#and that Bruce would RATHER be stopped or even killed than risk betraying everything he has ever fought for
dramatisperscnae · 6 months
👀 Dickie
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Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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captainshazamerica · 3 years
If this Bruce doesn't adopt Tim I will! But I'm kinda scared for Tim I mean he's either gonna end up with Buce or the titans at some point, im afraid that something terrible is gonna happen his family and then titans/bruce takes him in? That boy loves batman and robin so much like even his family seeing the news knew how much it would upset him although I will say that for the brain that kid has he makes some pretty stupid decisions, hes driving around GOTHAM plastered in the bat-symbol that's not a good idea! the amount of lunatics that roam free in Gotham (and possibly have escaped from arkham) and hate the bat and hes driving around with the bat symbol on him KID be careful!
Some kind of Anti-fear toxin does seem more accurate cuz he's clearly taking something to not be afraid. Maybe it's something he found in Gotham and decided to try it and got addicted so he's using that lab place to try recreate it? and maybe he can't recreate it perfectly cuz in the crowbarring scene he seemed kinda anxious about his surroundings and he'd just taken that inhaler thing to overcome fear so I dunno?? Or maybe he went to arkham to see Crane for some reason and Crane has orchestrated the whole thing and told him about the drug but then wouldn't Crane have to know everyone's identity then? Dude I dunno I need more episodes even tho the low quality glitchyness is painful lol
There's probably an abundance of rooms to choose from at Wayne manor yet Jason takes Dicks old room and keeps the flying graysons posters up! I like to think that he does view dick as an older brother and just took his room to kind of have a connection to him and that he admires him hence the graysons posters being left up, yooo dick calling him his brother! I really want a nice family reunion with dick jason and bruce 💕
Babs was too mean to bruce when she went off like I get where she's coming from but yo lady his son just died dial it down like a notch yikes but also babs being like 'i wonder how long it'll take for bruce to replace jason and dick is all 'what no the last thing bruce is gonna do is rope another kid into this mess'. Cut to scene of Bruces potential robin folder 😅 but I also like that dick was trying to be considerate and compose himself for bruce but once he found out that bruce is idiot enough to pull another kid into this, that that's when he got mad and bruce so brokenly begging dick to come back and be robin 😢😢😢
I know the show is constantly trying to push bruce out/sideline him cuz it's a titans show not a bruce wayne show and I know they're going for a different portrayal of bruce which I'm not complaining about I do like this version of bruce (more than I thought actually) and this universe but I feel like they could have gave more cracks you know, I like that they showed him trying to avoid the reality of jasons death and just not stopping not even for a second and just immediately jump into another case and that breakdown verge where he's begging dick to be robin and then when he finally I guess let's the weight of jasons loss sit on him to the point where he whacks in jokers head with a crowbar just like he killed jason (he could have killed joker so many other ways like a less violent bullet to the head but oh no brucey crowbars him to death!!)
There's a lot of character stuff that i do like but that scene where he's in the cave on his knees scrubbing his sons blood out of the suit he died in, the suit that he only ever wore because of batman. 😢 I feel like they could have had him crack there and let out a gut wrenching scream and then just continue on doing what he was doing as if nothing happened and dick walking in on that should have had more of a reaction!? like he could have stopped in his tracks at the sight of his brothers blood all over his father and bruce screaming, dick could have like took a step back almost like he's gonna run but forces himself to stay there, because who wouldn't want to run from that and no matter how much horrible things you've dealt with before sometimes your brain does just take over against your will and makes you react, the rest of the scene just could have played out the way it did. Literally one ounce more emotion is all I wanted.
No one really emotionally cracked at jasons death. I get that it just happened and that people put walls up and denial can be such a prominent thing when a loved one dies but it couldn't have been that difficult to put in little mannerisms now and again to show that everyone is deeply hurt but holding it in. Honestly gar seemed more hurt to me than dick did. But I do like that dick reacted in detective mode and started trying to figure things out from jasons side so at least there's that.
This redhood is defo not an anti hero he has well and truly landslided into villian territory and I dunno how that's gonna be reconciled? they better not kill him off! and they better not just straight up keep redhood/jason as a full on villian! but if they do get through to jason and bring him back a little how the heck is that little man gonna deal with what he did to Hank?? I feel like they had a bond you know and for all Hanks talk about putting Jason down I really don't think that Hank would actually have killed him even if it came down to Hanks life vs Jasons I think Hank would rather die than kill Jason (but that's heavily biased cuz in my mind jason is my son and I freaking love hank sooo) but Hank to me puts on a hard front like 'yeah I'll get in your face I'll come at you b*tch' but internally he's like 'yeah I'll come at you to help you' 😅 like internally he defo has a lot of soft spots though that's not to say he'd be like this for someone like the joker or scarecrow or whatever guys like that he'd be like no screw you you die or go to arkham like byeee
Nevermind how jason is gonna come back from this though HOW IN THE ACTUAL SH*T is dawn gonna come back from this!!?!!
Random side note here but imagine Jasons first time in the batcave he would be so excited and trying to mess with everything and being like ohh what's that do and pressing random buttons and bruce having a hernia trying to get jason to stop before he accidentally blows the cave up 😅 also he has probably been caught several times trying to 'borrow' the batmobile, I can just picture him trying to sneak down the halls of the manor without the floor creaking and making it all the way into the cave and doing a victory dance cuz he didn't get caught and he hops on into the batmobile in his pj's and let's out a scream cuz alfred is sitting in the freakin passenger seat waiting for him and then they just hang out in the batmobile alfred had the good foresight to bring a flask of tea books and a blanket for jason
Speaking of Alfred I think it would have been more angsty and hurtful if Alfred died shortly after Jason and after a few days Jason claws his way out his grave and the first thing he sees is Alfreds headstone and that's how he finds out Alfred died : (((
This is so long girl I'm sorry I know it doesn't seem like it but I did restrain myself 😅 one more thing before I go maybe this Dick is the absolute worst mf and the reason babs feels betrayed by him and is so upset with him could be that he left her (or cheated on her) with Dawn cuz of that weird flashback thingy in the other season where dick dawn was a thing I dunno I hope not though that would be ughhh
Oh crap, you right about probably something bad will happen to Tim for Bruce or Titans to take him in, I was gonna say he could just demand to be in their lives to save Bruce/Dick like in the comics but he also has kinda shitty parents normally and these people seem cool so really it could go either direction, but like it’s Titans so it doesn’t look good lol. Also, I wonder if it’s gonna be Dick who is basically gonna adopt him this time since we already had a huge track record in just 2 seasons lmao. But I know right, true I like how his parents knew immediately how much the news would effect him 😭 I hope he goes down the making himself robin and forcing himself in Dick and Bruce’s life xD I love that route. Lmao, the kid is all book smart, very little street smart when it doesn’t have to do with outsmarting someone XD
I was also rewatching and that gas he takes def has to be some anti fear toxin cause he mentions fear so many times and flash backed to his near death fall, which he felt was probably holding him and back and thus had to prove himself and adds to whatever is influencing him. But ohhh he did seem pretty dang anxious at the carnival grounds, that’s a really interesting theory but recreating something he found hmm, I can see that.
Apparently according to a YouTube who got to see the first 5 episodes, we find out what his deal is a lot more in episode 5, so one more week hopefully
Brooo trueee, I couldn’t believe jason took dick’s room and like didn’t even change anything. Like Jason looks or at least use to look up to Dick SO much, like in his first episode in the first season, he went on quite a lot about how much he had always wanted to meet him and how much he looked up to him, which is probably also fueling his red hood rage, being hurt by your idol and brother like he did in S2 must have really just killed the boy. But yes omg, there freaking better be a dang family reunion scene like, after so much angst we deserve that 😭
And yesss, I loved seeing how mature Dick is getting and just how much he is growing as a character, the fact he was so calm and considerate with Bruce at first really shows that compared to s1 Dick, only breaking when Bruce tried to get more kids involved. That scene by Brenton was sooo well acted omg, the way he yelled that he doesn’t want to robin again, heartbreaking man. And Bruce begging like that omg
Yeah, this version of Bruce is def so different than any Bruce we have seen on screen before, like def the most emotionally constipated, and that’s saying something xD But I like how they are taking a risk, it also helps Dick’s character more and give him more of an arc, as he seems to be taking on Bruce’s normal role with Jason and red hood. Bro, you are so right omg, like the fact Bruce could have killed the joker in any way and he does it with the dang crowbar. It really shows how broken he really was and why the man shouldn’t depressing any and every damn feeling and emotion lol.
Omg, I love how you have the exact details of what you wanted to happen in that one Bruce and Dick scene 😂👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 bro if you dont already you should totally write fanfics cause that was so detailed, I love it
Yeah, I do wish someone cracked (other than Bruce lmao) a bit more, but I do think each character reacted in character though, like it is very Dick(at least this version of Dick, other versions may break down tbh) to put everything into solving the case and figuring out what was up, that’s more this version’s way of caring than just breaking down, like he rarely ever has broken down completely. I think dawn could have been a little more emotional about the death (tho she has enough coming for her lmao). Connor didn’t know Jason that well so it makes sense he would just be sad. Gar seemed pretty sad and in character about it, maybe could have had a bit more, same with Kori, tho she showed it by being almost angry and fiercely protective of everyone else, so I think that makes sense for her. It would have been interesting to see how Rachel and Rose would have reacted though (where did rose go btw?! She would so have a reaction to Jason’s death). But yeah, i wish there was more resolution and break downs for Jason, but also it may have just not felt real since they weren’t there? But I agree
You think? Idk, I think they could def still make him an anti hero towards the end, especially if it’s crane behind the whole thing. Cause if they don’t they are gonna have to go down the gosh awful overused villain gets redeemed while he dies/only to die right freaking after , and I will be so freaking livid if they do that omg. Like they better freaking not. But true, he would be broken by what he did to Hank, oh yikes. But I can see him then that leading to the anti hero path, like he would never go back to be on the titans cause he would feel too guilty, thus giving more of a reason for the anti hero life. But I know, I loved Jason and Hank’s love hate relationship 😭😭😭😭 You know Hank secretly loved the kid and probably saw himself in him.
Yikes poor dawn, you right. Like I have no idea how she is gonna be now like wow.
OMG GIRL, You are on a hc angst train today!!!! That scenario of Alfred dying right after jason and Jason climbing out to see Alfred’s?! Heartbreaking!
But I can’t believe they killed Alfred off so casually tho😭
Omg I swear if they freaking show Dick having cheated on Babs I will be so freaking pissed omg, he better have not! Im hoping they had a more high school romance thing/grew up together then got together type of thing
And omg don’t apologize I LOVED IT and reading your asks!!! I feel ya too!
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ellana-ravenwood · 5 years
“I want a divorce” - Bruce Wayne x Reader
Well. The title is rather self-explanatory. Hope you’ll like it ;) : 
My masterlist blog : @ella-ravenwood-archives
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It wasn’t a rare occurrence for the youngest Wayne boy to barge uninvited in the Kent’s household. He’d come to play video games with Jon, or to just hang out with his friend. 
More often than not, he’d stay for lunch (and of course compare every single thing made with what his mom or Alfred make). And though he never called to say when he would come, apparently thinking it uncessary to do so, he was always welcomed. 
He was such a good friend to Jon, that neither Clark nor Lois minded. Both boys had a good influence on the other, as surprising as this might sound. Besides, Jon too, often went to Wayne Manor uninvited. 
Though unlike the Kents, Bruce grumbled about it all the time. 
Mainly because the kid always flew there using his powers. Your husband told Clark countless times to just ask and he would send a helicopter to fetch him…of course, only Bruce Wayne would think it reasonable to get a helicopter instead of his son flying discreetly there (he always made sure to land in the forrest next to Wayne Manor, so no one would notice him).
Yes, Damian was always welcomed in the Kents’ house, wether he was invited or not. Lately, Lois even managed to make him do the dishes, a feat that she was very proud of. 
Oh and if only she knew that you were the one responsible for that change in your son. One day Jon was visiting and helping Alfred to clean up after diner, and you were thanking him. That’s Superman’s son “betrayed” his friend and made a comment about Damian never helping out when he visited his house, which made you scold him and tell him that it was the polite thing to do to at least offer some help ! 
You’d never tell Lois of course. It was better that she thought she was the one convincing your son to do it. 
Today was one of those unplanned visit. 
Damian knocked on the door (which should have been the first sign that something was wrong, as usually he would directly climb through Jon’s bedroom window. What was it with those Wayne boys and not using doors ?). 
Clark was the one to open and was indeed more surprised that the boy knocked rather than him being here uninvited.
“Hello Mr. Kent, is Jon here ?”
“Mr Kent” ? Asking politely if his son was here and not just making himself at home by coming in ? Clark had no shadow of a doubt that this was your doing. You probably had a little conversation with him about the fact that climbing through people’s windows wasn’t very nice. 
Only you, could make your youngest son behave like that.
“Hi Damian. And yes, he’s upstairs doing his homework. Come on in.”
“His homework ? Maybe I should come back later, then ? I don’t want to bother him, or you.”
That genuinely rendered Clark speechless. Has his best friend’s son been replaced by someone else ? A form of alien body snatcher or something ? Since when did Damian care about wether Jon was busy or not ? Not that he would impose himself if he really was, but homework ? Damian would usually help him out with it so it would be done fast and then they could hang out. 
