#and so cruel towards bakugou
prettyboykatsuki · 2 years
of the popular bakugo ships, which one do you think is best for him in the long run? like which dynamic does he thrive the most in?
oh cee,,,u cant do this to me /lh.. im so biased AJHDSKS
i think krbk and bkdk are two very different dynamics and i do genuinely understand both of them (and like!!! both!!!) but to me the answer will always and forever be bkdk.
BUT. i dont think that can be said without the inevitable speech that bkdk as a romantic relationship is going to take a lot more work than krbk would.
while i like krbk and i think it's enjoyable to read if i am holding it up to bkdk it is a relationship i do genuinely view more platonically than i do bkdk. to me bkdk is like... the end game of bkgs life in a lot of ways. it takes way more to unpack and way more growth from both parties to make it work.
like. it takes time. it takes a lot of back and forth and it takes a lot of bakugou learning how to really be forgiven (and for both of them to learn how to be honest with their feelings.) like it takes years
eventually though, i think bakugou realizes that deku has been there for every single moment of his life with undoubted faith and there was never a moment he was deluded about any of who he is. the persistence and magnitude in which deku loves him as well as the inspiration he gets from competing with deku is something that i think is so good for bakugous life. they feel made for each other to me
it takes more time for them because it's a lot more intricate. but once they're there it just clicks. like everything in bakugous whole life just clicks everything makes sense. and i think it makes him wonder why things couldnt be that way from the start
i say this a lot but there is just no ship that could ever compare to me but i do think my specific interpretation of bkdk is not the popular one so i understand why people lean towards krbk.
bkg deserves that kind and shameless adoration and both ships can provide that but less people usually see it in the bkdk way but i feel like once i started rlly looking at bkdk it was simply impossible for me to see anything else.
i am a multshipper at heart so i will read anything where bkg is being adored but. bkdk simply hits different for me forever.
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justauthoring · 6 months
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because bakugou katsuki is a jerk but he's also unfortunately your soulmate.
a/n: wooooooohhhhh i love soulmate aus so much omg
pairing: bakugou katsuki x f!reader
part two. part three.
You’ve known he was your soulmate from the first day at U.A. 
When he’d bumped into you, steaming with anger in that way he regularly was and had spat at you; “move it, extra, or i’ll make you” – and you’d known then because those were the words written across you hip since you’d turn five and it had manifested with your quirk.
Because that was how the world was. Nowadays, it was odd to find someone without a quirk and even harder to find someone without a soulmate and you’d grown up your whole life having those awful words written on your skin. Had grown up knowing that for whatever reason, the soulmate you’d been given didn’t say warm, intimate words to you or even just simply generic words. Your friends had always had such nice sentences from their soulmates, with pretty words or a happy greeting.
And in yours you’d been called an extra.
Whatever the hell that meant.
You’ve never been excited to meet your soulmate. Not once. Not when you were five, or eight or twelve or when you started noticing people in a way you hadn’t before, more romantically. Not when you started maturing and growing up. Those words glared at you every time you stared at them and you didn’t want a single thing to do with your soulmate.
Not ever.
That is only doubled when you realize who your soulmate is. Maybe there was always a small part of you that hoped the words were misunderstood; you’d make scenarios up in your head about how those words could be teasing or even just a misunderstanding. 
When they’re spat at you by an intimidating blonde man that looks like there’s actual steam pouring from his ears, with piercing red eyes that cut into you like you’d done some horrible thing to deserve his anger… you understand then that they weren’t teasing and they aren’t a misunderstanding. They’re cruel and they’re mean and dismissive and hurtful and every horrible thing piled together by a man who is even worse beyond just his first words to you.
So you make it your goal that he never finds out you’re his soulmate in return.
You avoid him. Desperately. You’re barely a person in his own head so it isn’t all that hard to do. Even as the rest of the class grows closer and bonds, it seems Bakugou is just as content to ignore everyone else as you are to be ignored by him. Sure, some worm their way into his heart, like Kirishima or Midoriya and Shoto, but nobody else really seemed to matter. At least, you didn’t. You had the same friends, you were in the same class, and eventually, you ended up sleeping in the same building. 
You saw him everyday. You ate in the same kitchen and relaxed in the same living room. You trained in the same gym and overall, were consistently near each other. But you didn’t speak to him and he’d never tried to speak to you after that first day. Months pass and it continues on this way and you’re sure he doesn’t even know what your name is.
Or that you really even exist.
And you’re happy with that.
Because while the idea of a soulmate was romantic and heartwarming and something you dreamed about, him being your soulmate sounds horrible.
And it was best he just never even knew.
He was so focused on becoming number one, you’re not sure he even cares about finding his. 
Which is fine. Works better for you in the end.
“Y/L/N and Bakugou. You two are teamed up for combat practice today.”
You freeze at Aizawa-sensei’s words, body tensing as your eyes instantly shoot towards Bakugou. He’s already looking at you, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed as he lets his eyes drag across you; it’s clear he’s assessing you. Maybe trying to remember your name or if he’s ever seen you before.
It wouldn’t surprise you if he was.
Somehow, in all your months of being in the same class as Bakugou, you’ve never once been partnered up with him for anything. You think once you may have been put in a group with him, but that was with several others so it'd been easy enough to avoid him.
One on one though? That was going to be harder.
Way harder.
“Good luck,” Mina calls from beside you, squeezing your shoulder before she moves to meet up with her partner; it looks like she’d gotten Jirou. Lucky. 
Watching everyone else disperse tells you that you can’t just stand there like an idiot anymore. You take a deep breath, ignoring the nerves that course through you as you make your way over to Bakugou. As you make contact with him again, you realize he’s not moving; obviously he expects you to come to him.
When you reach him, the two of you just stare at each other and since you’re certainly not going to speak first, there’s a moment of awkward silence before Bakugou grunts; “ready?”
You nod and he isn’t confused by your silence so the two of you walk off to an open area in the gym. He stands across from you, gives you a look and then is racing towards you. You’re not sure why Aizawa-sensei teams you up with Bakugou because your quirks definitely don’t mesh well together and it’s clear Bakugou is stronger, but you’re able to hold up well enough on your own.
You even manage to land a hit on Bakugou once that clearly surprises him and you take it as a win.
And a little payback for being such an ass.
Then, when the class is over and you’ve promptly been knocked on your ass in return, you’re surprised to see a hand stretched out in front of you, invitingly. You blink, eyes drifting upwards only to meet Bakugou’s as he stares down at you. He’s not smiling and he doesn’t look all that friendly, but he nods his head in recognition.
“Good job.”
The words are such a shock your brain short circuits for a minute. Not only are the words the nicest thing you’ve ever heard Bakugou say (which is saying a lot) but his voice wasn’t gruff or aggressive like it normally is–it was… soft, almost? Maybe not soft but… normal. Just… calm.
Your heart is lurching at the sound before you even realize and then you’re pushing yourself up to your feet, basically smacking his hand out of the way and running out of the room without another word.
After that, Bakugou doesn’t seem to leave you alone.
He’s everywhere.
And not everywhere in the way he had been before. He’s not there in passing or just across the room from you, he’s asking to train with you or deliberately making sure he’s the only one left for you to partner with. He seems to always be in the kitchen when you want to eat or in the living room when you want to vedge after a long day.
He’s constantly there.
Not to mention, gone are his glares or looks of indifference. He’s always looking at you, making sure you know he knows you’re there; even if the two of you are in class or with a group of classmates. He makes note of acknowledging you. The others seem to notice too because the girls start asking what you did to get Bakugou’s attention and you promptly tell them you have no idea.
Of course, they don’t know Bakugou’s your soulmate so they don’t really get the scope of your panic. And it’s not that you don’t trust them, especially after all you’d been through as a class, but more because the less that knew, the less likely Bakugou was to know.
But now? Now it was getting hard to avoid him and it was even harder not to say something without it looking obvious why you weren’t.
You were promptly fucked.
You are able to stall it for all of two weeks before you’re cornered by Bakugou.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
Your wide eyes fall on him, not only shocked by his presence but panicked by his words because there were few things a sentence like that could mean. 
A quick glance around tells you there’s no way to get past him without Bakugou being able to block him and since it had already been made clear that he was in fact stronger than you, you knew there was no escape. Everyone else was gone since you’d snuck out of training to grab a bite to eat and it seemed like Bakugou had snuck out the same to follow you.
So yeah, you were screwed.
Bakugou lets out a huff at your silence and he takes another step towards you, further crowding you and you swallow thickly when he steps into your personal space. You move to walk back but then your back is pressing against the wall of the kitchen and Bakugou is completely shrouding you, it's hard to look anywhere but at him.
“Do you think I don’t know why you won’t speak to me?”
Inhaling sharply, you turn your head to the right, determined to avoid his steely red eyes that feel like they’re piercing into your very soul. You focus on the handle to the cupboard to your right and try to ignore the growl he lets out in response.
He takes another step forward and suddenly he’s inches apart, close enough you can feel his breath drift across your skin, warm to the touch.
“It wasn’t hard to figure out after you ran from me that day when we were partnered up,” Bakugou continues. “Especially when I started to realize you’ve never talked to me. And then? Avoiding me for the last two weeks? It’s not hard to figure out.”
You halt, freezing, waiting for the words—
“You’re my soulmate.”
You refuse to look at him. You won’t look at him. 
Maybe if you just ignore him, he’ll go away. He’ll just… leave. He doesn’t like being ignored, that much you’ve gathered and so if you just refuse to–
Suddenly his hands are on your arms and his chest is against yours and he’s way too close. “Hey,” he huffs, “look at me.”
You don’t listen. Even as you tense beneath his grip, you refuse to do anything, to give him any sort of reaction. If you give him a reaction, he’ll get what he wants. And you’re not thinking straight. You need to just wait, wait until he’s bored and then you can think—figure this out because surely–
“Y/L/N,” he calls and you’re surprised he even knows your name, “look at me. Hey. I’m right, aren’t I? Why else wouldn't you fucking looking at me.” You continue to remain silent and Bakugou lets out a low growl. “Fucks sake. I’m not leaving until you say something so you might as well—”
“—I’m not saying anything to you because you’re a jerk!”
Well, that certainly could’ve gone better.
The words leave your lips before you even realize you’ve said them. The second you’re done, your chest is heaving and you finally turn your head, eyes snapping to Bakugou’s, fearing his reaction at your rather blunt and rude words.
But, a second later, instead of being angry like you’d expected, Bakugou starts… laughing.
You’re not sure you’ve ever seen the boy laugh, certainly not that genuinely. His lips are parted and his eyes have squeezed shut and the laugh that leaves his lips is pure and genuine and loud and it’s so unlike anything you’ve ever heard from him you’re stunned stupid as you stare back at him with your lips left parted, jaw slacked.
As his laughter fades, Bakugou meets your gaze.
“I’ve been waiting to hear those words for years,” he starts, still smiling–actually smiling this time. Not a smirk. But an affectionate grin. “Wasn’t sure what I did to deserve those words, but it seems fitting.”
Blinking, once, twice, you sputter, snapped out of your stupor. “I–I… You jerk!”
“I think we’ve established that already, babe.”
You barely even notice the nickname. If it wasn’t for the way your heart races at the sound, you’re sure your stupefied mind wouldn’t have caught it because seriously, what the hell?
“You… this is exactly why I didn’t want to say anything!” You cry out, not sure if you’re defending yourself for him or more for yourself. Why are you even defending yourself? And what against? “You’re insufferable. And rude. And cocky. And a jerk.”
Bakugou just snorts. “What are your words?” He asks, smile fading slightly as his expression turns more serious; almost solemn. Regretful. “Must’ve been bad if you had to avoid me.”
You’re surprised by the guilt in his tone, but it gives you the confidence to answer. “‘Move it, extra, or I’ll make you’,” you mumble, fiddling with your hands. “You said it the first day we started here at U.A.”
“Shit,” Bakugou curses, running a hand through his hair. “So you’ve been avoiding me for months?”
Your eyes flick to his before lowering and that gives him his answer.
He shifts. “L-Listen… uh, sorry about… about cornering you like this.”
Blinking, you tilt your head up. You’re shocked to see a red tinge to his cheeks. 
“I just needed to know,” he finishes explaining. “And I’m sorry about that shit I said to you. My soulmate doesn’t deserve that crap but I can’t take it back, so I’ll just make sure I make up for it.”
You’re positive now that you’re hallucinating this whole thing.
He blinks down at you at your screech before smirking.
“Well, I mean, as we get to know each other,” he says, like it’s obvious. “I’m shit with words but I’ll try for you. I'm good with showing though,” and he looks a little too pleased with himself.
But you can barely focus on the very blatant meaning of his words, you're still trying to catch up. “You…” and you hesitate, not sure if you’re hearing this correctly. “You want to get to know me?”
And he looks at you like you’re dumb.
“Duh,” he shrugs, “you’re my soulmate.”
“What about being number one?”
“What about it?” he argues, shaking his head. “That’ll still happen. You think I can’t do that while also dating you?”
Your eyes widen; “dating?”
“Yeah,” he says, again like you’re dumb. He takes a step towards you, once again closing the gap between you and his hands falling on your waist, pulling a gasp from your lips at the touch that causes him to smirk, as if proud. “You’re my soulmate. Of course we’re going to date.”
“I barely know you!”
“That’s why we’ll get to know each other.”
You just stare up at him.
“You really are insufferable,” is what you manage to say in the end, exasperated. Your shoulders fall and your body sags but you don’t pull away from his touch and even if you’re not fully aware of it, you’re pretty sure you end up leaning into him.
“You’ll learn to love it,” he shrugs, still grinning. “Now, let’s go back to training. We need to work on your defense.”
Blinking, you turn to him as he shifts the both of you, guiding you forwards. “Hey!”
“What,” he shrugs down at you. “It’s true. You were barely able to block my hits when we fought.”
You can’t find the words to say so you simply let him lead you along, trying to ignore the way his hands make your skin tingle and your heart race. Or, really, the way that despite everything, you really don’t mind.
