#and thats only to avoid getting banished or killed
chartreuxcatz · 3 months
I feel like a big problem I see is that people struggle to find a way to let “Bigotry is never acceptable” coexist with “People can learn and change.” It’s especially difficult in the age of the internet where everything you say can be dug up and spread and held over you for years onward.
People see “unacceptable” and conflate it with “unforgivable.” People see “there’s no excuse,” and hear “only inherently bad people do this.”
(rant under the cut)
This leads to something I’ve talked about before, where people treat bigotry like the cooties. Once you know that someone currently or has ever held a bigoted belief, its time to abandon ship. Distance yourself from the source as much as possible and tell everyone to avoid it too. And anyone who stays will surely catch the cooties and needs to be banished too.
And this is one thing when it happens in a middle school with tweens who will eventually graduate and get the chance to start again. But on the internet? Friends tell friends who tell friends and followers who tell their followers who tell their followers and so on and so forth.
Teens aren’t getting the chance to change and start over, because the second they fuck up, hundreds if not thousands of people, kids and adults alike, have marked them and anyone who associates with them as a bad person to avoid at all costs. It doesnt matter if the kid is openminded and willing to learn. Its one strike and you’re out. Forever.
As you can imagine this causes a lot of anxiety! Kids on the internet feel the need to put on this performance of constant posturing and virtue signaling. Because they know the second they dont they’ll be shunned and harassed and doxxed and threatened.
And GOD FORBID anyone say “hey maybe you need to chill about the teenager who grew up in a conservative neighborhood with bigoted parents having a shitty take,” because then you’re defending bigotry! Don’t you know people DIE because of this! Minorities DIE but you’re worried about a teenager being harassed!???
Yes, actually!!! I am worried about the teenager being dogpiled by internet randos telling them to kill themself! Do you think thats going to make them less bigoted???
It’s not! It’s going to make them bitter and isolated! And then once they’ve been shunned by the left, who do you think they’ll turn to?
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pinkrabit · 7 months
Episode 2 of ATLA LA
"He's a coward!" That's part of his character arc, Zuko. Just like yours I'd growing hair.
"[Before] you kill someone?" And then Aangs sigh of grief feels so on brand.
Also, aang, baby, I know you want to avenge your family but you have to know you are allowed to be a child. Even in war.
"Idk about you, but I can't go back" paralleled with "No! I will never turn my back on people that need me!" (Painted Lady)
Gran Gran giving Katara the scroll instead is such a nice touch. Because Gran Gran was always proud of her "little waterbender."
I still hope Katara steals a scroll though. It feels important to her character. Where she feels she's right, beyond logic or practicality. But she morally feels in the right. Which we see her demonstrating a lot in the original series.
Aang's apology to gyatso 🥺
"I bet you taste like chicken." Sokka. I don't think there's chicken in the poles.
Zuko raging at his Uncle trolling him is perfect. And then him bringing in logic/his "General" ideology.
Zuko doesn't have tact Iroh.
Suki, my love
The wariness of the Kyoshi Island leader seems genuine to the original source
"I know I don't belong here. Thats something I've been feeling a lot lately."
"If I can learn to be the Avatar, maybe I can bring the place I knew, a world where people are happier, back."
I truly think Aangs actor has nailed his character. It feels so genuine and accurate.
Kyoshi didn't benefit from the kindness of strangers, she terrified them if I remmeber correctly.
Him stumbling because of a pretty girl omg.
Aang laughing at Sokka. Yes, he's a little more serious, but are we all watching the same show???? He still has a sense of humor, he's still a little shit <3
Sokka covering himself like a blushing maiden, omg
Aang is such an optimistic. "It's more than you knew before, though, right?"
Yes, Katara! Tell him he can't avoid the responsibility. "We're not going anywhere. "
My sweet children.
Sokka is unimpressed with bending. Since 2005.
Katara saying he'll save the world by making connections. Because it's true. We learn throughout the original series that there's good and bad everywhere. Primarily, because of Aang connecting with others.
Zuko’s crew dissapointing him 20 years ago, and now.
Suki's stealth feels like a nice touch. Pretty girl just shows up all the time.
At least he seems a little arrogant and tooting his own horn too much.
He might not be sexist, but his masculinity is still fragile in the first half. Feels important to acknowledge that.
Humble that man Suki. Thank you.
HE STORMS OFF! What a little bitch. Love him. He's so pathetic.
Aang terrified of hurting people, and seeming so hurt by people being afraid of him. The doubt!
"How many people will I hurt??"
My boy, this is war. You can do it. You have so much to learn.
Sokka. I expect an apology and DRAG.
Sokka loves getting beat up by women.
Ew. Wait. Why is fighting always so flirty.
Aangs inner turmoil. Aang asking for help.
"There's a lot you don't know." No shit, Kyoshi.
Zuko having a reflection about his banishment paired with, "Sometimes hope can be a cruel thing."
Solka is so enamored about being tackled.
Suki taking off her makeup and armor, potentially symbolizing her showing herself to sokka as a girl not a soldier. Showing her insecurities, allowing her vulnerability.
Aang, now is not the time to talk with your former life.
Kyoshi mentioning roles of the avatar without including, "human," "friend," feels so intentional. Because Aang just wants to be human. He just wants to be himself, but the Avatar cannot afford that.
The pai sho anecdote, omg
Strong leader leady!!! What a bad bitch.
Katara double checking on Aang before going to fight on Kyoshi in the LA vs thr North Pole.
"But, what if I hurt someone along the way??" Poor airbender just wants to live a peaceful life. My boy, it's not your fault. You were born too late. However, you are the only one to fix this.
"Being the Avatar means putting your duties above all else. Even your life!"
Kyoshi. He's 12. He just woke up. Aang needs an adult. Aang needs a protector. In the animation and LA. Katara. Your role in his life is this. Protect his gentle spirit.
Katara. Honey. You can't fight a small army.
I love seeing her PTSD being accentuated in the LA is so amazing.
Avatar shape shifting carries from animation to LA I see. Does this count as drag? You think Aang identifies as genderfluid?
Aang is constantly fainting. He's always confused but rolling with it. He always feels guilty. He NEEDS love.
"..a reason to believe again.."
Give aang recognition and respect despite his mistakes and flaws. He's a child and he's doing great, for all that he is.
"Thank you.. for bringing the world to me."
I can accept the lack of drag if I see Sokka fighting like a Kyoshi Warrior with a murder fan.
Kyoshi = Scary Lady
"Don't worry, kid. You don't have to do this alone."
Such a pissing match between Zuko and Zhao.
Sokka feels okay, a little bland. Zuko’s character needs to be more dramatic. Once again, Aang's character feels amazing.
Aang this episode has had to come to terms with the idea that his life is not his own. His right to live is a privilege. His existence is transactional. And he will never know the peace he craves for long intervals.
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bandagegirl · 2 years
How do you even get to fight fortuna? I can't figure out how to.
Please be aware that Fortuna isnt real. She is Not an actual character/boss fight in the game. She's just my OC.
If she were real though? Fortuna would be available only after the final boss. Midas sealed her into the well roughly at the same time as Narinder got banished and the well seal breaks only when all bishops have fallen. There'd be two different boss fights with Fortuna actually, one repeatable thats closer to "how long can you survive?", the other would be a horribly difficult fight to the death against Lady Luck herself.
The first one is what I alluded to in my screenshot edits. Fortuna is clearly more playing than fighting, allowing Midas and other gods that reside in the well to take a jab at the Lamb while she herself goes offscreen, healing herself with gold. Due to her healing, the fight could theoretically go endless and the longer you survive, the better the reward. Probably some complicated calculations for random resources. If Fortuna's healthbar were to run out, she'd simply quit the fight and award you with the resource of your choice or new decorations based on Fortuna's collections.
The harder fight to the death would happen if you kept attacking Midas, similar to Rakshasa and his snail spouse. Midas and the other gods arent appearing in the fight, Fortuna is going all out to protect everyone in Midas' Cave from the very fate they've been trying to escape from for millennia. But while Fortuna is attacking far more aggressively, she also isnt healing, allowing you to potentially kill her. An achievement as the reward, nothing more. The well is empty, no more money can be thrown in for the chance of return. Why would you want to get rid of Luck though? War, Pestilence, Death, Famine, Chaos. All very negative things, things people hope and wish and pray to avoid. But Luck? Luck is something good. Finding just what you needed in unexpected places. The winning dice roll of a game. Plenty of wonderful moments all throughout your life. Why get rid of them?
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avionvadion · 4 years
El and Grim running from their Scarabia guards, escape attempt number 2.
Student A: “She’s got a magic pen!”
El: “Yeah, and I’m not afraid to use it!”
Student B: “Dude, she’s magicless. Besides- we’ve ALL got magic pens!”
