#and the awesome flags and makeup and yeah
anonymousewrites · 4 months
Adolescent Antichrist Pride Special 2024
Father Figure! Lucifer Morningstar x Teen! Reader
Demon! OC x Reader
Pride Special 2024
            “Is that Lucifer singing on the drag float?” said Em, blinking.
            “Oh, yeah, but he set up the pride event in LUX, so he decided to include himself in all the ridiculousness,” said (Y/N). “But it is fun.”
            “Bisexual mess,” said Em, nodding.
            “Definitely,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes.
            “His makeup is awesome,” said Marcel appreciatively.
            That was true. Lucifer was wearing his usual suit, but he had on eyeshadow in bisexual hues, and his voice was carrying over the crowd as drag queens and kings danced around him.
            “And he sounds amazing,” said Noa. “I didn’t know he could sing like that.”
            “Yeah, yeah, he looks and sounds good, let’s stop complimenting my dad,” said (Y/N), making a face.
            “Harsh as ever, even during Pride,” laughed Olive.
            “Well, no need to change your personality for Pride,” said Leon.
            “Of course not,” said Em. “And we should know—we’re the LGBTQ+ Breakfast Club!”
            (Y/N) laughed. “Hell yeah we are.”
            “I can’t believe you had time to design pride-themed clothes, too,” said Olive. “I love how this looks.” She spun around in the lesbian, sunset-themed sundress (Y/N) had made.
            “Well these aren’t hard to do. I just did simple, pre-made designs instead of deciding on all the patterns myself,” said (Y/N). “I’m still working for my senior project anyways.”
            “We still appreciate it,” said Leon, nodding his head. They wore a pin with he/they on it and another with the asexual flag on a vest in pansexual colors over his collared shirt.
            “I love shirt you made,” said Marcel, tapping the trans-flag-colored shirt he wore over his favored. He wore a rainbow choker overtop that.
            “Really, it wasn’t anything,” said (Y/N), waving a hand. They had on pants with patches of nonbinary-flag colors while their shirt was white and read “Queer” in cursive paint (put on by themself, of course).
            “Oh, come on, take some credit,” said Noa. “You do a lot for others and then you just act like you haven’t done anything. They had on a crop-top with bisexual-colored butterflies and ripped jeans. Giant earrings reading “they” and “them” hung from their ears. (Also, they had change the beads in their locs for rainbow patterns).
            “Come on, just say ‘thank you’ and admit you worked hard,” said Em. She had on a pin with “she/they” on an oversized t-shirt overtop white pants with lesbian-colored flowers printed in.
            “…Fine. Yeah, thanks,” said (Y/N), looking away uncomfortably.
            They were used to just handling situations or problems by themself, even if others were involved, so being reminded that people cared and appreciated the work they’d been brought up to expect was nice. Sometimes, the lessons (Y/N)’s biological parents impressed upon them didn’t go away. The remnants stayed in their mind.
            Luckily, their friends showed their appreciation for (Y/N) and who they were and what they liked to do. They had a support network, and (Y/N) could relax more. They only did things for others when they actually cared. (Y/N) was happy.
            “Now, cheer up! Let’s have some fun!” said Em, pulling (Y/N) into a side-hug. “Don’t be a grouch during Pride, Birdie.”
            “I’m not a grouch,” protested (Y/N).
            “No, just living off sarcasm,” laughed Olive.
            “Don’t worry, we love it,” said Noa, chuckling.
            “Leon, let’s dance together,” said Marcel, grabbing his partner’s hand.
            “I’m coming,” said Leon, following their boyfriend onto the dance floor.
            “If Lucifer spots them, he’s pulling them on stage, isn’t he?” said Noa, grinning as they moved onto the dance floor with the others.
            “He threatened to involve me,” said (Y/N). They shook their head and smirked. “But I threatened to have a panic attack and he let me go.”
            “Oh, please, you’d be fine and you know it,” said Em, grabbing their hands and swinging them around to the music.
            (Y/N) spun and faced her again. “Yeah, but Dad’s protectiveness always wins out over logic.”
            “You’re way more cunning than he realizes,” teased Olive.
            “You’re lucky he didn’t disapprove of Em,” said Marcel.
            “You’d be surprised of who parents approve of. Most of society would think my parents wouldn’t approve of you, Marcel, but my parents love you,” said Leon.
            “Him? The idiot punk?” said Noa.
            “Hey!” said Marcel, but Leon laughed and kissed his forehead fondly.
            “The point is, of course Lucifer approves of (Y/N)’s choice. They know what they deserve and wouldn’t date someone terrible,” said Leon.
            “I’m not surprised he approved,” said Noa, smirking and exchanging a knowing look with Marcel. “Em is one of his demons.”
            “Oh, yeah, definitely,” said Marcel.
            “Shut up, I was terrified my boss would disapprove of him,” grumbled Em.
            (Y/N) groaned and turned away before their cheeks warmed too much. “Instead making fun of my love-life, can we just enjoy pride?”
            “I agree,” said Em quickly. “Want to keep dancing, Birdie?”
            “Yeah, sounds great to me,” said (Y/N), grabbing Em’s hand and dragging them away from Olive wiggling her eyebrows at (Y/N). “Shut up! They’re my partner, I can dance with them without being teased!”
            “At least they’re together now,” said Leon.
            “Seriously,” laughed Marcel.
            “It took them long enough,” said Olive. “If they weren’t together by now, by Pride, I’d lose my mind.”
            “Actually, it’s the most the LGBTQ part about it,” laughed Noa. “They’re terrible at flirting.”
            “Now that’s pride,” said Marcel.
            (Y/N) and Em, ignoring the teasing, simply listened to the music and screamed the lyrics to Lady Gaga songs. Their hands were clasped tightly together, and when someone came around with rainbow flags, they took one and draped it over their shoulders. (Y/N) and Em were happy, side-by-side, being proud in who they were.
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catherinekal · 27 days
Just some musings on my place in the trans community and why it's hard for me to relate to a lot of what I see. Specifically the online trans community on here and in discords from years ago.
I think I've figured out that I relate more to the woman then the trans part of transwoman if that makes sense? When I did finally figure out I was trans after experimenting with being genderfluid it just made me realize that yeah, I'm in the wrong body, I need to be a cis woman. Long time later once I was actually able to safely get hormones I began that process, as small as that beginning is in this long uphill road.
There's just a lot this community takes seriously or focuses on that I just don't. For me being trans is a call to action. I know what I am, so now I need to transition. It's in the name itself. I was born in a guys body and I have to do what I can to reverse and change that because dysphoria fucking sucks! It's not fun and shitty and I hate how I had to wait this long to start this process. I stare at my shitty receding hair and am throwing what pills I can to stop it, and it's not exactly a fun time. The process is the point though. I can't just wish it away and feel like a woman in this body.
A lot of stuff I see here and on other places care about trying to reinvent gender or piss cis people off or exist outside of whats considered norm and I just don't care about that. More power to you, but that's not what being trans is to me. It makes relating to a lot of people here hard. I just wanna transition and live a happy life as a woman, idk. I'm not out here to make anyone uncomfortable or be this symbol of rebellion or anything like that. In my ideal future I live in Europe with my wife with laser hair and bottom surgery done. Just a happy lesbian couple enjoying life with all the hard scary parts of transitioning behind me.
I guess I don't have this attachment to the identify of being trans that others here have. I don't own a trans flag. I don't own the shark plushie. I do have a little trans pin I wear to work if only so there's a chance a customer sees it and thinks it's neat. For the most part though being trans is more about actions I need to take then who I am. That's the downside with fun cute trans stereotypes, if you don't meet most of them then you feel like an outcast.
I want bottom surgery. I want laser hair removal over most of my body. I want to wear makeup and wear feminine clothes and be cute and voice train and stuff that goes beyond just taking hormones. I want to pass as a cis woman one day. Every so often I'll see a post of someone vilifying passing or going stealth and I don't get why. I get it's not something most can do, including me currently, but those that can aren't doing anything wrong, at all.
People get mad and say passing is just for cis validation and god, shut the fuck up. I want to pass because dysphoria kicks my ass and I would like to have one less reason to think of suicide. I currently can't because my money is better spent, not being spent, and saving for a move to Europe one day. When that's done though then yeah I'm going all in, getting on those waiting list for surgeries, and voice training with my wife, and fighting dysphoria the only way that works for me. I can't wish it away, I can't use willpower to make it not exist. If you can do those things then that's awesome, but I can't relate to that.
I don't care to make cis people comfortable anymore then uncomfortable. I'm doing this for myself.
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Happy Storyteller Saturday! Since I'm getting that it's a large part of his character, what would Arisoly do if he was magically transported to a modern pride parade?
This is an AWESOME question thank you
I think he'd probably be a little freaked out at first because, apart from being transported to somewhere completely unfamiliar, he'd think he was at some sort of religious festival. In Kristalya, makeup is only really worn by high-ranking members of the church, so seeing a bunch of people wearing makeup would set off alarms. Once he realized/was informed that wasn't the case, he'd probably be awed by pride flags as a concept. The idea of having such a bold symbol for someone to hold up and be like "yeah this is who I am deal with it" would be the coolest thing to him and he would immediately try to get some for him and his friends. He'd also definitely try to make this a thing whenever he got back.
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amiableness · 22 days
I ended up at the green day concert last night so i didnt check in again as i had to wake up at 6 am to do hair and makeup for a 9 45 call time for dress rehearsal and 2 shows fhksjr but the shows went awesome, sadly my sister might jot be coming anymore HER BFS PARENTS MIGHT TAKE HER BUT IDK I HOPE SHE CAN COME! omg and this dude i lowkey got the hots for isnt coming but its because he has to help his grandpa (GREEN FLAG HEHEHEHE) BUT THE FUN THING IS THAT HE ASKED ME TO TEXT HIM INBETWEEN SHOWS AND TELL HIM EVERYTHING EHHEHEHE OMG AND MY GUY BEST FRIENDS ARE COMING TOMORROW AND THEY GOT ME GIFTS TEEHEE
omg deadass had the best cry after i drove home because BROO this girl i used to be friends with literally ignored me and then side hugged me and said "... you did.... good" and then looked me up and down awkwardly like bitch. six fucking months ago i was at your house baking cake and brownies with you fuck you. LMAO BUT ITS OKAY BECAUSE I FEEL BETTER AFTER CRHING AND IVE TAKEN MY MEDS SO WE ARE GOOD AND YEAH IM EXCITED TO WAKE UP TOMORROW :D
bye bye elll love you!! have a good night or dayy
🌛🌛🌛🌛 🌛🌛🌛🌛 🌛🌛🌛🌛
(4 4 4 in moons cause its my nickname and my angel num)
hi sweetheart!
it sounds like you’ve had so much going on! how was the concert? i really hope your sister can make it. aw! your crush sounds like such a sweetheart, definitely green flag behavior. also i’m sorry about your ex friend, that’s so rude of her to act that way. i’m sure you did amazing love, don’t listen to her!
wishing you all the best! <3
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I know your motivation lies in 3rd life rn and I understand that, but can you sometime in the future write some more nb Iskall please? It warms my heart so much. Just them being happy and loved by their friends. Thank you.
even though my motivation is mostly with 3L, i decided i couldn’t not do an NB Iskall fic to celebrate pride month!!
a/n: happy pride month to all fellow members of the LGBTQA+ community! i identify as lesbian asexual and i fully support all members of the community, especially trans/NB folk like my best friend @youfoundtheocarina, i love and support you all! <3
“Hold still, Iskall.”
“The brush is cold!”
“I said hold still, dude.”
Iskall sighs and obeys their friend. Cleo has already accidentally stuck her makeup brush in their one good eye at least twice; they’d rather not lose that one too. One robotic eye is enough for them.
When Cleo approached them earlier and told them she had a surprise for them, they have to admit they were very nervous. This is a lot better than they were expecting but she’s not done yet. She could still potentially be painting something silly or embarrassing on their face.
Finally, Cleo leans back and admires her work. “Done. I’m not as good at makeup as Stress is but I think it looks passable.”
“Oh, that’s not what I wanted to hear…”
Cleo laughs mischievously. “No, I’m kidding. You look great.”
She holds up a mirror, and Iskall looks at their reflection. Cleo has painted a small version of the nonbinary pride flag under both their eyes, as well as a rainbow heart on their right temple.
“Oh my gosh, look!” Iskall reaches up to tenderly touch their skin next to the flag. “It- It’s the nonbinary flag!”
“I know, I painted it,” giggles Cleo, delighted at how excited her friend is. “Don’t touch it or it’ll smudge.”
“Oh! Sorry.”
Iskall lowers their hand, unable to stop beaming. “I love this so much. Thank you.”
Cleo grins. “That’s not the surprise.”
“Huh?” Iskall blinks. “It’s not?”
“Nope. Well, it’s part of it. Come this way.”
Cleo hops up from her stool and beckons Iskall towards the door. Iskall curiously follows her. “So I wanted to do this on the first of the month,” she begins, “but Ren reminded me that today is the six month anniversary of you coming out as nonbinary. Is that right?”
Iskall nods. “As far as I recall, yes.”
“And you know what this entire month is, right?”
“Pride Month, I think.” Iskall stares at her with wide eyes. “Wait…”
Cleo’s grin widens. “There’s a reason we took the back door to my base, you know.”
