#and that you're Perceiving more than charles is
singsweetmelodies · 1 year
Good Lord. The new kiss fanfic chapter, holy cow. Your writing is so incredible and Charles' feelings just came across so PERFECTLY. Thank you thank you thank you for this fic so far!!! <333
AWWW, thank you so so much, dear anon!! this ask made me smile SO much <3333 i'm so happy you liked it!! 😍🥰 and as for Charles' feelings... WELL, i'm glad they're obvious to you, because they're definitely not obvious to him, if you know what i mean 🤣😭
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but yeah!! really, thank you SO much for this very kind ask - i really appreciate it ❤️ you've made me smile just as much as this gif of sharl does ☺️🥰
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alexwilltellyouthings · 2 months
Something about the line between platonic and romantic and what that means for Edwin and Charles.
What even is that line? Like, in general? Especially when it comes to queer relationships? We've all been there or seen it happening, kissing a friend, found family, lovers to exes to friends again. It's common for queer groups to be messy, but also that's not messy, that's just how we roll.
Sometimes it's more about how you perceive things than about how the world is saying that they are.
And Edwin and Charles, the line is so, so high up. The love doesn't change no matter how you're looking at it, but the difference is the knowledge — the way they understand the feelings.
So even though Edwin has been in love for decades (because it was the same feeling), he didn't see it like that. Everything he did for Charles was platonic up until the moment it wasn't. The same goes for Charles: even if he, too, has been in love since the beginning, he didn't consider it and so his acts were platonic. He did actually go to hell for his best mate.
Because what's the difference? If it's that strong, it can only be romantic? Nah, I know most of us don't actually believe that.
That's why I think that them turning romantic doesn't diminish the strenght of the friendship itself. From now on, yeah, they may see themselves as lovers. But they were friends for 30+ years first, and they loved each other like that, and it wasn't less. It was the same.
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Mirion Malle’s “So Long Sad Love”
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On July 14, I'm giving the closing keynote for the fifteenth HACKERS ON PLANET EARTH, in QUEENS, NY. Happy Bastille Day! On July 20, I'm appearing in CHICAGO at Exile in Bookville.
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In Mirion Malle's So Long Sad Love, a graphic novel from Drawn and Quarterly, we get an all-too-real mystery story: when do you trust the whisper network that carries the fragmentary, elliptical word of shitty men?
Cleo is a French comics creator who's moved to Montreal, in part to be with Charles, a Quebecois creator who helps her find a place in the city's tight-knit artistic scene. The relationship feels like a good one, with the normal ups and downs, but then Cleo travels to a festival, where she meets Farah, a vivacious and talented fellow artist. They're getting along great…until Farah discovers who Cleo's boyfriend is. Though Farah doesn't say anything, she is visibly flustered and makes her excuses before hurriedly departing.
This kicks off Cleo's hunt for the truth about her boyfriend, a hunt that is complicated by the fact that she's so far from home, that her friends are largely his friends, that he flies off the handle every time she raises the matter, and by her love for him.
There's a term for men like Charles: a "missing stair." "Missing stair" is a metaphor for someone in a social circle who presents some kind of persistent risk to the people around them, who is accommodated rather than confronted:
The metaphor goes like this: you're at a party and every time someone asks where the bathroom is, another partygoer directs them to the upper floor and warns them that one of the stairs is missing, and if they don't avoid that tread, they will fall through and be gravely injured. In this metaphor, a whole community of people have tacitly decided to simply accept the risk that someone who is forgetful or new to the scene will fall through the stair – no one has come forward to just fix that stair.
The origins of this term are in BDSM circles, and the canonical "missing stair" is a sexual predator, but from the outset, it's referred to all kinds of people with failings that present some source of frustration or unhappiness to those around them, from shouters to bigots to just someone who won't help do the dishes after a dinner party:
We all know a few missing stairs, and anyone who's got even a little self-reflexivity must wonder from time to time if they're not also a missing stair, at least to some people in their lives. After all, friendship always entails some accommodation, and doubly so love – as Dan Savage is fond of saying, "There is no person who is 'The One' for you – the best you can hope for is the '0.6' that you can round up to 'The One,' with a lot of work."
And at least some missing stairs aren't born – they're made. Everyone screws up, everyone's got some bad habits, everyone's got some blind spots about what others expect of them and how others perceive us. When the people around us make bad calls about whether to let us skate on our faults and when to confront us, those faults fester and multiply and calcify. This is compounded in long-tenured relationships that begin in our youth, when we are still figuring out our boundaries – the people who we give a pass to when we're young and naive can become a fixture in our lives despite characteristics that, as adults, we wouldn't tolerate in someone who is new to our social scene.
To make all this even more complicated, there's the role that power plays in all this. Many missing stairs are keenly attuned to power dynamics and present a different face to people who have some authority – whether formal or tacit – to sanction them. This is why so many of the outings of #MeToo predators provoked mystified men to say, "Gosh, they never acted that way around me – I had no idea."
These men aren't necessarily clueless. There's a predator who once traveled in my circles, and when he was outed, it wasn't just men who were shocked. My professional and personal life includes a large cohort of socially and professionally powerful women to whom this "missing stair" presented an impeccable face on every occasion. None of the people this guy looked up to ever witnessed his behavior firsthand, and for complicated reasons, none of the lower status (younger, less experienced, and not exclusively female) people whom he preyed upon came to us.
Which brings me back to Cleo and Charles, and the mystery of what Charles did to Farah in art school, many years before. The people in Charles's circle have an explanation: Farah was Charles's first heavy crush, and he courted her in ways that crossed the line into harassment. But – according to Charles's friends – this was a temporary condition that Charles outgrew, and it was only later, when Charles was in a healthier relationship with someone who reciprocated his affections, that Farah retaliated by attacking him to their small art-school circle.
This is just plausible enough – Charles was young, still figuring stuff out, he made a misstep – that Cleo is able to console herself with it. But as Charles grows more irritable and belittling of her, and as Cleo's friends gently encourage her to dig further rather than burying her lingering doubts, a much uglier truth comes into view.
Malle handles this all so deftly, showing how Cleo and her friends all play archetypal roles in the recurrent missing stair dynamic. It's a beautifully told story, full of charm and character, but it's also a kind of forensic re-enactment of a disaster, told from an intermediate distance that's close enough to the action that we can see the looming crisis, but also understand why the people in its midst are steering straight into it.
This transitions into a third act where Cleo leaves Montreal and finds herself in the midst a very different social dynamic of people who have figured out a far healthier way to manage their interpersonal problems. This short conclusion is powerfully satisfying, showing how it's possible to live without missing stairs and without the immediate expulsion of anyone who has a "problematic" moment.
The missing stair phenomenon would be so much easier to deal with if every missing stair started out as an irredeemable monster. We could fix all those stairs and declare ourselves done. But – as Malle illustrates – there's a reason it's so hard to fix those missing stairs. Every good friendship has some give and take – but every missing stair takes too much. Knowing the difference is a skill you learn through hard experience, not one you're born with. Learning when to call someone out, and when to call them in, is a hard curriculum – and it's even harder to know when to keep trying to help the people in your life be better selves, and when to protect the other people in your life from their worst selves.
