#and she would die of embarassment on the spot
shroudkeeper · 1 year
21 for the kiss prompt?
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First Kiss Prompt : after reuniting.
Travel was never bothersome for him, he often times would take to the seas and enjoy the brisk saline air, gathering his thoughts about the next contracts he would need to write up, what charms could he persuade his next employer to finance his ventures. However, his thoughts whilst traveling were made up of a petite silhouette that saw him off from the port. The gentle smile was an image that stayed with him as the sea began to stretch between them. Secretly he would send a letter, in hopes to inform her of the date of his return. It would be several suns before his ship would sail again, but when the day came and he made his arrival to the docks of Kugane, he could not be bothered to stop by the office.
His legs gathered strength to push him through the crowd of tourists visiting for festival that was underway. There was no sight of her lilac crown, no scent of her perfume to greet him. Hancock began to wonder if his letter reached her in time, or at all?
And then, like an apparition, she appeared in a flurry of silks, weaving between the bodies gathered in the crowded district. Under the sway of the scarlet lanterns, her soft features were unmistakable, memorized behind closed eyes. His heart leaps into his throat and he propels himself forward against the stone underneath his feet.
Kikyo turned to his approach, but was ill prepared for his embrace as he pulled her suddenly into his frame. Warmth washed over her immediately as he disregards proper etiquette and found her parted lips, which divorced intially in surprise. He wanted to take in the scent of her skin, and hungrily, he tugged her to his body in an effort to feel the beating of her heart. To know she was not some hallucination of his yearning.
Her tail grew twice its size and her hands fell to his haori; the rush of heat was almost overwhelming as it spreads across her face once she hears soft giggling next to them.
When he manages a breath, in shock, he slowly looks down to find the beaming faces of three children staring at him. One of the girls was blushing hard enough that she could rival the very color of the lanterns around them.
"O-oh, your students, they are here with you," he managed to croak while giving a small wave of his fingers to them. Then apologetically, the merchant turned his attention to Kikyo, who had looked away sheeplishly, nodding, but had not moved her hands from his haori.
"We certainly aaare, please, do not mind us." One of the unabashed, Doman girls, smirked and tilted her head in anticipation to what would come next.
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S/o (gently)Bite Furina cheeks because she's too Cute<3
(Genshin Impact/Horimiya) Furina and Hori's S/O biting their cheeks
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Furina's body immediately freezes when she feels S/O's lips brush against her cheeks.
At first, she's expecting a kiss and was about to give a smug response.
Before promptly feeling a gentle squeeze clamp down on her cheek, making Furina yelp.
She immediately leans back from S/O as one hand fervently rubs against the spot they nibbled.
The response of her just "being cute" confused her to no end.
Why would anyone just bite the cheeks of someone they found cute?!
Furina pouts at her S/O's reasoning.
(Furina) "Don't just do that out of the blue! It's not fair to me at all!"
She then would try it herself to hilarious failure a week later, failing to go through with it fully from being too embarassed.
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Hori's eyes widen in shock when she feels her cheek getting bit.
(Hori) "H-HEY!"
Hori turns to S/O immediately, cheeks burning red.
At first she wonders if that was a mistake on S/O's part before seeing their smile.
Frowning, she immediately leans in to do the same.
Two can play at that game!
She bites their cheek right back, though her response is a bit more forceful, something she doesn't realize until it's too late.
After she's done, Hori flashes S/O a wide smile, getting both of them to laugh.
She couldn't deny that was at least a little cute. But if they did that in public, Hori would die from embarrassment.
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day-drawn-blog · 11 months
Part II : Slow burn ❤️‍🔥
Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
I feel your breath on my neck, the soft caress as cold as death
Your blood like wine, I want it in, oh darling make me drink and make me feel
- I want to live
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Tags: angst, fluff, sadness, angst, fluff, then maybe eventually smut because I do love that
Pairing: Astarion x Reader -- Set in Act I
Part I. Crowned light moon of mine - I found you too soon
Part II : Lace your heart with mine Let your sleeping soul take flight
Part III : Maybe tonight, I'll rest in peace
Part IV : There is much to do and I still want to live
Part V : Our futures bound, our bodies known
Part VI : These ain't my sins, I'm not to blame
Part VII: You are not mine and am I truly yours
Part VIII: your blood like wine invites me in
Part IX: I'll welcome my sentence and give you my penance
Part X : I can't go yet...don't let me die
Next day, you woke up early and you remembered the rollercoaster your heart had been through. And your little secret. Ah, you almost forgot. So caught up were you in your pining you ignored the safety of those around you, and the resolve you had made last night to help and protect those around you. And right now, nothing posed more of a threat than a blood sucking vampire posing as an ally. You did not quite trust him yet. After all, you did not know him well at all.
You left your tent, resolved to confront him.
To settle this issue as best as you can on behalf of those innocent of his real identity. You spotted him next to his tent. His messy curls, even more disheveled in the morning. But his countenance brighter than yesterday. You wondered if it was the effect of the favor you did him. Somehow a part of you felt happy, that you made a difference to him.
You broached the subject.
"Can we talk?" He looked up surprised. "About your... condition. I was curious how we were going to feed you from now on."
His eyes widened.
I guess he did not realize you would confront him about this first thing in the morning. But it has to be done, sooner the better. Before everyone else wakes up. "How... how are you?" He managed, flustered. At least he has it in him to be polite and ask, you thought. You approved of his shallow charm. Now to the point.
"I am alright. But I am worried." "You have my word. I will never put any of us in harm's way. And if I ever do, I will ask, first" he flashed his cheeky grin. You almost gave in. And then suddenly, rustling behind him, startled you both.
Shadowheart walked out of his tent.
You were completely blindsided, Astarion was more embarassed and looked away.
Shadowheart was surprisingly, normal. "Good morning. Are you guys planning breakfast? I heard talks about a meal, or something... " she drawled in her usual charming manner.
"Ah yeah.. something like that.."
you managed to say, and decided to drop it. Before your heart shattered into pieces again, you decided, you walk away.
You wished you could leave them at camp.
So you didn't have to be distracted by those two as you navigated such dangerous lands. But, you all always travelled together and at least there will be other people, to distract you, from Shadowheart and Astarion's intimate moments together, where he held out his hands, to help her on a step. Or she cast her guidance and radiance to protect him, or where he took out a threat with his sneak attack before they ambushed her.
You felt weaker in combat that day.
Several times, Karlach had to protect you. You almost got knocked down, and she had to help you up. Thankfully Wyll had your back too. You felt terrible how much you let this matter get to you. Back at camp, exhausted, and down to your last breath, you decided to put him out of your head once and for all. You needed to wash up, and rest.
This was not serving you.
As you sat in your tent that night, going over the events of the day. You felt tears come up. You wanted to be the one being protected. Looked after..by him. To be important enough.
To be valued and loved, by him.
Dammit. Why should you put him on a pedestal like this. Better start thinking really hard how you could avoid that from happening again. This was your only way. Should you ask them to stay behind at camp the next day? No ..you need every ally you can get fighting for your life.
Suddenly, your thoughts were interrupted by approaching footsteps. You were confused, you thought everyone had gone to bed early that night, tired from all the ambush you had faced that day. So who was it? And why were they coming inside your tent?The tent flaps parted, and you saw a familiar tall silhouette.
You stopped breathing in surprise.
You both stared at each other for a few moments before he broke silence. "I am sorry to disturb your rest, the hour is late. Terribly, and truly" and it seemed like he was second guessing himself and walking back out again. Then he stopped and turned around "You see, this was my first.. I had never drank from a ...thinking creature before. Cazador... my master, would only ever let me feed on rats. "
Where was he going with this?
"Would you be so kind, as to grant me this favor one more time? I completely understand if you don't want to, and this is, well very embarrassing for me to admit" You could see his ears turn red as he shiftily looked anywhere but at you. "But ever since last night, I have not been able to forget... how you tasted". "I could do anything for one more time...please?" And he looked at you with his eyes full of endless misery, that familiar pleading voice and gaze...
You were weak against that but you were annoyed.
Who does he think he is. Does he think himself so charming that he can just waltz into your tent, demanding you donate your blood for free while he went back to Shadowheart right after? You did want to be the hero to those that needed you, but this is just taking advantage of you. You liked him a little less at that point. You were fully resolved to turn him down. After all, this felt wrong, not just to you, but to Shadowheart as well.
You got up.
"I am afraid, Astarion, I will have to turn you down tonight. Isn't Shadowheart waiting for you? What will she think of your absence?"
"She doesn't know. No one does. And I would like to not tell everyone, as long as I can, if you help me. You are the only one, who knows. And if everyone were to find out, I am afraid they would not show me the kindness you did. I would be cast aside. And left to fend for myself."
