#and that's why i stayed even when i didn't have to! because i thought the abuse was a result of me being deeply flawed and deserving of
your shark mer 141 and mer remora fic is one of the only things keeping me sane during finals week so please please please dump all of your thoughts on us because your writing style is so good and i can’t get enough!!!!!!!
thank you!! i sincerely hope finals are going/did go well for you! you should treat yourself with a little something if/when you're finished :)
and the shark mer 141 are always happy to be of service <3
37 / 1k / part 2 of shark mer Ghost tolerating remora mer reader
"But I'm fine!"
“You’re not. Look at you. You’re half-asleep.”
You’re not tired, you’re hungry. You shift against him, listless and unable to voice your needs. It's not that you're unwilling to do so--it's that you can't. It doesn't occur to you. Your kind doesn't survive by acting needy around a host.
Ghost notices your silent resistance. You’re weak--too tired, too hungry, too used to taking care of yourself--and still stubborn enough to keep your mouth shut anyway. He bites back a growl of irritation. It would be easier to fight. At least then he could shout it out of you. But no--instead you’re a tired lump in his hand, and your silence doesn’t give him anywhere to push back.
He's got one arm looped around you and both of your hands grasped in one of his. He only carries you like this, holding you by the wrists, when you accompanying him isn't up for debate. When you're being particularly fussy about it, he drags you by the wrists as if your arms were leads.
You don't relish that thought right now. You finally just bow your head, tucking it against his chest in submission.
He feels the change in your body language when you surrender to his control. He notices the way you go almost limp against him. Good. That almost puts the hungry, prowling animal in him to rest. Almost.
It’s a hard thing to explain--the gnawing dissatisfaction he felt watching you comb through the sand, small and alone on the ocean floor. The protective, possessive feeling that took root in his stomach.
It made him want to bite you all over. Not just to punish you, but to warn any other lurking thing who might confuse your loneliness for attainability. Not that he'd ever express the impulse to do so.
"Are you coming back to hunt again?" you ask him.
“Why? Do you miss me that much?”
You huff. "You didn't eat enough."
His fingers tighten around your wrists. You either have an inappropriate sense of humor or no self-awareness whatsoever.
“You're in a mouthy mood, huh?” he remarks tersely. “Must be even more tired than you look.”
He’s not stupid. He knows why you invited yourself along on his hunting trip. But he’s not going to coddle you while you shy away from the issue.
He glances up towards the coral reef, considering. If he brings you straight home, you'll just go back to ignoring your obvious needs. But he won’t let you wander the sea floor like some starving bottom-feeder. And he knows better than to hunt for you—you always refuse fresh kills.
The ones Ghost offers, at least. You seem willing enough to take fresh kills from Gaz.
Pisses him off.
You open your eyes when Ghost changes course and heads for a small cove carpeted in sandbanks. He dumps you unceremoniously into the soft sand. You look around, then at him.
"Stay right here." His tone brooks no argument. He swims off with an irritated lash of his tail before you can ask him why. You're left alone, moonlight curling across the surface of the water far above you and across the sand at your fins. Watching it makes your eyelids grow heavy.
You wake with a start when he returns. He holds in one clawed hand a fish. A live one.
He comes to rest on the edge of the sandbank. He doesn't speak, merely watching with a critical eye as you shake the sand from your scales and rouse yourself back into full consciousness. Then he holds out the live fish to you.
You frown but reach for it. Right as you lay your hands on it, it darts away. You jump in surprise, but one look at Ghost's face tells you he expected exactly that to happen. He can’t stop a small, satisfied smirk from curving his lips. That was exactly the reaction he wanted, and now you’re staring at him with six different accusations on the tip of your tongue.
His eyes fix on you with that smug, condescending look in his gaze. "Didn't Price teach you how to hunt for yourself?"
"Yes," you snap. You push yourself off the sand and dart after the fish, catching nothing but water again.
“Clearly not well.”
You strike out again. And come up empty. Again.
He huffs a laugh. You turn on him. "What's the point of this? You're the one who was going hunting."
He leans back, propping his weight on his elbows as he eyes you. Every failed lunge and dart bring him more satisfaction. "The point is that you should be able to feed yourself," he retorts. "You're too dependent, sweetheart. You’d starve in a koi pond."
You’d love nothing more than to tell him where exactly he can shove his stupid fish, but it’s far too mentally taxing for you to refuse outright. Instead, you cross your arms in a way that just as clearly says I'm not doing that.
Ghost’s eyes glimmer. He isn’t having it.
He pushes himself off the sand and swims toward you, pushing you back against the bank when he crowds himself over your smaller frame.
"You know” —his expression is downright patronizing— “refusing an order is a bad move. Bad things happen to disobedient pets."
"It didn't sound like an order," you mutter, avoiding his eyes.
He grabs your jaw and forces eye contact. "Sure as hell wasn't a suggestion, sweetheart. If you're not gonna ask for food when you need it, you're gonna learn to hunt." His eyes are hard, and that smug, self-satisfied demeanor is buried far underneath. "You learn or I make you learn. What do you say?"
You swallow. "Thank you for catching me such a nice practice fish?"
"Good pet." He releases your jaw.
He moves back onto the sand, propping himself on his elbows once more as he leans back. His black eyes linger on you, and you feel a chill.
"Now go."
part 1 / [part 2]
more mer au / more Ghost / masterlist tag
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sunday likes shiny stuff bc ravens likes shiny stuff, its just an idea
I love that idea! Birds all like shiny stuff so I could see him sneaking away with your jewelry and trinkets!
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Shiny Treasures
(Sunday x Fem!Reader)
cw-: lying Sunday, fluff, embarrassed boy, nervous boy 🤭
🎀 authorsnote: I literally was supposed to post this three weeks ago I'm so sorry 😭
please don't steal my work!
🎀Taglist🎀HSR Master List🎀 Other Lists🎀
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Sunday had...a certain fondness for shiny things...a rather childish and unanticipated flaw to his character, really. No matter how small, insignificant or worthless they were.
Perhaps it had something to do with the halovians' innate desire for attention and glory, that would explain it. Or maybe it was because he was like a bird. But whatever the case, he was rather drawn to the gleam of precious gems and glittery accessories.
He sometimes tries to snatch your jewelry, thinking that you wouldn't notice, but fails miserably and you find that adorable.
"Hey hon do you know where that necklace I was wearing yesterday went?" You hum, peeking into his office.
Your boyfriend is hard at work, staring at some papers with concentration as he writes on them.
Sunday looked at you through the corner of his eye. His eyes looked a bit panicked before he started to concentrate on his papers again, but at this moment, he was just pretending.
"No, I don't...why my love?"
He answered with a simple reply. He thought that might work, right?
"Oh really?" You smile as you lean against the doorway. "I was going to wear it to that event we need to go to tonight."
Sunday stayed silent. And for some reason, his face started to redden a bit.
He knew that you weren't a fool. Why did he even think that you didn't know he stole your jewelry? Sunday sighed.
He opened his left drawer to carefully pick up your necklace and hold it out to you. Blushing as he looks away.
You snicker walking forward to lean down and kiss his forehead. "I know you like shiny things baby...but try to work on it?" Your voice soothes his embarrassment a bit.
Sunday looks at you, his face going even redder when you kissed his forehead.
"Mhm...I will...sorry"
He answered softly. He definitely didn't want to admit that he had an unhealthy obsession with shiny things, but he knew you already learned his secret anyways.
"Now...do you know where my rings are?" You glance into his eyes, yours have a hint of amusement while his are just plain panic.
Sunday looked away. You knew he was lying again. He was bad at it, and he knew that you probably knew he was acting. You couldn't help but find that adorable.
"You must have placed them in our room...maybe on the nightstand!" He stammers a bit with his lie.
This wasn't like him and he hated it, the lying was killing him even if it couldn't be helped. He knew you weren't mad, you were amused, you loved his obsessions. But he still felt out of control with himself.
"Okkk..." You hum before kissing his nose. "So if I were to...check my nightstand in an hour...would they be back?" Your eyes narrow playfully as they gaze into his.
He blushed again. He really wasn't good at lying. Especially to you...his lovely girlfriend.
He replied. Sunday still found it quite difficult to look at you in the eyes while he was embarrassed like this. Why did he even steal them in the first place?
"Alright my little dove..." You smile softly, walking to the door before stopping and looking over your shoulder. "Oh and I wanted to tell you that I hung the suit you'll be wearing up on your door for when you get ready."
"T-Thank you, darling."
Sunday sighed of relief. He thought that you were going to keep asking him for jewelry back, reminding him of his little habit for the rest of the day. Sunday stood and followed to the door to grab his suit.
He quickly decided to give you a kiss on the cheek as a way to apologize for his silly behaviour.
"Let me know when you want me to help tie your tie. I'll be in our room." You smile before walking down the corridor out of his sight.
"Mhm, will do."
Sunday let out a heavy breath. Now that you're out of his sight, he has time to collect himself. He can't stop thinking about the feeling of your skin on his lips.
His thoughts always go crazy when you're around.
After he starts to prepare himself for the event, reading over his speech, making quick changes. He finally slips his suit on before glancing into his office mirror and remembering his tie.
He walks down the corridor where you had walked a bit previously into your shared room.
Glancing in he notices you sitting at your vanity, clearly doing your last preparations as well. His eyes soften as he watches you, his beautiful dove.
Finally he cleared his throat and spoke. "Hey, darling? Do you mind helping out a bit?" Holding the tie up he blushes embarrassed.
"Hmm?" You hum looking over your shoulder and glance at his undone tie. A warm laugh escapes your lips before you nod. "Cmere honey."
He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your back. He looked at your neck, and decided to give a little peck to it. He then hid his face in your shoulders.
"I don't know why, but I feel quite embarrassed right now. I mean I should be able to do my own tie..." Sunday sighs softly. "Please Help me out, will you darling...?" He asked softly, his hot breath against your neck.
"Of course my love..." You hum, making quick work to turn around and start tying his tie.
His eyes catch a glint of light out of the corner of them. Glancing to your vanity he notices a pair of sparkly diamond earrings, ones he bought for you no doubt.
He caught himself looking at the earrings. But he was just so tempted to take them right now, but decided to try to restrain himself.
Sunday waited patiently for you to tie his tie. He found this kind of bonding with you wholesome...if only he wasn't thinking about those damned earrings.
He couldn't handle it anymore, so when you were distracted he used his arm length to his advantage and swiped the earrings, putting them in his pocket.
Sunday felt a sense of guilt, stealing your earrings, but he also felt satisfied. He had to act normal now, and hope you didn't notice he pocketed your earrings.
"All done!" You smile brightly as you turn to the mirror to show him. "God you look so handsome..."
His blush returns, even though he's used to your compliments...he can't ever get used to the notion that you're his. "Thank you, darling. You look absolutely stunning yourself."
He said, and gave you a smile. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your hair lightly.
You both stand there for a few minutes, gazing at the mirror and at each other. But eventually the silence had to be broken.
"Ok! Go grab your speech and we can head out!" You smile patting his chest. He nods softly before you watch him walk to the door.
Sunday was obviously trying to rush out of the room, with a sense of panic in his mind that maybe you somehow noticed the earrings he just swiped.
"Oh and Sunday?"
His body tenses as he places a hand on the doorway. He gulps a bit before turning to you. "Y-Yes honey?"
"Earrings please." You snicker before holding your hand out. Eyes amused instead of angry.
"You noticed...?"
He asked, looking at your hand nervously. He slowly reached for his pocket and took out the earrings, reaching to hand them to you while looking away. He was as red as a flame spawn...
"It's hard not to when you bumped my waist with your hand while trying to reach for them..." You roll your eyes playfully.
He looks down at the ground, his wings drooping a bit. You gently cup his face and tilt his head upwards a bit.
"I could never get mad at my cute little dove..." You kiss his cheek. "Its kinda cute..."
"Heh...you mean that?"
He let out a sigh of relief. At least you didn't get mad at him for stealing your jewelry. He still had a hint of curiosity in his eyes though, wondering just how much jewelry you had.
Instead of asking he just gave you a small peck on the nose.
"My little Halovian..." You chuckle softly. "Such a jewelry snatcher." Walking to the front door, slipping your heels on. "Is your sister also like this?"
"Oh believe me...hah, she's worse."
"...remind me to never bring jewelry around her."
"Noted, my dear."
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yrluvjane · 1 day
Hello hello hello
may I request a Sirius x fem reader
Maybe they have a small argument on something small but it gets sort of heated and they just give each-other the cold shoulder refusing to relent even tho they’re sick of acting as if they dont care and maybe reader starts thinking she messed everything up and that he doesn’t want her anymore and he’s like??? Hell no?? And just hurt/comfort and healthy communication? <3
The argument had started over something trivial—whether to attend James's party or stay in for a quiet night. It was the kind of disagreement that usually resolved itself quickly, but tonight, both of you were unusually overly stubborn.
"It's just one night, Y/N. We always stay in," Sirius said, frustration evident in his voice.
"And we always go out," you countered, crossing your arms defensively. "Can't we just have one night to ourselves?"
"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?" he snapped, his eyes narrowing.
"Why are you?" you shot back, your own irritation flaring.
"Because, it's not just about this one night," Sirius retorted, his voice rising. "It's about you always wanting to stay in and isolate ourselves. We need to see our friends too!"
"And what about us, Sirius?" you exclaimed, throwing your hands in the air. "When do we get time for just us? Or does that not matter to you anymore?"
"Don't twist my words!" he yelled, his frustration boiling over. "Of course, you matter to me, but you're acting like I'm asking for the moon here!"
"Well, it feels like it," you replied, your voice shaking with anger and hurt. "Every time we go out, you end up ignoring me! You’re always surrounded by people—by James, by Remus, by Peter, by Marlene, by some chick I don't know but you sure as hell do, and I’m left all alone standing in a corner with a bunch of drunks who assume I'm some bathroom tour-guide!"
Sirius looked taken aback, his expression softening slightly. "Y/N, that’s not true. I just… I thought you were having a good time."
"Clearly, you thought wrong," you said coldly, turning away from him. "Maybe I wouldn’t feel this way if you paid more attention to me."
Sirius's face fell, guilt washing over him. "Y/N, I didn't realize you felt that way. Why didn't you tell me?"
"I shouldn't have to," you snapped, your eyes welling up with tears. "You should just know."
The room fell silent, the tension hanging thick in the air. Neither of you wanted to back down—with how stubborn you two were it was no surprise—, and so the argument ended with both of you turning away, refusing to look at each other.
The cold shoulder treatment continued into the next day. You avoided Sirius, Sirius avoided you, both of you throwing yourselves into work and other distractions. But as the hours passed, the silence grew heavier, and doubt began to creep into your mind.
What if this fight had ruined everything?
What if Sirius didn't want you anymore?
Oh, God.
That evening, you sat alone in the living room, staring at your phone. The urge to talk to Sirius was overwhelming, but you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You didn't want to seem desperate or weak, but the thought of losing him was unbearable.
Meanwhile, in another part of the house, Sirius was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair in frustration. He hated the silence, hated the distance between you.
He wanted to fix things, but he didn't know how, he wasn't good with apologies.
Finally, unable to take it any longer and at the edge of ripping his hair out, Sirius made his way to the living room. He paused in the doorway, watching you for a moment. Curled up in the sofa, you looked so small, so lost, and it broke his heart.
"Y/N," he said softly, stepping into the room.
You looked up, surprised to see him standing there. "Sirius," you replied, your voice trembling.
He crossed the room and sat down beside you, reaching out to take your hand. "I'm sorry," he said, his voice sincere. "I never meant for things to get so out of hand."
"I'm sorry too. I hate fighting with you."
Tears welled up in your eyes as you squeezed his hand. He pulled you into his arms, holding you close. "Me too," he murmured into your hair. "I love you, Y/N. And I never want you to doubt that."
