#and that is my villain origin story
prismatoxic · 3 months
"chilchuck isn't a twink, he's a DILF!" now i get why you're saying that but i feel like you've maybe forgotten what chilchuck tims canonically looks like
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i'm sorry but this man is a twink. also DILF isn't a body type it's a status (and technically, an opinion) so he can be both
"but he's middle-aged!" look at him. look with your eyeballs. his age has nothing to do with the fact that he Looks Like That. he's a twink. the sooner you accept this the less angry his fandom will make you
edit bc this post has become the bane of my existence:
Q: wtf do you mean he's a dad? he looks like a kid. A: he is 29 years old, and a half-foot. half-foots are dungeon meshi's halflings, or hobbits, or whatever you want to call them.
Q: wait, if he's 29, why the fuck are you calling him middle-aged? A: half-foots have an average lifespan of 50 years. chilchuck was originally drawn with grey hairs (you can see that in the manga fullbody) but the mangaka gave up on that over time. he's middle-aged for his race.
Q: hey, doesn't that look like a little angry face on his boot in the manga drawing? A: yea kinda
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waymond-wang · 11 months
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I was a 1995 International Players Ball "Pimp of the Year." Show me some motherfucking respect!
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strayklds · 4 months
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for @wantbytaemin ♡
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usersukuna · 8 months
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#a baby (◠‿◠✿)
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btsiu · 10 days
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Message from Jin: June 13 2024,☀️
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eveschild · 1 year
I wish some people could just un-know me. Like I don’t want to be known by you at all anymore.
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linolinoing · 4 months
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♡ favourite minho looks: 10/∞
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godbirdart · 5 months
"via weheartit" "via pinterest" "credits to the [unmentioned] artist" these aren't pROPER ATTRIBUTION!!!! bites you bites you bites you bites you
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everkook · 5 months
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bear <333
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bruciemilf · 2 years
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" 🌟 Clark Kent 🌟 tweeted: If Bruce Wayne wants to go on a date this saturday, he should call me. @WayneBruce are you free this Saturday? I'd love to take you on a date. Please message me this Saturday, when I am free "
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avvail · 4 months
truth potion/serum 😌
“What’s that?” The hero murmurs uneasily under their breath, watching as the villain carefully inserts the needle into the soft flesh of their forearm, making them wince slightly. They watch it plunge into their vein, only daring to tug against the restraints once the needle is out of their skin.
The villain merely sends them a smile. “Nothing that’ll kill you.”
“Let me guess,” the hero growls. “A fate worse than death? Are you really trying this bullshit with me after all this time?”
“You don’t think our dynamic is a conventional one?”
The hero shuts their mouth, contemplating what the villain’s game was. If it was a sedative, it was a slow acting one, since they couldn’t feel any symptoms creeping up on them just yet. It was peculiar - they felt just fine.
“Let’s be honest,” the hero sniffs, and they don’t miss the way the villain almost laughs in amusement. They don’t know why that’s funny. “If our relationship was a conventional one, you would have killed me the moment you kidnapped me.”
The villain hums, their eyes roaming from their face languidly, kissing their teeth. The hero watches with a stubborn frown as they begin to circle around them, ever so slowly, and it makes them nervous.
They try not to shift.
“You’re right,” the villain sighs from behind them, and they want nothing more than to crane around to keep their eyes on them, but they can’t. Their heart races relentlessly in their chest, clenching their jaw. “Would you rather we adhere to the stereotypes?”
They roll their eyes. “If it means getting killed, then why would I?”
“You’re self righteous and selfless, aren’t you?” The villain teases. “Doesn’t that come with your job?”
“It doesn’t mean I’m eager to die. Dying means defeat, and I wouldn’t ever let you defeat me. You and I both know that.”
The villain stops beside them, a smile on their face that the hero doesn’t like. They send them a sharp glare for good measure, just because they can.
“So, is that a no?”
The hero wants to know where this is headed.
“No,” they confirmed. The villain stepped closer to them, their thumb gently brushing over a tender bruise on their temple. The finishing blow that had rendered them unconscious, making it easy for the villain to drag them here into their clutches. The hero forces back a wince, their eyes hard and determined. The villain loves that look.
“But you’re like that with others,” the villain comments, still stroking their temple. “Other villains, I mean. Especially Supervillain - the typical good versus bad. You know they’d kill you if they could. Stereotypes, after all.”
To hero resists the urge to lean keenly into that touch. “Because I know Supervillain is dangerous.”
“Dangerous?” Their eyes gleam mischievously. “You don’t think I’m dangerous?”
They shift. No dizziness yet, and their vision is completely clear, along with their mind. It’s not a sedative. What are they planning?
“No,” they respond after a moment, and the villain’s jaw ticks. It’s the only sign of irritation they’ve seen from them, but their tongue blurts more before they can stop themselves. “You’re dangerous in different ways.”