Student C and D hold up their own: “CHAAAAARGE!!!”
El, drops magic pen: “Welp, that bluff failed. Run for it, Grim!”
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Back on my AU making BS!
Edit: (Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5)
I was finally able to watch A:TLA for the first time in my life (I haven’t finished the series yet, I’m on mid-S2, on Tales of Ba Sing Se) and I was, of course, struck by an A:TLA/Ninjago au. So I’m gonna talk about it.
So the FSM is the Firelord (He’s like an Ozai/Azulon combo) bc screw him. Omega is his dad and was the one who started the war. The war goes about the same as in A:TLA, with the Air Nomad genocide. Garm and Wu are the two Fire Nation princes (both are benders), until Garm basically pulls a Zuko and gets himself banished. Haven’t decided if I want the circumstances for Garm to be the same as they were for Zuko (speaking out in a war room meeting and the Agni Kai and all that) or if Garm ends up with a scar (it wouldn’t be exactly like Zukos if I do end up giving him one, but it will be very noticeable) but he is sent away on the same wild goose chase after the Avatar.
(Side-note, in this world the Air Nomad Avatar was killed in the genocide, and at least one Avatar has lived and died completely unaware they were the Avatar. Y’all can probably guess where I’m going with this. Shush.)
So Garm, a traumatized disgraced teenager, sets out to find the Avatar. It goes about as well as you all have probably guessed. I debated over whether or not to give Mystake an Iroh-like role, but ultimately decided against it. Years go by, and Garm does eventually realize that his father gave him a fools errand, but what else is he supposed to do? He cant go back to the Fire Nation, and if he tries to go anywhere else he’ll be imprisoned and killed bc he’s y’know a Fire Nation royal. So he just stays on the boat, and actually ends up befriending a new, very young crew member (only a few months older than Garm when he gets assigned to the ship. They’re like, 17ish at this point), a Fire Bender named Ray.
And then, when they’re sailing near the South Pole, a huge storm hits. Ray, who can’t swim, gets knocked overboard, and Garm, being an impulsive, ride-or-die idiot who just got a friend for the first time since he was banished, jumps after him. They get swept away, and are presumed dead by the rest of the crew on the boat, which returns to the Fire Nation with the news that the Prince and a crew member have perished. If we’re being honest, the crew should have spent enough time around Garm to know he’s too stubborn to die.
Garm and Ray make it to the Southern Water Tribe. And by that I mean they wash up on the shore of the Southern Water Tribe half drowned and frozen and clinging to consciousness. The Southern Water Tribe isn’t as decimated as it is in A:TLA since the war hasn’t been going on for a whole century and the men haven’t gone off to fight and there are still some waterbenders, but it isn’t nearly as prosperous as the Northern Water Tribe. The two boys are found by Maya, a waterbender, and her friend Koko, a nonbender who has a fascinating backstory I’ll get to eventually. 
(I’m going to make this worlds Misako/Koko a sort of mashup of her show and movie versions, which basically means Koko but she likes history and archaeology and she has glasses. There are glasses in A:TLA, right?)
So Maya and Koko find Garm and Ray, two half dead Fire Nation soldiers, and don’t know what to do. Bc they’re Fire Nation, but they’re injured and there doesn’t seem to be any other soldiers, and looking closer they cant be much older than the girls are, and crap I don’t think that ones breathing!
Maya saves Ray while Koko easily holds an injured Garm back bc he doesn’t know what she’s doing but she can’t possibly be helping him, can she? Things are at an awkward standstill at that point, bc Garm and Ray don’t want to be taken to the tribe, but even if they were in any shape to fight they wouldn’t exactly last long in the South Pole without any supplies, and there’s no way the girls are going to let them just, go free, so the boys get tied up and awkwardly walked back to the village.
There’s a period of chaos in the village as they try to figure out what to do with Garm and Ray. Garm is completely honest about how they got there (banished Prince, Avatar hunt, storm, etc. He doesn’t mention that his father straight up mutilated him tho) bc he thinks that he an Ray have a better chance of not being killed if he lets everyone know that they haven’t actually done anything in the war. Garms been on a boat sailing in circles for like, five years, and even though Ray was trained to be a soldier he was sent straight to Garms ship instead of into combat.
Some people want to hold them hostage, some people want to chuck them out and let the elements take care of them, some people want to straight up kill them. Eventually its just decided by the chief (mb that Sorrla lady from the Never Realm in S11?) that the boys are just going to be kept as prisoners and kept under constant supervision. After all, they have no idea if the Fire Nation has written Garm and Ray off as dead like Garm is sure that they have, and killing a Fire Nation Prince, banished or not, could bring a world of hurt down on the already hurting tribe.
So Garm and Ray are under constant supervision, banned from firebending under any circumstance, and basically put to work helping the village. Years go by. Ray and Garm learn about how the war has been hurting the world, and realize all the propaganda that they were being feed since they were young, and that the Fire Nation and Garms family especially are kinda the bad guys. And as the tribe members (and Maya and Koko especially) get to actually know these two Fire Nation boys, they learn that yeah the Fire Nation as a whole is kinda terrible, but its full of people who are under a tyrannical regime where not even the Crown Prince is safe from the wrath of the Firelord. And these guys are actually pretty good guys considering where they’ve come from!
Eventually Garm and Ray go from being captives to being a part of the tribe. There are still some people who never trust them, but overall they just get adopted by the Southern Water Tribe. And yes, Garm and Ray marry Koko and Maya.
I know that more stuff goes down in the Southern Water Tribe with Katara and Sokka’s mom, the Southern Raiders, and Hama and stuff like that, but all i know is from vague Tumblr osmosis bc I haven’t gotten to that part in A:TLA, but when I do I will revise this part of the au as I see fit. I’m probably going to avoid killing Maya bc I like her.
Life is as good as it can be during a war. At any sign that anyone from the Fire Nation could show up Garm and Ray hide bc they dont want to risk being recognized. And you guessed it, when the kids finally come around, Kai is a firebender, and Nya is a waterbender. I’m also making them Irish twins. Lloyd is three years younger than them. The men of the tribe go off to fight, and Ray goes with them. Garm wanted to go, but the risk of him being recognized as the dead Fire Nation Prince was too much of a risk, so he stayed in the village. 
(I might come up with something to get rid of Maya and Koko without killing them, but idk right now)
More time passes, and when Lloyd is about 10 they find out that he can waterbend to when he was trying to copy Nya. But wait, Garm is Fire Nation, and Koko was originally from the Earth Kingdom, Lloyd shouldn’t be able to waterbend. And then Lloyd accidentally kicks up a small windstorm.
And thats when Garm realizes that he’s finally found the Avatar.
(I’m gonna make a part two bc this got long and I have more to say.)