"I just…—I was scared," you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "I thought maybe you didn't want me anymore."
Sirius pulled back slightly, cupping your face in his hands. "Don't ever think that," he said firmly. "I love you more than anything. This fight, it doesn't change that."
You looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his feelings for you. "I love you too, Sirius. I just don't want to lose you."
"You won't," he promised, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "We're in this together."
The two of you sat there for a long time, holding each other, and as you lay there, listening to the steady rhythm of Sirius's heartbeat, the evening wore on. And you found yourselves talking, really talking, about everything that had been bothering you. It was cathartic.
"I didn't realize how much you felt ignored when we go out with friends," Sirius started, breaking the silence.
"It's not just that, Sirius," you said softly. "I feel like we don't get enough us time. It's always parties or gatherings, but we rarely have quiet moments together."
"You're right," Sirius admitted after a moment of silence, a sigh escaping his lips. "I get so caught up in wanting to see everyone that i forget that we need our time too. We'll plan a date night."
You smiled sheepishly, "You don't have to do that, I—"
"No I do! I want to clear everything between us. So tell me all that's been troubling you, every tiny knack that you have stored." He assured determinedly.
You gave him an unsure look and he must've registered it as that, because he lifted your chin so that you met his eyes perfectly.
"I want to make sure we're on the same page about our future," he said hesitantly but sincerity was clear in his eyes. "Sometimes...I stay up late, worried we might end-up wanting different things."
"No, give me a second." His eyes bored into you as he emphasized each letter in his next words, "I want to build a future with you, and I need to know what you envision too."
"We all have baggage," Sirius said added gently. "I want us to work through it together. I want you to feel secure and loved, always. So please, talk to me."
You heart grew triple it's size at his words and you subconsciously leaned closer to him, "I need you to be more attentive to how I'm feeling, I shouldn't have to always be the one to bring it up."
If you were going to get this out, it will be all or nothing. "Sometimes I worry that I'm not enough for you, that you'll get tired of me," you confessed, your voice trembling slightly.
When Sirius aimed to speak, you asked him to wait.
You took a deep breath, gathering the courage to voice your next concern. "And I think I still have some insecurities from past relationships that I haven't dealt with, and I'm always afraid I may have or will project those onto us."
"And I need some space to breathe and be myself sometimes," you added. "I feel smothered by all the social obligations."
"That's never going to happen," Sirius said firmly, his grip on your hand tightening. "I love you more than anything, you're more than enough for me."
"I know—"
"No, you don't."
Sirius cupped your face in his hands, his eyes burning with an intensity that made your heart ache. "I want you listen to me," he whispered, his voice breaking with emotion.
"You are my everything, my world, my home. I could lose every material thing I own, and it would mean nothing as long as I still have you. Every laugh, every tear, every quiet moment we share is etched into my soul. I will never-ever get tired of you, never find you lacking, because you are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. I love you with a depth and fierceness that scares me sometimes, but it’s the only thing in my life that feels completely right. You are enough, more than enough, and I promise to spend every day for the rest of our lives showing you that, if you allow me too. I promise you, I will never have you doubt my love for you, not even for a single second."
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gogobootz1 · 17 hours
Dog Day Afternoon
Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Summary: New to town but oh-so sought after, a few stumbles might just lead you to love
Word Count: 3k
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Dearest Gentle Reader,
Today, I write with news from the North. The reclusive Duke of Devonshire has come to London. It seems that after the death of his younger brother some time back, he is determined to find his eldest daughter, the new heir, a husband. The lady is supposedly very beautiful and will no doubt consume all of the attention of eligible young bachelors. I only bid good luck to her competition, as they will surely need it.
The fluffy tails of your two best friends could not keep still. The black Newfoundlands you had trained from puppyhood loved carriage rides, mostly because they loved meeting the horses before and after. You were sure they'd grow even more excited when you arrived at the park.
As the carriage slowed, you smiled, eager to get them some exercise. Your maid stepped out first, and you momentarily handed her both dogs' leads. Accepting a hand down from a footman, you turned to take them back when they broke free of her grasp entirely. Worse yet, they took off at a run.
You called after them, then whistled, but they were determined. Usually, they didn't give you any trouble with recall. Reaching for the dog whistle you kept on your person, you found nothing.
Without a second thought, you took off after them.
"My Lady!" Your maid called from behind you, panicked. You paid her little heed, anxious to have your babies back safe.
Park patrons stood as your dogs, followed by yourself, ran past. They gawked openly at the strange scene put on by an unknown young lady.
You were relieved when they slowed, but it didn't take long for them to sprint off again. They rounded a corner, quick as lighting. You kept after them, unable to see the obstacle around the bend.
Crashing right into someone's back, the two of you stumbled. The poor gentleman in front of you took the brunt of the impact, but you didn't have time to stay and make a formal apology. Staggering a bit, you resumed your chase.
"Sorry!" You yelled over your shoulder.
"Wait! Miss," the man called after you but gave up as you ran further away.
When your dogs ran off the path and into a clearing where people were picnicking, you grew really worried. Chasing after them on a trail was one thing, but ruining the outings of fellow nobility would be an altogether worse embarrassment.
You stopped in your tracks when you realized who the boys were scampering up to: your little sister. Abigail sat on a blanket with a girl who looked to be about her age. In her mouth was the dog whistle. You tended only to use that whistle when you took them out in the woods, and you'd trained them to run back to you at the sound of it. It gave you peace of mind knowing that you could call them back at any time if they went too far off in the forest or on one of your walks.
Abigail seemed pleased to see the two of them. A surprised grin graced her face as she patted them. They were even happier to see her, showering her in kisses. "Hoo-y? Moo? What are you doing here?" She giggled.
Her laughter stopped when she saw you stalking over. Thoroughly out of breath, you crossed your arms when you reached them. The three of them looked guiltily up at you. With a snap, your dogs came to sit on either side of you. Although your countenance was thoroughly enraged, scratching behind both dogs' ears decreased your intimidation factor.
"Why on Earth did you steal that?" You nodded toward your whistle.
"I think it makes for a chic necklace," Abigail said defensively. You stuck a hand out, and she reluctantly placed the whistle she'd put on a chain in it.
"And why on Earth were you using it?" You asked expectantly.
She held her hands up in surrender, "Miss Hyacinth was skeptical that the whistle could not be heard with human ears. I was simply showing her how it worked." Abigail was clever- you'd give her that. You could hardly scold her in front of her companion, and you wouldn't dream of scolding the other young girl for something so clearly not her fault. Using her as a human shield was a cowardly tactic by your sister, however. "And I thought you weren't arriving until later!"
"They were antsy. I figured I could abandon the harp in favor of allowing them some exercise," you explained, then glared at her, "This was not the type of exercise I had in mind."
"But Hoo-y and Moo love running free," she pouted at you.
"They are not allowed to run free in public spaces where I must chase after them!" You snapped at her. Crouching to get closer, you reached into your purse and gave both dogs a scrap of jerky. "Huginn and Muninn are both well-behaved gentlemen, and you may have tarnished their good names by causing this wild romp!"
"Huginn and Muninn? Does that make you Odin?" A deep voice called from behind you. You rose and turned to see a tall, handsome gentleman with dark hair.
His question took you by surprise. Most people did not understand their names. You blinked for a second before collecting yourself, "No." It was hardly a smart reply, but it was the most you could manage after chasing your dogs a few hundred meters. You shook your head a little, vaguely embarrassed by your answer, before turning back to the girls.
"Would you please excuse Lady Abigail, Miss Hyacinth?" The bright young lady nodded at you with a pleasant smile before you even finished speaking, "The least she can do after causing such trouble is help me walk the dogs." You directed the last part toward your sister, who reluctantly stood. Taking one of the leads from your hand, she bid goodbye to her companion before walking off. You nodded at the young lady and the handsome stranger before following after her.
Benedict watched you walk away from his sister's picnic spot, only slightly removed from the rest of the family's. He collapsed down next to Hyacinth and stole a grape from her plate, "Who was that?"
"My new friend, Abigail," she replied, smacking his wrist. He ate the grape anyway.
"And the older one?"
"Her sister," Hyacinth looked at him skeptically, "why do you ask?"
Benedict thought of how you'd practically pushed him to the ground in the middle of the walkway, then ran from the scene. "No reason," he shrugged.
The first ball you'd be attending was later that evening, and you were incredibly nervous. Sat on the floor of the library, you brushed through Muninn's coat in an attempt to calm your nerves. Waiting for your father to finish changing was making you even more anxious, the dread just building up in your body.
"Why are you on the floor?" His voice finally came from the doorway.
"His coat needed brushing," you shrugged innocently. The Duke waved at you to come join him, and you stood, brushing some fur off yourself. Muninn stood, too, and closely followed as you joined your father.
"You're only lucky he didn't slobber on you," your father shook his head at you fondly, offering his arm.
Taking it, you made one last bid to skip the event, "Remind me why we are attending this?"
"A future Duchess needs a husband," he said simply.
"Does she really?" You asked wryly.
"No," your father answered seriously, causing you to stop. "Well, only if she should like a Duke or Duchess of her blood to follow in her footsteps," he tugged on your arm to keep you walking.
That only made you feel worse. While before you felt nervous, guilt was now in the mix. What if that didn't happen?
"If you never marry, I will not love you any less," he revealed. "I only ask that you try," your father asserted, "but if there is nary a man up to snuff, I would have you die a spinster." You laughed at that, feeling some pressure relieved. He joked with you for the duration of the carriage ride and up until you were announced at the ball.
"Now presenting; His Grace Daniel, Duke of Devonshire, and his daughter Lady-"
The entire company of the room turned to watch the two of you descend the stairs.
"What? Is there something on my face?" Your father whispered to you jokingly.
"Oh, only that awful mustache," you whispered back playfully. You caught the corner of his lip twitching as he tried not to laugh at the jab at his expense.
A few more seconds of staring had you whispering to him again, "I see now why you never leave the house." That earned a huff of a laugh from him.
"Let us thank our host, then visit the refreshments," he relayed the plan.
"Excellent idea," you replied quietly as he dragged you toward a finely dressed older woman.
"Lady Danbury," your father nodded at her in greeting.
"Lovely to see you again, Your Grace. It's been quite some time," she smiled at him knowingly.
"Indeed it has," he laughed, "may I present my daughter?" You smiled then, giving her a polite nod as well.
"My, how you've grown, my lady. The last time I saw you, you were far shorter than me," she chuckled, and you laughed politely with her. Unfortunately, you had no memory of that meeting. It must have been a long time ago, and she must have visited your home at Chatsworth House.
It was only a few more moments of small talk before your father excused the two of you, under the guise of not impeding her from talking to other guests.
He fixed you both a glass of lemonade at the refreshments table before he was pulled away. As much as he hated socializing, people loved him. He sent you an apologetic glance as he left. You only shook your head at him, smiling.
You took a brief glance around the room, noticing a few debutantes conversing near you. You sent them a smile, but they sneered in reply and closed ranks. Stunned at their response, you didn't quite know what to do.
"They can be rather mean," you turned to find a young red-headed woman beside you. "Not to mention jealous," she said helpfully.
"Jealous?" You were confused. They hadn't even met you. "Of me?"
"Oh, yes," she laughed a bit. "Haven't you read Lady Whistledown?"
You were embarrassed to have no idea of what she spoke, "I haven't met her. Is she in attendance?" That got an even greater laugh from your companion.
"Lady Whistledown is a gossip columnist and a rather popular one at that," she informed you, and you felt foolish for your last comment. "She wrote about you in her latest issue."
"Really?" You were stunned, as you'd only recently arrived in London.
"She predicted you'd steal the attentions of every available gentleman away from your fellow debutants," she nodded.
"No wonder they hate me," you sighed, sorry to have made a bad impression on the debutants before making their acquaintance. "Oh, I'm sorry, I still haven't introduced myself!" You were eager to make at least one good first impression.
"I'm Penelope Featherington," she said with a smile.
"I must admit, Miss Featherington," you shook your head, "I think Lady Whistledown's prediction will prove incorrect." She tilted her head and gestured for you to go on, "I've not been approached by a single gentleman."
Penelope took a quick look around the room, accidentally meeting a few pairs of eyes. Plenty of people had already been looking in your direction. She smiled a bit at your obliviousness, "I think perhaps they're just intimidated."
"Oh no," your eyes widened, "have I done something wrong?"
"Not at all," she assured you, "I think it's just... no one wants to take the first shot at a great stag and miss."
"I'm not sure I like being prey in this metaphor," you deadpanned, causing her to laugh once again.
It seemed one young gentleman mustered the courage to be the first to approach, and he really was young. "Good evening, ladies," he greeted you both, then offered you his hand, "would you care to dance?"
You placed your hand lightly in his but sent Penelope a look as he led you off. She giggled as you went. From there, you were off to the races. Dance after dance, gentleman after gentleman, you were exhausted.
"Please excuse me, sir, I'm feeling rather parched," you did not even recall this one's name.
"Oh no, please, my lady, I shall fetch a beverage for you," he nodded, "stay right there! Don't move!" He kept eye contact with you as he walked backward a few paces. You couldn't help but walk backward away from him, and you continued to do so even after he'd scurried off.
In fact, you retreated so far back that you retreated right into someone else's back. You both turned.
“You rather love bumping into me,” the gentleman you’d seen earlier said.
“Excuse me?” You certainly hadn’t seen him before this morning, so you had no idea what he meant by that smart comment. Your offense at his statement outweighed the sway of his good looks, unlike earlier.
“This makes twice,” he insisted, “once chasing after your ravens and once just now.”
It took you a second to catch up, “It was you I knocked over in the park earlier?!” Embarrassment rolled over you like a wave. “Oh God,” this was awful, “I am so incredibly sorry. Truly, I am mortified. And I would have apologized earlier, I-“
He only laughed a bit, “It’s quite alright. I got the sense you were in a rush.” His teasing tone brought a smile to your face.
“They’re usually so well-behaved,” you assured him, “I’m afraid my sister was behind the debacle.”
“Oh, yes, she was sitting with Hyacinth, was she not?”
“You know Miss Hyacinth?”
The gentleman grinned and bowed, “Benedict Bridgerton, her brother.”
“Very nice to meet you,” you smiled, “officially.”
“I’m not sure I caught your name,” right as he asked, you heard it being called.
“My lady?” You whipped around, and spotted the gentleman you’d abandoned searching for you. Wincing, you scuttled toward the closest pillar and ducked behind it. Benedict stayed put, but watched you run off with great amusement. After a moment, he chose to follow you.
“Are you hiding?” He teasingly asked.
You peered around the pillar, hoping the man had walked away. When you saw he hadn’t, you ducked away again, “yes!”
Benedict blinked at you, smiling, “Why?”
“My feet hurt,” you confessed, “I have danced every dance. I haven’t sat down in hours. Frankly, I’m surprised so many are interested after my jaunt through the park.”
“Perhaps they were impressed by your display of athleticism,” a crooked grin crossed his face. You leveled him with a look.
“There you are, my lady,” you jolted at the foreign voice, and Benedict had to clap a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. “I could not find you, so I’m afraid I drank your lemonade as well,” you could see Benedict’s shoulders shake with laughter, “Are you ready for our next dance?”
A look of pure horror must have crossed your face, because Benedict finally intervened, “I’m afraid she’s promised the next dance to me.” He pulled a pencil from a pocket in his jacket and outstretched one hand to you. You held out the arm your dance card was attached to, “In fact, I’ve very generously been granted all her remaining dances.” He winked at you as he filled in the four remaining spots. You fought off a grin.
“I see,” the man you interrupted you said sourly. He turned on his heel and marched away. Neither you nor Benedict could stop your laughter at his reaction.
