#and so i ask 'uh hey... group project? since when?"
oh-katsuki · 2 years
remind me to never ask ppl in college for favors ever again jessusssss...
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pinkroseblooms · 1 month
obsessedloner!Choso/chubby!f!Reader) pt.1
Summary: modern day college au! Choso pines over his cute classmate. Ngl this is super self indulgent, probably OOC, with lots of fluff and smut, borderline crack really. Enjoy!
Warnings: stalking, unhealthy behavior, p in v sex, unprotected, possessive/obsessive behavior, smut, and etc. Choso is clingy and borderline yandere.
wc: 4.2k
You’re a sweetie pie, friendly to everyone but seemingly not close to anyone. You wear cute dresses and blouses, and have adorably round cheeks, so plump and cute, with a warm smile that puts every person you speak with at ease. Choso on the other hand, though not socially inept per say, simply doesn’t put much effort into socializing with his classmates or really any person outside his tight knit circle. All Choso really needs is his family and a couple close friends, the ones he’s had for years. He doesn’t need to win any popularity contests and with his pale, nearly translucent skin, inky black hair, and somewhat somber expression, Choso had something of a reputation for being creepy. Walking down the street, zoned out eyes and a thin lipped frown, it wasn’t uncommon for a person to double take, wondering if they had seen a hulking onryo in physical form.
And so, when he met you, Choso was at a loss. Suddenly everything he did seemed so awkward and stilted. He was fumbling over himself attempting to make your acquaintance; from being assigned to class projects or during group discussions, of which Choso found himself hanging on your every word with rapt attention no matter how boring the subject material actually was, he could never seem to find the right thing to say. It was a miracle when he was able to speak at all, outside of strictly school related topics. 
On a mild sunny day, it was a classmate had ultimately been the one to indirectly help Choso make a connection. They had pointed him out to you, who had been sitting unaware on a blanket in the campus courtyard with a book and a snack, Your peaceful, cozy study session outside was interrupted when a classmate came by to say hello and warn you of the strange man watching you from the smattering of trees and bushes surrounding the area.
“He’s always staring at you.” They winced as Choso ducked further behind the large oak he was half obscured behind. “What the hell? I can call security for you.”
“Oh it’s Choso.” you beamed in his direction, waving one of your arms over your head. “Hey Choso! Wanna study with me?”
Unsure if he was hallucinating, Choso ventured from his spot, steps heavy as he walked briskly to where you were camped out on the grass. Your classmate gave you a strange look. "Will you be okay?”
“Aw, he’s just shy.” you told them, your smile widening as Choso lingered a few feet away from the edge of your blanket.
“Uh huh. Alright then” 
With a shrug, they left you and Choso alone; for a few seconds, neither of you spoke.
“Hi.” Choso looked from you to the retreating classmate, and back to you again. “Can I sit down?”
“Sure!” you patted the spot next to you. “Are you hungry? I have some cookies in my bag, made them myself.”
You chatted with Choso about nothing in particular; he mostly nodded or gave one syllable answers as he munched carefully on the cookies you offered. He heard you talk about baking once or twice before; granted Choso is pretty neutral on most desserts but ever since hearing about your casual hobby, one of his favorite fantasies was you gifting him with sweets made with care: chocolate on Valentine's Day, a special cake for his birthday, or maybe you wearing nothing but a cute apron in his kitchen while he pinned you over the table and-
Well, maybe he's getting ahead of himself.
“You know, you could have just come over. How long were you gonna stand there?” you asked after Choso finished the cookies; you had brought extra, hoping to see him around campus again. Nothing said, "let's be buddies" like sharing homemade goodies, right?. “Besides, someone might think you’re stalking me.” you joked.
Choso hadn’t exactly meant to follow you; he really had intended to come over and greet you properly, ask if he could sit or if you wanted to get a coffee, something. Every time he tried to approach you, Choso ended up lingering near you, telling himself he would say something, a hello at the very least, but his feet would end up feeling like lead blocks and his palms would get clammy. Besides, you looked so content to be alone typing away on your computer or leisurely reading a book in your lap. What if you thought he was annoying? What if the only reason you treated him nicely in class was because you didn’t want to be rude and you secretly thought he was an off putting weirdo? Just imagining you looking up at him with apprehension or disgust made Choso’s resolve crumble. By the time he found an ounce of nerve to take a few steps toward you, you were already heading out of the library or the courtyard or the campus cafe and he was left feeling stupid and cowardly. Besides, of nothing else he could be near, just in case someone unwanted came along to bother you. Choso would put a stop to that easily.
“Sorry. I was going to, but you looked busy and…yeah.” Choso scratched at the bridge of his nose, nail grazing over the tattoo; his stomach flipped, remembering how you complimented it the first week of classes. No one else really talked to him but everyone seemed to like talking to you. He had been so surprised, he hadn’t even said thank you, just nodded and averted his eyes back to his notes. “I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You don’t bother me. Actually,” you pause before taking out your phone. “I was going to ask during our next class: do you want to exchange numbers?”
Choso looked up at you, stricken faced and back straight. “You were?”
“Sure, this way we can make plans to hang out.” you explain casually, smoothing out your skirt as you shifted toward him, contact list open and ready to add his name. With that brief movement, your skirt hiked up higher over your thighs just well past your knees; Choso bit the inside of his cheek and prayed you didn’t notice his gaze flicker downward. It would take less than a second to reach over, feel the exposed skin, squeeze with his rough hand, and then he could get a better idea of how it would feel to have his head trapped between your quivering thighs while he-
“You mean it? So," Choso gazes at you hopefully; his eyes are so intensely fixed to yours that you almost feel the need to look away. "We would see each other outside of class?”
“Yeah, let’s get coffee or something. Also, if one of us is already busy, we can just reschedule. Or, you know, we can just text each other whenever. No pressure.” you gave him a thumbs up. “Sound good to you?”
“That makes sense.” Choso types his number into your phone; the pads of his finger are thick and he’s trembling a little, so he has to redo it twice. “Um, can I sit with you? Like, right now, I mean.”
“Of course.” you nod and scoot over a little to make more room for him on the blanket. “By the way, that song I heard coming from your earbuds the other day, it sounded good; what was it called?”
Choso was wrong, assuming approaching you would be the thing to test his will power and courage the most. Now that Choso has your number (he put a little rabbit emoticon by your name, his cute chubby bunny) he has to rein himself in from messaging you every fifteen minutes and even then he knows he texts you too much. Even so, no matter how many messages Choso sends, you never seem annoyed. Weeks go by and Choso has gone from sending you brief inquiries about the class material and when the next day off is to regularly texting you good morning and goodnight, links to videos he thinks you’d find funny, songs that remind him of you, pictures of ramen from the new spot he and his brothers had gone out to eat at, even an occasional selfie that had been taken about a dozen times until Choso felt confident enough to send it.  And that wasn’t getting into the questions, unprompted and random, about your favorite color, food, time of day, your family, your birthday, your preferred sleeping position.
You can’t lie, the attention is flattering and you find your heart seize up whenever Choso is brave enough to approach you first, when he starts cracking jokes, bringing you coffee and snacks every class, and finally volunteering more and more info about himself without your prompting. You want him to share things about himself with you, to feel comfortable and at ease. It took a little time and careful coaxing, but it was well worth getting to know this fiercely strong yet oddly gentle man. Choso who seemed to operate on a completely seperate set of rules and morals than most people yet still tried so hard to please you, as if it were his life's mission to do so. You never felt so curious about someone or so determined to have them be a part of your life.
In a short amount of time, Choso has become your shadow, always scrambling to pack up his notes and pens to follow you when you leave the room, practically bounding at your heels when you say you’re going off campus for a meal or shopping. He insists on accompanying you, offering to foot the bill, carry your bags; if you so much as sniffle, Choso is urging a packet of tissues and a bottle of tea into your hands. He knows it’s a lot, but he can’t help himself and you’re so quick to return the favor, to pay for him, bring him little gifts, check up on him if he’s looking particularly tired (usually because he was up all night stalking your socials and planning your next “date”)
You say one nice thing to him and Choso wants to shower you in praise; he doesn’t care if it’s excessive. Sure, technically you’re not his girlfriend, but in Choso’s mind, you might as well be. Besides, he’s happy just making you happy. So when the day comes where you put it all out on the table and ask him to be honest about what his feelings are, Choso is surprised he even has to spell it out.
“What are we?” 
The movie has been paused and you put aside the bucket of popcorn Choso had just made fresh for you with extra butter topping along with the pack of your favorite candy as a surprise gift for movie night. You’re sitting on the edge of his bed, fiddling with the hem of the band t-shirt Choso had lent you when he accidentally spilled coffee over your pretty new blouse. You never did give it back and Choso had never asked for you to return it. This is the first time he’s ever seen you so hesitant. 
“Listen, Choso, I like being your friend, I really do. I’ve never gotten this close to anyone before. You’re very...special to me, but I haven’t been completely honest with you.” you admit quietly. “I really, really like you, as more than just a friend. I’m sorry if that makes things weird. I know when you care for someone, you go all out, so maybe I’ve been misunderstanding this whole thing. I just had to tell you. You deserve to know. You’re such a great guy, I hope you’ll consider still being my friend.”
“I love you. Be my girlfriend.” 
Choso’s tone is so blunt and matter of fact, you’re almost startled into silence. 
“Oh. You love me?” 
"Oh." you repeat, still a tad taken aback. "I guess I was worried over nothing. I figured you might have a crush on me, unless I was mistaken, but I...really didn't expect this. Choso, are you sure? When you say love, you don't mean like a friend; you mean, love in 'that' way, right?"
Choso nods, pretty much looming over you; his outward expression is stoic, but you recognize the way his hands clench at his sides and his posture stiffens as him trying to calm his own nerves.
“I do. I meant it exactly how it sounds. I always wanted more, but I didn’t,” he shifts from one foot to the next, unsure whether it would be okay to sit next to you. “You aren’t scared of me? It’s really not…too much?”
Choso’s blood runs cold as you abruptly stand; you’re leaving. It’s too much too soon. Your patience has run out. You think he’s an overbearing freak and you’re going to run away, block him, avoid him. His eyes widen as you stare at him resolutely and it takes every ounce of strength he has to not crumble at your feet and beg you not to leave, to just give him a chance to show you how happy he could make you, the lengths he's willing to go to have you love him.
"I, I'm sorry." Choso steps forward, as if to block your path. "Just hear me out, one more time, plea-"
“I think I love you too.” you say softly, reaching for him slowly and cup his face in your warm palms; Choso brings his large hands up to cover yours, like he's trying to get you to squish his face. “I want to be with you.”
“Are you serious?” Choso exhales shakily. “You really love me?” 
You nod and lean forward barely a centimeter. “You’re really just too cute; can I kiss you now? Am I moving too fast?"
The words are barely out of your mouth before Choso wraps you into an almost painfully tight bear hug, your face is squished into his chest, arms trapped to your sides as Choso mutters softly into your hair.
“Are you really mine?” Choso asks quietly, his deep voice cracking a little as he drops onto the bed, cradling you like he’s afraid you’ll change your mind any second now, caging you with his whole being. “I know I get carried away. I just want to keep you safe. If I could, I’d keep you by me all the time. Is that wrong?”
“I don’t mind.” you smile into his sweatshirt and inhale his scent deeply. “I know you’re not a bad person. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.”
“Never!” Choso looks scandalized and you can’t help giggling a little at his bulging eyes and gaped mouth. “I’ve never had a girlfriend before. I’ll try to do my best; if I ever hurt you, even by accident, you can hit me.”
“But I don’t wanna do that.” you tell him with a pouty frown. “Aways so extreme. How about we just talk and apologize or something?” you wriggle out of his strong iron band like arms enough to look him in the eyes properly. “Choso, you’re kinda squeezing too tight, can you…?”
Choso immediately loosens his hold, but he doesn’t give you any additional space. “Sorry.” he mumbles, nuzzling his nose into your hair. “Can we still stay like this for a while?” 
“Oh shoot, I was going to make a joke about you taking my breath away.” you grin impishly and return the hug with your newly freed arms. “So, about that kiss? Not that we have to! I guess we’re already moving pretty fast.”
“Not fast enough.”
Choso’s eyes flicker to your mouth and his tongue darts out to lick his own bottom lip briefly. “Can we?”
“What?” you have to gather your thoughts as Choso sits back; your legs are on either side of his hips now as you find yourself propped up on his lap. He’s looking at you with a familiar intensity, but you can’t help feeling a little nervous; after all, it’s the first time you’ve been this close to each other, in this kind of position.
“Wanna kiss.” Choso’s words come out faintly slurred, despite not having a drop to drink all night. The movie that had been playing on his tv is still paused, the only source of light in the room. Choso had one hand on your lower back to steady you; the other was on your hip, his thumb rubbing circles underneath the hem of your shirt. “I’ll be gentle.”
“Okay. Thank you.” you offer him a smile before leaning in again, pressing your lips to his lightly, once, twice, three times, until Choso apparently decides chaste pecks aren’t enough. He groans into your mouth, the tip of his tongue wet and broad, tentatively licking as you part your lips wider. He’s getting loud now and suddenly his hands are gripping your thighs; you gasp, but it’s muffled by Choso’s mouth fully over yours as he rocks his hips. He’s grinding into you, hands rubbing your thighs and waist, traveling up your body to your chest. He loves how your plush tummy feels, how his fingers easily sink into your thighs. Choso has the sudden urge to bite into your chubby cheek.
“Choso,” you manage to break the heated kiss only for him to switch to nipping and sucking at your neck. “Wha-what are you-?”
“Can we keep going?” Choso pants, resting his head on your chest. “Please? Can I touch you more? Please?” he’s groping your breasts, staring at them almost in awe. “I want to see them. Can I…?” Suddenly, a look of dread overtakes his needy expression and he draws his hands away back to your waist. “Is it okay? If you don’t want to, I’ll stop. I just,” he breathes in and out shakily; you can feel him, pressing in between your legs. He’s hard, moving frantically, like he's not in control of his own body, rutting against your plump ass and pussy to feel some relief, frustrated he can't feel you completely with stupid clothes getting in the way. “Sorry. I want it so bad, I’ve never done anything before, so…but I can wait, I just get so worked up and you feel so soft, I'm s-sorry-”
“It’s alright, I’m just surprised: I've never seen you like this before.” you confess as you run a hand through Choso’s hair; it’s still a bit damp. He showered before you came over for movie night; you don't think he anticipated this, but then, Choso’s been surprising you all evening. “Are you ready? I'm okay Choso; you’re making me feel good. I didn’t think you would want to go farther than kissing, but if you're up for it,” with a teasing smile, you spread your legs and rub against him. “Do you want to fuck me tonight, Choso?”
Choso can’t speak for the moment, so he nods his head rapidly, cheeks flushing, brows furrowed as he rocks his hips in time with you, nearly bucking you right off his lap from the force of it. 
“Hold on.” you slowly lift your shirt over your breasts; you hadn’t bothered wearing a bra and from the way Choso lets out a ragged curse, you think he appreciates that. “You definitely want to keep going? Here, you can play with them; it’ll feel better if you get me all wet first. Go ahead, touch me all you want.”
“Does this feel good?” Choso’s thumb lightly rubs back and forth across one of your pert nipples; he’s practically salivating as you keen and whine, back arching, your hands gripping tight onto his broad shoulders. “Can I use my tongue?” he slowly moves forward to the other side, lips parting already, eager to know how your skin will taste.
“Oh god, yes!” your voice pitches higher as Choso gently circles the tip of his tongue around your nipple before suckling it; his hand gropes at your other breasts, pinching and rolling his thumb and forefinger carefully around, sending shocks of pleasure through your body. Choso's looking up at you through his eyelashes with a hooded adoring stare. You look like a dream come true, writhing on his lap, his shirt pushed up to your neck; he’s been dreaming of this, having your tits in his face, his hands, in his mouth, imagining how they’d feel, what your skin would feel like on his tongue.
After a few minutes, Choso releases your breast from his mouth. “More.” he demands in a low, hoarse voice. “Want more. Wanna see it…wanna see your pussy now.” you move up on your knees so Choso can slip your shorts down past your thighs. His fingers trace the cloth of your panties almost teasingly but really he just wants to savor every moment of this. Choso feels how wet you are through them and gulps. He's so close. He’ll get to feel you soon, feel how hot your insides are, how hot and wet your pussy will feel on his throbbing cock. Hurriedly, Choso yanks off his own sweatpants, barely taking a second before he has you on your back, head propped up on his pillow and recently washed comforter. He hoped it would be like this someday, that you would be here for him like this, naked, legs spread, his shirt still pushed up to show off your cute tits, your shining eyes basically begging for him to split you open on his cock. He’s happy you’re his first time; if Choso has his way, you’ll be his first and only. 
“I want to fuck you while you wear my shirt.” Choso strokes himself, from his base to his pink, leaking tip, settling between your thighs. “You’re mine now, right?” he asks, grunting as the thick head of his cock prods at your soaked pussy; he’s teasing your clit, loving the way you toss your head back, the way you’re actually dripping as he bottoms out. The feeling could knock the wind right out of him if Choso wasn’t so determined to have you just as overwhelmed and needy as he was feeling right now.
“Is this okay? Does it hurt?” Choso pistons his hips, holding your thighs open as he moves inside you; you manage to shake your head before letting out a shrill wail as Choso begins grinding into you as deep as he can. He’s rambling, greedily grabbing at you, holding you open, kissing and biting all over your exposed neck and breasts. “Fu-fuck, you feel so good! So soft and warm, I can’t get enough….wanna cum deep inside. Does it feel good? Am I making you feel good, am I making this pussy feel good?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” your nails drags over his shoulders and back as you struggle not to go limp from the force of his thrusts. “Choso, want to cum, touch me, please, I can’t take it anymore!” 
“You’re gonna take it. Gonna make you cum all over my cock.” Choso mutters; he’s slowly lapping at your hard, oversensitive nipples, salivating, completely lost in the way your pussy is clenching and the sweet pain of you scratching him, the burning red lines surely visible against his pale skin but he’s happy to let you mark him up. “Like this?’ he reaches down, still holding one of your legs up slightly while his free hand rubs his fingers over your clit. “Fuck yeah. I felt that, felt your pussy gush again. Go on, go on,” Choso grinds himself into you as he rubs your swollen clit, steady and quick. 