For all the outward intimacy between him and Shadowheart, you realized, they were not after all, close at heart. What did you expect. Did you expect him to be someone that would allow himself to fall in love with someone or genuinely love and care for someone other than himself? Your first impression of him, was right. The suave and snooth bad boy, with a thousand charms was after all, just that.
You sighed.
Battling with your moral dilemma. You wanted to cave, and earn his trust even more, and maybe a bit of affection. But was that really the right way to go about it. To exploit his weakness? You couldn't. You needed to save everyone. Even the ones that were too proud to admit they needed saving. You sighed again.
"Astarion, I would like to help you. However I cannot, be your only source of.. sustenance. This will affect me in battle. And I thought we agreed you would feed on our enemies, since they are as good as dead, as you said."
If he was disappointed he did not let it show.
"But of course. I only just wanted a little bit. You wouldn't even feel it. I promise. It will be a gift, that I will never forget" He looked at you with his intense gaze that sometimes betrayed the storm raging inside him you suspected. "I understand..." His countenance fell. He was pained. "Have a good sleep. I'll see you around in the morning" And he turned to leave.
Dammit. You cannot turn him down. Or anyone. When they genuinely seem to need your help. But did Astarion really need you? Or was he being greedy? Were you being deceived? Probably. Behind the facade of one who seeks your help is someone simply using you. You felt that. And yet, you were drawn to him, like a moth to a flame.
"Yes, you can...again, tonight. Only a little bit"
"Really? You would?" Genuine surprise in his voice. He quickly stepped in and drew the tent flaps shut. He took your hand and suddenly took the lead. Taking you to the back, gestured to you to sit. You sat down, he knelt in front of you, lifted your arm like last time, with both his hands, gave it a kiss, and looked at you one more time, as if to ask for your permission one last time, and when you nodded, proceeded to bear his fangs at which you looked away.
It didn't hurt, nor did it last longer than a few minutes. Afterwards he drew away, and sat down next to you, as if sated to his utmost. A grin across his face like last time. you looked at your wrist, and the two little dots where his fangs had pierced your skin. The ones from last night were fading. Tonight's red. He looked at you looking at your wrist. "Does it hurt?" He seemed...guilty.
"Let me wrap it"
He proceeded to tear a bit of linen from somewhere nearby and tie it around the bite marks. Hiding your doing, I see. This is no act of kindness. You felt your resolve melt. You felt glad to have been of use to him. But also sad, he was about to leave. And go back to shadowheart. You had served your role. He had used you, and no longer needed you.
Thank you ...you whispered to him
Part III : Maybe tonight, I'll rest in peace
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seeingivy · 3 months
dream girl asks (there are a lot)
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correct. also the dance trend for mamushi and the i'm a star thing is SOOOO THEM. like sorry idk the lynch sisters is callign one of them broke and then they're posting a tik tok to "I make money i'm a star" just because they can (and you know they can both dance)
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WOWWWWW THANK U THANK U THANK U SO MUCH!!! my deepest delusions being called literature is insane like I do fear you're making my head quite huge. it means the world to me that it's easily to like visualize and that it kind of resembles a movie bc that's intentionally the type of vibe I try to portray 😭
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@you-always-made-me-blush HI!!! DON'T APOLOGIZE AT ALL i'm just glad you're here <3 I hope you're taking time to rest and stay hydrated. and on the real, the actor plague truly never leaves me
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kim lynch I hope you die
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real. I BET U DON'T EMBARASS ME MOTHERFUCKER!!! he would also buy her a cake that says motherfucker idk
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correct. see above. (I love how I got two asks about this the day it literally came out like the vibe check was so real)
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stick like toffee, sip like coffee YUP YPU YP
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omg so very sorry it wasn't her getting her hair done </3 though I do think that if she was persuaded enough, she would die the ends of her hair pink or something for like a photoshoot or a tour concept (to match mister man of course AND he would go crazy for it yup)
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taking notes bc I was already running out of characters that had pink hair. I thank you for your service. big fan of cosmo and wanda actually you ate with that one I forgot about them,
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opening this tik tok to kendall and kylie actually made me laugh like there is nothing that would be more spot on than this. AND THE SONG TOOO LMFAOOOO link here
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correct. she makes sukuna in the sims and then explains what woo hooing is and then he's like ???? so you literally run away from me every time I kiss you in person but our sims are doing it online? and she's like yes ❤️
sukuna is also a big fan of the grim reaper with the ipad.
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WAIT THIS IS ACTUALLY SO FUNNY you are so right. method acting y/n unironically obsessed with rachel berry bc of how crazy she is. dream girl y/n buys sukuna shirt with mr shuester on it until yuuji goes brother are u crazy what even is that
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doomed-prophetess · 11 months
How do you think Derrick would have reacted if Penelope was asked out by a nobleman who actually likes her and wants to know her and Penelope is happy about it and agrees.
Do you think Reynold harboured any feeling for og Penelope since he was a capture target. How would their relationship grow
I've already talked a bit about this scenario here. I can see it go two ways: 1. Derrick is relieved to be rid of her only to regret it when it's too late, 2. Derrick would be against a marriage citing Penelope's immaturity and lack of education as a reason. They can't hand Penelope over when she hasn't yet learned how to run a household and host parties as it would only embarass the family name if she were to fail her basic duties. He would have enough reasons to suspect an ulterior motive for any advances made at her (the Eckart's wealth, the noble family name) and would investigate every suitor throughly in hopes he could dig up dirt on him and prevent a marriage. That means he might stalk their dates and harrass Penelope. I can image Derrick trying to make Penelope believe her fiance doesn't love her back and is obvously just using her/going to abuse her once he has married her. Penelope needs her father's blessing for her marriage and the Duke isn't likely to give it to her if Derrick makes him believe that she isn't safe and treasured by her fiancé. The only AU where he would support them was if a marriage would be the only thing saving her from an execution, but even then he might want them to divorce afterwards. Tbh I see Derrick more as a "if I can't have you, no one can." Claude Frollo type of character, so he might prefer for her to die rather than marry someone else.
Personally I don't think Reynold harboured romantic feelings for og Penelope and I'd prefer it if he didn't. Penelope deserves one brother who isn't lusting after her. Nothing like that has been hinted in the story. I really do view him as the most brother coded character (not in a good way mind you). If he had bullied her because he was secretly in love with her, it would have just been a repitition of Derrick's trope. I headcanon Derrick and Reynold as two different sides of abuse. Derrick is emotionally abusive and Reynold physically. Derrick can only love Penelope romantically, he is incapable of loving her in a way that doesn't involve lust, that doesn't objectify and dehumanizes her as his possession, while Reynold could've loved her platonically if not for Derrick. Wheras Derrick's abuse is much more subtile and harder to spot it's actually much more dangerous and damaging, because it poisons every relationship around Penelope. Derrick can only "love" her as a lover and Reynold can only "love" her as a replacement of Ivonne. What both brothers demand from her is incompatiable with each other. There is no winning. She's being punished either way. If she fullfills the expectations of one brother, she is met with hatred and disgust by the other brother.
I assume this ask must have been send in response to the Reynold & Penelope post I made. Let me elaborate on this idea a bit. It wasn't really meant as a shippy post where Reynold would have developed a crush on Penelope or vica versa. It was me speculating how Derrick's manipulations would have affected Penelope's worldview. How Penelope would pay men with her body when she wants something. How she thinks it's okay to initiate something sexual with Reynold because that's how her relationship with Derrick functions. Penelope will give Derrick kisses, lets him touch her etc, and in exchange he must shower her with gifts and the love that she knows deep down doesn't exist. At first she isn't even aware that it's sexual, she just understands that when she does this and that Derrick will be pleased with her and reward her. It makes her uncomfortable at times but it doesn't hurt her that much, so she thinks it's a kind of suffering she has to endure to get her compensation. Over the time she gets used to it and expects this method to work on Reynold too. She does it when she feels lonely, when she wants attention, gifts, it's also a trauma response that she displays when she needs to diffuse a situation.
For example I can picture a situation where Reynold is angry and Penelope climbs on his lap, kisses him and starts unbuttoning her blouse to "calm him down" and Reynold would be horrified and disgusted at her. His face would turn scarlet red, he would yell at her, push her away or slap her face and call her a pervert. Derrick would use this incident to justify what he is doing to her. He can't ruin her if she was never pure. Unlike those delicate noble girls whose virtue needs to be protected, Penelope is a dirty commoner girl with no known father, a war orphan who leeches of his father's wealth and only causes trouble. She doesn't deserve any rights. Such a girl can only be inherently rotten. It's in her nature. That Penelope's hypersexual behaviour might be caused by his grooming doesn't even cross his mind.