“It is not my intention to further burden your feet,” he assured you after a moment, “I only hoped to dissuade him.”
“You did a fine job,” you grinned at him, “you have my gratitude.”
“I think I rather scandalized him,” Benedict chuckled, and you shook your head.
“It seems rather easy to scandalize this lot,” you said.
“Well, you’re right about that,” he nodded.
You sighed, “I think they’re all so concerned with presenting themselves as proper and important they forget to consider anyone else. Not one man I danced with asked me about myself.”
“I’m sorry to hear that,” Benedict shook his head, “I hope the rest of your evening is more relaxing.”
“Thank you,” you nodded at him, “at the very least, I know my dogs will listen to me when I return to them.”
Benedict laughed at that and slightly bowed towards you again, “It’s been a pleasure meeting you, my lady. I hope to bump into you again soon.”
Your eyes widened, “Maybe not bump.”
“Goodnight,” he smiled at you and nodded before leaving you free to go find somewhere to sit.
Soon enough, you father found you relaxing on a chaise lounge in a nearby study. He only shook his head, and offered you his arm to depart.
The next morning brought with it house calls. You’d been hoping to spend a quiet morning working on a new piece for the harp, as you’d forgone practice the day before. But, much to your chagrin, you were forced to dress and be presentable within only ten minutes of your waking.
It didn’t take long for the sitting room to be bombarded with interested parties, though none were interested enough to truly speak with you. Each brought with him a new bouquet of flowers, and you soon grew worried you’d start sneezing uncontrollably. Eventually, you became so overwhelmed that you bribed poor Abigail to keep them occupied while you disappeared.
The only question she had for you was if you cared what she did to them. You’d given her free rein. With one look at her wicked grin, you fled the room.
Quickly turning the corner to another hallway, you quite nearly crashed into someone.
“That was almost three,” Benedict joked with you.
“Almost,” you highlighted, “but only a close call.”
“True,” he nodded.
"What brings you here?"
Benedict smiled, "I had hoped to call on you. Have I caught you at a bad time?"
"Not at all," you shook your head jovially.
"Excellent! I brought a gift," he produced a brown paper bag. You were slightly confused but glad for something other than flowers.
"Thank you," you reached for it, but he pulled it back.
"Not for you," he shook his head. You blinked back at him, wide-eyed. "Unless you have a proclivity for raw steak." Benedict laughed at the shock on your face, "I thought Huginn and Muninn might enjoy a treat."
A surprised smile eased onto your face. Your eyes sparkled as you looked at him, "I'm sure they'll appreciate it."
"Do you think they might also appreciate a walk in the park?" He asked, "A chance at redemption?"
"I think they'd like that," you grinned widely as Benedict smiled and offered you his arm.
He didn't ask a single question! And he was wearing these- FUGLY jeans
Lol I've been toying with this idea since S3 part 1 came out, hope you liked it! I let her live in 2005 Mr. Darcy's luxurious mansion so you're welcome
(sorry for obscure norse mythology references)
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padyprongs · 2 days
I love your writing, could you write an Azriel and Reader story where she has long nails, and he’s obsessed with them? All fluff, but he likes when she plays with his hair or scratches his head, and everyone teases him? Thank you, love youuu
Azriel x reader fluff
Based on this old request :)
Having the entire family together in one room was rare nowadays. Everyone was seated around the fire place, empty bottles of wine and snacks scattered around the room.
It was now several hours later since dinner. Some of your family members had retreated back to their rooms. The only ones to stay behind were Cassian, Nesta and Mor. Along with you and a clearly drunk Azriel, who was currently leaning his head against your chest, the rest of his body resting half on top of yours.
The two of you had settled on one of the couches in the River House. Azriel had decided to shift his body around one hour ago, finding it more comfortable to lay on top of you than sitting down. He didn't even care about his family seeing him snuggle up to you, even though they were too focused on their own conversations to even notice.
You had smiled when he relaxed his entire body against yours. He had grabbed your hand after a few minutes, placing it on his back. You knew what he wanted from you, he didn't even have to ask.
It had actually become a habit over the years. He had always loved your long nails, even before being mated. It didn't matter if he was the one holding you or the other way around, he always wanted you to scratch his head, trace patterns on his back or play with his hair.
It calmed him down. Cleared his thoughts, he had once told you.
You were still listening to Mor and Cassian's conversation while continuing to play with your mates hair when Nesta caught your attention, smiling at the sight of the two of you. Your family never really got to see this side of Azriel.
Your eyes turned back to Azriel, his eyes now closed and his breathing soft and even.
"Look how cute." Mor beamed. You just continued to play with his hair while rolling your eyes.
"Can you just be quiet about it. It's a good thing he's asleep." you told her softly.
Cassian stared at the two of you. "Are you... scratching his head?" he questioned confused.
You sighed, sending Nesta a quick look that told her help. You and Nesta were the only sober ones in the family. Most of the time along with Az, but he decided to just go for it tonight.
"Yes I'm scratching his head, Cassian. Are you jealous?" you asked his, cocking your head.
Cassian's eyes widened, but after a few seconds he started laughing, Mor following. "So that's where the long nails are for! I always wondered why you kept them at this length." he said between the laughter.
They were so annoying when drunk. Mostly Cassian.
"I keep them long because I like the way it looks. And it has its perks." you told him with a sigh. There was no way in explaining yourself. They would most likely forget about this by tomorrow.
"Cute little shadowsinger." Mor said with a giggle.
Azriel huffed against your chest, shifting slightly. He was clearly awake.
"Sorry for disturbing your sleep." you whispered against his head, your hand never leaving his head.
"Never your fault." he spoke so silently you almost didn't hear him. He shifted his body so he could sit.
"Thank you for disturbing my sleep, dickheads." he said in the direction of Mor and Cassian who had finally stopped giggling. "It's not my fault your hair is too dirty to even touch." Azriel shot at Cassian, who looked hurt by his words.
He looked between Azriel and Nesta. "That's not the reason you don't scratch my head. Right?" he asked Nesta unsurely.
Nesta only rolled her eyes, tugging at his sleeve. "Let's go to bed before you hurt your own feelings even more." she gave you an apologetic smile before disappearing out of the room with Cassian, who was still whining to her about his hair being dirty.
Mor trailed after them soon after, giving the two of you a wave. "Have fun scratching each other." she quickly said over her shoulder.
After they all disappeared you fell back against the couch with a sigh. "If they remember this tomorrow they will never let us live this down."
Azriel laughed softly. "Don't worry, they will most likely forget this happened." he said as he stood from the couch. He almost lost his balance as he got to his feet.
You quickly stood, helping him stay steady. "I'm not even sure you will remember this tomorrow." you told him with a snort.
Azriel turned his head to you. He groaned, placing his hands over his face. "I can't even see you clearly. I hate it when I can't see you clearly." he said. "I want to kiss you, but I can't really see your lips."
You laughed, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Let's get you to bed Az."
He leaned into your touch, attempting to move his head closer to your face. "Promise to scratch my back?"
You had to bite back a laugh. "Of course Az."
You didn't even have to scratch his back once you got to your bedroom, since he fell asleep the moment his body touched the mattress.
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pearlzier · 9 hours
⊹ 🩰 ࣪ ✶ ˖
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✶ . ࣪ ׅ now playing / pink matter by frank ocean ࣪ ✶ ˖
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๋࣭ ⭑ from the inbox . . . | reader thinking that matt doesn't really care about her and his priorities are always elsewhere, and he decided to worship her to make it up to her — @lovesickgrlsrh0t
๋࣭ ⭑ warnings . . . | kinda subby matt, also kinda subby reader, oral (f!receiving), barely angst but sure, riding schlong, unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap that willy LMFAOO), p in v
๋࣭ ⭑ author's note . . . | take me shopping i dont care you can take me anywhere see the wind fly through my hair make the people stop n stare 😇 i hope this is. good BYE
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you know matt loves you more than anything. it was so obvious in everything he did, how he behaved around you. you love him more than anything, you're sure to make it obnoxiously clear too. he makes your heart flutter, your demeanour happier and just everything better.
so why was that quiet but insistent part of your mind trying to convince you otherwise?
it started when matt was getting consistently more busy with youtube and other influencer-y things that he and his brothers do. you were used to it, yeah, but lately it felt more intrusive and an inconvience to you more than anything. but you never mentioned it, because you never wanted to seem needy, or like that annoying girlfriend who always wants his attention on her. you do, of course, who wouldn't, but not like that.
"m'busy, baby, i can't," he'd tell you, glancing at you for a faint moment before he looked back at his computer or resumed talking with nick and chris. it shouldn't have made you as upset as it did, since it wasn't anywhere near rude or a rejection, but it did make you upset. even a—"maybe later, babe,"—was almost catastrophic, making you feel even worse.
it may seem irrational or an overreaction however you just felt.. ignored. or underappreciated, or whatever you'd call it. like, does he even care about you? insane, you know, but.. you couldn't help but feel like that. what was making you so highstrung?
and matt. oh, matt. as perceptive as ever, knew there was something wrong almost immediately. he stayed quiet about it, trying to test the waters to see whether he was wrong about it however when your reluctance to even be around him became evident, he knew something had happened. he just.. didn't know what. so, he asked chris, first. "i dunno, man, she's just—she's like, avoiding me," chris laughs, almost instantly.
"what the fuck did you do?" he's not really paying attention, considering he knows exactly why you're avoiding matt. you'd talked to him and nick about it. and he vividly remembers you saying you wanted matt to figure out why you were so upset himself; without help.
matt retorts immediately, "i don't know, if i did, i think i'd be fixing it, dumbass." he swallows thickly, feeling uncomfortable with the thought of you not wanting to be around him. he pushes up from the counter, sighing, "thanks for the help." his tone is sarcastic, snarky, as he runs a hand through his hair before heading to the living room where you were with nick.
yeah, you'd resorted to hanging out with nick, when matt was in the house—it wasn't unusual, just.. weird considering how worried he was. it was petty of you, you knew it, but..
"hey," the tension is unsettling, and he hates it. you hate it too. you both hate it. nick's in the middle of it, fiddling with the beads of the bracelet he'd been making with you with a sideways glance at matt as if to tell him that he fucked up, big time. matt knew that, of course he did. you glance up at him, a tiny bit guilty. "nick, you mind if i steal her away for a bit?" he jokes, glancing at you with soft, almost sad puppy dog eyes.
"go ahead," nick mumbles, not exactly wanting to be stuck between couple drama and kind of just wanting to make cute bracelets.
you reluctantly get up, handing the beads back to nick. a dramatic sigh slips past your lips, and you make your way over to matt, looking at him expectantly. he swallows hard, gently grasping at your arm and leading you to his room, closing the door behind him. looking back at you, he finds you standing there with your arms folded over your chest defensively. his heart melts. "baby," he starts.
you glance away, frowning. you weren't mad at him, could never be mad at him, but.. uncertain and worried and all those bad feelings that made your head hurt and stomach ache. "matt," not even a matty? now he's frowning, unsure of how to approach this without making an absolute fool of himself. you had him wrapped so tight around your pretty finger, it was unbelievable.
"you're upset with me," matt mumbles, sounding dejected and upset with himself that he'd done something to upset you. "c'mon, look at me," you won't even look at him, give him the time of day.
kind of like how he made you feel, right? he doesn't know where the thought came from, and maybe it's from how you refuse to look at him, but.. he starts to piece things together. especially when you accidentally look at him despite the whole ignoring thing you have going on. "oh, baby," he says softly, ashamed. he hadn't been looking after you the way he should, right? that's what he's thinking, and he knows he's right.
"mmph," you glance away, focusing your gaze on the ceiling. it's how a child, a particularly petulant one, would react to being neglected in the way matt had done to you. his frown only deepens, hands moving to clasp at your thighs. you flinch at the cold metal of his rings against your warm skin, however you relax moments after. "i'm sorry," he starts, knowing a simple apology won't get you to forgive him. he knows you well, after all. "c'mon, let me.." he says softly, pulling you gently towards the bed. he's careful, not too forceful in case you don't want him to touch you or anything. he's too on edge. you let out a quiet sound as the back of your knees hit the bed, and you plonk down, eyes flickering up to his.
it would seem pathetic to some, desperate to many, the way he drops to his knees infront of you. it even surprises you, and you finally look at him properly. a giggle bubbles from your throat, despite yourself, "what are you doing?" your tone is soft, upset but oozing curiosity. his baby blues meet your eyes, and he swallows hard. "makin' it up to you, ma." he runs his hands over your thighs, chest rising and falling in gentle breaths as he takes you in. all his, right? all his.
matt lets his hand gently slide over your thighs, the exhale he lets out shaky and almost whimpery in nature. "wasn't bein' nice to my girl, was i?" he shakes his head, watching the way you nod slowly, "you weren't," you say matter-of-factly, because he wasn't. matt agrees, a soft hum of acknowledgement slipping past his lips. he feels so bad for ignoring you like that, having his priorities else where even when he was busy with work.
his head dips down to suckle gently at your soft skin, tentatively kissing at it. his blue eyes lift to yours for a moment, as if asking for permission. you nod, swallowing hard. "let me make it up to you," he asks, before he continues, murmuring against your skin, "let me make it up to you. please, baby, wanna make it all better."
how could you say no to that? the sound of him begging?
"okay," you say gently, "if you'll let me rant," he moans softly against your thigh, and he nods gently, mumbling something in affirmation but you can't hear it, nor do you really care, since his touch is a little bit mind fogging. his hands grasp at your thighs, tugging you impossibly closer.
"go on," he says quietly, bringing your legs over his shoulders so he can take care of your soft skin the way he wants to, needs to. but also to hear you take your frustrations out on him, it's the least he can do, isn't it? he sounds so apologetic, it's heart melting. "i dunno, kinda feels like you don't really care about me," you say quietly, a little ashamed for even thinking it. matt lets out a whimpery sound, like it pains him to even hear that.
"no, no, no, baby," matt leaves soft marks on your skin, nibbling gently. he's only careful with you, nothing less than delicate with your body. the open mouthed kisses he leaves make a shiver run down your spine, and you continue, "it's dumb.. but, just.. i feel ignored," oh, not right now. you feel very much attended to. "and like.. i'm not really.. you don't think about me? more about your work?"
matt's hands grasp tightly at your thighs instinctively as he swallows hard, shaking his head, "ma.." it's like he doesn't even think twice as he reaches for your leggings, tugging them down quickly but gently. "lift up f'me," he mumbles quietly, pulling down the leggings with relative ease. they're discarded soon enough, and you flinch a little at the cold air on your legs. "i'm so sorry, god.." he tugs your clothed cunt closer to him with another tug to your legs, leaning in and nuzzling himself against you.
a sharp gasp slips past your lips at the friction and your fingers instantly thread through his dark hair, his groan vibrating against your core at the sensation of you tugging. "ah.." your lips part, a pretty sound escaping you. he relishes in those sounds, adores them, and he starts to coax more when he starts mouthing over your clit through the fabric. the sensation is new to you, but not at all unwarranted. his pretty groans make it even better.
"m'so sorry.." his fingers, as he wets the fabric of your underwear even more, skim over the waistband of the fabric between the two of you. he tugs, once or twice, as if asking for permission. "go on," you say softly, a giggle bubbling from you again when he pulls down your underwear with relative ease and definite eagerness. an awed groan slips past his lips at the sight of your pretty pussy, one of his favourite things in the world. "there she is.." he says softly under his breath. eyes lifting to yours.
"been neglectin' you," he addresses you directly, tone soft, then he looks to your cunt, head tilting gently, "and neglecting her, huh? how bad of me.." matt tuts, shaking his head once more. he brings you close once more, giving a gentle pat to your puffy pussy and watching as you squirm almost instantly. "should make it better for my girls, shouldn't i?" another pat, and he's diving in, letting out a groan against your folds as he kisses and slips his tongue across them.