“CHOSO!” you scream as your body spasms; the sheets underneath you are damp and your body is hot and tense. The way he's stimulating every one of your most sensitive places is driving you crazy, you can barely think, just feel and listen to Choso’s low, raspy voice egging you on. “Oh god, please! I’m gonna-” 
“Yeah, cum on my dick. Cum all over me, you look so fucking hot right now, so cute...my chubby bunny.” Choso’s lips form an oddly soft grin as he watches you come apart; he feels it, feels you cumming around him, your pussy suddenly impossibly tight as you shake and sob. “Sh, sh, you’re okay.” his touch is slower, gentle on your clit, letting you ride out your orgasm. He thinks you’re so precious, twitching and whimpering as you come down from the high. “Shhh, relax. I’m going to move, okay? Can I?” 
Somehow you hear him through the haze and your rapidly beating heart and you nod. “Ye-yes, I want it. Keep fucking me.” you carress his cheek, smiling weakly. “Keep going, cum in me Choso. It's okay, I love you.” 
That’s when what little self control Choso had left snaps like a twig.
“Thank you." Choso wraps your trembling legs around his hips, anchoring you to him whole he shoves his cock as deep as he can inside you. Your mouth falls open but you can't even scream; somehow, it's like Choso’s gotten even harder. "Oh fuck thank you, I can’t believe it, can’t believe you’re letting me, thank you, thank you so much!” The headboard is knocking into the wall; all you can do is cling to Choso as he moans and babbles under his breath, rams his cock in and out of you like a man possessed. “Mine.” Choso has you wrapped in his arms again, pressing your limp ragdoll body to his. Your voice is too weak to let out more than little whispers of moans and frail, broken cries. “Fuck, you’re really mine.” Choso smiles down at you, cheeks flushed and eyes glistening with affection; he’s so close to cumming but he doesn’t want this to end. “Wanna keep you here with me all the ti-time, in my bed, gonna fuck you until you can’t go anywhere. Heh,” Choso kisses your temple with a satisfied, drunken smile as he strokes your fucked out face almost reverently. “You like that? Your pussy just got so tight. Let me, okay? Let me just take care of you from now on.” he picks up the pace again, molding you to him, kissing you as you go light headed; you may just pass out from this, but you don’t care, too busy getting swept up in Choso’s pleas and whines as he gets closer and closer to his own release, though he's the one at your mercy.
“Can I? Can I really cum in you?” he stutters, more begging than asking but either way he’s already losing himself in the sensation as his cock twitches and throbs with overstimulation. “Yes, yes, more, wanna stay like this, deep inside, gonna cum, gonna cum, shit, I’m gonna-!” Choso’s jaw clenches tight and he buries his face into your neck with a long, rough sob, rocking against you until he’s sure every last drop of his cum has been spilled deep inside your aching pussy. He has you in another deathgrip of an embrace but you melt into his arms, smiling dazedly as Choso brings your hand up and presses a loving kiss to your palm. 
“Sorry...I got carried away again, didn't I?” 
“You don’t look very sorry.” you pant, poking his tattoo lightly and let out a soft laugh. “I don’t think I’ll be able to sit up for a bit.”
The bridge of Choso’s nose crinkles and he does look a bit guilty now. “Sorry. I’ll take care of you. Hang on, I’ll get a towel.” 
“Mm, thank you.” you kiss his forehead. “You made me feel really good, I’m just super worn out. Could you bring me some water?” 
Choso nods and quickly stands up to fetch what you need; he’s still a bit dazed himself. When he comes back into the room, you’re still wearing his shirt with nothing else; he can see his cum slowly dripping down the inside of your thigh and has to stop himself from mounting you again. It’s obvious you’re tired and besides, there’ll be plenty of time for round two tomorrow morning when you’re waking up in his arms. “Hey,” Choso murmurs as you settle in under the covers with him. His finger lightly traces a particularly large love bite on the side of your neck. “Are you really mine?” “Choso, you really do worry too much.” Still, you can’t help but smile; he’s staring again, waiting raptly, looking absurdly innocent and almost childlike as he gazes at you beseechingly. “I’m all yours.” you kiss him tenderly once more before snuggling into his chest; Choso inhales sharply and has to fight back the tears stinging the corners of his eyes. He could die of happiness right now but then he wouldn’t get to have more kisses. 
“Come over for dinner tomorrow? I want to introduce you to my family.”
“I’d love to.” you sigh, content as Choso’s hand strokes up and down your back. “I can bake something.”
“Would it be too soon to say you’ll be their sister-in-law?”
“Hm, let’s hold off on that for a while.”
“Okay, I can wait.” Choso smiles, kissing your head gently. “Do you want to have kids?”
“Sorry, right.” 
“It’s alright.” you murmur sleepily. “Talk later, sleep now.”
“Okay….can we do it again when you wake up?”
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-AGNOSTHESIA Featuring Scaramouche
Part 2 Part 3
Meaning: The state of not knowing how you really feel about something, which forces you to sift through clues hidden in your behaviour, as if you were some other person
Word Count: 3.5k~
Description: A study session with Scaramouche gets spicy
Edited By: @pretty-princess-peach
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“Are you deaf or just stupid? I’ve been explaining this to you for over an hour. How do you not understand?!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! This class is just really hard, and I haven’t really been able to understand anything from the last few lectures. It's all just gotten so complicated.”
“Isn’t this supposed to be your major? Why did you pick something challenging if you’re too stupid to understand any of it?”
“I’m not too stupid! It’s just a challenging class!”
“Why did you beg me to tutor you if you were just going to waste my time?”
You didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t wrong, nearly every study session the two of you have had ended with an incredibly frustrated Scaramouche and an equally confused you. It’s not that you weren’t trying. You paid attention the best that you could in lectures, and you did all the readings. You even used up most of your free time studying! But regardless, you were still hopeless.
Of course, having Scaramouche as a tutor was supposed to make things easier; he was at the top of the class, after all. However, it almost made things more difficult, given the fact that during your study sessions you were constantly getting distracted by how pretty the man was and how close the two of you were to your bed. You probably enjoyed the insults he threw at you due to your lack of understanding just a bit too much too. But no way would you ever admit to that.
Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. It was 1:45pm. Your class started at 1:00pm. This was not good. You burst through the doors, immediately drawing everyone's attention and making your professor stop mid sentence. You were mortified. On this particular occasion, you had spent all night studying before dragging yourself to your school's library to continue studying. You had planned to spend your morning studying before your lecture at 1:00pm. You had not planned to fall asleep until 1:25pm and have to run to a whole other building to get to your lecture. You had been spending all your time trying to keep up with your peers in your astrobiology course, but it appears that plan had backfired, as you had already missed half of your class and would need to beg someone for their notes, perhaps an explanation as well. You looked around for a seat, quickly realizing that the only easily accessible spot was near the back next to Scaramouche. Fuck. Scaramouche was the best student in the class, but he was also notoriously unapproachable and impossible to work with. You had been stuck doing a group project with him before, and he had been a controlling nightmare. Ever since then though, he had occasionally spoken to you if you came close enough to insult. You took a deep breath, swallowed your fear, and started up the stairs. The class had continued on in the moments since your interruption, so you didn’t expect Scaramouche to be staring directly at you when you glanced at him on your way to your spot beside him. You looked away and got to your seat as quickly as you could.
“Well, if it isn’t the smartest girl in class.”
You fought the urge to insult him back, but you knew that if you wanted to get any help from him, you couldn’t risk giving him a reason not to help you. You gave him the nicest smile you could muster; he rolled his eyes at your attempt to be nice. You sat down next to him and set up your computer to take notes for the rest of class. After another half hour had passed and you were hopelessly confused, you turned to Scaramouche to ask him for some help.
“Hey, uh, I’m pretty lost; do you think you could give me the notes you took for the first half of the class?”
“Do you really think that’ll help you? It’s not like you even understand the lectures you don’t miss.”
“I understand them!”
“Yeah, sure.”
He turned his attention back to the professor. That’s when you had an idea that might actually work.
“Hey, do you have any spare time that you could maybe use to help me with the work from this class?"
“Do you really think that I would willingly spend my free time tutoring you? Why on earth would I do that?”
You took a deep breath, silently praying that this would work.
“If you agree to tutor me, I’ll give you Kazuha’s number.”
“You’ll what?”
Yes! He was interested.
“I’ll give you Kazuha’s number, and I’ll put in a good word for you with him.”
“Kazuha? As in Kaedehara? Are you serious?”
He was just staring at you, looking very serious. Clearly, this was important to him.
“Yes, I promise.”
Scaramouche chuckled to himself a little before sighing.
“Okay. Text me where your dorm is. I’ll tutor you on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays.”
“I uh…don’t have your number.”
“You don’t? I have yours.”
“Yeah that’s because I gave it to you. Just text me and I’ll send you my building and room number, okay?”
You sighed. Why did he have to be gay?
A few moments later, you got a text that said, “Hey loser”. You sent him your dorm information and a list of what times on those days you were free. And just like that, you had a tutor.
When you eventually talked to Kazuha about Scaramouche and how you had given him his number, Kazuha seemed confused, but after an oddly long stare behind you and a glance at his phone, he seemed to understand what you were trying to tell him.
“Are you really this stupid? Or do you just like it when I insult you?”
“I’m not stupid! And don’t pretend like you aren’t getting anything out of this!”
“Right, I get to have you meddling in my love life. How could I forget?”
“You agreed to this! I didn’t make you do anything!”
“No, you just gave me an opportunity to spend time with the person I have feelings for, but only if I spend all my free time trying to teach an idiot her major.”
“I’m not an idiot! Stop saying that!”
“You can’t expect me to sit here and watch you screw things up I didn’t think anyone could possibly screw up and not insult you. You’re practically begging for it.”
You huffed a frustrated sigh and went back to your work while your tutor sat there on his phone. How was all of this so easy for him when you could barely understand any of it? You were working so hard but had nothing to show for it except for low grades and a tutor who is the furthest thing from being into you, who also somehow kept getting you all worked up and needy. Part of you wanted to just tell him to stop coming over so you could get through a study session without getting sexually frustrated. However, you also didn’t want to stop spending time with him…because, uh, because Scaramouche was helping you improve! Not for any other reason. Oh nevermind, who were you trying to fool? You definitely had feelings for him, even though you knew they would never be reciprocated. It wasn’t long before you reached another question that stumped you.
“I’m confused.”
“What else is new?”
“Shut up. Can you help me?”
He stared at you and raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for something. You sighed.
“What’s the question?”
“What is a carbonaceous chondrite?”
“Have you been paying any attention in class? At all?”
Scaramouche cut you off.
“Even if you aren’t paying attention in class, you have my notes, and you’ve been asking me endless questions. Wait, I forgot. You’re just an idiot.”
“I’m not an-!”
Once again, he cut you off.
“No, you are. At this point, I’m not even trying to insult you. It’s just a fact.”
“Why?! What did I do that was so dumb?!”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Do you remember how you convinced me to be your tutor? Of course you do. You gave me Kazuha’s number. Do you want to know why he was so confused when you told him that? Because I’ve known him since I was a kid; we’re best friends. He only went along with it because I had followed you and was a ways behind you trying to get him to check his messages because I had to send him a text explaining that the girl I have feelings for thinks I’m gay and in love with him, and since he knows how dumb you are, he went along with it for my sake. I honestly thought that you would have figured it out by how nice I’ve been to you ever since we did that project together.”
You couldn’t believe it. Scaramouche has a crush on you, maybe even for as long as you’d had a crush on him. And oh my god you were stupid; he was best friends with Kazuha? How had you missed that?! Oh god, that means Kazuha knew you were stupid too…how did you even make such a big mistake?
“You…like me…? And you’re best friends with Kazuha…? What do you mean you’ve been nice to me ever since our project? You insult me all the time! Even before you started tutoring me, you were mean to me!”
“I talked to you. As far as I’m concerned, that’s nice enough. Anyway, I guess I should be going now huh?”
“Wait uh, you don’t have to go.”
“Oh? Maybe you do like it when I insult you, hm?”
“That isn’t important. I just need you to stay because you promised to tutor me, and I still need help.”
That gave Scaramouche an idea.
“Huh, maybe you just need better motivation to learn…”
He smirked at you before standing up from his spot on your bed and closing the little distance there was from where he had been sitting and where you were seated at your desk. He turned your spinny chair to face him and leaned down so his face was in front of yours and flicked your forehead.
“Hey, dummy, want me to fuck you?”
He laughed quietly at your slack jawed reaction. He stood back to his full height and sat back down on your bed. He gestured for you to come sit on his lap. You stared at him blankly, confident that you had misinterpreted his action.
“Come on now. You’re not really this stupid, are you?”
That was enough confirmation for you. You stood up from your chair and were about to sit down on his lap when he stopped you.
“Take off your clothes.”
He didn’t exactly leave any room for argument, so, as embarrassed as you were, you started taking off your clothes while Scaramouche watched you. You got down to your underwear and stopped, unsure if he wanted you to continue.
“Go on.”
Okay then. You took off your bra and your underwear, now feeling awkward with your tutor sitting in front of you fully clothed. He motioned you forward again and you sat down on his lap. He moved a hand between your legs and ran a finger down your slit before laughing.
“You’re so wet already, I guess you liked those insults more than you let on.”
His comment somehow turned your face redder than it already was. You would have made some kind of argument, however, you suddenly became preoccupied with the feeling of him pushing two of his fingers inside of you and fucking you with them. You couldn’t help but let out a few moans at the feeling. He snickered at the sounds you were making, even going so far as to mock the sound of your moans.
“‘Mmf ah oh fuck mmm haah,’ you sound so pathetic.”
You tried to quiet the sounds you were making, but that only made him more upset.
“Don’t stop. I like hearing you whining like a bitch in heat.”
He pulled his fingers out of you then pushed them past your lips and into your mouth. While you cleaned off his fingers like a good little slut, he used his other hand to undo his pants and pull out his cock. He pulled his fingers from your mouth and lined you up over his cock before bringing you down onto it. You heard him suck in a breath and let out a chuckle.
“Hah, shit, you feel good.”
You could only let out a whine in response. He bottomed out inside of you. After you took a few moments to adjust, you tried to lift yourself up, but found you couldn’t move an inch with the tight grip your tutor had on your hips.
“You said that you needed me to stay to tutor you, so, I’m here to tutor you.”
Was he seriously going to try to tutor you while he had you sitting on his cock? No, this couldn’t actually be happening.
“But…but I can’t…”
“You will. I’m just giving you some extra motivation.”
He smirked at you once again.
“What role do supernovae play in the origin, evolution, and development of life?”
You couldn’t think. You were far too preoccupied with the feeling of his cock deep inside of you.
“I don’t… I don’t know, I can’t…”
“Come on, you answered this correctly last week.”
Had you? Part of you thought he was lying to you just to make you feel stupider.
“I don’t know it…”
Your response came out as a whine.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure!”
One of his hands moved away from your waist. For a moment you wondered what he was doing, but then you felt a hard slap come down on your ass.
“Ahh! What…? Why did you?”
“You need some consequence for your stupidity.”
You tried to clear your head for the next question.
“Why is it more likely that we will find prokaryotes rather than eukaryotes when we finally explore Europa, Enceladus, or Mars?”
“I don’t know Scara-”
Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your cheek. Did he slap you?
“I don’t want my name in the mouth of a worthless slut like you.”
He paused for a second.
“Did you just get tighter? You really are slut.”
You blushed and looked away from him. You didn’t want to admit it, but you really were enjoying yourself. However, the fact that your tutor still wasn’t fucking you was driving you insane. You prayed that soon enough he would get bored tormenting you and finally fuck you.
“Instead of calling me by my name, why don’t you just call me master, hmm?”
“Okay what?”
“Okay master…”
“Aw, so the slut can be good! Well, since you’re so stupid, I’ll give you an easy question next. What substances are emitted from cryovolcanoes?”
Oh thank god, you actually knew this one.
“Water, ice, ammonia, nitrogen, and methane…right?”
He just watched you for a moment with a little smile while doubt started to build in your mind.
“That’s correct. But it really was such an easy question, maybe I should continue teaching you…”
“Please Sca- master…”
“Oh? What are you asking for?”
“I want you to fuck me…please…”
He watched you for a few moments, contemplating his decision.
“Beg, and I’ll fuck you. I won’t ask again.”
There was no way you were going to beg Scaramouche to fuck you. That would be humiliating. But if it would get him to fuck you…no. You weren’t that desperate for him, were you? However, all of your reasoning flew out the window when Scaramouche lifted you up his cock and dropped you back down.
“Fuck please master, fuck me, I need it so bad, need to feel you wreck me, want you to use me however you want, please!”
“However I want, hmm?”
Before you could reply, he had lifted you off of his cock and moved you so you were on your hands and knees. He got up from his spot and knelt behind you.
“But master I wanna- mmf!”
Your tutor pushed your head into the pillows.
“Stupid little sluts don’t get to touch me or watch me fuck them.”
With that, he pushed his cock back into you. God, why did he feel so big? He’s short, so why does it feel like he’s in your fucking throat from this angle?
“And arch your fucking back, whore.”
You did as he asked, and all you got in response was him letting out a little laugh. He started fucking you slow but deep, and you couldn’t help the moans that were escaping your lips, but thankfully, they were muffled by the pillows, so he could barely hear them. Fuck, this felt so good. The fact that he tortured you before getting here didn’t even matter anymore, as long as he could make you feel like this.
Before too long, you could feel an orgasm approaching, and though you tried to let him know, the pillows obstructing your mouth caused your warning to come out as, “mhmhfm hm hmhm hmm!” and your tutor continued to ignore you. Eventually however, you felt yourself start to tip over the edge. You really did try to tell Scaramouche, but he just wouldn’t listen. He was far too wrapped up in the feeling of fucking you. When you finally tipped over the edge, Scaramouche stopped moving entirely, effectively giving you a very shitty orgasm. He grabbed your hair and hauled you up to him so he could talk to you without pillows getting in the way.
“Did you just fucking cum without asking, princess?”
His voice was sickeningly sweet, and you were terrified of what would come next. He twisted the hair he had grabbed making you cry out.
“Hmmm how should I punish you? Dumb sluts like getting spanked, don’t they?”
You shook your head the best you could with how he had your hair.
