#i just wanted to play around a bit with something and im happy how it came out!
hahskeleton · 22 hours
helloo!! hope youre having a good day :3
was wondering if i could get a drabble of the dca helping reader with something medical? sickfic, stitches, yadda yadda. reader being embarrassed, the whole "i can do it myself" shabang. im a sucker for "patching up" tropes </3 im CURSED!!
Title: Sick but Fine
Word Count: 1,492
CW: nothing, just a lil bit of sick y/n
You hurried through the rain up to the huge doors of the Pizzaplex, feeling heavy-headed and congested. Your body ached and protested that you stay home today, but you couldn’t miss work.
To clear your head of any thoughts of sickness, you thought about how you were probably supposed to take the employee entrance, but why did it matter? Nobody would care, and nobody does. Besides, the front entrance has a much warmer welcome than the old door in the back.
But putting that aside, you rushed through the crowds to get to the daycare. You were already late, trying to push through the sea of people going to see the band’s show was going to make you even more late.
You swore half these people saw the show every day. How does it never get old? You never saw it more than once. Other than that, you only heard kids begging Sun and Moon to take them to see it. The answer was always no.
You finally made it to the doors leading to the Superstar Daycare, and as you entered the completely empty lobby, you sneezed. And you sneezed again. And again. And again. You stopped in the dead center of the room and calmed yourself down. You weren’t supposed to come to work sick. You had to do everything in your power to make sure that Vanessa didn’t find out you had a fever, she’d kick you out.
The final breath you took before you left the lobby was deep and long, and then you left for the stairs and went down to the entrance. Before you opened the large doors to the daycare, you rubbed your eyes and stood a little taller, trying to pass the I’m not sick look.
Finally, you pushed open one of the doors and stepped into the brightly lit daycare. A few kids ran around away from the rest of the children, and over by the ball pit was Sun playing who knows what with quite a few kids. He looked up at you, and his rays spun around, clearly quite happy to see you.
You waved and took your route to the main desk, setting your plastic water bottle next to the computer. “Sunshine!” You jumped, and though Sun did this nearly every day, his popping up suddenly caught you off guard each time.
You cleared your throat, “Hey, Sunny.” You smiled at him.
Sun leaned over the desk and watched you for a moment as you pulled out your chair and sat down. You heard the sunbot say your name with a bit of concern.
Your mind snapped to how you looked—probably a little under the weather. “Yeah?” You replied, acting oblivious.
Sun stood up straight and gestured his hands accordingly as he spoke, “You look a little rosy-cheeked today! Everything's all right?”
You nodded, “Yeah, why?” You lied.
Sun twitched, “Sunflower, you seem… are- are you sure you should be coming into work today? I- I mean, it’s not that we don’t want you here! Moony and I- I mean, you just look unwell, do you have…” He reached over the desk in an attempt to feel your forehead for a fever. You knew you were flaring up, so as Sun tried to place a hand on your forehead, you pushed it away and said, “I’m fine, Sun.”
He would frown, and then he groaned with displeasure, “If you say so...” You stood up from the desk and stretched, “Oh, could you grab the box of art supplies from the closet, please?” Sun chimed, his rays swaying blissfully as he walked along.
You nodded and left for the closet. Sun waved you off and then turned back to the children.
“Moony… I don’t think-”
“Neither do I. They are sick.” Moon’s voice rang from inside Sun’s head, the moon and the sun animatronics speaking through their shared headspace.
“What do you think...? Should we help? Or should we… leave them be?” Sun asked, looking back, scanning around for you even though he just sent you to the closet.
“Leave it to me.” Moon said without hesitation, immediately thinking up a plan.  
You took the box of art supplies from the closet, wandered back to the daycare, and dropped it on the counter. Sun turned around and sighed, then he called all the kids to the tables and signaled for you to bring the box over. You did as you were told and lugged it over, plopping it on the ground beside Sun. “Thank you, Sunshine!” He beamed with enthusiasm, digging through the box and grabbing what he needed.
You watched as he started to pass out the art supplies, and you started to space out.
You were tired. You felt someone tap your shoulder, and you snapped out of it, shaking your head vaguely as you realized Sun had been talking to you. “Sunbite…? You okay?”
You nodded, “Oh, yeah, sorry. I just spaced out for a moment.”
Sun’s brows knitted, but he just turned back to the kids and supervised them. Eventually he sat down and started to color with the rest of the kids, and so did you.
Before you knew it, nap time came around. You went back behind the desk and waited for the lights to go out. Maybe you could get at least five minutes of rest while Moon was taking care of the kids.
Finally, the lights dimmed and went dark. There were a few clicking sounds and the sound of shifting metal, and that told you that Sun and Moon were switching.
The next thing you knew, Moon peeked over the desk at you. "Hey, Moon.” You smiled at him.
He popped up onto the desk, crouching on it as a perch, “Hello, starlight~!” He hummed, his sharp teeth spreading in a wide grin.
“The kids are looking for you.” You said, looking past Moon. “I’m aware.” He jumped down from the desk and lingered behind it, “I’ll be back in a moment,” he whispered, heading off into the darkness to fulfill his job.
Just like he said he would, Moon returned to the desk. But you didn’t see him. He came stealthily from behind and grabbed you, pulling you off your chair.
“MOON!” You whisper-screamed, mindful of the kids that were sleeping.
He shifted you into a position in his arms where one arm held your legs, the other your back and head. He ignored your squirming and complaining and started to walk away from the desk.
Moon’s skyhook came down and attached to his back, and then he was carried up to the platform where his room was. “Moon, what are you doing…!?” You hissed, pushing to get out of his arms.
He walked off the balcony, detaching his hook, and went into his and Sun’s room. It was messy but cozy, with soft lights hanging from the ceiling that weren’t enough for Sun to come out, and blankets and pillows everywhere. There were cleaning supplies and other daycare products in some corners, too.
Moon carried you to a couch in the corner and plopped you down onto it. You tried to stand, but Moon pushed you back onto the red sofa.
“Lay down.” He demanded simply.
“What are you doing?” You groaned, folding your arms over your chest.
“You are sick. You need to rest, so I am putting you to sleep.”
“I am NOT sick! I’m fine!” You hollered in a mutter, standing from the couch and taking a few steps away before Moon inevitably pushed you back onto the couch.
“I don’t care whether you think you’re fine or not. You are going to rest because you are not fine.” Moon grabbed a blanket and a bunch of pillows. He lifted your head and placed a pillow behind you, then covered you with a blanket.
You shook him away, “I can take care of myself, Moon.” You took the blanket off and turned your body, planting your feet to stand, when you suddenly had a huge, painful coughing fit. Your chest felt like it was burning and on fire, and your throat was dry and sore.
Moon just watched you from across the room, arms crossed and a monotone expression. “So. How’s being fine going for you, Starlight?” He murmured, his eyes narrowing.
You shot him a glare, “All right, fine…” You laid back down and covered yourself up, “I’ll sleep…” You moped, turning yourself so you were facing the couch and not Moon.
You heard Moon shuffle closer to you, and then he sat beside the couch. You turned over and looked at him, but he didn’t look at you.
Your arm hung over the edge of the sofa, your fingers barely brushing the hard ground. Moon looked at your hand and thought for a moment before he mended his fingers into yours.
It was silent.
It was calm.
“Thanks, Moon…” you said under your breath, your eyes closing with heaviness and comfort.
He sighed, “Any time, Starlight.”
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good-beansdraws · 1 year
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Still going crazy over those lines from the anniversary stream !!!
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imwetforyourmom · 3 months
nicks has a girl best friend and they are super affectionate with each other (hugs, "cuddling" on the couch, etc.) and later on her and chris start dating and thats how chris knows she loves affection and is super lovey dovey. nick comments about chris stealing his girl and funny things like that. something super fluffy and cute. please and thanks <3
thank you sm for requests love <33
if you want me to rewrite it, just lmk bae!!
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warnings: none
to my bff: @leah-loves-lilies
y/n snuggled into nick, pushing her head into his side and wrapping her legs around one of his, she wrapped her arms around his torso. nick chuckles as he wraps his arms around the girl currently cuddling into him.
he slides down the couch some to get a better hold on her and to get a bit more comfy from his previous sitting position.
y/n hummed in content and mumbled the the lyrics of an audio playing on nicks phone as she watched.
chris looked at them, from the kitchen he stared at how y/n cuddled into nick like a sloth, looking awfully comfortable just hugging his brother and mumbling words.
* • •
y/n hugged nick, maneuvering her arms under his and situating herself so she was somewhat standing between his legs but also infront of him as she hugged him.
pressing her cheek into him he put his hand on her back and rubbed, before going back to buttering his toast as they stood in the kitchen, simply hugging and enjoying one anothers presence, even if they weren’t talking as long as one was touching the other, even if in a small way like hand holding, leg brushing even the smallest touch made them happy.
nick rested his chin ontop of y/ns head, humming lyrics to himself, before patting y/ns back and mumbling “I have to move, y/n.”
y/n groaned but unlatched herself from him and moved to the counter behind them, leaning into it slightly, watching her bestfriend prepare a meal for himself.
chris was sat in a chair by the dinner table, watching the whole interaction go down.
his bottom lip fed inbetween his teeth, thinking about how y/n was so touchy with nick all the time and how she was almost never seen not touching nick.
it was very clear physical touch was her love language, but what would it take for her to touch him as much as she did nick.
hell, for all he knew she might’ve just liked touching nick and no one else, shes never held or cuddled into chris as often as she did with her bestfriend, nick, I mean, they were all bestfriends just y/n tended to touch nick more than the other two boys.
surely she hugged and occasionally cuddled matt or chris, but as chris let his thoughts wonder, he couldnt help but think about how much he fucking adored her, the way her eyes lit up when she smiled, how gentle she was, the way her hands gently grazed alongst someones (nicks) skin when they werent cuddling of some sort. she just always had to be touching someone, more nick than anyone else.
sometimes he likes to think its because nick accepts the affection every single time, and so shes learned that she can always go to him. and since that shes never tested the waters with chris — chris loved, loved physical touch. he liked touching people in ways to remind them he loved them, in a sense when he touched people it was some sort of comfort overtaking his senses knowing that they knew he loved them.
as chris’ thoughts wondered on and on, he couldnt help but ask “hey y/n, you always touch nick and tell him you love him so very often, but you almost never touch matt and i, why is that?”
y/n turned to look at chris, her lips twitching as she thought of what to say. “dunno, just like touching him. I guess ive never thought about touching- ew, I hate saying it like that. makes it sound weird, all like ‘im gonna touch you’” she giggled, before collecting herself from her soon to be rant. “ive just never thought about cuddling you and matt, ya know? never crossed my mind.”
chris hummed in response, letting his mind wander with what she had just said.
maybe he should start initiating affection aswell?
* • •
it was no doubt that chris had a crush on y/n, and y/n always noticed the stolen glances, the looks on her lips being far too long for friendly, the way his cheeks heated up when he saw or came into the same room as her.
y/n also liked him, she just hadnt noticed how much she made it obvious, but neither did chris so maybe they had it in common?
* • •
over the course of the few days chris and y/n became increasingly closer and closer, but their friendship ended one night, and something else bloomed.
chris mumbled something into the side of y/ns head, his words too muffled for y/n to understand.
she moved her head off his shoulder, loosening her arms from around his body.
“what?” she asked quietly, trying not to disturb the calm and quiet atmosphere they were currently in.
the soft sounds from the tv playing in the background, the lights off but red leds lighting the room.