She throws open the front door and pushes Iskall through.
Iskall jumps as a dozen voices yell at once. They realise all the hermits have gathered outside, wearing various rainbow-themed accessories.
Ren is at the front of the crowd, holding two rainbow-coloured crowns in his hands. “Welcome to the first Hermitcraft Pride Event!” he announces. “Enjoy the party!”
As the crowd starts to split up to do just that, Iskall stares around them with wide eyes.
The area outside Cleo’s base has been adorned with colourful decorations, including a giant rainbow flag flying from a mast in the centre of the area. Banners, streamers, balloons, and all kinds of other decorations in the colours of the rainbow flag, bisexual flag, and the nonbinary flag. A stage has been erected at the edge, with a giant rainbow flag flying behind it.
Iskall’s mouth drops open as they gaze in wonder at the area around them. “Oh...my…”
“Iskall, I’m so glad you’re here!” Ren calls happily. He jumps down from the stage and rushes at Iskall, tackling them in a hug. “Happy pride, my dude!” He places one of the crowns on Iskall’s head. “There you go. And you of course, Cleo!” Beaming, he hands Cleo the other crown. “Happy pride!”
Cleo giggles at Ren’s enthusiasm and puts the crown on her head. “Thanks, Ren!”
“Wh-What is all this?” Iskall asks in shock. “What’s…?”
“This is your first pride month since coming out as nonbinary,” Ren explains. “Me and Cleo wanted to make it special, so we gathered the hermits together and got this ready for you two!”
“Two?” Cleo repeats.
Ren nods eagerly. “Yeah! This is for you too, Cleo! I love you and Iskall so much - we all do - that’s why we put this together. We’ve never done a pride event like this before, but it’s time we start and make it an annual tradition. To celebrate you for the amazing people you are.”
Cleo blinks, before letting out a quiet laugh. “Stop it, you’re gonna make me cry.”
“Don’t do that, it’ll ruin your epic makeup,” responds Ren with a grin.
“I see you’re all made-up for the occasion too,” Cleo says. “Nice nails.”
Ren holds up both his hands, showing his friends his rainbow nail polish. “Thanks! I wanna support you guys as much as I can.”
Iskall grabs Ren in a hug. “I love you so much, dude.”
Ren beams and hugs his best friend back. “I love you too. And I gotta tell you: I really admire how authentic you are. What you show to the world is exactly who you are; you’re proud to show off your true self, and that’s so inspirational. Keep being awesome, dude. I’m proud to be your friend.”
After a moment, he realises Iskall is trembling. “Oh no, are you crying?”
“Y-Yes,” Iskall replies quietly. “But they’re good tears. I just love you so much.”
“Oh, Iskall…” Ren pulls back and gives his friend a wide smile. “Let’s go enjoy the party before you cry all your makeup away. Okay?”
Iskall nods and quickly dabs their human eye dry with their sleeve. They can’t express how amazing it feels to know that they have friends as amazing as Ren in their corner, celebrating and loving them for who they are, no matter what.
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daz4i · 2 years
ok ok this is another one of those posts where i’m being angry over something only i care about to let it out. okay. sorry about that. but hope if you read it you enjoy my rage. 
so bring me the horizon kind of changed their image in recent years (i’d argue that sempiternal was the turning point but for some reason ppl insist this era is still old bmth so idk). they’re leaning way more into scene culture and mix more pop-ish aesthetics into their image and music by collabing with artists like babymetal and ed sheeran or even just with visual changes, and i fucking love it tbh i think it’s really cool and a nice way to adapt into the modern music industry while still generally sticking to the same genres, just giving them a new twist
but as i mentioned this affects their aesthetic as well, and a few days ago they uploaded a pic of oliver dressed in rainbow clothing and i think makeup too? and that outfit genuinely fucked so hard i thought it was awesome and like, most of the comments on their posts are usually supportive so i like looking at them, but this time it was a mistake bc my god. 
(edit: just checked and a key detail i forgot was the caption of the pic was just a pride flag emoji and a credit for the photographer. so yeah this def impacted the comments lol)
it was all people talking about bmth changed (as if it hasn’t been like. nearly a decade of that??) or making these lame cheap jokes with homophobic/transphobic undertones that ppl tend to make when they see a man be just a smidge too feminine for their taste, making jokes about bmth being like sensitive snowflakes or w/e and laughing about how bmth is “woke” now? for uploading a pic of their lead singer in colorful clothes???? 
like 1 what is wrong with you 2 where do you think you are. what do you think this band stands for. the band whose most songs are about mental health and opening up about feelings. a band that encourages a sense of community within its fans and is constantly showing support for more vulnerable groups in society. that’s their whole THING it always has been!!!!!!!! they’re just no longer wearing black about it ig!!!!!! 
like you see a man wearing a cool outfit and your first reaction is “hmm i don’t like the direction bmth is taking...” GIRL WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. WHAT DIRECTION. THE ONE THEY’VE BEEN GOING FOR SINCE *googles sempiternal release date* 2013????? IT’S 2022 GET OVER YOURSELFFFFFF GROW UP. literally if you miss their old stuff so much go listen to it it’s all available on basically every music service. no one’s forcing you to interact with their new stuff, not just their music but everything around it too. if you’re not having fun just leave no one’s forcing you to stay. but why are you being so shitty about this. shut the fuck up
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frogtanii · 3 years
It’s wind anon! (Imagine me as the screeching seagull meme) just pushing through the week. Getting the test out of my mind—it just sucks because there’s always this one test that I completely mess up on—and as someone who has to deal with all honors classes and my grades tend to be good, every time I fail to meet up to expectations my stress skyrockets. (Imagine a world where grades don’t matter and school is learning based rather than mark based...) Family pressures too—okay, wind anon is done ranting.
The update! The drama—I was there the moment it updated and I saw the comments rush in and I was laughing real hard.
But my reaction to the update!
Osamu POV :0!!! The insecurity... “all it did was remind him that he was alone”— I empathize because gosh, that is so real.
The attachment to Meiko though... his emotional state is on a very unstable tightrope. “Osamu had Meiko and he used to have Daichi and Iwaizumi...” that entire section has all my red flags raised. He’s going to completely break when everything comes out.
The loud clang startled me though. I was like “!!!” But it was our YN! Our kind, wonderful YN!! Trying to get snacks wwwwww.
Osamu thinking YN is cute :0 I be having a lot of thoughts about that but him squishing it down is fair. He considers himself to be in a committed relationship (though Meiko does not reciprocate and I am ready to fight regarding that) but I can respect his devotion (even if it is very misguided).
But. “After all, you were the reason Atsumu hated him now and never spoke to him anymore.” My gosh. What do I even say about this? Because the blame is entirely thrown off. I mean, you mentioned before Atsumu had a specific reason for believing in you over Meiko so I’m still waiting for that but Osamu is thinking something wrong but it’s a human action. It’s so easy to blame people to make yourself feel better. And your brain can do it without you realizing the depths of what has been thought.
Osamu being angry (!!!) and being a complete utter douche. YN literally just wanted a bag of chips and you’re here, crowding them in the pantry and being hostile. I don’t have much to say about it because he realized his mistake but by then he already stressed YN really badly and I am...(long sigh).
Atsumu to the rescue. We appreciate Atsumu very very much in this house. It really sucks that Osamu and Atsumu are confronting like this—I mean, Atsumu has been fighting a bit and Osamu had not really been listening to Atsumu on his own end prior to this confrontation so I’m...exhausted and a bit sad in the “It can’t be helped” kind of way.
“Osamu allowed him to, too in shock and ashamed to protest, much less fight back.” It couldn’t be helped considering how everything developed but...it still hurts my chest a bit, y’know? And then Osamu tries to apologize and I’m ready (so so ready) for them to communicate because they desperately need to—
But then Meiko comes in (I am...ready to throw stuff at her. Lots of stuff. Packing peanuts. All squeaky and annoying and bad for the environment just like she is—or something like that, I dunno, I’m half dead because I’m dealing with cramps rn) and all my wishes for them to finally have that much needed conversation where Osamu can finally break down and cry—all my wishes are turned to ash like.
(Angry Wind anon noises)
Meiko rubbing her makeup all over Osamu’s shirt like he is a rag. What in the... And her 4 inch heels please, I cannot, why, I can’t deal with this, I can’t, don’t make me get close to her because I’m like Yachi (stressed out of my mind). Please don’t do this to me. But yeah, Meiko with her poor makeup that doesn’t stay on her face. What the heck....
And Meiko’s scent... gross. Like, brown sugar, cute, nice, baked goods do smell really nice, (ever add a bunch of vanilla extract to a recipe? It like, perfumes around everywhere, it’s insane and wonderful) but chances are (because it’s Meiko), it’s overbearingly sweet. Chinese food (I do not trust her taste in Chinese food to be frank), I happen to come from a Chinese family, I have Chinese food for dinner like everyday, it would take a lot to be able to get that sort of scent on you. And I do mean a lot. And hairspray??? Chemical? I do not,,, I,,, Osamu, why would you breathe that in? It’s gonna be real bad for your lungs? And we already know Meiko smokes as well—your lung health, please value it—
And then the Suna entrance. Wonderfully done fr0ggy!
Final thoughts, I am very much projecting onto Yachi rn. Yachi has been in the house for less than a week and she already has to deal with this. The company should give her a raise. My gosh.
Anyway, might as well do a thoughts/headcanon thing because it’s been a while and my mind is still on gem/jewel stuff (so hope you don’t mind!)
Okay, so Kenma I think would go with a warm colored gemstone, and citrine would work well with him! “Protection against evil thoughts” because we know Meiko has ramped up is insecurity and lowered his self-esteem.
I mentioned this before last time but Sakusa is definitely onyx. That black is iconic, and “sharpening wit” would make sense with his grace for word play and snark.
Akaashi is an interesting one...I think sapphire. I mean, sapphire can have many colors besides the classic dark blue, so that’s one thing, but it’s known for “loyalty and a pledge of trust” which Akaashi gave. I think it’s suitable for him.
Suga...initially I was thinking pearl would match him in terms of appearance, but actually looking at my reference, turquoise would work really really well with him. “Protect from evil, maintain virtue, bring good luck”. Would work well.
For Atsumu and Osamu I wanted something that could represent their duality. My first thought was gold and silver. I mean, it’d fit in terms of appearance but I’m not sure that would be the best comparison. Gold doesn’t rust so it fits Atsumu who never fell for Meiko’s tricks. Silver has been said to vanquish dark/evil beings (vampires, werewolves, the classic silver bullets and stakes). It would be interesting to see if the comparison will apply to today’s update :D!
I like how my brain shut off and couldn’t remember anyone else for a second—anyway, Oikawa... every time I think of him, I want some hue of blue wwww. I guess Aquamarine “soothing influence” would work. Since he joined YN’s side, he has been able to see the big picture and be a voice of reason. He’s thoughtful and I think aquamarine which encourages long relationships is suitable because that is what he wanted. So yes, aquamarine.
Bokuto...is a tough one. I’m trying to still keep with their color schemes a bit. I think carnelian would work. “Health, luck, bold energy, warmth, joy”—it would represent him fine. It’s a bit more orange than I would prefer but it suits him so I think it’s okay.
Iwaizumi... emerald? I mean, he does suit green tones, and “rebirth, regeneration, new hope” would work just fine for him.
Right now my brain is complete mush and I can’t think of anything for Kuroo and Daichi. Like, Kuroo would be red, sure, but the more famous ruby/garnet I think don’t represent him fully because he is still rather contained. Hmm, would need to think about them more.
But I’d like your thoughts on this too :D!!
I wanna do something suitable for all colors for YN, so opal! YN has many different parts and colors and is overall a very vivid person—if you tilt opal, you see more and more faces and things underneath being brought into your eyes. YN may be seen from many different perspectives, but YN is always beautiful and amazing. So opal is what I think YN would be.
Anyway, I’ll end here :D! Need to eat lunch. Much love towards you fr0ggy! Make sure you eat and rest up too~ drink some water or any other fluid to hydrate! And keep warm too. Much love to all the fans and supporters and ask senders too! It’s really awesome seeing and hearing from all of you and seeing new faces with the old. Love the excitement and points you all bring up—makes my brain happy.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hi! So I was wondering if you could do a matchup for me? I absolutely love your work it’s so amazing!
First off: age 15 so automatically a platonic! My big three are Virgo sun, Leo Moon, and Taurus rising. I’m also an INFP and an ambivert!
Looks: So I’m 5’1. Yep on the shorter side which is why I scale the counters to get to the top shelf. It’s dangerous but I don’t care because I want my cereal. I’m Irish, Scottish, Italian, Native American, and French. My hair is really thick and knots easily. I also have dimples on my cheeks and on my thighs. I’m on the skinner side.
Personality: I get told a lot by people that I’m kind and caring although I don’t really see it much. I’ve been told by my friends that I’m like a mom and a wine aunt. I have a dry sense of humor. I also seem to always get into situations that aren’t the best. Like getting stuck in my bathroom for over 2 hours because the lock hates me. Im also am extremely empathetic to others to the point that I can feel the shift in different emotions in a room. I love collecting different stuffed animals.
