#and she comes up to me and asks where the scooby doo books are
megamindsecretlair · 13 days
Burn For You
Pairing: Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Cursing, kissing, smut. PIV, oral (fem and male receiving), fingering (female receiving).
Summary: Coming back to LA from college was like coming back to an alternate universe. So many part of the hood were equally familiar and completely foreign to you. However, the one thing that hadn't changed much is Franklin Saint. Or so you thought. He walks with a cane now and is no longer the sweet boy you've nursed a crush on your whole life. After spending a day with him, you invite him back to your house after a few confessions leaves you hungry for him.
Word Count: 7,145k
AO3 Link
A/N: I....did not think this would turn out so long LOL. This is a very sweet ask from @kaaliyahsierra, thank you for trusting me with this, lovely! Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers!
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Damn, the neighborhood had really changed. As you drove through the old haunts of Compton, you looked around at the busted places, plazas full of thugs, homeless on every corner. And it seemed like the gangs had increased their activity. There was a boy on every corner.
Coming back from college, this almost felt like a nightmare. Like you stepped off of a crazy Scooby Doo type of town. Where everything and nothing felt familiar. Was this the cost of leaving? Not feeling you belong anymore?
“Girl, cheer up! It’s not all bad,” your friend, Tucky, said. You may have mentioned how shocked you were once or four times. 
She proceeded to tell you all the ways that LA was still the same. There were still bad little kids scrambling to get home before the streetlights came on. There were still cop cars and helicopters lulling people to sleep. There were still the hot ass summers.
You put on a brave face and nodded. You didn’t want to spend your last few weeks here being miserable or grumpy. You came to unwind a bit from college before starting your job at the bank. It wasn’t the first thing you wanted to do, but it paid well enough and you were inside a building all day. Even during hot summers.
Tucky drove to your parents’ house and you couldn’t help looking at all the different ways drugs, crime, and poverty was slowly melting LA right before your eyes. You could only shake your head at it. 
Tucky pulled into your driveway and helped with your bags. Inevitably, your eyes searched across the street for Franklin Saint. Having grown up in the neighborhood, you used to run with him and the crew. You used to chase each other around the lawns, rode bikes, got into all kinds of trouble as kids. 
Franklin was the first to go away to college. He set the bar for everyone, but not everyone was able to meet it. Melody was set to go as well, just like you, but you never learned why she didn’t.
It was silly to look for Franklin. The odds that he was still living at home with his mom were slim. It was just that…well…you still carried a torch for him. A huge one. So huge it felt like it would crush you most days. He was the measuring stick by which you judged every guy at college.
Eventually, you stopped trying and learned to like the guys around you. At every corner, they fell short. They weren’t tall enough, broad enough, dark enough, smart enough, or funny enough. You ended up losing your virginity to one of them. Bad experience all around. You thought that it’d be magical or heavenly like all those books you read or shows you watched. 
It was nothing but a disappointing seven minutes. You vowed never to try again unless you were absolutely certain about the guy. And it never happened. Because none of them were Franklin.
As you were lost staring at his front door, Franklin emerged from his house. He limped with a cane and you lurched forward as if you could do something about it. Why did he have a cane? He was too damn young for a cane.
He still looked good though. He wore a wine colored polo shirt buttoned to the top, dark jeans, and sneakers. From where you could see him, it looked like his hair grew out as well. He walked with the surety of being mature. Gone was the sweet boy who you used to make up excuses to go see at Cho’s. 
Tucky came out of your house. You turned to her. “What the hell is Franklin doing with a cane?” You asked.
Tucky looked across the street at Franklin, who stood in his doorway talking to his mom, Cissy. “We didn’t know if we should tell you…Melody shot Franklin,” Tucky said. 
“She what?” You practically screamed.
Melody shot Franklin? Too many questions ran through your mind. That girl was as in love with Franklin as you were. What the hell could have happened in four years? And why the hell didn’t your friends tell you anything? Not even your parents?
That seemed like pretty huge fucking news to not share with somebody. Tucky knew how long you carried the torch for Franklin. She knew that you felt horrible liking the same man as Melody. How crushed you were when it seemed like he was more into her and not you. How could she not tell you?
“You were off at college and we all kinda promised to let you enjoy it. What good would it have done to tell you he got shot? You would’ve just run back here,” Tucky said.
“That was my decision to make,” you said.
“No, it wasn’t. You have a chance to get out of this shit. Not everyone does. So no, it wasn’t up to you to decide to let the hood drag you back into this shit. The first chance you get, move out of the neighborhood and don’t come back.” Tucky grabbed your last bag from the car and took off inside your house.
You rubbed your head. All these conflicting emotions were giving you a headache. The hot LA sun beat down on you with the briefest glimpse at a breeze. You looked once more to Franklin’s house. He was facing you and then he waved.
You gasped. You didn’t actually think he’d see you though you made no move to hide. You waved back. Franklin kissed Cissy on the cheek and then limped down the steps. You thought he was going to head to his car out front, but he continued past it. Crossing the street.
Your heartbeat sped up. Your lips trembled. You weren’t expecting to talk to him right now. You had no idea what your breath smelled like or how you looked. You wore petal pushers, a yellow tank, and flip flops. Not exactly queen of sexy at the moment. There was nothing for it as Franklin got closer.
“What are you doing back here?” Franklin asked. He approached you and then swallowed you up into a big, deep hug. The kind that made you melt against him, like he was soaking up every negative thought you had. 
“All done with college,” you said with a grin. 
“Four years went by that fast? Damn,” he said. He got a faraway look in his eye before he smiled at you. 
“College did good for you?” He asked.
You shrugged. “Wasn’t without some problems. I sure missed everyone here though,” you said. 
“Everyone?” He asked.
You rolled your eyes and fought a smile. Franklin was the only one who could put you back at ease. Like four years was just a thought in your head. You were transported back to the good old days of high school. Franklin, still young and sweet, the gang together. You did hear about Kevin’s passing though. It had been too hard to make it back home to see everyone. You were still reeling from the fact that Tucky kept so much from you.
“Yes, that includes you Franklin Saint,” you said.
Franklin chuckled. “You know, to this day, you’re the only one who calls me by my full government name,” he said. 
“It’s a good strong name. Why not use the whole thing?” You asked.
“‘Cause I’m not in trouble,” he said. 
You crossed your arms and leaned on Tucky’s car. The afternoon sun already made it hot to the touch, so you could feel the heat through your pants. Still, you leaned on it and looked at Franklin. “I’m happy I ran into you,” you told him. 
“Me too. Glad I got to see you. How ya been?” He asked.
You caught him up on nonsense about what you studied at school, the friends you made, and the food you tried. Tucky came outside while you were in the middle of talking. She said hi to Franklin and told you that her mom paged her, she needed to get back to watch her siblings.
“I thought we had all day to hang out together,” you said.
Tucky rolled her eyes. “I did too. My brother was supposed to watch them but Mama said she don’t trust him as far as she can throw him. I’ll try to get over tomorrow. It depends if she work a double shift,” Tucky said. She hugged you bye and then waved to Franklin. She got in the car so you moved onto your front lawn to let her pass.
She drove down the street, leaving you without anything to do today. Your parents were on a mini vacation up to Santa Barbara at the moment. Just you and the house for a few days before they got back. What the hell were you going to do now?
“You hungry?” Franklin asked.
“Huh?” You heard what he said, you just needed a moment for your mind to process it. He repeated his question and you nodded. 
“Yeah, I can eat,” you said. You were hungry enough to eat a fuckin’ cow. Between the flight into LAX, cruising around with Tucky, and everything she revealed, you were starving. You had wanted to stop at In and Out, but Tucky wanted to unload your stuff first. Too many instances of people getting robbed in broad daylight.
“Lock up the house, I’ll take you to get some Fatburger,” he said. 
“Are you sure? You don’t have anything to do today?” You asked. 
Franklin smiled. “Not anymore,” he said. 
You walked backwards from him with your hands in your pockets so he wouldn’t see how fucking giddy you were. That you got to spend some time with Franklin Saint. Alone. None of the crew with you. 
You’d been alone with him before throughout the years. Times where everyone else split but you two lived close to each other so you could linger a bit longer. Melody, with her cop dad, had to be home way before the streetlights came on. She usually initiated the great departure. Kevin and Leon would go next and then there was just you and Franklin.
There had been many times where it felt like it could lead to something more. But you were too chicken to say what was on your mind. To let him know that you were feeling him. And if he turned you down, at least you’d know and you’d stop guessing and torturing yourself. But then your feelings would be out there. And if he did turn you down, you’d still have to be around him after. 
You turned and went to get your purse, making sure your wallet was inside. You locked up the house and then walked with Franklin to his car. He was able to move pretty well with the cane. You wondered about the shooting and his recovery, wondered how he felt getting shot by the one girl you swore would end up with Franklin. 
He opened the passenger side for you and you smiled at him as you got in. He limped to the front seat, getting in, and then peeling away from the curb. He was a careful driver, following all of the laws and not speeding too much. It was LA. Everyone sped. And those who didn’t were tourists and people who just moved here.
You talked about nothing important, asking Franklin what he’d been up to since you last seen him. He was vague about his work, but mentioned that he was trying to get into real estate. That was what he and his mom were trying to do together, but it was slow going because of people like her old boss. 
Making it to Fatburger, Franklin got out of the car first. He told you not to move while he came around and opened the door for you. “You don’t have to do that, Franklin Saint,” you told him.
“I want to do it.” He smiled and took your hand. You must have gotten off in an alternate LA. An alternate universe. One in which you were holding hands with Franklin Saint and he was about to buy you a burger. 
You ordered and while you waited for the food, you pestered him with questions. “I guess I never thought you’d go into real estate like your mom,” you said.
He shrugged. “All these investors and white dudes come into our hoods to make money off of our backs. They leave the places like shitholes and then get mad when people want something better. If they can do it, I can do it better,” he said. 
You smiled. If nothing else, at least that same fire in him never went out. “My mom and I own an apartment block not too far from here actually,” he said.
“Wait, really? What’s the rent like?” You asked.
“You trynna move out already? You just got back,” he said.
Your orders were called so Franklin grabbed them. You made your way back to his car, leaning on the hood while you dug into your burger. You moaned at the first taste of it. What you loved about Fatburger was that it tasted just like someone whipped it up in your kitchen. A hood staple. Nothing fancy about it.
“I had four years without my parents down my back about everything. There’s no way I can stay in that house for too long,” you said.
“I can show you one of the empty units if you want,” he said. 
“Yes! Please,” you said. It’d be a bit awkward paying Franklin and his mom for a place to stay. But fuck. Anything had to be better than being back under your parents’ roof. They were sweet, truly, but even while away at college, they refused to see you as an adult. You needed out, as soon as possible. 
You fell into a comfortable silence as you ate your food. The sun was finally starting to lose some of its heat. Honking cars, slamming brakes, and helicopters made for a chaotic song in the background as you looked around. 
Finished with your food, you threw out everything in the nearest trash can. When you approached Franklin again, he caught you about the waist and pulled you closer.
“Stay out with me,” he said.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck. This was so surreal. And unfortunately, you weren’t cool enough to go with the flow. “Franklin Saint, what are you doing?” You asked.
“I really did miss you,” he said. 
You licked your lips. If only this man knew…knew about the many times you spent awake, dreaming about him. Wondering about him. Daydreaming about him. He had no idea. 
“But this…” you said, letting the sentence dangle. You were still too nervous to be out with it. To go on and say what you meant. 
Franklin chuckled and gripped your hips a little tighter. He interlocked his fingers behind your back. “A lot has changed. A lot of bad shit. I got some scars. Thank you for not asking about the cane, by the way.”
You smiled. You did want to ask about it, but Franklin was entitled to tell you about it or not. Tucky was wrong. People were responsible for their own informed decisions. You didn’t have a right to demand information from Franklin. 
“But what’s never changed was how I felt about you,” he said. He looked at you while he said. Everything in you told you to believe it. To cherish it. To hold it in your heart and never let it go.
“Stop playing,” you told him, laughing to diffuse the sudden too tense situation. You tried pulling out of his arms, but he held on tight. 
“I’ve done a lot of shit. Regretted a lot. One of my biggest regrets was never telling you how I felt in high school,” he said.
Your lips parted on a quiet gasp. “In high school? You were on Melody,” you said. 
He winced as you said her name. You wondered about which memories those conjured up for him. You may not feel right asking him, but you would definitely ask Tucky the next time you hung out with her. You had been too out of the loop. 
“I liked you. But it never seemed like you liked me back and I was too nervous to ask. When you left for college…all I could think was that I should’ve kissed you,” he said. 
Today was a day for revelations it seemed. You stared, open mouthed at Franklin. Your head emptied of every thought except that…Franklin Saint liked you back. Been liking you since high school. And he was the nervous one? He was the one that wasn’t sure about your feelings? 
“Franklin Saint…I’ve had a crush on you since we first met,” you told him. 
“You have?” Franklin asked. He smiled. “Why didn’t you ever say anything?” 
You shrugged. You licked your lips, so dry in the face of everything you kept locked down for years. Practically a decade at this point. You rehearsed what you would ever say to Franklin if you had the chance. That rehearsal did nothing for you at the moment since you couldn’t remember a single sentence. 
“It felt like you were more into Mel. She was my friend too and I saw the way she looked at you…” 
There were plenty of times that you caught them looking at each other when they thought everyone else weren’t looking. You thought they would have ended up together by now. Mel on her first kid at least. 
Hearing that she was the one to shoot him was still odd to you. There was so much you were missing.
“I did like Mel. I won’t lie and say that I didn’t. But I think Mel was safer,” he said. 
You looked up at him. Night was fast approaching. The lot lights were starting to come on, bathing Franklin in a pale glow. His eyes darkened in the shadow of the light but this up close, you could see him. Really see him. 
“Mel lived right next door. She had a cop for a dad. I knew who she was inside and out. Or I did,” he said. “But you…you scared me.”
“I scared you?” 
Franklin nodded. “You’ve always been special. Always saw the world better than I ever did. I thought if I told you, if I kept you here selfishly…I’d never forgive myself,” he said. 
“Think mighty high of yourself to think I would stay home from college for you,” you said. You smirked to let him know that you were teasing. But only a little. You probably would have found a college closer to home if it meant that you got to be with Franklin Saint. 
Your feelings weren’t one sided. All these years. Wasted. Gone. All the nights spent dreaming about a life with Franklin. Those could have been nights spent on the phone talking to him. 
“Not that. You deserved to live your life without worrying about me. Or anyone from the neighborhood,” he said with a smile. That damn smile. No matter what he did, he always had the same smile. The kind that warmed you down to your toes. 
“What about what I wanted? You don’t know what I would’ve done had you told me sooner,” you said. 
Franklin nodded. “I’ll live with that. At least you went to college guilt free,” he said. 
You sighed and leaned your head on his chest. You breathed in his beautiful clean scent. Felt his strong arms around you. His long legs pressed against yours. This. This was your dream. To be wrapped up in his arms and forgot the world existed. 
You pulled back and looked at him. “Take me home?” You asked, a shy smile on your face. This was the boldest thing you’d ever done in your life. Your stomach rebelled, screaming that this was too much for you.
But it wasn’t. He would make sure of that. Franklin Saint was always goofy, kind, and sweet. Four years and whatever went down for him couldn’t change that completely. Couldn’t change him. 
“Are you sure? I’m not pressuring you into anything, I swear,” he said. 
You placed a hand over his heart to calm him down. “I’m very sure,” you said. You hoped you sounded calm. This was what you had been dreaming about as soon as you were old enough to recognize that he was a very attractive boy and made your stomach feel funny. You dreamed about kissing him, getting naked with him, and feeling him move inside of you. 
It was so close for the taking. All you had to do was reach out. And be honest. Speak up for once in your damn life and grab what you want instead of waiting for divine intervention. Like you were going to trip and land on his dick somehow. No. You wanted him. And you wanted him now.
“If anything, it feels like I’m pressuring you.” 
Franklin smiled and then leaned down to press his lips against yours. It was nothing like what you imagined. It was so much better. His lips were soft, but forceful as he took control and kissed you like two lovers reunited after decades apart. 
He stole the breath from your lungs as he swept his tongue inside, exploring your mouth. He sucked on your bottom lip, awakening an ache deep in your lower belly. You sighed and gasped against his mouth, loving the expert way he kissed. He Kissed, with a capital K. The kind that turned you into a giant puddle. 
