#and that’s why he saves him from alastair later on too.
icaruspendragon · 8 months
remember in 1x12 (faith) when dean has the conversation with the faith healer and he says, "why? why me? out of all the sick people, why save me?" and the healer answers, "well, like i said before, the lord guides me. i looked into your heart and you just... stood out from all the rest." and dean asks, "what did you see in my heart?" and the faith healer answers, "a young man with an important purpose- a job to do. and it isn't finished."
and then remember when in 2x13 (houses of the holy) when sam asks dean, "why can't you even consider the possibility?" and dean says "what, that this is an angel?" and sam says "yes. maybe we're hunting an angel here, and we should stop. maybe this is god's will." and then dean says "okay. all right. you know what? i get it. you've got faith. that's -- hey, that's good for you. i'm sure it makes things easier. i'll tell you who else had faith like that -- mom. she used to tell me when she tucked me in that angels were watching over us. in fact, that was the last thing she ever said to me." and sam says, "you never told me that." and dean responds, "what's to tell? she was wrong. there was nothing protecting her. there's no higher power. there's no god. there's just chaos and violence. and random, unpredictable evil that comes out of nowhere and rips you to shreds. so you want me to believe in this stuff? i'm gonna need to see some hard proof. you got any?"
and then remember in 4x01 (lazarus rising) when dean meets castiel and asks "who are you?" and castiel says, "i'm the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." and then again dean asks, "who are you?" and castiel responds, "castiel." and dean says, "yeah i figured that much, i mean what are you?" and cas says, "i'm an angel of the lord." and dean says, "get the hell out of here. there's no such thing." and cas shows him the fearsome wrath of heaven and later dean says, "look pal i'm not buying what you're selling, so who are you really?" and cas says, "i told you." and dean says, "right. and why would an angel, rescue me from hell?" and cas tells him, "good things do happen, dean." and dean says, "not in my experience." and cas asks him, "what's the matter?" and then tells him, "you don't think you deserve to be saved." and dean asks, "why'd you do it?" and cas tells him "because god commanded it. because we have work for you."
and then remember when in 4x16 (on the head of a pin) when cas is talking to dean in the hospital and dean asks, "is it true? did i start all of this?" and cas has to say, "yes. when we discovered lilith's plan for you... we laid siege to hell, and we fought our way to get to you before you --" and dean cuts in to say "jump-started the apocalypse." and cas' gaze turns skyward as he says, "but we were too late." and dean asks, "why didn't you just leave me there, then?" and cas, with eyes still upward says, "it's not... blame that falls on you, dean. it's fate." and cas turns his gaze downward once more as he says, "and the righteous man who begins it is the only one who can finish it." and then he turns to dean, looking at him for the first time, and says, "you have to stop it." and dean asks, "lucifer? the apocalypse? what does that mean?" and cas looks away from him and says nothing so dean says, "hey. don't you go disappearing on me, you son of a bitch. what does that mean?" and cas is staring resolutely forward as he says, "i don't know." and dean exclaims "bull!" and cas once more says, "i don't." before looking at dean again and saying, "dean, they don't tell me much. i know... how our fate rests with you." and then dean, with tears in his eyes says, "well, then you guys are screwed." and then he says, "i can't do it, cas. it's too big." and then he says, "alastair was right. i'm not all here. i'm not -- i'm not strong enough." and then cas looks back and dean and dean looks away from cas for the first time since the conversation started and says, "well, i guess i'm not the man either of our dads wanted me to be." and cas looks away and dean says "find someone else. it's not me." and the tears dean has been trying so hard to hold back finally fall.
anyway. i just thought all of that was kinda interesting.
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purplebass · 2 years
This refers to my earlier parallel post over here. I didn't want to make a long caption, so here it is.
Jesse and Grace meta, Jesse and the Herondales meta.
Jesse is torn because he loves Grace, but at the same time: 1) he doesn't like what she did and hasn't processed it bc he's just learned about it! -- we know, later on, that he forgives Grace even though we don't get to see them talk about it, which also means that probably Jesse doesn't need to talk about it, he just decides to forgive Grace and as a reader, it is shown to us when Grace runs to the Institute all wet and scared and Jesse doesn't hesitate to go to her and after that, we see how they're back to their sibling dynamic. Even ghost!Kit tells Grace that Jesse believes in her;
2) he feels like he failed as her brother because he couldn't protect her, and since he only appeared as a ghost at night, he couldn't stop all of this from developing how it did - he physically wasn't there, and since he was the one to insist on getting the runes who killed him, in a way he's blaming himself. From the things he says, it's evident that Jesse, despite looking confident, blames himself for having failed Grace;
3) he also feels loyal to the Herondales, by this point. It isn't just because he loves Lucie and because she gave him his life back, which, even if he didn't love Lucie, he'd be forever grateful for. He could have loved Lucie but at the same time, not liking her family or not being liked by her family. Think about Romeo and Juliet. Lucie and Jesse are often compared to them in CoG/CoI. When Will and James first met Jesse, they're wary of him, but then they come to trust him, and welcome him in their family, in their group, and at the London Institute, and he eases himself into their family dynamics as if he had always been there. Jesse feels grateful to the Herondales: they gave him a roof over his head, clothes, food, and their trust in him, something he never expected considering it was his mother conspiring to hurt them all these years. They could've well kicked him to the curb and opposed to his relationship to Lucie. I'm sure Jesse would've managed anyway, but he didn't have to, because the Herondales are like that. Will said that Lucie likes to save abandoned sparrows, but Will is like that too, and so is Tessa (the woman still hoped that Tatiana could be saved). And knowing that Jesse sacrificed his last breath to give it to James is enough for Will to trust Jesse, who "gave up his life" to save James, a stranger.
Between past and future And to go back to the Grace point, even James wouldn't hold it against Jesse, if he forgave Grace. I think that, by that point, Jesse already forgave Grace but his loyalty and gratefulness towards the Herondales made him unable to pick a side --- Jesse doesn't want to pick a side. He wants both: Grace, aka his connection to his old life before dying and during his time as a ghost, and Lucie and the Herondales + his extended family, which represent his new life after he was revived. A life he hadn't had the chance of living, in which he can finally have control over what he wants to say or do, and become the person he wanted to be and couldn't be, because of the circumstances (being a ghost). Jesse wants to forgive and protect Grace, whom he cares for, but at the same time, he doesn't want that his choice pits him against Lucie and her family, whom he also loves. It's a tough choice, if you think about it, and that's why, in a way, he wants to talk to James first. He wanted to be sure that James was okay if he forgave Grace, that things won't change if he did that, bc Jesse liked how things were progressing between them. Heck, by the end of that chapter 16, James acknowledges that he and Jesse can be friends and he and Jesse both didn't expect that. Like I said, even if Jesse will marry Lucie in the future, James isn't expected to be the best bro with him. Just look at him and Alastair. James doesn't hate Alastair, but he doesn't love him either. They tolerate each other because Alastair is his brother-in-law, but at the moment, there is no indication that he and Alastair will be more than cordial with each other and become superb friends. On the other hand, James and Jesse experienced the same trauma: they were manipulated like a puppet and stripped of their freewill. Many relationships are born on shared experiences, because we feel like the other person understands us, what we went through. And Jesse understands James, and what drove Jesse mad is not just what his mother had done to James, but that it had been Grace, the sister he loves, that had been her mother's instrument to do that to James. And it sort of reflects on Jesse and his own experience. Jesse is a logician character, he ponders the things he says and does, he seems very confident of what he says or does, sometimes even arrogant, and he doesn't seem to like when things don't go as planned, or he couldn't make them go the way he liked them to be. It was easy for him as a ghost, he could just disappear. But this is real life, and he didn't expect Grace to act like she did. He didn't expect Tatiana to use Grace that way. He knew that Tatiana was problematic, but he was shaken when he discovered the extent of her revenge. Jesse was afraid to lose the Herondales and their friends and Grace too, since she was locked in a prison and he might've become lonely as when he was a ghost, if he had. And he didn't want that. That's why he probably went for the "easier" way and initially didn't openly forgive Grace in the prison and in front of James. Because Jesse ponders a lot, and he is also very caring and forgiving, in the end, he always knew that his sister was already forgiven in his heart, and that he wouldn't lose the Herondales in the process.
TLDR; Bottom line is that I don't find Jesse's reaction OOC, for the things I have explained. We have to remember that the Jesse we "knew" before CoT is the Jesse we saw interacting with Lucie and fewer times (I think just once or twice, at max), with Grace. Even so, we knew the Jesse through Grace's eyes. We didn't know the "real" Jesse, the living Jesse, the Jesse who interacts with living people like him, and we got to know him as he interacted with the rest of the characters. Even so, his personality shone through, to me. Like I said, Jesse is a very rational character. He sees the facts, and tries to find the best way to solve problems in a realistic approach, but he also has a little hard time giving up his control (that's why he's super mad when Lucie commanded him as a ghost). That's why, in my opinion, his dynamic with Lucie works. She's his opposite, and gives him the thrill of the irrational, the unexpected, the illogical - you name it, that he finds so hard to give up. While at the same time being reliable and confident and steady, someone who thinks a lot and is very loyal if he loves you. And it is clear, as it was stated several times, that Jesse loves Lucie, but he also cares for Grace and he wants Grace in his life.
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emmalovesfitzloved · 9 months
Who are your fav characters, and why ? And favourit ship/s ?
Eeeeek finally getting round to this lovely ask by the smartiest @imabitchforjemcarstairs hehehe
I have answered this lovely q, and here is the link for the full unhinged answer for the "why" them, hehe.
But the TLDR just for fire rapid answers is:
Favourite characters:
Will/Tessa (tie)
Kitty and Jessa tie
Malec (if allowed a sixth place)
Top Ships:
(lots of cheating with the ties, but im going to be honest, i can't choose frfr)
Now to enjoy this read and not make and make this answer half assed, I will be original and give my two cents on the topic of Wessa vs. Jessa i haven't had the time to chat about until now. So technically you didn't ask for this lol but i feel like we love Jem and this is a perfect opportunity to give an essay responce on the whole shindig :)
So scooch in for me @imabitchforjemcarstairs we need a chat ;) .
On the topic of Jessa vs. Wessa vs. Herongraystairs in TID:
I think I liked them a lot especially in TID, but i think that the lack of Jem POV makes it hard to really understand what's going inside in his head. And i think the relationship as a ship in writing, suffers from it, especially when we have Will's POV. And that rather, the decisions that 'metamorph' in their relationship is out of Jessa's hands, but a response to the events CC convienently plops in, not allowing any of these three characters decided eyes wide open their fate. Which imo, is a cop out. Let's breakdown the sneaky manipulative writing CC did ;)
I recently reread TID (for about the 10th time now, as one does during the christmas season lol) and found that even during the Herongraystairs arc, it felt like the writing gave more bonding and more to Wessa than Jessa. I call this in romance novels the, "convincing period", where the author in those formative chapters has to convince the reader that these two individuals should be in a ship. CC convinced us on Wessa bc they were into each other since day 0 when Will saved her from the Twin sisters, had so many hobbies in common and shared the same common struggles of figuring out who they want to be in this world (Will struggling w/ his identity and curse and Tessa as a weird hybrid warlock who constantly gets gaslit her who life). So the convincing is done well there i think we can all agree on that pretty easily.
For Jem and Tessa, it seems as if Tessa always defaulted to him because he was a failsafe from Will. And i don't mean that negatively, but in that, he was brilliant, light, elegant, poised and studied and that is literally sexy as hell lol. LIKE COME ON, HE MADE MUSIC ON HIS VIOLIN FOR HERRR. THAT'S HELLA ROMANTIC. And is very "show don't tell" when it comes to his love, my fav trope. He is very clear, which at the time, was the opposite of Will. So that in of itself is attractive to Tessa. But it's a canon event, that she went into the engagement collaterally in book 2, bc Will constantly kept deflecting what they had. She wouldn't have explored a relationship with Jem, if it weren't for Will's deflections. This is literally a canon event. And Tessa wanted to explore what she had with Jem bc he was very decided and less flakey than Will. Which tbh makes utter sense to me!
But as you can see, later on, once Jem leaves the silent brothers, the way i interpreted this is that, Jem and Tessa became a thing bc of the history they have, the loyalty they have to the trio friendship group and bc Tessa doesn't have Will anymore. It's giving very much "begin again" by Taylor Swift Vibes (not too much but yk kinda that aesthetic). And what I'm trying to say, is that I read the Jessa relationship at a disadvantage when up against Wessa. I think CC would have benefited writing Jessa and Wessa independent, and not collaterally contigent on the happenings of what was going on with the status of the other relationship. And then, on Wessa's side in response to Jem leaving for the Silent Brothers, they didn't want to get together in Book 3, bc Will didn't want to take his best mate's girl away bc his best mate never asks anything of Will and he's also high key dying.
It’s unfair that Wessa happened bc Will felt like there was a curse which gave way for Jessa’s engagement, and conversely, it’s unfair that Wessa only got together once the silent brothers made Jem one of them. So again, the autonomy of these characters are not happening 'authentically' but are happening bc of circumstances.
There is also the accidental (ig) trope that Jem with his illness he was given which in political theory we call, “the children are dying” trope. Which means, you give blanket equity or veto power to someone irrespective of the context of deserving because they are “closer to death” than anyone else. This is THE DRIVING FORCE, of why everyone acts the way they do around poor Jem and it drives him, and us the readers crazy, rightfully so. Jem and Will become friends, not because Will at first fr liked Jem as a person or thought he was a talented shadowhunter, but “because he was dying”, blanket permission for friendship. Tessa was kind to Jem at first because, you guessed it, blanket permission because he is closer to death than she is. They get engaged despite not knowing each other for a long time, conveniently for Jem because, yes, he’s close to death. So much of autonomy is once again stripped from characters around Jem, because most of their actions are respective to his illness. Which is polite, lovely, but it rightfully upsets Jem because he is still a person. Not a a make a wish kid nor a charity case. This was touched on briefly when he said he didn’t want a nurse out of Tessa but a wife. This wasn’t morally delved into deeply save for Tessa’s answer “no I fr like u dude wdym” but than her actions proceed to default back to the “children are dying” complex around him. And we’re only freed from this trope finally once Jem has lived basically the immortal life and is a very changed person after silent brotherhood.
So WTF to do right? Seems like CC built up amazing grounds and complications in these characters, but what to do right? How can she wrap this up in a nice bow? Well CC went naturally via the occam's razor route, which is: Jem becomes a literal monk giving him 'immortality', so circumstantially, the only option JUST SO HAPPENS that Will and Tessa can be together. Again, its not a decision Tessa makes, its a problem that solves itself for Tessa. She goes with Will for now, and maybe in the future, she will go with Jem if he ever leave the silent brothers.
Which again, imo is a bit of a cop out. But CC didn't allow Tessa to put her big girl panties and choose a man. But one thing is clear, which is CC didn't write Will and Jem equal from the start. And it is very clear that Will was written from the beginning as the forbidden love and chosen one. Which is extremely unfair to Jem bc there is so much we could have learned and gained from a Jem pairing that DIDN'T happen bc of the circumstances of Wessa not working out. I truly think that Jem was written with an unfair disadvantage. Like i said, One bc his POV hasn't ever been explored that well. and Two, bc all of Tessa's choices weren't made bc she willed them, but bc CC wrote the circumstances in to take away the choice for her.