Likes: I absolutely love to read. Although I do love go outside as well. I will take pictures of nature for hours but as soon as it’s people I have to take pictures of we are done. I also love to learn about different cultures and history. I like to learn in general. I also adore computer sciences. I may love the outside but if you give me a computer and let me code whatever I want then I will not be seeing daylight for a couple of days. Also love angsty books which confuses people because I’m so sweet. Yeah the more angst in a book the better. I love to watch movies and will binge watch TV shows. Sugar cookies.
Dislikes: Math hate it with a passion even though I love coding. I also have a burning hate for cheesecake I don’t know why it just does not taste good. I have a burning hate for when people can’t be respectful to each other even if they have different opinions on things they should be able to respect them (there are certain expectations of course like I will never be able to respect those who blatantly hate on others just because they can and things that I won’t say because it makes me uncomfortable just writing it)
Other things: I have to wear glasses because I’m near sighted. I have an eating disorder. I have an iron deficiency which does affect my life heavily because even though I take medication for it I will still pass out at random times. I have borderline personality disorder so it can be difficult for others to be around me sometimes. I’m skittish around new people but around those I know I’m talking so loud the neighbors can hear me and I don’t live in an apartment I live in a house in a small neighborhood and we are spread out. I tend to collect random things. My room stays clean for a week at most. And I can probably tell you just about anything about certain movie franchises. I also have way to many stuffed animals but I feel really bad whenever I get rid of one of them. My clothes are a mix of Grunge, dark academia, cottagecore, and sci-fi. I wear a lot of jewelry. I like to try different makeup styles. My favorite outfit is a purple dress that has a sun and moon pattern on it and a mesh fabric on top, then a pair of knee high black socks, and my forest green army boots.
And finally a fun story: So one of my favorite holidays is Halloween. Well my parents took me and my sister and some family friends to Six flags amusement park. Now during October Six Flags had a thing called Fright Fest at night. And we went to it. They had a ton of different shows to watch and each area of the park was theme differently like a circus or an undead walk. Well my sister hates scary things. And so me begin the awesome older sister I am took her through the maze that had people jump out at you. By the time we finished I was carrying my sister who is only two years younger than me. She was also crying. I only felt a little bad because this was pay back for every time she blamed me for something she did. Then we went and got pumpkin pies and Carmel apples. She stoped crying because the Carmel apple. I may be the reason she was crying but I did make up for it then we both terrorized the family friends little boy on the ride home because he had been annoying all day.
Anyway I think that concludes most things about me. Thank you for reading and if you need to know anything else I’m more than willing to tell!
Your best friend is… Hoodie/Brian Thomas!
In general:
The first thing I thought of after reading through this was Brian. Like just straight up, your best friend is Brian. That’s it, that's the post. Everything you wrote just screamed him to me, and I love the friendship dynamic I am going to explain in depth. I am, spellbound. Here we go!
Things he likes about you:
PHOTOGRAPHY. It was the first thing that jumped out to me when I woke up and saw this ask. Brian LOVES photography and nature - not so much people, much like you. As he’s out and about in the world, doing whatever it is proxies who hate the Operator does, and he, much like Masky, would take note of beautiful places just to show you. Y’know? Like, he’d take you on walks in the woods, point out all the different birds and animals and just impart on you so much natural world knowledge because he knows you like to learn! He loves that soak up information like a sponge brain of yours because he’s honestly the same way, and he knows SO MUCH fun stuff about the natural world and even some supernatural stuff - so like, please, walk with him and let him rattle off some of that stuff to you. You’d honestly make him tear up if you pointed out something obscure he mentioned because you were listening and y’know, it’s just good. He also really likes that you’re into computer science because he’s admittedly a little lost on that stuff so he’d probably end up learning some stuff from you! LOVES your short height and will jokingly rest his arm on your shoulder or head every now and then. Will make jokes about how short you are but never to the point of making you mad. All good best friend stuff here. I actually think Brian is pretty good at math so if you ever want someone to help you out and be super patient and fun while doing it, he’s 100% got you. He’s a big “what’re friends for?” kind of guy. He will binge watch movies and TV shows with you. Do you like Studio Ghibli? If so, get the snacks and blankets ready. And y’know, funnily enough, I think both Masky and Hoodie hate cheesecake (I also happen to hate the cheesecake joke-) so like, hey. That’s pretty good. Likes your fashion choice too! Thinks it’s very pretty and very aesthetic.
General best friend stuff:
Binging stuff together, going on walks in nature, one of the clearest things that came into my head when I read over you liking reading and nature was connecting that to Brian’s love of animals. I can see you two on the porch, him with some binoculars looking out for birds, squirrels, other rodents and stuff while you’re next to him just reading something super angsty. If he saw something really worthwhile, he’d subtly flic his eyes over to you and he’d show you a really cool bird or something. He’s also super mindful of your glasses - mostly because I think he has reading glasses and understands that hey, glasses are simultaneously the strongest thing and weakest thing depending on how you bump them and what hour of the day it is. He’s also super mindful of your iron deficiency, and he’s just always ready to catch you if you fall. Just really wants to take care of you and watch out for your wellbeing. Let him do that for you. He will listen to you talk about anything and everything because he just loves hearing what’s knocking around in the heads of other people! It fascinates him and he will commit it to memory. Tell him some obscure movie knowledge? He’ll bring it up during the right moment as a subtle way to let you know he’s listening. He’d actually buy you lil necklaces and stuff, and other things you like. Things that remind him of you would find their way to you. Also would let you do makeup on him if you’d be willing! While I don’t think Brian actually wears makeup all that often, or really at all, he’d be so happy to see your skills and styles on his face. The stuffed animals thing - would you,,,,, would you perhaps,,,, give him the ones you’re parting with? He will treasure them,,,,,, but that’s just a thought,,,,,, Brian is also there to help with your hair at times too lol. The knots? He’s a knot detangling king.
You two as best friends:
This man is just a god amongst men in the best friends sphere. You have someone in your corner who is so supportive, loving and ready to fight for you. He loves Halloween too, so like he’d be taking you to go out and do stuff. He would take you to haunted houses! He doesn’t scare easily either but he would have so much fun going in with you. I feel like autumn would be your season with him, y’know? Hop in the car with him, put on some good music and go visit the festivals and stuff. Apple cider, apple donuts, pumpkin pie, caramel apples, hay rides, pumpkin patches - just please. I love this too much for words already. Brian, I think, gets along well with virgos! So y’know it just,,,, it just works,,,,, He would also be a little worried about you scaling the counters to go get stuff but at the same time, he’s not gonna stop you nor is he always gonna get the thing for you. Sometimes he’ll just “no I’m having too much fun watching this” :} He honestly needs both a mom friend and a wine aunt in his life so he’s got you! It’s like two for the price of one which I think works out very well. Brian is admittedly a bit of a dad friend so like,,,, yes. He likes your sense of humor because it’s really close to his, so the two of you are just laughing. When are you two not laughing? It’s always a good time with you two. He’s also a little worried about the hijinks you manage to get into but it ends up just being joke material later on. He likes that you’re empathetic because he is too - so be prepared for this man checking in on you at random “just because I had a feeling.” He will bring you stuffed animals,,,, He also agrees about the differences thing to a fault. Opinions on things are like whether you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream, not whether a person’s human rights should be on the chopping block for the “crime” of them simply existing. He gets it, in short, and he finds himself agreeing with you. Also, he will bring you books about history and other cultures. He’ll basically just gift you with things that remind him of you. :} He’s also a pretty clean guy so if you ever need help cleaning your room, ask for him! He will also make sure you’re feeding yourself right. Once again, and I stress this, let him take care of you when you feel comfortable and need it.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things:
Thank you so much for all of this! I loved reading every bit of it, especially the fun story. Man, I really miss Fright Fest! I haven’t been in years which is criminal because I’m only like 45 minutes from Gurnee. Mess material smh. Also you’re short which makes me biased towards you twice! Short people need to stick together. I’m barely 5’0 tall so I honestly support you climbing shelves to get stuff. You seem like such a cool human being! Please take care of and be kind to yourself. You have such fun hobbies and your personality from what I can read here is so admirable! I am, and Brian is too, absolutely spellbound! He thinks you’re such a fantastic best friend and is always gonna be there for you, through thick and thin. Anyways, let me know what you think, and I hope you enjoyed it!
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mikauzoran · 3 years
Adrienette: Ethereal (One-Shot)
For @miraculousfanworks Snippet July
Summary: When Marinette gets a peek behind Adrien’s mask of perfection, she reaches out a helping hand that proves to be exactly what they both need.
Read it on AO3: Adrienette: Ethereal
Adrien had no right to look so otherworldly beautiful, Marinette thought as she crossed her arms and observed the photoshoot in between running errands for whomever barked an order at her. (So was the life of a Gabriel intern.)
Adrien’s white eyeshadow made his peridot eyes pop, particularly against the snowy white colour of his tweed suit and the sandy orange hues of the desert scene serving as a backdrop for the shoot.
The guy was practically flirting with the camera, and it made Marinette irritated for reasons for which she only had herself to blame. She was the one who had broken up with Chat Noir the previous evening.
It wasn’t Adrien’s fault that he was gorgeous and Marinette was boyfriend-less. It wasn’t Adrien’s fault that he was perfect and unobtainable.
One of the lighting workers flagged Marinette down, asking her to run and get coffee, and that was the end of Marinette’s ruminations.
 Half an hour later, Marinette’s supervisor trotted awkwardly in her much-too-high heels up to Marinette, looking even more frazzled than usual.
“There you are! Go to Monsieur Agreste’s dressing room and help him change for the next set,” she demanded, glancing between her clipboard and her watch, lamenting every second that slipped by.
“Me?” Marinette responded in surprise. “Aren’t there…people for that?”
“Yes, but Monsieur Agreste is being a cagey diva today and putting us irreparably behind schedule. He only wants to work with you and that Juleka girl over in makeup, so hurry and get him into the next look already. Go-go-go!”
Without further protest, Marinette dashed to the back corridor where the models got dressed. She located Adrien’s changing room and gave the door a perfunctory knock.
“It’s Marinette,” she informed, waiting for his invitation to enter.
“Hey. Sorry to trouble you,” Adrien apologized with a wounded smile. “I see you running around here like crazy, so I know you’re busy enough without me adding anything else to your plate.”
“No. It’s… I’m not that busy. Not with anything ground-shatteringly important. You’re fine,” she assured.
“Still.” His weak smile gained a little life. “Thank you for coming.”
“Of course,” she stressed. “So, what’s up? What do you need me to do?”
“Grab the outfit for the next set. I need to take my makeup off so Juleka can change it, but I need to get out of this suit first,” Adrien explained, beginning to slip off his suit jacket and undo the buttons of his vest. “Can you get these back to the garment wranglers?”
“Uh, yeah. Absolutely,” she confirmed, determined not to drool as he stripped because she was a professional, gosh darn it.
When she came back, he was topless and carefully removing his makeup. As he did so, she was able to see the dullness of his skin and the dark circles under his eyes that had been hiding under layers of concealer and foundation.
She watched, mouth hanging open, as he wiped away the varnish of perfection.
“Adrien…are you okay?” she inquired tentatively, slowly approaching his dressing table and taking a seat on the counter, facing him.
He grinned, a mask to cover up the pain he was feeling inside.
He opened his mouth to lie but couldn’t follow through with it. Instead, he shook his head.
“I was secretly dating someone I was really serious about, but she wasn’t ready to be serious about me. She broke up with me last night when I tried to push her to commit.”
He shrugged in a carefree, “it can’t be helped” kind of way, but Marinette saw through his playacting.
She reached out and rested a hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Adrien. That’s…breakups are the worst, so I really feel you.”
He arched an eyebrow. “You do?”
She nodded. “…I’m actually going through a breakup now myself, so…”
“They didn’t break up with you, did they?” Adrien demanded, sounding personally offended at the very idea.
She shook her head. “No. No, I was the one who broke things off. He…He wanted more than I could give right now, and it wasn’t fair to either of us to drag things out when it obviously wasn’t going to work.”
There was too much at stake to risk revealing identities. She couldn’t do it. It’d been foolish to date as Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first place, and she was only doing the sensible thing by ending it. She only hoped that she hadn’t ruined everything good between them in the process.
Gingerly, Adrien reached out and laced his fingers through hers. “I’m so sorry, Marinette.”
She summoned up a faint smile and gave his hand a squeeze. “Thanks. …Would you want to go get dinner tonight at a pub or something? We could commiserate together once we make it through the rest of the day.”
“That sounds awesome,” Adrien chuckled, his grin finally looking genuinely cheerful as he squeezed her hand back. “I could use some incentive not to throw in the towel.”
“Hang in there, and maybe I’ll even invite you over to my place afterwards for cupcakes and Disney movies,” Marinette tempted.
Adrien’s eyes widened perceptibly. “I think you’ve just given me sufficient motivation to get through the day.”
She laughed, shaking her head at what she thought was hyperbole. She had no way of knowing how close Adrien was to losing his grip on his composure. She couldn’t know how much her presence, her friendship, meant to him in that moment when he felt entirely alone.
“Hang in there,” she reiterated, clapping him on the back as she went over to the garment bag hanging on the rack. “Maybe I’ll even let you lick the batter off the bowl if you do a good job on the rest of the shoot.”
Adrien’s ears perked up, and he was filled with determination.
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lemystical-puffle · 4 years
My A3 Sexuality Headcanons that no one asked for!
