#and that we’re still getting the coffin scene
biantianyang · 5 months
jxgz filming days I miss u……….
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hippiepowrs · 2 months
you really got me
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rockstar!eddie munson x rockstar!reader
warnings: gn!reader, fluffy fluff, gareth and jeff being little shits, grumpy eddie
a/n: heres a silly little blurb. i like rockstar!reader and i hope some other people are into it too... bc if so i will post more :3
wc: 655
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A comforting warmth envelops you from behind, Eddie’s space heater of a body holding onto you tight. The two of you have been on tour together for the past few months, double headlining heavy metal shows all across the country. As fun as sex, drugs, and rock and roll for a living is, it does get tiring at times.
Eddie’s changing room backstage is quiet and still, the only people inside being you and him. It’s a rare sight, as he’s usually the one to be inviting everyone inside to smoke a joint or have a beer with him. The two of you lay on the couch, simply enjoying the calm before the storm.
Your peace and serenity quickly gets interrupted with a loud knock on the door, followed by Gareth and Jeff simply barging into the room, hefty camcorder in hand.
“…Let’s see what Eddie’s up to…Oh! Here are these two lovebirds. They make me sick.” Gareth narrates, pointing the camera directly at you.
Your eyes slowly open, drowsily looking over to the source of the noise. The boys continue to walk closer, fully putting the camera up in your face, causing you to block it with your hand.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Gare,” your hoarse ‘morning’ voice squeaks out, “What the hell is this for?”
“We’re making a tour video. Tom said the fans would like it.” The mention of Corroded Coffin’s manager clicks everything into place. Of course he’d want them to record behind the scenes footage of the tour.
Eddie, the rock of a sleeper that he is, is still fully conked out behind you, his arms trapping you onto the couch.
“I look like shit right now,” you mumble, “can you get that thing out of my fucking face?” Any perceived aggression is recognized as playful between you and the other band’s members, but you do seriously want him to get that damn camera out of your face. Looking down, you remember you’re only wearing one of Eddie’s muscle tees, specifically the Judas Priest one he cut a little shorter than he intended a few years ago.
The show isn’t supposed to start for another few hours, as the bus somehow had no mishaps and got you guys to the venue earlier than normal. Gareth has decided to record whatever the hell he feels like in this time, so now he’s walking around Eddie’s dressing room and pointing out all the gross shit on the floor.
Finally, Eddie starts to stir, nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck. A few soft groans sound from behind you, and this quickly alerts Gareth.
“There he is! Thought you were dead there for a second.”
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Eddie murmurs, rubbing the sleepiness out of his eyes.
“Makin’ a video.” Gareth turns the camera around to his own face and gives it a big thumbs up.
“Do that shit later, man. Jesus Christ.”
“Someone’s got their panties in a twist.” Gareth giggles, panning the camera over to Jeff, who starts to laugh along with him.
“Get out of my damn room.” Eddie even sits up halfway to send the message, taking an arm off of your waist to point them to the door. Gareth recognizes that Eddie doesn’t want to fuck around right now, so he quickly scurries out with Jeff in tow to find another person to bother.
Turning over to face him, you giggle softly at his moodiness. “He wasn’t wrong. You are pretty grumpy.”
“Can a man not be allowed to cuddle with his partner in peace?” He groans, flopping back down onto the couch and brushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.
“You look like a mess, you know.”
“Shut up. Cuddle me.”
You oblige, wrapping your arms around him. His messy mop of curls falls over your head, his serious case of bedhead being the last thing he’s thinking about.
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catherine-sketches · 2 years
Just watched the new Scrooge movie and I like a specific change they made:
Spoilers for the movie’s end below
When the ghost of Christmas yet to pass brings him to the people celebrating his death… he doesn’t know that is what they are celebrating. He even says to the ghost “the other ones made me think everything was going to end terribly but look! They are celebrating me” the whole dance scene where there is a parade and a Jenkins is LITERALLY TAP DANCING OVER SCROOGE’S COFFIN is cheerfully morbid to us viewers because we know what they are really celebrating while Scrooge is over there oblivious JOINING THE CELEBRATION PARADE
But that’s not why I love this change.
No, what made me love this change is what comes next.
Because the ghost of the Future points him to the cemetery. We’re Bob is crying over Tim’s grave. Scrooge, still thinking people were celebrating him, is still moved and saddened by Tim’s death. He feels responsible. He could have helped but did nothing. He wants to go back and make things better not because he knows he dies and people cheer
But because a little boy died of something he could have prevented
Them he learns about his demise and the real reason for the parade. The most cheerful Black Parade.
AND EVEN THEN when he is bargaining with the ghost he says “if I can’t fix myself and get rid of these chains, at least let me save the boy”
In the original story, Scrooge first learns about his death to them learn about Tim’s. By changing the order, and making Scrooge’s whole “I need to be a better person” epiphany come not from his own demise but the demise of another, of a innocent DIRECTLY affected by him, makes the lesson seem more earned to me.
That he was willing to change, not for his own sake, but for that of another in the first go
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bettyfrommars · 10 months
it’s the a7x anon 😘
imagine stripper harlot reader and eddie falls for her (obviously) and he follows her to a club one night. it’s an underground club (got me thinking blood rave from blade) but shes deadly, she sucks the soul out of men in the clubs, poisons them for fun, the club is filled with different types, vampires, wolves, ghouls, but none are more desired or feared than her.
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Sympathy for the Devil
eddie x demon!fem!reader
It's the mid-90's and Eddie has moved to Seattle with the rest of Corroded Coffin to get in on the music scene. He sees you one night dancing at a bachelor party and can't seem to stop thinking about you. His hunt for you takes him to a dark part of town where only monsters dare to go. wc: 2.5k
18+ONLY, grunge!eddie, descriptions of monsters, eventual smut, star-crossed lovers, Gareth, reader described as having thick hips and tattoos, exotic dancers, alcohol consumption, breathing fire. Readers dad is basically Hellboy.
Part 1: Great Balls of Fire
Part 2: Mark of the Beast
Part 3: Burn it Down
A/N: There is just so much I want to explore on this topic, I had to turn it into multiple parts. No smut in this chapter, but there will be in the next two, if there are people who want to read it. I love any reason for a good Blade blood shower. I love this anon, and I hope I did some justice to your idea.
Eddie dropped down into the dark venue on a wing and a prayer, hoping you were working that night.  He didn’t know your schedule, he only knew you from that one night two weeks ago when he was there for Jeff’s bachelor party.  
Out of a sea of beautiful, scantily clad women, you stood out like a flash of  lightning in a pitch black night.
“I can’t believe we’re here again, man,” Gareth complained, swiping his hair out of his face.
“What are you afraid of?” Eddie shouted over his shoulder, hoping to be heard above the throbbing, electronic music. His eyes scanned the crowd for you, or any one he remembered seeing you talk to that first night.  Ahead of them, down the shadowed alcove of the venue were several dancers gyrating on poles and spreading their legs out wide for customers at the rack to hook dollar bills into their g-strings.  
“I’m afraid my girl will cut my nuts off if she finds out I came here with you,” Gareth responded.  
Gareth's hair was shorter than it had been when they were in high school. It was just long enough to tuck behind his ears, but still so full and curly that he had to slick it back.  Eddie’s hair was much longer now, almost to his nipples, and he’d grown his bangs out, so it was more grunge rather than early 80’s metal.  
“We went to see Mudhoney at the Crocodile,” Eddie confirmed. “That’s all you need to tell her.  We only came here to look for someone.”  They had done exactly that, and the Mudhoney show had been amazing. Corroded Coffin’s relocation to Seattle was the best decision Eddie had ever made, and he was grateful his band made the journey with him.  They were all renting this old house on Capitol Hill and getting paying gigs a couple times a month—it was a dream.
But since he’d laid eyes on you—he could barely function.
You had bewitched him in the best of ways.  
So, there he was---dragging Gareth back to the same strip club to look for you.  He honestly didn’t expect to get your number, or even talk to you—he just needed to see you again.   
Once he reached the dimly lit red cocktail bar, Eddie froze.  “She’s not here,” he wet his dry lips, getting on the balls of his feet to scan the crowd. “I mean, I don’t see her.”
“Okay, great, "Gareth tried to avert his eyes from the women on stage so that he wouldn’t feel guilty.  “Can we go now?”
But Eddie wasn’t ready to give up that easily.  
“Hey,” he called over to one of the servers he remembered from the last time. She was about to carry a tray of drinks over to a table when she caught his eye and her face lit up.  
Eddie was awkward when he didn't want to be, but on every other occasion—he possessed a decent amount of charm.  Plus, this particular server was a fan of his band, he just didn’t know it.
Eddie stroked some hair behind his ear and leaned closer, giving her your full description, right down to the color of your eyes, and the details of a few of your tattoos, and then asked if you were working that weekend.
The server shook her head, her cheeks burning hot under Eddie's attention.  “Sorry, she’s not here. I think she’s at the Devils Den tonight.”
Eddie squinted at Gareth and the both of them mouthed “the devils den” with a question mark, like they had never heard of it in all of the 2 years they’d been there.  
The Devil’s Den did not advertise.  You could not find it in the phone book.  It was a word of mouth or friend of a friend only, and security was tight.
“Be careful,” the redhead server offered a warning, passing Eddie her phone number on the inside of a gum wrapper with a wink. Gareth rolled his eyes and headed for the door.
Eddie drove Gareth back to his car first.
“You sure you don’t want me to go with?” Gareth asked Eddie over the hood, strumming his fingers on the metal.
“Nah man, I’m good,” Eddie assured him, twirling his keys on his finger as he walked backwards. “You go home to your girl.  I’ll call you tomorrow.”
He remembered the directions the redhead told him as he sucked down a cigarette with the window open, blowing smoke out into the crisp city night.  It took him down through the east end of town, along a tunnel, and then shot him deep into the industrial district.  Vacant buildings loomed like faceless gargoyles as his van rolled along the dismal expanse, void of human life.
The building was unmarked, but the address was correct; he checked it with the numbers inked on his palm several times.  He parked a block away and walked over with his fists shoved deep into the pockets of his leather while scraps of paper and leaves skidded across the pavement.  His long hair flew across his lips and clung there until he peeled the strand back and tucked it behind his ear again.
He could hear the music now, thudding low from inside the building as he rounded the corner.  
There was a purple light coming from the open doorway, and a minotaur man with a thick tail and broad shoulders sat on a stool blowing smoke out his nostrils.  Eddie heard him ask the couple ahead of him to see their IDs, so Eddie got his ready.
You just happened to be on your way out for a smoke when you saw him—-
The one you couldn’t take your eyes off of two weekends ago. The grungy boy with the long hair you couldn’t stop thinking about.
What was he doing at a monster bar? Did you want him to see you like this? 
Self-consciously, you spun around, ducking your head so he wouldn’t see your horns, wondering if you should try to cover them with your hood and retract your claws. 
Eddie handed the Minotaur bouncer his ID.
“What the fuck you want me to do with this?” The bouncer asked, aggressively standing up to his full height which was close to 7ft.  His voice bellowed, “no humans allowed, can’t you read?” Sure enough, there was a black and white sign on the door that said: NO UNAUTHORIZED HUMANS ALLOWED.
Eddie tucked his ID back in his wallet, about to offer to try and pay the guy off when he saw you appear in the doorway.
“Oh shit,” Eddie whispered to himself.  You were even more stunning than the night he first saw you. Now you have horns? He hadn't noticed them the other weekend at the club; maybe you had them tucked under your wig. He could tell you were different, but he had no idea you were what was known in human circles as a Beastly.  
“He’s with me,” you told the enormous Minotaur man, and Eddie watched him cower before you.  He sat back down on his stool and bowed his head, muttering his apologies.  
He had to remember not to let his jaw hang slack as you walked closer, swaying your hips as you did so, plucking a cigarette out of the pack to pop it into your mouth.  He noticed that what he once thought were tattoos were actually designs that seemed like they were burned into your flesh; they glowed orange in the night as if there was lava flowing in your veins.  
Eddie patted his jacket and his back pockets, forgetting where he put his lighter. Once he found it, his hand was trembling, but he took a breath and cupped his palm over the flame, leaning forward to offer it to you.
You hesitated, searching his rich brown eyes.  His very human eyes: you wanted to watch them sparkle.  “Do you want to see something cool?”
Eddie lowered his hands and poked his tongue out between his teeth. “Always.”
“It might freak you out,” you warned.
“I love getting freaked out.”
You held the cigarette out and blew on the end of it, producing a string of fire from your lungs.  It was a soft, blue flame and Eddie watched the tip of your smoke light up and crackle with embers just as the fire disappeared behind your lips again.
“Party trick,” you took a drag, squinting one eye at him playfully.  
“Can you do mine?” Eddie opened the top pocket of his jacket to pull out a smoke from his pack, while a few more bodies shuffled by on their way to the door.  Two had chalk white skin with fangs, one had the snout of a pig and a green mohawk, and the other looked like she could’ve passed as human, until she stuck her tongue out at one of the other men and it was long and forked, falling almost to her chest.  
They each gave Eddie a suspicious look, but when they saw you standing there, they quickly jerked their stares away.
Eddie gripped the cig between his full lips, and his eyes never left you as you leaned in.  You could’ve produced a flame long enough to reach him where he was, but you decided to step in close, so that your mouth wasn’t far from his.
Your eyes met as you breathed a steady stream of fire.  The thought occurred to you that you could take him right then; you could suck his soul out like juice from a Capri Sun and he’d never know what hit him.  You could drink his essence like oxygen and fill your stomach with his charming warmth—but then you wouldn’t have him anymore, and your heart was screaming louder than your hunger.  
“That’s so rad,” Eddie chuckled.  He took a drag and then blew the smoke out sideways.  “What other tricks do you know?”
“I think it’s your turn to do a trick,” you raised an eyebrow. 
“What could a human possibly do to impress you?”
“I’m sure there are lots of ways you could impress me,” your smile was coy, and it made Eddie’s pupils widen with admiration.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” he whispered.
But then one of the ghouls with skin that looked stapled on stepped out of the doorway and said your name.  
“What is it?” You snapped.  Your demeanor changed—your eyes narrowing on her.  
“Sorry,” the ghoul stammered.  “Um, it’s Drucilla—she says there’s a phone call for you.”
“I’ll be right there,” you grumbled, waving her off, but when you turned back to Eddie, your face softened.  “I have to go.  If you’re around later we can—-”
“Yeah, I’ll wait,” Eddie said quickly.  He didn’t know how long the wait would be, and he didn’t care.
You motioned for him to follow you inside, and as he entered, the Minotaur bouncer grumbled: “Sorry about earlier, man.”
“It’s all good,” Eddie clapped him on his big, beefy shoulder.
There was a band at the back of the venue playing something that reminded him of Alice in Chains, and Eddie felt right at home.  Everyone turned in his direction, and he followed close behind as you traveled down a few carpeted steps to the long, low-lit bar along the wall.  Your tail flicked from side to side as you walked, and he smiled to himself when he noticed it.  
You swatted the bar with your hand to get Danny’s attention.  The wolfman bartender stopped the conversation he was having mid-sentence and rushed over, a furry hand swiping hair away from his beard.  
“He’s with me,” you told Danny, motioning over your shoulder to a bewildered Eddie.  “Anyone fucks with him, and I’ll rip their head off.”
You meant it literally, and Danny knew that.  
“I’ll keep an eye on your pet,” Danny nodded as he cleaned a glass with a towel.  He made eye contact with Eddie and ran his tongue over his sharp canines.