Now what I do think is right, is that Jessa, both being immortal are together later on in Shadowhunter Canon. I love Mina and I love what they can be for each other. They make each other happy. And for anyone who says that you can have only 1 love in ur life has a very romantic judeo-catholic view on things XD. U can have many loves in ur life, and each of them can be independent from each other. Love is not mutually exclusive. How is it that you can love unbundently and feel equal love for your multiple pets and children, but not find it in yourself to love more than 2 men? It is entirely possible. And so I do think there is room for Jessa, even if Wessa happened first. And I don't think it is disrespectful or cheating to remarry or find another love after one has ended.
I read criticism about them and how they don't live up to the same version as they were in TID, but i think living hundreds of years does that to you. And i don't think it's the fault of anyone in the pairing to 'bring out' the best in the other, but they can also be very changed people from when they were young. This criticism that they aren't great together later on in life is rooted in their own way of dealing with immortality AND THEN each other. I think what is a pity is that it isn't explored as well as Magnus's immortality has shaped his life which i think again, puts Jessa at a disadvantage. Magnus' continuity as I explained before is given a wider girth than Jessa which is why he is my preferred immortal. But then again, what would Magnus do, if he was immortal forever with his ship? He would be a very changed person he wouldn’t be his own comedic relief that’s for sure. In fact, Camille was not wrong when she said that immortality changes your relationship greatly. Where she fucked up was treating poor babygirl Magnus like shit just in general lol, and being immortal doesn't mean u have to be an asshole. I think immortality truly did a number on Jem and Tessa, irrespective of each other and has not a lot to do with Jem or how he treats her, but a lot about how how Tessa and Jem are quite literally a hundreds of year old great grandma and gramdpa hahahahaha.
But if Will were still alive or immortal like Tessa, would Tessa still be with him now that she has the option of being with Jem forever? Again, we are stripped away from that option because the circumstances decided over the characters. But I do think she would still chose Will.
Final question is, would Herongraystairs actually work? The answer in CC's eyes and again, the occam's razor answer is obviously 'yes'. In fact Tessa herself in Book 3 said it is entirely possible to be in love with 2 people at once and I think poly relationships are a beautiful thing. But is it the easiest and first answer, or is it the TRUE answer? Again, that we will never know bc Tessa's decisions on this matter are in response to the environment she is in, not because she truly believes it.
It is very clear that Will is written all across Tessa's mind in Book 1, and is what she thinks about 24/7. There were times where i was like, "girl just go up to him and JUST EXPLODE UR FEELS ON HIM UR GIVING ME A HEADACHE". But the plot just so conveniently every time they had a moment alone, would get 'interrupted' and the moment was gone. Only after in response to this mess of a situationship, did she go for Jem bc of his ease and what he represented (which we talked about before^) but it wasn't equally organic. It was in response to what happened with Will. Truly we all know, that Tessa would not have even considered Jem, if Will and Tessa decided to be a couple and engage by book 1. And I hate that Jessa read to me as second best, instead of a true, equal 1st place like Wessa. Which is would have to be, in order to have a Herongraystairs. I don't like that CC made Jessa collateral, but tbh i think she didn't know how to chose in the making of TID. So instead of choosing or rewriting the relationship so that both ships were dealt with equally, she made the events of the plot decide for the characters instead.
In defence of CC, a lot of our lives happens in response to our surroundings and circumstances instead of pure Free Will. Which might ironically make Jessa and Wessa and Herongraystairs even more realistic than maybe the idyllic cleanly chosen choices. Life moves fast and we can barely respond to it in time. And what matters most at the end, is that all three of these characters love each other dearly and would be there for each other no matter what. However, the way the plot was almost TOO conveniently choosing everything instead of the characters making hand on heart choices, swings us back to being a bit too unrealistic.
I truly, really love Jessa and I would marry Jem myself lol, but I really disliked the way it wasn't dealt with fairly. I am happy that they end up together at the end, I just didn't like the way they went about it. I would be more sold on Herongraystairs if it was dealt with more evenly instead of the other side of the poly v, instead of being collaterally contingent to the happenings of Wessa. Who knows, CC said that Jessa will re-encounter Will again and not in shadowhunter heaven so i wonder if there is any ability to clean this all up. But bc of the way CC wrote Jessa over how i WISHED she wrote them, Jessa is not in the top 5 ships for me unfortunately. It's def top 10 (and for sure over Clare lol) probablly like 7th place but not top 5. I think there are other relationships in the Shadowhunter fandom that are written a lot more cleanly where the characters are given by CC more autonomy in their choices which makes it easier to follow along. Not to mention get their POVs.
I cannot wait for your own lovely essay on our fav Jem @imabitchforjemcarstairs ! I hope my re-mentioning of it doesn't come across as antsy or like i'm trying to 'remind you' passively lol. Which would be awfully rude. As you can tell, I took my time to reply to this one :). My intention is one of pure excitement, fandom-ing over it and showing support.
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art credit: @giannyfili on instagram
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seenthisepisode · 2 years
sorry back in my deangirl feels era tonight. but. yes i sometimes get borderline critical of dean and his actions (mostly the ones directed towards... or even against cas). and like. true. he treated cas pretty horribly at times. true true true. but the thing about dean is that he is a broken man. like ultimately he is a very broken adult who never got the proper help he needed who went through so much shit and trauma since he was FOUR years old that at the end of the series we see a man who is almost irreparably broken. almost. but he has never gotten the chance to rest and resolve everything. ever after a lifetime spent with john pre hell dean would never do some things later season dean did. yes he gets more violent and he lashes out and sometimes he acts ooc and irrationally but the watsonian explanation for this is that something is really badly broken in him. too many things went wrong. and he tries to preserve some of his delicate side, he desperately tries (dean cave. memory foam mattress. being excited about little things, being goofy etc.) to cling onto the crumbs of happiness and joy but ultimately he is empty. obviously you cas say it was dabb and co who can't / won't write dean properly for some reason which. fair. but if you see him from this perspective. that he has something fundamentally irreparably wrong with his head then the way he acts makes sense. and like castiel knows all of that, he knows that and he sees that and that's why he gives nothing but kindess compassion forgiveness and love for dean. and that is exactly what dean needs and wants and never really had. that's what, at least for a moment, makes the emptiness inside of dean less... empty. and thats why his words have this massive effect on dean "see thats not who i am" winchester. and thats why losing cas is worse than the end of the world for dean. because only cas knew all that anger and emptiness inside of dean and still chose to stay. anyway idk where am i going with this but we need to remeber that cas saw and knew the worst ugliest parts of dean because he saved him from hell where dean wasn't on the rack anymore, he was turning into one of alastair's most talented demons. he saw that and despite that he saved him and then chose to save him over and over again, these times not because of heavenly orders but because cas decided dean was worth saving even though dean comes with a gigantic baggage of his past and trauma and pain. and cas is the real mvp for never ever giving up on someone like that, on someone who was many times very close to giving up on himself. and i think that's why i love cas so much because he is the personification of love and understanding and forgiveness even though they require sacrifice and lead to being severely hurt by the one you're trying to save from hurting themselves. this is just all tragic okay
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melanielocke · 2 years
The Stars Collide - Chapter 2
  I'm far enough ahead writing (currently working on chapter eight) that I figured I might as well post the next chapter. I hope you enjoy it! After this, I expect updates to be weekly for at least during my pediatrics internships.
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter (to be posted)
The Fair palace was surrounded by ocean at all sides, connected to different islands only through bridges. Most of the planet was that way, small islands in endless freshwater ocean. Thomas himself had spent much of his childhood in Lightwood, the largest island on the planet, but all nobles had a residence at the palace as well. He would be staying here for now, to settle in with life being married and being an official diplomat. His quarters were likely small compared to the Crown Prince’s, but he hoped Alastair would like it there. If not, he had more space at Lightwood at least. They would have to sell this marriage though, people had to believe it. Thomas didn’t really understand why, everyone knew it was an arranged marriage, but Charlotte had insisted it was important.
Thomas was sitting at the beach. He would be getting married later today. Tonight, Alastair would be moving into his quarters. Quarters that were designed for one person to live in, with only one bedroom, where they’d have to live until Thomas could take him to Lightwood. Until people believed in their marriage.
How had that worked with Charles? Thomas had seen them together at events occasionally, and as far as he could tell they had been on the same page, at least in public. He’d always gotten the sense Alastair had loved Charles from the way he’d looked at his partner. Thomas wasn’t as sure about Charles’ affection, he’d always been guarded with his emotions. A public display of affection was something Charles would consider a weakness.
‘I admit, I’m impressed,’ Lucie said, joining him in the water.
Thomas had always felt it rather relaxing to stand at the side of the ocean, feet into the water. He loved the feeling of the waves as they crashed against his lower legs.
‘That I saved Matthew from a disaster marriage?’
‘Matthew, the treaty,’ Lucie said. ‘Aunt Charlotte was stressed out since she never believed she could convince Matthew, yet didn’t know who else she could ask to marry Alastair. But will you be alright, Tom?’
‘I’m sure we can figure it out,’ Thomas said. ‘As you said, the treaty is what matters. No matter what else happens, Alastair will get that. The trick to this thing is good, open communication.’
Lucie snorted. ‘Well, then you’re screwed.’
‘Excuse me?’
‘You waited until you were twenty two to tell your mother you don’t like being babied during your fever episodes,’ Lucie said. ‘Because you were scared you’d hurt her feelings. Marriage is going to be a disaster if you approach it the same way.’
‘But I did tell her in the end,’ Thomas said, kicking some water up at Lucie.
Lucie kicked some water back at him. ‘My point is, you’ve gotten too used to being the convenient, nice friend who is always there for others and has no needs or wants of his own.’
Thomas sighed. ‘Since when are you a trained psychologist?’
Lucie shrugged. ‘I’m a writer and I have a book coming out next month. Understanding people is like half my job. And I’ve known you all your life, Thomas. You’re my best friend. And as your friend, I am offering you free couple’s counselling, which I am totally qualified for since the main character in my book also enters a disaster relationship that works out at the end.’
‘I think my next book will feature an arranged marriage. It’s just such a good trope, you know? Working out your feelings and such while being stuck together, not to mention people trying to kill you.’
‘I should hope no one tries to kill me.’
‘You never know,’ Lucie said. ‘But if so, you can use one of my charms.’
Lucie was a witch, trained by her mother to create charms and potions to help the people of Fair. While people born without a talent for magic could become witches, it often took a very long time and Lucie was one of the few people born with the skills. It was difficult for her sometimes, pressured to use her talents while her dream was to be a writer, but Lucie had found a way to combine the two.
The main difference between science and magic was that magic wasn’t fully understood yet. Scientists were working at that though, and Christopher often worked with Lucie to help improve her charms and potions using his knowledge of science. Thomas found it all too complicated to follow. He was a linguist, not a chemist.
‘Thank you,’ Thomas said. ‘But no one is trying to kill me. I think that might be an interesting plot point in your book, but in reality nothing like that will happen.’
‘Sure,’ Lucie said. ‘Still though, you don’t think Charles’ death is strange?’
‘He died of a stroke,’ Thomas said. ‘That seems like a pretty clear cause of death.’
‘Yet not common among people his age according to Eugenia.’
Eugenia was Thomas’ older sister, who had just finished med school. She had started working in surgery. Thomas didn’t think she worked with stroke patients. Lucie usually asked her for advice whenever she needed something medical in her books. Fortunately for Lucie, injuries and broken bones were among Eugenia’s expertise.
‘How would you give someone a stroke on purpose?’
‘I’m a witch, remember?’ Lucie said. ‘There are all sort of abilities and technology out there that could do something like this. With Christopher’s help, all sorts of weird things become possible.’   
‘Compared to a thirty year old man having a stroke, Charles being killed with magic seems unlikely,’ Thomas countered. ‘Pretty sure Charles smoked like a chimney anyway.’
‘Perhaps,’ Lucie said. ‘I don’t know, I guess I’m just trying to make sense of it. Even if none of us actually liked Charles, I would never have wished for him to die so young.’
Thomas nodded. ‘I guess that’s true.’ He looked down at his phone to check the time and his eyes went wide. ‘I need to get going, I still have to get dressed.’
The wedding planning had been rushed through the past few days. Thomas had been somewhat involved, but he hadn’t seen Alastair anywhere near. Frankly, considering the situation he really didn’t care about the flavor of cake or the seating arrangement, but Thomas guessed he likely wouldn’t get married again, so he had tried his best to put effort into it. For their marriage to be recognized politically, they would need at least one witness from Turan. It was a three day journey so Thomas had hurried and sent an invitation to Alastair’s sister Cordelia.
‘Good plan,’ Lucie said. ‘I’ll help you. Who is going to walk with you? Your mother or your father? I imagine Alastair doesn’t have anyone to walk with him. Oh no, that sounds so sad.’
Thomas wasn’t at his quarters when Alastair stopped by to drop off his belongings. He’d hoped to make his acquaintance before the wedding tonight, but it seemed Thomas was someplace else. Eager to escape him, Alastair guessed. Who would want to be chained to him after all?
He spent his time getting ready, hoping perhaps Thomas would still be there before the wedding, but in the end he figured he might as well get going. He didn’t want to be late to his own wedding, no point in waiting here for Thomas. Alastair could ask him about his expectations later. Or perhaps that was a stupid idea, after his marriage to Charles he did have some ideas of what his future husband would be expecting of him.
Alastair recognized that voice anymore. What had happened, why was she here? He hadn’t seen her in years. He wanted nothing more than to be close to her again, but after not speaking for six years he didn’t think that was possible anymore. What was he supposed to say to her?
‘Cordelia,’ he said slowly.
‘Where have you been?’ she yelled. ‘I’ve tried calling you so many times. I’ve called everyone at the Fair Palace and no one could tell me where to reach you and the last time I got the opportunity to come here you and Charles were away for the whole week.’
‘I’ve been busy,’ Alastair said stiffly. ‘Maintaining diplomatic relations. Charles’ advisors thought it might put us at risk if we kept in touch.’
‘Who cares what Charles’ advisors think? I’m your sister, they don’t get to shut me out of your life just because you’re in an important position.’
‘It’s not so simple, Cordelia,’ Alastair said. ‘Relations between Turan and the Fair Planet aren’t always easy and they were worried I might spill state secrets.’
It wasn’t a sufficient explanation, Alastair knew that. He couldn’t say he perfectly understood it himself, but Charles had been insistent that Alastair didn’t contact his family, that it would be bad for their position, the treaty, everything. Charles had known what he was doing. Charles wouldn’t have wanted Alastair to leak his secrets to the people of Turan. And sure, Alastair was careful, he would never leak anything on purpose, but accidents happened and how was he to know what needed to be kept secret? Charles had known what was best.
‘How would not speaking to people from Turan make it any better?’ Cordelia demanded. ‘If anything, it makes you seem disconnected from your people, from your home. Aren’t you supposed to represent Turan here? And I missed you, Alastair. Maman missed you. You weren’t there for Father’s funeral. Rostam never even met you.’
Alastair took a step back. ‘Who is Rostam?’
He’d known about his father’s death, had read about it in the papers. Military accident, although Alastair suspected Father might have caused it himself by drinking on duty. Charles had told him not to go, and Alastair was grateful for it. After everything he’d been through due to his father, he did not think he could have stomached it. But who was Rostam?
‘Your little brother,’ Cordelia said, tears in her eyes. ‘You didn’t even know? Maman found out she was pregnant not long after you got married. We’ve tried to contact you, but there was no getting through to you and Rostam isn’t old enough to fly.’