If anything, you actually like it.
Fuck—he really is a jerk.
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heli-writes · 6 months
A dragon's heart, part 10.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries, mentions of forceful behaviour towards women, bad family dynamics
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Note: Sorry, folks! No smut yet, I need some more time to build up the right moment!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11
Series Masterlist
It's silly to cry about this, isn't it? No, yeah, it's definitely not silly.
Y/n rubs her eyes. She's standing lost in the abandoned tent in the middle of the pieces of Katsuki's tantrum. Slowly, she starts picking up the things Katsuki has thrown across the room.
It will be alright. You can trust Katsuki. Whatever happened today, it's not your fault and Katsuki knows that. He might get irritated easily but he's not unreasonable.
When y/n is done picking up the pieces of the destroyed chair, she's unsure what to do next. She decides to scrub off the paint in the stone hut. There's only cold water this time but y/n grinds her teeth and scrubs it all off. Afterward, she feels a little bit like herself again.
Back in the tent, she loses the clothes as well. She looks for her dress but she can't find it. This upsets her more than it should. After all, it's just a piece of fabric, she tells herself. Then again, it was her mother's dress. The last thing that connected her with her people.
My bag!, she thinks and looks for it where she dropped it the night before. She finds it next to the bed. She dumps the contents on the bed and looks at the things she's brought along. She takes the small knife and strokes over the carvings in the wooden handle. Her father made it for her for her twelfth birthday. He wanted to paint it one day, but he passed before he ever got the chance.
She remembers her father. He was a kind but firm man. He believed in the way of their people. Y/n remembers how he used to take her and her brother to a meadow in the middle of a summer night. He showed the kids how the fireflies light up when you run through the grass. He dared them to catch one and when they did, he explained to them how every creature was created by the great being of things and therefore should be treated with respect. He made y/n let go of the fireflight she caught and they watched as it disappeared into the night sky.
Y/n clutches the knife. She didn't notice how tears slipped down her cheeks. Quickly, she brushes them away. She shakes her head. Thinking about this, won't change the present. Carefully, she places the things back into her bag and hides it beneath the bed, so that they won't be taken away again like her dress.
She slips out of the skimpy clothes she was put into this morning and puts on the clothes Katsuki gave her yesterday. Also, she wraps a blanket around her since she's planning to go outside. I'm going to look for Katsuki, she determines.
It's strange walking around the village without Katsuki by her side. Y/n feels a lot more vulnerable without him. Again, there are only men outside the tents and they give her strange looks. She's sure they are talking about her, too.
She tries to shake the thought off when she slips in between two tents to get out of sight. Suddenly, a cold hand grabs her arm.
„A-are you new? When did they bring you in?“, a scared female voice says next to her.
Y/n feels instant relief. Finally, someone who understands her! And a woman too! She turns around to the voice and is instantly stunned.
There's a woman standing at the entrance of a tent. She's about y/n's height. The woman is pale as if she barely sees the sunlight. She looks sickish in a haggard way. Her state is nothing but alarming to y/n.
„Yes, I am. I just arrived yesterday. Are-“, y/n tells her and before y/n can ask her if she's alright, the woman's grip on her arm tightens.
„Did he do it already? The man that took you? Is he near? Is he looking for you?“, the woman asks frantically. There is fear in her eyes.
„Uhm, what do you mean?“, y/n replies uncertainly.
„You need to get away!“, the woman tells her, now grabbing both of y/n's arms. „If he hasn't taken you, you might still have a chance!“
The woman's eyes are ripped open widely and y/n can see how bloodshot they are. She mustn't have slept for days. Y/n tries to wiggle out of the woman's hold.
„I-i'm fine. Thanks for your concern, but-“, y/n tries to shake her off.
„Nadia!“, a voice barks from the side y/n came from. A big, bulky man walks their way. His face looks angry. He continues to speak loudly in his language. The woman winces and lets go of y/n. She quickly retreats back into the tent, leaving y/n alone outside.
The man gives y/n a glance before disappearing into the tent. His loud voice can be heard in the inside. By the tone of his voice, he must be scolding the woman. Y/n isn't sure if that's her cue to disappear like the woman said.
Eventually, the man comes back outside. He doesn't look as angry as before anymore. He says something to y/n that she doesn't understand.
„U-uhm, I'm a friend of Katsuki, I guess. Do you know where he is?“, she asks him and the man looks annoyed. He throws his arms into the air in frustration and rambles something to himself.
Y/n straightens her posture a bit at tells him in a determined voice: „Katsuki“.
The man gives her an uncertain look. Then he grabs her shoulder and makes a gesture to follow him. Y/n does so. The man drags her through half of the village, stopping here and there to talk to people. Y/n can hear the word „Katsuki“ quite often, so she guesses he is asking around where Katsuki is. Eventually, the man makes her walk quite a while outside of the settlement and y/n starts doubting her decision to follow him. What if the woman was right? What if that guy really has something bad on his mind?
The man leads her into a small gorge. Y/n can see how smoke rises from the inside, so she guesses humans must be there as well.
Turns out her guess was kind of wrong. The deeper they get into the gorge, the more clearly it becomes what lives her: dragons. When the first comes into sight, y/n walks a bit closer to the man in front of her. More and more dragons come into sight. Golden ones, blue ones, green ones. Y/n thinks the deep black ones look the scariest. She tries to avoid eye contact with all of them. Also, she wonders if Katsuki's great red one is here. Actually, she'd be really relieved to see the great red one again right now. At least one familiar face, or snout, around here.
The man leads her all the way in, where a small fire is lit. More men sit around it drinking and laughing.
The men cheer and gesture for the man to join him but he declines with a wave of his hand. He says something to them and y/n hears Katsuki's name again. She peeks behind the man and sees Katsuki sitting among the men around the fire. When Katsuki spots her, he immediately gets up.
Katsuki exchanges a few words with the man before said man turns around to leave. Katsuki grabs her shoulder and gives her an angry look. Seems as if he's not too happy that I'm here, y/n thinks.
The men laugh and say something to Katsuki to which he gives them a snarky reply. Katsuki leads her to the fire and motions for her to sit down. Y/n does so and wraps the blanket around her a little bit more tight. The man called Kirishima asks Katsuki something and points at y/n. Katsuki shrugs indifferently.
Kirishima fills a mug with something that's been brewing over the fire and hands the mug to y/n. Y/n takes a sniff. It's definitely alcohool. She takes a sip and is pleasantly surprised.
„Mead!“ she exclaims. The men cheer and raise their cups to her. Y/n does so too and takes another sip. The mead is sweet and rich in her mouth.
Kirishima laughs and says something to her. Y/n smiles. Somehow, this feels comfortable. Like when her people sat around the fire at night drinking some hot mead to keep warm. It's the time when stories and memories are shared. Y/n decides there's no harm in sharing a memory of her own, even if these strange men won't understand her.
„You know“, she tells Kirishima, „My aunt used to make mead together with my father“. Kirishima takes another sip from his cup while listening.
„Of course, you need honey for that.“, y/n continues, „So my aunt and my dad went to the woods to find wild honey for their mead. Unfortunately for them, there also was a bear looking for honey too. When my aunt saw the bear, she screamed so loudly that even the bear was frightened, and in his shock, the bear knocked down the bee nest. Of course, the bee attacked my aunt and my dad and they ran home to our camp, screaming the entire way. I've never heard my father scream like that. Like a little girl.“
Y/n is giggling at the end of the story and has to wipe the side of her eye. When she's done, she notices that the rest of the men fell silent and were watching her intently. Suddenly, she's a bit embarrassed for rambling out a story like that.
„Anyways“, she says and raises her cup, „Cheers!“. Quickly she takes another sip and the men start laughing. Y/n feels incredibly embarrassed. A few of the men clap Katsuki's back who also looks embarrassed. Y/n lowers her head. She didn't want to embarrass Katsuki with her stupid story.
Suddenly, she feels Katsuki slide closer to her. He puts an arm around her tucking her safely into his side. Y/n peers up at him. He keeps his eyes fixed on his peers and y/n snuggles a bit deeper into his side. At least he doesn't seem mad now anymore. She keeps slurping her mead until it's empty. Also, she surely feels the buzz. This mead is a lot stronger than the one her aunt and father brewed.
She watches Katsuki for a while who also seems to be done with his cup. Eventually, she pulls at one of his necklaces trying to get his attention. Katsuki lets go of her and looks down at her. He mumbles something which y/n guess is something like a „what?“. She should write that word down later.
„Where's your dragon?“, she asks him. When Katsuki's brows only furrow, she points at a dragon and says „Dragon?“ and then points at him. It seems as if a light goes up in Katsuki's head. He says something to his men and then gets up taking y/n's hand. They leave the fire together and Katsuki leads her to a cave entrance. He gestures for her to stay behind him and y/n does as she's told. The last thing she wants is to wake up an angry dragon. She peeks behind Katsuki and sees the enormous form of the great red right in front of them. Katsuki gestures for her to step beside him.
„Drami“, Katsuki tells her and y/n looks at him uncertainly. Is that the word for dragon in his language?
„Drami.“, y/n repeats and the great red raises its head. Y/n watches with wide eyes how the dragon moves its big head and nudges Katsuki.
„Oi!“, Katsuki exclaims and tries to push the dragon away. Y/n has to giggle at the sight. Is this how she looks when she tries to push Katsuki away but he doesn't move at all?
The great red notices her as well and moves towards her. Fear strikes her even though she knows that the beast probably won't hurt her. The dragon nudges her as well but in contrast to Katsuki, y/n wasn't prepared for the force of the nudge. She stumbles and falls over. There's a grumbling sound in the dragon's throat and she's sure the beast is laughing at her.
„Hey!“, she complaints and sits up.
Suddenly, there are whistling sounds in the air. Then, y/n gets attacked by all sides. Little dragons nudges her from all sides. Pulling on her blanket and hair. It's not painful and when the first shock wears off, y/n has to laugh and she tries to push the little dragon off of her. When she looks up, her eyes meet Katsuki's who have a mischievous gleam in it. He laughs at her and y/n sticks out her tongue to him while fending off the lizards around her.
There's a deeper grumble in the air and the dragons let go off y/n. They rush back to the great red. The small ones have the same color as the great red and when they climb onto it, they become invisible. No wonder y/n didn't spot them before. Katsuki chuckles and helps her up.
„That was rude.“, y/n tells him and tries to rearrange her messy hair. Katsuki picks up the blanket and puts it around y/n's shoulders again. He ruffles her hair and says something to the great red. He gestures for y/n to follow him.
„Bye, Drami!“, y/n tells the great red and quickly follows Katsuki outside.
After Katsuki says goodbye to his men, he walks back to the village with y/n. She looks ridiculous, he thinks. She lost the nice clothes picked out for her and instead carries this ratched blanket around with her. Is she really that cold? Katsuki and his men walk around shirtless half of the time and even the women in his tribe wear more revealing clothes than the women from the kingdom. It makes him wonder if his mother might be right about y/n.
They walk back in silence and Katsuki notices how uncomfortable y/n feels. He can't blame her. She probably hasn't got a clue about what happened earlier today. He wants to feel sorry for her but can't find it in him to do so. She should man up a bit, he thinks to himself. Otherwise, she will never be accepted around here.
Doubt gnaws at the inside of his mind. He's been replaying the conversation with his mother again and again. The truth is that Mitsuki's right. Y/n isn't strong enough for his people. Physically and probably also mentally. She doesn't fit in. Hell, she doesn't even speak their language. Fine, that's something that can be tackled. Actually, Katsuki already decided that he'll send for Deku. That damn scholar can make himself useful and teach y/n their language.
And yet, Katsuki knows that he needs a strong mate by his side. One that stands strongly and proudly next to him as the leader of his people. Having a weak mate and weak offspring does not help his position. In contrast, it might give people a reason to doubt him. And who knows what the future holds.
So far the king Todoroki turned a blind eye to the dragonblood tribe's raid on his grounds. It's easier to let them take a few women than to fight his men. But how long will that go well? Katsuki already got the news that the king is stocking up his army. His tribe can handle a few strikes of retaliation. However, if it escalates to a full-blown war things look differently. The plague already decimated their numbers and with almost no women in the tribe to even out the number, the future looks grim.
His men did little to cheer him up. While they tried to support his choice, they also gave insight into their own homes. Comparing y/n to the few women they've brought home and mated. Denki's mate passed only after a few months. She lost weight rapidly after arriving in the village and one nasty cold later, the woman completely withered away. Not enough time to give him an heir. Kirishima's position is not rosy either. While his mate is still alive, the woman is terrified of him and that even though Kirishima is probably the softest of the bunch. The other men urge him to just take her since the tribe needs children and that's what the women are brought in for but Kirishima is too kind of a man to touch her against her will.
Kirishima doesn't speak it out loud but Katsuki knows how disgusted the man felt about himself after he mated her for the first time. Other men are not as docile as Kirishima. They take their new mates as they see fit. They think that if their new mate doesn't find it in themselves to accommodate the situation, at least they can submit to them and fulfill their duty as a mate.
Katsuki is so deep in his own thoughts that he doesn't notice how they arrived back at his tent. Only when y/n stops walking, he looks up. One of his mother's ladies-in-waiting is standing in front of his tent.
„Your mother wishes to speak to you. She's inside.“, the woman informs him. Katsuki gives her a nod and puts a hand on y/n's lower back pushing her inside.
„What do you want?“, Katsuki asks his mother upon entering the tent. His mother sits on the remaining chair with her arms and legs crossed.
„Did you mate her yet?“, she poses a counterquestion.
„Obviously not.“, Katsuki tells her. He gives y/n a side-eye and he notices how tense the smaller woman got. Clearly, she must fear his mother by now.
His mother rubs her temple.
„Katsuki, I didn't mean to upset you earlier.“, his mother states. Katsuki lets go of y/n and sits down on one of the trunks.
„I know that.“, he mumbles.