“Aw, of course they do.”
He pushed your face back into the pillows and let go of your hair. There was a moment of silence as you waited for what would come next. You felt a sharp pain as his hand came down on your ass. Was he this strong before? You were confident that there would be a red handprint on your ass now. He landed another smack, causing you to emit a little yelp. He continued your punishment until you were shaking and crying. Finally, he decided he was done and wrapped a hand around your throat before once again hauling you upright. He moved his lips next to your ear.
“Don’t try to act like you didn’t like that. I could feel how tight you were.”
You blushed, but before you could respond to him, he started fucking you again, this time hard and fast. Fuck, how did he feel even deeper in you now? He reached a hand around to play with your clit. Fuck, were you going to cum a second time?
“Can I cum? Please, need to so bad.”
“Well, since you asked so nicely.”
Instead of stopping like you had expected, he kept fucking you, and within a few seconds, he had you seeing stars. He kept going this time, fucking you through your orgasm. However, he didn’t stop when you were done. He kept going, looking to reach his own end.
“Do you want master to fill you up with his cum? Hmm? Is that what you want?”
“Fuck, yes please, please!”
Scaramouche leaned in to whisper in your ear.
Suddenly, he let go of you before pushing you back down and flipping you over before finishing on your stomach. Fuck, you were glad you got to see that at least.
“Worthless little whores don’t deserve to be filled with my cum.”
After he said that, some switch seemed to flip in his brain, and he got up to go search for a cloth to clean you up with. He returned and sat next to you on the bed, wiping the cum off of your stomach.
“Are you okay…?”
You were amazed. He looked like a concerned puppy. Was this really the same guy that was telling you how worthless you were a second ago?
“Uh, yeah, I’m alright.”
You stared back at him. But after your confirmation, he seemed to go back to his usual self.
“So uh, does this mean anything…?”
“I understand if it doesn’t. It’s okay, I get it. I was just-”
He flicked your forehead.
“Did u miss the part where I told you I have feelings for you? Why would this mean nothing? God, you really are stupid.”
Yep, definitely back to his usual self.
“Wait, so does that mean you wanna like, date?”
He let out a big sigh.
“I suppose I’m willing to have an idiot for a girlfriend.”
“Fine, then I’m willing to have an asshole for a boyfriend!”
He rolled his eyes at you and let out a little laugh before laying down in bed next to you. You didn’t realize how tired you were until you had your head resting on Scaramouche’s chest, and before too long, you had fallen asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
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Tag List: @lilia-sspouse @but-a-peach @stannazuna @yourlocal-bunny @lordbugs @randomlycockroach @licensedsimp @leena-shi @cesimaaa @welpthisisfine @dainself-when-playable @fic-rebloga
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
So happy that you got 500 Followers!
For the celebration I'd like to request Jake and 🍧
Pretty please 🙏
Thank you! ofc nonny, one pregnancy prompt + Jake coming right up!
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You glared at Jake as he poured himself a coffee, your eyes practically burning a hole through him as you stared stoically. Jake frowned at you, setting his mug down on the counter before holding his arms out in surrender.
"What I do now, Angel?"
"You know exactly what you did, Seresin."
"Ooh, last name, huh?" Jake tapped his chin with his finger for a moment as he thought, looking as though he was trying to piece together whatever event he triggered that upset you. Finally, he frowned and shook his head. "Nope, I've got nothin', Sugar. What did I do?"
"You flirted with another girl last night, in front of me!" You shouted, shaking your head.
Your anger bubbled over when Jake laughed at your accusation, shaking his head in disbelief as he looked at you.
"You're joking, right?" He asked, waiting for you to start laughing. When he realized you were serious, he shook his head and sighed. "I wasn't flirting with anyone, Honey. I wouldn't do that to you."
"Well, you did last night."
"Well then, I didn't mean to! Sometimes people just think I'm flirting with how I talk. I wasn't doing it intentionally or nothin'. Half the time people probably think I'm in love with Rooster or somethin' with the way I talk to him!"
You huffed a sigh and shook your head as you grabbed your car keys off the table. Jake looked at you in surprise, shaking his head quickly as he watched you get ready to leave. "Where are you going?"
"I'm going to go get some things for my baby's nursery."
"Well, we both made that baby."
"Don't remind me!" you snapped, shaking your head at him, "You may have pitched in but the rest of this group project has been pretty one sided."
"Hey! I try my best, Darlin', it's not my fault I can't grow the kid myself."
"You could be a little more supportive though."
"Supportive?" Jake sputtered and shook his head vehemently, "Hon, I've done nothing but be supportive. All this is because you think I was flirting with some girl at the bar last night?"
"I watched you laughing and talking to her! It's the same way you did with me when we met!"
Suddenly, Jake shook his head and laughed to himself, sighing as he realized exactly what was happening.
"You mean the girl in the Navy fatigues?"
"Yeah, her," you pouted, nodding your head as you looked at him, waiting for an explanation.
"Baby, that girl is a girl I grew up with when I was a kid. She just transferred to North Island. I've known her since I was three."
"Oh, great, so she knows you better than I do too. Why don't you and her just go run away together or something?" You responded sarcastically, refusing to admit you might be going overboard.
"Well, her wife might not appreciate that. Don't think mine would either."
"Her what?
"I'm uh, not her type, Sugar. You'd have better luck getting her to come home with you than I would. In fact, she was telling me how pretty my wife was, and I thanked her, and told her that my wife is beautiful, and I'm very lucky."
"You did? Really?"
"Mhmm." Jake nodded and laughed as he shook his head, "The laughing you saw? Her telling me she was surprised I found someone tolerant enough to marry my dumbass."
You laughed awkwardly at the misunderstanding, nodding slowly as you realized your hormones may have clouded your judgement a little. Jake wrapped his arms around you gently, holding you close as he rested one of his hands on your baby bump. He leaned down to kiss your nose and smiled.
"You're the only girl for me, you know that. You and my little cowgirl in there."
"I told you, it might be a boy," you started before Jake shook his head and grinned, tapping the side of his head.
"Nah, I'm telling you. I've got a fifth sense for this sorta thing. It's a girl."
"You mean sixth sense, right?"
"Whatever," he said, waving his hand dismissively with a grin, "Point is, I'm almost positive we're having a girl. Now, am I forgiven? Or do I have to get all mushy and shit and start gushing about how much I love you, should I call Rooster up and find out the name of that florist he uses whenever he's in the doghouse and order you the biggest bouquet I can get?"
"You're forgiven. I'm sorry," you nodded slowly before your lips curled up into a grin. "But I'll gladly take flowers and you gushing over how much you love me."
"Anything for my girls."
join in my 500 follower celebration here!
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memoriez119 · 4 days
hiii can i requestt you do riize confessing to you out of angerr? (add some angsttt plss but she ends up accepting the confession)
here it is !! sorry for the delay, I've been busy (◞‸◟;) it's my first time writing angst and I don't think I did it right lol
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Riize confessing to you out of anger !
pairing: best friend! riize x reader
genre: angst ??
You had been working on a project at your house for hours with other classmates. You noticed that Shotaro has been quiet, only speaking if necessary. You approach to find out what's going on, but your classmate speaks to you, taking you by the arm to check something on the project. You turn your head to see Shotaro once again and watch as he sighs noticeably. When you return, you see Shotaro playing with his phone. “Hey, you've been really quiet, are you okay?” you say, lightly hitting his arm. “Uh, yeah, I'm just busy,” he says without making eye contact. “What? We're doing the project.” Suddenly, he takes you by the arm and takes you to a place away from the others. “You're really close to him, aren't you?” He says, pointing with his head at one of the boys who were at your house with some annoyance. "Um, no, but what about him?" you say, confused. You see how he takes a while to answer, thinking about whether to tell you or not, his gaze fixed on the floor. He starts to speak almost in a whisper but then intensifies as he lets out everything he's been holding in for a long time “I can't stand you being closer to him, he touches you a lot and always wants to be talking to you. He's annoying and he doesn't leave you alone.” His gaze meets yours and with his broken voice he says “Don't you realize how much I like you to at least reject me?” "Shotaro…" “I'm sorry, but I can't help but feel that way,” he says, regret in his voice. "Shotaro, I didn't want to misunderstand things, but I also feel something when I see you, something special. I like you too” Shotaro can't wait any longer and comes closer to kiss you delicately, his arms wrap around you, treasuring this special moment
You went out with your group of friends to the amusement park. You went on almost all the rides and before leaving you went to the photo booth to have a nice memory.
You decided to split up into groups for the photos since the booth is small. You got in with Eunseok and another friend. You clicked on the camera icon on the screen and the counter started, your friend started getting really close to you while preparing his pose, you tried to ignore him and not think about it too much. When you looked at the screen you saw Eunseok's face, he wasn't smiling despite making a cute pose, it made you laugh but at the same time you were worried because you hadn't seen him so serious before.
After several minutes they finished and the photos came out. Eunseok was serious in all of them but what caught your attention was that in one photo he looked at your friend with a strange expression, as if he was uncomfortable and angry.
“Eunseok looks very serious” says your friend laughing
“Do you have something Eunseok?” You ask looking at him curiously but he just lets out a laugh avoiding looking at you
“Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” your friend asks
“No need, I’ll take her. My house is close to hers” Eunseok says looking at your friend with a serious expression. Suddenly the atmosphere feels tense and your friends stay silent watching the scene. You take Eunseok by the arm while you say goodbye.
“Eunseok, are you okay?”
“Yes, why?”
“You didn’t smile in the photos, and after that you were very serious”
“Ah, that was your friend’s fault” You stop walking without understanding the conversation
“He touches you a lot and out of nowhere he’s very funny with you, I don’t know what he wants to do with that, it’s weird”
“Weird? He's our friend, he's like that with everyone”
“Well, he doesn't hug me or tell me “jokes”, mine are better, you know that” he says with some sarcasm in his voice
“I don't understand”
“I like you, I like you a lot, I don't like him getting close to you, he wants something more and…” he pauses to think about what he just said “I'm sorry, I exploded, I shouldn't have told you all th-“
“Do you like me?” you interrupt him
“Yes, and it's okay if you don't feel the same”
“Eunseok, is that why you always tell me bad jokes?” you say laughing lightening the moment
“Bad? They're better than his”
“I like you too, I didn't think you felt the same as me”
“So, would you like to try?”
“I would love to” You feel happiness flooding your entire body and Eunseok comes closer to give you a small kiss on the nose and a hug that expresses all the love he has for you
You and your friends went to the supermarket to buy some snacks since you were going to have a sleepover at Sungchan’s house since it was the last day of school. One of your friends kept telling you things about how pretty you are, it seemed strange to you, but you tried to ignore it because you don’t want to misinterpret anything no matter how obvious it was. Sungchan has been your best friend for a long time and he has always been a little protective of you so it didn’t seem strange to you that he shut your friend up every time he started saying that kind of thing. When you got home, you prepared what was needed and settled in the living room to watch the movie. Sungchan made space next to him for you to sit, but you didn’t expect that your friend would sit next to you leaving you in between him and Sungchan You stopped feeling interested in the movie an hour later, you turn to look at Sungchan but he is looking at your friend with a penetrating look that you had never seen in him. “Sungchan, what’s wrong?” You whisper so that only he can hear you “Nothing, I’m just bored” he says directing his gaze to you, his face softens when he sees you “Me too, do you want to go for a walk?” you ask “Sure, you stay here, we'll go out for a while” Sungchan says, pointing to your friend. “Whatever,” he says, trying not to give it importance. You walk for a few minutes but you can't stop thinking about how tense Sungchan was earlier. “Did something happen? I saw that you were serious when we were inside” “Do you really want to know?” he asks surprised, you just nod Sungchan pauses to think carefully about what he’s going to say. “Don’t you see how he flirts with you? He’s always telling you things about how pretty you look. We all know you’re pretty. It’s annoying to see how you don’t say anything to him, it’s obvious that he likes you. I don’t like that…” he said the last thing in a whisper, but you still manage to hear it, leaving you in shock “You don't like that?" you ask surprised
“No… I don’t like that you don’t realize how much I love you.” “I don't like that you didn't tell me before either.” You say, approaching him. “Then we could try it,” he says, smiling and taking your hand, giving it little caresses.
Lately Wonbin has been hanging out with a friend outside of school a lot and he's always talking to her, which makes you think that they're probably dating. “What are you doing, talking to her again?” you say sitting next to him “I don't like her if that's what you mean” he says with tiredness in his voice “Then why are you always talking about her? You always bring her up in conversations, even if it has nothing to do with her” “But I don't like her, I just get along really well with her” “So, who do you like?” you ask curiously “Mm, I don't know if I like anyone” he says avoiding the topic “And what kind of person would you go out with?” “I don't know, someone who has the same interests as me and listens to me” “You're talking about her, right?”
His lips tremble and his eyes move restlessly, searching for a way to say what he wants to say. “No, I don't like her. You're the one I like and I get tired of seeing how you don't realize it, I'm always giving you hints but I think it's not enough. I didn't think I would say it like that but I can't take it anymore" he says, letting out a slight sigh and then looking at the ground thinking about everything he said "Wonbin, I didn't know you also felt the same as me" "The same?" he says, confused, a small smile forming on his face "Yes, I thought I was obvious with what I felt…" "Would you like to go out with me?" he asks shyly, connecting his eyes with yours, searching for an answer in them. He couldn't even finish speaking when you were already hugging him full of happiness
You and Seunghan have been best friends for a long time, you've shared laughs and glances, glances that lasted longer than they should. You and your friends went out to eat at a restaurant, everything was going well. You and Seunghan shared the food and sat very close leaving your friends confused who shared glances realizing what Seunghan doesn't dare to say. “You should go out, you look good together” says a friend of yours You just laugh to lighten the moment but Seunghan tenses and his smile fades. Several minutes later, Seunghan notices how a friend begins to pay some attention to you, he sees how he offers you to try his food or if you need something. That tensed him up even more. “Y/n, do you want me to take you home?” “Mm” you turn to look at Seunghan waiting for him to say something, you don’t even know why “No, thanks, Seunghan will take me” “Oh, right” you see how a smile appears on his face and his gaze softens “Then I’ll go with you” says your friend giving Seunghan a soft tap on the shoulder, his smile didn’t last long As you walk together, Seunghan is silent, his eyes full of tension and his jaw clenched as he watches how you interact. He feels ignored but still doesn’t say anything, he thinks he’ll let it all out if he opens his mouth even to smile a little. When you arrive at the bus stop, your friend says goodbye to you with a long hug, Seunghan just watches without saying anything. Seunghan feels like he’s about to cry as he walks away from the stop and full of questions decides to break the silence “Since when does he give you so much attention? I didn’t know you were so close” “Well, we’re friends, you know” Seunghan doesn’t think the same, he finds it annoying. Without thinking, he begins to vent, pausing briefly to clarify everything he has to say to you “Friends then? He doesn’t act like your friend, and neither do you and I. Why does it bother me so much to see you with him? I can’t help but feel bad when I see you together.” he says, letting it all out with his broken voice “Seunghan, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to ruin things. I thought you didn’t feel the same as me and I was worried you’d stop talking to me” you say, trying to clarify things. “I like you more than I should and I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else” he takes your hand, bringing you closer to him “Seunghan…” “If we both feel the same, can we stop pretending?” You nod and hug him for a long time. His hands gently caressing your back, both of you feeling relief in your bodies.
You've been busy with various school work so you haven't been able to go out with Sohee, but you took a day off because a friend organized a party to which you invited Sohee. The party is full of people everywhere and the music is loud. Sohee and you are in a place away from the people to get a break from the noise. “Sohee, are you feeling okay?” “Sure, but haven't you felt uncomfortable?” he said with concern in his voice “Mm, no, why?” “A boy has been watching you since we arrived and I don't trust him” “Oh, don't worry about it, I won't leave you” “No? It seems that you have already done so…” “What are you talking about?” you ask a little tired of the topic “You told me you didn’t want my help and then you posted a story with a guy who was apparently at your house, I guess he was helping you” “Yes, he was helping me, and I don’t see the problem” “He spends time with you and you leave me aside” “Sohee, that’s not true” “No? You’re always with him, when I invite you somewhere you say no and then you post pictures with him. If you don’t want me around anymore tell me, don’t be playing with my feelings” “Sohee, I don’t want you to feel that way” “The way you treat me and we fight makes me think that we’re more than friends but you push me away from you and confuse me. Can’t you understand how much I like you?” he said with frustration as he said what he had kept inside for a long time “Sohee, I like you too, I like you a lot, and I’m sorry for all the times I pushed you away and I didn’t realize” “I don’t want you to stay away from me, would you like to be with me?” You nod with a big smile, feeling his arm pulling you closer for a soft, slow kiss, letting you know everything he feels.
Anton and you organized a surprise party for a friend, you decorated the place a bit and arranged what was needed. The guests started to arrive and Anton disappeared from your side for a few minutes and then he came back with someone by his side You tried not to think about it too much and continued with your own thing. The rest of the party you spent with a friend, you laughed and shared jokes together. From time to time you saw Anton clench his jaw and try to hide his withering look The party ended and you said goodbye to the guests. Anton closes the door and helps you with the things you were already cleaning. “Did you have a good time?” he asks with sarcasm in his voice
“Yes, what's wrong with you?” “Me? Nothing, but I saw that your friend made you laugh a lot, I think you had a great time” he says stopping organizing things to turn to look at you. It's the first time you see him this way, you didn't remember the hatred Anton feels for that boy you were with. “Ah, I forgot that you didn’t like him”
“Do you know why I don’t like him?” “No, but now I want to know” you say laughing
“He likes you and he used me to get closer to you, since then I don’t like him. Please don’t fall in love with him, I wouldn’t like to see you with someone else. I can’t keep hiding my feelings... I like you” he says with his broken voice, giving you a vulnerable look
“Anton, I feel the same as you, but are you sure about this? I don’t want our friendship to be ruined” you say worried but Anton comes closer and caresses your hair gently, reassuring you with his touch “Then we should be together, don’t worry about the rest” he says smiling and giving you a soft and delicate kiss, a kiss that you have been waiting for for a long time
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loser-jpg · 2 months
this is the silliest reader ive ever written
The most annoying thing about attending a prestigious academy is without a doubt, pride. The deadly sin curses every individual at NRC, all of them having been told that they are destined for greatness, fate being on their side.
