#you cant go through your entire life like this bestie you have to do the thing that sucks and reap the rewards of like.
moonlitlex · 11 months
deleting my long post to rephrase it to this: some of yalls reactions to the club thing is immediately shut down something you've never experienced and have a lot of misconceptions about (like i've seen multiple people say they've never been to the club because they don't do fun things like have themes). and i think. you should be more open to new experiences. you don't have to like the club or even really go to the club but shutting down the idea of doing a whole category of activity without ever trying it is just going to shut you off from experiencing new and potentially enjoyable things.
and this also happens like. pretty much every time a "you should do this thing that i think is fun" post starts making the rounds it becomes about how it's soooooo unreasonable to expect the mostly adult userbase of this website to try new things and be open to new experiences just because people on here have social anxiety or sensory issues or xyz other thing that makes it harder to do some things.
but they also have this extremely strong aversion to experiencing anything unpleasant at all. like i've seen people on that post talk about how they can't watch tv where characters die because it's upsetting. but the thing is if you never experience things that are unpleasant you are going to be that same person forever.
like it fucking sucks to hear for me to this day but the only way you can get over your social anxiety is by doing things that cause that anxiety. and you should never be forced to do them. you should choose to. but you have to do them or the anxiety will literally just get worse forever. do it scared. do it alone. do it while crying, even. but do it. i used to burst into tears at the idea of going up to a cashier to pay for my stuff. and i don't anymore because i did it scared and alone and while feeling like i was going to pass out.
this isn't really about the club. it's about the way people on here react to literally any post that says something along the lines of "you should do stuff"
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maxlarens · 15 days
Childhood friends to lovers Max???? you always being there for all his accomplishments so when you can't because you've got your own thing he's a little lost??? max always being judgmental about the guys you try to date?? the whole entire grid down to mechanics on other teams all seeing that he's utterly in love with you while he's just 😐 "yes this is my friend"???
But also love the depth of it like OOOOO you'd hate J*s with a burning passion for how he treated the love of your life your bestie however your love and respect for Max has you helping him set boundaries so his father doesn't continue ruining his life?? And J*s would have sneered at his son having a "girl friend" (I always go off reader being fem my apologies for assuming) and probably definitely at least hinted at treating you the same way if you were with max at a racing weekend (the gas station story?? ugh) BUT I see that being the only time Max stands up to him when he's a kid/teen because fine yeah treat me however you want but I'll fight to the death if you hurt her
lemme stop before I write a whole novel in your inbox 😭😭😭
viv!!!! omg going to address this in several sections:
yeah just utterly lost when you’ve got your first important work thing/etc that you cant take time off for. is like how am i supposed to celebrate without her? is totally off during interviews and a bit muted during celebrations. because he’s just a teenager celebrating something without his best friend in the entire world yknow🥺
literally everyone can tell they’re attached at the hip!!!!!! pls and he’s always saying well i don’t think they’re good enough for you about her bfs/dates. even complains about it to people. as teenagers do when they have a crush. and if anyone tries to subtly point it out yeah he just goes um? we’re friends?😐
and hating j*s!!! so real!!! just quietly seething and unable to do anything other than be so angry and gently tell max he deserves better. like she tries to encourage his relationship with his mum and sister more. tries to offer other points of view when j*s gets in his head. tries to comfort him even when it’s hard even when max doesn’t make it easy. because she knows there’s a way through it.
and of course j*s hates her. 1) she’s a distraction from karting. from spending all day and everyday on track. 2) shes a girl! a gender that j*s clearly has no respect for! only puts up with her for the sake of an easy relationship with his colleague. 3) she’s clearly pushing max to set boundaries with him. and stand up for himself😐
his open disdain of her probably reaches it’s highest point in max’s first few seasons in my opinion. when j*s’s grip on max is slipping. when he’s starting to listen to her more about boundaries and taking care of himself/his mental health. when he’s independent and starts to gravitate to her more and more. and he absolutely says something vile to her. and max absolutely stands up for her. is not going to let his dad treat the one person who supports him no matter what like that.
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majaloveschris · 3 months
Hi maja, you have been an endlessly patient blog willing to discuss and rehash the same tired topics with these anons 🤣.
A few words for the ones who stay camped in your inbox:
1) It is possible to be married to someone and not like their friends or family. I’m unsure why some people on here act like him “marrying” AB means he’s immediate besties with her loser friends and weirdo hanger ons. If anything, it’s toleration. How many of you have had partners whose friends you couldn’t stand or family you dreaded but you tolerated for the sake of keeping the peace? Have you seen Justin and CE pal-ing about anywhere? It doesn’t even seem like Justin himself is too big a fan of CE either which is funny, since without his name, this trash can of a human wouldnt have 90% of the engagement on his profile that he currently has. But sure - keep posting shade memes and trolling his fanbase. That’ll really get you brownie points 🙄
2) “he must be just like her and her friends” - already wrong because her besties are all self proclaimed fashionistas. Meanwhile CE stays wearing the same old Nikes from a decade ago and recycling the same t shirts in two different colors for the past two decades. Without a stylist (even with) he looks like he shops at the 75% section of champion sports. Why do you think he’s never there with her at those fashion week events? Why is he not there at the Lana del ray concerts? Maybe because he doesn’t care and still won’t care even if he’s married to her to the public??? If he hasn’t even bothered to change how he dresses or even pretend to care about fashion - what makes you think he’s going to change his views in life and humanity for her and her friends? If he hasn't bothered to adapt to her interests or at least feign some interest in doing so what makes you think he's suddenly going to change his entire personality to fit her and her friends? (I see him doing more of this with jenny and her friends than AB. think about it)
3) body language. Listen, you can say anything or even do anything - but your body language always gives it away. It’s innate for most of us at this point. This man is friendly, tactile, and affectionate to people he’s comfortable with. That much has been clear for the two decades he’s been a public figure. Look at the recent materialists shoot. He likely hadn’t met Celine or Dakota until this shoot (cant say for sure but let’s say they’re recent colleagues) - thanks to the vast BTS footage - sometimes candid, sometimes staged, sometimes random - you can see how he acts with them both. Friendly, open, smiling, affectionate, comfortable. Pedro even came through to post a pic and he looks softly happy with Celine - who is also a very affectionate person with the people she likes. He's been photographed multiple times with celine and he is always engaged, smiling with her. He’s filming with Dakota and can laugh and smile with her. There's footage of him arriving to set and she goes into hug him and he hugs her back, rubbing her back affectionately. it's not just a quick pat either.
He shows up for 5-10 pap walks with AB and not one walk has them smiling at each other. Not one pap walk. There are two random GG and UTA party photos where he’s smiling with her but man, after two years and two weddings you’d think he’d muster up a few more than fake smiles? Even the live footage at the restaurant - pap walk - the kiss is him a foot away from her and hands at his side. You’re a newly wed and you knew photos were happening and this is the best you give?
VF red carpet - he was polite and reserved with her at best, aloof and disengaged at most. even the parking lot photos after with his publicist, he's standing there looking at his phone while shes standing a foot away.
Remember the photo with Celine and Dakota where he's got arms around them both? possibly huddling to keep warm because it was a cold night of filming? compare that to parking lot with AB, especially since that was back in march and LA gets cooler at night.
4) A LOT of angry anons go in about age gaps and how men go for younger women because they think with their other head and blah blah. Sure, can be true. But pay attention to CE's body language around AB. Does he look like he's very super attracted to her and wants to XXX with her or does he keep his hands so to himself and even when he's posing with her? His movements are tepid, reserved, stiff. i do believe he is a gentleman and avoids being handsy around women unless they're both comfortable and I think you can see it in the recent materialists footage with his female costar and director.
maybe, he wants to be a gentleman with his own wife as well. sure. but I don't think when you're truly in love or attracted, you can really help yourself but show it. the same goes for when you're not attracted and not in love.
I mean, we saw Justin and Joana at Chris's house with Chris's friends. So if this isn't PR, then they are at least okay with them. And it's not even about one friend. Alba herself posted questionable things and friends with at least 2 people (Kiko and Justin) who are problematic too. While I get that you don't have to be besties with your spouse's friends or family members, Alba has been friends with Kiko and Justin, so she is okay with their views. I, personally, wouldn't want to be friends with someone who bodyshames people and wants to be quotes Hitler. And if Alba is okay with that behavior, it means she either agrees with them or she doesn't care that much. The same goes with Chris, if he actually married her. 
Trying to get into your partner's interest is not a must, but a decent thing to do for someone you love. Obviously, if it's something that makes you feel bad, for whatever reason, then nobody should force you to do so. But while getting into things she likes (Lana, fashion week) is not a must, having similar views is important. You don't have to get married to someone who is exactly like you, but I personally wouldn't want to be married to someone who is okay with racism and anti-Semitism. The whole "he must be like them" has nothing to do with his wardrobe but with him being okay with their views. If he is actually married to her, which I don't think. 
Yeah, his body language says it all. As you said, he looked really friendly and comfortable with Celine and Dakota, and I haven't seen him that way with Alba. Not even once. With Alba, they always look like they are forced to be there, and they look so unnatural and fabricated. 
That kiss in front of the huge door so the paps could take photos and videos of them was so cringe-worthy. Private couple, my ass. And the wipe of his mouth...jeez. 
I also don't see any attraction. You can see when he has chemistry with someone, and he usually does have it with most people, but not with his own wife, I guess. He is more affectionate with friends and family members than with the love of his life. Yeah, they don't have to have a make-out session, but even if you just look at them, you can see the lack of intimacy. 
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ashascoven · 4 months
☽ ✯ venture x witch! reader pt. 3! ✯ ☾
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✯ welcome back everyone, to part three!!! (here is part one, and part two!)
✯ sorry for this taking so long, my mind has been brainrotting with valorant and roblox i cant lie...
✯ i was also a bit stuck on how i wanted to go about this... but every like has just been more motivation to keep trying to continue this, so thank you <3
✯ hope there's people out there enjoying this, happy reading!!!
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☆ FANFIC DEETS! venturexreader ☆
reader is a female who practices witchcraft! i wrote her that way because i also am a witch irl! :,)
VERY lengthy build-up fanfic (LOTS of reading.. i type a lot i think?)
venture is referred to as sloan <3
lifeweaver is besties with the reader, referred to as niran!
everything related to witchcraft here may be exaggerated / inaccurate for fanfic purposes.. but i tried writing it all into an experience > just reading!!
eventual ritual smut....
feel free to hmu, hope u enjoy :D
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“IM HOOOMMEEEE, MII AMOOORR~!!!! ⊂( ´ ▽ ` )⊃”
You gritted you teeth at the rock muncher that just busted through the front door, their hand happily waving in the air at you.
You shook your head and took a visible breath, cracking your knuckles.
“please, excuse me niran.”
“mhm! take all of the time you nee-”
“mercy? haha, i’m sure angela would react the same if it were her and her morning tea being stolen~ (^◡^)” Niran chuckled, taking a sip of his.
He watched as you had Sloan on the floor in a chokehold, their bag and drill frantically thrown to the side of the doorway.
Their hands were desperately trying to pull yours off of their neck, but you didn't budge. 
You looked down at them with murder in your eyes, fully prepared to make them beg for their life.
“tell me where the rest of my jars are.”
“y/n.. please, have mercy-..” 
They were starting to turn red, eyes squinting in extreme discomfort as they practically wiggled under your freakishly strong grasp on them.
Were they into this or not? They couldn't tell, but they definitely weren't being let off easily.
“you tell me what you took my waters for, where they are, and what made you not consider just ASKING me.. and MAYBE i wont boil you into a cauldron stew."
“mi a-amor-”
“i c-can explain if yo-”
“w-wait that'd actually be-”
“be WHAT?”
You suddenly loosened your grip on their neck, moving your hands up to holding their face and staring at them with a frown.
“listen, i know it prooobaablyy looked bad, b-but i promise i didn't mean any..”
You slowly leaned down towards their ear and pushed aside their headset, making them trail off from their words. 
“no, you listen to me.”
You spoke in a low tone, earning a nervous gulp in response. 
