#and she seemed so disappointed for a second that I wasn't her sister
dirtytransmasc · 6 months
just had like.... the moment... with my grandma
I was laying on her bed cause my cat was in there and she was next to me sleeping, and I was just on my phone, talking to myself and my cat, and all the sudden she turns over and starts patting me before laughing.
she told me she thought I was her sister (who had passed over 2 decades ago at this point). she said my laugh and my voice sounded like hers when they used to share a bed together.
it was bittersweet and I don't really know how to feel.
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shdysders · 5 months
pairing: tara carpenter & female reader
summary: in which you've been ignoring tara, and she can't figure out why.
word count: 1.7k
warnings: mentions of abuse, violence & bruises.
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Tara knew something was wrong the second you didn't answer her text she sent before she entered first period. You always answered.
You didn't share any classes except one that was held once a week, so she barely had time to search you up in between the periods. In fact, she wasn't sure you had shown up to school at all.
Mindy had told her she had seen a glimpse of you during lunch, but nothing more than that.
Tara had excepted for everything to go back to normal when late evening arrived, but that was not the case.
She had been laying sprawled out on her bed for hours, ever since she had eaten dinner with Sam. Waiting for you to come knocking on her window, like you did every night.
You and Tara had agreed for you to sneak in through the window any time you visited, which was mainly because Sam would freak out if she knew Tara was seeing someone she hadn't met properly. But she had to keep you away from her older sister, Sam would scare you away.
You would pass by her window almost every night, and when you couldn't make it, you would text Tara and tell her that you were unable to come. But you hadn't texted her today, which made her believe that you were coming by.
Tara sighed as she checked the time on her phone, it was almost midnight.
tara <3 (11:14pm): are u not coming?
She longly stared at her phone screen after she had seen it, bottom lip trapped between her teeth, hoping for the writing bubbles to appear. But when two minutes passed of just staring without any response, she groaned loudly in frustration, throwing the phone to the end of her bed.
However when her phone hit the mattress, a notification popped up, making her snatch it back in her hands. A small smile appearing on her face when she saw your name on it.
you <33 (11:17pm) no not today. sorry. i love you <3
The text made Tara feel disappointed and frustrated at the same time, the smile dropping quickly. She hadn't expected for you to show up considering the late time of the day, but a part of her thought you would at least give her an explanation on why you didn't come.
The night passed quickly and before she knew it, Tara was in class again. All her mind and worry focused on you.
By the time she had arrived home and had yet another dinner with Sam that was filled with questions about everything and everyone, she had sent you over a dozen of text messages.
You on the other hand, had only sent one. Stating that you were sick, and that's why you hadn't showed up to school. But Tara had a feeling that wasn't the only reason to it, maybe not the reason at all.
You had been sick multiple times during your relationship, and when you were you didn't tend to ignore her messages nor did you respond with short and dry sentences.
She knew something was wrong, but she knew better than to go to your house.
Your dad was a very violent person, and had been ever since your mother passed away a few years back. You had told Tara that he hadn't always been like that, he had been a great loving father before the tragic death of your mother. But instead of a therapist or mental help, he turned to alcohol. Which was the main cause for his violence.
He had threatened you with it multiple times, lashing out at you for doing the slightest things wrong. You had gotten used to it, but his loud voice and harsh tone always seemed to scare you.
That's why Tara didn't go to your house. She had tried before, when she planned to surprise you for your birthday last year. But she didn't even get a chance to knock on your window before she could see your figure squeezed into a corner, knees pressed up to your chest as your hands covered your ears. Your father was standing in front of you, screaming so loudly that Tara could hear is voice through the glass of the window, however she couldn't comprehend the words.
The next day Tara had told you about what she saw. You had brushed it off, telling her you were just being dramatic. However you did tell her that she probably shouldn't come over to your house, so you guys stuck with the idea of you sneaking through her window, and not the other way around.
After the day you had brushed it all off so smoothly, Tara thought she would never hear anything more about your father, or how your home life was. But she was wrong.
Because you told her everything that happened in your house. You told her what had happened, why it happened, and how it had happened.
There was multiple nights where you would cry into her chest, venting to her about all kinds of feelings.
Tara wished dearly that there was something she could do to fix it. But she there wasn't. She couldn't offer you to stay with her and Sam, and she didn't have enough money to buy herself her own apartment for the two of you; also because Sam wouldn't allow it.
All she could do was call the police or protective authorities, but when she had suggested the idea to you, you panicked and straightly begged her not to do that. You told her everything would get worse and that nobody would believe her if she did. So she didn't, even tho she strongly felt the need to.
There was nothing she could do, same as now. She couldn't come to your house nor tell Sam about her worries when it came to you.
Even though she knew the consequences that were about to occur, her worry got the best of her, which led to her taking the risk anyway.
She knew you weren't sick. Something was wrong, and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
She climbed out of her own window, not caring for the heights or the way Sam would probably spank her if she found out she had snuck out. She needed to know why you were ignoring her.
It was a rather long walk to your house, considering the fact that Tara lived in the center of New York, meanwhile you lived a bit further outside the town.
After twenty minutes of walking she had finally managed to reach your house. With no remorse or hesitation she started to climb up the branches of the small tree just inches away from your window. Letting out a few grunts and sighs as all kinds of branches scratched her in the face.
When she reached the window, the only thing her eyes searched for was you. Which she immediately found the second she looked into the glass. Your figure was laying on your bed, eyes carefully scanning on the book you held in your hands.
She almost felt bad when she gently knocked on the window, you looked so peaceful. But your attention quickly shifted to the window as the sound of knocking filled the room.
You were quick to jump to your feet, approaching the window with a body filled with hesitation. Tara tried to shoot you a smile before you carefully opened the window, but she didn't get one in return.
When the window was open, you made sure to offer Tara your hand to pull her inside, which she happily accepted without any sort of uncertainty.
She didn't have a chance to look at your face until she had landed inside and finished wiping her hands on her jeans; brushing off any sort of tree detritus that had stuck to her hands while climbing. But when she did see your face, she immediately felt her mouth open in shock.
A massive black bruise covered your left eye, the eye itself was swollen and the bruise almost reached down to your cheekbone. Your lip was cut open, swollen as well.
"Y/n." Tara spoke softly voice laced with worry, trying to grasp your shoulder, but she only made it halfway before you pulled away.
You had completely forgotten about the huge difference in your face when you saw Tara in the window. She had that affect on you; making you forget about everything bad around you.
But when you saw her shocked stare and open mouth, you began to panic, being quick to turn around to face the wall, covering your whole face with your two hands.
"God.. Tara." You spoke shakily, feeling tears beginning to form around your eyes.
"Y/n.." She repeated, carefully walking towards you, but stopped moving when she heard your shaky voice beginning to speak again.
"Tara I just..I don't want you to look at me right now.." You let out a sob, you're right hand falling from your face, revealing the eye that was not bruised. "It's really ugly.." You sobbed again.
Tara lightly grabbed both of your arms, bringing you closer to her so she could gently put her forehead against yours, trying to encourage you to look into her eyes. But when she noticed you didn't and could just see the tears that slowly ran down your cheeks, she spoke up, feeling nothing but guilt and worry in her body.
"There's no one else I wanna look at.." She comforted, her hands carefully finding a place in your hair.
At that you slowly dragged your left hand down your face, revealing the dark bruise formed around your beautiful eye.
"You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." She spoke up again, making your lips form into a pout as you tried to take in the whole situation.
Tara didn't hesitate before pulling you into a warm embrace, whispering apologies into your ear, not because she weren't there, but because she knew there was nothing she could do to stop this.
But you didn't care. As long as you had your Tara, you knew that you were okay.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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seze [ˈsɛ.zɛ] n. blue flower
Anonymous Request: Reader confesses her feelings to Ao'nung and he rejects her pretty harshly, and Neteyam comforts her and eventually confesses to her and she realizes her feelings for Neteyam. When it comes time for them to mate before Eywa, Ao’nung regrets rejecting her, but it’s too late.
1,708 words
He looked me right in the eyes as he said it, with no shame, holding back nothing.
"I could never love someone like you."
He didn't yell it, he didn't even use a particularly harsh tone... he said it as if he was commenting that it looked like it might rain. It was a simple fact, and he seemed surprised that it wasn't something I'd considered.
I knew what he meant by 'someone like me'. Someone of little consequence. Someone with no particular or special skills. Someone on the outskirts of the clan, someone no one had ever really noticed.
Someone unimportant.
Though the words knocked the wind out of me, drained the blood from my face and made me feel light headed, all I could do was nod, turn, and walk slowly away.
It had taken weeks to work up the courage to tell Ao'nung how I felt. He had been so kind to me lately... I thought maybe, he felt the way I felt. Now I realized, that was foolish.
I left the beach for the protection of the treelined, and once I was out of sight, I sank to the ground, and let out a painful, low-pitched wail that I felt through my entire body.
The disappointment was hard, but the embarrassment was almost worse. Of course Ao'nung wouldn't be interested in someone like me; he would take a high-born mate, not a fisherman's daughter.
I cried myself to sleep, slumped against a tree, trying to accept my fate.
Neteyam noticed a change in Y/N right away. Though she mostly kept to herself, she was always cheerful and happy. He knew Kiri had a particular interest in Y/N, they had become sort of friends, and so she was around his family sometimes.
Something had happened to Y/N about three days ago, but Neteyam didn't know what. Though she was still around, she didn't speak, or smile, or engage hardly at all.
Neteyam asked Kiri what it was, but Kiri just shrugged and told him Y/N hadn't said anything to her.
He thought that was obtuse of Kiri. Hadn't he noticed the change in her friend? She was quiet before - not absolutely silent.
After another day of this, Neteyam could no longer hold his tongue, and when the opportunity presented itself and he found himself alone on the beach with Y/N, who was braiding a fishing net, he decided he had to speak up.
Neteyam sat next to me, lifting the net I was working on into his hands. It was small yet, but would be quite large when I was finished.
"Can I talk to you?" he asked.
I glanced over at him and nodded.
"Actually, I wanted to ask... if you're okay?"
My hands, once busy, settled into my lap, gripping the netting tightly. I was not okay, but I couldn't imagine why Neteyam would care. He had never shown any particular interest in me. In fact, no one had, save his sister, but even she hadn't noticed what was going on with me.
Ao'nung was right - I was not lovable.
A tear slipped from my eye, and I brushed it away, hoping Neteyam hadn't noticed.
"I'm fine," I replied.
Neteyam shook his head. "You are crying."
I turned away from him, pulling my knees to my chest. "It doesn't matter, Neteyam. Don't trouble yourself with me."
His warm, strong hand gripped my shoulder, and without thinking, I leaned over, pressing my cheek to his hand. The contact felt so good, and I tried to remember the last time someone had touched me like this... or at all.
"Tell me."
He pulled gently, and I turned to face him. The look on his face was so genuine, so earnest, and so full of concern. For a second, I wondered if he was teasing me. Maybe Ao'nung had told him what happened already, and Neteyam wanted to make fun of me.
That didn't make sense, though. Ao'nung and Neteyam weren't even close to being friends.
So maybe the concern was genuine.
The words spilled out of me then, like vomit, and I couldn't stop them. I told Neteyam about my years-long crush on Ao'nung, how I had pined for him, imagined a life with him, took his kindness to mean something it hadn't meant, and how when I'd told Ao'nung how I'd felt, he made it clear that I was too unimportant for someone like him to ever care about or notice.
I was crying by the end, fat tears rolling down my cheeks and splashing hot onto my lap, but it felt so good to finally tell someone that I didn't care, I couldn't feel embarrassed anymore. I had suffered enough embarrassment to last a lifetime over the past few days; I wanted to be done with that.
When I finished, I furiously wiped the tears from my eyes, and waited for Neteyam's response.
His expression was... angry. His brows furrowed, his mouth pursed, his eyes focused.
"I will kill that moron," he whispered.
I sighed and shook my head. "He doesn't have to love me."
"But he could at least be kind!"
I didn't reply, because I couldn't exactly argue with him.
Neteyam reached out unexpectedly, pulling me to him, wrapping me in a tight hug. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him, scooting closer, our bodies pressed together.
It felt so comforting, so intimate, so nice to be treated like this and cared about, I would've started crying again if I'd had any tears left.
"Neteyam, thank you," I whispered.
He pulled back, looking me in the eyes. "You are important, Y/N. I have watched you. You are kind and thoughtful. You watch Tuk carefully to ensure she doesn't ever get hurt, you treat Kiri with thoughtfulness and protect her when others treat her like she's different, you even tolerate Lo'ak. I have never met anyone so gentle or caring. That someone could hurt you... it makes me want to kill him, Y/N. He had no right to speak to you that way. You are like... you are like a flower, with soft petals. You should be protected, given water and sun, not stomped on."
A flower. This is was nicest thing anyone had ever said to me, and Neteyam was staring into my eyes, so intently. How could someone like him, the son of Taruk Makto, have noticed and felt these things about me?
"Neteyam, I..." I searched my mind for a perfect reply, but could only come up with: "I see you, Neteyam."
"I see you, Y/N."
My lips spread wide in a smile - my first in many days - and Neteyam smiles in return.
After that day, Neteyam and I were scarcely ever apart. He became at first, a best friend, my closest confidant, and then naturally, it turned into something more.
There wasn't a moment when I realized it had happened. He just began holding my hand nearly all of the time, guiding me by the small of my back, touching his forehead to mine when we part and finally, one night, he kissed me.
It didn't even shock me. It felt natural, that Neteyam would kiss me. It felt really almost overdue. Neteyam should have been kissing me since the moment we met.
We were completely in step, in sync, together always. Neteyam was meant to be my mate, and I was meant to be his.
He didn't really ask me, formally, to be his mate. He just mentioned once, something about, "when we're mated..." and I agreed.
And the date was set... but we told almost no one, outside of his family and mine. It felt special, secret, just for us.
"Kiri says they're very happy," Tsireya told her mother while she chopped fruit. "I think it's nice, that Y/N has found someone. She's always seemed so lonely."
Ronal nodded. "That's good. Good for Y/N. She's a nice girl."
Ao'nung sat across from them, his jaw set in anger. Y/N had done him a kindness by telling no one about his harsh rejection, and he had since realized that.
It wasn't that he didn't like Y/N. He had always thought she was beautiful, and kind, and there was something interesting about her, a quality he hadn't seen in other women in the clan... but no one really knew her, or cared about her. Her parents weren't particularly important to the clan, and neither was she, and Ao'nung thought, as future Ole'eyktan, he should have someone better.
He had come to realize that he had been stupid. Better wasn't more well-known, more talented, more superficial... better was kind, and caring, and someone his mother thought was a 'nice girl'.
"They are to be mated before Ewya," Tsireya said with a blush. "They don't plan to make a ceremony of it, just the two of them."
Ronal smiled. "Beautiful."
Ao'nung sat, simmering in anger at the chance he had lost, thinking of how Neteyam had almost beat him senseless when he found out how Ao'nung had treated Y/N.
He knew now, he deserved it, and he'd missed his chance.
When Ao'nung had told me he could never love me, it had seemed like the end of my life. It made me feel stupid, and worthless, and ugly. I hadn't thought I'd ever recover.
Then, Neteyam breathed new life into me. He didn't have to, but he did, and he kept doing it, every single day since then.
We emerged from the water, Neteyam breathless, chest heaving, my mate before Ewya.
He pulled me into his arms once more, pressing a desperate kiss to my lips, holding my face in his hands, then wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I love you," he whispered over and over between kisses, and I thought I could cry with gratefulness and joy.