“I said,” he took in a breath before continuing, “can I be your boyfriend please?” his voice suddenly got quiet, his eyes darting over y/ns face, looking for signs if she was confused, disgusted, concerned or any of the sort, but none present, only a growing grin on her face.
she fully removed herself off his body as joy was slowly but surely overtaking her emotions.
“yes! yes! yes!” she spoke, her hands coming to the sides of his face to pepper kisses all over it, not just his lips but everywhere else aswell.
chris’ stomach swelled with butterflies as he felt her soft kisses all over his face, the feeling of her soft lips on his skin and the words of approval making him grin aswell.
she pressed one last kiss on the tip of his nose before mumbling sweet nothings while moving back to his arms.
• • •
y/n stared at the two boys, nick and chris, currently sitting on the couch on their phones.
she debated on who she should sit and cuddle with, I already cuddled nick this morning. she thought to herself before finally taking in a breath and moving to crawl onto chris.
chris was laying on his back, leaving little space between him and the couch cushions, y/n absolutely loved sitting/laying in the small spots of the couches, because she knew she had better access to the person she was currently sitting with.
she crawled into the little space, moving onto her side and wrapping one arm under and around chris while her legs tangled in his and her head laid on his chest.
she moved slightly so now her belly was slightly ontop of chris’ hip. finding this position comfier she sighed and closed her eyes.
nick sat up, his phone at his side as he stared at the two. his mouth dropping and eyes widening.
“damn bro, you really stole my girl.” nick scoffed, looking at chris, watching as his arm came around to y/ns back, rubbing it, giving y/n all the more comfort.
“shut up, you had her all morninggg” chris groaned, dragging out the ‘g’ for dramatics.
“yeah, well, shes been my girl for months, shes only been yours for a week now.” nick crossed his arms, adding onto the fake/play arguing.
“shhh, im trying to sleep.” y/n mumbled, hushing them, before nuzzling her face further into chris side.
chris looked at nick and gave him a teasing look.
chris was so, so grateful nick was always so accepting of y/ns touches and her words consisting of endless compliments, “I love you”’s, and overall unintentionally showing chris just how much y/n loved showing her love to others.
1303 words.
@luverboychris @luvsturns @meg-sturniolo @junnniiieee07
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kokon0is · 1 year
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isagi x f!reader, reader has vagina, isagi here is 20+
CW‼️: based on that tiktok audio 🤭 face sitting, pissed isagi, use of word “slut” (isagi gets called a slut). ass slapping, hair pulling. not proofread lol
in where isagi got so pissed when you won’t put your whole body weight down when he told you to sit on his face.
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“sit on my face” these are the words that came out of isagi’s mouth after pulling away from the little make out session that you guys been doing for the past 20 minutes. this came out of isagi’s mouth as if it’s a demand while looking straight into your eyes and letting you know that he’s down to suffocate between those pretty lips and around your thighs.
“w-wha— well i don’t know yoichi…. i don’t wanna suffocate you—” of course you’re a bit hesitant about it, its your first time sitting on someone’s face, especially on isagi’s pretty face, but something in you is very curious if how would your lover look under you, lost in the taste of you and giving himself pleasure by just giving it all to you. you gulp, as your thoughts run wild.
isagi on the other hand is already laying down comfortably, face ready to be sit on. “c’mon baby, it won’t kill me i swear, and if it does then im a happy dead man, now sit” he gave your thighs some rubs and light squeezes as a form of assurance, i breathy laugh came out of you because of his words. you thought about it for a second but you can’t help but to look at his face and wonder just how pretty he would look under you, with how your juices will be all over his face.
you took off your panties and hovered over his head, pussy facing his face very close but not yet close and, oh lord that eat shitting grin he has right now, like he won the prize he always wanted. he put his arms around your thighs to pull you closer to his face “sit now, love” isagi looks up to you with those puppy eyes of his, you can’t stand it. you lower yourself into his face as he started to kiss and lick on your folds.
yet isagi feels like its not enough, he kept on pulling you down more with his arms around your thighs but you keep coming back up for some reason. it didn’t satisfy isagi, so he stopped licking on your pussy and looked at you with such gaze that completely gave you goosebumps. “baby, i told you to sit down on my face” he never sounded more serious than he is right now. “but i am sitting, hun” your little innocence play won’t do it for isagi, but then he slapped your ass. earning a moan from you, he speaks again “use me like a chair, don’t give a fuck if i can’t breathe, i asked for this, fucking suffocate me, can you fucking do that?!” he has a bit of a tone in his voice, he’s mad you thought, it also angers you that he has to talk to you this way.
you grabbed a handful of his hair and sit completely on his face, all your weight sitting right on his face, just like how we wants to. you can feel the smile that he has on against your pussy and lick it like a mad man, like he hasn’t eaten anything in eternity. isagi can’t help but to moan against your pussy, his shorts are becoming more and more tighter now, he could cum right here and now because of the treatment that he’s experiencing , arms still hugging your thighs and squeezing the fat of it. “mmffuuhhck” his moans are muffled by your juices and pussy, “aah fuck isagi keep lickin’ you man slut. make this worth my time” you moaned. isagi didn’t let you down and started licking faster, and slurping all that juice and just let it mess up his face.
“mhhfhhhmmmhhf” isagi moans from below you, the sight of him under you gotta be the most prettiest and hottest thing you ever saw, “you look so beautiful down there yoichi— ahh— g’nna make me cum already” you threw your head back as you started gripping his hair tightly and grinds on his face, chasing your own high.
he grips on your ass fat as he went on and on, he wants to see you cum, he wants to see what kind of face that you’re gonna make when he makes you. nails digging deep to your flesh as isagi is really devoted on making you cum sooner, he tried his best to look at you and see your face but you’re now riding his face desperate for some release “yes—yes—ahhhh yoichi—hah fuck g’nna cum” with a few more flicks of his tongue on your clit and riding the fuck out of his face, you came right on his face.
i few more heavy breaths to gain back your senses right after that orgasm but you remembered that you’re still sitting on isagi’s face. you got off quickly and there he is, smiling like a happy man, his chin, cheeks, neck and even the pillow under him is all wet with the mix of your juices and his saliva, but there he is smiling like an idiot.
“yochan, you look fucking dumb right now” you joked but then he gets up and crashes his lips to your mouth. surprised by his sudden actions but you still kissed back, and tasting yourself in his mouth.
he pulled away while still grinning “taste good right?” he said as he pulled his shirt over his head and wipe his face with it.
he got up from the bed and removed his shorts “how about sit there and be pretty and let me fuck your mouth now?”
ah shit, it’s payback time
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thanks for reading my good stuff 😋
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freyito · 9 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏʏꜱ + ᴛʜᴇɪʀ ʟᴏᴠᴇ ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇꜱ
one more for today, since im in a fluff mood and i think this is a super cute idea. this one is for alllll the boys, since i got a lot of stuff requested for smoke & the lin kuei trio seems to be popular. i think every1 deserves the same love they get too mannn
cw: gn reader, kind of short, not proofread cause I got a concert :P
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Liu Kang...
loves quality time. If he could, he'd spend ALL his time with you. Unfortunately, with godhood, that's not the case. But that's why quality time is so important to him. As long as he gets at least 20 minutes a day to stare at your face, talk about your day, play with your hair a bit, he's happy.
enjoys words of affirmation. He is touch starved, so his affection comes in the form of words. He loves telling just exactly what he loves about you, which is nothing short of everything. There are times where mid-conversation he'll tell you just how stunning you look that day, he can't help it.
Kuai Liang...
adores physical touch, he will always find a way to be touching you. He doesn't like PDA, so he will try to be lowkey about it, like just intertwining your pinky with his, being so close your shoulders touch, all that. But when you two are together, just the two of you, he's all over you. He's got his arm around your shoulders almost permanently.
Johnny Cage...
spoils you. He loves to give you gifts, at least once a day. Such is the life of a celebrity. It can be anything, really. His favorite, though, is having dinner with you. He'll take you to those real fancy places, and buy you whatever you want. Even if the price isn't on the menu. He also loves physical touch. He loves showing you off, he will always hold your hand in public. Only time you can free your hand from his is if it's realllyyy hot. But he always has to be touching you. Even in his sleep.
Kenshi Takahashi...
also loves physical touch. I mean, he is the blind swordsman. He specifically loves it when you guide him, with his hand on your shoulder. It makes you feel very present, especially with the complete loss of his sight. And that's something he cherishes.
Kung Lao...
is all over you. Especially since he couldn't cop until he met you, physical touch is a highlight. He especially loves hugging you, it makes his worries dissipate. Doesn't matter if it's in public, or when you two are alone, he likes knowing you're his. And he loves to show you off, especially.
loves acts of service. As much as your his, he's also yours. And he loves knowing what he can do for you. As long as he can reduce the load of stress for you, he's happy. He'll change your sheets the minute your out of bed, wash the dishes, anything he thinks will brighten your day.
also enjoys acts of service. It's something he can do for you and know you'll appreciate. He'll make sure the house is clean, maybe he'll draw a bath for you. And he always pays attention to every little thing you do. What your favorite (horrible) Johnny Cage movie is, the exact temperature of your bath, etc.
Tomas Vrbada...
enjoys quality time. He spends as much time as he can with you, especially outside of Lin Kuei duties. He'll take you out on dates, go dancing with you, anything to see that pretty little face of yours more often. By far, one of his favorite past-times is stargazing. He also enjoys physical touch, just being able to hold you is enough to keep him going for days. It really solidifies your relationship to him.
prefers words of affirmation. Not only are they something he needs to hear, but he enjoys telling you how lucky he is to have you, and he especially loves it when the words are reciprocated. He is very conscious of his disease, and so as long as he knows you love him, he's happy as can be.
prefers acts of service & quality time. I mean, he is literally the servant of time itself. He will do everything he knows you hate doing, the dishes, changing your sheets, anything. You don't even have to ask. And he loves spending his free time with you, reading, or even just observing.
loves words of affirmation & physical touch. Physical touch affirms that you love him especially, he loves when you two are just laying together, enjoy each others presence. But he will also shower you in compliments, hold your hand and rub the back of it with his thumb, tell you just how much he loves you, and pull you in for a kiss.
enjoys quality time. As long as he gets you to himself, you can almost see his features form a smile. He loves to have you sit in his lap, just playing with your hair, while you read a book. But he also enjoys simply sleeping with you. He favors naps, and will always drag you off with him.
General Shao...
also loves physical touch. It's something that reassures you that you're his and only his. PDA is off the table, especially with his position, but when you two are alone, he's almost like a whole different man. He loves holding you in his arms and resting his head on your shoulder. And he especially loves it when you rub the back of his hands with your thumbs.
Shang Tsung...
loves giving you all sorts of prizes and gifts. He brings you some genuine things (for once), and sometimes he'll even bring you jewelry. Normally it will be silver, since he can find nothing but that within his price range, but sometimes the pieces he brings you are decorated with beautiful gems, which also happen to be genuine! He gets no greater pleasure then seeing your face light up when he gifts you something.
also enjoys acts of service & quality time. Getting you all to himself when things are so, so chaotic is one of the more peaceful things in life. It feeds his dream of a tranquil life, something he wishes to have with you one day. Doing the mundane, finishing up chores you hate doing, just being able to be by your side and watch you do whatever.
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© freyito, 2023 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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mangosrar · 5 months
call it what you want.
matt sturniolo x fem reader. enemies to lovers!!
