#and thats not your fault but it is unfortunately your responsibility
moonlitlex · 11 months
deleting my long post to rephrase it to this: some of yalls reactions to the club thing is immediately shut down something you've never experienced and have a lot of misconceptions about (like i've seen multiple people say they've never been to the club because they don't do fun things like have themes). and i think. you should be more open to new experiences. you don't have to like the club or even really go to the club but shutting down the idea of doing a whole category of activity without ever trying it is just going to shut you off from experiencing new and potentially enjoyable things.
and this also happens like. pretty much every time a "you should do this thing that i think is fun" post starts making the rounds it becomes about how it's soooooo unreasonable to expect the mostly adult userbase of this website to try new things and be open to new experiences just because people on here have social anxiety or sensory issues or xyz other thing that makes it harder to do some things.
but they also have this extremely strong aversion to experiencing anything unpleasant at all. like i've seen people on that post talk about how they can't watch tv where characters die because it's upsetting. but the thing is if you never experience things that are unpleasant you are going to be that same person forever.
like it fucking sucks to hear for me to this day but the only way you can get over your social anxiety is by doing things that cause that anxiety. and you should never be forced to do them. you should choose to. but you have to do them or the anxiety will literally just get worse forever. do it scared. do it alone. do it while crying, even. but do it. i used to burst into tears at the idea of going up to a cashier to pay for my stuff. and i don't anymore because i did it scared and alone and while feeling like i was going to pass out.
this isn't really about the club. it's about the way people on here react to literally any post that says something along the lines of "you should do stuff"
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hisaame · 11 months
ngh fem!reader sucking kuronushi off while he practices playing shamisen... imagine as hes abt to cum he changes from perfect pitch singing to short pants between words... then after he cums hes back to his perfect pitch singing again... ngh
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Oh my GOD!??! I LOVE THIS REQUEST???? literally thank you so muhc ??!!? aaaahhh i hope this is okay!!
╰˒ˏˏ ➻„a broken voice, shaky breath,
,, but wont stop playing.” — kuronushi
⧽➽ kuronushi x fem!reader
[nsfw!!] ,, warnings: bj+hj, slight praise, choking and gagging (ON dick, hes not gonna kill u dw), readers prns are she/her!
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A beautiful melody could be heard, along witha heavenly voice from no other than—kuronushi. His fingers danced along the strings of the shamisen, occasionally twitching as his voice would occasionally crack. His pretty lips opened to let his voice sing along to the melody of his instrument. But it was extremely hard for him to so so. Specifically because, you were there to distract him.
The belt of his kimono(?) was undone, the obi cord set aside, as well as his hat, settled aside. His wide, knee length pants were down to his midthigh, just like his undergarments. His cock was let free, erect and responsive. Thats what you were working on right now—well, your mouth and hands were.
Kuronushi held the shamisen, trying not to get too distracted. But it was his idea anyway—he had requested you to be there with him, perhaps it would make him practice easier, having your presence here, pleasuring him. It was his fault he was so distracted, how good you were with your lips and tongue, kitten licking his tip before putting the whole length in until the head of his cock nudges the back of your throat, his melodic voice slipping a moan between his lips, but he immediately goes back to singing. The pleasure makes it really, really hard.
But you only decided to make things worse, bobbing your head while you had your hand at the bottom part of his cock, to where your lips couldnt reach, your fingers made up for it. You would let occasional gagging noises, which seemed to distract him even more. He's messed up several times at this point. But he wouldn't dare to tell you to stop—because he wants you to keep going.
"G—good girl...", he'd moan, unable to let himself fully try to ignore you. "Keep going, and ill reward you once I'm done." The way he'd praise you made you clench around nothing, his words just arousing you more, if possible. Your other hand that wasnt around his dick was on his thigh, giving occasional rubs and pats, maybe in hopes to calm him down, or distract him more. Who knows?
At some point he does attempt thrusting his hips towards your face, trying to get himself off in your warm mouth. You're surprised he's managing to do this, despite the fact he looks like he's having a hard time. His voice would occasionally go high pitch, tilting his head back as one of his hands tightened around the long neck of the shamisen. You could barely hear the song he was singing through the various moans and whimpers he lets out.
"fuck, fuck, fuck..." he whines, trying to go back to singing and playing the instrument, unfortunately failing. You guessed he was close by the way his reactions and responses seemed more intense, so your actions sped up. You pulled back slightly, having only the head of his cock in your mouth, sucking on it, before taking him fully again.
That's when you felt his body tense up, feeling warm liquid shoot down your throat, making you groan and gag just a bit, but you made the effort to swallow it all. Well, not everything, since you couldn't, so some dripped down your chin, to which Kuronushis hand went to grab your chin, his thumb wiping his own cum off and sticking his thumb in your mouth then, making you lick in clean—swallowing once more.
Then he pat your head, motioning you to keep going. Well, thats what you took it as. Calming his softening cock down with slow strokes while he finally manages to hold his shamisen correctly, his fingers dancing over the strings and his voice creating the prettiest music. A melody your so fond of hearing from Kuronushi.
You're gonna be waiting a while for that reward he promised you...
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comradeboyhalo · 1 year
(not maintagging this because it comes out more aggressive than it means to be. this is just an unserious rant.)
first of all, i do think qsmp as a whole has been kinder to cc!bad. the qsmp’s more dnd-like format is more inclusive in general, there’s net 0 creators who constantly swear at him, and the fandom does treat him better (the bar is low though). i’m more than grateful for that. 
that being said. i dislike how everyone acts like cc!bad was bullied into a corner on the dsmp. yes, a chunk of creators and fans only saw him as a “language” joke, thats an unfortunate fact. but i see a lot of people ignore the fact that cc!bad saw this, and in response created a whole fucking storyline that was designed to allow everyone to join in on it. 
bad, ant, and sam created the egg arc because they disliked the current political storylines and wanted to experiment with scifi-horror. this was after the badlands were formed, and after they realized that they were locked out of a lot of l’manberg conflicts. they didn’t sit around waiting for lore to be handed to them, they created it themselves. to act as though bad didn’t have the chance to create a complex character on the dsmp, or that every cc didnt take him seriously, is devaluing his work. the ccs involved in the egg arc did see c!bad as a threat. they respected his work, they participated in his lore. and there were a lot of them! you just maybe just didn't watch them.