[These won’t include Gender, only sexual orientation or lack thereof(is that a phrase?)]
Color coordination
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Sakuya Sakuma: Pansexual! He doesn’t have any preferences, honestly after his childhood he just wants someone who will love and accept him!
Masumi: Bisexual. I feel like he would love the director whether they be boy, girl, other, all, he just wants someone to give him attention, and that person just happened to be out beloved Izumi Tachibana.
Tsuzuru: okay this ones me projecting but whatever Aro/Ace Tsuzuru. He doesn’t feel romantic attraction, and instead just feels a family-brotherly kind of love towards his friends and fellow actors. He doesn’t really want to romantically be with someone, and yet instead just wants to be there for them when they need it and love them the same way he loves his family at home
Citron: Also pan!! But Pan-Romantic specifically. Citron literally just wants to love everyone ever because he’s just awesome like that, but won’t go pass kissing someone. It just makes him uncomfortable which is perfectly fine because he is Citron Lastname! But yeah, also no gender prefermance
Itaru: Bi with a male preference. I can’t really explain why I think this, I just do. Maybe because most of the woman he has ever shown interest in are his 2D anime waifus. Also I mean come on he totally had a whole thing for Lancelot he thinks knights are hot and that is so valid.
Chikage: he is a gay cabbage. Listen the only time he has said he liked a woman it was because he said they weren’t like his mom and I am just- I’m sorry I don’t trust that. This man is a gay, he is never had a boyfriend but he has definitely thought of hooking up with his boss for a raise, thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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Tenma: Also bi! Bi-Ace specifically. I wasn’t really sure where to put him because on one hand I feel like he has a lot of MLM energy but on the other hand his solo song so I just, bi. I feel like his gay awakening came when he played the token gay best friend in a romcom because gay actor erasure but Tenma didn’t really understand, but later he was in a scene where he was with his boyfriend who shows up for one second to remind the audience he’s a homosexual and Tenma was just: crap he’s not
Yuki: okay at first I didn’t know what to put for Yuki cause on one hand sexuality erasure Yuki has specifically said he likes girl and he defies stereotypes and stuff but on the other hand he never said he didn’t like boys so he’s bi with a female preference. I feel like Yuki is the kind of guy to just happen to fall in love with whoever and just go “oh crap did I just fall in love?” And while he likes girls more sometimes it just. Happens.
Muku: Surprise surprise he’s Pan! Muku totally reads shoujo manga with all sexualities and is very livid about good representation, will write a “negative review” (and in Muku terms that’s him being very polite, 4.5/5 stars and linking research resources) about how inaccurate a sexuality was portrayed. I feel like at first he just thought he was a very active ally and now he is just: “oh crap boys. And girls. And enbys. And genderfluids. And everyone.”
Misumi: Misumi is very homosexual, which at first he was sad about because homosexual has 2 o’s which are circles but then he realized he can just say gay but spell it like: G🔺Y so he got happy again. I feel like it was one of the reasons he was kicked out of his home, he just likes boys Jeez Ikaruga parents no rights. (I also Headcanon him as autistic but that’s not what this post is about).
Kazunari: In Kazunari Miyoshi’s world he never has to make a decision in his life and that includes sexuality. Show him a guy and a girl and tell him to pick one and he will simply overload until he picks the person who knows the most trivia on classical art or smthing. Kazunari just: adores everyone ever, and that’s okay! After a lot of internalized homophobia and fear, he was able to come out to first a small group of college friends and eventually felt comfortable with the label and was able to express it openly, now he wears it with pride!
Kumon: I really don’t have any explaining to go here, Kumon just feels gay to me. My head can’t wrap around him wanting to be intimate with a girl. I do think there was this big moment of him coming out to Juza and Juza just going “s’okay.” Then they hug and get ice cream
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Banri: Banri is bisexual with a straight pride flag and a Juza Preference. Catch him at the straight pride parade telling “those Homo’s that they’re going to burn.” While making out with Juza against a wall. That’s canon I don’t take criticism
Juza: Also Gay, I feel like Kumon came out first and Juza did research and was like “oh me too.” And just thought about how he’s never actually liked a girl and thought boys were kinda pretty and oh crap Settsu slicked his hair back oh crap oh crap pretty men.
Taichi: Taichi is bisexual, with his preferences being as random as his hair. Except no weird 1/4 quarters going on. Idk where I was going with that analogy I’m sorry. Taichi just likes the humans and wants to go kiss kiss with them all, and then bring them along on his journey for fame and popularity!
Omi: Listen, Omi is the mother of Mankai, and as the mother he loves everyone unconditionally. He also totally wanted to kiss Nachi I’m sorry. I feel like Omi has a male preference, but only by a bit as he loves everyone! He is a good boy and brings all the snacks and water to the pride parades so his friends stay healthy :)
Sakyo: Sakyo is the straight~ supportive dad who doesn’t care if you’re gay straight bi pan anything as long as you pay your taxes. Was probably a little confused at first just because. Probably said “LGBT? Isn’t that a sandwich.” But he got informed did research and is now a huge ally! After more research he identifies specifically as graysexual/romantic as he feels rarely any romantic attraction at all unless under certain circumstances aka Izumi Tachibana. I akso think he suspected that Azami was LGBT for a bit before he came out so he wanted to do research so that Azami would feel comfortable coming out when he was ready. Also he can’t like, not support Sakoda (who I Headcanon as gay :) )
Azami: Azami is bi-aro. Sex? Nah he won’t even hold your hand before marriage, however he will love you no matter your gender. I also see him with a female preference just from his straight upbringing and it’s the title he feels most comfortable with after some internalized homophobia, especially with how his dad shamed him for liking makeup. He is still getting used to the LGBT community and I feel like he is still taking baby steps, learning about different identities and wanting to do all he can to support both himself and his fellow actors due to simply not knowing where to start. Don’t worry Azami take you’re time! There is no rush, you are trying to figure yourself out and we all love you so much for it, there is no shame in changing your mind later. We adore you all the same. (If you couldn’t tell, I wasn’t only talking to Azami. If you are still questioning yourself it is 100% okay, because honestly I am too. There is no rush to figure yourself out, and I hope you know that we are all here for you!)
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Tsumugi: Tsumugi is gay, but I feel like he also had a lot of internalized homophobia. I feel like when he was younger he really liked Tasuku but didn’t really understand the difference between platonic and romantic, and it took some time before he was able to really discover himself and come to the identity he has currently.
Tasuku: Tasuku is gay and homophobic.
Hisoka: Hisoka is homo-demi-romantic asexual. I feel like it won’t want to date anyone without really earning their trust and feeling safe around them, and after that point he still will be pretty shy romantically, but it is very much understandable and we all still love Hisoka
Homare: Homare is pan. He doesn’t really care about gender, he just wants someone who will love him and his poetry without seeing him as broken. I feel like after his last relationship he was hesitant to date again, but after some time and help from the rest of winter troupe he was able to rediscover himself. (Also autistic Homare go brrrr)
Azuma: Azuma is an old gay man who just thinks boobs are neat. That’s it that’s the post sent tweet turn off replies.
Guy: New color who this? This is because I didn’t know what to put for Guy, so he simply doesn’t identify as anything. I don’t know a lot about Guy but I know enough to feel like relationships would be very awkward and touchy for him due to his problems with emotions and expression. He isn’t straight, but he doesn’t really identify as anything either. He’s just: Guy. Which is more than valid
[oh also all of winter is Poly and they’re boyfriends thanks for coming to my Ted talk]
Hope you all liked these! Of course they are all my own opinion and you don’t have to agree with all, they’re just how I feel!! Feel free to reply or reblog with your own opinions or Headcanons!!
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creampuffqueen · 4 years
Sukka Color Guard/Band au- Sukka Week Day 5
now, i was gonna write a fic for this, but i had school today, and then color guard practice right after, then lots of homework, and it’s nearly 11pm and i’m just now having some free time. so i’ll write this in headcanon form! enjoy! (i am qualified for this au as a member of my school’s color guard, also the prompt was “dancing” so i went with it very very loosely. color guard is sort of dancing, right?)
- Suki and Sokka are both seniors
- Suki is the captain of the color guard, and Sokka is the trombone section leader
- Basically Suki really loves teaching, and is a super incredible captain. Sokka is a really good trombone player and also section leader, though he does have a few asshole tendencies
- Case in point: Suki was practicing with her friends (Ty Lee and Yue) and Sokka just had to be the band kid who was like “hur hur the guard doesn’t even do anything except wave flags around”
- Katara (a flute player) was there at the time and was like “Sokka please stop they will literally kick your ass shut up” but did he listen? no
- So Suki said if he thought all they did was “wave flags” then surely he’d be able to do the skills just like them, right?
- And this was the moment Sokka knew: he fucked up
- He tried to toss Suki’s flag, only for it to fall right on his wrist
- Falling flags really freaking hurt, y’all
- And then Suki proceeded to show him up by tossing a double and doing a one handed cartwheel under it, then CATCHING IT BEHIND HER BACK (is that even possible? don’t ask me, i can’t toss a damn pop toss)
- Yeah, lots of people were watching at this point and it was a lot of shame and humiliation for Sokka
- He deserved it though
- So he doesn’t show his face around the guard for about a week
- After the band and guard start practicing together and learning drill, he’s obviously forced to confront them
- And he decides to apologize for what he said, and admits that what they do is really cool and takes a lot of practice
- Suki is pretty surprised by his apology, so it sort of catches her off guard
- But she gives him a smile and accepts it
- then she gets the most random idea
- “Hey, do you want me to show you some things?”
- At first Sokka is hesitant, but he finally decides to hell with it, and asks for Suki to teach him
- Needless to say, he’s not that great at first
- But he actually comes back after the first day, bruised all over but asking if they can keep going
- Even though Suki is really busy as the captain, she likes Sokka so she keeps teaching him
- Now, the whole school can totally see how they blush around each other, but they both insist they’re just friends
- Lots of little moments of Suki teaching Sokka and having to put her hands on him to show him the positions and such, and does Sokka blush every single time? maybe
- They start hanging out outside of school/band/guard, and become really good friends
- Sokka introduces her to his friends, and Suki fits right in
- Now, the day their hair and makeup are released for their marching show, Suki is super excited. It’s her senior show after all, and the makeup is super awesome
- (is the theme the four elements? maybe)
- She makes Sokka go shopping with her immediately for the makeup (”but suki we’re literally in the middle of a lesson-” “shut up it’s makeup time”)
- And Suki decides afterwards that she wants to have a little fun with Sokka
- So she says as payment for being a jerk about the color guard, he has to let her do the makeup on him first so she can get an idea how to do it on herself
- You know that picture of the two girls on the bed with one doing the other’s makeup? think that
- “Sokka stop moving” “I can’t the brush tickles too much!” “okay you leave me no choice” *sits on top of him to hold him down while she applies makeup*
- uh oh romantic tension
- It’s at that moment that Suki realizes just how much she likes him, and how badly she wants to kiss him
- And Sokka realizes the same thing
- Makeup still in hand, she suddenly leans down and kisses him
- well, there you go
- After a few minutes Suki sits up and is like “well, for future reference, this makeup isn’t kiss proof”
- When Suki tells her friends that she and Sokka are dating they’re all like “wait you guys weren’t already dating???? we all thought you were???”
- The color guard lessons continue, though they get a lot less done because every few minutes they have to stop and kiss
- Nobody is sure whether to be disgusted by them or think it’s adorable
- During marching season Sokka will get ready super fast so he can help Suki with her hair and makeup
- Turns out he’s actually really good at both
- When they’re on the field, any time they pass each other they always make eye contact, and it really helps them to keep time and also motivation to keep pushing through
- During recruitment season in the winter, Sokka attends all the clinics that the guard hosts because a) he thinks they’re fun b) Suki is there and c) he likes letting people know that boys can do color guard too
- He doesn’t actually join the color guard but he really enjoys it! it’s super cool!
- When winter guard starts, Sokka will go to all the competitons. Even if they’re super far away, he will drive there to cheer on both his girlfriend and his school. Not to mention, the competitions are really fun to watch as well!
- For the end of year final, the color guard has to choreograph and perform their own routine. Sokka goes over to Suki’s place all the time to help her. He actually has really good ideas and is surprisingly good at choreography
- After graduation the two of them do drum corps together for a year or two, and are just the best. Whenever people see them together, it’s hard to believe that Sokka used to think the color guard was unimportant
sorry this is kind of lame! i’ve just had this idea for so long and i’m sad that it’s not done, but i’m just not feeling too motivated rn to finish it. so please enjoy this instead!
a lot of this is taken from my own guard experience lol. a few of the girls actually do have boyfriends who will do their hair and makeup for them lol. as well, the end of year final was both very hard and very fun. choreographing almost three minutes was an interesting challenge!
anyway, hope you guys enjoyed your small dose of sukka for the day :)
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Everything Wrong With The Umbrella Academy. Episode 5, Number Five.
We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals
Run Boy Run
Extra Ordinary
Man on the Moon
Disclaimer: This is all in good fun! I wanted to do a really nitpicky re-watch of the series and found some really cool and interesting things I didn’t notice before. This is meant to have a Cinema Sins-esque tone. However, I did take off a lot more sins than Cinema Sins would have because I do genuinely like the series and the people that made it possible. So all of the good things got one sin off and all the bad things got one sin added. This is a really long post, so grab some popcorn. If there’s anything that I missed, feel free to add it!