Malle's book is packed with subtlety and depth, romance and heartbreak, subtext that carries through the dialog (in marvelous translation from the original French by Aleshia Jensen) and the body language in Malle's striking artwork.
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Support me this summer on the Clarion Write-A-Thon and help raise money for the Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers' Workshop!
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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wi55iams · 9 months
i love the carlos theory, but is there evidence??
we must see - for scientific purposes, of course 👀
Apologies at how long it has taken me to prove my theory, but I come bearing proof of Carlos' twinkishness! Firstly, we must consider the definition of twink. This is what wikipedia describes a twink as:
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So how does this apply to Carlos? First, let's focus on having a slim physique. Carlos definitely fits this descriptor. I know a lot of you will think I am crazy. 'But Carlos is buff!' You will say. However, this is a misconception. Consider the following;
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See how skinny his upper body is compared to his race suit? In the bottom image you can see its like a centimetre or two thick fabric which pads him out a bit. I think the video of him walking to the podium after Miami 2022 really exemplifies this:
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I think because we usually see Carlos in a race suit, we perceive him as bulkier. Not convinced by this alone? Lets actually compare him to an F1 driver usually called a twink, Charles.
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See how they're actually about the same size and body shape? If anything, Carlos has a slimmer waist than Charles, and both are about the same in terms of muscle. Lets compare him with an F1 driver not considered a twink by the masses, Pierre in terms of muscle:
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Carlos is pretty bulky arm wise, but just look at how crazy huge and defined Pierre's muscles are. If you look at more pictures of Pierre he's much bigger than Carlos or Charles in size. Look at this guy!
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So if Carlos is closer to Charles, a known twink, than Pierre, i think its safe to say he is much more twinkish than we give him credit for. But i'm not even done. Carlos has in fact been DECEIVING you by being an athlete and having muscles, under all that he is built like a twig. You can see this when he was younger. Look at this. If you're willing to do some digging back to his karting days, you can see before he started lifting he was weirdly long and built fairly skinny.
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So that completes the 'slim' part. Next is youthful appearance/age. Carlos is nearly 30, but as Wikipedia states you don't have to be an older teen or in your early twenties to be a twink. It's about the presentation, and Carlos certainly fits that youthful vibe with his always messy hair, toothy smile, and big eyes. He also likes to rough house and push people around as a sign of affection, which just screams young guy to me lol.
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Next is body hair. I admit my theory hits a slight snag here, as we all know Carlos is hairy af. However, we also all know he's dedicated to waxing every last piece of chest hair off. It's harder to find a picture of a hairy Carlos compared to the many pictures of him with no body hair at all. So I think we can say he's pushing himself towards a twink vibe with this. (below picture isn't the best to illustrate how much he shaves his chest i just think its funny)
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Finally, flamboyancy. Defined as 'tending to attract attention because of their exuberance, confidence, and stylishness.' This is Carlos to a T. He's always confident, perhaps not super 'stylish' but he does have a good dress sense and seems to know what clothes suit him, and he's been proven to be quite excitable and exuberant when hanging out with friends. I think his hypercompetitiveness shows this as well. Is this picture not the epitome of careless confidence and flamboyance?
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So. There is my evidence. Agree or disagree as you will. I will say he is probably more a twunk than all out twink, but he for sure has some twink in him. Here's a few last pictures to really try and convince you, but for now, ciao.
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thearchercore · 1 month
Question, why does charles get so much hate? I've literally seen people rate 55 higher than him and say it's because 55 performs better and I'm like??? And it's depressing how it seems like no one is rooting for him. I genuinely thought Charles was one of the more popular ones so what's all this about? Sorry for the depressing ask but I had to know, I've been out of online f1 fandoms for a good long while (since 2022) and I swear people had more faith in him back then.
depends on the corners of the internet you're in. some fans of other drivers subconsciously perceive him as a threat and dont like him for that. then you have internal fights (carlos fans, for example) which are their own little niche.
then you have people who blame ferrari not having the best car/strategies on his driving.
plus he's not british so f1, which is at the end of the day sport with insane british bias, so he will always be treated differently than let's say, lando
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sailorstar9 · 3 months
Your Best Friend's Jealousy
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Y/N had known Donna for almost ten years. They met back in as teenagers when Y/N moved to Monstadt, next to Donna's house and they clicked instantly. Over the years, Donna became more than just a neighbour, she was like a sister Y/N never had. They supported each other through life's ups and downs and more.
But, as Y/N's wedding day approached, things started to shift. Diluc is the kind of partner every girl dreams about; supportive, loving and incredibly patient. When he proposed the previous year, it was the happiest day of Y/N's life. Planning their wedding, Y/N imagined the perfect day surrounded by friends and family.
However, Donna's behaviour had been a growing concern. Her drinking, once just a casual part of her life, had started to grow problematic. Donna had started flirting recklessly and often crossed boundaries, especially with men.
Y/N brushed off her concerns at first, attributing it to wedding stress and Donna's tough phase at work.
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“Y/N, you know I'm here for you, right?” Donna asked one evening over drinks, her voice tinged with a seriousness that was rare for her.
“Of course, Donna.” Y/N replied. “You're my rock.”
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But as the wedding drew near, Donna's behaviour escalated.
At Y/N's celebratory party, Donna was visibly drunk, making everyone uncomfortable. She whispered something to Diluc that night and Y/N saw his face tighten.
Y/N decided to confront Donna the next day.
“Donna, what did you tell Diluc last night?” Y/N ventured. “You seem… off.”
“Y/N, don't be such a worry-wart.” Donna waved a dismissive hand. “I was just teasing him. Lighten up.”
Y/N frowned; Donna's words did not match the look she saw Diluc's face.
This chapter of Y/N's life, filled with trust and friendship, was about to be tested in ways Y/N never imagined.
The weeks leading up to the wedding was a blur of decorations, tastings and final fittings, with Adelinde coordinating everything.
But, the shadow of Donna's odd behaviour still lingered on Y/N's mind.
One afternoon, while Y/N and Donna were reviewing sitting arrangements, Y/N noticed Donna chatting up Charles, probing him for information about Diluc.
Y/N tried to brush off the unease creeping up her spine; her mind adding yet another doubt to Y/N's ever growing mental list.
However, even more incidents began to pile up, each even more unsettling than the last.
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On the morning of the wedding, the air was crisp and Y/N's heart was full of hope that the day would smooth over any lingering tensions.
As Y/N got ready, Donna flitted around, seemingly in high spirits which calmed Y/N down.
But as they stood in the plaza in front of the Favonius Cathedral, ready for the ceremony, Donna's mood shifted, becoming quieter with forced smiles.
“Stop the wedding!” Donna suddenly shouted, before Y/N and Diluc announced their wedding vows. “Master Diluc is the father of my child! I'm carrying the next heir of the Ragnvindr Clan. Master Diluc has to marry me!”
A blanket of silence enveloped the plaza as all eyes turned to Y/N and she felt her heart stop.
“Donna, what are you talking about?” Kaeya hissed, his voice as icy as the Vision he bore.
Donna looked at Y/N, then at the wedding guests, a twisted smirk on her face. “Master Diluc, tell her.” she cooed. “Tell her about us.”
Diluc kept his expression firm. “There's nothing to tell, Donna. It's all lies. Donna, this needs to stop, now.”
