#and the bitter fact that you can love a character and still want/enjoy/watch them go through The Horrors
good-beansdraws · 1 year
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Still going crazy over those lines from the anniversary stream !!!
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ouchthathurts · 11 months
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 (𝐬) ⋮ Highschooler! Gojo Satoru + Highschooler! GN! Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⋮ 6.9k
𝐓𝐲𝐩𝐞 ⋮ One-Shot | Cross-Posted on AO3
𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⋮ Two awkward teens, after being hurt by those closest to them, find comfort in the fireworks.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬 ⋮ Awkward teen Gojo in celebration for season 2 of Jujutsu Kaisen!!!! I have always wanted to write for him, and his character study took forever for me to use. Please leave feedback and I hope you all enjoy!
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⋮ Writing contains mentions of like one or two curse words, ambiguous spoilers (not detailed just saying that it hurt Gojo), and star-crossed lovers (iykyk)
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Around 2007 there was a summer festival happening, you think back on it often as it was your first time going out for such an event on your own and to see the fireworks up close instead from the balcony of your home. You were so excited to go, picking out the best yukata with your friends alongside picking accessories with them.
You were over the moon.
Your friend invited you out, yet you noticed that with them came some others you had remembered from past conversations of romances. Of course, the summer would be a long time before they see their crush, so they’d ask for their contact info and spend time with each other. You were quick to tell your friends you would meet up with them to go home since you didn’t want to be the extra wheel that they could barely include in the activities, they understood, and you were off to find a spot to watch the fireworks.
You found yourself deciding to find a nice and quiet spot in order to enjoy the fireworks while your friends enjoyed their times. You weren’t mad your friends, happy for them and all their joys, there is so much love you can witness before you began to think about your own love life. You stood on a bridge, it was small and far away from the action that was the large summer festival happening, you wanted to find some place where all the fireworks would be on display and far enough from all the people.
You found yourself staring at the vast sea of stars in the dark blue night. You were lost in its beauty, it was so mysterious and the brightness of it all continued to stay imbedded in your mind until you found the sounds of a voice become louder, it called for attention that was left with the soft echo. You found yourself softly groaning at this. “Man, I can’t have shit." You grumbled lowly to yourself.
Unbeknownst to you, the strongest known being to humankind would be making his way over to the secluded area just to find a place to be alone for just a minute in his life. The young man, named Gojo Satoru, was one that was escaping the eyes of those watching him for the time being as he had yearned to escape the pressures of his life following the tragedies that plagued his life this week.
Gojo was still complaining loudly about the annoyance of those in higher power than him, the people who had hurt those of a girl he had protected, the abandonment of his friend, and the powers that had taken over his life from day one. You hadn’t heard much, trying to phase him out of your ears only for him to call out to you and you had no choice but to turn around to face him.
You found your face rendered emotionless, hints of irritation in my face since you were honestly looking for a place to escape from people and be alone for a little bit, however, with the fact that he had found you there was a chance your plans were falling through yet again. You wanted a second to enjoy something quietly after your friends had abandoned you for love, you thought for a moment at that and while you didn't blame them you were still very bitter with the reality of it.
You found yourself just looking at the figure, the young man still far enough from you to where it was just a color of his blue yukata. The only light you had was from the bright moon and some of the hints of yellow and red lanterns from the festival that was not too far. You looked up towards Gojo Satoru as you were adjusting your sleeves. Your irritation was noticeable as you sighed before he made his way over to you.
You could see that Gojo Satoru was one who was very unfamiliar to you, his features were ones that were very rare among those who had the same black or brown eyes, maybe even green. Gojo’s eyes were ones that were an eclectic blue color that were a defining trait as they lit up through the darkness and called for attention all on their own in flurry of thick white eyelashes.
You could find yourself admitting, only to yourself at this moment, that Gojo was a handsome individual with pale white hair that fell and crafted his face with his pale complexion. Gojo was on the taller side, around six foot three inches and he was rather lean, his appearance was one that left you shocked as he was one that definitely stood out in a crowd.
"Hello." Gojo called out as he brought his hand up to lazily wave at you and continue making his way over to you. "Hi there." You greeted; a bit conflicting as you didn’t really want him here. You wanted to make sure he vacated the area as fast as he could, there was something about him that left you had drawn in his appearance. To be honest, it was his noticeable sapphire eyes, and you couldn't help but acknowledge his unnatural beauty with the features such as his white eyelashes and his perfect white hair that lulled your eyes.
You started to fall into this cycle of eyes, eyelashes, and hair. You were a bit lost in your mind and, yes, he was attractive for sure. You tried to remind yourself on the mission only for the cycle to keep you entranced once more. You had only one goal, and he was about to interrupt the fireworks starting in about a couple of hours. You decided to be more uninterested in him, knowing if you kept yourself in his proximity, it would only ruin what you hoped to see.
Why couldn’t you stop staring?
You really couldn’t help it, he looked extraterrestrial, a beauty that was one that promised things beyond your normal human life and take you beyond to see the galaxies that didn’t only lie in his extravagant eyes. Gojo took notice of the attention you had paid to his features, feeling the attention of his physical appearance was one that called for a soft smirk to fall onto his lips, the feeling of confidence oozed out his pores as he knew of his exceedingly good looks.
"You like what you're seeing?" Gojo would ask in a teasing tone. Gojo’s eyes were half lidded and conveyed mischievousness that left you in a flustered state while you felt your face began to heat up at the attention you were receiving. You mustered up some type of courage, scoffing at his words and rolling your eyes as you found yourself a bit put off by his behavior, nonetheless, he had caught you red handed.
"Let's say I have…" You started off, crossing your arms as you looked at the young man before you began to awkwardly smirk at his words and tossing your hands up as if you were at gun point. "It is kind of your fault for sneaking up on me." Gojo was amused by your playful response to his behavior. You were a bit put off by it, however he knew that you were just playing along with his attitude.
In Gojo’s eyes you were adorable, he didn’t pick up on your sarcasm not really ignoring yet he didn’t really understand your uninterested behavior in him, this only made him grin in response as he listened to your words. "Ah yes, I truly apologize. I'm sorry for scaring you." Gojo would say, the words leaving his mouth in a teasing tone before he put his hand over his mouth to let out a soft chuckle and you were only lost in his physical attributes.
"You better be." You smacked your tongue against the roof of your mouth to make 'tch' noise before you found yourself looking back over at the star filled sky that was lit up beautifully by the fact it was so far away from the illumination of the city. Satoru didn't mind your response as he continued to stay with you while you admired the stars. Gojo watched as you made your way across the bridge.
You sat down on the grass in the open meadow that was a fair distance away from the festival. You wanted to rest your legs, sighing once you were allowed the relief of the situation as you hoped he would go away once you walked away from him. To your dismay Gojo only watched with a soft grin on his face and then followed after a couple of minutes. In those minutes Gojo thought about everything that had happened to him and in many ways decided to make his way over to you, taking a seat next to you with him leaning back with both of his arms behind him.
Eventually, Gojo’s view came to face yours as he noticed that you were staring up at the stars, a faint shine in your eyes that he had noticed before when staring at you. The young man hadn’t told you that he had been lost in your reaction to him, alongside your looks as well, he couldn’t help but just watch you watch the stars.
You wanted to slam your skull into the dirt with the strength and ease to damage any chance in you remembering this.
The millions of questions bouncing around your skull was one that only made you more irritated by the young man’s existence as you felt his presence only a couple of inches away from you. Honestly, you could continue to sit there and question what you really wanted at this moment with his presence being one that was beginning to make your thoughts get overrun with contradictions/
‘I mean, it’s not like it’s that bad…He’s attractive? It doesn’t excuse it. There is something seriously weird with him wanting to be around me, maybe this is his spot and I’m intruding on him, and he just doesn’t want to give that up.’ You began to feel bad about this now, if he had been here before and just wanted to enjoy it then you had no real reason to complain as this spot was pretty good and you wouldn’t leave it either, you were a bit timid by such and thus you decided to just stare up at the sky to avoid talking. You found yourself so lost in the sky that you had so desperately wanted to be enveloped in.
This distracted you from Gojo's existence for a while, as you found yourself with sky imprinting in your eyes whilst you continued to stare up into the infinity of the stars. You were so lost in the stars as he slowly spoke up about it. "Seems you enjoy the night sky." Gojo spoke up, his tone still maintaining the playful sound he had used previously. "Mhm…" You told him lazily, honestly, you didn't want to be around Gojo in any way shape or form as you were lost in embarrassment and anger in yourself for not being able to properly adapt to someone like Gojo there.
You tried your hardest to distract yourself from Gojo’s presence, however, it seemed Gojo wasn’t letting you forget he was next to you no matter how much his mere presence itself had kept you on your toes. You really didn't know what to say, not like you didn't want to talk to him, you just didn't want him to make me miss the fireworks when they went off. So, you kept yourself distant from it all and continued to look into the night sky.
"I'm just waiting for the fireworks…" You explained softly, your lips pursed in anticipation as you found your hands falling to your side trying to stabilize yourself with nothing else to truly say, unbeknownst to you that Gojo was still quite interested in you regardless of your distance from him. Gojo was amused by you even when he soon realized that you were lost in your goal.
Gojo nodded along to your explanation as he waited as well for the fireworks. The young man then spoke up again as he tried to maintain a conversation with you. "Fireworks are a rather beautiful thing. It's always fascinating to watch their beauty as they light up the dark sky and bring forth beautiful colors into the black." Gojo would say as he continued looking at the night sky with you. Gojo wanted you to think he was smart, sophisticated even, there was a lot of feelings that had built up in him that had hoped he had made a positive impact to feel more comfortable in talking to him.
"It is very much one I long to see after seeing it from too far of a location…" You sighed to yourself, you were desperate to make sure that you wouldn’t miss these fireworks and that you wouldn’t be distracted by someone trying to interfere, Gojo found his head perking up at what you had said. “Is this your first time at a Festival?” Gojo asked before chirping, “It’s my first as well!” You found yourself now very conflicted by the situation as you no knew what his motives were.
Why is he here then?
You were lost in Satoru's words before answering him, “Yeah.” The wording that was used in Gojo’s explanation made you realize how many times you had really missed the beauty of fireworks. You couldn’t really say anything, now the question of why he was staying here with you was one that stayed dormant in my mind before you found yourself trying to gain the confidence to ask him a question.
Gojo was fighting against the other version of himself trying to continue his playful nature and to pursue you as a person. ‘They’re just a bit shy. We can do this!’ Gojo thought as he turned to look at you and yet, he found himself just staring at you for a minute. Unbeknownst to you, this was just an assessment on Gojo as a person as he came up to you, a random civilian, to just talk to someone he found interest in.
Yet, here Gojo was, finding himself a bit lost in what to say once he found his on yours pleaded for honesty and the look on your face was on that highlighted pure anxiety and uncomfortableness. The look on your face ate Gojo alive in those moments as he stared into your face.
Gojo quickly found his eyes darting away from yours, wanting to drop dead at the very thought of hurting you at this moment, he found his heart pounding violently against his chest before he found his eyes back on yours with this pleading look of wanting to tell you every thought that had raced through his mind and left his legs bouncing quickly at the idea of leaving you.
“Why are you staying here?” You found the phrasing leaving with such effortlessness that left you a bit scared by it, honestly, what could you say as you found yourself a bit worried by the sudden interest in you before Gojo saw the confliction on your face and he could see how you wanted him to be honest. All Gojo could do was continue to find this gnawing feeling at his heart while he tried to say something snarky, witty, or something to make you feel flustered.
In your eyes, the one that reflected the full moon with the grace of God, there was ache that shot into the young man’s heart as he found himself still lost in what was in front of him. "I, honestly, don’t know." Gojo spoke with honesty in his voice, a small yearning to be around you are causing him to feel confused and conflicted.
Stay with you? Why?
Gojo Satoru, the man who could rewrite the world with the simple flick of wrists, couldn’t answer such a question. Gojo couldn't explain and he was lost for words as he felt a feeling within him…A feeling he couldn't describe. The feeling that Gojo felt for you seemed so foreign to him, yet, he had come to realize it with the change in ideologies that had allowed him for an instance feel the emotions he had longed for.
This feeling, however, was one that brought him great burden. The familiar feeling that left the young man heart broken once before, it tore him apart violently, and all he could do was just find himself conflicted on the feelings that began to bubble up. You asked why he wanted to stay with you as if you already knew the true answer. A part of it was his feelings towards you, however, as he got so acquainted with the feeling that he had sworn off, he continued to find in your eyes.
“I like your company…” Gojo didn’t even know what their company was, if you were kind, wanting the attention, in a desperate need to escape from him, there was nothing that allowed him to find himself prepared for the words that came from his lips. You hummed at this, unfamiliar with the young man’s company yet, you decided not to deter him. You gave a small sympathetic smile that left Gojo with all the feelings from before washing away.
You found yourself looking back up at the sky, you had taken notice of how quiet to how the once o chatty young man went quiet after your question, you didn't truly know what to say as you found a bit in fear in the thick tension. You stumbled over things to say, questions to ask, your tongue was practically tying itself together whilst you tried to find the words to help save whatever the two of you could possibly be talking about at this moment.
"What made you want to come see the fireworks?" You questioned, your head turning to face Gojo with a soft look on your face that conveyed confusion and inquiry. Your eyes softened at the time of making eye contact, finding comfort in what seemed like a galaxy inside of Gojo’s eyes, with a soft smile pulling up the corners of my lips.
Gojo found himself perking up at this, the smile ignited something in him that wanted him to unleash all this energy that was low that now skyrocketed through his blood stream, his face looking back at yours with a larger smile whilst his face lit up like child’s. Gojo spoke in the same manner just as he did before. Calm, quiet yet confident in the words that escaped his mouth.
“I’ll be honest, I didn't really come for the fireworks. I mostly came for a chance to interact with other people since it was rather boring being at home. Besides, it's good to meet new people once in a while." Gojo said with a half-lidded look on his face, his eyes fluttering closed as he thought back on past memories, “It’s really hard to get out in the world, y’know?”
You nodded in agreement taking note of what he said, since the fireworks don't truly matter to him and in this moment, you took that chance to realize that he could potentially make you miss the fireworks. Nonetheless, you stayed by his side and allowed yourself to be around him and continuously absorb everything and all he had to offer to you for conversation at this moment.
"I never got the chance to see the fireworks up close." You said softly, "I wanted to see it with friends. Now I'm here…" ‘Alone.’ You thought to yourself, almost getting disrupted by it all once you realized your situation. Gojo looked towards you as he had to resist the urge to swoon at your voice when it softened. The way that you talked was so enchanting, “What about your friends?” You answered Gojo without hesitation, “With other people…”
Gojo felt as if he, and he alone, slaughtered the mood, it was gasping for air in his arms and he knew he needed to say something or anything to continue this conversation and be around you, "I know nothing of your friendship!” The white-haired boy blurted out, you jumped a bit at this before he quickly spoke up again, “I mean, I have friends…” You raised a brow at this, Gojo grew flustered at this fact and pushed himself in the conversation. “However, since you and I are…alone…at this moment.”
Gojo couldn’t get over the word that told of his loneliness, admitting outright was one that he still couldn’t fathom, and his spirits definitely depleted at the very idea that he was here sitting with a stranger, he looked over to you and found himself lost in your eyes once more. “We can see the fireworks together." Gojo spoke softly, you smiled at this, and he returned it, “I’d like that.”
Gojo saw the look that was back on your face as you spoke up about how you were alone. You looked at the sky as your eyes slowly parted from Gojo's, he yearned for you to look back at him and even more, he just wanted to see you once more just look at him with those eyes that slowly peeled him open like an envelope. "If I may ask, could I know your name?" The young man spoke up as he directed his look towards you once again.
You told Gojo your first name, quickly, you felt your fingertips fall on your lips before the young man raised brow at your behavior. You collected yourself quickly then told him your last name instead. "You have a nice name.” You nodded awkwardly, “Yeah.” The two of you left alone for a minute before Gojo spoke up again, “Is there a reason why you forget to introduce yourself with your last name and not your first name?" Gojo asked in a curious tone as he then paused to take note of the sigh that you made right after he pointed it out.
"No, I just…" Everything you were telling Gojo only made you feel even more embarrassed being around him, "I just don't meet new people often…" You found yourself lost in what to say as you then went back to staring into his as if he had relieved me of all of the pains in the world. Your head tilted a bit, the stars in his eyes whilst you laid in his, "What's your name?"
"I'm Gojo Satoru." Gojo spoke softly as he continued to get lost in you, your physical attributes that left him in awe that someone could walk the earth so perfectly. Gojo knew his staring was wrong, yet he could tell how you were looking at him longer than you should've as well. Gojo couldn’t truly pull away from it all, he found himself still needing to say everything that came to his mind the second it came to it, a hefty burden for such a talkative boy.
“You’re staring…”
"I guess I am."
"They're…" You found yourself just staring into them, they were such a surreal shade of blue and so much of its beauty was one that rivaled the stars above the two of you. "They're very inhuman." You said softly, you were almost in a phase where the act of looking in was one you could not combat thus leaving you speechless as you found yourself just staring at the beauty that was Gojo Satoru.
Gojo couldn’t help but laugh only for him to snort like a pig, it was such an embarrassing moment for the young man as he found his hands coming to collapse his face, it left you looking at the boy in disbelief. You both flinched away from one another when the noise left his throat, Gojo covered his mouth whilst your lips begin to get wobbly as you tried to conceal the laugh that was about shoot out of your mouth, the two of you continuing to look at one another before you couldn’t contain yourself and began to laugh hysterically.