I would also like to add that normally you wouldn’t watch a show this way. I am purposefully looking for mistakes, easter eggs, and other things that we’re not supposed to notice. I am watching not with the goal of entertainment, but for analysis. So most of the things that I sin, I am seeing for the first time. 
Number Five
The apocalypse looks incredible. Well done special effects team! I know I already shouted them out, but they deserve another one. Or two. -2
Five shades Dolores with an umbrella. What a considerate dude. -1
Heat of the Moment is an awesome song. -1
Five’s survival gear. Well done costume department. -2
Also, the progression of skill and age is really well done. -1
Dolores’s little santa hat. -1
And her sunglasses. -1
“Do you remember that little mansion just outside city limits where we-- yeah” Noodle incident. However, the way Five says this implies that I really, really don’t wanna know. +1
Argyle Public Library. Suddenly the reason why Five went there makes sense. -1
How did Five get all the way up there on the library walls? Did he use a ladder? If so, that was begging for him to fall and break his name. +1
Sean Sullivan (who plays Old Man Five) does an excellent job imitating Aidan Gallagher’s vocal patterns and movements. -1
The Handler is the first person Five sees after 45 years of isolation. +1
Title screen lunch box! -1
Also, Five kept a lunch box to remind him of his family. He had Vanya’s book but nothing else with their images on it. I’m sad now, but glad that Five at least had something. -1
Five is so hungover. +1
Luther looks like he’s about to cry when Five tells him about finding their dead bodies. My boy! +1
Tom Hopper is an excellent actor. -1
Five also looks like he’s about to cry. +1
Aidan Gallagher is an excellent actor. -1
Luther lifts up Diego and holds him like Diego is an angry toddler. This amuses me. -1
See! I told you. Diego figured out that Five was involved with the shootings at Griddys and Gimbel Brothers on Patch’s doorstep! -1
“They work for my former employer. A woman called The Handler.” No one in this show is allowed to have a reasonable name. +1
Underneath how callous Five is about Patch’s death, he shows genuine concern for Diego. -1
Diego has not slept at all. And he is planning to go after Hazel and Cha Cha. Good luck with that, buddy. +1
Luther finally gets tired of Five vagueing everybody. Good job, I’m curious too. Er, I was when this was my first time watching it. -1
The Handler decides to wear three inch red pumps to the apocalypse. +1
The Handler is as vague as a Multi Level Marketing schemer would be.+1
The Commission decides to wait 45 years to recruit Five instead of a more reasonable number. Like zero years. Honestly, if I was the Handler, I would have picked up Five as a young, impressionable thirteen year old. Then he would feel indebted to the Commission and wouldn’t have had time to come up with the equations to escape. The Commission has no logical reasoning skill. +1
“You’re saying that I could actually leave here? Go...go back?” Heartbreaking. Sean Sullivan gets another sin off. -1
“All of this, was supposed to happen”. Kate Walsh is a kick ass actress. -1
The Commission is composed of dicks. +1
Five asks Dolores for permission before running off to join The Commission. -1
Five’s mustache. +1
I would watch a spin off of Five’s time in the Commission. Hopefully season 2 explores this more. Dallas plot, here we come? Sin until we get some answers. +1
You can see Five’s epiphany in his eyes. His expression says “I’ve got it! I’ve got it!” -1
The words on Vanya’s book look real. The props department did not have to go that hard. -2
However, whatever notes Five wrote are indecipherable. And for good reason if he was attempting to fool an entire time commission. -1
The fire extinguisher Klaus throws confirms for Five that the portal works. -1
Also, Five is clutching Vanya’s book. It’s like he’s nervous to see them again after so much time. -1
The fall from the portal to the ground doesn’t break, scratch, or hurt Five at all. +1
Also, Dallas plot foreshadowing? Remains a sin until we have answers. +1
I hope that they show Five picking up his hat, radio, gun, and possibly the fire extinguisher and that is why we never found any of those in a grassy knoll. Season 2 better resolve this. +1
“But that’s murder”. Luther, you threw people out of buildings when you were twelve years old. That is also murder. +1
Aidan Gallagher kills the delivery in this scene. Well done. -1
Klaus still has Dave’s blood on his hands. Also, putting Klaus through even more trauma. +1
Robert Sheehan and the heartbroken thousand yard stare. -1
The music choice really works. -1
That emotional, awful scream. -1
The briefcase exploding may foreshadow Klaus’s comic powers. Sin until we get answers. +1
Hazel and Cha Cha casually murdered Claudia. +1
“Unauthorized round trip travel to 1968”. This is how we found out where Klaus went. It requires a bit more brain power to figure out the Vietnam war from here, however, I think that this was a clever way to do it. It brings us back to the reason Klaus ended up there. -1
Honestly, Hazel was right to not carry the briefcase on him. If Five had seen it at Gimbel Brothers then he would have taken it because he knows what it is. It would be an insurance policy or could be used as leverage. Either way, Hazel and Cha Cha were going to lose their briefcase. +1
Allison, you were there when Vanya made breakfast plans with Leonard. Is the coffee and bombolini your way of trying to distract Vanya? Because based on the makeup and the nice scarf, it isn’t likely that you will be successful. +1
Vanya has a framed piece of sheet music. Either that’s some really valuable manuscript or its something kitschy. Either way, it’s a sin. +1
“What are you concerned about?” Vanya, the red flags are everywhere. +1
“Like a woman who’s based her whole life on rumors.” Ouch. Allison is trying to give you genuine advice, Vanya. This was uncalled for.  +1
Leonard is getting progressively creepier. +1
“Can you imagine sharing your birthday with six world-famous assholes who all know they’re better than you?” Choke on that irony. +1
Leonard doesn’t stop her by saying, “Wait, that’s salt!” he waits until she already put salt in it.  Dick. +1
“What happened to the other girl?” Harold, you know damn well. +1
Good use of Beethoven. -1
Klaus is back in the bath. Bookends to his tourture. +1
Klaus is haunted by memories of Vietnam this time instead of just ghosts in general. Trauma. +1
I made eye contact with Aidan Gallagher again. +1
Klaus doesn’t want to talk about Vietnam with Five because the last time he tried to connect, Five jumped away. +1
Five looks really excited to connect about time travel with somebody in his family. -1
Five doesn’t care that Klaus was tortured by Hazel and Cha Cha. +1
Five, Klaus has been tortured and then was in some war (Five wouldn’t know yet) for almost a year. This proves that Five’s decision making is impared. Presumably by his hangover. +1
Diego takes out his dagger from episode 1’s bank robbery. This is significant because of something Patch said. That Diego runs around as a vigilante to prove that what he did with the Umbrella Academy had meaning. Now that that has gotten Patch killed indirectly, he feels upset and confused. The dagger that he used as a child is now a symbol of what he did to Patch. -1
The fridging of Detective Patch. Yes, I’m still pissed about it and will continue to be pissed about it. +2
At this point, Klaus doesn’t know about Mom’s “death”. And I don’t think Five does either. The Umbrella Academy of Not Talking To Each Other should be the school’s full name. +1
Allison and Cha Cha don’t see each other when getting into or out of the chairs right across from one another. +1
Allison is doing the equivalent of social media stalking her sister’s boyfriend. Smart. -1
Extra Ordinary bites everyone in the ass. Thanks, Vanya. +1
Five and Allison have the same slow, blocky handwriting. Did Reggie teach them to write as slowly and as large as possible? +1
Hazel and Agnes’s flirting. It’s cute? -1
Klaus ran down the stairs wearing Grace’s heels and broke his jaw when they were twelve. Trauma. +1
Diego can’t park for shit either. Diego and Five need to learn how to park vehicles. +1
Klaus’s little “Hey, Dave” when he sees Dave’s picture. -1
The show fakes out the vet confronting Klaus. Clever. -1
Diego is genuinely concerned for Klaus. -1
The vet is itching for a fight. Asking a drunk person to apologize? Dumbass. +1
“I’d like to apologize...that you are depriving some village of their IDIOT!” -1
Klaus and Diego get into a bar fight in less than five minutes. Checks out. -1
Agnes sees the birds the way Hazel sees normal people. I like the analogy. -1
Agnes does not own Griddys. Who does? Is she the manager or something? +1
Hazel and Agnes theme. -1
Diego’s face when Klaus says he lost the only person he ever loved more than himself. He’s thinking, “Klaus lost his Eudora”. -1
No way in hell Five would have been able to get up as high as the chalk goes. +1
Five is still using Vanya’s book as a notebook. Checks out. -1
The rifle Five pulls out looks a lot like the one he points at the Handler. It doesn’t look like the one he pointed at Kennedy. Why would Five lie about this? +1
Luther, you murdered people when you were twelve. +1
Luther dangles Dolores out the window by her neck. Logical, yeah. Fucked, also yeah. +1
The level of concern Five has for Dolores. -1
Also, well done creating tension, show. My heart was beating like crazy. -1
The Gigue from Partita No. 2 in D Minor by Bach is one of my favorite pieces.  -1
No one stops playing like that. +1
Allison takes her not-stalking info to Vanya and presents it really accusingly. At this point, Vanya is sick of your shit, Allison. +1
“You’re trying to dig up dirt on a guy that I like, who does that?” Everyone with an internet connection does this for the people they care about. What Allison did was hella extra though. +1
Vanya is getting more assertive. -1
Vanya is a dick to Allison. +1
“They’re a real frickin’ mess”. Understatement of the century. +1
Cha Cha wouldn’t know about the moon mission because Vanya’s book came out before it. Also, Vanya wouldn’t know that Five could time travel. +1
Diego you haven’t slept at all, as soon as you drop you’re gonna sleep like a baby. +1
The motel clerk doesn’t notice Cha Cha’s pistol, which was directly in his line of sight. +1
Diego doesn’t notice Klaus’s footsteps. +1
“Yeah but you also told me that licking a nine-volt battery would give me pubes” “We were eight”. Sibling culture. -1
Klaus saves Diego from gunfire the best he can. Even though Diego still gets shot, sin off for Klaus’s heroics. -1
“Was this all part of your master plan” “Shut up”. Sibling culture. -1
Audition panels are always dicks. +1
If you start an audition the way Vanya just did with the shaky bow contact, you’re fucked. +1
Imogen is a great violinist. Ellen Page is not. It’s really easy to see when they switch out. +1
Allison goes to Leonard’s place with no backup. Come on, even Diego has backup! +1
Allison doesn’t tell Five and Diego about how she got into Leonard’s house when they were breaking in again later. The window would have been much better than breaking the door. +1
Vanya’s powers are distorting her music. It sounds like her intonation is gone. Yet the conductor looks impressed. +1
Allison almost finds Helen Cho’s body. +1
The camera cuts to the attic entrance to show that it will be significant later on. -1
The Hargreeves car has HERMES on its licence plate. A.) nice comics reference. B.) Hermes is the God of Travelers. C.) Of course Reggie has a vanity licence plate. -3
Five and Luther connecting over their forced isolation. -1
Also, Aidan Gallagher and Tom Hopper play off each other really well. -1
“I’ve lived a long life, but you’re still a young man. You got your whole life ahead of you. Don’t waste it.” Luther’s face amuses me. -1
Five threatening while Hazel and Cha Cha doesn’t look ridiculous. I genuinely belive it. Props to Aidan Gallagher. -1
Five and Luther look so confused by Klaus and Diego arriving in an ice cream truck. This is such an underrated scene. -3
Ride of the Valkyries -1
Klaus’s little wave. -1
“Whee” I love Ben. -2
I want to know how they shot this. The behind the scenes after the Handler showed up and stopped time must have been strange to look at. -1
Luther protects Five with his whole body without question. -1
Five puts his hands in his pockets but then they’re behind his back in the next shot with no motion to explain it. +1
The Handler is a creep. She’s into Five. +5
Where and When did Five get that pistol? +1
So many memes come from this scene. -2
Five doesn’t have his finger anywhere near the trigger in some shots, but in others it’s two seconds from shooting the Handler. What’s up with that? +1
The Handler is so, so creepy. The hand caressing Five’s cheek? Eww. That all but confirms that she wants to be his Mrs. Robinson. +5
Kate Walsh plays an excellent villain. -1
Five made a deal with the devil because it was his only option. -1
[Gerard Way and Ray Toro’s “Happy Together” playing.] -1
Cha Cha was planning to abandon Hazel. Otherwise why else would she open the briefcase? +1
Ben gets shotgun. -1
Klaus finally gets to flip off Hazel and Cha Cha. -3
“SHIIT” Cha Cha, you got played. I love my smart boys. -5
Vanya did well at her audition! I’m proud of her! -1
Leonard knows the exact words Reggie would have used to describe Vanya’s powers. And he uses them here. +1
“I got first chair!” Congratulations, Vanya! -2
“No one’s ever believed in me like this.” Fuck you, Reggie. +1
Having sex with Leonard/Harold desereves a couple sins. +2
Helen Cho and Reggie’s book reveal. Leonard is a creep confirmed. +2
Dr. Pogo? More like Dr. Complicit in Reggie’s Bullshit. +1
Overall Review: 
In case you couldn’t tell, this is one of my favorite episodes. Finally, all of our characters are invested in the apocalypse plot, even indirectly. Vanya’s powers emerge, the Handler and the Commission enter the chat, and Leonard is revealed to be a murderer and to have Reggie’s diary. Things are really heating up in this episode. 
