#he DOES recognize that they walk a very fine line and Bruce HAS had to be pulled back before
dramatisperscnae · 6 months
👀 Dickie
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Bold for definite Italics for situational/verse dependent
Get to know: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Befriend: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Date: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Make love with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Hook up with: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Protect: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Help: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Stop: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS! Kill: NEVER! | I'd rather not | Convince me! | Sure why not? | Yes please! | ALWAYS!
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noshitbarnes · 1 year
Better Now?: Chapter 7
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC
Summary: Sophia was 18 when Hydra kidnapped her, gave her abilities, and made her their new secret weapon. Now, flash-forward 9 years later and she’s living with the Avengers, trying to live with everything she did, and trust those she now calls teammates.
Warnings: language, pure fluff
Word Count: 3,423
Better Now? Masterlist
Sophia had spent a few more days in the hospital like Bruce had wanted, when Helen told her that she was finally able to leave, ”You ready to go back to the compound?" While taking out her IV.
"Yeah, I'm getting stir crazy. Not that I'm gonna go out and do things," she watches Helen wrap up her hand and shrugs, "I just wanna be back in my room.”
Helen nods, ”Well, you'll be alone there for a while." Sophia raises an eyebrow and Helen continues, "Everyone has been on a last minute mission the past few days. They aren't due back until Friday.” Sophia nods, today was Wednesday, which meant she had a few days to adjust to the place again, alone.
Sophia made her way back to the compound with Helen's help, once the woman made sure she remembered where everything was, she went back to the hospital. Sophia was left at the hangar, which was fine, she knew how to get to her room from there, it was just busier than she remembered. There were agents running everywhere, Quinjets coming and going, orders being given over the intercom; but then there was Sophia, sticking out like a sore thumb, standing there like an idiot. She awkwardly makes her way through the big double doors, down the long hall, and up the stairs to the living quarters, deciding all that commotion was a bit too much right now. She makes her way into the kitchen when she's greeted by FRIDAY, “Good afternoon Miss. Dreyer, how are you feeling today?”
She purses her lips, “Um, I'm alright, thanks.” She still felt weird talking to an AI.
"Good, I’ve been told to notify Mr. Stark once you were back in the compound. If you’re comfortable with that, miss.”
She nods, “Yeah, that’s fine.”
She walks to the fridge to look for something to eat when FRIDAY's voice comes back, "Mr. Stark is requesting for you to go down to his lab and have a chat with him.”
Sophia grabs a bag of red grapes that have Sam’s name on them, "I thought he wasn't here?" She stuffs a few in her mouth and shuts the fridge door.
“He’s not. He's going to call in 10 minutes. I can assist you if you want.”
“Um, alright. I guess I can try and find my way there." She raises an eyebrow, "Um, actually could you help me there too?”
"Of course.”
After following FRIDAY's directions, Sophia found her way to Tony's lab, which wasn't that far from the R&D lab. It was much bigger than she expected, she wasn't sure what she expected to begin with. It was huge and had all kinds of robots, lasers, and some technology she didn’t even recognize, Tony's various Iron Man suits were lined up against one wall and his computer was on the opposite side. As she's admiring all of his armor in their respective cases, his computer starts to ring and FRIDAY answers it for her, "Nice to see you found your way," Tony's voice echoes around the room; Sophia makes her way toward the desk and sits down, "how are you feeling, kid?”
She smiles, “FRIDAY has been very helpful.” She pauses and shrugs a bit, “I’m alright, although, it’s uncharacteristically quiet without all of you here, outside of the hangar anyway." 
Tony chuckles and he leans back in the chair he was in, "Does that mean you miss us?"
She scrunches up her nose, "I wouldn't go that far.”
He smirks, “Sorry that I didn't tell you we were leaving, it was sudden.”
"It's okay, I'm fine." She looks around the room a bit more, "I've never been in here before, it's nice." She smiles looking at Tony's armor, "I like your suits, nice to see you broaden your horizons from the red and gold.”
He rolls his eyes, "Do me a favor though?" She nods as he continues, "Don't touch anything. The last thing I need is you blowing something up while I'm not there so contain the damage.”
Sophia grins mischievously, "Well, see now I feel like I have to mess with something." She laughs and he narrows his eyes, "Don't worry so much, I'll behave! Scouts honor." She gives him a little salute and he laughs.
"We'll be back in a few days. I just wanted to make sure you made it back safe and were feeling alright." He takes a deep breath, "Keep in touch?”
She shifts in the chair and rolls her eyes, "I'll try.”
"I know Romanoff gave you a phone, use it.”
"Okay, you're not my Dad, Tony. I'll be fine!" She rolls her eyes at his overprotectiveness.
He grins wide, "Hey! You called me, Tony, finally!" He laughs and Sophia blushes slightly, "Anyway, I know you'll be okay," he glares in the direction behind his phone and then looks back to her, “and I wouldn't have to act like your father, if you weren't reckless.”
"What?" she wrinkles her brows together, “Since when?”
"Barnes told me you tried to kill him." He tries his best to suppress a smile, but it still showed.
"That wasn't recklessness, I got scared! He shouldn't have snuck up on me!" She crosses her arms and Tony shakes his head, "I really do feel bad about that, okay?” She felt like a kid getting scolded by their parent, it was extremely embarrassing. Especially since she knew the rest of the team could hear the conversation, she could hear their laughter. What was Tony gonna do next? Ground her? Take away her phone? She heavily sighs at her own thoughts.
"Don't, he's not mad," he shrugs, "he actually thought it was funny.”
She blushes down at the keyboard on the desk, "I didn't think so." She hears another voice in the background, but couldn't make out what they were saying.
”Alright! Hang on." He rolls his eyes and looks back to her, "These idiots keep bugging me." He stands up and starts walking, "I'm gonna have to go, hun. You gonna be good?”
She smiles and nods, "Yeah, I'll be fine. See you in a few days!” The computer goes black and she's left alone again and sighs, "What am I suppose to do until Friday?”
All Sophia had been doing for the past two days was stay in her room, read, and watch the occasional show on Netflix. It was actually really nice, she hadn’t wanted to do anything else anyway, she still felt a little drained from the surgery. Tony asked her to keep in touch, but she hadn't been and she knew she was going to pay for that when everyone got home. She just didn't know what to talk about with everyone yet or how to make small talk, so she just decided to be silent. Maybe after more time things would be better with talking to them. She was expecting them home any time now, so she shouldn’t have been so shocked when her door was burst open by Bucky and Sam. Sophia sits straight up in bed and instinctively throws out her right hand to put up a wall of ice, “What the fuck?!”
“Dude, that’s awesome!” Sam says admiring the ice wall in front of him, “You didn’t say she’d actually do something!” Turning to Bucky who's laughing next to him.
“She didn’t when I scared her last time, okay? Just had a glowing hand.” He chuckles and looks to Sophia, “She’s got good reflexes.”
She takes a deep breath, closes her hand, and the wall shatters while the rest of the team enters the room, “Welcome back, everyone,” she glares at Bucky and Sam, “thanks for the adrenaline rush, boys.”
“Why did you guys have to do that?” Natasha says also glaring at them.
“Hey!” Bucky says backing away and letting the team stand around Sophia's bed, “I wanted everyone else to endure what I did. Steve’s laughing too!” He points to Steve who was trying to hold back laughter, but failing miserably.
“I’m sorry Sophia, but it was kinda funny.” Steve says embarrassed.
She shakes her head at Steve's attempt to be polite, “It’s fine, I’m okay.”
After they all ask how she's feeling, they start to fill her in on things she missed out on while she was covering in the hospital. Wanda told her there was a new coffee place across the street that the three girls needed to go to, apparently the place had the best blueberry muffins and the cutest little coffee mugs. Sam said that there was this new comedy special on Netflix that Sophia needed to watch because he needed to prove to the rest of the team that it really was funny. Apparently, she was the only one who hadn’t seen it yet. Vision informed everyone that last week Tony had caused an explosion in his lab while trying to build a new, more advanced suit. No one was suppose to ask about it though, it was still a touchy subject. Everyone had some story to tell, a joke, or something— except Bucky. He was off to the back of the room leaning against the wall closest to the door, just listening. Natasha catches Sophia glance at him and walks over to where the soldier is standing, “Barnes, stop ignoring the girl. You’re gonna make her think you hate her.” He rolls his eyes at her, but doesn’t move.
Sophia watches the pair and he smiles sweetly toward her, making her blush, then looks back to Natasha, “You know I don’t hate her, Nat,” he glares down at the red head, “I’m just giving her space. You guys are crowding her.” Natasha rolls her eyes and then whispers something to him that makes him sigh heavily, “Alright.” They both walk back over and Natasha sends Sophia a wink, which makes her roll her eyes.
Bucky stands at the foot of Sophia's bed and she makes eye contact with him, “Um," he raises his eyebrows at her voice, “I never got the chance to apologize for trying to kill you the other day. I really am sorry.”
Everyone laughs and Bucky shakes his head, “It’s no big deal, Soph. Tony was right, I really did find it funny.”
“Oh, well alright then...” she trails off looking back at the book in her lap.
“Is it dinner time?” Sam asks from next to Sophia on her bed, he was laying on his back making himself at home, “This is comfy by the way.” He chuckles and sits up, “I’m hungry.”
Everyone nods in agreement, “Um, I already ate...” Sophia trails off and bites her lip, “Oh, that reminds me!“ She turns to Sam, “I owe you grapes okay, I’m sorry.”
He laughs, “It’s cool. No big deal.”
“You still wanna join us?” Bucky asks tilting his head and everyone looks to him bewildered, Natasha just smiles, “Um," he looks around noticing all the eyes on him, “it’s just, we haven’t seen you in a while, so I dunno…” he trails off and looks up at the ceiling.
Sophia looks at everyone else and then narrows her eyes at Natasha who just continues to smile, "Sure.”
“I’ll get her back okay!” Bucky laughs while grabbing a box of noodles, “I said it was funny, but still," he playfully glares at Sophia, “I could’ve died!” He dramatically puts a hand to his chest.
“Oh whatever!” Sophia laughs grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge and makes her way back to the sofa, “I’m not scared anyway. You seem quite harmless.”
“Yeah, what are you gonna do Barnes?" Sam says, "Fight her? Put fucking mentos in her soda? TP her bedroom? Your pranks suck.” He then rolls his eyes and takes a drink of his beer.
“Oh yeah?” He narrows his eyes at Sam, “What about the time we hung Natasha’s clothes on that electrical line!?”
Sam’s eyes widen and Bucky fell silent, as did everyone else, “Barnes, I hate you.”
They both slowly turn to look at Natasha who was calmly drinking a cup of coffee next to Sophia on the sofa. She smiles as she takes another sip, “So that was you boys?”
“Maybe.” They both say in unison.
Natasha looks at Sophia and then smirks a bit, “I knew it was you two, I’m not an idiot.” She smiles, “I’m over it though that was almost a year ago.” That didn’t seem to make them feel better though because they start to shift uncomfortably under her gaze, “But if either of you hurt her—“ she gestures to Sophia, “I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Everyone is silent for a moment, then Tony enters, and he raises and eyebrow at the silence, “I haven’t heard you guys this quiet in a while. What happened?”
“Nat threatened to kill Sam and Bucky.” Steve said calmly, not looking up from his food.
“Oh, so nothing new.” He sits on the arm rest next to Sophia, “"I thought I told you to keep in touch?”
Tony figured Sophia wouldn't keep in touch, but he had hoped she would. He wasn't actually angry or disappointed in her, he was more curious as to why she didn't. He understood that she still needed some time to adjust to living with everyone, but he thought they had a good bond and that she would at least let him know that she was alive. Maybe some day she would learn to open up to him more, learn to trust him more, he just needed to be more patient.
She groans next to him and leans her head on his elbow, "I know, I'm sorry." She sits back up and frowns, "I didn't do anything. I just stayed in my room and watched Netflix, read a few books."
He nods and grabs a box of noodles from the coffee table, "Alright." He notices she wasn't eating and raises an eyebrow, "You gonna eat?”
"I did before you guys got home.”
"She ate all all my grapes!" Sam points at Sophia, "I'm heartbroken!" He sighs and grabs his chest.
She glares at him, "I said I was sorry, Sam!”
Bucky elbows him, "You don't even like grapes you asshole." He shakes his head, "You got them by accident. You thought they were some new form of blueberry." Sophia giggles and Bucky winks at her.
"That's a damn lie!" Sam glares at him, "Like yeah I hate them, but I'm not that stupid!" 
"Then why did you get them?" Wanda asks.
"I dunno, I was on this fruit kick a while back and Steve said grapes were good," he shivers, "he lied to me.”
“Hey, I like grapes!" Steve chuckles, "But not the green ones, those things are too sour.”
Sophia nods, “Yeah, I like the red ones the best.”
"Why the fuck are we talking about grapes?" Tony groans while getting up and dropping his untouched container back on the coffee table.
"We should all go to bed," Steve says looking at his watch, "it's late.”
"You're no fun, Rogers." Natasha smirks as she stands up, taking her coffee cup to the kitchen, "I am exhausted though.”
"Even after the coffee?" Sophia turns around in the sofa looking back at her.
She chuckles, "It's decaf, hun.”
Sophia pulls her legs up to her chest, "Oh." She gnaws at her bottom lip for a moment, "We should probably clean this stuff up though.” She looks at the coffee table full of half eaten Chinese containers.
"We can do that," Steve says, "you get to bed." He says gesturing toward the hallway behind the sofa.
Sophia furrows her brows together, "I'm not helpless, I can do something.”
"Hey Buck," Steve calls out, completely ignoring her, making Bucky look up from the pile of containers he was collecting, "can you make sure Sophia gets to her room? She needs sleep and so do you.”
Bucky raises an eyebrow suspiciously at Steve then looks Sophia up and down, "If she wants to help, let her.”
"Bucky, just go." Steve says more stern this time, "Next time, you both can clean up by yourselves, deal?”
Bucky rolls his eyes, dropping the container that was in his hand, and walks to the entry way of the kitchen, "Alright Sophia, Captain says it's beddy time," he gestures with his hand, "so let's go.”
She glares at Steve who just smiles innocently and then look to Sam, Wanda, and Natasha who can't hold back their laughter, "I'm not sure I like being back.”
“Aw," Sam says, "don't say things like that! You're gonna hurt our feelings!”
She ignores Sam's comment while walking toward Bucky and down the hallway, silently cussing in her head. She didn't know why everyone was trying to push Bucky on her, not that she minded spending time with him, he was nice to look at and he smelled so good, it was just he didn't seem to want to be around her. The pair are silent for a while as they make their way up the stairs towards her bedroom. Suddenly, Sophia decides to vent a little, "How long is everyone here gonna treat me like I'm a kid?”
Bucky chuckles a bit, "They're just looking out for ya, they don't mean anything by it." 
"Really?" She wrinkles her nose in frustration, "I guess I'm just not use to so much, niceness." She sighs and shakes her head.
He nods, "It takes some adjusting, but you'll be fine.”
They get to her door and she turns to him, “Hopefully I adjust faster. I keep thinking there's a hidden agenda behind all of this." She chuckles to herself and looks at the floor.
Bucky leans with his back against the wall not looking at her, “Look, I know this is none of my business, but can I give you some advice?” He pauses waiting for her to stop him, but she just shrugs, "That part of your life is over. The people here are genuine and really do care." She fiddles with her fingers silently and he turns to face her, "Tony never calls people when we're on missions, occasionally Pepper, but that’s it. Then there’s Natasha, who rarely ever likes anyone, but she's taken quiet a liking to you. Vision actually talks to you about normal things, which no one else can, outside Wanda of course. Banner obviously cares, I mean, he built that thing to make sure you get better. Wanda helps you through your nightmares and shares books with you. Clint got him and you matching bracelets. Steve really cares about you too that’s why I'm here, making sure you get to bed." He smirks and shrugs, "But Sam's an asshole to everyone, so I can't speak for him.”
She chuckles a bit and then smiles, "What about you Sergeant?”
His eyes widen, “Um, what about me?”
"You mentioned everyone, except yourself." She smile shyly and looks into his eyes, "What do you think of me?"
Bucky wanted to tell Sophia everything that was in his heart, but the words just wouldn't come out. Truthfully, he hadn't stopped thinking about her since she moved in a few months ago. The way she made him feel like such and idiot every time she looked into his eyes just drew him in more and her smile was something that took his breath away; he'd move mountains just to see that smile. The longer he stands there trying to think of something to say, the more uncomfortable Sophia seems to become, so he looks away from her and clears his throat, "Um," he pauses for a minute unsure how to proceed, "you're nice, except for the almost killing me thing."
Sophia sighs lightly, "I really am sorry about that.”
"I'm just kidding." He pushes off the wall, "Now, get to bed before Steve kills me." 
"Okay, Sergeant." She rolls her eyes and turns to the door.
“Hey," he clears his throat and she turns back to face him, "I've been meaning to tell you, call me Bucky.”
"Steve didn't like me calling him Captain either..." She trails off and crosses her arms, "It's just, um, weird for me. I've always had to call men by their rank.”
He takes a deep breath, ”I get it,“ he smiles gently back to her, "but you're among friends now.”
She takes a shaky breath, “Promise?”
“I promise.” He nods to her room, “Now get some sleep, I’ll see you tomorrow."
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can you do yandere bully damian wayne with fem reader how is a 🐺🔥🥋 🛡 🏹 🏠 she is like demon Hunter in Gotham and sometimes batman call for her help with joker/villains and goes to Gotham academy
They Heated each other guts and she tolerated him for her best friend Jonathan Kent
Damian was dating raven how was using him as cashcow
one day in park damian get drugged and kidnapped and reader saw all the and follow there car to save him after killing his kidnappers and heal him she comfront him and tell him everything is going to be alright and give him her jacket (which he will keep it for eternity) she dropped him to his house after buying him something to eat when damian get to his father house he sees the no-one care of what happened to him they saw the he got kidnapped and they didn't care at all but reader did and the how the obsession began
*STATIC*: An Obsessive Love Born From Loathing Hate? A Golddigger, as well? Quite an interesting request we have here, Broken.
Broken Truth: That we do, so let's see what words weave together from this.
Quick Note: The name of the reader shall be Kacela - The name means 'Huntress' and is of African Origin. Just like Damien, she is a rich kid but not because her parents are rich - her human parents abandoned her and she started her own business; it's well-known but not on the same level as Wayne Enterprises.
[On Top Of Gotham's Rooftops - Across from a besieged Research Facility]
[The Joker was at it again but this time he wasn't working alone - he enlisted the aid of Clayface, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn, Killer Croc, Riddler, and Penguin to take hold of a Research Lab that contained something each member of the crime group wanted; how Joker knew this and managed to use to persuade the villains into working with him is something The Dark Knight couldn't quite figure out. What he did know was that he was going to need some help.]
[At the moment, Damien (Robin)., Dick (Nightwing), and Barbara (Batgirl) were the ones of the Bat-Family that were with him at the moment but the 4 of them weren't going to be enough and - as much as he hated it - he needed aid from a power beyond what his gadgets and training could do.]
Damien (Walks over to Batman, who is standing on the edge looking at the facility): Father, why are we still waiting while those criminals are making a mess of the place?
Bruce: Because we're waiting for someone.
Damien: Who? We have enough people, we can take them.
Bruce: Don't be foolish, Damien. It's the four of us up against seven of Gotham's Worst, plus they have hostages and have access to unknown tech or substances that could put us at a disadvantage. The person I called has abilities unlike our own and can help us a great deal.
[Damien opened his mouth to protest when a smell hit his nose - it smelled like something was burning.]
Dick (Sniff-Sniff): Does anyone else smell something burning.
Barbara: It smells like brimstone.
Bruce: She's here.
[Nightwing opened his mouth to question who 'she' was when a burst of red light from a ball of fire came shooting upward from the edge of the building before falling and landing in the clear space. The ground was scorched from the fire impact and cinders flowed around the air and lined along with the black marks up everyone looked at the person - or creature - that caused it.]
[The creature was large and muscular the body of a wild canine - a wolf - but it stood on 2 legs; except, wolves didn't have 2 horns on their foreheads. The forearms of the beast were scarred with runes that were glowing red against the black fur. The creature began to stand on 2 legs - its height towered over Bruce - and opened its eyes to reveal eyes made from hellfire. The humanoid wolf opened its jaws - letting the hot smoke out - as it began to speak to the Head of the Bat-Family.]
Wolf Creature: Dark One (What she calls Bruce), I'm answering your persistent summons. Why have you decided to bother me this time?
Barbara: Summons? (Looks at Bruce) Bruce, what is that thing?
Wolf Creature (Glares at Barbara): I am not a 'Thing', I am a Wolf Demon while you are the daughter of a cop - playing dress up just to spite him and stick your pointed head where it doesn't belong.
Barbara (Points at the Wolf Creature): Hey, don't call me a...
Bruce (Raises his hand): That's enough. (Looks at the Wolf Creature) Runed Huntress, I know you told me that you're not interested in helping me but this is important. Those criminals have many innocent people captured and are trying to access some very dangerous information and products. Our gadgets can only get us so far but your power is limitless. We need your help.
Runed Huntress (Snorts - making smoke shoot out her nose and blow in Bruce's face): Very well, I shall aid you once again but - as I said before - do not make a habit out of this; you are this city's protector, not me.
Bruce (Nods): Noted. (Turns back to the building) Now, let's get a move on.
[The Bat-Family & The Runed Huntress leaped across the building rooftops until they reached the last roof that sat at the edge of the street that separated the distance of the buildings and the facility. The Bat-Family watches as the large humanoid wolf clapped her hands together and slowly brought them apart - bring a bow that looked as if it was forged from hellfire itself. The Runed Huntress took the bow in hand and did the motion of drawing back an arrow - Damian's eyes widen as an arrow materialized in her clawed hand before she releases it. It goes soar across the street and crashes into the glass dome but doesn't shatter it - it melts it away and forms a large hole, big enough for the rescue party to get inside.]
[The villains looked upon the hole of melted glass as the Bat-Family glided in and stood before the corrupted 7. The Ringleader - The Madman known as Joker - began to chuckle and clap his hands.]
Joker (Clapping): Bats! I knew you would be here! A little late to the party, don't you think?!
Bruce (Glares at Joker): I don't have time to deal with your demented mind, Joker. Release the hostages and turns yourselves in or we can do this the hard way.
Joker (Pouts and shakes his head): Oh, Batsy... Always the party pooper; no cake for you. But in case you have noticed, I outnumber you so...I don't think you can win.
[Just then - the monstrous roaring howl of the Runed Huntress echoed in the hall as she leaped through the giant hole and landed on all fours between Joker and Bruce. She glared at the villains as her jaws opened as lava leaked from the cracks of her fangs, making 2 pools on the tile floor that began to rise and form into 2 clones of herself.]
Runed Huntress (Rising to her feet as the lava clones did the same): Now...it's an even playing field.
[When Killer Croc let loose a hiss, Runed Huntress barked back at him and the two of them charged at each other - fighting as beasts knew how to. Bruce dealt with Joker, Barbara took on Harley Quinn, Dick took care of Riddler, Damian attacked Penguin, while the other two clones took on Clayface and Poison Ivy.]
[The fight ended with the villains in cuffs and loaded into Transportation Trucks, Barbara found the scientists locked in the safe - all accounted for and unharmed, but mentally scarred - Bruce was talking to Gordon while his family looked on. Damian looked off to the side and watched the large wolf walking away and ran after her as she turned into an alleyway.]
Damian: Hey, where are you going?
Runed Huntress (Looks over her large shoulder at the Wayne Family Heir): What do you want, boy? I have aided your leader, that doesn't mean I need to stay around for his talks with the Commissioner.
Damian: Just what the hell is your problem?
Runed Huntress: My 'problems' are none of your concern, Rich Boy.
[Damian opened his mouth to speak but the large beast was engulfed by a flammed vortex that erupted from the ground around her feet and covered her until it exploded into cinders - leaving Damian alone in the alley, looking at the charred circle in the ground.]
[The Next Day: Gotham High School - Courtyard]
"I gotta go to the library to do some last-minute reading before class starts but before I forget, can I get some cash, Bae?" The Indigo-Eyed Girl asked as she looked upon the Wayne Heir.
"More? I gave you $700 just last week." Damien said as she looked at his girlfriend.
"I know but there's a sell on some rare spell tomes and I didn't want to risk someone else getting their hands on them. o, can you give me some cash?" Raven asked with a tilt of her head like a cat; making the heir exhale.
"Okay, I send another $800." Damien exhaled, earning a kiss on his cheek from the girl how had his heart before she turned and began to walk away.