It was considered unsafe for children under twelve to fly in outer space. It was done occasionally, but most people preferred to avoid it and his mother would never have taken her child on a flight, nor would she have left him at home to come search from him. And Alastair had never known the child existed at all. Had Charles known, had he kept this from him? Charles had handled all communication with Alastair’s family, until they’d stopped contacting them altogether. He must have left it out to keep them safe, Alastair told himself. Charles never did anything without a reason.
‘I’m sorry,’ Alastair said softly. ‘I’ll see if I can schedule a visit to Turan sometime. But you have to understand my duty is here.’
‘You could make a videocall at least,’ Cordelia said. ‘It’s just your family, no one could blame you for wanting to speak to them. And Charles isn’t around anymore to tell you what to do. Seriously, what kind of husband would forbid you from speaking to your family?’
‘You don’t understand,’ Alastair bit out. ‘Charles only wanted what was best for us. I’m sorry I didn’t call you, but it wasn’t his fault.’
‘Good. Are you okay, Alastair? I know it can’t have been easy to lose your partner. Do you know Thomas Lightwood? Perhaps he’ll be better for you.’
‘I’ll ask him if I can call Maman,’ Alastair said. ‘But I’m fine, you don’t have to worry about me.’  
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @thefoxandthefound @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction@imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs
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Can’t Separate Us- Fred Weasley x OC
Fred Weasley x Mallorie Bishopp
Description: When the war finally emerged and Hogwarts had to fight for its life Mallorie saves Fred from being killed, but is injured in the process. When Fred wakes up and doesn’t see Mallorie by his side, he won’t rest until he knows she’s safe.
Word Count: 1.7k
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You know how people always said that their school days were the best days of their life? The same couldn’t be said for any Hogwarts student in May of 1998. The war finally came to Hogwarts and people were either getting hurt or dying all over the place. Mallorie saw too many students- people that she went to school with- drop dead from the Killing Curse cast by a Death Eater. How they didn’t care about the fact that they were killing literal children was beyond her. She personally witnessed Fenrir Greyback kill Lavender Brown and watched Corrine Alastair (George’s girlfriend) be blasted out of the Astronomy Tower. She had no idea how the girl survived, but she wasn’t complaining. 
As she made her way around the castle helping anyone who needed assistance against the Death Eaters, Mallorie spotted Percy and Fred dueling side by side. She couldn’t tell who their opponents were, but she could tell that it was about to get much messier with the way Augustus Rookwood was attempting to sneak up beside them. The malicious look in his eyes is what made her raise her wand. 
“You’re joking Percy!” Fred exclaimed jokingly. “I don’t think I’ve heard you joke since you were-” 
“EXPULSO!” Augustus shouted, pointing his wand at them. 
“PROTEGO DUO!” Mallorie countered at the same time, creating a shield that deflected the burst of light that emitted from Augustus’s wand. The light bounced off the shield and ricocheted into the building behind him, causing an explosion. The force knocked all of them to the ground, but since Percy got the least of it, he stood up immediately and defeated Augustus. He turned to Fred and Mallorie triumphantly, but the words got caught in his throat when he saw them lying unconscious with the rubble around them. He called for medical help and just a few minutes later Mallorie and Fred were carried off to be treated. 
They were thankfully still alive, but Fred had a broken leg from a particularly heavy piece of rubble landing on his leg from the explosion. Mallorie meanwhile had a concussion and sprained wrist. They had been separated by their injuries.
The whole Weasley clan surrounded Fred worriedly. Arthur ran his fingers through Fred’s hair while Molly sang softly to him like she did when he had a nightmare as a kid. George sat on the other side of his head, watching him anxiously. After a long while, Fred shifted, signalling that he was waking up. His eyes opened for just a second before closing due to the blinding (to him) light above him. George laughed in disbelief and Molly sighed in relief. 
“Oh thank heavens you’re awake,” Arthur said, grabbing the boy’s hand. 
“How are you feeling my dear?” Molly asked gently, stroking his cheek gently. 
“Wh-Why can’t I f-feel m-my leg?” He asked with a whimper, almost too quiet for any of them to hear. 
“They had to numb it while your bones healed,” Molly explained softly. “Your leg was broken, but it was easily fixable. The numbing should wear off soon.” Fred murmured something that none of them could really hear this time. George asked him to speak up and his eyes popped open suddenly.
“Mal… Where’s Mallorie? Where is she?” He asked, trying to sit up and search for her. Molly and Arthur were quick to grab his shoulders and lay the struggling boy down.
“I haven’t seen her since you two were brought in, Fred,” George explained.
“Is..is she a-alive?” Fred asked hoarsely, still very weak from just waking up.
“We’ll find her later, Fred dear. Just rest for a little bit more,” Molly tried to calm him down, but he didn’t listen to her.
“Is sh-she…d-dead?” Arthur and Molly continued to keep Fred down, but George and Ginny gave each other a knowing look. She gave him a single nod and stood, grabbing Bill, Charlie and Percy as she walked away with purpose. The three questioned her as she began searching for the girl. 
“Just find Mallorie, we need to bring her back to Fred so he won’t get so worked up,” Ginny finally explained in exasperation. The three nodded and began looking. Just a few minutes later, Charlie called the other three in his direction after finding the still unconscious girl. Ginny tried not to gasp at the sight of her almost lifeless body and instructed them to get on either side of her and pick her stretcher up. 
It was a bit difficult to get her through the crowds of people, but they finally managed to come into the view of the other redheads. George moved aside as the four of them set her down beside Fred’s stretcher then got his twin’s attention to focus on her. Fred visibly relaxed when his eyes landed on Mallorie, and he reached a cautious hand towards hers. He had no problem finding it since they were at her sides. While he did that, Bill stopped a healer as they passed while the rest of his family watched the interaction. Once the healer walked away Bill looked at Fred once more with a small smile.
“She’s going to be okay Freddie, just some head trauma and a sprained wrist,” he informed him gently. Fred could have cried in relief at the information. That was the best news he could have received. He had no idea how she managed to protect both him and Percy while also saving herself, but to be honest he didn’t care. All that mattered was that she was alive and would be okay in the end. 
“Mallorie,” he tried to call out, but his voice was still hoarse and gruff, so she couldn’t hear it. He tried again, but stopped when Molly placed a hand on her shoulder. 
“Fred dear, Mallorie’s got head trauma. Chances are she won’t wake up today. Give her some time, you need to rest yourself anyways. Understand?” She asked gently. Fred could only nod in response. He was quite tired anyway. So, he closed his eyes and fell asleep to Molly singing to him once again. 
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She didn’t wake until days later, when the battle had finished. Everyone had begun the clean up of Hogwarts so she was alone when she woke up. Slowly, she stood and began making her way out to find someone she recognized, heavily urging herself to not look at the casualty bodies all around her. The Weasleys were cleaning up in the courtyard, and George had been the first one to spot her walking out.
“Mallorie!” He exclaimed joyfully. In an instant all eyes turned to her. Fred, who had been working on the other side of the courtyard, stared at her in shock. After everything that happened- and all that they lost- she was alive and she was here. He began shuffling over to her using the temporary cane in his left hand, but as he got closer to her he walked faster until he finally threw down the cane and ran as fast as he could with a limp until he reached her. He let out a sob of solace and joy as he threw her arms around her. 
Fred learned he wasn’t the only one crying when he felt his shirt become wet as Mallorie gripped onto him. She whimpered quietly, feeling the same way he had earlier. Both of them were alive and safe. She thanked Merlin that her protection charm protected not only the two of them, but Percy as well.
“I’m so happy you’re okay,” she whispered into his shoulder, and he could help but smile.
“I could say the same for you. Nearly gave me a heart attack when I woke up and you were still unconscious, you know,” he mumbled back, making her laugh through her tears. Fred pulled away just enough to cup her face and wipe away her tears with his thumbs.
“How are you feeling?” He asked gently. Mallorie shrugged.
“Been better, I’ve got a killer headache now,” she half joked. He smiled and kissed her forehead before hugging her again. Suddenly, she felt another pair of arms hug her from behind. She turned her head to see George grinning at her.
“Glad to see you awake Mal. You should’ve heard Fred’s whining while you were out.” Fred leaned over to smack the side of his head in retaliation. 
“Boys play nice. The dear’s only just woken up after all,” Molly scolded, joining into the hug. Then Arthur joined, then Percy. Ginny, Bill and Charlie joined in next, and finally Ron and Harry joined the rather large group hug. 
That night, all of them went to the newly built Burrow and Mallorie helped with dinner. Afterwards, everyone started going to bed. Ginny was the last one to go to bed before Mallorie and Fred. She stopped at the stairs, but stopped and looked at Mallorie.
“You’re sure you won’t come to bed Bluejay?” She asked, using a nickname Mallorie hadn’t heard since before the battle. Her patronus is a Blue Jay, as they learned during training with Dumbledore’s Army, and Ginny always called her that when she was in a good mood. It made her heart soar with glee when she heard it.
“Ginny I just slept for three days, I think I’m okay,” she laughed a little. With an amused chuckle and shake of her head, she bid the two goodnight and made her way upstairs. Fred wrapped his arm around her shoulders as she leaned against him, making sure to be careful of his still sore leg.
“I can’t believe how lucky I got. I can’t thank Merlin enough that you’re okay,” Mallorie mumbled, looking at a family picture hanging on the far wall. “Not only you, but your family.” She felt Fred shake his head, making her look at him. 
“Please, nothing, not even Voldemort could separate us. They’re going to have to do a lot better than that,” Fred responded coolly. Mallorie couldn’t stop the giggle that came out of her. 
“Oh Fred, always the tough guy,” she joked softly, making him laugh as well. 
“I’m just saying, they can’t separate us, we won’t let them. I’m not wrong, am I?” He gazed at her, and she gave him a fond smile. 
“No, you’re not,” she said softly, nestling into his side once more as they sat enjoying each other’s company.
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Can be seen as a sequel to Atticus (pt.1)
Title from Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) by John Lennon
Based on conversations Ly and I had about Eugenia secretly being Atticus’s biological mother
Atticus Jonathan Carstairs is my OC, please ask permission to use him
TW Implied Large Age Gap
TW Implied Sexual Assault
Tagging @have-a-holly-jolly-angstmas @writeordie-4 @littlx-songbxrd @wagnerthedragon @life-through-the-eyes-of @tessherongraystairs @melanielocke @linedmund
Beautiful, Beautiful, Beautiful Beautiful Boy
Cirenworth; 1906
Eugenia watched from afar as her brother and brother-in-law played happily with Atticus.
He was a happy and healthy child at four years old, that was clear. He was a beautiful child, with dark blonde curls and greenish-grey eyes. She could only describe him as looking like one of Botticelli’s angels.
She should be happy, of course, that he’s happy and healthy. But it hurts.
That’s her son. Being raised by his half-brother and his uncle, but not by her.Eugenia rationally knows why she couldn’t keep Atticus, Augustus ruined her reputation enough. But a child by a married man that wasn’t even the man that ruined her was a social suicide. She would never have a chance to rebuild her reputation after that. They wouldn’t care if his seduction-she loathed that word-was unwanted, that she hadn’t consented.
Eugenia would be a whore, plain and simple. She might as well have worn a scarlet A on her blouse.
So she had made the best choice possible for her situation and left for a year, ostracizing herself for the sake of her son. Her beautiful boy. Her darling boy.
She still remembered holding him for the first and only time after he was born. He was a big baby, a quiet one too. She hadn’t been around many babies before Atticus, but she knew when she held him that she would love him forever.
And she’d whispered that in his ear before handing him off to her mother to place him with his new mother, who would later abandon him.
Eugenia had a hatred for that woman, who abandoned her son without a second thought. She’d only been in it for the money, that was clear. She was no mother to Atticus at all in her mind.
It helped Eugenia to know that Atticus was happy and being raised in the best hands possible, she trusted nobody more than Thomas and Alastair, save her parents.
He would never grow up unsafe or unloved, they would make sure of that. And Eugenia could never ask for anything more than that.
Her beautiful boy deserved to be happy and healthy, to smile and laugh whenever he pleased, to learn piano with Alastair and read books with Thomas.
And if her heart ached at the thought of not doing it with him, then so be it.
She would not be the cause of her son’s unhappiness.
“Auntie Genia! Look at me, Daddy’s making me fly!” Atticus called to her from where Thomas was currently holding him up in the air and spinning him around above his head. His voice was accented with an adorable lisp.
She almost teared up at him calling her auntie. But she quickly wiped away her invisible tears and flashed him a smile. “I can see that, Atticus. You’re flying so high, I’m jealous!”
He awarded her with a big toothy grin and continued to giggle at being spun around.
She glanced over at Alastair, who was sitting in the grass next to them, watching with a fond smile. He looked so at peace, so content. And he deserved it.
Alastair deserved happiness. Her brother deserved happiness. Atticus deserved happiness. They all did.
And if she had to be Auntie Genia for that to happen, then so be it.
She would do anything to keep her beautiful boy, her darling boy, happy.
🎶It's beginning to look a lot like Angstmas🎶
🎶Everywhere you go🎶
🎶There's a tree in the Grand Hotel, one in the park as well🎶
🎶It's the sturdy kind that doesn't mind the snow🎶
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youngreckless · 3 years
no other shade of blue
THOMASTAIR WEEK, Day 2: Thomas Appreciation Day
AO3 LINK. CW for grief/mourning & minor character death (barbara lightwood).
Thomas increases his pace, walking faster, trying to get away from it all. He does not really have a particular destination in his mind as he just lets his feet carry him away from The Institute. He could not bear to stay there any longer, under everyone's pitiful gazes.
He walked out with the hope of clearing his head with some air. So he is surprised when he finds himself on a familiar street, standing in front of a familiar house. He had not meant to come here, yet he feels his shoulders sag in a bit of an immediate comfort just standing there.
He hesitates for a good ten minutes and then knocks before his brain makes him pause and question whether he should, again. A minute later, the door opens and he feels relief flooding him at just the sight of the other man.
Alastair takes one look at him before ushering him inside from the cold. "You will catch a cold someday if you don't start wearing a hat," he says, his tone soft, as he takes Thomas' coat.
Thomas does not reply, and Alastair gives him another look before grabbing his hand and silently leading him up towards his bedroom.
Once there, Alastair soundlessly shuts the door and turns towards him. "Do you want anything? Tea?"
Thomas shakes his head, eyes cast downwards. He thinks that he really doesn't know why he came here. Except, he does, doesn't he? He came here to see Alastair. He came here because Alastair is the only person he could manage to be around right now.
He chances a look towards Alastair, a part of him fearing that he will find pity in his eyes too, but Alastair is looking at him with only concern and a mild curiosity. Somehow the earnest expression on Alastair's face is too much for him to bear, and he looks away.
Thomas rubs his hands over his face and sighs. "I just needed to get away," he says in a quiet voice, almost a whisper.
Alastair's shoes appear in his line of vision, and he doesn't move his gaze as he feels Alastair's hands cradling his. "I understand," is all Alastair says and somehow, that is enough.
That is all he needed, did he not? Someone who would not look at him like the guy who just lost his sister. Someone who would understand that it is a loss he is still not ready to accept, or even believe. Someone who understands that he just needs to be, and would be there with him.
This is why I came here, he thinks. Somewhere in his heart, deep down, he knew Alastair would understand him, even when nobody would. He knew this even when he did not know. That is why his feet led him here, so he could just be.
"I hated how everyone was looking at me, even though it was not their fault. I just could not bear it, and I was afraid that—" he breaks off, unsure if he really wants to voice the particular thought.