Clark was staring at the boy with his mouth open, not sure wether it was really Damian Wayne in front of him or not, when Lois walked past them and noticed the boy.
“Oh hey there Damian, coming to see Jon ?”
By saying that, she was expecting a sarcastic : “oh no, I came here to visit the neighborhood, I’m very interested in real estate” or something of the like, as obviously he was coming to see Jon. But she liked little snarky Damian, he made her laugh, which is why she asked him “dumb” questions on purpose sometimes. So she was very surprised when instead, he said : 
“I was, but he’s doing his homework so I should come back later when he’s not busy. I don’t want to be a nuisance or anything.”
Lois stopped in her track. For a few seconds, she wasn’t sure wether the boy was serious or just extremely sarcastic (just like you). But after observing him for a while, she could clearly see he was being genuine. She looked at Damian curiously. 
Which made the boy uncomfortable. Why were they staring at him like that ? What was their problem ? Were they having a brain aneurysm or something ?  Should he just…leave ? Or should he make sure they were ok first ?
But before Damian could do anything, Jon came downstairs and saw all of them bundled up at the front door.
“What’s going on here ? Mom ? Dad ? …Oh hey Damian !”
“Hi. Are you done with your homework ?”
“Oh yeah, it was easy peasy ! Hey come on, I just got to a new level in « Cheese Viking » and unlocked new weapons !!”
Jon ran back upstairs, not even noticing that his parents seemed to be frozen in their place, staring intently at Damian. Your son stared back for a few seconds, wondering what got into them, before following Jon up.
There was a few moments of silence, before Clark turned to his wife and said :
“Did he just…Was he just being…”
“Weirdly polite and considerate ?”
“Yeah. Must be (Y/N)’s doing.”
“Must be.”
They both looked towards the stairs where their son and Damian disappeared just a few seconds before, and looked at each other again.
Damian was always more polite and nice when you were around. It seemed like you had this positive effect on your family, managing to get the best out of your children, out of Bruce. 
Around you, they always were more relaxed and happy, which made them act in a nicer way. Not because they were afraid of you and your wrath (well, maybe that a little, and it was well known that you highly disliked impolite people), but because you just had that soothing effect on them. 
They just felt better when around you, which made them behave in a lighter, more optimistic way.  To be honest, most of the time, you didn’t even make them behave in a nicer way on purpose, they just…became softer when you were around. 
Clark always saw a clear shift in Bruce’s mood, when he was out on long missions for the Justice League and wasn’t able to see you for days, even weeks at a time. It always made him more…More like when he first met Clark and you weren’t in the picture yet. 
He was moodier, less patient, more snappy and violent. 
More than once Clark asked “how is (Y/N) doing ?” to Bruce when the man was being particularly annoying and harsh, just so that he would lift up his mood (and by extension, get off his back a little). 
Bruce, as Batman or not, would always have a fond expression on his face, even a quick dumb smile before getting his emotions back in check, at the mere mention of you. 
The members of the Justice League often used your name to defuze delicate situation with the Batman. He could get so severe and unforgiving, they were very thanksful for your existence and the way you seemed to, even when you weren’t there, make him soften up. Make him more human, or rather, allowing this human side of him to surface without him wanting to immediately suppress his feelings so he would never get hurt again. 
Now of course he was still very much the intimidating and stoic Batman wether you were around or not, but he just had moments of...”weakness” (or strength, really), where his expression softened, and he let go of certain things he would usually not let go of. 
He’d still stare dagger into anyone mentioning that fact though. 
And this sort of soothing effect you had ? It worked on all your children too.
Dick got down from irattional anger more than once because someone said something like “what would your mom think of you right now ?”. 
Jason stopped killing because he saw how much it hurt you, and finally came to understand his father’s point of view thanks to you.
Tim would get out of his « focused » mode (the moments when he was so into something that he didn’t hear anything around him, and would forget to eat and sleep) if he heard your name, and talking about you and your worries for him would always be a sure way to get him to bed. 
Cassandra was less afraid to talk and show her emotions, when you were there. She felt safe and warm and minded less to show her true self. 
And Damian…Well Damian was overall just more agreable and polite when you were around. Because you made him want to be a better person. He wanted to show you he wasn’t the boy the Al’Ghuls raised, but your boy. 
One that was compassionate and that cared about others.
So yeah, he would be nicer when you were around. He was nicer overall, of course, compared to when he first came in your life…But he was also his father’s son, which meant that sometimes, he’d get arrogant, patronizing even. 
But oh well, you never wanted to change him per se, you just wanted to make him feel loved and safe. It was a bonus really, that thanks to that Damian showed his true color. 
He was never a ruthless warrior who killed without regret, and who wanted power. He was actually a very sensitive boy…but that of course, was a little secret between you, him, his siblings, father and Alfred. 
He couldn’t risk others to think he was a total softie, which is why sometimes he could be a bit…well, smug and annoying, really. 
Even with you, to be honest. There were times he thought he knew everything better than everyone else and drove you completely crazy. But he couldn’t be perfect. He was still a human. Of course sometimes he’d get on your nerve, especially as he was entering his teen years…
In any case, your presence made him want to be better, but it didn’t mean that he couldn’t sometimes act all smug and all (he was his father’s son after all...Plus, you too could be highly sarcastic, petty and cynical, not letting anyone walk on your feet, and a bit too brutally honest at times). 
And with the Kents ? Especially with Clark and Jon (he always seemed to be a bit softer with Lois, and she was pretty sure it was because she somehow reminded him of you), he could be a little asshole. And he most definitely never cared about wether Jon was doing his homework or not. 
If he wanted to see him, then he’d just invite himself in the house without worries of inconveniencing them. 
So for Damian to act like he just did, unsure and worried he would bother them, both Lois and Clark were pretty sure you must have scolded him for some reasons…But oh, they were actually rather far from the truth.
“Are you okay Damian ?” 
“Huh ?”
Damian turned to Clark and looked at him blankly for a few seconds. They were around the kitchen table, eating dessert, and the boy was clearly someplace else, lost in his thoughts. Damian answered : 
“Yes, the pie is very good. Good job, Mrs. Kent.”
Ok. Definitely not the answer Clark and his family were expecting. It was clear that Damian didn’t hear a word of what Superman said, and just answered automatically to a question the man often asked him when it was dessert time.
“Um, Damian ?”
The boy looked up at Clark with a questioning look in his eyes, before the man continued : 
“Are you okay ?” 
There was a few more seconds of silence, where it seemed like Damian was pondering his answer, before he finally said : 
“...Yes ?” 
Which definitely didn’t sound convincing. And did not sound like something Damian would say. The boy was always so sure of himself...Lois exchanged a look with her husband and son, and they all stared at him. He didn’t even seem to really notice it, as he was once more deep in his thoughts. 
It wasn’t like Damian Wayne, to be daydreaming that much and answering questions half-heartedly like that. If a question annoyed him, he’d just get very snarky and be done with it. But here ? Right now ? He suddenly seemed like a little kid who lost his parents in a crowded mall. 
He was looking right through them, and a strange lingering sadness fell heavy in his eyes...Clark asked, once again : 
“Are you sure you’re okay, chum ?” 
The question seemed to surprise Damian, and he turned back to Clark. He just stared at the man for a little while, before answering in a low voice, almost a whisper :  
“I-I don’t know.” 
“What do you mean, you don’t know ?”
“I-I came here hoping it would take my mind off of something. Playing video games with Jon usually makes me forget some of my worries. But-But it’s not working today.” 
Touched by the fact that Damian came to his house when he felt a bit overwhelmed, Clark answered, his voice soft and reassuring : 
“What is the matter, champ ?” 
There was yet another silent. Damian was staring at his pie, refusing to raise his eyes because...Oh God. Clark, Lois and Jon quickly realized why Damian was averting their gaze, and they had no idea how to react to that.
He was crying. 
Damian was crying. 
His tears falling heavily on his piece of apple pie. Out of reflex, Clark reached for his shoulder and...And something very unexpected happened. It kind of freaked the mighty Superman out.
Damian jumped out of his chair and into Clark’s arms, burying his face in his shirt and sobbing slowly. What the hell happened, to put him in such a state ? Even during very difficult time, Clark never saw the boy shed a tear. Never. 
“My-I think my-I...My parents, I think they’re going to divorce !” 
He managed to finally say in between hiccups, and suddenly everything made sense to Clark and his family. 
Divorce ? You and Bruce ? How was it even possible ? Clark never saw anyone as deep in love as you two were...What happened ? 
The night before, Damian couldn’t sleep and whenever this happened, he would walk around the Manor until he would get tired. He would usually avoid going anywhere near his parents’ bedroom, for obvious reasons...But he was getting very sleepy and didn’t even realize his feet were directing him towards there. 
Once he realized, he made a face and was about to quickly turn around before hearing anything that would make him want to vomit...When he heard his mom yell angrily, which was definitely not a sound he was used to hear coming from this room.
“Curiosity killed the cat”, the saying went. And Damian would soon realize that he would have rather not being so curious that day...
“How could you do this to me Bruce ?!” 
He heard you yell, and you sounded so mad...Damian’s heart skipped a beat. What did his father do ?
“Come on (Y/N), you’re being unreasonable !” 
“I am not ! You’re just being such a jerk, why ? Why did you do this ?” 
What did his father do ?! Damian, ear against their bedroom door, was listening intently, his heart beating faster than ever. He never heard his parents fight, genuinely fight ! He saw them argue a few times, but they never yelled at each others like that ! 
This had to be serious. 
“I had to (Y/N), and you know it !” 
“You had to ? Does...Does any of this even matter to you, Bruce ? Do I matter to you ?”
“You know you do !”
“Then why did you betray me like that ? Why ?”
“Because that was my only option !”
“No it wasn’t ! You could’ve...you could’ve...You know what ? I’ve had enough !”
“You’ve had enough ?” 
Damian’s mind was running a hundred miles per hour, trying to figure out what his father could have done to anger you so much ! It must have been something terrible ! And the tone his father used when he said “you’ve had enough ?”, it sounded like he was almost desperate...
“Yes. This is the straw that broke the camel. I’m done. I’m so done.”
“What do you mean ? You can’t be done we-”
“Yes I can. And I am. You know what Bruce ? I always knew you’d break my heart one day. I just...” 
Damian’s heart stopped. What was happening ? 
“I just never thought it would be in such a way.”
“(Y/N) I-” 
“I don’t want to hear any more of your excuses. Any more of your lies. You said you would never do this, and yet...Yet here we are.” 
“I’m really-” 
“I said I didn’t want to hear you anymore. You went too far. You know you went too far. And I can’t find the strength in me to forgive you this time...I just can’t...” 
“So what ? You’re just gonna leave then ? Give up ?” 
“Yes Bruce. Yes. Exactly. That’s what I’m going to do. I gave you so many chances Bruce, so many. But you just never change, do you ? I hoped...I hoped I could convince you to...I...I was wrong.” 
No ! No what was his dad doing ?! Damian wanted to burst into the room and yell that whatever Bruce did, he should apologies again and again, until you’d believe him. Why would he take such a cold tone now ? Why would he...Why ?! 
Oh but Damian knew his dad better than a lot of people. He knew that when cornered, his father could swallow up all his emotions and become a machine. He knew that if pushed far enough, his father would push back with triple the force. And so when Damian heard the coldness in his father’s voice, he understood that this was it. 
“I can’t believe I trusted you.” 
“It’s not my fault you were so naive. You can only be mad at yourself, (Y/N).” 
“How dare you say that to me ?! When I always supported you in everything you did ?!” 
“What do you want me to say, (Y/N) ?! You don’t want to hear my apologies, you don’t want to hear the truth, you-”
This was getting so out of hand. What did his father do ? What did his father do ?! Damian’s heart couldn’t stop from beating hard. What should he do ? Should he intervene ? But he never had the time to...
He had no idea what happened in there, but after a short silence, your voice raised again saying, lower than before, and clearly saddened : 
“So that’s it huh ? That’s all you have to say then ?” 
“Yes. You won’t listen to me anyway, no matter what. You’re done ? When I’m done too. I did what I had to. I’m sorry you got hurt in the process, but that needed to be done.” 
Another silence. A heavy one. A silence so deep that all Damian could hear was his rapid beating heart. When finally, you talked again : 
“Ok. So that’s how it is. Those are your last words ?”
“Ok then...Well, I want a divorce if that’s how it’s going to be !”
Damian’s blood froze in his veins, as he heard those words coming out of his parents’ room.
Wh…What ?
A divorce ? No. No this couldn’t be ! What was going to happen to the family, if you divorced ? And what did his father do to make you want to divorce ? It seemed like it was only the day before that he saw you two be grossly in love...And it was the day before ! 
What happened ? Or maybe...Maybe it was all just a facade ? 
Damian remembers reading somewhere that a lot of couples that want to divorce stay together just for the kids. Even if they can’t stand each others anymore, they won’t split up so they can raise their children in a “normal” household. 
And that definitely sounds like something you two would do,  if you fell out of love or something...Damian always thought you loved each others deeply, and that it would never end, but what if it did ? What if the love you both had for your children was the only thing holding you two together ? 
And what if whatever his father did, finally broke this bond ? Finally made you want to truly leave ? 