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siirkaian · 4 years
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its about time i actually started designing the antagonists instead of just daydreaming about where the protags occasionally meet them
i dont generally put warnings here but. some talk of suicide below def. worth the heads up............ the read more is just because its Fucking Long tho lmao
this one has actually been slightly fleshed out in my mind? they dont have a name yet, and its hard to know what Rank they are since ive been moving the story away from violence and A Coming War for a few reasons, most recent one being my friends story (tho they dont know about mine) has gone down the route of having a war at the end.. mostly tho i want to explore telling a good and worthwhile story without a focus on just who can beat up the other team better. The main protag Barren, for example, im bringing down the route of using their visions and ability to see inside peoples minds (in cryptic, symbolic landscapes and stuff) to take down people from the inside out, generally by working through their reasoning and traumas and whatnot to enable them to see clearer and with more empowerment........  and then one protag (Kindle) who joins later knows how to fight, and the third protag (Stardust) keeps them out of trouble, but later reveals that, well, spoilers that have already been seen a million times, hes actually one of the gods who fought in the huge war that happened in the past, and when thats revealed its when he has to fight again but......... he avoids it due to carrying the trauma and issues surrounding that war, as well as his own virulent self doubt and self hatred. so. this character to get back to the point? Wouldve been like a general or something, but im not sure how far I want to take them away from that, maybe to being a high priestex or something? the gods are supremely important to the story, and, spoilers, the main goal of the main antagonist is to bring back the original creator deity of the world, Siirka
I actually have a lot of appreciation for this particular antagonist character, they werent involved with Barren’s mistreatment when Barren was raised in their city by their masters so..... Theyre very much blinded to whats going on, I guess when youre raised in a city which glorifies what the leaders are doing and you get the chance to work for them, and you havent seen the depths of their evil youre going to work extra hard and...... push little red flags out of your mind............ They were extremely loyal and fully or. Mostly. on board with everything happening that they were told about, and worked super fuckin hard to get to the rank theyre at, always pushing boundaries and training and improving and grasping for any sort of genuine praise and signs theyre doing good that they can get, wanting to do their absolute best for the cause and. be worth something to someone. it gets very obsessive, especially as doubts and red flags start actually encroaching on their goals
As Barren and co start causing more trouble, this character’s storyline actually develops separate to the protags. Definitely influenced by them and their continuous defying of the antagonists, which doesnt plant seeds in their mind but waters the ones that are there....... They start realising things arent as peachy and golden as everyone was teaching them it was, they realise their betters either dont really know what theyre doing or may have selfish intentions, or, god forbid, intentions that could land everyone in a fucktonne of trouble - basically all the views they were raised on start having major cracks and Plot Holes in them and they have to come to terms with that. They do a lot of inner work struggling both with their crumbling view of reality and with the fight between either breaking it down more or trying to patch it up with lies, the sort of lies that even the person telling them doesnt know are lies. They get more and more frantic, more detached from reality as much as they try to hold on, struggling with their own identity and with dissociation, and with their mental state unravelling under stress and the inversion of what they were taught as right being morally dangerous, and what they were told to hate being morally good, until finally their boss is killed to further the protag’s goals......... before the protagonists can get to him............ by them. and then they end their own life to prevent themselves being tortured and imprisoned by their masters. I had a scene in mind where the protag’s spend a little arc trying to get to him because they need to take him out, and this character knows theyre coming, so the protags finally get to him at night and find him dead with this character standing over him. They get a brief chat before telling the protags to run, that theyll take the blame for it and the protags will get away without being harmed if they go quick enough, and then they step out of the window BUT its very fuckin important that its made clear that theyre left with no choice - or, more importantly, that theyve finally made their own moral choice in life with their own mind and own feelings - that theyre in their right mind/not acting on despair and need to go before theyre captured - both for theirself but also so they cant be interrogated and have no chance to spill that the protags were there. They basically redeem all the bloodshed and indoctrination theyve had a hand in - and oh, i forgot this bit of important context. Because of the whole staying away from violence thing, they do it to redeem themselves, to stop at least their boss spreading anymore shit, partially also to get revenge for all the lies and stuff, but also importantly because they dont want that on the protag’s conscious. They can handle it, and since they intend to die, they will bring it to their own grave. Death happens rarely in the story, because I want it to be as heavy and serious and soul-destroying as it is irl. They do the traumatising act of having to kill someone and live with the blame because theyve already planned out that they’re going to die to avoid capture. 
Im really.......... wary of portraying suicide in Siirkaia but given Stardust is heavily implied to be back from the dead (having the god of death, Mercy’s, black hair which only he has, though for most of the story its ambiguous as to whether hes working for or is Mercy ((its neither they were lovers lmao))) and Barren and Kindle’s mother Inferno also killed herself its............... im just gonna have to cave and realise im gonna need to address it. I mean, the protags already show (as being the grandchildren/children of and a suicide victim) that its a fuckin tragedy not a solution to anything, but, look. the story is intricately tied to my own mental health and thats shit ive dealt with for years so its going in the melting pot baybey! Also. as if i will EVER write this....... but i still want however i portray it to make clear that..... its a fuckin tragedy and honestly Not The Right Choice IMO
Basically, as a character theyre very hardworking, very Very ambitious, slightly obsessive, and i guess Unhinged because oh boy i am just giving out free personal issues to these characters huh. Their story is ideally going to be a bit more fleshed out than the other antags, because theyre meant to be a bit of the protags in that side of the story. Theyre like.... a case study in the complex and not black/white concept of redemption. The Demos, the people of the story, are at their core defined by submission and being led to terrible things. They were all originally created by the terrible god of life and chaos Siirka to be entertainment. Siirka had passed by Earth and took a liking to the pain and suffering of humanity, specifically loving the way they scream, and so built a fake Earth out of his own substance/power (in universe his body and hair) that was an unoriginal almost exact copy of Earth with.... absent details, like all the animal species being just identical copies of one example of each species, in all white, and a submissive race that looked like humans so that he could rule over them..... The Demos have since been taken from Siirka’s reign, since Siirka was banished in a war by Mercy and the trio of Stardust/Moonshine/Midnight (Siirkaia until i change it roughly translating to “Siirka’s absence”/”no Siirka”/etc), but its still central to the story of the world that the Demos are susceptible to being taken advantage of - though strangely they arent Super different to humans - and to being oppressed, since thats what they were made to be............. Like, Cool Backstory Bro, but its central to everything, it represents whats happening now both metaphorically and literally, the race thats susceptible to being betrayed and used is now starting to be betrayed and used again. Cycles of abuse continuing, learning the worth of the spirit, thats all the story of Siirkaia. The protags of the story represent the spreading empowerment, thats what Mercy gave to the Demos, the power to choose, to exist, to create your own path........ And this character represents that right to choose. Theyre a flower beginning to bloom in a garden full of frost. Theyre hope, and hope taking root and being received and acted on, showing that even if your actions just help one person they were worthwhile. Of course other Demos receive that enlightenment, but this character represents the hope in the Demos, but also the “good” in the “evil”, that, while most of the antagonists’ actions are unforgivable at worst and in no way exempt from criticism at best, theres a reason people are driven to do evil things, and theres a lot of corruption of the mind and personality that happens to drive people to those points. People can act in horrible ways, but its always for a reason, whether its their own trauma or not....  Even “I wanted to” has heavy implications of reasons behind it. This character is one of the few that did the work to begin to escape the cycles they were born into and its important they have their part in the story be heard
as much as i want them to be understood by everyone, as a schizotypal person i see that most people............ do not even try to Start understand people they find slightly odd, so making them “understandably mad” as in showing them show some of the Odd traits of being detached from reality/humanity with the reasons those things come about, and, you know, with the appreciation that its not just “ooo crazy random, unpredictable, youll never know what theyll do next!!” its....... actions that just seem different to those who dont do those actions..... Either way, however i push their character in regards to being misunderstood, i really want their end to be understood, or rather. I want them to be understood in the end. Barren can be incredibly empathetic and understanding, id really love for their final moments to be..... mutual? They did what had to be done for things to change and get better, and in the moments where they meet Barren/Kindle/SD, they finally get seen for what they are, they finally get seen as an entity beyond all the lies pushed onto them, a person who was led astray, who had the goodness in their heart and found the strength to multiply it, to try and right their wrongs, who was, although it looks on the outside like they had it all, actually been manipulated and mistreated by their higher ups and used as a pawn so they didnt have to get their hands dirty, they could just pass on the work to someone else. I really want them to, while they cant really be redeemed because of the damage thats been done, have a few moments of actual peace at the end of their story
.............................or maybe they could run away with the main trio lmao but no, that cant........ really happen because of the important dynamics and the personal (as in interpersonal not about me) nature of the protags and also. while i want the Demos to be revived again at the end, they do get swept away into Siirka’s hair when hes brought back through the big boss of the antags, Ka-UrenKa-, oo spoilers. so. i dont really know if i want to kill a protagonist it seems cheap (the main trio survive because they werent made by siirka........... literally a long fuckin story) because. at current, Siirka being brought back happens out of nowhere, and while the audience technically know its coming should they piece together the symbolism of Barren’s visions, its supposed to be unexpected and. idk man. 
anything else? Oh yeah i think they were originally conceptually conceived to Brutus by the Buttress so you fucking KNOW that i couldve skipped ALL this writing just to put that song in but hey. i would say its their theme song but while inspo was taken from theme and lyrics its actually not accurate to their life beyond a few lines?? and also the overall fucking Mood
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moondoon · 5 years
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Okay so uhhh heres my AU. I’m going to just copy and past for the most part what was posted on Amino. Keep in mind I wrote this all down last night while pulling an all nighter so lets go babe!! I super duper hope you think its a neat idea and I will post more on it later. tumblr wont let me upload any more images and im very mad right now!!!!! so dig through my blog for more. I have plenty and I will post more.
Anyways, lets start with Majora. The main big baddie of the actual game. My version of Majora is actually not technically a bad guy. Not even a guy at all. She is 20 ft tall, has a skull for a face, long whips that can slink out of her wrists, and 3 separate forms. Wrath being the final.
Her canon design is a tad eyesore so I decided to fix it up. Shes the one thing I am actually proud of in this whole AU thats why I started with her. The third eye on her head, and the eyes on her chest can move but rarely do. Theres no need.She’s extremely monster like and doesn’t necessarily think like you and I.Shes very powerful and all of that power is sealed away in the mask.Most of the events of Majoras mask still remain true to this AU, I simply add backstory and some characters.
I cant explain much of Majora until later when things get extra spicy but trust me she has more to her than just this.
so lets move onto Fierce.
This character I have a lot more to explain of, less to show. I draw him plenty you know who he is. He’s 8ft5, messy long hair that can be found braided, and has a bad attitude.