Gojo’s embarrassment quickly diminished upon looking at your face, the smile that graced his eyes was one that would keep the societal standards of true human perfection, enjoying watching the smile begin come across your face. It was the only look he ever wanted to see on your face. Gojo found himself just letting you laugh at him, anything for you, he kept his full attention to you as he waited to see what you would do next.
After a while you noticed Gojo just staring as if he was mesmerized by something, you couldn’t help but feel your smile soften before you began to ask Gojo his age and about his schooling with you relaying the same info back to him. Gojo nodded slowly as he spoke, "Well, then I would guess that you are in your final year in high school then, right?" Gojo asked as he brought his hands behind his head as he looked at you through his half-lidded eyes that were filled with a sense of curiosity.
You sighed to yourself, "Sadly, I am in my last year." you huffed, this summer was made for you to have the memories, here you were chatting to some stranger. You were a bit conflicted about your feelings, and even more, you were starting to question where your goals lie with this realization.
It wouldn’t be long before the fireworks started, calling out by an intercom in the area, you were overjoyed by the reality that ran from the feelings of loneliness you had once before. You had found yourself in a comfortable silence with Gojo, it gave you the chance to think about this moment and everything that led you here before you found yourself hearing the chatter of those from afar coming to take their place for the fireworks.
While they were still far away, they were still loud, you found yourself slowly looking back and looking at some people that enjoyed one another such as children on shoulders and couples holding hands. You felt this pang of jealousy run through you. Gojo followed your eyes, the look of all those surrounded by the presence and affections of others was one unfamiliar with following a month since the incident, he looked over with this feeling of belonging.
Gojo’s eyes fell, wandering for a bit before they found your hand that was placed on the ground, he was hypnotized by such ideas of physical touch that the act of handholding caused Gojo to sweat bullets violently. The young man thought for a moment and quickly dismissed all thoughts of holding with his leaky palms. Gojo watched as you slowly turned back and putting your hands in your lap and looking back up at the stars that surrounded you.
Satoru saw you and the way that your face had changed. The look of disappointment that had cradled it was one all to familiar in his memories as he found himself back on the pavement with his fist clenched whilst his friend walked away from him, he found your eyes resembling the same vivid feeling of anguish and resentment, he was quick to direct his attention to you.
"Do you feel lonely by any chance? To be watching a sight such as watching fireworks alone." Gojo spoke in a slightly sorrowful tone, these emotions were only familiar to those of that day he was tossed away. Gojo knew that this was wrong, nipping at his skin before he found himself so overwhelmed by the feeling, needed to help you.
"Yeah…" You said softly, still looking at the sky before you questioned Gojo, "Do you feel lonely?" You found your head falling to look at Gojo, "You're not here with any friends or family…" The young man found himself softly sighing, he couldn’t really dodge the question, "As much as I would love to say I don't, I do." Gojo spoke in a more serious tone than usual as there wasn't a soft smile that accompanied his response.
There was some sort of sadness surrounding his tone of voice and the look that he was giving you. It seemed as if he felt alone most of the time, even though he had all the company and attention of those of his world, the one and only he could only want was one that had long left him. Gojo seemed to be a bit hurt by your question, he felt a bit ashamed for feeling alone most of the time even though he wasn't truly alone with you there, he looked up into your eyes with a softness unfamiliar to you at this moment.
With you unable to find the words to talk to Gojo, you felt it was best to give him this time before you directed yourself back over to the fireworks that were being lit at the moment, you found yourself at the edge of your seat as you found your eyes enlarging at the sound the firework shooting up and the pop noise that came after to leave you the sight you had longed for so long.
The bright lights, the designs, and all the rapidly changing colors that were illuminating the area and bringing you more joy than you could ever conjure in your years as you continued to find yourself so lost in the fireworks before you. The way the bright and colorful lights bounced off your skin was one that allowed you to feel much joy and even more comfort in the fact of how much you were enjoying this.
Gojo found himself snapped out of this phase once the first firework launched, he had seen many fireworks and in fact could think back on the many explosions he’s seen, yet none of those scenes could compete with the one right next him. The white-haired boy looking over to you. Your emotions were written on your face as your smile was one of joy, your tears were there, and your beauty was one to adore. This spot certainly brought out many different emotions in you as you just saw something so beautiful.
You felt overjoyed, seeing the fireworks. They were amazing and had a certain beauty and elegance to them that you didn't expect to see tonight. Satoru saw you and how your smile was beginning to widen. Your eyes were filled with such joy which showed you were truly happy. If there was anyone, he could want to see in this moment alongside him, he’d wish for his friend yet, your face came up whenever this feeling began to overtake him.
Gojo looked at your face, no words to describe how lost he was in it and what had entrapped in this stare, he knew that it was one that gave him this new look on the way he found human life so memorable. The simple fact you were so determined to see the fireworks was one he admired, he watched as your emotions were ones that gave him the same type of feeling from an old friend of his, and the fact you had stayed with him this far was one he applauded.
Gojo wanted so bad for you to be in this moment as he couldn't help but smile as well as he looked at everything that was unfolding in front of him. This night had been beautiful and amazing so far. However, Gojo could see it going even better. Gojo was lost in the moment with you. In the way that you spoke about the fireworks and how they filled you with joy. Gojo couldn't take his eyes off of you until he found himself getting up, you raised a brow at this and reached out for Gojo before he turned around and looked down at you with a small tilt of his head, the look on you face left his motor skills impaired.
Gojo was presented this small pout on your lips, this longing looks in your eyes, and the sound of your voice when you asked him if he was going to leave. The hint of sadness in your face left Gojo with the feeling that stayed embedded in him for such a long time, you found yourself slowly letting go of his yukata once realizing he wasn’t going to stay.
Gojo found himself lost in al his feeling, a push to run away from it and to continue to pursue a future where those he cared for smiled on him, he thought for a moment on everything he could have truly done in all the things that had plagued his life from birth such as the powers that were engraved into his back with nothing but shrapnel and the fact that the world was the way it was that left him with no hopes for anything in his lifetime as he hoped for the future be brighter for those in his and the human world.
Gojo didn’t waste any time snatching up your wrist, you gasped whilst he did so and you called out Gojo’s name in confusion, he pulled you up effortlessly and hooked his arm underneath your knees. “Let's go see the fireworks.” You raised a brow at this, anxiety plaquing your face as before Gojo closed his eyes softly and brought you closer to him, you instinctively wrap your arms around Gojo’s neck before hearing a firework launch.
In those seconds, Gojo began to pull up all the energy he could conjure just to find himself in the dark and empty sky, he put his feet down on the ‘ground’ before calling to you. You were still in his arms, a bit shocked by why he held you this way, you questioned Gojo before you looked down and tried to stop yourself jumping out of his arms in fear.
You were in pure shock at where the two of you were. Yet, all questions were ones that were answered quickly when a bright light came rushing up from under you and Gojo causing you to yelp out in fear. Gojo quickly teleported out of the way, the two of you left in shock as you clutched your chest while Gojo had begun to laugh hysterically as he found the fear on your face the funniest thing to have blessed his eyes before you finally let your eyes open to look at the bright light shooting before you, after finding his footing he looked down at you with a large smile and the brightest eyes.
“You like the view?”
You were lost for words, honestly, what could you have possibly said in this moment before a firework sound shot past the two of you and before your eyes. You couldn’t help but find your mouth falling slowly agape at the bright light before you, similar to the sparklers of the kids you saw from on the balcony, only that it was bigger and the light in your face was the equivalent to a large fire.
You hadn’t known Gojo would be using his power, Infinity, to slow down the firework to allow you to see it in more detail. Nothing could bring Gojo more joy than to watch your eyes light up at the fireworks that surrounded you, too far for anyone to below to you see you both, you indulge in your luck with your eyes continuing to find themselves large and bright.
You and Gojo would be up there for awhile, you were still shaking when Gojo teleported back to the spot, you felt your blood rush and you were overjoyed by it all. “Gojo! That was amazing! Oh my god-!” You exclaimed, cutting yourself off with laughter, as you look down at your hands still shaking you turned to look over at Gojo with your eyes bulging out of your sockets.
“Did you see them, Gojo?” Gojo sighed, “Sadly, I was making sure you didn’t fall out of my arms.” It wasn’t sad. It was one that left Gojo in utter shambles at the fact he was bringing you so much joy, in fact, he could have been found out right there and killed in that spot with nothing holding hm to this world and bringing him back as a vengeful spirit. “A bit disappointed this will only be for one night…” You raised a brow at this, “It doesn’t have to be just for one night…” You smiled at Gojo, a large warm one that painted him pink, “We can do this yearly, if you want.”
Gojo had to contain his excitement, “I would like that very much.” The young man said cooly, holding back all his giddiness in the fact he would see you once more, the message imprinted in his mind that you wanted to be around for years was one that left the young man in the purest form of happiness that had gave him the sense of familiarity with you before you had to remind him of your predicament.
Gojo looked at you with the softest eyes until you told him the news, “The fireworks are finished, I have to go meet up with my friends…” You said softly, this crushed the young man, yet he hid it remarkably, “Of course.” You then began to distance yourself, looking at him with a pleading look in your eyes while your actions spoke against it, “We’ll meet at the same spot.” You reminded him, only to feel as if you were forgetting something.
You quickly turned your body back to Gojo and ran to over to hm, launching yourself at him and holding him tight. Gojo returned this hug, a soothing rub against your back before you pulled away and began to walk backwards, “Don’t forget me!” You told Gojo, he nodded eagerly as his features began to soften with the idea of seeing you once more, you found yourself a safe distance away from him where you began to make your way back over to the festival lights that left Gojo near the bridge.
Ever since then, Gojo had returned without fail to the bridge to watch the fireworks, even bringing Megumi to come see them annually as he relayed the story to him on the way to the festival as he did all the things for Megumi, he did for you and continued to come back even in his older years. It had been years since the two of you first met, now, he was bringing his students to go see the fireworks you both watched on that day.
“Wow, that’s a long time.” Yuji commented as Nobara was in awe by the story, “It’s very sweet that you come to visit them every year.” The two were fascinated by the story, practically launching out of the car to go to the festival which left Megumi and Gojo alone for the moment, Megumi looked at the man who had been raising them these past years with the same look he always had on these days they headed to the festival, Gojo took notice of staring before humming.
“Hm?” Gojo smiled as he adjusted the yukata that held the same design from all those years prior with it being adjusted to him with the years going on, “The same one?” Megumi raised a brow at before Gojo nodded eagerly, “How else will they recognize me?” The two then made their way through the festival as the group enjoyed the sight and then made their way over to the spot where Gojo once was.
“You think they’ll come this year?” Megumi question, a softness in his tone as he felt he was treading on cracked ice, he looked at Gojo with a genuine curiousness before Gojo only sighed to himself still holding the smile from before. “Most likely not.” Gojo said with the words leaving his lips carelessly as he found himself at ease just being in the location.
“What happened to them?” Megumi questioned, Gojo found it easy to answer with his blindfold on, “The same thing that always happens.” The raven-haired boy hadn’t understood the concept of this trip, watching his friends run off to the food stalls in confliction,
“Then why do you come here?”
You hadn’t come to visit him since that night, and while he knew he had no real choice but accept what was the truth, there was a feeling that lingered in soul that you were not too far.
“It’s still nice just to be here though, right?” Gojo asked Megumi, going for his hair and lightly ruffling it before directing his attention back to the sky that always remained the same no matter how many years, as the older man’s eyes stayed targeted on the sky whilst Megumi told the man softly, “Yeah. I guess so.” The young boy let Gojo have this moment, keeping silence as he watched the sky alongside the man.
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© ouchthathurts please don't translate, claim as yours, redistribute and/or plagiarize in any way.
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lilly-chou-chou · 10 months
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Barbie: An essay. Accepting Hyperfeminity
A Film Beyond Feminism
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧
Yesterday I had the biggest privilege to watch Barbie and it really got me thinking that I do indeed have a lot of things to say about it. This purely how I feel and all of my emotions that I am pouring into the screen, some may agree some may not and that is okay.
Phase one : Feminism, Love & War
The theme of the film is indeed feminism but what a lot of people are not talking enough about or overlooking is the fact what a huge impact being girly had been over the years, since the 90's to 2000's the whole plot of girly being associated with being a bimbo really made a lot of women hate or look down upon being a girly girl. To this day even after the release of the film I do feel sorry to say but there are still a lot of people especially women who feel uncomfortable to be girly, they are afraid of being judged for being not smart enough or not being able to be taken seriously.
This whole hate has extended even towards disney princessess. So many parenting books, videos and even women themselves hating on disney princess just because a man saved them when as a matter of fact disney characters go way beyond man saviour. Cinderella just wanted to go to ball and enjoy, despite being in an abusive household she still loved and appreciated people around her she didn't let bad things influence her, if someone says this is toxic positivity then I have to disagree because she genuinely didn't seem delusional. She was smart, witty, cracked jokes, used sarcasm and found peace in talking to animals. This to me at least is mentally strong not toxic positivity. Ariel just wanted to see the human world but she just happened to fall in love along the way, Belle loved the beast because she taught him how to be free from his own demons, she saw, she taught, she gave him the warmth and love he was lacking.
Other thing is people always look down upon love, my question is why shouldn't there be love? One can be independent and yet still be in love. One can dream and still be in love. People these days are so heartbroken and bitter they have shut themselves off of the whole love scene but might I say that love is more than just romantic feelings, love can be between parents and a kid, love can be between you and your dreams/passion/goals, love can be between you and your pet, love can be between you and the stuffed animal toy you have had since you were a baby, love can even be with knowing when you come home everything is same as it was and it can even be when it comes to changes.
I do believe and hope that after the impact of this film people especially women aren't afraid to be girly because a woman who is girly, love shopping, getting nails done, lives for colour pink, does makeup is just as much of a feminist as a woman who opposes the girly girl spectrum.
Phase two: I Kennot even
Ken was one of the most well written second lead character, I cannot stress on this enough. How I see the film is that in the beginning Barbie land was actually never really equal per say because the playout of it was so co dependent, yes, I understand that was the intention but I would love to dive deeper. Barbie land is the opposite of real world so just like in the real world the power disbalance was so real. I was really reminded of those days when all men did was work and women weren't allowed to do anything so they just longed for their husbands ro return from work. They dresses up for them, made plans for them and practically lived for them. I loved this scene so much because it really showed that Greta knows about feminism because indeed feminism means women and men are equal and either disbalance can really cause a huge harm and we saw that when kens were constantly fighting for all barbie's approvals and lived life through their partners.
When ken went to real world, he was exposed to patriarchy and for once when he saw men being valued he ran with it, the whole reason he even did patriarchy to Barbie land was just to get Barbie's attention when he said "it doesn't feel nice does it" and "when I came to know patriarchy wasn't about horses I instantly lost all interest" shows that he did all of that just so Barbie notices him.
In a way, well like my opinion I see both Barbie and Ken as victims.
Barbie has been shammed by extremist over the years because people think Barbie has unreleastic body but no one see the fact that barbies were created to give girls hope, Barbie has all the careers and can be huge inspiration to little girls everywhere that a girl can be beauty and brains. Barbie was never about making little girls feel bad they were meant to see as "bad" all because of extremists.
Ken was indeed just created to be Barbie's boyfriend and indeed lives up to the name "just Ken" but this film really made us feel his importance too! Towards the end when kens finally have a job assigned by president they have somewhere to start and have their own identity. They will be more than just kens and partners.
Phase three: Conclusion
Both of them had their own journey of self discovery, both of them also had break downs, gave up and kens made bad decisions but they didn't know any better but along the way they really grew up and mentally became mature.
Greta really knows what she did and really captured the prefect ambiance of what needs to be showed. She really gave both characters such depth and love, she really is very talented and I love her for making a film that goes beyond feminism, it is much more than women empowerment. This film not only showed us strong woman power but also showed that patriarchy is taught never learned, people don't know any better, power of influence and accepting women for wanting traditional life as well as accepting who opposes.
I will forever be in favour for this brilliant film. Much love to Greta, cast and behind the scenes cast and of course the colour pink.
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halloweennut · 2 years
I know this is the kinda typical au thing but a swap where Draxum and Big Mama swapped roles. Draxum is a very threatening, scary, crime boss running the battle nexus and lou jitsu's ex, still has huginn and muninn that turn into little dogs when using the cloaking magic, and Big Mama is an eccentric warrior alchemist that hates humanity but still uses her weird words and is like unnervingly nice even when she's trying to kill you.
Jokes on you because i love that
Baron Draxum is still violently himself, just bitter still and angry. He rages against the idea of letting the humans rule the surface that was rightfully theirs, but the Council can't be swayed and he certainly doesn't need more scrutiny on him.
He was raised as a weapon and then told to find peace.
His version of peace is running the Battle Nexus. Even if war was declined, he would make sure that the Yokai had worthy warriors at the ready to fight, and make sure they were backed by thousands of loyal fans.
He has his dealings with the shady and seedy underbelly of the Hidden City. Draxum has title, money, and power, and can make even hardened crime bosses bend to his will. Few cross him and his control of certain dealings, and those that do serve as perfect examples as to why they shouldn't.
Even so, he gets *bored*. There's only so much he could do in this role. On a whim, he opens a hotel for the yokai hidden on the surface, and for those who wish to go to the surface with a quick access point in and out. It also expands his territory further and greater. Draxum even lets himself use a cloaking brooch to wander the gilded, elegant hotel he built as humans began to show interest. He has designated floors for them, separate from the yokai, and just nice enough to justify the amount he charges them per night. They don't see any of the grandeur given only to the yokai.
Then, Lou Jitsu walked in the front door, entourage in tow.
