#and she hid that too until she cracked a tiny bit
emiscringe · 4 months
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My OC Marie that I’ve made pre-trauma and post-trauma
Yeah I’m the type of author to torture my creations, I’m so tinybuild core
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angelbaby-fics · 2 months
Okay so i have tonsillitis rn and cant eat bc it hurts like hell.
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where the reader has tonsillitis and dont wanna eat so Papa Steve needs to hold her while baba bucky feeds her even though her cries and sobs Broke their heart they need to do it bc she dont even wanna eat soup. Big bro petie wanna comfort her and give her, her favorite blankie and plushie😻
I love your fics!!
A Welcome Distraction
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Word Count: 500
A/N: Aaah I'm sorry this took so long! Hopefully your tonsillitis is all better now 😅 I hope you like this 💕
Steve and Bucky were more than worried for you. It was nearly dinnertime and you’d still refused to eat all day. They knew what was wrong, your doctor's appointment was scheduled for the very next day, but there wasn’t much they could do to comfort you in the meantime. You’d even denied your bottle full of warm milk, something you usually couldn’t get enough of. Your daddies’ hearts ached just knowing how uncomfortable you must have been. Even Peter was concerned, hardly able to pay attention to his toys while you were suffering.
The discomfort in your stomach grew worse, but it was still no match for the white hot pain that came every time you tried to swallow. You’d spent all day long either crying or on the brink of tears, handed back and forth between your daddies so you’d never be left alone. The sun was nearly setting when they decided something must be done. Bucky carried you to your highchair, but you only clung to him harder. Your baba immediately understood what you needed, sitting down at one of the dining table chairs with you still in his lap, still gripping tight to his shoulders. Peter watched from his booster seat across the table. 
Steve entered the dining room a moment later, a bowl of soup warmed up to just the right temperature in his hand. It was your favorite kind, with not too strong of a flavor or too many spices since he knew you were already overwhelmed. You hid your face in Bucky’s neck as Steve approached you with a spoonful of warm broth.
“I know, angel. Just a couple tiny bites for daddy?”
Bucky lightly massaged your scalp, an excuse to gently maneuver your head to face Steve a little better. You parted your lips just enough for him to slip the spoon in and guide a little bit of soup down your throat. It didn’t feel good, but the taste was satisfying as it washed over your dry tongue, and the warmth spilling into your tummy woke up your appetite. You whined for another bite. Bucky continued to comfort you as Steve kept the spoonfuls coming. Both of them were focused on you, making sure you didn’t start crying again or coughing up the soup. You continued to whine and wiggle for a bit, until you stopped. 
Both of your daddies looked down to see Peter seated on the floor next to the table. He’d gotten up from his booster seat all on his own and snuck away to your playroom, retrieving as many dolls and stuffies as he could carry. Now he sat cross-legged before you, acting out funny little scenes with your toys to try and cheer you up while you ate, and it was working. For the first time all day long, you cracked a hint of a smile. Steve and Bucky were so proud of the sweet relationship between their babies. Your big brother Peter had saved the day once again.
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(this is how i imagine them watching peter & reader interact so sweetly hehe 💕)
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lovebugism · 2 years
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✶ ┄ FIX IT !
summary: you thought you were over it, the whole steve-and-nancy thing. spoiler alert: you aren't. pairing: steve harrington / f!reader word count: 3.5k warning: angst. gut wrenching angst. with a sort of happy ending. a/n: i'm such a sucker for angst it's gotta be unhealthy at this point. anyway, shout out to all my angsty fic enjoyers. let's read this and cry together <3
Having four roommates and only two bathrooms was worth it if it meant getting out of Hawkins. The apartment was a quaint little thing just outside of Indianapolis — up four flights of stairs with no elevator, cracks in the walls, and a stellar view of an alleyway.
But it was nice to have a place all your own. Sharing it with all your best friends was even better. That was the dream after all, wasn’t it? And being with Steve — that was just the cherry on top of it all.
So you weren’t going to let your mean, green, and envious heart ruin the new life you and your friends were trying to build in this tiny apartment.
You didn’t even think yourself the jealous type. Not until you realized that Steve was going to live under the same roof as his ex-girlfriend. It was dumb and it was irrational and you just couldn’t shake it.
It was probably a whole lot harder for Steve than it was for you, really. Besides, it had been years since they were together. Both of them had moved on, both of them had new and blossoming relationships.
Jonathan was good to Nancy. And to you, Steve was… well he was perfect. More importantly, he was yours. 
So it really shouldn’t bother you.
And it didn’t. Not for a while. 
Not until Nancy and Jonathan broke up out of nowhere and he’d announced to all of you on movie night that he was moving out.
He said that he missed California too much, that Argyle was getting lonely all the way out there, and that he had a spare room at his place. You couldn’t tell if that was the truth or just some bullshit excuse.
Maybe both.
What made it worse is that Nancy hadn’t seemed all that upset about it. Hell, you were more sad about him leaving than she was.
She told you as much during your weekly designated wine night (the one where you and her and Robin got drunk on cheap wine, while the rest of the boys fucked off and got drunker on cheaper beer).
“It didn’t hurt as bad as I thought it would,” she’d confessed with a shrug, only slightly tipsy and cheeks pink with it. “We… drifted apart, I guess. Just felt right to end it.”
You and Robin spent the rest of the night comforting her, anyway.
She loved Jonathan, everyone knew that. It sort of came with the whole shared trauma thing. She had to be at least a little bit sad that her person was gone, but she hid it away from the rest of you like it was her job.
But when the days got really bad, and she found herself missing Jonathan more than she liked, she sought refuge in Steve. Your Steve. 
And it made sense. He knew her better than the rest of you.
But it didn’t mean it hurt any less.
A sick feeling twists in your stomach when Steve accompanies the girl on a liquor store run without her having to ask. You watch with your heart in your throat when he leaves with her in the dead of night — a swirling bubble of jealousy in the pit of your chest with an ache so palpable you can taste it.
You spend the next several minutes trying not to look as sad as you feel while Eddie can’t stop debating on what the two of them might be talking about.
Nancy had been more reserved as of late, carrying a rain cloud over her as she wandered through the apartment like a ghost — he concludes they’re just going out to spill some hot goss. Robin makes him promise to never say those string of words ever again while you quietly dismiss yourself to your bedroom.
Nancy and Steve have been gone for an hour.
Lying in the dark and staring up at the textured, water-stained ceiling, you start to do the math. Fifteen minutes there, fifteen minutes back with traffic — but the streets are usually bare after nine o’clock. Either way, that leaves a half hour spent trying to choose what alcohol to splurge on.
You’ve seen Nancy try to pick out wine, she’s indecisive and a perfectionist to boot. She could spend hours dissecting each bottle to find the perfect one, if Robin wasn’t constantly over her shoulder rushing her.
Maybe that’s why Nancy had declined when the girl offered to tag along with them.
Or maybe she just wanted to be alone with Steve—
You have to physically shake that thought from your head. But even when you shut your eyes, it’s like the image of him and Nancy making out in the back of her Station Wagon is ingrained in the depths of your mind.
You curl into yourself and bathe in the depths of the dark abyss you’ve created in your bedroom, trying to see your way out of your handcrafted turmoil like a bad cold.
When Nancy and Steve return, they come cradling paper bags in their arms like babies.
Robin relieves the latter of the load in his hands and follows the darker-haired girl into the kitchen connected to the living room, no larger than a decent-sized closet.
Steve notices the lack of your presence as soon as he walks through the door. When he’d left, the three of you were pregaming — a feat that often led to Eddie breaking out his guitar and you and him singing terribly off-key to whatever was playing on the radio.
Now you’re nowhere to be found, and he feels it like a missed meal. He feels the ache of your absence like an empty stomach.
“Where’d she go?” Steve asks Eddie, who’s lounging on the couch and taking up the entire space — legs spread and arms thrown over the back.
The curly-haired boy takes a noisy sip of his nearly gone beer. Then exhales rather dramatically when he sits the can on his thigh. It leaves a damp ring on the denim. “Hey, buddy... Just blow in from stupid town?”
Eddie rolls his eyes, already annoyed and knowing more than he lets on. “She’s in her room, dingus.”
“She okay?” Steve wonders with furrowed brows, uncaring of the use of the stupid nickname because there’s bigger things to worry about apparently.
It wasn’t like you to miss a night of drinking. He gets momentarily fearful that you’d gotten sick while he was away, that he wasn’t around to help you if you had.
“Why don’t you ask her?” Eddie lilts with wide eyes, like it’s a bright idea that neither of them would’ve thought of otherwise.
His sarcasm makes Steve roll his eyes, but he heeds the boy’s words anyway.
Through the short hallway and the last door on the right, he finds you in the darkness of your shared bedroom, illuminated only by the orange streetlight that filters through the blinds. You're hid beneath the covers, a little lump on the mattress. 
He idles in the doorway and waits for you to react to his presence.
You don’t.
“Hey, babe,” he greets cautiously after concluding you just hadn’t heard the door squeak open upon his arrival. “You feel okay?”
You mumble something he can’t quite make out. He takes the raised infliction as an affirmative and shifts his weight on his feet because it’s unlike you to be so one-note with him.
“Well, I, uh— I bought some of that wine you like... I couldn’t remember if you liked the blackberry or blueberry, so I ended up just getting both, you know, just in case.”
“Okay,” you respond after several agonizing seconds. Your voice sounds so fragile in the still darkness. Like he didn’t already know something was wrong.
He so desperately wants to pry but chooses to err on the side of caution for now, out of fear of turning the bad, worse.
“You wanna come down and try it with me? If you don’t like it we can always go back—”
“I’m okay,” you interrupt gently, with a tone so soft and coated with so much emotion that it makes his heart sink. You’re anything but and he knows it.
“Okay,” he nods anyway with the hope that he can pull you from this funk you’d managed to fall into. “Do you, uh… Do you want me to stay in here with you?”
He hears your deep sigh and sees the way the wad of blankets rises and falls again. A telltale sign of your annoyance. He knows then that he’s overstayed his welcome.
Your voice remains quiet but loses its kindness when you tell him: “You can do whatever you want, Steve.”
He’s hurt by the way you’re so suddenly short with him, then angered because he didn’t do anything to deserve it in the first place.
“Okay, what’s wrong with you? What did I do?”
You don’t answer. You just sigh again, the same really big, dramatic one that’s more to showcase your irritation with him than anything else.
You’re more than keen to end the conversation right there, but Steve isn’t. Not when something’s eating you away from the inside out and he can’t do anything to help you because you won’t let him. 
“Babe, c’mon. I get it, alright? You’re mad at me. Just tell me what I did wrong so I can fix it.”
“You can’t fix it,” you monotone, stifled beneath the covers.
“I can’t fix it?” he repeats with furrowed brows. “What do you mean, I can’t fix it?”
You use your silence as an answer, as a weapon. It’s almost worse than any silver-tongued reply you could've given him. The quiet forces him to think for himself and imagine all the things he could’ve done wrong that he can’t take back. It feels like quicksand.
Did he forgot to kiss you good morning? Of course, he didn’t — actually, he gets mad at you for forgetting — and you were golden before he left. Eddie probably said something stupid, that was likely. Or maybe Robin made a joke that upset you, that was even more likely. 
He figures it’s something in between all those. Something silly that feels like the end of the world. He can make it better. He always makes it better.
Steve lifts the lump of covers you shield yourself with and crawls beneath them with the intention of pulling you out of the void you’ve sunken into.
It’s not so comfortable, lying in bed in socks and jeans and a collared shirt, but he doesn’t need to feel good right now — you do. He’ll be content if he can just hold you in his arms for a couple of hours, the rest of the night if that’s what you need.
But he can’t even do that.
He reaches for your arm, fingers just barely trailing across the warm skin there, and you jerk away from him like he’s shocked you.
It startles him, how quick you are to avoid him. It has him jerking back too, because you’ve never denied him the opportunity to touch you. He becomes the same sort of storm cloud that you are now, because he doesn’t know what he did to deserve this. Any of it.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks you, less soft than he’d been before.
You sniffle. “I told you I didn’t want you going out alone with Nancy anymore,” you mumble, face still shoved into your pillow. The words are slightly muffled but he can hear the tears that coat your voice. 
“That’s what this is about?” he wonders, not as empathetic as you’d hoped he might be, but genuinely confused. With your back to him, you don’t see the smile pulling at his lips while he shakes his head, like it’s funny to him. “Babe, we were just getting drinks. It’s no different than you going out with Robin.”
“It’s totally different! Because I was never in love with Robin. She was never in love with me—”
“Well, I beg to differ,” he murmurs in a soft laugh.
“It’s not funny, Steve,” you retort wetly and then sniffle again. When you turn to face him, he sees for the first time what he’s done to you.
The orange of the streetlight lamp outside bathes you in a sunset shade of neon — your eyes are glassy with tears that gather at your lashes. Emotions glow at the tip of your nose and your cheeks. Your skin would be hot to the touch if he felt you now.
“Do you know how weird it is for me? To watch my boyfriend and his ex go fuck around with me?” you ask him with a scrunched nose and brows, like your trying to keep yourself from falling apart in front of him.
“It’s not like that and you know it,” Steve scolds. “She just wanted to get alcohol for tonight and had some shit to get off her chest. I mean, she’s been having a really hard time lately—”
“It’s not your job to take care of her, Steve!” you shout before you even realize you’re shouting. You take in a shuddered breath and let it out in a trembling sigh, shining eyes flitted away from him and towards the ceiling as you calm yourself down.
When you start your lament again, you’re quieter.
“You can’t just be this, like, emotional crutch for her every single time something’s wrong. She’ll just get invested in you all over again and…”
Steve watches from beside you, propped up on his elbow, as you trail off. The frown between your eyebrows deepens, a great and inquisitive crevice, while your eyes widen and your mouth falls softly agape — like you’ve discovered something in the midst of your rant.
“Is— Is that what you want?” you ask him then. “Do you, like, need her attention to feed your ego or something?”
He’s too offended by your words to tell you all the ways they aren’t true. “What? No! Why would you say that?”
“Because it’s embarrassing, Steve.”
“What is?”
“Watching you and her together!” you admit through a tightening throat. You rise from where you’d been laying down and Steve follows you, settling in front of you as you wrap your arms around your knees. “When I have to sit here, by myself, while you guys spend time alone. When she always knows what you’re up to, and I don’t—”
“I’m sorry,” he apologizes quietly, because he doesn’t know what else to say.
“—It’s not fair. She’s not your girlfriend, Steve, I am. It’s your job to take care of me, not her.”
Steve deflates like a popped balloon. His chin falls to his chest and his eyes squeeze shut at the weight of your words.
It’s like you’re reminding him that he’s supposed to be in love with you and not someone he cared for a long time ago. Like you felt the need to remind him because you thought he’d forgotten somewhere down the line.
It hurts him too. It feels like you’ve got his heart in your hands and you're wringing it in your grip.
“You’re right,” Steve concedes with a nod. “I just... I guess, I never thought about it like that.”
He feels the same way, too, sometimes. When you and Eddie go all buddy-buddy mode and want to spend time together.
When you’re out all night with him at band practice. When you’re attached at the hip and having sleepovers in his room to talk about everything and nothing for hours until you fall asleep when the sun rises. When you both come down at one in the afternoon the next day for breakfast, giggling about the thing you said the night before.
It makes him feel like he’s missing out. Like you’re sharing parts of yourself with someone else and he isn’t allowed to see it.
And sometimes he gets irrational — keeps himself up all night as he imagines you and Eddie making out on his floor after going through all his new tapes or fucking in his unmade bed while he keeps a hand on your mouth to keep you quiet.
Steve concocts waking nightmares for himself whenever you’re not beside him.
But even then, it’s different. Because he used to do all that shit with Nancy. They fell in love, made out for hours because they didn’t want to stop feeling each other, had sex on a twin-sized bed and tried to keep from falling out of it while they did.
You’d never done that shit with Eddie — or with anyone you’re now sharing a home with. Besides Steve.
Because he’s yours now. And you’re his.
But you can’t stop thinking about how he used to be Nancy’s too.
“I don’t need you to tell me that I’m right,” you murmur with the childlike shake of your head, slow and lazy, as you wipe your wet cheek on your shoulder. “I need you to do something about it— I needed you to do something about it a long time ago.”
“I will, okay? I will. I promise. I’ll fix it,” Steve assures you quickly, with wide and hopeful eyes and a nodding head that makes his hair flop against his forehead.
He can see you losing hope in front of him, like a flame going slowly out. You’re slipping away. He keeps fighting to keep a hold of you.
“You can’t,” you sniffle. “You can’t fix it.”
“It’s not fair. To either of us,” you tell him, looking at him through clumped together lashes and heavy, sparkling eyes. “And it’s not your fault, okay? But I can’t keep feeling this like. It’s not healthy— this isn’t… this is what a healthy relationship is supposed to look like. It shouldn’t feel like this.”
Steve blinks back stinging tears. He brings his hand to his face and rubs the back of it against his burning nose. He feels a bit like you do now, hopeless. You’re slipping away and he is too and you both just keep on slipping, just going going going.
“You’re not even—” he clears his throat when his voice breaks halfway through. “You’re not even gonna let me try?”
You shrug weakly. Tears burn as they gather at your waterline. You revel in the sting because it’s better than the hole ripping through your chest.
“I don’t know. I think… I think it’s too late.”
“Why would you say that?” Steve agonizes with the shake of his head, looking like a wounded puppy as he gaze at you with brown eyes full of hurt. “Don’t say that. Don’t.”
“No,” he interjects firmly, stopping the spiral before it can start again.
He positions himself so he’s sitting further ahead of you and holds your arms in his numbing hands, ducking down to catch your gaze when you try to look away from him.
“I love you, okay? I’m an idiot and I’m sorry and I'm stupid, alright? I wasn’t thinking. But we can’t just… It’s not too late. I can fix this. I promise I can fix this.”
Your chest aches at his plea, at the way he still doesn’t understand.
It’s not his fault you feel this way, not entirely. It’s not anyone’s fault and that’s what’s so scary. There’s no one to blame the pain on, no root to cut out and put an end to it. You’re frightened that it’s always going to be there, constantly in the way, forbidding either of you from ever moving on.
“Steve...” you murmur through tears while the boy gathers you in his arms. You try to stop him but your voice gets caught in your throat halfway through. Because you don’t want him to stop. Not ever.
He nurses you into his velvet hold, wrapping a pair of strong arms around you to cage you against him. He presses his nose into your temple while he rocks you back and forth. “I promise. Everything’s okay. I’ll fix it.”
He repeats that like a mantra while you keep your head pressed against his chest — everything’s gonna be okay, I can fix it, I love you.
It’s a promise. One that he’d rather die than break. 
You stay there, curled against his chest, while dark feelings ebb and flow in a constant and bitter cycle.
You hope he’s right. That these big feelings are just big stupid feelings that'll pass come the pink and blue sunrise. That everything really is going to be okay and that he really can fix it. 
Because even now, all hopeless and full of doom and gloom, you feel soothed in his hold. You’ve never felt safer anywhere else. You’ve built a home in the peace of Steve’s arms and you want to keep on living in them.
“I’m gonna make it better,” he whispers against the crown of your head. If you’ll let me.
He feels you nod lazily against him. “Okay.”
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seonghwaddict · 10 months
stupefied — kang yeosang
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in which a small accident leads to something more.
prince!kang yeosang x fem!reader. genre. fluff, domestic fluff, slight crack. warnings. they're super awkward, description and mentions of wounds, a tiny bit of blood, they're super cute. wc. 5.8k.
lilo's notes. hi i'm back :3
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There was nothing that could explain why Prince Kang Yeosang was roaming the woods, other than the fact that he desired a break. He told his servants not to go looking for him because he was on a personal mission, but in reality, he wanted to mindlessly wander around in a disguise that would not attract attention. He set off in his worst garments and a hood above his head. The brief vacation was only supposed to last for a day, but it did not go as he had anticipated.
After winding his way through snow and wood for so long, he fell into a rhythm. His defences were down and his thoughts were building themselves into other things until he heard singing. It was an enchanting melody, but that did not keep him from being wary. Once he brought more focus to his path, he realised that the part of the forest he was in felt unfamiliar. He told himself he was too competent to fall into such a generic trap, so he got off his horse and secured him to a tree. After asking his companion not to make a sound—as if the animal would understand him—he moved further with much caution and hands raised. His fingers twitched as the voice grew louder and his boots pushed quietly onto the earth.
Up ahead, you hummed a sweet melody. However, you faltered for a second when you heard the snap of a twig. It was easy to believe that it was likely one of the many harmless animals that liked to roam about the area in the afternoon, so you continued. Your confidence began to diminish once the sounds of birds twittering faded into silence. It did not look like a storm was coming, so the safest conclusion was already thrown aside along with your composure. By all accounts, if you were so nervous, why did you continue singing?
As Yeosang passed a shrub, he saw you by several bushes filled with various berries. His first thought was not him questioning why a young woman would be by herself in this secluded part of the forest. Instead, he thought of how carefully your fingers skimmed across each fruit to study them. He was close enough to see the way the sun caused a glimmer that beamed off your shoulders and brought a shine to the locks of your hair. If he was closer, he would have seen that your rosy lips were the result of you biting them to strengthen your concentration on berry picking. To his hidden delight, those same lips did not stop singing as minutes passed. The sight before him eased his suspicions significantly, but he was still hesitant about making his presence known. The Prince had planned to turn on his heels and try to forget what he saw, but once he put his guard down, his vigilance followed suit. A larger branch whimpered as it cracked from the weight of his body, and the next thing he could properly process was the girl’s frightened eyes meeting him.