The word sounded awful in his mind. And he felt like he was about to cry...What would happen, if you divorced ? With whom would he live ? He didn’t want to see less of you or of his father because you two weren’t together anymore ! 
Divorce. No. This wasn’t possible...And yet. Yet as Damian heard your footstep go to the bedroom door, he had to face the truth. 
Your son quickly hid in the shadows of the corridor so you wouldn’t see him as you exited the bedroom, as he was pretty sure he wasn't ready to face you just yet, after learning such an awful news...
You stopped at the door frame and turned around, saying : 
“I’m going to sleep in one of the guest room. The further from you I can.” 
And on that note, you slammed the door shut and walked, without looking back, towards the East wing of the Manor. Indeed, the opposite of where your room was...
When you slammed the door, it didn’t shut off properly as it bounced on the frame, and so the door was still slightly opened. Damian peaked in, and what he saw convinced him that you and his father were truly going to divorce. 
Bruce was sitting on the bed, facing the wall so that Damian could see his face. And he looked...broken. Sad. So sad. 
It could only mean one thing. If you did divorce, it wouldn’t be Bruce’s choice but yours. Which meant...You finally gave up. 
Damian had no idea what his father did, but he knew that he already hurt you many times. When he used to have his “dark days”. When he was unfairly harsh at times, too deep into his Batman persona. When...When...
Bruce wasn’t always easy and sweet on you. He could be a very difficult man to live with. But Damian always thought you could handle it, after all, you did for so many years...But he guessed that even the best snapped. 
Damian hated that word. 
After witnessing you and Bruce fight, Damian definitely couldn’t fall asleep anymore. He couldn’t go to you, or to his father for comfort of course...so he went to the next best thing, his sibling.
He went to his sister first.
Cass opened her eyes groggily, and was met with a distressed Damian...Which instantly awoken her. She sat up in bed and said, tensed : 
“Damian, problem ?” 
But Damian wouldn’t tell her yet. He guided her through the Manor, and to Tim’s room before waking him up too (way more aggressively than how he woke Cass up). 
“Ah oh no I didn’t ask for licorice ice cream ! Please spare me !” 
Tim yelled, jumping out of his bed in a panic. For a few seconds, Damian forgot the awful thing he just witnessed to judge the hell out of his brother...But just for a few mere seconds, before his sadness crept once again in his bones. 
“What’s happening ? What is it ? Are we under attack ?!” 
Tim continued, rubbing his eyes and looking around the room haphazardly, grabbing his blanket as a “weapon”. Until he finally noticed Damian and Cassandra. He was about to get mad when he spotted his little brother’s expression. The hell happened, why did he look so heartbroken ?! 
An ancient “older bro” instinct grabbed his soul, and he grabbed Damian by the shoulders, looked at him right in the eye and asked : 
“What’s the matter Dam’ ?” 
“Don’t be ridiculous Damian, mom and dad would NEVER divorce, they’re much too in love for that !”
Tim said, wide awake now. Yes. This was just ridiculous. Everyone could see how in love his parents were. They always rubbed in in everyone’s nose, wether intentionally or not. 
“Well I thought so too ! But then I heard them arguing, father said that mom was being unreasonable, and mom said that she wasn’t, and talked about wanting a divorce !”
“You actually heard her say that ? Are you sure you didn’t just have a nightmare ? I get super vivid one sometimes too, especially about our family breaking up into pieces...” 
“No Tim ! It wasn’t a nightmare ! It was real ! A real nightmare !”
“So it was a nightmare ?” 
Cassandra rolled her eyes and said : 
“Not nightmare. But looks like nightmare, if really real.” 
It baffled Cass, that Tim could be the smartest of them all, and sometimes the most dense one. The girl turned to her little brother, and asked : 
“What happened ? From beginning to end ?” 
And so Damian said the entire story, of how he surprised their parents’ fight. When Tim still looked unconvinced, he dragged him all the way to the guest room you were deeply asleep in and...
Faced with the reality of what was happening, Tim almost had a full on panic attack there and there. 
No. No no no. His parents couldn’t divorce ! With whom would he live ? ...No, he couldn’t even think about having to chose ! No. No this couldn’t happen. 
Tim, when he was very young, already witnessed his biological parents’ divorce and...it was so destructive ! It ruined his chance to ever have a normal home ! Tim always been convinced that his biological parents’ divorce is what lead them to take all their bad decisions, what made them so bitter and dangerous, and what ultimately killed them.
Because they didn’t have that “other half” to rely on...And Tim was sure of all this, after he witnessed his “new” mom and dad being so damn in love with each others. Supporting each others every day, and helped each other walk on the path of life. 
Without you, Bruce was but a shadow of himself. And vice versa. So how could this be possible ?! Tim refused to believe it. He simply refused to. 
And yet, here, faced with you sleeping in the guest room, he had to admit the truth. You never slept elsewhere than in your shared bedroom. Never. Because neither you nor Bruce could sleep if the other one wasn’t there (you always repeated that to your children, kind of grossing them out at times). 
You needed to feel each others’ warmth to sleep and yet...yet here you were, deeply asleep in the guest room. Did that mean you didn’t love their dad anymore ? And that Damian was right, you two were really going to get a divorce ? 
Breathing heavily, Tim fell back first against the wall. His brother and sister rushed to him, mimicking what they saw you do with him whenever he had a panic attack. 
Helping him find a regular way to breathe again...But the more Tim thought about it, the more he panicked. Who was going to soothe him if you and Bruce divorced ? If you weren’t there anymore ? But would he stay with his dad ? What if he went with you ? No, Tim couldn’t quite ever forgive him if he left his father alone, as Bruce was more prompt to fall into darkness than you were...but then, who would soothe him during his panic attack ?! 
Cassandra laid her hand on her brother’s forehead, and breathed heavily. Slowly, Tim followed her breathing and calmed down. But he couldn’t move quite yet, so Cass sat next to him, and Damian sat on his other side. 
“What are we going to do ?” 
Damian asked, voice broken, tears slowly welling up in his eyes. Tim, still a bit winded, didn’t think twice before putting an arm around his little brother’s shoulders, and everyone knew this was a desperate situation when Damian curled up against him, as both of them were rarely affectionate. 
“Don’t know.” 
Cassandra said, curling up on Tim’s other side. 
“What are we going to become ?” 
“Don’t know.” 
“Is it our fault ? I read somewhere that 60% of divorce happened because of the kids.” 
“I read somewhere that 70% of couples stayed together because of the kids.” 
“So either way, they’re unhappy because of us ?” 
Your three youngest children, curled up against each other in the dark corridor, didn’t manage to reassure each other this time. They usually always were able to...but this time, they got even more depressed. 
What was going to happen, if you really got a divorce ?
Cass raised her eyes towards the door of the room in which you slept peacefully. Much too peacefully to her taste...You always said you couldn’t sleep, if Bruce wasn’t there. And he always said he couldn’t sleep properly without you. So why were you sleeping so deeply ? 
There was only one explanation to that. You fell out of love with him. Or something of the like. 
And the word “divorce” suddenly became very real. 
The next day, they found their father sitting alone at the breakfast table. When they came in the room, he left hurriedly, and went down the Batcave...this early ? This was odd. 
Damian decided to leave for the Kents’ household, in the hope that it would take his mind off of things...But it didn’t work. 
Instead, he found himself crying in Superman’s arms, about how his parents were going to divorce. And when he told the entire story to Clark, Lois and Jon ? Their faces said it all. 
It definitely didn't look good. 
Clark thought that if it was any other people, then it wouldn’t be so bad. Sometimes, your words could go further than what you really thought, you know ? Especially when angry. 
Only Clark knew you. Both of you. Very well. And he knew it was neither of your style to get that worked up over nothing, and it was most definitely not your thing to threaten to divorce lightly. 
And so, as Damian cried, all Clark could do was try to comfort him, knowing that if you and Bruce were really getting a divorce, that poor little boy would forever be heartbroken...
Damian came home a few hours after going to the Kents, heart even more shattered than before, as he didn’t find the solace he was looking for in his friend. 
On the contrary, he only found pity, which was the worst thing possible right now...
When he came back to the manor, Cass and Tim were still there.
But this time, Jason and Dick joined as well. Cass and Tim called them, in the hope that they would have some sort of idea of how to fix things. 
Neither Jason nor Dick had any idea how to fix things. 
They couldn’t quite believe their ears, when their little siblings told them about the fight their parents were in. 
“Well, couple fight all the time right ?”
Dick tried to say, hoping to find a positive light to put things in. 
“Not like that. And not our parents.” 
“I’ve seen them fight often.” 
“But it wouldn’t last long. While it has already been a night and half a day right now !” 
Damian said, anxious. The fact that he was counting down the hours since he last saw his mom and dad together was saying something. 
“But lately they haven’t had time to see each other often right ? They were very busy ? Maybe that’s why they fought ? Cause they missed each other and were frustrated that they couldn’t see each other ?”
Dick tried, but instantly regretted it as he saw a look of horror in his little brother’s eyes because...Oh but yes. Yes, Dick understood instantly what Damian, and all his siblings, were slowly understanding. 
They were putting two and two together. You and Bruce hadn’t seen much of each other lately, while you always made sure to spend time together...That could only mean that...that...
That morning,  you were nowhere to be seen, and Alfred said that you apparently went out early. You ? Out ? Early ? Without saying bye to your kids ? Or to Bruce ? Yeah. There definitely was a problem. 
Dick didn’t really know what else to say, to try and rationalize what Damian just told them. Because the kid seemed so serious and heartbroken, he couldn’t make it up ! 
Besides, what kind of sick joke would that be ? No. Neither him, nor Tim or Cass were that good of actors. They all seemed devastated. They were clearly not lying. 
And Dick had no idea how to deal with the news. No funny jokes came to his mind, no way of lightening up the atmosphere. Instead, a big ugly anger started to rise within him...because how could you guys do this to them ? 
Dick, when angry, lost all sense of what was rational and what wasn’t. And as he was trying to keep his fury in check, so that he wouldn’t make it worst for his precious siblings, he couldn't help but indeed forget the rational part of his mind...and forget about how this split up would hurt you and Bruce a lot too. All he could think about, was him, his brothers and sister, and how this would forever break their family ! 
And it made him so...so angry ! 
Jason hadn’t said a thing yet, lost in his thoughts. So..what, that was it ? His parents were going to divorce ? Just like that ? 
The role model, the relationship goals he set for himself would just like, vanish in the air ? Years of wanting something just like his parents had would shatter ? 
Did real love not exist ? According to what Damian said, you have had “enough”...but weren’t you suppose to be THE person who could deal the best with Bruce’s shit ? If even you gave up on him...Then who would ever take their chances on someone like Jason ? 
Jason had no illusion about who he was; He knew he was a difficult man to live with too, but he always found hope, solace, in the fact that even a VERY difficult man like his father found love. 
True love. 
And now...now they were getting a divorce ?! 
What could he believe in anymore ? If even the greatest couple he ever saw was breaking-up ?! Jason couldn’t let that happen : 
“Well, it’s not by staying there and lament our loss that anything will get fixed. Do you guys know where dad and mom are ?” 
“I think dad left an hour ago for the Justice League’s watchtower. And we haven’t seen mom since this morning...”
“Ok...Ok well let’s go up then !” 
“Up ?”
“Yeah, let’s go to the watchtower. Talk to dad. Find out what he did, and try to find a solution to make mom forgive him.” 
“Jason, she really sounded mad. And like it was the last straw. She slept in the guest room without problem !” 
“So ?” 
“So she...she might...not...want to be with him any-”
“Shush. We don’t truly know what happened. I admit it’s odd they slept in different rooms, and that it sounded like a really bad fight. But maybe there’s a way we can still salvage their marriage ?”
None of his siblings looked convinced, but Jason wasn’t about to give up on his ideal of love. And so he dragged them to the zeta tube that would take them to the Justice League’s headquarter. 
As soon as they arrived, Jason’s convictions faltered. 
Because their dad wasn’t working at a computer, or doing anything...instead, he was eating ice cream at the kitchen table, looking like a sad puppy. 
Could it be that...Could it be that their mom really got enough of him, and was truly the one that was leaving ? What if when she left this morning, she decided she would never come back ?! 
This would be the end of their family. And their balance could be so fragile...Without you, or Bruce, who were the center pillars of it all, everything would shatter. 
Before your children could go to Bruce though, Clark reached him. He too, just came through a zeta tube, and he immediately spotted his gloomy friend. 
After hearing about everything from Damian, he had to go and try to lighten his friend’s mood...
“Hey Batman.” 
Bruce didn’t answer, not even looking up, continuing to eat his ice cream. When was the last time Clark saw Bruce eat something sugary like that ? Oh, right. Long ago. When you broke up for a short while, when Dick was still really young...Oh. Wow. Well this couldn’t be good. 
“Are you okay ?”
“Oh yeah. I’m great. I’m a big happy ray of sunshine.” 
Ooook. Sarcasm. That was...good, right ? 
“Listen, Bruce, I-”
“Clark, I’m really not in the mood. Leave me alone please.”
Wow, this was serious. He didn’t even budge when Clark used his real name instead of “Batman”, and he just called him “Clark” too. This had to be serious. 
Superman raised his head, and saw your children looking at them from afar. He smiled sympathetically to them, and turned back to Bruce, not ready to give up just yet. 
“Bruce, you know you can talk to me right ?”
