#and that they live rent free in his head and they are his personal enemies number 1 and whenever they show up
iratusmus · 1 year
this is fiona/scourge. to me. they get married and divorced all the time, both for funsies and also whenever they get into a fight/make up. (important note: they swap last names since in mobius the woman takes the man's last name and in moebius i choose to believe that the man takes the woman's last name). and also whenever theyre mad at each other theyll call each other their exwife/husband.
like. theyve been fighting over something stupid for the past few days and are on divorce round 3 and they run into sonic and tails and everybody starts beating the snot out of each other as is usual. something happens idk sonic takes like a potshot at scourge and fionas like “get away from my ex!!” and sonics like “.....ex-boyfriend????” and shes like “what? no. ex-husband.” and tails is like “YOU GUYS GOT MARRIED??????” and sonics like “YOU GUYS GOT DIVORCED??????” and fiona & scourge respond “yeah? and?”
so sonic pauses for a half second to digest this new information, and then says “wait. ok. so if you guys are divorced. why the heck are you still working together.” and fiona responds “um. because we're dating??? ??? youre so stupid omg” without missing a beat while scourge is obnoxiously scoffing/rolling his eyes in the background like this is incredibly obvious information and sonic just. stares for a good few moments. and then says “actually nevermind i dont care anymore i dont want to know anything more about your weirdass relationship”
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illusivelle · 4 months
chicken scratch
pairing: carmen 'carmy' berzatto x reader rating: t (for now) length: 1,028 words content: mild cursing summary: you've never met your neighbour, but you've received plenty of their mail and now, a large package. of all the stories you made up in your head about who this 'carmen berzatto' could be, the real thing might just be your new favourite. a/n: brain rot means a middle of the night word dump. will likely be the first of many little stories about your next door neighbour, carmen, because that dynamic lives in my mind rent free. fluff for now, but we all know what that means (it means it'll definitely become nsfw later, sooner probably). read part two link to ao3 here!
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The first letter was a mistake, the second one was a coincidence. The third one was not a big deal and the fourth was only a little more than a nuisance. But when a much larger package thudded against your front door at the ass crack of dawn, the recipient clearly written across the top of the cardboard box as your neighbour… well, that was just flat out annoying at this point. You hadn't even known deliveries made their rounds so early in the day and as big as the box was, when you lifted it to carry next door, it weighed lighter than a feather.
The pile of letters that accidentally found their way to your apartment were usually slipped through the small mailbox of your neighbour's, sometimes under the door. You'd thought about dropping the package and simply going about your day, but curiosity got the better of you as your knuckles rapped against the door and waited instead.
What could a Carmen Berzatto have possibly required to be delivered at this time?
In the time you've lived in the building, there'd been very few run-ins with other tenants. Not that you'd ever complain, perfectly content with your own company. You made friends with one elderly lady who always offered you some of her freshly baked bread, and in return you picked her up flowers and some extra produce on your farmer's market runs. The landlord wasn't your friend, but he wasn't your enemy either, and somehow you'd convinced him to let you paint your bathroom your favourite colour with little to no resistance. But your next door neighbour remained a mystery, one you've conjured up about a dozen different backstories and personalities for.
Carmen Berzatto, notorious criminal, hiding out in a tiny Chicago apartment. Carmen Berzatto, hundred-year-old vampire, who might either burn in the sun or look like they'd walked through a glitter bomb. Carmen Berzatto, part time Chicagoan, who actually doesn't live here anymore and maybe there's a squatter inside instead. Carmen Berzatto, the tax evader, because why else would they have so much goddamn mail being sent to them?
You'd been lost in the web of made-up histories for your neighbour when the door swung open to reveal said neighbour, and it slowly dawned on you that there wasn't a single story where you imagined Carmen Berzatto to look like that.
Piercing, wide blue eyes and a head of shaggy brown tufts that made you want to tangle your fingers through them, especially that small curl dangling just above his forehead.
"Hi." His greeting was laced with mild confusion that seemed immediately alleviated when his attention dropped to the box in your hands. "Oh."
"Hi," you blurted out, lifting the package, "got another one for you."
"I—I'm sorry about— about, uh, about all of that. It won't happen again."
"Won't it?" You were mostly teasing now. Although you were jolted awake by the sound of it thrashing against your door, and although you were rather peeved about getting up before you wanted to, you couldn't find it in yourself to be irritated anymore.
Carmen reached out to take the box from you, giving it a small shake with what you thought was a ghost of a smile before he set it down to the side somewhere you couldn't see. "It won't. I'm sorry." The flirt of his tongue along his lips brought your gaze toward it before you met his eyes again.
Those stunning icy blues.
"It's okay, nothing to be sorry for."
"I must've really fucked up on the— the uh, apartment number."
"The apartment number."
"Yeah," you looked at him a bit dumbfounded, gaze darting to the door where the number and letter were, "what about it?"
"You don't know your apartment number?"
"My writing's shit."
Both of you seemed to blink in unison, another lick of Carmen's lips which you mirrored before a stupid smile curled your lips. "Oh."
"Not a good excuse, I know." He nodded, jaw working as he turned his head to the metal on the door, a short and deep chuckle sounding from him. "Again, I—"
"Not sorry," you shook your head, "just chicken scratch."
For a moment, Carmen stared at you, and if it wasn't bad enough to have those too-blue eyes simply looking at you, to find them nearly boring holes as they danced between your eyes and across your face made you want to evaporate. Made you wish the ground would open up and swallow you hole. Made you want to drown in the depths of the ocean blues that were his irises.
"Just chicken scratch," he murmured after a beat of silence and what was once a ghost of a smile was definitely something now, the corner of his mouth lifting enough to wrinkle the corner of his eye. Enough to show you the dimple in his cheek. "Thanks for— for bringing the package."
"Yeah." And the smile unfurling on your lips was nothing short of genuine. "You're welcome, Carmen."
"Just, uh, just Carm is good. Carmy."
Another beat passed where you thought you might have been rendered frozen by one of your favourite shades of blue, glued to the floor through hypnosis, until a sound down the hall caught your ear and you nodded at Carmen. Turning on your heel, you took the first step back to your apartment, then another, and another.
And it wasn't until you had your hand stretched out to grab for your doorknob when you heard his voice echo from where you'd came. "See you around?"
The moment hung in the air on a thin thread, the both of you sharing furtive and hidden smiles before his door closed and yours opened.
Carmen Berzatto, not a notorious criminal (to your knowledge) or a hundred-year-old vampire (yet). Nor was he a part-time Chicagoan (not with that accent) or a tax evader (maybe). None of the ideas you had floating in your mind about your neighbour even came close to the real thing.
Carmen Berzatto, curly-haired blue-eyed boy-next-door with chicken scratch for writing and a fleeting dimple you wanted to see again.
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You are so unbelievably correct about Animated Megashock. They are completely incapable of being normal about each other and it's the best thing ever.
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Me every time one of my cool mutuals tells me I have good opinions
Real talk tho, TFA megashock lives in my head rent free. Megatron as a character is so fucking fascinating to me just because it's so hard to read his actual motives, but the clear, constant throughline you can always pick up is a DEEP distrust of everything and everyone around him. Even in the first episode, before Starscream tries to outright kill him, he tells him straight up that he doesn't want him going after the Allspark. He makes a grab for it alone because he just straight up doesn't trust anyone else with that much power. And then Starscream's bomb happens, Megs wakes up as a severed head with half his bits rearranged wrong, and he's on full alert all the fucking time after. He doesn't trust Sumdac, he doesn't trust anyone on Earth, he doesn't even trust his own Decepticons. He thinks LUGNUT of all bots might be out to get him, if only for a moment.
And the thing that's got me pacing around my fuckin room and scratching up the walls, other than pretty much every interaction megs has with shockwave through the whole series, is this one little detail in the Allspark almanac.
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God. It's got me fucked UP.
Does Shockwave realize he's the only thing keeping Megatron from a mental breakdown? Does Megatron??? How close are they on a personal level, exactly? Because you don't just get mr. "I'm surrounded by enemies" to admit that on no uncertain terms in front of Primus and everyone unless he MEANS it, and he's PROUD of it.
That is the one bot he can depend on for certain. Shockwave is his stability, his rock, as reliable as the cannon on his arm (god the juiciness of their weapons being so similar too. Fuck. Just marry each other already). He is the trusty weapon he knows he can conquer with. And that's the closest thing to love Megatron would ever let himself feel.
I like to think Shockwave knows hes a weapon in the eyes of his leader and he wouldn't have it any other way. And a lot of that probably comes from how warframes were treated by the autobots before the whole Decepticon movement kicked up. They were assembled with the intent to be killers. Created to be powerful and terrible, treated as living weapons from the moment they came into existence, and hated for it.
To shockwave, Megatron treating him as a weapon is likely what he's come to expect. It's what EVERY warframe expects. But Megatron doesn't treat him as something dreadful for it. He doesn't look at him with disgust or fear or contempt when he carries out the exact destruction he's told to. He looks at him with pride. With a pleased smile. He's met with praise and tenderness. And after such a long time of being made to fight and destroy, only to be treated like garbage, it's probably pure euphoria to be told he's doing a good job at what he was created for.
He will never be good in the eyes of the autobots that made him to be destructive. He'll never be anything other than terrifying. But to Megatron, he's good enough. With Megatron, there's a right answer. With Megatron, he's okay with being a weapon because it finally feels right, if only because there's finally someone there to tell him he's done a good job.
They're both so fucked up by the system and their own trauma that they don't really know how to love each other in a way that's normal or healthy but that will not stop them from trying to love anyway.