Baron Draxum wasn't exactly thrilled to have him there. But he was charming enough to get his way to a private suite out of the designated floors. Draxum wasn't even sure who he was outside of someone famous. Lou, upon hearing that Draxum hadn't seen his movies or anything, forces him to sit and watch a marathon. The yokai knows its not even for his own benefit, really, but for Lou’s own ego.
The movies are drivel, but damn, Lou could fight. Really fight.
"If you're that impressed," Lou said, flipping his coiffed hair, "You should come to see me film tomorrow."
Draxum had no intent to.
He found himself, half-awake, on a sound stage the following morning. He tried not to snarl or make disgusted faces around the humans or their technology, irked as he was. Lou appeared from his trailer, looking every bit classic hero, making his way to his marker. Just before the director called for action, he lowered his sunglasses and winked at Draxum, before slipping into his character and beating the living hell out of stuntmen.
Afterwards he smiled, proud, and asked Draxum what he thought. Draxum cant tell of he's impressed or what, but the ego drops for a second, and the yokai couldnt help but offer praise.
Lou Jitsu would make a fine addition to the Battle Nexus.
And naturally Lou wore him down to the point he dropped his guard. The fighter landed a hit, a confident, ever smiling mouth on his, Draxum was all of 3 things.
1. Shocked at the suddenly
2. Confused by the fact he happily returned the damn kiss
3. Happy to call Lou *his* perfect fighter.
Is Lou kidnapped? I mean, yeah. Draxum’s Like That. But he's Draxum’s, so that lends to more perks than being locked in a cell most of the time. And Lou enjoys the Battle Nexus enough, even while missing home, but Draxum still plies him with praise and lingering hands and kisses. He feels like a bird in a gilded cage, loved but a damn prop. The one exception to Draxum’s hatred of humans, the perfect fighter for all to emulate. It takes the fight out of him and the wind from his wings. All he wants is to retire, and maybe things could go back to how they were between him and Draxum. All he truly craves is peace.
He doesn’t get the chance.
Lou finds himself in a dark lab in a small cage, cocooned in spider webbing bars that he couldn't quite break. There are creatures around him that look to be hybrids of multiple animals, mystic or not. Save a small box of equally small turtles. They're easily within reach and so adorable that he cant help but coo at them. Unfortunately a way to get out of the cage isnt in reach like they are. He shouts out into the echo of the lab, shouting for whoever had taken him to reveal themself and let him go.
Big Mama is still Like That. But instead of becoming a crime boss and all that, she clings to the glory of war, her status and pride as a warrior, and wants nothing more than to raise an army against the surface. She delves into alchemy, dabbling in science, and gets put on the Council watch list. She isnt angry like Draxum is, but she's ruthless, cruel, and doesn’t care if some yokai or her mutated soldiers are lost.
All she had needed was a perfect fighter, and lo, Draxum all but put one at her feet. She watched every single one of his battles, studying every move Lou made until he was one of the only things on her mind. Big Mama had her perfect warriors - little turtles, with their natural armor - now all she had to do was mix their DNA.
Lou knows her well enough as Draxum’s old warrior compatriot. He was his prized fighter and lover, so obviously he was brought to all the post-battle parties and other little things, and had rubbed elbows with the entire gentry and nobility of the Hidden City. Big Mama was always in attendance, sweet, doting, quick with honeyed words between nonsense ones. He chalked her up to being eccentric, even if he felt her eyes on him plenty. It was nothing new, really. He was famous and hot, why wouldn't someone keep their eyes on him.
If he had turned around, he would have seen that the gaze was akin to the look a spider has for a fly in her web. That's all he was to her, really. And similarly to a spider and a fly, she took his life from him.
Lou barely escapes with the turtles, covered in mutagen, leaving her castle engulfed in flames as he felt his body crack and change into a rat. It isn’t the peace he wanted, nor the retirement. But at the very least, he could give his new children the peace he so craved.
Away from limelights, battle arenas, and yokai looking for glory. Away from prophecy and sacrifice. No one would steal that from them, ever.
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utilitycaster · 1 year
Has your work with the wiki informed how you interact with the fandom? Scrutinizing the source material so closely and all.
Oh definitely, and this is a great question.
I think, without getting too deep into weeds or bitterness, that my attitude towards aggressively non-canonical (or, frankly, anti-canonical) interpretations of ships or characters has shifted both because of my negative experiences with the Fandom wiki and because I effectively have to go over the happenings of each episode two or three times. Additionally, my deep dislike and distrust of conspiracy theories long pre-dates my work on wikis or even involvement with fandom, but now that I spend a decent amount of "fandom time" looking up citations, I have even less patience for it. There are so many wonderful sources beyond just the wiki! We have a transcript search! We have Dani's recaps! We have so many sourcebooks! We have a talkback/commentary show! Please, while I'd love for people to use and add to the wiki, at the very least, if you don't have time to watch or rewatch episodes in full, use these wonderful resources instead of relying on like, someone's personal silly little clip compilations to shape your understanding.
In terms of far more positive things, I think because wiki pages are changing, living documents, going back to them has given me a lot of insight that I might have forgotten. To give an example - just now, in summarizing the party's trip towards Yios, I ran across the fact that Imogen was asked if she wanted to give up her powers - if there were a cure, whether she'd take it - and she responded that while once she felt that way, she no longer does. I think Imogen's relationship with power is fascinating, and I think this puts her in contrast with Liliana in a new and interesting way that I'd love to explore further once we return to more direct conflict. This small moment says so much, but I'd forgotten it in the several months since it aired, and probably wouldn't have accessed again if I were not a wiki editor. I've also been doing a lot of work on editing out plagiarism, or fleshing out largely overlooked details, and it's a delight to get to revisit prior campaigns and see how everything fits together. I get both a very high level view of the world, and also get to zero in on tiny moments, like Veth shooting Caleb in the Vellum Steeple library, and I'm so grateful I get to relive that, and often my meta is informed by what I'm working on and what details I'm immersed in and the connections they spark.
Finally - while I'm obviously super opinionated here, on Tumblr, I think it's a really good and important exercise that I also spend time in a place where I need to consciously prioritize a neutral voice and give attention even to things I dislike. This is an entirely separate post so I won't derail myself but I think part of why I sometimes get extremely bizarre anons/responses is that I'm both someone who talks about CR on the whole, but also am open about my preferences (rather than running a blog that's highly focused on one character/ship nor being a true generalist blog that primarily reblogs art). Anyway, working on the wiki means that, for example, even if I'm really frustrated with an episode or a character or a relationship, I need to spend time and stop and ask myself what is actually happening, outside of my own feelings. I think this is a really good practice to have with fiction! I think you need to be able to do both and compartmentalize and switch between them; to say "what is the author/creator trying to say and how are they saying it and what is literally occurring" and also "how do I, an individual with my own unique perspective, feel about what's happening." Or at the very least, if you can't do this, you can still enjoy yourself, but you will always be preaching to the choir.
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 166 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the Kolkwitzia amabilis in my garden.
MARTIN: "What happened back there? What you did to Sa–" [HE CUTS HIMSELF OFF.] [A PAUSE.] JON: "Go on. Say it." Oh no. Oh god, does Jon think that Martin thinks it was his fault that Sasha died?
HELEN: "Oh, goodness. You see what you’ve done to the poor boy, John? He’s coming to me for clear answers." Oh Helen really knows how to get under one's skin.
HELEN: (giggle) "It’s very satisfying though, isn’t it? Teasing out vague information? You see why Elias got a kick out of it." Oh fuuuck, and now she's comparing him to Elias? Jon really is straight up not having a good time..
TMA usually is super vague, but I'm actually happy we got an explanation how the smiting works. Does sound plausible, I’d say. But also, this explanation about there only being watcher and watched should have got Martin's gears to turn. They are not victims of a domain. So they have to be watchers.
MARTIN: "Sure. Okay, that’s – I mean, that’s really not that complicated, John; I don’t see why you were being so coy about it –" JON: (overlapping) "Because I’m ashamed, Martin." [SLIGHT PAUSE.] MARTIN: "Ashamed?!" JON: "Yes! Ashamed of the fact that I just – destroyed the world and have been rewarded for it, the fact that – I can walk safe through all this horror I’ve created like a… fucking tourist, destroying whoever I please. The fact that I… enjoyed it, and… the fact that there are so many others that I want to revenge myself on!" Why does everything in TMA feel so natural!! There is so much bad and boring writing out there, every time something very logical happens it makes me super excited xD  So yap. It's super understandable that he's ashamed of all of this. Especially since we know how he actually feels about this revenging stuff. His anger says “do it!”, but his logic says “It’s not gonna do anything”..
MARTIN: "…No; No, I actually think you’re good on that front." JON: "What?" MARTIN: "Yeah, I, I, I think we should go for it, get our murder on!" Martin, when he only remotely tastes power xD
MARTIN: "f you want to stop them and have the power to, then – then, then yeah, let’s do it, let’s go full Kill Bill!" JON: "I – I, I haven’t seen it." Laughed so hard at this xD Of course he is deflecting.
HELEN: "Oh, Martin, I am so proud of you. Can I come?" JON & MARTIN: (in unison) "No." HELEN: "So that’s a strong “maybe” then?" Asgdsdfjkdf, Helen can also be so funny! One of those characters I hate and love!
MARTIN: "Do you need anything?" [JON EXHALES.] JON: "No." Love that Martin checks in with him there. He has been a bit dismissive of Jon's feelings about this whole situation.
Yeah, that statement does nothing to me, neither terror nor excitement. As far as I understand it, it's more about the financial part of the Buried. About the pressure of the society we live in, ever trapped in bullshit jobs with only ever a glint of the prospect of escape and there is no use in fighting others like us (that second worm part) cause if we win against them, we’re stuck exactly where we were before.
"The rains fall here as they do so many places in this new world. Thick and oily drops that taste of bitter salt, torrential tears plummeting from the watching sky, thumping and squelching onto the thirsty soil in which the worms writhe painfully towards a surface that does not want them." That is a gross image!
"How do you fight, when you cannot move beyond the slowest inching crawl, without limbs or weapons or the kinetic force of violence? You do it slowly, pressing, biting, tearing gradually through each other until at the very end, one of you is still." There is a very horrifying animatic of this part of the statement, it's called "The Worms (Magnus Archives Fan Animation)”.
JON: "God, I hate the Buried." Mh, he was there once...
That phone's got to be a Nokia 3310, right? XD It is the Nokia ringtone after all!
ANNABELLE: "He’s more powerful here than he’s ever been, isn’t he? And you’re not sure what that means for you." [THE BRIEFEST OF PAUSES. MARTIN INHALES SHAKILY.] MARTIN: "I’m hanging up now." ANNABELLE: "Does he even need you at all?" That part about "you're not sure what that means for you" is actually something I could relate to. Especially in a relationship this young and under extremely high stress levels. Shared trauma and being in the same life-threatening situation can create incredibly strong bonds. Being in that same boat. But how life-threatening is it actually for them? Aside from his guilt and post trauma, Jon is very much fine in this new world. Still, not sure what Annabelle wanted to achieve with this, she does mention it to have been "clumsy", so yeah.
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pholiabanna · 1 year
No because they also enjoy Mike rejecting Will's friendship hug? Many of Mlvns are really just homophobic and actually enjoy Will having no friends or being rejected by his friends, the way they talk about S3 proves this as well or how they came up with made up ''core 4'' thing to exlude Will. Honestly many Mlvns would just be homophobic bullies if they existed in ST universe. Or actually it kinda says a lot about their personalities irl already.
They have an intense hatred for Will that can only be explained by them noticing he's a real threat to Milkvan. Because the show is actively making you root for Will's happiness, and they filmed S4 in a way that make sit clear you are supposed to root for him to get the boy, not El. So if you still want Melvin to stay together, the point of the season flew over your head, or it didn't but you're actively choosing to ignore it and live in denial.
And I seriously doubt even them can be that dumb to not realize the moment Mike discovers the painting is from Will, Will is getting the boy. That's why they hate him so much. They know he's the better suited partner for Mike and they are bitter. So they unleash all that frustration by making fun of him, and by extension, by hating on Noah too a lot of the times. That's their way to cope. I'm not even gonna comment on that "core 4" thing because it's ridiculous, and they know Will was part of the original friend group years before any of them met El, so even if they want the Party to hate Will, unfortunately for them the Party loves him. Again, it's just plain bitterness because of byler endgame and their homophobia (a lot of them just are homophobic and hate them for being gay). But season 1 is literally about how every single character in the cast loves Will enough to risk their lives just to save him. If they don't understand this, then they weren't supposed to be watching the show in the first place, and they definitely shouldn't be expecting the writers to cater to them because they just don't understand the story at all.
But thankfully enough, the show will never go in the direction they want, because for starters S5 will revolve around Will and they'll have to deal with seeing him on screen a lot of the times, without being able to skip his scenes because they'll be important for the supernatural plot. And thankfully enough, the show will give Will the boyfriend he wants (Mike) and the only thing they'll be able to do is watch and cry. They may start with the homophobic jokes again, but it won't change the fact that the story didn't go the way they wanted to. They're just clowns and miserable and sad, and I won't feel even slightly sorry for some of them because it's what they deserve
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sieglinde-freud · 9 months
1,3,5,6 and 15! I love women <3
hi faye!! 🩷 i already know this gonna be long hooboy
1. One of your favorite female characters?
frederica aesfrost triangle strategy. that is my GIRL. i dont know how many of you guys have played triangle strategy but me personally it changed my life. not gonna say too much because i dont wanna spoil it, but shes such a great female lead. shes basically fighting for the liberation of her people, the roselle, who the society of the game has basically condemned for no reason so if you go through her arc, you see how she deals with the pressure of having to free them, how hard it hurts to witness them in the state that theyre in, and the sacrifices she has to make to get what she wants and GOD. its so good. shes so good. also she cant fucking cook. me too girl.
3. What’s a female character you look up to?
ema skye ace attorney, specifically in aa4-6. ive never seen a character that made me go ‘GOD shes just like me fr’ like her (and apollo justice. but this isnt about him). i feel like it’s rare to see main characters like her really love something, and then FAIL pathetically at it. over and over. not that i enjoy seeing her not getting her forensic license, but it just feels so real. sometimes you love something and you’re so passionate about it but you just dont get it. and how does she react? is she still the bubbly ema you see in rfta with a “we’ll get em next time!” attitude? no!! no she’s not, she’s bitter, grumpy, snarky, dealing with the most annoying prosecutor of all time, and she’s so fucking real. be frustrated! be angry! life hands you shit cards you can be mad about how you have to play it! it’s nice seeing characters who pick themselves back up so easily, but most people arent like that and im certainly not, and seeing a character who’s just so honest about that is really refreshing. of course, she finally gets her dream in aa6, but that doesnt come without years and years of trying. in a universe where people are becoming lawyers at 18, it’s nice to see someone realistic. (im also trying to step foot into the forensic field eventually sooo… the fact that shes on the same path as me just kinda makes it hit harder, you know?)
5. A female villain you love?
pissing off both sides of the argument by calling her a villain and saying i love her but edelgard von hresvelg. before anyone says anything my favorite lord is yuri leclerc and the rest of them are equal in my heart <3 but edelgard clearly takes on more of a villain role in every route except her own, and even then she’s not entirely morally correct (duh). but i dont know. i wont say too much on your ask faye cuz i know you havent finished the other routes yet, but even when i played azure moon i couldnt bring myself to dislike her. her past with dimitri, the way she kept the dagger, and everything she reveals to you on her own path and how her past shaped her into who she is and what she wants and how she will stop at nothing to get it. i dont agree with the ends justifying the means, but i love characters who believe in that because it’s just so interesting. you want this thing so bad, nothing will stop you? your friends, your family, knowing you’re doing wrong because you think it’ll turn out right? what if it goes wrong. what if it blows up in your face? what if history remembers you as the villain forever? you’re already too deep in it i guess, so just keep going. shes so… ggrarghj. edelgard 🥹
6. A female character who got done dirty by the narrative?
athena cykes ace attorney. you’re telling me the entirety of aa5 is revolves around HER story, HER past, HER relationships, and it’s called “Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies”? the dual, by the way, refers to apollo. and you dont even play as athena during the climax of the game, you play as phoenix and shes just WATCHING. will they redeem her in aa6? you mean “Phoenix Wright: Spirit of Justice?” you mean the game where she gets ONE case on her own and it’s a FILLER CASE? admittedly a pretty good filler case but still. god. what the hell. i get phoenix sells but if you’re make new lawyers to take on his legacy, maybe? let them do that???
15. Female character you would defend with your life?
as usual there are so many to pick from. but i think this time i’m gonna pick nyx fire emblem. now, dont get me wrong. i will not defend her design. fates’ female dark mage design is pretty bad, especially since its used on ophelia and nyx. as much as i sincerely dont think nyx looks like a child as opposed to just a pretty short young woman, it’s…. blerghh. but aside from that? i cant STAND when people say shes just generic loli bait that acts like a child. because where? WHERE? point to where in her supports she acts like a child seriously. i know in her supports with charlotte she attempts to try it, but the point is that its unnatural and uncomfortable for her to do so. she is just. not like that. she doesnt try to play around like nowi or myrrh. shes not a child in dragon years or anything. shes just an older woman stuck in the body of a younger one, and if you would just READ one support, literally any of them, you would know that. but fates haters dont read, do they? clearly not. and its just a huge disservice to the rest of her character, which i think is incredibly beautifully written. shes such a standout in fates and i cant stand people ignoring that because “waaah nowi clone!” fuck you.
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i-love-yoi · 10 months
HS! characters with S/O who enjoys Japanese culture and is learning Japanese.
