#and smiling as they watch. 'shut your stupid mouth and die already' is not something he EVER expected to hear
everysongineverykey · 10 months
we got a crowley version of the aziraphale church feelings realization scene. i think we deserve an aziraphale version of the scene where crowley (as aziraphale) sees how horribly the other angels treat aziraphale and gets a cold, cold look on his face. i think some angel, or even god, should scoff at crowley for trying to do something good, like get the second coming out of harm's way, or give aziraphale a lift, or let someone he doesn't trust borrow his car, or get them some hellfire, or something, and go "it's almost funny how aziraphale thought you could come back. as if you could fit in up here. as if anyone would forgive you." and aziraphale should get the iciest, bleakest look on his face as he realizes there was never any chance of heaven taking either of them as they are.
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The last few people had logged off the server, leaving it in its burnt, damaged state.
She knew where Gem would be.
Cleo scaled up the ladder and clambered up to the rickety roof of Joel’s tower — where you could look out on the entire server.
Sure enough, Gem was perched on the railing, sitting on the edge with nothing to support her but the wind, staring in the direction of the Secret Keeper.
Cleo looked around at the short cobble walls. Grian had told her that he’d hid away here. Not a bad strategy, overall. You could shut yourself here and forget everywhere else existed.
“Hey, Cleo.”
“Am I that loud?” Cleo joked weakly.
“Who else?”
Cleo watched as the last remains of the green flesh flaked off Gem’s skin, leaving her regular human tones. “No more zombies now, then? Good job, anyway. Killing people left and right.”
“Not you, though.”
“Not me. Only way I’m going out is my way. I’d rather die on my own stupidity than someone else’s callousness.” Cleo allowed a hint of pride to enter her voice. “You were great zombies, though.”
“We weren’t zombies.” Gem turned and hopped down from the railing.
Cleo noticed that unlike the other zombies, or even Scott or Grian, Gem didn’t have a single scratch or injury, save one neat bandage that no doubt was due to Scar’s reckless arrows.
Which meant the blood splattering her face wasn’t her own. “What do you mean?”
“That’s not how zombies work. No offence, Cleo, but most zombies aren’t sentient.”
Cleo blinked. “No worries, I know they aren’t. I kill plenty of them at night.”
“So you should know how they work. They’re mindless. They lurch along, they kill without thinking, they probably bump into trees.”
Gem tilted her head. “They don’t set TNT traps, or betray their teammates, or ask for permission to kill their wife’s perceived murderer.”
Cleo’s mouth was dry. “So you’re saying…”
“I’m saying the apocalypse wasn’t zombies, Cleo. It was human.”
Horribly, incredibly human.
Cleo remembered when they were up on the tower, staring at the others down below, condemning them as monsters.
Somehow, it was better to think of them as a mindless horde and not people she’d been laughing and arguing with a session ago.
Gem was watching her. “You know I’m right. Look at Pearl. Was running from us, convinced we were infected or something but once she realised she had permission to kill, she went in. Even unleashed a warden, or two. That’s how quickly we switch.”
Ironically, Cleo realised, the roles had been swapped this session. The humans were chasing the zombie, but it hadn’t been any different.
“That’s not true,” Cleo said, “It’s not all bad. Did you know, Grian snuck down from this tower to check on his magma pet, and I was there too. And so was Etho. He didn’t kill us.”
Irritation flashed across Gem’s face. “He didn’t kill you? If he had, or, like, told us your location or something, we could’ve all just gone after Scott, and, and, the task would’ve succeeded…”
She trailed off, and looked at Cleo. “Is that the point you’re trying to make here?”
Cleo shrugged.
“Alright, I get it,” Gem grumbled, “No need to rub your holier-than-thou alliance and great morals in my face.”
“Well, no one asked you to put your task over your bandmates.”
Gem didn’t say anything to that.
“It’s not as if I’m exactly a paragon of morality either.” Cleo continued.
“I guess not.” Gem gave a short laugh. “Neither am I. You know, all the murder and stuff? I don’t feel bad! In fact, I feel great. I feel proud of myself for it.”
“…I feel you should be a little less bloodthirsty.”
Gem smiled at Cleo, an innocent, cheerful smile that would have been such if not for the circumstances. “Oh, no.”
Cleo was suddenly feeling very unsafe on the highest platform on the server. She wished Etho was here, or even Grian.
She knew Gem couldn’t take any lives, not now, not when the session was already over. But still…
Cleo raised her sword to stop the axe swing that came, but it was a feint, and her sword hit nothing.
Gem dramatically swung her axe back into her inventory.
“You really thought I would attack you?” Gem said.
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t,” Cleo retorted curtly.
“That’s true,” Gem conceded. “But the curse is just so- it’s so freeing, Cleo? Can’t you see? You could do anything.”
“Uh- no thanks. Session’s over, anyway,” Cleo pointed out.
“That’s true. But I’m still kinda cursed, you know.”
In response, Cleo warily raised her sword. But all that Gem did was deliver a mock salute before logging off with a chirpy “See you next week!”
Cleo stood silently. There had been one zombie on the platform just now. Her.
And thinking about it, she wasn’t sure if there hadn’t been two.
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slutforslytherinx · 2 months
stress smokes
pairing: mattheo riddle x fem!reader
summary: the rule-following perfect student snaps and resorts to a late night smoke session with the infamous mattheo riddle.
warnings: marijuana, stress, slight angst, and that’s it?? super fluffy ౨ৎ⋆ ˚。⋆
a/n: this is my first time writing on this…. apologies if it’s bootyhole😞
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the library was nearly empty, most students chatting in their common room with their friends. exams were still a moderate distance away, not near enough for the tables to be full of stressing teenagers.
you were one of the few there, tucked in the corner everyone knew was yours, hidden behind two bookshelves full of dust. the words had started blurring on the pages nearly an hour ago and your frustration nearing the point of a mental breakdown.
you re-read every sentence multiple times, yet your brain seemed as though it just couldn’t retain the information. angry tears swelled in your eyes and you slammed the book shut before any could drip onto the parchment pages.
this was bound to happen at some point. one person could only take so many books about lacewing flies and ashwinder eggs before they snapped. for the first time since you arrived at hogwarts 6 years ago, you were giving up.
your favorite professors always warned you to take care of yourself before you burnt out, yet you never listened. now you were screwed. aggressively shoving your belongings into your bag, you decided that you were going to be have fun tonight.
you were going to get your mind off of textbooks and study sessions, and do something you’d never done before. despite your irritation, you still gave madam pince a small smile and wave before exiting.
the moon was already high in the sky, stars appearing by its side, but you knew where he would be. you’d ran into him at this time on many occasions. with your bag clutched over your shoulder and a determined mind, you made your way up to the astronomy tower.
just as you expected, he was there. mattheo had a small joint dangling from his fingers, the end lit with small sparks of fire. you sat down next to him silently, and he lazily turned his head to look at you.
“hey princess, care to join?” you rolled your eyes at the pet name, snatching the roll out of his hands and inhaling swiftly. his eyes widened as he tried to steal it back from you. “what the hell?” he asked, finally pulling it from your grasp.
you exhaled the smoke into the air, coughing up a lung as you did. he watched you with an annoyed expression, waiting impatiently until you were done wheezing. once the coughs subsided, he flicked you. “ow! what’s your problem?”
he shrugged carelessly, “just making sure you’re real and not some weird hallucination.” you scoffed and turned your head to look back at the sky. he flicked you again, “okay, seriously? what the hell? what happened to ‘smoking is bad for you. your gonna get lung cancer and die.’” he mocked, raising his pitch to imitate a girly voice.
“stop flicking me!” you exclaimed, rubbing the skin of your arm tenderly. you tried to grab the joint again, but he pulled it back and raised his eyebrows in a way that communicated ‘you’re not getting anything until you explain whats going on.’
you sighed, rubbing your temples tiredly. he watched you the whole time, his confusion morphing to slight worry. “i just want to have fun. i want to stop thinking about stupid studying for one minute and be relaxed. i want to have a night where i think im worth more than academic success, so can you just help me out here?”
he stared at you with an unreadable expression, making you fidget the longer his gaze was on you. finally, he puffed out a breath of air, hesitatingly passing it to you. “thank you.” you muttered quietly, raising it to your lips. he stopped you before it met your mouth.
“don’t inhale a lot. you’ll start coughing again.” you glanced at him, nodding before following his instructions. true to his word, it worked, and you passed it back to him. you two sat in silence for a while, taking turns before it was gone.
the effects soon started to hit, making you let out a tiny laugh at the weird sensation. he looked at you with raised eyebrows, amused, as your tiny laugh developed into a full blown giggle attack. “if i didn’t know you’d never smoked before, i would now.” he murmured to himself. you chose to ignore that.
you soon stopped laughing, opting to stare at the moon instead. it was quiet once more, until you spoke up, almost too low for mattheo to catch. “thank you.” he nodded, and you turned to look at him.
“no, i mean thank you.” he tilted his head a little, bemused. “sometimes i feel like your the only person who doesn’t look at me like a walking cheat sheet. i like that. you’re real, you don’t just talk to me when you want something.” you grinned, not realizing the true depth of your own words.
he was quiet for a couple a long moment, his heart pounding faster in his chest for the oblivious girl next to him. “your a lot more amazing than people give you credit for.” your cheeks heated, and you looked to your knees timidly.
you and mattheo both had a feeling that you’d be seeing a lot more of eachother.