"Hey, Damien!" Damien turned to see his friend Jonathan Kent walking up to him, but he wasn't alone.
Beside Jonathan was a dark-skinned female around the same height as him with golden eyes in a constant glare, She had short black hair in an undercut - only on her right side. She was wearing the Gotham High School uniform but the man one - she wasn't in comfortable skirts and she had the money to allow this. On her wrists there 2 golden bracelets - long ones that start at her wrists and end further up her forearms - that had some kind of writing on them that Damien didn't care to translate. Why didn't he care? Because he didn't like her.
"Hey." Damien said as he looked in the direction of his friend and...tolerant.
"You good, Bro? You seemed stressed out." Jonathan said with concern in his blue eyes.
"Yeah, I'm fine - Father was telling us that there is some large event tonight and he wants all of us there; no questions asked." Damien said.
"Large event? What's that?" Jonathan asked.
"He talking about Gotham's Angel Award - it's when all of Gotham's CEOs and Walking Wallets gather in one room to see who's been recognized as the most giving and kind." Kacela said as she looked at Jonathan with her arms folded.
"Funny the stray (That's what Damien calls her began she doesn't have parents, relatives, or even a surname.) knows what it is, even though you would never step foot in that place, much less get to hold an invitation." Damien said with a smirk on his face. Imagine his shock as Kacela pulls an invitation to that event from her pocket.
"You were saying, Bird Brain?" Kacela asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. Damien began to get mad and Kacela glared at him when Jonathan stepped between them.
"Whoa. Whoa. No need to fight! Just relax, guys." Jonathan said as he looked between her friends. Kacela exhaled and stepped back.
"Fine. I won't fight because Jonathan asked me to." Kacela said as she glared at Damien.
"Same here, Stray." Damien glared at her too before turning back to his phone.
"Whatcha doing, Damian?" Jonathan asked.
"Sending some cash to Raven's card." He said.
"More? Didn't you send her a lot just a few days ago?" Jonathan asked.
"Yes, but there was a book sale and she didn't want to miss out on the rare tomes that were for auction." Damian explained.
"Is that the song she sang to you? For someone so brilliant...you can't even see when you are being played." Kacela said as she placed her hands in her pockets and began to walk away.
"What's that supposed to mean, Stray?"Damian glared at her.
"Just remember - Ravens are fond of things that gleam and shine but they are also creatures that sing songs of deception." Kacela said before she entered the building, leaving Damian and Jonathan standing there.
[After Highschool]
Damian wished his friend a good evening before getting on his motorcycle and driving out of the school's parking lot. He knew that the normal route he would take was going to be caked in traffic for the event tonight and decided to head the long way. He was coming up on the red light at the intersection of 4 famous restaurants/cafes sat at the 4 Corners. He was the first vehicle in line when a familiar voice was heard from the right - he looked and the eyes under his helmet widened when they landed on his girlfriend sitting at an outdoor table with shapeshifter of the Titans - Beast Boy a.k.a Garfield. They were sitting at the table, holding hands and smiling at each other - as if they were in love.
"So, what do you want to do this weekend?" Raven asked.
"I wanna go to the new exotic animal show but tickets to that places are stupidly expensive." Garfield said.
"Don't worry, babe; I got the money from that walking piggy bank, Damian." Raven said.
"You got more? I thought he gave you some a few days ago." He said.
"Yeah, I just told him I spent the money on tomes and he gave me $700 more. All I have to do is pout and he'll give me whatever I want." Raven smirked at the notion and Garfield laughed.
Damian felt so bad about what he just heard - when the car behind him hooked their horn to let him know the light was green, he floored it and began driving down the main streets before the tears in his eyes began to blind him and he stopped on the edge of the park, took his helmet off and hid his face in hands - sobbing; showing the weakness of the Al Ghul.
His heart was broken - the one he loved was using him for a wallet for the shapeshifter and he was too blind to see it. The words Kacela said before she left that day - she was warning him that Raven was disloyal to him. The one he hated was the one who warned him.
He was so caught up in his crying that he didn't see the hooded figure sneaking up behind him and smacking him off the bike with a metal pipe in the back of his head. His world got dark when he heard the words.
"We got Wayne's Brat - we're in for a huge payday, boys." the fading voice chuckled until Damian faded into nothingness of mind.
[Around 2 Hours Later]
"Wake up, pretty boy!" someone commanded as he slapped the Wayne Heir wake - he was tied to a chair in the center of an unknown warehouse with 6 Thugs surrounding him - all of them with weapons in their hands.
"What? What the hell do you want from me?" Damian demanded as he glared at the man who slapped him - only for the same man to punch him in the face; Damian could taste the blood on his tongue before he felt it flowing out of his mouth as he tried to shake the daze from his head.
"We don't want shit from you, brat; we want a payday from Wayne and I know he'll pay huge racks to get his little boy back." The leader said.
"Boss, we've been calling Wayne but he ain't answering." A good said.
"Then keep calling! The sooner we finish this, the better." The boss order. Damian hung his head down - he was done for: his father wasn't answering the phone, his love breaks his heart...just what was he to do
The answer came as the window of the warehouse came crashing inward and a familiar Lycan-Shaped Figure came crashing into the room and landed on the ground on all fours before rising to its hind legs with a very pissed off glare in its eyes - the runes on its body shining in the light.
"What the hell is that?!" One of the Goons said as he tried to get his gun - only to have his head bitten off by the creature's jaws, letting his body hit the floor.
"Kill that thing! Fucking kill it!" The Boss said as he made Damian get to his feet and used his as a human by holding his arm around his neck and hold his gun at the creature that jumped around, slaughtering his men before turning to face him.
"Don't come any closer or I'll blow his brains out!" The boss said as he held the gun against Damian's head.
The Runed Huntress looked at a long metal nail that was sitting between her feet and reached down to gather it in her large clawed hand. Damian and the boss watched as the large wolfish creature twirled the nail between her fingers before flicking it on its head and sent it flying like a bullet - hitting the boss in the center of his head, making them lose his grip on Damian and slump to the ground. The Huntress ran over to Damian before he could fall and gathered him tenderly in her large arm before using the other one to cut his ropes - even free, the boy didn't move, he was too...cold.
"Damian, are you okay? Did they hurt you?" The Runed Huntress asked him as she looked at him with concerned eyes. Damian opened his mouth to speak but he noticed the bracelets on the creature's wrists - he saw them before, he saw them every day during school.
"K...Kacela?" Damian questioned as he looked into the creature's eyes again - there was a sparkle, a smile, then a small vortex of fire that revealed the human face of the one he hated at school.
"I always told you that you were brilliant, just weren't wary of the right people."Kacela said as she took off her jacket from her shoulders and placed it over Damian's, "Wear this, you're freezing." She said.
"You... You saved me? I thought you hated me - after everything I said and did to you." Damian said as he looked into her eyes.
"I never said I hated you, Damian; I said I hated the way you acted. As for saving you, I may have a beast's soul and form but I'm not a heartless monster to just let someone get hurt; not even someone who tries to me." Kacela explained before she turned back into the Runed Huntress, gathered Damian in her arms, and rose to her feet, "Now, let's get you home; you are too cold, you might be sick." she said as she turned on her heel and leaped back through the window she came through with the Wayne Family Heir in her arms.
[Wayne Manor]
The Runed Huntress landed in front of the door to Wayne Manor, using one of her hands to knock heavily on the door - it was soon opened by the Wayne Family Butler - Alfred Pennyworth.
"Hello, Madam Huntress, is there something I can help you with?" He then noticed Damian in her arms, "Is that Master Damian? Did something happen?" He asked.
"He was attacked and held for ransom but Bruce never answered the phone and he was harmed." Runed Huntress said.
"That's understandable - Master Bruce and the others are currently getting ready for the event and have asked not to be disturbed." Alfred said, making Kacela's eyes widen in anger.
"What?" She growled out. She pushed past the butler and followed Bruce's scent up the stairs to a meeting room - she barged in and - sure enough to what Alfred said - Bruce, Dick, and Barbara were all there, dressed in elegant attire; they all looked at the large wolf who barged into the room.
"Huntress? Is there something you need?" Bruce said.
"Are you serious, Bruce? Your son is in my arms, beaten & possibly sick, are you're asking me if I need something? Why didn't you answer the calls from Damian's phone?" Kacela asked.
"As Alfred told you, we're busy getting ready for the event." Bruce said.
"He's your son, Bruce Wanye - he was attacked, held for ransom, and beaten up and all you care about is this event? He could be sick, he's as cold as a block of ice." Huntress growled.
"Well, you got to him and saved him before he was hurt too bad, but since he can't come to the event, take him to bed and we will deal with him in the morning." Bruce said as he began walking do the door, past the wolf and his sick son, with his other 2. Kacela growled at him before looking at Damian.
"Where's your room?" She asked, her eyes widened when his hand grabbed her fur and held her close.
"Please... Please, don't leave me here." Damian pleaded - begged - as he tried to hold more tears while shivering.
"There's no way in hell I'm leaving you here. I need to get you some warm clothes." She explained.
Damian told her where his room was and she when there - placing him on the bed for a moment as she gathered pajamas and a new school uniform into the bag before closing it, picking Damian back up, opened the window, and the two of them disappeared into the night.
[Kacela's Loft]
"Yeah, just as I thought - you're sick." Kacela said as she pulled the thermometer from the boy's lips and looked at the numbers. Kacela placed it on a napkin on the nightstand that was beside the bed Damian was laying in and the chair she was sitting in. "It seems to be a simple head cold - some medicine and rest should get you and running again, not to mention a good night's rest." Kacela explained.
"How come...you didn't go to the Gotham's Angels Award?" Damian asked as he looked at her with a warm feeling on his face - it must have been the cold.
"That place is full of people who just wanna get seen, not for doing right." Kacela explained before she reached on the nightstand to her phone, "You have to eat something before taking your meds and I don't feel like cooking tonight, so I'll order something. What are you in the mood for - Pizza or Burgers?" Kacela asked.
"What? You're letting me choose?" Damian asked.
"Sure, I don't usually have guests, so why the hell not?" Kacela gave a smile...and the warm feeling returned but it was stronger this time.
When the pizza arrived, Kacela helped Damian sit up, and the two of them ate while having conversations - turned out they had a lot of things in common, from their love of books to their outside activities. Damian asked Kacela a few questions about her knowing Raven was cheating on him and why she didn't tell him directly - she explained that it wasn't her place to speak on another person's relationship, plus he made it very clear that he had a dislike for her so what reason would he have to believe her? Damian apologized for his words but Kacela said she heard worse and wasn't bothered. Just before bedtime, Kacela gave him cold and sleeping medicine so he would be alright in the morning; she stayed with him until he fell into slumber before she went to sleep herself.
When the morning sun rose - Damian woke to the smell of pancakes. Kacela made them breakfast and even made sure Damian's phone was placed on the changer. Damian got dressed in a fresh outfit and went to eat with Kacela; who informed him that she got his bike and helmet from the park after he went to sleep; he thanked her, finished his breakfast, and left out the door...with her jacket.
"What do you mean we're over?!" Raven yelled as she stood before Damian.
"Just as I said - I'm done with you, Raven. You're nothing but a gold-digger and a liar, and you only see me as a mess to keep that green boyfriend of yours happy. I'm not giving you anything else but a hard time if you ever show your face again." Damian glared at her, causing her to huff and march away to the school building.
"Whoa, Damian." Jonathan said as he walked over, "You really broke up with her?" He asked.
"I don't have time for gold-diggers and liars." He looked around, "Where's Kacela?" he asked.
"She called and said... Wait, did you just call her by her name? I thought she was a stray?" He said but swallowed when Damian glared at her.
"Never. Call. Her. That." Damian growled.
"Okay. Okay, man - sorry." He said.
"Now, what did she tell you?" Damian asked.
"She said she couldn't come today - there are some major investors that are interested in her company and want to make a partnership, so she won't be in today." Jonathan said.
"Really? Then, I'll speak to her later." Damian said.
"Talk about what? Wait, isn't that her jacket?" He asked.
"Yes." He said, 'But it's more than just that. It's the start of what Kacela and I shall be...together.'
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mrsdeanwinchester19 · 3 years
The Dinner-Sequel to The Interview
Pairing: Steve x reader
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Sequel to The Interview.  Steve takes his wife to meet his team after her interview
Warnings: None
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“Steve, do you think this dress is ok?” I ask, coming out of our walk-in closet wearing my lace, off the shoulder red dress.  Steve is taking me to dinner with the team tonight, so I want to make a good first impression.  Most people would think I’ve met the team before, but Steve kept our relationship a secret in the beginning and then the team broke up because of the Accords and we got married when we were on the run, so we really couldn’t invite any of the team members.
We had our wedding in Norway, one of the few countries that hadn’t signed the Accords.  They claimed they didn’t sign because if a non-government owned unit made from people from different countries called the Alsos Unit hadn’t helped them in World War II, the Germans would have succeeded in creating an Atomic bomb in their country.  In Norway, there was one team member, Thor, who was visiting Earth; he vouched for us.
After our wedding, we went to Wakanda on our honeymoon and visited Bucky. We had been having dinner with Bucky, T’Challa, and Shuri when we told him we got married.  He was upset that he couldn’t be there, but he understood when he found out the wedding happened when he was asleep.  When he said Steve could make it up to him by naming his first son James; Steve started choking on his Umqombothi drink.  I know Steve wants kids, but he wasn’t willing to have them while being on the run. Now that we’re not hiding, we’re actively trying for a baby.  I wonder if tonight he’ll break the news that he has a wife AND is trying to get said wife pregnant.
As I walk out of the closet, I bend down to adjust the ankle strap on my right heel.  I stand back up, smooth my dress, and look up at Steve.  He’s staring at me with a dopey smile on his face, love evident in his eyes.  “The dress itself is fine, you make it look perfect.”
“Ugh, Steve, quit it with the cheesy lines,” I protest while blushing.  Men used to say these things to their wives and girlfriends back in their time, it’s why Steve and Bucky can be prince charming when they want to be. Bucky more often than Steve now that he’s more like his old self, or so Steve says.
“I’m just being honest,” he defends, shrugging his shoulders.  He comes over to me and wraps his arms around my waist.  “You nervous?”
“What do you think?” I ask rhetorically.   I haven’t been this nervous since I first met Steve. In 2014, during a career conference once for journalists, the resort we were at was seized by terrorists.  One of my coworkers and I were the only ones from The New York Sun attending, despite the fact that it was in New York. I suppose they only wanted to go if the convention was out of town so they could get out of work and go on vacation. We were held in the resort’s Grand Hall for hours until the Avengers were able to save us.  There was a pretty big fight between Steve, Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Black Widow, and the terrorists but luckily no one died.  I had been hurt in the kerfuffle, a broken finger, but after Steve wrapped my finger in a brace, he allowed me to interview him.  During the on-camera interview with him, Thor was teasing him in the background, doing silly faces and the “blah blah blah” hand motion.
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Steve had asked for my name and number to “keep in touch and see if my finger heals correctly”.  When I gave it to him, he wrote it down in an old-fashioned address book. I hadn’t expected him to call me ever, but he did, asking for a date.  At first, he was weary of me being a journalist, in case things ended badly and I wrote a bad article about him.  However, a year later, he was thankful I was a journalist because I had access to all archived articles about the Winter Soldier.  After that happened, I knew he trusted me wholeheartedly and I felt the same. When the Accords started happening, I had access to the signing, to interview government people about it, and relayed that information to Steve about who he could trust.  That was how I found out about Norway not signing.
“They’ll love you,” he says.  “Bucky loves you, Tony will probably love you because he’ll think the interview prank you pulled on me was hilarious.  Nat and Wanda will be happy another girl is around.  Thor likes you, even Loki took a liking to you; he would love the interview prank. Clint will like you, Bruce will like you; no one has a reason to dislike you.
I turn around and take a good look at him. Royal blue dress shirt and black pants. His hair is up and I want nothing more than to run my fingers through it. He keeps me pressed to his body closely and I rub my hands along his chest. “If we didn’t have to go to dinner with your friends, I would be all over you right now.”
“Sorry, last night’s sex is just gonna have to hold you.” I give a little laugh.  “I’m just messing with you, I’ll be all over you tonight,” he growls, pulling my face up to his and kissing me deeply.  His kisses always leave me breathless, whether they’re passionate like this or small, chaste kisses when he’s leaving for work in the morning.  This however, is a whole new level and it’s making my heart go crazy.
Steve picks up the basket on the kitchen counter and we walk out the door. When we get to the car, he opens the door for me, ever the gentleman, before climbing in himself.  As he drives there, I fiddle with the hem of my dress.  I’m so worried I’ll talk too much or too little, or I’ll offend someone or embarrass Steve. What if I mention something about him that they don’t know?  Like that he bawled like a baby at Where the Red Fern Grows and Homeward Bound. Tony would probably love that but I don’t want to make Steve feel bad, I was crying too.
My biggest worry is what they’ll think of me after the interview.  Will they think it was funny or will they look at me as unprofessional for not telling them I had a conflict of interest with the Avengers?  I think Tony will like me, and maybe Nat, but I have no idea about the others.   I don’t think Bucky would come around as much as he does if he really didn’t like spending time with both Steve and me. Besides, sometimes when Steve is on a mission and he isn’t, he comes and keeps me company with old movies and our little two person book club we started.  His first choice of book was The Hobbit, which he told me he had read it when it first came out in 1937.  He was happy but not surprised to find out there were movies based on them.
When we drive up to the compound, Steve has a difficult time getting me through security.  They recognized my face and apparently Tony told them not to let me back. “Don’t alert Tony about her,” Steve said as he explained the situation to the guard.  He looked skeptical but agreed.
Steve led me upstairs, but not to the dining room where the team was waiting. He led me to his room.  “Well, well, well, Mr. Rogers, I thought we had to meet your friends in a little bit. Though I know you could probably get it done in ten minutes.”
“Ha ha ha, very funny,” he sarcastically replies.  “I just needed to grab…this,” he says, pulling his wallet out of his nightstand.  “Forgot it here yesterday.”
I simply hum in response to his explanation because I’m too busy looking around his room.  I’ve only seen it over FaceTime and in pictures.  It’s very different from our room at home. Our house, which we had just moved to from our apartment in preparation for a family, has a farmhouse theme.  Our master bedroom has a cream colored walls and one shiplap wall which our bed’s decorative headboard sits against, while our king sized bed is covered in a thick white comforter.  There’s a gray bench at the end of our bed and a blue and white rug.  There are nightstands on each side of the bed where we keep our small before bed items and our white, shared dresser is on the other side of the room, next to the door for our walk-in closet.  We have an attached bath with a clawfoot tub and a shower stall.  Our room lets in lots of natural light, which Steve loves because he likes to let the morning sun warm his back on his days off.
This room has a completely different feel to it. It’s much darker than our room at home. The walls are gray and his comforter is dark blue.  He has a black dresser across from his bed with a TV mounted to the wall above it. A plain bathroom with just a few essentials like shaving cream, a toothbrush, toothpaste, etc sit on the counter.  While our walls at home aren’t covered in pictures, we have more than the two he has here.  One is a picture of him and Bucky laughing and the other is of his parents before his father went to war; the war he never came back from.  Both pictures he has copies of hanging up at home. There’s a somewhat large window on the wall, but it’s covered with a blackout curtain.
I did most of the decorating at home, while this decorating was all him.   “Steve?” He looks at me.  “Do you not like our room at home?”
He furrows his eyebrows.  “No.  I love our place.  Why would you think that? Also, that’s very random to be bringing up now.”
“Well it’s just…this room is so different from ours at home.  I just didn’t know if you liked the darker colors better.  I want you to be comfortable in our room at home.  We can change it if you want it to look more like this one.”
He gives a little laugh and turns to face me.  “I didn’t decorate this room, Tony’s person did and he gave me this room because it’s the “most masculine”.  I prefer our room because it’s bright and spacious.  The fact that you decorated it is special to me because it’s like a present you gave to me.  Plus, I don’t have the best eye for interior design since everything I grew up with was either floral or had doilies.  But to be honest, this one feels a bit like a dungeon.  I just don’t bother to change it because I just sleep at home.  And I didn’t change it before I met you because even then I just used it to sleep, if I slept at all,” he looks into the distance, remembering all the nights he spent up in the gym, trying to beat the memories out of his mind.  He changes the subject, “Ok, so when we go down there I’m gonna have you wait around the corner and then you can come out when I tell you.”
He leads me downstairs and has me wait in a hallway. He walks around the corner and I hear Tony say, “Alright Capsicle, what’s the surprise you have for us?”
“Everybody just sit down and I’ll get to it in a minute,” he replies.  The sound of chairs scraping the floor is heard and Tony grumbles something about how he had been planning to have lasagna with Pepper tonight.  After a few seconds of silence, Steve comes back around the corner, grabs my hand, and leads me out. I nearly trip over my heels when we start moving and the pit in my stomach only grows.
At the sight of me, Tony and Natasha stand up startled. “What is she doing here?” Tony angrily asks.
“I thought you banned her,” Natasha adds on.
They all begin chattering, asking Steve why I’m here until Bucky calmly says, “Hey Y/N.”
Sam looks at Bucky confused, “You know her?”  Bucky nods his head and Sam looks at Steve, confused and a little hurt.  “Steve?”
“Everybody,” Steve starts, setting his hand on my lower back.  “This is Y/N, my wife.”
“WIFE?!” they all shout at different times.  Steve and I get bombarded with about a million questions at once.  When did we meet, why weren’t they invited to the wedding, when the wedding was, why I interviewed Steve the way I did, etc.
A loud thud on the balcony draws everyone’s attention. Thor is standing there in his armor and cape, holding his hammer.  “Sorry I’m late for team dinner,” he begins but stops when he sees me.  “Lady Y/N, I haven’t seen you since the wedding.  How has being married to the Captain been?”
“Oh you know, being married to a man-child is a struggle, but he’s hot enough for me to keep him around,” I joke.
“Thor, you know her too?” Tony asks.
“Yes I do.  Loki does too but I decided not to bring him tonight.  I think it would have been a bad idea.”
“Alright, Tony, sit down and I’ll explain everything,” Steve says.  Tony hesitantly sits down and everyone else follows.  Steve explained everything from why we met to why we couldn’t invite them to the wedding.
As he’s finishing telling the story and answering questions from the team, Tony’s bots bring in the pasta and Steve gets up and grabs something from the basket we brought.  He opens a bottle of wine and begins filling glasses.  When he gets to mine, I put my hand over my cup.  “Not tonight,” I say.
“But it’s your favorite,” he says.
“I can’t,” I say, not wanting to get in to it.
“C’mon, I won’t let you drink too much,” he says jovially.
“No, Steve…I can’t,” I say forcefully, looking up to make eye contact, hoping he understands without giving anything away.
He understands, but unfortunately his mouth works faster than his brain.  He looks down at my stomach and an excited smile spreads on his face.  “Are you…?”
I look around the table, seeing the Avengers all looking at us expectedly.  I look back at Steve and sheepishly nod.  He gasps and nearly drops the bottle, but luckily he realizes that when I reach out to catch it.
“A babe,” Thor says happily.  “Mazel tov.”
“They’re not Jewish,” Bucky says to Thor.  “Can’t wait to meet little James or Jamie.”  I give Bucky a look to let him know it’s not happening.  “Ok, Bucky works too.”
Tony puts his head in his hands looking like he’s about to pass out.  “Oh my god, we find out Steve is married to a woman I banned from the compound, and now that he’s going to be a father.”
I look at Steve to see him with tears in his eyes. Thankfully, Natasha saves us. “I’d like to propose a toast,” she says, standing up and holding her glass out.  “To Steve and Y/N, I hope you have a long, happy marriage and a healthy baby girl that you name Natasha.”
“That was the other thing we had planned to tell you tonight.  We’ve been trying for a baby.  I guess we were successful.”  Steve finishes pouring the drinks while everybody suggests baby names.  After a while, the conversation drifts to other things.  I enjoy listening to them, though they’re constantly quipping (mostly Tony).
Bucky, who’s sitting next to me, whispers to Steve, who’s on my other side, “Are we going to church this Sunday?”  The three of us go to church most Sundays. Steve and Bucky both grew up going to church, and it gives them some hope in a dark world.
Tony, who wasn’t involved in the conversation, cuts in. “Barnes, you could live at church and you still won’t go upstairs when you die.”
Bucky’s metal hand clenches so hard around his fork I’d be surprised if it isn’t bent.  He looks at Tony and gives him a very fake, overly sweet smile.  “Tony, I love how mean you are to me because it makes me feel less guilty about what I did to your parents.”