Eddie sank down onto a stool at the bar and watched you go, his heart hammering in his chest.  There were two exotic dancers in cages on either side of the dancefloor, and one looked like she had reptilian skin with an alligator tail.  The action on the main floor was more of a mosh pit than actual dancing, and he knew the guys from his band would dig this place.  He wondered what you would think of his music if you saw him perform; maybe he could do a few tricks for you on stage. He wanted to look out and see you in the crowd and know you were his.
“What can I get you?” Danny asked, flipping a coaster in front of Eddie with a flourish.  
Flustered at his choices, Eddie ordered a beer, and then he leaned in.  “Hey, what is her story? Why does everyone seem so…afraid of her?”
“You mean you don’t know who she is?” Danny raised both bushy eyebrows at him as he popped the cap on his beer. 
Eddie shrugged, eyes dancing over the wall of bottles.  “I have no idea, man.  This isn’t my scene.”
Danny came forward and put his hairy forearms on the bar.  “Yeah well, her dad is the head Devil in charge of all of this,” he gestured around.  “He runs the underground Beast Mob, and everyone is scared shitless of him.”  Danny scooted Eddie’s beer forward, giving him a pointed look.  “And you should be too.  He hates humans.”
Eddie swallowed hard.  “I’m pretty good with parents,” he mumbled. 
He sat there for a while and sipped his beer, taking in the scenery and the other monsters, when he caught sight of you weaving your way back through the crowd.  Everyone you walked by seemed to beg to touch you or talk to you; a couple of them even bowed.  He wanted to have you on his arm, to feel the fire from your lungs burn his skin.
“Hey,” the person behind Eddie tapped his shoulder, and Eddie spun around to find an orc-looking guy with two tusks jutting up from his bottom teeth.  
“Yeah, man, what’s up?” 
The orc glanced over Eddie’s shoulder at you, and then regarded him with a serious gaze.  “Be careful with that one, son.  She will feast on your soul and drain you dry.”
Eddie turned to see you watching him from across the way, and you offered a shy wave.  Your short horns looked sharp and ready for battle; the marks in your skin glowed like neon.
Eddie sighed wistfully.  “Damn, I really hope so.”
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jedimemery · 2 months
Okay guys, hear me out.
I’m sure this scene is still fresh in our minds:
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“I tracked down the Trandoshan and pulled some intel out of her.”
Now, hear me out.
I know we’re all still mad at Cid, and rightfully so. She sold them out for some credits at the end of last season, literally right after they’d lost Tech and almost died themselves. It was low, even for her.
But listen.
We don’t know what went down this time. CX-2 tracked her down. He interrogated her and “pulled” information out of her. We don’t know how much it took for her to give them up a second time, to put Phee in potential danger. Maybe it didn’t take much; maybe all he did was threaten her and it was enough for her to talk. But maybe she’d been determined not to talk but was forced to through rather violent measures. Remember in Rebels when Hera told Sabine, “The Empire has ways of making you talk”? Remember when that was demonstrated in morbid detail in Andor?
I’m not saying we should just give her the benefit of the doubt. If you hate Cid, you have every right to. But it kind of bothers me when people say that she’s “beyond redemption.” I think we’ve seen through Crosshair’s growth in the show that nobody is beyond redemption. So in my opinion, it’s probably not the most productive thing in the world to pile on the Cid hate and wish death upon her when we didn’t even see her side of things in that moment with CX-2. We haven’t seen her since last season, and we don’t know if she’s going about her life like a soulless rat or if the guilt is eating her alive, with the final nail in the coffin of her dignity being her forced to give up the Batch again.
Maybe it’s my empathetic nature and my desire to see the good in everyone (hence why Omega is my favorite character), but I’m willing to give Cid a chance to make her case before I write her off completely.
I really feel like one of the best things about Star Wars is the theme of second chances and giving people who are willing room to grow and improve. It’s what we’ve seen in this show so many times, and I really think there’s more to Cid’s story than just greed and betrayal.
(P.S. It’s a canon fact that Trandoshans can grow entire limbs back if they get one severed. We’ve also seen how evil the Empire is and how they will do anything to get what they want. Just some things to think about.)
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writtenbyjanee · 3 months
‘ ‘ be my baby ! ’ ’ [ chapter one ]
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‘‘ the night we met i , knew i needed you so! “
[ chapter 1 : » first meeting 🩵 ]
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the phone on your bedside table rang , the sound shocked you awake. closing your book you picked up the phone.
“ hello ? y/n ? are you there ? “
it was your best friend , diana
“ di ? hey, what’s up ? “
“ could you uhh.. do me a huge favour and come out with me ? “
“ like right now ? i mean sure but , why ?? “
you sighed , knowing you could never say no to her. she was just too sweet , so happy all the time.
you met di during your first english class in freshman year. she was your first friend at school , you’d been to catholic school almost your whole life , but after almost an entire year of begging your parents finally agreed to send you to a ‘ normal ‘ school. you couldn’t stand all the stuck up girls at the catholic school , all so mean, turning up their noses to anyone slightly different.
which was the complete opposite of diana , maybe that was why you loved her so much.
“ yes.. right now! stacy’s band is playing tonight! remember ? ,.. uhm. i just wanted to be there for her! you know? “
stacy was another friend of yours , an aspiring starlet , she hated the restrains of small town america and would basically die to get out. you couldn’t miss her first real performance infront of people that weren’t your friends if your life depended on it!
“ oh! right , i totally forgot , that’s tonight , hang on . let me just get ready! “
“ i knew you’d come! “
she giggled a little.
“ so?? i’ll come pick you up at 8 ? park halfway down the street so your parents don’t see the car or whatever . “
“ sounds good to me , see you di ! “
“ later y/n ! “
you crept around your bedroom , careful to not make too much noise , your parents were probably still awake. you grabbed your makeup bag and began applying it in your vanity mirror , not forgetting to fix your hair.
you put on some sparkly white eyeshadow and mascara to finish off before picking out an outfit.
you settled on a little baby blue dress and a white cardigan , modest in a way but still appropriate for the occasion. you shimmied into the dress , adjusting yourself a little.
you grabbed some little white frilly socks and slid them on. rushing to pick out a purse to fill with all your belongings , deciding on a small white bag that could fit all your needed. finally stepping into your baby blue sneakers , worn out from how much you wore them.
this was the hardest part , actually leaving the house. you opened up your bedroom door , tiptoeing down the hallway all the way to the back door . you slipped out of the side gate , leaving it unlocked for when you returned later.
you basically skipped down the street to diana’s car , excited to finally get out after a long week at school.
“ y/n ! hi ! “
diana ran over to hug you.
“ hey ! “
after a small embrace the two of you got into the car and headed for the hideout. basically the only bar in hawkins , you listened to your favourite music on the way , chatting about school and gossip.
after about 15 minutes the car came to a stop and the two of you got out of her car.
“ i’m like so excited! “
diana squealed , everyone knew how much this meant to stacy , the bar was having some kind of open mic night where all the bands could play.
the two of you strolled into the bar , finding your place among the crowd of high school students and middle aged alcoholics all patiently waiting for the music to start.
after a few minutes a group of boys came out onto the stage , clad in black and a few of them holding their own instruments.
“ uh , hi , we’re corroded coffin “
a few young girls jokingly cheered and whistled for the group of boys ,
after a few short moments the band began to play , the music was loud and heavy , this wasn’t really your scene but you couldn’t just leave. you distracted yourself with admiring one of the boys , his hair was long and almost curly ,
the two of you almost made eye contact, but you instinctively looked away before he could look at you.
“ they’re really good ! “
diana yelled over the music,
“ i mean , i totally dig them ! “
you looked over at her , giggling a little , you could tell how much she enjoyed this music. diana was spontaneous, she loved new things , all things. she was like a ray of sunshine.
“ you know , they aren’t half bad? “
finally after a half hour , they finished , stacy was finally coming on .
you and diana were basically screaming for her , her curly red hair bounced as she walked , she grinned when she saw us and a few other of her friends amongst the crowd.
most people from school had come to see her if you were being honest , she was pretty popular.
she wore a light pink lipstick that shimmered in the spotlight , something out of the 1970s , you thought.
another girl from her band began to play , starting out the song , stacy began to sway to the music. her voice was angelic , soft , she was like a movie star.
“ i’m like totally in love with her . “
you said , half joking , half serious.
“ i know .. she’s magnetic ! “
di replied.
the night came to a close , you were waiting outback with diana for stacy ,
“one second , i need to get her flowers from the car ! “
diana rushed over to her car to grab the bunch of flowers she’d picked for stacy.
you hugged yourself in the cold , wishing you’d bought more than just your cardigan.
‘ fuck it ‘
you thought ,
‘ i’ll just go find her myself , and id only be five minutes , diana wouldn’t worry . ‘
you pushed open the back door searching for stacy , you were determined to find her and get home as soon as humanly possible.
in the dark of the hallway , you bumped someone’s arm , you turned around to the person.
“ ah ! i’m so sorry ! “
you looked up at the boy , the one from earlier with long hair. you’d totally die for hair like that , even if you wouldn’t openly admit it.
“ oh , you’re that guy .. from the band ,? corroded coffin ? “
he looked at you and you saw him smile,
“uh yeah , that’s me! and sorry , by the way . “
you smiled back at him.
“ that’s alright , my friend and i thought you totally rocked. “
he giggled a little at your tone of voice , why was a girl like you , so sweet , speaking to someone like him .
“ thanks. i’m eddie , by the way . “
“ that’s it ! i knew i recognised you ! and im y/n , by the way . “
“y/n , i’ve seen you around , you’re on the cheer team aren’t you ? “
you nodded at the boy ,
suddenly , you felt a manicured hand grasp your arm , you’d recognise that purple nail polish anywhere ,
“i was totally sweet out there! wasn’t i ? “
“ yeah ! you’re like .. the next stevie nicks or something! “
she grinned at you .
“ now come on , diana’s probably waiting on us! “
you turned to eddie who had already began to walk away
“ see you around ! “
you smiled gleefully at him and waved , he waved back.
you grabbed her hand and you walked out of the door,
“ did i just see you wave to eddie and then GIGGLE TO YOURSELF AFTER? ? “
stacy was wide eyed at what you just did , she never could have predicted that .
“ diana , hi! “
diana ran up to you and stacy , hugging you both.
“ i’m so proud of you stace!!! we both are ! “
diana basically yelled as she squished the two of you .
the car door slammed shut and you pressed play on the radio , letting the tape play ,
“ y/n , you never answered my question!, “
stacy glanced at you when she said this .
“ sooo, do you find eddie cute or something? “
diana turned to the two of you in shock
“ eyes on the road di ! “
you looked down in embarrassment.
“ and yes , i very well may find him ‘ cute ‘ stacy. what about it. “
you were holding back laughter, not that you weren’t serious , you just laughed in situations like this. you basically never liked anyone at school.
when the girls heard this , they basically celebrated,
“ y/n this is serious! you like , never like any guy , E-V-E-R “
diana was being dramatic , laying it on . how could she not. her best friend was finally getting a life outside of her countless romance novels.
you waved goodbye to the two girls in the car , walking down the road and into your back garden , through the gate , then to door , finally creeping up the stairs.
you quickly wiped your face in the bathroom sink and stumbled into your bedroom , sliding out of your outfit and back into your pyjamas.
you were honestly surprised how easy that was , usually there are atleast a few obstacles.
when you closed your eyes after turning out the lamp on your cluttered bedside table , you thought about eddie , maybe you DID like him .. you probably liked him .
you argued back and forth with yourself in your head , i mean , you’d only ever spoken to him once just about an hour or more ago.
but there was just something about him , something different to any other boy you’d met , his eyes were soft and kind , not like anyone else you knew.
you rolled over a little more before finally falling asleep ,
🩵 [ chapter 1 » end ]
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sunshine-overload · 2 months
[BSTS] Hari Easter 4* Card Story
do I need to put a cw for necrophilia implications?? LOL (note: Team C’s show is based on the nursery rhyme ‘Who Killed Cock Robin?’ by Mother Goose but it has been changed to be a story about humans, Hari’s role ‘Kaito’ is the kite, ‘Mei’ is the heroine/audience and she is the cock robin, ‘Sienna’ is who kills her.)
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chapter 1 -break room-
hari: ……… (deep in thought)
hari: …No, doing it this way is still no good.
saki: (Maybe I shouldn’t bother him.)
hari: Oh, Saki-san. Sorry for standing in the way, would you like to use the vending machine? 
saki: Ah! No, that’s not… I’m sorry for interrupting you.
hari: Interrupting me? In what way?
saki: Um, it looked like you were really thinking something over, that’s all.
hari: Oh, I’m sorry it appears I’ve caused a misunderstanding. Was I wearing a troubled expression? If so, don’t worry as that’s not the case. Our rehearsal just ended so I was cooling off and rearranging my thoughts.
It’s the funeral scene in particular that I’m stuck on. No matter what I do I can’t seem to make it flow well… After I carry Mei’s coffin to her grave site, how am I supposed to monologue about my feelings to the audience? Wouldn’t I just be forcing my own interpretation onto those watching?
saki: What do you think would improve the flow of the dialogue, Hari-san?
hari: I want to express my feelings towards Mei in the scene before the one where I carry her coffin. I want to reveal my feelings to Mei and Mei alone. Whilst no one else can overhear.
saki: I see, it is a very personal moment after all.
hari: After I proposed to make the scene this way the team fell into a bit of a heated discussion… Rehearsal ended without us coming to a resolution and so I’ve been left to think it over myself. My suggestion aside, it wasn’t productive to stop the run through of the show in that way. Getting all worked up like this isn’t like me, it’s not a mistake I usually make.
saki: I can tell that you’d just like to make the show the best it can be though.
hari: …Thank you. The reason I came to this store is because I wanted to experience all sorts of new things. I thought that they would become a good foundation for my improvement. However, now I simply enjoy facing the shows head on.
saki: I think that’s wonderful.
hari: I agree. I feel as though I’ve discovered a new side to myself. However there’s no point in having ones emotions take the forefront when the direction and expression of the scene aren’t there to back up the moment. I need to grasp this opportunity and make it my own. That way I can show it to you on the stage.
chapter 2 -starless stage-
hari: “The funeral proceedings are over, I shall carry her coffin to the cemetery.”
saki: (Kaito is going to carry Mei’s coffin… It’s the scene that Hari-san was talking about the other day.)
hari: “I wanted to see you one last time, as you sleep soundlessly inside your coffin. Mei… Do you really forgive Sienna? Was it really your wish to die by his hand? Even if you do forgive him, I simply cannot. I wanted you to live on, in whatever form that may have been. So please take your answer with you high into the sky, into the heavens above…”
“Let us go now, Mei. I’ll be the only one who lays a finger on your coffin. —Ah, my dear Mei. Like this we’re finally alone together, aren’t we? Just the the two of us.”
-time pass, after show, backstage-
hari: You came to watch the show, Saki-san. As you saw I did end up changing the order of the scenes a little. If the bird that carries the coffin is a black kite, then I think this direction fits perfectly.
saki: What do you mean?
hari: It’s because black kite’s are known to be scavengers. Mei had a mysterious illness which caused her body to decay and rot away over time, and even after death her corpse will continue to do so. This time, after the funeral Kaito accepts Mei’s coffin and carries it whilst being ‘alone together’ with her. It poses the question, was Mei still inside that coffin by the time he delivered it to the cemetery?
saki: That’s…
hari: Of course, its fine to imagine that she is still there peacefully sleeping in her coffin too. Throughout the run of the show my interpretation of the anger that I feel towards Sienna gradually changed too.