Alastair does not urge him to continue, waiting patiently, with the same earnest expression on his face. Thomas looks into his brown eyes, and immediately finds comfort in them. Alastair's eyes are kind, and soft.
"I was afraid… that if I stayed there any longer, I would start to believe that I was weak too," he continues in a quiet voice after a moment, squeezing Alastair's hands. "Everyone was treating me like I was made of glass, and it wasn't helping with the part of me that thinks it was my fault, that I couldn't save my sister," he lets out, mumbling the last part.
Alastair looks at him for a long beat, searching his face. He moves one hand up to cradle Thomas' cheek, his thumb brushing over his cheekbone lightly. "It wasn't your fault," Alastair says. Then, after a beat, he adds, "But I understand."
Thomas closes his eyes, willing himself not to cry. But one traitorous tear slips down his cheek anyway, and when Alastair catches it with his thumb, Thomas knows it is futile to try to stop the tears now.
He buries his face in Alastair's neck when he pulls Thomas into a hug, and he cries.
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thomaslightwood · 4 years
The Sanctuary || Thomastair (from Alastair's POV)
From chapter 19 & 21 from COI!
This was weird to do and even tho I had the dialogue it wasn't as easy to write as I expected. I tried to make this how I imagine Alastair's thought process and it hit a little too close to home so tried my best to do this scene justice. I hope you like it!
Alastair barely moved since the door had closed and locked behind the Consul for the last time. 
It has been hours. Alastair was rereading pages of The Prince over and over again, without actually understanding most of them. He randomly turned on pages from time to time, at least to look like he was reading.
Even without looking at Thomas, he was aware where he was in the Sanctuary. Alastair wondered what Thomas thought of him now. After founding out Alastair literally had been stalking him for weeks. Or maybe he was worrying about the fact he was accused for murder. 
At some point, Thomas walked to the door and shook it, like he was hoping even for the slightest chance that the lock and wards had failed.
“A little menacing that the Sanctuary bolts shut from the outside, isn’t it? I never thought about it much before,” Alastair said, his voice was the first loud thing in hours. 
Thomas turned around to look at him. There was something desperate in his face.
“I, er, suppose one might have to keep an unexpectedly dangerous Downworlder out, or something,” Thomas said awkwardly. Alastair looked away.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “On the other hand, it does give the Institute a makeshift prison.”
It was a little creepy when he thought about it. A Sanctuary was supposed to be a sacred place. A place that provides safety and protection. Alastair had never thought he would be held as a prisoner here. And definitely not with Thomas Lightwood.
Thomas wandered a little closer to him. Alastair didn't look away from his book. With the corner of his eye he could see Thomas' messy hair, clothes stained with blood and dirt. His tattoo was bright on his arm.
“Why have you been following me around?” Thomas demanded. 
Alastair’s breath hitched. He didn't expect Thomas to speak to him. “Someone had to,” he said, still staring at his book.
“What on earth does that mean?” Thomas said.
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to, Lightwood,” Alastair said sharply. He didn't want to have a fight with him, not now. Not ever.
Thomas sat down with a thump on Alastair’s mattress. Alastair blinked at him in surprise. 
“I do want the answer,” Thomas said. “And I will not get up until you tell it to me.”
Alastair slowly set his book aside. He could see Thomas' neck, the edge of his white shirt and if he moved his gaze further below there was the promise of his chest, hidden underneath the cloth. Alastair thought about their time in Paris, in the cafe. Thomas' warm skin under his fingers. And many months later, in London, his skin was warm as he remembered it, but marked with the rose compass tattoo.
“I knew you were taking extra patrols,” Alastair said, still thinking about Thomas' tattoo. “And more than that - going out by yourself with a murderer on the loose. You were going to get yourself killed. You’re meant to take someone with you.”
It sounded logical, didn't it? Alastair hoped so because if not Thomas would reveal that Alastair followed him because he wasn't just worried Tom would get himself killed - he wanted to be close to him, to take care of him, to do something for him, even if Thomas wasn't aware of it. 
“No, thank you,” Thomas said. “All these people going out in pairs, announcing themselves every time they speak, unable to make a move without consulting each other - they might as well ring a bell to let the killer know they’re coming. And meanwhile, if you’re not on the schedule, you’re supposed to just sit around on your arse doing nothing. We’ll never catch the murderer if we avoid being out on the streets. That’s where the murderer is.”
Well, this sounded logical too, Alastair thought. Stubborn and reckless but logical.
Alastair was a little amused. “Never before have I heard such a concise statement of the ludicrous philosophy with which you and your school friends go through the world, running toward danger,” he said, stretching. “But that’s not why you were doing what you were doing,” Alastair added. “There’s a little truth to what you just said, but not the heart of it.”
“What do you mean?”
“You couldn’t save your sister. So you want to save other people. You want revenge, even if this isn’t the same evil that took Barbara - it’s still evil, isn’t it?” Alastair knew what he said may sound rude and was definitely not his business. But he was also determined to speak the truth. No matter how ugly, no matter how painful. The truth must be faced.  “You want to behave recklessly, and you don’t want your reckless behavior to compromise a patrol partner’s safety. So you went alone.”
Thomas' face told him he was right. 
“Well, I don’t believe you really think that we’re stupid,” Thomas said, “or that we willingly court danger for danger’s sake. If you believed that, you would do more to stop Cordelia spending time with us.”
Alastair scoffed. Like he could stop Cordelia from anything.
“My point,” Thomas went on, an edge to his voice, “is that I don’t think you believe the rude things you say. And I don’t understand why you say them. It doesn’t make any sense. It’s as if you want to drive everyone away.” He paused. “Why were you so awful to us in school? We never did anything to you.”
Alastair winced. For a long moment he was silent. What he could tell? What he could tell to make Thomas believe he's not terrible? Maybe he couldn't. Maybe this wasn't possible. He could only tell Thomas the truth and let him decide.
“I was awful to you …,” he said at last, “because I could be.”
“Anyone can be a bastard if they want to be,” said Thomas. “You had no reason to do it. Your family are friends with the Herondales. You could at least have been kinder to James.”
This wasn't untrue, mostly. But there was so much more than this.
“When I got to school,” said Alastair slowly, the effort costing him, “loose talk about my father had preceded me. Everyone knew he was a failure, and some of the older students decided I was an easy target. They … let’s just say that by the end of the first week, I had been made to understand my place in the hierarchy, and I had the bruises to remind me should I ever forget.”
Those were painful memories. The jokes, the vicious words and the other kids' fists. Back then he thought he would never allow someone to treat him like that again, even if this meant he would become a monster himself.
“After about a year of being knocked around,” Alastair went on, “I realized I could either become one of the bullies, or suffer for the rest of my school days. I felt no loyalty to my father, no need to defend him, so that was never a problem. I wasn’t very big - well, you know what that’s like.”
He eyed Thomas for a moment. Looking self-conscious, Thomas shrank back a bit. Physically he had grown so much, his muscles were visible through the shirt. 
“What I did have,” said Alastair, “was a savage tongue and a quick wit. Augustus Pounceby and the others would collapse laughing when I cut some poor younger student down to size. I never got my hands bloody, never hit anyone, but it didn’t matter, did it? Soon enough the bully boys forgot they’d ever hated me. I was one of them.”
“And how did that turn out for you?” Thomas said in a hard voice.
Alastair looked at him matter-of-factly. “Well, one of us has a close-knit group of friends, and the other one has no friends at all. So you tell me.”
“You have friends,” Thomas said. Alastair snorted at this. He didn't. Not really.
“Then you arrived, a bunch of boys from famous families, too well brought up to understand at first what went on far from home. Expecting the world would embrace you. That you would be treated well. As I never had been.” Alastair pushed back a lock of hair. His hands were shaking. He was so bitter then, so full of anger at the injustice of the world. He took a breath, hoping Thomas didn't notice. “I suppose I hated you because you were happy. Because you had each other - friends you could like and admire - and I had nothing like that. You had parents who loved each other. But none of that excuses the way I behaved. And I do not expect to be forgiven.”
It hurted Alastair to say it, to think about it. But he really didn't think the Merry Thieves would forgive him - he wasn't surprised. If he was at their place he probably wouldn't forgive himself too. 
“I’ve been trying to hate you,” Thomas said quietly, “for what you did to Matthew. You richly deserve to be hated for what you have done.”
Alastair looked Thomas in the face. “It wasn’t just his mother I slandered. It was your parents, too. You know it. So you don’t have to—to act all high-minded about this. Stop pretending you are only upset on behalf of Matthew. Hate me on your own behalf, Thomas.”
Part of him wanted this. One small, self-destructive part wanted Thomas to hate him. To tell him so. To lash out his anger at Alastair, so he could feel his pain in his bones, to remember it and to carry it with himself like he carried his own.
“No,” Thomas said firmly. He looked so sure, like this wasn't even an option. Like it was the law of nature, something that cannot.
Alastair didn't know how to react. Tension was freezing his body and mind and he could just blink at him.
“The reason I cannot hate you is because—because of those days we spent in Paris together,” he said. Alastair stomach flipped. “You were kind to me when I was very alone, and I am grateful. It was the first time I realized you could be kind.”
Alastair stared at him. The little light they had was doing strange things to Thomas' appearance. His hair looked lighter but his face was in shadow, making his eyes seem darker and deeper than usual. “It is my favorite memory of Paris as well.” Was Alastair saying this? Was this really his voice?
“You don’t have to say that. I know you were there with Charles.”
Alastair stiffened. He looked away. “Charles Fairchild? What about him?”
“Wouldn’t that be your best memory of Paris?” Thomas raised an eyebrow.
Alastair’s jaw was rigid. “Exactly what are you suggesting?”
He didn't want to do anything with Charles anymore. He wanted to move on. But it wasn't his business to reveal Charles' secrets. Alastair wouldn't do this to him.
“I’m not suggesting anything. I’ve seen the way you look at Charles, the way he looks at you. I’m not an idiot, Alastair, and I’m asking …” Thomas shook his head, sighing. His face was different than the past few months. The way he looked at Alastair… like he was searching for something. There was a deep ache in his eyes. “I suppose I’m asking if you’re like me.” 
“Thomas Lightwood,” said Alastair. “I am nothing like you.”
If there was something in the whole world he was sure about, it was this.
He saw how Thomas' eyes widened. A pained expression on his face. Terror and humiliation were creeping in his eyes.
“I am nothing like you, Thomas,” Alastair continued, “because you are one of the better people I have ever known. You have a kind nature and a heart like some knight out of legend. Brave and proud and true and strong. All of it.” He smiled bitterly. He meant every word. “And all the time you have known me, I have been a terrible person. So, you see. We are nothing at all alike.”
Thomas’s gaze snapped up.
“I’m not—” Thomas breathed. “That’s not what I meant.”
“I know what you meant.” The words hung between them, neither daring to move a muscle. After a moment Alastair added in a gentler voice, “How did you know about Charles?”
“You wouldn’t tell me what you were doing in Paris,” said Thomas. “But you mentioned Charles, over and over again, like you got pleasure out of just saying his name. And when you came to London this summer, I saw the way you looked at him. I know what it is to have to hide the—the signs of affection.”
“Then I imagine you may have noticed I don’t look at Charles that way anymore,” Alastair said and couldn't not think what a lovesick fool he was.
“I suppose I did,” Thomas said, “though for the past four months, I’ve been trying not to look at you. I told myself I hated you. But I could never really make myself. When Elias died, all I could think about was you. What you must be feeling.”
Alastair winced. “I insulted your father and blackened his name. You were under no obligation to care about mine.”
Elias was something Alastair carefully avoided to think about. The unsaid words, the anger and all the disgust, resentment and undescribable loss of his father in so many ways was too much to bear.
“I know, but sometimes I think that it is much harder to lose someone who we are on bad terms with than it is to lose someone with whom all is well,” Thomas said kindly.
Tears filled Alastair's eyes. 
“Bloody hell, Thomas. You should hate me, not be thinking about what I must be feeling—” Alastair swiped at his eyes. Raziel, his kindness. It was good he didn't deserve, a blessing so precious it made him want to cry. Why couldn't Thomas just hate him? Why couldn't he be like Matthew Fairchild and hate him? It would be deserved. It would be easier. “And the worst of it is, you’re right, of course. You always understood other people so well. I think I partly hated you for it, for being so kind. I thought, ‘He must have so much, to be able to be so generous.’ And I thought that I had nothing. It never occurred to me that you had secrets too.”
“You were always my secret,” said Thomas softly, and Alastair turned a surprised gaze at him. His face was so open, so vulnerable. It was so different, they both were, since the first time they met but… at the same time so soft, so kind like it was at the Academy, at Paris and now, at the Sanctuary again. 
“Does no one know?” said Alastair. “That you—like men? How long have you known?”
“Since after I came to school, I think,” Thomas said in a low voice. “I knew what caught my eye, quickened my pulse, and it was never a girl.”
“And you never told anyone?”
Thomas hesitated. “I could have told my friends that I liked men. They would have understood. But I couldn’t have told them how I felt about you.”
“So you did feel something for me. I thought-” Alastair looked away, shaking his head. “I didn’t see you—you were this boy, following me around at school, and then I met you in Paris and you’d grown up and turned into Michelangelo’s David. I thought you were beautiful. But I was still caught up with Charles��” He broke off. “Just another thing I’ve wasted. Your regard for me. I wasted my time and my affection on Charles. I wasted my chance with you.” 
It would definitely be easier if Thomas hated him, Alastair thought with bitterness. But now, knowing he wasted his time with a man who would choose his career over Alastair every time when he could be with Thomas—it was too much. Another tragedy in his life, another wasted opportunity….
“Maybe not,” Thomas said. He sounded dizzy. “About me, I mean.”
Alastair blinked. “Speak sense, Lightwood,” he said testily. His words couldn't reach Alastair's brain. “What do you mean?”
“I mean this,” said Thomas, and leaned towards Alastair.
It was a quick kiss. Unsure and shocking and so, so sweet.
Thomas drew back hesitantly. It was obvious he didn't know if this was alright, if he wasn't crossing a line. Alastair caught hold of Thomas’s shirtfront in a firm grip. He slid onto his knees so that they faced each other; with Thomas sitting back on his heels, their heads were at the same level.
“Thomas—” Alastair began. His voice was rough, unsteady. He had a hard time getting a grip on himself. Abruptly, Alastair let go of Thomas’s shirt, started to turn his face away.
“Just imagine,” Thomas said. “What if we’d never gone to the Academy together? What if none of those things had happened, and Paris was the first time we’d met? And this was the second?”
Alastair said nothing. It was an impossible scenario. Just a comfort fantasy for the cold, sad nights that ended up hurting you more than healing you.
He smiled weakly. “Damn you, Thomas,” he said, and there was resignation, yes. Because he was so done pretending, so done hiding what he was feeling towards this amazing man. He wanted to feel every dark, forbidden and sweet thing there was with Thomas.
A moment later he was pulling Thomas toward him. Their bodies collided, awkward and thrilling. Alastair knew he was probably the more experienced of the two but he was barely aware what he was doing. 
He had never imagined he would be able to do all this. To touch Thomas' chest, his shoulders and back, his tattoo and Adam's apple. He had never imagined Thomas would tenderly kiss the arch of his throat and smile against Alastair's skin. He had never imagined he would be so happy while waiting to be proved innocent for a crime. But while he was kissing Thomas Lightwood, he thought it was worth it.
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What if hallucifer stayed with Sam throughout the whole show? What if cass didn't really fix the problem, but only took the pain away?