Mitsuki watches as her son uses a knife to scratch off dirt from the underside of his shoe. Meanwhile, y/n stands at the entrance of the room feeling absolutely lost. She feels like she shouldn't be here for this conversation. She tries to make eye contact with Katsuki who keeps his focus on his shoes. Mitsuki sighs loudly making y/n flinch.
„Katsuki, I'm glad you want to take on a mate. I've been afraid you'd refuse one completely. I'm just worried about your future, our future.“, Mitsuki points out. Her voice isn't exactly soft but probably as soft as the former chief can be.
Katsuki stabs the trunk with his knife.
„Don't you think I know that? Don't you think I'm worried, too?“, he barks at her.
Mitsuki gives her son a pointed look.
„I know you are. Which is more the reason why I don't understand... this.“, Mitsuki says and vaguely gestures towards y/n as if she's a piece of furniture rather than a real person standing in the room.
Looking back at it, y/n doesn't know why that was the reason to get her angry but it does. Y/n decides then and there that she doesn't like the woman who clearly is related to Katsuki. Why does she always pretend like I'm not there, y/n thinks. It makes her angry. It's rude. Also, y/n is pretty sure that his woman has nothing nice to say about her.
Katsuki looks at his mother annoyedly.
„What do you want me to say? I've chosen her. Don't you trust my reasons?“, he tells her.
„Do you trust your reasons? Because if you had, wouldn't you have mated her by now?“, Mitsuki strikes back.
Katsuki feels more and more irritated by each passing second.
„That's none of your business. Or do you also plan to check how often I fuck my mate?“, he bites back.
Mitsuki gives him a piqued look and shakes her head in disgust.
„Seriously, Katsuki. What the hell are you thinking?“, Mitsuki asks him.
Katsuki pushes himself off the trunk and ruffles his own hair roughly.
„I don't know, okay? I met her and we connected. I want her.“, he tells his mother.
„Aha, you want her. If you want her, then take her and pass her on, or let her go.“, Mitsuki replies.
Katsuki gives her an angry look.
„She's different from the other women we brought here.“, he tries to argue.
„In how far?“
Katsuki throws his arms up in the air.
„For one, she's not afraid of us or our dragons. Actually, I think Drami might like her. She's a fighter. I saw her fight a bandit with her bare hands. She can hunt, or at least read tracks to a certain degree. She can treat wounds and she picks up on things quite quickly. I'm sure that if that damn Deku teaches her, she will be speaking...“, Katsuki starts to ramble.
„Stop.“, Mitsuki says coldly and holds up a hand.
„I don't need to hear you sing praise to this woman. Nothing you said proves to me that she will be a good mate to you. You describe basic skills that everyone should have. If you think that...“, his mother continues.
„Can I say something about this?“, y/n enters the conversation. She's sick that she's forced to observe from the sidelines, especially considering that this is a conversation that's clearly about her. Y/n doesn't care that neither Katsuki nor this woman understands her. It's time to give both of them a piece of her mind.
Y/n stems her arm into her hips and points at Mitsuki.
„First of all, who do hell do you think that you are? I don't give a shit if you're their queen or something. My people believe that all humans are equals to one another. Therefore I can't stand how you talk about me pretending I'm not there. Secondly, I might not understand what you say but I'm sure you say very mean things about me. Did nobody teach you basic manners? Like seriously, at least have the decency to talk shit about me behind my back. But making me understand what you think of me without speaking my language? Wow, you must really be determined on making me feel like crap.“, y/n tells Mitsuki while holding eye contact with the woman. Mitsuki looks unpleasantly surprised by y/n's outburst.
„And now to you, mister!“, y/n says turning to Katsuki.
„You drag me all the way to your people, make me do stupid ceremonies that I don't understand and then you let his woman humiliate me in front of all of these people? And after all this, you take me back here just to throw a temper tantrum. What are you? Five? I honestly don't give a fuck about what that woman's issue is. What I do care about is how you handle it. And you're not handling it very successfully, dare I say. You're handling it like a manchild. Drinking your problems away with your buddies only to have another argument with her all over again? Seriously, I start to doubt if I made the right choice in trusting you!“, y/n gives Katsuki an earful.
Katsuki stares at her with wide eyes and an open mouth. Y/n takes a deep breath. She straightens her posture.
„That being said, I exclude myself from this conversation.“, she tells Katsuki proudly with her head held high.
Then, she turns around and stomps outside the tent. Mitsuki stares after her just as perplexed as her son does.
Outside, y/n is fuming. This whole situation frustrates her. Because people talk and decide things over her head. Because she has no way to take any form of action. This time, she doesn't cry.
It's time to find that Nadia woman and get some more information out of her, y/n thinks.
Tag list: @graviewaviee @cosmicbreathe @tsukikoxo @nnubee @witchbishsblog @elajede @bsallergy @frxcless @berryvioo @eyesforbkg @shamelesjaroflaffytaffy @pastelbaby1111 @iamlizardgod @plvt0fvtvre @hello-peanutdoodle-blog @guccirosegold @kookiemyfeelsposts @sweetblueworm @54fangirl @sakurarr1122 @rv19 @leeliyah @king-dynamight @confused-smol-fan @xmaudx @waterstarz @pinkwhiskerglitter @adeline96 @zoom1374 @fingui @giuli-in-earth @colouringfrogssittinginleaves @futuristicallykawaiiturtle @tragedyofabrokensoul @dynakats @rebel-loves-anime @cloudxluv @itsssyagurll @sunshineandwitchery @cloudxluv @hollykanuki @atouchofmidnight @nutellaenjoyer @musicbecky @miacitocco @cassouandco @penguinlovestowrite @sleepykittycx @bakugouswh0r3 @xxjesshuxx @helenamaximoff @ssssssws-world @k1tk4tkatsuki @gh0stgirl333 @anon-mouse223 @bexxs @i-am-ms-rebel-heart @wannabeisekai @spragaraga @faemagic88 @kolakoke @faetoraa @cax-per @willy-the-witch @stardream14 @jiyuu-da @mintytalesblog @sparklyoperaroadpie @musicbecky @maria-patricia @mistermemister @katsukismrs @l0kisbitch @bakukiriswife @rebel-loves-anime @drink-water-456
@gold24fish @notsaelty
[I think I can't tag anymore people, sorry! Unless anybody knows what I'm doing wrong...]
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peachsukii · 6 months
What if reader was a new classmate and months went by before bakugou even noticed them? Maybe noticed them for the first time while training one day or something and he became infatuated with reader (NSFW please! I <3 your writing!)
oooooh this is a great prompt, thank you for sending it in!! and thank you so much, it makes my day when someone compliments my writing! 🔥✨
Cruel Compulsions
『 ♡ 』  k.bakugo x fem!reader ꒰ senior year of UA | aged to 18 | infatuated & pining bakugo ꒱ ⇢ as a new transfer from a neighboring hero academy to UA, class 3A welcomes you with open arms. you fit in with the class seamlessly, with the exception of one person - katsuki bakugo. he doesn't give you the time of day, ignoring you any chance he gets since he views you as an "outsider." at least, that's what he projects and not how he truly feels.
꒰ tags & warnings ꒱ 18+ MDNI Smut; masturbation, dirty/lewd thoughts, wet dreams, first-time handjob, first kiss (bakugo) | obsessively infatuated, mutual pining, hidden feelings, avoidant but horny bakugo, mean/aggressive toward reader's attention, awkward confession, sexually-forward and comfortable reader, friends to friends with benefits, fluffy ending ꒰ cross posted to ao3 | wc; ~2.4k ꒱ -`✧ katsuki bakugo masterlist
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Bakugo's in the school locker room after the day's training sessions, left forearm against the wall of the shower to hold himself upright with his head hung under the water's stream. His mind is swimming in a sea of dirty thoughts as his right hand fists his dick - your body floating in the aforementioned sea.
He couldn't help it, you're gorgeous and beautiful spank bank material without even trying.
You surprised everyone when UA announced your transfer so late in the hero course. He immediately had judgements before meeting you. How did you manage to transfer during senior year from another academy? Would you need special privileges to catch up to the classes' progress? You were probably some rich bitch who had daddy's money buy your spot in the program.
That all crumbled the moment you walked through the door of class 3As homeroom, Aizawa introducing you to the class on a random Wednesday in the summer.
"Treat her with respect. She's a top student from her previous academy and can kick just as much ass as the rest of you."
Bakugo's heart stuttered in his chest, hypnotized by the way your bare thighs complimented the uniform skirt you're forced to wear. Your button up didn't leave much to the imagination in terms of your luscious figure, the front buttons ever so slightly strained over your chest to contain your breasts. His face was hot as he ogled you, unknowingly drinking in your features to commit them to memory. The feeling was foreign as he'd never been so attracted, let alone infatuated, with anyone.
It had been months since your transfer and Bakugo couldn't bring himself to have a conversation with you without wanting to explode, no pun intended. His palms would drip with sweat, ready to ignite at the slightest touch if you asked him a question or greeted him in passing. He'd gotten into the habit of averting his gaze, turning his back to you or simply removing himself from your space if you got too close.
"Don't worry about him," Midoriya commented regularly about his best friend's behavior towards you. "He's not much of a people person. He'll warm up to you when he's ready!"
Months of endless wet dreams, steamy thoughts and longing stares. Wherever you went, you clouded his vision and blocked out the rest of the world. He didn't understand why he was so enamored with you. He just...was. He kept telling himself it wasn't an obsession, just a stupid ass crush that will pass with time.
News flash - it didn't.
He - the Katsuki Bakugo - didn't have the courage to ask you out.
The training period was at the end of the school day, thankfully, and most of the others preferred to head back to their dorms to shower, leaving Bakugo alone in the locker room. He was free to moan and groan in peace, the steam of the hot water only adding to his shameless delight.
"Nngh, it's...not...fair," he moans to himself, barely above a whisper. His grip tightens around his cock, hand slipping and sliding at a brutal pace, eyes screwed shut to watch the raunchy movie play in his mind. Your lying in his bed, remnants of sweat from sparring across your bare tits and stomach. Your UA track jacket is splayed beneath you, the only other article of clothing being a pair of pink lace panties covering your center.
Why pink? He didn't know, you just seemed like the kind of girl to wear lacy underwear - well, he wished you were the type of girl who wore sexy panties, especially if it was just for him.
Your lips were parted in anticipation, flush creeping up your chest and neck as it settled across your cheeks.
"Katsuki, please...," you begged, fluttering your eyes up at him. It didn't take much for him to crumble, swiping your panties to the side and thrusting deep into your soaked pussy.
Like clockwork, Bakugo explodes, covering his hand in spend before getting to imagine fucking you. He can never make it to touching you in any of his dreams, you're always just out of reach or he finishes, cutting the scenario short. He rinses the evidence down the drain and turns the water temperature ice cold.
The next day, Bakugo sluggishly made his way to homeroom, running a few minutes later than usual. He rounded the corner on the third floor when he practically bumps into you, startling himself.
"Oh! Morning Bakugo, how are you?" you ask, a pleasant smile gracing your lips. He stares at them, assuming you'd just applied lip gloss with the way they shine under the hallway lights.
"Fine." Bakugo turns his eyes to the floor, stuffing his hands into his pockets nervously. There's a pause between the conversation and his first instinct is to shove past you and bolt for homeroom, but he doesn't.
"Can I ask you something?" you say as you grab his forearm to take him away from the stairwell. He recoils at your touch, ripping his arm from your grasp.
"Sorry, I shouldn't...forget it."
You're turning to head down the hallway when his anxiety quiets for a split second, allowing him to speak to you for the first time in months.
"No, wait...'m sorry. What is it?"
Bakugo's eyes haven't left the tiles on the floor, but something is telling him what you wanted to ask was important. You don't turn to face him when your shoulders droop.
"You're always running from or actively avoiding me. Did I do something wrong?" There's a sadness in your voice that makes his heart drop into his stomach. He was an asshole for not thinking how his actions would affect you, too focused on running away like a fucking coward instead of treating you like a person.
"No. You didn't do anythin' wrong," he mumbles, tapping his foot restlessly.
"Then why the hell can you not even stand to be around me?! You're the only person in the whole class who acts like I have the plague."
'Shit, shit, fuck! What do I even say?' Bakugo thinks to himself, thoughts racing to find some kind of excuse. The words bubble up in his throat faster than he can stop them from spilling out.
"It's 'cause I like you!"
Uh oh.
You whip your whole body around to face him, eyes wide with an eyebrow cocked in confusion. "...What?"
His mind is screaming 'run!,' but his body won't move.
Shaking your head, you start to laugh, relishing in the ridiculousness of the situation. He liked you, but had a case of the "eww cooties!" bullshit? Oh, if only you knew.
"I'm not gonna talk about this here, I'll come by your dorm after classes today. Okay?"
Bakugo finally meets your gaze, gritting his teeth to prevent any other unwanted confessions. "...'kay."
You give him a wave and head off toward the 3A homeroom down the hall, leaving him with his thoughts.
After class, you keep your promise and head to the fourth floor of the dormitories to Bakugo's room. One tap of your knuckles and the door swings open.
"Hey, still free to talk?" You ask, giving him a second chance to shoo you away.
"Yeah, come in." It was taking everything in him not to dart into the hallway and run until he couldn't anymore. He shuts the door behind you quietly. The latch barely clicks when he feels your hand on his bicep, your grip catching him off guard and causing him to stumble into the wall. Your body is suddenly in his personal bubble, chest pressed against his when your lips crash on to his.
'Is this really fucking happening?'
A surprised groan escapes Bakugo between the kiss, his hands flexing at his sides to keep himself together. He can feel the excess sweat begin to stain his palms.
You pull back with a smack of your lips. "Better?"
His mind was completely blank while simultaneously running at mach speed. How do you look so...stunning, all the time? He could feel the stickiness of your lip gloss on his lips - it tasted better than he imagined it would, a faint cherry flavor dancing on his tongue.
"Earth to Bakugooo!" you call, waving a hand in front of his face.