"she tastes so good, huh? she missed me," matt's words make you cry out softly, taken off guard by how desperate he is to please you. you tighten your grip on his hair a little and even squeeze your thighs around his head a bit more, causing him to groan into your soft, wet skin. "matt, oh, shit," you whimper, and he swirls his tongue around you, shifting lower so his nose bumps against your clit with every movement of his head.
his tongue circles your entrance for a moment before he flicks his tongue into your wet hole, loving the way you practically grind down onto his face. "take what you want, that's it," his words are muffled by your heat, and how you're almost sat on his face, but you get them nonetheless, eyes fluttering down to his own meeting yours. matt's hands slide down to your ass, squeezing and kneading in his hands.
matt's not even focused on himself, no, not at all, his hips grinding into the bed slowly to gain some kind of friction at all. he might end up cumming in his pants, he doesn't care, as long as you feel good and wanted. he never wants you to feel ignored or neglected again. you're his girl, his. "holy fucking shit," he's good with his mouth, like, good. and he knows it, lord does he know it.
the moment your hips start to stutter from his mouth sucking and licking at your pretty pussy, he doesn't let up, only making his movements more intense and pleasurable for you.
"that's it, fuck," he grunts, your thighs squeezing around his head once more. he doesn't even mind it, not at all. in fact, it gets him going, nose bumping against your clit enough to have you whining and squirming against his face, that familiar tight knot of arousal squeezing in your abdomen. matt can feel it too, as he eats you out like his life depends on it, which to him, it really does. "yeah, baby, there we go, that's it, come all over my face, make a mess on me, shit.."
you in fact, do, without any shame in the world. why feel shame when your man was making you feel so fucking amazing? your thighs tremble around his head and he helps you ride out your orgasm, licking slowly to bring you back down to earth without overstimulating you. soon, he pulls back, not even minding the state of well, his face. "did so good for me," he mumbles breathlessly, and you swallow hard. "that.. felt.. oh my god, matthew." a chuckle escapes him at the use of matthew and not just matt, and he gently pushes up off his knees to lay down on the bed on his back. his hands find your hips, slowly bringing you over on top of him.
"matthew, huh?" matt smiles, a gentle, loving smile that tells you exactly how much he cares for and adores you. a little grunt slips past his lips as he tugs his boxers down enough to free his cock, pre cum leaking from it due to how he was basically humping the bed earlier. your eyes flutter over him as you look down at him, swallowing hard, and he murmurs, "so pretty, ma," he gives his cock a few quick strokes, before he lines himself up with your tight hole. "i got you.."
you let out a pitiful little whine when he pulls you down onto him, the stretch making your lips part with soft noises, and matt tilts his head, taking in your form as you squirm. "relax for me.. i've got you.." his eyes flutter over your body, adoringly. his heart swells with warmth, just.. he can't believe he's so lucky. "i'm gonna fuckin'.. explode," you mumble breathlessly.
"i'll pick up the pieces, baby," he leans back against the headboard, hands squeezing at your hips. matt swallows hard, just in awe for a moment. "gorgeous, gorgeous girl. how'd i get so damn lucky?" he lets you adjust to him for a moment, waiting for the greenlight. "you'd be even luckier if you started movin'," ever the graceful, you are, he thinks to himself, and a laugh escapes him again.
"right, right, sorry," a giggle escapes you too, but it soon melts into a moan when he lifts you up, only to drop you back down. his eyes flutter to yours, baby blues dark with sheer want, and he grunts under his breath at how tight you are. "wish i could stay buried in your pussy forever, honey," he guides your movements a few more times till you find a rhythm, however his hands remain on your thighs to hold you up if you get tired.
"mmh, shit, shit, shit," your love for profanity only fuels his adoration for you, his hands squeezing at your thighs as you bounced on his cock, the sounds of skin slapping against skin hitting your ears. he didn't think about how loud the two of you were being and the fact his door was open, no, he wanted to make you feel as loved and wanted as you should. "feels so good, matt, mmh!"
he's doing a very good job at it too.
"that's it, fuck, look so pretty ridin' my dick like that, you like that, mama? yeah.." his eyes follow the way your tits bounce beneath your top, and he pushes up the fabric so he can get a good view of them. no one's ever looked at you with such adoration like that, it's intoxicating. matt greedily gropes at you, squeezing and flicking your nipples just because. and because it makes you clench around him so good. "these pretty titties, fuck."
matt swallows hard, getting lost in you as you get lost in him too, holding onto his hoodie tight as you lift your hips up and down. "never wanna make you feel bad again, never wanna do that. m'so sorry baby, fuck, you forgive me? forgive me, please, ma?" he's practically begging, hands squeezing your body all over, showing how much he loves you. "always got time for my baby, for my girl. even if i don't, gonna make it, promise, fuckin'.. promise," he mumbles, words borderline incoherent.
it makes you smile, it makes you beam, and you're not mad at him. you'd stopped being upset with him since he made you come all over his face, to be totally honest. "it's okay, it's okay," you murmur softly, "i forgive you, okay? i forgive you." matt squeezes your hips once more, bucking his own into you to drive himself deeper inside of you. the way you squeeze around him is intoxicating.
"gonna come, ma, shit," matt whimpers, and you coo softly at his whiny tone, "yeah? go on, come for me," he whines shakily, gripping your thighs tighter and thrusting up into you harder. his chest rises and falls in quick breaths, dark hair falling over his eyes as he lets out soft sounds as pretty as yours. "where d'you want it?" he asks breathlessly, eyes searching yours.
"want it inside," just the sound of your voice saying shit like that has him groaning, hips stuttering as he feels himself reach that peak, ropes of cum painting your walls as he lets go. you find yourself gushing around him around the same time too, a shaky series of moans and whines slipping past your lips. matt takes the opportunity to wrap his arms around you and press your body against his. his head soon nuzzles into the crook of your neck. "i love you so much," he breathes out.
"love you too," you murmur in response, relaxing into him. you're happy to stay there for a while.
or go again.
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๋࣭ ⭑ taglist / @mattslolita , @st7rnioioss , @flairdean , @mattsluv , @bepositiveforachange , @poetatorturadaa , @onlynextdoor
๋࣭ ⭑ line dividers / @rookthornesartistry
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fanfiction4sooya · 12 hours
Forbidden dream (G!P Nayeon x Fem!R)
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I was thinking of this little sadistic fucker and well... I hope you enjoy yourselves. I know I did.
cw: g!p, dacryphilia, masturbation, noncon, dubcon, jerking off, face slapping, humiliation, unprotected sex, degradation kink (sorry I'm not big in degradation since i prefer praise but I tried ok), tit slapping, spitting, a lot of cum in face (nasty, i love it), creampie, anal fingering, sadistic nayeon, bully captain im, not really proofread, etc;
The military was definitely an experience. Sometimes you honestly questioned what the fuck you had in mind when you decided to join, specially because you have been tormented by your boss, Captain Im, since the very beginning. She would pick on you for every apparent reason, always making very known her distaste for you and your quiet demeanor.
You tried your best to ignore her, but it was seemingly impossible to, specially after you had a three week mission together, staying on the same dorm because you were the only two women at it. Of course it was a fucking bunk bed and of course she made you stay on the one under hers. It was impressive how that woman could be captain when in reality she was nothing but a mean girl, a bully.
A very scary one.
It's been months until you finally hit your breaking point. Sort of.
You were leaving the shower when you bumped face first into her, your wet self literally "staining" her green shirt with nothing but water. She made a scowl, rolling her eyes.
"Look where you are going" Her nasty look didn't help at all.
"I'm sorry-" You started saying but she cut you off.
"No need to start whining" She walked past you, unbuckling her belt to get in the shared bathroom.
You stood there for about a minute or two bsolutely stunned at how uneducated that woman could be, how very rude and unnecessarily mean she was. You were mad. Why did she always had to make a comment, be rude to you at all? What did you ever do to her?
Oh no you weren't mad, you were enraged.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You entered the shared bathroom, opening the stall full force, not caring if she was naked or not.
As if you were nothing but an insect, she turned around very slowly.
"What did you say?" She said very calmly, poison dripping from that 'calm' tone.
You tried, you really tried to not stare but it was impossible not to notice that thing between her legs. It was pretty big and you were sure it was semi hard by the looks of it. It literally twitched and you gulped.
"You were saying, Sargent?" She closed the shower, pulling a towel to cover her lower half and not really minding to hide her perky tits as well.
"I- uhm" you tried to say, staring at her face now. Your cheeks felt so warm you knew you could fry an egg on them. You lost every single line of thought you could ever have, specially because the bulge under the towel was getting visibly bigger.
She scoffed.
"I don't even know why you bother starting something you can't finish" She stepped closer, her body now warm because of the hot shower. You clutched your towel so hard it hurt. "You wanna know what's wrong with me..." She eyed you up and down and you shivered, your eyes watering. "You are a cry baby, sweetie. That's the whole problem" She lift her hand and you flinched, but she didn't hit you. Nayeon caught the tear that fell from your right eye with her thumb, taking it to her lips and smiling. "You are damn lucky you are pretty when you cry"
She lightly pushed you out of the bathroom, slamming the door on your face. You were stunned now, shocked out of your mind.
"What the hell did just happen?" You put your hand on your cheek, the one she touched. You could feel yourself tightening around nothing.
The aftermatc of your wannabe rage outburst was awkward. Staying in the same room as her made your mind wander over and over again to that huge thing between her legs. You kept your eyes down the whole day, trying your best to not cross her at all, but anytime you saw her point to anything you remembered her thumb on your cheek and that feeling came back cascading like a waterfall.
And soon as they said the meeting for the day ended you ran back to your shared room, taking a quick cold shower to try taking that wetness and dirty feelings off of you. Unfortunately for you, she was right there when you left the shower, resting on the small couch with her eyes closed, still on her uniform. Her legs were spread and her bulge quite visibly there.
You shook off that feeling, doing your best to try changing into your pajamas without disturbing her peaceful rest, going straight up to your bed. You closed your eyes, focusing on sleeping and trying your best to not make any sound and relax.
You sure managed to do all that, relaxing onto the comfort of your covers and mattress, finally able to let Captain Im Nayeon go from your thoughts.
Or so you thought.
You first heard a faint whimper, not really picking up on what that meant; then the wet sounds came. You froze. 'Okay maybe that's not what I think it is' you thought.
"Fuck..." You heard her whisper. Your heartbeat quickened and you pondered if she'd see you peeking. You gulped moving ever so slightly, slowly you peeked under the bunk bed and to where you saw her figure and there she was.
Lights were off but under the dim light of the moon entering the room from the windows you could see her silhouete, her legs still spread but this time they were unzipped and that bulge was now standing out of it's confinement. Her cock seemed big and by the sound she was making, very senstive too. She was fucking her hand very slowly, the end of her shirt between her teeth so it wouldn't stand in the way of her ministrations or maybe to muffle her noise. Actually, cut that last part out, she wouldn't hide that from you.
"Jesus christ" You heard her mutter, her hand sliding up and down faster and harder now, eyes closed and furrowed eyebrows, hissing when her other palm cupped the tip in a rubbing motion. She was almost climaxing, you could see by the way her hips bucked. You slid your hand inside your sleeping shorts as well, touching your wet pussy and biting the back of your other hand. She looked right where you were, almost as if she could see through you. It scared you but of it didn't stop what you were doing; in fact, it turn you on even more.
You circled your clit faster, it was pulsing under your fingers. Nayeon smiled when you moaned.
"Fuck, look at your pathetic little face" Her cock was leaking so much precum, you wanted to drink every single drop. "Come here" She commanded and as if you had no free will, you immediatelly got down your bed, kneeling right between her thighs, pleading eyes watcing her face contort in this beautiful way. "I'm gonna cum all over your face" She growled, aiming the slit of her cock to you and doing what she just said, splashing her cum on your face and boobs, smiling down at you. "Open your mouth now"
You were about to do what she told you to, when all of a sudden the sound of your alarm went off pulling you out of that dream.
You woke up confused, looking around and seeing her in front of the mirror, tightening her bun. Your eyes met and she gave you a side smile.
"Nice dreams?" She turned around. "Did you know you talk in your sleep?" She stepped closer to where you were and your heart sunk, your eyes looking down. "Although one can't consider all those noises 'talking'" Nayeon shook her head and left, leaving you there with a throbbing pussy and memories of the wildest wet dream ever.
A week or so had passed since the dream.
You were so confused. Why would you feel attracted to her? Why couldn't you stop imagining her cum all over your face? Her degrading you while those huge hands wrapped around your neck and her cock fucked you hard? Ugh, you were going insane, your horniness reaching places you never thought it could, even walking was becoming something umbearable due to the stickyness of your throbbing pussy.
You finally had a moment alone after she went on a mission and was expected to come back in two days. You had two days to fuck yourself dumb to try to satisfy your needy state.
You sat down on the small couch, immediately pulling your pants off and reaching for your aching clit.
"Fucking hell" You hissed, pulling them off too. It was drenched, sensitive as you never felt before. You circled it lightly, whimpering when you felt that rush of energy going through your body, your clit hard and poking out of its hood.
It took you less than you expected to cum. So you did it again and again until all you could feel was your trembling legs and that stickyness gushing out of your sensitive slit. You barely registred when you fell sleep, legs slightly apart, your glistening pussy furiously reddened due to all that action.
Nayeon reached for the doorknob and it was, unusually, locked. Her perverted mind going far so so quickly, thinking you might have someone over. She could tell by the whimpering and the talking in your sleep that you've been having wet dreams for a while now and she definitely knew it was about her. So since you couldn't have her you'd probably try to find some replacement. Oh but she wanted you to wait a bit more to actually have what she had for you.
Nayeon was a patient woman. Not once touching herself to your sounds just so she could store her load better for you. Biting her lip she got her keys and unlocked the heavy door. The sight was better than she imagined, her cock instantly getting erect inside her trousers, her mouth wattering with desire.
You looked dazzling for her in your dishevelled state; your shirt lift up showing your tummy, legs spread and swollen pussy. Oh she was having a feast.
Slowly unzipping her pants, she freed her girthy cock as her eyes scanned your face and pussy. It was painfully hard as she spat on the tip; the first stroke felt heavenly, her eyes slowly rolling to the back of her skull as she whimpered, a moan scaping her plump lips. She hated your whiny little self, but since she saw tears roll down your face she thought nothing but how to make you cry even more for her, getting off to the feeling of letting you desperate for her.
She positioned herself just above your face, her precum doing all the work on making her big hands slide up and down on her cock; the loud squealching sound slowly made your eyes open as she stared down at you.
There she was in her glory, jerking off just as you were god knows how long ago. It was a dream. It only could be.
Thinking it was a dream, you wrapped your hand around her base, horniness filling your mind as your cunt pulsed in need, desperate to feel something. Without a word you got down from the couch, kneeling in front of her and taking her inside your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the tip and she hissed, grabing you by the hair with much needed strength, pulling your mouth closer to the base of it.
You gagged hard as she bobbed your head up and down, clenching each time your nose touched her abs, your eyes welling up with tears.
"Fuck" She held you in place for about 5 seconds as your throat clenched on her big cock. Your hands pushed her by the thighs but she wouldn't move. It wasn't a dream. "Pushing me away now pretty girl?" She pulled your hair back, taking her cock off your mouth. "You were the one who started it" She slapped your face as you panted, wetness dripping down your leg and on the carpet. "Now you are going to take it and I won't hear any of your pleas for me to stop" She growled.
"I-" You tried to say anything but that humiliating feeling of being so aroused by that bully was something overwhelming to the point of despair. "Please" You said in this shaky moany breath, eyebrows knit together.