Sam walks out of that hospital knowing he's not alright. Knowing he's never gonna be alright. He gets into shotgun, dean smiling next to him warmly, Lucifer smiling at him from the back seat. Cold dead eyes.
Lucifer is there with him when dean and cass get blasted to who knows where. Crowley tells him he's all on his own, Lucifer laughs next to him.
He meets Amelia, but eventually she leaves him. He doesn't blame her, who would want to be with a guy who talks to air and barely sleeps? He starts drinking a lot after that.
Dean comes back, from purgatory apparently. He doesn't know about lucifer, Sam never told him, didn't want to make himself a bigger burden for his brother. So he lies, tells him he was with Amelia this whole time. Dean gets angry. Sam knew he would, but it's easier this way.
Lucifer is with him when they find the bunker, commenting on the ugly lamps. Sam snickers, dean looks at him weird, but doesn't say anything.
Lucifer is with him when he completes the first trial. He looks down to Sam who is covered in blood. He points to the dead hellhound. "I knew that one." He says. "Her name was Ashley."
Lucifer is with him when he goes to hell to rescue bobbys soul. "I did not miss this place." Lucifer whispers next to him. A shiver goes down Sam's spine.
Lucifer is with him when he's just about to finish the last trial. Lucifer always keeps quiet when Sam is completing trials, something about "purification." Sam doesn't really know, he mostly blocks him out.
He's there when dean comes and stops him. He's yelling at Dean, telling him to go, leave them. But dean cant hear him, he knows he cant hear him. Sam doesnt know why Lucifer even tries.
Lucifer is in the back seat of the impala when Sam wakes up. He doesn't remember getting into the impala. He remembers passing out in the mud in front of the church. His clothes are clean now though. Lucifer is quiet.
Lucifer has stopped talking to him, he just hovers now. It's driving Sam mad. He's not used to the strange silence, but he doesn't suspect anything weird until he starts losing fragments of his day.
He starts noting down time frames that he loses. He started when he was researching in the library at 2:45pm, blacked out, and came to in the kitchen at 3:14pm. Lucifer stays out of his way. Sam sometimes thinks he has a look of pity on his face, but that can't be right, can it?
Sam eventually asks dean about this. His brother just brushes him off. Lucifer continues to hover.
Crowley comes and saves him. Sam kicks the angel out. He opens his eyes to see Lucifer staring at his brother. "I guess sammy has a thing for kicking angles out."
Deans starting to get suspicious. Sam's zoning out more and more. Eyes glazing over as he just listens to Lucifer ramble on about nothing. About everything.
"You good Sammy?" Dean asks him one day while they're eating breakfast. Sam answers too fast. Dean only gets more suspicious.
Dean eventually finds out, Sam knew he would sooner or later. He finds dean with alcohol more often now. A look of guilt is permanently stuck on Sam's face.
"Its not your fault Sammy." Dean always tells him. Sam is finding it harder to believe him.
Sam zones out more often. The only thing that can bring him back is deans touch. Deans heavy hand on his shoulder bringing him back down to earth, grounding him. Deans always looking at him with this sad smile. Sam feels like he's failed him.
Lucifer is with him when he finds out dean got the mark of Cain. "Oh that's a nasty little thing." Lucifer comments next to him. Sam has taken to ignoring him, it eases deans mind.
Dean is getting worse and worse. And so is Sam. Dean is slowly losing care for Sam and he's not there for him anymore. He's not there to ground him, to pull him back.
Sam starts zoning out for longer periods of time. Dean doesn't seem to care, only rolls his eyes. Lucifer watches perched on a chair next to him. "Does big bro not love you anymore?" Sam flinches.
Lucifer is there when dean dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam finds the note. "Aww big brother left you." Lucifer laughs.
Sam is spiralling. Lucifer talks to him more and more as Sam searches for his brother. No-one is there to ground him anymore. No-one is there to help him. One day Sam accidently talks back to Lucifer. Lucifer looks shocked for half a second before that cold smirk comes back to his face.
"Its been years since you talked to me Sammy." Lucifer says one day as Sam is reading a book on demons. "I missed our little talks." Sam slams the book shut. "Shut up." He hisses.
Lucifer is right there as Sam ducks down to avoid the hammer. "I never knew why Alastair liked this one." Cass appears. Thank god. Sam falls back against the wall and helplessly covers his ears. He knows it won't block him out. "Sure he ripped apart a lot of souls in hell, but a hammer?" Sam hits his head against the wall. "Shut up shut up shut up." Lucifer laughs at him. Cass pays him no mind.
Lucifer is there when the darkness is unleashed. "Ooh aunty." He says next to Sam. Sam flinches, dean places a hand on his arm. All three stand there and watch.
"You know, I find it really uncomfortable that your brother has a thing for my aunt." Lucifer says one day. Sam looks him right in the eye. "Shut up, Lucifer." Sam hasn't looked directly at Lucifer for at least 3 years. Lucifer smiles coldly at him as dean walks up to Sam, worry and fear etched into his face. Palms out towards him like he's trying not to scare off a frightened animal. Sam doesn't feel too far off from that.
Lucifer is with Sam when he goes to see real Lucifer. Sam thinks he's going crazy.
"So, you're still seeing me huh?" Real Lucifer asks him. Sam sucks in a breath as Lucifer stands to the side of the cage. "Oh c'mon Sam. I've been inside that head of yours. There's nothing I don't know about you." Real Lucifer smiles down at him. Or is it fake Lucifer? Sam doesn't know anymore.
Lucifer is with him as he gets tourted by the British men of letters. Always sending words of encouragement, towards Toni.
Lucifer is sitting on the steps. "Ah remember our lovely time down under?" He asks, titling his head to get a better view of what the lady was doing. "Ooh blowtorch. You never did like fire huh?" Sam screams. He can bearly hear Lucifers laughter over his own screams of pain.
Dean comes and saves him. Hands all over him as soon as they're out. Lucifer rolls his eyes at them. "Mother hen." Sam tenses up.
Lucifer is there when their mother leaves them. "I guess everyone hates ya huh Sammy?" Lucifer smiles at him. Dean doesn't react, doesn't even look at him.
"Never did like the brits." Lucifer says one day. Sam smiles. Deans hands are on him straight away.
Lucifer is there when Jack is born. Lucifer is there when cass is killed. Sam thinks he's seeing double, two Lucifers talking to him at the same time.
One Lucifer stays with him, one goes with his mother. He's not sure which is which. So he asks. Lucifer laughs at him. Dean doesn't put a hand on him.
Dean always stands closer to him after that, he's always making sure that they're touching, that they're shoulders are brushing. Lucifer gets annoyed at dean. Tries to hurt him. Sam sleeps less and less, just in case, just in case one day Lucifer succeeds.
Lucifer sits right next to Sam one day, getting all up in his personal space. Dean isn't in the room. Sam silently sobs.
Lucifer is always hovering around Jack, making terrible remarks about the kid. Sam snaps one day. "Leave him alone!" Lucifer smiles at him, Jack looks up at him like a confused puppy, and dean is dragging him out of the room, his fingers digging into his shoulder blade.
Jack has started to avoid him after that. Dean tells him not to worry about it, but it breaks Sam's heart. Lucifer laughing at him for it all the time is not helping.
Lucifer is there when the vampires get him. Cheering to the side of the cave. And Lucifer is there when he wakes up. He didn't know that it was the real Lucifer.
Lucifer is with him when he makes it back to Dean, both of them. Sam only knows which one is real beacuse everyone is looking at that one. Sam feels like he's failed Dean, again.
Dean hugs Sam, but it doesn't feel real, it doesn't feel right. Lucifer pokes his blood caked neck, Sam jerks away from dean. Dean looks at him with heart broken eyes.
Deans hand is on him all the time now. Holding his arm, brushing their shoulders together. It makes Sam feel jumpy.
Sam makes sure Lucifer stays in this world. He doesn't know which one he trapped, but he hopes it was fake Lucifer. Real Lucifer is easier to deal with.
Lucifer is there when real Lucifer is killed. Sam smiles at him.
"So much for your win Sammy." Lucifer says one day while Sam is sitting in the darkness of his room. "Sure you killed me, but you lost your big brother." Sam wishes he could punch him.
Lucifer is there when Sam gets dean back.
Dean makes a comment on his beard. "Don't listen to him Sammy." Lucifer says as dean walks off. "I think you look good." Sam shaves his beard off after that.
Lucifer is there when Michael possesses dean again. He's laughing the whole time. Dean won't help him, can't help him. Dean is gone.
"Let him in the box Sam!" Lucifer suddenly snaps at him one day, making Sam jump. "Get rid of Michael!" Sam starts to cry. It's too much, not even deans touch is helping him anymore. It feels wrong, alien.
Nick attacks him, Lucifer is cheering him on. "Ah I wish he was my true vessel!" Lucifer exclaims as Sam's vision darkens.
Mary is dead, Jack is gone. "Bye bye mother Mary." Lucifer sings. Sam flinches, dean doesn't care.
"Oh so you can't put your brother in that box, but you sure as hell can put my son in?" Lucifer is yelling in his ear. Sam punches the air. Deans hands on him don't help.
Chuck comes back. Lucifer snarls at him, never stops yelling at him. It's hard for Sam to pay attention to anything, he can't hear anything over Lucifers yelling. Deans hand is on his shoulder the whole time, but he seems out of it.
Lucifer was quiet for a while after God killed Jack. Sam counts his blessings.
Lucifer is there when they rendered chuck powerless. He seems to have a grateful look on his face.
Lucifer isn't there when dean dies.
Lucifer isn't there when miracle dies.
Lucifer is there when Sam's on his death bed. He's standing in the corner of the room, arms crossed over his chest. He waves, and Sam's vision fades.
Sam's free.
Sam's finally free.
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toomanyfandoms02 · 3 years
Walkman -- Fred Weasley
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Wow another one huh? Yea :)
Summary - Fred is suddenly interested in muggle studies so the reader teaches him some
Word Count - 1.9k
It wasn't often that other students at Hogwarts cared much about Muggle items. So when Fred had recently taken in interest in muggle studies, he had came to y/n about it.
"Its not that I know nothing, I know plenty from what my father goes on about. But I don't know, I want to learn more." She and Fred had been friends for a little over a year and he hadn't previously expressed any liking to the subject. So why now? Why not just sign up for Muggle Studies?
She didn't care enough to express it aloud.
See, Y/n had grown up as a muggle. Her mum had been a witch but both her and her father feared she wouldn't be a witch because she didn't show the normal signs at a young age. So they sent her to muggle school until she officially got her letter. No one could explain the relief and joy on her mum's face when she saw the letter in their box.
"When do you have time to learn?" She asked with a tilt of her head.
"Any time really. We could practically start now!" He replied excitedly. She shook her head with a smile.
"You're lucky it's a Saturday you git, I'll floo home and grab some stuff to teach you about." And with that she turned and walked away from the boy. For the first time in a while he was genuinly excited to learn something, maybe because his teacher would be someone he fancied. He thought maybe he hadn't felt like this since he discovered he could scare the trousers off his mum by hiding behind doors and jumping out at 6 years old.
And so he waited for her to get back.
While Fred waited at the castle, Y/n appeared suddenly in her homes fireplace. This earned quite the screech from her little brother who was sat on the couch.
And yes, was, he promptly fell off the couch once she appeared.
"Sorry Alastair, just came to grab a few things. Is dad home?" He nodded, pointing behind him to the kitchen where the smell of pancakes wafted through the house.
Not only was Y/n's dad a muggle, he was also American. He had moved from America when he was 17, wanting to escape his horrendous family and have a big change. He met Y/n's mother when he was visiting a museum in Scottland. She had been on a field trip for muggle studies.
"Dad?" He jumped slightly, nearly dropping the spatula he held in his hand.
"Christ Y/n, what are you doing here." He laughed, pulling her into a side hug.
"One of my friends wants to learn more about muggles and asked if I would teach him. Have any recommendations on what I should tell him about?" His eyes narrowed at his daughter.
"Is this that boy I heard you talking to mom about? The tall ginger boy?" Her cheeks flushed at the comment, partially because he had been eavesdropping on her and her mother and partially because he was correct. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke up again.
"Can you just give me ideas please?" He decided not to tease her further and began brewing up ideas for her.
"Alright, I have a few things I think he may like to hear about, literally." This peaked the girls curiosity as she followed him to her parents shared bedroom.
Y/n's dad ruffled through his side table and brought out a Walkman.
"Do you think he's ever used one of these?" He handed it to her nonchalantly.
"Definitely not." She laughed, grabbing it from his hands.
"You could probably just grab a few random things from your room and he wouldn't know what they were. It stunned me how much stuff your mother was unaware of." He shrugged. "You can borrow it for a while. And take this tape, I made it for your mom so she could hear top hits from America."
"Perfect! Thanks Dad." And she was then off to her room in search for more things to show Fred.
It didn't take her long to gather a few things and bring them to her dad to ask what he thought. She spread a pile of things out in front of him and asked him to weed out the things he thought Fred wouldn't understand.
They were left with a slap bracelet, a tamagotchi, the Walkman, and for fun, crayola step markers and stick on earrings from when Y/n was a kid. She thanked her dad with a hug and asked him to say hi to Mom for her and vanished through the floo again with a loud goodbye to her brother.
Once she arrived back, she skipped down the stairs to find Fred in the common room in front of the fireplace. His tie was loosened quite a bit and a few of his top buttons undone on his shirt. She bit the inside of her cheek like she didn often when he made her flustered.
Clearly he didn't have to do much.
"Would you like to come up to my dorm so I can show you some stuff?" She asked through the silence. His head whipped around with a sinister smile.
"Godric that's quite forward of you." He winked. She could feel the inevitable heat rushing to her cheeks at the comment.
"You know that's not what I meant you arse, do you wanna learn or not?" She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the wall behind her.
"Alright let's go." He stood with a laugh, squeezing her shoulder while going to trot up the stairs. She pushed ahead of him and got to her room door. Fred looked at her curiously as she leaned down close to her door handle and whispered into it. The door creaked open as she stood straight.
"What was that?" He asked, plopping on her bed.
"Mione and I charmed the door so that it needs a password. Don't want anyone walking in on is changing and stuff. The only ones who know it is us and Luna." She explained as she shuffled through the bag she brought back from her house.
"Can I know it?" His eyebrow quirked slightly, leaning back on his arms with a wicked smile.
"No you cannot, it's kind of an inside joke. Now scoot so I can show you stuff." He was shoved back slightly so he was sitting closer to the headboard of her bed and she sat opposite. She spread the things out on the bed as he looked at them with a scrunched face. He first picked up the stick ons.
"What are these?" He held them like it was a dirty nappy. She giggled and snatched them from his hands. Her fingers grabbed two of them and she used her other hand to grab his chin and bring his face closer. He stared into her eyes with intensity. She probably thought he was so confident, but it was really a front for how nervous she made him. Y/n quickly turned his head to the side and put the stick-on on his ear, repeating it on the other side.
"Now look in the mirror." He hopped from the bed and turned his head in the reflection with a giddy smile.
"I actually kind of like it." Y/n stuck some to her ears and stood in the mirror with him.
"Now match!" She said enthusiastically. He looked down at her with a sweet smile and adoring eyes.
*This girl was certainly something to him.*
"Alright more. This one is pretty self explanatory. It's called a slap bracelet. Put your wrist out." He did so with a suspicious look. She raised it and hit it to his wrist as it wrapped around it. She had never seen someone look so amazed. He took it off, straightened it, and did it again.
"That's phenomenal!"
"They make ruler versions of them too so you can carry around a ruler as a bracelet. I used them in primary."
