#and some really pretty scottish gaelic songs
tsarisfanfiction · 1 year
#4 (Sing A Song of Seven)
Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians Rating: Gen Genre: Family, Hurt/Comfort Characters: Michael Yew, Baird McNeilly (OC), Lee Fletcher, Ceri Priddy (OC) A series of Cabin Seven oneshots.  This time: A burnt leg. This idea would not leave me alone today, so have some more Michael content, and also some of my Apollo cabin OCs finally make an appearance! This is set significantly pre-canon - Michael is ten, Lee is eleven. Warning for a burn description, and shout out to my sister for providing the Gaelic! Reminder that there’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! <<#3
“I’ve got him,” Michael heard, the voice familiar through the darkness.  “Go give Ceri a heads’ up, and see if you can find Lee, too.”
Muffled words, further away from him and too hard to make out, replied.  Michael frowned, trying to peel his eyes open – why the fuck where they closed?  What the fuck was happening?  He’d been on the climbing wall.  That wasn’t black.  The lava made sure of it.
Arms slid underneath him and then he was floating and oh no they fucking weren’t.  Suddenly no longer glued shut, his eyes snapped open as he squirmed.
“Put me the fuck down!” he demanded, not even looking at the fucker that had picked him up as he writhed, pushing to get away.
His leg moved and he screamed.
“Hey, hey!” the fucker – Michael recognised that accent but his leg hurt and he couldn’t think – protested.  “Relax, Michael.  You’ll hurt yourself more if you keep moving.”  The arms holding him tightened, pinning him against a much larger body.  He tried to wriggle his torso free without moving his leg, which fucking burned, but everything went white and he screamed again.
“Naw, I’ve got this,” he heard the older demigod say as the white faded away.  “Don’t crowd him, guys.  Shoo, shoo.”
Michael cracked an eye open and glowered up at the other son of Apollo.  “Put.  Me.  Down,” he growled, tilting his head back to glare past the demigod’s long dark ginger hair where it spilled over his shoulder and at his half-brother directly.
Fucking half-siblings.  He’d run away from the fucking things; there weren’t supposed to be more where he ended up!
Even if these ones didn’t treat him like shit.
Baird shook his head.  He was one of the oldest of Michael’s newly-discovered half-siblings, seventeen and broad-shouldered, as well as a fucking good archer – Michael had spent a lot of the time at the range with him, learning about shit like technique.
He was also proudly Scottish, with a soft accent that was distinctly not-American but also not how Michael had thought Scots sounded – not that he’d asked Baird about that.  He wasn’t that interested.
He had, however, told him that he had better be wearing fucking boxers under the kilt he frequently wore.  Several times.  Baird just grinned at him and told him not to look every time, which wasn’t a fucking answer.
“No can do, a ghille,” his half-brother told him, a small smile on his face.  Michael had been promised it was a term of endearment and not an insult.  He didn’t know if he believed it, but he wasn’t the only one Baird called that, so he let it slide.  “That lava chewed your leg up pretty good.  You’re not going to be walking on that.”
The fucking lava had what.
Michael twisted, putting his escape attempt on hold for the moment in favour of trying to see his leg.  Now he was aware of it, the pain was impossible to ignore, and Michael had a horrible feeling it was making him cry.  His eyes were itching.
Baird held still as he moved, although his grip was tight enough that Michael couldn’t really move much.  Still, he managed to tilt his head enough to catch sight of pale, waxy skin blotched with red and pink and looking entirely too wrong, never mind the fact his pants had singed away to the knee.
“Fuck.”  The word came out like a sob.  His eyes prickled more and his cheeks stung.  Baird seemed to take that as a cue to start walking and Michael glared at him.  “Put me down.”
“You need the infirmary, Michael,” Baird told him, raising one shoulder in half a shrug.  “I can call for a stretcher instead if you really want, but this is faster.”
Michael was no more impressed with the idea of a fucking stretcher than he was about being carried.  “I heal fast,” he protested, scowling as salty water trickled into the corner of his mouth and rubbing at his eyes furiously.  Why the fuck was he crying?  It was only a bit of fucking pain.
“And you’ll heal even faster when Ceri gets a look at that leg of yours,” his half-brother countered immediately.  “So is this okay, or do I need to get someone to bring a stretcher instead?”
Neither option was fucking okay, but Michael shoved his face into Baird’s chest, using the bright orange t-shirt to soak up the fucking tears.  Being carried like a kid was fucking embarrassing but a stretcher would be even worse.  “Hurry the fuck up,” he mumbled.
“Okay, okay.  Hurrying up.”  True to his word, Michael felt Baird speed up, taking bigger steps and holding him a little tighter.  If anyone was looking – they had better not be, Michael would shoot anyone that ever fucking mentioned it – no-one said anything and Baird didn’t acknowledge anyone, either.  Michael kept his face pressed against his half-brother’s t-shirt until the noise of Baird’s steps changed.
“Michael!”  Lee’s voice had him raising his head.  His blond half-brother was looking at him with wide eyes from inside the infirmary.  Next to him, long red hair shoved back in a messy bun, Ceri was pulling on gloves, barely looking at them.
Lee’s presence made Michael feel a little better, not that he’d ever admit it.  Baird wasn’t terrible – his archery coaching did put him in Michael’s okay books despite his refusal to admit if he wore boxers under the kilt or not – but Lee was Lee.
Michael would never fucking admit it, but Lee felt a lot like how he thought safety should.
Baird sat him down on one of the beds, and Michael couldn’t stop the whine of pain as his burnt leg straightened.  Immediately, Lee and Ceri were there, shooing Baird out of the way and taking his place.
A moment later, the bed behind him dipped, and he glanced over his shoulder to see Baird smiling at him reassuringly.  Michael hadn’t expected him to stay.
“Here, drink this.”  Lee caught his attention again, dragging it away from Baird and focusing it on the cup of golden liquid Michael knew was nectar.  It tasted good, like cherry candies, but best of all it stopped his leg from hurting.
Ceri knelt on the floor in front of his leg and gently dabbed at it with water while Lee grabbed his attention and started asking exactly what had happened, as though he thought Michael could fucking remember.  All he remembered was climbing the fucking lava wall, then Baird’s voice as his half-brother fucking picked him up without even fucking asking.
“Michael missed a foot-hold,” Baird filled in after Michael replied to Lee’s worried questions with a non-answering shrug.  “He got caught by the lava when he fell.  Fainted for about half a minute, Ceri.”
“Noted,” Michael’s older half-sister said, setting the cloth aside and softly laying her palm over where the burn was the worst.  Like Baird, her accent was decidedly non-American.  Michael hadn’t asked where she was from but she and Baird both liked to mock Geoff from cabin eleven for being English.  All three of them were about the same age, although he was pretty sure Ceri was at least younger than Baird.
It wasn’t like he actually cared about that shit, though.
“Hold still, Michael,” Ceri told him.  “Lee-”
“I’ve got him,” Lee interrupted, a bright smile crossing his worried face.  He sat on the bed next to Michael, completely ignoring Baird behind them.  “Ceri’s going to fix you up, okay?” he said.  “It’ll feel weird, but a good-weird.”
Before Michael could ask what the fuck that meant, she started to chant softly.  The words weren’t in English, but Michael understood them perfectly in the strange mindfuck way that Ancient Greek had.
He’d seen Ceri and Lee both healing others over the summer, as well as some of the other half-siblings whose names he didn’t remember because they’d fucked off at the end of August and there were too fucking many of them to remember, anyway.  He knew they sang to Apollo, to the guy that used to pop into his dreams almost every night and now only showed once a week, and that that was somehow enough to heal injuries.  Sometimes it was even faster than Michael’s natural regeneration.
This was the first time he’d been hurt badly enough that the cherry-candy flavoured nectar and his own fast healing couldn’t heal him since arriving at camp.
It tickled.