WHEW YALL HEY. it’s been a while but i’m super excited to be back. love u ❤️‍🩹
warnings: suggestive. arguing
this will be multiple parts!!!!
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"im not a child anymore! i cant move 2 inches without them being on my ass about something" you exclaimed as you paced up and down the living room.
nick sat on the couch, gawking at you as you ranted. you sighed before stopping and pointing a finger at nick.
"and you know what, they dont do this to my brother, nooo he can fuck all the girls he wants but i mention one guy im not even dating and suddenly im going off the rails" nick just stared at you with a questionable expression on his face.
you knew he wouldnt understand, his parents were so lenient, so the fact you were going on a 20 minute tangent about how strict yours were was completely futile and you may as well be speaking in a different language.
you dropped your hands and whined before stomping over to the couch and plopping down next to nick.
"i mean, how could i win nick? they want me to be happy but i wanna be happy with a hot boyfriend" you said as you turned your head to look at him, he just looked down at you with a sympathetic but mischievous look.
"im worried my advice is going to get you in trouble" he cringed. you pulled your head back and furrowed your eyebrows, encouraging him to continue.
"i mean... you need to rebel y/n, find someone whos completely foreign to them" you stared at him, thinking for a second.
it wasnt like you wanted to, but the fact that their heads would fall off if you found someone who was the complete opposite of your parents and their expectations, brought you a little bit of complete fucking joy.
it was like a lightbulb moment, your eyes widened, and a cheesy grin pulled at your lips as you practically leaped off of the couch and continued your pacing.
"i need someone who is all mean and mysterious, or maybe a guy who drives a motorbike or plays the drums" you rambled looking at nick for approval but being met with a flat expression on his face.
"seriously y/n?" he questioned.
"whatever im just brainstorming" you waved him off.
"whoever he is needs to be nonchalant, he needs to smoke and drink, maybe dabble in partying every now and again, he needs to have tattoos and long hair. i mean be honest, if you came home with a guy like that, i think your mom would drop dead" he explained, letting out a small laugh before leaning forward slightly.
and as if god himself was listening, matthew sturniolo appeared in the doorway, in all of his long haired and tattood glory, sipping on a can of root beer, watching you intently.
both you and nick snapped your head towards him as he stood there with a stoic expression.
"what do you want weirdo?" you asked, raising your eyebrows.
he squinted at you before sticking his hand out besides him in question.
"your in my house y/n. the real question is what do you want" he spat.
truth was you and matt had never gotten along. despite your decade long friendship with his brothers, there was always something about him that you couldnt stand and apparently matt felt the same way towards you, so the two of you started an unspoken hatred for each other one day and it has stood strong ever since.
neither of you were sure why it started, but matt always hated the way you thought you were better than everyone else, how you could never admit when you were in the wrong, or the way your scent stuck to everything so he could always smell you around the house, but mostly he hated the way his cock would jump when you looked up at him with those big doe eyes, even when you were spitting insults at him.
"i want you to stop listening to our conversation and get the fuck out of my face" you bit back, turning to face him and crossing your arms, keeping your hard stare fixed on him.
"please, you love it when i get in your face y/n. and you know what, have a little more compassion, your parents are wonderful people." he scoffed as he took a step towards you, keeping his eyes trained on yours. he was clearly trying to get under your skin, and it was working.
"they dont even like you matt, i wouldnt be so up their ass" you smiled sarcastically. he just laughed before taking another step towards you.
"and i cant stand their bitch of a daughter so were even" he spoke lowly, shooting daggers at you. there was a few seconds of silence where you and matt were just glaring at each other. wordlessly throwing insults and screaming at one another, before nick cleared his throat, causing the bubble around you both to pop.
you and matt turned to look at nick who was standing up from his seat on the couch, with an expression that you couldnt place. you could feel the heat radiating off of matt, in the midst of the bickering you hadnt realized how close he had gotten, you hadnt realized how good he smelt, or how him looking down at you like a disobedient child made you want to drop to your knees there and then.
nick opened his mouth to speak, his eyes jumping from you to his brother, who was stood not even a foot away.
"back to the topic at hand...why dont you date chris?" nick said like it was the most obvious option.
"you cant be serious..." matt trailed off, looking at his brother.
"no way nick, hes like my brother, plus my parents like him" you explained, ignoring matts comment, moving away from him and taking a seat back on the couch, folding your legs up underneath you.
"fake it, be in a fake relationship with him" you werent sure what planet nick was living on, but he was not helping in any way shape or form.
you just rubbed your hands over your face, groaning at the realization this was never going to work. there was a pregnant pause, all 3 of you, thinking completely different things, before matt broke the silence.
"ok so let me get this straight, you wanna piss off your parents, and show them your all grown up, by finding a guy in a biker gang..... as a scare tactic?" he asked, sending questioning looks between you and nick.
"not a biker gang matt" nick replied flatly, shaking his head at him.
"so just someone with tattoos, and long hair?" he spoke, placing his drink down on the coffee table and crossing his arms over his chest.
you shrugged and nodded your head at him. why was he so interested.
"so you just wanna use someone, to make your parents mad?" he furrowed his brows, desperately trying to get this right, but you were sure he was trying to make you feel bad so you didnt go through with it, just so you would stay miserable. or so you thought.
"call it what you want matt, i dont care what you think, this is none of your business" you spat.
you watched matts eyes wander from yours to his brothers who had been suspiciously silent. they were exchanging glances, like they were speaking some sort of wordless language, and it was concerning. usually, matt wouldve threw an insult back at you, but his expression didnt even waiver.
pulling your eyes away from matt, you turned to nick with a confused expression, and studdied his face, watching as his eyes lit up and he grinned, before turning to face you with a look in his eye that you couldnt decipher.
"before you say anything, just hear me out"
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @chrisenthusiast @st4rswrld @soursturniolo @kvtie444 @mattslolita @flowerxbunnie @lovingsturniolo @its-jennarose @ermdontmindthisaccount @secret-sturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @justaslvttygirl @urfavstromboli @recklesssturniolo @delimeats-000 @gloomymatt @gwenlore @nickdevora @sturnioloenthusiast
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pupkashi · 9 months
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love comes easy when it’s gojo
a/n: what are you guys talking about chapter 236 ? the manga ended a while ago lol they’re all happy and safe ! don’t be silly guys >.< (I’m deep in denial no one hmu)
wordcount: 728
loving satoru gojo was easy.
it was easy falling in love with him when you first began talking to him, stolen glances and flushed faces when either of you caught the other.
it came to you like second nature to play along with his jokes. your minds practically syncing up the second your eyes connected, silly grins on your faces as you both cracked dumb jokes.
there was something almost instinctive that had you intertwining your fingers with his, the tv on the show now background noise as satoru practically lay on top of you.
“what should we get for dinner?” you mumbled, half paying attention to the action on the screen, eyes landing on the mop of white hair in your lap.
satoru hummed, adjusting himself so that he was on his back and staring up at you, “want me to cook?” there was a smile playing on his lips as you pursed your lips at him.
“depends” you smile, “what is chef gojo gonna cook up for us tonight?” the smile on his face was evident now as he sat upright.
“maybe some instant ramen?” eyes glimmering as he speaks up again, “im feeling a bit fancy so how ‘bout i add an egg in there too.”
“an egg? you spoil me satoru,” you tease, watching as satoru pushes himself off the couch, stretching a bit. the bottom of his shirt lifts a bit and you catch his lower belly, smiling to yourself.
“oh but when you bend over i can’t whistle at you?” he pouts, catching the way you were practically giggling.
“satoru we were in a meeting with the higher ups,” you retort. the sorcerer only scoffs, mumbling something and heading into the kitchen.
it was easy to love satoru when he was carrying you out in the pouring rain, a cheesy love song blaring through his phone speakers in his pocket.
“dance with me!” his dimples peeking out and his eyes crinkling a bit as he laughed at your now soaked shirt.
you want to be angry, you want to scold him because he just got over the flu and this is gonna be terrible for him. but the small droplets of water collecting at the end of his white hair and sticking messily to his forehead make you keep your mouth shut.
you don’t say anything as you extend your arm out, giggling when he quickly pulls you into him by the waist, immediately pressing his lips onto yours, teeth hitting each other as the two of you burst into giggles.
“cyndi lauper is your go to?” you laugh, barely audible over the downpour surrounding the two of you.
“it was either her or whitney houston ” he smiles, turning his infinity on when he sees you shiver in the slightest, being sure to include you in it.
it was easy loving satoru gojo when he was shampooing your hair, kissing your shoulder and wrapping warm towels around you.
it was easy to fall deeper in love with him when the two of you are in bed, sweet nothings being interchanged between the two of you.
“i love you, angel boy,” you whisper, loving the way his cheeks grew pink, the grin on his lips growing as he nuzzled his face into the crook of his neck.
“i love you more, sweets” his voice is softer, more vulnerable, than usual. there’s nothing on his mind except you, and there’s nothing on yours except him.
it’s when the two of you are making breakfast together, movements flowing easily as he passes you the eggs and he plates the pancakes. when you’re both sitting way too close to each other on the huge couch in the living room, pillows and blankets surrounding the two of you.
when you hand each other things without even uttering a word. when you sit in rare silence with your lover, the comfort of each others presence being enough for the two of you.
when he’s bringing home flowers or you’re making him his favorite foods, when you’re blushing at his shower of compliments and he’s running away the second you call him handsome.
it’s in between laundry loads and making plans that you both realize how easy love comes to each other.
loving satoru gojo was easy, especially when you fell in love with him all over everyday.
taglist (send an ask to be added!): @chilichopsticks @anime-for-the-sleepless @4sat0ruu @safaia-47 @nanamikentoseyebags @fushironi @nineooooo @the-mom-friend-dot-com @gojoshooter @sat6ru @luna0713hunter @torusmochi
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moonbaetarot · 2 months
Pick a pile
First date with future spouse
1. 2. 3.
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Pile 1
This first date you’re going to be excited but nervous like you can’t tell if you’re really excited or about to throw up lol. I feel like once you Two meet up and sit or get to the location all your nerves will go away and you’re going to be much more calm and relaxed. your future spouse is going to put a lot of effort into this date they really planed this around you and what you like do do or eat. This date is going to make you really happy and show that they really care about you and are serious about this. They know there boundaries they will get close to you but not to close where they’re touching you. This date will be in public I don’t see too many people but definitely not alone. I feel like you’re really going to love the way they look at you. Your future spouse really loves how’s beautiful you are. You may be wearing an outfit that shows your body and they really like that. you’re really going to like the way they look as well. I feel like this date is going to last a really long time. Your future spouse may do or say something risky. This date is a start to a new beginning. This person feels like they got you in their hands like they have been wanting you and they finally got you.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 2
I feel like you go on this first day and your already planning y’all’s future lol there talking about there family and friends and your in your head like “yup I want this at the wedding i want this ring I want 3 kids I want a big White House”lol. this date may be sightseeing it’s definitely is outside somewhere in nature. I feel like before this date you may have really been closed off to love but this date really shows that it’s ok to open your heart and love. This person makes you feel safe and secure. After this date things are going to move very quickly this date just confirmed that you’re the one for them. You have dreamed about this for so long when it finally happeneds it’s going to feel like a dream. This is honestly so sweet I see you being so happy and content. I see you having a lot of doubts about this date maybe even wanting to cancel it I feel like you are just thinking of all the times you went on dates and they led you to bad people but this is your future spouse loves. I’m seeing a lot about kids and babies in this pile yall may talk about kids or if you want kids or you may ask them I feel like someone in this pile really wants to be a mom it just kids in general. This pile is so cute I just get so much love in store for you.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
Pile 3
This first date may be at a party or celebration you could be their plus one to a special event or something like that. You could meet there family aswell so this event could be a family thing. I feel like yall are both really nervous about this date this is why they brought you to an open place where it’s just not you Two. This person wants the say the right things im hearing “playing my cards right” but they’re also nervous asf lol. This event is going to be fun tho I see you really enjoying yourself and having fun. Your definitely going to be shaking hands and meeting there family and or friends. For some this first date isn’t y’all’s first time hanging out I feel like this may be someone you used to know and it didn’t work out yall started talking again and then this date happened. Your future spouse could be older than you. If you drink I definitely see you drinking at this event. This person is really attracted to you they love your hair, lips, eyes, Nose, neck they are just obsessed with you. You may be wearing an orange or yellow dress. This reading was a bit confusing now I wanna know the full story lol you’re going to have to come back and tell me all of it lol but definitely feel like this is a rekindling type of thing.