Reynold might panick when he sees Penelope and Derrick in the same room together. He would make a rude remark to make her angry and leave the room, he would play cruel pranks on Penelope to scare her away, he would in the evenings often lean in her doorframe to complain about her existence. If he's always around her and putting her in her place nothing weird can happen, right? In a way that would be his version of protecting her. Reynold would lack empathy for Penelope's situation but at some subconscious level he would understand that his elder brother is hurting her althrough he can't name why. It's easier to blame the victim, because it wouldn't force him to question his beliefs. At some point he might have even believed that this 12 year old is abusing his 18 year old brother and not the other way round. That by hurting Penelope he is protecting his brother and vindicating him. This might be where he got the idea that Penelope must have seduced the duke in order to get adopted. Penelope was harrassing him, so who's to say this isn't how Derrick got dragged into this mess? Penelope stole his sister's place, she tried to steal his father's love and now she has stolen his brother away from him just like she has taken everything else.
I think Reynold would be in denial of the situation. I also think Derrick would gaslight him like crazy about it. Eventually when Reynold brings up the topic, Derick would make him look like he was out of his mind. He'd say something like "If you see two siblings spending time with each other as inherently sexual, perhaps you are the one who has secretly been desiring her all the time. / Should I be worried about your relationship to Penelope? If you hated her so much why do I often see you walking up and down next to her door in the evenings? Suspicious."
In summary I don't view Reynold as someone who would fall for his stepsister naturally, but I don't find the idea that Reynold could start a relationship with Penelope impossible if other factors were involved. As I mentioned before, I think that both Reynold and Penelope are ridiculously easy to manipulate. In this AU Penelope would have learned that getting brotherly love is impossible if it doesn't also come with sexual love. And she's very desperate to be loved. Reynold might adopt Derrick's attitude..partly. 14 year old Reynold might've looked up to Derrick and copied some of his behaviour. When Derrick and Penelope enter a relationship, it might cause him to feel left out. Reynold's mother died, his sister was kidnapped, his father became emotionally unavailible, his brother is well...Derrick. They didn't seem particulary close. Ivonne might have served as a bridge between them but now that's she's gone and not even their hatred for her replacement can connect them anymore, he has nothing. He would want to be let into their secret until he realizes in horror what this secret entails.
I once read a story where a brother coerced his twin into sleeping with their little sister after their twin discovered their relationship and wanted to tell their parents. The twin might have had romantic feelings for her as well but held back because he knew it was wrong or his brother's manipulations made him doubt himself and he believed that he was just like his brother since he "enjoyed" it. Either way he started to believe he was an awful person and tried to hide what they did from their parents because now he thought of himself as a criminal too. This is the only way I could imagine Reynold x Penelope to happen actually. That to secure Reynold's silence Derrick would have to resort to making him an accomplice.
Derrick would hate it the whole time and he'd be insanely jealous, but it'd be the only way to get Reynold's absolute compliance. In the long run gaslighting Reynold, invocating his authority as the heir and convincing him to keep quiet to maintain the family peace and protect their family's reputation wouldn't work.
I have troubles how to come up with a trigger where Derrick/Penelope & Penelope/Reynold can come into being. Reynold would have to be grieving or drunk or drugged. In any way he'd have to be not fully lucid in order to entertain even such idea. Even if Derrick were to leave the picture then, Reynold and Penelope might fall back on hierarchies, roles and learned pattern. They wouldn't sleep with each other because they love each other like lovers. They'd sleep with each other because they are lonely and traumatized teenagers. Because this is normalicity to Penelope and the only kind of comfort Reynold knows to offer her. It would be interesting for them to try and struggle to overcome their trauma and become a real family.
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arthurian-aita · 5 months
AITA for guilt-tripping one of my knights into marrying a hag?
My (1545M) nephew, who we’ll call Wayne (1538M), would do anything for me. We were hunting with my other knights when I spotted a gorgeous deer through the trees and set out after it. A knight I didn’t know cornered me in a thicket and accused me of giving his lands to another knight when I restructured the kingdom. I managed to bargain for my life by offering him whatever he wanted in exchange. Cryptically, he said not to tell anyone and to return in a year and tell him “wahte women love best in feld and town.” But he let me go, which was good because I was unarmored, and that would’ve been an embarrassing way to die.
I went back to Wayne and explained the situation. He suggested we ride in opposite directions and ask around to poll the populace to crowdsource the answer to the riddle. When we reunited, we compared notes, but I felt like there had to be more, so I rode out again and found possibly the ugliest woman (creature?), “Rachel” (1533F?), in the world. I mean, her nose was snotty, her mouth wide with yellow teeth, and her neck thick. Ungodly. The weirder thing was she said she knew about my deal with the knight and that I would be dead without her help. All she wanted in return? To marry Wayne. 
I said no guarantees, but I’d do my best. It felt wrong to ask Wayne to marry such an ugly woman; I knew he’d say yes to save my life. 
And I told him, and, sure enough, he was like, “I shall wed her and wed her agayn, thowghe she were a fend; thowghe she were foul as Belsabub,” because he’s extremely loyal. Still, I can’t help feeling like I guilt-tripped him into it. 
I returned to the hag, and she gave me the answer to the riddle, which I then brought back to the knight I met in the woods, who told me the hag was actually his sister. Sure. Why not? The knight left, thwarted, and Rachel and Wayne were married. 
She made a big fuss about the wedding being a public affair, even when asked if she’d consider a private wedding to avoid embarassing Wayne, who, to his credit, selflessly went along with her demands. He technically agreed, but his reputation is permanently sullied on my behalf.
So. AITA for guilt-tripping my one of my knights/my nephew into marrying a hag to save my life?
EDIT: It turns out she was cursed to be a hag? And she needed a man to give her agency to break the curse? She’s actually a fayre damosel, and she and Wayne are very happy together. Best wife a knight could ask for. Who knew. Does that make this better or worse?
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solariaperegrine · 2 years
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Art by @celestialsmessy1
A party, there just had to be a party. Penelope always hated parties. They are too crowded and too loud and once in a while, a creep would hoot and holler  at her, thinking she would take it as a compliment.
Penelope is not that desperate for a dick. She may be twenty and still a virgin but no, thank you very much, she is not that starved for male attention.
If anything she's  had enough of it.
The creep this time around is some blonde affluenza kid.
She knew his name.
He wore a name tag.
Did she mention this is a fundraiser she was required by her publisher to attend? It was supposedly a professional event hence the need for nametags. 
Hers  read: Penelope Featherington/Novelist, Danbury House
Great! Now, the creep will have a way to find out her info. 
Penelope shifted her weight on her feet in discomfort. Not only is the Creep asking her if she has a boyfriend, he's  also asking if she's interested in shifting publishers
Full name: Richard Fawker, from Abbott Publishing. If his nickname was Dick, then she would tag him as a Dick Fucker. If it’s Rich, then he's a Rich Fucker. If it's Chard, then he would be a Charred Fucker. 
She giggled to herself as she thought of the many ways he could save his phone number (which he handed to her  in a business card BTW) then block him later. She was being  careful not to offend the asshole.  Abbott is a top competitor and they have been vying to acquire Danbury  House for years. 
Just last year, they attempted  to outdo Danbury House sales by signing Cressida Cowper, a well known "radical" feminist (but in actuality just a misandric narcissist). Only for their sales to be stomped when Danbury  House signed both Eloise Bridgerton (an actual, intellectual, no nonsense, next Simone de Beauvoir, actual feminist) and Lady  Whistledown (the most popular romance novelist Europe has ever seen in the last 50 years) in one month. 
Agatha told Penelope  how butthurt Execs at Abbott would jump at any chance to diminish the Danbury brand,  perhaps even using tactics as low as attacks on grounds of character. 
Additionally, Agatha Danbury herself might pull out her hair if she discovered Penelope humiliated a competitor.   It would relflect badly on the company image. Agatha always prefer for their sales and awards to be their weapon.
Penelope thinks otherwise.  What use was her sharp wit if she can't use it to shatter overinflated egos?
"I've been told Lady Whistledown will attend. Do you know her?" Rich Fucker asked. Penelope bit the insides of her cheeek.
She internally scoffed upon realizing the man in front of her was showing his real intention.
"I wonder if she's a looker" he said. Penelope cringed.
Would the dickwad die in embarassment if Penelope was to suddenly tell him, she is in fact  Lady Whistledown all along.
Tempting. Penelope  thought.  Tempting... but not worth  it.
Not worth it. Her thoughts  echoed inside her.
Not worth it.  She repeated to herself. Besides, Agatha also wants me to scout new talent. 
Penelope looked at the crowd for a sign of Eloise.  She had excused herself to go to the loo. And in the five minutes El left her side, Penelope managed to attract trouble.
A sigh of relief escaped Penelope  when she saw  Eloise finally returning from the loo.
...only for her to do a 360 degree  turn around upon spotting Penelope  with a man.
Damn it!
Penelope's  eyes widened in horror.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. No!
It was truth she wanted dick but not just any dick. And certainly  not the horrid  Gucci wearing man's dick.
He's both a cad and a chad. 