Michael squirmed at the golden light brushing over his leg, then glared at Lee when he put his hand on his upper leg to hold him still.
“Stay still,” his brother told him firmly.  Baird pressed a hand against his back.
“You’re doing good, a ghille,” he said.  “The less you squirm, the more healing Ceri can do.”
Michael sent him a dark look but tried to stop moving.  It fucking tickled, though.  Lee’s hand on his leg helped keep it still, but did nothing for the tickling as Ceri’s healing chant continued, a faint golden glow around her hand and his leg.
After an eternity of what felt like fucking tickle-torture, Ceri stopped chanting and pulled her hand back.
“Third degree,” she rasped, voice hoarse.  Baird leaned past Michael to give her a bottle of water, which she threw back without hesitating.  “But it’ll be fine.  Your healing is something else, Michael.  I don’t think it’ll even scar once it’s done.”  She waved a hand loosely at Lee, who slipped off of the bed to kneel in front of him, next to Ceri.  Michael leaned forwards, surprised to see his leg had already lost the weird pale look and was a shiny pink.  It disappeared under the bandages Lee started to wind around his leg.  “Take it easy; stay in here until dinner time.”
Michael frowned.  “You just said it was gonna be fucking fine.”
Ceri sighed.  “You still have to give it time to heal, Michael.  Baird, go grab him some fresh trousers from the store.  I’ll see if Marian can salvage these, or the harpies if she can’t.”
“Sure.”  The bed shifted as Baird stood up, and Michael glanced back at him.  The Scot grinned at him.  “Listen to Ceri, a ghille.  She knows what she’s talking about.��  A large hand rested on his shoulder and he twisted around to glare properly at him.  “And be a bit more careful on that wall in future, yeah?  I’m not a fan of charbroiled kid brothers.”
Michael’s stomach did a little twist, the same way the fucking thing did when his half-siblings – these half-siblings, the ones that shared his dad – called him their brother, like it was natural and he was one of them.
“Whatever,” he muttered.  Baird squeezed his shoulder slightly and grinned at him.
“Back in a bit,” he promised as he walked away, “with trousers.”  He paused in the doorway and a smirk spread across his face.  “Unless you’d rather a kilt?”
Lee laughed and Ceri sighed as Michael swore viciously at the now-empty doorway.
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twsthc · 1 year
Hi! I saw your post about language hc's, I really appreciate the Gaelic mention for Diasomnia. I'm Scottish and a Gaelic speaker (albeit poorly) and nobody talks about Gaelic. It currently has only 60,000 speakers, and public knowledge of the language is like the only thing outside of policy to prevent it dying out entirely. -Gaelic Anon (Gun Urra if you will)
OOH NO PROBLEM! actually it was someone on twitter who recommended that headcanon, i did some research on the language and listened to some gaelic songs and thought it was pretty, so i just added it lmao 😭
thank you for the ask, gun urra :3
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duskmite · 2 years
gotten really into non-english music lately and i am VIBING i love not knowing what the hell is being said!!!! it’s like rediscovering fall out boy and mcr
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the--highlanders · 3 years
I'm not anon & no pressure, but if you were serious about the references thing I'd gladly take some (not in a 'prove it' kinda way just in a more general 'i like reading about the jacobites' way)
oh I am absolutely serious about the references thing dfhgklf
some ones which are more relevant to what I was talking about:
Bowditch, Lyndsey, Andrew Mackillop, Tony Pollard, and Hilary Horrocks. 2014. Cùil Lodair = Culloden. Edinburgh: National Trust for Scotland.    
this is the national trust for scotland guidebook you can buy at culloden & it’s a great little source. doesn’t matter if you don’t know anything or if you’re doing like, actual academic work (I have used it for the latter, I literally took the title of my honours thesis from a primary source quote in this book). unfortunately I cannot for the life of me find this for sale online but if you’re ever actually at culloden. pick it up for sure. there’s a matching one from the glenfinnan monument which is also v good but less relevant here
Craig, Maggie. 1997. Damn’ Rebel Bitches: The Women of the ’45. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing.   ||   Craig, Maggie. 2010. Bare-Arsed Banditti: The Men of the ’45. Edinburgh: Mainstream Publishing.  
these are very engagingly and accessibly written, and do a great job of humanising the stories in them. relevant to the rout of moy stuff I was writing about. I do think maggie craig can be a little uh. heteronormative and binaristic in talking about the relationship between men and women, especially in damn rebel bitches, but on the whole they’re very enjoyable books
Black, Ronald, ed. 2001. An Lasair: Anthology of 18th Century Scottish Gaelic Verse. Edinburgh: Birlinn.   ||   Campbell, John Lorne, ed. 1933. Highland Songs of the Forty-Five. Edinburgh: John Grant.
both of these are compilations of highland poetry. an lasair is general 18th century stuff, though it does have jacobite poems; highland songs of the forty-five is obviously specifically jacobite (or hanoverian!) stuff. they have poems from a pretty broad spread of poets (men and women, various classes, literate/illiterate). great for getting a view of what actual highland people thought about the ‘45 on both sides, and their response to the aftermath.
Withers, Charles W. J. 1988. Gaelic Scotland: The Transformation of a Culture Region. Historical Geography Series. London ; New York: Routledge.
my BELOVED. basically a compilation of stats, facts, figures, census data, maps, anything you can think of relating to the highlands from the late 17th century through to the 19th. a lot of the detail about like... highland life from that post came from this (average family size, property inheritance, that sort of thing). I have a document full of notes for when I finally write my post-war games fic and at least 50% of it is from this book. it’s not specifically jacobite, though it Does talk about the impact of the post-culloden reprisals - it’s just great for giving a good picture of the highlands at the time
some ones that are less relevant to that post, but are just good sources:
Donaldson, William. 1988. The Jacobite Song: Political Myth and National Identity. Aberdeen, Scotland: Aberdeen University Press.
REALLY good source on jacobite poetry and what it says about people’s opinions at the time. doesn’t talk so much about highland poetry, but it does talk about how people in the rest of britain conceived of highlanders/the highland image of the jacobite army
Guthrie, Neil. 2013. The Material Culture of the Jacobites. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.  
more about material culture and not super relevant to people in the highlands of jamie’s class but it’s a good read. a lot of the objects he talks about is now in private collections/otherwise inaccessible/is theoretically accessible but a curator misplaced it in the 80s so nobody knows where it is (yes this is a real example. the 80s were a weird time for every museum ig). but more generally it’s really good for like... the feeling of the times and the ideas kicking around in jacobite discourse
Livingstone of Bachuil, Alastair, Christian W. H Aikman, Betty Stuart Hart, and Bruce P Lemann, eds. 2001. Muster Roll of Prince Charles Edward Stuart’s Army, 1745-46. Glasgow: Neil Wilson Publishing.  
just a list of names and posts in the jacobite army during the ‘45! not a huge amount to say about this one but if you want to look at 18th century name spellings/see all the regiments/anything else like that. it’s a handy compilation
Pittock, Murray. 2009. The Myth of the Jacobite Clans. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.  
only putting in this one reference but. ANYTHING by murray pittock. he’s very prolific. this one really unpacks a lot of the common preconceptions around/stereotypes of jacobitism and how jacobite history got adapted and rebuilt over time, but he’s got you covered for general overviews of jacobitism/material culture/poetry. one thing I will say is that he can be a bit uhhh philosophical and dense. you just gotta skimread it and pull out the relevant bits
just recc’ing for the sake of it:
Carnegie, Elizabeth. 1996. “Trying to Be an Honest Woman: Making Women’s Histories.” In Making Histories in Museums, edited by Gaynor Kavanagh, 54–65. London; New York: Leicester University Press.  
about trying to present jacobite history at the culloden visitor centre, and the biases people have when approaching jacobite history. this one’s a bit more specialist but it’s another one that’s very engagingly written & as someone in the museums industry it’s right up my street
Gold, John R, and Margaret M Gold. 2002. “Understanding Narratives of Nationhood: Film-Makers and Culloden.” Journal of Geography 101 (6): 261–270.  
again not really related to actual jacobite history - it’s a study of a couple of different takes on culloden in film. I’m mostly including this one bc it’s interesting to put the highlanders in the context of what they say!
if a lot of these seem material culture/women-focused it’s bc that’s what my thesis was on & I’m just pulling from my referencing program ghjfdkgd. these are just some of the ones which are more relevant to like,, what I’ve written about w/ jamie!