This obviously leads to some of the most egotistical bastards this side of the Shaftlands being cooped up all together in the same space. Also at the age where the dumbest decisions of maintaining self confidence are made.
To you, one of the many young adults cursed with being a general annoyance was Idia Shroud. You also happened to be sat right next to him.
Funnily enough Ortho was able to convince his older brother to begin attending his classes in person, a thoughtful gesture to his brother, but not to you!
Now you had to spend every day face to face with one of the most bothersome people at the school. You made your annoyance of him very clear, too. He was an anti-social shut in who somehow still thought himself better than everyone else despite being so pathetic he couldn't speak to someone face to face. How in the world was he supposed to be a talented mage?!
The most annoying part of it all was ever since he had started going out of his comfort zone he had also seemingly started to become slightly less of an ass. It was unfair. People aren't allowed to just change out of nowhere when you hate them, you're supposed to hate them!
It didn't matter anyway, Idia Shroud hated you so you were allowed to hate him, even if you suddenly started to see that he was a troubled man, untrusting because the world had wronged him before. It didn't matter if he was simply confident because of his talent that was truly better than others, he was rude anyway.
Idia Shroud hated you, so you hated hi-
"Um, hey?" A soft voice came from your left.
"Hm?" You were so caught up in your annoyance you hadn't noticed your surroundings at all. The rest of the class had already left. And Trein too for some reason? "Crap I was not paying attention for the end of the lecture."
You had said it to yourself, but the firey haired boy with his hood pulled over his head responded anyway. "Ah, I uh... I could share my notes with you...?"
"...Uh, yeah sure, thanks. That'd...that'd be helpful."
You stood up from your chair, still dazed at the peculiar situation you found yourself in. Idia tapped on his tablet a bit before your phone pinged in your pocket, a notification of a shared document bright on the screen. Since when did Idia Shroud have your number? And since when did he help out others for no reason?!
You opened the document to skim through it quickly when something near the bottom caught your eye. A small footnote about a project. A group project. A group project without pre assigned partners.
Ah, that's it.
Once again you were proven right, Idia Shroud being his typical self. He didn't speak to anyone in the class so it's inevitable he had no one to do the project with, and was sharing his notes to try and guilt you into doing it with him by making you feel in his debt-
"The uh, the project at the bottom is groups of two. I think some of the people in the row who sit behind us don't have partners yet." Idia held his tablet close to him, glancing at the door.
"You already have a partner?" Impossible, he was probably just saying that to make you to be the one to ask to be in his group, to safe himself the embarrassment of having to ask.
"Yeah, Cater had already asked me to join his group. He said Trey had grouped up before he could ask him. Well, uhm, I have to go. Uh- you- you can message me if you have questions about the notes!" Idia ran out the door before you could say anything.
Something about that made your blood boil. It wasn't jealousy though, it couldn't be. No, no it was disrespect! He said that to be condescending, to brag! To shove it in your face that even a shut in like him could join a group before you. That was his plan all along! To share his notes to get you to ask about the project just to laugh at you for trying to ask to join his group. Well the joke was on him, you'd never be his partner, group project or otherwise!
You weren't able to join a group. Stupid Idia Shroud neglected to tell you that those 'people in the row who sit behind us who have partners' joined up outside of class time. And then he had the gall to apologize about you not joining a group as if he hadn't totally 100% planned this.
Suffering was endless and you were ready to give up. That was until Cater Diamond came waltzing up to your row, passing by you to talk to Idia.
"Change of plans, sorry Idia, Trey's partner joined a different group so I'm gonna work with him now. Good luck on the project!"
"Huh?! Wha-?! Cater, wait-!" Idia stared in dumbfounded shock as Cater skipped away leaving both you and Idia groupless. Well at least Idia was just as pathetic as you now.
Idia turned toward you after a moment. "Uh, did you want to be group partners...? Since...since neither of us have anyone to work with?"
Not on your life, Shroud.
"Yeah, sure."
Truthfully this was the best situation with the cards you had been dealt, likely you could get him to do any of the work you didn't want to, and you'd get a good grade with him as your partner. Doesn't mean you liked the situation, but still.
"Ah, there's a relatively new cafe nearby we could work at? It- it could be better than working in any of the dorms. If you want." Idia shifted a bit, and you couldn't tell what his goal with this was. Was he planning to force you to pay or something? Suggesting leaving and going anywhere was very unlike him. Something had to be up.
Eventually the two of you did go to the cafe to work on your project, and when you insisted on not getting anything and just focusing on working Idia bought you a drink anyway.
"I said I didn't want anything?" You pushed the cup away an inch, the drink was colorful, fading from a deep blue at the top to a light pink at the bottom. You weren't sure what flavor it could be.
Idia drank out of his own cup, a bright red drink that looked fizzier than your own. He added something to your project on his tablet at the same time. "I know but I, uhm, I felt uncomfortable being the only one with a drink. You don't have to drink it, just keep it in front of you." Idia paused a moment before adding a rushed "please" at the end.
So you did. For maybe a minute before you couldn't help taking a sip. It was fruitier tasting than you expected, but not citrus or sour. You pulled the cup toward you to move the straw from the pink section to the blue, noticing that the darker color tasted more like some berry you couldn't pinpoint than the pink had. Overall it tasted good. So good, in fact, you drank almost half of it before you remembered you were supposed to be working.
You glanced up at Idia to see if he had noticed you absolutely chugging whatever drink it was he had gotten you, but either he was pretending he hadn't, or he was really into this project. You noticed only a small amount had been drank from Idia's cup.
You were about to say something until you decided that if Idia wanted to waste his own drink, and his own money, than so be it. And with that you stuck your head back down to finish up this project and finally be rid of having to converse with the shut in outside of class hours.
Sure enough your project raked in a well needed high grade, even going so far as to be personally complimented by Trein himself. You figured that'd be the end of having to talk to Idia Shroud but Seven forbid because the universe had other plans for you.
'Would you like to go see a movie'
That wasn't exactly the way he had said it, it was a lot more unconfident, and there were a few pauses halfway through, but in the end phrasing didn't matter because now you were walking down the street in the middle of a surprise spring heat spell returning from seeing a movie with your number one enemy ever. It was a good movie too which made you even more mad. Now you'd have to think of him every time you saw it which is not what you wanted to happen.
"I am about to pass out from this heat. I'm sitting down a moment." You quickly flopped down on the nearest bench, fanning yourself with your hand. "How in the world are you not burning up in that hood, Shroud?"
Idia shrugged, slowly stepping away from where you were sitting. "I'll get you a drink, wait here."
"Huh, wha?" Once again Idia had left you before you could argue. He had paid for you guys to go to the movie, refusing to accept you paying him back much to your annoyance. You didn't want to be any more in his debt than you already were. You looked down, attempting to form at least a small shadow over your face, at the price of your neck, when a cold cup lightly touched the side of your face.
You jumped a moment before realizing it was Idia, and took the cup with a small 'thank you'. Once you looked at the cup properly you recognized the blue and pink colors of the cold drink, which felt particularly nice in your hands. You hadn't realized the two of you were near that cafe again, much less that they made drinks to-go.
"You, uh, you seemed to like it last time so I figured it was better to get you something I knew you'd enjoy." Idia's fingers played with the sleeve of his sweatshirt, as he glanced in every direction except for you. You looked back down at the drink again, noticing a small resemblance between the light pink if the drink and a light pink dusting the ends of Idia's bright hair.
"Stop being nice, I'm supposed to hate you." You couldn't stop yourself before you blurted out words without thinking, but you quickly caught yourself just a moment too late, slapping a hand across your mouth in shock of your own harshness.
"Huh-! I- what!?" Idia looked just as confused and shocked as anyone would, which made you rethink if he ever actually disliked you as much as you had thought. He quickly shook off his surprised state and gave you probably the most sarcastic look you had seen from him in weeks. "If you hate me why did you agree to be here...?"
"Ah...I dunno." The both of you stared at each other, growing more confused by the second. You couldn't explain your strange decisions and thought process even to yourself, let alone another person.
Though through starring at his face, admitting your difficulty in keeping up your one sided rivalry, and being exposed to what you now could only see as genuine acts of generosity and kindness you were hit with a very quick, and very mind shattering realization.
You had feelings for Idia Shroud.
Romantic ones. You thought they were hatred but no, thinking now you found certain aspects of him so endearing it made you angry in cuteness aggression. This asshole actually had the capacity to be very nice and kind and helpful and it was so charming it made you want to smack your head into a wall from overstimulation of good feelings.
You had just went to the movies with him, where he paid, and now he just got you a drink from a cafe the two of you had already went to together. Activities that required exiting Idia's comfort zone for extended periods of time.
You couldn't help yourself, you had to ask. "Is this a date?" You almost shouted the question at him upon considering the possibility, and you half believed Idia was about to run away with how loud and generally chaotic you were currently being in your extremely confused state.
"Huh!? A- a wha-!?" Idia was giving you the same look you were giving him now both of you more confused than ever. This was definitely quite the confrontation.
"A date! Is it!? I mean it feels like it!" You set your drink down on the bench to stand up. You hadn't even gotten to take a sip yet, but there were more pressing matters.
Idia stuttered a moment longer, before falling silent and seemingly considering your question. "Did, did you want it to be?"
Ah, a counter. You could play this game. "Did you? You're the one who asked me to go see a movie with you."
And a perfect follow up, from here there was no way for Idia to counter your counter of his counter of your attack. He would have to take the hit with at least 3 times the damage now.
And he definitely knew, his eyes squinted in slight annoyance as he considered his answer, finally admitting defeat with a sigh. "Uh," he looked away from you, "sort of? I mean. I'd like that, but...but I'm sure you wouldn't so it's fine, it's nothing."
You were hit with another wave of shock, despite prodding him with the question expecting this exact answer. You quickly responded before he could continue to convince himself you wouldn't return his feelings.
"I'd like it to be a date too!" You stepped forward, reaching to grab his hand before hesitating. He might have wanted to be on a date with you, but that didn't mean he'd be comfortable with you touching him.
"I- you- uh- I thought you hated me?"
"Did, past tense, also the possibility I didn't and was just angry because I liked you, the human mind is difficult to comprehend." You waved your hand as though you could physically wave away his doubts with more than just your roundabout answers to his very solid questions. Despite this you watched as he let out a small laugh, causing you to crack a grin yourself.
You picked up your drink, looking at the horizon as the sun started to set, painting the sky in pinks and oranges that made the street extremely pretty, and drew out the blue of Idias fiery hair, painted with more pink than earlier.
A silent invitation to continue heading back to campus, the two of you began to walk, before Idia hesitantly slipped his hand in your own, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Did- did you want to go on another date next week?" Idia couldn't keep a straight face, failing to hide an excited grin as he asked his question.
You responded with the most sure and prideful answer you had that day. "Yes, definitely."
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mewhenimanangel · 4 months
cherry, eren jaeger
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—synopsis. you have a little more fun at jean’s party that you thought you would
—chapter 4 ౨ৎ
𝜗𝜚content!: au-high school, ballet dancer, teenage romance, black reader, underaged drinking, drunken makeout sessions, high school party
previous ౨ৎ next ౨ৎ
you yawned and stretched out your arms before rubbing a hand over your face.
a bad habit, you reached for your phone that was sitting on your nightstand. there was a text from eren - it was an address followed by the texts 'forgot to give you the address' 'you know for when you decide to come thru 😉' you found yourself smiling like a dork for some reason before texting him back, joking that you weren't going anywhere.
you clicked on lana's contact and face timed her. "hey" you said putting toothpaste on your toothbrush. "hey girl, what are you waking me up for" her voice was groggy. "are you going to that party tonight?" you asked her.
"yeah, i was actually gonna text you and ask if you wanted to come. who told you about it?" she asked you. "eren asked me to come" you told her and you could practically hear the smirk in her voice when she said "ohhh he definitely wants you. you should definitely come then" she continued "plus you've been like mad busy lately you need to come and get a little crazy"
maybe she was right, for the last month the only places you'd been were school, home, work, and dance. maybe you could use a break.
"fine i'll come. what are you gonna wear?" "that little black jean skirt i got from nando's in janurary. and maybe that cute little black shirt. you know, the ones that make my boobs look good" she told you. "oh, tryna look good in case connie's there?" you smirked. "oh shut up, but yeah of course he's gonna be there"
lana had a little crush on connie ever since junior year when they had to do a chemistry project together. you never really knew eren's group of friends but connie was always really touchy and flirty with lana, he was definitely into her too.
"anyways, ima go. i have a shift at one and my boss is gonna wring my neck if im late again." she sighed. "okay just remember to let me know when you're on your way, love you byeee" you blew a kiss to the camera and she did the same before hanging up.
you finished washing your face before going out into the living room to find your mom and enya on the couch watching bob's burgers. "hey sleepyhead, finally decide to join society?" your mom joked. "yup" you smiled, giving enya a kiss on the cheek to which she wiped off. "rude" you rolled your eyes.
you went to the kitchen to pop half a bagel in the toaster.
you went back into the living room to join them. "mommy.." you whined. "uh oh, what do you want?" she smirked. "can i go to a party tonight.." you smiled. she deadpanned "whose?" 
"it's jean's party" you told her. "ugh the kiersten's kid? he's such a troublemaker" she scoffed. "i promise to stay out of trouble, come on you know me. plus lana's coming" you told her. you knew your mom trusted lana.
you spent five more minutes begging her to go, going in front of her to block the tv.
"ugh fine you can go. but, no alcohol, no drugs, and no boys" she pointed a stern finger at you. "yayyy thank you so much mama" you smiled, going to give her a hug.
"that's not fair i wanna go to parties" enya groaned. "you're 12, sit down" you scoffed.
you got out of the shower and decided to keep it simple with your outfit. you put on a white tube top and a pair of denim shorts that ended a little under your butt. you wore a pair of white adidas on your feet and threw on your jacket while you waited for lana to text you that she was here.
once she was, you said bye to your mom and went out into her car. "wait, lil pregame first" she handed you a pink whitney shot bottle. "how are you just driving around with this in your car? you're not scared you're gonna get pulled over?" you scoffed. "it's fine, we'll just drive a bit and throw it in some random trash can"
"ready?" she asked you as you untwisted the cover. you cheered and tapped the bottom before shooting your head back and downing the liquor. "WOOOO, okay let's go! the party's at some random airbnb" she said, putting the address in her gps.
it was about a 20 minute drive there, twenty minutes spent singing along to lana's music.
when you got to the house, lana parked her car about a minute away and you walked your way up.
connie was on the porch talking to someone when he saw you two walk up. "hey girl!" connie smiled at lana bringing her in for a hug by the waist. "what's up" he nod his head at you and you put your hand up to wave.
the three of you walked inside, there were a lot more people there than you thought would be - you wondered how the party wasn't busted yet.
playing on the speakers was 'love scars', there were solo cups and beer bottles everywhere, people dancing, some guy shirtless on a table dancing, there was a game of beer pong going, and people just scattered around the house in general.
"wait what should i do with my jacket" you asked lana. "oh you can put it upstairs in the master bedroom, that's where we're putting all our shit. nobody else is allowed in there but i'll make an exception" connie told you. not wanting to let you go alone, lana asked connie to lead the way upstairs.
you put your jacket on the bed, looking at everyone's stuff you spot the jacket eren wore sitting on the arm chair. you wondered where he was, you may have even been a little excited to see him.
"aight let's get crazy" connie said, grabbing lana's hand and heading toward the door. you followed behind them before stopping when you saw eren coming up the stairs.
you saw the smile that graced his lips when his eyes landed on you. he was wearing a black shirt with a pair of black baggy jeans. his hair was tied back in his usual low bun and he smelled like cologne and a hint weed. his eyes were low and glossed over.
"hey" eren smiled , standing incredibly close to you. you could smell his cologne and a hint of weed on him, the combination was intoxicating "hi" you looked up at his eyes.
lana gave connie a look before leading him downstairs to leave you two alone. "i'm glad you made it" "yeah, i had to beg my mom to let me come, she doesn't trust jean"
eren blew air through his nose "nah i wouldn't trust him either" he watched you for a second. his eyes trailed over your body, admiring the way your top hugged you, and the shorts that showed off your slim dancer legs. you were somehow glowing, maybe it was something you were wearing. you smelled so good, like a mix of vanilla and strawberries. your hair was coily and down a little past your shoulders. your lips were outlined and glossy, god everything about you drew him in.
"you look good" he smiled, bottom lip between his teeth. "you do too" you sized him up, arms crossing.
"you wanna go get a drink or something?" he asked you. "sure, lead the way" you grinned.
he reached down to grab your hand, leading you downstairs. your heart beat a little bit faster, this is the most you've ever touched. you liked the feeling of your hand in his hand, it was a little bigger than yours and he had a ring on his middle finger. you watched the slight vein that peeked through under the watch on his wrist.
he reached both hands back behind him to lead you and weave through the crowd to the kitchen.
there were a few people in there, pouring shots and eating snacks. "what can i get you" he turned to look at you. "nothing too strong" was all you told him. he nod his head and grabbed a bottle of pink whitney "this more your speed?" he asked. "pink whitney does not fall under the category of 'nothing too strong'" you joked. "but sure" you said and he poured it in a shot glass.
he handed it to you and watched as you downed it in a few seconds. "you want another?" he asked you. "sure" you told him as he grabbed another shot glass for himself. "we'll do this one together" he poured the drink in the glasses.
he reached out for cheers as the two of you tapped the drinks on the table before shooting them back.
jean, connie, lana and armin joined you guys in the kitchen. they were currently passing around a blunt that jean had rolled. you noticed that eren was somehow even more touchy when he was high. you were sitting on one of the island stools while he sat next to you. his hand grazed your thigh, tracing random swirls over your skin with his fingers. he would rest his hand on the small of your back, stare you straight in the face while other people were talking.
as the night went on, you met with lana again before she dragged you into the crowd of people that were dancing in the living room. you wound up drinking more than you intended, solo cup on its second refill of tequila.
recently you've felt like you've been drowning in your day to day life. maybe tonight was a chance to drown in alcohol instead, letting it take over your body and let loose.
eren sat on the kitchen island with jean and watched from the kitchen counter for glimpses of you through the crowd. he watched how you whined your waist to the song playing. it was so interesting to see you like this, you're usually so laidback, he felt like he was seeing a new side of you.
he's watched you dance before, but this was different, your movements were more carefree, wild, and almost sensual.
somehow you made your way on the coffee table and the people around you began cheering as you danced. you were twisting your body and whirling your ass around. the crowd was now chanting your name.
as much as lana wanted to indulge in the fun, she knew if you sobered up and found out you did this, you'd be pissed at her for not stopping you.
she quickly ran over to eren "can you help me get y/n. she's on the coffee table dancing like crazy. can you come take her down? she's getting a little too drunk" lana told him. eren furrowed his eyebrows before nodding his head and following her.
he shoved through everyone to get to you, grabbing your legs and holding you in his arms by your thighs, taking you to the living room.
lana turned the kitchen stools around and eren sat you down on it. "how much did you even have to drink" eren chuckled. you giggled "not a lot-"
lana cut you off "way too much" you playfully shot your middle finger at her.
