. Zuke was so focused on watching her, and trying to keep her in his sights that he didn’t notice the drop in temperature.
“Wh-why is it s-s-so c-cold?”
Eve’s stuttering brought Zuke out of his trance as he huffed and realized he could see his own breath. The air was bitingly cold, and he found himself shivering much like his companions. Though Eve had it worst of all. Her outfit was beautiful, but not exactly warm. Zuke shuddered again in a vain attempt to warm his body as snow began to fall.
“Oh p-p-perfect, as if it w-wasn’t c-cold enough-AAHH” Neon J’s biting remark was cut short as the cyborg took a step back, only to slip on the ice that had formed on the floor.
The snow picked up to be more like a flurry now. Great. So now that had to deal with snow, the cold, the ice, and that Mayday was jumping and leaping around above them. She was already a hard target before, and all of this just made it harder. Mayday glared down at them, though more specifically him. Zuke did his best to hold her gaze and not wither under that glare. It was hard to say if she learned that from her mother or Kul Fyra. A familiar tune reached his ears as the rocker began to sing again.
“I wouldn't hold my breath if I was you, 'Cause I'll forget but I'll never forgive you. Don't you know, don't you know? True friends stab you in the front!”
Zuke grimaced, it really did seem that May felt that all ties between them were cut. That he was a traitor of the worst kind. He tightened his grip on his drumsticks and got into his fighting stance. He had to convince her that she was wrong.
“Listen Mayday, We know who was really behind the attacks. She started out just sabotaging the other EDM artists.”
A rather solid blast of wind and snow pushed him back, with him sliding further due to the ice. He immediately had to dodge a guitar riff, which was harder given that the ice messed with his movements. After scrabbling in place for a bit, Zuke finally managed to skid out of the way, feeling the blast move his hair as it just missed him by inches. Zuke could see Eve and Neon J continuing to attack her, and struggling just as much as he was with all the ice and snow messing with their movement.
He watched as nearly no attacks were hitting her with her using her aerial equipment to swing around and avoid them. Zuke could feel his frustration beginning to build up and took some breaths to try and calm down.
“Mayday you have to listen to us!”
“Like hell I do!”
“Mayday! There’s an inside person at NSR! She staged those attacks, she set the EDM artists up to take the fall!”
“You got a lot of nerve, But not a lot of spine. You made your bed, When you worried about mine.”
“Gah will you just listen to me?! What is your problem?!” Zuke was losing his patience.
“MY problem?! Have you seriously not figured anything out yet?! How do you not understand?!”
The snow was beginning to pick up into something more like a blizzard, not that Zuke paid it any mind. Eve and Neon J however did notice,
“Um, Zuke?”
Zuke ignored Neon J. “Come on why are you being so stubborn? The Mayday I know would actually listen!”
The blizzard got stronger, and the air got a heavier feeling to it. “What the hell do you even know about me?! You abandoned me five years ago! You left me to deal with all of that crap on my own!”
“Zuke, this isn’t helping.” Eve hissed.
Zuke again ignored the words of his companions and continued to argue with his former friend. If she would just listen to him so things could be fixed. “For crying out loud it’s Grunge! It’s her fault all of this happened! She ruined EDM’s name, she arranged the attack on you, on everyone! She is the one to blame!”
“Seriously?! Now you’re blaming someone else! At least she stuck by our side through this, unlike you!”
Mayday blasted her guitar at him and Zuke leapt out of the way. Zuke didn’t know what came over him, but he just felt so angry, so frustrated. It was like it was with West when he just didn’t listen to his side of the story. So he brought his drumsticks together and hard. The blast was too big for May to dodge and knocked her straight off her aerial swing to the platform below. Her scream of pain definitely snapped him out of it though. The snow died down and the temperature returned to normal, with the ice starting to melt away.
Phase 4
Zuke didn’t pay any of it any mind as he could stare in horror at Mayday just lying on the platform unmoving. He could vaguely see his companions getting to their feet, having no idea how they got knocked down, but guessed it was the blizzard. The two looked up to see May’s crumpled form on the platform, her guitar laying away from her, having fallen off of her when Zuke had hit her.
“Um, what happened? The blizzard made it hard to see.” Neon J asked, unhelpfully.
Zuke could only swallow hard as his ears rang. Mayday’s body twitched, and Zuke breathed a small sigh of relief knowing she was okay. The girl slowly dragged herself into a sitting position, and hugged her sides. She was breathing hard, head down, obscuring her face. Zuke couldn’t read her expression.
“...did we win?”
“Not the time Neon J!” Eve bit back.
Mayday’s breathing got harder, harsher, till she was huffing in what Zuke had to guess was anger.
“Get away.”
Mayday’s voice was low, shaky. If Zuke had been smarter he would have picked up on what that meant. But instead he just assumed it was because of her fall. He took a step forward and Mayday stiffened.
“Go away.”
It was a lot harsher this time, though still shaky. Zuke ignored her demand again and stepped forward once more. “May please, I-”
“Don’t. Leave.”
The wind began to pick back up, a strange sound filling the room. Rains started again, but much harsher than before. Zuke paused looking around at the weather, he had to get her to stop before the weather became a problem again. He stepped forward again, ignoring the  winds and rain worsening around him, even as his feet splashed in the water pooling on the floor.
Mayday’s body twitched, and her hands clenched into fists, slamming down on the platform. “I said”
“GO AWAY!” Mayday suddenly screamed, throwing her head back.
The winds were so strong now that they picked up the three companions and threw them to the back of the room. Everyone slammed into the walls and fell to the floor with a splash. Zuke pushed himself up to his knees and hands, and glanced towards Myday. Winds circled around her as the rain absolutely downpoured, reducing anything in the distance invisible. Mayday was hunched in the middle, shaking. Glancing up he saw exactly what he thought he would be forming above her.
“IS THAT A HURRICANE?!” Neon J screeched.
“Yeah maybe I should have warned you she could do that?” Zuke yelled back weakly.
“That would have been nice, yes!”
“Well we were supposed to have this taken care of before this happened.”
“We could have if it weren’t for you Zuke.”
Eve’s harsh voice made him flinch. “Hey what the hell does-”
“I may not have been able to see what happened when that blizzard picked up but I could hear it. You two arguing.”
The winds and rain continued to rage around them as Zuke stared at Eve. “She’s being stubborn! Nothing I say is getting through to her!”
“So are you Zuke.”
Zuke jolted back like he had been slapped. “I’M actually listening though!”
“Are you?”
“I’ve been helping you this entire time yes!”
“I’m not saying you’re not listening to us.”
“You just-”
“I’m saying you’re not listening to her.”
“...yes I am.”
“Are you? You seem to hear her when she argues back against us, total strangers to her. But you fail to hear the reason why she’s upset.”
��But it’s a misunderstanding!”
“Mostly yes. But she doesn’t know that, and you’re acting like she should. And like I said, mostly.”
“What does that even mean?!”
“She’s not wrong about you abandoning her.”
“Bu- hey!”
“She’s. Not. Wrong. And you have to accept that Zuke, she was attacked so badly that she apparently landed in the hospital for a week. And then, when she was recovering back at home, she finds out you’ve left NSR and are helping the people she believes attacked her. How do you think she felt in that moment?”
“And now you’re also throwing the blame all at Grunge’s feet, while not accepting your own fault in this. You could have handled how you left better. Not to mention you’ve come here and blamed her for being ‘too stubborn’ like it’s her fault she feels angry and hurt and betrayed.”
“I’m not saying you are a traitor, but you did leave her. And you need to own up to that. You can’t let your anger control you, or you’ll do things you’ll regret forever.”
Zuke thought back to the second encounter with West when he disowned him, and how they had somewhat made up in the third encounter. He wonders what would have happened had he not run into him again. Would that have been it? Would he have never seen West again? Would his brother leave the city for good? Zuke thought on it further and frowned, remembering it was Kliff who got across what Zuke couldn’t say. Wouldn’t. Too stubborn to.
Zuke sighed. “...you’re right. I’ve only made things worse. I kept thinking about how this affected you guys, and how I felt. And completely ignored what Mayday was feeling.”
“So what do we do now then?” Neon J had walked over to the two as they had argued. It was slow going given that the winds threatened to throw him again.
“I’m gonna try talking to her again, but I need to get close. Can you two cover me? I don’t think I can get to her through the hurricane and if she starts attacking again.”
“What are you going to do?”
Zuke turned to Neon J. “What I told Kliff I was going to do. What I should have done from the beginning.”
The two nodded at him and Zuke began to walk forward. He had to take precise and heavy steps, the hurricane's gale force winds threatening to throw into the wall again. As he trudged onwards, May’s head snapped up slightly. He could just make out her eye’s glaring at him in not just anger, but pure anguish.
Lightning began to rain down from the hurricane above him, and as Zuke braced for impact, Neon J and Eve came to his rescue. Neon J fired off his weapons to stop the lightning before it reached him, while Eve redirected it harmlessly behind them. Zuke continued to Mayday while his friends kept him from getting hit.
May’s attacks became more erratic and frequent. Though with how wild they were, more and more of her attacks were missing. Zuke finally reached the platform Mayday was on and gripped the beams holding it up. He hoisted himself up on the first beam and began climbing up, he didn’t have time to try and find the stairs. Heck, with what Mayday could do, there probably weren’t any. At this point Zuke wasn’t being attacked at all, and he couldn’t hear lighting cracking against the ground anymore. The hurricane was still going strong, but she had stopped directly attacking them. At this point she really was just trying to make them leave her alone.
Zuke finally reached the top of the stage and forced himself up on to it. He could see Mayday’s body trembling in the middle of it. Zuke had to drag himself across the stage, knowing that if he stood up he would be blown off. He could feel himself getting even more soaked from all the water pooling on the floor but he didn’t care. He had to get to May. Finally an outreached hand touched May’s leg.
She slapped his hand off. “Go away.”
Zuke pushed himself up so he was sitting in front of Mayday on his knees. “May, I’ve not done anything right by you since that day five years ago.”
“I left without saying anything, or explaining myself. I come back after all this time and I just hurt you more, and that’s not right. I’ve been so focused on what I want I didn’t consider how you felt.”
“I know my words are probably empty coming from someone who abandoned you, but I promise you the EDM artists won’t hurt you. They were sabotaged and set up by Grunge. She wants rock to rule as the top music genre, no matter the cost  And was going to ensure it by any means possible.”
“..is that all you came here for?” Mayday’s voice is quiet, quivering.
“No.” Zuke reached forward and pulled Mayday into a hug. The girl flinched, and though she didn't pull back, she didn’t reciprocate either.
“I’m sorry. For everything. For what happened to you, for what you went through afterwards. For just leaving you like that and not explaining anything. For not really trying to get a hold of you for five years. For being a coward. I’m so, so sorry May. You have every right to be mad at me, and I understand if you won’t forgive me. But I’m not going to hurt you. Not again. I promise.”
He could feel May’s body tremble against his and suddenly felt a tight grip around his back as she hugged him back. The winds began to die down and the rain stopped pouring. Mayday just sobbed into his shirt, letting out all that built up hurt she had been shoving down for five years. Zuke just held her for a long time, apologizing over and over again till she finally stopped crying. He had thought all he had to do was stop Grunge, but now realized that even when they beat her, and she was gone, there was still going to be a long road of recovery ahead of them. 
Everything that had happened had left lasting marks on the artists that weren’t just going to go away like that. And for once, Zuke was really going to stay by Mayday’s side, and help her through all of it. This was a promise he wasn’t going to break.