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xmalereader · 9 months
Five Hargreeves x Chef! Male Reader
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SUMMARY: After the events of TUA S3, Fives is left without his powers and can finally try to have a normal life without relying on his abilities. Trapped in a his teenage body at the age of fifty he can finally retire at a nice little town, getting himself a job as a waiter in the towns famous ‘Daybreak Diner’ where he befriends the owner and chef of the place. Not only that, but Fives has competition with the bakery across the street.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: Pure fluff, mature language, crossovers between characters, and bakery verse, reader is a chef and an adult, fives is around 15-16 years old, platonic parent, found family, fives and Alex are enemies to lovers, mentions of Simon Riley and his baker husband, cooking, fives hates customers, love sick teenagers.
WC: 1.5K
NOTES: Hello everyone! It’s a new year, meaning new format and new characters and ideas! I’ve actually been thinking about this idea for awhile now and decided to create my own little baker or cooking verse between one of my favorite series of Simon Riley and perhaps a new one starting with Five Hargreeves! Please, feel free to leave some feedback and if you wish to read some more of this cooking verse then I’ll be more than happy to make more!
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Daybreaks Diner was a simple restaurant that served grilled and raw sea food dishes. It was one of the popular places in town that many people went to eat after leaving work either to relax with some alcohol in their system or perhaps a nice shrimp cocktail that many people enjoyed. The place had only been standing for a few years, owned by one single person who did all of the cooking and cleaning before and after closing for the day, everyone in town knew who the chef was and how passionate he is when it comes towards his menu and various food choices.
Some would say that he was in competition with the bakery across the street due to both owners always getting caught conversing with each other, only for the rumor to be shut down after it became clear the the two were simply friends and helped each other out when it comes towards new ideas for their own places.
It wasn’t until their time together slowly decreased going from days to only a few hours. Only to find out that his good friend had recently found someone that helped him in the bakery which later resulted in them getting married and getting the family he always wanted and keeping himself busy in the bakery. The two still talked, but they were both moving on with their lives and busy with their own dreams.
It wasn’t until a year later that he hired a sixteen year old teenager to work in his diner. He was hesitant about the kid at first only to find out that he no place nor a job and was easily persuaded into hiring the kid and evening letting the kid rent out his extra room upstairs. It took some adjusting for him, waking up in the mornings to find the teenager with messy bed hair and drinking black coffee on the small table that he had in his dining room, silent as always only to get a bit chatty when the two head downstairs to prep for the day.
The other strange thing that he hasn’t gotten used to yet was the kids name, Fives.
Did this kids parents hate him so much that they gave him a number for a name?
Fives never spoke about his past nor about his family and kept to himself. That wasn’t until he caught the kid having a nightmare late one night, jolting him awake when hearing the kids scream which caused him to spend the night sleeping on the floor after the kid asked him to stay with him even though his words sounded forced as if he didn’t want him there at all. Y/n didn’t know shit about kids nor did he consider himself a parent since he’s been alone for majority of his adult life to the point where his main focus became his restaurant and now this kid too.
After having Fives live with him for almost six months now, the teenager had grown on him and enjoyed his presence even though the kid himself can be a little sarcastic bastard whenever they were alone.
It was the weekend and the restaurant usually opens late, giving Y/n the time to get everything prepped without any problems as he stood on the other side of the counter, cutting up various vegetables while glancing over to Five who had his face pressed against the glass window, staring across the street with a frown on his face.
“If you keep staring they’ll notice.” He speaks up but Fives doesn’t budge from his spot, glaring down at Alex from across the street at the other teenager worked on writing out todays specials for his fathers bakery. “He thinks some piece of bread with white crap on top is better than my specials?” Fives hissed out, earning an eye roll from Y/n.
When Y/n first introduced Fives to his friend he expected his friends son, Alex to get along only to get the total opposite. Fives loathed the guy and Alex felt the same way towards him. Their hatred started over who’s food was better either the bakery or the diner and neither saw eye to eye and the boys always turned everything into a competition.
“There chocolate filled croissants are good—“
Fives whips his head to glare at Y/n when hearing his comment. He can’t help but laugh at his expression and shake his head, he used to find the kid so intimidating at times and now his looks never phase him anymore. “You two are always fighting.” He mumbled to himself and focused on the fish next and moves around the counter and placed the different ingredients out in order to get lunch ready.
“Come on Fives, clean the tables and set down the chairs the lunch rush is gonna hit soon.” He orders the kid around who does as he’s told, walking around the counter to put on his own apron and tying it around his waist and grabbing a table cloth. It became a regular routine for the two, Y/n prepping the food while Fives cleans the place and gets the tables set for any customer that are to come even though Fives was the only waiter he did the work fast and wasn’t afraid of taking back to customers who talked badly about the food or complained about the smallest things, remembering him threatening a family who couldn’t control their kids running around the place and ruining other people’s nights.
Fives didn’t hesitate to approach the table, slamming the bill on their counter while giving them a wide grin. “If you don’t control your kids I am more than happy to do it for you and believe me it ain’t gonna be a pretty sight.” The parents thought he was joking around and laughed at Fives words only for Y/n to wince at the couples response, knowing damn well that he wasn’t joking.
Fives sighed through his nose before slamming his hand on the table, startling not just the couple but the other customers around them while speaking out loud to them. “Listen here ass, I have spent the last five minutes dealing with your kids running around this place while serving food to everyone else and I am caring around hot and cold plates and if one of your kids bumps into me and gets that food on them, do not complain about your little mistake getting burned.”
Safe to say the parents listened to him and were able to control their kids.
Y/n relied on Fives with situations like that which rarely happened after that day, no one wanted to deal with the teens wrath.
As the two got ready, Fives was the one to turn on the ‘open’ sign on and step outside to wipe down the windows, using a rag to wipe them clean only to stop when he noticed Alex approaching him, making him glare as he focused on his task.
“I’d ask what you’re up to Fives, but then it occurred to me. I don’t care.” Said Alex while entering the resturant, leaving Fives outside who glared at Alex when entering the place, getting Y/n’s attention from over the counter and smiling at the other teen. “Alex! The usual today?” He questions as he began to get the food ready as Alex sits at the bar.
“The usual for dad and for Simon he actually wanted to try one of your specials.” Alex points towards the menu behind Y/n and let him know that Simon wishes to try the third special on the menu.
Y/n works on getting the food ready. “Why do you call him Simon? Why not dad too?” He knows that his friend and his husband have been married for awhile which lead up to Simon finally adopting Alex as his own kid too. “I guess I’m used to it yet?” Alex shrugs his shoulders while leaning his elbows on the counter top and reaching over to steal one of the juice boxes only to get his hand smacked with a towel making him yelp in surprise.
“Hey, thats for customers only.” Fives cuts in, tossing his dirty towel into the sink while Alex grumbled. “I’m a valuable customer here.”
“To me you ain’t, so if you want the juice box you gotta pay.” The two boys glare at each other and Y/n is quick to cut the tension between the two. “Alright that’s enough you two.” He sets a bag of food in front of Alex, “Here you go, also tell your dad to send me some those specials too.”
“I will,” Alex responds while taking the bag with him, shooting Fives a smirk when Y/n slips the juice box in the bag which makes Fives groan as the two watch him leave the restaurant. It was normal for both owners to try each others specials without charge due to them being close friends after so many years together.
Y/n watched Alex, making sure that he got back to the bakery without any accidents, sighing in relief once the teen makes it inside only to turn around to face Fives who had his arms crossed over his chest while frowning. “Do you want me to kill him?”
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ponderingmoonlight · 1 year
Toji Fushiguro coming back to life to save (y/n) in Shibuya
Shibuya Arc scenarios that live in my head rent-free pt.ll
Pt. l with Gojo and Geto are here
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Pairing: Toji Fushiguro x reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Notes: Literally no one asked for this, I had to do this for myself after the latest episode okay. Loots of grief, hurt and language. Enjoy
„Hey, it’s been a while“, you mumble to yourself, mindlessly dropping a bouquet of flowers onto the stone in front of you.
“You’re not coming back, are you?”
It’s been more than 10 years to be exact. Ten years of working as an assassin, ten years of roaming around without an aim.
Ten years since losing him.
Back then, you never admitted to anyone how you felt about him, how his sight alone made your body do crazy things and lightened up your cloudy mood. He was never a man that was easy to love, let alone very emotional. When it comes to women, Toji probably was the worst man walking on this earth.
But oh how much you loved him. How much you adored the little smile he wore on his face when he teased you, how much you longed for his arms that wrapped themselves around you when nobody was watching, how much you miss his hands roaming all over your body while he fucked you brainless each and every night, screaming out his name like a prayer.
Losing him was the most unbearable pain you’ve ever felt, an event that made you forget your belief in love forever. He was never yours, but losing him shattered your fucking heart. Since he’s gone, you never let another man touch you again, living from alcohol, cigarettes and assignments.
And this.
You visited Toji’s grave whenever you felt enough courage to do so without breaking down. Day after day, week after week, year after year. Always with the same empty feeling that occupies your mind, the what ifs that plague your tired heart whenever you think of him.
Beep beep beep.
Who the hell is calling you right now?
“I’m busy doing nothing”, you bark into your phone.
“(y/n), just wanted to let you know that something’s going on in Shibuya. Rumor has it that that Gojo boy was sealed.”
“Impossible”, you breathe out, almost dropping your phone.
Gojo Satoru, the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, the fucker that killed Toji all these years ago, is gone? Your heart bangs against your chest, mind unable to comprehend the words. This is your chance. The chance to seek revenge, to kill everyone he cares for in one place without resistance.
Everyone expect him.
“I don’t know how this will go. My kid, Megumi. If something happens, keep an eye on him for me, will ya?”
You promised. Despite the fact that you pushed Toji’s past away as far as you could, you have to keep an eye on his son when Gojo isn’t around anymore.