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nineinch-nailgun · 5 months
I fucked this up so I ahd to reedit it AUGH
Weird pet pt 3
So, it's been a month now and you still have that thing in your basement. Lord knows why you haven't set it free or called the cops but it's too late now. The mimic you have locked in your basement had proven to be... kind of stupid. Maybe it was young and an inexperienced hunter but everytime you went down to feed and water it, he would just stare. No attempt to attack or chase, just stare. His eyes were piercing like a Phineas Gaige flagpole. He was patient too, if you considered foaming at the corners of the mouth while watching someone come down the stares with raw ham patient, that is.
Tonight is special, well not really. You got a raise recently at your dead-end job and thought you'd use your first extra hundred to get something extra for the massive beast that lived in your house rent free. As you sauntered down the steps you could practically hear the drops of slobber that plopped on the ground. He stood at his full obnoxious height- roughly around 7ft. He stared intensely as you got to the last step and place the food down on the 'meal towel', as you called it. You always made sure to take off the shitty plastic wrap- and you poured the water into the large bowl you'd gotten him. He honestly lived like an animal- but he didn't seem to mind too much. Compared to other mimics this could be considered the life of luxury, he gets to sleep and eat all day. No hunting, no running from human groups that want to kill him, no need to find shelter, and best of all it comes at no cost to him. He's practically spoiled, and wouldn't last a day out in the wild. You backed away from him and watched as he threw himself at the ham, devouring it like he'd not eaten ever in his entire life. He got to have more than just one tonight, and it was a little more expensive- and given how he ripped at it he seemed to think it tasted better too.
You suddenly remembered some of the things you'd left in your car from him, and decided to go and get them. You quickly drove yourself up the stairs, closing the basement door behind you. You got outside and opened the back of your car. Comforters and pillows. Your poor... beast mimic pet thing had to sleep on the cold hard floor while you learned to be more comfy with him. Now you'd went out and got him some nice cushions so he could maybe feel more at home- how domestic! You carried the rest of your spoils back into the house, cutting wrapping off of different things so he wouldn't try and eat it and choke and die. You weren't sure how smart that thing was but he seemed intelligent enough. You made your way back down the stairs and found he'd already finished his food. He stood there contentedly, eyes shut and he swayed a tiny bit. Oh yeah mimics have a whole... "digestion mode" thing. He heard you though, and lazily opened his eyes. His perpetual smile was still eerie despite his comatose like state. Although he perked up at the sight of the blankets and pillows you had tucked under your arms. He watched as you made your way to his usual sleeping spot, a towel here and there. You sat down the pillows and blankets- attempting to make a nest for him. You wanted to maybe try and appeal to his animalistic nature, give him something comfy to sleep on but also something that he was familiar with. He peered at you from his spot rooted on the floor. He wasn't moving anytime soon, but he did seem to enjoy watching you set up something so thoughtful for him. He didn't turn his head, just gave you some side eye. Once you felt satisfied you got up and pulled away, admiring your handiwork. You started to walk away, getting ready to retreat back upstairs when you heard him whine a little. It was pathetic. All his sounds seemed to be pathetic though. You looked at him and his half lidded eyes were a little wider now. He made a lazy attempt to reach for you, but didn't try too hard. His arm dropped back by his side. It was unclear what he wanted but you decided to stick around, if only for a moment.
Ok so it had been more than just a moment. More like several moments turned into minutes turned into what felt like hours. Although it had only been like a minute and a half. He had shut his eyes by now, and something about his tired demeanor made you feel a bit safer. He wouldn't bite the hand that feeds him would he? So for whatever God forsaken reason, you sneak forward, and hand extended towards him. His eyes open ever so slightly, but he doesn't move. Soon enough you're within "grabbing and killing" distance- but he makes no move once again. You don't know what the fuck you're getting yourself into at this rate, but your extended hand touches his arm.
Naturally you flinch away, he didn't seem to mind though. He watched curiously as you reached for him again, brushing your fingertips with his forearm. Slowly your hand wraps around it and brings his arm forward, sliding down to his hand. You inspect his claws, and watch his face cautiously, looking for any possible threat. But no threat shows itself. He's just letting you inspect him, in fact he seems just as curious as you are. He stares down intently as your hands hold his. Eventually you feel embarrassed and pull away, his fleshy arm falls to his side and he watches with a little strain as you back away towards the stairs.
He seems almost disappointed, but you don't notice. You crawl back up the stairs towards the living room of your house. Maybe he was a mimic with the brain of a trimming. Im not complaining though, he hadn't eaten you yet- so that was certainly a plus.
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alottiegoingon · 3 months
hc! first date & movie nights with van
van palmer x fem!reader
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summary: first date with van and my personal movie related headcanons!!
pls let me know if i made a mistake, it's my first time writing for a non binary character and i dont wanna mess it up <3
warnings: van is non binary!!, established relationship and marriage (you lucky bastard), slightly domestic life at the end, cursing, no crash but huh..., reader and van being two awkward idiots at first, spoilers of movies i guess?, all the girls are friends, fluff, english mistakes and not proofread
- of course that your first date with van consisted in going out for movies and you were both SO excited!!
- you knew that van had a tough relationship with their mom and instead of going to their house to pick them up, they showed up at your door wearing a blue windbreaker jacket over a striped shirt and brown cargo pants, holding a vhs with a collection of vhs with movies that reminded them of you <33
- safe to say that you were both sweating like crazy and giving each other awkward smiles or saying nonsense just to fill the silence
- sometimes you or van would say the stupid shit ever. while waiting in line for tickets, a bunch of teenage boys walked by you carring footballs and van said "boys always have balls with them, don't they?"
- "what?" you ask, pursing your lips to avoid laughing like crazy
- "nothing."
- van would always be willing to have the entire movie theater experience and i think they would be happy to buy some popcorn and a lot of sweets if you liked it. but ever since their teenage years to adulthood, in movies like a quiet place, they would buy absolutely no food to avoid noises and would give people the death stare because they were chewing too loud (so right)
- either way, van wanted everything to be special and didn’t want to sound like a movie freak. surprisingly, this once the movie didn’t matter. it wasn’t the main attraction. you were.
- you chose primal fear with richard gere, trying your best to impress them. besides it was a crime thriller movie thing and if you ever get scared, you could ‘innocently’ hold their hand for reassurance
- obviously, van guessed the plot halfway the movie but didn't want to ruin it for you. in the last 30 minutes of the movie, you look at them with an invested look, whispering "i bet that aaron is a liar, he acts too innocent!" while nervously shoving more popcorn into your mouth
- van already knew that. but seeing you so focused on something they loved so much and actually excited about it made their heart melt "what? no way!" they try to sound surprised and do their best to pretend that they don't believe your theory.
- (they were so proud!!)
- "i can't believe you didn't saw that coming! it was so obvious, van!" you tease them as soon as you left the room, non-stop talking about the movie
- "shut up." but they didn't mean it. they were happily listening to your words and smiling the entire time, not being able to look away from you :(
- you and van went out for a milkshake after the movies and were discussing that first scene of scream where casey's boyfriend is tied up on a chair by ghostface. "that poot guy didn't even stand a chance!" you excitedly say as you sip on your chocolate milkshake. "it must be an awful day to die."
- "maybe you should tie me up!" van mutters with a sly smirk, knowing too well that it would made you blush
- you gasp, jaw dropped and pinkish cheeks while you tried to cover their mouth by leaning yourself from across the table
- standing in the porch of your house, van had their hands on your waist and your palms touch their face while you share your first kiss. you were both really nervous but their lips were so soft that you immediately felt relaxed. you could even taste the strawberry.
- when van and the girls would watch movies together, van would always beg to be the one to pick and make sure that it was the perfect choice. of course that perfect meant something longer than 2 hours and with a lot of social commentary or something considered weird. in horror, thriller or serial killer movies like scream, van and misty would be detective partners together and would probably figure what was going on in ten minutes and ruin it for everyone else
- (deeply believe that van would love the lobster in 2015 and would be happy to explain to you all of their theories or techniques used in the movie and why is it so good even though you were suspicious that they only watched it because of rachel weisz. you wouldn’t understand much but were always happy to hear your spouse talk about things they loved)
- that doesn’t mean that they don’t like some cheesy romcoms or something silly like but i’m a cheerleader or the duff. they were SO obsessed with biac when it came out and couldn’t stop talking about it for MONTHS!!
- “shit, shauna! that girl looks exactly like you!” nat gasped when all the girls decided to watch the movie with van knowing how much they liked it and how good it was for lesbians at the time. shauna rolled her eyes while everyone was laughing and chattering about how she was hilary’s lost twin or something
- “come on, you gotta choose!”when they finally agreed to watch the entire twilight saga, that was your first question as soon as the screen of your tv turned black. they had to choose between jacob or edward and you wouldn’t take no for an answer
- “are you serious? those movies are ridiculous! they are so unrealistic and stereotyped.” van adds, slouched on the couch. "and that weird baby looks exactly like rosemary's baby!"
- you and van lived together after getting married, duh, and every friday was considered movie night. van would close the video store earlier and you would run to the couch with big buckets of popcorn and cozy blankets
- “i know…” you can't help but giggle at the thought of that weird thing they used for renesmee. you also knew that your partner was right. but still, you needed an answer. you had spent hours of your day watching all of that nonsense and what hurt would do if they chose a side?