Tony stands up, slamming his hands on the table and Bucky mirrors him.  It looks like they’re about to attack but Steve intervenes.  “Tony, Bucky!  Tony, that was uncalled for and Bucky, that was unnecessary.  We know how you actually feel about your past and we’ve watched you try to change.”  Both men slowly sit back down.  “We have a guest.”  Bucky relaxes first, then Tony does.
“Y/N,” Tony addresses me.  “I need to apologize for my rudeness towards Bucky on my first night officially meeting you.  I was hoping not to fight with him tonight.”
“You call that a fight?  You should hear these two,” I say, gesturing to Steve and Bucky on either side of me.  “These guys can bicker with each other like an old married couple for hours about the smallest things.  Last week they had a 45 minute argument on how many times you can reuse a towel before it needs to be washed.”
“Wash it right away,” Steve mutters.
“Steve, we used to use towels so many times before we washed them in the 40s,” Bucky argues.
“Yeah but that was because if we needed to wash things, Mom had to heat up water and then hang-dry it on the balcony.  It’s easy to wash things now days.”
“Anyways,” Tony says, stopping their argument.  “I guess the interview you gave Cap makes sense now…somewhat.”
“Well I was pissed at him that day, so I think he deserved it.”
Tony smiles at Steve.  “You need to bring her around more often.”
Taglist: @imanuglywombat @infernal-fire @dottirose @carpediemm-18​
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wannabe-fic-writer · 4 years
All Over Again - Chapter 2
Summary: What was lost can be found. 
Warning: 18+ Smut, Language, Violence. This chapter gets a little science nerdy!
Ch. 1
* * * * * *
“How did you do it?” 
Looking up from the red glowing gun, your eyebrows pinch together as you look at the man stepping into your lab. His eyes, like always, flick around to take in your equipment. All your weapons lining the walls. 
You lay the sword down,“ what did I do exactly?”
Tony leans on the counter across from you,“ Luthor Corp just bought six shares of Stark Industries and sent multiple emails detailing possible partnered projects.” His eyebrows rise,“ I’ve been trying to go into business with Luthor Corp for years now.” 
“Congrats?” You narrow your eyes at him,“ still not seeing where I come in at.” 
Your hands glow red as you run them along the side of the rifle, effectively removing it’s glow and energy charge. 
“Side note, if you could come do your glowy magic thing on my new reactor, that’d be great.” You save your comments on that for later.“ Anyway, Pepper told me that you made quite the impression on Miss Luthor. I have a hunch her new found interest in my company is because of you.” 
“Probably not. We never talked about Stark Industries. We talked about a lot but never the company.” 
Frowning, he tilts his head to the side,“ it was an investment dinner, the purpose was to-” he sighs,“ nevermind that. You’re going to National City tomorrow correct?”
“I really don’t want to play company rep Tony. We’re just working on a project of hers.” 
Which you found out the day after the investment dinner. 
You’d contacted Lena about going out there. She confirmed your guess that she wanted to get your take and help on the power core. For the past two days you’ve been getting a few things done, mainly stuff that needs your immediate attention, so you wouldn’t be leaving anything undone. 
After some pleading from Tony you tell him you’ll consider giving Stark Industries a little good press with Lena but you make no promises. Then finishing up your work and leaving the lab. 
Sighing, you roll your shoulders, feeling how tired you are. Doing almost a week's worth of work in two days isn’t the most healthy thing. 
“Hey, you okay?” 
E/c finds deep green and you nod,“ fine.” The smile you try to give turns out to be a grimace. 
Natasha watches you,“ you sure, you look pretty tired. I know you’ve been-”
“Romanoff, I’m fine.” 
The redhead sighs. She quickly pulls a blank expression and moves to stand directly in front of you,“ how long are you going to act like this with me?” 
“Like what?”
“Indifferent Y/n. Every time we talk you give me some off handed generic response like we haven’t known each other for nine years. Three of which we dated.” 
You narrow your eyes at her,“ all three you spent keeping secrets. And then left me for said secrets immediately after. I’m not indifferent towards you Natasha I’m fucking hurt.” You don’t mean to snap but you can’t help it. 
Since your break up Natasha has moved on and has tried to interact with you like everything was fine. Like she hadn’t broken your heart. Better yet, as if she was scared you’d hurt her. 
Getting to the end of the hallway, you turn to her,“ you know what’s funny? Had you just told me, beforehand, that there was something between you and Doctor Banner, I would’ve understood. Because the worst part was being blindsided.” 
“Y/n I’m sorry.” If you were close enough you could see the regret in her eyes, might’ve been able to hear her heartbreak. 
You nod,“ I know. You told me.”
Avoiding the ex-assassin has become a bit of an everyday thing now. So much so that you almost don’t have to put any effort into doing it before you have to leave. You spend a little time training with Sam and Bucky, walking them both through their new supercharged weapons. You coordinate with Steve on the mission you’re being assigned after you get back. 
You also take a moment to research Miss Luthor and Luthor Corp. Alongside finding the controversial opinions on the company and the woman running it. You ended up, not surprised, but impressed with her work.
And of course you spend some time with Wanda. Said woman not leaving your side at all, even as you go to bed. She occupies the empty side of your bed through the night and truthfully you’re grateful for the company. 
When you wake up, you make quick work of showering, getting dressed, and starting to pack. Wanda doesn’t move a muscle, much more content with reveling in the warmth you’d left behind, while trying to get you to not go. 
“I won’t even be gone long, back by tomorrow for sure.” You push a set of shirts in your bag. 
Wanda groans loudly and cuddles further into your fluffy blanket,“ but I just got back and you promised to take me to see Harrison.”
You chuckle lowly,“ it’s Hamilton, Wan. And I’m still gonna take you, just a little later. Think of it as an anticipation builder.”
“Don’t you think I have enough anticipation.”
Shaking your head, you zip up your overnight bag, and sit down beside the young woman,“ come on Wan, it’s not like I’m leaving you alone.” 
“Basically you are. Steve and Bucky never leave each other’s sides and Sam follows them around always, and Natasha has Bruce!” She exclaims, only to jolt up when she realizes what she’s said.“ I’m sorry.”
You do your best to laugh it off,“ it’s fine really. Natasha does have Bruce.” You quickly change the subject before that familiar ache returns,“ why don’t you take Clint up on his offer to stay with them for a while?”
Wanda looks down, playing with her fingers,“ I’m not ready to do that just yet.” Those eyes then lock with yours,“ besides I can’t leave you.”
“Hey,” you pull her into your side,“ you know I’m always here for you right?” She nods. Deciding not to leave on a somber note, you joke,“ except for tomorrow, so endure Miss Maximoff, and text me.” Standing up, you press a very chaste kiss to her forehead, and then leave out with a wink. 
“Headed out Y/Ln?” 
You nod to Steve, holding up your bag in emphasis,“ yeah, I’ll only be gone a day you know.” He nods.“ Oh and Rogers, do me a favor and keep an eye on Wanda yeah?”
While she’s doing significantly better after everything, you know she still has her moments. When they hit they hit hard and feeling/being alone doesn’t help. It’s one of the many reasons Clint invited her to go stay with his family for a while. But Wanda has reservations about that for reasons she hadn’t yet told you.
After getting Steve’s agreement to do so, you leave. 
To you, the worst part of traveling is all the little stupid stuff in between. You loved driving, hated traffic. Flying was calming and you loved looking at the clouds sail by, you hated TSA, baggage claim, and boarding. 
Luckily National City is merely five hours away and the second you land you feel the difference in NYC and NC. While both are skyscraper filled, fast paced, cities. There’s something about National City that seems freer. People are nicer, the sun shines brighter, the air smells cleaner. 
Perhaps it’s just being on the West Coast.
Being the woman she is, Lena has a car service for you, the driver waiting with your name on a white board. You confirm your identity and follow the woman out to the car. On the drive to Luthor Corp, you take in the sights of National City.
Lots of skyscrapers but still a surprising amount of greenery. Eventually you approach your destination, the tall glass building branding the large Luthor Corp logo. 
“Thank you.” You nod to the driver, slipping a tip her way, and getting out of the car. 
Stepping inside the building, your eyes take in the sunlit interior as you approach the front desk. The young receptionist asks what he can help you with and you respond that you’re here for Lena Luthor and he asks for your name. 
In the end you’re told to wait as she’s in a meeting, so you pass the time by texting Wanda, replying to the dozen texts Tony had sent. You tell him you’ll do it if he can get you decent Hamilton tickets and he agrees instantly. 
“Y/n,” her voice, while still new to your ears, is easily recognizable,“ I’m so sorry for making you wait.” 
You’re waving her off in an instant,“ it’s fine, I’m no greater than anyone else, I can wait.”
She chuckles, nodding in understanding, and silently pleased with your humility. A number of people would’ve demanded they go in immediately. 
From there she directs you toward the elevator. As you walk the people walking around look to Lena in seeming amazement. 
“It seems your employees are also fans, rightfully so.” You tease honestly. 
“They’re a part of a small group believe me. I have more opposition than you could imagine.” 
Raising an eyebrow, you shrug,“ a powerful woman is intimidating, especially one as brilliant and compassionate as you Miss Luthor.” 
A light blush fans her cheeks and her eyes watch you on the elevator,“ if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’re trying to flatter me.”
“I’m being honest with you Lena, it just so happens that your truth is pleasing to hear.” The elevator dings, letting you both off to a floor of labs, some walled off by glass and others concrete. You look around, some machines and equipment familiar to you and others you don’t recognize. 
Lena guides you down the halls to a room at the very end. It’s dark inside at first and then a purple light rises. Repeatedly it shines and then dims and you walk closer in amazement. 
Octagonal, metal, plates surround the rock like material in the center, each plate connected by thick wires. The purple light emits from the rock. Lena flicks the lights on and it powers up the monitors and the core. 
Still watching in fascination, you walk around the core, remaining a few decent feet away. A very low hum sounds from it and you can practically feel the power of it. 
“Wow.” Lena smiles at your amazement.“ I imagine you had to build a stabilizer before you could move it.” You look up at her.
“I did. It was in a ship when I found it so I reutilized the ship's engine.” 
Eyes wide, you smile softly,“ instead of the engine pulling energy from the core-”
She nods,“ it pushed the energy back into it.” 
“How did you stop it from overloading?” 
“Reworked the wiring to continuously transport the energy so there was never an overwhelming amount in the core at one point in time.” 
You look back at the core, noticing that is also how she’s currently keeping it from overloading.“ Remember when I said you’re brilliant?” She nods.“ That was an understatement.”
With another laugh and a bashful blush, she brings you over to her monitoring equipment. 
The next few hours pass with the two of you working on it. Lena loved the idea of turning the one power core into multiple ones which would require harvesting pieces of it. But it’s not like they make Alien Rock saws or anything on earth. 
You’d have to invent a tool strong enough to cut through it without it disrupting or agitating the energy. 
It’s well past the late hours of the night when hunger sets in for both of you. Lena insists you join her for dinner. After locking up her office, the two of you go to a restaurant that she sings praises for. 
The maitre’d is quick to seat you both, your waiter bringing water, and asking if you’d like anything else to drink. Lena orders wine and you get an old fashioned like usual. 
“So outside of being well versed in science,” Lena starts,“ what other talents do you have?” 
“I can make a great cup of coffee.” You joke, the woman laughing.“ No um, I’m a weapons specialist. It goes hand in hand with science and my powers. Mental materialization allows me to create just about any weapon with my mind, of course it doesn’t last forever. For the most part I enhance the weapons the team already has though I’ve invented a weapon or two.”
Brown eyebrows raise,“ invented?” Intrigue enters her eyes and you’ve already become accustomed to it.
You nod,“ at the time my team and I were facing a threat we never had before. It required a special type of weapon and of course it didn’t exist.”
Before you can reply, the waiter returns. They set down your drinks and take your orders, both of you smiling politely before they walk away. 
Looking back at Lena, you sip your drink, and respond,“ yes. It took a lot of trial and error, messing around with their own weapons to finally get it. I ended up using the alien technology to build the weapons.”
“And you say I’m the brilliant one.” A smirk plays at her lips over the rim of her wine glass.
It’s then that you replay your own words in your head being hit with a startling realization!
“Lena!” You exclaim. Green eyes widen slightly, eyebrows raising simultaneously.“ A laser saw. We’ve been trying to come up with a material strong enough to cut through it instead of using its own energy to do so.”
She understands quickly, a disbelieving chuckle leaves her lips,“ oh my god, you’re right. Of course we’d have to neutralize the core before cutting it. That amount of energy against itself could cause a cascade of energy failures or something much worse.”
“You figured out how to stabilize it with it’s own engine and now you’ve got me,” she smiles amusedly,“ I’m sure two scientists of our caliber could work something out.”
Lena agrees. Then insisting you two talk about anything other than the work. 
As much as she loves her work, she’s been intrigued by you since your first meeting. With this being a much more casual setting than the investment dinner and her lab, she wants to get to know you. 
She’s learned how intelligent you are, even if that’s just the tip of your iceberg, but she’s dying to know more. And she does.
Over dinner you both get to know each other better. Lena’s disdain for her last name but need to clear it is something she, almost subconsciously, divulges. You’re not exactly surprised to hear that she went to MIT, in fact you would’ve been shocked if she went anywhere else. 
While she avoids going in depth about her family, she does make mention of being close to her brother when they were younger and loving her father endlessly. Her sincere compassion is a trait she seemed to have always had despite the briefly mentioned opposition she faced over being so.  
Her taking over the company after her brother was for a number of reasons the main one being that she wanted to prove herself. Luthor doesn’t mean evil, not always anyway. You’re led to believe that while many don’t agree, there’s proof through Lena’s work that she isn’t a bad person. 
In turn you tell her about your time as an Avenger. All of it started back when your father worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. Being the dedicated man that he was, he often brought his work home, and being the daddy’s girl that you were, you lingered around and watched as he worked.
You’d picked up on a lot of things from him involving the weapons. By the time you were 16 you knew most guns inside and out from standard pistols to compact grenade launchers. 
After high school you went to Stanford and majored in Mechanical Engineering, getting the opportunity to intern at the one and only Stark industries. Upon graduation you had taken an actual job at the company. Some time later you were approached by Fury to assist Stark in building the Particle Accelerator to save himself and take down Ivan.
Tony took a liking to you during your time working together and afterwards was more than happy to work closer with you, especially since you still worked for Stark Industries. Those connections lead you to being picked up by Fury every once and a while with S.H.I.E.L.D business. Until S.H.I.E.L.D fell, your last mission with them being Sokovia.
Eventually, despite the very late hour, Lena’s phone starts to buzz almost incessantly. With a small,“ excuse me,” she picks it up, reading the messages she received. 
“Are you up to a few more drinks?” She asks with a soft smile and you find yourself unable to say no under the gaze of her green eyes. 
She settles the check, relenting and letting you leave the tip, before you’re both in her car and driving to a different location. This place is a lot less upscale than the last. Funnily enough you find it a lot more comfortable than the restaurant. 
You follow beside Lena, who approaches a table surrounded by a decent sized group of people. They all smile brightly at the CEO, a blonde hugging her excitedly. Then all eyes fall to you. Before Lena can even introduce you, a voice speaks. 
“Oooohhhh my god!” A man about your height nearly vibrates with excitement in his seat. Brown eyes widen and he bites his lip.“ You’re Artemis, the Avenger!”
It’s impossible to not chuckle at his enthusiasm.“ I am, but without the getup you can call me Y/n,” you reach a hand out to shake his.
“Y/n, yeah of course.” He shrugs with an understanding nod. 
Going around the group of people, you shake hands and learn names. After Winn, sits Kara Danvers(Lena’s best friend as she introduces), Kara’s sister Alex(definitely an agent of some sort), J’onn(also an agent), and James Olsen. 
While they all seem fairly nice, you can see Alex’s and J’onn’s studying expressions. They watch you cautiously and you don’t blame them. Winn and Kara are the more open ones, excited to meet you and engaging in a seeming nonstop conversation. And James, well you aren’t sure about him yet but he seems okay. 
Alex takes a swig from her beer, elbows leaning on the table top,“ what brings you to National City?” 
“Lena actually.” All eyes widen, eyebrows rising as well.“ In a strictly platonic and professional way.”
The CEO beside you chuckles softly, hand resting on your bicep,“ Y/n’s assisting me with a project of mine upon my request.” 
“What kind of project?” The auburn haired woman asks.
Something in her tone tells you that she’s skeptical, almost untrusting of the woman at your side. Whatever history is there is a little rocky, you can’t place why but it is. And even though you don’t know anyone here all that well, you’d hate for everyone’s seeming enjoyable night to take a sour turn.
“For now it’s merely a test for a new energy source. If it’s not clean energy or it’s unstable it won’t go further than this.” 
The woman seems satisfied with your answer, at least a little, and nods. Lena sending you a smile in thanks. 
“So, what kind of drink recommendations can a tourist like me get?” 
With your simple, easygoing question, conversations start back up. Each person gives you a drink recommendation and you take it, trying each one. Some you don’t like but most of them are great, and strong.
By the end of the night there isn’t a single person who isn’t laughing. The effects of the alcohol you’ve consumed hit you and while you aren’t wasted, it definitely makes things lighter for you. 
“Alright, I think it’s time I get this one back to her hotel so she can get home tomorrow.” Lena lightly pats your shoulder.
“Awe booo!” Kara and Winn say at the same time, the latter much more intoxicated than the former.
You pout, looking at Lena,“ don’t you want to hear about the anti-gravity gun Winn is working on?” 
“It’s handheld.” He adds in a whisper.
The brunette chuckles,“ I’m sure Winn would be more than happy to tell you about it some other time.” 
Sighing you nod,“ fine. She’s right, I have a flight later.” You rise up, the support of the table a great assistance,“ it was a great pleasure to meet all of you, had a lot of fun.” 
Kara’s big blue eyes find yours,“ you’re going to visit again right?”
“Not sure when but I will definitely be coming back.” 
With a goodbye to everyone, you and Winn slapping hands and nearly missing, and you and Kara high fiving perfectly, you leave. 
For the third time tonight you’re in Lena’s car. She leans back into her seat after telling her driver where to take you. It’s a fairly quiet ride back to the hotel, you drinking from the water Lena gets from the center console, and her occasionally looking over at you. 
She took great delight in watching you interact with her friends, especially with the amount of alcohol you’d consumed. Drunk wasn’t the proper state to describe you as but the intake definitely had you a lot more talkative and energetic than Lena has seen, though that’s only been twice. 
Telling her driver to keep the car running, she accompanies you up to your room. She’d hate if anything happened to you before a friendship could even begin. 
You swipe the card over the door sensor and push it open, turning to lean against the frame and address Lena.“ Thanks for today.”
“The whole day?” She chuckles.
“Yes ma’am. I loved every bit of it. Your friends are awesome and I’m really excited to see how the power core works out.” 
A little smile pulls at her lips,“ well I may have started this by myself but you’re definitely a part of it now. So let me know the next time you’re able to come back.”
“Really?” Your eyebrows pinch together. Compared to how much was done when you’d arrived everything you did felt like adding two measly cents. 
Honestly speaking, you’d genuinely loved every second of working on the power core with her. As much as you love saving the world as an Avenger, there was a newfound excitement and intrigue in you while you worked on this. It could save lives in a way you can’t as an Avenger. 
“Only if you want to.” The CEO says, slight hesitation hidden behind her teasing smirk. 
“I’d love to.”
* * * * * *
Taglist: @username23345 @depressed-bi-bitch @fayhar @trikruismybitch @aznblossom
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mspufflehuff · 4 years
Right Here For You Doll
Pairings: Steve Rogers x plus size!reader
Prompt: hi i was wondering if you could make a steve rogers x plus size reader where he and the others are talking about how they work out all the time and the reader gets insecure and runs to find a mirror not saying a word? and steve getting up immediately to find her? that would mean alot to me from @lilacprincessofrecovery 
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Not proofread, my very first fanfic so it probably won’t be very good
Author’s Note: I’m really sorry if this is a bad fanfic. I tried really hard, but I hope whoever reads this will see that people are out there who want more plus size fanfics because not everyone is a thinner girl or person. I know what it means to see yourself in a fanfic as you can relate to it. I hope whoever reads this enjoys it and has a great day. 
*Third Person POV*
It was a calm and peaceful evening in the Avengers tower for everyone, which was out of the normal they were used to. But, everyone enjoyed it and basked in it. The team having fun and lounging around without a care in the world. A person who basked in it was Tony's new assistant who helped the other Avengers as well with anything they needed. 
Y/N Y/L/N had been there for about 6 months, and they weren't like Tony's past assistants who either worked there to get into one of the Avengers' pants or try to get personal secrets from all the Avengers to give to some secret organization. Y/N wasn't like the past ones, and Tony could see it from the moment she walked into the interview room. They were shy at first, but when Tony started getting close to Y/N, they really came out of their bubble. Tony saw a spark in them that he had seen in himself when he was younger. They were always making sure Tony slept, ate when he wasn't sleeping, and taking care of him like Pepper does.
With everyone having a day to relax and be themselves, Y/N decided to join them since Tony insisted. Tony also insisted since Steve was going to be there too. Tony had seen the glances, longing stares, and hopeful yet kind smiles between Boy Wonder and Y/N. So he lightly pushed  Y/N into joining the gang in relaxing. Ever since Y/N started at the Tower, he watched as Steve and Y/N danced their feelings around each other. The whole team has been taking bets since the first day Y/N started when Steve and Y/N would get together.
The whole team except Bruce and Loki were sprawled out in their lounge area on their main floor. Steve was sitting next to Sam and Natasha, while Thor was sitting in a chair off to the side. Tony went to the kitchen to get something to drink, and Y/N was sitting on the floor near the couch. Steve, Nat, and Sam were on. The team's conversations ranged from many different topics, such as what candy is the best to snack on while watching movies to a dreaded topic, working out, and other types of working out that are best.
As the conversation started to turn to exercising and working out, Y/N became more insecure with each word coming out of the team members' mouths. Y/N felt like changing the topic but did not want the conversation to focus on her since she doesn't work out like the others. When it started turning into the team members making dares to see who could do the most push-ups, curl-ups, or sit-ups, Y/N begun to get nervous and insecure.
* Reader's POV* I watched around me as Thor and Sam started daring each other to push past their normal exercising limits. I was so nervous someone would call on me to ask how many push-ups, burpees, or anything exercise-related. I looked down at myself and saw a squishy stomach, thick thighs that touched at every moment, multitudes of stretch marks, things I didn't see anywhere on the team's bodies.
I ever so quietly got up from my spot on the floor and made my way to the kitchen. No one would notice I was gone; they were all too busy making bets and dares with each other. When going into the kitchen, I didn't see Tony, so he may have gone to the bathroom or his office. Wherever he was, this was my chance to go to my room without being noticed. I don't know why I would think I could be around these heroes close to sculptures you would find in museums of gods, exempting Thor.
I ran to my room as quietly as I could without making much noise. I went into the elevator and asked JARVIS to take me to my floor, where my room is. "Yes, ma'am, miss. Y/L/N." JARVIS responded as he took me up to my floor. As I waited for my floor, I took account of my body and how I looked compared to all the team members. I started thinking about how Tony may have pitied me for being the fat girl, and that's why he gave me the job. While I was thinking over if I was fit for this job or a pity acceptance from Tony, a soft ding was heard in the elevator, letting me know I was on my floor. "Thank you, JARVIS," I mumbled quietly as I walked out onto my floor. "Always happy to help miss Y/L/N."
* Steve's POV*
It started to get boring as everyone was comparing how many push-ups they could do, and as I went to look over at Y/N, I noticed she hadn't come back from the kitchen. Usually, she wouldn't take this long unless she was cooking a late lunch for herself. Over the past months, I would find myself listening to her hum as she cooked for either herself or the others. I tuned in my hearing for the kitchen and heard no humming or any kind of her sweet singing. 'That's strange.' I thought as I looked back at the kitchen to see no one standing in there.
I looked over at Sam and Thor, who was groaning at each other, boasting and gloating, shaking my head in disapproval at the two. Soon I felt a stare on me; I saw Nat was looking at me. I turn to her and tilt my head softly, confused. "She went to her room, you know?" Nat told me and directed her head towards the elevator. "How did you-" "Steve, most women know what each other are thinking and their next plan of actions," Nat responded back before I could finish my question. I gave her a soft nod to thank her and left the room before Thor and Sam could get into a brawl over their masculinity.
Making my way to the elevator, I started thinking about why Y/N would have gone to her room. 'Was it something one of us said? Was it something one of us did?' I thought and kept thinking as I made my way to the elevator and up to Y/N's floor. After a minute or two, the elevator went off to indicate I made it to her floor. I stepped out and walked to her door, standing in front of it.
