#and so I just finished the last 5% drawing with my finger because if I don’t pick up the pen it still counts as resting
alaraxia · 6 months
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My take on the Charge suit and Rangers logo
ik his powers don’t technically work this way but rule of cool baby
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ludwig-van-gaythoven · 2 months
Cabin Fever - (Regina George x F Reader) Part 5
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Mean Girls (2024)
Regina George x Reader
The students of Northshore go on a school trip for a week in the forest. You end up getting to know the apex predator in a way you’d never seen her before.
Underage smoking, underage drinking, Claustrophobia, homophobia mention
Part1// Part 2// Part 3// Part 4// Part 5// Part 6
“Why the fuck is Regina in your room? Why are you even speaking to her? Dude! Fucking answer me!”
Janis’s voice is so loud down the tiny phone speaker that it makes it buzz like an annoying little mosquito.
You scowl and resist the creeping urge to hang up, and throw your phone far far away, maybe off a cliff. You click the volume down and try and muffle the sound of Janis ranting down the speaker by shoving the receiver deep into your pocket, but it’s too late.
Regina has already left. Her bedsheets are left thrown back and crumpled, she usually fixes the blankets back to perfection so she clearly left in a hurry.
You grab your jacket with a huff and stomp outside the cabin to stand in your usual smoking spot and light a much needed cigarette before putting the phone up to you ear.
Janis is still yelling, finishing a sentence you didn’t hear the start of. Some accusation about alliances with the enemy.
“Fucking hell, Janis! It’s not that big of a deal!” You finally snap.
The phone goes silent. It’s a welcome break but you know she’ll start up again.
“Yeah sure, my best friend suddenly being pals with Regina George, not a big deal.” She snarks. “Can I just remind you, that bitch nearly ruined my life! Is that why you’re ignoring my calls? Because you’re too busy becoming plastic?”
You sigh. “It’s not like that.”
That’s true. You haven’t been morphed into some sort of Barbie doll all of a sudden just because you spent some time with Regina. To be truthful, you realise Regina isn’t really like that either. She’s a little messy, she’s flawed, but you think she’s more perfect like that. Your face softens slightly at the memory of yesterday, her mascara dripping down her cheeks with a big grin plastered on her face. She wears a fake mask to protect anyone from seeing her real personality. You get it. It’s easier to take a rejection when you haven’t really shown your true identity.
Your heart aches to defend her. To tell Janis to back off, but you can’t. She wouldn’t understand.
“Look, she got roomed with me because she got drunk with Gretchen and Karen on the first night so the teachers wanted to split them up.” You explain as calmly as you can while your blood boils beneath the surface.
“So why didn’t you think to mention this when I called last?” She snaps back. She’s caught you there.
“Because I knew you’d go all revenge-crazed and pissed off like this!” You shout back. You hear Janis scoff.
“Whatever, I don’t give a shit about Regina. She literally means nothing to me! Less than nothing, I just want to see that bitch suffer-“
“Then why can’t you stop talking about her!” As soon as the words leave your mouth you regret them.
“Fuck you, man.” She doesn’t even give you a second before hanging up.
You take a long draw of the cigarette that’s spent most of its time burning away between your fingers. You felt guilty about arguing with Janis, she’d been your best friend since the start of high school, and you could still see the pain that Regina had caused was still playing on her. You didn’t know the full details but you knew that Regina had outed her in a cruel way and made her out to be obsessed just so she could be with a boy. But that was a while ago, people can change.
So why hadn’t you been able to tell her that you liked girls when she hinted at it? You couldn’t even trust her fully.
You couldn’t help your mind wandering to where Regina might be. That seems to be all you can think about recently. Regina. You never fell for her Queen Bee attitude, high school drama was boring to you, you’d rather steer clear of it. But this new, playful, carefree side to her? You couldn’t get enough of.
She’s probably snuck off to meet Gretchen and Karen. You were surprised that she’d actually followed rules for once and not gone to meet them yet. Was it because you had been there with her instead? She said last night that she had enjoyed hanging out with you.
How much of the phone call had she heard before she left?
You light another cigarette. It’s not like you to chain smoke like this but you can’t help it when you’re stressed. The smoke whirls out in front of you, lines of wispy grey entangle and then disappear in-front of your eyes.
You head back inside the cabin when you’re done. Regina still isn’t back.
You lift your bedsheets ready to try unsuccessfully to get some sort of rest and find tiny pieces of paper, shredded on your mattress. It’s the drawing Regina took.
She clearly heard more than she was meant to.
You brush it onto the floor, not bothering to collect the tiny scraps, that felt more like little broken pieces of your soul.
When you finally close your eyes you’re back in the clearing. This time you don’t feel afraid and you automatically start scanning the shadows between the trees. A pair of blue eyes catch yours, as usual, but as soon as you take a step forward,the big cat slinks back into the shadows and disappears.
When you wake up, Regina still isn’t back. Your stomach sinks. She probably won’t want to speak to you ever again, you won’t even get a chance to explain.
You know you have to be up and ready in 20 minutes but you don’t want to get out of bed, or risk bumping into Regina.
It’s pretty hot outside and you’re not sure what the activity will be today so you put on a black tank and some loose khaki trousers. Regina must have been back when you were asleep because her bed is made and her cupboard door is left open.
When you go over to the campfire pit, she is already there. She’s standing around with the usual two girls but she’s also next to Shane Oman.
That makes you nauseous. He’s grinning and so obviously checking Regina out.
She starts running her hand up and down his bicep and over his chest, giggling and leaning into him. He’s loving it and has a hand around her waist. You turn around so you don’t have to look at whatever show they’re putting on.
It feels like she’s doing it just to spite you.
Seeing her that close to him makes your stomach knot with jealousy, it shouldn’t, it’s not like you’re together.
“Okay everyone listen up! Today and tomorrow are the last days of camp, so you will be hiking and setting up your own camp for tonight. This will combine all of the skills you have learnt this week!” There’s a dull chatter of excitement as maps are passed around and people start getting into groups.
You secretly hoped you’d be paired in cabin groups so Regina might actually hear you out and stop being so pissed off. It would get her away from Shane too.
Much to your annoyance, you’re told you have to pair up with Regina, Gretchen, Karen and Shane because apparently it’s unsafe to go alone.
You’d actually rather be eaten by a bear.
Each group is given a tent, you’re given two, the teachers tell you Shane has to stay in one separately but you know that won’t happen. You’re hoping you can just keep that tent for yourself. You’re also given other supplies like cooking utensils, scissors, a mallet, rope etc.
Shane offers to carry both tents in a pitiful attempt to seem strong and manly. Regina plays straight into it and makes a big deal out of grabbing Shane’s hand and feeling his arms.
It makes you roll your eyes. You’re sure you see the corners of Regina’s lips curve in a smirk.
You end up carrying one of the tents anyway, it’s pretty heavy but at least it gives you an excuse to stay at the back of the group, it’s not like you’ll have anything to talk to them about.
Regina walks in-front of you with Karen and Gretchen on one side, and Shane on the other. You’re pretty sure everyone has forgotten your existence, apart from Regina perhaps.
She’s wearing a black crop top and baby pink mini skirt, it makes being behind the group kind of worth it.
After about 2 hours you get to a dead end, there’s a large rock ledge with a few crude dips for you to put your hands and feet to climb up. There are thick shrubs either side to stop anyone going around. This must be what they meant by testing the skills you’d learnt.
Regina goes up first, Shane is standing almost directly underneath her and is grinning to himself. It makes your stomach turn. She climbs up easily, and stands with her arms folded impatiently when she gets to the top.
Shane goes up next, again making a big deal of being so manly, he practically jumps from one step to re other up the ledge. It makes you cringe. He looks more like an ape.
Regina catches your expression and as soon as he’s up she’s all over him again. Is this some sort of punishment? But why would she be trying to make you jealous that way?
You go up last. It’s not too high so you’re not really afraid.
“Don’t fall, loser.” Regina spits and the whole group burst out laughing.
It stings but you ignore it and carry on walking behind them once you reach the top. Whatever she’s trying to do, to get under your skin, to piss you off, you’re not going to give her the satisfaction.
You notice Shane’s hand sneak down from her waist towards her ass and Regina visibly stiffens and moves away slightly.
Soon enough you come to a small opening in the rocks, must be the second challenge. Even from behind you see Regina tense up. It’s just a narrow crawl space that likely pops out quickly on the other side. There’s a wall of rock that seems impossible to climb that looks to go on for a while either side.
Shane goes through first, followed by Gretchen and Karen.
“I’m not fucking doing that.” Regina huffs once it’s just the two of you, raising her hands. “I’ll walk around.”
“It looks like you’ll be walking for a while.” You try and reason, but she’s already started walking.
“I’ll come with you.” You’re not sure why you offer. The suns setting slightly and you don’t like the idea of Regina going alone. Even if it is just a few minutes to walk around the obstacle.
You follow behind in silence as she walks along the rock wall, thinking about all the things you wish you could say. I’m sorry about what Janis said, I don’t agree with her. I like hanging out with you, I think you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, inside and out.
You want to reach out and take her hand like she was doing with Shane, especially since now you know how soft she is.
You want to gently cup her face and kiss her, feel her soft lips and be intoxicated by her warm vanilla scent. You want to ask her on a date, maybe go to the movies, take her for a nice dinner, kiss her on the front porch.
All the things she’s probably done, or will do with Shane.
It feels like you’re walking for ages, it’s quite a lot darker than when you started. Regina keeps a quick pace ahead of you. Her face fixed in a permanent scowl.
You finally turn the corner and see the entrance to the small cave.
Nobody is there, they’ve left. How long did it even take you to walk round anyway?
“What the FUCK.” She screams. It’s so loud you swear you see birds scattering off their branches. “What bitches!”
She growls and flops down, sitting on a fallen tree trunk. You can see a glimmer of hurt and confusion in her eyes.
“It’s getting dark. We have one of the tents , we should set up some kind of camp.” You say, dropping the tent bag on the floor.
“Whatever. I’m not helping though.” She huffs. You don’t bother arguing, you can tell she’s hurt and you don’t want to make things worse.
You unzip the tent bag and start pulling out poles. There are no instructions and all of the poles look identical. You start arranging them in a way that sort of resembles a tent, you bend the long metal pole and try to force it into a fabric sleeve of the tent material, you think it’s secure and let go but it pings back up with such a force that the whole structure jumps. You leap back, the metal projectile misses your face by millimetres.
Regina’s watching you with an amused expression. It makes you blush. At least she’s in a better mood.
After about an hour of wrestling with tent fabric and poles, you’ve made a structure. You’re not sure if you can call it a tent, or if it’ll stay up but it provides some cover.
As night draws close it gets significantly colder so you collect some wood and dry grass for a small fire. Luckily you always carry your lighter so it was simple enough to start. Both you and Regina sit opposite sides of the fire, on the floor, the smoke isn’t as thick as the silence between you.
You dig around in your bag, hoping that maybe you packed some supplies from the bag the teachers gave you. The others must have most of the food and cooking equipment.
You did pack one thing
You hold the bag up to Regina who giggles and finds two thin sticks for you to roast them on over the fire. Neither of you speak still as you hold the stick, turning it every now and then.
You remember one other thing you packed secretly in your bag, you rifle through again and pull out a small hip flask of vodka and take a swig. With no mixer, the liquid burns all the way down to your stomach, you offer it to Regina who grimaces but takes the flask.
You sit for a while, toasting Marshmallows and passing the hip flask back and forth before one of you is buzzed enough to speak.
“You and Shane make a good couple.” You’re not sure why you even say it, you don’t think that at all. Regina seems tense around him and you’re pretty sure he’s only after one thing.
“I know.” She responds flatly. It’s unconvincing.
You swallow another dreadful mouthful of vodka. It feels like willingly swallowing paint thinner.
“Why did you screw over Janis?”
Her brows furrow, she reaches for the flask and takes a drink. That was definitely the wrong thing to say but the vodka makes words tumble out before your brain has a chance to screen them.
“I don’t know.” She shrugs. “I guess you think I’m a bad person.” She doesn’t meet your gaze and her tone sounds defeated and a little ashamed.
“ I don’t.” You say quickly. “You must have had a reason.”
“Yeah… I did.” She sighs.
You decide not to push it any further.
“Are you looking forward to camp being over?” You decide to try and divert the conversation.
“Not really, there’s not as much pressure here to perform. I don’t like being a bitch you know, it’s just school, it’s survival of the fittest.” She starts “Out here I feel free. I actually miss middle school, I wish I never went to that party, or kissed Janis. I’m sick of everyone thinking I’m fake, nobody treats me like an actual person.”
She looks up at the night sky, a small tear running down her cheek, catching the moonlight which makes it look like a diamond.
“Being with you has felt free.”
Your heart skips a beat. You’re not sure if it’s the alcohol but you get the courage to go and sit next to her. You gently put your arm around her shoulders and she relaxes into you.
You fit together like a puzzle.
You look up and scan the stars with your eyes and find what you’re looking for. You point up to 3 stars in a row.
“There’s Orion’s Belt. Those 3 stars are several times bigger than the sun, and they burn tens of thousands of times brighter.”
Her gaze falls to where you’re pointing.
“It kind of reminds me of you, Karen and Gretchen.” Regina laughs at this. “You shine brighter than anyone else at the school. I know what you mean about just trying to survive, just try not to burn so bright you burn out. You’re perfect enough as you are.”