To be honest, at first I never imagined I’d be able to come up with an idea like this. Perhaps its because of the experience I’ve gained performing so many shows here at Starless, or perhaps… These sorts of feelings had already been residing deep within my heart. The feeling of not wanting to hand the person that you love over to anyone else. That’s the emotion I had been trying to grasp.
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dreamwatch · 9 months
STWG daily drabble 18/09/23
prompt: rain
The weathers been shitty all weekend, that light miserable drizzly rain that just saps your fucking will to live. And it’s June for fuck sake. What is it with this country?
He feels like a prick for wearing his once white high tops while he’s walking around backstage. Caked in mud, while everyone else is wearing rain boots because they’ve done this before and they’re the new boys on the scene. They’re still small fry, relatively speaking, second band on and it’s not the main stage.
Eddie doesn’t give a fuck. 
They have thirty minutes. Thirty minutes to obliterate the audience, thirty minutes to make the opener a distant memory. He wants the band coming on after them to be pissing their pants while they wait backstage.
They’ve never played in Europe before, so they’re nervous. Every band has that one story about having bottles thrown at them. He’s been told they fill the bottles with piss over here so he’d like to avoid it as much as possible.
They get the call and then they’re on the stage. And… wow. 
There are dudes right at the front with Corroded Coffin banners, he can see fans wearing t-shirts (and it’s official fucking merch) and there’s a genuine cheer from a few hundred fans who are clearly there for them. He and Jeff share a look, ‘we’re fucking here!’ and before they can even think Gareth is already counting them in.
They do five songs from the album, one new song, and a blistering cover of Battery.
As they hit their final song the granite clouds finally give up and release proper, fat rain, and Eddie watches the fans below as they get soaked to the skin, hair plastered to their faces. But they’re loving it, they’ve stood there waiting for them all morning, and they’re not running away now, if anything they’re getting more amped up.
It’s their last song, their best song. The first time he heard a crowd sing his own words back to him he thought he would cry, right there on the stage, like the fucking sap he was. He kept his shit together then.
But not today.
It might never get better than this, second stage at a metal festival in a cold miserable country in Europe, so far down the bill that most of the festival goers are still in their tents sleeping off the night before. But this, this moment right here and now, is perfection. 
He walks to the edge of the stage, puddles of water gathering, his own clothes absolutely pendulous with the weight of water. The smell of petrichor and beer, heavy metal alchemy. There has to be a couple of thousand people out there, and they’re singing back to him. The rain lashes down and he leans his head back, turns his face up to the black skies and opens his arms wide. Tears and rainwater run together.
It feels like absolution, like glory, like rebirth. His escape from his past complete. His future in the palms of thousands of hands.
They’ll play bigger shows in the years to come. They’ll come back here and work their way up to headline the main stage. They’ll have albums that sell millions.
But it will be this moment that Eddie carries with him for the rest of his life. One glorious Sunday in England, standing on a stage, bathing in the rain.
 (Afterwards Jeff tells him he looked like metal Jesus, and the name sticks for far longer than he would like.)
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thegayhimbo · 5 months
Stranger Things Season 5 Theories:
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Given we've already seen a photo of Dustin wearing his Hellfire shirt (and a trenchcoat) next to Eddie's desecrated grave, I'm assuming Dustin's arc for S5 will be about clearing Eddie's name. It's also possible the Hellfire Club will still be dealing with the lynch mob Jason created in S4, which means they'll still be the targets of harassment from Hawkins Residents who believe Jason's claims about the Hellfire Club being a Satanic Cult, or from the basketball team who will want to avenge their fallen comrade.
Another possibility is Dustin might be recruiting the remaining members of Hellfire Club/Corroded Coffin to help the Party fight Vecna. Their knowledge of D&D and how it's played could potentially be a factor in how they defeat Vecna and his army of monsters once and for all. It's similar to a theory I suggested in my Erica The Great Review where that scene in the S4 premiere of Erica rolling a 20 and beating Eddie's campaign could foreshadow how the battle against Vecna will play out.
As for Henry's Hill.............
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It's likely we'll get more backstory about Henry/One/Vecna's time at the Lab and in the Upside Down. This was something the Duffer Brothers discussed in the interview after S4 aired:
DEADLINE: Did Dr. Martin Brenner not know that this kid killed his family and framed his father, or did this kid’s sociopathic potential offer Brenner an opportunity to really mold a weapon without a conscience?
MATT DUFFER: The second, really. He knew what this kid did and also what he was capable of when he was young. Brenner’s going, how can I mold this character, but not just into a weapon? That’s really how he sold it to the government, but for him as a scientist, it’s like, what other worlds can this kid show me about how our universe works? So, he’s really just that scientist who’s not really thinking about the consequences. He just keeps pushing, pushing, pushing, and he’s using the government’s money by saying hey we can fight the Soviets with this kid. It’s something we will get into in Season 5. What happened to that program once Henry became involved and how Brenner evolved it into including multiple kids. We’re going to go back and see some of that in Season 5.
As for what "Henry's Hill" means...........I'm taking a shot in the dark and saying it refers to 3 locations with the most importance for Henry/One/Vecna:
a.) The Creel House (which is located on a small hill)
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b.) Hawkins Lab (where Henry was imprisoned by Brenner for 20 years).
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c.) The hill where Henry found the dark particles in the Upside Down and formed them into the Mind Flayer.
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If anybody has any theories for season 5, feel free to share them! :) This theorizing is all meant to be in good fun!
Also, if someone knows what songs are on the barcodes posted on the signs, please let me know. I've been unable to scan them.
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✨ stranger things fic rec pt 3 ✨
the last installment! see you at the end of the year!
mostly steddie with some ronance/fruity four/platonic stobin sprinkled in. heed the ratings, there's a healthy amount of smut.
fics in this installment: 66 fics in total: 196
as per usual:
-all fics are in alphabetical order -please tell me if the links are broken/linked wrong
more fic recs my own works
and, as always, please leave kudos and comments, and reblog this post!
quels beaux minets ont adopté un chat - T, 1.5k, 1/1 orangebandit
In all my rage, I am still just a tiny black kitten in a cage. Or Eddie brings home a stray.
Right Locker, Wrong Time - E, 10/10 FeatherForARose (@steddiealltheway)
Way before Hawkins goes to Hell, Eddie gets a note from Steve Harrington to meet him in the bathroom. Of course, the note isn't meant for Eddie, but both boys are surprised when they wish it was. This leads to a series of secret hookups and the inkling of a secret relationship.
Safe Space - G, 2/2 wayfarers0
He doesn’t respond. A tape falls from the shelf, and he doesn’t try to pick it up. He feels the world spinning around him, patterns forming in his vision all of a sudden. He hadn’t eaten breakfast, and he wonders for a second if he’s just feeling woozy from hunger, but as he blinks over in Robin’s direction, it’s taking him more time than usual to form words. To be able to interpret the scene he sees before him. He closes his eyes and sees the characteristic blur of light making his field of vision resemble broken glass which signals that pain is on the horizon. ________________________ When Eddie is out of town over New Year's, Steve gets hit with the migraine from hell whilst at work and his options for a ride home are limited.
Shotgun My Love - G, , 2.1k, 1/1 mctav1sh
Jonathan's first time smoking pot, romance ensues.
Six Kids and a Winnebago - E, series Oddree13
The story of how Steve Harrington gets his six kids and Winnebago...in the way he least expects to.
smoke in my throat, your hands in my hair - T, 1k, 1/1 perseuswrites
Eddie tilts his head up, Steve can't seem to make his blush go away. Eddie lifts the joint to his mouth, breathing in the smoke. Eddie leans down, using his thumb to nudge Steve's mouth open. He blows the warm smoke into Steve's mouth, "Breathe in and hold it until I tell you otherwise but let it out if you feel like you can't do it okay?" Eddie's voice is dripping with love and gentle warmth and Steve is drowning in it.
Sonnet 47 - E, 1.9k, 1/1 ZachwyBuwnzie
Eddie reads Steve some poetry, too bad Steve has a voice kink.
soothe your soul, just take his hand - T, 6.3k, 1/1 releaseideas
“Where did you go, Steve? Backstage to blow him real quick?” Robin teased, elbowing Steve’s side. “No you freak, he was showing me the back room so if my migraine starts acting up I can lay down.” Steve kept blinking, but his vision wasn’t getting any better. “Steve, if you’re expecting a migraine are you sure you should be here?” Nancy asked with such sincerity. “I mean, probably not? But I really wanted to come and only after Eddie asked did it start acting up.” “Doesn’t mean you should be here. Dude, you gotta take care of yourself before coming to watch your hot boyfriend play guitar,” Argyle supplied, which he was absolutely right, even though he wants to listen to his boyfriend’s band and watch his curly hair bounce from the head banging, he shouldn’t be here. “Thanks, dude. You’re right, but we’re already here. I’ll just stay for the first hour and I will leave right after. You guys stay if you want, alright?” - aka: steve goes to a corroded coffin concert but doesn’t realize how much live music will trigger his migraines.
soothing like honey - G, 5.2k, 1/1 RejectsCanon
Eddie hates being sick. The one thing he hates more than being sick is being sick alone. He absolutely hates it. He does everything in his power to avoid getting sick. He avoids sick people like the plague (ha). If someone he sits by in class is sick, then he’s skipping that class for the week. If one of the Hellfire members is sick, Hellfire gets canceled that week and he eats lunch outside. If Wayne gets sick Eddie plies him with chicken noodle soup and vitamins and medicine until he’s better again. But then, after being in the Upside Down, after the world has almost ended, after it’s all over, Eddie gets sick.
Steddie Amnesia Verse - E, series purpleweekend (@blushweddinggowns)
“How are you feeling?” Steve asked, all wide-eyed and caring. Eddie gaped at him, fully aware that his entire face must be red. He was trying to form words, he really was, but Steve single handedly put the brakes on that. Why was Steve Harrington holding his hand? Why was Steve Harrington calling him baby ? Why did he kiss him, like it was the most natural thing in the world?
Steve Harrington Needs A Hug - T, series Babybuckleydiaz
“My old man was an asshole, and my whole life I thought I would be glad of the day he was finally gone.” Steve finally started, and this time Eddie does feel startled by the sudden confession being made, but of course that was no secret to either of the Munson men. John Harrington was in fact an asshole and Steve has been so much better off without the man in his life, both him and his wife who never lifted a single finger to keep her only son safe. - - - “You still loved him, Stevie. And that’s okay, you’re allowed to mourn the father that you could have had. You’re allowed to.” - - - “It doesn’t make you a bad person, Steve. For that part of you to be glad he’s gone because he can’t hurt you.” Steve snorts. “Doesn’t it? He was a father, Max.” - - - aka: Steve's father dies and he has no idea how to feel about it
Steve's House Becomes A Home - G, series cat1beth
Steve and Robin have a bunch of sleepovers after the events of season 3 (and eventually 4) to fight the nightmares and loneliness what happens when it starts affecting things his parents will actually notice, like the grocery list?
stuck between your tongue and teeth - E, 3k, 1/1 Adure (@toburnup)
Steve notices it from the very first time he and Eddie have sex. Eddie is - quiet.
subtext (something i can't quote put my fingers on) - T, 3.4k, 1/1 Adure (@toburnup)
"What's that?" Robin points directly. The mark is red and dark, sitting low on the back of Steve's neck. Steve slaps his hand over it and turns away, his magazine abandoned on his lap. Robin continues, "Is that a bug bite? It's tick season, Steve. Seriously. Ticks can you give you lyme disease, are you feverish? If you feel lethargic-" "No! Jesus, Robin." He's blushing now, tips of his ears bright red and averting his gaze. "It's nothing, leave it alone. It's fine." But he's keeping his hand covering it and she can't help but eye him suspiciously. "Is that a-" "Please stop." "- love bite?" (Five times Robin suspects something between Steve and Eddie, and one time she figures out she's right.)
talkin' sweet and lookin' fine (i get kinda hectic in side) - T, 4.5k, 1/1 coupe_de_foundre
Sinking back against his pillow, Eddie kisses back with fervour, fisting his hands in Steve’s hair and tugging until he draws an intoxicating whine out of Steve, swallowing the sound eagerly. They’re so lost in one another that they don’t hear the door to Eddie’s bedroom opening, don’t realise that they’re no longer alone until there’s a very much disgusted groan from the other side of the room. “My eyes!” Max squeals, throwing her hands over her face. But not before launching a random shirt their way. It lands on Steve’s bare back. “Gross! Guys, it’s seven-thirty!” “Exactly!” Steve cries back, dropping his head onto Eddie’s chest with a frustrated groan. “It’s seven-thirty, what the hell are you doing here?” * or, 5 times they can't get any privacy, and one time that they do (well, sort of)
temptations of trouble - G, 2.8k, 1/1 MacksDramaticShenanigans (@stevethehairington)
Eddie ignores the flip flopping in his stomach as he meets Steve’s gaze and fits his palms to either side of Steve’s jaw. Cradles his face like he’s something special now. (Because he is.) And then he leans in to kiss him. Right on those pretty pink lips of his. It’s short and sweet like it always is, but when Eddie pulls back and opens his eyes, he’s met with Steve’s, wide as fucking saucers, goggling unblinkingly back at him. He can feel Robin’s stare boring into the side of his face, can feel the tiny pinpricks of Nancy’s and Jonathan’s and Argyle’s on his back too. The whole room is quiet enough to hear a god damn pin drop. Eddie is about to open his mouth and ask what the hell that’s all about when it finally catches up with him. He just fucking kissed Steve fucking Harrington. On the mouth.
Ten Long Years - N/A, 3/3 Blink23
It’s addressed to Edward Munson, but the preprinted Hawkins High address makes Steve flip it over and break the seal with his finger, knowing Eddie won’t care. It’s probably some sort of fundraising thing; they need a new gym, last he heard from Joyce, and had been annoyingly trying to get money from everyone in the town. That's not what it is at all, and Steve has to read it twice to make sure he hasn't lost his mind. Hawkins High Class of ‘86 Reunion! Steve snorts. Please join your fellow Tigers for a day of fun and reminiscing after ten long years. It’s the last thing he wants.
Thanks for the Memories - M, 10/10 oceanwaves23
Robin Buckley thought nothing could be more confusing than waking up with a pounding headache, in a room she didn't recognize, next to Steve 'The Hair' Harrington. But that was before Steve informed her that it was 1986 - not 1984 as she previously believed - and that apparently they were best friends. Or: After a bike accident, Robin loses 2 years worth of memories and has a lot of questions about how her life turned out. Much to her surprise, Steve and Nancy are there to help.
the aftermath (as documented by eddie munson) - T, 20k, 1/1 ikawritesthings
A look into the effects of the Upside Down on Steve Harrington, through the eyes of his boyfriend, Eddie Munson. (And the one time it has effects on Eddie, too.) 5 + 1
the backseat lovers - T, 1.9k, 1/1 froggieyama
maple syrup and purple sweaters. or: steve harrington really loves eddie munson
The Best Thing - N/A, 1.1k, 1/1 Katie_Armstrong
Eddie and Steve spend one morning together before school, loving each other and longing for a better future, one where they don’t have to hide inside a small trailer.
The DMs - G, 1k, 1/1 Lullabyebye
Will talks with Eddie about Dungeons and Dragons, and homosexuality. Kind of.