His hands migrated from your lower back to your ass, cupping it in his big hands. You moaned against his mouth, a little embarrassed to make such a sound. Franklin didn’t miss a beat, continuing to kiss your socks off. Well, if you were wearing any.
He pulled back slowly. Both of you were out of breath. You blinked a few times, clearing the lusty daze, before looking into his eyes. “You still sure? You can say no,” he said.
You smiled and pecked him on the lips. “Franklin Saint, take me home now,” you said. 
Franklin chuckled and released you. You shivered from the onset of a chill in the air. It was still muggy out, hot enough to know you won’t get any type of cool relief tonight from a fan. Franklin opened your door first and then got into the driver’s seat.
He grabbed your hand and kissed the back of it, before pulling out of the gravel parking lot and headed back to Compton. This type of night, right after rush hour, it didn’t take long to make it back to your house.
Franklin pulled into the driveway and opened your door. You climbed out with a goofy grin on your face. Both of you had been too excited to do much talking. Your hand had been on his thigh the entire ride home. 
Franklin told you about all the ways he knew that he liked you. Like in high school, you wore a specific pair of pants that really made your ass stand out. Or when you’d call him by his full name and he felt it in his chest. The way he’d get excited to see you at any function you all hung out together.
You told him about all the times he’d been sweet to you. When you would work on the same project for school or he’d walk you and Mel home. You were across the street so he’d drop you off first and you had to stare out of the window while he walked Mel home. You didn’t tell him that part. But you did tell him that you always hoped he’d ask you to one of the school dances until you learned that he wasn’t much for dancing. 
Now that you were at your place, you were completely turned on. Desire rippled through you like waves of heat off of asphalt. The crush that you lovingly tended to these long years burst free. Now, you were just desperate to get him underneath you. Or on top of you. You’d take him any way he wanted to give it to you.
Franklin kept up with you as you went up to your front door and unlocked it. Tucky dumped your things unceremoniously in the living room. You turned on the light with a giggle, moving things out of the way so that you could pass through without falling on anything.
Franklin chuckled with you, closing and locking the door behind you. He looked too inviting standing in the doorway of your house. He’d been inside before, everybody in the group had, but that was different.
Now, you were both adults. Now you were about to do adult things in your house. Your mom would clutch her pearls if she ever knew. 
You smiled at Franklin. He smiled back. He limped closer, somehow making that sexy as well. He looked more distinguished than broken. Like the cane was a prop. A way to make people think he was weak when he wasn’t. 
He took your hand and led you to your bedroom, knowing the way from memory alone. He didn’t turn on any more lights until he got to your room. Thank god you took down anything embarrassing from your childhood days. Now, the walls were a bit bland since you took down some posters. 
You had planned on replacing it, but you didn’t spend long summers back home. You ended up finding a part time job in college, something to give you some spending money while your parents helped with school as best as they were able. 
Franklin closed your door and then led you by the hand to your bed. He smiled as he pushed you to sit down. He leaned his cane against the corner of your bed and then moved to kneel. 
“You don’t have to–”
“Don’t worry ‘bout me,” Franklin said. He grimaced but knelt down, moving in between your legs. Now, you were looking down at him slightly. He pulled you into a sweet, burning kiss that warmed you from the inside out.
As you kissed, his hands began exploring under your shirt. He found the edges and slowly lifted your shirt, warm fingers touching your cold skin. You shivered from the heat of him. The taste of him. You could get drunk from his kisses alone.
There was only the sound of your kissing and breathing, the window closed to the outside world. You were the only two people in existence at the moment. The only two who mattered. You felt like pinching yourself. Never, never, ever in your wildest dreams did you think that you’d be here with Franklin Saint.
You kissed for hours, or it could have been minutes, before Franklin pushed your shirt up and off. His calloused thumbs flicked over your sensitive nipples and you moaned. “Fuck, that feels so good,” you said.
“You feel so good,” Franklin said. He moved his lips down the side of your jaw, down your neck, and to your chest. He took one nipple into his mouth, suckling it to the point of pain. That pain morphed into something dangerously delicious in your lower belly, pooling desire in your panties. 
You leaned back on your bed, giving him more access to your chest. His other hand continued to roll your other nipple between his fingers, giving you too much stimulation at once. You were squirming, fidgeting, moaning with pleasure. This was how your first time should have been. It should have been with Franklin Saint.
Franklin switched nipples, giving the other the same attention he lavished on the first. Cool air in the room hit the first nipple, making it bead up. You needed some friction. You rubbed your legs against his chest, needing him way closer than what he was. 
Franklin looked up at you from suckling on your nipple. “What you need?” He asked.
“You. I need you,” you cried. 
Franklin leaned back from suckling on you and you cried from the lack of contact. He pulled his polo shirt over his head, tossing it onto the ground to join yours. Your eyes looked over his wonderful body. The dark, smooth skin of his chest. The powerful, ripped arms. Franklin was still skinny, but he seemed to have lost the vestiges of boyhood. He was a man, through and through. Lean, honed, and sculpted.
He kissed down your belly. You giggled as he found a few ticklish spots. You ought to feel embarrassed. After all, this was Franklin Saint. The same boy who saw you get sick after eating too much ice cream when you were younger.
But this felt too right. Too destined. Like you were always on a collision course with him and it was only a matter of time before you ended up in this exact position. At the mercy of his loving hands and heavenly mouth. 
He moved to undo your pants and he helped you wiggle out of them. You had to lay back and lift your hips in order to get everything off. Franklin grabbed your knees and gently pulled your legs back open, getting a good, long look at your glistening pussy.
Fuck, you felt yourself getting wetter just from seeing the way his eyes got bigger. Like he was a starving man staring down a feast fit for a king. He bit his lip as he trailed a finger through your wetness. You hissed. That contact alone was enough to send you through the roof.
You watched his face as his fingers explored your pussy. Nudging your pussy lips apart, he gathered up enough of your essence to soak his finger. Then he pushed his finger inside of you. You gasped, leaning back on your hands to keep you from just falling back and losing your marbles.
“So fuckin’ pretty,” he breathed. 
“More, Franklin Saint. Please,” you moaned.
Franklin continued to go slow, moving his eyes from your pussy and to your eyes. He smirked as he fingered you, getting you so wet you were dizzy with arousal. Your skin sizzled. You panted, eyes starting to cross. Just when you thought you were going to go over the edge, Franklin slowed his finger. 
You groaned, looking down at him. He smirked as he withdrew his finger altogether. You pouted, ready to complain when he painted your nipples with your essence. He stared at you while he leaned up on his knees and suckled your titties back into his mouth. He alternated between the two.
“Oh fuck,” you moaned. You brought one of your hands to the back of his neck, pushing him down onto your nipple. He chuckled and used his free hand to play with your clit. You jerked, moaning in your room without abandon. You were free to be as loud as you wanted. 
You wanted him to hear you. To hear how well he was treating you. Because if you had your say, you would do this every night. Open yourself to him as often as you wanted. It was more than sexual. You knew this man inside and out. You knew his quirks, his habits. Why he smiled or why he smirked. You knew what made him sad and what made him happy. You knew which foods he liked and which sweets made him grin like a kid. You knew him on a deep level and it was enough to make you tear up. 
Franklin licked the last of your arousal from your nipples and pulled his finger back out of you. He brought his wet finger up to your lips. “Suck,” he commanded.
You opened your mouth and sucked on his finger. It was so filthy, it made your pussy clench. You never thought much about tasting yourself. But when he demanded, you jumped to obey. You moaned around his finger, swirling your tongue like you wanted to do around his dick. 
As if he sensed the direction of your thoughts, his eyes narrowed and a sexy grin spread across his face. He winked at you before pulling you into a sweet kiss. You sighed, melting into him. 
“Lay down,” he said.
You did as you were told, laying on your back completely and getting comfortable. Franklin shifted on the floor, grunting a bit. You felt guilty for him being on his knees for so long, but he made no indication that he was in serious pain. And you didn’t want to ruin this moment by babying him.
He hooked his arms under your knees and yanked you closer to the edge of the bed. You yelped and giggled in response. “I could have moved,” you told him.
“I would have asked,” he said.
You giggled some more, lifting your head to look at him. You gave him a look and all he did was wink once more. He kissed your thighs, looking at you while you did so. Everywhere his lips touched, your thighs tingled. You licked your lips, watching his sexy display before you.
The way his fingers pushed into your plushy thighs. The way he alternated nibbling and kissing your legs, moving closer and closer to the wet center of you. You rolled your hips as he finally put his face where you needed him most.
You were close, you could feel it. You just needed his lips on you. Everywhere on you. Franklin blew a cool breath of air across your heated core and you moaned. He dropped his head and began to lick you.
“Fuck, fuck,” you moaned. You weren’t prepared for how well his mouth would feel on you. Suckling and licking on your clit. Your hand flew to his mini afro, pulling at him like a wild animal. You made all kinds of guttural, primal noises as he seemed to sense exactly what you needed.
He listened to every sigh you made, every moan you uttered. He paid attention to when you got quiet and when you were screeching with pleasure. Incoherent words fell from your lips as he ate you out. 
“Taste so fuckin’ good, baby,” he moaned into you. 
He brought one hand up to cup your titty. Your hand found his and you interlocked your fingers. Whether it was that extra connection or the slow way he teased your clit, you were finally screaming through an orgasm. Light and fire exploded behind your eyelids as you came, so consumed by the raging inferno that you couldn’t see or hear anything. Your mind was lost to the intense pleasure you received from Franklin. 
Your hand clutched his as you came and came, waves upon waves of fire licking up your body. You released his hand in increments, slowly returning to your body. Pools of sweat gathered in your chest, neck, and back. Your heart was beating a thousand miles per minute. 
Franklin moaned as he dragged his lips away from your pussy. You made an entire mess on your bed, but fuck it. Well fucking worth it.
Franklin climbed to his feet, hovering over you with a self-satisfied smirk. “You good?” He asked.
“So, so good,” you said and grinned. You got up slowly from your bed, standing up and stepping close to him. He lifted his eyebrow at you.
You smirked at him as you undid his belt and pulled his pants down. You dropped down to your knees, staring into his dark, beautiful eyes as you did so. He grinned. 
“And I thought there could be nothin’ sexier than that ass,” he said.
You giggled. His dick was hard and thick in all the right places. You palmed him. He was so smooth and hard as steel. It amazed you. The feeling of him. You explored his balls as well, so heavy already. It made you ache just thinking of him filling you up. Just a fantasy though, you did not want babies.
You pushed for him to sit and then you scooted in between his legs. You took him into your mouth and Franklin hissed, his hand coming around your neck. He didn’t stop you, so you started to work on him, swirling your tongue around his thick tip.
He moaned, throwing his head back as you sucked his dick, tasting beads of precum as it leaked into your mouth. You played with his balls as well, using your hands to grip the base of his shaft. You let some saliva drip out of your mouth so that you could coat his dick and make it easier to slide your hands.
Every dirty thought or fantasy poured out of you, sucking him exactly as you had in your mind over the years. Every which way you thought to take him, you did. Bobbing your head up and down or massaging his balls just right. You hoped this would lead to more, but if it didn’t, you wanted to give him a night he wouldn’t forget. A night you would always remember over and over again.
“Fuck, baby,” Franklin moaned. You tried to pay attention to his words and actions like he did for you. But this blow job was more about you. You didn’t think you were one for sucking someone off like this, but fuck. Sucking Franklin Saint off did something to you. Turned you feral. 
You slurped his dick, lewd sucking noises filling the room and mixed with his soft pleas and curses. He shifted his hips, moving them so that he was meeting your strokes in the middle. You sucked him down further, trying to fit more into your mouth without gagging. 
“I’m gonna cum,” he moaned. You kept going. The goal was to make him cum. To make him feel good. To find pleasure in your mouth like you found with his mouth on you. He tried tapping your shoulder but you only continued, looking up into his eyes with a silent dare.
You wanted him to cum in your mouth. He looked at you and cursed as his dick twitched and released hot pulses of cum. You swallowed him down as he continued to release a thick load into your mouth. 
He cursed again and again as you swallowed each and every drop. Franklin fell back onto the bed with a sigh and you slowly released his dick. He twitched, sensitive from a powerful orgasm. 
You climbed onto the bed, snuggling into him. He panted and huffed. “Stole my damn soul,” he said in between breaths. “Give it back.”
You laughed, loudly, at his corny ass. “No refunds,” you told him and kissed his cheek. He turned his head and kissed you, tongue exploring your mouth. You sucked on his bottom lip and he groaned. 
The kiss grew more passionate. Like you were both starving for each other and one hit wasn’t enough. He moved to climb on top of you but hissed with pain instead of desire. You broke the kiss and then pushed him until he was at the head of the bed, cushioned by your pillows.
You climbed off of the bed, finding his pants, his wallet, and then pulling out a condom. You opened the foil package, rolling it into his hardened dick. And that was just from kissing you. You grinned at him as you rolled it on, all the way down to the base. Then you pinched the top to give him some room. 
You climbed onto the bed while he watched you with a soft look on his face. You blew him a kiss as you climbed onto him, trying not to hurt him.
“You won’t hurt me,” he said.
“I just want to make you feel good,” you said. And it was so true. So deeply true that you just wanted to make him happy. Make him feel nothing but peace in your presence. Make it worth taking a chance on you.
You lifted off of the bed and then guided him inside of your body. It took a few tries but you finally got him lined up just right. He helped steady you as you sunk down onto his dick. You both shared a moan. 
Fuck. He felt so good stretching you that you closed your eyes and savored the feeling. The raw feeling of him inside of you and beneath you. His strong hands around your waist and back, steadying you. 
You weren’t always good on top, but you made the effort to last as long as possible. You stayed on your knees, not athletic enough to properly bounce on his dick. You did your best though, moving so that you weren’t grinding on him, you were genuinely riding him. 
You watched Franklin’s face, the drops of sweat sliding down the smooth planes of his face. He looked so damn good. From his hair to the goatee on his face. You planted your hands on his thighs, leaning back a bit and took him in deeper at this angle. You continued to bounce and moan, titties flying everywhere.
Franklin quickly solved that, grabbing your titties in his hands and leaning forward to suckle on your nipples while you rode him.
“Feel so good, so good,” you moaned.
“Fuck, ride me so well,” Franklin moaned.
Your nails dug into his bare shoulders as you continued to chase the orgasm that was just out of reach. You felt it, getting closer and closer, making your body turn to mush with desire. You clutched Franklin to you as the orgasm finally rippled through you. 
A few pumps later, Franklin joined you, roaring out his pleasure as you felt him twitch and jerk inside of you. Your body bowed as his twitching touched a deep part of you. You moaned and collapsed on top of him. 
You panted a few times then tried to move, not wanting to crush the poor man. But Franklin tightened his hold on you, bringing his arms to wrap around you.
“Stay just like this,” he whispered softly.
“Franklin Saint,” you muttered, smiling against his damp skin. You licked his chest and felt him shudder beneath you.
“Don’t play with me,” Franklin warned. You turned your head towards him and smiled, giving him a sweet kiss.
“Long overdo,” you said sleepily.
“Way too fuckin’ long,” he said. He kissed the top of your head. He eventually did slip out of you and took off the condom, but you were too wrapped up in each other to want to move. You stayed up until the sky brightened outside, talking and laughing with him until you both drifted off to sleep.
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Whew! Need some more Franklin??? The Secret Franklin Saint Files
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elizais · 5 months
okok may i request headcanons/drabbles on bsd boys (pref dazai, chuuya, jouno, tecchou, fyodor, tachihara, sigma, nikolai??) with a gf who has glasses but is almost blind without them? like velma in scooby doo, she needs her glasses and panics when she fr can't find them? thank you so much with glitters and sparkles!!
ofc! i'll split this into 2/3 parts though for the boys u asked for if any1 wants more!!
when their gf needs glasses (and they get lost)
like the request!! drabbles for each. featuring: dazai, chuuya, fyodor!! more parts will come warnings: dazai being a shit (lovingly),, drabbles dividers by @cafekitsune мышь = mouse (google translate so idk)
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"osamu?" she called out, concern slightly tinting her voice. "yes, bella? everything alright?" he responded, on the other side of the bathroom door.
"yes, well, no but-" she stumbled over her words, opening the door as she was covered in a fluffy towel. he waited for her to catch her breath, knowing what she was missing. taking in a deep breath, "i can't find my glasses."
she didn't tend to lose her glasses, only taking them off for sleeping, showering and getting changed. very rarely having any other reason to do so. osamu chuckled at her, squinting her eyes to make out his facial expression. "have you seen them?" she asked him, walking towards her bedroom to put on clothes.