This fella is almost always angry and really just likes to intimidate people. He’s the kind of guy to throw hands before arguing. Prefers to work alone and doesn’t stick around for praise nor offerings.
The people of Termina respect Fierce, they try to avoid getting in his way. Where he refuses to harm and or interact with them currently (post game) they still refrain from distracting him.
Before the events of the game, before being sealed in the mask, he was a lot more interactive between the people of clocktown. He was a tad friendlier and actually had a few people he liked to visit from time to time.
Shortly after being sealed away unexpectedly for hundreds of years he realized its not worth the pain of losing the people he loves.
Hes going to be around for a long time and feels at this point, that its best he not make friends with mortals anymore.
He had a very close relationship with the deity of the Deku people, Odolwa. They were very close. Odolwa came in a long time ago back when the original god of Termina arrived. he is not related to Mr Termina but they respect eachother. Odolwa may be very old compared to Fierce but he gets along great with him, shares a love for big cool swords, and even will stay up at night with him from time to time and just hang out.
This god was made for Termina, to represent, and protect the people of Termina.
No matter what area they are from he was created to protect them. He is very active and can be seen wandering around both clocktown, and around Termina field until he is needed.
Fierce is uhh,,,, not quite ready for a job as big as this. Atleast not in the eyes of the true and current god.
This man does not quite have a name yet im working on it shh im gonna refer to him as many things.
He is very tall and very slender. He is dressed in long golden robes that almost look like a cape at times, and wears a lot of jewelry. He is the man who made fierce for one reason and one reason only. To replace him.
He’s been around for a very long time and watched over the people of this land.
Having the same type of authoritative intimidation as white diamond from SU, he stands very tall, moves very gracefully, shows no fear, and is constantly smiling.
There is a minor god who follows this man. He’s pretty much just backup who agrees with everything Mr.Termina says. Hes no where near as strong no where near as intimidating but he is his right hand man.
Mr.Termina and his Right hand man want to go run away and never come back to this hellhole. They want to be free to relax and no longer have duties of a god.
He creeped out a lot of people so uhhh,,,, he’s sort of been a holy being in the sky who watches rather than be a part of the people. They barely know him and by the time Fierce is made he is the only icon in their eyes.
Fierce was made to be just as powerful if not more powerful than this god. Pretty much just condensed and improved. Mr.Termina wanted him to have a mortal form so he can fit in better with humans rather than being a big scary monster/deity who would scare them away.
He has been keeping Fierce in check, cares little to nothing about sentimental value nor emotions and will even go as far as calling Fierce weak and or soft for a god. This really starts to corrupt and hurt him and he gets very self conscious about appearing as “weak” so he really tends to beat himself up. He’s sounding a tad mentally abusive towards his creation. This only makes Fierce hate him more and more each day.
He really just wants to make Fierce as perfect as he can be before passing the baton over to him but isnt doing it right.
Meaning, he can’t give him all of his powers at once. In fact he hasn’t taught him any out of fear that things wont be working out and fierce may kill him. Hes afraid of what he made lmao. This is why Fierce mostly stays in the physical strength area. He is a very strong man and does have some abilities that he doesn’t control. (Some healing factors)
Fierce has become kind of... rebellious? He’s acting more human than god. Granted hes an angry little man but but it should be expected considering he wanted him to fit in with the humans.
All of this was fine and dandy until Fierce was fed up with what this god was doing to him, killed his right hand man, and was banished to be a mask for a few hundred years. Pretty much papa put his son into timeout without letting him say goodbye to the people he loved back in clocktown.
All of this gods creations have a “if all else fails turn them into a mask so they cant harm me” thing. He cant turn anyone into a mask only his creations.
This is where link found him during the events of MM, used his mask, and set him free in the end of Majoras mask.
This not only benefited Fierce by him studying link and learning how to use magic blasts from his sword,(though he will never admit it) it revealed a dark secret about the old god. One that truly had Fierce scared, yet ready to kill the man.
I refuse to tell you what yet because I want to make more posts on this later on.
After chasing link off he pretty much spends his time lying low. He’s not supposed to be out of timeout. Hes trying his best to learn how to use any other powers he may have currently to be able to last longer than 5 minutes in a fight with the true god. Fierce wants this man dead. No retirement for him mwuahaha
He will attempt to forcefully take his place and do this job right and as much as he hates to make this horrible man proud by doing so, its the only way to save himself and people in the future. ________________________________________________________________ SO uh anyways thanks for reading i love you. I miiight take asks for this au? I certianly will be happy if anyones actually curious... just to help do something cause im not the best at story telling... I hope what I have posted makes sense. I love yall see ya later
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A trip down nostalgia
so back in the day there was like things out there for rping aka rule pages..i remeber along time ago i read an orginal character rulebook and it said “you cant have powerful ocs” which ive broken that rule a few times. So i decided to find one of these old “universal rping rules” pages and go through em and see how theyve changed
GENERAL RULES 1: When you are talking out of RP text, use "(( ))" to indicate such 
i particually like this one because it shows how dated it is..like most rping sites have instant message systems 
2: When you are talking with only one character in the same area, you should not skip any lines; if you are talking with more than on character area, then you must separate them by skipping a line after the action and text of the first character, then starting the same thing for the next character [Note: this only applies if both characters are interacting with the same character(s); if they are in the same topic, but different areas of the topic, they must be posted in different comments.] 
i dont actually know what this rule is implying is it implying you cant skip topics and have to stay on track or simply if another person joins that person cant interject? 
3: Any speech MUST be indicated with quotation marks and actions should be indicated by "* *", but that is optional 
This is a fun rule too because of nowndays there are two styles of rping
script and para. i don't know if this rule is insitating there was a time were para/script was the same thing or used in the same way. GLOBAL RULES 1: You cannot skip between different RP storylines i can only assume this was a rule before multithreading was a thing but weve broken this rule.
2: You cannot skip between different time frames also this one weve broken 3: You cannot declare your character(s) to know someone without permission from the other person(s) this is a rule thats still followed albeit with the expectation that your muse is omniscience or all knowning or whatever  4: You cannot declare your character(s) to share history or a background with another character(s) without permission from the other person(s) man there was a day and age were we didnt write giant paragraphs of agnst? and just did “and then they shared their past” ENTRY RULES 1: You cannot make another person(s) notice something; you have to let them notice it themselves i dont think anyone follows this rule. 2: You cannot appear in-between or near other characters unless approved by the other person(s) and allowed to do so (usually for battles or something) i think with this one i can only assume battles were more careful..i think nowndays if you fight a more powerful character that can appear next to yours and your character cant it sorta just happens.  3: You cannot be dramatic, it MUST be a subtle entry (ie: no big flashes into the area, bothering other characters; no screaming; no making other objects fly around when you entry, bothering other characters, etc.) [Note: exceptions are allowed if approved by the other person(s) if you are in a battle or something, but it must still be kept in moderation.] HAHAHAHAHHA 4: You cannot move or come into contact with another character(s) when you enter AHAHAHAHAH -louder laughing-  SOCIAL RULES 1: You cannot control the conversation or be the center of attention i suppose this is true for like group rping but one on one i dont see how this could really happen. 2: You cannot interrupt someone else's conversations (unless permitted by the other person(s)) again in group rping i can see this happening but not for like one on one. 3: You cannot make person say something, nor may you tell them to say something outside of RP chat (your character may tell them to say something in RP chat, but they are allowed to refuse)   this one is... idk ive had times were someone comes into my ims and there like “i need help with ideas so i can reply” or “i dont quite know what to say next” and you discuss and plot this rule seems overly strict and just strange.
4: You cannot relate to someone else's background or history without the consent of the other person(s)  fucking what?