- “ok, fine.” they groan, wanting to make you happy despite all of their hate for those movies. “edward.”
- “yeah!” you celebrate van's choice, grabbing a bunch of popcorn with your hands. “i hate jacob, he’s so manipulative!” you add
- “okay, okay. don’t get all excited.” van gives you a death stare but you know that they don’t mean it when their lips are begging to curl up in a smile when seeing you excited. t hey disliked the movies, sure, but even though the movies and books were terrible van would always be happy to be near you all the time even if it meant to watch those stupid things.
- "that plot twist in the last movie was good. i'll give you that." and you smile at their attempt to compliment the movie and make you happy
- “but i don’t care about edward. i just don’t like wolves.” van shruggs and you look at themwith furrowed eyebrows. “what? why?”
- “i just have a bad feeling about them!” and you laugh.
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justonemoregayboy · 2 years
Facial is the best
Pairing: Archie Andrews x male reader
Series: Riverdale
Warnings: Smut
word count: 1042
Requests are open🖤
English is not my first language sorry if there are spelling mistakes enjoy Reading
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 “...Please, Y/n, please. Just let me, come on, just this once, please?” Archie gasps above him, stroking his cock in quick, ravenous strokes as Y/n watches, already exhausted from his own orgasm.
This isn't the first time Y/n has heard the other guy beg him, it's not the first time Archie has begged him to let him cum on his face, but it's the first time he's wondered why Archie seems so hungry for it in instead of just saying no point-blank. It looks so unhygienic, not to mention disgusting, and Y/n can't figure out what makes Archie so willing to beg for it.
Archie never begs.
"Why do you want it?" Y/n finds himself asking, eyebrows raised lazily as he watches Archie more or less sob in delight above him. His hands are slowly stroking Archie's muscled thighs where they straddle his waist, but his eyes are focused on his boyfriend's face, watching as Archie's mouth drops open on another moan as he fucks his own fist. .
"Guh-fuck-it would look so good in it-covered in it," Archie gasps hoarsely, clenching his fist around the base of his cock to keep from coming as he thinks about it. “Fuck, you'd be so pretty, just using my cum. Looking so beautiful, looking like mine. I want to make you mine, can I? please y/n? Can I make you mine? Please pretty pretty Y/n please can I make you mine? I want I want-"
And fuck, if he's not making Y/n stupid with arousal listening to Archie beg like that. Hearing him wanting to claim Y/N like that… he's making his spent cock tingle with the need to harden again, even if it's only been a few minutes since he gushed down Archie's throat.
Why had he been so stupid and he hadn't asked his boyfriend why earlier? Why had he spent weeks telling his boyfriend no when the reason Archie wanted him in the first place was so devastating?
"Yes?" Y/n gives Archie a tired smile. “Do you want to make me yours? Do you want to mark me? Let everyone know that I'm yours?
"Fuck y/n, yes please, fuck yes please!" Archie curses above him, hips stuttering forward through his clenched fist. "Please, I want, can I?"
It's not even a question on his mind anymore, Y/n just wants it to happen yesterday as he listens to Archie spit every pleading word out of his mouth. The thought that just minutes before sounded positively unpleasant now sounds promising.
"Yeah, yeah, let's go," Y/n agrees, reaching out to cup Archie's butt and urging him forward, closer.
"-In fact?" Archie with his pants off, puzzled. His eyes widen and stare at him, his hips stopped where he had been furiously fucked through his own fist before. You will leave me? Can I- just- really?
"Yeah, come on," Y/n encourages, trying to drag him closer with he hands, "come on my face, come on, do it."
At first, Archie just stared at him for a moment, not believing what he was hearing, but then he just lunged forward, smashing his lips against Y/n's desperately. Y/n doesn't even have time to recover from the shock attack before Archie backs away again, crawling forward and once again stroking each other, only this time much closer to Y/n and with his penis pointing towards the swollen kiss. of T/n. His lips instead of he own muscular stomach.
"Mpfh," Archie groans as his hand flies over his cock, needing to squeeze his eyes shut so he doesn't die from how good it feels, how beautiful Y/n is beneath him. "I'm going to paint you so beautifully, I'm going to make you look so pretty, I'm going to..." And then he comes; thick streams of cum shoot all over y/n's beautiful face.
Y/n can feel the first string land on his cheek before he can squeeze his eyes shut, and just in time too, because right after he can feel something hit his closed eyelid, and he winces from how dirty everything is.
When Archie finally drops his shrinking penis from his hand, when he finally opens his eyes again, he can't help but catch his breath for a moment.
Y/n is absolutely awesome.
He has been fucking everywhere; over both of his cheeks, covering his nose, his chin, his forehead – he's cum hanging off his damn lashes, and it's cum all over his beautiful red-bitten lips. Archie can't help but moan as he sees how Y/n licks his bottom lip to pick up the thick liquid, he can't help but catch the boy in a dirty wet kiss as he watches him swallow.
Taking Y/n's jaws in his hands, Archie couldn't help but play with the cum on his boyfriend's cheeks with his thumbs, simply smearing it all over the pink skin before licking it all off.
Y/n flinches when he feels a tongue on his face, and groans when Archie kisses him again, sharing the salty cum on his tongue with an overeager Y/n. Burying his fingers in Archie's hair, Y/n lifts his hips into empty air, coming back from the sheer filth around him.
"Did you just-?" Archie asks, and Y/n nods, exhausted. Archie smiles. "Fucking amazing."
Y/n just rolls his eyes before weakly pushing his boyfriend away, snuggling up close to the big football player.
"Does this mean I can do that again?" Archie asks smugly, his hands running over Y/n's sensitive sides.
"It means you should get me a wipe," Y/n replies, tired. He is more than ready for a nap. "I feel ridiculously dirty." There was sweat, semen, and other fluid caked all over him, but since Y/n doubts he can stay awake for an entire shower, a washcloth will have to suffice.
“You're ridiculously dirty and amazing,” Archie smirks, but dutifully goes in search of said wipe.
Y/n hums as Archie cleans it up, hands catching the bigger boy as he throws the rag over his shoulder, and sighs as he sinks against Archie's body.
"But yeah," Y/n says a few minutes later, when he's almost asleep. "We are definitely exploring this again."
He can feel Archie moving his arm to his side, but he's already asleep before he can reprimand him.
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yuugen-benni · 6 months
Non-proportional quantities
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When you question the extent of their love - Odasaku, Ayatsuji, Akutagawa, Tachihara; A/N: ''But Why every post with Tachihara you bring up his past/spoilers ?'' BECAUSE I LIKE ANGST. shut up dude.
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''Love cannot be measured'' Oda replies looking at you calmly. Although he was direct, he still takes a short time to contemplate your doubt, which honestly seems so small to him. But why small? Because as a romance writer he knows that love cannot be measured, so he reflects, weighing how he will express himself best
''But if I could think of a way to explain…I would say that not even all the books in the world would have all the words to say how much I love you''
His is so calm, his expression almost emotionless. You curse him every time he acts like a statue but evokes the words of a poet on his deathbed
Ayatsuji sighs, as if responding to a child asking something inappropriate.
"Are you doubting it just now?" The detective taunts, leaning back in the chair, arms crossed at stomach height ''or are you mad because I made you wear-'' Oh this mf knows too much-
''Yukito! It's a serious question'' Your words hangs in the air, for a moment then, with a small smile playing on his lips.
He opens the drawer on the left side of the table, taking out his pipe. He carefully fills it with tobacco, each movement unhurried. Lighting it, wisps of smoke begin to dance in the air, a aroma filling the room.
Turning back to you, he holds the pipe in his hand, his expression serious "When we smoke," he starts, his voice taking on a gentle cadence, "we inhale the smoke from the burning substance, tobacco, and then we need to exhale it." Ayatsuji takes a drag from the kiseru and exhale "If you were the tobacco in this pipe, I would certainly let you invade completely my lungs. Suffocating me. And I would die happy with your taste in my mouth."
Morbid. Suggestive. But a captivating answer. He shut you up, as always, after all, isn't that what he does to those who challenge him?
''You said you wanted to ask me something important…not that'' Akutagawa mumbles quite annoyed "I put up with you everyday, isn't that enough ?'' internally debating whether he should stay and listen to any of your arguments or leave without a headache.
The idea of extension of love is not new to him, It's not new to anyone who has ever experienced killing someone. Seeing you asking something so obvious in his eyes is stupid knowing that he would do everything, and he already does, so that no one would lay a finger on you, not even himself
''Am I that annoying ?'' you put your hands on your hips looking at him with a frown. He eventually he gave up, the persistence in your eyes makes him reconsider. With a resigned sigh, he rubs his forehead;
''Yes, you're that annoying, but if it makes you feel better, fine. I'd use rashomon to tear the world apart if it meant you'd be safe, okay ? Now please, enough with the clinginess''
''Are you drunk, [name] ? I knew I shouldn't have bought that coffee for you'' Tachihara teased reminding you of the embarrassing situations you always go through for drinking too much coffee, unfortunately for him that wasn't the case.
''If I hadn't drunk, we wouldn't be here, now answer'' you retorded with a quite firm tone. Tachihara wasn't someone of expressing his feelings although you know he loves you, not because of a simple ''I love you'' but because you somehow felt it. You also know that Tachihara was a good actor, a good scoundrel.
