#and that's why we've never met raphael
sunderwight · 1 year
the "crowley is lucifer" theory is interesting but I like to think in canon it's actually a reverse issue
crowley is the demon agent on earth. when humans have met "the devil", nine times out of ten they've actually met crowley. nobody alive has really met lucifer/satan, he's too busy running hell (and if the S1 finale is any indication, it would be a very... noticeable thing for him to pop up for any reason)
but satan is still really different from how he used to be, so humans don't have much idea of what lucifer actually was like, of course not. and yet he's the subject of all the poets, the tragic villain of the story, and there are all these accounts of this red-haired fallen angel who made stars and light and was the serpent who tempted eve and he's charming and underhanded and tricky, and so what's starts happening is people think crowley is lucifer and imagine lucifer as being like crowley, because lucifer is the main character of the story of the fall
so yeah actually crowley is lucifer, but only because humanity based its ideas about lucifer off of crowley
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Remember this post where I talk about the points "for" and "against" who Nightbringer could be, with the obvious choices being Barbatos and Michael (seriously read that post, so that this post will make more sense)
Ok so more points! To be honest though, this post is less about Barbatos vs Michael and more about Demon vs Angel
1.) MC actually meets and talks with Nightbringer who says he's a demon
BUT he says it like this:
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• Barbatos should know by now that MC has never had a problem trusting demons. They're literally in the situation they're in now because they gave a book that could have easily stopped him to the demon that was trying to kill them 5s ago and then pledged to protect that demon & his family and keep them happy
• Angels on the other hand do think like this. We see it from what Luke & (to a lesser extent) Raphael say. From what Lucifer says when he first meets Diavolo. From the (pretty fucked up but also lore/relationship building) angel event. Even from Simeon every once in a while.
2.) It's (probably) not present Barbatos because Nightbringer says that the new path that MC is on will bring about true happiness, whereas the path MC was already on (post s4) was already steadily moving towards what Diavolo wanted (they had a human employed in a high position in the Devildom hello???), and so was also what Barbatos wanted. I'd say it's also probably not past Barbatos (and I talk about why in the post I linked up top)
3.) Nightbringer, also tries to guide MC and get them to do what he wants because he thinks that's the best path, even when they repeatedly say they don't want this. This also feels like something an angel would do? Like demons make pacts with humans and then they have to listen and do whatever the human commands them to. Angels become guardian angels for certain humans, they're not supposed to interact with the humans but they are supposed to protect them - that sounds like there's a lot less of the human's decisions/choices/free will being taken into consideration than when in a pact with demons.
4.) Adam says he heard trumpets right before he met Nightbringer. And look it's been like over a decade since I read the Bible (so please correct me if I'm wrong) but aren't trumpets very famously associated with angels?
5.) Say we take Nightbringer's name very literally, as in Night - Bringer. And Nightbringer's little slam poetry sesh after talking with MC implies it should be taken literally. He brings darkness. And um....
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Now I'm not placing all my bets on Nightbringer being an angel.
There's always the possibility it's a third secret Barbatos (which I think would be very funny) or a completely different character
Right now, I'm just simply laying out all the facts that we've been presented with. Eiher way I'm excited to find out who it is (and punch him in the face. I think MC deserves to break his jaw)
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9.) Presumably-Michael says that the MC allying with Nightbringer would piss the Celestial Realm off
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j-nope-not-today · 2 years
hello again my sweet writer, this request is yet again Donnie x reader fluff. I'll give you basically full creative freedom with more sleepy vibes. the best song I can think of to describe it is, like real people do - hozier. that's all :) have a good day lovely.
We should just kiss
A/n: Thanks so much for requesting! I hope you enjoy it! This honestly got away from me I didn't expect it to turn out the way it did but I still hope you like it!
Warning: there is mentions of sex and sexual tension so if that makes you uncomfy then don't read.
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"Donnie are you in here?" I made my way into the lab and Donnie stood working on an equation.
"Oh hey y/n! Did you need something?" He licked his lips and I noticed as his eyes dropped to my own lips.
"Pizza's here." I announced before awkwardly standing in the doorway staring back at him.
I had liked Donnie for a while. Ever since we first met. I had decided to take a midnight walk in the park and Donnie had ran into me and tossed us both into a pile of mud, but he was so cute about it. He felt so bad and offered to take me home. Once we arrived I let him come in to clean off too and we had been friends ever since that moment.
But it's been weird there's been so much tension. So many times that we've almost kissed but never did we would sit mere inches apart but our lips would never touch. Not to mention the stares I would recieve. He would look at me with such a hunger and longing. We both knew we liked each other. Neither of us made a move and honestly I didn't know why. I liked to think of it as a game we played.
"Are you both gonna just stand there and stare at each other or what?" I jumped at Leo's words and then scoffed
"Oh hush we're coming." I moved past Leonardo and made my way to the table and grabbed a slice of pizza and sat down next to Raph and Mikey.
Eventually Leo and Donnie joined us at the table and Donnie sat right across from me. The both of us without realizing it or maybe we did realize it and didn't care had begun to stare at each other while eating our pizza. My eyes trailed to his lips without a second thought and they stayed connected there until I heard small giggles.
I looked to Mikey and he immediately stopped laughing and began to eat another slice of pizza.
"What's so funny?" I looked at him and he shrugged.
"Nothing.. absolutely nothing."
I frowned at his words before I finished my pizza and looked back at Donnie who's eyes had never left from their spot. Once more we had begun to stare at the others lips as if there wasn't anyone else in the room. Our eyes dancing across the figure of the other. It seemed that his brothers had enough of our little game though as Leonardo decided to speak his mind.
"Would you two just make out already? I can't keep sitting in your sexual tension! Everytime your near each other your practically ripping off each other's clothes with your eyeballs."
I shrunk in on myself at his words. I mean I know I had been obvious, but not that obvious. Donnie huffed at his words. I looked over at him and he was already looking at me.
"We should just kiss y/n."
"Okay." Without second thought I leaned over the table
Donnie met me in the middle. It was definitely long awaited and I didn't realize how long I had waited to finally kiss him. His lips were soft and plush and so warm. I was eager to keep on kissing this sweet boy, but again we had forgotten that his brothers were in the room.
I had felt Donnie hold the side of my face and then I heard the gagging and me and Donnie broke apart.
"Oh gosh! Not in front of us you animals!" Leo looked absolutely disgusted with us and I let out a laugh.
"You guys are freaks...I just needed you to hear that." I nodded at Raphael's words. Maybe me and Donnie did have some weird freaky shit going on. I rather enjoyed our game of not having kissed. The hungry stares I would receive from Donnie did bring me much joy.
"Where are you guys going?" Mikey piped up.
Donnie had placed his hand into mine after Raph had spoke up and had begun pulling me towards his lab.
"Oh...uh." I looked to Donnie and I was met with a stare that I knew all to well.
"Probably to fuck." Leo muttered and I snickered before speaking up.
"Your not wrong." I laughed before Donnie chuckled at my words and Leo let out a sound of disgust. As we made our way into the lab I heard Raphael yell out to us
"I better not hear ya!"
Maybe me and Donnie would have to play this little game some other time. It was quite entertaining.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Grey Asmo here again!
Who do you think is the nightbringer? (Goes by many names) im thinking its barb but that does not make sense
Hello again, anon!
Okay. Here's the thing. I think whether or not Nightbringer is Barbatos depends on whether or not they are actively trying to misdirect us.
The evidence for Barbatos being Nightbringer is overwhelming, so at the very least, they want us to think it's him. They could be deliberately making it seem incredibly obvious so that we won't see it coming when they do something twisty.
Now, even if they do some kind of unexpected twist, it might not be about Nightbringer's identity. For instance, they reveal that Nightbringer is Barbatos as we all thought, but it's Barbatos from a different timeline. That's not really a surprising twist, but it's just an example.
When the game first came out, I thought for sure Nightbringer was Barbatos. They were making it so obvious. And this game isn't exactly known for having a lot of really surprising things happen. Dramatic stuff, sure, but nothing on the level of making us think Barbatos is Nightbringer just to reveal it's actually someone else.
But recent events in the game have made me think they're more likely to do something like that after all.
SPOILERS for HARD LESSON 20 just in case:
I never in a million years would have guessed that Raphael was actually Michael in disguise. That twist came out of nowhere for me. I'm usually pretty good at picking up on these things, but yeah I did not see that one coming at all. This makes me think that it's perfectly possible that they're planning some kind of misdirection.
Now, if they are trying to deceive us, I think Nightbringer would have to be someone we haven't met yet or an alternate timeline version of someone we have. Nothing else makes sense to me.
The big thing with Barbatos, in my opinion, is motivation. Right now we really don't know what would motivate him to do the things that Nightbringer is doing. But there's a lot we don't know about Barb. So it could be that they're going to fill in that missing information and that it will explain how Barbatos went from being the father of all demons to a butler. If he is indeed Nightbringer, they will have to explain that.
One other thing that I think is interesting is Lesson 10-A. Solomon talks to Nightbringer, but there's actually no indication that he's aware of Nightbringer's identity. He seems to know Nightbringer as Nightbringer. He even says he has an agreement with "him" in quotes like that. Which is interesting if Nightbringer is Barbatos. Why would Barbatos present himself to Solomon that way? Especially when Solomon already trusts him as Barbatos?
Whether or not Nightbringer is Barbatos, I very much believe that both Barbatos and Solomon are deeply connected to him in some way. I think we need to know what happened when Barbatos brought Solomon to the Fountain of Knowledge. I think we need to know who Solomon's friend was when he was telling us that story he couldn't finish. And I think we need to know why Barbatos became Diavolo's butler.
All of this is to say that at this time, I think it's possible that Nightbringer is Barbatos, but I also think it's possible that he isn't. And if he isn't, then I don't know for sure who he could be. Someone we haven't met yet? Michael? An alternate version of one of the other characters? Maybe even the reveal that it's been one of the characters we've known all along?? They could really make us lose it by revealing that it was somehow MC?!?! Okay, I don't think that's the case, but man that'd be insane.
Anyway, I apologize for this long response, but there's just so much to consider when it comes to Nightbringer's identity. They keep giving us little bits but none of the pieces fit together.
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chloeillustrates16 · 2 years
The Scientist and The Astronomer
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Summary: You love the stars; staring up at them without a care in the world.
Warnings: swearing, injury, mentions of blood, romance, fluff, kind of long, Best Friends to Lovers, self-doubt,
The moon shown high over New York City; Leonardo deciding that the four should split off, something goes wrong, immediately contact the others.
Donatello stood on the rooftop; scanning the area for anything crime related. After Shredder went missing, Donnie had been stressed, trying to find where the man had gone.
You walked out of the bakery, waving bye to your coworker. You'd taken a job at a small bakery to save some money for college. You walked out the back and headed to the alley; humming to yourself, you looked up at the sky. The neon lights of the city obstructed your view of the stars, but the moon shown like a beacon.
Glancing around, you made your way to the rooftops. You loved studying Astronomy. You'd hoped that some of the stars would peak through; sadly, that never happened.
This night was just like any other night, you pulled your knees to your chest as you stared up at the sky. The bright lights of the city bounced off the sky, making it lighter. The horrible moments of the day came rushing back; school, some customers at work; sometimes, it got too much, you needed an escape. So, you looked for the stars, hoping just one day, one moment; the smog from all the lights in the city would disappear.
Donnie continued on to the next block; it was definitely going to be a slow night. His radio picked up, "Still nothing?" Leo's voice asked.
"Nope," Raphael replied.
"Dudes, this is so boring!"
"I still got nothing," Donnie agreed. He paused, seeing a figure on a rooftop close to him. "Guys, I'll get back on that." he turned off his radio and jumped over. He landed with a loud thud, the person, jerked.
"Hi, sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, trying to keep himself hidden in the darkness of the building as possible.
"You didn't scare me." she sighed; Donnie sat down a little bit away from her. The worst came to his mind, he swallowed,
"What are you doing up here?"
"I should ask you the same thing; so, mystery person, what are you doing here?" That got a bit of a laugh out of the purple turtle,
"I just enjoy the view from time to time," he lied. It was so simple and casual that it didn't really seem like a lie at all; you nodded in agreement.
"I can see why; I mean sure the view is gorgeous. Sometimes, don't you wish you could see the stars?"