Sighing to myself softly, I lifted my hand and knocked on her door softly. "Y/N?" I asked into the door, hoping she would hear me. After a minute I didn't get a reply. I knocked again and waited for more, getting no reply in return. I gently grabbed the doorknob and twisted it, opening her bedroom door. When I walk in, I see displaying paintings and photos all over her room walls.
I let out a sigh of awe at seeing the beautiful colors and patterns in each of her paintings. She had never told any of us that she could paint, or at least not me. 'Maybe she loves to draw like I do,' I thought as I looked at a small drawing hanging up beside her bed's headboard. As I got closer, I recognized it as a drawing of me back from the '40s. I chuckled as I noticed how she had gotten the fine lines under my eyes from all the fights I used to get into and remembered how Bucky would have to pull me out of them.
What brought me out of my observation was a soft sobbing coming from my left. Walking towards the soft sobbing, I see Y/N standing in front of a tall mirror close to her closet. "Doll?" I asked her softly, a feeling of sadness hitting my heart. She jumped a little and looked over her shoulder at me. "S-steve...?" Y/N had her arms wrapped around her torso as she turned back to look at herself in the mirror. "Why did you leave the room?" I asked her softly, watching her face from the reflection of the mirror. She took a pause before she started talking again. She let out a deep sigh and looked at her stomach. "Everyone was talking about working out... a-and I don't look like the rest of you..." Y/N looked at her arms and her thighs. "I'm all soft and squishy, not like Natasha, how perfect she is... I'm not as strong as Sam or any of you... I'm just some assistant Stark hired and probably hired me out of pure pity..." She whispered the last part and let out a soft cry. 
*Y/N's POV*
 I wasn't looking at Steve anymore. I couldn't think to look at his face to see the pity and sadness his eyes would have held. Suddenly I felt a pair of warm arms wrapping around my waist. I tensed up for a moment and then relaxed against them. It was Steve, hugging me. I couldn't hold back the sobs as I moved closer to his chest. I was turned around to feel lips on mine. I paused against Steve's lips to understand what was happening. Steve then pulled away, gently holding my arms in his hands. "I-i'm so sorry-" He tried to tell me, but I wouldn't let him as I kissed him back quickly. I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me. 
We both pulled away after oxygen decided it was necessary to be in our systems. We were both lightly panting as we looked at each other. "I've wanted to do that for so long now..." I giggled to Steve as he gave me the same soft and loving smile that I had drawn many times. "Y/N... I don't care how many times I need to show you or tell you, but you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met. You don't need exercise, dieting, or anything to make you look better. I think you look like an angel that God sculpted with his bare hands." Steve told me as he cupped the side of my cheek with his hand, keeping the other on my hip. 
"Don't feel bad about yourself because you don't exercise. I'll do whatever you need me to do to show you." I placed my hand over his hand, listening to his words. "I'd like that..." I whispered to him, gently kissing him. He leaned into the kiss, lightly smiling against my lips. "I could do this all day.." he chuckled and kissed back a little deeper. "Oh, I know you could, Captain," I replied with a soft hint of tease in my voice. "Come on, let's see who out of Thor and Sam could run the most laps on the field behind the tower." Steve gave a deep laugh with a bright smile, looking at me with those beautiful eyes of his. "Doll, you really are going to be the death of me." He told me as we walked out of my room, hand in hand, happy to finally be together. 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Drastic Measures- Part 12
~Soul Mate~
I would like to point out that in my plan for this chapter i wrote ‘magic beam pew pew’ I take my work very seriously.
First < Previous > Next
“Were you like this for me?” Adrien pokes her with his foot.
“Worse believe it or not,” Marinette stares dreamily at the snowglobe, as she had been for the last hour.
“Terrifying," Adrien leans over her, teasing her, "You go it baaadd~”
“Adrien!” She pushes him away, blush taking over her face, “Plagg says something about cheese, not boys!”
“There’s an Akuma,” Plagg says deadpan, not what she was looking for but it will do.
“Saved by the moth,” Adrien jokes, opening the window.
“And they’re about to be saved by the bug,”
 “I hate love Akuma,” Ladybug laments at the man heartbroken and sobbing, making it everyone else's problem.
“At least this one isn’t brainwashing anyone, maybe we should let it run around for a bit, let some people find their other half?” Ladybug sends Chat a death glare, “... orrr we could do our job and you stop glaring at me like that, that works too,”
“Ladybug,” Batman lands behind her, Ladybug can just feel her irritation rise.
“If you say what I think you’re going to say I am not helping,” She stares him down, completely serious. She. Is. Done.
“You’re a distraction, you need to leave-” That. Is. It.
“Chat make some popcorn we’ve got a show to watch,” Ladybug turns around, plopping herself on the edge of the building.
“Just couldn't help yourself could you?” Chat Noir asks Batman before joining her.
“I’ll help when you apologize,” Ladybug cuts him off. Batman glares down at them for a few minutes before leaving to help the chaos below.
“Sooo, soul mates? do those actually exist?” Chat asks, the Akuma apparently trying to find their's as whoever they hit would have a line leading them to their soulmate. Meaning everyone hit was freaking out.
“Master Fu said they did, but I don’t think it's necessarily a romantic connection,” Below people with their act together are chasing after the lines while the Akuma wails they haven't found theirs yet.
“No?” The Akuma isn’t attacking anyone per se, just throwing the Bat pack back when they get too close.
“He said a soul mate was like a balance someone who is your opposite but also complementary,” Ladybug explains, “You balance each other out, strengthening each other,”
“Like us?” Chat grins, in the past it would have been an opportunity to flirt not anymore.
“Ideally, but Master Fu told me we weren't soulmates, that the balance was off, that's probably why this has been so difficult,” They might have been able to defeat Hawkmoth by now if they were.
“We still get along,” Chat looks wounded, Ladybug snapping back from her thoughts.
“Of course we do,” She quickly redeems, “Honestly I can’t picture a better partner,”
“Not even-”
“Finish that thought and I’ll throw you right off the roof,” Marinette glares knowing exactly where that's going.
“Fine, fine,” Chat surrenders, focusing again on the chaos below, “So what happens if you don’t find your soul mate?”
“Nothing usually, lots of people don't, as long as they're out there somewhere in the universe you’re at balance,” Ladybug still feels bad for the careless implication earlier, “Lucky Charm,”
“If they’re not?” Chat asks catching the Lucky Charm, a bucket of popcorn just their luck.
“If they’re gone they lose that balance, people can get a little unstable, traits becoming more extreme,” Ladybug munches on the popcorn with chat, “For a lot of people it’s not noticeable besides a mood swing but if you had a strong connection then the effects can be more drastic,”
“Think that happened Hawkmoth?” He says idly watching as a couple gets hit and their lines don't lead to each other.
“Maybe,” She hums as they start yelling at each other for cheating.
“Egh, Hawkmoth in a relationship? imagine if he had a child?” They both make a face, “They’d probably be a dick,”
“What?” Nightwing calls, trying to break up the fighting couple.
“Nevermind!” Nightwing says quickly, getting hit over the head with a purse.
“Again, soulmates aren't inherently romantic,” Should probably tell the couple down there that, “But having someone that balances you perfectly can lead to romance,”
“Or a killer friendship,” Robin runs in to help break up the fight. It’s getting busy people apparently learning about the Akuma's power and now the Bats are mainly busy with crowd control.
“We don’t need to be soul mates to have that,” Ladybug smiles, stealing the popcorn.
“Pound it,” They say at the same time, falling into comfortable silence at the show below.
“Think we should help?” Chat asks eventually the streets crowded, the bats fruitlessly trying to keep people away from the dangerous Akuma.
“Have I gotten an apology?” Ladybug asks, feeling some satisfaction as a lady slaps Batman. Alright, a lot of satisfaction.
“Robin’s struggling,” And he really was trying to drag a hysterical teen away from the Akuma.
“Eh, he tried to stab me, call this payback,” And it looked like the teen wanted to stab him.
“Damn try to stab you find out who your soulmate is?” Chat whistles as the Akuma tries to hit Robin, “You drive a tough ship Milady,”
“Seriously Chat, edge of the building, can push you right off,”
“But you wo- AH!” 
“Oh, but I will,”
She swings her legs. Chat catches himself as she knew he would and joins her back on the rooftop. Ladybug munches on the popcorn watching as Robin tries to avoid the beam while keeping people back.
It’s fun until it has consequences.
Robin gets hit, which would be all well and good if the line appearing wasn't connected directly to her. Robin looks up the line, finding a frozen Ladybug looking below.
“... Well Milady,” Chat gives an awkward thumbs up, “Good for you,”
 “He might not be your real soulmate,” Adrien pats her back, Marinette's head buried into the pillows, “It was an Akuma's magic,”
“An Akuma is from miraculous magic,” Marinette complains, muffled into the pillows, “If there's one thing in the universe that can recognize soul mates it’s miraculous,”
“Alright let's calm down,” Adrien pushes her over so she is staring up at the ceiling, “You said soul mates don't have to be romantic, so really this doesn't change anything,”
“But Robin?” Marinette sits up cringing.
“Do you really hate him that much?” Adrien asks genuinely, Marinette flops back onto the bed.
“Ugh, no, I don’t hate him at all, mad at him sure, generally annoyed yes, but not hate,” She takes the snowglobe Damian brought her, looking at it sadly, “I just… can’t see why he is,”
“Could have been worse,” Adrien's tone turns lighter, obviously he’s about to try and cheer her up, keyword try, “What if your soul mate was Lila- AH!”
“You need to stop standing on ledges when you annoy me,” Marinette looks at him dispassionately as Adrien is sprawled over the floor.
 She’s my soul mate! Ladybug is my soul mate
A cautious skeptical part of his mind warns that might not be right. It was a villain's magic, they could have been trying to manipulate them, it may be random or not accurate. Still, all of that depended on soul mates actually existing in the first place. But none of it mattered as Damian was practically giddy at the revelation.
He flops back on his bed staring dreamily at the ceiling. And yet still something nags at him. Not caution over being lied to or manipulated. It’s a feeling of loss. And he can’t figure out where it’s coming from.
Damian sighs in annoyance turning over to face his desk. He might as well get some work done. He freezes. Draped on the chair is the sweater Marinette made him. The feeling claws uncomfortably at his chest, worsening until he is forced to turn away.
Ladybug is my soul mate
 “Hey does anyone know why Bruce is having a heart attack,” Jason walks into the cave, throwing his helmet to the side, “And follow up, who caused it? I’d like to personally thank them,”
“Jason!” Dick chides, still hovering around a catatonic Bruce.
“It was me? I wasn't even in town,” Jason whistles, “I have to pat  myself on the back for that one usually it takes a lot more effort,”
“It’s not you, it’s Damian,” Dick rolls his eyes, leaving the unresponsive Batman.
“What did demon spawn do?”
“He’s going to marry Ladybug!” Dick whisper shouts, excitement practically radiating off him.
“... how long was I gone for?” Jason asks, “I was gone for three days, did Gotham get stuck in some time paradox no one bothered to mention?”
Did the demon spawn really propose? Honestly, it wouldn't have been the craziest thing their family has done, actually, it would be borderline sane in comparison.
No taglist :P
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riseofnightwing · 4 years
Once Upon a Dream - Dick Grayson Imagine (You'll love me at once, The way you did once upon a dream)
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pairing: Dick Grayson x Titan! (Preg!Wifey!Reader)
request¹: When Trigon is controlling Dick, he sees Y / n as his wife instead of Dawn. So he tells Y / n what he saw.
request²: Can you write something about Dick and y/n being pregnant and he is protective over her and the baby? Thanks
notes: I joined these two lovely requests together because I thought they fit pretty well I’m so sorry the delay, I’m back at college and doing both is pretty hard but i did my very best. hope you enjoy it xxxx<3 y/e/c: your eye color
y/n/n: your nickname
“Good dreams, big boy.” I said as I put my son to sleep after telling him all the stories he asked me to. John wasn’t a hard-to-deal kid, he reminded me a lot of myself when I was younger, not the bad things, of course, only the good ones, although I wished he could inherit more of Y/n. Looking back at my past doesn’t make me that proud of who I was, but if I admire someone, it surely is my wife. 
Heading to our bedroom, I entered, immediately locking my eyes for more than a second with a pair of large, Y/E/C eyes set in a pretty face. Y/N was laying down in our bed, reading her book. It didn’t matter how many times I looked at her, she would always look as beautiful as ever. 
“Hey, Boy Wonder.” She greeted me with her specific -and so beloved by me- soft tone of voice.
“Hello, y/n/n” I took my shoes off, sitting in the bed, close to her. Her smell entered my nostrils as I placed a warm kiss on her neck. “How’s our baby and my wife doing?” I caressed her belly, trying to check on our kid as much as I could. Having John four years ago made me way more responsible and careful than I would imagine that I could be someday. Since it, my family had been all I cared for, the hero life didn’t need me as much as they did, or as much as I needed them too. 
“We’re doing fine, he didn’t kick me like yesterday so yes..we’re good for today” she told me with a smile on her face. “But my feet, god, they’re killing me” 
“Well, I think I can help you on this” I told her with a half smile 
“Yeah? Show me how then.” she said and i moved to the end of the bed, sitting with her feet in my laps while i started to massage it.
She left her book on her side, positioning comfortably through the pillows
“I already told you this but..you’re the best husband in the whole world” she said
“I know that, thank you” i said, mocking her 
“You’re so sassy, Grayson” we laughed together. I kept doing the massage for ten minutes when, in a matter of a second, we were interrupted by my phone ringing, showing Jason Todd on it’s screen. He was calling for a video call.
I didn’t talk to Jason for ages, what would he want now? 
I looked at Y/n and she nodded at me, pointing that I should answer and I did. She got back to read her book while I answered his call, but I knew my wife pretty well to know she was still listening.
“Hey, Jay. Long time no see” I said when his face showed up on the screen. He was different, surely not the same Jason I knew 5 years ago.
“Hey, man, not as good as you, I think.” He answered, showing his legs. He was sitting in a wheelchair, I got perplexed. What the hell did happen to him?
“Jason”  I had my hands covering my mouth after passing them through my hair. “What happened?”
“I was stupid. Totally my fault. Riddler and some guys were hitting jewelry stores late at night.” he spoke and I paid attention to every single word “Batman and I staked one out, caught them coming in. Should’ve gone down real simple, but I got too cocky. Big Surprise.” He had his head down, recognizing his mistakes.
“Went straight for him, Though I could take him down on my own. You know the Riddler never uses a gun?” 
I nodded at him, it was true, he never did.
“Well, now he does. Bullet hit on my t5 vertebra. I still have it here.”
“Jesus.. I’m so sorry for that.”
“Gotham’s gotten worse, man” He looked at me “Way fucking worse. Commissioner Gordon’s dead.”
“What?” I was completely astonished by what I heard. How the fuck did Bruce let it happen? 
“Three days ago. It was the joker, and it was bad. When Bruce finally found where he was. It was too late already.” he said “He’s going to kill the joker”
I felt Y/n’s intrigued eyes on me at this point. She knew Bruce almost too much like I did.
“He would never do that. Bruce has a line he’ll never cross” 
“Things have changed, Dick. Alfred Died, I got shot, Commissioner Gordon Died.” Too much information to my own good, I wish I could still be in peace with Yn in bed like I was some minutes ago.
“Why are you telling me all of that now?” I sighed.
“Because you’re the real Robin, man. Not me. He was never the same after you left. Alfred said it. Superman said it. You were the only one he ever listened to. Maybe the only one he cared about after his parents died.” I didn’t answer him this time, it was too much.
“You need to come back to Gotham and convince him not to do it.”
What? Come back to Gotham? 
“I can’t. I swore I’d never go back.I haven’t spoke to Bruce in years”
“The whole thing with Tony Zucco. You know what he’s going through. If he does it, there’s no coming back.” I looked back at him “He’s the only hero that Gotham has left.” he sighed “You’re the only one that could save him” 
He said and hung up, leaving me with innumerable thoughts, innumerable questions.
 I threw my phone at the sofa in front of the bed, getting up and running my hands through my hair. 
I felt a pair of arms hugging me from behind
“Dick.” I heard her voice “I’m here.”
“If bruce wants to do something, he’s gonna do it. We both know that.” I said turning around to look at her.  “He dresses up like a bat to fight crime. That works for him.” I spoke trying to show her my point of view, it was insane what Jason just told me.
“But this idea that I’m the only one that could save him? It’s bullshit.” I complemented, walking side to side in the room while she was looking calmly at me.
“Then, who?” she just asked
“Jim Gordon is dead. Alfred is dead. Barbara’s missing. He fell out with Superman years ago. He’s alone.” She told me, eye to eye.
“He’s always alone, Y/n.”
“Not when you’re around, Dick. How’re you going to feel if you don’t at least try?”
“Bruce Wayne is not my responsibility.” I raised my tone of voice, being hard at what I said. Damn. I knew I had fucked up the minute I said it, so I walked to her.
“I’m sorry.” I hugged her from behind just like she did some minutes ago. “After our baby, if he still hasn’t got shit together, I’ll go. I can’t leave the three of you alone here.” 
“Okay.” She said “Oh my god, Dick, he just kicked, he knows we’re talking about’im”
I smiled and moved my hands to her belly in an attempt to feel our son’s kick’s. It was crazy how much my family meant to me, remembering that I always loved Y/n and now, having a life built with her and calling her “wife” is the most peaceful feeling i’ve ever felt.
Our moment was interrupted by a little figure entering our bedroom. It was John with his sleepy face and his teddybear, “Growley” -which one Gar gave to him on his birthday- and we turned our attention to him.
“Hey buddy, couldn’t sleep?” I asked 
“Growley wants to go with you.” he told me 
“Go where, sweetie?” Y/n asked our older son.
“To Gotham City” He said and I laughed. Did he hear it all?
“Wow. Eavesdropping.” Y/n told me.
“But Growley is your favourite.” 
“He’ll protect you.” John said and left, heading to his room, sleeping again.
“Look honey.” Y/n turned to me, putting a hand on my face and I leaned at her touch, closing my eyes, she always had the power to put my shit together when I couldn’t.
“I know that your relationship with Bruce is more than complicated, and that the last time you saw each other you said some things..But he saved you, Dick.”
“What if you’re the only one who can save him back?” I scoff.
“Baby, that’s absurd.” I told her 
“But what if?” She asked me.
The next morning I was ready to take a plane to GC. I called Donna to keep here with Y/n until I got back. The bell rang and she was here. Me and Y/n went to receive our old friend.
“Hey Donn” Y/n greeted her.
“I missed you, sister.” The black haired girl answered my wife.
“Hey crazy chick. It’s good to see you. Thank you for coming.” I told her when she came to hug me.
“No problem, don’t worry, I’ll be taking a real good care of these three”
“I don’t doubt it”
We talked to each other and I was ready to leave.
“I’ll be back in a matter of a second, baby, I promise. I’ll have my phone close every time, call me if you need and i’ll be right back.”
“Dick, I’m the one who should be pretty worried by now, and believe me, I am, so please, take care in every moment of this, right?”
"Come on, it’s me. I’m good at this sort of stuff, remember?" I told her with a cocky smile.
We kissed deeply. I gave John a kiss on his head.
“Take care of your mother and your auntie, alright? That’s your mission.”
“Alright, Dad.” he smiled sweetly at me.
“Donn, call me if she feels anything different from normal, any sight of danger and I'll drop everything on Gotham and I'll be back, deal?” Donna nodded at me.
“You’re everything I have. I love you” I said in my wife’s ear, leaving a kiss on her forehead, and leaving.
Gotham was crazy, not the city I knew, the city I left back, this is the closest to hell i’ve ever got to.
I wanted to go back to my family, my pregnant wife, my 4 year old son, my house. But I couldn’t forget that once, Gotham was my home too.
The joker is almost dead. Bruce threw him up from a building and now the police escorted him to a hospital.
I followed to the place that, for a long time, sheltered me. Wayne manor, I needed to talk to Bruce. And I Tried, I told him the joker isn't dead yet and he had a chance to sneak out from darkness. But he didn’t appear so I left.
Although my conscience led me to think I should go back to the better life I chose when I burned my suit, that I should just forget about being Batman’s savior and go back to Y/n, everything kept me stuck on the city. Things happened faster than I could control.
Bruce killed the joker at the hospital. He ran before I could get him, he injured policemen. He didn’t stop at it, he Killed prisoners, nurses, guards. It wasn’t justice, it was a massacre. He couldn’t be saved. He needed to be stopped. I made his name public. 
I drove an operation to get him and he killed all my team.
He wanted me to give in to the darkness. To become him. 
Well, fuck you, Bruce, you win.
I killed Batman.
“Dick.” Hands on my face and a voice calling my name, it was all I could understand now.
“Dick, It was all planned by trigon” Rachel was at the batcave, where i killed batman. What was she saying? “Dick, you would never kill batman.”
 “Shut the fuck up” I told her, I had to kill him.
“You’re the boy from the circus, Dick. We’re supposed to save each other.” She said and we were in my parent’s circus. The flying Graysons, my good memories showed up and I woke up.
“I missed you.”
“Rach” I chuckle.
“Welcome back.” She told me and left to find trigon. 
Y/n. Her face filled my mind. Wasn’t it all real? Everything we lived, our home, our son, she was my wife for I don’t know how long and it was all trigon controlling my mind, but still, it felt so real. So good.
I had to find her.
“What’s going on?” Gar appeared with his face pretty much hurted.
“Hey, Gar, I swear I’ll tell you everything later but, where’s Y/n?”
“She’s black eyed, Dick. Outside, Don’t think you should..”
“I will get her back.”
When I came outside, all the titans were looking at Trigon and Raven, and I knew her enough to know that she’d deal pretty well with him. I looked at Y/n and she wasn’t awake, so I pulled her by her arm.
I turned her to look at me and she did. 
“Y/n, it’s me, Dick. Wake up.”
“That’s me. The real me.” She had Trigon on her mind still and I needed her back.
“It’s not, I know you, Y/n. I saw you, in my vision, I had you with me so please, come back.”
Our eyes were locked, she seemed to hear what I had said and with no reluctance, she was back, her eyes weren't blacked anymore and she woke up.
“Dick.” she seemed confused. We all were.
“You’re back.” 
I hugged her and she hugged me back, words were never spoken between me and Y/n, although I bet everyone knew about our feelings about each other, I never faced it, until now. I broke the embrace to look at her-
“I had you, Y/n, in my mind, during all the time you were with me and when I faced reality, it was sad that it was only a dream. It made me realize that’s enough of hiding, I need you to keep with me, because I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t and because.. I love you.”
She looked at me as if she couldn’t believe it.
“I’m being completely honest in every word I said.”
“I’m here,  Dick. Kiss me.” She said, surprising me, and I did. 
“I’ve waited for this for so long.” She said when we parted our kiss.
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highonchocolate · 4 years
Take Two: The Guardian in Gotham Chapter 4
First   Previous   Next   Ao3
Note:  When italics are in quotations (“”) then Marinette is speaking French. If the italics don't have quotations, that’s people’s thoughts.
After patrol, Dick made his way to bed, mulling over the announcement Bruce had made at dinner. When he had seen that picture, he had wanted to join Jason on his Paris killing spree. That girl-Marinette, was it?- seemed to be in need of a better place to stay, and he was happy they could provide it to her. At the same time, he had no idea how to treat a young teenage girl! What does she like? Sports? Dresses? Both? None? He had no idea! As he lay there having a breakdown in a slight panic, he couldn’t force the image of her broken, bloody body out of his head. He wondered what kind of person that sort of assault would turn her into. He had seen greater people snap after such emotional and physical wounds. 
Meanwhile, Jason, Tim and Damian were facing similar dilemmas over the girl in question. 
Jason had no idea how to handle teenagers, especially ones that had been assaulted. Suffering through fucked-up shit like that would definitely leave you with some trauma. He thought to himself. Maybe we should ask her about her boundaries. His coping method involved wearing a red helmet and gallivanting around the rooftops of Gotham, looking for excuses to shoot people. He didn’t exactly think that was the best way to help her out. Sure, he grumbled, I’ll just walk over to her, hand her some Kevlar and a grapple before pushing her off the top of fucking Wayne Enterprises in hopes that she’ll get it right. ‘Cause that’s totally fucking healthy!