From your perspective, it was after you had noticed that the birds were completely silent that you heard the branch break. You glanced at your surroundings briefly, picking up the largest rock you spotted. Just in case. You were on edge more than usual, so you whipped around to see why the sound was coming from behind you, and what had been causing it. Any other creature was what you expected, but when you saw a man crouched behind a shrub, you instinctively screamed and threw the rock right at him, hitting his head. The basket of freshly picked berries was knocked over as you tried to gather the fabric of your dress. Your shoes carried you to the nearest tree and you hid behind it and held your breath. The anticipation grew up your spine as the silence persisted. Minutes passed without any response from the mysterious man so she peeked. You could see the man’s wavy black hair still peeking out of what he previously hid behind.
You had concluded that ten minutes was not the normal amount of time that someone would pretend to be unconscious, so you approached his still body with your hands stretched out, ready to defend your own life. His face was the first thing she noticed about him. His features were so striking that you felt that if you reached out with your hands, your fingers would have bled. His physical appearance did not match the frayed clothing that he was wearing. Every strand of his hair fell into perfect position even though he had been knocked down on the ground. He was well-groomed in every sense of the word. It was odd. From your speed search, there did not seem to be any weapons on him, which made the situation even stranger.
“Oh, no.” You sank to the ground in shame.
Your fingers warily made their way to his wrist to check for a pulse, then his neck. He was so cold that without the hammering beating of his heart, she would have assumed that he was already dead. The growing red colour on his arm and the thin cut on his temple made the situation even more critical. You needed to get him to your home, but you did not know how to. You scrambled to pick up the man, but the weight you felt when you attempted to lift him by his shoulders was enough to convince you that dragging him back home would not work. Everything seemed pointless until you heard the heavy breaths and cries of a horse not too far from where you were. You thought that if it was not this strange man’s horse, then who else would be around to tie a horse to a tree? After practically begging the horse to lie down, you were finally able to drag the man onto it. That’s when you definitely knew you made the right decision. The majestic, pitch-black creature seemed so comfortable with the heavy man thrown over it like a towel.
“Come along now, sweetie.” You took the horse’s reins and walked it to your cottage.
When Prince Yeosang woke up, the first thing he saw was a cat. It was perched on his chest with no thought about the consent of the stranger. Its mismatched green and blue eyes almost distracted Yeosang from the fact that he was in a room that he was unfamiliar with. Not only that, but he felt something wrapped tightly around his arm and something else sticking against his temple. Before he could panic, he heard someone coming into the room.
“Laura!” You came rushing in. The cat was quickly removed from the prince’s chest, and he felt like he was left completely thoughtless. You tried to cradle Laura, but the cat leapt from your hands and out of the room. “I’m so sorry,” oyu said. The man stayed completely still, as the emotion on his face still remained ambiguous. You took that as your cue to introduce yourself with your first name. You waited to see if he would introduce himself too. When he didn’t, you continued. “You fell on a rock and were out cold when I checked you. Um,” you quickly pointed to the window on your right, “your horse is outside. I fed him… he’s really pretty.”
“Thank you,” he said. At any other time, the prince would be ready to fight his way out of a situation, but he was more focused on the light from the candles in the room gently contouring your face. Your beauty was painfully enchanting. It was a surprise how your features stupefied him the moment you stumbled through the door.
“Your food.” You dashed out of the small room as quickly as you came in. Your dress moved like billowing clouds as you made haste to retrieve his food, your quick footsteps giving the illusion that you were floating. Yeosang felt like he was looking at a person from the very fairy tales he heard as a child.
You came back in carrying a tray with a bowl and utensils in the centre. “Would you like it?”
“Like what?”
“Some food,” you nervously stated. Your idea of bringing the man back to your cabin was as awkward as you expected it to be, you were starting to regret your plan.
“Oh…” he nodded, “yes, please.” It should not have been that easy for a stranger to convince him to ingest anything, but he already had the silverware in his mouth before he was mentally chastising himself for being so easily charmed.
“I’m sorry for the confusion. I think you got cut on a sharp rock because your arm was bleeding really bad,” you said. That is when Yeosang finally stopped eating and looked at his left arm. It was utterly embarrassing that he did not notice it was entirely bandaged until now. He did not want to admit how bad it looked from the few discoloured parts of flesh peeking through. “And… you must’ve hit your head on something. I put some plasters on the little bit, but I think it should be fine by now.”
“Still, I would hate for you to continue your journey with an injured arm,” you added. You kept your attention on his wounded limb, it was jarring to see how dark his eyes were. They intimidated you into looking anywhere but at him and attempting bad conversation. “You can stay here until you feel well enough to return to what you were doing if that’s what she would like.”
“Thank you so much for your kindness.” Yeosang was no longer going to lie to himself. He knew he would rather spend days with the bewitching woman who saved his life than return to his very own prison. He would just hope that you didn’t have any ill intentions because it would be a shame if he would have to take you out himself.
“So,” you got up to mindlessly shuffle some stuff in the room. “What’s your name?” you grinned.
“Yeosang,” he replied without much thought. He wanted to take it back, but it was too late. No one really called him that anymore—but if you didn’t recognise him as the prince of this nation, he would try his best to keep it that way even if he could only experience a form of normality for a few days.
“That’s a lovely name… May I ask where you’re from? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you around the nearest town…” You trailed off at the end in hesitation.
He thought for a moment before he said, “Gyeongju.”
“Oh, my—What’s it like? I’ve never been to the capital.” You could not stop your true reaction from escaping.
“It’s…” he let out a sigh, “pleasant.” The conversation died for a moment so you focused on Laura making it to the top of your dresser. It was your excuse for still not looking at him. “Where are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I was raised here” you replied as you stroked Laura. He nodded. The conservation did not go any further until you chimed in again, “Well, it’s late. It’s such a shame that you just woke up.”
“I’m sure I’ll sleep,” he voiced politely.
“Okay.” You smiled and began to snuff out the candles around the room. “The door’ll be open so if you have any problems, you can just ask.”
The prince mindlessly nodded to your instruction. It would have been easy to ask where you would be if he was not so uncharacteristically timid. Yeosang refused to try to sleep. There was still some hesitance that made him cautious of sinking into the bed with a weak arm. It grew stiffer as the night continued, so he distracted himself with a book that was left on the wooden dresser.
The feeling of a weight on the Prince’s chest woke him up. When his eyes snapped open, they were looking at the sharp eyes of a feline which brought back memories of the afternoon before. His consciousness did not scare away the cat—as he had desired—but he knew picking up Laura would surely bring unpredictable pain. So, he stayed in an undisclosed staring match with her even as he heard small movements outside the room. After a short period, his focus broke once he heard distant calls for the cat. The young Prince looked back at the cat, which was now preparing to fall asleep on his lap until it met his eyes again. Laura stood right back up—he almost expected her to groan—and hopped off of the bed and out of the room. He followed suit, careful not to strain his injuries, and got out of bed. His body ached more than he was used to. It hurt all over, but there was a more pronounced pain in his forehead. Unfortunately, there was not much to do but follow the path Laura had shown to the kitchen.
“Laura—” The cat quickly interrupted you by hopping into your arms as you crouched. “Where did you go?” you petted her. Yeosang walked into the kitchen, but his steps in his shoes were very quiet. You didn’t notice him until Laura turned from staring at absolutely nothing to the towering wounded man. “Did you wake him?” You whispered to her. Laura continued to stare at the towering, pale man. “I apologise,” you muttered. He nodded with the faintest, courteous smile. You took the trace of emotion that you were given and pulled out a dining chair as you gestured him over. His long legs took him over to the dining table without much effort.
“Thank you.” He completed a small bow, and he sat. Instead of going into his meal, he looked around as you were occupied with trying to get Laura to eat. His brief scanning of the house had him see his horse through the window to the right of him.
“He was fed this morning,” you reassured him.
“Thank you.” He felt like an echo in a cave. He still had not said anything besides constantly thanking you for your hospitality. “He appears to be doing much better than I am.” He was satisfied to see how easily you let out a small chuckle.
After making sure Laura had finished eating, you rose and grabbed the handles of a woven picnic basket. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” you told him as you looked at his nose instead of his eyes because it was easier that way. You turned to Laura and whispered to her ears, “Please, behave, and don’t embarrass me.” As if she would listen if she could. As you went through the door, you looked back for a brief moment. You saw the man’s head whip back to attentively look at the cat on the dining chair. You closed the door and sent a small prayer that if the man tried to take anything or cause any trouble, then your cat would at least try to put up a fight.
Once the door had completely closed and your gentle footsteps grew quieter, he waited three minutes while eating and carrying on the staring match he had with the tabby cat, then got up and let his legs lead him throughout the house. Different varieties of dried flowers spun into circles were gently laid into a bowl. Next to it was the basket of berries he believed he saw yesterday. Plates were lazily leaning against the wall on a shelf while mugs were hanging from hooks. A sweet smell lingered in the kitchen, even though it looked recently cleaned. He couldn’t exactly name the scent but it resembled a mixture of vanilla and something fruity. He did not lose interest in the kitchen but knew his nosy lingering may take longer if he stayed. Yeosang walked to the living room to see two small armchairs next to a well-maintained fireplace. The abundance of shelves on the wall were filled with many books of varying sizes and colours. There was a knitted blanket haphazardly tossed over the chair facing his room.
He continued scanning the room and saw a closed door he never noticed; he had no time to think about the chairs any further. Had he been a guest anywhere else, he would have honoured privacy, but he considered this a unique circumstance. His fingers enveloped the handle and the door whined as he slowly pushed it open. All he did was poke his head in and was met with a clean and very simple room. It was a lot like the one he slept in, except there were different items decorating the tiny dresser. 
Ultimately, Yeosang felt pleased enough with what he glimpsed that he took his snooping to the front door. He held the door latch, peered through the window next to it, and opened the door.
The sun hit his cheeks in small ruptures as its rays tried to twist through the thick trees that blanketed and guarded the cottage. His horse stood without any sign of distress. Yeosang petted the horse while simultaneously giving him some of the berries that Yeosang took off of his plate.
The Prince looked around the exterior of the cottage as his companion leisurely absorbed the sun. The house almost appeared swallowed by bushes, shrubs, flowers, and a few potted plants. His slightly tattered shoes led him around the house. There was a small garden of salad leaves in their pots. With one of his hands brought behind his back, he leaned in to look further at the vegetation.
“You found dinner.” 
Your small voice only tapped his ears, but it startled him into losing his balance. He would have caught himself if she had not assumed he would crush the leaves and attempt to catch him. Your hasty moves caused your steps to be misplaced and she crashed into his hard, warm back. You expected to take him down with you, but he did not budge. Once you realized your face was not meeting the dirt, but rather remained on his back, you erected your spine back up and tried to ignore the wave of embarrassment.
“I’m sorry!” You frantically tried to smoothen the wrinkles on his clothes while avoiding his eyes.
You thought you heard a chuckle come from him. It would have been hard to miss it if his shoulders did not shake when he laughed. “I should be apologizing,” he briefly looks at the plants before switching to look you in the eyes, “I’ve been exploring.”
“That’s fine,” you assured. As he watched you pick up your basket, Yeosang wondered how he got so occupied that he did not notice your return. You walked back to the front of the cottage and inside without checking to see if he was following you. Laura poked her head up upon the opening of the door and right back down when she saw it was you.
“May I?” you heard him say. You turned and saw him, gesturing toward the rows of books you had on display.
“Go ahead,” you said, “there’s not a lot for you to do around here, unfortunately.”
“It’s quite alright, this is enough entertainment.”
“Well, that’s good to hear.” You went back to rummaging through a cabinet for the items you needed to tend to the plants outside.
For Yeosang, the morning went by as quickly as the last chapter of the book had arrived. He noticed that you had gone outside, but not that the sun had already made it to its highest point by the time he closed the story and set it aside. He made an effort to inconspicuously look outside the window leading outside to the front of the house to see if he could spot you and not just a tall black horse. His effort was a failure, but his pride found another alternative. The Prince rose from the chair and walked outside.
As he pretended to walk closer to his companion, he got a much better view of you. Your hands were occupied with tending to the pieces of each plant as your eyes followed them with deep concentration. He saw strands of your hair spilling out of a patterned headscarf you used to protect yourself from the sun. From those same strands came a single bead of sweat that started from your head, down the side of your face, and past your jaw. It continued down your neck and that’s when he refused to keep looking further.
“How was the book?” You looked at him for a moment to see him looking at his horse with too much focus.
He looked over and tried to pretend to have just noticed you. “Good,” he replied. He watched you get up from the ground.
You removed your gloves and walked closer to him. “Could I– um–” She pointed to his bandaged arm.
“Of course,” he replied.
As soon as you were given permission, you took his hand with one hand and lifted his arm with the other. You inched closer in hopes of seeing more without having to move the arm any more than needed. During your inspection, from his height, he was able to see the natural curl of your lashes. The fragments of the sun made the warm glow of your skin more apparent. When you took his hands, it was a moment of cold clarity. He could not remember the last time he was so aware that he was touching another person as it was happening.
“Yeosang?” you looked up at him and were surprised by the lack of space you were giving him. It was easier to pretend that you did not notice.
He hummed in response
“I asked you ‘how much does it hurt?’”
“It aches, not as painful as yesterday, though.”
You nodded, gently placing his hand back down. “And your head?” You gestured at your temple.
“Feels fine to me.”
The rest of the afternoon flew by thanks to the chores she tended to outside and inside, with Yeosang lingering behind you every step of the way. He offered help many times, but you denied his offers and told him not to put stress on his arm. Not wanting to be completely useless, he held a short conversation. It was when dinner was ready and Laura was eating out her plate that you both fell back onto the topic of where he was from.
“Forgive me for asking, but what’s the Palace like?” you asked. He mentioned working there during one of your short conversations.
“Um,” he thought for a moment as he chewed, “clean, I suppose?” You finally heard the sound of laughter not just from yourself, but from him as well as he shrugged. It was nice, and it filled up the house with warmth. “I’ve never had the chance to observe it all,” he said.
“Were you busy?”
“Many duties,” he claimed.
His responses were as short as the time you had known him, but they were getting longer, much to your delight. You wanted to ask him what his job was, but you were not sure if you would be poking too much into his personal business. However, your curiosity about the outside world fueled you to keep going. “Are those duties being neglected right now?”
“I’ll try my best to help speed up your recovery,” you pushed around a piece of asparagus on your plate.
“Much appreciated, but I’m sure they don’t miss me too much.” He quietly appreciated your questions, because as he answered them, the excitement in your eyes never dimmed.
You nodded in response and continued to eat. You pretended not to look at him as he ate, but even in the evening, the dim lighting of the candles scattered around the house made his face look even more enticing. You saw him glance over to check on his horse outside.
“Your horse should be fine outside. Nothing ever comes by here,” you assured.
“It is quite an isolated home,” he realised.
“Yes,” you agreed.
It was quiet for a few more moments until he asked a question of his own. “Have you always lived here?”
“Yes. Can’t really remember living anywhere else.” You tried to pet Laura as she wrapped herself around your foot, but she then began avoiding your hand before skittering under the table to settle at his feet.
“Really? I’ve never come across here,” he said as his brows furrowed, but he nodded before going back to his meal.
The rest of the evening was spent cleaning up the events of the day that passed. The current occupants of the house finished the day with reading. Once it was time to retreat into sleep, you were already fast asleep on the chair with your quilt and a book trapped under it with you.
Yeosang saw how shallow your breaths became and how supple your cheeks were when they were pressed against your shoulder that you used as a pillow. He took it as his cue to go to the bed he was given. He went around and snuffed out each flame in every candle with the tips of his fingers. He pretended to ignore the cat as she followed him into the room and slept beside him. He made the effort to try to rest by telling himself that this would probably be the only real rest he would get for the next decade.
The sun brought in the next day and he never remembered falling asleep or waking up. The stiffness in his back made it clear that he did both of those things. He wished that he was not a little disappointed that Laura did not greet him with her morning stare, but he did not take it personally. He simply put on the same shoes and hoped that he would find someone in the kitchen even though there was no noise coming from any part of the house. He made it into the living room and was met with complete stillness and silence. From the window, he could see his horse grazing. Once he made it outside, the sun was shining much brighter than he expected. He had slept longer than he had intended.
It was relieving to see Laura preoccupied with attacking insects, but one more person was missing. Amid his deep thoughts, he petted his horse and scanned around the house for any sign of you getting a task done.
“I suppose you don’t know where she is,” the Prince playfully said to the cat.
Later, a certain beauty walked back to her cottage with a picnic basket of her clothes in one hand and a large bucket of water in the other. You bid good morning to your cat and his horse on your path back inside the house. It was almost as quiet as you left it, but you did hear some movement coming from inside your old room.
He could already tell it was you who came back just by the gentleness of the sound of the footsteps that came inside. The prince already had a book in his hand, trying not to look flush when he saw your head poke into the room.
“Hi,” she said.
“Hello,” he made the effort to remember to smile instead of just staring.
“I’m here to change your bandage.” You came in with a new set of clothes in your hand and the other necessary items to clean up a wound. The various plasters you stuck onto his right temple were already removed the day before, nothing but a faint bruise was left behind. His arm, however, would take a bit longer to heal. As you took off his bandage, you forced your hands to not tremble, repeatedly reminding yourself to only touch where it was necessary despite how tempting the muscles of his arm looked. Once the fabric was completely off, he got to see the injury that was his excuse to extend his vacation. The deep cut started halfway up his forearm and to his upper arm. It was like a dark red serpent permanently etched on his skin. I suppose that does seem pretty bad…
“I think it might scar,” you said as you gently tried to wipe off areas of dried blood.
“I wouldn’t worry,” you heard him say, “… a scar isn’t too hard to get rid of.”
You nodded in hesitation and pretended you could not feel his deep brown eyes staring at you as you worked. “I brought you some water from the stream so you can bathe. You can wear that shirt over there while I clean this one.”
“Thank you, but I’ll heal just the same without you inconveniencing yourself.” His comment was genuine but had a mixture of disappointment.
“Well, it is my responsibility.” You tried not to seem entranced by his starless eyes as you both stopped for a moment to look at each other.
“Why?” he asked. You shrugged your shoulders in response, ignoring the unspoken truth marinating on your tongue. It’s my fault you got hurt.
The afternoon with him in the cottage was slightly more talkative than the days before. He attempted to play with Laura as he pretended to read, skimming the same line over and over and over again. In the moments when he was not too distracted, he watched you complete some more chores around the property with the occasional insistence to help. You begged him to remain rested and even threatened him to sell his horse if he tried to help, but in exchange he let you continue to ask about the capital. His description of the palace brought shame to the books describing the same place. He was surprised at how willing he was to recount the layout of the place he had come to know well. By then, speaking more openly to you was much less difficult than he had expected it to be.
By the time the sunlight took over the country, he was intrigued by how quickly the days were being eaten by the cooperation of the moon and the sun. On his way to return the books that he took, he watched you begin to blow out each candle until the darkness flooded the cottage. Yeosang took the opportunity to retreat into his temporary room, in which Laura was already sleeping at the foot of the bed.
“Yeosang,” you spoke into the darkness. He turned around. You noticed how well his figure fit into the darkness. His ink hair almost blended into the surrounding shadows. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight,” he smiled.
It was a good night. He allowed his bed to swallow him much easier than the nights before, but you took longer to fall asleep.
The very late afternoon the next day was the perfect time to go searching for food in the forest. It was initially meant to be a solo trip, but the not-so-unfamiliar stranger refused to hear your request to rest his arm, tagged along, and promised to only watch. The walk throughout the woods was filled with the sound of shoes crushing leaves and branches accompanied by a pleasant chat. It was a few minutes into your search that she found what they were looking for.
“They’re beautiful!” You smiled and looked back at the tall man to see if he was just as happy as you were. He returned your smile with his own since he was amused by your child-like giddiness.
Without paying caution, she enthusiastically reached for the berries. He reached for your wrist to stop you from hurting yourself, but it was too late. A particular thorn right above the fruit sliced through your flesh much deeper than it would have if she had noticed it. As the thorn ran through your hand, parting skin from one another like a boulder spilling crashing waves in the ocean, blood began rushing out of her open wound. She knew better than to pull back her hand recklessly, knowing it might make the situation worse. He did it for her instead. He carefully took her hand and tried to cover the wound. 
The wound wasn’t terrible or serious in any way, but neither of you acknowledged that as he cradled your hands a mere five minutes later, the two of you sat on the sofa. His hands, though large and masculine, felt surprisingly soft. He wiped the spilt blood clean and carefully placed a plaster over it. Even after successfully treating your small wound, he kept your hand in both of his, looking down at them and absentmindedly brushing his thumb over your knuckles. You didn’t mind one bit. In fact, you’d been yearning to feel his touch more and more as the days passed.
A comfortable silence passed over the two of you, but minutes later a conversation came by naturally. If someone asked you what this conversation was about, you wouldn’t have been able to answer, for you were so comfortable speaking to him that you let down your guard, words flowing freely without a second thought. At some point, the two of you had moved closer. So close that you had lain down while he stayed sat, your legs thrown over his at some point as his hands tapped and caressed your knees.
You talked well into the night. Naturally, you grew tired, your eyelids drooping as you looked up at him, trying your best not to fall asleep. He caught on quickly, a chuckle escaping him as he gave your knee a brief squeeze.