The excavator’s entire body shivered at the way your voice rang through their skull, cooing to them like a gentle warning that they were dead meat the split second Niran left.
“i was in the middle of doing a tarot reading for niran before you came home, and i need to go finish that up for him.”
“when im done, you better have prayed to every god you know.. because when i get to you, sloan cameron..”
You leaned closer, lowering into a whisper.
“you're gonna be begging for forgiveness.”
With that, you got up and made your way back to the kitchen, dusting the dirt from Sloan's clothes off of your own.
They, on the other hand, stayed on the floor for a minute with wide eyes, breath hitched in their throat, trying to process how they wanted to feel about what you just did.
Yeah, they did essentially steal from you with no explanation, and you seemed reasonably mad at them for it, but why was their face burning?
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“niran, i am so sorry about that.. interruption.” You rubbed your forehead, taking a seat across from him again.
“no worries! you can always take the time you need, i’m never in a hurry anyway.”
“thank you.. gosh, you're always so kind and patient with everything, i dunno how you do it.”
It was your turn to lean on the table with your face in hand, glancing over at the phased out sloan still sitting by the door.
“hah, if i’m being honest, i’m not sure either.”
He shrugged his shoulders, reaching down to pet the raccoon and possum that were now rubbing against his leg.
“i just approach everything with a- uh.. pardon me, but are they supposed to be doing.. that?”
Niran tilted his head, pointing at Sloan. They seemed to be standing near an altar of yours, one of your salt lamps about to.. enter their mouth.
They quickly set it down in embarrassment like a child getting caught doing something they're not supposed to. How they got up so quickly and found the covered lamp on one of your altars was unknown to you.
“sorry..! forgot again- and heey niran! sorry for not saying it earlier.. (⇀‸↼‶)”
They rubbed the back of their neck in shame, looking at the floor.
Whenever they felt bad about something, their go-to was munching at.. questionable things. A lot of times, they won't even realize they're doing it, and that's how lots of your things go missing.
“hello!- (٥⁀▽⁀ )/”
“..ahem! anywho.”
“niran, do you feel like my reading resonated with you?”
“hmm.” He took the last sip of his tea before setting it down.
“i do feel as if.. it resonates, but not for me.”
“oh?” You raised a brow.
“rather.. y/n, don't you think it all sounded very familiar?”
“eh? really? how.. so?”
He gestured towards your lover, who was nervously fidgeting at the door, seemingly waiting for you. 
It looked like it took every bone in their body to not pick your lamp back up again and start biting.
“wh.. what do you mean? i don't think my partners.. stupid, they're very smart for the work they do…?” 
You hadn’t picked up on it somehow, your mind defaulting to showing off your lover to others.. even though you had just.. threatened said lover.
“no, my friend, what was your answer to my question earlier?”
“about how i was doing?.. uhh..?? i don- oh… oh.”
You turned in your seat and looked back at Sloan, who had caved and started biting at the lamp.
You could see them stop to ‘shush’ the bugs in their respective jars on your altar, not wanting them to tattle for what they were witnessing.
If anything, thank goddesses it was the lamp being eaten and not.. the bugs themselves.
“damn, i must've really made em’ scared huh.”
You both kept watching, but they didn't notice their audience yet, too nervously deep into their comforting eating session.
“it's normal, but i'm not sure about the salt-eating thing though..”
“yeah.. i’ve got to sign them up for that strange addiction tv show sometime.”
“agreed. ( ❛ᴗ❛ )”
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“but anyway, ya know.. you're entirely right, it makes a lot of sense.” You ran a hand through your hair with a sigh.
“well, don't forget to give yourself most of the credit, y/n.. you were the one who read the cards after all! i’m impressed!”
“ahh, thank you, but? doesn't that mean i basically.. did that reading on myself? what about you?”
“don't worry about me, I'm quite content with what we've learned today~”
“hmmmmm… you.. sure?” 
“mhm! if you truly are worried about the results of this reading, then can i ask you to do some other things for me instead?”
“oh? of course! what is it?”
“for starters, i think you should.. remember to be more patient with yourself.. and them.” He nudged his head towards Sloan’s direction.
“i fully believe that you two thrive together as a couple, so conflicts, like mentioned in your reading, shouldn't push you two apart.”
“i.. see.” You turned around to look at them again, your eyes squinting at the way your lamp was now half-way gone and probably in their stomach.
“yup! there truly is no rush to every little thing in life.. it's best enjoyed when you bask into each ray of light for how bright they really are, not for how bask-worthy you were expecting, right?”
“pshh, it's like i’m the one being soul read now,” you jokingly rolled your eyes, “but gosh, you're so right.”
“hmph, do i really just.. expect too much of them? like in your honest opinion, am i too.. harsh..?”
“from what i’ve seen, no. your current frustration is valid, given how this has never happened before. it seems right to be confused.. to want answers.. but, would you say you trust them?”
“huh? oh of course i do, why wouldn't i?”
“i think you should keep at that. have they ever wronged you?”
“outside of.. being the reason i could never keep ingredients for spells in the house.. no?”
“then, you should help their flowers flourish, even if you're not sure what seeds they've planted yet.”
“ah.. i definitely get what you're saying.”
“to be more patient and open-minded of them right now, and get back at them with a really well-thought out ritual later! maybe ill even get my witchy ancestors onto them? (っ˘ω˘ς )” You grinned, jokingly plotting your partner’s karma.
“..sure. (¯▿¯)”
“thank you a lot niran.. if you weren't here, i probably would've strangled them to death already.”
“SHUT IT, LAMP EATER! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ)”
“ahem, seriously, thank you a ton. your words will definitely be kept in mind when i.. deal with that knucklehead.”
Cartoon-like sparkles and hearts practically radiated off of you as you innocently thanked Niran.
You smiled happily, knowing good and well what you were planning for your lover when he left.
“of course, y/n! anytime you need something, i’m a phone call away! i trust that you'll take care of your partner just fine~ (ง ื▿ ื)ว”
Getting up and clasping his hands together, he took his cup to the sink. He tried to wash it, but you shoo’ed him away with a ‘nono, i got it, you're good!’
“thank you.. with that being said.. i’m afraid it's actually time for me to go. i have my own flower awaiting me at home, but it was a lovely morning spent with you! (⌒ω⌒)”
He made his way to the door, patting Sloan’s head before putting his sandals back on.
“likewise! thank you for this, really.” 
You followed him, casually whacking your partner in the head and earning a ‘hey! >:(‘ out of them.
“of course! send me those love spell recipes for my bap when you get a chance, yah? (¬‿¬ )”
“only if you tell me how they work out for you two! (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ”
You waved as he headed out with his umbrella, shooting you a thumbs-up before leaving.
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“w-whew! it's a niiiccee raiinyy day, isn't it??!? i h-hope you two had a nice morni-”
“i- u-uh-.. hiiii..yaaa? :,D”
“sloan cameron.”
“..im so fucked.”
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“soo,” you had to remind yourself to be easy on Sloan with a heavy sigh, “..did youu.. take my jars of moon water to work?”
“and.. did you bring them back?”
“i m-mean, i did! i brought them back but-”
“..but what?”
You caught yourself and sighed.
“sorry.. it's just? i’ve been stressed out almost all morning about this.. i’ve been curing those for like, three years now, every full moon, non-stop.”
You paced around in front of them, twiddling your hands in your own frantics of their responses.
“you-.. three years??!?”
“yes??? i've told you this over and over.. why do you think i’m so worked up over this?” You stood in front of them with crossed arms, eyeing them over.
“oh my god- i-?!?” They wrapped their arms around you.
“i'm s-so sorry for using some of it for your food this morning mi amor..! believe me, i w-wouldn't have even touched them if i had remembered! ugh, stupid sloan.. stupid me! the one time i try to change things up and it jus-”
They pulled away to cover their face in guilt, on the verge of crying and pleading to make it up to you, but you stopped them in their thoughts, it being your turn to hug them.
“it's okay, baby. just.. don't sweat it, it's the thought that counts.” You ignored your eye twitching, your arms around them unconsciously getting a bit tighter.
They felt themselves melt into the tight hold of your arms, their nerves starting to wash away in relief that you weren't angry at them. 
Their emotions almost hit them all at once like a bulldozer.
“i shouldn't have touched your things in the first place… i-i just thought you'd trust me and I could do something to make you happ-"
“sloan, it's okay, ya know? whatever it is you did with those jars, just…” you suppressed your eye twitches, trying so hard to not think about the dedication you put into some water, “i-its no biggie, you're good, i still love you.”
“man, i love you too.. i reeaallyy don't deserve you, mi vida..” They let themselves lean even more into your hold, the both of you hugging each other for a quiet minute.
The tension slowly going away between you two was nice, and you once again wished you could hold Sloan like this forever.
“oh! right!!! i still should uh-! s-show you what i used them for, since they're not actually gone or anything!” They suddenly pulled away, shuffling in their giant pockets.
“i dunno if i did it right.. or if it's silly? b-but i figured uh.. try my hands at charging some freshly mined crystals for you this time! (つ≧▽≦)つ” 
They guided you to the kitchen, pulling out the jars from their pockets and placing them on the dining table.
“o-oh?!? woah! they're..??!? still covered and everything, hello!??” You covered your mouth in surprise, not actually expecting to see the jars again.
“y-yeah! i didn't even know you kept them for so long but i.. i knew it was important that the sunlight didn't touch them, so i thought it'd be.. nice if i gave you these beauties with all of the energy from the water poured into them already! that's.. how that works right..?”
“awwwhh, slooann..!!” You gushed, the smile on your face already hurting your cheeks.
“l-listen! it's probably better when you do it, since you have those magical witchy hands n’ stuff.. but i wanted to show you how cool i think you are by taking after what you do!! if it's.. weird or anything though, then uh.. ill jus- mph!”
You cut them off with your lips against theirs, holding their face and letting the wave of relieved honor take over your body.
The fluttering in your chest was from realizing how much thought they were putting into these little gifts for you, and it helped wipe away any lingering frustrations you previously had with them.
You tried not to dwell on your own rightful confused anger with feeling bad, clinging to the advice Niran gave you.
It was better to just focus on what things really were right now, and this? This wasn't a case purely of stealing or foolishness, it was just Sloan trying to do something meaningful for you.
It was already sweet that they brought back raw crystals for you from work all the time simply because they knew you liked them, not to mention how expensive and hard they are to acquire normally.. 
But, to actually try and charge and cleanse them for you too? 
Trying to replicate what they've watched you do with gemstones and water before?
They might as well have proposed on the spot.
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You pulled away, wrapping your arms around their neck and kissing all over their face.
“i take back everything i said, muah, i’m sorry for being mad at you, muah, i love you so much, mwuah muah, thank you, mwuah~ (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ”
“so worth it~.. ⊂( ̄▽ ̄)⊃” was all they managed to get out, their eyes practically swirling at all of your kisses.
With one last ‘mwuah!’, you ruffled their hair and went to checking the jars that made it back home.
“oh my goshh, you found citrine??”
“ooh, there's some amethyst here too!”
“wahh, selenite?!!? gosh, you're spoiling me, sloan! ~(˘▽˘)~”
You excitedly inspected the glasses, raising them above your head to look inside of the dark jars without removing their coverings.
Sloan stood there proudly, their hands on their hips and a cheesy grin on their face. They were so relieved that you weren't mad at them.
“i’m glad you like them!! :D, there's some more in my bag for you, ya know, the usual~ (。•̀ᴗ-)✧”
“aawwhh, thank you baby! i’m so so so sorry i was even mad at you at all (*_ _)人” 
You buried your face into their chest, wrapping your arms around them again.
“nono, IM sorry i made you worry like that,” they kissed your forehead, “i really should've just asked you first and.. maaayybee do this without.. OH! THAT REMINDS ME, BABY LOOK!!”
They reached in their pocket with one hand, the other still holding you back by the waist, and pulled out one last jar.
“you totally aren't gonna be ready for THIS one!!”
Something about this made you feel uneasy in the moment, but you swallowed Niran’s words once more, trusting in your partner.