BATTLE RULES 1: No godmodding (ie: being invincible, overpowered, etc.) i think over the ages godmodding went from “everything bad” to more speciifcally  godmodding=controlling my character without permission marysue=everything bad 2: No controlling other people read above 3: You CANNOT kill another person(s)'s character without their permission  yeh this is pretty universal still 4: You MUST allow the other person to CHOOSE to accept or avoid an attack [Note: there are some exceptions to this rule once you are familiar with the rules and the feel of RP battles, but you must still keep it in moderation; it cannot be a big attack (ie: cutting someone's head off, stabbing their heart or lungs, etc.) and you must allow the other person(s) to do the same.] this is pretty universal as well expect with the two expections of 1. you planned the battle in im beforehand 2. your muse is significantly weaker then the one your facing.  like if your a god and im a human im probably going to get rekted 5: You CANNOT say where a character(s) got hit, nor how they took damage, they became crippled, they lost a limb, etc.) [Note: again, there are exceptions to this rule, as well; following the same exceptions as rules #4 and #6 again 1. above sorta explains this but this is mostly true 6: You may ONLY make ONE attack at a time, still following rule #4 [Note: again, there are exceptions to this rule once you are familiar with the rules and the feel of RP battles, but you must still keep it in moderation; you cannot go into a frenzy (attacks that count over 5 in this case) and you must allow the other person(s) to do the same.] i think overall rping battles has become easier to write with maybe before rping battles was a new thing and harder to do? 7: You may not make any moves without giving the other person(s) a chance to do something (this includes running away, teleporting (not blinking), summoning things, banishing the person(s) (and it must be approved by the person(s), etc.) again power differences are a major play in things like this. a master can beat a novice without taking damage, a master swordsman could beat bandits with no issue, etc etc etc 8: You MUST take damage at some point yes and no again as i said above however i always make it point that if your character is creative and can whatever skill they have to their advantage its always possible that your muse can do damage to mine and i can do damage to yours however as above its incredibly situational
thank you for listening to a random ass post.
i can only assume from loooking at this people in the past were careful and nowndays rping is
smashing into someones ims going “yo bitch lets fucking rping AHHH”
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silvereyedempath · 5 years
The Story So Far
The world is a decidedly more dangerous place than even most humans believe. It is filled with powerful beings that want to destroy and concur. To be worshipped and to be feared. Some of these beings even hunt humans for sport. I should know, I was one of them. I am one of them. A Godling among mortals. But I should probably back up and introduce myself. That is if anyone is still interested in what I have to stay.
My name is Alician Kova, Most people call me Ali and I am immortal. Actually, I am more then that.I am the Goddess of Emotions. An Empath with a unique and manipulative gift. I can literally fuck with your emotions if it pleases me. Fortunately for you all as a collective human race I’m not like the others, I have a respect for the mortal realm that many of the other Gods and Goddesses don’t. Well I used to anyway. Back before everything happened.
I still don’t know why I was hidden as a child. The Muses in all their glory have yet to explain that to me, and don’t get me started on Zues. He’s a whole different issue. Anyway, I was born human. But even as a child I was different. My eyes never stayed their natural grey, they were constantly flashing and changing and I could see aura’s. I didn’t realize back then that it was a way to gauge emotions and avoid some of the more.. Unsavory people. Then again as a child I wasn’t exactly well brought up.
My family was your typical american family. Well sorta, dad was a pastor, my mother stayed at home to keep the house and raise the children. I was the youngest and the only female. I was also a freak. Even from little onward I had dreams and could react to people around me without speaking. My father made it his mission to beat the devil out of me. I remember being locked in a room with chains and beaten regularly. I learned to never look anyone in the eye and how to cover up the marks from the beatings. Even as a child I knew to remain silent. The only time I cried out was when they whipped my skin.
When I was a child we moved quite a bit, settled in neighbourhoods that wouldn’t ask too many questions. A flock of sheep easily fooled by the preacher and his perfect family. I remember trying to escape and run away. Especially after my father declared me a witch and a demon and performed several exorcisms on me. Each one more severe then the next. I almost didn’t survive any of it. That’s when I met Bonnie. Her very soul called to me. Her aura wasn’t like the others around me.
In my curiosity even as a young girl I found she needed help. And so all those tricks I learned to use to cover up my markings I used on her. And we became friends of a sort, I also really liked her mother Roxii, When I was able to see the beautiful woman that was. Bonnie and I remained friends until my father found out and found stronger locks to use on my door. Bigger chains and more creative methods to deal with the ‘Demon’
Fast forward a few years and mothers death, she had been sick for awhile and losing her wasn’t as upsetting as it should be. She did me no favours treating me like I didn’t exist. I overheard the males in my family talking about another exorcism. I knew my body couldn’t handle anymore. I was weak from lack of nutrients and the beatings. So I took a chance and packed what little clothing I had and ran. Stealing what I needed and somehow convincing adults that I was older then I looked and getting jobs that I could leave at a moments notice.
This continued for several years. I’d sleep in graveyards and sometimes in the bush. Civic centers were good for showers and I made enough money to eat regularly and buy secondhand clothing. And because I was so attuned to my families aura’s I kept a step ahead of all of them. And the other weird creatures that seemed to hunt me. I had no idea what they were but they seemed to appear at night and would seek me out. I’d been saved by some strangers a few times.
When I was 15 I made my way to New Orleans for the first time. The city called to me in ways I didn’t understand.Not back then anyway. I found a job as a waitress and settled in. Hoping I’d get more then a few weeks in the city. I got several months before I was forced to flee into the swamps. My family didn’t find me there, but I made friends with a Gator. Who I later learned name was Beth. I used my money to feed her and myself and she in turn protected me when she could.
Returning to the cemetery in New Orleans was both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I didn’t have to deal with people. The Dead don’t have aura’s. But a curse because those weird vampire things kept finding me and trying to kill me. I also met Astrid. Who I found out was the Goddess of Justice. She was amazing and patient and after a time I moved into her home. My life changed irrovacably with that meeting.
Just after my 16th birthday I came into my own. By that I mean that as I was dying Astrid saved me. I didn’t know then that I was actually a godling. That my powers were outstripping my mortal body. Thats why Daimon’s hunted me. They wanted my power and my soul but they never got it. Anyway, I came into my powers as the Goddess of Emotions and while I was sceptical of mortals I still loved them and helped as I could. Although I took great pleasure in destroying every daimon I could. They never saw me coming and for that I was glad.
Learning to control my powers took time and energy. But it was a good time and energy. It wasn’t to say things were easy, far from it. Zeus found out that I existed and had a temper tantrum. Hurtful words were exchanged, and I faced the first big loss as a Goddess when Astrid went away. I honestly thought her dead. Her Aura disappeared completely for a time.
I leaned heavily on Artemis, we were close even then. I found the beautiful redheaded Goddess to be someone amazing. She taught me so much about my powers and about being a goddess. I don’t think she realizes just how much she actually taught me. Then, there was my other mistake.. I mean My now Ex-husband Blake. Rule of thumb, if avoidable don’t mix pantheons or lexicons. Marrying the Archangel was a lesson I will never forget. It was the start of the end of me as someone who actually cared. We parted after a time and although I was heartbroken, it was nothing to the soul shattering experience of losing my daughter.
Losing Aubree Rose was the final piece. Not just the how or where but the actual loss sent me spiraling. I had been almost eight months pregnant when the Daimons somehow breached the defences of the island. Granted the ex wasn’t around so the wards were weakening but still. They attacked and I won but it cost me my daughter. I went into labour and because of what had happened my sweetheart was stillborn.
I had always thought myself a fuck up. Always knew I was a curse. My human parents thought so. Zues definitely thought so and I thought that they must be right. After all I couldn’t protect the one thing that meant anything to me. My daughter was my world. My reason for breathing and existing. The very joy and peace that I gave freely to the world was because of her.  
I moved back to New Orleans, found a dingy apartment and hid away after burying my daughter in the graveyard I used to live in. From there I made it my life’s mission to eradicate the Daimons. Every night I was out hunting and if a Hunter got in my way I banished them. I respected Artemis enough not to actually harm her warriors. Only one I left alone was Talon. I like Talon. He was a good man. And I respected him.
And now, My sister in all but blood has returned. I thought her dead because I couldn’t sense her. Now I need to start dealing with everything. But first I have more creatures to destroy.
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angelblumes · 3 years
hi 👋 I woke up 11am . 😟😟very sad but I ended up losing a whole bunch of w**d on accident because I left it outside last nite 🙄uhh it was cold outside so I had pants and a long sleeve on !! in the summer! listened to a decent amount of music and thats only four but gn im srry
dw! hi💗 i woke up at 10 again. i had crazy crazy dreams. part of it was i was haunted or something supernatural was after me and it manifested as... towels. it was still scary? then idk some girl had these magic rocks and turned into this earth goddess and banished it but it was this huge landslide earthquake thing. then a huge change n i was in a city and its my city i always dream in but fucked up somehow. there's this local catholic school that looks like a castle and i thought it was disney world as a child. it was in the dream. i had to hunt down a dragon using two other creatures- but i'd had this dream b4 so it was easy. it was like a video game quest. that's all i rlly remember sadly. there was so much more i should've written it down. been listening to hozier again a bit. i get so caught up in what ppl think and there was all that "ugh hozier isnt even that good ppl who like him r so annoying" that made me not listen to him for a bit. but i got a tiktok on my fyp about nfwmb and i remembered how much i adore that song. the tone the lyrics the references.... also i'm able to apply it to hannibal. that's always a plus. i started pirating hannibal 💀 id been avoiding finishing s3 for forever and i watched a few eps on hulu and this one site has less ads, but no captions😓but i've finally met chiyoh . look her up she's gorgeous. will made mischa's (hannibals sister) killer into a firefly. i'd seen the photos b4 but never knew it was will who did it!! hmm and.... i don't know if this is weird but i have like a hannibal murderersona..... who would i be if i was in that universe and absolutely unhinged? i'd kill exclusively men. saw this post today abt how biologically females are not lesser (like obv but it had a lot of specifics!) and one of the replies went SO hard like "men are nothing more than their flesh. you die first bc you are disposable meat meant to be sacrified for the worthier population....we will outlive you and even feed on you if necessary.... god was created in our image" bro. !!!!!!!! if i was in hannibal that would be "my design" fr. what else can i say really
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pwnyta · 7 years
AIGHT So ya know how I said I made my own Omegaverse world but made it super convoluted? HERE IT IS. Theres gonna be lame doodles because im inarticulate. Also... of course its /Tony centered.... sorta. Id ship him with Jarvis and Friday myself but w/e
Tony is an Omega bounty hunter taking up his Betas fathers mantle... though since hes an Omega other bounty hunters dont work with him.... which is fine with him because theyre a blood thirsty lot anyways and he’d rather capture his criminal targets rather than kill them. But hes got one Alpha he wants dead for murdering his father and mother... ;;;)))(its Bucky obviously) He doesnt know what the guy looks like but hes an infamous creature that plenty of bounty hunters are gunning for. The talisman around Tonys neck keeps him protected (its the anchor item for his Wraiths Jarvis and Friday. Tony also has a lot of creative non-leathal weapons he uses during his hunts like liquid light that can stun light-sensetive Alphas.