Batman glared at Clark, and Superman got the shiver...wow, if a look could kill right ? But behind the annoyance in Bruce’s eyes, there was something else. And Clark was pretty sure it was sadness. So he persisted : 
“Listen, Damian told me what happened so-”
“What happened ?” 
Bruce had suddenly straighten back up, and looked at Clark suspiciously. So Clark continued : 
“Yes, yesterday night.” 
It was the first time in his entire life that Clark witnessed Bruce lose complete control of his emotions like that. The Bat’s face fell, and he averted his friend’s gaze before saying : 
“Ah. So you know.” 
This made Clark utterly sad. This confirmed that something indeed happened, and given Bruce’s reaction, it must have been bad... 
“Clark, I swear I didn’t mean to. But she forced me to...I didn’t...” 
What happened ? Did Bruce cheat on you ? But this didn’t sound like a thing he would ever do...But what he said just now made it sound like...And now that he was thinking about it, and according to what Damian said you two argued about, the way Bruce betrayed you...
Maybe ? Maybe Bruce did go too far ? Clark could imagine him cheating on you in only one way. If it was for a mission. If he “had” to to get intels. And even then, it really didn’t sound like him. But given the nature of the argument, and what he just said...
Maybe Bruce did really cheat on you. Even if he didn’t want to. And that would definitely be the last straw for you, the last time Bruce put his “mission” before you and his family. 
But wasn't this all “Dark Bruce who thinks his mission is more important than his family” a thing of the past ? Didn’t you already got into a big argument about it long ago ? 
“What happened, Bruce ?” 
But Bruce never had the chance to answer, as the zeta tube near your children started and...you appeared. 
You seemed completely surprised to be face with all your kids, and started to smile at them but...but then you saw Bruce, sitting not far away, and you frowned, looking elsewhere.
Something was most definitely up. Neither your kids nor Clark ever saw you two act this way...Or rather, they did saw you do that before, childishly not talk to each other after a stupid fight, only, the fight you had the day before wasn’t “stupid”. And you seemed more serious about it all than usually. 
Clark was about to try and pressure Bruce more so he would talk, when Jason exploded. He couldn’t keep it in anymore. He just couldn’t. 
His dream of having a perfect relationship like his parents one day went up in flame, and the salvation he found in his family was threatening to break. 
If his parents divorced, Jason just knew his family would never be the same again. That they would all go their own way. That...That...He couldn’t handle it. And so he exclaimed : 
“What the hell is up with you two ?!” 
This made you jump in the air, as you weren’t expecting such an outburst from Jason, and surprised Bruce too, who was already ready to ignore you and go back to his ice cream. 
You both stared at Jason for a few moments, when you finally said : 
“What ?” 
“Between you and dad. What’s up ? You’ve been acting weird since this morning, and yesterday you slept in different rooms ! And apparently you rarely saw each others lately ! So what is happening ?!”
“We were just...rather busy lately. As for yesterday we-”
“Don’t lie to us mom ! Tell us the truth ! No bullshit about being busy or whatever, tell us what is really up ! And why you’re divorcing !” 
You blinked once. Twice. And...You turn to Bruce. He looks back at you, and you can see he’s as lost as you are. You say :  
“Divorce ? Who talked about divorce ?” 
Damian comes forth and yells : 
“You, you did ! I heard you in your room. I didn’t mean to eveasdrop I promise, it was an accident. But I heard everything. And you’ve been acting so weird lately…You didn’t even kiss father in front of us in days ! You were so distant lately ! And yesterday you slept in different bedrooms ! And you fought ! You said Father betrayed you like never before, and that you wanted a divorce ! And this morning you left without a kiss for him or us, and when you came up here you...you were about to ignore him ! It was clear ! And you glared at him ! And father is eating ice cream ! He only does that when he’s sad !” 
Your children were now staring at all of you, and you could see on their faces that they were downright panicking. And sad. Utterly sad. And that’s when you realized that, this time...you might have went a little bit too far. 
To your defense, you had no idea Damian heard you and Bruce fight. Or you would have instantly went to him. You give him a guilt ridden smile and...
Damian is sure of it. You really are going to divorce. If not, why would you look at him like that. Why would you look to apologetic ? It was clear that you didn’t expect any of them to find out like that, maybe you and Bruce were preparing a big announcement, which is why you slowly-
“Your father and I are not going to divorce.” 
Your voice cut right through Damian’s thoughts, stopping them right in their tracks. He looks up at you and...he’s completely lost. What was happening ? 
You looked at Bruce, who was slowly walking towards you, and then you turned back to your children : 
“I’m um...sorry you misunderstood me.” 
“What is there to misunderstand mom ? You said you wanted a divorce. Don’t lie to us please, if you are getting one please tell us.” 
“I’m not lying Jason. Let me explain...First of all, we were really truly busy lately, and genuinely didn’t have time to see each others. Believe me, it was hard for both of us. Which is also probably why what happened yesterday was so...virulent. And oh my god I think you will all be very cross with us once you’ll find out the truth. Very cross with me. Um...uh...” 
But you weren’t saying anything. Why weren’t you saying anything ? Between you and Bruce, you were always the one that was able to express things the best to your children. So to see you speechless was worrying...Were you thinking of a way to explain that you and Bruce will stay together, not get a divorce, but simply didn’t love each other anymore ? 
Dick could only think of that, as he saw you struggle to find your words. Because if it wasn’t something important, then you wouldn’t find it that hard to say something. He never saw you having that much trouble to say something. This must mean that things were bad between you and Bruce...
Their father was next to you now, looking at you struggle, when he finally helped you out : 
“Your mother was mad because she lost seven times in a row at Uno.” 
None of your children move, and it seems that they all forgot how to breathe. 
Clark, who is also next to all of you (for support), feels like his brain just turned off. 
Wh-What ? 
No one moves, nor speak. 
What did Bruce just say ? 
Silence. Stretching. 
Minutes pass. And no one speaks. Nor move. 
Silence...Heavy, endless. 
It feels like years went by, when :
“What ?” 
Tim finally asks, utterly confused, breaking this odd haze that engulfed all of you for a few minutes, as everyone was trying to wrap their brains around what Bruce just said. 
“Your mother was mad at me because she lost seven times at Uno.” 
“Yeah ok they got it Bruce, you don’t need to repeat how many times I lost !” 
“Just get over it (Y/N) ok ? It’s just a game !”
“Oh ! So it’s conveniently just a game when YOU win huh ? But when I do, then we should have another game !” 
“Oh my God we’re not going to talk more about all that are we ?!”
“Well you know what ? Yes we are ! We are ! Because that was the greatest treason of them all !”
“(Y/N), you’re being ridiculous again, and-”
“YOU PROMISED NOT TO USE YOUR +4 CARDS AND YOU DID ! Worst, you had two of them ! And then you had a reverse card, and then a +2 yellow, and then...You didn’t even give me a chance ! While you said you would !” 
“You were always wining at that game, I had to win at least once !” 
“Oh, so then you proceeded to win SEVEN TIMES IN A ROW with low blow like those huh ? It was sheer dumb luck.” 
“Oh so when I win it’s dumb luck, but when the great (Y/N) Wayne wins it’s strategy ?!” 
“I won’t be called (Y/N) Wayne for long if you keep going on like this, you-”
“STOP !” 
Damian’s scream stopped you and Bruce right in your track, and made you turn to them. Somehow, as you both got fired up about a stupid Uno game, you completely forgot how serious the entire situation was. 
All of a sudden, you’re reminded of it, as your children stare at you, disbelief in their eyes. 
“You guys were...you guys were fighting that bad about a game of Uno ?”
You and Bruce exchange an ashamed look, and your husband says in a weak voice : 
“Not any game of Uno. The ultimate game to decide all game. If I won that last one, it meant I would win forever as we would stop playing Uno and move to another game, and your mother is a sore looser.” 
You don’t even glare at him as he says that, aware that this all situation goes beyond your stupid competitions. But you nonetheless store it in your mind, next time you win at a board game against him, then you’ll throw it back in his face for sure ! 
“Why would you stop pla...wh...HUH ?!” 
Tim was understandably confused. Of course all this would only makes sense to you and Bruce. It was an old tradition between you two, whenever you both couldn’t sleep and were yet too exhausted to make love, you’d play a bored game. Something easy that didn’t require too much brain power. 
It would usually tire you out to the end, and you’d fall asleep playing...however, both you and Bruce could get highly competitive, and more than once you spend entire nights playing and ended up fighting like children. 
Only this always happened very VERY late at night, and rather rarely still, so of course no one witnessed such fights, were you both would blow everything out of proportion (to be honest, it was also kind of part of the game...you both knew you were being ridiculous and extreme, this was part of the fun ! “The make-up sex was always brilliant”. Sometimes, you two had a funny idea of romantic). 
But of course, that, your kids didn’t know. And of course, when Damian heard you yesterday...OF COURSE he would fall on one of your worst fight, as Bruce really DESTROYED you at Uno (sheer dumb luck!). 
You admit you might have gone a bit overboard. But it was because this was suppose to be your last few games of Uno before you’d move on to the next board game ! Of course it would infuriate you that you’d lost all of them ! Even more so since Bruce totally did some jerk moves !
Damian looked at both of you, and all the emotions you read in his eyes made you feel even guiltier. Poor little one, you made him go through so much with your silliness...
“But father looked so sad when you went to sleep in one of the guest room...”
He says, and you can’t help but say : 
“Ah yes, well your father always gets sad when we don’t sleep in the same bed, cause he’s like an attention starved puppy and he-”
“Oh my God stop !”
Dick yells, and he’s clearly FURIOUS. 
“Can’t you see how serious all of this is ? Damian, Tim and Cass have been thinking that you two were going to divorce since last night ?! Do you have any idea how hard this thing has been for them ?! Why would you two put yourself in such a state after playing a damn game of Uno ?! This makes NO SENSE ! You’re ADULTS, why are you like this ?!” 
He rambled for a few more minutes, scolding both you and Bruce about how dumb it was that you’d fight that bad because of this, and you and your husband slowly realized how indeed serious this all was. 
Granted, they could have just come and talk to you, and things would have been cleared up but...no. This was you and Bruce trying to find excuses for yourselves. For acting like petty children. 
Because of course, in your children’s eyes it would seem like a serious real fight. After all, you rarely yelled at each others like that. And yes, you did really get carried away by saying you wanted a divorce, and by going to sleep in another room but...the bastard put a +4 cards while he promised he wouldn’t !  
However, this time all thoughts of this stupid game left your mind (every game you lost was “stupid”, every game you won was “awesome”), as you listened to your son yell at you and Bruce. 
When Dick finally ran out of breath, he fell in a nearby chair and grumbled some more about how ridiculous this all was, but he was also clearly relieved. 
His family wouldn’t break. 
The divorce was a false alarm. Ugh. Sometimes, he forgot that you and Bruce could be extremely petty and childish. Because you were always there, supporting your kids, and seeming so strong...That he forgot that you were also just humans, and had big flaws too. 
Especially when it came to you. He tended to forget your bad sides more than his father’s. After all, Bruce had some pretty obvious flaws. But you ? You were good at hiding them. It was easy to forget how extreme you could be about some things !
Out of breath after yelling so much, Dick just sat there for a bit, beyond relieved even if he was still mad. 
Cass called you both “morons”, which really meant a lot. She was definitely on the same level of anger than Dick was, as she would have never called you that if it wasn’t the case. 
She left the Watchtower hurriedly, and you made a mental note that you and Bruce needed to go see her when you’d get home, and apologies deeply. You hadn’t realized that such a silly thing could be so devastating to your children...
But if they genuinely thought you two were going to divorce, then you could totally understand them. 
Tim went to sit next to Dick, unable to say anything. He wasn’t mad, he was more...utterly stunned by how childish the mighty Batman and his wife could be. This would definitely require a long time to get over. 
But he was most definitely the smartest of them all, as he made a mental note to use this entire event against you one day, if he did something that would get him scolded by both of you. Oh yes. “That time you made all of us think you were gonna divorce” would surely get him out of ANY trouble. 
Damian stared at his parents for a bit, before screaming in rage, surprising everyone, and hitting his father in the guts to then proceed to hug you and him tightly. 
Bruce didn’t even dare to say “why did you only hit me ?!” as he was trying to catch his breath after such a punch, and held his son too, trying to convey his apologies. 
“My poor little baby...” 
You whispered while soothingly running your fingers through your son’s hair, knowing that he always found the gesture calming. Your “poor little baby” was crying softly in your arms, the stress of those past long endless hours of thinking his family was going to break pouring out all at once. 
When he finally calmed down, he tore away from you and said : “you guys are dumb !” before running through the same zeta tube Cassandra went in. You were pretty sure this two would sulk together, which was good...You didn’t particularly want any of them to be alone right now. 
Clark knew you and Bruce couldn’t even think about actually divorcing. You two ? Well he knew it was true love. And though he definitely had his doubts as Damian told him some pretty bad things that happened the night before, and as he saw his friend sad and eating ice cream...Deep down, he knew it wasn’t possible. 
Clark never saw two people as in love as you two were. Not even his love for Loisn which was deep and unconditional, could compare. He knew that. You and Bruce, it was truly meant to be, and it would just have broken his heart if you genuinely would have gotten a divorce ! 