But Donna reminded unfazed, continuing her accusations as murmurs swelled.
Y/N realized this was Donna's version of some twisted revenge for slights only she perceived. As the chaos unfolded, Y/N realized it was more than just simple jealousy; Donna had planned this, with every intention of ruining what should have been the happiest day of her life.
“Y/N, believe me.” Diluc remained by her side. “We'll get through this together.”
“The Knights of Favonius will also stand with you.” Jean assured, Kaeya and Albedo nodding in agreement.
“Everyone, there has been a huge misunderstanding.” Kaeya announced. “Donna is not telling the truth. I have evidence of Donna's deceit. This isn't just about today. It's been going on for a while.”
Pulling out a folder from seemingly nowhere, the Cryo user revealed the numerous love letters written by Donna to Diluc, still unopened. “Adelinde kept these unopened. Let's read one, shall we?” breaking one of the envelope's seals, he began to read the contents, filled with inappropriate suggestions and declarations of feelings; feelings that Diluc never reciprocated.
Donna's face turned pale, her confident facade beginning to crack.
“Donna, this has to stop.” Donna's mother stormed up to her daughter. “Not only did you betray your best friend, but you've brought disgrace to our family. What do you have to say for yourself?”
Donna looked around, her usual bravado gone. “I was just upset. Y/N was always the perfect one; she gets to go to law school in Liyue and now she helps Master Diluc run the Dawn Winery as its legal consultant. I just wanted something for myself.”
“By destroying our lives?” Y/N spat. “Is that your solution? I never wanted to believe you'd go this far. Our friendship is over! Do not contact me ever again!”
“Donna, I think it's best if you leave.” Jean interjected.
“We're deeply sorry about this, Acting Grand Master, Master Diluc.” Donna's mother apologized and pulled her daughter off.
After the disruption settled, Sister Grace cleared her throat and the wedding continued.
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tigreblvnc · 1 month
BLUE LOCK MATCHUP — @karusenka
Your match is...
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— Shidou Ryusei
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✦ You can't imagine the quirky joy I feel in bringing out this match right after the one I made for Rin...
✦ We all know how much those two adore each other... (not).
✦ I'm THRILLED to finally be able to match this pink clown with someone!
✦ I didn't hesitate for long.
✦ In fact, I think no other character could have matched your bio.
✦ There are too many peculiarities, too many specific details... that can only match with Shidou.
✦ "My humor is definitely not for everyone, it's mostly the humor of a 12 y/o kid which can be annoying to some people lmao (sometimes it's funny how people are annoyed by it)" My decision was made at that moment, and actually, there was another character who might have fit, but I'll explain at the end why I didn't choose them.
✦ Let's be honest, on the field, Shidou is an unpredictable character, too original to be understood by the other participants, and above all, he does things his way, with his own style. There are very few football styles more personal than his, and it shows when he's in the game—others struggle to anticipate his moves because he just goes with the flow.
✦ That's what makes him an extraordinary competitor.
✦ "Often I act like an asshole but this is just for jokes!" It's typically the same for Shidou, and I think for him, it's a way to test others to see who is worth fighting. Shidou's communication is heavily based on play, provocation, and offense. You'd better be someone who can handle his particular humor, or you'll quickly get thrown off and won't know how to deal with him.
✦ I'm not going to quote the phrase in case you don't want it to be public, but it's the paragraph where you explain that your interests are very specific and give you a certain reputation among your peers; I think that's very Shidou-coded, and not much else can match up to that. It's more or less canon, but in his football philosophy, there's something very intense and even visceral that makes his character very complex, and I find that it relates to you.
✦ I see him as someone who doesn't know how to respect boundaries and doesn't like to have any imposed on him, so I think he'd join you and even encourage your particular interests. I even want to say he shares more than half of them... I've never done NSFW headcanons publicly, but your combination would particularly lend itself to that, I think (honestly, Shidou likes dark stuff). I took a stroll through your blog, and I noticed some topics that interest you, which I think he would also really enjoy.
✦ "I also have anger issues and it's very easy to make me angry." I tend to think Shidou's temperament leans toward being hot-headed and that he can lose his temper in two seconds—that's what makes him the opposite of Rin. For Shidou, his anger would mostly be linked to the fact that others aren't good enough to push him to his limits, or that people don't understand the depth that football represents to him.
✦ "The second one is probably physical touch, but sometimes I might not be in the mood but otherwise I love hugs and kisses!" I think physical contact is one of Shidou's love languages, but probably more in a friendly and playful dimension. We see it with Charles, where they almost climb on each other to celebrate victory.
✦ On the other hand, I see Shidou as a super independent character who doesn't demand contact 24/7. So when you're not in the mood for it, he'll leave you alone.
✦ Several times in your bio, you mention your sensitivity. One might think that Shidou has none, given his general brutality, lack of tact, the fact that you have to restrain him to control him... And yet, there's something particularly refined in the way he approaches his favorite sport. We even know that art was his favorite subject in school, and to me, that says he's capable of finding beauty in things, in the way others perceive a subject. This particularity could be an interesting topic of conversation for you two, who enjoy uncommon things.
✦ "I LOVE LOVE horror and scary things, I can't imagine my life without it, it's just such an interesting genre that makes me happy and intrigued!" The first time I checked Shidou's profile on the Blue Lock Wiki, this sentence stood out to me: "His favorite movie is A Clockwork Orange." Kubrick's filmography isn't exactly horror, but it touches on very current, sometimes raw, hard, violent, and uncensored subjects. This is what made him a controversial director, even in the way he directed his teams.
✦ (and at the same time, you both like cute stuff, which kills me)
✦ The first thing you notice about Shidou when he appears is his appearance. He completely stands out in the middle of all the others with his blond and pink gradient, long lashes, and magenta pupils. He has an arrogant and atypical style; honestly, for me, there's no question that this guy has something super interesting that fits well with your peculiarities!
✦ "I dislike slow music." Shidou's favorite song is "Hide - Pink Spider," and besides showing some potentially disturbing images, it's far from slow! It's rock, it's pop, in Japanese style.
✦ So yes, I think you two probably met on a niche forum and quickly clicked. Shidou uses social media a lot—Instagram in particular—so I imagine you two must have regularly exchanged messages, sometimes until indecent hours of the night.
✦ Honestly, nothing makes him happier than meeting someone who embraces their most intimate aspects and publicly claims them while shining through them. We see a bit of this with Sae; even though they are opposites, Sae is powerful enough to work well with Shidou on the field. They have completely different philosophies, but the fact that Sae can manage Shidou because he "understands" him changes everything.
✦ I imagine Shidou bombarding you with music he finds on Spotify and regularly spamming you at all hours of the night.
✦ He also sometimes sends you photos of slightly weird and super specific things he likes, like the veins you can see in the wrist or someone’s tears after a skateboard fall. I really see him stopping in the street to take this kind of photo with his phone.
✦ Between you two, it's normal.
✦ And you can send him all the most complex and dark topics; I think he wouldn't bat an eye and would actually be super excited to dive into those discussions with you. In fact, you both feel free to discuss whatever you want, without taboos, and it feels good.
✦ I think what hooked him the most with you were the less conventional topics that interest you.