She sighs, her hand is on your lap now and you struggle to concentrate on the stars.
“And that one sort of looks like a lion” You point up again, Orion’s Belt is the only one you recognise. Luckily this makes her giggle more.
She lifts her head at the same time you turn. She’s so close you can see the stars reflecting in her eyes. In this moment you realise you have two options.
A look of hesitation crosses her face and she starts to pull away.
You make a sudden, probably stupid decision.
As soon as your lips meet you see stars explode behind your eyelids. Her lips are just as soft as you imagined, it takes a second before she’s kissing you back. Her hands reach up and tangle in your hair. It’s gentle and rough all at the same
You pull away. “ I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t-“
She cuts you off with another quick, soft kiss.
“I’m tired, I’m going to sleep.” She says, standing and walking over to the tent which is shockingly still standing.
You’re left, sitting on the ground next to the now dwindling fire, kept warm by the redness in your cheeks. You pull out a cigarette and light it on the smouldering fire.
The star lion in the sky beams down at you.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 7 months
"My daddy has to fight some bad guys". || Jay Halstead x reader and daughter
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly delated my blog 🫠
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You woke up earlier than everybody in your house to get everything ready for everyone. Jay would usually follow you a few minutes later and you two would make breakfast and get your daughter ready for school together, along with other morning stuff. This wasn't the day, your husband had fallen asleep and you were doing everything by yourself, trying not to make a lot of noise. You knew he was working a tough case and had come back quite late from work the night before, so you didn't want to wake him up. Even when he didn't want to admit it, he was tired as hell and needed to rest.
You were in the kitchen starting to cook breakfast when you felt his arms hugging you from the back.
-"Did I wake you up?" You asked. -"I was trying not to".
-"I didn't feel you by my side and I couldn't fall asleep again". He answered into your ear and then kissed your neck as he continued talking. -"I'm sorry I haven't been around. We closed this case last night, what's left is a bunch of paperwork. My hope is to be back home early tonight and...". You turned around to hug him back and interrupted him with a short kiss. He rushed to finish his sentence with a heavy breathing : "...I can make it up for you", then proceeded to tenderly kiss your lips as he held you as tight as he could with one of his arms, while fervently holding your head with his other hand, finger all tangled in your hair, pulling it a bit.
Due to the case Jay was working on, you two had barely seen each other during the last week and a half, so things were heating up fast. Suddenly, for both of your displeasure, an alarm interrupted the moment.
-"Time to wake her up". You said having trouble separating from him.
-"I'll go". Jay took your phone to turn off the alarm. -"I'm driving her to school too".
-"Hey, Jay!" You took his hand before letting him leave the room. -"You do remember her Father's Day Festival, right?".
-"Next friday, 10:30, sure".
-"I was thinking...maybe you should talk to her and explain that...of course you will be there, but if you are not able to make it is due to your work".
-"But I will be there".
-"I know, I know, it's just...we never know when a case might pop up. Remember the Spring Festival?".
-"Oh. The bank robbery right before it...".
-"Yes, that's what I mean. That time was easy because I was there, but this time I won't...".
-"I will talk to her". He said after a few seconds of silence. -"But I'll be there, no matter what".
That day, Tessa and her class made a craft for their fathers. All the little kids were drawing in a small paper square that would become a keychain for Father's Day. Some of them were drawing hearts, others were doing stick figures. Tessa drew her dad carrying her over his shoulders and a bunch of hearts around. Her artwork was a little abstract, but understandable for a 5 year old.
-"All right". Ms. Luna said in a sweet voice. Tessa really loved her teacher. -"I am going to take your drawings and we will give them back to our dads as a key chain during the festival!".
-"My daddy said he will come, but he's working and if he doesn't show up it is because he has to fight some bad guys. Bad guys don't respect days or time". Tessa rushed to repeat what Jay tried to explain to her earlier in the morning when he was taking her to school.
-"It's ok". Her teacher laughed a bit. -"Sometimes parents can't make it and it's ok. That doesn't mean they don't want to or that they don't love us".
The class rehearsed the song they would sing at intervals throughout the rest of the day. Tessa never missed the opportunity to repeat the information going around her head: "My dad said he's coming, but if he's not here it means he's working" or "My daddy is fighting the bad guys and bad guys they don't respect days or time" or "He will be here, but if he's not here, that means he's on the streets. He makes Chicago safe". Her friends were amazed whenever she repeated those statements. She did understand what her father told her, but she didn't really comprehend.
The day was here. You dropped Tessa at school, she was all excited. Before she entered the building you reminded her: "If it happens that daddy is not here or he's late, remember he's fighting the bad guys".
Jay was already in the bullpen, everything was strangely calmed. He had talked with Voight about going out to Tessa's school and he gladly agreed.
-"Today is the day isn't it?" Hailey asked Jay as she entered the coffee room.
-"Yeah". He smirked. -"If nothing else intervenes".
-"Let's stay positive". She said remembering what had happened last Spring Festival.
It was 8:30, the day had just started when Trudy came upstairs with an urgent case.
-"That's just my luck". Jay said, rushing downstairs with his partner.
-"Let's try to make it quick". Hailey answered by putting on her coat.
At school, the kids were getting ready to go outside to start the festival. Parents were gathering outside of the building, waiting to get inside.
Students from all schools were lining up around the court. Their parents were supposed to meet them and be in front of their kid's group to hear them sing.
-"Is your dad here?" One of Tessa's friends asked.
-"I can't see him". She answered standing on tiptoe. -"But it's ok, it's because he had to fight the bad guys".
All the kids waved their fathers with excitement, some of them ran to hug them before starting the show. Jay didn't make it, but Tessa wasn't feeling bad about it...yet.
When the song finished, all the kids jumped into their fathers arms and gave them the craft they made in class as a gift for them. Tessa stood in her place, not being able to hold her tears. She was crying in silence, so between the noise and excitement around the little girl, nobody noticed her until a few minutes later. As soon as her teacher saw her, she ran towards her and hugged her tight.
-"It's ok, honey. It's ok. Your dad wanted to be here with you". She said in a very sweet and calmed voice. -"Remember he is fighting the bad guys, you said that before ''.
Some parents were moved watching the scene, but there was nothing they could do. Ms. Johnson, the school's principal, noticed the situation from afar and she joined as soon as she could. By only moving her lips, trying not to be heard, she asked Tessa's teacher if the little girl's father wasn't there. She shaked her head in disapproval when the teacher answered with a sorry face.
-"We can call your dad, Tess. That way you can hear his voice".
-"But, Ms. Johnson, he's fighting the bad guys". Ms. Luna intervened.
-"Oh!" She understood. -"Ok, but we can call him later, we'll tell him to come so you can give him your present. Would you like that?".
The little girl was an emotional mess, but agreed with her head, even though she wasn't really listening to what the adults were saying.
The emergency call for the intelligence team ended up in a shooting and that delayed detective Halstead. As soon as he finished with interviews and all the bureaucracy after this kind of situation, he ran off.
-"Go, go, go". Hailey rushed. -"I cover you".
Jay drove his truck as fast as he could, siren on. It wasn't a police emergency, but it was an emergency after all, he could deal with the consequences later. He parked in the first spot he found, even if it wasn't merely in front of the school and ran as fast as he could in a police mode to get to his baby girl. It was until he entered the building that he noticed he was still wearing the vest, gun and badge on his hip, but didn't care.
-"There he is!" Ms. Johnson pointed to Tessa's father.
-"Come on! Come on!" Ms. Luna took the little girl's hand and started running towards her dad.
-"I'm so sorry". Jay took Tessa in his arms and carried her holding her as tight as he could. She was too emotionally drained to react.
Kids around were already saying goodbye to their parents, going back to their classrooms.
-"We'll give you some time alone". Ms. Johnson informed Jay and he muttered a "thank you".
-"You can go back to the classroom when you feel ready". Ms. Luna told her student.
-"I hate the bad guys". Tessa managed to say when they were finally alone.
-"Me too". Her father said. -"I'm really, really sorry I didn't hear you sing, but I'm here right now". He wiped the tears from her cheeks.
-"I did it real good, you missed it". She said playing with the key chain in her hands.
-"I bet you did". Jay chuckled. -"What do you have there?".
-"It's a present for you. I made it for you". She extended her short arm to give it to her dad.
-"For me? Is it for my keys? I love it!"
-"It's you and me and lots of hearts. I drew it myself".
-"I can see that. It's beautiful. Thank you, sweetie". Jay's phone started ringing and he sighed when he read the text messages.
-"I have to go back to work".
-"But I don't want you to go". She started crying again.
Ms. Johnson came into the scene to help Tessa go back to her class" -"Daddy has to go back to work, sweetie. Ms. Luna and your friends are waiting for you, let's go". And she took her tenderly in her arms as her crying grew louder.
-"It's all right". Jay reassured her with a kiss. -"I love you. I'll see you at home, ok?". And she disappeared through the door.
He peeked through the classroom window to check on her before departing. He witnessed how Ms. Luna was successfully calming her down and felt a little bit more relaxed to go.
-"Thank you for coming". Ms. Johnson told him with a smile. -"For real".
With a heavy heart, he got into his truck and before turning it on, he hung the keychain in his keys. He inspected the tiny drawing and smiled before going back to the bullpen.
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a ♡, comment or share. 😌♡
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echobx · 2 months
broken heart (5) - a JJ Maybank blurb
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summary: JJ and y/n have sex after figuring out what they are to each other
warnings: smut (edging, fingering, handjob, p in v (protected), riding, aftercare), fluff
word count: 1.2k
author's note: honestly i had to fight through this, not because i didn't completely know what i wanted to write, but because i really wasn't in the mood for smut, but i also knew i wouldn't have finished this if i hadn't done it today, so i just hope it's not as bad as i think it to be
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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JJ had turned you around, his lips attached to your neck while his hands roamed your body, and you were squirming under him. 
But when his hands traveled farther down you stopped him. 
“Wait, please,” you said in a soft voice. “If we do this, there's no going back, ever.”
“And?” JJ was a little confused about it, but he knew your little antics, knew how to calm your mind when it was running haywire.
“I just- What if it doesn't work out? I don't wanna lose my best friend because of it,” you stammered a little under his striking gaze. 
“Why wouldn't it work out?” JJ furrowed his brows in genuine confusion.
“Because I know you. I know how you get when stuff gets serious,” you replied nervously. 
“Fine, I promise to still be your best friend even when this might not work out, but I don't think that'll happen,” JJ shrugged his shoulders.
“Good, I promise that too,” you nodded and he smirked. 
“Am I allowed to fuck you now? Or not?” 
“Well, if you propose it like that,” you giggled and a moment later his tongue filled your mouth in a mind-boggling kiss. 
You gasped when his fingers ran over your pussy, ghosting your clit and entrance in a torturous manner. 
“Jay, please,” you begged, clawing at his wrist. 
“Tell me why you didn't put on a slip, first,” he was still edging you on and it was unbearable. The heat between your legs grew and started to spread through your body because it had nowhere else to go. 
“I don't know,” you yelped, “didn't feel like it.” 
“Next time you do that you're not allowed to complain when I take you immediately, all right? Fuck, baby, you don't even know how hot you are.” You weren't sure if it was a threat or not, but you were already looking forward to it all.
His finger pushed inside you, making you moan at the feeling, and it got only worse when he started to curl it and pump it in and out of your pulsating cunt.
“Look at you, gorgeous,” JJ smiled down at you, chest heaving and puffy lips that made him even crazier for you than he already was. 
“Please. Please, JJ,” you begged, and the boy felt like falling in love with you all over again. Seeing you completely at his mercy, knuckles deep in your pussy and his dick harder than he thought possible, it was better than his best dreams coming to life.
“I know, baby. Will make you feel so good, all right,” he whispered into a kiss while adding a second finger, and you moaned into him. It didn't take long for you to cum all around him. When he pulled his hand away to lick off his ringed fingers, you were still not even close to coming down from your high. Clenching around nothing and whimpering softly at the emptiness between your legs. 
“Thank you,” you breathed shakily. 
“Don't thank me yet, I'm not done with you, princess,” JJ smirked
He pulled a condom from his wallet and started taking his clothes off. You gulped at the sight of his hard cock that was restricted by his tight boxer briefs. 
Before he could take them off, you had sat up and were palming him through the fabric. Drawing soft circles on his leaking tip while looking up at him. 
“If you don't stop I'm gonna bust a load just like this,” JJ pressed out, his face contorted with pleasure at every little brush of your hand against him. 
“Good,” you smirked up at him and started pumping him as he cursed, but it all went by way quicker than you had thought. You kept gently squeezing him until the last drop of cum had run down his shaft, wetting the boxers in the prettiest way you had ever seen. 
“Take off the shirt,” JJ demanded while pulling his boxers off and settling on the bed. To your surprise he was already hard again, pumping himself a few times before rolling the condom on. 
You looked at him, sitting back against your headboard and holding his hands out for you to take. “I’ve never done this,” you admitted, and his smile got a bit wider. 
“I'll show you.” 
You held onto the headboard with one hand, while the other guided him inside of you. The stretch he gave you wasn't uncomfortable, but it was also something you would have to get used to after not having had sex for some time. What you were sure to never get used to was the fact that he was hitting your cervix while bottoming out. 
“Oh god,” you cried out at the feeling and JJ just chuckled.
“Nope, just me.” He leaned in and started sucking on your tit, placing open-mouthed kisses all over your chest and tugging at your nipples. His actions made you dizzy, the tension in your core grew, and you needed to find a release for it. 