"I love you, Ma Neteyam," I replied. I pulled away, just for a moment, to smile at him. "Thank you."
He pushed the wet hair from my face. "My flower," he said with a soft smile, as he so often did.
The sting of rejection was long behind me, replaced by enough joy to last a lifetime.
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girlgenius1111 · 4 months
all i do is try, try, try
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alexia and r finally talk.
part 3!
"I can't- I can't do this anymore. I'm so tired, Alexia, I can't." You choked out. You suddenly looked so completely broken, all of the fight, the frustration nowhere to be found.
Alexia felt useless; everything in her was telling her to pull you into a hug, but she wasn't sure you wanted it, not from her. She turned, looking helplessly for Olga. Her girlfriend stood in the doorway, a small frown on her face. She nodded reassuringly at Alexia, as if to tell her to trust her instincts. Your sister turned back to you, hesitantly wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
You practically collapsed into her, wrapping your arms around her tightly, as if afraid she would disappear if you weakened your grip for even a second. Alexia could feel you trembling against her, and she held solidly to you, blinking hard at the tears that were gathering in her eyes. Your anguished sobs, the way you clung to her shirt, the way you gasped for air in between your cries, it was all killing her.
"Ale, I can't anymore, please just make it stop," You sobbed, and Alexia pressed a kiss into the top of your head.
"Hey, hey, cariño, it's okay, you're okay," Alexia murmured, trying to calm you down.
"No, I can't, I can't do it, Ale."
"I don't know what you mean. Talk to me, pequeña, please. Tell me, and I'll fix it." Alexia pleaded, wishing that anyone else was here with her. You didn't need her, you needed Alba, or your mom, but she was the only one around. The one who had made her so upset, and she didn't know if she could fix it.
"I can't, I can't," You repeated, and Alexia pulled away from the embrace, gripping your face in between her hands.
"Breathe, pequeña, please. Calm down for me, and we can then we can fix it. You just need to calm down." The blonde insisted, running her hand through your hair in what she hoped was a soothing manner.
For the second time in as many days, Alexia began trying to calm you down, hoping her words would work better this time. "You're safe with me, I'm not going to let anything happen to you. You don't need to worry about anything right now, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere."
Just when Alexia was going to call for Olga, tell her to get someone on the phone, you push away from her like you'd been burned, resting your head in your hands as you stutter through several deep breaths.
You couldn't go to Alexia for comfort, not now. You needed to fix this yourself. Your sister shouldn't have to be responsible for trying to put the broken pieces of you back together.
"Nena?" Alexia asked after a minute, resting her hand on your back.
"Just give me a second," you responded, shifting to avoid her touch. Alexia sighed, sitting back into the couch, her eyes never leaving you.
Once you'd gotten some control back over yourself, you sat back, your face melting into a mask of indifference. "Sorry, Ale. I'm sorry." You stated, before moving to grab your crutches and get off the couch, fleeing the conversation seeming like your only option at this point. Before you could, Alexia pulled on the back of your shirt, forcing you back down onto the couch.
"No, nena, no. We're going to talk about this, please. Talk to me. I'm begging you, I want to hear what you have to say."
You rub your face roughly. "I don't know what to say, Alexia."
Your sister pauses, not quiet sure where to begin. "What were you saying to Olga? You said... you said you thought I would hate you, that i'd be disappointed in you."
"I don't- I don't think I'm strong enough for this, Alexia, to come back from this."
"Chica, it is only a broken ankle. It is only a few months." Alexia didn't understand, not at all.
"A few months is a long time. And I'm so tired." You replied, struggling to say enough to satisfy your sister, but not so much that you exposed how horribly you were coping with everything.
Alexia knew you were exhausted, she could tell now. She looked at you, and she finally saw what everyone around you had been seeing. She just didn't understand what had pushed you to this point; it wasn't her, couldn't be her. "Why are you so tired, nena?"
"I'm trying so hard to be perfect, and I keep messing up. There's so much pressure, all the time, and I feel like it's killing me." Your choice of words wasn't accidental or random, and your sister could tell. She inhaled slowly, before trying to put herself in your position.
"The media, it is a lot? The expectations are a lot, but you can't pay too much attention to them," Alexia began, trying to reassure you.
You shook your head, cutting her off. "The media is a lot, yes. It's also... fuck. It's also you, Ale. I feel like nothing I do is good enough for you. I'm not strong like you, I'm not perfect like you, no matter how hard I try."
"I don't understand. I have made you feel this way?" The blonde asked, her voice incredibly small.
"You always want more from me, and sometimes it's okay, but other times, I just feel like I can't do anything right, anything the way you want me to. You tell me I'll be back before 4 months, and it's like all of a sudden there's a deadline at 3 months, and I have to be back by then, or you won't be happy with me." You chanced a look at your sister, finding her completely and utterly shocked.
You continued, realizing that you might as well just tell the entire truth at this point. "I just want to be good enough, Alexia. Good enough that you're proud and that you love me."
Alexia's face crumples at this, reacting to your words like she'd been struck by you. She seems to consider what to say for a while, mouth opening and closing before finally, she settles on something, looking at you.
"I am so sorry." She said, drawing in a big breath as if to prepare for a long speech. You shake your head, but she holds up a hand, telling you to be quiet for a minute. "I never meant to make you feel like that, never. I thought I was doing the right thing, pushing you to be better in a way you wanted. I didn't realize it was too much, I didn't realize you were struggling so much, nena."
Alexa paused, getting her emotions under control.
"I don't want you to be me, or do things just because you think they'll make me happy. Pequeña, you are you, and you are perfect. I don't want you to be anybody but yourself. Whatever makes you happy, that's all I want."
"But with football," you began, before Alexia cuts you off with a strong shake of her head.
"Fuck football. Hermanita, if you wanted to quit football today, I would love you just as much, I would be just as proud of you. You don't need to earn that from me; you are a good person, an incredible sister, and that is why I love you. Not because of what you do or don't do on the pitch. That doesn't matter to me, not really. You matter to me. More than anything."
You still wouldn't look at your sister, so Alexia grabs you by the shoulders turning you to face her. Her eyes are glistening with tears when she speaks, the words cracking you open, leaving a chasm of pain behind.
"You will always be good enough for me, do you understand? I will always love you. Nothing you could do will ever change that." Alexia promised, watching as your body sags with relief. You lean imperceptibly towards her, and Alexia pulls you in again, not letting go even as you shake against her.
"Oh, pequeña. I love you, hermanita. I love you more than anything." Alexia whispered. "I'm so sorry you felt like this, so so sorry. Mi hermanita perfecta, te amo mucho de menos."
You stayed like that for a while, face buried in your sister's shirt, letting go of all of the stress and sadness that had been weighing on you for the past months. Alexia wanted to cry, too, but she didn't let herself. Forcing you to deal with her emotions right now wouldn't be fair. Not after all that she had unknowingly put you through.
"You're going to take your time getting better, however long it takes. And you'll stay here with me and Olga, as long as you need. I'm going to be a better sister, nena, I promise you. I promise." Your sister said the words quietly, but the weight of them was not diminished.
"And you won't be mad if it takes longer?" You asked, leaning back and drying your eyes.
"No. Never."
"Okay." You said, a small smile gracing your lips. "I'm sorry I overreacted."
"You didn't overreact; not at all. The only thing you need to be sorry about as that you didn't tell me sooner how much you were struggling. I'm your sister, nena, you can tell me anything. Always."
Alexia waited until you were soundly asleep in your bed before she allowed herself her emotions. She barely made it in the door of her bedroom before tears were flowing down her face, and she was stumbling blindly towards where her girlfriend awaited her in bed.
"Oh, Ale," Olga sighed, pulling her girlfriend into her arms.
"How did I do this to her? For months, and not realize the pressure she was under, how unhappy she was?" Alexia sobbed, gripping tight to her girlfriend.
"Alexia, you didn't know." Olga tried, but her girlfriend only cried harder.
"I should have. She's my responsibility, I should have known."
"She didn't want you to know. All of this, it isn't your fault. You both should have communicated better. And you will, from here on out. If there is anything I know about you, mi amor, it's that when you set your mind on something, you do it. You'll help her, Ale, you'll fix it. She'll be okay again."
"But she's not okay now." Alexia said, looking up at her girlfriend with wide, watery eyes.
Olga chuckled lightly, running her hand through her girlfriend's soft hair. "She can't always be okay, amor. She has you, though, and she trusts you. You'll make sure she gets through this."
A knock at the door interrupted Alexia before she could respond, and she hastily wiped her eyes, sitting up off her girlfriend as she told you to come in. The door creaked open, and you hesitantly crutched in a step.
"What's up, nena?" Alexia asked, smiling confidently at you, as if she wasn't just sobbing into her girlfriend's shirt. Either you didn't notice, or you pretended that you didn't.
"Can I... can I sleep in here tonight?" You asked, eyes flitting anxiously between your sister and her girlfriend. Both of them only smiled, though, and Alexia scooted closer to Olga, motioning you closer. You scooted into the next to her, letting your sister wrap you up in her arms, like she used to do when you'd sneak into her bed after a bad nightmare.
"Goodnight, nena. I love you. Tomorrow will be better." Alexia murmured. You nodded in agreement.
"I love you to, Ale." You told her quietly.
You weren't exactly sure, but as Alexia's arms tightened around you, you considered that maybe she needed this as much as you did.
Things from then on out were easier for you; you had your confidante back, your shoulder to cry on. Alexia proved to you everyday that she meant what she'd promised you. The biggest instance of this was when you suffered a rather unfortunate setback in recovery, one that sent you back on crutches only days after you'd finally gotten off of them.
You were in the gym, working on lifting some weights, trying to keep the strength in your arms up. It was a freak accident, you tripping in your clunky boot, and stumbling into Jana, who managed to keep you upright. Not upright enough that you didn't step down, hard on your ankle. Apparently just in the right spot for you to set your healing back several weeks. You'd collapsed onto the ground, crying out. You were upset, silently so, until Alexia arrived to the medical room you were in, having sprinted over from the training pitch.
"Hey, pequeña, I'm here." Alexia announced, eyes fluttering over you frantically. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?"
"A little. I have to go back on crutches." You said tearfully. It had been a while since had Alexia seen you be so willingly emotionally vulnerable. She hoped it was a sign that things were improving, that you were trusting her again.
"Let's get you home, yeah? I texted Olga, she's picking up dinner for us. Your favorite." Alexia smiled, helping you up and off the table. You were silently stunned at her lack of questions; it was completely bizarre that your sister didn't ask any questions about the injury. Her focus seemed to be entirely on getting you to the car, and home. She went out of her way to make ridiculous jokes she knew would make you laugh, effectively distracting you when she did an impression of Mapi staring at Ingrid taking penalty shots.
You were almost home when you brought up what was on your mind.
"You didn't ask how much longer I'd be out for." You mentioned quietly.
"It doesn't matter. I just wanted to know you were okay." Alexia said, not a shred of doubt in her voice. You stared over at her, where her eyes were fixed on the road in front of her.
"Ale?" You said.
She glanced over at you. "Yeah?"
"You're a really good sister." You told her. Alexia could only give you a watery smile, turning back towards the road, although she squeezed your shoulder appreciatively as she did so. It meant more to her than she could express, you telling her that.
You'd worked hard to trust her again; she never directly showed you how much your confession had affected her, but you knew it had weighed heavily on her. You'd caught the tail end of the conversation she'd had with her girlfriend, and you promised yourself, there and then, that you'd try to have more faith in yourself. If not because you deserved it, because you'd do it for your sister, who carried the weight of everyone around her's problems on her shoulders at all times.
It wouldn't just be for her, eventually. It would be because you knew you deserved kindness from yourself.
not proofread. hope its everything you could have hoped for :)
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harrystylesfan2686 · 6 months
Pieces Part 3
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: the aftermath of the break up has different effects on both, Azriel and Reader.
A/N: yall I'm sick🥲 the updates might be late but I'll try to post as much as possible. Hope you like this one!
Pieces Masterlist
It's been one month.
One month of Healing.
When azriel left, I told myself that I will not contact him until I'm ready. Doesn't matter how much I'm missing him or wanting him. I will not talk to him until I know I won't take him back the second I see him again.
I gave myself two days. Two days to sulk all I wanted. I spent the whole time crying and feeling miserable about myself. Before Az left at least, I wasn't by myself. At least I saw him once a day.
Now? Nothing.
I am totally alone. His absence hit me Hard. Everything I saw, almost brought me to my knees.
The kitchen where we would make dinner together, laughing and joking with each other that many times ended with us covered in flour and syrup.
The couch where we would sit cuddling and talking until we fell asleep, always waking up with strained muscles.
His office where he would sit on his chair in front of his desk, writing out reports and whatnot while I sit in his armchair reading my book. Just enjoying each others company and occasionally taking breaks to make out on the very deck, and then some.
After those dreadful days though, I called Feyre and Mor and had a very much needed girls night. We took out a wine bottle and I spilled everything to them. My mind was too drunk to think my feelings about Elain might offend Feyre but she genuinely felt sad for me and embarrassed about her sister. The poor girl even apologised to my about Elain's behavior to which I immediately told her it wasn't her fault.
When I told them how lonely it got being alone in a big house like this, they suggested maybe I should get a job or something to keep my mind distracted and promised that they'll visit me often. So I did juat that.
I found a part time job at a local library. I have to admit, I'm really enjoying it. I'm the second assistant to the sweetest lady, Hilda, who owns the shop. I don't do much, just help her in small things like adjusting books on self or helping in shipping books out or in. Layla, the first assistant, handles most of the work around the shop. My job is basically doing what she asks of me. The salary isn't much but I don't care because it's never been about money.
The first week was very hard. Everyday after I came home, the silence felt like a slap on the face, reminding me of everything I lost.
But, slowly, I became comfortable with it. Now it's doesn't hurt me as it did before.
There were many times when I think of Azriel, tears filled my eyes, but I never let them free. I sucked them in and did anything else that didn't made me cry, like taking baths, baking my favorite chocolate brownies, reading in front of the fire place while drinking hot coco or calling my friends to take me shopping.
And as time went. I started to heal. I started to feel good, happier with myself. And without even realizing it, I started to love myself.
It's been one month.
One month of regretting everything I did to my mate.
I've spent my whole month sulking in this room, crying and regretting everytime I chose Elain over my wife. I haven't slept at all since I came here, just enough to keep me functioning. My appetite is gone. I don't eat unless Rhys come and force feeds me like I'm some baby.
I told Rhysand and Cassian everything the first morning i stayed here. Which earned me a flick to head by Cassian and a very disappointed look from Rhys. Even though they didn't give me any scolding(which I very much deserved), the flick and expression said enough.
Rhys has refrained me of any work, handling it himself or having someone else do it. While I have been sitting around here and hating myself. It seems like even my mind has declared itself an enemy, showing me memories of everytime I dismissed Y/N and hurt her in any way at most random times, cutting a deeper cut in my heart everytime.
"Hey Az, I was thinking if we could go out for dinner tonight? There is this new amazing restaurant I saw while walking near Sidra. I really want to try it." She told me as I put on my coat, ready to go.
"I can't, I have a mission for today. Rhys told me it's important so I can't skip. We'll go some other time. Okay?"
I could hear the excitement in her voice when she asked me and the hurt when I rejected her and promised to go another time. The time never came. She never asked again. And I never noticed.
"Az, are you awake?" She whispers in the dead of night. Both of us sleeping on the bed. My back to her, hoping to fall asleep quickly because I have early training tomorrow.