“I thought so too, but seems like that’s a fact.”
“Do we know anything else? Some dirty details?”
“Not really, but someone pretty strong has to be there if that person was able to seal that fucker, don’t you think?”
“Yeah”, you mumble.
“I will take a look at this myself.”
Without waiting for a reply, you hang up and start walking.
This is your chance. After all this years of suffering, regretting, anger and agony, you’ll finally get your revenge. You will show them what the strongest jujutsu sorcerer did to you by taking your love away, by destroying your life so violently that there’s no more happiness left. You will give him a taste of his own medicine.
If Gojo Satoru ever sees the light of day again, all of his beloved ones will be dead. You will make sure of that.
-at Shibuya-
“Jujutsu sorcerers and their fucking curtains”, you mutter to yourself while effortlessly walking through the barrier.
How pathetic to think that curses and other jujutsu sorcerers are their only enemies. After all, Toji was almost able to defeat the strongest of them with nothing but his own rough hands.
Almost. How much you hated that word. He was almost able to defeat Gojo, he was almost able to survive that battle, he almost made it home to you.
But he never did. And that’s why you’re here, standing on top of a tall building while scanning the area around you. A few seconds later, loud bangs can be heard from a stress a few miles away. You spring into action immediately, gliding over the buildings with your harness so effortlessly that even a trained eye wouldn’t detect you. In their world, you are invisible, nothing more than a shadow without jujutsu.
And that’s their weakness.
You stop on a house corner, immediately caught by the sight of none other than Megumi Fushiguro in front of you along with another boy and an old fart. Your heart clenches painfully at the way his cold eyes stare at the old man, his facial features taking you back in time. Oh, he looks so much like his father.
So much that you want to go back home and swallow a bottle of vodka to get his face off your mind. But no, you’re on a mission, you have to make sure that kid is alright and kill all of his friends. You’ve got a job to do, get a hold of yourself.
With skilled eyes, you judge how he moves, how he acts, how he fights. Well, he might not be the best fighter you have seen yet, but he sure has some potential. Together with his little friend, he should be able to defeat that old fart. If not, you’ll come back later.
While you swore on keeping an eye open for him, you’re reluctant to meet Megumi and somehow don’t want him to find out that you’re after his friends and sensei. So you tear your gaze away from him, aiming for the skyscraper in front of you where another fight takes place. Whoever this is will be the first victim of your killing streak.
You will make every single one of these bastards pay for what Gojo did. You will make them feel the way you felt after his decease.
And over.
It isn’t hard for you to get up Shibuya tower in the matter of seconds, the harsh winds waving through your hair. Your heart pounds, eyes darting around the area.
Three people, two men are fighting while an old lady sits on the ground.
“And who of you belongs to that Gojo fucker?”, you mumble, gripping both of your katana’s tightly.
This is the moment. After Gojo is sealed, this is your opportunity to finally seek revenge, to kill every single one of them. When this fucker returns, he’ll be alone.
Just like you are since he killed Toji.
“What the hell are you doing here? Get lost”, the old woman hisses.
You stare at the broad back of the man who hits the other without mercy. Damn, that speed, that precision. It’s like back then. His fine technique almost makes him look like…
Automatically, your feet carry you forward. You swing yourself in the air, feet ready to kick the broad man into his chest.
“Don’t you think this is a little unfair?”, you shout.
His eyes dart towards you.
He grabs your ankle.
All you can do is stare at him, mind going completely blank.
His face. This gorgeous face you adored so much. The little scar that emphasized the corner of his delicious mouth so well. His collarbone that creeps through the sweater he’s wearing. No, there’s no doubt. The man standing in front of you is Toji.
“Get out of the way, woman.”
Toji’s frame slams your body against the ground merciless. You see stars, lungs refusing their service as all you can do is stare in horror at the shell of the man you used to love, glimmer of hope nipped in the bud.
This isn’t his voice. This isn’t his smile.
This just isn’t Toji.
You hate the way your eyes start to water as he grabs your throat and yanks you upwards.
“You are not Toji. How dare you to use his body like that”, you cough out.
Instead of replying, he just smiles at you so heartlessly that you feel like throwing up. No, this simply can’t be Toji. This is the empty shell of the man you’ve lost. Feelings flood your heart uncontrollably. Anger, grief and most of all disappointment haunting and bringing you to your knees. God, how much you wished it was true. For the split of a second, you really thought this was him. Your Toji, the man you haven’t forgot after all these years, the only one you ever sacrificed your heart to.
But he’s gone. And he won’t come back.
“There needs to be a corpse for shapeshifting. Dumb girl, of course this isn’t Toji Zen’in. But you will die through his hands.”
Your body refuses to move. All you can do is watch as he throws the body of the other man down, off the tower, into certain death.
Fuck. Is this really how it ends?
“Y’know, you’re actually not that bad.”
“I hope so, jackass. Otherwise I’ll throw you out.”
“C’mon princess, don’t be like that. Y’know I’m obsessed with you.”
“Oh yeah? Might need to hear that again…”
“I’d rather show you.”
Like in slow-motion, his frame casually walks back and comes to a stand next to the old woman. Every limb of your body screams out in pain, lungs feeling like they’ll rip apart any minute. So this is the force of Toji Fushiguro.
It could be funny, actually. You always thought Toji is the strongest man on this earth, admired him for his sheer strength despite not being a jujutsu sorcerer. But when he was with you, his deadly touch became gentle, caressing you with what felt like…love.
Did he really love you? Who knows. But you did. Oh, how much you loved that man – the man whose back is now faced towards you, muscles tight by the thought of killing you with his bare hands.
Is there anything more ironic than getting killed by Toji Fushiguro?
“I would rather die through his hands than living like this until I’m as old and ugly as you.”
“I know, granny.”
He turns around. The shell of the man you thought about every night before drifting off to sleep, the man that is the only one you ever dedicated your heart to. That oh so rough face that felt so gentle against your fingertips. How much you’d give to talk to him one last time, to let him know how you really feel.
With a swift motion, he grabs your throat again, feet hanging in the air as you feel like life is slowly drifting away from you. Before your blurry vision threatens to eat you alive, he slams your already weak body into the floor, blood spurting in every direction.
Nothing but darkness and this foreign far away voice that speaks out of his body.
“That should be enough.”
Your fingers twitch. Is this the end? His footsteps echo through your brain.
“Granny, wh-wh-wh-wh-what do whe do now?”
“It won’t hurt to keep Satoru Gojo out of play. So go down below and kill sorcerers.”
“Who the hell do you think you’re ordering around, old hag? And how dare you to hurt ma princess?”
That voice…You must be hallucinating. It sounds just like him, just like you remember it. That deep unpromising vibration that made you go crazy more than once.
A shriek, a dull fall, silence. Footsteps that are approaching you again. Heavy, confident steps.
“I thought you can take more than that, princess.”
Hands grab your shoulders gently, lifting your bruised and weak body out of the dirt. You force yourself to open your heavy eyelids, mind still trying to process what is happening.
You stare right into his ocean blue eyes.
“Missed me?”
Your shaky breath rings in your ears, trembling hands searching for hold on his shoulders.  
Nothing more than a fade whisper in the night, a faint hope resonates.
“You’re still looking hot.”
Tears swell up your eyes before you can catch yourself while you wrap your aching arms around him for dear life. This has to be a dream, some cruel technique, a hallucination. But you don’t give a fuck. At the moment, all you can think about is how he wraps his large arms around your waist and back while holding the back of your head and the way he smells.
God, he smells just like you remember, just like the Toji you knew.
“Please tell me you’re back. Tell me this isn’t just a cruel dream. I don’t want to wake up anymore….”
“Live and in color. It’s been a while”, he comments.
Your eyes dart towards him and his sly grin. The grin you know all too well, the grin you adored more than anything else in the world.
“I missed you every single fucking day. And now…And now you’re standing in front of me. Alive”, you stammer.
“These fuckers thought they could use my powers against you. Ain’t no way  I’d let this happen princess. Even if it means going to hell and back to be with you.”
Your fingers trace over his cheeks, his collarbones, his broad chest.
“It’s me, (y/n)”, he confirms your unspoken question.
“I missed you.”
“Yeah? Missed ya too. And can’t wait to show you how much. But work comes first and I still have a lot of shit to do.”
“I came here to take revenge, to kill all of Gojo’s little puppies for what he did to you”, you hiss through gritted teeth.
“What a good girl you are, I always loved ya for that. Let’s get you out of here first. I’ll be back in a few hours, ‘kay?”
Toji…Loves you? Your hands dig into his firm biceps, eyes piercing right through him for any sign of sarcasm, any sign of manipulation.
But no, it’s clear. The man in front of you is indeed Toji Fushiguro. And he told you that he loves you.
He’s back and he loves you.
“I love you. Fuck, I love you so much! Living without you was hell”, you cry out, completely breaking down in tears while he holds you in his arms.
“I know princess, I know… Will catch up on everything, I promise. Let’s get you outta here. So sorry for hurting you like that.”
He picks you up in his arms while you allow yourself to close your eyes and lean your face against his chest. This might be a manipulation, a dream and nothing more. But you never thought you’d get him back. Fuck, after more than 10 years you’re really back in his arms.
Screw if this isn’t real. For this precious moment, you finally feel home again.
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Not to compate siblings, but I wish the zutarians could be more like zukaangers, specifically with the incessant need to make Zuko/the fire nation seem less bad. It seems like they're constantly trying to justify Zuko's actions and paint the fire nation as just 'misguided'. Zutarians refuse to give Zuko guilt for the actual things he does.