✦ I see you more as really good friends who can trauma dump at any time via messages, but I don't necessarily see you hanging out in public during the day. It's more likely to be a virtual relationship.
✦ Because I think his violence might scare you face-to-face. He's sensitive to art but not enough to spare your sensitivity, which I believe is very strong.
✦ So to me, it's mostly a relationship that's kept a bit hidden, confined to the phone, where you can say anything without fear of judgment. It's the contact you message even during family meals, under the table, because it's always fabulously stimulating to exchange with him and get his take on something spicy.
✦ I think you both have opinions that could be very controversial to the general public.
✦ I imagined him stopping by the local konbini to buy a cute but slightly creepy trinket that reminds him of his relationship with you, and then send you a picture: "Look, it's you."
✦ What makes him the happiest? When you tell him about your nightmares.
✦ I think he's the guy you might not talk to for days, then one morning you wake up, open your phone, and see "56 new messages and 13 missed calls."
✦ He comes and goes.
✦ And potentially, he stays if his interest remains piqued.
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A word about your match: I also considered Charles, who is like a mini Shidou. We know how much they get along on the field and how their chemistry works, but since you preferred a character over 17, I decided to go with Shidou instead. Moreover, I think Charles wouldn't understand the depth of your personality as well as Shidou would.
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wanderingblindly · 1 month
I keep thinking about your portrayal of Lando in Impasse of Biting (and this is going to be very personal and possibly somewhat incorrect so feel free to skip it yk) and I've decided to just write my thesis on it because fuck it why not
the way you describe a scene is always just so. vivid to me. like all the details and the subtleties make it palpable, it all flows so naturally I've never had to think twice about what the scenery is or where/how the characters are physically because it just stays, and this story stuck with me with a level of detail not many have. full disclosure I did not reread the fic before writing this (to preserve sanity) so some details might be off regardless. anyways.
what immediately stands out about Lando is how alone he feels, that he's isolated on a much deeper level than just being introverted would get you. the way I think about this is basically: when you treat/perceive life as if it was happening TO you without having a say in it, in a way you're not living in the same world everyone else is. events in your life, the actions you take, maybe even the things you think or want don't feel like they're in your control, they're not really connected to you. and since you're obviously different than those around you in how you process basically everything you become painfully alone. ("fun" fact I wasn't really able to relate to basically any fictional character for a looooooong time. they had motives and reasons for their actions. I didn't feel I had anything to do with that.) it's like you're an observer of your own life, playing a passive role rather than being alive, you don't feel like a person at all sometimes (which is why I think Charles' proposition has such a grip on him. it's a promise to be seen, wanted, needed. to be a real person with a palpable effect on their surroundings, to fill out a place in the world. to be known)
the way Lando then broke free of that, stood up for himself (because he realised he deserved to and could just do that) meant, like, a lot to me. just seeing my own experience reflected back at me like that, and then seeing Lando overcoming it gave me a lot of,,, not really hope (thankfully I did already battle it out) but more like, reassurance that no matter what I would've gotten away from that mentality (eventually). that I would not have been stuck in my own mind for the rest of my life. we don't really find out in detail why Lando turned out like that, but I know why I did, and for a long time I felt like my life was taken away from me in a sense, I had to mourn that. and it took a lot out of me emotionally, and sometimes I'm still afraid I might slip back or that in some alternate universe I never made it out. seeing someone else go through something very similar and leaving that situation happy meant. more than I can describe tbh
altough Oscar's character had less of an effect on me (tbf there's not really a fair comparison to be made) there is still a lot to be said about his complete refusal to accept himself as he is, that he had to be shown that he CAN and deserves to be loved before he even considered letting himself take what he needs also resonated with me a lot. in my mind they connect through their respective superstitions of being loved (idk if that wording makes sense tbh you might have to read my mind here soz)
it also stood out to me how Lando irl was a very shy (and likely lonely) teenager, who would actually find his confidence and subsequently very lively personality later in life. which I think is less a consciously written parallel and more like a characteristic of him that's naturally adapted into a lot of rpf works (I still find it noteworthy tho). and I don't know how much you, the author, ever experienced that, but admittedly I am curious about it (and completely feel free to not answer that btw) never before in my life have I been able to talk to someone about this very specific type of loneliness and felt like they actually understood. like when I explain it logically everyone can imagine it, but I don't think you can truly get it unless you've been through it yourself, which thankfully not many have.
I'm not usually the type of person to cry reading fics no matter how deeply miserable they make me (ex: Casual by loquarocoeur. that fic ruined my life but I never truly felt like crying about it) EXCEPT for when they resonate with me on a personal level apparently because I quite literally cried myself to sleep after Impasse. like it GOT to me. I needed that I think, so above all thank you (as you can tell I've thought about this a totally normal and healthy amount, I also think it's important to let people know when they've had an impact on you so here we are) (even if I'm too much of a pussy to not do this out of anon lmao)
- anon with the "letting go" answer to the smut poll thing (getting such a positive response to that gave me the motivation to write this so like, keep being lovely c:) (and ps. I'm not gonna say sorry for sending you a literal essay because that would be lying and lying is bad but for the record, I did NOT intend for this to be nearly 1k words long and I completely understand if it was intimidating enough to be skipped or procrastinated)
(impasse of biting)
oh my god,,,, oh my god can I,,,,, can I kiss you on the forehead,,,,,, this is possibly the most beautiful ask I've ever received. And, despite you not having read it a second time, you are SO right on so many fronts. In fact, some of these points are almost word for word lifted from my rambling to the homies on discord during the writing/brainstorming process.
I hope you don't mind a small essay in response, ft. some screenshots (if I can find them).
the way you describe a scene is always just so. vivid to me. like all the details and the subtleties make it palpable
I've said it a million times, but this is always the highest praise imaginable to me. I never believed in settings/scene descriptions as my strongest point, especially considering my aphantasia. I'll go cry now.
when you treat/perceive life as if it was happening TO you without having a say in it, in a way you're not living in the same world everyone else is.
I swear I said nearly this exact thing, word for word, to someone while I was planning this fic. It's the one screenshot I can't find, and I'm pulling my hair out about it, but in short: Y E S. That's exactly the brand of loneliness I wanted to describe. Because Lando's issue isn't introversion, it's not that he can't put himself out there and be loud if he wants to, it's more so that any time he tried to in the past, it didn't... work. It was like everyone was operating on different assumptions than him, or getting different signals. And that repeated experience beat him down to the Lando we see in the fic.
It reminds me of this comment I made:
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I wanted to emphasize the loneliness with this overarching sense of... helplessness. And that's the reason it was so painful to Lando at certain points in his life -- the perceived lack of agency.
(which is why I think Charles' proposition has such a grip on him. it's a promise to be seen, wanted, needed. to be a real person with a palpable effect on their surroundings, to fill out a place in the world. to be known)
You get it! You get it!!!!!!!! I was also thinking about why Lando would stay with Charles despite it not really getting better. Like, yes, the urge to be seen and wanted and needed would get him in his grip, but why would Lando stay? And I realized it all came back to the idea of apathy as a misrepresentation for acceptance:
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for a long time I felt like my life was taken away from me in a sense, I had to mourn that.