if YOUR streamer only saw bad as a “language” joke, whatever. if YOUR side of the damp fandom never paid attention to egg lore, thats fine. but dont act like every cc did, or that the egg arc didn’t have a following. its true that it was very underrated, but cc!bad is also not this helpless baby who needs his hand held to create an engaging character. he saw he was the largest streamer among the egg arc ccs, and used that platform to bring everyone else up. he put in the fucking work, and it’s not his fault that people still refuse to acknowledge it.  
i see ex-dsmp fans praise the qsmp fandom for respecting bad, and then turn around and beg him to not reference egg lore. the same people who love karmaland, ordem paranormal, and 2b2t references are telling bad that he can’t reference his story, that he put work in. why? for dislike of streamers who weren’t even involved in it? you cant be happy bad is seen as his own person, then turn around and boil his dsmp work down to bigger streamers you dislike.
again, i don’t blame people for not watching the egg arc. i don’t think anyone should be forced to watch every storyline, or keep up with every cc. i don’t know. it’s just frustrating i guess? me and other egg arc fans were creating content, character analyses, and lore masterposts all to hype up c!bad and it’s not our fault yall ignored it and are just now seeing bad’s a good roleplayer! idk! i know everyone’s trying to be nice, i love everyone who’s new to bad’s content, i dont want to gatekeep at all. but your dsmp experiences are not universal. the way your streamers treated bad was not the way everyone treated bad. 
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turnstechgodhead · 6 months
Le sign... speaking of the server,
dirk is encouraging me to be more firm on my own thoughts for my comfort
i've seen ppl talk about it in stream a lil which im always like I Don't Care when it pops up but i've had Enough and i want to talk about the topic bc it's itching at my brain follicles.
since we're pretty strider-oriented, this had to happen at some point: strider cest/strilonde cest/in cest wont be allowed in the main server. if other people don't care, i might make a separate server.
-"hey why is that ^ something you would allow? pretty insane." / "are you a pro shipper then??"
"so you're an anti?"
also no
i dislike this argument as a whole bc i don't 'get it' i guess because im audhd. neither side is fully correct nor fully wrong.
"fiction affects reality." and "fiction is not reality." are two different thought processes that can and should coexist in the same space.
look. fiction can affect reality, but it IS also possible to separate from it. you can para or whatever responsibly. tag it. try to make sure people who don't want to see it don't have to see it. and if minors are getting sent your shit, make sure its clear that this should NOT be happening in reality. if you're a child, keep that shit blocked. it's NOT for you and you should not be actively consuming it. (please listen to this advice bc i grew up on the internet barely supervised, from a very unhealthily early age [7-8] and then developed into a fucked up hypersexual.) (seeing something fucked up and being like AUGH my eyes! is normal because that just. happens. thats life. you deal with it afterwards in some way. talking to someone you trust etc. you do not go back for more i am begging.) (if someone is showing you these things on purpose then please read this website all the way through for me ok?)
you should not be looking at an adult exploring/enjoying fucked up shit
videogames are not going to make you or me more violent by having violence, gore, and murder in them. but videogames DO make some people violent. those people should not have access to these things. but we (you and i) cannot control that beyond making sure content is labelled and set aside. i like playing games where i assassinate people. i am not an assassin. someone could play the same game and get terrible ideas they act on. this is not my fault for playing the game.
and, if you're an adult who likes fucked up shit (me too) tag your shit or have it listed somewhere on your about that it's something you post about frequently there. and maybe reiterate that it's not real. its just toys. and should never be followed irl. yeah, it fuckin sucks that we gotta do this shit, but kids are unfortunately on the internet, with the inability to differentiate grey from black and white. your shit might be the first exposure. which sucks!! so it's our responsibility to try and mitigate harm on both sides unfortunately until we can convince parents to start parenting their children again. which sucks. i just wanna post shit in peace but the buzzing around from very loud teenagers makes me anxious. i get it.
it fucking sucks!!! but we can't control other people, especially if theyre malicious
but you control what YOU see on the internet. block anyone. (i blocked someone back in the day for disliking johndave. be free.) and help people do that (control what they see) by making it very clear. you aren't evil for not wanting to see it, and other people aren't evil for enjoying fucked up content.
also some of yall on BOTH SIDES do some truly vile shit in the name of this argument when your energy could be spent elsewhere doing shit you like or even doing things that are actually. Helpful.
so i don't like either label i dont want to be associated with either of the sides but if you want to call me one or the other then . Whatever i guess? thats your business, not mine. just know you are not a failure or a freak for not constantly reinforcing and reassuring everyone that you think adults doing their own thing in fictional spaces with little toy dolls (that theyve been doing since the 70s-80s) is gross. you can just think that like. in general and look away because the dolls are dolls. but don't go posting doll horn-knees untagged. that's rude as fuck.
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lokilysolbitch · 1 year
okay you know how like Loki has dad vibes and brings out youth in ppl and you feel like you can be a kid around him yeah that but also in regards to being a whiny child. you can do that with Loki. you can be loud an unreasonable. it’s really nice especially if you intellectualize your emotions and/or were punished for having emotions as a child
even if it’s about something he’s telling you to do you can still throw a tantrum first. you can make your tantrum the offering. you don’t always need to take hard truths like a trooper
Loki: you weren’t the one who abused you but you are responsible for your own healing
Me: mhm,,thats,, i mean that’s really unfortunate but that’s true
Me: :////////
Me: I appreciate you saying that like it’s not realistic to wait for my abusers to help me or change anything
Me: okay i love you very much and im going to be honest and tell you what im thinking and its not personal or to be mean okay
me: but
me: it’s not fair though. it’s not fucking fair how come i have to fix everything when it wasn’t my fault !! I shouldn’t have to !!! it’s not fair its not fair its not fair !!!!!!! this is stupid and i hate it and i wanna go home !!!!! it’s not fair and i wanna go home !!!!! they should fix everything not me!!! I don’t want to !!! i dont want to !!!!!!! I don’t want to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loki: i know and im sorry
me: im not gonna fix myself im want to give up
Loki: ive got you im here
Loki: you feel better?
me: mhm
Loki: im still here
me: okay ill keep working on myself
Loki: yeah?
me: im gonna frown about it the whole time
Loki: that’s fine
me: :((((((((((((((((((
this applies to everything just be sad and angry and scared and stomp and whine and throw (preferably soft) things around with Loki. even gods throw tantrums. it’s okay. you just have to pick up after yourself afterwards
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morbidlychubese · 10 months
Resubmitting this ask just in case it was the one Tumblr ate. If its not then I guess you can ignore it like the last one. Either way I hope you have a wonderful day.
Fedee splitting open your wedding dress??? I fucking love it.