Cassian is spending time with Nesta more, so Rhys has told me to go to an illyrian camp to check how things are going. I have to wake and go there early to catch them off guard to see what's truly going on.
I can't do that if Y/N doesn't let me sleep.
I didn't answer her that night, hoping if i dont respond, she'll think im asleep and doesnt call me again. She really didnt call me again. I prioritized my sleep over her. Her voice sounded so small. She needed me. And I didn't care.
"So, I saw a really cute baby in garden today and..." I drone out her babbling and try to quickly I can get out of here, I promised Elain to help in her garden today. She'll be disappointed if I show up late.
"Az? You're listening to me right?" She suddenly questions, I clear my throat and answer a small, of course, she nods and takes a deep breath, not saying anything anymore. I sign in relief of the silence.
I put my head in my hands and tug hard on my hair, wanting to feel hurt, hurt the kind that she clearly felt and I didn't care.
I hate myself more and more as memories flash through my mind. I can't even cry at this point. I wished she'd hit me when we fought. Slaped and paunched some sense into me. I don't blame her at all for not talking to me. Gods, I wouldn't even blame her if she left me. I deserve it.
How do I fix this?
Taglist: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @going-through-shit @wallacewillow0773638 @kalulakunundrum @cat-or-kitten
459 notes · View notes
acewritesfics · 2 months
Beautiful | Jax Teller 
Pairing: Jax Teller x Winston!Reader 
Request: No. Find original here -
Synopsis: Jax takes his old lady out for the night.  
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, alcohol, swearing, talks of body parts, mentions of dressing and undressing. This was originally a Song-fic. H/C - Hair Color. E/C - Eye Color
Word Count: 2,186
Main Masterlist
Jax beams as he watches the woman he's madly in love with hurry around their bedroom, dressed in her black lace bra and panties set, that just so happens to be his favorite, oblivious to him standing there, focused on trying to decide what to wear. His eyes scan her body, stopping on her ass, admiring his third favorite part of her body. 
He never imagined falling in love with Y/N Winston, the younger sister of his best friend, but something changed when she left for college. When Y/N left Charming for college, she was just Opie's annoying little sister; but, when she returned four years later, it seemed as though she had completely changed. She was now a woman, not a girl. 
Y/N settles on a pair of skintight black jeans and a flowing deep crimson tank top. On the bed, she has her leather jacket that he gifted her for her 21st birthday, laying next to her jeans.  She eventually catches him standing there as she slides her legs into her jeans.  She pulls on her top as he enters the bedroom, a bit disappointed that his second favorite part of her body was now also hidden from him. 
After giving him a short kiss, she walks over to her dresser and gathers up her make up bag and hair brush. "I thought we were going to meet up at the clubhouse?" 
"Church got out a little early," he muttered, his eyes following her as she entered the ensuite connected to their bedroom. He observes her brushing her H/C hair as he leans against the door frame. 
When she put down her hairbrush, he closed the gap between coming up behind her so they're back to chest. He slides his arms around her waist, his fingertips caressing the flesh on her left hip where his crow was inked before resting his hands on her stomach and kissing the side of her head. "I figured I'd be a gentleman and come pick up my old lady." 
"You'll be driving the cage," she quips as she looks at him through the mirror.  
"I know," He smiles looking back at her, his baby blues meeting her E/C eyes. He takes a step back from her as she starts to apply her makeup. 
They got it confirmed last week that Y/N is pregnant again, after speculating that she was a few days before hand. Aside from not being able to ride bitch right now, they haven't told anyone about the pregnancy yet. Being just nine weeks along, they choose to hold off until the second trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower. The first pregnancy ended in a miscarriage at 11 weeks, and it wasn't only them who were devastated by it. 
Despite the fact that they are quite certain their family aren't buying into the excuse, they used her being sober driver as an explanation for her abstinence from drinking and riding on the back of Jax's motorcycle. They noticed Gemma, Opie's, Piney's and even Clay's suspicious looks when she would deny a drink or avoid being on the of a motorcycle. Y/N could tell Gemma was the most suspicious and that she was picking up on more than just those two things. 
Once Y/N has finished applying her makeup, she exits the bathroom to retrieve her jacket and put it on, with Jax close behind. 
"How do I look?" She asks as she slowly spins around, flaunting her appearance. 
He closes the gap between them once again, encircling his arms around her waist and planting a scorching kiss to her lips. He smiles as she responds kissing him just as heated as he was.  Nobody else has ever made him feel the way he does when he kisses Y/N. He knows he had the same effect on her as she always left him out of breath. He knew this because of the small moment after their kiss when her eyes remained closed and her lips pouted. 
Before letting her go, he quickly kisses her and doesn't say anything as he leads her to the car, locking the front door on their way out of the house. 
"I never answered your question," he says as he opens the passenger door for her but blocks her from entering the vehicle. She looks at him puzzled. "You look fuckin' beautiful," he whispers as he kisses her lips again before helping her into the car before getting in himself and driving to the SAMCRO clubhouse. 
When Jax pulls into the lot, the music is already booming from the speakers, there is already a strong odor of weed and cigarettes in the air, and beer bottles and cigarette butts are scattered all over the ground. He exits the car as Y/N gets out and meets him at the front of the car. He smiles as she slips her smaller hand into his larger one and laces their fingers together. As they enter the clubhouse, he brings her hand to his lips and gently kisses the back of it. 
As soon as they are inside, surrounded by patches, friends of the clubs, old ladies, sweet butts and crow eaters, Jax let's go of her hand and placed his arm around her waist pulling her into his side. A few people stared and scoffed at them, he was unable to control the smirk that grew on his lips. The women envious of Y/N and the men who aren't members of the club wishing they were him. 
Jax orders drinks from the prospect behind the bar before noticing Tig and Chibs sitting nearby. He leans close to Y/N to talks to her without having to yell, "Go sit down with Tig and Chibs, and I'll bring the drinks over." 
She gives him a quick peck on the cheek and moves over to the table where his SAMCRO brothers are seated. He watches when both men stand up and hug her before she sits down. 
He catches a few men glancing in her direction with hungry eyes as he surveys the crowded room. As his gaze returns to her, he suppresses the temptation to pound their faces into the nearest surface. Jax is unsure of what he did to earn her love, but he is glad that he did. He couldn't picture his life without her. 
Jax has only ever been in one committed relationship before he got into one with Y/N. Because of Tara's decision to go medical school, his ex-girlfriend ended their relationship but not without trying to convince him to leave with her. He'd been crushed and drowned himself in weed, alcohol, and pussy when he wasn't working his way up in the club. 
All of it came to an end when Y/N returned from college. 
After she returned home, a lot of things changed for him. Y/N became the reason he stayed awake and alone in bed most nights, her face being the one he saw when he tried to take another girl back to his room. When she wasn't with him, he thought of her constantly, wondering what she was doing and if she was safe. He had to stop himself from calling her every chance that he got  He existed solely for her and the club. Even though the guys made fun of him for being whipped, he didn't know where he'd be without her. He couldn't picture his life without her. He didn't want to. 
Jax brings the drinks over to the table and sits in the empty chair next to Y/N's handing her bottle of water to her. She leans in close to him, kissing his cheek once again, and whispers "thank you" as he drapes an arm across the back of her chair. 
"Hey, where's my kiss?" Tig is heard asking. 
"Not here, but maybe if you ask her," Y/N chuckles, pointing to a brunette crow-eater who is gazing lustfully at the club's resident crazy while wearing next to nothing. "She might give you one." 
"You might be right." He smirks, looking in the direction that Y/N is pointing.  He gets out of his chair and moves over to the couch where the crow-eater is seated. 
After an hour and a few drinks, Jax glances at Y/N as Chibs walks away, finishing their discussion. He finds her looking back at him with a small smile and love in her eyes. Now that they are alone at the table, he smiles tenderly at her as everything around them fades, Y/N becoming his sole focus for now. He didn't want to admit it, but she had turned him into a love-sick idiot. 
"How are you feeling?" She asks, concern in her eyes as she takes in the faint bruise on the side of his head. Moving her hand from his leg, she reaches up and runs her fingers through his hair. This afternoon he'd been hit in the head by some thug the club had to deal with, earning him a nasty headache.  However, it vanished when he took a few painkillers before church. His headache was returning, and the loud music was not helping. 
"I feel wonderful," he says trying to ease her worry and kisses her to distract her knowing she'll see right through his bullshit. 
"You're an awful liar." 
"I know." He offers her a small smile. "My headache's back." 
"We don't have to stay. I'm beginning to feel a bit worn out, myself." 
"Let's go home," He stands and offers his hand to her, helping her stand up also. They say goodnight to the most of the club members before Y/N makes plans to meet Gemma for lunch the following day. As they exit the building and walk to her car, Jax hands Y/N the keys. 
"Take these and lay down." Y/N offers Jax a glass of water and some pain relief she'd snagged from the kitchen on her way to the bedroom. As soon as they walked through the front door, Jax made his way into their bedroom, stripped down to his boxers and climbed into bed while she double checked that everything was locked up and all the lights were off. He takes them as she instructed and leaves the half empty glass of water on the bedside table. 
He doesn't move from his upright position while he watches her undress till she is only wearing her bra and panties. 
His eyes follow her once more as she walks over to his dresser and picks out one of his SAMCRO shirts before entering the bathroom. A few minutes later, she returns wearing his shirt and with her face make-up free. He continues to observe her as she removes her bra, pulling it from the sleeve of his shirt and discarding it on the chair in the corner of their room. He moves to lay down as she climbs into bed, facing him. 
"How's your head?" She softly asks. 
"The pain is starting to fade." 
"That's good. 
"How are you feeling?" he questions, cupping her face and caressing her cheek with his thumb. 
"Amazing," she says as her eyelids close, relishing in the tenderness of his touch. "Though I was feeling a bit queasy earlier." 
He rolls onto his back to reach his bedside table and switches off the lamp. Y/N moves in closer and places her head on his chest. 
With his arm around her holding her close, he kisses the top of her head. "I know I never tell you I love you as much as I should, but I do love you." 
"I love you too," She smiles. His spoken 'I love you's' are rare but he didn't have to say it for her to know it's true. Every day, in the smallest things he does for her, he tells her he loves her.  
"I don't mean to turn into a huge sap but you're the most wonderful person I know," He kissed the top of her head again. "I don't know what I'd do without you or if anything happened to you." 
"I hope we never have to find out." 
"Me too." He sighs. A silence falls over them but is soon broken by Jax. "We should get married." 
Y/N sits up looking at him in the darkness, a look of shock plastered on her face. "You wanna get married?" 
"Yeah I do." he admits. They've never had the marriage talk until now. They hadn't had the baby talk before she got pregnant both times. "We have a good reason to. I love you, you love me and we're going to have a kid." His hand reached under the shirt she was wearing, his fingers brushing the skin of her belly.  
She smiles. "Okay, let's get married." 
Jax smiles back and pulls her down to him making her giggle. He runs a hand through her hair tucking a few strands behind her ear. "You really are wonderful." 
"Just kiss me already," she orders him. 
"Sure thing, Darling." he laughs and pulls her into a passionate and mind-blowing kiss that was bound to leave both of them breathless. 
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blakeswritingimagines · 10 months
What’s the meaning of this?
Tumblr media
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the House of The Dragon/Fire & Blood characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them.
Word count: 4.1k
A/n: I looked up uncommon girl names for the sister and picked Nerissa so if that’s your name no it’s not.
Yandere Aemond X Fem! Reader, Aemond X Your sister (For a brief moment)
You had been in your private chambers done with lessons and duties for the day having the thought to relax before going out to the gardens to read or talk between your sisters, seeing a maid come in only to take the letter from her and started reading it seeing such details from Aemond Targaryen which only confused you all more even if the words were sweet but didn't think much as you stood up going to offer it to the sister you figured it was meant for instead. Your beautiful younger Nerissa sister took the letter and began reading it. The first paragraph sent her cheeks blushing as it described in beautiful words how much Aemond desired her, but the ending confused her as Aemond went on to say that he had not meant to write the letter for her, but for her beautiful older sister...you. The words were incredibly flattering, but the fact that they were not meant for her left a pit of disappointment in her stomach. As if it had been given to her by mistake as she stayed quiet.
You noticed the confusion on your sister's face and was about to ask about it until you heard a quick thank you then watched as your sister quickly walked away with the detailed letter in hand without  a second thought before shrugging your shoulders, going about your business even as you mentioned it in passing but still didn't think much about it even as the maid followed Nerissa closely and quietly asked as she tilted her head toward the younger girl not knowing your sister was going to lie and attempt to marry prince Aemond instead "What are you doing? That letter was meant for lady Y/n."
Nerissa nervously looked behind herself to make sure the maid was not watching before turning back and whispering to her. “I know, but I have always loved prince Aemond. He doesn’t know it yet, but we are meant to be together Now go on, don’t say anything to anyone, ok?” She smiled as the prospect of marrying Prince Aemond started to seem more and more real. It would be a beautiful story for her and no one would dare to question it in the face of such obvious bliss.
The maid slowly nodded her head in understanding even if she knew that the letter was in fact for you but figured it really wasn't any of her business as she watched your sister walk away with a love-struck look in her eye before continuing on with her duties, you were out in the garden choosing to enjoy some fresh air as you read a book having forgotten all about the heavily detailed letter from Aemond as you truly thought it was mistaken that it was delivered to you but was happy that your sister would be cared for and happy in what you figured would be a happy marriage.
Your sister was beaming with pride as she ran off with the letter. She had successfully tricked the maid and now all she had to do was convince Aemond. She went back into her room and began writing her own letter back to Aemond. In the letter she would confess her own feelings for him and try to convince him that a marriage was in the cards for him and her. She knew he would be shocked, but she was an attractive woman and knew she could charm him as well as anybody could even as she signed it the same way you would.
She wrote of how she had always had a crush on him from afar and had wanted nothing more than to be his wife. She talked about how similar they were and how much she admired him and looked up to him. She even threw in a bit about his attractiveness and how much she thought they could both be happy together. At the end, she included a bit about how her sister had made a small mistake but it was nothing to dwell on, and that perhaps they should start courting immediately. She finished up the letter by saying that a marriage between them was a perfect match and that she would be forever grateful if he agreed and that she wouldn’t allow him to marry anyone else if he didn’t. She also mentioned how wonderful of a husband and father he would be, and said that even if he hadn’t had feelings for her before, this would certainly change things. She sealed the letter and sent it off, hoping for a response and even more so, the prince’s agreement.
During the next few days You had been smiling to herself seeing just how happy your sister Nerissa was about getting to be with Aemond, standing outside with your other sisters and mother as your father and Nerissa got ready to leave as you hugged your sister tightly before looking at her still fully unaware that the letter from Aemond was for in fact meant for you "I hope he sees just how lovely you are same as how he wrote." Nerissa was glowing with the anticipation that Aemond would soon be her husband. She embraced you and laughed, telling you how lucky she was. She was about to tell you everything that she had been hiding and about her plans to marry the prince but decided that the surprise would be even more sweet. She got in the carriage next to her father and smiled at you, thanking you once more for allowing her to fulfill her life long dream. Soon after Nerissa and her father arrived in King’s landing which caused her excitement to sky rocket especially since she could see the Targaryen/Hightower family standing outside, stepping out after her father as Alicent greeted her kindly before she looked to Aemond only to see the confusion on his face since he didn't see you anywhere even as Nerissa smiled at him speaking with the sweetest tone she could muster due to her nerves "Hello prince Aemond I hope we can become close before the wedding." Aemond was shocked and taken aback. He knew that his letter had been intended for another, but he didn’t think one of your sisters would appear before him as he had been excitedly waiting to see you. But he did know one thing. The woman in front of him was not the woman he had written that letter to. He was not interested in marrying Nerissa. Still, Aemond did not want to cause a scene and so he welcomed Nerssa into his home and offered her a drink, all while she still had no idea what was going on in his head.