"i'll look now, dear." he smiled, knowing he placed them on a shelf she cannot reach. in his defence, he wanted her to ask him for help! she was so self sufficient after all..
she walked out of the bedroom, hitting her hip on the corner of a table slightly. "my, my.. you really need those glasses!" he teased as he ruffled her hair. an unimpressed look was plastered over her face, replacing her glasses. "yes, i do, osamu!". she ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm herself down.
"do you know where you last took them off?" he asked, of course he knew that she left them on the end table outside the bathroom. thats where he picked them up. she nodded her head, pointing to the end table that did not have the glasses.
he took her hand in his, suddenly feeling bad for what he had done. it was not worth seeing her so stressed out over some glasses. he walked her into the office room.
she didn't seem to realise it was osamu who had moved her glasses, so, to stay in her good books he looked around with her. when her back was turned, he took the glasses off of the shelf and put them on the desk beneath it.
"oh, darling! here they are!" he smiled as you turned around. he handed them to her and was pleased to see her smile back. "was it you, 'samu?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.
he nodded slowly. she clicked her tongue before pressing a kiss to his cheek.
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chuuya walked into the apartment, usually being greeted with a hug and a kiss but not today. it was too early for her to be asleep, he wandered where she was before he heard a frustrated groan.
"doll?" he spoke, wondering what was wrong. he heard her gasp as she ran into the front room to him. she greeted him with a hug quickly, throwing herself against him - chuuya having to catch her.
"hey chuu.." she kissed his cheek. she didn't want to have her worries affect him but she needed help. he gently placed her down and immediately notice the absence of her glasses.
"well you don't have to look at me like that." he sarcastically remarked as he pretended to be annoyed. he laughed at her squinting eyes. "did you lose your specs?" he asked.
"don't call them that, you geek!" she smacked him on the bicep gently before sighing, "yeah."
he pretended to wince in pain, holding the spot she hit.
"well i was going to help you, but i don't think you deserve to see now!" he joked. "where did you last have them, princess?" he kissed her forehead before adding in his pet name for her.
"i was taking a nap on the couch, and i think i put them either on the armrest by my head or on the coffee table." she exasperatedly exclaimed, throwing an arm in the direction of the living room.
chuuya instantly put together a theory, he walked over, hearing her footsteps behind him. she must have knocked them off from wherever they were in her sleep.
he activated his ability and touched the couch, letting it float up a metre or so. he crouched down and grabbed the glasses and slowly lowered the couch. she wasn't able to see the specifics of what happened but saw him walk towards her with a smug look on his face.
"here you go, doll." he held out the glasses, but before she could grab them he let them float to the ceiling. "costs a kiss to get them back!" he flicked her forehead.
she sighed, "i suppose i'll have to pay for another pair then.." she joked, earning an exaggerated shocked look from chuuya. she kissed his lips softly and caught the glasses as he lowered them.
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fyodor was sat in his office, typing away on his computer in serious concentration.
in another room, he heard objects being moved around. last he checked, his partner was asleep. he heard her footsteps near before the door to his office opened.
spinning around in his chair, "мышь, is something troubling you?" he asked, receiving a small nod in response. "i can't find my glasses, my head hurts because i'm squinting, i feel gross, and i'm cold." she rattled off.
"where did you take them off, dear?" he queried. she shrugged. "i fell asleep on you when you were researching and woke up in our bed. thank you for taking me to the bed but i don't know where i put them!!" she gestured wildly, nervously cracking her fingers before he stood up.
he held her hands so she would stop with her nervous tic, "go take a shower love, and stop squinting. i will find them if it stresses you out so much." he hummed, softly rubbing his thumbs over her knuckles.
she went to the bathroom, fyodor was racking his brain for when she took them off. he thought she possibly left them in the car, he shuddered at the thought of going out in the cold weather to check the car. but, he put on his shoes and grabbed his coat.
before touching the door handle, he thought he is better to put his ushanka on. not wanting his head to be cold either.
walking towards the office she fell asleep in his arms on top of the chair in, he lifted up his ushanka. a pair of glasses with a few traces of fluff on them from the hat sat on the table.
letting out a sigh of relief as he didn't have to go out in the cold, he opted not to tell you it was his fault you couldn't spot your glasses.
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beybaldes · 1 year
and wouldn't you love to love her?
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
Word Count : 2.1k
Summary : basically my fic they long to be (close to you) with a warren!ending. OR the one where Warren reveals he can't sleep without you anymore.
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered your fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more warren fics xoxo
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Moving to LA had been much more isolating then you'd ever thought it'd be. Sure, you'd moved with there with some of your closest friends, but it still felt harrowingly lonely compared to what you were used to in Pittsburgh. In your small hometown, everyone knew everyone, so wherever you went, you saw someone you knew - here, in LA, you felt lucky to accidentally make eye contact with a stranger on the street.
Warren was the number one person happy to fill the needed affection you often sought out since moving to LA. He, himself, was quite the lover - always one to take a cuddle and hold onto a hug for way longer then most would deem appropriate - which was exactly what you needed. The two of you had spent many nights in bed together in LA just for the company of it, and not that you didn't like it, you just wished it was with someone else, instead.
"You coming to bed, sweet girl?" Warren asked with a tired drawl to his words, extending a hand out to you while the other held the remainder of his joint to his lips.
"In a little." You hummed back, taking a hit out the joint he offered out to you, the joint being held to your lips by Warren instead of taking it into your own hands. "I'm not tired enough to sleep."
Warren pulled the joint back to his lips, his other hand coming to brush your hair out of your eyes and behind your ear, his hand resting against your hair and keeping you tucked in the crook of his neck. "You want me to wait up with you? Or you can come keep my company? I'll put on some Fleetwood Mac, it'll help you sleep, baby girl."
That was another thing that you missed about Pittsburgh; the constant nicknames you let the others call you. Back in Pittsburgh, everyone had some kind of name to call you except the one you were born with. Now? Karen called you sweet-pea, Eddie called you birdie, Camilla called you sunshine as did Graham and even Billy, but Warren? Warren called you whatever he liked; sweet girl, baby girl, baby, doll, his.
"No, it's okay Warren, you go to bed." Warren scooped you up in his arms, placing you down in the spot next to Graham who had already opened up his blanket for you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'll leave the door open for you."
You let your head fall to Graham's shoulder, who pulled his arm out from between the two of you and wrapped it over the back of the sofa. He allowed you to tangle your legs up in his pyjama covered ones, making sure you were comfortable before he turned his attention back to the tv screen.
"You and Warren are sleeping together?" Karen had been the one brave enough to ask, the conversation between the two of you not unnoticed by the rest of the group - it being the only thing to break the silence in the past 40 minutes. 
All heads turned to you, attention suddenly on something that had the potential to be more interesting then the rerun of Scooby-doo that had just started. "Not like that." You answered softly, eyes still focused on the cartoon dog and his gang on friends, not noticing how everyone else was now looking at you. "We both just like the company of it. I don't think either of us realised how lonely it would be coming out to LA."
"Cute." Camilla mused, a warm smile curling on her lips as she took in that even in your sleep you were reaching out for the touch and warmth of someone else.
"You're always welcome in my bed, sweet-pea." Karen added, a smile curling on her own lips as she managed to take your attention away from the tv. "I swear you run cold. Would be nice in the LA heat."
"You can't steal my blanket buddy." Graham gasped, pulling you tighter against him and furiously tucking the blanket around the two of you. "She's the perfect amount of cold. The windows open, with the blanket, with y/n is the perfect temperature for me."
"I'm going to have to pass on that one Karen, unless you want to come down to my room." You countered her offer with a soft smile, attention moving back to the tv once more. "Warren says your room is haunted."
Laughter spread through out the room as you sided with Warren even in his absence; he was so sweet to you, and that's what friends do, so how could you not?
"What?" You asked, laughing yourself. "We left it empty until your arrival for a reason." That caused another round of laughter to break out in the room, everyone enjoying the way the two of you were slowly but surely morphing into one person with the more time you spent confined in the LA rental.
A particularly loud shout of "scoob!" from the TV had everyone's attention turned back to the cartoon, letting the nature of your relationship with Warren lie for at least the time being.
By the end of the third episode, only you, Graham and Eddie remained in the room. Graham was fast asleep, his head leaning against yours making you trapped in his hold, and Eddie was sat in the armchair against the wall, legs curled into the seat and a bottle of warm beer in his hands that he'd been nursing for the last half an hour.
As the intro to the next rerun of Scooby-doo blasted from the TV, Graham startled awake, literally jumping out of his seat and pulling the blanket with him. He grumbled some attempt at what you thought was a goodnight, and stumbled sleepily out of the room, the warmth of him and the blanket leaving you alone on the couch.
Eddie got up from his seat without a word, joining you on the couch with his arm stretched over your shoulders and across the back of the couch cushions.
"I know you like him." Eddie teased, letting his arm fall around you and pull you into his side. He pulled the blanket off the back of the couch and placed it over the two of you, trying to keep you warm now that Graham had stolen your provisos blanket. "I can tell, I think we all can."
"Everyone except Warren, I guess." You complained, letting your head fall back against his shoulder, taking the warm beer he held in his hands and having a sip of it.
"He likes you too you know." Eddie laughed at the face of disbelief you pulled, taking the beer back from you to have another sip for himself. "All I'm saying is, you don't see me in his bed every night, and he likes me just fine."
You hummed into him, tucking your head away from the light of the tv screen, thinking about what Eddie was suggesting. His fingers moved to run through your hair, soothing you to sleep even if he hadn't meant to.
It wouldn't be the first time you had ended up in this predicament, you and Eddie cuddled up together on a couch in someone's living room, the night having gotten away from you. But it was the first time since coming to LA, the first time since you'd basically moved into Warren's bed, and if it weren't for the fact you were already half asleep, you would've felt sick about it.
Eddie wasn't far behind you when it came to falling asleep, his fingers shortly stilling and beer left half drank and held loosely between his fingers.
As people slowly began to filter into the living room the following morning, you made yourself plenty comfortable in Eddie's lap - instead of taking up the whole couch - allowing him to wrap an arm around your waist and hold you up and against him by your thighs. You lazily tuned into the conversation everyone else seemed to be having, mainly focused on eating the bowl of cereal Camilla had given you and the feeling of Eddie's fingers toying with the hem of your shorts. Picking up another spoonful of food, you offered him a mouthful, him taking it with a grateful smile.
"I thought you and Warren were sleeping together?" Billy asked, gesturing at you and Eddie with the tip of his spoon accusingly.
"And I thought we discussed this last night." You deflected with a shrug. Everyone apparently knew of your feelings for the curly haired brunette according to Eddie, but that didn't mean you had to admit them to them. It would only give them more ammunition to tease you with anyways. "Me and Ed's stayed out here last night, tried to stay up watching scooby-doo but failed, that's all."
"You and Ed's, huh." Graham asked, his eyebrow raised in suspicion.
"You're just jealous that she doesn't have a cute nickname for you." Eddie spat back, quickly coming to your defence as you offered him another bite of your cereal.
Scanning your eyes around the room, you took notice of the lack of a certain member of the sixes presence. "Where is Warren, actually?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" Graham teased, earning a smack on the chest from Eddie who came to your defence as you left the room, leaving him with your cereal and an unusually rowdy Graham.
You crept into Warren's room, quiet as a mouse, hoping not to wake him up as you made your own way to bed. Despite your claim last night, you headed over first to the record player in the corner, pulling out your Fleetwood Mac vinyl and skipping to where Rhiannon should start. Turing the volume down enough that it wouldn't go outside the room but would reach you from Warren's bed. Cracking open the window just enough to let in a cool breeze, you finally got into what had become your side of Warren's bed.
No sooner then you'd lied down and turned on your side to slowly wake him, Warren was cosying himself into your side, nuzzling into your shoulder and wrapping his arm around you, intertwining your fingers.
"I didn't mean to wake you, m'sorry." You murmured, wiggling your arm out of his hold to wrap it over him, tangling your fingers in his mess of curls. You scratched gently at his scalp, Warren preening into your touch, yearning for it. "Well I did actually, but not like this, it's nearly 9."
"You didn't wake me, sweet girl." He purred, pressing a kiss, then another, then another to your shoulder. "Can't sleep without you, just been sat here all night trying to."
"Warren." You whined, shuffling to face him better at his confession. "You should've said so. I would've come with you when you first asked. You could've come to get me."
"I didn't want you to think I was needy." He whispered, avoiding your eyes as he busied himself in trying to get comfy now that you were in his arms again. "Plus, when I did come out to get you, you seemed pretty cosy with Eddie."
"We just fell asleep watching tv, that's all." You promised, feeling as a smile creeped onto Warren's face at your admission. "Nothing else. If I didn't have the blanket I would've come here, to you. I promise."
"You're here now, baby girl. That's all that matters to me." Warren was already dropping asleep, his need for it catching up quickly now that your presence was beside him, now that he was safe in your arms. "All that matters."
At your lack of response, Warren began to move, exhibiting the most life you'd seen in him since you'd walked into the room minutes ago. "C'mere hot stuff." Warren opened his arms to you, letting you shuffle down until your head rested against his chest and your arms were wrapped under his, going up his back and holding onto his shoulders from behind.
You gently scratched your fingers up and down his back, lulling him to sleep just as he was lulling you sleep with the soothing circles he was rubbing into your hip. You were quick to fall asleep again in his hold, as you did every night in Warren's bed, as did Warren, who, like he'd just admitted, couldn't sleep without you in his arms.
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bonebabbles · 4 months
Ok. Fun scooby-doo jokes are over. Time for a graphic birthing scene as Star Flower enters premature labor after being starved for days and running to get away from a bunch of stinky, dirty rogues.
The writers will see a woman character and ask, "Is anyone going to describe the pain and viscera in intense, obsessive detail?" and not even wait
*Shrek voice* she doesn't even get the birthing stick
(under a cut because eurgh)
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It's gotta be super dramatic, to really tease the audience with the idea that Clear Sky might lose a third pregnant wife for his pain.
Star Flower has been put through such INTENSE torment to make Clear Sky feel bad and rally the cats to come together to help him out that it's taken me out of it completely.
Gray Wing also realizes he's been thinking about Star Flower too much, while she's bleeding out and giving birth several weeks early after escaping Slash's Torment Nexus, so he takes a moment to rotate his brother around in his head for a bit.
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"He'd been so panicked about Star Flower that he hadn't thought about his brother," who is apparently going to get set upon by a band of Slash's angry rogues all alone in this fantasy daydream Gray Wing has conjured up in his head.
Like, apparently Clear Sky is going to leave the meeting with Slash, get told about the secret plan to rescue Star Flower which was happening concurrently (already happened; we saw this), then jump up and run from what everyone's told him, bolt towards a camp he doesn't know the location of, and a patrol of Slash's warriors are going to find him?
Anyway then all the women come together to midwife for Star Flower.
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And then Clear Sky and Star Flower cuddle around the new kits and act all cute. The "pure love" in Clear Sky's eyes is focused on, everyone recommends he takes extra good care of his premature kits, etc. He's So Totally Changed Now, through the magic of wife and babies.
All I'm thinking about is how he kills one of these children later, by refusing to allow Acorn Fur to complete her training and throwing a tantrum about how "SkyClan doesn't ask for help unless we have no choice!" when she tells him she can't treat his son's fox-inflicted mauling alone.
One more patented brother moment between Clear Sky and Gray Wing
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I'm just gonna be honest, man... I hear from a LOT of people that this tugs at their heartstrings, so maybe I just don't "get it." But this WHOLE series long, Gray Wing has pissed himself over how Clear Sky can't have possibly "changed that much" from when they were children, won't accept that he's a child-beating and woman-slaughtering tyrant, IMMEDIATELY jumps to his defense at every turn even when it's ridiculous, and here's the payoff.
Hugging and sniffing his Dear Brother and having a flashback to them being babies at their mother's breast, secure in the knowledge he was right all along.
That every time he downplayed abuse, shoved people towards a situation where they'd be in danger, or prevented others from recognizing Clear Sky as the threat he was, he was correct that Clear Sky, in contrast to the EEEVIL rogues, was a good boy. Nothing about Clear's behavior has actually changed besides having MORE children to endanger.