I can imagine you, Just bearly able to waddle down the isle. Having to use a walker or cane or something, being completely exhausted and out of breath by the time you make it to the alter, where I'm waiting for you. Absolutely no one expects your massive Fatass to stand, so there's a reinforced stool for you to sit on.
Your dress looks Painfully tight on your poor fat Fecund Blubber Gut. Yes Fecund, I decided 11 months ago that I wanted my bride to waddle down the isle with a belly full of my squiming brood. Its not my fault that due to scheduling issues our ceremony  had to be postponed and you had to hold them in an extra 2 months.
Anyway, Our lovechildren aren't the only thing that are bloating out your Blubber Gut today. You think you're soo cleaver. You think that you've stuffed your fat face as much as you possibly could before waddling down the isle and that No One would be able to tell under your vail. I can see through it, hell I can smell it on you. You fat fucking piglet, your mouth is covered in food from your gorging yourself.
Fortunately for you, my sole response to your shameless, disgusting, debased, glutinous, debauchery is Beaming Pride and animalistic lust.
However Pride cometh before the fall, and juuust when you thought you made it to the alter, and are gonna sit down on the stool, thats when it happens.
Your packed full stomach is working hard on your latest meal, as well as your stuffed full Guts are working on the massive meal you had this morning. All this squeezing into too small wedding dresses, and waddling down isles isn't very good for the digestion, so you overworked guts start fighting for more space. Unfortunately for you this wakes up the kids and they start fighting for space as well.
And thats when your pretty little dress loses the war.
⛔ 👗 ⛔
Your dress explodes and while your milk bloated blubber tits are still contained, but from the bust down your dress is naught but tattered ribbons.
The kids take this newfound freedom as an invitation to start playing hackey sack with your prostate, again 🙄. As usual, this makes you involuntarily cum buckets all over the church floor.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen all scramble to cobble together something from the ribbon scraps to cover you with. They eventually peace together a makeshift loincloth to cover you. The front of wich is soon complete drenched by your nonstop emissions.
Our children continue their relentless Assault on your prostate throughout the ceremony. Your bloated belly visibly writhing with their movements. Their all out attack forces you to shoot rope after rope after rope of ejaculate endlessly as the ceremony progresses. Soon the small puddle grows into a larger pool that all the bridesmaids and groomsmen are forced to stand in.
Only the preist, due to the pulpit is spared the 'rising waters'. A lone island of dry land surrounded by the still growing sea of your emissions.
Your thoughts?
It was this one! Thank you!!
I think this is my dream wedding. So utterly embarrassing to be so blissfully indulgent in front of so many people. I'm already round and gravid from you, and I'd have stuffed myself until I reeked like fast food. That's definitely a part of why I explode hehe. That, and being to fat to walk, but being made to waddle anyway. Using my tree trunk thighs for the very last time in front of everyone who thought they knew me. So fucking wonderful.
Also, I would totally read this if it were a kink short story
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superstar49 · 3 months
[ik I might be doing a mistake by not posting this thru anon 😭] but anyways, lando fans have to chill out ngl, it was both the drivers' fault, lando kept on divebombing blindly like every 2 laps and max defended aggressively in austria, and that's that. max responded to the situation maturely, while lando ( and mclaren pr team as well 💀) was lowkey being immature and a baby bout that, I get that being out of the race is no joke but still, and that led to the fans being so dense like 💀💀 they'll complain about no action happening in f1 but will have a whole meltdown when 'action' happens like 'oh no!!! racing and rivalry in f1, which is literally a sport about speed and every man for himself 😨😨😨' and also max said 'it's better to talk about this [situation] when we cool off' and apparently he's the aggressive one and the heated one apparently. ALSO if you have insatgram, have you noticed the amount of '😡' emoji reactions whenever f1 posts about max winning in their update channels, like ????
yes i have for sure thought to myself on occasion that hardcore lando fans need to chill 😭 but to be honest i’ve probably thought that about a lot of really hardcore fans of drivers (besides like. idk guanyu fans are pretty chill they just want to hype up his fashion and look at pics of his cat which i can fuck with)
i definitely think that lando’s whole team went a little crazy with the sympathy angle after austria and it definitely didn’t help calm the response from his fans. the unfortunate thing is, because of the fia cracking down on potentially dangerous racing and giving out more penalties than ever, a lot of drivers have been warned off what is generally considered “real” driving, so collisions like this are less frequent and treated like a much bigger deal, which i think leads to a lot of newer fans not realising that this is f1 and this is what it’s supposed to be like. lando and his team probably know this and are using it to their advantage to try and get people on their side, as it were, and try to generate more hate against max, because f1 has really become a pr sport more than anything. but i have mad respect for max for the way he’s handled it, and the way he has handled these things in the past. a lot of drivers would have let their temper get the better of them, and max doesn’t do that. really makes you wonder what kind of crack everyone was on when they came up with mad max lol
send your f1 hot takes
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zem-zem-zoom · 3 months
I saw Cosmic’s part of the art trade with your OC King and also that you reblogged that ‘bring back Tumblr ask culture’ post and it dawned on me that I wanted to ask you about King!
So, what’s the deal with King? What is King? How is King personality wise? Did anything in particular inspire you to make King?
(If you wanted an excuse to just go on about King here, I am 100% fine with you just doing that in response to this ask because I want to know more about the purple fella!)
Hi!!! Thank you for asking! I've been wanting to share more about my ocs here, but sometimes i get shy. I should do that more, thank you :D
"What is King?" King (by our standards) would be considered an alien of sorts. In my oc universe there aren't really "humans", but I'd consider it socially a pretty similar development to what we have on Earth. The main two species you'd find are cyclops and demon-like people. Horns, sharp teeth, all of that. So really, to him and everyone else he'd register as a pretty normal guy all things considered.
King is an autistic trans man, and his life passion is music. He really deeply cares about it (sometimes to a fault) and it tends to collide with his life more than he'd like to admit. After he has a scrape in his 20s with the negativity of the music industry, he decides to pursue making things on his own. To his suprise he actually does succeed to a degree, and locally his music has a sort of cult following. He kind of dances around between different aspects of production, doing work for himself or being paid to work for others. Beyond his career though, King is a very compassionate person. He cares about trying to help the people around him whenever he can. Unfortunately, this helping hand has led him to all sorts of manipulation that he was very fortunate to get out of. In his mid 30s, (the present time) he spends most of his social time being very present for Roux. Roux sees King as a father figure, and King wants to be there for him and give him support in what ways he can. King is a little bumbly and awkward, but think kind of goofy single dad. He isn't helpless or rude or depressed in that way, but he'd much more likely try to make some stupid joke or show up handing you leftovers in a tupperware you didn't really ask for. He wants to make sure everyone is happy before he worries about himself. (He should worry about himself more, too.)