"Yeah, sometimes; although, I'm not really an astrology person," he admitted. "Are you?" you nod,
"When things got bad, I looked to stars; well, that was before we moved to New York, that is." Donnie thought for a moment,
"Well, you know the board walk near the Statue of Liberty?" you nod, "Out there, past the statue, you can get a great look," he explains.
"Thanks, I'll check it out later," she smiled. Donnie felt his heart race as you turn to look at the stranger. His face was barely lit by the city lights, you turn towards him fully, "What's your name, stranger?"
"Donatello." You thought for a moment,
"LIke... the Florence sculptor?"
"Yeah...someone that we've known since we were babies named us that; Dad liked it and kept it." Donnie cleared his throat, "What about you?"
"Y/n," his face flushed.
"That's a nice name," you let out a laugh. An embarrassed blush threatening to warm your face; Donnie radio started going off. "Shit, I have to go. You stay safe, yeah?" he said, nervously.
"Yeah," before he could leave, she added. "You stay safe too, Donatello. I would really like to see you again," He nodded, before she left for the fire escape.
Weeks went by since the night you met Donatello. You couldn't get him out of your head; you decided why not to go to the board walk near the Statue of Liberty.
You leaned over the railing, the sun set over the ocean line. Today seemed worse than the last; another customer had screamed in your face for getting their order wrong; another had thrown their drink back at you, that's when your boss told you that you could leave. You did, went home and showered.
Here you were, on this board walk trying to find some escape. You heard a thud behind you, "Hey."
"Hi," Donnie walked over to you and leaned over the railing.
"Pretty, right?"
"I never thought I'd see them again, as silly as that sounds," you mutter.
"No, not at all." you glance over at him, his face was somewhat lit up by the small lights. You noticed his skin was green and scaly, on his face he had on a mask under a pair of glasses.
"So, what's with...all of this? Wow, that came out not what I wanted," Donnie laughed.
"Trust me, not as mean as you think." he paused, "You're not scared."
"of course not."
"Um...it's kind of complicated." he went on to tell you about how he and his brothers and father were experiments and after a fire; they were rescued, and they made a home in the sewers. He also went on to tell you about how they defeated Shredder the first time and how they got rid of the weird thing in the sky.
"So, what are you guys, some kind of superheroes?" he let out laugh,
"Something like that."
He stared down at you, the wind was blowing your (h/c) hair. His radio picked up again; you look at him worriedly as he turned it off completely.
"Isn't that your brothers?"
"They'll be fine," he shrugged.
"What if it's important," he shook his head.
"They'll be fine without me; they've done it before."
You only nod, the thought of his brothers in trouble still in the back of your mind. "Don't worry, Raph can literally throw shipping containers with his bare hands," your eyes widened. "They'll be fine," you laugh mostly out of shock.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Uh-huh," you couldn't believe it. Sure, them being mutant turtles was one thing, but ones that can lift thousands of pounds without breaking a sweat?
The two of you stayed on the boardwalk, talking about anything and everything. You asked about what it was like growing up, he told you that it was very strict, they couldn't go up to the surface until they were fifteen. He went on to say how worried his father was for them. You placed a hand on his; it almost shocked you that he only had three fingers.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked."
"No, it's fine." he went on to tell you about the police knowing of their existence, you listened and hung on to every word. The two of you didn't even realize that hours had passed.
You told him about your love for the stars and how you always loved to study them. How you looked to them in your darkest moments; how you started to also love small things like sunsets. Donnie loved to listen to your voice as you gushed about what you were interested in. He loved when you listened to him; him talking about how he built things and his interest in science.
Your phone went off, confused, you looked at it. "Oh, fuck, my mom is going to kill me!"
"What's wrong?"
"It's almost midnight," Donnie thought for a moment.
"Shit, my brothers are probably looking for me."
"Looks like we're both fucked," the two laughed.
"I'll take you home," he offered.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, plus, my way is faster." you stare at him a bit confused as he picked you off your feet with ease. You stare at him in shock, "Is this okay?" You nod; weird, normally, he'd never ask at that to April or Casey before.
You hang on tight as he jumped across the rooftops, you tell him where you apartment was. He landed by your window; he placed you down on your feet, you wobbled a bit, before you could fall, Donnie grabbed you.
"Sorry, I should've warned you," he chuckled.
"You do that every day?"
"Every day."
"That was amazing," he thanked his green skin, or his face would be on fire right now. You cleared your throat, "I should get going." He nodded; he didn't realize the position the two of you were in, his arms were tightly wrapped around your waist; your hands on his biceps.
"I'm sorry," he didn't pull away from you. He pulled you into a hug; however, "Thank you."
"For what?"
"Listening to me and not being scared of me," you frown.
"Donatello," you whispered.
"Donnie; you can call me Donnie," you smile.
"Donnie," he liked it. Before, it was just a nickname his brothers had given him, but the way it rolled off your tongue made him like it more. You stare up at his gold eyes; without thinking, you got on your toes, your lips pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
Thank God for his skin! Pulling away, you blushed. "I'm sorry, that was uncalled for."
"No, no, I liked it!" he choked, "Sorry, I mean." he groaned; why couldn't he pull this off like Mikey? Then again, he'd probably laugh and say some crude joke. "I didn't mind it," your ears felt on fire.
"I'll see you later?"
"See you."
You glance up at him from the alley with a wave; he waved back, once you were in the safety of the building, Donnie waited until he saw a light on the fourth-floor light up.
Another week passed since Donnie and you had talked. You were with Donnie once again, this time back on the rooftops. The two of you sharing a pizza, "Then, Mikey came out of nowhere and just knocked the guy out." you laugh, "Like I love my little brother, sometimes, he scares me."
"I don't have any siblings so..."
"You don't?" you shook your head no.
"My mom had a lot of fertility issues; when she had me, she didn't want to risk having another child taken from her." you swallow,
"I'm sorry to hear that; did you want siblings?"
"Yeah, I've always wanted a little brother; at school, I became the Freshman's older sister in a way." You explain,
"Is school fun?"
"Not really, it can be, but no. It's boring and you're forced to learn things that you don't even want to know," Donnie nodded.
"I never got to experience school, as far as I hear, it's kind of like a mini hell."
"Pretty much," you mutter taking another bite. You thought for a second, "Hey, Donnie, you said that your brothers had tattoos; do you?" you ask, changing the subject.
"Oh, yes, but I have it on my leg," he explained. He whipped off his hands before pulling his right leg up, you gasp as the large piece taking up most of his leg.
"That's so cool!" He chuckled,
"Thank Mikey, normally, I'm the one to tattoo my brothers, but I wanted it on my leg. He has the steadiest hands, surprisingly." He pulled down his pant leg, before taking another slice.
"I always found them cool, but my mom would kill me if I got one." you added, "Plus, they're expensive."
He nodded in agreement; you sigh, leaning against his shoulder. "What's wrong?"
"Work is getting worse; I swear, some people are just downright awful."
"What happened?"
"Same old, same old; a person came in complaining about how I over charged her when I didn't. I told her we had to up our prices cause the owner is having less business. She went on complaining about how she's been here for years and how she didn't deserve this treatment." You made a mouth with your hands, as you told him with a stupid obnoxious voice.
Donnie choked out a laugh, "I'm sorry, I don't mean to laugh at you. She sounds like a bitch," you nod.
"She was." Donnie leaned his head to the side, his cheek pressing against your hair. You let out a laugh, tilting your head back, pressing you nose against him. "Thanks," you whisper.
"For what?"
"Listening and being there for me," he smiled.
"Any time," his arm wrapped around your waist as he moved his head to look at you. He stared deep into your eyes, his heart threatening to beat out of his chest.
They didn't know who moved first, but soon, they were barely an inch apart. "Donatello," he moved; his lips pressing against yours. Your arms tightly wrapped around his neck as he pulled you closer; pulling away, you stare at him,
"I'm sorry...I...I," you pull him back in. He tensed for a second before melting into you once again; pulling away again, your face was beat red. Donnie hesitantly reached up; his hand felt freezing against your face.
"I'm so happy I met you, Donatello."
"I'm happy I met you too, Y/n."
The rest of the time, you two spent together was in each other's arms. Donnie's radio started to go off; you frowned, "You should go. It sounds like they need you," he nods.
"I'll meet you at your apartment, promise."
"Donnie," he stopped. "Please, be careful."
"I will."
Donnie arrived at the place; Michelangelo was down on the ground, bleeding. Donnie punched the foot ninja in the face, sending them across the alley.
"About time," Raph sneered.
"I'm sorry, I was a little busy!" Donnie retorted as Leo appeared.
"No fighting right now, please!"
After The Foot was taken care of; Donnie rushed to Mikey's aid, the orange turtle was pressed against the wall, his side bleeding.
"We have to take him back to the lair," Leo ordered.
"No, the lair's too far for this type of wound. Raph, carry him, I know where we can take him."
You were at home, waiting patiently for Donnie to come back. You sat on your bed, your leg bouncing as a knock interrupted your thoughts. You pull yourself quickly off the bed and rush over to the window; you pulled it open. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Mikey's hurt, you're the first person that was close enough to help."
"Bring him inside," you walk out the room and grabbed a first-aid kit from the bathroom. Walking back into your room, all four brothers were inside, "Put him on the couch." Raph walks out the of the room and into the living room, placing Mikey down. Donnie gave a quiet thank you, before going to attend to his brother.
Leo looked towards you; he didn't know who you were, but Donnie definitely did. He was going to trust his brother's judgement; after an hour or so, Mikey was out on your couch. Donnie walking up to you,
"Thank you for letting me help him here," you nod.
"Of course, is he going to be okay?"
"Yeah, he'll be healed by next week," you put the med-kit away and noticed the distant look on Donnie's face.
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine." You light grab his hands,
"Please, talk to me." He glanced over at the three before nodding; you take him into the privacy of your room. "What's going on, Bub?"
"It's my fault that Mikey got hurt; if I just got there faster, he wouldn't have gotten hurt." You give a comforting squeeze to his hands, "It's just...ugh! I've never felt this incompetent before, it's frustrating!" He was silent for a moment,
"Donnie, do you want me to comfort you?" he nods, "Donatello, you the most intelligent person I know; however, it's okay to make mistakes. Michelangelo getting injured was not your fault, there was no way you could've prevented him getting hurt when you weren't there in the first place. There's no one to blame, but The Foot Clan," he stared at his feet. You slightly tug at his hands making him look at you, "You understand that, right?"
"Yeah," tears started to roll down his cheeks and stain his mask. You quickly brush them away with your thumbs,
"I understand why you feel like you had some fault to his injury. But he'll be okay, you said it yourself; he'll be back to his jokester self in about a week."
Donnie held your hands to his face, "Thank you."
"Any time, I'm here for you, Donnie." Leaning down, he pressed a light kiss to your lips.
Leo watched from the corner of his eye, a small smile spreading across his face. Shaking his head, he glanced back down at his baby brother.
"What's going on?" Raph whispered, leaning towards the leader in blue.
"Nothing, just two friends talking."
The week came and gone, Mikey was healed and fully moving around. You moved across the rooftops waiting for Donnie; you heard a cough behind you, turning you weren't facing Donnie, but his oldest brother, Leo.
"Leonardo, what are you doing here?"
"I knew you'd be waiting for him; I just wanted to give you my thanks."
"For what?"
"Not only helping us, but Mikey last week. He'd bleed out more if he took him to the lair; plus, Donnie is really happy around you. I swear, sometimes, before he met you, I didn't see him sleep at all. I actually catch him sleeping at regular hours sometimes; I don't know what you did but thank you."
"I didn't do anything," you pointed out. He let out a chuckle,
"Well, I suppose it's because he likes you," your face turned bright red.
"Please, if it's obvious by the way you look at each other. I saw you two when you talked to Donnie," your heart raced. You didn't expect that he could see through the cracked door that well, "Thank you, for taking care of my brother. I should get going; see you around, Y/n."
"See you around, Leonardo."
After your talk with Leo, you and Donnie met up. He covered your eyes as he took you somewhere, "You're not planning on killing me, are you?" You joked; he scoffed,
"Never," when your feet touched the ground; Donnie pulled the cover off your face, you gasped. You could see the stars from where you were standing.
"How did you?"