This is chapter SIX of the LAST BOOK and we already saw Clear Sky using abuse tactics earlier to try and manipulate Thunder into doing what he wants.
So, I can't sympathize with the "heartwarming" reaction. "Ohh it's so sweet that the dear brothers are having flashbacks to when they were 6" I cannot relate. Idk how you can watch AMVs of this without wanting to set them both on fire. Thunder should get a restraining order.
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One thing I am still upset at until.tjis day is the one side stories episode where they dressed up as scooby doo characters.
Say what you want about the mlp comparison, but I'll give it as much as it being somewhat accurate. I don't know if I would've picked the same comparisons, but it makes sense. I can understand where it came from.
But this??? This is insane.
Let's start off with the biggest crime of all; Why is Fred AARON?? Listen I know old cartoon Fred has no personality, but Fred in the more recent adaptations (not counting Velma) has consistently been a himbo.
Fred has been reclaimed as an iconic himbo icon. With this characterization comes the fact that he is literally mystreet Garroth.
I have been rewatching mystery and incorporated recently. And with every scene with Fred that I watch, I think to myself, "This is literally Garroth."
It's not just the blonde hair, it's the personality. The energy.
Mystreet season 1 Garroth especially, yes he had the puff out your feathers scene. But he was also shown to be pretty smart when it came to other stuff. Well-meaning and kind but dumb when it comes to feelings and emotions, JUST LIKE FRED. THAT'S LITTERALLY FRED.
Meanwhile that doesn't seem to be Aaron. I am not as big of an Aaron hater as most of you, I blame the age gap on Jason, not Aaron. I really like what mcd Aaron had going on for him. And I find it ridiculous when people get upset at him for "stealing Aphmau away from Garroth (and Laurance)".
But you know what I am upset at? HE STOLE BEING THE FRED FROM GARROTH.
I swear Jess just made Fred Aaron because he is the conventionally attractive male lead. (Meanwhile Garroth is FAR more conventionally attractive then Aaron bffr)
And instead Garroth is SCOOBY. Garroth is the DOG. WHY? And before you say "because Zane was Scrappy". THAT WAS EVEN WORSE. Everyone hates Scrappy! Zane does NOT deserve that slander. Free the guy, all he did was being emo.
This actually perfectly illustrates how Garroth and Zane aren't taken seriously by the other characters. ESPECIALLY ZANE! By the narrative and the other characters, they're(especially Zane) not taken seriously. Like how it's laughed at the very idea of Zane getting a lover. And in minigames, we see things like people laughing at the idea of shipping Garroth with anyone. Because Garroth is obviously too stupid to feel serious love/s. And Zane is obviously to undesirable to ever be loved by anyone/s. Garroth is the good dog, Zane is the bad dog.
I do not CARE how cool that comparison is though. GARROTH SHOULD HAVE BEEN FRED.
Also, Aphmau?? As Velma?? Really? I mean, fine, but it doesn't fit with how Aphmau is (sadly) infantalised in canon. And she is never really shown to be book smart at all. She is shown to struggle in school. Sure, she is shown to have more sense than Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis (which isn't very hard). And sure, this was all before Kim was introduced, and it was when Emmalyn wasn't relevant anymore. However, I don't care, and I still believed it should've been Emmalyn. Maybe the orange would clash, though,,,, maybe Kenmur? I don't know, I just think it should've probably been someone else.
Also, WHERE WAS DAPHNE AT? Why did Lucinda only show up FOR ONE SECOND? They included Scrappy but not Daphne????!! I know Daphne is often portrayed as a little boring, but this is an outrage.
I think Shaggy should've been someone else, too. Laurance doesn't seem like much of a coward. If I were to imagine Garroth, Laurance, Dante, and Travis in a horror movie. And you asked me who would survive, I'd say Laurance. Laurance is either the final girl or a part of the couple that makes out and gets killed while doing that.
It's actually lowkey insane he was Pony assigned Rainbow dash but then assigned SHAGGY from all the scooby doo characters. The only thing consistent between those two is that they both probably smell and don't wash themselves enough.
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winniethewife · 8 months
Chain around my neck. (Moon knight system x reader)
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Darling, you're the one I want (Steven)
Part 1 Part 2
Words: 547
After living together for just over a year and being together for two, she knew a few things to be definitely true. One, She knew that of the three, Steven was the one who respected the privacy of the other two the most. Two, Marc and Jake were most happy when Steven was happy. Three, She knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with them. So after some scheming, carefully out of the view of dear Steven she managed to pull off an elaborate plan. She and Steven went to lunch at their favorite local Vegan eatery, and then to the local second hand book shop. Steven was enthused to be on such a great date day with his lovely girlfriend, but something was interesting, He notices that both Marc and Jake were keeping a respectable distance from the front of the headspace. Which was unusual. But he tried not to over analyze it.
“Hey, Steven lets go to our spot in the park, see the ducks.” She smiles at him, trying to be as nonchalant as possible.
“Yeah…Okay.” He smiles at her and takes her hand as they walk down to the local park, there’s a little pond and there’s always lots of ducks, which they both enjoyed. Ducks were adorable. As they arrived she started to fidget with something in her pocket. Steven was curious.
“What’cha got love?” He asks looking at her, his eyes squinted.
“N-nothing Darling.” She tries to play it off until they got over to the bench. He eyes her suspiciously
“Now come on, why can’t you just tell me, you’re acting odd? And I haven’t a Scooby-doo what it’s about.” He stops in front of the bench where they normally sit She laughs slightly.
“All right Steven, you got me. I’m hiding something…” She pulls the black velvet box out of her pocket and opens it up, a gold band, she pulls it out and he can see the inside of the band inscribed with the initials of all four of them. “Steven, when I first met you, I thought Marc was pulling my leg. But over the last two years I’ve learned more about Egypt than I ever thought I would, discovered not all vegan food is bad and that you don’t need eggs to make birthday cake. I never want to take back a second of my time with any of you, not when I've read all of the books beside your bed, when I’ve watched every bad action movie ever made with Marc, or the car shows with Jake. I want all of it forever.” She gets down on one Knee. “Steven Grant, will you marry me?”
“Y-yes…Of course…I mean who wouldn’t!” He was babbling. Steven could barely think straight, the tears coming to his eyes, he never ever in a hundred million years ever thought this would Happen. She stood up and they kissed each other his hands on the back of her head as he held her close. His arms wrapped around her, like if he let go it would all disappear. When he did let her go, she slid the ring on his finger and smiles, she wipes the happy tears from his eyes.
“It's gonna be alright”
“Yeah it is.”
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imagineandwrite · 1 year
𝘖𝘣𝘴𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘷𝘴 𝘓𝘰𝘷𝘦 - 𝘐
I'd Rather Not
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Word Count: 2.6k Words Warnings: Cussing, Terrible Humor, Reader is a player, Shuri has a staring problem
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Y/N L/N has built her reputation amongst the students and teachers. Teachers knew her as a young lady with a bright future, while the students knew her as the school's fuck girl and dealer.
Yesterday marked the third year since she left her kingdom, and she still hadn't gone to visit. Three years since she last spoke to her grandparents, three years since she'd seen her sister, Nuru. Today was the anniversary of her and her roommate's friendship.
Riri Williams is a young woman busying herself with small and big projects. She got into MIT with a scholarship granted by the late Ironman, who paid for her books, dorm, tuition, and everything.
"Happy Anniversary," Riri hums and flops onto the floor next to Y/N. She took pride in knowing everything about Y/N, like her real name, where she was from, and more. She even knew about how her parents died and when she lost her virginity. They developed a pattern of Y/N doing random things at odd hours of the night and Riri attempting to stop her. Like yesterday, Y/N drove to glue chicken nuggets to her least favorite teacher's desk.
"We sound like a couple," Y/N scoffs as she lifts her body onto her bed, dragging Riri with her. They sit with their backs against the wall and a laptop playing Scooby Doo in front of them. Her eyelids are heavy, and she feels like she's floating.
"We ain't ever gon date, said so yourself," The shorter girl denies, leaning into her friend's side as she remembered when Y/N turned her down. Y/N told her she would never date her, not because she wasn't attractive, but because it wasn't in her nature to date. She never fully dated anyone, only sneaky links.
"That don't stop you from liking me," Y/N chuckles as she shifts the two to lie down. 
"Go to sleep, T."
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The first three classes were easy minus random girls coming up asking for a quick meet or boys asking when Y/N would swing both ways. As usual, she turned the heads of both students and teachers, men and women. Y/N knew she was pretty, had since she was six after she batted her eyelashes at the cook so he'd give her two cookies instead of one.
It didn't help that she carried herself with masculine confidence, or at least that's what Riri said.
"It's something about a masculine woman with confidence that just butters our biscuits," She chuckled, her lips pursed as she tried to stop the smile from showing.
"Never say that shit again," Y/N deadpanned.
"I gotta stop hanging with Kayla."
She had one more class today, then she could sleep, but before that, she needed to get her textbook. The teacher, Mr. John, was her least favorite teacher of all. He was your stereotypical creepy teacher. Telling girls off for showing skin, giving remarks that made girls giggle uncomfortably, and he always seemed to be looking at the girls' legs.
It took eight minutes for Y/N to get to her dorm. She was stopped by a group of boys paying her for supplying their party and two girls throwing compliments at her.
Though the dorm was also Y/N's, she still knocked on the door. It felt wrong to barge in. It was like your sibling barging into your room, and then leaving the door open.
"Ri," She knocks twice, pressing her ear against the door. "I left my textbook, and Mr. John is on my ass. Can I come in?"
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"Took me a couple of months, but I had my friend- Did we piss off Wakanda?"
"Not just us, this place is no longer-"
Knocking on the door interrupts Shuri, and the two glance between the door and each other.
"Ri, I left my textbook, and Mr. John is on my ass. Can I come in?"
"Just tell me where it is," Riri shouted, shoving past the shocked princess and looking around for the thick book. She hears Shuri asking her who it was, she ignores it in favor of stopping the door from opening.
"You got somebody over or something?" The person whispers, her filed fingernails poking over Riri's head to wave into the room. 
"Just tell me where it is and I'll-WOAH!" Riri stumbles back, barely avoiding being hit by the door as it swings open.
Shuri and Y/N stared at each other before the woman glared at her while reaching back to slam the door shut. "Who is this woman?!"
"Why didn't you stay outside?!" Riri shouts back, running around the two to grab her bag.
"Why is she here?!" Y/N interjected, following after Riri as she waved her hand towards Shuri, narrowly avoiding her face. Riri sighed, she should've known her roommate would come back soon.
Her eyes widen in realization before spinning back to point between the two women, "She helped me build it! Why you ain't here for her?"
"Build what?" Y/N demanded, twisting so she could look between the two. Shuri tilted her head, her eyes trailing the taller woman's figure before shaking her head clear of any thoughts.
"Ms. Willams built a vibranium detector. Did you help her?"
"I did a little razzle-dazzle," She admitted, scratching her head as she looked to the side. Riri shouted at her, reaching over to smack the woman's arm.
"Razzle dazzle, my ass! You helped me find parts and made corrections," She corrected, using her fingers to list each task. "You used that thing from your alarm clock to make it work."
"Will you shut the hell up?!"
"I need you to pack your things and come with me right now," Shuri demanded, glancing between the two.
"I have class in like fifteen minutes, and Y/N's late for hers," Riri protested as she shared a look with her roommate. Flinching at the glare Shuri gave her, Riri sighed as she looked around the room.
"Ok, just let me go to the bathroom real quick," Riri said as she crept around the princess who watched Y/N. Faintly she hears her roommate mumble, 'Why is she staring like that?' Halfway through the door, she looked up and cursed, "Shit!"
She ran to the corner of the room, glaring at the bald black woman who entered from the bathroom.
"I had it under control," Shuri insisted, slightly irritated. Okoye shrugged, her eyes never straying from Riri, "You asked for five minutes, I gave you six."
Riri watched as both of them crept towards her, and Y/N stepped in front of her. Shuri held her hand out, "Calm down." She pleaded.
"Get out," Riri demanded as she waved her hands towards the door, peeking around Y/N's arm. "Get out of our dorm."
The shorter girl looked around for something and settled for the speaker on the desk. She snatched it and held it in her arms, ready to throw it. "I swear, you better not take another step towards us."
"Mmph see how they teach the children here to treat their guests," Okoye said to Shuri in mock disappointment. Riri took the opportunity to shove her roommate and heave the speaker towards them. Okoye whipped her hand out, and a small metal rod extended into a full spear, slicing the speaker in half.
Shuri and Riri's mouths dropped open in shock at the action, "You brought a spear in here?!"
"I like her," Okoye chuckled. She grunted when Y/N threw a pillow at her, and she shouted, "We don't like you, this is a completely one-sided relationship!"
A breathy chuckle to her left drew Okoye's attention from the panicking duo and toward Shuri, whose eyes were still on Y/N. Riri lifted a heater over her head as the general stepped forward and grinned at them, "You small small girl, you can either come to Wakanda with your giant friend, conscious or unconscious."
"You need to be conscious of the way that you look, walking 'round here all that ash on your head," Riri sassed, glaring at the offended woman.
"Since the ash has been acknowledged, I'm offering you help," Y/N grinned, stepping around Riri to grab a small bottle of oil. She spun back toward the glaring woman with a smile and presented the bottle, "Use this hair oil to get rid of the rolling in baby powder look."
Shuri laughed as she leaned forward slightly before she stood straight to avoid Okoye's glare. "That's funny?"
"No, no it's not," she answered, trying to control her laugh.
"Mhm, I told you," she said, hitting Shuri's arm. The princess smiled in assurance, "You look good."
"Now, wait a minute," Y/N shouted, stepping and glancing between the two. "You knew she was walking round here looking like that?"
"She knew!" Okoye shouted, pointing at Shuri over Y/N's shoulder. The two shared a chuckle at the general's obvious distress. "Sweetheart, that is just foul."
"Riri!" Y/N started, quickly spinning to the startled girl. "If you ever do that to me, I will shave you bald and put baby powder on your head, so you twinning with black Caillou over here."
"Who is this Caillou?" Okoye scoffed, looking over at Shuri, who shrugged.
"It don't matter, we not going," Riri chuckled, adjusting the heater when Okoye went to step forward.
"You know what?" Shuri began, stepping back to grin at Okoye, "Let's leave them here and let them deal with the merman with winged ankles, who wants to kill them, alone."
"You're right," Okoye nodded as the pair walked towards the door. Just before they opened it, Shuri turned back with a grin and danced, "You got this."
"Mhm, with your heater," Okoye grumbled.
"Hell no," Y/N groaned, shuffling around before running around to pack her things.
"T, what're you doing?" Riri asked, watching the girl put folded clothes into a bag. She spun around to glare at Riri and waved her arms at Shuri, "Did you not just hear what she just said?"
After a moment, Riri sighed and went to pack her bag, "We'll need to stop by the workshop, all our projects are there."
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They walked towards the car with Okoye in front of them and Shuri behind them. A girl walking past grinned at the group, "Hey, Y/N, you got a new toy for yourself?"
Shuri raised a brow but continued to walk. She could hear another person running up to them. "Y/N, wait!"
They paused right at the car and turned to look at the approaching woman. She was average height with braids in a bun. Y/N rolled her eyes with a huff as the girl reached up to hug her. Her hands stayed in her pockets as she leaned down slightly for her, "What's wrong now, Nat?"
"Just wondering where ya going?" Nature pouted, huffing when the taller girl shoved her away.
"Not like it matters, 'cause we ain't together, I'm working," Y/N murmured, scratching her neck as she glanced at the group behind her.
Okoye was checking something on her beads while Riri was staring at the pair. Shuri seemed to be glaring at the two of them, looking away when she caught Y/N's eye.
"Who is that?" She whispered, staring at the pair out the corner of her eye. Riri sighed as she shook her head, "One of her crazy ex flings, she got tired of the girl following her around and getting jealous. They ain't fucking no more, but Nature has a bad habit of telling everyone she's dating her."
Noticing the way Shuri's jaw clenched, she quickly spoke, "They never were and still aren't."
"Ready to go, sweetheart?"
An arm wrapped around Shuri's shoulders and pulled her into Y/N's side. She could see Nature glaring at her over her shoulder and grinned. Wrapping her arm around Y/N's waist, Shuri snickered, "Of course, Sthandwa."
Y/N smiled to herself and opened the door to let Shuri in. "This is the passenger side," Shuri argued as Riri and Okoye got in the back.