Tim on the other hand, was completely and utterly paranoid. Sure, he was definitely worried about that girl, considering that it looked like she had lost a lot of blood; but at the same time, he was worried about exposing their identities to her. Just one slip up, and she would know exactly what the Wayne family did at night. Not to mention that if they ended up getting injured, they’d have to figure out how to hide it from her. As he hacked into her school records, he noticed that she had filed several bullying complaints that had never been acknowledged, as well as a request to transfer classrooms that had been dismissed. Just how corrupt is this school?! He thought to himself as he saw how the principal-Monsieur Damocles- had bent to one girl’s every whim, just because her father was the Mayor! Abuse of power, and ignoring bullying reports? He thought to himself. This is not going to end well for them. With that, he completely launched himself into digging up every bit of dirt he could find on that school and it’s staff; completely forgetting about his original panic over being discovered.
And as for Damian, he was completely furious that there would be another person living in the Manor with them! Not to mention she had to go to Gotham Academy as well! He hadn’t even met this Marinette, and she was already proving to be a pain. 
As the day of their Marinette’s arrival dawned bright and clear, four members of the family waited for the arrival of their last member and guest. Bruce was slightly nervous. He had never had a girl so young stay in the Manor before, and he didn’t know how to greet her. Did he shake her hand? Smile and wave? Shake her hand then smile? Wave then shake? 
Dick, however, was full of excitement that their new guest was arriving in a couple of hours. He wondered if she knew any gymnastics, and if she would be willing to do some flexibility-related stretches and workouts with him.
All his other children were scattered throughout the city, doing various different things. Jason was up in the Manor library, reading his latest novel. Tim was in his office at WE, finishing up some paperwork he had wanted to fill out before Marinette arrived. Damian, thankfully, was at school, and wouldn’t be returning until later in the evening.
His thoughts were cut short by Tim’s arrival. As he walked into the kitchen and came back with a large mug of coffee, Jason trudged downstairs, and they all sat around in the living room continuing to work and read as they waited for Marinette and Alfred.
Half an hour later, Bruce was alerted to the gates in front of the Manor opening. They all lined up outside the house and watched as the sleek, black limo pulled up in front of the house. 
They waited patiently as Alfred got out of the car and headed to the trunk before opening it and taking out a suitcase, and what looked like a foldable wheelchair. The four of them were confused. Why would she need a wheelchair? Surely her classmates hadn’t injured her that badly? Their thoughts were cut off by Alfred opening the back door on the opposite side of the car. He bent down and proceeded to open the wheelchair, before wheeling it around to face the family. When they caught their first glimpse of their guest, they were absolutely floored.
They had all seen many worse injuries during their nightly patrols, and several injured children years younger than her, but when they saw Marinette, they were shocked into silence at her battered appearance.
She was a decent height at around 5’ 4”, but compared to Bruce and Jason she was absolutely tiny. She had several dark purple-blue bruises that contrasted sharply with her pale skin as well as an angry gash covered in stitches on her forehead. She also sported a clunky cast and a thick brace on her leg and wrist. With her dark hair pulled into space buns, and blue eyes, as well as how small and bruised she looked, they all felt a rush of protectiveness flood through them when they saw her. 
Their silent shock was interrupted by Jason leaning over to Bruce and whispering angrily “You said her classmates did this to her?!” At his exclamation, the other three tensed in anger at the reminder that her old friends had been the ones to injure her so severely. They were snapped out of their thoughts by Marinette speaking.
“Bonjour, Monsieur Wayne! Thank you for letting me stay in your house with you! I promise I’ll do my best to not be a bother to you and your family.” Her voice was slightly rough from when she had been crying, but she spoke sweetly, and politely. At her statement, Jason jumped in “No problem Pixie Stick! The only nuisance here is the Demon Spawn, and he’s not home yet.” She blinked up at him, before her mouth twitched up into a half-smile. “Thank you, Monsieur. I’m sorry but I didn’t get your name…” she trailed off. 
“Sorry about that Sunshine, he’s Jason, I’m Dick, and the sleep deprived one is Tim.” Dick interjected. “And you don’t have to call us Monsieur, either. Just our names are fine.” 
“Oh okay. Thank you Mister Bruce, and thank you Dick! I’m Marinette, but I’m sure you knew that already. You can call me Mari if you’d like. I’m not very picky about nicknames!” She laughed. 
“Now if the young Masters are done with their introductions, I will gladly show Miss Marinette to her room.” Alfred cut in. “Thank you Monsieur Alfred, that would be wonderful.” The girl in question smiled up at him from her seat in the wheelchair before he wheeled her inside.
Marinette thanked Alfred as he wheeled her into her room. He mentioned that someone named “Damian” was at school, and that she would be attending school after she gets adjusted to the time difference. After he left, she opened her bag to let the Kwami out, and waited for their excited chattering to calm down. Once they had quieted, she spoke. “Hey Tikki? Do you think it was wrong to tell Alfred about the Miraculi being active in Paris?” she questioned as she fiddled with the straps on her bag. ”I was just so excited to meet another wielder that everything slipped out!” 
The Kwami was quick to reassure her. “Oh no Marinette, it's okay. SInce you are the Guardian now, you need all the help you can get. And besides, you already recognized each other’s auras, so there was no point in trying to hide it!” She flew up to her face and patted her unbruised cheek gently. 
“Oh no! I completely forgot to tell Alfred that I’m the Guardian!” She shrieked. “What if he gets mad at me for being too inexperienced?! He’ll kick me out and I’ll have to live on the streets! Then I’ll end up becoming part of the Crime Alley hierarchy, living alone in an abandoned building with a stray cat named Tommy! Tikki this is a disaster! A disaster!!” She would have continued to ramble in french, if it wasn't for the fact that Wayzz had flown up to her and reminded her that she needed to shower because she had been on an airplane and in the airport.
Several curses, near falls, and plastic cast coverings later, Marinette limped out of the shower, exhausted but clean. She quickly tied her hair onto a messy bun before changing into warm leggings (although she couldn’t fully pull one side down due to her cast) and a sweater. Gotham was cold! She let the Kwami roam around her giant room as she put her clothes into her closet. 
After settling in, she plugged in her phone and texted her friends. 
FashionableBug: Just got everything organized and took a shower. Turns out M. Wayne has four kids! I met Dick, Jason and Tim, and apparently Damian is at school. 
QueenofMean: Maribug! How dare u not text us as soon as you arrived! Ur plane landed over three hours ago! 
Snakey Boi: Chlo’s right, Mari. We were all worried bout u.
FahsionableBug: Sorry u guys. Everything was going so fast I completely 4got!
FashionableBug: Also I met a Peacock wielder!!!!!!!
You’reUnderAgreste: Really?! Buginette thats amazingggg
DragonGurl: Wonderful news indeed, Mari. They must have lots of advice for you.
QueenofMean: !!!!!! 
QueenofMean: Nettie thats awesome!!!!!!
SnakeyBoi: Thats totally great!
SnakeyBoi: Also who is it???
FashionableBug: lol Luka its Alfred their butler. Tho hes more like a grandfather
FashionableBug: Anyways, I’m going to go find the kitchen. I wanna make the Kwami some macarons!
FashionableBug: Bye!!!
DragonGurl: Bye Marinette.
You’reUnderAgreste: Bye Bugaboo!
QueenofMean: Bye Bug!
SnakeyBoi: Bye Mari!
Marinette smiled as she put her phone down. Glancing over at the Kwami flying around the room, she stretched before calling out “I’m going to see if I can bake in the kitchen. Do any of you want to join me?” Before she had even finished her sentence Tikki and Kaalki were flying over to her and nestling in her bun. Laughing at their antics, she maneuvered herself into the chair before wheeling herself down the hall. She hadn’t gone very far when she bumped into Alfred walking out of another door. "Salut, Monsieur Alfred! Would you mind showing me where the kitchen is? I was thinking of making some sweet treats for my...friends.” At her statement, Tikki and Kaalki poked their heads out of her bun to wave, before hiding again. Smiling, Alfred turned to her and spoke. “Of course Guardian. Right this way.”  Her eyes darted to meet his hesitantly. “You aren’t mad that I’m the Guardian?” Alfred paused and looked her directly in the eyes. “Miss Marinette, I am in no way questioning your capabilities as a Guardian. You are very powerful, and I have no doubt you will do an amazing job. I am simply upset over how you seem to have no Mentor or any form of Guidance to help you.” Sighing in relief, she smiled. “Well, my old Master lost his memories because he had to give up his memories after being compromised. I do have the Grimoire though, and I was also hoping you would help me as well?” She questioned, looking up at him hesitantly. As they walked into the kitchen, he bowed to her and stated “It would be my greatest honor to assist you, Great Guardian.” She laughed and thanked him before beginning to bake. 
She hummed a simple melody designed to bring about calm and peace, and soon she was happily working in her own tranquil little bubble. 
An hour later, as she was frosting the little pastries, Jason walked in, drawn by the smell of sugar and freshly baked goods. “Hey Alfred! What cooki-” he cut himself off. “Sorry Pixie Stick, I thought you were Alfred. Only he can make something worth eating in this house!” 
“Oh it’s no problem Jason, I was just making macarons. My parents own a bakery, so I’m kinda used to just baking whenever.” She laughed softly
“Damn Pixie, macarons?! You haven’t been here a day, and you’re already much nicer than all my asshole brothers!” 
“Yeah, well these are for after dinner, so no touching ‘till then!” She warned.
He sat at the counter and scrolled through his phone as she decorated the pastries. Soon enough, she had them all completed and proceeded to carefully take the tray and wheel over to the fridge. Before she could move an inch, Jason had leapt up and placed the tray in its designated spot. “Sorry Pix, but I’ll get that for ya. We don’t need you accidentally crashing or dropping these heavenly treats!” He laughed.
She crossed her arms and pouted up at him, before her mouth stretched into a wide grin. As she wheeled herself into the dining room, she swiftly turned her head and stuck her tongue out before disappearing through the door into the room beyond.
Dinner with the Wayne family was a rambunctious affair. Dick and Jason bantered good-naturedly over their meals as Bruce sighed tiredly in the background. Tim moved lethargically, downing giant gulps of coffee as he ate his meal. Damian apparently was studying with his friend Jon, and therefore wouldn't be eating with them. They all smiled and laughed as they talked through dinner. Marinette told them about her friends, before adding that they’d probably video call her tomorrow so they could meet the family. Bruce assured her that it was not a problem and added that he would be glad to speak with her parents. After eating, she headed up to her room to work on the outfit she had been sketching on the plane. 
She immersed herself in designing, and ended up finally going to sleep shortly after midnight. The Kwami flew over to their little nest of pillows and blankets, and she turned off the lights before drifting off to sleep. Her dreams were plagued by nightmares of looming shadows and ethereal dark butterflies destroying the world in fire. She watched in helpless terror, stuck in her Ladybug persona, unable help as the world burned. The horrific dreamscape was shattered by the sound of her phone blaring out an Akuma alarm. 
She leaped out of bed and shut off the shrill noise as she called for Tikki and Kaalki before leaping through the portal and into Paris.
She ended up in a ravaged, unrecognizable landscape covered in flames. Looks like her dream had been semi-accurate after all. The Eiffel Tower was partially melted, and fires were cropping up all over the city. The four simultaneous thuds behind her signified the arrival of her team. As one they looked upon their ravaged city and charged the Akuma.
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powerosewaterpuff · 4 years
this idea for a fic/short fic came completely from a tiktok from @ fixation_or_infatuation on tiktok who has such awesome content so P L E A S E go check them out!! and thank u so much for the idea bc legit this made me so happy hehe
“-uce. Bruce? Bruce! Bru-uce! Bruce, I adopted a chihuahua and named her Georgina, what’d you think of that?”
Bruce shot his head up, realizing he had made the foolish mistake of zoning out through an infamous Dick Grayson tale, that always required every form of attention necessary at all times. He could feel himself chuckle inwardly, as he saw his ward’s little pout as he chewed away at his tortellini, directing a solid stare of expectation at Bruce.
“You really need to sleep more, do you know that?” Dick hummed, raising a little eyebrow at Bruce, which was a facial expression that looked far too adult on his baby cheeked face, and it looked far to Bruce-esque for his own liking.
“Even if I didn’t know that, I’d always have you to remind me, don’t I?” Bruce teased, stirring up a bright giggle from Dick that simply filled his chest with a rush of warmth that he had never really felt before. He loved hearing his laughter, no matter where or when and whether it was a rarity or not, but it always felt just a little bit more special when Bruce had been the one to cause it.
“At this point, I would consider myself your own personal alarm cloc-Bruce, can I please wake you up singing Christmas carols tomor-Why? I have a beautfiul and spec-tac-u-lar voice, thank you very much!”
Bruce didn’t bother suppressing a teasing eye roll, as Dick’s voice sounded like glass being rubbed against a cheese grater when he tried to hit all of Mariah Carey’s notes. He did, however, nod slightly at Dick to congratulate him on his proper pronounciation of ‘spectacular’, which was a word that Dick usually had a hint of trouble with. It was a small action, but one he hoped Dick would understand.
“Anyways, can I ask you a question?” Bruce’s eyebrows curved upwards in question, just a smidge, as he pushed his plate of food aside and leaned closer across the table to give Dick his complete focus.
“You already did,” Dick rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to retort but Bruce cut him off, “However, what’d you need?”
Then, there was something Bruce never really thought he would see for as long as he would live. It was Dick Grayson, the beam of passionate sunshine himself, squirming shyly in his seat and chewing on his bottom lip. If Bruce wasn’t the master of supressing emotions then he would’ve been throughly surprised by this display.
Dick Grayson was simply not shy, not in the very slightest. He was bolsterous and bold with just a hint of cunningness behind it, but he certainly was not shy. This, of course, caused Bruce to begin categorizing all the possible problems there could be. He ran through them over and over in his head, trying to suppress an inexplicable feeling of dread and fear that was coursing through his chest only slightly, but still present.
Dick took a deep breath, and Bruce could feel himself holding his almost inadvertently.
“When Superman comes today, d-do you think I could get an autograph,” Dick spluttered out, saying it almost too fast that Bruce barely understood what had been uttered. He did feel himself take a massive sigh of relief, even though what replaced the dread in his heart was just a prick of bitterness. Dick had never asked for Batman’s autograph.
“If Clark’s alright with it, then I don’t see why not, chum.”
Then, like a burst of light on a cloudy evening, Dick jumped out of his seat and went around the table straight into Bruce’s arms for a full koala hug.
Bruce, who still wasn’t fully accustomed to such open and loving acts of affection, froze for just a slip of a moment but then melted into Dick’s hold, as he usually did. There was just something magical, dare he say, about his wards (sons) hugs.
Dick then propped his head onto Bruce’s chest, and beamed up at him with stars glittering in his eyes, “Thank you, B!”
Bruce yearned to say something, to say anything along the lines of; Of course, I would bring the moon down if you asked me too or I love you so much that your very laugh eases this knot in my chest that has never been able to budge.
Bruce only managed a meager, “No need to thank me, chum.”
Dick, who had been completely content with the answer given even though he shouldn’t have been, placed his hands onto Bruce’s shoulders and flipped into a handstand position. He then curved his body around enough to sit onto Bruce’s broad shoulders, which in full honesty, didn’t surprise Bruce at this point. He had become labelled as the ‘jungle gym man,’ which was a nickname graciously given to him by Dick himself.
“Now, ride my steed! To Alfie!”
Bruce prayed inwardly that Clark wouldn’t have to be a witness to this mayhem, because it really would lessen his fearsome status in the Justice League.
Bruce was not jealous.
He simply was not and it didn’t matter how many side eyed stares Alfred shot his way, Bruce was a perfectly fine without a sliver of jealously.
It’s hero-worship, it’s just complete and utter hero-worship.
From the moment Clark Kent had stepped through the Cave’s doors, Dick had been unable to contain his sheer excitement as he bounced on the balls of his feet. The two had hit it off better then anyone Bruce had ever seen before, gabbering on about nothing and everything all at the same time. Now, Bruce was not upset about this, because Dick deserved someone who could give every inch of love he so generously gave back to him. Clark was just that person, as the Boy Scout himself matched wits with Dick far easier then Bruce had ever been able to do.
That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less.
“Master Bruce?”
Bruce swiveled his chair to face Alfred, as he sorted out the rest of his paperwork.
“Have you seen Master Dick since our guest left? I’ve been unable to locate him since then.”
His jaw clenched slightly, as he racked his brain around everytime he had seen Dick between the forty minutes since Clark had left and that moment. He felt his heart sink when he realized he hadn’t seen a trace of Dick since the Kryptonian had left.
Bruce hurried up to the third floor of the Manor, and felt his heart that had sunk into his gut shatter at the sound of a faint whimper slithering up to his ear from the bathroom across the hall. He gently walked towards it, slowly but surely turning the knob only to peer his head in, as not to startle Dick.
Dick was curled up into a ball across from the sink, small sobs heaving from his little chest as he desperately tried to push the oncoming flow of tears away with his palm. His cheeks were marred with fresh tear stains and his eyes were a leaning towards the pinker side as fresh tears began to bubble to the surface.
Bruce wasted absolutely no time as he skidded to the floor in front of Dick, gripping his wards shoulders tightly. Dick raised his head slightly, looking all the more ashamed for being caught crying which weighed down on Bruce like the weight of the ocean.
“Dick, what’s wrong?” Bruce whispered, wishing he could erase every inch of sadness off his face, “Please tell me what’s wrong, chum.”
Dick bit his lip, chewing on it for a bit, which Bruce recognized as one of Dick’s nervous habits. He made a note of that, just in case.
“I-Bruce, it’s stupid, alright? I-I’ll get up, I’m sorry for sitting on the bathroom flo-.”
“Dick,” Bruce huffed, firmly pushing Dick back onto the ground as he moved his hands to cup Dick’s cheeks, still filled with baby fat, “Nothing you say is going to be stupid. I want to know what’s wrong, alright?”
Bruce was not one to plead nor grovel, no matter how much life pressed its dirty heels into his back he never swayed. However, seeing Dick crying was such a weak point to him that it unnerved and horrified him. (It was probably why his nightmares had all had one consistent theme of Dick being in some sort of danger that Bruce could not save him from.)
Dick practically melted into Bruce’s hold, and nuzzled his face into his palm as Bruce wiped away stray tears. Fuck. Bruce needed to hug Dick more, or just show any shred of affection. He just wasn’t used to having to show an abundance of physical affection to someone, and had forgotten how much he had craved for it when he was younger, starving and hungry for shreds of affection he wasn’t expecting to receive, until he simply became numb to it. Dick really deserved someone better, and Bruce knew this more than anyone else.
After taking a shaky breath, Dick peered up at Bruce as he blinked away tears, “Promise you won’t think it’s stupid?”
“I promise,” Bruce vowed as he rubbed his thumb across Dick’s cheeks comfortingly.
“Do you remember how I wanted Superman’s autograph?” Dick mumbled softly, sniffling slightly. Bruce nodded but mentality cursed himself a thousand times for not realizing that Dick hadn’t asked a single time for an autograph from Clark.
“I-I really wanted to ask him! I kept waiting and waiting but I just couldn’t do it, b-because I thought he might find me annoying. I really, really wanted him to like me, Bruce! I thought he might get upset or get annoyed by me because I talk so much, so I just couldn’t do it and I don’t even know why I’m crying! He was so nice to me but I just really got scared a-and my tongue got tied like-like a knot! Does that make sense? My tongue was like this big heavy knot and it was stuck to my mout-Why am I crying!”
Dick tried to suppress a rising sob, as he covered in his eyes in shame. Bruce gently let go of his cheeks and spread his arms out gently, with the offer standing clear. Dick flung himself into Bruce’s waiting arms and buried his face in the crook of his neck, as he continued to try to mumble out a few words and hiccup. God, it was enough to make Bruce’s chest ache, as he rubbed soothing circles into Dick’s back softly.
“Clark would never find you annoying, not in a million years. Dick, can you look at me for a second? Clark would never find you annoying, and I don’t know a single person who would,” Bruce stated firmly, as he cradled Dick in his arms and shifted him so he would be facing him, “Dick, Clark would give you a thousand autographs if you asked, and do you want to know something? There’s nothing wrong with being a little shy, and you have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing at all.”
Dick sniffled a bit, as he snuggled closer to Bruce but he stayed quiet, which worried Bruce more so then it should’ve.
“You know, I get shy sometimes too,” Bruce confided quietly, as if it would provide some sort of comfort to Dick. It proved to work as Dick sat up with a start, glancing up at Bruce wirh furrowed brows.
“It’s never this emotional, but you know what? I think it’s better you let it all out, then trying to bottle it up inside,” Bruce murmured, pushing Dick’s fringe back. He saw a pensive look set into Dick’s features, and was met with another soft hug.
Dick was going to being the reason Bruce’s heart burst, he was sure of it.
“You’re the best, Bruce.”
Oh well, Bruce didn’t need a heart anyway. Not if he had Dick with him.
Bruce leaned over his phone, dialing a number into it as he kept his ears open to the sound of the tap shutting.
He had gotten Dick to wash his face a bit, with Alfred stepping in to look after him while Bruce made some executive calls.
The phone beeped for a bit. Beep. Beep. Beep.
“Hello? Bruce?”
“I’m going to say this one singular time, are we clear? You are going to fly over here and give Dick the best goddamned autograph you have given a person but you are going to let him ask for it first, then you’ll be on your merry way unless he asks you to stay for dinner, clear?”
Bruce ended the call, satisfied with the answer he was given. It still stung just a bit that Dick wasn’t demanding a Batman autograph, but he would make sure his ward (son) was as happy as can be, even if it meant letting the Boy Scout take his place as Dicks, ‘Favourite Adult.’
It was worth it, if he could make sure that brilliant smile was always there.
(P.S. Later that night, when Bruce was tucking Dick into bed after shutting The Vevlveteen Rabbit and setting it onto the nightstand, he noticed Dick was happily gripping the signed Superman card tightly in his hand. He shoved back his exasperation, but couldn’t help but give a raise of the brow when Dick asked if he could buy a Superman backpack.
“You already sleep in Superman pajamas, I think the commodities can stop at that,” Bruce suggested, ignoring the fact that Dick probably had no idea what that word even meant, “Would you not want any other hero?”
“Nope, he’s my favourite. Oh-Besides you, of course!” Dick hummed, as he used his other arm to grab Zitka from behind him, as casual as could be.
Bruce, on the other hand, had just had a bombshell dropped on him. A happy bombshell. A pleasant bombshell. A bombshell nonetheless, though.
“I wouldn’t get your merch, though. I have the real thing, and he’s my bestest friend in the whole wide world. Don’t tell Wally that though!” Dick exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger at Bruce like the most important part of that sentence was the warning of not to tell Kid Flash, and not that Bruce was his ‘bestest friend in the whole wide world.’
(Not father. Never his father.)
Bruce was silent, but leaned over to give Dick a peck on the forehead and a rare but soft smile. One he really only reserved for Dick and Alfred. He couldn’t afford to be selfish, this was enough for him. This was absolutely enough for him.
Dick returned his smile with one that shone brighter then all the suns Bruce had seen in his life.
Bruce really adored this kid.)
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reddrobins · 4 years
an unforgettable love [d.wayne]
REQUESTS: Hi! Hewo! How about a Damian Wayne x reader who has amnesia and Damian is so devastated by it and eventually either the reader just falls back in love with Damian or gets their memories back idk you choose. Take care and stay safe!
SUMMARY: When reader suddenly develops amnesia from n accident, Damian takes it upon himself to get you back. Even if it takes weeks or months or even years, he will do anything to get his beloved back.
“Let me through.”
The secretary’s eyes widened as she looked at the boy in front of her. There stood the wealthiest teen in Gotham, Damian Wayne.
Barely able to compose a response, she asked, “I’m sorry?”
This seemed to annoy the Wayne teen as he put a hand up to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I said, may I please be let in. I need to go to room 715.”
The woman at the desk, whos nametag read Gretchen, typed something onto her computer and then frowned, “I’m sorry sir, this room is only open to family.”
Damian looked at her blankly, “I am aware of that. Now, will you let me in?”
Gretchen raised a brow at him, “Are you family to his patient?”
Leaning over the counter, Damian stared her down, “I am the most like family she has, now will you let me in or do I have to remind you who owns the hospital? I could very well get my father in-”
“No! No, all is fine Mr Wayne.” She blurted out, breaking her calm composure, “I’ll take you there right now.”
Damian gave a scoff, following the lady to room 715. To your room.
As soon as she opened the door, Damian rushed in and took a knee by your side. “Beloved.” He spoke as he softly grabbed your hand.
You looked at him oddly, like you had never seen him before. You even retracted your hand from his hold.
“Beloved?” Damian said again, though this time questionably.
You made eye contact with the nurse at the door, a very confused look plastered on your face.