Bakugo violently shivers, his nerves catching up with the emotions flowing through his whole body.
'Don't be a fucking coward, Katsuki. Just do it!' He screams internally, urging himself to make a goddamn move.
"Oh shit, was that your first kiss?!" you yell, not able to fathom that he had never been kissed. "I'm sorry, I assumed -"
He grabs the back of your head, diving in to capture your lips once more. Time slows to a crawl as Bakugo maps out every inch of your mouth, savoring every second of the moment. Your lips are much softer and plush than he dreamed they would be, and if you weren't holding on to him, he was convinced he'd float away into the stratosphere. You can feel the sweat on his palms drip against the nape of your neck, but it doesn’t bother you. It’s warm, a honey-like consistency seeping into the fabric of your uniform.
He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against your own.
"I would have assumed someone as hot as yourself would have a body count by now," you tease, tracing a light circle over his exposed collarbone.
"Shut up," he whispers shakily. "Was never interested in that shit."
"Fair enough, but right now, your body is telling me a different story."
You let your hand trail down his body, brushing against his clothed erection. Bakugo's entire body stiffens, all the muscles in his body turning to stone at the featherlight touch of your fingers.
"Tell me to stop and I will."
The answer is immediate, a growl swallowed by your mouths colliding once again. Your fingers trace the outline of the tent in his slacks a second time before mindlessly fumbling with his belt. His hands are occupied with grabbing your hair and waist to pull you as close as possible, all precaution on his side melting like putty in your hands. The adrenaline rush of it all was fueling the fire churning in his guts, practically high off your affection and you’ve barely touched him.
The belt clasp flops to each side as you maneuver your way through the buttons and zipper expertly.
'How the fuck is this happening right now?'
Your hand swiftly pulls at his slacks, enough to allow room to squeeze through the waistband of his boxers, your delicate fingers wrapping around his dick. It's throbbing, painfully so, and burning hot to the touch. Between sloppy kisses, Bakugo gasps as if it’s his last breath on earth, trembling beneath your palm. You thumb over the tip, using the pre-spend to glide your hand over his shaft. The moan that is coaxed out of him is deep and voracious, hungry for more of your touch. A lightning bolt strikes through your core, his ecstasy fueling your own desire as you continue to clash tongues with him.
“Your moans are so fucking hot, Katsuki,” you pant between kisses. “Way hotter than I ever dreamed they’d be.”
Oh god, you used his name. You’ve never said it before. And the first he’s hearing it is…like this? Bakugo’s rocketing toward orgasm at the thought of potentially hearing it again.
And again. And again.
Sparks are flying in his abdomen, an entire Fourth of July fireworks show erupting as he squirms beneath you. He’s interchangeably moaning and whining into your mouth, shuddering uncontrollably.
“Fuck, ‘m-mmph!”
He attempts to silence himself as he spills out all over your hand and in his boxers, endless ropes of white pouring out of him. You remove your hand from his pants, placing a peck to his cheek and walking into his bathroom.
What. The. Fuck!?
Bakugo’s in the afterglow of his orgasm, awestruck as he slouched against the wall trying to catch his breath. His chest heaved and thighs quivered - the fact that he was still standing was a miracle.
The two of you sat in silence on his bed, waiting for the other to start the conversation. He took a deep breath, turning to face you with blushing cheeks.
“I…never, fuck, sorry. I’m fuckin’ nervous,” Bakugo begins to explain, trying to compose himself. You tenderly slip your fingers in his, intertwining them in an awkward hold. It calms his nerves enough to continue.
“I didn’t understand this feelin’ at all. You show up outta nowhere and…knocked me on my ass. I’ve never experienced anythin’ like this and I…didn’t handle it well.”
“It’s alright, water under the bridge. For the record, I always thought you were hot,” you giggle, shooting him a wink. “You just kept running and didn’t let me hit on you.”
Of course Bakugo was his own worst enemy in this situation. He could see that clearly now as opposed to his previous blindness by a fierce case of infatuation. He smirked, finally letting his walls come down - brick by brick.
“I settled for kissing Kaminari one night instead.”
Your comment makes him choke on his own spit, sputtering out, “Y’kissed Dunceface?! When?!”
That gets you cackling, removing your hand from his as you fall back onto his bed. You’re holding your sides while Bakugo’s crossing his arms, nose to the ceiling at your reaction.
“Hah! It was months ago and only once. He cried after.”
Now he’s laughing, breaking his stoic facade. He’s somewhat taken aback by his own laughter, silently acknowledging how easy communicating with you turned out to be. You return to sitting upright and sigh.
“I’m sorry, too, for jumping you like that. We don’t have to talk about it, either.”
Bakugo fidgets with the hem of the comforter on his bed. “I said I didn’t want ya to stop, so don’t apologize.”
You smile, a rosy tint appearing on the apples of your cheeks. “I like you, Katsuki. I’m okay with doing this - no labels, fast or slow - while we get to know each other. No pressure, though. We could never talk again if that’s what you wanted.”
“I obviously like you too, idiot. Just be patient with me. ‘S all I ask of ya.”
Bakugo leans over and kisses you, soft and slow, a way of him saying thank you. He’s unabashedly on cloud nine, glowing with newfound confidence, all thanks to you.
Did that stop his raunchy and taunting wet dreams in the coming months? Not even a little. He just has a better solution to his growing salacious appetite - you.
⋆ ˚ʚɞ — thank you again @bakubae-by for the prompt! 😊 tags; @slayfics
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frickingnerd · 7 months
love triangle with villain!izuku & hero!katsuki
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pairing: izuku midoriya x gn!reader x katsuki bakugou
tags: hero!reader, hero!katsuki, villain!deku, friends to enemies
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the first time izuku noticed you was when he and the league of villains attacked class 1A at USJ
that day he saw you on bakugou's side and noticed how protective the blonde boy was of you
izuku's cruel middle school bully was now so sweet towards you and izuku knew that this could only mean one thing
katsuki bakugou was in love with you!
since you were important to katsuki, izuku started to target you, attempting to kill you in front of katsuki's eyes, while the blonde boy desperately tried to save you
but by the end of that day, izuku couldn't deny that you had peaked his interest
he watched you perform during the sports festival, only growing more and more infatuated with you
he wanted nothing more than to steal you away from katsuki!
during the training summer camp the league of villains attacked the students and izuku finally managed to get his hands on you!
both you and katsuki ended up being taken hostage by him
izuku was treating you so gently, while katsuki got one beating after another by the league members
izuku ended up confessing his feelings for you
he told you about what a horrible person katsuki bakugou really was and tried to persuade you to join him and the league of villains instead
you had a hard time believing what he was telling you about katsuki, but eventually you realized that not a single word of what izuku had told you was a lie
despite that, you still believed in the good with katsuki! you were clinging onto the hope that katsuki was able to change for the better
after katsuki and you were saved by the heroes, you started to grow closer to him
now that you knew all about his ugly past there was nothing he had to hide from you anymore
in a way, izuku had only brought the two of you closer by telling you about it
you knew what katsuki had done was horrible, but you wanted to see him change
because everyone was able to change! and that included katsuki. and izuku
you hadn't given up on izuku yet and every time you crossed paths with him, you tried to remind him of his dream of becoming a hero
the more time you spent with the two boys, the more they changed for the better
and despite their relationship to each other slowly improving, none of them were willing to just give up on you…
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writingrock · 1 month
i called for you
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x reader (gender neutral) summary: waiting for your hero boyfriend to rescue you. you've called him and he's sure to come to your side.
notes: major death, angst, set in hero war arc, prequel of 'a lost dream' fic
word count: 995
a/n: you can read 'a lost dream' before or after this one. This is a short prequel <3
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“Katsuki ... !”
“Katsuki, where are you?”
Your voice rings in the midst of the battlefield, echoing hauntingly. All alone. You stare at the daunting threat in front of you. Your eyes twitch at the writhing, myriad of hands Shigaraki unleashes. They move at an impossible pace. It's a horrifying sight. As much as you want to defeat him, you can't. You're badly injured. Falling back is the smart decision. A sharp pain on your side snaps your thoughts. Your breath hitches as you look down at your wounds. Your fist tightens. Everything hurts. Trembling, you fall back onto the rough rubble. Surrounded by the destruction you could not prevent. But you should be pleased that you did your part of the plan. Now you could fall back and recover. Everyone else had their part to play.
“Kats… fuck.. I need you..” a cough leaves your mouth. Along with it, there’s blood. The splatter splashes across the rubble. Fuck. When was help going to get here? Where is your boyfriend– your hero. He's the only one you want to see right now. You need him. The pain in your chest tightens as you grit your teeth. Suffering quietly as you kept your eyes open- searching for him in the ruins of battle.
As if your prayers have been answered, you see him. You’d recognise that messy, spiky hair anywhere. Adrenaline gives you one last push to get up. Your injured leg limps and stumbles as you run to him with all your might. Using your last strength to be in his arms. The embrace feels amazing. Katsuki feels so warm to lean on. Choked sobs leave your mouth. Mumbling about how thankful you are that he’s here. You're saved.
“You’re here to help right? To save me?” Tears roll down your cheek as you hold onto him, “I called you and you came here to get me right?” The grip on him tightens. Relief fills you to see Katsuki finally here. Your body feels light knowing you’re in safe hands now. That you can get help—
“Why did you call me?” Shock startles your body when he said that. Your quivering eyes looking up at him. Is he joking right now? The Katsuki Bakugou. Making some sick joke on the battlefield. You scoff at him and hit him in his chest. “Stop joking Katsuki, it’s not funny.” You barely choke out.
“I’m not here … ” His voice is firm and his words cut through your heart like a knife. What is he talking about? He’s not here? But he’s right in front of you. Fear rises in your chest. But before you could tell him off, Katsuki stops you. Your name drifts off his lips softly, “I can’t save you.” Why is he being so cruel? His words hurt more than the pain in your chest. You're about to scream at him when his red eyes focus on you. It quiets you down. His eyes are strangely serious with a heavy weight to them. He pauses before looking off into a direction. Instinctively, you follow his gaze to see…
You. You're sprawled across the battlefield. Mangled and bloodied all over. He can’t save you because you’re dead. Realisation hits you hard. Shattering your earlier hope. You’re about to fall to your knees when Katsuki catches you. Slowly, he guides you towards your body, his strong arms holding you close. A closer look at the body only confirms it. There's no mistaking it. How did you not realise it? You didn't even feel it. Was your death that ruthlessly quick?
You want to fight. You want to live. You refuse to accept this. Falling to your knees, you crumble over your dead body. Can you go back into your body? Maybe if you just leaned into your body it would work. Desperately searching for any solution to this impossible problem. You keep trying. Looking for a way to somehow revert your death. Deep down, you know that your attempts are futile.
Katsuki calls out your name. “It’s over,” he says flatly, a hint of regret in his tone, “I can’t do anything about it.” He’s not even here. He's not real. Your Katsuki. This Katsuki is just a figment of your memories. An illusion of your lover to accompany you during your dying moments. He’s not real. You let out a sob. You couldn’t even say goodbye to him.
“What do I do now..?” The question leaves your lips quietly as you process this. You died too young. There was so much you wanted to do. Your goals to be a pro hero are swept away. Heck, your plans for tomorrow are taken from you too. Your loved ones and family— didn’t you promise them to come back? Katsuki. You promised him to fight didn’t you? All the plans you made with him are reduced to nothing. Weren’t you guys going to celebrate after all of this? To go on that date you’ve been nagging him for?
“It doesn’t matter what you do now.” Katsuki says softly as he kneels down to look at you. Did you do your part? Are your friends okay? Thoughts scramble through your head but the one you don’t wish to face is Katsuki. Yet with this spectral form of him in front of you, it’s hard to ignore. You pause, “then can I stay here with you then?” Katsuki nods and pulls you into his arms. Embracing you tightly like he usually does. Correction— like he used to. Accepting your fate, you lean into Katsuki. His body doesn’t feel the same. This embrace isn’t the same. Yet it’s the only thing you have.
“Are you excited for our date after all this?” The question barely leaves you as you combust into sobs. The vision of Katsuki holds you tighter and replies, “Yeah.” Your cries fall on deaf ears as you get cradled by him. Barely, you managed a small “yeah.” You want to curse the gods. Scream at them for giving you such an early death. But nothing you do matters.
"It'll be really fun right?"
"It'll be good."
“I love you Katsuki.”
... He doesn’t answer.
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a/n: I have way too much angst plots, i swear there will be fics that aren't just angst !!
border credits: @enchanthings & @adornedwithlight
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searenbound · 4 months
Based on this post it was really fun to explore the concepts in this one
If you liked it please consider leaving a small tip through my cash app I'm trying to save up for nail tech classes and every little bit helps
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, reader is bullied briefly at the beginning, oral(female receiving), afab reader with she/her pronouns, vaginal fingering and penetration, omegaverse
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“H-hey! Stop!” (Yn) yelled, knowing her pleas would fall on uncaring ears as the pack of girls shoved into someone’s room.
“Oh stop crying! We’ll let you out soon, probably”
She could practically hear the dismissive shrug and cruel smirk the leader of that little click likely gave.
“I guess that depends on how long Bakugou’s workout takes, you know how Alphas are! It'll probably only be an hour, maybe two? Hope he believes you when you tell him you weren't trying to steal from him!” they laughed, jamming the door shut and leaving (Yn) alone with nothing but her thoughts in the seemingly empty, strong-smelling room.
What did she do to deserve this? Whatever it was it couldn’t possibly warrant anything like this!
She was just a simple Omega, just trying to get a good education so she could get a good job, what did she do wrong to earn such scornful treatment?
Why di—
“The hell are you doing here?”
A heavy, labored, and husky voice sounded from behind her. She froze, her own voice trapped in her throat as she turned towards it to find the Alpha in question rising from his bed. His face flushed and hard to read as he observed her.
He knows her, well sort of? She's in a few of his classes. Always sticking to the corners of the room hoping no one noticed her, but he had.