They whipped out the glass of what was supposed to have the blue crystal in it, expecting it to be a glorious reveal… but, it was just strangely darker than the rest of the covered jars.
“huh, guess it's just.. a bit more shyer than the other rocks?” They tilted their head, letting go of you to gently knock at the jar. You watched with another jar in hand, ready to compare the two.
“heeelloooo? any celestine hoomee? hmph, i can definitely feel it in there though..” They held it to the ceiling and practically pressed their eyeball against the glass.
“it's like it's not in there.. but, it feels like it is?!” They swished around the jar, deciding to place it on the table with another ‘hmm..’
“maybe it's the cloth? let's just.. go ahead and pull that off then!”
“wait- sloan no it’ll toucH THE SUNLIGH-”
You tried to stop them, but their hands were already quick to remove the clothed lid and reveal the stone.
“wait shit no i’m so sorry i didn't me-”
“wooaahh..” You gasped and picked up the jar, mesmerized by the piece of celestine. 
It glimmered in such a way that you've never seen before, making you immediately forget about the actual water around it touching sunlight.
“it's.. it's beautiful, sloan..” You held it up to eye level, your eyes sparkling at the glittery gemstone before you.
“h-how’d you even.. find something like this? it's.. like it's glowing~..” It had you hypnotized, struggling to take your eyes off of it.
“i.. uhh.. surprise..??” They were also lost in the stone, the way it shimmered all sorts of colors and lights in the water seemed like magic. It wasn't this glamorous when they had found it.
“here sloan, look at it! did you.. really find this.. for me?”
You quickly shoved the jar into their hands, puppy eyeing at them for bringing you something so beautiful.
“o-of course, mi amor! it's my proudest find for you so far, so it's-” They froze, both of your eyes widening at the stone.
It felt like it all happened in slow motion, the way you both stopped to stare at what was happening in the glass.
The piece of celestine was… dissolving.
“wh- huh?? wait noo- this- this isn't good- w-why is it.. melting??!?”
The split second they had started holding it, the crystal dissipated. 
In a natural panic, they quickly placed it back on the counter, the water in the jar now being misty and clouded.
“hmm.. celestine isn't meant to rest in water but… it hasn't been that long since you put it in there, right?”
“l-like, only an hour or two, yeah?! b-but.. something feels weird..!” They started holding their own face in a panic, panting.
“it shouldn't have dissolved that quickly the- wait, are you okay?!? should I call someone??!”
“y/n.. i-i. i don't know! something'sdefinitelywrongandmystomachfeels-”
They suddenly covered their mouth, slowly looking at you with wide eyes.
“..’feels’? feels WHAT??, baby?!!? what's wrong??”
You joined in on their panic, bringing them close.
They tried holding a finger up, only to push you away and dash to a trash can, scurrying back to you with it in hand..
Then, they hovered over it.
“bleurg- ☁️💨”
“h-holy shit, sloan?? eurgh, sloan?!?!?”
As soon as they tried vomiting, the whole kitchen was smoked out in an instant, leaving you coughing and desperately swatting at the heavy air.
After about 10 seconds, the smoke started going away, revealing to you a trash can with.. no Sloan to be found.
“wh.. what..? even happened..?? where's-” You stopped yourself, something telling you to check the trash can.
Peering inside, you saw them.
Sloan was inside of the trash can, hand-sized, looking up at you. (・u・)
“o-oh.. my god.”
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✯ if you've made it this far, tysm for reading again!
✯ im planning on proofreading and rewriting the other parts (again, and if im motivated enough), but how would yall feel about me posting little drabbles here and there?
✯ feel free to hit my line abt it, or anything in general, i dont bite ! >:)
✯ the link for part 4 will go here soon, and here are the borders used!
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✯ enjoy your day/night! stay hydrated, love venture.. LOVE THE SILLY!! <3
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annie-bby · 2 years
hii would you be able to write cute relationship headcanons w/ puck from glee? :)
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hii! of course i can <3 thank you for your request x and i’m sorry it took so long!
noah puckerman x gn!reader
make sure to reblog and like if you enjoyed this, thank you!
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allow me to just start this off with: he is WHIPPED for you. entirely.
he’s crazy inlove with you
as in, he would do anything for you
you two began dating just before he found out quinn was having his baby (in his hoe era)
puck first off used you as a fling to get over quinn, except he started to get proper feelings, making life complicated for everyone
when quinn told him, his first thought was to not tell you about anything to do with the pregnancy
it was going great until you heard about it through jbi, when he posted it on the school’s blog
this caused a huge argument to erupt with you and puck, further causing a dent in the relationship
when he told you that quinn was keeping the baby and he wanted to be involved, you were angry and couldn’t help but understand.
quinn had a conversation with you (this confused you since you and quinn never spoke even though you were on the cheerleading team together), and spoke to you about puck. you couldn’t help but feel like he had some involvement in that.
after this, you then went and spoke to puck, hearing his thoughts and coming to an agreement that you’re okay with him being involved with the baby growing up as long as he doesn’t leave you.
you helped out when you could and offered for her to stay with you when she got kicked out. she declined yet you were still closer than you were before
when quinn had her baby, you found out that she had called her beth and was going to give her to shelby, rachel’s mother
after this, you and quinn sort of drifted however still spoke
ok now that’s out of the way wow
he’s honestly so caring
cold? football jersey yay
wardrobe malfunction? football jersey yay
he loves to see you in his clothes
speaking of clothes, if you were to stay at his house or him at yours, he’d love to pick your outfit
not even in a controlling way, just cute
“okay how about these two together?”
“i absolutely cannot wear a orange top with black jeans, santana will tear me apart.“
“fuck santana and what she thinks!”
“you’ve already done that!”
teasing him for everything. movie and song choices, exes, fashion sense (if you can even call it that)
he is honestly strangely domestic
going back to the idea of you staying at his or him at yours, if your parents both had work and it was just you, he’d let you sleep in and you’d wake up to him attempting to make you breakfast
and you can say that he is not like that all you want, you saw what he was like with beth
a family is all he wants, and now you’re in the picture he knows he’s got everything he wants and more. a family.
dates. they are so spontaneous. one day you could be watching movies and eating dinner and the next you could be sitting at the top of a ferris wheel laughing about an insult santana said about finn
that reminds me. being literal besties with finn however not being able to stand rachel. she’s too obnoxious
i cant help but feel like you and santana have some sort of friendship but not that much ?? like one of them where it’s like you say hi and talk to each other sometimes and if one of them is in drama you’re immediately on their side and backing them up but you wouldn’t hang around with them willingly??
does that make sense?
if you have long hair, he loves to try and do your hair but always gets it tangled :( he tries i swear
if you were to get drunk (rachel’s house party train wreck extravaganza) it would be so funny. all of puck’s exes except santana seem to be under the “angry drunks” category so i’m putting you under there
you know what that means. teaming up with drunk lauren and drunk quinn to shout at him as he tries to get you all to stop (i’m sorry but i have to mention the way he drunkenly says “chILL OUTTT” to lauren after she makes fun of pucks hair)
honestly this isn’t even just at rachel’s house party train wreck extravaganza it’s everywhere where there is alcohol present
being the school’s it couple
the entire glee club ships you both i swear to GODDD
flirting everywhere it’s actually sickly
“get a room please!” - rachel
i think this one was obvious
he LOVES pda.
he wants everyone to know that he loves you and that you are his partner
dancing to music and singing along to the songs, sometimes he turns down the music as you’re singing. he’s inlove with your voice .
i actually didn’t say this omg but you’re in the glee club too yayay you joined just after puck did
you are his greatest achievement (second to beth, IM SORRY)
but this doesn’t mean you aren’t the one he loves and sees a future with
he just wants to marry you one day
omg how was this??? i hope this is good! if this isn’t up to your expectations just send in another ask and i’ll try again :) i’m very sorry it took so long!
back to my masterlist: here
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hiemaldesirae · 5 months
Arrax here with more Vox/Lucifer bestie AU (also you can use any of this at any time btw =3) (also, though this sounds Vox/Lucifer it is NOT. Lucifer is just extremely possessive of his friends. He doesn't have many. Well he has one. So. Yeah. Just don't tell Al, I wanna keep him guessing. Lol)
So a few days afterward the broadcast where Vox's death comes out, Lucifer shows up at the Vee tower, excited. Apparently he's been invited to the hotel for a dinner and game night with everyone. Which would be fine, except Lucifer overheard Char-char tell Maggie--"It's Vaggie, Luc, or Vagatha if you prefer." Vox murmurs as he works. That's it's partnered and he'd be partnered to either one of the residents or Mammon who's visiting. "Charlie wants you to bring Mammon to the Hotel?" Vox asks, fully turning away from his work eyes wide. "Really, Luc?"
Lucifer shakes his head. "To her the sins are just her fun loving Aunt(s) and Uncles. She doesn't know how most of them feel about sinners. Especially how Mammon feels about sinners--so you see my dilemma. Mammon would take Alcaster's--"Alastor's, Luc,"--general, uh... whateverness as an invitation to kill Every sinner in the hotel, no matter what Char-char feels. He'll just think money or gifts could rebuy her love."
Vox winces. "Damn, Luc...your brother's a bit fucked up." "He landed on his head after The Fall, and Hell just encouraged his vices. If it was Bee who was visiting I wouldn't be ask you this, but...can you please come with me? It's not a formal dinner--we'll be eating take-away while playing games, just like we do while we play video games or read at the palace! It'll be just like our regular Friday nights and entire Saturdays!" Lucifer says, grinning happily. Neither notice two glowing eyes with a smile that widen with *RAGE* upon spotting Lucifer with Vox.
Vix snorts. "Except for the last six Saturdays we've been going upstairs to the human realm and tormenting humans--we even convinced two guys they'd been abducted by aliens-" "No anal probing! You can do anything else, but no anal probing!" Lucifer smirked interrupting his best friend. "Is that why you turned them into ducks? And, sure I'll come. It'll be good to get away from Vel for a bit. She's been a bit upset about the loss of Valentino. "
"Do I really need a reason to turn anything into ducks? But yes, it was. They've settled in nicely at the university pond we left them at...." *he cocks his head at the mention of Valentino.* "Ah, yes! As a thank you for that--" *he purrs, voice rich with power and sin*--he leans forward, demon form coming out and kisses Vox directly on the mouth.
Vox's eyes widen, before he feels it: undeniable power flowing through him, and not something he could only use once--it was something that would permanently be a part of him. He could feel it burning into his circuits, into his Cyan blood and wires. He feels the hidden spines that line his spine slide out, sparks sliding from the top one from his neck down to the largest one that emerges right before the curve of his ass. He feels his body itch, his claws burn as this new power settles into him, and he pants.
Lucifer pulls away, a dark grin on his face. "Now no Sinner or exorcist can dare take you--YOUR hard work from you. My friend, Voxtech will never fall. Should that Velottie leave, you can do it without her. " He purrs, gently rubbing Vox's shoulder a dark possessiveness in his eyes.
Neither see the glowing red eyes and smile that disappear afterwards, but both notice Vox's radio burst to life, Alastor's voice more unhinged then usual.
arrax youre killing me here. youre killing me im dead and deceased bury me face down or else ill dig myself out of my grave and reanimate myself solely to watch for the next installation of your own little au in my inbox
i genuinely cant even think of anything to add onto this. i usually try to add on a bit more to your guys' thoughts but im actually speechless this time what the fuck am i supposed to say to this. this is probably how contemporary artists felt beholding the work of michelangelo for the first time. i mean like. fucking hell man what do you expect me to do with this i am but a little guy....... this is like dropping shakespeares completed play trilogys in front of my face and asking what id add onto it
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safetycar-restart · 1 year
Smt i always imagine is our soft subby boys meeting an expartner and hearing about what your relationship was like with your former sub and its a completely different dynamic from the one you have with him and!!! I could write a thesis on why i think there are very specific categories they all fall into!