"I found this place a while back; I wanted to um...do something special," he explained. You noticed that he didn't have his normal gear on; Donnie was wearing a pair of jeans with a T-shirt. "I'd hope to um...ask you out on a date; I know that I can't properly take you out," he rubbed the back of his neck, nervously. You smile, grabbing his hand,
"Of course, I'd love too." He let out a sigh of relief; you rolled your eyes playfully as he took you over to the blanket. Sitting down, you lean against his shoulder as the stars winked back at you. Donnie leaned towards,
"Wait just a few more minutes," he whispered. You glance at him a bit confused before you turned back at the sky. The sky was suddenly lit up with streaks going through; your eyes lit up,
"A meteor shower!" You stood causing Donnie to laugh as you stare up at the sky.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist; you lean back into Donnie's chest. It ended, you glance back at Donnie, who was staring down at you already. Turning in his arms, you smile up at him. The both of you didn't speak as Donnie leaned down, pressing a kiss to your lips.
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grandsonoflightike · 23 days
Grey Three Houses/Hopes P6: The Blitz of Light Riegan
Background Music Announcement: The Ashen Demon Cover With Lyrics by The Muses’ Mire
*Somewhere in Light Riegan Territory*
Light Claude: So we've lost Light Gloucester. Unavoidable, perhaps, but it still stings all the same. Fortunately, I haven't been sitting on my hands this whole time. If we smash the imperial reinforcements and stop them from breaking the siege, Count Light Bergliez will have no choice but to give up. We're going to face that challenge, and we're going to face it with the Light Alliance's latest and greatest—which is why I've asked all of you here.
Light Lysithea: Did you really just say "latest and greatest" with a straight face?
Light Hilda: Oh, he said it, all right. And while I can't swear we'll have that, we do at least have numbers on our side.
*The camera pans over to Lysithea, Hilda, Raphael, and Marianne.*
Light Raphael: Yup! More than half of the old Golden Deer house is here!
Light Marianne: Some of us may not be quite as "great" as you say, but... Well, you know best.
Lighr Claude: I'm grateful to each of you for answering the call. It's more than I can say for some of our classmates.
Light Raphael: Yeah, Light Ignatz and Light Lorenz both sided with the enemy...
Light Lysithea: … About that. It pains me to say this, but House Light Ordelia has made its allegiance to the Shadow Empire clear. It was against my light parents' protests that I came here in the first place. If this battle doesn't unfold the way you're hoping, I may be forced to leave as quickly as I arrived.
Light Hilda: That's OK, Light Lysithea. You're not the only one who's here with strings attached.
Light Marianne: Yes, my adoptive father has also insisted I return home at once should the tides turn against us.
Light Claude: Sounds about right. (sad) Three cheers for that good old Light Alliance solidarity!
Light Raphael: I'll fight with you to the end, Light Claude! Uh, unless it puts Light Maya in danger. Then I'm out.
Light Claude: Look, what matters is that you're all here—and that we settle this war with the next battle. Also, for full disclosure, I may have sort of brought along some extra professional muscle. Come on in!
*Light Claude looks to his left as Grey Bileth enters the room.*
Grey Bileth: It's good to meet you. I'm the acting Representation of the Kingdom.
Light Claude: Our guest here is fresh off another battle with the Shadow Empire on L8ght Kingdom soil. From what I gather, remaining in the Light Kingdom was no longer an option with us being their allies. And that's when our paths crossed here in Light Alliance territory.
Light Hilda: Oh, hello. I know "reliable" when I see it, and you are definitely that!
Grey Bileth: I'll do whatever you ask as long as we're allied. I won't fail you.
*At The Shadow Imperial Camp, Shadow Edelgard meets with her commanders in the conference room.*
Shadow Edelgard: All right, let's begin our council. As you've no doubt heard from our scouts, the path from here to Light Derdriu will be fraught with difficulties.
Shadow Hubert: The Light Alliance has constructed fortalices and palisades, and laid other traps to slow our progress. In addition, they are plotting ambushes at key positions along the way. Needless to say, we will not be able to avail ourselves of the direct route.
Shadow Dorothea: But if we try to dance around all their traps, we'll never make it in time.
Shadow Linhardt: Yes, but this is Count Shadow Bergliez we're talking about. He could probably stretch his soldiers a few extra days through sheer force of will.
Shadow Hubert: I would normally write off such an idea as lunacy, but sadly, it will likely come to that. We have made attempts to smuggle provisions to Count Shadow Bergliez through holes in the enemy lines, but this has met with little success.
Shadow Bernadetta: They must be so hungry... I know just how that feels. The struggle to get food when all you want to do is hide under the covers? Hello, old friend.
Shadow Ferdinand: I mean no offense, but if time is truly so short, why do we waste it dithering in council? We should embark on our rescue mission straightaway!
Shadow Shez: Yeah, what're we waiting for? We're their only hope!
Shadow Caspar: I agree! Less talking, more saving!
Shadow Edelgard: Calm down, all of you. Such rash action is exactly what Light Claude is counting on.
Shadow Monica: So we must take the safe route, but do so as quickly as possible. A "best of both worlds" situation, I suppose. Understood.
Shadow Edelgard: Good. With that decided, let's move on and discuss our preferred formation...
*After The Council Meeting, Shadow Shez talks to Shadow Edelgard.*
Shadow Edelgard: Light Claude has been causing me no end of trouble. He truly is a cunning adversary. Come to think of it, that particular quality stretches back to his student days. He appears suddenly and with an easy smile that reveals nothing, yet the entire time he is scheming to outwit you. Tell me, what's your impression of the man.
Shadow Shez: He seems like a nice, easy-going sort of fellow—especially for a noble.
Shadow Edelgard: A positive evaluation indeed. But perhaps not all that surprising.
*Shadow Shez then talks to Shadow Hubert.*
Shadow Hubert: Honestly, my greatest concern right now is the situation on the Kingdom side of matters. Especially as my reports claim Count Light Rowe gives no indication of further betrayal. Also, General Shadow Randolph appears to be doing well. The man has ambition to spare, and is beloved by his subordinates. He rather reminds me of yourself.
*Shadow Shez Then Talks To Shadow Ferdinand and Light Lorenz.*
Shadow Ferdinand: Light Lorenz, I am simply overjoyed that you have decided to fight on the side of the Empire.
Light Lorenz: Still your joy, Shadow Ferdinand. A defeated man makes no decisions—he simply does as he is told.
Shadow Ferdinand: Even so, you were clever enough to read the winds of war and stop fighting before it was too late.
Light Lorenz: To fight in vain is to bring suffering upon one's people. That is a thought neither I nor my father could ever stomach.
Shadow Shez: No need for the false humility. Not many people could make the call you did.
Shadow Ferdinand: Exactly! And now, we two will henceforth show the world the true spirit of the nobility!
Light Lorenz: Delightful words. I will return the favor of my life by fighting alongside you all.
*Shadow Shez talks To Shadow Linhardt.*
Shadow Linhardt: I recently received an unusual letter from my father regarding the Minister of Military Affairs. He says this is an opportunity to have the man in my debt, and entreats me to do my utmost to rescue him. I find the whole thing quite odd. They dislike each other as much as ever, yet still maintain a deep concern for one another.
Shadow Shez: They seem like a rather cunning pair—maybe their whole "not getting along" thing was just for show.
Shadow Linhardt: I can't fathom what purpose deceiving so many people would have. Why go to the trouble? Well, it's nothing to me. If they wish to play politics, they can have their fun.
*Shadow Shez then talks to Shadow Caspar.*
Shadow Caspar: I've gotta get stronger—but I also need to start using my head more! War isn't just about two sides smashing into each other—much as I'd like it to be. You've also got sieges, rescues, logistics, defense, and so much more.
Shadow Shez: Good point. I better sharpen my thinking as well.
Shadow Caspar: Say, why don't we do it together? We'll work our bodies with hours of training and our minds by reviewing battle tactics. Whaddya say?
*Shadow Shez Then Talks to Shadow Bernadetta.*
Shadow Bernadetta: You know what? I kinda like sieges. I mean, think about it! You get to stay nice and cozy in some castle of whatever? It sounds great! Oh, but then there's the part where the enemy cuts off your supply lines and tries to starve you out, huh... Nope! Never mind! Go away, sieges!
Shadow Shez: Uh...OK then.
*Shadow Shez Then Talks to Shadow Dorothea.*
Shadow Dorothea: Sometimes I wonder if this war is merely some grand opera that takes place on the stage of Grey Fódlan. It's a dramatic portrayal of life and death where everyone's hopes and dreams come crashing into one another. It's almost like we're part of someone else's script.
Shadow Shez: Yeah, I dunno. I don't think we'd fight as hard if we thought the outcome had already been decided. Sure, there's a lot of drama and action going on, but we're the only ones who can determine how this whole thing is going to end.
Shadow Dorothea: Well said. In truth, I think I wanted you to disagree.
*Shadow Shez then talks to Shadow Petra.*
Shadow Petra: I am sensing little unity in the Light Alliance. What could be the reason? They are having many lords, but each of them are doing whatever they please. I am wondering if a region requires a leader such as an emperor or other monarch in order to function.
*Shadow Shez Then talks to Shadow Monica.*
Shadow Monica: As one would expect from the territory of the house that leads the Light Alliance, Lighr Riegan is well-prepared for any and all possibilities. They've even shown signs of preparing for an invasion of the Empire. You think Light Claude is plotting something else? Because if so...
Shadow Shez: Didn't Edelgard tell you to stop overthinking things? Let's just deal with the problems we know are in front of us and save the "maybe" stuff for another day.
Shadow Monica: That's...not really what I expected you to say, actually. But good advice regardless!
*Shadow Shez Then talks To Light Ignatz.*
Light Ignatz: ...
Shadow Shez: Gotta say, having you House Gloucester types back on our side again is reassuring.
Light Ignatz: It's an honor to hear that. I look forward to fighting at your side.
*Shadow Shez Then talks to Grey Balthus.*
Grey Balthus: Well, look who it is! The big bad sellsword folks just can't stop talking about. Heard the shadow emperor went and made you a shadow general, yeah? Bet that put some coin in your pocket!
Shadow Shez: Funny thing about money—the more you have, the more you seem to find yourself spending.
Grey Balthus: Haha! You sound like me! I love it! Now let's make sure we both get outta this mess in one piece so we can spend that coin, eh?
*Shadow Shez then talks to Grey Constance.*
Grey Constance: This has nothing whatsoever to do with me... But I was incredibly relieved that House Gloucester did not meet with ruin.
Shadow Shez: This have something to do with your house?
Grey Constance: please don't shout it aloud for the world to hear! Though yes, you have seen to the core of me... Still, I feel certain that my house will see its own revival one day.
*Shadow Shez Then Talks To Grey Hapi.*
Grey Hapi: I think this might be my first time going into Light Alliance territory. It's fun to discover new things. Like, did you know there might be some trees that only grow here?
Shadow Shez: You like trees?
Hapi: Sure do. Or to be more specific, I like the berries that fall off of them—or anything else that tastes good.
*Shadow Shez Then Talks to Shadow Manuela.*
Shadow Manuela: *Practicing singing* Oh, dear. So terribly sorry. Just checking the condition of my throat, is all!
*Shadow Shez Stares at her unblinking.*
Shadow Manuela: Er, you're not saying anything. Are you all right? Do you need medical aid, perhaps? Or perhaps you were transfixed by my beauty and lovely voice! It happens a lot, I'm afraid.
Shadow Monica: *sees this and her heart jumps in her chest, Making her Think…* Why did my heart jump?
*Shadow Shez then talks to Shadow Jeritza.*
Shadow Jeritza: Some say Count Shadow Bergliez is the strongest man in the Empire. Perhaps he can slay me if we cross blades.
Shadow Shez: Uh, our job is to help Count Shadow Bergliez, so maybe slow down on all this duel talk.
Shadow Jeritza: Only a jest, I assure you.
*Shadow Shez then talks to Shadow Ladislava.*
Shadow Ladislava: I thank you for your assistance on the Great Bridge of Myrddin. I volunteered to take up the vanguard, yet ended up deceived by the enemy's actions and was cut off. I do hope that troublesome Count Gloucester remains in quiet retirement going forward.