The Hellfire Shirt Incident - T, 4.9k, 1/1 god_hates_tyler (@bisexual-cryptid)
Steve wears Eddie's Hellfire shirt to work after spending the night at his place. When the kids come in to ask him for a favor, they come to the logical conclusion that Steve must have joined Hellfire Club. Steve, at a loss for what to do, confirms their suspicions so he doesn't have to explain that he didn't actually join Hellfire, he and Eddie are just dating.
The Monster Mash - E, 4.3k, 1/1 kazookakaka
Steve and Eddie throw a Halloween party, but get distracted getting ready. Steve ends up helping Eddie make his costume look a little more authentic.
The Most Popular Make-Out Spot - M, 5.2k, 1/1 Sociopathic_Otter
After watching season 4, I had to make a fic for the love between Hawkins' mother and Hawkins' hero. It's inspired by Steve's little conversation to Dustin about Skull Rock. Steve and Eddie have been in my brain non stop - and as a fellow D&D metalhead/punk freak, Munson owns my heart. Right on the kin list, and right in the special interest box he goes.
The Parentification of Steve Harrington - E, 8.3k, 1/1 IAmTheUnsub
“I didn’t know you had a sister, Harrington”. Steve laughs, but it’s a shaky imitation of the laughter Eddie had heard plenty of in the year since they’d walked through hell together and come out the other side. “Neither did I, until last night. My mom just turned up and dropped her off. She hasn’t been home in like a year, man. I didn’t even know she was pregnant”. Dustin, as per usual, has no tact when he asks, “So she just left her here? She just gave you a baby? Are you a dad now?!” *** Steve and Eddie have been pining for a year and all it takes for them to get their shit together is Steve becoming a dad.
the songs on the radio are okay, but my taste in music is your face - G, 1.7k, 1/1 Lullabyebye
Steve likes roadtrips and Eddie agrees to go on one with him.
the steve situation - T, 2/5 shrack
Eddie and his friends go to Scoops Ahoy, but Eddie's not expecting Steve to be standing behind the counter.
Third Wheel - T, 1.1k, 1/1 ticklishraspberries
When Dustin finds out that Steve and Eddie are dating, it’s like nothing changed.
Three years in Three Days - M, 2.9k, 1/1 dragonfruiit
Steve needs a cry
thunder only happens when it's raining - T, 936, 1/1 fragilethings
In the spring of 1987, a year after the world ends but doesn’t, Steve buys a little two bed house on the outskirts of Hawkins.
Thunder Road - T, 2/2 stellarpoint
Steve’s right hand leaves his hip and curls around Eddie’s arm, pulling it closer to study the black bats swooping down his forearm. He traces the swarm, and then slides his hand up to Eddie’s bicep, running over the wyvern curled on the underside of his arm. His touch moves up to brush Eddie’s hair away from the spider tattooed just under his clavicle. He glances up and sees Eddie staring down at him, biting the inside of his cheek. “Can you try something for me?” Steve asks. “Yeah.” “Close your eyes,” Steve instructs. “Please. Just focus on how it feels. Don’t think about how it looks.” Or: Steve has nightmares; Eddie has scars. They work through that together.
Tiny Geniuses - T, 3.9k, 1/1 crow_of_crimes
Robin’s ears are tiny geniuses. She is five years old, and already they hear and repeat English, French, and Italian fluently. Her favorite songs are in Italian, her favorite books in French, her favorite jokes in English. Her parents adore their little genius and fill her up with as much as love and art as her tiny self can take. And she’s always, always looking for more. She’s going to be a genius one day, they think. A famous actress, a singer, a brilliant writer. Whatever she wants to be. Robin’s ears are tiny geniuses, and they hear love. - Steve’s ears are tiny geniuses. He is five years old, and he knows a language of growls, glares, and heavy footfalls. He’s going to grow up to run their business, they tell him when they’re sleepy enough not to be angry. And he can’t do that if he’s stupid or a pussy, you understand? He understands. Steve’s ears are tiny geniuses, and they hear anger.
to live my own way - E, 21k, 1/1 Macellarius
Under a much different circumstance, Eddie would have loved to have Steve’s eyes looking over him like that, would love to have that determination focused on him, but Eddie is very much dying, he knows it, so he smiles at Steve’s misplaced confidence instead, “High expectations, Stevie. Where’d you learn to swing like that anyway?” “I’ll tell you,” Steve’s voice is a bit shaky, his tone wavering, even as he puts on a brave face, “but you have to stay alive, Munson.” If he had more strength, he’d consider testing his luck one last time, tease Steve by asking if he swings for Eddie’s team, but- he’s tired. Dying young. What a fucking nightmare. Or, what if the Party defeats Vecna in time, and Eddie lives?
Turn To Hate - T ,3k, 1/1 dontshift2me
Setting aside the awkward nature of 'I used to date your sister and it's still kind of weird', aside, Steve Harrington is pretty sure he’d kill a guy to keep Mike Wheeler safe if he had to. Fighting off demonic monsters from the hell dimension resting below your hometown tended to craft a bond that not even the moody temperament of a teenage boy could break. Which is why Steve wasn’t exactly shocked to receive a phone call at 11am on a Tuesday to “Please come pick up Michael from school and sign his suspension slip.” AKA Mike Wheeler punches a guy at school, which makes Steve both proud and absolutely terrified.
Twistin' Like a Flame - G, 885, 1/1 BoudicaMuse
It's 2am, the night after they just moved into their new apartment. After a long and tiring day, Eddie should be passed out, but the heat's keeping Steve up. And if Steve can't sleep, then neither can Eddie.
Under Pressure - M, 28k, 1/1 ForgottenFrog
When he finally did present, Steve was pretty sure he was cursed. He believed this for two reasons; one was that his parents were home, something that happened a few times a month at the most these days. The second was that he was an omega. - Steve tries to hide away all the sharp-edged pieces of himself until he can't anymore.
Unsafe Bet - E, series LexiRoseWrites (@lexirosewrites)
This is the A/B/O teen drama movie you’ve always wanted to read. You know your favorite cheesy/angsty/emotional flick that you still put on regularly, knowing exactly how it will end? Yeah, it’s that. There’s hormones, hijinks, and Harrington. What more can I offer you?
vampire murder boyfriends <; 3 - E, series PettyMermaidsGf
And Eddie can’t fucking take it anymore, can’t hold back any longer, a growl tearing from his throat before he bites Steve all the harder, sinks his teeth and tongue into the wound and *drinks*. The hunger still burns at the back of his throat but the worst of it’s abated as he laps and sucks at the blood there. Steve lets out a deep, shuddering breath at the insistent press of his mouth, his sleek, sharp fangs, and murmurs, “Please…don’t stop, keep going” as Eddie mouths at his neck and gives a mindless, sharp thrust into the delicious heat of Steve’s body.
Wait By The Phone - M, 6.4k, 1/1 thefatedthoughtofyou
Steve's aunt comes to town while his parents are away. Steve may or may not tell her about Eddie. She obviously can't wait to meet him.
We Are Not Bullshit - G, 1k, 1/1 sakinneadua_x
Robin convinces Nancy, Steve, and Eddie to go to a party. Steve has to make sure Eddie knows that he loves him. ---- or Steve tells Eddie that he isn't bullshit.
We're Words Without a Rhyme - E, 4.5k, 1/1 emchant3d
Eddie's always restless, always fiddling, and Steve can't help how his eyes drop down to how he's twisting a ring around his pointer finger. The things should look gaudy, all bulky and bright silver, but somehow on Eddie they just look right. Like they belong on his hands, specially picked just for him. Steve's got a thing for Eddie's rings. They escalate from there.
What Your Best Friend Knows - T, 1.2k, 1/1 Fitzgi
“Why do you look so nervous all of a sudden?” Robin asked, almost sounding a little hurt. “Why are you sweating so much? Why do you look so tired? And why do-” Robin cut herself off and at first Steve was confused. He out if everybody knew just how long Robin could go once she got started. He looked at her, confused, until he noticed that she was staring directly over his shoulder. Steve whipped his head around and let out a sigh. Eddie was shuffling his way down the stairs. Completely shirtless but wearing what looked to be an old pair of Steve’s gym shorts. OR Robin shows up unexpectedly and learns more than she wanted to.
when it rains, it pours - G, 2.2k, 1/1 winterbxar
To Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson is home. OR Eddie reads The Hobbit to Steve while it's storming out, and they're so, so in love.
when no one's there (please take my hand) - G, 1.5k, 1/1 coupe_de_foundre
Steve chooses that very moment to speak up and Dustin jolts, worried for a second there that Steve had spotted him. But, he soon realises, Steve’s eyes still haven’t strayed from Eddie. “You should tie your hair up more often.” he says in a gravelly voice, lips quirking up into a half-smirk. Eddie swivels, spatula in hand that he points Steve’s way, and he lets out a light-hearted laugh that sounds foreign coming from him. “And why is that, Stevie?” Steve shrugs, taking a slow sip of his coffee. “You look good. Do I need a reason?”
where the flowers bloom - T, 1.5k, 1/1 hydrangea_bush
It's the opening night of Hawkins High's fall production, but the lead actor and the head of stage crew are nowhere to be found. Or // Eddie and Steve make out in a prop closet and it's cute
who are you? (the right one) - T, 3/? percylicious39
"Now, Wayne obviously knows about his nephew's preferences in partners, that one time a glaringly indisputable proof, but he couldn't quite frankly give a single damn about it, love is love and all that crap. Not that he'd understand anything about that crap. Anyway, he has seen Eddie shove enough boys out of his tiny bedroom window to know that they never get to spend the night, and they never get to prepare Eddie's favorite tea at four in the morning on a Wednesday without Eddie even being present in the room. So what the actual hell is this one doing here? And where is Eddie?" - Or five times Wayne meets Eddie's boyfriend and that time he finally learns his name.
wingman - T, 3.2k, 1/1 vampireboyluvrr
Gareth needs Eddie's help finding the perfect present for Jeff's birthday. Eddie ends up convincing Gareth to confess his feelings instead.
With a Capital P - G, 1.2k, 1/1 FallingUpTheStairz
Steve's love language is physical touch and Robin learns to work with that.
won't somebody help me chase the shadows away? - T, 1.7k, 1/1 vivahate
“I just got you.” Eddie rasps out, pressing their foreheads together. “I’m not losing you to this. You hear me?” And it’s a threat as much as it is a promise. I’ll live for you if you live for me. (or; desperate kisses are shared while uncertainty and danger loom ahead)
You and Me, Forevermore - N/A, 1.2k, 1/1 slayorswift23
Steve unpacks his sadness about Robin going away to college, and Eddie is there to support him.
You are the reason I stay alive - E, 3.5k, 1/1 makesometime
“How’s uh. Human rank on that scale?” Eddie smiles. “I don’t know, Steve. I haven’t exactly had a chance to try.” He thinks he’s gotten away with it when Eddie turns back to his mug and drains it, putting it down on the coffee table and picking up the remote. “Why? Are you offering?”
you got a lot on your mind (and your heart it looks just like mine) - E, 3.7k, 1/1 picklebaby
Steve was having a day. He hadn’t quite decided if it was a bad day, but it definitely wasn’t turning out to be a good one. or Steve wakes up with a migraine and Eddie knows just how to take care of him.
you have been bruised and broken - T, 2.3k, 1/1 likes_koolaid
Steve and Eddie are just watching a movie at Steve's house, nothing more. Then his parents come home.
You Make Me Live Now, Honey - E, 15k, 1/1 GrasshopperKatie
Eddie loves the little idiots, but he’s thankful that it’s just Robin, Steve and himself on this trip. Steve is stressed enough about a cross country road trip without adding that he would have to take care of seven children on top of that. Nancy has provided them the perfect opportunity for an escape. She’s been attending classes at Emerson for two months now and invited them out to spend Halloween weekend at her place. They all jumped on the idea of getting out of Hawkins for a few days.
You Rule, You Suck - G, 1.6k, 1/1 lodiononhaunantidoto
The last thing Robin expected was for her to enjoy working with Steve Harrington the whole summer, but life really never stopped surprising her
you told me to call (said you'd be there) - T, 1.4k, 1/1 Mighty_Huntress
They pull up outside Dustin’s front door. Steve is immediately proven right—he doesn’t even wait for the wheels to fully stop rolling before flinging the back doors open and full on tackling Steve. Which, hey, dangerous, and also hey, ow. Eddie looks over his shoulder at the sound of him wheezing after the direct hit to the solar plexus he just got, and raises an eyebrow. “Are we visiting rather than kidnapping you, then?” Dustin starts bawling.
you wanna kiss me soooo bad - G, 1.3k, 1/1 KaeyasManBoobies
Steve and Eddie have a recurring date night- but what's also recurring is their lack of ability not to be smitten idiots in love. Their refusal to focus on the task of cooking a goddamn meal leads to a kitchen make out session.
you're just like a dream - T, 3.4k, 1/1 joehardys
Eddie still finds it all hard to believe. If someone had told him at the beginning of the year that he’d be in a relationship with Steve Harrington come summertime, he would’ve laughed in their face. Like, yeah right. Or, Steve, from Eddie’s point of view.
You're Kind of Incredible - M, 10k, 1/1 god_hates_tyler (@bisexual-cryptid)
A re-write of the last two episodes of season 3 where Eddie finds Robin and Steve after they are drugged by Russian soldiers. Steve confesses he has feelings for Eddie in the bathroom scene, but they are interrupted by Dustin before Eddie can reply. Eddie is there for the shit show that is the battle of starcourt, he and Steve working out their feelings within the chaos.
You're Not Bullshit (The Steve & Eddie Love Story) - E, series Melody_Dimas
After the party where Nancy calls Steve, his love for her and their relationship bullshit. Where Nancy tells him how they pretended that they didn't get Barb killed and everything was just fine was bullshit, Steve storms out and finds someone unlikely to tell him that he's not bullshit.
your eyes look like coming home - E, 1.4k, 1/1 writerbri
Steve doesn’t wake gracefully these days. Hasn’t in years, since the first time he took a hold of a bat full of nails and swung it with purpose at an impossible thing. His morning routine nearly always begins with choked gasps and lingering flashes of what haunts his dreams. So it’s odd and confusing and entirely welcome when, for once, the shift from sleeping to wakefulness comes slowly and gently, with contentment woven deep into every inch of him. It’s warm and it’s quiet and it’s callused fingers from endless days of plucking at guitar strings tracing nonsense patterns along the length of his spine.
Your Hands Around My Throat - E, 1.9k, 1/1 asarcasticwitch
Eddie’s hands are criminal—the rings, the calluses from playing his guitar, and the way he always crooks them just right, hitting all those spots that make Steve’s body sing—and Steve has long since given up pretending they don't turn him on like crazy.
your love is a turning page (where only the sweetest words remain) - G, 924, 1/1 writerbri
“Your daddy thinks he’s sneaky, y’know,” Eddie murmurs quietly. Steve blinks, his own cheeks warming as he realizes that he’s caught. Eddie glances up from where he’s been gazing at Charlie, a soft smile lingering as he meets Steve’s eyes like he’s been aware of him this whole time. “You look really good like that,” Steve says, unable to keep quiet about it for a second longer now that he’s been called out. Eddie predictably blushes as Charlie stirs at the sound of his voice.