Thank you for reading loves! 🤍
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dr3c0mix · 1 year
What does goth man look like 👁️👁️
this reminded me that i had a wip of the zombie horde in my procreate ghhghhhghgh but i want to give yall a little more than that so im also throwing in some headcannons and stuff from when they were alive &lt;3 <3 <3
💀 Ribs' hair is bleached blonde! It also has a faint smell of weed, hmm.
💀 Just as he is now, he was very hyper. He used to go to a lot of parties and raves. He was actually at a beach concert when he got infected.
💀 He reacts to rock music, if you play a song near him, he’ll turn to where the sound is coming from and go to it and hop around happily, it’s a good way to find him if you loose him in the mall.
💀 Screw looked like he was a scavenger like you before turning into a zombie, you found old cans of food and an almost empty flask of water in his bag amidst things he probably picked up, things he very much didn’t need anymore in his current state.
💀 He and Ribs found a pair of scissors in your drawers once and you came back to your bunker to Ribs cutting Screw’s hair. They both just stared at you with Screw’s hair all over the floor, that’s why his hair looks a bit choppy.
💀 He gets cold easily somehow so he clings onto you the most, the others are a little jealous..
💀 Soda has a lot of burn scars on his shoulder, you make it a point to not use fire around him as he chirped and cooed worryingly when you lit a match to warm some food.
💀 His hair is surprisingly soft, a bit dry but it isn’t as covered in blood and dirt like the others.
💀 his shirt is slightly in better shape than the rest of his clothes, he’s probably had to change it after a while.
💀 Bo looks like he’s lasted longer than the others considering his supposed military experience and a bandage present on his leg ever before finding him, he’s had in on for a while.
💀 The sides of his face are scratches and torn, revealing his teeth underneath, it makes it hard to chew sometimes but that’s why he focuses more on getting the others food more than himself.
💀 He’s a bit of an attention seeker so if you see him beekeeping the others in line or doing something good, please praise him, he’ll be so happy. The others tease him for it because he resembles a dog when he leans down for you to pat his head.
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Anyway here’s your funny little zombos !! Hope you like how they turned out ! I promise to give y’all a proper drawing of goth next time too!
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alastor-simp · 4 months
Pocky Kiss - Hazbin Hotel Gang x Female Reader
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[P.S. I know that many of the characters are together in relationships or planning to be (Huskerdust and Chaggie), so don't be upset if they do kiss the reader in the story. Enjoy]
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🌈Charlie was so excited to try something new, especially when it involved sweets. She saw you coming back to the hotel, carrying a plastic bag. When she asked you what you got, you told her you had gotten some sweets.
🌈Going to explain how pocky was a very popular sweet in the human world, she was ecstatic, rainbows and sparkles popping up around her. There were so many flavors to choose from, but she loved the cheesecake flavored ones.
🌈Watching her munching away on them, stick hanging in her mouth, you remembered the little game that used to be played with these treats. Grabbing Charlie's attention, you asked if you wanted to play a game, to which she responded with an enthusiastic yes.
🌈Grabbing her by her shoulders, you positioned her so she was facing you. Explaining the rules of the pocky game to her, you watched her reactions, to make sure she was okay with playing it. Her cheeks did turn a slight pink, but she was still smiling and agreed to the game.
🌈Placing the pocky stick between both of your mouths, you started the game. The both of you moved slowly, nibbling the stick bit by bit. The more you stared at Charlie, the more entranced you got. She was both physically cute and beautiful at the same time. Her eyes were lovely and her rosy cheeks gave her a doll-like appearance, making you flush.
🌈Charlie noticed how your eyes were darting all around, before they looked away from her, gazing down. She also noticed the redness on your cheeks. Halfway done with the treat, you heard a soft chuckle and gazed back at Charlie. Her once adorable smile was now a smirk, her eyes had turned red with slits and red horns at appeared on the top of her head.
🌈Grabbing the collar of your shirt, she had pulled you closer, lips smashing together. "!!!!!!" you were left in a state of shock, not expecting this reaction at all. Her lips were very soft and you could smell the apple scented perfume that her dad got for her. Soon, the kiss had ended and she let you go, changing back to her normal appearance. "I WIN!" she said, jumping with excited, while you were panting with flushed cheeks and a racing heartbeat.
🌈Charlie noticed immediately and started apologizing saying "IM SO SORRY!! I-I don't know what came over me I ummmm" She was waving her hands, worried she had upset you. Smiling, you shook her head, saying you were fine, and not to worry. She calmed down at that, while giving you a bear hug, happy that you weren't upset. She had let you go after a while, and the both of you continued to sit next to each other, finishing the rest of the pocky sticks you had bought.
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🎀Vaggie wasn't big on sweets, compared to Charlie. She didn't hate them, but she preferred more of the mellow kind like ice cream or pudding.
🎀She happened to see you in the lobby room by yourself, humming while eating some type of stick. She questioned you, wondering what you were doing. "Oh hey Vaggie. Nothing just eating some pocky, want one?" Pocky? what was that? She noticed that box in your hand, reading the label "Cookies and Creme Pocky."
🎀 Noticing her confusion, you said they were a cookie like biscuit covered in flavored chocolate. She brightened a bit more at that, saying "Sure", and proceeded to sit next to you, grabbing the box from your hand.
🎀She tried a bit a first, until she grabbed two more sticks and began to eat away at them. Well, you were happy she like them. The both of you just sat in silence, continuing to eat the pocky. A thought clicked in your head, remembering the pocky game. Placing a pocky between your lips, you turned to Vaggie, while tapping her shoulder.
🎀She looked at you, pocky between your lips, smiling. She raised an eyebrow, wondering what the heck you were doing. You explained to her about the pocky game that could be played with two people, and said if she wanted to play. Moving the stick playfully with your lips, you continued to stare at Vaggie, urging her to play.
🎀She gave an unimpressed look, grabbing the pocky from your mouth and pulled it away. "Aww come on." you said, sadly. You were about to say something else, until you saw her get closer to your face, giving a small peck on your lips before pulling away. "WHA-!" Your face turned bright red, as you stared at Vaggie in shock
🎀She was just acting nonchalant, like nothing just happened as she continued to eat the pocky, while you were still contemplating what the hell just happened.
Angel Dust🕷
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🕷Angel Dust was a glutton for sweets, especially if they were slightly erotic. He has done many porn scenes, featuring edible underwear or with food like whipped cream or chocolate.
🕷He happened to walk past your room, seeing the door opened a crack. Peeking in, you saw you sitting on your bed, with headphones in your ears, while munching on something. Raising an eyebrow, he entered inside, closing the door as he made his way over to your bed.
🕷You hadn't realize he had come inside, until you saw him plop in the center of the bed, causing you to jump and let out a yelp. He was positioned on the bed, provocatively, laying on his side, while he placed on his hands against his cheek, smirking at you. Removing your headphones, you yelled at Angel not to scare you like that.
🕷He rolled his eyes, before pointing at the box in your hand: "Whatcha eating their toots?" Oh he was curious. You went on to explain to him that it was pocky, a biscuit like sweet. "They are strawberry flavored, do you want one?" Taking one out of the box, you handed it to him. He grabbed it with one of his hands, and held it in front of his face, unimpressed. "Sucks that aren't di✪✪ shaped." You gave him a look that said, really, as he popped the thing in his mouth and began to eat it.
🕷"Eh not bad." as he grabbed a few more from the box and began to munch on them. As you watched him eat, you thought of the game that was very popular in the human world with these treats. Smirking a bit, you snapped your fingers to get his attention. Angel turned towards you, wondering what you wanted. "Angel do you want to play the pocky game with me?" Angel question you, asking what type of game was it. "Well two players put the stick between the both of them, and they eat away at it. You can either pull away or not."
🕷You watched his reaction, wondering if he was up for it. Suddenly, he sat up quickly, as his four arms pulled you closer. He positioned you on his lap, placing two hands around your waist, while placing the other two on your cheeks. His lips were drawn into a smirk, and he was giving you bedroom eyes: "Awww~ Ya want a kiss from yours truly~? Why didn't you say so~?" He was speaking very seductively to you, causing goosebumps to appear on your body.
🕷He slowly leaned in, taking the other end of the pocky with his mouth, and started to move slowly. Your heartbeat was racing by how close he was and how intimate the atmosphere was now. His pinks irises were gorgeous, drawing you in. His hands had wrapped around you snugly, pulling you closer to him. You heard him give a soft chuckle, his eyes lidded with lust as he inched closer and closer to your mouth. You slowly closed your eyes, as you felt his lips molded into yours.
🕷The kiss lasted for a good minute, before it ended, with the both of you panting. "Hehe~. Well that was fun. Did ya enjoy it toots?" He was still holding your cheeks with his hands, while his eyes gazed at you lovingly. Smiling, you gave a nod, while biting your lip. "Wanna play again?" you asked, giving him a shy smile. He smiled widely, showing his golden tooth. "Sure babe, but we can play without the sticks this time~." He leaned closer, interlocking lips again, as your back hit the bed.
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🪡Niffty knew exactly what pocky was. This girl was a hidden weeaboo. She was cleaning around the lobby of the hotel, sweeping the ceilings left and right with a feather duster. She heard the sound of feet clattering on the floor, and turned to see you walking with a plastic bag.
🪡Taking a seat on the couch, you reach inside and pulled out a box of pocky. You were surprised that they had them in Hell, especially the chocolate banana one. As you laid back ready to eat some pocky, you turned to see a giant eye in front of you, causing you to jump.
🪡"Ohhhhhhhh! You got pocky? Gimme gimme gimme!!" she jumped on the couch, super excited and making grabby hands at you. Calming down and laughing at how cute she was, you gave her a few sticks, to which she smiled widely at and started to eat them happily.
🪡"How do you know about pocky, Niffty?" you asked, to which she quickly responded with "Fanfiction!" As you both continued to eat some pocky, you thought back to the pocky game that could be played and asked Niffty if she wanted to play. Niffty squealed in glee, grabbing a stick and placing it between both of your mouths. You were surprised she wanted to play, honestly.
🪡You were about to start nibbling, but Niffty sped ate the whole stick, letting your lips touch for a brief second, before she pulled away smiling. It took you a second to register everything that happened, especially since it was so quick. Niffty didn't say anything after that, just continued to eat the pocky sticks, until she ran to go get a broom, since there were crumbs now all over the couch and floor.