You started to carefully roll your hips into him, making him moan and bite down on your nipple, which caused you to jump. His hands came down to hold your hips and help you bounce on his cock, all the while his lips were still wrapped around your nipple, sucking harshly. 
“You're so hot, princess,” JJ panted, and you fastened your pace, coming down harder on him and making him curse in the process. 
“Shit, baby, you're tight. Squeezing me so good, darlin’,” he moaned before wrapping his arm around your waist and holding you steady to slam into you from below. 
You bent down, resting your head against his as you watched his dick vanish inside of you, and you felt like cumming just right that second. Letting go of the headboard with one hand you started rubbing circles on your clit, fast-paced and harsh just like his thrusts. The tight band inside you snapped within seconds, and you screamed his name in the process. 
To JJ, it was the best thing he had ever seen, how you lost yourself around him, and he couldn't hold back any longer. The muscles in his stomach tensed, and his hips stuttered as he came, eyes rolling back and lips desperately searching for yours. It was a messy kiss that he pressed to your lips while riding out his high, but it was perfect too. 
You needed a minute before getting up and sitting down by his side. Your eyes fixed on his sweaty chest, wandering upwards to look at his face, strands of hair sticking to his forehead and a pleased, open-mouthed smile on his lips. 
“Pretty good for someone who's not your girlfriend,” you whispered, and he let his head fall to the side to look at you. 
“You're never gonna let that one go, will ya’?” 
“Prolly not,” you laughed and got up to go into the bathroom. 
JJ joined you just a minute later, wrapping his arms around you from behind and kissing your shoulder. “You're better than a girlfriend, you know that?” 
“How so?” you asked, leaning back into his touch. 
“I’m never gonna get bored of you, princess. Ever. I can't stop looking at you. It's always been you, no one else. And you didn't even notice it. You're the best thing that could've ever happened to a guy like me,” he mused, and you wanted to melt under his touch. Even though you still couldn't fully believe that this was your reality, you were content in the feeling that he would try it all to not fuck up. Because he loved you and you loved him. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender
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New Story time!
This one is dedicated to the ever so talented @cosmoshard, who made the rough sketch that inspired this piece in the first place,
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also, this serves as some semi-revenge on her for making me cry on my birthday XD
This time, the story is focused the ARK siblings themselves, Shadow and Maria!
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“Are you almost done yet grandpa?” Maria impatiently rocked back and forth on her feet, earning a light wack on her head from a piece of paper. “Hey!”
“Hold still, Maria! Your back needs to be straight and still.” Gerald exclaimed, the marker he was holding nearly creating a mark on top of Maria’s head, taking a moment trying to rub the stain from her hair with his fingers.
Maria made a face at Gerald, moving her head away from his hands. “I am holding still, grandpa! I’m trying to make sure I’m getting taller!”
“Well, you’re not making it easier with you doing all this fidgeting.” He placed his hands and her shoulders to keep her still. “Now just keep still. And don’t stand on your toes either.”
The girl fought the urge to roll her eyes as her grandfather finally made a mark on the wall, drawing a straight line while she backed away, bouncing on her feet. “Ok, you’re all done.”
She looked among marks and lines from previous measuring sessions, seeing that the current one was hovering above the previous line.
She let out a gasp and started jumping up and down. “I grew! I got taller, grandpa! See, look at it!”
”Yes, yes I see it.” He gave a pat to her head, taking notes on his clipboard. He walked over to his desk with Maria following close behind him.
She moved in front of him while he continued to write. “I can’t believe the new line you drew was higher this time! How tall am I now?”
Gerald paused and lifted up one of the papers to read it. “Well, according to the results, you’ve grown…” He stopped mid sentence, a look of surprise. “Oh my, this is odd.”
Maria stopped her joyful skipping, sensing his change in tone. “What, what is it?”
”It says here that your height from this month is less than it was last month.” He hung his head down, sighing dramatically and placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’m afraid that you're shrinking, my dear.”
His granddaughter’s face went from worried to annoyed in a second flat, pushing his hand away and rolling her eyes. “Grandpa….”
The man chuckled at her unamused expression. “I’m only teasing, you’ve grown about a total of 6 inches from last month. You’re about 4’3 now. Almost getting to 5 feet already.”
Maria’s face lit up and did a celebratory dance with some spinning involved, nearly bumping into Gerald in the process and tripping over her feet. He quickly caught her before she fell over, slinging an arm around her and pulling her close to his side.
”My goodness, I’ve never seen you so excited about something like this before, may I ask why?”
Wrapping her arms around him, she raised her head with a wide smile on her face. “Because! It’s the first time I’ve gotten this tall in awhile. You always told me that healthy kids grow big and tall whenever they eat their veggies and get enough sleep, it’s finally working for me!”
The smile on Gerald’s face faltered when she finished by hugging him tighter. Bless this child for keeping her hope high with a statement like this.
He always told her when she was younger that those things were important to do, eating as much healthy food to keep her immune system from failing, getting enough sleep so her body can get its rest, even those times where he told her not to tell lies otherwise her nose would grow long each time she did.
It made him grateful knowing that these little things were making a difference for her in her lonely life up here in the colony, even though it felt like it was wrong giving her such high expectations for her condition, since there was no cure for it but making her think that something like this is actually helping her illness when in reality it would barely make a dent in it overall broke his heart even more.
He forced a smile on his face and squeezed her back. “You're very right on that. I told you it would work out eventually.”
Maria beamed a wide smile, skipping towards the door. “Where are you heading off to?” Gerald called after her, making her nearly slip on the floor when she slowed herself down.
“I'm going tell him about it!”
“Shadow! He's been wondering if I was getting better, I gotta go and tell him before he gets worried!” She ran out of the room as soon as she finished, her pigtailed hair flying out wildly behind her as she disappeared before the doors even closed.
Gerald stood there in ear numbing silence, his hands clenched up into fists as those last words lasting through his ears like a forever frozen echo.
‘Wondering if I was getting better’....
A grim expression masked over his face. “Oh my child, if only it were as simple as that for you.”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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scenteddelusion5 · 2 months
"Two households, both unalike in dignity, In our unsightly hell, where we lay our scene," PART 5 (FINISHED)
Vox x gn reader (Alastor's child)
Note: LAST PART!!! Are you ready?!
Word count: 4074
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5
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Y/n's eyes slowly opened. How long were they asleep? They slowly pushed themselves up. Familiar sheets covered them, it was theirs. Looking around they were on their room, only it looked to be a lot cleaner. All their dirty clothes had disappeared, their box stood newly organised in the bookcase and the dirty cup that usually stood on their nightstand was gone. In its stead stood a beautiful vase with their favourite flowers in it.
Their shoulder was patched up. It hadn't completely healed yet, it still hurt but not as much anymore. Y/n threw his legs out of bed, trying to stand up only to fall down again. They hadn't had any energy left, despite having slept for at least a few hours.
"Where's Vox?" Y/n whispered to themselves.
That's when it hit them, Vox had gotten hurt because of them. their adrenaline pumped up again, giving Y/n the strength to stand up again. They ran, or rather stumbled, out of the room.
Alastor ran up from his eat when he heard noises coming from upstairs. His child was finally awake. He ran to the stairs and there they were.
"Careful, little fawn, you'll fall." Alastor held them up using his shadows.
"Vox! No, where's Vox?!" They tried to pull themselves away from the shadows. "I have to get to Vox."
"Your... 'boyfriend'... is fine." Alastor said with disgust. "He is coming by later in the afternoon. You should lay down again."
"You aren't going to hurt him?"
"As much as I dislike him, I now see that you two are truly in love." He held them by the arm and let them back to their room. "You've been asleep for two days, the angelic rope had drained a lot of your energy." He sat them down back on the bed. "That noisy picture box of yours had come by six times since he had awoken, even brought you flowers."
"He brought these." They mumbled, reaching for the flowers.
The Radio Demon looked at their child smiling at something as simple as a few flowers like they were the biggest treasure in the world.
"Little fawn, I'm sorry. I tried to protect you to the best of my ability but I almost lost you because of it." He pulled them into a hug. "Please forgive me."
Y/n hugged him back. "I forgive you."
"Now, what would you like to eat?" Alastor pulled back and patted their head. "You must be starving."
"Jambalaya sounds really good right now."
"Good old Jambalaya it is then." He stood up and was about to leave the room. "Oh, I almost forgot, he left you a gift. I put it on your desk." The door closed with a click and they were all alone again.
They stood up again and slowly made their way to the desk. A small unfamiliar, black box sat in the corner. Inside it sat a brand new VoxTech phone, a new phone case and a note:
I'm sorry love but after what happened I kept the tracker on. -Love Vox <3
Picking up the case, it had a cute drawing of a deer in the green woods on the back. Y/n turned on the phone, on it popped the same picture of Vox and them. He had transferred all their data and settings.
Y/n looked at their two contacts; Vox and Velvette. Their finger hovered over the calk button. Alastor said he would came by later anyway... But they really wanted to hear his voice, just to see if he is okay. They clicked.
It took Vox only two seconds to pick up. "Y/n? Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm doing fine. I just woke up. How are you?"
"Now that I'm talking to you, better than ever doll." His voice deepened, trying to sound cooler. Y/n really loved this dork.
"Sir, the presentation is-" A squeaky voice could be heard through the call.
"Don't you see I'm on the phone." Vox dismissed him.
"If you're busy I can calk later."
"NO! Don't worry about it, I'm not busy, Vox said quickly, "you know what? I'm so not busy I will come over right away!"
"But sir-" The voice spoke again.
"Bye bea, I'll see you in a minute!"
Y/n could only imagine the panic on his worker's face when Vox sprinted out of that meeting. After speaking with him again, Y/n felt their energy recover even more and decided to head downstairs.
Alastor was working on his special Jambalaya in the kitchen. His little, deer tail swaying to the sound of jazz music coming from the radio. Hearing Y/n enter, he turned around.
"What are you doing out of bed?" He asked. "You should be resting more."
"I feel rested enough." Y/n stalked over to the stove. "It smells amazing."
"Of course it does, I made it. I also put in the 'secret ingredient'." He winked. "Even used your favourite."
A knock came from the front door.
"I'll get it!" They rushed to the front door. "Hey Vox!"
"Y/n!" He hugged his lover. "How are you healing up? Does it still hurt? Should I get tou some painkillers?"
Alastor rolled his eyes hearing the TV Demon at the door.
"No need, I'm doing fine."
The two walked back in through the hallway into the kitchen.
"More importantly, how is your wound?" They gently grabbed his arm to inspect the wound. "I'm sorry, I hurt you."
"You didn't do anything! I-I jumped in front of you! It's my fault." Vox slightly buffered as he was talking a mile a minute. "I'm just happy you're fine." He put on his adorable, dorky, little smile.
"Vox, I wasn't expecting you until 5 pm." Alastor's voice sounded irritated but his smile didn't falter.
"Well, Y/n called me. So I rushed over."
There definitely still was tension between the two, a lot of tension. But they weren't openly nor aggressively hostile towards each other. It was progress.
Alastor's smirk grew wider. "Then why don't you join us for lunch. I made Jambalaya." He put down the pot on the dining table.
Vox sat down next to Y/n, wrapping his arm around them. "Sure."
Vox regretted his decision as soon as Alastor pulled of the lid revealing the Jambalaya. A familiar smell reeked from it, there was demon meat inside it.
"You know what, I think I'll pass." Vox laughed nervously.
"I can't believe how rude your boyfriend is being Y/n. Not eating the food I so lovingly prepared." The Radio demon took a big scoop and put it on a plate. "At least take a bite."
"It's fine if you don't want it." Y/n pulled the plate away from him. "I'll finish it for you."
"What kind of man can't even finish his own plate?"
"Those are old-timey values, dad."
"Hmm." Alastor looked him up and down. "It's still disrespectful."
"Like we have ever had respect for each other, you old bastard," Vox said holding up his middle finger.
"See, that's not any way to talk to the father of your partner."
"Dad, stop it." Y/n scolded him. "You don't have to eat anything you don't want to."
Vox looked down to the Jambalaya and then back up to a smug looking Alastor. "I'll try it."
"Splendid!" Alastor grabbed two more plates and filled them up. "Bon appetite!"
Vox slowly used his fork to bring the Jambalaya to his mouth. He had eaten demon flesh before, this shouldn't be any different. Just bite through it.
The TV Demon swallowed as fast as possible. "Blur, that was... sure something."
"Aren't you going to finish your plate?" Alastor challenged him.
And so the lunch went on. Vox almost throwing up with every bite while Alastor was smirking at him every time.
"There, I finished it!" He yelled, victorious.
"Then would you like seconds?"
"Dad! Leave him alone. You've bullied him enough." Y/n was quite surprised by hoe civil the two still were but that didn't mean they had fully forgiven him. "Besides, you had hurt him pretty badly too during my 'rescue'. Don't you think he deserves an apology?" They knew they were pushing the Radio Demon's limits with that one and yet they still wanted to see if he actually would.
Alastor sighed, "Vox."
Was he actually going to?
"My sincerest apologies, I hadn't realized how weak you truly are and therefore used too much force."
"Oh fuck you."
"Now that that's out of the way, we have more important things to discuss." Alastor stood up and brought the dirty dishes to the sink. "You see, after my poor fawn had passed out and Vox decided to be dramatic, I captured the demon behind the attack. I still have him, Paris and the imp in my possession"
"Hmm, you know, I've always wondered what imp tastes like." Y/n cheekily suggested.