Charles... first of all babygurl charles does not want to meet your former sub, does not even want to acknowledge you had previous relationships. You're his now and he's happy being delusional! If it was known they would be at an event you're going to i think he would be very sneaky and try to find a way you can both avoid it, but if you have to go theres no way hes not going to be there (i hc charles and being very protective, very territorial- he does not want to share!). And charles is trying to avoid them but is so hyperaware of their presence he kind of just ends up glaring at them all night while you have an arm around his waist ... so, like, they have no choice but to approach, charles is drawing attention and its awkward 😭 and okay okay your arm never leaves his waist but you smile and maybe just a small comment is made, idk, charles trying to brag about your dynamic and how much attention you give him, bc! He needs to know! You like charles more! And then your former sub goes oh no ours was really laid back, i didnt need too much and she could have other hobbies 😩 i literaly have no idea, i leave this to your talent to make it more believable, but ! Charles just deflates, everything has been too much and hes so overwhelmed and just tired and then teary, but he doesnt want to leave you and just needs you to know he needs to be at home alone with you in spft pyjamas cuddling - i hc charcles as well as just expecting you to know his every feeling, he knows its good to communicate but you always just seem to know ... so just a little bit when you keep talking even with his shiny eyes looking at you and youre not even looking back hes feeling betrayed?? And he knows its irrational but he cant help it.
You go through the rest of the night with a very sullen and withdrawn charles who wont really talk to you but also wont stop hugging you and god forbid you dont hold his waist (very zendaya and tom holland okay? Have you seen those photos???? BABYGIRL) even if hes sad and just a tiny bit upset with you he still needs you to hold him, or hes just gonna fall apart, and now i leave this to ypu, if you want to answer! Just insecure sad charles needing reassurance, but getting the problem out of him is challenging enough. Ik you can do this justice bestie!! Would love to hear your thoughts. I have ideas for the others as well but i thought it was too much for a single ask 😩
Oh my god I love this. PLEASE PLEASE send me your other ideas!!! Please!!! I need to know all the thoughts!!!! I added mommy kink to this because I think it works really well with the different dynamic aspect?
So firstly, yeah charles is happy to live in delusion! He’s your baby boy and you’re his mommy and it has simply always been that way in his little head. He never ever wants to meet anyone who has been with you before him, because no! He refuses! He’s yours and you’re his and that’s it.
(Sidenote: he gets even more distressed when he meets one of his exes)
And because of Charles being so territorial, he honestly loves going to kink events? Of course it’s always very high class kink events where everyone has to sign NDAs to protect Charles.
He LOVES being on your arm the whole night, letting everyone see what a good boy he is for his mommy. He wears his collar so proudly, clinging to your side the entire evening and just being so happy because so many people come up to you two and no one even thinks of trying to join you two because it’s so clear that you’re together and need no one else and Charles is THRIVING.
You spend a fair amount of the evening with Charles curled up on your lap, receiving a slow handjob and he’s truly living his best life. So many people come to watch but none can touch and even when they make comments or suggestions, Charles always looks to you because you’re his mommy! He’s a good boy, only listening to his mommy.
So after you’ve teased an orgasm out of Charles and he’s all soft and happy in your arms (and trying to get down onto the floor because he’s feeling soft and subby and he must return the favour! Must taste mommy!), you decide it’s time to walk around the room a little and actually greet some people.
Charles is more than happy with that, because he loves being arm Candy. He’s in no state to actually talk much, but he knows you’ll handle that.
That’s when you run into your ex. Charles has heard about the person before, because you’re both very open about who you’ve been with before. Maybe Charles had even seen a picture of them before?
Even normally, Charles would be very unhappy with seeing one of your exes. But at a kink event? When he’s just had an orgasm? Oh no Charlie is VERY upset about this.
He glared at the person, sticking to your side and pouting. At first you think it’s Charles being possessive because you did just make him cum and are now looking at others. So you tighten your grip on his waist, pulling him closer. You expect him to melt into your side as always, cuddling into you and then happily getting his cuddles while you chat to some people.
But that’s not what happened, because Charlie’s is upset! He will not just melt into your arms because an ex sub of yours is right there!
At the same time, your ex sub notices you and comes to say hi. The two of you left on good terms, and you don't mind running into them at all. Charles though? Charles minds. He really really minds.
Charles introduces himself though, prodding announcing that you're his mommy, emphasising the possession because he needs the ex sub to know that you're HIS mommy now.
Only for the ex sub to smile and say, "Oh that's nice, we never really did that dynamic together, preferred more lowkey stuff."
Which just... Charles needs to go home now. He needs to go home right now.
He knows that he should be happy to hear that you havent been anyone else's mommy. But that also means that you havent wanted to be anyone else's mommy. Do you not enjoy it as much as he thought you did? Is he just a burden?
He's too sad and too subby and you must take him home now!!
Except he doesn't voice this, he just forces a laugh and cuddles as close to you as he can, trying to get some comfort. You don't notice anything odd about his behaviour, because you expected him to be quiet and clingy after his orgasm.
But then you try to walk somewhere else, expecting Charles to come with you but Charles doesn't expect it. So he just kinda stands there and whines?
You take a few steps before realising Charles isnt with you, and when you turn around, you see a sobbing Charles watching you. The poor thing assumed you were leaving him, not that you were simply going somewhere else and expecting him to follow you.
Your heart just breaks, because your little sub is clearly so lost and confused and something has made him so much more upset than he should be.
So you quickly go back to him, pulling him into your arms and apologising for not warning him that you were going to move.
"Mommy," he whines, clinging to you, "mommy.... need mommy."
You hold him tight, kissing his neck and promising him that you're right there, that he has his mommy.
You take him home after that, changing him into comfy clothes and letting him cuddle him into you. You just hold him close, waiting for him to calm down before you ask him anything. You know that if you ask him what happened before he's ready, then he'll only get even more upset.
So you just let him calm down in your arms, keeping him warm and safe and giving him plenty of forehead kisses.
When he's ready, he admits that what really upset him was meeting your old sub, and hearing that you had a much more laid back dynamic with them. You understand then, and your heart just breaks because your subby baby should never ever think that he's too much.
"Things were more laid back with them," you explain, "and yeah I've never had such a serious dynamic before. But I've also never had such a cute babyboy before, and I've never wanted to look after someone like I want to with you before."
"So you... you're happy with me?" he asks you, sniffling a little.
"Of course!" you say, "I love you! You're my baby, yeah?"
He nods then, managing to give you a little smile.
But he'd still rather be delusion though. He belongs to his mommy and his mommy belongs to him.
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diagonal-queen · 1 year
thungo thursday pt2
ep 6 (put it under a cut because this one is LONG)
fukuchi be like 'the agency couldn't possibly be smart enough to- oh wait nvm i forgot ranpo existed lol' like more than once and i think that is testament to the fact that RANPO BEST BOY
'have you forgotten? we're terrorists' ICONIC BEHAVIOUR
man and i complain about doing one 37 hour work week. after this one week the agency needs to take a NAP. AND THE MAFIA TOO. imagine there's like just no criminal activity or anything for like three days and everyone's like ?? but on day 4 atsushi and akutagawa are fighting to the death at the port and everyone is like 'ah. business as usual' lmaoooo
omg every time the hunting dogs song comes on i get so hyped lmao im like yESSS ACTION
'that man, that demon, the evillest most scawy man ever in the world....etc etc' and its just some guy doing the most coy babygirl pose a guy can possibly do
taneda btw deserved none of this he was just some nice old dude and then sigma fucking stabbed him lmao
dazai is like the personification of the perjury mechanic in drv3. 'go on lie. you gotta. lie now. cmon pussy you wont'
my god fyozai is so fucking babygirl. also wdym dazai?? if the two of you were the last ones on earth you should just have gay sex. its not that hard smh
oh no dazai falled down through the flore
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dm me if you want to receive a free 2min audio file of me laughing about this (i have a headache from laughing. my throat fucking hurts so bad. i'm pretty sure it's actually bleeding. my eyes are moist with tears. BESTIE???????)
do you even needa ask why i'm here?? ⭐️❤️☺️ *voice drops 6 octaves* i'm here to murder you 👹👹👹
and then after that fyodor was just like 'teehee he's so romantic x' like bro
dazai: *turns to the camera like he's on the office* waow
i love mykola's little laugh it's so silley
omg they're actually animating him so well. bones must've seen the reception from s4 and decided to step it up 💀
dazai and fyodor are simultaneously evil grown men and bimbo highschool girls and it's such a look. 'omg ur friends are so cute <3' 'omg right???' also mykola my beloved i want to be yours forever pls
i love how bram's acting all tough like aya can't just open the casket and leave and render him thoroughly powerless lmao
omg the official anime aya and bram sillies begin. we've been waiting for this for months folks so far so good
it was already pretty funny that aya is carrying bram like a backpack but actually seeing her running with him on her back is like a billion times funnier especially since this shit is life or death. but she just got a whole entire vampire on her back no problem sjhsksjssjhj
sigma: watashi wa shiguma me: fucking superb you funky little toddler
imagine if it was a fucking prank this whole time and mykola just injected them with a slow-working sedative or something that would be so funny. like all of this for nothing sksjksjsjks and then he just stabs fyodor or something the end. boom world save
oh ok nvm the vampires can talk just fine i guess lmao. also i genuinely cant tell if im supposed to be taking this episode seriously or not. one second people are being brutally slaughtered next moment silley little guys??? such is the way of bsd i guess
'you're a failure of a woman' my dude she is literally 10 years old she is nowhere close to being a woman shut your misogynistic ass up lmao
OKAY BECAUSE ok ok listen i was wondering what music they were gonna use for bram and when i heard the ending music i was like 'ok a little anticlimactic but i understand' and then it TRANSITIONED into the ACTUAL ENDING??? 10/10
hehe. bestie
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acaciapines · 5 months
hiiiiiii bestie hiiiii hiiiiiii hiiii <3
no one else is asking so I will take one for the team. well maybe someone has asked but I will ask again if not. can you please tell us abt how kris and noelle meet in the drk au, and noelle’s uh. reaction to seeing dess again when she thought dess was dead? and ig by extension, kris. not sure if this is getting into spoiler territory so feel free not to answer or be as vague as you want :p
am also interested in hearing more abt ralsei and susie in this au. Please
have we talked abt this a bit? definitely. but the ppl on tumblr should hear it also and I like hearing abt it smile
hii hi hi <3
i do not know how much of this will be new for you but it will be new for everyone else so LETS GO!!!
okay so. i think i've mentioned this in other posts before, but the whole event that starts off everyone finding out dess and kris arent actually dead is that kris dives into a dark world! theyre trying to close a dark world like dess does, because they think that maybe!! that way!! dess will come back and be proud of them and love them and then she wont leave so much! because kris can close dark worlds too, see? now they can go with her!
they tell this to frisk, swear frisk to secrecy, and then! vanish lol they're Gone. the way dark worlds work here also isnt fully solid but im treating them sort of like mystery dungeons in pmd, so they dont fully follow the laws of like, physics and the like which means that even tho where kris lives is Very Far from hometown, noelle, susie, and ralsei are still able to get to the same dark world from hometown!
do not ask me what this dark world is like. i have No Idea. probably somewhat inspired by kris's life but i have not gone so far as to plot it out lol. the important part is that susie and ralsei split off from noelle (like in cyber city) and so noelle ends up running into kris, who has not only gotten lost but is in WAY over their head lol, so she saves them and kris begrudgingly agrees to stick with her. they totally couldve done this on their own. theyre sticking with noelle for her own safety. and noelle is just like yeah sure lol.
while traveling through the dark world together, noelle and kris have no idea who the other is! not only do they not really remember each other (noelle has a few vague memories, kris was even younger when dess took them so they dont remember anything at all), but they've both grown up a lot and in kris's case are fully presenting as a monster. they bond a bit over both being deer-monsters!
they cant fully communicate, tho...kris would be nonverbal throughout this entire trip and since noelle never grew up with kris she doesnt know monster sign language. she might remember a few words from her childhood but not enough to understand kris and even if she did she is a stranger so kris wouldnt sign OR speak to her anyways lol. but they do help each other out and close the dark world together! they come out in hometown and noelle promises to help kris find their parent cause they did Not mean to come here lol, and that is when! she checks her phone and shes gotten a text from toriel about a missing kid, and she's like....hey so uh i think your parent might actually be at my house lol wanna come by.