The words died in Penelope's throat. Must have been the glass of Amarone she downed before the man with an assault of color for a wardrobe decided to sour her already unpleasant evening.
There was also the slight buzzing in her head. Damn Eloise and her alcoholic choices!
The Best Friend said it was liquid courage.
...liquid fire more like it.
Everyone knows Penelope  and alcohol don't mesh well together. They seem to always find a way to end up on the floor. 
"Can I get vodka for the lady" Dick Fucker said to the broad shouldered bartender whose back was to them as he was putting some bottles on the shelf. 
The bartender turned around. "Afraid not Sir, the organizer said we can only serve wine"  His voice, honey on her ears as it has always been.  
It cannot be.
"Colin?" Penelope said in surprise. "Colin, you're  home? El never said--"
"Surprise!?" He said, sheepishly. 
Understatement of the entire fucking century. Not only was Penelope  surprised, she was also scared, and horny and shocked and nervous because what the flying fuck is Colin Bridgerton doing in London when he should be in freaking Tuscany?
And damn it Colin Bridgerton  is fit!  Is that a tan? And a new tattoo on his forearm? 
Colin peered over to Charred Fawker, then stared intently at Penelope. "This git bothering you Pen?" 
She nodded softly, feeling  a lump form on her throat. 
Colin stared Fawker down. "The lady's clearly not interested, mate.  Get a hint!" 
Maybe it's the tattoos or the tan, or the black button down shirt, but somehow Colin looked quite scary when he had admonished the annoying man.
Penelope had never pegged Colin as someone intimidating. In her mind he has always been the charming, all smiles, lovable dork who sometimes make her panties wet when he rolls up his sleeves to reveal his inked and toned forearms.
To her distress,  he did roll up his sleeves, then poured a glass of wine  as they both watched Rich Fucker leave them be.
Colin and his forearms and his  voice.
"Drinks on me, Pen"  
She did not say anything.
"Pen? You alright?"  He asked in concern. She must have looked flustered.
"I-uh- the Tattoo. It's  new!"  She managed to say.
"They're  my favorite  flowers" He said with a smile. It is so like him to ease in a conversation  with her as if they had not seen each other in six months.
"Roses?" Penelope  asked.
"Not just any rose"   He said with an affectionate expression overtaking his face. 
Penelope  knew Colin's tattoos always signify a person.
A  girl perhaps
She did not dare ask who could be the person which inspired the tattoo. For all she knew it could be Marina, the influencer.
Eloise sent her a picture  of Colin and Marina in France, laughing over Croissants.
What is even funny about Croissants?  Other than it's the only instance where being flaky is the desirable outcome. 
Ah. That had to be it. Colin probably came up with  a ridiculous  joke like that and Marina didn't know what hit her.
Gods, the man made Penelope fall in love with  him because  of a horse joke he made once upon a time, five years ago.
The tattoo IS probably because  of a girl. Penelope resigned.
And I am not that girl 
"Anyway, thanks for that. I owe you Col--catch you later. " She said, then turned her back to him, intending  to leave.
Colin stopped her on her tracks, by  reaching to grab her arm.
"Where do you think you're  going Pen?"
Oh no. Not the voice and the vice-like grip.
"I need to go"  she made an act of swiping through  her phone  as if checking something.
"You didn't even ask me what I'm doing here?" He asked, offended. He then looked from her arm to her face and finally let it go, reluctanctly.
She replied with a smirk. "Oh! I know--New Club? Charity event organized by Danbury House?  You stacking shelves? This is one of your new establishments isn't  it?  Otherwise why would a BridgerBro bother with bartending?" 
He laughed in response. "You know me too well, Penny but...No! This is actually Theo's"
Theo Sharpe, her and Eloise's  Agent Theo  Sharpe.
"I better go. I don't  think I can get home if I drink more"
"Pen you cannot be thinking  of driving--"
"I've had two glasses of wine Mr. Bridgerton" she said. 
"You and alcohol are a match made in hell Penelope" he joked. "You  are not leaving. I forbid it"
She scoffed at him. "Fine! FYI. I didn't drive here so I was thinking of getting a cab. But if you're  so concerned about me, find your ghoster of a sister and tell her to drive me home."
"I don't  think  that's  an option"
"Eloise kinda already left the bar --with some dude" Colin said uncomfortably. 
"Why would she do that? That's dangerous"
"Um.. it was Theo--"  Colin finally confessed. 
"Oh!" Penelope said, realizing.
"Take a chill pill Penny. One can pick up a lover anywhere"
"Speaking from experience" she retorted.
"Guilty" he said with half smile, then bowed his head in embarassment.
"Then-- I have no choice but to  get a cab"
Colin furrowed his brows. "You say that as if I am not an option-- Am I not an option, Pen?"
Was she imagining the strange lilt of disappointment  in his voice.
You're  the only option, actually. She thought.
But of course she did not dare say that out loud. 
It would be friendship sabotage.
She shook her head.
"So I'm not-not an option,  that's  a double-negative. I take that  as a yes"
"Colin..." she groaned in frustration. "Is this  how you usually pick up women? By being insufferable?" 
He chortled. "Yeah. That and my beautiful  face"  He bit back. Penelope laughed too.
Their eyes met then.
Colin stopped laughing, his face suddenly  becoming quite grave.
"Penelope--I must insist. I will take you home. I need to tell you something  anyway"
Soon Penelope found herself staring at a Ducati.
"That's  a motorcycle" 
"No--it's an Elephant" Colin said sarcastically, while handing her a helmet. 
Penelope hit him on the shoulder.
"When you said you're  going to drive me. I assumed there would be car"
" I told  you I was going to take you home--not drive you home"
Penelope  shuddered. "Fine"
She put on the sky blue helmet but struggled a bit with the buckle. 
Colin watched her fumbling before deciding to help her. He grasped the buckles, his knuckles grazing  Penelope's chin.
"Look up" he instructed  at Penelope, who kept  her eyes pinned to ground.
"Look up. You're  too short if you don't  look up I will need to bend a bit and my cute ass is gonna be on display for the whole world to see"
Penelope looked up but rolled  her eyes at him.
"What's  up with these buckles. Why are they so hard to fasten" she said, with some annoyance.
"It's  lower tech, but safer for crashes" Colin  explained.
"Wow. Thanks for reminding  me we could crash anytime" She said in sarcasm.
Colin tapped her helmet. Penelope  felt the vibration on her scalp.
"We will not. You're precious  cargo. I'll be extra careful"
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ask-emoripals · 1 year
Reaction to your partners saying "I was born to meet you"?
* Anon smirks like an evil bastard (because anon(me) is a bastard ....... in some ways.. not fully, I love people)
🎹: *Blushes* Oh that would be most wonderful!
🔪: Cheesy, I love it. Think you might say that for me Kel?
🏀: Heh…… that’s so dumb Af……… yeah okay! I was born to meet you I guess?
🔪: *Snickers* Yeah!
📖: I would die on the spot if Mari said that to me.
🪴: I was born to meet you Cherry Blossom.
⭐️: *Gasp* YIPPEEEEEEE- :D
🦖: God I wish. :(
🖌️: Hmm…… I dunno? I guess……… kinda blush a little and hide my face in embarassment? Idk why she’d care for me given her popularity?
🦈: I would hide in the locker room due to my face blushing so hard, like she’s so tiny and adorable and her saying that to me would just surprise me in the best goddamn way possible.
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nevermindtheweights · 9 months
Tumblr media
"Ehehe... it's a bit embarassing... to be this vulnerable... around someone... ngh... you know...?"
She tried to sit up at first but found herself too weak to do so, what little strenght she was able to summon in order to keep upright vanishing as soon as she laid down.
Hair a bit longer and messy, the Battleship's fingers brushed aside strands of jet-black off the Admiral's pale-ish face, eyes drawn to the blondie's own.
Tiredness soon took over... but she was adamant about coming forth with the truth... now that she had the chance.
"You know, my... my birthday's... New Year's day. Right? I'll be turning... 40 that day... and I'll..."
Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to stay conscious a little bit longer-
"I'll die, that day. I'll leave this body... and take a new one... a Shipgirl's body... a spare made with our tools, and Makigumo's help... Envy probably figured something's up to... but you're the only one who knows of it, dear..."
A few had figured something put or at least bits of if the puzzle that was Nozomi's plan. Envy certainly had noticed a few things, Shimakaze as casual lover and delivery girl had spotted a few oddities to make her think at least something was going down. Nagato herself knew something but refused to reveal what exactly she had uncovered. Rumour as well had taken some root. Whispers of something odd amongst the holiday cheer and stuffed burp.