Aemond decided to play along with Nerissa for the evening. He didn’t want to ruin the surprise and reveal that he had actually meant the letter for someone else more specifically you. He listened to her talk for a while, making conversation and even offering to play a game of cyvasse. His focus was on keeping the night light and cheerful while still trying to get to the bottom of why exactly she had replied to his letter. He would figure it out eventually, but for now, he could pretend things were alright.
Aemond tried to enjoy his night with Nerissa even when deep down he knew he was leading her on without trying too. But he couldn’t help but notice how much she had grown to resemble you. Her facial features were similar and her sweet smile was almost identical. It was almost as if Nerissa was imitating her sister, but he knew that couldn’t be true. Aemond’s mind was racing with possibilities for the rest of the night as Nerissa continued talking to him in her sweet voice. Nerissa continued to try and act like you since at least she knew your letter was meant for her older sister and not her even as much as she prayed to the gods you would like her better or even try to change your mind so you could instead wed her like she had been hoping for, taking a drink of the wine before she looked at the tall blonde as if she could envision what life could be like for the two of them and couldn't help herself as the words tumbled out of her mouth with a small slur due to the drinking "That letter you had sent was very sweet and romantic."
Aemond’s eyes widened as Nerissa’s words hit him. She knew the letter was meant for you and yet she had gone through with her plan especially since she had been acting like she was going to be his wife. Aemond was almost impressed by how bold she had been in her actions, but he was still upset that she had tricked him. He had no intention of marrying her and knew he had to find a way out of that situation. But he kept a smile on his face and thanked her for the compliment as he poured her another cup of wine. Nerissa felt her eyes widen at her own words and felt stupid for bringing it up but cleared her throat as she smiled that he didn't seem to notice or at least she thought he hadn't and hoped that would be the end of it, thanking him softly as he poured her some more wine even if she was curious as to why he seemed to keep her drinking only setting down her goblet when she felt the wine really start to kick in after she noticed it seemed like the room was spinning.
Aemond couldn’t help but take delight in seeing Nerissa’s cheeks flush as she drank the wine. He knew he needed to keep her drinking if he wanted to get her to say exactly what was going on, but he was starting to feel angry for her trying to use him in such a way as if the love he held for you was nothing. Still, if what he had suspected was true then Nerissa would have deceived him as well not just his family, and perhaps their conversation would provide the answers he was looking for. Aemond had been listening for some mention of the contents of the letter from Y/n but as the wine flowed and the hours passed, Nerissa became more and more intoxicated. As she began to slur her words more and her head became woozy, Aemond took notice. He decided to ask her directly about what he knew was happening. “My lady, I know that you received the letter that I had intended for your sister. Why is it that you kept that from me?” He asked, hoping to learn more.
Nerissa was blinking slowly as she processed his words before she started giggling feeling like she understood enough even in her state "Y/n didn't believe it was for her and she gave it to me, I've admired you and wanted to be your bride for so long that I just agreed with her besides why would you even want her?" She spoke carelessly as her hand lightly started fanning her face that had a flush. Aemond was shocked by Nerissa’s confession but she had confirmed his suspicions. You had given away the letter without thinking through the ramifications while Nerissa had taken the letter and pretended that she was the intended recipient, perhaps thinking that she would have a better chance with Aemond.
Aemond’s eyes narrowed at Nerissa’s words as her giggling filled the air. He couldn’t believe her about knowing it was intended for you his sweet love and attempting to marry him instead like it would cause no issue, and his anger began to boil over. He stood up and went over to Nerissa, grabbing her face and forcing her to look at him. “Why would I want you? I wrote that letter for Y/n and you knew it! What exactly do you think you are doing?!” Nerissa couldn't help that her lips pouted out once he roughly grabbed her face as she looked up at him "Because I'm better than she is and I'm going to be a better wife then Y/n could ever dream of being", Placing her hand on his wrist as she tried to stand up from her seat no matter how dizzy she was "Why do you even want her so badly anyways I could be so good for you more so then her."
Aemond’s eyes widened at Nerissa’s words. She actually believed that she could be better than you? The girl was delusional. Aemond’s grip on her face tightened as he stood over her. He was starting to become incredibly frustrated and angry at her stubbornness to stay with her plans. “No! You are lying to yourself and you know it. Y/n is beautiful and sweet and would make me a perfect wife. She is infinitely better than you.” Her words only infuriated Aemond even more. It was clear that Nerissa was not going to change her mind about the situation.“Why, oh why, would I want a wife like you when there are far better options!” He shouted at her, squeezing her more tightly. He had to find a way to get her to give up on her plans, and fast. He couldn’t have you marry someone else. It would devastate him even with him having stopped your previous almost marriages not wanting to see anyone else make you happy like he knew he could.
Aemond was livid at Nerissa’s words. He had no doubt that you would have been an incredible wife, but even if you weren’t, he would never marry Nerissa. It was true that she was rather beautiful but there was nothing about her that compared to you. “I already made it very clear who I intended the letter for! You knew that it was for her.” Aemond yelled, his hands growing tighter on Nerissa’s face. Nerissa tried to pull away from him once the pain started to settle in and she could actually feel it, shaking her head as she looked up at him with furrowed brows as she placed her hand on his chest and tried to push him away from her "No you didn't you never said a name only pet names and you have to admit we'd be perfect together just try to see that and you’ll see I’m better for you."
“You knew very well the letter was intended for Y/n and you intentionally fooled me!” Aemond yelled, still keeping a firm grip on Nerissa. “I don’t care if we would be perfect together. I care about what I want, and I want to marry my Y/n.” Aemond growled, the anger building up inside him. Nerissa closed her eyes tightly as she turned her head to the side hearing his voice grow louder in her ear as she couldn't pull away yet, still feeling the wine which caused her emotions to run higher as tears stung her eyes as she finally ripped herself away from him and glared up at him acting huffy as she spoke before she walked away "Too bad we're meant to marry soon enough and even when Y/n is here she won't choose you like I would."
Aemond wanted to go after her and forcefully drag her back to him just to scream and carry on. But he knew he couldn’t in this situation, at least not without making a scene in front of the rest of his family who wouldn’t understand since Nerissa seemed lovely to them. Instead, he decided to try another tactic. He sent word to you and asked you to come to him as quickly as possible. He had something very important to tell you. He sat back down in his seat and poured himself some more wine, hoping that you would arrive soon while his thoughts couldn’t seem to slow down ‘What if she was right and Y/n really would choose to marry someone else? Would he be stuck with Nerissa?’ He sat back and downed his entire cup of wine in one shot as he wrestled with the possibilities knowing everything he’s done this far just for you wouldn’t be done in vain.
During the next few days after he had sent a letter to you without telling anyone about it especially Nerissa who had become more sure of herself and her idea to marry him, Nerissa smiled to herself as she walked beside the blonde male through the gardens thinking he must've thought over her words and knew he would come around that she would be a much better fit for him even as she looked up at him "Isn't this nice my prince? Just imagine all the nice times we'll be spending together even when we have children of our own." She spoke happily at the thought of having your children and you being happy with her beside you.
Aemond listened to Nerissa talk about their future together and did not seem to mind it at first. But then Nerissa started talking about having children and suddenly, Aemond’s face turned cold as ice, he did not intend to have children with her and the very idea of her being pregnant with his own child made him feel sick to his stomach. He could not hide the disgust in his voice as he replied to her “I can see that you are very excited to marry me, my lady. But I must remind you that our marriage has not yet been approved.” He spoke as he kept his eye off of her not even wanting to look at her as he held his arms behind his back not attempting to hold her close since he saw it as wrong since it wasn’t you.
Nerissa pouted at his words but tried to take his hand regardless as if she was sure she would get to marry him, you looked around once you stepped out of the carriage having only come over when she got a letter from Aemond claiming he needed you for something desperately, letting a servant lead the way toward the gardens as you smiled seeing your sister not knowing of anything that was going on between Aemond and Nerissa especially the night before, you curtsied toward the prince as you spoke kindly thinking you would just be there for support or even helping plan the wedding "Nerissa and Prince Aemond." Aemond looked beyond his “betrothed” and took notice of you standing there breathtakingly beautiful as ever. You had always been the person he wanted to marry in the first place and now that he knew his wish could still come true, he did his best to keep his anger as hidden as possible, you were more radiant than he remembered and your sweet voice sent chills up and down his spine “Lady Y/n.” Aemond said, bowing before you as he extended his hands towards you as if he wished to embrace and kiss you much like each time he was around you.
Nerissa noticed the certain crazed look in Aemond’s eye once he caught sight of her sister and felt annoyed that she no longer held his attention as she now pouted while crossing her arms over her chest even if she figured it'd be back on her soon enough, taking a small step closer as you gently placed your hands in his larger ones as you looked up at him and slightly tilted your head hoping to get more information "I got your letter stating you needed my presence?". Aemond kept his attention towards you as he grabbed your hands and kissed them lovingly looking at you as if you hung the sun, moon, and stars just for him. “Yes, my lady. Thank you for coming.” Aemond looked at you with a smile as he remembered how much he had craved you before Nerissa had gotten in the picture thinking she had a chance. Now, he would finally get the chance to make you his wife “Come, I wish to speak with you.” Aemond led you away from Nerissa not even speaking to her anymore nor did he want to give you a moment alone with her knowing she would twist the story and ruin this for him, his hand gently brushing against yours as he walked with you. You nodded your head as you looked down at the ground feeling shy and flustered because of the soft affection he was showing you even if you tried to act natural since she wasn’t meant to marry you, nodding your head once more thinking this must have something to do with your sister Nerissa but thought it only to be something good as you followed along until far enough away from your sister as you looked up at him "You didn't say much in your letter other then there had been a misunderstanding of some kind." Aemond took a deep breath before finally coming clean with you. “My lady, when I sent that letter, I fully intended it to go to you.” Aemond held your hands more firmly in his and looked you in the eye feeling as if he could get lost in the beauty that wwas your eye color “Your sister Nerissa stole it and read it. Knowing that it was intended for you, she decided to use it to her advantage and tricked me into agreeing to marry her instead.”
Aemond was waiting for your reaction, eager to see how you would respond as he explained things thinking you would just as angry as him since he figured you loved him just as much as he loved you “I know that I agreed to marry Nerissa, but she was not meant to receive that letter. She stole it and tricked me into giving her my affections. I do not love her like I do you, my lady. Please, I still want us to be together.” Aemond’s eyes looked into yours as he continued to speak and he begged that you would understand his perspective and help him get out of the situation with Nerissa. You had never noticed how crazy he was over you or how often things would fall through due to his hand having played a part in it like how you could've married sooner but something going wrong each time, looking into his violet eye as you listened to him before you tilted your head at how he made it sound like you and he were together not able to help looking at him confused "I apologize my prince but I don't believe I understand,"
Aemond could see your confusion which caused him to smile at you thinking you were the cutest but also how much you needed him to look out for and protect you and decided to explain things even further as he realized how much you truly didn’t know or understand “When I sent the letter originally, it was meant for you. I thought that you and I were going to be married, so I made a mistake in being so vague that it could have been addressed to anyone.” Aemond shook his head as he took a step closer to you, his hands resting on your hips as he looked at you with his piercing eyes. “But I never wanted to marry anyone but you.”
You slowly nodded your head in understanding as you tried your best to keep up with the words he was telling you even if it wasn’t the full story, still fully in the dark about how “in love” with you he was as you gave him a gentle smile and shook your head thinking this was nothing and that it might just pass "But I'm not much special unlike my sisters I'm sure you'll have a nice life with Nerissa, besides why would you even write such a detailed letter to me? especially with such...detailed intimate things of what'd you would do give the chance." Aemond watched as you shook your head in confusion, his eyes growing wider as he wondered how you could be so oblivious to how crazy in love with you he was. He couldn't believe that you didn't realize just how much he cared for and longed for you. And you clearly didn't understand just how far he would go to have you in his arms once again.
Aemond’s hands went to your face as he brought you closer to himself as he felt something inside of him snap. You truly didn’t understand the depth of the feelings that Aemond had for you. He could not marry your sister, not when he had been obsessed with you for as long as he could remember. “I don’t want a nice life with Nerissa. She stole a letter from you and tricked me into courting her, and I don’t want her at all. My lady, I must be frank with you. I have never wished to marry any other woman than you. And I would do whatever is necessary for us to be together. Please. You need to understand how much I crave you. You have been what I long for with every breath I take. I desire you above all else. I need you above all else.”
Aemond put his hands on the back of your head as he tilted it up towards him before he kissed you passionately. His hands moved to your hair as he pulled you closer not caring if Nerissa or anybody else saw him be passionate with you before he broke the kiss and placed his hand on your cheek. “I can’t live without you, my lady. You need to be mine.” You couldn't understand what you were feeling as you listened to him talk as if you were the very air he was breathing and shook your head again trying to deny what he was saying, only to gasp softly once you felt his lips on your own then panted softly when he pulled away again as you held onto his clothes in between your fingers not used to such affections and shook your head as you tried to think of a way to gently let him down "I'm sorry I caused this mess for you but...I truly believe you'll be happier with Nerissa beside you rather then I.”
Aemond shook his head as he felt you try and break away from him. He pulled you close once more and spoke softly to you acting as if your sister was no longer there which she wouldn’t be soon enough if she didn’t stop her shenanigans. “You’re not listening, Y/n.” Aemond grabbed you by the arms firmly as he looked into your eyes. “You need to listen to me. You were not the cause of this mess. Nerissa is at fault here, and you could not have done anything to prevent it. You need to realize the truth, you are the one I need by my side.” Aemond couldn’t believe that you were still trying to deny him of your love when he knew you could be so much more happier with him. He had to make you see the error of your ways and that he was the right choice for you. “No. I can’t be happy with Nerissa. I never loved her, and I never will. I only ever meant to be with you.” Aemond leaned in for another kiss as he once more kissed you sweetly. When he pulled back, he stared deeply into your eyes once more as he whispered to you.
“You belong to me, no one else.”
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lovinglylibelle · 2 months
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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pairing: fushiguro megumi x reader
genre: fluff
description: Megumi has always been curious about love, having never experienced it himself. So what happens when he meets someone from his past that might just be the key to changing all that.
requests: open
a/n: this is has been on my mind for a while and i tried sooo many times to write this, but it somehow wasn't giving the vibe i wanted it to give. However, writing it this time was better and i like how it turned out, may have gotten carried away down there but eh (is it obvious that i am absolutely enamored by Megs?) If you like it, please press that cute little heart in the bottom right corner and that reblog button just next to it. If you want more such fics, you can also drop a follow and i promise not to disappoint. Have a happy day ahead, keep yourself hydrated and well fed. Thank you
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"Ya Itadori, do you think it will rain?" Kugisaki asked, shielding her eyes as she looked up at the sky. It was the beginning of Japan's rainy season and it seemed like Tokyo was about to welcome it too.
It was getting darker by the second as more and more clouds gathered, blocking out the rays of the sun and from the looks of it, the sky was ready to let down the first rain.
"It's definitely going to rain," Itadori replied. According to the duo, he had some sort of sensor in him that allowed him to predict the weather... keeping aside the fact that it was already visible.
Megumi sighed as he watched the two sorcerers, now trying to climb the lamp post in order to get a clearer view, wondering how he managed to get himself surrounded by them. Not that he minded it. He had gotten used to it.