"alright so no more for you, time to sober up" eren rubbed the top of your head, grabbing the water he was drinking from earlier to hold it by your mouth.
"guess princess can get a little crazy too" jean laughed. "shut up" eren rolled his eyes. "you feeling okay?" he asked, bending his head to look at you. he put his hand on your shoulder and rubbed his thumb over your skin. "yeah i'm good" you smiled at him.
while you sobered up, eren and jean started a game of beer pong. you sat at the side of the table watching the game. soon - connie, lana, armin, mikasa, and marco joined the game.
right now it was connie vs armin and eren moved off to the side. you were watching them play until you looked up and saw eren staring back at you. he was leaned against the kitchen counter with his arms crossed in front of his chest.
you weren't sure if it was the alcohol but his stare felt so intense. he didn't look away when your eyes met his, instead his lips twisted into a slight smirk that someone that wasn't staring right at him would've missed. you trained your gaze on his, waiting to see who would break first. the alcohol in your system was making you a lot bolder.
he smiled with teeth, placing his bottom lip between his lips. he nod his head towards the back door before slipping away from the group. you smiled as you watch him leave, getting the hint, but you decided to make him wait a minute or two.
you looked down at your phone to see a "you coming?" text from him. you tapped on lana's shoulder to tell her you'd be right back and she nod her head, telling you to be careful. you opened the door to the back patio - there were plants, a couch with a coffee table in front of it, and string lights decorating it. you were surprised no one was out here, it was so pretty.
it was a little cold but you braved it.
eren was sitting on the couch and smiled when he saw you come out. he had a joint in his hand and he was laid back in a manspread position. "you smoke?" you asked him. "nah, not often. you?" he took an inhale off it, blowing the smoke out through his mouth. "no, i never have" you admitted. "do you want to?" you nod your head "sure" and walked over to join him on the couch.
you sat next to him wrapping one leg under the other and leaning against the cushion.
eren moved closer and turned to face you put the blunt in front of you and instructed you on how to properly inhale it. "you ready?" his voice was low and his hand was held in front of your mouth, eyes not leaving yours. you nod your head and you wrapped your lips around it, trying to follow what he told you.
you felt the smoke go straight to the back of your throat and immediately coughed. you bent forward coughing as eren pat your back. you could hear him laughing though, "you okay?" he asked once you were done. "yeah" your voice was shaking. "wait lemme do it again" you reached for it. "are you sure" he chuckled. you nod your head and he gave it to you, throwing his arm around the back of the couch behind you.
once you were comfortable, you sat there for a while just talking and passing it to each other. you could feel yourself getting a little high, or at least what you thought it felt like. eren's arm that was around the couch was now blatantly on your shoulder, his thumb rubbing circles across it. the tension between you two could be cut with a knife, his low red eyes never leaving yours unless it was to look down at your lips.
you were now aware of how close you were sitting - your leg was laying against his, the other still underneath you, knee rubbing his thigh. his arm was basically around you and you were so close you could almost feel when he exhaled.
you weren't sure who leaned in first, all you knew was your lips were on his. he leaned over to put the blunt on the little tray in front of him. your lips pecked against each other until his hand behind you came to hold the side of your face, pressing his body against yours.
you put your leg across his lap and his hand came down to hold your inner thigh, just below your shorts. the kiss went from soft to sloppy and needy. you placed your hand at the side of his neck, pulling him closer. his tongue slid into your mouth and you jumped a little, pulling away. you looked back at him and he only stared back at you, eyes needy like if he doesn't kiss you again he'd starve.
you pressed your lips back against his and his hand on your thigh rose higher, almost touching your crotch. just as he did that, lana came through the door. you pushed yourself off him and jumped to your feet.
"oh! sorry to interrupt" she smirked. "but y/n we have to go now! my mom just called to ask where we were" she told you, tossing your jacket at tou. "o-okay i'll be right behind you" you said as she turned around to leave.
"um well i've gotta go now" you told him, all of a sudden feeling awkward. "damn okay then, i'll try not to miss you too much" he smirked. "yeah yeah, bye" before you walked away though, he grabbed your arm to spin you around. he held your waist and pulled you into another kiss.
"y/n let's go!" lana yelled from in the house. "bye"  you giggled. "bye" he smiled at you. you turned to leave before bumping your hip into the table. you rubbed the spot and awkwardly smiled and waved at him as you turned to leave.
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wandussyfantasy · 1 year
First Date
Summary: You ask Wanda on a real date this time. A part 2 of Movie Night. And 1/3 requests from @lesbianpizza!! Thank you again for the requests!!
Request: Wanda and Y/n go on a date to a restaurant but they’re so insatiable (and at this point I think it’s confirmed that Wanda is that girl) that R starts fingering her under the table and she’s rubbing them through their pants. They end up having to leave in the middle of their meal to get their hands on each other properly
Pairings: Wanda x NB!AMAB!Reader
Word Count: 4,290
smut, gn!reader amab, powerbottom!wanda, fingering, dirty talk, fluff, masturbation, public touching, fantasies, teasing, and creampie.
“Hey, uh,” you clear your throat nervously, “hey, Wanda.” You call her attention. You are hosting your friends over for an impromptu pool party since your parents went out of town for the weekend. You haven’t been alone with Wanda in the past couple of weeks since you took her virginity. She told you the morning after that you have to make the next move. As an overthinker, you weren’t sure what that next move should be. Plus it didn't help that this is the first time you’ve been available in two weeks. There was an important project at work and your father was over working everyone to get it done in time for the expo this weekend. 
The only contact you had with Wanda was a text here and there and whatever memes and funny videos she would send you the links to. Beyond that, you haven’t had a chance to make a move or talk about what you see in the near future for your relationship. You thought about inviting only her over and then asking her out in person. Only problem was that every time you typed out the message you thought of a reason not to send it. Then you thought about going over to her house with flowers and chocolates and asking her out that way. But that didn’t feel right either. 
While you were working yourself up to text her, you got a new notification of another link from her. It was one of those trends of friends jumping into a pool to a song and you laughed and asked if she wanted to come over for a swim. Not realizing it was the group chat and everyone was more than happy to come over. You didn’t know how to tell them not to, so you let it be and figured this would be the best way to ask her. 
Unfortunately that left zero time for the two of you to be alone. Any chance you got to talk to her was ruined by a number of friends. Especially her twin brother, Pietro. The two of you have been friends a little longer than you and Wanda but not as close. He is protective of her and he’s aware of her crush on you. He’s also aware of your rocky dating history and he’d rather not have his sister on that long list of ex lovers. So when he catches the two of you standing a little too close for his liking, he takes the opportunity to intervene. 
You find it weird that he makes his way into every conversation you fail to start but you don't think much about it. You're just grateful to be given more time to find the words to ask Wanda out. You hate how hard this task has been so far. You and Wanda used to hang out and talk about anything and everything without any awkwardness. But this added pressure to treat her as special as she deserves to be and not really knowing how to do that has become draining. 
Then the perfect opportunity arises when the two of you are putting together lunch for everyone. This time the group of friends are distracted with an intense game of pool volleyball. Wanda hums in acknowledgement as she chops vegetables.“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” You finally ask. 
“Sure,” she answers simply as she keeps her focus on the vegetables, “there's this movie I've been dying to show you while you've been busy. I know, I know, it kind of goes against the whole-” 
“Wanda,” you interrupt her. “That's not what I meant. I um,” you bite your lip as you consider your next words carefully. You move from the kitchen island where you were preparing the meat for the burgers and make your way over to the counter where she is. “I meant like you and me, we get dressed up and go to a nice restaurant and share a meal…” you stop in front of her and lean on the counter. “I pick you up instead of us meeting there. We talk, we flirt, maybe I even get to kiss you at the end of the night.” You describe what you want to do with her instead of simply stating the simple word of what it is. 
Wanda drops the knife as she tries to contain her excitement. She wants to jump up and down and scream her answer over and over but the intense look you are giving her reminds her of the night the two of you slept together and she knows now is not the time for that. “Ah so you're asking me out on a date?” She asks to clarify as butterflies flutter around in her stomach. 
“Yes, I'm asking you on a proper date,” you confirm as you play with a strand of her wet hair.
“Okay,” she says in a sweet tone. “My answer is still yes. But um, Y/n, we've already slept together. You can do more than end the night with a kiss,” she leans against your body and whispers in your ear. “I have been craving your cock for two weeks.” 
You gulp as you clench your hand into a fist and imagine the worst thing you can so you don't get an erection. “Well then um,” you clear your throat and step back as you get flustered. There are too many people here waiting for food. “I will um… we'll see where the night takes us.” You feel the twitching in your dick as it remembers being inside of Wanda without any barriers and it gets excited at the idea of it happening again. “I um, I need to use the restroom. Uh have Peter start the grill will you? Thanks.” 
Wanda laughs to herself with a shake of her head as you slip out of the kitchen. You make your way to the restroom in your bedroom as your boner stands at attention. “Shit!” As much as you try, your thoughts aren't enough to get rid of it. So you grab the old pornographic magazine you kept hidden in the bathroom and lube up your hand with the sensation lube you keep to make yourself sensitive. Times like these didn't matter how long you lasted, you just needed to get rid of the thing.
You start stroking your cock to the naked image of some random woman but it does nothing for you. So you slam the magazine shut and toss it in the trash bin. This was no use to you now. You've been with the girl or your dreams and it was better than anything you could have ever imagined. You shut your eyes as you recall that night. The surprise hand job and the surprise blow job that followed. Oh how good her mouth felt on your cock. You pump your hand harder as you remember kissing her for the first time and having your tongue inside of her. Oh the way she tastes. You're craving it now. You remember trying to keep her quiet and there was an element of the secrecy that brought you closer to the edge. 
You remember how tight she felt as you entered her for the first time and you squeeze your cock just enough to mimic the feeling but there was no fooling your body. This is your hand and not Wanda's pussy. Then a new image pops in your hand. A fantasy that you wish to see happen. 
Wanda knocks on the bathroom door to startle you before she walks in. She giggles as you hold your chest with your cock hanging out of your swim shorts. “You look like you need a hand with that.” She says as she gets on her knees. She replaced your hand with her soft delicate hands. That alone brings you closer. She strokes your cock for a moment before she takes you in her mouth. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the feeling of her lips sucking on your cock. 
“Wanda, I'm close,” you gasp out as she continues to suck on you. 
Wanda pulls off and looks at you with her big green eyes that have darkened with desire. “Good, I want to taste your cum.” She says and puts her mouth on you again. 
As you cum in the fantasy, you cum inside of your toilet in real life. “Oh fuck,” you say as you catch your breath. “I am in trouble,” you mutter to yourself as you clean up. You return to your friends and stay away from Wanda as much as possible. She made it impossible to stay soft in her light orange two piece bathing suit.
Later that evening, you're in a nice suite and tie. Your hair is still a little damp from your shower. A very cold shower at that. Not that your dick minded. On the bright side, after cumming three times already today, you're hoping you'll last longer for Wanda. That is, if things go that far tonight. As you get out of the car to make your way up to the front steps, Wanda comes running out of her house in an oversized sweatshirt, that you're pretty sure is yours, and sweatpants with an overnight bag. “Oh, I was just coming up to-”
“No need, my parents think you're giving me a ride to Carol’s slumber party,” Wanda pushes you back into your car and climbs in, throwing her stuff in the back seat. “Drive carefully, I couldn't leave the house with makeup on.” Wanda pulls her makeup bag out of her middle pocket. 
“You wear makeup?” You ask as you pull out of the driveway.
“Shut up, it’s a special occasion,” she says while she applies the makeup. As you drive to the restaurant, you warn her when there's a bump or when you're about to make a turn. 
As you get closer to the destination you ask, “Do you need me to pull over anywhere so that you can change? I mean you look hot as you are but I don't think the restaurant will let you in.” 
Wanda sits back in her seat with a satisfied smile at the work she did. “Don’t worry, I have my dress on underneath.” 
“No way, you're wearing a dress too?” You ask with wide eyes. “Wow, you really like me.” 
Wanda rolls her eyes, but when you park the car and look at her she softens and smiles. “Yeah, I do,” she leans over the console and kisses your cheek. Leaving a stamp from her big red lips. She giggles as she grabs one of her makeup wipes to clean it off. “But don't get used to all of this getting dressed up business. Especially not when all I want is for you to take it all off anyway.”
You are a little intimidated by how direct Wanda is. The shy girl you once knew is no longer in the body of this confident woman. You're impressed by her change but a little embarrassed that you didn't notice it sooner. You knew Wanda to be the one who takes it slow. She and Vision dated for years and yet you're the one who took her virginity. Not him. 
She was someone who loves romcoms and expects the roses and chocolates and the grand gestures and the romantic dates. At least, you thought she was. With how she was acting tonight, you wonder how she stayed a virgin so long. 
“Let’s get inside before I can't control myself,” you say. “Wouldn’t want to put your hard work to waste.” You get out of the car before she can say something to convince you otherwise. You go to open her door and while you walk, she is taking off the lounge wear so that when she steps out she can surprise you. 
Wanda steps out slowly, teasing you with the sight of her bare leg first. You're speechless when she reveals her entire look for the evening. Her hair falls nicely with her dark loose waves with red lips and light makeup that leaves her still looking natural. The dress is red and stops just below her knees with a small slit at her thigh, it's not a tight dress but it still clings to the right places giving her body a great shape. And to complete the look she is wearing black heels. “Close your mouth, you'll catch flies,” she pats you on the cheek and you shut your mouth, unaware of when it dropped open in the first place. 
“You always look good, but wow,” you compliment as you follow her through the parking lot. Wanda is strutting her way to the building and you're looking like a drooling puppy dog behind her. 
As the two of you are looking through the menu to order, things heat up as the two of you sit close together in the dimly lit booth. “I think I might order something light. I'm not sure I want to stuff myself with food tonight,” she says conversationally as she drops the menu on the table. Wanda places her hand on your thigh, “It's always best to save room for dessert.”
You swallow as your entire body reacts to her touch. “Yeah, I'm not in the mood for a lot of food either.” You lean in close and whisper, “I’ve got a craving for something off the menu.” You slip your fingers under her dress to caress her bare thigh. Wanda has been very clear about what she is okay with this evening and it relieves you from feeling like you have to try so hard. 
By the time the waiter leaves with your orders, your cock is swelling up with arousal from Wanda rubbing you through your pants and your fingers are teasing her through her underwear. “I've been practicing what you showed me last time and,” she gasps as you move her panties to the side.“Ooh, the only thing that gets me off is the thought of being with you again.”
You hum as you move to kiss her neck but don't put your lips on her. Instead you whisper, “Oh yeah? Do you have any fantasies that you want to share with me?” 
Wanda smiles, “It’s been weeks,” she bites her lip as you dip your fingers in her, “I have many.” She tries to pull your zipper down but you stop her by removing your fingers. 
“Uh-uh uh. Not here,” you tell her. “Through the pants is just fine. And a lot less illegal,” you joke. You kiss her cute pouting lips and she breaks into a smile. It's so natural between the two of you. 
An attractive waitress stops by to deliver the drinks the two of you ordered. You grin as you thank her and Wanda clenches her jaws to hide her jealousy until you slip your fingers back inside of her pussy. Your way of letting her know that she holds your full attention. You continue to pump your fingers in her at a steady pace. Her slippery walls constrict around your fingers every so often. The two of you try to present as normal and have a casual conversation when your meals arrive. 
“Can I ask you something?” You press on her clitoris causing her to gasp out a yes for an answer. “Why are you lying to your parents about where you are tonight? They know me, they know we're friends.”
Wanda wiggles on your fingers as you continue to fuck her. “I don't want the pressure on us. Whatever we're doing. They'll ruin it. My dad approves of you and my mom has been… oooh… she's been telling me to ask you out before I even realized how I f-feel about you… oh that's good.” She stumbles on her words as you continue to pleasure her with your fingers. 
“Ah, so I'm guessing you haven't told the girls about what happened last time either?”
Wanda shakes her head, “No, no, I want it to be just us until… oh my god… until we're ready. They think you… ugh… turned me down and said we're better off friends.” 
You nod as you understand her reasoning. Romance is not dead, if you keep it just yours. “Okay, I can agree to that. Especially since I don't want your brother to kill me and-” 
Wanda squeezes your bicep, “Baby, please can we not talk about my family when you're… ohh.. doing that to me.” 
“Right, and giving me a handjob in front of my family is acceptable,” you retort as you rub her clitoris again. 
“Oh please, you thought it was hot,” she shoots back as she squeezes your cock, you almost let out a groan. 
“Fair enough,” you take a few big bites of your food and nudge Wanda to start eating. She asks you what's up and you pull your fingers out of her. “I’m trying to at least buy you a meal before we go back to my house. So please, eat something or else I'll feel bad for keeping you up all night.”
Wanda perks up at the mention, “All night huh? You could barely last a few minutes the first time.” 
You smirk as you lean in close and whisper, “I already came three times today thinking about you.” You lean back and speak in a normal tone. “I hadn't done that in a while before you surprised me. Plus I'd never done that without protection, the moment you decided to do that it was over for me.”
Wanda tilts her head, “At least I was your first at something.” 
You hum and point to her plate with your fork. “Eat.”
“Okay, okay, I'm eating,” Wanda takes a few bites but the food isn't appetizing. No. She is craving something only you can give her. She watches you as you eat. Something that a few years ago disturbed her because you used to chew with your mouth open to annoy her. This time, you're clean with no desire to annoy her, only the desire to get out of this restaurant and fill her with something other than food. 