First of all, I'm really really glad that you've gotten yourself to a better place in your life -- and I'm glad that reading this helped you feel seen and understood in your journey. This specific wording really resonated with the way I tried to show Lando's relationship to his lot in life; I wanted him to be angry because I wanted him to be grieving. I wanted him to be mad at himself for letting himself get to this point, and I wanted him to feel that ambiguous, hard-to-pinpoint anger that comes with mourning.
Him being mad at himself felt really key to his character development, because it exemplifies him taking control of his own life. By getting mad, by being ignited from the inside, we see that he realizes it was, to an extent, always in his control -- and he chose to let himself watch life happen. Obviously the reality may not have been that simple, but the mentality switch felt really vital to me.
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in my mind they connect through their respective superstitions of being loved
I totally may be misunderstanding you here (sorry!), but I definitely see what you mean here -- and I agree! The fact that they both have equal but opposite... hang ups about love and life is part of what brings them together. Lando believes he's only good for giving and resents that, Oscar believes he's only designed to take, and he would rather die than give in to it. What I really loved about the resolution to this dynamic though, is that they didn't actually change -- Lando still gives, and Oscar still takes. But it's the connotation, the feeling behind the behavior, that shifts. They didn't have to change who they were, intrinsically, to find love that leaves them feeling safe.
I don't know how much you, the author, ever experienced that, but admittedly I am curious about it
Hmmmmm I'm honestly not sure that I've felt this exact brand of loneliness before, but I used to frequently grapple with like... the fear that I was living life correctly, especially when I was younger. I lived a very straight and narrow life in high school, I didn't party in college, I didn't have my first partner until I was 23, etc etc. A lot of the milestones that felt really normal to my peers just... didn't happen to me.
It's all tied pretty intricately to my asexuality, I've realized, but I described my relationship to a lot of the world as feeling like a doll, or maybe a large scale art piece. I was admired a lot, aesthetically, but I didn't really exist in the same way that a lot of "women" (ish) did.
So, no. Probably not what you went through at all, but perhaps a different genre of it :) I just like thinking about emotions hahahaha. Though my DMs are always open if you'd like to talk more about this sort of thing, I contemplate it often <333
I quite literally cried myself to sleep after Impasse. like it GOT to me
This must have been kinda scary to admit, even on anon, but jesus christ THANK YOU. I never imagine any of my works like, resonating with people. Mattering at all, really. I still don't entirely believe that people read the nonsense I put out there. But god, this is like.... it. It's possibly all a casual writer could ever hope to achieve. Thank you again, I don't even have the words <3333333333333333333333
so like, keep being lovely c:
NO U!!!!!!!!!!!! MWUAH!!!!
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firstdeerwife · 1 month
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The night breeze of New Orleans gently caressed _____ as she walked alongside Alastor through the cobblestone streets.
The streetlights cast golden glimmers on the paving stones, and the distant murmur of the city created an almost magical atmosphere.
Their footsteps echoed in harmony, accompanied by a comfortable silence that was only occasionally broken by light comments about the weather or the streets they were passing through.
"Is the city always this quiet at this hour?" _____ asked, glancing at Alastor.
"Quiet at first glance, perhaps," Alastor responded with a half-smile. "But New Orleans has many secrets that awaken when the sun sets."
"Like you?" _____ joked, though there was a serious tone in her voice.
Alastor looked at her, his eyes sparkling with a hint of mystery.
"Maybe," he said, dodging the question with a smile. "In fact, what do you think if I show you one of those secrets tonight?"
_____ raised an eyebrow, intrigued.
"What do you mean?"
"There's a little club not far from here. An exclusive place, only for those who know where to look. If you’re free tonight, we could go."
_____ thought for a moment. Although she was engaged to Charles, the prospect of exploring a new place with Alastor, someone who inexplicably attracted her, was tempting.
"I accept. When do we go?"
"Tonight," Alastor replied. "I can introduce you to a friend of mine, Mimzy. She's... an interesting woman."
_____ couldn’t help but feel a twinge of discomfort hearing the tone Alastor used when mentioning Mimzy, but she decided to ignore it. After all, she was just a friend, right?
Hours later, _____ found herself in the club that Alastor had described. From the outside, it seemed like a modest, almost insignificant building, but upon crossing the doors, the atmosphere changed drastically.
Jazz music filled the air, and cigarette smoke mingled with the scent of fine liquors. The lighting was dim, just enough to make out the figures moving to the rhythm of the music.
"_____, I want to introduce you to someone."
Alastor led her to a table in the corner, where a woman stood as she saw them approach.
Mimzy was the complete opposite of ____: short, curvaceous, with thick thighs, wide hips, and ample breasts.
Her platinum blonde hair, cut in a short bob style, gleamed under the lights, and her pale skin contrasted with the deep red of her dress. Her eyes, surrounded by dark makeup, settled on _____ with a mix of curiosity and challenge.
"So you're _____," Mimzy said, extending a hand with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. "I've heard a lot about you."
_____ shook her hand, feeling a subtle pressure that made her grit her teeth.
"Oh, really? I hope it's all good."
"Of course. Al is quite the gentleman, isn’t he?"
The tension between the two women was palpable, and though the conversation continued politely, _____ couldn’t help but feel an uncomfortable sense of competition every time Mimzy directed a glance at Alastor. But what unsettled her the most was Alastor's apparent indifference toward Mimzy.
Though the woman clearly tried to attract his attention, Alastor remained calm, focusing his interest on _____.
"I must say, _____," Mimzy continued, taking a sip from her glass, "you have a rather... refined air. I didn’t expect to find someone like you in a place like this."
"And what kind of person were you expecting to find?" _____ replied with a forced smile.
"Someone less... restrained, I suppose," Mimzy shot back, looking _____ up and down. "But I suppose that’s what makes you interesting to Alastor."
_____ was about to respond when Alastor intervened, changing the subject with the ease of someone who had done this many times before.
"Mimzy, don’t be so harsh. _____ is a fascinating person, with much more than meets the eye."
Mimzy smiled enigmatically, but _____ could perceive a slight flicker of annoyance in her eyes.
When the music shifted to a softer rhythm, Alastor leaned toward _____.
"Would you like to dance?"
_____ nodded, grateful for the excuse to distance herself from Mimzy. As they headed to the dance floor, Alastor whispered:
"Don’t let Mimzy get to you. She’s like that with everyone, but it means nothing."
"Nothing?" _____ replied as they began to move to the rhythm of the music. "You seem pretty close to her."
"We’ve been friends for years," Alastor admitted, guiding her gently. "But there’s something different between us."
_____ didn’t respond immediately, letting the music fill the silence. Alastor’s movements were fluid, and the closeness between them provoked a mix of emotions that confused her.
Her heart beat faster, not just because of the dance, but because of what she was beginning to feel.
It was more than just attraction; it was a deep connection that she had never experienced with Charles.
"Are you always this mysterious?" _____ asked as they twirled around the dance floor.
"Does it bother you?" Alastor responded, his eyes shining with a mix of curiosity and amusement.
"It intrigues me," _____ admitted, feeling her heart beat faster.
"Then I suppose we’re in the same situation," Alastor said softly, leaning slightly toward her.
_____ felt a shiver run down her spine, but before she could respond, the music ended. They slowly separated, still maintaining eye contact for a moment longer before returning to the table.