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My Favourite Tags of Round One
#i dont know who tom thumb is#sorry to this man#but gilear deserves this
#Gilear is literally the NPC#the bad kids saw a sopping wet pathetic man (derogatory) and said can we keep him#brennan tried to kill him at every opportunity but this man is somehow still alive#his stats are terrible#he has like 5 hp#he loves yogurt#lou chanted big money no gilears one time#gilear faeth for the win
#shes always pissing
#that lunatic is after fabian and will shit in his mouth
#im so sorry Primsy#but Chungledown bim holes a special place in my heart#and my mouth
#laertes has to win#hes the first npc shit himself on screen
#wuvvy sweep bc god forbid women cause problems in public for her beloved friend
#everyone who voted pizza rat over jessa is a liar and a coward
#aelwyn is so my older sister to me
#everyone give it up for the most stylish of homies#john feathers
#why you gotta pit two bad bitches against each other
#lesbians get in here
#ylfa: join us I like your hat#orange fairy: it’s your hat now I’mma die kthxbai
#I love cats but I love Ayda more
#no disrespect to the sentient basketball but LETS GO LESBIANS
#ragh <3 he’s just a guy <3 and he’s GAY
#voting plug for the pure mechanical achievement of believably putting a kooky old wizard in a scifi setting
#wow nobody watched coffin run huh?#like i get that plug is very funny but dimitri is just a pile of absurdities#hes a bat in a sailor costume with a lisp and he is so hagard from flying constantly for his job that he has a starbucks half his scenes#wven tho as mentioned he is terrible at said job and almost intentionally does it wrong??
#i get it plug is funny but hes literally an anthropomorphic bat in a sailors boy outfit with a lisp who drinks starbucks
#i emotionally need stephen sondheim to sweep#pls can we get a stephen sondheim sweep
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The guitar(s) in Mike’s bedroom
I wanted to make a post about what the guitar(s) is Mike’s room could mean because quite frankly, I’m not at all convinced that Mike will play the guitar next season!
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Set design says something about the characters and since this is Mike’s bedroom it obviously says something about him. But those props have deeper meaning than simply “they just like this”, like the ONE WAY sign obviously isn’t there to convey the message that “Hey, Mike thinks traffic signs are awesome”. The props in Mike’s room tell a story about Mike, something significant to understand his character and so having the guitar(s)‘s only purpose be that Mike likes playing the guitar doesn’t seem to make that much sense, especially because Mike has never expressed an interest in music ever. Now, you could argue that pre s4 Lucas also never expressed an interest in basketball and that he still likes it but basketball and the basketball team all played major roles in Lucas’ arc this season! We get introduced to Lucas being a part of the team and we focus on that throughout the whole season while with Mike they only really quickly show the head of an acoustic guitar and a completely blurry garbage pail kids sticker which features an electric guitar. It’s a blink and you’ll miss it kinda thing which is why I think it would be weird if it actually just represents Mike liking the guitar [especially because that interest in music doesn’t come up again for the rest of the season!] because you would actually have to look deeper into the set design and look for deeper meanings to actually catch especially the electric guitar on the garbage pail kids sticker!
I think it’s way more likely that we would get a love confession through something like a letter/letters (lettergate) than through a song because letters and especially Mike writing and not writing letters is a reoccurring theme in s4 along with Mike making phone calls (phonegate). It’s simply way more logical to expand on a topic that’s been touched on before than to just randomly add something new that’s never been shown/discussed beforehand. [especially because s4 and s5 go hand in hand]
And well….. I guess I’m gonna say it: Mike being really into music is fanon! Mike is a part of hellfire not corroded coffin! Yeah, Mike tries to be more like Eddie but he doesn’t do that because he genuinely wants to be exactly like Eddie. He does it because he doesn’t like being himself! Mike does not actually aspire to be just like Eddie and do everything Eddie does. There’s of course nothing wrong with headcanoning that he does but there’s nothing in canon to solidly back up that Mike’s really into playing the guitar/making music and therefore it is very unlikely to happen in the show and honestly nonsensical as well (imo). So Mike very probably won’t be playing the guitar next season because for the narrative it doesn’t hold as much value as a letter/letters or missed phone calls! Simply because we’re already familiar with the topic of Mike and letters/phone calls while the guitar and a song would come out of the blue and therefore doesn’t have the same effect as finding out that Mike did write letters to Will [or my personal fave: wrote a letter to Will in 1983 which is signed “love, Mike” which they’ll find in the ud in s5] and did try to call him! The reveal of that is just a better payoff for all their fighting because it directly connects to what their fight was about and clears up the miscommunication.
But the guitar(s) in Mike’s room still exists. There is something to it so what I did is I looked up some guitar symbolism (I only found results for what guitars in dreams represent) and I found some interesting things which I think fit extraordinarily well with what Mike’s feeling and going through:
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There is also a theme going on with a lot of props in Mike’s bedroom primarily hinting at his sexuality/gayness, as does the whole scene. So I actually also visited a site which described the guitar as a masculine instrument and that the sound of an electric guitar is also very masculine (and passionate) so the guitar(s) in Mike’s room could of course also hint at the fact that Mike is drawn to masculinity/attracted to men which makes even more sense when we remember that the show has already touched on the topic of sexual electricity while both guitars are surrounded by electricity (= the garbage pail kids card features the image of electricity tightly and directly connected to the electric guitar and our attention gets drawn to the acoustic guitar by a lamp which of course works with electricity and actually doesn’t have any need to be on during the day).
If you’ve read my post about the other garbage pail kids cards you’d know that all of them reflect something that happened to their respective st character (though I’m still unsure with Steve) (I am however sure that all of the cards reflect something that happened to each character as well as something personal about Mike since this is still his bedroom!) so Mike’s card probably also reflects some event from s4 and I personally think it’s the monologue! I also found something about what dreams about getting electrocuted by an electric guitar mean and what I found fits pretty well:
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“Live Mike” (name of the garbage pail kids card) is only one letter away from “Love Mike” and during the monologue Mike finally tells El that he loves her but he only does this because Will’s last minute encouragement lead him to believe that El’s live depends on it! So he just starts saying things without actually thinking about them in a desperate attempt to save her life which horribly backfires and only causes more problems in the end! (For this we have to remember that the garbage pail kid in the card literally getting electrocuted while playing the guitar is something negative which is why it works well with this interpretation but doesn’t really make sense if it was to reflect a love confession via song and guitar in s5). Someone also pointed out that “Live Mike” is of course a play on “Live mic” so by turning on the microphone (starting to speak) Mike gets electrocuted (something negative happens = the monologue). The monologue is also of course connected to Mike’s personal internal struggle with his self worth and sexuality/identity and therefore it also connects to the card’s personal meaning for Mike.
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deadboyfriendd · 8 months
Summary: A blurb about shock-rock and body suspension.
Warnings: BODY SUSPENSION, Eddie x Fem!Reader though, I don't think I really specified the reader a lot in this, Rockstar!Eddie, Girlfriend!Reader, there's a big fat nod to H E A D L I N E R S. in this.
Alice Cooper once said that, in order to shock a crowd at this point in time, you would need to chop your arm off and eat it– and you could realistically only do that twice. 
The shock value had long worn off now, nearly everything had been done. The thrill and taboo of androgyny was a give-in. The boundaries of gross and unthinkable had been pushed to the point of desensitization. Ozzy had already chewed the head off of an unsuspecting bat, Jello Biafra had already run for the Mayor of San Francisco and lost by a significant margin. There were no stunts left to pull, no shock remaining for the masses, and nothing left to the imagination.
Sex still sold tickets, sure, but now, it was an expectation. What the crowds wanted– craved— was a show. Something new and shiny and never-before-seen. A rare, untouched delicatessen that took form in an obscure corner of the earth. 
That obscure corner happened to be a garage in Hawkins, Indiana, where four friends shredded their fingers on out-of-tune guitars and racketed noise off of second-hand drum sets. And that’s just what it had been for a long time– noise. Until there was a boom in Indiana’s underground metal scene, a spark caught flame, and the crowds pissed gasoline straight into the fire. 
Corroded Coffin burned hot and blue on the stages now. Boys-turned-men thrashing violently on stages to hit niche singles and screamed to crowds of endearing freak-show enthusiasts on their first full-length tour. 
If Eddie could have eaten his arms for fame, he already would have. 
He was the harum scarum, devil-may-care type, though his days of parading around soap-box lunch tables and invading personal space had graduated into larger soap box stages and women and men alike who would pay money for him to invade their personal space in more ways than one. No one could blame him, he fought his whole life for this– and now the fighting was over, though, the rush of being liked– no craved– was addictive in all of its gilded glory. 
There was nothing of him left to the imagination, he had crammed microphones down his pants, writhed violently across stage floors, stripped bare in front of the world. He’d been crucified, he’d lit himself on fire, he’d done it all. He was glistening in glittery fool’s gold glory, though, who really cared for gold anyways? This was way prettier. 
In this industry, you did it or you didn’t, and there wasn’t anything Eddie wouldn’t do. You’d remembered this conversation from the tour propositions:
“Dude, these are meat hooks we’re talking about!” Gareth said with palms splayed, exasperated eyes turned tired from nights of recording and mornings of logistical nightmare meetings– one of which being this one. 
Eddie shrugged back at him, arms splayed cooly over the low back of the couch and legs spread wide, “I’m gonna go out there and do the best I can. If it hurts too bad and I pass out, then I pass out. They’ll revive me and I’ll get back out there and finish the set.” 
“And if they don’t?” 
“It’ll just add to the show.” 
He remembered that now, remembered the way it felt during the other pre-show practices, and the four other times he had done this in preparation. Every one of his nerve endings was buzzing, and he tried to convince himself that he was so pumped full of adrenaline that he couldn’t feel the four hooks stretching the skin even more taught across his back. 
“Are you ready?” You asked him, trailing a hand down his chest to plant the ritual, sweet, kiss. You thought it was comical, meat hooks through his back and he was asking if you were ready. 
The mechanical lever system whirred as it pulled taught against the hooks, and his jaw clenched in place of a wince before his feet left the ground. He rocked steadily, though, your hands against his abdomen stopped him from swinging further. 
He held his hands out, neck outstretched in amazement with himself for being able to do this again. You nodded, containing your smile to one without teeth as you ducked out of the way when the cameras started flashing and film started rolling. 
“Wait!” He called out to you, his reaching hands causing him to swing more. You didn’t think it hurt him much, though, you stuck your hands out to stop him again anyway.
“What?” You asked, hands staying braced against his warm tummy. His palms already gripping you around your upper arms in a loving embrace. 
A grin, hellish and charming in the same swell motion overtook his entire face, “Do you want t’get lifted up?”
He didn’t give you time to answer before he was guiding your arms upward around his waist by the elbows, setting them snugly around his middle. You could feel where his skin rippled from the tautness of the pull of the hooks. 
“Tippy-toes, babe.” He whispered to you, his own arms locking firmly around your back and giving a gentle tug to signify the motion. 
You could hear the mechanical whir of the pulley system again, and feel your feet leave the ground. 
“This is sick.” You whispered, lifting your face from his chest to meet his. His own face plastered with a deep-set grin as you swung. 
“Eddie, you crazy motherfucker.” You whispered again through your own grin this time, his hair casting a shroud of a curtain around you and blocking your face. 
You felt the cameras clicking around you, and stopped yourself from rolling your eyes. You tended to keep yourself out of the public eye, lest a certain RayGun magazine were to pick up a story. 
You could see the headlines tomorrow, “The Suspense is Killing Me! An Inside Scoop to Shock-Rock’s Newest Stunts with Eddie Munson”
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schrijverr · 1 year
A Behind the Scenes of: Eddie and Steve's Wedding
Together with Eddie and Steve themselves, Jonathan takes a look at their unlawful wedding from 1992.
On AO3.
Ships: Steddie (and other background)
Warnings: homophobia mention
“Hi, I’m Jonathan Byers, the main photographer and editor of A Collection of Queer Photography. And today Eddie and Steve are with me to look at their illegal wedding in ‘92,” Jonathan starts the video.
“Hellu everybody,” Eddie grins happily into the camera, keeping up the energy he had in the video about Corroded Coffin.
“Hi,” Steve greets a little more reserved. He has his glasses on and a soft sweater, while his hair is still perfectly styled. There are laugh lines around his eyes as well as a few wrinkles on his forehead.
Steve now has his own mic, but that doesn’t stop him and Eddie from being pressed so close together that they could have shared one.
“The wedding is from page 130 to 137,” Jonathan says. “The way we built it up when putting it in was starting with the moment before the ceremony, then the wedding itself, then the after wedding nice pictures, before ending with the after wedding party.”
“And boy did we party,” Eddie grins.
“Of course we did,” Steve comments a little bitchily. “It was our wedding. We’re not going to have a boring wedding.”
Jonathan rolls his eyes fondly at the couple as he flips open the book and says: “Page 130 has Pre-Wedding Jitters on it, taken, of course, in 1992.”
The photo is of Eddie and Wayne. They’re both in suits and Eddie is fidgeting nervously with the cuff link, while Wayne is straightening Eddie’s tie. He looks like he’s in the midst of an anxious rant to Wayne, who is attempting to soothe him. They both have a flower pinned to their lapel as well as one stuck in Eddie’s ponytail.
Almost in sync, Eddie and Steve lean over to see the photo. Eddie blushes while Steve melts and comments: “Ahw you were so cute in your little suit with Wayne.”
Eddie’s smile turns a little wistful at the mention of his uncle and he says: “He’s the reason my tie was on right. I- I still don’t know how to do it. He always used to and now Stevie here does.”
Steve hugs him tightly leaning his head on Eddie’s shoulder for a second, before easing up again after he promises that he’ll always be here to do it. Eddie leans back into him and says: “You better, big boy.”
“It’s such a sweet moment,” Jonathan agrees with them. “I’m really happy I caught it. I also think it’s really funny and says a lot about the two of you that Eddie was anxiously ranting while Wayne fiddled with his outfit, while Steve was fiddling with his outfit while being ranted at in Big Day Pep-Talk on the other page here.”
Big Day Pep-Talk appears on screen. It is of Steve and Robin on it. They are also both dressed in suits with flowers pinned to them. Steve is wiping imaginary dust of his front, while Robin has both her hands on his shoulders and looks at him intently. She is talking to Steve, who is seemingly nodding along, unable to help worrying his lip between his teeth.
At that Eddie and Steve snort as Steve shrugs: “What can I say, I know what it takes to always look good.”
“I do it effortlessly, though,” Eddie teases.
“With your team of stylists, Mr. Rockstar,” Steve quips right back. Both of them are grinning happily, their snippy back and forth a big part of their relationship that neither of them takes to heart.
“You got me there,” Eddie laughs, before turning to the photo. “You and Robs make a great team, I’m glad she talked you out of getting cold feet.”
“I didn’t get cold feet,” Steve protests, before looking away. “I just maybe needed to hear it again that you would show up.”
“Of course I would show up,” Eddie says, almost affronted.
“You both showed up,” Jonathan sighs. “I don’t know why you two always need to rehash this argument. Both of you were nervous and both of you did it and you’re happy now.”
“It’s nice to repeat it sometimes,” Eddie says.
“You wouldn’t get it,” Steve immediately backs him up, dropping their argument.
Jonathan sighs, but doesn’t go into it and also doesn’t really look bothered. Instead he says: “I think these two match very well. Wayne and Robin are the most important people to you and I think it’s nice that you got to have them as back up and that the two of you mirrored each other subconsciously.”
“Hell yeah,” Eddie cheers, holding up his hand for a high five that Steve obliges happily while Jonathan flips the page.
“Okay, the concept for page 132 and 133 was to have both of you seeing each other on page 132, so walking the aisle and then page 133 had the vows and you walking back down the aisle. So the two pages are kind of the ceremony itself,” Jonathan explains. “First photo is Seeing the Groom, which is of Steve seeing Eddie.”