“I’m not hungry anymore,” you say as you drop your utensil and look at her. Wanda smiles and says that she isn't either. You flag down the waiter to pay for the check and leave. Back in the car, Wanda is quick to grab your bulge and try to pull your zipper down. “Can I drive us back to my house first?” You ask in a light laugh.
“Alright,” she sighs, removing her hand from your pants. When you get to the house, the two of you waste no time running to your bedroom. Thankfully you can be as loud as you want with your parents away. You shut and lock the bedroom door and bring Wanda into a passionate kiss. Staining your lips with her red lipstick. You don't mind one bit. “Finally,” she breathes out as she starts to pull on your clothes. 
“I’m sorry I took so long,” you go in for another kiss and she catches your face with her hands, holding you close. You grab her by the waist and guide her to the bed. You sit on the side of it with her still standing. “I was trying to be everything you wished for,” you say as you continue to kiss her red lips. 
Wanda puts her hands on your chest to stop you  and breaks the kiss. “Y/n,” her light laugh causes your heart to flutter along with the bright way she says your name. “You don't have to try, just be you. That's enough for me.” She gives you a light kiss on your nose and you smile up at her. Your heart tightens at her words. You had no idea that you needed to hear them but it means the world that she said them. 
“I… gosh I don't know what to say to that,” you admit as you're at a loss for words. 
“Don’t say anything, just,” Wanda climbs on your lap to straddle you. “Show me how you feel.” 
“Okay,” you nod and start to kiss her again. You start with her lips then you move to her neck, down to her collar bone, finally you arrive at her chest. Instead of reaching behind her to unzip the dress, you lower the strap on her shoulder and place a few kisses there. You raise your eyebrows when you notice that she doesn't have a bra on and you pull her breast over the dress and put your mouth over her nipple. You lick circles around her nipple and suck on her breast then you bring the other one out of the dress and give that breast the same attention. 
Wanda has her hands in your hair as she learns about this new sensation. Her pussy starts squeezing and making her hips move involuntarily and she knows that her body is craving so much more. She rubs herself on your bulge in hopes that will give you the hint to move this along. She has weeks of pent up sexual tension that was controlling her actions right now. Forget weeks. It was years worth. She's impressed with how well you've contained yourself all evening. 
“I need you,” she whispers as she massages your scalp. You remove your mouth from her chest and look up into her eyes of desire. “Please,” she begs, “I’ve been patient all night.” 
This makes you chuckle as you shake your head, “No you haven't.” 
She breaks into a sweet smile, “Okay, maybe not tonight but I have been waiting weeks for you to make the next move.”
“Okay, that's fair,” you gently bring her face down to yours for a kiss that she is eager to return. She moves her hips on your crotch again, making your dick as impatient as Wanda is. “Let me lay you down,” you say against her lips as her hands travel down your body and try to pull on your zipper. 
“No, I’m okay right here,” she pulls your hard cock out and strokes you underneath her. 
“At,” you struggle with breathing between the kissing and the hand job, “At least let me grab a condom.”
Wanda giggles as she pulls her underwear aside and teases the tip of your penis with her dripping entrance. “I already told you not to worry about that,” she reminds you as she slowly sinks down onto you. 
Your groans fill the room as you enjoy every sensation being sent through you from her tight warm walls. Nothing in the world felt better than this right now. “You are so awesome,” you compliment awkwardly. 
Wanda giggles, “Shut up,” she kisses you in order to keep your mouth busy. She has a tight grip on your shoulders as she rides you. As she picks up a faster pace, she stops kissing you and tips her head to the ceiling. Her breasts bounce in your face as she does. You can hardly handle the view. You don't know how you got so lucky. To show how much you appreciate her, you start kissing her exposed body. Letting her know the things you don't know how to put into words yet. Your hands claw at her dress to pull it further down her torso.
The next position Wanda wants to try is with her on all fours and you thrusting into her from behind. The two of you take your clothes off as you move around the bed to get in the position. This one has you doing all of the work now. You don't mind it at all. You reach underneath her to rub her clitoris and it causes her to release a noise you hadn't heard from her before. It encourages you to do more. 
You start thrusting into Wanda a little harder than before and she lets you know that she likes it. You hold her beautiful ass with your hands as you start to pound into her aching pussy. “Fuck!” you say as her walls tighten around your cock as she experiences an orgasm. Neither of you knew that she was so close. It was a surprise to her as much as it was to you. It causes Wanda's arms to go weak and she collapses her face into the pillow underneath her. You pull out of her to check on her. “Are you okay?” You nudge her shoulder softly. 
Wanda turns on her side and smiles at you. “Yeah, I um, didn't expect that but, oh it was so good.” She lays on her back and reaches for you to come closer to her. When you do, she whispers in your ear, “I want you to fill me with your cum again.” You nod and your dick twitches with excitement as you slip back inside of her slippery walls. You continue to fuck her in the missionary position, kissing her on the lips every so often until you feel it happening. Cum shoots out of your cock, filling the girl of your dreams up. 
When it's over, the two of you hold each other for a moment. Taking the time to appreciate the fact that this hasn't complicated your relationship the ways you've always feared. “I love you, Wanda,” you admit softly. 
She sits up and gazes into your eyes, she wasn't ready to return those words but she did appreciate hearing them. So, instead of a verbal response, she kisses you and that is enough for you, for now. 
The End.
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moonlight-sonata99 · 1 year
Walk the line
Trigger warnings: domestic fights,talk about addiction, suicide mentions. Loss. Alot of cussing.
Carmy Berzatto x reader
A/n: I love carmy bro - but yea, this is uh..a passion project, honestly. I haven't wrote in a hot minute. But..I feel confident. Btw. This story will focus alot on addiction, not the Reader specifically, though. But her dad.
Slow burn/angst/comedy
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The sounds of furniture falling and glass breaking behind the door as it Slams open and her face is red and her chest rises up and down quickly as the man behind her on the floor his cheek red from the hit he received from his daughter as his wife stands beside shocked, unable to move the only sound was them getting their stuff and leaving before making their way out the door they looks back and points their finger at the man who's cheeks are red his left a bit bloody
"Dont fucking talk to me unless you've been sober for a year. you hear me?" They breathe out as their mom calls out to them as they turn their back to their parents and rush away. Only leaving the cries of their mother and their father left on the floor as the sound of the ambulance gets closer and closer. 
That was a while ago.
Since then, i think i've done well. Maybe. Got a job at some restaurant,the boss is cool. The coolest boss I might have had Honestly. Micheal Berzatto, AKA… Mikey, I've known him about… maybe a few months now? It's been a while since I've been "away" from home, anyways yea. Been working at this cool joint called the beef. Everyone feels like one big friend group. Yeah, it's really nice. I got a nice apartment, too. Well, " nice" is better than any other house that deadbeat ever got us.
 Anyways, yeah. I hope you've been well ma. I sent you money with this. Don't try to send it back. And don't let that asshole see you with it.
I'm doing good, So don't worry.
With much love. 
"Hey,speaking of assholes, what's the big deal with this brother?" You ask, looking down at the piece of onion you were cutting as mikey cooked behind you. 
"Asshole? Ooh you mean my brother carmy? " He replies, keeping his gaze on the meat. 
"Well there's a lot to say about him " he breathes out but a smile can obviously be detected in his voice 
"Well then tell me about him genius" 
"hes not your type " Tina chimes in as the rest laugh,
"Thats not- Okay, maybe that's why i asked. But if you really say so, " you reply, shrugging and putting the knife down and leaving the onions to grilI as - you turned to look at him. But he kept his back to you as he began to speak.
"no yeah- Carm… little brother Carmen. he's a chef in some fancy restaurant, nice right? " He admitted, watching the knife gliding through the meat smoothly.
"for real?" you gasped out looking at his back,
"for fucking real."
Remembering when that had happened. Mikey had a smile on his face when he spoke about his brother. Later on, you learned the two weren't on speaking terms. A part of you cursed yourself out of even having the gall to ask about a slightly  sensitive topic, but another part of yourself felt...good to know at least he didn't hate his brother, Who'd want to hate their own siblings? 
You knew better than to intervene.
It was february 21st, as you gathered your sweater, in the corner of your eye, you noticed Michael sitting in his office looking at a small white envelope. 
"Hey, mikey," you guy, as you knocked lightly before entering his office, and he looked up his eyes, meeting yours.
" hey- " he coughed  " hey whats up? " he said, rubbing his nose with the tips of his fingers. 
" I should be asking you that '' you reply, putting on your bag.' You okay ? You've been… out of it these past few days. '' You say, tilting your head slightly.
"Im good" he mumbles out his hand over his mouth as he nods. 
" Okay … if you ever need anything, just call me. Okay?" 
" Gotcha," he says as you nod and make your way outside.
"hey uh be careful " he yells out as you heal out the door and the leans against his office door frame as you turn your head back to look at him.
" Yeah you too mikey" 
Hey ma, me again. It's been a hot  minute since I sent you a message. in terms of like… talking. i just wanted to check up on you. Make sure everything is okay, y'know? i'll be honest. I haven't been doing so well. if were being honest…  I lost a friend. a good friend. Mikey, he Uh… Comitted  suicide. and i don't know how to feel. Well,I feel sad. I spent… all week crying. 
Yea i have brothers, but Mikey felt like the brother I never had.
due to moving so much as a kid, i didn't have any friends.
no girlfriends, boyfriends.
i didn't want any if i'm honest.
but Mikey changed that.In terms of friendship I mean.
i remember when i first met him, i was about to blow him off because he was pestering me about his  restaurant. i mean, i was working for Petes sake. But he was loud,
and i gave in.
after that he let me into his family, albeit made of people working in a restaurant.
you know that thing when Companies say their employees are family and it's usually bullshit??
Yea,Mikey always meant that shit. 
Ritchie told me his brothers were coming to take over. I'm not sure how to feel about it . The asshole didn't even come his funeral. Anyway, yeah, that what has been up with me. Sorry for suddenly dumping all of this on you.
i lost a good friend. 
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A/n: I really like writing for this series, honestly. Please tell me if you guys want more :]
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mixvyu · 1 year
Parfum d’étoile - episode three
scaramouche x reader smau
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previous | masterlist | next
Fast forward saturday :
You ran to the library, checking your phone every five seconds hoping that time would magically go backward and that you wouldn’t be late anymore (it sadly did not happen)
You rushed into the building and frantically looked around for the table that kazuha said he’d be waiting at. And when you spotted said table you were horrified to see that all four boys were seated with their laptops and notebooks open which mean that you would be the last one to arrive and would draw unnecessary attention.
The worst thing ever would be to have them annoyed at you and the thought of people not liking you made you sick.
You decided that eyeing the table from afar and overthinking would not result into anything good so you ended up swallowing your concerns and walking up to them .
"Hey! I’m sorry I’m a bit late"
"A bit?" Scaramouche scoffed and kazuha elbowed him in response "it’s okay we were just brainstorming ideas" the white and scarlet haired boy said with a smile
All the two other guys did was nod in response.
As if arriving late and making them have a bad impression of you wasn’t enough, the only available seat was next to Scaramouche.
You sat down reluctantly and opened your computer and notebook.
"Since there’s five chapters we should probably juste five different parts and every one get one. It’d be easier to work like that" Albedo said, not lifting his eyes from his macbook screen even once.
"Yeah but then that wouldn’t be a group project would it ? If everyone does their own thing without consulting the others then it’s more of a solo project" Heizou said, looking at the blonde who was still typing away.
You could see Scaramouche and Kazuha beside you, nodding along to the conversation while on their phone chatting with each other. If you got a little closer you could almost make up what their were typing
But the thought of them maybe discussing you for one reason or another had you freezing on the spot.
Kazuha suddenly shut his phone down and looked up
"Maybe we can divide ourselves into small groups, so it’d still be a group project but it would also be easier to manage!" He said enthusiastically. Scaramouche let out a groan at his friend’s words but Kazuha ignored him and continued "we could have two groups of two and albedo can work alone if he wants"
"Sound good to me" Albedo said as he looked up from his laptop for the first time in minutes
"So me and you and heizou and Y/N?" Scaramouche asked, eyes sparkly at the fact that he did not have to do this with other people
"Uh maybe you should work with Y/N and i’ll work with Heizou instead"
"What…? Why would i want to work with…" he gave you a dirty look before finishing his sentence "…that?"
You clutched onto your notebook at his words
"Kuni don’t be a dick"
"What? I’m just being honest she isn’t even-"
You got up violently before he could finish his sentence : you didn’t want to hear it. At all.
The guys in your group flinched and stared at you in shock and surprise and so did some people close to your table.
"Sorry it’s getting late, i need to go home i have homework for monday. See you around!"
"What was the point of coming in the first place" the purple haired guy added, still eyeing you up and down
You gathered your things quickly but, before you could walk out, you felt a warm hand softly grabbing your wrist
"Wait let me walk you home" the poet said with a soft smile and pity in his eyes
"I’m really sorry about him. He doesn’t mean to be that condescending he’s just really stupid"
You snorted "Yeah. Yeah… I just… I don’t know why he hates me"
"He doesn’t hate you!" Kazuha answered almost immediately "He doesn’t hate you." He said again, with a calmer tone this time.
You finally looked up from the ground and gave kazuha a small smile
A comfortable silence installed itself for a few minutes before kazuha broke it once again
"You don’t really have to go home, do you?"
"No, i just wanted out"
"So since we both have free time, do you want to go grab a cup of coffee? There’s this really nice french café called Le club close-by : they have the best pastries ever, you have to try them"
"Yeah! That’d be a pleasure!"
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The guys actually didn’t care about Y/N arriving late at all she jst overthinks a lot (she’s jst like me fr)
Kazuha is so boyfriend i need to make another smau abt him
The café is actually a real french café that’s not far from my school, it’s soooo good but also super expensive, it’s like 3.50€ for a muffin wtf
★彡 Taglist! [open] :
@gekkow @aemiko @veekoko @kichiyoshi @scaramouchelover4ever @sukunasrealgf @lxkeeeee @kunisblog @yukiipc @brfrtbrt @simpforsubmissivemen @featuredtofu
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hiii<3 would you mind writing a george x best friend reader where she is just like so in love with him but she knows he'll never feel the same way and she doesnt want to ruin the friendship so she starts trying to distance herself from him which makes him mad because doesnt understand why she is pulling away but like one night she over hears him and his friends talking about another girl and reader gets upset and like runs out of the room and george gets really worried about her and he follows her and he like finds her crying and she like angry at him and angry at herself for waiting to long to say anything and like during the argument it gets out that reader is in love with him and as it turns out george is in love with her too and they like have a really cute kiss
Thank you for such a lovely request.💕 I got a little carried away, and it turned out quite a bit longer than expected.
George worried that he'd said or did something wrong. His best friend had barely spoken to him in three weeks. At first, he wrote it off to her being busy with a big group project in Herbology. Similar things had happened before, and as soon as the assignment was finished, she'd be right back by his side. But that didn't happen this time. It'd been a week since things had wrapped up, and she still kept her distance. So, when he spotted her walking alone, he jumped on the opportunity to talk to her.
"Hey, Y/N!" George raced toward her, trying to act like everything was normal. "Me, Fred and Lee are going down to the Black Lake to work on some inventions, and I'd love your input." He reached to throw his arm around her shoulders as he always did, but she pulled away, causing a confused look to cross George's face.
"No. I-uh‐-I don't feel like it right now," she responded, starting to turn away.
His confusion immediately shifted to concern.
"Are you feeling ok, love? Is one of your migraines coming on?" He asked. She did look a little pale.
"No, no. I'm just I'm really tired. I didn't sleep well last night," she said.
"Oh, well, if that's all it is, I'll grab a blanket, and you can just doze in the sun if you want. I know how much you love doing that." George grinned, stepping toward her again.
But again, she pulled away. "I said, no!" Y/N snapped.
George froze. "Wh-what's wrong?"
"Nothing. Everything's fine," she mumbled, looking away.
"I don't believe that, Y/N. You're my best friend, and I know when something's wrong. Just tell me what's going on and maybe I can help." George replied. "You used to talk to me. Tell me things. Now, you barely acknowledge my existence. Have I done something? If I have, please just tell me so I can fix it."
Y/N couldn't bring herself to look him in the eyes. It was torture enough to hear the hurt in his voice. She shook her head, swallowing the massive lump in her throat. "I just need to relax for a bit, and I can't do that with you three yammering non-stop."
"Oh. Right. Ok." George shuffled his feet, his eyes darting down for a moment, then back to her. She still wouldn't look at him. Why wouldn't she look at him? "Well, we could go back to my dorm room instead," he offered. "Maybe put on some music and just hang out, yeah? Like we used to do. You don't have to talk if you're not up for it. You can just nap or whatever."
Y/N's tears threatened to spill over. She couldn't let him see her cry, so she yelled instead. "No, George! Don't you get it?! I want to be alone! Just me by myself, without you!"
He flinched and took a step back. "I--Y/N," he began, but she cut him off.
"Look, George, I'm sorry," she rasped. "But I just need to be alone right now." And with that, she turned and sprinted down the hall before he could say another word.
Y/N fell across her bed, no longer able to hold back the flood. She'd stupidly let herself fall in love with her best friend, and it was killing her every day being around him, knowing that he would never love her in the same way she loved him. Knowing that, eventually, some other girl would catch his eye, and Y/N wasn't sure she could pretend to be happy for him.
But neither could she couldn't bring herself to walk away from their friendship. Just the thought of losing George as a friend sent ripples of agony through her. The whole, damned situation was ripping her apart. That's why she'd tried to distance herself, just for a little while, hoping it would cool her feelings for him, but it didn’t. It only made them stronger.
And now, she'd done the very things she'd tried so hard to avoid. She'd hurt George and perhaps damaged their friendship in the process. 'Godric, I'm such a fucking idiot. Maybe this is what I deserve. Maybe I deserve to lose George.'
George barely slept that night, the aching emptiness of his broken heart eating him alive. For the life of him, he couldn't figure out how things had gone so horribly wrong. The only answer he could come up with was that Y/N had suddenly decided she hated him.