Mimzy was watching them with an enigmatic smile, as if she knew something they didn’t.
"Did you enjoy the dance?" she asked in a tone that didn’t make it clear whether she was being sarcastic or genuine.
"I enjoyed it very much," _____ replied firmly, keeping her gaze fixed on Mimzy. Though she didn’t say it out loud, there was something inside her that made her want to mark her territory.
The next day, _____ and Charles met for their usual afternoon date. As they walked through the park, Charles couldn’t help but notice a change in her.
Her gaze, her posture, even the way she spoke, everything seemed slightly different.
"You seem different,"
Charles commented, trying to sound casual.
"Different? In what way?"
_____ replied, revealing nothing.
"Just... different. I can’t explain it."
_____ smiled to herself, a gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by Charles.
"Life has ways of changing people, Charles. Sometimes we don’t even realize those changes."
Charles frowned, a feeling of unease growing inside him. Something had changed in _____, and he wasn’t sure he liked it.
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skateboardtotheheart · 3 months
in every fandom, I see a lot of posts that are always like "if you don't like this character you're wrong" or "you just don't understand them" and seeing those kinds of posts just makes me so frustrated???
most recently I've seen a lot of those posts about the cat king from dead boy detectives (just because it's my latest hyperfixation), and frankly, yeah, I don't really understand. and I will read your entire long post explaining why he's got all these little nuances or subtle tones or genuineness that I missed and I can grow a little more understanding about him. but hey- when I'm done reading your post? unfortunately I still do not like him. I can appreciate him and what he brings to the show, but I just don't like him. it's not because I think he's creepy or gets in the way of a ship or anything most people automatically assume - he's just not my vibe. he simply doesn't fit in the scope of characters I enjoy.
and why is that wrong?? why do I need to be lectured at because of that?? when did fandoms get to a point that people aren't allowed to have differing opinions on a character or dislike a character just because? yes, a lot of the time it is, but it doesn't always need to be deeper than that.
YOU relate to that character on a deeper level, YOU understand their intrinsic motivations, or at least what you perceive them to be, and YOU love that character. fantastic!! I'm happy for you!! enjoying media in a way where you can do that is how it is meant to be!! but in absolutely no universe will everyone ever have the exact same interpretations of a character or piece of media. we all see different aspects of people and relate to things/characters differently. I've been on both sides of things! sometimes my favorite character in a show is someone that everyone else hates or doesn't care for, but I'm okay with that! if they disagree with me, then they disagree with me. I've done the deep dives into why I think the character acts the way they do and taken time to devote myself to better understanding them.
but some people just don't do that. you can be a fan of something without doing that with a character. hell, you can be a fan of something by only ever consuming the source material at its surface level and NEVER going deeper if you do not want to do so. it's allowed.
maybe while you're interpreting a character to have a deeper trauma that results in them acting the way they do, they're reminding someone else of trauma they went through and that character makes them feel bad. maybe you see someone trying to help, but someone else sees it as manipulation. maybe you see someone cold and bitter while someone else sees the kindest person with years of walls built up around them. maybe what someone else interprets as funny, you have never laughed at.
((if we're keeping with the dbd example, think about when the Night Nurse watched Charles' death. what she saw was the quick and utter devotion that Charles developed for Edwin and how deeply he cares for him; she's seeing that Charles will truly not give up in getting Edwin back from hell. what Charles saw was the pure kindness Edwin had done for him even after all those decades in the worst place imaginable; he's seeing who Edwin is on a deeper level. neither interpretations of the memory are incorrect. but after watching the exact same thing, they are thinking in two entirely different directions))
so why does everything seem to start off with "you're wrong" and "I'm sad for you because you just don't get it"? we should be HAPPY that there are people out there who take different approaches and have different interpretations. that is how media is meant to be consumed. and I'm not saying that you shouldn't make your long posts explaining why you love a character- by all means do that!! you understand something that others don't and that should be put out in the world!! but if you're going to do that you also need to understand that there are a lot of people who you WILL persuade, and there are a lot of people who you will NOT. don't be upset about that and certainly do not put down or lecture anyone who doesn't agree with you. it's OKAY. it is not the end of the world just because someone doesn't like a character you like.
everyone interprets media differently. and that's amazing.
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inchidentally · 10 months
I don't think Oscar and lando is good friends. They might be friends but not good friends. Their characteristics are so different they just can't become besties.
I'm unable to read tone from asks anon so I'm going to lean toward this not being intended in a bad way!
(also quick apology bc some of these asks have answers that overlap so I'm repeating myself a lot - block "inchreplies" to be spared lol)
the first thing to clear up is the idea that to be best friends you have to like the same things or be similar people which I personally (jokingly) take huge offense about. my entire tightest friend group consists of none of us agreeing on ANYTHING. if anything liking someone just because you're similar means you've got less of a friendship than people who love each other regardless of what you perceive as terrible takes on things. obv I'm talking about frivolous shit and not like human rights etc.
but also reminder: Lando doesn't have besties in F1. not one. the whole car|ando encroaching on his own brand that he's worked extremely hard for all on his own is definitely wearing thin on him and it's clearly why he was a bit iffy doing the whole let's do a really obvious bromance schtick with Daniel sometimes. so he's making it very clear that there are some guys he spends down time with in F1… and then there are his real private life non-professional friends. but professionally as a driver, Lando is Lando. he's not one half of anything and he's not another driver's creation or admirer. he is F1 driver Lando Norris, then a McLaren driver, then a teammate, and wayyyy down below that are the guys on the grid he hangs with sometimes (Carlos, Daniel, Max, Charles, Yuki, sometimes Lewis).
so in terms of if Oscar and Lando are good friends I think it would be hard to class anyone on the grid as Lando's "good friend" and not just a friend. Ga|ex is really the only F1 pairing I'd refer to as good friends and not just guys who seek each other out to chat during down time, but who actually cross over into the winter break as well. I don't follow the whole grid super closely but I can definitely say Lando doesn't have anything to do with guys like Carlos and Daniel if it's not to fill time during racing weekends. Lando is a businessman and a lot of us forget that because he's so open and often relatable but this dude is a CEO, a content creator and a top F1 driver - his life is FULL. his real closest friendships are happening off the clock and the most we see of those friendships are caught on his streams and sometimes his videos just with Max.
honestly part of what a lot of us really like about the landoscar friendship is that they've gone completely against the grain of the usual bromance/PR thing that new teammates do and they're just being themselves. Lando cannot hide a single thing on his face and his mouth isn't much better at it so the fact that he is always smiling and happy around Oscar is as genuine proof as you can get that he likes Oscar. even despite (or maybe partly because of?) Oscar being so quiet and calm and unlike the other drivers on the current grid. and the fact that Lando has gone through the entire LN4 Spectrum of Different Moods and Emotions around Oscar and Oscar just seems to want to study Lando like a bug he is particularly fond of is also genuine since that boy wouldn't perform for the cameras without a gun to his head.
but tbh anon more important than that is that Lando is no longer the rookie playing second fiddle to a seasoned driver and he isn't the baby brother to a PR darling, he's Mr. McLaren and he's got his own rookie who looks up to him. which is about damn time for someone who's been in F1 for 5 years. AND they've already had a fiercely competitive first season together where they've both responded with respect and maturity to people desperate to stir things up between them. if that doesn't result in them playing gay for the cameras or having shared hobbies then I can't really say I care.
and while I absolutely think we should all enjoy any rpf we want in the privacy of tumblr's lack of an algorithm or popular appeal, publicly I kiiiiind of feel like it's time for Lando to no longer be defined by bromances or have to answer about them. I'd even lean a bit into saying maybe he's done with that as well. so landoscar not having the usual bromancey corporate engagement hashtag appeal feels pretty comfortable.