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sergeanttpoliteness · 5 years
➹types of kisses➹(peter parker x reader)
A colorful collection of your many types of kisses, because a kiss can have more than just one meaning.
a/n: i know i’m three days late, but this is my christmas present :) (sorry for the shitty title) it’s kinda different to what i usually write because there’s really no... plot? it’s just one big but short compilation of fluff and tropes that will give you real bad diabetes. i was gonna include a break-up kiss but bc i’m nice, i decided against it lmaoooo. also !! i wrote this for ps4 peter, but i honestly can imagine it with mcu peter as well-- just choose whatever you prefer ! anyway, i hope whoever is reading this has a wonderful new year, ily.
warnings: making out, a lil bit of grinding but nothing more than that, cursing.
It wasn’t exactly how you wanted it to be.
Not that you thought about kissing Peter Parker too much, anyway. He was one of your best friends, and who thinks about kissing friends? Definitely not you.
Alright, that was a lie— you used to think about it. A lot. And unbeknownst to you, he did as well. However, contrary to your lack of knowledge about his urges, you did know that, for a while now, his feelings towards you changed. And, similarly, he was aware that your own feelings for him, too, transformed into something more. Further than friendly embraces or innocent sleepovers when you were little kids. Bigger than platonic emotion. More than a simple friendship.
It lingered in your minds and was evident in everyone’s eyes, yet neither of you had the courage to move past friendship.
One night at eleven-thirteen, as the two of you— two grown-ups— were in a playground, doing the spider on a swing together and laughing enough that your stomachs ached, that craving to meet his lips resurfaced with such vigor, it spilled out of your mouth.
“Can I say something?!” You laughed as you swayed higher into the air, a yelp involuntarily fleeting past your lips and your legs tightening around Peter’s waist since you feared you were close to falling off the swing and on your back. “Thank you for picking up— shit!— the phone! I really missed you, you know— ow, okay, this really hurts!”
“Okay, I think you’ve had enough,” Peter’s feet immediately skidded against the ground to put your swinging to a halt, sand flying everywhere. Once you were still, you both remained giggling and with youthful smiles that reached your eyes. “Of course I was gonna pick up the phone. What kind of friend would I be if I didn’t?” He said, and you had to hold yourself back from making a face at the word ‘friend’. You couldn’t complain— that’s that you were, after all. Except that this didn’t feel like merely hanging out, rather it appeared like a date.
“It’s pretty late, though.”
Peter shrugged. “Even if it were three AM, I’d still answer any of your calls.”
Your face softened and you bit the inside of your cheek, staring down at your lap. “That’s cute. But if you called me at three AM, I’d tell you to fuck off and then go back to sleep.” Peter opened his mouth in disbelief at your honesty, shaking his head.
“Wow, thanks. I’m glad our love is mutual.”
“It is mutual,” And it was indeed. “I just express it differently. For example, I tell you to stop working yourself to the bone so you can hang out with me and do adult stuff.” You placed one hand on his shoulder and gestured with the other to the empty playground you were in.
Peter chuckled, quirking a brow whilst he unconsciously began to move the two of you back and forth a little. “Adult stuff, huh?” You nodded solemnly.
“This is very mature.” You raised your nose in a not-so-mature way. Peter copied your previous gesture, humming.
“You’re right. Playgrounds were made for twenty-three-year-olds, after all.”
You giggled, but then changed your expression into a more stern one. “For real, you gotta give yourself a break.” You warned him, shaking your finger at him to add more of an emphasis, however, instead you amused him more than anything in the process.
He raised his hands. “Hey, it’s the city that never sleeps.” He defended, but you narrowed your eyes, giving him a look that was enough to communicate you were not accepting any humor. He dropped his hands and hung his head dramatically, sighing. “All right, I’ll try. But I can’t promise anything.”
You smiled sadly. “I know you can’t.” You quickly exchanged your frown for a smirk. “But if you don’t listen to me, I’m afraid you’re gonna have to make it up to me.” You joked, and Peter cocked his head to one side, wearing a crooked smile.
“How, exactly?”
All playfulness vanished and the warmth within your stomach took the spotlight yet again. Kiss me, a thought popped into your head, threatening to control your tongue. But you couldn’t. Even if your eyes accidentally flickered down to his mouth, and he undoubtedly noticed, for he gripped the swing’s chains tightly. You really wanted to say it.
So you chose to do it.
“Maybe you could…” You trailed off as soon as you caught onto some movement in the background, your sight shifting from Peter’s face to it. Suddenly, your eyes grew wide. “Oh, fuck.”
“W-What?” Peter turned to look behind his back, but before he could observe anything, he felt your legs unwrap from his body followed by a heavy object hitting the ground. His head whipped back to stare at you, and now his eyes were the ones about to pop out of his sockets when he saw you on the ground. “Y/N! Jeez, are you okay—”
You jumped to your feet, not bothering to dust off the sand off your clothes before you yanked Peter away from the swing, shushing unnecessarily louder and completely opposing your intention. “Shut up! We have to hide!” You hissed at him, peeking behind his body.
Peter tried following your gaze a second time, but you pulled at his arm harshly. “Why?!”
“Just— just follow me!” Was your explanation as you dragged him to hide behind a tree. You put your hand against the wood, slowly leaning to your side until the tree trunk uncovered your eye. Pointing at a woman standing up from a bench and a guy walking up to her, you glanced back at Peter. “You see her?”
Peter furrowed his brows, momentarily looking down at you. “...Y-Yeah? Isn’t that the teacher you told me about? The one who teaches at your cousin’s school?”
“Yes! And look at her!”
Peter’s attention returned to the woman who hugged her jacket close to her body and now spoke to the man, not discerning anything suspicious at the moment. “She’s talking to someone.” He pointed out the obvious, unimpressed. You groaned, rubbing your eyes.
“That someone is one of her students.”
Peter blinked and eyed the man who turned out to be a teenager. “Oh, he looks much older—”
“Because he’s a fucking drug addict! And I bet she’s his dealer!” You scream-whispered at him, flailing your arm towards the pair.
“I thought you were just joking when you first said that.”
You rolled your eyes, and continued watching them. Whatever the conversation was, it had all of a sudden turned into an argument as the woman poked the kid’s chest with her finger. “Why are they just talking, though?” You asked quietly, as if Peter somehow would have the answer. The volume of their voices increased, but you couldn’t make out any of the words. Scoffing, you shuffled away from Peter. “I gotta hear what they’re saying—”
Before you could tip-toe away from the tree, Peter gripped your arm and pulled you into him. “No. She has a gun.” He motioned to an object peeking out of her pants’ back pocket, and upon further squinting your eyes, you realized it was, in fact, a weapon. Peter gently pushed you towards the tree and he took a step back. “I’ll go make sure nothing bad happens while you stay here, okay?”
You stuttered, your brows snapping together. “No, this is my fucking case, you dickhead.” You began to speed walk past him, but you couldn’t get too far— he grabbed your arm and tugged you back once again. “Peter!”
“Y/N, you’re not a goddamn private investigator—”
“Well, tonight I am!” You broke free from his grasp; however, he quickly had you back in his hold.
“No, what are you doing?!” He embraced you tighter when you squirmed wildly.
“Peter, the kid could be in danger!”
“You don’t even know how to fight!”
“Oh, and you do?” You retorted without thinking. When he processed the absurdity you’d just uttered, he let go of you and stared at you dumbfounded, struggling to speak. Finally, he pointed at himself, his forehead creased.
“I’m Spider-Man!”
You scrunched up your nose, nodding. “Yeah, I don’t know why I said that.”
You totally did. As he remained puzzled, you took the chance and started a race to a tree standing near the woman and the kid. Completely forgetting about Peter’s super-speed, you thought you had succeeded until halfway there, he quickly caught up to you. Without a warning, he tackled you to the ground, falling on top of you whilst you cried out in pain.
“Ow! What the fuck, dude?!” You groaned loudly, but then you slapped your mouth when you recognized how noisy you’d been. Their conversation stopped abruptly, crickets singing whole-heartedly as you and Peter stared at each other wide-eyed.
“Did you hear that? Did you bring someone with you?” You both heard the woman ask. To your horror, footsteps approaching you were the next sound to reach your ears. “Hey, who’s there?!”
“Great, look at what you did—”
“You fucking tackled me to the ground!”
Peter surveyed the area promptly, and his gaze fixated on the tree you initially sprinted towards. He didn’t hesitate before he lifted his hand and aimed his wrist to shoot a web to get both of you out of there. But you had other plans.
You gripped the collar of his shirt, distracting him. “I’m so sorry for what I’m about to do, but just— just trust me and follow me, okay?” You breathed out, eyeing him. Peter opened his mouth, about to ask for you to elaborate.
“Wh—” You pulled him down and crashed your lips into his, muffling his exclamation of surprise. Stunned, his eyes stayed open, and when he didn’t react, yours fluttered open to signal at him to play the part. As soon as the hairs of his arms stuck up, he shut his eyelids closed and kissed you back, cupping your face and fully getting into it.
The woman jumped from behind the tree, confident she’d found the culprits of the noise, and— well— yes, she had. However, she didn’t expect to walk upon two people on the grass, in the middle of a make-out session. She grimaced the moment she saw your legs around Peter’s waist and your hands running all over his back as you fucking moaned to a point that it was forthright pornographic.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, her cheeks reddening perhaps more than your face and Peter’s, and she instantly turned around, leaving you two alone.
You two continued, waiting until the woman made an excuse and abandoned the teen. Ten seconds passed and you finally broke the kiss, panting heavily as Peter unknowingly searched for your lips again. “That worked like a charm, huh?” You laughed, dazed and the speed of your heartbeat only incrementing when you saw Peter’s swollen lips.
“Yeah, yeah… a better warning would’ve been nice.”
“Shut up.”
“And was the moaning really… necessary?”
“I saw it on a show. It makes people more uncomfortable.” You explained, out of breath, and he nodded. You both stared at each other, not bothering to move yet. “For the record, you’re a good kisser.” You blurted out and grinned sheepishly. Peter returned the expression, chuckling and unbelieving of your existence.
“S-So are you. But my plan was better.” He smiled bashfully, holding himself up with his hands next to your head. You doubted his statement, narrowing your eyes.
“Did it involve kissing?”
“Then it wasn’t.”
You might have forgotten about your drug deal case and continued making out.
Two months into dating, neither of you thought much about them anymore. Once they became part of your routine, it’s an absent-minded action, not much different from brushing your teeth, or Peter entering your apartment through your window instead of the door like everyone else. But then again, Peter wasn’t merely everyone else. And your unconscious routine kisses weren’t exactly just another bullet point in your ‘to-do’ list, either. If one of you forgot, or simply did not have enough time to spare, you’d both find yourselves missing it.
Which was why you tried your best to follow through with them, despite what situations either of you found yourselves in.
The alarm did not go off that morning (or perhaps you both passed out before you could set it in the first place— you couldn’t remember precisely), reason why you nearly choked on the lather of toothpaste while you brushed your teeth as if your life depended on it. In a way, however, it did, especially your job: you were now running outrageously late, and you could already imagine your boss’ blank expression as he told you he needed to ‘have a talk’ with you since this was the third time it occurred. You whined. You were doomed.
Peter joined you in the bathroom, jumping on one foot as he slid his other leg into his Spider-Man suit. He made a noise and caught your attention— finally, you noticed he had an entire piece of toast in his mouth. He tried to say something with the bread in between his teeth, but it was incomprehensible. You raised your brows, attempting to communicate with him without taking out your toothbrush. You both went on like that for thirty seconds: doing hand gestures and mumbling without getting any idea across until Peter finally put on his suit and bit off a chunk of his breakfast.
“Have you seen my phone?” He asked, his mouth full. You spat out the toothpaste and he couldn’t help the smitten smile that his heart painted onto his face when he saw the froth around your mouth.
“I put it right next to my keys.” You said as you washed your brush. Peter hummed and swallowed before he walked up to you.
“Alright, thanks. I really gotta run now, though.” He planted a kiss on your temple and you groaned in disgust when you felt the crumbles of his toast on your skin.