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
Gutsy headcanons?
Gutsy headcanons huh-
-His early onset hair is a genetic condition. Whilst rare, it's possible for some male Smurfs to experience hair growth as early as childhood. (This same condition also affects Clumsy's twins). Whilst it's not harmful to the Smurfs present with it, it can look a bit strange compared to the others who won't grow hair until their early-mid 400's
-Speaking of his hair, he has a fair pile under his hat but most of the other's don't really know that
-He knows and sings a lot of Scottish folk songs. Loudly, in fact. Sometimes in gaelic too.
-Gutsy actually makes his own fabric for his sash & kilt, since the tartan is personal to him, he just gets it sewn up into actual clothes.
-His favourite animals are highland cows, which isn't really surprising but he often compares himself to one
-He's pretty annoyed a group of Smurfs went to Scotland without him that one time. Still, he's curious to get Brainy back in a kilt sometime
-He loves colt and frosty mornings :)
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guillemelgat · 3 years
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Hey all! So if you remember last year I made this post, and unfortunately for everyone I’m back to do it again :p
What the idea here is, is that every year for the past two years, I’ve tried to keep a running playlist of songs that I get really into over the course of the year, mostly for posteriority’s sake because otherwise I’ll forget them. But it’s also cool because I can use it to get a handle on the linguistic sonoric landscape of my life for the year, and also to see if my perceptions of my music consumption actually match what I’m listening to. So here are the results:
Catalan (40.3% or 93 songs) - This is much higher than I thought, as happened last year, but it is a fair amount less than last year, when it was more than half of the music I listened to.
English (18.2% or 42 songs) - This number went up a horrifying amount, mostly because I went through Mika, traditional folk, and Eurovision phases though. That being said, I’m still disappointed in myself for buckling to the anglophone domination of the music world 😔
Spanish (11.3% or 26 songs) - This was really low and I’m kind of surprised, I literally have no clue why. I know I always think I listen to more music in Spanish than I think I do but this is an eyebrow-raising drop.
Basque (6.5% or 15 songs) - I’m always surprised by how little Basque music I listen to in practice, all the songs are bops that are pulling above their weight and so while the actual number is small, their place in my heart is much larger <3
Galician (4.3% or 10 songs) - I discovered Ezetaerre this year and instantly became very annoying about it, last November and December all I did was listen to Pólvora e Tormenta over and over. Also I’ve been vibing with Tanxugueiras’ new songs which are all bops.
Italian (3.0% or 7 songs) - I mean, Mahmood is eternal, what else can I say. I also went through a Måneskin phase immediately post-Eurovision, as one does (thank you Italian Eurovision entries for half of my music tbh).
Welsh (2.6% or 6 songs) - This went up a bit from last year, but I was surprised it didn’t go up more. I’ve been listening to so much Welsh music, ever since Sŵnami saved us all by coming back with that EP in February. In fact, about 99% of this is just Sŵnami, ngl.
French (2.2% or 5 songs) - Listen. We all make mistakes.
Arabic, (Scottish) Gaelic, Malayalam, and Ukrainian (1.3% or 3 songs) - “Ha’oud” slapped but besides that I’ve calmed down on the Mashrou’ Leila front. I listened to a lot of Julie Fowlis in the winter for absolutely no reason?? hence the Gaelic. For Malayalam I actually found music I like!! I’m very excited about that development. And Ukrainian was all Go_A, the pretty forest cult lady got hold of me I guess.
Romani, Irish, Georgian, Russian, and Portuguese (0.9% or 2 songs) - Romani should probably have been more, idk why I didn’t add the Šaban Bajramović. Irish was from the recs I got on here for the songs game, Portuguese was also from a recommendation, Georgian was songs from the And Then We Danced soundtrack because I’m gay, and Russian was Zemfira my beloved <3 and “Russian Woman” which is a bop.
Tamasheq, Asturian, Breton, Greenlandic, and Hungarian (1 song) - Asturian was from “Veleno” which I am trying to indoctrinate every uQuiz maker into listening to because I feel like if Tumblr as a whole discovered that song it would go feral for it. Breton and Greenlandic were from the ask games, shout out to the people who recommended those songs <3 Tamasheq and Hungarian were me back on my usual BS.
It also stands to add that I went with the language the majority of the song was in, but there were songs with pretty significant portions in (Northern?) Sámi, Albanian, Zulu that I ultimately decided not to count for those languages and instead counted for English. In addition, several of the songs I counted for one language on here also contain significant portions in others of the languages I put on here, so some of these numbers could be shuffled a bit.
If you’re a music listener and have your music in any sort of library, I’m curious to see what the composition of other people’s listening habits are, so please post and @ me if you do it!
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indigobackfire · 3 years
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Barnaby Lee 💚 headcanons of mine:
- He actually has a really good sense of smell (and if he pays enough attention he can recognize people - and creatures - by their scent).
- His grandma is mother to his father (and on his mother's side both grandparents are alive but they have their own chunk of the family and aren't very close to him).
- His family is loaded and amongst the Slytherins in his year his family is the most influential even after the first Wizarding War.
- Looks a whole lot like his father with some details from his mother - most noticeably her green eyes, button nose and pretty hands.
- He's actually a really good dancer and joins Aspen in her little Slytherin Cheering/Dancing club. He's bad at memorizing steps in the long term, but picks up whole routines in a single day.
- He ponders joining the Quidditch team but the routine of it is something he doesn't like so he doesn't even try - he's also sure they'll place him as beater and he has seen how badly injured by bludgers Indigo has got playing for Gryffindor and the idea of hurting someone (especially her) makes him refrain from it for good.
- He's Hagrid's favorite helper instead of mc - is often invited over for snacks and has fallen asleep multiple times on his gigantic armchair and Hagrid just covers him and allows him to sleep over.
- Had a not so shitty relationship with his mom - she was still crap but less shitty. It was from her side of the family he inherited his talent with creatures.
- He reads Tales of Beedle the Bard sometimes because it reminds him of her and the times she used to read to him. (He likes rhymes because she would also read kid's poetry books for him).
- Most of the rings he wears used to belong to her, reason why one of those looks like a DE's mask (he tried taking some from his father but his finger weren't thick enough for those tire sized rings).
- He likes to be the little spoon (which Indigo loves cause despite adoring his embrace, that arm isn't lightweight and at some point of the night she's no longer breathing).
- He can speak Gaelic very well, thoroughly taught by his late granpa and then by his father. Definitely sings Gaelic songs during his shower.
- He has a terribly heavy Scottish accent and had to learn how to tone it down once he got to Hogwarts - only McGonagall and Kettleburn could understand what he was saying out of the staff.
- But the accent goes to 11 when he's talking to the Silverwoods - people just look at them in pure confusion because it's chaos.
- Has been spiked by love potion multiple times to the extent it started to worry people. Somehow he manages to fall for it again and again - but for his luck of having attentive friends, those never ended up in anything as he was taken to Madam Pomfrey's office right away.
- He's surprisingly tidy, but if one were to know the strict regime his grandma placed him under, it wouldn't come as a surprise.
- He doesn't get along very well with his roommates - jealousy against Barnaby is a common thing. Also because he definitely snorts but that's a whole other thing.
- He cries easily, but will first excuse himself away from people before he does because the trauma left by his father's still there.