He took note of every detail, head to toe, from the way her hair fell and complimented her face to the way she walked with a little sway in her hips.
He had wanted to talk to her at least once before his rut had started, but he never got the chance, and now that choice had been taken from them both.
“I uh, I don't know? I got s-shoved in here a-and.…” she stammered and rambled, getting his attention again.
But he couldn't focus on her words though. Her strawberries and cream scent was too sweet and distracting for him to ignore. In a desperate attempt to stave off his growing lust for the oblivious Omega, he tried to subtly palm himself quietly but he groaned at the contact making her jump.
He sounded pained, and her Omega instincts kicked in and brought her to his side quickly to see what was wrong and if she could help.
It was the biggest mistake she could have made. As soon as she was near, she could smell the scent of a frantic, rutting Alpha. It quickly became apparent the type of danger she was in quickly, but not as quick as Bakugou was.
He, in a matter of seconds, had torn through her clothes. Too far gone to ask any more questions or explain himself, too out of it to even notice her fearful begging for him to reconsider his actions.
All he could hear was that pleading tone and god was it easy to imagine that pretty voice begging him to breed her. A pretty little sound that made his knot twitch and ache. God, he needs to breed her.
He has to, needs to so badly, he couldn't stop himself when she smelled so danm good. He was going to breed her, but first, he had to make sure she was ready for him.
He shuddered at the thought, pinning her hips to his bed before laving his tongue over her sex, trying to put a taste to the sugary scent. This was the pussy he’d own. The one his Omega was in possession of. His, all his and he’ll make sure she knows it.
It didn’t matter that he’d never introduced himself properly to her, there’s plenty of time to know his mate better after this.
She tried to get him to stop. Squirming in his grip and tugging at his hair in a futile attempt to get him away from her, as she whimpered “Please, don’t”.
Only to be interrupted by a growl and a finger pushed into her already sopping wet cunt.
In his lust-altered state, her actions seemed like she was just impatient. Her plea was easily written off as her trying to beg him not to be a tease.
“Fucking god, you’re so damn wet, you want it bad don’t you?” he groans adding a second finger, and it must have sounded like some sort of sick taunt to her. His fingers thrusting and rubbing against her inner walls, unwanted and unwavering, but pleasurable in a way that felt like the deepest betrayal.
Her body was welcoming his actions and he seemed to be enjoying his perverse power over her. His lips pressed against her clit, kissing it before sucking and licking on the sensitive little bundle of nerves.
Pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy. Closers to the cliff’s edge that she didn’t think she’d survive if she fell from it. It’d leave her broken, useless, and unable to fight his advances, but could she fight this anyway?
He seemed to have no problem overpowering her, seemed unbothered by her begging and feeble attempts to tug him off of her.
Should she just accept her fate? Should she just let herself fall apart and be his toy for the time being?
Her body felt hot and the little bit of internal thread he’s been toying with tangled, knotted, and pulled tighter and tighter until it snapped with a sobbing cry and blanking mind.
She clung tightly to him, not bothering to fight him when he kissed her and lined his thick cock with her entrance. Too far gone to even think about fighting this.
“P-please, at least be gentle with me, I um… I’ve never—”
“You’re still a virgin?” he cut her off, the gravity of their situation finally settling in his mind and he would have backed off. Apologizing profusely for how he behaved, how he let himself be taken by his rut.
She was probably waiting until she was more established to find herself a mate, and in a moment of selfish desperation he almost ruined her. He really did want to back off and let her go but…
“I— d-don’t you want me?”
But her instincts had kicked in and his hesitation must have read as rejection because she looked hurt.
Why did it hurt? She hadn’t wanted this, she didn’t want this!
But it hurts, it hurts so bad, tears started to prick up at her lashes.
Her body was going into heat because of him, and now he doesn’t want her?!
She was being rejected! She was being refused as an Omega and it hurts so much! Why would he be so cruel?
In reality, he doesn’t know what he was meant to do, he was no good at this.
No good at consoling words or gentleness, but he was good at expressing himself through his actions.
So he silenced her with one smooth roll of his hips, sinking into her until he was buried to the hilt.
Forcing back his growl and letting out a deep rumble of a purr in an attempt to assure her she would be safe sharing this first with him. He was determined to stay in control of his body through this, to touch her the way she wanted him to.
He was determined to force himself to be gentle, to slow his thrusts and take his time with her and…
Oh fuck.
He swallowed thickly, his pace quickening slightly. He didn’t know if he could keep this gentle facade for her if she wouldn’t even put up a fight against him. She’s being too accepting, too cute for him not to ruin thoroughly.
“I-it feels good! Feels— aha!”
Fuck it.
He took up the ruthless pace he was much more accustomed to and moved a hand to play roughly with her clit and a growl slipped out passed his lips. He couldn’t hold back after all, no, it was more like he just wouldn’t anymore.
He was allowing himself to get drunk off her whimpers and moans, taking pleasure from her blank and dazed expression as she practically crumbled under him.
“Are you, fuckin’ hell, you going to cum already?” He breathed against her ear, groaning at the resulting shiver that wreaked her body.
“You’re clenching around me so tightly, you wanted me to fuck you senseless like this, huh? Wanted to cum my knot, didn’t you?”. He grunted and she couldn’t find the words to respond.
She hadn’t wanted this at first, but now? She didn’t want to want this, but her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, and her nails clawed into his back of their own accord, her mouth ran without hesitation or thought.
“Please! Want it so bad! I want your knot Alpha!”.
She cried out and was silenced with a kiss and the overwhelming sensation of being pushed past the edge and stuck in that blissful free fall as he knotted her.
They stayed tied for what felt like hours before he could safely pull out. In truth it was only minutes, but the conversation they needed to have afterward made the wait unbearable.
Only for it to be as simple as explaining how she ended up trapped in with him, and a promise that he’ll never stop working to earn her forgiveness for this. Because no, it doesn’t matter how this happened or ended, he still did something awful to her and he won’t forgive himself until he’s made sure she’s living a happy fulfilling life with him.
The first step is tearing the heads off her soon-to-be former bullies.
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yanderenightmare · 2 years
poly kiribaku with a small captive darling!! badcap/goodcop dynamic where kiri's the really cruel one, and baku cant help but enjoy watching him break little darling over his knee despite feeling a little guilty about not doing anything????
Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou
TW: NSFW, dubcon/noncon, yandere, good cop/bad cop manipulation, size-difference, poly, abuse i.e. slapping, hair-pulling, etc
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The slap to her face sent her to the ground, and Katsuki cringed – face flinching as the redhead towered with unfair height over the small girl at his feet. His large hands, rough like stone, hoisted her up by the arm she raised to shield herself – only to shove her down on the bed – looming and pushing himself onto her where she fought so uselessly, so desperately to protect herself – despite knowing it only motivated the brawny male to get even rougher.
A fist latched tight around her throat kept her down with disorienting strength – spluttering on strangled air while her head thumped hot and blinding, only barely lucid enough to catch the sharp sounds of his belt unbuckling. 
The other cruel fist twisted her dress until tearing it off, leaving her even more vulnerable to his harsh handlings – ripping her panties down to her legs while she kicked in distress, caught beneath the unjust muscle mass with no ounce of hope to escape him.
Sobbing, she fervently tried stopping him – winding her thighs shut with a pair of small hands pushing at his chest to keep him distanced. But it was all just silly of her, as it took little more than an effortless push to have her completely flattened beneath him – knees spread wide open on each side of his hips.
Katsuki stood and watched – rigidly – listening to the pitiful sounds of her whimpering cries overrun by Kirishima’s much domineering groans. 
It happened fast, and soon it was already over with – and he’d done nothing but stand there all the while without a word – and still simply stood there speechless even now – as she knelt on the floor by the redhead's feet, cowering as he fisted her hair tightly in a mean grip – asking her in loud growls if she had anything to say for herself.
“I'm sorry- I'm sorry, Eijiro-” She spluttered out, eyes squeezed tight with hands thrown up in surrender – failing to shield herself from even the loud rashness of his voice where thick tears mercilessly streamed in streaks down her stinging raw cheeks.
“And your other master.” He added, yanking her head back with another hand gripping her jaw to face the silent blond.
“I'm sorry, Katsuki- I'm sorry- I'm sorry-”
It took him a second too long to shake free of the stiffness that had taken its toll on him – as though he had somehow forgotten he wasn’t just a spectator. Feeling ill at the sight of how meaty and big Kirishima’s hands were in comparison to her head, where the massive male held her tight like a football while she hiccupped and hitched on uneven breaths, all riddled with terror and hurt.
“There you go~ We learn, don't we, sweetie?” Kirishima continued his brutalities, fucking his coarse fingers into her mouth – making her choke and wretch – though still scared in place, obediently kneeling beneath the male with her hands held steady on the hard muscles of his thighs.
“Kiri, take it easy….” Bakugou finally managed to voice – taking a cautious step towards the two of them.
“What? Oh, look- now you’re making him worry.” Kirishima scolded, pulling her up by her hair, with her wincing at the sting before she was shoved onto her other large captor. 
“I’m sorry- please don't-” She begged, knees quaking as she sagged against him weakly – face twisted in plead with a pitiful furrow of mercy wrinkled between her brows and eyes impossibly large with tears and fear – hopelessly searching for any ounce of kindness he had to spare.
“Show him then.” Kirishima voiced brashly. “Show him how sorry you are.”
She shook and obeyed, taking the ever-so-silent blond by his big hands – hoping he wouldn’t use his strength on her like the other one – while guiding him back to the bed.
“I’m sorry, Katsuki- please don’t worry~” She tried soothing – gently pushing him back on the bed so she could crawl over him and offer some comfort like how Kirishima had taught her he liked.
“You hear that?” The redhead spoke. “Go on, Tsuki~ touch her.” He encouraged him while a rough hand came to make her flinch despite it only gently stroking her ass where she hovered over Bakugou’s clothed bump – painfully stretching out the fabric keeping it trapped.
He barely wanted to look down – afraid to admit to himself why he was so fucking hard – knowing it had everything to do with the fact that Kirishima’s so cruel and she’s so cute it’s cruel in and of itself – feeling so reluctant to acknowledge it as it would mean he could no longer deny the fact that he’s something really very sick for enjoying it.
“Please. It’s fine- touch me.” She sweet-talked, kissing with wet lips and tongue against his neck – making his heart pound harder with tremoring hands subconsciously lifting to card guilt-ridden yet greedy fingers into the plush softness of the thighs cradling him.
About to groan when pushing her hips down to grind on him – stopped short when the redhead raked his hand back in the girl’s hair and yanked her back – ripping her from lathering his neck with sweet spit and pleasurable little whimpers.
He watched her crane, arching back to look up into Kirishima’s face – a collection of ferally pointy teeth smiling down at her with a gleam nothing short of sadistic.
“What gives, buttercup? You’re never this sweet with me?” He accused, fist only tightening to make her wince.
She lifted her hand and stroked his cheek, encouraging him to lean in. “I’m sorry, Eijirou~ I’m still learning~” She tried, and successfully – he humored her – kissing her lips with tongue and teeth while tangling his hand softer into her hair, soothing fingertips brushing reassuringly against her scalp rather than twisting it from their roots.
His other hand rounded her and flicked her budding nipple, making her yelp into his receiving mouth – where he bore a toothy smirk – rumbling out a low chuckle in response while continuing to rub the nub between coarse fingers.
“Have you already forgotten about someone?” He asked after a while, hot against her lips – and Bakugou realized a second too late that it meant another punishment was due – watching her struggle with yet another cry as Kirishima ensnared her neck in a harsh chokehold.
Her smaller hand clawed on the paw without merit while he continued kissing her breathless mouth, desperately gulping for air he wouldn’t allow.
“Kiri-” Bakugou interjected once again, and the redhead let up, making her suck in harshly – slumping forward against the blond’s chest in a coughing spur until she ended up simply crying into his collar with fingers clutching tightly onto the cotton of his shirt.
He felt her shiver all the way down to her toes – his stomach brewing with stirs in return – bubbly and boiling as he watched the continued cruelty before him where the redhead played with her like something inanimate.
“Oh- you can handle it, right? Can’t you, sweetie?” He feigned tenderness, softly stroking the top of her head where she had it buried in Bakugou’s neck, gripping him for safety he was sorry to say he wouldn’t give her.
He thought he heard her whisper out the teeniest tiniest plea where she clutched him even tighter – molding her body flat against him – as close as she could while goosebumps shock-rose all across her exposed skin.
“I’m just teaching you to appreciate us, buttercup.” Kirishima defended, his stiff lips pressed against her shoulder, leaving a wet trail of sloppy kisses up her neck as he positioned himself behind her.
Rough hands lifted her by the fat of her ass – and soon she felt the stiff structure of his thick member brush against the raw puff of her sore cunt.
“If I don’t, who will?” He whispered, stroking her hair over to the other side to get a clean shot at her ear – whispering upon it. “It’s not like Mr. Perfect here is gonna get his hands dirty.”
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freakymcnastys · 2 months
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“cruel to be kind” - katsuki bakugou x fem!reader
━━ . ˚₊ ꒱ "means that i love you baby. "
content: quirkless au, american au, ochaco rich girl au, its 1999 so flip-phones yall…, um idk if ppl are ooc here i’m sorry😭
"KATSUKI BAKUGOU! I SEE MAKING our visits a weekly ritual." Ms. Midnight says taking a seat at her desk. "Only so we can have these moments together--should I hit the lights?" Katsuki said with a sarcastic smile on his face. "Oh, very clever, blasty boy." She replied, eyebrows raised looking down at her papers. "Says here you exposed yourself in the cafeteria?" Katsuki just sighs. "I was joking with Lunchrush, it was a bratwurst-" This made Midnight pull her glasses down and look through her brows at the boy. "Aren't we the optimist?" She remarked as Katsuki gave a disgusted look at the counselor.