“You’re tired,” he pointed out, “you should sleep.”
In response, you pouted and shook your head. “No, no. I’m fine. Keep talking to me, please.”
His smile softened at your words and did as you asked. The low baritone of his voice did nothing to keep you awake, soothing you further asleep. Minutes later, he thought you’d agree to go to your bed and sleep, but you only whined in your half-asleep state and pulled him down with you, clutching onto his sleeve but still careful not to hurt him.
And so he found himself laying with you on the couch, the two of you squished together on the narrow furniture yet it was still comfortable. You fell asleep much quicker than he did, already prancing around in dreamland by the time he finished manoeuvring the two of you to lay comfortably. Eventually, your gentle breaths against his neck and soft hand on his arm lulled him into a deep sleep.
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xandriagreat · 1 year
The Golden Snake Tooth | Chapter 4
Prologue | Last chapter | Next chapter
Notice/warnings: food mention, hitting/knockout, fear, gaslighting/abuse, caps
Snake and Webs were talking about what they should have for lunch. 
It was about thirty minutes since Professor Marmalade went out to get things that he needed.
“I say we should have sandwiches.” Webs said, sitting on the countertop and pointing at the loaf of bread. “We’ve had a lot of cooked food for the past few days and, I’m sorry, but it’s getting too hot, and I don’t want to be sweating more because of a stove.”
Snake looked down at her with a deadpan look. He showed her a frying pan and started, “Well, I was going to make us some eggs-” 
Snake and Webs jumped at the sudden sound and looked at where the sound came from.
It came from the balcony.
Snake and Webs slowly went to the doors of the balcony. Snake was holding the pan close. 
They both saw that one of the flower pots was cracked and next to it was a rock with some rope tied around it. 
“Huh?” the both of them said together, looking at each other. Then they saw that the rope was being tugged, which scared them and they hid in the closet. 
The closet just had a few dark blue robes and light blue gowns. 
Snake had one of the closet doors open a tiny bit to see if someone or something was coming up. 
Someone or something came in and closed the window door, holding some type of bag.
‘What is that thing?!’ Snake thought in a panic. He took in a breath to calm down as he slowly pushed the closet door quietly and slithered over behind the creature, holding the frying pan tight.
“Alone at last.” the creature chuckled.
That freaked Snake out, and he hit the creature on the head with the frying pan with a loud BONK!
Then the creature fell to the floor and Snake stared at the thing for a moment with wide eyes. 
The creature had brown and gray fur, big ears and paws, claws, and had a tail. The creature was wearing a silver gray vest over a white shirt, black pants, and dark brown boots.
Snake felt like he knew what type of creature it was from the books that he'd read but didn’t know which. Snake flickered his tongue at the creature to see if he could tell what it was. 
All that he got was photosynthesis sugar from plants, dirt, and sweaty fur.
Webs walked over as Snake touched the creature with the frying pan. "What is this thing?" Snake asked, looking at Webs as he pointed at the creature. 
Webs looks at Snake for a moment and then walks over to the creature to see what it is. Her eyes widened as she pointed and said, “Snake, that’s a wolf.” 
Snake blinked at her before looking back at the knocked out wolf. 
He read that wolves are dangerous, but the knocked out wolf on the floor looked friendly and didn’t look dangerous. 
Before either Snake or Webs could say anything, the wolf made a sound. Snake got freaked out again and hit the wolf on the head again with the pan.
“I think that you’ve knocked them out enough.” Webs said, looking at Snake and the knocked out wolf again.
Snake looked down at her and said, “Ya think?”
Then Snake and Webs looked at the time.
It was an hour and a half until Professor Marmalade came back from the trip.
“So… where should we put him?” Webs asked, looking back at Snake.
Snake looked around to see where they should put the knocked out wolf. 
“We could put him in there.” he said, pointing at the closet.
It took a bunch of times to get the knocked out wolf in the closet and make sure that the doors of the closet stayed closed.
On the last try, Snake pushed the wolf into the closet, quickly closed the closet doors, and put a chair up against the doors, blocking them.
“I got a wolf in my closet.” Snake said as he slithered back away from the closet. “I got a wolf in my closet.” he said again, realizing what he’s saying. Then he looked at his reflection in the mirror, smiling big and excitedly said, “I got a wolf in my closet!”
He looked at Webs, who was smiling big at him. “You knock out a wolf, Snake!” she exclaimed. 
Snake was feeling proud of himself as he exclaimed, “This is great! I can show the Professor that I can protect myself by showing him the wolf!” 
Webs nodded and added, “Well, don’t like to show him soon as he arrives. Just build it up. ‘Kay?”
Snake nodded. “Got it.”
He looked at his reflection in the mirror again, sighing softly. While he looked at the reflection in the mirror, notice something shiny from the opened bag that the wolf brought in. He turned around and slithered to the bag, taking out the shiny thing. 
It looked like a small dolphin made of gold and some other gems. 
“What is this?” Snake asked confusedly, trying to see what it could do or what it was. “This time, I have no idea what that is or what it can do, Snake.” Webs replied, confused as Snake.
They thought and talked of what it could be for a long time until they forgot the time until Professor Marmalade called out from outside, “Snake! I got a big surprise!”
Snake jumped and quickly put the thing and bag in a nearby empty flower pot before he opened the balcony doors. “In a moment, Professor! I have a big surprise too!” he called back, starting to get the elevator ready. “Just let me get the elevator ready!”
“Oh, no need!” the Professor called out again. “We’ll take the stairwell!”
Snake’s stopped assembling the elevator as his eyes became wide. “‘We…’?” he repeatedly whispered to himself. He slowly looked over the balcony to see Professor Marmalade and his five friends at the door of the base of the tower. All six of them looked up and waved to him before entering the base of the tower.
Snake quickly went inside, shutting the balcony doors, and quickly took the thing and the bag out of the flower pot and put it in a hiding spot under a floorboard of the first staircase steps of the stairs that lead up to the balcony of his room.
Webs watched this happen and was confused. “Whoa! Snake, what’s going on?” she asked as Snake closed the hiding spot. 
Snake looked at her with fear in his eyes and whispered to her, “We got company, Webs.”
Web’s eyes widened at the comment. 
“Webs. You need to hide.” Snake whispered to her, trying to be calm. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, I promise.”
She nodded and quickly went to the plants to hide, even though she didn’t want to hide but to be by Snake’s side as he faced and helped him talk to them.
Just as she got into her hiding spot, the hidden hatch to the staircase of the base of the tower unlocked and opened up. 
Webs watched Snake, who was nervous, as Professor Marmalade hopped up, smiling at him and said “Snake, we both know that I don’t like leaving you alone after a fight, especially when I have done nothing wrong.”
‘You rang a bell to make him quiet two times!’ Webs thought angrily. ‘Like every time that you want to win a conversation with him!’
“So, I brought back home some parsnips, we’ll have hazelnut soup for dinner.” Professor Marmalade exclaimed, showing his bag to Snake. “Oh, nice.” Snake said, uncomfort in his voice. Before Snake could say more, Professor Marmalade interrupted as he added, “Oh! And before I forget, I brought my friends over!” 
Then he showed his hand to the hatch before he went to put his cloak up and went to the countertop.
Snake’s golden yellow color of his scales on his face became a pale yellow as the friends appeared and came in.
First came in was Ghaâstly, a lady scorpion and of death in Webs’ option. The second one to come in was Drillaärgh, a crazy bunny doctor and dentist with scary teeth. Onsáày was the third one to come in, literally a big queen bee. The fourth one to come in was Shaård, a man of blades and glass. And last but not least, Splaarghön came in, a giant pink centipede that was tall enough to reach the ceiling.
Webs does remember when she saw them for the first time when she started to stay with Snake.
They were very scary.
Especially at the age of 8 years old.
After all six of the grownups left, Snake told her that the five of them were cursed by something to be what they are and the professor is trying to find a cure. At least that’s what they told him. 
But Webs always felt that there was more to the story.
They all smiled down at Snake, who was trying to smile back at them but couldn’t. “Sundrop!” the five exclaimed, pulling Snake into a group hug.
Webs noticed that Snake looked uncomfortable. He tried to wiggle out of the hug but he stopped when he looked at Marmalade, who gave him a look as if to say ‘stop and be good’.
When the group hug was done, Splaarghön looked down at Snake while the others went to help Professor Marmalade get food ready. “The Professor told us that you wanted to go outside.” Splaarghön said, his voice deep and low.
The others nodded, humming.
“Um… yeah, I- uh… I want to talk about that.” Snake choked out.  
“I hope that you’re not talking about the stars.” Marmalade started, looking at Snake for a moment.
“Floating lights, and I’m about to get to that.” Snake said, slowly slithering over to the closet
“Because I thought that we talked about this.” the Professor continued, trying to get things ready for dinner with the others.
“Well, I know that you all think that I can’t handle a monster.” Snake started, slowly getting closer to the closet.
“Oh, we don’t think that. We KNOW that you can’t.” Onsáày said with a chuckle. Shaård, Drillaärgh, and Ghaâstly couldn’t help but snicker, which made Webs mad at them.
Webs saw Snake glared at them as he tried to continue, “Yeah, but that’s in the past and if you all could just-” 
“Snake, we’re done with this.” the Professor interrupted, his voice getting serious as he turned to face Snake. 
“No, Professor, please!”
“Snake!” the grownups said together, looking at Snake.
“No, just let me-!” Snake started, raising his voice as his tail was close enough to pull the chair.
Webs gasped quietly at that. She looked at Snake, who looked shattered after that comment. She watched his tail move away from the chair. 
Webs glared as she watched Professor Marmalade as he said, “Great, now I’m the bad guy.”
She noticed that Shaård, Onsáày, Drillaärgh, and Ghaâstly were all glaring at Snake.
Webs wanted to walk over to him and comfort him while giving the grownups a piece of her mind but she couldn't. The grownups would hurt her badly and they would ask Snake how long that she was a secret.
“Snake, come up the stairs.” Splaarghön called to the serpent, tapping a few of his many legs on the balcony that connects to the stairs. Snake followed the orders and went to the top of the stairs.
Webs couldn’t hear what they were saying but if she had to guess, Splaarghön was either talking about how they found Snake as a hatchling or when Snake chipped his tooth at two years old. Either way, she knew that all that they wanted was to make sure Snake was staying put.
Webs watched Snake slither down the stairs and said, “I know what I want now…”
“And what’s that?” the grownups asked together, looking down at Snake.
“New paint…” Snake said after a moment, hugging himself by wrapping his tail around himself. “Made from the white shells that you all got me.”
“That’s a long trip, Snake.” Shaård said, then he held up three knife fingers. “It’s a three day trip.”
Snake nodded. “I know… I just thought that it was better than the… stars…” he said, looking down.
Professor Marmalade sighed and went down the ladder to walk over to Snake. “Are you sure you will be alright being alone or do you want one of us to stay?” he asked, putting a hand on Snake's tail. 
Snake nodded again and said, “I know that I’m safe as long as I’m here.”
Webs felt her heart break when hearing this. ‘No! Snake, no! Please, don’t do this!’ she thought, pleading and hoping that he doesn’t mean it as he helped get the grownups ready for the trip.
“We’ll be back in three days.” the Professor said to Snake before he went down the hidden hatch to the staircase of the tower and closed the door, locking it.
About two minutes after the grownups left the tower, Webs popped out of her hiding spot, ran to Snake and pleaded, “Snake! Please reconsider! Go to the lights!”
The next thing that Webs knew was that Snake covered her mouth with his tail and shushed her softly. “Whoa, Webs! What do you think that was?” he said, tilting his head to the side. “Just a trip for them? No.”
“Wait… it’s a districation?” Webs asked, removing the tail from her mouth.
Snake nodded. “Yep. We’re going to the lights.”
Webs got excited that she ran all over the place but then she stopped in front of Snake. “But who’s going to take us?” she asked, looking at Snake again. “Because you have never been outside since you were hatchling and I haven’t been out for twelve years.”
Snake looked at the closet and said, “I have an idea. But we'll need to talk to them about how they found this place and what they want.”
Tag list (if you want to be tagged, please let me know): @luonnonvalinnat, @royallydivinelesbian
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Dark Forest Resident: Bumblemurmur
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Aliases / Nicknames: Bumbler, Shy Little Thing, Little Bee, Tiny Bumble
Gender: she-cat
Sexuality: bisexual
Family: unnamed mother, unnamed father, four unnamed sisters
Other Relations: unnamed mentor
Clan: Riverclan
Rank: warrior
Characteristics: kills parents with sick or hurt kits to that they don’t have to outlive their kits
Number of Victims: 3
Number of Murders: 3
Murder Method: snapping necks, drowning
Known Victims: three unnamed warriors
Victim Profile: mothers and father of sick or hurt kits
Cause of Death: slit in throat and chest, killed by Froglake
Cautionary Tale: ??
She heard the phrase in kithood, and it had always stuck with her. “A mother should never have to outlive her child.” 
It was muttered by an elder, who had watched sadly as a Clanmate cradled her dead son, Shrewpaw, who had died in an accident. 
It made her think of her own mother, father too, and of how much she loved them. It made her think of how much she would hate to have them suffer as that other mother did, should anything happen to her.
That is why when she was on a patrol that had split in two, mother on one and her son on the other, she volunteered to alert the other group when Treepaw had slipped and cracked his head.
She considered telling her what had happened when she almost ran into the mother, who was away from her secondary group after following a scent trail. Instead, she hid, climbed a pine, and leaped, snapping her neck.
She felt bad, but relieved too. The grief their Clanmates felt would be nowhere as bad as the raw emotion of a mother who had unexpectedly and suddenly lost her kit. Now, instead of that, they would be together in Starclan. And Treepaw would have someone to comfort him for a life lost too soon.
She didn’t kill anyone for a long time after that. Not until Birdkit fell sick. Both of his parents were worrying their fur off. She would spare them both the pain, mother and father.
That, she did.
And when their older son fell sick as well, she took the opportunity to give him peace and explain to him that it had been her that had killed his mom and dad before his younger brother died.
It would seem that he wasn’t as weak as she had thought, and he leaped at her, raking his claws across her throat and down to her chest.
Additonal Information:
--I realized it was ‘murmur,’ not ‘murmer’.
--The brown’s a bit weird. The head one should be as dark as the body, but picrew.
--She is mates with Buzzhop, who she is much smaller than.
--She lived somewhere around the same time as Buzz.
--Same murder method of Buzzhop may be how they met!
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onmywaytofanfic · 2 years
CHAPTER 1: I have never forgotten you (IBIKI MORINO x OC:EIKO YAMANADA)
WORDS: 1506
Warmings : None
Hope you enjoy the beginning of their story. Yes, I want to narrate it using flahsbacks as a resource for them to remember their childhood. Hope you enjoy this approach and them!
Chapter 1 : I have never forgotten you
The rain in Konoha hits like needles when you are just trying to find a way to cover yourself from it, and even more when you are wearing your silly uniform. She had a very fluffy dress that the wet of the rain just put it down, the lace that marked her hip was undone and looked horrible. The big backpack full of everything that she ever truly belonged was hanging from her left shoulder, she sighed and took away her wet fringe. - An umbrella sounds soooo good - buffed while looking at the menacing sky, she was at the doorsteps of a tiny convenience shop, trying to cover herself a little bit from it. She leaned on the wall and closed her eyes, her mind started to rumble “The umbrellas are at how much was it? 500 ryo? That means like a quarter of today’s work. I had 4000 Ryos from today’s shift plus 1500 that I have saved from that little gig in the dango shop. A few hours well-paid.But… the room is 3000 per night… I’m sure there should be a cheaper place. If it wasn’t because of the rain, I could have gone to the park and then just go to the onsen for a quick bath. Fuck this weather” She couldn’t hold it - Fuck you Autumm! - said out loud. The door opened and the seller looked at her - Are you going to buy something or are you just going to mess around with my clients? Leave! 
-Okay don’t need to be that pushy! I remember that people used to be kinder here, it seems you are rotten or something. A bug is messing around with your ass or what? - she buffed and left the place. She tucked her backpack and started to walk away, letting the rain screwed her hair. He cracked a small smile behind the small street right beside the convenience store - You haven’t changed, princess.- The shadow figure just left the spot, leaving no traces behind that someone ever stood directly under the rain, listening to her soft breathing. 
-Fuck you convenience store, you think your store may have something useful? It looks just like shit. You know you should really use some bleach to clean all that filth. Maybe even you know…- She bite her lip - Don’t be mean Eiko, relax, just fucking low your head okay - people were looking at her - and your voice down too would be look you fat pig.- she held her hand, the necessity to hit herself with the palm of her hand was strong. She held her instincts. The shadow figure was just a few steps beyond her, listening to her rumbling. she did not notice him, until she tripped over him - So…damm. Sorry, so, so sorry are… are you good? - The shadow just stood there and helped her to stand still. She raised her head and looked at him, he was waiting to scare her to hear her shout once she saw his scars. She did not, she stood there…She blinked and turned her head, she looked like a puppy - Deadfish Amhya? - said surprised. Ibiki did not expect that answer, but who is he going to lie to? None of them have never forgotten their eyes, and they will never be. Time froze, a wave of memories hit both of them…Thoughts, hopes and dreams that they have buried deep in their minds… Thoughts about what they were doing, hopes about seeing each other, dreams that were kept in hidden places. 
-Everybody, shut up! - Don sensei has always been like that, maybe not the best shinobi around but definitely a teacher to consider. A new student was about to join their class, their steps sounded more like squeaks when they entered. The class hid their laughs under their hands, she was wearing the flashiest of dresses. It was in a vivid lila with white laces and a big and very elaborated ponytail. She inflated her chest, grasping for some hair - Looks like a pig - muttered Amhya Kudo under her breath. - This is Yamanada Eiko, she would be our new student - Don looked fiercely to her, she immediately did a small bow - Nice to meet all of you, my name is Yamanada Eiko. I hope we could all be friends - The class greeted her and the teacher signed her where she should sit. - Great…-buffed Amhya, the girl sat beside her. Amhya just lay her head on her hand and looked at her puzzled as to how and why somebody like her there. Suddenly, her hair hit her nose when she turned her head fiercely towards her - What’s wrong deadfish? Do I have a monkey on my face or what? - she spit barely moving her mouth. Amhya was and never will be someone who could be easily scared of - Your face is enough of a trouble, if you had monkeys on it, it would actually make you look more human like, piggy - returned her. The little girl squinted her eyes - Look who's talking, have you seen your face? Dead people look more alive than you… deadfish - Kudo did not like that and nailed her eyes on her, Eiko was neither someone easily scared of and kept her eyes on her too. It would be something common among them, looking at each other trying to see who would be the first one to stop pretending. Eiko flinched a little - You actually have pretty eyes for a dead fish - blurted out of nowhere. It startled Amhya and she retired her glance - Wh..what? - Eiko smirked triumphantly - I won, you took your eyes of 
It won’t be their last.
Ibiki needed to breathe a few times, trying to keep up with what he just heard. Eiko was there, as puzzled as him. - I…I have abandoned that name, it’s Morino Ibiki now - Eiko looked at him curious - It actually suits you better
-Quite straightforward, don’t you think?
-You always look more like a snore rather than a dream
He grunted annoyed by her, she kept her eyes fixed on him.
She smirked a little bit and step back a little 
-You should have thought about the scars sooner - Ibiki hid his smile “You haven’t changed at all” , she folded her arms triumphantly but, sadness, a small drop of sadness, darkened her vivid eyes. Ibiki raised an eyebrow, Eiko was sad about the circumstance that she had encountered him, and even sadder just remembering how much of a fool she had been sending those letters. She now understood, or so she thought, he never answered back because she was misgendering him. That’s what she thought, but…he could have mentioned that in his letters, if he ever bothered to answer her. The fact that he was there, must mean that he received the last letter that she sent him. Or so she thought. 
She gulped some saliva, she did not want to be near him. Even less thinking about his eyes. He glanced at them once more, those small eyes, he had these fierce fine eyes, long and vivid. His pupil solid brown and his hidden lashes… he remembered his eyes so vividly. She had dreamt of those eyes so many times. “You can never change those eyes…” found herself thinking, a small noise, his little laugh. She looked at him, a side smile showing off his white teeth and those spiky fangs. She found herself trembling, she fell in love with that solid attitude of his, how secure of him he had always been. She just found herself going back to all those fantasies. where originally it was Amhya who saved him, but now it was Ibiki. She froze for a moment. 
-Bye- said quickly and left him with his words in his mouth. “It can’t be!” keep thinking “It can’t fucking be!” She had got used to thinking about Amhya and had convinced herself that she was just infatuated by her, arousing by her but…now. Was she aroused by her? Was it just infatuation upon Amhya? Was it something deeper? She gulped saliva. If it was infatuation, it should have gone when she saw Amhya as Ibiki, shouldn’t it? But…it did not.. they came back as strong as they always come, with that burning feeling at the end of her throat. The ringing in her ears, the heat behind her eyes… She had made herself believe that it was just a silly infatuation but, everytime she found herself thinking about both now, the feeling just kept rising. “Stop being silly” She grasped some air “He said Morino, didn’t he? Then…he must be married.” She was confused, and so was he. Vivid thoughts and emotions started to run freely in the man’s chest. “Don’t be silly.” He thought “She is a fugitive…”
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edenparkway · 2 years
Indigo Gold
I don’t know much about warnings, I don’t often post fanfiction so LMK what tags I need. This was a dream I had with the spicy parts written for consumption. I drank four shots of whiskey and a square of shroom chocolate before writing this so be gentle.  It features a female bodied person in a consensual but unsafe sexual situation. Reader discretion advised.