"What inspired King" This question is actually kind of silly, because when I was initially inspired to make King, he was going to be an asshole personality wise. I really love the aesthetic of old glamrock and in some ways party culture. (Both of these influences are still present for him, especially leaning towards glamrock and 80's trends in general) Messy bright makeup, dark eyes, long fluffy hair. I was listening to "Shampain" by Marina and the Diamonds, and in that music video she has the messy hair, messy makeup, bright pink lipstick, glitter. I looked at it and I was like you know what, thats what I want to make today. Now of course he still has that look, but now I think he is much softer and friendlier. I genuinely think it's funny that he was ever considered an antagonist in my story, because now he is probably my kindest character. Anyway, thanks for your curiosity! Hope this gave you a better idea of who he is!
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pyr0cue · 2 months
Feel free to answer privately if you'd like- i know the Longlegs discussion is getting a bit muddled up in the notes and i'm actually really interested in people's takes on the film, especially when they bring up things i'd never consider, like Longlegs being a bit of a touchy subject when it comes to being potentially transgender, or just repeated (typically negative) stereotypes in horror in general. i find this type of stuff really fascinating!
(i apologize if i get a little lengthy in this lol)
while i don't particularly see Longlegs as trans, with the idea of Buffalo Bill being in a lot of peoples heads as a reference for Longlegs can definitely nudge them in that direction, and ill never fault anyone on their interpretation on a character in a film, it's kinda what makes films art to begin with. tho i also think (personally) that it may be a bit unfair to a character who, throughout the movie, is not a Buffalo Bill character other than the fact that Bill and Longlegs are both murderers. Bill is regarded as feminine because of who he kills and why he does it, where as Longlegs is sort of guided more towards the 'epitome of evil', to the point where Longlegs isn't even killing anyone directly, because its simply his influence with Ruth, the orbs, and the dolls. the through-lines are surely there, especially in terms of the ambiguity of gender, the cliches, and the harmful stereotypes associated with them. i'm just under the impression that the more you pick at it, the more the similarities kinda dissolve- but that's just me!
not to get long winded and annoying but i perceived Longlegs as not a human at all, but a rendition of the "Beast" itself, with Ruth being the other, forming the triangle that Longlegs seemed to be obsessed with, or less satanically accurate (i guess?? im no where close to religious so hoo boy if im wrong consider me a silly goose) , maybe a portrayal of the Antichrist itself. Longlegs is unnerving to look at and listen to because its desperately trying to be something that it perceives as 'beautiful,' when in actuality, is horrifying, like a 'demon' would present itself (if we want to pretend we know what a demon would do, but its fiction, so wooooo!) there is of course issues that are going to spike up with that- the 'feminine' presentation can set off alarm bells for a demographic that's already viewed in an (unfair, of course) 'evil' sense. but i think that unfortunately makes things more interesting- Longlegs can be perceived as anything, but at the end of the day, is evil, nearly on a cosmic level because we truly dont know what the hell Longlegs even is.
i super apologize for this being long and probably obnoxious but i personally love having discussions when it comes to interpretations of films, ESPECIALLY horror. Longlegs is bringing up a lot of different ideas and concepts for things that i havent seen in quite a while and i think thats really neat.
thank you again for humoring this ask! :) one thing i will fight you on is saw 5 being picked over saw 6, how dare you! the shotgun carousel was a masterpiece!
You are all good!! I also love discussing film and don’t mind long asks at all!! In fact this made my day!!! I just didn’t want to answer rude anons lol) I…also just typed a giant response so I’m sorry for not knowing how to be concise
I actually love your analysis! It’s a lot of things I hadn’t really considered! I think my personal gripe with the movie is that I just don’t find satanic motivations in film scary, I was so much more frightened and intrigued when longlegs was just a killer with an odd obsession with the 14th, when he was untraceable by his own power and not ‘the devil.’ Longlegs wanted you to be scared of both longlegs (the killer) and supernatural aspects, and I just lost all fear of the killer when he started being all ‘hail satan,’ it immediately made the character and their motivation entirely uninteresting and overdone. I spend a lot of time watching bad horror movies just to see if the reviews were wrong (sometimes horror gems were so poorly received and written off), and maybe I’ve just seen more horror about the devil than other people and I’m too jaded about it to find longlegs refreshing or new :/
I do love the idea of longlegs not being human and I can totally see that in the film, it could recontextualize the scene where he smashes his face and his nose falls off as an inhumanity rather than like…hey look at how bad plastic surgery is, which is what it came off as to me at first!! I love that line of thought actually!!
I like the idea that longlegs is portrayed as someone who lacks a gender is less with interpretations like yours which are so fun and interesting to examine is there’s JUST as much, if not more room for bad faith interpretations about trans people. I think my gut reaction of ‘oh no this is about a trans coded killer,’ comes from, both the actor confirming they were portraying a character who doesn’t follow traditional gender roles, and also the social climate rn that is SO violent towards trans people. While I love the idea of a killer who embodies evil, I just think a lot of people are going to walk away with the image of another ‘androgynous’ devil worshipping child killer in their heads, which I think was a dangerous choice on Oz and Cage’s parts. I wish they’d gone in a different direction to show inhumanity, maybe make the killers limbs unnaturally long, get rid of the lipstick and make his lips barely visible, instead of big cheeks have bulging eyes. There’s so many directions they could’ve gone that would’ve led me to immediately think “inhuman” and not “trans stereotype,” on my first watch, but I definitely think there’s a lot of room for interpretation and I loveee the idea of longlegs potentially being infected or changed internally/externally due to close contact with evil and the devil, it’s something to think about!