His gaze slowly shifted away, subtly conveying his avoidance of the subject. The answer was already on the tip of his tongue, ''the extent of my love would be due to the fact that I would trust you with the truth'', but wouldn't that be reckless ? risky ? Both for you and for his disguise.
Slowly, the morning sun began to rise, showing its radiance that you two were so happy to watch. He took a deep breath, slowing his heart and lowering his head, hoping that the great doubts would disappear when the sun fully appeared.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 year
you wanted writing prompts, so consider-- Wars and Twilight, fatal injury version ("do you think I can keep the sword-" "youre bleeding out shut up")
Spirits above. No, no, no--
Twilight scrambled to Warriors, who was kneeling on the ground just beside the lizalfos he'd managed to finish off despite being skewered by it. They'd run into a horde of beasts on their own, and though they initially had been handling it with ease, the monsters had called for reinforcements and the situation had become dire quickly.
Sliding to his knees, the Ordonian caught his brother by the shoulder before the captain could collapse. Warriors was gasping for air, but somehow managed to flash a cheeky half smile. "That ended well."
"Do you think I can keep the sword?"
"For the love of Ordona, you're bleeding out, shut up!" Twilight snapped as he desperately thought of what to do. The sword should remain where it was because pulling it would only make Warriors bleed faster. Twilight didn't have any potions, and Warriors' supplies were with Wind after the sailor had asked to look for something in his adventure pouch before they'd separated.
"It's all right," Warriors said, his mirth fading as he coughed and groaned. "I knew I'd go out like this. You live by the sword, you die by the sword. I... I'm at peace with this."
Twilight opened his mouth to protest and found he had nothing to say. This couldn't be happening. This was--this was so wrong, they weren't even in his era, his own people wouldn't be here, he--this wasn't right, this was stupid, there was no way his brother was going to die because they happened to be patrolling on their own and he couldn't defend him--
Warriors raised a trembling hand to cup his brother's cheek, a tired smile pulling at his lips. "I'm glad I don't have to die alone, though."
A sob tore out of Twilight then, and he placed his hand over the captain's, holding it there. The captain's smile grew warm, and he closed his eyes, his gasps growing more and more ragged.
Twilight's panic driven fixation on his brother's quickly deteriorating state was pierced by the sound of something rustling in the distance. He whipped his head around, tears trailing down his cheeks, rage and fear and desperation swirling in his chest and holding his voice hostage. When a silhouette formed and then turned into a familiar face, his words came out all at once.
"Help! Help, it's the captain, he's hurt badly, please--"
Time's eyes widened in surprise and horror at hearing his pup's pleas. He hurried over to them, already reaching for his pouch as he knelt on Warriors' other side.
"Pull it out," Time ordered brusquely, already pulling out a glowing bottle.
Twilight tried to argue, not wanting to hurt his brother, and Time repeated his order, more sharply than before. The rancher took a shaky breath, releasing the captain's hand as it fell limply from his hold. Then he wrapped his fingers around the hilt of the sword as Time held the captain tightly. A swift pull wrenched not only the blade, but a scream of pure agony out of Warriors, which was immediately harmonized with a gentle chiming of fairy magic. When the fairy had finished its job, Time pulled apart the tattered tunic to see that the wound was in fact gone.
Warriors whimpered, beginning to cry desperately. Time pulled him into a tight hug, burying the captain's face into his chest. He didn't move, and he didn't say anything to soothe the younger Link. Twilight watched the scene, emotionally spent beyond words, relieved and horrified and not sure how to process everything.
Warriors' sobs echoed in the air, and Twilight couldn't parse out of it was pain, relief, or anguish.
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after-witch · 2 years
omg can we get a feitan “did you really think you could leave me?” 😈😈 ty!!
Title: Smart Mouth [Yandere Feitan x Reader]
Synopsis: Your escape was short-lived, ill-planned, and stupid. And you’re too snarky for your own good. 
Word count: 860ish
notes: yandere; murder (not reader); mild gore; nsfw implications; kidnapped reader
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“Well,” you say, looking up at Feitan from your position on the ground, pressed against the apartment wall of an unfortunate woman who took you in.  “It would be stupid to say yes now.”
He was covered in blood--her blood, she screamed so much--and staring down at you with an unmistakable disdain. At your words, his gaze narrows, but you’re so pumped full of adrenaline that you can’t really register any new feelings at the sight. You should, though. You really should.
“Smart mouth,” he says, mildly enough. Your eyes travel to the hammer in his hand, held down at his side. Some wet blood has smeared against already-present streaks of gore on his pants. You stare and think, stupidly, that it’s going to be a real pain in the ass to get the stains out once Feitan brings you home.
If he brings you home.
He crouches down in front of you, and the shift in his position finally does allow for recent events (the woman, her head, her face, crunching and screaming and--) to sink in your stomach, slowly replacing the dizzying adrenaline with a weighted dread. The dread settles with a thud, and it makes you think of hammers, of the hammer still in Feitan’s hand.
“Should I kill you?” He asks. But he’s not asking you. He’s murmuring the words to himself, thoughtful, slow. Mulling them over with apparent sincerity.
Maybe you crossed the line, finally. Maybe he was tired of having to reprimand you--for big things, small things, things you didn’t even realize were an issue until you were smacked on the head or made to stand on your tiptoes for hours on end. Maybe you weren’t worth the effort it took to keep you in line.
The worst part is, you can’t decide if it would be worse to die now or later. Do you even want to go back to the life Feitan created for you? Could that really be called a life at all?
The world seems to slow as he raises the hammer. You think of how the woman screamed, of the terrible crunching noises, of the blood and bits of brain you can see on Feitan’s face.
And then he brings it down.
In the microseconds in between, your eyes screw shut. You don’t pray, you don’t think, you just wait. It’s primal, animalistic, blank and hollow. Is this how other people die? 
And then the hammer hits... light. Feather light. Tapping your head with a soft thump that barely registers. You feel gore sticking to your hair as he pulls it away and sets it on the floor.
Your eyes open slowly, and the first thing you see is Feitan with his cowl down. There is a smile on his face which is, frankly speaking, perhaps more terrifying than the sight of the blood all over him.
He leans in, and the kiss is metallic and bitter as the blood on his mouth smears against your own. You gag, but he doesn’t care--instead, he groans against your lips, pressing against you with more fervor. His teeth edge against your lips and it stings, and soon enough the blood of the woman and your own are mingled together, fresh metallic bleeding from your lips mixing with the clotting deep red from Feitan’s face. 
After he gets his fill, he pulls away and if you didn’t know that the red smeared around his mouth was the gore of the unfortunate owner of this apartment, it would look like you’d been wearing red lipstick that Feitan smeared all over himself. It would be funny, if you weren’t sitting on the floor close to her corpse, if you hadn’t heard her die, if Feitan wasn’t your captor-come-to-bring-you-back.
There’s a few moments of pause as he watches you. 
“I’ll keep you,” he says, finally. There’s something almost light in his tone, like he’s unburdened himself of some decision that pricked at his mind. “If you can be good,” he adds, almost cooing. He knows you hate it when he calls you good, a word he always keeps sticky and sweet, praising.
“What if I’m bad?” You say before you can stop yourself, voice shaky, breathless. Even in a situation like this, your mouth runs away with itself. It’s gotten you punished so often that you’re surprised your body doesn’t shut down your ability to speak as a biological defense mechanism.
Feitan stands, and you wonder if you just blew your reprieve, if you can call the certainty that Feitan will drag you back “home” and into the basement for what is sure to be an extended punishment a reprieve at all.
“Smart mouth,” he says, repeating his earlier words. But when his gaze narrows this time, it’s not in annoyance, but in something entirely different; in something darker and richer, something that makes you actually regret not clamping your hands over your mouth the moment you go the urge to snark back.
Feitan unzips his trousers and tugs them down his thighs. You can see that he’s already hard through the thin boxers underneath--he probably got hard listening to you cry as he killed the woman, as you gagged and whimpered through your gore-swapping kiss. And now you were going to take care of him, for all his troubles.
“Smart mouth,” he repeats, voice lower, throaty. “Much better uses for it.”
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heartsfrommeg · 1 year
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iii. so what’s the plan?
a/n: part 3 is here! thank you for all the support!!
warnings: mentions of 18+ content (like 1-2 sentences)
w/c: 1.7k
next chapter: the answer.
gwen and pavitr eventually went back to their universes, but i stayed with hobie. i was laying on the couch watching hobie as he was now on the floor, still working on the watch. “so how long did this take the first time?” i asked. “probably a couple days. felt like i was turning into some fuckin mad scientist or some shit.” hobie said with a laugh, making me laugh along.