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og-doeiika · 5 months
For the ask game: Micah: 7, 21
Arthur: 8, 12
Dutch: 4, 25
Yea!!! Thanks for asking!
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
Body appreciation. Micah is like unconventionally attractive.
I also like how despite the fandom thinking Micah-likers are all racist and nasty everyone I've talked to on tumblr has reached a similar conclusions for how they enjoy him:
He's hot
He's so evil and bad that the justice that comes for him is the hottest part of dealing with his shitty personality. There's nothing hotter than justice
He's so fun to watch going insane-o
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love humiliating him: making him lose battles, get hurt, ask for help when he doesn't want it- Humiliation that is well deserved. He is very proud so for him to be humiliated is crushing! There's nothing hotter than justice
I don't like navigating his emotions. He is so very keen on keeping a strong front that it feels out of character to write him emoting to others.... He's sooooo lame for that
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I don't like how the fandom uwu baby done no wrong-ifies him. My man has killed so many people. That is no to say his redemption doesn't hold any water, but I feel like people sand down his meaner qualities and perceive him in a way I find less interesting/appealing/canon compliant
I also don't like how set in stone the fandom is about their own personal HCS- that is to say I don't like how others agree on a certain HC and treat it as canon. This is more of a complaint about fandoms in general, but since Arthur's story starts with the downfall of the VDL gang there is a lot that is not revealed to the audience. There's many ways to interpret/extract THE ESSENCE from him.
It's more of a complaint for those who like or see X character and don't realize one's view and enjoyment of the character is different than theirs. Said person will judge the other and not understand the multitudes of ways one can interact with the character/media/whatever. It loops back to Micah lolol
This point sort of contradicts my first point lol-- (NO I don't like this interpretation vs. no you all should be more loose and not judge other's interpretations)
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
I think he did some really unspeakable things in his past. Arthur's more... I wouldn't say chill, maybe his more realistic view of the world comes from fucking up, seeing fucked up things, getting fucked, doing fucked up things.... Arthur probably tortured several people, maybe watched over people as they starved, bled out- fun things
Another HC is that Arthur was a sexist, snotty little boy + young adult and then through living life he developed empathy later on. It's just a thing I see in men sometimes. I think Arthur thinks about those bad things he did. Sometimes there's guilt and sometimes there's nothing, like when he talks about killing animals for no reason.
I also think Arthur's love of animals is not universal- It's more of an observation, but like a lot of people: if the animal isn't aesthetic or useful there is no emphathy. -Like wolves, cougars, fleas, ticks, parasites- he wouldn't feel bad about killing them for no reason. Charle's bison mission probably sunk in his mind, to care for the bison, but it would take convincing for him to have empathy about killing a wolf or to consider what it means to have a healthy population of parasites in an ecosystem.
What I am saying is Arthur would be one of those people who say we should intact mosquito and wasp extinction (we should not.)
Arthur finally sees the gaps in the extent of his empathy when he's dying from TB
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I would LOVE to see Dutch in my little pony, all the rdr2 characters in fact. ALL OF THEM. Can you imagine the drama???
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
I learned about RDR2's story through fanfiction at first so... "Omg Arthur's dad..?!" and now that I'm playing the game.... "UGH SHUT UP DUTCH. I KNOW YOUR SINS." I am more.... neutral to him; he's okay...
I am stuck in chapter 4 and I can't help but roll my eyes at everything he says,,, 😅
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knuckle · 1 year
I really think there's this weird subset of (mostly allistic people) that I've seen during all these the good doctor memes where they act like the way that he talks and acts and the issues with social skills are completely separated from what an autistic person would ever act like which conveys a level of privilege in your own social situations. and the people who are autistic who think asking socially uncomfortable questions is completely beyond the pale, they are ignoring their own privilege in ability to mask. That shows you're not thinking about autism as a spectrum or autistic people as a larger community but just yourself and what you're embarrassed about possibly ever being perceived as when you think of the label "autistic"
I agree that savant stuff and token minority fighting r.e. transphobia is bad and the show is probably bad but maybe we should consider if we're being ableist in the way we make fun of people's affect and conversation skills
To be absolutely clear, I think autistic people in general, especially people with the necessary masking and complex skills to function as a doctor, are perfectly capable of:
1) understanding how to be nice to children, who are not infinitely logical creatures
2) understanding that their belief in something like science is not divinely passed down from God or Charles Darwin
3) understanding that they have crossed a social boundary and done something potentially harmful
4) that they can discuss with colleagues they trust in private instead of grilling a little girl
5) that the way society labels people and the language surrounding it are built by humans, not laws of nature. autistic people are often the first ones who violate socially acceptable labels - why would we be more strict about enforcing them than allistics?
And the list goes on for reasons why Autistic Savant Doctor vs. Little Girl scene was badly written, yes, even cringe. However, if you have ever talked to an autistic person whose symptoms are obvious enough they were diagnosed as a child, who isn't good at masking, you will understand that it is realistic, if not common, to have intense, tense, conversations about a topic all the allistics in the room want to drop that is frustrating and important to the autistic person.
Maybe this kind of autistic person with this level of impulse control would not be a doctor, but it's not unrealistic for autistic people as a whole. Criticism of these scenes, therefore should be carefully measured political criticism for the transphobia and the way that the writers thought autistics need to be taught about bigotry (as if autistic people themselves are not transgender).
I'm just tired of clips from the show that are presented like "look how funny he said this" "look how awkward he is" "point and laugh at the idiot who talks weird and loud and out of turn" because that's not it
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vro0m · 7 months
Do you think (tho I guess it’s hard to tell cuz different cars/eras) but generally do you think Lewis ever or has had a decline in performance. Bar the Jenson button pairing and 2022 with testings and stuff. He rarely has wonky seasons no?
Also last year I kind of got the vibe he wasn’t really a driver to prioritize quali or am I off?
(Please don’t attack vroom!!!😅 I’m not yet a hardcore f1 fan, just genuinely curious!!)
Aww I'm sorry you were worried I was gonna be mean :( I do lose my patience sometimes but it's mostly the conspiracy theory-type questions that annoy me and I promise I'm trying my best, especially with genuine questions like yours
Okay so I'm biased (as usual) but I genuinely think if you try to take the car performance out of the equation Lewis is one of the most consistent driver out there as in giving his 100% everywhere he can whenever he can... nowadays.
Bc arguably, yes. The last few years at McLaren were rough and there was this awful 2011 interview that makes it clear there was a lot on his mind that year and so maybe he wasn't completely focused (although there was a lot of context around that). I also ultimately agree with a lot of people that he kinda checked out at the end of the 2015 season once he'd won the title so his performance in the last races of the season probably wasn't 100%.