It took her an exponentially long time to explain the tamagotchi to Fred. He was beyond confused about it. But they ended up taking care of what he called 'their baby' for a good 25 minutes.
*Their baby*
This of course wasnt something Y/n would really think about until weeks later. Daft woman.
They had really stamped up each others arms with the stamp markers as well. Along with a little heart Y/n had stamped sneakily on Fred's cheek.
She of course saved the best for last, the Walkman. She slipped the tape into it and handed it to him, teaching hin the buttons.
"This is a Walkman, for music. My dad said he has top his of the decade on it for my mom." She set the headphones on his head and pressed play. She could very mildly hear 'Wannabee' by the Spice girls leaking through the headset. She very slightly slid one side of the headset off of his ear so he could hear her, brushing his cheek on accident. Not that she noticed.
But he did.
"If you hold down this button it skips the song onto the next one." He held it done and 'I Want it that Way' by Backstreet Boys was playing. He really got into this song. He hooked the player onto his packet and got up and started dancing all dramatic. She sat up against her headboard just watching him enjoy herself.
Now, Y/n tended to say her thoughts aloud when she was extremely zoned in or out. It's not something that was intentional, it was actually something she hated. Most the time it got her into trouble. Most the time after it happend all she could think was simply.
*Well Shit*
"I'm so in love with you." It slipped effortlessly, ber eyes widening as soon as tr he words were said. She thought maybe she could have gotten lucky and the music would still be blaring in his ears. But since when was the girl lucky?
Fred slowly pulled the headphones from his head and scrunched his eyebrows.
"You are?" She couldn't read the exact emotion on his face, making her afraid to answer. So she just nodded. He sat by her slowly, not facing her, just sitting next to her. They both stared straight forward.
All you could hear in the room was the very subtle music leaking from the headphones at the end of the bed.
Fred felt like such a wimp. She literally just confessed her love to him. One he shared for her, and he couldn't even say anything. Maybe he was just stunned.
Suddenly she reached for his hand and intertwined their fingers, turning to look at him. He smiled and grabbed the side of her jaw so gently.
"I'm so in love with you too." She smiled with a small giggle and leaned in to kiss him, pulling away faster than Fred would have liked.
"WeasleBottom." She said suddenly, catching him completely off guard.
"That's the password. It's a mixture of the last names of our crushes. Pretty cheesy huh?" He shook his head with a laugh.
"I think it's pretty flattering." He pulled her in for another kiss. "You getting why I wanted to learn about muggle stuff now?"
"For me?" She smiled with her hand over her heart.
"Of course for you."
*Anything for her.*
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americachavez · 4 years
did cas really tell dean to kneel before their new god? did that actually happen? i thought him beating the shit out of dean in that alley was the most unrestrainedly horny thing this show had ever done ACTUALLY you know what scratch that new question: top horny moments from the cw's supernatural (2005 - 2020)
getting this ask feels like my sins of the last week have been weighed against the Trials I Have Gone Through since the premier of supernatural on the wb in september of 2005 and I’m not sure if it is a punishment or reward
some notes before we begin:
the ep with dean’s male siren was like, conceptually horny but not actually that horny because the dude was uglie. I’m sorry to this man
all you sam girls out there. I respect you but I do not respect jared padalecki who is JUST tall and has zero sex appeal. but those eps where he’s like, drinking ruby’s blood and then eating her pussy are. you know. I’ll give you that
I am ONLY UP TO SEASON 10 so fair warning this is not comprehensive but the horniness does seem to drop off sharply after the mark of cain is no longer in play lol gotta love a good demon murder tattoo plot
this is easily the most insane thing I’ve ever done, including the destiel manifesto
S1 EP12: the scene where dean gets healed by the faith healer, on his knees with a hand in his hair and looking somewhere between religious ecstasy, brain death and an orgasm. starting this list off great
S1 EP22: azazel possessing john winchester. no I will not explain further if u know u know <3
S3 EP10: dean being taunted by a dream version of himself, this is where we first got the daddy’s blunt little instrument line. still burned in my hippocampus a good 13 years later thank yew
S4 EP1: dean crawling out of his own grave covered in grave dirt. hot. the HANDPRINT. HOT. also tangent but this reveal after the s3 finale was WILD back in 2008 I hollered in my dorm room after canvassing for obama. simpler times man
S4 EP 1: cas’ intro scene. the barn. the shadow wings. the hair??? getting stabbed in the chest by the man you just pulled out of hell. getting aaaallll up in that personal space. his little eyebrow. “you don’t think you deserve to be saved.” OUTRAGEOUSLY FLAMING
S4 EP02: “I dragged you out of hell I can throw you back in.” <<< this angel tops. mark dean down as scared and horny etc
S4 EP16: this ENTIRE EPISODE but specifically the part where dean tortures alastair as some kind of foreplay and then alastair kicks his ass. carved you into a new animal. jesus.
S4 EP16: wait I forgot about the part where cas also gets his ass kicked and looks all....hm. dazed and covered in blood while he’s on his knees and about to die. yeah.
S5 EP4: I mean this entire ep is unfairly horny considering everyone is dying of a zombie plague and hasn’t showered in like, 4 years but if I had to pick one hmmm. the dean/dean interrogation scene with the panty kink yeah I know it’s not original but hm. it happened. also misha collins just being able to convey that CAS IS A FLEXIBLE SLUT with a single roll of his shoulders. who SAYS this man can’t act!!!!!
S5 EP18: when cas locks dean in the panic room to stop him from saying yes to michael and “well cas not for nothing but the last person who looked at me like that I got laid” I hate this show. wait I think the blow me cas line is in this episode too what the fuck were they on here
S6 EP5: the scene where dean gets turned into a vampire. between the old dude who I think calls dean a pretty boy (??) and soulless sam....watching??? no ******* but there were just some absolutely foul energies in that scene and I still do not understand WHAT they were thinking
S6 EP20: cas doing a double smite on two demons by slamming them to the ground and then shoving another demon back in its vessel and then smiting him in the same motion. TOP. ENERGY.
S6 EP22: season 6 is possibly cas’ horniest season because he’s like, going through angel puberty after getting his first boner for dean, but the final cas eps are. whoof. cas eats a bunch of souls and proclaims himself to be a new god in order to handle said boner, and then the season ends with cas telling them to bow down and profess their love to him, their new lord, or he will destroy them. note: the way this is framed makes it look like cas is only staring at dean while he says this, even though sam and bobby are also there. the season ends with dramatic zooms on both cas and dean’s faces respectively. this made me actively regret ditching this show after s5 lol
S8 EP??: literally EVERY SINGLE PURGATORY FLASHBACK. cas dean and benny are all purgatory hot in the “pop 10 cranberry pills and risk the UTI” kind of way but also. dean being the hot girl bottom between two tops who hate each other. I really. whew. I need to go take a shower.
S8 EP17: if I get canceled for including the crypt scene on this list I blame you bud. but dean on his knees begging a brainwashed cas to stop killing him WAS sexy. how many times has dean been on his knees in this list wait there’s another one coming up next jsldjfsldkjf
S9 EP2: abaddon getting dean on his knees (YEAH) and pulling his hair and praising him for always coming when called HELLO???? the only thing that ruins this is dean says “I can’t tell if we’re gonna fight or make out” because this is the CW and they won’t let him say fuck
S9 EP6: ah. this entire episode is Emotionally Horny but the horny horny part is when they’re in the car and dean is telling cas to unbutton his shirt and. watches. I know this was on my destiel manifesto but I need it here too
S9 EP9: cas, covered in blood, slitting another angel’s throat and eating his grace after getting tortured. that shot alone made me understand why this website was so goddamn horny for misha collins for nearly a damn decade
S9 EP11: MARK OF CAIN BABEY. cain watching dean beat up a bunch of demons as an audition for taking on the mark, while crowley also is a fucking voyeur to the whole thing. cain is also a hot silver fox with daddy energies. I said what I said
S9 EP 16: dean getting the first blade. he’s chained to a pillar and being menaced by a foppish dandy who wants to add him to his “collection” (WOW). dean then kills him with the blade and whew. murder is sexy sometimes
S9 EP21: dean being pinned against a wall by abaddon’s power, then using the mark of cain to break her hold, calling the first blade to him psychically and then killing her. god the mark of cain is hot
S9 EP23: dean waking up with the demon eyes NUT
S10 EP2: demon dean beating up that dude with the boring backstory and kicking his ass. really was a go on baby I got your flower moment because I hated that dude and I love demon dean
S10 EP3: demon dean being chained up and taunting sam about how his brother is gone, then hunting sam through the bunker. demon dean in general was VERY fun for me, someone who loves trash
S10 EP9: dean going berserk and killing a bunch of pedophile rapists/child abusers. I’m sorry I know this show is trying to preach morality at me about monsters and unnecessary murder and humanity or whatever but we blew past that like 8 SEASONS AGO. also the mark of cain is sexy
S10 EP14: the rest of this list is really gonna be mark of cain stuff isn’t it look I’m here to have fun. cain and dean’s fight. cain continuously tossing his mane of hair back and taunting dean with the picture of what he’s going to become, who he’s going to kill. dean begging cain to tell him that he can stop, and then ultimately killing him. rip daddy.
S11 EP4: again I have not watched this however. every shot of this episode is PRESTIGE TELEVISION because driving a muscle car is sexy. and especially the shot of dean all beat to hell and begging his car to start and giving her a little kiss from his fingers to her dash. ugh. masculinity.
S12 EP10: the bearded salt-and-pepper daddy look returns, only it’s an angel this time and he’s wearing a vest and shirtsleeves and he swordfights with a hot redheaded lady in a suit and an eyepatch. this show is good sometimes!!! and oh fuck lol I just realized this is the same guy who played krissy’s hot hunter dad in s7 probably the first guy who’s hotter as an angel than a hunter. huh.
S12 EP 11: dean riding larry the mechanical bull to “broomstick cowboy.” I have no idea where this factors into the ep but I have seen. the youtube clip
S13 EP23: from what I can tell s13 is way more emotionally horny than boner horny, although dean burning cas’ body was sexy. but the horniest part was dean saying yes to michael and then michael taking over and saying “thanks for the suit.” we are going to ignore the silliest fight scene in existence as well as the final shot ending on a FREEZE FRAME like a goddamn tiktok
S14: not gonna pick a specific moment because I have not watched yet!!! but michael dean is hot. idk why michael is weirdly hot and I cannot stand any iteration of lucifer on this television programme. it should be the reverse but I’m forever an older sibling stan apparently. someone who is catholic could probably explain this better.
S15 EP13: genevieve padalecki and danneel ackles fight flirting as ruby and anael I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY HELD OUT ON THIS TILL THE LAST SEASON
I know I am missing things but this is already an absolutely incomprehensible screed. I know I’m missing shit from the latter seasons but give me time I’m pacing myself
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melanielocke · 3 years
We Bury the Sunlight - Chapter 4
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @thefoxandthefound @life-through-the-eyes-of @justanormaldemon @styxdrawings @ipromiseiwillwrite @writeordie-4 @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @queenlilith43 @imsoftforthomastair
Thomas entered the bedroom Alastair occupied later that day. His arm was bandaged, but otherwise he looked fine. Alastair tried to sit up again, and ignored the pain.
‘I heard you got injured,’ Alastair said.
‘Not as bad as you,’ Thomas said. ‘The gateway is still there, and we can’t close it. Brother Zachariah and Magnus Bane have been there, and Ragnor Fell has agreed to come too as long as Christopher won’t be there.’
Alastair guessed he understood why after what Christopher had done to the school where professor Fell used to teach. It was a miracle anything was left, but then again perhaps if he’d been kinder, if he’d started working with Christopher back then, the disasters would have been a bit more contained.
‘At least we know what’s going on,’ Alastair said. ‘And where it’s coming from. Does it hurt? Your arm?’
Thomas shrugged. ‘Only a little. It was just a scratch, but I did lose some blood. Demons keep coming through, but I did kill a whole ravener nest.’
Alastair smiled. ‘Heroic.’
‘I just did what I had to,’ Thomas said. ‘This tear is going to be a problem like nothing we’ve ever seen, no one is prepared. I volunteered as much as I could. I was terrified when you didn’t wake up.’
‘I wondered where you were,’ Alastair said. ‘But of course, you have to fix the issue. You had to fight. I understand. I’m awake now, but everything hurts. Your mother doesn’t think I can go home yet.’
Thomas sat down at the edge of the bed, caressing his cheek with his fingers. The touch sent shivers down his spine, his fingers were warm and gentle.
‘I don’t mind that you’re here,’ Thomas said. ‘But I understand you want to see Cordelia and your mother.’
‘Apparently the baby can be born any moment now,’ Alastair said. ‘But maman will be alright, she has Risa to take care of her. I will meet the baby once I’m home. We finally agreed on a name, but I don’t know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl yet.’
‘What did you agree on?’ Thomas asked.
‘Rostam for a boy. Shadi for a girl. The baby will have a Persian first name, we all agreed on that.’
‘Those are beautiful names,’ Thomas said. ‘I hope you can see them soon. How are you feeling?’
‘Everything still hurts,’ Alastair said. ‘I can’t get out of bed. Your sister and Kamala saved me. I hadn’t expected to be surrounded so quickly.’
‘What were you doing there anyway?’ Thomas asked.
Alastair stared at him. ‘I told you, I’d figured it out. Since none of you were going to help me, I went to check it out by myself.’
Thomas frowned. ‘I would have come with you,’ he said. ‘If you’d just asked, I would have come.’
Alastair lost his temper. ‘I did ask! I came to the devil tavern to tell you and Christopher what I’d found, and to ask you to come with me to check it out. But instead James and Matthew were there, and they were awful to me. You said nothing.’
Thomas was silent. It was painful to watch, did he really not care? Did he expect Alastair to put up with James and Matthew for Thomas’ sake?
‘What did you expect me to do?’ he asked quietly.
‘You could have defended me, you could have told James and Matthew to behave and that it wasn’t the first time I’d met you there.’
‘I’m not ready to tell them about us,’ Thomas said. ‘I don’t know how, I’m sorry.’
‘You don’t have to. You could tell them we’re friends, or I don’t know, that they shouldn’t act like jerks. I knew this wouldn’t work. If you really loved me, then you would have done something.’
‘I don’t… I don’t want to pick sides,’ Thomas said.
‘And yet by doing nothing, you chose theirs. But they have no right to treat me that way, and I do not have to grovel in submission to earn forgiveness. You’re not doing me a huge favor by being with me, and it’s not some great selfless act to love me when no one else could. I deserve better than that.’
‘I’ve forgiven you,’ Thomas said. ‘But I can’t make James and Matthew forgive you too.’
‘Doesn’t sound like you have,’ Alastair said coldly.
Without another word, Thomas turned around and left the room. Alastair guessed that was it then. He would have no choice but to stay here until he could get out of bed again, but after that he would go home and he would not see Thomas again. He didn’t mind that Thomas needed his time before telling people about them, he knew it was new and scary for him, but Alastair was allowed to have some standards. Kamala was right, they weren’t worth his time, and he didn’t need Thomas’ love. He imagined spending time with Thomas’ sister might be uncomfortable, but she and Kamala had no difficult past with him and would not be cruel to him and claim he deserved it for what happened years ago. He had suffered enough. It wasn’t his fault if the merry thieves refused to see that.
It was a couple more days until he could leave the Lightwood’s house. Eugenia came to sit with him a couple more times, as did Sophie. Thomas didn’t come back, and although Alastair was still mad at him, it stung. He had hoped Thomas would come to apologize, but he hadn’t. Thomas’ father was busy trying to keep Charles in check, but he did check in once just before he was about to leave.