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First of all its a world where Betas have the biggest population. Theyre basically regular humans(except any Beta can bare children... unless some health issue or someshit.). Alphas are monsters. LITERALLY. Like vamps/wolves/demons etc different breeds of Alphas but all of them are treated just as monsters. Omegas are crossbreeds of the two. Omegas inherit some traits from their Alpha parent-- pointy ears and teeth are very common, antenna, wings, weaker versions of their powers, etc.
Usual A/B/O shenanigans apply.
Alphas can only be born from an Alpha/Omega pair. Alpha children are their Alpha parents species. Omegas can only be born from an Alpha/Beta pair. Alpha/Alpha and Omega/Omega pairs cant produce young, Alphas cant bare children/Omegas cant sire a child. (Betas can do w/e. They dont need the other two which is why theyre so judgemental and why Alpha and Omega breeds are so low.)
Alpha(/Omega) Breeds:
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Werewolf: ---Threat level: (depends on pack size, lower number packs tend to be more aggressive. Lone Wolves are often feral and scapegoats/targets for bounty hunters.) ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ (very common) ---Powers: Quite a bit stronger and faster than a regular human(strength varies with moon cycle), telepathic pack communication, high endurance, regeneration ---Weaknesses: Silver, wolfsbane, strength variations during moon cycles, pack dependency. ----Defining features: Fur tipped ears, dog like teeth, fluffy tails. ----Characters: Steve, Bucky, Rumlow, Rhodey, Gamora, Drax, Yondu, Scott
Highly pack dependent to a point it effect their mental stability. They also mate for life. Loyalty is valued most in a pack and pack mates that betray the pack arent killed, theyre banished and usually go mad and then are killed.
Bucky was taken and being away from his pack turned him feral assassin for Hydra. (his pack mate Rumlow set him up and works for Hydra... Hydras still a thing... except theyre Betas mostly.)
Vampire: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ ---Powers: Wall climbing, super speed and agility, energy absorption+healing when drinking blood, greater strength than an average Beta but not quite as strong as a Wolf. A bite from a vampire causes a victim to obey their Vampire sire (but will not transform them) ---Weaknesses: Typical vampire bullshit. Whos allergic to garlic of all things? ASSHOLES. Thats who. ----Defining features: Small pointy ears, fangs, glowy red eyes. ----Characters: Natasha, Peter, Nebula
Vampires are seen as pests by Betas and sometimes even other Alpha types. They tend to stay in small packs for protection as theyre not as strong as most other Alphas.
Dragonblood: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ★★★★✩ ---Powers: High strength and endurance*, fire breath and immunity*, regeneration/semi-immortal (can be killed by outside sources but will never die of old age) *Dragons power is enhanced by the type of fire they possess- Red is most common, orange, white, then blue is the most rare. Dragons bare their throats as a sign of dominance (unlike other Alphas) to show off their flame color. ---Weaknesses: Fae magic and Dragon blood (another Dragons blood on a sword will poison it) ----Defining features: Horns, wings, glowing from the throat ----Characters: Quill=Blue, Ego=Orange, (O)Frigga=Blue, Heimdall=White
Dragons arent looked down on the way most Alphas are by Betas but theyre highly feared and are targeted as a good trophy by hunters.
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Demon: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ★★★★★ ---Powers: Dark magic, flame resistance, enhanced strength and endurance, nigh invulnerability. ---Weaknesses: Spiritual belief. ----Defining features: Horns, wings, glowing eyes, whip like tails. ----Characters: TChalla, Thor, Odin, Peggy
Besides Wraith, Demons are most feared by Betas. Demons can grant any wish(besides true immortality) in exchange of a soul but selling a soul to a Demon will cause a mortals afterlife to become misery until theyre turned into a little imp creature that will do the bidding of their Demon sire.
Fae: ---Threat level: ★★✩✩✩ ---Rarity: ★★★★★ ---Powers: Nature related magic, super speed, nigh invulnerability, healing, empathy, beauty. ---Weaknesses: Iron, ash wood, salt. (theyre also kind of easy to bribe with sweets) ----Defining features: ----Characters: Maria, Mantis, Hope, (O)Tony
Fae are considered ‘good‘ Alphas and are highly romanticized but they have short tempers and can become pretty dangerous and spiteful when crossed.
Witch: ---Threat level: (depends on Witch) ---Rarity: ★★✩✩✩ ---Powers: Magic limited by their own creativity and skill level. ---Weaknesses: Fire, destroying their talisman or familiar, other witches, power addictions. ----Defining features: n/a ----Characters: Strange, Wanda, Obie, Pepper, (O)Meredith
Witches are pack minded Alphas and dont stray too far from their covens. Theyre the most hated Alpha type because they lack any noticeable Alpha features and can blend in with Beta communities if they choose. (though it often doesnt end well for them if theyre caught. *Tristan voice*BURN THE WITCH)
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Wraith: ---Threat level: ★★★★★ ---Rarity: ✩✩✩✩✩ (Wraiths are everywhere in their own plane but rarely seen by mortal eyes) ---Powers: Typical ghost/poltergeist shenanigans, flight, intangibility, possession, telekinesis etc ---Weaknesses: Can only remain in the mortal realm by an anchor item, if the item is depowered the Wraith will be banished and if its destroyed the Wraith will be destroyed. ----Defining features: Translucent, corpse-y look??? ----Characters: Jarvis, Friday, Karen
Wraiths are one of the most feared Alphas due to their abilities and lack of weaknesses, most Wraith are more playful than malicious though. But they are possessive of what they consider theirs....
Jarvis and Friday are the Wraith Tony has anchored to his pendant. As a thank you for keeping their anchor safe they help him when he needs them (Possessing him will allow them to control his body and give them their strength and powers). Theyd look a little something like:
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Troll: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★✩✩✩✩ ---Powers: Super strength, endurance, stealth ---Weaknesses: Direct sunlight will turn them into stone until its night again, but if theyre broken before that theyll be killed. ----Defining features: 1-5 small horns, hairy, small tusks from their bottom jaw, long/round ears ----Characters: Bruce, Loki, Harley, Happy
Trolls are solitary creatures that usually avoid others at all costs, theyre only really dangerous when threatened or if theyre assholes(Loki)?
Harpy: ---Threat level: ★★★✩✩ ---Rarity: ★★★✩✩ ---Powers: Flight, sound manipulation, super speed ---Weaknesses: Theyre fragile birdy bones? ----Defining features: Feathery wings and feather tipped ears, yellow eyes, scales and talons on their hands ----Characters: Sam, Clint, (O)Brunhilde
Harpys are pack Alphas but generally stay with their own type. They very rarely get hunted theyre just too damn hard to catch(but that makes them a valuable trophy catch for hunters).
SO YEAH. All the typical A/B/O stuff can be applied... but now theres fun fantasy and horror elements!!!! YEAH! Thats the shit I like! Im sure ya didnt read this far....