And it's baffling to me because a big theme that zutara and zukaang share is guilt/forgiveness. Zukaangers lean into this so fucking hard. They will give Zuko guilt for everything he did, everything his forefathers did, everything his nation did, hell everything the world did, and have it juxtaposed by Aang's forgiveness and reminders that Zuko is not his nation nor his past mistakes.
It feels like zukaangers have Aang forgive Zuko because he can and wants to. Meanwhile, zutarian have Katara forgive Zuko because she should. If that makes sense.
Zukaang is everything Zutarians want their ship to be.
Based on a dynamic that is actually a central point in the story and that had a profound effect on these characters? Check.
Selfless hero that looks at the villain, picks up on all the sad vibes on that motherfucker, and confidently says "If not friend, why friend-shaped"? Check.
Hero's kindness living rent-free in the villains head? Check.
CONSTANT red and blue imagery that actually has a deeper meaning instead of just being the result of the show assigning colors to each nation to make it easier for the seven year olds to keep track of everyone? Check.
CONSTANT parallels, with entire episodes and full arcs dedicated to it, including one of the characters having a dream in which they are the same person because they're THAT alike? Check.
Romantic imagery?
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Motherfucking check.
I guess that's why Zukaang shippers are much more sane. Even though Zuko and Aang's dynamic with each other in the show was clearly meant to be platonic, it is so important to canon and so throughly explored by it that it becomes IMPOSSIBLE to make the ship work if you mischaracterize either of them. It really wouldn't take much rewriting to make them a perfectly reasonable endgame - and I say this as someone who doesn't ship it and prefers Zuko to be an older brother figure to Aang.
Meanwhile Zutara has nothing beyond aesthetic and "enemies to lovers is a nice trope." The characters don't interact much until the end of the story, don't think of each other at all for most of it, and are openly, genuinely uncomfortable when people think they're dating. It's all about self-inserting as Katara to date an OC they attached Zuko's name and face too, or vice versa (more rare, but it happens).
OF COURSE it's out of character, OF COURSE it completely screws up the dynamic - it was never about "How would this pairing work?", it was about shilling the idea of one of the characters involved.
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artful-aries · 1 year
​​Genshin Headcanons: Sleeping With You (SFW) Childe, Kaveh, Xiao
Finally got around to writing something about my boy Kaveh. He lives in my brain rent free~
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​​He’s a bit clingy at night, always has to have an arm around you tight or he can’t sleep
​​It stems from his desire to protect you; his line of work isn’t a bed of roses, and it makes him a lot of enemies. He likes the physical reminder that you’re safe in his arms even when he’s unconscious
​​Childe snores, but it’s not very loud. It would be more akin to very heavy breathing than it would actual snores
​​If you’re a restless sleeper you don’t have to worry; once he’s out he is OUT. He’s likely not going to stir again unless you actively go out of your way to wake him up
​​Despite being entangled with you almost the entire night, Childe doesn’t radiate much body heat, so it’s not too uncomfortable to sleep with him in that regard
​​With his snores occasionally comes with a bit of drooling, so be prepared to not be in the splash zone before you fall asleep
​​In the morning when he starts to wake up, he pulls you even closer to his chest, almost as if he’s scared you’ll leave if he doesn’t
​​He would never admit this to you, but your presence in bed has rid him of his nightmares, a fact he is extremely grateful to you for
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​​Another cuddle bug, but not as extreme as Childe. He would just have an arm wrapped loosely around your waist or lay his head in your shoulder
​​Kaveh is mostly quiet as he sleeps, sometimes his breathing gets a little heavier if he’s completely wiped out, but overall it’s quiet
​​Sometimes when he dreams he sleep talks, but it’s mostly unintelligible murmuring. Once in a while, you can tell he’s arguing with Alhaitham in his sleep by the furrow of his brow and the word “arrogant” being muttered several times
​​He has a comfortable amount of body heat, it’s not too cool but not uncomfortably hot either
​​The biggest struggle with sharing a bed is miraculously getting his hair all in your mouth at some point in the night
​​If you complain to him, he will start wearing his hair in a ponytail to bed, but it inevitably falls out in the middle of the night
​​Kaveh will get a little whiny in the morning if he wakes up to find that you have migrated away from him. He almost takes it personally, wondering if he did something wrong to earn your lack of physical affection during the night
​​You’d have to remind him that you can’t control what your body does when unconscious, and that you definitely do still love his clingy self
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​​He’s honestly one of the worst people to sleep with if you’re a light sleeper. Nothing is worse than rolling over and finding him just staring at you, unblinking in the dead of night
​​You can’t blame him though, what else is he supposed to do as you sleep? As an Adeptus, he doesn’t need sleep like mortals do. It’s something he only does if he gets very injured
​​Xiao does understand that mortals need sleep regularly at least, so he does his absolute best not to wake you
​​He almost tries too hard, becoming rigid like stone in an attempt to minimize his movements
​​You’d have to teach him how to relax in bed with you, but he still never fully gets the hang of it
​​Xiao gets better though, he will wrap an arm around your waist or let you sleep on his chest if you asked for it
​​Sometimes to help you, he will close his eyes and pretend to sleep so that you aren’t put off by him watching you sleep
​​When you do finally fall into a deeper sleep, he takes the time to admire you, perhaps even gently stroking your hair as he does. He finds it easier to be soft with you when you aren’t awake
​​While he does take some joy in watching you in a peaceful state, Xiao is extremely grateful for when you wake up. Laying down for eight hours with nothing to do can get a little awkward for him at times, and he misses your company, though he would never say that
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jovialmoonprincess · 10 months
AU: Journey to Redemption (Part 1)
Coriolanus Snow x Fem!reader 
Summary: Y/N, a young idealist in Panem, dreams of making a difference in a post-war society. As the winner of the prestigious Plinth Prize is about to be announced, a mysterious woman unveils a grim fate for Coriolanus Snow, Y/N's nemesis. Offered a chance to alter destiny, Y/N must navigate her conflicting emotions and intervene in pivotal moments to prevent Snow's descent into darkness. The story unfolds against the backdrop of complex relationships, past connections, and the challenges of a changing world, as Y/N grapples with the responsibility of shaping an unexpected destiny and challenging the very fabric of fate.
Word Count: 992
Warning(s): None, enemy to lovers, back in time, destiny, Snow being in love, Snow being Snow, possible grammar and spelling mistakes
A/N: First Fic EVER, dont be mean pls. Also Im not a english native speaker, sorry for any spelling errors. Just saw Songbirds and Snakes and Tom Blyth as President Snow is living rent free in my head! Feedback is appreciated! Follow or like (or both) for part 2!
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A month still remained until the announcement of the Plinth Award winner. While Y/N was still somewhat sleepy, in the midst of summer, a brief and subtle snowfall danced outside her window. Believing she was still dreaming, the student got up, opened the window, extended her arm, and touched the flakes to make sure. It was undoubtedly one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen; it seemed like magic. She felt the urge to run out and celebrate the arrival of snow, as she did when she was a child. Maybe the Capitol had created a new technology and was testing it in the middle of the night. It seemed like a plausible theory. Y/N closed the window and sat at the edge of the bed, still feeling the coldness of the ice on her fingers. It didn't feel like a dream; Y/N wasn't a girl who dreamed often either. The last time she dreamt, she was in a park in the Capitol, with her mother gently pushing her on the swing. The games were over, people lived happily again, all in one place, there was peace, and no one would go hungry. As a kid, Y/N had suffered through the war, something she wouldn't overcome. And even now, in a place without hunger, with clean clothes and in the best school in the country, she still wasn't completely happy. How could she be happy while people were dying outside? Y/N quietly prayed to herself that a good person would become president, and her dream could come true. For now, she could only study to become someone who could make a difference in Panem. Even if she didn't know where to start.
Y/N looked out the window, and as the snow fell, she returned to her slumber. She couldn't help but think of another Snow, one that still brought her fond memories. Y/N was an idealistic young woman, driven by the memories of war and the fervent desire to make a difference in Panem. Her father, a respected peacekeeper, had left a controversial legacy, but she strove to follow a path of kindness and justice. Her father died after a while from an illness that was never properly explained; Y/N was sure that the reason for his death was remorse—his hands had innocent blood, and he knew it. He withered away gradually, and on his deathbed, he declared his hatred for war and those who supported it. He died cursing the Capitol and its architects.
Y/N wanted to be a better person; she had this opportunity, had hope to change the world around her. Every day, while donning the Academy uniform, she mentally prepared herself to enter the snake pit that was that place. She couldn't pick fights with anyone, even though she wanted to desperately. She remembered how many fights she had tried to avoid only to end up completely ignored and still punished for her good intentions.
The snow falling outside brought back memories of a simpler time, before the fights and rivalries that marked her life at the Academy.
Y/N was beloved by everyone in school, even though she couldn't care less about those spoiled and corrupt rich kids. She couldn't stand them, but there was someone she detested even more: Coriolanus Snow. He wasn't like the others; his past was different, more similar to hers. And yet, he seemed to forget that. He only cared about his grades and not the people around him. They had fought several times since Y/N entered the academy. It was impossible for them to be in the same room without disagreeing about something. She still remembered their first fight when she asked her brother for help to finish a project of a class they were doing together, and they both ended up with the same grade. Snow, not content with just his top grade, found out and did everything to get the teacher to lower Y/N's grade. Insufferably arrogant. As beautiful as he was, he was despicable. After that, it got worse; he always reminded her that she was the second-best student in the class and that he was better, blah, blah, blah. He never even wondered if you cared about your grades. Apart from this obsession, he was nice outside the academy. You were good friends with Tigris; you loved her, and it wasn't because of Corio that you would stop seeing your friend.