"Do you know where the garage is?" Y/N asked, lifting Shuri into the car and closing the door after checking she was in her seat correctly.
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Tags: @kgao
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saiilorstars · 11 months
you should be afraid . + agatha!
Sorry I'm so late on these but they're coming I swear
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Ace didn’t usually panic…at least, not so blatantly. But today, he had fucked up. Royally fucked up. It wasn't his error per-say, but as the person who had asked for the Polaroid camera, he was now tasked with returning it. 
Aren't I so lucky? He thought bitterly as he practically tip-toed into the library, hoping to God that he wouldn’t bump into the librarian he really, really, didn’t want to—
Ace stopped in his tracks, scrunching his face and gripping the crappy box behind his back. Behind my back!? The reminder of what he was holding made him spin around to face Agatha and thus hide the awful crime for at least another minute or two.
There stood Agatha with her eyebrows raised suspiciously at him and her arms full of books that needed to be re-organized in the library. “What are you doing here?” she asked him. He was a sworn enemy of the town's library thanks to one Dominique tucked away at the front desk.
“I, uh—”
It didn’t take long for Agatha’s eyes to fall on Ace’s arms curled behind his back. “What are you holding back there?” 
“Oh! Uh, it’s — see, the thing is—”
“Is that my camera?” Agatha could see the corner of the box she usually kept her Polaroid camera in. "Are you done with it?" He'd come to her only a few days ago asking to borrow her camera for some mystery he and his friends were trying to solve. She lent it to him with the promise that he would return it to her as soon as they were done.
“Well, technically speaking—” Ace stopped abruptly when Agatha took a few steps towards him. He quickly took the same steps back.
Agatha’s brows furrowed. “Why are you doing that?”
“Doing what? What-what am I doing?” Ace said as he took two more steps back.
Agatha frowned. “That. Stepping back.”
“Am I?” Ace took one more step back.
Agatha had a short temper which was ironic given where she worked — the library! She managed to purse her lips together and seal away the urge to yell…for the time being. Instead, she marched over to Ace (who started backtracking at the same speed) until she managed to knock down the box he held behind his back. 
It fell to the ground and out tumbled the Polaroid camera with a significant difference to its appearance from when Agatha handed it to Ace earlier in the week.
"Did you break my camera?" Agatha was both horrified and shocked. Her wide eyes locked with Ace's. "You broke my camera."
"Technically yes but—" Ace jumped back as Agatha stepped towards him. He managed to jump over the broken camera. "There was — there was a thing that happened!"
Agatha seemed nowhere near impressed and the fact she was eerily quiet about it when she would naturally be explosive about this simply terrified Ace. "What thing?" She asked sharply.
"Well-well there was a…a demon of some sort—"
"Did the demon want my camera?" 
"Well, no, not exactly—"
"Did the demon use my camera?"
"Did it touch the camera?"
"Uh, no…"
"Then who did?"
"M-me?" Ace truly regretted the moment he answered because now Agatha was looking at him with murder in her eyes. "Agatha, you're kind of scaring me here…"
"You should be afraid," Agatha said with a clear smirk on her face. "That was my favorite camera that I let you borrow for your Scooby-Doo mystery thing and now it's broken. Quebrado, in case you needed it in another language."
The demon sounded a lot less scary right now to Ace. He actually gulped, and seeing it made Agatha almost laugh. For someone usually so cool and collected, he seemed to be ready to run for cover.
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Agatha's Masterlist
Taglist: @ocappreciationtag​  @arrthurpendragon​ @anotherunreadblog​  @maaaaarveeeeel @stareyedplanet @steeeeeeeviebb @kmc1989
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whump-me · 1 year
1, 6 and 16 for the whump ask!
- @whump-kia
I did 6 and 16 earlier, so I’ll stick with 1:
1. What was your whump awakening(s)?
Oh, I have several. I’ve always been good at turning things whumpy that were never meant to be whumpy. I’m pretty sure tiny me was coming up with whump scenarios for Scooby-Doo and the freaking Care Bears. And I had my Barbie dolls saving each other from near-drowning and hypothermia and tumbles off cliffs all the time. But the first things that gave me whumperflies that didn’t come out of my own head were:
The Secret World of Alex Mack. Old Nickelodeon show where a girl gets superpowers from a chemical spill, and the chemical plant spends the remaining four seasons trying to find her and make her their lab rat. In the show, it was played as mostly humorous, and on the rare occasions they got hold of her, she got out before anything bad could happen. In my head? Not so much.
Animorphs. Not only was there plenty of whumpy stuff in the series, there was a whole book where my favorite character was captured and tortured for the. entire. book. I read that book so many times…
Mercedes Lackey. I was introduced to her fantasy novels as a preteen by a bookstore clerk who, as far as I can tell, took one look at me and instantly thought, This person desperately needs the queerest book in the entire fantasy section. The whump was a bonus. Mercedes Lackey’s Valdemar series is set in a light and fluffy fantasy world where the authorities are always pure and good, people have telepathic bonds with their soulmates, and young misfits are apt to be whisked away by magical talking horses and brought to the royal palace to find out how special they are. Good stuff for teenage me. Better stuff: the occasional weird tonal shifts featuring villains with a fetish for torture and murder (or in one case, creating catgirl sex slaves from his own DNA). I don’t understand what was going through her head when she wrote these books, but I am not complaining.
Roswell. Specifically, the one episode where the alien hero posing as human is captured, locked up in a secret government facility, tortured for information, and nearly vivisected. It was the whumpiest thing I had ever seen at that point, and is solely responsible for my love for cold whumpers gently and sinisterly whispering to their whumpees.
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hvrbingers · 2 years
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[ mimi keene | cis woman | she/her | twenty-five ] ——   welcome to grimrose, yasmina abadi. it’s cool that you’re here, you know. haven’t you heard of the history of this place… anyway, how’s being a local who has been in town for twenty years, especially since you spend most of your days as a librarian and radio show host? also, not that it’s a bad thing, of course, but i’ve heard people say you can be a little distrusting more than you are loyal… but that’s just coming from people who are bored here, i promise. to me, you remind me of fake plastic trees by radiohead and the dim lights of the trailer park, years of research of beings not of this earth, and loving mysteries so much she became one. hope to see you around, mina.
full name — yasmina abadi nickname(s) — mina, yas, abadi name meaning — jasmine flower age — twenty-five date of birth — february 19th place of birth — sugar hill, new hampshire  current location — grimrose, new hampshire gender — cis-woman pronouns — she/her sexual orientation — demisexual, queer religion — islam though non practicing / agnostic / it’s complicated occupation — librarian during the day, radioshow host for harbinger cross by night  education level — masters in library science, bachelors in ufology ( yes she did study this !! ) family — arham abadi, serafina lassiter finances — poor spoken languages — arabic, english, some farsi voiceclaim — mimi keene
inspos: velma dinkley (scooby-doo), boo (fleabag), cassie ainsworth (skins), eleven (stranger things), susan storm (fantastic four), waymand wang (everything everywhere all at once), topanga lawrence (boy meets world), willow rosenberg (buffy the vampire slayer), will byers (stranger things), rogue (x-men), alice cullen (twilight lol)
tw: mentions of alcohol abuse but non descriptive, neglectful parents
yasmina was raised by a single father that never really how to father. it hadn’t always been like that, she thinks, but it’s been so long she doesn’t really remember any differently. her mother pushed out of the family because of her dad. it’s just been the two of them, though as yasmina’s gotten older his health has been declining due to his inability of letting go and putting down the drinks. while yasmina is sympathetic that not many of his friends had made it out of the war she still misses her dad and who he used to be. 
before he became who he was now he had shared his love and interests of all things cryptids and aliens, wanting to believe that they were so much more than themselves. the two had so much in common when mina was a child, looking up at the stars and wondering why. though as mina grew up the more she had to become to provider for the two of them as her dad’s health was starting to decline and he had become more erratic. but she loved her father, it was them against the world, at least that was what he would say. 
they moved to grimrose when property was cheap, but they could only really afford the trailer park but to mina it had been a paradise as it said in the name. she remembers many trips to the forest looking for the entities that would haunt the town but would think that maybe they were misunderstood. not every spirit could truly ever be evil, they all had a story to tell. and if you were to ask her she would claim that she’s seen much of the folklore and absolutely revels in it.
high school wasn’t easy, it was hard to make friends but she excelled by staying late and finishing her homework and extracurricular activities, she managed to graduate a year early than her classmates which helped her in getting her masters degree to work at the library. she had packed up her car quickly after she graduated to take a trip around the states to all the hot spots that claimed to have been alien sightings and paranormal activity, during this small gap year she interviewed a lot of people of what they had seen and started to pick up where her father had left off on his book about ufology. she’s still writing this book to this day. 
not long after did she start the process of getting her radio show which is now called harbingers cross, it’s a late night show with not that many listeners but she goes into a deep dive of all the lore that grimrose has to offer, and while it’s not popular it’s very loved by those that do turn in! she frequently tries to get guests on and tell their stories about what they’ve seen in grimrose and does a lot of research into the folklore. the show is her passion project and her pride and joy. her main focus of her radioshow is to give skeptics and people that may not understand some perspective that while their town is different that doesn’t mean that it’s bad.
personality wise she’s a ride or die for anyone that’s close to her, will often make a big batch of whatever she’s cooking and bring it over to whoever that needs it. she can look mean ( due to her resting bitch face ) but she’s just quiet and has a lot of love to give.
she found a stray kitten in the alleyway outside of greasy spoons diner, and decided to take it home and nurse it back to health since it was missing part of it’s leg. she named it bitty and its now a fully healthy cat and pretty much takes it with her everywhere. and i mean literally everywhere. if you’re at the library the cat will be roaming around near her or on her lap.
has performed seances and used a ouija board in the forest no less. not really terrified of much of the folklore honestly has a lot of empathy for all the entities and thinks maybe they could use a friend. 
lowkey wants to be possessed??? girl help??? 
she has a very deep connection to the ghosts that haunt grimrose, she claims she’s a little clairvoyant while that may or may not be true, i’m sure she’s invited plenty of ghosts and is probably haunted but like… who’s to say ya know
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the-broken-truth · 2 years
This maybe an unusual request but can you do one the reader 👨 has 🔥 ( Magic) and acts like vincent van ghoul from scooby doo and is the husband of Alcina/Miranda
Broken Truth: A Husband like Vincent Van Ghoul? That's an interesting ask. Since I did a Tomb Raiding Husband for Mother Miranda, I'll do the Magician Husband for Alcian and the daughters. Let the words weave together.
[Long slender fingers turned the page of the book as focused [Eye Color] eyes looked at the words on the page while mumbling to himself when the sound of heels clicking got the eyes to pull away from the words on the book and look in the direction of the door, just as the tall figure of Alcina Dimitrescu ducked under the door and stood straight with a smile on her painted lips.]
Husband (Closes the book with a thumb on the page he was reading): Alcina, my love. Is there something I can do for you?
Alcina (Walks over to her husband's side and leans down to kiss him on his lips before she sits in the chair on side of him): It's nothing, Draga, I just wanted to see you. (Holds up an empty wine glass) Do you mind?
Husband (Waves his hand - a bottle of wine being levitating and floats over to Alcina's glass before tilting over and filling Alcina's Glass with red wine before floating back to its' place as the magic leaves the glass vessel): Nordic Red. I got it from Eliza's Boyfriend, Fenrir.
Alcina (Exhales and rolls her eyes at the same time as she leans back in her chair): I don't want to talk about that Man-Thing, I tried to scare him but he looked completely unfazed; I was embarrassed in front of my daughters and some of the maids.
Husband (Exhales): Darling wife of mine, don't you think it's time that you accepted Fenrir in the family? He has been with Eliza for over a year now and it's rather clear that the two of them love each other.
Alcina: That man-thing is not worthy of my daughter, I shall never accept him...but his Nordic Wine is a good enough reason to keep him around.
[Husband] opens his mouth to speak when there is a crash coming from the foyer. He exhales and rises to his feet before holding his hand out to Alcina to take - she takes his hand and he snaps his fingers with his other hand - teleporting the two of them into the foyer where the chandelier was broken on the ground. He looked at the daughters, who gulped and looked around before pointing at Cassandra.]
Bela and Daniela: She did it!!!
Cassandra: Traitors!!!
Husband (Lifts his hand to silence the daughters): Do not worry, daughters, I shall deal with this.
[With a snap of his fingers, [Husband] causes the magic to flow around the fallen chandelier and lifted it from the ground before connecting the broken links together again as he lifts his other hand and levitates to the ceiling before using a torch spell with his fingers to bond the large ornament back to the ceiling before he released it, letting it dangle again. He exhaled and looked at the daughters before folding his arms.]
Husband: Cassandra, dear, care to explain how the chandelier broke?
Cassandra: Dani bet me that I couldn't spin the chandelier and I wanted to prove her wrong.
Husband (Floats to the ground): And what was the bet?
Daniela: 500 Lei.
Husband: Alright. That's a 500 Lei deduction from both of your allowances.
Cassandra and Daniela: What?! Papa, that's not fair!
Husband: I can take your allowance for this week completely if you want.
Cassandra and Daniela: No, sir!
Husband: Good. Now, I'm going to finish my book before dinner. Ta-Ta. (Disappears)
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beybaldes · 1 year
maybe you can’t see how much you mean to me
Graham Dunne x Fem!Reader
djats masterlist
word count : 2k
summary : basically a Graham!version of they long to be (close to you) OR the one where you and Graham get a good nights sleep.
thank you for the request @p4landia <33 i hope you like it - i sure enjoyed writing it!
Warning!! I have not read the book or the show!!! All info I have gathered has been from other x readers I have read. sorry in advance if I have butchered your fav show/book because I have plainly made shit up in favour of satiating my own need for more warren fics xoxo
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"No, it's okay Warren, you go to bed." Warren scooped you up in his arms, placing you down in the spot next to Graham who had already opened up his blanket for you, then pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I'll leave the door open for you."
You'd spent the last 20 minutes convincing Warren to go to bed while you stayed up in hushed tones, not wanting to alert any of the others to your agreement, but not wanting him feel alone. It was never fun trying to sleep in the new environment that was the LA house, but you and Warren were doing your best to make it through a bad situation, whatever the means. Besides, it was nice to have someone to cuddle up with on the colder nights, even if it was someone else in the house you'd rather be cuddled up with.
You let your head fall to Graham's shoulder as Warren placed you down, who pulled his arm out from between the two of you and wrapped it over the back of the sofa. He allowed you to tangle your legs up in his pyjama covered ones, making sure you were comfortable before he turned his attention back to the tv screen. Maybe he'd one day be brave enough to press a quick, but loving, kiss to your cheeks the way Warren just had.
"You and Warren are sleeping together?" Karen had been the one brave enough to ask, the conversation between the two of you not unnoticed by the rest of the group - it being the only thing to break the silence in the past 40 minutes.
All heads turned to you, attention suddenly on something that had the potential to be more interesting then the rerun of Scooby-doo that had just started. "Not like that." You answered softly, eyes still focused on the cartoon dog and his gang on friends, not noticing how everyone else was now looking at you. "We both just like the company of it. I don't think either of us realised how lonely it would be coming out to LA."
Relief swept through Graham's body, him letting out a breathe he didn't realise he'd been holding in as he waited to hear your answer. Sure, you were much more casual with affection then anyone else he knew was, but with Warren it always seemed like more - he was glad to know it wasn't.
"Cute." Camilla mused, a warm smile curling on her lips as she took in that even in your sleep you were reaching out for the touch and warmth of someone else.
"You're always welcome in my bed, sweet-pea." Karen added, a smile curling on her own lips as she managed to take your attention away from the tv. "I swear you run cold. Would be nice in the LA heat."
"You can't steal my blanket buddy." Graham gasped, pulling you tighter against him and furiously tucking the blanket around the two of you. Your head fell from his shoulder and now pressed against his chest at the movement, the beat of his heart a soft call to sleep beneath you. "She's the perfect amount of cold. The windows open, with the blanket, with y/n is the perfect temperature for me."
A smile curled on your face at the possessiveness behind Graham's words, liking how he sounded when he was referring to you as his and perfect. It was something you could easily get used to hearing more often.
"I'm going to have to pass on that one Karen, unless you want to come down to my room." You countered her offer with a soft smile, attention moving back to the tv once more. "Warren says your room is haunted."
Laughter spread through out the room as you sided with Warren even in his absence; he was so sweet to you, and that's what friends do, so how could you not?