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radioactive-synth · 7 years
tell me more about your sole??
i guess i can start with the begining? 
under read more cause its long, i wrote his resume lmao
if you want random facts or like anything else, you can ask :D thank you @enclave !!
he was born on 13 Feb 2045, Boston. His mom is Olivia Zander, as i talked a bit about her in other post, and his father was Ryan Hudson-Zander, a brigadier-general for the army. he also had a cousin, Vincent Nathaniel Hudson, and an uncle, Michael Hudson, major in the army.
his childhood was mostly good, except when his father was at home, him hating his son so much and even insulting and beating him up when Olivia was at work, but he was acting nice when she was at home. Vaughn never told Olivia about him, until very later in life about him, in fear that she would be hurt and that her own salary couldnt support her much, money mostly coming from Ryan’s salary (and gambling)
his cousin was his best friend, and even if they were both different, Vin always supported and protected Vaughn. later, Vin chosen military college, and in a few years, he was a staff sergeant.
he went to school and got accepted into Harward Medical School, studying for 4 years, then he worked for 2 years as a family doctor in a small clinic, and also he met and befriended Nora, as her parents were friends with his parents. 
he was forced in the war by his father, signing as medic (which was also the last straw for Olivia, but she couldnt do anything, but she told Ryan to never come back home and that she gets a divorce)
he stayed for almost a year in the army, and even seeing his cousin (which he didnt knew that he was too in army and tried to send his cousin back home, not much success). mostly he was in the barracks offering any medical treatment, but he needed to fight in defense line, thats how he can use weapons and even the power armor (but not much success tho).
later, he finds out that his father was killed in an ambush, which he didnt cared at all, but next day, he also found out that his cousin was too killed on the front, which break him so much, his platoon sent him back home. 
it wasnt an easy time for Vaughn, his depression and PTSD got much worse, and refused to get any help, thinking its too expensive, and he wasnt able to work, only Olivia was working. sadly, his uncle didnt lived longer, as the loss of his son and brother was too much for his heart, which broke Vaughn and Olivia even more, but she continued to get by for her son.
hearing what happened, Nora wanted to help Vaughn, trying to get him out the house and spending time together. at first Vaughn refused, and he couldnt understand why she bothers so much, even being rude to her. but after getting convinced by his mom, Vaughn started to spend time with Nora. as time passes, she asks if he wants to work again, as her dad worked at administration and he could easily find a good job for Vaughn, as his skills and experience were good. but he refused again, thinking that he cant work anymore, but, one evening, they see a person that got very sick, and Vaughn offered first aid when the ambulance finally arrived, saving that person’s life. then Nora asked again if he accepts to work, as he can save more people. he then accepts the job as family doctor at Medical Bay Center.
a year later after this, Vaughn proposed to Nora, and they both moved in Sanctuary Hills, in a house bought by Olivia (she was raising money as she worked secretly creating illegal meds and earning more money).
they lived happily for 5 years, even wanting to raise their own child, but then we all know what happened lmao
getting out the Vault, his only thought on his mind was to get revenge and get his son back, but he was also changed, was more and more aggressive, didnt helped anyone without getting something in return, even Cod/sworth couldnt recognize him anymore. they were both forced to hide in the Museum of Freedom when the raiders attacked, and Vaughn took the power armor and helped out taking out the raiders and the deathclaw. but later, he refused to help Preston anymore, letting him and his group in Sanctuary. also he did helped Danse, but then refused to join, but took his laser rifle.
was also very rude to Piper and Nick, the old synth could barely stand him, but he thought that he can still change his ways. 
they faced Kellog and he killed him with his bare hands, but he was shot by him in the left leg.
later, when he and Nick got in the Glowing Sea, 2 radscorpions attacked and one damaged the power armor, Vaughn being unable to shoot anymore and to run, but Nick distracted the radscorpions, telling Vaughn to run. he barely got there, and thought that he lost Nick, but the synth appears later, not being damaged at all. after they got out, Vaughn was still in shock after the radscoprions nearly killed him, and apologized to Nick and thanked him for saving his life. Nick said that if he really wants to thank properly, he needs to change his ways, and start to help people, and accept his role as the General of the Minutemen.
when they got back to Sanctuary, Vaughn apologized to Preston and Cod/sworth, and accepted his role, starting to plan how to help the farmers and build better settlements.
a few weeks after, when he, Nick and Cod/sworth got back in DC, he met Deborah “Debbie” Gaines (friend’s OC), which she thanked him for saving Nick and offered her help for the Minutemen. in truth, she was actually a RR tourist, and she was asked by Deacon to keep an eye on Vaughn, which she did, shadowing him since he first arrived to DC.
with time, they bonded well, becoming best friends. they also decided to join the BOS, in order to get more intel about the Commonwealth and access to better weapons and ammo, so they both took up D/anse’s offer, Vaughn becoming a Knight, and Debbie being a field scribe. they stayed for 3 weeks, then they were allowed to leave, with the promise to return back with anything that helps the BOS (lmao). despite Debbie’s protests, he did took D/anse with them in Sanctuary, the Paladin being surprised that he was lied by them, not knowing that Vaughn is the General of Minutemen, but he still stayed, helping him with the Minutemen work. D/anse also shares the same house with Debbie, which she really hated it, but werent many houses redone in that time.
later, they retake the Castle, with D/anse’s help. after that, he left back to Pr/ydwen for a while, and Vaughn went to Goodneighbor to search for some supplies for the Castle. he was contacted by Bobbi No-Nose and got tricked by being told that he can access meds and many supplies if he helps her. finding out that they instead breached into H/ancock’s warehouse, Vaughn sides with Fahrenheit and tells Bobbi to leave.
he explains later to H/ancock, and after they talked, he asked him if he would join to help out the people in the name of Minutemen, which H/ancock took the offer kindly.
also with time, he also recruits and helps out the others, like Piper, Ma/cCready, Cait, Curie, Charlie (friend’s OC, vault 81 dweller but they joins up when Curie leaves the Vault) also he finds the RR and helps out Debbie to become a heavy, her becoming agent Bloom, and finally realising her dream. he also helps De/acon in RR missions, but refuses to take out the BOS. 
this whole thing happens like a year, gathering help and more supplies to build the teleporter, asking for S/turges’s help for this. he also gets more and more closer to Nick and H/ancock, all 3 developing a close relationship. Nick also asks later for help to take out Winter.
later, teleporter was ready, so he got in the Institute, being at first devastated that the kid didnt accepted him at first, but being more shocked that his real son was the director of the Institute, and being much older.
despite the RR protests, he did helped out the Institute, and at the Bunket Hill, he returned the synths back to the Institute, which angered Des/demona, banishing him from the RR, despite Deacon and Debbie’s arguments.
at the top of CIT ruins, Vaughn could see how Shaun didnt cared about the Commonwealth at all, saying its worthless to help it and the people, that he was an experiment and he was fascinated how his father survived outside, and how he expects him to lead the Institute….which Vaughn snapped out and they got in arguments, saying that if he really cared about him, why he let him outside with no protection, why he kept him so long on ice, how he is responsible for rebuilding the Commonwealth after him and the Institute destroyed it…so Shaun banished him from the Institute, telling him he is the worst father ever and that he is disappointed that he is his son (which Vaughn didnt took it easy, he heard the same words that he told his own father years ago)
he felt that he failed everyone, especially the RR, and felt into depression, refusing to talk to anyone, except Nick and H/ancock, that they took care of him. 2 weeks later, Sanctuary gets attacked by the Institute synths, so Vaughn gets angered and swears that he will destroy the Institute no matter what. he then gathers a part of his companions and some Minutemen, and get in the Institute, facing Shaun for the last time, and giving order to evacuate the Institute. he also asked his group to find little Shaun, but the kid was already at the teleportation room. when he arrived back, the kid called him “dad” and asked to be saved, which Vaughn took him in his arms, saying that he was looking for him, and that he better goes with his friends, as he still has some work to do.
after Vaughn recovers a few days later, he asks for help to bury Nora and everyone in Vault 111, feeling that is the least thing he can do for them, and to finally put his past behind.
much later, when the kid can see that his dad avoids to call by his name, Vaughn, with the help from Nick and H/ancock, tells the kid about his true nature and who was Father, and how the kid didnt wanted to feel like a replacement (despite his dads telling him that he is his own person),he changes his own name, renaming after his grandma.