Colorado, even hearing it, didn't quite believe it. She would not even considered had it not come from a woman known for hating her own humanity. Even to the ears of the long lived blondie, it surprised her that one so young would do such a thing. Were she a religious sort, she bemoan the soul, the perversion of life and death. Most, she thought, would. Dying to live anew was often the most profane. Death scared Nozomi, that much Colorado read into it. Yet, she was willing to chance that for a potentially longer life. Colorado had heard that some war machines, the Nikkes, were like they were but with human brains operating the machine body. Was this just a form of that?
Colorado noticed finally she had been frowning somewhat in thought over the revealed information. More so in the consideration it raises than anything else. There was a horrific sense to it. Knowing that someone she loved was to commit herself to suicide in an effort to live another body. There was some anger in that, mixed with a sense of sadness and fear.
A lot could go wrong... but she would trust her.
"I had a feeling you were plotting something... Thank you for sharing." A pause followed as she resumed to brush her hair. "Just... come back to me."
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melanielocke · 2 years
The Stars Collide - Chapter 24
I tried to write a sex scene. I found out I still suck at sex scenes and die of embarassment while writing them. In the end, I skipped over a large part of the sex but it's still somewhat explicit I think? On the bright side, there's communication in here. AO3 | Chapter list
CW: somewhat explicit sex, discussions of Elias
Alastair couldn’t concentrate on his book. He wanted to know what happened next and why Evelyn had made the seemingly evil choices she’d made at the end of book 2, but somehow his mind kept wandering and after reading the same page three times and still not knowing what was happening, he put the book away. He’d try again later.
Cordelia claimed the spot next to him in the living room. ‘I couldn’t find you earlier.’
‘I was in the library.’
‘Oh. I figured you must have gone to bed. Did you talk to Charlotte?’
‘No. Thomas and Gideon did it for me, I don’t think I’m ready for that conversation. I’m going to have to talk to her at some point, but I don’t know how. At least now she has some time to get used to the idea that her son wasn’t what she thought he was. But they told only told her about the illegal experiments. Not… the rest of it.’
‘I imagine that must be difficult,’ Cordelia said. ‘And whatever Charlotte feels about learning the truth, that shouldn’t be your burden to bear. He already hurt you enough.’
‘Theoretically that sounds nice, but I’m going to have to talk to her either way. And it’s going to be hard,’ Alastair said. ‘She had a completely different image of Charles, she only saw him as the dutiful crown prince. The person he presented to the outside world. Still, there were always cracks in his façade. He couldn’t stand it when people treated him like he was young and experienced. When he made a mistake, it was always someone else’s fault. He tended to lash out when people didn’t admire him like he thought he deserved. I do wonder what Charlotte thought of that.’
‘I’m really sorry about what happened. I wish I could have hurt the real Charles rather than just whatever that was in your memory.’
‘I wish you hadn’t seen that,’ Alastair said. ‘Having flashbacks is hard enough without having to worry that people around me get to watch.’
‘I understand that. And I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have wanted to watch you in such a vulnerable moment either, at least not unless I could intervene. I know your memories are private. How are you feeling?’
‘Since when do we talk about our feelings?’
It was never really something he had done with Cordelia. She hadn’t asked and he hadn’t offered. She’d known he wouldn’t answer such questions, and when they were younger, there would have been no reason to assume he wasn’t fine. Except maybe his heavy mood swings. Or the fact that he had no friends and used to lock himself inside his bedroom.
‘You don’t talk about feelings. But I wanted to,’ Cordelia said. ‘You just immediately shut that kind of conversation down.’
‘There’s a reason for that. But if you really want to know, I feel tired.’
Tired was often the answer he gave when people asked how he was. He didn’t have to lie and say he was fine, and tired was a completely acceptable answer because lots of people were tired.
‘Tired,’ Cordelia repeated.
‘Yes. After a flashback, I feel completely drained and I don’t exactly get to sleep it off at night,’ Alastair said. ‘So I feel numb and tired most of the time.’
‘That sucks.’
‘It’s the way it is,’ Alastair said. ‘I’ve been like this for long enough that I’m used to it. Even before Charles, if I’m being honest.’
‘Because of Father,’ Cordelia said.
A silence hung between them. Alastair had never told her about his experience with their father, had never wanted her to know. She, in turn, had idolized him, blind to his many faults.
‘Yes,’ Alastair said after a while. ‘Because of him. I left with Charles so suddenly because I saw an opportunity to escape him. I felt guilty about that at first, what burden had I left you with? But he died not long after. In retrospect, I would have been better off staying behind. Or perhaps he would not have died if I’d been there.’
‘He died while driving drunk,’ Cordelia said.
Perhaps there was nothing he could have done about that. Or perhaps Father had died because Alastair hadn’t been there anymore to take care of him. He would never know.
‘Did he ever care that I’d left?’
‘I don’t think so. That’s the first time his behavior started bothering me. Because I didn’t understand why you’d left so suddenly, and Father didn’t seem to care that much. Like you weren’t his problem anymore now that you were married.’
‘He was more my problem than I was ever his,’ Alastair said.
‘Risa told me how much you’d done for him. And for me,’ Cordelia said. ‘I’m sorry I never noticed before, and that I never did anything to help you.’
‘You weren’t supposed to,’ Alastair said.
‘I denied it for a long time even after he died,’ Cordelia said. ‘I thought it was just a one time thing, that he had still been a hero. When I joined the military, a lot of my superiors were people who had known him when he was in the military. They said that I showed great promise and could get far in the military, as long as I didn’t end up like him. Apparently his drinking had already been an issue before he’d retired.’
Alastair had no idea when he’d started drinking. As long as he remembered. His father had retired from the military when Alastair had been around five years old. His mother was a princess and had her own money, so that had never been an issues, but in retrospect his father had retired rather young. But better to leave early, he guessed, than to end up being discharged for drunk accidents on duty.
‘So that’s when you realized he really was a drunk.’
‘It was,’ Cordelia said. ‘And that I’d hoped to find proof of his heroism in the military. Ultimately I realized I wasn’t happy there, no matter how promising they claimed I was.’
‘Do you enjoy piloting for Lucie?’
‘For sure,’ Cordelia said. ‘It’s hardly even a job. I get to fly to all sorts of places you’d otherwise never get to see and then accompany Lucie as she collects materials.’
‘You like spending time with her then?’
‘I do. She’s very nice. Very blunt too, she just says what she thinks with no filter at all. It’s kind of refreshing. And she’s very creative. Her first book is coming out soon.’
There was a faint flush on Cordelia’s cheeks as she spoke about Lucie. She was animated in a way he hadn’t often seen her before.
‘Do you like Lucie?’
‘Of course I like her,’ Cordelia said. ‘Did you even listen to what I just said?’
‘No I mean… Do you like her romantically?’
Cordelia paused. ‘What makes you think that?’
‘Just the way you talk about her,’ Alastair said. ‘Maybe I’m seeing things. I don’t know that much about love I’m afraid.’
‘I guess I do like her,’ Cordelia said. ‘Maybe. I’m still figuring it out. What about you, how are you and Thomas?’
‘Not together romantically if that’s what you’re after. How do you even do that within an arranged marriage without making it awkward?’
With Charles, they had started out as a romantic and sexual relationship and although the marriage had been political too he’d gone into it knowing there would be expectations. He’d gone into marrying Thomas having no idea how things would turn out, nor had he known he’d fall so hard for Thomas.
‘The same way you’d do it with someone else. Except that if you misread the situation, it’s going to stay awkward since you still live together. I guess you could get a divorce though if it doesn’t work out.’
‘I could, but I am keeping up a political alliance so someone would have to take over for me,’ Alastair said. ‘They don’t like too many switches in couples upholding alliances either. I think I’ll stay with Thomas either way. Even if he doesn’t like me romantically, I do feel safe and comfortable with him. It’s unlikely I’ll find that again.’
‘I think I can speak for everyone here when I say we think he likes you,’ Cordelia said. ‘If I were you I’d just make a move. What’s the worst that could happen?’
Before Alastair had to answer that, Thomas called out that dinner was finished and Alastair ate a plate of eggplant mash along with some rice and bread. It remained one of his favorite dishes, and eggplant was one of his favorite vegetables. People who hated it just didn’t know how to prepare it. He would die on this hill.
After dinner, he was so exhausted there was no point in doing anything anymore and he decided he might as well try to go to sleep. He hated feeling like this, he knew sleep would not make it better but he didn’t feel up to doing anything anymore.
He fell asleep after lying in bed for a while, and he dreamt of the lab once again. Nothing new, nothing useful. Nothing he remembered when he woke. Thomas was in the bedroom, changing into his pajamas. Alastair pushed himself up into a sitting position.
‘I didn’t wake you, did I?’
‘It’s fine. I had a nightmare anyway,’ Alastair said. ‘What time is it?’
‘Ten in the evening.’
Alastair sighed. Another nightmare and he’d barely slept two hours. How was he ever supposed to feel energized again like this?
‘Did you have a nice evening?’
‘Sure. You didn’t miss anything, don’t worry. How are you feeling?’