- His wand is English Oak (like mine and Hagrid's uwu) with dragon heartstring core.
- With help from Rowan gets into NEWT level potions and hates that he does - but Penny convinces him to stay ("Think of all the creatures you'll help by knowing the right potions.")
- He actually develop an aptitude for drawing with the years, something he later uses in his personal creature studies.
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Ciarán (Kee-ran) McKinney. *Supporting character
Voice Claim: (Robert Sheehan) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ae5cqdRW5W8
Partner(s): None.  Parents: Raven McKinney and Mathghamhain McKinney Kids: None. Siblings: Aedan & Violet. Age: Immortal, but translates into mid 20′s. Birthday: 16th of October. Height: 181cm Body type: Skinny, but with some muscle tone.     Eye color: Light blue, almost gray, with a slight brown ring around the iris. Classification: (Immortal) Demon. Known powers: Possession, shape shifting, teleportation, paralysis Inducement, Hypnotic Vision (the power to hypnotize people via eye contact) Astral Projection (The power to separate one's spirit from one's body) Transmutation (The power to alter the forms/structure of beings/objects) Telepathy (The power to receive and/or transmit information mentally or through other non-sensory means. Users of this power are often called Telepaths or Mind Readers.)
About: ~ Charismatic, cheeky, adaptable, flirtatious, brave, playful, elegant, outgoing, curious, teasing, passionate, intelligent, flexible, sarcastic, humorous, social, optimistic, confident, imaginative, independent, sassy, spontaneous, neat, stubborn and a bit greedy at times ~ Very pale. ~ Sexuality Omnisexual (Attracted equally to all human beings (men, women, transexuals, etc.) … A person who can be sexually attracted to anyone and anything, from men/women/everything in … and also non-human animals and inanimate objects) ~ Has shoulder-ish long, black hair. ~ Ciarán is a traditionally male given name of Irish origin (Scottish Gaelic spelling). It means "little dark one" or "little dark-haired one". ~ Is Irish and speaks with an Irish accent although he grew up in Scotland. ~ Can Shapeshift to a Common Starling ~ Is very skilled at sword fighting and archery. ~ Very flirtatious ~ French cuisine enthusiast. ~ Will flirt with pretty much anything/anyone. ~ Doesn’t care much what people think of him, and usually just laugh/shrug it off. ~ Likes messing with people. ~ Smells like Rosemary, Bergamot or Myrtle. ~ Loves teasing just as much as flirting. ~ Cannot cook to save his life. ~ Hates mosquitoes! ~ 10/10 down to party at any time. ~ A bit of a cleaning freak - dances to loud music while cleaning. ~ Grew up without a father figure, and was very much ‘the family secret’. More details about that here <- ~ Didn’t meet his dad (Raven) till he was already an adult. ~ Can’t remember ever meeting his other dad (Mathghamhain) although he did several times as a kid. ~ Never missed a parental figure, since he simply grew up in a castle full of family members who all took well care of him, even if he was a secret within the family, and was never allowed to be known outside the castle walls. ~ Feels isolated if he spends too much time indoors - result of having spent most his upbringing inside or in the castle gardens. ~ Looks fancy, isn’t, but likes to pretend to mess with people. ~ Teleports all over the place. ~ Loves to mess with strangers.  ~ Rebel. ~ Lives with his sister, Violet. ~ Very good dancer. ~ Yes, he’s Irish, no he doesn’t like Whiskey! Stop asking! ~ Loves French cuisine, partying, kinky sex, rough nature, teasing people, fireflies, bonfires, fog, gloomy weather, rain, thunder, Irish and Scottish nature, being playful, flirting, being in his bird form, dancing, binging Netflix with his sister, cats, popcorn, the smell of condoms - although he never wears them, chocolate covered bananas, salty tomatoes, sugar coated oranges, bacon, smoked meat in general, mead, sweet plums, clubbing, getting drunk, exploring, meeting new people and singing although he can’t carry a tune. ~ Always wears black, wears a gold cross in his left ear, and almost always wears his hair in pigtails. ~ Often assumed to be a snob, really isn’t at all.
Ciaran’s tag Ciaran’s house/home Ciaran’s moodboard Handwriting/ask answer pic:
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One Gif to describe him:
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One song to describe him: Dua Lipa - Levitating Featuring DaBaby Personal play list: 1. Ava Max - My Head & My Heart 2. Bebe Rexha - Sacrifice 3. The Weeknd - Blinding Lights 4. Sub Urban - Cirque 5. Sia and David Guetta - Floating Through Space 6. Jason Derulo - Take You Dancing 7. Daft Punk - Veridis Quo 8. MEDUZA - Paradise ft. Dermot Kennedy 9. Sam Smith - Diamonds 10. Shawn Mendes - Wonder 11. David Guetta & Sia - Let's Love 12. Sean Paul - No Lie ft. Dua Lipa 13. MAGIC! - Rude 14. ATB, Topic, A7S - Your Love (9PM) 15. Bruno Mars - Finesse (Remix) (feat. Cardi B) 16. Black Eyed Peas, Nicky Jam, Tyga - VIDA LOCA 17. Imagine Dragons - Follow You 18. Black Eyed Peas, Shakira - GIRL LIKE ME 19. Billie Eilish, Khalid - lovely 20. Dua Lipa - Last Dance
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misclaravoss · 3 years
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THE TASK. → Getting To Know You.
Full Name: Clara Rose Voss Nicknames: Just Clara Skeleton: The Tenderheart Titles: None Cast Position: Royalty | Nobility | Gentry Birthdate: January 21
PHYSICALITY. Height: 160 cm Body Type: Clara is lithe, and thankfully she doesn’t think much about her body.. negatively or otherwise. It’s just.. there. Hair: Her hair is red and curly, normally below shoulder length. She usually has it pinned back loosely. Eyes: Blue Skin: Her skin is pale and smooth. Markings: She has freckles across her entire body, as well as scars from her adventurous childhood. Nothing too dramatic, just from scapes and cuts here and there. She does have a pretty good burn on the inside of her left wrist from a cooking mishap when she was younger. Walking: Clara is a fast walker, and she hates slow walkers. She’s not really direct or confident about her walking.. her body just doesn’t move that slowly.  Speech: Clara speaks with an English accent that has some Scottish quirks that she picked up from her father. She is a fast talker and occasionally stutters. Posture/Bearing: Slouching was one thing that her mother would never over look. Clara was taught to sit up straight, with her ankles crossed and her hands folded neatly in her lap. 
PERSONALITY. Presentation: Clara appears vibrant, caring, and educated to the outside world. She nearly always has a smile or laugh on her lips, will stop whatever she’s doing to help a stranger, and when speaking to her you can tell that she had a first class education (notice I said educated, not intelligent. The girl has enough common sense to keep her alive.. that’s about it.) Interactions: She can be shy, but that’s only with people she feels intimidated by. But even then she tries her best to push past that feeling. She is willing to talk to anyone, for as long as they like. Lures: Clara is drawn to nature. She loves being outside, sitting in the grass, basking in the sun. Temperament: She is stubborn and sarcastic. She has a sharp tongue, though she likes to think of it as witty. Though she is caring, she is not gentle. Luckily, having so many sisters, she is not quick to anger.. it takes a lot to really make her angry. Reputation: She is known for her caring and outgoing nature, as well as her often slipping manners and lack of common sense. 
HABITS. Favorite Hours: A mix of a night owl and a golden hour baby.  Punctuality: She will arrive within five minutes of the agreed upon time. Whether that’s five minutes early or late is a surprise for the day.  Nervous Ticks: Aside from the idle twirling of her hair, her biggest nervous tick would have people thinking she’s crazy, or got some bug crawling on her. She will rub her nose, then her eyes, then her hands, then her leg.. in the span of a few minutes. Sleeping Style: She in one of those weird back sleepers who doesn’t move at all. She wakes up exactly how she fell asleep, practically dead while sleeping. 