The three were standing outside a movie theatre, waiting for the movie to screen. Kugisaki and Itadori had insisted upon watching the latest romance movie, the same old story about love.
Fushiguro Megumi didn't know a thing about love and it really wasn't a surprise. To him it was just a myth, a fool's errand that the world seemed to chase for reasons unbeknownst to him.
He didn't get it, truly, the concept of it foreign to him but he wasn't the one to blame for it. He didn't exactly have the chance to experience it: his parents abandoned him, his sister was in a magic coma, and his 'relatives' wanted to exploit him... the only thing close to love, affection, and warmth he had ever known, not that he would ever admit it to him or anyone, was the chaotic white haired man child known as Gojo Satoru, and the two idiots who seemed to have taken it upon themselves to be the bane of his existence. However, that was all platonic anyway.
Romantic love was something he had only read about in the various novels and mangas: that were neatly stacked in his dorm, or watched in movies like these, and yet they weren't enough to make him believe in the notion.
It felt fictional to him, a love that transcends all barriers, a love that makes one do irrational things, a love that is unconditional... the idea was too far fetched. Everybody wanted something in the world, he knew that, he experienced that on an everyday basis. And everybody was selfish when it came down to it, so something as selfless as love was odd for him, odder than the existence of curses and magic.
However, he did wonder what it felt like, to be in love and to feel that feeling that all these things portrayed. Will he ever feel that? it was a question that made him ponder sometimes. He wouldn't mind it if he did and wouldn't mind it if he didn't either.
This reverie of his might have been neverending if it wasn't for the loud shout that Kugisaki had let out. "Fushiguro, it's open!"
He nodded, making his way towards them but stopping short after feeling a strong and familiar cursed energy.
"Huh?" he questioned, his eyes narrowing as he scanned his surroundings. A nostalgic emotion making its way to his heart. What was it-
thud, he felt someone bump into him, making him stumble slightly before he caught himself.
Looking up, he noticed the culprit and was ready to give them a terrible look but as soon as his eyes met yours, his entire world seemed to have slowed down to a halt.
There you were turning around to face him as your hair cascaded around you, framing you delicately like the buds do the petals. Your eyes were wide with evident shock that was etched onto your face oh so sweetly. Your lips parting slightly as it finally began to rain... the first of its season.
The air around you seemed to shimmer and Megumi could have sworn that he had never seen anybody look as beautiful as you did in that moment.
"Oh my god, shit, i am so sorry." you said hurriedly, a shocked expression on your face. You kept a hand above your eyes to be able to see.
Megumi couldn't even breathe much less talk or comprehend whatever you were saying as he noticed the feeling from earlier creeping in again. He squinted at you, running a hand through his hair that was now soaked and sticking to his forehead.
As he took in your features, the feeling started to bloom into something more, recognition.
You had the same aura around you, as you did all those years ago, of comfort and safety that once was Megumi's only solace. Your clumsiness was intact too, barely taking a few steps before crashing into things as he recalled. Your hair was longer though and somehow it looked even more perfect than what he had remembered... And your eyes, oh your eyes, they were the dead give away.
They had that same glint in them, the same warmth and insatiable curiosity that always left him in awe. Even now they seemed to hold the entire universe in them and sparkle like a million stars resided in them.
"Y/n..?" he whispered, loud enough for you to hear over the rain and soft enough to not break the moment.
"What? How do you know my nam-" you replied, confused beyond your belief when a flicker of understanding crossed your mind and you lit up with the same feeling of recognition.
"Meg- Fushiguro? No way..." you chuckled incredelously, disbelief on your face.
"Hello to you too, Y/n" he said, a smile on his face. It was genuine, the smile, just like it used to be all those years ago when you two spent time together.
To Kugisaki and Itadori who were watching it all unfold from afar, it was truly a rare sight; to see the alleged sea urchin, make that face and that too in a serious way.
"It's been so long Fushiguro, you've not changed a bit." you said, tucking your hair behind your ear as you smiled back at him. The more Megumi observed you, the more aware he became of his surroundings. He felt his cheeks growing warm despite the cold rain that was falling relentlessly around him.
"well my teeth grew back," he joked, earning a soft laugh from you and a gasp of disbelief from the other two, who exchanged a look. At the sound of your laugh, Megumi felt his heartbeat pick up, he couldn't comprehend what was happening to him. It was the first time ever that he had felt all those things, was it the weather? was it the rain? was he getting sick? what was happening to him? was he okay?
"that they did... makes you less cute though." you commented, making him nod his head and his friends face-palm themselves.
If they had been standing closer to you, Kugisaki would have smacked the oblivious guy's head right in that instance but due to the distance she couldn't.
"So you are back?" Fushiguro asked as the two of you started walking, the rain almost forgotten now.
"Yeah, Gojo Sensei had insisted on it and well i did miss everything here, especially you." you said, a hopeful look in your eyes as they met his.
I missed you too, he had wanted to say but decided against it.
"So what brings you here?" he said instead, his hands in his pockets.
He was looking down on the street, various puddles forming due to the water. He stepped in one, watching it splash against his feet.
"Believe it or not, it's a mission. There is a cursed spirit right around the corner there, caused a few suicides over the week." you said pointing at the alley behind the theatre.
"Speaking of, i can feel it manifesting again." you added, stopping in your tracks.
"They already got you going huh? You should go and exorcise it, we can talk later." he said, stopping to face you. He didnt want to stop talking just yet but he knew that the exorcism was more important.
"Alright, see you back at the dorms?"
He nodded in reply,
"It really is nice to see you again Fushiguro, i'll see you later." you said, taking off towards the alley with your hands clasped behind your back.
Fushiguro watched you walk away and felt himself coming to his senses again, he could now feel every raindrop on himself that had seemingly disappeared when he was talking to you. He realised that he was soaked, his hair sticking to his face, his hands cold and clammy and yet he didn't mind it at all,
He was so lost in watching you walk away that he didn't realise when Kugisaki and Itadori had joined him.
"So... who was that?" she said, holding the umbrella that somehow magically appeared in her hand. Her eyes narrowing at Megumi.
"A friend,"
"Just, a friend?"
"Yeah, just a friend."
"Sureeee, you made us miss half the movie though."
"But it's just been ten minutes Kugisaki-" Itadori interrupted,
"Yeah yeah i know, i am exaggerating. Come on now and quit staring, you look like a creep for fuck's sake." she called out, making her way towards the entrance of the theatre.
"Shut up." Megumi replied, shaking his head but looking away too.
He was elated to see you again and was even looking forward to meeting you back at the school and introducing you to his new friends.
"For the record, I don't believe that she was just a friend." Kugisaki added as she sat on her seat inside the theatre. Megumi who was now dry, thanks to his shikigami, sat down next to her with a sigh.
He avoided her gaze as he replied, "I don't care."
He was glad that the cinema was dark enough to hide his face when he said that because despite everything, a small smile had found its way on his lips which he really did not want Kugisaki or Itadori to see or they wouldn't let him hear the end of it.
His eyes focused on the movie in front of him, a romance movie, about love and somewhere in his heart and beyond his consciousness, he knew that he had found the answer to most of the questions he had as he thought back to the encounter he just had with you.
He really was looking forward to seeing you again.
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sseniita · 4 months
breaking generational trauma*
*ig the name is staying
pt 1
“Oh shit, she is related to you.” 
Hero readjusted Eloise on her lap, not paying attention. “I told you to stop swearing in front of her.” She looked back to the villain’s holographic screen, numbers, graphs, and codes she didn’t understand but were practically the villain’s mother tongue. The hero sneezed; it was cold in the villain’s lair. Wait- what did he just say?!
“We’re related?!” the hero exclaimed, rolling her chair closer to the villain. 
“It certainly looks like it. Her DNA and yours are almost identical.” The hero considered this, smiling from ear to ear.
“I’ve always wanted a daughter-” the villain shook his head. “sister?” he shook it again.
“More like a clone.” He said, much to the hero’s disappointment. 
“Will she be normal?” The hero hoped. 
“Don’t know.” The villain said quickly. “Since the procedures performed on you when you were little were practically radioactive, it changed your DNA into something very different than your original one - that’s the one Eloise’s is similar to.” 
“What’s that mean for her then?” 
“I’d have to do some more tests, but that suggests a high probability of having powers. At least eventually.” 
The villain noticed the hero begin bouncing her leg, by proxy, also bouncing a smiling Eloise up and down- at least she was enjoying this. 
“Look- it’s just a primary hypothesis. I can’t be sure of anything just yet.” 
“It’s been a month.” The villain sighed at the desperation in her voice. The dark circles under her eyes were worse than usual. She’d stayed at the villain’s place about 5 or 6 days a week, in that time she barely slept, obsessing over Eloise and what her next step should be.
“Hero, this takes time. We’re in no rush. No one knows she’s with us.” 
“Yet! Last night another hero asked me where I was all night.” 
“Well, what’d you tell them?” 
The hero sighed in embarrassment. “I told them I was having tummy issues.” She uncovered Eloise from the blanket to stand her up on her thighs, looking at her intently, it seemed as if all her issues disappeared in a second. “You’re lucky you're so cute." She told the baby. "And that you are literally me, apparently." But she wasn't. Sure, they had similarities, but no way Eloise was a clone. There was definitely something else going on that they'd get to the bottom to eventually. These thoughts were interrupted by Eloise spitting and giggling.
They stayed like that for a while, listening to Eloise babbling incoherencies. They read somewhere they should encourage a baby's babbling by nodding and repeating oh’s and ah’s. Finally the hero's exclamations isolated the villain’s- he quickly stopped. 
“How do you know that?” She asked, carefully. The villain hummed in question, prompting clarification. “About my DNA, the procedures, how’d you know that?” 
The hero could have sworn the villain stilled- stuttered even. As soon as she noticed it, it was gone. 
“It’s pretty obvious from your DNA sample, Hero. Your DNA doesn’t look the way it should. Shouldn’t be stable- yet it is. Obvious signs of some sort of radiation. People aren’t just born this way.” He spoke in quick, short sentences, very unlike him.
She ignored the way he dodged her question. The villain knew more than he was. It was no secret how extensively trained he was in medicine, engineering, and lord knows what else; proved by his ability to recover the hero from certain death, his insane contraptions and robots, and how he was able to keep up with her- in short, the villain was the smartest person the hero had ever met.
Furthermore, fighting him one on one was also unnecessary to know he was a force to be reckoned with- he always says he doesn’t work out- preferring to explain how making robots and machines are laborious tasks. No way was the hero believing that the villain got like that through daily activities when the hero trained almost five hours a day and looked nothing like him. This proved two things; the villain was totally the hero’s type, and that he could lie. Both were equally important for different reasons. 
“What’s DNA supposed to look like?” She tried, pointing to the diagram on the screen. “Looks like the ones in textbooks to me.” 
“To untrained eyes, yes.” 
“What’s yours look like? Can we compare it?” 
“My, asking to look at my DNA? That’s a bit intrusive if not forward, hero.” 
“Ah, my bad. Should I have asked to take you out to dinner first?” The villain was almost taken aback. Almost. He didn’t respond. She took note. 
She sighed, putting that topic to rest- choosing to believe him, what other choice did she have?
“Let’s head back to mine,” the hero wished he’d said that the same way he did in her dreams “are you staying overnight? I have a meeting later with other villain. I can drop you off though, dinner is in the fridge and I’ll be home by 11.” 
Hero got up, Eloise still babbling in her arms. “Sounds good. And, um, thanks. For all of this” she said. The villain had a habit of putting a hand on her back to lead her out, it gave the hero butterflies every time. This time was no exception.
The villain had stayed true to his word, he arrived home to a dark and quiet apartment, locking the door and moving around as quietly as he could. He followed the sounds of Mozart playing through the stereo through the open guest room door, simultaneously taking off his jacket and loosening his tie. Peeking quickly into the bedroom, he saw the hero and Eloise cuddled together on the puffy bed, toys thrown around, and window open allowing the curtains to billow in the wind. As he moved in to close the windows, he stepped on a toy which said a loud 'the cow goes moo' awaking both the hero and Eloise. The hero instinctively grabbed Eloise as she scanned the room for any danger before laying her eyes on the villain. 
“Sorry,” he muttered. Eloise started crying. 
With a sigh that turned into a yawn, the hero got up to turn on the lights and begin to rock Eloise back to sleep. 
“Nice one, Mr. stealthy and secretive villain.” She joked. 
“I’m so sorry.” He repeated. 
“It's my fault for falling asleep before cleaning up.” She said over Eloise’s cries. She held her closer, shushing in-between yawns and bouncing her to no avail. The villain stared guilty at the hero’s dark circles and slumped shoulders. Her eyes were half lidded as she tried her hardest to stay awake. The villain knew anybody outside looking in would immediately label the villain as a deadbeat dad and husband. 
He usually gave the hero the honors of changing, feeding, playing with, and putting Eloise to sleep, preferring to stand on the sidelines and buy diapers or bring the hero bottled milk. Aside from once or twice a week when the hero had stayed at the Hero Dorms to avoid suspicion- where the villain had spent the whole nights awake, anxiously making sure Eloise was still breathing- he hadn’t had much time taking care of Eloise. After a night of keeping the baby alive, the hero had previously asked how the villain's mother took care of him. She seemed oddly excited to hear about villain's upbringing, he wished he could tell her some amazing story about a loving mother and ways he was raised but all that came out was an undignified 'I don't know.' The hero had insisted, leading to the villain acting curt to get her to drop it.
After that, he kept his distance mostly because the hero looked so striking and dooming to the villain as a mother, among other things. The villain wouldn’t be able to disillusion himself if he took on the role of father. Not to mention Eloise was an adorable child. Curious, social and playful; she had won over the villain’s heart. But this won’t last forever, he’d remind himself, don’t let yourself get comfortable. 
“When’s the last time you slept?” he asked.
“Hmm? I was just sleeping.” 
“More than 3 hours?” 
“At a time? Or in one night?” 
The villain sighed at the confirmation of his suspicions. He had definitely gone soft. With the hero being half asleep, it was easy to peel her off and take Eloise into his own arms. 
“Hey-” she reached for the baby. 
“You need the rest- you're saving people for a living, remember? I’ll take her tonight.” 
“Oh. Are you sure?” She lowered her voice, Eloise was finally settling into the villain’s arms, cries subsiding. “She- she might not let you sleep.” 
“Don’t worry about it. Get some rest.” 
“Oh um. Ok. But let me know if you need anything! I’ll leave the door open-'' the villain was at the door frame as the hero scooched herself to the other side of the bed. 
“Yes. Good night.” 
“She likes to use your arm as a pillow! The bed pillows are too puffy for her.”
“Anything else?” he asked sarcastically. 
The hero looked nervous, grabbing a pillow to hug. 
“Uh- no. Sorry. Ya, goodnight.” The villain began to walk to his own bedroom. “Um! You know what? She’ll wake up around 2 anyways! Why don’t I-” hero called out, making her way over. 
“Do you not trust me?” The villain finally asked, as if the hero truly had any reason to trust him. He was a villain, she was a hero. They both seemed to forget. “You always get like this when I take her for the night.” The hero looked mortified. 
“Huh? No! No, that's not it at all, it’s just…” The villain raised an eyebrow. “I just have nightmares without her. I get anxious when I wake up and she’s not there. If something- anything- happens I know I’ll be right there to do something.” She stuttered. The villain only stared indiscernibly. 
“Uh. I’m sorry. You’re right.” She quickly gathered her things. “I should go then, I’ll leave her with you. I’m sorry.” As she walked past the villain he stopped her with a gentle arm on her shoulder. 