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I remind you that requests are always open and I will be glad to any request, except for those in the "I don't do" section, even "maybe" I do!
Well, in this case, S/O likes Japan, its culture and wants to move to Japan. Practiced both in writing and speaking.
TW:GN!READER, Fluff, frequent conversations about the same topic by the reader.
•This guy just nods and continues to listen to your admiration for Japanese culture.
• In fact, the guy does not have the same craving for Japan as you do, that you already learn Japanese, but he likes the very sound of the language and your spirit.
• Although, sometimes he can be a little pissed off by how often and how much you talk about it.
•Although not often, it depends on how dependent you are on Japan in general.
• He likes to hear how you diligently pronounce the words, trying to remember them or say them correctly according to all the rules.
•He generally likes your voice.
• Therefore, hearing how you diligently pronounce all the words, it is just a paradise for his ears, although he does not show it.
• As mentioned before, he likes the Japanese pronunciation and also loves your voice.
•So this combo obviously pleases him.
• Since Omori is mostly a god of this world, maybe especially for you, he will try to at least remotely create an environment and a place filled with Japanese culture.
•Honestly, it seems to me that he himself would be closer to Japan and Japanese culture from all other foreign cultures.
•In any case, he just likes to see how happy you are, from this he himself becomes happier.
•When you do exercises or assignments, in writing, he will carefully follow how you draw kanji characters and quickly write hiragana and katakana characters.
• He, in principle, does nothing else.
•Just sits and watches as you write a sentence and write the same character several times to better remember it.
• Basically, he is neutral about this, but sometimes your addiction can be annoying, but not much.
• In any case, if he wanted to, you would not be so dependent on all this.
ᴰʳᵉᵃᵐ ᴷᵉᶫ
•"Is it because of the anime?"
• That was his first thought, which he blurted right into your forehead when you were talking so excitedly about Japanese culture.
•Kel first speaks, then thinks, he is straightforward.
• Whatever comes to mind, he will immediately say without thinking.
•After all, bitter truth is better than sweet lies.
• Although, to be honest, he likes the way you read hieroglyphs aloud to better remember them, or practicing pronouncing sentences.
• Still, it looks beautiful.
• Although he is very infuriated by how often and how much you can talk about Japan, Japanese culture.
•"Just admit it's all about the anime!"
• He will stand his ground, thinking that you really started to learn Japanese and want to go to Japan just because of the anime.
• However, sometimes it is convenient for him.
•At times, just for testing purposes, it forces you to translate some parts of the anime with original voice acting or product descriptions in Japanese.
• "Well, you know Japanese, you learn it there, you want to go to Japan. So come on! Test your skills!"
• Although, sometimes he may give some gifts to you, which he considers "come from Japan."
•"Hey! Y/N! Look what I got by beating the sproutmole! *KEL gave you TOFU* You love that Japanese culture and stuff over there, so here I got this just for you!"
•"KEL... TOFU was created in China and is a Chinese dish..."
•"Uh... Well... It's still something Asian! Especially since I tried so hard to get it! *KEL crossed his arms, looking at Y/N angrily*
• Yes, he can be stupid, probably even sometimes very stupid.
•But hey, he's trying to please you based on your tastes, isn't he?
• He also sometimes observes how you write hieroglyphs, making up sentences.
• "Horror, of course, everything is so complicated for you. I don't understand why you gave it all up, it's so difficult!"
•He can't even imagine learning something like that.
• It surprises him, but it's all so complicated that he doesn't understand anything.
• Basically, he is infuriated by your frequent talk about Japan and Japanese culture, but despite this, he tries to please you, even if it is difficult and annoying for him.
ᴰʳᵉᵃᵐ ᴬᵘᵇʳᵉʸ
• I think she would obviously support you very much in this.
•Maybe even she would be a little fan of Japanese culture, having become infected from you.
• Of course, she likes to listen to you, your stories and what you like.
•But let's understand that we all sometimes get tired of the same type of conversations.
• Although, for your sake, she will endure to the last.
• It's just that she loves you, so she doesn't want to upset, even if it's unpleasant herself.
•Of course, if Kel comes in and gives a grudge about it, Aubrey as a hero will always protect you.
• "Shut up, KEL! Japan and its Culture are really beautiful! Nobody condemns you for considering an ordinary stone almost as your real friend!"
• She herself will not express dissatisfaction about this, she will only move on to the next topic if she cannot listen anymore.
• She is fascinated by the way you pronounce all the words and sentences in Japanese.
• She finds this language beautiful, especially when you speak it!
• Even if she doesn't understand anything, she finds it beautiful, also with hieroglyphs, no matter if your handwriting is terrible or not.
• Of course, she will praise you on this occasion.
•"Wow! Y/N! You speak Japanese so beautifully! I wish I could learn Japanese too!", "Wow, what are you writing? Can you write my name in Japanese!? Please!"
• I think she would also begin to get into the Japanese language and Japanese culture.
•I would read a Japanese textbook with you, practice pronunciation, and study Japanese landmarks and culture.
•I think she would be really interested in Japanese culture.
•But the Japanese language would hardly have been given to her, and if she had been given it, it would have been only with difficulty.
• But if she tries, then both of you will already be able to communicate in another language together, and others will not understand you.
• She likes this idea.
•At least due to the fact that KEL won't bother you (Maybe he doesn't bother you, but he bothers Aubrey enough, even though they are friends)
ᴰʳᵉᵃᵐ ᴮᵃˢᶦᶫ
• This flower boy would love to listen and support your dialogue, even if it's only about Japanese culture.
•To be honest, he likes it and knows a little about Japanese culture and Japan.
•Although, his knowledge is hardly as great as yours, at least he thinks so.
•Even if he didn't like how often and how long you talk about it, he just wouldn't dare to interrupt you.
• Be afraid that you will be upset, and maybe even offended.
•Honestly, he'll be just glad that you trust him so well that you can chat with him for so many hours about what you love and not worry about anything.
• He is pleased to hear your exercises on pronunciation and memorization of words and sentences.
• To the Japanese language itself, he is neutral, as they say, not hot, but not cold.
• But he likes to hear you say it, albeit haltingly, trying to read it.
•Although, he doesn't really understand the Japanese alphabet.
•Where are the syllables with the letter "L"? And why of the individual letters only "a", "o", "e", "i", "n", and everything else in syllables?
• And in general, what are two alphabets for!?
•Unfortunately, this is not very clear to him.
• But he tries not to pay attention to it and support you.
• Seeing how many words and kanji you have to learn, he himself becomes very anxious.
• There are 2000 of them! And everyone is completely different! Yes, he's about to faint.
• He always tells you not to overwork, and offers to relax with a cup of Chamomile tea or viewing a photo album.
•Actually, he knows a little about Japanese culture, but mostly it's the plants and the climate.
•He keeps you talking about Japan, mostly on the topic of plants and flowers and their meanings.
• "Yes, Licorice is also considered a dead flower or a flower of the dead in Japan! And the white Charisanthemum characterizes truth and sadness, and also ..."
• I think, for your sake, he would even try to grow one of these Japanese flowers and give it to you.
• He would love to see your bright smile from the fact that you received what was so often talked about.
ᴰʳᵉᵃᵐ ᴴᵉʳᵒ
• He would certainly listen to you.
•He's too polite to just cut you off like his younger brother would.
• Even if he did not like it, he would still listen to you with a soft and gentle smile.
• Although I would look for a reason to calm you down and switch you at least for a minute.
• "Hey, Y/N! Look! There's a very beautiful and pleasant place over there, where we'll be just the two of us. Would you like to take a look?"
•However, he won't talk about his dissatisfaction, he will just take a deep breath and start listening.
• He enjoys your voice, especially when you practice speaking Japanese.
•Your voice is so beautiful to him, and even better in Japanese.
• It's no secret that a person's voice changes a little when he speaks a completely different language.
• And this is of course, since each language has its own pronunciation of letters and syllables, so you have to change your voice and burr some letters.
• Actually in Japanese, you do not pronounce the clear sounds of voiced letters, raise the tone of your voice and soften the sounds a little.
• So your voice becomes softer, less clear, less ringing and more muffled.
• And, Hero like it.
• He generally considers any language beautiful, even Arabic or whatever.
• But still, most of all, he would love the pronunciation of the languages German, French, Spanish, Italian and Japanese.
• Basically, most of them are popular for their love stories, aren't they?
• In principle, that's why he considers these languages to be both romantic and beautiful in their pronunciation.
•Although, having seen how much you need to learn in general, he would have been enough.
•Of course, he is perfect in everything, and maybe if he started learning Japanese, he would quickly learn.
• But he still admits that this is still the trouble.
• He would like to watch how you display different hieroglyphs.
• It fascinates him to some extent.
• Maybe he would start teaching with you a little to support you, or maybe even for his own interest.
• If you like Japanese culture so much, why don't you give gifts the way they do in Japan?
• Origami, Japanese bouquets, trying to make Japanese sweets and much more.
• If it makes you happy, then so will he.
• Of course, she would listen to you, even support your conversation.
•It seems to me that she herself comes from a bit of an Asian family, like Omori, so she would obviously know enough things about Japan.
• At a minimum, she would be personally interested in Japan and its culture, for her own pleasure and interest.
• She will always support your conversation on this topic, and maybe even tease a little, who knows.
• In any case, Mari is not only a good listener, but also a good talker.
• With her, you will ideally start a dialogue, which is why both of you can talk for hours on end about only one topic.
• She would obviously support you and listen to the learned words or sentences in Japanese.
• Because she herself likes to listen to you, regardless of the topic.
• She likes your voice.
• However, no matter how much she liked your voice, she would listen to you accurately and attentively, sucking in every word, like a sponge, remembering.
•So, at this rate, if you forget something, Mari is right there!
•Always prompt this or that word if you forgot.
•Also, in this way, Mari will be able to learn Japanese on her own, even if she didn't plan to.
•But she doesn't mind.
• Because this way she will be able to tease you more often, and make fun of the rest of the group, talking or joking only in Japanese with you.
• Especially for you, she would make a bento!
• It doesn't matter if it's the usual one, which consists only of rice, meat and vegetables, or something specific.
•Maybe by rummaging through her basket, she would even find a couple of Japanese sweets and snacks!
• And all this is just for you!
ᶜᵃᵖᶦᵗᵃᶰ ˢᵖᵃᶜᵉᵇᵒʸᶠʳᶦᵉᶰᵈ
•Honestly, the guy was on many planets, but he hears about Japan for the first time.
• He will obviously ask you about it, for which he will receive a two-hour lecture on the culture of Japan.
• Although, it would be useful for him.
• He is a little uncomfortable talking to you because of this.
• Of course, he is glad to talk with you, even on this topic for at least hours, but the fact is that he does not understand this at all!
• He would ask his team about it.
•Whether he will receive answers from them or not is another question.
•Of course, he would decide to fully learn about all this, reading books and encyclopedias all night long.
• In general, there would be a variety of books, ranging from an encyclopedia to Japanese translated novels.
•But he honestly doesn't care.
•Later, he will also talk about it with you, however, due to different content and amount of reading, he will mix everything up and turn into a hodgepodge.
•But he tried for you!
• Also, he just loves when you train your vocal cords by saying Japanese words and sentences.
• I would say that he even gets a little high from your, no one, Japanese voice.
•He will definitely compliment you on this occasion!
• Seeing how much you have to learn, his jaw would drop, in the truest sense of the word.
•How can you even stand it!? There is so much material there!
• However, the pronunciation and writing for him are beautiful and mesmerizing.
• But remembering how much he has to go through just to have it, his romanticization immediately disappears.
• Maybe he will compose a song on your topic to cheer you up, but this is not certain.
• He would at least try to keep up a conversation with you.
•He is a fan of music or knows how to make it.
• I think he would offer you to listen to Japanese songs of any genre together, even if he did not know the translation of the lyrics.
• She is interested, and really interested.
•Although it pisses her off how often you talk about it and not about her.
•"ENOUGH!!! You're always talking about some kind of Japan!! Why not about me!?"
• She, to some extent, is jealous of you.
• Well, it also infuriates her how often you talk about it.
• She wants from you that percentage of attention to herself.
• But you are always distracted by some kind of Japan and the Japanese language.
•Are they so important and chic, compared to your queen?
•Therefore, it won't give you enough time to learn Japanese.
• Will dig and ask for attention, also, perhaps, taking offense at you a little.
•"Y/N! Why are you doing this Japanese all the time!? Pay your attention to your beautiful queen!"
• She likes your voice when you speak Japanese, although she thinks her voice is better.
• The Japanese language is completely incomprehensible and strange for her, so she does not strongly approve of it.
• However, knowing that you know Japanese, she would ask you to translate her show "Darling in search of hearts" into Japanese.
• "Y/N! You know Japanese, right? You should translate my show into this Japanese of yours! Right now!"
•Although she likes different outfits and I think she would like traditional Japanese haori, kimonos and many other traditional outfits.
• She would spin in them at the mirror, enjoying the view, although she would love her dresses much more.
• "You know, this Japan of yours is not very bad, at least it makes good outfits, at least it is capable of something! But this Japan of yours will never compare with my beautiful dresses!!"
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greywindys · 9 months
Can you tell us what others 2doc's dynamic ships come to your mind? Jsjsj
...I don't know if you want to open this door, anon, lmao. I think I used the wrong term when I said "ship." I'm going to share a non-exhaustive (I'm not going to get too spicy atm) list here, but I also want to clarify that I don't really ship any of these, and in some cases, idt some of this media has a fandom with active ships anyway. Instead, think of this as a list of potential 2Doc AUs that have likely never been done before (I've certainly given consideration to all of them lmao). In general, the 2Doc dynamic, or a version of the 2Doc dynamic, exists in a lot of media. If you watch any of these, and come out supporting a ship, then I support you! But you can think of these in a platonic sense as well. This post will also be long because I talk a lot, and I wanted to find Youtube clips.
Succession: I've talked ad nauseam on this blog about TomGreg (Tom = Murdoc, Greg = 2D), and while I don't want to repeat myself, I couldn't make this post in good conscious without including them. This is quintessential 2Doc if canon ever gave 2Doc the development it deserved. In fact, I have a half-completed draft still sitting around that highlights every parallel. Here is a longer post where I begin to talk about some similarities. I love Succession on its own, but it is also home to so many of my personal Murdoc hcs. I owe it my life.
While we're here, I'd also add an honorable mention to TomShiv (Tom = 2D, Shiv = Murdoc) with the way she hurts him over and over and he keeps coming back to her, and the way they hate each other by the end of the series, but also realize they can't live without one another. This is the abridged version, but I'm trying not to make this so ridiculously long. I can go into more detail if anyone wants me to. Anyhow, here is a TomGreg clip. There are literally so many compilations on Youtube, but this is one of the more iconic scenes, imo, and it should gets it's chance to shine.
The Lighthouse: This comparison should be relatively familiar to 2Doc fans, I believe? I knew about this movie before it was cool, though, because I love Robert Eggers as a director. He managed to unintentionally write an amazing PB - two men, trapped on an island together slowly lose their minds. Fun for any ship, tbh! But PB and 2Doc similarities are undeniable. This portrayal will be more appealing to those who enjoy earlier 2Doc (P1-3), though Robert Pattinson's character has both flaws and a backbone, and I like to think of 2D this way as well. Willem Dafoe's character also gets his comeuppance. Tbh, this is my PB.
Seven Days in Hell: 2Doc tennis AU? A strange combination to consider. I forget why I watched this years ago. I think I was still coming out of the GOT fandom and wanted to watch some of the casts' new project. Anyhow, this may be appealing to fans of the 2Doc as bitter rivals/enemies. Kit Harrington's character reminds me of 2D SO much lmao. And Andy Samberg's character is very Murdoc.Fair warning, I believe this has a bad ending, but I remember liking it. There are also probably some problematic elements I'm forgetting to mention, but we're also talking about 2Doc here. Indubitably.
Whatever is going on with these guys aka The Climb: Okay, I'll be honest, I never actually watched this movie. The trailer played while I was at the theater to see a different movie. However, it stuck out to me for it's depiction of a "toxic friendship," enough that I posted about it on this blog years ago. That's actually the only way I remembered it. I was browsing through my video history looking for my Taylor Swift AMV and stumbled upon the original post. I thought, "wtf is that, and why did I post it?" And it was because of 2Doc. And idk, it doesn't look that bad! I enjoy little indie movies like this.
Glee: Listen. Or don't. I'm going to attempt to outline the main points of my argument in a short paragraph. Rachel Berry is ruthless in pursuit of her ultimate goal of becoming a Broadway star and will happily sacrifice friendships, others' successes and safety (she once sent a student she viewed as competition to crack house to dissuade them from joining Glee Club so she could have less competition for solos) etc to achieve it. Finn is kind of dumb, tall but nonetheless popular. In the early season, Rachel fixates on him and it creeps him out. Visually, their heights are similar to 2D and Murdoc. While, as many know, the show starts to flop quality wise in season 2, the 2Doc dynamic is there, though obviously not nearly as unhealthy as Gorillaz 2Doc. But this was that fandom I came from prior to following Gorillaz! And I thought back to Finn's characterization quite a bit while writing 2D in The Answer.
Okay, so that's six to start off. I'm happy to defend my choices so far kskalds. Or if you, or anyone else, has any ship platonic or otherwise that you want to add, feel free to do so!
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acacia-may · 1 year
Hmmm… What to ask? 🤔/lh
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Hi Erika! Thank you so much for such a fun ask and for playing my game!
From this Ask Me Any 3 Questions About Myself Game 🥰
1) Between sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and salty, which do you like best?