EDUCATION. School: She was an okay student, not good or bad.. just regular. Known Languages: She knows French, Latin and Gaelic (loosely). Her mother made sure all of her daughters were taught French and Latin. Her father sort of taught them Gaelic. But they mostly just picked up words that he said, as well as sometimes asking him how to say certain things. Talents: Clara is a jack of all master of none type. She can play a few songs on a few instruments, she can sew a dress, and she can hold a tune if she really wanted to. Learning Style: Visual and verbal.
PHILOSOPHY.  Religion: She was raised Catholic, her mother is devout, but she hasn’t really formed her own opinion yet. Superstitions: She carries all of the Scottish superstitions her father passed on, different ways to curse yourself with bad luck.  Virtues: Charity, kindness, and patience. Vices: Lust, pride, and sloth.
RELATIONSHIPS. Family: Her family consists of her parents, Jasper and Alice Voss, and her sisters Eliza, Issy, and Kitty. Friendships: Clara has a lot of acquaintances but not a lot of close friends. Friends in Need: She is prepared to help anyone in any way. Needing a Friend: But she is unable to ask for help. Too stubborn. Discord: She is not an impartial third party. She will have an opinion and she will let you know whose side she’s on. Enemies: Clara is loyal and honest to a fault, so dishonesty and betrayal hurt her the most.
MOTIVATIONS. Intentions: Mostly she’s just here because her mother told her to. But she does hope things go well. Goals: She just wants to be happy, in a way that is true to herself without upsetting her family. Fears: The fear of disappointing her family.  Regrets: She probably would have fought for the person she loved more. Breakthroughs: She needs to stop being a push-over. Helping other people, making other people happy, can’t always come before making herself happy.
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movielicious · 4 years
10 reasons to (re)watch Brave in 2021
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1.The revolutionary female protagonist
As a 2000s baby, I grew up with the classic kids’ movies, where a prince rescues the damsel in destress and they live happily ever after. You cannot believe what a breath of fresh air this movie is in comparison to that. Now, you might say what about Mulan? Well this movie goes even further because...
2.There is no knight in shining armour
While we do have princes in the movie, they are pretty far from being called a Hercules or a Shang. This itself is awesome because the princes here are more likely comical relief
3.The women in this movie are epic
Merida is awesome, but her mother is in a whole, different league all together. (I’ll be talking more about her in a seperate post :))
4.The underrated soundtrack
Honestly, the soundtrack is breath-taking, but sadly rather unappreciated. There is great range of beautiful and emotional songs with their Scottish touch to them. For crying out loud we even have Gaelic featured in them as well as fan made extended versions. All in all, the movie’s soundtrack is very precious:
5.Brave needs more love
I am honestly baffled how underrated this movie actually is, despite having such beautiful, implemented messages, it doesn’t seem to be as popular as other Pixar movies. Maybe it’s because it’s so different towards what we are used to, but seriously you should give it a go. and better yet, prepare some tissues because you might cry, a lot.
6.The breath-taking scenery
While I do agree that Pixar’s animation is just superior in later movies, we need to talk about the scenery in Brave. I stumbled across an amazing article about a Pixar artist who worked on the movie. His imagery captures you in a way like no other. Along with that there is also an art book which lets you dive more into this artistic side of Brave. I always love seeing character designs among other things because it lets you dive deep into the production of such movies.
https://www.pixarpost.com/2012/08/pixar-artist-noah-kloceks-beautiful.html à Noah Klocek’s art
https://www.pixarpost.com/2012/06/art-of-brave-book-review.html à Brave’s artbook
7.The cute triplets – the sibling’s relationship
Often times we have had this rivalry portrayal of sibling relationships in kids’ movies. The Lion King and Cinderella might come to mind. This time we have this cute dynamic of an older sister and younger triplets. They get along pretty well and seem to rely on each other a lot. It’s really adorable.
8.The parents’ cute relationship
Merida’s parents are honestly so sweet together. While her dad is usually supposed to be strong and heroic, he acts rather adorable in front of his wife and that just shows much he loves her.
9.The minor characters
If you enjoy watching kings bickering about who’s better than the other, then I have just found the movie for you. The interaction with minor characters in the movie is just amazing. The most random characters might grow to you.
10.This guy
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Do I need to say more??
3/5 -Ivy 
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fencesandfrogs · 4 years
sea shanties, work songs, tiktok
so apparently tiktok and sea shanties (technically they’re usually sea folk songs, based on the ones i’ve heard, which is not many) are having a moment and as someone who’s always been a fan of work songs, esp. sea shanties, i just wanted to take a moment to talk/think about them.
[this is abt 1.4k words with a lot of music, incl. 4 embeded videos. i included this break because scrolling past long posts is annoying but like. there’s some good music to listen to in here even if u don’t want to read the whole thing.]
call & response is a pretty common musical idea. i’m not sure at all, but i’d wager a good deal that it’s probably some of the oldest stuff we have. but, like, if you’ve ever sung anything in a group, it’s there. the classic call and response is shorter, but i just want to also say a lot of music can be thought of as call and response, like verses/choruses, etc.
i think it just speaks to a human desire to participate in music. many people know what i’m talking about here (maybe most? i come from a musical family so i don’t have a good breadth of experience but i’ve met very few people who don’t jive to music), and so we make this little welcoming come sing with me environment.
anyway, so work songs are a type of music meant to coordinate labor. a lot of work songs are formed by slaves, because for a work song to be helpful, you need to be doing work that requires coordination.
sea shanties are a specific type of work song that use the general structure of the american slave work song combine with irish, scottish, and english folk music.
folk music as a whole is a wider genre that overlaps a lot with work songs, especially as you start to turn to industrial work songs and cowboy work songs and the like which have a less specific rhythm than sea shanties specifically.
musical edification complete, i’m going to focus on sea shanties and industrial work songs b/c that’s what i listen to the most.
so call and response. sea shanties usually have a soloist part that’s a bit more musically complex, and the response is “simpler”. i’m not here to talk abt music theory or why they developed like that, but you know when you’re bad at singing, having a simple part to join in with is positive. hits the warm gooey spot of participating in group music. here’s a recording of blow the man down which i think demonstrates this quality really well:
(it’s a pretty popular shanty which is why i picked it. the “truth”of my argument is not at all universal, and it’s not just about speed, but also the rhythm, melody, etc.)
anyway there’s a lot of shanties and what typically comes to mind is drunken sailor which i know “all” the words to (as much as anyone can) but you’ll see theré’s no call and response
what do you do with a drunken sailor
what do you do with a drunken sailor
what do you do with a drunken sailor
early in the morning
right? that’s not a call and response, it’s just repetition. lyrically, its a call and response:
put him in bed with the captain’s daughter
(that’s my favorite line bc as kids we didn’t understand it so it made us laugh)
but musically you’re not having a back and forth. and so they’re things everyone just gets to sing together.
and that brings me to more industrial work songs. my favorite is sixteen tons, because i’m a basic bitch, and the line “saint peter don’t you call me cause i can’t go” is eternally stuck in my head. here’s a full version:
so as you can see, there’s no call and response, but the melody is relatively simple. it’s repetitive, the range is decent, and it’s got a really flexible tempo (the video i chose is pretty moderate, but here’s a fast one (and this is pure performance), and i swear i have a slower version on my computer but i can’t find it for the life of me).