“Do you want to sleep with me?” 
The hero short circuited. “That seems inappropriate.” She stared at a sleeping Eloise. The villain, awkward, retracted his hand.  
“No, Hero. As in, do you want to share a bedroom? That way you can sleep soundly 5 feet away from Eloise and I can take care of her through the night.” 
“Oh.” The hero reddened. “Yes. Of course that’s what you meant.” The hero could only hear the villain chuckle in the darkness. “Um. Are you sure? You said you didn’t want any part of this. I’ve thrown way too much on you-” 
“I insist, hero. Takes a village to raise a kid, right? Besides, You desperately need sleep. I planned something big, I need an even bigger, stronger hero to stop it. I need you to be at your peak.” The hero could almost hear his smirk. She practically swooned, glad it was too dark to see much of anything. “Ah. Of course. So this is all self regarded?” 
“Of course.” The hero felt the familiar hand at her back as the villain led her into the bedroom. She quickly took a spot on the left side of the bed and waited for the villain to bring in the crib. By the time Eloise was tucked into it, the hero was fast asleep, covered in blankets and snoring softly. The villain crawled in slowly, finally getting used to the hero’s slow, if not constant, movements beside him before Eloise woke up exactly at 2 am. 
The next morning the villain woke up with dark circles under his eyes- barely rested-, his spit up on shirt across the bedroom floor, and the only thing keeping him warm was the hero's embrace, with her thigh on his stomach and her head on his chest. It was the best night he’d had in years. 
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bl1ngringz · 2 years
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pairing: ajax x reader, a bit of enid x reader if you squint
warnings: none, basically just fluff, a litte bit of ooc
a/n: first time writng for wedneday! this was mainly inspired by txt song and morticias poem!
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– a sister? you have a sister and you never told me? and she is coming to study here?
enid excitedly paced back and forth in the center of the room she shared with Wednesday who, unlike her roommate, was sitting on her bed packing a small bag.
– I saw no reason to share this and there was no period when it was useful to comment on this fact. besides, I had already spoken on the day of visitation
this made enid stop pacing the room for a few seconds, vaguely remembering seeing a girl in a school uniform with the wednesday family for a few seconds. she didn't remember her face well, only that it was very different from her wed.
– and what is she like? is she like you? and she's got a little hand like-hey, where are you going?
– I'm going to return some things. we used to play psycho killer, it will be a disappointment if she doesn't know if she turns around on her own. by this time, thursday must already be exploring.
and she was right. you had just left the principal's office after orientation about the school, your dorm and your class schedule.
y/n addams, aka thursday, and now the sister of wednesday addams as she would likely be known for the next few days, walked carefully through the school hallways.
right, left, stairs…which stairs? this school more complicated than her old one, as the headmistress wanted her to find out easily? she regretted not having asked her sister to come to her.
but what would be the fun in looking for her to try to scare her later then?
as she walked carefully with a small bag, she was the target of stares from some students passing by, confused by the new face they hadn't seen.
– hey, do you need any help? you seem to be quite confused where to go
turning, she looked at the boy who was talking to her: tall, blue cap with something that definitely wasn't hair threatening to come out. a friendly smile occupied his face.
"that must be the gargoyle boy that wednesday mentioned"
– if you don't tell wednesday addams about this, I would appreciate it if you would guide me to where the dorms are. from there i can go alone
this elicited a small expression of surprise, which lasted for a few seconds before returning to the small smile, from the boy who walked beside her.
– it's easy to get there, you were on the way. by the way, you're the new student, right? my name is ajax
– my name is y/n, but you can call me thursday, usually everyone calls me that
– like the poem? thursday has…
– far to go. exactly
walking side by side, a few short laughs were exchanged along with smiles during the short walk. a friendly conversation that, despite being the first, made people outside think they were longtime friends
– and her colleague is enid. you guys will probably get along, she gets along with pretty much everyone
– she's the werewolf, isn't she? I've heard quite a bit about her!
finally arriving in front of her dorm, you knocked on the door and, while waiting for your roommate to answer, ajax couldn't help but bring up a small topic. there was no need, she just felt it was better than just saying "bye" and going back to her chores.
– so what's your third class tomorrow?
– I think botanical sciences, I'm pretty sure of that
a small smile appeared on the boy's face.
– we are in the same class. do you want to have lunch together after class tomorrow? I can show you more from here
– would be coo-
you were interrupted by the dorm door opening, revealing yoko, divina and, surprisingly, enid, who cut the girl off, greeted her and led her into the room, leaving only you to give a thumbs up.
that made the teenager give a small laugh before walking back to his primordial path before anyone asked about his presence there.
really, thurday has far to go. and both of them were excited about that
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tokio-motel · 10 months
pt 2 😱😱
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Tom stayed silent for a few seconds. He didn't know what to think. M/N was.. Britney's brother. Wow. He felt disappointed and displeased with himself for getting so angry and jealous without knowing the backstory, and he felt bad for acting so cold towards M/N. Britney looked at him expectantly, which reminded him he had been asked a question.
"Oh uh.. I dunno where he went- I can look for him though.?" Immediately after saying the last part he wanted to smack the shit out of himself. He didn't want to face M/N again, especially after being rude and standoffish to him. Before he could change his mind, Britney shined a bright smile at him, giving a few nods. "Ah! That'd be nice! Thank you Tom." She went to stand next to Georg, him looking her up and down every millisecond. Tom held back a laugh and went to go look for M/N, his hands shaking. He shoved his hands in his pockets tockake himself seem more relaxed, and went about looking for the boy.
He scanned the bar for a (color) haired man, yet to no avail. He then walked about groups of people, trying to find M/N. After yet another fail to find him, as well as asking people if they had seen M/N, Tom felt defeated. He sighed, going to walk back to Britney and tell her he couldn't find her brother, when he walked past the bathroom and saw a figure. He noticed a man out of the corner of his eye, yet took a few more steps before his brain caught up and realised, yes, it was M/N. He took a shaky breath as he turned around, M/N standing alone with a glass of (drink) in hand. He hesitated, half of him wanting to run off and go back to the safety of his band and brother, but the other half wanted to apologize and tell him to go back to his sister.
Before he could walk off, though, M/N looked around and his eyes landed on Tom. The dreadheads blood ran cold as he noticed he had been caught, heart almost breaking out of his chest due to how fast it was beating. Instead of being mad or annoyed, M/N gave Tom a soft smile. "Hello, Tom. Are you gonna run away again..?" he teased, quirking an eyebrow. Tom felt himself go from tense to nervous, palms starting to sweat slightly. "I erm... Uh.." he paused, clearing his throat as he took a breath of air.
"Your uh..sister wanted you." Tom shuffled, a hand going to the back of his head to scratch his skull, a habit he did when he was on edge or nervous. M/N nodded slightly, pursing his lips." .. Do you think you could lead me to her? " he asked when Tom stayed silent for a moment. Tom felt like he had gotten the wind knocked out of him, his knees nearly buckling and giving out. Tom gulped, nodding before mumbling out a small "Uh.. Yeah." he nodded his head in the direction of Britney and the band. "Follow me." he muttered, walking off. M/N grinned as he saw how jittery and fast Tom walked, jogging slightly before he caught up to Tom, making sure not to spill his glass.
It was eerily quiet between them, apart from others screaming and partying and the music blasting far away from them. M/N thought it would stay that way, but he saw as Tom bit his lip and opened his mouth a few times before he started to speak. "Uh.. I'm sorry." he mumbled, looking at M/N sheepishly as he played with his lip ring."Hm? For what?" M/N asked, although he knew perfectly well what Tom was getting at. He watched how nervous and fidgety Tom was and it took all his willpower not to tease at him. "Y'know, for being a dick." Tom mumbled, his hand going back again to scratch his skull. M/N hummed, giving Tom a small pat on the shoulder. "Ehh.. It's all good." M/N said, smiling at Tom softly. Maybe it was the lighting, but M/N swore he saw Tom's cheeks flush a bright red as he patted him. "Why though?"
when Tom looked at M/N with confusion in his eyes, M/N continued. "Why did you act the way you did..?" Tom looked down, and M/N thought he wasn't going to answer. He was about to say that Tom didn't need to worry, that the past was the past, but he then heard Tom mumbled something under his breath. "..jealous." Tom muttered, not expecting M/N to answer. "Jealous? Hey man, I'm Britneys brother, y'know - If you wanted to be with her-" M/N began, before he watched Tom's head shoot up and shake his head from side to side. "No.. I.. Not like that." Tom muttered, shifting slightly. How damn far was Britney? He felt like he was walking for eternity. M/N tilted his head to the side.
"Huh? How did you mean it then?" M/N asked curiously, not judging Tom. Tom felt himself tense up. His breathing becoming heavier. "I erm- It doesn't matter. C'mon, Britney needs you." Tom started to walk ahead of M/N, before the (color) haired boy grabbed him by the hand to stop him. "Jealous of what Tom?" Tom felt his knees start to give out as a small panic began in his chest. He wanted to apologize and run off, to tell Bill he felt sick and run into the tour bus and drive away, never looking back. He was halfway through his plan, thinking about the hotel he would stay at, before M/N spoke again. "Were you jealous of... Britney?"
Tom felt his blood run cold as he paused, jaw dropped slightly. He felt his eyes get glossed over in embarrassment, refusing to let tears fall. But M/N didn't laugh at him, didn't tease him, no. He just looked at Tom with curiosity. "Tom?" M/N inquired again, putting a hand on the dreadlocked boys shoulder as he watched Tom nearly break. Tom almost nodded, wanting to get this over with and tell M/N to hurry up and go to Britney. Before he could do anything,though, M/N bent down slightly and pecked Tom's lips.
Tom felt his nervousness leave his body as M/N brought him into a kiss, feeling himself kiss back. When they pulled away, Tom noticed that M/N was smiling at him.
Tom felt scared, expecting M/N to laugh at him and say he was weird and make fun of him. But M/N just took his phone out (either a nokia or an iphone idk lol) and gave it to Tom to put his number in. Tom's fingers froze, looking at the phone for s moment before slowly typing out the numbers. When he had finished, he gave the phone back to M/N, who grinned at him with that beautiful smile.
"Ah, thank you Tom. Now c'mon, bring me to Britney now. She's probably worried we took so long. " M/N chuckled slightly, patting Tom on the back. Tom blinked a few times before nodding, smiling a bit as he responded. "Mhm. Follow me.." M/N walked behind the dreadhead, and to the direction of his sister and the band.
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wordsarelife · 1 year
Enemies to lovers George Karim x reader PLEASE!!
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pairing: george karim x reader
summary: the team has to work together with quill kipps, for George that means being stuck with the best friend of the blonde leader, y/n. the only person in the whole world that seemed to be smarter than him, that's why he hated her.
George Karim was not entirely the nicest person, at least not to his close friends. that usually differed with other people, with them he was nice and tried his best not to grow aggravated as them when they didnt know a simple fact
it was different with y/n l/n though. she had been in Kipps' team for the past two years and what Quill Kipps was to Lockwood, y/n was to George. it was mostly the concept that she seemed to be a bit more intelligent as him and literally succeed at anything she tried.
it wasn't hard for him to hate her. intelligence and knowledge had always been his thing. but to George's dismay, Barnes had gotten Lockwood to accept the helping hand of Kipps, which normally wouldn't have been a problem, if he hadn't decided to bring his best friend, y/n with him.
"look at this" George exclaimed, while Lockwood, Lucy, Kipps, y/n and him were sitting at the kitchen table, researching the case they were about to take on together "seems like the ghost has a connection to Heather Abbott"
"the actress?" Kipps asked confused
"precisely" George nodded "she received her second Oscar in 1977 and then, two weeks later, she disappeared suddenly. here, you can see it on the picture, they are standing together and it says it was taken on June 26 1980"
"oh bullshit" y/n exclaimed from behind the papers, without even looking up from what she was reading. all eyes turned to her, as she finally put the papers down "sorry to disappoint you, but Haeather Abbott wasn't the one that disappeared, it was her sister. Heather died through natural causes at the end of may 1982, so much for your theory. and to be exact, that isn't even her on the picture"
Lockwood's eyes turned big as he threw a look in George's direction, after y/n had picked up her papers again. normally his best friend would never make such mistakes, but in the presence of y/n, George always felt the need to be the smartest, so he often acted too quick without thinking it through. he wasn't much himself when she was near.
Kipps laughed into the hand he had put up in front of his mouth, trying to be discreet, but obviously failing, before he patted y/n's shoulder, his face showing the obvious triumph.
"oh" George exclaimed "I could've sworn I was right-"
"well, you weren't" y/n answered and in that very moment, George was about to jump over the table and close his hands around her neck. luckily for the girl, Lockwood had noticed George's growing interest in murder and held him down. the others not even noticing the outburst he had prevented.
about three hours later, the group was standing in a dark alley way, ready to start their mission. much to George's dismay, y/n had found the important information.
turns out the ghost they were hunting, an old singer, known as Gale Humphrey, had different connections to some more than just illegal organisations, which led to his death, when he was found murdered in his old london chalet. the house was huge and it was important to know their way, before they would walk inside blindly. y/n had made sure of that, to which even Lockwood had to praise her.
when they entered, they decided to part ways, so that they would cover as much ground as possible.
"Lucy, George and I will go upstairs, Kipps and y/n downstairs, alright?" Lockwood began ordering and Kipps raised his eyebrows
"so you can find everything important and get the whole fee? without y/n you would go in blindly, you wouldn't even have half the information you have now, thanks to your reasearcher being totally off the bat"
"hey!" George protested, but went ignored by both boys
"he's right" said Lucy. she was about the only one that was at least somewhat friendly to Kipps and actually liked y/n. probably because she was living with two boys and didn't get the chance often, to actually spend time with another girl. "you know he is, Lockwood"
"okay" Lockwood breathed "how would you do it?"
"you, Lucy and I go up. Karim and y/n down. it should mostly be safe downstairs. the talents would be parted evenly. Lucy and y/n are both listeners, you have the sight thing, George has touch. seems fair to me"
"alright" Lockwood breathed and George's eyes grew big.
"what?" he spat, like Lockwood had just traded him in "i'm not going down there with her. first chance she gets, she's probably trying to kill me" "like I would need to do that in a haunted mansion" y/n rolled her eyes "if I wanted you dead, you were, sweetheart"
George gulped in disbelief, sending another pleading look in Lockwoods direction. "please, Lockwood"
"I'm sorry, George" Lockwood breathed, before he turned around, closely followed by Kipps. Lucy waited a few seconds longer, before she had to give in. she send an apologetic look towards George, before she followed the boys up the stairs
"just you and me than" y/n smiled provocative "really romantic"
"just amazing" George smiled sarcastically "hopefully the ghost will be better company"
"oh come on, Karim" y/n threw her hands in the air, as she followed him down the stairs "you don't hate me that much"
"I would like you more if you weren't such a know-it-all, all the time" he rolled his eyes
"like you are any better" she shrugged
"try listening, will ya?" he instructed, ignoring her words from before. he wasn't as annoying about knowledge as y/n was. he definitely wasn't.
the girl closed her eyes, while George tried to gather anything from the walls. there wasn't much he could feel
he turned around when he heard y/n's sudden gasp. "what is it?" he asked, hand gliding to his rapier, as he watched the girl, who seemed to be in full distress.