The irritation disappears, and the thumb slips down their cheek.
“Dangerous in different ways,” they muse, as if chewing the words that came out of their mouth. The hero’s heart is pounding against their ribcage, and they’re not quite sure why. The villain is incredibly close, feeling pinned down by their cold gaze alone.
“You’re easier to be around,” the hero speaks, trying not to stammer over their words. “I...” I hate you, don’t get me wrong. That’s what they want to say, but their throat closes up before they can. The villain’s thumb strokes the bottom of their jaw, and they shiver, as if encouraging them.
“Because I know you won’t kill me. When given the chance, you go easy on me.”
“You think I go easy on you?”
The hero gives them a disgruntled look. “You never torture me. Last time you kidnapped me, I slept in one of your guest rooms.”
“You were still a prisoner, or did you forget?” The villain scoffs. Of course they had been. The hero had spent all night trying to pick the lock, to smash the windows, but there was no point. They were a prisoner, but it never felt like they were in danger. Not in the same sense they felt when the supervillain almost incapacitated them. It was different.
“That’s not the point,” the hero snaps, unaware of their own rising irritation. They jerk their head away from the touch, feeling as though it was distracting them. The villain has this arrogant smirk on their lips, as if they know exactly what they’re doing. “If I ever kidnapped you, I wouldn’t stick you in a luxurious room. I wouldn’t let you sleep on a bed, I wouldn’t have you here and not torture you.”
The villain hums, their voice dropping low. “You like it when I treat you good?”
“Yes.” No. “I do.” It’s weird.
It takes a single, heart stopping beat for the hero to realise what they’d just said, their brows furrowing in confusion. They open their mouth to say something else, before their eyes flick down to the red pinprick from the needle in their skin. They release a shuddering breath.
“A truth serum,” they breathe. “That’s what you injected me with.”
The villain lets out a dark, amused chuckle. “I was waiting for you to figure it out.”
They lean back, creating a rift of air between them where the hero can still feel their warmth. It still feels hard to breathe, their wrists flexing under the restraints, and they grind their teeth hard together. This is dangerous. This was exactly what they were talking about.
“Are you tired, Hero?” The villain’s soft voice questions, enough to make the hero swallow uneasily. Their heart is racing now, so fast they feel like they’re going to throw up. They screw their eyes shut.
“Yes,” they say, feeling fingers under their jaw, tipping their head back. Their eyes open instinctively. The villain almost coos.
“And you love how easy it is with me,” the villain murmurs, admiring the embarrassed, shunted look in those cute eyes of theirs. “Love how I treat you.”
The hero’s fists clench. They desperately try to say no. “Yes.”
“And,” the villain purrs, their thumb brushing along their bottom lip with precious ease,” it’s dangerous because it’s so easy to shut your brain off. So dangerous to let your guard down around me. Easy to manipulate, as much as you wish that wasn’t true.”
The hero almost whines. “Yes.”
“Do you think I’m manipulating you?” They ask, their voice a hushed whisper, like a soft lull in their brain. The hero squirms, but they still can’t look away, not even daring to swallow. The villain leans in closer, their lips so close to theirs, and their voice turns dark. “Do you think it’s working?”
Who knew the hero’s weakness was simple acts of kindness. The villain had never thought going so easy on them would make them putty in their hands. But it did.
The hero bites down on the inside of their cheek, straining not to answer. The villain’s fingers curl around a lock of their hair, tucking it behind their ear tenderly. Too tenderly - the hero loves it.
“Better not fight it,” they hum. “It’ll hurt.”
“Yes,” the hero finally gasps, the throbbing pain in their head easing. They almost feel out of breath, trembling under each of their cunning touches.
The villain’s eyes gleam, leaning forward to kiss them. The hero had been so adamant they could never defeat them, and it almost makes them crackle. Maybe never in the stereotypical sense, but they had proved this was not a stereotypical rivalry; what was true defeat if they didn’t conquer them, after all?
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pedro-pascal · 2 years
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ANDOR episode 9 + tumblr/reddit comments
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nimrism · 3 months
constantly thinking about the PERFECT setup supergirl season 1 had to make kara queer;
"oh my god, you're a lesbian" – winn to kara, in the very FIRST episode.
"hell, i wanna date her" – kara, about lucy lane.
"she does kinda give off a sapphic vibe, with that big old butch S chestplate" – leslie willis (livewire) about supergirl.
there were so many other instances in s1 alone, let alone in later seasons when lena showed up (recounting every queer-coded supercorp interaction would require a whole podcast). it was the PERFECT pretext to make her even just a little bit fruity, but the cw just couldn't handle it i guess
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dyoungs · 1 month
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send me an idol and era ↳ jun + _world era for @wenjunehui
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go-see-a-starwar · 1 month
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Attack of the Clones behind-the-scenes shots: Anidala edition [x]
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reunitedinterlude · 3 months
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justice for the katamari hoodie 📢
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