The photo that appears is of Steve standing in the backyard of the Hopper-Byers house. A homemade altar has been constructed behind which is Hopper, smiling proudly in his suit. On the left side is Gareth, waiting as Eddie’s best man. Robin is behind Steve on the right, squeezing his shoulder as she looks teary-eyed at whatever is happening behind the camera. The real focus of the photograph is, Steve, who is smiling so brightly it seems to split his face in two, tears sliding down his face as he cries. He seems to glow from within and breathless by what he is seeing.
“I loved seeing Steve so much,” Eddie sighs dreamily at the photo. “I mean, he’s so handsome and he cried. He told me he wouldn’t cry, but he did.”
“Of course I cried,” Steve exclaims. “I was going to marry you and you looked beautiful. Plus, you cried too.”
“Yeah, but I never denied I was going to cry like a bitch,” Eddie points out.
“No comment,” Steve says, before turning to Jonathan and asking: “So, what are your insights here?”
Jonathan shakes his head with a smile, before he starts: “I like that it seems everybody is revolving around Steve and his anticipation. Like, it is very clear that Steve is the center of the photo, but even more than that, it is who Steve is watching. There is this anticipation that underlines it all that I’m pretty proud of.”
“You were very anticipated, baby,” Steve nudges Eddie with a smile, who returns it tenfold. The two of them scoot closer, impossible as it seems.
“Beyond that, I also like the homemade element that is quite clear here,” Jonathan says. “It kind of contrasts everyone’s clothes and the traditional set up of it all, which indicated the political climate at the time. It could just be an outdoor wedding, but it was homemade because it wasn’t just outdoor, there was no other way to have it.”
“Yeah,” Eddie nods, Steve doing the same. He continues: “I thought getting illegally married was pretty metal of us, but, as much as I am anti-establishment, it would have been nice to do it at a venue and shit. To have catering or a band playing, but we couldn’t take those risks.”
“Exactly,” Steve agrees. “I mean, I always dreamed of having a wedding, settling down with someone. Part of that was my upbringing of course, since I was expected to create an heir for my father’s business and in a small town you can’t have a baby without a marriage, but I also liked the fantasy of it all. This was still one of the best days of my life, but, like Eds said, it would have been nice to have a bigger, nicer wedding. We could afford it, it just wasn’t safe.”
“That really sucked, yeah,” Jonathan says, before he grins. “But the two of you more than made up for it at your wedding in 2015.”
The two of them have matching proud grins and Eddie says: “Yeah, we did.” This time it’s Steve who holds up his hand as Eddie high fives him.
“Corroded Coffin fans probably saw some of the photos of it that were posted online,” Jonathan addresses the audience. “But those who weren’t fans back then, just know that it was as dramatic as ever. The band performed, Eddie wrote a song with extra vows, there were fireworks and Steve’s after party outfit had photos of all their time as couple together on it.”
“It was great,” Steve informs the camera happily.
“It was,” Jonathan agrees, because they know how to throw a party. “Anyway, let’s move onto Walking Down the Aisle, which is right underneath.
The photo that comes on screen is of Eddie being given away by uncle Wayne. They’re walking arm in arm down the aisle. Eddie practically clutching Wayne’s arm tight enough to bruise, though Wayne doesn’t seem to mind if you go of the way he’s smiling. Eddie is crying just as much as Steve is, though he also can’t stop the grin on his face.
“You looked so pretty,” Steve gushes. “I swear I can close my eyes and conjure you in this moment. Burned into my noggin forever.”
“Ahww, baby,” Eddie says, pulling Steve close as he makes big, touched eyes.
Jonathan lets the two of them do their thing as he talks to the camera. “This, like many photos in this book, is another example of queering scenarios that are normally heteronormative moments, which I really love doing. And it’s just a sweet memory as well.”
“We love queering everything,” Eddie cheers, freeing one arm from Steve’s clutches to throw over Jonathan’s shoulder and pull him into the hug as well. Jonathan goes quite willingly and with a smile on his face.
They move onto the next photo, which appears on screen. It is of Eddie and Steve kissing at the altar. Eddie is holding the lapels of Steve’s suit, crinkling the fabric with the force as he pulls Steve close. Steve has one hand on Eddie’s hip, the other wound in Eddie’s ponytail. He is clinging equally close.
“This one is called Declared Husband & Husband,” Jonathan states. “What I like about this is how much you’re both clinging to each other. You just look so genuinely happy to be married, despite everything that’s against to you. Sometimes joy in an image can be really powerful.”
“Ahw, you’re going to make me cry,” Eddie says. “I already cried once about being married to Steve today.”
Steve meanwhile has turned slightly away from the camera and is dabbing at his eyes with his sleeves, before turning back and choking: “I was very happy. I am very happy. I love this photo so much. We have it framed on the hearth.”
“It is a very lovely photo,” Eddie agrees, before he kisses Steve on the cheek. “And I’m happy too, sweetheart.”
Steve melts a little into Eddie’s side, the two of them practically merging into one. Jonathan smiles at them fondly, looking a little proud of himself as well.
“Okay, next photo is Back Down the Aisle,” Jonathan breaks the silence after a brief pause.
Back Down the Aisle is of Eddie shrieking as Steve sweeps him off his feet to carry him down the aisle in a bridal carry. The shriek on his face is mixed with delight as he scrambles to hold onto Steve’s shoulders. Steve is laughing widely as if he knows how much he’ll startle Eddie.
Eddie and Steve lean over to see again. When they do, Steve bursts out into laughter, while Eddie nudges him with his shoulder and exclaims: “You were such an asshole for that,” with a fond grin on his face.
“You loved it,” Steve grins back.
“Yeah, I did,” Eddie smiles dreamily as he starts to playfully squeeze Steve’s upper arm. “My husband, so strong.”
Steve rolls his eyes, before flexing and saying: “Hell yeah, I am.” Due to the sweater, you can’t really see his arms that well, but he is clearly strong, built like heavy weight champions, broad, soft, yet filled with muscle too.
“Oh my god,” Jonathan groans. “Why did I agree to this.”
“Because we’re your friends and you love us anyway?” Eddie suggests, failing to play innocent.
“And because Eds here is great publicity,” Steve adds with a shit eating smirk.
“Fair enough,” Jonathan says as he straightens up and goes back to his task in this whole ordeal, AKA actually talking about the photo. “This is another example of queering the heteronormative, which is bound to be a theme at an illegal gay wedding.”
“Hey,” Eddie interrupts with a pout. “Was it my friendship or am I just a publicity whore to you!”
“Publicity whore,” Jonathan tells him without hesitation. Despite their antics, Eddie and Steve have made him much more comfortable in front of the camera and he’s not afraid to be his own snippy self with them.
“You know what? I deserved that,” Eddie says, though he doesn’t really look hurt. Eddie will always be down to lift the projects of his friends and other people doing good things. Besides, he knows that Jonathan doesn’t really mean it and he’s having a great time.
“Thank you,” Jonathan says pointed, flipping the page.
Then he awkwardly flips it back and says: “I also wanted to add that I love the playfulness of this photo. Especially at the time, weddings were seen by broad society as this important, stiff ceremony. A lot of the time, marriages were also done out of obligation, either to hide a premarital baby, to make alliances, just for financial safety or because it was expected. These moments of joy show how much you two simply like each other and like being around each other. It makes it even more absurd that this wasn’t allowed.”
“Ahww, Jonny-boy, we should've let you do our best man speech,” Eddie jokes to hide the genuine emotion.
“Gareth and Robin would have killed me, not to mention Dustin. No, thanks,” Jonathan shudders as they all laugh.
This time it is for real when Jonathan flips the page and a new photo appears on screen. It is of Eddie and Steve, flanked by Wayne, Hopper and Joyce, remnants of tears on their faces and smiles firmly in place.
Jonathan introduces it: “This is Proud Parents. I really like playing with traditional family shoots in relation to found family and this is a great example of that.”
“These people were more parents than our actual parents anyway. It fits them better,” Eddie comments.
“Yeah, uncle Wayne took both of us in and Jim and Joyce have always been kind of there for me ever since ‘83,” Steve says. He glances at Jonathan, who nods, before he continues: “Will went missing, I also got caught up with the search. It bonds people. If Eddie and Wayne hadn’t already offered me a spot after my parents kicked me out, I would’ve been living with them. They’re the best parents ever.”
“I am very lucky,” Jonathan agrees easily.
“As am I,” Eddie says. “Sure, I got kicked out, but uncle Wayne was the very best. Without him, who knows where I would have ended up.” Eddie is quiet for a second. “I’m really glad we held this wedding, that he could be here for it, since, you know…”
Eddie trails off, but they all know what he meant to say: ‘Because he didn’t live to see our other one.’
They’re all quiet for a moment to commemorate uncle Wayne, who didn’t live to see gay marriage be legalized in the States. Steve is gently rubbing Eddie’s back, he knows it still hurts, no matter how many years have passed. Then Eddie breaks it and asks: “What’s next?”
Jonathan takes his cue to move on and reads out: “The one with Dustin. “I Knew They Would Get Along”.”
“Ah, the smug one,” Eddie and Steve say in sync, before looking at each other and bursting into laughter.
The photo is of Eddie and Steve posing with Dustin. He looks very smug as he stands with the two, while Eddie and Steve seem to be rolling their eyes.
“He was our ring bearer,” Eddie says. “He fought very hard for best man, but I had to give that to Gar and Robs wasn’t going to budge either. Though, he was my best man at our legal wedding. I think Gar is still a little salty about it.”
“Gareth just likes holding grudges over nothing,” Steve comments. “I think he’s still mad at me for that time in ‘98 when I told him I’d bring cookies when I came to watch you guys practice and I forgot. I apologized like three times too.”
“You still know the year that happened?” Eddie asks incredulously.
“I also like holding grudges,” Steve replies, looking away bitchily to which Eddie snorts.
“I have very little to add to this photo,” Jonathan states to get them moving again. “Page 134 are posed photos, so they are less snapshots. I love this one mostly because Dustin can be very smug and Eddie and Steve can be very done with his shit. Fondly, but still. This just show their relationship quite well.”
Jonathan looks back to the page and says: “Last one on page 134 is With the Kids and is just you guys posed with the younger party. Cool to skip that one?”
“Sure,” Eddie agrees easily and Steve also shrugs as he nods. He’s more than happy to let people who are used to being in these sort of settings make decisions like that.
“Okay, page 135 has two I love,” Jonathan says. “They’re more personal reactions, less posed. I got one for each of the grooms, but there are others with other people. These just say a lot. First one is the one that spawned the idea of this video; Lead Singer Gets Hitched.”
It is of Eddie being lifted onto the shoulders of the Corroded Coffin boys. They’re so proud that their emotions out themselves like they’re a bunch of jocks. Jeff and Chris are bearing most of Eddie’s weight while Gareth is just grinning widely as he tries to stabilize a manically laughing Eddie. None of their suits are done up properly and a sense of happiness and pride wafts off the image.
Eddie has a soft, fond grin on his face as he looks at the photo. He looks up after a second and says: “I just love those guys, you know. They’re the best. None of us expected to get married. Me and Gar never dared to dream, because two small gay boys in Bumfuck, Indiana and Jeff and Chris were pushed down their entire lives right besides us for being nerds, metal heads, freaks. I think none of could really believe this was happening. Any of it. It felt amazing, kind of like we made it in a different way than showbiz.”
“This photo reads as such a victory photo, a true celebration, which I think shows that,” Jonathan comments.
“It’s very jock-like,” Steve says. “And I think that’s hilarious. You just scored the winning point at the end of the match, Eds.”
“Let me have this, Stevie,” Eddie pouts with a big smile pulling at the corner of his mouth.
“Of course, baby,” Steve agrees immediately and with ease, kissing the tip of Eddie’s nose as he does, which makes Eddie blush and look away.
Seemingly oblivious to the blushy mess he left Eddie as, Steve turns back to the photo and laughs as he says: “When I saw them do that I was so worried about them. I mean, they’ve done crazy stunts on stage now, but back then they were a little too close to what I had seen in high school PE class. I was so sure they were going to drop Eddie. Take it from someone, who has had multiple concussions, they aren’t fun.”
Eddie has shaken off the blush and teasingly pouts: “We weren’t that bad.”
“Eddie, baby, I love you, but you are almost on Robin’s level,” Steve tells him with the most empathetic voice. “You trip over air regularly and clip into things all the time. Jeff has broken his guitar writing stuff down, Gareth once fell of stage. You fell of stage. Multiple times.”
“That’s showbiz, baby,” Eddie grins, doing jazz hands.
“That’s you being an idiot,” Steve shoots right back, grinning as he shakes his head fondly.
“The next photo is The Groom and His Best Man,” Jonathan interrupts before they can tease-flirt even more.
The Groom and His Best Man is a photo of Robin and Steve. They’re is sitting on the ground, not caring that the grass will likely stain their suits. Robin is sitting on the ground next to Steve, legs thrown over his lap. Their heads are bend together as they admire the ring on Steve’s hand. Robin is smiling softly, while Steve still looks to be in awe, like he still can’t quite believe it.
“Whereas Lead Singer Gets Hitched is a loud celebration, this one is such a quiet awe-filled moment,” Jonathan says. “I really love the juxaposition between them by putting them on the same page, as well as showing how they’re different sides of the same coin. The loud celebration of something you didn’t think you could achieve versus the stunned silence of getting there.”
“You’re right, I couldn’t believe it,” Steve agrees, smiling at the photo. “When I fell in love with Eddie, I mourned a lot of stuff too. They don’t tell you that, but a part of discovering yourself is letting go of a future you’re not going to have. I shouldn’t be complaining, of course, I could still love a woman, so-”
“Hey, no bi erasure, sweetheart,” Eddie interrupts softly, but sternly.
“Ah, sorry,” Steve drops it immediately, giving the camera an apologetic look.
“It’s okay,” Eddie tells him. “What did you want to say?”
“Oh, yes,” Steve gets back on track. “When I fell in love with Eddie, I knew he was it for me and with that came a lot of happiness, but also knowing there were things I wouldn’t get to have. That was pretty rough at first. I grew up believing my future would follow all the steps of school, marriage, home, kids and then I was confronted with the fact that I wouldn't have all that. And that was hard, very hard. I always wanted to settle down, have kids and that just crumbled before my eyes.”
Steve takes a shuddering breath and Eddie pulls him close, softly asking: “You still good to share, doll? You can always back out.”
“I am,” Steve assures him with a small smile, before going on. “It felt like that was gone, but Eddie kind of gave that future back to me. We said screw it, if we want to have that future, we can, even if we have to built it ourselves. This photo is the moment that sank in for me. That I could still have all that and look at me now, I do.”
He looks up and smiles, before going on: “And I’m glad I shared it with Robs, because she was the person that has always been there for me. Who mourned that stuff with me. She knew from a young age that wasn’t in the cards for her and while she never dreamed of it, I know this also gave her a little bit of hope.”
“And she had her glorious gay wedding too,” Jonathan says.
Eddie, meanwhile, has gone teary eyed and quiet as he buries his face in Steve’s shoulder, hiding behind his hair as he wraps himself around Steve. Choked up, he whispers: “I’m glad I could do that for you, Stevie.”
Steve smiles lovingly at Eddie, scratching his scalp as he replies: “I’m glad too. Love you.”
“Love you too,” came Eddie’s muffled reply.
There is a cut, before Jonathan is introducing the next one: “Page 136 has a start of the night, end of the night comparison, while page 137 is what the actual party looked like when the part where people felt that they had to look nice for the pictures was over.”