"As for Paris, I will have some fun with him and then hand him over to Rosie." Alastor had washed off the dishes and was putting them back in the cupboards. "He's her responsibility. The last Demon's fate is up to you, DEAR future son in law." The nickname was spat out like venom.
"So, who is the fucker that wanted them dead anyway?" Vox enquired.
"It seemed a certain colleague of yours had gotten jealous and decided to take my little fawn out."
"Val," Vox whispered. "I knew he was acting weird."
"How are you planning to deal with him?"
Vox looked at Y/n, their deer eyes staring back at him. He could have lost them forever, all because Valentino couldn't get over being dumped. He had to kill him. Not only to ensure Y/n's safety but also to prove himself to Alastor. To prove that nothing comes before them.
"Do you have angelic weapons here?"
Vox, Y/n and Alastor had wondered deep into the forest on the Radio Demon's territory. Nothing could be heard except for some hellbirds chirping.
"Doesn't this bring you back, little fawn?" Alastor lamented. "I still remember your first hit, we buried his leftovers next to that old tree. Haha, those were the days!"
"Yeah, I couldn't even finish a liver back then!" Y/n laughed.
As terrifying as their conversation was, it could not compare the what he was going to do. He knew Val had to go, for their sake, but he was still an old friend. One HE had to kill. He couldn't even discuss it with Velvette first!
Oh she was going to be so mad, with Valentino gone both their workloads would increase tenfold.
They stopped at a clearing. Vox held the gun in his sweaty hands. Alastor opened a pitch black portal. Out of it he pulled a tied up Val.
"Don't you know how shitty it is in there!" The overlord yelled. "Ah, Voxie baby, thanks for getting me out of there."
Vox held up the gun and pointed it straight at the man's head.
"Wowowow, what's all this about?" Valentino looked around seeing Alastor and Y/n glaring at him. "Are you seriously choosing them over me? You FUCKING need me! YOU NEED ME!!!" He started to approach Vox. "These two are going to get rid of you after me!"
"Goodbye Val." Vox pulled the trigger. An angelic bullet shot straight through the demon's head, killing him instantly. "So, what are we going to do with the body?"
"Don't worry, the animals will take care of it."
A month went by like a breeze. Vox had to find a new face for the V's 'film' department, in the meantime he had to take over as Velvette refused to take on more work.
"Fuck no!" She had yelled when he even brought up the possibility of taking over a little bit of paperwork.
So it all fell on him. This also meant he had less time to spend with Y/n, which they understood. And Alastor got to enjoy the chance to tell him how much of a terrible boyfriend he was for not spending enough time with them.
All and all, things went well.
As Vox's workload got smaller and smaller the couple started to spend more time together, which Alastor loathed. So the man took every chance he got to interrupt the two.
Going to the movies, suddenly there is a power outage. Having dinner at restaurant, Alastor invites himself along. Taking a walk through the forest, suddenly he NEEDS Y/n's help with something.
It became a sort if challenge between the two, who could keep Y/n's attention for the longest.
The couple were laying on the bed in their room Y/n reading a book while Vox was handling some more documents. Door wide upon as per Alastor's rules.
"I swear he is doing it on purpose!" Vox complained. "I mean, he straight up attacked me this time."
"He wants to see what you can do, train you." They turned over a page in their book. "It's his way of bonding. He already likes you a lot better, I swear!
He sighed, "if you say so, sweets. I sometimes just wished we could get along better, not just for my comfort but for yours." Vox set down his tablet on their nightstand and combed his fingers through their hair. "It must be exhausting to have us bicker all the time."
Before Y/n could answer, however, they got interrupted.
"My little fawn!" Alastor walked in. "I have to go to a meeting and I was wondering if you would come with me?"
"Oh." Y/n looked up at Vox. "I think I'm staying here. I haven't had the chance to hang out with Vox in quite some time."
"That's so unfortunate, you see." The overlord smirked. "It's quite the chance to build some steady connections for when it's time to climb up the ranks for you, but oh well!"
"If that's the case, why don't you take Vox with you?!"
"He is an overlord too, connections would be useful, right?" They looked the TV Demon in the eyes.
"Uhm well yes, bu-"
"Then this is your chance!" They jumped up from the bed and started pushing Alastor out of the room. "He'll be down in five."
For some strange reason or another, the Radio Demon didn't make a fuss about it. Just accepted that Vox would come with, strange... Very strange...
Alastor and Vox stood awkwardly next to each other right outside the front door.
"So, are we taking a car, or...?" Vox broke the silence.
"If we still lived in my time we would have just taken the trolly," the Radio Demon remarked, "But we aren't so get those legs moving. It's quite far."
The TV glared at the other walking away. "Where are we going, anyway?"
Alastor looked back at the man catching up to him. "Don't worry your ugly little head over it!"
"This 'ugly head' scored your child, motherfucker!" He retorted.
A shadowy tentacle shot out of Alastor's back. The appendage hit Vox right in the middle of his screen, almost cracking it.
"I didn't take you for a gambler," Vox said, staring at the buzzling casino the two were about to enter, "what would Y/n think of you?"
"I don't frequent establishments of this kind often but when I do, I don't plan on losing." Alastor made his way inside, the other following him. "This is your chance to show me what you're made of. Don't ruin it."
Vox followed the demon into the back where a familiar overlord was sitting at a poker table.
"Husker my old friend, I see you are at again!" He sat down at the table and as soon as he did, a few of the denizens that excused themselves. "How about a round? Even brought easy pickings."
"I'm not easy pickings!" Vox yelled whole sitting down, not willing to back of from this challenge.
"Vox, huh, didn't realise you became chummy with the Radio Demon." Husker looked him up and down. "Fine, you can join but remember, we're dealing in souls over here!"
As soon as Vox sat down, chips appeared before him. These chips, however, weren't your usual casino chips. No, these held a soul in them. He couldn't believe this was happening, gambling with souls was very risky and here Alastor, fucking Alastor, was willing to risk it against the overlord of gambling. Not only that, but the man had pulled him along too.
The cards were shuffled and everyone got their own deck. This was insane, losing even one game could mean losing his position as an overlord. Now that Vox was thinking about it, Alastor had planned to bring Y/n along for this.
He was willing to risk Y/n's power and soul for a stupid game! This didn't feel right, Alastor would never. Then maybe, just maybe, the Radio Demon had already secured the win before even starting the game.
Vox looked over at the man, and the face he saw confirmed it. The Radio Demon was smirking even wider than ever before. This was going to be Husk's last night as an overlord. For him this meant to protect his own souls at all costs and let Alastor handle the rest.
"Come on Husker, are you really going to back out now?" Alastor teased, "Maybe you'll win it all back in one last round!"
"I don't have more souls." Husker glared at the giant stack of chips in front of the other two.
"Well technically you do have one more... But I understand why you wouldn't gamble with it." The Radio Demon put on a fake disappointed face while still maintaining his signature smile. "I guess that's it for the gambling overlord."
The two other demons were about to stand up and leave before Husker spoke up, "Wait! One more round but keep in mind that I have only one souls to bet!"
"It's a deal then!" The Radio Demon immediately agreed. "I'll put in all my chips for your singular soul."
"I'm backing out." Vox took his chips and made them disappear. Knowing Alastor, the demon would've taken all his souls too this round if he didn't. Besides, he had even gained a few souls that night.
"Heads up, then?" Husker asked at which Alastor agreed.
It was a brutal sight. The horror in Husker's eyes after he realised he not only lost his position as an overlord but also lost his own soul, all in the same night.
"Well good friend, it's getting late and I have to prove to my little fawn I didn't kill their suiter!" Alastor made all his chips disappear. "Come on Vox, Y/n is waiting on us."
"Right..." Vox was still flabbergasted about what he witnessed that day.
Once outside, he gained the confidence to speak up. "What was that?"
"Just some dealings, shouldn't an overlord like you understand such a simple concept?" Alastor chided. "Or are you as incapable as I first guessed you were!"
"That's not what I meant! You were going to have Y/n gamble with souls?!" Vox stepped in front of him, blocking the way. "You know how risky that would be you lollipop looking FUCKER!!!"
"They would've been just fine," he shrugged, "besides, it's about time they gained more power. I can't always be there for them, especially when they go behind my back." He shot a glare at the other man.
"Then why were you fine with me coming?"
"Hmm, if they're going to be with you, I should make sure you can protect them."
The rest of the way back was silent. Vox mulling over the other's words.
Weeks went by and instead of fighting over Y/n's attention, Alastor started to pull Vox away from them for 'training sessions'. While Vox found them to be tortures, he couldn't deny they weren't useful.
It was Y/n's birthday, the house was decorated with banners and guests were coming over. Vox had already been there since morning, annoying their father. Rosie, Franklin, some other cannibals and even Velvette came over. Gifts stacked on the table, snacks were available next to the pile.
"Oh darling, it's good to see you." Rosie shook their hand. "And another happy birthday!"
"Thanks, Rosie!"
At some point Alastor pulled Vox away from the party into his study.
"I need to talk with you." The Radio Demon filled his cup with whatever was in the ceramic pitcher. "As you know I am quite the traditional man."
"I'm aware," Vox answered.
"Then I probably won't have to tell you this but I just want to make sure." He took a sip from his mug. "If I find out you two partook in any... Usual marital affairs before you two could wed, I will hunt you to the edges of hell and rip your soul apart." Alastor grew twice in size, his eyes turned into dials, and static and symbols appeared all around him. "G̸̟͉̍̃͒̐͝Ö̴͔̫̀T̸̻̹̆ ̶̺͉̻̫̝̯̈̉̅̏̑ ̸̠̞͌͋͛͑͛̉͝͝I̵̖̩̓̃̈͝Ṫ̷̨̧̥̺̤̗̳̹͒̐?!"
"Yes, sir!"
"Great!" In one second the Radio Demon was back to his usual self. "Now let's get back to the party, shall we?"
Guests came and went, until only Alastor and Vox were left.
"So, uhm, the night's almost over but I haven't given you my gift yet." Vox held a rectangle box in his nervous sweaty hands. "Here."
Y/n carefully pulled of the ribbon and the wrapping paper, revealing a box. It was a V-Reader.
"Thank you."
"I wasn't sure you would like it but it can hold of 5 million books, designed it myself!"
"It's perfect." Y/n kissed the screen right between his eyes where his nose would have been.
"Erhmehm," Alastor fake coughed while glaring at the other overlord, "You also haven't received my gift yet." He grabbed their hand, holding it tightly.
Before Y/n realised what he was about to do, pure power started running through their veins from their hand to the rest of their body.
"I got these souls recently and have no need for them. I figured you could use some more power."
"I see, thanks."
The rest of the night was spend with just the two lovebirds in their room, door open of course.
"Dad's been acting weird, don't you think?"
"He has been his some old annoying self as far as I've noticed." Vox ran his fingers through their hair. "Why do you think that?"
"He would've never given me souls if it wasn't for something important and instead of trying to pull me away, he has been 'training' you." Y/n laid their head on his chest, listening for his heartbeat. "He has also been very sentimental the last few days, looking back on childhood memories, cooking together, hunting together. It all feels off."
"Then we'll ask him about it tomorrow, I doubt he would want to worry you."
"If you say so."
They were never able to ask him, because when the two of them woke up without the father yelling at Vox to get out of their bed, the two knew there was something wrong. They looked around the house, Alastor, however, was nowhere to be found.
They went to Cannibal Town to ask around, but no one had seen him there either. Not even Rosie knew where he was. Y/n's worry grew and grew. It got so bad that Vox decided to use his camera's to look all over hell to look for a sign of the Radio Demon.
Nothing, absolute no sign of Alastor.
Months went by, still no sign. Y/n moved into Vox's apartment, for both safety and not to feel lonely in their old home where everything reminded them of their father.
Even after all this time, Y/n still held hope, however, after two years that hope dissolved too. Vox and them started taking over all of the Radio Demon's responsibility.
After a while the two of them even got engaged and Y/n had accepted the fact that their father likely would never come back.
Seven years went by and the love birds were extremely happy, until one day Vox was working in his office and one of his camera's that he had around the princes' new hotel picked up something.
"THAT FUCKER IS BACK!" Vox yelled, staring at the screen showing the Radio Demon casually hanging out at the Hazbin Hotel. "He didn't even tell Y/n. Oh, I'm going to make him suffer for their grieve. I'm going to make you wish you'd stayed gone!"
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And that's the end. My next long series is with Zestial, part 1 already out. But if you have any one-shot request for me check out my pinned post with all the characters I write about!
Masterlist/request guidelines
Taglist: @hxzbinwrites
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Oh For a Muse of Fire! Part 10
Why yes I did devote an entire chapter of their “un-date” as Steve is calling it in his head, why do you ask? :D And yes they did both “overdress” for a meal between acquaintances (especially Eddie). If you want to see what they looked like in my head, let me know and I’ll try to draw them both.
Also Steve’s experience with D&D is what happen to my sister in college. She hates D&D.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9 
Steve stood in front of his closet, hands on his hips in frustration. “Robs!” he called out panicked. “I don’t have anything to wear!”
She walked into the room and shook her head at the mess he’d made. “I see a lot of clothes in here. Hell, it looks like hurricane Steven came through.”