(aside: one thing to notice in the johnny cash version is the backing. his is far more complex than ernie ford, and that’s because it’s dropped all pretense of being a work song. work songs don’t have much behind them because they’re almost always a capello. this isn’t super relevant to the discussion i just wanted to point it out.)
so mining work songs are generally like this (see black waters, another favorite of mine), and it’s not hard to see where folk music as a genre develops:
i just really like this song it’s probably not the best example.
on the other hand, other folk music maintains the structure. lets look at oh susanna (i hate this version, but the vocals are very clear so uhhh here’s a random cool fancy one listen to this it’s super cool).
the whole thing is fairly repetitive, it doesn’t have a strictly definite end, etc. the melody is still pretty simple, although i will say, having sung this in a choir, it can get more complicated in arrangement pretty easily.
anyway, this becomes bluegrass which is basically the folk version of country, here’s callin baton rogue which is absolutely one of the best songs to ever be written. this version is done by garth brooks, country singer, but listen to that fiddle and tell me it’s country.
(this is future matthew with an edit just to say, like, i’m not trying to establish a *strictly* factual chain of music genres here. bluegrass is, i believe, related closely to jazz & blues, while country was formed directly as an opposition to jazz & music history is really complicated.)
you get a lot of ballads here, eg ballad of john henry. i’m not going to say that’s good. but uh there’s a lot to filter through and i’m supposed to be working on my computer science assignment not doing an exploratory discussion of work songs and associated genres.
so this brings us to scottish/irish/english ballads. the clancy brothers are a popular band here, my mom had them on in the car a lot. here’s the work of the weavers for a slower song, but a good one, and here’s moonshiner, which is both a good song and takes me to my next point: sea songs, folk song, and tiktok (see its almost the same as the title it’s a joke).
i’m happy to see folk music making a resurgence. it was really a shame that we spent such a long time listening to not singing friendly music. that’s not a diss on any particular genre (except for edm fuck edm, everyone who makes dance remixes should have their music liscences revoked), because in isolation every genre is fine, but then you take it all together, and there’s a lack of the group singing, safe for bad singers, simple to play, music as a wider genre.
when did we stop singing lullabies? i mean i assume we still sing them to children, but how many do you know? how long has it been since a song like you are my sunshine has been popular? *caveat that i don’t listen to the radio, but if you have a counter example, make sure you think about how long it is and how large the range is and how complicated the rhythm is, etc., because that all is part of it.
at the camp i used to go to, we would sing bohemian rhapsody walking down the hill to the waterfront. someone would start it, and those interested get to join in sometime around “easy come easy go", but then you get to a guitar solo, and the thing kind of fizzles without a backing track.
and that’s what i mean, i mean people keep singing together, and wouldn’t it be better if more people made music that was meant to be sung? i mean sure you can gather your friends and sing anything, but will it resonate in the same way “what do you do with a drunken sailor?” would? will everyone be able to sing it, will it sound okay if you sing it badly? why did we stop making music that sounded best when we sing it the way we always have? why did we stop listening to it?
anyway i don’t have a deep take on this except like folk music is really good, and traditional songs exist for a reason. since i’ve focused really heavily on america and gaelic tradition, because that’s what i listend to growing up, and therefore can speak about in a qualitative sense, i would like to just leave this south african lullaby here, because my mom used to sing it to me, so it’s got a real soft spot in my heart. i didn’t really talk about lullabies because again comp sci assignment but they’re related, so anyway, this has an english translation in there which may or may not be the standard? but you can know what it means too:
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Writing Tag Game
I was tagged by @janelevy, thanks for the tag 💗💗
20 questions, Writer’s Edition:
(answers under the cut)
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total AO3 word count?
38,913 (holy fuck... what?)
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
on ao3 only, 10. they're marvel cinematic universe, zoey's extraordinary playlist, loki (2021), avengers - all media types, the 100 by kass morgan, knives out (2019), the 100 (tv), cloak and dagger (2018), the avengers (marvel movies), and spooksville (tv) (clearly some repeats here)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you were all I wanted (and what I almost didn't get) (knives out)
I Really Like You (Even If You're a Pain in My Ass) (the 100)
time, curious time (gave me no compasses, gave me no signs) (loki & mcu)
the right or a clue (I wouldn’t know if I knew) (loki & avengers & mcu)
an indentation in the shape of you (your mark on me, a golden tattoo) (loki & mcu)
(i don't understand that last one considering it's less than 105 words)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
i try! i get overwhelmed easily and comments can feel overwhelming for me, but i do really try! it's just a nice thing, plus i like to interact with my readers. there's only one fic where i'm just... not going to touch the comments
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oof um... probably Vivaldi, Four Seasons: Spring and Steve Rogers, but i have a few angsty ending fics
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
probably Coffee and Cakes (But Not Coffee Cakes) or basorexia
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
not on ao3. but back when i had fanfiction.net my friend and i were gonna collaborate on a lab rats: elite force x the big bang theory fic. basically, it was that crossover, but they were also gonna crossover with other disney channel shows (ex. kickin' it, girl meets world, etc.) it never got past the first chapter kjdhsjfkg thank g.od
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
yes actually. i don't think it was for my actual fic, just the pairing it was for (zimon), but it was under my fic (and under another person's fic bc it was the same person reviewing) so it felt like hate. either way, i just laughed at it tbh
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
no. the closest thing i got with smut was in basorexia and it was pretty vague
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, and i hope to god i never do. it seems like a nightmare to have happen and i feel awful for anyone who has
Have you ever had a fic translated?
nope! though i'd be super, super honored if someone ever wanted to
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, but i'd be down to!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
oh,,, probably Romanogers. That was like... the first real marvel/mcu ship i got super into and i still super adore them. should've been canon
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
um... published wip... probably You Make Me Live Now, Honey (You’re My Best Friend). it's just something i got invested in for a while, and then i kinda burned out on it. i don't think i'm gonna update it or write anything for it again, at least not for a while. as for unpublished... literally so many, i'm not gonna bother listing any of them
What are your writing strengths?
i'm sorry to be an idiot, but i legitimately have no clue
What are your writing weaknesses?
procrastination. i have several more, but procrastination is just the biggest
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i cannot speak any languages other than english, except for a few phrases in french, spanish, hebrew, and yiddish. i've tried my hand at hebrew and yiddish in I’ve never been in those places... and Take My Hand (Wreck My Plans) is almost certainly going to have (badly google translated) irish, scottish gaelic, and hebrew appear in the future. there's already some irish in song form in it.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
on ao3, zoey's extraordinary playlist. but my first actual fandom was girl meets world. it was some... dumb rucas fanfic that i think is actually still up... i really wanted my first fic to mighty med, but... i mean... still a disney show
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
oh my god, my absolute favorite fic i've ever written is I’ve never been in those places... it's just... such a deeply personal fic to me, there's so much of myself in, of my experiences, and my emotions. just... nothing tops it for me. it's the one fic i'm not going to respond to comments on, probably ever. if i had to choose a second, probably Coffee and Cakes (But Not Coffee Cakes) bc it's just so damn fluffy and despite the fact it's my first fic and horrendously outdated in canon, i honestly think it holds up pretty well.
tagging: @wannabe-etymologist, @nivuwrites, anyone else who potentially wants to do this! (no pressure!)
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hiremeyuehua · 3 years
Get to know me tag
tagged by @hoseom Can always count on them for some tagging entertainment. (Even if I also forget to do these...)