"don't move" she muttered, while she gripped his arms and gently pulled him towards her
"is it him?" George wondered "the ghost? is he here?" he repeated quickly, because y/n's eyes were still fixated on something behind him. "y/n!" he tried again, calling her by her first name for the first time in a long while since they were introduced to each other
her face had lost all its colour and she was rapidly moving backwards, taking him with her. her eyes had spilled a few tears. obviously they were not used to being a team and going on missions together, but they had had their share of ghost fighting in each others company, and George had never seen her this scared. y/n always seemed to keep her cool, even at the most monstrous of ghosts.
he tried to gain her attention again, but it was to no use. he took her hand off of him and drew his rapier, turning around in a quick motion to be met with... nothing?
"it's on the ground" y/n muttered as she noticed his eyes dazing around the place
George looked down to the ground slowly, anticipating anything but what he was seeing. it wasn't a ghost, but an animal, a snake to be exact. a little green snake, he noticed as he held his flashlight on it, which was one of the most harmless beings put on earth.
"it's just a snake" he chuckled
"I-I know" y/n hissed and George noticed how she stumbled back even further, just now without him
"are you scared?" he asked bewildered
"ob-obviously" y/n answered, while she kept her eyes on the still forward stalking animal "would you mind stopping it?!"
"y-yeah" George bend down and took the short snake between his fingers, cautious that it wasn't too close to his skin to be able to bite him. the snake wasn't dangerous, but he didn't really need to be bitten tonight. he walked to the other room to open a window and set the animal free. "better?" he asked, when he came to a hold next to the girl
"yeah" she mumbled "thank you, that was nice"
"no problem. i'm just a bit surprised is all, I mean, you're the great l/n! you're not scared of anything"
"well, I am scared of some things. maybe not ghosts and darkness, but there are still some things"
"like not being the smartest person in the room?" he asked sarcastically, returning to his old self
"you don't get anything, do you?" y/n asked "I'm sorry you can't take a hit to your ego. and I'm sorry you were wrong, but that isn't really my fault, is it? someone had to correct what you were saying before our team would walk into another mission blindly, but I guess normally you're used to that, aren't you?"
"woah, hold up" George put up his hands in surrender "our team? the last I remember this was my team and you and kipps only added yourselves to it"
"like we had any choice" y/n mocked "the most prestigious agency, lockwood and co, just can't get away from burning houses down, killing people or angering DEPRAC, obviously Barnes had to get you lot a supervisor"
"yeah, maybe, but not you"
"do you think I like spending time with you either?" y/n voice grew louder and bounced off the walls, they were both full on screaming at each other now
"you wouldn't be so insufferable if you were less intelligent" George screamed right back
"do you think I like being like this?"
George's mouth had run dry had the answer she had screamed at the top of her lungs. now he was just simply staring at her.
for George intelligence had always been a gift, to be able to memorise as much as possible and understand complex connections. he loved learning new things and he liked to be the smartest person in the room. all his life he had been just that, the smartest person. well at least until he had met her.
"are you kidding me?" George laughed "you are always bragging about how smart you are"
"really? am I?"
now that he was really thinking about it, it seemed like most of that had been in his head. obviously she would correct him when he was being wrong and sometimes she would break into five minute rants, after which she had to slowly repeat herself, so everyone would be able to grasp the concept she had understood a long time before them.
she was cocky and confident and sometimes rude, but she hadn't always been like that, he suddenly noticed. he remembered at fittes, when they first met each other and trained together, she would mostly keep to herself. she would answer when she was asked and if he made a mistake, she would correct him privately, so he could redeem himself without a big huff.
he couldn't really remember when he had begun hating her, or why he did. maybe because in his eyes, intelligence was the only good quality he had, but when she was there, he didn't even have that.
maybe the hatred had begun when he began liking her too much. at least that's when he began talking to her, like she was no one to him. and after some time, she seemed to return that favour.
"you're right" he finally said, realising his mistake "but you were nicer about it when we first met"
"because i liked you, you idiot. at least until you began to go all rouge on me" she paused, sitting down on the steps and waiting until he did the same
"do you know what its like to work as a woman in just another male dominated industry? they don't take you seriously, because you're just a girl, what could you know? what you say is never right, because it isn't what they would say... for the longest time, being smart was like a curse to me. that's why I left the team and went to Kipps. he was the first one to make me feel good about it, about being the smartest one in the room, there isn't really any shame in that. he helped me to be more confident, to not hold back when I want to say something and to not feel bad when I know something better than others. when we first met I thought you could understand how I was feeling. I quickly realised you couldn't and at some other point I finally noticed how much I was annoying you"
"oh" George just said "I never knew you were feeling like that. I think I was just jealous of you, because I felt like you were taking something away from me by being smarter. now that I think about it, I wasn't any better than the other men, was I?"
"no" y/n shook her head chuckling
"I was really dumb, im sorry for that" George smiled at the girl "intelligence always seemed like a gift to me, I never thought about it being this bad for someone else."
"it's alright George, I should've just ask you what was going on"
"you are not responsible for my insecurities" George shook his head "and I shouldn't have acted like you were" he shrugged his shoulder "I think deep down I wanted to be like you, so effortlessly smart, and what was supposed to be admiration grew into anger, because I realised I could never be"
"somehow, that's kind of cute" y/n laughed "I didn't know I had an admirer"
"you confessed to liking me first, just for the record"
"yeah, i'll keep that in the protocol" y/n pointed at her head "photographic memory"
"oh, man!" George cried out "obviously I had no chance against you"
"no" y/n smiled
she leaned forward and softly, her lips found his. engulfing him into a sweet and gentle kiss. it didn't even feel weird, more like it was always meant to be, they just had taken too long to realise it.
"you never had"
"I'm fine with that, actually" George muttered and connected their lips once again.
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vioartemis · 1 year
The moon is beautiful, isn't it?
(Enid Sinclair x fem! Addams! reader)
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Summary: Being Wednesday's sister, everyone expects you to be alike, but truth is you are pretty different, especially when it comes to feelings Request is here :)) Warnings: none (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
"They deserved it"
That was your answer when you were asked why you helped your sister putting piranhas un the pool, and it didn't seem to be what they were waiting for.
Remorse? Absolutely not, even if the perspective of changing high school again wasn't so pleasant, the said high school being your parents', Nevermore.
Knowing your sister though, you wouldn't stay long.
"You guys are making me feel nauseous. Not in a good way."
"Yeah, please stop that, that's disgusting"
It was rare to see you side with Wednesday when it came to PDA, but this time you could've thrown up. You rolled your eyes et their reaction, and turned slightly to face the window, distracting yourself until you arrived at Nevermore.
You weren't paying attention to what was said in the principal's office, only coming back to reality when everyone stood up.
"For obvious reasons," principal Weems started "you are not in the same dorm"
If she thinks that will stop us... you thought.
"We will start with Wednesday's dorm, as it is closer to us"
You nodded vaguely, trying to memorize the hallways, just in case. You snaped out of your thoughts when you heard an unknown voice.
"Howdy roomie!"
As your eyes laid on your sister's roommate, you felt your cheeks burning.
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair"
She was so pretty. A little too colorful, but so pretty. You hadn't talked yet, and you were already simping. You surely inherited that from your father.
You tried to listen to what was said, not wanting the blonde to think you didn't care about.. whatever was happening here.
"Enid, this is Y/n Addams, Wednesday's sister"
"Hi" you said, waving softly at her
"Are you allergic to colors too or..?"
"I'm not"
You cut your mother off, butterflies spiders growing in your stomach seeing the blonde's smile at your words. She took a step forward and hugged you for a second, before letting go.
You tried your best not to have a dumb smile on your face, exiting the room quickly when you were invited to discover your own dorm.
"Y/n you're really red-" Pugsley started
"One more word and I'll cut off your tongue."
You knew you were, no need to be reminded. You didn't want your parents or Wednesday to acknowledge it, because the first ones would be so content about it, and the second one so disappointed.
You walked behind the principal with only one thing in mind: Enid Sinclair.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
Months had passed since you arrived at Nevermore. Since you met Enid. Now you were pretty sure you had a big crush on her, and you were decided to invite her to the Rave'N.
But to do that, you needed to catch her alone, which surprisingly you managed to do, after your class with Mrs Tornhill.
"Enid!" you called out "Can I talk to you?"
You waited until everyone was gone, trying to put yourself together.
"You know the Rave'N is coming right? I was wondering if you.. I mean- would you like to go with me..?"
"You're asking me to be your date for the dance?"
"... that was stupid, I'm sorry, forget it-"
"No wait that's not what I meant!"
She grabbed your wrist as you were about to go.
"I'd be more than happy to go to the Rave'N with you" she had a bright smile on her face, the kind that made your heart melt. "Let's meet at your dorm around 8"
You were waiting for the blonde, nervous. You didn't know how the handle that situation. It never happened to you before. You couldn't ask Wednesday of course. Should you call your parents?
"Calm down you're stressing me out!"
You stopped walking and turned to your roommate.
"Why are you even here? Aren't you supposed to be with Divina?"
The vampire sighed and stood up. She grabbed you by your shoulders.
"Yoko, if you don't take your hands off me in the next three seconds, you won't have hands."
She let go of you and took a step back with a pout.
"No need to be mean, I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't have a heart attack. I wouldn't Enid to find her date dying on the floor"
You rolled your eyes.
"I'm not going to have a heart attack"
You heard a knock at your door.
"I think your date is here! Just be yourself Addams, everything's gonna be fine"
"Why are you calling me by my last name now?"
You didn't wait fir her answer and opened the door. Your cheeks reddened when you saw her. She was beautiful.
"You're so pretty Y/n!"
"You too Enid"
Her smile got bigger, and you could swear she blushed a little. You looked at Yoko behind you and nodded slightly, saying goodbye, before exiting the room with Enid.
You didn't know what to say to fill the uncomfortable silence. Should you make a move? What did it mean anyway? Should you take her hand or something?
"Hey, relax" she suddenly said, gently
You didn't notice how tense you were until she brought it up.
"Sorry, I don't really know what to do... Maybe you should just go with someone else-"
Her answer was so quick she cut you off. That surprised you.
"I don't want to go with someone else" she continued, taking your hand "Just be yourself, it's okay if we don't talk much. I like spending time with you, and I want to spend the Rave'N as your date."
You stayed silent and nodded slowly, not knowing what to answer. So she liked spending time with you...?
An hour and a half in the Rave'N, you had to take a break. Too many people in the same room. Too much noise too. You were sitting on the stairs near the back door, fresh air of the night caressing your face.
"You're here! I've been looking for you for ten minutes" Enid sat next to you. "Are you okay...?"
"I just needed... air" you said
"Is there something else...? You can talk to me you know?"
"... How do you know if you like someone...?"
You could tell she was a bit surprised by your question - a little sad? -, but she tried to answer it. It only confirmed what you were suspecting. You liked her.
Now how were you supposed to tell her? You couldn't just say "I love you" out of the blue.
You suddenly remembered something Yoko told you one night.
月が綺麗ですね。(Tsuki ga kirei desu ne)
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?"
The blonde looked at you for a second, before turning to the sky, a smile on her face.
"The moon was always beautiful"
You looked at her, confused. Yoko told you that 月が綺麗ですね, literally the moon is beautiful isn't it?, was a subtle way of saying I love you. And the positive answer to it was 月はいつもきれいだった, the moon was always beautiful.
It could be a coincidence. Or she knew what you said and what to answer. Did Yoko told her? How did she-
"Stop overthinking and kiss me"
Your cheeks turned bright red at her words.
"Forget it, I misunderstood what you said..."
She got up, ready to leave. You were quick to grab her hand and pull her in for a kiss. She kissed back, hands cupping your cheeks, body pressed against yours.
You pulled away and opened your mouth to say sorry, but her lips crashed on yours in a messy kiss. Enid's hands went to your neck, keeping you close, nails pleasantly scratching your skin.
You let out a little gasp when you felt her claws come out, digging into the soft flesh. She pulled away almost instantly.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean to I-"
You grabbed her hands softly.
"It's okay, really" you placed a kiss on her knuckles, a slight smirk on your face "A least everyone will know I'm taken"
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Author's Note- And after gods know how much time later, I decided to write the second part of Twisted Feelings.
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
Twisted Love
Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon!Reader
Part 1 • Part 2
Summary- Weeks have passed and the twisted feelings have turned into something else...
Tag List- @eliseline, @little-moonbeam-666, @blackhoodlea, @omgsuperstarg, @shopping, @lizlovecraft, @dayane, @bbgmonsay, @michelle-26, @all-things-fandomstuck, @hc-geralt-23, @chevelledahuman, @morganastrucker, @shrexy, @helloitsshitzulover, @daringboba, @minaxcarter, @b-tchymoon, @stargaryenx, @hukio, @saraelizabeth26, @targaryenmoony, @moon-light1415, @eudximoniakr, @themaze13, @candypurplebutterfly, @5moremin, @yariany02, @issybee0611, @gossipandspills, @hopebaker, @kateris-world, @lady-athanasia, @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @cherryaemond, @watercolorskyy, @literishdegree99, @sunmoon-01, @savagemickey03, @ultrav0lence, @deltamoon666, @severewobblerlightdragon, @hyacinthus007, @andlizeth, @shine101, @beefbaby25
Warnings- Suicidal Thoughts, Attempt to Suicide, Aemond, Manipulation, Arranged Marriage
GIF Credits to @imagine-all-the-things
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Weeks have passed and (Y/N)'s wounded eye had healed enough to be covered with a not-so-flattering eyepatch. Though her patch was not much identical to her uncle's, it reminded her of him; the twisted man her uncle was.
She vaguely remembered Alicent's shocked expression and Otto Shittower's yelling while she was on verge of passing out on her uncle's shoulder from the pain.
It teared (Y/N) up to think that she was to live in this place for a long time if not her entire life. She missed her mother dearly, as well as her brothers and sisters. And as the days passed on, she started to miss Daemon as well.
She and her stepfather weren't on the best terms when her mother got married, due to the fact that it wasn't too long ago she lost her father. But Daemon had always shown his support to her whenever she picked up her sword.
Anyone who came to the chambers she was locked in found the bastard princess sitting on the window looking over the sea, ironically in the direction of Dragonstone.
She prayed to the Valyrian Gods to save her from this prison. She woke up everyday with the hope to find Caraxes or Syrax on the horizon, but unfortunately, she was always disappointed.
It was as if her family had forgotten their daughter, Rhaenyra's only surviving daughter. Jacaerys' fencing partner. Lucerys' trickster sister and much to everyone's surprise, Daemon's politics advisor.
The Princess turned around, her eyes skeptically looking at Alicent who stood at the doorway. Her hands intervened in front of her. In her hands was a dress of green dress dress with black designs.
"I am aware that you sit here, wishing for anyone of your family to rescue you," she said, her voice slow and soft, lacing with sympathy. But (Y/N) knew better, all credits to Daemon. She knew the manipulative tactics Hightower's adopted a d implemented.
"We had offered to bring peace to the realm," she continued, making the Velaryon sigh as she stood up, glaring at the supposed Queen Mother. "Bring peace?! After all you have done, you want peace?"
Alicent stood her ground, knowing that Aemond and Criston were outside of the chambers and would not hesitate to defend her if the time came. So, she stepped forward, carefully placing the dress on a chair.
"I came here to at least inform of you of your marriage peacefully but it seems you are not in a state to converse," she said, turning around to hear a confused chuckle. "Marriage? To whom?" (Y/N)'s sounded defeated, and perhaps she was now.
(Y/N) was left confused and defeated as she glared at the dress and the closed doors, thinking of a way to escape this prison but only came upon a single idea.