‘Not much better. I wish I could just get a decent night of sleep for once.’
‘I wish I could help you better, but I really don’t know how to accomplish that.’
‘I can think of some things,’ Alastair said softly.
He guessed he sounded seductive. He had a lot of practice with that, but it felt more real now, not an act to soothe. He really wanted to be with Thomas. And while it might not fix his sleep issues, he imagined he would sleep better in Thomas’ arms. Or perhaps that was just wistful thinking.
‘Such as?’ Thomas asked.
Thomas was going to make him spell it out then. Alastair considered backing down for a moment. But according to Cordelia, everyone was convinced Thomas loved him. Sophie believed he simply struggled with taking the initiative. He owed it to both of them to at least give this a try.
‘You could kiss me,’ Alastair said.
Thomas stared at him for a moment, mouth hanging open in a decidedly uncharming manner.
‘Do you mean…?’
‘Like a romantic kiss,’ Alastair said. He paused. ‘Unless you don’t like me that way… Never mind. Of course you don’t.’
‘Wait,’ Thomas said. ‘I do like you that way. I just never thought… I mean, you’re so beautiful. I didn’t think you’d like me at all…’
Thomas didn’t seem to be able to stop rambling.  
Alastair rolled his eyes. ‘Shut up and kiss me.’
Thomas moved over to him, lifted Alastair’s chin up with his fingers and kissed him on the mouth. Alastair carefully opened his mouth, allowing Thomas to explore further. Thomas moved closer to him, and Alastair took that as permission to put his hands on Thomas’ chest, his shoulders, places he’d been longing to touch for some time.
‘That was nice,’ Thomas said. ‘Have you liked me all this time?’
‘Not since the beginning,’ Alastair said. ‘I guess it happened slowly. I just feel comfortable and safe around you and I’ve never felt that way before. And then one day I realized I loved you.’
‘So during our wedding night…’
‘I thought that was what you were expecting of me,’ Alastair admitted. ‘All I knew was Charles, I didn’t know you would be different. And I thought, if you had a good time with me at least I’d be worth something to you.’
Thomas put his hand on Alastair’s cheek. ‘You’re worth so much more than that. I could tell you didn’t want it then, and it worried me.’
‘I thought you walked away because you weren’t interested. At first, it really seemed like you weren’t interested in me at all.’
‘No, I just didn’t want to hurt you, and you throwing yourself at me kind of freaked me out.’
Alastair guessed he understood where Thomas was coming from, he didn’t think he’d know what to do if someone tried to force himself into having sex with Alastair. Beyond saying no, of course, because he’d never want to hurt someone that way. In retrospect, Thomas’ actions did make a lot of sense.
‘It took a little more time until I fell in love with you,’ Thomas continued. ‘But by then I had no idea how to approach the subject with you.’
Alastair nodded, looking down. He was difficult in that respect, and Thomas would have been a lot better off marrying someone who was normal. He wished Thomas would treat him like he was normal, and yet at the same time he knew he wasn’t normal and needed people to be considerate. He hated it.
‘I guess not,’ he said softly, blinking to keep the tears from showing.
Thomas, annoyingly, was too observant. ‘Hey, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?’
‘Because I hate how broken I am. I hate that everyone keeps treating me like I’m fragile. I know you want to be careful with me and I must be such a difficult person to be with, but I hate being reminded of that. All I wanted was to be a good partner to someone and be loved in turn, and I hate that I just can’t.’
Thomas was silent for a moment. ‘You are a good partner. We could both work on our communication skills. I like taking care of people I love. I think that might be because I was babied so much when I was younger, but in all of my relationships I’ve liked being able to care for someone. It’s not just because I think you’re fragile, that’s how I like to show my love. But I don’t want to suffocate you either.’
‘I… hadn’t considered that. I’m not really used to being taken care of. I know it’s good for me, I just find it difficult to accept that I need it sometimes. And I want to do more in return for you.’
‘You already do plenty,’ Thomas said. ‘My rooms have never been cleaner. But what I like the most is just spending time with you, watching shows together, discussing books, our interests… You’re a lot more than just an abuse survivor. You’re smart and interesting and so passionate.’
Alastair didn’t know what to say. Instead, he moved closer to Thomas, and kissed him again. When they broke apart, Alastair fell back onto the bed, pulling Thomas along with him. Thomas tried to hover above him, but his arms soon gave out under him and he fell on top of Alastair. The impact was a little painful, but once he got used to the sensation, it was rather nice. Somehow the pressure was comforting.
‘I’m so sorry,’ Thomas stammered.
‘It’s okay,’ Alastair said. ‘I like how you feel on top of me.’
‘Are you sure I’m not too heavy? No offense, but you still feel like I could break you.’
Alastair’s breath caught at the thought of that. Thomas could break him. He was completely at his mercy here. Yet somehow he wasn’t scared. It was a dichotomy he found very enticing about Thomas, the fact that he was strong enough to do anything he wanted to him but also too kind and gentle to hurt him.
‘It’s okay. I like it,’ Alastair said.
‘What, didn’t your previous partners like it when you used your strenght against them?’
‘Uh, I guess they did? But they also didn’t have your past.’
‘Does it matter? He doesn’t get to take this from me.’  
Still a little hesitant, Thomas kissed him again. It was exactly what Alastair needed. Thomas tasted of something sweet he must have eaten after Alastair had gone to bed.
Alastair put his hands into Thomas’ hair, onto his back until Thomas drew back for a moment, breathing hard. Staring at him. Alastair felt hot and flustered all over, and somewhere in the process kissing Thomas he’d gotten hard.
‘It’s fine. I want this. Do you?’
‘Yes, but…’
‘You’re not going to hurt me,’ Alastair said, because he suspected this was what was behind Thomas’ hesitation. ‘You’re going to have to stop treating me like I’m fragile. I’m perfectly capable of deciding what I want. If you’re going to stop, do it for your own sake.’
‘I’m sorry,’ Thomas said.
‘You can make it up to me by taking off your shirt,’ Alastair said, tilting his chin upward.
Thomas obliged, and Alastair took his time to explore all of Thomas’ upper body, his shoulders, his arms. He’d seen Thomas without a shirt on before, but he’d never gotten to touch him like this.
‘You’re so beautiful,’ Alastair whispered. ‘So strong.’
Thomas was still a little hesitant and Alastair would just have to encourage him further. He took off his pajama top and was hit by the cold air hanging in the room. It was a good thing Thomas was so warm, so close against him he didn’t need clothes or blankets.
Thomas’ lips found the pulse beating in Alastair’s neck, and Alastair moaned loudly as Thomas kissed him. He hadn’t expected that. Thomas seemed rather encouraged though, so he took it as a good thing. Finally convinced Alastair really wanted this, he picked up the pace, kissing a trail down his neck and chest.
‘Would it be okay to take these off too?’ Alastair asked, his hand at the waistband of Thomas’ pajama bottoms.
Thomas pulled them down faster than Alastair had ever seen anyone undress. He struggled to take his own off from his position lying in the bed but soon enough it was done, the pajama bottoms discarded next to the bed.
‘How do you like it?’ Thomas asked.
‘Don’t hold back,’ Alastair said.
And he didn’t. Alastair had finally convinced Thomas he could take it, and he could. It had to be the best sex he’d ever had. Thomas cleaned him up with some paper towels once they were done, and then cradled him in his arms. It was warm and gentle and safe and Alastair didn’t remember ever feeling so good before.
‘Good night,’ Thomas whispered into his ear. ‘Sweet dreams.’
‘Sweet dreams.’
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @leslutapologist @ikissedsmithparker
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// a collection of various kanade headcanons that i don't really get to use / talk about often;;;
(i only slept 1h30 today and i'm eepyy)
🎼 - very prone to overthinking;
whenever they go quiet, it's either a) that they're having a new song idea or b) that she's remembering what little interractions she's had that day and fighting the urge to die on the spot.
🎼 - really sensitive to sounds, so she's often wearing noise-cancelling headphones, especially when going outside.
also pretty sensitive to textures, which is part of why they stick with the same clothes and the same meals.
🎼 - has a lot of accidental rizz;
they'll just be saying whatever comes to mind and it'll be the most romantic, heart-throbbing thing anyone's ever heard. kanade doesn't even realize it.
🎼 - really scared of insects / spiders but also a huge softie at heart, so they always end up distraught when they accidentally kill one.
🎼 - i absolutely refuse to believe they don't get sick super often given their lifestyle.
definitely the type to pretend like she's not sick to keep working (because your health doesn't matters ✌️ /joking).
🎼 - i actually think kanade really likes physical affection. if they're comfy with someone, then they might even initiate it by, like… butting her head against theirs. or something.
like a cat. kanade is very cat-coded to me. probably curls up into a ball to sleep (she's just like me fr fr).
🎼 - animals absolutely love them.