*Shadow Shez Then Talks to Grey Anna.*
Gret Anna: Hello there, friend! What are you looking for today? Not sure I've got anything stocked in the way of "tools for breaking a brutal siege," sadly. Still, I'd be in a real mess if I lost a valued customer like you, so take your time and look around!
*Shadow Shez Then Talks to Shadow Arval.*
Shadow Arval: She wants to change the world, does she? How amusing. And what do you think of this idea of hers?
Shadow Shez: I definitely wanna try and make it happen, if we can.
Shadow Arval: Is that so? But even if you manage to change things, there's no guarantee such actions will bring about the bright future you desire.
*Shadow Shez then talks to The Shadow Imperial Soldier near the Common Area.*
Shadow Imperial Soldier: You the commander I've heard about? The one lifted up from the commonfolk and given authority? Some folks say you aren't even from the Shadow Empire. Regardless, your being here is good news for me—means a rought-and-tumble lady like myself might actually end up with a promotion someday!
*Shadow Shez then talks to the Grey Mercenary by the Campfire.*
Grey Mercenary: Heya! I'm from Grey Abyss, the place under Grey Garreg Mach. Basically, I crawled outta the same hole as Grey Hapi and Grey Constance. I'm here 'cause the Shadow Imperial army's recruitin' bodies. But the pay's good and the rations are plentiful, so you won't hear me complain!
*Shadow Shez then talks to Light Alliance General in the Marketplace.*
Light Alliance General: I am a knight of House Light Gloucester. Lord Light Lorenz ordered me to come here and join your ranks. The previous count, Light Erwin, has long desired to stand above the ruling House Light Riegan. Though we now serve the Shadow Empire, it seems were are fated to share a relationship with their house.
*Shadow Shez Then talks to the Grey Gatekeeper.*
Grey Gatekeeper: Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report! Count Shadow Bergliez's forces are right in front of us, but our march is going to still take a while longer. It's driving me up the wall! Sure wish there was something I could do. Well, guess I'll just hunker down and keep on keeping on. No enemies are getting in here, I swear it!
*Shadow Shez then talks to the Shadow Imperial Soldier in the Command Center.*
Shadow Imperial Soldier: I was dispatched from the capital as a messenger. And honestly, the mood here at the front is much better than I expected it to be. I was pretty worried about the Shadow Minister of Military Affairs being in such a tricky spot, you know? But now I can return to the capital with my mind at ease. May the tides of battle flow in your favor!
*Shadow Shez then talks to the Shadow Imperial Soldier near the Blacksmith.*
Shadow Imperial Soldier: I've found myself wondering if Her Majesty couldn't have us advance at greater speed. And yet we continue our careful, plodding pace, holding both banks of the Airmid as we do. Perhaps she is more cautious than expected. Or perhaps... Ah, no. Forget I said anything.
*Shadow Shez then is forced to talk to The Shadow Imperial Pegasus Knight in the Central Plaza.*
Shadow Imperial Pegasus Knight: You there! You recognize me, yes? Don't tell me you were trying to slip by without giving proper respects! It boggles the mind to think a commoner like you would ignore a highborn baron such as myself. Hmm? You wonder how I pinpointed your baseborn nature? Your aura and stench tell me all I need to know. Hmph!
Shadow Byleth: He and I don't know that.  Shadow Shez doesn't know because he Wasn't born in the Shadow Empire.
Shadow Imperial Pegasus Knight: Sorry then, Commander.
*Shadow Shez then talks to the Shadow Imperial Priest in the Central Plaza.*
Shadow Imperial Priest: Light Claude makes much trouble for us. He oversaw the recapture of the bridge, and commanded the siege of the Imperial army as it attacked Leicester. Though it pains me to do so, I would be a liar if I did anything but acknowledge his ability. I imagine the man has earned a nickname of his own by this point. Perhaps the Light Master Tactician?
*Shadow Shez then talks to the Shadow Imperial General at the Training Grounds.*
Shadow Imperial General: Why aren't we advancing more quickly?! When I think about how Shadow  Leopold and our allies are in danger... Ugh, it really makes me mad! We're going to help them, no matter what!
*Then Shadow Shez goes to Sleep while waiting. Shadow Shez suddenly wakes up in Shadow Arval's dimension again.*
Shadow Shez: Huh? What's... Oh, it's a dream.
Shadow Arval: Why do you always settle for such simple reasoning? You know this is more than a fabrication of your sleep-addled mind! Our first reunion in who knows how long, and you try to write me off as a figment of your imagination? Hmph!
Shadow Shez: Sorry about that—though I was definitely asleep last I checked. Anyway, what do you want?
Shadow Arval: To warn you. Something is troubling me. Eating away at me, actually. I can't quite put my finger on it, but I can sense a presence closing in on you. A dangerous one.
Shadow Shez: The Grey Ashen Demon, right? This wouldn't be your first warning about that one.
Shadow Arval: Mmm, that might be it... Perhaps the two of you will square off in battle soon.
Shadow Shez: Good. Because this time, I'm gonna win. I have to. Fortunately, I'm pretty used to these powers of yours by now.
Shadow Arval: Then I'll let myself stay just a tiny bit optimistic. Just don't forget that your opponent has had as much time to grow as you. Your future isn't the only one at stake here—the Demon could also put an end to Shadow Edelgard's vision with as little as one swing of a sword. Whatever happens, we can't let all our hard work be undone!
Shadow Shez: Since when have you been such a worrier? I've got this, trust me.
Shadow Arval: What do you mean? I'm always worried about you! After all, you're my--
Shadow Shez: Yeah, yeah, I'm your "partner in destiny."
Shadow Arval: *laughs* I finally got you to say it! How wonderful!
*Shadow Shez, Shadow Edelgard, Shadow Hubert, and Shadow Monica meet outside the battlefield.*
Shadow Hubert: I knew Count Shadow Bergliez was formidable, but I clearly did not give the man enough credit. I thought for certain he would've fallen by now, and yet here we are.
Shadow Edelgard: If we're handing out credit, Light Claude deserves some as well. Maintaining a siege for this long takes its own toll on morale. Yet his troops remain disciplined, well-positioned, and ready to engage us.
Shadow Monica: One advantage to a siege is mobility—they can deploy soldiers up and down the line as needed to keep the upper hand. In other words, they are outfitted with many highly mobile units, which means they can respond quickly to enemy reinforcements as well.
Shadow Edelgard: If we rush in blindly and are driven back, it would likely break our allies' spirits for good. Not even Count Shado2 Bergliez would be able to rally them again. Surrender would be the only option.
Shadow Shez: Ngh...
Shadow Arval: Why are they wavering now when we're so close? We're not looking to win the war today—we just have to break the siege!
Shadow Shez: We should attack their lines at multiple positions. We don't need to win the battle—we just need them to break formation long enough for the count and his troops to get out of there.
Shadow Hubert: Well, this is new. You are not often one to give voice to your opinions on tactics. Still, you have struck the proverbial nail on the head. That is exactly how we must proceed.
Shadow Edelgard: Then it's decided. I look forward to your exploits on the battlefield. Today, we free our Shadow Imperial allies and reward their continued valor in the face of impossible odds!
*At the start of battle, Shadow Shez Surprisingly for some reason deploy everyone…*
Shadow Edelgard: Count Shadow Bergliez controls the stronghold in the center of the plain, but the enemy has him completely cut off from aid. Our goal is to break the siege so he and his troops can evacuate safely.
Light Claude: So much for securing a surrender before reinforcements arrive. Well, you all know what to do. Engage the enemy!
Shadow Caspar: There's no time for the delicate approach. Let's tear into 'em from all sides!
Shadow Hubert: There can be no victory this day if we do not rescue both Bergliez and his troops.
*When Light Ignatz encounters Light Raphael)
Light Raphael: I'm itchin' to show what my muscles can do. Now, who... Huh? Oh, hey, Light Ignatz!
Light Ignatz: I don't want to kill you, Light Raphael...so I'm just going to have to knock some sense into you instead!
*When Light Raphael's HP reach <= 50%*
Light Raphael: Ugh, this is rough. My body's crying out for a break!
*When Light Raphael is defeated*
Light Ignatz: You don't have to do this, Light Raphael. Think about Maya! She needs you, remember?
Light Raphael: Hey, no fair! But...all right, Light Ignatz. I'm in, but only 'cause it's you!
Count Shadow Bergliez: *to his generals* Her Majesty comes to rescue us! I know your spirits are weary, but rekindle them now with whatever spark of hope remains in your soul!
*When Light Lorenz encounters Light Marianne*
Light Lorenz: Light Marianne! What are you doing on the front lines? Stand down!
Light Marianne: No! I can't abandon my friends while they all fight for their lives!
Shadow Edelgard: Aren't negotiations with Margrave Light Edmund still ongoing? Perhaps we can win Light Marianne over to our side.
*When Light Marianne's HP reach <= 50%*
Light Marianne: What does it matter if I die...
*When Marianne is defeated*
Light Lorenz: I cannot bear to strike you down, Light Marianne. Please surrender—your father will understand.
Light Marianne: You're right. My adoptive father would want me to lay down my arms, not my life.
Shadow Ferdinand: We have broken through! Continue pushing!
Shadow Edelgard: We must secure an exit for our allies. Taking down those strongholds will drive a wedge into their siege.
Shadow Petra: There are two strongholds. We must deploy our forces with cleverness to be taking both.
*When Shadow Shez And Shadow Monica encounters Light Hilda.*
Light Hilda: Look, I really need to hold this line, so why don't you just leave and we'll call it a day?
*When Light Ignatz encounters Light Hilda.*
Light Ignatz: I knew this was coming, but it still hurts to fight my old friends...
Light Hilda: You serve House Light Gloucester. What did you expect?
*When Grey Balthus encounters Light Hilda*
Grey Balthus: Uh oh! You're not here with... OK, whew! No Light Holst. Now scram already, will ya? Get outta here while you still can!
Light Hilda: Oh, I will, Grey Baltie—right after you explain why you're fighting for the Empire! You know Light Holst is never gonna let you live this down!
*When Light Hilda's HP reach <= 50%*
Light Hilda: I can't mess this up—not when everyone's counting on me...
*When Light Hilda is defeated*
Light Claude: Get outta there, Light Hilda! We can't lose you!
Light Hilda: Yeah, all right... Sorry!
Shadow Edelgard: Our allies are nearly within reach! Clear out the enemy soldiers in those strongholds!
Shadow Monica: A detachment of white mages stands ready to mend our wounded comrades.
Shadow Edelgard: Now! Heal Count Shadow Bergliez's forces!
Shadow Bergliez General: *after being healed* Thank you!
*When Shadow Edelgard and Shadow Byleth encounters Light Lysithea.*
Light Lysithea: All right, here they come... But I came here to fight, and I won't back down!
Shadow Hubert: House Light Ordelia has already offered us their allegiance, which means Light Lysithea is here of her own accord.
*When Grey Balthus encounters Lysithea*
Grey Balthus: Whoa! Hold on! I can't fight you! You're from House Light Ordelia!
Light Lysithea: Well, don't expect me to hold back just because you do.
*When Light Lorenz encounters Light Lysithea*
Light Lorenz: I do not understand your motives, Light Lysithea. Why do you go against your house's wishes?
Light Lysithea: My decisions are my own, Light Lorenz—and there are some sacrifices I simply won't make.
*When Light Ignatz encounters Light Lysithea.*
Light Ignatz: Please, stand down, Lysithea. There's no reason for us to fight!
Light Lysithea: I don't remember asking your opinion!
*When Light Lysithea's HP reach <= 50%*
Light Lysithea: Not bad. No, not bad at all.
*When Light Lysithea is defeated*
Shadow Edelgard: I've heard about what was done to you, Light Lysithea. And as one who understands that intimately, I ask you to join my cause.
Light Lysithea: You, too... Yes, all right. I'll hear you out.
*When a unit reaches Count Shadow Bergliez*
Count Shadow Bergliez: Ah, but it does my heart good to see you! Pray take care of my troops.
Shadow Linhardt: Now then, if they'll just be kind enough to let us escape this way...
Light Claude: The siege is coming apart at the seams... Deploy the reinforcements! Fill those gaps!
Shadow Monica: They're trying to shore up areas where we've thinned their ranks. Don't let that happen!
*When Shadow Caspar approaches Count Shadow Bergliez.*
Count Shadow Bergliez: Well met, my son. For the first time in my life, I thought my end had come for me.