The air was cool coming through the screen window. I looked out at the landscape, past the overpass and I could see my old place just beyond it, down the hill. There was a light on in my old kitchen window and I could see a tiny figure pacing around. Beyond the old house was the city with its hundreds of twinkling lights and the reddish glow of light pollution hovering over it all. I heard the hiss of the shower starting and could smell the cheap green Irish soap wafting out as steam escaped through a crack in the door. I crept up to the bathroom door and peeked through the crack he left open. I felt a bit guilty stealing a gaze at my friend in this way until it occurred to me that he had left the door cracked himself. Perhaps just a thoughtlessness, or an insouciance that I shouldn't look too deeply into. It was hard to say. When I picked him up from the mental health clinic after a late-night voicemail begging me to come, it was clear he was still not well and I held his face in my hands in the parking lot trying to calm him. It worked. His face had changed from anxious to calm to determined. As I looked into his sparkling eyes I felt that rush of yearning fly up my throat into my hands and it seemed to register on his face. When I pulled my hands back I hid them in my sleeves. He gave me a sideways glance as I tried to give the appearance of being deeply invested in the shape of the clouds today.  In the car on the drive here to my cousin's apartment, I gripped the steering wheel tight, ignoring the sweat collecting under my palms as I tried to strangle the need I had felt. But now as I gazed into the steamy bathroom at the figure under the water through the portal he himself had opened I felt transfixed by the possibility that an invitation has been given. But how could I be sure? If I were wrong, how utterly crushed would my heart and our friendship be? I turned away, my heart pounding in my chest. I looked around my cousin's messy bedroom. Messy but not dirty. No trash but clothes strewn, she never put her clothes in her drawers, which were only plastic big-box store affairs. Then I remembered. She kept a sheaf of large size condoms in gold wrappers in the one by the door. She showed them to me when she explained that the gold ones were not much different in size than the standard, but guys loved to be told they needed them. I ran on my tiptoes to the drawers and rifled through. Sure enough, in the bottom drawers under her "date-night" panties was a sheaf of them. I tore one off and held it against my palm with my ring finger and ran, again on tip-toe, back to the door. Again I peeked in at the man. His head was back, water ran over his boyish face and into his cherub curls. I could see the round ass and the lines of the musculature at his hipbones down to his... his lower arm and my eyes met. His hand was hidden by the angle but it was clear what it held. If my mind assumed any chaste explanation for this in deference to our platonic standing it was blown away like dandelion seeds on a summer wind when his mouth fell open in a moan. I gasped and slipped and the door slammed shut with a thud as I fell against it and slid onto the floor. I heard the shower shut off abruptly and in a panic, I threw the condom into yet another clothes pile in front of the bedside table and scrambled back away from the door. I had not enough time to compose myself before I heard the door open again and he walked out, still naked and very damp. He passed me without seeing me there on the floor.  I wanted so badly to touch his body, as perfect as an understated greek statue, that my hand even lifted involuntarily to reach for him before I pulled it back like I touched a scalded pot. I gasped and he looked back at me and smiled. I never knew a smile could be so innocent and yet so lascivious. "There's only one bed and I sleep naked. I hope that's not a problem." My mouth fell open in utter astonishment. He smiled even wider, savoring my reaction. He went over to the bed and got under the cool, nicely tucked sheets. Despite the room's general disarray Elise always made her bed. He leaned against the wall and looked at me, his half-erection throwing shadows in my direction. He was different now than earlier. This morning he was like a frightened boy in my arms shivering with vulnerability. Now he was as red-blooded and carnal as I could imagine a man to be. That click of the bathroom door snapping shut told all my secrets and I was thrilled and terrified to be facing the consequences. He gazed at me with smug mastery as I tried with difficulty to muster myself. Just then an enormous furry gray cat appeared at the window, mewing to come in. "Oh hey, kitty!" Said Will, sitting up to greet the cat. The cat clawed at the screen and then looked at me. "You wanna come in Buddy?" crooned Will, making kissy sounds at the cat as he sat up,  exposing his round pert ass again. "NO!" I cried out, "Don't let that thing in here!" I finally found the strength to jump to my feet. "JESUS." said Will, laughing, "Look at his BALLS, they're gigantic!" Then something came to me and I ran over and hopped on the bed, leaning over to run my fingers along the bottom of the screen. It was torn and ragged. Elise said that Harvey, her Maine Coon, always dashed out the door and had done so when she left for her trip to San Jose. He was purebred and intact so he would run around and would come back to her window later. The condition of my using the apartment was that I make sure someone let him in. I opened the screen and Harvey jumped onto the bed and into the corner of the room where he gave a good shake and licked himself. I was so busy watching the cat that I almost didn't notice that Will had gotten up. But as Harvey's sharp green eyes looked at me, I thought to look back. Just as Will, who had caught a glimmer of gold flashing at him in the dark when the streetlight from outside hit it just so, leaned his muscular but lithe-as-a-leopard body towards a pile of clothes... his clothes, I realized. He must have left them there before his shower... and retrieved a gold-wrapped condom. He looked back at me. He had me, dead-to-rights. My heart was a tiny bird, caged in my chest. He came to me and closed the gap between us in two wide strides. He grasped the nape of my neck in one hand and my chin in the other. His erection bounced off my bare knees below the hem of my dress. I rarely wore a dress but I'd worn one for his release. Now I felt as open as a flower to a bee. He covered my mouth with his and for the first time, I felt the joy of an open-mouthed kiss. I had always hated them before but now I felt like pure emotion poured out of him onto me. Not just lust, but the need for connection and the losses he had suffered and the hopeless roiling of an inconsolable soul. And I loved it because it was his soul. I hoped he had forgotten the condom.  He ripped the dress off of me and grabbed the sides of my panties at the hipbones and lifted me for just a moment and looked at me hard, with sterness, before pulling those off too. For just a moment I caught a glimpse of the fragile boy from earlier looking into me. He looked down at me, at my breathless parted lips and while looking at them he used his elbows to shove my knees out of his way. He grabbed me by the throat, not harshly, but firmly, and leaned his long body into mine in an inward arch. His fingers went to my labia and he felt the slick edges there, never taking his eyes off my face. He swallowed hard and his eyes closed just a bit. I felt I couldn't breathe and it had nothing to do with his hand on my throat but as I swooned he moved that hand to the back of my neck again and leaned in further, impaling me on him in three sharp beats. I cried out as he entered me and drove himself to the hilt. His free hand grabbed my hair and I heard him sob into my cheek.  "Oh no..na.. no" he exhaled as he climaxed. But there was nothing to regret, as I was climaxing with him. I let myself sob with him as I expressed my peaking with intensity. He looked up at me again as I cried, "Oh OH PLEASE" and he thrust harder. The tiniest high-pitched squeal left me and ended the crest and he bit me softly on my chin and collapsed against me. When our hearts slowed to normal we crawled back up the bed into the covers and he wrapped his legs around me and we fell asleep in the security of each other's breaths.
Two months later on a starry clear night, I stood beside the railroad tracks where one summer when we were sixteen and fifteen respectively we had gathered black raspberries and smooshed them against each other's mouths. Smearing them and pretending the bright red smears were blood and gore and collapsing against each other in paroxysms of giggles. Many years later, here I stood here in the cold, alone under those same stars until the moment I waited for arrived. A giant wailing Norfolk-Southern train passed by, and buried in its whistle was a long keening scream...
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messers-moony · 3 years
Annotated Books & Sleek Hardcovers | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Fem!Lupin!Reader
Summary: Everything told them to be apart, but they said fuck the world.
Inspiration: Click
People would describe the younger Lupin sibling as warm and bright. She shined like the sun and was warm like a sunny summer day. She was the breeze on a warm summer day and the sun on a chilly autumn morning. She was worn books with annotations in the margins, highlighting, and scribbles. She was dependable, sweet, kind, and loving. 
Dependable like a best friend. Sweet like Honeydukes chocolate. Kind of like a puppy dog who had been just adopted and as lovable as soft blankets. Her brother was no different. He oozed shyness, charisma, and intelligence. His tousled sandy hair and gleaming green eyes made everyone bend to his will. He didn’t even know that he was doing it. 
But by fifth year, Remus Lupin had come out as gay. A month later, Sirius Black was on top of the Gryffindor table with a blushing Remus announcing their relationship. Remus had given his sister a sheepish look as he sat back down. Y/n had just kissed his cheek and smiled. 
Y/n and Regulus had been sitting beside each other when Sirius had taken the Great Hall by storm. Instinctively, Regulus tightened his grip on her hand, and Y/n allowed her thumb to run along his. She watched as his shoulders relaxed a prominent amount. 
“Well,” Regulus whispered, “I wasn’t expecting that. Did you know?”
Y/n shook her head, “No, but I’m happy for them. Are you?”
“I ‘spose.” Regulus shrugged, “When do you think they’ll find out about us?”
“Remus is a bit oblivious.” Y/n replied, “Sirius doesn’t really turn his head in your direction.”
Regulus looked down at his lap, “So if anything, we’ll have to tell them.”
“Do you think,” His voice was lower than a whisper, “That he’ll ever be my brother again?”
“I do.” Y/n leaned her head on his shoulder, “Siblings have a special bond.”
“I hope you’re right.”
She snorted, “I’m always right.”
At that, he cracked a smile. 
Maybe it was her warmth that melted the ice surrounding Regulus’ heart. The icy, cold, Regulus Black. It wasn’t like they were hiding their relationship, but people were terrified to talk about it. They didn’t want to face the wrath of the young Black brother. 
Regulus was described as the dark, cold winter nights people despised. The winter nights that were so low in temperature that even staying inside with the heat on, blankets on, and layers of clothes couldn’t warm. He was sleek, hardcover books and soggy leaves in the fall that left you disappointed when the satisfying crunch didn’t echo through your ears. 
Regulus Black was everything but warm. He was your least favorite color. Your least favorite food. He was everything you hated. Perhaps it was Y/n’s sweetness that brought some of the crunchiness back to his leaf, the pen to his book, and the folded pages. 
They were star-crossed lovers. Everything in the universe was trying to keep them apart from the colors of their robes and the clashing of their personalities. Regulus was the dry autumn and brash winter. Y/n was the prospering spring and hopeful summer. Perhaps they were the best of both worlds, and that’s why they worked together so well. 
It wasn’t until their sixth year when their relationship had become the talk of the school. Regulus had begun wearing long sleeves even in the hot months, and people grew suspicious. Only he and she knew what laid beneath that crisp white button-up. Beneath the cold ice he kept around his heart. 
Y/n looked around Platform Nine and Three-Quarters for her raven-haired boyfriend as Remus joined his friends on the train. When she did find him, it wasn’t pleasant. Walburga had been fussing with his sleeve, making sure it stayed down, and she had slapped the back of his head for slouching over. Regulus had rolled his shoulders to stand up straight. Orion didn’t look impressed, and Walburga murmured something along the lines of, “Good enough.”
“Now, what do we say, Regulus?”
Regulus caught Y/n’s eyes for just a split second, and he looked away hastily, “Toujours Pur.”
“Good.” Walburga stated, “Now go.”
He nodded and began walking toward Y/n’s general direction. Regulus took her hand in his directing her on another path, “Meet at our usual compartment.”
Y/n gave him a smile in response as she walked away. It left Regulus with a pink hue coating his usually pale skin. His stomach fluttered, and his heart palpitated. They entered the train on opposite sides and met in the middle at their compartment. She was already sitting down when he plopped down beside her. His head was leaning on her shoulder. 
“Missed you.” Regulus slurred, sleep evident in his tone, “Wish I could’ve escaped.”
“I missed you too, Reggie.” Y/n took his left hand in hers, “But I know that we have a lot to talk about.”
He tensed, “I suppose we do.” 
“Things like what’s on your left forearm?”
“Y/n, please-“
“I’m not mad.”
“But you’re disappointed.”
Her light laugh confused him, “I’m not either, actually.”
Regulus lifted his head to look at her, “You aren’t?”
“I just want to know what you plan on doing with that mark.”
“I don’t have a choice.” Regulus stated, slumping down again, “I have to serve him.”
Y/n hesitated, “You have choices.”
“What are they?”
“Be a spy.” 
“A spy?” Regulus queried incredulously, “Are you serious?”
A silly smile graced her features, “Actually. Forget I asked that. Are you daft?”
“No.” Y/n replied, “I’m actually top of our class, so.”
“If he finds out I’m a spy. Then I’d be killed, Y/n.” Regulus said softly, “It’d be different if I didn’t care about anyone. If I had nothing to lose, but I do, and I don’t want to lose a chance at a future with you because of it.”
Y/n took his face into her hands, “You can’t do this. You can’t work for him. You’ll kill yourself slowly anyway.”
“I don’t have a choice.” He wiped a tear from her cheek, “This was bound to happen. This was my fate.”
“Who gives a shit about fate.” Y/n chuckled tearfully, “Professor Trelawney always said that you could change fate.”
Regulus cracked a tiny smile, “You would pay attention in Divination, wouldn’t you.”
“Someone’s gotta give Sirius the notes.” 
“Sirius… I didn’t even think about-“ Regulus stopped, “He’s- He’s gonna hate me.”
“Hey, Regulus, look at me.” His breathing sped up, and his hands began to tremble, “Sirius isn’t going to hate you.”
He shook his head, “No, he’s- he’s gonna- I’m gonna-“
Y/n wrapped her arms around him. Regulus nosed at the crook of her neck, breathing in the sweet perfume. The fragrance smelt of crisp apples mixed along with her scent of caramel, chocolate, and marshmallow. It gave him something to focus on, and with his muddled mind, Regulus fell asleep. 
Regulus was still asleep three hours later when Sirius came barging into the compartment stopping in his tracks. Y/n brought her index finger to her lips, ordering him to be quiet. Sirius shut the door and sat in front of them. Regulus’ face was out of view from his older brother's. His nose was nuzzled in Y/n’s neck, and his hair hid his face. 
“So,” Sirius began quietly, the atmosphere had never been so thick, “How long?”
“Fourth year.” Y/n thought Sirius’ eyes were going to bulge out of his head. 
“But you- and him- you don’t-“
“Don’t belong together?”
Sirius nodded, “Who are you to say? Technically I could say the same about you and my brother.”
“Fair point.” Sirius muttered. 
It was quiet again, and all that was heard was the slashing of rain on the window of the train, “How- How is he?” Sirius’ voice had never been so quiet before. 
“He’ll be okay.”
“What’s that suppose to mean?”
Before Y/n could respond, Regulus began to tremble again. He was trying to dig his nose deeper into her neck and reaching desperately for something to hold onto. Y/n allowed his hand to grasp hers tightly. His trembling subsided, and Y/n gently kissed the crown of his head, allowing him to relax finally. 
“How did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“I never-“ Sirius looked shocked, “I could never calm his nightmares….”
Y/n gave him a soft smile, “Perhaps it’s a Lupin talent.”
“Perhaps.” Sirius replied, “But, is he okay?”
“He will be.”
“What does that mean?” Sirius questioned loudly, and Y/n hushed him, “They didn’t- did they?”
She nodded solemnly, “We’re gonna- We’re gonna work through it together.” 
Sirius could see her swallowing the lump in her throat. Sirius could see the dullness in her eyes, the same dull that Remus’ eyes got after the full moon. Sirius could always read Remus through his eyes. They were a tell-tale of his emotions. It seemed that he could do the same with Y/n. Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, untold trauma, and unspoken words. 
“Take care of him, yeah?” Sirius requested quietly as he stood up to leave the compartment. 
She nodded, “Yeah.”
He closed the sliding door quietly. It was a quiet walk back to his own compartment with the Marauders. The task of getting the summer homework to copy turned into an entirely new adventure. Sirius opened the door to his compartment to find James and Peter talking animately. Remus sat with his head against the glass and head in a book. He had some muggle markers beside him that Sirius liked to draw with. 
Sirius slumped beside Remus putting space between them. That was the first tell. The second tell was that Sirius didn’t speak, and he stared out to the train's hallway. Remus closed his book, placing it back beside him, and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. 
“What’s wrong?” His voice was low and hot in Sirius’ ear. 
“Nothing.” Sirius replied, still not looking into Remus’ eyes, “Your sister was no help. Said I needed to do the homework on my own. Said I was a tosser for not doing it.”
Remus snorted and nuzzled his nose into Sirius’ cheek, “Well, perhaps I ought to tell her that’s not how she should speak to my boyfriend.” 
“No.” Sirius hated how distant he sounded, “She’s got other things to worry about.”
The lycanthrope furrowed his eyebrows, “Like what?”
“Like you.” Sirius lied like it was nothing, “Who do you think puts hot cocoa and Honeydukes chocolate at your bedside after the full?”
“Then I should give her a sister of the year award.” Remus corrected, and Sirius nodded, “Perhaps you should.”
If only I could get a best brother award, Sirius thought. It was selfish. He knew that. It was wrong to envy Y/n and Remus’ relationship. Unfit to be jealous of his brothers relationship, but he couldn’t help it. Sirius wanted to be the one to chase all of Regulus’ demons away. Sirius wanted to hold him during every thunderstorm as he used to as children. Sirius should be happy for Regulus even if it weren’t because of him. 
It took a month before Remus was storming into the common room and yelled insanities at his sister. Remus wasn’t thinking, words fell from his mouth so carelessly, and the entire common room stared as Remus had his sister pushed against a wall, hands holding her up from the collar on her shirt, seething at her. 
“You must be one of the stupidest people I’ve ever met.” Remus seethed, and Y/n flinched, “You must be fucking insane.”
Sirius could do nothing but stare, “Maybe I should’ve disowned you as my sister the minute I saw you hanging out with him.”
Tears ebbed at Y/n’s eyes, “But I gave you the benefit of the doubt. I trusted you, and you betrayed me.”
James couldn’t tell what was worse, the fact that Remus was so calm and his voice was so low or when Remus yelled, “You were my everything. My sister, my partner in crime, my other half, and you fucking destroyed it.”
“Mate, stop.” James tried to interject, but Remus just shoved her against the wall harder, and streaks of silver appeared on her cheeks. 
“Wonder what dad would do if he found out.” Remus taunted, and Y/n shook her head, “You know how much dad despises them.”
Y/n choked, “Remus-“
“Don’t.” He snarled, “My name isn’t allowed to fall from your mouth. Fucking traitor.”
Sirius had enough, “Remus, stop. That’s enough.”
Remus whirled around, Y/n sliding to the floor, knees to her chest, “Who are you talk? You did the same thing back in fifth year.”
“I’m not your bloody sister.” Sirius snapped, “She’s been there with you through everything. Maybe if you let her explain, then you could understand.”
Remus pointed at her and looked at Sirius with fire in his eyes, “She isn’t my sister. She’ll never be my sister again.”
Sirius could remember the exact same words falling from his mouth only a year earlier, and it crushed him. Y/n was sobbing, and her knees were pulled tightly under her chin. James was trying to console her, but it wasn’t working as Remus and Sirius went toe to toe. Y/n didn’t deserve this for loving who she loved. 
Remus scoffed when Sirius wouldn’t back down and stormed up to the boy's dormitory. Sirius knelt before her and lifted her head from her lap. His thumbs wiped away the tears, and he took her into his arms. So much built-up pain, built-up trauma, built-up lies. She was finally crumbling like a tower on an unsteady foundation. Y/n was a one-hundred-story tower that was collapsing from the bottom up. 
Debris falling everywhere and soot clouding the atmosphere. He could see the smog slipping in her mind, clouding up her judgment and thoughts. Sirius could see the debris cluttering and scraping away at her heart. With every scrap and every tear, her heart began to give out. It felt like being crushed in an elevator, with no room to breathe and no room for moving. She was stuck, and that was it. 
Y/n couldn’t remember much after feeling Sirius’ lips on the top of her head. But she woke up on the plush of the common room couch. The rough maroon fabric was felt beneath her fingertips. Beside her was a boy in an armchair. He was curled up, and a black fleece blanket covered his body from the coldness of the Gryffindor common room. 
Beside her was a glass of water and a note. She picked up the water and allowed it to glide down her throat, soothing the ache from her earlier crying. Her nose still felt stuffy, and she willed herself to sniffle quietly, trying not to wake the boy beside her. The parchment was ripped at the edges and was written in beautiful calligraphy. 
"Il y a toujours des ténèbres avant que la lumière brille."
She folded the note and placed it back on the side table with the empty glass. The fire had gone out fully in the common room, allowing the temperature in the room to fall. It was cold, dry, and dark. Y/n had never seen the common room so dark. Not a candle was lit, and no light was shining from the windows. Just the slightest bit of moonlight. Gently she stood up and reached for the boy's hand in the armchair. 
“Reggie.” Her voice was smooth and soft, “Reg.”
He stirred and opened his eyes to meet his girlfriend's warm ones. Sirius had rushed to the Slytherin common room despite all prejudice. Some of the Slytherins spat at him when he asked for the password. It took ten people before Regulus finally answered to the incessant knocking. He was shocked to be met with his older brother. 
There Sirius had told him what happened, how Remus had shoved his sister against the wall accusing her of betraying him for dating him. Regulus felt ashamed. He didn’t want to be the reason they didn’t get to be civil with each other. Sirius even uttered the exact words Remus had, “She isn’t my sister. She’ll never be my sister again.” Regulus had to bite his tongue to stop himself from saying anything. 