Steve put his head in his hands. “I don’t want to look too dressed up, like I’m trying too hard. I don’t want to look too causal, because then he’ll think I don’t care. I want to look nice, but not something that will show my scars. Fuck, Robs. This is hopeless.”
Robin sighed and waded through the mess, picking at the clothes. She handed him a light blue button up, a grey vest and nice blue jeans. “Here. And then pair it with your blue sneaks and tada! Everything you wanted.”
Steve put on the clothes she suggested and turned back to the mirror. He rolled up the sleeves to his elbow and nodded approvingly.
“It looks so good, Robs,” he murmured.
She smiled. “It just needs one more thing.” She reached around his neck and clasped a single silver chain. It fell to his collar bones and if he undid one more button it would show off his chest. You could still kind of see his neck scars but only if you knew they were there.
“How are we feeling about the open collar?” she asked gently.
Steve let out a slow breath. “I’m thinking it looks hot.”
Robin hugged him from behind. “I think so, too.”
He looked at his watch. “It’s about time to go, I’ll freshen up my hair a bit and I’m out of here.”
She kissed his cheek. “Good luck.”
Steve blushed. “It’s not a date.”
She looked at him fondly through the mirror. “I know, dingus. But it’s still a big step considering everything that has happened to you both since January. And it’s a little scary.”
He sighed and turned in her grasp to bury his head into her shoulder. “I know, and if I didn’t have you, I probably would have canceled twelve times already.”
She giggled. “At least that.” Robin let go of him and pushed him in the direction of the bathroom. “Go finish getting ready, you dork. Or you will be late!”
Steve laughed and went to do just that.
Eddie bounced on his heels as he waited for Steve to arrive. He refused to look at his watch again. The last time he looked he swore time had stopped all together.
Eddie looked down at his clothes nervously. He was wearing a black button up, completely unbuttoned, tucked into a nice pair of black skinny jeans. His hair was pulled back out of his face with a black bandanna, the sides of his hair loose to his shoulders. Over all that was his black leather jacket. Well, there was also all the loose chains at his hips, his rings on his fingers, and his lucky guitar pick dangling at his throat.
If Chrissy had been there, she would have told him he was being ridiculous. But she hadn’t been, so here he was rethinking his outfit for the billionth time tonight.
And then he saw Steve. Gorgeous, beautiful, amazing Steve. Yup. All those feelings of attraction and desire that Eddie had put inside his heart’s box, chained and padlocked to the extreme came bursting out all at once.
How could he possibly believe this man wished him deliberate harm?
“Hey, Stevie!” he greeted with a grin. “Looking good.”
Steve did a slow twirl to show of the whole outfit. “You think so?”
Eddie walked up into his was in Steve’s space. “I know so.” He put his finger under the chain and lifted it up. “Very nice.”
Steve blushed. “I don’t have as many as you, but it’ll do.”
Eddie huffed out a laugh. “You can never have too many.”
“If you say so,” Steve teased. He started walking, but said over his shoulder, “You look pretty damn fine, too.”
Eddie laughed and hurried to catch up to him. “Good to know.”
“We’re taking my car. I hope you don’t mind.”
Eddie shook his head. “I’d be more shocked if we were taking my van.”
Steve beamed at him. “Yeah. It’s so nice not having to take the bus.”
“Robin doesn’t seem to mind.” Eddie winked at him.
Steve unlocked Eddie’s door first before going round to the driver’s side and getting in. “That’s because she’s a zen master of the bus system. She always knows exactly when one is going to show up. I always get confused which one I’m supposed to get on and where I’m supposed to transfer.”
Eddie nodded, buckling his seat belt. “Yeah, it makes my head spin, too.”
Steve flashed him his most blinding smile. “Do you like Italian food?”
“Yeah, sure,” he said. “Is that where we’re going?”
Steve nodded as he pulled out into traffic. “I have a friend who’s mom owns an Italian restaurant and he’s been pestering me to come try it out for awhile.”
“So why haven’t you gone?” Eddie asked.
Steve gave a little half shrug. “Robin isn’t a fan and I only have one night off a week. So if she doesn’t want to go...”
“You don’t,” Eddie finished. “Yeah I get that.”
They pulled up to the restaurant. It was one of those nice little diner type places where the staff was all literally family and the food came from recipes generations old. Above their heads Tony Curtis crooned and the decor was like stepping off the plane onto Italian soil.
Eddie was in love already. With the restaurant, with the restaurant, he forcibly told himself. Not the boy. The restaurant.
There was suddenly this blur and it was tackling Steve. Steve barely managed to keep upright and laughed.
“Hey Dustin,” he greeted, ruffling the person’s hair.
Once Dustin stepped back, Eddie could make out who it was. He had a wild mane of curly brown hair and goofy grin.
“Hey, where’s Robin?” Dustin protested once he got a good look at the person standing next to Steve.
Steve sighed and Eddie could tell this was a long standing argument. “She doesn’t like Italian food. You know this. It’s why your mom makes meatloaf for every time we come to dinner.”
Dustin sighed. “I know. But I just want her to try Mom’s. I just know that if she had proper Italiana she’d love it.”
Steve shook his head. “This is my friend, Eddie. You know the person I did bring who will appreciate your mom’s cooking?”
Dustin eyed Eddie up and scoffed. “You do know that Mom doesn’t care if you bring dates, right? You can just say it’s a date.”
Eddie coughed and looked away.
Steve sighed. “I know that. But this is just a thank you to him for him helping to fix my car.”
Dustin wagged his eyebrows. “Yeah. Sure...”
“Can you just seat us, please?”
Dustin rolled his eyes. “Fine...”
They were seated in a booth and given menus. Steve scanned it quickly and then closed the menu.
“Already decided?” Eddie asked as he perused his menu.
Steve laughed. “The mark of a good Italian restaurant is how good their lasagna is.”
Eddie laughed, too. “Fair enough.” He continued to look over the menu and then finally set it aside it.
“Made your decision, then?” Steve asked with grin.
Eddie smiled. “The chicken penne Gorgonzola looked amazing, so I’m going to give that a try.”
Dustin came over with a pad. “So what will it be?”
“I’ll have the lasagna and a blackberry Italian soda,” Steve said, handing the menu to Dustin.
“And for you?”
Eddie picked up the menu again. “Are the Italian sodas any good?”
“Dude, they are amazing,” Dustin gushed. “They’re flavored sodas with cream and will knock your socks off. I recommend the lemon or the orange to start.”
“If you like orange Dreamcicles,” Steve suggested, “the ice cream bar, orange is the one for you.”
“I’ll take an orange Italian soda and the chicken penne Gorgonzola with no mushrooms thanks.” Eddie handed back the menu with a grin.
“Coming right up!” Dustin said and went to the kitchen to put in their order.
Eddie turned to Steve. “You really didn’t have to go this nice on dinner. I would have happily taken McDonald’s.”
Steve laughed. “Having my car back is well worth a place with waiters, I assure you. Being able to get into my car after a gig night was a god send, let me tell you.”
“Are they bad? Busy wise, I mean,” Eddie asked.
“It depends on what kind of band or solo act is playing,” Steve explained. “I love punk or rock bands. They tip well and limit the assholery to a minimum. Pop and country though? Fuck those guys. Seriously. Pop especially.”
“Do you get any other kind of music?” Eddie asked. “I know Diamond was saying that they’ve never had a metal band before us.”
Steve scratched his cheek thoughtfully. “Some. I mean rap, hip hop and R&B aren’t very big out here. We have had some more blues and jazz, weirdly enough. But they haven’t been very good.”
Eddie grimaced. “Sounds a bit...racist?”
Steve scoffed. “Yeah, from the patrons, but not Diamond. His wife, Amethyst  is black and she manages the financial side of things. She’s got a real brain on her. And she’s always trying to get more of those acts in. They’re just not interested.”
Eddie nodded.
Dustin came back with their drinks and Eddie had his first sip of Italian soda.
“Holy fuck, man,” he hissed. “That is like the ice cream.”
Steve chuckled. “Told you. You want to try mine? It’s blackberry.”
Eddie reached over and grabbed his drink and took a sip. Steve bit his lip at the sight of Eddie’s lips around his straw.
“Oh,” Eddie said. “That’s interesting. I like that.” He slid the glass back over to Steve.
“It’s my favorite.”
They chatted while they waited and just caught up with each other’s lives.
Soon enough Dustin came out with their meals, deftly placing each dish in front of them.
“Enjoy!” he chirped before dashing back to kitchen.
They started eating so the talk slowed a bit. Though once or twice Eddie went off on a tangent and Steve had to nudge his ankle with his foot to remind him to eat.
“I just don’t get why you don’t want to play D&D...” Eddie whined. “It’s lots of fun. Especially if you get a good DM.”
Steve groaned. “I had a bad experience. A bunch of friends from my dorm my freshman year of college were really big into it. And I thought, sure. At least I’d be playing with people my own age...” Eddie raised a questioning eyebrow. “Will tried to get me to play with his friends. Anyway. I build my character. They were all level ten or whatever so they let me have a level ten wizard.”
Eddie smiled. “So far so good,” he said around a bite of food. He swallowed. “So what went wrong?”
Steve gave him a pained smile. “The DM let me use fireball in a narrow hallway to see I could open the locked door.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide. “What the fuck?”
“I killed everyone,” Steve finished with a grimace. “And destroyed all their magic items. My dormmate wouldn’t leave me alone the rest of the time I was rooming with him about how I destroyed three years of work in three seconds.”
“Sounds to me,” Eddie said, resting his head on his clasped hands, “that the DM used you to TPK because he was tired of DM’ing them.”
Steve furrowed his brows. “What’s TPK?”
Dustin happened to be passing by when he asked. “Oh my god, Steve, if you would just play. You would know these things.”
Eddie frowned up at him. “Hey. He was just telling me about his first time and so what if he didn’t know. That’s why he asked.” He turned to Steve. “It stands for total party kill. It’s when the DM offs everyone’s character all at once.”
“Only dick DMs do it,” Dustin said smugly.
Eddie ran his tongue over teeth. “I’ve done it before. The group spent more time arguing over rules and which rule book to use than actual playing. So I nuked them and refused to DM for them ever again.”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “You DM?!”
Steve rolled his eyes, smug in the knowledge that he knew something that Dustin didn’t.
He waved his hand dramatically at Eddie. “Meet Will Byers’ infamous DM.”
Eddie bowed as well as he could sitting down. “You know Will the Wise?”
Dustin’s jaw dropped. “Know him? Dude, we gave him the nickname. Back when we were in middle school it was Will, me, Mike and Lucas. Will was our DM. It was awesome!”
“Small world,” Eddie murmured.
“Hell yeah!” He looked over at his mom and grimaced. “My mom’s giving me the stink eye. And she said to tell you, you aren’t getting a bill.” He skipped back to the kitchen.
“Shit,” Steve groused. “There goes me paying you back for fixing my car.”
Eddie laughed. “You still showed me a good time. Introduced me to some amazing food, a cool drink, and I blew some kid’s mind. I think we’re pretty well even.”
Steve smiled shyly. “If you’re sure?”
Part 11  Part 12 Part 13  Part 14  Part 15  Part 16  Part 17 Epilogue
Tag List: @artiststarme @allbymyselfexceptformycactus @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @itsall-taken @m-owo-n @zerokrox-blog @runyousillydetective @grimmfitzz @wonderland-girl143-blog @sapphirecobalt-1 @scheodingers-muppet @victor-thee-corvid @apricottree @bookbinderbitch @sleepyboosstuff @biatcgh @pixiefallingupthestairs @grtwdsmwhr @thepainisspicy @carlyv @eboyawstenn @bisexualdisastersworld @bidisastersworld @abstractnaturaldisaster @evix-syne666 @nerdsconquerall @lololol-1234 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @a-little-unsteddie @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @elluminis @tailsfromthecrypt @danili666 @plyerice27 @alittlegreyfish  @n0-1-important @no-upper-limit-to-stupidity @maya-custodios-dionach @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @heaven428 @thedragonsaunt @ceaselessly-watching
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writingbyshiloh · 11 months
Part 5. Aram
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Series Masterlist 
AN: The 1 (maybe 2) people who read my MVDG and Red fics are EATING this week. This is definitely a new record. Last time R and Red almost get caught!!!! Sry Aram, ILY but I needed part 5 to be done. I have more Red fic ideas BUT I have to finish this first. If u were tagged twice that is my mistake
CW: Food,  swearing, FBI! Reader. Editing this was surprisingly fast so be scared (of grammar mistakes)
Slowly but surely, Raymond Reddington has been leaving things at your apartment. The first was a now empty suitcase. He asked you to take it because he needed to move out of one safe house and wouldn’t be able to get into the next one for the whole day. Nursing your massive crush on him, you agreed, but not before going through the suitcase in front of him to make sure it was just clothes and nothing illegal. 
As your relationship evolved, so have the items he leaves at yours. He’s left a few white T-shirts in case he stays over, munis the one you took for yourself. There is a full suit perpetually hanging in the back of your closet, tucked away in its own bag. He even left a French press in your kitchen so he can enjoy his coffee at yours. You’re also gifted with an endless supply of drop phones with one or two numbers pre-programmed into them. 
 You’ve been to this restaurant before, but that was when you went as an ordinary customer. It was loud, a mix of chatter from customers, the kitchen, and the random playlist of background music. 
Tonight was much quieter, the only customers being the two of you. You could hear the music more clearly even though it was at a lower volume. That’s the perks you get when dating someone who everyone seems to owe. 