‘I’m sorry I couldn’t come see you sooner,’ Gideon said. ‘The enclave has kept me busy.’
‘Yes. I heard Charles is in charge,’ Alastair said.
‘He’s young, reckless,’ Gideon said. ‘He still has a lot to learn.’
‘Careless with other people’s lives,’ Alastair added.
‘You know him?’ Gideon asked.
‘We were friends once,’ Alastair said. ‘I know what he’s like and what a terrible leader he is. Not that anyone cares.’
‘Some do recognize how reckless he is,’ Gideon said. ‘But he has many supporters. How he survived the recent scandals surrounding him, I have no idea.’
Alastair did, but he didn’t think he wanted to have a discussion about racism right now. He imagined it wouldn’t matter how many mistakes someone like Charles made.
‘I hope you’re feeling better,’ Gideon added. ‘We wouldn’t have found those demon nests in time if it weren’t for you. London could have been overrun. You deserve some recognition.’
Alastair wasn’t sure if it was recognition he wanted. He just wanted Thomas to say he was sorry, he wanted Thomas to stand up for him and defend him from his friends. He just wanted to be loved.
‘I guess,’ Alastair said. ‘It wasn’t so difficult to piece it all together. But no one would listen to me.’
‘That’s why you went alone,’ Gideon concluded.
‘I figured if I had proof they would listen to me,’ Alastair said stubbornly.
‘Charles might not want to listen, but other shadowhunters will,’ Gideon said. ‘It’s no use dying for him. If you ever find something like this again, and Charles doesn’t want to listen, you can come here. I can help you, or perhaps Thomas and Eugenia… They’ll listen to you, I’m sure of it.’
Alastair sighed. ‘Thomas was the one who wouldn’t listen to me,’ he said.
Gideon didn’t know what to say to that. ‘I’ll talk to him,’ he said in the end.
‘I think I should go home. I can walk again, I do not mean to impose any longer.’
‘You can go if you want,’ Gideon said. ‘But we wouldn’t mind if you stayed until you made a full recovery.’
Alastair shook his head. ‘My mother needs me. I’m going home. Thank you for everything.’
‘Alright. Would you like to come for tea sometime? This Saturday, perhaps?’
Alastair didn’t know if he wanted to. He would much rather stay home, but if he went he could tell his mother he had socialized and she would be happy. Besides, Gideon Lightwood wasn’t the worst person to visit.
‘Okay, I’ll be there,’ Alastair said.
Perhaps Thomas would be there. Perhaps he would take the opportunity to apologize and work this out. Alastair wasn’t sure what he wanted right now, all he could do was wait for Thomas to decide if he deserved an apology. If not, then he guessed they didn’t belong together. Alastair was going to miss him, but he was done putting up with people who didn’t treat him well. This wasn’t going to be like it had been with Charles and he wasn’t going to stick around hoping some day it would get better.
He borrowed the Lightwood’s carriage to get home. Cordelia was downstairs when he arrived. Alastair hadn’t seen her in the past days, he guessed she must have been busy. He limped into the drawing room, he still didn’t walk well. Cordelia was holding the baby, gently rocking them in her arms.
‘Alastair!’ she called out and immediately the baby woke up and started crying. ‘No, no, don’t cry. It’s alright, your brother is here.’
Alastair managed to find a position on the couch in which he could sit somewhat comfortably. Why did everything still hurt?
‘I’m sorry I wasn’t here.’
‘No, I’m sorry,’ Cordelia said. ‘I should have gone after you. I shouldn’t have let you go alone.’
‘What’s the name?’ Alastair asked. ‘No one came to tell me yet.’
‘Rostam,’ Cordelia said. ‘It’s a boy.’
Alastair’s name pick, the one they’d decided on for a boy. He’d wanted the baby to have a name from the Shahnameh. The baby looked like him, he guessed, the same dark hair and eyes. He look at Alastair curiously.
‘Do you want to hold him?’ Cordelia asked.
‘Yes,’ Alastair said.
Thomas had just come home from another mission fighting these demons at the tear when his father approached him.
‘Can we talk, Tom?’
‘Sure,’ Thomas said. ‘We still haven’t made any progress on closing that tear. Magnus and Ragnor are doing what they can, but they need more time to research what’s going on.’
‘That’s not what I wanted to talk about,’ Gideon said.
The last few days had been exhausting. Thomas had done as many patrols as he could, and he didn’t think any other shadowhunter had spent as much time around the tear as he had. It was the only way he knew to deal with the storm of emotions he was experiencing. First, Alastair getting injured and his sister and Kamala dragging him here, to their house. Alastair not waking up, Thomas sitting with him, desperate for him to recover. And when Alastair had finally woken, he’d been angry with Thomas. Thomas didn’t know how to fix it. He wanted to, he wanted Alastair back, but he didn’t know what to say to him. He didn’t think he could tell James and Matthew about their relationship yet, and considering their behavior, perhaps not ever. They were his friends, he didn’t want to lose them. But he didn’t want to lose Alastair either.
He knew it wasn’t fair to expect Matthew and James to just forgive Alastair. His words echoed through his head. Doesn’t sound like you have. Thomas had forgiven Alastair. Thomas loved him. But he also had to be considerate of how Matthew and James felt. He didn’t know how to balance those two.
He sat down in the drawing room with his father after he’d changed out of his gear put it in the laundry basket and washed himself. He’d killed plenty of demons today and he never liked the stains of ichor that remained.
‘What did you want to talk about?’ Thomas asked.
‘I spoke to Alastair just before he went home,’ Gideon said. ‘He said that you didn’t listen to him when he told you about what he’d found. What happened between you two?’
Thomas stiffened. Alastair really was upset about what had happened, but what was he supposed to do? Could he tell his father? But perhaps he did need someone to confide him, because on his own he was making a giant mess of this. He didn’t think Christopher would be much help, and he could never tell James or Matthew about any of this. He guessed his father might be better suited to help him, even if the idea of telling him about Alastair was terrifying.
‘Alastair does not get along well with James and Matthew,’ Thomas said.
‘I noticed,’ Gideon said. ‘And I don’t know why, especially after what he did for you. I think he likes to avoid us, Sophie and I have tried reaching out to him after his sister’s wedding but he’s rejected all offers of help.’
‘Sounds like Alastair,’ Thomas said. ‘Wait, why did you reach out to him?’
‘You must have seen what happened with his father at the wedding,’ Gideon said. ‘Someone had to make sure everything was alright with him. He rejected all our offers but I guess when I was young I would have done the same.’
Thomas guessed if anyone would reach out to Alastair despite everything, it was his parents. He also realized none of their parents had any clue of the Merry Thieves’ past with Alastair and didn’t understand why Matthew and James were so hostile.
‘Alastair was… unkind at school,’ Thomas said. ‘I only learnt why when he were locked in the Sanctuary together, that he felt like he had to protect himself. I’ve forgiven him, and Christopher likes having him around for his experiments nowadays, but James and Matthew are still upset. Before he got hurt, he came to tell us about what he’d found, but James and Matthew had just returned and they didn’t want him there. I don’t know what I could have done, but he’s very upset that I didn’t say anything.’
‘Who wouldn’t be?’ Gideon asked. ‘I imagine he expected you to stand up for him? I understand it’s not an easy situation among your group of friends, but if you want Alastair to be your friend they should accept your choice.’
‘But I can’t force them to forgive Alastair,’ Thomas said.
‘No, you can’t, but even then they should at the very least be civil to him. If you can’t all get along it might be better to spend time with him without your other friends there. You’re allowed to have more than one group of friends.’
Thomas wasn’t sure what to say. Perhaps his father had a point and he could schedule with whenever he was spending time with whom if Matthew and James refused to be civil to Alastair. But he wanted to tell his friends about his relationship someday and he didn’t want it to be so tense and awkward forever. This whole thing would be a lot easier if James and Matthew could agree to leave the past in the past, but Thomas knew that was too much to ask.
‘Alastair isn’t a friend exactly… What I mean to say is…’
‘You love him,’ his father said. ‘Don’t you?’
Thomas stared at him. ‘You knew?’
‘We suspected,’ his father said. ‘But we decided to give you time to figure it out for yourself. I know it can’t be easy for you, and confronting you with this when you weren’t ready seemed cruel.’
Ever since Anna had come out, his father had often made subtle comments around Thomas and his sisters. They wouldn’t mind if any of them were like Anna. Thomas known for a long time that he would be accepted by his family. And yet he’d never found the courage to tell them until now.
‘Thank you.’
‘Does he know you love him?’
‘I confessed my feelings to him when we were in the Sanctuary together, he felt the same way. He was a bit unsure at first because he thought all my friends hate him and it would never work. But Christopher likes him at least. It’s just James and Matthew that don’t.’
‘And when he came to you after he’d figured out where to find that tear, what happened?’
‘James and Matthew didn’t understand what was happening. We haven’t told anyone about our relationship yet, not even Christopher although I’m planning to. They didn’t understand why Alastair was there and were hostile to him. Cordelia was there too, by the way. It kind of escalated, Alastair has a temper, and Cordelia pleaded with him to stop. That’s when Alastair left.’
His father sighed. ‘Tom, if you want to keep him you’re going to have to stand up for him when he needs you to. If I didn’t defend Sophie whenever people make comments about her scar or her mundane heritage, she surely wouldn’t have stayed with me.’
‘The difference is that James and Matthew do have a legitimate reason to dislike Alastair. I understand why he did what he did, I really do, but they were hurt just the same.’
‘If they cannot forgive Alastair nor be civil with him, the only thing they can do is put up boundaries and not interact with him at all. Which I imagine is going to be difficult, considering Alastair is James’ brother in law now. How did he intend to do that?’
Thomas guessed his father had a point. James had promised that he would be civil with Alastair at Cordelia’s and James’ wedding. But he had not followed through on that promise, not really. So perhaps he could confront James about that, remind him of the promise he’d made to Cordelia. Even if Cordelia wanted a divorce and had gone back to her family, James could be expected to keep that promise, right?
‘They are getting a divorce,’ Thomas said. ‘But even then, I think James should be civil. I understand it’s harder for Matthew. Honestly, I don’t think either of them realize Alastair is a person too.’
‘Then you remind them,’ Gideon said. ‘They’re your friends, they’ll listen to you. And if you want to keep him, you must have his back. He deserves that, no matter what he did in the past.’
‘I should go talk to the thieves,’ Thomas said. ‘And apologize to Alastair.’
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julemmaes · 4 years
Thoughts on Thomas and Alastair reading red white and Royal blue together in modern AU.
This contains spoilers for Red, White and Royal Blue. Enjoy!
Imagine them in bed right after dinner cause they're one of those couples who ditch their friends to read
Thomas coming back home with this book Matthew and Cordelia have been ranting about for the past weeks
And Alastair is weirded out by the fact that he has two copies, "Why would you buy two?"
Thomas just shrugs, "I didn't. Cordelia gave me hers, cause she told me you'd spoil anything the second you read it."
They settle in bed and Alastair waits until Thomas is ten pages in to start his, cause Cordelia wasn't wrong about him spoiling everything
Thomas is a calm reader, only crying when you're supposed to cry and reading a book without having to talk about it for the rest of your life
Alastair is the complete opposite
He frowns and screams at the books and always goes to Thomas to make him read single sentences before starting to rant about what fucked up shit the characters are doing
Thomas usually doesn't understand anything of what he says, but he also stops doing whatever he's doing, focusing all his attention on Alastair until he just storms out of the room to continue reading the book
Alastair is also a ugly crier when it comes to books
And a thrower
He once hit Thomas by mistake and it was because of a character's death. Imagine his guilt just adding to his grief and picture a very distraught Alastair while he's being coddled by his boyfriend
Alastair has laughed and chuckled way too many times in Thomas' opinion, but hasn't commented on anything yet
Until, "Oh my sweet jesus, bOY YOUR GAY IS SHOWING."
Thomas has to laugh at that and turns towards him, "What happened?"
Alastair is shaking his head in disbelief, "Alex is hating Henry with every fiber of his body one page and then he's brushing his posters the next? He's dumb."
"He reminds me of someone." he mutters
Alastair ignores him
"I'm living for Henry calling Alex out on his shit behaviour." Alastair whispers at some point, with a large smile on his face
Something hits Thomas on the leg and when he looks up he notices Alastair with his eyes and mouth wide, "The cAKE!"
"Homoerotic frat bro mishap - gotta love this woman."
"Tom," he calls him, "have you ever hate-read my wikipedia page?"
"You don't have a wik-"
"But, honestly, who does he think he's fooling? This boy is dumb dumb." He laughs, "Mad stupid."
From time to time Thomas just hears "Stan Zahra." or "Stan Ellen." and he just smiles
At some point Alastair just screams-laughs and goes "I'm going to thROW UP ON YOU, I'M DYING." before falling silent again without any trace of amusement seconds later
Thomas is startled when Alastair screech, "BABYY!"
Thomas is enjoying the book just as much, but he can't wait for the moment when they both realise they like each other, so he just keeps reading
"Alex was fAST starting to see Henry as a human being and not some kind of monster."
"Oh my god, why is Alex being such a dickhead-"
After a few minutes of silence, Alastair gasps, bringing his book higher and buring his face between the pages before screeching again.
Thomas snorts with wide eyes
After a while, Alastair turns to Thomas, brushing his arm, "Are you liking it?"
He nods, "I like the fact that Henry uses capitals at the beginning of his texts while Alex doesn't, it's the little things."
During The Turkey Scene™️ Alastair just loses it and Thomas has to stop reading to calm him down
"Oh god Tom fucking finally-" he turns to Thomas, "Henry looks fucking rested for once."
Thomas nods again, "And Alex noticed."
That makes a wide grin spread over Alastair's face
Thomas understands he's reached the New Year's Eve when all he can hear from Alastair are gasps and curses
"NO. NONONO. NOO!" Alastair hits Thomas on the arm, "Alex just kissed Nora and Henry ran away."
Thomas smirks, "Just keep reading."
"NOOOOO!" Alastairs screams, "WHY DID HE LEAVE WTF?!?!"
"Thomas I'm breaking up with you if you don't tell me now this is gonna be fixed somehow in the next three pages."
Thomas just clicks his tongue, shaking his head
"Wha-" Alastair just huffs a laugh. He turns to Thomas, pointing to the book, "Baby have you read this? Alex is- He thinks he's what now?" He's straight up laughing now, "Straight?!"
"He did what with Liam?"
"This is literally the gayest shit I've ever read in my life."
"Nah ha, I don't believe it."
"How can he think he's straight?"
"Oh god they watched porn together- HE JERKED HIM OFF."
Alastair just hits his head against the headboard, "I didn't think I'd have to go through the who the fuck am I in this book. I THOUGHT IT WAS PRETTY CLEAR JUST BY THE FACT THAT HE FUCKING CARESSED HENRY'S POSTERS."
Alastair panicked for a short time when Henry was seen with that blonde but started screeching again after a moment
Thomas bursts into laughter when he heard Alastair mutters God save the Queen
"'I want you on the bed.' OH JESUS CHRIST THOMAS IT'S US."
Thomas turns when he hears the hesitancy in his boyfriend's voice. Alastair's face is red and he's biting his lower lip
"You okay? What part are you reading?"
"No, uhm," Alastair scratches his head, "can we -" he clears his voice, "Can we make out?"
Thomas blinks a couple of times, "Sure."