“Gross,” You wiped your forehead and Peter rolled his eyes, shoving you playfully and about to leave until you grabbed his arm. “Wait!” You encircled his neck with your arms and pecked his cheek for longer than usual, purposefully smearing his face with toothpaste.
“Ugh, gross!” He mimicked you and leaned away from you, laughing. You puckered your white lips, still trying to reach him but his arms pushed you back. “Nuh-uh, I gotta run.”
“No toothpaste kiss from your love?”
“Toast kiss?”
“You’re gonna get fired.”
You let him go.
Later that night, Peter entered your living room, his search for you coming to an end once he saw you asleep on the couch. He laughed quietly, in the back of his head wishing he was sleeping, too, with you, and he kneeled down in front of you. He kissed the tip of your nose— the way he liked to greet you in spite of what state you were in. When he stood up, you blinked your eyes open and you lazily grinned up at him. “Peter-Man is back.”
His gaze moved down to you, guilt appearing after he saw you let out a long yawn. “Ah, man, I didn’t want to wake you.”
You had to return his hello kiss, and so you clutched his hand and pressed your mouth against his gloved knuckles. “C’mere. Join me in my slumber.” You said with an overdone accent.
He didn’t even consider telling you to move to your bed. He plopped down on the small space left and snuggled into you, his own yawn overpowering him. You hugged him tightly from behind, and within minutes, you were both deep into your sleep.
The next morning, you woke up late yet again.
It’d been your first date in four months, and you swore your sex drive had never been higher. 
Peter noticed, of course, and took the decision to ditch the dinner you had originally planned once you finished the movie you were watching— or tried to watch, since you couldn’t take your hands nor lips off him during its entirety. As the credits rolled, you straddled his hips, sucking on the flesh of his jaw. You itched to see his face when he groaned— and my God, that sound did not help your case at all.
You began to trail your mouth down his neck, decorating it with a whole masterpiece of bruises, and Peter wondered how he was going to cover those up; but at the moment, it did not matter a single bit. The two of you were too into it to pull away—
“Ugh, wait—” Or not. Peter stopped you and you blinked at him as he sat straight, taking out the TV’s control remote from under him. “That was really bothering me.” He immediately pulled you back into a kiss, tugging your hair and provoking a small moan out of you.
He broke away from you, his smirk transforming into the fuel feeding your lust. “You really like that, huh?”
“Shut up.” You mumbled and your lips continued to mold into each other with desperation, the sexual desire which had build-up since your last encounter brimming as your tongues met. Peter slowly began to lift the hem of your shirt, and your excitement erupted in the pit of your stomach at the fact that you finally wouldn’t have to wait anymore—
Your phone began to ring. You tried to ignore it, but your ringtone made it impossible. “Hold on,” You sighed, disappointed, and turned your phone off, your jaw set in annoyance. Yet again, you resumed where you left off, more urgent than before. Your hand moved his own back up to your hair whilst the other ran up his thigh. He failed in holding back the jerk of his hips as he pulled at your hair yet again, your moans synchronized. You couldn’t have been more elated you both wore your pajama bottoms as you began to grind down onto his crotch. 
Peter dug his fingers into your hips and he threw his head back, his Adam’s apple bobbing up and down when he gulped to keep his noises down lest your neighbors heard you. “No, no, I wanna hear you—” You breathed out, speeding up your pace, whining yourself. He collided his mouth against yours, grunting into your kiss.
You didn’t know what had gotten into you, but you really, really, really did not wish to stop. And you weren’t going to this time, no matter what—
“Tonight’s our last party as high school people!” A voice and music blasted from the TV and you both jolted away from each other, startled. The credits had gone on long enough that the streaming service began to play a trailer for another movie, the volume at its fullest from where you’d left it earlier. You let out the most exasperated groan in your lifetime and furiously moved off of Peter to go and unplug the TV; however, he slipped his hands under your butt and picked you up.
“The bedroom—” He panted and stopped neglecting your lips as he carried you and ran towards your room, the two of you giggling maniacally when he stumbled through the door and then slammed it shut.
The trailer played all night long.
Peter had lost the fight.
Although you were useless, you tried getting there in time, hoping you could cause any distraction that would give him an advantage. But you heard the explosion, the walls and the ground rattling, and you dreaded you were too late.
You fell through the double doors, nearly losing your full balance and dropping to the floor. However, you maintained your composure, and tried to scan the room. The smoke hit your eyes and they stung, tears forming in your eyes which grew redder as the seconds passed.
Fire blazed throughout most of the room. You went down on all fours and shrugged your jacket off before you rapidly fastened it around your lower face. Your trembling hand grasped the pipe you’d kept with you in case you came upon someone, and you began to crawl into a cloud of smoke, praying Peter was still alive and breathing.
You fought hard to hold in the sobs that clawed at your throat. You couldn’t break down. Not right now, when Peter needed you.
“Peter!” You called out, coughing as a trace of fumes managed to sneak into your system. You went on with your search, nevertheless, even after your hand accidentally touched a scorching piece of metal and left your flesh screaming. Keep going, you told yourself when you cried out in pain, shaking yourself out of it. “Peter, it’s me! I-I’m here!”
A minute went by at most, but it seemed like an eternity. A minute and ten seconds, until you caught a glimpse of Peter’s body surrounded by flourishing flames. “Pete!” You stood up and ran to him, uncaring of your knees as you collapsed next to him. “O-Oh God…” You saw his burnt suit and whimpered, not knowing anymore if the tears pouring down your face were due to the smoke or the appalling despair poisoning your veins. You didn’t waste a single moment dwelling on the sight in front of you, though— right away, you grabbed him under his armpits and took in a restricted breath before you dragged him with you. You only moved him a few inches before you fell to your knees, heaving.
“Why are you so fucking heavy,” You sobbed, the terrifying realization that you might not make it out of there hitting you at full force. “N-No, you’re coming with me. We’re getting out of here, okay, baby?”
You didn’t know why you were speaking to his unconscious body. Perhaps it was the faint desire that he wasn’t gone yet, and he could somehow hear you. You could sense a coughing fit coming, but you stood back up and started hauling Peter across the floor again, this time mustering every last shred of strength your body possessed.
You had no answer to how you made it. But soon, you had gotten Peter as far away from the room as you could, and your arms gave out. You ripped his mask off, cupping his face with your dirty hands. He barely breathed. “Don’t leave me. Don’t you fucking dare. I’m gonna be so mad if you do.” You wiped your nose with your forearm and shook your hands, coughing. “Okay, okay, CPR.”
You placed the heel of your hand on his chest and put the other on top to push down hard. Push, push, push. You carried on begging him to stay with you as you did the compressions, your arms already too weak from having to carry him, but you continued pushing. Push, push, push. When you realized he still wasn’t breathing, you cursed loudly and began to blow into his mouth. You went back to doing compressions.
At the third rescue breath, he began to cough.
“Peter!” You bit back another sob as you watched consciousness slowly return to him, and when he blinked his red eyes up at you, you grabbed his face and pecked his mouth countless times, your shoulders shuddering.
Not too long after, he finally understood what was happening, and he held your shoulders, viewing you up and down. “Oh, thank God you’re okay—”
“No, thank God you’re okay—”
“I was so worried about you.”
“I was worried about you!”
“I tried getting to you as soon as I could—” He pecked you back, his voice raspy. “—but more guys just kept coming at me—”
“A bomb fucking exploded, Peter. I thought you were gone.” You were now weeping. Peter kissed you one last time before he embraced you close, against his wounds’ wishes. As you both tried to calm down, he glanced down at your hands and saw your open knuckles.
His eyes widened. “What happened to you?!” You looked down at your hands, the pain only just setting in once you became aware of your cuts.
“I had to get up here somehow,” You laughed weakly, and pointed at the abandoned pipe a few feet away from you. “I also had that. I’ve got a mean swing you’d be surprised. And a taser.” You took out the taser from your pocket wiggling it. Peter stared at you, his eyes moving back and forth between the taser and the pipe.
“That’s kinda hot.”
“Almost as much as that explosion?”
He had to give you a high five before you finally took him to the hospital.
A comedian’s podcast played in the background as you knelt beside Peter on your bed, using a brush to spread a skincare product evenly on his face. Peter watched you, adoring eyes inspecting you closely while you caught your lower lip in between your teeth and giggled after you heard a joke which you found too amusing. 
He drew patterns on your knee with his thumb and he squinted at you with curiosity, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards. “Since when are you a fan of this skincare stuff?” 
You squeezed a dab of product onto the brush before you grasped his chin gently, leaning closer to his face. “This coworker of mine, his skin is, like, so damn soft and flawless. I asked him what kind of black magic he used and he gifted me this,” You motioned to the bottle next to you, “and so I thought: ‘Well, might as well try it with my poor boyfriend who fucking sweats into a mask most of the time’. Seriously, I feel so bad for your pores—”
“Hey, my skin isn’t that bad, though. It’s beautiful.” He joked. You smiled at his comment, agreeing with your head.
“You’re right. But it doesn’t mean it can’t be better. You also deserve to sit back and relax after that job interview you had today.”
Peter frowned when he saw your excitement at the mention of the interview, self-doubt sabotaging his attempt at relaxing. “I probably didn’t get the job.” He muttered. 
Your brows knitted together and you pulled the brush away from his face to run your hand through his hair. “Shut up, you totally did. You’re the smartest guy I know.” You winked at him teasingly and he rolled his eyes, although his mouth twitched nonetheless. “Okay, you’re done! Now, look— let’s see my new glorious skin.” You gestured to your dried face, patting it to make sure it was ready.
“If our skin isn’t softer than a baby’s butt, I’m gonna sue.”
You snorted at him before you started scratching the product off your jaw. You hissed as it peeled off, pulling at your skin. You attempted to go on, but your pain tolerance was a joke at the moment. “Fuck, I think this now officially gonna be my face for the rest of my life.” You groaned. Peter gently pulled your hands away from your face.
“Lemme try.”
“No!” You playfully slapped his hands off you. “You’re probably gonna rip my face off.” And so he simply stared as you resumed your torture and voiced your complaints, until you gave up once you’d managed to free half of your face. 
Needless to say, you looked like an absolute clown.
In the midst of your battle against the face mask, Peter himself struggled to keep a serious face as he watched you and the product hardened, limiting the range of his expressions. You heard him laugh strangely, and you glanced up at him only to see him with his mouth half-open, his shoulders bouncing up and down with his chuckles, but he remained with a straight-face. 
You quirked a brow when his laughter increased, his eyes tearing up. “What is wrong with you?” 
“I-I can’t laugh.” He gasped, his face starting to twist. You began to laugh at him then, spreading the hilarity further like a virus. “N-No, don’t laugh! You’ll make laugh and I can’t laugh!” He shook his head frantically, his face mask starting to crack.
“You look like an idiot,” You wheezed, and all he could do was admire you as you cracked up and held your stomach, your beam making his chest swell. 
Your appearance was ridiculous at the moment, yet you mesmerized him nevertheless.
When you noticed he’d stopped laughing, you wiped your eyes, trying to calm yourself down, and saw his small smile. “What?” You questioned him, wondering if perhaps he gasped so much he was now dizzy. His grin grew. He didn’t care about the mask anymore. 
“You’re so beautiful.”
You pretended to gag, although your face heated up and your mouth curved into a smile. “Shut up, you’re so lame, God.”
“But you are!”
“You’re so beautiful!” He yelled out dramatically to tease you. All of a sudden, he pulled you closer to him and grabbed your face, determined on peppering all the visible skin of your face with kisses. Your giggles were out of control as you tried squirming out of his grasp, but he continued pecking you over, and over, and over again. 
“I’m gonna throw up!” You laughed, and he smooched your cheek. “You’re a loser, I swear.”
He was your loser.
It’d been eight months since you started dating, and neither of you had said ‘I love you’ yet.