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🍺Husk didn't really give a fu✪✪ about sweets. His attention focuses more on the bottle in his hand. He does indulge in sweet flavored liquor, but only on certain occasions.
🍺He was snoozing a bit on the bar, having drunk a bit too much last night. His ears twitched as he heard the sound of someone taking a seat. Peeking his eyes open, he saw you with your phone in hand, along with some type of stick in your mouth. "The fu✪✪ is that?" he thought.
🍺You were taking a bit of a snack break, and decided to eat some chocolate pocky while scrolling through your phone. Taking a break, you looked away and spotted Husk staring at you. "Hey Husk." you have a small wave. He gave a grumble, removing himself from the bar and gave a stretch, hearing his back crack. "Hey kid. What is that long toothpick doing in your mouth?" He pointed at the pocky, that was hanging between your lips.
🍺You told him that it was pocky, not a toothpick. You asked him if he wanted to try one. He shrugged his shoulders and went to grab one from the box, before you pulled it away. "Wait..can you eat chocolate? Since your a cat demon and all." you looked at him with mild concern. He rolled his eyes at that, and grabbed the box from you, placing one stick inside his mouth. His face stayed the same, wearing his usual pout. He gave the box back to you, but grabbed some more sticks.
🍺Well your glad he didn't hate them. The both of you just ate the pocky in silence, until you had a thought. "Hey Husk, wanna play a small game?" Husk brighten a bit at that, giving a smirk: "You wanna play cards kid?" Shaking your head, you place a pocky stick in his mouth and explained the game to him. You knew for a fact he wouldn't agree to play this game. He could barely stand Angel's constant flirts, so the idea of him playing a kissing game was VERY slim.
🍺Husk gave an annoyed grumble, uttering a fine, as he leaned closer with the biscuit in his mouth. Wait really?!?!? He wanted to play?! Leaning in, you placed your mouth on the other. The both of you stood still for a second, until you slowly started to nibble. As you ate, you eyes were drawn to Husk. His black eyes were gazing into yours. Instead of the usual slits, his eyes were dilated, hinting he wasn't pissed doing this. You continued to admire him, gazing at his ears and red wings.
🍺You were about to pull away, thinking he probably didn't want to reach the end. As you started to back away, his hands had grabbed your shoulders, stooping you. His wings also folded in and wrapped around your back, encasing you. His lips then reached yours, gazing your eyes to widen in shock. The kiss continued between the both of you, before he pulled away.
🍺He noticed your flustered appearance, and chuckled. "Whats the matter kid? Cat got your tongue?" Covering your face with your hands, letting out a muffled shut up, you tried to calm your heart down. Husk patted your head, saying "sorry kid." You heard the sounds of some liquid being poured and you removed your hands to see that Husk was making your favorite cocktail. He finished and placed it in front of you, saying it was on the house, before walking away from the bar.
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🎙Alastor would have no clue what pocky was. Only thing he was interested in was radio, murder, dad jokes, jambalaya, and jazz. Other stuff that wasn't any of those things he wouldn't associate with it.
🎙He was walking down the halls, humming a tune, when his ears perked up at the sound of jazz playing. Walking closer to the sounds, he had arrived at the door to your room, that was opened a bit. He picked his head in, seeing you sitting in the floor near your bed, folding some clothes. You were bopping your head at the tunes while also munching on something. You heard the sound of static, and turned your head to see Alastor. “Hey Al! You need something?” You smiled up at Alastor, placing the folded shirt in your hands on top of your lap.
🎙️Alastor smiled and entered inside your room, standing next to you with his arms behind his back. “No! Nothing at all, my dear! Just heard the sweet sounds of jazz playing!” Chuckling at that, you gestured to your bed saying he can take a seat there if he wants. He smiled more at that, walking over to your bed, and taking a seat, crossing his legs. Remembering what you were doing, you went back to folding your clothes, and eating the rest of the pocky in your mouth. “What is that strange stick you are nibbling on?” You heard him ask. Turning your head to look at him, he was laying on his stomach, smiling at you while kicking his feet.
🎙️ “Oh it’s pocky. It’s a treat I use to enjoy when I was alive. Charlie had actually found some in a store in hell and got some for me.” Grabbing the box, you lifted it up towards Al, asking if he wanted some. He scrunched his nose at that: “Apologies, my dear, but I’m not one for sweets, so I politely decline.” “These are not too sweet, they are 60% cacao ones so they are a bit more bitter.” You tried to convince him, but he turned his head away.
🎙️Ugh he was so stubborn! Trying to think of a way to get him to try it, you came up with an idea, it was risky but you think you could pull it off. Getting up from your position, you walked over to the door and locked it, before turning back to Alastor, who raised his eyebrow at you in confusion. “I wanna make a deal with you.” Radio screech! Well that shocked the hell out of him, where did this come from all of a sudden. His smile outstretched his entire face, as he continued to lay on the bed, placing his hands under his chin. "Oh ho! It appears I have rubbed off on you a bit. May you care to enlighten me on the negotiations for this deal?" You wanted to take back what you said, but it was too late to go back.
🎙️"Me and you are going to play the pocky game. No soul stealing or any funny business. Just a simple game between you and me and you can't refuse." Placing your hands on your hip, you eyed Alastors expression, seeing if he would take the deal or not. He tiled his head at you, eyes clouded in confusion. "Pocky game?" Oh right, he didn't know about that stuff. After you explained the game to him, he still continued to stare at you. "And if i refuse to partake in this?" His face showed disinterest, clearly not wanting to go through with it. "Aww is the radio demon afraid of losing?" you smirked. The sound of static got louder, and Alastor eyes had flashed into radio dials. Him afraid?! Hah, what a joke! Snapping his fingers, your body started to levitate and fly over to him, landing on the bed with a thud, as he got up from his position. His clawed hand grabbed your chin, tiling it up to have you look at him. "You are quite bold, aren't you. I'll agree to this little deal of yours. I hope you are prepared for the consequences."
🎙️His voice had deepened a bit, the static no longer masking his voice. This was giving you goosebumps all over. You didn't mean to upset him. Removing his hand from your chin, he extended it out towards you, ready to make the deal. Grabbing his hand, a shocking sensation formed once your hands connected and a slight green glow appeared around your hands. Letting go, you grabbed the box from the ground, and pulled out one of the pocky sticks, placing one end in your mouth, waiting for Al to grab the other. He had to bend down closer to you, given how tall he was. His mouth had grabbed the other end, and you both started to move slowly.
🎙️The atmosphere was so tense. You could feel your heart beating like crazy at this situation. Heat had risen in your face as you continued to stare at Al. You were able to see more of his features since he was so close to you. His eyes were a beautiful crimson red, drawing you in. The tufts of hair on top of his head were moving a bit, which you found adorable. Al noticed your eyes gazing at him, seeing admiration instead of fear. His own heart melted at that, as he chuckled softly, moving inch by inch closer to your mouth. The game then drew to an end with both of your lips touching. The kiss was merely a peck, until Al placed a hand on your cheek, deepening it a bit more. Kissing for a bit longer, you both decided to let go.
🎙️Your face felt like a million degrees, and you began to trace your lips with your fingers. Al still had a smile on his face, but you caught the hint of pink on his cheeks. His eyes were more calmer now, indicating that he was not as upset as before. "My, what an entertaining game that was!" His smile grew wider, as he continued to stare at you. Feeling shy, you looked down: "I'm glad you enjoyed it." Neither of you said a word after that, filling the room with silence. Deciding it was better to just move past what happened, you moved to go back to folding the rest of the clothes on the floor. A hand had grabbed yours, pulling you back. Your body had then moved from the bed to his lap, causing you to give a small yelp.
🎙️His hand had grabbed your chin, causing you to look up at him. His glowing eyes were looking at you with hints of desire. "As I said before, you better be prepared for the consequences of this deal. We will continue to play this until I am satisfied. Understood, darling?" His voice had dropped to a whisper, as the lights in your room began to dim. Gulping, you gave a small nod. Alastor let out a chuckle, before moving closer, whispering "Good girl."
Sir Pentious🐍
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🐍Sir Pentious was a very classy man. He was from the Victorian era, so he wasn't up to date with many of the new and modern things, but he was interested to learn, since he wanted to be "cool."
🐍He was in the hotel gardens, watering some plants while his egg bois were helping him, or trying to as they tried to lift the water can or start little slap fights between themselves. He stopped watering, as he heard the sounds of what sounded like paper. Stopping what he was doing, he slithered to the other area of the garden. He spotted you, sitting on the ground, with a book on your lap, while eating something. "Well hello y/n." Looking up from your book, you saw Sir Pent looking at you with a soft smile. "Hi Pent, whatcha doing?" Sir pentious smiled wider, and extended his hand to the flowers: "Ah! I, the great Sir Pentioussss was watering the flowerssss." His way of speaking always made you laugh. Giving a nod, you went back to your book, eating away at the biscuit.
🐍Sir Pentious noticed what you were eating, and slithered down to sit next to you. "What issss that peculiar ssssstick in your mouth?" He raised a hand and pointed at your lips. Oh did he not know what pocky was? Grabbing the box next to you, you held it up in front of him. "These are little fudge biscuits. I loved eating them when I was alive. They have many flavors. These ones are matcha flavored, which is a kind of tea. Do you want to try one?" Grabbing one of the sticks, you handed it to him. Grabbing the stick carefully, he examined it like it was some kind of tool. He gave it a little nibble, causing eyes to widen in amazement, as he began to eat it faster. "These are excellent! May I have other one?" He extended his hand out, giving you a shy smile.
🐍You gave him some more, and the both of you continued to eat in silence, watching the Egg bois fooling around. Thinking back to the time when you were alive, you remembered the game that could be played with the little treats. "Hey Pent, do you want to play a small game?" Sir pentious looked a you, tiling his head, asking what kind of game. Grabbing one of the sticks, you gestured to him, explaining the rules of the pocky game. The more and more you explained the rules, the more flustered his face got. He realized if he played the game, you both would, you would-. His dark face was turning red, even his hat looked nervous. Noticing his expression, you told him he didn't have play if it made him uncomfortable.
🐍Sir Pentious shook his head, "I will play thisssss game! Prepare yourself!" He had grabbed the stick, and placed it between his fang lips. You knew he was nervous, given how red his face was. Smiling, you took the other end, and slowly started to nibble. Sir Pentious was just frozen there like a statue, he didn't eat at the stick, his emotions were going crazy. Sensing his distress, you grabbed his hand, rubbing your finger against it. That calmed him down, thankfully, as he started to eat at the pocky stick. The both of you got closer and closer, and soon both of your lips had touched. It lasted for a few seconds, until you saw Sir Pentious fall backwards.
🐍"Sir Pentious!!" you saw him fall backwards, landing on his back. He had apparently fainted from what just happened. His egg bois noticed and rushed over to him, saying "Boss are you okay?" They tried to shake him awake, but he was still passed out. Giving a laugh, you moved his body, positioning his head on your lap, making sure he was comfortable at least. You would have him rest there until he woke up, as you grabbed your book, and started to read again with a flustered past out snake on your lap.