Thankkyouuuuu. ♡
when is your birthday? - 2nd July baybeeeeeeee which I share with my birthday twin @obligatoryidolblog Hehehe we’re like Seungyoun & Yibo.
what is your favourite colour? - Red.
what’s your lucky number? - 2, 3, 4 & 7... I like to think...
do you have any pets? - Aye, I have 3. A Cat, a Bearded Dragon & a 25 yr old African Grey Parrot.
how tall are you? - 5″5′ aka cute height.
how many pairs of shoes do you own? - I have 5 that I use on the regular, then probably 5 older pairs I keep for different activities. (I use shoes until they have holes in them before throwning them away, or else it’s a waste.)
favourite song? - I have many, I should probably insert a playlist or something... but atm N.Flying- Let Me Show You.
favourite movie? - I’m a cinephile & majored in Film... That question is N/A... but anything by Wes Anderson... also my favourite childhood film is Matilda because I am one with Matilda.
what would be your ideal partner? - ♡ Kang Daniel... ♡ Goofy, foodie, & a highly introverted nerd that likes Spiderman & LEGO... but I can’t just pick someone like him off a supermarket shelf... So I’ll go with soft & trustworthy with a sense of humour. (Preferably a dark haired one, but I’m not picky. As long as we can lounge around reading manga & snacking, we good.)
do you want children? - Nope. However, if I did, I’d like to think I would adopt. Just makes sense. Thought of growing a sprog & popping one out it weird.
have you gotten in trouble with the law? - ...not yet... see A. to Running Q.
what colour socks are you wearing? - Currently none, my feet are warm... Please... No pictures...
bath or shower? - Shower, but occasionally I’ll soak in the bath. (It’s a must as I suffer from Hypermobility.)
favourite type of music? - Hmmm probably Rock/Indie/RnB.
how many pillows do you sleep with? - *sigh* Not enough... but 2 under my head with a memory foam plushie. Then 2 body pillows on either side of me & a shiba plush to hold whilst I sleep. (I can’t sleep without the latter, not for security purposes, hypermobility is just no joke peoples, the act of sleeping is very painful sometimes. & also I have boobs... if you have boobs too, you’ll understand.) 😬😬
which position do you sleep in? - 1 arm under a pillow, the free one holding something, 1 leg straight, 1 bent & sideways. (If I can sleep that is... lmao) 🥴
what don’t you like when you’re sleeping? - Noise. & Light. I’m an extremely light sleeper. I can’t sleep without earplugs & an eye mask or else I will murder someone, so please do not try to talk to me as I fall asleep. Also warmth. If we be hugging whilst sharing a bed, do not be offended if I take breaks. ♡
what do you have for breakfast? - I don’t like breakfast, but it’s important to eat it so I usually have a Nature Valley biscuit & a bottle of water, does me fine til dinnertime. (& by dinnertime, I mean lunch. Not dinner, as I call that tea. Don’t ask questions, I’m from Jon Snow land.)
have you ever tried archery? - Nope, I was banned from ever trying but I’ve always wanted to. It’s badass. (L.S.S: I used to own a paintball gun & was a VERY good aim...)
favourite fruit? - Strawberries & Cherries . My party trick is the thing with the stalk... FYI.
favourite swear word? - B*stard. My family is part Scottish 🇫🇮 so it’s fun to say & hear. Also I grew up watching Sean Bean in ‘Sharpe’ so it feels right as he wasn’t born too far from where I live.
do you have any scars? - Aye. Oh boi do I, but people barely notice them until I bring them up. I have a Harry Potter-esque one from when I split my head open as child that’s mostly covered by freckles... a pretty cool one on my right ear from when I fell into a stack of VHS tapes that I’d made into a castle... several on my knees... a small one above my upper lip & the most recent one is on a boobie from when I had my heart monitor implanted. It sorta looks like a ‘W’ or a little butterfly... Kinda cute I must say.
are you a good liar? - I have been known to spin a tale or two for comedic purposes.
what’s your personality type? - INFJ (It hasn’t changed in years, so I stand by it.)
what’s your favourite type of girl? - Human. & Alive & Nerdy.
left or right handed? - Right, but slightly ambi depending on the task.
favourite food? -  Cake. Or an English roast.
are you clean or messy? - Clean, but if I’m stressed, you bet my room will be a mess.
favourite foreign food? - Korean Seafood Pancake & pork buns, basically any kind of sweet or savoury buns. GIMME.
how long does it take you to get ready? - Depends on the day, but 30mins if I’m showering & dressing & drying my hair. (It’s pretty long, I need a haircut)
most used phrase? - “Gotta risk it. To get the biscuit.” Amongst many others.
are you a good singer? - Who knows. I hate Karaoke.
do you sing to yourself? - If no-one is around, then yes. But when with friends you’ll find me singing my own parodies to popular songs for my own amusement. The most popular is Jealousy (KFC) by Monsta X.
biggest fear? - I shall not reveal this incase my enemies are reading... but I’ll say humans. They’re very scary.
do you like long or short hair? - On myself... long, but I am jealous of people that can rock the short hair.
are you into gossip? - Nah, aint got time for it. Have too many films & dramas to watch in my free time & himbos to simp over.
extrovert or introvert? - Ambi, but highly introverted. Humans irk me & drain my mental battery. I need all the juice to get through a single day.
favourite school subject? - Art & Media.
what makes you nervous? - Everything & Nothing.
who was your first real crush? - Ooof. Hard pass.
how many piercings do you have? - I used to have my ears pierced as a kid, but they’re closed up now, I would like the top of my right ear pierced though. I think that looks really cool.
how fast can you run? - Very fast. Faster than The Flash. Probably even faster than Koro Sensei. Definitely Mach 20+. My brain thinks even faster than that. It’s a gift. Fast & Furious who? Fast & Furious Me is what it is.
what makes you angry? - People without manners. Also people who aren’t open minded & do not think before they speak. Words scar.
do you like your own name? - Aye, I do. It means ‘to bind/snare’ & also ‘noose’. In Scottish Gaelic it’s ‘Beathag’ [Bey-ahk] which means ‘Life’. Which I find pretty cool. I like all my names. Middle & last name include. They have nice meanings.
what are your weaknesses? - My own feelings.
what are your strengths? - My own feelings. I’m also extremely loyal. I’ll do anything for my friends.
what is the colour of your bedspread? - Currently black & white. Chic.
colour of your room? - Cream, but I’m moving soon, so who knows.
-le fin-
tagging: @24hoursofdaisy @ceruleansoleil @summerstormsandbacon @wdzday6 @mypansy @lovelyeo & anyone else that wants to join.
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Beauty and the Dunbonnet, Chapter 1 - The Outlander
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Claireabella Beaton was sleeping peacefully in her warm cozy bed when she was rudely awakened by her Uncle Lamb’s voice, floating in through the open window. She groaned and rolled over, pulling her pillow over her ears, but it was no match for Lamb’s cursing when he was on a roll.
“Gorach pios de cac!” 
She giggled and rolled her eyes. Her uncle, a born and raised Highlander, nearly always reverted to Gaelic when he was angry. 
Claireabella was born in England to Henry Beaton, Uncle Lamb’s younger brother, and Julia Moriston, who died in a tragic coach accident when she was only five years old. Though she had been living in Scotland for the last fifteen years, she still spoke as if she’d been living in Oxfordshire her entire life. It was just one more thing that set her apart from the Villagers of Inverness, who had never truly accepted her as one of their own, despite her Scottish heritage. 
She stretched languidly and threw the covers off. She was meeting Geillis Duncan— the only person she could count as a true friend — that morning to pick herbs. Claireabella and Geillis were both accomplished healers, another thing that set Claireabella apart from the rest of the villagers. They were always happy for her services when they were ailing, but the rest of the time, they viewed them both with deep suspicion, sometimes whispering under their breath that Claireabella and Geillis were witches.
She got dressed and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for herself and Lamb. She moved about the tiny kitchen cracking eggs and throwing slabs of meat in a frying pan, all the while singing a song Geillis had taught her a few weeks before.
Finish Reading on AO3
There was a farmer's son,
Kept sheep all on the hill;
And he walk'd out one May morning
To see what he could kill.
And sing blow away the morning dew
The dew, and the dew.
Blow away the morning dew,
How sweet the winds do blow.
He looked high, he looked low,
He cast an under look;
And there he saw a fair pretty maid
Beside the wat'ry brook.
Cast over me my mantle fair
And pin it o'er my gown;
And, if you will, take hold my hand,
And I will be your own.
If you come down to my father's house
Which is walled all around,
And, you shall have a kiss from me
And twenty thousand pound.
“Well, madame, I know your uncle cannot give me twenty thousand pounds, but I shall take the kiss anyway.”