It’s not that there existed no love. Just like you had said the night you first kissed, the love was mutual, but— again— you preferred to show it differently other than verbally. Or at least other than being straight-forward. It was expressed loud and clear whenever Peter squeezed in time in the morning to make you breakfast, every time you both teased each other or you told him to ‘shut up’, and, of course, in the most simple and obvious way: with every single kiss you shared. But you couldn’t have cried it out louder when you told Peter you’d take care of planning the Christmas Eve celebration at F.E.A.S.T.
You knew everything about Peter. You saved a special place in your brain with every detail about him: his fears, his wishes, his regrets, his shoe size— everything. It’s a perk from knowing him since middle school, and now that you were together, you’d only uncovered the remaining information buried deep within. Therefore, after he got a new job that made him as content as working with Otto Octavius did before everything went downhill, you were aware that if you hadn’t intervened, Peter would have overloaded with stress from trying to juggle every aspect of his life plus dealing with the Christmas Eve party.
However, that meant you transferred the restlessness from him to yourself.
Two months of relentless planning, and at last, it was Christmas Eve. At the back of the room, you watched your friend’s band play a Christmas song from afar, anxiously supervising that everyone enjoyed the night. Suddenly, you felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around your waist from behind and a chin atop your head. 
“Hey,” You heard Peter say and you smiled, leaning back into his embrace. “I haven’t been able to hang out with you at all during the night.” 
“I know, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure everything was going well.” Your voice, distant and distraught, deepened Peter’s frown. He turned you around and held your face, brushing your cheek with his knuckles. 
“I’m proud of you. You did a great job.”
Although his words made your chest glow, you glanced back at the performance. “Thanks. I was able to add in a few things since I convinced Harry’s dad to donate some money. I guess being his favorite out of you, Mary Jane, and I helped after all, huh?” 
“Well, you can relax now,” He rubbed your shoulders, and you just then realized how tense they were. “The night’s almost over.” Peter reassured you and you sighed, closing your heavy eyes.
“Anything could happen, though.” You forced out a laugh, worry forming a crease in between your eyebrows. “What if something catches on fire? Actually, did you know that people can randomly combust? There’s this one case—”
“Y/N.” For once, he was the one stopping you from rambling. 
“There’s still five songs left of the set.” You pouted at him, trying to convince him to let you off the hook, but he simply stared at you, concerned.
“I talked to Miles, he’s going to take your place while you take a break.”
“I don’t need a break, I just have to watch—”
“Remember the night when we first kissed, and you told me that I needed to stop overworking myself?” He recalled, raising his brows. You pressed your lips together, recognizing how hypocritical you appeared at the moment.
 “This is different, though. I need this to be perfect.” You mumbled. Peter’s brows drew together in confusion. 
“Because of May!” You said, raising your voice a little. The floor now seemed more interesting than Peter or your surroundings. “She deserves it. She really cared about F.E.A.S.T., so I know how important this is for you, too.” You admitted, all of a sudden quiet. 
The corners of his mouth turned downwards. He grabbed your chin and kissed your forehead before his soft gaze interlocked with yours. “Y/N, I bet she’d be so proud right now that she wouldn’t shut up about it, like, ever.” You both laughed, but you smiled weakly, hugging him strongly. “And spending time with you is really important for me, too.” He whispered.
Peter took in a sharp breath and dug his hand into his pocket. “I know it’s Christmas Eve, but I wanted to give you one present today.” 
You tilted your head, your heart falling as remembrance dawned upon you. “But I left my gifts back home.” 
“It’s alright, I-I just…” He took out a tiny box and your eyes widened in panic. “Before you freak out, it’s not… it’s not what you think.” He chuckled nervously and opened it, revealing a silver band ring.
You covered your mouth with your fist while your other hand grasped the ring carefully, inspecting the diamond cut running through the middle. “Pete… it’s so pretty, oh my God. I can’t even imagine how much you spent on it.” You said, guilt etched onto your face.
Peter tried to shrug nonchalantly, but he had to admit the expense stung a bit. “Don’t think about the price tag,” He joked, and then pointed down at the ring. “Look inside it, though.”
You followed his orders and spotted something engraved inside. You lifted it closer to your face to read it properly, squinting your eyes, and once you did, you looked up at Peter’s nervous face with a grin growing on yours. “You… love me?”
It was about damn time.
“Y-You… you like it?” He asked rapidly, his own heart mirroring the speed of his words. 
In the blink of an eye, you met his lips with a deep kiss, unable to stop yourself from smiling into it. “You’re so fucking dramatic, you could’ve just told me but you had to buy a whole ass ring to tell me you loved me.” You nudged him playfully.
“I wanted to be cute!”
“You’re automatically cute, you don’t even have to try.” Peter proved your point as the color of cotton candy painted his cheeks. “But I love it. And I love you, God, I love you so much, Peter, you have no clue.” 
He did. And he loved you back just as much.
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tomspancakes · 4 years
This Way: Part 8
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*not my gif*
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress! reader
Word count: 5261
Warnings: Alcohol 
Summary: More crazy quarantine things and some confessions?
A/N: Sorry for not updating sooner :/ writers block really be rough. Please don’t hesitate to ask to be in the tag list or lmk if you’re enjoying this series/ have critiques for my writing! Enjoy part 8 :)
*Italics = flashbackkkk
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7
You walked towards Tom’s room seeing the door closed. You knocked on it with your foot struggling to hold everything now. 
“It’s unlocked.” Tom said quietly. You rolled your eyes knowing he wouldn’t get up to open the door. You set the ice cream and chocolate down before opening the door a crack and picking everything up you walked through the doorway smoothly closing the door again with your foot. 
“Oh that’s a lot…” Tom said looking up at you from his phone then standing up to help you set everything on his nightstand, “Why’d you bring all this stuff?” He asked while plopping back down on his bed and resuming to scroll through instagram. You noticed a bunch of dvds were neatly stacked at the edge of his bed.
“Thought we could get wine drunk together and have some yummy comfort food after this rough week.” You said and sat at the feet of his stretched out legs.
“I’m not that big a fan of wine.”  He said stubbornly not wanting to look up at you. He was embarrassed because of how he stormed off due to his jealousy. You sighed and patted his shin.
“Ok I tried I guess I’ll just go watch a bunch of movies and eat all this myself…” You sighed dramatically getting up to grab the stuff, Tom threw his phone to the side.
“No no stay. Sorry I’m just a little grumpy.” He said running his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah I know, you little baby.” You joked, reaching over and poking his cheek making him smile a bit.
“You know there is absolutely nothing going on between Harrison and I right?” You said getting right to the point while pouring a glass of wine for yourself and Tom. “He’s also your best friend, he wouldn’t let anyone get in the way of your friendship. Plus I’ve got my eye on someone else.” You handed Tom a glass as he sat up and he tried to hide his joy, but his red face wasn’t helping.
“And who may that someone else be, darling?” He asked flirtatiously.
“Some guy named Tom…” He smiled at you, “...Hiddleston.” You burst out laughing watching Tom’s face drop. 
He picked up a chocolate and rolled his eyes, “You’re such a tease.” He threw it straight at your forehead causing you to stop laughing because it actually hurt a bit.
“Ouch, Tom, what the hell?” You said rubbing your forehead giggling again.
“Oh my god, y/n, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to throw it that hard.” He sat closer to you checking your forehead to see that there was indeed a red circle from the object.
“Yeah, stupid, don’t even know your own strength. You’re Spiderman for Pete’s sake! Pun intended.” You both laughed and he softly kissed the spot on your forehead making you blush, “It’s ok though I deserved it.” You chuckled and sipped your wine.
He shook his head laughing with you before picking his glass up as well. “Anyway you’re right I had nothing to worry about, I don’t know why I got jealous all of a sudden. Just kinda wish I was the only one to be on top of you.” He smirked and looked at you as you almost choked on the wine.
“Tom! You’re so dirty!” He laughed at your reaction and winked.
“Alright what are we gonna watch? Seems like you’ve picked a lot already.” You said looking at all the movies laid out in front of you noticing what movies he’s picked out, “Wait, you remembered?” You asked and your pulse quickened.
You and Tom were taking a lunch break after filming a crazy action scene and he just asked if you wanted to hang out in his trailer. After picking food up from Crafty’s you both walked to his trailer. 
“As much as I love our costumes I always love the feeling of taking them off. Better yet we’re twinning!” Tom said and you laughed. You both were in matching sweats and black under armour long sleeves that the crew gave you so you don’t stain your costumes in any way.
“Really? I think mine is fairly comfortable. Maybe it’s cause us girls always have to deal with much more uncomfortable outfits.” You wondered.
“That’s true, Z told me about this one time her heels made her feet bleed, but she kept wearing them because it made the outfit nice.” You nodded not surprised because Zendaya would stick through any shit and still serve looks. “Anyway, I kinda wanted to get to know you more. Ya know since you’re new to the cast and all.” He opened the door and let you walk in first.
“Thank you kind sir. Ok what’d you want to know?” You asked and followed him to the couch then plopping down on it. 
“Hmmm…” He looked up trying to come up with something. “Ooo top 10 movies.”
“10? That’s quite a lot.” You laughed while taking a bite of your sandwich.
“Ya I know, but just in case we ever have a movie marathon or something I’ll be prepared.” He said thoughtfully.
“What makes you think I’d want to hang out with you again?” You joked.
“Ouch ok nevermind then.” He said scooting away from you. You began to laugh.
“I’m just kidding. I’d love to hang out with you more, I have a feeling you and I are gonna get along really well.” You smiled at him and he smiled back excited. “Alright this may change, but as of now my top 10 movies are…”
“Of course I remember, darling. It was the first time we really hung out alone. I got the movies a few days after you told me which ones you liked, but we just never got around to having a full on marathon so I kept them. I of course mixed in a few of my favorites.” He said while looking at his hands. You smiled and placed a hand over his as your heart melted.
“Tom, that is seriously the sweetest thing ever. Thank you.” He looked up at you and relaxed when you were happy about it. 
“Alright, which one did you want to watch first?” He asked, taking a sip of his wine.
“Hmm… Oh, let’s watch Atlantis!” You said, picking up the dvd and handing it to him. Tom got up from the bed and put it in the blu-ray disk player. You moved the dvds off the bed before going back onto the bed and putting the snacks in the middle of you and where Tom would be sitting.
“Mind if I sit closer, darling?” Tom asked.
“Oh no not at all, let me just move the snacks.” You said and Tom just pulled them up and put them over his lap.
“There. Problem solved.” You laughed at the snacks that were now sprawled out on his legs. He scooted closer to you causing your shoulders to rub and your face heated up.
“You’re silly.” You booped his nose giggling, starting to already feel light from the wine.
“There’s no way you’d play Mr. Incredible what the fuck? Milo Thatch yes, but not Mr. Incredible.” You and Tom were now wine drunk and talking about random stuff. The bottle was almost done and you two were barely paying attention to the movie.
“What do you mean? I’ve got the guns to play him.” Tom said flexing his arms in front of you wobbling a bit.
“You may have muscles, but you look nothing like a father and they’re not big enough.” You said squeezing his flexed arms.
“What? I’ll fight you right now, I have big arms.” He said pretending to be mad then he pouted and laid on your lap.
“You do have big arms, but they’re not crazy big like Mr. Incredible’s, so I like yours better.” You said playing with the curls on his head through his head.
“Ok… I’ll take it…” He said in defeat, but also flattered by the compliment, “I feel like I’m floating.” He said raising his arms and his legs like there was no gravity and his hand ended up in your face.
“I feel like I’m spinning and floating.” You giggled, swatting his hand away. 
“Can I tell you a secret, y/n? He whispered and you hummed in response swaying side to side, “You sometimes make my head spin and make me feel like I’m floating, even when I’m not drunk.” You gasped.