"Oh fuck, you look pretty like this" She squeezed your face between her fingers, her nails digging a bit as she jerked off to the sight of you. "I'm gonna cum all over your pretty face" And that being said her cock was back inside your mouth, pistoning fast as you gagged and cried, drooling all over your boobs and her thighs, your nose runny as well since you tried hard to breathe through it. "Fucking pathetic slut" She said, panting. "You think I haven't seen how you were looking at me?"
Uncousciousness was almost reaching you due to the lack of air, but nayeon wouldn't stop if you wanted to. You definitely didn't wanted to.
"You think - fuck - I didn't hear you whining in your dream for me to fucking cum in your pretty face?" She said, her hips moving with violence. It hurt so bad but felt way too good. "Now take it you filthy thing" She held your head with one hand and her cock with the other, splashing her hot semen all over your face as you closed your mouth and eyes. It was a never ending rope of thick white liquid, it really did the job for Nayeon as her hips stuttered. "Hell" She kept jerking off, squeezing every drop of her cum all over your face. "You look pretty now"
She took her sweaty uniform tshirt off, doing the same to you as she ripped it off of your skin. Manhandling you, she slapped your tits hard as you moaned, pulling you to get on your back, your knees pushed by her hands to your chest to show your whole swollen pussy for her. It was pulsing, leaking your arousal onto your asshole.
"Now that's what i'm talking about" nayeon didn't even stop to think, shoving her cock inside of you in one go, hissing.
"C-captain" You whined, hands grabbing her wrists as she suffocated your with her whole weight, holding your cum splashed face between her slender fingers to open your mouth for her to spit on your tongue.
"Filthy whore" Nayeon spat again, now on your face. Your pussy needed that attention, that heat inside of it.
"I'm gonna cum, god" you cried out and she fucked you even harder, your scalp tingling as your muscles spasmed.
"I don't give a fuck" She closed her eyes, chasing her own climax as yours washed over you just by hearing her degrading tone, the skin slapping so loud your were almost deaf by it, your breath being knocked out of you over and over. Your womb hurt with how much force she was putting behind each thrust.
You squeezed her cock so good, but she wanted something different. She pulled you up to turn you over in all fours, her big hands immediately finding your hips after she pushed you face down on the floor.
She spread your ass cheeks with both hands, gripping the skin so tight you could feel her nails digging in. Nayeon moaned, her eyes trained on were the two of your were connected, your pussy deliciously stretched around her big veiny dick.
"Oh you are swallowing me whole" She said, one of her fingers circling your asshole as you clenched. It was too much but you had nothing left in you to say or do anyhting.
She spat on her fingers before pushing her thumb past your entrance and your knees almost gave up on holding you. It hurt, it was humilliating.
"More" You sobbed, crying like you never had before. "Cap- please" You choked, rolling your eyes as one more finger was added inside your asshole, her cock furiously sliding in and out of you.
"Dumb little whore, you can't even speak properly and want more?" Nayeon moaned, her eyebrows furrowed together as her vision started to go white.
She was the Captain Im Nayeon and you were draining her. Resting her weight on her heels, not thrusting anymore only pulling you to her with her right hand as your ass swallowed two fingers of her left.
"Fucking hell" Nayeon closed her eyes, unable to hold back anymore. Holding your hips flush into hers she came, trembling, her sweat dripping down her face to your back.
Her cock throbbed inside you, spurting her cum each time it happened. You clenched, absolutely spent as she thrusted a few times, pulling it out at the same time she pulled her fingers, watching her cum ooze out of you and your asshole clench because of the sudden emptiness.
"You are a whiny little thing but damn..." She tapped your drenched pussy with her semi hard cock, eliciting a loud cry from you. "That's a good pussy" She breathed out, exhausted.
You fell forward spent, used, stretched, humiliated and so full of her cum. Watching her get up you closed your eyes, this time knowing very well your forbidden dream came true as you dozed off.
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coolprettyleo · 2 days
the black dog - will smith ☆
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will smith x reader
wc: 1.7k
tw: breakups. heartbroken. angst. fluff? longing. talks of nudity. lmk if I missed any!
you stared at your phone for what felt like hours. re-reading the headline over and over again.
will smith signs an entry-level contract with the san jose sharks!
you had a lot of emotions running through your veins right now; and breaking down crying was the one that overcame it all.
of course, you knew this had nothing to do with you, but maybe that's why it made you feel like shit. there used to be a time when that very same boy used to tell you his secrets, his accomplishments, and his thoughts.
you were no different than a stranger, and that's what pierced holes in your heart.
you had met will during a communications lecture when he asked to borrow a pencil. you immediately found him charming and cute, so it didn't take long for you to ask him to get coffee. he liked your forwardness, and one thing led to another; the two of you began to talk.
soon after, he began to call you his girlfriend, and you even met his family as he did yours. you were living the college dream and the cheesy part inside you loved it.
everything was perfect, in your eyes. so imagine the surprise you had when your boyfriend told you he wasn't looking for anything too serious. almost six months into dating you.
the two of you had been cuddled up on top of your twin-size bed as you did what any college couple did. talk about your future. what meant to be playful pillow talk, turned into your worst nightmare.
"I can't wait till our sophomore year. we'll finally have our own rooms," you said, thinking about the fact it was hard to get alone time in bed, due to the fact you both had roommates. knowing sophomore year was when the students upgraded to apartments.
you felt him still, and you looked up to see your boyfriend deeply in thought.
"are you okay?" you asked softly as he looked to be contemplating his next words.
"i've been meaning to talk to you"
"what?" you asked cluelessly as you stared at your boyfriend as he pulled away from your touch. he pulled away as if you were burning him.
"I'm just-- I'm not looking to go into a serious relationship right now. I have a lot of things to deal with right now, and I'm not going to be able to be there for you. you don't deserve a half-ass boyfriend." he told you. you searched his face looking for a single ounce of jokingness. nothing.
"I- I don't get it? are you thinking about signing?" you asked him as he ran his fingers through his face and into his hair.
"no. it's just not a good idea to be focusing on anything other than hockey right now. I'm sorry" he told you after a moment of silence. as you stared at your fingers with glossed eyes, praying to god your tears stayed at bay.
"why did you wait," you said after a long silence.
"what?" he asked cluelessly.
"why would you wait. wait till now to tell me this? wait till I completely fell in love with you? wait till six months to tell me this" you said with a spark of anger shining in your eyes.
he looked away before licking his lips and sighing.
"I'm sorry" was all he said before he reached for his phone and walked out.
you shook the memory off as you continued to read the article. apparently, he had known he was signing since men's worlds. he broke up with you a little after that, meaning he decided against telling you. meaning he lied when he told you 'no'.
there was a time when he used to tell you his secrets.
you wondered if he had made to move to san jose already. you'd never admit it to anyone, but you still looked at his location. he had forgotten to turn it off, and it brought you comfort seeing it.
that comfort you were looking for was nowhere to be seen as you saw his contact walk down a street in boston filled with bars. you stared at the screen as his location walked into some bar called the black dog. you knew it was a bar because you yourself have been there.
you yourself had danced with him there after they beat bu. you were there when he had been so hyped up about winning and chose to kiss you for the very first time that night; you were there and you remembered it. you remembered it all too well.
your eyes filled with tears. thinking about all the scenarios that could be happening right now.
maybe he would meet a girl. who were you kidding? of course, he was meeting a girl; any girl would be lining up to have him. he would jump up at the opportunity of a pickup line when the bar played his favorite song. a song you showed him, but at the end of the day, she'd be too young to even know the song. since the two of you always thought of yourselves as being 'old souls'.
it was no secret you had taken the breakup harder. while the holes he pierced through your heart knocked you down, he seemed to be doing the complete opposite.
why didn't he miss you? why didn't he miss you like you missed him?
that thought lived in your head, and you just hoped that it all at least meant something; something to him at least.
you went back to work, seeing as your break was over, contemplating the idea of whether or not to reach out and congratulate him for signing. you knew he had dreamed about being in the NHL since he was a kid. you longed to jump into his arms and soothe away the nerves you knew he had.
"what if I'm not as good as everyone thinks I am," he said, looking out into the city lights. the two of you had just gone out for a sweet treat, and he took you to a spot his grandpa used to take him and his sister to. the view was breathtaking. you remembered.
you scoffed before looking at your boyfriend. he was truly an electric player, and the fact he even closely believed he wasn't good enough was baffling to you.
"you wouldn't have made it this far if you weren't"
"no-- I mean, what if i get to the NHL and I crumble, it's happened to players before"
"but it won't happen to you. your amazing, and you put in the work every day to be extraordinary, and I promise you, you'll get rewarded for that"
he smiled before leaning over to lean against you
"I wish you could see yourself the way I see you," you said softly as you raked your fingers through his hair.
you wondered if he missed that. he always liked it when you ran your fingers through his hair.
there were a lot of things he liked.
he used to like showering with you. you even kept some of your hair products at his place. you wondered if he missed you whenever he showered. he probably threw them away but did the empty void of that area remind him of you?
you shook off the thought as you went back to work with a bland look. a look you've been carrying for a few weeks as you had been someone who was moving through the world with a heartbroken.
you ended the day choosing against the text of congratulations, your longing will stay unspoken and it will continue that way. hoping that one day you'll have the guts to move on.
although that didn't seem plausible to you, due to the fact you didn't know if you could ever open up to anyone the way you had for him.
you remembered telling him everything, every memory, every experience, from best to worst.
you remembered the way he consoled you through your parent's divorce, the way he held you and told you he'd never leave you; like your father had done to your mother.
you wanted to laugh at how well he had played the role of a 'brave man,' so well, until you believed him. It was cruel. so cruel that you wondered if it was all just a scheme. was it hazing so he could get into some fraternity he had secretly pledged to? you laughed knowing damn well, will would rather die than join a frat.
you just didn't understand. you didn't think you ever would.
did he hate you? is that why he did what he did?
even though it had been six weeks since he walked out of your life. six weeks since you started breathing 'clean air' faraway from him, you still missed the smoke more than ever.
you missed the way he held you, the way he kissed you, and stupidly, his hockey jokes that you would never understand. thinking back on it, he might have been making fun of you.
you arrived home after a long day, and looked around your room to see it look normal to the average eye. but to the heartbroken girl within you, all you saw was the ghost of him.
the hole in your wall from the nail of a picture frame of the two of you at the beach. the lego flowers the two of you had built together, the nightstand he helped you assemble, hell, even the shirt you were wearing was one he gifted you.
you wanted to sell everything you owned and set fire to all your clothes.
everything reminded you of him. every corner was haunted by his ghost. you even thought about hiring a priest to come and exorcise the house, but that would be stupid. or would it?
you would die screaming if it meant forgetting him.
a part of you wanted him to hear it, to hear what he did to you, and to know the pain he caused you. maybe then he'll feel bad. maybe then he'd miss you.
you looked back at his location to see him still there.
still there living his life, and you just hoped it was shitty in that damn bar. you hoped he was having a miserable time and stood on the sidelines as he missed you, ultimately deciding to leave with his tail between his legs, humiliated. was that too much for a girl to ask for?
you lied in your bed as you stared at the empty spot where he used to lay.
you fell asleep with one thought.
you still couldn't believe it.
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demodraws0606 · 15 hours
I'm kinda peeved off that I'm seeing a few people that have the critique that Siffrin didn't deserve their "happy ending" in the end, that he was forgiven too quickly. I'm bad about this for actually a number of reasons.
(Warning this will be long because I am irrationally passionate about this, totally not because I relate to Siffrin or anything ahahahahaha)
First, logically, Siffrin's actions definitely are not as awful as people make it out to be especially not in the context of a time loop story. The worst Siffrin has done was his actions in the Bad Touch achievement and the last loop, one being purely optional. Outside of that, any tampering Siffrin had done was purely harmless, sure it's existentially horrifying but it's not like he did any actual manipulation.
You could also argue since Siffrin was in control of the loop, they are responsible for everything that was happening but we know full well he wasn't in control literally, his emotions were in control of the loop. Considering, a whole thing in this story is how acting as though you're fine and trying to control your emotions don't work, I don't think we can make the argument Siffrin was really in control.
He only wanted to trap everyone in the timeloop when it already had destroyed his mind. I thought it was obvious it was a monkey's paws situation.
The last time loop was the breaking point of Siffrin and it's one of the things he does suffer consequences from, they do get mad at him and he does apologize. What else do you want him to do ?
The Bad Touch achievement is the only thing that could be said to be "unforgivable" but it's optional and as far as I know it's hinted that Siffrin would talk about it with Isabeau. In fact it's said that even though right now they're fine and okay, they literally say they are okay to be mad at Siffrin later.
And also, it's not taking into acount the Actual feelings of his family either. They can't remember the loops and they have their own reason to not still be mad with him, so why should they hold Siffrin accountable for feelings they don't have.
In fact, the storyline strikes the perfect balance to not have Siffrin do such horrible action that he'd actually be unforgivable but still have him do enough that it shows what the loops are doing to him but....
..it's not just logically, judging Siffrin's actions as bad/good things like that is not just what's wrong with the narrative that Siffrin should've suffered more consequences. It also goes against the narrative itself.
For me at least, ISAT is a game about mental illness but also recovery. It's not coincidental a lot of people project their own mental issues onto Siffrin, it's not just a "ahahaha they're so relatable !!", it's a genuine part of the story.
I could make an entire essay about it but that's not the point, what would a story about these themes be if the ending was just "you need to repent for the things you did during your own mental breakdown"
It may seem ridiculous after all this that they'd just forgive Siffrin after all of this, but really hasn't most of the points against Siffrin's morality been coming from Siffrin themselves.
Siffrin believed he deserved to be rejected, that he deserved the suffer, that he was disgusting. It was these belief that kept him from talking about the loop because for him, everything was his fault. Not just because he created the loop but because the desire of staying with them was the very sin he hated himself for since the beginning.
So for all that self hatred to be met with, strange acceptance. It almost seems ridiculous, and Siffrin's talk with Odile in the epilogue reinforces how almost comedic it is.
It's close to reality, isn't it ? How many times have you thought you did something completely unforgivable to someone you cared about and you were waiting for them to be furious at you, but that moment never came.
Because they just simply weren't hurt enough by what happened. And sure it was definitely a bad thing you did and they were maybe mad in the moment, but you apologized. Sure there could be more consequences for what you did but what's the point in asking for them to be more mad at you ?
Shouldn't you strive to be better than beg to be hurt for your actions ?
Do you think being hurt, being yelled at would make anything better other than just feed the voice in your head what it wants to hear ?
Weird flowery talk aside, it just doesn't fit the themes and the narrative of the story is what I'm saying. Asking for more punishement for Siffrin goes against what the story is about.
It's just like complaining that the looping mechanics are too frustrating, that's part of the package deal bb !!
Fuck the idea of "repenting by suffering through the consequences" !!! Having to deal with "blinding unrelenting forgiveness and kindness" is in !!!!
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whateversawesome · 2 days
Spy x Family Chapter 99: Fate and Destiny
It took a while for me to recover from that incredible chapter, so I had to take time to breathe and analyze things. And after thinking about it for a few days, the first thing that comes to my mind is that, when it comes to love, it's all about timing.
Wouldn't you agree?
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Something I hadn't considered before but that is very prevalent in stories are fate and destiny. Now, after this arc with two very side characters that no one took that seriously, I see it very clearly.
Did you know that fate and destiny are not the same thing?
Fate is about the events or outcomes that are predetermined and we cannot control.
Destiny is something we can change with our choices. It's a purpose or direction shaped by our actions, habits, and even our thoughts. Sometimes, because of our habits and actions, certain destiny is unavoidable.
Like I mentioned before, I see Martha and Henry as a foil of Twilight and Yor. So, even though their stories and circumstances are very different, it's impossible for me not to compare both couples. This time, I would like to do that through the lens of fate and destiny.