“you don’t mind if i stay here right?” i asked, fiddling with the hem one of one of hobie’s shirts i threw on when i changed. hobie then looked up at me. “you’re always welcome here. i’m sorry for not coming to see you sooner. i was honestly about to quit, but peter gave me this stupid talk about how i should stay. and then gwen came along and she reminded me of you, y’know with not wanting to be home and shit, and i felt terrible if i just left. i let her stay over a lot because she used to not like going back to her universe. then pavtir showed up, then miles did. i helped miles escape then dipped.” hobie said, attention going back to the watch.
i had a small smile on my face as i looked at him, “well aren’t you just such a sweet big brother.” i said, teasing him. “i wasn’t being a big brother.. i was just helping out. and i don’t know why, but i felt this connection with miles when we first met. like we had so many similarities that we don’t even know about ourselves or some shit. i dunno, it was weird.” there was a few moments of silence before hobie spoke up again, setting down a screwdriver. “ya don’t think it’s my fault.. right?” i looked at him with confusion. “what do you mean?” “the scar.” my mouth went agape before i responded. “of course it’s not your fault. i got too close. there was nothing you could’ve done to prevent it hobes.”
he looked at me then nodded, before going back to the watch. i just continued to watch him until i eventually fell asleep, not knowing what time it even was.
i woke up in a different room than i fell asleep in. i looked around and realized it was hobie’s bedroom. i looked beside me and hobie was there, sound asleep. i wonder if he ever finished the watch. i decided to sit up and take in my surroundings, just to see if it’s changed since the last time. i then decided to get up and have some food. when i walked into the main room, gwen was already there with pavitr and peter b. “when the hell did you guys get here?” i asked, rubbing my eyes. “about half an hour ago, i’m assuming you and hobie talked your problems out??” peter b said with a smirk.
i went to go say something but i got cut off. “shut up, mate. it ain’t like that.” hobie said, yawning after. “yeah, it isn’t like that.” i said, going back to what i originally came in for. peter b sighed and shook his head, “kids.” “not a kid!” i yelled from the kitchen.
“oh i finished the watch last night.” hobie said walking into the kitchen. “how long did you stay up making that thing?” i asked. he just shrugged, “dunno. hey pete, did you bring any food?” “no but i can bring you two to my house real quick and get you some food.” hobie groaned. “you ain’t got food here?” i asked. “i haven’t had the time to. and usually one of them brings me something. but ya sure MJ will be okay with it?” hobie said.
“should be. i don’t see why not. she’s probably making breakfast right now and she always makes extra.” peter b said.
i pushed hobie out the way to go put my suit back on. “hey! what was that for??” “i want food!” i screamed down the hall. hobie rolled his eyes as he followed to also go put his suit on. “keep it pg!!” peter b said which hobie just flicked him off in response to.
i came back to the main room, leaving us all to wait on hobie. “bro come on! you take forever to get ready!” i yelled. hobie then walked out of his room with his suit on. “is the guitar necessary??” gwen asked. “do you want us to die if we have a mission out of nowhere? plus, i’ll set it down. i’m not that rude, damn.” peter b then opened up a portal and hobie threw me the watch he finished last night.
“we’ll tag along so that’s the way we can just go ahead and all meet up to make a plan.” gwen said.
we proceeded to walk through the portal and entered a small room. “peter i swear to god you’re gonna start coming in from outside!” we heard a feminine voice say, making hobie, gwen, and pavitr snicker. “i’m sorry, you know i don’t mean it. i brought guests over if that’s okay!”
“how many guests?”
“not that many..”
“peter, if i walk in that room and there’s more than two spider people with you-“
“i mean technically it is because only two ate already!”
a red haired woman then proceeded to come into frame, a spatula in one hand. “what do you mean two ate already?” “these two did, these two didn’t.” “blame hobie for being a rude guest.” i said. “hey! but sorry mrs. parker.” hobie said, putting his hands in his pockets. MJ sighed as she shook her head, “it’s fine, just get out of maydays room and come in here.” we all followed, hobie setting down his guitar first like he said he would. i was kinda excited to see mayday which didn’t take long before i saw an upside frame come into view. “mayday! you’ve gotten so big!” i said, catching her in my arms and making MJ turn around. “oh (y/n), i didn’t realize it was you. how have you been sweetie?” MJ said with a big smile.
“i’ve been great mrs. parker. how have you been?” i said with a smile. MJ was always like another mother figure to me. if i wasn’t at hobie’s, i was probably over here, talking to MJ like girls do because there’s just some stuff you can’t tell boys y’know. “i’ve been good. busy, but good.” MJ said, going back to the kitchen. i then set mayday down because she was squirming and she proceeded to crawl over to hobie.
“i swear i love this kid.” hobie said, picking up mayday and sitting down on the couch. “you? loving kids?” i asked. “i have a perfectly valid reason.” “go on.” i said, crossing my arms and waving him on. “she took a crap on the establishment so i salute her.” i looked at him in confusion as i sat down next to him. “she pooped on miguel.” peter b said. my eyes went wide as i let out a small snort. “mayday parker, you are the best child to ever exist.” i said. we all proceeded to talk and joke around until MJ said the food was ready.
me, hobie, and peter b made our way to the table and sat down. we all thanked her and began eating. after we finished eating, i grabbed mine and hobie’s plates and took them to the sink. after i washed the plates, i went back to the living room where the others were getting ready to leave, hobie coming back into the room from grabbing his guitar. peter b was handing mayday to MJ since she couldn’t come with. we then all proceeded to go through the portal gwen opened, going to her universe to meet with the others.
once we entered, i got met with a cool toned house, the other spiders already there. we all said our hellos and sat down so we could talk about our plan.
“so we know that (y/n) is probably one of the strongest here. she webs that she could use on the enemy.” peter b started. “quick question, what’s so special about hers?” pavitr asked, curious. “i can make the enemy do i what i want, like this for example..” i then proceeded to wrap hobie up in my web, “say that (y/n) is the most amazing person ever.” “(y/n) is the most amazing person ever.” hobie said. “then as soon as i untie them, they go back to normal. unless i tell them to sleep or some shit.” i said, taking my webs off of hobie. “did you use me for your web examples again..” he asked, rubbing his head. i nodded with a smile then turned back to the others. “these two are also a pretty good team. hobie can use (y/n)’s webs as guitar strings and her powers can get further, and quicker.” peter b continued. “they’re probably also the only two out of us who does follow the no killing rule.” peter porker said.
“it only happened once.” me and hobie said together. “that osborn fucker deserved it.” hobie said. “same thing with the prowler.” i added. “anyways, none of us have the invisibility technique that miles has, which would be useful. i mean hobie has his electric technique but the invisibility would be more useful in this situation.” gwen said. “i mean there’s like nine of us so i think we’d be okay.” margo said. “yeah but we don’t know how many of them are there. you gotta remember that this universe doesn’t have a spiderman.” peter b said.
“i mean i could try to get in there to get by miles and then id get us both out. then boom, home we go.” i said. “and what if you get captured?” pavitr asked. “if there’s one thing about being spiderman or spiderwoman, it’s that you watch the hands, not the eyes. so i could get out of those chains easily and i’m sure miles can too if he has those electric powers. his only downsides is that he’s glitching and he can’t get back.” i said.
“that could work. and we’ll have at least two spiders by every exit just in case we need to fight.” penni said. “and i have an extra day pass for miles.” peter b said. “just make sure he doesn’t get it ripped off this time.” gwen said.
now that we had a plan, we could finally head to earth 42 to save miles morales.
@certified-dilf-lover @simpingsohard @urdeadpoet @maya-custodios-dionach @dai-tsukki-desu @stevenknightmarc
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nervousgardenerkid · 1 year
Strawberries and cigarettes
a/n: tumblr pls don't be stupid and cut my fic short i WILL die this is a fic i wrote but never posted LMAO have y'all heard the song strawberries and cigarettes by troye sivan?? if not u should cause that's what inspired me to write this :) i hope u guys like it and credit to the gif owner!
warnings: modern au bc why not, smoking mentioned, the word girl is used like once, eddie being a little sweet and stupid, not proofread (that's a warning itself), and the italics are texts between reader and eddie!!
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Do you still have my lighter?
I never took it
Okay, I just wanted an excuse to see you. I’m outside
You smiled down at your phone and looked out the window, your heart skipping a beat when you see Eddie standing outside of his car.
Is this your way of asking me to come outside???
Mkay. I’m coming
Sneaking out of the house has become a talent of yours ever since you started seeing Eddie. You knew you probably shouldn’t be seeing him, but you couldn’t help it. There was something about him that always reeled you back in. He wasn’t a bad guy or anything, but he wasn’t the best either. He’s had some fights at school, and a couple of run-ins with the cops, but it was nothing serious. Just some noise complaints from old people about how loud he and his band were.
“What do you want, dork?” you asked while approaching him with a smile and stuffing your phone into your pocket.
“I just wanted to see my best girl.” he chuckled while hugging you. He let out a sigh of contentment once your arms wrapped around him. You were the one thing in his life that wasn’t fucked up.
“Everything okay?” you whispered while looking up at him.
He shushed you and started swaying you both back and forth.
“Let me have this moment. Just real quick.”
Eddie was someone who always had to be doing something. He had to have his mind occupied or he’d start thinking too much, and that's never done him any good.
“Do you wanna go out?” he asked while pulling away.
“We’re already dating-”
“I meant like...go somewhere, you loser.”
You let out a small laugh and grabbed his hand.
“Okay. let’s go.”
He smiled and reached into his pocket to grab his keys, but was met with nothing. He let out a nervous chuckle and reached into the other pocket, but was greeted with the same thing.
“Eds...you didn’t-”
“I drove here! Where could they-....ohhhhh,” he mumbled while turning around. "I can explain."
You let out another laugh as you watched Eddie stare at the inside of his car with defeat in his eyes.
“D-did you really lock your keys in y-your car?!” you laughed out while clutching your stomach.
“Shut up,” he whined out while turning around and pouting. He let out a sigh and tossed his lighter to you while grabbing a cigarette from its pack.
“Light my cigarette baby?” he asked while leaning in with the small stick sticking out of his mouth.