(while kris was stuck in the dark world, frisk got Very Worried and did eventually spill everything to chara, and thats how chara and frisk end up in hometown desperately trying to find kris! they come across toriel who helps them out and thats why they're at the holiday-dreemurr house).
and so things are all fun and fine until noelle and kris get back to noelle's house, and go inside, and kris is reunited with chara, and when that happens toriel sees this child and is like. holy shit. is that my dead kid.
and the fic would end there lol! (in my head this is a series, so, it would span multiple fics) another fun thing is this is the moment where noelle learns kris's name--so it wont really be a surprise for the audience cause i feel like most people could catch on that this is kris (remember up til this point we only follow noelle and the hometown crew, so we think dess and kris are dead), but if you didnt...
honestly i dont know how noelle would react... i feel like she wouldnt have as big a response as everyone else! to her dess is less a person and more like, the story she's told as to why she cant do all the same things her peers do, why her mom + stepmom are so overprotective, why asriel stayed behind instead of going to college...dess loves noelle but noelle is like literally who are you. so when dess tries to like, bond with noelle, noelle doesnt want this...she grew up without a sister and that bond isnt going to form again! she doesnt know who this woman is!
its. very hard for dess needless to say. and for kris who sees how much dess is investing in noelle and theyre just like. okay well why was she never like that with me. which then leads to tensions between noelle and kris, which pushes kris to make some Very Bad Choices, and and and. plot <3
actually the relationship ive thought about the least if im being honest. but i was talking about them to you last night and i think that like...there IS a level of antagonism that doesnt exist in deltarune canon. ralsei is trying to hard to stick to the prophecy, and when susie in this story's version of chapter one ignores it to be a villain with lancer, that hits A LOT HARDER in a world where from the very start the prophecy is being broken (since its two monsters who fall lol)
plus ralsei is also dealing with a lot of feelings shes never felt before--jealously, envy, not being able to just ignore her dysphoria anymore...shes a lot more aware of her crush on noelle and so noelle having a crush on susie isnt helping...
LIKE THEY ARE FRIENDS i think ralsei feels a LOT of guilt about all of this, and when its just her and susie things are good! they make sense!!! susie makes her wanna BE things wanna feel like maybe these things she feels are okay...but then everything always comes crashing down and its. bad again.
annnnnd thats all i think!! as always anybody can ask for follow ups. i'll spoil this entire au lol im sure things will change as i write it and besides. this is gonna take A While so when i do post it in like 2026 yall wont remember what i said here lol.
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This post on twitter PISSED me off and I can't stop thinking about how no one cares about their friends anymore! SOOO here's a blog post about it.
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Reading everything is encouraged though!
(THIS section is a little bit off topic from the rest but I can't HELP but mention it.) I think we should all start doing what the original poster did with our friends to be honest. We need to make space for our feelings and expectations in our friendship. Like learn how to fucking leave space for your community. I may have wrote about this before if not I will def be writing about it soon but the lack of community building and intimate friendship skills in gen z is so harmful in so many ways. Not only does it create this 'loneliness epidemic' ( if you're anything like me you've watched a million YouTube video essays on) but dude... DO YOU THINK ROSA PARKS JUST GOT ON THAT DAMN BUS HER DAMN SELF ON A RANDOM ASS DAY AND IT STARTED A REVOLUTION???? NO. They organized that! IT WAS AN ACTIVIST GROUP WHO DID IT AND PLANNED IT! How do you think black activism was able to prevail through the racist ass civil rights movement? COMMUNITY BUILDING AND GRASS ROOTS ORGANIZING AND GIRL LOOK AT THE STATE OF THE WORLD WE COULD USE THAT RIGHT NOW !
NOWWWW listen, I know we are all at our own pace with interpersonal relationships I get that, I can already hear the "Sometimes your friends can be depressed though so maybe YOU should consider that" crowd grabbing their pitchforks but, dude. Especially if you're an adult, you need to learn how to master these obstacles in certain situations. I know this sucks so bad and its unfair but your relationships are still half your responsibility hurting someone because you weren't mentally well still hurt them. I know this better than fucking anyone as someone who has borderline and had to come to terms with that myself. It's an annoying and unfair and hard truth but once you admit it to yourself you can become a better companion. We all have things going on but the people in your life deserve the respect of you at the least attempting to communicate on why you're not upholding the level of intimacy you have set for yourself with said person. Next section are two fairly easy skills to help manage your mental health but be a good friend. ALSO if you're doing the things in the next section with them and your friends still is an ass about it because they don't like the compromise you were able to give or whatever DO be mindful that the relationship is half their responsibility too. Friends should be able to leave space for their mentally ill friends (if they're being properly communicated to and their needs are also being taken into account) that can look like patience understanding and willingness to compromise or lending a helping hand or shoulder to cry on, meeting you where you're at. And if they can't do that after you extend that communication or compromise to them maybe you guys shouldn't be close friends who expect those things from one another or possibly not friends at all but thats up to you to choose!
( I use bitch and hoe as terms of endearment I love my depressed shawty baes)
You bad at communicating and you about to ghost all your friends? Well before you do or better yet when you're in a healthy state of mind tell them thats a problem you have and if its a friend you're really close to who might still need reassurance when you go ghost try to come up with some compromise like "I will still go ghost in the sense that I won't communicate but ill send memes I see to let you know your on my mind!" or "I will do a week/ monthly check in with you but thats all I have the energy for." (remember not to abuse these strategies though! throughout your journey of healthy confrontation you will learn how to discern between whether or not you are using them because you genuinely need them in that moment or if its because you are closing yourself away from the world a toxic amount and need to face your feelings around and with other people)
Muster up the strength to say or set up something like this maybe before you enter that state of mind while you're still in the good place! "hey I have a habit of doing ____ if i'm not in a good place. So when you text me I will text back this same funny meme or tiktok etc as a symbol to let you know i'm in I wanna die mode!" this is a way to communicate to your close friends that you're in a bad headspace at the moment and can't give much energy to the friendship without really having to say anything besides the first time you bring it up if you're uncomfortable all you have to do is send that meme or maybe emoji etc! (Make sure you aren't abusing this strategy to avoid working on your communication issues though because that can regress your communication abilities and friendships even further this is something you will learn and determine for yourself through trial and erorr)
Remember both of these sections are first steps but we also wanna work on being able to compromise SOMETIMES when we haven't left the bad place yet but I know many of you aren't ready for that. SO I won't scare y'all away.
Maybe you're someone who genuinely can't maintain close intimate friendships with sensitive people and maybe i'm wrong here and this might offend you but in most cases I believe thats not true. A lot of people are just scared of sensitivity and emotions. A lot of people are fed up with life and won't allow themselves to push passed their own imaginary limits to open up the can of worms that truly is making and maintaining intimate friendships.
The truth is a lot of us ARE sensitive, but we make ourselves smaller for all the people we love because "they have other stuff going on". I can't help but think if you agree with the qrt or had an 'its not that deep' reaction thats the qualities of being a bad friend (and its not your fault because within especially western individualist culture and patriarchal culture thats what we are taught to be but UNLEARN it).
Also I understand being traumatized by someone who was really sensitive and didn't know how to communicate and they became abusive, I also understand that having a sensitive friend again after that can be triggering. I'm so sorry that happened to you. BUT I hope you don't let your abuser take away this learning experience from you because healthy confrontation once learned is such a beautiful thing. ALSO healthy confrontation doesn't mean devoid of any emotion or things that make you uncomfortable don't expect people who are upset at you to shit sunshine and fart rainbows but its important to make sure you're NOT being verbally abused either. (I will make a post soon about healthy confrontation soon and what that looks like). Hey i'm not saying the original poster had the healthiest response either (im pretty sure the kms thing was meant to be a self deprecating joke not actual emotional manipulation keep that in mind) but it is a natural response to being hurt and more than likely the type of response you give after multiple offenses not just one thing. That is the behavior of someone who's felt ostracized for a while. I would not in any way shape or form consider it an abusive response though yeah it makes you uncomfortable, which circles me back around to the beginningof this. Stop making yourself smaller for the people you love, it's okay to make things uncomfortable by mentioning your feelings because they need to learn to be comfortable with talking about things.
If you continue to make yourself smaller for the people you love, one day you will look around you and you will see all the people you love, but you won't see the people who love you and... that? THAT is pain.
so reader, what do you think? Leave a comment even if you disagree! I genuinely wanna know.
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elfhchan · 6 months
Dear Elfhchan, your work "Brought to Light" is SO AMAZING. Jaw fricking dropped, I thought I was in paradise while I was reading it all. The way you described at the beginning about Ghost in the sunlight on the windowsill, I almost fainted with delight, it was so comfortable and nice to read!!! König is a cute puppy as usual, I am touched by his behavior, this time it even seemed to me that from the change of roles, Ghostie became a little more talkative and opened? the jaw dropped 2x. And the way he started calling König a puppy, I flew to the moon and back, BUT I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO RECOVER, AND YOU KNOCKED ME OUT. And you know why? By the fact that Ghost called himself the master AND KöNIG OBEYED HIM UNCONDITIONALLY. THE JAW DROPPED 3x. "Yes, master" is so ahh 😩😩😩 I am ready to kneel in front of you for this moment that you described in your beautiful fanfiction. The whole process I was red as a tomato, usually when I read your fanfiction I smile and giggle softly from the sweetness and coolness yk, but.... BUT THIS ONE. This work made me blush as if I were a ripe tomato, and this very rarely happens, so you truly surprised me and made me admire every line you wrote in this work!!! If you wanted to send me to heaven with one line, then the part "I slowly kissed his eyelashes and hugged him, bringing his body close to mine and resting his head on my chest." hits like.. LIKE INCREDIBLY GOOD, THE BEST MOMENT I SWEAR TO GOD. I FLEW TO ANOTHER UNIVERSE, the sweetest gesture on Kon's part, I'm crying out of cutiness. I officially get down on one knee in front of you and say - this is the best fluffy and comfort fanfiction that I've read in my entire life (exactly where König is a bottom), can I blow you a kiss or just throw hearts at you PLEASE????? 💝💕💖💘💞💕💘💝💖💕💘💖💘💞💕💘💕💖💘💞
Bestie!!! You are so adorable, I cant even describe how happy your words and this message make me. Not gonna lie, I was a bit shy to post this because it is shorter than my other ones but I knew I had to at least try it and if people hated it, I could go back. Now I am afraid I am too deep into it and I will for sure bring more of these stories to you.
König is such a cutie in this one, even tho he keeps his general manerisms, when it comes to Ghost taking the lead, he kinda loses that front and becomes like a puppy. At least in my eyes. And how can he not, if I saw Ghostie sitting on that window sill, bathed in sunlight I would faint too lol I know my fanfics are not that sad or filled with pain like others out there, so they can be a bit underwelming when you read them, so writting fluffy stories is my way to combat that feeling. It makes my day to know that I created something people will read and feel good about. So I am thrilled you liked it, it truly makes me smile you decided to check it out eventually. The moments you pointed out, especially the eyelash kiss, are my fav from the entire story too, I guess I am in a mood of fluff lol so you get to experience a bit of that through my fanfic as well. Send me hearts so i can do the same because your comments are the best! 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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pinkseas · 1 year
[parasocial bestie] NAWT ME TRYING TO GO BACK MY OWN TAG AND LIKE. REMEMBER WHICH TF RESPONSE I HAVE NOT RESPONDED its compulsory i must answer to Everything or i will die so Anyway im throwing everything in one ask HAHA
THE POST WITH THE LYRICS,... XIAOCORE,..... "When you said that I was killing myself / I've killed everything but my shame" indicating xiao wasnt regretting all the hurt he's done to himself be it from his duty or the repercussions bc he knows he Deserves it and takes it without caring any dignity like YOU JUST CANT
and adnd and!! GOWSH IT MAY BE A SHORTER SCENE OBV NOT MAIN FOCUS OR WHATEVER u gonna add in the next xiaolumi fic but i am just. gosh they mean saur much 2 me,..... he's concussed. zhongli frets like a mother. he's concussed what did he do to reach that point how serious it is to get zhongli fret like a mother. i am jUSTTTTTTT
and u. the. the xiao's mom you really went there you madmanwomangirlgnc. i read it all and i am crying sobbing at 4am that time. i am not okay i jsutcant believe this i cannot believe. the traits that she used to have that unconsciously influences xiao and at some point used in an unhealthy way than she intended for him to learn. "she sees no use dwelling in the past", he sees every. single mistake of it, of what he did even if it's out of his will. but also disregarding how he used to be, of that suffering if others know, and with the goodest of intentions- to point out what he's been through makes him deserving of care. my guy twists the morals so he can have his existence barely known so he can continue that quest of redemption he never had to do, or has long been redeemed.