The love story between Martha and Henry is about bad timing, about fate, about loss. They had a huge obstacle between them: war. And timing really played against for these two; from the false alarm when Martha was about to confess, to Henry thinking Martha was dead just when he realized his feelings. Fucking bad timing.
The love story between Twilight and Yor starts because of fate. That random encounter in that tailor shop...if Yor hadn't teared that dress, if Franky hadn't made that comment about Anya needing to play the part of a kid from a privileged family, if Twilight had chosen a different tailor shop, if they had come at a different time... Do you see it? That part was 100% fate.
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However, what's happening between them now is a choice. It's destiny. Whether they are realizing it or not, they are choosing each other every day.
Think about mole hunt arc. I've talked about it before (because it's my favorite arc): By not killing Yuri, Twilight chose Yor over his mission, over his fears, over peace, over everything. It's that simple. And it's destiny at work. I think that arc and that precise action is going to come back and bite him in the ass; first in a bad way and then in a good way. (I suspect Yuri will be the one who finally discovers Twilight's identity. It has to be him, it's Yuri's destiny. But I think Yuri will also be a key a element to save the Forgers from an awful fate.)
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Anyways, going back to Twiyor and the topic of timing, even though Twilight has his angsty moments when he thinks he can't love anyone and stay with his family (cue the violins), I think these two have very good timing (at the moment). They live together, they are at a relatively peaceful time in their lives (and in the story), so this is the time for them to develop that bond.
Will it always be like this? Pshhh...of course not! This is a story and things are going to complicate and get really tough at some point. Fate (and probably destiny too) will put our dear Twiyor and many other characters in trouble. A friend once told me that one day things would be so tough that we were going to miss those silly and fun extra missions and I agree.
BUT (before you start crying about this), let me tell you something: This is when destiny is really going to kick in.
When things get messy, when the Forgers separate, when we don't know if we'll get a happy ending, this is when Twilight and Yor must decide they want to be together. Here is when they will choose each other, like they always have. And when that finally happens, not only it'll be a glorious moment, but also I think it's when fate and destiny will work in their favor.
Why do I feel so optimistic about it? Well, look at another couple who seems to be at that point...
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Didn't I tell you that when it comes to love, it's all about timing?
Chapter 100 is almost here! So, plot wise, I think it will all come down to: Who is in that cabin with Martha?
Some possible theories are:
a) The Shopkeeper. I still think Martha could be involved with the Garden. If we see a young Shopkeeper (they seem to be more or less the same age) or someone involved with the Garden, we could finally get some answers about that mysterious organization.
b) Yor's family. Yor's parents are probably too young here, but maybe her grandparents?? I know it's a long shot, but a girl can only hope 😄 Plus, everything is linked in the sxf, so there's still a chance.
c) [Redacted]'s dad. Why? Well, he mentioned going to the border during Twilight's past arc. If it's him, he's probably as young as Martha and Henry.
c) Someone we don't know (but that will become important in the story).
Since it'll be chapter 100, I'm almost expecting a big revelation, so I'm leaning towards Shopkeeper or [Redacted]'s dad. We'll see!
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shuenkio · 3 days
𝖥𝗈𝗋𝗀𝗂𝗏𝖾𝗇𝖾𝗌𝗌 —☔— Jay
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Paring: Bully!Jay x male!reader
Genre: Angst, [no love but emotion involved]
Cw: bruise, alcoholic, love affair, wounds, hospitalized etc
Summary: At the end he wants to take care of you to repay his actions.
Wc: 2.0k
Non proof read / first time writing angst there'd be some error. [Nothing is real this is a fanfic]
Living your life was already one hell ride, and you're hoping that school will give you some healing with your friends from your forbidden house. However, there was one person who craved your attention, your tears, and your suffering.
Seeing you under his control, unable to fight back, makes him even more gratified, and he would love to play with you all day long.
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M/N, who is the only child living with your parents, who are arguing every day, didn't care about their surroundings, especially you.
Your father had an affair with your mother's sister, and ever since she found out, your family started crumbling. Holding back, I couldn't do anything aside from stay silent. You're just wanting to run away from this family of yours and never come back, but you couldn't; you don't have the heart to leave your mother in this state.
Since your father took steps away from this house, your mother began to drink every sort of alcohol to wash away all her sadness and depression, and soon she became an alcoholic.
However, she still manages to give you a life to breathe by working her head off. It's a blessing that she's still got one job that could keep her going from time to time. Nevertheless, that was only a good side. Since you're her only child, she always wanted the best for you.
You can't go out without her permission; you'll have to do all the housework, make food before she gets home, and get a good grade every month. All of these requirements come from her stressing you out. You thought she would be kind to you beside your father, but this is too much for you to take.
You can't sleep without overthinking about tomorrow, and your eyes are wide open all night long. You're tired. One day, when you wake up, you find a note on the counter in the kitchen that was left by your mother. As you observed it, you found yourself bawling your eyes out.
This is not a note; this is a last goodbye from your beloved mother. She's gone now; she left you in this horrible place with you all by yourself. Now you have nothing, along with some money that she left on the counter for you to continue this journey alone.
You don't understand why you should have to endure this all alone when they're the ones who started, you want to end everything, you wish you wouldn't be born so you don't have to breathe in this cruel, ugly world, and you still want to carry on.
You wipe your tears away with your hoodie's sleeve and accept your own fate as you prepare yourself for school. The least you could do at the moment was go to school, sometimes taking time to process there. On the other hand, you never thought in your mind that there was someone waiting for you.
Jay Park is the wealthy, rich, and spoiled kid, as you know. There's no reason for him to be a bully; he has just been like that since the very beginning. He loves to see everyone's downfall in despair, crying like a child while he overpowers them. Which is you, who's his victim's rights now? Not only did you draw his attention with your pretty face as a guy, but since you're the top student in the class, he got jealous.
To make your grade drop, all he had in mind was to bully you, and he knows you can't do anything to kick him out of the school because you're poor. While walking through the school's entrance, you accidentally bump into something as your hoodie's hood covers your vision. You move your head to the one you're bumping into before you realize it was none other than Jay.
Another day, another bruise. You quickly bow down to ask for forgiveness, and without further ado, you fasten your walk pace, hoping that you'll always get from him, but your feet are still in one place as your bag is grabbed by his grips.
"Where do you think you're going, little fella?" He smirked in satisfaction, a cocky grin painted on his face. You let out a heavy sign and cured your eyebrows together, willing to take anything.
The next thing you know, he's already taken you to the back of the school, the storage room, where no one dares to come by except him. You were asked to kneel on both knees, looking down on the ground, while your face was covered with bruises and bleeding scratches.
He never stops, and he doesn't have the plan to do that. He then kneeled on one foot, cupping your face harshly with one hand, making you look at him with your messy face.
"Aww, don't you look cute? I don't know why I enjoy playing with you longer than anyone else. Can you answer that, darling? Hm?" He looks at you as if you're his prey, tracing down on your wound and pressing it harder. As a result, you're whimpering in pain.
"P-please, I'm sorry, I'm begging." Your tears broke down, asking for his mercy, which he's eager for for a very long time. To see this moment, his facial expressions grow even more scary, as if he's a psychopath.
"You're begging already, darling? How sad I'm emotional~ ha seeing you under my control is all I need, so no." After he said that, he was about to harass you even more, but before he could, your friends suddenly blasted in at the right moment.
"Lay a finger on him again; I'm going to show this to your father, you mf." They're all running toward you, holding you close and looking over your injury.
"Wow, I'm afraid I might be expelled so scary~ I'll let you try it, dude; I'm sure he wouldn't care  anyway." He responded, folding his hands together as he scoffs in disbelief.
"I might lose, but not this time, Jay. I know your father more than you know him; you're a dead meat today." Jay's ex-buddy states that it's true that before he leaves Jay for good, he already knows Jay's personal life: his father, his daily life, his family—he knows everything. That's why he's confident enough to speak about Jay's father.
"So? You think my dad will listen to you better than I am."He was cut by a sudden door crack open, revealing a man in gray hair behind whom it was his father. Jay's face turned pale as white as he looked upon his father standing tall behind his ex-friend.
"D-dad, it's not what you're thinking; you have to listen to me first, not this asshole!!" He dragged his feet to where his father was standing, asking for him to hear about his explanation.
"I have two eyes, Jay; I'm not blind nor deaf; you'll pay for your own consequences; get in the car at the instant." His father was shouting in a fuming tone, clearly pissed off by his own son's behavior. Jay, trembling with a tight chest as he makes his way out of this room, can't speak any more words. Jay's father then gazed over you before speaking.
"Are you alright, my child? I'm sorry for causing such an unfortunate situation for you; I'll pay everything on behalf of my ungrateful son. Now I'll let you rest assured and promise you that this will never happen again."
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Once Jay was home, not only was he grounded, but his father had a serious plan for his own son by watching him 24/7 in his every move; he couldn't do anything without his permission, and he'd also no longer get access to his monthly allowance to punish him for his actions.
Even worse, he must take care of you, who's been lying down on the hospital bed ever since that day. He will also have to say "sorry" every day until you're recovered.
At the hospital
You're lying down on the soft bed while the IV injection is in your veins. It's serious because not only your body's bruises, but your health too, without proper eating, resting, and getting beaten almost every single day, and you know who.
Inside the silent room were despondent and empty; the lights were off due to your liking of the moon's sunlight reflecting through the large glass window. It's chilling with a cold breeze outside.
You take the rolling stand with you as you open the door, taking a moment to absorb the fresh air under the night sky with the chaos of city life underneath. You stood on the balcony, inhaling deeply as the crisp night air enveloped you.
In that moment, you felt a profound sense of peace and connectedness with the universe, as if the entire world had paused just for you to savor the simple joy of being alive, despite how hard your life was. It's crazy that some of you want to enjoy the city lights more while hopping on the fence of the balcony and sitting on it while swinging your legs.
You know it's too dangerous and too risky; with one wrong move, you'll see the heaven light; nevertheless, you couldn't care much; if God wants you to live, you'll live. The door cracked open, revealing Jay holding a bunch of food and supplies in his bag too.
He closed the door behind him, and as he looked over the bed to see nothing on it, he thought you were probably in the bathroom. However, when his eye passed by the curtain that was left open, blowing by the wind, he saw a figure in a patient gown sitting on the edge of the fence.
Sooner, he realizes that person was you, as he immediately drops everything on the floor with a loud thump filling the room, running to you in panic before grabbing your waist by his pair of hands in swift motions, snatching your body against his to the ground, and clenching you close to his chest.
The unexpected snatching by someone pulling you away almost makes your heart stop beating. You were so stunned that you couldn't talk.
"Are you fucking crazy?! Are you trying to kill yourself?" He raised his voice at you, shaking your shoulder, asking why you would do such a thing. You know you're not going to commit S/C, but instead you're answering the opposite, frustrated.
"So what if I do? Why would you care about me?" You fire back at his sudden care for you; last time he saw you, you're left with nothing but pain. Now he starts to act like being nice to you, which is such a twist.
"Because your life is my life! I know I'm a jerk and I should be buried alive, but please don't do this. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything I had done to you. I realized I was wrong, and you should scorn me for it. But *sob*, please let me repay for everything I had done to you." Jay paused as he took a moment to take his breath from his outburst. You blink while slightly taken aback by the emotional outburst; you have never seen Jay in this state before, crying in pain.
"Your friends told me everything about your life. If only I could go back in time, knowing the truth behind it, I'd never been that jerk and a bully to you. I won't ask for your forgiveness; all I want is for you to let me do justice for you. Let me take care of you, and I don't care if you hurt me in the process. Just let me." He stopped as his tears streamed down his cheeks, with guilt heavy on him and regret at his actions.
He's burying his face in his hands, muffling his sobs, and crying harder until his face falls onto his lap, as if he's bowing to you. Comprehend the stat he was in right now; instead of bushings on him more, you choose to comfort him instead, even though he's a walking red flag.
Everyone can change, and so did he; responding with kindness was the best choice.
"I forgive you, but I'll never forget. I'll let you repay for your action,  Jay."
You said as you patted his back carelessly on it in a gentle manner.
"Th—ank you." 
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🗣️ please mind my English! ><
🗣️ I'm written some fluffs or angst at the moment, there'll be no SMAU for the sometimes? Not sure but I'll write all of my drift until it's empty, but feel free to request an idea, I'll consider.
🗣️Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
🗣️ crd to all pics&dividers Owner
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suplicyy · 1 day
im thinking about tsukki and a reader who is in taekwondo💗💗💗💗💗
Tsukishima x Reader who does taekwondo
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— Summary: Hcs about Tsukishima in a relationship with Reader who practices Taekwondo.
— Fluff
— Gn!Reader
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He would never admit this to anyone in his life, but sometimes he is a little afraid of you. And this began to disturb his mind from the day you met.
It was break time, and Tsukishima was walking the halls alone, since his best friend hadn't gone due to being sick. He was walking aimlessly until he stopped when he heard an argument in a remote location, away from the many students who walked around the school. Tsukishima always gossiped with Yamaguchi about things that happened around school, so he saw this as an opportunity to see what was going on.
That's when he saw three boys surrounding you, who he didn't know yet, to the nearest wall, causing you to be cornered.
"Do you really think you can talk to us like that? You will now learn to keep your mouth shut...!" the supposed leader of the trio spoke angrily, advancing towards you.
It may not seem like it due to his salty personality, but Tsukishima would try to intervene the fight (since he had no one else to do it for him). But just as he was about to do it, you advances towards the guy and perfectly land a kick directly in his face.
The delinquent falls backwards, being stunned by the powerful kick. One of his friends squats down to try to wake the boy up. "Y-You are crazy!?! Look what you did with him!!"
You slowly approach the boys, who cower in fear. "Ah yes... you guys came to pick a fight with me out of nowhere, threatening to beat me... and I'm the crazy one?" you say in an intimidating tone, which made the delinquents pick up their passed out friend and run away from you, passing Tsukishima who was a bit shocked by your actions.
"You don't want to leave either? Or do you want to stay to see more?” You say when you notice that the blonde was also there.
He stared at you silently, with an unreadable expression, and you stared back. Until he turns and leaves without saying a word, leaving you there alone.
The truth is that he left because he thought you were going to hit him too...
But something inside him kept him from thinking about you, someone he didn't even know well, So why was he strangely captivated by you?
And there was a day when the crazy volleyball duo was begging Tsukishima all day to teach them a part of English that they didn't understand, since Yachi hadn't gone to school that day. And that's how he found out that you were in the same class as Kageyama.
After that day, you coincidentally started meeting in the hallways during break time, and at some point this resulted in a conversation between the two of you, and that this conversation resulted in an exchange of numbers, which resulted in you becoming closer... until you entered into a relationship with him.
The truth is that Tsukishima thinks you're really cool.
Even in the most discreet way of all, he will somehow throw it in other people's faces about what a good fighter you are and stuff like that as a way to provoke others, especially to a certain second-year duo (who are definitely not jealous of him getting a partner sooner than they did)
"Don't wait for me to go to the convenience store, I have to pick up [Name] from their taekwondo training..." "You wouldn't win in a fight even against a fly, so why challenge [Name] in a fight?" If you were nearby at those moments, you can be sure that you would see Tanaka and Nishinoya burning with anger at the blonde's provocations.
He would go to all your championships to cheer for you, even if it was in his silent and discreet way, he would always be there to watch you and internally root for you.
Akiteru has already offered and begged a million times to come cheer for you with Kei, and he always refuses with a grumpy expression on his face, but eventually he ends up giving in and letting his brother accompany him to your championships.
And please don't ever ask him to be your "improvised punching bag" again (it was basically him with several pillows tied around his body) if you want to train at home, he was sore for a whole day from the kicks that you promised wouldn't be so strong...