You weren’t sure what it was, but you loved lighting Eddie’s cigarettes. Maybe it was because he only asked you to do it, or maybe you liked how close he was to you when you did it. You gave him a small smile and lit the cigarette for him.
“So what do we do now?” he asked while blowing out the smoke that was once in his body.
You shrug your shoulders and leaned against the car.
“We can just walk around-”
“Can I kiss you?” he asked while throwing his cigarette to the ground and stepping on it. You felt a blush creep onto your face as you looked down and let out a giggle.
“You just can’t get enough of me can you Munson?” you whispered while looking up at him.
He let out a nervous chuckle and shook his head. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed his lips to your forehead. “Enough of you? I don’t think I’ve ever heard of such a thing.”
Your heart skipped a beat as you wrapped your arms around his neck and looked into his eyes.
“Are you gonna kiss me?” you whispered while leaning in a bit.
He leaned in close enough so that if any of you moved just a teeny bit, your lips would meet. “I don’t know, do you want me to kiss you?” he asked quietly. You nodded your head and looked down at his lips then back up to his eyes.
Eddie was known for being a very passionate person. He always puts his all into everything and kissing you was no exception. Even if he didn’t mean for the kiss to be passionate it always was. His lips were soft and warm against yours, and he never knew where to put his hands. Sometimes they would find their place at your waist, or the back pockets of your pants, but you knew where their home was. It just took Eddie a while to get to it. Eddie loved holding your face when he kissed you. He loved how soft your skin felt against his fingertips, and he loved it when you leaned into his hand when you pulled away from the kiss. This time he was the first one to pull away this time.
He looked at you with a smile on his face as you leaned into the palm of his hand. He chuckled as he pulled you in for another hug and let out a sigh.
“You’re right,” he mumbled and looked down at you, grabbing your chin gently. “I can never get enough of you.”
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ayarsi · 8 months
Good Omentober + Fictober (5)
Good Omentober Day 5 - heaven
Fictober Prompt #9 - "You're the smartest person I know"
Fanfiction - Good Omens
Rating - G
Wordcount - 452
Heavenly Poltroon
“About your er, boss. Gabriel.”
Aziraphale wiped his mouth with his napkin and set his glass of champagne on the table. Careful not to make a sound, he moved his chair slowly backwards.
“What are you doing?” Crowley asked, puzzled.
“Oh, nothing. There’s a stray under the table. I don’t suppose cats are allowed to eat desserts, don’t they?” Aziraphale shooed the cat away and moved his chair back towards the table.
“Now what were you saying again?”
Crowley curled her lips in annoyance. Annoyance? Irritation? To Aziraphale, Crowley seemed to be cringing about something she was thinking about. But truth be told, she was contemplating a decision.
Aziraphale had shared the details of Hell’s trial earlier at St. James’s Park and Crowley was thinking of doing the same. However, was it really that important to share?
Should she tell Aziraphale? About how his heavenly bastard of a boss planned to condemn him to hellfire? About how Gabriel wanted him to just “shut his stupid mouth and die already?” Oh if not for his disguise, Crowley would’ve pounced and dragged the supreme archangel into the very pits of Hell. She would’ve tormented him first. She would not have held back, not ever.
But her angel… Her angel wouldn’t do that. He would’ve stayed put, standing and gawking there like a duck who had lost its mother. He would’ve kept his mouth shut and swallowed his words. He wouldn’t even have the courage to look Gabriel straight in the eye; he’d fidget nervously with his bowtie, pat down his coat, or do anything just so he wouldn’t provoke any fighting. Aziraphale would’ve just smiled. He would’ve accepted his fate immediately, thinking of it as God’s Plan or something similar.
How stupid. How… powerless.
Crowley snapped back out of her thoughts and turned her focus to Aziraphale. He was still busy eating his dessert and had just asked the waiter for another bottle of champagne.
“Isn’t that your third dessert already?”
Aziraphale nodded, his mouth full of cake.
Crowley didn’t understand why Aziraphale loved food so much, but if it made him happy then it made her happy seeing him happy.
Crowley wasn’t so sure of her thoughts now.
Should she tell him? Or would it break him? It would be great, rightfully so, if the angel realizes the toxicity Heaven blatantly shows.
The demon watched the angel intently.
“You’re the smartest person I know, why don’t you get it?” she groaned.
But Aziraphale didn’t hear her; he was distracted by the stray cat’s return to their table.
She sighed. Crowley might just keep it to herself. There will be another time, a better time. She’ll let her angel finish his champagne for now.
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skunaskitten · 2 years
Her Charm
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Paring: Sukuna x you
Summary: Through all the time of his life he missed his love but it was her charm that kept him alive.
Warning: fluff, sukuna threating, death mentioning, angst, sad curse king.
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Yuji was brought to a room with gojo to show him a golden bell with seal symbols carved into it and a red ribbon tied to it. Gojo gave it to yuji telling him to bring it out when sukuna gets out of hand. Just show it to him whenever he feels he needs to. Itadori held the bell for a while thinking it was something to hold down sukuna little did he know what the bell really was.
Sukuna was getting out of hand since eating most of his fingers,  the king was starting to feel his power. Starting to taunt his vessel seeing the nightmares that sukuna has caused. Something in yuji snapped when sukuna appeared on his cheek laughing and threatening to kill everyone. Yuji held up the bell not hearing a ring but sukuna heard the jingle of the bell. 
Sukuna stopped and saw the bell being silent so long that yuji was confused but happy it worked to shut up sukuna. "Where the fuck did you that brat!? Where?! Tell me!" Yuji put up a hand in defense. "Calm down gojo gave it to me saying to use it on you I don't know what it is. It just looks like a stupid bell it doesn't even jingle." "Dont call it stupid punk! You have no reason to have it or to hold it I am the only one allowed to have that. It belongs to me!"
Yuji was still confused as he stuck it into his pocket saying, "whatever it got you to shut up, if you don't behave I might as well toss it." Sukuna raged inside itadori. "If you toss that bell or damage it I will have your head on a stick! As for everyone else I will slaughter them all if that bell gets touched or destroyed!" Yuji sighed, rubbing his head, already getting a headache and annoyed with sukuna throwing a fit.
The next few days sukuna bugged yuji about the bell making sure it was safe and had in sight. A strange order by the king, itadori was told to put the bell on a pillow while he went to sleep. What was up with this bell? It was time to ask the king. It has been a while now since it was given to yuji. 
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"Sukuna, I wanted to ask you. What is this bell?" His mouth showed up on his hand smirking. "None of your business brat. If you were not alive during my time then you have no reason to know just keep it safe." Yuji grunt holding his own wrist. "I demand to know you live in my body so tell me now!" "You dare order me around, fool. You will get yourself killed. But fine if you wish to know, let's go for a walk. Take us out to the forest alone I will tell you. No question, just do it."
Itadori followed the commands and went to a forest to an open field of flowers and took a seat. "We are here now." Sukuna showed his mouth on his hand letting out a sigh. "That bell I had made, when I had turned into a curse. I made it for someone who was very close to me. They have known me ever since I was human but even after I changed they still stayed by my side. I made this bell so that only I can hear it ring just to know when they are close by and where they are." "What? Was it a girl, your girlfriend?" Sukuna growled then said "you want to lose a hand."
Yuji smiled at his hand and looked away. "Oh so it was a girl. Was she pretty?" "More beautiful than you think brat." Yuji snickered thinking what she could look like. "How much of a curse was she to be with you." "Brat watch your tongue. She was no curse. She was human. Our plan was to have me try to make her curse or find a way to let her live forever so she could be with me to rule the world." Itadori soon realized that if that was the plan then where did she go. "Where is she now can we find her? If she is around I can help you?"
Sukuna scoffed "why help me I am trying to kill you all besides she is no longer alive less thing for me to worry about." Yuji looked at his hand in shock. "How can you say that? Don't you miss her? How did she die?" "Of course I miss her brat. You ask too many questions." Sukuna stayed quiet for a while then spoke again. "She was killed by you sorcerers after they captured me." All yuji could say was sorry and the conversation was soon over. He headed back to jujutsu high that night. Sukuna was sitting on his throne of bone with memories of her crossed his mind.
Remembering her smile as her hands caressed his. He barely remembers anything from when he was human but he remembers all from when he was with her. She used to always play with his hands, all four of them. Even placing small soft kisses to his tummy mouth as he let it lick her face making her laugh or giggle. When he turned to a curse she didn't fear him or tried to kill him. She was shocked and confused more worried than anything but he would never hurt her and he never did. 
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Sukuna took this chance to take over the brats body when he fell asleep. The tattoos that appeared and his four eyes opened and looked over seeing the bell. Sukuna sat up taking the bell into his hands hearing the jingle. He felt his heart begin to fill with guilt and sorrow. A strange feeling for him to have but it always appeared when he thought of her. A pain that spread through his chest. "My love, my queen." Sukuna spoke as his clawed thumb traced over the carving on the bell that read my heart.
Sometimes he still hears her voice speak his name as if she was still here with him. Sukuna shut his eyes and held the bell with a tight fist fighting back the feelings dare to form in his eyes. "I am sorry I could not protect you." Then he felt something wet trickle from one of his eyes as he quickly wiped it away seeing his wrist wet. Am I crying? He remembered seeing her cry every time he got hurt and she worried so much about him.