Before all of this, Corio had been a nice guy a few times (most of them when he wasn't all pompous around his rich friends). You invited him to the winter ball before the first fight, close to your first anniversary in the Capitol. You danced all night, and he gave you your first kiss. It was quick, and you never talked about it again. Even that scene still gave you chills to this day. It was only after your grades increased and you began to stand out in class that he started treating you with a certain indifference. It was childish, and you felt a weight on your chest for not continuing with what you had, even if it was little. What was once little became nothing. You still saw Tigris from time to time, but Corio rarely left his room, where he had been locked studying for the last few months. You wished you hadn't left him hanging after the kiss, but you were so shocked and didn't understand your feelings. You couldn't distinguish the attraction you felt for him from the fear of losing a friend. Well, you ended up losing him in the same way.
The twist in her routine came when a mysterious woman, dressed in vibrant colors, approached Y/N on an empty street. Her words, filled with urgency, revealed a dark fate for Coriolanus Snow. Y/N, initially skeptical, saw her disbelief fade away when the woman offered an object that provided disturbing glimpses of the future. It was something like two watches joined by a golden chain. As soon as she touched it, she saw everything. It wasn't possible to hear anything, but it wasn't necessary.
The projected scenes showed an unrecognizable Snow: kissing a girl through a cell, then with buzz cut hair shooting birds in a forest, and finally, with his blond hair combed back, looking at the rector's corpse with hatred. She wanted to vomit. She didn't want to believe. Y/N didn't doubt Snow's ability to be a jerk; it had happened several times with her already. But it usually involved some petty ego fight. He didn't seem like a murderer. Y/N felt a mixture of disgust and disbelief. The arrogant antagonist of her school life now seemed destined for a path of destruction.
"Y/N, I know you're a good girl; they told me you'll be of great help at the moment, and even if you doubt me, you'll try to help everyone. The next years will be dark, you wanted your opportunity, and I'm offering it. In a month, important things will start happening in the timeline, and at certain moments, your participation will be decisive. When those moments come, you must intervene and use your intellectual and emotional intelligence to prevent the country's destruction." When the woman finally paused, it seemed like her brain still hadn't grasped the words. Y/N didn't feel fear from her; it was more like affection and compassion.
"Don't give up on him, Y/N. You know him. Even if he seems cold on the outside, I'm telling you there's still hope in something inside him."
Everything happened so quickly; in the blink of an eye, you were sitting in the cafeteria before class started with your snack in front of you, and your friends were completely unaware of your tumultuous mental journey.
"What's happening to me? Am I feverish, hallucinating for the past few hours? Everything feels like a horrible dream." She wondered, trying to distinguish the line between reality and the nightmare she had just witnessed. Her breathing was hurried; she must have looked like a lunatic. The crazy scenes still played in her mind. She wished to know what would happen, and especially who the girl passionately kissing Snow was. It wasn't the most shocking scene she had seen, but it was the one that bothered her the most for some reason.
The responsibility to prevent Coriolanus Snow's dark fate now rested on Y/N's shoulders. She found herself torn between disbelief and the conviction that something needed to be done to avoid an impending tragedy. The challenge was daunting, and the idea of helping someone she despised caused a deep emotional turmoil.
While facing this dilemma, Y/N knew she couldn't ignore the call of destiny. The month leading up to the Plinth Award became a period of anguish, both mentally and emotionally, for the mission she was destined to fulfill. The game of enemies would transform into a complex dance of redemption and understanding, and Y/N was about to embark on a journey that would challenge not only her convictions but also the limits of destiny itself.
Thanks for diving into this story with me! Hope you enjoy the ride as much as I enjoyed creating it. Stay for more twists and turns! Cheers! 📖✨
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iamnmbr3 · 30 days
Canonically how do you think postwar drarry's romance and dynamics would be?how much things change btwn them?they become cute and fluffy or they keep fighting? how they behave together and how they start meeting when there's no reason for them to meet, chain of new events or accidentally?(do not write fanfic or anything but simply your assumption of absolute canon drarry)
As usual you come into my inbox with yet another delightful and interesting question. I tend to think if Harry and Draco actually got together postwar their relationship would be pretty good. (Of course everyone is free to write/headcanon whatever they want and you can make pretty much any type of AU scenario work if you tweak the circumstances just right). I love a good toxic, twisted dark 'enemies to enemies who are also lovers' twisted romance but that just isn't drarry in canon.
Both characters tend to shy away from true cruelty - despite being placed in some very trying circumstances that encourage the opposite from them - and even when they are enemies on opposite sides of the war they can't seem to bring themselves to hate or hurt each other. I think they are genuinely extremely compatible - emotionally and intellectually as well as in terms of having some pretty important life experiences in common despite their radically different upbringings. They also have complimentary interests, senses of humor, personalities and magic (ding ding ding wand compatibility!). Not to mention they've both been fascinated by each other since day one.
So all that is to say, when they finally get together (which definitely takes some work given they were on opposite sides of the war and enemies before that and all that happened between them wouldn't just vanish overnight) it works surprisingly well. I think they might banter/bicker playfully because they both enjoy each other's wit but they wouldn't actually truly argue or fight. They did enough of that. But I do see them having a much softer, gentler version of their original dynamic. I think they enjoy each other's sass (now with proper boundaries so no one is actually getting upset).
As for how they meet again. Let's be real. This is drarry. They always, always find each other. These 2 cannot stay away from each other. Harry definitely testifies for Draco so he doesn't go to jail. And Draco probably contacts him at some point to thank him. Maybe they start writing letters back and fourth. Or if they go to 8th year together they are immediately pulled back into each other's orbit the same as they always were - except now Draco's trying to make amends and Harry can't stop watching him (maybe at first he thinks he's up to something or maybe not) and is strangely insistent on helping him. Or maybe they meet later, out in the working world. They both have lived rent free in each other's heads since the age of 11. After the war neither would forget the other. They find each other.
Awkward conversations and apologies and possibly some left over hostility (because let's be real - Draco tends to lash out when he's feeling vulnerable and Harry tends to meet fire with fire) turn into easier conversations and a growing sense of that nameless thing that always lay between them that neither has ever acknowledged and realization that what they miss most about Quidditch is playing against each other (and a Seekers game that turns into friendly bickering) and a growing appreciation for each other and increasing sharing of confidences (because so few others really understand what facing Voldemort was like - how he moved, how he reacted, how he killed) and somehow it doesn't feel as vulnerable or isolating talking about it with someone else who just understands and isn't going to act like a shocked and pitying outsider. Not to mention that they both have to come to terms with how fit each thinks the other is. And well. One thing leads to another. The path doesn't run smooth. Harry worries what his friends will think and Draco worries about it even more. But in the end things are alright and they are happy.
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openconceptpanicroom · 11 months
MBTI Matchmaker:
Gojo Satoru x INFJ!Reader
Summary: Random MBTI pairings with characters. First one is INFJ with Gojo Satoru (ENTP). This series will look at how each match would start out. Also what romantic trope each match reminds me of. Feel free to request any type with any character!
CW: Suggestive language, angst/depressed Gojo, fluff, no NSFW here because these are general romance imagine… but I can make a separate post if requested!
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I know, I know, it’s such a stereotype that ENTPs and INFJs are meant for each other. It’s not always true… but it is for you and him.
The romance trope you make me think of is: “Right person, Wrong time,” and “Soulmates.”
You might just be one of the first people to see through him. And at first, it’s just annoying to him. He actually goes out of his way to avoid you for a good, long time. Chances are, you two went to school together and barely said two words the whole time. He carried on just as he was, meanwhile, you lived in his head rent-free after making a casual observation about him seeming tired back when you were first-years.
You have a sort of calm that draws him in. Gojo wants to be around you, but he just can’t get himself to do it. Something about the pull you have makes him feel bound. He doesn’t like it. Gojo can’t play the jester without you seeing that he’s just trying to keep people around him. You see him, fully. It isn’t something he ever gets used to. On your end, it freaks you out how he doesn’t just use you as a free therapist. When Gojo would talk to you he would ask you/accuse you of things like: “Do you ever think about yourself?” or “Do you not like to have fun? Or is it that you don’t know how to enjoy it?” It bugs you that he sees you with just as much clarity.
To most, you two either look like enemies or just don’t know each other. Nobody knows how Gojo watched you as you leave. Nobody knows how you leave small treats on Gojo’s desk to make sure he’s eating.
It won’t be until he’s a grown man that he would even attempt to get to know you. Taking on the position of teacher at your former school brought you all the things you wanted. Stability, the ability to help others, and enough pay to afford an apartment near a botanical garden. You had no idea that someone like Gojo Satoru would be there too. He seemed to share in the surprise.
Once he starts hanging around you, he can’t stop. The world is so quiet when he’s around you. Like waking up early in the morning after a blizzard. Stillness, warm but never hot, peace. Gojo likes to have solitary chats with you. Which is easy, because you’re either alone or working with your students. A part of him doesn’t want other people to see how he is with you, all soft and quiet. Another part of him just doesn’t want to share you.
Gojo was often surprised by your sense of humor. He had always joked that you were “just as depraved,” as him but everyone would tell him he was crazy. You were pure, an innocent, the “mom friend.” Once he started hanging around you he found he was completely right. It was nice to be around someone that didn’t think you were a saintly, sexless being above all sin. You liked his chaos. His spontaneity. He felt so much more alive than you. Being with him brought so much color to your world.
Your loose friendship dives into romance suddenly. It wasn’t the first time Gojo had turned up unannounced at your apartment. He just did that sometimes. Every now and again you would come home to find him sitting on your couch or digging through your fridge. The day things changed between you was different.