Ok forgive me for yapping about things you didn’t even mention because my other issue with the film was that it dedicated like 5 whole mins to explain, in depth, exactly how the dolls and Lee’s mom work with longlegs. Like. Ok I can give them the devil worshipping, I wish they’d been more creative but that’s not the ultimate sin, I just WISH they’d let me decide how that supernatural element worked for myself, I don’t want you to explain it to me. Same with Lee’s psychic abilities: you just dedicated a pretty creepy scene to showing that Lee could perceive things others can’t, I don’t then need you to tell me ‼️she’s psychic‼️‼️don’t forget‼️just in case you forgot in the last 2 mins ‼️ our main character is a psychic. This is a movie that held my hand because they were so obsessed with what they wrote that it ruined the horror of the unknown, at least for me. But on the other hand, there’s so many plot holes and issues with the story that don’t really fit in the ‘crime horror’ genre. Idk, this movie left a lot of contradictory thoughts in my brain and I think a lot of why I didn’t like was that I’ve just seen so many better horror movies that do all the things this movie does and more. I don’t think it’s bad but…it didn’t live up to the hype. Whoever was in charge of marketing for this movie needs the biggest raise possible lol
(Ok look the traps in saw 6 are so much better but I love Hoffman and Strahms dynamic in 5 they’re so silly goofy…glass coffin…but ur so right shotgun carousel is one of the best traps in the entire franchise)
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vanibear · 2 years
Genuine question: do you think people are more likely to paint sora as (emotionally) naive, rather than a more book-dumb kind of way? like being too trusting of people, that kind of thing
ahaha anon So i kind of accidentally wrote an essayish in response, but it ended up moving on from ur question to expanding on thoughts i have abt characterizations of sora, oopsie 
but TLDR: To answer your question anon, i actually think its about equally both, and i think perceiving him with a lack of emotional maturity can bleed into perceiving him with a lack of intelligence; sentiments like friends as your power and leaving no one behind can seem naïve and irrational if one doesnt think that sora comprehends his odds and still chooses to proceed because his heart believes it is right. while sora does have a ways to grow emotionally, especially in regards to his own feelings, i dont think that he lacks knowledge when it comes to relationships and understanding others emotions, which is actually rather his strong suit. i also think that sora is generally very smart, and just dont quite understand why people portray him as not quite being so
~ the aforementioned ramble ~ ooo good question ! hm. i think more often i notice people characterizing him in a book dumb sort of way, but honestly that could be bc it bugs me more. however, we dont know if sora did well in school or not/what level of education he got, so instead of a strictly textbook smart sense, i see it more as a lacking the characteristics of someone who is book smart sense? basically, people painting him as airheaded, oblivious, or not very eloquent; i think especially with jokes or complicated subjects going over his head. but, if you look at his dialogue (and, while this is more subjective, puzzles and challenges he has to overcome in the gameplay), thats usually not the case? hes delivered plenty of introspective and articulate lines; hes witty, sarcastic, and even sometimes rude; hes incredibly adaptive and resourceful considering the situations he’s thrown into, and hes a quick learner, as shown by his keyblade skills.
however, i think some of these perceptions do come from how he is a very emotionally driven person. he follows his heart and is loyal and trusting to a fault, and that can cause him to take actions that seem impulsive, illogical, and naïve. however, i think sora is very knowledgeable of emotions because of how he connects with people. he’s incredibly empathetic and understanding of others and has made friends with nearly everyone he meets because of that; which i believe is an incredibly difficult accomplishment. while his feelings can lead to mistakes, they are also his greatest strength; he will try his best to fix those mistakes. where i believe he really struggles is in processing his own emotions.
and on that, sora is pretty self-deprecating, and laughs off a lot of things, which sometimes can cover up just how talented he is because even he denies it. i think that oftentimes, sora himself believes that he’s dumb, or lesser in comparison to others, which can lead to people taking that at face value if they dont look deeper
however. sora is still a cheerful and silly guy, and thats an important part of his personality too! he is an energetic, optimistic teenage boy who really just wants to have fun with his friends and thinks that everyone should have a happy ending.
sora has a lot of different dimensions to him, but unfortunately characters that have a seemingly cheerful disposition and noble motivations that come off as idealistic can often get sanded down to being stupid because they’re seen as too naïve to understand the gravity of their situation.
to clarify, i dont think that soras never been dumb. keyboard (and keyblade) smashing is probably not the best idea if a computer isnt working. but, in my opinion, i think sometimes we dont give sora enough credit in our depictions of him, and tend to exaggerate certain qualities of his while forgetting others
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ring-of-galactic · 4 months
sometimes bad things happen to us for no reason at all. im new to rotumblr but you really dont seem bad to me. you had so much forced on you n its expected that your body is gonna lash out in response, and, unfortunately, loved ones can get hurt through no fault of our own.
ill try to stick around :3 i havent really been "out" as having a legendary in me yet so thats why im anon, but ill start signing these so you know its me
- SS :3c
Mm.. yeah. Bad stuff just... happens. I- I guess... I 'unno. If I were good, I wouldn't've ran away so many times.. wouldn't have hurt anyone...
Yeah, I understand it.. if I weren't so had with impulse control, I'd keep it secret too.. thanks for signing it. I like talking to you. Nice to know when it is you..
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popsickless · 1 year
♡ - all you tried to do was help?
[Just a mini test-write]
It all happened so fast... I couldn't even remember how it all escalated so quickly.
Unfortunately, Miguel left me in charge of the HQ , only until he had found where Miles went. Glancing over to an empty chair I take a seat next to Miguels desk...waiting...with anxiety. Why was I feeling so anxious.
"The files are sorted...security's back up. He has nothing to complain about." I sigh to myself. Placing both hands on either sides of my face. A part of me was hoping that Miguel didn't come back empty handed...but there was a huge part of me that was rooting for miles.
After about 10 minutes of procrastinating and drowning in my thoughts, A beam of orange shone through in the corner of my eye. He must be back. I instantly flew to my feet. The sound of the portal opening brought tingles to my ears, I watched carefully as miguel walked out the portal. He has a face like hell...this look was different.
My heart dropped but I rapidly built up the courage to open my mouth. "Im guessing you didn't find Miles then.." my tone was filled with anticipation, somehow I knew id said the wrong thing.
"What does it look like?" He growls. The anger was building up. He grabbed the closest object he could find and launched it across the room.
I stand there with both hands by my side, flinching a little when I heard the loud thud of the object. "Im sorry you couldn't-"
"Stop speaking...for one second." Miguel snapped instantly as he heard my voice. I do exactly that. My mouth glued shut, staring at his figure as he paces around. Why was I the one having to put up with his tantrums? It wasnt my fault Miles got away. No one had ever even tried to put miguel in his place. Thats probably why I admired Miles so much, he was the first to disobey, to question Miguel.
A few minutes of silence passes. "You're acting like this is my fault." My voice was shakey a little. Hesitant to speak at first but he needed to hear it. Miguels eyes dart towards mine, the tint of red almost glowing from anger. "I thought I told you to be quiet?" Miguels tone was dangerously calm, slowly he walked up to me. Why did I even open my mouth?
"Maybe it is your fault, if you wasnt so crap at your job.." he continues, staring me down like I was a piece of dirt he found on the floor. "You seemed to be the one chasing Miles, not me."