He was so glad it wasn’t true. But was also utterly exasperated by the truth. Who the hell plays Uno in the middle of the night anyway ?! He walked away shaking his head, thinking that you and Bruce would never NEVER ceased to amaze him. 
For better or for worse, really. 
The last one to react was Jason. You and Bruce didn’t dare to leave and do what you had to do in the Watchtower, as you weren’t sure your son, the only one that didn’t react, was ok. 
He just stared at you blankly for long minutes, and you were about to ask him if was alright when he suddenly bursted out laughing. 
Which most definitely took you by surprise. Um...What ?
Jason was laughing out of relief. That the true love he imagined in his head was really existing, and that he could hope for it. But he was also laughing because all of this was just so ridiculous ! 
Him and his siblings had been worried sick, on the verge of breaking from the inside at the mere thought that their parents were going to divorce...And all along it was just them having a fight like five years old would ?
Oh that was just too damn funny ! And so he laughed. He laughed and laughed for a long time. When he finally calmed down, he said : 
“Oh I swear. You guys are too much.” 
You and Bruce weren’t sure how to take this, so you simply smiled at him. Jason, still chuckling a little bit asked : 
“So hey, when I was a kid, and you said I had to go to bed and leave you cause you were going to play monopoly, and I was too young to play such a complicated game...You guys were truly playing monopoly then ?” 
"Uh ? Oh. Monopoly. Yeah, no, we were having sex. Your mom hates monopoly.” 
There’s a few seconds of silence, where Jason stares at you. Dick and Tim, who were still here, give you a “are you fucking kidding me look ?” and Bruce realizes maybe now wasn’t the time to tease them...But you can’t help but smile, and try to muffle your laugh as best you can in front of your sons’ horrified expression. 
And of course, of course Bruce starts to laugh too. Now. IN the worst of moments...You two always laugh at the worst time possible ! Goddamnit ! Your kids were really going to get mad at you for a while, if you kept going like that ! And they would have every reason to ! 
Oh well, for now, you thought it was very funny, how they reacted to the discovery of the fact that “playing monopoly” meant you were having sex. You’d worry later about apologizing. After all, they were already super mad about this entire mess of an event. 
Oh, miscommunication. It was quite a thing really. And as both Bruce and you tried to muffle your laugh, but not very successfully, it was clear that you had made up. 
You hunched over your husband as your fit of laughter was playing around with your balance, and he caught you. And seeing both of you laughing together, and clearly as in love as ever reassured your sons for good. 
But for good measure, they still left and yelled an angry : 
“Ugh, you guys are the worst !” 
As they exited the Watchtower, leaving you and Bruce giggling like teenagers.  
Aaaah. Sometimes, rarely though, you two could be such children. And even if you’d take things MUCH TOO FAR, it was still always refreshing to see the both of you understand each other so fully...
I often talk about how petty and childish my main Batmom can be at times, but I never really wrote anything about it…well here we go. Like I said, there’s a reason why her and Bruce get along so well, they’re both so damn dramatic and reach such extremes at times XD. Anyway, hope you liked this ! (??) I wrote this very quickly, as usual with bonus stories. It was just a little bit of fun, a silly story not to be taken too seriously (she says, as to find an excuse as to why this is so shitty).  As usual, feedbacks and reblogs are very welcomed <3. 
By the way, this was loosely inspired of an ask I received from an anon’, but I didn’t put the ask at the beginning as I usually do because I didn’t want the “twist” to be spoiled. 
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
I just read that after Tarantulla raped Dick they were going to marry?! WTF DC THIS IS NOT A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPP is this true?
Yeah, in the issues following Blockbuster’s death and the rape, Dick was a total and complete mess, and Tarantula pretty much spent the next several issues taking advantage of his emotional state. She encouraged him to get drunk to feel better, and tried to use his more vulnerable drunken state to do a number of things which included targeting villains like Copperhead for the sake of her own personal agenda and almost getting married at a chapel. I believe she’d gotten a marriage certificate and everything, and the only thing that kept that from happening is right before it did, Dick got a call from Bruce summoning him back to Gotham to help with the War Games storyline, and the city-wide gang war that had erupted. 
(I honestly can’t remember if it was outright stated or textualized in the issues, but it was heavily implied that there was sexual interaction between Dick and Tarantula during this period…..I don’t want to call it them having sex, because Dick wasn’t in a coherent state of mind to be making the choice to have sex based on his normal priorities. My personal interpretation has always been that Dick let Tarantula drag him along from place to place during this time and ‘consented’ to having sex with her because he was kinda trying to….retroactively reframe what she’d done to him on the roof in issue #93, if that makes sense? Like, my take is that Dick was heavily in denial at this stage, and was kinda trying to convince himself that if he made the ‘choice’ here and NOW to have sex with Tarantula, then he could from there kinda convince himself that what had happened on the roof wasn’t any different. Like ‘well maybe I didn’t technically consent at the time, but see, I’m having sex with her now, and that means I probably would have anyway if my head had just been a little clearer.’ Make no mistake - I’m DEFINITELY not suggesting that this in any way makes what happened in #93 any less of actual rape, and there’s no interpretation IMO of the later scenes between them where Dick was making full use of his own agency rather than just unhealthily trying to cope with something he was still trying to process as him having been victimized by rather than a willing party too. It was all just messy as fuck, is what I’m saying. And Tarantula, whatever she thought she was doing, was very much manipulating the fuck out of Dick at his most vulnerable moments through all of this).
Tarantula went to Gotham with him, and even ‘helped’ the Batfam due to the fact that Bruce kinda just….took the fact that she was accompanying Dick and he wasn’t protesting it as a sign of him vouching for her, instead of like….the fact that Dick wasn’t remotely in the right state of mind of to be making healthy decisions, and was pretty obviously on a path to self-destruction. He was extremely reckless throughout the War Games storyline, getting shot in the leg by cops without it even phasing him, heedlessly risking his own life in order to go after Firefly (who just a couple weeks earlier had been hired by Blockbuster to burn down Haly’s Circus), and he basically gave the impression that he didn’t really care if he got both of them shot by the cops while he was going after Firefly - to the extent that it freaked Firefly out and he was yelling wtf are you doing, you Bats aren’t supposed to act like this. 
In the immediate aftermath of the War Games storyline, while still recovering from a gunshot wound in his leg, Dick left Gotham again without a word to anyone, just leaving his Nightwing costume abandoned in the Cave. He went back to Bludhaven, with Tarantula following him, and there he turned both himself and Catalina in for the murder of Blockbuster. (He turned himself in as Officer Dick Grayson, who’d been fired from the force before Blockbuster’s death, and basically presented himself as a cop who’d gone rogue rather than implicating himself as Nightwing, so as not to draw any heat back towards the rest of the Batfam by association). He was in jail for like a day or two, but then his former partner and now the captain of the precinct, Amy Rohrbach, had him released and said she refused to let him throw his life away out of guilt for something he didn’t even do. 
(She’d known his identity for some time, and its the reason he quit being a cop, she told him he had to choose and it was a conflict of interest….BUT the very night Blockbuster died, she came to him, knowing what Blockbuster had been doing and how he’d been targeting everyone Dick loved in his civilian life, and she offered to give him his gun and badge back so he’d be ‘covered’ if he had to shoot to kill Blockbuster in their inevitable confrontation. Dick refused to take them though.)
But anyway, when Amy made it clear that she wasn’t going to sit back and let Dick throw himself on his sword out of misplaced guilt for a murder he hadn’t actually committed, and was willing to drag herself down with him if he pushed it, Dick was released and he continued to spiral….and this is when he came up with his plan to infiltrate the mob and then from there the Society of Supervillains as Renegade. He first worked as an enforcer for the mob, nicknamed “Crutches” for the fact that he was still on crutches due to his leg injury, but this didn’t stop him from being effective….and then once he got what he’d wanted out of that he progressed to developing the Renegade persona and working for the Society and with Deathstroke. Basically, all of this was part of a plan he’d come up with to ensure Bludhaven’s safety in the longterm, without his presence….he was explicitly counting on not being around to protect Bludhaven himself, mostly because he didn’t deserve to be in his eyes, and it was heavily implied that he was at least passively suicidal at this time and was enacting this plan as kinda a form of ‘getting his affairs in order.’ 
Basically, the idea was he used his infiltrations to get leverage over the various mobs and make deals with supervillains notorious enough to ensure other villains obeyed a decree to stay out of Bludhaven….and ultimately his plan was to have Bludhaven become a kinda ‘no-fly zone’ for supervillains, the mob and superheroes alike, a city that was left alone for its citizens to live without outside interference. He’d gotten the leverage he needed to keep the mobs from operating in Bludhaven and had a supposed agreement with Deathstroke to keep the villains out….when Slade went back on his word and cooperated with the rest of the Society to drop the nuclear supervillain Chemo on Bludhaven and destroy the city just before Dick managed to bring his months long plans to fruition.
So, this is why if you’ve seen me post about the Blockbuster stuff before, I tend to say I hate how its been boiled down and reduced to just the rape on the rooftop by Tarantula. Yes that was bad enough on its own, but there was SO MUCH SHIT being thrown at Dick from EVERY POSSIBLE ANGLE, simultaneously, with no reprieve. Everything he was working towards was systematically thwarted and dismantled in both his civilian and superhero lives and nothing was going his way, and nobody anywhere was showing up to help him, and he truly was at rock bottom, and I hate hate hate people thinking he only has one or two major traumas in his life because that was like….a good year long exercise in misery for him. He canonically spent months undercover working within the mobs and the Society to try and make his plans happen, months surrounding himself by the worst of the worst and convincing himself all the while that he BELONGED among them. That was part of why he was doing what he was doing, make no mistake…..he fully believed at the time that he’d become no better than them.
And its why I loathe Bruce’s ultimate ‘pep talk’ to him, when Dick was finally recovering in the Batcave after Superman flew him out of radioactive, destroyed Bludhaven, where Dick had RUN BACK INTO in an attempt to save as many people as he could. “I can forgive you for Blockbuster’s death, if you really need me to, but I can’t and won’t forgive you for losing sight of the value of your own life.” REALLY, Bruce? Like, what the fuck is that? First off, why the fuck would you make that conditional like “if you really need me to”….if you think your son needs to feel you’ve forgiven him for something that wasn’t even his fault, just SAY THAT, without qualifiers. But…how the hell do you expect him to keep sight of the value of his own life if YOU’RE NOWHERE TO BE FOUND WHEN HE MOST NEEDS SOMEONE ELSE TO REMIND HIM HIS LIFE HAS VALUE???
So eternally annoyed with the non-resolution to all of that.
Oh, and also keep in mind that in comic book time, relatively speaking, all of this is not that long after Dick killed the Joker and Bruce like….walked off and said Dick needed to figure out how to live with that on his own. With them pretty much never actually resolving this, or addressing how freaking much of the fallout from Blockbuster’s death and his bystander role in it was probably Dick overcompensating for still feeling like he’d disappointed Bruce and betrayed his ideals by killing the Joker, and that Bruce hadn’t and wouldn’t forgive him for that.
He thought he was responsible for Blockbuster’s murder because he was already convinced he was a murderer, because nobody after Last Laugh just went to him and said “Look, who the fuck cares what Bruce thinks, it was the fucking Joker, he murdered your brother and was trying to murder your other brother, anyone who says you were wrong to kill the fucker can fuck off.”
But I mean, hey maybe that’s just me. LOLOL.
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blancheludis · 5 years
Tagging: @tokky231
Fandom: Marvel, Avengers Characters: Tony Stark/Steve Rogers, James Rhodes, Pepper Potts, Bruce Barton, Steve Rogers Chapters: 23/?, Words: 124.683
Summary: Tony meets his soulmate under the worst possible circumstances. It is not just a kidnapping gone wrong. It turns out Steve and his gang picked him on purpose and they want some personal revenge. If only he had managed to say the words written on his soulmate’s arm before they threw him back out into the streets.
Natasha brings Obadiah in. It looks comical how she manhandles his much bigger figure, but he looks like whatever fight he put up was beaten out of him rather quickly. Blood is running down his brow and chin, and his nose looks crooked. A grim kind of satisfaction spreads through Tony at the sight. It does not make his own wounds or broken heart hurt any less, but the vindictive part of him rises in triumph.
“He was trying to run, but he didn’t get far,” Natasha says as she shoves Obadiah the last few steps forward. Behind her, the rest of the Avengers come closer, not wanting to miss the spectacle. Bruce immediately walks towards Thor.
Tony watches Obadiah stumble and almost fall, unable to balance well with his hands bound behind his back. He looks miserable, even while the haughtiness is not yet gone from his features. Tony wonders what it would take for Obadiah to see that everything he has done was not, in some twisted way, his right.
Tony gets to his feet. Even bound and held back, he does not want Obadiah towering over him. It is time to stand up for himself, no matter that his legs are trembling, appearing ready to give out at one wrong word or move.
He stands. Obadiah’s betrayal has not broken him. That is the only thing that counts for now.
“You sick son of a bitch,” Steve yells. Tony has not noticed him getting up too. One minute he was still sitting where Tony left him, and now he is bearing down on Obadiah, his entire body taut with tension. “How could you do all this to your own family?”
Despite being outnumbered and thoroughly beaten, Obadiah looks up with that terrible arrogance on his face, that conviction that he is better than everybody else in this room.