🎼 - is often covered in bruises because her skin's pretty thin + she tends to bump into things often.
🎼 - gets flustered by compliments and praises like, extremely easily.
partly because kanade feels like they don't deserve it, partly because, uh… you know. it's embarassing……….
🎼 - mostly doesn't know how to cook because, well, kanade only eats cup noodles and you don't exactly need to know much about cooking to make them.
if they tried, i think their food would be… like, fine. nothing extraordinary, but at least kanade doesn't set the kitchen on fire-
🎼 - feels bad about swearing, so they try to avoid it, but sometimes, if they're really, really desperate, they'll definitely let out a 'fuck' or two
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whoneedsapublisher · 8 months
Yo speaking of embarassing remember when I said weekly posting? Turns out I got sick and forgot, oops! Three for this week to catch up and then we'll try to keep it weekly. For today here's a NicoMaki, inspired by a line I knew I was going to have to steal from xshrimpcake's comic.
Words: ~1600
Summary: Sometimes, you have to take a risk to get what you want. And sometimes, that risk is utterly humilating yourself.
Also on Ao3
“I know I asked for help, but-”
“No buts, Niccochi. You promised.”
Nico frowned.
Technically, it was true. She had been desperate when she’d come to Nozomi. The situation had gotten completely out of control, and she couldn’t let it go any further.
Somehow, she’d ended up falling in love with Maki, of all people. She couldn’t really explain how, considering how much the two of them fought, but she couldn’t help it. She was smart, and pretty, and when she smiled, sincerely and happily, Nico’s heart melted. Hell, she had it so bad that she was even starting to enjoy fighting with Maki, no matter how angry Maki made her.
She clearly couldn’t let things go on like this. So she went to the only person she could think of for advice: one of the only two people in μ’s who weren’t single. And of the two, it was clear which one of them had taken the initiative. Honoka was as dense as a pair of lead shoes and just as romantic. Nozomi, meanwhile, had somehow managed to steal a girl away from two childhood friends who would both die for her. Clearly, a woman who knew a thing or two about romance.
And so Nico had come to her with a plea. There was only one thing she wanted for Christmas, and it was to date the infuriating redhead that had stolen her pure idol heart right out of her chest and held it, still beating, in her elegant pianist’s fingers.
Nozomi, to Nico’s surprise, had been extremely agreeable to the idea. Nico had expected teasing, drawing the whole thing out to make Nico explain everything in painful detail, and then extorting some kind of favour in return. But instead, Nozomi had only made Nico promise one thing.
She’d actually follow the advice Nozomi gave her, even if it seemed silly.
It was a dangerous promise to make. There was no proof that Nozomi would give her actual advice, after all. She might just get Nico to do something stupid for her own amusement, after all. It was an indicator of just how desperate Nico was that she even agreed.
“Are you really sure about this?” Nico said. Pleading with her eyes for Nozomi to relent. To tell her to do something else.
“I’m sure,” Nozomi said firmly, crushing Nico’s hopes.
“Isn’t this a little…” Nico looked down at the bow in her hands and frowned. “Embarrassing?”
Nozomi’s eyes softened. “Isn’t love always a little embarrassing?” she said. “Being vulnerable, and letting someone see all the pathetic and uncool parts of yourself that you usually cover up? Trusting, hoping that for one special person, you’ll still be worth loving even if you let them see who you really are?”
Nico blinked.
It was… not the kind of thing she would have expected Nozomi to say, frankly. It wasn’t that Nico was surprised that Nozomi had a soft spot for romance, but… it felt personal. It felt like Nozomi was letting Nico see a part of her that she usually hid behind jokes and slyness. Was this how she thought about Honoka?
Was it how Nico thought about Maki?
She was starting to think that it might be. That when she saw that pure happy smile that Maki showed from time to time, that she was yearning more than anything for it to be for her, for Nico to be the one making her smile like that, to have that warm glow in Maki’s eyes be because of Nico.
“Can’t I just date her in a not embarrassing way?” Nico pleaded.
“No,” Nozomi said. “Not for real. Oh, sure, maybe you could find a way for her to confess to you, although I doubt it.”
Nozomi ignored her and continued. “Maybe you could manage to act cool during the confession, and only celebrate alone in your room when you get home. Maybe you could manage to act normal around her while you’re dating, and not give away how lovestruck you are.”
She leaned closer. “But you won’t be satisfied, Niccochi. You’ll be more and more afraid that the relationship will last only as long as you’re hiding from her. The distance between you won’t close the way you want it to.”
Nico frowned.
“There’s only way to have someone love all the parts of you that you hide away, Niccochi. And that’s to show them to her.”
She grinned. “So why not get all the embarrassment out of the way right at the beginning?”
Nico sighed. “Fine,” she grumbled, picking up the music player at their feet. “And you’re sure this is going to work?”
“There’s no guarantees in love, Niccochi,” Nozomi said. “But I promise you one thing.”
“What’s that?” Nico said.
“It’s always worth the risk. Always.”
That was how Nico found herself at the entrance to Maki’s dorms, standing below the window to Maki’s room holding a boombox and regretting every single step that had taken her here as she tried to ignore the curious glances of passersby.
She wasn’t seriously going to do this, was she? This was right out of some stupid romantic comedy. Maki was going to laugh in her face for even trying this. What she should do was turn around, walk right back out, and then… ask her out for coffee by text, casually. Something sensible. Not some grand romantic gesture.
But what Nozomi said was tugging at the back of her mind.
Did she really want to just get coffee with Maki?
Groaning at her own stupidity, she pressed play and held the boombox up.
I just called… to say… I love you. I just called… to say how much I care.
A corny American love song blared out of the speakers at a volume that made Nico wince a little. There were certainly a lot more stares now, and Nico felt more and more like an idiot as the seconds ticked past while she watched the window.
Finally, though, thank god, Maki’s curiosity lead her to the window and she poked her head out, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight.
Well, here it was. Now or never.
“Maki, will you go out with me?” Nico yelled.
Maki started down at her in disbelief.
Frankly, Nico could sympathize.
“What?” she yelled down.
Nico frowned. “I feel like I’m being really clear, here!” she yelled up to her.
“Can you turn that music down? I can’t hear you!”
This was officially one of the most embarrassing moments of her life.
Sheepishly, Nico reached up and turned the dial down.
“WILL YOU GO OUT WITH ME?” she yelled.
“Wha- like to get lunch?” Maki said, incredulously. “You could have just texted me!”
“No, you idiot, like dating me!”
Maki’s eyes widened even more and she flushed red. “What?!”
 “Go out with me!” Nico yelled. “I love you, Maki!”
“You-” Maki was as red as her favourite food. “Y-You just called me an idiot!”
“Well you’re not one! You’re smart, and beautiful, and-”
Maki pulled her head back into the window and slammed it shut.
Nico’s heart fell.
“Oof.” She heard one of the bystanders mutter under his breath.
Welp. So much for the grand gesture. This whole thing had well and truly backfired.
Slowly, she lowered the boombox and turned the music off, trying very hard not to look at anyone around her. She’d just… pretend like nothing happened and get the fuck out of here. And never show her face around here again, which should be easy enough because she was currently considering never leaving her house ever again. Perhaps burying herself twenty feet underground in her back yard so she could curl up in a ball where no one could possible see her.
As she turned to slink away, though, the front door burst open and Maki ran out.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” she asked, incredulously.
“You don’t have to rub it in!” Nico snapped. “I’m leaving already, okay?! Jesus!”
Leave it to Maki to twist the knife. Unnnbelievable. As if Nico didn’t feel bad enough already right now.
“Wha- why are you leaving?!”
Nico ignored her and started to walk away. As if she was going to stand here and humiliatingly reiterate this whole nightmare.
Maki grabbed her shoulder.
“Don’t run away!” she said. “I didn’t even answer yet!”
“You answered plenty!” Nico snapped. “You slammed the window on me!”
“That was- I’m not going to answer your confession through a window!” Maki frowned, and looked around. There was a crowd forming.
“I’m not sticking around for you to set up your fancy explicit rejection,” Nico said.
“For god’s sa- the answer is yes!” Maki said.
Nico paused.
“What?” she said, turning to face Maki. Maki’s face was buried in her hands, but Nico could see how red she was from her burning ears.
“Can we please go inside?” Maki pleaded.
“What, are you ashamed to be seen with me? I’m out here thinking I got rejected in front of the whole dorm and you can’t even accept without being in private?”
Maki groaned. “You’re so-”
She lifted her head and suddenly grabbed Nico’s face roughly. Before Nico could react, Maki had jerkily pulled Nico’s face forward and suddenly the two of them were kissing.
Nico’s brain turned off briefly. By the time it was back online, Maki had pulled back and was glaring at her, still blushing furiously. “There. Now get inside.”
“Okay,” Nico said, dazed, as Maki grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the dorm.