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping@danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman , @huntlowfan , @pawstrey , @futureittomainn , @christinaatyourservice92 , @littledolly2345
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ilypaigebuckets · 1 month
I Hate it Here
pairing: paige bueckers x reader
plot: based off of the tiktok trend from taylor swift’s new album ttpd. in which paige sees the tiktok you made about her.
also posting on my other acc! @kenzlovesyou
paige returned home from practice to find you asleep in your shared room. she was sweaty and tired but the sight of you looking so precious made her face soften. she noticed you had a tendency to do that; make her soft.
paige put her bag down and walked up to you, kissing your forehead. “hey y/n, baby. i’m back,” her tone was sweet as she shook you awake, “i’m home!”. you groaned a bit as your eyes fluttered awake. “paigeyyy” you said, still half asleep as your arms reached to hug her. she smiled and reached down to hug you. you nuzzled into her neck, you’d missed her a little extra today. she stood up fully and you got out of your bed, hugging her tightly once again. “babe i’m sweaty. let me shower, then we’ll spend some time ok?” she lightly unhooked your arms from around your neck and gave you a soft kiss on the cheek. you sighed, already missing her touch.
you decided to go on to couch and watch a show while you waited for paige to finish showering. after finally settling on a show you spaced out into it, watching intently. paige finally finished showering and came out of the bathroom onto the couch with you. she saw the show you chose and wasn’t particularly interested, but still wanted to spend time with you. you laid your head on her shoulder and snuggled close to her. she looked down at your precious head and kissed the top of it.
she decided to scroll on tiktok while you watched your show. she scrolled past videos on her for you page, not finding anything entertaining enough to like but not boring enough to scroll past without watching. she then switched to her following feed. she watched the dancing video she and kk had made earlier in the day, before practice and laughed to herself. then she stumbled upon your account. you weren’t too active on social media, so it was always a treat for her to view something you’d posted. it was one of those slideshow tiktoks, with a new song from Taylor Swift playing in the background. the first picture was a cute picture of you azzi had taken of you with your hood on your heading, looking grumpywith the words “i hate it here so i will go to”.
paige quickly realized what trend you were participating in and was excited to see what you thought your “secret garden” was. she assumed it would be Uconn, as you’d mentioned how happy going to school here had made you and how it’d brought you out of your shell. she slid to the next photo. “secret gardens in my mind” she read and saw a mirror picture of the two of you. nobody else. just her. she was your secret garden. she mattered most to you. she felt like tearing up. she’d never meant this much to someone. even though it was just a tiktok trend, she was overcome with emotion. “baby?” she looked over at you.
“hm?” you hummed over at her, still immersed in your show.
“hey, welcome back to the real world. i saw the tiktok you made about me. i love you so much. ” she lifted her arm up and put it around you.
“you like it?? it’s not too annoyingly coupley and cringey?” you asked.
“no, y/n. it’s perfect. i wish i could be with you all the time. i love spending time with you.”
you looked at her and smirked. she wasn’t this soft when she first met you. you’d changed her.
“going soft on me, bueckers?”
“OK MOMENT RUINED” she jokingly pushed you off her even though she knew she’d be holding you again not even 2 minutes later.
my first one shot 🥳🥳 ik it’s short but i felt like writing something!! feel free to send in fic requests, dialogue prompts, song lyric prompts, etc! hope you guys like this, ik im not the best writer but i just like to do it for fun!! have a great day/night <3 :)
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st4rrth0ughts · 3 months
Ok I know I said I’m taking a break but I’m going to just dump this idea and expand on it soon, warnings below
Reader is aven’s bodyguard, mentions of dead body, death, a bit of a word vomit, and a sfw brainrot (I know, shocking, Im writing on the train anyways) probably ooc aven? Prodding at the hsr 2.1 leaks (if ykyk), I’m not in my computer so no more yellow text T-T
Aventurine peeking into your dreams through that phone in the Penacony dreamscape, only to see you, his precious bodyguard, always so stoic and unemotional, breathing hard, in the ‘real’ dreamscape, desperately yelling his name.
but the feelings of happiness, the feeling that he was important to someone, goes away the moment he sees you mortified, staring at his dead body. He wants to just jump into the dream, hold you and tell you it’s alright, seeing the look of panic, desperation and pure agony in your eyes makes his heart shatter. He would never make you cry, and he certainly wouldn’t want to in your own dream, where it’s supposed to be relaxing.
nothing much he can do about it when he stares at the dream playing out in shock, when your begging, begging for him to wake up, praying to the Amber Lord himself that this dammed nightmare would end soon, and that you would see him alive and well again. 
Aventurine has never known how to receive from anyone. All his life, it was him giving, since childhood to his current age as Senior Manager of the IPC. The fact you, on a daily basis, already sacrifice so much for him, your time, freedom, even your own safety, bearing cuts, wounds while Aventurine remains perfectly unharmed was a foreign concept he still struggles to comprehend.
the fact that in a dream state, where your supposed to be happy, thinking about something else, no, even in your dream, it revolves around him. As much as he wanted to be smug and shit and be proud he was the main priority in your life, seeing you quietly sob as you hold the dead body of his doesn’t sit right with him. Never in 700 years. (See what I did there)
the dream ends, and the caller cuts off the call before he can even say anything. He walks aimlessly through Penacony, the dream replaying in his mind.
You crying. You holding him close. Of course, close contact wasn’t exactly unheard of between you two, you always did keep a eye on him, mostly during gambling sessions because of jealous competittors, he can’t count the number of times you pounced on someone for trying to attack him, but to be still cannot wrap his head around the fact that he was so important to you that he was quite literally on your mind even unconscious.
He hears footsteps, and your just right behind him. He always questions and teases you about how fast you can clear up your appearance after it gets disheveled, but he doesn’t say anything as he stares at your slightly trembling hands.
“Apologies for being late, sir. I was caught up in the dreamscape.”
Stop apologising, he wants to yell. You just had one of the most horrific nightmares in your life and your apologising for being late?! He grabs you and pulls you close. Sometimes he wishes he was taller so he could bury you in his chest and whisper sweet nothings in your ear, but feeling your chest in his face isn’t that bad either.
“I’m staying here. I won’t leave you, never did and never will.”
You run your hands through his hair. It’s not just the nightmare, it was the fact you were trying to find him, and overheard his plan to be a sacrifice to reveal The Family’s secrets to the universe. But you can’t tell him that for now, he’ll be sure to make changes so that you can’t interfere and be a self sacrificing idiot (as he puts it). 
So you simply nod, thank the Amber Lord that you have those sunglasses that hide your bloodshot eyes as you let yourself be consumed by his lie of forever.
“Likewise, sir.”
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hearts4chriss · 3 months
Watch ur mouth.
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toxic!chris x fwb!blackfem
prompt: your out at a party with Chris ( wearing top left corner ) and you start to piss him off, flirting with guys, ur tits nearly being exposed already had pissed him off and on top of that ur attitude he apparently didn’t like, so he fixes it for you
ok so this wasn’t requested but she asked for the part where you flirt with a guy so - @buckys-cumdumpster 💋 semi requested
Contains: sub!reader!, rough!dom!chris!, face fucking ( hip thrusting ), car sex, stomach bulge, missionary, overstimulation, creampie, HEAVY degrading, pet names, hair pulling, dacryphilia, cum eating, unprotected sex ( don’t do this !! ), dumification!kink, mentions of safeword ( not actually used ), dirty talk,
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Chris and I had been talking for a bit and he always manages to do some shit to piss me off and yet here I am. Going to a party with him after he just got on my nerves.
Nonetheless, this meant id have “a bad attitude” Chris calls it which already annoyed me so I decided I was gonna fuck with him.
I wore his favourite outfit on me the pants hugged my curves making ass pop out and them being low rise showing my dermal piercings and the fitted jacket made my tits look good as I didn’t zip it up all the way and this outfit would always result in something sexual, fingering or his cock buried inside me butttt I wanted to push his limits too see how far he’d go.
I finished my makeup and spraying water and putting curling products on my hair only zipping up my jacket too my lower boob allowing my tits to sit perfectly guaranteed too drive Chris crazy .
I grabbed my lip gloss and heard chris honking outside and I stepped out and hopped into his car.
Chris's eyes immediately shifted to my exposed chest and shifted his facial expression.
What did I tell you about this outfit? Chris sighed deeply gripping the steering wheel tightly and I smirked too myself already getting a rise out of him
Im wearing it like what is ur problem? I snap back running my fingers in my hair as it curved at my ass guaranteed to drive him insane.
I watch his jaw clench as we ride in silence before pulling up too this party he dragged me too.
I got out the car walking into the party disappearing in the crowd of people leaving Chris with his own thoughts.
The party had been going on for just about an hour and I had been lost in the music and alcohol. Nonetheless I wasn’t drunk but something tells me Chris was not going to be happy.
Playin games by summer walker & Bryson tiller played and immediately I rush too go dance, slowly moving my hips to the song.
this lasted before a guy, who was fairly attractive comes behind me moving my hips with his as I leaned back resting my head on his shoulder.
I look around the room and my eyes lock with Chris’s, he looks like he could explode any second, gripping tightly on his beer.
Chris’s pov
Is she fucking kidding me? I mean come on I’m way better looking than he is and he’s not even doing it right.
I know she’s only doing this to piss me off because of our little argument earlier. But fuck she looks so good
And she knows that my favourite outfit on her, the way it rests on her lower waist allowing her dermal piercings to show and how the pants hugged her curves outlining her ass just how I like. And then the fitted jacket to match- the way her tits rested from how she zipped it I wanted to bury my head in between them and inside of her
I watched how she moved her ass on his crotch and my blood boiled, knowing that’s supposed to be me, she’s mine, only I can touch her and fuck her as good as I do, hence why she’s never left.
Then she locked eyes with me and continued doing what she pleased? This women.
She shouldn’t have done that because she has no idea what I’ll do to her, god it just turned me on thinking of everything I was about to do to her. One thing I knew for sure.
I was gonna tear that ass up.
me clueless I didn’t really pay attention to Chris, I was consumed by alcohol and the sensual loud music filling my ears and shooting through my body.
Until I felt familiar hand, grip my arm.
“Let’s go”. Chris’s voice lingers on my neck pulling me away from the guy who quickly scoffed moving onto to another girl. What an ass
“Chris Chris ur pulling my arm!” I wince as he drags me out the party due to nobody paying attention and to the car pinning me on it with my stomach on the hood.
“You think that shits funny?” He says in almost a mocking tone before leaving a harsh smack too my clothed ass and I let out a yelp.
“Answer me I’m not playing with you.” Chris spoke lowly before repeating that same action.
“Chris okay okay! I’m sorry! I whimper and he chuckles standing me up.
"better, now get in the backseat". He demands and I follow and he climbs in shutting the door.
"I’m sick of ur attitude, you need to learn how to watch ur mouth". He grips my throat and I gag and nod.
"gonna put it to good use". A chuckle falls from his lips as he man spreads unbuckling his belt and I position myself between his legs.
"useless come help me yeah?" Chris rolls his eyes playfully and I sit up my nails clicking with his belt and pulling his pants down with his boxers allowing his hard and thick cock to spring out and hit his stomach.
The tip was a deep pink just oozing with pre cum.
"gonna suck this dick so good yeah?" He says spreads his pre-cum on my lips and I nod before sitting up.
"Nu uh, were doing my way, ur gonna take my dick the way I want". Chris smirks slightly before pulling my hair making my throat take al of him.
"Fuck- love that pretty mouth on me shit-" he groans matching my movements with his aggressive ones as he yanks my hair quickly and roughly not giving me time in between.
The slurping sounds of my mouth and his cock were almost pornographic as tears in my eyes already producing, Chris's moans shooting right to my core pulsating for him to be buried inside me.