Definitely salty! I can enjoy the others from time to time, but I think I gravitate most towards salty foods when I'm picking meals or snacks for myself. I actually got a bag of my favorite kind of potato chips as a birthday present this year! It was great! 🥰
2) What’s one piece of media you thought you might watch but just never found the time/energy for?
Goodness, my to-be-read and to-be-watched lists are embarrassingly lengthy... I feel like there's a time and place for certain stories so even things I end up really loving tend to sit on those future media lists for a long, long time. With Fairy Tail for instance, a family friend stayed with us for a while about 5 years ago and recommended it. I finally started it last year 😅 (which was perfect for me because it was really the uplifting and wholesome story I really needed at the time, but it was still a little embarrassing when I reached out to my friend like "hey thanks for that recommendation from 5 years ago. It took a long time for me to actually get around to it, but I loved it!" 😁😂).
Until recently Fairy Tail was kind of "the big thing" on my to-be-watched anime list so I had to think about this one a little bit... but I think I'd say Noragami. I had a friend who was really into it for a while, and I actually watched the first episode with her and liked it. Always intended to go back to actually watch it but kept getting distracted by other things. It's been in my queue for years now... 😅
[This was not part of the question but for manga, Blue Exorcist... I watched the anime and wanted to know what happened so I checked out a ridiculous amount of volumes from my local library (probably around 15 or so)--three separate times! Never got around to reading any of them and had to return them each of the three times. Now I'm too embarrassed to try to check them all out again 🙈]
3) Favorite character (from any media) to dislike/dunk on?
Ooh! This is such a fun question! I actually really love doing this in real life, believe it or not. My sister makes a lot of jokes that I need "Swear Jars" for certain characters because I can just bash them for hours at a time. 😂😅
I have code names for all of them so I don't give my friends spoilers if they haven't seen, read, or watched the story they're from since a lot of them aren't to that level of visceral detestation upfront and my friends would be all "What? Why this character? I know they're an antagonistic character, but...really? You don't like them that much..." (And yes, really! I don't like them that much! But I want my friends to get to have the experience of coming to their own conclusion about things without being swayed by the fact I just can't stand this or that character).
All the code names are various specific and/or unusual forms of milk (i.e. Bagged Milk, Spilled Milk, Moldy Milk ect.). It's a bit of a long story but "The Milks" phenomenon basically started when I completely misread a meme my sister sent me about one of them ("Bagged Milk"), and (after thoroughly teasing me for my silly mistake) she thought it was such a funny insult to this character to call him “Bagged Milk” so we just started calling him "Bagged Milk" when bashing on him (which was one our favorite activities at the time). It just so happened that all of my friends and all of my sister's friends were starting to get into this particular series around this time, and we wanted to have a way to discuss it with them without spoiling things, so when I went to a party with my friends and mentioned to someone that my sister and I call a particular character in the story "Bagged Milk" (trying to avoid spoilers). My friend started laughing and said he knew exactly who I was talking about before having to explain, and the code name quickly took off in my friend group and we all started calling this character "Bagged Milk." 😂 My sister introduced the same thing with her friends too so now we have a very small circle of people who just call this one character "Bagged Milk" (which honestly might be my greatest contribution to the world given how utterly detestable this character is). One of my best friends actually read this entire series for the purpose of discovering the identity of "Bagged Milk," and memes have even been made amongst my family and friends using a picture of literal bagged milk in lieu of a picture of this character. 😅 (My sense of humor is really bizarre at times, friends).
Anyway, after that really round about answer to your question, I'm going to put my actual response under the cut because I don't want to be responsible for anyone's accidental spoilers, but, naturally, I've chosen "Bagged Milk" who is the King of All of "The Milks" and started "The Milk" phenomenon in the first place. I definitely detest him the most and will bash on him for hours and hours and hours (and have so much fun doing so), so I'm going with him. 🥛
(Warnings: Spoilers for Demon Slayer below the cut)
The answer to your question is Doma from Demon Slayer (otherwise known as "Bagged Milk" in incredibly specific, small circles). UGH!! Freaking Upper Moon 2! I can't stand him. I thought about including a picture, but you know who he is and even looking at him makes me feel viscerally disgusted. I fully admit he is a well written villain and an incredibly interesting character. He is even entertaining at times--admittedly he even made me laugh on occasion which only makes him so much more detestable than he would've been otherwise. Admittedly, he is a masterfully crafted antagonist, but I cannot describe to you the complete and utter loathing and disgust I feel for him viscerally, deep in my bones. I have never enjoyed detesting a character this much (and probably never will again though I do enjoy bashing on the other "Milks"), and I have literally bashed on him for hours and hours at time. (It's one of my favorite things to do with my friends! 😁) I will spare you from me doing that here, but yes, Doma deserves to be bashed, detested, disliked, and dunked on. And I have taken it upon myself to do so which is why I need a "Bagged Milk" swear jar... 😅
Also for your trouble, please have this poor quality meme that was being passed around between my friends at the beginning of the "Bagged Milk" phenomenon... 😂
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blueheartedmayor · 1 year
Noah Headcanons
Hey there! Still overwhelmed with the introduction of a new character to the blog and don't know where to start in terms of what he's like as a person? I got you covered! I've found some memes that were dash tag games, and I've compiled a few, along with answering some questions from a prompt meme. Hopefully it'll help as a nice introduction while I work on the starters!
repost don’t reblog, post what you associate with your muse(s); and then tag others!
(obviously stolen from myself, so feel free to take any of these off me!)
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(this is not the icon look I'm planning to use, but they are the only Mark-related ones I made that aren't linked to another character xD)
ARIES (April 19)
Symbol:The Ram Element:Fire Quality:Cardinal Ruling Planet:Mars, the planet of war and energy Body Part:Head, face Good Day: Energetic, encouraging, unstoppable, bold, devoted, heroic, caring Bad Day: Proud, self-centered, impulsive, bossy, stubborn, reckless, jealous Favorite Things: Competitive games, new clothes, road trips (in fast red cars), debating, expressing themselves through stunning verbal and physical feats What They Hate: Sharing their toys, being ignored, cramped spaces, losing, the word “no” Secret Wish: To be number one How to Spot Them: High foreheads, focused or manic energy, aggressive stance Keywords: Willpower, Initiative, Determination, Passion, Beginnings, Self-Belief, Innocence
(Note: I picked this date because of the space date, and my first time reading this side of things was when I was looking to copy/paste them in.)
ANIMAL: Dogs (specifically dogs that are trained for jobs)
COLOR(S): Charcoal Grey, Navy
MONTH: December (even though his birthday is April, he likes the shortest days)
SONG: It might be a cliché answer, but 'Bel.iever' by I.magine D.ragons works to show how no matter how hard he's knocked down, he'll get right back up. He's stubbornness and endurance, and he will fight to the bitter end for what's right.
NUMBER: 3. He's a firm believer in triple checking things.
PLANT: Dandelions
SMELL: The faint smell of singed metal, and acrylic paint.
GEMSTONE: Geodes. Unassuming until you look under the surface.
SEASON: Winter.
PLACE: The roof of the Space Academy in the dead of night, in the area dedicated for flight training. It's one of the highest points in the institute, and the stars spread out endlessly overhead. If you reach up, you feel you can touch the stars, and you know that's where you want to be.
DRINK: Water. He's normally too busy to enjoy other drinks when on duty. There's a running joke to make sure not to burn the Captain's mug of water. Sometimes, he might go wild and add a dash of concentrated fruit juice. (However, he does like both tea and coffee and will have them when off-duty)
Character Questions (Selected three from a random number generator)
4. Do they have any birthmarks?
As a matter of fact, he does. It's on his right shoulder, and it's a elongated freckle just under an inch long that almost looks like a little stripe.
20. What TV shows do they watch?
He's not one to follow a series. However, he LOVES nature documentaries. He has a whole hard drive dedicated to just that. And B.ob R.oss. If you ever need a chill-out time, find Noah when he's off-duty. Trust me.
11. If we searched their name on Google, what would we find?
Aside from the articles and interviews about his highly successful career? Several social media accounts that he's terrible at updating regularly. However, his main account has turned into a Barnum fan account because he posts more updates about his dog than himself. However, the updates are even more sporadic thanks to being so far in space.
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cookinguptales · 2 years
I really like hearing your thoughts on the new WWDITS eps! I was wondering how you're feeling about writing/fic stuff now, having seen them? No pressure to respond, I just love your fics and hope you can continue to find escapism and excitement in them too <3
Hmm. I don't know.
(sliding all this under a cut because it got quite long)
Like... it's not that I don't still ship Nandor/Guillermo and it's not that I even think the ship is sunk, per se. But it is starting to steer away from what I like to write. I've come to terms with the fact that I like writing relationships that are a little too close to be healthy. I'm interested in wallowing in that codependence and, more than that, the sense of almost claustrophobic interiority and intimacy you find there. From seasons 1-3, they were really building that with Guillermo and Nandor, and with Guillermo in general. There was definitely a sense of claustrophobic dependence in Guillermo's life that I enjoy writing. I liked how he'd inadvertently retracted his own world, a bit, and I liked how he kept getting sucked further and further into this insane world.
But yeah, that dynamic has changed a bit, hasn't it? Nandor is actually the one starting to feel more interior and claustrophobic (like, he could've had the djinn give him a new love interest, but of course he went back to the old ones) and I love that for him, but Guillermo is starting to move in the exact opposite direction of what I like to write. He's going out, meeting people, making plans (perhaps long-game plans) to leave... It could definitely be that they're building all that up just so they can have him choose stay anyway, but I have to admit that it does make me less interested in writing his like. Quiet desperation. It just doesn't seem to be there the same way it used to be and like. That's good for him! But maybe not so good for what I like to write haha. I like! To write! Obsession!
That said, it's very difficult to say how the season's going to go in its entirety yet. I don't want to count anything out, especially because Nandor seems more gone than ever.
That's how I currently feel about s4 fic.
Now, s3 fic... I feel like when I was writing s3 fic, I often kind of drew this mental line in the narrative for when I wanted to write. I think that line was really when Nandor went to go join the cult; I was less interested in writing anything after that point because that's when it really became inevitable that there'd be no more Colin Robinson and they'd all split up around the world. (Other, obviously, than the fic where I sent Nandor around the world.) It was a runaway train at that point. In my brain, I could be like "okay, but if I set the fic right before all that happens, I can head all that off and make it never happen, while still using the lessons of characterization that we learned from those episodes."
So I suppose in theory, I could just do the same with s4. Just keep writing stuff that takes place before that point and head off Guillermo leaving at all, which would avert all the characterization concerns I have for him. (I do think his current characterization makes sense with all the recent abuse they've heaped onto him, but the writers are also the ones who decided to heap that abuse onto him. lmao.) But I guess it goes back to the last part of that brain statement earlier. I still used the characterization lessons we learned from 8, 9, and 10, which were all very characterization-heavy eps. Even if I ignored the events that were to come, I didn't ignore the character choices that got them there. And I don't know if I'll be able to do that with the s4 characterization, either, especially if it drifts too far from what I like to write.
I think it all comes down to Guillermo, honestly. While I fully understand his anger, I just don't enjoy watching a Guillermo that's really bitter towards them and honestly wants to leave. Even when he actually left previous times, I never got the impression that he wanted to. He just felt like he had to. This time, though, he seems like except for some of his own murky goals and potentially Nandor and the baby, he really does want to cut and run and start a new life. It's kind of put a damper on a lot of the things that I love about the series and love writing about the series, so it's made writing fic a bit hard to think about. He's always kind of been the heart of the series, too, so he's kind of my emotional keystone haha. He's what I base the rest of the vibe around. So... idk. idk.
I might give it a day or two and then try to just kind of think of s4 as an AU that I may or may not take as canon for my writing and try to write some of the things I was interested in doing before, but I'll admit that thinking about the two of them the way I used to is already more difficult.
Just like the rest of s4, anon, idk. We'll just have to see. It's early days. I have a tendency to have a lot of, um, big emotions? I struggle with mental illness and mild neurodivergency, so I guess there's only so much I can do with that. I've learned that sometimes I just have to give my brain space and let it calm down once it starts throwing things lmao. I'm still just trying to arrange my thoughts right now. I'll probably try and focus on the work I get paid for over the next few days.
Like. This isn't a no, and it isn't an I'm done and I'm not uhhh upset, I guess? Again, I don't actually feel like my ship has been sunk yet. But it's changing, and I'm kind of feeling my way around the edges of it. haha
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
I've been listening to my RVB Mercs/Lolix playlist kinda nonstop for the past couple of weeks and it has me HELLA nostalgic for Red vs Blue.
But I can't help but feel like it's been tainted as a whole by RT's kinda skuzzy turn in the past few years. The way they've treated their talent, the fact they have defended pieces of shit up until someone had to come up with all the receipts as to WHY that person is a piece of shit...all of it has just made it very hard for me to enjoy the series anymore.
It sucks because I love Red vs Blue. It's such a dumb, enjoyable series, especially in the later seasons. I adored everything with the Project Freelancer stuff and then with the Chorus trilogy. I love Felix and Locus but fuck is it hard to enjoy the series without it being in the back of my mind how shitty RT apparently is behind the scenes. And I'm not saying everyone is a piece of shit but they have clearly encouraged a very toxic culture and now I'm afraid to even say I am/was a fan.
It just...sucks.
Because now I have to be conscientious of my consumerism regarding the company. I technically own all the seasons save for the last two or three but it's a pain in the ass having to deal with DVD's. It's not on Netflix anymore so if I WANTED to rewatch them I'd have to either break out my DVD's because I don't want to give them traffic on YT or on their site. :/ And yeah maybe I'm being overly dramatic here but I am really not comfortable giving RT anymore of my cash. I did purchase some of the seasons as bundles through online streaming a while ago so I do have that as an alternative to giving them add revenue on YT. I just don't have seasons 1-5 or anything after the Chorus Trilogy. And yeah I guess I could just buy them through vudu or something like that so RT isn't getting the full profit from it and maybe that's what I will do one day when my nostalgia gets so strong I can't resist going back and rewatching the show.
It's just mired in this bitter taste now. Hell, RVB is how I got INTO Halo as a fandom. I'd always judged it by the rude dudebros shouting expletives and using the N-word in voicechat rep that the series had and just wrote it off. Then I watched RVB and it got me curious about the Halo universe so I read the first tie-in novel and I was fucking hooked. Now Halo is my second favorite sci-fi series outside of Star Wars and it has this AMAZING extended universe with all these awesome books and characters beyond just the Master Chief and I have RVB to thank for my initial hook into the series. And even THAT has been kinda tainted by association. I am still buying Halo novels and one day will own an Xbox again so I can play the newer games etc. And you can DEFINITELY make an argument that Microsoft/343 is 10x worse than RT.
But I guess that's where you have to make your own choices on how you are going to interact with a problematic creator/creative team when it comes to voting with your dollar. And I definitely feel for like say the HP fandom and the struggles they have to face when it comes to JKR being a huge piece of shit. I get it, it sucks.
It just...definitely makes me sad and bummed out I can't support a company I used to enjoy and thought was pretty cool. :/
EDIT: Also? My Lolix playlist? Is fucking AWESOME and full of certified bangers and I will continue to listen to it prolly till the world or I end. Pffft. And continue to curate with all the care and exacting standards of a true 90's kid trying to burn their perfect CD/Mixtape.
If you know, you know. 🤣
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Newsflash: Dazai cares for Chuuya
Before reading any further, I will be talking about stormbringer, so spoilers ahead!! Translation credits go out to: @popopretty on tumblr, make sure to give this kind human some love and appreciation<3
Also if you want to read the first few chapters of stormbringer: @buraihatranslations is currently translating it, give them much love and appreciation as well, they deserve it!!
Honestly, I have been so obsessed with Soukoku lately and I think the reason behind this is because when it comes to Soukoku, their feelings for each other are not as easy to grasp as love or hate, it is much more profound than that. There is care, hurt, trust, resentment, companionship, bitterness, and consideration...And ironically enough, thats just the tip of the iceberg.
If we break down their individual feelings towards each other, it will be easier to understand their bond.
On Chuuya's end, his feelings are much more clear due to his expressive personality. He wears his emotions on his sleeves, he can try and hide what he feels towards Dazai but his true feelings tend to unravel easily.
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He sometimes tries to mask his feelings towards Dazai by throwing insults, but his facial expressions are enough to contradict what he is saying.
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Chuuya's feelings towards Dazai can be easier to comprehend. He obviously feels this certain betrayal due to the fact Dazai left the Port Mafia. Not to mention, he and Dazai have always had a rivalry relationship.
In the Soukoku wiki page, it is stated that Chuuya is aware of Dazai not experiencing a proper childhood, therefore allows him to act as childish as he can and lets him tease him relentlessly. I don't know how reliable this source is, but either way I think its worthy enough to add.
In the Dragon head conflict when Dazai was out of sight, Chuuya told Mori to forget about Dazai. That was until Hirotsu mentioned a microscope, Chuuya quickly realizes it was code language because he remembered a previous conversation where Dazai says he needs a microscope to be able to see Chuuya properly.
The moment he figured out it was a tracker, Chuuya did not hesitate to jump in and rescue Dazai. But here is the catch: No one but Chuuya knew about the microscope, if Chuuya really didn't care for Dazai he wouldn't have mentioned the microscope and kept all this under wraps, leaving Dazai in a mess.
Chuuya trusts Dazai with his life. He never hesitates to leave his life on Dazai's hands when it has to come to it. Chuuya and Dazai have known each other for years, for Chuuya to be able to trust Dazai that much is because Dazai also cares for him too, right?