Did I just talk back to him...why did that sentence come out of my mouth so easily?
The more Miguel walked towards me, The closer I was to the wall behind. I felt my back touch the concrete wall, I couldn't step back further. Shit. His eyes stay glued to mine, like he was expecting something from me. I shift my gaze to anywhere other than his eyes.
I feel his fingers lightly touch my chin as he guides my face towards him. Miguel tilts my head up a little.. "Would you like to repeat what you said?" Miguel whispers, leaning in so that i was forced to look into his eyes.
I dont know why but the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, there was no way I was starting to feel aroused. In this situation? Why? My mouth struggled to form a sentence. Did I dare repeat myself.
"I said...you were the one chasing Miles. Not me"
Id just fucked it for myself.
Miguel chuckled lowly. I felt his fingers leave my chin and start to trail down the side of my shoulder, down to my arm. "See...this is the problem. One person decides to disobey me and the rest of you, think its alright to follow along" Miguels tone was different. It was threatening and dangerously soft.
I didnt even know what to say, my attention was too fixated on his hands on my skin, my whole arm felt sensitive. Miguel sighs at the lack of response. His same hand that was lightly tracing my arm suddenly grasps my shoulder and pins me to the wall.
"If you ask stupid questions, you'll get told to shut the fuck up." Miguel speaks in a hushed tone. The way he was so condescending made my whole body grow warm.
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charmixpower · 2 years
Whats something that makes everyone break down in tears immediately
I actually did a art series about something similar for the self confidence gem quest if you'd like to see them here:
Bloom. Stella. Flora. Tecna. Musa. Aisha.
But something that would make them just break down in tears.... The obviously thing would be something bad happening to their friends and family, so I'm not even gonna mention that stuff
Angst my beloved
Musa is probably the easiest for this, as she cries the most out of the main cast. Being told that the guy she wasn't date and was visibly not interested in her, is not interested in her and has a girlfriend makes her break out into tears. This happens TWICE mind you. Musa is not the most emotionally stable person in the world. Musa is probably the most sensitive about her emotions and her view of herself, so someone just yelling something really mean about one of those two things would set her off pretty quickly. Something more personal would probably be like, in s1 Musa has a habit of being snarky and pessimistic to the point of saying shit that's really mean (in what I think is a clear attempt to protect her own self esteem) so one of her friends yelling at her about that would make her sob, Riven has always been a raw spot for her so some strong needling about him, or really any of her friends getting really upset at her for any reason would do the trick. Pick your poison, lots of options here
Aisha is a bit of an easy crier but she also hardens up whenever someone tries to intentionally make her upset, so if someone makes her cry it's usually accidental. There's two easy ways to go about this, either lock her in a dark room, or pick at Aisha's feelings of responsibility for her friends and claim she failed at doing what a good friend would do. Aisha is always one of the first to make sure a plan go smoothly, so it isn't a stretch to assume this means it's important to her and she's anxious on top of that
Bloom has pretty low self-esteem, a constant feeling of being an outsider, a naive streak a mile wide, and was bullied. I think she's more likely to get angry than cry most of the time, but there's a lot to work with. Especially if you pull a Trix and Valtor and just start lying to her about shit. Claim her friends don't really like her, say that her bio parents hated her, say that everyone at Alfea thinks she's a nuisance, say that she'll never belong at Alfea, say that Sky is dating down, those topics are what she's the most sensitive about, so just making up a really really mean lie about them that barely holds water should do the trick
Stella used humor as a coping mechanism, and like most people who do that it's hard to make her cry because she actively does anything she can to avoid being visibly upset. Unfortunately for her she has two hot button issues that are enough to make her cry if needled in the correct way. Her parents divorce and the fact that most people don't find her likeable. If she's pushed about her parents divorce being her fault or how other people view her she will start crying. Especially about the divorce, and how her parents are very distant, thats like her most tender spot
Flora is emotionally mature and has a calm disposition so it's pretty hard to make her cry. I feel like you'd have to put her mom energy against her, something would have to either say she was useless to her friend and were only dragging them down or make her feel that way, and that would make her cry. Anything a mom friend would worry about being thrown back in her face would do the trick
Tecna is very hard to make cry, half because she has a vice grip on her emotions that would make a constrictor boa jealous and half because she cant just be lied to about something bc if it's not logical she's not believing it. However it's shown that she can't really cope well with people acting outside of what she thinks is correct, getting frustrated and upset about it to tears but I don't think that matches this well. Tecna has a bit of a thing about being compared to a robot, being called unfeeling, or anyone implying that she doesn't have compassion or doesn't care about other people. This upsets her a lot, so being needled about this topic would probably make her cry
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rassvetsky · 2 years
Hello hello my dear :D
I love your writing so i HAD to send a request! This is probably super niche and if you dont feel comfortable writing it thats COMPLETELY okay!<3
So i have a skin disorder that makes red spots appear ALL over my skin and it makes it feel itchy and rough(now in other fanfic its normally that the characters talk about "readers soft skin" and sadly i cant relate to that)
So i was wondering if you could write Sam Wilson x fem! Or Non binary! Reader with a skin disorder :D what prompt you use, if its nsfw or sfw and how long it is, is completely up to you! I would just love to relate to a fanfic again :,)
Much love <3
thank you so much for sending this and i hope i did it at least some justice, because i've been incredibly uncreative and unmotivated for a long time now— i too suffer from a skin condition mostly triggered by stress, which makes the skin of my shoulders and upper back very bumpy (and damn it leaves scars each time) so this was insightful to think about,, most fics aren't that inclusive unfortunately (which is nobody's fault!!) but anyway, i hope you have a wonderful day, and thank you again for dragging me out of my void!!
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Fifty Bucks
sam wilson x reader
"It's impossible to feel inconvenienced by anything when Sam Wilson is your personal stand-up comedian and therapist at the same time. He might demand fifty bucks, though."
[1k] | honestly not much, super short and quick anyway, fluff, reader has a skin condition as lovely anon mentioned above, swearing, sam is a blessing and not in disguise at all
reblog and/or like for a kiss, feedback much appreciated! not proofread.
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You should've seen this coming.
But it's like your body and your mind operate on completely different terms sometimes, with no connection to one another whatsoever. It's impossible to control how your body might react to something that brews in your mind, and while for some it's not an issue to keep focus on; people that are blessed with one tiny little add-on to their existence like you have to be extra careful sometimes.
And good lord, you can never be careful enough.