"Well next time, keep it in your pouch, okay?" Midnight smiled before flicking her hand. "Scoot!" And with that, Katsuki left. "Weird ass lady-"
As Iida and Kirishima made their way through the courtyard the blue-haired boy stopped in his tracks when he saw the brunette wearing a dress. "Oh my god.."
"What group is she in?" He asked, adjusting his glasses. "The 'don't even think about it' group." Kirishima rolled his eyes at the new student. "That's Ochaco Stratford. She's a sophomore." He shrugged. Iida sighed, not taking his eyes off the girl while walking. Kirishima just laughed lightly. "Mhm, ya know she's beautiful and deep. I'm sure.."
"Yeah but there's a difference between like and love. Because I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack." The girl related to her friend, walking next to her. "But I love my Skechers?" Momo asked, a confused look on her face. "That's because you don't have a Prada backpack!" Ochaco smiled as Momo let out an 'ohhh' look.
"Anyways forget that their incredibly uptight father and it's a well-known fact that the Stratford sisters aren't allowed to date." Kirishima explained, the two now stopped and looked in the direction of the girls, walking off as the bell rang.
Taking a seat near the front, you settle down in 5th period, English. "So what did we think about 'The Sun Also Rises'?" Mr Aizawa asked the class from the podium. Hagakure raised her hand. "It was so romantic~" This ticked you off as you whipped your head around to the girl. "Romantic? Hemingway?" You let out a sigh before turning back to the front of the class. "He was an abusive, alcoholic misogynist who squandered half of his life trying to nail Picasso's leftovers." You finished as Aizawa sighed in irritation but before he could continue his lesson a blonde boy spoke up.
"As opposed to a bitter self-righteous hag?" He laughed along with some others in the class, even daping one up. "Shut it blondie." Aizawa sassed the boy whose smile fell from his face. "Maybe in this society being male and an asshole makes you worthy of our time." You turned back to Monoma with a tight smirk. This made the class erupt in 'oohs'.
As you were speaking about other amazing female writers, a boy with blonde spikey hair and a bag on his shoulder walked into the classroom. "What'd I miss?" He asked, panting. Taking a quick look at the boy before looking back with a heavy sigh. "The oppressive patriarchal values in our education."
"Good." Katsuki nodded before leaving the classroom as Mr Aizawa called after him. Monoma spoke up once again with the same shit-eating smirk on his face as before. "Mr. Aizawa, is there any chance we could get y/n to take her midol before class?" This makes the class chuckle as you throw a glare towards the boy.
"One day you're gonna get bitch-slapped and I'm not gonna do a thing to stop it." The teacher shook his head and continued his lesson, shutting up the boy.
"You heard about the whole nirvana thing?" Mina asked you with a slight frown. "Oh yeah, poor Frances.." You grimace. "Ugh, I wish I got to see them--" Before Mina could continue the thought, Monoma pulled up in his bright red sports car.
"Hey, your little mad max look is out, y/n." He smirked, hand still on the wheel. "Didn't ya read last months Cosmo?" Cosmo? Is this guy serious? No way he's into women..."Run along." You flick your hand in a 'keep moving 'motion before walking off with Mina.
While getting into your car and turning it on you see your sister Ochaco and Momo riding in the back of Monomas car. "Well, that's a charming view." Mina scoffs from the passenger seat. "Ugh, that's disgusting." You groan before pulling out of the space. That's until a boy with red hair on a bike almost runs into you. Clearly annoyed from the entire school day, you yell at him, saying something along the lines of getting his head out of his ass before driving away to leave Mina at her house.
"You okay?" Iida asked, shocked at your antics. "Yeah, just a minor encounter with the witch. That's your girlfriend's sister." Kirishima gestured to the car that was driving away. "That's Ochaco sister?" Iida stuttered in disbelief. "Stay cool bro." The boy on the bike waved goodbye to his new friend.
Sitting comfortably by the window, you read the words of 'The Secret History' as your dad came up to you with the mail in his hands. "Hello y/n. Make anyone cry today?" He asked, not looking up from the mail. "Sadly no, but it's only 4:30." You half-joked, looking up at your dad with a smile as he returned it. "Hi, Daddy!" Ochaco practically skipped to your dad, leaving a quick peck on his cheek. "Hello, precious."
Closing your book to look at your sister. "And where have you been?" You asked knowingly. You knew that you sounded like a complete bitch but you just didn't like the thought of her hanging out with that prick Monoma. "Nowhere." She practically sneered at you. Your dad pulled out an envelope from the bottom with a confused look on his face. "What's this? It says, Sarah Lawrence?"
This made your face light up, snatching up from him before throwing yourself onto the couch and opening it. Holy shit, it says you got accepted! "I got in!" You yelled, giddy from the news. "That's great sweetheart but isn't Sarah Lawrence on the other side of the country?" Tsunagu sputted, walking over to the couch, Ochaco following suit. You kept reading the lines of the paper with a smile. "I thought you were gonna stay here for college--be a hero like me!" He then made the university mascot pose which was a regular hero pose. "No, you decided! I think I'm gonna go--" Before your dad could say anything Ochaco chimed in with a smile.
"Let's hope so!" You sometimes can't believe how she's even related to you. Getting up to go upstairs, hearing your sister and dad argue about dating until you heard your name being said. "Ugh, y/n why can't you just be normal! Where did you come from planet loser?" The brunette huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "As opposed to the planet 'look at me! look at me!'" You mocked her, standing at the staircase, now pulled back into the conversation.
"Okay old rule out, new rule" Tsunagu began. "Ochaco can date...when y/n does...oh yes I like this.." He proposed a sly smile on his face. Ochaco protests, making meaner remarks than before, you decide that it is high time for you to finally go upstairs.
Closing the door to your room you let out a long sigh. Running a hand through your hair, you throw your school bag on the bed to work on some homework, hopefully, it would take your mind off of the dumpster fire that today was.
Iida and Kirishima are now in Biology and cooking up a plan to get y/n to date someone so Iida can take Ochaco out. That was the easy part. Finding someone willing to date 'the heinous bitch' was the difficult part.
"What if we can't find anyone.." Iida groaned lightly to his friend. "Wait hey what about him-" The boy pointed at a blonde guy who was playing with the bunsin burner before his friend with black hair stopped him. "Hey no don't--don't look at him.." Kirishima told Iida. "Not him, I heard he sold his kidney for a set of speakers." He whispered. Iida didn't immediately respond, looking at the guy before saying with a smile. "That's our guy."
Kirishima didn't completely agree but shrugged. "Well, we need a backer because I don't have any money bro." They looked around but the bell rang for lunch so they continued their conversation in the halls to the cafeteria.
"Oh wait how about Monoma--I mean he'll do it super senior and stupid?" He joked as they saw said senior sitting with his friends. Iida nodded along, taking a seat at the table and waiting for Kirishima to finish talking to Monoma. To be frank, Iida was nervous, he wasn't too sure if this plan would work and he wasn't sure what he'd do if it didn't. Seeing Kirishima come back with something drawn on his face.
"He'll do it."
Finally last period arrived and it was gym, more specifically soccer. I mean you did choose it but there weren't many good options to be fair. Finishing up the game, Coach Nezu told you that you were being 'too rough' which you scoffed at before heading back to grab your gym bag when a boy with spiked blonde hair came up to you.
"Hey there girlie." He smirked down at you. You rolled your eyes, not stopping for this wannabe. "How are ya?" He pressed further. "Sweating like a pig actually! and yourself?" You smiled, sarcastically at him as he gave you a faultered look. He cleared his throat before picking up his smile again. Those 50 bucks aren’t looking like the right price anymore.
“Lemme me take you out.” You scoffed at his offer. The guys at this school keep getting more and more annoying. “Psh mhm—do you even know my name screw boy?” You rolled your eyes, now stopping to face him. “That’s what the dates for idiot-“
“Yeah real nice—“ And with that you leave the field, leaving the boy in his tracks. “Shit…”
Iida and Kirishima watched the entire scene unfold, their hopefulness slowly disappearing. “We’re screwed..” Iida sighed into his hands. Kirishima whipped his head to his friend. “Nope I don’t wanna hear that defeatist attitude dude!”
“We’re screwed!” Iida said with more enthusiasm (and sarcasm.) “Yup that’s it..” The red haired boy replied in a whisper.
(PART ONENEN i swear part two is better! this is gonna be a three parter because it’s based off the movie and well there are to many fire scenes I have to include 😈😈 HOPE YALL LIKED IT!!)
- love always, kat
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doodlegirl1998 · 2 months
Hey question if you're willing to answer
I was told Bakugou and Sanemi/Inosuke is similiar. I don't watch mha enough to know and because i don't really like bakugou.
So to you is it true are theh truly alike? (Haven't watch enough KNY and just rely on tumblr/Tiktok/Pinterest for knowledge)
(Also because for a fanfic :>)
Hey @jellymelting 👋
I would personally say that they are not similar.
They are meant to be the same archetype essentially 'the asshole with a heart of gold'.
All of these characters are known for being loud and overly aggressive.
That's where the similarities end in my opinion.
Both Sanemi and Inosuke have sympathetic and understandable reasons for being as they are - Bakugou does not.
Sanemi's mother was turned into a demon who slaughtered all his family, sans his little brother Genya, and prior to that, he also dealt with an abusive father. He's also shown to genuinely care for Genya, yet express this extremely poorly. It's easy and sympathetic to see how he has turned out the way he has. He's also called out by the narrative and Tanjiro (the MC) when he tries to blind Genya.
After Inosuke's mother was murdered by Douma, he was raised by boars - therefore he was raised without knowledge of the societal norms of humans so it is easy to understand why he's so brash and itching to fight all the time. He's also shown to genuinely care for his friends. Inosuke's violent and brash tendencies being shown to be slapstick in nature the majority of the time if it is towards his friends and deadly toward his foes - Inosuke is also called out when he goes too far.
What's his 'sympathetic' reason for being as he is?
Canonically, Bakugou wasn't abused - he was spoilt rotten by all the adults around him and idolised by his peers. Bakugou fell into a river once and saw Izuku wanting to help him out as belittling him. Yet saw that misunderstanding as justification to abuse Izuku, his quirkless peer, for TEN years.
That's not sympathetic - that's plain cruel.
The MHA narrative also, unlike KNY's narrative with Inosuke and Sanemi, never calls out Bakugou.
Bakugou is instead lorded with unearned praises and power-ups at every turn. No one is allowed to hate Bakugou without the narrative turning on THEM.
Izuku (The MC!) isn't allowed to linger on his own backstory lest the audience remember that Bakugou is an asshole who abused Izuku for years and has not changed or been held accountable for what he has done!
Izuku is stuck calling Bakugou "Kacchan," rather than realising that this is his abuser who he has been stuck in a fear fueled, unhealthy 'fawn' trauma response with.
Sanemi, Inosuke and Bakugou are only similar on the very surface of what they are meant to be.
When you examine the characters, two are well written "assholes with a heart of gold" and enjoyable to read - the other is Bakugou.
Sanemi and Inosuke > Bakugou Katsuki
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chillypowder · 1 year
Rescued Hearts: A Second Chance at Love
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Pair: Bakugou x Reader
Summary: After 6 years of marriage, you've finally decided to end it half heartedly. So how did you end on the floor of your house that was once something you called home.
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As I sat alone on the couch in our once-luxurious penthouse, the empty room seemed to echo with loneliness. The soft hum of the city outside was the only company I had, and it offered no solace. I had grown accustomed to these moments of solitude, moments when Bakugou Katsuki, my husband of six years, would once again prioritize his career as a pro hero over our relationship.
At first, his absences had stung, the broken promises a constant source of disappointment. But as time passed, I had learned to bury those feelings deep within me, like embers slowly fading into ashes. I had grown adept at putting on a brave face, hiding the hurt that gnawed at my heart each time he missed a date, a celebration, or simply a quiet evening together.
Unbeknownst to Bakugou, I had been carrying a secret that weighed heavier with each passing day. A secret that, in a cruel twist of fate, had driven a wedge between us even further. I had been diagnosed with leukemia, a merciless disease that had already claimed so much of my strength. After a grueling surgery, the doctors had delivered a grim prognosis - I had just a week left to live.
I couldn't bring myself to burden Bakugou with this devastating news. I understood the overwhelming stress and dedication he poured into his hero work. His days were filled with battles against villains, and his nights with endless paperwork and public appearances. How could I add to his burden with my own impending demise? Instead, I had decided on a different path, one that would ultimately make him resent me.
Tonight, as I waited for him once more, I contemplated divorce. It was a desperate attempt to push him away, to free him from the guilt and responsibility of a dying spouse. The courage to have this difficult conversation had taken time to gather, but I had resolved to go through with it.
Just as I steeled myself to face Bakugou and tell him that our marriage had become too painful to endure, a sharp, excruciating pain radiated through my chest. I gasped for breath, clutching at my heart, and then everything went dark.
Six long hours later, the weight of the door closing behind him alerted me to Bakugou's return. I wished I could see his face, explain everything to him, but I was trapped in this agonizing darkness, unable to move or speak.
Then, his voice, choked with panic and desperation, cut through the haze. "What the hell happened?!" he exclaimed, his footsteps racing toward me.
He found me, unconscious and unresponsive, lying on the couch where I had spent countless nights alone. Panic surged through him, and he fumbled for his phone, calling for an ambulance. But it was too late. I could feel my own consciousness slipping away, like grains of sand through my fingers.
As the paramedics rushed in, they tried to revive me, but I knew it was futile. My time had run out, and I had left this world with so much unsaid. I could hear Bakugou's voice, raw with anguish, begging me to hang on, but there was nothing I could do.
In those final moments, I wished I could have told him about my illness, about the love that had never waned despite the distance that had grown between us. I wished I could have told him how much I cherished the moments we had together, even if they were far too few.
And as the darkness closed in, I hoped that somehow, he would find a way to forgive himself, to understand that life had given us both a cruel hand, and that our love had endured through it all.