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A/N — HI GUYS!! I'm in my exams week and I'm using my time to and from school to try to write a little here, and it turned out that I only managed to finish this request today, so I'm sorry for the delay💔💔
And I'm sorry if it didn't turn out the way you wanted, I don't understand ANYTHING about sports in general........ so I had to research some things before writing about it!!
Completely off topic, I was thinking about doing something special for Valentine's Day (here where I live, Valentine's Day is only celebrated today...) , but I think I'm already late for that, but anyway I'll try to organize something by the end of this week!
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avatar-anna · 1 day
After reading Harry and Julian’s relationship I can’t even image how Harry would be on his first day of school. I would love to see how Harry would react to each of his babies first days of school
Young Dad! Harry x Young Mom! Reader
"Chin up, love, you're gonna make your old man cry."
Julian's little bottom lip wobbled as he tried to take a deep breath through his sniffly nose. His eyes were lined with a fresh wave of tears, his chubby cheeks ruddy from the ones he shed on the car ride to school. With a shaky voice, the cutest and most heartbreaking it had ever been, Harry thought, Jules said, "I'm s—sorry, Daddy."
"It's okay, JuJu," Harry promised, ignoring the bite of the cold tile floor on his knee as he knelt in front of his son. "Today is going to be so much fun, and it'll go so fast."
"But why can't you stay?" Julian asked, his big eyes pleading.
Those were the eyes that typically had his son getting his way without fail. Harry could never resist that particular look, especially when Julian's lips were pouted just so. My sweet boy, Harry thought. All grown up.
"Because this is school, bubbie. This is where kids go to learn."
"But you and Mommy help me learn," Julian reasoned.
"You've got an answer for everything," Harry murmured. "School is a place for learning and making friends JuJu. And to take art class and read stories and play on the playground. Doesn't that sound like fun?"
Harry and Y/n had similar conversations with their son since they told him and Maeve they were going to school. For preschool, Y/n had taken on educating the twins, with Harry helping where he could. It was more manageable when they were quarantined, but now that life was returning to normal and the kids were getting older, there was only so much Y/n could manage on her own. Enrolling the kids in school seemed like the logical next step, and although some of them were excited by the new adventure, others were more apprehensive.
"Tell you what," Harry said when he realized selling the joys of school wasn't working on Julian. "When mum and I pick you and your sisters up today, we'll go get ice cream, how about that?"
"And we can feed the ducks too?" Jules asked, a hint of a smile appearing on his face.
Harry grinned. "Yep. We can go to the park and feed the ducks too. But you have to go to school first."
Julian's curls bounced on his forehead as he nodded. "Okay."
"Now dry your tears, bubbie. You're gonna have the best day ever," Harry said as he stood up.
"And you will dry your tears too, Daddy?"
Chuckling to himself, Harry wiped the corner of his eye. "Yes, JuJu. See? All gone."
Harry held his son's hand as they walked into the classroom together. Maeve was already inside, playing with a set of building blocks that were on a colorful carpet. From there, the transition was a little easier, though Harry shared a tearful goodbye with the twins when it was finally time for class to begin. He was the last parent to leave, and the teacher had to gently but firmly usher him out of the room so class could start. He stayed out in the hall for a few minutes, watching Julian to make sure he didn't burst into tears the second Harry left. Maeve was thankfully sat at the same table with two other children, and things seemed to be going well.
Before Julian noticed him in the hall, Harry left for the parking lot, wiping away the few tears that escaped yet again as he walked away from his babies. Y/n was in the car, Geneva and Natalia already in their car seats and ready for the drive home.
"How was it?" she asked.
"As expected. I had to cut a deal with Julian to get him to actually go into the classroom. Minimal tears."
"From you or from our son?"
Harry cut a glance at his wife, whose eyes were on the road in front of her as she drove away from the school. His heart clenched at the thought of leaving his children behind, but he tried not to show it. "Ha ha. Very funny."
"You were very brave," Y/n continued to tease.
Harry only hummed, glancing sidelong at his wife before saying, "Your mascara's running by the way."
"It is not."
"It is. You look like a raccoon. A very cute raccoon."
"Whatever," Y/n mumbled, subtly wiping beneath her eyes. Then, promptly changing the subject, she asked, "What did you have to promise Jules?"
"The usual. Ice cream and a trip to the park."
Y/n smiled. "Good. I was worried you were going to bribe him with a trip to his favorite candy store in New York."
"That was one time."
Y/n laughed as she turned into their neighborhood, her eyes softening as they slowly approached their empty house. It was definitely odd to only have two children with them at home, having gotten used to the usual chaos of wrangling seven children at once. Y/n and Harry had been reassuring each other for weeks that this was a good idea, promising themselves all the things they would get to do with a little more peace and quiet in the house.
When they got inside, Natalia in Harry's arms and GiGi on Y/n's hip, it was eerily quiet. No sounds of television shows, no arguing, no sounds of little feet running around. It was too quiet.
"You know, I forgot to pack the twins a snack this morning," Harry said suddenly. "They have a lunch and a snack time, don't they?"
"Yeah, but they can just—Oh. H, you're not serious."
Harry was in fact dead serious. "What will all their friends think if they have to eat a snack from their lunch box? It's inconceivable!"
Y/n leveled her husband with a look, making sure she knew his antics were a lot, even for him. Harry just stared back insistently, not willing to change his mind.
"You know you're crazy, right? Like this is crazy, even for you."
Ignoring her jab, Harry said to Geneva, "You want to go on another car ride?"
"Then it's settled. As soon as I put their snacks together, we'll go."
Y/n rolled her eyes at Harry, but couldn't deny wanting to see her kids one last time before they really had to be left alone so they could learn and adapt. Once they were back in the car and headed back to the school, Y/n rested her hand over her husband's.
"You know this can't be a thing, though, right?"
Harry shrugged, now behind the wheel. "We'll see. I'm a very forgetful person."
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xlatiwritesx · 3 days
Just the Two of Us | KM9
Genre: angst/fluff
Words: 2.7 K
Synopsis: when Kylian misunderstands your worries and you end up having an argument, he tries to make it up to you.
You look around you. You try taking in the glamour and let it consume you whole like the first hundred times.
You shook your head, feeling so ungrateful for feeling tired. For feeling sick of doing this every weekend because of your boyfriend's career.
There's always a party, an award ceremony, a get together to celebrate one of his many trophies, a game. Just thinking about being in another dress less than a week from where you were sitting sent your head spinning.
"My girlfriend" your boyfriend's warm fingertips caused you to turn quickly and stand up from your table's seat, pulling you out of your thoughts. You plaster on a smile that you recently learned to fake as you shook the guy's hand.
"Happy to meet you" you assured him as you pulled your hand away. Kylian spoke with him some more and you laughed along at a joke he said before he left you both at your table to go meet up with his friends.
Kylian sat next to you, took your hand and couldn't shake off the feeling you were upset. He panicked as he ran through his had, trying to justify your distance. He couldn't find a single thing.
In the car, you stay silent the whole way, unintentionally sending Kylian into an even bigger panic. You were giving him the silent treatment without evening meaning to. You were just too exhausted.
He just chose to admire your face as you both sat in the back seat of the Mercedes the event had booked for you. You notice his fascinated eyes on you, but you couldn't turn to look at him. You didn't want to. You couldn't justify why you were so angry with him. It's not his fault he's amazing at what he does. But you also wished he made some more time for just the two of you.
He opens the door of your shared home for you and you walk in. Just when the door clicks shut behind him and you were almost on your way upstairs, he grabs your hand and turns you around to face him.
You look down at his hand holding yours, feeling his mesmerized eyes on your face. You fear the impending confrontation, but pray that it pays off.
"What's wrong?" He asks quietly. You stroke his hand with your thumb, getting nervous by the second. You muster up the courage.
"I'm tired, Kylian" you admit. He chuckles and looks to his left before carrying you in his arms.
"Well, we're already home" he touches your forehead with his and you touch his face with your fingertips.
"No, like" you sigh and turn your head away from him. He puts you down and frowns, sensing an argument brewing.
"I'm just...Kylian it's like we never have time together anymore" you try clarifying but his frown deepens.
"I don't get it. We literally live together and we just-"
"I know! But we're always together, yet surrounded by too many people and never alone!" You start getting more frustrated and he starts getting defensive.
"Maybe because you're dating a football player?" He raises a brow and you roll your eyes.
"I know. And that's not what I'm complaining about. It's just that I wish you'd make more time for just the two of us" you try quieting down, but Kylian doesn't. He runs a hand over his face, clearly frustrated. You frown, studying his every move as he turned around and away from you.
"We didn't fight in ages and now you're trying to stir something up out of-"
"I try to stir?!”
"Nothing! Like, we literally hang out every night. I take you to the best parties, best restaurants, hold your hand like I'm holding the world in front of everyone, y/n!" He starts raising his voice and now you were the one getting frustrated. He kept missing your point and you just didn't want to keep re-explaining yourself to him. You weren't sure if you wanted to talk about it with him to begin with and his reaction made you regret not listening to your doubts.
You felt tears brim your eyes, so you just walked past him and to the stairs. Once you got upstairs and inside your shared bedroom, you slammed the door and threw yourself on the bed, allowing yourself to cry. You couldn't believe you were crying over something like that. But you still were mad that Kylian reacted to your worries by accusing you of just starting drama.
You buried your face in the pillow that smelled just like him and cried harder when you heard the front door slam downstairs and realized he didn't care to follow you to check on you. You couldn't believe how confident he was for acting that way.
Outside, Kylian got into his car and started it. He didn't drive out of your house's driveway immediately, though. He rested his head on the headrest and sighed deeply. He hated fighting with you more than anything. He hated it more than losing a game. He hated it more than he hated his worst enemies. Because he loved you way more than any trophy or anyone.
Finally, Kylian drove off. He didn't where to, but he knew he needed to have some time away from the house to look at your disagreements from a different perspective.
Back home, you got up from the bed and wandered around. You could never get used to the hollowness caused by an argument. You walk around the house as if it were haunted. Something just shifts after a fight and it feels awful every time without fail.
You sigh and sit on the living room couch, staring at whatever was on the TV. You're so lost in thought that you almost miss the phone rings filling the space. You frown at it, realizing it's your best friend calling.
You sigh, rolling your eyes as you pick up. You knew she'd know something is up once she heard your voice and you were not in the mood to talk about that yet.
"Hey!" She cheerfully greets you. You stay silent for a little too long, already wanting to start crying again.
"Y/n?" She calls, sounding somewhat worried at your lack of response. You sigh shakily. She waits.
"Kylian and I had a fight" you finally choke out. She stays silent for a little while longer.
"Oh" is all she lets out finally. You pierce your lips, looking around the living room in an attempt to push back your tears.
"Okay" she follows up, trying to sound cheerful again.
"How about you come over? We can talk and get food. Clear your head, you know" she suggests. You almost immediately reject her offer, but stop yourself to actually think it through.
It did sound nice to spend whatever was left of the night at your best friend's house, talking over some food. You did need a change of atmosphere since the house was becoming more suffocating by the second.
"I'll be there in a bit" you give in.
"Great! See you then!" Your best friend squeals, earning a smile from behind the phone. The first today and you really feel thankful for her.
You get up and wash off all the smeared mascara off your face. You change into a comfortable lounge outfit before grabbing your keys and leaving. You pass by your and your best friend's favorite restaurant to pick up some of your favorite appetizers.
After picking that up, you park outside her apartment building. She welcomes you when you get to her door, pulling you into a tight hug that immediately makes you want to cry again. You hold it in, though, following her into her living room and throwing yourself on its couch.
You sigh and she chuckles softly next to you, studying your features. She understands everything by just looking at your puffy eyes and pink nose.
"It must be pretty bad, huh?" Your best friend asks. You sigh again, rolling your eyes.
"It's just" you start.
"I tried to tell him how we never spend time together alone. He kept missing my point, accusing me of 'starting shit' or whatever" you felt the tears coming back. Your best friend just listened, nodding every few words.
"And it just spiraled and suddenly I'm running upstairs and he's slamming the front door" you sigh. Your best friend pouts at how stressed you were as you recalled the events from a few hours ago.
"Well, I think once you guys calm down and talk it out, he would understand and make it up to you" she sighed, taking a sip of her Coke. You just crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
You eat your food and talk about all the juicy gossip and before you even knew it, you were laughing so hard that you almost forgot the aching heartbreak from your and your boyfriend's argument. Your friend suddenly jumps up, holding her phone.
"Shit! I forgot about my meeting!" You frown at her, looking at your own phone to check the time.
11:09 pm. You frown up at her as she frantically got up and ran to grab her laptop. You raise a brow, checking the time again as she set up her laptop at the dining table on your left.
"What kind of meeting takes place at 11 pm?" You ask as you walk up to where she was panting, logging into her Microsoft account.
"Long story. But, hey, we need to catch up some other time. No interruptions" she answers quickly and your eyes widen.
"Are you kicking me out!" You gasp in fake horror and she nods. You laugh and walk to the couch to grab your things.
"I'll be back sooner than you ever wish" you narrowed your eyes at her and she gestured for you to keep going sarcastically. You laugh again, shaking your head this time.
"Text me when you get home!" She yells from across the apartment and you hum back before shutting her door behind you.
The quiet night streets force you back to all the negativity you finally were able to momentarily run away from. You try to not think too much about it, but you couldn't. No matter how much you sighed and breathed deeply. The argument kept replaying in your head, Kylian getting more defensive, you feeling so misunderstood and disregarded.
You hated how your eyes filled with tears for what seems to be the millionth time today. You tried keeping it in, but for a second you thought of letting it out. You finally decided not to, though. You didn't want to waste more tears over this.
But seeing Kylian's car parked in the driveway made you almost burst. You didn't want to face him yet. You weren't ready for another argument.
You take the deepest breath yet after parking your car next to his and getting out of it. Your hands shake as you open the front door which was unlocked, further confirming your fears of having to face Kylian.
You walk in and the house is completely dark. You're terrified for a second, but remembering Kylian's car in the driveway gives you some sense of safety. You resist calling his name, choosing dignity over comfort as you walk slowly into your house.
As you reach the living room, you notice candlelight outside the glass doors that lead to the backyard pool. You frown, your heart picking up its pace.
You reluctantly walk to the doors, sliding one open and immediately feel the cool breeze on your shaky limbs. You glance around and notice more and more candles lining the perimeter of the pool. You walk closer until you stand by the edge, mesmerized by all their reflections on the water.
Suddenly, you hear footsteps on the grass behind you. You expected yourself to turn in panic, but you didn't. You knew exactly who those steps belonged to. You loved their owner so much that you've gotten them memorized by heart.
You feel his arms wrap slowly around you from behind. His scent, his warmth. All of it. You wanted all of it. You needed all of it. So much that the thought of possibly living a life without it made you want to sink in the pool ahead of you. Burn in the candles surrounding it.
"The love of my life" he whispers and your heart skips a couple of beats. You hold his wrists that were over your stomach, leaning back into him and closing your eyes.
"I fucked up, my love" he goes on, raising his voice just a little. You fight the smile that wanted to stretch itself on your lips.
You open your eyes as Kylian turns you around to face him. He rests his hands on your waist and you rest yours on his shoulder.
"And?" You give him half a smile and he bites his bottom lip, failing to hold back his smile. You lose composure and giggle at his reaction. He clears his throat and you nod, giving him his que to keep going.
"I should've listened. I should've tried to understand you instead of just blaming you" he says sincerely and you smile slightly at him. He finally looks back in your eyes and you touch his forehead with yours, moving your hands from his shoulders to the sides of his face.
"Thank you" you whisper.
"Don't thank me for how you should be treated" he whispers back, giving you raging butterflies.