“I don’t even know who you are, but I can assure you that it was the easiest thing in the world,” he says. Sneering at Tony, he adds, “The boy isn’t of much use.”
Just the way Obadiah’s eyes fall on him is like another fist to the stomach. Tony feels Steve’s rage. It is more than the muted echo spreading through their bond. It reverberates deep inside Tony’s core, howling alongside his grief and the abject terror of the realization of just how much he has been used.
“Shut up,” Steve barks. His hands fly forward to grab Obadiah’s shirt and, helped by a well-placed kick against the back of his leg, Steve puts Obadiah on his knees. Looming over him, he says, “You’re not going to hurt him ever again. You’ll –”
“No.” Tony is surprised to hear his own voice ring out so clearly through the room. More than that, he is surprised when Steve stops whatever he has planned to do immediately.
Tony can see the appeal of this scene. Obadiah on his knees in front of Tony, the Avengers spread out around them. The accused, jury, and judge all gathered together. He sees himself picking up a gun or perhaps leaving the gritty part to Steve. They could draw it out like Tony wanted earlier. They could make Obadiah plead. Or they could simply shut him up forever.
Glancing at Barnes’ grim face and the way Barton is still keeping his distance from Tony, he imagines turning Obadiah over to their mercy. Let them rough him up. Let them make true on that horrifying threat of cutting off someone’s arm.
Tony can see all of that happen and knows he would be satisfied. The part of him that was hurt so much by Obadiah’s betrayal would rise in victory. The two dead bodies already in the vicinity watch on, cold and uncaring, and Tony tries to picture Obadiah as one of them.
I’m going to do it, he wants to say, ready to step forward and put an end to this.
His eyes fall on Steve’s, dark with rage, full of hunger to make this right. Tony understands that rage, but he has felt it directed at himself too. Perhaps Obadiah deserves it, perhaps Tony would never regret letting this happen. Deep down, however, he knows he would.
“Tony?” Bruce asks quietly, and Tony looks up, glad to have someone calm to cling to, someone who will not urge him in any direction over the other. Of course, the peace cannot last.
“Look at that,” Obadiah drawls, his voice distorted by the sort of disgust Tony has never heard from him. “Will you never man up and make a decision for yourself?”
Instead of answering, Steve almost casually draws back his hand and hits Obadiah in the face so that his head jerks to the side and he coughs up more blood. It shuts him up, if only for a moment.
“So weak.” Obadiah grins, showing bloodstained teeth, eyes only on Tony as if Steve is barely a threat worth noticing. “That’s why your father hated you.”
Steve hits him again, this time on the other side of his face. Tony watches it happen and feels Steve’s anger rise higher, even while he himself calms down to an almost unnatural level.
This is it. He will have to make a decision. Could he live with himself after killing his godfather? Could he live with the consequences of letting him live?
Tony knows that gleam in Obadiah’s eyes. Even beyond the pain and the glitter of fear, the malice is almost palpable. No matter what happens, Obadiah will not go down easy. He knows too much, Tony realizes. He will be convicted, but he will do everything in his power to make Tony’s life a misery.
Around them, all of the Avengers but Steve are still masked. Their communication channels are probably encrypted, making it hard to find them. Obadiah still knows about them. He knows Steve’s face, he knows now that Tony is somehow connected to them. It is not much of a stretch, considering Steve’s protectiveness and the way they sat huddled together only moments before.
Tony looks at Thor. This is his decision to make, and perhaps he is weak for not wanting to make it alone and not knowing what he is looking for in Thor’s face. It is obvious that Thor is worried. He might believe in justice, but his soulmate’s life is on the line too.
The tension in the air rises almost unbearably, and Obadiah’s gaze on him weighs the heaviest.
Tony takes a step forward, surprisingly steady on his feet, considering he barely feels himself beyond that low thrumming anticipation of making a decision that will ruin his life either way.
“Give me a gun,” he says, quiet but firm. He did not know what he was going to say, but he is not surprised by this either.
Obadiah is a risk to all of them. There is no telling what kind of damage he could still do to them even from prison. The look in his eyes easily tells that he will haunt Tony for the rest of his life.
Steve turns around, looking at Tony with wide eyes. It is not so much surprise filling them as a sort of grief that Tony feels echoed inside himself. For once, he does not care if that is his own feeling or transmitted through the bond.
“Tony,” Steve says, unbearably gentle against the backdrop of their surroundings. “You don’t have to do this.”
Standing firm, Tony smiles. It feels hollow and helps him to remove himself more from the situation. “Of course, I do. This is my mess.”
Who else could he let this do? Barton and Barnes have already shown that they take revenge too seriously. Natasha is too impassionate and would likely just make another notch in her collection. Steve is almost vibrating with anger, some righteous need to protect Tony. Bruce is, no matter what his file says, not a killer. And Thor was hired to protect Tony, not to murder in his name.
Even ignoring all of that, this is not something Tony can delegate. Obadiah is his godfather. He has been betrayed and fooled for years on end. He has caused so much harm to the world by not realizing what is happening right in front of his eyes.
Killing Obadiah now, after the fight is over, is wrong. If this is still going to happen, it has to be Tony.  
“Listen to yourself, boy,” Obadiah sneers, cutting right through Tony’s thoughts. “You’ve never cleaned up any of your own messes before.”
He sounds disparaging, but there is the faintest hint of a tremble to his voice. It does not give Tony any satisfaction to know that his godfather is afraid during the last minutes before his death.
“Then it’s high time that I started,” Tony says, so much calmer than he feels. “Get up.”
He glances behind him, just short of holding out his hand for someone to put a gun in it. He will not take Thor’s. They are already far beyond doing any of this legally, but Tony is not going to put Obadiah’s death on Thor too if the police is going to match ballistics here.
Without further ado, Tony steps towards Steve and takes the gun that is hanging at Steve’s side. He does not ask for permission and Steve does not stop him.
Only when Tony does not immediately move back but stares at the weapon in his hand, does Steve say, “Tony.” It is quiet but filled with a tentative offer that Tony never even contemplates to take him up on.
He turns away and purposely misinterprets Steve’s words. “I’m not going to shoot him on his knees,” Tony says, and that almost makes it sound like a kindness, even though it does nothing against the nausea roiling in his stomach. “He is my godfather, and that means something to me, no matter what he made of it.”
Obadiah gets to his feet agonizingly slow, never once taking his eyes off Tony. Sweat glistens on his forehead but he shows no fear. Tony forces himself to look in his eyes. He is sure there is no right way to kill one’s godfather, but he is going to do it with as much decency as he can manage.
They stand across from each other. They are both bruised and bloody. They have both lost today. Tony has Steve at his side, and Thor and Bruce not far behind, backing him up, while Obadiah is flanked loosely by Natasha, Barton and Barnes.
Tony raises him arm without looking at anyone other than Obadiah. His hand is steady, holding the gun as if this is not the first time he has pointed a weapon at another human being. It weighs more than any other weapon he has ever held, pulling him down, filling him with the wish to curl up on the ground and close his eyes until all of this is over.
Instead, he remains upright and carefully checks whether the gun is loaded and the safety is off. If he only looks at his hands, he could almost pretend this is just another day at the range, testing a new product. His breathing is too heavy for that and the scent of blood in the air robs him from any illusions.
“Obie,” Tony says and trails off, unsure what to say even while he does not want to end it like this, without getting something, anything, back from his godfather.
“Do it, boy,” Obadiah hisses, almost impassionate if not for the hate echoing in his voice. “Kill me so I can come back and haunt you for the rest of your life.”
He will. Whether he dies today or not. Obadiah will always be another thing that was supposed to be good but went horribly wrong.
Tony looks at Obadiah, looks at him beyond the blooming bruises and the malice in his features. He looks and searches for a way they can solve this amicably. There is none, but he owes it to himself to be as certain about this as he can be.  
“I got over Howard, too,” Tony says, entirely calm.
All hesitation gone, he points the barrel of the gun right at Obadiah’s chest and, without leaving himself time for even another breath, pulls the trigger. Once, twice.
Then it is over. Just like that. Tony almost lets the gun fall as he watches Obadiah’s body crumble. It does not happen as clean or as easy as movies made him believe. Obadiah roars as he falls, arms straining as he tries to raise his bound hands to his chest. He gurgles and splutters and twitches. It is undignified and drawn-out. Each second lasts a life-time and yet Tony cannot look away. This is his doing. His fault.
When Obadiah is finally silent and unmoving on the ground, Tony’s lungs are screaming for air and he allows himself to breathe with a jerk. This is it. His godfather is dead. It is done.  
A hand lands on Tony’s shoulder that he shrugs off instinctively. “Tony,” someone calls. It could be Steve or Bruce or Thor, but Tony does not look up to find out.
Shaking, he sets one foot in front of the other, just walking away from his godfather’s body. He walks until he does not see Obadiah anymore. He walks, but there are still other bodies turning up, lying in between crates of his weapons and cars that were in the process of being loaded. He does not know where the door is, how to get out, so he walks until he does not have any body in his sight anymore and collapses against a wall, sliding down into an aching heap.
What has he done?
All the satisfaction promised earlier has directly given way to panic, a low-humming sort that sends his thoughts into overdrive. He killed his godfather. Worse, he did it to save himself and a group of vigilantes. He did it to help with his own pain. He did it to make sure that Obadiah would never betray him again.  
When Tony hears steps coming closer, he wants to tell whoever it is to go away. He does not need any coddling or somebody telling him that he has done the right thing. That cannot have been the right thing because he feels awful.
“Tony,” Bruce says, as gentle as he has been before. No judgement clouds his tone, no congratulations. “Are you bleeding anywhere?”
What a curious question. Blood had been pooling under Obadiah. Looking down at his arms, Tony sees his raw wrists and his hands spattered with blood. He cannot tell whether that is Obadiah’s or that of the two other men who died right in front of him. Everything is a mess.
“What’s going to happen now?” Tony asks instead of answering.
When he looks up, he sees Bruce kneeling next to him. Thor and Steve are in the background, looking uncertain whether to come closer. His question gets them moving, and again, he does not feel crowded. For all that Tony wanted to be alone only a minute ago, he is glad now to have the company, if only to have three more hearts beating nearby.
“We’re going to clean up whatever evidence we can that we were involved,” Bruce says quietly, sounding like this is just another normal night. “And then we’ll call in the police.”
Concentrating on the logistics helps. There is no time to wallow in misery.
“You should go help them, then.” Tony replies, looking at each of them in turn if only briefly before his gaze falls back on his hands. “I’m fine.”
Bruce snorts, although there is no amusement in the sound. “I’m not going to leave you alone.”
Tony gets the distinct feeling that they are not just talking about the clean-up. It dampens the relief he feels at Bruce’s presence. “You need to get out of here,” he insists, voice full of urgency.
Taking Obadiah out to assure all of their safety would be made redundant if Bruce stayed now and tipped off the police about a third involved party.
“I can be just a friend you called in after everything was already over,” Bruce counters stubbornly, although the way his shoulders tense tells Tony that he knows himself that is not a feasible explanation.
“And Thor just took care of all of these people by himself?” Tony asks. As if on cue, Thor steps forward to put a hand on Bruce’s shoulder, offering comfort. “That doesn't make sense, you all need to leave.”
Tony does not want them to go. Not even Steve. The ready violence with which Steve threw himself at Obadiah should have put Tony off. And yet he could feel exactly that all of that anger was on Tony’s behalf. The bond had been aglow with it. The worry, the fear of the past hours, the need to protect. Whatever other issues they have, right now Tony does not want Steve to go anywhere.
Bruce nods tersely as he gets to his feet. “I don’t like it.”
“That’s nice of you.” Looking up, Tony manages a weak smile. It is barely more than a twitching of his lips, but he knows the spirit of it has been received when Bruce’s frown eases a bit. “But I’m safe now, so it’s more important to keep you out of this. And tell Barton to gather up his arrows.”
Why someone who has been in the military and worked for a government agency would choose a bow and arrow as his weapon of choice is a conundrum he will have to solve at another time or perhaps never. Just because Barton came to his rescue does not mean that Tony wants anything more to do with him. His leniency only extends so much.
“He’s –” Bruce begins what is probably a somewhat rational explanation, but Tony shakes his head.
“I’m not asking,” he says. “I just really have no idea how to explain them.” Or how they are going to conceal the wounds that have obviously not been made by bullets. Perhaps they simply hope that no one is going to do an autopsy of all these people. And they probably have enough experience with things like this. Tony really does not want to know.
“I’m staying,” Steve speaks up just as Bruce is beginning to turn away to go and help his teammates. It brings them right back to ground zero.
Since cutting him loose, Steve has not stepped more than two feet away from Tony, hovering like he expects someone to jump at them from the shadows and attack them, although they cleared the entire area. Since Obadiah is now gone too, this is getting ridiculous. The only thing that could possibly do Tony in now, is the exhaustion pulling him under.
“Didn’t you listen just now?” Tony asks, the slightest hint of annoyance rising within him. He is so glad about that, about another emotion than grief, he almost forgets to frown at Steve.
“I did, but you’re right,” Steve argues and gestures at the mess around them. “Thor cannot have done this on his own. I’ve worked in security before we started the Avengers. I could have been in the area and he called me in.”
So much for keeping Steve and the Avengers as far away from the police as possible. “That’s just asking for trouble,” Tony says, wondering when his life has become so complicated and why nobody wants to listen to reason.