You could hear him even if you were sitting across, but he immediately took the seat next to you. His watch reflects the light as he trails your fingers up and down your arm. 
You try not to squirm under his gaze but it's hard. He’s been gone for a month and you’re just dying to get him into your bed. You didn't even glance at the menus, wanting to have your whole attention on Reddington.
“We can go somewhere. Anywhere you want.” He suggests pulling you back to the conversation. 
“Oh, is my apartment not good enough for you?” you tease, trying to deflect.
“Not that I don’t love your view of the parking lot, sweetheart, but how about a change? We could get as far as Finland for breakfast.” 
You’re saved by a shrill ringing from your bag. It also makes your heart drop into your stomach. Not wanting to be interrupted you only brought your work phone. 
“Shit, shit. I’m so sorry I have to take this.” your words are frantic and you pull the phone out to see who is on the caller ID. 
Reddington nodded, understanding but you could also see the disappointment on his face. 
You push your seat out while standing, needing to pace while on the phone. 
“I know you’re on a date, and you were really looking forward to it, but we need you. The calls are too much for one person and uhh….” Aram’s voice trails off as the line goes mute. 
You know that you’re going to ditch your date to go to work, but you can still feel bad about it. You spin on your feet to face Reddington and tell him the bad news but catch sight of Dembe striding across the restaurant with his phone in hand. 
Aram rejoined your phone call. “And Rickey’s dead.” 
Rickey is someone low in Reddington's criminal operation, who is also working with someone on the blacklist, selling secrets to them. Reddington was feeding Ricky false information in hopes it would draw out the blacklister. 
“He's dead?!” you repeat, before putting your phone on mute to fill Reddington in. 
“Your man Ricky’s dead!” You tell him, still in disbelief.
Both Dembe and Reddington look at you like you grew a second head. 
“He's not dead, he has been arrested,” Dembe informs you. 
Now it was your turn to stare at them. 
“Hello? Are you still there? Helloooo.” Aram's voice got your attention. You unmute him. 
“Yeah, sorry. I’m on my way.” You reply before handing up the call. The restaurant was close to the Post Office, it would be faster to walk than to try and get your coat and have Reddington drive you. 
“I’m so sorry, I need to go, Aram thinks he's dead, but needs help figuring out where, or why or something.” You ramble on trying to get your brain to catch up. 
“Can I at least offer a ride?” Reddington asks. He knows he won’t be able to talk you back into continuing the date.
You wave him off. 
“It's faster if I walk. I’m so sorry” you apologize for the third time. 
“Sweetheart, it's raining, please.” He implores.
“I gotta go.”  
With your phone in your hand, you blindly felt around under the table for your bag. 
“It's raining.” 
“It’s just water,” you argued back. 
“At least take the jacket, please.”
You reached out to take the cream suit jacket from him and shrugged it over your shoulders. At least your hair will stay dry.  
“That's a nice jacket. Looks like something Reddington would wear.” The first words out of Aram's mouth had you on edge. 
Your laugh sounded fake, even to your own ears as you move to hide the jacket in your shared office. 
“Yeah, guess I spend too much time here” you joke, settling into the chair Aram put out for you at his desk.
“Okay. I know you got pulled away from your date, and I’m sorry. But did you get the pasta with the mushroom cream sauce?” 
“Aram -” 
“Oh, or maybe the gnocchi?” 
You make an exaggerated frown. “We didn’t even order.” 
Aram's face drops. It’s sweet how invested he is. When Reddington told you the restaurants he wanted to take you to, Aram helped you decide which one to go to you think. 
The Ricky hunt was not going well. No one had a clear lead, and with you taking hospital and morgues, Aram calling police stations, even Reddington (sans suit jacket) and Dembe came into call any criminal contacts who may know. 
Aram was blessed with the winning phone call. Ricky was indeed arrested and then bailed out by the blacklister, giving the team a lead. More importantly, it gave you the freedom to salvage what was left of your date. 
Dembe already left to start the car but to also give you and Red some space. 
“You look lovely tonight. Any special occasion?” He asked while following you to one of the hallways in the post office. 
You press your lips together in an effort not to smile. 
“I actually had a hot date.” 
“Think it's salvageable?” 
You pretended to think it over while the elevator doors closed. 
“I don’t know. He told me my apartment’s not as nice for breakfast compared to anywhere in Europe?” you tease him. 
“He sounds wise. Are you going to forgive him?” Reddington purses his lips as if he was actually going to weigh in on the drama.
You bump your shoulder against him. 
“Depends on how he treats me tonight.” 
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sunwarmed-ash · 2 months
WIP wednesday
i've been rebinging House so the next chapter of Plenty to go around is essentially done. Unless the muse gets something else finished first that'll probs be sundays update
here's a teaser for ch 5 👀😈 vvvv
slut!chase, daddy kink, top!house, chase/everyone fic
Chase is showered and on his way back to the sleep lab when he's met with two highly unexpected, early morning visitors. 
Foreman’s been able to save face, and ass, for about 15 minutes, but when Chase walks in with still-damp hair and a sizable limp House & Wilson put two and two together and get slut. 
Wilson looks pleasantly amused between the two young men, whereas House’s eyes threaten homicide. 
“Well, I’m glad to see we’re upholding the Princeton Plainsboro standard of care in my absence,” House spits.
“The patient's fine-” Chase starts to insist but House is quick to shut him down. 
“Not talking to you.” 
Chase flushes red and his jaw snaps close with a click of his teeth.  
“Someone left Chase hanging,” Foreman laughs, folding his arms across his chest, “figured it was my turn to lend a helping hand.” 
Chase thinks it's ballsy, talking back to House like that. Maybe a little too ballsy. Just because the team was independently fucking Chase didn't mean their pecking order changed. 
“You’re interfering with his punishment. How can the slut learn if you undermine my authority?”
Foreman and House continue to glare at each other like they were a couple of cowboys about to draw their weapons at a high noon standoff. Foreman’s the first to fire. 
“Your training must not be that good,” Foreman shrugs, “Got him to cum twice with the cage on anyway.”
Chase clears his throat to cover an unexpected moan. And then every bit of House’s fury is suddenly directed at Chase. 
“He did what?”
“I-” Chase’s entire body flushes hot. There was nothing he could say to deny it. “I'm sorry.” 
The edge of House’s mouth raises in a smirk but Chase knows from experience that doesn't mean anything good for him. 
“Oooo naughty boy. Now Daddy’s going to have to spank you.”
They’ve relocated to House's office. 
The blinds are drawn but the doors aren't locked and as soon as he can, House pushes Chase down across his desk, yanks down his pants, and slaps his exposed ass cheek hard. 
“Fuck!” Chase howls, hips thrusting against the desk in an effort to get away from the stinging pain. That doesn't last long though, because when it takes too long for another swat to come, Chase is pushing his ass backward and wordlessly begging for another. 
“Nope, not if you enjoy it. Defeats the point of punishment,” House says before pushing the tip of his forefinger past the puffy entrance of Chase’s asshole. 
“AH!” Chase hisses.
“You're pretty swollen, you sore?”
“Yes Daddy…” Chase pants, resting his face back against the desk’s surface. 
“How about now,” House asks before rotating his forefinger to find Chase’s prostate. He pushes hard against it and-
“Ah!” Chase hisses, “Yes, fuck, oh my god…” 
“Good. It’s going to get worse,” House warns before he pushes a second finger inside. 
“Fuck. Daddy please…” Chase cries. His hands fly across the desk, knocking everything to the ground in an effort to find something to hold onto. The sting in his ass hurts, but the ache in his cock and balls has him begging for this to continue. 
“House…” Wilson warns, misreading Chase's noise. Chase had honestly forgotten the man was there.
House huffs his own irritation the doctors way. 
“Chase? You good?”
“YES! Please, please,” Chase pants desperately, “I’m sore, but I want it. Don’t stop.”
“See Jimmy. Nothing to worry about.” 
House twists his fingers and rubs again at his oversensitive prostate, Chase’s knees tremble so hard that if it wasn't for House’s desk, he’d fall on the floor. 
“What? You want to cum? You don't deserve to.”
“I know, I know, I'm sorry,” Chase sobs, but in some ways he's not. Everything hurts, but just the way he likes. He’s got House’s full attention on him, and when he gets jealous, his fucks get rougher. His desire to mark his claim gets stronger. And Chase loves when that side comes out. 
“Foreman didn't cum in you?” 
“No. But I wanted him to.”
Chase can practically hear House’s eyes roll. 
“Of course you did, you want everyone to cum in you.”
“Please,” Chase blubbers. 
“What are you willing to do for it?” House asks, and before Chase can answer, House’s cock is sliding inside him and Chase melts against the desk with a pitiful whimper. 
“Hey,” House says, slapping Chase's ass, “I asked you a question.”
“Anything,” Chase groans, ass clenching hard around the man’s cock.  
“Anything?” House confirms, dragging his dick back out before thrusting sharply back inside. “Keep the cage on, for say, 3 days?”
“Hhhn,” Chase whines instead of answering because House has started up a steady pace, holding Chase’s hips firm. The angle puts immense pressure on his prostate and Chase’s whimpers only get louder. The desk squeaks under the strain, but there’s no way in hell anyone will stop. 
Chase's answer gets punched out of him with the force of House’s next thrusts.
“A week?”
Chase’s legs are having a hard time keeping up with the thrusts.
“2 months?” 
House’s next thrusts are intentionally deep. Chase feels his sanity sizzle and fry.  
“Fuck… yeah, yeah I would. I would, please- just,” Chase groans, unable to finish the sentence the next jab to his prostate leaves him gasping. 
“Wilson, put your dick in his mouth. If he keeps moaning, someone's gonna walk in here.”
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deadboydoodling · 29 days
What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children?
How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter?
How many years apart between them in age?
Your headcanon for their name?
Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent?
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic.
Thank you :)
THANKS FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK!!! Sorry I took such of an ungodly long amount of time to answer this! Mockingjay makes me SO SAD that I admittedly haven't spent a lot of time thinking about it and the events following. So I tried to brainstorm on this for a bit (to no real avail oops)? Full disclaimer, my answers probably won't be the most well-written or articulated. BUTT this did give me mad inspiration to draw the babiessss. Anyways I love being given a platform to yap about my brainrot so thanks for sending the questions this way! My dms are always open! @curiousthg Answers below! vv
1.) What's your headcanon for Katniss and Peeta's children? I think Katniss was likely scared shitless that she was going to be a terrible mother. We know in the books, she didn't want to have children because she didn't want to bring them into such of an unsafe and cruel world. By the time she has children, we're led to assume it's because she finally believes the world is safe enough for them. Despite the world being objectively safe enough, I'm sure there is an underlying fear that she won't be a good enough mother and will become absent like her own. However, when Katniss held her daughter for the first time, and her saw her little, scrunched up face, Katniss couldn't even begin to imagine not being there for her. It's not to say she didn't have moments where she struggled, though. I think her pregnancy with her son was a lot less nerve-wracking. Even though I'm sure Peeta was stressed all the same about Katniss's health & well-being. Maybe a little too much, but who could blame him?
2.) How old was Katniss when give birth to their daughter? Math is NOT my specialty here but I'm pretty sure given the book's information, she was likely in her early 30s.
3.) How many years apart between them in age? I'm guessing around 2-3 years. No thoughts. Just a little toddler curled up around her mama's bulging stomach, not really grasping the concept she's going to have a little brother soon, but being excited all the same because her parents are.
4.) Your headcanon for their name? Ok so full admission, I was really into THG circa 2014/15 but then I fell out and just got back into this year (last month oops). One of the things I remember from the fandom was their names being Rye and Willow. I actually thought this was canon until my most recent re-read of Mockingjay where I realized I just had fanon brainrot.
5.) Who gets the singing and art skill from their parent? This is a GREAT question I haven't even began to think about. I imagine that Rye and Willow when they are young enjoy both hobbies. They sing with their mama, they finger paint with their papa. I really like the idea of Peeta and Katniss's daughter having a wild, outspoken streak and being an unapologetically loud singer.
Bonus question : please give recs of your fav everlark post-Mockingjay fanfic. uno reverse! give me yours I literally just finished reading my first hunger games fanfic a week ago and I need recs!!!
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paintedpeeta · 1 year
I shall begin here, because it is on my mind: what things do we think Katniss notices or what things do we think Peeta says to her that make her go "oh it's not just me projecting how much of a great dad he'd be; he actually wants children so badly" post war?
okay so i want to start this by saying that no matter what it is that gives her these revelations, she is absolutely the last person to work it out. everyone else around them knows that peeta is desperate to be a father, but because it’s something he never presses, it takes her a while to catch up.