“Do I make you nauseous?” You stopped swaying and looked at him sadly. He sat back up across from you and took your hands in his.
“No no...” He laughed lazily, “you make my head spin in a good way. And I feel like I’m on cloud 9 when I make you smile.” He said looking at you dreamily. You tried to keep a straight face, but he wiggled his brows at you making you laugh. “Ooo you smiled! You’re making me float!” Tom said letting go of your hands and wiggling around like he was a ghost. 
“Tom,” You couldn’t stop laughing, “Stop, you’re so stupid!” You were holding your hand over your stomach. “It’s not even funny I don’t know why I’m laughing so hard.” You wiped the tears that formed and you calmed down laying on your left side. Tom flopped over your right side like a human blanket. You turned your head to look at him, “Tom can I tell you an even secreter secret?” You both giggled at that.
“Tell me your secreter secret.” 
“You make my heart beat fast sometimes and you make my head spin too.” Tom smiled widely at you. You closed your eyes embarrassed of confessing that.
“Hey, open your eyes.” Tom said poking your face and laughing, “Look at me, darling.”
You opened your eyes to see his brown ones really close. “You’re cute, you know?”
You shook your head and he laughed softly. Tom looked down at your lips and back at your eyes, he almost leaned in to kiss you, but he cleared his throat and got off you. He didn’t want to cross any lines especially since you both were drunk right now. You sat up stunned and feeling a little awkward.
“S-sorry I didn’t want to-”
“No no it’s ok I get it. Thank you.” You said a little sad because your drunk self wanted that kiss, but Tom knew sober you wouldn’t want that yet. “You’re so thoughtful, Tom.” You said crossing your legs like a little kid and Tom sat back down across from you, “I really admire that.”
Tom blushed and laughed lowly, “Well after realizing I was worried for nothing over you and Haz I just felt good inside. Like we really don’t need to rush things right now. I had a lot of fun with you so far and I just don’t want to mess anything up by rushing. I guess before I just felt like I needed to get you right away because I was worried someone else would catch your eye.” He looked into your eyes kindly, “I realize now that if you do fancy someone else then I’ll just have to get over it. I can’t fully control what happens to us no matter how much I wish I could be yours I just can’t force anything you wouldn’t want. But also everything is easier said than done, so you’ll also have to be patient with me.” He chuckled and you smiled up at him. “And with all you’ve said to me about your feelings it’s kinda reassuring to my little hopeful heart. Sorry for ranting, I’m done.” You both laughed. Your head was spinning slightly because of the alcohol, but also because of what Tom was saying.
“Wow, you truly are amazing. How’d you think of all that in the span of like 45 minutes?”
“I’ve been thinking about it- well-you a lot, just needed a little push to tell you I guess.” He said, shrugging his shoulders, “Like you said we need to self evaluate so I did and I’m feeling good about it.” You both smiled, “Alright let’s carry on with the movies now.”
“Ok I’ll go change into my pjs first to get more comfy.” He nodded and you stood up feeling his eyes trail your figure as you walked out.
- A few days later -
You woke up pretty early this morning considering you and the boys played a game of drunk cards against humanity last night causing you to have a slight headache right now. You looked to see that already on your night stand was a glass of water and a tylenol with a note. 
The note said, “Morning love. Knew you would need this when you wake up. Haz and I went for a run - Tom xx” 
You smiled gratefully for the kind gesture and took the tylenol and drank the water. You decided  to make breakfast so the boys could eat when they got home. When you got downstairs Harry and Tuwaine were still knocked out on the couch. You giggled at the sight and snapped a quick picture posting it on your story captioning it, “After a crazy night in.” You would’ve still been on that couch, but Tom insisted that you sleep in your bed because it was better for you and he carried you to your room. Your phone pinged bringing you out of your thoughts of the kind boy.
Zendaya: Omg thank god you’re awake! Talk to me imy :/
You: HAHA omg why are you awake?! I’ll call you, about to make breky
You pressed the facetime button and Z immediately answered, “These quarantine naps really be messing up my sleep schedule.” You laughed at her energetic self even though it was 12am in LA.
“Ya you should definitely sleep soon.” You said while grabbing fruits, sausage, and pancake mix. 
“Yeah, but I miss you so let’s talk.” She said. There were no eggs left in the fridge so you texted Tom and Haz asking if they could pick some up when they were done running.
“Ugh I miss you too. Don’t get me wrong I love being with the boys, but I miss living with you and having little spa days.” You sighed and Zendaya went off facetime for a bit to text someone.
“I know I keep seeing our celebrity friends post how they're together and doing facials and stuff. It hurts to watch because I miss my girllll.” She said dramatically.
“I know this shit is rough on us, but thank god for technology.” She nodded in agreement.
“So will you finally update me on Tom? It’ll be my bedtime story.” She said laying her head in her pillows.
“Ok will do.” You thought about all the things you needed to tell Z, “Low key a lot has happened…”
It’s been an hour since you started making breakfast. You had just finished making everything, but just needed the eggs. Zendaya fell asleep as soon as you finished telling her about you and Tom, to say she was excited for you is an understatement. You were now sitting at the table watching videos of baby otters when the door opened. 
“Hey guys? What took you so-” You stopped speaking when you heard a cluck, “What the fuck, did I just hear a chicken?” You got up from your spot and ran toward the front door and sure enough Haz was there holding a chicken you stared at him wide eyed, “No…” And as if on queue Tom walked in with 2 more chickens. You face palmed.
“Hi, darling. We couldn’t find any eggs at the market, but someone was selling chickens when we were on the run so we decided to buy them!”  Tom said excitedly. 
“Meet Chestnut, Ranger, and Predator.” Harrison said proudly pointing at every chicken. You sighed, but couldn’t help smiling at how wholesome the situation is.
“You guys are funny, but I guess it works.” You giggled and went over to pet the chicken Haz was holding. “So no eggs for breakfast today, but I made pancakes, sausage, and cut up fruit.”
“Ah hell ya! I’m starving.” Haz said and walked off. Tom stood still smiling widely at you.
“What, Holland?” You asked, returning the same smile.
“You’re looking gorgeous this morning. Well you do everyday, but you have this happy glow to you right now.” He babble and you blushed at his words because you were just in shorts, a sweatshirt, and your hair was in a very messy bun.
“Thanks, you really know how to woo a girl. Oh and thanks for taking me to my bed last night as well as giving me the tylenol. I seriously have so much to thank you for honestly.” You said and chuckled a bit.
“Oh don’t even worry about it, darling. I don’t mind doing anything for you. You know?” You smiled at his generosity. “Thanks for the breakfast.” He said and kissed your forehead walking away to put the chickens in the back before letting you respond. You blushed even more.
“Alright Harry, Tuwaine? It’s time to wake up boys.” You said a little loudly and they groaned. 
“It smells yummy.” Harry said sleepily. 
“Ya get up now, breakfast is done.” You said pulling him up lazily and he groaned a bit, but got up anyway leaning his whole body over you as you walked over to Tuwaine to get him up. The chickens clucked again when Tom and Haz set them outside. 
“What the hell did I just hear chickens?” Tuwaine said getting up quickly.
“OH MY GOD WE HAVE CHICKENS!” Harry said getting off you excitedly. You laughed and went to give Harry and Tuwaine a tylenol and water before you all gathered at the table for breakfast.
It was now 5 pm and the boys were all taking a power nap. You laid on your bed scrolling through social media seeing all your celebrity friends post about their quarantine self care, making you think about what you told Z this morning. You looked at your naked nails and felt the urge to paint them so you got up to look at what polish you brought. Someone knocked on your door.
“Hey, love, whatcha doing? Some of the boys and I just woke up.” You turned around to see Tom with messy hair. You giggled at the sight and walked over to fix his hair. He smiled as you brushed your hands through his hair. 
“I was about to paint my nails. I keep seeing people post lil quarantine spa things and I decided to pamper myself a bit.” You said looking down at your feet worried you sound like a loser. 
“Huh that’s funny. Tuwaine was just saying we should do a spa day with you.” He said nonchalantly. You looked up and raised a brow.
“That seems like a huge coincidence…” You said suspiciously.
“What? I didn’t do anything…” 
“Mhm…” You bit your lip and smiled at him while he just tried to hide his smile. “So let’s get started then shall we?” He chuckled and nodded. You walked down to the living room to see Harry and Tuwaine in robes making you laugh loudly.
“What the hell you guys went all out.” You said looking at the assortment of face masks and snacks on the coffee table. “You even managed to get some of my favorite ones. Do I even want to know how you guys got all this?” You asked, picking up your favorite ones.
“No you don’t want to know.  Plus, I still had the skincare stuff you sent and recommended to me.” Harry said proudly.
“And you're just now deciding to use them?” You laughed at him.
“I just never got around to using them.” He chuckled, “Plus when uh Tuwaine suggested we do this I thought it was the perfect time to use them!” He said excitedly.
“Tuwaine how’d you know I wanted to have a spa day? You’re literally the sweetest.” You said going over to hug him. He looked at Tom behind you with wide eyes and Tom put a finger over his lips and shook his head furiously. 
Tuwaine nodded at him and said with a bit of panic, “I uh just uhh noticed you looking at a bunch of skin care things online and I thought you might be missing it.” You let go of him and looked up at him.
“Wow I didn’t know I was that obvious.” You said blushing, “But thank you this is seriously one of the kindest things anyone has done for me.” you looked at him then the two other boys, “Alright I’m gonna go change now then.” You said and picked up a fluffy robe.
Under the robe you wore a sports bra and shorts. Haz now joined all of you and lazily laid across the couch still a bit tired. Tom was also now in a robe. You walked over and picked up headbands handing them out to all the boys and you put one on yourself.
“Ooh I’ll go get us drinks.” Haz said, he was no longer tired.
“What? We just drank last night.” You said laughing a bit.
“Yeah, but don’t you girls drink when you do stuff like this?” He asked, you nodded your head.
“You’re right. Can I have wine though?” He gave you a thumbs up. You turned to see the boys with headbands on and you began to giggle, “You guys look ridiculous.” You snapped a picture of them.
“I feel like I look hot.” Tuwaine and Harry said at the same time.
“Jinx!” They both said making you all laugh. 
You grabbed one of the face masks, “Ok who wants to help who?” 
“I’ll take Harry.” Tuwaine said and you nodded looking at Tom to come over to you. Harrison came back with beers and wine for everyone plopping down between Harry and Tom to wait for his turn. You wiped Tom’s face with a moist towel and grabbed some cleanser spreading it on his face and Tuwaine followed your actions. 
“I haven’t cleansed my face since Christine reminded me to. I keep forgetting.” You gasped.
“What the hell? How is your skin so nice still?” You asked wiping the cleanser off.
“I’m just perfect.” He said smiling with his eyes closed. You rolled your eyes.
“Shut up you div. You’re the ugliest out of all of us.” Harry said.
“You’re a div. You look like me.” Tom said without hesitation.
“That’s why you’re both ugly.” Haz said you and Tuwaine laughed at his snarky rebuttal. You dipped your fingers in the face mask and spread it over Tom’s face. He opened his eyes looking innocently at you.
“Do you think I’m ugly?” He asked. 
“Hmm. Depends on the day…” He looked at you hurt and you chuckled, “I’m just joking. You always look good.” You booped his nose and he smiled again, his eyes sparkled.
“I hate being around when you guys flirt.” Haz said, taking a swig of beer.
“We all do, mate.” Tuwaine said while focusing on getting the face mask on Harry’s face. You blushed and even though you couldn’t really see under the mask Tom was too.
“Alright. All done.” You said fixing his headband a bit.
“How the hell are you done already?” Tuwaine asked.
“I’ve done this too many times.” You laughed and Tom squeezed your hand and pulled you down to switch spots with him. He looked into your eyes as he carefully cleansed your face.