I'd say the first half of 2022 isn't exactly the same thing to me because I believe he was truly trying, it just didn't work? It happened before in his career (think 09 McLaren) but his attitude was still "let's find a solution, let's work harder" and doing his best, which for me means the drop in perceived performance didn't come from him but from the cars. I think (again 100% arguable) I found him more kind of "over it" some races last season (especially towards the end) than in early 2022. Doesn't mean he wasn't pushing once in the car though, so idk.
And you're right, Lewis isn't necessarily famous for being a great qualifier (like Charles is, for example). I mean he's still probably better than most the grid on average also due to experience and having had good cars but he's generally recognized more for his racecraft than his quali performance. So yeah I think he'd rather start from a bit further down the grid but being able to make up some places in the race than start from pole and spend his race going backwards in the order. I do think he generally sets up his car for the race rather than for quali.
ETA : as far as wonky seasons go the beginning of his career was kinda up and down too! He made a lot of mistakes early on, he was impatient and rash and iirc he once held the record for number of penalties in a season. He's evolved a lot.
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scribble-dee-vee · 5 months
Dale 💄🎈🧣
Hey nonny!! Ty for the ask <3
(Based on these questions, I have a sneaking suspicion that you're someone with more than a passing knowledge of this character,,,, in which case I am v flattered. If you DON'T know my terrible lil guy, then you may just be a bit psychic. hehe)
For anyone curious, the full prompt list is over here!
Answers below cut because you got me YAPPING and they're LONG. Pls note that I have listed a few content warnings in the tags.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
So, here's the thing: Dale is hot and he knows it. He likes to express this fact LOUDLY and OBNOXIOUSLY. A lot of this grandstanding comes from a genuine self-obsession, but he also has a complicated relationship with his body and how other people perceive him. The connection between a person's self and their body is actually a pretty major theme in Lost Letters; Dale is hyperaware of his own embodiment, and it drives a lot of his actions. At best, he can turn this awareness towards personal confidence and interpersonal gains (actively via manipulation and seduction, but also passively through social biases). At worst, he feels trapped, exploited, and overstimulated. He's constantly paranoid that people are watching him. He is extremely sensitive to texture and temperature, especially when he's upset. He's constantly bothered by how people see him and how he presents. We could talk about his relationship with blood, as a jilted descendant of the Queen who does a little violence now and then. We could also talk about his experiences with exploitative sexual relationships and assassination attempts, both of which have altered how he views his own body! But I feel these are tangents to the question at hand. In terms of his face, Dale likes his green eyes. In fact, his eyes are the ONLY part of his face that he ever tells the reader about in draft one! We learn more about how he looks through other characters' perspectives, but he's not usually looking at his face when he's looking in a mirror. He's thinking about the impact of his overall presentation and how he might alter it. In terms of makeup and skincare, Dale lives in a pseudo-Victorian dystopian fantasy hellscape with rigid gender roles – do with that what you will. (It IS really fun to think about skincare in the Diamond City, though!! I have no doubt that Dale keeps up with a meticulous standard of hygiene for his context, and certain other characters would LOVE Sephora in a modern AU.)
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
Dale goes to a LOT of parties in Lost Letters, so I've gotten to explore this in some depth! Dale is neutral to the common party activities of A.) hooking up with people and B.) consuming various substances – he generally does both if it will help his social or political standing within a given group. He's part of the Goldenheart aristocracy, so parties are a natural background setting in his life. He tends to go with friends, or frenemies. He pretends to have fun, but he usually doesn't. In Lost Letters, Dale is a college student and member of the Rosehip Club, which is essentially a co-ed fraternity for rich kids. He's lifelong friends with Rosalind Lake, the Club's ringleader, and Jamie Fenway, another important member. At the beginning of the book, he meets Charles at a Rosehip Club party! (Thus kicking off the main plot :)
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Charles <3 For real, though, mutual comfort is a key factor in their relationship. Charles makes Dale feel protected and safe. It's superficially because Charles is an elite soldier who's always around him. On a deeper level, it's because Charles DOESN'T judge him based on political importance or appearance or history. He just kinda takes Dale at face value and listens to him???? Um the bar is in HELL but Dale has never really experienced this before. Charles provides a nice respite from his usual stressors. They spend a lot of their scenes together A.) cuddling, B.) arguing for fun about irrelevant stuff, and C.) doing tourist activities in various City locations. Lol. They would kill it at Disney World in a modern AU. Dale also likes to journal, in somewhat sinister and extremely plot-relevant ways. I GUESS that's comforting for him, lmao. I won't say much more because spoilers, tee hee.
If you read all the way to the bottom of this post, I love you sm!!!! And now you know All That about this morally deplorable blorbo. Please don't get too attached. I promise you, it's for your own good 😅
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leqclerc · 1 year
honestly i think that with a car like THIS and a team like THIS that fact the charles "struggles to perform/makes mistakes" (let's assume this as a fact and not talk about how the same number of mistakes are differently perceived for the two drivers) was bound to happen. i feel like he has no trust in the team, because the team seems to not have trust in him, despite fred's presence. I know charles is very good at compartmentalise and reset, but this situation is the result of months if not years of things piling up. I think he still hasn't given up and he will still try, but the moment is uhm delicate and difficult like nothing else in his ferrari years
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No because when people said Le Mans was like an indoctrination event to keep him invested in the team/brand 😭😭😭 Might be onto something tbh 🤔
It's really hard to make sense of it when you're hit with two conflicting narratives. On one hand both he and others around him keep reiterating that he's committed to the team, that they intend to pursue a future together... but then on the organizational side we keep running into the same issues and topics that were a problem already last year, there's still lots of miscommunication and dissonance. Despite bringing it up over and over again and despite assurances that they're doing something about it, it doesn't seem he's being listened to any more than he was this time last year.
Like, okay, the championship is firmly out the window this year if you're not a Red Bull driver. With the gains Aston and Mercedes have made third overall would be a huge success; fourth in the Constructors' is probably the more accurate and realistic prediction. But if you don't have the car to make it work, at least try to improve and make up the difference elsewhere? I mean last year they fell into the trap of making mistakes because they were under pressure with the championship. Now they've got the relative leniency of being in the midfield and everyone kind of knows and understands it's a transition year for them and it's going to be a largely forgettable season. I don't understand why it's so hard for them to just... apply what they seemingly keep internally discussing with Charles. Because the thing is, it doesn't seem to even be a matter of "okay we heard your suggestion and crunched the numbers and we think this is the best approach..." it's more like whatever he says just goes way over their heads and they have no intention of even considering it, because the ~simulations or [checks notes] whatever Max is doing at the moment is more important. They're very inflexible in that way. Not to mention the weird narratives allegedly coming from the team about whatever the hell happened in Spain, for example. 🤨
Charles has the patience of a saint when it comes to the team and refrains from putting them on blast (also, drivers who were vocally critical of the team in the past, even with good reason, tended to pay the price...) so when even he is letting frustration loosen his tongue like that, you know it's not great. In the post-qualy statement he chalks his frustration up to knowing the pace was there and knowing they could've and should've done better all around, and there we have him reiterating yet again that he loves the team (boy, we know 😭). But surely...there will come a time when love isn't enough of a glue to hold this partnership together, especially if he continues to not be given the support, trust and consideration he feels he needs in order to perform at his best.
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