(also, katniss herself has the revelation that peeta would be a great dad many years before. on the quell beach, or perhaps before that but subconsciously, because on the quell beach when she recognises that peeta is the one who should have the chance to become a parent it doesn’t seem like much of a revelation at all - more like something that she just instinctively feels and chooses to share with us in that moment because it’s a pressing issue. in katniss’ mind, children are a gift. something precious. something that the risk of losing is so catastrophic that it would be better to never have them at all. but still, she feels like it’s something peeta deserves… to have a world where his child could be safe.)
and i think that peeta would be pretty subtle about it at first. like i said, i simply can’t imagine that it’s something he presses for - and so i think you’re entirely right in thinking that it would be up to katniss to put the pieces together and realise how badly he wants to have children, from his actions and his words.
from his actions, it would be easy to assume that he’s just behaving in his usual good-natured way. when he interacts with the littlest customers who come to the bakery, patiently helping them as they hand over the note that contains their mother’s order. the way he stands at the door to make sure they cross the road out front safely, carrying their neatly packed order - finished with a free treat - in a paper bag. how soft his voice becomes when he gets to hold their friends sleeping babies, the way he faithfully adds every photo sent to them of finnick and annie’s son to their family memory book, how gentle he talks to him down the phone whenever annie calls for a catch up. i like to imagine that they both take up fairly active roles in their community, helping out at the community home by fundraising but also volunteering, spending time with the children and helping to teach them life skills and fun activities. the younger children love it when katniss reads to them, and peeta hangs up the finger paintings and drawings that they make him in their home.
however, it’s his words that make her really catch on. it’s a rare thing to ever hear peeta speak badly about someone, but if he ever felt like someone was mistreating their child then he would have several things to say about it. one night he’s particularly riled up, perhaps he was at the market and someone berated their kid infront of him, and while he rants about it something slips out along the lines of “I would never speak to my child that way”. and while katniss has been sympathetically listening to his tangent, that makes her pause. it could be as subtle as that, but it makes her realise that he has very clearly thought about what kind of father he would be - and so, has thought about having a child.
and that would be enough for it to click with her, but of course it would take a lot more upfront and candid conversations on the topic before anything was decided. i’m firmly opposed to the view that the 5, 10, 15 years katniss describes in the epilogue are 15 years of peeta trying to grind her down into having children. it’s 15 years of her noticing all of these subtle moments, gradually feeling safer, gradually accepting that her wishes as she fell asleep on the quell beach have become somewhat true…
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little-tyrant-gortash · 5 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 1,448
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10. ⬇
Chapter 11.
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Chapter 10: Misread
"Why is it so light? I thought it'd weigh me down."
Gortash silently adjusted the armour on her body, making it fit her form as snugly as possible to prevent injury from the material in the future. At her question, he smiled to himself.
"That is", he murmured, as he lowered himself on one knee in front of her to adjust straps underneath the armour, "because I altered it."
Tav looked down on him as he was working. She felt heat rise to her cheeks as she observed his kneeling form; concentration drawn over his features as he was gently tugging and adjusting the armour around her. It was an excellent fit. Ketheric seemed huge compared to her and Gortash could alter the armour so well that it fit her perfectly.
"My dear, we'd be here until dusk if I started to explain it", he chuckled, finishing to adjust one last strap.
He wanted to get up when he felt her fingers in his hair. As he glanced up at her and saw her beautiful, soft smile, he could feel that stirring again in his chest. He shoved it away.
"You look good down on your knee, Your Grace", she teased him, and Gortash grabbed her arm with a bit more force than he intended before he got up.
"Savour the memory. It won't happen again."
She looked confused, then slightly sad at his words. He wondered why, but it quickly went right over his head. Gripping a clean cloth from the desk from behind himself, he gently rubbed the purple stone within the golden claws that sat over her heart.
"Is there anything else?" Tav muttered without moving an inch, her arm still in his grasp.
Gortash pressed his lips together as he glanced up in her eyes again. He pulled her closer by her arm until the cold metal touched his bare chest.
"And what that might be?"
"Don't die."
"That'll be impossible in this armour", she rolled her eyes.
"I hope so." He huffed, placing a small kiss on her forehead. "I went through a lot of trouble to keep you alive. I need you for our Grand Design. I'll be annoyed if you somehow managed to get yourself killed now."
For some reason, his grumpy voice made her smile.
"Don't worry. I wouldn't want to annoy my favourite Archduke."
He needed a moment to collect himself. He wouldn't get her words get under his skin, he couldn't allow them to. Not now. Not yet.
"Bring Karlach here tonight. I'll see what I can do about her engine."
Tav bit her lower lip as Gortash let her arm go. He shifted away from her, stopping just next to the desk again to look at the drawings he left there hours ago. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
"Karlach can't know", she muttered quietly.
"Karlach can't know", she repeated herself, causing him to look at her again. When he said nothing, she swallowed, looking away, flustered. "I mean… about us."
"Why?" Gortash cocked a brow, slightly amused. Warmed, from the inside out. "What are we, other than business partners?"
Tav concealed all the hurt she felt at those words. If it was all he felt towards her, then she really must keep her emotions under lock and key. She couldn't let herself feel too excited around him, because she was sure he'd use it – just as Astarion used her own emotions against her.
"All you had to do was fall for it."
And fall she did.
I better keep myself distracted somehow, she thought as she watched Gortash cock a brow at her when she didn't reply.
"Nothing", she shrugged, turning her back on him. "We're nothing."
As he watched her walk to the door, he tried his best to ignore that stab of pain. It was frightening how the warmth she conjured within him was taken away just as fast by her reply. Did she just... brush him off? Their meetings meant nothing to her? Their discussions? The sex? Their touches and kisses and plans? At that point, he was certain he wouldn't sleep that night. These thoughts would definitely keep him awake.
For a moment, he believed. For a moment, he hoped. And that moment caused him a world of pain, now, because none of it was true.
We're nothing. That meant that to her, he was nothing. Compared to when she said he was her favourite Archduke, this felt so much more real and true. Of course he was nothing. Always had been. Always will be.
The void he'd been trying hard to fill up in the past few years remained. Trying to prove himself to others, over and over again, taking what he wanted if it wasn't given freely – and nothing was ever given freely –, he's failed again. If he thought he had something special with Tav… he was wrong, then. He felt like a fool. And he hated to feel like a fool.
He let her leave without another word. And she did.
She felt awful as she was walking back to the camp to join the others. Karlach was the first who spotted her.
"Hey, soldier!" She flashed a smile at her, then it froze on her face when she saw what Tav was wearing. "Wait a second. Is that…?"
"Yes, it is", she begrudgingly walked up to Karlach and looked up in her beautiful, glowing eyes. It was best to keep it honest with Karlach, especially if she wanted her to agree to the plans she had for her. "I'm wearing it because… I've made a bargain with Gortash."
"Bargain?" Karlach echoed, looking suspiciously at her already. "Was that the wise thing to do?"
"I'll be honest. I need you to fight Orin, Karlach. I can't do it without you. But we both know that your engine might give up at any time here." Tav glanced down, eyeing Karlach's glowing heart, before she looked back up in the tiefling's eyes. "I've promised myself that I'd do everything in my power to save your life, because you've done it countless times when we were in battles together. You've watched my back for as long as I can remember, and I wouldn't be here without you. I owe you so, so much. More than I can ever even begin to repay."
"We need to wipe Orin off the face of Faerûn, but I need you to be able to do that. We can't be sure what she's capable of. So… I asked him to fix your engine, and he agreed."
"On what conditions?"
"I have to wear the armour", Tav sighed, motioning at the piece shielding her body, "and I'll report to him every day how we're proceeding with our mission."
Karlach stared at her for a few long, long seconds. Tav could almost hear the cogs working in her head as she was trying to understand Gortash's motives. But Tav couldn't think of those anymore; she just wanted to get Karlach's engine first, finally find the Temple of Bhaal, send Orin to her death – in as many pieces as possible for giving her so much trouble –, then shove the stones in Gortash's hands and leave Baldur's Gate for good.
She wouldn't let someone weaponize her emotions again.
"How can we be sure he keeps his word?" Karlach finally asked and Tav shrugged.
"We can never be sure in anyone's word, Karlach. During our travels we've seen some outrageous shit. Think of… think of him." Tav didn't want to say Astarion's name out loud, lest he materialize behind her. She nervously checked the camp to make sure that this was just her imagination. "I never thought he'd tell me what he said on the day he left. I thought… I thought he'd be with us until the end."
"So you don't trust Gortash?"
I wish I could, but I mean nothing to him.
"I don't trust anyone. But what other choice do we have? He's damn good at what he does, he's the only one who has the materials and skills to help us, and I'm willing to give it a shot to save you."
This finally made Karlach smile, but her eyes remained sad for her.
"We never talked about this", she tentatively started, "but I'm sorry about what happened with you and As-"
"No", Tav cut her off, then spun on her heels and turned her back on Karlach. She started to walk back to her tent, but she kept talking over her shoulder. "I don't want to talk about that. We leave at dusk, so prepare yourself, okay?"
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End notes: Wow. 🥲 I broke my own fucking heart with Gortash's reaction when she said they were nothing. 🥲 Ouch.
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twotangledsisters · 3 months
Whats one thing you think you need to improve with you art, one thing you're satisfied with about your art, and one thing that determines who or what you draw about?
OMG, I love this question!
I took some time thinking about this and thinking about anatomy, colour theory, composition... but ultimately I think the thing I am most desperate to improve is emotion.
Here's a bunch of recent pieces and WIPs, all of which I love:
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With the exception of Eugene at the bottom smiling, they all feel very flat emotionally. They do not feel alive, they do not feel real, you do not look at those character and understand how they are feeling and feel with them (with the exception of Eugene's smile!)
You understand what I as an artist am attempting, it's very clear the New Dream and CandyCaine drawings on the upper corners are supposed to be in love, it's very clear the lower left drawing and upper-middle are supposed to be sad-sorta. But you don't feel it. Or I don't.
I want every piece I do to hit you with emotion! And I think my recent art reflects that intent, but isn't there yet. I don't know why. Like I can't quite put my finger on it... But they just feel flat.
Something I'm very satisfied with right now is posing! For a long time I was just drawing characters standing still, nothing really going on... Every artists has that phase! And I realised I was doing that and now I try to avoid it all costs.
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I mean these are three recent pieces and there's good variety. I could definitely be pushing the poses a bit more, especially that first one with New Dream I feel like there's room for a lot more movement... But as far as variety and poses choice, not necessarily how it's carried out, I am very satisfied about where I am right now.
Determines who or what you draw about
This one is really hard because... I don't think there is anything?
I'm not consistent with what I do.
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No consistency.... Sometimes it's clean line-art, sometimes none, sometimes a little, sometimes I'm using pencil textures, sometimes no texture.... I CAN'T DECIDE D:
Sometimes I'm doing portraits, fantasy creatures, scenes, landscapes...
There are consistencies in my art like how I do anatomy (yes, I realise the stylized Rapunzel using a cartoon anatomy is already breaking this rule), or that I will repeat techniques....
I mean I don't even really want to be consistent in my art and what I draw, I like trying out new things, plus...
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Sometimes I want to spend weeks on a piece (lots of my faves take 5-7 hours, I think my longest is 15 hours on a single drawing). I want to pour all of my love into a piece!!
And other days I want to sit down and finish a drawing in one session.
I can't just pick ONE style!!! XD
I think I went on a tangent there... I'm sorry.
But yeah... I don't have a satisfactory answer for this last one simply because I can't find the common thread in my art. But I don't think that takes away from it :D
I just kinda pick up a pen and see what happens XD
Thanks so much for an awesome ask that got me staring at my art and asking questions! I always love rambling about art, it's great :D
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magalidragon · 2 years
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glowing | a Jonerys drabble (and HOtD tie-in) | 🔥
I wrote this in the immediate aftermath of the HOTD finale because: 1) I’m delaying going to sleep for some reason, 2) the table was so COOL, and 3) I just really am sad that the dragons died out and I don’t want to see it. Even if it’s still a few years off. Also 4) I love Caraxes my noodle boi. 5) Also I really want Targ Restoration. Enjoy!
Dragonstone reminded him of Winterfell.
Jon walked the corridors, feeling the same chill he felt when he was in the Northern stronghold. His home, he supposed, although lately Dragonstone was more his home than Winterfell had ever been. He enjoyed the warmth from the Dragonmont, exploring the caves, and when in need, diving into the sea to work off excess energy as they waited for news from the West.
He knew the win was in sight. They’d fly to King’s Landing soon. They’d take it and he would crown his queen on the steps of the ruined Dragonpit.
In his arms, he held the egg— one of three they had found— earlier than month, while searching the Dragonmont. He had been drawn to it for some reason, a blood red with flecks of gold. Even Ghost seemed drawn to it, sniffing it and sitting by the brazier where it warmed when it wasn’t with the other two in the incubation chamber in the Dragonmont.
The dragons in the walls whispered among themselves and he’d woken up to the whispers. He took the egg and followed the dragons, the firelight on the wall torches leading the way. He stopped in the entry to the Chamber of the Painted Table, pausing and peering in.
Torches hung on the walls and the hearth blazed, doing its best to heat the room that was otherwise open to the elements, a cold wind blowing through the wall behind his queen, whistling off the stone columns.
She was sitting at the head of the table— the North— a large ancient tome open in front of her. He walked in quietly, trying not to startle her. He needn’t have bothered. She lifted her face, smiling. “I heard you coming down the hall.”
“Sorry, I didn’t want to disturb you.”
“It’s no bother. I couldn’t sleep.”
Jon held the egg up. “I wanted to bring it here. Not sure why.”
Dany nodded to the hearth. She stood and walked towards him, taking the egg and kneeling, placing it in the fire. It glowed, so red it was blinding. He walked around the table and gazed at the book she was reading. It was all in High Valyrian, but there were drawings, the colored ink faded, depicting different dragons.
“Who is this?” he asked, pointing to an egg similar in color to the one in the fire. There was a dragon next to it, with an oddly long neck and an extra set of wings on his feet.