People stared at the younger Black brother as he walked into the Gryffindor common room. The Gryffindor’s glared, spat, and insulted, but he didn’t care. He found his girlfriend lying on the couch with a thick red blanket surrounding her. Sirius had claimed that Marlene had brought it for her, and Sirius had been the one to move her to the couch. Regulus saw the dried tear stains, the swollen eyes, and the bruised lip. 
“It wasn’t pretty.” Sirius had muttered, “Remus isn’t one to hold back.”
Regulus smoothed her hair back, “This is because of me….”
“Reg, no.” Sirius had replied, “Remus will come around. He just doesn’t know how to digest this.”
The common room was silent, and Regulus just held her hand. His thumb stroked the back of her hand softly. Sirius watched as Regulus went through a wave of emotions. He was hurt, confused, concerned, and terrified. It was like watching the seasons go by. Watching everything welt, die, grow back and prosper just to repeat the cycle. It was like watching a new book turn into an old one as the ink was embedded onto the pages, the papers getting folded, tabs being placed, and the spine being cracked. 
Regulus appeared to be a sleek hardcover book, but she was his person. She turned him into a used paperback. One with highlighting, tabs, folded pages, a cracked spine, and a loved cover. His heart beat for her. She was the reason he woke up every morning, the reason he ate, the reason he got good marks. She was his reason. 
“I tried talking sense into him.” Sirius confessed quietly, “He just brought up the incident in fifth year.”
Regulus closed his eyes tightly and tried to withhold his tears, “Maybe I should talk to him.”
“No.” Sirius said sternly, “You’ll be asking for death.”
“What do I do, Sirius?” 
His blue-grey eyes were glittering with desperation, “Nothing… Take care of her.” 
With that, Sirius left a kiss on his younger brother's head and left the common room, retreating to the dormitory. Regulus sighed and placed his forehead on the back of her hand. Tears slipped from his eyes and onto the material of the couch. Everyone was gone at that point. The common room wholly cleared and the fire slowly decaying in the fireplace as Regulus Black finally allowed himself to break. 
He woke up on an armchair with a soft thick black blanket covering his limbs. Red rimmed e/c eyes met his blue-grey ones, and he felt a wave of relief. Y/n reached her hand out, and Regulus took it, keeping the blanket around his shoulders as she brought him to her dormitory. The girls were sleeping, and Y/n sat down on her bed, Regulus doing the same. She drew the curtains and muttered a silencing spell. 
Regulus laid with his head on her pillow, pulling her to lay on his chest. He wrapped the fuzzy black blanket around them. Y/n nuzzled into his side, and he placed a kiss on the top of her head. They didn’t need to exchange words for expressing how they felt. They knew how the other felt. There was no need on elaborating. She fell asleep not too long after, and Regulus laid awake trying of solutions. 
Even when the sun broke the horizon, Regulus still had nothing. 
They continued the year like this. Remus and Y/n didn’t speak at all anymore. Remus went as far as to change his schedule and ignore the sweets left on his bedside after the full moons. Sirius would pretend it came from him, but Remus still would budge. He would chuck the chocolate in the trash even though he knew that Y/n barely had money in the first place to buy it. He’d dump the hot chocolate in the waste bin and smash the mug to get out any frustration. 
Sirius thought that the worst part was Remus never grieved for his sister. He never saw Remus cry or get upset about what he did. It was like Remus had no remorse for what he did. Sirius had grieved. He had sobbed in the midst of twilight with shit silencing charms. Sirius had wailed and clutched his blanket close to his chest, hoping it would soothe the aching of his heart. 
When they graduated, Remus didn’t look for his sister in the crowd. He didn’t care if she was there or not, but she was. Y/n was there holding Regulus’ hand tightly, watching her brother shake Dumbledore’s hand. She watched as Sirius embraced Regulus in a tight hug in the shadows. Y/n smiled bittersweetly at their embrace as Regulus took her hand back in his. 
Sirius began to open his mouth, “No need to lie. I know he doesn’t care if I was here or not.”
Y/n shuffled on her feet, and Sirius took her into his arms. Sirius was shorter than Regulus, and he didn’t smell the same, but his hugs were just as comforting in a brotherly way. His hand caressed her hair, and Sirius couldn’t help the way his heart ached. He shouldn’t be the one hugging her, Remus should, but he isn’t. Sirius kissed her forehead and released her from his hug. 
“I’ll write to you guys.” 
“Don’t get into too much trouble.” Y/n replied with tear-filled eyes, “I can’t imagine you gone.”
Sirius smirked, “Yes, ma’am. Don’t you know I always obey the rules?”
“She’s being real, Sirius.” Regulus didn’t crack a smile, “This war isn’t a joke, and I’d- I’d like to see you next year when I graduate.”
“I’ll be there.” Sirius said solemnly, “I won’t leave you guys. They won’t take me alive.”
Y/n cracked a smile, “Good.”
Regulus nudged his girlfriend, and she wiped the tears from her cheeks, “Protect him. He gets reckless and forgets about himself. Don’t let him do anything stupid.” 
Sirius could still hear Remus’ voice in their first Order meeting, “I swear on all Merlin if they touch her, they’ll be sorry.” 
“‘Course. Don’t forget he’s still my boyfriend.” Sirius replied, and Y/n smiled, “‘S why I’m asking you and not James. Keep- Keep my brother safe, yeah?”
They joined the Order of the Phoenix without looking back. Remus, James, Sirius, and Peter quickly became some of the best Aurors of the Ministry of Magic. Sirius had made the Daily Prophet multiple for putting Death Eaters in Azkaban. Many citizens of the Wizarding community thought of him as the next Alastor Moody. 
Seventh year was the worst one yet. Most of the Slytherin Death Eaters were attacking the younger kids. Most of the older Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs had to defend them from the unforgivable curses. It seemed normal to hear the crucio curse being thrown away and seeing green flashes. It made Y/n sick to her stomach. 
It got so surreal that Y/n and Regulus had begun sleeping behind tapestries or hidden tunnels. Dormitories and common rooms were no longer safe. Their backs ached, and body’s sore from lying on concrete, but it was better than dying. Graduation was not a celebration, and no one from outside was allowed in, but Sirius waited for them at Kings Cross. 
The next time Y/n saw Remus was when she was being sworn into the Order, and he barely spared her a glance. Not long after the speech was being spoken, another person entered the meeting point. He was shockingly familiar with wavy black hair and blue-grey eyes. Remus jumped out of his seat, and James had to hold him back. Regulus released a breath and stood beside his girlfriend. 
“Now. I’m sure there’s a lot of confusion.” Dumbledore began calmly, “Regulus has sworn to be our spy.”
Remus growled, “He’s a Death Eater.”
“Exactly.” Remus glared at the old Professor, “Therefore, he can enter and participate in their meetings. Then he can come back here and report what he knows.” 
“I don’t like it any more than you do.” Regulus said, “I don’t want to put anyone in danger, but someone needs to do it.”
Remus went to speak, but Regulus cut him off, “Someone needs to protect your sister.”
Everyone stared in shock at the bold statement that came from the young Black brother's mouth, and Remus leaped from his seat, “She is a traitor. Just like you.”
Instinctively Regulus moved her behind him as Remus was now face to face with him, “She’s everything but. Wasn’t she the one who stopped Fenrir Greyback from killing you?”
“Shut up.”
“Wasn’t she the one who cleaned your wounds after the full moons before the Marauders?” 
“I’m warning you.”
“Wasn’t she the one who used to make you hot chocolate when the nightmares got too bad that you couldn’t sleep?”
Remus snapped, and Sirius pulled him away from Regulus. But they all saw how Y/n cowered when he lunged forward, how she flinched back, covering her face with her hands. Regulus kept a tight hold on her hand, and they watched as Sirius calmed Remus down, bringing him upstairs. When Remus was gone, Dumbledore spoke again. 
“Well, the first Order meeting will be announced in just a couple of days. It allows Y/n and Regulus to get in their positions.” Dumbledore announced, “It allows Y/n to get some training and Regulus to get Voldemort’s trust.”
Everyone dispersed. Y/n and Regulus apparated to a flat they had bought in London. It was relatively modern for the time and had everything they needed. The place was clean and brand new. When they landed in the living room, she went straight to the bedroom. Regulus prepared her a hot drink and set it at her bedside table with a warming charm. He laid beside her, placing her head on his heart. 
“Je Vous Aime.” His french accent was so smooth and gentle, like a baby blanket, “Je t'aime aussi.”
Everything just got more stressful as time passed. Regulus’ job got more and more dangerous, making Y/n worry profusely. It got to times where they had to pretend to throw curses back and forth so he could prove that he was loyal to them. It wasn’t until a rumor of a spy for the Death Eaters came out that Regulus’ job became crucial. It took three more meetings, and on October 15th Regulus knew who it was. 
He could remember the day vividly how Voldemort welcomed Peter Pettigrew to the Death Eaters with open arms. Regulus had stared in mock happiness but, in reality, had been shocked. Someone so close to the Potters had gone and betrayed him. So when Peter was absent from one meeting, Regulus brought it up. 
“They spy is Pettigrew.”
“No.” James chuckled, “You’re lying, right?”
Regulus shook his head, “He plans to kill you, Lily, and Harry on Halloween.”
Everyone stiffened. The air was tense, but Dumbledore smiled victoriously, “Beautiful work, Regulus. We’ll apprehend Pettigrew when he’s seen again.”
They had set up a false meeting where Peter got sent to Azkaban only two days later after Regulus announced he was the traitor. That sparked the war between them, and this time, Regulus was on the right side, the side he always wanted to be on. A week later, and on Halloween, Voldemort was dead. Many people's lives were lost, but many were saved. 
After the war, Remus had proposed to Sirius, and yet Y/n was still not invited to the wedding. Sirius had begged Remus to make amends with her. The war was over. This nonsense was not needed anymore. But Remus was stubborn, and Y/n was too afraid to approach him, so James gave her the invisibility cloak to watch her brother marry. Not the ideal way she planned on watching her brother and his love get married. 
A couple of months later, Regulus and Y/n did the same. Except they did it alone, with Sirius being their only witness and the person marrying them. Sirius couldn’t help but feel awful for Remus not being able to walk her down the aisle, not to see her in the pretty dress she had picked out. It wasn’t until fifteen years later when Y/n had two teenage boys, and a little girl did someone came knocking on her door during the winter holidays. 
Both boys were running around the house, and their little sister was trying to keep up. Two twin boys who were fifteen - Romeo and Romulus. A little girl who was just about ten named Ascella. Romulus was a carbon copy of Sirius. Romeo had the Lupin sandy hair and the Black family eyes with the Black family defined face. He was the best of both worlds. Ascella looked like a female Regulus. 
Romeo was the Keeper of the Slytherin house for Quidditch. Romulus played Beater for Gryffindor, and little Ascella would get her Hogwarts letter in just about a year. Regulus and Y/n both predicted she’d be in Gryffindor with her brave, mischievous nature. Y/n was the one to get the door with her two boys behind her. Ascella had been called into the living room by her father. 
Y/n was shocked to meet familiar green eyes, “Um- hi.”
“Hey.” Remus said nervously, scratching the back of his head, “I hope I’m not intruding.”
Both boys behind her looked confused, “Mum, who is this?”
A pang of hurt hit Remus, “This- This is my brother.”
“Brother?” Romulus questioned, “Like he’s our uncle?”
“Yes.” Y/n retorted, “Now you boys grab your sister. Go do something upstairs while we talk, yeah?” 
Romeo looked crestfallen, “Mum, we aren’t five.”
“I know, but we have a lot of talking to do.”
Romeo sighed, “Fine but be safe.” 
She kissed the tops of their heads, “Of course.”
Ascella was running to her brothers within seconds after Romulus called for her. Remus saw her black hair flutter around as she followed her brothers up the steps. Y/n smiled and motioned for Remus to come inside. The house was lovely and decorated for the holidays. Y/n walked through the hallway to the living room, and Remus followed. 
“I apologize for the mess.” She chuckled, “Having the boys home makes the house messy.”
Remus saw the pictures on the wall, “A Slytherin and a Gryffindor.”
Y/n smiled, “Yep. Romeos the Slytherin, and Romulus is the Gryffindor. We have a feeling Ascella will be in Gryffindor too.”
He placed the picture back down and sighed, “Merlin, what did I miss?”
Regulus was still stiff and stern, “A lot if you couldn’t tell already. That’s what happens when you call your sister a traitor and decide to disown her.”
All three children were listening secretly and grimaced at their father's words, “But don’t worry. I’ve done your job. I’ve been there for her, protected her, and made sure she was happy.” Regulus snapped, “And Sirius did your job of being the children’s uncle.”
“He didn’t even tell me you guys had kids.” Remus muttered, “‘Course he didn’t. In case you don’t remember, you didn’t want anything to do with us.” Regulus retorted. 
The children had never heard their father speak this way with so much ice in his words. Regulus was blunt and unapologetic, “We wanted you to be a part of our family, Remus, we really did. But we didn’t know how you’d feel.” Y/n informed. 
“Plus, the last time you saw us, you tried to kill Regulus.” Ascella covered her ears, and Romeo ushered them to his room to stop listening, “Yeah, so forgive us for not inviting you to be a part of our family.”
Regulus punctuated his statement by putting his arm around Y/n’s waist, “I’m sorry.” Remus murmured. 
“I’m really sorry for how I acted. It was immature and stupid of me.” He continued, “I didn’t know how to feel when I heard my sister was with a Death Eater at the time, and I was just scared.”
Y/n stood up and hugged him, “Remus. What you did isn’t going to be forgiven. I’m sorry.”
He had tears glazing in his emerald green eyes that dulled with age, “I know we were young, but that doesn’t excuse the words you said or how you acted. Trying to kill my husband and saying god awful things about me.”
Y/n took her seat beside Regulus, and Remus sniffled, “You did this. Not us.” Regulus reminded, and Remus nodded. 
“Okay, I just- I’ll go.” Remus stood up from his seat and walked down the hallway to the front door; he took in every family portrait. 
When he got to the door, Y/n opened it for him, and he walked out, “Remus.”
He turned, and Y/n hugged him one last time. His chin rested on top of her head, breathing in her shampoo that still hadn’t changed since third year. The same perfume from fourth year. Her arms fit around him just the same way as they had when they were little children running around the lake. Y/n kissed his cheek and released herself from his embrace. 
“I may not be your sister.” Y/n repeated with tear-filled eyes, and Remus allowed the tears to fall; her two boys were standing beside her, “But you’ll always be my brother.”
The door had closed, and Remus decided that that was the end of his chapter. He had underlined, circled, highlighted, and folded every significant page, but this was the end of the chapter. He was flipping to the next page, where the new chapter began. The new chapter where he had to live without his sister or his niece and nephews. 
Remus always loved fragile, cracked paperbacks. 
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lexosaurus · 3 years
Phic Phight oneshot for @datawyrms: Danny Phantom's jumpsuit is hiding a secret he'd rather not reveal to anyone.
“Shit,” Valerie cursed, deactivating her hoverboard and gently placing the figure on the ground. “Shit, shit, shit.”
Bright green liquid soaked the ghost’s body, dripping off his waist and painting the grass in a steady stream. It was ectoplasm, something inhuman and twisted, and yet when Valerie looked down, all she saw was how closely it resembled blood. 
She raised a shaking hand and attempted to brush away some of the green on her suit. But she looked more green than red at this point and all she could think of was how much ectoplasm was outside the ghost’s body. 
It was too much.
They’d been ambushed after a ghost fight, the Guys in White having caught them in one of their special nets. Valerie had tried to yell out that she wasn’t a ghost, she was human, but it was no use. They zapped the net, and her vision was shrouded in darkness.
The next thing she knew, she was in a van, trapped with her biggest rival in Amity Park. Phantom was awake, but he didn’t know how long they’d been in the van for. Hours passed before the van stopped at last. But at that point, they had a plan.
As soon as an operative opened the back, Valerie was on him. She knocked him out, stole his gun, and bolted.
Apparently, Phantom wasn’t so useless without his powers either. By some miracle, he managed to find a way to remove his inhibitor collar and take flight.
But that was when all hell broke loose. Right as he’d paused to free Valerie from her inhibitors, someone landed a shot on him.
And he fell.
Valerie didn’t have time to think. She just grabbed his body, activated her hoverboard, and flew, not sure where she was going but unwilling to stop until she was sure she’d lost the agents. 
“Fuck.” She threw off her helmet and looked down at Phantom’s unconscious form. There was a hole in the stomach of his suit, and ectoplasm bubbled and sparkled in the harsh sun.
He was going to die, Valerie realized. What happened when a ghost died? Could they even die? 
“Stay with me,” she whispered.
She shoved a hand in her belt for her emergency supplies, but her glove was too slippery, and her hand trembled too much. She couldn’t do this. She ripped off her glove and tried again, trying to ignore the way the ectoplasm trickled between her fingers.
She had a bit of gauze, a tube of instant clot powder, a few butterfly clips, and a few large bandages. It wasn’t much, but it would have to work.
Because the alternative…
She set the supplies down and turned back to the unconscious ghost. His glow was almost nonexistent, and for the first time she could see his face clearly. All the grooves of skin, his pores, the individual hairs on his eyelashes and eyebrows. He had freckles. That tiny, human detail Valerie would have thought impossible for a ghost. 
Even the more humanoid ghosts always had some slight haze to them, something that just made them more like a realistic doll than a person. But not Phantom. If it weren’t for the white hair and ectoplasm, she would have thought him to be just a regular teenager.
“Stay with me.” 
She needed to take his jumpsuit off. Could she even do that? Was it attached to him? Would taking it off just hurt him more?
For a moment, Valerie knelt there frozen, unsure of what to do. She felt lightheaded, dizzy, nauseous. Her nostrils were filled with the scent of burnt battery acid and lime, and she could only stare as the Phantom’s face slowly grew paler and paler.
She pinched herself. “Snap out of it.” She’d dealt with worse, this was just a ghost. A ghost that she didn’t even like. A ghost that she’d spent the last two years chasing out of Amity Park.
She could do this.
Grabbing her swiss army knife out of her belt, she began carefully slicing through the fabric. Her damp hands were immediately filled with green goo, and for a moment she panicked, thinking that her fears were correct and that the jumpsuit acted like a second skin for Phantom.
But then she saw a black t-shirt peeking out underneath the jumpsuit, and she realized with a shaky breath of relief that the suit simply melted if it wasn’t attached to the host.
Of course, that made sense. She’d seen Plasmius rip off his cape before and it had dissolved in thin air. How could she have forgotten?
She made quick work with removing the jumpsuit, and had started on the undershirt as well when Phantom groaned.
She froze, unable to move the slightest muscle, as she watched Phantom’s drunk green eyes slowly flutter to life. 
“Don’...” he slurred.
“I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked. “You’re hurt, I’m sorry.”
She tried to resume cutting his shirt, but he lazily swatted her hand away. “Don’...”
“Phantom, stop. I need to get this off you.”
“I gotta do this,” she said, tearing his t-shirt. “It’s just a shirt.”
“S’ugly,” he mumbled, his eyes rolling back. His head lolled to the side, and he was out again.
Valerie rolled her eyes. “Oh, don’t be—” 
Her voice cut off, and she sucked in a breath. Tattooed on Phantom’s skin were glowing lightning figures that branched from his shoulder, snaking around his chest and stomach as if they were alive.
Valerie had never seen anything like it before, and she could have dismissed them as just ectoplasmic tattoos. But from Phantom’s reaction, she had a sneaking suspicion that these were something much more serious. Much more personal.
Something that she didn’t have time to think about right now. Something that was getting covered by ectoplasm, something that was losing its bleak glow as the aura around Phantom faded to nothing.
Time was up. She needed to act now.
Ripping off the packaging, Valerie got to work.
The sky was clear, glittering with thousands of stars. It was one of those rare nights where the milky way was visible, arcing the sky with its brilliance. 
Valerie had never been one to care about nature. Growing up rich in the city, her focus was always materialistic. She just wanted to fit in with the other girls, so she’d been more than willing to follow along with their hobbies and model her life after their trends.
Nature? Space? Stars? She never gave them a second thought.
Until her life was turned upside down, that was. Suddenly, Valerie went from hardly spending time outside to now soaring through the sky every night, weather be damned. It didn’t take long for her to appreciate the beauty of a clear, warm, night sky.
She landed on top of a building and collapsed her hoverboard. It had been quiet thus far, with only a few ambient blob ghosts roaming around a warehouse. Although at the beginning of her ghost hunting career, Valerie had spent each night painstakingly capturing every ghost in sight, she’d grown since then. She wasn’t so angry, so vengeful now.
And aside from being completely harmless, even Valerie had to admit there was something almost cute about the tiny bulbs of ecto energy.
Her suit dinged, signaling a ghost nearby, and Valerie groaned. There really was no rest for the weary, it seemed.
She raised her radar watch to her eyes to see a familiar ecto signature reading pop up in the corner.
One that was heading towards her.
She hadn’t seen Phantom since that day. He’d been avoiding her. And maybe a few months ago she wanted him to avoid her, but now...
That day had changed her.
It was terrifying the way the government had so easily lumped her in with the ghosts just because they detected ectoplasmic readings from her suit. She woke up not knowing where she was, where she was going, if she’d ever see her father again.
Part of Valerie had insisted that once they saw her without her helmet, they’d call her dad and drive her back. It would have all been a big misunderstanding.
But a different part of her, one deep down inside, knew she was just lying to herself.
The government operated the way she did when she first started ghost hunting. All black and white, no room for grey. Ghost were evil and all ectoplasm needed to be destroyed. Period.