The answer here is yes, Dazai cares for Chuuya. In a superficial level, it doesn't seem like Dazai truly cares, but I can assure you that he does care for him. Weather you like to think of his care in a platonic or romantic manner, the care Dazai has for Chuuya is undeniable and extremely significant for Dazai's character.
I think that stormbringer establishes this idea even further. There is one specific moment in this light novel that shows his genuine concern towards Chuuya's well being:
"There is one problem." Dazai cut off his sentence hesitantly. "It has nothing to do with the sucess rate of the plan. It is a matter we have to overcome in the end but... It may require some time to decide."
"What's with you?" Chuuya raised his eyebrows at Dazai. "Stop dramatizing it. Just hurry up and say it."
"I said earlier about this control spell to open the 'gate' that is used to reset the command inside Chuuya, right?" Dazai spoke with a strangely restrained voice. "If we use that, the logs of the command formula that were written in the past will be erased. That means...even if the memory erasure was used on Chuuya in the past, the traces of that will be erased as well."
"I told you before right, the memory erasure command. The only way we can confirm if Chuuya is human or not is to check the history to see if the memory erasure command was ever used. It means..." Dazai looked at Chuuya with eyes that he had never looked at him before. Those eyes were serious. "If we use that control spell, the method to confirm if Chuuya is an artificial personality created by a string of code, or just a normal human being, will be lost. For good."
The time had stopped.
Chuuya opened his eyes and looked towards Dazai but his eyes were not seeing anything. The wind blew between the two of them. Even so, Chuuya did not blink.
"Verlaine became like that because he was tormented by the curse that he was not human. That only is enough of a big problem. The matter of being human or not." Dazai looked at his pocket watch, gave it a glance and continued. "I can delay the time until the plan starts for about two minutes. I will send an order for my men to wait... You can think about it alone for a while. Cuz I guess its hard for you to collect your thoughts with me around."
Having said so, Dazai turned away and walked down the stairs, leaving Chuuya alone.
Dazai fixated in his pocket watch. Two more minutes. Too short for a life decision. But he couldn't afford more than that.
Inside Dazai's head, he was planning a procedure to swith to an alternative plan in case Chuuya refused, at a tremendous speed.
This section in stormbringer is personally one of my favorites, this is a very rare moment between both of them, but especially for Dazai. Like I stated earlier Chuuya wears his emotions on his sleeves, therefore even if he tries to mask his care with insults, its still painfully noticable that he genuienly looks after Dazai. Chuuya also sometimes show a vulnerable side of himself to Dazai, especially after using corruption.
Dazai on the other hand is extremely unreadable. Its hard to understand his true intentions and if he really cares for people or only sees them as a pawn. In this moment though, Dazai was being painfully genuine. Dazai literally prioritized Chuuya over the mission. He was already thinking of coming up with an alternative plan just in case Chuuya refused, obviously the sucess rate of the alternative plan would be lesser than the actual plan Dazai had in mind, he choose Chuuya's wellbeing over a mission.
In this section, Dazai wasn't throwing jokes or witty remarks, he was being serious. Because Dazai knows how desperately Chuuya wants to be human. He knows how important being human is to Chuuya.
Dazai wasn't manipulating Chuuya by giving him the chance to decide, we can see that Dazai was literally showing a lot of hesitation when mentioning this to him, we also get to see what Dazai was thinking, and we can tell he wasn't thinking about manipulative his movements in any way. All of this wasn't coming out of manipulation, it was coming out of pure care.
After six steps, Dazai reached the stair. He stepped on the stair and started walking down. Three steps down the stair, he heard a *clang*, a cool sound of metal echoing behind him. It sounded like the metal was kicked by the sole of someones shoes. The moment Dazai realized what the sound was, Dazai turned around in surprise.
There was already no one at the top.
Dazai was dazed for a moment, then he loosened his lips and laughed.
"Trying to act cool, huh?" Dazai smiled, both annoyed and relieved. Then he turned on his radio and sent out his order. "Chuuya has sallied, everyone get ready for battle."
I personally love this part so much, relief washed over Dazai the moment he noticed that Chuuya was going to go through with the first plan, which proves my point that he wasn't manipulating him and how Dazai was under a lot of stress because he wasn't sure if the alternative plan would be as effective as his original one.
Yet he still was willing to go through the alternative plan if Chuuya refused, because Dazai values him and regards his wellbeing.
Dazai was being surprisingly gentle in this section, he was being honest. There was no ulterior motive behind his actions here, just a boy looking after his partner.
"So i'm going to send an order to my men to prepare for action... Is that okay?"
"Of course it's okay." Chuuya turned to Dazai. "Why are you asking me such a thing?"
Dazai didn't answer right away.
That was an unusual expression. It's like he was trying to say something, but he had to arrange the words in his head to decide where he should start. An expression he rarely shows.
This was right before Dazai drops the bomb to Chuuya about the memory erasure command. He was even asking for Chuuya's opinion on sending his men to get ready, this was the first time Dazai ever showed actual concern without masking it with witty remarks. You can tell that Chuuya isn't used to this.
And when you think about it, when Dazai and Chuuya have missions together, Dazai always uses corruption as a last resort and he always allows Chuuya to make the decision if they will be using it or not.
I personally belive that the main reason Chuuya trusts Dazai with using corruption is because The Sheep used to exploit his powers too much, but Dazai leaves the decision to use corruption up to Chuuya. Dazai understands the physical and mental toll corruption takes on Chuuya and therefore leaves the choice up to him.
Theres another section in stormbringer that I really enjoy, it doesn't necessairly show solicitude but I still think this should still be taken into consideration:
"You seem pretty confident that Chuuya is human, don't you?"
"I am," Dazai laughed with a sigh. "There is no way a man-made code could create such a personality that I detest so much."
Throughout the whole story, Dazai is more than determined that Chuuya is human. The main reason Dazai finds Chuuya so intresting is because of how frighteningly human Chuuya can be, because of the fact that he always wears his emotions on his sleeves, something Dazai rarely does himself. Thats personally a nice sentiment from Dazai's end, even when Chuuya struggles completely when it comes to believing in his own humanity, Dazai still can't help but see him as a human being.
Also I am aware that Dazai literally said he detests Chuuya here but he also sighed and laughed while stating this, showing us that he isn't being serious about hating him.
And its not only in stormbringer were he shows his concern towards Chuuya. In fact, in this following manga pannel Dazai is telling Chuuya that if he is willing to listen him, he will stage his own escape so that Chuuya doesn't get punnished.
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Honestly, if Dazai didn't care enough for Chuuya, he wouldn't have mentioned this to him. Chuuya didn't care enough to realize that he literally unwillingly freed Dazai which would get the pm mad at him, so the fact that Dazai is literally helping him out is no doubt out of care for him. If Dazai didn't have any regard for Chuuya he would've not staged his escape or mentioned anything to Chuuya, eventually incriminating him.
There are many misconceptions when it comes to Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya, people think that he doesn't care for him due to the fact that he left the Port Mafia, leaving Chuuya behind. But heres the thing: Dazai's intentions had nothing to do with Chuuya. He left the organization for his own good, he left it to fullfill Oda's wish.
"If Dazai cared for Chuuya then why didn't he take Chuuya with him?" the reason is simple, he knows how much the PM means to Chuuya. In stormbringer it is shown that Chuuya feels as if his humanity is attached to the people he is loyal to, in this case its the port mafia. Verlaine wanted to get rid of the pm because he believed that the pm is what kept Chuuya's humanity, eventually making Chuuya believe that he is only human if he stays loyal to the pm. Dazai knows this. Thats exactly why he didn't take Chuuya with him or even explains to Chuuya why he left, he knows it would be selfish to basically rip Chuuya's sense of humanity apart.
I have a feeling that if Dazai told Chuuya about the real reason he left the Port Mafia, Chuuya will not only feel conflicted about being in the pm, but he would also have an inner conflict with himself as a human.
People also think Dazai may not really care for him because of the fact that after the fight against Lovecraft he actualy deserted him, maybe that part was truly just supposed to be seen as simple humor, but either way I want to talk about it. Chuuya's only request to Dazai was to take him back to base safe, so why did Dazai leave Chuuya behind?
I mean he has carried Chuuya back to saftey before with no problem, for example in stormbringer when Chuuya uses corruption for the first time Dazai carries him back to the billiards bar and not to the mafia’s base so that he could say goodbye to his passing friends.
The reson behind this is because Mori needs to know that unlike Dazai, Chuuya is absolutely loyal to him. Leaving Chuuya the way he did will make Mori believe that these two really are at each others throats and that Dazai is insignificant to Chuuya. Making it seem that for Chuuya, the mafia comes first before anything else.
Therefore Dazai established Chuuya's saftey within the mafia since not only does Mori want these two to be hostile with each other, he doesn't want Chuuya to eventually turn against him if he truly found out more about Dazai's true reason of departure. Then again, this isn't canon but it is a logical assumption.
Not to mention that although Dazai did leave him behind, he folded Chuuya's coat and hat before taking his leave. There is also an an extra chapter where Ozaki Kouyou was talking with Chuuya but when he left he forgot his coat, which made Kouyou came across the coat; where she noticed a badge sewed inside saying "Name: Hatrack", she smiled fondly thinking to herself that some things just never change, in this case, Dazai and Chuuya's bond.
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Dazai literally took his time to sew this into his coat just to tease him, it was a simple gesture but it shows us how their dynamic will never change. No matter what these two go through, they will always share a bond that consists on teasing, trust and underlying care.
All of this actually makes that theory of Dazai planting a bomb under Chuuya's car for the sole reason that the PM doesn't find Chuuya as an acomplice who aided Dazai on his escape much more feasable.
For Dazai to just plant a bomb under Chuuya's car with no motive makes no sense because if Dazai's true intentions were to simply mess with Chuuya, he would've most likely made it clear at that time. Dazai always has an underlying motive behind his actions, and in this case it is very likely that he did that for Chuuya's sake.
Don't get me wrong, I am aware that the bomb incident could've just been a comedic moment and I shouldn't look too much into it, but there is still a posibility, right?
These two hold so much trust and care for one another, yet they also hold a lot of bitterness and resentment. In the end the good aspects of their dynamic outweighs the bad.
Either you see these two in a platonic or romantic way, you can't tell me that their bond isn't significant.
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Thank you so much for reading!! I wanted to talk about this for a while because I feel like people misinterpret Dazai's feelings towards Chuuya a lot so I hope this clears up things a bit<3
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lavishedinjimin · 3 years
Hickeys 101 -> dilf!jjk
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— synopsis: After Jungkook catches you messing around with another boy, he was determined to teach you a lesson you'll only learn from a father... well, step-father.
↳ pairing: dilf jungkook x f.reader
↳ genre: smut/angst
↳ rating: 18+
↳ word count: 8.6k
↳ warnings: step-dad jungkook, AGE GAP, all characters are in legal age, D/S, daddy kink, condescension, degradation, they’re both toxic and mean, mind manipulation, Jungkook puts OC in subspace, face fucking, spitting, usage of a belt, unprotected sex (ya’ll know the drill already!), little aftercare
A/N: this fic is not suitable for all audiences. If you are easily offended and are sensitive to the warnings stated above, this might not be for you. reminder that the events in this story are purely made up and fictional.
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Living with no one else other than your profoundly distant stepdad during lockdown – where you can’t escape, where you can’t go anywhere – is much harder than this zoom class you’re attending. 
“I'm so exhausted,” you mutter beneath your breath, rolling your eyes to the back of your head for your brain hurts from your Econ professor’s infuriating voice. 
Most of the time you are shuffling endlessly from how uncomfortable the wooden chair in this dining area is. With your laptop placed in front of you, the blue light surely ruining your eyes, you tirelessly listen to the lecture as much as your brain could wield. 
But your attention span isn't as great as most people.
Completely losing your focus on the class after two minutes, you turn your attention to your stepdad working his way to the kitchen.
“Can you put a goddamn shirt on?” you huff, a tinge of irritation in your voice.
He passes by you with a swift glance. 
“How are you doing?” Jungkook asks, utterly ignoring your complaint. 
“Since when did you care?” You place your chin on top of your palm, stopping your urges to not look at his exposed torso. His sleeve of tattoos was undeniably eye-catching, but you were too petty to go a have a normal conversation with him. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, was used to your sharp tongue. He knew you didn’t like him ever since he started to date your mom. But now that he was technically your parent, he has all the right to correct you and put you in your place. 
“You know I don’t like that tone, missy.” Jungkook stretches out his words, sounding stern. But you just sarcastically laugh him off. 
As your stepdad was making some food in the kitchen, the class grew longer and more monotonous than ever. You were never the type to pay attention in class, and neither did it help that the school decided to move to online learning. Now you’re truly failing school. 
“Jung—dad,” you sigh, realizing that his exposed back can almost be seen on your front camera’s screen, “can you scoot back a little? They can see you on-cam.” 
Jungkook chuckles at the way you grunt as he continues to make his avocado toast. 
“Oh come on—” Jungkook teasingly shows the rest of his behind to the camera, not caring at all that your professor and classmates can see. “Give them a little show.” 
“No!” immediately, you close your camera before swiftly turning your head to his direction, “Can you just stop? Okay? I’m trying to pay attention and you’re not helping!” You yell, banging your fist on the wooden table. 
“I’m so tired, dad. Can you just go away?!” 
He replies with his back still facing you, “Maybe if you asked a little nicer than that, little girl.” 
With a complete shock to the words he used, you found yourself blushing in red while your eyes slowly expand. Your body's reaction from that single sentence was intoxicating. Your class was now forgotten and your professor's voice became white noise. 
“W-What did you just call me?” You didn’t expect your tone to be as soft as it seemed. 
Jungkook finally flips around to face you. He scans you, taking a good look at you as he crosses his arms together. 
You couldn't dismiss that the way he looked at you made you feel something. Something that you’ve never experienced before. 
“I called you little girl. That’s what you are, right?” he sneers, “A little girl who thinks she can talk to her father so impolitely.” 
It was like a cat got your tongue. You flutter your eyes, trying to think of what to reply. 
Jungkook clicks his tongue, “Tsk. See, you're rubbish in talking, Y/n. Once I start to put you in your place, you can no longer put on that bratty act on me.” He suddenly starts to walk over to you, putting you in a frenzy. You sit up straight, pursing your lips as you can't seem to breathe normally. 
You cannot believe what was happening. Your mind starts to wander off from reality, trying to figure out what he is trying to tell you. Why did his voice change the way it did? As he walks closer, you can feel the warmth of his body enveloping yours. It was a situation that you wanted to run away from, but at the same time, you craved. 
With your back to him, he places his hands to rest on the table in front of you. He traps you in your place, not letting you escape. Your breath hitch unexpectedly as he leans his face closer to yours. 
“Jungkook… go away f-from me.” A trail of curses echoes in your mind, for you wanted to sound intimidating and not like a little kid. 
Jungkook chuckles and clicks his tongue, “Then push me away, little girl.” 
Everything in your system freezes. As if you just had been tasered, you feel electricity shooting throughout your body. Jungkook adores your reaction. He’s older than you, he knows more than you; and he knows just how to make a woman as you melt beneath his palms. 
“Silent now, aren’t we?” he teases with a velvety voice, inching his face even closer to the curve of your neck. Strands of his hair tickle your neck as hot breath blows against your skin, causing shivers down your spine. 
He hears a little whimper from you, making the grin on his face growing wider. “Be. A. Good. Girl. For. Me,” he says through an award-winning smirk.  
But – of course – you will not let yourself lose. 
“No?” he stares at you, baffled. 
“Never in a million years,” a bitter grin appears on your face.  
Jungkook leans back and away from you. He was a hundred percent sure that he’s got you under his spell, but your reply got his mouth dry. 
“Yeah?” So, he’s resulting in Plan B. 
A hands-on experience. 
Slowly and delicately, he lifts his tattooed-covered hand and wraps it around your neck. “Mhmm, there we go,” he coos after hearing another sudden whimper, “Remember who you're talking to, little girl, got it?” 
Your palms start to get sweaty as you try your hardest not to moan. Jungkook grips your jugular tighter, making you hitch a breath. You can hear him grunt under his breath, knowing for a fact that this was turning him on as well. 
“Who are you talking to, huh?” he starts to get aggressive as he presses his lips right against the shell of your ear. “Tell me, little girl. Remind yourself who’s in charge. C’mon, can’t speak now, baby?” 
Your eyes automatically close at that, feeling butterflies in your stomach. “Daddy.” 
“Mhm, good girl—”
“Daddy,” you whine, “Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy, y-you’re in control.” 
‘Finally’, Jungkook thinks to himself with a large cocky grin on his face. He finally got you to submit. 
“Someone’s not as tough as they seem… I think I need to punish you for being such a fucking brat. What do you say?” 
The way he said those words right against your ear instantly made your panties wet. It was humiliating that you got turned on by your stepdad, but at the same time, it was hot. 
“Little girl… tsk, I need you to answer with your words and not with a desperate whimper.” 
He releases the grip he has on your throat and instead, elevates his hand so that his fingers can rub against your scalp. A tingling sensation runs through your backbone as he massages your scalp, feeling so overwhelmingly good that made you lean back against his hand, yearning for more. 
“Punish me,” you say in an almost audible whisper. “Do what you want, I don’t care. Please, please, please…” 
Jungkook takes a good look at you; your cheeks flushed, eyelids closed and your mouth slightly parted. It looks like you were enjoying this a lot – too much to be exact. 
The feeling was something else, something foreign that you honestly craved for such a long time. You and Jungkook had were never close, and you’ve never thought of him as a real father figure. After such a long time of not having a man to run the family, you didn’t know how to act around one. 