The deeper that thought dug into his brain, the more his heartbreak turned into anger. 'How could she do this? How could she just throw away five years of friendship like it was nothing? Was it nothing to her? Was I just a friend of convenience until someone better came along?' Hot, angry tears streamed down his cheeks as he realized the girl he loved more than anything in the world didn't give a shit about him. 'Fine. If she can hate me so much, then I can hate her right back.'
After a restless night of fitful dreams, Y/N entered the Great Hall determined to apologize to George and try to salvage what she could of their friendship. She made her way to his usual spot, where he was chatting with Fred and Lee, to find one glaring change. Her spot next to George was occupied by a second year who was obsessed with the notorious pranksters.
"Hey, George," she greeted.
No response.
"George," she said a little louder.
Still nothing.
Reaching out, she placed her hand on his shoulder. He whirled around, shaking it off. The look in his eyes made her take a step back. "What?" He demanded.
"I was, uh, just wondering if you, um, had a minute to talk." Y/N stammered.
"No, I actually don't have time to talk to you," he snapped.
He may as well have driven a knife through her heart. "Oh. Um. Maybe later, then?"
"I don't know. I'm really busy today, and I don't have time for mindless yammering," he said, twisting the knife deeper.
"Oh, uh, ok. If you have some free time later, you know where to find me."
"Yeah, whatever," he mumbled before turning his back to her.
Y/N wiped at the tears she couldn't hold back, then turned and fled the Great Hall.
George dared a glance in her direction, his eyes blurring over as she disappeared out the door.
Two weeks had passed since the incident in the Great Hall. Y/N had tried in vain to talk to George a couple more times but eventually resigned herself to defeat. Heartbroken and depressed she withdrew into herself, only coming out of her room for classes and meals.
"We never see you anymore," Hermione coaxed.
"Yeah, we miss you," Ginny added. "Just come down to the common room for a little while."
"I don't know," Y/N sighed. "It's just really hard seeing George right now."
"George is an idiot," Ginny said. "But he'll come around, just give him time."
Y/N shrugged. "Maybe."
"He wasn't even out there when we came up," Hermione informed her. "He and Fred are cooking up some new invention. They barely come out of their room anymore."
Y/N pursed her lips, looking from Ginny to Hermione and back again. "Ok, just for a little while."
George almost turned back around when he saw Y/N sitting by the fire. It had taken Fred the better part of an hour to convince him to emerge from his self-induced isolation. Despite his tough guy exterior, George was barely holding himself together. Every time he saw her, he died a little inside, knowing that she was lost to him forever.
Fred knew without even looking at his twin that George was ready to bolt. "Nope, mate. You’re not running away again. You've got to learn to co-exist with her." With a heavy sigh, the younger twin nodded and followed his brother out into the crowded common room, flopping down on the floor a few feet away from his former best friend.
Who, by the way, would not see him upset.
So he proceeded to talk and laugh loudly, to let Y/N know that he wasn't hurting at all. Life was great, thank you very much. Then, when the conversation switched to girls, he got even louder. "OH MY GOD SHE IS SO FUCKING HOT! I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT ASKING HER OUT FOR MONTHS."
George turned his head just a hair, unable to resist a quick look at Y/N's expression. But instead of gaining a moment of smug satisfaction, remorse punched him square in the gut. Two weeks of anger and petty spite melted away the instant he hears a sob. It was a sob he knew very well. Followed by Y/N racing past him and out the door, tears pouring down her face.
Without a second thought, he's running after her, calling her name.
Y/N didn't stop, instead running even faster, trying to put as much distance between herself and George. But, she should've known better. His legs were twice as long as hers, and it wasn't long before she felt his hand on her shoulder.
"Please stop, Y/N." George was scarcely out of breath while Y/N struggled to find hers.
When she didn't shrug his hand away, he moved to stand in front of her. "Look at me, please," he said softly. Y/N lifted her head, her eyes bloodshot, and her sad face was red and wet with tears. George wanted to pull her into his arms and tell her everything would be alright, but he knew she'd just push him away again.
"Talk to me," he began. "Why do you suddenly hate me?"
Y/N sniffled and wiped her nose on her sleeve. "I don't hate you, George." Her voice was rough and raw from all the crying she'd done. "It's just..." she threw her hands in the air, a bitter laugh escaping her lips.
"What, Y/N? What is it? What have I done?"
"Nothing," she said, rolling her eyes. "Not a damned thing, and that's the problem."
George's eyebrows scrunched together. "I don't understand."
"No, of course you wouldn't!" Her voice began to rise with every word. "You just bounce around all day completely oblivious to anything going on around you! To anything going on with me!" By now, her shouts were echoing down the hall, attracting the attention of a few wandering students. "You wouldn't know love if it fell out of the sky and hit you in the face!"
George's eyes widened. Was she...? He took a step toward her. "Love?"
"Yes, love, you fucking dumbass! I love you! I love you so much I can't breathe sometimes!Alright? Happy now? You figured out the big secret!" She turned away from him, her voice dropping to a mumur. "Now you can go on with your merry, little life and forget we were ever friends."
George could've sworn he could hear his heartbeat echoing off the stone walls as he stepped closer to her. "Y/N, turn around."
She didn't budge.
"Please, love, turn around."
"So I can kiss you."
Y/N turned halfway. "What?"
"So I can kiss you. I would really like to kiss you right now."
"Don't fuck with me, George," she turned to look him full in the face. "Don't you dare fuck with me."
"I'm not," he took another tentative step toward her. "Do you know why I've been so angry at you?"
Y/N shook her head.
"Because I love you too, and I'd been working up the courage to tell you, but then you--started pushing me away." He took another step closer. "I thought you never really cared about me, that our friendship was all a lie. I was so heartbroken and furious with you."
He reached out and wiped away the lone tear trailing down her cheek. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm sorry I hurt you. I'm sorry for being an oblivious idiot and a coward. I should've told you how I felt sooner. So I'm telling you now. I love you. I love you more than anyone or anything. You're the reason why I wake up smiling every morning and why I fall asleep with a smile every night and why I so desperately want to kiss you right here, right now."
Y/N stood stunned as she took in his confession. "Oh. Ok. That'd be nice," she said after a few moments.
George chuckled, leaning in, a little nervous and uncertain, his lips lingering over hers. "You're sure?" He asked, almost pulling away. "Uh huh," Y/N nodded her head slowly. A small smile graced her lips as they bridged the gap a little too quickly, bumping their noses in the process. A warm blush blossomed across their cheeks, and they giggled shyly before leaning back in for a second try. At first, it was a little stilted and awkard, but they very quickly found their rhythm as George slipped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer and deepening the kiss.
"Can we do this forever?" He asked once they'd pulled back.
"I think that can be arranged," Y/N grinned. "But let's find a comfier spot, first."
"You have the best ideas, my love." George leaned down for one more quick kiss. "And I know the perfect place."
Y/N raised an eyebrow in question, but George only winked and took her hand in his. "Let's go start our forever, shall we?"
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @innerloverpainter @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @princess-paramour @anvaaryn @lastwandastan @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake
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delcakoo · 2 years
stop you're making me want to reread harry potter </3 ravenclaw!won has been stuck in my mind for DAYS
slytherin!reader who's in a relationship with ravenclaw!jungwon and is mean and cocky to everyone except won i am in shambles
slytherin!reader x ravenclaw!won random hcs!! ✧.*
STOP OMG anon this idea made me all giddy insidE i adore the ‘im mean to everyone but you’ grumpy x sunshine trope sANJSHS AND WITH RAVENCLAW JUNGWON AHHHH this is a bit longer than i planned but uh. enjoy JSHSJD
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your boyfriend aka the biggest nerd on the planet (ravenclaw moment) doesn’t even see it most of the time
but the way you treat him in comparison to pretty much everyone else at hogwarts is VERY different
you could be like. about to fist fight someone or seconds away from pulling out your wand and hexing a gryffindor’s ass
all 😐😡😡👿👊💥
but then jungwon just
SUDDENLy every hint of rage and anger in your body just poofs into nothing and you’re just SMILING because there’s your sunshine with his cute nerd glasses and mountain of books
“wonnie!” you let him give you a big hug and the random gryffindor you were about to fight is just 🧌😦 in the distance
“guess what i learned in herbology today!!”
if pretty much anyone else asked you that you’d give them the most disgusted face imaginable and just.
“the fuck would i care? 🤨”
“uh i think it was last satu-“
“did i ask? ☺️”
listen you’re just a very honest and straightforward person!!
but when it’s wonnie <3?
you quickly take all the books in his arms and lead him away with a smile, “what, baby? tell me all about it ☺️”
and by now a majority of the students in hogwarts knows not to mess with jungwon
because doing so immediately means messing with you too 💗
you’re extra strict on this because in the past your boyfriend did get bullied a lot for well. to put it simply, being a ravenclaw
luckily though, you were able to find out their names 😊😊😁
at first you were going to use magic but.. lets just say your knuckles were sore and bruised for the next week ❤️
doing the damage yourself was so much more satisfying y’know 😍
of course jungwon didn’t find out about all that.. at least you think
though he does get suspicious whenever one of his bullies stop even sparing him a gLance 🤨
when he confronts you, you just say karma did it’s thing and smile evilly 🫶
(little do you know, jungwon can read you like an open book and knows damn well you did it <3 however your cute proud smirk makes him decide to let you have this one 😞)
but if your revenge ambushes ever result in you getting any kind of injury, he’s always quick to bandage you up with a disapproving frown :(((
he sighs while whiping up your bloody knuckles, “seriously, i hate seeing you like this more than anything. why would you do that for me?”
you scoff, completely nonchalant with a small smirk on your lips as usual
you could care less about your fists when in the end, your boyfriend isn’t being picked on
“that’s a pretty dumb question for someone as smart as you, love”
he groans, “no y/n, really! they’re not worth your time, revenge isn’t the—“
“it is. it most definitely is the answer baby.” you grin, he sighs “now stop worrying about me and come give cuddles ❤️”
another thing jungwon gets away with all the time is bossing you around
you fr just take it like a champ every time without a word because only HE can tell you what to do
if anyone else tried to…? 😬😬
for an example scenario. you’re doing a group project in potions with jungwon (<333) and his other nerd friends
being surrounded by so many losers almost had you throwing up but you pulled through for won since you knew he wanted to be with his friends too
this didn’t stop you from being a dick ❤️
“hey y/n, can you grab the frog eyes?” sunoo gestures from the cauldron your group is watching carefully
“didn’t even say please,” you mutter, “who the fuck are you to tell me what to do four eyes?”
poor boy shuts up for the rest of the project T-T
“y-y/n,” jake would stutter nervously, refusing to make eye contact with you, “can you maybe g-“
“ask me to help one more time and i’ll stick that stirring stick up your ass”
but then jungwon sighs, making you frown because wait, is he disappointed in you or something??? :((((
“babe, you’re not contributing at all, go get the missing ingredients on this list at least”
you pout
he sounds so unimpressed :(
of course now you’re feeling needy so you rush to get everything for him and bring a bowl full of the ingredients back with puppy eyes
jake and sunoo are absolutely flabbergasted
but your bOYFRIEND who you thOugHt was an angEl from heaven STILL gives you a disapproving look :(
“thank you, now apologise to my friends please,” he asks strictly
your frown deepens, trying to lean in for a kiss at least but JUNGWON MOVES AWAY FROM YOU???
“apologize and you can have a kiss”
your eye twitches but you’re so desperate
so you turn to those
those two
and murmur out a “sorry, i promise to help from now on,” without making eye contact once with either of them <\3
at this point sunoo’s jaw almost fell off because THE POWER HIS FRIEND HAD OVER YOU?? popUlarly known as one of the meanest students in the school??????
you dont even wait for their reply (because you frankly dont care) and turn back to wonnie who’s now- UAHSJHSN HE’S SMILING HE’S PROUD OF YOU?!!! :D
you pucker your lips in anticipation and he gives you a dramatic mmmmWAH
after that you’re just so giddy and happy and help by doing whatever jungwon asks and ignore the other two <333
secretly jungwon feels like his heart is about to explode because the soft spots you have for each other is 🫶
AUGHH my favorite trope ever sushjsbsh thank u for the lovely req <3
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kotemf · 1 month
Codywan week - day 6
I'm posting this late but I hope y'all can still enjoy reading! It's my fill for day 6 of the @codywanweek. You can read the story here, on Wattpad or Ao3. Thanks to the all of you who give it a try!
  Prompt: créchemaster Obi-Wan, quiet love, touch starved
Cody never dared to plan what he was going to do after the war. He never dared to hope that he will survive until the very end. So, when the war ended abruptly and he actually had a choice, he had no idea what he wanted to do.
  He ended up working as a security guard in some gallery. He didn't like it there all that much, it was boring, but it was the best he could find. He didn't have any education besides military training. And he needed money.
  Sometimes, Cody wished he stayed in the army. Rex had and he got to guard the Jedi temple sometimes. Maybe if Cody chose the same path, he could still see his general sometimes. Just a glimpse of the man would be enough. Or maybe it wouldn't.
  Obi-Wan was still a topic that Cody wasn't able to figure out. He wanted. He wanted to see his former general, wanted to touch him, to kiss him, to undress him and so on. Just like he did during their shore leave. Only it wasn't real. It was just a way to distract themselves, just a way to keep their minds busy when not on the front lines. Because forgetting about the casualties of the last battle was so much easier with his general on top of him. That's how it started.
  Now, months later, Cody was still in love with his general. Obi-Wan probably already forgot Cody still existed. He made it pretty clear that there was nothing between them, no attachment. That all their relationship was about was some entertainment. And Cody, in his foolish, so, so, foolish mind, made it something more. Even if he had the guts to go visit his general, he was too afraid that the Jedi would pick up on his emotions.
  So he didn't. He built himself a routine, he couldn't live any other way. Wake up from his dreams about Obi-Wan. Workout, while imagining his general being next to him, doing the same. Think about Obi-Wan while eating breakfast. Go to work. Still think about Obi-Wan. Wander the halls of the building, keeping his eyes open. Still with clear pictures of his very naked general in his mind. Going back from work. Still dreaming about coppery hair and pale skin. Going out with brothers. Finally forgetting the damned Jedi after his eleventh drink.
  This day was no different. Until it was. Because hey, his daydreams were never this real. There was no way his imagination was so good. Because the Obi-Wan he was looking at right now was perfect, more perfect than any of his imaginations. 
  This Obi-Wan was real, showing something on an abstract painting of an ocean to a bunch of tubies - no, not tubies, children. Why the actual kriff was Cody's former Jedi general in a gallery with a bunch of children? And why was Boil there too, catching a Pantoran boy before he could get lost among the crowds of people?
  Cody's time to think about it and order his thoughts was cut short. Boil noticed him, of course he did. He waved at Cody. It would be far too awkward if Cody ignored him. This left Cody with no choice but to join the group.
  "Uh... hello?"
  "Hey, Codes, it's been a while." Boil greeted Cody with a half hug. It's been exactly eight days since they saw each other the last time. Cody wouldn't exactly call it long but whatever. "Ad'ike, this is Cody, my annoying big brother."
  "Cody? Like commander Cody?" a Mikkian girl asked. How would she even know that? She looked to be five standard years old at most, there was no way the Jedi taught her about the war and much less the clones.
  "I used to be a commander, yes." Cody nodded, because there wasn't much else he could do.
  "Master Obi told us a lot about you," a Rhodian boy told him. Now that was interesting. Obi-Wan told a bunch of random Jedi - at least Cody assumed they were Jedi - tubies about him. Why?
  Boil gave Cody a look. Cody didn't like it all that much but before he could really think about what that particular look meant, Boil was already talking to the tubies. "I know Cody is fun and all, but did you know there is a play area for children somewhere? Do you want me to take you there? Cody can wait."
  Apparently, Boil was good with children now. He left with all of the tubies. And that meant... Cody was alone with Obi-Wan. So that was what Boil's look meant.
  "Hello, Cody."
  "General." Cody nodded to Obi-Wan who rolled his eyes.
  "Drop that. I'm not even a general anymore."
  "So you take Jedi tubies to galleries now?"
  "Sometimes." Obi-Wan shrugged. "The council was looking for a créchemaster and I took the job. They are sweet."
  "And you told them about me?" That probably wasn't the right thing to say.
  Cody's question made Obi-Wan blush. It was adorable. Cody wanted to kiss him. It was like one of the fake scenarios he imagined before falling asleep, the one where he bumped into Obi-Wan while walking the halls of the gallery, like in some sappy novel, and Obi-Wan blushed and then they kissed and then they magically teleported to Cody's bedroom. It could still happen, if Cody took a step forward, leaned closer-
  "Well, of course I told them about you." Obi-Wan's words cut through Cody's so very professional day dreams. "They like to hear stories about heroes. Besides... I missed you."
  To say Cody missed Obi-Wan would be an understatement. Cody said it anyway.
  Obi-Wan blushed even more at that and his pale skin did exactly nothing to hide it. Cody loved it. "Is that so?" Obi-Wan looked like he wanted to touch Cody for a moment but then he pulled his hand back and firmly clasped his hands in front of him.
  Cody just wished Obi-Wan touched him.
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bomber-grl · 5 months
Hii, can I request number 11 for Hiro ? With a little teasing tone please :)
Prompt #11 : calling them pet names
You may or may have not gotten on Hiros bad side when you accidentally messed up his project-
Look, you’re not entirely to blame!!! It was Hiro who was practically ignoring you and you had no choice but to go to the lab and see if he was still breathing.
Then that��s where things went haywire.
It’s been 3 days since he last spoke to you, very much giving you the silent treatment no matter what you tried.
So now you’re desperate and resorting to being an ass and possibly embarrassing him.
“Hey Hiro!!” You were in the SFIT cafeteria with your tray and called out to Hiro who was surrounded by his (and your) friends.
They were in the middle ground and tried keeping out of your fight as much as possible.
As usual, your call fell on deaf ears. Good things come to those who wait.
So, although it was embarrassing to see the group feel bad for you it’d soon end.
You sat at the table where everyone was and you sat specifically in front of Hiro in order to soak his reaction all in. You even asked Honey Lemon if you could switch seats and she did so without a fuss.
“Hey darling, I got you this” and you handed him a snack that he often enjoyed.
Wasabi spit out his drink and everyone else was pretty weirded out-ish? They were quiet and for the first time in the last three days Hiro made eye contact with you.
His face slowly began turning red but he prevailed and foolishly stayed there.