Claireabella put her hand to her chest and leaped in the air at the intruder’s voice, knocking over a small table containing some of Lamb’s artifacts, as he called them. Her uncle was a crofter by trade and necessity, but his true passion lay in archaeology. She wondered briefly if she’d broken anything and then realized she needed to deal with the more important fact that there was a stranger in her kitchen.
She looked up and couldn’t help but roll her eyes at the soldier standing in the doorway. Blackjack Randall smiled creepily at her and gave a slight bow. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”
“In fact, you are,” Claireabella replied curtly. She turned back to the hearth and continued her work. “If it’s breakfast you’re looking for, I’m sorry to say that we scarcely have enough eggs to last us the week. I could offer you some stale bannocks from last night’s dinner.”
Randall scoffed and took another step into the kitchen. “No, Madame. The day I beg breakfast off a poor crofter’s table will be a somber day for me indeed.”
Claireabella whirled around, heat rising to her cheeks. “No, you wouldn’t steal breakfast, but you would steal bags of grain intended to feed half-starved families through the winter.”
“And should my soldiers starve?” he asked.
“Did they work for that food?” she shot back.
He straightened up a bit and moved closer to Claireabella. “They are here for your protection, Madame.”
Claireabella sidestepped quickly, making sure not to allow Randall to get too close. “Our protection? Is that so? And was it protection when you flogged that poor boy from Broch Tuarach for stealing a loaf of bread?”
Randall chuckled sardonically. “Oh, Claireabella, you are a sweet, naïve thing. That poor boy, as you call him, was a dangerous criminal who tried to escape from Fort William. Is it not my duty to protect young women like you from being attacked or, God forbid, raped by such an unsavory sort? A desperate man can be a dangerous thing.”
“You needn’t worry about me,” Claireabella replied, rolling her eyes. “I’m perfectly safe here with Lamb and Rupert to protect me, should I need it.”
“And yet, I was able to walk in your door and sneak up on you.”
“Then perhaps, Captain Randall, it is you I should fear and not errant Highlanders.”
Randall’s face contorted with anger, and Claireabella could see that he was making a concerted effort not to lose his temper with her. She turned her back to him again and attempted to salvage the breakfast she’d been unable to pay attention to. 
Just then, she heard the door open and Lamb’s cheerful voice calling out to her. “Claireabe — Captain Randall, to what do we owe this visit?”
“I was out on my patrol and thought I’d stop in and see my soon-to-be betrothed.”
Claireabella dropped the frying pan with a loud clang. “Your betrothed? I’ve made no such promise to you, Captain Randall, nor will I ever.”
Flustered, Lamb kneeled on the floor and began cleaning up the mess. “Now, now, now. Dinna fash yerselves. I’ve made no such promise to Captain Randall either, as he has no’ officially asked fer yer hand. Ye canna blame the Captain fer attemptin’ to court ye, Claireabella.” 
Claireabella put her hands on her hips. “I don’t want to be courted. Not by him and not by anybody. I have no interest in giving up my freedom so a man can own me like cattle.”
Randall flashed her a condescending smile. “There you go again with your naivete, Claireabella. Your uncle will not be here forever. Who is going to see to your welfare?”
“I am,” she responded vehemently. “I’m a talented healer, and I will make my own way in life without depending on a man to support me.”
“You are a fool, madame,” Randall seethed, “and I can only hope that you see things clearly before it is too late.”
“Is that a threat Captain Randall?”
He took a deep breath and leered at her. Having reigned in his temper, he spoke with an eerie calmness. “No, Madam, only an inevitability. I think I have worn out my welcome today, and I’ll take my leave of you now. But, consider my offer Claire, because, once withdrawn, I will not make it again."
"Well, that's a relief," she mumbled under her breath as Randall left.
As soon as the door shut behind him, Lamb turned to Claireabella and sighed. “Claireabella, a leeanan, ye mustn’t provoke Captain Randall like that. He’s no’ the sort of man ye want as an enemy.” He scooped the salvageable breakfast onto a plate and handed it to Claireabella. “Here, a nighean, eat.”
She pushed the plate back. “No, Uncle Lamb. You’ve been working hard for hours already this morning. I have to go meet Geillis anyway. I’ll find some berries along the way.” 
She kissed her uncle on the cheek and headed out the door before he could protest, grabbing her basket and shears on the way out.
She had to walk quite a way to find Geillis that morning —they never planned a specific meeting spot but rather worked their way through the meadows, grasses, and woodland until they found each other. Claireabella usually enjoyed the solitude of that first part of her foraging trips almost as much as she liked visiting with her only friend, but that day she had an eerie feeling that someone was watching her. Could it be Randall? Would he follow her out all this way?
She was relieved to spot Geillis finally. “What’s troublin’ ye, Claire?” Her friend always called her by the shortened version of her name. The Gaelic word for Claire was Sorcha or light. “Ye seem distracted.”
Claireabella bent down to scoop up a fresh bundle of greens. “It’s nothing really. Just a strange morning.” She told Geillis about her encounter with Randall that morning. 
“The nerve of that English bastard!” Geillis said. Then she blushed and said, “Sorry, Claire. No offense.”
“None taken! I would not want to be associated with anyone the likes of Randall. I don’t care where they’re from!”
“Is that all that’s troublin’ ye then?”
“Not really. It’s just that I’ve had the strangest feeling someone’s been watching me all morning.” Claireabella shuddered and pulled her shawl tighter at the thought.
Geillis looked around then leaned in conspiratorially. “There’s been rumors, ye ken?”
“What kind of rumors?”
People say there’s been a monster or spirit haunting these woods the last week. Some say he’s a nuckalavee, but others say he’s a mere mortal. If he is a man, he’s said to be a dangerous man, perhaps even an escaped criminal.”
Claire gasped as she recalled what Randall had told her earlier. “This man,” she asked urgently. “Do they give a name for him?”
Geillis shook her head. “Nae. They call him only, the Dunbonnet.”
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mrs-mikko-rantanen · 4 years
Studying With the Renegade Archangels
Playlists for studying with the crew! Idk mostly its a stress outlet for me, but enjoy!!
Nyar Frostbane
Traditional classical music for studying. Violin, piano, cello, all that good stuff.
Avanda Alistairion
Celtic. Mostly instrumental, but a few with lyrics as well. Most that have vocals will be in either Irish or Scottish Gaelic. A few Lord of The Rings songs tossed in there.
Thane Orionson
Mostly Lord of The Rings and chill video game soundtracks. This is pretty much what I listened to all of my Junior year in high school. Pretty mellow for focus, but a few higher energy songs tossed in there to keep you moving forward! (I'll probably add some songs from musicals to this one too as it grows)
Not gonna lie, Spotify's algorithm did most of the work on this one, but I'm still here for it. I'll add more as I go. Not the kind of music I usually listen to, but hey that may change. Bit of k-pop, some songs that played before every lacrosse game I ever played. Can double as a workout playlist. Good for late night study sessions when you cannot focus or for days when you feel really high-energy and don't want school work to kill the vibe. A good reminder to do a few pushups or move around after 6+ hours at a desk.
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steamberrystudio · 4 years
Today I stumbled upon this song in Gaelic called "An Eala Bhàn" ("The White Swan"), which was composed in the trenches in WWI. When I got to the following verse, I was like "Ari? Is that you???" -- Crouched in the trenches/ My mind is fixed on you, love;/ In sleep I dream of you/ I am not fated to survive;/ My spirit is filled/ With a surfeit of longing/ And my hair once so auburn/ Is now almost white. (Just thought I'd share since it's so pretty. Also, Ari is my fave so far.)
That’s such a pretty song! I love listening to Gaelic lyrics. In some ways it always makes me think more of Changeling because of the strong roots with Irish and Scottish Faerie lore.
That verse you quoted does have really strong Ari vibes, and the song is so pretty! O///w///O
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