Within a second of realization that you were loving this too much, he removes his hand from you and walks away without saying anything else. You feel like you just got heartbroken.  
“W-What… why did you?” you stutter through a long exhale. Your eyes begged for him to come back, damn it – you were ready for him! 
As Jungkook walks away from the kitchen with his bare, muscular back facing you, he says a final time, “Take your studies seriously, Y/n. I don’t want you failing any subject.” 
You feel your shoulders slump down and your mouth purses into a straight line. You just got edged by your stepdad. 
Staying silent was, you thought, the right thing to do at the moment. You insatiably did not trust your voice, and there was nothing to say to him without embarrassing yourself. 
You glance at the clock on the wall just beside the refrigerator. As your classes were done for the day, and you have the rest of the afternoon all to yourself. Despite all of the unfinished homework that you currently have piled in your calendar, you still choose to watch a movie on Netflix and eat a tub of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. 
And, of course, all this just to distract yourself from the bizarre shit that happened between you and your step-dad, and to divert your attention on something else other than how sexy he is. 
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“Hey, hey, hey, where do you think you’re going this late?” Your dad stops you from stepping outside the door, grabbing you by the arm. You close your eyes for a brief moment, inhaling some air to let your senses calm down. The door was already opened, and all you had to do was to get out a little faster, and he wouldn’t have caught you. 
Perhaps trying to sneak out of the house was harder than you thought. 
Jungkook spins you around and makes you look at his dark eyes despite the dim lights of the entryway. He wears black checkered pajama pants and a white tank top, hair all messy as if he had just woken up from a deep sleep. 
“It’s ten o’clock, and you’re supposed to be in bed,” he warns you with a strict tone. 
Snatching your arm away from him, you reply with gritted teeth, “I’m going out with a friend.” 
“Friend?” he scoffs, “I wasn’t born last night, Y/n. Where is he?” 
“He?” You slowly back away, taking tiny little steps closer to the door, “What do you mean ‘he’? I’m not going out with any guy, dad.” 
Jungkook rests his hips on one leg and eyes you up and down. Based on what you were wearing and the makeup that you have on, you looked like you’re about to give some boy the time of his life. 
“I’m not going to do anything I’d regret, I promise,” you whisper as quiet as the night sky behind you. “I’ll be good, daddy.” 
That was all it took for Jungkook to stop his tracks. You knew what you just did to him. The way how we reacted, how he froze immediately at his place, was the same reaction you had earlier this day when he did all those dirty things to you. Now he was in your shoes. 
As Jungkook looked like a dear in headlights, that was the time where you rushed off into the middle of the streets where Yeonjun’s car is hesitantly parked. 
“Quick, quick, quick!” you half-whispered, half-shouted as you closed the passenger’s door. Yeonjun laughs loudly while setting the gear up, preparing the car for a long, speedy ride. 
You look back and see Jungkook standing outside the porch, watching in awe as the car drives away from him. There was nothing funnier than seeing his stunned expression, for he couldn't do anything about your mischief anymore. 
“Is he angry?” Yeonjun asks, still giggling in his seat. 
“Yeah, he didn’t want me to leave,” You swing the seatbelt across your torso, securing it in the buckle. 
Yeonjun passes you a drink he bought for you from McDonald’s in which you gladly receive with thanks. “What’s this?” you ask before taking a sip. 
“Iced coffee. We’re out here for a long, long night, Y/n. See, I have one for myself!” he exclaims as he points to his drink sitting on the cupholder.
Yeonjun pulls down the windows so that you two can get a feel of the cold, fresh air of the starry night. Strands of hair would so often get caught in between your lips, distracting you from the relaxing scenario. 
Lifting your elbow to rest on the window frame, you ask him, “Are you sure this drive-in cinema is open this late at night?” 
“Of course, they’re open 24/7.” Yeonjun takes a quick look at you before returning his focus on the road. He smirks slightly, “We’re gonna have so much fun, Y/n. You won’t regret it.” 
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You’ve already entered high-school when Jungkook met you. His first impressions of you were bashful and conservative, only showing your true nature around your friends. He thought you were such a warmhearted kid. He was only dating your mother at the time. 
But you’ve never really felt that he was a part of the family. His aura was never the nurturing ‘dad’ type, but rather, the ‘cool uncle’. He was never accustomed to kids, he’s the youngest of his siblings, so it was astounding that he’d ever married someone with a hormonal teen. 
Thus, as you’ve grown older, he’s slowly seeing your real side. Inch by inch, you're letting him see your colors and how you behave. A snappy and confident girl you are. You always have an opinion on things and you despise it when somebody gets in your way. 
That’s how your mother raised you. She taught you how to stand up for yourself and how to make yourself known, even though you sometimes overstep people’s boundaries.
Your mom was out of town for a trip with her office friends. She just landed a new job at the local government unit, and she was invited to their annual orientation. Which, if you were in her shoes, wouldn’t go to. But thankfully without her strict guidance, you can do whatever you want. 
Just say the magic words to your stepdad, and he’ll be putty in your hands. 
Consequently, Jungkook won't admit that he doesn’t like your attitude you put on him. He cares for you, he does. But if there’s ever a situation that you cross his limits, he wouldn’t hesitate to punish you and make it known that in the end, he’s older and you need to obey him.
Scared was a downright understatement. No matter how much you try to be brave and face whatever your stepdad might do to you as a penalty for ‘misbehaving’, you couldn’t help but break into a cold sweat. 
It was two in the morning, and your eyes are bloodshot red from almost having no sleep at all, besides the little nap you and Yeonjun took after watching a series of old movies in the drive-in cinema. You were wearing his sweater that he gave to you to keep you warm. 
“Thank you for tonight, Yeonjun,” you lean into the window frame, resting your arms on it. The yellow-haired boy smiles at you, his eyes wandering around your face as if memorizing every pattern of your features. He takes a final look at your bruised, swollen lips and hickey-covered neck before orienting his torso close to you. His face was an inch away from yours before he kisses you goodbye. 
“Try not to get caught,” he whispers against your lips with a cheeky grin. 
“You said that before, and I got caught,” you shrug while tilting your head to the side, “Say something else.” 
Yeonjun scrunches his nose. He uses his right hand to pinch your cheek endearingly, “Alright, then. How about… good luck with your stepdad.” 
Pursing your lips into a thin line, you release an exasperated sigh while closing your eyes. The two of you result in laughter, before giving him his goodbye.
Hurriedly, you rush around the house until you arrive at your bedroom window. Thanking your past self for slightly lifting the glass pane open beforehand, it was easy for you to sneak in without any faults.
The room was dim only because of the dawn lights outside. “Ah, finally,” you shut the window, hearing the loud ‘thud’ in contrast to the quiet atmosphere around you. 
“Did you enjoy yourself, hm?” 
‘Oh. My. God.’ 
It feels like you were in a horror movie. Jungkook’s cold voice sent shivers all over your body, running down your spine, arms, and legs. Frozen in your place, you gulp the ball that formed in your throat. 
Jungkook was sitting comfortably in your bed, one leg above another. “You know, little girl, I didn’t know how comfy this bed is. I might sleep in here with you sometimes.” 
“What?” you abruptly turn to look at him. He had a despicable smirk, knowing what he said has gotten on your nerves. “You will not sleep with me.” 
“Why not?” he doesn’t lose eye contact with you as he stands up, “You’re my baby girl.” 
Your breathing turned heavy as he slowly pushes you back into a concrete wall, not providing you any room to run away. “I-I’m…I’m what?” 
His eyes inspect your body up and down. You were praying to someone above that he wouldn’t see your hickeys, but it was all too late, and he knows you too much. 
Jungkook prods his tongue in his cheek once his menacing eyes stay on your neck. He looks straight into your eyes, before directing them back to those hickeys. 
“What is this—” your breathing snags from how rapid he was to press his body against you, wrapping his right hand around your jaw. He forcefully tilts your head to gain more access to your neck. Jungkook analyzes the deep red and purple marks on your skin, feeling oh-so disappointed in you. You turn squeamish from how tight he holds you, hearing how rugged the way his breath became, deep inhales and aggressive exhales. “What a fucking slut you are.” 
You feel your blood rushing out from your face, turning pale in a mere second of him saying that word to you. 
With a gruff, guttural voice, Jungkook doesn’t let you explain for he swiftly turns you around, pushing your frontside onto the cold wall. 
He holds the back of your neck and “I stayed up all fucking night waiting for you to come back home. Despite how fucking irritating and bratty you are, no matter how much you hate me, I care for you, Y/n. I fucking care for you, and I promised your mother that I’ll look after you.” 
You whimper when he tightens his grip once again, but you didn’t think about pushing away. 
“But here you are, not even cooperating with daddy.” 
“You’re not—”
Jungkook suddenly gives your clothed ass cheek a hard, loud spank. Your engrossed gasp captivated the room, and it sure did something to him. Jungkook, although he knows that you can’t see him, hides his growing smirk by biting his lower lip. He gives you a second spank, and a third spank, making your legs quiver and knees buckle from the pain. 
“P-Please stop…” you whine, your hands trying to reach behind you to grab his arms. 
“Stop?” he raises an eyebrow, “Wanna stop, little girl? You don’t like it when daddy spanks your ass?” 
However, you don’t answer. You don’t know what you want. The situation turned you on, and you know you’ll love the way your ass will burn afterward. Why stop now when you can enjoy it? 
Jungkook sees your mind was racing with thoughts, and he takes this as a perfect opportunity to drag you along with him to the bed. He sits on the edge of the mattress and swings you over his knee. 
“Stop!” you yell loudly this time, trying to pry away, but he was holding onto you tightly. 
“Shut up,” Jungkook growls, his voice immediately changes into a much deeper, hoarser tone. He, once again, grabs your jaw and forces you to tilt your head up, making you look directly into his eyes. “Shut the fuck up, little girl. You do nothing but run your mouth all over this goddamn house.” 
Jungkook was angry. The pads of his fingertips dig deeper into the skin of your jaw and lower cheeks, causing your lips to form a pout. 
He clicks his tongue, “Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. If you think that I’m going to let you go so easily, I’m afraid that you’re wrong, dear. I’ve finally gotten you between my teeth!” he exclaims sarcastically, although the sour tone of his voice makes you cringe. 
“You think you’re the shit, huh? Wanting attention so bad that you sneak out at midnight to fuck a disgusting pig. Am I right, Y/n?” 
“How fucking—” you shake and try to wiggle yourself out of his grip, offended by the words he said. You wanted to punch him yet cry at the same time. “How fucking dare you!” Facing him with tears slowly welling up in your eyes, “I-I do not— Yeonjun’s not… ugh!” You dig your nails into your palm from the raging frustration that was filling your mind and body. You kick your legs up and down, but Jungkook was not having it. He isn’t letting you go any time soon because he constricts your wrists together behind your back, tighter. 
“Shhh, shhh,” Jungkook smirks menacingly, “Relax, little girl, relax. You’re safe now in daddy’s arms. Perhaps that Yeonjun boy has gotten in your head a little too much, hm? Don’t worry, daddy will fix your attitude.” 
Without hesitating at all, Jungkook pulls your skirt down, revealing your lace panties all to his eyes. His warm hand rubs your soft flesh, squeezing it here and there. He knows that you like it. He knows that you’re only keeping this little act up to seem tough. But he sees the way your eyes dilate whenever he says a word that triggers you, that triggers you in a way that’ll make you surrender to him. 
Take the kitchen scenario, for example. With one word, with a specific act, you were melting for him. He knows that you absolutely can’t get enough of him, and he loves to play with your mind. 
He was completely aware that it wasn’t Yeonjun or anything else that makes you act like this; acting like a little monster. It was all because of him; he’s the one responsible. 
And he’s the one who will fix you.  
“Come on, baby,” Jungkook’s tone turns softer, more delicate. He hits your ass once, twice, before cooing you with shushes. 
You slowly get hazy, the spiteful and bratty part of your brain switches off. A shiver runs throughout your system when he wraps his hand around your neck. Flashes of the kitchen scenario fill your mind; how submissive you turned for him so swiftly. Your consciousness knows that you’re doing it for a second time. 
“Where’s my good baby girl, hm? Where’s that little girl that I love so, so fucking much?” He says through gritted teeth at the last sentence, spanking your butt again. 
His thumb rubs soothing repetitive circles on your skin, disregarding how firm he was choking you. You close your eyes, sniffing a little, somehow feeling tranquility in his grasp. 
You release a pain-filled mewl when he purposefully presses his thumb against the giant reddish-purple hickey on your neck. Jungkook’s cock hardens beneath his sweatpants, forming an obvious outline as each second passes. 
He was enthralled by you. The way you move and the way you behave for him was addictive to see. “Yeonjun, huh?” Jungkook grins, “What’s this hickey for? Little girl?” Jungkook laughs as he lands another critical spank, causing your body to slightly jolt forward. “Is this his way of ‘marking’ you, hm? Claiming you as his own?” he doesn’t stop giggling from his own words, mocking you with a bitter attitude. 
“How pathetic, don’t you think? You allow yourself to be ‘claimed’ by a random dude you just met. Are you proud of yourself? Oh, I bet you’re very delighted that you’ve finally found attention from a boy.” 
He chokes you harder, pressing his thumb firmer against the hickey. The pain shoots throughout your body, making you quiver and close your eyes. However, you don’t respond. It was too humiliating to admit that his words were surprisingly true.
Without a warning, he hooks his index finger along the waistband of your panties and yanks it down. You sharply inhale through your nose, chewing down on your bottom lip as you feel two slender fingers play with your wet slit. Jungkook groans lowly from how wet you are, watching your pussy clench and unclench around nothing. 
“But you… oh you, Y/n—” he flips you back up and positions you to sit on his thighs, straddling him. Jungkook tilts his head and raises both of his brows, looking at you with disbelief. 
He exhales his words out, “You don’t know how to hide that skanky hickey of yours. Have you ever thought about covering up your hickey just as any other teen with a working brain, you slut?” 
Jungkook’s vicious, barbed words hit you like a truck. You look away from him, but he was quick to place a finger on your chin. He flicks his finger up, your head joining the gesture. 
As his tongue dances along with his plush bottom lip, he places his hands on your hips and squeezes thoroughly. His eyes rake your body up and down, your exposed cunt exposed to him. 
“Hickeys 101, Y/n. Conceal and disguise your hickeys if you don’t want to be caught,” he smirks, “but of course you wanted to be caught. You wanted all of this to happen.” 
“I don’t care.” You shake your head, trying your hardest to force a poker-face, ignoring the butterflies in your stomach. His hands were toying with your waist, tapping his fingertips on your dressed skin. Why does he have to mess with your mind like this?
Sensual. Your stepdad reeked sex appeal and you hate yourself for loving it so much. His senses stick to you like a shadow you can’t escape, his aura addicting, and you want more of it. 
He pulls you closer, hands on each side of your face. His nose was a millimeter away from your own, and you can feel his hot breath fanning your face. That awful smirk doesn’t wipe off of his face. He looks at your lips, then back to your eyes. As much as he was admiring your beauty, you were doing the same. 
Jungkook was undoubtedly handsome. Perfect, strong features that no man in your liking can ever compare. His luscious, long hair with wavy strands here and there frames his face, encompassing his flawless appearance. 
There’s no way you will ever say no to him. 
He kisses you. Pressing his lips against yours, he kisses you so gently that you forget that he’s supposed to punish you. The kiss was tender and soft, a kiss like he would give to a girl’s first time. 
‘You’re kissing your stepdad, idiot.’ A voice at the back of your mind says. However, easily disregarding that conflicting thought, Jungkook pulls away before you can even take the kiss to the next level. 
“Little girl, oh, baby,” he laughs, “I’m going to hurt you. I’m gonna fucking bruise you until I can see tears in your eyes.” 
He easily throws you on the bed and he starts to strip himself down to his boxers. There was an evident fear written across your face, hugging your knees to your chest as you watch his dick grow beneath his underwear. 
“Take your fucking shirt off,” he growls, “Take everything off. Now.” His natural dominating presence allowed you to obey him quite easily. You did as you were told, keeping eye contact the whole time just to tease him. Sucking your bottom lip, you hide your sly grin. 
Jungkook stands tall from the edge of the bed, his honeydew skin being a perfect contrast with his dark hair. He palms himself through his boxer briefs, not having any hesitation at all. His eyes never leave you as you take off every piece of clothing from your body. You felt a little insecure, yes, but you gulp that nervousness down your throat. 
However, as soon as you took your top off, Jungkook caught a glimpse of more hickeys scattered all over your chest. This sight causes him to tilt his head back with an exasperated sigh. 
“Crawl.” He motions with his index and middle finger a ‘come here’ motion, “Crawl to me, little girl.” 
You get down on all fours and do as your told. He smiles with a content look on his face, but was soon replaced with a seductive gaze, “Did you have sex with that boy?” 
“W-What? No, I didn’t!” you answer quickly, shaking your head. 
His throbbing cock was right in front of your face. Aside from it still being covered with his underwear, you can spot how it twitches then are there. He holds your head with both of his warm hands, “Tell me, little girl. What are you?”
Your mouth gapes open but no word comes out. With your mind filled with lust and desire, you couldn’t understand what he meant. 
Jungkook pulls his cock out, but he doesn’t let you see it at first. He holds your head up and won’t even tolerate you taking a glance. 
“You don’t know what you are, huh?” he scoffs bitterly, “I knew you wouldn’t. What’s a girl like you anyway, right?” 
Your heart pounds rapidly in your chest. 
“Repeat after me, Y/n. I am a whore.” 
You whimper, pouting your lips. 