It was late at night. You had just changed into your pajamas when he welcomed himself into your apartment. As annoyed as you were that he showed up at that ungodly hour, his expression kept your complaints inside. You have no idea what happened that day but he looked so exhausted. Gojo had taken off his blindfold and you could see in his eyes that he just needed something. He didn’t give you the chance to ask.
His body crashed into yours, nearly throwing you backwards. Gojo’s arms came around you and his face was buried in the crook of your neck. He breathed in deeply, then said, “Can I sleep here?”
Your hands were on his back, your heart was pounding. After processing his request you started to tell him that you could set up the couch for him. He shook his head, lips grazing your neck “No, can I sleep here?”
“Gojo— I don’t understand…”
His fingers went up the back of your shirt, his palms felt cold. You tried to steady your breathing as he pressed his body closer. Gojo’s voice was almost husky as he exhaled, sighing against the growing blush that crept up your neck. “I don’t want to sleep on the couch. Or in my own bed. I want to sleep here, with my arms around you. With your hands on my back and in my hair. I want to take up all your space, not just tonight. But every night, every day. Will you give me that?”
“I… y-yes. I can give you that.”
Before you knew it, you were in bed. No direct confession of love or discussion of “what you were.” Just his lips on yours and his hands going wherever you would allow. He slept soundly, his arms still around you. When morning came you spent the whole day together. Nothing felt different, but you were both doing all the things you had been restraining yourselves from doing.
Thus began your relationship. It moved swiftly after that night. He came over more and more. Started to show off his affections for you more publicly too, much to your chagrin.
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blueberrypancakesworld · 10 months
If you’re taking headcanon requests, I have a very specific idea for Frollo that’s been living rent free in my head for awhileeeeeee.
Imagine Frollo being summoned as a ghost into the modern world by a nonbinary spirit medium or witch. Just, let this man loose his entire mind as a FAR too lovely witch is running around chatting with ghosts, and trying to calm him tf down in the process XD
Probably doesn’t help that “nonbinary witch” would probably sound like evil itself to Frollo lol
The horror of the new day
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Frollo x nb!reader
warning : just some funny things and a very confused Frollo
Info : Thanks for this request @add-a-bit-of-neurospice it was an interesting idea/concept but was like I said really,really fun to write. Frollo just in our time and dies again of the ,,sins" he sees everywhere :) I hope you like it and have fun reading ;)
Hell had been his home since he had fallen into the flames in front of Notre Dame, the stone had crushed his body and the flames had not left him as ashes, he had been in hell.
His faith was right after his soul had left his body he found himself in. The infinite inferno was burning again, an eternal flame that tormented him until he threatened to lose his mind.
Time was irrelevant and he no longer had any feeling for it except the pain of seeing the souls of his victims and enemies pass by, but he hardly paid any attention to them.
Until one day in infinite time he felt his body rise from the flames and was freed. It had to be God he was convinced as the flames around him. Around him became less and less.
The darkness enveloped him before he heard a distant voice calling out to him, saying his name. Looking around for the person, his soul coalesced into the image, his body easily visible around the ring that had suddenly appeared.
He was heavier than the flames, heavier than the pain and it held him. It held him until the darkness around him receded, his voice became clearer and when he lifted his gaze he was standing in a room. ,,What is this?" he asked, confused as to why his jellyfish had ended because when he ascended he was supposed to be in the clouds, singing and becoming an angel.
,,Oh my Lillith, it worked!" he heard the voice more clearly and saw the right person. The first thing he noticed was the pointed hat and the necklace with the pentagram. A witch someone he would have burned immediately if he still had the time.
But when he looked further at the she-devil, he saw pants instead of a dress and her hair was short. A demon. ,,Demon, why did you call me?" he asked, a hint of fear in his voice, it must be a powerful being if it could summon him with a ring. ,,Demon? Oh no, I'm a witch, a medium do you understand Frollo?" the person asked him and continued to walk around the room excitedly, collecting ingredients, clothes and books and muttering to themselves.
It was a sight that confused and unsettled him. It couldn't be his time, in his time there was no glowing sun on the ceiling, no clocks that seemed so small and thin.
And this glowing book on which his summoner was typing only confused him even more. Suddenly he felt the ring that had summoned him glow and he understood even less what was going on. ,,Okay, Frollo, listen. You are in the year 2023 and I have to ask you a few questions for a assignment," he listened to the demon and gradually realized that hundreds of years must have passed.
Hundreds of years in which he suffered that felt like the eternal time of an hourglass. The world and especially the church seemed to have changed.
The more he saw of this wonderful space, the more he realized that there was neither a cross nor a holy image of Jesus and Mary. ,,Two thousand and twenty-three... and you demon summoned me?" he asked hesitantly and stopped in front of a glass box with a sun in it and saw a snake inside.
The demon's soul animal. He turned back to the strange creature in disgust. ,,Yes, I did, to be more precise, my first summoning. How do you feel, or rather, what was it like to fall to your death like that?" The person asked again and the spirit looked down at the ring.
The world was strange to him things had changed and yet the hellfire had stopped. Talking was not a sin and if it meant staying away from the fire why not...nothing could be worse than hellfire. ,,I fell dear summoner creature, the flames had surrounded me but not caught me. It was the stone that broke my body before the fire could take me," he began to tell, walking around the room and seeing the interested look on his necromancer's face.
He saw how the summoner continued to make notes while he told his life story.
It felt good to talk again and not just think about pain. And the longer he talked, the more interested his counterpart became. Maybe he even told untruths, lies, but in order to be heard, to be right and not get caught in the fire, he would tell this witch, this demon everything.
Even after death, his justification and his guilt had not changed. But why should it? He had a listener who believed it and that was all that mattered in the here and now.
Even though he had to admit that the longer he looked around this strange room, told his story and listened to the witch, he was still interested in these new things around him. Maybe he would have to make a contract to take on this kind of witchcraft.
He even had to smile once when he managed to scare the stranger. When he showed him the picture when he died. However, this only led to the stranger turning on music or something similar on the glowing book and starting to pray wildly and say prayers.
It was very confusing and these words like cell phone, light bulb and non-binary were things he called divine and devil. But all this time he started to like the company when he sat down in the chair that was touched by the witch, giving him access.
Even if his gaze went to the suns around him, his gaze was always on his savior while Frollo strove over the ring…for a moment he was completely grateful to have been saved…maybe there was still hope…for his soul in the end.
Hope you enjoyed it @add-a-bit-of-neurospice
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 9 months
What made you fall in love with Copollo and how can we angst this with Hypollo?
I had to marinate this in my head for a bit haha
First - What Made Me Love Copollo?
I don't know if I have the words for it, but I shall try! XD
First of all, I do love me some of that simple, satisfying ships that make you smile - ie, Percabeth - but -
But. But.
There's something about those toxic relationships that are so interesting.
And Copollo has an especially interesting dynamic - Commodus is the more toxic one, but Apollo's the one with all the power. Usually it's only one person with both those things but it's split between them (and note: I said Commodus was the more toxic one - Apollo was also toxic. he was enabling Commodus.)
So the dynamic is one reason. But I also just...love their story.
They relate to each other on a level rarely reached. They had a genuine relationship that was more than carnal, or even just affectionate. They loved each other, and I do think Commodus had just as much of an effect on Apollo as Daphne and Hyacinthus did.
I mean come on.
Apollo gets nervous around trees because of Daphne = Apollo doesn't like water because of Commodus.
Apollo describes Hyacinthus as perfect = Apollo has thought of Commodus as perfect.
It's all right there^^^^
And with Apollo, it's like he's caught in this "I can fix him" / "he can make me worse" mindset.
With Commodus, he's been seeking validation his whole life and clings to Apollo's when it's given to him - and his sanity spirals when he looses it.
They're that perfect mix of "match made in heaven" and "match made in hell". They would have worked but they also could not.
It's just. such a tragedy. which FITS because ya know, Greek Tragedy TM ;)
How they're so very casual with each other in that flashback. Apollo's bouncing grapes off Commodus's nose for crying out loud THEY'RE IN LOVE YOUR HONOR-!
And then. In ToA. urhhhhhh it's so good. Commodus is That Ex with a picture of his ex on a dartboard. SERIOUSLY. and he THROWS KNIVES AT IT.
"dear heart", anybody? DEAR HEART? REMEMBER THAT?! I DO!!! LIVES RENT-FREE IN MY HEAD!!!!!
also the two innuendos in TDP and TTT are so good like come on Rick you know what you did there
and then. their final scene together. it's just. ARGHURHMMRM
Apollo reminisces on how he used to hold Commodus's hands with love. Commodus is so fucking eager to take a shot at him. Apollo screams him to death like omfg and the last thing - the last thing - Commodus hears is Apollo's pent-up heartbreak.
Two people in love, and their love going so wrong when one betrays the other - killing them! - and the other is suddenly hellbent on revenge?
It's all about that lovers to enemies, everybody. Enemies to lovers is good and all but what about loves to enemies.
It's so good armnumnum.
i'm good now. ahem inspects ask angst it with Hyapollo now, eh?
Let's see here...
Well for one Commodus is 100% jealous of Hyacinthus. Like sorry I'm not moving from this hill I will die on this hill you will have to climb up this hill and drag me off it kicking and crying and screaming and clawing you. I'm not moving. crosses arms and sits down pouting
Meanwhile, in the Hyacinthus department, I think Hya would just...not really care? Or well, he'd care about how Apollo took the whole arc but he wouldn't be like "oh no he moved on :(" about it (Poly Apollo is canon y'all i don't make the rules!). more like "bitch you think I give a shit about you?" at Commodus. "YOU'RE NOT WORTH MY TIME!"
I also find it funny if it's this:
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this hasn't really turned out as angst but the comedic potential is too good lmao XD
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eatyourmaker · 16 days
How about some burningholysacrilege if you have time ^^
I am definitely not the person that came up with that ship trust /silly
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I just had to do this one, but I didn't know how to tackle it, so I just drew a snippit of a long going rp I have going on.