A heavy make out session ensues before they both can start reading again
"We need to buy cupcakes tomorrow." Alastair mutters at some point, chewing on his lip
"Thomas this fucking book is the best thing I've ever read. I'm loving it so much."
Alastair closes the book around midnight, but Thomas knows he's not finished. He doesn't look his way thinking he's just gonna go to the bathroom
When Thomas senses him move around on the sheets and lay his head on hip lap, he closes the book too and look down at his boyfriend
"What's going on? We just made out."
Alastair grunts in his legs and looks up at him, "You're my match."
Thomas doesn't understand, but he smiles and leans down to kiss him
He resumes reading and realises Alastair had read more than him when he reaches Alex's and Ellen's conversation about matches. Thomas looks at Alastair once again and pesters him with kisses
It's around 3am when Alastair starts yawning
"Alas, you should go to bed."
He shakes his head, "No, I'm not tired, I wanna finish the book."
"The book will be here tomorrow."
"I don't care."
He drops the fight, knowing perfectly fine that he'll never win this
Alastair can be quite impressive when he finds something he likes - especially when it's books
"Fucking homophobes."
"I'm gonna riot if somebody doesn't let Alex call Henry right the fuck now."
The end of the book is read so fast that Thomas can't keep up with him and is now more than 20 pages back
Alastair is a crying and screaming mess by the end of it and Thomas has never seen him so upset in their time together
He's just spoiled the whole book for him, but he doesn't care. He doesn't care that it's now 5am and they have work in a couple of hours, cause Alastair just looks his way with wide eyes and his mouth open as if he's just realized something shocking
"Oh my god, did Pez, June and Nora had a threesome in that hotel room?"
tsc tag list (if you wanna be added or removed just send me an ask or dm me)
bold tags don’t work
@storysaremyreality @clara-sm @zoyalinas-nazyalensky @harryscameron @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @stitchkiss @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea @taco-taco-belle @city-of-fae @ifeelfreewithoutmyshoes @fclklcres @ghostlivvy @matthewwfairchildd  @abigneignenn @imherongraystairstrash @rednailpolishqueen @herondamnn @parababitch-herondale @silent-nerd @fairherondale @starryherondales @ireallyshouldsleeprn @sleeping-and-books @claralady @anne-reads @darkshadowqueensrule
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all gone, all gone, all gone
part 1: yeah, there’s a lot left over
CW: suicide attempt (warnings for later chapters: emotional manipulation, PTSD, kidnapping)
i’m super serious about this y’all, dead dove: do not eat
there are parts of this that are very, very unpleasant. please don’t read if it will be triggering for you! 
Read it on AO3
“It… It was you,” Cordelia said in horror, staring at her brother. “You betrayed us.” 
“Is it wrong to say I told you so?” Matthew asked, and Thomas glared at him. 
“I don’t understand how you could do something like this,” she told Alastair. She wanted a response from him, a flinch of pain, a sensible explanation. He had none for her. He could make one up, surely. He’d spent enough of the past week playing the good guy to be confident in that. Belial did not need him here any longer, though, so there was no purpose. 
It had started just over a week ago, two days after Alastair’s deal with Belial. He wanted him to learn of the plans they had, Cordelia and James and the rest of them, and report back to him. It was straightforward enough, leaning into his father’s death as a reason to change. He never said the change was for the better. He thought it quite ironic considering the Alastair of a few weeks ago was a much, much better person than the one standing before them now. 
He’d done it all. He’d comforted Cordelia, bonded with James, flirted with Thomas. He could see it in Matthew’s eyes, he had begun to be forgiven. Too late, he supposed cynically. 
"He'll kill you," Cordelia pleaded. "You have to know that. You're merely a pawn. He'll dispose of you once he's done. You'll die!" 
He snaked his grin in a way he was certain he could not have done before. Before he had allowed Belial to plant his darkness in him. He tilted his head with a pitying glance. "Layla, I'm already dead. I jumped off Tower Bridge a week and a half ago." 
He watched her gaze fall, now horrified. The others' faces were steeled, but he could see the slight flinch in Thomas' eyes. Alastair would never flinch again. "I... I don't understand," Cordelia said slowly. 
Alastair could remember it, he could remember his despair, though he could no longer feel it. He was intoxicated, just a little, just enough. He was so tired, he was so sad, he was so tired of feeling sad. His father was gone. There was no one he needed to protect his family from any longer. It was his fault. He could recall the feeling of falling, of flying, before he was caught by a cold inky hand of the scraps of the night. He could remember his panic as he floated upwards back to the ledge of the bridge, the rising sun blinding him. He recalled the figure that he could now identify as Jesse Blackthorn, possessed by Belial, his eyes black and hands twisted in inhuman magic, waiting to meet him. He held him over the depths of the Thames as he asked him to join him. 
He said that he could make it so he never felt pain again. He would never feel powerless. He could have everything he ever dreamed of. A bit of assistance now and the world would be his once it was over. A true second chance. 
He knew that he was lying. He was a Prince of Hell. He'd been lied to enough times, he'd lied enough times to know what it looked like. He was scared, terrified, and all he wanted was for it all to stop. He wanted to no longer feel exhausted. He wanted to no longer feel. 
He said yes. 
"I'm a ghost, Layla. A wraith. The brother you knew is merely a memory. Belial saved me. Your silly sentimentalities cannot touch me now." 
He watched her break. He'd devoted his life to shielding her from pain. To taking it himself so that she would never need to. But he was no longer living, and in death he could protect her no longer. 
He sighed, seeing her tears fall. "Silly little sister..." he mused. "How foolish I was to sacrifice so much for someone so weak. Now, I must be going. You do understand Belial's demands, don't you?" His tone was patronizing. 
Her eyes flared with anger. "You are not my brother! I will get him back!" 
As Alastair left, he chuckled. In life, such an act was impossible. It had been years since he'd last laughed. In death, he was free. 
* * *
Looking at her father’s dead body, Cordelia had not thought her life could get any worse. She’d been naive, thinking his death would be a true low. She hadn’t known what low felt like. She felt lost in space, floating. If James hadn’t guided her, she never would have made it home. 
The other boys lingered around. She understood why. Words needed to be said, but she had none. 
Thomas was the first one to speak. His voice sounded more like an echo and Cordelia wondered if he even knew he was speaking at all. “It was all a lie.” 
“I suppose we should have guessed that something was off,” Matthew said gently. “Given how kindly he was acting.” 
James glared at him. “Matthew, now’s not-”
“Stop,” Cordelia interrupted. She took a breath and tried to compose her thoughts. “Stop talking. You don’t- You never actually knew him. I thought- The thing is, the past few days… I don’t think I’ve ever seen him act more himself. The person who he truly is underneath everything else. The person he was before- before all of the bad things started happening. Alastair before he’d experienced true pain, true cruelty. I’d thought… I thought that with our father’s death, he had finally started to heal. I thought… How could I have gotten it so wrong?” 
“An Alastair without pain,” Christopher mused. 
She blinked. “I… suppose? What are you saying?” 
“It’s clear that Belial is controlling him somehow, or holds some type of influence over him. If nothing else, we all know that even at his worst, he would never hurt Cordelia. Perhaps he took away his pain.” 
“Why would that cause him to act this way?” 
“Pain isn’t… it’s many things, isn’t it? It’s sadness and anger and fear. You can’t truly feel happiness without pain, either, can you?” 
“So… he took his emotions?” 
“It’s a possibility.” 
“Do you think… Do you think this means we can get him back? We can free him?” 
The boys cast worried glances at each other. “Cordelia,” James started. “You can’t save someone who doesn’t want to be saved.” 
“Alastair’s not hopeless, James. He’s not a lost cause. He can heal, I know he can. He just needs a little help. If there is any part of him that wants to, I will find it. I’ve turned my back on him over and over and over again. I will not make the same mistake now. I won’t ask you to help me, but please don’t try to stop me.” 
They looked at each other slowly, then nodded. 
Cordelia didn’t know how, but she would do it. She would find a way to free Alastair from Belial’s control, and whatever came after, they would figure out together. They would find a way. After every terrible thing that had happened, Alastair deserved a chance to truly live. She knew this deeply in her soul, and she knew she would do just about anything to help him find it. In this moment, though, all she needed to do was get him back.
I’m not going to use my regular tag list for this one because it’s so dark, but lmk if you want to be tagged for the next part of this series! I do have most of it written out already, but it’s also finals. Thank you to @littlx-songbxrd for all of your help and support lol <3 i’d say i’m sorry but i’m not
Part 2
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TSC except it's incorrect quotes and it's part 2 and it's really fucking long sorry.
Cordelia: I like your top.
James, wearing a very bright shirt: Thank-
Matthew: Thanks dude, I like you to.
Anna: Gender is a game and I have the cheat codes.
Clary, at Starbucks: Can I get a venti caramel macchiato with, uh... seven shots of espresso.
Simon, behind her: Jesus Christ, Clary, just do cocaine.
James: If you were to die, what would be your last words?
Matthew: Finally.
James: No-
Izzy, on the phone with Magnus: Is it okay if I bring my weird roommate?
Simon: Would you please stop calling me that.
Clary: You sure you're sober enough to drive?
Jace: Yeah, I didn't drink anything.
Clary: Okay, go get the car.
Alec: [running after Jace]
Clary: It's okay, he's sober!
Will: Jem, you have beautiful eyes.
Jem: You too.
Tessa: ...
Tessa: Did I miss something?
Will: I'm straight, I just like his eyes.
Tessa: You're gay for his eyes.
Will: Exactly!
Will: Wait, no
Lucie, walking out in a new outfit: How do I look?
Matthew: Holy shit, that's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.
Lucie: Excuse you?!
Matthew: No, not you, the thing sitting beside you.
Alastair: Fuck you.
Magnus: You sure know a lot about the law.
Julian: I do a lot of borderline illegal shit.
Cordelia: Lucie! Don't let go!
Lucie, dangling from the side of the cliff: WHY THE FUCK WOULD I LET GO?!
Kit: I think I forgot to sleep because I was looking at memes.
Dru: If you ever wonder why you have no friends, just remember that sentence.
Christopher: Oh, tiddlywinks.
Will: Swear words are banned in this house, if you say one you'll be grounded.
Matthew: Heck.
Will: You're on thin fucking ice, kid.
Jace: You may not know this, Alec, but I'm a flawed person.
Alec: I do know that.
Dru: [reading the exorcist]
Dru: [laughs]
Matthew: I know you can be "underwhelmed" and you can be "overwhelmed" but...
Matthew: Can you ever just be whelmed?
James: ...
Christopher: I think you can in Bulgaria!
James: I think I'm in love with Cordelia.
Grace: Congratulations! You're officially the last one to know.
Tessa: James, what are you doing here? Weren't you making spaghetti tacos with Mattew, Christopher, and Thomas?
James: Well, I was.
Tessa: ... was?
James: Well, I- it was just getting hot downstairs because of the fire.
Tessa: THE WHAT?!
(Downstairs the kitchen is completely on fire)
Christoper, looking around while Matthew and Thomas try to put the fire out with olive oil: Oh, this isn't good.
Jace: Please shut up.
Simon: Well, since you asked nicely, no.
Will: No pain, no gain!
Matthew: But I'm in constant pain and I've lost everything-
Matthew: If you'll excuse me, I must attend to my evening affairs.
James: You mean drinking wine and eating gummy bears until you pass out on a chaise?
Cordelia: Or reading Layla and Majnun and crying in the bath because they didn't deserve it?
Lucie: Or shouting your own poetry from your balcony?
Matthew: All three, in that order.
Will: What have I told you about comparing Tatiana to the devil?
Lucie: ... that it's offensive to the devil?
Jamie: These people are my friends!
Jamie: I've known them for twelve hours!
Clary: What are we gonna do?
Simon: Don't worry, you're so small they probably won't see you.
Clary: Simon, is this really the time to be making short jokes?
Simon: Clary, it's never not the time, because just like you, life is short.
Matthew, drunk: Always strive to eat the stars.
Lucie, half asleep: Aren't they too hot?
Matthew: Blow on them first, idiot.
Cashier: Would you like your check?
Ty: If someone is being murdered right now it would be my alibi, but if someone gets murdered in the store they could pin it on me.
Cashier: Sir?
Ty: I want to speak to a lawyer.
Magnus: If you had to choose between Jace and all the money I have in my pocket, which would you choose.
Alec: Depends. How much money are we talking about?
Jace: Alec????
Magnus: Eleven cents.
Alec: Sold.
Jace: ALEC?!!??!?!
Alastair: Cursing is for those who have a limited vocabulary.
Matthew: You are an audacious, ideologically unsound, captious, presumptuous, motherfucker.
Clary: Hey, uh, maybe we need Simon's help with this one?
Jace: I would literally rather die.
Cristina: Name a way to be nice to people.
Kieran: Don't stab them.
Cristina: ...
Cristina: Setting the bar a little low but I'll allow it.
Tessa: Where have you been?
Will: Emotional hell.
Kit: I made you all of you into Sims, look.
Jace: Where are you?
Kit: I'm in the grave in the backyard.
Jace: Put me there to.
Clary: Oh my god-
Emma: I have the sharpest memory, name one time I forgot something.
Zara: You forgot me in a Walmart parking lot, like, three weeks ago.
Emma: I did that on purpose, try again.
Matthew: Will, did you know "thot" means "thoughtful person."
Will: Really? I did not know this modern slang.
Will: Thank you for helping me with the stables, Tessa, you're such a thot.
Tessa, wheezing: I'm a WHAT?
Julian: [choking]
Kit: I'm trying to call 911 but the 9 button isn't working!
Dru: Just flip your phone upside down and use the 6.
Julian, stopping his choking for a second: What the fu-
Emma, getting in the front seat: Alright, is everyone ready to go?
The Blackthorns: Yep!
Emma: Okay, let's go.
(looks into the mirror to see Zara running after the van)
Emma: [whispers to herself] Goodbye you little shit.
Cordelia: What the hell is going on??
Matthew: Oh, great, you heard my cry for help.
Cordelia: You mean your girly scream?
James: The risk I took was calculated.
James: But holy shit am I bad at math.
Izzy and Magnus: [getting arrested at a protest]
Cop: Fake ID's, fake credit card. Got anything on you that's real?
Izzy: My tits.
Magnus: My ass.
[in a group chat]
Dru: Adding "lmao" does not hide your pain.
Kit: Yeah it does lmao.
Matthew: Excuse me, who made James the boss of the group.
Christopher: You did.
Thomas: You said, "James should be the boss".
Lucie: And then you said, "lets vote," and it was unanimous.
Cordelia: And then you made him a plaque that says, "Boss Of Us".
Anna: And put little sparkles all over it.
Matthew: ... All valid points.
Matthew: And once again, James and Matthew save the day.
Lucie: You didn't do anything.
Thomas: It was all James.
Matthew: We're a package deal. Everyone knows that.
Jem: I am not "too nice"!
Will: Jem, you apologized-
Jem: I have manners!
Will: -to the waiter who spilled soup on your lap.
Kit: You wanna see how hardcore I am?
Kit: [punches a wall]
Kit: Take me to the hospital.
Julian: People ask me how I handle the rest of my family so easily.
Julian: The truth is, I don't.
Julian: I have no control over them.
Julian: I walked into the house today and Mark shot me in the neck with a nerf gun.
(At a New Years Eve party)
Alec, to the TMI gang: I would like to make a toast!
Alec, raising his glass: I cannot believe we have gone through another twelve months of absolute fuckery.
Alec: Cheers!
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