“Mr Wayne, do you mind if I speak to you? In the hall, preferably.”
Damian nodded to the nurse and stood up, following her outside.
She quietly shut the door behind them and then looked up at the teen, “When the bomb went off at City Hall, I’m afraid that a piece of shrapnel hit this patient on the head. That mixed with the dose of trauma she has experience caused her to experience amnesia. She doesn't know who she is… or who you are.”
The Wayne teens world stopped. You don't know who he is?
Damian zoned out after that, how could you, his beloved, not remember him? Heart breaking into pieces, he slowly made his way back into the hospital room.
You tore your eyes away from the television, watching him walk towards you, eventually taking a seat on the edge of the bed.
“(Y/N),” He said softly.
You nodded, That was your name. That's all you knew.
“Yes. (Y/N).” You replied back.
Though usually maintaining an ice-cold coolness about him, watching you struggle to remember made him feel… hopeless.
“Do you know who I am, Bel- (Y/N)?” He asked, wanting nothing more to reach out and grab your hand.
You bit your lip in contemplation, trying your hardest to search your memory for any ounce of those sparkling green eyes.
“N-No… Should I?” You saw the pain in his face, you didn't know why but it broke you to see any angst bestowed on him.
Sighing, Damian gave a defeated nod, “Yes, yeah we, we’re together. We’re partners, (Y/N).”
Your breath caught, this, was your boyfriend?
“Oh…” Was the only response you could squeeze out, then, “I’m sorry.”
A bitter laugh escaped Damian, “No, don’t be sorry. You are fine, my lo- (Y/N). I know its hard. I won’t pressure you anymore.”
Seeing how lost the situation was, Damian stood up from his spot, not wanting to bother you any more than he had.
A hand latched onto him, he looked down and made contact with your pleading face, “Please,” You said softly, “Please stay. If you are who you say you are… I- I want you to stay.”
A small smile crept up to the young Waynes face. Damian nodded and sat back down, his hand moving to interlock with yours.
Though skeptical and resistant, you let him soothe the back of your palm, even finding yourself leaning into the touch.
“Help me.” was all you said, breaking the comfortable silence.
Damian looked at you questioningly, “Help you?”
Nodding, you gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, “Please, help me remember. If I just found out I had a boyfriend, imagine how many other things I can't remember. I need your to help me… Damian?”
His hand stopped its movements, he hadn’t said his name, nor had the nurse. You knew his name.
“You said my name. You remember my name, (Y/N).”
Reluctantly you nodded, “Things have been coming back to me in pieces throughout the day… but you’ve seemed to jog my thoughts. Stay with me?”
Damian slid off the bed and took the chair next to you, that way he was eye to eye with you. “I swear on my life hat I will do anything in my power to get you back. I need you as you need me, beloved.”
Blushing at the nickname, you gave a small smile, “You say that often, that our thing, right?”
The raven-haired teen couldn’t help the smile growing on his face, “Yes. You’re my beloved, always.”
There, you two stayed for a while, Damian rubbing your hand as you thought long and hard, trying everything in your power to remember your life. And for the first time in a few days, the situation seemed hopeful.
Damian hadn’t noticed he’d fallen asleep until his phone rang. Cautious, as not to wake you, he snuck out of the room, answering the call.
“What do you need Grayson?” He asked into the receiver.
His older brother spoke, “Hey Dames, was just checking in. Bruce told me you visited (Y/N) today.”
“He told you correctly then, I’m still here. Is something amiss?” Damian asked.
Dick shook his head on the other line, “No, everything’s under control. Just wanted to see how you were doing. And I guess, how (Y/N) is doing too.”
“Fine.” Damian first said, then retracted his lie, “Well, not fine. As fine as someone with amnesia could possibly be. Shes slowly regaining memory though which is progress. I am to stay the night with her, let father know.”
“I asked how you were doing too, Damian.” Dick said, not confident that his little brother was as calm as he gave off.
“I'm not the one in a hospital bed.”
Dick sighed, knowing that he wouldn't get anything else out of Damian, even if he just wanted to help. “Alright,” He said defeatedly, “If you need anything, you know who to call.”
And with that, Damian hung up the phone, making his way back to your side. To his surprise, you were awake, watching something on the television.
“Beloved?” Damian questioned.
You turned to him, eyes wide, “That's your father.” you said, finger pointed to the screen.
Damian furrowed his brows, why would Bruce be on TV at this hour?
He turned his attention to where you were pointing and almost dropped his phone.
There on the screen, you pointed to Batman.
“They only had poorly made sandwiches and carton juices. I didn't feel like putting you through more trauma, so I took the liberty and ordered us food from the Wayne Enterprises cafeteria, it should arrive any- (Y/N)?”
Damian had just returned from his trek to the hospitals ‘restaurant’, only to come back to see you out of bed, staring out the window.
You spun around at his call, a sad smile on your face. “We used to have picnics there,” you spoke, pointing to Gotham Park. “You’d bring your dog…”
“Titus,” Damian filled in the blank.
You nodded a thanks, “Titus, and you’d play fetch while I ate whatever Alfred packed us.”
Damian stared at you, this was the most you had remembered this whole week.
Before he could even ask you how you knew, your eyes brightened, “Alfred! Your butler, how is he? Does he know I’m here… Oh, I miss him, he was always so nice.”
The other teen cleared his throat, still in awe of your memory, “Yes, he knows you’re here. But, beloved, when did you recall all of this?”
Biting your lip, you shrugged, “I, I don't know? I just looked at the park and everything came flooding back.”
You saw Damian’s face, did he look… disappointed? Quickly, you tried to save your statement, “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, Damian.” His name rolled off your tongue like natural.
Damian walked towards you, putting his hands in yours, “Never apologize for anything. You’ve done nothing to upset me, love, just, you caught me off guard.” Then, “Let’s get you back in bed for lunch, yeah?”
Nodding, you let him lead you away from the window.
“I'm requesting to take patient (Y/N) out on a brief trip.”
The desks worker looked up from her computer, Damian recognized her - it was Gretchen. “I’m sorry Mr Wayne, patients in the emergency wards cannot be lead outside.”
Damian once more leaned over the desk, “Then take her out of the ward. Put her in a normal room. Do anything, I’m taking her out of this building one way or another.”
Sighing, Gretchen typed away at her keyboard, “How old is the patient?”
“18,” Damian scoffed, Shouldn’t the hospital know this?
“Mr Wayne, if the patients 18, they can sign themselves out. Should I get the discharge papers ready?”
“That would be much appreciated.” Damian said, “I apologize for my former outburst.”
“Damian where are we going?” You laughed as he tugged your hand, dragging you along a small dirt path.
It had been a week since you were in the hospital, Damian took it upon himself to take care of you at the manor, setting up Dicks old room to be a small getaway for the both of you.
“Slow down, I can't keep up!” This had been the first time you had giggled in a while. It felt nice, especially with Damian by your side.
“We’re almost there, my love, just hold on.” He said, a smile behind his teasing eyes.
Finally, the two of you stopped. You took in the sight in front of you. There is a clearing on the grounds of Wayne Manor sat two benches, a small picnic table in between them, rose bushes surrounding the back.
“Damian this is, this is beautiful.” You looked up at him, “Did you do this?”
He shook his head, a burst of bright laughter escaping him, “No beloved, you did this.”
Your mouth dropped open. You did this? For what?
It was as if Damian knew the questions in your head, “Our first date. You said you wanted it to be special. And you knew that I was not the romantic I am today - so you took the job of making us a quaint vocational place. This is our spot, the location of our first-”
“I love you.” You finished for him.
Damian sighed, he hadn’t heard that in a while.
“Yes, that's where we said our first I love yo-”
“No-” You interrupted him, “No, I mean, I love you. Like right now, Damian Wayne, I love you.”
Damian smiled, softly squeezing your hand, “And I you, Beloved.”
“I mean it differently this time. I-” You looked up, trying to gather your thoughts, “I have re-fallen in love with you Damian. You helped me regain my memories and though they’re still fuzzy, I know one thing is fact. I love you and I will now and forever. You’re my Damian Wayne.”
His breath had caught in his throat, for the first time, eloquently spoken Damian Wayne was gone and love-struck puppy Damian Wayne was present. “I love you as well.” Was all he could muster.
Going on your tiptoes, you gently placed your lips to his. Damian’s hands found your waist and he pulled you close, the two of you fit like a perfect puzzle.
You pulled away, resting your forehead on his chest, “It would take a lot more than amnesia to forget how kissing you feels.”
Damian laughed lightly, placing his chin atop your head, “I don't think I will ever be able to forget what kissing you feel like.”
Smiling into his shirt you spoke, And you never will. I’m right here and will always be.”
Damian pecked your head, pulling away to look you in the eyes, “The same goes for be beloved. I'm here, always.”
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angelz-dust · 4 years
masters of none - part 2 (jason todd x reader)
summary: thank you all for taking interest in this! i’ve gotten wonderful feedback and helpful criticism that i appreciate so much. i’ve decided to give you guys some more jason since i’m sure you all want to see him lol. i have a plan tho so bear with me. we are currently laying the foundation.
word count: 2.9k
warnings: alcohol. food mention. anxious reader.
part 1 /// part 3
ungodly hour
when you decide you like yourself. when you decide you need someone. when you don't have to think about it.
you felt an uncomfortable churning in your stomach as your bare back pressed against the cold leather seats of the limousine. you laced your fingers and rested your hand over your middle, hoping the subtle self soothing would calm your nerves. it wasn't everyday you went to a wayne gala after all. your silence and clear discomfort was enough to stir a reaction from misha, one of your fellow producers and stylist.
"you doing alright over there?" she asked after applying her lipgloss, carefully wiping the corners of her mouth.
"chillin'," you responded with a little shrug.
that was a lie. you felt like you were going to shit and projectile vomit simultaneously. however, it was freezing in the limo so you were definitely chilling in some sense of the word. your navy off the shoulder dress made of tulle embroidered with stars but it wasn't really warm. your shoulders were exposed and so was a good portion of your arms. you didn't know how misha was holding up in her dress. her entire back and arms had to protection from the cold at all.
"you know this isn't a big deal, right?" she reminded you gently. she must have picked up on your discomfort. "we'll go in, i'll network with the old money of gotham, and we'll leave."
"yeah but where does that leave me?" you asked her, shifting in your seat and almost slipping out of it. the tulle didn't provide much traction against the slippery leather. "i'm your plus one, remember? i serve no purpose."
"i thought that was the selling point," she pouted before making an attempt to cheer you up. "you don't serve no purpose. you're there to make me look good. my arm candy."
"i believe people may see it as the other way around," you informed her with a sigh. "but... fine. as long as you don't leave me alone."
"and let somebody snatch up my trophy wife?" misha scoffed, causing you to exhale through your nose with a barely visible smile. "i'm not letting you out of my sight!"
the limousine slowly stopped in front of the venue, your door lined up with the red carpet that had been laid out for the guests. it was time. you glanced around, briefly considering your escape plan just as the driver had opened the door, snuffing our any idiotic thoughts you had about jumping out through the sunroof or shimming out of the opposing window, away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi.
the lights. bright, blinding white lights flashing on and off. if you weren't acutely aware of where you were at the moment, you would've thought some kid had an essay due at midnight with the furious clicking and shuttering that filled your ears. misha was the first to step out, waiting for you to maneuver your way out.
the golden light emanating from the venue, paired with the harsh lights from the press honestly made misha look even more beautiful than normal. here you were, completely out of your element, standing next to a goddess in lilac chiffon. you looked up at her, noticing how the soft edges of her face contrasted with the sharp ones of her collarbone and the plunging v neck only accentuated that. the person you were with wasn't your friend, or your label mate. no, you were with gotham's resident fashionista and trendsetter, misha matsuri. if anyone was the arm candy, it was her.
you were brought out of your trance when she linked arms with you and began leading out down the red carpet. you honestly couldn't make out what the paparazzi were shouting at you both, aside from the occasional scream of your names. normally, you'd be a little more lively but this was a very important and formal event. it wasn't like the times where you went to award shows and you could feed off of the other seven's excited energy. you weren't surrounded by fans or people who were interested in hearing about you. you were here for misha and only her. you liked that aspect of it, but it was still uncharted territory for you.
"misha! can you tell us more about your foundation?" a reporter asked, pushing through the eager paparazzi who wanted to monopolize on their close contact with you both.
"of course," misha smiled, flipping her hair out of her face. "to cut to the chase, m squared is making fashion accessible to everyone. we've have homeless people on the streets who have no access to clothes that are befitting of the harsh weather they endure on a daily basis. we have low income families who can't afford to give their children new clothing for the school year. there are people who can't afford a nice shirt and slacks for their job interviews. our goal is the provide these people with what they need. access to clothing is a necessity, not a luxury."
you listened to misha and felt pride swell up in your chest, replacing the nausea that had plagued you previously. you were quickly reminded of why you came with her in the first place. she was trying to do something wonderful for the community and aid others in doing the same.
misha left it at that, dragging you along once she had said what she wanted. "see? that wasn't so bad."
"we haven't even crossed the threshold, mother teresa," you reminded her, jerking your chin in the direction of the large double doors behind held open for you both. misha flashed her invitation to the bouncer, quickly being let in.
the two of you walked in and you were stunned at the venue. everyone was dressed to the nines. you recognized many politicians, socialites, and some celebrities as you worked your way to the main ballroom. you felt your eyes widened as you saw bruce wayne out socializing with his guests. you had seen him on the news and in magazines but never in person. he was much taller than you expected. and closer in proximity to you. how was that happening?
"miss matsuri, miss l/n," he had greeted you both, almost surprising you. you weren't sure if misha brought you to him or he brought himself to you. maybe they met halfway while you were in shock. either way, he was here now. "it's wonderful to finally meet you both."
both? he knew you? bruce wayne knew you?
"thank you for your invitation, mr. wayne," misha smiled politely as they gently shook hands. he turned to you, offering you the same courtesy. you felt your brain lag out before you snapped out of it, taking his hand with nervous laughter. "it was a pleasant surprise."
"anyone that has the best interest of gotham in mind deserves recognition and support for their efforts. and please, bruce is fine."
you zoned out as bruce gave you the run down on the place. your eyes wandered around, occasionally lining up with a location bruce was telling you about. you were brought out of your boredom when you heard a loud crash off in the distance. you saw a group of four boys all surrounding a broken champagne bottle like it was a crime scene. you saw a twinge of annoyance on bruce's face before he collected himself.
"please excuse me. i need to reprimand my sons," he said apologetically, making his way over to the group who paled at his presence, except for the youngest one.
"father, this was todd's doing," you heard him say with a frown. "he kept antagonizing drake and they knocked over the champagne. grayson and i were merely bystanders."
"you are such a snitch," the apparent perpetrator sneered.
"here, come on," misha laughed, dragging you away from the scene. "i have old men to seduce for their money."
your gaze lingered on the group while you were dragged away. you knew that none of them were related by blood, expect for the little one and bruce, but handsome clearly ran in the wayne family. there must be something in that expensive tap water.
you spent majority of the night helping misha on her quest for benefactors. she wasn't made of money and she had made it clear that she didn't want money coming from the community. she wanted to 'milk the rich bastards of gotham for everything they've got' or something to that effect.
not actively participating in these conversations required you to try and keep yourself occupied. you started counting the chandeliers (there were five), thinking about one of the tracks you were working on (the chorus was lacking something and you didn't know what it was), and at one point you tried listening in on other conversations, hoping to hear about something juicy (you didn't).
how many glasses of champagne have you had now? three? four? you lost count. you realized you should've been counting them instead of the chandeliers. either way, you were definitely starting to feel the effects of that err. or was that the sensation of being watched?
misha had left to use the bathroom, leaving you by the fancy finger foods. as you ate the bacon wrapped enoki mushrooms, you could feel the presence of another person. you swallowed your food with a helpful swig of champagne before turning to the person who had made a claim on one of the strawberries with chocolate drizzle.
you watched as his lips parted, carefully taking a bite of the potentially messy dessert, his gaze directed at you. it was the handsome wayne boy from earlier. the champagne murderer was what you were calling him in your head. he was very tall and much better looking up close. his eyes were very striking, too. from the look in those eyes, you quickly figured out what he was trying to do.
"she's in the bathroom," you informed him, his brow perking silently as he chewed the berry, licking his lips of any lingering juice. he had this look on his face. confusion? but then you saw him fighting back a smile as he looked down at the table before looking over at you again.
"who?" he asked, his tone and look in his eyes awfully playful. you confused his flirty tone for coyness.
"don't play dumb," you laughed. normally, you wouldn't help out guys when it came to getting on misha's good side but you were making an exception for the dangerously handsome champagne murderer. "i can't give you her number. she hates that. but if it's any consolation, you're definitely her type."
"well, what about you?" he asked after taking a short pause to digest your words. "am i your type?"
you scoffed. the gall of this man. 
"am i the backup plan or something?"
"no," he said, his lips pursed slightly as he shook his head. "would you like to be?"
"there's not going to be a plan to back up if you're trying it with me," you told him seriously. what a dick. it was to be expected, though. he was bruce wayne's son after all. of course he was a player.
"i never said i was trying anything. you're the one who keeps assuming things," he reminded you with a little grin. "had it occurred to you that i came over here, simply wanting to indulge myself in these divine strawberries?"
and he did just that, looking you in the eye as he took a slow bite of his new berry, raising a brow as you watched him. "what?"
"are they as divine as you anticipated?" you asked, not being able to resist some teasing.
there was something about the way he answered you. was he flirting? were you flirting? the champagne was making it hard to read the situation. there was no way someone as gorgeous as him would spare you a glance and even if he did, you didn't have the time or energy for romance.
"alright. i'll be honest. i came over here because, well, i'm a fan," he told you, turning his body to fully face you now.
"oh," you nodded, not sure what to say next. when people led with that, it always felt awkward. were you supposed to say thank you, or was that weird?
"yeah. i've always wanted to meet batman."
you visibly paused, turning to face him as you watched him give you a lopsided grin. you breathed out a laugh, shaking your head. so he was a fan. he was referencing something you tweeted a few days ago. someone had jokingly made a conspiracy thread, claiming at you and the rest of cloud 9 were the vigilantes of gotham. they had theorized that you were orphan, to which you rebuffed, saying that you were clearly batman and they were blind not to see the resemblance.
"shhh, it's a secret," you whispered, putting your index finger to your lips. 
"ohhh. right, right. my mistake," he whispered back with a firm nod. "how do you juggle your two jobs, though? seems difficult."
"well, if you must know, batman is actually a robot that i control from the comfort of my couch. very advanced technology. you wouldn't get it," you joked, making jason laugh out loud. was it really that funny or were you missing something?
"funny," he answered unintentionally. or you thought. could he read minds? "i'm jason."
"jason," you tested out his name on your tongue. jason. you liked it. "wayne?"
"todd," he quickly corrected you, seeming very adamant that you understood that.
"jason todd," you said again, almost addicted to how it sounded coming from your lips. jason. jason todd.
"and you're y/n l/n," he said, almost as if he were telling you, reminding you that was your name. you weren't sure if you liked saying his name or hearing him say yours more. before you could even register what was happening, he took your hand and gave it a soft kiss.
you locked eyes with him as he looked up at you with his lips, soft as silk, pressed against your knuckles. you could see something in them. he looked... unsure. afraid of his actions. you found yourself subconsciously mirroring his expression in an effort to try and identify it.
"it's a pleasure to finally meet you," you said breathlessly, noting how his demeanor changing a little now that the two of you searched each other's souls for a few seconds. he rubbed his thumb over your fingers before letting go.
"pleasure's all mine," he said, his voice softer now. he was the one who broke eye contact, looking around absentmindedly. he grabbed another strawberry, about to eat it when you went to carefully grab it from him. his lips grazed your fingers as he loosened his lazy grip, letting you take it from him.
"you can't hog them all," you informed him, trying it out for yourself. they were divine, just as jason described them to be. you let out a satisfied hum, which seemed to grab his attention.
"things always taste better when they belong to someone else, right?" he teased and you couldn't help but wonder if there was a double meaning to that.
"you don't own the strawberries, jason.”
"no, but i owned the one that's in your mouth, y/n."
you were sure he was saying these things on purpose now. you just smiled, softly sucking the juice off the pads of your fingers. seldom did the opportunity to harmlessly flirt with someone present itself so you wanted to enjoy it while you could. during your back and forth, you could feel yourself holding back, despite this. you felt jason was doing the same. you were both constantly thinking about what you were doing and actively fighting against it but not doing a very good job at it. it was odd, but you felt like you and jason had this unspoken, mutual understanding for what you were doing in that moment.
still, you couldn't let yourself fall into that trap. you knew when this was all over, that was it. nothing would come from it and you were fine with that. besides, he was a fan, right? it wasn’t right to be with a fan. there was a power imbalance there that you weren’t looking to exploit.
"sorry to interrupt, but my wife and i have an early morning tomorrow," you heard misha say from behind you as she wrapped her long, slender arms around you. saved by the bell.
"wife?" he parroted, giving you a curious look.
"yeah, for like, two more hours," you reminded her as you glanced at your watch.
"and you have to respect the sanctity of our fake marriage until then. just like cinderella," misha told you, putting her arm around your shoulder now.
"i don't think that's how the story goes," you laughed, giving jason an apologetic look afterwards. "i should get going."
"i understand. i'd hate to be branded a home wrecker," he joked and misha gave him a look.
"oh, i'm sure you would," she smirked, tugging you along. "goodbye, thief."
"bye jason," you called to him, waving goodbye, receiving a silent wave and smile in return.
"what was that about?" misha nudged you playfully, giving you a suggestive look as she led you through the maze of bodies blocking your escape route.
"i'll tell you on the way home."
you exited the venue from the back, where your limo was waiting for you. what started out as a scary social event ended up being surprisingly fun. you learned a thing or two from watching misha network and that conversation with jason was entertaining, to say the least. you wondered if you’d ever run into him again.
probably not.
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shreddedparchment · 5 years
Pseudo Princess Pt.01
Among the Muck
Pairing: King!Steve x Reader          Word Count: 4,835
Warnings: Language, future smut, future dub-con (because of the time period this is set in), future angst, future violence
A/N: I’ve been watching a lot of the Tudors and inspiration struck. I’ve been wanting to make a Medieval AU but this will be different to those I’ve read. These characters will still be them. Tony is still Iron Man (you’ll see how I do that), Bruce will still be Hulk, Steve and Bucky will still be super soldiers. So this falls under more Medieval Fantasy than just pure Medieval. As such, this will not be historically accurate but hopefully within the historically accurate bubble in all other aspects. This will not be a fluffy story. There will be some fluff (I love soft moments and I do them often) but there will also be some major angst. Anyway, I hope you like this first chapter. xoxo
If you would like to be tagged. Please, send me an ASK. I will not add you if you send me a private message or if you do so in the comments.
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Coarse dirt is caked underneath your fingernails. Your feet squish against the wet gloop of mud. With a gasp you falter, losing your balance, and throw out your hands to catch yourself.
They sink in all the way to the elbow, stretching the muscles on the back of your thighs until they burn.
Labor is something you are familiar with, but this. This searching is exhausting.
“Are you alright, dear?” An old woman croaks, voice quaking with age.
Glancing back at her with her withered white skin, caked in grime and dried sweat, you smile.
It’s meant to be reassuring but you feel as if it’s really a grimace.
“Yes.” You answer simply, as she worries, watching you struggle.
She’d been walking along the side of the uneven dirt road when a group of teens—from the village because you’ve seen them before—rushed by on stolen horses. They avoided the lady easily but the guard chasing behind them did not.
They barreled towards the old woman and she’d had to jump out of the way to avoid being trampled.
She’d landed in this mud puddle, losing her purse in the process.
Watching it all happen, you’d dropped your pails and raced over to help her.
Grateful, she’d accepted your offer of assistance and you’d sat her on an overturned tree stump to wait while you looked for her bag.
Well, since your hands are already in, you might as well take advantage of it. You reach around freely, searching. Making small groaning noises in the back of your throat from the effort it takes to wade through the viscous muck.
“Thank you for helping me, young lady.” The old woman sighs. Probably tired.
“My name is Y/N, grandmother. Feel free to call me as such.” You tell her, peeking once again with a reassuring smile.
“Not many young people would help a fallen old woman.” She continues, as if you hadn’t interrupted.
“Then I guess there ain’t many decent young people then, is there?” You ask rhetorically.
“No.” She answers sadly. “There ain’t even much in my purse. Maybe you shouldn’t bother?”
“Nonsense, grandmother. I will find your purse and return it to you, and I beg you to keep off the roads in future. We don’t need you breaking your neck on account of the guard.” Just then your fingers make purchase, a small string of rope passes between your fingers and you grab it. “Gott’it!”