As Sam paced around in your apartment, trying to keep your mind off of work stress and the general adulthood obstacles through a sacred quest of finding a show to watch before you could come back to the living room; you were mentally face-palming upon the sight of a red spot on the course of forming on your shoulder, and a few more down your arms. You can't control everything that happens around you, of course, but God, why is it that everyone else seems to be better at handling stress?
When you came back to the living room with a slight pout on your lips, fingers tugging on the material of your t-shirt to reveal a portion of your arms, Sam is perplexed. Remote control in his palm, he turned around to look at you, gaze flickering between your hand and your face. "Everything okay?" he asked, pointing towards the snacks laid out on the coffee table with the remote control. "It better be. I didn't pay for all those for nothing, you better cheer the hell up."
That pulled a chuckle out of you as you shrugged, stepping closer to him with a sigh, forcing the sight into his point of view. "Flaring up a bit, I think," a soft breath left you. "Figures. I was beginning to expect it at this point."
"What's that? Allergies?" he asked, following suit when you took a seat on the couch, relaxing right next to you. "Is it the lobster? Can't be, because I marinated that thing so good that people with seafood allergy could risk death to have a taste. I'm serious."
"No, it just happens." you chuckled softly, heaving a deep sigh before leaning back comfortably. "There isn't much that I can do about it now, it's just gonna itch and drive me crazy."
Sam hummed as a response, before pressing 'play' on the first comfort show that he came across, mind occupied with this newfound information. It must be annoying enough to go through, he thought, figuring that he shouldn't ask many questions— but he's a curious individual, he couldn't help it even if he tried. "Isn't there anything, like— like an ointment or something for 'em?" your slow nod caused him to hum, the intro of the show seemingly catching your attention, but not his, surprisingly, considering the fact that he often possessed the attention span of a goldfish. "Does it bother you?"
"It's not a pretty sight when the timing is wrong," you mumbled while reaching for a pack of sour candies on the coffee table before leaning back on the couch again. The cushions were soft against your back, but not as soft as your bed— which you were beginning to miss. "But I feel like I've gotten used to it, you know? Like, I learn more about how my skin reacts to certain things as time goes by and, well, I'm trying to manage it better."
"Not a pretty sight my ass," he whispered under his breath, causing you to laugh— along with him. "You could have Shrek skin for all I care. Or Avatar skin, whatever fictional world you're into— you'd still be one hell of a sight."
"Shrek skin? C'mon, you're just saying that."
"Watch it, I get real aggressive about affection," a pair of strong arms pulled you to his side and you giggled against the material of his shirt, trying to slap his arms away from you. "God was like, damn, a full package. Gotta balance it out somehow."
It was incredible, how fast Sam could get you laughing. But there you were, laughing at his antics with the show long-forgotten on the screen, his arms secure around you and a pretty smile on his lips. He was a man of acceptance, after all, and you were sure that given the chance, he could restore world peace in a week with his delicious cookouts and wonderfully thought speeches.
"Shut the hell up," you chuckled, shaking your head. "It doesn't even bother me, it's my own skin. Just makes me wish that I was a bit luckier."
"That's a good thing, you know, being alright with it." his fingers found your hair then, giving the area a few loving pats before carding them through your locks. It was as if his tone changed when he started to speak again, and you'd recognize that speech pattern anywhere. "Health-wise, accepting and embracing something kinda works like a placebo, you know? Whether it's a mental thing or, you know, something physical— when you're like, alright, I'm doing this and that to cure this thing, but at the same time, I'm not gonna be all like, damn this thing—"
"God, not one of these speeches again—"
"Listen, you ungrateful brat," his faux offense made you laugh again, as you watched him press his palm against his chest where his heart is supposed to be. "People don't pay therapists for nothing."
"I know, I know." you cuddled onto him more. "M'sorry, go on?"
"I will, for fifty bucks."
"FIFTY?!" you raised your head from his shoulder to look up at him, eyes wide in shock.
"Do you have any idea how expensive therapy is?! Thirty at most, pay up or shut up!"
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lumin3sc3 · 2 years
Note: So I was trying to write myself fluff but it ended up being too long?! Anw first time writing for Childe, hope you guys enjoy :D
Warnings: Slight cursing at the start. Modern AU You two are in a relationship. Reader's gender is not mentioned so feel free to use whatever you like!
Also i kinda mixed up genshin au and modern au in the middle so if something seems weird in between thats why, sorry!
You and Him
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You and Childe had decided to go to a cafe, considering it was a holiday for the both of you. Plus, your favorite café had a new drink on the menu, and all your friends were busy going on and on about how divine it tasted. So you decided to go out once you two had a free day, and Childe agreed to take you out as his treat! Isn’t that just the sweetest?
Now you two were sitting in the car idly, with the obnoxiously loud car horns blaring even through the rolled-up car windows. You could see Childe’s patience thinning as he tapped the steering wheel, letting out a frustrated sigh. You massage your temples with your fingers on your brow. An annoying driver behind you two was repeatedly honking his horn aggressively.
"Can he just shut the fuck up?! Is he blind, or can he not see the damn traffic? He isn’t the only one stuck in it, fucking idiot." Childe curses as he finally snaps; you were afraid his knuckles would turn white from how tight he was gripping the steering wheel.
"I’m sorry.." You apologize as you put your hand above his that rested on the wheel, stroking it soothingly in an effort to calm him down. You felt responsible in some way.
Childe turns to you and affirmatively squeezes your hand, "Hey! It’s not your fault! None of us could’ve known the traffic would be so heavy, don’t put yourself down for something you didn’t do..!" 
"But.." You lower your gaze.
He sighs before hooking his finger under your chin, pulling it up to meet his smiling blue eyes that resembled azure skies. He gives you a loving kiss on the cheek, assuring you that it’s not your fault. The corner of your mouth tugs into a small smile at the gesture.
Soon the traffic dissipated, and you and Childe were able to continue your drive. Once you two had reached your destination, though... Another predicament fell upon the two of you.
The parking lot was full. It was so cluttered that it made you feel claustrophobic; you let out another exasperated sigh. Childe tries to lift your spirits by making an enthusiastic suggestion.
"How about... we park a bit farther? It’ll be slightly far away, but it's nice to have a walk every now and then!" He chirps.
You smile helplessly, no wonder you fell in love with him. He always managed to make you happy in whatever situation you were in, you adored that about him. You nodded encouragingly.
He soon finds a parking farther away, and you two get out of the car and start walking. A few minutes in, you feel a small drop of water on your face.
You look at Childe and see the same reaction masking his face. You look up to see another drop falling.