"What?" You asked, laughing yourself. "We left it empty until your arrival for a reason." That caused another round of laughter to break out in the room, everyone enjoying the way the two of you were slowly but surely morphing into one person with the more time you spent confined in the LA rental.
A particularly loud shout of "scoob!" from the TV had everyone's attention turned back to the cartoon, letting the nature of your relationship with Warren lie for at least the time being.
By the end of the third episode, only you, Graham and Eddie remained in the room. Graham and you were fast asleep, his head leaning atop yours, the two of you wrapped in what looked like a tight hug, although the blanket hid your entangled legs, and Eddie was sat in the armchair against the wall, legs curled into the seat and a bottle of warm beer in his hands that he'd been nursing for the last half an hour.
As the intro to the next rerun of Scooby-doo blasted from the TV, Graham startled awake, literally jumping out of his seat and pulling the blanket with him. He grumbled some attempt at what you thought was a goodnight, and went to stumble sleepily out of the room, the warmth of him and the blanket leaving you alone on the couch.
Reaching out for him at the last second, you slipped your fingers through his, intertwining your hands. Shuffling through the room to meet him, you murmured a command of 'sleep' dropping your head against his chest once more.
Graham pulled his arm up to rest over your shoulders, his hand in your hair and scratching at your scalp, lulling you back to sleep exactly where you stood.
"One second." You pleaded, removing yourself from his hold and making your way over to Eddie who opened his arms out to you as you waddled into his side. "Goodnight Ed's." You murmured dreamily, pressing a sweet kiss to his jaw as your couldn't quite reach his cheek now he was stood up.
"Goodnight birdie." He replied, guiding you back into Graham's arms as he left the room, making his own way to bed. Graham wrapped his arms around your shoulder, keeping you as tucked under the blanket as he could give the situation, and began to lead the two of you back to his room.
"This okay?" Graham asked as he guided you into his bed, pulling the duvet back and getting you settled before he tried to do so for himself. "Want to stay nice 'n warm 'n cuddled up with you."
"Yeah, 'course." You hummed, waiting for Graham to get into the bed with you before you wiggled yourself into his arms, intertwining your legs with him just as you had done on the couch moments ago. You tucked your head under his chin, burrowing yourself into the warmth Graham provided in a much easier way then you had done on the couch.
"Goodnight sunshine." Graham whispered, noticing that you'd already dropped asleep with one of his hands tangled in your hair and the other running up and down the length of your back. He pressed a chaste kiss to the crown of your head, smiling into your skin as he closed him eyes. "Goodnight."
The two of you slept right through the night, tossing and turning though still holding onto each-other, each movement accompanied by the other immediately moving as well to continue the comfortable sleep. Like usual, you were the first awake, you an early riser and Graham waking up as soon as you tried to move out of his hold. Though you'd tried to convince him to go back to sleep, shushing him and running your hands through his hair, he insisted on getting up with you.
And that's how you'd ended up here, your legs tangled with his once more, the little blue blanket covering your lap and two rather large bowls of cereal in hand. The tv had been left on, and now an episode of The Walton's was playing, the early morning tv not being watched but just adding a gentle hum to the room.
Graham had yet to take his eyes off of you since the two of you woke up, his cereal left uneaten in his hand despite you encouraging him to eat it before it got soggy. "You're beautiful, you know that?" He asked, tucking your hair back behind your ear.
"What?" You practically choked on your cereal, moving the bowl to the coffee table and giving Graham your full attention instead.
"You're beautiful." He repeated, cupping your face with one hand while the other reached for your own, intertwining your fingers. "I've just been thinking about it, that's okay."
"Yeah?" You asked, the undivided attention you were giving the brunette having his cheeks flush pink, his eyes moving between your lips and your own.
"Yeah." He answered breathlessly, looking back to your eyes and wetting his lips. "Can I... can I kiss you?"
"Yeah." You answered, not leaving another second for him to make the first move, ducking down and pressing your lips to his in one swift movement. Graham was stunned into stillness, though only for a second, quickly regaining his senses and kissing you back, his lips moving in sync with yours.
Your hands moved up to his hair, tugging and pulling him closer to you as his cupped your jaw, deepening the kiss with every movement of his lips and swipe of his tongue against yours. Graham's other hand moved to the small of your back, pulling you up and guiding you into his lap, you leg swinging over him and settling on either side of his hips comfortably.
At the sound of a door creaking open somewhere down the hall, you pressed your lips against Graham's in one final, long kiss, then another quick softer one, sliding off his lap and cuddling into his side - pulling the blanket over the two of you. As the footsteps got closer to the room, Graham grabbed your cereal for you, picking up his own as well and forcing his attention onto the tv screen a little too hard.
"woah, morning guys." Eddie stumbled through the living room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes as he tried to find the kitchen with his eyes half closed. "you're up earlier."
"She always is." Graham answered, eyes unmoving from the episode of The Waltons that was beginning to come to an end. "I'm just tagging along."
"So you weren't making out when I came in here?" Grahams hand was quick to smack against your back as you chocked on your cereal, your coughing going away quickly as he helped you. "And you didn't get into bed together last night?"
"If we say no, will you believe us?" You looked at Eddie over the back of the couch, a glass of water in his hands and his eyes squinted tightly shut in an effort to keep the daylight out.
"No. I have eyes." Eddie sassed, taking a sip of his water and running his hand over his face, his hair immediately flopping back in front of his eyes after he pushed it back. He could do with a headband, you thought, making a mental note to but him one the next time you were out. "But I'm not going to say anything. You do you. Night guys."
As soon as you heard Eddie's bedroom door close again, you were back on Graham's lap, letting your empty bowl of cereal fall to the floor and not caring, knowing you'd clean it up later.
"Really?" Graham asked, reaching around you to place his bowl down carefully, unlike how you'd all but thrown it down.
"Really." You didn't waste another second before pulling him in for another kiss, threading your fingers through the tufts of hair at the nape of his neck, rocking closer to him as the kiss deepened. Pulling back only enough to whisper words against his lips, Graham went in for another kiss, but you stopped him with a gentle push to his chest. "He's definitely gonna tell Warren isn't he."
"Oh, for sure."
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docholligay · 2 years
Dusk or Dark or Dawn or Day
I think ghost stories are some of the most revealing things we ever read. More than anything else, the way we feel about ghosts says something about us. About life and death, of course, those are the easy ones, but also about sin and virtue, about trauma, and history and the quality of memory. Places aren’t haunted so much as we, collectively, as a species are, and I think this is never more obvious to me than when I read a ghost story. 
And I think that’s what makes a ghost story so tricky, as an interaction between reader and writer. The writer is bringing themselves to the story and everything they have bundled up in the conversation, and the reader is doing the same. This is, of course, true of basically everything we ever read--I often quote my professor who said “The window you’re looking out of is as important as what you’re looking at”--but I find it particularly true whenever we get into notions of the afterlife which is some at least shaded way includes God/a divine force. This is true, I think, even when we’re reading a straight-on horror story*. 
But of course it must be more so when we’re being asked to identify with the ghost. So, I want to come out of the gate saying, some of this is just about the author and I in conversation with each other. 
This book was largely not for me. 
Non-spoilery: This is a take on the idea of ghosts and what it might mean for the dead to owe the living something, until it stops being that book, if it ever meant to be, and is a mystery with a solution. It’s all a bit Scooby-Doo. And it felt like it didn’t have to be. It’s apparently sold as an adult book, but it reads like YA. I do not recommend it.
Spoilers under the cut
The good: 
The title kills. I was drawn to it immediately, and the poem it draws from is really pretty good despite the meter falling strange to my ear. But the absolute feelings behind it were something I really went to. 
The opening line is also amazing. I keep saying I need to make a list of opening lines I read this year, and this may actually get me to start that doc. 
The idea that the dead have some kind of reparation to pay the living (Though of course not all ghosts think of it that way) before they move on is one of the most interesting ideas I have ever read. Especially because it isn’t contained to the person they might have wronged in life, but to people generally. How can we make things more right for the world, even after we’ve left it? It’s an idea I really took too, and I was really excited to see that idea being explored and what it might mean not just for Jenna, but for any other given ghost. 
Now, let’s move on to what didn’t work for me. 
The most damning criticism I have of this book is: None of the pages are dog-eared. There are no bits of highlight. I didn’t write in it. I literally read this book, but my response to it was largely “shrug”. It was perfectly acceptable. And just that. 
Let’s go into reasons why that might have happened. 
Urban fantasy is often the only fantasy that connects with me. I do not care, mostly, for dragons-magic-chosen one-swords, which I know makes me a Bad Gay ™ but there we are, I am as God made me. But put a witch or a wizard having to pay a mortgage in there? Very often I can take the bait no problem**. 
So what is the problem, then? This is tasked as an adult book supposedly, and it is written like a YA novel. The characters are overly simplified: Jenna feels bad about her sister’s suicide and so she volunteers for a suicide hotline so she can earn her death, and takes care of senior cats in her home, and gives her pie money to homeless people, and is willing to risk everything to save the other ghosts for…reasons, I guess. I often have a problem with the lead character of something being Mother Bleedin’ Teresa, as one might say, and that’s a problem here. Jenna DOES NOTHING WRONG there’s nothing she does where you can go, ‘That’s not fair” or “That’s fucked up” 
I mean she DIES because she was so upset about her sister’s suicide that she ran out into a storm and got caught up and tumbled into a ravine. But is she mad at her sister? Nope, never, because Jenna is NICE and GOOD, always and it’s not NICE and GOOD to be mad at people who kill themselves, only naughty people ever feel that way!*** And you might be saying, “well Doc, you who are so into the idea of personal responsibility, didn’t she run out into the storm herself?” Oh yes, and I would tell Dead Jenna that, but I can hold that and still think that Jenna should be SPITTIN mad. She’s a fucking teenager who died, and you’re telling me she never had a moment of “Fuck you, Patty?” Come on now. Annoying. 
And BOY does this try to skip over any idea of morality in the afterlife, any idea of heaven or hell or…anything. Not even a conversation about how A GIRL RAISED IN THE DEEP HOLLER OF KENTUCKY might have a jarring moment when she discovers that there is no heaven or hell, so far as anyone can tell, no God, magic is real but otherwise death seems to be just as random as life is. We are a product of our times and our environments, and I know the internet HATES that, but the odds that Jenna would not be deeply Christian in thought are near-zero. And she would likely have accepted it as the truth emotionally even if she wasn’t particularly RELIGIOUS on a personal level, or would not have described herself as such. I know people out here who so far as I can tell have never been to church but believe that there is a God and Heaven is for the good, and this is in 2022. The 70s?? ANd if we’re just making a choice to skip over the emotional implications of why you are a fucking ghost, why? Why strip out the things that make the situation emotionally sticky? Why bother with ghosts, if it seems--and it very much does seem in this book--that the being of one doesn’t change you? That this new and somewhat shocking information doesn’t rock you? 
The why of the whodunit works just fine for me, but the mechanic of it is never fully explained. At all. We get this thing about ghosts being trapped in mirrors, but of c ourse that seems like a giant problem if all these living ghosts were constantly worried about this, so we add in the detail that it has to be a mirror that has some sort of connection to the ghost to trap them. Great, perfect strategy. 
Except that it makes the whole trapping fall apart. This woman traps rat ghosts as well. This was, to me, the absolute most unnecessary and borderline stupid detail in the whole thing. It made SO much fall apart, and for what? McGuire has a huge obsession with non-human personhood--better examples of this are Into the Drowning Deep and the Parasitology books--and that’s great, but could have been accomplished by mentioning that there are ghosts of rats and cats and whatever. You do not have to make them part of the great disappearing. Because THEN I have to stretch my credulity to think that she found MEANINGFUL MIRRORS TO RATS. When it’s not even worth it at the end of the day, since they store so little time. 
Which then led to me to, “Okay wait a fucking second, witch or no, how is she so effectively finding out what was meaningful to these ghosts in life? ANd also, some of these ghosts are old, how is it that all of those meaningful mirrors still exist? It solved one narrative problem while creating another, and while I have no trouble just going along with some goofy shit in stories--the whole anchor thing doesn’t hold up, but I don’t care--it draws so much ATTENTION to the ways in which it wouldn’t work. 
It’s also very very rushed. Brenda shows up, ghosts disappear, Brenda and her husband were corn witches, Brenda’s daughter is the villain but none of this does anything. The ending is so incredibly fast that there’s no time for tension to build, no time for anything but finding out who the whodunit was and then, I shit you not, the antagonist and her mother turn into corn****. Anything that might be interesting, any confrontation that might be personally revealing, anything like that, doesn’t materialize. There should be so much fury and demanding and feelings going on here, and there isn’t this book, despite ostensibly being about death, doesn’t ever make room for pain and anger and blame and so many things that make up how people react to death, doesn’t even make space for it in the actual conflicts we have between characters. In many ways, we are left with the ghost of a story. 
This isn’t even really a criticism so much as a “odd note!” but the mirror thing was so strange to me because I didn’t know that was why some goyim covered their mirrors! I thought it was like in Judaism where they’ve covered for shiva because you’re not supposed to give a shit what you look like, and its unkind to be reminded that you do in fact look like a person in deep mourning. It never even occurred to me that the reasoning might be totally different. 
In all, I was disappointed by the book. It never rises to the promise of some of its ideas, and rushes to a desperate conclusion so swiftly that I found myself wondering if McGuire just had to get something to her publisher and was like, “You’ll do” or if the problem is that she writes so much YA that even when she’s permitted to step out of it, she’s so in the habit of writing short, black and white fiction that the line between adult and YA is just the number of swear words you’re allowed to say. I desperately, DESPERATELY, want to read an actual-ass adult literary fiction novel from her, because I BELIEVE INTENSELY that she can write it. But once again, whether they call it YA or not, it was very much a YA book. 
I wanted to like it! Truly I did. I was terribly excited by the concept but felt incredibly let down by the execution. I hate when I’m commissioned to do something and I don’t like it, because I would rather come back with, “Oh this was fucking excellent!” but this just didn’t do it for me. 
*For example, I think “The Vigil” doesn’t work for a lot of people because it speaks to a Jewish experience of inherited trauma and the attempt to escape it via assimilation, and if you don’t HAVE that at the table, it’s just another semi-cheesy horror movie. This doesn’t make goyim it doesn’t work for insensitive or stupid or whatever they just literally do not have that cultural tug in their chest to see what I’m seeing. 
** Actually as I sit here I wonder if this is true, or if I just liked the first few books of the Dresden Files. And I suppose I personally would characterize the way I write Sailor Moon as urban fantasy, but of course I like that: I wrote it and it is catered to my very specific bullshit. 
*** Doc you’re kind of an asshole. Yes, good! Make me the protagonist of your next novel! 
*****Which I actually think I could like, and the way its written leads me to believe that it could be very very good, but it just is mostly left to hang out there and Brenda is never given the time on stage to make the going to to the corn thing seem meaningful. She talks about how she lives in the city because the corn is a temptation, but we don’t feel that. We don’t feel longing come from her, we’re just told it does. This is actually a McGuire problem I’ve had a couple times. She is a fantastic fucking idea person. She comes up with these concepts and feelings that involve incredible complexity and inherent depth, and I don’t know if it’s years of writing in genre and YA, which require a different editing and handling style, or what, but I am always left sitting there going, “And???” She never GOES there. It reminds me of Shadow and Bone, where I was like, “The fucking!!! Implications!!! Of this!!! Holy shit!!” and it was just like “No. :).” In that case I actually don’t think Bardugo had the chops or the idea, but I feel like McGuire does, she’s just not doing it for reasons I guess.
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frogsndogs · 1 year
A Clue for Scooby Doo
Captain Cutler is a very classic Scooby villain and so here's my version with my own little twist. This is part 2 of an earlier post btw, a rewrite of "What a Night for a Knight". These stories are part of a longer series I'm planning so stay tuned and please like the post if you enjoyed it!
Daphne could feel the breeze in her hair, seagulls cawing in the distance barley heard over the chaotic crash of the waves, the world smelt like the beach and she could almost taste the lake water on her tongue. 
She hated it.
She would probably hate it a lot less though if she was experiencing it on the beach instead of on her parent’s yacht. Rich, fancy people mingled and mixed with each other, drinking their fancy champagne and eating their fancy sea food that made Daphne swell like a puffer fish.
“Daphne!” Her mother came up beside her. “Why aren’t you talking to anyone?”