I had a really hard time finding anything wrong that wasn’t character flaw is character flaw and villain character is a villain. This is a fun episode. If I wanted to show someone an episode of The Umbrella Academy to get them hooked onto the show, I would show them this episode. It moves at a perfect pace and has enough mystery to keep everyone on their toes. When I first watched this episode, I decided to stay up all night and binge the rest of them. Before I was watching one every couple of days. Episode five is what really hooked me. Props to everyone that worked on it!  
I want to give a special shout out to Sean Sullivan. He did really well playing Five! I hope we see him in season 2 for that one scene. If you’ve read the comics then you know the one. 
Sins: 4
Sentence: Watching Klaus’s breakdown after Vietnam was more than punishment enough.
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mothmonologue · 4 years
Storytime about the one Cavetown concert I've been to
So it all started with my friend I made in a summer camp being like 'so you know Twenty one pilots is coming to this festival this summer' and I was like 'wait you know Twenty one pilots' and she was like 'wait so YOU know them too oh wow let's go together' and I obviously agreed. Literally nobody I listen to comes near my country so this was like a one time chance and I knew it.
And we went to that festival. Earlier on she told me that she'll go to another show, Cavetown, after tøp finishes. At this point I wasn't very familiar with his music, I heard it here and there (like 'This is Home' and other more known ones) but as fair as I could tell it was pretty good. And I thought 'my friend likes him and she's cool so he must be cool too'.
So we had that Tøp show, it was a religious experience to put it short and WE GOT SO CLOSE TO THE DRUMS AT THE END and someone spilled their beer at me. After them, Foo Fighters was coming to the stage, so immediately after it ended, a lot of crusty old rockers started stomping in on us, so it was literally two crowds wanting to go to the opposite directions. And then there were some folks who were laying on the ground harvesting confetti. Do not lay on the ground in a crowd. Please.
And at some point I lost my friend. We were snapping each other, sending messages like 'where are you?' 'I'm at the main road. I'm holding my hand up' 'but you're small I can't see your hand' 'dammit I'll hold the flag up'. She brought a tiny pride flag and it kind of acted like a lighthouse at this point and I found my friend and we hugged. At this point people were STILL spilling in to the main stage so we decided it's best if we get away from there and discover the festival with our crappy one-day tickets.
Soo it's not a good thing to do at all but in order to be in the front row, we had to stay standing for 5 hours before the show started. I remember having a coffee and some kfc in the morning but that was it and it was like 8 pm. And tøp concerts tend to get very JUMPY and well it's a concert, it's exhausting (in a good way). So we looked for food. And some place to sit down, finally.
We didn't find any food. I mean we were surrounded by vendors but none of them were at a price us poor hungarian high schoolers could afford. So we decided to suck it up and I followed my friend wherever she wanted to go. Of course she wanted to go to the cavetown concert bc she still has energy for that???
So she led me to this grassy little field where people were sitting down and talking and there was a tiny ass stage and some guys were tuning in some guitars but my brain couldn't really process that information so i was like 'mmnice'. Then after some sitting and talking I remembered to call my dad because he was scared I might get kidnapped (?). I told my friend where I'm going. She nodded and stood up too with the rest of the people there and i STILL walked away, like a total oblivious dumbfuck.
I found a cool lil mattress next to some tents and the place looked quiet so I laid down on the mattress (trying not to think about what it was used for before me) and had a nice chat with my dad. Then I felt the ground moving under my feet due to Foo Fighters starting and I decided to go back to my friend.
Well I kinda bumped into a crowd. Naturally, I thought my friend was way ahead in the front bc she had a routine in this, I hadn't. And after I realised what kind of music Cavetown plays I also realised that 1) she'll be okay and 2) it's actually safe to sit down in the back. I was dead tired, I refused to jump. I rebelled at the world's chillest concert ever.
I'm already quite short so it doesn't make much of a difference - seeing shoulders or seeing legs. The people around me looked down, asking 'are you okay' and stuff and I was like yeah sure and then I had one of the best dissociating hours of my life. I remember Robbie commenting on Foo Fighters saying 'wow those guys are going really loud' and we were laughing because we were the loud ones like 2 hours ago. But now everything was like a soft fuzzy blanket of sound and everyone was friendly and there was no beer to be spilt on my head and nobody really cared about a young girl sitting down in the back row.
And then when the show ended I realised my friend was actually standing next to me all this time and she was the one asking if I'm okay. And we walked out of the festival, caught one of the last trains going home and we were just smiling. Not talking.
Weird, now to think about it. That day was all about seeing tøp. We put the yellow tapes on each other and she had lovely yellow makeup and we were so keen on telling EVERYONE we met that day that we're going to see our favorite band. And it was awesome. But I still remember Cavetown's show as the one I felt truly safe at. I don't know why. I just knew nobody will come dicking in to the crowd just because. Not to say anything wrong about tøp though. That was a traditional, blast-your-ears-off concert and I loved every minute of it, but the other one was just introvert heaven and exactly the thing I needed after that. They happened to happen at the right time, both of them, and I don't know who to say thanks for that but thank you, so, so, so much. Not to be cheesy - but that was the only day I felt truly happy that year.
And Cavetown is among my favorite artists now! Great!
That's all. I'm sorry if I bored anyone with this story, I just felt like telling it. I mean if you found it boring you wouldn't read this now soo...
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d-s-winchester · 4 years
New Experiences
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(gif credit to the creator)
Pairing: Jared x Reader Prompt: “I feel like I’m drowning in a bottle of wine.” “There are worse things to drown in.” Word Count: 1,578 Warnings: drinking A/N: I’m in a bit of a Jared crisis so I wrote a thing. Hope you guys like it! Anyway, feedback for this is awesome! :)
You let out a sigh and slumped back against your couch, pausing the movie on the tv, as you glanced over at the empty bottle of wine and wine glass on your coffee table. It was starting to feel like you had spent every night since your breakup, over a month ago, doing the same thing. Running your hand through your hair you picked up your phone and placed a call to your best friend. She answered on the third ring and you didn’t even bother saying hello, opting to get straight to the point instead. 
“I feel like I’m drowning in a bottle of wine,” you groaned. 
“There are worse things to drown in,” she chuckled. “What’s going on?” 
“I don’t know. I think I’m starting to feel like I can’t get out of this stupid rut. Ever since Jamie left me I’ve spent every night drinking a bottle of wine and watching old rom-coms.”
“Sounds to me like you need to get out and meet new people.” 
“Where? Everyone knows everyone in this stupid small town,” you groaned. 
“So we head to the next town over,” she suggested. “I’m sure there’s new people there.”
“I guess.” 
“Look, it’s still early. Get your mopey ass up off the couch and get ready. I’m picking you up in twenty and we’re gonna drive over there and just pick a random bar, okay?” 
You sighed again before assuring her you would be ready in time. You hung up as you walked to your bedroom, ready to change out of the sweats and hoodie you were wearing and into something much more presentable for a night out. 
You were putting the finishing touches on your makeup when your phone buzzed with a text from your friend letting you know she was outside. Letting out a sigh you dropped your lipstick into your purse before grabbing your keys and heading out to your friend’s car.
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Fifteen minutes later your friend was parking the car in front of what looked like a popular bar. You glanced at the bar as you climbed out of the car and could immediately tell that the place was packed. You were immediately beginning to regret agreeing to coming out -- in fact you were starting to regret calling your friend about your dilemma in the first place. Pushing the thoughts from your mind you followed your friend into the building and made way for the bar to grab yourself a drink. 
The bartender approached the two of you quickly and you ordered your drinks. Once the glass of wine was placed in front of you you glanced around the room. You were suddenly painfully aware of how long it had been since you’d done this and how out of practice you were. You had no idea how to go about meeting new people anymore, let alone meet a new guy, which -- if you were being honest with yourself -- was the real reason you wanted to get off the couch and go out. 
“It’s gonna be fine Y/N/N,” your friend assured you. “Why don’t we go play some pool once one of the tables open up? That way you can loosen up a bit and get in the ‘meeting people’ zone.” 
You nodded in agreement and sipped at your drink as you kept an eye on the pool table, waiting for it to free up. It only took a few minutes before the two of you made your way back toward the table. You reached for two cues while your friend went to grab the rack to get the table set up. 
“Um, excuse me? But we were slotted to play next,” you heard a man’s voice behind you and you turned to see a tall man with short sandy brown hair talking to your friend. 
“Sorry, but we got here first,” your friend replied with a smile.
“Yeah, but we were up next,” he said, gesturing to a signup board that both you and your friend failed to notice in your rush to start playing.
“Oh, our bad,” she said, handing him the rack. 
“Sorry about him,” you heard next to you and looked over to see an extremely tall man standing next to you. “He just got out of a pretty bad relationship and he’s having a bad night. Normally he’s not this rude.” 
“It’s fine,” you smiled, looking up at him. You faltered momentarily when you noticed just how attractive this giant of a man was. “I know a little something about bad breakups.” 
“I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, frowning a little. “I’m Jared, by the way. That’s Jensen, over there.” 
“Y/N,” you replied with a smile. “And my friend over there is Jess.” 
“It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” he said, returning the smile, as his friend was beckoning him over to the table. “Maybe I’ll see you again later.” 
You let out a nervous chuckle as Jared headed over to his friend, adjusting the beanie on his head as he went. 
“Well, that guy is an asshole,” Jess huffed when she reached you. 
“He just went through a bad breakup,” you offered. “Jared -- his friend -- told me.” 
You didn’t miss the smirk Jess gave you and you slapped her arm playfully as you shook your head and made your way back to the bar for another glass of wine. You hung out with Jess at the bar for the next hour, occasionally glancing over at Jared and Jensen at the pool table, your glances not going unnoticed by your friend. 
“Just go over and talk to him,” she suggested, taking a sip of her beer. 
“No,” you chuckled. “I’m not going over there and interrupting their game.” 
“I don’t think he’d mind,” she replied with a smirk. “He’s been looking over here almost as much as you’ve been looking over there.” 
“I doubt that,” you said, shaking your head as you finished off your glass of wine. 
“I swear,” she said. “But you don’t need to take my word for it because they’re coming over here.” 
“What?!” You said, choking on your drink. 
Sure enough, just as you started coughing, you heard the two men approach you and Jess. 
“I just wanted to come over and apologize for earlier,” Jensen said. “Normally, I’m not so much of a jerk. It’s just been a bad day.” 
“Bad day is an understatement,” Jared chuckled. “Anyway, we want to make it up to you guys. What are you drinking.” 
You had finally managed to get your coughing fit under control and were able to give Jared your drink order. He flagged down the bartender and placed the order and the four of you made small talk while you waited for your drinks. Once they arrived you took a sip in an attempt to gather your thoughts. 
“Thanks for the drink,” you smiled. 
“It was the least I could do since you lost out on your pool game,” he said, sitting down on the barstool next to yours. 
After that the conversation flowed easily. You talked about your lives and got to know each other as best you could with the loud music and bar chatter happening around you. Before you knew it almost two hours had passed and it was getting far too late for you to be out considering you had work in the morning. Jess was deep in conversation with Jensen but you managed to catch her eye and silently convey that it was time to leave. 
“Well, we hate to cut this short, gentlemen,” Jess said, waving down the bartender for your tab. “But, we both have work early and need to get home.” 
Jared did his best to hide his disappointment and once Jess paid the tab, offered to walk you out to the car. You agreed, not quite ready to leave him just yet and mentally cursing the late hour and your early shift the next day. Jess and Jensen walked slightly ahead of you, trying to give you and Jared as much privacy as possible, and made it to the car just as you and Jared walked out of the bar. 
“I had a really great time with you tonight, Y/N,” Jared said with a small smile. 
“I did too,” you agreed, attempting to hide the blush you could feel creeping up your cheeks. 
“I don’t want to be too forward here, but I’d love to get to know you better -- without the loud crowd around,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck. “Are you free tomorrow night? For dinner?” 
There was no stopping the blush now, or the grin spreading across your face for that matter. 
“Absolutely,” you nodded. “I get out at six. Let me give you my number.” 
He handed you his phone and you entered your number and handed it back to him. He promised he would text you the next day with a time to pick you up and you said your goodbyes. You made your way to Jess’s car and climbed in, unable to hide your grin. Once you buckled your seatbelt Jess looked over at you and smirked.
“Oh, just shut up and drive,” you chuckled and she pulled away from the curb. 
The entire drive back to your apartment you couldn’t stop thinking about how your night had turned out or hide your excitement about what the following night had in store for you.
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Forever Tags: @iwantthedean​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @fudging-jefferson-starships​ @chelsea072498​ @dauntlessdiva​ @evyiione​ @xtina2191​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​ @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​ @smoothdogsgirl​ @illisea​ @growningupgeek​ @atc74​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @musiclovinchic93​
Sam/Jared Tags: @sandlee44​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​
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kdramaxoxo · 4 years
hi friend! not sure if you covered this but... what are your thoughts on how record of youth is going? i think they’re dragging the show a lot, with so many unnecessary storylines that make little to no impact on the leads... i want to drop but it’s so aesthetically pleasing so i can’t lol :(
Ah yeah, Record of Youth...