Shadow Caspar: Yeah. I've never seen you in such bad shape. You look half-dead!
*When Shadow Edelgard approaches Count Shadow Bergliez*
Count Shadow Bergliez: I'm humbled you came for me personally, Your Shadow Majesty.
Shadow Edelgard: You can thank me once we're clear of this place. Now ready your troops for retreat.
*When Shadow Petra approaches Count Shadow Bergliez*
Count Shadow Bergliez: It surprises me to see you among the ranks of my rescuers.
Shadow Petra: Do not be having the wrong idea. I am helping the Shadow Empire, not you.
Shadow Ferdinand: Good, they're wide open. Push through! We must reach Count Shadow Bergliez!
*After defeating two of the generals attacking Count Shadow Bergliez*
Light Alliance Soldier near the Farming Village Hut: All right, you asked for it... Target their forts and crush their reinforcements!
Shadow Caspar: They've got catapults! We have to stop 'em!
*When The Farming Village Hut is seized*
Shadow Bernadetta: So, I don't want to panic anyone, but they're still hurling boulders at us!
*When The Devastated Farmland is seized*
Shadow Linhardt: Well, that was a delight. Maybe we can stop and rest for a few here?
*When all of the enemies surrounding Count Shadow Bergliez are defeated*
Count Shadow Bergliez: The siege is broken, men! Your courage and perseverance have been rewarded!
Shadow Edelgard: The way is open! Move as one, and defend the count and soldiers as we go!
Light Claude: You think I'm just gonna let you slink out of here? Ha! I'm already two steps ahead!
Grey Jeralt: Sorry, Light Claude.  Grey Bileth and Light Timmy are fighting.  We will be taking over now through.
*Grey Jeralt and his Grey mercenaries appear to the south and west and They appear to be on a purple side.*
Shadow Byleth: Father, you are your own side now?
Grey Jeralt: Right you are. It is led by Light Timmy and Light Annette.
Light Claude: They Took a coliseum from us for removing Those Who Shadow Slither In The Dark from the territory which is why Light Timmy Took That Territory it turns out. It was Light Tanner was a Those Who Shadow Slither In The Dark Member named Thanaton.
Shadow Scileth: How disgraceful.
*Meanwhile Grey Bileth And Light Timmy are battling far away.*
Grey Bileth: What is your deal, Light Timmy?
Light Timmy: There are Some Evil Doers.  Light Annette, Use The Light Magic To Reveal Them.
*At The Back Of Purple Interlopers Base, Light Annette casts a spell and a third Of Claude's Forces Turn to The Green Team. Tyson The Leader Of The Green Team takes the Northeastern Stronghold And Secures it for The Green Team..*
Shadow Edelgard: They've cut off our escape and... Oh no. Look who's with them.
Shadow Shez: We won't put a dent in Jeralt's company with the numbers he has. I vote we rush Claude's main position or Those Who Shadow Slither In The Dark's Main Position instead.
Shadow Hubert: It would indeed catch All 3 other Sides by surprise—but do we flank from the left or right?
Shadow Monica: Either way, let's choose a path and clear out anyone foolish enough to stand before us!!
Shadow Hubert: The count's soldiers we saved could be of great use if we place them under his command.
Count Shadow Bergliez: With this many troops, I can finally turn the tide. Time to wipe the smug grin off that Alliance kid's face!
Shadow Hubert: So much for choosing which side to flank. It seems we must follow the count's lead.
Count Shadow Bergliez: Her Shado2 Majesty has given us a chance to escape! Rush the enemy and smash the Alliance to splinters!
Shadow Edelgard: I hope the count isn't doing what I think he's doing... Everyone, stay with him!
Light Claude: Wait, what?! They're going the wrong way!
*Count Shadow Bergliez and his troops go northeast and reach what appears to be a dead end.*
Count Shadow Bergliez: No Shadow Bergliez goes the long way round—we smash through and make our own path!
*The Shadow count smashes the wall to pieces with Shadow Járngreipr, opening a shortcut through the mountain straight to Light Claude's base.*
Light Claude: Is he nuts? That's not even a proper path... Is he just coming straight for us?!
Shadow Hubert: This strategy makes no sense at all, which is exactly why I think it may work.
*When Count Shadow Bergliez reaches any escape point*
Shadow Edelgard: We're nearly clear of the battlefield. Just one more push and... Oh no.
*Suddenly Grey Bileth warps ahead of the Shadow Imperial Army by Shadow Magic.*
Grey Bileth: How I get here?
*Tyson Chuckles. Suddenly Light Annette Warps Light Timmy To The Eastern Forts.*
Light Annette: You shouldn't Have Done that Tyson.
*Light Timmy Then Slashes his Creator Whip Across The Entire Map removing all green side units except Tyson and Taking their Forts, chuckling after.*
Tyson: Argh. This isn't over. *He Warps out of there.*
Grey Bileth: Ah, that's It eh? Anyway, It won't do to have you slip our grasp now.
Shado2 Edelgard: The Ashen Demon. Clever of Light Claude to keep this little surprise for the moment it would matter most...
Count Shadoq Bergliez: I'll handle the grey mercenary! The rest of you press on. Don't stop, no matter what!
*Light Claude opens the Enemy Base gate.*
Count Shadow Bergliez: You'll never get a better crack at the alliance's leadership, Your Shadow Majesty! Hit them with all you have! Leave nothing on the battlefield!
Shadow Edelgard: Count Shadow Bergliez is keeping the Ashen Demon busy, which means now is our chance to strike at Light Claude!
Grey Jeralt: They're avoiding us entirely and attacking the main position instead. Looks like someone over there has half a brain after all...
Light Alois: Hmm? They're attacking the main position? But that's not... Urgh! I have to go help them!
*When Shadow Shez approaches Light Claude*
Light Claude: So you're the one who's messing up all of my clever plans!
Shadow Shez: Hey, I just work here—but you're gonna make a nice trophy for the Shadow Emperor.
*When Shadow Edelgard approaches Light Claude*
Shadow Edelgard: Light Claude, can't you just play nice until I achieve what I set out to do?
Light Claude: Funny—I was gonna ask you that. But I'm guessing the answer's the same for both of us.
*When Shadow Hubert approaches Light Claude*
Shadow Hubert: While you never fail to surpass expectations, it seems the element of surprise was with Count Shadow Bergliez today.
Light Claude: Right? I hit the guy hard enough to break him a dozen times over and he still kept coming. He's more nightmare than man!
*When Light Lorenz approaches Light Claude*
Light Claude: I'm sad it's come to this, Light Lorenz.
Light Lorenz: And yet even as you speak those words, you seek an opening to strike at me. I know you well, Light Claude.
*When Light Ignatz approaches Light Claude*
Light Claude: Never too late to do the right thing, Light Ignatz. Come back to us.
Light Ignatz: Stop trying to sway me, Light Claude! It's not going to work!
*When Light Claude's HP reach <= 50%*
Light Claude: They've got me cornered! Better think fast...
*When Light Claude is defeated.*
Claude: That's all I can take. Let's see if our new Kingdom Representative is worth all that gold.
Count Bergliez: I must be getting old... Enough! I'm falling back!
Light Timmy: Time to go. (retreats)
Shadow Hubert: We have reinforcements watching the escape route. They will hold The Light Kingdom at bay.
Shadow Edelgard: Which just leaves the Ashen Demon. We're close to the finish now, so let's take whatever time we need and do this right.
Shadow Monica: Their clash with Count Shadow Bergliez has left the Demon weary—this could be our best chance to crush that pest for good.
*When Shadow Shez approaches Grey Bileth*
Grey Bileth: How many times have we fought now? Either way, this will be the last.
Shadow Shez: You're right about that. I'm not letting you leave here alive, Ashen Demon!
*When Grey Bileth's HP reach <= 50%*
Grey Bileth: The Empire has grown strong...
*Shadow Shez, in his Awakened form, attempts to attack Grey Bileth with one of their swords, but Grey Bileth activates Divine Pulse, disappearing for a second before reappearing and punching Shadow Shez in the solar plexus, flinging them backward onto the ground. Grey Bileth, also Awakened, slowly walks up to Shadow Shez and points her sword at them. Grey Sothis begins to speak to through her vessel.*
Grey Bileth: Such vexing arrogance for one so small. Perhaps you truly are one of their descendants. In any event, you labored to destroy my vessel, did you not? That is a deed most foul...
*After another Divine Pulse activation, Grey Bileth appears behind Shadow Shez and attacks.*
Grey Bileth: One you will pay for with your life!
*Shadow Shez dodges the first blow, but Grey Bileth teleports and attacks again.*
Grey Bileth: You cannot hope to win so bound in flesh. Pitiful.
Shadow Arval: *to Shadow Shez* This isn't a fight you can win. Get out of there!
*Shadow Shez stumbles and runs away as Grey Bileth continues to walk toward them.*
Grey Bileth: You can run all you like...
*Grey Bileth begins to resist Grey Sothis' control over them, causing them to double over, clutching their chest*
Grey Bileth: Why do you...fight me...
*Grey Bileth begins to speak in their own voice again.*
Grey Bileth: Why, Grey Sothis?
*In Light Riegan Territory, Light Claude and Light Hilda meet after the battle.*
Light Hilda: I'm sorry, Light Claude. They were too much for us.
Light Claude: It's all right, Light Hilda. Well, it's not, but I knew this was a possible outcome. I was hoping the terrain might let us hold, but against that many soldiers deployed that skillfully... It just wasn't enough.
Light Hilda: You sound sad. It's a little weird.
Light Claude: Can you blame me? Look at how many people have died because I decided to fight this war. Maybe I should've just let the Empire have their way...
Light Hilda: My light father and the others never would've accepted that. You had to throw everything you had at the enemy at least once, or they'd think you were a coward forever.
Light Claude: Wow, Light Hilda. I didn't think you'd picked up on all of that. But yeah, that's pretty much it. Too bad everything I had still wasn't enough.
Light Hilda: Well, the next step is to put our heads together and figure out what to do next.
Light Claude: I hope you don't mind if I lean on you and that brother of yours for support. *looks up at sky* Light Leicester's roundtable is overdue for some big changes...
*On the other side of the battlefield, Count Shadow Bergliez meets with Shadow Edelgard and Shadow Hubert.*
Count Shadow Bergliez: *bows to Shadow Edelgard* Again, Your Shadow Majesty, you've got my deepest thanks for rescuing us. And since my lack of foresight's to blame, let me apologize again for what happened.
Shadow Edelgard: I will not hear of it, Count Shadow Bergliez. Had any but you been in command, I would be collecting corpses right now instead of thanks. I failed to see what Duke Light Riegan and Count Light Gloucester were plotting—the blame is mine alone. So I will hear no more self-reproach from you. Go now and rest those weary bones.
Count Shadow Bergliez: I'm grateful for the kindness, Your Shadow Majesty. Honestly, this experience shook me more than you might realize. I never would've made it through without the brave men and women who serve me. They're the ones who deserve your praise.
Shadow Edelgard: Understood. I will see they are duly rewarded. Shadow Hubert, summon Shadow Monica and have that put in writing as an official decree.
*Shadow Hubert bows.*
Shadow Edelgard: And now, I want to know how we are faring with our efforts in the Kingdom...
*Meanwhile Shadow Shez and Shadow Arval Talk.*
Shadow Shez: And here I thought we'd won.
Shadow Arval: As did I.
Shadow Shez: Who knew the Ashen Demon had that kind of strength? Not that I'm making excuses. You gave me power of my own and it still wasn't close to enough.
Shadow Arval: That's not true.
Shadow Shez: Of course it is! What am I even up against here? It's like I looked away for one second and suddenly I was facing someone else entirely.
Shadow Arval: Hmm, that would explain what was troubling me before. That is the unique danger I sensed. Still, you can win this fight. I know you can! And I'll do whatever I can to make it so. We'll claim victory over that monster together!
Shadow Shez: You know what? You're right. I'll be strong enough one day if I just keep at it. Still, "one day" could be years from now at this rate. We should probably think of a backup plan. And hey, Light Timmy's a mercenary, right? Might be best for the Empire to toss some coin their way and put the rivalry behind us.
Shadow Arval: You want to hire that thing?! Seriously? Fighting side by side with Light Timmy? Are you mad?