“Just feeling a little seasick.” Daphne told her. “Don’t want to throw up on anybody.”
Her mother sighed. “Daphne can’t you at least try and socialize? I know you didn’t love the idea of coming here, but please? For my sake?”
“Okay mom.” Daphne agreed dejectedly.
“Great! I know just the person for you to talk to. I’ll go get him.” 
As her mother rushed into the crowd, Daphne turned back to look at the beach. There was someone there. Daphne squinted in the distance, seeing a green shirt and a red beanie with cargo pants. Could it be?
She pulled out her phone and opened the camera. Zooming in on the figure confirmed her suspicions. Shaggy from the museum was walking along the shoreline, black book in hand. He appeared to be alone. 
“Scooby Doo, where are you?” She whispered under her breath. Then Shaggy looked up, staring out at sea.
Daphne followed his gaze with her phone until…
She blinked. Scooby Doo, the Great Dane, was happily riding on a surfboard, tongue lolling out of his mouth playfully. The scene was so surreal. She laughed to herself, watching the dog paddle about, having the time of his life. Suddenly he stopped. Reaching a paw into the water, he pulled up…
Daphne almost dropped her phone.
“Thanks for driving me.” Velma said as she slid out of Fred’s van.
“Of course.” He grinned. “I love the beach.”
“Really? I find the sand super annoying.” Velma said as she pulled out a pair of binoculars. “I swear even if I'm here for five minutes I’ll be finding it in my hair for weeks.”
“That’s the best part.” Fred declared.
Velma laughed, raising the binoculars to her eyes, scanning across the horizon. Nothing, nothing, nothing… Maybe she could get a better view from the lighthouse? Then she stopped.
“Is that Scooby?” She asked, staring at the dog on the surfboard.
“What?” Fred asked.
She handed him the binoculars and scanned the beach, hand over her eyes. Sure enough, Shaggy was there, walking along the beach. Suddenly he looked up, staring out to his dog. She could almost see his eyes widen from where he was standing, Fred gasping behind her.
She whipped her head over to see Scooby paddling as fast as he could towards the beach, a glowing yellow figure following.
Fred dropped the binoculars and ran to Shaggy and Scooby, Velma hot on his heels. The dog collided with his friend and the two barrelled into the sand.
“Shaggy! Scooby!”
“Fred? Velma?” Shaggy groaned, confused.
They looked up, distracted by a ghoulish moaning. The thing that Scooby had pulled out of the water stood there, arms raised menacingly. It looked like a diver. Or well it would have, if not for the fact that the glass of it’s helmet was cracked, slashes all over it’s torso and the sound it was making was definitely not human.
It groaned once more, reaching out.
“Go away!” Velma shouted, as Fred placed himself between his friends and the diver. 
It let out one more sad, sorrowful sound, before turning around and disappearing back into the waters.
Fred let out a breath of relief and turned back to the teen and his dog, offering a hand.
“Are you guys okay?”
“I - yeah, like, thanks man.” Shaggy took his hand. “You good, Scoob?”
The dog nodded shakily, tail down, whining a little.
“Hey, don’t worry Scoob. We’re okay. Velma scared him off.” He chuckled. “That was pretty cool.” 
Velma shrugged. “It was nothing. It’s probably just another weirdo in a mask.”
They parted ways soon after, Fred and Velma understanding of why they wouldn’t want to stick around much longer. Well, they sort of understood. Because what Shaggy feared they wouldn’t understand is that that was not a weirdo in a mask.
Now Shaggy sat in a booth in the Malt Shop that he and Scooby had found, scratching at his dog’s head, for both their comfort. He squinted at his phone, scrolling through an article about boats going missing in the Crystal Cove Marina. Maybe there was a connection…?
“Shaggy? Scooby?”
Shaggy and Scooby looked up to see…
“Hey, how are you guys?” Daphne said, walking over to their booth.
“We’re alright yeah.” Shaggy lied. “How about you?”
“I’m okay. Mind if I sit?” She asked.
Shaggy scooted over. “Like, not at all.”
They sat in silence for a minute, Shaggy fiddling with his phone. Would it be rude to look at the article while there was a person right there? But she wasn’t really talking to him…?
“I saw you yesterday.”
“Down on the beach. I wasn’t stalking you or anything,” She said quickly. “My parents were throwing a party on their yacht and they made me go. They think I need to get out more.”
“What? Your nightly excursions to haunted museums aren’t good enough for them?” Shaggy joked.
Daphne laughed. “Nah, I think the whole ‘almost dying’ thing turned them off.”
“Really? Why?”
“I dunno. Just one of those adult things I guess.” 
A waitress came by to take their orders, and Shaggy smiled to himself.
This felt nice. It felt friendly. It almost felt… normal.
“Maybe we could spray him with soapy water so he slips and falls into a net! Or is that too simple?” Fred mused.
“Can’t you just use a weighted net?” Velma suggested.
“Weighted? Net? Velma! Where’s the style? The creativeness? The distinctiveness? Don’t you want a trap to inspire awe in those around you?”
“Ideally I want a trap to trap something.”
Fred shook his head as they entered the Malt Shop.
“You have no dramatic flair Velma.” He told her.
“Good.” She deadpanned.
“The question is now about the bait. How would we lure the criminal into the trap?” 
“Scooby seemed to find the guy no problem, maybe we could just ask him.” Velma said sarcastically.
“Maybe…” Fred trailed off. 
“Fred! Velma!” 
Fred spun around to see Daphne in a booth with Shaggy and Scooby. 
“Come sit with us!” She called. 
The two walked over and sat down at the table. Velma scooted into the booth to sit beside Daphne, and Fred chose to sit on the other side, beside Scooby.
“We were just reading about some boats going missing at the marina.” Daphne told them.
Shaggy nodded “Yeah. Like, listen to this: ‘Another boat mysteriously vanishes. Sheriff Stone and Coast Guard are baffled by mysterious disappearances.”
“No surprise there.” Velma snorted.
“Did they have to use “mysterious” twice?” Fred frowned.
“Beach hermit, Ebenezer Shark claims it was the ghost of Captain Cutler who stole it.’ You guys have a beach hermit?” Shaggy asked, perplexed at the idea.
“We do?” Daphne looked up.
“Probably just a reporter being dramatic.” Velma rolled her eyes.
“Ghost of Captain Cutler.” Fred repeated. “Do you think that’s what we saw yesterday?”
“I don’t know.” Velma shook her head. “But maybe this beach hermit Ebenezer Shark can give us a clue.”
“So let’s pay him a visit. Tonight.” Daphne grinned.
Fred and Velma exchanged a glance. “We’re in.”
“Us too.” 
Fred looked over at Shaggy, surprised. It wasn’t that he thought Shaggy wasn’t brave (he tackled the Black Knight with Daphne for crying out loud) the guy just seemed a little… jittery. Like action wasn’t really his type of thing. 
“Are you sure? You don’t have to.” Fred reassured him.
Shaggy gave a sort of lopsided smile. “I’m sure.”
Scooby sat up at that, tail wagging, his face as determined as a dog’s face could be.
“We’re sure.” Shaggy corrected.
A ship’s horn sounded somewhere in the distance and Shaggy stared at the boat in front of him, where Ebenezer Shark, Crystal Cove’s resident “beach hermit” lived. He may have seen ghosts, goblins and ghouls, but beach hermit was definitely a new one.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Fred asked.
He must have noticed how Shaggy’s legs were shaking.
“Yep. Totally fine. Just gimme a minute.”
The others walked ahead, and Scooby bit down on Shaggy’s shirt.
Shaggy sighed. “There’s no going back now, huh.”
“Rat rasn’t rake Raggy.” Scooby said through a mouthful of shirt.
“I know.” Shaggy nodded. 
“Re reed to relp rem.”
“I know.” Shaggy breathed. “I know. If we don’t help someone is, like, gonna get hurt thinking it’s just a guy in a costume. It’s mystery solving, we’ve done it before, we can do it again.”
Scooby let go of his shirt and the two walked towards the boat.
“You guys okay?” Daphne asked.
“Yep. Great.”
Velma nodded and knocked on the door. 
“Coming!” Shouted a voice from inside.
Seconds later, the door swung open to reveal Ebenezer Shark, the beach hermit. He looked more… normal, than Shaggy expected. He kinda thought that the man would have an eyepatch.
“Mr. Shark?” Daphne stood up straight. “I’m Daphne. My friends and I here were wondering if you’d be willing to talk about the strange happenings around the marina? Specifically concerning the ghost of Captain Cutler?”
“Why of course!” The man shouted eagerly. “Come on in, come on in. Make yourselves comfortable!”
As they were herded inside Shaggy glanced nervously at Scooby. The dog’s ears were pressed down against his head. Shaggy reached out to give a reassuring pat and Scooby licked his hand in response.
Shark perched on a chair dramatically. “The ghost of Captain Cutler. I’ve seen it with me very own eyes. A ghosty glow, moving through the fog, just before the boats vanish.”
“But what makes you think it was the ghost of Captain Cutler?” Fred asked.
“Because it was on a foggy night such as this that Captain Cutler’s boat was wreaked.”
The man seemed to be enjoying the story a little too much in Shaggy’s opinion. 
“It collided with one of those fancy yachts from the marina, sending Cutler down to the graveyard of ships.” 
“So by causing the yachts to vanish from the marina, Cutler’s getting his revenge.” Velma concluded.
Suddenly there was a loud crash. Shaggy whipped around and… Scooby wasn’t there anymore. 
“Scooby!” He called.
“Here.” Daphne ran over to a hole in the floor.
There was a diver suit on the floor and if wasn’t for the lack of magic in the room, Shaggy would swear that it was the ghost.
“It's the ghost!" Fred gasped.
“Don’t worry.” Shaggy shook his head. “It’s just Scooby.”
At his name, the dog poked his head out from under the lumpy suit sheepishly. Shaggy shook his head.
“It looks like your pooch has found me old diving suit.” Shark walked over.
“Diving suit?” Daphne raised an eyebrow.
“Aye. Now if you want to know anymore about Cutler, I think you ought to see his wife, up at the old lighthouse.” He told them, a clear invitation to get going.
Shaggy didn’t need to be told twice. 
The lighthouse was creepy to say the least, the kind of place that Velma would want to live someday. Shaggy on the other hand looked like he was about to throw up the closer they got to the door.
“Okay Scooby, you go knock on the door.” Shaggy said. 
Scooby turned around and if it were possible Velma would think that the dog was glaring at him. Velma stifled a laugh, she would have loved to take a picture of the scene. If it was purposeful, she would have appreciated the dog’s sass.
“Okay, okay.” Shaggy put his hands up. “Like, I’m sorry.”
Velma shook her head. “Come on you two.”
She stepped towards the door and turned the knob. It wasn’t locked. She threw it open - so that it didn’t squeak if it was creaky - and started to walk inside. 
“Isn’t this like, breaking and entering?” Shaggy gulped from behind.
“Not if no one finds us.” 
She heard two sets of footsteps behind her, one of a scared teen, and the other of a scared dog. She chose instead to focus in Mrs. Cutler’s… questionable interior decorating choices. To put it bluntly it looked like she had left the Halloween decorations up a little long. There was a mini cauldron boiling on a table, open bottles and stained spoons scattered around. Then Velma noticed a picture of what must have been Captain Cutler. He was a stern looking man, maybe it was just a sea Captain thing.
She turned around, seeing Shaggy looking nervous, holding a jar that read “canned hyena laughs”. 
“We should get out of here.” Shaggy turned to her.
“Hey, look ‘Witchcraft Made Easy’” Velma picked up the large blue book, flipping though it as Shaggy looked over her shoulder.
“Good evening.”
“Zoinks!” Shaggy screamed in Velma’s ear.
The guy practically flew across the room into Scooby. The dog barked in fear and the two began to shake. 
Velma took a deep breath. “Mrs. Cutler I presume?” She asked, ignoring the fact that she had just broken into the woman’s home. 
“I was just tending the light and didn’t hear you knock. Now what’s your problem?” 
“It’s about Captain Cutler.” Velma said. “We think we saw his ghost.”
“You did deary.” Mrs. Cutler confirmed.
Velma’s eyebrows jumped up on her forehead.
“You used your witchcraft to bring him back.” Shaggy said shakily.
“Indeed I did.” Mrs. Cutler smiled. “You’re quite sharp, aren’t you. Say, have we met before?”
“No - no I don’t think so.” Shaggy shook his head fast. “I’m like, new in town.”
“Are you sure?” The woman started towards him. “You look so familiar.”
If it was possible Shaggy looked even more terrified.
“So it’s the ghost of Captain Cutler that’s making the boats disappear from the marina.” Velma popped in, trying to draw her attention away from Shaggy.
“Had I known he’d take his revenge, I’d have left him under the sea.” She answered, before turning back to Shaggy. “Do you work at the grocery store?”
“No, ma’am.” Shaggy answered, gulping.
He was drawing in on himself, looking like he wanted the floor to open him up and swallow him whole. The look in his eyes was different from how he had ran at full speed away from the black knight that dark night at the museum. Somehow it seemed more scared.
“Thank you for answering our questions, ma’am but I’m afraid we must get going.” 
Velma grabbed Shaggy’s hand and pulled him towards the exit, not looking back. As soon as they were outside she closed the door and looked at Shaggy.
“Are you okay?” She asked.
“I - like, yeah. Thanks.” He nodded, eyes a little distant. 
Scooby licked his hand, nudging his legs. Shaggy scratched his ears absentmindedly.
Velma was about to ask if Shaggy did know her when Scooby began to bark. 
Shaggy gasped. “It’s the ghost!” 
He pointed to a glowing figure racing across the beach, and Scooby shot after it. It snuck into a drainpipe, Scooby following it in. There were sounds of a scuffle for a moment before Scooby’s tail reappeared, as he dragged what looked like a length of glowing seaweed with him. He pulled and pulled and pulled and…
There was a mouse on the other side. Pulling as hard as they could, but it was no match for the giant Great Dane. Suddenly the mouse let go, and Scooby fell backwards. 
“The seaweed.” Shaggy muttered.
“That’s right. It’s the same seaweed we saw on the ghost!” Velma exclaimed.
“So, like, what now?” 
“Did you find anything?” Daphne asked.
“Here it is,” Velma said, her face illuminated by her phone’s glow. “Apparently this ‘phosphorus glowing seaweed found only in areas with a high percentage of shipwrecks.’”
“The graveyard of ships!” Daphne exclaimed.
“The what?” Shaggy asked.
“My parents were talking about it at that party.” She explained. “That’s where Captain Cutler’s ship went down too.”
“Then maybe that’s where we’ll find his ghost.” Fred concluded.
“But like, how are we going to get there?” Shaggy asked.
Daphne grinned. “I think I’ve got an idea.”
“Nice boat, Daphne.” Fred complimented. “Where’d you get it?”
“My parents.” Daphne said, looking out on the water.
“It’s good of them to loan it to us.” He remarked.
Daphne made a noncommittal sound.
“Is something wrong?” Fred asked
She yawned, stretching her arms out. “Sorry, what did you say?
“That was some yawn. You okay?”
“Didn’t get much sleep last night.”
“You know I heard that the sleep that’s affecting you today is actually the sleep from two nights ago.”
“I didn’t get much sleep two nights ago.”
“Hey, um, guys!” Shaggy called. “I think you should come see this!”
They ran over, Shaggy pointing to a boat a little ways ahead of them.
“It’s one of the yachts from the marina!” Daphne gasped.
“And there’s no one aboard.” Velma noticed.
“The motor’s not running either.” Fred added.
“Let’s follow it.” Daphne ran to the cabin, steering after the ship.
“Is that the…” Shaggy gulped.
“… graveyard of ships.” Fred finished.
He felt a chill run down his spine. He had heard of it, sure he had. But he had heard of it the same way that he had heard of Bloody Mary, or the Loch Ness Monster, or the Haunted Ghost Rig. Seeing it was a whole other thing. The wrecks were violent, to say the least, jagged edges poking out of the water, the boats skewed every which way, in some cases only the mast visible.
“Like, what happened here?” Shaggy asked.
“It was a battle.” Velma told him. “Back in the 1800s there was a gold rush to Crystal Cove. A whole bunch of different people and companies showed up by boat, since there weren’t a lot of roads leading in at the time, and well… they fought it out.”
“Zoinks.” Shaggy gulped.
“Hey, look!” Fred gasped. “The boat is going into that cove. And there’s no way out.”