I got a few asks about how I feel about it and was trying to finish episode 9 and 10 first, but haven’t gotten to them yet. I probably will catch up this weekend but there are so many awesome shows out it’s hard to choose :D
I really loved the beginning of Record of Youth: the aesthetics, the leads, the slice of life, the relationships, the banter... But over the last few episodes, they’ve started putting a lot of focus on the villain characters being petty and meddlesome. I don’t mind a villain, but it feels like there are too many obstacles being set up (the dad, the ex manager, the rich mom who could be funny but could turn mean, the makeup boss lady) so I started getting frustrated that the story would veer away from what I loved about it in the first place. Even that side plot about the brother losing his place - I don’t like him, but I did not need him to go through that, it’s just sad.
Record of Youth is still good as of episode 8, but there are red flags. I can just feel that impending doom, loss of plot focus and writing mistakes that might make the show more frustrating to watch than it’s worth? 
Those of you who have caught up...what do you think? Has it lost it’s spark, or is it still endearing and sweet?
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years
Love Me Anyway - Tyler Seguin - Part 4
Word Count: 5728
POV: Changes, Reader first, then Tyler
Warnings: The norm, cursing. 
Notes: This is a long one, it’s the first date. Hope you guys enjoy. Happy reading!
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Why had you agreed to go on a date with Tyler? You were questioning your sanity as you search your closet for something to wear. And why in God’s name did you say you would plan the date? This was way too much pressure. Maybe you should just text Tyler and cancel. Just then your phone dinged. It was a text from the guy currently occupying all your thoughts.
“Hey, beautiful can’t wait for tonight.”
 What did you text back to that? “Me either…” or, “I think I came down with the chickenpox.” More like you were just being a chicken. In the end, you text back, “Me too. Dress casual.” You went back to searching in your closet. Finding a cute pair of jean shorts and a black button-up blouse that you may have left one too many buttons undone at the neck. It was perfect for the date you had planned. You spent extra time getting ready, making sure your makeup was perfect. 
 You had about an hour until Tyler came, so you popped open a bottle of wine and had a glass to calm your nerves. You were sipping your wine when the phone rang. Jenna’s face appeared on your screen.
 “Hey, Jenna. What’s up?”
 “I called to make sure you’re not bailing on your date with Tyler,” she harassed you. 
 “No, I’m not backing out on him. Though I thought about saying I had the chickenpox.”
 Jenna laughed. “Well, at least you weren’t going to say you had gonorrhea.” You both laughed harder at that.
 “I might be nervous but not that nervous.” 
 “It’ll be fine. You two will have a great time.”
 “I hope he doesn’t think my date idea is lame.”
 “Why would he. I think it’s something everyone likes to do.” Jenna reassured you. “Besides it’s not your typical sit at a restaurant type of thing. I’m sure he’s going to love it. Are you dressed and ready to go?”
 “Yeah, I was just having a glass of wine to calm myself. So tell me about what happened with Derek at Tyler’s? That will take my mind off things.”
 “Oh sure, make me nervous now,” Jenna chuckled.
 “I noticed you were two were gone after the beer pong game.” You could hear the grin in her voice as she answered you.
 “Yeah. He had to get up early, and offered to share an Uber with me,” Jenna told you. “Then he walked me to my door and kissed me.”
 “OH MY GOD!” you shouted on the phone. “And you waited this long to tell me. This is headline news shit. You lead with this story not make me drag it out of you.” Jenna was laughing at you.
 “I just don’t want to jinx it or anything.”
 “Give me more details. Are you going out again? What’s the scoop?”
 “He texted me today and wanted to know if I wanted to do something tonight.”
 “So are you?” you questioned.
 “Yeah he’s coming over and we’re just going to chill here.”
 “Netflix and chill huh?” you teased her. “You know what that means.”
 “Shut Up,” you could feel her blushing.
 “I need all the details tomorrow.”
 “Well duh, so do I. Let’s do lunch tomorrow.”
 “Sounds like a plan. Have fun tonight. And don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” You told her.
 “Well that leaves the door wide open,” you both laughed. “You too! And try and behave yourself. Remember nothing good happens after midnight.”
 She tossed back at you an old saying your mom used to tell you, girls, in high school. “I’ll try and remember that mom,” you answered back sarcastically. “Talk to you tomorrow.” You hung up the phone and checked the time. You had about 15 minutes before Tyler got there. So you went and checked your hair and makeup again; and finished off your cabernet. You threw some money, lip gloss, your phone, and some mints in your small purse. Can’t forget the mints you thought. Tyler hadn’t kissed you last night, which was kind of weird because you expected him to. But he was surprising you at every turn. You tossed on a strappy pair of wedge sandals and you were ready to go. The doorbell rang just then, signally Tyler was here. You took a deep breath to calm yourself and headed to answer the door. He stood there in a black polo shirt that fit him in all the right places and a pair of khaki shorts. He was holding a bouquet of beautiful pink roses. “Hi,” you said. 
 “Hey (Y/N). These are for you.” He said handing the flowers over to you.
 “They’re beautiful. Thanks. Come on in while I put them in water.” You had a cute little one-story home with 3 bedrooms. It wasn’t near as glamorous as Tyler’s house was. In fact, you couldn’t even compare the two. But you were quite proud of your little home. “I’m just going to grab a vase and I’ll be right back.” You quickly scrambled into the kitchen.
 “Your place is really nice,” you heard Tyler say from the living room.
 “Thanks. It’s not much but I like it.” You headed back out to find him standing there with his hands in his pockets looking at the pictures that were above the fireplace. “That’s me with my niece Rylyn and my nephew Reese. They’re my brother Matt’s kids.” 
 “Their cute, just like their aunt,” Tyler replied.
 “And who are these guys?” 
 Tyler had picked up the picture with you and your two brothers. It was one of those silly ones that people recreated from a childhood photo. You three had done it about four years ago when your mom was finally going to throw out your old toy box. It was all three of you inside the toy box with stuffed animals, G.I. Joe and Barbie. The recreation was quite hilarious considering all three of you couldn’t fit in there now. But it was a photo that spoke volumes to the relationship you had with your brothers. “Those are my brothers, Sean and Matt,” you chuckled. “Not the best picture of us.”
 “No, it’s a great photo. I should get Candace and Cassidy to do something like this.”
 “We should get going. I made the reservation for 7:30 and it’s about 15 minutes away.”
 “So where are we headed.”
 “That’s a surprise,” you teased.
 “Kind of hard to do that when I have to drive there,” he teased back. 
 “No worries, I’m just gonna plug the address in my phone or your car navigation and we’ll get there just fine without you knowing where we’re going.” You winked at him.
 “Are you taking me to a strip club or something” Tyler smirked.
 “Oh yeah, I pretty much know all the guys by name at the place. They told me they’d give you a free lap dance.” You taunted him on the way out the door.
 “Wait, I meant a female one.” He laughed.
 “Hmmm, sorry male is what you get when you leave me in charge.” Tyler opened the door to his G wagon for you to get in. You were relieved he didn’t bring one of his showy sports cars. 
 “You seriously aren’t going to tell me where we’re going?” he asked as he got in and started the vehicle.
 “Nope. You are at my mercy.” You replied, punching the address into the navigation system. You hit go, and the two of you were off. The fifteen-minute drive didn’t take long as you both chatted about nothing in particular. You made the final turn into the parking lot and looked over to see his reaction.
 “K 1 Speed? We’re going to go drive go-carts?” Tyler asked excitedly.
 “Yep. I got a need for speed Seguin and I need to see if you can keep up with me,” you winked.
 “This is awesome.” You both hopped out of the car. Tyler frowning at you. 
 “I was gonna get the door for you. I’m trying to be a gentleman here.” 
 “Oops sorry” you replied. “Are you gonna be a gentleman on the racecourse as well and let me win.”
 “Hell no. You’re gonna eat my dust (Y/L/N),” he challenged.
 “Really? Care to place a small wager on that?” you retorted. 
 “What’d you have in mind?”
 “Loser buys dinner,” you answered.
 “Nope, not happening. I asked you out; I’m buying.”
 You rolled your eyes and replied, “Yes but I planned the date. So it’s a great compromise.”
 Tyler stopped right as the two of you were about to enter the indoor track. “You can’t seriously think I’m going to let you pay.” 
 “What makes you think I’m paying? I plan on ordering lobster tonight,” you laughed as you slid through the door.
 Tyler followed behind you shaking his head and smiling. You walked over to the counter and gave them your name for your reservation. It was towards the end of the night so there weren’t many other drivers racing. Which was nice. The clerk handed over two balaclavas for you both to put on under the helmets. It was more for cleanliness than for safety. You had scheduled 3 races for the 2 of you. “So, best of 3 is the winner.” you winked at him as he slid the mask on.
 “I’m not going easy on you,” he answered back.
 “I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
 You received a quick lesson from the instructor on safety and what all the flag meant. Before you suited up and headed to your go-cart.
 Tyler had the cart behind you the first race. There were 5 other racers with you. Your speed and time for each lap would be posted at the end of the race. “Good luck.” You called back to him. He gave you the thumbs up and you both slid behind the wheel.
 The signal went off and you put the pedal to the floor. Taking the first couple turns with ease. You put some distance between you and Tyler in the first couple of laps. But then his car overtook yours on the one turn. Which meant he was definitely going to win this race. You needed a better strategy for race number 2. As the first race ended you were correct, Tyler’s time and speed were faster than yours. 
 “That’s one (Y/N)” Tyler cheered “I’m going for the triple crown.”
 “Don’t put that tiara on yet.” You taunted back. Tyler’s car was in the front this time around. You knew you needed to pass him early so that you could get the win this time. So as soon as got the go-ahead, you floored it. Taking the inside corners on the turn you were able to catch up to him easily. You weren’t even slowing down as each turn came up, and by lap 4 you were able to push past Tyler to win Race 2. “How’s that crown fitting now Ty?”
 “There’s still one race left (Y/N). Winner takes all.” He answered.
 The third race began and you were both fighting for the lead. At one lap you would have it and then in the next turn, Tyler would overtake you. You knew it was going to come down to the fastest speed this time around. The checkered flag waved signaling the end of the race. As you pulled the cars into the spaces your eyes went to the leader board to see who won. Tyler jumped out of the go-cart and headed straight to you, to help you out. The board still not showing the winner. You lifted your helmet off leaving your balaclava on, Tyler doing the same. Suddenly the board lit up and Tyler’s name was in the number 1 spot. “Sorry babe looks like I won,” he said smugly.
 “Only by 2 seconds. I demand a recount.” You giggled. You grabbed the mask off your head. You knew your hair was going to look a mess. The loose ponytail you had put it in was half falling out at this point. You removed it and shook your hair out. Hopefully making your long locks look somewhat presentable. You looked over at Tyler. His mouth was slack, just sort of staring at you. “What do I look that bad?” you asked. 
 He had taken his balaclava off as well and his cute curly locks were all messy on top his head. You wanted to reach up and thread your fingers in his hair. But you were too self-conscious of your own look to do so. He finally shook his head no as he ran his fingers through his messy mane; and said. “You look absolutely gorgeous right now.”
 Your body was already flush from driving around the track, but you turned an even deeper shade of red at his words. Somehow you managed to speak, “Thanks but I doubt that. Come on, I owe you dinner.” You held out your hand for him to take. The two of you walking hand in hand out to the parking lot.
 “I gotta tell you (Y/N), this is the best date I’ve ever been on.”
 “It’s not over yet, silly. It could all go downhill from here.”
 “Somehow I highly doubt that.” You made it back to the passenger side of the G Wagon when he turned you to look at him. “I think I thought of a better prize for winning.” 
 You looked up at him expectantly, asking “oh really?”
 His hand that had been holding yours let go and rested on your waist. While his other hand moved to your cheek. You knew at that moment he was going to kiss you and every fiber of your being wanted it to happen. He was looking in your eyes as you stared into the depth of his. Your lips curved upwards in a smile telling him that you wanted this as much as he did. His thumb caressed your cheek as he tilted his head and leaned down to meet your lips. The kiss was soft and tender. You let your eyelids close as you gave into it. Your hands gliding up his chest to entwine around his neck. His hand at your waist pulled you in closer; your lips parted giving him access to you. You moaned softly into his mouth as his tongue danced with yours. Tyler deepened the kiss sending shivers down your spine and leaving you breathless. He gently pulled away ending the kiss and leaving your head spinning. You two kissed a couple of small short times before his head rested on your forehead. “That was a much better prize than you buying me dinner,” he smiled down at you.
 “Oh I’m still buying dinner,” You said as you gave him a quick peck on the lips before turning to get in the car.
 (Y/N) looked amazing when she opened the door. You had hoped that the pink roses you got were ok. You didn’t want to seem to forward with red, and the pink ones reminded you of the way that she blushed. She put them in some water as you wondered around her living room looking at the photos she had on display. There were a couple of her with two young kids. You hadn’t thought to ask her if she had any. You glanced around the house it didn’t look like any toys were hanging around. Not that kids were a deal-breaker or anything. You just realized you didn’t know a ton about her, and you were hoping to change all that tonight. She came back in and told you they were her niece and nephew. You saw a crazy ass picture of her in a toy box with two guys, who she explained were her brothers. You were glad to see she had a fun side to her. 
 “So where are we headed?” you asked.