“AKA the best part of the night,” Eddie quips with a big grin.
“Sure,” Jonathan smiles as he rolls his eyes. “First we have Eddie & Steve Munson, which is at the start of the night when both grooms were still looking handsome.”
“Especially Eddie, isn’t that right, Jonny?” Steve comments, leaning over to look at Jonathan.
“Don’t,” Jonathan says, hiding behind the book.
“What?” Steve replies, acting both innocent and oblivious, with an edge of mean girl shining through. “You had a crush on my husband, can’t I point out how good he looks? You agree, don’t you?”
“Oh my god,” Jonathan groans as he thunks the book against his head. “I should have never let Eddie tell you that. Besides, that was in like ‘89, I was already over it when I took this photo anyway.”
“So you’re saying Eddie isn’t handsome?” Steve asks, biting his lip to contain his laughter, while Eddie hides a giggle behind his hand.
“This feels like a trap,” Jonathan says, his voice sounding forced.
“It is,” Steve tells him cheerily. “So, I’ll let it go. The answer was that he looks very dashing and handsome, as well as very taken and happily married.”
“He does look very happily married,” Jonathan agrees gratefully.
Eddie & Steve Munson, which has been on screen throughout the conversation is taken right after the ceremony. Eddie and Steve are standing, foreheads resting against each other, hands clasped between them. Both of them are smiling as they gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes, suits perfectly in tact. A classic wedding picture.
“If I may interject,” Eddie says, saving Jonathan further. “I’d say that Stevie also looks very handsome and happily married.”
“Probably because he is,” Steve replies as he leans in close to Eddie, both of them with love sick looks on their faces as they face one another, their noses practically touching.
Either letting them be or being oblivious to it, Jonathan says: “This is again the queering of a traditional photo and, as mentioned, we juxtaposed it with the less glamorous and socially acceptable end of the night. So, right next to it is Grooms at the End of the Wedding.”
The photo is of the pair. Both of them have lost their suit jacket and tie, Steve has a few buttons undone and his sleeves rolled up, while Eddie’s dress shirt is unbuttoned all the way down, though still tucked into his pants. They both have a beer in their hand and are shitfaced. Eddie’s arm is wrapped around Steve’s waist, Steve’s around Eddie’s shoulder as they grin into the camera.
“As you can see, they’re a lot more disheveled, but what I love is the satisfied looks on their faces, you know,” Jonathan says. “They had a great night and that shines through them.”
Next to him, Steve has put his head on Eddie’s shoulder and Eddie has him pulled tightly to his side, though they’re listening to Jonathan. Steve agrees: “We did have an amazing night.”
“God, it was great,” Eddie reminisces with a big grin on his face. “I was only invited on ragers when I was there to deal – yes, I was a drugs dealer in high school, big wow – so to be at one with people I actually liked and go nuts was amazing and definitely an experience. Not at all comparable to famous people parties.”
“Can you say that?” Steve asks concerned.
“What?” Eddie asks.
“About the drugs?”
“Pretty common knowledge by now, plus statute of limitations has run out anyway,” Eddie shrugs.
“I know that, but is it smart?” Steve asks.
“Don’t see why not,” Eddie grins.
“Alright,” Steve gives in, trusting Eddie to know what’s best for him. He moves back onto the topic and says: “It was pretty close to high school ragers, but also not even close. Those parties are all people drinking and throwing up, there is arguing and people trying to be cool. This was actually fun. The only comparison is the drinking.”
“God, we were so drunk,” Eddie laughs.
“Yeah, you two fell like three seconds after I took this one,” Jonathan says.
“Really?” Steve frowns as Eddie comments: “I do not remember that at all, but that does explain why I had this big bruise on my thigh the next morning.”
“I told you it wasn’t me,” Steve crows with delight. “It was way too big to be a hickey and a weird place too, like why would I create a huge hickey on the outside of your thigh. I don’t know why you thought that.”
“It could have been,” Eddie defends himself. “We have done-”
“Let’s not get into you guys’ sex life,” Jonathan cuts them off, before the argument can get too revealing. At the interjection Steve blushes deeply while Eddie cackles loudly. “Moving on,” Jonathan says. “First one on page 137 is Keg Stand King Steve.”
The photo is of Steve doing a keg stand, held up by Eddie and Jeff, as around him Argyle, Dustin, Erica, Gareth, Lucas, Max and Robin chant. It looks more like a frat party than a wedding.
“This photo isn’t beating the high school rager allegations,” Jonathan snorts.
“Excuse you, this was a special request by my husband,” Steve says snootily. “I wasn’t going to deny him this on our wedding day.”
“Hell yeah it was,” Eddie grins happily. “Stevie here was keg stand grand master of our high school until senior year. I never got to see it myself, but I always thought it would be hot. My baby here kindly indulged me.”
Steve puffs up with pride at the words.
“God, you two are so weird,” Jonathan informs them, though it’s more a comment to himself. “But it does reflect the vibes of later in the night very well. And it looks funny next to the more respectable photo of a group next to it, which is Dancing Couples.”
Dancing Couples is of the dance floor, taken a bit earlier into the night when suits were on semi-properly at least. Front and center are Eddie and Steve dancing together. In the background you can see Mike and Will dancing, as well as El and Max, Max is leaning on her crutches with El’s arms wrapped around her neck, as well as Argyle and Nancy.
“I am going to be honest here and say that Dancing Couples was supposed to be on the left of the page and Keg Stand King Steve on the right, but we only noticed they were switched when it was too late, so this is how they are now,” Jonathan says. “We wanted a progression of the night, but that is kind of ruined. It is what it is. If we have put out a new edition, that will be fixed.”
“Huh, I didn’t notice,” Steve says, as Eddie nods: “Me neither.”
“That’s good,” Jonathan smiles. “In this photo Eddie and Steve are of course the focus as the grooms, but I tried to get as many couples in the background as I could. I really wanted to show that this was a queer wedding to its core and that we’re not alone. There are enough of us to fill a dance floor. We can have our own celebrations, do softer things like this, even if the media was calling us sexual degenerates.”
“It’s a cute photo,” Steve tells him. “I love that some of the kids are in here with us. Having them there was so important to me. I’m glad they had fun too.”
“You’re so cute, I love you,” Eddie squeals, grabbing Steve’s face to leave kisses all over it while Steve giggles under the attention.
There’s a cut to when Eddie and Steve are acting normal again as Jonathan moves on. “Then on the lower left there is Making Out Without a Care.”
The photo that appears is of Robin and Rose fully making out. Rose is in a lovely dress that shows off her soft belly and ass, with a neckline that goes down south. In the background you can see Eddie and Steve hollering at the two.
“Ahww, Robbie and Rose both looked beautiful,” Steve gushes. “Robin almost didn’t invite Rose, because she didn’t want to risk it ending bad and then always having her in my wedding photos, but I told her to do it if she felt right about it. Clearly, she felt right about it and that was a correct thing to feel.”
“Robin can be such a little worrier,” Eddie comments fondly.
“Yeah, she can,” Steve agrees with a fond grin. “But Rose and I keep her down to earth.”
“They fit really well together,” Jonathan says. “I really like the story this photo tells of them being together and you two in the background giving support. It’s such a drunken club photo and I really love it.”
“We are each other’s hype man,” Steve says. “Of course I was going to be hyping her up.”
“I just support debauchery in general, but especially when my friends do it,” Eddie shrugs with a big grin on his face.
Jonathan rolls his eyes, before he addresses the camera: “As I said before, we wanted this page to be a slow descend into intoxication. First, respectful dancing, then the drinking, then the making out and then the winding down. We got most of that at least. So, the last photo is He Is Saying My Husband on Repeat.”
It is of Steve sitting on a chair, Eddie in his lap, facing him as he steadies Eddie with two hands on his hips, while Eddie loops his around Steve’s neck. Eddie’s face is mostly obscured, because he is whispering something in Steve’s ear. Steve’s face is flushed as he giggles at what is being said.
“As the title says, Eddie was just saying that over and over again,” Jonathan tells the camera. “I love this photo, because it’s such an intimate and joyous moment and I really love capturing those.”
“God, Steve truly is the most handsome and pretty boy out there, isn’t he,” Eddie sighs dreamily, as he rests his head on Steve’s shoulder, who is flushing.
“I don’t know Eds, my husband is kind of better,” he teases to get away from the embarrassment.
Eddie cackles loudly, before he replies: “I’m going to have to fight you over that, sweetheart. Since my husband is the best.”
“Square up, babe,” Steve says, jokingly nudging Eddie with his shoulder.
“As much as I love your flirting,” Jonathan interjects before it can get out of hand. “Any comments, memories other tidbits?”
“I just remember being unable to believe it,” Eddie says. “I mean, it wasn’t true legally, but it was in our hearts and I just had to keep reminding myself that I was actually married. That I had a husband. I was gay trailer trash and I suddenly had a career and a loving relationship, that was already wild to me. In that moment, I just knew I was the luckiest man on the planet. So, that was mostly for my own benefit to just keep saying that.”
“It was adorable,” Steve smiles mushily. “You’re always so cool and tough, but you’re such a softie as well and I just want to swaddle you in a blanket and keep you all to myself.”
“I totally support that,” Eddie grins, through his cheeks are obviously burning, going all the way up to his ears.
“Good,” Steve replies, sounding very satisfied with himself as he loops his arms around Eddie and pulls him close.
“You guys had a great wedding,” Jonathan says. “And you two are an amazing couple. Truly, you complete each other. As much as I complain about your flirting and dramatics, it’s been great that you’re willing to talk about it all on here with me and that I was allowed to share your story.”
“Of course, man,” Steve says, pulling Jonathan into the hug as well. “You’re our friend and I couldn’t think of a better person to have photograph our wedding and tell our story with photos. You are a master.”
“Thank you,” Jonathan says, blushing.
“Even if you have a crush on my husband,” Steve adds, ruining the moment immediately.
“Oh my god, let that go,” Jonathan whines.
“Never,” Steve grins.
Jonathan buries himself in Eddie’s shoulder, so he doesn’t have to look at anyone. Eddie, meanwhile, lets the chaos unfold around him, waving at the camera as he says: “Thank everyone for watching, I’m sure Jonny-boy here will be back. Bye.”
“Bye,” Steve waves, before going back to prodding at Jonathan, who also squeaks a goodbye before the video ends.
Shout out to Jonathan for putting up with their bullshit throughout this whole thing honestly, he’s the real MVP
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not-a-space-alien · 7 months
Savage Sunset Chapter 24S
Story masterpost
Complementary chapter
Warnings for this chapter: Transphobia, near-death experience, blood and cuts
Surprise! Valen’s POV is in Savage Sunset this chapter!  Gotta keep you on your toes :)
Valen watched with amazement as the four vampire hunters pivoted from comforting him to very quickly plotting how to cover up his murder.  It turned out that the two problems they had—a fresh corpse and an angry vampire in their van–were the answer to each other.
Because the pieces all fit together perfectly.  The corpse was of a man recently killed by a vampire.  Who was known to skirt around safety rules to go taunt vampires alone, playing with fire.
And the vampire was his most recent victim, last seen improperly secured and growling at him savagely threatening to kill him.
“More,” Jerome said.
Bailey squeezed his cut, more rivulets of blood pulsing out and into the container.
Jerome palmed his mouth.  “Valen, man, how much blood is in the human body?”
“About a gallon,” Valen answered.  He was sitting curled up on the couch, under a fortress of pillows, as though to ward off the grisly scene he’d caused.
“I ain’t got a gallon, man,” Bailey said.  “I got a lot of blood but you can’t have all of it.”
“We don’t need a whole gallon,” Ari said.  “They’re not gonna get suspicious just because there’s not a whole damn gallon.”
“Looks like we’ve got a quarter of a gallon, maybe,” Lex said, peering at the jug they’d been filling up.
“Won’t they be able to tell it’s not his blood?” Valen said, and then got embarrassed when all eyes fell on him.
“How would they be able to tell?” Lex asked.
“By…by the s…  I forgot humans wouldn’t be able to smell the difference.”
“Here, I think I can give some more,” Lex said.  She came over and took her bandage off, adding more blood into the jug.
“I think that’s enough,” Ari said.  She paced the room nervously.  “Okay.  Tarp.  Okay, we need to get the shithead kid out of the van first.  We can’t bring him back there in case we get caught.”
Lex retrieved a tarp from the basement.  All four of them went down, opening the van and swarming on the coffin.  The new vampire’s eyes wheeled around, too intimidated by being hauled around by four vampire hunters to even posture and growl.
They secured the tarp over him just in case any nosy neighbors were nearby.  Not perfect, but it’d have to do for now.  They had to do this as fast as they could.
They set the coffin down on the living room floor with a heavy thud.
“Valen, get in your box,” Ari said.  “Don’t get out of it till we’re back.  Both of you just sit tight.  You hear?  Sit tight.  Don’t move until we’re back.”
Valen complied, folding himself up and pulling the wooden lid of the coffin over himself.  After a moment, the lid slid to the side and his hand could be seen reaching out to grab some more of the pillows off the couch, pulling them in like a predator dragging prey back into its lair.
“Okay.”  Ari huffed, still pacing around.  “Second tarp.”
Lex went down and retrieved a second tarp.  “Now the hard part?”
They wrangled Nick’s corpse into the tarp, rolling it up.  As quick as they could, hoping to God none of the neighbors were watching, they ferried it down into the van.
They came back into the living room.  “Okay,” Ari said.  “Uhhhh.  Cover the blood.  Cover the couch.”
They dragged the couch over the biggest stain on the floor, then unfolded a blanket over it to hide the grisly scene.  There, if anyone peered in the window, they’d just see a wooden box and a tarp over a mysterious object.
“Okay.”  Ari’s keys jingled as she locked the door behind her.  “Sorry, kid, just hang in there for like an hour.”
It was a good thing Valen had fed from Nick, because they were pouring all four of his rations onto the basement floor.
They poured it from a few inches away, and slowly, so it would form a creeping puddle.  Then, they dumped Nick’s corpse on top of it, so his throat was positioned over the puddle, to make it look like he’d had his throat ripped and then bled out.
They took the restraints that had been on the new capture and laid them out in the room, empty, so that the natural thought would be “Why did Nick take the restraints off?” or “How did it get the restraints off?”
They trashed the room, throwing things on the floor to make it look like there had been a fight.  Bailey smashed into the door to make it look like it’d been knocked off its hinges in the escape.
They left the front door open and drove away.
"Burn in Hell, you rotten piece of shit," Ari said.
They got back just before sunrise, which was when they realized they were now stuck with this second vampire until sunset.
Well, more time with Valen too.
“Valen?” Lex called out as they came home.  “We’re back now.  You can come out.”
The coffin creaked open, and Valen shuffled over for more hugs.  “How did it go?” he asked nervously.
“Just fine,” Jerome said.  “The next person who finds him is gonna think your new friend here killed him and then ran off.  So now all we have to do is wait until sunset and you two can get over the border to safety."
Valen looked relieved.  “Thank you,” he whispered.
“Of course,” Lex said.  She sat him down on the couch, sitting next to him and putting a comforting arm around him.  “Are you doing okay?”
He nodded.  “Thank you.  Are all four of you going to stay?”
“We might need to take turns taking naps,” Bailey said.  “Since we were out all night.  But yeah, we’re all gonna make sure you get home safely.”
“Thank you,” Valen said bashfully.  “Thank you so much.”
Ari let out a breath.  “So…  Now we wait.”
There came a disgruntled sound from the metal cage under the tarp.