“Fred, seriously,” Velma shook her head. “It’s like you never learn.”
“Learn what?” Fred asked.
“That this is a mystery. And in mysteries there is always a secret door.” She turned to Daphne. “Keep going.”
Daphne grinned in a way that made Fred a little scared. “Full speed ahead.”
“Wait, like guys—“ Shaggy tried to protest, but it was too late. Daphne, true to her word, was going full speed ahead.
Fred closed his eyes. And waited. Nothing happened.
“Hey,” Velma’s voice called. “You can open your eyes now.”
Fred opened his eyes. They were in a cavern now, a spacious one with a tall ceiling and lots and lots of boats.
“The wall must be programmed to move on some sort of motion detector or trip wire.” Daphne said as she walked out of the cabin. “It probably only works when a ship is going at full speed so it disappears quick and looks like it just vanished. Good thinking Velma.”
Velma coughed into her hand. “It was kind of obvious.”
“Get a load of all the yachts.” Shaggy gasped.
“And they’re being painted over in different colours.” Daphne remarked.
“Hey! That’s the boat that vanished in the cove!” Fred gasped. “And it’s tied to a mini sub.”
Suddenly, clanking footsteps could be heard.
“Get down!” Velma whisper-shouted.
Shaggy was already halfway to cover when Velma told them to hide. The footsteps came closer and closer and closer. Then they stopped. And a voice began muttering in the dark. 
“Hope those damn kids don’t stick their noses where they don’t belong. Hmm… alrighty then. How’s about we finish painting this nice green one? Then we can resell it within a week.” 
The five exchanged glances. Ebenezer Shark.
The footsteps faded and away and Daphne was the first one to peek her head up a bit. “He’s gone.” She whispered.
“Let’s get him.” Velma began to stand up.
“I think it’s trapping time.” Fred grinned.
The other four looked at him blankly. 
“You know? Trapping time? Time to set a trap? To trap the bad guy? Come on…” Fred sighed. “Okay, here’s my idea: There’s a whole bunch of soapy water over there, right? How about we set up a net and then spray Shark with it so that he falls into the net!”
“And Scoob and I can just stay here and like, guard the boat.” Shaggy suggested.
“Good idea.” Daphne nodded.
Maybe she knew that Shaggy was terrified. Maybe the safety of the boat was really important to her and thought Shaggy honestly wanted to guard the boat. Either way Shaggy was extremely grateful.
“Okay, coast still clear?” Fred asked.
“Clear.” Velma reported.
“Let’s go.”
The three snuck out silently. Daphne pulled a plank out and extended it over the ship, the three of them walking down to the docks, Shaggy and Scooby watched them go quietly, as they disappeared out of sight.
It didn’t take long for the familiar magic feeling to return. Shaggy didn’t have to turn around to know that the ghost of Captain Cutler was standing behind him. His legs were shaking, his teeth chattering, but he turned around anyways. This ghost would not hurt his… allies? friends? The nature of their relationship was not important at the moment. 
The ghost moaned and Scooby whimpered taking a step back.
“Go away dude!” Shaggy said, trying to emulate Velma’s courage.
The ghost continued, pointing past Shaggy onto the docks. Shaggy turned around, but saw nothing.
“What are you doing here?” Shaggy frowned, heart beating out of his chest.
“…Shark…” the ghost breathed.
Shaggy sucked in a breath.
“I’m sorry about you’re accident, really. But you’re, like, freaking me out man.” Shaggy shook.
The ghost gestured to a rip in his suit which looked a little like…
Shaggy gasped.
Velma looked over to see Fred and Daphne holding the hose to spray Shark, and she would turn the tap to activate the water. That’s when the heard running footsteps.
“Get ready.” Fred whispered.
The footsteps came closer and closer and…
“Wait!” Daphne gasped.
Shaggy and Scooby appeared, running fast. 
“Guys!” The teen panted.
“Shaggy?” Velma blinked, surprised.
“Guys, I—“
“There’s no time.” Fred shook his head. “Shark’s coming soon and we need to—“
The gang froze and turned around. Ebenezer Shark stood there, gun in hand, pointing it at the teens and the dog.
“Well, well, well.” The man laughed. “What do we have here?”
“You won’t get away with this.” Velma announced, her heart sinking in her chest. He came from the wrong side. He saw them before they even knew he was there.
“Ah, but I will.” Shark shook his head. “I’ve always been one step ahead of the law, it’s not that hard to stay a few steps in front of a couple o’ kids and their mangy dog.”
“Hey! Scooby Doo is not mangy!” Shaggy glared indignantly.
“Priorities, Shaggy,” Fred whispered to him.
“I don’t get it.” Velma started. Keep him talking, the man has a flair for the dramatic, he’ll love a good monologue. “Well, I mean I get the boat thing, but the ghost?”
“Ah, well, the boats was nice. But as good as I was, I wasn’t infallible.” The man tapped the gun to his chin.
“Cutler saw you one night.” Shaggy interrupted. 
Shark turned his focus to him and Velma used the distraction to slowly turn the valve.
“He saw you and he was — he was going to report you.” Shaggy continued. “So you wrecked his boat.”
Velma kept turning.
“And an opportunity is an opportunity.” Daphne continued. “And a recent death in the marina was a great opportunity to dress up like a ghost and scare people away.”
Velma kept turning
“You used the glowing seaweed to make it seem like you were a ghost.” Fred added. “It was the perfect plan.”
“It is the perfect plan.” Shark snapped. “Once I get rid of you I’ll wreak your boat and say I saw you on the water going joy-riding, the town will be none the wiser.”
He raised the gun at them again his hand tightening…
Then Scooby leaped at him, biting his arm. Shark screamed and the gun went flying out of his hand, into the water. 
“Now!” Velma cried.
Fred and Daphne sprayed Shark, Scooby jumping out of the way just in the nick of time. The man swore as he slipped down the docks into the net. He writhed and struggled, but Velma knew it was over. He was caught.
They went to the Malt Shop. It was one am, they were tired and scared out of their minds and they knew that they wouldn’t sleep tonight. At least Scooby wouldn’t. He stared at the kids, just kids, who had faced down a madman with a gun only a few hours earlier. They faced down a madman and won. 
But they were still kids.
“Four milkshakes please.” Fred ordered.
Scooby’s stomach grumbled. 
“Make that five.” Shaggy corrected.
The other three turned to look at him. 
“Scooby wants one too,” he said.
“Of course. The dog of the hour deserves a milkshake.” Daphne smiled at him.
We’re all the dogs of the hour, he would have said.
“Yeah, like, we would have been toast if it weren’t for you buddy.” Shaggy grinned.
“We owe you one.” Fred said. “Well, technically I owe you two.”
Scooby “woofed” in happiness, licking Shaggy and Daphne and Fred. Velma didn’t want to be licked but that was okay. He liked them. All of them. And Shaggy did too. 
The dog glanced out the window, catching a glimpse of a ghostly figure. The man in the suit waved, before fading away. Scooby nodded. He was at peace. And based on the way that Shaggy drank his milkshake, and laughed at Velma’s joke, he was at peace too, at least more than he had been yesterday. And Scooby would be at peace too, as soon as he got his paws on some Scooby Snacks.
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bennyyrabbit · 1 year
I'm 17. I met a couple kids the other day. And I just thought, this is the kid I was. Because I could SEE it. I could SEE that this kid, this one particular kid was ME when I was 12-13.
When I was 12-13, a 17 year old guy told me I was cute, and that he liked me, and we ended up dating.
I like to think that if I'd had a... A person who'd BEEN there and UNDERSTOOD what I was getting into and could WARN me, I wouldn't have gotten with the three older guys and two older girls that fucked me up mentally.
So, I'm 17. This kid is 13. And I just KNOW that this kid is me. Not literally me, but, in my position. And I'm right. Not totally right, he doesn't have THAT much of an age gap in his relationship as I did when I was 13, but it's a toxic manipulative relationship.
And I KNOW how these turn out. How it fucks you up longer than you'd think. Even the juvenile ones. Because they do. They mess you up.
So now I am... Trying to be the guiding force I needed, or wanted, in that time of my life.
And I don't know if I'm doing the right thing. Getting involved. It's just a kid I've never met. Until two days ago. That reminds me of me when I needed someone to help me, whether I knew it or not.
I don't know if I should back off or not. I don't want to, because I want this kid to be more okay than I am now. Y'know? He's still gonna be a little messed up, because he's got other shit in his life, that's what makes him such an easy target. What made me an easy target. I know that looking back, and looking at him.
But I want him to be messed up because of his family issues, not because some older guy decided he wanted to fuck with some kid's feelings. Y'know?
But it's not my place. They have older siblings. It's not my place to get involved. But here I am, getting involved, because I ALWAYS do this.
I saw a kid, MONTHS ago. She turns ten this February. She was into FNAF, I knew because she was reading the back of one of the books at the library, and I thought she was older. She's tall, going through puberty in the obvious way girls do. So I think she's 12-14. Somewhere in there. My little brother's age, is where I put her.
So I start up a conversation, I like FNAF, she likes FNAF, I'm bored out of my mind, and sometimes I forget how much older than these kids I am, because sometimes I still think I'm that 12-13 year old who got with older guys. I'm almost stuck there.
Until I meet a kid.
And then it's like. I'm older now. I've been through some shit. And I have to keep other kids from going through shit.
So, we're talking. We talk about FNAF, breach the topic of Creepypasta, and then I ask the question, how old are you, kid?
She says nine.
I was so stunned, I just stared for a second. Her mom comes over, they start talking, I walk back to my seat.
Then I'm like. No. I can't just sit here.
I get back up. Mom and Girl have stopped talking, Girl is now looking at books again.
I walk over to Mom, and I ask her if I could talk to her for a second a bit away from Girl.
Girl told me, seconds before I asked her age, that her favorite creepypasta is Sally Williams. She clarified she hadn't read it yet, but that she seemed cool.
So I pull Mom aside. I start talking to Mom. I tell Mom what FNAF is about, fully convinced she doesn't know. I'm right, Mom had no idea. I go on to tell her that Creepypasta is a website for fictional horror stories, all of which are too mature for a nine year old.
I specifically mention Sally, and her story. I vocalize that I am fully and entirely aware that it is none of my business what Mom lets her daughter do on the internet. But I also say that I wish someone had at least tried to keep me on appropriate websites and videos on the internet. Because I didn't get that, and I know it messed me up. Because at 9, a kid should be watching Scooby-Doo, not reading Nora Roberts and being bored because the sex scenes aren't interesting enough.
So, Mom and I have a conversation. Mom thanks me for talking to her, because she doesn't want Girl on that kind of stuff, and she says that it's so hard to keep track of what kids are doing online now.
And I say, yeah. Even if your kid can't get onto something, chances are, one of their friends can. But you can sure try. You can TRY to keep their innocence. And I tell her again, that I know it's none of my business, but I was saying something, because I wished someone had cared about my innocence.
It was a bittersweet moment.
I saw Girl again today. At the library where we met. She's reading Pokemon and Dogman and still being a kid. She still likes FNAF, still reads the books, plays the games, watches YouTube videos of people playing the games. I knew she would. I even told her mom that there was no way she was getting Girl to drop FNAF. She was already super into it, and our conversation before I realized how young she was only made it more interesting, because I talked about some lore she didn't know.
Seeing Girl today, talking to Kid. I'm just trying to keep them kids.
It's not my place. It's not my business. But I want them to stay kids as long as they possibly can.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 2 years
Dating Tim Drake (My DR)
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This is what it’s like dating Tim Drake according to my DR (shifting) and let me tell you, he’s a precious and culturally sound man who loves Scooby Doo and is also a freaking genius
Tim Drake is someone that everyone likes
he’s the kind of chaos and perfectly calm that everyone just thinks is the greatest
knows every vine and every meme available but also could have like 100 PHD’s and can hold long conversations about pretty much everything from Barbie and Scooby Doo movies and then the depths of astrophysics and international politics and affairs
As Tim Drake is helpful to those that he notices needs a little pick me up like with homework or just getting around
As Red Robin he’s the same way and if you ever have a home work question, don’t hesitate screaming about it and he’ll pop in and tell you the answer
As RR he’s the one that is always seen doing the craziest things with his brothers and being an absolute icon
Thunder Thighs and amazing abs
he loves coffee as usual but also loves any sort of ginger bread too
Skincare fanatic and loves keeping the vibes right all around him
Loves the movies from 70’s-90’s and quotes them often
Quotes Gordon Ramsay as RR
Loves chemistry and space
When you met you were in Gotham Academy and both in the same classes i the advanced classes
lab partners and were often hanging out together
When you met RR it was because you were hanging out on the rooftops of your apartment
Your parents were having their regular dinner party with a ton of their friends
You lived you in richer part of Gotham so it was normal for you to be out at night like that
It was this time when you were reading your book that you made about all of the heroes and villains that you had ever known of in any of your lifetimes
You were this sort of being that was immortal but always dying as normal and being reincarnated
You retained all of the memories of your past lives and all of the knowledge and skills that you learned along the way
It was something that you clung to and always joked to yourself about
“I have 20 PHD’s I don’t even know why I’m here.” “I’ve trained as an assassin for 400 years, I could kill this idiot with a single strand of hair.” “When I was ruler, they wouldn’t talk to me like that.” "HEY! That’s where I was burned alive for being a witch! Ah memories…” - child anyways
it wasn’t a lie either
Tim caught you in the middle of writing notes in this GIGANTIC book and watching something like Inspector Gadget on your phone
“it’s a bit cold to be out here this late at night dontcha think?”
“that’s why I have my hoodie on.” You say not turning to face the person
This causes Tim to come and sit next to you
You know who he is but he doesn’t have to know that yet
“So whatcha doin?” He asks before realizing that you were writing notes on darksied
“Just improving on some information that I have here.” You answer, “Do you think that his eye beams are closer to shimmery or sparkly?”
“Sparkly- I did not just answer that.” “Why do you have a massive binder on everyone?”
“It’s just a little project just in case.”
“Sounds legit”
You two flip through the book and watch Scooby Doo
He pretty much immediately knows that you know who he is and you explain the whole situation
You meet the Batfam even though you already know them but now they can really be THE WAYNES since they don’t have to hide the fact that they’re the batfam
They’re always inviting you now to come patrol and do things with them now
It makes Timmy a bit jealous but you always make sure that he’s included in some way unless it’s just like a girl day or something
Since you’ve mastered the magic and art of healing, you can restore Babs (that’s just because she does it anyways so I figure just change it a bit)
Damian and Cass love you since you have sooooo many new things to teach them about training and fighting
Tim’s fighting improves so much while you’re dating
not that it was ever bad, it’s just that training with you sky rocketed his skill
The media love the interactions between you and the Wayne family or Y/H/N and the batfam plus other heroes
You and Tim are inseparable
Always finishing each other’s sentences and can basically communicate with looks and small phrases that are just incomplete sentences and words that no one else really gets
rooftop dates and just hanging out- this is especially at your place since you’re on the roof a lot
telling stories about historical figures that you knew at one point
they all become inside jokes at some point
you let some of them become known to the batfam but definitely not all of them
that’s a breech of code
Tim thinks that any and all of the powers that you’ve developed over the few millennia are pretty awesome
Always dorking out over the dumbest crap
it’s pretty funny to you two
You’re friends with all of his friends and he likes all of yours
Makes sure to keep the vibes right since that’s important 🤚
you two always are really good at listening and to and understanding each other
I think that he’s actually really really good at communicating especially when it’s something like a case or a problem that is frustrating him
He has the best tastes in everything and that’s that
also a swiftie
no debate about it
sometimes gets things that remind him of you
you help him with everything WE related that he might need some extra hands on
sometimes you’ll do a months worth of work in a night just to give him some off time a bit
that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t ever scold you for it a little bit
he really appreciates it though and since you know how his brain works and how he does things, it never stresses him out and after a bit of explanation as to what you did, he just picks things right back up
you two probably sleep on top of each other or very very close
could fit on a twin bed because- pile
Always takes you to galas and gets along with your parents well
whenever you do interviews and things, if they’re not WE related they’re always really really funny and entertaining
reacting to videos, the ones with all of the animals, eating things and talking, painting and talking, rapid fire interview
everything goes viral
there are so many edits of you two it’s ridiculous
when you’re not around since maybe you’re traveling or on a mission he’s always keeping up on how you are
sets alarms to call if you’re in a different time zone
Even if you’re in Paris and it’s 4am in Gotham, he’s calling
relationship goals
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