“Ah, one of my favorites. the Blood Wyrm. Caraxes.” Dany pointed to the Valyrian. “Last seen over the God’s Eye. He took down Vhagar. One of the casualties of the Dance of the Dragons. Riders were Daemon Targaryen and his uncle Aemon, son of Jaehaerys the Wise.”
Jon knew Caraxes. He knew all the dragons. He’d never seen drawings of them though. “You’re looking at histories of the Dance of the Dragons?” He didn’t want her to do that. This war of the kingdom would have a better end for their house. He didn’t want her to think of the other outcome.
“I was looking up the dragons. They comfort me.” She hesitated and shrugged, closing the book and carried it to a side table. “It doesn’t matter anyway.”
As if on cue, Rhaegal cried out. He knew it was Rhaegal because he felt the tug in his heart and mind. He glanced at the carved table, running his finger in the groove marking Castle Black. It seemed so long ago he’d been there. That that had been his home.
“Do you want to see something…for lack of a better word…” Dany trailed off, a sly, knowing smile like she had a secret she was bursting to share, “cool to see?”
“It’s an idiom,” she laughed. She walked by him to the torches on the wall, taking them down and extinguishing them. The room plunged into darkness by the time she finished, at the other side of the table.
He didn’t know what that meant but he watched, intrigued, as Dany crossed to the hearth. She reached in with her bare hands and removed coals and burning embers, placing them in a box. He frowned at it. “Where did that come from?”
“Under the table. I found it the other day when I dropped my quill. It was almost sealed completely beneath it.”
She scattered some candles in it too and dragged it back to the end of the table. He watched, curious, and was about to ask again what she was going, when she shoved the box of flame beneath the table.
And as if by magic, the table slowly came to life.
The flames lit underneath the dragonglass and stone, his mouth dropping as the flames traveled up the table, the grooves glowing red and orange, like molten lava. He gaped, unable to comprehend the sheer beauty of it all.
The entire kingdom floated in fire. He glanced up and it did the same in Dany’s eyes. She had her hands folded under her belly, a small smile playing on her lips. “I don’t know why we didn’t know about this before, it makes conquering even more enjoyable.”
He barked a laugh, his hand touching the table lightly. It was still cool to the touch. He shook his head, smiling. “Our ancestors were…something else.”
When he looked up again, he was startled to see her atop the table. She was kneeling at the end, between Dorne and the Reach. He didn’t have to ask and climbed atop the table. They met in the middle, somewhere in the Riverlands
On their knees, they met in a long, gentle kiss. Jon brushed his nose against hers, his eyelashes fluttering on his cheeks when he opened his eyes, to find her blinking back tears. ���What is it?” he murmured.
Dany didn’t speak and instead pushed his hands to her dress, both of them tugging at the clasps. The fabric pooled to her hips and he looked down at her naked upper body.
And saw it.
It was the way the shadows fell over her breasts and the curve of her hips. He hadn’t noticed it earlier. He certainly did now. The shadow and flame that danced on the gentle swell of her lower belly.
He covered it with his hand, meeting her teary gaze. “A babe?” he whispered, hoarse.
She nodded and grinned. “Yes.”
At the same time they turned their faces to the fire, where the egg glowed. Their babe’s egg, he thought. He grinned and touched his forehead to hers. “This is…gods Dany.”
“We will rule the Seven Kingdoms again,” she whispered. She looked down at the glowing table that Aegon the Conqueror had used, that all the Targaryens used to plan their wars. “And dragons will own the skies again.”
Jon pulled her down atop the table, their heads somewhere over Winterfell and kissed her, vowing he’d do all he could to ensure that would happen.
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Blood and Vengeance - Part 4
A/N: Split the original chapter into two parts so I can draw out the drama. It isn't at all because my energy is running on empty and I'm running out of already written material haha.
Pairing: Dettlaff x Reader
Words: 1292
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (final)
This particular morning found you struggling with the will to pull the covers back and climb out of bed. It was supposed to be colder today than you would have liked, and the stone floors below certainly didn’t motivate you to leave the comfort of your blanket.
But you did have work to do… so the moment you got the courage you quickly pulled the covers off of your head and swung your legs over the edge, bracing yourself for the unpleasant cold to be your first sensation that morning.
Only it didn’t come. The stone was cool- yes, but not sharply cold. And now that you registered it you had yet to find goosebumps on your arms when the cold air of the room should’ve been hitting you. Instead, you looked over to find the fireplace filled with small flames and large chunks of glowing embers, the remnants of a warm fire, and a newly replenished pile of firewood beside it. But you didn’t remember getting up to light a fire last night? You never did that…
You shuffled sleepily to the fireplace and found a carefully folded note sitting on the mantle, a little drawing of a moth adorning the corner of the paper. You unfolded the note as you warmed your legs in front of the dying fire, pleased to find it was from Dettlaff. It detailed that Regis had left again and Dettlaff went after him, saying that he needed to talk to him about something of great importance and to not expect him back for a good part of the day. Your lips turned upward as you read through the note, a small puff of laughter even tugging at you as you read over his final words. 
‘Stay warm today, my little moth.
Your heart fluttered furiously at his new nickname for you; his little moth. You bit your lip to fight back the growing smile that spread across your lips as your fingers ran over the dried ink. Despite having such important things to deal with, he still lit a fire to ensure you woke up comfortably.
With careful hands you folded the note back up and placed it with his last one on your bedside table before going to get ready, a new brightness invigorating you from this simple act of love.
The house was quiet as you worked, with neither Regis nor Dettlaff there to make noise and fill the house with some semblance of life. Though, you were thankful as always to have Amelia whose presence and test dishes gave you and your stomach pleasant company.
 “Mmm,” you hummed happily as you took a bite, thinking for a minute on your critique, “I like it, but I think you need a different bread. The tang of sourdough just doesn’t sit well with the rest of the dish…” you commented as you set the piece of bread aside to continue eating.
 “I know, I know. The baker said he didn’t have enough supplies to fulfill our order right away, but he should drop by with it sometime today.” She took a large, frustrating bite of bread as she spoke. “Damn you, sourdough….”
You laughed and shook your head at your friend’s antics and continued eating and idly chatting until a particular sound caught your attention.
The familiar groan of the heavy iron gate followed by the heavy CLACK of the door knocker let you know someone had finally arrived.
“Oh, that must be the baker.” You perked up, “I’ll get it, you can finish eating.” You told her and stood, straightening out your dress before you went over to answer.
“You’re just hoping your handsome brooding man is back..!” she yelled with a snicker, her laugh only growing when you yelled back.
“Ah, shut up, Amelia!”
Dettlaff poured into the cracks of Regis’s private crypt in the form of black and red smoke, coming down to the ground to solidify into his normal self. 
“Regis..?” he called out as he walked around, searching the darkened tunnels.
“Dettlaff… I wasn’t expecting you here. What’s going on?” Regis said, poking his head out from a dimly lit room.
“We need to talk- I… I don’t know what’s going on anymore.” He mumbled as he paced the room. “About Y/n, I- just…” his hand rubbed over his face as he let out a frustrated growl.
Regis quickly dropped everything and moved toward his pacing friend. He was hoping on his eternal life that this wasn’t another tea-spilling incident. It had been obvious as of late how preoccupied Dettlaff had become with you, you were one of the only things he talked about after all. He had been making leaps and strides towards understanding humans as a whole and if that had all turned on a dime…. He almost didn’t want to know. 
“What’s happened now?” The older vampire asked, already dreading the next few words.
 “I…” Dettlaff struggled and ground his teeth audibly “I think I love a human…” He finally admitted, as if admitting shameful defeat. 
Silence bounced around the dark cavern until the crackle of laughter rippled through the air. Regis didn’t even realize he was laughing so hard until he was doubled over from it. 
“STOP LAUGHING” Dettlaff roared out, anger painting over his embarrassment. “Stop laughing at me, Regis!” he hissed, his features twisting into a flash of his more bat-like self. 
“Ah… ah, I’m sorry my friend… I truly don’t mean to laugh I just- I may have seen this coming for some time, but you still surprise me.” Regis said with a pleasant sigh to catch his breath as he righted himself once more.
Dettlaff paused, “You… saw this coming…?” 
Regis almost laughed again, “Dettlaff. My friend- if she walks anywhere near you your brain instantly goes to half capacity. You look at her like a bat looks longingly at its cave come sunrise… I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so caught up on someone,” Regis explained as he shook his head. It’s like he was dealing with a couple of schoolchildren dancing circles around their crush.
“Don’t even get me started on the way she looks at you. I swear-” 
Dettlaff's ears perked up at that, “you think she looks at me the same way?” he interrupted quickly. Humans were often so subtle in their actions and their words that he wasn’t sure if you were just teaching him to be friendly like Regis asked or if you genuinely felt the same. 
Regis raised his eyebrow, arms crossed as if this should all be perfectly clear to the other vampire, “Since the first day she saw you she’s been positively enamored…” 
The cave was quiet once again as Dettlaff took this in, nodding to himself as he took this new information into account. He had just opened his mouth to say something when a horrible feeling pinged deep in his chest. 
Something was wrong.
It was like the deepest pain and grief hit a sudden rolling boil in his chest. His shoulders raised as his entire body tightened with fear, his fingers twitching with the need for action. 
Regis watched him go through the whole thing, his features twisting again as an odd sense of fight or flight kicked in. “What is it?” he asked, having felt his own small shiver of unease- but nothing like his fellow bat. 
“Something’s wrong… something’s really wrong…” Dettlaff’s breath quickened as he looked around him, noting no immediate danger. 
“Go back to the house. Now. I’ll follow behind and keep an eye out.”
With that smoke filled the cavern once more; gray, black, and red fog shooting out of the smallest cracks in the cave's ceiling to race toward home.
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @unstable-kiwi @madamemelancholysstuff
Wanna be added to a specific taglist? DM me to let me know!
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ravendruid · 1 year
3×4×5 prompt. Washing Hair/Body For Other Person. Vaxleth please. Vax as the injured party preferred. Possibly injured doing something dumb though I can see all members of vox machina getting injured from the result of their group shenanigans.
Hi!!! Sorry, this prompt took me so long. I had a busy weekend. I hope you like it! This is part of the 3x4x5 Prompt List Challenge (I may have forgotten about it last week. Oops). Washing Hair/Body For Other Person
“Easy now,” Keyleth softly said as she helped Vax’ildan enter the bathing chambers adjacent to their bedroom. 
“I can walk on my own, Kiki.” Vax protested, one arm around his torso, securing his ribs. He knew he had been a reckless fool by jumping into the room without checking for traps, and because of that, Vax had been blasted against a wall when he triggered a pressure plate. Even after Pike had used a few healing spells on him, his body was still bruised and hurt.
“Sure you can,” Keyleth smiled tenderly. Her deft fingers found the clasps and straps of his armor, and she slowly unbuckled them, freeing Vax from its weight. It’s not that he minded that she was about to undress him – quite the opposite – but he didn’t want her to see the state of his body, the bruises, and the marks of where he got hit.
“Let me–”
Keyleth slapped his hand as Vax tried to pry the fabric of his tunic from her hands, and the look she gave him was enough to discourage him from stopping her, so Vax just raised his arms in surrender, allowing her to remove his clothes.
“No offense, but you look like shit,” Keyleth said seriously as the soft tips of her fingers traced the bruises on his torso, making Vax wince as she touched a particular large bruise. “Sorry, does it hurt?” She asked, taking her hand away as if she had burned herself.
“No,” Vax blushed. “It tickles.” 
Keyleth chuckled at his red face and turned to the large tub, dipping her hand in to check the temperature. Thankfully, Scanlan’s spectral servants had already warmed it for them, and Vax let out a hiss of pleasure as he submerged himself.
“Join me?” Vax pouted, tugging at the cords of her tunic.
“You know I can’t say no to that face,” Keyleth bowed to press a kiss on his lips before she stepped away and started removing her clothes.
Keyleth settled in the tub with Vax sitting between her legs, and she began washing his hair for him while telling him about all the different properties of lavender. Vax loved how her nails scraped against his scalp and how it always helped him relax, and he needed a lot of that after such a long day. Once Keyleth finished washing his hair, she used a soft washcloth to scrub his back and shoulders, still rambling about flowers and their uses.
“I have some aloe. I can make you a balm for your scars. Turn around.” Keyleth tapped his shoulder, and Vax turned slowly, trying not to wince at how sore his muscles were. Once he was facing Keyleth, he saw her smile disappear as she scanned the bruises on his torso again. “I can make a mixed balm for these too, and if you’re in a lot of pain, I can make you some chamomile and lavender tea to help you sleep.” She continued as she softly scrubbed his chest.
“Keyleth,” Vax cupped Keyleth’s face between his hands and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her lips. “I’m sorry I was reckless–”
“Again,” Keyleth scolded.
“Again…” Vax chuckled. “I can’t promise I won’t do it again, but I promise I will try to be more careful next time.”
“You better,” Keyleth whispered, dropping the washcloth in the murky water.
“Are you satisfied with my cleanliness, my lady?” Vax teased with a raised eyebrow.
“I’m not a lady. And yes, you are decently clean now.” Keyleth eyed him hungrily.
“Your turn. Before you get any ideas...” 
Silence reigned in the room as Vax gently washed Keyleth’s hair, his blunt fingernails scrubbing at her scalp and drawing long sighs of pleasure from her. His arms were heavy and sore, and his entire body ached for rest, but Vax would never trade this moment of vulnerability with Keyleth for any amount of sleep.
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