It takes a mighty tug to free the small ratty bag from the muck. You nearly lose your balance again and fall back onto your behind, but you manage to catch yourself and once you’re steady you turn and traipse back towards the old woman. By the time you reach her, you’re sweating.
“The string is still tight.” You tell her. “Your money is safe.”
You hand her the bag and she takes it, opens it—quickly wiping off as much of the mud as she can then smears it onto the grass beside her to clean her hand—then reaches in for a large silver coin.
“Here. You deserve it.” She says.
With a furrowed brow, you pull yourself out of the mud fully. You wipe your hands on your long tattered brown apron, but you know you’ll need a bath to get all he mud off. “No. I’m alright, grandmother. I don’t need payment. I’m happy to help.”
“Take it, young woman.” She shakes her fist at you, silver coin dangling between her thumb and forefinger.
You shake your head, dropping your apron before you move to her and squat down beside her. With the skirt of your woolen dress still pulled up and tucked to create a pair of makeshift pants, you take the silver coin and her dirty purse and shove the coin back into the bag.
“I said, I don’t need it. You keeping well is all the payment I require.” You draw the string closed and then reach out to shove it into the pocket of her own dark gray skirt. “Your skirt is torn here, and your bodice needs mending too. As does that shamble of a hat you’re wearing. Why don’t you get yourself a decent set of dresses with this money before winter comes instead of handing it out?”
“At my age, what does it matter what I wear when I freeze? I’m going to die sooner rather than later. New clothes would only be a waste of money.” She sasses you.
“Even so.” You put your elbows on your knees and smile at her. “It would make me much happier to know that you’ve spent the money taking care of yourself. I can’t always be here to help you when the world takes a bitter turn.”
The woman cackles. “Oh, sweet girl, you’re much too late.”
A sudden rumble pulls your gaze up towards the road. Through the tall rows of trees that make up the outlying forest, you see a distant coach and six horses riding hard and fast.
“What’s that?” The old woman asks, “Help me up.”
You get up, untying your dress so that it falls around you again to shield your legs, then help the old woman up. Keeping your hands on her elbows until she’s steady, you observe the smaller details of the approaching carriage.
“It’s a royal carriage. There’s gold and silver fixtures upon the horses' harness.” You observe.
“You can see that from here?” The old woman gasps. “I really must be old. I can’t see shite.”
She squints in the same direction that you’re staring and as the carriage gets closer, the sounds of hooves, a whip, and the call of the coachman becomes louder.
He’s dressed in a fine black tunic, a singular bright baby blue circle at the center of his chest that slowly grows out in smaller circles darkening in color until it reaches the edge of the circle. The pattern makes it look like it’s glowing. From the circle crop out several silver lines of thread that line the seams and edges of the rest of his uniform, tunic and all.
On his head he wears a hat. Simple. Nothing too exciting. No feathers at least.
“It’s the King’s carriage.” You whisper at the old woman and as the carriage grows closer, you and she drop your heads and curtsy as it passes.
“We can’t give up.” A male voice says from inside the carriage. It floats out and reaches your ears and while you try not to listen, you can’t help it. “We’ll find a girl that’s suitable if we have to search every village in my Kingdom until-wait…did you see that?”
“See what?” Another male voice says.
This one you recognize. Colonel James Rhodes. He comes into the village every few months to look over the new recruits for the king’s army.
Polite. Nice. No time for funny business though. Stern.
“That girl. Stop the carriage.” The other male voice—the king you suddenly realize—calls.
“WHOA!” The coachman says. “Whoa…”
The carriage rustles to a stop, gravel and dirt grinding against the thick reinforced wheels. The footman jumps off the back of the carriage and hurries forward pulling open the door. He saunters out with sharp movements that you observe for all of one second before you avert your gaze again, legs beginning to ache from your held curtsy.
You’ve never seen the king up close before and you did not expect him to be so young. Well, not young, but he wasn’t old. He might have been an older uncle or your father.
“This one.” He says, and you can almost feel him pointing.
You peek up at him, take in his leathered tunic, dark and supple. His sword resting at his hip, a deep blue cape with a black bear’s pelt around the collar to keep him warm as the last vestiges of summer slip into autumn. His hair is dark brown, only the slightest hint of gray along his temples.
His body is lean. His gloved finger pointed at you, just as you’d thought. His deep brown eyes watch you with curiosity, eagerness, and surprise. Happiness too. He’s excited.
His travelling crown is a golden three-inch band with very little jewels. Only about four or five red rubies are set within it and they dazzle you in the midday sun before you avert your gaze again.
“That one? Really?” The Colonel has joined the king.
“Yes. She’s the right age.” The king asserts. “Come here girly, stand before me. Here.”
He makes an X in the gravel of the road, but you can’t seem to find the strength to move. You’ve never been so nervous in your life.
Here you are, face to face with the fucking King of Malibia, and you’re covered in mud. Your hair is falling out of its braid. You’re sweating and haven’t bathed in almost a week. You look worse than you’ve ever looked in your life.
“Hey, girl, are you deaf? Did you not hear your king?” The Colonel asks, military voice hard and commanding. “His Majesty has given you and order.”
It takes you another half second to urge yourself out of your curtsy and move to the spot marked on the ground.
“Stand up straight.” The king orders.
You do.
“Head up.”
You lift your chin.
“Shoulders back. Don’t slouch.”
You push out your breasts.
“She’s perfect.” The king says.
“Your Majesty…” Colonel Rhodes begins. “…Tony, she’s a peasant. Look at her. She hasn’t bathed in almost a month.”
You glower at the Colonel, unable to help yourself. You’re not that dirty. Not a month’s worth. Jerk.
“We can easily fix that. She’s the one, Rhodey. Our search is over. Problem solved. What’s your name, girl?” The king suddenly asks, moving to stand closer to you, his hands behind his back.
You bow your head, not meeting his eyes. “M-My name is Y/N, your Majesty. At your service.”
“Do you have any family?” He asks, worried suddenly.
“No, your Majesty. I don’t have anyone.” You don’t mean to sound sad about it but not many people as you that question.
Everyone in the village knows your story so you have no reason to retell it.
This is the first time you’ve realized that you’re alone in the world. No one will miss you if you die.
“Perfect. Excellent. Magnificent. Get in the carriage.” He turns and leads the way back, disappearing into the mouth of the open door.
“P-Pardon me, your Majesty?” The shock in your voice is apparent and you find your limbs frozen and locked again.
“You heard his Majesty.” The colonel says with exasperation. “Get in the carriage.”
“B-But where are we going?”
“Will you just get in? We don’t have time for all your questions. His Majesty will explain everything on the way.” The colonel moves to you, grabs you by the elbow and drags you away from where you stand to the carriage door.
One foot up on the step in, you look to the old woman with large, terrified eyes and she’s staring at you with an utterly worried expression. She shifts from foot to foot, hand at her throat as she watches you get taken away.
Strange that she’s worried about you when she’s never shown such emotion before. Guess there are some good people in the world.
“Goodbye…” You mouth to her and she gives you a tiny wave before the colonel is pushing you into the carriage.
You find your seat on the far corner, opposite the king.
As the colonel sits down beside him then hits the roof of the carriage twice, the king can only smile.
No. It’s a smirk. A grin. A pleased one. He’s so damn happy that he’s kidnapped you.
You suddenly remember rumors about the king. Whispered secrets in taverns from drunken lips, spoken with shifting eyes and pounding hearts.
The king devoured young girls. He’d steal them away from their families and towns, trap them in his castle and have his way with them. He’d been with many. Hundreds, they say.
Is that what this is? Are you being taken to be the king’s fodder?
Too afraid to ask, you mash your lips shut and stare at your mud caked hands.
It’s dried and when you twiddle your thumbs, your skin pulls against the stiff coating of dried muck. It cracks and dusts, but you don’t dare look up, afraid you’ll get your answer in the king’s piercing gaze.
You ride in silence for what feels like hours. Head down, thumbs twiddling away.
There’s a slow inhale of breath, the click of a tongue draws your eyes up.
“Do you always come silently when you’re abducted?” His Majesty asks, leaning his elbow against the small window’s ledge, fist resting against his chin.
“No, your Majesty.” You reply, somewhat meekly. “I mean…I ain’t-”
“Haven’t.” King Anthony says.
“Your Majesty?” You peer at him with confusion.
“Haven’t. It’s I haven’t. Not I ain’t. Better start speaking properly from the get-go or you’ll fall into bad habits.” He orders.
“Oh.” You lick your lips, feeling a slight bit of shame.
It’s not your fault that you’re not exactly eloquent. You’ve never been to school. Not once.
“I haven’t ever been kidnapped before, your Majesty.”
“I haven’t been kidnapped before.” He says, editing your reply. “Keep it simple. Have you been taught? Did you go to the school in the village?”
You shake your head. “Before they passed, my mother and father said that my place was at home where I could help mother take care of the house. My father was away a lot.”
“Mm.” The king nods. “And where are your parents now?”
“They’re dead, your Majesty. Sixteen years ago now.” You’d been a child when they died.
“I’m sorry to hear that. Did they die in the famine?” He checks, giving your body a quick up and down almost like he was checking to see if you had been marked by death too.
“No, your Majesty.” You shake your head.
“War?” He wonders. “Accident?”
“No. The plague took my mother first, my father followed shortly after. I’ve been alone ever since.” It’s funny, you rarely ever think about it like this. Like you’re alone and orphaned.
“The plague?” His Majesty asks, confused by their deaths and you know why. “But the plague didn’t take many lives. We were well prepared for it.”
“Yes.” You nod. “My mother was the first to die. Her death raised the alarm and my father’s death came shortly after. Too quick before his Majesty’s medicines made it into the village. It happened very quickly. They didn’t suffer long.”
A peachy gloveless hand reaches out and settles over your nervous twiddling thumbs, preventing them from fidgeting.
You look up, startled by the gesture, and meet his stunningly bright brown eyes.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” The king says. “And your parents are heroes. Without them, we wouldn’t have been able to prepare as quickly as we did and the losses to my kingdom would have been much greater. Thank you.”
You don’t know why you should be thanked for losing your parents, but you understand what he’s saying.
There’s kindness in his eyes and he means nothing by it. You didn’t know that the king could be so nice, and he speaks in an offhandish tone, but there’s feeling in his expression.
“Your Majesty.” You say, thanking him for his kindness. With a look back down at his hand over yours, and because it’s what people do, you pull his hand up to your dirty lips and kiss it in gratitude.
This is your king and he’s surprisingly nice.
The colonel suddenly clears his throat and you lower his Majesty’s hand back to your lap.
He gives you one more squeeze then takes his hand back, regloving it.
“We’ve still got a few hours before we reach the castle. If you want to sleep, you should sleep. Once we arrive it will be some time before you can rest.” His Majesty says.
It takes you a while but eventually you do doze off against the side of the carriage.
When you wake up, you find that the king is also not a liar. You’re awoken by a young man, the footman from before, shaken gently who then wraps your shoulders in a long black cloak. He pulls the hood over your head and then double-checks to make sure that you are properly hidden beneath it before he leads you through a side door of a tall dark gray stone wall.
You’ve never seen the castle before, and you attempt to take in as much of it as you can while you’re led in but all you see is the cobblestone walls of the lower floors. Servant’s quarters usually, and a large parapet wall, that stands at what must be twelve feet in height. Maybe taller.
It’s too dark to make out much more than the distant illuminated windows of the upper floors then you’re weaving your way through a confusing array of twists and turns.
“Where are we going?” You ask the footman and he sighs.
“His Majesty told me to show you to your quarters and say nothing else. I’m sorry, miss. His Majesty will explain everything later.” He gives you an apologetic look.
“Where is his Majesty?” You wonder, since he can’t tell you what’s going on, clearly, maybe he’s willing to tell you about the castle?
“He and the colonel have gone to take care of some business. Queen Virginia has been waiting all day for his return. I’m sure he’s greeting her too.” The young man says.
The way he smiles makes you think that he’s right. You’ve heard that King Anthony Stark loves his queen more than any King has ever loved his Queen in the history of the kingdom. Any kingdom.
She’d been his right hand, and best friend, long before she was queen. After courting many women, his Majesty had seen the light and pursued Miss Potts until she’d given in and agreed to marry him.
Shortly after, they’d had their daughter and the Kingdom had rejoiced. With an heir to the throne, prosperity in the kingdom doubled.
“Wait,” You reach out and grab the young man’s wrist and pull him to a stop. “Are we going the right way?”
He’s leading you upstairs. It’s a small narrow staircase that winds up and up and up. The servant’s staircase but one that no doubt leads up to the nicer bedrooms upstairs.
“I am only following orders, miss. Come along. I have other things to tend to after I drop you off.” He pulls his arm from your hold and leads once more.
You follow in silence, growing more and more nervous.
Were the rumors really true? Is the king going to have his way with you? Are you going to be taken in as his mistress?
Your mind flashes back to the kind look in his eyes in the carriage and his gentility with the news of your parents. You can’t link the sweet and noble king in the carriage to the rumored philandering king that those rumors paint.
He loves the Queen. Why would he stray?
The hallway you are brought out on is a surprisingly light. Gleaming limestone above a floor made of alternating black and white marble. Gilded chandeliers with flickering candlelight illuminate the darkened hallway.
“Are you sure we’re in the right place?” You ask in a whisper, afraid to wake up some nobility sleeping over.
“Yes, Miss. This way.”
He leads you down a second hallways, this one nicer and lined with stunning paintings of the various landscapes in the kingdom.
King Anthony must really love his homeland.
Finally, the footman stops before two large, steel reinforced oak doors. He pushes them open inside the small entryway is a chair and a decorative table, beside another set of doors that already stand open.
You move in, gawking at the light blue and white damask wallpaper. The golden vanity with a tall ornate golden mirror to match, both beside a tall four post bed with baby blue sheets, fluffy gray pillows, and a beautiful canopy made of heavy white draping. At the end of the bed is a pink chaise lounge, a soft fur blanket waiting to be draped over a shivering body.
Several candles have been lit to illuminate the large space which is big enough to fit your small home in it thrice. A floor to ceiling window has been drawn closed. There’s a desk with a letterbox for writing. Comfy chairs and a small table for card playing. Another two cushioned chairs by a big fireplace for reading.
Beside the chair is a smaller table with a plate of fruits and bread.
Your stomach growls and the pain of hunger hits you suddenly.
“This is where I leave you.” The footman says.
“Wait!” You gasp, turning to follow him into the entryway of your room. “Wait, are you sure this is where the King asked you to bring me?”
“I’m positive. Have some food. That’s why it was brought. Then wait for his Majesty to come find you.”
He gives you a quick head to toe.
“Maybe stay out of the bed until you have cleaned up? Mrs. Parson would not be happy with you if you ruined the sheets.” He gives you a smile then leaves you there, shutting the doors behind him.
At first you hover around the entrance, hesitating each time you’re tempted to go back into the large bedroom.
When you finally give in, instead of racing for the food immediately, you wander around the room looking at all of the fine furnishings and the items having been left for you.
Your favorite by far is the large wardrobe. Full of dresses and outerwear made of fine silks in every color.
When your stomach growls again, you give in and move to sit at the very edge of the chair by the small table in front of the blissfully warm fire. It crackles and dances as you munch on grapes and apples, then bite and tear into the bread. A small pitcher of wine has been set aside for you and you gulp down a small glass before pouring yourself another.
The food hits your stomach painfully. Too hungry for too long. Now that you’re filling it, your stomach stretches uncomfortably.
You put your hand on your stomach and groan, still chewing on an apple slice.
The sound of your doors opening startles you up. You set your food aside as his Majesty suddenly sneaks in and quickly shuts the second set of doors behind him.
Heart pounding, nervous, and suddenly worried that you are about to be ravished by force—well, sort of…if your king wants you, then you’ll surrender yourself to him. He’s your king!—you back up until your back hits the post of your bed.
“Were you eating?” He asks, smiling happily as he looks from your terrified form to the plate you’d just abandoned. It’s almost empty. Only a few grapes and an apple slice left.
He looks back at you and seems to realize that you’re scared. He holds his hands out to you and beckons you forward.
Because you must listen to your king, you move towards him, avoiding his gaze.
He reaches down and takes your hands, dirty as they are, then leads you to the chair you’d been sitting in again.
“Please, sit.” He urges you and once you’re seated, takes the other. “You must have lots of questions.”
You nod.
“Tell me.”
“Why am I here?” You look up at him, swallowing past the nerves loudly.
“Straight to the big one, huh?” He smiles. “Very well, we’re taking you in.”
“What?!” You ask in shock.
“Pepper—that is, Queen Virginia—and I are taking you in. We…where to start?” He wrings his hands, sits back and looks up at the ceiling. “Three months ago, the King of Broklin sent me a letter. He asked if it were reasonable, that I introduce him to my daughter. He wants to marry her as his own Queen died a year ago and he is called upon by the duty to his people to give them not only a new queen but an heir to the throne.
“Because Princess Morgana is heir to my throne, I wrote back to him and told him that I would need to discuss it with my own queen and after much deliberation, since the two kingdoms are neighboring, we decided that with their marriage and upon my death or his, we might combine our kingdoms for good.”
He smiles a little tightly, a frown you realize.
“What happened?” You wonder.
“Well, Morgana is very young but either way she has always been a woman of her own. She’s strong minded and strong willed and she wasn’t raised to expect to share her kingdom. Not only that but she has since declared that she will only marry a man whom she loves. She will not marry for political purposes and when I told the King this, he took offense.
“War hasn’t threatened our Kingdom in almost sixty years. Even if I have the means to defeat his kingdom, I would rather not have it come to that. So…against my wife’s wishes…I may have told Morgana that she will marry the King of Broklin whether she likes it or not.”
That seems…well, not reasonable but understandable considering the consequences if she shouldn’t.
“And what did the Princess say?” You ask him, leaning forward and completely invested in his retelling.
“She ran away.” He smiles at you, eyes sparkling. “She’s like her mother. A strong woman. And she gets her iron will from me.”
“She ran away?” You gasp, shocked by the Princess’s behavior.
“She did.” King Anthony nods. “And we can’t find her.”
Okay, so all of that makes sense but what exactly do you have to do with it all?
“Since I am not going to be able to marry my own daughter to the King of Broklin…I concocted a plan not to deceive him but so that we might both be happy. You will be my eldest daughter.”
“I know it’s a crazy plan, but we’ve already begun to spread the news and I wrote to the King this morning that I have an elder daughter. One who I sent of when she was very young because she suffered from emotional problems.” He explains. “And was obviously a daughter born from an unfortunate tryst in my youth.”
“What?!” You rise to your feet, shocked beyond reason.
“A special school up north has reformed you and you are recently returned to us. And now that you are cured, we’ve welcomed you back into the castle with open arms. Since Morgana has been trained to rule our kingdom, you would make a lovely queen for his. Or…something like that. I can’t remember how I worded it exactly.”
“Emotional problems?” You demand again. “A tryst?”
King Anthony winces, but he smiles at you.
“It happens. Lots of royals have them. Both the emotional problems and the affairs. Anyway, that’s why you’re here. We need an older princess to send to the King of Broklin and you are the lucky winner.” He says, almost laughing, congratulatory as if you’ve really just won a prize. “You will be the queen of an entire kingdom. Lucky you!”
“Your Majesty-” You begin, shaking your head because you can’t be a queen! You don’t know how queens act or speak or move or think. You’re an orphan from a small village where you’ve taken to sewing to earn a few coins just to get by.
“Please?” King Anthony reaches over and takes hold of your dirty hand. “I…can’t bring myself to condemn my only daughter to a life in a loveless marriage. I married for love and I want her to be able to do the same. I’m sorry to ask this of you. It’s not fair to you either but without you, our kingdom might have to go to war.
“Lost lives can be prevented simply by your marrying the King of Broklin. Please, please do this for us. For the Kingdom. Please?” And his begging is genuine.
You. A nobody from nowhere has brought a king, your king, to his knees to beg.
“I-If I marry him, it will prevent a war?” You double check.
“Yes. You’ll be keeping the lives of the young men in our kingdom safe.” He urges.
You stare at him, wondering if you’ll really be able to pull this off. You’re going to have to work harder than you’ve ever worked before and that’s because you work with your hands when you can’t earn enough money with the sewing.
Calloused hands. Not the hands of a royal.
King Anthony massages those hands, staring at them as he waits with bated breath.
“Okay.” You relent. “I’ll do it. I’ll marry him.”
This time, King Anthony kisses your hands. Dried mud and all.
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middleinthenight21 · 4 years
DamiRae Week 2020- Day 1
His disguise is horrible, he knows that. Damian Wayne spends most of the night strolling among the guests carrying a glass of champagne and a grimace under the black band that covered his mouth.
He was glad that he chose a costume as little revealing as it is, it fits the uniform he used to wear in the league of the shadows, being a pair of pants, jacket and black hood, in conjunction with a band that only left his eyes on view; he was not interested in being recognized. His brothers would have complained about bringing a replica of a uniform and his father would not be happy with the association, however, he bought wings in a small costume store whose wings simulated bone, joined by a porous plastic that gave the impression of being cartilage. When the owner of the store offers him the wings, he thinks they are small, that a structure like this could never support the weight of an adult, but he says nothing.
He can be anonymous.
His father had dragged them to an event commemorating the Wayne companies anniversary, Damian thinks his father is anticipating that some Gotham villain would attack the tower, but he hasn't said anything and it's not as if Bruce Wayne was very communicative with the information he shares in the family. Sometimes he understands it, most of the time he doesn´t, because he hates walking blindfolded.
He had been taught since he was a child that preparation is a prerequisite for victory and that faith is a waste fools allow themselves. He definitely hates it.
He glances at his older brother, flirting with a red-haired woman, she's attractive in a revealing pastel dress and there's a white mask holding up a chin. He rolls his eyes when his hands come dangerously close.
He does not understand what women see in Richard Grayson, the man can be a complete idiot.
"Don't look so angry" Emiko Queen appears next to him. He is surprised that she managed to recognize him. "Tim Drake tagged you in his photo. "
He had hoped to go unnoticed. He observed her out of the corner of his eye, the young woman was dressed in a shirt that read "I wore a costume" and some casual jeans, she looked disinterested as if she did not want to come and her statement on the shirt was a sign of rebellion.
"Are you here for your brother?"
She growls.
"Yes. He likes to attend these elegant parties, he left me no choice" Emiko reaches for a glass of champagne as a waiter passes by with a tray. "A toast to the fun? "
Damian looked at her.
A few months ago, they had been dating, nothing formal, since neither of them liked the idea of ​​romantic relationships, everything was casual. He thought Emiko was great, someone who proved to be more than what was seen with the naked eye. They are both people who had a strict upbringing and gave themselves to protect the innocent, however, the similarities are just that and it did not mean that two people worked together.
They are still friends.
He bumps his glass with hers.
"My God, could you smile, even once?"
He rolled his eyes.
The night flows slowly, although Damian stays next to his friend, he does not get the fun and he does not feel entirely comfortable around all these wealthy people; The laughter echoed throughout the room and is as elegant as it is empty. He is used to formality, but if he is sincere expecting a villain to break in, then he would have something more interesting to do.
Emiko is not happy either, but she pretends and when she is with her brother a smile slips over her lips, the weight disappears from her shoulders and she moves lightly. Now, they dance around the dance floor and he thinks Oliver Queen's archer angel costume is too revealing, it leaves his torso visible through a maya and his feathered wings take up a lot of space.
Both siblings move lightly.
He looks around him, Tim and Stephanie are talking to their group of friends, Jason talks to Roy, his best friend and can see how malicious smiles are born on their faces. The two of them act like it´s their private club.
Cass is talking to her father.
Emiko ran to her side, a smile on her face and she seemed illuminated by a new aura. Rarely had he seen her so excited, she carries a camera that hangs in her hands and waves it at him, like a flag.
Damian frowns, he does not understand his emotion.
"We have to take a picture of ourselves!"
He was going to reply, but she quickly requested help from someone who was passing, it is a girl; She is disguised as a witch, her bluish black dress falls to the ground and her pointed cap covers her hair revealing short dark strands that caress her shoulders. A mask over her eyes, the patterns are like a black spider web and it has an elongated shape.
Damian nicknames her on his head as "Witch Girl."
"Please take a picture of us."
Witch girl opens her mouth to answer, but the camera was already in her hands and Emiko would not accept a denial, she stands next to him and gets close to him. He tenses up when he feels pressured by Emiko to take this photograph. He doesn't like to see himself in photos, he had grown up differently, although he knows everything he needs and more, he still finds it strange to use technology for entertainment.