"That's right be a good little slut and take it". Chris rests his head on the plush seats gripping my hair as he bites his lip my doe watery eyes meeting his seductive gaze
His hand gripping my hair forcing me to take all of his cock in my throat as a mixture of my salvia and his pre cum coats my lips and dribbles down my chin.
"Keep those pretty eyes on me, I wanna watch you- " he groaned as I peered at him through my lashes as he began thrusting his hips purposely as his cock hits the back of my throat making me gag.
"Fuck look at that- sound so much better with my dick in ur slutty mouth huh". Chris lets out a breathy laugh tucking his bottom lip between his teeth as he watched me struggle to take all of him.
Chris would not let up on his hip thrusts making my eyes water more each time as his dick size caused me to hollow my cheeks as he grips my hair tighter so get a quicker orgasm.
"that’s right you wanted to have all this mouth now I’m filling it with my cum-" Chris moans forcing my head all the way down my nose resting on his lower abdomen as his warm load shoots in my throat dribbling down as he lets me up his cum dripping down my mouth.
"Speechless already?" He chuckles wiping his thumb along my bottom lip collecting the excess semen slipping it into my mouth as I sucked it clean.
"Good girl. Now strip." He demanded manspreading as I unzipped my jacket first freeing my tits as I sat up pulling down my leggings revealing my red lace thong, Chris’s favorite
"wearing my favorite pair of panties huh? While grinding on some other guy?" Chris spoke angrily and shakes his head placing me back flat on the car seats.
"You just couldn’t wait to be fucked by me. Isn’t that right sweetheart?" His hand grips my face as he spoke in a coax voice and a whimpered at the sudden grasp.
"yeah you like it when I do this to you? Gripping you up like a whore? Huh?" He squeezed slightly harder and I nodded.
"Yes Chris I love it when you do this to me-" I groan feeling my lips smushed together and he smirked releasing his grip.
He leaned up taking off his jeans and boxers fully and his black hoodie.
He pulls me close gripping my legs pushing them up on his shoulders before slamming into me as I let out a loud moan.
"Shit ma- such a tight fuckin pussy- all for me right?" Chris let out a deep moan as he pushed his hips against the back of my thighs roughly knocking the wind out of my lunges.
"Fuck Chris s-slow down!" I cry out feeling his size burn into my pussy as he didn’t let me adjust the way I wanted, he was pissed.
"oh really? You don’t want this? Maybe I should call the other guy yeah?" He rests his forearm behind my head pressing our bodies together my legs in the air.
"fuck fuck no! I-I only want you!" I whimper as my eyes met his dark lustful blues his jaw clenched at the sight of me.
"good girl, sound so much better on my cock." His breath was on my neck before he positioned my legs back on his shoulders gripping my waist tightly snapping his hips with the back of my thighs abusing my cunt
At the pace he was going I couldn’t even think straight, the way his dick perfectly filled me up and his deep groans filled my ears.
"Oh fuck- Chris ur so fucking deep-" my moan and whimper fuelled his ego more as I was going to be fucked speechless already feeling my vocals fade.
"Look at that- such a fucking whore". Chris muttered gripping my neck allowing his hips to thrust harder as I was now unable to even utter words.
"shit- already? Where’s that attitude gone baby-" Chris gave me fake pout, pure anger and lust in his voice whilst he literally was fucking me speechless.
The position we were in allowed the tip of Chris’s cock to brush on my g-spot making me squeal slightly as the sounds of our skin meshing together fills the car.
"look at you, all dumb acting because of my cock so pathetic baby-" his devilish smirk grows as he watches how fucked out I look all because of his dick
"mmhm f-fuck Chris-" I cry out pathetically babbling as I shudder in his grasp, bound to leave bruises.
I noticed him not speaking and that’s when I noticed him looking down at my stomach seeing his dick poke through each thrust.
"yeah? You feel me in ur stomach? probably like this shit don’t you sweetheart". He mocked pressing a hand on my stomach and I moaned out loudly tears forming in my waterline
"you look so pretty when you cry mama". His expression softened for a second before that dominance took over quickly once more
Chris’s pace didn’t let up and my stomach began to tighten and I swore I was seeing stars, everything was a blur but fuck it felt so good.
"ugh- fuck your gonna cum- shouldn’t let ur slutty ass cum after the shit you pulled-" he says under his breath, a hint of his aggression still lingering as he reaches to rub my clit.
"better start begging baby". Chris looks at me and my eyes widen as I could barely even form words together and his request was way out of proportion.
"Fuck! P-please Chris I-i need to cum-" I whimper taking many breaths between my words hearing him scoff and how he damn near fucked me out of my vocabulary.
"That’s a good girl, cum on my dick baby show me how good I make you feel". That raspy voice of his always made me feel so many thoughts, just enough for that knot in my stomach to burst my cum began to drip down his thick cock still thrusting inside of me making me perk up
"C-Chris sensitive!" I squeal pushing his stomach away and he pins my hands above my head pressing his chest on mine being nose to nose.
"You know the safe word baby, better think fast because I’m not stopping". He breathes heavily onto my lips pressing a deep kiss against them as they swell.
"shit ma- your pussy feels so fuckin good- could stay in it all day-" Chris let out a breathy moan continuing to fuck me senseless as tears streamed down my face from overwhelming pleasure.
"oh god- Chris please-" I shudder putting my hand up and he immediately takes it holding him and he grunts feeling his own orgasm creep up along with a second one for me.
"I know baby your doing so fucking good for me- just one more yeah? He presses a kiss to my neck and I nodded as he rammed into me.
"fuck fuck fuck I’m gonna cum again-" I throw my head back and he didn’t prefer that so he gave me a look and my head shit up again as I gripped his hand tighter and he gave me a smirk.
"I’m not slowing down sweetheart- fuck just one more-" he moaned pressing his body on mine as our noses touched moaning into each other's mouths.
The tension was at an all time high, the car smelled like a sex aroma mixed with his cologne and my Dior perfume and his occasional “fuck” and my cries of his name as his cock twitched inside me of me.
"fuck- look at me I wanna see that pretty face when you cum-" Chris plants a deep kiss on my lips as I maintain eye contact with him feeling that knot in my stomach begin to burst.
"Chris I’m- fuck!" I screamed one final cry of his name before my juices coated his cock and lower stomach as his cum painted my walls.
We sat there for a minute catching our breaths before he spoke again
"You drive me insane baby-" he pants resting his head on my shoulder and I let out a breathy chuckle.
"What can I say-" I smile pushing my hair out of my face and he sits up sliding out of my tight hole making me wince.
"Shit you okay?" I didn’t hurt you did I? Chris scans my body carefully taking in the bruises of his fingers on my waist and neck.
"I’m okay- just tired and sore-" I shudder a bit when I meet his gaze, a soft one.
"When we get home I’ll run you a bath and we can watch a movie or some corny shit-" he let out a chuckle but that alone made me so happy.
I’d really like that. I say to myself but out loud I say
That's sweet- thank you Chris-
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers@gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog@blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
@nonamegirlxsturniolo@luvmxtt @theyluv-meee @hoesformatt @luv4kozume @kikisturnioloo @itzdarling @pepsiimaxx @babyddolly @iiheartstef @junnniiieee07 @ast3ro1dzz@sturniolowhore @st7rnioioss @emma4eva@braindead4l @ihearttsyouu @kqyslyho3 @sturnsfav@sunsetsturniolos @sturniololoverr @stqrnstars @dlyansworld @chrisloyalgf @soimightlikeoldmen69 @abbie13sworld @lacysturniolo @sturniol0s @chrissgirlsstuff @luhsexcbihh @nicksmainbitch @rubyjaneaxx @love4chris @gamermattsgf @breeloveschris @meetballmatt @waydasims @vicsguitar
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norrisleclercf1 · 5 months
imagine being like charles’ assistant so you see max and like at an after party charles invited you to some guy starts flirting and eventually touching you and then…
furious mad max tells the guy “touch her and ill kill you” 🥺
im just a little (literally im short asf) girl and need to be protected
A/N: Hehehehehe
"Pretty pretty please," Charles whines, jutting out his bottom lip as he leans ontop of you. Charles has been your friend for years, and now your assistant helping him with his crazy schedule. "Charles, I really don't want to go." You whisper, curling in on yourself a tiny bit.
"Please come, you'll have fun. Besides the others will be there as well. So you'll know others." Charles smiles playing with your hair, knowing how much you liked a certain Dutch driver. "Will, um will Max," You blush, twiddling with your pen.
"Ugh," Charles fakes gags and rests his chin on the top of your head. "Yes, he'll be there." Charles grumbles and watches as Max walks past where you two stand. Charles can see Max's eyes scan the crowd and settle on you. A small smile graces his lips but as his eyes move upward his smile leaves as he glares at how close you and Charles stand.
Charles giggles and sticks his tongue out, knowing how much Max hated seeing you two close. Max's jaw tightens but he walks off, and Charles smirks, cuddling closer to you. "Party is late, come when you can." Charles pulls away and kisses your cheek which has you blushing.
Wearing black ripped jeans and dark navy-blue shirt you knock on the door which someone rips open. You don't recognize the person and hate that some stranger is opening up Charles's door. Walking in you take in the sight of strangers and friends drinking. Going deeper into the party, you see Charles flirting with his girlfriend whose laughing and you see Pierre pouring drinks.
Daniel and Carlos playing some drinking game while Lando stands at the DJ booth. Lando notices you and waves brightly before going back to his work. Going up to the bar you tap Pierre on the shoulder. The French men turns and laughs, happily gathering you in his arms.
In another world, you'd have fallen for Pierre. A sweet older man who made you laugh and made you feel safe. "Want something to drink, cherry blossom?" You giggle at the silly nickname. But the first time you two meet was in Japan under the cherry blossoms. You thought they were gorgeous, but your nose said otherwise and sneezed through him saying hello.
"Just a coke, please Pear?" Pierre nods and grabs a cold unopened can and watches you open it. "Don't sit it down, while we're here you can be safe, but still." He urges and you nod your head. "Yes sir," You giggle, and Pierre chuckles and you walk off. "Silly girl," Pierre mumbles and goes back to bartending.
The hours tick by and you don't see Max, losing hope. "Hey," "Max?" You turn around happy, but your smile slips when you see a total stranger smiling down at you. "Oh, sorry. Thought you were someone else," You whisper and stand smiling at the stranger. "Well, I can always pretend to be that someone else." The guy leans in close.
Stepping back you hit a wall and chuckle shyly. "No, you're not him." You start to play with your fingers, trying to get away from him. The man leans in chuckling. "Oh, come now." You squeeze your eyes. You wait for him to touch you but instead you feel a warm body, one that makes you feel safe step in front of you.
"Touch her, and I'll rip your fucking throat out," Opening your eyes you see the broad back of Max. "Max," Sighing you rest your forehead on his back, even going as far as to wrap your arms around his waist. "Hey, she's mine." The guy bites but Max scuffs and shoves him backwards.
Moving he pulls you to his front and checks you over. "Stay here, baby." Max turns, the anger pure and raw as he steps forward. The guy stumbles back and runs away as Max turns back to you. "Come on, you're coming home." Max doesn't take no for an answer as he pulls you out of the party. You turn and see Charles and Pierre giggling and giving you thumbs up.
"Why?" You ask and Max chuckles you. "SO we can go on a date." He grumbles looking shy. "Okay," You giggle so happy to have Max.
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Card Meanings in the new, The Day I Picked Up Dazai art.