Vaughn also realises about his own feelings, and talks with Nick and H/ancock about this, which the latter says that he thought they were already together lmao, so all 3, with the kid, Cod/sworth, Dogmeat and Hera (pet radchicken) forming a family, alongside the companions.
months later, he and Nick goes to Far Harbor, getting involved in the war, and they both find a solution for peace between all 3 factions, also Nick listening to Vaughn and accepts DiMA as his brother.
a year later, Vaughn and D/anse gets trapped in Nuka World, the former being forced as Overboss, but after meeting Ellie Connor (friend’s OC, caravan guard and now an Operator), all 3 make plans how to take out the raiders and restore Nuka World, which takes like 3 weeks.
months later, Olivia returns to Sanctuary, reuniting with her son and leaving her group, moving in the house she bought 200 years ago (as Vaughn built other house a few months after he took his role as General).
weeks later, 2 new visitors appear in Sanctuary, Tamir and Rex, which she easily befriends Ellie, Cait and Olivia, and even with the kids, Oliver, Duncan and Nat. she offers her help, proving she is great in combat, so she becomes a part time Minuteman. she also falls in love with Cait.
overall, his life is good, adapted to the new life, is happy with his family, keeps protecting the Commonwealth :D
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dunamanticarchivist · 6 years
The Munchkin Nein - Jester Jay
I’ve been sitting on this one for-fucking-ever (like half a year a full year). Everytime I try doing this I somehow end up not procrastinating on the thing I was trying to to avoid by doing this. Idk its weird, but now I have somewhat a free moment and am looking to finally polish off this piece on cleric abilities - specifically one leetle blue tiefling. Will do Caduceus in another post since despite similarities, Laura and Taliesin play very differently. For those unfamiliar with this series, it is one where I ramble on the M9′s abilities, hoping to inform about the mechanics and let Critters indulge in the metagaming pigeon and optimize combat and damage numbers. You can find the rest of the series (now very outdated) here 
Ok clerics have so many spells I can’t cover them all, especially now they are level 8 and have access to Lvl 1-4 cleric spells. So I’ll mostly go over the ones she uses and maybe explore some I think are pretty cool. But first, an overview. 
Jester has the mechanics of a hybrid melee/caster character due to her above-average stats across the board. Her AC stands at a respectable 18, 2nd highest of the group by default (beat out by Caleb’s 19 if he has Mage Armor and casts Shield). Sadly her HP is relatively low at 67, 3rd last (though Nott, Cad, Jester and Beau) all fall within 65-69 (nice) HP. 
Next her WIS mod is maxed at +5 and her STR and DEX are at +3 and +4 respectively. Which is somewhat a shame she is limited to simple weapons, since a finesse weapon such as a shortsword/scimitar or rapier would be a straight up mechanical improvement in both to hit chances and the actual damage (although her handaxe is +1, evening it out but a +1 finesse weapon would be better yadda yadda whatifs and maybes)
Aiding her in melee damage is her Trickery Domain Divine Strike that adds 1d8 poison damage once per turn on hit in melee. Sadly many things are also resistant to poison, such as the demon they faced in C2E55. 
Ok first things up: Spell slots and spells prepped. Clerics recover their spell slots on a long rest and at Level 8 have the following: 4 L1s, 3 L2s, 3L3s, 2 L4s. 12 spells, seems adequate right? NOPE as the last fight in c2e55 proves. You never have enough spells to keep your squishy party alive. 
Next, clerics theoretically know a lot of spells. Like 70 over spells they could know how to cast. However, at the start of the adventuring day, their god gives them X number to work with. For Jester at Level 8, this is 13 and increases by 1 every level in cleric. Additionally, she has 8 spells that don’t have to be prepared every day (as listed in the Trickery subclass spells). So a large part of cleric (and druid and wizards who have this spell prep mechanic) is choosing the “right” spells for the day. As we know, CR is not exactly combat optimized, so suffice to say not all the following spells will be available in any given scenario. But still, here are some of the options. 
Her much beloved and iconic spiritual weapon the lollipop is a level 2 spell that is cast on a bonus action (good for action economy). It does 1d8 + 5 damage on a hit and 2d8 + 5 instead if she uses her Lvl 4 spell slots (with +d8 every 2 level spell slot increase). And best of all, it is NOT a concentration spell, so she is then free to whirl it about in all directions whilst opening other cans of whoop-ass.
Like Spirit Guardians, a 3rd level AoE 15ft radius centered on self of 3d8 radiant damage. Enemies can make a WIS save to halve the damage, but are still subject to halved speed while in the area regardless if they make the save or not. Casting at higher levels scales the damage by 1d8. This however, is concentration, so she cannot maintain other spell effects such as Blink and Pass without a Trace.
She has 2 nuke spells: Guiding Bolt and Inflict Wounds. Both are single target level 1 spells, and casting with higher level slots give better damage. Guiding bolt starts with 4d6 radiant damage and has a comfortable range of 120 ft while Inflict Wounds does a horrendous 3d10 necrotic, but requires melee range. Inflict Wounds scale better with level +1d10 vs +1d6, but Guiding Bolt (if hit) gives advantage to the next attack from the party. Due to initiative order fuckery and flanking stuff the advantage may be redundant sometimes, but I believe the best combo is Nott (the best detective agency) using the advantage for sneak attack in the absence of other sneak attack conditions. For inflict Wounds, if Jester has her duplicate in melee she can cast it from the duplicate. 
This presents an interesting conundrum for Invoke Duplicity, one of her Channel Divinity options (2 uses per short rest). Invoke Duplicity is a concentration action (bad), but can be cast 120 ft out. I think it isnt optimal to invoke duplicity to Inflict Wounds from a distance since it takes 2 full turns to do so + a bonus action to move the duplicate if when the enemy repositions. Instead, the duplicate can be used to double team an enemy in melee range, giving advantage to any attack rolls. 1. Inflict Wounds is an attack roll. 2. Spiritual Weapon is an attack roll. So perhaps Invoke Duplicity at 30 ft out as a first turn distraction as well as Spiritual Weapon, then move in for the kill. The positioning of both will be key, since she can only move one of them with her bonus action (30 and 20 ft respectively)
I forget how Matt rules with regard to distracting with duplicates (i.e will intelligent enemies attack the duplicate instead?) A parallel situation occurs with the Mirror Image spell. Not concentration (excellent) and is automatically prepared (also very good). When an enemy rolls to attack her if she has cast it, she rolls a d20 and above certain numbers (based on the number of duplicates remaining) the enemy attacks the duplicate. For Mirror Image, the duplicates are destroyed on hit (AC 14 for Jester’s dupes). But I believe Invoke Duplicity ones cannot be destroyed. Either cases could take the heat off Jester (which she has been on the receiving end of TOO MANY times).
Control Water I think I’ll go update Fjordy after all this; its more his spell than Jester’s now they are out of the water.
She also has a lot of other utility spells that can be clutch outside of healing and hurting (ok I have yet to mention her heals but that seems fitting we’ll get to that in a bit). Polymorph and Banishment can take enemies out of the fight temporarily (both concentration), with polymorph being easier to break if anyone accidentally hits them too hard. But polymorph can also be used on allies to turn them into a bag of hitpoints and melee prowess (generally speaking). But maybe not the most appropriate use (Polymorph Nugget/Sprinkle into the BBEG XD)
Dimension Door helps reposition Jester as well as an ally in melee range completely, enough to flee a fight or make a huge chase or get help. Dispel Magic is to nullify some of the magic thrown at the party and can be extremely useful, especially if enemies are limited in their spellcasting. 
And finally when she runs out of leveled spells to throw, she has cantrips. Toll the Dead is an above average damage cantrip (2d12 necrotic at her level unless enemies are at full health, then 2d8) WIS save. Sacred Flame is 2d8 radiant damage and enemies dont get cover bonuses to their DEX save for this. Sadly Matt seems to be very good at saving versus these, and saves mean no damage at all. But still, they are useful when she casts bonus action spells such as Healing Word, Spiritual Weapon and Sanctuary 
And finally the healing stuff. Cure Wounds and Healing Word. They are a parallel to the Inflict Wounds and Guiding Bolt conundrum. Cure Wounds heals for 1d8 + 5 (average of 9.5 HP) at level 1, while Healing Word heals for 1d4 + 5 (7.5 HP). Cure Wounds needs touch, Healing Word has 60ft range. Cure Wounds scales better with level (1d8 vs 1d4). Honestly in D&D 5e, thats not much healing. And the variance can screw you over. So prioritizing damage dealing is a pretty good strategy. In fact, with the presence of Caduceus, Jester has a comparative advantage in dealing damage (her opportunity costs of attacking are actually lower than Caduceus’, situationally).
However, as we see, Revivify is a very, very good tool to keep in one’s back pocket since you never know when an ally might accidentally blow up another. That part of healing, yeah no its a quintessential cleric role that Laura has played completely true to. And everyone needs to thank her for it. 
All in all, the hybrid nature of Jester as a Trickery Cleric has some growing pains, but I think she is a very very dangerous character (Matt acknowledges the value of clerics and is rather fond of focusing them). If she went full beast mode her damage output could probably match Beau’s, so really no one should hold her back with silly things like healing and worrying about her squishy friends. Dr Clay will be with you in a moment (after you’ve gone unconscious that is)
If anyone wants to debate the risk/return profiles of various spells, attacks, damage rolls and dice gods, feel free to drop me an ask!
Edit: her racial features are as follows for completeness sake: Cold resistance, Hellish Rebuke once per day, reaction when taking damage. 3d10 cold damage with DEX save for half damage. DC 12. Darkness once per day. Thaumaturgy as cantrip. Darkvision 60ft
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