Shadow Shez: You make it sound like the worst idea in the world. We have a war to win here, remember. Gotta keep an open mind.
Shadow Arval: Ah, I understand now. You've witnessed your adversary's true strength, and convinced yourself you cannot win. But trust me, you don't need to worry. You'll get stronger soon, I promise. So maybe don't go relinquishing your prey just yet. After all, I desire nothing more than to see you achieve your goals.
Shadow Shez: Nrgh…  No, we just need more allies.
*At The Throne of Knowledge, Grey Sothis meets with Grey Bileth at the Throne of Knowledge, angry at Grey Bileth for resisting her control.*
Grey Sothis: A glove does not defy the hand, and yet you've done just that. Grey Sothis is my name—yet I am also called The Beginning. I am Grey progenitor and mother to all who call Grey Fódlan home.
Grey Bileth: I know who you are, Grey Sothis.  The thing is the power he has Is Shadow Shamabalan In Origin but he is unaffected by the curse and Shadow Edelgard and Shadow Byleth see this.
Grey Sothis: You strike a point. You stand before my throne. If you so wish, then take a seat! But know then that your flesh is mine to wield. You lack the power to resist.
Grey Byleth: My flesh? What are you saying?
Grey Sothis: You should not have interfered! I could have cut that wretch down with a stroke. Oh, that one vexes me so. When next we meet, I must step in and deal with them myself. It is quite clear that you cannot my power safely wield. Do I speak plain?
Grey Bileth: Not in the slightest. I have so many questions...
???: Hey, lazy bones! Get up already!
*In The Light Mountains, Light Alliance Territory, Light Claude wakes Grey Bileth up.*
Light Claude: You sure you're all right? You don't seem like yourself.
Grey Bileth: I'm fine. Just a strange dream.
Light Claude: Like the ones you used to have?
Grey Bileth: Yes. But this time, we talked.
Light Claude: Huh?
Grey Sothis: You fool! That was no dream!
Grey Bileth: Ngh!
Light Claude: What's wrong!
Grey Bileth: Nothing. Wait, didn't you...
Grey Sothis: Do you lack wits? My voice is not for him! Whenever I speak, it is for you alone.
Grey Bileth: On second thought, I think there is something wrong. I mean, my hair's still a different color, right?
Light Claude: Yes, and your eyes, too. How that happened is beyond me. Anyway, we lost the battle, so probably best to wave this place good-bye and find somewhere to rest up.
Grey Sothis: Is that a fact?
Grey Bileth: Actually, I think I'd feel more comfortable staying here on the battlefield a while longer. I just need to swing my sword around, get my head on straight. Don't worry, I'll be fine.
Light Claude: If you say so. But if it gets any worse, tell me or one of your kingdom buddies.
*At The Grey Great Bridge of Myrddin, Shadow Edelgard meets with her commanders outside of the Great Bridge.*
Shadow Edelgard: Shadow Hubert, if you would.
Shadow Hubert: Of course, Your Shadow Majesty. Let me apprise you all as to what is going on. As you know, our talons have been sunk in our little Light Alliance problem for some time now. But now we must deal with the Light Kingdom, which has sent an army to claim the heads of Count Light Rowe and any others who came over to our side. However, Light Rowe is seated at Light Arianrhod, the Fortress City—a citadel as hard to crack as Fort Light Merceus.
Shadow Linhardt: Ah, Light Arianrhod. The Silver Maiden.
Shadow Caspar: Seems sorta weird to call a big, hulking place like that a "maiden."
Shadow Dorothea: That's because she's as hard to get near as the purest of maidens. If you're still confused, that's your own problem.
Shadow Caspar: Yeah, I still don't get it.
Shadow Hubert: Our reports indicate that despite the strength of the Light Kingdom's army, they are still struggling to take the Fortress City. But, given enough time, they will—unless we send reinforcements. Therefore, we must direct our attention to the Light Kingdom once more.
Shadow Ferdinand: Will this constant bouncing between the Light Kingdom and Light Alliance not take its toll on our soldiers?
Shadow Edelgard: Who said we were taking our entire force? We will depart with Grey Garreg Mach with elite troops, then collect fresh units before proceeding west. Simultaneously, I plan to have Duke Shadow Gerth summon the western lords' soldiers and march toward the Fortress City. We will join up at that point and strike at the Light Kingdom's main force together. What say you to that?
Shadow Ferdinand: I would say it is the ideal strategy—at least on paper.
Shadow Bernadetta: OK, let's keep our optimism in check here. I mean, speaking from personal experience, nothing ever turns out the way you want it to.
Shadow Petra: Should we be having concern? If the plan is good, we will find success.
Shadow Monica: And the Light Alliance? They may attempt another one of their schemes while we're distracted.
Shadow Hubert: They will not. Her Shadow Majesty is taking a measured approach to resolving matters with Light Leicester. Count Shadow Bergliez is worn as thin as they are. We will have him set up camp at the Grey Great Bridge and continue negotiations from there. To our advantage, Light Gloucester's new count, Light Lorenz, has decided to join the Empire. Additionally, the daughters of Houses Light Ordelia and Light Edmund have been given leave to fight by our side. Besides, from what I hear, the light roundtable is too busy chewing itself apart to start any more trouble.
Shadow Edelgard: That leaves only the Knights of Grey Seiros to content with. The Minister of Religious Affairs will handle them.
Shadow Bernadetta: My father? But he's not capable of facing the knights.
Shadow Shez: I let the Ashen Demon outmaneuver me in the last battle... That won't happen again.
0 notes
jinxthejubilee · 2 years
Random Thoughts
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I'm full of family fluff today, so get ready for today's topic: How did all of the brothers meet in the Celestial Realm?
Warning: A bit of spoilers from the game, mostly from Seasons 3 and 4.
Now, we know all of the demon bros (discounting Satan) were extremely close when they were angels. However, for some of them, we've never been told exactly HOW they met.
Lucifer was put in charge of Mammon since Michael nor Raphael knew how to deal with/get close to him. Mostly due to the fact that according to Mammon himself:
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We still don't know what age Lucifer and Mammon were at the time that they first met, but from the sound of things, Lucifer was most likely the angelic equivalent of a teenager or a young adult, while Mammon was a preteen, maybe a teen? Maybe a bit older than Luke's age?
Apparently, Beel met or started to admire Lucifer after talking to him about his strength that he couldn't control at the time. Which is interesting!
Also, it's important to note that Mammon used to babysit the twins and Lilith, but I'm not sure what that implies. I'm certain that Lucifer had to have know all of them at a young age.
From what I can tell, most of the angels in the Celestial Realm know or have heard of each other, like a community of sorts.
So maybe Mammon volunteered or was assigned to look after Beel, Belphie, and Lilith, and he got attached along with Lucifer, Levi, and Asmo.
Speaking of Leviathan, I'm a firm believer that Levi was assigned to someone else, but he got so attached to Lucifer and Mammon that he became their brother instead.
Levi seems like the type to be extremely shy as a kid, so Mammon was probably the loud extrovert who came along and became his friend first, and then introduced him to Lucifer. [I have a whole sequence in my mind of Levi being absolutely terrified of Lucifer, with Mammon acting so mystified and impressed]. 🤣
Despite the fact that they argued a ton (and still do), I see Mammon and Levi being very close since they are about the same age.
Mammon would help his little brother out when it came to socializing and served as his voice sometimes, while still encouraging Levi to speak for himself.
As for Asmo, I'm not quite sure exactly. We've hardly gotten any clues about him, aside from the fact that he was always seen with Lucifer because of his beauty (his and Simeon's words, not mine!)
If I had to give a guess though, Asmo was most likely assigned to Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan when he was younger, hence why he has such a passionate outlook on them all compared to the rest.
He wasn't there at the very start, but he grew up with them all doting on him, which Asmo himself passed that doting behavior onto the twins and Lilith. Showering them with love! 🥰
Mammon and Leviathan were probably in charge of Asmo since Lucifer would be too busy, but he'd still get attention by his oldest brother almost every day when he'd see him, or when Asmo went looking for him.
Going back to Lilith and the twins, I have no idea how they got close in the first place.
The game hasn't told us anything about her overall history, and I'm assuming they never will.
But they have to have met young. That bond was as strong as steel, they had to have known each other for a LONG time.
So I'll give my best guess: after the twins were born and had grown up slightly (again, we don't know if they were ever babies or toddlers, but let's say they were), Lilith was born, and the moment the boys saw her in her little crib or play pen, it was all over. You guys know that look a toddler or a young kid gives when they're completely fascinated by something? Yeah that, that look times a million. And since then, they became the adorable, chaotic trio!
Author's note: Ignore the fact that Satan is in the picture above, yet I didn't talk about him. This was the only other angelic picture of brothers that I could find. Sorry Satan...😮‍💨
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certified-sloth · 3 years
I'm too excited to have Raphael so excuse me adding him in this post 😇
"What happens if I leave them one day?" You ask the angels hesitantly.
Raphael eyes your form as Simeon thinks of what he could answer with. The first one to speak was Raphael.
"I do not have the proper opinion to answer you with, especially since we've only met recently."
Simeon holds your hand carefully before smiling at you. "They would be very upset, MC." He started.
"Some of them will respect your decision if it were your choice, while some... will follow after you."
You raised an eyebrow, curious of who he meant. Raphael frowned at your ignorance as if you hadn't known the brothers since you've arrived here as one of the first exchange students.
Even he, a newcomer, knew what Simeon was trying to say.
"...he meant demons like Mammon." Raphael cleared for Simeon so that you would understand.
You froze in your place, remembering the scene of how he was desperately calling out your name during that incident with Belphie.
After that, he cried and never left your side for the entire week. No matter how many times Lucifer had scolded him.
If he was like that then, what would he be like if you left them without a trace either?
Like a parent abandoning their child who has grown attached to them.
"I can't imagine what lengths he would go through..." you muttered almost to yourself, yet both parties still heard you.
Raphael shook his head. "I heard the avatar of greed makes huge sacrifices, well... aside from his gambling."
Simeon glanced at the other for a moment before turning back to you. "What he meant to say is that Mammon would go through any length to be with you, so do the others."
Raphael watches your remaining interaction silently, since he knew he couldn't be much of an assistance to your doubts.
You thought to yourself for a moment. Their answers made sense, you're not sure why you would even ask this question at all.
It wasn't like you were going to disappear anytime soon, so wouldn't it be best to enjoy the time you have with them?
You thanked both of them and Raphael only gave you a small nod while Simeon smiled and offered you to stay longer since he was planning to bake pastries with Luke.
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Hi I have a request if you don't mind! How would they boys (individually) react if they found out that their s/o was asexual and sex repulsed after like almost a year of dating? The scenario is that they boys have been trying to making advances at their s/o but after being respectfully rejected several times they started to feel like they were the problem. S/o then comes out and tells them that they never mentioned it bc they were scared that they would loose intrest in the relationship. After talking it out, s/o then says that they would be willing to sleep with them bc they want to make the boys happy but that it will take a while before that happens. Hopefully this isn't too long! I just had a really specific ask haha ^ ^;; I hope you have a great day/night ❤
as an asexual I feel this so deeply, I'm always so worried to tell people I'm interested in that I'm ace in case they reject me straight off the bat.
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you've been together for a while, almost a year in fact
an nothing has happened between you guys....sexually.
Leo has been trying his hardest but you just won't take it to that level and honestly, it's starting to make him question things
are you grossed out by the fact that he's a mutant?
is *he* just ugly and you said yes to dating him as a pity thing?
what's wrong with him?
aside from the lack of sexual intimacy, you guys are perfect
cuddling, holding hands, romantic looks at each other and so on
but Leo really wants to take that extra leap
so one day he just takes up the courage to ask
"hey, I don't want to pressure you and it's fine that we've waited. I'll wait as long as you need, but....Is there a reason we haven't...Y'know...Done "it"?"
you sigh, you knew this moment was coming but you hadn't worked out what to say yet
"Leo, you're perfect for me it's just... ugh"
he shakes his head
"I get it, I'm not exactly traditionally good looking" he sort of laughs in an upset way
"No!" you want to get that out of his mind right away
"It's not you at all! It's me! I'm...Well, I'm asexual"
he looks confused
"It means I don't feel sexual attraction and, not to all of us, but to me, sex is kind of gross"
he looks even more confused
so you explain further
"you know how you see someone good looking and you think of all the ways you could make them feel pleasure? How you could touch them and love them and have sex with them? I don't. I don't see people sexually. I'm not saying I'll never have sex with you, I just. Well, I need more time before I really feel ready to go through with all of that"
he gets it now
he goes over to you and gives you the warmest hug
"Look, I don't need all of that. You're enough for me. I just thought there was something wrong with me that you didn't want to but if it's just that you're apesexual or whatever, that's fine!"