Her eye looked at the glass vase with intensity, tears threatening to blur her vision. With heavy feet, she stood up and dragged her body to the vase. (Y/N) could feel her entire life move in front of her eye as she pushed the vase to the floor, shattering it to pieces.
The glass pieces scattered around the well-furnished floor, glistening under the sunlight just as the tears in her eye. Grabbing on the largest piece, (Y/N) placed it on her wrist and suddenly, the weight of her condition hit her.
She realized that with one single slash, she could end this. This misery of her life; her life. Then, she would be free from all this cruelty of world. The piece of glass felt heavy in her hand, making it tremble.
She didn't hear the door opening but came to her senses when the glass was thrown away from her and in front of her knelt a raging Aemond, his eye looking at her with barely contained anger.
His calloused hands grabbed her roughly, leading her out of her room for God's know how many days later. Tears streaked down (Y/N)'s face as she followed Aemond numbly.
And soon enough, she was seated in a room filled with the Greens. Alicent, Otto, Aegon, Helaena and Aemond. Aemond was fuming with his hand on her shoulder, keeping her seated down, not that she would move anyway. (Y/N) felt way too tired for that.
"I do not care for fancy celebrations! I wish to marry (Y/N) NOW!" She could hear his voice distantly, as if he wasn't standing next to her but thousands of miles away. "The lords will be here in a few days, Aemond. Until then we can keep an eye on her," Alicent said calmly, but Aemond had set his mind already.
"I would marry her again that day, but I am not leaving her alone. Not after what she attempted today," he hissed, his eye watching his mother intently, scaring her a bit.
But it was not Alicent who spoke, it was Otto.
"Fine, do whatever you wish."
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dragon-queen21 · 8 months
Whooo! My first agere fic for One Piece + my first fic in over 5 months! Double points XD
If you prefer you can read it here on ao3
Summary: In which 3 regressors try to sneak into Sanji's kitchen to achieve desserts before they are supposed too.
No trigger warnings, just fluff
The goal of the afternoon was an 'impossible' task.
Sneak into the kitchen before dinner and obtain treats without getting caught.
Sounded simple enough until they remembered Sanji's firm rule of 'no spoiling your appetite before dinner' that seemed to always be reinforced whenever the ship's cook knew that one of his nakama was regressed. Hence the part about not getting caught.
Nami swore that it was a rule that Bell-mère always had for her and her sister when they were kids. Usopp and Luffy agreed that it’s just the cook’s way of being cruel to them specifically.
So how exactly was the trio going to pull this off? Luffy was already on a permanent ban from the kitchen area unless it was specifically time to eat. Usopp couldn't be trusted to convince Sanji that he wasn't small, and Nami, well she was their last hope of obtaining junk food.
The plan was simple.
Step 1 have Nami go into the kitchen first and see if she couldn't just get Sanji to hand over treats to her. This usually worked out well for the three regressor’s, with them betting on Sanji being a pushover whenever it came to Nami.
Step 2 well... They didn't exactly have a plan after that. If that failed the three were going to resort to good ol' fashioned, snatch and run.
“What are you three up to?” Zoro asked, towering above where the three were huddled together in a circle conspiring.
“Uh, nothin’?” Usopp said at the same time as Luffy exclaimed, “We’re gonna be getting treats!”
“Suush! Yous not ‘possed to say anythin!” Nami hissed, ever the temper even when regressed.
Zoro debated for a half a second trying to get the littles to leave Sanji alone. Perhaps even distracting them for a while so that Sanji could finish dinner in peace. Then he realized that he wasn’t really in the mood to deal with three troublesome kids, and if they were antagonizing the blonde then they couldn’t be pestering him.
“Good luck.” Was all he said before turning away.
They were Sanji’s problems now. Not his.
And so, the plan was set, with Luffy and Usopp waiting outside of the kitchen for Nami.
The ship’s cook was working on dinner prep. Making something that Nami couldn’t quite place. It smelled really good though.
“Sanji-kun?” Nami tugs on his sleeve in order to get the mentally older’s attention.
“Yes dumpling?”
“Can help?”
“I don’t know about that; I think someone might be too small.”
She pouted. “But I wanna.”
“How about you watch instead baby?”
She nods, letting the cook pick her up and place her on the counter to watch him work. Nami hummed, kicking her legs back and forth against the counter. Sanji didn’t pay much attention to her after that, working instead on food, not that the little minded. A feeling of warmth spread in her chest, being reminded of watching Bell-mère cook for her and her sister when they were kids.
She was content to sit there in the kitchen watching Sanji work and daydreaming about the past until she saw two pouting faces peaking from around the kitchen door. Right, she had a job to complete.
“Sanji, can I has cookies?” She made grabby hands towards the jar that she knew held the sought after treats.
Sanji gave her a look.
“Was that really all you came in for all along?” He almost sound disappointed.
She didn’t grace him with an answer other than a, “Pwease?” and a small pout that she knew 9 times out of 10 worked on him,
Sanji sighed. “If I give in, are you going to want to eat dinner?”
“Mhm!” She nodded.
“Right, I suppose spoiling my sweet princess can’t hurt too much.” Sanji looked up just in time to see a certain straw hat peeking from around the kitchen door, accompanied by giggles coming from what he could only assume were the two other regressor’s on board. “And what about Luffy and Usopp?”
“Umm don’ know what chu talking ‘bout.” Nami giggled, the perfect picture of innocence.
Sanji grabbed a chocolate chip cookie out of the jar, holding it just out of the girl’s reach. “Uh huh, sure you don’t.”
“Nope!” And with that she snatched the cookie from his hand and ran from the kitchen, shouting ‘freedom!’ as she did so.
Sanji could only sigh listening to the appalled gasps of Usopp and Luffy upon finding out that Nami didn’t get anything for them.
“Come on you two, get in here.” He spoke loud enough for the other two to hear him, already picturing the two little’s sulking outside. A situation that he wasn’t in the mood to put up with.
Sure enough Sanji was right. Usopp was pouting, half hiding behind Luffy who looked to be in a sour mood. “How come we don’t get something?”
“Serves you two right for trusting the cat burglar.” He states, and really, the two of them should have learned this by now.
“You like Nami more.” His captain accused.
“Oh hush. You don’t know anything.” Sanji said, handing the two regressor’s a cookie each, watching them both gasp. He shook his head fondly at the two, as if he didn’t spoil them rotten already. “Don’t expect me to do this for you all the time.” It’s a lie and they all know it. He’s soft for the three.
Still the two nod ever so seriously as they munch on their treats.
“Dinner’s going to be ready soon. Go bother Zoro until then.” He guides the regressors out of the kitchen, before Luffy can get any ideas about sampling the still cooking food.
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melanieph321 · 10 months
Ruben Dias x Reader Try Me Part 6/6
⚠️ This story will have an epilogue ⚠️
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Summary - A six part series where reader is a very passionate football player and Ruben is her new and equally passionate football coach. However, the two of them can't seem to get along.
The summer went by fast, too fast. Things were good, you were finally at peace. You and Mimi were still staying with Ruben and coach. Coach would keep Mimi busy during day which allowed  you to commit to your training like never before.
Ruben and you decided to keep things between you on the down low, however, there would be the occasional slip up, like the plucking of somones fallen eyelash, or Ruben guiding you through a doorway with his hand on your lower back. It was all innocent enough not to raise any concerns amongst the team and your teammates. However, your latest slip up was a bit more difficult to excuse. It happned during the semifinals of the summer cup. The team was down in the first half but came through with the goals in the second. You were so happy to assist the game winner that when the referee blew the final whistle your teammates went to celebrate with each other on the pitch, whilst you ran in the other direction, towards Ruben, ambushing him by jumping into his arms.
The look on his face was priceless.
"There is..." He cleared his throat. ".....somone I'd like you to meet." He set you back down on the ground.
You tried to collect yourself as Ruben waved for a man in a West Ham cap to come over.
"Y/N. This is Marco Silva, an internatinal football scout. He's been all over England during the summer cup, looking for young talents.
"I can see that." You smiled, eyeing his red and blue cap.
The man laughed and removed it from his head, revealing his full set of hair with a few grey hairstrands. "I just came from their camp. But Ruben here insisted that I come watch this game before I leave."
"Oh really, why?"
"To see you play of course."
"Me?" You looked to Ruben, however, he had a hard time meeting your eye.
"Yes, as a favor to his father, a long time friend of mine. Honestly, I'm glad I did Y/N, because I usually deal with male football players but seeing you play spared no difference."
"Look, my flight leaves for Lisabon tomorrow, but if you're coach allows it." He looked to Ruben and winked. "I'd like to fly you out next week."
"To Lisbon? As in Lisabon, Portugal?"
"Yes." The man nodded, eager to shake your hand as if you had gladly agreed to his offer. "I have some pull at Benfica, their women's team is magnificent. Perhaps I can set you up for a trial with them. And I do know some people in...."
He went on to flex about many possibilities that twelve year old you would've pack your bags for that night. However, twelve old you was a dreamer. 23 year old you wasn't allowed to dream, not anymore.
"Thank you." You said, interrupting the man in the middle of his rant. "But I'm afraid that I have to decline your offer."
"Decline?" The man looked to Ruben who looked to you with concern.
"Y/N, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you."
"Exactly." The man hissed, clearly insulted.
You drew a quick breath, having already made up your mind. "I'm sorry, but my answer is no."
Ruben surley left that game and your conversation with the football scout, a bit disappointed with you. But he wasn't vocal about it until a couple of days later, when the two of you lay in his bed, your legs tangled up in the sheets.
"Is it because of Mimi? You worry about who is going to take care of her, no?"
Your head nodded against his naked torso. "She's all I got and she only has me."
"Yes, but you are not her mother."
Quickly, you raised your head, a girm expression on your face. "You did not just say that."
He raised a brow. "But you're not. Y/N, not to be the one to tell you what to do, but it's not smart of you to throw away your life for your sister. I mean what example would that be setting for her anyway."
"Ruben you're way out of line." You tangled yourself out of the sheets, getting up and out of his bed.
"Y/N. I don't mean to upset you, but you know what I'm telling you is the truth. You are throwing your future and dreams away for your sister. A sacrifice not worth making in my opinion."
"And what do you know?" You jumped into your jeans, desperate to get away, but Rubens words cut like a knife and you refused to stand there and let him speak to you in that way.
His expression mellowed seeing the tears well up in your eyes. "Y/N, I'm sorry If..."
He paused his motion of getting out bed.
"Just..." You wiped your tears, hating that Ruben had seen you cry twice already. "...you stay, okay. I need to go, so just let me...go."
He nodded, not moving a muscle as he watched you get dressed.
You stormed out of his room, out of coach house. He and Mimi took a day trip to the waterpark and wouldn't be back until later. Til then you would be at the stadium, running laps around the track. The only way to calm you down.
Your relationship with Ruben changed after the fight. You didn't break up, which was technically impossible since the two of you weren't together in the first place. However you did stop talking to each other, or more so you, you stopped talking period.
"Y/N, pass me the ball!"
You dribbled past your teammates, who couldn't keep up with your abilities to possess the ball.
"Y/N, seriously, I'm open!" Sarah stood ahead of what would have been an open goal for her.
"Y/N!" Ruben shouted. "Pass her the fucking ball!"
He hadn't shouted at you like that since the beginning of the summer. Nevertheless it was all white noise to you, everything that would stop you from scoring this goal was all white noise to you.
"She shoots. She scores!"
You put the ball past the goalie and into the back of the net. Everyone paused what they were doing to watch your celebration. All magnificent goals deserved to be celbreated, even in practice.
"Y/N, have you lost your fucking mind?"
Your celebration was cut short as Ruben stormed the pitch, heading straight towards you in a mindless rage.
"I told you to pass the fucking ball. Why didn't you?"
You shrugged. "Because I had a better chance of scoring a goal than Sarah did. No offense." You turned to Sarah who threw you a look of despise.
"Y/N." He sighed. "That's not how our team plays the ball."
"No? What if that's the way I want to play the ball?"
Ruben brows furrowed, somthing changing in his eyes, somthing in the way he looked at you. "If that's the way you want to play..." His nodded slowly. "Then I guess you're not playing for my team. You're on the bench next game."
"You can't do that!" You exclaimed. "It's our last game, the summer final at that. The team needs me."
Ruben let out what could only be interpreted as a low chuckle. "I think we'll be better off with a real team player and that's anyone unlike you."
He was your ride home, however he refused to listen to your protests. You were still at his heels as the two of you walked through the door, unaware of the sudden changed that awaited.
Your voices grew faint, replaced by a strange but unfamiliar one. Confused, you follow Ruben who had also picked up the sound coming from the living room. A middle-aged woman was sitting on the couch with Coach. They both went silent at the sight of you and Ruben.
"Tio?" Ruben said, addressing his uncle.
Coach stood. "Ruben, Y/N, this is…."
The lady introduced herself as Mrs. Collins, a representative from child protective services. "I've been sent here after the acknowledgement of one Mimi Y/LN. "She said. "That she was taken out of the custody of her home where she lived with her father."
You sprung forward. "Yes, but she lives with me now, I take care of her." 
The lady observed you skeptically, clenching her bony thighs as she stood. "Y/N, right? Mimi's sister."
Ruben flinched beside you, perhaps ready to hold you back if you decided to jump this lady.
"I'm old enough to be her guardian." You said.
"Indeed you are." The lady nodded. "It was just what I sat here discussing with the gentlemen who claim to have taken you and Mimi into his home."
You looked to coach, he smiled at you faintly.
"Unfortunately being old enough does not qualify you to be Mimi's guardian, she'll need things such as financial support and…"
"I can give that to her! I'll get a job!"
You were brought back, Ruben's arm around your wrist.
"You?" You turned to him. "You called her didn't you?
"Y/N, I would neve…."
"You called her didn't you, just so I can fly away and play football in Portugal?"
"Y/N, Please." Coach said, coming to Ruben's defense. Ruben, who looked stunned to reply to your bold accusations.
You shook your head, because it all made sense. "You did this. You both did this. You called her."
You looked past the lady from child protection services, past her and towards the bedroom that you and Mimi shared. The door stood wide open.
"Where is she, where is Mimi?"
"Y/N." Coach approached you, trying to calm you down. "They've already taken her, but you'll be able to…"
"No, no, no!" You pushed past him and into the bedroom. Mimi's things were indeed gone, all of her clothes and all of her toys.
Your knees gave in, your body crumbling to the floor, "This is not happening." You cried, trembling all over.
"Y/N." Ruben entered the room.
Your hands covered your eyes so you could only hear him.
"I swear if there is anything I..."
"Liar!!!" You shot up to your feet, lunging yourself at him. "I told you that I didn't want to go. Is this you, punishing me for not wanting to leave my sister and live a life playing football like you did? Guess what Ruben, everyones dreams aren't crushed by some silly little knee injury. Some of us don't get to dream at all. But for some reason this is so hard for you to wrap around your clueless little head!"
"Y/N." His voice was low, unrecognizable. "Please just…"
"Don't touch me!" You slapped his reaching hand away. "I told you not to try me Ruben, I told you not to try me!"
You ran out of the house, with coach and Ruben shouting for you to return. However you just kept on moving your feet, in whichever way they took you. The only thing that mattered in your life was taken from you, taken from you by someone you thought could matter to you someday.
Stopping at a dead end, you pulled your phone out of your pocket. You already had several missed calls from both coach and Ruben, one incoming call as you scrolled through your apps in search for Tinder. You scanned through your old conversation thread with Ruben. You wiped your tears as they made it hard for you to see. You took screen shot after screenshot, forwarding the images to everyone on your contact list. It was an act of desperation and revenge, however, you told him not to try you. Ever.
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