"It is for my brother."
As if that clarifies something.
Emiko straightens up next to him, a smile slipping across her face and he seems more like a soldier than a casual civilian who wants to capture a moment. Damian doesn't know where to put his hands, so he laces them behind his back and squares his shoulders, lifts his chin and ignores the smell of champagne in his mouth. The murmur and the sound of the orchestra shouting in the room, along with the knock on his friend's foot.
He focuses his gaze on the girl who points the camera at them. The device falls from her hands a few centimeters and she murmurs:
"He looks sad."
She says it to him, he is sure of that. He wouldn't have heard a thing will all the loud sounds, but he learned to lip read a few years ago, a skill that he found useful especially when you have to spy undetected. He wants to tell the witch girl that it's not true, and he's fine, everything is very good in his life. There is nothing he wants, he can snap his fingers and have what he wants, he surrounds himself with the most powerful people in the world, he observes things many would only dream of and found a family. She does not know anything.
A smile glides across his lips, the muscles in his cheeks tighten, unaccustomed to smiling, and he can feel his eyes take on small lines of expression.
The camera snaps back into place. It is as if the witch girl knew that he was smiling, despite not seeing the smile she feels he exhibited, but she had not given him the reason and that makes him happy for some reason. The witch girl was not right.
He doesn't look sad.
He can feel her eyes piercing him behind the contact lens, he distinguishes a dark color, like a purple beta, he has never seen a tone like this and he remembers that his father spoke of an actress with violet eyes, but that she had already died.
Elizabeth Taylor is the only person in the world with violet eyes, he had said, but he was wrong.
Now they look like wise eyes, like a rare diamond. Damian cocks his head trying to make out the face behind the device, only to have a piece of information to brag about in front of his father.
The flash blinks and the photo is captured.
"They look great together." The witch girl approaches and places the camera in Emiko's hands with a small smile. She leaves with her head down without looking back, the cloak of her dress rushes in midair and for the first time she notices, it catches the light in small flashes, in shiny blue stones.
Emiko speaks, but Damian barely hears what she is saying, because he still wants to see her face.
He does not like to remain in doubt.
"Do you think I look sad to you?"
She gasps, looks at him as if a horn had grown "I don't understand what you want ... "
He was no longer with her.
She does not see him for the rest of the night, so she simply shrugs and takes the opportunity to take photos with her brother and her fiancée. She would enjoy the night with or without Damian.
Later, Emiko would wonder what his eyes see when she looks at the photograph in the gallery, she and Damian are standing behind that old painting next to a plant, smiling happily for the moment. However, the attitude of friend distracted he shows signs of a smile and observes a point as if it were very interesting, a topic to talk about for hours, it seems that he is treading on another planet.
Damian could smile?
She had never seen him roll his eyes.
What had he seen?
"Oh no," Dinah leans on the sofa, looking at the photograph. She realizes she had zoomed in on the photo framing Damian's face. "I know that look. "
"What look?" She asks, interested.
Dinah Lance sits down on the sofa seat and smiles "He's in love. I know that look because I see it every day. "
Damian in love? That's ridiculous. It is impossible, there is much doubt in that equation, since their relationship ended a long time ago and they split quite well. Besides, he had never had those eyes for her.
"From who? "
The blonde laughs "From your brother. "
And Oliver is an idiot now.
Damian walked around the room. He ignores the callers, including his brothers who want him to meet their groups of friends. Dick calls him as he wants to introduce him to his new conquest, Jason probably wants to annoy him, Stephanie wants to show him something (He wasn't going to talk about Tim Drake, because he doesn't count) and Cass frowns when she sees him walking through the crowd aimlessly.
He is looking for someone with a pointed hat, it is impossible to have more than one people like that.
Finally, there is a figure nearby having a glass of champagne, he only sees her back, but he would recognize that costume anywhere. His feet stop on a small slip on the polished ceramic floor and his heart hammers anxiously in his chest. He would have his answers.
He gives her a better look.
The witch girl has a costume in bluish tones, it´s smooth and hugs her slim figure. Gloves of the same color reach her elbows, and there is a small bracelet around her wrist in gold tones. What stands out the most is the pointed hat with a brim that brings shadows to her face.
Other girls had chosen mind-blowing costumes, elaborate hairstyles, and elegant outfits that were made to attract attention, but this girl is not flashy or flamboyant, she is simple. Damian finds something puzzling in her aura of mystery, but he has never been someone who will leave the mysteries unsolved.
He gulps and walks to her side.
She pretends to be interested in the snack table. Her eyes sweep over the food and he can see how she struggles to decide if she is going to eat those canapes or the miniature cakes, finally she chooses the cakes.
She has a sweet tooth.
He looks askance at her. He notices new details about the witch girl. Like she has a small red crystal on her forehead and gold star-shaped earrings falling down the sides of her face.
She has a smooth profile, as if she had been sculpted by delicate hands: A rounded chin, an upturned nose and soft skin, perhaps it she too pale, she probably does not like the sun very much.
She reaches for a chocolate bar and bites it "Chocolate makes me feel better."
Damian gulps again. He is not sure why; he does not like it.
He wants to end it all at once.
"Why do I look sad?"
She opens her eyes, turns to look at him and is amazed. Now, they are face to face, even with the mask on, you can see her surprised expression and the witch girl has more violet eyes than he had seen, and now she looks embarrassed.
"Sorry." Her voice is soft with a scratchy note. It´s unusual "It was just a thought that crossed my mind. "
He raised an eyebrow.
"You said I looked sad." He crosses his arms. "Why? "
She looks like she's about to run away, but she does something more puzzling to him, squares her shoulders and takes a firm stance. She is proud.
"You weren't smiling."
That's why?
He had looked for someone in an entire room where there are more than two hundred guests, only to be answered in this way. He wants to hit his forehead criticizing himself, but not everything is so bad. The witch girl watches him with attentive eyes, waiting for a sharp response, but instead a smile of amusement appears on Damian's face.
He slides the band that covers half of his face. They look at each other face to face, she decides to slide up the mask and they smile, because both are aware that this is ridiculous.
"I'm Raven." She extends her hand and he reciprocate.
Her nickname as "Witch Girl" slips into her name. He observes her eyes fascinated by the color of violet so rare. Despite the abnormality of the tone and her fresh face, he can feel as if he had met her at another time. He is aware that he has never seen her before, he does not believe in good first impressions, but he had the feeling that there was nothing to fear.
Not everything is so bad. He has the impression that his night can improve, he did not wear this costume anymore.
´´With you I feel alright
It´s been a long night´´
(THANK YOU @ravenfan1242 ❤❤ )
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monkeebratz · 5 years
Bio!Dad Bruce Wayne AU - Super Meet
Initial idea | How it Happened | Addition by iggy-of-fans | Reply to iggy’s Addition | Summer Begins | Summer Part 2 | Supers Meet (you are here) | Scarecrow Interlude |
SO we have two ways that the Parisian Super Squad meets the Batfam. 
The first, which I’m only writing down because I cannot forget about it, and its hilarious is: the Super Squad gets to Gotham, gets Mari’s texts, gets to their hotel room, throws their stuff in, transforms, and starts running around looking for her. They find her walking around the fashion district with the Wayne’s. Adrien, as Chat Noir, spies Marinette first. And, in typical fashion, acts first and thinks later. 
So basically the Wayne’s watch a young, blonde, male version of catwoman throw an incredibly expandable baton between them and Mari, jump down, pick her up. Say “Bonjour. Au revoir.” And then make his expandable baton extend again and carry the now screeching Marinette to the top of the building where the rest of the Super Squad is waiting. Luka is going to strangle him. Holy shit. Chat Noir? More like Chat NO-ir!
The Batfam, of course, suits up and starts chasing after them. In full daylight. (These are the perfect opportunity for “Only in Gotham tweets” tbh) They catch up to Marinette berating all of them in incredibly loud and frantic French. As Multimouse. Going on about how irresponsible it was to leave Paris unprotected! Yes she knows Hawkmoth was defeated but it is the principle of the matter!! And they left BEFORE she told them about what happened with her bio!family and Batman! ALSO THEY KIDNAPPED HER IN BROAD ASS FUCKING DAYLIGHT IT DOESN’T MATTER IF THIS IS GOTHAM YOU SHUT YOUR TRAP CHAT! 
The whole squad looks so defeated but then Mari starts crying and throws herself into Chat’s arms going on about how good it is to see them and she’s so happy they’re here and they’re so so stupid! And then its a hug pile. Big hug pile. The Batfam looks on in utter confusion bc, again, only like. Two of them know French. Then Batman coughs and they all look up and just. Don’t move. Maybe if they don’t move he won’t see them. 
“... I need to be taking Miss Dupain-Cheng back to her family, now.” 
“But-!” WHACK (why yes that’s the sound of Marinette kicking at them all)
“You kidnapped a girl in front of her family with no warning, in a very dangerous city. I’m sure her family would like the reassurance that she’s safe.” 
So Batman and the Robins take Marinette back to Wayne Manor and Alfred clings to her (like he totally didn’t put everything together already they’re all so obvious). And then the Batfam, minus costume, comes barreling down the stairs and they all tackle Marinette and its another hug pile. Bc holy shit Mari why did you get kidnapped by your so called friends? Oh, they’re stupid? Can relate. 
And then. Of course. Guess who shows up at the door. Just peeks their heads in, detransformed of course. “Uh, hi? We’re friends of Marinette? We’re here to visit her?” 
Bruce is shrieking like WHY. WHY IS THIS SHIT GENETIC?! Internally. Can’t spill the beans QUITE yet. 
Anyway, INTRODUCTIONS GALOR, YADA YADA, Dick and Adrien get along so well. Too well. Kagami and Damien also get along well too (they’re both ready to stab a bitch, don’t test them). Luka is too chill NOT to get along with anyone, unless they insult his friends and partners. Chloe is ready to throw down but also holy shit that’s Bruce fucking Wayne? Damn, Mari. DAMN. Already on social media about this. 
(Also listen, I am shipping trash so I’m going to be vague as hell with things but in my brain this will be a poly!partners au so the Super Squad is just dating each other. But for the sake of everyone they could also just be really good/close friends, as they’ll be sharing rooms and be very touchy feeling and such. Its up to you. But just know, I’m just. Like this.) 
So it basically just devolves into story sharing and puppy piles and the Wayne’s all looking at the Super Squad with side eyes bc HM. HOW FAMILY. ALSO STOP TOUCHING THE BABY! NO CORRUPTING THE BABY!! THAT’S OURS!!!
This is all happening with their eyes btw
And of course. The whole squad follows Marinette out as Multimouse to go meet batman, who Bruce told her had something to talk with her about. And she kinda cries bc SHE’S GOING TO GET KICKED OUT OF THE CITY BC OF HER IDIOTS!
Its not, its the Batfam taking the Super Squad to the Justice League tower. They weren’t expecting so many people but its fine. They’ll make it work. 
Because Bruce had called the Justice League for an emergency meeting that night with the tone of voice that clearly said anybody who didn’t show up would have a bat hunting them down and shoving his foot up their ass so far they’ll taste patented leather for the rest of their life. They’ve almost never seen him so angry? And he’s bringing guests? What? The fuck?? 
Multimouse Marinette gets briefed that, as the current Guardian of the Miraculous, and a hero of Paris, she’ll be there to get a formal apology and an explanation about why a bunch of teenagers had to fight an emotionally manipulative super villain by themselves. Chat Noir is maybe hiding behind the rest of the Miraculous Crew and they’re only kinda notice but don’t think much of it tbh. Adrien does NOT want to be the one to explain that his FATHER was said super villain. save him. 
Btw the whole group is having mixed reactions to the idea of meeting the Justice League. Adrien wants to run away but he also doesn’t care? Like. They’re all superhero’s, he gets that they can’t always help, but also. Fuck. He loves being a superhero but having someone with actual experience might have saved them all a lot of heartache. Chloe, meanwhile, doesn’t give a sINGLE SHIT about the JL. Fuck them. Fuck them so hard, so assholes ignored them and they’re going to be high and mighty. She may be a better person now but she will not put up with their nonsense. Not now. Not ever. Fight her. Luka is that sort of calm angry? He’s pissed that they brushed them off but since everything’s over there’s no point in holding onto his anger. There may or may not be a lot of meditating in the Bat Plane on the way there so he doesn’t use his lyre like a fucking BOOMERANG AGAIN and smack them all upside the head with it. Kagami doesn’t care? She’ll threaten them to the ends of the earth should they ever blow off such messages again, but she also just. Has very little emotional investment in them otherwise. 
Marinette, of course, is freaking out and pacing and trying to channel her inner ladybug and screaming internally bc why. WHY. She’s angry but she also understands, but she’s still so stressed. just. please. Tiny squeaks. 
And okay, they get there, and Batman comes in with ALL the Robins AND all these new kids? 
Flash: I’m sorry, you called an emergency meeting because of your extended family? 
Diana: HUSH
Because Diana, of course, recognizes them what and who they are. And is screaming bc holy shit? The Miraculous Holders are active again? Do they need their help? Where is Ladybug? Who is the Guardian? She just has. so. many. questions. 
And Captain Marvel/Shazam (seriously wtf IS HIS NAME) is fangirling HARD. Because that’s the Miraculous Holders! The ORIGINAL magic users! SEVERAL of his people (Hercules/etc) were Miraculous holders on top of Shazam and HOOOLLLY SHIT THEY’RE HERE! IN FRONT OF HIM! HOLY SHIT!!!
Superman, Green Arrow, and several others are sweating bc uh. UH. OH SHIT THOSE MESSAGES WERE REAL?
Yes. They were real. And now they have Batman in full dad mode demanding an explanation. Several people (Superman, other mutation/alien esc powers) claim they went to Paris to check on the damage but they couldn’t find any, OR the supposed supers of villain. 
Multimouse steps forward and starts explains how the Ladybug powers work and if they had bothered to contact them beyond telling them this wasn’t a line of communication to be used for PRANKS, they would know better. Diana chimes in with how she was helped created BY the Ladybug miraculous, etc, why did nobody ask her about this? Hell, why did nobody ask their resident magic user, Captain Marvel/Shazam??? 
Green Lantern: No offense, but doesn’t this all seem a little far fetched? 
Chloe: ... Bitch, you have an alien ring that gives you powers. Shut the fuck up. 
So there’s some arguing, back and forth, and Bruce looses his temper a little bit. Smacks his hand HARD on the table. “Enough. It is your job to investigate. It is not your job to leave the saving of an entire city to my fucking daughter, who was barely thirteen at the time this all started. As far as I’m concerned, this can never, ever, happen again. Wonder Woman, Captain, I assume you’d be willing to go through our notifications for any discrepancies?” 
And there’s a huge moment of silence. Everyone’s staring at him. Multimouse squeaks. Red Hood just. “Good going, Bats. Real smooth.” 
Viperion is making wheezing noises and covers Chat’s mouth and then there’s even more yelling and arguing and finger pointing, and Bruce wants a drink. And a nap. In whatever order he can get them. 
Basically he gets Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel/Shazam to agree to looking through messages but also gets the hell out of dodge. 
Next in, the reactions to all this tomfoolery. Also apparently superhero-ism is now genetic. 
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internalsealpanic · 4 years
I Will be Your Tim Drake for Tonight (3) (Jason Todd/ Reader)
Summary:  Preferring to do anything but your physics project, you decide to accepts Tim’s proposal. It’s simple. He does your project, you try to figure out whether Jason Sionis is criminal. Easy, right?
A/n: This takes place in a world where Jason is adopted by Black Mask. Inspired by Building Interest by Zoeleo.The events and characterization in this story are very heavily based on Zoeleo's Long Term Investment series. It is fantastic and I really highly recommend all of her fics.
a/n: For clarification, Reader does have psychic powers but it only lets her sense people's emotions physically. No mind-reading. Her power is more like an overactive sense of empathy which may force her to dissociate into someone else.
There will be violence and mentions of alcoholism (used as coping mechanism for physical pain) and chronic pain.  
As for the additional warning, an animal is harmed but it is barely described. I could not bring myself to actual describe it but the aftermath is described.
I also just converted this from an OC so I apologize for any grammatical mistakes.
Without further a do:
Your stomach drops.
Of course, Damian just had to be the one to pick up.
"Hey baby bro, could you pass the phone to dad?"
"I'm sorry who is this?"
This little shit.
"You're such a kidder! Dami, it's me, Tim. "
“Ah yes, Drake-” You can hear Tim choke in the background. “What do you want?”
“Please Dami just pass the phone to dad, I- I really need to talk to him”
“Very well,”
“Tim?” The voice sounded like Bruce’s but the intonation was all wrong. The voice changer Tim and Babs were working on seems to have made progress.
“Hey dad, I- uh. I might have gotten kidnapped.”
Tim makes another choking noise. “Might have?”
“I was at the party. I think I had around 13 drinks. 13 ! Can you believe it? I felt like a right sailor after that, like the harbor workers, y’know? Anyway, I was taking a smoke-”
“Enough!” The large man roared, snatching the phone from you. “Send us $100 million by tomorrow or your kid’ll be shark bait!” Who says that anymore?
“Of course! Of course! I’ll have the money sometime this evening. Please don’t hurt him.”
Tim, God bless him, does not laugh. Tim’s acting needs some work but he sure does know how to act worried.
The line dies and they tie you back up to the post.
“What the hell?!”
“We have to make sure you don’t just runoff.” The large man says tightening your bonds. Truthfully, you’ve felt far worse. After all, corsets exist. However, this was still a close second.  
“Do I look like I could outrun a snail?”
“He’s got a point boss. He looks like he hasn’t even seen the sun in ages.”
This, you decide, is true for Tim. When was the last time he went out before dark? Maybe he got sunlight when he stayed over at Eddie’s place.
The large man grabs Jason by the collar and throws him to his men.
The 3 men kick and curse at him. They mock him and beat him down. They wail on him with their fists, their steel-toed shoes, and sometimes brick. Jason takes it all with a crooked grin and a sharp tongue. You watched in awe. Even on the floor, Jason looked sturdy, ferocious, and indomitable.
"They all break, sweet girl."
Jason is on a tiled floor. No, he should be on concrete. His blood is on the tile. They’re hitting him. They’re hitting him with a bat. No. They aren’t supposed to be holding a bat. They were kicking him but now they’re holding a bat. No, She’s holding a bat. There's supposed to be three of them, three men,  but their forms coalesce into her .  You can hear his ribs cracking. Next are his legs. His legs are always next. Then his arm. She'll break each bone in his arms and his hands.  He’s wheezing. His voice sounds hoarse. His voice is too hoarse. He sounds like he’s been starved and dehydrated for at least a day. They’ve only been here for an hour. That isn’t right. Oh God! Now she had a cleaver in her hands.
He doesn’t need to die. She can’t.
 The scene crescendos as the tall, dark, sinewy silhouette towering over Jason raises the butcher's knife above her head.
“Harder, daddy!”
The scene of the kitchen fades and the shit-eating grin on Jason melts into view which shifts from amusement to confusion then back to amusement.
You blink seeing his stupid grin far too clearly.
You let a bark of gut-busting laughter out as you strain against the rope. Your brow pinches with concern but based on the scowls you’re receiving they're more focused on the fact that you were laughing like a mad man.  
Jason looks like he’s about to laugh from the absurdity as well when the man in charge picks him up again tossing him into a chair. The other men tie him down binding his wrists and ankles.
"I've had worse." He spits out.
The phone rings again, the dial tone echoing. Jason looks like hell with his face swollen and bruises beginning to bloom on every surface but he still looked like he was 5 seconds from starting a fight.
The large man punches Jason hard in the gut knocking the air out of his lungs as the dial tone cuts off.  “Hear that, Sionis? Your little bitch is pretty soft.”
Oh God, are they serious?
“Who is this? Nevermind. You ok there, sweetheart?” Roman Sionis’ ‘concerned’ voice carries over the line.
They are.
“Nothing I can't handle, daddy.” Jason chuckles with the utmost casualness. You, on the other hand,  instantly want to disinfect your brain. Thankfully, before your mind could wander somewhere it can't return from,  the big man growls into the phone.
“Don't you recognize the voice of the man whose life you've ruined?!”
“You've gotta be more specific than that. I've ruined quite a few lives but I would like to know whose brain I need to put a bullet in.”
“Doesn't ring any bells.” Roman deadpans almost sounding completely disinterested. “Sweetheart, you remember anyone like that?”
“Nope,” Jason replies letting the p pop. It seemed like a strange sort of triumph before it all crashes down with another swift punch to the ribs.
You stare at the strange scene torn between amusement and horror.
“Take this seriously!” Bruno roars.
"I'm taking this about as seriously as it deserves."
A part of you thought 'yeah this is ridiculous enough to warrant nonchalance' while the other part wanted to scream.  On one hand, even you found his identity anticlimactic. Doesn’t he know just how many small-time businesses Roman has ruined? He’d be lucky to get into the top 50. It’s not like he was running a pretty ethical establishment either.  On the other hand, your freaking kid is getting the shit kicked out of him. Emote damn it.
“Jason. Don’t you worry. Daddy’s going to take care of this. Your Uncle D happens to be in town. He’s on his way to pick you up. Love you, baby. See you soon.”
The line dies. Your stomach sinks further somehow. You don’t know if the nausea is due to the fact that the line died, the threat, or the number of times the word ‘daddy’ came up. Who the hell is Uncle D? How is he supposed to help? Your gaze trails to Jason who is now lowering his head to the floor seemingly tired. Maybe that last punch finally drained the fight from him.
“You're all so fucked.” Jason barks out in a fit of laughter. The men around him, jumping from the volume of his voice.  
Bruno grabs Jason by the collar and begins to shake him as if the  “Shut the fuck up you little bitch! Whoever your Uncle D is he's-”
You feel like someone kicked you in the chest. First of all, Uncle D? Really? You guess that there are worse hills to die on. This was somehow weirder than hearing Faust and her siblings call him pops. Second of all, Fuck. You'd never gotten your asshanded to you by Deathstroke but based on how banged up the Titans looked after fighting him this wasn't gonna be pretty.  All you could hope for was that you wouldn't get caught in the crossfire. Although, the image of Deathstroke grudgingly letting a kid call him Uncle D lightens your mood a bit.  
Bruno throws Jason on the floor hard enough for his body to bounce. Like Jason earlier, Bruno is radiating murder.
Just run, you thick motherfucker.
You, being the ‘nice’ Wayne kid that you are,  try to tell him as much but sadly that was halted by shattering glass. A flurry of black, orange, and metal crash through the glass and cut through the crowd of men.  
They fire at him, panic making their faces even paler. They hit him, bullets sinking into his flesh, blood splatters but none of it fazes him. He skewers and cuts them down with ease. His swords and suit are liberally decorated with their blood when it’s all done.
He steps over Bruno’s body. From the grunt that comes out, Bruno is still alive. Dumb bastard doesn’t know how to play dead. He’ll die from blood loss anyway.
“Hey, kid-” Deathstroke greets tersely,  picking up Jason’s nearly limp body.  “We’re gonna get you home.” He slings Jason’s arm over his shoulder.
Deathstroke stops sounding slightly annoyed.
Jason turns to you, who’s still unhappily tied to a post.  “We gotta get him out.” He rasps.  
“Kid, you’re the only one I’m getting paid to rescue.”  Deathstroke helpfully informs as he carefully adjusts his hold on the struggling young man. You blow out a breath somehow more irritable than scared.  “Just cut me out. I can make my way back just fine.”
“Walk in Gotham, are you stupid?” Jason hisses. The concern bleeding through.
“Which one of us charged at their captors while they were armed?”
Jason scowls at you with a petulant twist in his lips. “Yanno what,  Leave ‘im.”
“Ok, ok, I’m sorry and yeah I’ll be fine. I know where to avoid. Just please don’t leave me with them” you plead, throwing away any pride you held as you glance at the most likely dead bodies. Deathstroke cuts you out. Your skin feels raw but you’re otherwise unharmed.
You walk out of the warehouse and Dick practically throws himself at you. “Oh thank god, they didn’t shoot you in the head.” He mumbles into your wig.  
"Why would you think they would shoot me in the head?"
Dick pulls back and frowns at you through the domino mask.  “You aren’t exactly the most pleasant-”
“ We were model hostages.” you squawk.
Jason snorts far too loudly to be helpful.
You glare at him but you weren’t about to say fuck off to him while he has one of the world’s deadliest assassins right next to him.
Deathstroke coughs.  “Well if you don’t mind we’ll be taking our leave.”
Dick holding you protectively, glares but says nothing. Maybe he does but you faint before you can hear it.
A/n: Thanks for reading!
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