Oh shit. Is it raining?
And, unfortunately, your guess was right. It was raining.
You facepalm, groaning. 
"This has been the shittiest day so far, I swear."
"Nono! It’s fine, come on, let’s go back!" You could sense the slight hint of disappointment but he makes up for it with his cheery beam. 
"But isn’t it too far away? We'll be completely soaked by the time we get there." You cast your gaze downward, visibly upset.
"No worries, love! I spotted a bench nearby, so we’ll go there for now, and don’t worry, I think it’ll cover us pretty well. So let’s get going, yeah?" He gestures for you to hold his hand, and you oblige.
His hand held yours securely, the familiar comforting warmth making you feel content. You were pretty tired with everything that happened today, but Childe made it feel much better.
He walked in quick strides once you two arrived at the bench he was referring to. You two sat on the bench, the quiet atmosphere surrounding both of you.
The sky was cloudy, with occasional rays of sunlight filtering through. It was painted a light gray, and the clouds were pouring beads of water down. The wind was slightly chilly; it occasionally brushed past your face, making you shiver slightly. Childe wraps his scarf around your neck, the scent and warmth enveloping you wholly.
"But what about you Childe..?" You ask him worriedly, but he laughs.
"Mere rain can't do anything to me! I’m stronger than I look!" He says puffing his chest in pride.
Your laughter stays prominent throughout the tranquil atmosphere. Childe’s gaze softens; he finds your laugh so endearing. Actually, scratch that, everything about you is so addictive and alluring. If words were to explain his feelings towards you, you probably couldn’t keep count. He adores your gentle laughter, fleeting touches, loving gazes, warm embraces, and—well, he could go on, but don't you think the word count would be much higher than expected?
Raindrops made a soft thudding sound on the trees above you before slipping and falling to the ground with a quiet plink!
Childe sighs as he stares at the kids dancing in the rain from afar, while their mothers were calling out their names in a very concerning manner.
"I’m sorry it didn’t work out how you wanted it to; I really wanted to make sure you would have a good day…" He sighs apologetically, gazing down at his reflection in the puddles formed in the grass.
"No, no! Actually, to be completely honest..." You take a deep breath before continuing.
"Perhaps it's a good thing this happened; it relieved my stress, and maybe this was exactly what I needed, not some drink at a cafe." You laugh quietly. He nods in agreement as the two of your synchronized laughters reverberate throughout, catching the gazes of a few people around you.
Though things didn’t work out as you two had planned, maybe it was for the best. It’s been long since you and Childe had a quiet moment like this. They say it’s the simple things in life, and in this case, you agree. The noises the raindrops made as they fell put you in a state of serenity; it made you feel gratified, leaving you at ease. Slowly, your eyes felt heavy as you drifted further away from reality, and into a deep slumber.
It isn’t until Childe feels something heavy fall on his shoulder that he turns towards you. He looks at you with the prettiest smile adorning his face, it was probably you, and only you, that could make his heart feel such a way.
The warm, fuzzy feelings, the ones that resemble what he feels when he’s at home with his siblings, near the fire, telling tales Or The same feeling he gets when he pulls Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon into a warm embrace. Long story short, it’s a sense of happiness because with you, he didn’t have to hide his feelings; he can be whoever he wants, and he knows you wouldn’t judge. He can be himself.
Though you were still asleep, you took his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. A small smile decorates your face as you sigh in contentment. Childe gazes at you lovingly before pressing a small kiss on your forehead, wishing you a comforting slumber.
It was just you and Childe in the pouring rain. And you wanted nothing more than this.
✧∘* ೃ ⋆。˚
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A/n: I keep getting carried away while trying to write short fics, I'll keep it in mind next time 😭. Well aware there isnt much going on for the plot but its just fluff so yes <3. If anything needs to be changed or there are errors, let me know!
Thanks for reading till the end, if you enjoyed the fic, rb's and interactions are appreciated! have a good day and take care <3!!
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
Talked to able-individuals about your disability and how you are navigating it is so brain rottingly annoying. Like we don't drive - we have a drivers license and can drive (confirmed two parts can drive safely no issue but the rest of us have issues with it and those parts either can't hold the front long term if not triggered or aren't reliably able to be summoned) and our parents - who are offering to help fund a vehicle - just do not get that at all.
We decided to say we would give it a try in the sense that the last tie we tried, XIV wasn't aware of himself much at all - and all things considered there is a lot of reason to suspect he'd be another part that has no issue driving - so there is a chance that if he doesn't have issues driving, with how smoothly we swap out and how well he can hold the front - that we MIGHT be able to safely reclaim driving, at least to a functionable level of drives 30-45 min or less which would cover for most driving our fiance couldn't join us on.
And so we said we'd give driving one last go before scraping it and trying motorcycles and they IMMEDIATELY are using "when you drive" and assuming that I will magically pull driving out of my ass and then when I call them out on that to reality check their expectations I get some of the most brain rot responses, some of which including
"Well how are you going to survive if you can't drive?!"
Welcome to America, but thanks! I really didn't think about that before I decided to have a disorder that makes driving complicated. You are right. I'm making a bad decision to have a disability I really should have considered the consequences before choosing this /s
"Well I think you should be able to drive because I think SOMEONE in there has to be able to drive - even when you are dissociating someone has to be awake and aware so I think you can drive."
Well that would be convenient. I'm shocked that in my 6+ years of trying to navigate driving and 4+ years of specialized treatment that I had never thought of my disorder just being convenient and had never thought about chucking different parts at the task to see if one could reliably handle driving. I TOO think it should work that way, but unfortunately, life's not always convenient and answering to what I think it should be.
"Well I just will always think the best of you! I refuse to believe you couldn't do it!"
Well thanks, but I don't want you to think that well of me cause it sets unrealistic expectations that I have to carry the burden of.
"Well don't get mad at me! It's not my fault you are disabled!"
I MEAN.... If we want to be playing toxic problematic cards... I have this disability because I dissociate because I have a complex dissociative disorder from chronic and complex childhood trauma occuring from when I was born PARTICULARLY with some of the notable ones being related to being in a car all of which you were directly responsible for as, you know, my parents.... so I DON'T want to guilt trip you here, but if you are playing that card, I just want to say it technically IS your fault so.... I'll give you a minute to retract that card.
Like ugh.
I have a better relationship with my parents and our communication skills are better than they used to be and they know when to back down and shut the fuck up before they say and do shit thats will escalate so long as I hold my fuse just a wee longer
But good god.
Hate able boomers /hj
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