"you know damn well it's "asexual" and not ape-sexual, Leo!" and you both laugh
after that you're both a lot closer, there's no more wondering for him, he knows it's just who you are
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So Raphael and you have been going steady for about a year
and everything has been great
he's so affectionate (when no one's looking) and he's everything you could have ever wanted and more
....only there's one problem
he's one of the horniest motherfuckers you've ever met and you have a secret
you're asexual
and it has to come out at some point
turns out he picks that time for you
he's run a bubble bath, he's filled the bathroom with candles, there are fucking rose petal in the water and he's giving you those "fuck me" eyes as he suggests you both take a bath together
you have to tell him
"Raph, this isn't a good idea"
he looks disappointed, he'd clearly been planning this thing for a while and now it's fallen through
"well, why not? We've been together for ages, don't you think it's time we actually did something?"
how the fuck do you tell him????
"I'm asexual!" you just blurt it out
"you're what?" he asks
"I'm asexual, it means I don't feel sexual attraction and sex kind of grosses me out...Like, a lot"
he looks hurt
"So, we're never going to....?"
"not never" you correct "It's just I need more time before I feel ready to do that for you, because I would be doing it for you and not because *I* want to"
you talk for a bit more and fully explain everything
that it's nothing to do with him and everything to do with you
that it's not a reflection of his worth or attractiveness just that you don't feel those things
he seems to get it in the end
he kisses you on the forehead and tells you to take a bath on your own
he'll be in the kitchen cooking you guys dinner for when you're done
you think it's actually improved his confidence that it's not because there's something wrong with him that you don't want to have sex
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Mikey is just.... A lot
you practically have to fend off his advances with a bat most days
but he takes "no" pretty well
and never wants to pressure you, he's just a sexual guy, y'know?
so one night you're making out
and things are getting heated and you can tell that he's more than ready to rip your clothes off and that's when you stop him
that's when you always stop him
he sort of whines a little
"baabbeee! Ok, no pressure, totally respect the whole not being ready thing, but when do you think you'll be ready? Because little Mikey gets his hopes up and then you don't put out"
you smile wryly
"Look, Mikey...." you begin "It's nothing wrong with you, it's just that...I'm asexual"
"sounds kinky, what's that?"
you laugh
"Um, it's probably the least kinky thing in the world. It means I don;t feel sexual attraction and I think sex is kind of...icky"
realisation dawns on him
there's 0 judgement in his eyes, just pure acceptance
"so you don't ever want to have sex?"
you think for a second
"not right away. It's something I'd be willing to do for you, because you want to, I just don;t really want to"
he nods
he also thinks for a few minutes
this sorta panics you because this could be the moment he breaks up with you
"ok, that's cool. So we just wait. We can still cuddle though, right?"
you brighten up immediately
"yes, we can still cuddle!"
he wraps his arms around you and you both start giggling and he buries his head in the crook of your neck
he never brings it up again, he just leaves it to when you decide that you're ready
as long as he can still have some kind of physical relationship with you (cuddling, holding hands, kissing...) he's fine with that
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so Donnie never puts any pressure on you to take things to the next level
in fact, sometimes you're convinced that he might actually be asexual, too
but he doesn't know that you are
one night, when you;re both in bed reading, you decide to bring it up to him
"hey, thanks for always being so patient with me and never putting pressure on me to have sex. That's actually something I've been meaning to talk to you about. I'm asexual"
duh he knows what that is
and totally respects it
"I had my suspicions, honestly" he replies
"so you're ok with waiting? Because I will do it eventually, I just don't feel ready yet"
he leans over and gives you a gentle kiss on the cheek
"darling, " he begins "there is so much more to life and love and relationships that sex. It's a base activity, sure it can feel good but it doesn't add to a relationship, necessarily. As long as I can still have you, as you are, loving me and spending time with me, that's enough"
he words really touch you
it means so much to you that he feels that you have enough intimacy and love to keep you going without sex
you roll over and wrap your arm around him and he starts to play with your hair
you both fall asleep like that
the net week a package arrives at your apartment
inside is a ring with the ace flag on it
the note reads "I got some for you and one for me, consider them like promise rings. I'll promise to love and accept you if you do the same for me"
you almost tear up at the thought behind it
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Black Magic" *Part 4*
Whoooooo! Okay alright here's 4, I don't know if I can get 5 up tonight but at least you'll have the whole "day". [you'll see]
YA'LL enjoy this because....it's gonna come crashing down. I'm so sorry. Maybe I should leave it here tonight. Yeah I might.
Also-- WINK! When you see it you'll know. 😉
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Part 3
Part 5
“Well!” he wiped tears away from his face and then yours before he gathered up your trash and threw it away. “ I think that's quite enough of the melodramatic stories today. Now it's time to show you my favorite place,”
He took your hands and let you further deeper into the park. You had never been this deep into Central Park before you don't think you'd ever actually been in Central Park, you've just passed it. You were kind of a shit New Yorker.
“Where are we going?” You asked as he pulled you faster down some steps until you reached what you could only describe as a “Cave”.
“You'll see,” he smiled as you approached the cave. You both walked inside and before you was something you never thought you'd see.
“Oh my god…” You said breathlessly. Are those…?”
“Penguins” You heard a smile in his voice as you stared. In front of you with a long glass tank encased in the stone. It was full of happy, smiling, swimming, penguins.
“How... why….why is this here?”
“Well the zoo is right next door.” He explained. “And they accidentally made the penguin exhibit about a foot outside of the zoo's zoning area. So, while it is technically part of the Central Park Zoo, this one area is completely free to the public. It beats paying $50.” He laughed.
“Penguins are my favorite,” you said softly as you just continued to stare at them. It was true. You loved penguins since you were a little girl and you had no idea why. They were just so cute.
“Mine too,” he smiled, taking his arms and pulling you into his chest from behind. They look so happy. And they're in little tuxedos. Which I highly approve of,” He joked. You giggled in response.
“I like to come here when I've had a really long day or a really bad day in court.” He continued to explain. “And just sit here and watch them; and imagine how much more enjoyable life would be as a penguin. Look at them they're so happy and carefree, not a worry in the world.”
“God wouldn’t that be nice,” You sighed. “No rent, no bills, no annoying job.” you have laughed, giving him a nudge
“And.. They are also monogamous,” He stopped laughing and turned you to face him.
“What?” You stopped laughing as well, giving him a stunned expression.
“Did you know that when a male penguin fancies a girl penguin he will look everywhere until he finds the perfect rock or pebble as an offering to said female. And if she accepts it, then they're together until they die.”
“So.. basically like an engagement ring,” You whispered. Oh god.. what was happening?
“Yeah I guess so they get engaged and married. Without the wedding of course.” He nodded.
“Can you imagine that? I mean they’d be pretty prepared already in their little tuxedos” you laughed, hopefully trying to change the subject getting away from marriage although you didn't really know how. “Rafael…”
Okay surely even if he was under this spell, was there kind of some kind of backstory? Did he think you had been together for a very long time? There's no way he was going to propose after one day was he?
“Don't worry carino, I'm not proposing. He laughed, noticing the panic in your eyes. "I'm not that crazy.”
“Right you laughed and nodded your head. “Of course. Because we've only known each other so shortly….?” You tried to ask in a leading way.
“Right. But if we're being totally honest,” he took your hands. “I think I fell in love with you the moment you walked in the door on your first day.”
You silently gasped.. Could that be true? Was that him making that up in his head? Did he have memories before today? Did he have real memories before today? How far did this thing go? Could he actually really be saying that? Your mind started swimming.
“I..” You looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity. Obviously it was there but you didn't know if it was fabricated or real. But any real form of sincerity was moot at this point. Right?
“Really?” Was all you could say back.
“Yeah,” he smiled while he stroked your hair. “Really,”
That was it you couldn't take this anymore. You Broke down crying once again, and threw your arms around him. You were holding him so tightly, as if he was going to disappear in front of your eyes any second.
“Please Don't leave me, you sobbed. “Please don't leave me,”
“Hey hey hey,” He took your arms and pulled you over to a bench in the cave. Then he sat you down and put both hands on your shoulders.” I'm not leaving you. I'm not going anywhere, okay? Never,”
“You can't say that,” You sobbed. You completely threw any thoughts of keeping this under wraps out the window.
"Why not?” He looked at you quizzically.
“Because….because this isn't real!!” You kept sobbing.
“What…? Baby you have to calm down,” He started getting really concerned.
“I….” You tried to find the words to explain it without sounding crazy. Then you realized it didn't matter.
“I...my roommate Chloe she's a...well she, she made this...stuff, that I put in your coffee yesterday and it made you think you're in love with me.” You realized you had said explanation a little too loudly, as the very few other people that were in the cave with you gave you strange looks and started to walk away. You looked at Rafael who was just staring at you in disbelief and confusion.
“What are you talking about?” He half laughed. Baby look I don't know what you think you did. But if you're talking about what I think you're talking about--- magic isn't real.”
“Yes it is!” You continued to sob. “I didn't believe it either. That's why I did it. I thought on the off chance maybe it would work but I didn't really think it worked like this” you gestured between the two of you.
“What, make an actual connection between us? Has anything you said to me today been a lie?”
“No” You started to calm yourself down.
“And I can promise you nothing I have done today has been a lie, or fabricated in any way,” He wiped the tears from your face.
“So again, I don't know what you think you did, but my feelings for you are real. The only magic here is the magic of true love,”
“See who says that?!” you cried angrily. “Nobody says that for real, Rafael. Not unless they're--”
“Under some kind of magic spell?” Rafael asked sarcastically
“This isn't funny!”
“Okay so what you're just saying is that tomorrow I'm going to wake up, and just think you're a normal girl and what? Think today was a fluke?”
“No.. you're not going to remember anything.”
“I really doubt that,”
“It's true! Why do you think I said back at Maria’s that I need you to hold on to this day? I need you to remember this day? I wasn’t just saying that to be cute.”
“Okay well I'm taking you seriously now. I'm committing this day to my memory this entire day even with your nutty little break down here.” He took both of your shoulders and looked at you seriously.
“Because I'm going to prove to you that this is not some kind of magic spell. It's me and you and our real feelings. I told you I fell in love with you the day I met you, that was before today. That was three months ago!”
Could that be true? Could this have just fast forwarded the time that it would have taken you to get here? Is he really going to remember this?
“Okay” was all you could say.
“Okay.” He smiled, pulling you into him again and kissing your forehead while stroking your hair. “I'm never going to forget you Y/N. I could never forget you,”
“Okay,” you repeated, believing him a little more this time.
Rafael glanced at his phone. Oh God it's four fifteen already,”
“So…? Do you turn into a pumpkin at 5?” You joked.
“No but I did promise Olivia that I would drop off some paperwork. Do you mind?”
Oh God you really don't want to face Liv again, at the risk of exposing your secret. But what else could you do?
“Yeah I guess that's fine.” You shrugged.
It definitely was NOT fine.
You walked into the NYPD police station nervously, as if you were a hooker doing a perp walk. You hoped that maybe since Raphael had calmed down maybe Olivia would just think this morning was a joke after all. You hoped he wouldn't say anything.
“Olivia!” He walked over to her desk and still had your hand in his.
“Hey Rafa.. what is this? I thought you weren't dating your intern?” She frowned.
“Oh I'm not ... Apparently I'm under her spell,” He laughed.
Oh my God oh my God oh my God what…. Why was he being so flippant about this? Oh God.
“...Excuse me?” She asked him seriously.
“Did you get her in on this Y/N? Pretend that she has no idea about us?” He asked you while still laughing. You wanted to crawl into a hole.
“I don't have any idea about-- didn't you say this morning that you were kidding?” Olivia looked at you angrily.
“What? I don't remember this morning.” Rafael looked confused.
Oh God maybe it was starting to wear off and then forget-me-nots were working oh God oh God oh god….