“Awww I’m a bit sad that you aren’t saying anything cutie, I mean I went through the trouble of getting it for you after my lecture ended.”
The whole group looked uncomfortable but some caught onto your scheme.
Surprisingly Hiro was standing his ground, unsurprisingly he was redder than any color red you’ve ever seen.
You turned to some passerby and grabbed onto them. They weren’t a complete stranger so it was fine (they were in on the whole thing too) and you said “hey look isn’t my pookie just amazing? He made this for me” and you showed off some jewelry-robotic mix.
This proved to be enough as hiro got up and stormed out, leaving his tray behind. You, of course, followed.
“BABE why are you in such a rush? Why not go back to the cafeteria with me MY LOVE” you made certain emphasis on your pet names for him.
Not only for him to get even more flustered but for passerby’s to hear.
And so far, it was working.
His face, neck, and ears were beet red and he hurriedly rushed back to the safety of his lab.
Though, that was the wrong move because you quickly pushed in after him before he could shut you out.
Honestly he was sorta annoying so you pushed him against the wall and sorta kabedoned him even if you didn’t mean to.
Though it sure as hell worked out.
“Why’re you running away my prince-“ hiro slapped a hand over your mouth and finally spoke.
“Why’re you doing tHiS ?” He didn’t seem so mad, more like he was trying to distract himself from his embarrassment. In which failed if his voice crack was anything to get by.
“What do you mean?? You’ve been avoiding me so the only thing I could think of was teasing you infront of everyone.”
He sighed “I’m sorry I was just upset and I know you were worried for me and I know I should communicate better with me but uh- can you please stop calling me those names?”
He laughed awkwardly “they’re embarrassing and cringe.”
This time you laughed too and stepped back, taking hiro into your arms.
“Yea I’m sorry too maybe it was a bit much to tease you in front of others that way.”
You both came to an understanding and if Fred or someone else tried bringing it up, all of a sudden you can’t understand English.
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Summary: Ethan has been told to date y/n by his father for their grand Master plan, y/n doesn't know that Ethan is Ghostface and only knows him and his dating him by this facade, In all honesty Ethan tries to hate and kill you , but he loves you and actually genuinely has feelings for you.
Ethan fucking hates you with all of his heart, The only reason he's dating you because his dad told , he tries to hate you,But the confusing part is why does he care about who's around you or who do you talk to, it's weird it's like he can't stand you but he still is around you and find you comforting.
Ethan first met you at that Halloween party, He saw you dancing with your friends, drinking, and dancing with other guys, Ethan was thinking how easy it was to date you, use you, and later on kill you. But his thoughts paused when he saw you dancing with Chad, Ethan saw you grinding on him, Ethan was furious that Chad was dancing with target.
"Hey do you want to meet my roomate Ethan?" Chad asked Y/n while dancing.
"Sure, what's he like?" Y/n asked chad.
"Very smart, awkward, shy, nerdy, but the problem is he's not that great with ladies he's basically inexperienced." Chad said as he describes Ethan to Y/n.
"I like nerdy boys to be honest I have a thing for them, He doesn't look that bad he looks cute." Y/n said as she looks back Ethan in the corner holding a red solo cup.
"Let's go I'll introduce you to him." Chad said as he hold y/n hands taking you to y/n
"Hey, Ethan, this is Y/n, Y/n this is Ethan." Chad introduced.
Ethan looked at Y/n it sucks that later on he has to kill her she's very pretty.
"I'll let you two talk, I'm gonna go get me another drink." Chad said as he walked away.
Ethan and y/n both looked at each other awkwardly, Y/n notices that he was muscular and he has pretty hair but she didn't want to say that since she just met him, Ethan was thinking about ways to kill y/n and the group, but something in him is telling him that killing y/n is not worth the trouble, Ethan pushed that little voice in his head away.
"So is this your first party?" Y/n said as she started the conversation.
"Uh, yeah actually my roommate who you were just dancing with forced me to come to this party because he didn't like me doing work in my room so, I'm here." Ethan responded awkwardly so y/n can take the bait.
"Yeah, my friends actually forced me to come here too since I was actually doing a science project, so that makes two of us." Y/n said as she smiled slightly.
I know Ethan was trying his hardest not to get a knife and cut her up, but somethings was bubbling in him, 'why are so close with chad?'
"So how did you met Chad?" Ethan asked y/n
"Oh, I'm actually friends with his sister Mindy, I went to his football game, and that's how we met from there." Y/n said
Great she's friends with the girl that's on his ass for being Ghostface, great.
"Sorry, Chad told me that Mindy thinks your Ghostface, I know Mindy can be alot, I don't think your Ghostface, your to nice and shy to be ghostface." Y/n admitted.
"I know this sounds really crazy since we just met, would you possibly might want to go on a date with me?" Y/n asked knowing she might get rejected.
"Sure." Ethan said.
"Uhm can I give you my number?" Y/n asked.
"Yeah." Ethan agreed y/n gave Ethan her number.
"Uh, I have to go I have to go to my dorm to finish my project, See you later, E." Y/n said as she kissed Ethan on the cheek.
"Dude, what did you do?" Chad said as he walked over to Ethan shocked and proud.
"We just started talking and she gave me her number." Ethan told Chad.
"Awesome, I'm so proud of you dude." Chad hugged Ethan.
Ethan smiled that his plan is going well, he finally got y/n right where he wants her to be.
Ethan has been dating Y/n for six months, they have been inseparable, I know was supposed to hate and kill y/n but he couldn't do it, she was to perfect. It would break y/n's heart that if she finds out Ethan is Ghostface and was being used this whole time.
"I have to go I have serious homework to do, I'll text you later." Y/n kissed Ethan as she walks away.
"OK, I'll text you." Ethan responded.
All of a sudden Ethan gets a phone call from his sister.
"So when are you going to kill her, dad told you to date her for a reason." Quin said over the phone.
" Don't tell me your falling for her, tell me did she give you blow job just for you to fall in love." Quinn teased.
"What? No! I'm waiting for a good time to kill her." Ethan responded.
"Sure you are lover boy." Quinn said as she hanged up.
"Bitch." Ethan mutter under his breath.
Later on, Y/n is doing homework but she needs help and horny so she calls Ethan.
Y/n heard a knock on the door and saw her boyfriend at the door.
"I came as soon as you texted." Ethan said coming over to you.
" I can't do this anymore E, I'm gonna fail." Y/n said feeling no hope on passing this exam tomorrow.
"To make you feel better, I just failed my last exam." Ethan said trying to cheer up Y/n.
you laughed as Ethan pull you closer to relief your stress.
" I don't know if anything can make me feel better, if you could just help me." Y/n said.
"Definitely can't do that, but I think I can take your mind off this." He whispered in your ear.
"How?" Y/n said intrigued.
"Well It usually starts off with my head between your legs, you screaming my name." Ethan whispered in her ear seductively.
You immediately start blushing as Ethan put his hands on your thighs.
As Y/n was about to say something she was cut off when Ethan connects his lips to yours. He travel his lips down your neck, but you pull him off of you.
"Are you sure you want to do this E, I mean I should proactive go back to studying." Y/n said looking at Ethan.
He cuts you off again, taking your head into his hands making sure you met his gaze
"Stop worrying about studying, let me make you feel good."
"OK, fine." You said blushing.
his finger danced their way over to your ribs under your shirt as he places gentle kisses on your hipbones, He made his way down to your shorts as he glanced back up asking for your consent. You nodded your head asking him to resume.he pulled your shorts down tossing them, he hooked your lacy panties, he grabbed both of your legs and put them over his shoulders, he wrapped his arms around your legs and pulled them open.
he kisses your inner thighs, you brushed a gentle hand over his curls, you could feel his breath and you couldn't take it anymore. You wrapped his curls as you guided him.
he licked your clit as you sucked in a shaky breath, your thighs clenched around him, but his strong legs pulled your legs back right open.
"Right there E." You moaned
you came on his mouth as Ethan swallowed.
" I hope your not thinking about studying anymore tonight, because all I want to do-"
"Shut the fuck up and kiss me, Landry."
Y/n and Ethan started making out.
Ethan couldn't kill you because he was genuinely having feelings for you, you were just too perfect and he didn't deserve you.
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petricorah · 1 year
#55 for the Zukka prompt ? :3
55. I missed you...a lot [~2k words] / zukka week divorce
I missed you…a lot.
Those were the words that were tumbling in Sokka’s mind the entire journey back to the Fire Nation for the group’s reunion. He just wasn’t sure if he was allowed to say them. He was the one who left, he was the one who ended things, and he was the one who was…still in love.
Every day since he left Zuko, he’d looked back. He didn’t regret his choice, not in the slightest: he loved his people. He would make the same choice again, to be there with them. To rebuild what the war took from them, to bring together the scattered benders, to teach. And he loved doing it. But that didn’t mean he…was happy. He missed Zuko. He missed the rumble of his voice. His sarcasm and brashness. His sullen glares and his passion. How his smile quirked more on one side. How he tried so hard to not laugh at Sokka’s jokes, but Sokka was always able to make him dissolve.
I missed you…a lot.
Maybe he should say it. Fair or not, it was true.
And then what would happen? he thought. You’re still in the same position you were all those years ago. Your heart lies across the world, and he’s here. What do you even think will happen?
“Sokka,” Katara said. “Aang asked a question.”
Sokka vacantly tilted his head, forcing his eyes back into focus to look at Aang, who was grinning at him from his seat at Appa’s reins.
“Totally spaced out. What’s up?”
“What are you most excited for?” Aang said, not skipping a beat. “I’m going to eat flaming fire flakes until I can’t taste my tongue!”
“Uh, yeah,” Sokka said. “Me too.”
“‘You too’?” Katara echoed, her eyebrow shooting up in suspicion. “You can’t eat spicy food. Like, at all.”
Sokka shrugged, and looked over the side of Appa’s saddle. “Tastes can change.”
They were crossing buildings now, getting closer to the Fire Nation Palace. Something tight in his chest constricted.
“Hey,” Katara said, leaning in. “Is your knee okay? You’ve had this look on your face the last few hours. Well…kind of the last few days.”
“I’m fine,” he said. “Just ate some bad jerky.”
She lowered her voice so Aang wouldn’t hear. “You’re nervous about being back, aren’t you.”
“It was bad jerky.”
Katara pinched her face together. It was a look their mother used to give him when she knew he was lying about hiding penguin seal pups under his blanket. Not that he would ever tell her she did something their mom did, because then he’d always get that face, and he hated feeling guilty. And he hated when Katara was right.
I missed you.
It was safer that way. He wasn’t sure if it was more selfish to say it, or more selfish to stay silent.  
They finally arrived when the sun was beginning to set. The Fire Nation sky always seemed particularly red at sunset. It was normally a gorgeous sight to behold, but Sokka’s mind was elsewhere.
Sokka slid down Appa’s side like he had a thousand times, but groaned inwardly as his feet hit the stone, pain from his knee blaring through it. He was getting old, and the chronic injury didn’t help. He bent to adjust his knee brace, and grimaced as Twinkle fucking Toes landed lightly with a flutter of fabric next to him.
Waiting for them outside the palace was Mai, Ty Lee, and—
“Sokka!” Suki said, mimicking his usual call to her, and ran over, almost knocking him over with her enthusiasm, and his bad knee barely held him up as he got his footing.
A wave of euphoria hit him as she did and he wrapped his arms around her, squeezing her tight. At least one person here was excited to see him.
“How are you?”
Suki beamed, pulling back. “I’m great,” she said. “We just finished initiating the new Kyoshi Warrior recruits. They���re shaping up to be really good. And, I’ve been perfecting chi blocking. When we spar, I’m going to have you rendered useless even quicker than normal.”
Despite it all, a smile tugged at his lips.
“And how are you?” she said, hitting him on the upper arm. “How’s the fancy new submarine project going?”
“The submarine project?” she prompted. “You said that’s why you could come last year. You were busy overseeing the construction.”
“Oh, yeah,” he said. “Finished. They’re absolutely fantastic.”
Suki didn’t look convinced at his waffling, but Katara said her name, and she swept past him to hug her.
Sokka zoned out a bit, tension creeping into his shoulders. The conversation was something about Toph being a day or two late, but he wasn’t present enough to truly pay attention. He didn’t know why the Fire Lord wasn’t greeting them—
“Where’s Zuko?” Aang asked, and Sokka’s neck snapped so quickly in his direction he heard something crack.
“He’s in meetings,” Mai said. She was poised and calm as always, but the stern demeanor was offset by Ty Lee hanging on her arm. The two had gotten together a short while after Zuko and Mai broke up, and it appeared that things were going well, even after all these years. Sokka could see Mai’s gloved hand on top of Ty Lee’s arm. Barely noticeable, but there. He felt a twinge of jealousy, and guilt for that feeling followed soon after.
“But he should join us for dinner,” she continued.
He didn’t.
Throughout the whole meal, Sokka was watching the door like a hawk. Every time a waitress entered the room, he practically flinched, his heart seizing inside of him.
He still didn’t know what to say.
I missed you…a lot.
He grated his teeth. He was desperately hoping Zuko showed up for dinner so the first time they saw each other could be in a public place, and he wouldn’t have to worry about what he might say. If it was in front of everyone, there was no worry that he would yell out I missed you! I still love you! in front of everyone. In a public place, he could crack a joke, put on his verified Sokka charm, and make Zuko laugh. Maybe make him forget how angry Zuko probably still was with him. A few laughs would…probably ice things over…right?
But Zuko didn’t enter.
He was pushing his food around the plate, barely eating.
Him. Barely eating.
Suki was looking at him like he was a madman.
“It’s not spicy, you know,” she said. “Zuko made sure to tell the cook you didn’t like it.”
Of course he did.
“It’s great,” he said. “I’m just not that hungry.”
Everyone within earshot stopped eating to look at him.
“Are you sick?” Suki whispered.
“No,” he said. “I just—”
“I thought you had some bad jerky,” Katara piped in completely unhelpfully. And by the snarky expression on her face, she knew exactly how cooperative she was being.
“Sarcasm doesn’t suit you,” he snapped back, earning him rolled eyes in response. He shoved up, the chair clattering back. “I’m going to our rooms,” he announced loudly, and left.
He supposed it would have been smart to ask where their rooms were before he’d stormed out of the room like a teenager. When they’d gotten there, palace staff had whisked their belongings away to who knows where, and he’d been wandering around the palace for what felt like forever.
Even his fucking knee was starting to hurt. He’d been training and practicing to clear his mind on the journey, but he hadn’t been able to actually successfully clear it, so he’d ended up overworking it viciously, and he felt the dull ache start to spread as he walked.
And here he was. At the turtle duck pond. Again.
“How am I here again?” he groaned, fingers curling into his hair and he yanked the strands. “This stupid pond! Again!”
He kicked a rock near the edge, and ended up hitting the post, and blaring agony shot through his knee. He doubled over, clutching it in pain.
Your future is full of struggle and anguish. Most of it self-inflicted.
Aunt Wu’s words echoed in his mind, like they had been doing a lot recently, and he scrunched his face.
“Aunt Wu, I still hate you,” he grumbled.
Sokka froze as he recognized the voice instantaneously, like a dagger through his heart.
He slowly craned his neck back, and saw Zuko standing above him.
He looked…
Sokka’s heart squeezed, and he felt lightheaded.
Zuko’s hair, which when he left, had been strands of fringe, were now bangs that curled along his cheeks and pulled back into his bun, the rest of his hair cascading down. His eyebrows drew together in concern.
“Sokka, are you all right?” His voice was low, and…
Sokka had thought the years apart weren’t enough for him to forget what Zuko sounded like, but hearing him speak again, hearing him say his name like that—
Sokka shot up quickly, staggering on his leg. “Zuko. H-hey, buddy.”
Zuko raised an eyebrow at the nickname, and regret lodged into his throat.
I missed you.
I missed you.
“Your hair got longer,” he blurted out instead.
Zuko’s eyes widened in surprise, and he rubbed his fingers together, twisting the tips of his bangs. There was a slight blush on his cheeks, but maybe Sokka was imagining it. “I just stopped cutting it.”
“It looks good,” Sokka said. “It suits you.”
Zuko stilled, shock running through his expression.
“So do the robes,” he said, pointing repeatedly. “A-are those new?”
“No,” Zuko said. “You just haven’t been here for a while.”
Sokka straightened his spine, cheeks flooding as shame pricked on the back of his neck. “I-I…”
“Why are you out here?” Zuko said, nonchalantly tucking his hair back. His voice was low and rough, and the nearby lamplight accentuated his features.
“Just walking,” he said. He put his hand on his hip, waving his other in the air like this was all a nonchalant stroll in the palace. “Enjoying looking at the turtle ducks.”
“It’s too late in the year for them,” he said. He glanced back, eyes narrowed. “You’re lost, aren’t you.”
Zuko stepped forward, his robes sweeping past him. “I’ll show you to your quarters.”
Sokka followed him, suppressing his limp as they walked down the hallway.
“How…have things been here?” he said.
“Things are being rebuilt,” he said. “It is taking time to reach the far corners, and the law is not my…strongest attribute, but we are making progress. We’ve been quite productive. Several sects have been showing major improvement. The acquisition of—”
Sokka snorted. “Why are you talking like that?” he said. “I’m not one of your advisors.”
Zuko looked down at him with glowing yellow eyes. “To be honest, Sokka, I have no idea what you are.”
Sokka’s stomach dropped.
“Or why you’re here at all.”
Sokka’s eyes flicked back and forth. “Because I…”
I missed you.
Zuko opened the door. “Here is your room.”
Sokka’s jaw clenched, and he slowly stepped through the threshold. In doing so, he could smell the scent of smoke on Zuko’s clothes, and for a fraction of a moment, they were close.
“There’s…medicine on the table,” Zuko said. “For you. I heard you weren’t feeling well. It will help.”
There was some glimmer of petulant avoidance in Zuko’s eyes, and suddenly, Sokka could remember when they were young, when Zuko shouted his question to ask him out without making eye contact with him once.
“Thank you, Firelord Zuko. I…” I missed you. “I’m glad I’m here.”
Zuko’s eyes were unreadable, and with a flick of his robes, he was gone.
oops. aaaand...this was almost 2k words. and might have a part 2 with plot? anyway, thanks for the ask!!
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