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Note: I'm sorry I changed the original text from the idea to a more evolved version if you want to read the original idea I'll post it separately.
Once again. Sorry 😔
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heli-writes · 6 months
A dragon's heart, part 9.
Pairing: Barbarian!Bakugou Katsuki x female!reader
Summary: The dragonblood tribe is known for being cruel, barbarian warriors that slaughter, loot and rape all places they pass through. They are feared among the villagers and even bigger cities. Having lost most of their women to a plague, they're trying to ensure their tribe's survival by kidnapping women from other places. However, they're not the only monsters in human form out there. When y/n experiences this first hand, she has no choice but to ask for help from no other but the barbarian leader Katsuki Bakugou himself.
Disclaimer: mentions of injuries, mentions of forceful behaviour towards women, bad family dynamics
[Please don't read if you are sensible to or triggered by the topics mentioned above.]
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
Series Masterlist
Y/n has no idea what is happening. Currently, there are two elder women around her who undressed her, redressed her and now are pulling her hair and painting her face. And by painting her face, it must be clarified that they don't put pretty delicate makeup on her but that they draw bright red lines on her face, arms, and legs. It looks like full-body war paint, y/n thinks.
Also, y/n is not convinced by the outfit they put her in. It's a two-piece. A loose neck holder top ends only a few inches under her boobs. She's also wearing a floor-length skirt. However, she's not sure if the word 'skirt' fits the piece of clothing around her hips. Two long pieces of fabric are strung in multiple hold chains that sit tightly around her hips. One piece covers her backside, the other the front side.
The squishy part of her tummy and her belly button, as well as her arms and legs, remain uncovered. Y/n usually feels comfortable in her body but it's a bit too revealing. At least for this weather. Also, she's a bit scared her butt cheeks can be seen when she's walking.
She tries not to think about it too hard since the two women working on her hair are wearing similar clothes. It seems as if this is normal for women around here, even if they are a gazillion years old.
The women don't speak to her. Also, they don't speak to each other.
When Katsuki left her alone with them, y/n felt a bit relieved since this was the first female company she had in a long while. But now she just feels awkward.
The women braid her hair and pin it up in a lavish updo which y/n finds very pretty. When they're done, they decorate her hair with golden hairpins and put necklaces around her neck that look similar to Katsuki's. They also want to put earrings on her but y/n doesn't have her ears pierced so they leave them as they are.
Absently, y/n massages her earlobes. She wonders if they'd like to pierce them. They have multiple piercings and also Katsuki wears earrings. She's also positive that she saw men with piercings in their noses and other places in their faces yesterday.
She shudders. It's against the beliefs of her people. Her people believe that one is born by nature's divine design and altering your body by piercinging or tattooing it, is a heavy insult to the great being of things. Some even refuse makeup and say it's not how nature wants them to look. Y/n isn't so strict about that but also wouldn't usually wear any form of paint on her body.
All of this feels so very foreign to y/n. Of course, she knew that Katsuki must live a different way of life but when being with him, that rarely became apparent. This outfit makes it painfully aware of just how different their cultures are.
Somewhen, Katsuki reenters the tent again. He wears a similar body paint as her. He lost the cape and more necklaces than usually hang around his neck. He also wears a bunch of bracelets, he usually doesn't wear.
When the ladies are done with y/n, they present her to him. Y/n gets up from where she is seated and gives him an unsure smile.
His eyes run up and down her figure. He has a stern look on his face the entire time, but he gives her an approving nod. Then he steps closer to her and pulls a delicate chain from his pocket. Carefully, he places it on her head.
Immediately, the women step closer and pin it into place. Y/n touches it carefully. The chain is thin with strings of golden beads. In the middle of her forehead dangles a drop-shaped pendant in a rubyred shade.
Katsuki puts a hand on her shoulder. The weight from his arm grounds her. She didn't notice how shaky her breath was.
The funny thing is, she doesn't even know what this is all about or what will happen when they leave the tent. Based on the outfits and Katsuki's grim expression, it must be something meaningful, something big.
She wonders if he drags her down an aisle. Figuratively speaking, because her people don't marry in churches where you would have to walk down an aisle. Her people marry in lakes and rivers or creeks. They believe all life comes from water and therefore they tie their lives together in it.
Y/n is pretty sure, she would refuse to step in a lake around here. It's just too cold for swimming on the tip of a mountain. She wonders if she'd walk down an aisle with Katsukin if that's what is going to happen today.
Anxiety chews at the sides of her stomach. Truth is, she doesn't want to get married. She wants to be with Katsuki, yes, but again in her culture that doesn't mean one just immediately marries. Y/n thinks that a challenge or crisis must be overcome first before two people can truly know that they belong together. That hasn't happened so far.
She needs more time and she doesn't know if Katsuki or his people are going to give her more time.
The two women leave the tent and Katsuki and y/n remain alone. Katsuki steps a bit closer and carefully puts his hand on the side of her head. He leans closer and puts his forehead against hers. The pendant presses into the skin of y/n's head and it doesn't feel as reassuring as it probably should feel.
Y/n swallows hard.
Katsuki leans back and stares into her eyes. The red of his eyes looks particularly hard today.
Meanwhile, Katsuki can see the fear in y/n's eyes. He wants to explain to her what they will do today but he knows he can't. It makes him angry he's never been taught the common tongue. His mother was traditional like that.
He is racking his brain for any words or sentences he picked up. Unfortunately, most of the things he learned, he picked up in battle or from captives or the women they took. He doubts however that things like "die", "you bastards" or "please, no" will be reassuring to y/n.
"Okay?", he tries, the word feeling foreign on his tongue. He holds out his hand to her. Y/n stares at his hand, then at him. She takes a deep breath. "Okay", she whispers and takes his hand.
Katsuki takes her to the bonfire square. It's where his mother, her ladies-in-waiting, and the rest of his people wait for them.
He's as anxious as y/n looks like. He has to admit that while y/n looks absolutely stunning in his tribe's clothes and paint, she also looks smaller and weaker than ever. He tells himself that things will be alright. That even if his mother doesn't approve, he can take her on as his mate anyway. He's chief, he makes the decisions.
But deep down, every child wants to please their parents. And Katsuki looks up to his mother. She's fierce, she's strong and the only reason he's chief to begin with is only because she stepped down after the plague. Some people blamed her for it even though everybody knows that it's not something a human being can control. Maybe that is why she feels so strongly about Katsuki taking on a good mate that will produce lots of offspring.
Katsuki shudders even though he's not cold. He looks at y/n who is also shivering. He holds her hand a bit tighter. Y/n looks up to him and gives him a small smile.
At least she doesn't despise me and comes along willingly, he thinks.
The past few presentations since the plague have been anything than pretty and joyful. After raids, men brought women from other places. Women that didn't want to be there. It was either impossible to make them look presentable due to them fighting it or the paint on their faces was ruined by the time they stepped in front of Katsuki.
Usually, his men have to present their future mates in front of the chief and he has to decide whether they are acceptable or not. Since he's chief, it's his mother who will do the presentation. In contrast to Katsuki's decision, his mother's is completely representative and meaningless. He's chief after all. And still, he feels like he needs his mother's approval. Maybe part of him is afraid that his people won't respect him or his mate when she doesn't approve of her.
They approach the square. His people are lined up at the side desperate to get a view of the woman Katsuki brings along. His mother and her ladies-in-waiting are sitting at the other end of the square.
Katsuki can feel y/n stiffen at his side. He gives her a glance and can see how her face is pale beneath the red paint on her face. She's not shaking anymore but her muscles are tightened to a point where they will probably ache tomorrow.
He links her arms with his and proudly struts along the square. He tries not to walk too fast so that she doesn't stumble over her feet. He's seen women stumble and fall on their presentation and it was always humiliating for her and the man. Of course worse are the cases where they have to be dragged or carried into the square while crying and loudly protesting.
Quickly, he tries to shut out these thoughts. This is different, y/n's different. She's coming willingly, she's looking more than just presentable, things will be fine.
He steps in front of his mother who looks at him with a hard stare. She doesn't even spare y/n a glance.
„Mother, I present to you the woman I have chosen as my mate.“, he tells her. His voice sounds hard and determined.
His mother sits up more straightly. Her eyes shift from him to y/n. Katsuki doesn't dare to look at y/n. He just hopes she holds eye contact with his mother. His mother, Mistuki, looks y/n up and down.
Then she stands up and walks up to the couple. Gently, Katsuki lets go off y/n's arm and takes a step to the side.
His mother circles y/n while examining the woman infront of her. She lifts y/n's skirt a bit and peers under it. She touches her hair and the necklaces that dangle around her neck.
„She's skinny.“, Mitsuki comments. Katsuki stays silent. His mother stops infront of y/n and looks her up and down again.
„She has no muscle mass whatsoever. Can she even carry a bucket of water from the creek to your tent?“, his mother continues.
„She arrived yesterday. I'm sure she can build up muscles over time.“, Katsuki answers her calmly.
Mitsuki cocks her head to the side.
„Can she? She looks cold. She might also freeze before she even finds her way back to your tent.“, his mother continues.
„I get her warmer clothes.“, Katsuki argues.
His mother gives him a glance.
„Sure, sure. You can. But what if she catches a cold? Is she sustainable enough to survive that? To survive childbirth?“, his mother asks frowning.
Katsuki steps closer again and pushes y/n's top to the side a bit.
„When we met, she had an arrow stuck in her shoulder. Look, it healed quickly and without infection. I'm sure she can heal well after giving birth.“, he explains.
„Struck by an arrow?“, his mother says with a raised eyebrow and Katsuki instantly regrets mentioning it.
„That means she lost a fight? Are we not a tribe of warriors?“, Mitsuki asks sharply.
„It's a wound of a warrior. I've been struck by arrows before. Are you saying I'm not a warrior?“, he bites back.
His mother gives him a long stare before returning to her seat. She leans her head onto her arm and runs a hand over her face. He knows what comes next.
„I don't approve.“, she says and Katsuki's face twists in anger. Whispers run through the crowd.
Before he can answer her, Mitsuki continues.
„Katsuki, you understand you are our leader, yes? You understand that it is necessary that you have plenty and healthy children, yes?“, she points out angrily.
„Of course, mother. I intend to ensure our tribe's survival in any way I can.“, he tells her calmly.
Mitsuki slams her fist down and stands up.
„Then, why are you intending to bond to this frail excuse of a female? Why do you not wait until one of our own is of age?“, his mother says loudly pointing towards a few girls at the age of 10-12 at the side next to her ladies-in-waiting.
„The longer I wait or any man of this tribe waits, the bigger the gap between the generations will get. This poses a threat to our tribe. You know that. It's why we began bringing in women from other places in the first place.“, he argues back angrily.
„Wrong“, his mother says cooly, „We began bringing other women here because so many of us died that even the next generation of women can't ensure the tribe's survival.“
Katsuki grinds his teeth. She's not wrong.
„Do you know what kind of insult this is to these women? That their leader chooses a foreign, weak female like that over them?“, his mother continues and gives y/n a demeaning gesture.
Katsuki starts to see red.
„They're not women, they're children, mother. Do you intend to make one of them my child bride? Isn't that an insult to their mothers who died? Is that all they're worth?“, he yells at her.
He knows that will hit a sore spot. His mother cares deeply for these young girls and grieves the death of their mothers equally as deeply.
Absolute silence engulfs the square. No one dares to even move a finger. His mother gives him a long, cold stare. Then she sits down again.
„You're chief, Katsuki. Do whatever you want, but I'll warn you. Your example will precede this tribe. If you fail to produce an heir, this tribe will not survive under your reign.“, she tells him.
Katsuki is fuming. He wants to yell at her, maybe even throw a knife at her. But people are watching and he has to be careful what he says next. He must strengthen his position as chief even if that means demeaning his own mother.
„You've brought this fate upon us in the first place. Why do you think you have the answer to how we ensure our survival? Didn't you step down because you don't have the answer?“, he says striking to kill.
His mother's face contorts in anger and shame. He doesn't give her a chance to reply. He turns to his people.
„This woman came here by her own free will. She's proven herself a great healer and skilled hunter to me. You all feasted on her success at yesterday's bonfire. Therefore, I approve her of being worthy as my mate.“, he declares to them.
Without waiting for a reaction from his people or his mother, he turns around grabbing y/n's arm and he leaves the square with his head held high.
Y/n stumbles after Katsuki. Her head spins. The last few minutes have been nothing but bizarre to her. Obviously, she didn't understand a single thing that's been said but y/n isn't stupid. She quickly picked up on the atmosphere of the conversation. Which was not good.
Even before Katsuki and the women started yelling at each other, y/n knew that the conversation was not going well. It's easy to spot when Katsuki gets angry. Really angry, not the normal state of angry he always seems to be in.
Katsuki walks fast and y/n has trouble keeping up with him. He drags her all the way back to his tent. Only when they're inside, does Katsuki let go of her. He doesn't say a word.
He walks over to the table and pushes it over with a loud, angry yell. Y/n flinches at the action.
Katsuki kicks a bucket filled with weapons to the other side of the room and lets out a string of angry words that y/n guesses are insults.
She's never seen him this angry before and it scares her. She wants to get closer to him, put a hand on his shoulder, and comfort him in his frustration. But when Katsuki starts destroying one of the chairs with a battle axe, y/n is sure it's best to not get close to him at this moment.
So, she stands helplessly in the middle of the room flinching and trying to avoid flying splinters of wood.
Suddenly, there's a rustle at the entrance of the tent. A red-haired warrior enters it.
„Yo, Bakugou!“, the man says carefully and steps next to y/n.
„What the fuck do you want, shitty hair?“, Katsuki yells at him, his face contorted in anger.
„Making sure you don't scare the poor thing to death.“, the man says and points towards y/n.
„Fuck off, Kirishima. She's fine.“, Katsuki growls at him
The man named Kirishima sighs and gives y/n a side glance.
„You sure? She doesn't look too happy about this. You still have to mark her, maybe tune it down a bit until then.“, Kirishima tells his chief.