“You can rub harder, you won’t hurt me.” You said kindly.
“That’s what she said.” Harry said ruining yours and Tom’s moment. Everyone laughed.
“I hate it here.” You joked. Tom spread the face mask over your cheeks.
“Oh this isn’t too hard.” He said satisfied then you felt him spread the mask over your eyebrows making you gasp.
“Tom!” You opened your eyes. “This is a peel off mask you’re not supposed to put it over my brows.” 
“Oh shit. I’m such an idiot.”  
“You’re just noticing now?” Harry gasped and the boys snickered.
“Oof.” Tom said looking down at his hands. You grabbed them.
“It’s alright, Tom. You didn’t know.” You smiled at him, “I’ll clean it off my brows. You can come if you’d like.” He smiled and pulled you to the bathroom.
“Use protection!” Haz joked.
“Harrison!” You, Tom, and Harry yelled at him and he just laughed. When you got to the bathroom Tom grabbed a paper towel and wet it letting you sit on the closed toilet seat. He turned to you and he started to wipe it off. You winced when some hairs were pulled out.
“I’m so sorry, darling.” He said with furrowed brows trying to be more gentle.
“It’s ok, it just feels like I’m getting an eyebrow plucking right now.” He smiled at how you tried to make him feel better.
“I’m kinda glad we got away from them…” He said and threw the paper towel away before leaning on the sink.
“What? Why?” You chuckled. 
“Kinda felt like they were interrupting our moments.” He said, his ears turned a bit red.
“Oh I definitely felt like they were.” You flirted back, “Kinda funny though, I don’t mind it too much.” 
“I did…” He scoffed, “I’m just trying to get brownie points with you.” He smirked, and your face heated up, thankfully the mask wasn’t see through.
“Well you’re definitely already high on the scoreboard then.” You flirted back and walked out leaving him amused. ‘What the fuck that was that flirting, scoreboard? Oh my god…” You beat yourself up. Tom’s pulse quickened as he followed you. All he could think about how nervous you make him without any effort. 
You walked into the living room to see a masked up Harrison putting the mask on Tuwaine. Tom sat next to them. You sat next to Harry on the other couch and he handed you the wine glass he was drinking from, “I’m seriously so happy right now. You’re all so thoughtful and sweet.” You said taking a sip.
“Yeah Tom-uh-we felt like you needed an escape from our hectic energy. Especially since you’re not home right now.” He said popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth.
“Yeah it was rough at first to accept, but you guys are making it easier.” You smiled at him and gave him a hug, “thank you for everything.” He hummed back in response.
“You guys wanna watch a new show while we wait for this to dry?” Tuwaine asked and you all nodded. “Alright let’s watch Too Hot to Handle.” 
“YAY! I’ve been wanting to watch that!” You said excitedly. Tom watched you in admiration at how you clapped in excitement and how your hair swayed a bit when you jumped.
“Tom, mate, stop staring.” Haz whispered to him, “you’re looking creepy again.” He laughed. Tom’s face heated up. 
“Y/n is just so gorgeous and very close to perfection. If not then she is perfect. I’ve felt like such an idiot letting her go.” He whispered back and frowned.
“Mate, you gotta do something about it. We can all tell you’re head over heels. I think you should tell her all this was your idea…” Tuwaine said lowly.
“I want to, but I don’t want to scare her away either. Don’t wanna rush anything.” Tom said while contemplating in his head what he should do in his head. The boys nodded understanding.
“Just do what you feel is right for the both of you.” Haz said, patting his back and turned to the screen when Harry turned the show on.
After watching the first episode you all took turns taking a shower. You sat in your room reading over a script again. “Hey, y/n, I had a lot of fun and feel super relaxed now. We should definitely do this again. I regret not doing this whole skin care thing before.” Haz said peeking in your room. 
“It wasn’t all my idea, but yes, we should do this again.” You smiled at him and he walked downstairs to cook dinner with Tuwaine.
You continued to read when someone knocked on your doorframe. You looked up to see Tom again leaning on the wall. “Hey, Tom what’s up?”
“Hey, darling. Did you ever get to paint your nails?” You looked at him weird and showed him your bare nails. 
“Nope not yet.” You chuckled.
“I-I uh could paint them for you while you go over that script.” He said rubbing the back of his neck, “I could even help you run through lines if you’d like.” 
“Wow a full on service,” you laughed, “I’d love to take you up on that offer.” He smiled and jumped on your bed sitting next to you. You reached behind to grab the sparkly red nail polish on the nightstand and handed it to him.
“Don’t mess up.” You joked and he put his hands up in defense. 
“Hey. I don’t usually do this so no promises, darling.” You both laughed. Tom twisted the cap open and you held the bottle in your left hand as he delicately held your right hand. He painted your pinky nail carefully, his tongue poking out his mouth a bit. 
“That’s not too bad, Holland.” You said, impressed.
“Y/n, you’re getting overly confident. That was the first finger.” You laughed at his sass, “Can I tell you something?” You got nervous for some reason, but nodded your head as he painted your ring finger. “I-it wasn’t really Tuwaine’s idea to have the spa day.” He rushed and you calmed down.
“Oh I kinda knew. Harry almost gave it away, but I figured it was your plan.” You chuckled, “You Holland boys can’t keep secrets for long.” You joked and he blushed, “How’d you know I wanted to do something like this?” You asked looking up at him.
“W-well I’ve been texting Z a bit and I asked her if there’s anything I could do to make you feel at home, and she texted me this morning that you were missing self care days with her.” He said a little nervous that you’d think he’s weird, but your heart melted. 
“Ah so you’re the person she was texting when we were on facetime today…” You took a mental note to thank Zendaya later, “But seriously, Tom, you’re so sweet.” You smiled at him, “The spa day definitely felt how a normal day would be like in LA, but being with you kinda gives me that homey feeling already.” You said causing your face to heat up a bit, Tom’s pulse quickened.
“Fuck it.” Tom said, taking the bottle of nail polish out of your hand. You raised your eyebrow at him while he closed the bottle and took your hands in his.
“I-I didn’t want to tell you that the spa day was my idea because I thought you’d think I’m weird. And I don’t want us to rush into anything, I wanna let you take time for yourself too…” He was beginning to ramble.
“Tom, I don’t think it’s weird at all. Calm down and tell me what you need to.” You said laughing a bit and rubbing his thumbs with yours. He relaxed and sighed.
“C-can I take you on a date?” Your heart warmed up, but were you really ready for this?
Tag list:  @averyfosterthoughts​ @thollandx​ @mrsjeffwittek​ @panicattheeverywherekid​ @racewife2004​ @greatpizzascissorstaco​ @witchything​ @wheelertozier​ @runway-to-my-aid​ @rafficorn​ @jessirosebud​ @peterspideyy​  @superstarchick​ @jackiehollanderr​ @astridcommings​ @mineymak712​ @hollands-osterfield​ @inhumanwithpowers​ @aduky​ @thevelvetseries​ @twelfthnightorwhatyouwill1998​ @stahpppppp​ @calcliffornia​ @cahosinparadise​ @viwihere​ @coni-martina​ @eridanuswave​
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toku-explained · 3 years
The 2 in 1 Eagle Pair
Trigger: Computer systems across Sorafune are infected by viruses, courtesy of Powered Dada. Like wow, that's a deep cut. Haruki and Kengo talk more as Akito uses the rescued Medals to create Z Hyper Keys of his other forms. With the virus cutting off computer systems at other TPU branches, GUTS-Select goes on high alert. An attempt to use old equipment allows them to pick up automated HQ broadcasts authorising autonomous operations. The Nursedessei has it's systems compromised. It's all hands on deck switching to manual, but Dada is managing to auto fire the Nurse Cannon and Nanase has to run a counter virus program, even Ignis is helping, as Kengo and Haruki manage to disconnect the Nurse Cannon's power right before a second shot fires. Dada instead takes control of King Joe to target Nursedessei, forcing Trigger Multi-type and Z Alpha Edge to fight it, after it uses all its forms they switch to using Power-type and Beta Smash. As Nanase gets control of the system back Dada avatars start appearing to attack the crew, when one attacks Akito, Yuzare takes over and destroys it, but then Yuna collapses. Dada appears to fight with King Joe, and Multi-type and Gamma Future hold it off until it tries fusing with King Joe, getting destroyed last second by Nurse Cannon. They switch to Sky-type and Delta Rise Claw, destroying King Joe but Haruki promising they'll repair him. Later Kengo thanks Haruki for his help, again stating how he's come to recognise Akito's help even if the man himself denies it. Akito gives permission to keep the Sparklencs, and so with Beliarok opening a dimensional tunnel, Z places King Joe's parts in a Travel Sphere and flies off, Akito agrees to grab ramen with Kengo. Akito returns to the lab to find Yuna, who can just remember Yuzare's action this time, and begs Akito to explain.
Galaxy Rescue Force: Sora is surprised by the appearance of Justice, bringing a message from Delacion to Queen Izana, who is unfortunately back on Kanon at the moment. Justice opts to wait, leaving Sora feeling awkward until Ribut arrives, impressed to hear Justice is associated with the Universal Justice. When Ribut thanks Justice for their help with Leugocyte Justice explains that Delacions wants to cooperate with the Land of Light and Galaxy Rescue Force in opposing Tartarus. They continue waiting, Ribut also feeling awkward, eventually running away to patrol, Justice eventually deciding to return the next day.
Revice: Wakabayashi demotes Kadota after both failing to defend the ViStamp lab and his failure with the Revice system, and requests Daiji persuade Ikki to fight for them. A caddie, Ibata, is fired by his boss, Araki, who has become irritated after his recent performance, Olteca appears to offer Ibata a ViStamp. Ibata summons tge Kamakiri Deadman. Ikkirefuses the contract, but when news of the Deadman attack appears still takes the belt, accidentally discovering Vice can possess his bike if it's stamped. They arrive and fight, until Vice tries to go eating again, Daiji passes Ikki the Eagle ViStamp, which turns them into the W themed Eagle Genome. Revi starts attacking Vice, who accidentally triggers their combined Eagle form to finish the Deadman, Vice then targets Araki until the transformation is cancelled. Ikki's family encourage him to help Fenix. Araki approaches the Deadmans, and the next day, when Ibara approaches to apologise, summons the Megalodon Deadman. When Vice mentions he told Araki unleashing your Akuma feels good Ikki transforms again to fight him until Daiji arrives to inform him of the Deadman, at which point he gives up the gear. Ikki and Daiji arrive at the golf course, where Fenix are already battling Giff Junior's, Ikki rushing in. He refuses tonuse the belt, since Vice will attack people again, but keeps fighting, until Vice swears to not attack humans anymore, making a contract to do as Ikki says, and Ikki now transforms again. Vice becomes envious of Ikki's Sealing Buster and borrows Daiji's Gunderphone. Ibata grabs Araki when he tries to power up his Deadman, wanting to put things right, and they combine into Rex form to finish the Deadman. Araki and Ibata make up,
Zenkaiger: No one has had any luck finding Mitsuko. Gaon offhandedly suggests she's escaped to some other world, and when Zox comes wanting an explanation for what happened in the last fight, Kaito asks for his help. Ijirude has no idea how Mitsuko escaped, Stacey confirming he'd put her in storage, and the Parallel World Gate was disrupted as she escaped thanks to Kudakk attack, so they don't know where she went, Stacey isn't sure this should have taken him away from the battle. Kaito, Zyuran and Magine join tge World Purates in travelling, with 20 or so worlds they can try, while Magine tries to divine where she is, Flint takes them to Kashiwa Mochitopia, where they meet the local version of Su-san, not having Kashiwa Mochi on your head there is comparable to public indecency. They try Retrotopia, where Su-san can't comprehend the Kikainoids. Kouritopia's Su-san has far less trouble with them, but hasn't seen Mitsuko, but Kaito is happy to see the freed worlds are at peace. Stacey and the Kudakks arrive, revealing Kudaiters gave been sent to other worlds for Mitsuko, as Gaon and Vroon, looking on earth, find. Kaito wants to split up to protect worlds, but Zox says they have to prioritise Mitsuko since the Tojitendo will just rampage until they find her. Su-san on Kinokotopia tries to have them stop attacking the mushrooms, as the Zenkaigers fight Flint declares she found Mitsuko, and Ijirude calls all forces there. When there the team shows they have Mitsuko, and fight. As things progress Stacey captures Mitsuko, but Kaito gets her back. Super Zenkaiser and Super Twokaiser destroy tge enemy forces, then they escape on CrocoDaiOh, Stacey essentially let's them go for Yatsude's sake, but is ordered by Ijirude to summon Black ZyuraGaon, which drags them back to Kouritopia, Zenkaijuoh facing the mecha and defeating it. They return home, and only now have Magine remove her disguise as Magine, since the Tojirendo won't go through other worlds if they think Mitsuko is home, just continue focusing on earth.