You smile and he kisses you softly before carrying you up in his arms. Your laughter fills the candlelit backyard. He walks to the table across the pool and sits you down on one of the two chairs set on either sides of it.
You rest your head on your hand as you watch him jog around the pool to the inside of the house. You smile to yourself, feeling so grateful Kylian made this so easy. But he wasn't planning on just apologizing. You should've known him better.
He comes back, holding a huge bouquet, that you pretended to not see, behind his back. You place a hand over your mouth and stand up.
"This is what I get for making you cry" he sighs, pulling an insanely huge red roses bouquet from behind him. You look at him in awe as you take it in your arms.
You look down at it, realizing something you didn't before. There was an envelope peeking out the middle of the bouquet. You frown and carefully pull it out, glancing at Kylian to see him smiling at you.
You carefully set the bouquet on the table beside you and open the envelope. You pull out two slips of glossy paper, squinting to read what was written on it.
"Kylian!" You scream, realizing that you were holding two plane tickets to your dream destination. You jump excitedly in his arms, wrapping yours around him.
"You didn't!" You look at him and he smiles, admiring your raw happiness.
"Oh, I did. I should've done it way sooner had I known it would make you this happy" he says, still smiling dreamily at your excitement.
After that, when you get in bed, you text your best friend about the night when she asked how everything was going with Kylian.
“Well. I’m still wondering how you believed I had a meeting at 11 pm” she texts and realization hits you hard.
She was in on it too.
“You knew?!” You text back.
“How did you think he had the house to himself to light all those candles and get the flowers and everything?!” She texted back. You laughed to yourself.
You watch as Kylian came out of the bathroom and laid next to you. You don’t say anything. You just take him in, your heart clenching at the sight of him next to you.
You wonder how did you get so lucky? How could you end up with someone like him?
“In love much?” He says casually and you scoff.
“Very” you say, half sarcastically.
“Well, try beating me then. That’s a game I will never lose” he says before kissing your cheek, healing everything that was broken just hours earlier.
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tinydefector · 21 hours
Rut Cycle- Jazz
Jazz x human
Word count: 2k
Warnings: Smut, Size difference, Alpha/Omega hinted, Heat/Ruts, creampie, Oral
Other info: I've got a vote going for who you guys want next but this is a full on Gen 1 ones hot series I'm making.
The whole autobot base is on high alert due to everyone's rut cycle hitting. The multiple meeting between the Autobots and Decepticons over a ceasefire truce for Rut cycles. Jazz's Engine lets out a churn of noises as he leans back against his berth, he had decided it was for the best he retire after the meetings, it meant he was less likely to have problems with the scent of the human allies that also roamed the Ark, most of the humans had been asked to go home for the next week and a bit but a few still hung around. 
The soft sound of knocking breaks Jazz out of his thoughts as he moves towards the to see who it is. Jazz’s visor flickers as he sees his favourite little human standing at his doorstep with a cube Of energy on a cart for him. They smile as they look up at him. “Boss bot said you'd be back here, thought I'd drop you off a cube and come hang out if you're up for it” they state while pushing it into his room. 
 Primus they weren't helping the situation despite how much they tried to assist the bots, hoe close they came To nearly being snatched up by starscream in their meeting early, he knew it was just the rut and how sweet their scent was to the bots but even he was getting close to his limits with how much he could handle before he eventually succumb to the old coding. 
He cycled a deep ventilation, savouring the sweet crystal high grade smell wafting from their form. It makes his sensors ache and his engine whine in need. “ thanks Lil’ Bit. Yer always lookin’ out fer us bots.” He hums as he leans down to grab the Energon Cube. Primus, they stirred circuitry like nothing ever had. 
“Reckon ya better skedaddle now, ‘fore things get outta hand round here. We’ll be right as rain once this wave passes... but it ain’t no place fer a little sweet thing like yerself,  while tension are High with the Cons.” Most of the Bots hadn't Told the humans the reason as to why they had been asked to leave, many belived it was because of the Decepticons and the Autobots not wanting any harm to come to them, in truth that was only part of the reason, the other part was how their scent made the cybertronians Rut worse and many of them weren't willing to risk hurting any of their allies Due to it. Didn’t stop Jazz from wishing, though, just for a taste but he knew it wouldn't stop at just a taste.
Slight worry crosses their face as they look up at Jazz.  "Robo flu?, you didn't get that static bug again, or that little critter the Cons made which caused so much issue in the base last time" They teasingly inquire as they press a hand to his plating as if to check him for a fever out of habit. 
a ragged vent of air leaves him at their touch, joints locking to steel against surging charge and wanting to grab them. Plating heated beneath their hand. His visor lit with barely-restrained longing as azure optics peered down at their concerned face. "Ain't no bug, cher," he lamented softly. "Jus' a bit of a... condition we bots get sometimes. Nuthin' t' worry yer pretty headplate 'bout." 
Gentle digits itched to trace the curve of their cheek, taste their skin against glossa sensors gone mad with need. But he'd offlined his hardsuit protocols, locking down his traitorous system until after they left the room. His frame grew hotter with each passing breem. 
"Ya best skedaddle now, sweetspark." His field pulsed bittersweet promise of a raincheck, "And leave you by your lonesome while Prowl's even more foul?, could keep you company and get you energon when you need it, plus don't need you having a short circuit while i'm gone, cant have my favourite DJ sick can i?" The sweet scent on their skin has Jazz nearly drooling as they offer to stay with him and keep him company. 
JJaz's cycled a shuddering vent engine whining loudly in need, grip creaking upon his half-empty cube as lithe form crossed their arms as they moved to make themself comfortable on his berth that was now piled with Blankets, tarps, polish clothes. 
His systems flashing warning as the magnetic field begged surrender to baser instincts, he desperately wanted to interface or at least let off some steam before he lost his mind and control. "Gonna hafta refuse that favour, li'l sweet. Y'got no idea ... th' things ya do t'me right now." His digits flexed, aching to caress them, claim. He walks to the other side of the room as if an injured animal that's cornered.  
Optics linger over their temptin' outline, memorising every curve as if famine-struck. 
 "Please, lil' spark. F'r both our sakes." His Field pulsed apologetically for cutting their visit short but he couldn't risk them. They stand up on the berth as he walks around in circles. 
Worry lingers on their face as they try to calm him down. “Jazzie talk to me, you're walking around like a cornered animal and you're worrying me” they state as he stops in front of them, his frame stiff as he holds off one last attempt to let them leave before he does something he would regret. Jazz nearly purrs as they cup his face looking up at his visor. Their hands feel divine against his faceplate. 
 The last shred of Jazz's ironclad control sheared away as they ran their fingers across his faceplate holding his face as they stared into his optics as sparked couples would. Tender servo curls around their waist as he uses a digit to lift their chin as a rumble resonated from his cracked spark.  "So sweet t'care... but ya jus' don' understand, li'l sweetspark." Trembling digits traced the fragile line of their face, unable to withstand their pull any longer. 
A deep, subsonic field pulsed from his frame. “I think I've got enough of an idea” they state while pressing their lips to his. A thundering roar leaves his engine as he grabs hold of them pulling them up against his frame as his lips desperately move against theirs. Tasting the sweet yet sinful flavour that is their skin. 
 He cycled his systems,warnings flashing critical. but Primus, how he ached to finally seize what haunted his every fantasised line of code...They whined loudly against his lips, his name muttered between breaths.
All of Jazz's fraying restraint snapped like cheap cabling. A strangled keen tore from his vocalizer as delicate grip yanked them flush against Plating as he eagerly pressed them down against the berth. 
He seized their jaw in a trembling servo, glossa delving past yielding lips with a starved groan. They taste like ecstasy and Rust sticks. Another rumble left deep from his frame. 
His other servo scoured down their back in rapture, digits aching to rip through their clothing and discard it across the floor. "Cher..." he gasped against their mouth. Name spilled like prayer as his interface panel snapped open his spike snaking out, straining against their covered form. 
Whimpered moans leave them as his servos grip thier clothing, dragging it off their body as he throws it across the room, glossa tracing down their form as he eagerly laps against their skin. 
At their little nosies Jazz’s Optics flared, visor blazing, Trembling servos gentled spead their thighs, pressing gentle kisses along them before he bites down and sucks a mark into the skin. “H-hold on t’ me, li’l one,” he rasped out as his glossa traces along their sex “Jus’ hang on tight. Lemme take care’a ya...” 
Slowly, with far more grace than rationality warranted, Jazz began to rock his Glossa against their pulsing warmth with aching care. A loud groan and engine roar leaves him at the taste of them. His optics drank in every flicker of pleasure stealing across their face as the arch and rock against him.
 His spike aches and leaks against the bedding as he slowly works his little human open with his glossa, preping and readying them.  
Jazz burrowed his faceplate between their quivering legs, purrs interlacing pleasured moans dragging from his vocals. His servo curled beneath their legs, hitching them higher. "Primus, babydoll.. so perfect..." He gasped prayers and profanities, they arch and grip his helm as his glossa continues to drive into them. Their gasping cries, have his engine roaring louder.
He pulls away for a moment as he flips them lifting their hips up as he grinds his needy spike against their back, a guttural moan leaves him before he snarls, gripping their waist firmly. Jazz shuddered out a keening groan as he slowly presses his spike into them, stretching them to accommodate his size. 
so tight - so hot and sweet he feared offlining upon first plunge into their sweet little form, their scent driving him wild as his field lets out pulse of energy.  
He curled his servos around their fragile hips, grinding slowly into them, helm tilted back as he clenchs his denta from how tight of a fit it is. "Frag, yes!" he bellowed, slowly picking up pace as he drives into them. Their hands grip onto the blankets as needy moans and cries fall from their lips each time Jazz thrust back into them, grinding his spike into their Smaller form. 
" So beautiful, so perfect...mmm, my Lil mate..." He gasped brokenly, intake clenching.
His thrusts turned feral, spike swelling. He dragged their joined frames up. Holding them to his frame as he goes into frenzy, slamming brutally home again and again.
"Mine," Jazz snarled ferally. "Gonna overload ya so fraggin' good, li'l cher..."
Another savage buck of his hips sent them keening, body pulsing and bucking as they cry out from pleasure. “Jazz oh God!, Jazz!” They claw at his plating desperately trying to grab hold of his arm as he drives into them as feral snarls leave him. A guttural groan echoed from Jazz's intake as their clamp and fluttered wildly around his spike, 
"Frag, li'l bit-, that it, mmm so good" he moans, His spike throbbed mercilessly within their small channel, Another ragged groan was wrenched from depths of his frame as their orgasm hits, his name falling from their lips as if it were a prayer.
He tenses, another guttural moan leaves him and he presses them back down onto the berth, frantically griding into thier tight body. spike pulsing frantically. With a static-laced keen, Jazz finally tumbled over the edge, filling their much smaller body to the brim with bright pink transfluid. Jazz threw back his head with a roar as their tiny frame rolled back to meet each piston in desperation as he pumps more and more into their needy hole. "Frag, yes sweetspark - take it, take m'transfluid, take it all!" 
He rolled deftly within, overload ripped through wiring in a cascade. Transfluid spurted from them as it rolls down their  thighs onto the berth as Jazz holds them close, smaller whines leavign his intake as he grinds into their shuttering body.  
With one finally thust he settles, fan systems on full blast as his frame desperately tries to cool down as he rolls to his side, cradling their body against his, holding them close, his other servo piles the blankets around their exhausted body as he keeps them plugged with his spike. Little whimpered whines leave them as he leans his helm down to press a gentle kiss to their forhead. His systems are slow to reboot, but one thing was for certain,  he wasn't finished with them and he would be damned to the pits if he let them leave his berth until after everyone's rut had subsided. “don't move Babydoll, ain't done with ya yet” he mumbles voice still static laced as his optics shutter behind his visor. 
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billwidoll · 1 day
Beautiful boy || Rafe Cameron x Toxic)
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Rafe has always been a man of having dark and narcissistic thoughts. He knew he had a problem, but he always tried to fight it, he knew he was sick, but he tried to fight it. But he couldn't, But that changed when he met the great and greatest love of his life, which was you. Rafe knew that you were the one who brought him calm, peace and hope. So he never wanted you to leave him He loved you, and he wanted to protect the people he loved, even when he did horrible things.
It was a sunny Sunday afternoon on the Outer Banks and you were on the boat with Rafe, lying in bed because the mansion's air conditioners had broken and the boat was the only one with air conditioning. Working at that time, so you and Rafe went there
"It's so much better here, Rafe" you say, hugging Rafe in bed
"Yes dear, I think I'm a little sleepy" Rafe says a little sleepily. He always slept when he was hugging you
"why don't you get some sleep?" You tell your boyfriend, you knew Rafe worked a lot, so it was obvious he was tired
"yes, you're right, but don't let me sleep too much, okay?" Rafe says, kissing your cheek and slowly closing his eyes. You nod your head
Rafe ends up sleeping and you end up looking at your cell phone and hearing a noise coming from outside the boat room.
You wanted to wake Rafe up to tell him about the noise you had just heard, but he was sleeping like an angel and you didn't want to ruin his peace. So you decided Get out of bed and see what was going on (even though I'm very scared)
"Who is there?" you say looking around the boat already out of bed
You look and see John B, taking Rafe's swimming gear
"What the fuck are you doing here, John B?!" You say shouting in anger, but relieved that it wasn't anyone else
“It’s none of your business Y/n!” Jonh B speaks in the same tone and it makes you angrier
"You're on my boyfriend's boat, stealing his things, that is, my business" You say, approaching John B and increasing the tension between you.
"ok! Your shitty boyfriend is trash! And he hit my friend Pope" jonh B speaks angrily
"that's not possible! Rafe has a strong temper, but he would never do something like that" You say, not wanting to believe it
"whatever! Now let me go!" Jonh B Speaks, taking the equipment and putting it on his back
"What are you going to do with this equipment?" You speak before John B leaves
"I really need them, I promise I'll bring them back" John B says and leaves you there on the boat
You didn't hate pogues like Rafe, and having that conversation with John B just showed how kind and harmless they were
But Rafe always kept you as far away from them as possible.
You return to the boat room and see Rafe moving slowly on the bed and muttering something
"who was here?" Rafe speaks in a voice that is seriously weak from sleep.
"hun It was John B" you say simply, sitting on the bed and taking out your cell phone to scroll through
"WHAT?!" Rafe says, jumping out of bed and opening his eyes frantically.
"Hey, my love, stay calm, okay?" You say taking Rafe's arms trying to calm him down
"what was he doing here?! Did he touch you?! Did he look at your body!?" Rafe wouldn't stop talking madly
"No, no Rafe..." You were about to speak but Rafe interrupted you, taking a gun from under the bed and scaring you.
"Rafe! What are you going to do?!" you speak with a shaky voice
"These Pogues just annoy me, but...touching you...it's too much." Rafe speaks hoarsely and putting bullets in the gun
"Rafe! He didn't do anything, please drop that gun!" You speak with tears in your eyes
But he didn't listen to you, he just got off the boat nervously , You didn't know what to do, you only knew how to cry and pray that nothing bad would happen. But it was already too late
Two hours later:
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It was already night and you were sitting on the bed hugging your body and crying. Rafe was taking a while and that only made you worry more, but then he arrived, opening the door to the boat room.
"Oh my God! Rafe, where were you?!" You say getting up and touching him
Rafe was cold and dirty...with blood
"what blood is this Rafe?" You speak in a low voice and are afraid of your boyfriend
"It's over, my love, this guy will never bother you again" Rafe says, running his hands over your face
"Rafe..." He interrupts you once again, placing his lips on your mouth and then hugging you tightly
"Close your eyes Have no fear The monster's gone" Rafe speaks softly into your ear and your heart speeds up. You were definitely his
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