Katsuki drops the bits of wood he is holding and frowns.
„Whatever, shitty hair. What do you want?“, Katsuki asks.
Kirishima pushes his hands into his pockets.
„Looking if you're alright. I mean the presentation went... not well, I guess.“, the red-haired man says carefully.
Katsuki scoffs. „I'm fine. The hag's opinion doesn't matter. I'm chief.“, he declares.
Kirishima nods. „Of course, you are. And your decision stands.“, he reassures his leader.
„And if you ask me, I think you made a good choice.“, Kirishima continues.
„From all the women that we brought here over the last few years, that one is definitely the calmest. Remember when I brought mine? She was a mess, well, actually still is but I don't need to tell you that.“, Kirishima tries to reassure him.
When Katsuki doesn't answer, Kirishima quickly adds: „Also, she's very pretty.“.
Katsuki straightens his posture and looks y/n up and down.
„Yeah, she is.“, he tells his red-haired friend.
Kirishima nods cheerily. „Exactly. So why bother thinking about your mother's words? Why don't you and... uh...?“, Kirishima gestures towards y/n.
„Y/n“, Katsuki tells him.
„Right, why don't you and y/n come and join us at the stables? Denki, Sero, and I are heating up some mead. Have a drink with us.“, Kirishima proposes.
Katsuki shrugs. „I don't know. Y/n might not feel comfortable meeting more people after this.“, Katsuki tries to excuse himself.
Kirishima gives him a toothy grin. „Oh, what a gentleman. You're really smitten, aren't you?“, he teases.
Katsuki shoots him an angry look. „Shut the fuck up, Kirishima. It's just been a lot, ok?“, he mumbles.
Kirishima doesn't fail to notice the pink dust covering his chief's cheeks.
„Alright, what about this. Y/n stays here and can collect herself. You come with us for a drink. Maybe we can come back and catch her later. What do you think?“, Kirishima tries to convince him again.
Katsuki shrugs.
„I guess we can do that.“, Katsuki says reluctantly.
„Great!“; Kirishima says clapping his hands. „Y/n, you stay! We'll come back later.“, he tells the woman next to him who looks at him with wide eyes when he speaks directly to her.
Katsuki steps over the destroyed chair and follows his friend outside without sparing y/n a glance.
Y/n feels like crying. She's standing in the middle of the half-destroyed room all alone. She's so confused.
What on earth happened?
What's going on?
Who is that red-haired man?
Where is Katsuki going?
Her head starts to hurt by the amount of force she uses to suppress her tears. Eventually, she can't hold them back anymore and hot tears run down her face.
She makes sure that no one can hear her sob.
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[Please comment beneath the last update if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters]
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izvmimi · 2 years
cw: izuku ponders the next step in your relationship with bakugou’s help.
a/n: reposted cuz i started thinking about it again.
Bakugou’s words cut particularly sharply through the weary silence of a late night of work. Izuku is taken aback by the sudden speech, looking towards him with surprise, his arms still halfway through the change of a shirt.
He and Bakugou are both closing up the agency for once, and it’s about the time of the night where his friend is in a rush to shed the role of Dynamight and get home quickly to his partner, and Izuku, understanding this, typically keeps his mouth shut as a form of respect. But tonight, despite the fact that Bakugou is fully changed and could disappear quickly into the night, he stands a short distance away from the door of the men’s locker room, arms crossed, waiting for Izuku to talk.
“W-what do you mean?” Izuku replies.
Bakugou grits his teeth in annoyance.
“You’ve been sighing forlornly for the last three minutes, don’t pretend you didn’t want me to ask.”
Izuku grimaces, then laughs to dispel the tension slipping in his shoulders. He slips on his hoodie, then his gym bag over his shoulder and follows Bakugou out of the locker room.
The two walk out of the building in quiet stride as Izuku formulates the words to express how he’s feeling. Bakugou says nothing and waits patiently, sending a quick text message on his phone. Normally the hemming and hawing would get on his nerves, but from what he can tell, it has to be something related to you, because you are the only thing in the young hero’s life that brings back the over-contemplative nature of his childhood.
Izuku stops his stride suddenly then turns to face him.
“How did you know when it was time?”
Bakugou cocks his head to the side.
“Time for...?”
Izuku swallows hard once. “To propose.”
Bakugou raises his eyebrows for a moment at this information, then snorts. It’s an easy question and a hard question, both to answer and to ask.
“When I knew she’d say yes, dumbass,” he quips.
With that, he continues to walk, but Izuku is clearly unsatisfied with his answer, not moving from his spot on the sidewalk. Is it because he’s called Bakugou’s bluff so clearly? Even if Bakugou knew it was a no-brainer, he’d also been in this position. Wondering. Worrying. Considering what the right move was, and what he would have to do in the case of a cruel “no.”
“Kacchan, I... I don’t know why I’m so afraid.”
By now, his hands are balled up into fists, and for a moment, Katsuki does actually regret his flippant attitude. He can practically feel the waves of uncertainty emanating from Izuku and washing over him. Stress. He knows it well.
Bakugou sighs.
“It’s because you love her.”
Izuku’s eyes shine for a moment and he blinks, and it’s gone. He does love you. Overwhelmingly so.
He can’t really, truly imagine a world in which you’d say no, but the gravity of what it means for you to say ‘yes’ to being his spouse terrifies him. Would you be able to promise him forever? Will you stay by his side, no matter what stupid or risky decisions he makes? What if you’re lonely? What if he makes you a widow?
There are so many ‘what ifs’.
“She loves you too,” Bakugou reminds him. “It’s all over her face.”
It’s true. You have said it to him over and over again, and you show it to him every day. He doesn’t know how you can manage tolerating him - the early mornings, the late nights, his struggle to communicate with you as he climbs his way to the top.
And yet you do, always catching him when he’s teetering off the edge. Your love is steadfast, more sure than he ever is.
You will say yes.
And he will be good to you.
Izuku lets out a breath he doesn’t know he’s been holding. He meets back up with Bakugou, who gives him a quick once over and they continue walking.
“Thank you,” Izuku replies in a small voice. There’s a renewed hope in the timbre of his voice and in the squaring of his shoulders. He’ll face you, proudly, confidently.
You love him and he loves you.
“... Don’t mention it.”
The two men are pensive, but in different ways - Bakugou wonders what food he should bring home for his partner and Izuku wonders how he’ll pop the question. The steady sounds of city life comprise the background noise between them. There’s a lot to say, as there usually is between them, and nothing to say at all.
“What do you know about rings?”
“Google it, nerd.”
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
hori constantly acts as if he isn’t the writer and has full control of the story and it pisses me off to no end. gonna drop some examples below. these are from the street wear profiles from the manga.
sen kaibara - “I love his Quirk, so I can’t wait to portray it more.” he’s acting like something/someone is actively holding him back from doing so.
tetsutetsu tetsutetsu - “I hope I get to show him in action more.” once again, acting like something is stopping him. side note, why tf did he give him that name. it’s just so lazy. and it’s not even funny. just annoying to say and annoying to write.
hanta sero - “He’s mostly just for one liners in the background, but he’s a good guy, and I’d like to feature him more. At some point. For sure.” and then proceeds to never do that.
this might just be me being bitter abt all the amazing characters he’s completely disregarded and disrespected. this might just be me not understanding what it’s like being a mangaka. but it still bothers me.
i just hate how he’s created this insanely interesting world and amazing characters and never expands on anything bc he’s too busy sucking bakugos dick.
speaking of bakugo, as someone who has narcissistic tendencies, he’s a textbook case.
he obviously has some sort of inferiority/superiority complex and a mild to severe case of a god complex. at best he’s dismissive of people who he sees as inferior to him, at worst he’s downright cruel.
his “nicknames” are all just fucking insults aimed at peoples insecurities.
raccoon eyes/horns: mina was probably bullied for her appearance and then her so called “friend” exclusively calls her names that poke fun at her appearance.
bird brain/bird face/other bird names: tokoyami has probably heard it all at this point but once again bakugo making fun of heteromorphs.
dunce face: denki has shown to be insecure about his intelligence and once again his so called “friend” mocks him for it.
tentacles/arms/octopus: again, mocking heteromorphs.
tail: i’m beginning to see a pattern here.
ears: ok how has no one pointed out how most of his nicknames are him basically just calling them slurs.
i don’t think bakugo has ever called someone their actual name. maybe a handful of times? but it’s like a massive event when he calls someone by their actual name.
exclusive calling people insults isn’t exactly heroic.
anyway rant over i just needed to get all this shit off my chest.
No, no honey, go the fuck off.
I will say as a writer, I have experience with 'my characters have a mind of their own' and that through writing our plans have to change because the characters adapt more, but I will also say that Hori dropped the ball BIG TIME.
I am firmly of the belief that he had to have been pushed into making some choices by the publishing company because like... dude! You have so much cool stuff and you focus on Bakugou? The 'rich kid with superiority/inferority issues' you find in every drama?
All the insults is just another tick in the 'let's be honest no one would like this guy in real life' column, and it is so fucking funny to me that people try to romantisize that shit. Hell, look what everyone does to the name Deku.
'Oh he couldn't read it properly'
Did you watch or read the manga? Cause he did, and realized that it could also mean this.
'He called Izuku Zuku before'
'It was after-'
Nope, before the diagnosis, also the fact people try to use it to excuse it is fucked up. It would be like calling me the r word for my autism as a 'fun nickname'.
(I will say I know people with the same first and last name in real life. Some own it, some go by a middle name. I think it's funny that his name is Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu)
I saw someone say Bakugou has face blindness but even then you're right. Why the fuck is he making those jokes? He's like that white friend who makes racist jokes you ignore but will say someone is being sensitive when he gets called out.
Bakugou is just... ugh. He's so boring. My anger towards him has become: you're just a dull little man.
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sapphic-agent · 3 months
Hi,not sure if I ever mentioned this but...not a fan how Monoma acts towards A1. Why? Bc I don't get it.
In my fics I tend to make B1 be seen as the lesser one to justify the animosity Monoma feels.
But canon...B1 is not looked down, I think maybe that is general eds.
"he hates A1 bc of bk" it's a justification I saw and could have worked but he also ...calls Izu arrogant, Izu the boy who clearly thinks he is worthless...is arrogant.
Why Monoma even has a beef with A1 in the first place? Just to be a mouthpiece for BK? Maybe but why take out on the others? Too many questions and no answer since Hori admits he created Monoma thinking on an annoying person he met and he doesn't like Monoma (bold claim here Hori) my point is...I don't think it makes sense Monoma have a issue with the students of A1.
If he was beffing with Aizawa and BK only. Yes, that would make sense.
But the rest? No. And I say this as a person who detest A1 now.
I don't care either way because Monoma is only mildly antagonistic so it isn't a huge deal for me, but I'll attempt to explain some of his behavior:
1A does nothing to call Bakugou out. They allow, and even enable in some cases, his behavior. This even includes Izuku, as (I believe) he even defended Bakugou against something Monoma said once (I can't remember if it was to his face or not)
After the USJ, Bakugou acted like he was better than the other students because he easily beat real villains. This was the rest of the school's first introduction to 1A. So Monoma, incorrectly, assumed that 1A shared Bakugou's behavior. Dumb on his part, but again, 1A didn't really condemn his behavior so they didn't help their cases there either
1A is, rightfully, annoyed with Monoma's behavior, but is fine with Bakugou's. Most of the people who condemn Monoma are Bakugou's friends (Kirishima and Sero mainly). This also replicates his childhood. He was treated differently for his quirk while people like Bakugou were praised. So I can see why he continues to antagonize 1A even if I don't agree with it
It really comes down to 1A as a whole being bystanders and hypocrites, which we know they are. They allow and defend Bakugou's behavior, even though he's been awful to them and other people. I can't blame Monoma for having a distaste for them, even if he does go too far with it.
(Also, it wasn't just Monoma who thought like this. The rest of UA resented 1A too)
Monoma's an asshole, but that's not really a problem for me. Because a) he's called out and condemned for it and b) it's really not that serious. He's not malicious or cruel, he's just an overzealous jerk
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marunalu · 10 months
So after calming down a bit, I need to say something about the newest chapter. As horrible written as this chapter is, there is at least ONE thing I liked about it and I feel hori did a good job at. And thats the portraying of the contrast between a child that grew up being loved by his parents and his enviroment and a child that grew up without any love in his life and an enviroment that wanted to see it DEAD.
Thanks to this chapter all this stupid takes about mitsuki being abusive to excuse bakugous abuse towards izuku can finally die now! Bakugou was loved by his parents before he was even born and you can see his parents happiness and love for him when he was born. Meanwhile afos mother didnt even know she was pregnant and its strongly hinted that she dried to get rid of her children in the river but died in childbirth. From the very moment he was born afo was forced to do everything he could to survive on his own, because there was NO ONE there who would take care of, protect and love him. He was almost eaten by rats, almost drown in a river and the following years had to survive on the streets with nothing but wearing a trash bag, clearly malnourished against people who either refused to help him or wanted to see him dead and at the same time had to take care of his weakly twin brother who would have died in this cruel world without him. In contrast bakugou grew up deeply loved in a beautiful home, got spoiled and adored by everyone. Bakugou got absolutely everything afo ever dreamed to have. Its the exact reason why he killed the grown up glowing baby out of jealousy. Its the whole reason why he cant let go of yoichi, because yoichi was the only thing he ever had and as toxic as their relationship was yoichi DID love his brother! It makes sense why afo wants him back so badly (Im NOT saying its right!)
And this may sound controversial, because while afo is BY FAR a more horrible person then bakugou EVER was (and Im saying this as someone who REALLY hates bakugous guts) I can not help but feel far more symphaty and pity for afo then I could ever feel anything positive for bakugou (but thats mostly because of the horrendous writing of his character)! He is an absolute horrible, despisful man, but who knows maybe if life would have been kinder towards him in his childhood, he eventually wouldnt have turned out the way he did and I think thats very tragic and sad.
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