Yodonna 2: We start right where we left off, Mizuki distraught over the detective's betrayal, which Yodonna is able to understand due to her own betrayal by Yodon. The realisation that she has experienced sadness causes Yodonna to freeze. In Yodon hell, Hörn and Mose are in a meltdown over Yodonna's escape, Mose impulsively sends himself to earth after her. Yanako visits the Kuchinawa leader, whose eating whil watching his men give Shousuke a beating, Yanako wants to kill Mizuki. Mizuki retrieves the phone while bemoaning Yodonna's current state, but resolves not to burden Juru with her problems. She also finds herself feeling sluggish, unknown to her being due to the soul transfer. Mizuki arrives at the warehouse, where Enoshima is waiting with gang members, claiming his becoming corrupt was only natural. The regular lead goon grabs the phone, while Mizuki talks about how much Shousuke believed in him. The phone wiped, Enoshima reveals Shousuke isn't there, and they can't have her going around with what she knows. Yodonna takes control right as the fight begins, she's now experiencing anger on Mizuki's behalf. She starts fighting the goons, the boss watching via camera surprised by her skill and saying as much to Yanako. When shooting starts she uses a guy as a shield, and uses his gun to kill the goons. After admonishing Mizuki to exercise properly, she beats down the lead goon again. Enoshima puts a gun to her head, she steals it and shoots him in the knee. Mizuki changes back, happy thanks to Yodonna's help, she's really struggling to stay standing now, and Yodonna realises why. Mose approaches her, kills Enoshima for interrupting, then isn't sure what to do with Yodonna given the soul transfer. He intends to cut the hose, but then Yodonna will, disappear and there'll still be trouble for him with Hörn, better to let her steal Mizuki's life and then take her back. The revelation of what Yodonna was doing leads Mizuki to hate her too. At this point Yanako arrives and knocks Mizuki out. Mizuki wakes in the Kuchinawa offices, where Mose is waiting alongside Yanako and the leader, Kujirasaki. Mose has told them everything, and they seem content to wait out her death and let him have Yodonna after. Kujirasaki finds the whole situation amusing, and has Shousuke brought out so he can watch his sister die. As the process nears completion, Yodonna becomes visible and Mizuki starts fading. Yodonna explains the emotions she has learnt from Mizuki, and that she's realised she's just done to Mizuki what Yodon did to her. And so she pulls the tube out and destroys it. She's going to use the physical form she has until she fades to save Mizuki and Shousuke. She beats Yanako quickly. Goons drag Shousuke away, Mose in a panic uses Yodonna's whip to power up Kujirasaki. And then just goes back to Yodon Hell. Yodonna fights Kujirasaki, telling Mizuki to get Shousuke. As Yodonna and Kujirasaki are fairly evenly matched, Mizuki manages to disrupt the goons enough to free Shousuke. As Kujirasaki prepares an energy blast, Yodonna, knowing she's dead either way, swears to keep Misaki alive, and turns her whip into a scythe to block the blast. A final struggle fells Kujirasaki, and Shousuke declares him under arrest. Yodonna is glad to have won in time and collapses. Seeing Mizuki is alive she finds she's crying, Mizuki explaining she's feeling joy, right before Yodonna starts vanishing. Mizuki forgives her, and Yodonna fades gladly. Juru and Tametomo are still waiting for Mizuki, who finally gets back after Juru reminds Tame of his brief crush on Yodonna. Yodonna awakens back in Yodon hell, Hörn telling her that is she'd let him finish he was going to explain that if she could understand the 4 basic emotions he'd let her revive. He's already punishing Mose for running off after her. After reminiscing she asks if she can revive, but after her running off he's not going to allow it anymore. Unless she learns one more emotion, Love. She wonders who might teach her that...Tametomo perhaps?
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suupernovalight · 4 years
Addictive Drug
Ushijima W. x Reader
Masterlist || Previous || Next
14) Shot After Shot
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The sounds of guns being shot was engraved in your brain. You were used to it by now. You don’t even fear death anymore like you used to.
As you killed more Mafia Bosses, you got closer to finding the answer about where Tadashi was. Another thing that crossed your mind was where did Tendō and Ushijima go.
Ever since you and Ushijima split at floor 2, he hasn’t reported back since.
“Ushijima. Where are you” you said in between shots.
“...Y/n, listen to me and listen close” Ushijima said. He sounded like he was out of breath.
Your eyes widened as you heard what he was telling you. When he was finished, you answered back with a simple “ok”.
“Change of plans gentlemen but I gotta run” you winked retreating to the elevator. You never turned your back on the remaining people though because you don’t know what they can do to you.
“You... are more stronger than I thought” one of the mob bosses said shooting the last of his bullets. Sadly enough, he was the last one standing.
“Yeah... maybe I am.” You said shooting his brains out.
As you shot the last of them, you ran to the elevator and went up to the top floor. The roof of the whole casino. While waiting, you examined your wounds. You had gashes of blood all over you. Your dress was torn a bit but you didn’t care.
When you got up to the roof top, you quickly loaded your gun and waited for Ushijima.
“Y/n over here” Ushijima said in your ear piece.
You looked to your left to see him. Quickly, you walked up to him and hugged him for a short minute.
“Are you okay?” You asked pulling away. “Where did Tadashi go?”
“He’s on the roof with Satori, but are you okay? You’re bleeding everywhere y/n” Ushijima said with worried eyes.
“I’m fine. Let’s get our friend back” you smiled showing him your gun.
Ushijima nodded and followed after your lead. Slowly you opened the door to the roof and saw Tendō being tied up, men with guns surrounding him. Tadashi was also there.
“You worthless shit. You are a failure to your agency and to your hopeless friends.” Tadashi spat. “Your last moments are without them as they should be”
You looked at Tendō and how badly he was beat up. Poor guy was struggling to breath. You opened the door more and aimed your gun at the men, so did Ushijima.
“On my signal” you whispered. “Ready...
The guns starter shooting. The men fell down with bullets through their heads.
“What the-“ Tadashi said getting out his own gun. “You!”
“TADASHI!” You yelled shooting at him.
“Ah my lover, such a shame I have to fight you” Tadashi blushed running towards you.
“Eat shit you abuser” you said getting ready for hand and hand combat.
“No thanks y/n~” Tadashi said getting out a knife and aiming to cut you with it.
Ushijima’s eyes widened. “Y/n!”
“Keep your focus on Tendō. Untie him and get him to safety” you then looked at Tadashi. “I’ll handle my ex”
Ushijima nodded and ran towards Tendō. By now the guy had passed out due to exhaustion. Ushijima quickly got out a knife that was laying around and cut the rope that Tendō was tied with.
After that, he grabbed him and picked him up over his shoulder. Tendō’s breathing was shallow.
“Y/n~” Tadashi cooed. “Remember when we both fought like this when I cheated on you with that skank?”
“Don’t bring that up” you said while throwing some more punches in. “You’re a dick”
“I know but you like that... don’t you y/n?” Tadashi said cutting you with his knife.
You stepped back in pain and looked at where he cut you. On the arm sat a small but open wound. The blood was slowly seeping out.
“Y/n!” Ushijima yelled slowly putting down Tendō and shooting at Tadashi. “leave her alone!”
Tadashi groaned and turned around to put his focus on Ushijima. “Leave yourself out of this!” Tadashi yelled throwing his knife towards Ushijima.
The knife barely missed him only leaving a scratch on his cheek. While Tadashi was to busy with Ushijima, you quickly tackled Tadashi and restrained him from doing anything.
“Woah y/n, we aren’t going to do this here are we?” Tadashi blushed. “Though I don’t mind”
You slammed his head against the concrete. “Keep your fucking mind out of the gutter.”
“How bout you do the same” Tadashi smirked head butting you.
You jumped back in pain while softly touching your nose. It was probably broken by now since it was bleeding a lot.
“Y/n!” Ushijima said running up to you.
“Stay away from her...” Tadashi glared. “She isn’t yours!” He then shot his gun at both of you.
Quickly, you both broke up trying to dodge the bullets. You got your gun out and shot back at Tadashi.
“Where is he.” You said shooting more.
“Where is who?” Tadashi scowled.
“You know exactly who.” You said reloading your gun.
“Oh Hayashi? He couldn’t make it, the business has been booming recently and he wanted to see for himself” Tadashi then ran towards you with a knife in his hand. When he got close enough, he tackled you and put the knife against your neck. “He says he misses you... so do I...”
You desperately tried grabbing the knife away from your neck. You could feel the blade linger.
“What’s... your point” you tried saying.
Tadashi jumped away from you. “I’m saying we want you to join us again.”
Ushijima’s eyes widened. He was trying to process what was happening. Out of anger, he got out his gun and tried shooting Tadashi. Tadashi, being the sly fox he is, dodged the bullets and ran towards the edge of the whole casino.
“Tadashi!” You yelled running after him. “You’re not getting away!”
When Tadashi got to the ledge, he put his arms up with a dark smile.
“Escaping is my specialty” He then leaned back making him fall.
“TADASHI” you yelled running towards the ledge and seeing him. Ushijima held you close to him so you would fall yourself.
As Tadashi fell, he took off his suit blazer to reveal a parachute. He let that go and fully escaped from your grasp.
“Y/n... we gotta get back to the agency.” Ushijima said helping you stand up.
You sighed. “Yeah. Poor Tendō... poor you...” you whispered walking towards the exit. Ushijima followed behind you with Tendō in his arms.
When you guys arrived back at the agency, the boss quickly brought you guys to the special doctors office so he could get you guys checked out.
While at the doctors office, you found out that your nose was fine after that head butting and all you had were your cuts. You were also very exhausted.
Ushijima’s wounds weren’t to brutal as well. Tendō on the other hand was beat up head to toe. Asami, his girlfriend and scientist came in to see him.
Back At The Casino
Tadashi really didn’t think he would escape. If it wasn’t for that parachute he had, he would have died. As he started driving away from the scene, he called up Hayashi.
“I was with her.” Tadashi said over the phone. “I almost had her”
“You failed me Tadashi” Hayashi replied. “You had one job.”
“I know I know. What’s our plan now?” Tadashi asked his boss.
Hayashi stayed quiet, he then answered. “We can kidnapp her somehow.”
Tadashi smirked. “Tell me the plan.”
@toaster-stick @ashydoesdumbstuff
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pazii · 3 years
Aaaaa okay I just got inspired to work on my unnamed honkai/genshin oc so sorta long post incoming??