“C’mon, don’t say it’s too degrading for you, whore. It’s the bare fucking minimum for me. Don’t you want me to be proud of you?” 
Oh, he knows what he’s doing to you. He knows and of your weaknesses and he’s been using those against you. But you – you were naïve enough to notice that. 
“I’m…” you blink rapidly, “I’m a whore.” 
He snarks whilst stroking your luscious hair, “Louder.” 
Jungkook ignores your whines and waits for you with a quirked eyebrow. His patience was wearing thin and you were walking on thin ice right now. 
“I’m a whore.” You repeat loudly this time, the words sinking deep into your soul.
He leans down and slants his head, “And what do whores get, hm?” 
“I-I don’t know.” 
Jungkook wraps a big hand around his thick cock, aligning the tip in front of your mouth. You gasp. “They get their bratty mouths stuffed with dick.”
There wasn’t even a warning as Jungkook shoves his dick down your throat, making you gag and choke harshly around his girth. Jungkook growls deeply, his eyes rolling back to his head. 
Your saliva starts to drip down to your chin as he face-fucks you, not giving you the time to breathe nor to adjust to his long length. With one hand, he creates a makeshift ponytail and pushes your head farther down his dick. 
The whimpers you made out of protest didn’t even work, because the vibrations it caused pleasured him even more. 
“Mhmm, that’s right, struggle for me,” he moans, watching your eyes filling up with tears. “This is where you belong, whore. Right at your stepdad’s mercy and submission. You don’t get to choose what you want because I owe you. I control you.” 
Jungkook further fucks you as his hips thrust back and forth with no remorse. Gagging sounds fill the entire room and it just turns him on increasingly. 
“Look at me. Look at me!” he grunts as he pulls his dick out. He watches a single tear fall down your cheek, making his mouth form another devilish grin.
He leans down to grab something from the floor, but you don’t notice. 
“You’re such a mess, little girl. Just what daddy wants you to be.”
Jungkook takes his shaft and abruptly slaps your cheek with his dick. He hits your flesh a couple of times, humming in delight. 
In a swift, quick second, you suddenly feel a hard and raging sting on your right ass cheek from an unexpected impact. You cry out loud, shutting your eyes from the pain you experienced without a notice. 
His belt. 
The harsh leather material instantly caused redness on your delicate, soft skin. Jungkook whips you again, triggering a downpour of tears. You release incoherent noises every time he spanks you, for every hit was harder and sharper from the last. 
“You’re a naughty, irresponsible little girl.” He declares alongside another hit. He makes sure that each cheek was covered in red belt marks. His cock stands tall before you, drenched in your saliva as it leaks precum. You couldn’t take your eyes off of it and he takes this into account. 
Another hit, he puts all his strength in, making you inhale a sharp breath. Jungkook takes this shot to plunge his dick deep back into your mouth, pushing past your gag reflex as you struggle for air once more. 
Your pussy was awfully drenched and you can feel your wetness drip down from your slit and onto your inner thighs. You’ve never been this wet before, and it was insane that it’s all because of your unquestionably hot step-dad. 
It was like you’re in a porn video. No matter how rough he was fucking your face, you enjoyed it and you were moaning as he obliterates your throat. 
Jungkook pushes his cock deeper, your entire body twitching from the foreign feeling. “Stay there, stay there,” he rasps, “Stay there and take my big fucking dick down your little throat. Yes, that’s right, ohh fuck.” 
Every muscle in his body flexes as he tries to keep you still. "This is all you're good for, slut. You deserve to be used for pleasure from a man. You're nothing but a cockwhore." His biceps harden as he puts your head in place, abs tight. He leans forward and encloses your poor head with his strong thighs, securing yourself to his dick. 
With another crack of his belt onto your ass, you cry. Jungkook admires the sight of chaos he’s created. Once he was satisfied with the look of you, he pulls out. 
This is what he likes; messy and all wet. A string of saliva connects from your lips and to the tip of his dick. You try to catch your breath, inhaling and exhaling so sharply. Looking up at him with red, pitiable eyes, you give him a sullen expression. 
“You see what you did there, little girl? Hm? Now tell me again, what are you?” 
This time, you don’t hesitate. 
“I’m a whore.” 
“Yes, you are. Yes, you are, baby. You’re daddy’s little whore.” 
Your mind turns fuzzy once again. It was clear that you were not yourself anymore. If you weren’t drunk in lust, you wouldn’t let this happen and you absolutely wouldn’t allow him to handle you this way. 
But then again, it was too difficult to not succumb to him. 
“Cute little thing,” he murmurs beneath his breath. “Bet your pussy taste fucking delicious. Go on, turn around for daddy and let him see.” 
Your cheeks blush once you’ve obeyed his order and your cunt was exposed all for his eyes. Feeling a hand run down your sore ass, you whine as his fingers trail down your inner thighs, purposely ignoring your needy pussy. 
Jungkook was biting his lip so hard that he can almost draw blood. Ever so slightly, the pad of his thumb glides across your wet slit, lightly pressing against it. “Jungkook,” you whisper, wiggling your butt for more. 
“Oww fuck!” you drop your face on the mattress when Jungkook slaps your pussy unanticipatedly. Legs quivering in need, you bite down on the sheets. 
“Surprised that you don’t know how to address me, Y/n.” In a quick motion, he pushes two fingers inside your sopping entrance. 
Already feeling full, your back painfully arches as you attempt to take his fingers that were thrusting in and out so boldly. Suave movements of his digits caused a chill down your back, feeling too much euphoria at once. 
“What’s my name again?” he inquires before using his thumb to rub on your throbbing clit. 
“Daddy,” you reply quickly, not wanting to be punished further. 
“Good girl,” he chuckles, “that’s what a good girl should do; follow instructions without having to tell twice. You just love taking orders, don’t you? Huh?” 
“I-I do,” your face heats up immensely, stomach churning. 
Jungkook hums approvingly as he spreads your ass cheeks apart with his hands. You can feel the heat radiating off of his face as he leans into your cunt. With a bold lick of his tongue, your body shivers as the strong muscle toys with your folds. 
“Oh, please,” you moan, “that feels so good.” 
“Really now?” Jungkook gathers a bunch of his saliva and spits it down on your cunt, making it wetter and lubricated than it already was. He takes your clit into his mouth and sucks profusely, licking and biting here and there. The sound of your moans fueled his hunger for your cum, but he was not letting you go so easily. 
His tongue flicks your clit without mercy before inserting two fingers inside your hole once more. He feels your walls flutter around his digits, signaling your upcoming orgasm. 
He pulls away completely. 
Jungkook ignores your cries and how you bucked your hips to him, wanting more. He instructs you to lay down on the bed with your back against the headboard. Grasping the belt in his hand, you swallow the formed ball down your throat as you watch him crawl to you – like a predator hunting for its prey. 
“Pretty,” he mumbles to himself, eyeing you up and down. He kneels before you and grabs your neck, pulling you to him. If it weren’t for his lewdness and obscure actions, then you would say that his smile was sweet. But you know for a fact that his mind was thinking of different ways on how to torture you. 
Your eyes widen as he wraps the black leather belt around your jugular, using it like it's a dog collar and leash. “What are you – ohh…” Jungkook tightens the belt not enough to suffocate you, but enough for you to feel that it’ there. 
“Gotta hide that hideous hickey of yours, little girl. The more I look at it, the more I remember how much of a slut you are for that boy. Tell me, can Yeonjun make you feel the way I make you feel?” 
"No," you meekly reply with a little shake of your head. Nothing will ever compare to what Jungkook makes you feel than any other.
He wraps the belt around his fist and tugs on it, causing you to jolt forward, face closer to him. His nose barely grazes against yours. "Tell daddy you're sorry."
He tilts his head in confusion, surely not expecting you to reply with anything else than a simple 'sorry.'
"But what?" he nags, slowly growing annoyed.
"I didn't mean to do it with Yeonju—". 
His hands collide with your right cheek, slapping your face with no remorse, making you release a loud whimper of pain. Jungkook growls and roughly holds your cheek, making you pout. Your eyes instantly tear up from the stinging pain, and Jungkook leans to your ear to whisper; "Say. Sorry." 
He releases his grip on your cheeks so you can answer properly, "I'm sorry...daddy."
"Good girl," he says simply before leaning in to give a tender, wet kiss on your lips. He smiles before you, eyes turning into little crescents with dark irises staring directly into yours, "Have you learned your lesson?" 
"Yes, I do." 
"Well, what've you learned, little girl?" he caresses your reddened cheek, "You promise to be good from now on and obey daddy?" 
"I promise." You reply in an almost inaudible whisper. Thankfully, it was enough for Jungkook. 
However, he wasn't done with you. He was yet to put his dick inside your pussy. Thanks to his strong build, Jungkook easily flips you around on your stomach, making you lay flat on the bed. He hovers on top of you with his dick in between your butt. 
Grabbing your wrists to secure them behind your back, he takes his shaft with his other hand and aligns his cock to your dripping pussy's entrance. 
"Want my cock?" Jungkook asks with a raspy voice, turned-on from the sight of your bruised butt with the combination of your sweet cunt, the folds all wet and ready for him. 
"Mhm, please put it in me..." you insist politely. 
Without hesitating, Jungkook pushes his tip inside your heat. "God, fuck," he chuckles, moaning right after, "you have such a tight pussy. So fucking tight and wet for my dick. Mhmm..."
Your pussy walls inevitably flutter around his girth once he had his whole tip in, and you can’t help yourself but twitch and squirm. Jungkook finds this endearing. 
“Daddy,” you mewl, “please put it all in me.” 
‘Well, if you said so.’ Jungkook thinks before shoving his whole length in. Ignoring how your back arched and the loud yelp you released, Jungkook thrusts his dick in and out of your pussy so good like he was a sex-god. 
His dick is covered in your juices as he rubs his precum all over your walls, getting you all nice and extra-lubricated for him. Your moans motivate him to continue, his primal instincts were ultimately getting the best of him. 
“F-Fuck,” he stutters, biting his bottom lip. It has been a while since he’s felt pussy wrapped around his cock, consequently, he ravishes on the sensation he missed so fucking much. “You’re being so good taking my dick, mhmm, you like it deep inside that young pussy?” he asks with a tint of mockery in his tone, “I bet you’re the type to prefer older men’s dick.” His thrusts were getting rougher and rougher, deeper, making you feel so full. His words were like honey, despite how lewd they are, the way how he spoke to you made you addicted. 
Jungkook holds your wrists tighter, nails digging down your skin. “I know your little boyfriends can’t satisfy you. That’s why you only want my cock, correct, little lady?” 
“M-Mhmm,” you respond as his balls clap against your ass. 
You’ve never felt more euphoric in your entire life. Only vulgar and lecherous sounds can be heard and you never want it to stop. His fervent, erotic moans sounded so hot made you milk his cock even harder. And it worked; Jungkook feels you tightening, clenching and unclenching. 
Pounding you like this from behind, all submissive for him was feeding onto his dark, domineering desires. Getting you all for himself was easier than he expected. 
“Do you want to cum?” he flips you around and starts fucking you in missionary, the new position makes you throw your head back as his cock hits your g-spot over and over again. 
You mouth the word ‘yes’, having no energy to form a coherent word. 
Jungkook chuckles, lifting both your legs up to his shoulders, creating more leeway for him to move deeper. 
“Ohh my god, just like that!” 
“Yeah?” He presses his body to yours, sweaty bodies pressed together. Without wiping away that smirk of his, he brings his mouth to yours to kiss you one again. 
You felt a sensory overload. With each hard, delicious thrust, you keep moaning into his mouth that you can’t even give him a proper kiss. “I-I’m gonna cum, daddy,” you sob, “I’m gonna cum!” 
“Hold it.” He snaps, “Hold your cum. Wait for my instructions.” 
His breathing was getting unsteady, you feel your room getting hotter and hotter with each second. All you can think of was his cock drilling inside your cunt. His long hair drapes from his face and the tips were slightly ticking your cheeks. The veins in his neck were protruding, making him look ten times hotter. 
His cock was making you dumb. You can almost forget that he was your stepdad – for he was just an older man you lusted for. 
“Be a good cockslut for me, m’kay baby? You’re already a good girl for letting daddy take control over you. I’m gonna let you cum as a reward.” 
“Mmnggg, please!” 
With his hand, he grabs your belt-clad throat and squeezes hard, making you see stars. Your toes curl up from this specific action. 
“Open your mouth.” He says in a hurry, teeth gritted together, “Open your slutty mouth.” 
After a second that you parted your lips, Jungkook spits in your mouth unexpectedly. This made you wild. You didn’t dare to close your mouth and swallow his already existing spit because you wanted more. “Ohh, I see what you want,” Jungkook snickers, “filthy little whore. Swallow and I’ll give you more.” 
Subsequently, he praises you with words that made you blush. He gives you another load of his spit, and you consume it immediately. If Jungkook was hard earlier, he was now rock-solid from your freaky behavior he didn’t know you comprised.
“Daddy, please! I can’t hold it in…” your body slightly quivers from the unforgiving impact of his cock, squeezing your walls so tightly to prevent yourself from spilling your cum onto him. 
Jungkook can’t wait any longer himself, “Cum. Cum on my cock, baby. Do it – oh shit – do it now.” 
Your mouth falls open and your eyes roll back to your head. You felt an overwhelming drive of euphoria rush through your system as you let yourself loose on his cock. “Jesus Christ, you’re so hot, little girl,” Jungkook groans, “There, there,” he pumps his cock faster to catch his orgasm.
"Daddy's gonna cum inside your mouth," Jungkook's cock twitches instantly from the thought, "Imma spill my seed deep inside your throat. You're not wasting any spills, little girl, you're lucky to even get a taste of my cum. For a slut like you don't deserve a single shit. A-Ahhh fuck, y-you’re lucky your so goddamn cute that I – mmngg – couldn’t resist giving you daddy’s cum."
Within a couple of deep, mind-blowing thrusts, he pulls out and crawls over to your face. Automatically opening your mouth to accept his cock, he pushes his length down and past your gag-reflex. “B-Baby, baby, fucking shit,” he grits his teeth, hands clawing at your hair, “Take my cum, c’mon, I know you can. I know you can take this sweet daddy cum. Mhmm that’s a good girl, that’s daddy’s good little girl.” 
Your throat contracts and gags as he fills you up, spilling his seed down your pipe. Tears started to fall down your woeful eyes, attempting to take everything that was given to you. 
You knew you were going to hell for this – for all of this. But at least you’ve enjoyed yourself and got what you’ve wanted. 
It was undeniably crazy how quick he got you into submission. Was it the way that he talks to you, the way he can technically read your mind and identify all of the things you desired, or was it just your daddy issues coming to play? 
Whatever it was, you didn’t regret a single bit of this to happen.
Who knows if this will occur to you again; if you’ll receive the same pleasure as this again? 
“Come ‘ere, let me wrap you in my arms,” Jungkook whispers after cleaning you up. Nodding, you scooch over to him to allow his warmth to resonate through your naked body. 
He is the perfect big spoon. He rests his chin on top of your head, humming a song to soothe you. 
Looking outside the window, you see that the sky is painted with variations of orange and red, signaling the arrival of dawn. Your eyes grow big as you examine the time on the wall clock; 4:00 A.M. You have three and a half hours left until classes start. 
Jungkook minds how your body tenses. He holds you a bit tighter and snuggles his face into the crook of your neck. Even though he can see those awful hickeys, he turns a blind eye to them. 
“Skip classes. Daddy won’t be mad,” he titters, “Although, your mom will be home anytime soon today.” 
You emit a gasp, “Wait, today?” 
“Yes,” he sneers, understanding the panic in your eyes, “Remember what I told you, Y/n. Hickeys 101, cover—”
“Cover it up.” 
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After you’ve slept through all your classes for today, you woke up in the afternoon exactly when your mother just arrived from her trip. 
Your whole body was sore. You can’t walk straight and your hair was in tangles. Before exiting your bedroom, you went to your bathroom, grabbed your makeup back, and covered your hickeys with concealer. 
‘Yeonjun… should I even see him again?’ 
The makeup did the bare minimum of covering your bruises. It wasn’t the best coverage ever, but it was enough. Parting your hair to the side to hide most of the skin of your neck, you finally went outside. 
“Y/n!” your mother exclaims, raising her head after she was scurrying deep inside her bag. “There you are. Are classes dismissed early?” 
Your step-dad chuckles behind her as he was carrying the rest of her luggage to the living room. Jungkook glances at you. 
“Yes.” You straight out lied. 
“I see. Oh! And did Jungkook treat you well?” 
You almost choked in your spit. 
“Was he good to you?” your mom raises her brows to Jungkook, “Or was Y/n a pain in the ass, babe?” 
Your face turns red in an instant. You wanted to laugh from the double-meaning of her words.  
“Y/n was a pain in the ass but don’t worry…” Jungkook smirks at you, his eyes hinting a sultry, teasing look, “She’s a good girl nevertheless.” 
The way Jungkook looks at you has to be a crime. There’s never a moment where you didn’t feel a single thing whenever he locks his handsome eyes with yours. It was an incredibly intense feeling – a feeling that you know you’ll crave.
“Mm. Okay. You look…” she scans your figure, head to toe. “tired. But anyway, come here and help me unpack. I have tons of stories and gossips to tell!” Your mom exclaims as she sits down on the couch. 
Before you can even approach her, Jungkook grabs your right arm and puts you in front of him. Afraid that he’ll do something you’ll regret, you pull away – but he shakes his head. 
Jungkook puts his index finger in front of his mouth, looking down at you while he whispers, “Shhh,” he leans forward and mouths the next words close to your ear, “Act like nothing happened, little girl.” 
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