Sukuna rolled the bell in his hand looking at it with a frown on his face. "Are you alright wherever you are? Are you still my queen? You know I will always be your king. My love." Sukunan let out a sigh holding the bell as he laid down, switching back out with yuji. Itadori had woken up just after he switched back not saying a word about what he witnessed with sukuna. 
Instead yuji would go to a remote area that sukuna wanted to go to and switch out just so the king could hold the bell as if he was spending time with her again. It was the only time the king of curses showed a soft emotion to anything. The only time he showed having a heart for the woman that gave him one. Sometimes yuji swears he hears the bell move just a little thinking it was because he had sukuna inside of him that it jingles for a moment on its own. He was excited to tell sukuna that he heard it. Maybe she was still around looking for her king all this time.
Sukuna felt she was around and could always fall in love with her charm over and over just from hearing the jingle of her bell.
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Hello hope you all enjoy the read. I honestly love the sad and angsty stories. I love the idea of sukuna holding on to something dear to him that was part of his heart. How lovely does the bell look in sukunas hand.
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Wincest Wednesdays
for @wincestwednesdays Sept 2nd prompt: Begging
on AO3
“Dean! What were you thinking?” Sam had him by the shoulders, half lifted up off the floor, and couldn’t stop the irritated shake that coursed through him. He was gripping too tight, he knew it, was probably going to leave bruises, but Sam couldn’t loosen his grip.
“I was thinking about you!” It came out gruffer than he’d meant but the whole thing had been so intense and stupid, he knew it. Knowing didn’t change anything though.
They were both breathing fast and heavy as the whirlwind the spirit had kicked up finally died down, disturbed dust making the air thick and hazy in the greyish gloom of the abandoned house.
“Dean, you… you gotta stop trying to throw your life away.”
“No it’s…” Dean started but Sam cut him off.
“No, just stop! How do I get you to stop?” Sam’s voice shifted and suddenly sounded ten years younger.
“No, man, you don’t get it.” Dean’s eyes were wide, staring right at Sam. “I was thinking about you.”
Sam pressed his mouth shut, angry frustration threatening to explode out if he let it. He started counting down from ten in his head as Dean looked down, eyes now shifting from side to side. 
“All I ever think about… is you. You’re like a song playing over and over again in my head. Like one of my tapes that I just keep playing because even when I’m sick of it there’s nothing else I want to listen to. Sometimes I get so sick of it that I just want to bash your head in,” he glanced up at Sam, the ghost of a smile playing across his face before it fell like it was never there, “or I’m worried someone else is gonna bash your head in, and that’s all I can think about. But then, more often, I just… all I can…” He took a steadying breath, “It’s like… Like, I’ll do something and you’ll laugh, not like you’re making fun of me but like really, honestly laugh and it’s… bright, and then all I’m thinking is what else can I do to get you to keep laughing like that. Or I’ll be getting us breakfast and I’m thinking about what you’re going to want that day and wondering if you’ve already headed out for a run, will you be there when I get back, will you still want it if it gets cold? Or, you know…”
Dean closed his eyes and shook his head, “I don’t know… it’s just… just shit like that, all the time. And, I mean, I can distract myself, you know, a hot chick, taking down a monster, a good burger…”
Sam huffed a disbelieving sound that may have been a laugh if this whole day hadn’t already been too much.
“...stuff like that, but then as soon as I’m not thinking about something else, the song kicks up again. But then when shit goes sideways all I’m thinking is that I gotta keep you safe and everything else goes silent, so… So yeah, I was thinking about you, dumbass.”
“Dean, you gotta start thinking about yourself too. Or, or if you can’t, then think about what you’re doing to me. I can’t keep watching you die. I’ve, it’s happened too many times. I’m begging.” He pulled Dean into a hug and kissed him on the top of his head. 
Dean leaned into it for a long beat, eyes closing, soaking in the affection like a too dry sponge, before clearing his throat and shoving his brother off with a gruff, “You gotta buy me dinner first, Bitch.” 
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crqizzart · 1 year
﹒ " sometimes, love hurts you. "
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synopsis; ❝aether has liked you for quite a while now, he prepares to confess to you in a amusement park. WITHOUT having one of his friends ruin it all for him.❞
× parings; aether x gn!reader
feat; mentions of child(e), zhongli peepaw, raiden ei, venti, albedo, rubedo
warnings; slight angst, small crack, fluff, 2nd pov, modern college au, ooc aether,
notes; ❝oh no!!…. i wanna make this fully angst but grgrgrggrg i have to make it fluff… also please i beg you to skip some parts pls omg.. like the beginning is just an introduction.. or something but pls enjoy it tho.. ALSO HELPP IM CRYING BRO this is just p.1 because this author is lazy as hell❞
word count; 477
fujoshi’s dni
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sometimes, aether was afraid of himself for having so many chaotic friends that were so so different and unique in their own ways.
first was childe being the rich friend of the friendgroup, and someones wallet (cough cough zhongli) he was also quite a battle addicted person, starting fights every now and then.
zhongli was the one friend that forgets their money almost every single time so people think hes broke (i bet hes rich by how much he forgets his money and use’s other people instead) he would also be the friend that tells tales to the others.
raiden ei is the bad cook, she may probably be the worst cook alive ever, as ei has burnt down the kitchen not once, not twice, not thrice, but i cannot count. she has burnt the food enough too. oh and did i mention that ei is quite obsessed with the idea of eternity (dont say eternity is stupid she’ll electrify you..)
venti, or should i say.. barbatos. is quite a heavy drinker, be careful to store your wine somewhere safe (tip for diluc) but its not like it could escape the nose of this drunkard. he is quite a goofball at times, but he can get serious. be careful of this drunkard so called drunken bard of the college.
albedo, (the love of my life.) the class scientist, he was known as chalk prince though. his intelligence exceeds some of the teachers, even if he can graduate already he stays in college for a little while. (to see me ofc..) he says its for experiments and because he thinks its quite unfair if he graduated.
rubedo (my love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) was often called the imperfect version of albedo, he gets quite annoyed whenever people called him that, so aether has to step in. just in case he made another student go to the hospital again.
they all (i’m too lazy to do the other characters ok.. shut ur mouth) caused quite a bit of trouble, expect for the good boys (razor, bennet, thoma🫶🫶)
anyways— to meet or die a lonely death, was your moto, (wym its o u r s) and you met aether exactly the same time you’ve said that, causing him to be quite concerned for your well being and confused as well. meet who?— that was what he wondered the most, though he never said it out-loud.
seeing your eyes shimmering with such hope, made him— feel things.. he didnt know what to say to it— it felt so new yet so familiar at the same time.
he could only watch you as you smile so happily talking about if you ever ended up with someone. his heart aches at the thought of you loving other people, but he cannot do anything about it. after who is HE to do anything in your love life?
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kmblckbk · 1 year
sun & shadow
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part 2
18+ mature content, contains smut
*contains spoilers for ACOTAR*
eris x reader / azriel x reader
word count: 2859
A few months later
y/n pov
you breath is shallow and you use the last of your energy to crawl forward. You were almost over the boarder of the night court, the farthest place from the autumn court. But as the night falls, you are not so sure about your choices anymore. You should have just gone to the human lands, not the most feared court of all. cauldron you were stupid. Well no time to turn around now. If you could even make it to the night court without dying. Because you were hanging on by a threat, after you were attacked in the wood. Your side was cut open and if you didn't find anyone withing a few minutes, seconds even you were gonna die. You crawl and crawl pushing yourself to the edge. "help" you want to scream but it comes out as a whisper. You didn't see anyone, so this was it. You roll on your back, looking at the sky, at least here the sky was the most beautiful at night, you think before you close your eyes.
Eris' pov
You walk thru the woods alone, you did that a lot after y/n left. You still couldn't believe she was capable of something like that. You feel a presents watching you and you turn around. "I know you're here, at least have the balls to face me shadowsinger" you say, watching Azriel come out behind the bushes. "hello Eris, you look like shit" he says. "hello to you too" you tell him as you lean against the big tree next to you. "what's up your ass this afternoon?" he asks you "did she say no?". "she left" you tell Azriel "with half of my mother dowry". "oh well, you always had something for the feisty once, didn't you" he says jokingly. "just shut up Az. Ask me what you want to know and leave" you tell him strictly. "well, no friendly talk I see" Azriel says. "I'm not in the mood " you tell him. Azriel steps closer until he stands inches before you towering over you, you always hated that he was just a little taller than you.
"you know I'm actually glad she ran" Azriel says, looking straight at you with his hazel eyes. "and why is that shadowsinger?" you say, trying to act like you aren't intimidated by him. if it really came to it, he could probably beat you, especially now that he overcome his fear of fire. "because" Azriel says moving even closer "now I can do this without feeling guilty". His lips touch yours and god you never knew you wanted this. This was the perfect way to forget about y/n. your hands finds his waist to pull him even closer to you, deepening the kiss. "hmm" you moan into his mouth, feeling Azriel smile against your lips.
"I should probably go" Azriel says as he let's go of you, a little out of breath because of the kiss. "az" you yell behind him. "don't worry this is our secret" he says, knowing exactly what you were gonna say.
Azriel's pov
You can't believe what you just done, god this is gonna make things so much more complicated. And yet you already can't stop thinking about the next time you'll see Eris. To be honest you were a little confused at what you've done. Because it wasn't that you wanted Eris for yourself. No, you were fine with him just being there to take your mind off of things, but a relationship with him, that could and would never happen.