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Ok so im currently still in shock that were getting new day I picked up dazai content so bare with me, but onece again Asagiri has included playing cards in his art so of course I have to break down what they mean.
Lets start with side A (the right side):
First we see a joker:
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While Gogol is the obvious fit for the joker, the card also describes Dazai extremely well. He is almost always acting like the fool in any given situation, even in the mafia he loved to be as weird and funny as he could as well as tease and annoy the people around him, something jesters famously did.
In fact, his dynamic with Mori is very close to how a king and a jester used to work, where the jester was the only person who was allowed to openly mock the king and would usually heckle him. They also played a key part in psychological warfare, which we see Dazai specialises in.
I think the whole; wit, intelligence and unpredictability kind of speaks for itself.
Next card is the four of spades:
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This one is also really fitting, it shows how after the day I picked up Dazai side A, Dazai settles into his little routine of going to bar lupin with Oda as well as how he finally has someone who he can trust and be comfortable around. Finally, it is a clear message of optimism, something Dazai never shows before he meets Oda.
Next the two of hearts:
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This one is pretty obvious, it's Dazai and Oda spending time at bar lupin. It actually fits so well, there's not much I can say about it other then how it shows the love and care Dazai and Oda had for each other (platonically)
Now for Side B (prepare to cry)
The first card is the three of spades:
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Whyyyyyyyyyy... why Asagiri. This one is also fairly obvious but it has multiple meanings. It most clearly represents Dazai suffering in side B as he has to run the mafia without odasaku and live in utter loneliness while destroying all the connections he never got to have for the sake of a friend he never got to meet.
“It was hard,” muttered the young man. “It was really hard fighting Mimic without you in the organization. I had no choice but to take over for Mori and make enemies of everyone around me to expand the business. Everything I did was for this world’s—”
It also represents the moment on the platform where he nearly tells Odasaku the truth and goes with him to bar lupin, the horrible decision to abandon everything for Odas future
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The next card is... the ace of spades:
The ace of spade has many meanings, most of which involve change or transition, but by far its most famous meaning it death. I really don't think I have to explain this one, Beast Dazai having the card of death has a pretty clear meaning.
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But the ace of spade does have a secondary meaning, and this one is a little more hopeful, as it shows Dazai passing the safety of this world onto Atsushi and Auktagawa.
Finally, (it's a bit hard to see) we have the ten of diamonds:
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I want to focus mostly on the highlighted part because it's what really applies to BEAST Dazai, he lived his whole life to create a world where what matters most to him, that Oda gets to be happy and write his books, becomes real. This card doesn't apply to Dazai directly, more to the fact that he made succeeding in his mission his only priority and discarded everything else.
Bonus round Odasku card; the king of clubs
the only card thats seen on Oda's section and one that clearly represents Odasaku as a character.
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"King of clubs represents a dark man, who is loyal and kind. He is a good businessman, shrewd with money and investments, but isn’t selfish. In fact, the King of clubs is a very devoted father, husband and citizen. In a broader sense, the King of clubs encompasses idealized qualities of a fatherly figure. This card is universally considered as a very good omen."
I feel like this sums Odasaku up very well, the devoted father and loyal friend parts are just him to a t.
(this is also the card I think best represents Fukuzawa)
Right, I think I got everything, if you disagree with this or find something I missed, please reblog or comment with whatever you want to add, or send me an ask. I love discussing, and hearing other people's views as long as they're respectful.
If you add something, please add it in the post not the tags, so I can reply to it (or in the tags if that makes you more comfortable)
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uch3na · 4 months
i’ve just sent out this same exact request to another writer but im going mad about the amount of fics (zero) with kai from voyagers (ARCHEIIE)
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𝙨𝙖𝙢𝙚 𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙘𝙚
| pairing - kai x reader
| warnings - sub!kai, kai jerking off while thinking of reader, praise (m recieving), riding, finger sucking, mindbreak (if u squint hard enough), kai really wanting to pleasure the reader
| a/n - im ngl i was so happy i got this request bc ive been wanting to write for him so here u go🤫🤫
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you always had your eye on kai. not in an attracted way, but you were always closest to him than anyone else on the ship.
but its just like one day everything — changed. when you stopped drinking your “medication” you just saw him differently. every time you looked at him you just wanted to do these things to him. break him. you didn’t know what came over you. kai always seemed like the type (sexually or not) that could break easily; even with the way he acts around the ship. all tough on the outside but when he’s alone he’s just a puddle of mush.
and to the least of your knowledge, kai felt the same way about you. he would think about the things you could do to him. he would try to sleep but all he could think of was you controlling him. taking what was yours. he would fist his cock at the thought. imagining it was your own hand wrapped around his thick length. he would shut his eyes and just try his absolute hardest to go to bed but he would just end up with his hand down his pants like a helpless little boy. and what made it worse was that you were in the room right next to him. and you heard everything. all his tiny moans and whimpers. this was the only thing that made you happy about the terribly thin walls on the ship.
you would’ve never thought kai thought of you the same way you thought of him until one day you had woken up to get a drink when you heard the faintest cry of your name while the hallways were dead silent. the voice sounds familiar so you instantly forget about the water and tiptoe to kai’s door and put your ear against it. it was almost like a mouse and a trap. and you fell for it. you just stood there — listening to him. the way his moans were broken each time he was about to orgasm. the way he would call out your name when he was close. the vague wet noises that were because of all of the pre-cum leaking from his tip mixed with his own spit. he had no shame since he was so loud and the ship was the complete opposite; so silent you could hear a mouse walking across the floors.
you just waited. waited until you could hear whatever little noises he made when he finally came. but what really caught you off guard was when he stood up to walk out of the room once he was done. you had to be quick to make it look like you had just walked out of your room too. once his door open you had turned your head to make it look as if he scared you. “what’re you doing up…?” he yell whispered. “i’m thirsty. why are you up?”
the question caused him to freeze in place. he squinted his eyes at you out of annoyance and whispered back “me too…” you could see his breathing quickening. he thought he had gotten caught. but you just continued to act clueless. so you got your water and went back to bed.
the next day during lunch you saw kai sitting down playing with his food. you walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. when he looked up at you he almost instantly looked back down. “hey kai.” you say softly. he flickered his eyes back up at you, flashing a little smile at you. it was so cute that it almost made you crack a smile yourself. “hey…” he whispered back. you decide to tease him a bit when you see how nervous he’s acting. he doesn’t usually act this way. he seems… guilty right now. “how’d you sleep?”
kai keeps his eyes off of yours, still picking at his food. “i slept… i slept pretty good. you?” you decide to mess with him some more but this time by actually doing something.
this time you reach up to his face, tilting his chin up to look at you. he swallows. hard. he can feel his face heating up at your touch. his eyes are soft and glossy. the way he looks up at you is enough to make you go weak in the knees. he licks his lips and moves his eyes to look at something else. “no no no… look at me.” you whisper firmly. “don’t get all shy on me now kai.” he looks confused. almost like he actually doesn’t know what you’re talking about. his eyes widen slightly and his hands start fidgeting with his shirt. you lean down, putting your mouth close to his ear before whispering again, “i know how dirty you really are…” his breathing gets deeper at your words, and his heartbeat accelerates. “w-what?”
you pull away from his ear and let go of his face. you flash a quick innocent smile before turning around to walk out of the lunchroom. by the time you make it to the door kai finally snaps out of the daze he was in and stands up to follow you. when he gets close enough he reaches out to grab your arm and flip you towards him. “what the hell are you taking about, ‘i know how dirty you are’?” he says continuing to walk towards you as you bump into your bedroom door.
he’s towering over you at this point — trying his best to intimidate you but it’s just not working.
“you know exactly what i mean… i know that you touch yourself while thinking of me.” he freezes, his eyebrows go up in realization and he starts to slowly back away from you. he stops moving when you grab the hem of his shirt, pulling him in closer to you. he looks down at you with pleading eyes. almost like he was begging you to make another move. but then he does something that catches you off guard. he tangles his hand in your hair before pulling you in for a passionate kiss. you both moan into like you’ve been waiting for it your whole life.
his grip on your hair gets tighter as his moans turn into whines. little desperate ones that got you so fucking wet that you soaked through your panties. kai used his free hand to open your room door and as soon as he shut the door behind him he began to take off his shirt and pants. once you were both naked, you reached down to stroke him slowly. he choked out a whimper when he felt your warm hand wrap around his pretty dick. the tip was already so wet from the stimulation of his pants rubbing on it before you two took your clothes off. “cmon baby… lemme hear those pretty noises you make all the time.” you whisper as you guide him to the bed. he lays down on his back as you climb on top of him.
his hands instinctively go to your hips as you reach around to line his cock up with your leaking entrance. when you finally sat down on him he cried out in pleasure. he gripped onto your hips so tight you were sure he was gonna leave a mark on you. you just sat there, letting him nestle inside you. you let him take a few seconds to adjust before you started to move your hips. you slid alllll the way up on him just leaving the tip in. you wanted to see how he would react — just wanting to tease him for a bit. “nononono- please just lemme feel you baby please-“ he choked out as he felt your tight cunt leave off his dick.
once you slammed your hips back down onto him little mumbles of ‘thankyouthankyouthankyou’’s left him. he was very vocal. even more than he was the night before. his whimpers were so sweet and soothing unlike his demeanor when he’s not just with you. you could feel his hands gripping onto the flesh of your ass as his moans got higher in pitch with each slam of your hips.
the room was filled with the sounds of lewd squelching and skin on skin. kai just kept getting louder with every move of your hips onto his pelvis and he wouldn’t get any quieter each time you told him to — so… you did what had to be done. you stuck your middle and ring finger into his mouth, muffling his sounds quite well. and by the way his cock twitched inside you, you could tell he liked it a lot.
you could feel his tongue swirl around the digits and his whining still getting higher even with your fingers that were just wrapped around his cock in his mouth.
“cmon lemme make you cum… can i? pleaseee just lemme make you cum baby.” kai mumbled out onto your fingers. you could still understand him quite well in this predicament. as soon as those words escaped his mouth he started to slam his own hips into yours. he wasn’t in this only for himself — he wanted to make you feel good too. your pleasure was his. the only sound that left him were muffled mewls and moans escaping his already distracted mouth. “awh kai… you’re doing so good f’me… wanna make me cum?”
his head nodding with a quickness when you asked that question, his hips stuttering slightly. his moans got a bit louder but only for a second when you removed your fingers from his mouth and replaced them with your own lips. one of his hands once again went up to your hair, tugging at it slightly. he was so close he didn’t know what to do with himself. “ohmygod, keep going m’malmosthere-“ he cried out into your mouth as his eyes slightly rolled back from all the pleasure he was feeling at once.
you could feel this coil in your stomach about to snap with each thrust kai did. you could see his eyebrows knitting up each time he hit your cervix. “there u go kai, make me cum baby…” he could feel himself losing his mind each time your tight little pussy would clench around his length. kai couldn’t even speak if he really wanted to. he was so vulnerable right now that he didn’t know what to do. “fuck fuck fuckkk- m’gnnacum ple-“ is all you hear before you can feel kai spill his load inside you. soon enough you clenched down onto him, your orgasm coming right after his. he was panting beneath you, trying to calm down from what just happened.
his hand was still in your hair when he pulled you down to kiss him sloppily once more before wrapping you in his arms to fall asleep.
“i think you broke me…” he huffs out with a quiet laugh.
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୨୧ 𝙖𝙡𝙨𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙢𝙮 𝙗𝙖𝙗𝙮: @ludicdoll
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