“What is wrong with you?” Olivia put both of her hands on her shoulders, then she looked at you. “Did you actually do something to him?
What? No, I didn't do anything!” You cried defensively, hoping she would back off.
“Liv back off she didn't do anything. Magic isn't real. What is wrong with you?” Rafael stood in front of you.
“Then explain how you feel right now???” Olivia crossed her arms.
“What are you talking about? We've been in love for months now!”
Oh shit. Oh GOD.WHAT?
“WHAT?” Olivia almost screamed.
"I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to overeat like this." He gave her a look.
“Oh that is bullshit.” She spat, and then looked at you over his shoulder. “You did something to him and I will damn sure figure out what it is,”
“Liv you need to seriously back off,” Rafael increased the space between the two of you.
Liv nodded, but mouthed to you over his head with a whisper. “I am going to figure out what you did and you're going to pay.”
You gulped and looked at Rafael who was still glaring at Liv. “Look Olivia, you need to get over whatever thing you have for me and just let me be happy.”
That was it! That was why she was so upset about this. She was in love with him too. Oh God. You suddenly wondered how accessible that spell that Chloe did was.
“I.. you.. we…” She stammered. “Here's your warrant,” Rafael tossed some papers at her and walked out the door with your hand in his. You looked back at Liv who was still fuming. That can't be good.
“Can you believe the nerve of her?” He scoffed as you walked out.
“Yeah totally,” You laughed nervously.
“I'm sorry about her. She doesn't know when to stop beating a dead horse,” He sighed.
“So you know she's had a thing for you? And you've never had a thing for her?”
“I mean there was a time when we first met that I thought maybe something could happen. But too much time has passed and I don't feel that way about her anymore, but apparently she still does.” He shook his head.
“And besides whatever feelings I thought I had for her went out the window the moment I saw
you,” he smiled, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Oh I mean since this morning,” he teased. But you knew he was right on the money.
“Haha. Can we please not joke about it?” You asked dejectedly.
“I'm sorry carino. Let's go get some dinner huh? Forget about this?”
“Yes please” You smiled.
He took you to his favorite restaurant Forlini’s and you two had an amazing dinner laughing, talking and discussing Broadway shows.
"Wait so you saw RENT with the ORIGINAL cast?!"
"Yeah…." He lightly chuckled. "I know, I'm super old."
"Oh I wasn't going to say that at all. I was going to say you are so lucky!!!!” You squealed.
“So you've never seen a show on Broadway?” He asked.
“Well...when I first met Chloe she was working as a PA for one of the directors of a show that had just gone to Broadway. It didn't last very long; it wasn't that great of a show. Except for the leading actor in my opinion,”
“Oh really?” he looked at you curiously. “What show?”
“It was called “Leap Of Faith”, I think? It was based on some movie about some televangelist creep con man, who fell in love with the sheriff and his heart turned to gold or some lame-ass thing like that. You rolled your eyes
“Oh really was it that bad?” he laughed.
“I mean, the songs were good and like I said the leading man Raul Esparza was amazing,” You smiled as you sipped your wine.
“Raul Esparza? You know when I was younger, people used to say that I looked like him.” He chuckled as he sipped his scotch.
“Really?? Nah I don't see it. You're way more handsome,” you smiled.
You continued to have a fabulous dinner so fun and easy, you almost forgot it was all fantasy. Before you knew it, Rafael was walking you to your door.
"Well I had a fabulous 'last’ 24 hours with you mi amor,” Rafael smiled.
“Yeah.. me too,” you said sadly.
“You sure you don't want me to come in?” He asked you with mischievous eyes.
“No, you better not.” You wanted so badly to let him, but you didn't want tomorrow to be jarring for him.
"Oh right I might wake up tomorrow and forget where I am," he teased, tickling you. You laughed while he was doing it, but the pain of really knowing he was right knocked you right back to sadness.
"Well good night beautiful. I'll see you tomorrow" He grinned.
"Yeah…." You smiled sadly thinking "not like this,”
He kissed you gently, but you pulled him in for a deep long passionate kiss, desperately memorizing every detail. His tongue, his mouth, his hands, his smell, his skin on yours.
"Wow, I should be under spells more often he chuckled. He gave you one last small kiss, and you held onto his hands.
"....Baby I'll stay if you want me to, you don't have to be so sad," He stroked your hair and gave you a reassuring smile.
"No…" you shook your head silently chastising yourself. "Let him go," you said mentally.
"No it's ok I'll see you tomorrow" you have him the bravest smile you could.
"Ok. Maybe tomorrow when you see you were being silly I'll sleep over," he winked, walking down the hall.
You slowly shut the door and fell down the floor sobbing.
Chloe came running out of her bedroom to check on you.
"Aw honey…."
"I love him Chloe,” you sobbed. “I didn't know how much or even if I really did before today but I really love him.”
“Oh honey. I can make more right now, even a bigger batch so it'll last longer!” She offered.
NO you shook your head sternly. "That's not fair to him"
"Well….it might be,” She gave you a hopeful look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Come on,” She picked you up and dragged you to her room.
She sat you on her bed as she went and pulled an ancient looking book from her shelf. You read the cover: “The Grimoire.”
“I borrowed it from my friend Maggie,” She explained. “Basically it's a master list of spells,”
“And she just let you borrow this?” You gave her a suspicious look.
“I told her it was an emergency.”
“Well! It was. Of the heart. She gets it she’s an empath and a romantic,” She assured you. “Anyway!” She turned to a dog eared page.
“Read” it she instructed.
You read the page: “ ‘Emotion Magnifier’....what is this?”
“It's the spell I used on Rafael.” She smiled.
“It wasn't really a love spell per say,”. She explained. “Those are frowned upon in the witch community. Y'know free will and all,”
“Wait so this didn't mess with his free will?”
“No ma'am! It just magnifies whatever somebody already feels. You just have to zone in on what emotion you want to draw out. So I used amorous feelings on Rafael,”
“So...that means...what exactly…?” You wanted to make sure you understood what she was saying.
“Well since he went so insane this morning, it magnified some already pretty strong feelings for you.” She smiled
Your mind was spinning. Had he really been telling the truth about falling in love with you the moment he saw you? Has this actually just sped up the process of your relationship? Why hasn't he ever said anything? You've never really talked. How was this possible?
"So...what you're saying is…"
"He was clearly already smitten with you darling," She grinned even bigger at you.
"Oh my god….oh my god!!!!" You squealed. Maybe...maybe those feelings would be stronger than any potion, maybe he would remember today.
You went to bed that night with a hopeful heart.
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'We've had a bit of fun, haven't we?': Why I'll never forget Samuel Symons
Updated October 08, 2018 10:21:53 Related Story: 'Kind, witty and smart': Samuel Symons dies from brain tumour Map: Melbourne 3000 When I first met Samuel Symons, he was at the back of a bus full of Year 8 boys and their mothers on a whistlestop tour of China. It was 2005 when fake high-end brands were easy to buy. Samuel's classmates fidgeted as Gucci bags and questionable cashmere pashminas passed between us mothers. But Samuel sat contently, muttering fragments of the British television sitcom Black Books. Huge blue eyes and a smile that wrapped around his face. I knew then he was someone special. Each time we got to a new hotel, Samuel's mother, Elly, grabbed a small cold pack and got off the bus fast. She had a stash of drugs that needed refrigeration. Samuel had a thick keloid scar across his throat, the calling card of recent surgery for thyroid cancer, and was on medication. None of this bothered the teenager who was first diagnosed with cancer when he was four a brain tumour called glioma. Doctors thought that if he survived, the intense radiation of his young brain would make it unlikely he would ever finish high school.
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Photo: Red and Elly Symons with their sons Samuel, Raphael and Joel when the children were young. (Supplied: Symons family) Samuel spent most of his childhood in and out of hospital. He had several hundred scans and a dozen operations for brain and thyroid cancer. "I think after being so close to death that I could give it a little peck on the cheek, even then I don't tend to think about it," Samuel later told me. "I was too busy trying to stay alive and keep living, that I really just didn't care about death, and never have and never will." Guest speaker in 2007 at a fundraiser for Brainwave that helps children with neurological disorders, Samuel had the crowd in stitches. "You can't change what's happening inside you with cancer," he said. "So what you need to do is try to fix everything around you, like for instance, make sure you have a good bed, good food, all the right drugs you know, morphine, top of the range." I learnt pretty quickly that dry humour was how it rolled in the Symons family. Samuel's father Red Symons was the early morning presenter of ABC Radio Melbourne, well known for his stint in the band Skyhooks and the comedy show Hey, Hey It's Saturday. When I asked the family if they would consider Samuel telling his story in an episode of Australian Story, Red was reluctant. Samuel's illness had always been off limits for media. "I did feel that he might well be misrepresented and treated in a rather tabloid way," Red said. "If you're going to tell this story, it should be told properly. No good could come of him being poor little celebrity, weepy boy."
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Photo: Elly Symons (right) says her family will be carrying on Samuel's mantra of living life with kindness for others. (Supplied: James Pendlidis) But Elly was proud of the way her son just got on with the business of living in his unassuming and gentle way. Samuel hoped his story might help other young people with cancer. "I used to think what would it have been like if I hadn't had any of these surgeries or any of the cancer or anything," he said. "But then what's the point of thinking about the past when you can just think about now? "Cancer itself has given me the determination to do things in life and understand other people." So, we agreed I would follow the family for two years until Samuel was 18. Only then would the story go to air. 'War on abnormal': Samuel's final weeks
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Photo: Elly Symons with her son Samuel on his graduation day from the University of Melbourne. (Supplied: Elly Symons) Samuel seemed like a "Teflon man", defying one prognosis after another, including the level of education he attained: in quick succession, Year 12, an arts degree at the University of Melbourne, majoring in psychology, and then a master's degree in management. His paid job was in human resources. But it was the volunteer work at the Salvation Army, the Greek Cultural Centre (his mother comes from a Greek and Cypriot family) and with young patients being treated for cancer that really filled him with pride. Early this year Samuel took me through the new youth centre at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre like he owned it. And I guess he kind of did. He had spent two years on an advisory board set up to provide a nice space within the hospital where younger patients could hang out with friends and family. "I saw what wasn't there when I was that age and didn't want anyone else feeling like this was a cold, confusing place," he said. "Who needs that!"
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Photo: Samuel dedicated his time to volunteering at a number of organisations, including the Salvation Army. (Australian Story: Belinda Hawkins) Just as he was turning 27 in May this year, the Victorian Government gave him an award in recognition of his work. But by then, Samuel had been diagnosed with a new brain tumour, this time a glioblastoma multiforme. "At that point, every measure that could be taken was taken," Elly said. "Unfortunately, there hasn't been a significant change in the treatment of brain cancer in decades, and this is something that we really need to put a lot more money into research." When Elly suggested the family go on a holiday, Samuel said no, he'd rather go to work and feel normal. And for a while that's exactly what he did. His younger brothers, Raphael, 25, and Joel, 20, became his "lieutenants" in the war against abnormal. It was all about football, games and ticking off the youngest. They're made of the same stuff as him.
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Photo: Samuel Symons (centre) had a close bond with his younger brothers Raphael and Joel. (Supplied: James Pendidis) Ten days ago, I saw them by his bedside at the Peter MacCallum Centre, squeezing his hand, worrying about whether he was too hot or too cold, sitting quietly as he slept, just watching him breathe, devoted. "He was the most resilient person I know," Joel said. "He flirted with death so many times that it became second nature to him. It stopped scaring him and started humouring him. He took that humour and gave it to everyone he knew." Last week Samuel died. "He wanted everyone to be kind to each other," Elly said. "And I think that is really something that we should all be striving for, and that's what we will be doing as his family in his honour." His father Red asked for privacy as he grieved the loss of his "beautiful son". I thought about the many times that Samuel and I caught up for a chat since that bus trip 13 years ago. Each time he'd farewell me with, "Well, Belinda, we've had a bit of fun, haven't we?" Yes, Samuel, we all did. And thank you. Watch the rescreening of The Story of Samuel on Australian Story at 8pm on ABCTV and ABC iview. Topics:brain-tumor,cancer,human-interest,melbourne-3000 First posted October 08, 2018 06:09:16 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-10-08/samuel-symons-quietly-inspirational-life-brain-tumour-cancer/10339094
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