I'm glad you started publicly shipping these 3, bc I've been privately shipping them for around the same time I've shipped FieryFaith, but I was too anxious to even draw them let alone share any art 👉🏾👈🏾
While I'm here lemme share some hcs I've accumulated throughout the duration of these 3 living in my head rent-free
Hcs under the cut
(TWO OF THE HCS ARE SUGGESTIVE, I will mark them so you can skip them)
1. Ignacio and Skiddad were a thing before Ignacio got together with Gregor. They were always an open relationship though, so both parties were free to explore and experiment with others. At the end of the day though they'd do their own independent things, they knew they would always be together. They belong together. They're soulmates. Bonded for eternity, and it didn't matter what would happen, they would always find their way back eachother.
2. The aforementioned point is why Gregor entering the picture was really confusing for Ignacio at first. Skiddad is the one. So how could there ever be another? In my hc Skiddad died for a brief period of time and then was resurrected. This period of time is when Ignacio got together with Gregor. After the whole enemies to lovers type shit happened, he was confused by how well he was treated— how at home he felt with Gregor. It was the same feeling of safety he got from being by Skiddad's side. Very confusing, especially during his time of grief. Eventually he caved to loneliness and fell into Gregor's warm embrace.
3. When Skiddad came back Ignacio felt overwhelming anxiety about the two meeting. You know what the cult does to priests. But Skiddad is much more composed as calculating than lower ranking members. He wouldn't kill Gregor, especially if his soul mate has feelings for him. He'd simply convert him instead. It may seem crazy, but indoctrination is a slow process to begin with, and I hc that Skiddad also has a Christian background before the cult. With coming from the same systems of beliefs, and having the same interest in Ignacio's health and safety, conversion would be a cinch. He doesn't mind Gregor being a permanent addition to the relationship if it makes Ignacio happy.
okay now onto some some lighter hcs
4. Ignacio gets smothered with affection from both Skiddad and Gregor.
5. Gregor is probably the only person who could ever fluster Skiddad. Unprompted and genuine kindness is not something he's used to. Skiddad slowly becomes aware of why Ignacio likes his priest so much.
6. (SUGGESTIVE) Skiddad has definitely gotten a kick out of teasingly calling Gregor "father". Gregor praying that he don't go to hell good lord.
7. (SUGGESTIVE) Skiddad- Top | Ignacio- Switch | Gregor- Bottom/Service Top, and that's that on that ✋🏾
8. Skiddad tries to relate to Gregor a lot under the guise of "being a pastor too," which he's trying to use to desensitize him to the idea of the cult.
9. Skiddad and Gregor were both raised in a chruch
10. Skiddad and Gregor both speak Latin
11. Skiddad and Ignacio both speak Spanish
12. English is Skiddad's third language
13. Skiddad calls Ignacio "starlight" and Gregor "Amate" (love). Gregor calls Ignacio "Spitfire" and Skiddad "angel eyes". Ignacio is too embarrassed to call either anything besides basic terms of endearment NDNDNDN
Ok lemme end there, there's more but I've written literally so much.
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suzie-shooter · 6 months
Alex Rider season 3 unhinged liveblog ramblings scribbled during first watch. Spoilers, obvs. (also fair warning, I am not particularly a fan of Tom or Kyra lol)
Episode 1 - Widow
S2 recap trivia - Alex's therapist is Molly Doran from Slow Horses and married to Alan Blunt IRL
Malta: Ok, so we're not just going to pretend it's Venice lol.
Creepy old men already hitting on Alex. Standard.
"After this we're out of leads." How do you even have any leads in the first place? Oh ok, Smithers' phone. Terrible security protocols from him, leaving that much historical classified data on it.
"Find the Widow - surely he could have given you an address?" First thing Tom's ever said I've agreed with lmao
Aaaand within a second he's back to being deeply irritating, okay.
Yassen living rent free in Alex's head, you love to see it.
"They've got this picture of me being the responsible one." Have Tom's parents actually met him?
Ooh Razim mention.
You maybe want to clean that wound before whacking a dressing on it Alex?
"Do you think you'll ever lose your appetite Nile?" Spat my drink.
Damn, no harem pants then. Scrubs up well tho.
Listing Levin in the opening credits than having him be only a S2 flashback should be a warcrime.
Episode 2 - Lab
"This weapon is called pork sword, wait, no, shit, wrong USB."
"Julia Rothman. Definitely a wrong un." Spat my drink again.
Do Crawley and Pritchard not warrant helmets and visors? Are they somehow immune to shrapnel?
So, room 6, wired to blow, yes? It's what I'd do…
Oh yeah sure guys, they're going to still be sitting there, all unmoving in the dark, for sure that's a person, and not a Massive Trap.
Thereeeee we go. Agent mince. Top of your class huh, well you're certainly at the top now, and down the sides and partially out of the window.
I know there's the whole 'characters don't know what genre they're in' thing but you are literally in the 'working for MI6 genre', you are up against people notorious for booby traps and blowing shit up, why the fuck would you touch something that hadn't been declared safe first? Apart from anything else you're fucking up the scene before forensics get there.
"I love you man." Vom.
Alex: breaks into super sekkrit lab. Also Alex: doesn't have the faintest fucking idea what he's looking at, so not really helpful.
Episode 3 - Enemy
"Welcome to Malagosto." OooOOooh.
Maybe I'm just looking at it from a fic writer's perspective but it does seem a massive anticlimax to immediately let Tom and Kyra know Alex is okay? Like, you could have got a good couple of episodes of angst out of that uncertainty.
"Do you want me to kill them?" Oh God yes please.
Why the fuck have they plugged the USB directly into the network rather than an isolated PC? 'Hur dur we checked it first', you literally believe Scorpia are smart enough to not be bluffing about the nebulous death threat but you don't think they could hide something on the hardware? Fuck's sake lads. Amateur hour.
Is this Home Secretary meant to be Suella Braverman? Or Priti Patel maybe lol. (Equal rights and all that, and if it had been a white male character I don't think I would have thought twice about the dialogue but having both your two new female characters be immediately proved wrong/ massively patronised/ blown up ain't hugely comfortable viewing tbh).
"Are you suggesting we break into a dead man's house?" "It's not like he's going to be there." 😂
"He became a very close friend of mine." Fnar.
Omg making Alex read his father's love letters is hilarious.
Alex: you could have faked that news report Also Alex: handwriting can definitely never be faked (how is Alex even familiar with his dead father's handwriting? wouldn't recognise mine)
Ugh please stop trying to make Alex/Kyra happen.
Alex up the vent shaft. I hope they're sitting casually at the top going - you could have just taken the stairs love.
If he's climbing upwards, why is his hair dangling like he's upside down? Have they filmed this like 60's Batman, and he's just crawling along a horizontal set lol.
Alex never once asks about his mother does he. Given the shagger-John route they seem to have gone down you almost think Julia would be in a better shout of getting Alex to switch sides by claiming to be his mother.
And - yeah, Alex's recruitment just doesn't feel that convincing here. Adding Tom/Kyra/Jack so much to the mix has changed the feel of his life a lot, and TV verse Alex has had a lot less fucking over by the Department by this point too. And Rothman feels too creepy to be effectively convincing him of anything.
"I want you to meet your tutor." FUCK YES FINALLY 🙌 (may have rewound that part several times lol)
Episode 4 - Recruit
Nicaragua: 18 years ago OH MY GOD IT'S HAPPENING
Baby Yassen is adorable, I'm in love.
(Ok, I'm calm again. For now. We continue.)
"You killed my uncle" - all the hundreds of ways this conversation has been written over the years and Yassen's just like lol get over it 😂 (here for it tbh)
Rothman: He's one of our best Yassen: One of? Bitch.
Yassen watching Alex train like 👀👀
"Did he ever tell you you're no fun?" Oh you want to have FUN with Yassen do you?
Yassen bitchslapping Alex to fuck, both hilarious and hot.
Oh, you want to be WET wet.
"Matteo's the guy with the blanket." Why is that so funny.
Omg Yassen stepping in to protect his boy and humiliating Nile in the process lol. And Alex doing what Yassen tells him, because of course he does 🥰
"This one is my responsibility" 🥰🥰
"What about love, friendship?" Alex has only known Yassen five minutes and is already down bad.
"Kind of lonely though, right?" Yeah, Yassen needs you at his side Alex, so step up and stop being a whiny little bitch about killing people.
Never get in the first taxi, rule one of espionage.
Yep, called it. Tom's like: I'll have my fucking tip back in that case.
This scene is so dark I have no fucking idea what's going on, I thought Nile had attacked Alex, but apparently not. Is Nile officially part of this exercise or not, it seems really unclear lol.
The power of friendship and sparklerabbits saves the day, apparently. Yawn.
Jesus, we really ATE with this ep, huh.
Episode 5 - Revenge
"Would you rather your arms around me, or my arms around you?" Way to make it creepy Tom you skeevy fuck.
"Can we focus please?" "We're multi-tasking."
Sure Grendel, rock up to the super sekkrit spy base in a massively conspicuous car why don't you?
"Yassen will give you everything you need." Oh I BET he will.
Feels sloppy them not removing the diffuser from the vent tbh.
"What does this say?" Alex hasn't inherited John's neat handwriting then lol. Alex leaning into him like that > me making noises only dogs can hear.
"You've put lockpick?" "I left my last one in Nile."
Ooh, suicide pill, nasty. Kind've pointless though, given they've been left with the evidence anyway.
Yassen in Alex's bedroom again, likely place for him to be.