"(she names him alatus, gives him wings the only way she can. may he never be trapped as she was for so long. may he always find a way to fly.) / (funny, really, how that works out.)" I AM LITERALLYYYYY NOT OKAYYYY I AM SO!!!!!! OK BUT I JUST,SF.FSFLDF THINK ABOUT HIS WINGS THE MOMENT U MENTIONED IT like. yeah bird adeptus yes absolutely its always canon but the thing about his wings. like how do you hc he lost it. ppl would go for amputation, or its still salvageable but it's been rendered so bad it doesnt have the strength for him to take flight. id pick one but i cant cuS MAN BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PROGRESS OF GRIEF FOR HIM,..... to lose flight entirely is to lose part of himself and that's been like that for millenia it gets even harder once he knows lumine had wings before that HAS a chance to be obtained again,..... but for now they share that loss of wings, to feel the wind in your face as you fly higher and higher into the clouds.......
"it isn’t her fault or negligence or neglect that leads to him being taken. it’s the cruelty of the world and bad luck, plain and simple. he remembers missing her. he remembers missing her so much it ached." everytghing that comes after thsis. everything. i just,. im so,... sogdgfg im SO
"he makes her a grave. it takes a very long time. there’s no name and a marker only he would recognize. it’s nothing special. he thinks, distantly, that she deserved more than this. but it’s all he has, and that will have to be enough. and then he does what she always did, what she always taught him to do: he moves forward." dead on the floor
"you cant stop turning to talk to them only to realize you’re facing an empty space. paimon helps. paimon really, truly helps. but she’s her own person, a friend, not a sibling or a twin. not a replacement. not even close." WITH THE WAY I HOLD PAIMON FOR DEAR LIFE, THIS IS A REALITY I HAVE TO FACE AS MUCH AS HER!!!!! SHE IS NO REPLACEMENT!!! so i had to dig one of my other brainrot drafts where paimon had been a lil guilty for not contributing anything to the chasm, snapping at lumine for trying to reason her. pasting that sht here cus it still gets me despite im not exactly a Writer (and i like to put a lil sad quirk that paimon can go off third person in her speech if she's serious on it)
Her outburst was over with a harsh sob, and the pixie looked even smaller than physically possible. Paimon wiped her eyes roughly with a puffy sleeve, and Lumine wondered how contradictive her companion is when it comes to self expression. “... I wanted to do something.” “Not just talking, not just… being like this.” The pixie kicked the air weakly, fiddling with the folds of her shirt. “But it’s why I talk most of the time, so you don’t have to. Maybe then I’ll get to know Teyvat better, and how to get out of things faster. The Chasm was… scary.” 
"Getting trapped there is different than when you were almost split in half most of the time." Paimon rubbed her eyes again, a sniffle too quiet to be heard.  "'Cause your brother won't find you that way, and it means I broke my promise to you."
SO. YEA. paimon my emotional support flying nugget
"it def influenced my own thoughts on the travelers and their powers and how strong they were Before teyvat and how its changed them after" "i keep lumi and aether in that space between mortal and god / theres so much wiggle room and them as gods outside of very specific portrayals doesnt feel right to me / but theyre definitely VERY powerful and very inhuman imo"
PERSONALLY i looooooooove the different interpretations of the twins being primordial gods,.. or like as you said, that space between mortal and god, though to me i dont have a strong enough picture when it comes to defining what exactly they are in nature but def in that little space. cus i like to characterize lumine AND aether as human as they can and are, probably bc im projecting probably bc im a bitchass on a god's ego and personifying that. i revolve the story of the twins' journey regarding humanity, but more on them leaning to feeling human and mortal than a god, bc they HAD been gods before. or at least something equivalent.
and actually? my first impression of the twins to push the hc isnt through these typa fics, its from the theory that tied the twins with hyv's other game honkai impact 3rd; that theyre sort of 'scouts' that travels throughout space for a habitable world while honkai is close to its own cataclysm by Advanced Development being a threat to gods; just like khaenriah. so like. its a mess of a theory i saw long ago but ye kno!! its been stuck in my head since, and it solidifies my thought to lumine acting like a human bc she is, or was, with whatever happened in between turning her and her brother into who they are now. in that little space between.
so like!! for these twins. aether is more empathetic, he understood far more than lumine ever does, bc he doesnt focus on the duty more than the ppl he meets. lumine being the more calculative and speculative twin, doing strategies and being first in the offense- altho aether is the one ready to back her up and in the frontline, her tank and shield. hes more carefree, more kind, what nara varuna had been to the aranara is what he had been still. to cry for the forest people, to cry for those even if he thought; lumine would tell me to think this again, to not rely too much whats in his heart. now without him in the picture, she asks herself her own question. she looks back at how ae would do, would act and think thats not as far as she does. that lumine thinks through logic, and aether thinks through compassion. and then to the present where he's gone and she'd slowly fill the space he had been into her own personality, learning how he had been bc the aether she saw now was not there anymore. like gooooshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh IDKKKKKKKKKK
"indicating xiao wasnt regretting all the hurt he's done to himself be it from his duty or the repercussions bc he knows he Deserves it and takes it without caring any dignity" exactly <3333333333333 no bc like. he doesnt Care he doesnt care about how much it hurts him hes so convinced that he DOES deserve it, its just part of his life part of his duty nothing more and nothing less. but that doesnt stop the shame that comes with anything he perceives as failure (which is definitely A Lot Of Things) or shit like being too injured to continue fighting im so. fmgnfgmnfmngmf
it may not be the Main focus but zhongli and xiao's relationship in this fic is basically the second biggest focus beyond xiao himself/the xiaolumi of it all tbh, even before we started talking before The Brainrot Festivals i knew i really wanted to highlight their relationship and dynamic and the way i was portraying them, zhongli will definitely be a very important part of it !! as for. what led to xiao being concussed and zhongli fretting that much. well. smile. im a fan personally although i DO really need to polish up the scene i did it so long ago its such a mess...... god thats ognna be SO fun i should try to do that today
"you madmanwomangirlgnc" GIGGLING SM HELP
"the traits that she used to have that unconsciously influences xiao and at some point used in an unhealthy way than she intended for him to learn." yeah <3333 "my guy twists the morals so he can have his existence barely known so he can continue that quest of redemption he never had to do, or has long been redeemed." NO BECAUSE LITERALLYYYYYYYYYYY its so fucked up i am going to Squeeze Him i am going to pour so much love into him that it overflows and turns into self love on god.
"but the thing about his wings. like how do you hc he lost it. ppl would go for amputation, or its still salvageable but it's been rendered so bad it doesnt have the strength for him to take flight. id pick one but i cant cuS MAN BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN UNIQUE PROGRESS OF GRIEF FOR HIM" w. well you see. the problem is. i have basically Never Thought About This. ive considered him with wings and thought about the Having but not the losing. so here are some thoughts off the top of my head, not all viable in canon but yknow
he still has them, but has rendered himself incapable of true flight. got rid of the flight feathers after rex lapis freed him, quite literally grounded himself in liyue. devotion and punishment all in one. i dont actually like this one too much but it was one of my first thoughts just in terms of wanting him to still have them but flight being out of reach
the god who enslaved him injured them beyond repair very very early on when xiao was doing his best to fight back against it, caging him in more ways than one. a show of control and power over him, a way to further force xiao to bend to his will. with proper care and healing they may have recovered, even as horrifically mangled as they were, but naturally that never happened
he still had his wings serving that god, but those victims who fought back against xiao when he came for them eventually damaged them beyond flight and/or beyond repair in an attempt to ground him and make him less dangerous/take him down
^^^^^ in either of those two above scenarios i like to imagine that the remains still cling to him when he's freed, and either zhongli or the other yakshas eventually help him fully remove them. they're a mess, they're dead weight, and they're never going to heal- he'd rather them gone completely than dragging on him like this, a constant reminder of what he'd (rightfully, in his own mind) lost
zhongli and/or some of the other adepti end up fighting xiao himself before the god who he serves is killed, and it isnt until then that his wings are damaged truly beyond repair and taken from him. he kneels and they're mangled, bloodied and broken, hanging limply from his back, and all he wants now is to die free. he doesnt deserve to live, not after what he's done. but death would be too kind, too, and so he accepts it when his life is spared, swears himself to morax instead. whoever it was who fucked his wings up like that feels awful about it, they approach him eventually to apologize. xiao doesn't know how to tell them how relieved he was to be rid of them in that moment, to have the ties to his past self fully cut. it's easier like this, if he's made anew, made to serve a new purpose, if he can abandon any semblance of love or naivety or innocence he once carried. it hurts something deep inside of him to imagine that that child survived. easier to see him buried, easier to separate himself from it all.
okay i think that's all ive really got id have to take some more time to think abt it ummmm. i think i like the last one the most? combined with the idea that it's zhongli or the yakshas who finally get rid of them? something about someone else being there, xiao not so much as flinching as an entire limb is severed from his body, the literal and emotional weight that vanishes with them. the scars are clean and smooth. xiao neither regrets their loss nor blames the one who ruined them. the wish to have them back goes hand in hand with the wish to have the rest of him back, to be who he used to be, and there's no use in thoughts like that. not anymore.
"it gets even harder once he knows lumine had wings before that HAS a chance to be obtained again,..... but for now they share that loss of wings, to feel the wind in your face as you fly higher and higher into the clouds......." o(-( crying shaking sobbing on the floor YEAH............ that shared loss. god. both of them mourning the freedom it granted them, both of them holding anemo so close to their hearts because it's not the same but it's enough.
"'Cause your brother won't find you that way, and it means I broke my promise to you." this broke me. this Broke Me. SHE DOESNT WANT TO BREAK HER PROMISE SHE WANTS THEM TO BE REUNITED....... EUEUEUUEUEUEUUEU
"i revolve the story of the twins' journey regarding humanity, but more on them leaning to feeling human and mortal than a god, bc they HAD been gods before. or at least something equivalent." this FUCKS this is such a good way to look at it and direct it holy shit ??? learning to feel human learning to live as mortal people do learning the values of life itself learning how to love the little things....... man. Man.
"that theyre sort of 'scouts' that travels throughout space for a habitable world while honkai is close to its own cataclysm" i dont know SHIT about honkai but god that sounds so fucking cool and also huge rip to them oh my god... going out to scout a new world On A Time Limit and suddenly its 500+ fucking years later giggling sm
"with whatever happened in between turning her and her brother into who they are now. in that little space between." THIS IS SO GOOD them having been human once and eventually reaching the point where they are now......... g o d
"he doesnt focus on the duty more than the ppl he meets. lumine being the more calculative and speculative twin, doing strategies and being first in the offense" YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is something that can be so <3333 and her looking back and thinking about what aether would do THE AETHER SHE'S SEEN NOW ISN'T THERE ANYMORE.... GODDDDDDDDD im so. the mourning that comes with losing a twin, not knowing if they're dead or alive or where or how to find them, the mourning of your other half of always being known of living spent together. and the desperate hope of seeing them again only for that to come crashing down because this isnt who you knew, isnt who you remember, not at all. you are standing in front of a stranger. they still act like they know you, but you dont know them. not anymore. not at all. and that's its own unique kind of grief, to have someone who used to be your everything right there and to know nothing about them.