“I’m not going to leave,” Steve insists, making it clear he will not be swayed by any argument. An irritatingly big part of Tony is actually relieved by that.  
Thor steps up, standing very close to Bruce. “You can bring him home right now. Before the police arrives.” He looks pale, too pale to be standing here and argue over stupid ideas.
“Because that makes this whole thing less suspicious?” Tony snaps, although it comes out with much less heat than he aimed for.
He wants to go home, to leave this place and never look back. He definitely does not want to answer any questions about what happened or why his godfather is lying dead on the ground. The mere possibility of going home right now has Tony’s body aching with a new intensity, demanding him to give in.
“You’re wounded and in shock,” Thor says, making it instantly harder for Tony to remain sitting upright as if his body just needed to be reminded of its state. “It would be irresponsible of me to make you wait here although everything is already resolved.”
Tony is not wounded per se. He has some bruises that could have been worse if Barton had taken longer to get rid of the two men beating him up. He can move everything without issue. The worst thing is his head, still aching and mulled by whatever was in that tranquilizer dart.  
“Change of plan,” Tony says, despite knowing this is more wishful thinking than any feasible choice of action. “We��re all getting out of here. You’re shot. You actually need a hospital.”
Bruce frowns at Thor as if he had momentarily forgotten about Thor going already wounded into this fight. He still decides to be the voice of reason and says, “I don’t think we can cover this up.”
The mere thought has Tony wanting to laugh. He imagines them packing all the bodies into one of the trucks and then cleaning the entire place until it looks like nobody has ever been here.
“We won’t,” he counters, grasping for straws. “We’ll deliver Obadiah to the police on our way home and then we’ll have a long chat with Agent Coulson once we’ve all had a nap and a chance to come up with a good story.”
“Agent Coulson is already thinking there’s more to this than we told him,” Thor cautions as if he actually has to come up with arguments to prove Tony’s idea is not a feasible plan.
Even knowing he is beat, Tony nods sullenly. “Exactly.”
With a sigh, Bruce obviously decides that this is getting them nowhere. “Stop arguing. I will leave with the rest of the team. Steve stays with Thor and Tony.” Rubbing the bridge of his nose as if he, too, has a headache, he adds, “We’ll get his licensing up to date and fake some jobs as soon as we’re home, so he’s not just some crazy vet who turned up to shoot people. You three will wait for the police and wrap this up quickly because you’re both wounded and Tony is in shock in addition to that. We can build on that later, but we need to do this as correctly as possible.”
Nobody dares to argue with that, and Tony is just glad to leave the thinking to someone else. The longer he sits here, the more his energy drains out of him.
“All right,” Thor agrees, looking at Steve until he nods too. Then he turns back to Bruce. “Do you need help with the clean-up before you leave?”
Without further ado, Bruce puts his hands on Thor’s shoulder and pushes him down next to Tony. “You will stay here, Thor,” he orders, leaving no room for argument. “Give us five minutes then you can call the police.”
Everything happens very quickly after that. Tony remains seated where he is, not sure that his legs would carry him even if he tried. The Avengers clear out in no time at all. Barton vanishes out of the door with a handful of bloody arrows, which is a sight that Tony will likely never forget.
Then they are gone and Tony is left alone with Thor, who is favouring his side a little more obviously now that Bruce is not watching him anymore, and Steve, who has taken to pacing. All of them avoid looking at the mess of bodies around them. Tony is just glad that Obadiah is nowhere in sight.  
Tony is still not sure what to think of what happened, of his own decision to shoot Obadiah despite having too much blood on his hands already. He thought he was better than this, no matter that a part of him still thinks it was necessary. It will take time to deal with this and he is already afraid of being alone with his thoughts, worried what he will do when the regret hits.
The police arrive in a flurry of sirens and cautious swarming. For the second time this day, Tony has guns pointed at him and he does not like it any more than the first.
A gentle voice orders the officers to stand down and then Coulson comes towards them, looking like he has just stepped out of a meeting at the office. His suit is meticulous and the gun at his hip is nothing more than an afterthought.
“Gentlemen,” he greets, his eyes lingering on Steve.
Tony leaves the explaining to Thor. He is too tired to follow, his mind slowing down now that the adrenaline level is falling and does not stave off the effects of the tranquilizer anymore. Perhaps he got one too many hits against the head too. He will worry about that if the grogginess does not vanish after he has had a chance to lie down for a bit.
A medic appears out of nowhere and fusses over him, but Tony tells him to leave, weaving some incoherent lie about getting medical care at the tower. He does not need a stranger’s hands on him right now. He needs JARVIS and his bed and something to make him forget that his godfather is lying somewhere nearby, finally caught and too dead to put up a fight anymore.
Time passes. It could have been minutes or hours when Steve crouches down next to Tony.
“Can I touch you?” he asks very quietly as if he does not want to spook Tony.
Tony nods weakly, thinking that nothing could shock him now. Beyond the throbbing pain in his head and ribs, he feels numb, completely drained.
“I’m going to get you home now, Tony,” Steve says. He reaches out gently, snaking his arm around Tony to help him up.
Tony leans into him instinctively, shivering as he is met with the sudden warmth of another human being. Even in his battered state, he notices that the soul bond is silent, and he is glad for that. He would not stand a chance against it like this, but it is just him and Steve right now. Just them against the world.
“Thor?” Tony asks, realizing that he has not seen Thor since the police came in.
“On his way to the hospital,” Steve reassures him as he adjusts his grip to keep Tony upright. “I still think you should be going there too.”
“No,” Tony says, his own voice hurting his throat with how forceful it comes out. “I need to go home.”
“All right,” Steve backtracks quickly. “I’ll get you home. Do you mind if I carry you?”
Tony feels shaky enough that each step takes more energy than he can spare, but he will not be carried out of here like a damsel in distress. He is fine, just exhausted and not quite done with the aftereffects of whatever was in that dart. He can walk wherever he has to if his bed is waiting for him at the end.
Instead of answering, he starts walking, setting one shaking step in front of the other. He has no doubt that, without Steve, he would have already fallen down again.
“I’ve got you,” Steve murmurs, keeping up a litany of soothing platitudes.
For once, Tony does not mind. He is happy to have someone close, someone he can mostly trust. No matter what other problems they have, he knows Steve is going to keep him safe. They can deal with everything else later.  
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crimes-and-gelato · 6 years
Only Half a Blue Sky (Chapter 6)
Pairing: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Bucky Barnes
A/N: If you're still here, thank you for staying. And I'm sorry for adding another chapter, because I wanted to write a long one to tie everything up, only for my real life drama to hinder my writing. So, I'm sorry for cutting y'all short with this chapter. But at least we still have another one next week. Yayyy???This one is unbeta-ed because I wrote it sooo late, I couldn't find the heart to burden someone with my unchecked grammar. So, if there are any spelling mistakes or grammar error, please look at it with kindness and tell me in a soft voice, yeah? Thanks.Chapter title is from Maroon 5's Daylight, because that song is about leaving. Or well, that's how I perceive it.Also just T/W: there is detailed (but not really because I can't write) torture in this chapter, and assumption that Tony is dead. If that's not for you, I'll see you next week where it'll be more fluff. This whole chapter is just angst. Okay, now on you go. Enjoy.
if the hurt comes so will happiness. -be patient || rupi kaur 
Cold is the first thing that registers into his mind as he slowly gains consciousness. The pain follows like an inevitable addition to the discomfort. Why is JARVIS not doing anything about the temperature? He should be at least warm even when he’s in pain.
He’s about to ask his AI to turn the heat up; only that, he opens his eyes to an unfamiliar surrounding. The words die in his tongue.
Where is he? What is this cold, semi-dark place that smells of rust and decay? He tries to rummage his hazy brain for clues. And the only thing that answers him back is more pain. God, his head feels like he’s been hammered by Thor himself. It takes him back to those mornings with a hangover. Only worse.
Shit! His head is pounding so bad it makes him nauseous just opening his eyes and looking around for clues as to where the fuck he is.
Oh, and he’s tied up to a metal chair. Great! Why didn’t he notice that before? Right, because his brain was having a hard time processing everything with how painful it is to even blink.
And gosh, lucky him, he’s got burns littered all over his arms and legs. A few lacerations too on places he can’t specify, because every inch of him hurts that it’s hard to figure out which part of him is not aching. Just fucking fantastic!
At least his not bleeding out… yet. No, he’s only being held hostage on an ugly looking chair. Fucking fantastic indeed. And of course, very classic: kidnappers and chairs. When will villains get creative? Tony can think of other ways to hold people hostage. Not that he’s ever going to share them with the bad guys.
So, how did he end up here?
He scans his memory for clues again because his heart rate is starting to quicken, and the arc reactor in his chest suddenly feels too heavy, that it’s making it difficult for his lungs to distribute the correct amount of oxygen in his body. And he’s not looking forward to the worst case scenario when he’s still in a middle of another worst case scenario.
He needs to keep calm and think of solutions, because if he looks closely into his current predicament it’ll only spiral him into thoughts that’ll push him into a panic attack. He can’t have that right now.
He can’t.
He can’t. Not even when everything about this reminds him of Afghanistan. The cold, the rusty smell of decaying metal, the foul scent of an unkempt room. Somewhere he can hear a faint water droplet that makes his stomach churn at the thought of dirty water and lack of oxygen.
Tony shakes his head to control his rogue thoughts. He’s not going down that rabbit hole. It’s not going to help him get out.
‘I see that you’re awake, Mr. Stark.’ A man appears from the only opening in the room. His English is accented with Russian that completely matches his hard military feature. He fits the perfect role of a HYDRA agent.
‘We’ll it’s hard to stay asleep when your place lacks warmth and cosiness,’ he replies and tries to ignore the uncomfortable dryness in his throat. ‘Also,’ he gestures to his handcuffs, ‘we need to work on consents and safewords for this kind of thing, don’t you think?’
The evil man smiles, showing off chunky yellowish teeth. ‘It’s amazing how you still have humour after all that injury.’ He moves closer, right in front of Tony’s chair. ‘Guess that’s a good thing.’
‘Is it?’
‘Yes, Mr. Stark.’ He takes a stool from the side and occupies it. ‘You see, we need you alive at least.’ He studies Tony’s face, and his eyes gleam of something sadistic. He smiles again and it makes the genius shiver because he doesn’t like this man’s wicked eyes that promises pain. ‘Things apparently didn’t go as planned.’
‘It doesn’t always,’ Tony agrees just to humour this villain. ‘Word of advice? Accept it and move on.’
Another wicked smile as he scratches one of his eyebrow with his pinky. ‘Thanks, but no thanks.’ He pulls out a short knife from his back. His adept fingers plays with it, tosses the blade from one hand to the other. ‘We’ve figured something out.’
‘Who is this we?’ He’s trying not to look intimidated by the sight of the knife. ‘HYDRA?’
‘Can’t tell you… because then, I have to kill you.’
Tony’s not sure if the stranger is humouring him as well, or he’s being honest. But he did say that they — whoever they is — needs him alive. So, they’re not going to kill him. That doesn’t mean that this bad guy won’t make him suffer though. Sadistic bastard!
‘The thing is…’ The man throws the knife in the air and snatches it swiftly, just to plunge it on Tony’s thigh.
The groan escapes his lips as the pain spreads into his body. And here he’s thinking that he’s numb to feel any pain with how much every nerve ending is burning from his injury from the explosion.
Yes, there was an explosion when they were trying to infiltrate a lab that the officials said to be of HYDRA. The officials wanted it to seem like they’re doing government check-ups on private organisation. But it seems like there was a mole on Bruce’s alliance team.
‘We really need a safeword,’ he jokes through gritted teeth.
‘It won’t be necessary as long as you tell your friends to give us back the sceptre,’ the man whispers into Tony’s ear, hand gripping on the knife handle and twisting it slightly, earning him another muffled groan from the engineer. ‘And they could send back the soldier as well,’ he adds. ‘Tell them to obey… or else they’ll have your body, back in a bag.’
‘Is that why you need me?’ The blade sinks further. ‘As leverage?’ He chuckles darkly and the man leans back away, looking at Tony like the genius has lost his mind. ‘That’s a very stupid plan.’
‘Oh please… They’ll bargain for you,’ the man spits, putting on his sadistic mask again. ‘You’re their precious teammate. An important person in society.’ He produces another knife. ‘Surely, they’ll come for you and exchange you for the Winter Soldier.’
‘Not really.’ Tony shakes his head and has the greatest urge to tell this idiot of the truth. How, firstly, there is no way in seven hells Captain America will ever let James near these assholes. Neither will Tony, over his dead body. And secondly, there’s no room for argument that his life can be use as a bargaining chip in exchange for the life of those who will be affected if HYDRA gets their hands on the sceptre. Because duh… he’s not worth it.
Back on his first reason. Has these idiots forgotten that Steve is bonded to James, and would probably sacrifice anyone — much less Tony Stark — to keep his soulmate safe? Seriously, bad guys should study the laws of soul bonding too because they are just clueless as to how far people would go for those they love.
‘I’m being honest with you, buddy,’ he says. ‘They won’t exchange Winter and the sceptre for the likes of me.’ He shrugs. ‘So, unless you have another plan, it’s better if you change route right now.’