After she patched Phantom up in that grassy field, she flew and flew until she stumbled across a nearby town. She hid Phantom in a warehouse and sat with him for hours, forcing herself to stay away and stand guard in case the GiW found them. 
He didn’t wake up until the next morning, taking one look between Valerie and his exposed torso before panic struck his features and he simply disappeared. Before Valerie could gather her wits to hunt his ungrateful ass down and kill him again, he reappeared, suit intact, and began leading their way back to Amity on instinct alone.
Phantom refused to look her in the eye for the entire trip home. And when they finally got to Valerie’s apartment, left her with a “get some sleep” before disappearing once again.
Her watch buzzed lightly against her skin, signaling that he was close. Valerie leaned back, waiting. Seeing if he’d actually come to her, or if he’d bail and pull the vanishing act he was so famous for.
But then he appeared. Right in front of her. His glow was vibrant against the night sky, covering his body in a shimmery aura. His acidic green eyes glistened in the dark.
He really looked no worse for wear after his injury. That kind of hit would have landed Valerie in the hospital. And yet, Phantom was back the next day, full of bright smiles and puns for the people of Amity.
She wondered how often this kind of thing happened to him. Just how many times had he been nearly slaughtered only to pop back into the public eye pretending like nothing happened?
He gave her an awkward wave. “Hey, Red.” 
“Phantom.” She greeted cooly.
Just because lately she’d been seeing Phantom as someone who didn’t have an inherently evil Obsession didn’t mean that she liked him. At best, he was cocky, arrogant. At worst, he’d dumped her back at her apartment and left her by herself after the complete shit show that was their kidnapping.
So yeah, maybe she was a little bitter. Sue her.
“Uh, do you mind if I…” He gestured to the roof.
She pretended to mull his proposition over, watching as his ghostly tail flickered in anxiety.
He was ready to bolt, and she didn’t blame him. They’d never really talked before.
“Do what you want. I don’t feel like fighting tonight,” she finally conceded.
Relief spread across Phantom’s features, and Valerie was once again reminded of how human he was. She once thought that ghosts couldn’t feel any emotions. While it was doubtless that the way they experienced emotions was different than how humans did, there was just no way that Phantom was able to nail all those tiny details so accurately. Even if he was one of the more powerful ghosts out there, it would have been near impossible to mimic the full range of human emotion so quickly and precisely.
He settled down next to her, his tail morphing into legs positioned criss-crossed against the concrete. He turned to her, rubbing the back of his neck.
Valerie said nothing, just allowing the blanket of awkwardness to settle over the pair. If he wanted to say something, he could say it. Valerie wasn’t going to hand-hold him through a conversation.
When the tension was reaching the point of unbearable, Phantom finally broke the silence. “It’s a nice night.”
“Sure is.”
“I haven’t—uh, seen any ghosts. Tonight, I mean. Like outside. Or inside, too. Uh...it’s a quiet night. Ghost free. Well, except for me, I guess.”
He ran a gloved hand through his white hair. “Not that I’m really complaining. It’s kinda nice to have a break for a change.”
Valerie grunted in agreement, even though she was sure Phantom was lying through his teeth. Ghosts lived for their Obsessions, and Phantom was no different. She knew that deep down, he reveled in ghost hunting even more than any human ever could.
The duo was lapsed back into another tense silence, one that Valerie didn’t try to break. She didn’t understand what his goal was with the petty chatter. Did he think they were suddenly friends now? After he discarded her back at her apartment like she was a used rag and disappeared without a hint of remorse?
After she carried him hundreds of miles away from the Guys in White compound, bandaged his wounds, and then stayed up all night just to make sure he was safe?
She could have left him there. She could have been home before her father had woken up the next morning in a panic because his daughter was nowhere to be found. She could have avoided the phone call to the police, the missing child report, the whole mess that had followed.
And he couldn’t have even been bothered to say thank you afterward. Just dumped her and left.
So if he thought she was going to help him out now, he had another thing coming.
“How have...um, how have you been? Since…”
“Fine.” She said. “My dad’s been better.”
He winced. “Yeah…”
“Not that you care.”
He jolted up, turning around to face her. “What?”
“You know what I’m talking about, spook.”
“I thought we were over the whole ‘spook’ thing,” he said, his face twisting in annoyance.
“And I thought you were over being an inconsiderate jerk. But I guess I was wrong.”
“Listen, Val—”
“Don’t call me that,” she snapped.
He pinched the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “Okay, Red. Listen, I’m sorry. Okay? I got freaked out that you—you saw…” He let out a shaky breath. “I didn’t know what to say. I’m sorry you got caught up in my problems, I’m sorry they thought you were a ghost, and I just...yeah.”
Valerie sat there for a moment, glaring out at the night’s sky. “It was a big mess, you know.”
“I know.”
“The police were involved and everything.”
“I heard.”
“And you know the worst part? I couldn’t even tell them the truth.” She let out a bitter laugh. “I got kidnapped by my own government and I couldn’t even tell my dad. I had to lie and say I got lost while out on a nature hike. How stupid is that? I nearly got killed by the freaking government and I haven’t been able to say a damn thing to anyone.”
“I’m sorry.” His voice was quiet.
“Yeah, well…” Valerie swallowed the lump in her throat. “You know. Hazard of the job, I guess. Still would have been nice if you hadn’t just left on me. After everything.”
Phantom lowered his head, allowing the white strands of hair to cover his eyes. “I know. I’m sorry.”
“It was a dick move.”
“It was.”
“I just wanna know why.”
He looked up, startled. “Why? Why you were captured, or—”
“Why the silent treatment? Was it because I saw those glowing lightning tattoos under your jumpsuit?”
He flinched back as if he’d been struck, his body lifting to hover over the cement. He stared at her open mouthed, as if he didn’t think she’d even dare to mention it.
But Valerie couldn’t find it in her to be joyous at his hurt expression. “Seriously? You were mad about that? Like I care about what you put on your body.”
“No, no.” Despite looking like he wanted to take flight, he managed to lower himself back onto the roof. “No, they’re...it’s complicated.” 
“Oh, wonderful,” she said sardonically. “So let me get this straight, ghost boy. I save your ass from the government, pull an all-nighter guarding your lifeless body in a warehouse, and the best you can give me is an it’s complicated? Thanks a lot. It really makes me feel better.”
“No, it’s…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. His eyebrows were pinched and he looked almost sick. When he finally spoke, his voice was small. “They’re not tattoos.”
“Oh? What, an unlucky birthmark?”
He didn’t respond.
Valerie turned to him, realization hitting her with full force. Unable to keep the surprise out of her voice, she said, “Really? That’s it?”
He pulled his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around his legs. His eyes were distant, far away. Lost in some other world.
He’d been electrocuted. Struck to death by lightning, or something similar. And now it was branded on him, as some twisted reminder of the ugly creature that extended its spindly claws and ripped his humanity from his body.
“Damn.” Valerie blew out a breath. “Of all the ways to go, huh?”
She couldn’t help herself. “Do all ghosts have one?”
Valerie didn’t know if that made it better or worse. Questions swirled through her brain, but she bit her tongue. She didn’t know much about ghost culture, but she was fairly certain that there was a taboo against asking ghosts about their deaths.
So she stayed silent, pretending to focus back on the stars but stealing glances to the teenage ghost beside her. His brows had furrowed, as if he were having an internal war. Whatever it was, Valerie didn’t pry. Even if her curiosity burned brighter with each passing moment.
Finally, he sighed, dropping his forehead into his knees. “It’s fine,” he said, though his voice sounded anything but. “You can ask.”
She hesitated for a brief moment before relenting. “Why do you have a mark?”
“They’re called Lichtenberg figures,” he explained. “They just happen. If the shock is bad enough. But they, uh, are supposed to fade in a few days. You know, if you’re...human.”
“But yours didn’t.”
“No, mine didn’t.” He raised his head, opening his mouth slightly, before slamming it shut.
This was unmarked territory she was stepping into. Hell, she doubted even the Fentons had ever talked to a ghost about their death before.
“Do you remember it?” she tried.
That surprised her. She’d read some of the Fenton’s papers, and even they were uncertain of how much a ghost remembered about their death. 
The question must have shown on her face because Phantom added, “Not everyone does. I think...I think it has to do on their power level. And, uh, how old they are. I think some of the more ancient ghosts just kinda...forget. But I don’t know much. We don’t really talk about it.”
Phantom nodded, staring down at his gloves. He sighed, and then started pulling one of them off.
Valerie froze, her eyes locking onto the movement. She’d never seen Phantom remove them before, and frankly she wasn’t even sure if they could be removed.
The glove left his skin and dissolved into ectoplasm, splashing onto the concrete roof. And there, left on his otherworldly skin, were the cobwebs of the lightning scar that covered his torso. It was brighter, glowing with more precision than Valerie remembered from before. 
He pushed his sleeve up to his elbow, revealing more of the Lichtenberg figure. It traveled up his wrist, spiraling throughout his arm before it disappeared into his suit. The branches were thin, glowing with the same ectoplasmic energy that ran through the ghost’s core.
Valerie didn’t know what to say. Here Phantom was, her biggest rival in Amity Park, revealing his creation, the moment that turned him into what he was today.
“It was an accident.” He finally spoke. “I was being stupid, I don’t know. My friends and I were fooling around with this...this machinery, I guess, that we knew we weren’t supposed to be near. I grabbed a malfunctioning piece of equipment—I didn’t realize it was plugged in—and that...was it.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, well…” Phantom pushed his sleeve back down. He closed his eyes, willing the glove to  materialize back onto his hand. He looked at her and offered a feeble smirk. “Teenagers, am I right?”
Valerie forced a polite smile in return, hoping it didn’t look too pained. 
He cleared his throat. “But, you know,” he said, allowing some of that familiar cocky energy back into his voice. “It’s in the past now. I’m over it.”
Valerie doubted that much. After all, he was still a ghost.
“I mean, I get to do really cool things now. Like helping people. Protecting the town. You can’t exactly do that as a human.” He froze, his eyes flickering to her. “I mean, aside from you. You’re great at it!”
Valerie flipped him off. “Whatever, ghost boy.”
“No, I’m serious! You’re really good as a ghost hunter.”
“I know I’m good! I don’t need your flattery to give me self-esteem.” Her voice sobered. “But really, Phantom. I’m sorry that happened to you.”
He frowned, and looked up at the sky. The brilliance of the stars reflected on his form, giving his body an almost ethereal presence. 
“It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”
Thanks for reading!
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Best friend’s ex | Benny Weir x reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Um if you don’t mind can you write for mbav? Something along the lines of the reader and Ethan try a fake relationship thing cause Ethan asked her to? Like to get to Sarah/ or get her attention. And everyone is shocked cause they thought Benny and the reader would date instead cause all 3 of them are childhood friends”
Genre:Fluff mostly but I guess a little angst torwards the end
Warnings: some arguing and also it’s LONG, don’t say I didn’t warn you
A/N: This has a little Ethan x reader too but over all it’s Benny with a guest apperence from jelous!Benny torwards the end (or at least that’s what I was going for)
“Wait, you’re dating?! Like for real dating?!”
 You clinged tighter to Ethan’s arm “Yeah, we are” but you weren’t. You didn’t want to lie to your friends and it was honestly making you kinda uncomfy but you were doing it for E.
“Ok so how long has this been going on for?” asked Benny. You and your entire friend group were gathered around his locker and you decided to break the news to them about your and Ethan’s “relationship”, which was all bullcrap. He had asked you a couple nights before to pretend. He was hoping it would get him closer to Sarah.
“Um, no more than a month” E said, trying to sound as confident as possible and doing a fairly good job at it. Of course you saw right through him but everyone else seemed to buy his act.
“Well that’s...interesting news” Sarah laughed awkwardly
“You think so? Why?”
The group went silent for a moment
“Well, just cause” Sarah started, nervousness laced into her tone “I mean I would have guessed that Benny and Y/N were going to get together eventually.” Rory and Erika just nodded in agreement while Benny tried to suppress a nervous laughter.
“I mean, come on guys” he said “ I’ve known Y/N for just as long as Ethan.” 
“Yeah, but you two just always seemed, I don’t know, closer?”
“Well” Ethan interrupted “ seems like you were wrong on that one.”
Suddenly aware of how rude she sounded, Sarah babbled some lame excuse and left quickly, face red from embarrassment. Rory and Erika left as well, each in their own direction, but not before congratulating the couple once more. Benny was the only one left.
“You good Benny?” E asked
“Yeah, I guess it’s just interesting seeing you like this”
“I hope you’re not mad or anything I mean we…” you were quickly cut off by Benny
“No, no, absolutely, not! I’m really happy for you guys! My two best friends are in love, that’s really cool!” A pink tint made its way onto your cheeks hearing Benny say “in love”, even though you knew it wasn’t true. E smiled at you and hid his face in your hair. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he placed his hands on your hips, swaying you two back and forth for a moment
“Alright, well I gotta go. Chem starts in a few” you told your boys and headed to class, not before hugging both of them and leaving Ethan with a quick peck on the cheek
As soon as you got to class however, you texted your “boyfriend”
“Think that went pretty well”
“I think so too. Everyone seemed to buy it!”
“I know!” you said and the conversation ended like that. 
You switched your attention back to your teacher, who was discussing your next assignment but even though your eyes were on her, your mind was replaying Sarah’s comment on repeat. You and Benny, huh? You couldn’t say you disliked the idea or that you’ve never thought about it. You’ve always felt different when hanging out with him compared to all your other friends.You felt more free and comfortable. You couldn’t stop the smile on your face from the fuzzy feeling you got just thinking about Bens and you together.
“So how long are we gonna be doing this for?” you texted Ethan. Now that you thought about it, you could never date Benny after this. The sudden realisation made your stomach twist in knots. He would never even go on a date with you if he thought you to be Ethan’s ex! Bro code or whatever but you couldn’t blame them!
“I don’t know for sure, I don’t see why it should last more than a couple months.”
“Ok” you didn’t mind helping E. He was a great guy and one day, some amazing girl is gonna see that and be all over him, even if it’s not Sarah! And he’s going to fall in love and have a beautiful wife and a happy family and this thing you are doing right now is just gonna be a silly high school memory to look back at. You tried not to overthink everything like you usually do and go with the flow, have fun.
It was surprisingly easy to do. Holding hands and occasional cheek kisses didn’t mean much and you never had a “proper kiss”, telling everyone you were simply not fans of PDA. It didn’t feel much like you were a couple, just closer friends. Touchier.
About 4 months down the line, you and Ethan go on your last “date”, which really just meant pizza night at Morgan’s.
“Thanks for all this Y/N, I know you didn’t have to and it might have been awkward at times but it means a lot that you went with it all this time” Ethan says sincerely while pouring you a glass of soda
“Don’t be silly E! You are one of my best friends. I would do anything for you.”
“Yeah but, now you and Benny won’t be…” he didn’t finish his sentence, as if he wasn’t sure if bringing this up was even a good idea or if it was gonna make you mad. You told E about your crush on your best friend not long after your first day as a “couple”. You couldn’t lie to him and quite honestly, you needed someone to vent to. The more you thought about Benny, the more it hurt and while you weren’t mad at Ethan for bringing it up now (you knew he had the best of intentions), it was putting you off
“Let’s not talk about that tonight” you said softly
“Right, yes, of course! Sorry” you giggle and reached out for your glass of soda, raising it up
“A toast!” you declared dramatically, making E laugh “To our breakup!” Ethan raised his own glass and clicked it with yours 
“To our breakup!” he said before you both took a sip of your drinks
You laid down on the couch, getting ready to watch Scare Finder. Your head was resting on one of Ms. Morgan’s decorative pillows and you placed your feet on E’s lap. He rolled his eyes at you and you giggled
“I love you!”
“I love you too babe” he joked before laying down next to you and wrapping you in a hug. The couch was a bit too small for the both of you to lay down side by side and you felt the left side of your body  hanging off the edge but E’s arms were around your waist, holding you and you felt safe
“Can we..” Ethan whispered nervously “can we keep cuddling during shows even if we aren’t boyfriend- girlfriend anymore?” 
“Yes of course” you giggled
“Good, cause this is really comfortable” he whispered in your neck
“I know, I love it too”
 Your breakup was a much bigger deal than you anticipated.Your friends seemed not only shocked, but heartbroken too. You didn’t tell them anything about why you ended your relationship, saying it was too early and you didn’t feel like talking about it but that you were still close friends and nothing was going to change
Things went back to normal afterwards, except now you were single and so was Benny and you couldn't help the invisible pull, dragging you closer and closer to him. Everyone of his silly jokes made you crack up and you couldn’t even be mad at him when his failed spells ended up in a big mess that you and the friend group needed to solve. You hadn’t realised how much you missed him until you broke up with E. Whether or not that relationship was real, it felt like a real reason to stay away from Benny. It felt like you were taken because everyone else belived you to be. You couldn’t make a move on him because everyone knew you to have a boyfriend but now you didn’t and you couldn’t help yourself from looking at B in a different light.
You were over at his house, helping him pack some herbs he had to organise for his grandma, as punishment for wasting all her old ones on some spell. You were stuffing dried leaves in tiny jars, while Benny was busying himself attaching little tags to them, with the name of each plant.
“Thanks again for coming to help me, you didn’t have to”
“Anytime Bens, you know I’m always here for you” you looked at him and smiled sweetly. He looked into your eyes and said
“I know, Thank you” you nodded and switched your focus back on the plants, hoping he wouldn’t notice the blush on your face. Lucky for you, he started telling a story that happened in his geography class and things slowly fell into their usual, casual place, at least up until you had to leave.
You placed the last little jar in its respective spot on the shelf
“I think this is it, right?” Benny asked
“It should be”
“Perfect, I’m in dire need of a snack. You want chips? I have some upstairs”
“No, it’s late, I should head home”
“Um, ok yeah. No problem” but none of you moved after that, you just looked at one other for a little bit, until the awkwardness got too much and you took your backpack and headed to the door
“Thanks again” Benny said right when you reached the door
“No problem” and then time froze again. You got lost in his pretty eyes and barely noticed his chest rising and falling faster with every second that passed until, you both found yourselves in each other's arms, kissing deeply and desperately, as if you’ve waited all your life for this. Your hands tangled in his hair, pulling at loose strands, his hands running up and down your back, bringing you as close to him as possible. All your senses were intoxicated with him and finally, the little pit in your chest disappeared. Your lips fit together like puzzle pieces but than, all of a sudden, Benny pushed you away aggressively
“No, I can’t do that!” his back turned to you, but you saw the red in his face and his hands went to his head, massaging the back of his neck just like you had been doing
“No, no, you are Ethan’s ex and we can’t do that! I can’t do that!”
“B, listen to me!” you tried to step towards him but at your slightest movement, he jumped back, finally turning to face you
“Y/N, that was a mistake and I’m sorry! We shouldn’t have done that! It was a mistake” your eyes stung from the tears threatening to spill down your cheeks
“Don’t say that…” you could barely hear your own voice and were genuinely surprised when B replied
“Of course it was! As much as I wanted to do it and as right as it may have felt, it’s barely been a few weeks since your last relationship with MY BEST FRIEND and your best friend too and we can’t, I CAN’T do this to him! You, you guys dated and…”
“But we didn’t!” you said
“Of course you did, are you out of your mind?” Benny looked at you, teary eyed and desperate “I saw you, we saw you! Holding hands and cheek kisses! He had his arm around your back every moment of every goddamn school day and every time I wished it was me! He had all of you and he could hold you during movie nights and spend all his free time with you and kiss you and run his hands through your hair and everytime he did it I imagined that I was in his spot, hoping you would look at me with the same love and admiration that you looked with at him but now it’s too late! It doesn’t matter that he didn’t cherish you better while he had you because I still can not take you! I can’t do that to him!”
“Benny it wasn’t real!”
“What does that even mean Y/N?” he was yelling now, but you knew he wasn’t angry, just hurt. You saw the tears in his eyes and how hard he tried to stop them from running down his face.
“We weren’t ever dating! We just pretended!” the madness in his eyes turned to a question, an invitation for you to continue “It was all a show Bens. He wanted to impress Sarah. He asked me to fake a relationship with him.”
Benny leaned over the table, resting his body on his arms. He seemed to be thinking for a while, until he said “That’s a stupid idea”
You laughed “I thought so too when he told me” Benny seemed to think some more before saying
“Such an Ethan idea to have” which only made you laugh more
“So it was never real?” he asks you finally
“No! It was just an act” but even now, Benny couldn’t say anything. He was looking at his hands nervously. You took a deep breath and said the one thing you could think of
“He knows if that’s what you are wondering” the boy looked at you with questioning eyes again “Ethan I mean”
“Ethan knows what?”
“That I like you” Benny straightened and looked at you with soft eyes once more, you felt your cheeks heat up and turned to walk away but Benny quickly grabbed your wrist and pulled you into him, holding you in a tight hug. 
“So, does that mean I can kiss you again?” a small smile tugged at your lips
“Please do”
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oneshotnewbie · 3 years
Ah I loved the PLL one shot! Can we please get an emily fields one where the reader is her little sister and they find them in a life threatening situation and emily has never been more scared (reader got injured while protecting her sister). You can make it as angsty as you want!!
A/N: I feel a bit better and I couldn't wait to post again so.. here we go! :)
You were out, once again following a trail to A when you had the feeling of being followed and observed by several eyes. It was too dark to see anything, the glow of your flashlights were too weak to shine through the vastness of the deep forest.