"I don't want you to fail. I don't want you to die." 🥹💕🥰
Yalex roadtrip, let's goooo.
Disappointed they're not making Alex do the Entrapment infrared acrobatic sequence here lol.
If this is Yassen's idea of a date it definitely needs work.
So no surprise scorpions then? Can't have shit in Detroit Malta.
"Why? Why did she kill him?" Well taking things at face value here he was a highly murderous member of a terrorist organisation, so you know, kind've her job.
Yassen does like a casual lean, doesn't he.
Episode 6 - Target
Alex and Yassen have shacked up in London, hope there's only one bed.
Now they're in the back of a van, SO many opportunities for shagging, they're spoilt for choice.
Yassen's impressed look when Alex reels off all the security details, so proud of his boy.
"What happened to my mum?" Finally he wonders lol.
"And I'm good at it. You could be too." 🥹
"You think Alex killed him?" I mean, he was also there with a notorious assassin, so probably not, y'know.
Domestic Yassen cooking Alex's dinner and also cooking him a gun lol.
Smithers' "How I've missed you" ahahaha. Smithers/Kyra much better pairing tbh.
"He's actually quite good at this stuff." Smithers' little snort lmao
Time for Alex to be blacked up/ dunked in a teabag bath/ gussied up. Although he still looks exactly like Alex afterwards, which feels less useful lol.
"You love him, don't you?" Yassen loves him more. I have to say Alex had far more chemistry with Syl, and frankly for that matter with Tom. I really don't get the Kyra agenda.
"It's a dry hole." Alex's worst nightmare.
Is Alex going to look through Mrs Jones' knicker drawer?
Episode 7 - The Shot
Mrs Jones and her tall murderous hobbit son lol. Otto really looks about 58 here.
Hope they bill him for her fucked up fridge.
Is that Bath? Oh, it is.
Mrs Jones casually throwing Alex back into play lol. Maybe she can have a little revenge for him trying to shoot her.
"Everyone breaks into houses." Jack's face lol
Ewww put him down, you don't know where he's been (Yassen's bed, almost certainly)
"Remember they can't hurt you unless you invite them in." "That's vampires."
Yassen arguing in favour of going to rescue Alex MY HEART
"Sit down. I'm going to tell you a story. About your friend, John Rider." HOLY PLOTHOLE TIMELINE PATCHING BATMAN
"John was embedded inside Scorpia for three years." Not the only thing he was embedded in by the sounds of it.
Alex seems to be hallucinating again lol.
Yassen, maybe psychoanalysing your insane boss isn't the safest thing to be doing?
"It's quite mad Julia." Yassen really gives no shits omfg
"I know my place." Yes, at Alex's side.
I like how Julia thought telling Yassen she'd killed John would do anything other than piss him off lol.
Episode 8 - Invisible Sword
"But you do owe me a new fridge." LOLLLLLL
Crawley feeling like a spare part during this lift convo, hahaha
"Smithers, you can do me some kind of tracker, right?" "Yeah, if you promise to keep it on you this time."
Alex is like ohshit I'm gonna die fr
"Not for the agents. They undid their seatbelts." Eyyyyyyyy 👉
Aww they've given him a little baby assassin outfit, how cute.
Where's Yassen, has he just fucked off to the pub?
"For the head of Scorpia, you're a really bad liar."
Laughing at all the other Scorpia agents having to listen to this convo about their boss like we are not paid enough for this shit 😬
"Everyone else is getting what they want, let me have my cereal."
Protecting his boy to the last. Yassen really is purely on Alex's side, we love to see it.🥰
And OMG HE LIVESSSSSSSS 🙌🙌🙌🙌 (I voted yes in that poll, I had faith lol)
Well that was - far more fanservice than I dared hope for, after the meagre pickings we got in the first two series. Yalex supremacy to the motherfucking end, let's go.
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bunji-enthusiast · 4 months
It's been a while! How's life for ya? Hope everything is going well 🎀
Got a room for some scourge x ( insert animal ) reader? The butthole kind of Scourge <3 not the slowly but surely redeemed Scourge
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• Sypnosis || He's one hell of an ineffable dumbass, you aren't sure if you could ever put up with him.
• note || everyone loves a loveable asshole, here's a few short head canons, just what I could think off of the top of my head LOL
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He was impossible at times, you simply just wanted to wring him by the neck and throw him across the goddamn continent. You weren't sure if you would be able to put up with him for a few more days, no less a few more hours.
Scourge had toned down his... erratic personality, but not like that was any better at least. You seriously were considering about drilling into him with some lessons on knowing when to read the room and having second-thoughts about his words before he actually says them aloud.
Sometimes the banter with him was hailarious, you'll give him that. Having memorable moments to think back on thanks to him, you still had an intense dislike for him however, as one would with their enemy.
Surprisingly, despite his very asshole personality, he still had some very useful moments in assisting you and others in combat (much to his disgruntled self). But he wanted to live, and Scourge wasn't about to let himself die right there on the spot. So he had to help, but being ordered around wasn't such a fun time for the rebellious hedgehog, but he kept such thoughts to himself fortunately.
Having him as a roommate because you needed to save money on rent would also be a very painful and unfortunate circumstance due to the way he behaves, he will think you can handle the money, he struggles financially. Scourge would've only agreed to the arrangement because to him it meant free housing, actual running water and electricity. Many arguments possibly ensue because of his side of the whole roommate thing, i.e he is not a good mobian to room with. His asshole self would have you start thinking about moving out or rooming with someone else. But the process is far too complicated to worry about right now.
Otherwise at times, you do have your moments. He keeps you in his thoughts, so you stay around. Dumbass process of thinking, what do you think he'd think about?
Scourge definitely flirts with you to mess with you, he does not care what your gender is. Non-binary, trans, male, or female (or even all of the above, such as genderfluid). He can be a little demeaning in his flirting though, as he usually is, flirting without warning too. He does also compliment you on the random just to really fuck with your mind, he can tell it messes you up the most at times.
He does get curious in whatever your doing sometimes if either one of you aren't busy, even actually partaking in whatever the subject may be (ex; watching this new show, painting, or reading). Scourge even has the most unusual expressions on his face, to which you will bring up. He will most absolutely DENY these facts, trying not to crack under the pressure of that smug-ass expression you have on your face.
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prickly-paprikash · 9 months
Don't you just hate it when one of the biggest grifters online decides to like a piece of media you like?
Gatekeeping is wrong. Forcing someone to like something in the specific way I interact and consume a piece of media is wrong. Art is meant to be viewed through a multitude of lenses, and each individual will have their own way of interpreting that creation. And that's good. That's fine. That's human.
But when an Anti-Woke Grifter who thinks alcoholism is a really cool personality trait and decides to brand everything about themselves as that; who has historically engaged and criticized films and shows and games and books in bad faith; who has put down women and POC's and Queer representation in media; who is one of the biggest dicks in the online space decides to actually pay attention to an art that is pretty much dipped, coated, laminated, and injected with fucking GAY, ANTI-PATRIARCHAL ENERGY—that's when I get mad.
For those not in the know, Critical Drinker has posted a review for Blue Eye Samurai, saying he likes it.
You know... Blue Eye Samurai?
The show that oozes Queer Wrath? Feminine Rage? Curb-Stomping Toxic Masculinity and the Patriarchy whenever and wherever it can? That Blue Eye Samurai?
See, he's done this before with Arcane.
He says he likes it. Him and his ilk say that, "Finally, the wokies have done something actually good!" and point to Vi and Jinx as strong female characters written well!
But they also say, dang, feels like all the men in that show are idiots and that they had to be dumbed down to make room for the rainbow-haired girlies brigade. Who have all remarked that Vi and Caitlyn's relationship is forced and being shoved down our throats because god forbid women like women!
I got sick of watching his Arcane review halfway, and this was before I knew what a douche Critical Sucker was.
So I ain't watching his Blue Eye Samurai review. Why?
His Glass Onion review was done in bad faith.
I didn't like She-Hulk, but that's because that show was a byproduct of abused VFX animators, creatively bankrupt executives, and writers desperately trying to manage a convoluted shared universe that continues to buckle under its own weight. Political Stinker over here thinks that it's pandering, stupid, feminist garbage. He is one of the biggest Anti-Feminist voices in Youtube.
Him and his incel brigade have an obsession over hating Captain Marvel and Brie Larson. These basement dwelling cucks rant and rave over a mediocre duology and an actress that just lives in their tiny heads rent-free.
He says that they are removing men from leading roles and roles of great importance!
So why would I want to listen to an inebriated libertarian's opinions on a show that has become the show for lesbians, trans mascs, and other lovely brands of gay and feminism that he oh so despises? He'll most likely praise the action and violence and shit like that, then probably say that Mizu and Taigen's homoerotic rivalry isn't gay actually. Or that Mizu and Akemi's narrative foils don't scream enemies-to-sapphics. Or that Mizu, WHO'S NAME MEANS WATER AND HER ENTIRE CHARACTER REVOLVES AROUND FLUIDITY ISN'T IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM FLUID IN HER GENDER AND SEXUALITY.
Fuck. I'm sorry. I don't even care if he doesn't say that. He's made so many disgusting, disparaging remarks about any piece of media that shows an inkling of progressive themes that what else am I supposed to expect?
If anyone watches it and sees this, lemme know. Watching an Anti-Woke bullshit video with just myself is just straight up wading through the desert without proper protection. No thanks.
Anyway watch Blue Eye Samurai again. Because I know you watched it. Watch it again. And again. And when you're done, watch Arcane. Watch She-Ra. Watch Dragon Prince. Castlevania. Watch anything "woke". Consume trans-positive shows. Make all the haters and even the ones who like it but have no ounce of media literacy irrelevant. Let them dry out and die, please.
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