As you fly back to the night court you look to the ground and see something at the border. You fly a little lower to see what is was and see a girl laying on the boarder, a massive wound in the left side of her waist. You land a few feet away from her and see she's not conscious but you hear she's still breathing, tho it was shallow. You quickly scooped her up and take her with you.
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"there you are, I began to wonder where you were....who's that?" Rhysand asked as you stepped into the town house. "I have no idea, found her at the border like this. she needs a healer fast" you tell him. "lay her down, I'll get Madja" he tells you. within seconds Madja is here and start to look the girl over. "can you safe her?" you ask Madja. "I think you brought her here just in time. Now let me work" she says as you and Rhys step back and leave the room.
"what took you so long?" Rhys asked you. "I found her" you tell him, refusing to tell him the thing that happened to you and Eris. "you look nervous, you're never nervous" Rhys says. "I'm not nervous, just worried about the girl" you tell him. "do you know her?" Rhys asked. "no" you say shortly before you walk out, needing to clear your head.
y/n's pov
you slowly open your eyes, immediately you're greeted with a stabbing pain in your side. "well look who's awake?" you hear a voice say. Your eyes fly open and you immediately look to the man standing next to the bed you're laying on. "where am i?" you say looking around panic filling you. "your in the night court, and I am Rhysand, high lord of the night court" he says calmly. "now I like to know who you are" he says his tone changing into that of a predator. "I'm y/n" you tell him. "well y/n, tell me what you did at my border" he demands. Shit this is worse than you thought. "I, I ... I needed somewhere safe" you tell him, refusing to tell him the full truth. "and why's that" he asks. "because I was banished from my home" you tell him. "and why exactly where you banished y/n?" he asked as he stepped even closer with an almost cat like grace. "because" you sigh "because the court where I'm from doesn't like bastards like me" you tell him, not looking at him. "a bastard huh" he says his tone less intimidating now. "well y/n in that case, welcome to the night court". "what?" you ask him confused. You thought for sure he was gonna banish you from his court too. "let me tell you something y/n. in this court we take care of each other and I learned from experience that bastards are the most fun" he says "now rest, your wound needs to heal" he says before he walks out of the room. What the fuck did just happen.
You're still wrapping your head around that you can stay, and that you already met the high lord of the night court. Wait are you in his house right now? It didn't look like a palace like the autumn court had. The door opens and a nice looking woman walks in. her arms full of swirled tattoo's. "I thought I bring you some food. I'm Feyre" she says putting the food on the night stand. "how are you feeling?" she asked. "fine" you tell her. "you sure?" she asked, looking like she didn't believe you. "yes I'm fine" you lied. The wound hurt like a motherfucker, but you were not gonna tell her that. "Well if you need anything just say so" she says walking out. You quickly ate the meal she left you.
An hour later the pain in your side only intensified and you decided to take a look at it. Shit, it looked like it was infected, that wasn't good. "uhm hello?" you yell hoping someone would hear. "hello, I need some help!" you yell a little louder but nothing. You sat up in the bed, shit you had to find a healer quick. You put your feet on the ground slowly standing, the pain burst through your body. You slowly put a step forward, trying your hardest to ignore the pain. You put your hand on your wound, only to find it wet. No it wasn't wet you were bleeding. "help!" you yelled, feeling your anergy drain quickly. Still no answer. You tried to move as fast as you can. As soon as you left your room you hear soft voices talking somewhere downstairs so you rushed over. You took the stairs down, your body beginning to sway. "help" you whisper, not having enough energy to say it any louder. You put the first step down the stairs before you body began to lean forward. you quickly grabbed the banister holding your body upright as you descended the stairs. Your hand still on your wound, now soaking with blood.
As soon as you had descended the stairs you walk towards the noise of talking. Opening the door to see Rhysand, the girl who brought you food, Feyre, you believed she was called, and 2 men with wings. All their eyes turn towards you when you open the door. "help" you say in a whisper before you feel your body giving out. Before you fall you are caught by one of the men with wings. He looked beautiful. Yes handsome too, but beautiful was a better way to describe him. his hazel eyes find yours before they trail to your hand still putting pressure on the wound who was now completely covered in blood.
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"shit, get Madja" he says to the rest. Rhysand disappears while you lay in the arms of this beautiful man. "you're gonna be okay" he says softly. "I,i-" you whisper. "shhh, you're gonna be okay" he says softly. You don't know why but you felt something, like you knew him. but you were sure you never met him before, you'd know if you did. But then again he felt....he felt like coming home. "w- who are.....you" you whisper. Before he can answer Rhysand appears with someone else you haven't seen before. "hold her still" she orders the man who's holding you. magic sparks from her hands and you feel the pain fade.
When she's done you take a deep breath. "thank you" you tell the woman. "I've taken away the infection and closed the wound. It should be fully healed by tomorrow" she tells you. "thank you" you tell her. "just take it slow today and let the magic do the work." She says before she leaves. "are you okay?" the man holding you asks you as his eyes stay on yours, a weird look in his eyes you couldn't place. Like he had the same feeling as you, like you've met before. "I'm okay" you say trying to get up. He helped you stand and only then you see how tall he was. He towered over you making you feel trapped, and then you didn't even thought about what it would be like if his wings were spread. This man looked like a god.
"come I'll show you the bathroom, so you can clean up" he says putting his hand out. You take it but it feels weird. You look down and see his scarred hands. he sees you looking and quickly let's go of your hand. You follow him to the bathroom. "here you are" he says. "what happened to your hands?" you ask him. the question been in your mind since the moment his hand touched yours. "my brothers thought it was fun to play with fire and see what oil could do" he says almost matter of factly. "I'm sorry" you say to him.
Azriel's pov
"what happened to your hands?" she asked. Not a lot of people had the nerve to ask you, yet she did. "my brothers thought it was fun to play with fire and see what oil could do" you tell her. it came out easy, like you didn't have to debate whether of not you should tell her and that was weird. Because you never told someone. Only Rhys and Cass knew, they were the only once who needed to know anyway. "I'm sorry" she says sounding genuine. "it was a long time ago" you tell her. what was it about her. you felt like you knew her, but you would certainly remember her. but yet she felt, like coming home.
"are you gonna be okay?" you asked her. god you never talked much, to anyone really, yet she seemed to just pull it out of you. "c-could you help me" she says as she struggles to unbutton her shirt, her fingers shaking, probably from the blood loss. You just stand there for a second, frozen. "it's fine if you won't, we don't know each other after all" she says. "no, I can help" you say stepping forward. you slowly open the first button of her shirt. You could smell her, cauldron she smelled good. You moved on to her second button, slowly unbuttoning her blouse. You opened the last button and helped her out of the shirt, it clung to her body because of the blood.
You grab a wash cloth and starts to clean her wound. You hear her breath hitch. "am I hurting you?" you ask her worried. "n-no I'm okay" she tells you. you wring out the washcloth when you cleaned the blood of her stomach. When you're done you look down at her. shit she was so beautiful. "w-what's your name?" she asks. "Azriel" you say shortly getting lost in her beautiful eyes. "I'm y/n" she tells you. "y/n" you repeat, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl, you though. "where you the one who brought me here?" she asked you. "yes I did, did Rhys tell you?" you ask her. "no, I just.....it just feels like I know you" she tells you. "I feel the same, though I most certainly would remember knowing you" you tell her. again you don't know why you tell her. you were not the talker. Why were you even helping her, not that you didn't want to help her but this felt too ..... intimate. A little blush colors her cheeks. "well thank you for the help Azriel" she says. Gods your name sounded so good coming from her lips. how you wished to make her scream it.
"uhm do you have something else for me to wear?" she asks you. "oh sure, I'll look if I can find something" you say, walking to you room and looking thru the closet. You grabbed a big sweater of yours, already hating to even think about her wear another mens clothes. "here" you say walking back in the bathroom. You quickly turn you back towards her when you see she got rid of her skirt too and was now standing in only her underwear. "here" you say handing her your sweater without looking at her, which was damn hard. "thanks" she said. "you can turn around now" she says softly, almost shy. You turn around and see she's only wearing your sweater which falls just above her knees. Shit that was sexy, and some sort of predator feeling rises up. Wanting to make sure no one touches her, hell it wanted to make sure no one even looked at her, when she looked like this. "let me help you to your room" you tell her and she follows you.
y/n's pov
Azriel walks with you to your room. When you open the door you look at the blood covered bed and floor. "oh well, let's get you another room for tonight" Azriel says as he walks with you to another hallway. He opens the door to another room, it's dark and there is a mysterious vibe to it. "you can sleep here tonight" he says. "who's room is this?" you ask him. "mine" he tells you. "oh no I shouldn't" you tell him, not wanting him to give his room to you. you'll survive in the other room, you just needed some fresh sheets and you'd be okay. "yes you should" Azriel says. "but what about you?" you ask him. "I'll sleep on the couch" he tells you. "Azriel" you say, gods the words sounded so good on your tongue, like you were meant for just saying his name. "fuck" Azriel breathes out before he walks up to you and kisses you deeply.
You're a little hesitant at first but fuck, it just felt......right. You fist his shirt and kiss him even deeper. He softly lays you down on the matrass. "gods I want you" he tells you as he looks into his eyes. Then his eyes turn big and you know he felt the same. "y-you're.....you are" he says to surprised to make a full sentence. "mates" you whisper. "my mate" he says smiling before he kisses you again. "my fucking mate" he says kissing you again and again.  
part 3
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