The man doesn’t believe him. ‘I’ll come back for you when you’re ready to talk, Mr. Stark.’ The second knife vanishes, but thank goodness not under Tony’s flesh. But the bloke did twist the knife that’s still attached to Tony’s thigh before he leaves the room. Probably going to report to his masters.
Tony’s not sure why he’s trying to convince his tormentor that he’s team cares so little for him. He blames it on the lack of common sense and sanity when all he can register is the pain. The last time it hurt like this it’s because he was betrayed. And he was betrayed because he deserved it — he deserves to be alone since he’s never going to be good enough.
His burns, the old wounds, and the new one eats away his logic. Maybe it’s true that the team won’t come for him, especially not Steve who won’t even risk James’ safety. And he agrees with that.
Maybe Rhodey will come for him. But his platypus is busy fighting more important battles that’ll save myriad of people who deserves to live. Not like Tony.
And Pepper — his dear lovely Pepper — who manages his company better than he did, making sure that every single employee is taken care of. Pepper will also not come for him, it’s protocol that SI will never pay ransom money for him.
No one will come for him. No one. So, he should probably stop staring at the door like someone’s going to come busting in and rescue him.
He doesn’t know how long he stares at the door. But he sees the man returning with renewed hope and sadism in his posture.
‘Have you still not changed your mind, Mr. Stark?’ The evil minion occupies his stool once again.
‘Now that I think about it… I never got your name,’ he says. ‘So, what is your name? Or does HYDRA do the whole Hunchman One, Hunchman Two, etcetera thing?’
‘Well,’ the man sits comfortably like he’s simply lounging around with Tony, ‘if it’s all the same to you,’ the punch completely catches Tony off guard, so did the pain, ‘I’d rather not get us both acquainted.’
There’s a new addition to his collection of pain with that blow. There’s a fresh batch of headache that follows the other one that had just ebbed from the explosion. Ah, just his luck.
Tony spits blood on the floor and glares at his oppressor.
‘Beg your Avengers, Mr. Stark,’ he orders. ‘Beg for them.’ Another blow to the other side of his face. ‘Or else, I’ll have too much fun breaking you.’
It’s cold. It’s always cold, Tony notices. And he’s not sure where he is. He’s sure the bastards that have kidnapped him had stripped him of all his tracking device. Maybe it’s time to install one deep within his flesh like JARVIS had suggested.
And his suit, no one has mentioned about his suit. They must have abandoned it somewhere. Smart of them, because the suit has a tracking device, a good one too.
He needs to escape. He’s not going to be leverage for these assholes. They’re not going to be able to use him, no matter the amount of colourful addition on his face, not to mention the twin knives that’s sunk on both his thighs.
Everything hurts. Everything.
There’s that annoying sound of a slow water drip from inside the room as well. It’s damn irritating, especially that it seems to echo the blood that drips from both of his twinning thigh wounds. Fuck, everything hurts, but at the same time he’s slowly losing feeling on his legs.
Few more hours and he’s going to to bleed out. And this could be it for him.
He lost count of the time Mike — that’s what he calls his instigator, the man didn’t appreciate it (rude much) and lands a rather heavy blow on Tony’s left lung — had come into the room to wreck him into submission. Tony is very close to his breaking point. He can feel his sanity slipping away with each punch that lands his face and body, with each twist of the knife, and the amount of pooling blood beneath him.
His tormentor has promised a much better means next time he sees him; something wet he said, that had Tony’s breath hitching with fear at the vague indication. He’s still have nightmares about dirty water and gasping for air. And that might just be the last straw that breaks the camels back.
But he can’t give up now. He can’t break now. Stark men are made of iron, his own subconscious repeats over and over again. He hates it because his own subconscious sounds like his father’s voice.
And just like he had done before, Tony draws strength to the one thing that grounds him and gives him peace of mind when everything falls apart.
‘Steve,’ he whispers in reverence as if on prayer. ‘Steve.’ He smiles a little, the name tastes safe in his mouth, easing some of his discomfort. His soulmate to Steve Rogers — Captain America, the guy who lost everything and still managed to survive, the guy who Tony wants to become, the man he wants to be with. Brave and wonderful Steve Rogers: Tony’s soulmate. ‘I think… I might miss you, Steve.’
The tears that pool his eyes finally run down his cheeks as he closes his eyes in the hope to never wake up to more suffering. Death doesn’t seem so bad, right? Everyone he loves is safe. His team have recovered Loki’s sceptre — based on Mike’s tantrum — and they’ll be able to end HYDRA once and for all.
And that’s his last thought before darkness finally takes him.
Everything is in chaos: Tony Stark is missing. And Bucky’s not ready to face the worst case scenario that it completely breaks him; that’s how Steve finds him when the rest of the Avengers returned back home after being unsuccessful in locating Tony in Europe. They have all decided to recoup and plan.
Steve had to fix him back together after his melt down, and he feels bad for stealing Steve’s own rights to mourn for his missing teammate — and probably, the man Steve loves that he doesn’t know yet. It’s embarrassing to need Steve like that because it had always been the other way around, with him taking care of Stevie. But times can change.
It wasn’t his best moment as well, he gets clingy and panicky when he’s not in the same room as Steve, or when he doesn’t see the man. And the weight of Tony’s loss still brands his chest like an empty crater. It’s the sort of ache that won’t go away. It’s the sort of ache that squeezes your heart time and time again just to remind you that it’s there.
Twenty-four hours later, they received a message from the low class HYDRA franchise in Sokovia that had held Tony hostage. They are trying to hold the genius ransom for Loki’s magical sceptre (which Thor and Loki had successfully retrieved). And for him, the Winter Soldier.
Bucky wanted to say yes… to both. He doesn’t give a fuck what happens to him or to that blasted sceptre. All he wants is for Tony to be safe, to come home. But of course, that decision isn’t up to him, and he knows that if they all follow his thinking it’d be a disaster, because honestly, he’s not even logical.
Well, they can’t blame him, he’s not very sane to begin with. Your soulmate being threatened and in the face of danger doesn’t make the most rational human being either. So, he waits, instead of voicing out his idiotic ideas.
But it’s hard to ignore his questionable ideas when a cryptic video arrives eight hours after the offer has been announced. And that video alone makes what’s left of his sane brain cells perish, because the video is awful. Painful to watch.
There’s this bald Russian guy that tortures Tony to beg the Avengers to rescue him in exchange for the sceptre and Bucky. The methods are simple: a few punches and a few stabbing. Nothing worse than Bucky had gone under HYDRA’s hands. But then, Bucky’s a super soldier, who heals easily; Tony on the other hand is a non-powered human, looking all bruised and battered with his injuries from the explosion and now the current tormenting.
It’s wreaking to watch. They were all angry, he can tell. Even Bruce who is usually relax looks a little green. Natasha is physically an embodiment of chaos and destruction at the sight of the second knife digging into Tony’s thigh.
‘JARVIS, I hope you’re tracking the source of this video.’ There’s a hardness in Steve’s voice that he’s never heard before. Steve is usually gentle when speaking to people, especially towards JARVIS or the bots.
‘On it, Captain,’ JARVIS replies severely.
The video only last five minutes, but it feels longer. It plays on a loop, with them cursing every second of it. But they have to study it, in case it clues them to where Tony’s being hold up.
Every quiet groan and tormented scream rams into Bucky’s soul like ton of brick. Mutely, he promises terrible pain to those who’ve caused Tony’s painful screeches. Morality be damned. There is blood and suffering to be paid in full.
It takes two more days for the next video to arrive. It contains the same stomach churning gore of Tony’s torture. They can all see how the genius slowly withering, despite how he still has his sass intact.
‘Can’t that alien god help locate him?’ Bucky demands, watching the newest set of video for too many times that he knows isn’t healthy. His therapist would disapprove. ‘What use is his magic?’
Steve looks just as weary as Bucky is. They all do, but he thinks him and Steve has it worse. His other soulmate is being maimed, and somehow he thinks Steve can feel the negative and dark energy within him. It might has something to do with how they are soul bond.
So, Captain America has to shoulder Bucky’s hidden anxiety, and he has to worry for his friend. Hence, Steve looking worse for wear.
‘It’s not that easy, Buck.’ Steve runs a hand over his tired face. ‘We’ll find him.’ The blond reaches out a hand to comfort, but Bucky moves away from it. Hurt and confusion mixes in Steve’s face.
‘But when, Stevie?’ he shouts. ‘When he’s dea—’
‘Don’t say that,’ Steve cuts him off sharply. ‘Tony’s one of the strongest people I know.’ He squares his jaw as if daring Bucky to challenge the unquestionable faith in his voice. ‘And we’re doing our best to find him… And we will.’
Being pessimistic probably doesn’t help anyone. And really, he’s only hurting himself by thinking of the worst. Yes, the worst could happen. But not now, not when he’s got Steve to tell him that it won’t. He’ll believe Steve, he always will. Steve could believe for the both of them.
Because god, if the worst do happen, Bucky’s not sure how he will survive. He probably won’t, right? He doesn’t think he’s that strong to survive this heartbreak. He can deal with HYDRA and all their torture, but not the loss of a soulmate. That feels too impossible. Even now, just looking at Tony suffering is killing Bucky, too.
‘We’ll find him, Buck.’ Steve pulls him in a hug, which he accepts because he knows the blond needs it, too. ‘We’ll find him.’
It’s almost a miracle Steve doesn’t ask him about his rather passionate feelings towards Tony Stark. But maybe Steve doesn’t notice it as well, too lost in his own worry for the genius.
The next video comes sixteen hours after the last one, Steve and Bucky were the one standing vigil for any news. The team had developed a schedule to have someone — usually a pair — wait up for important updates. Not that any of them get any sleep longer than two hours when they are not on duty. Ever since Tony was gone, sleep has been a scarce commodity in the tower.
The video holds the usual disgusting torture of the engineer. But this time Tony looks like he’s at his breaking point. The pool of blood on the floor is also concerning. There’s a haunting paleness in Tony’s face that makes Bucky’s chest twist painfully.
Tony looks weak and fragile and broken. And it’s heart-wrenching to see that he deflates the ball he’s been playing with the bots. There’s far no greater pain than watching his soulmate slowly ebb to death.
‘Steve,’ comes Tony’s weak voice from the video.
Bucky has long accepted that Tony had feelings for Steve, just as Steve has feelings for Tony. But witnessing it so bluntly is something else. He waits for the pain or jealousy to come. Surely, it’s inevitable for him to feel any of the two or both, given that his soulmate uttered someone else’s name when all hope is lost in Tony’s eyes and Steve’s name sounded like a saving grace.
The pain or jealousy didn’t arrive. Yes, there is pain, but it’s the same one he’s been nursing since Tony had gone missing and was tortured.
Bucky aches for his imprisoned soulmate. And he’s about to tell Steve that they really need to fasten shit up and rescue the genius, because he can’t stand these awful videos anymore.
‘Wha—’ Steve’s motionless as he stares into the monitor, horror and confusion sits on his face.
‘Stevie?’ He reaches for his soulmate in concern. A hand on the blond’s shoulder for support. Did the videos finally break Steve as well?
Steve’s tortured expression turns to Bucky, his lips are agape, but no words passes them. ‘Buck,’ he says like he’s remembering Bucky’s there. He holds on to Bucky’s outstretch arm like it’s the only thing that’s keeping him upright. ‘Tony… h-he’s… he’s…’
It’s a good thing that Bucky’s a super soldier because Steve is heavy with how he’s relying all of his weight on Bucky’s arm. He’s never seen his soulmate so startled and terrified.
‘Oh god,’ Steve mumbles quietly with disbelief and fright as he looks everywhere but Bucky’s own worried face.
Steve’s action is scaring Bucky, and he’s about to ask the blond man what’s wrong when —
‘Steve,’ Tony mutters again.
Steve whips his head back to the screen in a flash that Bucky’s amaze he didn’t break his neck in the process. Steve’s sudden alertness to Tony’s call is an embodiment of a siren calling to a sailor; like a sunflower following the sun in the sky.
But god is it clear to Bucky what’s happening. It’s written all over Steve’s face with how his eyes looks like he’s seeing Tony for the first time.
One single word.
One single name.
Bucky knows by experience what it feels like to have Tony say your name for the first time and be envelop by a phantom sense of safety and happiness. It’s like finding meaning to life all over again, and being lulled in euphoria. But he can’t imagine what it’s like for Steve when there’s also that dreadful emotion of fear for the life of a soulmate which had sat painfully on Bucky’s chest for days now. A few days that felt like years.
‘I think… I might miss you, Steve,’ Tony says as he closes his eyes.
They both stare at the screen in silence. Waiting for the genius to say something more.
But nothing.
Tony remains still. So still that Steve’s hand grips on Bucky’s so tightly it hurts.
Damn it, Tony! Open your eyes! Bucky yells mentally in anger and desperation. Please… Please. He watches and waits for any sign of motion.
The seconds tick by, but Tony continues to be static.
Open your eyes, doll! His own hand digs into Steve’s shoulder as they both try to support each other. Open your eyes.
‘No,’ Steve says in defeat and heartbreak. ‘Tony.’ His voice is wet and bleak and aching.
And Bucky mutely asks for some miracle, staring at Tony’s motionless body on the screen. It doesn’t fit Tony to be this still when he’s always full of energy and life.
God no, Bucky thinks as the tears cascade his cheek.
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