Despite the heartbreak she’d briefly endured, Nico couldn’t help but feel that maybe Nozomi had been right. Love was embarrassing.
But it was totally worth it.
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alchemistdefective · 1 year
🔍 two more because these are amazing and I want to see more: Orin and *Parsee.*
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Orin is the kind of person to be kind of wild, would like people to go all out on her, like being super wild and stuff, like extremely forward on her approaches
She also likes people who are really direct, and because this is Chireiden, her expectations for sex are kind of HIGH
She's super casual when it comes to sex, like more than anything, she just gets turned on from people having fun with it too, DEFINITELY expect LOTS of teasing from her
MIGHT BE A TOP? I could see her being a bottom too depending on person, but she probably has preference on being a top instead
Back when Eri turned into her, Orin definitely just casually touched him in different spots, and just be like "This is my pleasure spot, you know?~" just to see him SUPER EMBARASSED and she LAUGHS ABOUT IT
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daincrediblegg · 1 year
OC asks: all numbers with a 1 in them, about lady terror <3
1.What's the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? Maybe like... ten minutes? She doesn't like to be too idle for too long (though honestly, her brain is always working and thinking things over in spite of herself- she is never truly idle and anyone who thinks she is is a fool for it).
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them? Two very simple words: "I'm Fine".
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)? She tries to understand it better. Either by her own introspection or by asking any of the parties involved (if applicable) directly. If she can't, she tries to understand why she can't.
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach? Finds a nice edge and rubs against it lmao. If she asks anyone other than people she's very close to to help her scratch an itch she will literally die (this is the exact same way she approaches sex as well tbh)
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? She always thought she looked best in blue but really? She looks good in just about anything (and Francis is right about this).
14. What animal do they fear most? Crocodiles. Great big fucking lizards? no thank you (ha you thought I was gonna say bears didn't you? YOU'D BE WRONG. but that'd be telling...)
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first? Sometimes she's a little rehearsed, or on auto-pilot, if you will. But she's got a fairly quick wit about her that tends to take people off guard: some for the better, and some for all the worse.
16. What makes their stomach turn? Bad actors. Especially brazen ones who don't hide their agendas well. she also does, in fact, get nervous around people who have, very clearly, had just one too many, and get a certain look in their eye where it's clear they're simply not fully themselves...
17. Are they easily embarrassed? In many ways, she isn't very easily embarrassed at all. She certainly doesn't balk at certain things most other victorian women of "good breeding" would, and she's more insulted when talked-down to than embarassed.
18. What embarrasses them? Her own ignorance. Or worse yet, being publically reprimanded for it (especially when it isn't actually true, and she knows it). Also dressing up and people expecting her to perform femininity when she doesn't want to.
19. What is their favorite number? uhhhhhhh 28?
21. Why do they get up in the morning?  Because she has to, needs to, and wants to.
31. Who are they the most glad to have met? ... I'll let y'all have one good guess at that...
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41. How do they feel about children?   ... Complicated and conflicted (about having them herself, at least. Not firmly in the "no" camp... but uneasy about the prospect regardless for a LOT of reasons). Kids in general tho? They're not all bad. Kids of people she knows? they're awesome.
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sunidhis-blog · 2 months
I'll die
Begginer poetry is like her and thought of fating her keep life in the sake of listening and the share of the life.She has honest faiths and lovers to get food.She remembers my faith and love that dines a stanza of poet.Happy kurtas that smelled earthly and heavenly fire.They were written on corner wells how she wore her kurta.She was like her some bridges where she dies.When she die,we'll die.we will stone wriye hinges that took jer life on week walls.In the walls he wore fists and deep wells thought of poetess.De la Francois de murdered.She ate French.She ate sleep.She ate love and light to sleep.She thought of assuming her duction to sleepmShe thought of the only shy moments and have sex with her.She then grinded.She thought of eating a that ninenteen old heaven.She thought of eating a spot that heaven sent it to lover's.They were a place.Lover was a place.They ate deep fist.They loved her soil and ate life like fists.They had sex and she was sweetened.
She is sitting on top of me,beauty and gray barred and battled on top of me,the love was my amount too,the sexy faith was silly and crimely too.She was developing her mental disorder.She was faith lonely and thought of crying out for you.she was so beautiful that she was lying when she said I was beautiful.I was a list too.I was a list of things that I don't do.i don't ask for her numberI don't pray,i loved her to an extent I loved her.I don't listen to poems these days and like honouring faith.She was so beautiful,she assumed me.
She remembers me deep in her stomach.She lies to remember her faith and took deep correspondent love and thought of assumingly tasking her faith on wells and timer walls.They were all the while assuming me.They took her to my faith and resumed assuming.They made cupwalls and took steep amounts to exaggerate faith.They were made of oxygen wells and took the sin out of her father.They were known as the property that seemed to lure and lie.She said our property would be a waste of time in the keeping.They love lovingly and took honest steps to fame.If you are life that preceded faith and welled normal hunancy and took deep wells of courage to say that I no longer believe that she'll die.She was embarassed by her acting prowess.She was faithingly asking her to resume faith.She was feathered I love you's and ended life.She was stoning and seeked life's hell.She was thinking like her well,well exuberantly.I'll die when I rise and rise through dawn.i'll die when I will rise.There were no acute prescriptions of Aayat,she dies and takes honestly sleep into account.They were that knowledge that seeped still till she took and was living till she succumbed Earth.She was seeping through the love that lasted through honest cuts.They were living a libido high life.They were murdered because they killed.For they liked and killed in honesty situations they were never a verse that subdued.Everything she sinner was living through Saintly desires.I have attained penance and sought like this soils and sought after keeping alive one by one.They lived freely and took his head out.They lived like the Parker's and sought like the vitamins time to time.They murdered by honestly seeping through the phase of the day bitten by a deep victim. They required honesty and death job.i will die when honesty comes amd seeps through lover earths and moons.They'll die when they like to.They locked out of faiths as they were sinned.They were heaven and Earth combinations that lie in September honestly.They took out of honesty a situation of sleep singlement.They arrived because of it whereas love took it's symptoms.They were heavy on each one of them as they remember ed welled walls.They were jealous as though they needed wells.They went mad because of it.They took honesty wells and died.They died as though they wanted foothills amount of poetry.One's death could lead to faith and death leads to faith.You should be hungry faiths as they should die.They were victims that subsides death and love.They needed and exported honesty faiths to love.To love is to sin and to eat is to murder.To live is to cry and succumb to deaths.They were honestly had no jobs .They sinned as though they have no mane.They took deep questions of quality.They were alive and honestly ill.Her beginner faiths were all the lie that came near their deaths.
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card-manor · 5 months
Pact Marks- Carmafe
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Lucifer (lower back): Perpetually his hand placement when they're near each other in an official capacity- guiding the 'human ambassador' to safely mingle during Diavolo's parties. The title may have started as a panicked joke, but she's taken it seriously every day there after. It was their secret for a while, but he did love to see his pact peek out from her dress when it was cut low enough to show. After a sufficient rise in status, it was seen as a mutual flex.
Mammon (left side of the waist): He originally wanted it to go on her neck, but reconsidered, wanting the location to be more "us" than "me". It ends up on her waist bevause he's always pulling her close- to dance, away from explosions, out of fights...
Leviathan (back of left ankle): unintentional and he found it super embarassing at first. He thought he didnt care about the placement, but something about an ankle seemed weirdly intimate. But he knew why it was there- he had lost his temper once, even worse than the TSL quiz, and when she had tried to run, his tail had wrapped around her ankle and tripped her, gripping so tightly that it fractured. He hated the memory, but came to love his pact on her ankle, almost like a legitamate tattoo.
Satan (upper left thigh): a natural placement, this is where he would put his hand to pull her closer when they read together. He liked to buy her dresses with high slits, allowing his pact mark to peek when she would cross her legs.
Asmodeous (low on right hip): Asmo has a surprisingly hard time getting her flustered, Carmafe seemingly invulnerable to his advances. While he was kind of happy and intrigued that she didnt flirt back, he wanted to fluster her really well, just once! He found this spot on accident, hand slipping lower than he meant it to. She was stumbling over her words, a blushing mess, and he'd give anything to see it again. And he did! When they found where the pact was placed she was stunned silent for a week.
Beel (tongue): Carmafe couldnt find or feel the mark, and it weirded her out but she ignored it, believing that Beel hadn't wanted a visible one. A week later she's eating sundaes with Mammon and Levi when Mammon started to choke. After he managed to not die, he squeezed her cheeks until she opened her mouth and they all saw the mark on her tongue. Beel didnt make any comment on it, but they could have sworn he was smirking as he walked away.
Belphegor (inside of left thigh): just kind of happened. Carmafe was too busy to indulge his every nap so they fell into a pattern where he would lay in her lap on the couch while she studied so voila- pact mark.
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