"Folks, we should go. I think we're being watched." you talked in the direction of the four other girls in front of you while you pressed your jacket closer to your body, following their steps and kept shining backwards. "Don't be so paranoid, Y/N and start searching." Hanna whispered back annoyed, which gave the dark atmosphere even more space for fear.
While the others searched the area near the tiny burned barn, the rustling of the deciduous trees in the wind of the evening and the cracking and breaking of individual branches behind you made you crazy. Any kind of noise made you listen attentively and made your heart race faster.
You swallowed hard and turned back to your friends, you couldn't get rid of the feeling that something was wrong and that danger was lurking for you. "We have to get out of here!" you demanded before something hissed past you and got stuck in the old wood of the door from the burned house in front of you. It was a small arrow that easily missed you by not even an inch. "Get down!"
You looked quickly in the direction where the arrow was coming from before your shaking hand reached out to it and pulled it out of the charred wood. You threw yourself down on the floor and crawled to your sister which pulled you by your arm behind a piece of wood for cover. "Are you hurt?"
"Just my feelings, the next time you all don't fucking listen to me." you snapped and leaned your back against the wall while trying to calm down from your adrenaline kick, your body trembling in your sisters body. You took a deep breath before you held the object in front of your face to inspect the missile. With your index finger, you trailed the tip of it; it was sharp and could do significant damage at that speed.
"A bow?" Aria stammered as she looked over Emily to you and the thing in your hand. Your eyes slowly traveled to Aria, the whole situation visibly scared her as her body trembled and her voice cracked. "A crossbow, smaller and more dangerous." replied Spencer in a hushed tone.
Two more times it hissed behind you and Emily took your head protectively in her arms and hid it with her own while you heard fearful screams from your side. The attacker knew exactly where you were hiding; the arrows got stuck in front of you in the rolled up hay bales, a few centimeters away from you.
"We need a plan, NOW!"
You went through every single way you could get your friends and sister out of here safely. You didn't know how many of them were out there hunting you, you didn't even had a clue where you left Spencer's car. "There is no other way out, we have to run." You stated and hoped the brunette genius would intervene and suggest a better idea, but when she nodded and scanned her eyes for a way out through the rubble, you knew that there was nothing left you could do.
You turned on your knees and peaked your head over the ledge when you saw two people in black come towards you. This time, panic kicked in and you sank to the ground before you looked in shocked faces and counted down. "Run but keep your heads down!"
While Aria, Hanna & Spencer squeezed through the ailing wooden beams that were still standing, you pushed Emily forward with one hand on her lower back to get her to move before you started to sprint and jump over the beams after her.
The arrows that just flew past your head and the unpleasant sound they left in your ears mixed with the screaming of the other girls was uncomfortable and made you wince every time. You tried to follow Emily, even if she was far faster than you, she dragged you by the hand and you could feel your legs slowly getting tired and you getting out of breath.
You and your sister got separated from the others short after and ran in a completely different direction. Now you were definitely unsure whether you were on the right track at all or whether you would run into A's hands. "Emy, I need a break." you puffed as you stopped in an open and free place, resting your hands on your knees while breathing heavily.
While she was about to begin to talk, loud footsteps came out of the forest again. You could only see the black figure in your line of sight before the person pulled his crossbow in front of his chest and pulled the trigger.
As if in slow motion, you crossed the last few meters with your last strength and shoved her aside with an violent push. You heard her grunting as she slid across the ground, gravel digging into her skin as you heard a sharp intake of breath shortly followed with her pulling herself back up, holding the arm she fell on.
You doubled over, falling to the floor and now were laying on the ground. You let out a short, painful scream that filled the whole atmosphere while trying to support yourself with your elbows. But it didn't work, you lost your strength and fell to the ground again, noticing a sharp pain in your upper stomach.
You raised your head and looked at the sore spot; an arrow had pierced your torso and was still stuck in you, a big blood stain already starting to cover your white shirt. "Damn." you mumbled while you put your hands around the arrow to stabilize it. "Oh my god, Y/N!"
She ran to you and threw herself on the floor next to you, completely blocking out her pain. With her good hand, she hovered over your stomach, trying to do something but didn't know what. "No no no." the pain you could her in your sister's voice made a chill run own your spine - or was it the cold that gradually spread through your entire body? "I don't know what to do. I don't know."
You clenched your teeth before speaking, your voice fragile and weak, your lips starting to turn blue. "You have to..." you bit your lip to keep from screaming. "Call the girls. Get the car."
While she nodded and pulled up her nose, she took her cell phone out of her pocket and called Hanna. She explained in short sentences what had happened while she paused every now and then to take a deep breath and to check if you were still with her.
You were trembling uncontrollable and the vision in front of your eyes became blurred while the pain faded slowly but steady. "We're at some small lake. Come quickly, she is loosing a lot of blood. PLEASE!" she yelled into the phone before it fell on the gravel. Her finger intertwined with your bloody hand. "It's okay, do you hear? You will be okay."
She pressed your cold hand tighter into hers while she placed them on her lap. With her aching and bruised arm, she brushed your hair from your face and you could see by her impression how overwhelmed she was with this situation. "You saved me."
"Do you see the stars and the moon? They are so beautiful." did you start talking to distract your sister from what was happening at that moment. She was hyperventilating. "Do you remember the camp? We always looked for the individual stars in out astrology book." you whispered and raised your free hand once more to the sky. You noticed how your consciousness slowly faded and your breathing became difficult; it was now flat and painful.
"Yes it was beautiful." she whispered and began to smile. She remembered the wonderful time with you under the stars. You were always so excited when she told you which signs were currently in the sky and heard her stories until you fell asleep. For a brief moment her tears had stopped flowing and her worries disappeared. "Do you remember your favorite story?"
But there was no answer.
In a flesh she looked down at you and only now noticed that your hand was no longer holding her but was just lying loosely in it. The other hand had fallen to the side from your stomach and was also motionless while your eyes were closed and you no longer responded to any attempt she was making to wake you up.
One down, four to go. - A
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gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
Paris was a warzone.
Shadowmoth's latest plan had torn Paris asunder.
Shadowmoth had once again found a way to utilize his powers in a far more disastrous manner.
Akumatized villains and Sentimonsters laid waste to Paris. The events of heroes day seemed mild in comparison.
The all powerful Scarlet Shadowmoth had put into action his most devastating plan.
Even the guardians that Su Han had called for reinforcements were akumatized and turned into soldiers for the diabolical villain.
However, Ladybug and her chosen heroes were quick to act. Shadowmoth did pull a few new tricks, such as making sure Rena Rouge had to face her akumatized family, including sentimonsters created from emotions resulting from her secrecy. Even Nino was utilized by the evil villain.
But despite all of that, Scarlet Shadowmoth had lost his special powers. And just like before, He stood face to face with ladybug and her partner.
"Its over Shadowmoth, your plan failed." Ladybug exclaimed with confidence. The red clad heroine was sure of herself. It was a tough battle, but Shadowmoth had no where else to go.
"Is that so?" Shadowmoth asked, his expression showing no signs of fear, panic or nervousness. Despite the situation, he was eerily calm.
"Check the math Shadowmoth, You don't have anymore sentimonsters or akuma's left to defend you. Meanwhile, Ladybug and I are up here ready to kick your feathery butt. Even if you try to escape there are dozens of heroes and guardians ready to take you down." The fox heroine next to Ladybug exclaimed.
"I suppose that is a fair point Rena Rouge. But I am not worried in the slightest by either of you or your little hero army." Shadowmoth dismissed.
"It doesn't matter how you feel, because this is the end." Ladybug retorted.
"Im going to enjoy prying those miraculous off of you after what you did to my family." Rena rouge cracked her knuckles, as she got into a fighting stance.
"Before we start, I must commend you Alya. You really adjusted well to being a miraculous user. You perfectly slid into your role as Ladybug's new partner."
The two teens stared at Shadowmoth in confusion. Why was the villain of Paris giving Rena Rouge high regards? It made little sense.
"What are you saying Shadowmoth?" Rena Rouge squinted at the villain, as if trying to peer into his mind to see what he is trying to hide.
"I am simply giving you a compliment. Though I am not surprised that Ladybug would have chosen you to be her new partner. You are far more competent then most. You did discover quite a lot about the miraculous even before she accepted you into the fold." Shadowmoth continued.
"Why do you keep saying new partner?" Ladybug questioned.
Shadowmoth grinned at the comment.
"Simply stating the facts. Why else would she be here at your side instead of someone else."
Ladybug's eyes went wide.
She had been so concerned with everything going on, she didn't even realize it.
Her confusion shifted to rage.
"What did you do to Chat noir?!"
Shadowmoth started to laugh.
"So you finally noticed. I must admit, I had sensed the divide growing between you and Chat noir for sometime, but it wasn't until Rena Rouge became more crucial did I see the true depths of it. His self doubt, his inadequacy, his low self esteem, and of course his jealousy of Rena Rouge. He couldn't exactly tell what was going on but he sure did feel the dynamic shift between you and him." Shadowmoth taunted.
"Answer me Shadowmoth!" Ladybug roared.
She charged at Shadowmoth only to get kicked back.
"I wasn't finished." Shadowmoth hissed. "Let me savor my moment."
Ladybug growled and got up, spinning her yo-yo she continued attacking. Shadowmoth continued to speak as she attacked.
"Though I admit he hid it well, he found a way to suppress those powerful negative emotions, never letting them stay for too long. I could never lock onto them. It was as if he was used to feeling miserable all the time. He likely hid it out of fear that you could replace him. You are the one in charge after all." Shadowmoth continued as he dodged ladybug attacks before kicking her back again.
Rena Rouge jumped in to try and fight with Ladybug but her attacks were equally as fruitless.
"So I needed something to push him over the edge. So a special sentimonster was created, one to trap him in the catacombs of Paris. Stuck in an ever shifting living maze. Yet he could see everything that was happening above. He could see the city being attacked, he could see you fighting and he could see how 'Perfectly' you saved the day without him."
Ladybug and Rena Rouge stopped attacking.
"Wait... you are making it sound like all of this was..."
"Exactly how I planned it. And the akuma I had in my staff which you broke and flung off the the tower minutes ago had made contact, but he has been fighting it for sometime, he is quite stubborn. "
A bluish purple outline appears over Shadowmoth's mask.
"Well that was perfect timing."
"No..." Ladybug muttered in horror.
" Chat Blanc! I give you the power of infinite destruction, to destroy anything and everything that causes you pain. In exchange, you will bring me Ladybug's miraculous."
It was quiet after Shadowmoth finished his speech. It was as if the world had stopped. But that silence was short-lived. A blast of white light bursted from beneath the city, creating a pillar of light into the Parisian sky.
A white figure jumped out of the creator once the light pillar had dissipated.
He started rushing to the well known French monument.
The guardians on the ground tried to stop him, but it was no use, he charged through like they were nothing more than insects against a windshield.
He used his staff and arrived on the floor the heroes and shadow moth were standing on.
"Excellent timing Chat Blanc."
Rena Rouge looked at the Cat as it stood there, next to Shadowmoth, silently watching them, expressionless.
"Ladybug we might need a lucky charm here" Rena Rouge said while not looking away from the cat.
"It happened again..." Ladybug muttered in horror. Her scars from her previous encounter with chat blanc had not faded. She still had vivid nightmares of the akuma cat. And right now, that nightmare was very much alive.
"Now Chat Blanc. Take the miraculous!"
"I shall."
Shadowmoth Laughed only to suddenly de-transform into Gabriel Agreste, right in front of the two heroes.
Chat Blanc had snatched both miraculous from him, and was looking at the villain with sharp eyes.
Rena Rouge's jaw dropped.
"Chat Blanc! How dare you disobey me! I am your..."
"You are nothing..."
Chat blanc cataclysmed the man before he finished his sentence.
"... but a failure of a father."
He turned his attention to Ladybug and Rena Rouge.
"Wow... that was excessive... But no worries. Just pass ladybug the akumatized item and we can undo all the damage done today." Rena Rouge said as she composed herself.
Chat Blanc raised his hand in the air.
A ball of white light formed in his palm and began growing.
Ladybug snapped back to reality as the gravity of the situation became real.
"Chaton stop! You can't destroy everything! This isn't you!"
"Destroy Akuma Charms" He spoke
little balls of energy bursted out from the large cataclysm. The tiny energy balls located and destroyed every anti akuma charm Ladybug had ever created.
After that task was finished. Chat blanc lowered his hand, and a Cheshire grin appeared on his face.
"So I finally have your attention."
(Based a bit off this post)
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sunnysunoo · 3 years
Love Letters ; Sim Jake
Pairing: Jake X Reader
warnings: explicit language and cursing
word count: 3k words
genre: friends to lovers au! fluff with tiny pieces of crack lmao
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Jake was always known for being this perfect guy in school. I mean, they're not wrong. They always described him as if he's this walking piece of art in the hallways. People would stop to just stare at him. You'd stare at him all day too, but you set priorities first: writing him love letters.
You're no Lara Jean, but I guess you can say that she's what inspired you to write Jake letters. Who needs Peter Kavinsky when Jake Shim exists anyways?
note: Not me completely disappearing off of tumblr for like months and then showing up again suddenly lol. I got really busy the past few months since I was completing requirements for school, and I really didn't have the motivation to do anything at the time so I took so time off to take care of myself first so I hope you understand :) But now since it's summer break, I am given at least 2 more months until I go back to school in August :)) Here's the long-awaited Jake imagine that I completely forgot about lmao hope you enjoy <3
P.S I finished writing this at 1:26 am so please excuse the really shitty plot and grammar ill rewrite it once i wake up
tag list: @cha-raena ( sorry for the rlly late post bestie )
Dear Jake, First of all, I will never call you Jaeyun because calling you by your English name makes me feel like I'm your friend. Calling you by your Korean name makes us feel like we're cold strangers to one another and I don't want that. I want us to be something more than that, but it's hard when you don't even know who I am. I'm surprised how you don't grow tired of me just dropping letters right into your locker every time you open it, and that's one of the things I love about you. You don't just throw away people's efforts and you treasure them with care. It makes my heart beat so fast as if I ran miles away from here.
We're already one year left until we graduate high school, and I don't want to end my high school years without you realizing my feelings for you. I know for sure that you would never reciprocate the feelings that I have towards you, so I want to treat this as closure in case we do forget about each other in the future. Yours truly,
"How is this person not over you? That's like the tenth one this month," Jay said, looking over Jake as he reads the letter from his secret admirer. Jake has always been receiving these letters from the same person everyday for the past four months. He's thankful for the letters because they definitely make his day better, knowing that there's someone out there who loves him as who he is regardless of looks. He's not gonna lie that these little notes and letters make his heart race too. "Do you have any plans with finding the person behind the letters?" Jay asked as he watches his best friend trying to hide the small smile that's been growing. No one really knows who this mysterious person is and why they decided to name themselves the moon, but we don't judge anyone in here. If they want to be the moon in their next life, then so be it. "I really want to find the person who's making these letters," Jake shoved the letter in his backpack, trying to not wrinkle it. "But I don't know where to start." "Who's finding who?" A voice popped suddenly beside the presence of the two boys. You leaned beside the locker beside Jake's, watching him as he grabs his books from his locker. "Did Moon drop your daily letter today again?" "They did as usual," Jake wasn't even surprised. He would expect the letters every time he enters the school in the morning. He would open his locker to see the usual small letter placed inside his locker. He usually arrives at seven or earlier, but he's surprised that he could never even catch a glance of this anonymous sender around the campus. "Should I go to school at five in the morning?" "Five in the morning? Isn't that a bit too early?" You questioned, followed by a shaky breath. "The school doesn't even open until six." "I could just walk to that nearby convenience store I always pass by to grab a coffee." He argues, closing his locker shut before walking towards his classroom.
You and Jay followed beside him, and you sneered under your breath, "You don't even wake up to your alarm clock."
"Why don't you even want me to go early anyway?" He glances as you try to give him an answer. But before you could say something, Jay replies first.
"You’re probably hiding something." He said. You rolled your eyes and narrowed your eyes at him. "You are so weird." You grunted, before walking ahead of them. You feel panicked because you were scared that you made yourself obvious to them.
You were inside your classroom sitting on your desk. There were only fifteen minutes left before lunch, but you had eaten your packed meal before instead of going to your school cafeteria. You were fidgeting in your place, conflicted about Jake finding his secret admirer, not knowing that it was you who's been sending him letters the past few months. You're not scared of him finding out that the letters were from you; that was the entire reason why you wrote him letters in the first place. You're scared of how he was gonna confront you about it. Would he like you back? Would he hate you? Would he avoid you?
Your mind was full of scenarios but you were suddenly brought back to reality when a hand planted itself on your desk. You look up and saw Jay standing in front of you, eating sushi with his other hand. His face kinda looks like he knows something, and it's freaking you out a bit.
"What?" You asked, suddenly flustered over how his eyes stared right into you. He took the seat in front of your desk and flipped it so it was facing you. He sat down and blurted the phrase that you were dreading to hear from anyone.
"So, you like Jake?"
You suddenly feel like punching him in the face with his sushi.
"What??" Your body felt like, and you were left a nervous mess. Your heart like it was going to pump right out of your chest any minute, and your hands started to sweat.
Jay's mouth formed into a smirk. He caught you. "Jake may be a bit oblivious, but I can totally see right through you."
“Haha...no you don’t,” You tried to deny, but it was all useless when his expression looked unconvinced.
“Oh yeah? Then why are you all red? You look like a bursting tomato.”
“You don’t know that," You leaned further into your seat, playing with the strings of your hoodie.
“C’mon Y/N, you’re not even trying. Just give up and admit it,” Jay was trying to help you confess your feelings for Jake. Frankly, he knew it was you sending him letters this whole time—how can Jake not see it?
With a heavy sigh, you slumped and laid your head on your desk, embarrassed. “Fine. I like him, okay? Are you happy now?”
The smirk on his face grew wider, feeling proud of himself. You are not dealing with his annoying crap this early in the morning. He grinned and munched on his half-eaten sushi. “I knew it.”
“Congratulations,” It was muffled because you hid your red face away from him. All that was on your mind now was how you could book yourself a flight all the way across the world.
“But seriously, since when did you have a crush on him?” You raised your head to face him, giving him a look that could kill, except Jay finds it entertaining rather than intimidating.
“I started having a crush on him when we were in fifth grade. It was at a friend's birthday party, and he saw me being all quiet and lonely. Honestly, I forgot who’s birthday that was.” You told him the very first time you had discovered feelings.
“He saw how sad I looked so he accompanied me the whole time. He was even trying to feel more included in the games and stuff.” You felt a smile ghosting on your lips as you can still vividly remember how you felt your heart tug the first time. “It was kinda like I fell in love at first sight.”
Jay faked a gag, so you lightly punched him in the shoulder. He may be a bit of an asshole, but he’s one the most caring and kind people you’ve ever met. It honestly felt good spilling out your feelings about Jake to him.
Speaking of, Jake was watching you two play around and laugh at Jay's little jokes from outside, and he felt something burning from inside him. Was it that he felt jealous of you and Jay?
No, he can’t be...right?
Maybe it was because of how he felt separated from you and Jay because of him being a separate class.
Yeah, maybe it's because of that.
Dear Jake,
I just had the most bizarre day today, and I felt like telling you about it.
It was chemistry period, and we had to be partnered with someone for a lab project. I ended up getting paired with Yeojin. We kinda created this unexpected friendship, which I love. We would crack jokes at each other, tell funny stories, it was so fun to be with her that we had completely forgotten about our project. So now, we both got a detention slip for making an accidental explosion.
How about you? How was your day? I hope it was just as fun as mine. If you feel like the day just wasn't as happy or you're feeling down, just now that it's okay to feel that way because days like these just lasts for 24 hours. It will be all over before you know it and you'll be greeted by another day. Maybe it will be different, and you would be all happy again just like how my day went. Maybe being with you would be my happiest day yet, and I couldn't wait for that day to come. See you soon :)
"Yeojin!" Jake called, seeing her walk down the opposite way. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"
"Hey Jake," She greeted him with a smile. "Sure, go ahead."
"Could you perhaps give me any information about your partner in Chemistry?" He had hopes of getting any kind of description about his mysterious sender, but he was instead given a sad frown on Yeojin's face.
"Sorry Jake, but that person told me not to tell you about their information." She gave an apologetic smile. "I wish you all the best in finding them!"
Jake muttered a small "okay," and sighed before walking away, feeling defeated.
Yeojin knew that he was gonna ask about Moon the moment he called her from across the hall. She couldn't wait to tell you about this.
"Hey Y/N," A voice said from behind. You turned around to see Jake with his backup hung on his shoulder. He brought his hand up and raked his hair, and you felt your face grow red. Jake is like a gift from the gods. How can someone look so ethereal even if they're just standing there? You could stare at him all day. You couldn't even understand a thing he said until he started waving his hands in front of you.
"Hello?" You blinked multiple times as you were brought back out to reality. You saw Jake's face grow into concern. "Are you okay? spaced out."
"O-oh..No, I'm completely fine." You reassured him, feeling embarrassed. "What were you saying again?"
"I was asking you if you wanted to go to school with me early tomorrow."
Well, shit.
Your eyes started to go wide, and your hands started to go clammy.
"Tomorrow?" You repeated, voice trembling.
'Well, yeah." He pouted his lips, and you felt like melting into a small puddle in your place. Your heart started to pound heavily.
Oh my fucking god, he is so adorable.
"Okay, sure I can go with you tomorrow," You weakly smiled at him, slightly tense.