0 notes
littleoddwriter · 2 years
HELLO IT IS I, the great shy neighbor anon!! I have another request for our boy Eddie.
Okay so I was thinking childhood best friends with a male reader smut!
Maybe Edward reveals to him he’s the Riddler, where the reader is like “Holy shit big fan, cant believe its my bestie.” and they work on little things together, maybe holding each others hand through stuff. Maybe they’re obsessed with each other IDK.
After all this v obvious pining, they get a little frisky and s//x happens :)!
Just two idiots so in love doing silly devious things 🙏🙏
Again hopefully this makes sense.
Always Together | Edward Nashton/The Riddler x Male!Reader | N/SFW (18+)
Hey there!!! Thanks so much for the request, it made sense to me, and I really hope you like what I've done with it! :') <3
summary; See above. Minors DNI.
notes; (Cis) Male!Reader; Top!Reader; Bottom!Riddler; Childhood Best Friends; Past Trauma; Getting Together; Friends to Lovers; First Time; Anal Sex; Unsafe Sex; Fluff and Smut.
Edward and you have been friends ever since you could remember. You grew up in the orphanage together, being handed from one foster family to the next, until you both eventually aged out of the system. When you had to leave the hell-hole that was Gotham’s orphanage, Eddie and you moved in together so you could afford something and also to simply stay together. Neither of you had wanted to be alone just yet.
But after a couple of years, you both decided that it would be nice to have an apartment all to yourselves and searched for your own. After spending your entire lives holed up with nearly thirty other kids in just one room and then staying with one another took a toll on both of you. It was for the best. And you stayed in contact, meeting quite regularly, so it wasn’t that big of a deal. 
But you missed Ed a lot and it was hard for you to be without him. Nonetheless, you also had to admit that having your own apartment was good for you, it let you explore yourself better, as you got a perspective of what you wanted in life and who you really were underneath all this trauma without letting it weigh you down every day. Only being alone allowed that for you. Eddie always reminded you of the orphanage. You both did that for one another. It wasn’t good. Both of you suffered from it. 
By the sounds of it, he’d been better on his own, too. He had a good job, a nice apartment, goals, hopes and dreams. And you were still a part of everything, which was something you secretly cared about the most. 
When you came together again years later, the Riddler had just started out. You watched all of his livestreams. You considered yourself quite a fan of this man, who was seeking to uncover the truth about Gotham, something you were all for, after what you, Ed and all those other kids have been through. 
Sitting beside Eddie on your bed, you two had been updating each other on how things have been since you’ve last seen each other about two weeks ago. You thought that while he was talking that there was something he tried not to voice. You couldn’t put your finger on it, though. Did something happen that he didn’t want to tell you? It worried you that he often skirted around something when he spoke about what he’s been up to. It happened a lot more often lately, not just now.
“Hey, Eddie,” you said, looking at him in concern. He looked back at you, raising an eyebrow. “I was wondering if there’s something you’re hiding from me? Like, I just have this feeling that you are because of the way you’ve been talking about what you’ve been up to recently, you know? I’m worried, is all.”
Edward looked like a deer in headlights. That only worried you more. So he was indeed hiding something from you.
“Have you heard about the Riddler?” he asked, basically blurting it out after a few moments of silence passed and you had thought he was going to pretend it was nothing.
Taken aback, you nodded.
“I’m- I am the Riddler,” Eddie admitted, twisting the bed sheet between his fingers nervously, "Uh- I didn’t mean to worry you, Y/N. I just didn't know how to tell you."
Processing this information, you just looked at him for a moment before breaking out into a huge grin. 
“I’m actually a big fan of his! Can’t believe it’s you, Eddie. Well, I kinda can, to be fair. But still! This is so cool! My best friend is the Riddler!” You couldn’t hide your excitement if you tried.
Edward smiled, looking shocked, but pleased. “Oh, thank God,” he breathed.
“That kinda explains why there were never any streams when you were with me. And here I was always worried I’d miss one!” you chuckled heartily. 
“I’m relieved that you are a fan of this persona I created. I was scared to tell you. I didn’t want you to think I’m some kind of freak and for you to leave me.” 
“Never. We’ve always been together, Eddie. I couldn’t ever leave you.” You both smiled at each other. Ed’s cheeks were tinted pink and your own face grew a bit hot. 
After a short moment of silence, you started bombarding Edward with questions about the Riddler. And because he knew he could trust you, he told you everything you wanted to know. As a result, you only fell deeper in love with him - something you had realised a while ago, but doubted you were ever going to tell him.
Ever since, he’s invited you over when he was going to stream so you could sit out of frame and watch him like this. Your presence calmed him down, he’s told you. He wanted you there. And it meant the world to you that he did.
At some point, you started holding his hand just out of the camera’s view. It only started because one time he was feeling anxious, as he’d been triggered before and flashbacks kept on coming, ones you only knew too well. You had done your best to calm him down before his stream, which he refused to postpone, but it hadn’t been enough. So, you ended up with his hand in yours, grounding him that way throughout. And somehow, that has just become your thing, then.
What honoured you the most, though, was when he started explaining his plans to you in more detail, asked for your opinion, and eventually proposed that you help him out with some things. Of course you did. You wanted to spend every second with him. You also wanted to help him achieve his goals. It was a win-win situation, really.
Throughout all this, you two have grown even closer, which you had thought to be almost impossible, but you’d been proven wrong once again. Your feelings for him only intensified, naturally, and by now you were pretty certain that you weren’t simply in love with Edward. No, you were absolutely obsessed with him. And in turn, you started to feel like the same was true for him. You hoped so, at least.
Because by now it seemed to be getting a little ridiculous. After all, you not only held his hand during streams anymore, but just whenever it fit you both. You kissed his cheek. You two cuddled with each other. You never spent any time with somebody else anymore, only one another. And it was slowly killing you. You just wanted him to be yours and vice versa. You wanted to be exclusive. You wanted to love him openly and unashamedly.
Apparently you’ve been heard, though, when a while later, you were cuddling in his bed and you leaned up  to kiss his cheek, just because you felt the need to, and Eddie turned his head, capturing your lips in a surprise kiss. You both froze for a split second, but then you started to kiss each other in earnest. 
When you broke it at last to catch your breath, you looked at one another in wonder. 
“Fuck, I want you so bad,” you murmured, unable to keep it inside.
“Me, too,” Edward responded quite instantly.
“Should we… Do you want to-?” You didn’t know how to ask if he wanted to have sex with you right now, but he seemed to understand you.
“Yes! I’d like that. Um-” Ed’s face turned completely red. Both of you chuckled at how awkward you two were. Neither of you had ever expected this to happen.
“We don’t have to go all the way. We’ve got all the time in the world, right?” you tried to lighten the tension that settled around you two.
“We do,” he whispered. Then, he leaned in and kissed you again. 
Sighing into it, you opened your mouth and he mirrored you. You slipped in your tongue, licking into his mouth to explore it. He moaned in response and his hands around your middle tightened. 
Pushing him back down on the mattress, you got on top of him, between his legs, never once breaking the kiss. Your growing erections pushed against each other, causing you both to moan. 
“What do you want to happen now?” you asked, out of breath.
Edward swallowed thickly, looking embarrassed as he averted his gaze before he answered, “I’d like you to fuck me.”
“I can do that,” you grinned, pecking his lips. “Where’s the lube?”
He pointed at his bedside table, “First drawer.”
Opening it, you took out the bottle of lube and put it on the bed, next to Ed’s head. Then, you took off your own shirt and grabbed the hem of Edward’s, silently asking to pull it off of him. He simply nodded, sitting up slightly and raising his arms to help you.
While you were unbuttoning your pants and sliding them down along with your underwear, you kissed down Eddie’s lips, neck, collarbone and chest to his nipples, taking each one into your mouth and swirling your tongue over it. He made the most beautiful noises as you did. You wanted to know what else you could elicit from him the further you went.
To fully take your pants, underwear and socks off, though, you had to stop and get up for a second. Ed looked at you with clear admiration on his face. Smiling at him, you felt your face grow hot again. This was what you’d been dreaming of for so long.
Back on the bed, you kneeled between his legs and took off the rest of his clothes as well. Both fully naked now, you let your eyes and hands roam over Ed before you finally took his hard cock into your hands. Groaning softly, his hips twitched. 
“You have had sex like this before, right? We never talked about that,” you asked after a short moment.
“Well, no,” he answered, blushing furiously, “but, uh, I’ve used toys on myself.”
“Okay, that’s fair enough, Eddie. Just wanted to make sure you know what’s gonna happen,” you told him gently, stroking your hands over his thighs lovingly.
When he nodded, you took the bottle of lube into your hands and poured some over your fingers. You took your time preparing him, sliding your digits in and out slowly and letting him relax around them. When you could have entered a fourth finger, you pulled out and spread more lube on your cock.
“Ready?” you inquired, stroking your cock.
“Yes,” Eddie whispered, nodding for emphasis. 
Then, you slowly started entering him bit by bit until you were fully inside. Both of you moaned when your hips met his. You moved in and out of him shallowly at first, careful to let him get used to it and not bring him discomfort beyond what was normal for the beginning. Once he demanded for you to go harder, you complied, though. 
“Feels good?” you asked, breathing heavily as you kept thrusting into him steadily.
Nodding, Eddie moaned, “Yeah, fuck- yes, feels good, Y/N!”
“You make the best sounds, Eddie baby, you know that?” You drove further into him, slamming into his prostate to prove your point when he groaned loudly in surprise and pleasure, nearly shouting.
“God, fuck, please, make me come,” Ed whined after a couple more thrusts that stimulated his prostate. When you looked him in the eyes, they were shining with unshed tears. Oh, he was so gorgeous.
Taking the lube back into your hands, you poured some over your hand. And then you started stroking him in time with your thrusts, making him come not long after. He was moaning, arching his back and coming all over his stomach and your hand. 
The way he clenched around you almost made it difficult for you to continue to thrust into him, but the tightness also caused your orgasm to approach quickly. Thus, you followed him only a few moments later, coming deep inside of him. 
Slipping out of him, you laid down beside Eddie. Both of you were panting, drenched in sweat, and cum in Ed’s case. 
“Oh, that was a lot better than I had expected,” Edward sighed, smiling tiredly. 
Grinning, you put your clean hand on his chest and let it rest there, “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. I did, too. This is all I’ve ever wanted. You know, us. Together like this.”
“Yeah, me too. I wish I had said something sooner, though,” he said, smiling ruefully.
“I hear ya. But better now than not at all,” you told him.
Scooting over a bit, you leaned your head on Ed’s shoulder and relished in this moment of absolute content. You felt at ease and, most of all, happy. You could barely believe this had really happened. But it had. 
“I love you,” you both said at the exact same time, making each other laugh. 
This was exactly how things were supposed to be, you knew.
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becca-e-barnes · 3 years
dbf dark Lee coming over to your place late maybe to have a little chat with your dad- on his way towards the bathroom he notices your asleep with your bedroom door creaked open he can’t help but go into and see that your little night dress rode up revealing those soaked panties of yours- IM A SUCKER FOR SOMNOPHILIA I CANT 😫 before he knows it his thick fingers are fucking that little cunt of yours and you wake up whining at the soreness
Warnings: Somnophilia, dubcon/noncon, age gap but reader is in her 20’s. Please do not read if those themes will upset you
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But oh my god I’m WET like… This is so hot bestie
Just the thought of Lee walking past your room and hearing your soft little grunts and tiny moans. He only really means to look in and check that you’re okay and he’s content when he sees you’re asleep on the bed, laid on your front with one leg bent to the side.
He doesn’t really mean to but his eyes drift to your legs, half wondering how you’re even able to sleep like that but then he notices how far your nightdress has shuffled up and God, you’re practically dripping onto the bed, your panties are soaked through entirely.
Never in his life has Lee seen a girl this wet without being touched and he can’t do anything but pity you because he knows you’ll not be able to take care of yourself like he could.
So rather than moving on, he takes a quick look around to make sure he’s alone before stepping inside and kneeling beside your pussy.