I've been using Jay as a placeholder name for her bc self insert lmao but uhhh she should have a Japanese name I just haven't decided what yet (I might just name her Blue Jay/Jay in Japanese lmao)
Jay's hometown is Nagazora and she was rescued by Schicksal when the Honkai destroyed her town
She decided to train as a valkyrie and met class monitor Fu Hua during her time at St. Freya (basically a school for training people to fight the Honkai)
Jay had a lot of conflicting feelings about her life up to that point, bc all she wanted to do was have a normal life, go to school, get a job, maybe adopt some cats and that's it, but now she got roped into a fight for humanity?? Pls she just wanted to vibe
So she struggled a lot w her examinations. She always aces the written portion but has a lot of trouble doing the actual fighting. She tends to get nervous and forget everything she's learned
Sorta the opposite of Kiana (the mc of the honkai storyline) whose fighting style is more "they can't kill me if they're already dead!!" Kiana tends to go in guns blazing and constantly fails the written portion of the exam so Hua decided to pair the two together and have them help each other out
As the next exam season drew near, Kiana had managed to pick up what Jay had been teaching her about the Honkai, but Jay had yet to make much progress in her fighting abilities
One day, Fu Hua finds Jay crying in her room before a training session w Kiana. Jay admits she feels like a failure to everybody bc she survived the Honkai eruption while all of her friends and family died, and yet she can't even do the bare minimum to fight back. Hua kinda pats her back awkwardly while Jay spills all of her feelings (bc Hua isn't that great w emotions lmao) and afterward she offers to give Jay some private tutoring in the martial arts she learned from her father
So Jay and Hua began meeting every day to train, and slowly but surely, Jay improves!
And over time, Jay starts falling for the stoic class monitor with a secret sweet side
Yes Jay has her gay awakening when Hua pins her to the wall during training
Jay would also eventually find out about Hua's past. I don't want to spoil too much so I'll just say that Hua has lived for thousands of years, but because of something that happened in the past, she's unable to recall most of her early memories. However all the abilities she's honed over the years are intact and she passed many of those techniques onto Jay
Fast forward to chapter 22 in the story, [redacted] happens (no spoilers lmao) but something went wrong and the space around Hua destabilized (this is diverging from canon rn). Jay grabbed Hua's hand right before the two were flung into the Sea of Quanta (a space between worlds)
After an unknown amount of time, Jay awoke in Liyue, with a pale pink feather in her hands but Fu Hua nowhere to be found. Since then, she had been searching for her beloved throughout Teyvat, with the hope that she can finally confess her feelings when they're reunited
During that time she became friends with Zhongli (who gave her similar vibes to Hua bc they were both calm and very wise), Childe (who insists on fighting her all the time bc of her unique combat style), and Hu Tao (whose voice reminded her of Kiana they have the same CN voice actor lol)
Jay hasn't told anyone why she's looking for Hua, just that Hua was "a close friend" but anyone observant enough can see that Jay's eyes fill with love and longing whenever she talks about Hua
(Also side note, when Jay first sees Kazuha she mistakes him for Hua bc he has the same hair as her lmao)
I can totally see Jay being intrigued by Tai bc of his phoenix vibes 👀 Hua used to be known as "Phoenix" way back in the day and also had fire powers lol
Also @ Scaradango anon I think Jay would probably run into Liu Gui when she first wakes up in Liyue!! Maybe she directs Jay to Liyue Harbor and tells her a bit about Teyvat? :0
I don’t know much about Honkai so I can’t fully appreciate the story but it sure is interesting!! I should probably play Honkai just so I can understand lol Really love your OC!!
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 5 years
I Got You
Pairing: The Mandalorian x Reader
Warnings: Blood, mild violence, fluff
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: So I decided to make this three parts to sorta make up for the short last one. I am working on all of my requests and I plan on going back and forth between them and my originals. My requests are still open!
Hurt // Beginnings
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“Just be careful, alright?”
Y/N nodded, giving his arm a comforting squeeze. “It’s gonna be alright, Din. I can handle it.”
Din nodded, but he was still tense. This was the first job since she started where it was her taking the reins and going solo. He was too noticeable for the job; they’d be able to pick him as soon as he walked in. They had to keep a low profile, and so Y/N devised a plan to lure their man out, who would no doubt be at the local cantina drinking himself to death.
“He’s probably going to be too drunk to comprehend what’s going on anyway. Besides, you’ll be outside waiting for me,” she assured him. “If you hear or see anything, you’ll be right there with me.”
He knew it was supposed to be soothing, but he wasn’t finding any solace in her words. Y/N felt this and sighed.
“Listen, you need to calm down. It’s not good for either of us,” she gently reminded him. “Gotta keep a clear head here.”
Din sighed, grabbing her hand to place against his chest plate; right over his heart. She leaned up on the tip of her toes to press her forehead against his, closing her eyes and taking in the coolness of the beskar.
“I’ll be okay,” she promised.
Y/N wished she could’ve kept that promise.
It was all going so well until a there was a gun fight. Turns out, the man had made a lot of enemies on the way, and there were plenty eager to set whatever debt or deal they had with him with violence.
“Hello sweet thing,” the man stuttered. He wasn’t near blackout drunk yet, but he certainly was on his way.
Y/N didn’t need their tether to practically feel Din grit his teeth through the coms. She shuffled, making sure the red dress she wore was still just as alluring as Din confirmed it would be much to his chagrin.
“It’s not that I don’t trust you,” Din defended. “Because I do with all my heart and soul. It’s just I get… protective I guess I should say. I’m not afraid of you leaving me or not being able to fight. I know you’re capable on your own, but even I can’t win all the fights.”
The frustration was prominent from him, coursing through her body on full edge, even making her body just as tense as the mans before her.
“I understand,” she said. “I do. I worry about you too, you know.”
She held him in her arms that night – he was practically asleep on top of her, but his weight in that moment was reassuring, warm – and kissed him awake with small little kisses around his face in the dark until he chuckled at her ministrations.
And Din would be clenching his fists until they burrowed through those gloves and drew blood if he saw the way the man laid his hand on her bare knee with a sloppy coy smile.
“H- how about w-we get out of here?” The man stumbled.
Play it cool.
She willed herself (Din) to calm down before putting on the best seductive smile she could produce. “Sure, handsome.”
“Not with my bounty you won’t.”
The hunter sat in the far, dark corner of the bar, glaring at them.
“And don’t even think of reaching for that gun little girl,” the man scorned once he saw her hand twitch.
Knowing Din, he was probably circling around to get him from behind. All’s she had to do was buy them some time.
“Look,” she started. “How about we make a deal?”
The hunter smiled. “Sorry miss, gotta trust you first. And so far, you’re not very convincing.”
She heard the shot just before she saw him, but the hunter appeared to not go down without a fight, his trigger finger automatically pushing on reflex.
Din felt it before he heard her cry out. The sharp pain coursed through his upper thigh, the burning sensation enough to almost bring him to his knees. The shot to the man was swift, as quick as the moment happened.
“Kriff,” she groaned, clutching her thigh. “That’s gonna leave a scar.”
He rushed over to her, ripping a part of his cape to tie over the wound. He grabbed the bounty before he could make a run for it, aiming his blaster at him with a vengeance.
“Don’t move,” he snarled at him. He turned to Y/N.
“We gotta go now,” he growled. “Are you okay to walk?”
She grunted, nodding her head. He swung her arm over her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her waist, the other grasping his blaster so tightly she was sure he would break it.
“Look, I’m sorry about what happened to you,” the man tried reasoning with them. “I’ll make it to you. To the both of you, I promise!”
They didn’t say anything as they found a speeder, Din helping her delicately swing over. The trip back to the Razor Crest wasn’t long, and the man knew better than to fight his way out; he’d be dead the moment he tried.
The first thing Din did once Y/N was stabilized was put their bounty in carbonite, giving him a particularly hard shove before he froze. He then helped her to the edge of their cot where the Child was sleeping and set off to look for the kit; she had to guide him to it with her finger he was so frantic.
“You already lost a lot of blood,” his voice trembled. “But this spray and shot should do.”
Y/N yelped at the sting of the needle in her leg; it made his leg twitch as well at the sensation. He gave her a quiet apology, wrapping her wound up with such gentle precision for a man as rough and ruthless as he could be. Sometimes it made her feel special, that she was one of the only people who got to experience that side of him.
His hands hung limply on either side of her hips, head low. The Child, who was thankfully still asleep behind them, sighed in his sleep.
“I’m - .”
“I know.”
His voice was gruff, tense. She sighed, grabbing his hand in hers and intertwining their fingers. He looked at this and visibly relaxed, only a little, but it was a start.
“That could’ve gone better,” she finally joked.
There was a chocked huff, which she took as a stifled chuckle. It made her smile.
“I want to take my helmet off.”
She frowned but nodded her head and tried to back up so he could close the hatch, but he stopped her, mindful of her leg.
“That’s not,” he was struggling, gnawing at his lip. “I… I want… I want you to take it off.”
She gasped, mouth agape as she took in what he just said. She could feel his growing nervousness, but also the relief at the thought of him being open to her like this. It was stronger than any fear or doubts they’ve ever experienced, and it made her hurt nearly burst.
“A-are you sure?” She stammered. “I mean… your creed. I couldn’t ask you to do something you’re not comfortable with.”
This time he didn’t try to hold in his laughter, patting her uninjured leg. “I wouldn’t ask if I was. I want this. I want you to see me.”
He gulped, shifting on his knees between her legs. She didn’t think she ever saw him this skittish before.
“I could’ve lost you today. And it made me realize that this life… any life really, is short. It can end at any moment and I would never forgive myself for denying this from us.”
She opened her mouth to speak, but he quickly interjected. “And I’m absolutely positive this is what I want. You’re my soulmate, Y/N. The love of my life. And I’m ready to take the next step with you. If you are, of course.”
Y/N’s heart was pounding in her chest, but in a good way. She grinned widely, and that grin prompted him to lead her wrists to the cheeks of his helmet, his own hands falling after he was sure she wasn’t going to move.
“Go ahead,” Din whispered.
Her hands felt cool and clammy as she held her breathe, slowly lifting the helmet over his head. His eyes closed instinctively, too afraid to see her reaction. It had been so long since another living thing had seen his face, and the fear that she wouldn’t like what she would see tried to cloud his mind; Y/N wouldn’t let it.
“Wow,” she exhaled. He was everything she ever dreamed of, but better. Her fingers traced his face delicately, outlining his plump lips, the stubble on his cheeks, crooked nose and closed eyes. His breath ghosted over her palms, making her shiver in a delicious way. “Din, baby. Please open your eyes.”
He couldn’t deny that soft adoration in her gentle demand and opened them slowly. It was everything he ever imagined, seeing her without the helmet’s filters. Her eyes twinkled as they met his dark brown ones, and if it were possible her grin would’ve stretched even more.
“You’re beautiful.”
Din kissed her, swallowing her surprised gasp and cupping her face gently. Her hands ran over his wavy hair, twirling a few strands of it in between her fingers. It felt divine, the bare touch of her skin against his, and he found his body shaking from the sensory overload of it.
They only pulled away for air, both panting with their foreheads pressed together. They sat like that for a few blissful moments with her playing with the strands of hair at the back of his neck – she didn’t miss the way it made him quiver – before kissing the tip of his nose.
“We need to cut your hair soon.”
   Tags: @scarlett-berserker​, @justlovetoreadfics​, @lil-baby27​, @mando-vibes​, @beepbeepyabitch, @that-void-witch​, @im-the-music-whore​, @certifiedhunter​, @outlawers​, @hejahockey​, @okaydacre​, @lemongrove​, @appreciating-chase-brody​, @iwontforgettheapplepie, @mybabyboytony​, @olyamoriarty, @pcrushinnerd​, @elusive-ivory​, @dizzydazed​, @bluejeancntrygrl​, @our-mrlangdon, @parody-the-emi​, @evalynanne​, @purplewaterbird​, @angel-hunter-winchester​, @tedpicklez​, @pascalisthepunkest​, @coffeeandtodd​, @blunt-cake-yes​
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