How we're you going to give him the letter now?
"Good Morning," Jake said as he watches you close the gates of your house. It was past five in the morning, and you were a mess.
"Morning," You replied back before running your fingers through your hair, getting rid of any flyaways.
As you started walking your way to the bus stop, Jake kept on glancing towards you from time to time. He knew you were pretty, but since when did you become really beautiful in his eyes?
The walk was pretty quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. For him, mostly.
Meanwhile, you couldn't stop freaking out. You had written a letter the night before, but you don't know how you were going to slip it into his locker without him taking notice. If he saw you, he would know.
"Are you sure you're okay? You've been like this since yesterday," Jake blurted. You looked at him before heaving a sigh.
"It's nothing," You mouthed, suddenly feeling anxious and gloomy.
"Something on your mind?"
"Something like that." It was hopeless. I guess he would have to miss this letter today. It was the first time you skipped a day, and you're feeling guilty that you would have to see Jake's face sadden that he wouldn't receive it today.
As you two stop at the bus stop, Jake looked slightly panicked as he was rummaging through the pockets of his blazer before looking through his bag. "Hey, do you have an extra pen? I left mine at home and I have a quiz today."
You snickered, "Out of all the days, Sim Jake. The same day you have a quiz is the same day you forget your pen."
"Very funny." He scoffed.
As you unzipped your bag to grab your pencil case, a folded piece of paper fell out without you realizing it. When Jake went to pick it up, he notices that it was folded the same way as the letters in his locker. It looked so identical.
Once you already got your pencil case out, you were about to hand it to him when you saw what he was holding that made your body freeze with your hand holding the case in the air.
"Why were one of my letters inside your bag?" He glanced at you, waiting for you to reply.
If you were freaking out before, this is a whole other thing. The thing that you were fearing the most is happening right before you.
"Maybe it fell into my bag yesterday..." You stammered, making up an excuse to look like it was an accident. You were tightly holding onto your pencil case, chanting many curse words in your head as you watch Jake unfold the letter.
"I don't think I've received this one yet," He said before he opened the letter and read it.
You watch as his expression formed into confusion as he reads through the paper. It only took a few moments before something in him clicked that it was you sending him the letters.
"Y/N," He began, and you started quivering in fear.
You should've known this would happen, but you didn't expect it to happen this sooner. In fact, you believed that this wouldn't happen at all. But it did.
"Let me explain," You eventually gave up and accepted fate and watch as your identity as "Moon" be revealed to your crush. You're now exposed so you didn't have any other choice but to explain everything. "Yes, I am Moon. I was the one writing you the letters that you've been getting in your locker."
Jake's face was unreadable. He looked bewildered and puzzled. He was trying to comprehend what was happening right now. All this time, it was you?
"I started crushing on you when we attended that birthday party before. I didn't want to confess my feelings for you because I was scared that you were going to harshly reject me, so I started writing down letters as a way to tell you how I feel about you without making you feel awkward around me." You continued, eyes suddenly taking an interest in your shoes. They were brand new too.
Jake was silent, and you felt your heart crack into pieces. You were mad at yourself for being so careless about it that he ended up finding out about you as his secret admirer. You wanted nothing else but to run back home, lock yourself in your room and cry with your sad playlist on loop.
You were expecting a harsh rejection coming from him, but what surprised was how he took dangerous steps towards you, minimizing the gap between you two. He placed his hand under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.
"I don't plan on rejecting you Y/N," You stare into his eyes as it reflects the sunlight of the early morning. "I'm actually happy that it was you."
You look at him, puzzled. He lowly chuckles under his breath before leaning over to place his lips against yours. It was a light, quick kiss, but it brought you feeling ecstatic. You've dreamed of this moment before, and now that it happened, you thanked your clumsiness.
As he pulled away, you were sure your face was a red mess.
"Thank you," His smile was as bright as the stars in the sky. It was the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. "Thank you for making me like I'm special to someone."
You felt flustered over his words. You were scared that he could hear the sound of your heart pounding loudly. The butterflies in your stomach were going wild, and you felt like this was all a dream.
"So, what am I to you now?" You broke into a smile as he grabs your hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
Jake acted as if he was thinking, "Hm..maybe my best friend still?"
He bursts into a fit of giggles as he sees your smile slowly disappear, replacing it with a look of disbelief. You removed your hand from his and walked at a faster pace away from him.
He ran to match your pace beside you before holding your hand again, "I'm sorry, I won't ever do that again. Is my girl mad at me?"
"Oh my god, it's only five-fifty, Jake." You too broke into laughter over his cheesiness, but your heart fluttered over the thought of Jake calling you his.
HERE’S A LITTLE BONUS! since I've made you guys wait for 4 months :(
"What the fuck?" Was the first thing You heard from Jay as you and Jake entered the classroom. All of your classmates were staring at your and his hands intertwined together.
Jay stood in front of you two, crossing his arms together. "Can one of you explain when this happened?" he motioned towards your linking hands. You and Jake smiled at each other before walking away, leaving Jay in a fit of joy, and confusion.
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soliverse · 3 years
the way of the househusband - n.yt
reader x yuta
genre: gangster au, marriage and family au, fluff humor
warnings: mentions of blood, violence, and cursing
word count:1.5k
@nctcreations @kdiarynet @kpopscape @kwritersworld @culture-cafe @neowritingsnet @neoswitchnet @czennienet @nct-writers
ps: this was based off that cute little anime that I found on Netflix and I just had to write it. I didn’t have this beta’d because it was out of a whim and I needed to get it out my system.
 You grabbed your kid from her high chair and gave her a tight hug and plenty of kisses. You're about to leave once again for another workday, but you can't seem to get over leaving your child every single day.
 You cradled Yena as you made your way into the kitchen, where your husband, Mr. Nakamoto himself, was cooking breakfast for the three of you. Seeing him so domesticated made you giggle for a bit. His tattoo-clad body contrasts your pink frilly apron. You wiped his sweaty forehead and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
 Yuta has been working hard as a househusband for more than a year now. He used to be utterly hopeless in the house, something that he couldn't have learned from his past profession, but your husband still tried to keep himself busy while you work, and he stays at home with Yena.
 You see, Yuta is a former head of a famous gang in Japan. When he heard that you were pregnant with his child, he had quit the lifestyle and disbanded the whole unit. It was his life, but it's a small price to pay for raising a family away from chaos. And for that, you are eternally grateful.
 "Yuta, the eggs are burning."
"Shit. I fucked up."
 You sighed.
 "Language, please." You covered your daughter's ears and made your way back to the dining table, placing Yena right beside you as you prepared the baby food you premade for when Yuta will feed Yena throughout the day.
 "I managed to save the eggs..." Yuta brought out the plate of eggs, smilingly proudly as if he's accomplished something. You took one look at the eggs, and apparently, his idea of fixing it was to throw away the burnt pieces. You are now left with irregular pieces of eggs. 
 "Looks yummy..." You took the eggs from him wholeheartedly. You couldn't manage to break the fragile heart of the former gangster head right in front of you. Yuta took out one of the eggs as well, munching happily like nothing ever happened to them.
 Your phone started ringing before you even managed to take a bite out of your breakfast.
 "Oh no. I've got to go!" You stood up from your seat and struggled to find your coat from where you'd left it earlier. You grabbed your suitcase and gave your husband and Yena a kiss goodbye.
 "But… breakfast..." Yuta was disappointed to see you go, so you gave him one last kiss on the lips before saying, "Bring them to work for me later. I forgot I had a meeting at 7."
 You wore your shoes quickly and headed straight to the door. Before you left, though, you shouted, "Yuta, can you go get groceries later after you brought me my lunch to work?"
 Like a puppy, he replied, "Yes, dear. I love you!"
 "Love you too, baby! Give Yena lots of kisses for me!" Before Yuta gets the chance to answer you, you had already slammed the door and ran off to the bus stop to get to work.
"Hey, kid."
When you're gone, Yuta likes to play pretend with your kid.
 "You think you're tough enough for the job?"
 He spoke as he dresses Yena up after a bath.
 "We don't take kindly to rookies around here, kid. Are you sure you're man enough to take on the whole Kuma group?"
 Yena answered with a giggle, a gesture that made Yuta's heart melt every single time. It was a habit that Yena picked up from you, and he was glad that she did.
 "Alright. Suit yourself. You will be in charge of holding daddy's grocery basket while we go deliver mommy's lunch. You think you can handle that, kiddo?"
 Yena started babbling some incoherent words, but Yuta took that as her daughter taking up the challenge. She's such a go-getter.
 And after strapping Yena to her carrier, the two of them went on a mission to finish delivering mommy's lunch and buy groceries in one piece. A feat that Yuta wasn't expecting to achieve that day.
 Yuta had successfully done his task for that day. At the same time, Yena fell asleep in the middle of shopping, so he had an extra time of peace to himself. That is until a group of men came running in his direction. He tried to turn around, whistling as he silently gets away from that situation. If one of them recognizes him, he's dead.
 Yuta resisted the urge to facepalm as he heard someone call his former name. He slightly turned around to see Shotaro, his former apprentice, right before the group disbanded. The eyes of the guys chasing Taro went dark. It seems like they have been looking for Yuta through Shotaro for a long time now. He had made sure to hide very well until someone recognized his tattoos showing his plain white shirt.
 "I'm not sure who you're talking about. I'm Nakamoto Yuta, unemployed, full-time househusband."
 "You're the infamous Akuma. You're him, right? The head of the 127 group?"
 Yuta shook his head and flashed a friendly smile.
 "I don't know who you're talking about. If you'll excuse me, you'll wake my daughter up."
 Yuta tried to turn around again, but one of the goons grabbed his shirt. It caused him to move out of balance, almost waking Yena up.
 His attitude started to change. There was a rumor that you should never touch the Akuma unless you wanted to die a horrible death. Now that he has Yena with him, that rule extends to her as well.
 He sighs, and he motioned Shotaro to come to him. The younger guy hesitated at first, but he willingly obliged. Yuta started taking off Yena's carrier and strapped them into Taro's body. 
 "If something happens to her or that basket of groceries, consider yourself dead."
 Yuta warned as he instructed Taro to walk away as far as possible. His fatherly instincts kick in, which the other guy didn't realize made Yuta even more dangerous.
 Yuta cracked his fingers and replaced his toothy smile with something more sinister. It is what they call the smile of death.
 "Now, who wants to die today?"
 Shotaro came back to the scene, horrified at the lifeless bodies that Yuta left on the sidewalk. Yuta went back to his giddy self again when he saw that Yena was still sleeping in her carrier.
 "You sleep so well. I'm glad that you also got that from your mother." His white shirt was bloody, but that didn't stop him from holding on to his daughter.
 "Taro, help me carry out those groceries some will you?
 The three of them came home a few more minutes before you get home. Yuta quickly washed himself to get rid of the bloodstains in his body. He also threw his clothes at the trash as they can't take the stains off of them in time before you get home.
 Shotaro just watched as his former boss, the most ruthless killer in Osaka, wears this pink frilly apron while he makes that night's dinner.
 "Would you like to join us for dinner, Taro?" The kid wanted to refuse, but Yuta was wearing that deathly smile of his again.
 "U-uh sure thing, boss."
 "And please, stop calling me boss. Not in front of my wife or my daughter. Just call me Yuta."
 Shotaro dared not to call his former boss by his first name. However, he nodded as a sign of agreement and helped him take care of Yena and prepare that night's meal.
 You went home to the fragrant smell of soup, a dish that had recently become Yuta's specialty. It was certainly better than half burnt eggs.
 "Oh baby, you won't believe what happened at work today. I--" You stopped on your tracks when you were greeted by another Japanese man that isn't your husband.
 "Oh, hi. Are you a friend of my husband's?" The guy nodded, smiling happily like a little kid. 
 Yuta then came out from the kitchen and greeted you with a kiss. However, even if he hid his face with his long hair, you still noticed tiny cuts along with his eyes and forehead.
 "What are those?" You stepped closer and tried to sweep his hair off his face. You were hoping to get a closer look.
 "Ahh, haha, those were from when I was attempting to install a shelf earlier. The screw got loose and hit me in the face. Right, Taro?"
 The kid looked panicked, but he nodded profusely like he actually meant it.
 "Alright. What's for dinner, then?"
 You knew that Yuta got in a fight again. You're not as innocent as he deems you to be. There is a reason why you were married to a former gang boss, after all. However, you saw Yena all cleaned up and well-rested. Yuta did an excellent job of taking care of her well. It didn't matter that he went back to fighting once again. It was in his nature, after all. 
 What matters is that every day, you will come home to him, Yena, and a bowl of freshly made soup after a day of hard work. That is all you ask for your househusband as of now.
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drowsy-writer · 4 years
I Can't Stop— regulus black x reader
Summary: An unmovable object vs. an unstoppable force (aka Reader tries to get Regulus to bed) 
Warning:  cursing, angst, bittersweet fluff, crying
Notes: Reader has she/her pronouns and is a Hufflepuff; this can also be read as either romantic or platonic also yes I sometimes face claim regulus as Benjamin Wadsworth pls don’t @ me i’m new here lol
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Hogwarts 1975
Every Hufflepuff knows that when 10:00 hits, the kitchen goes silent. No pots boil, no ovens switch on―without the house elves, the place is as silent as the library on a good day. The alluring scents of the day’s meals would linger in the air, hitting the face of every Hufflepuff who entered eager to make it to their common room and call it a night.
Tonight the smells of roasted chicken and creamy beef stew were replaced with the stingy aroma of coffee as two students sat at the end of the kitchen’s massive table, books spread out amongst themselves. Two gigantic porcelain mugs were placed within arms reach and a fresh pot of coffee sat between them.
“Find anything yet?” the Hufflepuff asked. Her [h/c] curls bounced slightly as she looked up from her piece of parchment, observing the pale Slytherin boy across from her scrunch his brows.
“No,” Regulus shut another book and tossed it on top of the stack next to him. He reached over to his mug, which embarrassingly had an orange flat-faced kitten painted on it, and downed its remaining contents. He then slammed the mug on the table and ran both of his fingers through his short ebony locks,” nothing. Yet.”
“House elves are bound to wake up soon,” [Y/N] mused. She cocked her head towards the tiny door sitting next to the fireplace,” maybe we should call it a night.”
Regulus groaned as he reached for the pot of coffee and poured himself another cup. The pot shook a bit as Regulus poured it, the bags underneath his eyes growing darker. [Y/N] looked at her friend and sighed.
“We’ve gone through almost the whole library, Reggie,” [Y/N] said. Regulus took a quick swig of his refilled cup of coffee and cracked open another book,” look! That’s even the same book you opened last night. Cover and all!”
“Nope,” Regulus held up the book and tapped his pale finger on the cover where it read Volume 2. It was [Y/N]’s time to groan as she took her own mug, this one with a silly looking dog on it, and sipped at the now cold contents. Her face scrunched up as she placed the mug down,” Zatara might’ve been a loon, but he was Bullock’s assistant. He probably hid something in here so Dumbledore or anyone else couldn’t find and burn it..” 
“What makes you think that Volume 2 is gonna have something when the first one didn’t?” [Y/N] had got up from her chair, cold cup of coffee in hand, and dumped it down the drain of the sink behind her. She turned the faucet on, rinsing out the mug and gently putting it back on the drying rack. When [Y/N] spun around, she was met by Regulus’s signature scowl,” don’t get your knickers in a twist. You know I’m right. I’m always right with these sorts of things.”
“I know,” Regulus hissed. He looked back down at the book,” but right now, I’m hoping you’re wrong.”
[Y/N] huffed as she sat back down on her chair again. A small yawn escaped her lips but she knew it’d be a while until Regulus decided to pack his stuff and leave. This was the case every night since 2nd year where Regulus and [Y/N] would stay up right before the elves came back in to prep for breakfast, reading and discussing topics both school related and pure nonsense. Neither knew how this little tradition started and, quite frankly, neither cared. It was a breath of fresh air for [Y/N] and a sense of normalcy Regulus craved for within his ever turbulent life. 
As of recently, however, their midnight meetings were overwhelmed with a sense of dread. It had been months since Regulus had properly been exposed to the world of the Death Eaters and of Lord Voldemort, courtesy of his mother. From then on, he had been put into an almost inescapable hole, one that he was intent of crawling out of. Regulus might've not had the luxury of running away like his brother, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give in without a fight.
“So if I am wrong, what’s gonna happen next?” [Y/N] asked.
Regulus quirked a brow as he stopped reading the passage he was on. Not even bothering to look up, Regulus clicked his tongue in thought. He then, to [Y/N]’s annoyance, shrugged his shoulders and continued to read.
“I don’t know. Haven’t thought that far yet.”
“What do you mean you haven’t thought that far yet? We’ve been looking into Horcruxes for the past three months and you haven’t the clue as to what you’ll do next?!”
“Something like that.”
“You're so—,” [Y/N] let out a muffled scream as she buried her head in her hands,” you're insufferable, you know that? Why am I even friends with you?”
“Haven't thought that far yet either,” Regulus smirked. 
“Very funny, Reggie. Now c’mon,” [Y/N] motioned towards the stack of books,” let’s stash these away. We’ve got a Potions exam tomorrow morning, remember?”
“Yes, I remember.”
Regulus didn’t make an effort to get up and continued to read through the book. As Regulus flipped through another page, [Y/N] muttered underneath her breath as she jumped down from her seat and walked over to the Slytherin’s side.
“Alright. That’s it.”
Before Regulus could make sense as to what was happening, [Y/N] wrapped her hands around his waist and hoisted him up from the seat.
“[Y/N]?!” Regulus sputtered, dropping the book from his hands,” let me go!”
“Oh shut it, Black! You need to get some sleep!”
Still in her arms, Regulus tensed as their bodies pressed against one another. He cursed himself underneath his breath as his face flushed red.
“Just put me down. Now.”
[Y/N] tightened her grip as Regulus squirmed within her hold. She dragged him from his chair to the middle of the kitchen where he finally pushed himself off.
“What the hell was that for?”
“You need to sleep, Regulus! You can’t keep burning the candle at both ends. You’ll fall back if you keep doing this.”
“Well what else am I supposed to do, then? Run away from my problems like my brother? Ignore them? I can’t just turn away from my family and pretend nothing ever happened!” Regulus shouted. His breathing turned ragged, as if he just finished yet another Quidditch match, “what would you expect for me to do?”
“I—I don’t know! I don’t have the answers for everything!” [Y/N] retorted. Regulus groaned as he turned around, intent on picking up where he left off in his book,” but I do know that when the time comes, whatever remnants of a plan you do have, you’ll be too exhausted to do anything about it!”
Regulus stopped in his step as he stared at the rack of spices before him, afraid of meeting his friend’s eyes. He took a deep breath, composed himself, and turned around. His eyes had yet to meet [Y/N]’s as they shifted throughout the room.
“Why are you—ugh,” Regulus sighed as he ran his hands through his hair,” I just—this is how I work, [Y/N]. You’ve known it since 2nd year. Even when I stop, I can’t stop. When I go to sleep at night, my mind is still racing with all this bullshit about purebloods and Muggles and—.”
“But you can’t just—.”
“—And the fucking potions test you won’t stop telling me about! There’s so many things in my mind that I think Bellatrix’s head looks healthy compared to mine! I can’t stop thinking about my family, my house, even Sirius for Godric’s sake! I can’t stop worrying that if I were to put a pause for even a sliver of a second, everything I’ll ever love will cease to exist. I can’t risk that [Y/N]. Not for a second. Not when I have so much on the line.”
[Y/N] looked down at the floor as her friend’s words ran rapid through her head. She touched her forehead with the palm of her hand, dragging them down until they met the bridge of her nose. 
“Fucking—I know that, Regulus. I just—,” [Y/N] gave a pained expression as she pinched the bridge of her nose,”—fuck! I just want you to be okay, ok? You’re my friend. My best friend, actually. It hurts like hell because there’s nothing I can do about it. I can get you as many books as you want, sneak out around the castle as much as you want, lie to as many people as you want , but I can’t—no. I won’t stand here and watch you whittle away. Not when I can do something to prevent it.”
Regulus swallowed hard as his eyes met [Y/N]’s and the pit that had been growing inside his chest began to increase, pushing painfully against his rips. He felt his lungs constrict and if Regulus didn’t know any better, he’d say someone casted a Crucio curse on him and it was slowly ripping his body from the inside out.
“I just can’t let him win, [Y/N],” Regulus mumbled. He leaned back on the table and pressed both hands to his face, rubbing at his eyes as tears began to build up in the corners,” I can’t let that thing win, no matter what.”
Shielding his face from [Y/N], Regulus quietly sobbed as his friend stood in front of him, tears threatening to pour out from her eyes as well. Taking a deep, shaky breath, [Y/N] slowly walked towards her friend and gently wrapped her arms around him. Despite the slight size difference, [Y/N] was able to situate her friend so that his face was buried in the crook of her neck. She combed a hand through his inky, black locks.
“I know won’t,” [Y/N] said,” but I highly doubt snake face over there is going to wait for you to take a quick power nap. We’ll beat him, but not like this.”
Regulus’s grip tightened around [Y/N] and she felt his lips pull into a smile as a low chuckle emitted from him. 
“It’s amazing how you’re not a Ravenclaw with how much wisdom you spout out.”
“Well I’m far more interested in my friends then a bloody book,” [Y/N] stepped back, hands still wrapped around Regulus, and smiled,” now let’s clean up and head to bed. You deserve at least one good night’s rest.”
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