 (Y/N) wouldn’t tell you. You joked that she was taking you to a strip club, but it backfired on you when she said it was a male strip club. She definitely was keeping you on your toes and you liked that. She put an address in the GPS and you followed the direction. You weren’t sure what she had up her sleeve considering she told you to dress casual but go-carting was the last thing you would’ve thought of. You were stoked about it. 
 “This is awesome,” you told her once she confirmed this was where you were going.
 She wanted to bet you on who would win. Winner buying dinner, but there was no way you were letting that happened if you won. You’d figure something out when you crossed that bridge. The races were fun and you were learning (Y/N) had a competitive side in her. You liked it. You each had won a race and it was down to the wire in the third. The times hadn’t posted by the time you pulled the go-carts in. So you jumped out of yours to go help (Y/N). By the time you both had your helmets off the times came up, declaring you the winner. “Sorry, babe looks like I won,” you exclaimed. It was the first time victory had tasted bittersweet. Now you needed to come up with a way so that (Y/N) wouldn’t want to pay for dinner. You whipped off your mask only to look over and see (Y/N) shaking her hair out. You were mesmerized. It was like you were 14 again, watching Baywatch and seeing the girls run down the beach slowly. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was a bit messy but that’s what made her look even more stunning. She was flushed from driving around the track, which gave her this rosy glow. She was literally your walking, breathing dream girl. You knew you were staring but you couldn’t help it. 
 She broke you out of your spell by asking if she looked bad. Looked bad? You thought. Hell, it took everything in you not to just grab her in your arms and take her right there on the track. You ran your fingers through your own hair, embarrassed where your thoughts were running and told her how gorgeous she looked. Which of course she doubted, as most women do. You needed air. She stretched out her hand for you to take so you two could go have dinner. As you headed to the car it came to you that you’d already won the best prize, an evening with her. The only thing that would complete it would be a kiss. 
 You decided then, that a kiss would be your trophy. You moved your one hand to her waist, as the other went to caress her cheek. You gave her a second to say no if she wanted to, but she just looked into your eyes and smiled. It was all you needed. Your lips touched hers tentatively. In the back of your mind, you wanted this kiss to be a promise of all that you could give her if she’d let you. You added gentle pressure, seeking access but not forcing her to give it. Her hands went behind your neck and so you drew her closer to you. That’s when she gave in, a soft moan escaping her lips. It was all you needed. You deepened the kiss, letting your tongue mingle with hers. You weren’t sure how long the kiss lasted. You knew at some point she was leaning against the car for support. You were glad because your head was starting to spin with how intoxicating the kiss was. You gently started to end the kiss. Your lips still seeking hers for tiny pecks, not wanting it to be over yet. You rested your head on her forehead, calming your body. When you were finally able to catch your breath, you whispered, “That was a much better prize than you buying me dinner.”
 “Oh I’m still buying dinner,” she said with one last quick kiss. She snuck out of your embrace and jumped in the car. Damn woman. You thought as your hands now rested on the G wagon. You inhaled sharply and headed over to the driver’s side, glad the night wasn’t over yet. “So where are we headed now.”
 “You’ll see,” she replied, fingers already putting the address in. You just shook your head. If the rest of the date was anything like the first part you’d go wherever she wanted. 
 “So you’ve got a competitive streak in you,” you asked her.
 “Maybe a little. I didn’t have much of a choice growing up with 2 brothers. Though I’m sure they’ll tell you as the baby of the family, I got everything.”
 “Yeah, I can see that Cassidy has us all wrapped around her finger,” you quipped back.
 “Hey, it’s tough being the baby, not to mention the only girl.” She turned to look at you, all serious. “My brothers made Barbie do bad things to Ken, and don’t get me started about what she had to do to G.I. Joe.”
 You couldn’t contain your laughter. That had to be one of the funniest things you’ve ever heard. She was laughing along with you and when you finally stopped you turned and asked, “They didn’t really do that, did they?”
 “Oh yeah,” she answered nonchalantly. “I walked in one night and Barbie was naked on her knees in front of Ken with his jeans down in the dream house. It was a life lesson, and trust me I got them back eventually.”
 You could just see a defiant little (Y/N) standing there berating her brothers over a naked Barbie doll. It was a totally adorable image. “I can’t say I ever did that to Candace or Cassidy, though I’ve definitely put them through some shit.”
 “I don’t doubt that,” she teased back. “They probably could tell me some good stories about little Tyler.”
 You deadpanned over at her. “There was never anything little about me.” Laughter breaking out between the two of you after what you said.
 She just shook her head and blushed becomingly. God, she was adorable you thought. The GPS told you to take a left turn and your destination was on the right. You should’ve known it would be more fun with how the evening was going. There you were pulling into the parking lot of Dave and Busters. She grabbed her purse and pulled out two cards. “I took the liberty of getting these earlier. You want to eat first or play some games?”
 You had all kinds of games going through your mind, especially after you heard what her Barbie used to do. “How about we grab something to eat first.” You suggested. It would give your mind and other parts of your body a chance to cool off. 
 This time (Y/N) let you go around and open her door for her. You instinctively grabbed her hand as you walked through the parking lot into the place. 
 “Are you here to play or dine?” the hostess asked. 
 “Both,” you both said at the same time.
 You asked for a table in the back where it was a little quieter. She was happy to oblige. There was a more adult crowd at this hour of the night you noticed, as she seated you in the last booth in the back. You were a bit bummed you weren’t at a table so you could sit closer to (Y/N) instead of across from her, but at least you’d be able to stare into her gorgeous (Y/eye color) eyes.
 “The food is just so, so here,” (Y/N) proceeded to tell you. “But I thought it would be fun to play some games.”
 “No this is great. Honestly (Y/N), I wasn’t kidding when I told you this is one of the best dates I’ve ever had. I’m so used to girls wanting me to take them to some stuffy old restaurant. You really can’t get to know anyone that way. This is just so much better. More relaxed.” You admitted to her. “I think you should plan all our dates from now on.”
 She raised her eyebrows. “So, you think there’s going to be more dates,” she chuckled.
 You ran your fingers through your hair again. You did that a lot when you were nervous or embarrassed. This time you were feeling both of those. “Well…I kind of hoped there would be.”
 She winked at you as she said, “Me too.” 
 You laced your fingers with hers on top of the table and you two were just sort of staring into each other’s eyes when the waiter came over. Instead of removing her hand from yours like you thought she would. She simply turned to him and placed her order. You ordered as well. The conversation was endless during the meal. You talked about hockey a little more this time and how training camp was coming up. She told you how she and her friends usually went to about a half dozen games during the season. In the back of your mind, you were already hoping she would be at every home game to watch you. She told you more about her family and you reciprocated with stories about yours. She snuck a couple of your fries which you thought was totally cute; and offered you a bite of her mac n cheese; which she fed you off her fork. It was almost like you’d known her forever; you were so at ease.
 The two of you split a cheesecake dip for dessert. “You got some right there,” (Y/N) pointed out to you. You stuck your tongue out to lick it off when she shook her head. Apparently, you had got the wrong side. She reached over wiping the dip off the corner of your lip and then sucked the dip off her finger. It was sexy as hell and you had to shut your eyes for a second to gain your sanity. The waiter came over just then with your bill and (Y/N)’s hand whipped out to grab the check.
 “No way, woman! I told you I got this.” You protested.
 “What’s fair is fair, and you won the race. I’m totally buying.” (Y/N) replied grabbing her credit card and giving it to the server.
 “(Y/N) please. You’ve already planned the best date of my life. At least let me pay.”
 “Tyler, I have a job, a good one at that. I can pay this lousy little bill. You can just plan the best date of my life. I’ll let you pay then.”
 With the smile she had on her face you couldn’t fight her anymore. Besides she’d just agreed to go out with you again. “Fine, but I’ve got some big shoes to fill,” you agreed.
 “Alright now let’s go win some tickets.”
 You grabbed her hand and headed off into the gaming section. You two played some video games, skee ball and a game that looked like beer pong without the beer. You walked over to shoot some hoops. “What no bet this time?” you questioned her.
 “Sadly, my basketball skills lack; as I was a cheerleader.” She laughed. You could just picture her in a short cheerleading skirt; the image making your mouth water. “So I’m not going to bet when I’m sure to lose.”
 You bent down and gave her a quick kiss. Nothing heated, just a quick peck. “Well, you can be my cheerleader any day.” She shook her head and laughed. “What too corny?”
 “Just a little, but I like corny on you,” she replied.
 A couple of teenagers were in line behind you waiting for their turn at the basketball game. You could see out of the corner of your eye they recognized you. You were just waiting for them to interrupt your date. You didn’t mind stopping and taking pictures with fans at any time. You just weren’t sure how (Y/N) was going to handle it. You’d dated enough women to know that sometimes they hated when they weren’t the center of attention. 
 “Excuse, Mr. Seguin,” the one kid finally got up enough nerve to ask. “Could we possibly have a picture with you?”
 You looked over at (Y/N) she didn’t really seem bothered by it.
 “Sure kid,” you responded.
 He was trying to take a selfie and get you all in. When (Y/N) came to him and said, “How about I take it for you.” 
 “Thanks.” She took his phone and snapped a couple of shots. “Good luck this season.”
 “Thanks, kid,” you answered back. “Sorry about that.”
 “What are you sorry about? That was sweet of you to do that.”
 “Well, it can be bothersome to some people at times.”
 “Not to me,” she replied. “It’s nice that you take time out with your fans.”
 (Y/N) really was one of kind. “Hmmm. I think this card is almost out of money. Should we put some more on?”
 “No, let’s go turn these points in for a sucker or something.” She giggled. 
 In the end, you two decided to combine your points and you had enough to pick out a small stuffed bear for her. “Here, you keep him. That way you can remember our first date.” You went to hand her the bear but instead, you put him up to your ear. “What’s that you say?” you said to the bear. “Oh, ok I’ll let her know.” You went and handed the bear to her, as she looks at you quizzically. “He said he promises not to do bad things with Barbie when he gets home.” You both started cracking up. Laughing the whole way out the door. 
 “I hope not.” (Y/N) responded after catching her breath. “They haven’t even met yet.”
 God, you loved that she got your sense of humor. You opened the door to let her in and then went around to the driver’s side. You glanced at the clock noticing that it was after midnight. You frowned knowing the date was coming to a close. You reached over and grabbed her hand to hold it as you drove back to her house. “Thank you for tonight,” you finally stated.
 “It was a lot of fun. Actually, one of the best dates I’ve ever had as well.” She admitted.
 “Can I be honest with you,” you asked glancing over at her. You felt a shift in her body, but only because you were holding her hand. She assumed you were going to say something bad about the date.
 “I don’t want this night to end,” you whispered looking over at her and smiling. 
 She relaxed as your words sank in. “Me either.” She told you as she squeezed your hand.
 It seemed like no time that you were pulling into her driveway. You reluctantly turned off the engine and got out to walk her to the door. “So when can I see you again?” you asked.
 “I’m not sure what my schedule is like this week.” She said. “And no that’s not just some excuse I’m making. Call me tomorrow?”
 “Of course,” you answered right away. You were standing at her door feeling like a 16-year-old. “I’m pretty free most night’s this week. I only leave next Sunday for camp.” 
 “Ok well, I’m sure we can figure out something before then.”
 She put the key in the lock and opened her door. You took hold of her waist to draw her near. You saw her bite her lip in anticipation of your kiss. You leaned down, bringing your lips together finally. The kiss was slow, you weren’t in any hurry with (Y/N). You wanted to make it last. Give her something to think about at night as she lay in bed. God knows that’s what you’d be doing. You weren’t sure who moaned first, you or (Y/N); but you both deepened the kiss then. Tongues whirling around learning what each other liked. Her fingers threaded into your hair as she pulled you closer to her body. Your hands shifted down to her ass lifting her against you. Things were getting heated fast. The chemistry between you was undeniable. You knew you had to hold back before things got carried away. You loosened your grip on her, not pulling away but slowing things down. Her hands slid back to your shoulders resting there as the two of you continued kissing. She finally broke away. You were both out of breath. Your hands roaming up and down her back. 
 “I should probably go inside,” (Y/N) whispered.
 “Yeah,” you answered back, yet neither of you made a move to go.
 You felt her inhale sharply. Building her resolved to break away from your embrace. “I’ll talk to you soon,” she said as you kissed her one last time. She moved into the house then, closing the door softly behind her. You heard her turn the locks before you made a move to head back to the car. God this night was perfect. There were so many things running through your brain. It was crazy how you just left her but wanted to see her again already. You headed home, greeted the dogs and let them out. You were laying in your bed staring up at the ceiling thinking about your date with (Y/N). You grabbed your phone, you had to send her a quick text.
 Thanks for an amazing night. Can’t stop thinking about you….
 You knew it was lame, but you text it anyway. You set the phone back on the nightstand. Then picked it up to see if she was going to reply. You stared at the message willing it to send something back. She could be asleep for all you knew. Pretty soon those three little dots popped up, indicating she was typing.
 I had an amazing time too. Can’t wait to see you again. 
 You had a freaking perma-smile plastered on your face. You sent back the heart emoji. You laid the phone back down and rolled onto your side. Closing your eyes, your mind immediately pictured (Y/N) and you fell asleep dreaming of the next time you’d see her. 
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