“...Right,” Ari said.  She was half-tempted to just leave the kid locked in the coffin and give the whole thing to Valen to take care of.  But no, they had to do this properly.  “I guess it wouldn’t be right to keep that kid locked in there all day if we don’t have to.  There’s four of us here, plus Valen, so I’m sure we can keep him under control.”  She looked to Valen.  “I’m trusting you to keep an eye on him, got it?  We’re vampire hunters, so if we let this kid go, anybody he hurts is on us.  You need to make sure he gets back over the border without taking anyone, or we failed to do our job.”
“Yes,” Valen said very seriously.  “I’ll make sure he doesn’t hurt anyone else.”
“Okay.”  Ari withdrew her keys and knelt, peeling the tarp back.  The vampire inside glared daggers at her, teeth peeled back in a snarl around the bit in his mouth.  “Hey, listen.  We’re gonna let you out.  We’re gonna all be civil, no fighting, no persuasion, no hurting, and then at nightfall, you’re going home.  You don’t need to try to get away.  It’s daytime now, so you got nowhere to go anyway.  Sound good?”
The vampire growled at her.  “Hey,” she said, like talking to a naughty dog.  “Come on, kid.  I know you’re tough and scary.  I know, all right?  I’m saying I’m going to let you out.  Literally all you have to do is nothing.  Just sit there and let us take you home.  Easy as pie.”
The vampire fell silent, glaring at her.  Ari undid the tarp and pulled it all the way back.
Valen approached tentatively.  He let out a gasp.  “Sebastian?” he exclaimed.
“What, do you know him?” Ari said.
Valen nodded, looking tearful.  “He’s my husband’s cousin.  So my cousin-in-law, if that’s a thing.  Oh, Sebastian, I’m so sorry.”  Valen felt his heart breaking.  He’d watched Sebastian grow up before he’d left Priscus.  He hadn’t seen him in a while.  He looked so much more grown up–but still so small and scared in the coffin, the nightmare device Valen was eager to get him out of.  “I forgot he was old enough to be coming of age soon.  Don’t worry, Sebastian, I’m here, I’ll help you.”
Sebastian was clearly trying to hide how relieved seeing Valen made him feel.  He stopped posturing and looked at Valen with big, wet eyes.
“Here,” Ari said, holding the keys out.  “Why don’t you handle this?”
“Thank you.”  Valen slipped on a pair of gloves so he could handle the silver, then took the keys and unlocked the coffin.  He unwrapped all the chains securing Sebastian inside it, lifting him out.  “I’m so sorry this happened to you, Sebastian….. I suppose I should say happy birthday?”
Sebastian glared at him.
“Sorry…”  Valen undid the muzzle, pulling it out of his mouth.  
The four human hunters fidgeted nervously, hands moving to their weapons, as Sebastian licked his lips.  “Valen, what on earth are you doing here?” Sebastian demanded.  “You ruined everything!”
Valen was taken aback.  “What?  How did I ruin it?”
“I came here to catch my first human and make my family proud, and now I’m stuck here overday!  Again!”
Valen waited for him to elaborate, but nothing further came.  “And how is that my fault?”
“Erm.”  Sebastian looked caught off-guard.  “Well, I don’t know.  You’re the only vampire around, so I just assumed you were running things.”
Valen let out a laugh.  “No, no.  Here.”  He undid the cuffs around Sebastian’s wrists and ankles, freeing him from the last of the restraints.  Sebastian stood and rolled his shoulders, prompting another round of nervous fidgets from the humans.
“Thank you,” Sebastian said brusquely.  “I need a shirt.”
“Oh, uh…”  Valen went over to his wardrobe and pulled out the biggest shirt he had.  “Here.”
Sebastian eyed the shirt with disdain, as though judging it not fine enough.  But he put it on without complaint.  His eyes swept over the humans.  “Can I drink from one of your thralls?”
“Oh, ah…”  Valen turned back to look at them.  “They aren’t my thralls.”
“Oh.  Whose thralls are they, then?”
“Oh, so they’re fair game, then?”
The four hunters all backed up, drawing weapons defensively as Sebastian eyed them.  Valen very quickly stepped in front of Sebastian.  “No, no, you misunderstand.”
Sebastian stared at him with hackles raised.  “Well I’m not leaving without a thrall.”
This was going to be a hard sell.  “Yes, you are, unfortunately.”
“Come on, you don’t need four, surely.  Can I have one?  Mother and Father aren’t going to be pleased with me for coming back so late, let alone empty-handed.”
“Sesbastian,” Valen said, exasperated.  “You have no idea what horrible fate you narrowly escaped.  You are going home unscathed and empty-handed, and you will learn to appreciate that as a victory.”
Sebastian scoffed.  “Why, because I was told so by my cousin’s commoner-born sex-pervert wife?”
Valen’s shoulders stiffened, and he went bright red.  “Sebastian, you-”
“My name is Sebastian Vorigan Kithrara, son of Mordecai Asmodeus Kithrara, secondborn of Viscardi Maxwell Talon Kithrara, third in line to control the blood harvest web.  My family feeds the entire nation.  I’m an apex predator.  I’m not going hungry, ever.  And I’m not leaving without a human.  This is my time to prove I’m worthy of my heritage, to fully step into my role as-”
“Sebastian!” Valen interrupted.  “I was there when you threw a fit about not getting the right number of ponies or whatever on your eleventh birthday!  You're not a fearsome predator!  You're a spoiled child!"
It was Sebastian’s turn to flush bright red.  “There needed to be a dozen of them and there were only ten!  Those last two missing ponies were crucial for the whole event!"
“God above, you’ve never been told no in your life, have you?”
“So can I feed on one of them or not?  I haven’t eaten in two days.  I’m starving.”
“You do not know the meaning of the word starving,” Valen snarled, with such ferocity that Sebastian’s eyebrows shot up and he stepped back.  “You impudent whelp.”
“You can’t speak to me this way,” Sebastian said.  “You have to show me proper respect.”
“Sebastian, listen to me.  You need to stop being foolish and value your life over your pride.  You were caught by vampire hunters.  They already proved they can beat you.  Please, if-”
Sebastian looked away from Valen and eyed Bailey.  “You, come over here and bare your neck.”
Bailey’s face went slack and he shuffled forward.
Valen seethed, letting out a serpentine hiss, and stepped forward, slapping Sebastian across the face and raking his claws over his cheek.  The persuasion broke, and Bailey fled back to the other side of the room.  
Sebastian reeled back, black blood seeping through the fingers clamped over his cheek.  “You-you struck me!”
“I’ll do much worse than that if you harm any of these humans.”
Sebastian seethed.  “What is wrong with you?”
“I could ask the same of you, but I already know the answer!”
Sebastian lunged at Valen with a growl, and Valen rolled back, head slamming into the ground.  He kicked Sebastian off of him, shocked at his recently returned strength and overshooting to pummel Sebastian all the way into the ceiling.  Sebastian fell back down with the sound of splintering wood, snarling and seizing Valen by the neck.
Valen kicked again, raking his talons over Sebastian’s arms to shred the shirt he’d just been given.  This time, he couldn’t get him off, and Sebastian squeezed, cutting off his air.  Valen flailed and tried to gasp in breaths that didn’t come.
Well, this was embarrassing.  Was Valen really not stronger than an 18-year-old boy?
Ari appeared behind Sebastian, plunging a silver knife into his back.
Ah.  Right.  There were four vampire hunters in the room.
Sebastian screeched, getting off Valen and clawing at his back to remove the knife.  Lex appeared on the other side, plunging a second knife into his exposed belly as he lifted his arms up.  Jerome was third, sweeping Sebastian’s leg.  Sebastian stumbled back and into the arms of Bailey, who had the muzzle.
It went back on.  Sebastian let out a muffled wail, perhaps realizing he was in over his head, and tried to pull it back off.  Jerome and Ari pulled his arms away to cuff them together while Bailey stifled his wriggling.
“Feet next,” Lex said.
Bailey let go of Sebastian, who fell flat to the ground.  He started crying again as Jerome secured the second pair of cuffs onto his ankles.  “Sorry, kid.”
Valen got up, coughing.
“You okay?” Ari said.
He nodded.  He was…. very uncomfortable watching another vampire be overpowered and rendered helpless the same way he had been at the start of this whole ordeal.  It’s not the same.  He’ll be set free in a bit.  It’s just for safety.  It’s strictly necessary.
Valen pulled his glove back on and approached.  Sebastian was standing now, held by Bailey under the elbows.  He eyed Valen angrily.
“I’m sorry, Sebastian,” Valen said.  “This is for the humans’ safety.  I promise it’ll be okay.  I’m sorry they had to hurt you.”  He reached forward and took out the knife in his stomach, prompting a muffled scream from Sebastian.  “I’m sorry.”
Valen’s heart nearly stopped.  He hadn’t noticed until now, but when they’d been fighting earlier, they’d cracked the wood ceiling.  Part of which was now lodged in Sebastian’s chest, off-center from his heart.
Sebastian seemed to notice it at this point too, going very still and breathing in rapid, panicked breaths.  The wood fragment wasn’t very large, but it was certainly large enough to kill him had it gone into his heart instead of a shoulder.
“You’re okay,” Valen placated, holding his hands out.  He vaguely noticed they were shaking.  “I’ll–I’ll just–I’ll pull this out.  You’re okay.”
Sebastian was crying in genuine fear now, too scared to move.  Valen could hear his heartbeat thudding wildly in his ribcage, and Bailey’s support was clearly the only thing keeping him from collapsing on weak knees.
Valen gingerly took the piece of wood and slid it out slowly.  Sebastian didn’t dare move or breathe until it clattered to the floor, at which point he sagged with relief into Baileys’ arms, shaking.
“You’re okay, lil guy,” Bailey said.  “Valen is gonna take you home tonight.”
Sebastian didn’t even struggle this time as Bailey laid him down into the coffin and locked it.
Valen had stepped into the next room, face in the wall, hands on his chest.  His own heart was pounding.
“You okay?”  It was Lex, appearing at his elbow.
He shook his head.  He tried to speak, found words escaped him, tried again.  “I almost killed him,” he said in a horrified whisper.
“But you didn’t,” Lex said.  “He’s okay.”
“But I could have.”  He hid his face in his hands, tears leaking out.  If he’d accidentally killed Sebastian so close on the heels of killing Nick, he wasn’t sure if he could have taken that.  He couldn’t take being a murderer twice in one day.  “I-I don’t want—I don’t like–I don’t want this.  I don’t want this.  I don’t want to kill.”
Ari came up from behind him, wrapping him in a bear hug.  “We know you don’t, big guy.”  His feet left the floor as she picked him all the way up, sandwiching him between her and Lex.  “Come on.  Honest mistake.  You were defending us.  You did the right thing.”
Soothing his conscience was always a surefire way to calm him down.  He swallowed.  “Okay.  Thank you.”
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alicepao13 · 4 months
Hudson and Rex S06E08
Another good episode. As a disclaimer, I’ve had a pretty specific idea of how this episode should be like, so I went in a little bit negatively predisposed. Also, these aren't in order. Sorry.
I remember the dead guy. He was in the episode with Meghan Ory’s character, the first one of the two.
“He’s dead. Are you happy?” Calm down, ma’am, you’re giving him reasons to be stupidly self-sacrificing.
Joe: Charlie no. Charlie: Charlie yes.
“We’re going to transfer all the inmates I’ve arrested out of the prison.” You’ll… what… now?
“I’ll find your killer and get rid of your drug problem”. And also fix your plumbing (oh, wait), clean your laundry, and create a gourmet menu for your prison.
Okay they did find a good reason for Rex to be in there. I'd still have preferred Charlie alone in prison and Rex investigating on the outside.
I hate this hairstyle. There, I said it. However, it’s more fitting to prison inmate Chuck than what Charlie has had all season so far as a cop. Which has actually been tolerable as an image despite not fitting the character, and I refuse to spend more time on that because I keep seeing it being commented on and when this keeps happening, I feel bad.
I think I know the actor who plays Charlie’s prison bunkmate but I can’t place him.
Charlie displayed a lot of badassery in this episode. Also, I think John Reardon did some good work acting wise in this one.
Charlie said “I love you”, “babe”, “you’re the hottest woman I’ve ever seen”, “sweetheart” to Sarah, and all of that while he was undercover in prison and through the phone??? Who do I talk to about this? How was there not a better moment for this? It’s like they wanted to throw these words out in the open in the least romantic way possible.
The way I hate “babe” and yet every single couple I ship is using it… They’re lucky I’ve been desensitized since Castle.
And Sarah’s facepalm on the other end lmao. It’s obviously not the first “I love you” at least. I wonder what she calls him.
I liked the instrumental music for the prison scenes. It was very much on point.
Damn, they put him in solitary for 24 hours. This couldn’t have awakened any claustrophobic feelings from a) the freezer b) the cave collapse, c) the coffin he was buried in d) the containers that almost turned him into a pancake? Come on, guys. Also, do they or do they not have solitary in Canada? It can’t keep changing according to the season.
Sarah worried because her idiot almost died in prison. Charlie finally (I might pass out) having a moment of weakness? Saying that he misses Sarah and Rex? I did not think I'd live to see it.
Jesse saying that they'd pull out Charlie if it gets too dangerous… This is way too optimistic. Realistically, he would have gotten shivved before anyone could do anything about it.
Rex totally wanted to maul that guy for injuring Charlie. Once again, why can’t we see him baring his teeth? German shepherds have scary canine teeth, they’re not just cute and cuddly.
I liked Joe as a guard. And interrogating the suspect, getting a bit handsy with him.
Detective Jesse Mills. Doing interrogations. Detecting lol
Bringing back a bad guy from S1? Interesting choice. I barely remember the guy. And wasn’t that episode like a collective fandom hallucination or something? When Charlie mentioned the guy had killed a kid I was like, oh so we haven’t seen that case. That’s how much I don’t remember that episode.
“Lots can change in that time” Charlie, you’re squeaky clean, bud. You tried to be “bad” in S4 and lasted for like four minutes.
Also, in every show I’ve seen, once a cop enters prison, no one cares whether he’s a disgraced cop. They’d want to kill him either way.
Either they shot the scenes of the prison yard in one day or it was raining all the days they had those scenes. Very gloomy weather, it added a bit of extra grime to the episode.
“Do you want to read the letters with me?” Absolutely not. He wants to go back home, hug his girlfriend and have a hot shower to wash the prison off of him. Maybe this all happened off screen already. I don’t care. I didn’t see it so it didn’t happen.
I liked the episode. It didn’t go my way at all but it’s understandable. I wanted some more danger towards the end, as people were catching on to the fact that Charlie was a cop. Also, Charlie had way too much communication with the team, I know it doesn’t make sense for me to not want that, but it also doesn’t make sense for an undercover cop in prison to be able to be in touch with almost every member of his team throughout the episode. Did I want a Charlie and Sarah scene in the end? Absolutely.
Promo: That is a pretty lame promo for what should be a character centric episode. It looks like a complete filler, devoid of character moements. I hope it will be a character centric episode and not a filler NCIS episode (because Navy). Hopefully it’s just lousy promo editing and not a lousy episode. Interesting choice for Charlie’s dad. And I know people might hate me for this, but I’ll say it anyway. I did prompt a few storylines to an AI model about Charlie facing off his dad, and the AI would always, always have his dad call him Charles. Fucking hell.
There’s no way Sarah is not meeting Charlie’s dad, right? I need to be reassured.
Dude seems so dismissive of Rex that I hope Rex bites him. He should be allowed to bite family members who are being assholes.
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