He doesn’t waste any time, it’s not like you need to be eased into it after all. He gently hooks his finger under the thin slip of fabric that’s protecting the bed from your slick mess, pushing it to the side to expose your cunt to his hungry eyes.
Your little sobs of need don’t stop, in fact, they only get louder as his thick finger presses into you, a soft groan leaving him as your walls part to allow him entrance. Your body needs this. You’re desperate. It’s not wrong of him to take like this when he’s doing you a favour. At least that’s how he justifies it to himself.
A second finger quickly joins the first and it’s a real stretch for you. He huffs out a quiet moan at how your hole fights to accommodate him, your body struggling to fit him in and he can’t help but wonder how it would feel to have you stuffed full of his cock instead.
But no, this isn’t for him. No matter how quickly he’s getting hard, no matter how desperate he’s becoming at the thought of leaning over and tasting you, that would be selfish. Maybe next time though.
His fingers pump in and out of you, slow and methodical, revelling in the slick squelch that accompanies each movement. Your walls are fluttering, your high not far off.
But then you start to stir. Your body overwhelmed by the painful stretch and the blinding pleasure that comes with it. Your eyes open, your head registering the intrusion and you look down to see Lee sitting at the end of the bed.
“L-Lee what are you-“ you begin, flustered and dazed, trying to cover yourself but he shushes you, flexing his fingers
“Sit still. Gonna make you feel good.” He whispers, pressing the pointer finger of his free hand to his lips because he knows your father is still about somewhere.
“Lee it hurts.” You gasp, your hips grinding down on his fingers despite your better judgement.
“I know, baby, I know. It’ll all feel better when y’cum for me. I promise. Just lemme take care of you.” His fingers have sped up, rubbing against something inside you that you didn’t even know existed.
“Be nice’n quite though, sweets. Your dad’s around here somewhere and I don’t wanna have t’explain that I’m just givin’ his daughter what she needs.” His fingers crook just right, pressing into that sweet spot a little harder and you cum so hard you can hardly breathe. A mix of pain and pleasure addles your brain, making you quiver and shake and gush over his hand, your teeth sinking into the pillow to stifle your own cries.
“Tha’s it, good girl. Cum nice’n hard. Feels good, huh? Told y’it would. Just need a real man to touch you.” He smirks, pulling his fingers out when you’re done, standing up before rubbing them on a towel over your radiator.
“You take care now, angel.” He nods, loving how your chest is still heaving as he slips out of your room, closing the door behind him
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but also the way the doctor’s warped view of themself and like, life? idk, shows itself so beautifully in that beach scene
“it’s what my life is”
no bestie youre mentally Unwell asdhfjhgjg
im joking but like thats what it is. thats what the doctor made. thats what the doctor is because the person underneath made it so
with 12 it was like, it’s the immortality that does this right? thats what it seemed like it was. everyone else dying. you cant keep your loved ones. same with drama king 10 burden of a timelord and all that. and sure theres some truth to that but it’s like river said. it just means time.
loss is inevitable but it’s not the doctor’s only, or even Main, issue. or maybe it is, maybe it has been, maybe it’s just with 13 that this has changed, or maybe loss has been a nice heavy blanket over All The Other Stuff
the doctor in new who has been grieving since we met them. it took 4 regenerations to process the time war. the doctor Knows what loss is, the doctor knows what grief feels like. the doctor in general i dont think has a particularly good idea of whats going on in their head. they act on feelings that they cant quite identify, or cant track the source of, or identify too late. theyre scared of their anger and theyre scared of their love because both make them act before they can think (rip torvic)
ive said before but i still believe that both the doctor and the master are intensely emotion-driven but the master knows this about themself. the master either leans in (simm) or tries to contain (missy) or is being torn between the two (dhawan). when the master is acting out they Know. whether they can stop or steer themself probably varies case by case but they are Aware.
the master Knows what hes doing in spyfall and i think he despises it because it demonstrates such a great amount of control that the doctor holds over them without the doctor even being entirely aware of that control? i think?
i dont think the doctor realises that emotional control they inadvertedly have over the master, because i dont think the doctor is as aware of how either they or the master are driven by their emotions. the master is aware. of both of them.
point is, the doctor knows grief. they can identify grief, they can make nice monologues about it. but thats sort of it? i dont think they have as clear a view on any other complex emotional states they experience.
with 13 it’s like she came into the world with this blanket of grief ripped off. like of course shes grieving, she lost everyone, she loses grace, but that big clear visible and comprehensible blanket of Time War Grief has been removed.
i think maybe before, any other underlying complex emotions the doctor had would be filtered through the time war grief blanket. guilt, shame, anger, all could be tied to I Killed Them All. Im The Last One (”bill, this is missy, the Other Last Of The Time Lords”). 13 doesnt have that. thats gone. “new can be very scary”
shes dealing with all of the emotions that shes previously had but theres no framework at all. one singular lense for understanding all your emotions isnt necessarily ideal (that much fucking shows in 9-12) but at least it gives you the feeling that youve got a grip on something. you have a way to understand even if it doesnt make you understand right. it gives you a feeling of control even when you draw wrong conclusions. 13 doesnt have that. it’s just all noise. it’s just all noise and theres no way to make sense of it.
and it makes it very clear the things that are going on underneath, that have been there always but were filtered through Time War. the “they’ll get it all wrong without me”, the “well i have to be, because you guys need help”, the Doctor.
the doctor is a title and a function it’s not a name. titles are earned and functions are performed. what are you when you dont live up to your title and you fail at performing your function? well not the doctor thats for sure
I murder a beautiful, innocent creature as painlessly as I can. And then I find a new name, because I won't be the Doctor any more.
DOCTOR: I help where I can. I will not fight. OHILA: Because you are the good man, as you call yourself? DOCTOR: I call myself the Doctor. OHILA: It's the same thing in your mind. DOCTOR: I'd like to think so. OHILA: In that case, Doctor, attend your patient. (Cass is brought in and laid on the altar stone. The Doctor scans her with his screwdriver.) OHILA: You're wasting your time. She is beyond even our help. DOCTOR: She wanted to see the universe. OHILA: She didn't miss much. It's very nearly over. DOCTOR: I could have saved her. I could have got her off, but she wouldn't listen. OHILA: Then she was wiser than you. She understood there was no escaping the Time War. You are a part of this, Doctor, whether you like it or not. DOCTOR: I would rather die. OHILA: You're dead already. How many more will you let join you? If she could speak, what would she say? DOCTOR: To me? Nothing. I'm a Time Lord. Everything she despised. OHILA: She would beg your help, as we beg your help now. The universe stands on the brink. Will you let it fall? Fast or strong, wise or angry. What do you need now? (The Doctor fingers Cass' baldric.) DOCTOR: Warrior. OHILA: Warrior? DOCTOR: I don't suppose there's a need for a doctor any more. Make me a warrior now.
a man is the sum of his memories, a time lord even more so. but memory is fallible, and very subject to change. i think more important than the memories is the narrative that is made from them. and what that narrative is titled – doctor, master. thats that what defines your continuity. whether you can turn the page and keep writing the same book.
theres something about the doctor being this Idea right? a spirit of hope and friendship that can spreads,,,, like a virus. right? like cybermen. it’s the idea of the doctor that makes them continue, replicate.
but that also makes the doctor not unique. and i guess none of us is really unique but also most of us dont have a name thats a title and a job and we dont spread our reason of being everywhere we go.
and i think it makes the doctor stronger, in a way, when they inspire people to act like they would. except, circling back, the doctor cant see themself that well. not as well as other people can. when people close to them start copying, they dont usually copy the bits the doctor would like to see copied. they copy the parts that they cant see very well because it doesnt fit The Story, it doesnt fit in the book titled The Doctor. it goes in books titled Oncoming Storm, and Butcher of Skull Moon, and War Doctor. it goes in books titled The Master, even, sometimes.
where was i going with this-
oh yeah. “i cant fix myself to anything, anywhere, or anyone”
theres a person under there somewhere who got so hurt that they had to construct,,, like a diving suit, or a spacesuit more apt, an orange one probably, to be able to stay in the world at all. a protective layer through which they can affect, but never be directly touched, or seen, beyond their general shape, and their face. and through the suit they are Helpful. because if theyre not here to make things better for other people who are hurt, if they cant help, if they cant cure, if they cant fix things, then whats the point in being here at all?
you know how coping mechanisms can turn counterproductive or harmful when youre removed from the situation in which they developed?
im broken, she says, i cant touch anything. i cant touch anything and i dont know how to make it better and making things better is what i do. it’s what i am. it’s all i am. because i made it so.
“it’s what my life is”
it betrays such a lack of control. It Is What It Is. my life is like this. i am like this. the doctor is this. and the doctor is the cage ive built around myself.
and that “because i might” feels to me like “mostly....angry”. like, a tiny revelation. not enough to put even a tiny dent in like the black box of lack of self-knowledge but you have to start somewhere. you have to start with ‘i dont think i want this anymore’ before you can figure out how to get to what you do want
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https-sen · 3 years
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Pairing(s): Razor x gn!reader/gn!traveler (and Bennett)
Genre: Angst (and Fluff if u simp for Benny like i do <3)
Warning(s): Cheating (like sleeping together and all that jazz), Very angry reader (you threw a thing to a bush), Cursing [lmk if i missed any]
A/N: i love benny and razor vvv much so i made this :3 but uh lets try this first genshin fic? if this flops i'd continue my suna part 2 (or just 2 diff endings)
!reminder [ALL genders (including males) are allowed to read my fics <3]
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Dead-stuck in your tracks, you sigh before turning around to meet him. Staring down into the teary eyed boy as he mustered his way to you, trying to catch up with your fast pace. "Please, I-I'm sorry! I never meant to kiss her, it was just an accident. A m-misunderstanding!", feeling himself falling into the hole of desperateness. "Razor, I-" "Pups. It's Pups, love.", he cut you off trying to hold your hand while the tears fall down quicker and quicker. Unwrapping his grasp around your wrist (because you tough-tough bestie 😼) making him quiver since he's never seen you so livid. "Razor, I saw the signs. I've heard all the rumours. I've known about him/her (Aether/Lumine). But, being quite foolish and stubborn, I decided to ignore everything. My only remaining question is, why am I so blind!?", throwing your sword aside to rupture 4 bushes (🍃) in rage and frustration making little Razor flinch in fear. "Why was I so fucking happy even if I knew what was going on between you and your new.. new lover..?", crouching your entire body for him to stare at you. You who was trying so hard not to cry. Razor was scared of being left alone and felt terrible you were going to shed tears because... because of him. He began to bawl his eyes out repeating "I'm sorry", "I never meant to" and "Please dont leave me" with sniffles between every single word. Getting up as you wipe your teary eyes once you calmed down, silently glaring at whom who ruined your idea of love. "Let's never meet." as you ran, and ran, and ran not bothering to look back.
Timeskip to 5 months later... (Razors POV and he hasnt met bennett in a year since he went for an adventure with Aether/Lumine to find their twin and they found each other ig 🧚🏻‍♀️)
"Hey, thats my tart!"
"Wait that voice sounded familiar.", running as quickly as I could through the forest, I darted behind a tree as I saw a nostalgic silhouette. "It.. It cant be. Bennett and.. y/n..?" Watching from an oak tree, I saw them kissing his cheek as he playfully nuzzled against their neck. Something.. something we would do. Bennett grabbed the picnic basket for them to carry before walking hand in hand. Something we did.. all the time. "I love you so very much". My heart shattered to pieces once I heard that. The words they would tell me everyday and reminding me.. I was their everything. But I ruined that of course. By sleeping with Aether/Lumine, I ruined their life. For now all I can do.. is watch them have the life.. the life I wished I didnt mess up.
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rip those bushes </3 im hoping this doesnt flop like my other angst (if it does istg writersblock finna whoop my ass) and i hope you enjoyed this uh petty angst? i dont have much to say except for helping me out by reblogging, liking and following me if you enjoyed it! Im a small account so it'll be much help ^^ oh, and please gimme asks on whatever tf you want idrc i just need writing material- stay safe, healthy and hydrated! remember dear reader, you are LOVED!! <3
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